#i love when adult ren is soft. so much
renxmaiden · 1 year
The times where Adult Ren genuinely smiles 
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girl-next-door-writes · 5 months
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My amazing friend @kjs-s knows how much I adore my ginger General, so here's some more hc's for you.
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I:I Love You and L: Little Ones
I: I Love You; How fast do they say the 'l' word?
Armitage Hux loves you, he knows it deep down in his soul, but just the thought of admitting it even to himself terrifies him. It really isn’t a case of how fast he says it, more of an how long can you wait? Even after those three words fall from your lips, he cannot bring himself to utter them, to be that vulnerable.
When he does confess, it will not be an elegant declaration. You will have returned to him, irritated by something Ren had done, pacing the room as you ranted animatedly, all wild hand gestures, face pulling and imitating the stupid force user. A wave of adoration will wash over him as he chuckles at your depiction of Ren and the words just escape him. His eyes widen in fear, but the moment he saw your expression, he felt he should have told you sooner.
L: Little Ones; How are they around children?
Armitage Hux projects a ruthless, ambitious, authoritarian demeanour and so it would seem that he would be an unlikely candidate for someone who is naturally good with children.
However, despite his stern exterior, he does have a soft spot for children. Not in an obvious way, it's more that he sees them as blank slates, untainted by the complexities of the adult world, an innocence he was never allowed to indulge in.
He is awkward and uncomfortable around them, and he finds it a challenge to connect with them on an emotional level, but there are rare moments he finds himself drawn to them. If a child displays intelligence or determination, any attribute he sees in himself, then he will spend time imparting knowledge and ensuring they take on his own ideology.
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minnie--verse · 10 days
Pen Pals -- A Park Sunghoon Fic
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!!PART 5!!
(link to pt. 1). (link to pt. 2). (link to pt. 3). (link to pt. 4).
Summary: You, Ren, are a college student, taking what you thought would be a normal composition class- until you're assigned a pen pal with your professor's second class. What happens when you fall for someone you know... but dont?
pairing: sunghoon x f!reader(ren)
genre: strangers to lovers, non idol au, crack, mostly fluff, later chapters to include possible angst//comfort, slow burn.
general warnings: college students!me, slow burn, love square, swearing, possible adult content in future chapters.
word count: ~6.7k
this is not proof read!
thank u for reading< 3
— — — 
I’ve read over your letter more times than I care to admit to you, and each time the weight of your words felt heavier. I understand the need to know, to bridge that gap between us and finally put an end to the mystery and guessing. I want you to see me as badly as I want to see you. It’s kept me up at night, thinking about how nervous I am for you to finally see me for who I was physically rather than who I was through words. I want to match your expectation to the person you’ve come to know in your words. 
I’ll be honest—I’m nervous. Nervous that when you meet me, you’ll find I don’t live up to my words .It’s a strange thing, to feel so connected to someone and yet fear that the reality might be different than expectation. I think part of me has been hiding behind anonymity because it’s been safer that way. I didn’t have to risk letting you down or fumbling my speech when I saw your beautiful face. 
Despite my fears, I want to meet you. I want you to know me more than my words, and I want to share myself with you even if it’s scary. I find that the artist on the other side of my letters has brought color and depth into my life in a way that I have never expected. 
The park. Outside Miller Hall. 4pm. 
Yours, Snow.
— — — 
The snow crunches beneath your boots as you make your way to the park bench neat Miller. The air is sharp with the cold, but you barely feel it—your nerve so on edge you didn’t notice it. The sun is beginning to dip below the horizon, casting the campus in a soft, fading light, the kind of light that seems to make everything stand still. It’s one of those short winter days that disappears into the evening before you’ve even been able to catch your breath.
The snow falls family around you, each flake landing on your coat and melting almost immediately, while others settle on the bench in soft layers. You’ve chosen this spot specifically—it was the same spot you had mentioned in your first letter to Snow. It feels fitting to meet here, at the same park that you shared with him. The bench, now covered in snow, looks almost untouched, like it’s been waiting for you specifically.
You sit down, glancing around nervously. The world is eerily quiet, the kind of stillness that only comes with heavy snow. No one else is out, at least not here. Just you. And somewhere, maybe close, maybe still on his way, Snow. 
What are you going to say? What will you do? What will he look like? Will you know it’s him? What if you can’t recognize him? What if he’s waiting somewhere else for you? A lump forms in your throat at the thought, shaking your head to dismiss the thought of it. No—Snow said he would be here. He will be here. 
You tuck your hands deeper into your pockets, feeling the letter there—his last one, the one that agreed to meet you. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about his words, about how much it felt like he’d been there all along. It was like he knew you—no, he does. Snow knows you, deeper than anyone… besides Sunghoon. But maybe Snow will prove to be the right choice, he has to be the right choice.
The sky darkens further, the snow keeps falling as the street lamps cast a warm light on the sidewalk and turn the white snow slightly orange. You check the time. 4:07. He should be here soon, but every minute felt like an eternity. Your heart rate is higher than it had ever been before. Snow is coming. He’ll be here. 
The minutes begin to tick by. You sit, eyes scanning every figure that emerges from the falling snow, hoping it‘s him. The street lamps grow brighter as the sky turns into dusk, painting the snow in hues of blue and white in the darkness. But no one stops. No one looks your way.
Your breath catches in your throat as you open the letter and reread his meeting place and time, hoping to God you didn’t get it wrong—but you didn’t. It’s right. You’re in the right place. Your chest tightens, and despite the cold seeping through your layers, your face felt warm from the deep breaths against your scarf as you tried to calm yourself down. 
Maybe he’s late. Maybe he got held up somewhere. He wouldn’t leave you here in the cold like this. He couldn’t. Right?
You tell yourself that over and over, but the longer you sit the more that your hope starts to slip through your numb fingers. You glance down at your boots which had left an impression in the snow from where it had fallen around them. The park is silent, save for the occasional wind whistle between the branches of the trees and the crunch of distant footsteps that aren’t Snow’s. 
You pull your coat tighter around yourself but the cold is relentless. Your fingers, despite your gloves are starting to go numb, a dull ache spreading from your knees to your inner body. Your toes are frozen and tingling uncomfortably, and you try to wiggle them inside your boots but it doesn’t help. The cold finally settled in.
A knot forms in your throat as reality begins to settle in. He’s not coming. 
The excitement and nervousness that had built up all day feels cruel, turning into something more hollow and aching. You were just someone used for attention. You stare at the snowy path ahead, your vision was blurry as tears started to fill in your eyes, your breath hitching with each attempt to hold them back. But you can‘t anymore. Not when the park, the snow, the bench—both settings from each of your first letters coming to a combination—was empty. So silent.
A hot tear slips down your cheek, quickly followed by more. You swipe at them with your gloved hand, but they keep falling, hot against the cold air. You duck your head, wrapping your arms around yourself, but it does little to help. The cold has seeped into your bones through every layer you wore, making your body ache and stiff from sitting too long. 
Your fingers felt like hard blocks of ice, completely numb and now damp in the gloves, and you curl them into fists inside your gloves but the motion only sends a sharp ache into your arms. The snow keeps falling, heavier now, and you can feel it gathering on your shoulders as you think back to Snow’s first letter to you. 
Why didn’t he come?
Maybe he got lost? No, he came to miller hall every day just like you did. Maybe something came up? If he truly felt the way he did, he would have come no matter what. Maybe he realized he didn’t want to meet you after all. Maybe… maybe you were never meant to meet.
That thought stings you the most. The person you’d poured your heart out to, the person who nestled in between every thought you had, the person you had rejected your best friend for, the person who listened to your most inner thoughts through words alone—what if it was never supposed to leave the pages of those letters. 
The tears come faster now, spilling freely as you sit alone on the bench, the old biting deeper into your muscles. Your legs, your arms, your face—everything felt frozen. You can barely feel your fingers anymore, and your nose was cold as you sniffled. It felt deserving—for being so foolish and stupidly naive. You should have fucking known better than to get your hopes up. That something this perfect could fall into your hands and work out. 
You take a deep breath, the air stinging as it fills your lungs, but it doesn’t help. You sit there, feeling small and alone on campus.
Finally after what feels like an eternity, you stand. Your legs felt stiff, almost painful from sitting so long in the snow, and your heart feels heavier than when you first sat down. You look around one last time, hoping—begging—for some sign that he’s coming. But the world sat still, the only sound was a quiet hum of lights and the occasional car passing in the distance. 
With a sniffle you stand up from the metal bench and pull out your phone, your fingers moving achingly slow as you slide your thumb across your screen as small wet spots from snowflakes fall on it. You wipe your tears with your sleeve, but it only makes the stinging worse from the brash material of your coat.
You swallow thickly, scrolling through your contacts, your hands shaking. The only name you can think of—the only person you want right now—is Sunghoon.
Your heart hammers against your ribs as your thumb hovers over his name, your breath hitching as you try to hold back another hiccup. You were anxious to call him—having run out of his apartment after blatantly rejecting him the last time you saw him. You finally press the button as you start walking to his apartment. 
The dial tone rings and rings in your ear, each second he doesn't answer makes you feel more and more alone, making your hands shake more violently. It rings again, and you’re about to hang up, already regretting the decision. But just as you go to end the call, you hear his voice.
”Ren?” Sunghoon answers, his voice was slightly breathless. You find yourself locked up, not sure if you can do this, but the words come out before you can stop them.
”Ah—uhm… Can I come over?’ Your voice wavers as you sob through them. It was a miracle he could even understand you.
There’s a brief pause on the other end, “Yeah—Yeah, God of course,” He says quickly, his voice softening. No confusion in his tone, no shock. He sounds flustered, “Are you alright?” 
You open your mouth but nothing comes out before you wince and look down at the pavement before a strangled sob escapes your throat, and you quickly cover your mouth with your free hand, trying to hold yourself together. 
”I—“ You sigh, wiping your eyes again, your skin irritated and swollen from the cold and the tears, “I’ll be there soon,” you manage to choke out, hanging up before he can question you further.
You drop your phone to your side as you shove your balled fists into your pocket, pushing through the snow as the salt on the pavement crunches under you. You were in a whirlwind of confusion and heartbreak. Snow—he—was supposed to be here. He promised. He said he’d meet you. But nothing. Were you not important enough?
The snow fell heavier as you trudge through the streets, but your mind was elsewhere. Every step felt weighed down by the disappointment and confusion. By guilt.
By the time you reached Sunghoon’s apartment you whole body aches. You feel like you had been walking so long that your feet feel like they’re no longer attached to you, just frozen blocks of ice at the ends of your legs. Your hands were numb, trembling violently as you knock weakly at his door. 
It opens almost instantly, Sunghoon standing there with wide eyes and furrowed brows as his dark eyes look across your whole body. “Ren…” His voice is soft, slightly worried, but not surprised. The concern was etched into his face with a soft wince at the sight of you, “come in.”
You shuffle past him into the warmth of his apartment, barely registering the shift in temperature. The heat hits your skin, but it doesn’t seep in—not right away. You’re still numb, inside out.
”Are you okay?” He asks again hesitantly, closing the door behind you. He stepped closer to you, his eyes scanning your face, but you couldn’t meet his eyes. You shake your head You shake your head, your lip trembling as you pull your frozen hands into your sleeves, trying to thaw them out.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, your voice shaking. You’re not even sure what you’re saying anymore. Your mind is a blur, filled with too many conflicting thoughts. Snow. Sunghoon. Snow. The one who didn’t show up and the one who did.
Before you can say anything else, Sunghoon steps forward and pulls you into his arms. His embrace is warm—so warm compared to the cold you’ve been drowning in all night—and the moment you feel his chest against your cheek, the dam breaks.
A sob rips through you, and you cling to him like he’s the only solid thing left in the world. Your fingers, still half-numb, grip the fabric of his shirt, and you bury your face into his chest, your whole body trembling.
He holds you tightly, his arms wrapped securely around you as his chin rests on top of your head. He doesn’t say anything at first—just lets you cry, his hand gently rubbing circles on your back. His breath is still slightly uneven, but his presence is steady, grounding.
“It’s okay,” he murmurs softly, his voice low and calming. “I’m here.”
You nod against him, but you don’t feel okay. You feel torn, confused, like you’re caught between two worlds that are slowly starting to collapse. The person you thought you loved through words didn’t show up. And now, the person you’ve grown to love in reality is the only one here, holding you together.
But how can you explain that to him? How can you tell him about Snow when you’re still trying to make sense of it yourself? How could you tell the person who has loved you openly this whole time that you’re crying over someone else?
“I’m sorry,” you whisper again, your voice muffled against his chest. Your breath hitches as you try to pull yourself together, but the warmth of his body against yours makes it hard. You don’t want to let go. You don’t want to face the cold again—literal or metaphorical.
“Don’t apologize,” Sunghoon says softly, his hand still gently stroking your back. “You don’t have to explain right now. Just… stay here. With me.”
The words are so simple, but they hit you hard, and you close your eyes, trying to calm the storm inside you. His warmth is comforting, and for a moment, you let yourself melt into it. You let yourself feel the safety of being in his arms.
But even as he holds you, the guilt gnaws at the back of your mind. You’ve shared things with Snow—things you’ve never told anyone else. You’ve fallen for his words, his soul, without ever knowing who he truly was. And yet, here you are, in Sunghoon’s arms, feeling something real and tangible.
How can you choose between them?
Sunghoon pulls back slightly, just enough to look down at you, his thumb brushing a tear from your cheek. His gaze is soft, but there’s something else there, something deeper that makes your heart ache in a way you can’t explain.
“You don’t have to be alone in this,” he says quietly, his voice steady. “Whatever’s going on… I’m here for you, okay? Always.”
His words make your chest tighten, and for a moment, you forget about everything else—about Snow, about the letters, about the disappointment. All you can see is Sunghoon, his warm eyes searching for yours, his touch gentle and steady.
But it only makes things more complicated.
You already confessed everything to Snow. You told him how you felt, and he told you the same. And even though he didn’t show up tonight, those feelings are still there. But now, standing here in Sunghoon’s arms, you feel torn—between the words on paper and the person standing in front of you.
You finally stand back up, pulling away from his chest just enough to meet his eyes, your heart still heavy as you struggle to find words. His warmth lingers on his skin, but the skill  from outside makes your fingers and feet feel like pins and needles as the feeling returns to them. You swallow hard, sniffling as Sunghoon gently pushes your jacket off of your shoulders and hangs it up by the door. 
“I--” You look down as you peel off your wet gloves, “I was supposed to meet someone,” you start, “At the park by Miller, but… they didn’t show.” 
Sunghoon freezes, his grip on your momentarily tightening. His expression doesn't change much, but you notice a flicker of something in his eyes as his brows twitch tighter together--something like guilt, or maybe recognition. It’s so brief that you almost miss it. He recovers quickly, shaking his head and looking down at you with concern etched on his features. 
“Someone?” He repeats quietly, his tone gentle, though you can tell he’s trying to keep his voice steady. 
You nod, biting your lip. “Yeah. We’ve been… talking for a while. Through letters… pen pals from our mutual composition class-- We were finally going to meet in person, but…”
Your voice trails off, and you glance up at him, unsure of how much you want to share. Sunghoon’s expression remains calm, but you can feel the tension radiating from him. His eyes search yours, like he’s trying to piece together everything you’re saying without giving away too much of his own thoughts.
He stays silent for a moment, then gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face, his touch light and careful. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “That must’ve been hard.”
You blink up at him, surprised by how genuine he sounds. There’s no teasing, no jokes—just quiet understanding. It catches you off guard, especially considering how Sunghoon usually acts so aloof and sarcastic. Right now, though, his gaze is earnest, and it makes your heart ache even more.
You nod again, swallowing back another wave of tears. “Yeah,” you whisper. “I… I waited for a long time… an hour maybe? I don’t know why he didn’t come, but… I thought…”
You trail off, feeling stupid for even saying it. You don’t even know why you’re telling Sunghoon all of this. He loves you too and you know he does. And it was unfair for you to cry to him that someone else broke your heart. On top of that, he couldn’t possibly understand what you’re going through. And yet, the way he’s looking at you now, the way his arms are still wrapped around you, makes it feel like maybe he does.
Sunghoon’s thumb gently brushes the back of your hand, and his voice is soft when he speaks again. “They should’ve shown up,” he says, his tone sincere. “Whoever they are… they made a mistake not coming.”
Your chest tightens at his words, and you glance up at him, biting your lip. He’s looking at you with such intensity, his eyes filled with something deeper than just sympathy. You can feel it radiating from him--there’s unspoken emotions he’s holding back. Something that makes your heart race even faster.
“You think so?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sunghoon nods, his gaze unwavering. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “I know so.”
For a moment, you just stare at each other, the silence between you growing heavier. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but something about the way Sunghoon is looking at you feels… different. Like he’s trying to say more than just words. Like he knows something you don’t.
You’re about to say something—anything to break the tension—but Sunghoon speaks first, his voice quiet and almost hesitant. “Ren, whoever that person is… they don’t deserve you if they didn’t show up. You shouldn’t have to wait for someone like that.”
His words hit you harder than you expect, and you swallow, feeling another tear slip down your cheek. He clenches his jaw as he reaches up and gently wipes it away, his touch lingering on your skin for a moment longer than necessary.
“I just…” You hesitate, feeling a knot tighten in your chest. “I thought they felt the same way I did. We’d been writing to each other for so long, and… I guess I just thought it meant something.”
Sunghoon’s jaw tightens, and for the briefest moment, his gaze flickers with something like pain. “I’m sure it did,” he says quietly. “But maybe… maybe they were scared. Maybe they didn’t know how to face you.”
You blink, taken aback by his words. “Scared?” you echo, confused.
He nods, his eyes softening as they meet yours again. “Yeah. Sometimes, people build things up in their heads, and when it comes time to face the reality of it… they panic. It doesn’t mean they didn’t care.”
His words sink into you, and for a moment, you don’t know how to respond. There’s something about the way Sunghoon is speaking—like he’s trying to explain something without really saying it—that makes your heart race. You wonder, briefly, if he’s speaking from experience. 
You can’t help but think of Snow—of the person who promised to meet you tonight but didn’t. Was he scared? Was that why he didn’t come? The thought gnaws at you, making your stomach twist uncomfortably.
But then there’s Sunghoon, standing here with you now, offering you comfort when you need it most. His presence is steady, solid, and you can’t help but feel safe with him, even though your heart is still aching.
“Thank you,” you murmur, your voice barely audible. “For being here when he couldnt.”
Sunghoon’s lips press into a flat smile, and he nods, his eyes never leaving yours. “You shouldn’t thank me, Ren.”
The sincerity in his voice makes your chest tighten again, and for a brief moment, you forget about everything else—about Snow, about the disappointment, about the confusion. All you can focus on is Sunghoon, his warmth, his steadiness.
Sunghoon’s thumb lingers on your cheek, his touch warm against your cold skin, and for a long moment, neither of you say anything. The weight of everything that had happened—everything unsaid between you—sits thick in the air, almost stifling. But then, like he always does, Sunghoon breaks the silence with a soft smile.
“How about we put on a movie?” he offers, his voice light but gentle. “Something terrible, you know, so we can laugh at it instead of… all this heavy stuff.”
You let out a small, shaky laugh. “Something terrible, huh?”
He nods, his smile widening a little, and the tension eases, if only a bit. “Yeah. Like… one of those bad dinosaur movies? You know, the ones where they didn’t have the budget for CGI, so everything looks like a cardboard cutout.”
You can’t help but smile at how ridiculous he’s being. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but it sounds awful.”
“Perfect, then.” He gives you a little wink. “Exactly what we need. Laugh it off a bit.”
His lightheartedness pulls at something inside you—a warmth, a comfort. He’s always been able to make you feel like this, like things aren’t so heavy, like the world doesn’t have to be all complicated. Even now, after everything, he’s here, trying to make you laugh, to make you feel better. And you’re grateful for it.
But before he turns to grab the remote, his smile fades just a little, his eyes flicking back to you with something more serious. He hesitates, and you can see the shift in his posture, the way he suddenly looks a little more awkward, as if he’s weighing his words before he speaks.
“Hey, uh…” He rubs the back of his neck, his voice softer now, more uncertain. “About last time—when I almost, you know…”
You feel your chest tighten, the memory of that almost kiss flashing through your mind—the way he had leaned in, the warmth of his breath, the tension crackling between you.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Sunghoon says, his tone sincere. “I crossed a line. I’m sorry if it made things weird.”
You look at him, unsure of what to say. Because the truth is, you don’t really know how you feel about that moment. Part of you had wanted him to kiss you, and part of you… well, part of you had been thinking about Snow, about the confession you had shared with your pen pal.
“It didn’t make things weird,” you say, even though you know it’s not entirely true. Things have been weird since then, but not because of Sunghoon. It’s everything else—Snow, the letters, the way your heart seems to be pulled in two different directions.
Sunghoon’s lips pressed together, and he gives you a small nod, though you can tell he’s not entirely convinced. “I’ve just been thinking about it a lot. And I don’t want you to feel like I’m pushing you into anything. I mean, I know you’ve got a lot on your mind, and I just… I don’t want to make it harder.”
You open your mouth to respond, but the words don’t come. Instead, you find yourself moving closer to him, your body acting on instinct rather than thought. You lean into him, your head resting gently against his chest as you close your eyes and let out a soft sigh. The warmth of his body seeps into yours, and for a moment, you just let yourself be held, grateful that he’s here, that he’s willing to show up for you when someone else didn’t.
Sunghoon’s arms wrap around you, almost hesitant at first, but then he relaxes, pulling you in a little tighter. You can feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear, and it’s grounding—soothing in a way you didn’t realize you needed.
“I’ve missed you these last few days,” he says quietly, his voice rumbling through his chest. “I didn’t realize how much until you were here again.”
“I missed you too,” you murmur, and it’s the truth. Despite everything, you’ve missed him—the way he makes you feel safe, the way he’s always there when you need him. But more than that, you missed this—the quiet moments where it’s just the two of you, no expectations, no pressure, just being together.
You stay like that for a while, neither of you speaking, just taking comfort in each other’s presence. But eventually, you shift in his arms, pulling back just enough to look up at him.
“Can I borrow a hoodie?” you ask, your voice quiet. “My jacket’s wet from the snow, and I’m freezing.”
Sunghoon blinks, surprised for a second, but then he smiles, nodding. “Yeah, of course. Grab whatever you want from my room.”
You sit up, pulling away from him, and he gestures toward his bedroom door. “Top drawer,” he says with a grin. “That’s where all the comfiest ones are.”
You give him a small smile in return before getting up and heading to his room, your footsteps soft on the floor. The warmth of his apartment feels even more welcoming now as you enter his room, and you quickly find one of his hoodies, the familiar scent of him clinging to the fabric as you pull it over your head.
You moved quietly across Sunghoon’s room, your fingers grazing over the soft fabric of the hoodie you just pulled on. The familiar scent of his cologne clung to it, wrapping you in an odd sense of comfort as you let out a slow breath, feeling just a little bit more at ease.
But as you made your way back toward the door, something on his desk caught your eye—a stack of papers, some crumpled, others neat, and at the top, the unmistakable loop of purple cursive. Your heart skipped a beat as you squinted at the writing, your footsteps slowing.
Curiosity gnawed at you, pulling you closer to the desk. you leaned over, your hand reaching out before you could even think to stop yourself, lifting the top sheet of paper. As soon as your eyes scanned the words, your blood ran cold.
It was your letter.
Not just any letter—it was Sunny’s letter. The one you had written only a few weeks ago, tucked into your purple notebook, sent anonymously to someone you had never met face to face. You stared at it, your mind reeling, unable to process how on earth it was sitting there, on Sunghoon’s desk.
You flipped through the papers, your hands shaking slightly. One after another, your letters stared back at you, each in your unmistakable purple ink, each one addressed to Snow.
Your stomach twisted in confusion. Why did Sunghoon have them? Why were they here? How did he get them? Your mind raced with a hundred questions as you stood there, frozen in shock.
“Ren?” Sunghoon’s voice echoed from behind you.
You jerked around, the papers slipping from your hands and fluttering back onto the desk. Your throat tightened as Sunghoon stepped into the room, his brow furrowed in concern.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice softer now, his eyes scanning your face. “I found a movi--”
“Why do you have these?” you finally whispered, your voice trembling.
You stay silent, your eyes locked on the letters in your hand. Sunghoon’s footsteps stop, and you know—he knows. The air shifts, and it feels like time is slowing, the weight of the truth crushing down on both of them.
Finally, slowly, you turn around to face him, your expression a mix of quiet shock and growing hurt.
“Hoon, why do you have these?” your voice is barely above a whisper, but there’s a tremor in it, a note of betrayal you can’t suppress.
Sunghoon’s eyes flick to the letter in your hand, and in an instant, you see the recognition in his face—the guilt, the way he winces ever so slightly, the way he suddenly can’t meet your gaze. His throat bobs as he swallows, struggling to find the words.
"Ren, I—"
“These are mine,” you cut him off, your voice trembling more now as your grip on the paper tightens. “This is my handwriting. This is my--” Your voice broke, dropping the paper and reaching up to cover your face for a moment before meeting his eyes again, “I wrote these to Snow.” your breaths come in shorter, sharper. “Why the hell do you have them?”
Sunghoon takes a step closer, his hands half-raised as if to calm you, but he stops short when he sees the hurt in your eyes. He opens his mouth, then closes it, struggling for an explanation that could possibly make sense of this.
“I didn’t mean for it to happen like this,” he says quietly, his voice strained. “I— I was going to tell you.”
Your heart is pounding in your chest now, a mix of emotions swirling inside you—hurt, confusion, anger, and something else you can’t quite name. “You knew,” you say, your voice barely a whisper now. “You knew you were writing to me this whole fucking time,” your eyes search for him, pleading for answers. “How long?”
He hesitates, and that hesitation is all the answer you need.
“How long, Sunghoon?” your voice cracks, and you can feel the sting of tears behind your eyes, your fingers clutching the letter like it’s the only thing tethering you to the ground.
“A while,” he finally admits, his voice small. “Since you dropped off my jacket.”
You stare at him, the weight of his words crashing down on you like a tidal wave. “That was fucking weeks ago. You’ve known, and you—” you cut yourself off, taking a step back as the realization fully sinks in. “You stood me up.”
He flinches at your words, his face tight with regret. “Ren, I—”
“That’s why you tried to kiss me,” your voice is hollow, the weight of the truth settling like a stone in your chest. “You knew I was Sunny, and that’s why you—” your voice cracks, and you shake your head, your eyes burning with unshed tears. “You tried to kiss me because you knew it was me. You fucking knew everything.”
Sunghoon’s expression crumbles, and he takes a step toward you, his hand half-extended as if to reach for you. “Ren, no, it wasn’t like that—”
“But it was like that, Sunghoon! It was exactly like that!” You snap, your voice louder now, thick with the betrayal coursing through you. “You knew, and you didn’t tell me. You let me sit there, waiting for you in the snow, in the fucking cold, alone!”
His expression crumbles, and he takes a step toward you. “I didn’t know what to do, Ren. I was going to go, I just—”
“No,” you snap, your voice louder now, thick with emotion. “You stood me up, Hoon. You let me sit there in the snow, waiting for you, thinking that I was fucking stupid and naive for thinking I could have something this good. You knew I was waiting for you.” your voice falters, breaking. “And then you… comforted me. Like—like you were some goddamn hero, like you hadn’t just broken my heart.”
“Why didn’t you show up?” You pushed out, your voice breaking again as the tears finally spill over, hot and blurring your vision. “Why didn’t you just come to the park? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was scared,” Sunghoon says, his voice raw with emotion. “I was scared you’d be disappointed, that you’d see me and… it wouldn’t be enough. That I wouldn’t be the person you fell for in the letters.”
Your chest tightens painfully at his words, the mixture of hurt and confusion overwhelming you. “You didn’t care to even give me the chance to decide that for myself?” You whisper. 
“You didn’t even give me the chance to know it was you. To tell you I loved you--as Sunghoon. My Sunghoon. You knew I loved you as Snow. I have been so torn up about who to choose and you knew it and didn’t even… God--Hoon,” you sigh out with a wince and pull off his hoodie and throw it aside to his bed.
Sunghoon’s face crumples as he takes another step toward you, his hands reaching out, desperate to close the distance between them. “Ren, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you. I never wanted this to happen.”
You shake your head, your tears flowing freely now, and you step back again, creating more space between them. “But you did, Sunghoon. You hurt me. You didn’t trust me enough to tell me the truth, and now… I don’t even know what to think.”
Sunghoon’s expression is filled with regret, his eyes glistening as he watches you, helpless to fix the damage that’s been done. "Just let me explain, please," he repeats softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You stand there for a moment, your heart aching as you look at him—this person you thought you knew, this person you thought you trusted. And now, everything feels broken, shattered by the weight of the truth he had kept from you.
"I... I have to go," you turn and walk out of the room, leaving Sunghoon standing there in silence, his heart breaking as he watches you leave him in his bedroom. Alone. 
-- -- --
author's note: I really hate to be that guy who says angst is their favorite, but it is?? Something about writing it makes me bleary eyes and sad but!! THERE'S A HAPPY ENDING IN STORE PLEASE WAIT FOR ME!! I love you and thank you for reading my little corner of tumblr<3
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moonlightshaiku · 1 year
Hello! May I request a pair up? ^^
My names Dahlia (I go by Luka too but mostly Dahlia) and I'm non binary but kinda go with whatever pronouns people call me and wear whatever I feel like. I'm omniromantic and demi sexual!
I enjoy art (writing, dancing, painting, ect..), books, collecting things, bugs (I have a collection of bugs I preserved in bottles myself :), gardening, dyeing my hair black, diying clothes, luxury, science fiction and horror, cats or birds, classical music/metal/and some other alt genres of music, goth and alt everything ngl, gothic fashion or mall goth, organizing, stars, making edits, spending or earning money, bones, zombies, scheming, military stuff, debating, learning bcs knowledge is power, and hiking
My flaws and quirks are that I tend to be jealous, have a bit of a savior/supioriority complex but internally don't think I'm that great yk, a bit impulsive, really blunt, don't sleep don't eat just gotta get what I need done, petty, anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, maladaptive dreaming disorder, nightmares 🌚, half done projects everywhere, competitive, loves to spoil my lover a little to much, can't sit still, needs to be uniqe, daddy issues, only ever listen to those I care for other than that im not a very good listener and a addiction to caffeine and success
My personality is entj with some enfp sprinkled in and 3w4, but basically, selfless to those I care about even a bit, polite, messed up but pretty self sustaining, eccentric, confident, can take charge, creative, assertive, sarcastic, blunt but can and will lie, extrovert, methodical, attentive, thrill seeking, witty, mindful of others unless I don't like the person, passionate, ambitious, stubborn, expressive, charismatic, sophisticated (most the time), adaptable, bit of a day dreamer but also realistic, and can and will do as I please to get what I please (unless your someone Im even just chill with I don't like hurting people to much unless they deserve it or I'm doing it on accident)
And that's it! I hope you have a lovely evening dear freind! I may have ranted a bit sorry :') but thank you so much I hope I wasn't to much trouble!
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(General Information: Sevika is a character from Arcane. She's a gruff fighter with a metal arm prosthesis. She's also very responsible, intelligent, and will try to end confrontations peacefully if possible.)
Sevika would absolutely love and spoil you! She's really relieved to be with someone who she believes can actually handle themself. She does worry, nonetheless.
She doesn't have a lot of time on her hands, but she'll spend every moment possible with you. Loves spoiling you, just as you spoil her. When her (relatively large) paycheck comes in, she would absolutely love taking you shopping.
She loves your ambition! Whatever you plan to do in your adult life, she will support. She'll get you whatever you need and put as much of her spare time forward as possible.
She probably picks up little trinkets and bugs when she has the time? And (especially if you're forgetful) will leave it on counters/tables. Just little offerings she hopes you won't mention.
Sevika has a lot of trauma, and is surprisingly good at calming people down. She'll usually boss them around, get them functioning and then talk. But she can also be soft. Kneel down and pat, murmur, whatever needed. Whenever Sevika is dealing something, she tends to get irritable and might even cry a bit, quietly and alone. A good, warm meal will calm her enough to talk it over.
Sevika isn't really jealous, and she's fine with your being jealous as long as it doesn't prevent her from doing something. If it does, she'll sit you down and attempt to understand and better the situation.
I can see a lot of good communication in the relationship, and a lot of mutual spoiling (and breakdowns)!
Alternate Pairing(s):
Kylo Ren — Star Wars
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Well. It’s my birthday.
You are a person made of shifting waters, the sun gently caresses your surface. Many see you and gaze in awe. You wish they would pay equal attention to your dark depths, where there are things moving around in the darkness. Those things are a part of you, good and bad.
You are a young sapling battered and moved by the wind. Your trunk grew to the side. There are cuts in your bark and some of your branches have broken off, but you are beautiful. I see your resilience, and though you are young you have forced your roots deep, ensuring yourself something much more valuable. A chance, a golden opportunity to keep growing in spite of the damage you’ve took. You dream of being a big sturdy tree that has far reaching branches that lure those who would like a moment of rest in your shade. How you yearn to just sit with someone and to enjoy their company on a fine day.
You are a thick soft cover book. One with a blank cover that draws no eyes. You want to be read, to be known. To feel someone hold you with reverence rather than because they must. Those who get assigned to read your pages hardly think it’s worth their attention. Someone who is so gripped by my story that their interest marks up on my spine. Your covers get scratches because they must bring you with them, so you get shoved inside whatever bag they’re carrying that day. You don’t feel it, but those lucky few who genuinely love your tale, who wish to remember, ear mark your pages. The person who picked you up whispers to themselves, and to you, “you know, I can’t remember who told me this, but the best books? They are never pretty. They are broken spines and folded pages, little anecdotes added and squished on the side, pages worn and slightly bent to the shape of fingertips. Scratches and maybe a dash of dirt or coffee is scattered over the pages. They are the most used, loved so much their original condition changes. 
You are a young adult. One who is full of contradictions. You lost your wonder a long time ago. You are aged by the world. Another year passes and you try so hard to remember before. Before you started analyzing how you interact with the world. Before the doubt and insecurity dug into your shoulders so it could always whisper in your ear. Before when you were filled with so much unbridled joy. Before when the happiness and comfort of others grabbed your safety by the throat and was annihilated. Before when all you wanted for this day was to be surrounded by your family and friends. Now you find solace in work, unshakable obligation to shield you from those you don’t wish to see. 
May it be a year of transition. May your growth of your roots break through the pot you have been planted in. May you gain an appreciation of the smaller things. May you be humble. May you learn to offer help more often than criticism. May you learn to love your body, your face, your hair. May you give yourself more grace, kindness, and rest. May you make time to cultivate your mind. May you fill your time with those who fill your cup. May you fill theirs back. May you always have water on the stove so you can give your guests tea and something yummy to eat while you talk. May you make today yours. Happy Birthday Ren, I’m so proud of you. 
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galaxyofender · 2 years
It was just another night watch around Dogwarts, just like any other one, when Ren realized something about himself.
He was not a man, nor had he ever been. Not that he ever complained when his fellow hermits talked of him in a masculine manner, it wasn't like he or the hermits knew anything else. But under the glow of the moon and the chilling winter air, the truth was clear to Ren, now that he looked at it. A woman, that is what the Red King was.
She knew it, perhaps always did and just never dared to think much of it, and she knew the hermits would take her and her newfound truth with open arms, yet… Oh, her Hand was the issue. Her Hand, who she held dear to her heart, she didn't know how to tell him. Ren knew well, her Hand loved and cared about her as much as she did back, and despised the thought of changing it. She couldn't bear it, the thought of Martyn changing the way he treated her, or even abandoning her in the worst case.
But, she knew Martyn was anything but stupid, he would realize it eventually. He'd take it well, Ren hoped. Like mentioned before, Martyn loved her deeply, knew his… King? Queen? Uh, That is something to be thought about later– The point was, he knew his leader like the back of his own hand. Too well, perhaps, Ren wouldn't be surprised if her Hand had figured it out before she had.
But for now, she'd keep it a secret from him. She couldn't tell Martyn the truth, at least not yet.
Martyn offered to Ren to sleep in a same bed, saying they both could use the rest and knowing their iron guardians and villagers would alert them should something attack. She –who had not had a truly restful sleep since the night her head got chopped off by Martyn, haunted by nightmares of her own blood and the sheer horror in her Hand's voice each time she dared close her eyes for any considerable period of time– accepted the offer without a second thought.
To be telling the truth, the bed was a tad too small for two grown adults, but Martyn insisted and Ren couldn't say no to him. So here they both were, with Ren resting her head on Martyn's chest, feeling the steady heartbeat underneath her ear. He played with her hair, running his hand in its long brown, trying to get his liege to rest. Martyn's other hand was intertwined with Ren's clawed one.
"Is there something wrong, m'lord?" Martyn asked, being able to tell something was off with Ren. Somehow, the title stung now, even after hearing it out of his mouth more than a hundred times by now.
"It's all well, my Hand, do not worry about your liege, I promise." She said, a lie and somewhat of an affirmation to herself, but even she didn't believe it.
"Ren, I can tell something is wrong. You can tell me." Martyn gently squeezed her hand, almost a reassurance in its own way.
"It's fine, dude, don't worry about me," Ren replied gently.
"Your ears, Ren."
"What about them?"
"They're droopy." Martyn's hand let go of Ren's hair, now reaching for soft dog ears, flat against her head. "You can trust me, just… Please, tell me."
Ren doubted. Martyn knew her too well, any lies would immediately be caught, however… Maybe the earlier it was said, the easier it'd be. "Martyn, your King is not a king at all." Was all that she said, knowing he would understand her words.
"But you are still–" Martyn cut himself off, realizing what Ren's words may have meant. Somehow, it just explained how strangely avoidant she had been acting the past few days. "Oh. Oh."
"Yeah," Ren laughed.
"So… my Lady now, then? Is that what you meant?"
She nods. "I'm… I'm your Queen now." Ren could not have ever felt freer than when those words left her mouth.
"Mine all the same," Martyn smiles. It was the truth, Martyn did belong with Ren as much as Ren belonged with him. "Still Ren or some other name?"
"I– I did not think of that, my dude. Ren will do for the time being, I do think."
"Ren, my Queen." Martyn added, fondly. "I like how that sounds."
"I do too," Ren yawns, the time of night hitting her now. She makes herself comfortable in Martyn's arms. What to do about her own appearance, if she even wanted to change it at all, and how to tell the rest of the server, that’d be a problem for tomorrow.
“Goodnight, my Lady. Rest well.” Was the last thing Ren heard, before sleep turned everything a pleasant quiet and dark.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
ren ily <3 sorry for making misunderstanding-based angst w/ OC!Renee and Emmet, but what else could you expect from me?
“You act just like a kid!” Renee’s laugh stuttered between a cackle and a giggle as she looked down at the photos she just snapped. Birdie flew over to her trainer and hovered a few inches above her shoulder to glimpse at them as well. “Scrunch your nose up like one too.”
Emmet furiously scrubbed at his ear, trying to remove the echoing tickling sensation that throbbed through his head.
Renee had used her Pokémon as accomplices to prank Ingo and Emmet before, and she too was on the receiving end of a few surprise Archeops squawks and sudden Garbodor hugs, but this "joke" prickled at Emmet’s skin like an inch he couldn’t scratch.
Renee had sent Cutiefly to sneak up behind Emmet and dart its tongue into his ear to scare him. She had gotten the reaction she wanted and capitalized on it with a few shutters of her camera. Pictures of his widening eyes, furrowed brow, flailing hands, and swatting hands filled her memory card.
Renee loved it all—pushing her friends' buttons and pulling at their strings moments before they unraveled like poorly knitted sweaters, in which case she would stop before they were reduced into yarn. It was her way of showing affection, poking fun at people to get them to laugh and grin. Nothing was more fulfilling to capture than a true smile.
But what Renne saw as trimming loose threads, Emmet saw as ripping seams.
“I am not a child!”
His voice was taught and exact, balancing on the edge of a very sharp knife.
“Say what you want, Emmet, but your reaction says other…wise…” Renee finally glanced up from her camera screen, breath halting in her throat. “Emmet…?”
Emmet was red in the face. Renee saw the tension in his muscles from the way he stood, his spine ramrod straight. While Renee was not short, Emmet was still much taller; he seemingly loomed over her from across the room, his shadow seeping over every tile.
“We are not in school. I am not a kid. I am an adult. So why are you acting like a bully? Why do you mock me?”
Renee stepped forward. “Mock you? No, Emmet, I would never! It’s not—”
“You are always so mean to me. I do not understand why Ingo laughs at the things you say. You are unfunny and rude,” Emmet said, silver eyes glaring sharper than a Skarmory’s wing.
“I never meant it like that, Emmet, honest,” Renee insisted, truth lining every syllable she said. She moved closer to Emmet, trying to get her motivation through to him. “I’m like this with all of my friends. It’s how I show that I care about them, and I care about you, too.”
“Friends? We are not friends, Renee.”
She stopped moving, soles stuck to the tile.
“We’re not…?” Her voice came out so softly she questioned if she had spoken at all. But the room was silent, and her words shattered it like a stone against glass.
Emmet looked down, but now he could not meet her gaze—not when she looked at him like that, like she had realized all of her efforts in crossing the gap between them fell through the cracks of her hands. Emmet couldn’t help but feel like half of it was his own fault.
But pride will always be the greatest distance between two people.
“No, we are not.”
And Emmet turned on his heel and left, leaving Renee to hear nothing but the soft buzz of her Cutiefly’s wings.
When I tell you my heart is breaking (in the best way possible)!!!! Ahhh sunshine this is incredible! And how I imagined it!! Anger and misunderstanding and a bit of personality clashing all coming together as something spectacular!!
Renee is kinda mean! It’s how she grew up, being playfully mean to others to show affection, and then receiving that same meanness back in return. And sometimes it doesn’t work out the way she expects it to!! And thus the consequences of her actions are before her!
Sunshineeee you’re incredible!! Thank you so much!! You’re the best T-T
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pokemonartextreme · 12 days
The Adventures of Faith the Eevee - Episode 2
Season 1, Episode 2: The Big Move-In!
September 14th dawned bright and clear in Greenville, South Carolina. The sun streamed through the window of Faith’s new apartment bedroom at Edgemont Apartments, casting a warm glow on the freshly unpacked boxes and the cheerful clutter of a new home.
Faith, a vibrant spirit with a passion for adventures, stood in her bedroom, hands on her hips, taking in her new surroundings. The room was filled with the buzz of excitement and the promise of new beginnings. Her F.L.A.R.E.S. team—comprised of dedicated friends and allies—was there to help her get settled. Maurice LaMarche and Rob Paulsen, guests who had become fast friends, were also present. Rob, as Pinky, and Maurice, as The Brain, added an extra touch of whimsy to the already lively scene.
“Well, this is our new home,” Faith declared, her voice filled with enthusiasm. “We’re going onward and upward, like the title of the first episode of Adult Party Cartoon, starring Ren and Stimpy... which Mom never lets me watch, by the way.”
Maurice, channeling The Brain’s deep, thoughtful tone, replied, “Indeed, Faith. It’s a new chapter, ripe with possibilities. We shall conquer the challenges of moving with strategic precision!”
Rob, in his Pinky voice, chimed in with his usual cheery demeanor, “Narf! And we’ll have loads of fun doing it, right, Faith? Like when we infiltrate the new apartment!”
Just then, Sharon, Faith’s mom, popped her head into the room. “Hi, Faith. Your brother Drew and I are heading upstairs to see Nani. You’ll be with F.L.A.R.E.S.”
Faith’s smile widened. “Thanks, Mom. I’m glad you only take one of us to Nani’s. I think that was a great decision.”
Sharon’s eyes softened with affection. “Thank you, Noodles. We’ll see you later. Remember to get unpacked and settled in.”
“I will,” Faith promised. “I’m also glad you let me keep my cat costume for Halloween — it’s next month! I’ve been waiting to wear it since November 1st last Fall.”
Sharon chuckled and nodded before heading out with Drew. The door closed behind them, and Faith turned her attention back to her new room. As she started unpacking her belongings, she heard a familiar voice from the hallway.
“Hi, Sara!” Faith greeted warmly as her friend Sara entered the room.
Sara beamed at Faith and took in the vibrant new setting. “Hey, Faith! This place is awesome. I can’t wait to see how it looks when you’re all done decorating!”
As Faith was busy putting her things together, her attention was suddenly drawn by a sweet, familiar sound—a soft, adorable meow. She turned to find Maurice LaMarche holding a cat carrier.
“Faith, Pinky,” Maurice said with a smile, “this is my cat, Leonardo, or Leo for short. He’s a longhair.”
Faith’s eyes lit up with excitement. “So, he’s like a tabby? Ooh, I wanna pet the kitty!” She playfully mimicked Yakko Warner’s signature move, followed by a cheerful “Goodnight, everybody!”
Rob, in his Pinky voice, added, “Narf! We should definitely add another cat adult joke to Animaniacs. People love the adult jokes!”
Faith approached Leo, who was now lounging comfortably on her cat costume, stretching out in a way that made her chuckle. “Hey, Leo. I need that costume for October, so don’t stretch it out too much!”
Sara, watching the interaction with a smile, said, “I’m glad you still have the costume, Faith. It looks like you’re already getting settled in!”
Faith nodded, her excitement palpable. “Yeah, I’m really happy about it. Maurice, get this. When I was carving pumpkins last Halloween with Sara, mine rotted because of the lack of moisture. I’m planning to carve pumpkins again this time with a pumpkin that’s nice and moist!”
Sara laughed, “That’s a great idea! You’ll have the best pumpkins on the block.”
Faith continued, “Oh, and my mom is going to make my new bed this weekend. She’s really good with stuff like that. It’s going to be awesome!”
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renxmaiden · 6 months
Many reasons why I love Ren x Jeanne
I am a huge huge HUGE sucker for the ship trope being the "Brooding boy x Gentle girl" trope. Ships that has this trope instantly lands the OTP spot for me. Ren is a brooding boy, Jeanne is a gentle girl.
They also fall under the ship trope "Opposites attract" as they have personalities that are opposite of each other
Even if Jeanne never knew anything about Ren, I loved that she's willing to save a stranger's life. She even saved and revived him 2 times
Appearance wises, they look good together as a couple; Younger RenMei is cute. Blank period and Adult RenMei on the other hand, they look cute, beautiful and hot together as a couple.
They have chemistry (See Tao Men)
It's fascinating and interesting to me that they both share similar backgrounds with one another and where they are coming from is tragic. They both were raised and groomed into becoming child murderers. Despite that they both had a very rough start from the beginning, later throughout the series, they later changed and fully regret their actions for the horrific crimes they've committed in the past and later atoned for their sins in the series. After the Shaman Fight ended where everyone went on their separate ways to prove Hao was wrong about humanity, Ren and Jeanne strived to make the world a better place in their own ways, Ren aiming to be a CEO leader of his own company (Leidi) and Jeanne running a charity organization (X-Charity). They both have the same goals in the blank period era and that is world peace (And it's one of the reasons on why I think they've got together because they actually have a lot of things in common with each other, which also made me think at some point they've bonded over those too in the blank period era)
They have a very cute height difference when they are older; Ren is incredibly very tall then Jeanne. It's also been stated in a SK character interview that Ren would like a girl that isn't very annoying and if she was smaller then him. Jeanne matches this description perfectly well
Their size difference is cute
I adore fictional age gap ships and RenMei happens to fall into this category. I know age gap shipping may not be everyone's cup of tea but to me, it's my own favorite cup of tea and I am not ashamed of loving fictional age gap ships.
The fact that Ren was the first person to confess his feelings to Jeanne in that one picture from the remix track where they were at Mont Saint Michel. Also the title of this "video" was "[Love Confession] How Ren and Maiden's romance started"
The fact that Ren went out his way to introduce Jeanne to his family that he is getting married to her.
The fact that they had premarital sex
How soft and loving Ren has became, both as a husband and father all because of Jeanne who has changed him in the Blank Period era.
The way they make eye contact with each other
How communicative they are with each other as seen in their older versions
The fact that after losing his wife, Ren was so devastated to the point he even deep down he wants to commit suicide just so he can be by Jeanne's side. Jeanne meant SO much to him
How Ren is very touchy around Jeanne and expresses his love around Jeanne by touching her affectionately (Her hands, shoulders and hips)
How they would call each other by their names (Ren calls Jeanne "Jannu" and Jeanne calls Ren "Ren". Basically calling by their first names lol)
How they've raised their son well; Men was taught to never go with strangers. Ren and Jeanne also do not want their son to fall into the same footsteps as they were when they were kids and to prevent Men from doing so, they all got together one day to make a promise to "never kill anyone".
Ren keeps family photos in frames in his office. Ren and Jeanne have a lot of photos together, even albums (their wedding album) and family photos as this was seen in their house as well.
How Ren and Jeanne's hair length swapped; In the beginning of the series, Ren starts off with having short hair, Jeanne having long hair. In their Adult versions, Ren now has longer hair, Jeanne on the other hand has short hair.
How Jeanne would always make desserts for the family and Ren and Men enjoys them.
They are a POC couple, Ren is Chinese while Jeanne is France
Nearly 15 years later, Ren and Jeanne's love story STILL remains to be a mystery and I love to fantasize and theorize/headcanon on the many ways on how they got together. It's incredibly super fun to think about it!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Ren NSFW alphabet
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This has been sitting in my drafts since the dawn of time, so I might as well release it lmao
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Ren gets very cuddly and sentimental(?) after sex; often pulling you close and just gushing about how much he loves you, how lucky he is to have you, and how he'd bury Corland Bay six feet under if anyone tried to take you away from him. He'd also be rubbing soothing patterns into your back while he brushes strands of your hair away from your face and tucks you both into bed. If you wanted a towel or water, however, then he'd immediately get up to fetch them.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part on himself would probably his hands since they're long, slender, and aesthetically pleasing — but he despises the burn marks and scars that cover them. Ren's favourite body part on you would either be your stomach or thighs. He just loves seeing your tummy peek out from underneath your clothes and the plushness of your thighs really does things to him dhsjsks
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Very thick, copious, and tastes a bit salty 😳 He’s just really pent up, okay…? Ren also loves coming inside you and just watching it ooze out before shoving it back in with his fingers (or his tongue lmao he’s nasty). He would go feral if you went about your day with his seed still deep inside you, and might even pull you aside for round two (or five) if he sees you casually talking to Teo or Leon as your mixed fluid runs down your thighs.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
THERE’S TOO MANY UHHHH he has tons of lewd photos of you saved on his phone and PC, a bunch of your underwear hidden deep inside his closet, and one of your old hoodies covering his dakimakura of you. You can imagine what he does with all of these things… 😬 Ren also watches p*rn/h*ntai and plays adult games on the rare occasion, but ONLY if the characters look similar to you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Absolutely no experience whatsoever before he met you 💀 He has somewhat of an idea of what he’s doing through all the explicit videos he watches and what he sees online, as well as getting "the talk" from his sex ED class at school.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Mating press, the face off/lotus, missionary, butterfly press, etc. 🤡 Anything where he can be as close as possible while facing you. There are times where he'll be needy and desperate enough to put you in doggy style or reverse cowgirl, but that's only when you tease him enough to the point where he just cant wait any longer to have you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ren is not necessarily goofy during sex, but his awkwardness might come across like it. For example, he might not be able to line himself up properly or he might hear a weird noise down there — in which he would just embarrassingly laugh it off and unintentionally end up lightening the mood.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His happy trail is a curly patch of black to match the hair on his head, and he usually keeps it decently trimmed (whenever he remembers to). If you want him to be completely hairless down there, just complain about it and he’ll instantly rectify it. His chest hair is also very short and fine, so it wouldn't really be visible unless you get up close and personal with it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
VERY INTIMATE. Ren is unaware of the fact that he's a hopeless romantic at heart, but he does love to hold your hands and give you soft and tender kisses during sex; rather than sucking your face off or shoving his tongue down your throat. He wants to be as close as physically possible when it comes to you, so he's often pulling you close/pressing himself against you and loves the feeling of your heartbeat on his skin.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Before he met you; Ren would usually get himself off at least five times a week. But now that you’re around he doesn’t see the point in it when he could just?? seek you out??? If you’re not in the mood, however, then he’ll just look at ethically sourced pictures of you while he goes to town with his right hand. It's really not a big deal to him since he just wants you to reciprocate his feelings rather than get in your pants.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think I’ve gone over this before, but ya mans has a massive breeding kink, roleplay kink, edging/overstimulation kink, and a marking/biting kink (more-so because he loves leaving marks on you and seeing the aftermath of it, rather than the actual act of biting/marking you). You could literally combine all of his kinks into one by offering to roleplay as a needy spouse who wants their husband to leave his mark all over and inside them — after teasing and edging them on throughout the day.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He's most comfortable woohooing you in the privacy of his/your home, but if Ren starts feeling a bit jealous or possessive in public, then he’s not afraid to pull you into a secluded area and fuck you silly as a way to stake his claim (so long as you do the same to him!). He's so eager to make you happy that he literally doesn't care where you drag him off to... ^^ As long as only he gets to put his hands on you, Ren is DTF whenever, wherever.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
ANYTHING SHDJSJSJ he’s horny 24/7 and literally just looking at him for too long would get him going ^^; He respects your boundaries though and would never force himself on you just because he’s in the mood or needs to relieve himself.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Ren will NEVER share you. Please don’t ever suggest a threesome (or more) with him because he’ll immediately shut the idea down and be in a sulky mood afterwards (Why would you need to introduce another person? Is he not good enough? He could always resort to using toys on you if you needed more stimulation…). Ren is also a little hesitant to inflict pain on you in any way (aside from consensual spanking, choking, biting, etc.), and would much prefer the pain to be inflicted on him instead.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
loves loves LOVES going down on you! Seeing you throw your head back as you grip his hair just does things to him, and Ren would gladly spend an eternity between your thighs if you let him. He also doesn’t mind if you go down on him as well, but considers that a reward rather than an act of appreciation. Like? You really want to touch the most intimate part of him? You must really love him so much!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually starts out slow with a lot of grinding since he wants you to feel every single inch of him inside you, but he’ll eventually pick up the pace and ultimately end up jackhammering into you once the pleasurable haze takes over his brain. Honestly though? Just tell him to speed up, slow down, or get rougher and he’ll do it. Even if it means he doesn't get off, Ren will still put your needs over his and comply to your wishes.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Greatly prefers taking his time with you so he can appreciate your body and give you the maximum amount of pleasure you deserve — but can also see the appeal in quickies. This man is shameless, so he’s down to take you between the bookshelves in a secluded area in the library, or even in the janitor’s closet of your apartment complex. Teo's stupidly large bed? I don't know how you guys got in there but he's down. In the changing stalls at the beach? Sure, he's already inside and waiting for you. On his sports motorbike? ....Y'all WILD but yeah, he would 💀
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s fair game. So long as it doesn’t put you in danger, Ren is open and willing to try it. The most riskiest thing he wants to try is being inside you while you talk to your friends/nosy neighbour. He just wants to feel you squeeze around his length while you desperately try to calm your breathing and hide your red cheeks. And hearing you stutter when he bucks his hips is just too cute to resist.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Due to his lack of experience, Ren has a lot of catching up to do. He can usually last up to three rounds, but if you bat your eyes and wiggle your hips a little around his cock, then three rounds can easily turn into eight.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owned a couple of flesh-lights, a butt plug, a bullet vibrator, and would use them on himself until you came along. Now he doesn’t have much use for them — unless you have other ideas. Ren might not use dildos on you since he might get a little jealous from the thought of you getting off to something that isn't him, but if you ask to get a replica based on his measurements, then he might be a little bit more willing.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ren doesn't tease as much, but [REDACTED] definitely would. He might say things like “Look in the mirror angel, can't you see how well you're taking me?”, "Y'feel amazing. Squeeze me harder?", "Your hips are moving on their own. D'you really want me that badly?", "Aw, can you still talk, angel? Then tell me how much you want to come on my cock." et cetera. If you’ve spent time with your friends, he’d also be in a bit of a mood to tease you by drawing out your orgasm for as long as possible. After all, you made him wait sooo long just to see you again, so you should get a taste of your own medicine.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s very vocal and babbles a lot during sex, so you’d honestly need to shut him up somehow. Will either talk unwavering praise or absolute filth into your ear while he’s rearranging your insides — but once he gets close, his sentences soon become incoherent until his hips are stuttering and he’s keening out your name over and over again. If he’s bottoming, however, then Ren becomes even more whiney and almost bratty shdjsjs
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You know how he can change and control aspects of the game, such as withholding private information and stopping you from getting his bad ending? Well, Ren can also change aspects of himself as well. Please don't imagine him glitching his appearance to have two monster-sized cocks or an extra mouth where the palm of his hand should be :) And don't think about aaaall the ways he could use them on you hehe :)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His penis is ~6 inches flaccid and ~8 inches hard purely bc I think it’s funny >:) He has such a cute and unassuming appearance that the thought of him slinging around a massive PP like a weapon is hilarious lmao ^^; He's also really tall and lanky so it kind of makes sense though.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Extremely high, but as I've said before; Ren won't act upon his urges unless you want to as well. He's already satisfied with being in your presence, holding your hand, or even just being involved in a conversation with you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Mans canonically lasted like 15 seconds before he passed out after the first time you had sex — but ideally, if you initiated pillow talk with him, then Ren would try his best to stay up and listen to your voice <3 He likes talking with you, and wouldn't mind putting his sleep schedule aside if it meant hearing your soft and comforting voice.
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thedarkcoven · 3 years
Danger = Red | Part Two
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{All gifs/pics I use are found on Google. I DO NOT take credit for them c: } MINORS DNI !!!! 18+ Content! THERE WILL BE STUFF THAT ISNT SUITED FOR EVERYONE SO FAIR WARNING! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yandere!Reno Sinclair x Reader. Non-con. Sex drugs. Kidnapping. Dacryphilia. Somnophilia. Teasing. Collaring. Marking. Drugging/Drugs. Possessiveness. Obsessive behavior. Dumbification kink. Punishments/Abuse. Oral sex/face fucking. Spanking. Exhibitionism. Sadistic body worship. Unsafe sex. Fingering. Manipulation. Face grabbing/choking. Degradation kink. Dirty talking. Face slapping. Spitting. Gunplay. Fear play. Electro-play. Cum Kink. Breeding Kink. BDSM themes. Adult Language. Edging. Orgasm denial. Stockholm Syndrome. -Slight Tseng x Y/N this chapter; alcohol usage in this chapter- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @gabrielasalazar18 @thithesandofferings @electric-turks @mandysfanfics @hauntedadagium For THAT scene with Reno ;) Also this as well :)
Your eyes went wide as you pulled up your text to ask if Reno was okay only to read Tseng's name. Shitshitshitshit... No. Oh, Gods no. You quickly clicked his name and waited for him to answer, his phone ringing for a few seconds before you heard a slight pause before he cleared his throat to speak. "Ah, Y/N. I see shopping is going well?" You felt you could die as you covered your face with your hand before letting out a sigh. "Ye-Yeah. Look about the pictures-." "You look lovely in them, Y/N. Would you like to have some lunch? Reno is going to be there." You bit your lips nervously, your hands shaking a bit. "Yeah. I'd love to. I um.. I was supposed to send the pictures to Reno. I was asking his opinion for what to wear to the bar." Tseng's lips turned up into a smirk, his gloved finger tapping on the top of his wooden desk. "Could.. um Could I actually come into work tomorrow, sir? I think last night and today is enough for me." "Okay. Whatever you're comfortable with. Once you're done just let the guard know to take you home so you can change and then bring you to the office. We will all go once you arrive." "Thank you so much, Tseng. How could I ever repay you?" You squeaked with excitement. He gave a chuckle and rested his head back. "Behave on your mission with Reno and Rude. Keep Red in check, will ya?" "It's a deal, Boss. See ya soon." You smiled big as you ran up to Reno, hugging him tightly. When you noticed he wasn't acting like his usual self your smile dropped. He glared down at you before pushing past you to walk toward Rude and Tseng who were waiting by the elevator. Was he mad about the pictures? Tseng's eyes traveled up and down your body taking in another one of the outfits you bought. "You look nice, Y/N." Rude said nudging Reno. You smiled and ran your hands down the soft dark red fabric of your dress, pulling the skirt of it down a bit since it stops at your mid-thigh. "Thanks, Rude. You like it, Ren?" You asked, looking up at him. "It's cute I guess..." He said stepping into the elevator, leaning against the wall, and crossing his arms over his chest. "Would you stop acting like a damn child?!" You snarled through gritted teeth, forcing him to look at you. Reno glared down at you, pushing you up against the other side of the wall as Rude and Tseng hurried into the elevator and clicked the button for the parking lot floor. "And you should stop acting like a fucking whore." He gripped your jaw, his face inches from yours. "Fucking Tseng won't get you a raise." "A whore? Is this about the fucking pictures, Ren? They were supposed to be for you! Not Tseng!" You gawked at him, your hand coming into contact with his cheek. "Okay, Reno. Cool it. That's enough." Rude said pulling Reno away. Reno smirked as his eyes darkened with a hunger for you. Gods, you would be so fun to chase. He cleared his throat and turned to face the wall to hide his growing problem at the thought of you struggling under him. Tseng pulled you off to the side as soon as everyone got off the elevator, his eyes full of worry as he looked over his shoulder at Reno and rude. You gave him a confused look until he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Please have patience with him. He means well. He's hotheaded and he'll get over it soon." "Thanks, Tseng, but I'm good. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow." He gave a nod and led you to the car. Reno sat in the back with you, his arm outstretched along the back of the seats as he leaned against the door of the car. You let out a sigh and laid down, resting your head on his lap. Reno pretended like he didn't care but he loved it. His hand moved down and rested on your stomach. His smile was hidden since he was staring outside. ~~~~~~
Once you arrived back to the office after lunch, you stayed in Reno's and Rude's office, your head resting on the arm of his couch, waiting for him to return from a mission with Rude. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, pulling you from your thoughts of Reno and how he has been acting. Red: I had to stop in the bathroom because I couldn't stop thinking about you in that lingerie. Knowing it was supposed to be for me.... well. See what it did to me? Your eyes went wide as you clicked to see the full video of Reno. His hand slowly opened his jacket and shirt before moving his hand across his abs then running his slender fingers over the front of his pants before gripping and squeezing his hardon. Your mouth was practically watering as you squeezed your thighs together, your hand traveling down to rest between your legs. "Hey, Y/N. We're back." You screamed and threw your phone across the room, sitting up straight, and clearing your throat as Reno opened the door. "He-Hey, guys." Rude gave a questioning look but continued over to his desk. Reno smirked and walked over grabbing your phone, noticing it was still on the video. "So... Ready for tomorrow?" He asked handing you the phone and sitting beside you. You nodded as he leaned forward until his face was next to yours, his hand coming up to move your hair from your face. A shudder swept through you as you let out a shaky breath at his touch, a smirk on his face as placed his hand on your lap and squeezed softly. Your lungs felt like they couldn't get enough air as you turned to look him in the eyes, your nose brushing against his while resting your forehead against his. "Red..." You breathed out softly. "I um.. yeah. I'm ready. Nervous. I can't wait to drink afterward and unwind." "Yeah? I can't wait either. Don't hesitate to ask me or Rude for help tomorrow, Kay? I'm here for you." You nodded with a soft smile. "Y/N? Are you ready to go home?" You pulled away from Reno, nodding to Tseng as he stood in the doorway. "Yeah. Goodnight, Ren. I'll see you tomorrow." You kissed his cheek and smiled before walking with Tseng to the garage. Tseng tapped his finger on the steering wheel as he drove to your place, music playing quietly while you rest your head against the window of the door. Your skin still felt hot as his touches lingered, his breath still tickling your neck with each word that slipped from his sly lips. You let out an aggravated breath and sat straight looking over at Tseng. "What's wrong?" He asked glancing over at you. "Reno's such a fuckin' dick y'know. I'm not being a fucking whore. If I wanna suck your dick I can! I'm a grown woman." You huffed, crossing your arms with a cute pout. "I mean yes... You are an adult and can do whatever you please. It was uncalled for what he di- oh!" Tseng cleared his throat as you leaned down over the center console of the car and undid his pants and belt, pulling him from his confines. "Shit... Y/N." His hands gripped the wheel as you wrapped your mouth around him, causing him to swerve which then forced you to take all of him into your mouth. "Oh for fucks sake..." Tseng pulled over and leaned his head back. Your nails dug into his thigh as you continued to suck and lick, stroking what you couldn't fit into your mouth. Tseng was hesitant to touch you at first, his breath ragged and labored as he watched you work him in your mouth. He let out a moan as you suck, licking his sweet spot, his gloved hand coming to push your face down all the way. "That's right, Y/N. You like that don't you?" He smirked as you nodded slightly while bobbing your head up and down, Tseng threw his head back and arched his back as you quickened your pace,
sucking slightly harder as your saliva soaked his pants. " 'M gonna cum, Y/N. Ha... Y/N." You didn't care. You kept pushing until he fell over the edge, his hand shooting up to claw at the ceiling of the car, his free hand tangling his fingers in your hair. He shuddered and panted as he let go of you, a whine escaping him as you pulled off from him with a pop, your tongue darting out to collect any cum that spilled from your lips. You gave a smirk as you fixed him, zipping and buckling his belt before positioning yourself back in your seat. "He can go fuck himself. He's not even my boyfriend so there... I can do whatever I want." Tseng gave a look like 'what the fuck just happened?' as he continued to drive, dropping you off at your place, walking with you to your door. "That can only be a one-time thing, okay? Trust me as much as I want more..." He cleared his throat and fixed his tie. "I um.. Goodnight, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow." You gave a nod. Tseng was hesitant at first but he leaned over and pressed his lips to yours. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'You were extremely nervous. What the hell were you thinking yesterday doing that to Tseng?! Are you fucking stupid?' Reno looked up from his phone, his elbows resting on his knees, as you walk through the door. It was just you and Reno in the office right now. You smiled awkwardly at him as he sat up, patting the couch beside him. Once you did so he wrapped an arm around you and rested his head against yours.
"Missed you after you went home. I'm sorry bout yesterday. I just.. I wanna look out for you, y'know. I don't want anyone taking advantage of ya. I'd have to kick their ass or worse." He said running the back of his fingers along your cheek softly. "I'd have to kill them. No one gets to hurt my Y/N." He chuckled and pulled away.
You let out a shaky breath as Rude and Tseng entered the room. Rude smiled as soon as he saw you and Tseng seemed tensed, Reno's eyes on him immediately. Something seemed off with Reno but maybe it was you just feeling guilty? Yeah... that's what it is. You felt guilty. Rude handed you two guns and a few other things before going over the details with you. Luckily for you today it wasn't going to be much of a dangerous mission just dealing with a group of thugs that claim to be a part of Avalanche. As soon as you were on the helicopter, you stood between Reno and Rude, holding onto the headrest of their seats, in the doorway leading to the back of the aircraft as they began to take off. Reno glanced over at you with a smirk shaking his head at how terrified you looked. It was amusing to him. "Never flown before?" Rude asked, raising a brow. You let out a sigh and swallowed thickly. "Ye-Yeah. This is my first time. How long until we get there?" You looked down at Reno. "Shouldn't be long. Hey, Rude, I'm gonna take her in the back and calm her down. Alright?" Rude gave a nod as Reno stood, helping you to the back of the helicopter and closing the door behind the both of you. "Thanks, Reno- oh!" You were taken by surprise as he pinned you to the wall, your face against the cold metal. He chuckled as he began massaging your back and shoulders, taking your mind off the fact that you were high up. "Ah... Right there." "That better?" He asked wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple. "Yeah." You turned, facing him, your cheeks becoming flushed as your lips and nose brushed against one another. "I-I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry." Reno's eyes met yours. Your heart pounded against your chest as your eyes fluttered close, both of you leaning close until his lips brushed against yours again. "Reno! I need you up front! We're about to land." Rude called, opening the door to the back. "Tch... Yeah yeah. Coming." You giggled as Reno rolled his eyes and got back into his seat, helping Rude put the chopper down and clicking what they needed off. Rude went in front of you and Reno, making you guys wait until he knew it was clear for you guys to continue. The three of you came up to a group of about eight guys, all looked like nothing but lowly punks who wanted to act big. Reno smirked as he swung his baton downward, extending it before resting it against his shoulder, tapping it over and over. "Well well if it isn't the Turks. The fuck do you assholes want?" One of the punks asked, his eyes landing on you. "Fresh meat huh? How 'bouts the two of ya fuck off and leave the lady. Say you beat our ass and gave you information." "How about I knock your fucking teeth down your god damn throat for even thinking about touching her?!" Reno snarled, gripping the handle of his electric baton. You swallowed hard and placed a hand on Reno's. "Struck a nerve. She your bitch?" This time it was you filled with anger. You pushed passed Reno and began fighting the guy, your fist coming into contact with his jaw before he gripped your hair and threw you a few feet away. You landed on your feet, sliding back a few inches before charging at the guy again. Reno growled and started taking down the weaker guys with Rude, the leader busy with fighting you. Reno rushed over to you and hit the guy with the baton, bloodying his nose. "Tell us about Avalanche." You huffed, pressing your foot against the man's temple. "W-We don't know. We just say we are a part of them to have people scared of us is all! Fucking bitch..." You pulled your leg back and kicked him in the stomach before looking back at Reno who watched
you with a grin, the baton resting on his left shoulder. "You think he's telling the truth?" You ask while leaning down, pushing the man over onto his back. "Yeah. Just some fuckin' punks is all. Come on. Let's go see what Tseng has to say." Reno placed a hand on your shoulder to cool you down. "I'm on it. I'll catch up with you guys." Tseng smirked as you downed another drink, slamming the shot glass down as you motioned for another. Reno watched your tongue dart out, licking away the drop of strong alcohol from the corner of your lips. It was hard for him not to pull your top off and push your skirt up so he could bury his face between your legs. You still wore the skirt and top with the lingerie underneath with fishnets added and a pair of black wedge heels. His hand gripped the glass as he pulled his head back, letting the burn of the liquid travel down his throat and settle in his chest as he watched you giggling while talking with Tseng and Rude. He was growing impatient as the waiter in the club brought more shots for all of you. Reno threw one back, his tongue running along his top lips as he watched you throw two back, some of the liquid rolling down your neck to settle in the valley of your breasts. "Tseng... I need to use the restroom. Could you order me more of this drink? It's almost gone." You asked pointing to a fruity drink you ordered earlier with the shot. He nodded and motioned for Rude to go with him. "Hey, Ren. I'm going to go to the bathroom. Watch m-my drinks?" You hiccuped. "Yeah. Go ahead, kitten. I got you." He smiled. You giggled at the sudden nickname and kissed his cheek before stumbling toward the bathrooms. "Thank fuck." He looked around and pulled out a small vial, pouring mysterious clear liquid into your glass and string, quickly putting the vial back into his pocket. "You having fun, Sinclair?" Tseng asked as he returned with Rude with a smile. Reno gave a nod and took two more shots. His blood felt on fire, his adrenaline pumping as he saw you returning. "I miss 'nythin?" You asked as you grabbed the glass, chugging the rest of it before grabbing the fresh drink Tseng just brought back. "Nah. You're good, kitten. You didn't miss anything." You smiled cutely as you took a sip of the fruity drink before a sudden wave of dizziness hit you like a ton of bricks, causing you to stumble over. Reno caught you and held you up. "You okay?" "J-Just lil dizzy. I. I think I had too much, Red. Co-Could you take me home?" He nodded and picked you up as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Sorry 'm such a lightweight guys." "Hey. don't worry about it. Reno will take care of you. Goodnight, you two." On the way to your apartment, you felt Reno's hands running up your thighs, squeezing softly here and there as he ran the tip of his nose along your jawline, biting softly at the skin below your ear. Your mind was swimming as your hand shot down wrapping around his wrist tightly. He let out a low chuckle as he moved the hand up to your cheek, turning your face to press his lips to yours. The kiss was heated and hungry as his tongue met yours. "Ren..." You breathed out, your fingers gripping his ponytail as he dipped his head down to kiss and lick at the curves of your breasts. As soon as the taxi driver stopped he shoved the money into their hand and carried you to the door. "Home sweet home, baby." Reno said with a smirk. Your brain was too hazed to realize that you weren't at your place but his. As soon as he placed you on the bed he was on top of you, kissing you desperately. "Reno!" You cried out as he bit down on your shoulder, his hips grinding into yours. You could feel how hard he was with each movement of his hips. "Fuck..." "I've been wanting to do
this for so long. Wanted to make you mine. Punish you for being such a bad girl lately." He smirked as he pushed your skirt up and ripped your fishnets open before rubbing your lace-covered cunt, feeling how wet you are. "Fuck, baby. All this for me?" "Ren, please... I need it so much." You whined, rocking your hips to meet his hand. "What do you need, kitten? My cock? My mouth? My fingers?" He asked pushing your panties to the side and sliding his ring and middle fingers into you. "That... Yes. Oh fuck, Reno... Right there!" You whimpered, tears pouring down your cheeks at the sudden surge of pleasure. "That's it. Lose control for me. My mindless little slut aren't you. You want my dick? You want it to slide into you slowly, making you feel every inch of me as I bottom out inside of you?" He asked as he leaned over you, fingering you harder and faster. It felt like the fires of Ifrit enveloped your body as you heard loud wet sloshing noises, a big smirk appearing on Reno's face as he continued making a 'come here' motion with his fingers, bringing them up to meet with your gspot. Your back arched as you clawed at the blankets, your thighs clamping tightly around his hand while you pushed your hips off the bed. Reno let out a groan at how much you were cumming and squirting, soaking his bed with your wetness. His cock was practically begging to be free as he palmed himself with his free hand and pulled his fingers out of you before shoving them into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered closed as you tasted yourself, the sweet saltiness coating your tongue as you sucked his fingers slowly. "Fuck, Y/N... you're gonna make me cum and I haven't even fucked you yet." He breathed out with a slight groan before undoing his belt and pushing his pants down to the bend of his knees. "Reno." His name rolled off your tongue in a desperate whimper. He pulled your hips to his and rested your legs on his shoulders, his lips pressing kisses on your left leg as he teased your folds. Your back arched as he slowly began sliding into you, your juices coating his velvety shaft making him shudder. "Shit..." He screwed his eyes shut, his fingers digging into your calves as he pushed himself all the way in. "God your fucking pussy feels so good, kitten." "Oh Gods, Ren... I want you to fuck me. Please. Give it to me, Reno." He growled and leaned over you, pressing your knees to your chest as he started pounding into you, his red ponytail falling forward as he drove his cock into you over and over. "So needy for me. Gonna fill your pussy up nice and full. You want my cum, kitten?" You nodded desperately as you pulled his head down, capturing his lips with yours. Reno's brows furrowed together as he kissed back, slowing his pace while continuing to rock his hips into yours. He let out a groan while sucking at your tongue, the feeling of you squeezing him spurring him on. He pulled his lips away briefly to allow you both to get some air before kissing you again, his thrusts getting sloppier and uneven. His legs were beginning to shake, moaning into your mouth as your fingers tangled into his crimson locks. You began to cry from the overwhelming pleasure and the feeling of him twitching inside of you, grazing your gspot repeatedly before slowing down to a complete stop; his lips still on yours. The feeling of hot ropes of cum coating your walls until he went completely soft. He slowly pulled out with a smile and laid beside you, pulling you into his arms. "Now don't cry, baby. It's alright. I'm going to be taking care of you now. You're going to be by my side constantly and on the days off I'm going to make sure you're going to be pampered. Hush now. Get some sleep."
"Re-Ren..." You felt weak, your limbs going limp and your eyes closing. Reno kissed your forehead and cleaned you. Once he was finished and stripped you completely naked he placed a collar around your neck with a tag that said 'Reno's Kitten' and a cuff around your ankle with a chain that connected to the foot of the bed. "Goodnight, my kitten. I'm going to make sure whoever touches you or talks to you will feel pain... First, we are going to start with Tseng tomorrow. I promise." He said as he brushed your hair back, nuzzling his face in your neck and inhaling your scent, and falling asleep knowing you were safe and sound where you needed to be.
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| when he wants.
⟼ what happens when you aren't paying attention to your favorite?
x - - - - - - - - - ღ
when the bounty hunter wants you, he's much more flirtatious. it's a tad amusing sometimes because he's so serious under the suit he wears. to the outside world it isn't incredibly obvious, but you're on the inside aren't you?
he's much softer as well, especially if you like it, anything to grab your attention from whatever you're doing.
you're attending a dinner business meeting together. you normally don't accompany Boba on safety reasons, but unbeknownst to you, he'd been trying to grab your attention to no avail.
it wasn't on purpose, you were so busy. so when he pulls your seat out for you, you glance over momentarily stunned before sending him a charming smile. "thank you," you say, so sweet. again, you're unaware, but Boba is incredibly pleased. finally, it's what he's been wanting.
a much shyer individual, the Mandalorian. he likely understands what he wants and its easier to get you to understand by saying it outright, but he can't get himself to do it. he craves your touch and attention, so he's walking much closer and attempts to spend more alone time with you. he tries to impress you sometimes when he realizes you're watching.
he's shooting impressively at targets some ways away. they fly quickly, but he's quicker, and then it's over. he turns to you, and when you gaze at him with awe, he's so relieved the helmet hides him. there's no helping the pride surging in his chest or the smirk on his face as a result. it's really nice when he has your attention and managing to pull such a stunt while he does. he's never going to get tired of it.
I do believe he gets more forward, especially if you're into it. he's a little more bold in leaving lingering touches and whispering his naughty thoughts in your ear (it's sometimes better than transmitting them to you because he nibbles on your lobe when he does).
playing with him goes one or the other, and being so perceptive, he can do as you crave. he's either yes please, give me what I want or he increases the tension.
"ignoring me dear? getting a bit bold aren't we?" his voice low as he passes you in the hall, whispering breathily into your ear. "no need to worry- you'll come to your senses once I teach you your lesson very soon."
it's a bit amusing once more because, as much as I see him having two reactions to being needy, it's a 60/40 split. a little more than half the time, he's much more curt, forward, and flirtatious with you.
there are times though where he's like... a lost puppy. trails after you, pouts when you don't pay attention to him, says anything passive-aggressive to anyone holding onto you too long...
he's pouting again. as someone who insists on being treated like an adult, he's quite cute when he glances from the person who has your attention and back to you, crossing his arms with eyes fliting about impatiently. when you smile at him, he relaxes (until you turn away again and you hear a huff behind you).
each of them are interesting- I think the less little Skywalker tries, the smoother he is. it's when he overthinks is where it doesn't go so well, but when he reminds himself what you like and crave, he's good.
he can be very eye-catching when he isn't trying to be, which is entertaining because it catches himself so off-guard when you respond. he doesn't realize it's because of something he does without really trying, then he gets a little cocky [] because woah, but then he's also like but I feel the same about you []
he's likely handsomely leaning against a doorway or wall, scheming to get your attention when you walk over. he looks down at you with a sweet smile and you lean upwards to kiss him. he meets you halfway, shamelessly pleased by the attention, and it quickly gets heated before you're both forced apart to breathe. he stares at you wide-eyed and then adoringly with another smile. you really do take his breath away (figuratively and literally).
the knight is a very soft person who can't convey himself well. so in other words, he sort of lingers around you, trying to say how much he wants you without being too commanding (yet). he does want to tell you, but he doesn't know how, and therefore it comes out a bit rougher than he'd probably intended (I'm not sure you really mind though). he's learning.
you catch his eye whilst walking through the base and there's something there. "come here," he says. it's rough, but spoken softly, and needily. you make your way towards him and his gaze follows. you wrap your arms around him as soon as you're able, thinking it's what he needs, and you couldn't be more correct. he immediately returns your touch and it's like he's melting in your arms. he needed this, he needed you.
bonus! MAUL
Darth lords are likely not used to the ability to express emotions. he's so used to suppressing them, he can't quite identify the most recent sentiment. it's definitely a desire, one to be near you, so it's soon to the point where you're rarely seen without him as you fulfill your duties in the daytime. one day, "what's wrong love?" and he's like... "I'm not sure."
you're certainly not expecting such a response. "you're not sure? are you alright?" you say gently, and when he hears the concern on your voice, it encourages him to be outright with it. "I... find discontentment when your attention is drawn elsewhere." pay attention to me, is what he realizes he wanted, but he doesn't have to explain further when you giggle and apologize on being so busy today. you're all his, you reassure, and he hopes you can tell, he's all yours as well.
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Team Mom: Go Go Go Go Go Seijoh! Advisor's Affection Pt. 1
Warnings: Swearing (if you know you know), major fluff, daddy kink, kissing, protective Mizoguchi, slight age gap (like 7 years, all consenting adults), male and female oral sex, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control before timeskip, please use protection), breeding kink, ddlg dynamics, soft dom Mizoguchi, spit play, pregnancy at the end of the fic, bad explanation of volleyball, major bullying of one Torū Oikawa.
Word count: 11,000+ (at this point I have nothing to say. I had to break it into 4 parts 😫)
"Calm down, it's not like you are the one back in school," Y/N says nervously to herself "you are the instructor now, not the student. Everything is fine."
Everything was not fine.
Today was your first day teaching at Aoba Johsai. To say you were nervous would be a gross understatement. You had woken up early to get ready. Wearing a pencil skirt and a nice sweater lightly tucked into the front of the skirt. Your hair falling around your shoulders as you slipped on your black pumps. You look in the mirror. You don't think you even felt this nervous on your actual first day of high school so many years ago. Now, here you were, standing at the entrance to one of the powerhouse schools of Miyagi Prefecture. You had heard many things about this school, mainly their reputation for being a top athletic school. You had your work cut out for you.
After you graduated university a semester early, you enrolled in graduate school to study world history. You loved history and everything it entailed. You loved to read everything from the detailed plans of Alexander the Greats conquests to the detailed study of the Habsburg Monarchy. Nothing got your engines roaring more than a good historical analysis. You spent almost your entire college career locked away reading. You really didn't mind. You had friends and had the "university experience". You didn't regret a single thing you did while you were there.
When you graduated with your Bachelors of Liberal Arts in History, you decided to attend graduate school immediately after instead of looking for work. You knew your chances of find a high paying job would be more fruitful if you had more credentials. You studied hard, graduating with top honors. In fact, that's what landed you at Aoba Johsei. You knew competing for the job was enviable. It was great pay, amazing benefits and had great hours. The vice principal was very impressed by your credentials. You were so young, yet had achieved so much.
The previous History teacher had retired last year, leaving a position open. You were able to secure the spot after a grueling 3 rounds of interviews.
This was it, your future and you were about to throw up!
You walked into the school as you headed to the main office, introducing yourself to a kind women working the front desk.
"L/N Y/N here to see Vice Principal Tati please ma'am" you smile as you bow.
"Ah Miss L/N, it's so very nice to see you again" you turn as you hear a voice from behind you.
"Please sir, call me Y/N and it's a pleasure to see you as well" you smiled as your bowed.
"Please follow me and I'll show you your office space" he gestured as you followed behind him.
"I'm sure you are familiar with our teaching model Y/N" Vice Principal Tati says. You knew the students stayed in one classroom as the teachers rotated. It was much easier for the students to stay in one place during the day and for the teachers to transition.
You nodded "yes sir."
"Please call me Ren" he said as he turned to you "no need to be so formal with your fellow instructors Y/N, we are all equal here."
You smile as he leads you outside. You pass by a few gyms as you hear what you think is a ball hitting the floor. You look around to see a ball fly out the open door. You quickly move to get the ball as it rows down the sidewalk. You hear a voice says "I'll get it" as you pick up the volleyball.
A tall boy with curly hair appeared in the door way as you look up from the volleyball. At this point you'll have to run to catch up to Ren as he's still walking and talking like you are right behind him.
You smile at the boy "here you go" you say as you toss up the ball, spiking it in his direction.
Damn baby you still got it
The boy catches the ball and stare, eyes wide with disbelief as you smile.
"MATSUKAWA" you hear a voice come from behind him. A tall blonde male appears behind him.
"Matsukawa I've been call-" he stops as his breath hitches.
Fuck you are gorgeous
You smile, bowing to both the boy and the man as you race to catch up to the vice principal, who is still walking and talking.
Matsukawa takes the ball, throwing it back into the gym while the man stands looking at you as you run to catch up with the vice principal. He had to know who you were.
You finally catch up to Ren as he turns around "Well that should be everything Y/N! This is your desk, please feel free to ask for any assistance you may need" he smiles as you nod. You sit down at your desk unpacking your items. You begin to work on lesson plans for your students as school started in a few days. Your thoughts drift back to the volleyball incident.
It had been years since you played. You played throughout high school as a wing spiker. You love the game but you couldn't justify continuing with the sport. As much as you loved volleyball, you couldn't see it becoming a profession. So you stopped playing as soon as you graduated. Your team even made it to nationals a few times. You smile at the thought as you continue to prepare you lesson plans for the upcoming school year.
This is going to be a great year!
A few weeks had gone by and everything was going well. You were getting into the routine of classes and establishing a good start. You taught first, second and third years which you enjoyed. The wide range of material was right up your alley. Things were settling well.
"Soooo" Hanamaki Takahiro looked at his fellow third years "the new history teacher. Am I right or am I right?"
"You're right" Matsukawa Issei said "fucking phenomenal. History might actually be new favorite subject."
"Can you guys not be so shallow please for fucks sake" Iwaizumi Hajime said as he shut his locker.
"Come on Iwaizumi, you have to admit, learning about the Roman empire is way more fun when you get to look at that" Hanamaki said as he smiled. Iwaizumi sighed.
He had to admit you were beautiful.
I mean you are!
Plus you were kind and understanding of the athletes of the school. Often you would give extra work time during class or not assign work for outside of school hours. It was much appreciated by the wing spiker as sometimes the homework along with volleyball became overwhelming.
"Plus she's got some volleyball skills too" Matsukawa said nonchalantly as he turned to head to class.
"What?" Iwaizumi and Hanamaki said simultaneously.
"Yeah last week I went to get a ball that rolled out of the gym, she sent with back with an almost perfect serve" Matsukawa shrugged "I mean I don't know if she plays or if it was a fluke but she must know something."
Hanamaki and Iwaizumi looked at each other.
"Yoohoo Iwa-chan" a voice called from the end of the hall way. Matsukawa and Hanamaki snickered as their brown haired volleyball captain approached.
"What is it Oikawa, I'm busy" Iwaizumi spat.
"I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for a volleyball advisor. We need a teacher and asap" Oikawa Torū said.
"What about Mr. Morgan. I mean he seems like he'd be good" Hanamaki chimed in. "Nope he's with the basketball team" Matsukawa entered "Maybe Mrs. Chen? I mean she's not much for sports but it's not like she really needs to be involved."
"Nah I'm getting a C in her class and I don't want to deal with that" Hanamaki shrugged. The bell chimed signaling the start of the next period.
"Off to class boys" you sang as you walked past the boys gathered at the locker.
"Yes Miss L/N" they said happily as they watched you walk to class.
"Let's meet at lunch to talk about it more" Oilawa said as he threw up his hand an walked away. The others dispensed to their designated class rooms.
Iwaizumi had History. Honestly before you started it was one of his favorite classes. He excelled in memorizing and found it very fascinating. Now that you were teaching, it was definitely his favorite class. It was true that you were pretty to look at and Iwaizumi, along with the entire male population of Aoba Johsai, had a puppy crush on you, but you actually made learning fun. You had a passion for history and often explained it in a way that almost anyone could comprehend. It was a fun class and you learned alot. It really was a win win.
Iwaizumi made his way into your class and took his seat. You were writing today's lesson on the board as the class settled in their seats. The second bell chimed as you turned to begin your discussion.
"Today, I thought we'd take a break from the normal. I know it's only been a few weeks but I'm bored" you laugh as the students chuckle and giggle "as much as I love the conquests of the world, they sometimes can get a bit dull."
"Since it's Thursday and we have a test coming next week, I thought maybe we'd play a little game to help us review. What do you say" you smile as the class cheers. You reach into your bag pulling out a volleyball.
Iwaizumi's eyes widen.
"I dont have any other objects we can throw around the room, so we will just use my volleyball" you smile "please treat it kindly and try not to break any noses." The class laughs.
You explain the game to the class. You tell them that they will each throw the ball around the room to one another, answering prep questions for the next test. If you drop the ball, you have to answer two questions or your out. The last one standing is the winner.
The game proceeds effortlessly. Iwaizumi and another student remain. The student drops of the ball as Iwaizumi tosses her a perfect set.
Your eyes sparkle at his technique.
The game ends with Iwaizumi being the winner. The bell chimes for lunch as everyone files out. Iwaizumi stands and proceeds to your desk to give you back the volleyball.
"Umm here you go Miss L/N" he looks down ad he hands you the ball. "Thank you Hajime, you did excellent! Both in answering questions and in receiving and setting. I can see why you're the ace of Aoba Johsai" you smile at him. He looks up blushing.
"Thank you ma'am. I didn't know you played" he looked at you through his eyelashes.
"Oh yes years ago" you smile "I was a wing spiker as well. But then I got older and realized I couldn't make a living off volleyball. I still like to play occasionally as you can probably tell. Now you better get to lunch. Don't want our star volleyball player to go hungry on my account."
Iwaizumi smiled and he bid you farewell and walked to meet his fellow third years. They were gathered outside under a tree with several other members of the volleyball team.
"Iwa-chan" Oikawa waved frantically as Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. He set his stuff down and proceeded to get his lunch out. Everyone was talking amongst themselves until the topic of an advisor resurfaced.
"I just talked to Coach Irihata and we need an advisor asap before the fall tournament" Oikawa said as he looked to each player. The boys were stumped. They knew the advisor didn't have to have any volleyball skills to be apart of the team, but they would have to sacrifice time and weekends off to attend tournaments and training camps plus daily practices. It was a large commitment.
Iwaizumi stopped "what about Miss L/N?" He said out loud as the boys seized conversation.
"As in the hot history teacher, Miss L/N" Matsukawa interjected.
"Please stop and also yes" Iwaizumi grumbled "I talked with her after class and she told me she use to play volleyball in high school. I mean if anything she would be an asset to the team."
The boys all stared in disbelief.
"I have her next period" Oikawa rose his hand as if to answer a question "I'll talk with her and see if she'd be interested."
"Oh great we'll never get an advisor at this rate" Kunimi Akira said rolling his eyes. The team burst out laughing as Oikawa sulked.
After lunch, Oikawa proceeded to his class. They did a similar activity to what Iwaizumi had described. Oikawa had of course won.
"Oh Miss L/N, you look beautiful today! What an excellent idea for class" Oikawa said as he turned on his charm.
You knew much about Oikawa Torū. He was the talk of many of your classes, specifically amongst the female population. You had to admit, the kid was smart and charming.
"Thank you Torū, congrats on winning" you said softly as you gathered your items preparing to leave.
"Miss L/N if you don't mind, Iwa-chan mentioned you were a former volleyball player, is that correct?" Oikawa said smiling.
You smiled back "I knew it would make its way around fast but I didn't think this fast." You laugh as you speak "yes I played for a few years in high school and in college a little but I was nothing to write home about."
Oikawa stared as you spoke. You became unsure of what was happening as he continued to stare.
"Miss L/N, as the captain of the Aoba Johsai Volleyball team, I'd like to formally invite you to be our team's advisor" he smiled happily as your eyes widened.
"Team what" you looked at him with eyes widened.
"Team advisor ma'am. You see each team needs a teacher advisor. You really don't do much. It's honestly just a requirement by the school. Our previous advisor retired and well we need a new one as soon as possible" he said looking at you with a growing smile.
"Oh Torū I appreciate the offer but I'm not really cut out to be a team advisor. I'm not good at volleyball really" you say meekly.
"Oh no ma'am. You don't have to participate. We just need someone to help accompany us on trips, talk with parents, etc. It's a rather big time commitment so I understand if you cant" Oikawa trails off.
You sigh "Torū, I'm not concerned about the time commitment. I just feel like I wouldn't be a good fit for you guys. I mean I'd really be no asset" you say as you are suddently cut off.
"My apologies Miss L/N but you seem like a perfect fit for our team. The students all like you and you are fun to be around. (Plus majority gorgeous) please just stop by, talk with Coach Irihata and Coach Mizoguchi at practice tonight. Stay and watch. I promise you won't regret it" Oikawa pleads as you smile softly.
"Ok Torū ok ill stop by" you smile. "Oh thank you Miss L/N!! Thank you so much! The team will be so excited" Oikawa scretches as he bows, walking quickly from the class room."
I guess it can't hurt to observe on practice you thing as you pack up your bag, heading to your next class.
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faithfire-writes · 3 years
Once again tagging @worldsnotsaid for the lovely support and encouragement! Here goes nuthin'! Let me start by saying that, of all of Sarah J Maas’ characters, Elain is the one who resonates the most with me. I have never picked up a weapon, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, I like gardening, and I hate conflict. I don’t think I would be able to kill an animal, even to survive. When I read Elain, I latched onto her because in a way, I am Elain.
And that’s why her continued treatment at the hands of SJ/M infuriates me.
Sarah Janet does not know how to write soft, feminine character who are over 12. Ae/lin, Fey/re, Yre/ne, Nes/ryn, M/or, Ma/non, Nes/ta, Am/ren, all of her characters fit the same mold. Snarky, “badass”, cocky, arrogant, and possessive of a beauty that attracts most males’ eyes (remember, this is SJ/M). Even characters who start out softer and more timid are either killed off (RIP Sorscha, you deserved better) or have their characters completely rewritten in favor of being more “badass” (Yre/ne, El/ide). The only feminine, soft character who is permitted to exist just as she is, is Evangeline, and she’s, according to the wiki, 11-12 years old.
With El/ain, we are introduced to a soft, sweet-spoken girl who is coddled by the rest of her family, similar in ways to Prim in The Hunger Games. The only difference being that Prim is still a child. Elain is a grown woman, and yet everyone babies her. Fey/re herself even notes that “Elain sometimes just … didn’t grasp things. It wasn’t meanness that kept her from offering to help; it simply never occurred to her that she might be capable of getting her hands dirty.” (ACOTAR p. 11). Ignoring how this makes Elain sound like she has a mental illness, it shows how, as much as Fey/re acts like her sisters are a burden to her and how much she hates them, she can’t possibly begrudge El/ain for not wanting to chop wood, because it’s ELAIN. This harkens back to the “Elain is Elain” line in ACOFAS, which I still cannot understand. She doesn’t have to do anything to rewrite her character to fit the IC’s mold, because…she has so little character to begin with? Again, SJ/M does not know how to write an adult woman who isn’t a warrior.
El/ain is not allowed to act like her character suggests. She is, according to canon, OLDER THAN FEYRE. Who has more agency and personality? (Hint: NOT the girl who enjoys flowers). Elain is only allowed to act her age when it comes to romantic inclinations. She’s allowed to be viewed as a potential sexual/romantic partner by Az/riel and Luc/ien, and her beauty is commented on by Cas/sian, Fey/re, and the King of Hy/bern. The only other time in the narrative when El/ain is given any agency is when she stabs Hy/bern to save Nesta. The rest of the time, aside from her brief time spent as a hostage of Hybern, she is basically just there. And her abduction had nothing to do with Elain herself—or her seer abilities, much to my disappointment—it was to punish NES/TA. Her seer abilities, which were a FASCINATING side effect of her transition from human to Fae, have yet to serve any purpose in the story.
El/ain is a fascinating character. A young woman who is forcibly turned Fae and then gets visions she doesn’t understand while a war rages around her is an AWESOME concept. El/ain deserves to have her role developed beyond the morality pet of Nes/ta and Fey/re, and “The Other Sister who Likes Gardens and who Az/riel is Shipped With.” She needs flaws and a personality beyond “soft sister who didn’t screw over Fey/re as badly as Nes/ta but who also didn’t do much”. We were given 3 books learning about Fey/re and the entirety of ACOSF to explore Nes/ta's backstory and what makes her tick. El/ain deserves nothing less.
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catt-nuevenor · 3 years
I don't know if you're okay with this kinds of asks (please ignore this if you're uncomfortable with it) but... If the ro and mc are having 'fun' In bed when suddenly their kid comes in/almost comes in, how do they react? What kinds of excuse would they say?🤣
As previously stated, I'm trying to steer clear of cringe humour with this react, and instead going more into healthy responses to such an awkward encounter.
Hope you all enjoy!
I HIGHLY recommend you head over to the reacts page to read this. There you can enter your own names and pronouns for the characters.
Reacts Page
P swept the blanket up and over MC in a single motion, the fabric falling with an uncanny perfection across their otherwise naked body. Searching through the folds of bedding and discarded clothing, P found their hand and held it comfortingly as they propped herself up and smiled at their partner's child.
"Hi CH." They smiled, doing their best to keep the queasy shame out of their voice. It wasn't anything to feel ashamed of really, but instinct drove a heated blush up from the base of their neck.
The little child was quiet, looking between their ren and P in a stilted silence.
MC turned about in the bed, facing their child. "Are you alright CH?" They asked gently.
CH frowned. Not in an angry way, they didn't seem sad or hurt either, just puzzled. "What are you doing?"
P felt their lover's entire body tense in the span of a heartbeat.
"We..." MC looked up at their with the devotion of utter desperation.
"We were making love CH."
CH's frown got deeper, whilst their ren paled.
"What's does-" The child began, only to be interrupted by a voice from the corridor behind them.
"CH? Could you come and help us with breakfast please?"
P let out a subtle sigh, the expression, along with their relief, shared equally by their lover. After reassurances from them both, CH turned and scampered out of the room, almost forgetting to close the door behind them.
"I could just about kiss that woman right now." P chuckled, deflating bodily, resting their forehead against the warm sanctuary of MC's shoulder.
"Do you think A realised?" They mused, playing with a curly lock of their partner's hair, while their other hand was still entwined with P's.
The woman huffed. "Probably. Even more reason to sing their praises later."
MC laughed, and P lightly pressed the tip of their nose to the sound. "I'm not sure they'd really appreciate a serenade, or a kiss for that matter."
Propping herself back up on their elbows P smirked. "Really? I have it on good authority that I'm a pretty good kisser. Or are you just trying to keep me all to yourself?"
They'd find CH later, sit them down, and no matter how much it might make them both squirm, they'd answer all their questions as honestly, and sensitively as they could. P would also go find A and let their off of washing duty for the next two months.
But that was all for later. In that moment P and MC had far more present matters on their minds.
L felt a little bit sick. What the hell had they done?!
Why hadn't they remembered to lock the damn door? It was automatic most nights. Tuck CH in, retreat back to their private room, get utterly engrossed in MC, and before anything else, lock the door.
They hadn't noticed at first. They was too busy with 'other matters' to notice the slow creak of the door's hinge, or the small voice that asked for their ren. MC had. They'd noticed right away.
With a mortified groan, L pulled their knees up to their chest, tucking their head into the cradle of their crossed arms. Great, just great. One stupid mistake and not only had they likely traumatised a small child, but they'd more than likely ruined their relationship with MC.
Their soon to be ex-lover was with their child, trying to find a way to explain what it was they saw, and settle them back to sleep. How the hell they planned to do that L didn't have the foggiest. And what was L doing? Hiding like a coward.
This time, when the door's hinges gave their low creak L heard them, but they didn't look up. They couldn't bear to see MC's disappointment.
The bed dipped slightly as they sat down, and L automatically shuffled aside to make a bit more room. Then, a thick silence descended, burying their shame beneath renewed guilt.
"Are you alright L?" MC asked gently, startling the young fisher.
They looked up, eyes wide, jaw slack, thinking they must have misheard. "What?"
With a compassionate smile, MC reached out and took L's hand. "I said, are you alright?"
"I- You-" They spluttered, treading between confusion and annoyance as their eyes flickered between their partner and the door. "But, CH-"
"Is fine L." MC said, stroking their thumb across L's knuckles. "A little confused, but mostly worried that they upset you."
MC leant in close and kissed the gaping woman's cheek. "Remember it is still the middle of the night love. You don't want to wake the others do you?"
"No. But-" L dropped their indignation to a whisper. "What about CH? How can they just be fine with it?"
MC shifted further onto the bed, tucking their bare feet back under the rumpled blankets, gesturing for L to lay down beside them once they'd settled.
"Children understand more than you think." They explained, pulling the blankets up over them once L had joined them. "I told them the truth, that we were showing each other how much we loved each other in the way adults in a relationship do. That it was a natural part of some but not all grownup relationships, and that it wasn't anything to be ashamed of or worried about."
"And they just accepted all that?"
MC nodded. "They'll probably have a lot of questions in the morning, but I'll take some time to sit with them and go through anything that worries them."
"I-" L struggled to find their way back from the crippling embarrassment of moments ago, and back to some sense of logic. They should be a part of this somehow. The realisation almost threw their straight back into full scale panic, but they did their best to keep calm.
CH thought they'd upset their, while they still feared they'd upset them. The most straightforward way to reassure them both was to talk it through. Maybe...
At least they'd both have MC's support, no matter how awkward the conversation went.
When L asked to help, MC kissed their so sweetly they felt some of the anxiety melt away at once. The rest would likely sit there till the talk tomorrow. For now though there was comfort, warmth, and the familiar tangle of limbs to enjoy as they let their dreams sweep them away into sleep.
"Ready for this?" A asked, squeezing MC's hand tightly for a few moments when they saw the panic in their eyes.
With a dry gulp MC shook their head. "Not really." They glanced at the open door, no doubt wondering whether there was still time to make a run for it before their child arrived.
A patted their knee, smiling warmly when they turned their nervous gaze to their.
"I guess I just wasn't expecting to have to have... this conversation, not yet anyway."
The Cunningwoman gave a sympathetic nod. "No, I imagine not."
It wasn't really anyone's fault. Just a poor sense of timing, and forgetfulness. It was lucky CH didn't come in a minute or two earlier, who knew what they would have thought upon seeing that particular part of their love making. It was all unfortunate but none of them could go back and change the past. It simply was what it was.
A took in a calming breath, letting the morning air flow in and fill their lungs, before letting it go once more. It had to be done. If they simply let the matter lie CH would more than likely build up their own theories on what they had seen. Would they think they were fighting? That A was in someway hurting MC? Or worse would they think that sex was something expected of them at their age?
The idea made A's skin squirm, and their insides writhe. No. They would tell CH what they were doing plainly, without oversimplification, or gratuitous detail. They'd explain that it should be an action of sincere and mutual trust, that no one should ever take what was not freely given, and that it was a complexity of grown up relationships, and that when the time was right, and they met someone they cared for and trusted, and that both they and their partner wanted to take their relationship to that level of physical intimacy, only then would they need to consider sex.
MC chuckled quietly beside their, attempting to muffle the sound behind their palm.
"What is it?" A asked with an amused smile of their own.
"You have that look about you." MC explained, placing a fingertip on the fold of a slight frown that sat between their dark brows. "The same one you get when Erda gives you a difficult customer to manage."
A laughed. "I'm sure CH will be much better behaved than that."
Their lover shrugged. "I don't know. How many seven year olds have you dealt with?" The soul smirked as a lick of confusion danced across their partners expression. "Any question you hope they don't ask, you can guarantee they will."
A flutter of nerves tickled at the base of A's throat, though they did their best to remain outwardly calm. "Well, it's a good thing I have a practiced hand with me, isn't it?" They said, laying a soft kiss against MC's jaw, revelling in the sigh it drew from them.
There was a light tap of a tiny hand upon the door. A drew herself back, settling as naturally as they could beside MC, still holding their hand as they called out to their child.
"I don't understand why you hid it from them this long." K said, resting their weight back upon one hip, pivoting slightly to keep MC in sight as they fussed around their room.
"Because a little child shouldn't have to worry about things like that." They snapped, frustration and shame making their temper brittle.
K watched quietly as they slumped onto the bed, their head resting in their hands. They didn't understand the burden their efenhlytta struggled beneath. Making love was natural, every creature upon the earth or in the waters procreated in some form, yet it was only people that put such pressures on the act. Made guilt when there was no logical reason to be any.
Cautiously they sat beside their lover, and despite the ease with which they might do so, they made no move to touch them. "What will you tell them?" K asked, keeping their words, and their voice, calm and gentle.
Of course they expected them to bristle, or snap out a response born of frustration once more, and they was shocked when instead MC slumped further into the bed.
"I don't know." They said on a fragile whisper. "I don't know what I'm going to tell them."
"I didn't realise this would upset you to this degree." K said, after a brief but pointed silence had settled between them unbroken for many minutes. "Would you like me to talk to CH."
The child's ren looked up from the cradle formed of their fingers, considering their with something close to curiosity, though the finer detail of what it was that curiosity was focused upon seemed lost to them both.
"You'd do that?" MC asked, clearly not ready to believe K's answer before they'd even had chance to reply.
The strange woman nodded. "Of course, if you want me to."
They let their mind linger a while on the offer, the ease at which they might pass on the burden of the conversation they had no desire to have. But deep down they knew they could never accept.
It wouldn't do CH any good. They needed to be comfortable when they discussed what had to be discussed, and while they both got along far better than they used to, K's presence still unsettled their child.
"No." MC sighed, though they made effort to smile through the exhale. "Thank you though. If-"
They hesitated.
"If you would... be there with me? When I talk to CH."
With lithe fingers, K caught MC's chin and delicately tilted their head about so that their eyes might meet. "For you my efenhlytta, I would stand before the greatest of challenges, no matter how dire."
K kiss demanded all the attention MC's worries might steal away for themselves. When they pushed them back into the sheets, they could not help the muffled gasp.
"Shall we finish our own conversation?" K murmured into the delightful warmth of their efenhlytta's neck, kissing where their quickened pulse fluttered visibly beneath their skin.
"What- what conversation is that?" MC breathed, their breath hitching as K nipped ever so lightly at their prize.
The strange one smiled. "The conversation your child interrupted earlier, of course."
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
why does rin have so much trauma with cheating dam- who hurt u in the past bby
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Talk about hitting two birds with one stone I get to write about rin and talk about his past yay!
Warning this contains: talk about cheating, child trauma
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Rin grew up with his parents and his older brother, they weren’t the happiest family but they made it work. His father owned a dojo that rin used to love to visit and watch in awe at the kendo training, ren was definitely more into that though. Rin was far more interested in what his mother did, she was an acrobatic, she would do the coolest tricks that would leave Rin breathless.
They weren’t perfect but who needed a perfect family? His mother loved his father and he loved them just as much, at least that’s how it always started.
“Bubba! Play with me!” A little five year old rin cheered out to his brother, ren gave a soft hum before smiling “okay, let’s play hide and seek” ren said softly. “Mhm! I’m the best! You’ll never find me!” Rin bragged out making ren chuckle “well you better start hiding cause I’m counting”
Rin erupted into excited laughing as he heard ren counting before he rushed off deeper into the house, frantically searching for a place to hide. He settled for under his parent’s bed since his was far too low to hide under.
Rin covered his mouth giggling as he heard footsteps, ren would never find him! He felt so smart and cool and-
“You sure your husband isn’t home?”
“Yeah yeah it’s just the little brats now come on”
That was his mother..but that definitely wasn’t his father who was speaking. Rin shuddered in fear, the worry of getting into trouble clouding his mind. Was his mother having guests? He flinched at the sound of the bed squeaking, rin covered his ears after that..the sounds being far too unbearable to deal with.
He wasn’t sure how long he was under there but he soon heard a familiar voice “riiiin? Where did you hide? It’s been like an hour, jeez..you really know how to hide”
Rin scrambled out from under the bed rushing to ren and nearly tackling him into a hug, now crying his eyes out. “Huh? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Ren said worriedly as he looked at his brother.
“M-mama had a friend I-in her and papa’s room and they made weird sounds and I got scared” Rin said frantically, ren was young but he knew what that meant. “O-oh..rin you can’t tell anyone about that” ren said softly.
Rin looked at his brother confused “why?” He asked out, making ren sigh as he tried to think of an excuse before smiling at rin “cause mama would be sad if she knew you were in her room without her permission! Now come on” he cheered out.
A piece of rin’s innocence died that day, it wasn’t long until he saw the stranger again..and again..and again. It was always when his father wasn’t home, ren tried to distract the young boy from it but one day he just couldn’t keep it shut so one day during dinner he spilled it
“Mama has a special friend..”
That night his parents argued so hard he was sure that they were just full on screaming. “I-is it my fault that mom and dad are fighting?” He asked ren who always has had his back, but ren only looked angry at him
“Yeah..it is. You shouldn’t have told papa about mama cheating”
“Why would mama cheat?”
Ren scoffs lightly “all adults cheat, it’s a part of being an adult..it doesn’t feel good but it just means you’re an adult.” Ren said softly
“When I become an adult will I cheat?” He asked out worriedly, ren paused and gave a soft hum “no, not you..your partner will.” He said coldly, rin shuddered in fear. “B-bubba that hurts, why are you being mean?” He whined out. Ren glared at rin “cause mama and papa are fighting cause of you..Rin, if this family breaks up..it will be all your fault”
All my fault?
But mama cheated
I just told the truth
All my fault all my fault
My fault my fault
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