#i love these ideas and who know might someday make them but if anyone wants to make it themselves go for it
yifang176 · 9 months
Sam Ryder's "Tiny Riot - live version" has filled me, someone with no artistic experience or skill, with the urge to create animatics. Sadly these will never come to be, but I needed someone else to visualize them with me, hence this text post.
I can see clearly two different animatics. One for persona 5, obviously. This song was made for persona 5 and the phantom thieves awakenings.
The other is a pjo last olympian one. This one is so much more vivid in my head. Little warning, the idea does have two events switched in order. With the first verse flashing between different key figures and build up moments in the war corresponding to the lyrics, all leading to the first chorus being percy leading and directing the cabins, firing them up and sending them on their way, as we zoom out and we see these 40 CHILDREN!!! On an island surrounded by a sea of warriors and monsters.
The second verse would start as cutting between different camp counsellors in the trenches talking to their cabins, finally with a wipe at "..butterfly's can use their wings..." we see silena leading the ares cabin and right before the chorus at "...Break their chains..* we have the dragon in the wide screen and silena so small in profile below it then the camera rotates as it lunges, rotate again to clarisse no armor witnessing it, rotate behind her to an over the shoulder view of percy holding clarisse. Finally the whole second chorus is clarisse just straight demolishing the drakon, ending with a heaven ward scream if rage after slaying it.
The bridge would be leading to the round the ESB fight right before chiron arrives. (The switch in order) purely because this scene in the book is so vivid and epic to me of percy describing barely knowing what's going on just constantly rotating who he's fighting with and against. This final chorus would be a very avengers style continuous shot of action from Percy's swordplay to Thalia running past and picking up a fallen warriors javelin and throwing it just to turn around and shoot arrows that we follow until we get to multiple enemies being overwhelmed by vines and roots/whole trees encapsulating them as grover uses a knotted cudgel to knock an enemy of a camper who as he falls back Annabeth drops from above and knifes them in the throat as she then turns invisible as something lunges at the screen. We cut to percy heaving surrounded by body's. Some fading some not. As Kronos also exaggerated ins size as we slowly end with percy lunging out with a torrent of water as it ends with "..turn the rain into the wave of a tiny riot..."
Basically the whole thing is just these, LITERAL CHILDREN, are up against impossible odds and still say fuck that. We are enough.
But that's just me. If anyone wants to hear my ideas for the P5 one are Let me know. But yeah. I just needed this to be known or seen that this was an idea I had.
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amiableness · 2 months
i had another idea for dad!james. who sometimes has to work late and reader helps take care of henry. he comes home and sees her reading henry a story before bed. he’s just heart eyes the whole time 🤎
Dad!James Potter x Bsf!Reader ☼ 1125 words
By the time James gets home, he’s exhausted. He didn’t plan to be this late, but sometimes his job demands it. He feels fortunate that you’re the one watching Henry tonight. If it had been the babysitter, she would have told him "tough luck" and left, as she never likes staying late when James’s work keeps him beyond schedule. He understands her frustration; it’s not fair to expect her to stay late without notice. But coming home to you and Henry is always a comfort.
He longs to kick off his shoes by the door, savoring the relief of stretching his toes. A hot shower to wash away the stress and changing into his cozy sweats are next on his list. Yet, more than anything, he looks forward to seeing his two favorite people: Henry, with his innocent, sleepy smile, and you, with your warm, comforting presence.
You truly embody comfort for him.
James will never admit it, but the nights you watch Henry while he works late are his favorite. Dinner is always kept warm for him in the oven, filling the kitchen with a delicious, welcoming aroma. The lamps he never uses are on because you insist they make the house cozier, casting a soft, inviting glow over the living room. And seeing your jacket and shoes tucked right next to his and Henry’s is one of his favorite sights—a simple yet profound reminder of home.
You take care of the little things that mean so much, like tidying up Henry’s toys and leaving a packed lunch for James in the fridge for the next day. Those lunches are the only ones he looks forward to, knowing that if he makes them himself, they’ll just be leftovers from Henry’s daycare lunches. You never prepare Henry’s lunches, understanding how much James values the tradition of leaving him a note. Although Henry can’t read it yet, Hilary at daycare always makes sure to read it to him.
The moment he opens the front door, a lovesick smile spreads across his face. There, by the door, are your coat and boots—essential for braving the London winter. As he steps inside, the familiar aroma of his favorite pasta dish fills the air, welcoming him home.
He locks the door behind him and sets his belongings down near the entryway. The house is neat and quiet, with the lamps providing a softer, more pleasant light than the harsh overheads. The faint aroma of pasta still lingers, adding to the relaxed atmosphere. He’s pretty sure the house never smells this good after he makes dinner.
As he heads up the stairs, he hears your voice animatedly reading Henry a bedtime story. Every now and then, Henry’s giggles punctuate the scene, and James imagines the dramatic pauses you take, flashing playful glances at him. He moves quietly, not wanting to interrupt, but he wants to take a moment to savor the sight of you reading to his son. The feeling he gets seeing you with Henry is something he knows he might never experience with anyone else.
He knows that someday things will change. You’ll find someone else, fall in love, and soon you won’t have the time to spend evenings at his house reading to his son. The thought of that future makes James feel uneasy.
For now, he leans quietly against the doorframe of Henry’s room, watching as you recline against the headboard of Henry’s small toddler bed, with Henry snuggled up next to you. Your hair is swept back, and you’re wearing a pair of sleep shorts that are a size too small, which always drives James a little crazy. He suppresses a smile when he notices you’re wearing one of his shirts—probably another forgotten piece from your own wardrobe. It happens often, but James remains oblivious to the fact that it might be intentional.
Henry’s head rests gently on the side of your upper stomach, his little hand clutching his stuffed dragon tightly to his chest. His brows are furrowed in deep concentration, and James can see the joy in his son’s eyes as he listens intently to the story. The soft glow from the bedside lamp washes over both of you: Henry’s tiny form curled up against you, his breaths steady and rhythmic, and you, fully immersed in the book, your voice animated and soothing.
James adjusts his glasses slightly, trying to avoid interrupting the moment. But as he moves, Henry’s gaze shoots up, and his face instantly lights up with a wide grin. “Daddy!” he exclaims with a burst of excitement, his voice filled with pure joy.
"That does look a bit like Daddy, doesn’t it?" you say, tilting your head as you examine the book with a playful grin.
“What does, darling?” James asks as he steps into the room, his voice warm but tinged with curiosity. He gives up trying to stay inconspicuous once Henry spots him. Your eyes widen in surprise, your expression shifting from surprise to a hint of embarrassment as you look up. The soft light from the bedside lamp illuminates your face, revealing the genuine shock.
“Jamie! You scared me.”
“I’m sorry. I thought you two might be asleep, so I tried to come in quietly.” It’s a half-truth, but you don’t press the matter.
“I suppose it’s getting a bit late, isn’t it?” You glance at the clock and wince. “Let’s finish this page and then get some rest, okay?”
“Daddy, you listen too.” Henry’s tiny hand reaches out and pats the bed, his eyes shining with anticipation. James fights back a grin, recognizing the familiar gesture. Whenever you want James or Henry to sit beside you, you pat the spot next to you just like that.
“There isn’t much room, buddy,” James says gently. Henry’s face falls into a small frown, clearly disappointed.
“You hold darling, like she holds me.” Henry pouts, and James knows he’s about to get what he wants in the most endearing way only a three-year-old can manage. “Darling”—the nickname James has always used for you and that Henry now affectionately calls you too.
James’s eyes flicker to yours, and you shrug with a smile, adjusting Henry in your arms to make space for him. As James shifts onto the too-small bed, his heart pounds with affection. You lean back against his chest, sending him a soft, reassuring smile over your shoulder.
The simple gesture nearly causes him to go into cardiac arrest.
Henry lets out a joyful giggle before snatching the book from your hands and starting to "read" it on his own. James glances down at the illustration of the friendly brown bear wearing wire-rimmed glasses, holding its cub close, and snorts softly.
So that’s how you see him.
please reblog or comment with your thoughts! they are very appreciated and keep me motivated to keep writing! 🤍
Dad!James and Bsf!Reader Masterlist!
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xxchaosjojoxx · 4 months
Hi :)
I have always loved law since his first appearance in the anime.
May I ask for a law x Reader but reader is an absolute GREAT at lying. Like they lie all the time and no one would know it was a lie due to specific things that aren't exactly related to the lie but was somehow a "proof" that it was believable. It even fooled Law himself.
Reader is always so happy, like always smiling and cheerful and everything. But with a really constructed lie, a smile isn't always real.
You get what I mean?
Most lies I was talking about was:
"I ate dinner" for example.
Reader didn't actually eat but can be proven to because 1, reader could have planned to "eat" later due to "work" when in reality, they just planned to go inside the lunch room for a few moments and made sure someone saw so they'd have an alibi.
So basically, it's based on alibis and statements that make said lie true.
A/N: Thanks so much for your request. I had an idea in my mind and suddenly it went dark/angst. I hope it is still to your liking and I’m not sure if I should do a second part to add some fluff like I had originally planned.
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You were the sunshine on and inside the Polar Tang. With your bright smile, you could earn a lot of happy smiles and joyful words whenever you enter a room. No one would ever think that this was a facade. That all of this would be a lie. Even your captain would call anyone crazy who would think not of a bunch of sunshine whenever you are around.
Your skills as a thief back in the day are kinda handsy. You are quick and precise when it comes to battle. With your radiant presence and this bright smile paired with those big soft eyes it was easy to gain a lot of free supplies and goodies, whenever your duty was to go shopping. You joined the Heart pirates after stealing some things from Penguin and Shachi nearly 4 months ago. Sadly you couldn’t escape the blue orb nor the teleportation as this man, now your captain, Trafalgar Law was grabbing you with a smirk on his face. You had skill, this might come in handy for sure. That was his reason to let you join his crew. The fact that you would probably lose your head was not an option back there. He was intimidating but handsome. You would be a fool to not follow an attractive man.
The life you had back there was a life you wished to erase forever.
As a foster kid some adults used you for stealing. Kids are small, they can hide better, right?
Over the years you could perfect your stealing skills and one more skill. To lie. Whenever you trembled, whenever you where crying or doing not exactly what they told you, they would hurt you, torture you. You had to learn to lie, because you needed to survive. You had to lie to yourself, that all of this wouldn’t be your whole life. That you would find something better for sure someday. Then you met the heart pirates, they all welcomed you like a family. And even though you showed them your brightest smile, your happiest face, the loudest laugh, you were still aware of them. This is not real. They will use you when they get a chance. Don’t trust them. All of this was repeating in your head every now and then. No one knew what you were hiding because no one suspected anything.
The first time Law suspected something was not too long ago. He worked a lot today and went to the kitchen, to get a snack as he passed you. “You ok, y/n-ya? You look pale? Did you eat anything?”
You were looking at him, giving him a bright smile. “Hey Captain. Of course. I ate dinner already. I just ate too much, maybe that’s why.”
He looked at you with a stern look. “Ok don’t overwork yourself.”
“Aye aye Captain.” and with that you left him. Only after he entered the kitchen and saw the dish, he knew something was off.
Law saw Shachi and Penguin sitting at the table, talking and laughing. “Was Y/N in here?”
They looked at him. “Yeah, she just left with a plate in her hand. She has too much work to do, so she wanted to eat in her room.” The red haired said and Law tilted his head in confusion. “I just saw her, and she didn’t even have a plate in her hand.”
Bepo entered the kitchen from behind. “Oh she gave me the plate earlier. Said I should eat it. She had too much earlier and put way more on the plate for her to finish.”
“I see.” With this Law grabbed a snack and returned to his office with a bad feeling.
He was reading some paperwork as he took a bite from his snack. His mind was wandering back to you. It felt off. Did you really have dinner? The fact that you filled your plate with food and the fact why you didn’t have it when he met you earlier, it all was reasonable. But something was still weird. Would you lie to him? You had no reason for it. But remembering the food, he knew that Shachi was in charge of cooking today and he also knew that Shachi used some spices especially one you didn’t even like. There was no way you wouldn’t notice it and there was also no way that you would eat it to the point you would grab another plate. He hid his face in his hands and was remembering every situation with you in it since you joined. There was never an occasion that he would feel like this. Without even realizing he went towards the storage room, knowing you were on duty today, to write down what else you would need when you dock on the next island.
You stand there with a pencil and a little book in your hands, taking notes. As you felt his presence you turned around to see your captain and smiled at him. “Hey Captain. Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, can you give me your hand for a second please? I need to confirm something.”
With a confused look you reached your right hand towards him, his warm hands were cupping your own and you could feel a light blush on your face.
“What exactly do you confirm?” You gulped and were looking at him.
“I thought I saw something earlier.” He had not enough time to think of anything clever.
“Do you feel better now? You know because of your second plate of food today.”
He had to concentrate on your heartbeat, on your pulse.
You were looking at him even more confused. “Yes, thank you.”
He squeezed your hand a little tighter. If people lie, their heartbeat, pulse and the breath would give them away, but everything was normal. Not even a slight change. But he knew that you didn’t have another plate. You gave it to Bepo. “Didn’t you give it to Bepo?”
He was staring at you. You felt a little shiver as he was staring at you with this cold look.
"Yeah, I did. I thought I could eat more, but then I felt sick so I gave it to Bepo instead.” Again you were smiling. You didn’t even have to think long enough or even stutter. Your answer was way too perfect. Even if you were telling him the truth, you wouldn’t answer as fast as possible.
“Did you ever lie to us?”
You shook your head and your eyes were wide. “What? No, why should I?”
“Tell me the truth.”
“I do. I never lied to you or anyone else on this ship.”
You were looking at him in determination and in this moment knew, he wouldn’t get the answer out of you.
He knew something was off but he couldn’t prove it. Just his gut feeling wouldn’t be enough.
He let go of your hand. “I’m sorry. I'll let you finish your work.” Law was about to leave the room as he turned his head towards you.
“You can trust us, you know? I know that your past was hard, but you are safe now. If you wanna talk with anyone about anything, do it please.”
Law could see a small nod coming from you. “Of course I do, captain. I already trust you. Thanks for checking on me.” You showed him a big grin and Law couldn’t help but feel this bad feeling inside him to blossom. Now that he felt off he couldn’t help but wonder, if those smiles of yours and your shining personalities are fake. What about you is real? What is a lie? He was determined to find the truth from this day on.
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childrenofcain-if · 23 days
Since you're thinking of adding pregnancy content, will there be marriage content as well? If so, will the ROs be okay with getting married and where in the timeline will it occur? Will marrying M make us royalty 👑
okay well, the pregnancy content isn’t 100% confirmed because i need to work out a lot of mechanics for that. however, i think i’ll add marriage, or at least an engagement as an option by book three. as for what the ROs think about it:
C LACROIX: they have a very complicated relationship with the concept of marriage. they’ve seen it as more of a strategic alliance than a romantic union. to them, it has always been something transactional, a way to consolidate power and wealth rather than a culmination of love. it also feels too binding, too final, and there’s a part of them that fears being trapped in a commitment that might limit their independence. not to mention that their parents weren’t the best endorsement of what a good marriage is.
however, they’d still consider it as time passes because they’re also drawn to the idea of having someone (you) who’s truly theirs. the thought of tying themselves down terrifies them but they’d still try it for the person that they love and trust the most.
V NÆSHOLM: they’ve always believed in the sanctity of marriage, seeing it as a sacred bond that should last a lifetime. yet, they can’t help but feel apprehensive about the idea, especially when it comes to the pressures of conforming to what their religion and society expect from them. they crave love that’s pure, unconditional, and real, but they’re terrified that marriage might turn into something stifling.
they need someone who can both respect their faith and gently nudge them to see the hypocrisy that a lot of religions preach. V is probably still going to think that them meeting (you) their future spouse was something blessed and meant to be, but it’d still help in making them confident enough to marry someday.
W OSTENDORF: for W, the idea of marrying you is a dream woven into the very fabric of their childhood memories. ever since you were kids, W has harbored a quiet, innocent hope that one day, you’d end up together in a way that only the purest of hearts can dream. they adored you in that tender, uncomplicated way children often do, thinking that life would be perfect if you could just stay together forever. it wasn’t something they planned or even consciously decided—it was just there, as natural as breathing.
every time they think about the future, you’re there by their side, and the thought of a life without you feels unbearably empty. they’ve imagined the ceremony, the vows, even the life you would build together. the possibility of marrying you isn’t just about that though—it’s about finally having the chance to say, out loud, what they’ve known in their heart all along: that you were always meant to be together.
D DIACONU: i’m surprising no one here when i say that D is the least likely to be down for marriage. they’ve always been a free spirit, someone who’s never been tied down by anyone or anything. the thought of committing to one person for the rest of their life feels suffocating, like a cage they could never escape from. marriage, to D, is something other people do—people who want stability, security, and routine. D has never needed those things, and they’re not sure they ever will.
not all hope is lost though, because their feelings for you complicate this stance they have on marriage. they’re not used to caring this much about someone, and the idea of losing you terrifies them in ways they can’t fully comprehend. they’d definitely reconsider this in the future and realise that settling down with would probably be the best decision they’ve made in a while.
M WHITLOCK-SINGH: they have always seen marriage as a duty, something they’re expected to do as part of their responsibilities. coming from a family steeped in tradition, they know that marriage is something they’ll have to face eventually, whether they want to or not. M is practical about it—they know that marriage is often more about alliances and familial expectations than love. they’re not opposed to the idea, but they also don’t see it as a necessity for a relationship to be valid or meaningful.
they would want to marry someone (you) who understands them, who sees their flaws and loves them anyway, and who is willing to build a life together based on trust and equality. with the right person, they could even oppose their family’s decisions for them to marry a noble further down the line, and if you know who M is like, you’d know they rarely ever speak up against their family.
and yes, marrying M would make you a part of the royal family. it’s not going to be easy getting their approval tho, just saying 👀
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hey, i love your blog, you’re so kind for doing all of this. kudos.
i was wondering if you have advice on how to not be terrified of sharing your work with the world? i write a lot of fanfiction (and someday hopefully some original stories) but i get so so anxious about ANYONE reading them so they usually end up rotting in my google docs, and eventually i stop writing them because i don’t get the motivation that comes from reader responses
but the issue is i’m not sure how to tackle this anxiety. as someone who has published works, do you have advice for this?
Tackling the Anxiety of Sharing Your Work
For my answer, I'm going to cobble together some bits from previous posts and add some new stuff. ♥
Sharing our fiction with others is one of the biggest steps we take as writers, and it can be scary no matter what you write. But, if you want to be published, it’s a necessary step. As with so many things in life, doing something that requires courage is often just a matter of taking a deep breath and doing it. "Ripping off the band-aid," as they say.
However, there are some things that might help ease the associated anxiety a bit:
1 - Try to Pin Down Your Specific Fears - One of the first things you may want to do is try to figure out what you're specifically afraid of or what's making you the most anxious about the prospect of sharing your work. If you can find the root cause, it might be easier to tackle the associated anxiety. Are you worried people:
will think your writing is bad?
won’t like your writing style?
won’t get your story/characters?
will judge you for what you write about?
will think less of you for writing at all or what you write about?
will blab about your writing to others?
will steal your ideas?
will see similarities between your story and others?
will make you feel tied to a project you might not complete?
I tackle some of these in the writing-related-fears portion of my Motivation master list.
2 - Don't Rush It - If you take the time to properly revise and edit your story, you can be confident in knowing you've put in the time and effort to make your story the best it possibly can be.
3 - Start Small - If you can, try sharing your story first with an "alpha reader," or in other words a trusted friend, family member, or community member who can appreciate your story. In this case, you might say you're not looking for specific feedback but just a general impression of what they liked about the story. This way, it's not about getting constructive criticism so much as getting over the hump of sharing it and getting the little boost of what they like about the story.
4 - Gradually Go Bigger - From there, you might try sending to a couple of beta readers and opening up to a bit more feedback. The great thing about this is not only are you conditioning yourself to sharing and getting the opinions of others, you can potentially use the feedback to iron out kinks in the story if there are any.
5 - Use a Pen Name - You might want to consider using a pen name for anonymity. Pen names have many different purposes, but much like wearing a mask at a party, they can decrease your inhibition a bit because it creates a bit of a buffer between the real you and your writing.
6 - Post and Let It Go - Many writers get around the issue by simply not engaging with reader feedback, and if you're someone who cares what other people think or are likely to be daunted by the prospect of criticism, this may be the best route for you to go. Now, I know that with fan-fiction in particular, reader feedback is often used for improvement. But the truth of the matter is, you shouldn't rely on reader feedback for improvement anyway. Alpha readers, beta readers, critique partners, and editors are a much better metric for where to improve. When you get your feedback elsewhere, you can post your story and let it fly on its own without worrying about what others are saying.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy birthday, Shana! 🎉🎉🌻🌻
Untamed or Naruto?
When Naruto is born, the nine tailed fox is pulled from Kushina along with her and it's only because of Minato's quick application of a seal that keeps disaster from becoming even worse.
Dozens of buildings and hundreds of lives are lost in the devestation. Still, it could have been a far worse attack, if Naruto had not been a suitable host for the demon.
It's a risk, one that Kushina screams at him for taking. The seal might not hold. Babies are not meant to be containers. It could kill their daughter, and sure, the nine tail might die along with her, but at what cost?
The seal holds. Naruto's strength holds.
The ordeal nearly kills Kushina and weakens her enough that she'll never again be an active duty ninja.
Minato sleeps at his office after that. Kushina doesn't even let him hold her until she's six months old and it's not until Naruto is almost two that she lets him move back into their home.
Still. Things aren't quite the same between them after that, when Kushina saw how he quick he was to sacrifice his daughter for the village.
Practically, she understands.
But no one has ever accused Kushina of being practical.
A container forced to spend their whole life fighting the fox will be weak. There's nothing for it - all their energy and chakra and time is spent subduing the fox, consciously or subconsciously.
Her daughter has been sabotaged from her first breath, made a target and given no way to defend herself.
"You want me to marry your daughter?" Kakashi squeaks, wondering if this is some new cruel prank she's playing on him. "She's a baby!"
But Kushina is serious. She's serious a lot these days, but at his question she almost smiles. "Not now. In about twenty years."
"Why," he starts, and then doesn't know how to continue.
"You're selfish," she says and his shoulders hunch. "Naruto won't be able to protect herself when people discover what she is and start coming after her. Minato has seen to that. My identity as the container was a well kept secret. Thanks to the attack, half of Konoha knows what Naruto is, and the other nations will hear of it, and they will come for her."
"I can protect her without marrying her," he insists, looking down at the baby in Kushina's arms. The idea that anyone, never mind him, will marry her someday is ridiculous.
"You're selfish," she repeats. "You'll choose her if she belongs to you."
Kakashi doesn't know what to say to that. He knows why Minato hasn't come home.
He goes to him, and his teacher just shrugs and says, "Don't you want to be my son-in-law, Kakashi?" Then, "Don't worry about it for the next twenty years. A lot can happen between now and then."
Gai hears he's been betrothed - uhg - to the hokage's daughter and congratulates him on an excellent political match and then takes pity on him and takes him to a bar.
It's his first time drinking and he probably shouldn't have let Gai goad him into a drinking contest.
Naruto is wary of people.
Some people love her, coo over her being the hokage's daughter and a brave little girl, patting her head and shoving sweets into her hands.
Some people glare at her, hiss about her being a demon who's killed the hokage's real daughter, and slam doors in her face and throw rocks at her back.
"Is it weird having a husband?" Ino asks while they make flower crowns from the days discarded flowers. It's the end to their first week at the academy and her parents are fighting - again - so Naruto had gone home with Ino instead. The Yamanakas are always nice to her.
Her mother doesn't want her to attend the academy, says its a waste of time and dangerous anyway. Her father says that the child of the hokage can't not attend the academy.
Neither of them had asked her what she wanted.
She pauses, thinking. Kakashi greets her and bows to her but he's ANBU, something she's not supposed to know but seems very obvious, so she doesn't really see him outside of when he comes by to talk to her parents sometimes. "No? He's not my husband yet anyway."
She's overheard him a couple times asking her father to find her a different husband, saying that he'll be bodyguard forever if only he doesn't have to marry her.
It hurts that Kakashi thinks she's a demon too. She'd always thought he was really cool and had thought it was nice that she'd have a nice, cool husband when she was older.
But she doesn't think she wants to marry someone who hates her.
The Uchihas aren't always nice to her, but Mikoto always is, coming over to her house to talk to her mother and dragging her sons with her, or keeping her door open to Naruto whenever she comes knocking.
Itachi stops coming early on, promoted quickly and no time to tag along to his mother's house visits. Sasuke is there and he scows and pouts but can be efficiently bullied into helping her get into whatever trouble she's decided is most worth her attention that day, so he's pretty all right, for a boy.
Naruto has to pay a lot of really close attention to people, because she never knows if they're going to be nice and mean, and the Uchihas aren't like the Yamanakas. Their reactions differ, so she has to pay attention.
Something is wrong.
Her mother doesn't believe her.
Her father doesn't listen.
She goes to Kakashi out of desperation. She tries to avoid him as much as she can, but he's the one person who might be able to convince her father that something is wrong.
"Ah, Naruto-hime, what can I do for you?" he asks, tone respectful. When she was younger, she liked that nickname. Now she knows that he's mocking her.
"Something is wrong with the Uchiha and you need to get my father to do something about it," she says.
His face is hidden by his stupid mask but she can tell he's frowning. "Why would you-"
She cuts him off, wanting this conversation to be as short as possible. He doesn't believe her either - shocker - but he agrees to look into because it's the quickest way to end the conversation.
Danzo is quietly, secretly, executed for treason. Madara Uchiha is listed as an active S class missing Konoha nin.
There are lots of talks about what, exactly, to do about the Uchihas, on how to handle their almost betrayal. Considering the outside manipulation, her father is inclined to ignore it, but something has to be done. Symbolically, if nothing else.
"If they feel excluded, then do something to make them feel included," Naruto says, nine years old and exhausted from the years of tension between the Uchihas and - well, everyone. Sasuke is so worried about his reputation that it takes ages to get him to do anything fun. It's almost quicker to get Shikamaru involved, which is saying something. "Do something no one else can question."
"Itachi or Sasuke?" her father asks, head bent over his paperwork.
She doesn't know what he's talking about. "For what?"
"Which do you prefer?" he asks.
"Sasuke?" she says, because Itachi is always very nice to her, especially after she helped prevent him from becoming a mass murderer, but he's never once helped her prank Iruka-sensei.
He nods and says nothing more and she rolls her eyes and goes to find something to do. Kiba has started training with Akamaru and she bets she can totally derail that without getting yelled at by Tsume.
A week later Sasuke climbs into her window and hisses furiously, "We're getting married?"
Well, it looks like Kakashi got what he wanted.
She decided a long time ago she didn't want to marry him, and Sasuke is her friend, so this is fine. It's better.
Sasuke pats her shoulder and doesn't even yell at her when she ruins his shirt with tears.
He's already a better husband than Kakashi could ever be.
Minato is dreading today. Enrolling Naruto into the Academy had seemed like the right thing to do seven years ago, because what would people say about a hokage who didn't, but now that it's Graduation Day and he's going to have to deal with the gossip around the Hokage's daughter failing to even become a genin.
Iruka comes to drop off the team assignments and he does a double take when looking through them. "She passed?"
The chunin blinks and then asks, "Who, Hokage-sama? Haruno Sakura? It's rare for a civilian child, but her academic scores are quite high, even if her physical is lacking. She has a lot of potential."
He waves a dismissive hand. "No. My daughter."
The silence turns frigid and when he looks up it's too Iruka outright glaring at him. He's so taken aback that he can't even reprimand him for it. Iruka swallows, visibly forcing his face into less mutinous expression, and says, "Naruto is Top Kunoichi. That's why she's on the same team as Sasuke, who's Rookie of the Year, even though I was hesitant on putting them together when they already work so well together. They could use variety. Sakura is Dead Last, but only because of her physical skills. With the right teacher, she'll shape up quickly."
"Top Kunoichi," he repeats dubiously. "I've seen her test scores."
"Not since I took over her class, apparently," he says, and that tone should get him in trouble, but Minato doesn't care about that now. "Her previous instructor was ... biased. Under fair instruction, she excels."
She can't excel. She's handicapped, and it's his fault, not hers, but that doesn't change what she's capable of. "That's not possible."
Iruka's eyes narrow. "She's passed my tests. Now it's up to her jounin sensei."
Assigning someone with no biases is impossible, but he can at least assign someone who's never matched the shinobi art of lying about things they don't care about.
Naruto hopes this is a nightmare. Sasuke is pinching the bridge of his nose and not looking at any of them.
"Um," Sakura says hesitantly, "nice to meet you, Tsume-sensei."
She scowls at all of them. "I hope you fail. I have a clan to run! I don't have time to deal with untrained, undisciplined puppies!"
They probably shouldn't have broken into the Inuzuka compound so many times. Tsume has plenty of reasons to make their lives miserable. Or, well, hers and Sasuke's. Sakura's never done anything to her.
At least it's not Kakashi.
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ladyamanda123 · 4 months
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus - My Analysis
Your hologram stumbled into my apartment
Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
And I just watched it happen
This line SCREAMS Kaylor! Karlie lived with her. She had a Karlie room in her apartment. I can absolutely picture a scenario where before they are “together” Karlie is bringing people home to Taylor’s apartment and Taylor is lying in bed just dying inside listening to it happen. It calls back to Hits Different with “I hear your key turn in the door” and Cornelia Street with “But then you called, showed your hand” line where there has clearly been an argument. That argument could have been Taylor losing it about Karlie bringing people home and then Karlie calling Taylor and confessing her feelings for her and the rest is Kaylor history!
As the decade would play us for fools
And you saw my bones out with somebody new
Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school
And you just watched it happen
Its quite literally been 10 years since the start of Kaylor. They officially met in 2013 and this album drops on 2024. Now Karlie is stuck watching Taylor beard with 🏈….the perfect representation of the dickwad football bro that would bully kids in school.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
Years of bearding, distance, lies, etc HAS to have taken a massive toll. If they’ve been together this whole time there’s no way to that hasn’t been hard AF. If they split and then eventually came back together this will have still been all hard AF. Either way, whatever you think the reality might be, this decade has sucked! The idea of them looking back and who they were before this all blew up and saying….what could our life had been like if we hadn’t made these decisions. If we had been brave. If we had had control. If we had done this different. The hindsight must sting something horrible!
You said some things that I can't unabsorb
You turned me into an idea of sorts
If so much of this was out of their control but they decided to try and make it work, the buildup of being together someday….the fact Covid probably played a huge roll in delaying it….over time that distance will absolutely lead to this concept…. “You turned me into an idea of sorts”. Anyone who has been in any sort of long distance or forbidden relationship knows exactly what this is saying. When we don’t have the object of our desire and it builds up over time in our heads to be something it’s not. The pressure that puts on the relationship and the person to meet those unreasonably high expectations that have been swirling in your head all that time. If you’re not careful, if you don’t pivot those expectations, that shit can be insanely toxic to the relationship.
You needed me but you needed drugs more
And I couldn't watch it happen
I think this is a red herring line to make us think Matty, but I also think this could be a line from Karlie’s perspective and the drugs needed is Taylor and her fame and her mastermind plans. It could explain some of the anger at the fans she’s showing now. You wouldn’t accept us. You wouldn’t accept me. I chose you over the person I love and over myself. I played this part for you and now I’m wondering what if I had chosen the other path. What if I had picked her and picked us and picked myself over the drug of being who you wanted me to be for you. This brings to mind the line in Miss Americana where she talks about the addiction to the applause. It also ties in to the 🎃 anon message…. “You’re a selfish asshole….but you’re finally choosing her”
I changed into goddesses, villains and fools
Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules
All to outrun my desertion of you
And you just watched it
More of the same theme….I made myself into this thing that everyone wanted…the fans, the labels, the media, my dad, etc. All in an effort to justify pushing us back in the closet and you just had to take it and now I think I chose wrong. I should have picked us over them.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
If the glint in my eye traced the depths of your sigh
Down that passage in time
Back to the moment I crashed into you
Like so many wrecks do
Too impaired by my youth
To know what to do
Again, hindsight…looking back and realizing you made a choice and that choice had major consequences on your life and on the life of the person you love and you can’t go backwards and that breaks your heart now.
So if I sell my apartment
And you have some kids with an internet starlet
Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon
like it never happened
We aren’t those roommates from Cornelia Street and Maroon anymore. Everything has changed now. You’re stuck in this marriage/life and that apartment life we shared is gone now…did our choices back that lead us to a place where your feelings have changed? Have you forgotten who we were? Have you moved on? Is that version of us gone now because we’ve come to far from it?
Could it be enough to just float in your orbit
Down Bad reference…also could be asking if it could be enough to glass closet like before. Can we do the friend thing our whole lives and be okay with that? Or do we need to actually “come out” and be openly together for real?
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses
“Dancing phantoms on the terrace” Very clear reference to Kissgate. Can we go back to that? Being “friends” and having the world openly speculate etc etc. I feel like this song is them finally coming back together and going “Okay, this is another cross roads for us. We fucked up last time. How do we fix this? Do we break up and let each other go? Do we go back to how it was…together but technically still closeted? Or do we do what we should/could have done back then and just be who we are and be together openly? Can we rewrite this ending? The prophesy ties in here too as well as the Manuscript. Looking back and wishing you had made different choices and examining if it’s possible to get your life back on track.
Cooler in theory but not if you force it
To be, it just didn't happen
The idea of us that we have been clinging to for 10 years, the expectations, the mastermind plans…are we holding on still to just a dream or an idea that no longer exists? It’s been 10 years and it hasn’t happened like we planned. So now what? Again this screams of a cross roads. They’re looking at each other saying we can’t keep doing this. We need to make a new decision or we will destroy ourselves.
So if you want to break my cold, cold heart
Say you loved me
And if you want to tear my world apart
Say you'll always wonder
Cause I wonder
Will I always
Will I always wonder?
The song ends with the desperate and vulnerable question. In Lover Taylor was exploring those vulnerable early questions in a relationship…..can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Can this relationship go the distance? Are you my person?
Now they’ve arrived at the vulnerable possible end questions. Stop. You’re losing me. Is this the part where you break my heart? Are you going to tell me I fucked it up to bad and you’re leaving? Are you about to confirm what I fear? That I chose the wrong road and now I’ve lost you?
Ending on the question that way shows the decision wasn’t made yet at this point. The song leaves us in that desperate silence between the question and the answer.
This also calls back for me to Mine. When she runs out and braces herself for the goodbye. That’s what history has shown her. That’s what she expects in these moments. But this person is different. This person called and showed their hand. This person took you by surprise and said I’m not leaving you alone. Are they still that person? Or have you finally fucked it up enough that even they are about to leave you?
I think given the shit that’s dropping now, the TTPD lyrics, the massive cracks in the facade, we can figure out what choice was made…..”You finally chose her” ❤️
Hopefully, now at the end of this part, they can have their do over (Come one come all) and regain what was lost. Hopefully they can change The Prophecy moving forward.
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technically-a-kiwi · 1 month
Lol, imagine this : cosmic horror AU
The Noise would be the charismatic TV host of chaos, hosting his mysterious show, his public would be the souls of the damned, and his audience would be random people who watched TV at the wrong time and at the wrong place, they are the unsuspected victimes of The Noise's game, a game starting as simple challenges and slowly turning into psychological torture, he'd be narrating your moves like a sports narrator you hear on TV, if you survive those challenges, you'll go back to your life... But you'll never be the same... If you fail, you'll be part of The Noise's audience... forever. Ooooh this is so edgy I love it >:)
Appearance wise it'd just be Cosmic Noise in a less cartoony style with half of his face skin missing revealing a second row of teeth on top of his current teeth (you know like you see in children skull X rays) it's gross, it's creepy, I love it
As for Peppino he'd be the Great Primal Cosmic chef, creating every level of existence from his mighty pizza oven, and blessing humanity with the art of cooking and the Holy Book of Recipe. His words are of unmatched wisdom (and loudness) but are somehow of common comprehension, his presence is overwhelming and yet somehow comforting, he's so calm and so unstable at the same time, he creates in love and in wrath. Peppino is a contradicting deity and his authority is often challenged, his existence only been reduced to fairytales (so yeah basically Italian Arceus). Despite having an age beyond compression, his omnipotence and omniscience and his status as the Cosmic chef, he's one of the most human cosmic entity of them all, experiencing feelings like loneliness, stress and fear. He combats those feelings by cooking, pretty much being a workaholic, it kinda works but he's still pretty lonely.
Appearance wise he'd be cosmic pep in less cartoony style but absurdly huge, like no matter how you tilte your head up you'd only see the beginning of his collar at best, basically being like miss Bellum. And if somehow you manage to get around head level he'd cover his face with a pan, if you're mortal it's because you'd burn if you see his face and if not it's because he doesn't want you to see his disfigured face he got after a cosmic battle with The Noise. He'd be translucent, his body is marbled with scars of past fights, and his overall color palette would be a lot more cooler and darker with his apron and chef hat being the only bright thing on his body.
Yes it's absurd, yes Peppino is God in this AU, yes I made my favorite character into an OP being, yes I'm being a kid. It's meant to be edgy and it will.
Ohhhh but I see you from miles away "BuT wHaT aBoUt CoSmIc FaKe ???!?!!??!" I KNOW YOU WERE ABOUT TO SAY IT, KIWI SEES ALL 👁️👁️, well lucky for you, I may have an idea for our fav ticket stand
THE FAKER is a shapeless dark entity, with infinite amount of faker faces on its body, it hides itself inside a ticket stand where it waits for unsuspected victimes, if you go to the ticket stand and ask for a ticket, a voice will invite you inside, wether or not you accept the invitation, a hand will drag you inside, your body will slowly be assimilated, your mind shifts into one that isn't your own, you feel like you don't know who you are, you feel cold, but one thing is for sure, you have to be so big, strong and mighty to the point you'll rival the might of the Cosmic chef. So yeah basically here it's the thing who wants to be a god.
Okay I'm done with my trip, obviously it's not canon in anyway and it's just my inner kid (and idiot) expressing itself. It doesn't have much of any link with True cosmic, only vaguely taking some of its ideas and exaggerating them to make them sound creepy. I really love horror in general and since Cosmic Au is already absurd I just want to push it to the max and make it an edgy and angst mess. I'd probably design it someday but I already have so much to do ! You know what, to anyone who managed to read this far, I challenge you into drawing those characters using the description I wrote.
If this post gets some people interested maybe I'll do the rest of the cast...
Okay NOW I'm going back to work...
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mayohaha · 6 months
Dunmeshi Fic
Laios's Bride
Couple : Laios x Kabru, slight Fallyn x Marcille
Warning (???) : Bi-Kabru, Moron Laios, NSFW 🔞
Premise : After Laios becomes the King of Melini, everyone is starting to wonder if Laios would ever marry anyone, well... will he?
P.S : I write this for my own consumption... i just need this.
Yaad (in Delgal's body) been trying so hard to push Laios to have a Bride as he said "You should have an heir to proceed the succession!" Or so he said. Despite so, everyone (except Laios) knows it's because of Laios's curse that Yaad keeps asking him to have an heir. Despite so Marcille was unsure whether Laios's curse would be inherited by his heir. This has cause Kabru to fear over Laios as his right man.
Laios, on the other hand, has been wondering about who would be his bride. It doesn't seem possible to find one for him. He did have a lover back then, but his feelings towards the person isn't even that... passionate -nor romantic enough. He also thinks about who would ever fall for him. After the demon shows him his desire to be accepted, he realizes it would be almost impossible for him to find a lover knowing people hardly understand him.
On his bed, he's lying over while daydreaming about having a bride. He is trying to portray a beautiful red hair women, but it ended up reminding him of his mom. He tried harder to find someone else, he remembered the succubi form of Marcille -but instead of that, he was too focused on the monster looks instead...
"Ugh!!! It would be easier if I'm not a King! Kabru fits this role more!!!" Laios scream within his frustration.
"Oh Fallyn! Yes, come inside!" shout Laios.
Fallyn opened the door and looked at her brother, looking quite messy after he got frustrated.
"I heard you screaming from outside. Did something happen?"
"Oh... uh... I'll be alright, sorry to bother you."
Fallyn sat beside him and start to pat her brother head softly.
"Marcille told me that Yaad has been quite pushy about you having an heir. She said that you might get frustrated over it. Kabru also started to get worried that it might make more problems to Melini."
Laios's face becomes paler. It does frustrate him. However, it's not like he doesn't want to have a bride and an heir. His self-esteem says that he doesn't deserve any of that. Looking at this, his little sister hugged him tight.
"No need to think too much brother, you'll find someone to love, who loves you too someday."
Fallyn coughed a bit, then she proceeded with her speech.
"-I didn't know mine too at first, till I was being told by Chillchuck that Marcille is in love with me. I just realized that she loves me that much after listening to your journey. After she confessed her jealousy and her broken heart after I tried to consider Shuro's proposal, we ended up being together."
Fallyn flustered thinking over that memory. Laios's is truly happy knowing that his sister finds someone who loves her sincerely.
"It seems impossible for me, though. But maybe -maybe I'll find one like you do Fallyn. I'm so happy for you."
Both of them are smiling to one another.
"Laios, are you there?"
A male voice came from outside the door. He then smashed to get inside without even waiting for Laios to answer.
"O-oh sorry, I didn't know you're talking to Fallyn."
"Ah, it's fine, I'm preparing myself to sleep anyway." said Fallyn softly.
Fallyn kiss her brother's head.
"Well brother, take your time okay."
Laios nodded to Fallyn and waved to her as she went out.
The male who smashed the door is his right hand, Kabru, he looked somehow a bit... frustrated? But, mixed with some worries. He goes inside and grabs a seat next to Laios's bed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your talk with Fallyn -it's just I think we really need to talk."
"Ah yeah, it's alright... But, what bothers you Kabru?"
Kabru was messing his hair as Laios's asked that.
"Yaad's demand about your heir... do you have any idea on facing that?"
Laios shakes his head while looking sad. Kabru realized it's hard for him as well.
"Well, Marcille said that the chance that your heir would inherit your curse might be low as well. I don't think you need to think much about that haha!"
Laios's didn't bother Kabru's statement about that. His head seems to worry over something else instead.
"I don't even think someone would love me like that you know..."
His voice sounds desperate, but Kabru can't think about anyone either, not even Chillchuck's daughters, the orcs, nor any maiden would want to be Laios's bride if they know how Laios is. He is unable to see Laios's desperation being put on his face, though.
"Laios, you're the brave King who faced the demon and bring the glory to Melini! There must be someone who would love to be your bride!"
Laios suddenly stare Kabru with his dark eyes.
"Who? Who would it be? Not even you would love me like that."
"H-huh?!" Kabru flustered hearing Laios's words.
M-me?! Does he love me this whole time?! W-wait, did he chose me because he loves me? It doesn't make sense!!! Or is it?
Kabru tried to regain himself. Laios, on the other hand, looking down to his hand in front of him. Kabru then put his hand on top of Laios's.
"Do you think I would fit to be your bride?"
Laios was struck by that question. He didn't ever think about whether it's possible or not, but if it is, Kabru is the best bride he could ever asked. Someone who has the charm and being loved by Melini, also the best person who understands him. What a big win!
Laios impulsively made such answer.
Kabru struck off. He is beyond flustered. His whole face is red, thankfully his dark skin hides it, but he couldn't even think. How come someone like Laios managed to get this side of him? But, does Laios even love him?
He is regaining himself again, clearing his throat and start to talk again.
"Uh well... well then, say... can you even think to sleep with me?"
"Sleep with you? Well, sure! You can sleep here with me." Laios patting his bed.
Laios's face is like the golden haired dog looking moron and excited in the same time. Kabru still trying to hold his flustered. He then slide beside Laios, as Laios gave him a place to fit on his bed. It was a bit awkward for them at first, but Laios seems to fit in quite well. He's still smiling like a dog, and Kabru can't help to giggle.
Kabru embrace Laios's face, making him facing his. He get closer and put his nose on Laios's. He can feels Laios's breath. Then he whisper towards him.
"Can I kiss my King then?"
Laios flustered -can't think, he nodded and letting Kabru giving him a kiss.
It was tense, a bit cold... but then it changed. Tender, soft, and a glimpse of sweetness can be tasted. He grasps for some air, and dig in for more.
Kabru didn't let go either, he is eager. He took more, not letting Laios to take a break. Changing his position -he didn't let Laios to stop kissing him. He is now sitting on Laios lap, holding his head, craving more of his lips. All he can think about is how big Laios is, and how small he is. How muscular Laios is, and how thin he is. Yet, how Laios holding his back gently, scared to hurt him while he is eating Laios alive. It was so heaty, and none of them is stopping.
The kiss took much longer than Laios expected. He had never had this kind of burning sensation before. Kabru stopped and grasped for air as Laios gasped.
Laios eyes has become that puppy eyes. Asking to be loved, and not being let go. Kabru melts into his eyes.
It's not the first time he felt this way to him. Remembering the time when they met again after Laios fought the demon. His desperation that time when he feels that he has failed. That moment his eyes asking to be loved, the same like how his eyes look right now. Kabru just can't let go.
Laios tried to talk, but his word stuck on his mouth. Kabru came in again to peck his lips. Holding his head, then putting his head to Laios's.
"Say, how does it feel?"
Laios gulped.
Kabru giggles after hearing what Laios said. Didn't realize that a hard bump touches his crotch.
"A-AH!" Laios screamed.
Kabru put his on his mouth, preventing him to make further noise.
"S-ssht... it's alright, I'll take care of it."
Laios jolted as Kabru changed their position. He asked Laios to sit on his bed edge, then opened his pants, and slid off his undies. Laios's lower head sprung off, and already quite hard. Laios kept jolting, but he tried hard not to make any noise.
Kabru started to slide his hand up and down while Laios whimpered. Laios got wet easily, since his pre-cum didn't take long. He is so erected that he hardly able to hold anything much longer.
Kabru took the opportunity to suck it and make it even more drenched. Laios tried as hard as he can not to cum on Kabru's face.
"S-stop it, I need to cum."
Kabru made the last suck deeply, then stopped as Laios quickly cummed while his body squirmed. He made quite a mess on Kabru's shirt.
"A-aahhh!! I don't mean to-"
Kabru just smiled. He licked a bit of it to tease him, and then he stood up. He took the napkin on the nearest table. Swiped the liquid from himself, and clean Laios's.
Laios just stand still while still squirming. Once it's done, Kabru throws the napkin away, and he slides into Laios's side to sleep with him.
"Am I good enough to be your bride Laios?"
Laios nodded so hard.
Kabru just giggles after watching him like that. He snuck into Laios's chest, and Laios adjust his hand to cuddle him.
"I can grow my love to you into such love."
He gazed into Laios's eyes.
"The kind of love your bride would love you."
Laios's face became so red. His eyes hardly focus on Kabru's. Kabru embraced his face one more time and gave him a short sweet kiss.
Laios pushed himself to say words.
"I-I would love you... as my lover."
Kabru smiled, listening to that. He started to close his eyes. Laios joins afterward and sleeps while cuddling his beloved one.
Well, it seems that an heir would be another problem, but for now, Laios is fulfilled with the bride he gets.
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prismatoxic · 6 months
chilchuck tierlist of babysitting fentripp, people who he absolutely knows he can count to not kill his child and people who he knows will end up doing something wrong (even if by accident)
the original post about my chilaios fankid, fentripp, for anyone who didn't see it
anyone who isn't here hasn't offered or chilchuck hasn't considered. however i can be persuaded to add more entries with compelling arguments for them
Kabru - follows the rules to the letter. will have fen fed, bathed, taught, played with, and asleep by all the exact right times. if anything diverges from the plan, it's because fen is a goblin, not because kabru did anything wrong. fen likes when kabru reads to him, he does funny voices.
Senshi - follows his own ideas of what's best, but shockingly good at it nonetheless. very careful, and considerate, and makes sure he knows where fen is at all times. fen likes him a lot and they always have a really good time together.
Meijack - doesn't want kids of her own, but is pretty good with them anyway, and she's extremely protective of her little brother. knows exactly what chilchuck expects, and also has a pretty good sense of what he'd approve of when instructions are unclear. strikes a perfect balance of making fen have so much fun that he doesn't realize no mischief is actually being caused.
Laios - tends to stray off the beaten path a little, but will always defer to his husband so he's never gonna get too wild with it. he also loves fen more than life itself and won't intentionally put him in any manner of harm's way, no matter what. maybe doesn't count as a babysitter since he's literally fen's other dad, but as far as chilchuck is concerned, anyone outside of himself is a risk if he's not also there, so.
Falin - fen is obsessed with her, and the feeling is more or less mutual. she loves him so, so much. but... she's also maybe not chilchuck's ideal as far as babysitting goes, because she's extremely susceptible to the puppy eyes. can drop down to d tier for a few weeks if fen manages to lead her on some batshit adventure, but generally speaking, chilchuck trusts her.
Yaad - similar to kabru in his ability to follow chilchuck's guidelines to a T, and fen does seem to like him, but he's not always fully prepared for what caring for a young child entails. still, he's a decent enough choice, if he's available.
Dandan - weirdly good at this. chilchuck left the guild to him for a reason--dandan's got a good head on his shoulders, something that's only become more true over time--but "babysitting" wasn't a skill chilchuck anticipated him having. he might shirk responsibility from time to time, but in a "alright, you can stay up an extra hour" way, not a neglectful way.
Marcille - fen is safe with her, and she'll do her best (and so very badly wants to be the best aunt ever), but she tends to overthink things and can get distracted easily. also, the older he gets, the angrier fen gets if she mentions magic, because he thinks elves are abusing the spirits. (she tries to default to gnome magic around him but he still side-eyes her for a while. don't worry, they bond properly when he's more self-sufficient.)
Namari - a little nervous about caring for a kid by herself, but she's actually really fond of fen. she does most things right, and chilchuck's not necessarily ideologically opposed to her teaching his son dwarfish swear words, but she's more interested in having fun than being a guardian so she's not the perfect choice.
Flertom - perfectly decent, most of the time. loves getting to care for a child (desperately wants her own someday). can get a little sidetracked playing pretend-mom, though, and doesn't always have the best ideas for what to do, which doesn't always end well.
Puckpatti - way too scatterbrained for this job, and also way too eager to goof off in whatever way fen indicates he thinks would be fun. she's alright with her sisters since they tend to override her poor decisions and keep her on track, but by herself, she's a last resort.
Izutsumi - basically an older sister to fen, but this is rarely a good thing. he loves her and they have great fun together, but leaving them alone is a recipe for disaster, and even kabru's had to step in and shut the idea down officially. "don't put me in a position where i have to explain how a cat and a toddler burned down an entire castle wing."
Shuro - not good with kids. actively kind of scared of this one in particular. will agree if asked, but that's because he's bad at saying no, and chilchuck doesn't intend to ask. (and laios needs to stop thinking it'll work out for anyone.)
Mickbell (& Kuro) - only offered to be a nuisance, or at least that's what chilchuck assumes. kuro might be able to handle it on his own in a pinch, maybe, but there's no point trying to peel him and mickbell apart when there are so many better options.
Mithrun - with kabru? passable. by himself? absolutely the fuck not.
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piratefishmama · 2 years
For One Night Only | Part 2
Eddie remembered a lot about Steve Harrington, so to get this fresh new perspective on him… it was wild. He remembered a jock, the king of Hawkins High, the king of Hawkins in general, women wanted him, men wanted to be him, or in some cases men also wanted him. Rich, popular, kind of a jackass at times but never mean enough to warrant dislike. Would have never associated with Eddie’s kind, but yet there he was, comfortable on Eddie’s hotel bed, one long leg crossed over the other as they moved on from pleasantries to business.
Steve wasn’t there as a social call, no matter how fun it might have been to catch up. He had a job to do, and Steve was good at his job.
“Alright, considering our history, or what little of it we have, it might be a good idea to use it if asked on the carpet how we met, I can spin a story about us being secret high school sweethearts who recently reconnected as friends if you want, really big you up to the paps.”
“As lovely as that idea is since high school me would have been thrilled to have been your secret sweetheart” Steve grinned “shut up, I was a nerd with a crush leave me alone” the snigger that followed only made Eddie smile, it wasn’t a hurtful laugh, and Steve’s smile was just to radiant to be mad at. “I said shut up!”
“Shutting up” the smile stayed though as he mimed zipping his lips. Adorable bastard.
“Anyway, as lovely as that idea is, too many people knew us in high school, if the press got word that it was a lie from one of our mutual past acquaintances, eh it’s a hornets nest I don’t wanna poke. Too many what ifs, but we could say that we went to school together, it’s true, we could say that we reconnected recently and… y’know, hit it off…”
“We are hitting it off.” Steve mused, tapping his finger to his chin in thought. “I like it, easy, close to the truth, very little room for mistakes. So I’m to be your date, not just a friend joining you for the evening?” That was what the invite had requested but… Steve was clearly amusing himself by making Eddie squirm a little.
“Mmmhm, yep. Steve Harrington, my date, Can time travel just exist already?”
“Haha, why?”
“Teenage me could do with a visit right this second to tell him Steve Harrington is gonna be our date someday.”
Steve covered his mouth as he laughed so sweetly, the picture of perfection as always. His nose scrunching just a little as he laughed. “Were you always this cute, Eddie?”
“Mmhm, once upon a time, I was even cuter, I swear.”
“I’ll believe you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“I know, thousands wouldn’t, but I’ve always been a sucker for cute brunettes with big ol Bambi eyes, can't help but believe everything they say.” Eddie hadn’t felt his cheeks warm in years and yet there he was, hiding behind his hair, his complexion turning as red as a fire hydrant, stupid pale skin.
Speaking of brunettes, and incredibly convenient subject changes for the safety of his own composure. “Wait, YOU’RE who Nancy knows!”
“You know Nance?”
“She’s our manager now, man, gets us all the best shit! I met her in a bar after she totally blew off the journalism thing, something about sexist work environments and bosses who wouldn’t know a real story if it slapped them directly in the face. They kept giving her fluff pieces.” Nancy Wheeler, a fluff writer, the audacity of anyone who ever made that assumption. “Now she’s the most badass manager in metal history. I swear to god she’s made many a producer pale in fear at the very mention of her name.” She read all the fine print, with a goddamn magnifying glass. She’d made a grown men cry multiple times, it was badass. “She’s the coolest.”
Steve’s smile was so fond Eddie could have swooned just having it aimed at him, even if the fondness wasn’t for him, it was beautiful enough for it to be swooned over anyway. “She is, cool. I’m glad she found her people.” Even if they no doubt made a funny looking group, little not so primp and proper Nancy Wheeler among a bunch of metalheads. It fitted, in a strange kind of way, she’d always wrangled Mike easy enough.
“How did you uhm… y’know… it’s probably none of my business and I keep changing subjects so stop me if I keep jumping around I’m still a little flabbergast from seeing you at my door but uh… how’d you—y’know… what’s this uh… the whole thing like?” Steve tilted his head like a confused puppy and Eddie just kind of wanted to melt into the floor. “The escort thing.” He added on, for clarification.
“Oh, uhm. Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham, cheer captain of ’86?”
“I know her, she and Gareth have this—”
“Thing! Yes, she talks about him regularly with Robin.” Robin? He doesn’t think to ask, Steve and Robin, Robin… who would be associated with Steve a Robin whom Steve would just mention as if expecting him to know. He only knew one Robin from those days, and he didn’t even really know her.
Just kind of… existed near her in band for a few months until his style of music pissed the teacher off enough to kick him out. Couldn’t be that Robin, right? Not important.
“Oh my god don’t tell me that and expect me to keep it a secret that’s brutal of you.”
“God, tell him, please, I didn't even know who he was but she keeps talking about him and waiting for him to ask her out. Eventually she’s just going to pin him against something and kiss him so—”
“Tell her to do that but god wait until I have a camera please!” Eddie Munson was not against begging, his grin wide and eyes shimmering with gleeful mischief. “It’s reciprocated, totally and completely one hundred percent reciprocated, he is so gone on that girl, it’s adorable.”
“I will let her know, at least now I know he's one of yours and a good guy." Gareth was the best guy in Eddie's opinion, like a brother to him, not that the others werent too, but... Gareth had known he was gay since Hawkins High. Just him and Uncle Wayne in the know, and he'd always been there to support him, Gareth was good. "Anyway… we ran into each other in this café that I’d gotten a part time gig at in Indy, she looked good, healthy…” he didn’t need to say that Chrissy had had a problem. But she had, and that problem began with ‘M’ and ended with ‘other,’ hers to be specific. “She was already doing it, loving it, I was dubious, asked if she was okay, if she needed help, but no she was loving it, thriving actually, and well… I like making people feel good, both emotionally and physically” oof that was a tone that went straight to a place it shouldn’t do “why do it for free, y’know? She got me set up and the rest is history.” He enjoyed himself.
He loved his job, his love language had always been acts of service, he liked making people feel good, liked making them feel wanted, feel loved, feel seen and heard. Eddie couldn’t help himself “ever do anything… y’know…?” He really wished he could help himself sometimes.
“Sex related?” The red in his cheeks only deepened, Steve didn’t seem offended, or upset, in fact his smile only warmed, eyes crinkling at the corners, gods above and below he was beautiful, how did anyone survive after a night with him, having to let him go? “Sure, like I said, if I’m good at something, why do it for free?”
“Even with…” Eddie motioned to himself
“N-No! No, Men—wait sorry—that’s—that’s none of my business” he turned away to move, to pace, so much energy in his body suddenly there with nowhere to go “none of this is any of my business, I don’t usually ask these kinds of—I mean it’s really wrong of me to even ask this sort of—" Steve was just there so fast, hands on Eddie’s biceps, holding him in place, Eddie hoped he couldn’t feel him almost vibrating out of his skin.
“It’s okay, Bambi” Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet Steve’s, his wide and unblinking, like a deer in headlights in the face of Steve’s so warm and understanding, Bambi really did suit him, Steve thought, his left hand lifting to rest on Eddie’s cheek as if to ground him, it worked. God it worked. “Ask all the questions you like, but maybe save some for later, we don’t have long before we have to go.”
“…Later you’ll be leaving though...” he didn’t want Steve to leave. He didn’t want his next time seeing Steve to be part of a lottery, would he come next time? Would someone else who Eddie didn’t recognise appear in his place?
“We’re hitting it off, remember? I’m sure there’s going to be an afterparty we can both be caught sneaking away from to hang out, right?” Eddie kind of felt like he was flying. He felt like a teenager again, a nerdy, virginial teenager. He refused to acknowledge that little goblin voice telling him that Steve was actually probably just doing his goddamn job, he was on the clock dammit. He just wanted to have this. “You can ask me questions then, I promise I’ll stay.” He didn’t have anywhere else he needed to be.
“…Yeah… if that’s okay with you.”
“More than. Now how about you introduce me to the rest of Corroded Coffin, we all need to be on the same page before we get there.” Work now, catch up later. “Sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can ditch the after party to hang out.” Eddie giggled, an honest to gods little giggle. He really did feel like a teenager again, only Steve was looking at him. Holding him. Grounding him. Steve Harrington was seeing him.
Teenager Eddie would have shit a brick.
“Alright, I’m warning you though, I think you let Tommy H. stuff Jeff into a locker once so don’t expect a warm welcome.” Steve grimaced a little but nodded. He was a different person now, but that wouldn’t erase the mistakes he’d made as a stupid teenager. Plenty of bridges to rebuild and apologies to give. Jeff wouldn’t be the first or the last.
“Bring it on, Bambi.” Eddie could only hide behind his hair again, bashful and flustered.
Part 4
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shakti-tiger · 15 days
Having a "time out" from Tumblr
If you're feeling good about today's Good Omens news please don't read, if, like me you're feeling deeply troubled by it, then feel free to read on.
Yesterday the Independent paper was able to quickly go and pick up some comments off X about how devastated fans were about the possible cancellation of their show. Comments that didn't mention the victims or the problematic nature of having Neil Gaiman involved at all.
Today we hear that Neil Gaiman is offering to "step back" whatever that means, from the production so that it can continue.. "
in some quarters I see that people are taking it as a chance to have hope, to even celebrate the fact that this makes it more likely that the show moves forward.
I am only going to give my own personal take, that I'm finding it deeply triggering to see those kind of comments around because it kind of feels like a free pass for Gaiman. This means that he can get his show made, profit from it, take the plaudits, if there are any, just by keeping his head down.
If /when it comes out we're still going to have to see publicity about it, people are still going to give their opinions about it, and in my heart I'm going to know that it was written by somebody who has taken advantage of young women and lied for years and years.
And also the ideas of somebody who is deeply troubled screwed up and definitely needs hell of a lot of therapy, if they were even ready to admit that they'd done anything wrong.. "Deadline understands Gaiman’s offer is not an admission of wrongdoing".
It's no longer going to feel like a love story, it's not even going to feel funny, it's going to feel like a vindication and service to someone who doesn't deserve it.
So whereas previously I was finding that I could maybe find a corner of Tumblr that I might fit into now, I'm going to stay clear of it for the moment because I know people are all processing this stuff in their own way and I've said that on previous posts but I'm just a little raw around this kind of celebration at the moment. And that's okay.
And if I put my self-analysis hat on, I know that this is a reminder trigger for people in my family carrying on as though everything was wonderful and fine, when in actual fact it wasn't. it feels like not being heard. It feels like people getting away with stuff. And that obviously still isn't quite healed for me.
Sending love, hugs, angel wings, glitter, dolphins and possibly even Kraken to anyone who fancies them. 🕊️🌟💖🧸🐬🐬🐳🐋🪽🪽✨🪩
Oh and please don't mention Terry Pratchett in the same breath as Season 3 to me. He had his hard drive and all his unfinished works destroyed under a steam roller after his death.
This is an extract from an interview with Terry and Neil in 2006. Interestingly both of them were asked about a sequel. Terry's response is below.
“Neil and I thought about a sequel an awful lot initially. We talked about it on tour. And I think it was a big relief to both of us, when one day we looked one another in the eye and said, 'I thought you wanted to do a sequel.'
Neil's response was less unequivocal..
“We are actually just starting to think about beginning to ponder the idea of exploring the possibilities of perhaps someday writing a sequel together. It may happen, it may not."
Really I'm not convinced that any of this was Terry's idea.
Rant ends:-
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fortisfilia · 7 months
Promised Part 2 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Info: This is a rewrite of a story I've posted on my old account years ago. If it sounds familiar, that might be why :)
Summary: In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Warnings: Arranged marriage, sickness, bullying
Word count: 1.7k
Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3
Part 2 - Back in Hogwarts
Being back at Hogwarts felt strange. Usually, it was like coming home, where the old stone walls kept you warm even when they were so cold. But this time, having left your sick little sister behind and after practically selling your soul to the devil, you felt as if everyone already knew. Every time someone looked at you, underlying judgement was inherent in their gaze.
How could she do this? How could she agree to marry someone she didn’t love? She probably did it for the money. Or for his reputation. Both perhaps.
No one had said anything to your face yet, but the nasty expressions they wore gave them away. Girls from year five had always greeted you, had looked up to you, trying to impress older students and wanting to be noticed. Now they didn’t look you in the eyes, even though their stares bore holes into the back of your head and when they thought you were out of earshot, they would group up in the hallways and whisper to each other.
Camille Kegley was the only person you trusted enough to talk to. She was your best friend since your first year in Hogwarts and being with her had always been easy. She was a breath of fresh air - humble, fun and a loyal friend. A true Hufflepuff. So you had told her every little detail. How your sister got cursed, that the Gaunts visited, what they offered and what they asked for in return. Camille’s mouth hung open by the end, but she understood.
“I would have done the same thing for my brother,” she said. “I’m so sorry all of this happened though. If I can do anything to help you out, just let me know.”
“Thank you. Really. The only thing I want right now is for everyone to stop looking at me like I murdered someone.”
“You think they know already?”
“‘I’m not sure,” you sighed. “Seems like it.”
“Have you told anybody?”
“Just you. And please. Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want Elsie to be the girl who’s been cursed when she starts school next year and I won’t be here to help her.”
“I won’t. Don’t worry. But how would anyone know it then, by now?”
“I have a feeling the Gaunts want as many people to know as possible. To make it harder for me to back out.”
“You think Tom-”
“No,” you said and shook your head. “It seemed he was even more against it than I was. His grandfather, Marvolo. I think it’s him who’s eager for everyone to know.”
“Wanker,” Camille said.
“Tosser,” you added.
“Merlin’s saggy left bollock,” Camille went one better and you both laughed. “And what about Tom?”
“What about him?”
“Well, if they’re going through with the pact like you said, you’re going to marry him. Do you like him at least? In any way?”
“I… don’t know. I hardly know him. Though he seems to take after his grandfather, unfortunately.”
“Saggy bollock,” Camille whispered.
“I guess I’ll try to get to know him. We’ll have to get along someday after all.”
“Good idea,” Camille nodded. “You should do that.”
“He’s so distant. Cold. I don’t know how to approach him.”
“Oh, that shouldn’t be too hard. He’s just a man. They're all quite similar if we're honest.”
“I’m not sure he’s similar to most men we know, Camille,” you said and she laughed.
“You’ll have to find out, then. Maybe, deep down, he’s quite nice.”
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Maybe not. Tom acted like nothing had happened for the first week of school. Either Morfin had slipped some Forgetfulness Potion into Tom’s tea, or he actually detested you that much, because it felt as if he didn’t even know who you were. He didn’t greet you in the hallway, hell, he didn’t even glance at you in class. Nothing. How was this supposed to work if he didn’t try at all? It was unfathomable.
The only person who talked normally to you, besides Camille, was Benjamin Hilt, a Gryffindor boy from year six. He was annoying, to put it mildly. Perhaps he just tried to be nice, but it seemed he wanted to know a lot about Tom and you. And, to be fair, you didn’t even know much about Tom and you.
Ben acted like Hogwarts’ very own private investigator, trying to elicit as much information as possible from you. He had you wondering if he was working for the Daily Prophet. 
How did the engagement happen? Weren’t you still too young? Did your parents agree immediately? Was it possible that you didn’t do it willingly? Was it forced? 
“Merlin, Ben!” you shouted. “Stop asking all those questions. What are you trying to get out of this?”
“I don’t know,” he said and scratched the back of his neck. “It’s just so strange, you know. I’ve never seen you two together. Seems off.”
“Well, mind your own business then. Git,” you said and rushed out of the great hall. 
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Even though Tom avoided you magnificently, his friends, or rather his followers, seemed very much interested in you. And not in a positive way. They looked you up and down in class, followed you in the hallways and you could only guess what they were mumbling to each other. Certainly not compliments.
Emlyn Avery and Tiernan Lestrange were the worst of them. The two boys were on you all the time. You tried to act as if you didn’t notice, but it got more concerning each day. Every time you looked over your shoulder, those two were standing close. And they smiled so spitefully, it was clear how much they enjoyed freaking you out. Bastards.
It had become a habit not to walk the corridors alone. Camille was with you most of the time and if she couldn’t be there, you followed random groups of people until you found one of your friends. This technique, as humiliating as it was, worked well. Until that one day, when Professor Binns asked you to stay for a moment, after your History Of Magic lesson. Not only did he take ages to get his point across, but made you more nervous each second, when your classmates’ voices faded until you couldn’t hear a single sound from the hallway.
Your heart was beating in your throat when you left the classroom. Of course. Avery and Lestrange had waited for you. With their stupid grins on their faces. They didn’t even act as if they were there for something else.
You pondered where to go. The great hall was always busy and also quite near, so you turned right. They were following you. You heard their footsteps behind you and they were coming closer. 
Whenever you went a little faster, the two of them did too. You thought about running away but didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. 
Eventually, they caught up. Avery walked to your left, Lestrange to your right until they had you cornered.
“What do you want?” you asked and tried your best to control your voice. 
“Just wanted to say hello,” Avery said.
“Hello,” you said and tried to push through them, but they didn’t let you.
“No,” Lestrange smirked. “We’re not done yet.”
“Did Riddle send you?” you asked. “To scare me?”
“Why would he do that? To his future wife.”
“You tell me.”
“We’re here to clear some things up,” Avery said. “That you might not know.”
“And what’s that?” you asked.
“You see, we don’t know how you did it. How your family pulled that trick to make Tom agree to marry you. It can only mean that you’re plotting something. And -”
“Wait, he didn’t tell you?” you asked.
They didn’t answer right away but exchanged an involuntary glance with each other. A sore point. Interesting.
“We know enough, okay?” Avery hissed. “Tom has a great future ahead of him. And I swear, if you get in the way, you’re going to regret it.”
“I’m not -”
“Shut up,” Lestrange interrupted you with his wand close to your face. “I don’t know what you’re after. Money, fame, whatever it is. You might want to think about it again and I’ll have you know it’s not worth it.”
“I don’t care for any of that.”
“Come on, what other reason could you have to pull off something like that?”
There was no way you were telling them about Elsie. Every student would know by next year and she was far too sensitive to handle that. “None of your business.”
“That just proves you’re not trustworthy,” Avery said.
“Because I’m not telling you two my reasons?” you almost laughed. “Give me a break. Why didn’t you ask Tom? Your good friend who confides everything to you.”
Their faces turned red, their embarrassment obvious. Even if everyone knew how much power Riddle had over his friends, they didn’t like to be reminded of it.
“Listen here, you little -” Avery stopped talking when a hand touched his shoulder and pulled him and Lestrange away from you.
Tom stood there, looking at them rigidly. “What are you doing?”
“We’re… Just…”
“Talking to her. Trying to get to know her better,” Avery mumbled.
Tom looked at you for a second, then back at his friends. “Doesn’t seem like you were having a nice chat.”
“Oh it was very nice,” Avery said. “Making friends.”
“Was it a nice chat?” Tom asked you.
You were still so tense from them threatening you and hadn’t expected Tom to talk to you directly after days of silence, so you just stammered, “I… They -”
“Shut up you,” Lestrange took a step in your direction until Tom pressed his wand against Lestrange’s chest.
“Don’t,” Tom said through gritted teeth.
“I wasn’t -”
“I don’t care Tiernan. Let’s go.”
Without another word, the three boys walked away towards the Slytherin common room. You were still glued to the spot when Tom turned around and glanced at you.
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Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 3
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polyamorousmood · 2 months
Hi I'm pretty new to the idea of polyamory, I was really excited about it at first but I've been seeing a lot more negativity around open relationships/polyamory/cheating (it all gets lumped together by mono folks) and it's making me feel insecure. How do you deal with people thinking so negatively about it? I honestly think I would be happier with polyamory but I don't know how to deal with people judging me, or if I do get into a poly relationship how am I going to tell my parents etc.
Oh that's easy -- those people don't know I'm poly! Including my parents.
I only have the one nesting partner rn so that circumvents💫 the worst of the problems. I imagine I will someday be, as far as my parents are concerned, simply perpetually single with a lot of roommates🏘️. They may reach their own conclusions, but I don't need to talk to them that often so they can think whatever they want, privately, away from me.
Though support is growing, being out as polyamorous to the world at large is still very difficult. With my job being what it is, its not worth the risk. My close friends who I know are chill know, and my coworkers are simply not privy to most of my personal life. Even my favorite coworkers get told I tried a new hobby or restaurant by myself or ✌️"with a friend"✌️ -- if its really fancy 🤵I'll lie and say it was to celebrate that "friend's" promotion or to comfort them about a breakup or something.
This is obviously not ideal🫤. Its probably not workable for people who are close to their families👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 or who are already in the habit of talking to coworkers about their love lives.
My best advice for those who want to be out about it is to treat it like coming out as any (other) queer identity🏳️‍🌈. There are a lot of articles on how to do this, and I'll let you find one on your own. Generally though. For someone who you are confident wants to be supportive of whatever makes you happy, be prepared to do a lot of educating🧑‍🏫. For someone who is likely to call you a degenerate, think carefully if its worth the fight and be prepared for everything with that person to be difficult -- possibly for years to come.
Maybe someone else here can talk at more length about their experiences here. Because my entire strategy has just been to not fuck with coming out to anyone who might be a problem 🤷‍♀️
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justallihere · 2 months
20 Questions for the Writers Tag Game!
I was tagged by @widebrimmedhatsblog
1. Total number of AO3 works
2. Total AO3 word count
3. Fandoms I've written for
The only thing I've ever really published that's been popular is The Empyrean. I have a couple ACOTAR ideas but they've never seen the light of day
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
storm in the quiet (5,357)
simmer (609)
invisible in a violet sea (515)
violence in my veins (499)
somehow i still love you more (499)
5. Do I respond to comments?
....sometimes. Generally no because I'm really horrible at making time for it. But know that I read them all over and over again!! I'm trying to be better
6. What has the angstiest ending?
Everything that's currently posted has a happy ending. Storm in the quiet has the most angst overall, and some people might find the ending angsty but I don't think it is lol
7. What has the happiest ending?
Probably somehow i still love you more. Just Xaden and Violet and their baby, living their happy lives 😌
8. Have I received hate?
Not really! A couple people here and there who I think either didn't get the point of some of my work or it wasn't their thing and they told me about it anyway, but no outright hate
9. Do I write smut? And what kind?
Yes. Anything with a praise kink basically
10. Do I write crossovers?
11. Have I ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have I ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! Maybe someday someone will want to.
13. Have I ever co-written a fic?
I have not. I'm so particular about my writing I don't know how it would go for me lol
14. What is my all time favorite ship?
For the Empyrean, Riorgail are my babies 🥰
15. A WIP I'll never finish?
Uh I started a Violet/Aaric fic set during Iron Flame that I don't think I'll ever pick back up
16. Writing strengths?
Dialogue and probably descriptions? I love taking the time to describe what the characters are seeing and feeling
17. Writing weaknesses?
Any type of action/fight scene. I hate it so much
18. Do I like foreign language dialogue?
A lot of untranslated dialogue when I'm reading takes me out of the story because I have to keep translating it myself. As far as writing, I don't really write it because I don't speak other languages besides English, so I wouldn't want to get it wrong
19. First fandom I wrote for?
I think it was PJO way back in the day? It never got published
20. Favorite fic I've written?
storm in the quiet. It's so long but it's really been a labor of love and the response I've gotten to it isn't something I'll ever forget. It's been an incredible experience sharing it with everyone 💕
I don't have anyone to tag so if you want to participate please do!!!
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carawenfiction · 1 year
Will we have an update soon?
Tumblr won't let me make normal posts for some reason, so the update will have to be in form of an answer to this ask smh. Anyway:
Hey everyone!
This post is long overdue, I know. I’m really sorry to those who have been worried about my wellbeing, as well as those who have been waiting around for an update for so long.
I’ve put off writing here because this “update” is something I’ve been wrestling with for a long time. But I can’t keep going back and forth on it forever, which is why I’m now letting you all know that the Shadow Society is officially discontinued.
I know that this might not come as much of a surprise to anyone at this point. I’ve tried to salvage the story by remaking it into something I’m happy with through a rewrite. But I’ve rewritten the rewrite itself more than once, and no matter what I do, I’m just not happy with the result. Rewriting something that’s already published with all the coding it involves is a lot more tricky than I initially thought it would be.
This is not a case of me being needlessly harsh on myself, however; it’s simply a truth I’ve come to realize after struggling to find a way to keep going with the story. I’ll never be fully content with it, or even content enough, unless I’d be able to completely remake and rewrite everything from scratch – and consequentially, I will never find enough motivation to continue because of how unhappy I am with it.
I’ve seen some speculation about my reason for rewriting the story and my long absence, and that they’ve had to do with comparisons to other IFs (well, you know which one). This isn’t entirely the case. While the comparisons did happen and probably still do, and while they were discouraging in the beginning, I can definitely understand where people have been coming from when making them. I talked about this more in-depth in the forums right after the release of TSS.
The main reason for why I can’t continue is that it’s not a series I feel passionate enough about to work on. My tastes have changed, and so has my writing to some degree. I’ve tried to convince myself that I am passionate about it. It’s hard to admit that you’re not when it’s been in your head for so long, when you’ve tried for so long to make this work and when you know that one part is published and that some people are anticipating a continuation. But it had to be done sooner or later.
Other reasons:
-While I don’t think that my writing style has changed drastically, I feel like it is somewhat different from how I wrote back in 2018 (which is a GOOD thing). Whenever I tried working on the rewrite or second book and attempted to emulate the writing of TSS, it just didn’t sound right anymore, and that took a lot of fun out of it.
-With everything that has happened with CoG over the past few years, they are no longer a company I want to write for.
Please know that none of this has discouraged me from writing in general. I still love doing it. If anything, this has taught me a lot about what I actually want to write and the writing process in general. Whether I end up publishing anything else in the future or will simply do so for my own enjoyment we’ll just have to see, though.
I still have the idea of a shadow-like world in my head, and maybe it’s one I will revisit at some point. Maybe there will be another version of TSS someday, albeit very different from the original one.
But for now, I can only thank you all for the overwhelming love and support over the years, and apologize for any disappointment this has caused. If people are interested, I’d be happy to share parts of the rewrite and unused ideas. The Tumblr page will still stay up at least for some time, but I will probably not be answering any asks from here on out.
EDIT: Forgot to add, but if anyone wants a genuinely amazing IF read you should check out my friend's wip here: https://uroboros-if.tumblr.com/ ❤️ Play the demo here: https://mistyriousness.itch.io/uroboros
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