#i love to crochet but just like any of my hobbies the desire to do so can ebb and flow
zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 8 months
So like the last couple of years I have attempted to crochet what's known as a temperature blanket, which is a blanket thats made throughout the year that chronicles the temperature of each day by yarn color. Everyone does theirs differently, I've seen people do like one row per day, one granny square per day, split the rows into separate days, etc etc
However! I haven't yet been successful in completing one. I'll get like partway through the year and then miss a few days and then just can't get myself to catch up. But I really really wanna finish one cause they're so cool, and I think maybe chronicling it online might help? Idk it's worth a shot
So this is my color key
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I'm going to be making 49 granny squares with 7 rounds each, each round representing one day, and then the last 3 weeks will create a border around it to finish the blanket. I'm using this pattern
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(Pattern is from this book, which I found at my local library)
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I know im like a couple weeks behind so I'm gonna be making the squares for Jan 1st-7th and Jan 8th-14th today, so I'll probably post the finished squares later this evening
Wish me luck!
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: lesson from the fatherly energy in your life / what inspires your growth as a person
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the SUM OF YOUR PUBLIC ENERGY NUMBER AND YOUR HIGHEST SELF NUMBER (ex: my public energy number is 9 and my highest self number is 10: 9 + 10 -> 19 (recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 23 (i.e. 2 + 3 -> 5) and above)).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents what inspires our character growth in this lifetime. this number can help us to balance our public energy and our highest self energy - it essentially helps to provide continuity between our character. as my alma mater says, "be who you are and be that well." and as i say, "say what you mean and mean what you say." that is to say this number can help us become more genuine in day to day life when practiced. it is also the first number in our "male generational line"; often it is symbolic of the first male energy we interact with in life which is typically our fathers - so this is the biggest lesson we learn from our father figures as well.
so let's talk about some examples:
3 - the empress
rider-waite smith's empress is a regal lady sits on red (passion) cushions in a fertile forest where strong trees and wheat crops flourish. she is at one with nature. a heart shaped stone with the glyph of venus (what she represents) is beneath her cushions - she appears at ease with the possibly uncomfortable seating conditions. she stares are the viewer (confrontational) of the card, dressed in a white (innocence) pomegranate-patterned (pomegranates -> passion, fertility, and cyclicality of life) dress. she is adorned with a crown (has 12 stars - alluding to the 12 zodiacs) and a scepter showing her strength as a matriarch.
3s are inspired to grow when they learn to be patient, sit back, and receive rather than chase after answers/objects. hobbies that inspire patiences are meditation, yoga, gardening, writing, cooking/baking, reading, learning new languages, fishing, quilting, crochet, knitting, adult coloring books, puzzles, etc. it is important that 3s stay relaxed and follow their passions (with the 12-starred crown these people tend to be passionate/inspired by astrology) while creating what they desire most (any medium of art is also good).
3s are likely to be closer with their father than to their mother. their father is likely to illustrate to them unconditional love either for them or model it around them in some other area. they also could be a creative that lets the 3 explore their passions. 3s could learn to see the world through rose-colored glasses from their fatherly figure. their father can also be very granola - they can encourage going outside to become one with nature or they may be naturalists/naturopaths.
10 - wheel of fortune
click here for the card description of the wheel of fortune found in my 2nd wyrd web post.
10s are inspired to grow when they learn to connect with spirituality (so many occult symbols are present in this card, don't be afraid to search beyond just one belief). these people need something to connect with when times are rough - they need something to believe in. belief is a powerful tool that often boosts morale in the best way possible. to better connections with spirituality try joining a bible study, following a daily devotional online, going on a nature walk, joining a yoga/meditation group, journaling, volunteering in the community, planting a tree, practicing tai chi, etc. they also need to be around constant change so that they do not feel stagnant - outdoor exercise (or in a gym facility) is probably the best hobby for these people so they can build physical strength and endurance as they do they same emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. they should also pick up a hobby that is unpredictable as they need to realize that not all things can be controlled: practice one random act of kindness a week, manage a bonsai tree, take a different route on the drive home, try any random/new hobby/activity/workshop, surprise someone with a gift, make conversation with a stranger, go to a psychic, etc.
10's fatherly figure tends to teach them that fate can lead them anywhere. their fatherly figure can teach them that if they understand something and believe, they can accomplish anything that they want to. they could also teach them that there are patterns in life - a cycle - so they should never fear what comes nexts. trust what the universe has in store for everyone.
19 - the sun
click here for the card description of the sun found in my 2nd wyrd web post.
19s are inspired to grow when they learn to embrace their inner child. inner child work is extremely important to becoming anyone's best self, but for this person it is extremely beneficial to be around children and to get to understand the people around them and their inner children as well. because the truth is we are all children in spirit. practice hobbies that allow reconnection with the inner child: shadow work, make a mess - bake / paint / play dress up and do make up, buy a cute stuffed animal, throw a themed daytime party - i.e. a fairy themed picnic, play outside - garden / forage, volunteer to read to children at your local library, have a sleepover with your friends, pick up something you used to do when you were little - hula hoop / hatch butterflies, make your favorite childhood meal, try mantras/manifestation, etc. by practicing any of these things it will help to bring in to focus what productivity means to them. it could renew clarity towards life (perhaps you have been taking life too seriously), and/or it could make them feel alive again.
19's father figures likely taught them what it means to be healthy inside and out. it might be that they are able to see that youth, sadness, health, and/or illness is all temporary. these people's father could be childish themselves (perhaps 19s grew up too fast to enjoy childhood the first time around as well) and modeled what it is to embrace the energy of the sun card. they could also model for 19s what passion is when it comes to hobbies.
that's all for today. the next number we will be looking at is the right-most number, who we are destined to be.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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Sister Cities: Night Vale (Welcome to Vermillion Falls)
A friendly desert community where the sun is bright, the stars have forsaken us, and the moon is a lie. Welcome to Night Vale.
Good evening, Vermillion Falls! Wow, it's been so long since I last spoke to all of you. I think it was... 2014? 2015, maybe? And I don't know when the last time before then would have been. What a wonderful time it is that we get to participate in this tradition once again. Well anyway, for those of you hearing me for the first time, my name is Cecil Gerswhin Palmer, and I am the community radio host of the beautiful town of Night Vale! In case you didn't know, we are your sister city! You'll never meet us, and we'll never meet you if you know what's good for you, but we are united nonetheless by the ties of family. And what could be stronger than that?
Speaking of family, Vermillion Falls, I'm sure you all remember the guy I was telling you about last time I was on the air - Carlos the Scientist. He is a beautiful man with beautiful hair and an oaky voice, who conducts scientific experiments in his lab by Big Rico's Pizza, and he is utterly perfect in every single imperfect way. The last time I spoke to you, Carlos was my boyfriend, and he had recently returned from being trapped in a desert otherworld. Well - then, Carlos and I have gotten *married*! Isn't that the most wonderful news? Isn't that the most fascinating piece of journalism ever to cross your ears? We had our ceremony on the 15th of December, in 2016, at -
Oh, hang on, Vermillion Falls. I've just been handed a press release by my newest intern, Safa. Safa, should I even be reading Night Vale news, if the people of my community aren't going to hear it? Oh well. I guess it can't hurt. More about my husband soon.
But first, a message from the Night Vale Interfaith Crochet Club and Political Activism Coalition. As many of you know, this group advocates for the recognition of crochet into popular culture, as both an artform and a really cool hobby. "We want everyone to know that regardless of what you believe in, we can all get behind making cool stuff out of yarn" said Robin, who is one of the coalition's organizers, and also a priest at the Temple of Hekate out in the sand wastes. "First, you chain to the desired length. Then, you either go back into the second loop from the hook, or you chain extra and yarn over. Then, you repeat your actions to make various stitches. It's great." The Night Vale Interfaith Crochet Club and Political Activism Coalition would like to invite you to their meetings. You can find them every other Wednesday night from 5:01 to 6:07:32, with locations announced every week on their Instagram page. Crochet materials and political pamphlets will be provided. When asked by a member of the press whether knitters would be welcome at the coalition's meetings, Robin hissed, then threw down zir skein of yarn, then vanished into a puff of vapor. So maybe don't attend the meetings if you like to knit.
This has been: a press release.
Okay, listeners, back to talking about my husband. So, Carlos and I had our ceremony on the 15th of December in 2016, and it's honestly hard to believe that that was almost seven years ago already. It feels like yesterday that my beautiful Carlos walked down the aisle towards me, his face all alight with the love we share as we wed in front of our entire town! And now, we have a beautiful baby boy who we adopted. Although I guess he isn't really a baby anymore, since he's about to turn six. Our sweet Esteban is the joy of our lives, and he takes so well after both his fathers. He started talking at eighteen months, but not in the usual baby-babble way. His first word was "I", followed by the words "desire destruction should follow in my wake, and also I would like another Gerber pouch, please." Carlos and I were so proud of him. How many children have a complete sentence at the same time as their first word? Do you know any children like that, Vermillion Falls? Of course not. My Esteban is a truly remarkable child, completely one of a kind. He loves giraffes and other animals, and he also loves to throw tantrums where he hurls his toys around the room and screams at the sky. When that happens, Carlos has to pick him up and rock him back and forth singing "Valjean's Soliloquy" from Les Miserables until he calms down. And it works every time. I'm so happy with my family. I was texting your radio host, Frank Luna, in our town voice group chat, and I sent him so many pictures of my husband. Like this one, where -
Ughhhh, another press release? Safa, I'm doing extremely important work here. I know this is only your first day, but usually press releases are supposed to be spaced out more, and I just did one! No, I totally did. Um, you might think I've been rambling about my family for a really long time, but time is subjective, and I am the station manager here. Okay, fine. Let's see what we've got.
The Night Vale Board of Education would like to announce an update to all their dictionaries. Effective immediately, they will be changing science curriculums to include "guilt" as a step in the scientific method. "Just take a moment to ponder what you're doing," said Director of Emergency Press Conferences Pamela Winchell, who wore a Jurassic Park Hoodie. "And think about whether it's really worth it, whatever 'it' is that you're about to do. Scientifically, I mean. This makes sense to me. Any questions? Yes, you with the clipboard." Several journalists with clipboards began speaking at the same time. "Leann with the clipboard," Pamela clarified. Leann asked her question, which was not picked up by the mics, but which Pamela helpfully repeated back verbatim. "Is our decision impacted by the recent works of Doctor J-" Here Pamela paused and made a face as if she had just bit into the sourest of lemons. "By Doctor Jan-" Pamela paused again and shakily took a sip of water. "I'm going to pretend you said by 'that woman' because that's more tolerable to me. Yes, it is. Anyone else? No? Alright, bye then." With that, Pamela hastily climbed into a car and drove away. Well, listeners, I must say, I completely agree with this decision. Mostly because I texted my husband to ask him what he thought, and he said he agrees too. So there you have it.
And now for traffic.
A car lies alone in a quiet ditch and the driver is still alive. On the back bumper, there is an array of colorful stickers, all pastel and candy-hued. One sticker says "Night Vale Community College Honor Student", a declaration of personal achievement that would be pretentious, were it not so admirable. There is a sticker that says "Save the Bees" and a sticker that says "Shop local" with a little cartoon farmer. There is a pride flag sticker, a nautical delta flag sticker, a sticker of the US flag on fire. The tires of the car are also on fire. Just the front ones. The left side door is dented inward, and already flowers are growing through the rust hole in the open passenger door. It squeaks on its hinges, still swaying, while dandelions and nightshade poke up through the metal. In the rearview mirror, lights twinkle red and blue. The pieces of metal scattered all around catch this light, and reflect it, dancing all over the quiet ditch and the empty road, a dazzling, shimmery display. A moth lands on the windshield, which resembles a disco ball, if disco balls were vaguely rectangular. The lights are getting closer now, and the moth flits away into the night. A car lies alone in a quiet ditch, and the driver is still alive.
This has been traffic.
Alright, so back to my family. Carlos, Esteban, and I live on Ourobourus Road, in the nicest house on our street. We have a backyard where Esteban plays on his jungle gym, and where we can walk our dog, Aubergine. Safa, what is it now? Oh, right. The weather. I guess I have extended the broadcast a little bit too much. Well, Vermillion Falls, let's go to the weather.
Welcome back, Vermillion Falls.
While we were in the weather, I asked my new intern, Safa, to go over the next few media reports to see if they could just kind of condense them down a little bit for me. I did go a little bit over the time limit, but can you blame me? I haven't talked to you all for years! I really wanted to give you updates about Carlos! Anyway, Safa was reading the reports while they poured themself a glass of water from the sink, but accidentally dropped them in. And when they reached to pick up the soggy papers, Safa's arm sank deep underwater. Much deeper than the half-inch of water pooled into the sink. Their entire body pitched forward, and Safa splashed into the sink. They tried to swim back up, to climb back out of the sink and into Night Vale, but instead, Safa resurfaced in the middle of a lake, in the town of Vermillion Falls!
I know this because Frank just texted our group chat. And according to him, no one who's entered Vermillion Falls through that lake has ever left. It's pretty difficult to find Night Vale, anyways, so it's safe to say that Safa will be there with you guys for a while. Perhaps indefinitely. So, please welcome Safa to your town! I'm sure they'll have a great time. At least, I hope so.
And to the family and loved ones of Intern Safa, they weren't that great of an intern, and they kept interrupting me, but they aren't technically dead, so I can speak as ill of them as I'd like. I'm sure they will call you soon. Just probably from a different time zone.
Alright, back to my broadcast about my husband. That's what this was supposed to be, after all, and I think it's fair enough that I can continue it without any more interruptions. So, settle in, Vermillion Falls! I have a lot to catch you up on. So anyway, Carlos's skin is beautiful and smooth, since he uses an incredible skincare routine made up of two toners and a revitalizing serum, and his cologne...
Broadcast continues for three hours.
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torchickentacos · 8 months
15 Questions!
Tagged by @gaycey-sketchit !!!!! Thank you so much for the tag, and I loved reading yours! Long post, sorry lol.
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope! Not to my knowledge, anyways. Though if my mom told me that she named me after Taylor Hawkins from Foo Fighters, I would not be shocked.
2. When was the last time you cried? I think monday? I cry really often, at every single emotion. Happy? I'm going to cry about it. Laughing? My high school theatre class would always point out when they made me cry laugh. Sad? ABSOLUTELY crying about that. I didn't cry but I DID tear up yesterday because I was really happy about something nice someone said to me.
3. Do you have kids? Nope, and no intention of having them. Regardless of my desire to or not (usually not, being the oldest of four is enough for me), my health is not, and never will be, in an acceptable position or ability to go through that, and I've accepted that for a while now.
4. What sports do you play/have you played? As a kid, I played soccer and did gymnastics! In middle school, I BRIEFLY did fencing. My mom told me that when I was fencing is the only time she's ever seen me look truly graceful (lmao, love my mom dw. She's right). Then health stuff came up and I had to stop, but fencing just came as easily to me as breathing did. I always wonder where I'd be if I could have stuck with it. Nothing's ever immediately clicked with me the way fencing did, but it's hell on my joints.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes, usually when I'm annoyed which isn't TOO often. Or if I'm being hyperbolic for a joke.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? No clue. I guess their demeanor- if they seem happy or not, if they look stressed, how they're feeling (or how I perceive them as feeling, I guess).
7. What's your eye color? Blue! My friend swears up and down that they're kind of green. I think she's colorblind.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!!! I am not built for scary movies. I can do some buzzfeed unsolved and I can watch markiplier play indie horror games but that's kind of my limit. I LOVE some types of horror, but my anxiety does not. I will be paranoid for a month after.
9. Any talents? I can play music by ear. Give me a guitar and a random song and ten minutes at most!
10. Where were you born?
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11. What are your hobbies? Landscape/scenery art (also other art but it's much harder), writing, playing guitar (used to play piano too but not well. I also own a ukulele that I'm bad at, but generally I can play something on any instrument you give me). But mostly, I pick up and put down hobbies all the time. I've dabbled in crochet, embroidery, sewing, painting, archery, coding, needle felting, gardening, cooking, a little bit of everything. Never long enough to get good at most of them, though. I get bored too quickly.
12. Do you have any pets? A lovely husky (shelter girlie <3) and a gecko! And, for the gecko, a bunch of crickets at any given point in time, which I guess counts because I have to take care of them, too.
13. How tall are you? 5'2 and a half. 5'4 with my doc martens.
14. Favorite subject in school? Assuming lunch doesn't count, I was a theatre girlie. Assuming THAT doesn't count, English. I liked English because if I didn't have an answer, I could just bullshit one, but I usually did enjoy it and had real answers. I'll tell you why the curtains are blue and why they're the specific fabric they are and what the rest of the room means- if I'm interested, anyways.
15. Dream job? Oh boy, uh. Still trying to figure that out. DREAM job, like, without worrying about money or my physical ability to do it? Pro fencer, but I gave up on that a looong time ago. I genuinely believe I could have done it if my knee hadn't gone to shit at fourteen. I'd love to work in a record store or a music store, though, which is a little more in-reach.
Tagging: Anyone who sees this, lmk if you do it from this post!! But also, NO PRESSURE AT ALL but @soulsilversprings @nowandevermore @lostlegendaerie @mozukumi !!! Also whoever else wants to, I get nervous to tag people so assume you're tagged, too!
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creppersfunpalooza · 6 months
11, 24, 31 for lucille & juniper
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
For Lucille, I think we share a few things in common but I think a big part of my life that I share her is never really knowing where I belong. Another thing is having a complicated relationship or attachment to people or events that may have caused me harm. She’s also sort of my desire to not grow up, since she grew up too fast and is finally now able to experience. just being a kid. and something about that is beautiful and makes me want to cry. I would absolutely have a tea party with her even if it ended with me getting skinned lol
For Juniper, she’s sort of always been a reflection of my struggles with self-worth and placing like a solid 90% of that on grades. She was also made during a time where I wasn’t as close with my parents and had a more strained relationship because I thought they viewed my importance based on how well I did in school as well (they don’t, i’ve had the opportunity to talk it over with them, but damage lingers). She’s also sort of my inability to really express my needs or speak up sometimes. I’ve improved in these aspects and she’s grown with me, but yeah. I think I’d get along with her, she’d be cool.
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
Lucille draws really often! She doodles little things onto fabrics and Mother makes them into quilts or stitches them onto her dress. It’s semi-visible in the one reference I have for her but yeah you can see lucille’s little patches she’s made for her mom 💖. it’s one of my favorite little details actually.
Juniper is very musically talented, but she never wanted to pursue it beyond a casual hobby. She has a very mellow and pleasant singing voice. Koi tried to start a band with her once but she got really overwhelmed so he shut the idea down quickly lol. I think she’d also be able to do embroidery or crochet or something. she seems like a crochet gal.
31. do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
Lucille loves receiving gifts!!! and giving gifts!!! but mostly receiving them. She loves stuffed animals, cards, and flowers. I think she’d also love to receive a drawing from somebody because she thinks it’s very special.
Juniper struggles a bit with it unless it’s for an event like her birthday or something like that, because she’d feel inclined to give them something in return and would feel bad if she didn’t. She does like giving gifts though, she thinks figuring out what someone would like is a really good way to see how well you know someone. She’d probably like anything homemade, including like pastries or any sort of art. She also likes collecting pins!
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jmflowers · 6 months
Hi! For that most recent fic writer ask game - 15, 25, 26, 30
You don’t have to do all four if you don’t want. 😊😊
I am always gonna do them all, don't you worry. Writer loves to write: shocker!
15. favourite weather for writing
Anything. Writing, for me, is more about discipline than waiting for everything to align to fuel creativity. Although, when it's rainy, I tend to get tired at my desk a lot sooner. I used to write a lot in the sunshine at the trailheads of hikes I wanted to go on and I used it as incentive to hit my desired word count before I could embark on my adventure.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
Photography, for sure. I was a ballet dancer for many, many years. I love to travel. Anything that gets my body moving makes me happy - walking, hiking, running, cycling, swimming, etc. I'm a huge fan of music and love going to live shoes. Sometimes I crochet or scrapbook or do handlettering. I like to garden, video edit, watch shows, read. I really enjoy learning languages - so far, I have basic French, Spanish, and Dutch (Italian and Portuguese are probably next on my list).
Basically, I'm rarely ever still and I'm an overachiever, so I'm constantly competing with myself in some way or trying to learn something new and/or creative.
26. are you able to write with other people around?
Depending on the people, yes. I've taken a lot of writing courses through my life, so I'm used to being in the company of others while working on stuff. I also really enjoy the collaborative efforts of writing as a team, especially when it comes to screenwriting or writing for media. At school, I wrote a lot of tumblr prompts while TAing.
At home, I tend to write in solitude to eliminate the interruptions of people talking to me about unrelated things. Also because I just don't have any space to function in my house besides my room. But writing can be lonely and I like to talk through ideas with others.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
Travel Light and Risk, for sure. Those were labours of love and I'm so proud of the final product of both (even though there are two more parts of Risk that I'd like to write...).
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I admit... I just love these...
1. Are you named after anyone?
So I was supposed to be named after both my grandmothers. But one of my grandmothers was like “Don’t name her after me! She’ll sound like an old lady and she’ll hate it!” So my mom said “FINE! If she’s born on your birthday, we won’t name her after you.”
That would put me at two weeks late...
I’m named after the Allman Brothers Song “Sweet Melissa.”
2. When was the last time you cried? Earlier this week. I cry when I get frustrated so it’s a pretty regular thing unfortunately. Big feelings, good or bad, come straight out of my eyeballs.
3. Do you have kids? Nope. Not human ones anyway. Never had a desire to have kids, and I’ve always felt like that’s something you should do with your whole everything.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? More than I should.
5. What sports do you play/have played? I never did sports. I attended a basketball camp for about a day and a half before I decided that there was entirely too much yelling. My physical activity of choice was dance and marching band. And eventually hiking.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? Usually their tone of voice.
7. What's your eye color? green
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. of those two. As far as movies go, my preference is for things like spy flicks, heists, action movies, and sometimes a good spooky story (think Sixth Sense and not The Ring).
9. Any special talents? I’m a really good cook. Like not a chef or anything, but like... I can make soup out of anything. I can feed a crowd on a budget. And I’m pretty good at it. I’m also very good at being calm in an emergency. I think it’s actually an anxiety thing... I’m anxious all the time so I’m used to dealing with it and thinking through it.
10. Where were you born? Skipping, sorry.
11. What are your hobbies? Cooking, video games (usually things like Stardew Valley, Darkest Dungeon... more indie stuff than Triple A), crocheting, Magic the Gathering, gardening, and sometimes writing.
12. Do you have pets? I have two cats! Kaylee and Inara. They’re useless and adorable.
13. How tall are you? 5'9"
14. Favorite subject in school? It really depended on the teacher... But I guess it would be history or literature, but I had teachers that made it me hate it desperately. But if I was going to go back to college for a class of my choosing it would probably be philosop
15. Dream job? Honestly... I don’t know anymore. And I’m okay with that. I had a career in theatre for about ten years that I just recently left behind because the industry is acutely toxic locally. (it’s toxic everywhere... but the local scene has its own brand). Right now... honestly I’m enjoying being a homeowner. Like... that’s my job. I keep our house running. And... maybe I’ll get bored with that. And when I do I’ll find something else to do, but until then, I’ll enjoy my little garden and my kitchen and playing video games and doing laundry... honestly I enjoy laundry day more than I enjoyed my old job at the point I quit.  So... yeah. Dunno at this point. Cause I like my life.
I was tagged by @serenitynerd! Mwah, lovely! And I tag... whoever wants to do this. And @hawthorneox, who now must complete due to honor or some shit.
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vaniiii ehe hiya :3 umm we got a system sideblog if yer interested in seein more of us... but ummmm hiya !!!! i missed ya n im glad t' see ya... do ya got any advice fer copin wit' lack of attention from an fp.... we're okay but if ya got anythin it might be helpful for us :33 ehe i love yaaaa -🪴
MIIIIIKAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i missed u guys </3 i would love to see more of u tho i miss you guys when you're not around... although i guess technically you are since you said we're mutuals but skdghds
ough. tbh i've been pretty lucky insofar that i haven't had a lotta issues with that... but in my experience usually if i gotta be left alone for awhile distracting myself helps a lot? like. go down a wikipedia rabbit hole, or do a puzzle, or play a game you get super invested in. just something to focus on so you don't end up in your own head kinda thing yanno??? otherwise don't feel bad to just. ask for attention? like. it's not illegal to have human desires. and as long as your fp isn't busy or something they probably don't mind talking with you a lil :3 although idk for sure i know everyone has different relationships with their fp so ^^; do not listen to me if you know it'll cause you harm/strife/etc :< also naps. bc those pass the time reaaaaal quick. its like a lifehack. feeling bad? take a nap. you'll either feel amazing after or like you got smacked in the face with a trout ! oh and also like. doing schoolwork or smth productive maybe? thats not really fun tho so dskghds maybe pick up a kinda time-consuming hobby like crochet or cross-stitch or something where you can use that to distract yourself and have something to do with your hands :3?
but if its like. ur Already Feeling Bad i recommend like. watching a movie/tv show/etc that you really like or getting a Little Treat(tm) or something :3 curl up with a cozy blanket and drink some hot cocoa or tea or something !! its not like. a sure-fire fix. but i find the combo of distraction + comfort media + Little Treat tends to make you feel at least a lil better :3 also if it gets Very Bad just like. destroy some old school work you don't need or somethin. tearing papers to shreds is sooooooo fun. make sure u don't accidentally rip up something you need though skjghds it helps to calm down a lil and then you can work on relaxing a little more !! its not like. guaranteed. but sometimes gettin some of the destructive urges out helps
ily2 mika <3 i would die for u btw /lh
#at least i get destructive urges idk. i usually just rip up papers and stuff i don't need if i get like that#most of the time i can just deal w/ it via distractions (mmmm shitty mobile games) but !! sometimes u gotta Rip And Tear#most of my strats are just. distract urself. bc it gives you time to calm down and process stuff even if you don't realize it#so. ye. jus kinda be nice to yourself :3 it helps a little. perhaps get a plushie to cuddle with even#i have plushies my fp got me and i keep them on my bed and cuddle them when i miss them nd stuff#it helps a little !!! making yourself feel better can be rlly hard tho so don't feel bad if you struggle a bit !!#find some friends to talk to too if you can !!! it rlly helps to have people to talk to even if they don't entirely get it#just having other people around can help. i message with a few friends when my fp is busy sometimes and it helps keep the loneliness#at bay a little :3 but !! obv i cannot guarantee any of this will work for you !! but hopefully some of it is helpful at least !!!#I FORGOR U CAN'T PUT READ MORES IN ASKS. AUGH. this got so long srry mika ily#anyway !!! i am glad to see u :3 i was thinking abt u guys recently actually sdkghsd#i was worried u guys might've been one of the people in recent times that've blocked me or something orz#ily. stay safe. nd !! lemme know if i can help you guys somehow :3#im not like the most versed in system nor bpd stuff but ! i have my silly little experiences to go off of#system anon 🪴#long post#<- j. just in case. bc this did get Long. oopsies
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lumiereandcogsworth · 8 months
tagged by @thavron thank you my dear :)
1. are you named after anyone? yes! my great-grandma lydia. we share a birthday AND she died on her birthday exactly one year before i was born. a very fun and slightly spooky anecdote
2. when was the last time you cried? last night, i got a very angsty fic idea and as usual i somehow manage to put myself into the character’s shoes so easily and i was crying a character’s tears. last time i cried my own tears was the night before i think, or something like that. idk, i cry a lot lmao.
3. do you have kids? no but my build-a-bear stitch IS my son
4. what sports do you play / have you played? i played basketball from ages 6-17 and it was basically my entire personality. haven’t done any sports since then and probably won’t, though i’m trying to find some kind of exercise that could actually be fun :/ i loved rock climbing in college but there’s no wall near where i live. but anyway i’ll figure it out
5. do you use sarcasm? noOooOoo i would Neverrrrrrrr
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? i genuinely have no idea, i don’t really look at people. maybe their voice/the way they speak? or their shoes cuz that’s where i be looking lmao
7. what’s your eye color? i don’t knoowww. blue green grey. depends on what i’m wearing, sometimes the blue really pops. but sometimes it doesn’t look like my eyes are blue at all so. i think they’re mostly grey.
8. scary movies or happy endings? once again this question makes no sense because a lot of scary movies (most?? nearly all????) HAVE happy endings. but anyway to quote the fairy fauna from sleeping beauty, i just LOVE happy endings :”)
9. any talents? well i like to think i’m an alright writer! i actually Know i’m a good writer at least when it comes to school essays because that was always where i got the most praise. but i think my fics are pretty good too!! writing’s just always come naturally to me. other than that idk, i’m pretty good at memorizing stuff when i want to.
10. where were you born? pacific northwest babey!!!! (northwestern united states)
11. what are your hobbies? writing and day dreaming are like, my two staples. i’m striving to make 2024 the year i start being more crafty though. i have a couple projects brewing and i have a batb 2017 coloring book that i just bought some markers for to start coloring more. in the future i’d like to try crochet and embroidery but i don’t wanna overwhelm myself. one step at a time
12. do you have any pets? no :( i’m just an auntie to a lot of pets. the one i see most often is my brother’s shiba inu, mishka. he’s my little baby nephew and i wanna eat his face off. but anyway i’d like a cat or two some day! probably whenever i move out of my parents’ house. (which i’m not in a big rush to do, i like it here :3)
13. how tall are you? somewhere between 5’5 and 5’6. but with shoes definitely 5’6
14. favorite subject in school? elementary to high school it was probably english/creative writing, since i’ve always had a knack for it. in college it was my two majors, comparative ethnic studies and history. my favorite CES classes were “race and racism in pop culture” and “blackness in film.” my favorite history classes were “history of the late middle ages” (shout out to my girl joan of arc!) and “history of ancient greece” which was my absolute favorite course in all four years of university. it was actually one i happened to take in the quarantine year (my junior year of college) but it still slapped even despite being over zoom. that professor was awesome and i was so obsessed with the material, i kept most of the books and even asked him for more recommendations. (haven’t read them all yet, but i like seeing them on my bookshelf lol)
15. dream job? whatever ends up supporting my desires in life, and brings me at least some semblance of joy. the job i have right now is actually really awesome. it has a couple downsides but overall i’m extremely happy with my job and it feels great :)
tagging: @gayassbenaffleck @freakwiththeknifecollection @gavotteangel @roberrtphilip @ariiiloves @autumnrose11 @ginnyweatherby @enchanted-keys @romeoandjulietyouwish @japhan2024 @splendiferous-bitch + anyone else can say i tagged them :))
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soul-invictus · 1 year
15 Questions
Hey @vayneoc, thanks fpr tagging me! 🖤
Are you named after anyone? I would really like to be named after the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanova, but I'm not. No data on this question available, all I know is my dad thought was a great idea.
When was the last time you cried? Can't remember, I'm stone cold most of the time. It was probably a year ago a few weaks after my granny died.
Do you have kids? I am a 34yo kid.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I do but try not to because most of people don't seem to understand sarcasm and get offended. Everyone gets so easily offended these days. Actually I'm an ironic kind and try to do everything with humor.
What sports do you play/have you played? Not much, too lazy for this. A few months in a vollyeball section at school. A few years of heavy lifting at the gym, could've gotten a candidate master's degree buuuuut, as was mentioned above, too lazy. Then life happened and I ditched it all.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? It's how they behave, I'm not a fan of snobs and narrow-minded people. Those who are open, simple, honest and cheerful are my folks.
Eye colour? Blue.
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies with happy endings, happy movies with scary endings. It doesn't matter much, the movie must be good in general.
Any special talents? Can't say for sure. I just do what I do the best way I can.
Where were you born? Northern Russia, Yamal to be precise.
What are your hobbies? My work lol. Okay. Drawing (watercolor and digital), reading, knitting and crocheting (yep, I'm old), collecting figures, lifting weights, etc etc, but what occupies the most of my scarce time is VP (and gaming ofc). I worked as a retoucher for almost 15 years and wanted to be a photographer, so VP is a good opportunity not to lose any skill I got.
Do you have any pets? Had a few - a red-eared slider, a siamese and a scottish fold, a bunch of guppies, tiger barbs and catfishes. My late dog, of course, poor baby, miss her something awful :( Don't have time for any pets in the near future unfortunately. Would really like to have a dog someday.
How tall are you? 172cm, 5'6"/5'7"
Favourite subject in school? English and arts. I liked teachers more, not subjects. We had the best ones we could have.
Dream job? No need to dream, I have a dream job already. It's the biggest typography in the city and I'm open to print you whatever the hell you desire. But to be honest I've always dreamed not to work at all, just have a shitton of money and travel the world. I can't afford this in real life and it's not about the money - I don't have any free time. At all. Just work-work-work, like in Rihanna's song. I also would love to be a tattoo artist, buuuut this is not an option as well.
Don't know who to tag :D How about you folks? @scrinovskaya @kittenchrissy and @katsigian
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magic-hcs · 2 years
Hayo first time asking (as far as I can remember...) and I've never done one of these matches before so I'm down to give it a try and roll the dice 🎲
Let's lay some basic information down with bullet points
-I'm biromantic and asexual (meaning I'm romantically attracted to both men and women but have a very low libedo)
- I've taken multiple quizzes on soul traits, cause let's be real they're fun and 8 times out of 10 I've gotten justice so that's my metaphorical soul trait
- I look good in dress shirts
- I eat a lot
- I'm short (5'3)
- I have both black hair and black eyes
- I'm white (who would have guessed)
- I wear green clothes except for one yellow/brown outfit that a wear for Job interviews
- and finally I would wear rings over necklaces any day, they're just easier to wear
So to continue with my personality I'm on the jokester spectrum, pranks aren't my Forte and neither of puns but I'll say the most out of pocket things that'll catch you of guard and have you rolling, I'm adaptable to people around me so I can mesh with other groups but with complete strangers im a bit shy. When I dislike someone (which mostly happens if the the do something that rubs me the wrong way) I will hold a grudge and it could last years, and finally I have a bad habit of bitting off more then I can chew and then choking as I chew it anyway
Moving on to hobbies after that mouthful, I have a wide variety of randoms I pick up, to mention a few, crochet, sewing, embroider, slideshows, art, coding, baking (I made a fire cheescake), cooking, writing, Pottery, reading I think you get the idea, oh wait, can't forgot mythology (particularly Chinese mythology). You should go to the next paragraph before I take up more of your time-
For my likes I am an avid enjoyed of all things fruit, in particular berries, my favorite being raspberries which are especially good frozen. I love the sky, particularly clouds and stars, my favorite weather is when the clouds are defined in shape and the sun breaks patches through it. Fall is a good season for me as I thrive in cold temperatures, half my friends are convinced I'm cold blooded since my skin is frozen all the time. On the opposite spectrum I like fire, fireworks, hot meals (LASAGNA, hibachi, lo mein and pot stickers) Rollercoasters, fairy lights and dystopia movies and literature.
Finally moving on to dislikes, don't worry it's almost over. I despise sand, it gets everywhere and is a pain in the butt to clean up. I hate it when people act entitled to something or act pompous, and when people make a huge scene in confronting the person in a white knight way, it just rubs me the wrong way.
The end
If you read through all of this gabblygook I commend you on your perseverance so feel free to take your time with this. I'm completely ok with multiple matches and wouldn't mind some polyamory so go as nuts as your creative brain desires
I really like how you did your matchup essay! It’s very creative and fun to read!
You match really well with Syrup!
(US Papyrus) Syrup:
Syrup is a jokester true and through, loves to send you memes and funny jokes and gets excited to find out your reactions. Your out of pocket comments are the highlight of his day.
Hope you don’t mind lots of snuggles and cuddles throughout the day the further you get into your relationship. Syrup is a very touchy boy. Even though you wouldn’t think so when you first meet him and at the start of getting to know him. He’s a bit distant in the beginning but as you get closer he both gets more sand more open and touchy till one day he’s just practically a koala clinging to you. (Not really, but you get what I mean.)
This is also a funny thing, one moment he’s sticking to you like glue and the next he’s retreating to his skeleton cave room for some alone time.
Another funny thing. This boy has no problem hugging, snuggling and touching you but the moment you initiate something he’s a flustered mess. It’s downright precious.
The both of you are in the ‘hold a grudge for a long ass time’ squad. Though Syrup is a bit more petty in that regard. Sometimes you’ll have to put him straight.
(Syrup just because the guy in front of you took the last blueberry ice cream, it’s still no reason to give them the stink eye.)
Hope you don’t mind damsel catching, treating minor injuries or are good at untying stuff, because Syrup is one clumsy boy. He trips over air out of nowhere - don’t worry, Syrup isn’t all that heavy when catching him so no need to be worried about your back - blurts out sentences that aren’t completely English or are a combination of multiple things (for example when he tried to say ‘waffle’ and ‘pancake’ and ended up saying with a serious expression; “do ya still have those waffalapacake?”) He forgets the door wasn’t open and walks straight into it, or gets his clothes or headphone cords stuck/tied up with anything and everything.
Syrup will deadass joke/pun whenever you catch him when he trips. It’s to deflect that’s he’s very flustered because, oh stars you’re so close and, OH STARS YOU’RE HOLDING HIM VERY INTIMATELY, BE STILL HIS SOUL.
One of those jokes is definitely this one : “heh, can’t help falling for you, eh?”
Syrup is in awe at the amount of hobbies you have, whenever he’s just laying around he likes to watch you do your things. It’s just so calming to watch and he loves seeing the process of unfinished creations getting finished. It’s just so fascinating. He will boast about you to his friends and brothers. This is the law. He is just so proud of you and finds you so cool. He once asked you to teach him pottery and he blushes everytime you touch him to guide and teach him how to do it.
You two share your experiences, opinions, advice and tips on coding with each other and help each other out when one of you is stuck. Syrup is very happy he has someone he can geek out with about coding and electronics other than Undyne.
Loves and I mean loves listening to you ramble about Chinese mythology. He loves learning about other cultures and their folklore. You two will definitely bounce off random mythological facts and tales off of each other.
Syrup is not a fan of real life fireworks because it’s so loud, but watching them on a screen is more his style. When he found out you liked fireworks he researched how to make some, so be ready to be surprised by some magic infused fireworks as gifts every now and again. (They don’t leave waste behind nor are very loud or dangerous, so win win.)
Stargazing definitely becomes a thing for you two, Syrup is able to name a few constellations but not many. He knows for example the Puppis and Mensa. And yes exactly for the reasons you’re thinking of. What can I say, Syrup sometimes has a childish sense of humor.
Syrup isn’t one to make a huge scene, he’d rather solve stuff behind the scenes. He doesn’t like having the spotlight on him in a situation. So you’ll be fighting your own battles most of the time, with only a little magic interference from Syrup if it’s getting out of hand.
I hope you enjoyed your matchup!
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ocularmacdown · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
TYSM @sewerkingcharlie FOR THE TAG !!! i love doing things like this teehee
are you named after anyone?
my legal name is the same as a film/musical character (my parents maintain that wasn’t the entire reason). currently irl i go by just the first letter of that name, but the name i WANT also happens to be a film character (coincidental, but i was happy when i realised)
zoot is the muppet’s band’s saxophonist and i chose him over gonzo (who is technically my fave muppet, beloved thing <3) cuz i also play the sax.
do you have any kids?
nope! and i don’t want any - ofc i can’t predict how future me will feel, but i’ve genuinely never felt/understood the desire to have a child (have felt exactly one paternal pang). still love kids, just not for me!
do you use sarcasm a lot?
i have no idea what’s “a lot”? i enjoy jokes and bits (particularly with my sibling) that usually entail sarcasm, so technically yes, but in a silly/exaggerated way.
first thing you notice about people?
i think i’d say what they’re wearing, cuz personal style can be so cool and varied. general vibe/personality is a close second tho (and ofc first if i’m not physically seeing the person). neurodivergent brain sometimes picks up on vibes TOO much tho-
what’s your eye colour?
like. green? not bright green tho.
scary movies or happy endings?
i’m not really a scary movie watcher*, so happy endings!! small rant, but i’ve noticed people often view happy endings as less inspired than sad/shocking ones, which just is NOT true and really frustrates me. a happy ending can be just as if not more thought provoking and empathetic and realistic !! pls love joy in media more !!
*i have seen all of one horror movie BUT i am a huge fan of uk tv series inside no. 9. it’s so SO good and the only real “scary content” i’ve ever been passionate about.
special talents?
if i lie on my stomach, i can bend my back and legs up and forwards far enough to touch the tip of my nose with my toes :D
what are your hobbies?
drawing and crocheting are the biggest i guess, but i sometimes bake or sew (tho that’s mostly diy-ing rather than big projects). i rly love making bottle cap badges and i used to paint patches too, if that counts. consuming media at a rate of knots is my full time passion /hj.
have any pets?
YES. YES I DO. I COULD GO INTO GREAT DETAIL. IF YOU WANT ME TOO. JUST DM. I WILL SEND YOU AN ESSAY. tldr is i have three cats currently. MY cat, effectively, is a tiny girl cat called (lady) cleo and i adore her <3
what sports to you play/have you played?
as a kid, i swam for several years and was goalkeeper for my school’s girl’s football team for a bit (i was tiny…the uniform and gloves were massive…,), and i always ALWAYS did loads on sports day. did netball in secondary but quit cuz i hated it (the other girls were real assholes) and also badminton after school club (my friend and i just did rallies non competitively, it was great).
i think sport gave me gender euphoria when i was a kid, but as a teen it did the opposite. i’d love to start swimming again in the future and i wanna take up boxing (got some rage to get out my system teehee). i TRY to go to the gym weekly.
how tall are you?
5’4…my mum’s short genes messed up my dad’s average/tall genes :|
favourite subject in school?
DRAMA. always. in primary i loved creative writing, and for the most of secondary i really enjoyed maths. i ADORED geography in secondary (about out 2 my geog teacher….i miss u sir…), but it was too much for me at alevel. i really enjoyed film studies alevel tho!!but yeah. drama forever <3
dream job?
i guess acting ?? but also not ?? i have a very unsteady grasp on what i want my future to look like, and job is not the focus of my plans. i’d love love love to act professionally, but i’d also be just as content with working in cafes forever (what i do currently) and being silly and trans and making art on the internet. i really don’t know. but that’s okay <3
i uhhh don’t have 15 mutuals yet 🧍‍♂️ i will just tag all of y’all tho - u don’t have to participate ofc !!! and i think everyone should do this that wants too !!!
@boodlesofdoodles @beesallhail @cloveclump @cactusfool @certifiedeccentric @angelic-charlie-kelly @emodennis @a-nice-egg-offering
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koopadumpling · 2 years
tagegd by @iamgwenslongroadhome! Thank you Jana! 💜
tagged by @abnormal-as-expected
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name, Rose, is something of a family name. There’s my aunt Rose, a great grandmother with Rose as a middle name, etc etc.
2. When was the last time you cried?
lmao what day goes by without me crying, really? I am an emotional person, which is something that I like about myself. Tears aren’t always bad, after all!
3. Do you have kids?
Nah. I like kids, but I never had the desire to have my own. Just not for me.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. I wouldn’t say a lot, but I guess like? an average amount?
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
I’ve ... never thought about that before. I don’t know if it’s the first thing I notice, but I think I’m good at noticing beauty in people? Even if I’m not personally attracted to someone, I tend to notice like, oh they have nice eyes or, that’s a nice hair color. That kind of thing.
6. What is your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings!!! I mean I also enjoy a drama with a sad or bittersweet ending, but I do love the cozy feel of a happily ever after.
8. Any special talents?
I’m good at reading body language, someone’s mood, etc. I pick up the VIbes of a room well, and I’m good at responding kind -- being gentle with someone if they need it, comforting someone, or if they’re in a jokey mood, joking along with them, etc. I’m also not half bad at putting together an outfit.
9. Where were you born?
In a hospital in a city with a religious name.
10. What are your hobbies?
Video games, crochet, model kits (gunpla and miniatures, mainly Warhammer), reading, drawing, toy collecting, looking at fashions online and daydreaming about having All the Money for pretty dresses (and helping friends out of tight spots and etc but ALSO, pretty dresses). I also like to listen to podcasts and audiobooks.
11. Do you have any pets?
I live with my girlfriend’s family, and their dog Gertie is The Light of My Life. She was rescued from a bad situation and can have some behavioral issues, but the thing is that, she will warn you. If she’s feeling grumpy she’ll signal to you that she needs space. As long as you respect that space, she’s not gonna snap at you or anything.
And the thing is, she really is a very sweet puppy. She loves pets and gives you little kisses and likes to feel safe next to you. You just gotta pay attention to her needs, you know? Which is not so different from any other pet, or from people!
Also she is somehow the most buff small dog I have ever met. Why does a poodle have so many muscles??? The world may never know.
also also when she wants your attention she waves her leg at you and it is THE MOST ADORABLE OH MY GOD
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I never really got into sports. I kind of wish I had though. Sometimes I have wild fantasies about getting into a martial art lmao. Not like, competitively, just. To enjoy it. And pretend that I’m a Street Fighter character.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Social studies, creative writing, art, literature.
15. Dream job?
Honestly, I’d love to just have a job a local bookstore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A life among books ............ you know???
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batri-jopa · 1 year
a meme!
Thanks for tagging me @notasapleasure
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not after a real person. My mom said it was a name of a doll in some kind of fairy tale that she watched (or read?) and she just liked that name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A week ago. Well, I guess I asked for it: after all those years I just should have known better than dwell on that kind of stuff from the past and in this part of my hormone cycle. (You know stuff like one of these few extremally rare moments in your life someone from your closest family said sth that made you feel like shit but thinking about it years after still never fails to make you feel like shit all over again?)
3. Do you have kids?
No. Surprisingly no. If asked ten years ago I would most surely say I'm going to. Not that I ever really desired it so much. More that not wanting was always considered as something that is worthy of condemnation. So it was just that "normal thing to do" with no deeper thinking involved nor required, you know?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It depends but sometimes it feels like the last thing that is left to defence my mental stability. And I'd rather be commenting an absurdish situation (especially in my job) than a person.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Table tennis my love!❤ Any other I ever tried playing is not even worth mentioning (I played field hockey two or three times and football once or twice and I remember really enjoying it. But unfortunately girls were let to play it extremally rarely, we were expected to play volleyball or basketball - none of which I ever liked😑)
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
I'm not sure what kind of situation I'm expected to consider... So in the place where I am just a random person in the crowd (railway station and such) I would probably first notice if anyone looked angry or impatient or irritated - to make sure I can avoid getting on their way (e.g. being a patient in a waiting room it's about sitting quietly with your head low and ignoring any possible evil comments about healthcare and politics). As for when I'm feeling safe or even going to meet someone new - I will pay attention to people's face expression and eyes, I also like to see someone smiling or doing or wearing something that make me think we have something in common. Also I notice their clothes sometimes if I liked the colour or the pattern (I can't help it, my brain is of visual artist😅 It doesn't mean I judge ppl by their look. Many times I find something ugly in objectively pretty person that I did not liked and in somebody I liked I'd always find some beautiful detail, regardless their look)
7. What's your eyes colour?
Yellow on the inside with blue ring on the outside. I like to think it makes them look a bit green from a distance.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
If only two options avaliable I'd rather choose happy ending. Life is scary enough😅
9. Any special talents?
Drawing I guess. I am able to project a picture from my brain to a flat paper with a piece of charcoal and it's like freaking magic. It never stopped to amaze me.
10. Where were you born?
In a town in north Poland.
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing most of all. Also creating short stories on my head I then illustrate or longer stories I sometimes write down. Given more free time I also like to engage into pyrography, sewing stuffed toys or crocheting. From time to time I like to travel, most usually to one of Polish towns but traveling abroad I like too.
12. Do you have any pets?
Cat for the last 4 years. Before that I was having syrian hamsters for almost 20 years (16 hamsters).
13. How tall are you?
165 centimeters.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Mathemathics above everything else! Also liked Polish, biology and chemistry. Most hated was always sports, while geography, history and physics were dangerously close to "hate" line.
15. Dream job?
Dream as "daydream"? I sometimes fantasize if I was born again I'd like to be one of the graphics making animated movie, like those of a Pixar studio. Or a pastor officiating weddings of gay couples
Dream as what I wish or plan: creating art on request or design prints for t-shirt, cushions and children blankets, maybe designing playing cards too - just enough for me to be satisfied that I can do it and my client to have a personalized gift. At the same time working other job 2-3 days a week to earn just enough for a comfortable life.
Tag fifteen mutuals - that's the worst part, how do I get so much?😑 Okey, everybody, feel invited but not pressed: @figuringthengsout , @chrisoels , @morulezopelforever , @sharp-lines-in-charcoal , @parttimereptile , @greenbloodedskink , @krejong , @theflyingrhubarb , @sunlightismydestroyer-blog , @asteeee , @bylercultism , @princesspink48484 , @elephant-reincarnation , @angleshades , @sweetlullabyebye
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pickingwinkles · 2 years
I've been tagged by @highponeystoney Thanks friendo!
1. Are you named after anyone? My maternal grandfather. yep I have nothing wittier to say
2. When was the last time you cried? Hmm. Today. I watched some people watch Return of the King on youtube (because that is the way in which i have chosen to fritter away my precious little time on earth) and I cried when they cried when they realised Frodo was leaving for the undying lands. basically i will cry any time i see anyone else cry even if i don't know what they're crying about. why aren't my sentences auto-capitalising on my laptop? Must I do everything myself? I am not cool enough to have non-capitalised sentences.
3. Do you have kids? I'm just going to go ahead and copy paste @highponeystoney 's answer here. No. Nor I do I wish to have any. Never had any desire. *waves to all the busy-bodies who told me I'd change my mind when I'm older*
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? It depends who I'm with... there are plenty of people who just don't do sarcasm and I will pop it neatly aside for them. But I'm an Xennial and an Australian, it's kind of in my make-up. You didn’t survive teen-hood in the 90s without developing the skill of sarcasm. Also my sister used to call me Darlene (after the character in Roseanne) and I was obsessed with Daria. Make of that what you will.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Faces. General facial area. Mostly their chin or mouth because that's where I look so I can understand what they're saying
6. What's your eye color? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Depends. I don't like jump scare horror movies, but I like to be scared. The best ones for me never show the horror and good ones of those are few and far between. I can take or leave a happy ending. I prefer a justified ending
8. Any special talents? I can play the nose flute
9. Where were you born? Melbourne baby! In Australia, not that Florida nonsense. So, just 20 minutes ago I was looking up airports and typed in MEL--you know, our airport code because we got it first because we are the best Melbourne--and Melbourne fucking Florida kept coming up first! Excuse moi! One: we are an actual state capital and two: just no. No offence to Florida Melburnians, love ya
10. What are your hobbies? *sigh* Reading, walking, crochet, doodling, playing drums, learning, painting, needle-felting, sewing, cross-stitch and aaaaaall the other things with all the supplies in all the drawers... i just like making stuff okay
11. Have any pets? My kitty cat. She cute
12. What sports do you/have you played? Sometimes I wish I still played something, or had someone to play tennis or something with. At school I played in the volleyball, (field) hockey, and soccer teams. Oh and I was a pretty good high-jumper too… until everyone else grew taller than me. In my own time I used to play tennis, played lawn bowls a few times, and sniffed around the local croquet club. And I've done a few short (5km) runs with so-called friends who made me run. Horrific. Hate running. Actually it was kinda fun running around the zoo...
13. How tall are you? I 163cm last time the doctor checked
14. Favorite subject in school? Art, English, Maths and Science
15. Dream job? Mate, if I haven't figured it out by now I never will. I don't know. The most motivated I am is doing things for other people (literally anything... false. almost anything) and faffing about making things look pretty. So something that combines those.
I was going to tag people... and I'm still too scared to tag people. Look, I am a socially anxious nightmare okay. Just, do the thing if you got down this far and you want to do the thing, yeah? And feel free to let me know if you like to be tagged to do these things, or tag me to say you did it if you like. Not that I get many but you know, if I do. I've lost track of what I'm saying. How did my battery drop down so fast? I gotta get a snack.
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digitalgirls · 1 year
hiiii I’d love to hear about 2,5,8 and 22 for the gifmaker questions 💚💚
i am so sorry that i responded to this so late 😭😭 but thank you for asking!!
2: do you do something 'creative' irl as well?
no i do not :( unfortunately i do not consider myself a very creative person at all so i dont really do anything creative. i do have interests in crocheting and making clothing though, but i haven't found the time to properly hone in on those hobbies just yet.
5: what do you dislike the most about making graphics/gifs?
with gifs i always hate when the outcome i envision never translates into the actual gif...i also dislike when i really wanna gif something but i cant find the file/ the file in a high quality. i don't make graphics that much but it's the same sentiment where i envision something but i can't make my ideas come to life.
8: your favourite graphic/ gif created by yourself:
there are a few that i really love but some of them would've been on my deleted blogs :') any of my red velvet gifs are always my fave though, namely: yeri 'dumb dumb' m/v set / yeri 'birthday' set and this red velvet 'dumb dumb' m/v set.
22: what is your biggest improvement since you've started making gifs/ graphics?
i definitely think it's my colouring. when i first started making gifs, i used psds by other creators almost exclusively (nothing wrong with that btw), but since then, i have developed my own style(s) of colouring that i like and i've learnt how to tweak certain adjustment layers a bit better to get my desired outcome. colouring is still the trickiest part for me, but i can 100% say that i have come a long way. i also think my mindset towards my work has changed a lot...i'm more confident with whatever i put out.
ask a graphic/gif maker.
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