#i love this for me actually. i'm not even a furry it just keeps happening
systlin · 4 months
So, to explain my little adventure I just got back from, it is necessary to set the scene by explaining a few things.
My dog is a Great Pyraneese. She weighs 90 Pounds. It is mostly muscle.
My neighbors a quarter mile down the road have chickens. They like to let them free range.
Now, this is not a problem at all, EXCEPT for the fact that whenever Tyr sees them something deep in her little livestock guardian breed brain goes "Oh, I am supposed to be Responsible for this Livestock." She will attempt to plonk her 90 pound furry ass down as far towards their yard as her leash will permit and want to sit there and simply stare at the chickens. She is not aggressive towards them, she simply wants to lie down and Keep An Eye On Things, the way a good livestock guardian dog is supposed to. It is the same reason she would love to fight the foxes that live under the falling down farmhouse down the street to the death and is very upset that I will not let her.
The PROBLEM is, well
3. My neighbors also have a miniature poodle. She is convinced, in every cell of her 15 pound body, that No Other Dogs Should Come Anywhere Near Her Fucking Yard. She has no concept that Tyr outweighs her by 75 pounds and is absolutely convinced that she could win this fight.
Normally if she's outside she is out in the fenced backyard and this isn't a problem. I also don't let Tyr wander into other yards, because it's rude to let your dog pee on the neighbor's grass unless they've said they're fine with it and also I live in Fuckass Nowhere. There's plenty of county owned grass on the roadside for Tyr to pee on. Still, even if I'm coaxing her along past the chickens, she will want to slow down and drift over to that side of the road to look at them.
TODAY, however, the mini poodle was NOT in the backyard. She was in the unfenced front yard, and as soon as we walked past she saw another dog not ON her yard, but heading TOWARDS her yard, and she hurled herself into battle with no thought for her own safety.
Now, Tyr is not aggressive towards other dogs. There is an exception to this, though, and it is 'unless an off leash dog comes running full speed in the general direction of one of Her People while snarling and barking'. If this happens, I suddenly have 90 pounds of Great Pyr ready for mortal combat on the end of the leash.
This brings us to item 4
4. I broke my left arm in April and while it is healing and good for light use now, 'Light Use' does not include 'restraining 90 pounds of furious livestock guardian dog convinced her person is about to be attacked by a reactive dog'
This means that I looped up the leash short and controlled her one armed. I did not think about this twice particularly. I know I can do it and just. Did it. I wouldn't walk her if I couldn't control her, after all. Once she figured out that no, the poodle was NOT going to attack me, she calmed down, but was still growling.
But I did this as a panicked neighbor dude came running out to try and get his dog, convinced that his kids were about to watch their beloved pet get turned into Great Pyr chow.
Oh and
5. I did this while wearing a Wonder Woman tshirt
So, long story short, his 4 year old daughter is convinced now that I actually AM Wonder Woman, because "She's Strong Like Wonder Woman!" and my neighbor learned that his poodle dug out from under the fence, how's everyone else's days going.
(All dogs unhurt)
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welcometothejianghu · 11 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 鬓边不是海棠红/Winter Begonia
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Winter Begonia is the tale of the intertwined lives of a wealthy, westernized businessman and a bratty, dramatic Peking Opera performer as they navigate the historical landscape of 1930s China.
It is a slow historical ramble of a show, to the point where I couldn't really say it has a single plot. Events just happen in their lives, and the show follows them with a pleasant steadiness. Characters go away, and sometimes they come back. Interpersonal conflicts rise and then get resolved. Sometimes you just get to sit and watch part of an opera happen. The last third of the show develops a slightly more cohesive narrative, but even then, it's still mostly a loose constellation of events related to larger goings-on in the culture.
So if you're looking for tight plots and fast-paced action, you'll want to look somewhere else. But if you're the kind of person who likes to wrap up sometimes in a gentle warm blanket of a beautiful show, I have five reasons you should give this one a try.
1. Oh, they're in love
Perhaps the most notable thing about Cheng Fengtai and Shang Xirui is that they spend the entire show smiling at one another, staring longingly at one another, and/or making each other laugh.
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A lot of danmei couples depend on having at least one partner who, if not outright tsundere, is at least stoically long-suffering -- which is romantic, sure, but also exhausting in real life. These two read about as married as any danmei pair I've ever seen because they make one another smile all the time. They're incredibly touchy and affectionate from basically the moment they meet. They're not just in love, they actually like one another.
Now, don't get me wrong: These two are both absolute exhausting gremlins who deserve one another so they don't have to be anyone else's problems. But they're good-natured enough about their respective gremlin natures that when one of them lets loose with his rascality, the other tends to think it's hilarious.
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They don't even have the mandated danmei breakup! They're never mad at one another for more than the length of an episode. Most of the time they're just refreshingly normal about one another (or, you know, about as normal as two drama queens can be). And when they're being not normal about one another, it's because the circumstances they are currently enduring are not normal either.
They're so in love that by the time you get to the last episode, everyone in their lives is like, gee, those two sure are in love. For the main couple in a Chinese-censored BL adaptation? That's pretty darn in love.
2. The costumes!!!
Of course I have to gush over the costumes. Several major characters are professional opera performers, and their wardrobes are just stunning in complexity and detail -- and accuracy, apparently.
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But they're not even where all of the wardrobe budget went! Everyone looks great, from the dapper upper class to the household servants to the street performers.
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I also can't get over how everyone looks so cozy in their winter outfits. The show really wants to hammer home how cold Beijing is, and so most non-opera clothes are either heavily quilted or furry. Not a single outfit in this show is slimming (except maybe for some of the gorgeous gowns Cheng Meixin wears). It's all about conserving body heat, which means a lot of people walk around basically wearing mildly tailored quilts all the time. I love it. I envy it.
3. Oops! All bottoms!
This is a show of very soft men. It helps that very many of them have spent their whole lives playing female roles, but even those that haven't tend to be pretty darn soft.
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(And I'm not even talking about the way people keep handing Cheng Fengtai babies and he loves it.)
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Du Luocheng and Shang Xirui are absolutely what happens when you get two soft gay guys who are kinda into one another, but they're both too lazy to top, so they just become best friends instead.
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Fan Lian stands as a testament to how you can be the only heterosexual in the show and still be soft as hell.
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The old married gays. Softness level: off the charts.
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Chen Renxiang's role is that of the opera frenemy, and he's incredibly soft about it. (This actor is also apparently in the Sha Po Lang live-action adaptation! Maybe someday it will be released...)
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Opera underling La Yuehong hardens up later in the show, but even when he does, there's still a tragic softness to it.
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Even the baddies are soft! Pretty much all the rival opera bitches fall into the "love to hate" category -- and nearly all of them win at least some sympathy from you before they leave the story for good.
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There's one more soft boy whose presence surprised me, and that is Xue Zhicheng/Kujo Kazuma, a sympathetic Japanese character. Every other Japanese character in the show is sinister somehow -- not surprising, considering the drama is set during the brutal Japanese occupation of Beiping/Beijing.
But this little guy is a gentle, well-meaning opera fan who just wants to watch his favorite performers! When his actions cause trouble, it's only because he's so well-meaning that he couldn't see how anyone could disapprove of his attempts at cross-cultural undertanding. He even comes to the rescue a few times, at significant personal cost!
Moreover, the show uses him to make it clear that there's a difference between the Japanese occupying force and Japanese people and culture. In fact, the show is pretty critical of people who conflate the two and use interest in the latter as evidence of support of the former. That is not a level of nuance I've seen from other dramas set in this time period, and I was pleased to see it.
In conclusion, the critial war shortage in 1930s Beijing was not food or medicine or ammunition, but tops.
4. A whole lotta ladies
Again, not even counting the fact that one of the two main guys, many of his buddies, all of his heroes, and several of the antagonists professionally dress as women.
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The most notable of them is Cheng Fengtai’s wife, Fan Xiang'er. They've been married for years by the time the show starts, and they have a son together. Theirs is an arranged marriage that they've managed to make work so well that they've actually wound up liking one another ... most of the time. Remember what I said earlier about his being exhausting? She knows that better than anyone.
(Sidebar: If you are uncomfortable with a love story where one of the participants is canonically married to someone else, this may be one you want to skip. That said, there are several male characters in this show who have multiple wives and/or mistresses, so the metric of what counts as infidelity in this setting is ... loose.)
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Beyond her, though, there are many more female supporting characters in this show, from all different socioeconomic levels, in all different kinds of situations.
A caveat: Some of the women (one in particular) are at times frustrating as hell because they're too often written as jealous shrews who believe all the terrible gossip they hear and act on it without having actual adult conversations with anyone first. I dislike this trope, mostly because it relies on making some smart women artificially very stupid for the sake of forwarding the plot. I have little patience for situations that could have been solved five episodes ago if somebody had just been willing to ask clarifying questions.
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That said, I can't be too mad about that, because there are many, many more women who are not written like that. Some of them are good and loyal! Some are sneaky and self-interested! Some are callous and manipulative! Some are meek and traumatized! Some make terrible decisions! Some make terrible decisions but, like, you get it! You know, just like in real life?
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The answer to better representation is almost always more representation. When a character is the only one of whatever they are, everything they do is kind of an indictment of that category, especially when that category has a history of stereotypical negative representation. When there are several others, the characters stop being representatives of that category and start being just plain characters.
5. It just feels good to watch
Don't misunderstand: This is not a happy fun time show where everything in sunshine and roses all the way down. There are plenty of tense and emotional parts. Not everyone we like makes it out of the drama alive. Not all love stories get a happily ever after. People disappoint one another all the time. Awful things happen when soldiers occupy civilian populations. Poverty is a bitch.
But the show itself remains a nice viewing experience. It's absolutely a feast for the senses, what with all the music and costumes and sets and props and old-fashioned cars and everything.
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The story is very straightforward. It's never trying to do any complex schemes or mislead you before some big reveal. I imagine this could be a good show to put on in the background while you're doing something else. You're never going to be too desperately confused about what's going on if you zone out for a minute -- and if you are, just hang on for a bit, because by next episode, it'll probably be onto whatever storyline comes next.
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I have not read the novel, and I cannot judge anything against its standards. However, my friend who has read parts of the novel tells me that the adaptation is much preferable, because in the novel, you get to hear everyone's internal narration -- and everyone's internal narration makes it clear they're all bratty, insufferable assholes. That is not the case here! Or, rather, they are often bratty and/or insufferable, but from outside their heads, it's a lot more charming.
Finally, it's legitimately a very good love story. Shang Xirui is the only person in Cheng Fengtai's life who loves him for who he is, not what someone else needs him to be. Cheng Fengtai goes from being enraptured by this beautiful little weirdo to basically wanting to wife him. They spend a lot of time taking care of one another, sometimes in the only ways they know how. They're capable of operating independently -- there are several episodes where their storylines diverge completely -- but they'd prefer not to. They've just each found their soulmate, and that's all there is to it. (The red thumbprint in the palm is about the most romantic thing I've ever seen.)
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I'm a little surprised by how little I hear English-speaking fandom talk about this one, especially since (see below) it's a widely available, high-budget show that even has a Shang Xirui figurine, and there's no question about how in gay love these two are. But if you hop over to AO3, there's only 257 works total in the Winter Begonia tag, a scant 57 of which are in English, and if you've tried looking into the Winter Begonia tag on Tumblr, you know it's pretty quiet 'round here.
I can't be sure, but I'd assume that's partly because this is both a) a relatively low-stakes drama, and b) so enmeshed with actual historical events and concepts that you'd have to do at least a baseline amount of research before making any fan media. I would imagine that for some folk, this is a barrier to entry.
And it is 49 slow, gentle episodes long. I saw Tumblr posts asking which episodes are important, because the posters don't want to or can't commit to watching the whole thing. But the answer is ... all of them? none of them? There's no plot you'd be getting or missing with specific episodes. There are very few things I can think of that would even qualify as spoilers. It's just a walk through a couple very eventful years in the main pair's lives. I understand if folk aren't up for that, but if you are, this is really a gem.
Have I convinced you to give it a try?
I would say that Winter Begonia is perhaps the most easily watchable of any c-drama I've come across. Here's where you can find it:
Amazon Prime
We watched most of it on YouTube, where the subs were perfectly fine. However, there was one episode where we had to switch platforms because the English subs were all out of synch, so we went to Amazon and they were fine there too. Other than that, I don't really have a sense of which translation experience is the best. Try them all!
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(PS: If you feel like putting on a tinfoil hat, I'm just going to say, they look at one another like that in real life, too.)
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snail-migraine · 4 months
oh !! my !! i’m the first requester ?? that’s crazy !!
be expecting more platonic yandere asks :3
Mayhaps .. Platonic Yan ! Riddle Rosehearts & Younger brother / sibling ! MC ?
Except they are really anxious n paranoid .. about EVERYTHING !!
“Riddle, How does this school system work ?”
“Riddle, why is there furries here ? — oh they’re a beastmen?!”
“Riddle, why is everyone talking to me ?”
“Riddle, why are the teachers so scary ?!”
“Riddle, why did mother send me here ? I wanna go home ….”
and the list goes on !!
please n thank uu !
—Call Me ; Yàng Anon ! Or Anon Yàng ? Or Maybe ☀️ Anon ? whatever fits you !
Ooh, okay! Well first of all, hello Yàng-Anon. Second thank you for the asks! So long as asks are open (and you aren't spamming my inbox) you're free to send in as many asks as you like...only one at time tho. I can't do two at once lol. Anyway thanks for the love and support! <3
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Riddle
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Riddle as a sibling would be a little controlling in general.
Partly due to his own perfectionism, something he can't quite shake even after his overblot.
However as a yandere? It gets waaaay fucking worse.
He views the object of his "affections" less like a person and more like some kind of ragdoll that he pose and dress however he wants.
He thinks he's helping but in reality it actually worsens their mental state until they are exactly like the doll Riddle wants them to be.
But in the context of ask I think it play out a little differently.
Riddle would develop his yandere tendencies as a young child, given that you were the only person Riddle was allowed to even speak to (aside from his parents)
So it's no wonder why he quickly fell in love with your sweet and nice nature.
He couldn't help but want to shield you from all the hurt he experienced as a child. Given that you were probably the only good thing allowed to stay in his life.
You grew up babied by him, with him constantly holding your hand and helping carry you every step of the way.
Even if sometimes he was a little invasive about it.
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"You're doing it wrong. Here give me the pencil. Let me show you how to do it. Can't have you getting a bad grade on such an easy assignment now can I?"
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When it came time for his first year at NRC he was absolutely pissed that you couldn't come with him.
He knew that eventually Mother would try to tear you two apart, but it doesn't make him happy either way.
God bless everyone in Heartslabyul during his first year because without you around he's fucking merciless.
When he comes back home for the breaks he spends as much time as possible with you, from teaching you different spells and potions as well as all the history he was taught at NRC.
When it comes time for his second year, you finally get a visit from the Ebony Carriage. And he's absolutely overjoyed.
He doesn't have to spend most of the year alone again.
He finds a joy in your innocence and naivety.
Like when you cling to his robe at the ceremony, scared and afraid of the things happening around you or during the first unbirthday party when you tug at his sleeves and beg him to take it easy on those poor freshman.
Oh how cute his little sibling is. His cute, naive, and utterly helpless little sibling.
Don't worry, so long as you stay in line and keep being your adorable-self your head will stay attached.
The same can't be said for those troublemakers that tried to concert you into one of their own...
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"Those unabashed fools! Trying to make you into one of their own..Idiots the lot of them! Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you dear. Don't worry about me, so long as you're with me everything will be alright. Just smile and nod, alright dear?"
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drama-glob · 4 months
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Well, the thing we all knew was going to happen happened. ;_; ;_; ;_;
I had a feeling the episode would start with the duet we were shown earlier this month and it's so funny as well as entertaining, but the heartfelt longing we get from Stolas definitely encapsulates what we were waiting for. ;_;
I had a suspicion too that this would be when we saw the cherubs and DHORK agents team up, so I'm glad to see that weird combo (which will likely happen again ;) ). My, how the cherubs have fallen into sin with Collin being the only one to still have a conscience and not be consumed with vengeance. :/ Poor Collin. It'll be interesting to see what could happen if the DHORK agents actually get the portal to fully work because they sure have a lot of weapons and manpower now; maybe we'll see them again in "Mastermind" since we didn't see Blitz meet the DHORK agents again like we saw in the trailer. :/
I do appreciate that the cherubs wind up in Lust because if there was any ring that was going to expose them to so much that they consider vile and sinful (beside Pride ;) ), it was going to be Lust. ;) XD I laughed so hard at them thinking all the sex stuff was for torturing humans. XD XD XD The thing that definitely made me so happy though was we got to see Fizz and Blitz hanging out as friends again, with them even fist-bumping (that was sooo cute) and Fizz helping Blitz find some new toys for him and Stolas. ^_^<3<3<3
It doesn't surprise me that the cherubs were dumb enough to wait to attack Blitz instead of just doing it when they had the chance; plus, they were indeed not very covert as Moxxie pointed out. ;) I thought the fight was cool and showed that even with high-tech weapons, IMP are indeed the professionals. ;) Hopefully the cherubs don't help DHORK get actual angelic materials since before they were banished from Heaven they could summon their crossbows, but who knows if they still can. :/ I do find it funny that Agent One likes to wear a Loona furry suit, but hey, if it makes him happy. :)
That ending though was so tense and angst-filled as we hear Blitz spiral and beg to keep the book, only to then be confused as to why Stolas is giving him an Asmodean crystal, and the whole time you can see the tinge of sadness in Stolas even when he's smiling because he knows there's a chance he'll be rejected, but he just wants Blitz to be free. ;_; ;_; ;_; My heart broke at Blitz dismissing Stolas's feelings for him as some kind of role-play because although Blitz's belief that no one could possibly love him is why he can be so dismissive, it's just so sad to know Stolas has been giving Blitz signs that he cares about him but that it seems like they've been ignored/don't matter. My heart then broken again into tiny splinters at Stolas crying over Blitz's harsh words towards him because damn that was brutal to hear Blitz say such things that he can't take back and ones that felt cruel. ;_; ;_; ;_; It ending with Blitz trying to apologize only to be teleported out of the palace so as to show Stolas removing him from his life/he doesn't want to talk with Blitz right now is certainly a way to leave a cliffhanger, and now we're left waiting to see how they do broken up. ;_; ;_; ;_;
Here's hoping Blitz and Stolas make some progress in "Apology Tour."
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sawyer-is-eepy · 2 months
goodbye campfire fest!!
this has been so so much fun- i'm so happy i got to be able to be a part of this wonderful event with so many talented artists and writers- it's been so beautiful seeing everyone's interpretations and writing and i've loved seeing everyone come together to create something unique. being so excited to open tumblr everyday and see what people's contributions are has been the highlight of my days this week, and it's so cool to me that i can be a part of this for the first event, and even though it was a teensy bit stressful, i'm so glad i've been able to hit all the prompts.
i can't wait to see what people might post during late submissions!! gonna keep checking every day to see. I've found many new talented artists and writers I had never seen before through this event, you all are seriously so nice and have been so sweet to me and to each other, this event has made me so happy.
I can't wait to see more from all of you. happy fest and much love!
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some more doodles(base game and eote spoilers) + random sappy rambling (positive vent?) below cut
some other random doodles from this weekend <3
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yes I gave prisoner ears. I'm sorry I'm too much of a furry for this fandom aha
on a serious note, this fandom and this game have been my favorite thing about this year so far. Seriously, I was actually having a really tough couple months around the start of this year. I was dealing with a really really toxic friend in November and December and I was struggling to get over them. I was having a hard time letting go of my hurt and of the memory of them and our friendship- I was hurt and angry and I missed how great it was in the beginning. It was really tough for me, I didn't have any way to distract myself and I didn't have a way to let out my feelings. I felt stuck and trapped with a horrible memory and I didn't have the motivation to let it go. Then comes along this silly little game, that I remembered trying to play forever ago. I decided that I should probably try to play it again, and god it was the best decision I've ever made. This game, it has brought me so so much joy. I finally felt like I was able to let go and learn to move on and just enjoy the good memories while still remembering that they're in the past and while I can't change what happened, I can look forward to the future and hope. this game helped me cope with the grief, it helped me learn how to take care of myself and recover. It affected me so much in many ways, I will never ever forget it. This community has also brought me so much happiness, I've met so many wonderful and kind people, and I've became friends with some really cool people(one person in particular has been especially swaggers, you know who you are you weirdo /affectionate /plat). campfire fest has been great and I'm glad I got to be a part of it!! When I was thinking of what to draw for today, all I could think of was the immense amount of support I've received and given, and seen being passed around. So I figured it should be something to express that love!! Much love, and goodbye to campfire fest!! Can't wait to do this again next year <333
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winguontheweb · 7 months
I'm having quite the mental experience tonight.
I have relived a childhood formative experience in the 2010 Nickelodeon TV movie, "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf." Hooooooo boy this movie. Not gonna say it's a cinematic masterpiece, it's pretty standard kids' channel TV movie, but like. This movie had a massive effect on my life and why I'm a furry.
Seeing a trailer for it aired on TV when I was 9, by random chance, I was completely entranced by its concept and effects. Then finally finding out about the release date and behind the scenes online, watching it when it first aired and recording it, followed by rewatching it... many times. I was not normal about it for so long yet it really only consisted of me wanting to rewatch it over and over. That was the only way I knew how to react.
After a time, my interest in it died down, the recording got overwritten, and I forgot about it.
And then I had a dream in like, 2013? Around then, about "Thunder Wolves" which was the name came up with in there (I point to my brain). It involved various typical werewolf tropes in a story about an outcast. Wasn't too detailed or vivid, but that dream was just enough for my brain to be completely sold on werewolves forever.
From there, I'm 99% sure I would never have been on the path to becoming a furry I ended up on. Werewolves are why I'm a furry.
Rewatching The Boy Who Cried Werewolf tonight with my girlfriend and others, I got to re-experience that formative moment and realized just how fucking much I still take from this movie in terms of my love of werewolves, the tropes I enjoy, how I enjoy them. Werewolf curses being caused by werewolf blood injection, shifting into wolf form every night rather than ONLY on full moons, the slow transformation at sunset leading into the full form, the struggle of trying to keep it cool when others can potentially see the transformation, changes even in your human form and demeanor after werewolf-ing. Even the visuals of like, the eyes changing and fangs coming in before the full transformation was something that's stuck with me for all my life.
Every fucking memory of this movie came flooding back to me, I knew everything that happened, basically nothing was a surprise to me. Being age 9-10 when I was watching it probably means this movie might be the earliest Vivid memory I have.
The visuals were honestly better than I remembered. Like, not gonna lie, they could've been BETTER for the adult furry-brained cow that I am, but like. They actually had the full wolf form on screen way longer than they had the half-human half-wolf ugly looking transformation stage. I'm also 90% sure that the full wolf form was all practical effects with a suit? Maybe some of it was CGI, 2010 was capable of good CGI, and this is exactly the type of production (especially at Nickelodeon) where I'd imagine they'd do CGI. But instead from what I can tell with the lighting and interactions with the world, I feel it's most likely a practical suit with puppeted/controllable expression in the face and ears. My main complaint is a lot of the wolf scenes DID utilize really quick, choppy cuts that made it hard to see the form in full force
Design-wise the wolf form is a blend of like, ferocious, beastly, scary, but also a bit... cute, in a way? If the wolf transformation wasn't turning into a bloodthirsty monster and instead just turning into Big Ouppy I could see this being made to be made out to be very cute.
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Actually yeah also 9 year old Meadow almost certainly was crushing and she didn't even know it, her brain wasn't built for that
Overall, 23 year old Meadow's experience with this: I really really enjoyed it! I started off watching it clutching my pillow from embarrassment and fear that it was going to be total crap, especially seeing so many high school teen drama tropes and painfully obvious foreshadowing, but being with people willing to give it a chance and who also knew the context of why it's important to me was like, suuuuper important for allowing me to even touch it again.
Basically, I am now in an extreme werewolf mood, and feeling things about werewolves I haven't felt in 13 years. This movie is my playbook. I have knowingly or unknowingly used this as my basis for Werewolf Curse things all my life.
I understand myself better than I ever have, having seen this movie.
So anyway...
Any werewolves out there wanna bite me or do a blood transfusion?
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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starsurface · 6 months
hello again! i have nightwolf on the brain again, so could i ask for him with a toddler regressor who asks to play with his spirit animals? (no im not asking this just for Kiba... or maybe.. she's my favorite out of all of his animals but still >.<) 🔮
Hi!!! I like Nightwolf's animals (I love animals in general)!!! I got the bear's and eagle's names from a quick online search. And I only know that Kiba's a girl, I don't know about the other two but I made them girls too. (Tell me if I'm incorrect!!)
Although, I did kinda throw the whole 'spirit' concept away, ish? Like, they can eat animal snacks, but Nightwolf still has to summon them, you know?
Also I'm so sorry but I realized these are so much more focused on the animals than Nightwolf himself!!! :(
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Nightwolf w/ Toddler Regressor That Plays With His Spirit Animals Hcs
🐺 Nightwolf’s spirit animals are important to him, Komo (bear), Hana (eagle), and Kiba (wolf)
🐺 But you are also very important to him
🐺 He actually really likes you spending time with his animals!! Both when your big and when your little
🐺 But does have to summon his spirit animals so you have to ask to play with them :(
🐺 Although he’s rarely ever said no!! Maybe once or twice, but he probably had good reasons, like it was bath time, or he didn’t want Kiba splashing in mud . . . again
🐺 However, his animals adore you!!
🐺 They get playtime, and head scratchies, and they can go onto the bed-
🐺 You might get a small scolding for letting Komo onto the bed though, she’s too big for it!!
🐺 Komo and Hana like playing with you, but Kiba’s the main one that tries to steal your attention
🐺 Hana has to be specific where she lands and how gently she eats from your hand, especially when your tiny
🐺 And Komo’s very big!! Great fo snuggles, although she does have to watch her claws :(
🐺 Kiba though? Perfect size!! :D
🐺 She can play ball, do tricks, sit on your lap, be used as a pillow
🐺 Nightwolf finds it funny when you try to bribe any of them for cuddle time, leaving a small trail of their favorite snacks to the couch so you can steal them for yourself
🐺 He might tell you that you can’t overfeed them though, they’re still his kombat animals :\
🐺 That doesn’t stop you though, and the animals get pretty huffy when Nightwolf tries to call you out
🐺 A very fun activity was jumping outside in the rain with Kiba
🐺 You got your little rainboots on, and a coat, and jumped into some muddy puddles!! :D
🐺 . . . Although even spirit animals can get dirty, and now Nightwolf has to clean you both off 😮‍💨
🐺 Komo really likes snuggle time
🐺 She’s very big and furry, a great cuddle partner
🐺 Plus she gets to sit on the couch and watch funny cartoons >:3
🐺 Sometimes she’ll lay on top of you, and do an animal like laugh when you whine that she’s too heavy >:(
🐺 ^ Don’t worry, Nightwolf saves you . . . Until it happens again
🐺 Hana will pip (eagle chirp?) with you, sitting on your lap most times because she doesn’t want her claws to grip you wrong 
🐺 Nightwolf will usually have her on his arm so you can pet her, it’s safer that way
🐺 More about Kiba because we love Kiba in this house (and she was specifically requested <3)-
🐺 She’ll bring you things!! Sticks she wants youtube throw, your stuffie when you look upset, a pair of shoes when you're looking outside
🐺 Now, the shoes are rarely ever matching, but the thought is what counts <3
🐺 She takes you on walks, you don’t take her on walks (Nightwolf takes you both on walks, but whatever)
🐺 She’ll whine when you tug on her fur by accident, but Nightwolf will teach you that you can’t pull her fur, soft pats, love
🐺 She doesn’t mind being used as a pillow or a stuffie while your watching your show, she’ll probably take a nap or stare at the colorful screen
🐺 She’ll sit at your tea party too, put a tiara on her and pour her tea, she can’t drink it, but if you keep feeding her little snacks she’ll stay
🐺 Nightwolf totally doesn’t get jealous by how much you wanna cuddle her instead of him, why would he?
🐺 . . . . But he is your Dada, not Kiba, you should remember that every once in a while and come cuddle him instead 🙄 <3
🐺 No but seriously, he does love seeing you hang out and interact with his little friends
🐺 He will join your cuddle sessions though, you can’t get rid of him that easily, darling
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Did you know in Mortal Kombat Defenders of the Realm, Kiba is an actual wolf? And her and Nightwolf combine to give him his Shamon powers? :D (Her relationship with Styker is ridiculous and I love it)
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girlygo2 · 10 months
Werewolves in media... More could be done. A rant? A not /neg rant just like a... "I want to see this" sorta rant. SHUSH I know I've made a post like this before but this one has DEPTH!!
I feel like werewolves should be a little something more than the "scary monster people are scared of." Give the poor beast some depth, or a story! tell me a story about someone who is happy with their wolf, embraces it, and isn't the antagonist, nor are they murderers.
Actual wolves aren't thirsty for human blood, and pretty much everyone doesn't have that either, so why would a werewolf? Why would its only drive to be to kill and cause torment? Sure, that could be the result of a magic curse they find themselves under, but.. why can't the story of a werewolf be more than that? What about their animal side? No, not bloodlust, that isn't what being an animal means at all. What about the werewolf wandering the woods, appreciating the moon or sky and the person underneath feeling an ecstasy at the momentary return to nature. What if the wolf was, yes, animal, but still had human aspects? In the mind, I mean. Not just the body. Not enough to talk or have much of a... consciousness? I suppose? but I mean more, again, as in a return to nature.
What if the person inflicted with lycanthropy is at first terrified of what will happen to them, because all they know is the media's (and even religion's) representation of the beasts, but once the inevitable night comes and they transform, they don't turn out to be a vicious monster, but rather... just... an animal. (But yeah please keep them strange man-beast things? that design is really fun. Who would've guessed the furry likes anthro wolves? Classic.)
Idk, sorry for the long one. If anyone knows a piece of media like this, please tell me, I'd love to check it out. One I can recommend is... tsk, this old Nickelodeon movie called The Boy Who Cried Werewolf. It's cheesy but it's not awful! I feel like it's the first time where I really saw werewolves portrayed in a positive light. Yeah, it's got its flaws... Cus it's a kids movie but. Shut up I enjoy it and it's a fun Halloween watch and I'm very nostalgic for it.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
It's fineee, they got karma anyways in a very deserving way which is actually kinda funny to me now. Tighnari doing his calculations about how he's gonna gaslight and manipulate the reader but the reader has a new identity in 20 different villages for years now and is ready to use it at any time because they have anxiety.
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a/n: Heck yeah I'm glad to hear that!!! Idk what their karma is but at least, as cyno would say it, justice is served! And trust me I also LOVE debating with fictional people, and they don't even need to have a warped sense of logic. Now that we learned more about Alhaitham, my friend and I won't stop imagining scenarios like that. We talked for almost 30 min about how we'd argue that Hilichurls are furries with the grand scribe lol–. Also very sorry for late reply, been so busy (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
Cw: Yandere themes, gaslighting
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"...You never learn, do you?"
I'm willing to bet 500 mora (not much, but I can't even roll for artifacts anymore–) that Tighnari will somehow manage to twist your arguments. He has astoundingly persuasive reasonings but his points are illusive. It'll be a long and perilous argument, are you willing to spend hours and expend your emotional energy just to prove a point?
If you brought up that standards argument, he'll tell you that it is not as if he had a choice but to fall in love with you. It's sweet, and maybe even romantic when it came out of his silver yet sharp tongue.
Foxes mate for life. And you decided to waste his time. If you don't meet his standards, then have some sense of responsibility. Be better. He's not letting you excuse your "obviously manipulative insecurities" to get away.
"So what if you don't meet my standards for now? Are you going to stay stagnant forever? Give me a break. Take this. Go buy yourself something."
Even so, he'll keep some of your valid criticisms in mind. He's not too unreasonable. Tighnari understands that perhaps he had been unintentionally ignoring you– "it happens."
But if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
So don't expect him to change his approach so easily.
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angelofchaos001 · 5 months
Wave to your local chaos idiot!
Hi, I'm Angel, artist, writer, and dumbass extraordinaire! I mainly stick to Fandoms for my works, since I'm not the best at coming up with strictly my own ideas (Ask some of my friends, I've been trying to make my own world not based in any fandom for two years now with almost no success). Just because I stick to Fandoms does not mean I don't enjoy seeing stuff outside of Fandoms, I love seeing fun ideas bloom into something the creator truly enjoys!
Like my profile says, here's some basic things about me! I go by She/Her, and I'm somewhere on the LGBTQ+ spectrum (Still questioning it, it's just not straight I know). I'm a minor, and a furry as well, but some other neat things to know that aren't on my profile include that I'm American (Send help this country is burning down), and neurodivergent (Anxiety is amazing).
Also, wave to your other local chaos idiot, @doodlebug091 (My beloved)
I'm on ArtFight!
Wanna try your hand at my shipping bingo card?
I migrated from Fandom to Tumblr, though you can still find me on the former as Angel Of Madness 001. I've even spotted a few people I know from Fandom on here!
When Can I Talk to You?
You can send in asks whenever they're open! Here's a list of some stuff I do commonly.
-AU/OC Ramblings (I'll talk about my things for hours if you let me)
-Roleplays (I'm bored usually)
-Legitimate questions (Of course, I don't bite!)
-Talking about my interests (Fuck yeah, I'd love it)
-Art requests or trades (Yep! I don't do art for money yet, mainly due to lack of a proper online money service such as Venmo or Paypal)
Don't feel like you have to stick to the list, either!
Here's some other questions to get to know me better!
What do you do on Tumblr?
I write fanfiction, make OC's, draw/write comics, and make AU's for various pieces of media I enjoy. I also love to find others who make similar content, especially AU's, since others' ideas can be so cool at times.
Tumblr happens to be my catch-all for sharing new ideas, making jokes, and meeting others who share my interests.
What do you enjoy outside of the internet?
When I'm not online, I like to keep a busy life still! Usually I'm drawing-traditionally or digitally-, reading, cooking, or thinking up new ideas for my art, AU's, or other projects! Sometimes, I hang out with my friends, though we mostly keep in contact through the internet.
Obviously, I also like to game. Excluding my video games, I play Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons the most. Including them, however, I mostly play Rain World and Pokemon. The kinds of games I tend to like are ones with heavy lore, but from an actual gaming standpoint I tend to play 2D and 3D platformers, deckbuilders, and turn based RPG's.
What do you want to do in life?
My hope is to become an ecologist, since I've loved animals for my whole life and have been branching that out to loving anything nature related. Biology often finds a way to creep itself into my fictional works, and I tend to look at things through a very scientific eye.
Tell us some more hobbies!
Alright, okay. I love Dungeons and Dragons, even though I'm stuck as the forever DM. I sing, travel, play the violin, and love watching mildly educational YouTubers (Oversimplified and such). I'm also quite the animal lover, with two precious cats and five snakes!
What Fandoms are you part of?
Alright, here's the list, broken into sections! Note that these are just the media that I actively talk about/participate in chats about/make AU's or OC's with. I still watch, play, or read other things!
-Helluva Boss
-Hazbin Hotel
-Murder Drones
-The Amazing Digital Circus
-Hollow Knight
-Rain World
-Slime Rancher
-Outer Wilds (I'm normal about this game)
-A Hat in Time
-Worldless (I'M NORMAL)
Books, Comics, and Other
-Bugtopia (gotta love the bugs)
-Wings of Fire
-Warriors (I do not mind spoilers for this one. I've read up to Midnight.)
Side Blogs
@monarchtonone (RW Iterator)
@nine-drops-of-iron (RW Iterator)
@ask-wings-of-rain (Ask, Chat, or RP with anyone from my Wings of Rain AU)
@the-rot-parasite (Ask, Chat, or RP with The Parasite)
@ask-the-splitmind-au (Ask, Chat, or RP with anyone from my Splitmind AU)
Unique Tags
#Wings of Rain (Wings of Rain content, WoF x RW AU)
#season of blood (Season of Blood content, Warriors AU of 'If Scourge Won')
#shared sparks (Shared Sparks content, a Firecracker fancomic)
#splitmind au / #rw splitmind au (The Splitmind AU for Rain World, where Iterators have shared bodies with the slugcats)
Links to all current comics (on Tumblr)
The Story of the Iterators
Within a local group of iterators, there are stories to tell and lives that unfold, hidden just beneath a layer of dust settled on old memories. Taking a glimpse into their lives, these purposed machines of flesh and iron to solve one goal, may reveal why they turned out the way they did.
Shared Sparks (A @firecracker-pup fancomic)
Blight was the lucky pup. The one who survived at the cost of her sister's life. Ever since, she tried to live up to what she thought her sister could have managed, but was stuck in her shadow. Timelines away, Firecracker had been left to the mercy of scavengers after stealing a pearl from them as a pup, only to end up adopted by them. A call inside of it, however, still wants to learn from slugcats the things it never got to.
When their paths cross, when timelines collide, both slugcats get a glimpse into a world they never knew existed, and find similarities buried in the vast differences of their lives.
Season of Blood
Scourge has won the Battle of Blood clan with the death of Firestar and all who oppose him. The Clans are united in the forest once more, but under the cruel rule of the small tom cat. He rules with an iron paw and has no sympathy for others. Every cat has been stripped of their warrior name and given a more fitting one, by Scourge's definition. Many have been killed for displeasing him, or for minor physical imperfections. Anyone with open ties to StarClan have also been killed.
Because of a Medicine's Cat's close ties to the spectral clan, only one remains. Racoon was only a Medicine Cat apprentice when Scourge took over, but now that she's grown, all duties of the job fall to her. Tending to a massive, bloodthirsty clan isn't a small task. It's demanding, exhausting, and the whole time, she has to hide every notion that StarClan still visits her in her dreams. A single meek kitten must find a way to grow up and face the challenges ahead, persist through times of hardship, and find it in herself to risk her life to save the forest-and all the cats in it.
Greenleaf is over. The Season of Blood has begun . . .
All Current AU's (On Tumblr)
Wings of Rain (Wings of Fire x Rain World crossover AU)
Splitmind AU (Rain World, Iterators live in the slugcats' heads as a last-ditch effort to ascend)
Season of Blood (Warrior Cats AU, 'What if Scourge won?')
Starless Nights (Worldless x WoF AU)
Link to fanfics (Yep. I'm on Ao3)
Stranded in the Rain (Outer Wilds and Rain World crossover)
Starless Nights (Worldless and Wings of Fire crossover)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Honestly the action that takes place in HoH is my favorite -Danny Words: 2,727 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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XXX: What Are Thooose?
"What are they?" The demigods stand together near the handrail and stare at the creatures wandering the streets of Venice. 
Jason squints. "The mortals think they're stray dogs."
"Or pets roaming around," Piper suggests. "My dad shot a film in Venice once. I remember him telling me there were dogs everywhere. Venetians love dogs."
"But what are they?" Frank repeats Hazel's question. "They look like... starving, shaggy cows with sheepdog hair."
"Maybe they're harmless," Leo muses. "They're ignoring the mortals."
"Harmless!" Hedge laughs. "Valdez, how many harmless monsters have we met? We should just aim the ballistae and see what happens!"
"Uh, no," Leo looks at Ara. "General?"
"We follow Hecate's instructions," she replies, eyeing the creatures with distrust. "Let's look for our given address, and hope they'll ignore us."
"I agree," Frank sighs, looking grumpy. "It's the only way we're going to track down the owner of that book."
Leo has the book under his arm but draws it out when Frank mentions it. The address the Kerkopes gave them is written in a Post-it. "La Casa Nera," the boy reads. "Calle Frezzeria."
"The Black House," Nico hums. "Calle Frezzeria is the street."
"That's what I said," Ara nods.
Nico raises a brow. "I thought you only knew how to catcall in Italian."
"Lily threw a dagger at me last time I did it and I figured it was time to learn for real."
"You speak Italian?" Frank blurts out, looking at them.
Nico glances at him with a scowl before continuing. "Frank and Ara are right. We have to find that address. The only way to do it is to walk the city. Venice is a maze. We'll have to risk the crowds and those... whatever they are."
"Did you just admit I'm right?" Ara smiles.
"Don't push it."
Thunder booms a little ahead and Jason scowls at the nearing storm. "Maybe I should stay on board. Lots of venti in that storm last night. If they decide to attack the ship again..."
"We had venti?" Ara asks in surprise. "I didn't hear it!"
"We noticed," Nico replies. "You snored the whole night, I wonder how Leo managed to—"
"You talk in your sleep," she interrupts him before he tells Hedge she slept in Leo's room. "I have recordings."
Coach interrupts them. "Well, I'm out, too. If you softhearted cupcakes are going to stroll through Venice without even whacking those furry animals on the head, forget it. I don't like boring expeditions."
"It's okay, Coach." Leo smirks. "We still have to repair the foremast. Then I need your help in the engine room. I've got an idea for a new installation."
"Well..." Piper looks around. "Whoever goes should be good with animals. I, uh... I'll admit I'm not great with cows."
"Those aren't cows," Ara retorts. 
"I still pass."
"I'll go," Frank says.
Leo pats his shoulder and hands him the book. "Awesome. If you pass a hardware store, could you get me some two-by-fours and a gallon of tar?"
"Leo," Hazel scolds him, "it's not a shopping trip."
"I'll go with Frank," Nico declares.
"Uh..." Frank hesitates. "You're good with animals?"
The boy smirks. "Actually, most animals hate me. They can sense death. But there's something about this city... Lots of death. Restless spirits. If I go, I may be able to keep them at bay. Besides, as you noticed, I speak Italian."
Leo hesitates. "Lots of death, huh? Personally, I'm trying to avoid lots of death, but you guys have fun!"
"I'll go too," Ara places a hand on Frank's shoulder and senses his anxiety. "I'm good with animals. Hellhounds and Nemean lions love me."
"What about the repairs?" Leo asks, suddenly not as amused as before. "The new installation? I wanted to teach you how to do it!"
"I'll be back soon," she assures him. "If you wait for me, you can still show me."
Ara wants to keep an eye on Nico. She can't afford to lose him, Lily would kill her. She knows how to look after him now, so that's what she'll do.
"I'll go too," Hazel says right after. "So I can stop you two from killing each other."
Nico and Ara share a look. They can't act offended, that could easily happen if they're left unsupervised. 
"All right, then," Nico turns around. "Let's go find the owner of that book." 
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At some point during their walk, Nico speaks to her quietly. "Lily would've loved coming here."
"Don't remind me," Ara makes a face.
"You're too quiet about her," he points out. "You guys fought? I know Lily was against you leaving..."
"The argument was because of you, actually."
Hazel stumbles on a cobblestone and Frank catches her, but the movement makes the cow-dogs around look up and growl. Their gazes make Ara feel sick, and she has to avert hers. 
"What are they?" It's her turn to ask with concern.
"Nice cows," Frank steps forward to protect the group. "Guys, I'm thinking we should back out of here slowly."
"I'm such a klutz," Hazel winces. "Sorry."
"It's not your fault," Nico points at the ground. "Look at your feet."
Ara and Nico move back in unison, and the roots try to follow their feet as they go. The plants are smelly, and the cow-dogs seem to like them a little too much, because the more they move, the more they pay attention to them.
"These roots seem to like demigods," Frank scowls.
Hazel reaches for her sword. "And the cow creatures like the roots."
"Don't touch it," Ara warns her. "They won't be nice if we tamper with their food."
"Don't meet their eyes either," Frank adds. "I'll distract them. You back up slowly toward that black house."
Ara frowns. "You're not staying here alone."
The plants speed up and reach their feet quickly, the creatures tense and growl. "Okay, change of plans," Frank says thinly. "Run!"
Nico and Hazel hurry to the Black House while Ara turns Almighty into a spear. Frank stands next to her screaming, seemingly trying to turn into some animal.
"No!" Frank screams at two creatures that leave the group to chase after their friends. "Me! I'm the rhino!"
"What?" Ara asks, striking one of the creatures.
"Nothing," Frank moves closer to her as the creatures encircle them. "I just... need to concentrate."
"If these were all Nemean lions, I'd have this in the bag," Ara sulks, and it gives Frank an idea.
"A lion," he says, looking up at the balcony of a nearby house.
He turns into a massive feline. Ara climbs on top of him and changes her spear to a bow and arrows, summoning Artemis's blessing. Frank jumps over the herd of monsters and as they go, Ara shoots at all the furry targets she spots in the area.
They get rid of most, but one jumps too close to Frank's face and releases a cloud of greenish fog. Ara holds her breath and moves away, but Frank is in killing mode, he roars and slashes through the creature and realizes his mistake too late.
"Frank! Frank!" Nico's screaming. 
Frank turns back into a human and Ara slips off his back. His face is reddish and he can't stop coughing. Ara searches in her Octopi bag and pulls out the piece of fabric she'd used while fighting the Kerkopes to cover her mouth and nose, then places Frank's arm around her shoulder.
"Hold your breath!" She tells him, lifting her bow.
"Ara c'mon!" Nico urges her, he's killed the cows that had tried to chase after him and Hazel.
Ara grabs three arrows and shoots to get rid of the remaining cow-dogs. When they get to the archway, she realizes Hazel is unconscious.
"She got a blast of green gas right in the face," Nico explains. "I—I wasn't fast enough."
"It's okay," Ara eases him, though she's also concerned.
"We need to get her back to the ship," Frank says hoarsely.
More cow monsters approach, and Nico shakes his head. "We'll never make it on foot. Frank, turn into a giant eagle. Don't worry about us. Get her back to the Argo II!"
"Sounds like a good plan," Ara agrees. "Maybe Hedge will know what to do."
"Your friends can't help you," says a voice behind them. "They don't know the cure."
There, in the Black House's entrance, is a man dressed in all denim. A god.
"Who are—"
"Can you cure her?" Frank interrupts her.
"Of course," the god grins. "But you'd better hurry inside. I think you've angered every katobleps in Venice." 
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When they get Hazel on top of a table, Ara touches Frank's shoulder. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," he brushes off the question as well as her hand.
Ara's decided that she likes Frank because he's loyal and protective of the people he loves no matter what. He is Clarisse's brother through and through, a mellower version of her, which is nice, but just like her in all the good ways.
"What were those cow things?" Frank asks the god. "What did they do to her?"
"Katoblepones. Singular: katobleps. In English, it means down-looker. Called that because—"
"They're always looking down!" Nico hits his forehead. "Right. I remember reading about them."
Frank makes a face. "Now you remember?"
Nico looks slightly embarrassed as he explains. "I, uh... used to play this stupid card game when I was younger. Mythomagic. The katobleps was one of the monster cards."
"I played Mythomagic," Frank replies casually. "I never saw that card."
"It was in the Africanus Extreme expansion deck."
"Used to?" Ara raises a brow. "You still play with Lily when you visit us!"
"Shut up."
The god steps forward. "Are you done, ah, geeking out, as they say?"
"Right, sorry," Nico clears his throat. "Anyway, katoblepones have poison breath and a poison gaze. I thought they only lived in Africa."
"That's their native land," the man sighs. "They were accidentally imported to Venice hundreds of years ago. You've heard of Saint Mark?"
"Saints? They're not part of Greek mythology," Frank scowls.
"No, but Saint Mark is the patron saint of this city. He died in Egypt, oh, a long time ago. When the Venetians became powerful... well, the relics of saints were a big tourist attraction back in the Middle Ages. The Venetians decided to steal Saint Mark's remains and bring them to their big church of San Marco. They smuggled out his body in a barrel of pickled pig parts."
"That's... disgusting."
"That's religion," Ara corrects him.
"Yes," the god smiles. "The point is, you can't do something like that and not have consequences. The Venetians unintentionally smuggled something else out of Egypt—the katoblepones. They came here aboard that ship and have been breeding like rats ever since. They love the magical poison roots that grow here—swampy, foul-smelling plants that creep up from the canals. It makes their breath even more poisonous! Usually the monsters ignore mortals, but demigods... especially demigods who get in their way—"
"Got it," Frank interrupts him impatiently. "Can you cure her?"
"Possibly?" Frank's eyes darken, and Ara sees the Ares in him. He reaches out and places his hand under Hazel's nose. "Nico, please tell me she's doing that death-trance thing, like you did in the bronze jar."
"I don't know if Hazel can do that," Nico winces. "Her dad is technically Pluto, not Hades, so—"
"Hades!" The unknown guy stumbles back. "So that's what I smell. Children of the Underworld? If I'd known that, I would never have let you in!"
"Hazel's a good person," Frank stands up straight. "You promised you would help her!"
"I did not promise."
"She's my sister," Nico seizes his sword. "I don't know who you are, but if you can cure her, you have to, or so help me by the River Styx—"
"Oh, blah, blah, blah!" The man turns Nico into a corn plant. "There! Children of Hades can't order me around! You should talk less and listen more. Now at least you have ears."
Ara laughs in delight, and then she stops. "Wait, I'm supposed to be looking after him," she looks at the god. "Turn him back!"
Frank steps back in alarm. "You're a god."
"Triptolemus." The man smiles. "My friends call me Trip, so don't call me that. And if you're another child of Hades—"
"Mars! Child of Mars!"
"Well... not much better. But perhaps you deserve to be something better than a corn plant. Sorghum? Sorghum is very nice."
"You don't wanna do that," Ara steps in. "Listen, mighty god of..." the girl looks around the room. "Farming. I'm Ara Jackson, my friends call me Birdy so you can't, and I'm the current daughter of Olympus. We found something that belongs to you."
Frank pulls out the old book from his backpack. "This is yours, right?"
"My almanac!" Triptolemus snatches the book out of the boy's grip and reads through its pages. "Oh, this is fabulous! Where did you find it?"
"Um, Bologna. There were these..." Ara gestures at him to shut up and Frank quickly redirects his speech. "Terrible monsters. We risked our lives, but Ara knew this was important to you. So could you maybe, you know, turn Nico back to normal and heal Hazel?"
"Hmm? Oh, heal them?" Triptolemus laughs. "I'm grateful for the book, of course. I can definitely let you go free, son of Mars. And I can't touch the daughter of Olympus, but I have a long-standing problem with Hades. After all, I owe my godly powers to Demeter!"
"You're holding onto a grudge that isn't even yours?" Ara scowls. "So what if he married Persephone? Even Demeter lives with him now!"
"It's a matter of principles," he shrugs. "When Demeter went searching for her daughter, scouring the whole earth, not many people would help her. Hecate lit her way at night with her torches. And I... well, when Demeter came to my part of Greece, I gave her a place to stay. I comforted her, gave her a meal, and offered my assistance. I didn't know she was a goddess at the time, but my good deed paid off. Later, Demeter rewarded me by making me a god of farming!"
"Wow," Frank states plainly. "Farming. Congratulations."
"I know! Pretty awesome, right? Anyway, Demeter never got along with Hades. So naturally, you know, I have to side with my patron goddess. Children of Hades—forget it! In fact, one of them—this Scythian king named Lynkos? When I tried to teach his countrymen about farming, he killed my right python!"
"Your... right python?"
The god shows them his broken chariot. "You see? No good! Ever since I lost my right python, I haven't been able to spread the word about farming—at least not in person. Now I have to resort to giving online courses."
"Triptolemus Farming University!" He says, turning his computer to show them. "In just six weeks, you can get your bachelor's degree in the exciting and vibrant career of the future—farming!"
"If we fix your stupid chariot will you heal Hazel and turn Nico back into a real boy?" Ara asks.
Trip blinks and pauses. "Fix... my chariot?"
"Fool-proof deal. We help you, so you help our friends and Demeter can't get mad at you."
"You could even give us whatever aid you can to defeat Gaea's forces," Frank suggests quickly.
Triptolemus snorts. "What makes you think I can aid you with that?"
"Hecate told us so," Frank explains. "She sent us here. She—she decided Hazel is one of her favorites."
The god's reaction tells them all they need. Ara and Frank share a brief look before the boy continues. "The goddess guided us to your almanac in Bologna. She wanted us to return it to you, because... well, she must've known you had some knowledge that would help us get through the House of Hades in Epirus."
"Yes... I see. I know why Hecate sent you to me," the god eyes them reluctantly. "Very well, go find a way to fix my chariot. If you succeed, I will do all you ask. If not—"
"I know. Our friends die."
"Yes! And you'll make a lovely patch of sorghum!"
As they exit the Black House, Ara turns to Frank. "I have no idea of how to fix his chariot."
"What!" He looks over his shoulder and then talks under his breath. "Why did you say you'd fix it, then?!"
"Because I was spacing out and I wanted him to shut up!" Ara replies defensively. "And he wasn't going to help us out of the kindness of his heart."
"Hazel is running out of time—"
"So you better start brainstorming with me."
"I have a brainstorm in my head already," he slips to the floor, holding his head like it's hurting.
Ara crouches in front of him, placing a hand on his knee to feel his emotions. He's stressed, but most of all, he's furious. "Frank, what's wrong?"
"It's my dad," he locks eyes with her. "He wants me to kill all of you."
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Next Chapter –>
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
You Made Skrimm Give A Shit
Torbek has a lot of dreamless sleep, and a lot of sleep with distressing dreams. His dreams are rarely kind to him.
They do try, though.
Torbek falls asleep after a long day of climbing the Harris Wheel for Mr. Kremy, climbing trees and plucking out people who flew out of the Harris Wheel for Mr. Kremy, moving heavy boxes for Mr. Kremy, and drinking for himself.
He dreams he's sitting around a campfire with Mr. Kremy, Mr. Gideon, Gricko, and Frost. He dreams they're laughing with him. He dreams he's more than an employee to them, and Mr. Kremy hands him a week of wages, and it's perfect.
"Hey, hey!"
Torbek looks down.
A different goblin than Gricko stands at Torbek's feet. His patched-up hat with it's wide brim is unable to conceal the scowl on his face as he looks up at Torbek, arms crossed and little coat gently billowing around him in the dream breeze.
"Torbek, you gotta listen up." The goblin confidently climbs right up Torbek like he's done it a million times, plants his feet firmly on Torbek's shoulders, and grabs the bugbear by his furry cheeks. "Kremy is conning you, got it? He has no intentions of ever paying you, so you're gonna have to steal it from him or find a different job!"
"What? Noooo, Mr. Kremy is the bestttt." Torbek goes to push the goblin off of his face, but... nothing happens. Torbek doesn't question it, as is the nature of dreams.
"He is not! He is a scamming, conning, conniving warlock, just like me! Trust me, I know it when I see it, and he'll never pay you even a copper! I wouldn't!"
"Mr. Kremy promises it'll happen someday."
"It's a lie! He's lying to your face! Come on, I love drinking as much as the next guy, but we need payment of something other than booze! We need coin! Funds! Money!"
"You've tried this a thousand times, Skrimm," a voice calls from somewhere else- Torbek can't turn to look, not with this "Skrimm" holding his face the way he is. "It's never going to sink in."
"Shut it, Felix! It'll get through to him at some point! I mean my gods, aren't you tired of seeing this?! It's worse than watching Marius putz around being noble all the time!"
"Whaaaat? Torbek is very confused."
"Don't mind them, they're a buncha heroic types, set out to do good things on purpose even at their own risk and all that. You and me are built different, buddy, but I'm built way too much like that bastard over there-"
He jerks a black-nailed thumb to point at Kremy, who's just sitting there, vague and blurry.
"-to believe in him like you do. Steal your wages, go get wasted at a nice inn, and get the hell outta dodge. He's so shady that he literally has shadow magic."
"But Mr. Kremy is the smartest, most amazing person Torbek has eeeeever met!"
"Torbek, I'm speaking to you goblinoid to goblinoid, there is no possible way that Kremy will ever consider you more than a naive fool he can take advantage of. The day that Kremy actually decides to try to help you is the day I tell Marius he's right."
"Uhhhh, Torbek doesn't know why that matters."
"It's a whole thing! I know you've gotta have some of my brains in there somewhere!" Skrimm lightly slaps Torbek's cheek a couple times. "There's no possible way you can't see that guy for what he is!"
"Uhhhh..." Torbek's eyes cross as the dream begins to fade into pitch blackness.
Skrimm looks around frantically. "Oh, no, don't you dare wake up now!"
"I told you."
"Shut UP Felix!"
"Bye Mr. Skrimm." Torbek tries to raise an arm to wave, but it just twitches as his consciousness in the real world begins to return.
"No no no, I'm trying to help you for gods' sa-!"
Marius looks down at Skrimm with a slight smirk. "Felix tells me you try to help Torbek again."
Skrimm keeps his arms crossed, his spiritual form sitting on top of Torbek's head and faced away from the paladin below.
"One could say that, with all of these attempts to talk sense into him, you are... always aiding?"
"Fuck off, pretty boy."
"I knew I'd get through to you."
"If we weren't ghosts I'd hex you right here right now."
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hms-no-fun · 2 years
where did the inspiration for cat!dave come from. i love it btw, im just curious where it came from
catdave, like a lot of stuff in the gf3 prologue, just sort of happened. it's one of those things where in writing that chapter, jade grabbed a button that did a thing as a way to keep their villain-narrator honeypot from collapsing, and i decided to roll with it. turning dave into a house cat seemed like a fun gag, especially considering awkweet purrmusk and davepeta and all that. karkat picking up catdave with horror and protectiveness was really funny to me, just like NO HE'S MY BOYFRIEND YOU LEAVE MY SPECIAL MAN ALONE. then i thought, wait, what if a cat had time-distortion powers. what if catdave was like, i'm the hottest fucken kitty that ever did strut, i'ma slow down time and make everyone admire me. that joke alone was enough to keep catdave in, and i figured okay, we'll roll with this for a minute and then reverse it at the end and it'll be a funny anecdote. "hey remember that time dave turned into a cat?"
but unfortunately for dave, this is godfeels. i can't ever just do a fun joke about transformation. if we're gonna accept that jade has a button that can turn people into the animal they secretly want to be, that's gotta have CONSEQUENCES. what is this, fucking rick & morty??? there will be no resetting to the status quo at the end of THIS episode thank you very much!
of course by the time i got to publishing that first catdave chapter i'd figured all this out. dave's sort of defined by his repression and embarrassment at himself and his wants. i've imagined him sticking to his "i don't want to be a hero" thing very closely, and with that just kinda chilling with karkat all the time. (oh there's actually a funny pseudo-continuity error related to this-- in gf1 someone mentions what makes dave and karkat such a good couple. i'd imagined then that davekat were absolutely a totally out gay together couple. then the epilogues said actually no they were still too repressed to actually DO anything, and i decided to lean into that because two incredibly gay men no-homoing together for seven years is really funny/tragic to me from a story perspective. and since i decided to make gf2 parallel the epilogues, it seemed appropriate to fold that back in. i think in gf2 this gets papered over with june being surprised that they hadn't kissed yet? but that's def a thing that changed between fics from my perspective lmao)
so it seemed to me that catdave was a minor analogue to trickster mode- an unexpected jump straight to Personal Apotheosis without the journey necessary to give it any meaning. and that quickly mapped onto the problem of out queer people treating obvious eggs like their own Pet Project, pressuring them and pushing their boundaries even when it IS to some extent what they want. so dave keeps his cat ears and tail because he's a closeted furry with Some Gender, but because his friends all thought the transformation was funny and cute the end result was actually pushing him even further back into the closet. and since i knew that we were aiming towards davekat divorce fever anyway, that felt like the *perfect* dramatic intervention on his character. this is the hardest part of building an ensemble cast drama; giving everyone something Clear and Concise to deal with that can stand in for all their problems, so we can cut right to the chase when necessary.
this process is, in microcosm, the fundamental backbone of godfeels. it's about taking deadly seriously the personal and existential ramifications of extraordinarily silly impossible bullshit.
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glaivenoct · 11 months
Hi :) Trick or treat! 🎃🍬
Ask Box Trick or Treat - Fic Edition
Hi there!! Happy hallow and thank you for sending one ^.^
I think I'm going to go with a fic idea for this one! It's not necessarily a new one, but it's one I definitely haven't ever mentioned on the tumblr side. ...I think?
The NyxNoct Furbabies --
I've been on the NyxNoct train since 2017, and in all the years I've spent gushing over these two, I've never been one to care for the idea of giving them kids, even just on their own as individuals or with other ships (if anyone out there likes playing around with those ideas, defos more power to ya, I'm not knocking it <3). At some point in one of my jobs I had a coworker who kept asking me really annoying/invasive questions about me having kids, and I decided I was going to project said annoyance onto NyxNoct. Particularly with Noctis, being an heir to the throne and all, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets asked shit like this all the time. And if I was ever going to indulge in the notion of giving Nyx and Noct kids - it was going to be of the fur variety.
So meet the NyxNoct kids!
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Top Right: Nyx's baby, Rogue Bottom Right: Noct's baby, Reed
There isn't necessarily a set story/plot. If anything, this would probably just be a series of silly fluffy one-shots from different scenarios I've rambled into the twitter void over the years. Here's some basics tho!
Reed comes first. Noctis comes across him during one of the adoption events he's volunteering at - except there's no record whatsoever of this little black kitten being a part of the shelter's potential adoptees - all of their kittens are accounted for. He happens to be a random stray nearby, and he seems to be hungry. Noctis, being Noctis, buys a snack and shares with the little guy. He then proceeds to follow Noctis around everywhere. Later that night, when Noct goes to Nyx's place and shows up with the kitten cradled in his arms, Nyx just sighs and says "I knew this was going to happen one day."
Rogue doesn't come along until a few months later. Nyx happens to come across her on his walk home from late night watch duty. It's raining and he finds her as a puppy left in a box by a dumpster in an alleyway. The nearest animal shelter is a bit out of the way, so of course all Nyx can do is wrap the pup up in his coat and take her to Noct's place. Initially, Nyx will have no intentions whatsoever to keep the pup, but very quickly she worms her fluffy way into his heart and he decides he's not going to give her up.
REED: A fluffy black cat with bright blue eyes. Nyx says he looks just like his dad.
Noctis breaks the news to Regis with no context and just "You're a Grandpa now."
Regis is one of Reed's favorite people
Reed's favorite spot to sleep is the crook of Noct's neck. It always looks like he's wearing a scarf of fluff.
Reed and Nyx have a very playful "love-hate" relationship. Nyx often calls him "furball" and swears Reed is plotting against him. (He's fond of him tho, he really is)
Reed's 2nd favorite spot to sleep and/or perch is literally Nyx's butt. Noct thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
When Rogue comes into the picture, Reed seems to be indifferent towards her as playful as she is, but in a couple weeks he is actually very protective and snuggly with her at times. They become two furry partners in crime.
ROGUE: A fluffy australian shepherd with black, gray, white and caramel tones in her coat. Noct thinks its cute that she snores softly just like her dad.
Nyx heavily claims in the beginning that he is Not a Dog Dad, then proceeds to call Rogue "baby girl" when she trots happily towards him.
Rogue becomes the unofficial "glaive mascot" and will accompany Nyx to trainings. She gets lots of love and attention here.
Rogue loves to play fetch, but she has a particular version of fetch she plays with Nyx at times - which is essentially her running towards and jumping on him whenever he warps.
Rogue loves taking morning walks or runs with Nyx in the mornings.
She absolutely throws herself over Nyx and Noctis while they're cuddling because, hello, she would like attention too pls and thank.
Rogue has that younger sibling energy with Reed where she constantly pesters him while he's minding his own business. Reed will act annoyed, but then later that night he will sleep on top of her.
It doesn't become uncommon to see the royal furbabies around the Citadel, either both with Noct or Rogue with Nyx.
Regis happily refers to both as his grandkids and they are always welcomed to join for lunches/dinners.
Reed has sat in on council meetings. Noct says he's an official council member and his input is very valued.
Prompto is their biggest photographer and Noctis demands every picture.
When Nyx is outside the wall or even stuck on duty or training recruits, nothing makes his day more than getting spammed pics/selfies of Noct with the furbabies.
Rogue & Reed are Nyx's lockscreen, his homescreen is Noct smiling and hugging Rogue while Reed lounges in his lap. Alternatively, Noct's lockscreen is Rogue & Reed together. His homescreen is Nyx, lying face down on the floor. Rogue is standing on one side of him, staring down with clear concern like "dad are u ok? are u alive? dad? dad pls". Meanwhile, Reed is perched on Nyx's butt and staring directly at the camera. The context of the photo? Don't ask, just know it's one of Noct's favorite pics and Nyx hates him for it.
There are also nights where they all fall asleep together in a big cuddle pile. Nyx laying on his back while Noct curls up at his side, Reed curled into the crook of Noct's neck and Rogue at Nyx's side with her head on his belly. They are one happy little family <3
Sorry this one got a little lengthy!
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zerphses · 1 year
When they unveiled an anthropomorphic dinosaur dating sim set shortly before the end of the world, I was... skeptical at best. Goodbye Volcano High sounded like such an insane idea that I laughed about it with my friends and let it slip my mind.
I never heard about the delays, or the trolling, or that other game, or even that it had shifted away from being a dating sim to a narrative-driven story... but I somehow noticed when it finally came out last week.
I'm a bit of a furry (don't tell my friends) so I played it out of curiosity and damn I did not expect it to be so good. I was just looking for something to do, and I ended up playing it in one sitting.
As a non-binary individual who loves music and D&D this game hit the bullseye for me. Reed is the kinda guy I'd hang out with, and Naomi is so cute. I loved the way her story went. The game actually had me tearing up, which isn't an easy thing to do. Seeing them deny the asteroid's existence and try to continue on with their lives was heart-wrenching. The in-universe Twitter, the flashbacks, the photos, all of it magnificent.
Beyond the story, I loved the game parts as well. The way choices would resist being picked or outright overwrite themselves with something else - as if it really was difficult or impossible for Fang to say these things - was brilliant. I was shit at the rhythm sections (I was playing them wrong, lol) but that ratcheted up the stress and put me even more into Fang's shoes.
My only complaint - besides the bugs, which it seems like they're fixing - is that it was so short. I wanted to spend so much more time with these characters.
But I guess that's kind of the point, isn't it? A beautiful story cut too short.
A direct sequel is probably not going to happen for obvious reasons, but I'd love to see more from this world. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this team. Does anyone have recommendations for things that scratch the same itch?
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