#i love those dorks so much
grittyreadsfic · 1 year
gritty!! just wanted you to know that when I saw this (https://www.tumblr.com/damonseversons/726852003803840512/via-bauerhockey-on-tiktok), my first thought was filming a transition of the queen variety, and my second thought was that I needed to share that with you
honestly honored to be thought number two
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almondpiglet · 1 month
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practicing stuff with rei n seris steampink outfits
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esmesketch · 27 days
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Local Deputy can’t stop getting caught by the cult. The REASONS are still unknown 💦
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Silly boy
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wallbeatjournal · 3 months
Are true riverdale fans of the opinion it is a very good and nearly flawless show or does being a true riverdale fan mean being able to mock writing choices
it's long-running serial television plotted a season/half at a time so definitely not even "nearly" flawless.
BUT. i'm not doing combat with the writing team. i'm not actively reading against the text the way i have to in order to enjoy something like supernatural or the 90s robin comics or the fucking sopranos, which are patriarchal christiancore copworld rapeworld white supremacist horrorshows that hate their minority audiences, with like 2 good creatives involved and martyring themselves to fight the good fight on sparse rare installments if you try to approach them sincerely.
riverdale writing staff are like a favorite smart problematic tumblr mutual to me. I don't always like what's on their blog or who they're referencing. but we're in the same community and i'm interested and inspired and i trust their agenda overall, even when i see shit i wouldn't have fucking posted. but bc i'm not being condescended to or actively spited i'm not gonna condescend to or spite them, you know?
i expect rvd to age like twin peaks (another very uneven, highly referential serial juggling a couple of intensely cool metanarratives on top of its core story). and twin peaks fandom mocks twin peaks all the time. twin peaks includes some CLUNKY shit. it's kitsch. it's camp. it has a second season that is largely ASS. james is there. and on top of that it also includes some genuinely offputting-to-me stuff that just bothers me to sit through, even though i feel like i understand and respect what they're going for with it. i just don't want to watch someone sweep the fucking bar for minutes and minutes as entertainment. OK!!?
...so yeah. mock riverdale but in the right spirit. is that an answer? do i sound like i'm chugging the flavoraid koolaid fresh-aid? probably.
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These calls accompany Victor’s High School SSR “Carefree Years,” but don’t contain any spoilers from the story itself~ ❤️
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
Victor: The playlist a certain someone just shared with me seems to be a bit different from her usual taste. 
Victor: “Melodies that accompanied us through those years of youth” ... 
Victor: What’s gotten you so nostalgic suddenly? 
MC: Haha, I stumbled upon this through random notifications and found it quite fascinating~ 
MC: So, speaking of which, what kind of stuff would you usually have playing on your earphones back when you were at school? It wouldn’t be all English listening exercises, right? 
Victor: Set your wild thoughts aside, and yes, of course, I would also listen to music sometimes. 
Victor: But there were also times when I would have nothing playing at all. 
MC: You mean like simply leaving them in your ears? 
Victor: Yeah. Seeing you with your earphones on, some of the individuals who are tactful enough won’t come forward to initiate a conversation again. 
Victor: Doing this is convenient to save yourself from a lot of unnecessary hassles. 
MC: Turns out, it can also be used as a shielding device! What a cool way to pull a “switcheroo”! Speaking of which, I’ve had similar experiences too. 
MC: Victor, do you know what other things an electronic dictionary can be handy for besides looking up words? 
Victor: Importing e-books in .txt format. 
MC: Ah, so, you did this too! 
Victor: Nope. I caught people in the act. 
MC: You wouldn’t be... 
Victor: Mm-hmm. I was in charge of inspecting such rule-breaching activities back then. 
MC: ...humph, I have nothing more to discuss with someone who used to be an inspector. 
MC: But out of curiosity, what would happen if I were to be caught red-handed by you? 
Victor: I would most likely rap on your desk, signaling for you to step outside with me. 
Victor: And then, I would confiscate the electronic dictionary and hand you a registration form. 
Victor: [putting on a voice but doesn’t sound strict at all, subconsciously reminding himself she is my girlfriend and I’d get hell later LMAO] “Classmate, write your name here, and remember not to get caught by me again.” 
MC: That strict? What if I plead with the Discipline Inspector for leniency~ 
MC: [you’re supposed to put on a cute voice here haha] “I bought this with the pocket money I saved for a long time! Please, inspector classmate, let me off the hook, pretty please, sob sob sob~” 
Victor: Based solely on your tone over the phone call, I can’t feel much sincerity or remorse. 
Victor: I’ll be home shortly, and I’m looking forward to your in-person demonstration. 
Victor: Then, I’ll carefully mull it over whether to let you off the hook, or not. 
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Victor: MC, your package just arrived, and it had some damage to the box when it was delivered. So, I went ahead and unpacked it for you. 
Victor: But why did you buy a whole box of steam eye masks and eye patches? 
MC: Well, the seller happened to be running a promotion, and I couldn’t resist the temptation... 
Victor: Mm-hmm, you do get tempted very easily. 
Victor: If not for that, we wouldn’t have a stockpile of “buy three, get one free” laundry detergent at home, nor would we have those Hawaiian-themed bath towels as “freebies for signing up.” 
Victor: Let’s make it clear beforehand, don’t pull me into “using them up” together when the time comes. 
MC: Victor, don’t be so heartless. I’ve put a lot of thought into selecting these items this time. 
MC: You may not be aware, but steam eye masks come in many different scents nowadays. 
Victor: Chamomile, rose, eucalyptus... I can understand how these floral scents might work, but coffee aroma? Are you sure it can help with sleep? 
MC: Oh no, that one’s for keeping you energized! I hadn’t heard of this one before, so I decided to purchase it and give it a try~ 
MC: They claim its effectiveness is on par with the eye exercises we used to do in our student days; it not only provides eye protection but also refreshes and sharpens the mind. 
Victor: In that case, why don’t you consider resuming the eye exercises twice a day from now on? Who knows, it might yield even better results. 
MC: In the world of adults, it’s very challenging to squeeze out time for exercise. 
Victor: I’m not entirely convinced of that. 
Victor: If you utilize all this time you spend shopping impulsively on online sites, it will be sufficient. 
MC: Humph, when I get home tonight, I’m gonna make you join me for an eye mask evaluating session! 
Victor: I’m afraid my eyes won’t be able to handle such a heavy responsibility. 
MC: Well, even though a certain someone says that, in the end, he will still cooperate with me~ 
MC: When the time comes, I will have the aromatherapy and candles prepared, and we’ll start with the eyepatches to kickstart the relaxation process. 
MC: After that, we’ll apply the eye masks for a complete relaxation session. 
Victor: ...couldn’t we perhaps spend this time better participating in some outdoor activities, something that genuinely focuses on eye health and relaxation? 
Victor: Instead of relying on flashy remedies, it’s more effective to go out and do some physical activities. 
MC: Hehe, have you realized that we have already mapped out a perfect weekend itinerary? 
MC: Why don’t we just go to that camping site we’ve been wanting to go fishing for a long time! Hold on, I’ll call to make a reservation shortly. 
Victor: It seems like a certain someone had this all planned out in advance, am I right? 
MC: It’s all thanks to CEO Victor’s guidance that this small idea was implemented in reality so efficiently~ 
Victor: I think I’d prefer to experience your “efficiency” in other aspects. 
Victor: Why don’t you start by making a checklist of the camping essentials we’ll need? 
Victor: And after you’re off work, try to get back home a bit earlier. I’ll have the aromatherapy and candles prepared in advance to create a cozy work-friendly atmosphere for a certain someone. 
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musette22 · 2 years
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Save a horse etc. 🤠❤️‍🔥
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
In light of people being way too kind to me about the excerpts from that Hollow Knight fic I posted a bit ago: I have some more snippets of various old Hollow Knight fics that I want to get out into the world because they've been buzzing around in my head like angry yellow jackets at a summertime picnic 🥲
Hollow Knight Fanfic Speed-Dating, GO!!!!!
(From a fic shipping Hollow and the Collector:)
The Malfunctioning Kingsmold made it a point to try and drag the Hollow Knight into imperfection along with him (often quite literally, as he would hook a finger into the anchors on its pauldrons to lead it on his misadventures). Not that it would ever stoop to such things— the preservation of Hallownest rested in its hands, and it could not safely bolster up the kingdom into eternity if it dirtied its fingers with indulgence— but the Malfunctioning Kingsmold was persistently getting on its nerves and looking to make it crack. A mountain could not bow to the wind, but that did not make its howling any less insufferable. 
(From a fic where Ghost checks in on the Hunter a while after the Embrace the Void ending:)
The “cave” lying in the center of the chamber stirred. Six eyes opened in its yawning mouth, and the mound rose, revealing the head of the bug she’d come to visit. The Hunter growled, “You carry the scent of the hunt, little wanderer. I take it prey has been numerous.”
Hornet would have just complained that she stunk. Thankfully, the Hunter didn’t turn up his nose over such things. Ghost shook her head— she hadn’t slain many bugs since the Infection was uprooted, and that vengefly wasn’t even all that close when she slashed it. She didn’t know what he was talking about. 
The Hunter dug most of this cavern himself, yet his head still brushed the ceiling when he rose to his full height. “The pestilence has gone to dust. My own quarry has adapted accordingly, and I find that I might hunt them anew. You’ve not taken the chance to pursue the beasts of this kingdom?”
She shook her head, stopped, then shrugged. 
“Curious.” He reached out a large hand that she clambered onto. He held her level with his eyes. “I thought you one to continue the hunt even after finishing your journal.”
Ah, right, that. She pulled the journal out from her cloak and fanned through its pages, stopping on a leaf that she’d inserted herself. She set it on his palm. She squatted and pointed to the page, waiting as he looked it over. 
He blinked. “You hunted gods.” There was a long pause, then a rumbling laugh filled the cavern. “And to think I once called you squib! What an insult to those haughty fools, being brought low by one so tiny. But a hunter’s strength lies in deception, doesn’t it, in lulling prey into a sense of safety— of course you, so small and so plain, would bring gods to their knees.”
Behind her mask, she snickered, though it came out sounding more like a rattling cough than anything else. She didn’t mind being thought of as small when it made her seem all the mightier.
(From a fic where Hornet encounters Quirrel outside of Dirtmouth:)
Hornet took a chance and leapt down one branch further. The bug was close enough now that she could tell it was a pillbug— he wore a bandana around his head and carried a remarkably crafted nail. She hissed, “I’ll ask again. What do you want, traveler? Why are you in these woods?”
“I’m here to visit someone in Dirtmouth and to do good where I can. Nothing sinister, I assure you.”
She gripped her needle beneath her cloak. “I am a stewardess of Dirtmouth. Tell me who you’re looking for and why. Answer well and I’ll help you find who you’re looking for.”
“Ah, well… I’m afraid I don’t know their name. They didn’t talk much about themselves— or anything at all, really. They’ve helped me more times than I can count, but I haven’t heard from them since… since they saved my life. They’re rather small, about yea high? To be frank, they also carry a very unfortunate scent about them.”
Hornet blinked. 
“They knew how to wield a nail with frightening skill, if that helps.”
Hornet pinched her brow. 
“Do you know who they might be, or—?”
“Gods. You’re talking about Ghost. Follow me.”
(From the same fic as above, when Quirrel and Ghost reunite and catch up on what happened while they were separated:)
Quirrel’s eyes widened. “He had a beard and an odd horn, yes. Do you know Lemm?”
She nodded and held out her handful of Geo.
“You did business with him!” He laughed. “Then you must have been the customer who he loved to complain so much about.”
Ghost nodded and scuffed her foot on the sidewalk, proudly showing off the muddy print she left.
“He doesn’t like dirt, does he? He also said that you came into his shop one day smelling like you spent a week in the sewers. Did you really take a trip through them?”
She opened her map again and pointed to where she’d jumped down an open grate, then fallen into the Royal Waterways.
Quirrel tilted his head, face screwed up with disgust. “Well, at least it was sewers that once belonged to the nobility.”
She shrugged. That sort of thing didn’t mean much to her. Dung was dung, though Ogrim might argue otherwise.
(From a fic where Hollow finds the Pale King hiding in the Dream Realm version of the White Palace, and he hugs her when he realizes how badly he messed up with the Vessels:)
He could hear the quiet whines coming from their throat, now— tiny, pitiful, weepy sounds that were strangled by a spell to prevent any word from escaping a vessel's mouth. He'd woven that spell. He'd done that to them. And here the child was, now taller than him almost twice over, coming to him for forgiveness, when he could feel the openings in the shell of their back that he had carved into them.
He felt sick. 
The Hollow Knight's side was sunken in. 
He shifted his hand along their shoulder, confused, and eventually pulled back to better examine them. The Hollow Knight did not move as he took hold of their cloak, nor did they so much as twitch as he moved it to the side. They only hunched inward, ashamed, when he cursed under his breath at the sight their gnarled shoulder that ended in bandages instead of an arm, how pockmarked and sunken-in all of their shell was— not an inch of it spared from the mercilessly generous scarring. Even Herrah, the warrior queen famed for her countless scars, would blanch at the severity of it all. 
He held them closer and fought back tears of his own.
(Later passage from the same fic as the above--- TPK has left the Dream Realm and is given temporary housing in Ghost's home while Mato is visiting.)
"My apologies, I forgot my manners." The Nailmaster smiled brightly. "My name is Mato. I studied under the Great Nailsage, and I am this little warrior's father. By choice, not by blood, though it makes little difference." He reached up to pat the arm of the little vessel sat astride his shoulders. 
The vessel squeezed their arms tighter around his horns, pouting.
Ah. The Pale King took a sip of his tea. It was poorly steeped and the flavor was far too strong as a result, but the opportunity to ground himself in the face of that revelation was welcome. 
(This child had grown up with darkness above them and dried out husks underfoot. They had managed to escape the Abyss. They had found someone to provide the care and concern for them that no one else had. He had no right to feel as pained by the fact as he did.)
(That fact did nothing to change the guilt spearing him.)
"How noble, to take in a wandering grub," he finally said. 
(More dialogue happens--- Ghost storms off to her bedroom in the middle of Mato and TPK's conversation, and Hollow follows shortly after to comfort her.)
"Is…" The Pale King struggled to summon both the words and the resolve to ask his question. "Is this a frequent occurrence?" He tapped his claws against the mug. "That the H— that Holly is required to reassure Ghost?"
"There are good days and bad. Their brother is also typically here to bolster the child before she begins struggling too much, so it doesn't often get to the point where Holly is needed." There was a long moment of dead air. He sighed. "I shouldn't be bothering you with all this. It's her business, not mine." He smiled again, resuming his jovial demeanor. "I interrupted you before. How are you related to Ghost and her siblings?"
"I am their—" He paused. "I am their father. Theirs by birth, at least."
Mato blinked several times, kind expression flickering between many emotions before settling on a carefully neutral look. "Ah. Ghost has…" He glanced away, brow furrowed. "… mentioned you on a few occasions, I believe."
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in light of the new FB event:
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xenoshadow13 · 6 months
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Don't mind me here, just smile and giggle at these two dorks for a bit.
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aria0fgold · 15 days
Joker x Kid headcanons please? I love Kaito and crossover ships are cool.
OH!!! cracks knuckles >:3
SMALL SPOON KAITO! When sleeping in the same bed together, Kaito either sleeps on top of Akiren or beside him getting hugged by Akiren!
If Kaito ever got around to telling Akiren bout his Kaito KID persona, Akiren will help provide some tools too! If only Kaito can just share secrets already...
I reeeaaalllyyy wanna write it someday, but Kaito comforting Akiren after the whole problem with the police got resolved. Akiren definitely got some Trauma from being treated LIKE THAT by the Wretched police.
Kaito is gonna be quite petty with the p5 cops when doing heists there cuz of that. His playfulness with them is lower now so they better be prepared to get humiliated more!
Likewise, Akiren comforting Kaito when things got too much for him. What with the whole Kaito KID problems and the fact that he so desperately wanna keep that secret to his grave. Both of them might not know each other's secrets, but that doesn't mean they aint gonna comfort one another!
Between the two of them, Akiren is more likely to share his secret identity with Kaito. He just doesn't know how to go about!
Holding hands publicly <3 Scandalous!
When hanging out together, Kaito loves pulling Akiren wherever so they're almost always holding hands. Not that Akiren minds, he likes the warmth from Kaito's hand :3
Dates <3 Once they become an official couple, they'd always make time for dates at least once a week.
Kaito becoming comfy enough with Akiren to tell him bout his phobia <3 Also Akiren making sure to keep any fish products and such away from Kaito. Aquarium dates are out of the question, but not to worry, there's other locations!
Kaito riding a rollercoaster: "This reminded me of a time a bomb nearly went off on one!" Akiren: "A what--"
Akiren entering a castle attraction: jokingly "At least this castle doesn't have a sex dungeon." Kaito: "WHAT?!"
Anyway yeah, Jokid going to a themepark and says out of pocket things based off of the insanity that is their double life.
Oh also! Kaito subtly and vaguely helping Akiren with heists via advices and also, acting help :3 Honestly though, even without them outrightly saying their secrets, they can Feel It. So it's just gonna be a game of two idiots subtly and vaguely helping each other while stepping over the giant wall of SECRETS they both refuse to tell the other. Well, Kaito refuses to tell other to be more accurate.
Due to the fact that Kaito's KID identity has more grounds in the real world and Akiren's Joker identity is in a metaverse. In a way, Kaito both feels that he shouldn't endanger Akiren and that he shouldn't burden him any more than he thinks Akiren already has. Oh, self-esteem issues.
In a way Akiren has similar issues too, it's just that he has an emotional support animal (Morgana) and group (Phantom Thieves) that helps him deal with that. Kaito is unfortunately alone with the only help he got is from Jii until Akiren appeared.
ANNNDD that's all I can think of at the moment! I know there's more though cuz I looooove jokid and I need to start thinking bout them again, jokid <3 Thank you anon for enabling my insanity over a crossover ship!
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manicpanicaddict · 4 months
Hey Egon! It's Peter, but like from another, another dimension, yeah, either way, just curious, are we married in all dimensions? i
I just wanted to you know uhn calculate the different relationships i can have and their possibilities
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"Hello, Peter--," he offered despite how he knew his greeting would be lost. His use of 'another' modifier clued him to where the signal was not coming from (68-R) as he tuned the inter-spatial transportation unit. Though, at first transmission, it appeared closely related.
"I--," he stopped entirely at Peter's question.
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He asked so casually, but to him it felt (to exaggerate) like being hit by a proton grenade. It wasn't as if this was a new concept to him. They had all been rather... Well, they all had their separate thoughts and feelings about the 68-R versions of themselves having... different relationships.
He knew his delayed answer was causing an uncomfortable pause for Peter; but he wanted to choose his words carefully. He cared for Peter, not like how he expected, but cared for him all the same. He hated letting him down. Of all the versions of themselves they'd met across time, space, and dimensions in between, one fact remained true: there was no Ghostbusters without Peter finding him-- saving him.
"I'm...," there was no pleasant way to say it and braced himself for the other's reaction, "I'm sorry, Peter, but... we're not in this one."
Seeing the 68-R version of himself with his Peter made him question many things. He wondered if things could've been different in their universe, but he recognized how they were, sometimes wildly, different.
He never could've imagined his Peter so sober. He wanted to ask about how they met, how they discovered their feelings, how they lived. He stopped himself, knowing it would likely hurt, and that despite all the possibilities he knew Ray was his person over anyone.
"Why don't you ask your husband?" he forced the well-meaning question from his mouth. It wasn't even a legal union in this dimension though he wouldn't mention that. How blissful these adjacent planes seemed...
"Or," he started again; knowing himself well enough he wondered out loud, "are you trying to surprise him with the answer? You don't give yourself enough credit, Peter. I know that you know the answer."
He couldn't meet his eyes but softly smiled anyway. It was infinite. Every choice they made branched them off into other worlds. The possibilities were boundless, forever expansive, and positively endless. Just as his feelings were for his husband; and so his feelings for his Ray.
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Yo, I finished a Kiribaku fic that was in my drafts since forever, give it some love, it was a fun project!
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padfootastic · 2 years
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sirius coded hands
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mejomonster · 8 months
Coming up with ideas for writing 💜💜💜
Actually writing ;-;
#rant#ToT#upside is i have solved some lore loopholes which. if u know me u know how rare i actually didnt alreayd have way too much worldbuilding#decided on. but finally nailed down a bit of worldbuilding i was foggy on.#also i am SO hype for magic to come into the story#downside: i have 40k words to write before i get to be writing that part ;-;#also? idk if yall are like this. but like whatever i Actually write always comes out significantly different than The Plan#like. fact: i have every single major scene in my summary to write.#reality: at least 70% of those scenes will likely be different than the summary once i actually write them out.#leading to possible new avenues ill utilize vause they work better/more theme cohesive/more in character#so like. i love my summary abd im clinging to it for dear life#but also terrified in the knowledge reality will be way more complex#like. i wrote this week what SHOULDVE been a simple scene#but upon actually making it. the characters chemistry was so AMPED up i feel i pretty much need Some relationship development in the scene#even tho i didnt plan that in my summary. but even if irs just AWARENESS OF LUST these bitches are dripping chemistry#also the scene turned out way fucking funnier than i planned. so like. to not fully utilize the comedic execution would be#throwing a gift away.#so im now stuck tryjng to Add Onto the intended summarized scene. since i didnt plan#to write 1 an almost kiss/desire to kiss 2 embarassment the likes of which only this dork couldve created for himself
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capmangacap · 1 year
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