#i love the goat makeup <333
momo-shut-the-fuck-up · 5 months
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Some ln stylings
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yallemagne · 3 years
More Stuff That Happened In Godspell 1973
This includes the scene after God Save The People all the way through Turn Back O Man.
They find a junk yard and that is their new home, I love these hippies so much
Jerry hops into the hood of a car, tells Merrell to wake him up at noon, he’s disturbed by Joanne because she needs his help with her clothes and— the character dynamics here already!! 
Jesus applies everyone’s clown makeup. Judas’ awkward smile when he does his hhhh. All the while, Jesus tells them that he comes “not to abolish the law, but to complete.” I love how they integrate actual stuff from the bible without it being pretentious
Jesus is a spooky man, I love
Impromptu junkyard jam session in place of Learn Your Lessons Well but keeping the tune
The Pharisee and the Publican!!! Told by Lynne with Black Church flourish, I love this woman
Oh No!! Joanne is in jail!!
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant! 
Judas is like “WAIT A MINUTE” in typical Judas-style, standing on a windowsill. 
Jeffrey throws Jerry in jail, but it’s okay bc Robin sentences him to torture
Day By Day! They start cleaning up the junkyard! 
Jeffrey and Jerry on a teeter-totter
Jeffrey fucking scales a fence in a millisecond, I love, and then Jerry helps him off the fence, I love
Jesus: So, if someone slaps your right cheek, turn and offer up your left one! Judas: “Oh, Jesus Chri-“ Gilmer: *covers Judas’ mouth* SLOWLY I TURN! STEP BY STEP! INCH BY INCH!
Jesus fucking slaps Judas! WOAH!
Judas almost slaps Jesus but plays charades
Jesus’ stern face is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever witnessed and it’s adorable
Jedas hug!
Parable of the Sheep and Goats! The way they tell the parables is very kid-show-like, you’re right, Mia
Jerry is an impressive vocal magician, they’re all rather good with silly voices actually
Jesus comes back for the goats- JUDAS WAS WITH THE GOATS! SYMBOLISM!
Chanting Jesus’ part from Learn Your Lessons Well in a tunnel,,, hhhh 
Jesus: “No man can serve God-“ Everyone: “WHAT?!” Jesus: “… and money!” Everyone: “OHHH! MONEY!” 
Bouncy bouncy Jesus
“Take me to Tiffany’s.”
Turn Back O Man- sexy song warning against indulgence and war
hhhh the Mae West impression
“Ooo! Stop it!”, Jerry, I love you
“Hard as a rock!”
Jesus draws a heart <333
Jesus’ expressions towards Joanne here,,, he’s like “okay sweetie, calm down the flirting”
All the others’ faces just,,, in the staircase
Jesus and Joanne literally turning back and being forced down the stairs
Everyone just collapsing
“Play it, honey!” I just love her Mae West impression so much
Parable of the Good Samaritan narrated by Jeffrey, I love the instruments he uses to represent each character in the parable
I also just love Jeffrey in general 
They all celebrate the Good Samaritan, but WAIT
Jesus magics up a bird  
“It’s a secret!” 
Judas breaks the fourth wall to tell us what Jesus is trying to say. I think he’s specifically letting the audience in on the secret, which is sweet. Jesus interrupts him and Judas gets sad he was mistaken
FIREWORKS! Judas gets startled
FLOWERS! Judas gets overwhelmed with gifts from the disciples :,))) 
Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, narrated by Judas… 
Judas: “Now, even the doggy-doggies used to come to Lazarus and lick his open running sores.” Jerry: “Blegh!” Judas: “Sorry.”
Hades is,,, ohhhkay that’s how it be
ABRAHAM, I love Abraham
Gilmer: “Remember, my child, that all the good things fell to you while you were on Earth, and all the bad to Lois.” Jerry: “Lazarus.” Gilmer: “Abraham! Glad to know ya! And now it is he who has conciliation here, and it is you who are in ah-goh-knee!”
I love the pronunciation of agony
“Look. If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they ain’t gonna listen to nobody! Even if somebody should rise from the dead!”
Foreshadowing for Jesus coming back from the dead? Or perhaps a refutation of it happening here?
It’s actually regarded as a fable that Jesus came up with to teach his disciples, so Judas being the one to narrate it is interesting
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animatedamerican · 5 years
i have been tagged
by @notaficwriter​!
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
current top 3 ships: I’m not a super shippy person, but right now I’m feeling ... hmm. Eleanor/Chidi, The Good Place; Beau/Jester, Critical Role; and Poe/Rey/Finn, Star Wars. Ask me again later today and I might have different answers.
last song: The Mountain Goats, “Clemency For The Wizard King”. Love this song so, so much.
lipstick or chapstick: mostly neither? lipstick on the odd occasion where I feel like makeup, chapstick if it’s super cold and dry out, otherwise nothing.
last movie: Aquaman. Mostly fun for the visuals and because I got to yell at the stupid plot points with friends.
reading: Seanan McGuire’s Middlegame. <333
tagging: @brightandshinynewstories, @tanoraqui, @vmohlere, @amaranthbirate, @axonsandsynapses, @avoliot, @eshusplayground, @joanofarchetype, and @tikkunolamorgtfo.
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bbbugggz · 7 years
five things
tagged by one of my favorite humans @themintqueen <333 ty fren ily 
5 things you’ll find in my bag: 
 a note book for doodles and silly notes
 colorful pens
7 packs of bubblegum (i have an addiction help)
 a portable charger decorated with cat stickers 
 whatever book i am currently reading (at this point in time that book is Traffick by Ellen Hopkins)
5 things you’ll find in my room:
 too many stuffed animals 
 a harry potter shrine i’m trash
 my straw flower cactus, David 
 pictures of my friends <33
 tons of coloring books
5 things that make me happy: 
my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
animals ((especially cats, armadillos, polar bears, dogs, and goats))
happy plants 
photography ((i’m gonna take this moment to give that promo to my photography side blog))
dodie clark 
5 things i’m currently into: 
luna x ginny from harry potter it’s so gay and i love it omg
lots of obscure indie bands/artists i’ve discovered (ex: cyber bully mom club, flatsound, etc.)
all books by Ellen Hopkins 
exploring the woods behind my house 
5 things on my to do list:
take a shower 
go frog find a frog friend 
unpack more boxes 
clean the mess hole that i call my room
 5 things people may not know about me:
i feel Really Weird without something on my head/in my hair
i absolutely love experimenting with makeup 
i’m terrified of thunderstorms
i have to mentally prepare myself before i go out of the house
i apologize to veggies before i eat them because i learned they can feel pain 
hmmm i tag @petalphobia @klancedomain @unorthodoxsavvy @ginassf annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd you reading this right now whomever you may be ((don’t feel pressured to do this only if you want to asdfghj)) 
that’s all for now pals!
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birdshitbreakfast · 6 years
Citlalli Rae Astrada
<br /> <center><div style="background: #333; width: 500px; border-radius: 20px; text-align: center; border-left: 10px solid #D8BFD8; border-right: 10px solid #D8BFD8; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; color: #dcdcdc; font: 11px trebuchet ms;"><img src=" https://i.imgur.com/D7tNUe0.png" align="left" />Base <font color=" D8BFD8">Cindy Kimberly</font> Birth Name <font color=" D8BFD8">Citlalli Rae Astrada</font> Preferred Name <font color=" D8BFD8">Lalli, Cit, Rae</font> Physical Age <font color=" D8BFD8">231</font> Appeared Age <font color=" D8BFD8">23</font> Birth Gender <font color=" D8BFD8">Female</font> Gender Identity <font color=" D8BFD8">Female</font> Sexual Orientation <font color="D8BFD8">Straight</font> Sexual Preference <font color="D8BFD8">Male</font> Date Of Birth <font color="D8BFD8">January 21st</font> Starsign <font color=”D8BFD8">Aquarius</font> Place Of Birth <font color="D8BFD8">Barcelona, Spain</font>
physical appearance <font color="D8BFD8">Citlalli isn’t uniquely beautiful in any way, she’s pretty, but overall an average face, nothing really makes her stand out from another female. She dresses up nicely, does her hair, put on makeup that compliments her skin tone. She’s both Spanish and Greek, so her skin is a lovely tan with a slight olive ton to it, her long, dark brown hair almost black in non-natural light. Her eyes are a bright chocolate brown, her lips full. Cit has a toned, slim body type but is not overly thin. She boasts no tattoos and has her ears double pierced as well as her nipples.</font>
personality <font color="D8BFD8">Citlalli actually has three personalities. They each have their own quirks and habits and this all comes about from being a Chimera, a creature with three heads. Personality 1 is known as Leo, a bubbly, spritely personality that loves to be around others, loves adventures and sticks up for the little guy. Leo makes Lalli approachable and sweet, loving, caring and personable. Leo can get fiercely defensive of others that are deemed friends or loved ones and has the most spunk and sass when it comes to protecting what is theirs. Leo is brave and enjoys doing new things. Personality 2 is Snake, a reclusive, depressive, sometimes aggressive type. Snake fears most things, stays away from people, often times appears sad or bored. Snake lives for aesthetic and beauty and finds their human body repulsive. This personality can quickly become agitated and lash out or strike at anyone or anything and it is best to leave Snake alone lest it turn into a fight. Personality 3 is Goat, a weird little soul. Goat is always hungry and tends to constantly be holding or pulling out a snack. Goat is the epitome of gluttony and simple pleasures, enjoying a good day to stay at home and just relax. Goat doesn’t talk much, but when they do it’s about weird shit like conspiracy theories or strange facts about the randomest of things. Goat likes to watch documentaries and live a comfortable life in sweatpants and always looks tired. </font><img src=" https://i.imgur.com/pnVKwRP.png" align="right" /> Dominant Personality Traits <font color="D8BFD8">Leo: Courageous, Fun, Kind, Bubbly Snake: Depressed, Negative, Aggressive, fearful Goat: Strange, Foodie, Forgetful, Tired, Home-body</font>
Species <font color="D8BFD8">Chimera</font> Powers and Abilities <font color="D8BFD8"><i>Enhanced Capabilities</i> - this includes but is not limited to smell, sight, hearing, taste, speed, strength, stamina, etc. <i>Enhanced biting</i> - incredibly strong jaws and longer teeth create a nasty bite. <i>Enhanced Invulnerability to Fire</i> - Not totally immune, but very impervious to it. <i>Enhanced Agility</i> <i>Enhanced Jumping</i> <i>Fire Breathing</i> <i>Poison</i> - if the snake head bites, it can leave poison in the enemy’s system that slowly causes stamina depletion and paralysis <i>Regenerative Healing</i></font> Weaknesses <font color="D8BFD8">Beheading Holy Weapons Cutting off the various heads of the creature, makes it easier to combat. Iron weakens over time</font> Limitations <font color="D8BFD8">A Chimera's snake tail can only lunge, constrict and bite. Fire Breathing has a shorter range in the rain.</font>
Interpersonal <font color="D8BFD8">Alexander Astrada | Father | Alive Maria Rosa Lopez Astrada | Mother | Deceased Felix Astrada | Brother | Deceased Daniella Astrada | Sister | Deceased Jose Astrada | Brother | Deceased </font> Offspring <font color="D8BFD8">None</font> Relationship Status <font color="D8BFD8">Single</font>
Biography <font color="D8BFD8">Citlalli was born the oldest of four to loving parents, her father being an ancient Chimera causing her to be born of the same species. Her mother is human, siblings human… apparently it passes down only to the first born. Now she’s a couple hundred years with some spare change and has all the tricks down after plenty of years being taught – dad was a great teacher.
She had a fairly uneventful childhood, besides the Chimera thing, watched a few empires rise and fall, roamed the UK and Europe for a while before heading out to the USA, travelling all about this new land for a few decades to scope it out, ending up in Scarsfaire with a good idea of herself. Lalli figured it was about time to chill out on exploration and make a few friends, have some kind of a life, considering she knew she’d meet a lot of people like herself, supers, who’d get her weird habits like the whole personality thing. Yeah. Definitely time to make some memories. </font> </div></center>
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