#i love you so much jiminnie!
brainddeadd · 5 months
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Yoongi x fem!reader
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Yoongi feels bad.
He's been busy in the studio, and then away on tour and now he's got the flu. It's been months since he's seen you properly, which is unacceptable in his eyes. You're his best friend AND he's in love with you. He's dying to see you, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone.
But, see, Jimin knows Yoongi better than Yoongi knows himself. And Jimin knows that Yoongi misses you and needs you. He also knows that Yoongi won't do anything about it. So, he takes it upon himself to do something about it.
mini: can you please check on yoongi hyung?
mini: he's sick and we're all busy
y/n: he's sick???
y/n: why didn't he tell me????
mini: it's yoongi
mini: so you'll go?
y/n: im already in the car
You get to Yoongi's and let yourself in with the key he gave you all those years ago.
"Jiminnie, I told you I was fine!" Yoongi's voice travels down the hallway from the living room, where you'd bet money that he's sprawled out on the couch, re-runs of a drama you can't remember the name of playing on the tv.
"Not Jiminnie." You call back, kicking off your shoes and carrying the groceries into the kitchen. You can hear rustling and then a dishevelled and exhausted Yoongi appears in the doorway to the kitchen. He moves to help you unpack the groceries but you bat his hands away and gesture to the bar stools on the other side of his kitchen counter. He raises hands in defence and moves to sit.
"What are you doing here?" He's curious.
"Jiminnie texted me." You reply and he nods in understanding.
"You didn't have to." Yoongi raises his hands again when you level him with a glare. "Not that I don't appreciate it."
"You're sick and I can help take care of you."
"I'm not that sick." He looks like Death came knocking and he barely managed to fight him off.
"Min Yoongi, just let me take care of you for once." You give him a stern look, but your adoration and affection for him bleeds into the look. It's one he's not used to seeing from you.
"Thank you." His voice is soft, his shoulder's relaxed and you swear that there's love in his eyes.
"I want to take care of you. It's not a chore or a job or something that's difficult and a nuisance for me." You tell him, reaching over the counter to hold his hand. "I always want to take care of you."
You pull your hand away instantly, terrified that was too far, too much, too close to a confession. Yoongi thinks his heart might beat out of his chest.
"I always want to take care of you too." His voice is soft and he reaches for your hands again. The look on his face telling you that you're not wrong about this.
"How about we take care of each other?"
His smile is blinding, even through the exhaustion of his flu.
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breadcheekstete · 3 months
Nothing can quite compare to the feeling of arriving home after a long week of nonstop work. Taehyung kicks his shoes off as he sighs in relief. He missed his house, his bed, but most importantly, he missed his boyfriend.
Said boyfriend who is currently laying on the couch, watching TV and drinking what seems to be his third beer. In his defense, he got injured a few weeks ago and he already has a month or two to go, so he relied on stress drinking. He can’t work out and it shows on his rounding body.
“And here we are again for my favourite game, ‘is that a t-shirt or a crop top?’ promoted by your one and only; Park. Ji. Min,” Taehyung announces as he walks in the living room.
Jimin looks up from the TV and pulls a face at him. “Haha, very funny, Taehyung.”
“I know, I’m hilarious.”
Jimin gulps the last of the beer and burps under his breath. “For your information, this is a t-shirt I cropped myself when we started dating.”
“You know what wasn’t here when we started dating? That beer belly.”
“Can’t you leave my tummy alone?”
“What tummy? That round gut?” Taehyung bends to poke it and it doesn’t give in to his touch from how bloated it is. “Hm… I feel like someone is gonna be a gas machine tonight.”
Jimin groans, cradling his midsection protectively while he gestures at his sprained ankle with his head. “If I could go to the gym, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. You already know how easily I gain weight.”
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.” Jimin sits straight up and Taehyung sits right beside him. His once sculpted body rounds out in a thin layer of fat and over-bloat, all from his stress drinking, and he pitifully stifles a burp. “Want some dinner?”
“I refuse to let you cook again,” Jimin says, trying to stand up. “I’ll do it.”
Taehyung takes his hand before Jimin can hop his way to the kitchen and hugs him by his waist. He leaves a heartfelt kiss over his navel and looks up at him with puppy eyes. “What is it?”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Come on, Taehyung. I look like a settled dad.”
“I love you no matter your body type, Jimin,” he assures. “I love you and our beer baby.” That makes both of them laugh.
“You are such an idiot.” Jimin carefully bends to leave a kiss on Taehyung’s crown and as soon as he pulls back, he pushes Taehyun by his shoulders and climbs on top of him.
“Well, hello,” Taehyung says nervously.
Jimin covers his mouth and belches before he steals Taehyung’s lips in a filthy kiss. Taehyung can’t even focus when his boyfriend’s belly keeps pushing against him, so warm and tout and gurgly.
His hand curiously dives lower, caressing the pouch and squeezing it. It makes Jimin blush further as a string of burps interrupts their make out. “Ugh –bWOOooUurP Taehyungie, this is so embarrassing,” he laments, covering his mouth once again.
“I missed you so much, Jiminnie,” Taehyung says out of the blue, ‘cause he means it. He’s been so busy with work now that Jimin is injured, that they haven’t spent some quality time together for a long while. “So so much.”
Jimin smiles at him, kissing every inch of his face before diving into his mouth once again. He notices Taehyung’s growing boner and redirects his attention to undoing his belt when a late night delivery calls at their apartment. 
They stop abruptly, wondering who the fuck they are about to blame for interrupting their little moment. Jimin groans, hiding in Taehyung’s neck. “I’ll go see who’s it,” Taehyung says, patting his hips.
Jimin faintly hears the conversation with the delivery guy. But once Taehyung is back, he groans again when he sees Taehyung reading the back of a little box. “Fuck. I forgot I promised Hoseok hyung that I would beta test his pills.”
“I don’t think you should ingest any pill or such with your current intake of alcohol,” Taehyung points out. “Perhaps, you already have enough with your poor ankle.”
“What should I do then?”
There’s a moment of silence where none of them know what to say, when an idea sparks in Taehyung’s head. “I could test them for you.”
“Come on, I can work from home for the time being.”
“Are you sure?”
Taehyung reads the effects again, just daydreaming about those four weeks he’s gonna be able to spend fully with his lover. “Absolutely.”
AO3 Link for more (4.1k words)
mpreg / chub k¡nk / feeding / burping / gas /smut / breastfeeding
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gienn-ah · 11 months
If I had to choose a place to stay and find peace it would be with both of you. My place is in every interaction the two of you have, however long or short it lasts. My place is where you both are.
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Jiminnie: the pride I feel watching your documentary and witnessing all the way you went through to get to what "Face" is today generates a lot of admiration in me, you really did an excellent job and I congratulate you for that.
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Thank you for the existence of "Letter", this song is in a very big place in my heart and I will always be grateful for it, I still listen to it and I cry again as the first time when your voice began to sound. I still remember how my heart broke when I recognized that the beautiful voice in the background was Kookie's voice. I still get excited about how good any song where your voice and Jungkook's voice come together sounds. I love how well they complement each other, I love everything they are .
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Letter will always be and mean so much to me, thank you for allowing me to see how you arrived at it . I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU GUYS.
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 8 months
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day 302/548 of hobi's military service
these selcas were posted on 160218, hobi's 22nd birthday, with the caption:
Thank you so much to those who watched today’s V App (live). It was a meaningful finish to my birthday because of you guys. I love you guys~~ Our Jiminnie, I’m really infinitely moved, I love you ~~~
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
bonus birthday tweets from that day:
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Eldest hyung Jin starting off the uploading of bizarre photos #HappyBdayHobi
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Ah really, even a guy who sees this would think you’re cool #HappyBdayHobi #It’sSugaHyung #AstroBoyHope
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Eung Happy birthday #RM #HappyBdayHobi
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
Thank you so much for the award today, ARMYs
I want to give you guys my gratitude
This picture is also what I feel in my heart
I love you Hoseokie hyung
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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Pictorial #AsExpectedOfTaehyung #HappyBdayHobi
(trans cr: Mary @ bts-trans)
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ikooked-mp3 · 10 days
BTS PAVED THE WAAAAAY!!!!!! EAT THIS PUNK. The anon slams down a football onto the ground. "What is your favorite thing about your members"
Jungkook stares at the football on the ground with a giggle. "Hell yea! Well. I love them all so much. Mm putting down one thing is hard but lets see-- TaeTae hyung's resilience to keeping his peace is so admirable. I go to him alot when I feel very overwhelmed. Jiminnie hyung is my energy matcher so I love when we try new things together! He knows how to make them less scary!"
Picking up the football he twirls it a bit. "Our grandpa Yoongi hyung-- don't tell him I said this-- is my favorite cuddler and pillow talker. He makes any place feel like home you know? . Hobi hyung!! I can say that he is a big inspiration for enjoying music and photography as I have. Keen ears and eyes, he wouldn't lie to me. Jinnie hyung is so passionate and funny, I rarely have to say anything he knows that I would need a pick me up. Joonie hyung is the crux. I come to pester him and just listen to him talk, or watch him in his element."
Jungkook shies away a bit afterwards. "Sooo yea."
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bangytell · 1 year
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"All my emotions feel like explosions when you're around." Rick Montgomery– Line Without a Hook
summary: After knowing the truth you have to get moving so you start your journey
pairing: fairy!Jimin x f reader
rated: mature, +18
word count: 2.2K
warning: Just a little cock riding, let's start with something right?
a/n: Hiii i'm back, please give some love to this new episodes, im really excited for this series.
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"Now Y/N there's this secret I have to tell you." At the brown couch with your legs up covering your face, you tilt it up with glowing eyes 
"Why inside?" Jungkook asked, curious
"Outside there's fairies, bad fairies also, and the windows are protected," you blinked in obliviousness 
"You better start telling her cause we have to get moving." Taehyung entered the room with a bag, a big bag hanging his arm
"Y/N remember I told you I didn't mean to tell you about the part of you being a nephilim?" with a nod in response he continues "This place is protected, your garden and the house, I am here to protect you from the day you were born, but something happened…" his voice shutted down
"What happened?" You ask in response with a raspy voice
"We met," Taehyung answers slowly
"While I was away, you went out the circle, and a bad person looked at you, not only that but he warned…" his gaze hesitated around the house as if the answer was right there 
"Jiminnie, I know i don't acknowledge that much of the outside, but I am a woman, a full and grown woman." he nods, in the verge of crying 
"I protected you, on your way to your job, on your job, anywhere i be nobody could hurt you, I waited until you finished your work because I wanted you to feel normal, after a few days I left, Tae knew you were here, so he tried to watch you over" he stopped and got closer to you, a few inches from your face and he placed his hands on your cheeks
"Remember the day you climbed that tree?" With a nod, he continues his story."The forest is a place full of creatures…"
"Your father is looking for you," Taehyung said cause he knew Jimin couldn't
"My…" father?" Jimin nods with your gaze on his 
"That 's the secret? " he nods again. "Then why do I have to go?" With a confused tone, you look at the eyes of the three around you
"Your mother was an angel, so we thought, she looked like one, she was so beautiful, like you, she was magical but not the magic we thought, she came from a bloodline of witches and witches are humans, and she knew your father would have wanted a firstborn to take his place in the realm of the underworld" you are confused, a lot of information you don't understand fully
"Aren't nephilim supposed to be creations from an angel?" 
"Yes, your father is an angel, a fallen angel, he lost his wings" your eyes were open and your mouth as well, you couldn't believe what he just said, the fact of your father being alive was a pure surprise itself the mere fact of fallen angel and wings was something you couldn't catch on it
"Does that make me a fallen angel, too? Jimin denied with a gesture of his head 
"Of course not. You are an angel, a pure angel." he gifted you with a soft smile while letting go of the touch of your skin. You miss his warm hands
"How…?" You ask, still in confusion 
"We need to leave. The sun is setting, and i want to get to where we have to be before that happens," Taehyung speaks, and the little fairie flew around the house 
"Can i come with?" he asks in excitement
"You don't even have a century of age. How can you come?" Tae asked
The fairy disappears into your room, and you can hear some heavy steps. A husky and tall Jungkook came walking with a grin 
"Woah Jungkook, when did this happen?" Jimin asks with a chuckle from the look of surprise of Tae
"You can come… You look appropriate for the job," he chuckled and hugged his hyung with one arm. He is a few inches taller 
"I need some clothes." You stood up to go to the room, Tae stopped you
"I have a few changes here, princess, don't worry." Sheepishly, you look his way 
"Underwear too?" he nods, and you hide your face 
"Yah, you pervert touching a girl's underwear!" You laugh at Jungkook trying to tackle Taehyung.
You walk to the door, Jimin beside you, he holds your hand and give a caress with his thumb, his hands are always warm, you look into his eyes, he always looks so ethereal and it makes you feel a spark inside
"I love you too." Your cheeks light up in a carmesi tone, and he caresses your chin 
"Let 's go, okay?" and so, you begin your journey, walking to town the sun is giving its last light rays, you look at your black boots and the way your dress moves every time you take a step, everyone stops, at a house that looks normal to you but feels… odd
Taehyung knocks three times, and a tall man with black hair opens up. He has a beautiful smile. You think it looks like a heart.
"Hi guys, hi Y/N." You look at him with confusion
"Do we know each other? he chuckles 
"No, I know you. Who do you think made a spell for your house?" So he is.. a witch? "Come on in, it's almost nighttime,"
As you all go inside, the candles light themselves up.
"I have a few rooms available for you, if only you told me earlier you were coming." Jimin chuckles 
"We know her father is getting closer. If not, he's in the forest by now." The unknown boy appeared so close to you that you got scared
"She looks so beautiful, you look just like your mother," he says, admiring you
"My mother?" he nods 
"Hye, she was a woman of beauty, I'm Hoseok, by the way," 
"You're scaring her," Jimin said and chuckled
"You knew her?" You ask, and Hoseok nods 
"A little more than what you think, if you know what i mean" you nod and giggle at his honesty "I have a picture around here" he appears somewhere else in the room, grabs something and appears in front of you again, he doesn't even need to move 
He hands you the picture, and it's like looking at you. Your mother's hair was shorter than yours now, and her eyes were bigger, but she was beautiful. 
"She was beautiful, could she do that, appear in different places?" Hoseok chuckles at your curiosity
"She liked to walk, and we are a little different. She was a little more human than me." You nod and smile, giving the photo back to its owner, but he refuses
"Keep it, it's a gift," you smile 
"Guys, I'm starving," Jungkook said, and everyone chuckled 
Hoseok showed the way to the dorms he had available, Taehyung and Jungkook shared one, it had two beds, Taehyung lent you the bag he was holding for you and with a small thanks he went inside.
The other room he had was one bed but a big one, it could easily be for all four of you, Jimin and Hoseok were talking while you admired around, white and green gray decorations, a night table and a chair, you sit and start to think about everything that's been happening today, you're exhausted. 
Hoseok leaves the room, or so you think to listen, every movement seems unreal.
You hear Jimin talking to you, you think? He isn't around your sight, his face looks blurred and then your eyes shut down and all your eyes see is black.
Jimin helped carry you to bed, even if he didn't appears so, he was strong, he went looking for a towel that he soaked in water and place it on your forehead; once you start to gain awareness of your surroundings you notice Jimin sitting next to you on the floor, he's breathing is slow paced and little sounds leave his lips, with extra care you caress his face; he always seemed away from you, even now, you know he doesn't feel the way you do, you know he sees you like a little girl to take care of. 
He slowly opens his eyes, sees you awake, and smiles.
"Jimin, you know that time I asked you how it was that you ate, and you told me it was a secret?" he nods. He knows what you're trying to do 
"You want to know now?" You nod, your gaze is angry, it's a whole new experience, but you need it.
"I asked Taehyung, and he said it was something adults do. Aren't I an adult?" Jimin nods. He is upright looking at your eyes 
"We eat by sex." You open your eyes in surprise. "Sex with humans." 
"Only humans?" he chuckles
"Well, it depends, we could do it with our own, but you know, it's not the same." You nod, digesting every word
"Do Taehyung and Jungkook eat the same way?" he chuckles again 
"They come to town, we only have to do it once a week, we have to be very careful with humans, but i think they're eating themselves now" you choke at your saliva and Jimin chuckled
"They what?!" he laughs and seats next to you on the bed 
"They like each other, so why not?"
"I thought Tae was messing around with him," 
"Yeah, they do that sometimes," you both chuckle, and you gaze at him. "I know what you want to ask."
"You do?" he nods 
"I came to town, and ate, I do it every week." He looks at your lips. They're open and plump, and he thinks they look delicious.
"Can you… eat with me?" he sheepishly, look at you
"I don't want to… make you feel that way."
"And what way is that?" You look away, and he grabs you by the chin to make you look his way.
"Cause when I eat, it's a one-time thing, and i don't want that with you." 
"You don't want to do it with me," he denies 
"No, I want to do it every day with you." Your eyes open in surprise, and your cheeks tint red from shyness 
"I-.." Words can't get to you, and he smiles, so beautiful to be true
"But if you want me to… we can do it step by step." 
"If you… do it with me, there won't be anyone else, right?" He remains in silence for a brief moment and you think he's going to say no, that he's going to leave you there, but he cups your face and pulls you in closer for a kiss.
You open your mouth a little giving him a silent permission to dive in more deeply into your mouth, and so he does, not later on his tongue begins to caress the inside of your mouth, the kiss deepens and he helps you get on top of him where you get to kiss him freely.
You feel the bulge beneath you, and with the help of Jimin's hand, you thrust on top of him. 
Jimin's husky arms are holding you as each thrust lets moans part from your lips. You feel the heat inside of you, and every sensation around him is new as you let him guide you. 
"Would you let me take off my pants?" he whispers at the end of your kisses as you take a breath, you nod since words can make the way to form inside your brain, you sit next to him as you see dispose of the black pants. "Are you sure about this?" You nod again."Do you like me?" he asks, nervous of what you might respond.
"I do like you a lot, do you like me?" he nods and leans in to kiss 
"I've been in love with you long before you could notice." With the dress still on your body, the thrust becomes into a quicker pace, Jimin's soft moans scape his mouth, every atom from you becomes strange to you, it's like soul has left the body, everything is magical, exciting and you feel the tightness of muscles and the orgasm about to explode. 
Jimin is guiding the thrust. He lets go, and soon after you follow, you're all damp and begin to feel a little embarrassed for this situation.  
Getting up, you step away to the bathroom, look at the mirror, swallow lips, and chest heavy on breathing.
Jimin gets inside, now wearing pajamas and stares at you.
With a little smile, you hold onto the zinc, Is hiding an option by now? You've done things before, with another man, but doing this, even so little with Jimin, the feeling of fainting kicks in.
"Angel? Is everything okay?" His sweet velvety voice brings the world in order. You nod, and he steps closer. "Talk to me lovely" 
"I'm embarrassed about this situation." He chuckles, and you look over your shoulder 
"Sweetheart, nothing around us should be like that." Walking over the bed he follows, you look in the bag and take out a panty to change to.
"Turn around," He giggles, but as told, you change into clean underwear. "I'm done."
"You know lovely, tomorrow i have something i want to talk to you about," he grins and gazes you
"Why not tonight?" 
"Because I want you to be all up and rested, we're gonna keep moving. There's somewhere you need to be for you to be safe." With a nod, you agree, you do feel tired.
You don't want to say anything more, nor about what happened or what he wants to tell you, laying in bed he joins you but keeps a safe distance, soon enough sleep greets you and takes you in his arms.
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©️bangytell please do not copy or steal my work, any translation can’t be done this is the only way to read it.
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kimtaegis · 1 year
hello miss annie i need to send you an ask again because just praising in the tags wasn't enough!! you are a very talented and incredible person and i genuinely have no idea how you can make an amazing set and then turn around and make an even better set next time? you are so talented and so brilliant and you always blow my mind with your creations and everyone needs to see them and if i could print them and plaster them onto my wall, i would. this is truly just an ask where i repeat myself and tell you how talented and amazing you are, and i will say it again!! thank you for still being here despite this site killing itself, thank you for still making beautiful things, thank you for being kind and so loveable like jimin himself. i know you always spend a lot of time making these stunning sets and i wish you got the recognition you deserve. i wish everyone did. <3 i hope you have an amazing day. jimin came home specifically FOR YOU!! <33
(i was once again from tiny-jiminnie <3)
I could cry, oh gosh, that is the sweetest message I could ever wish to receive, seriously 😭 I’m a bit at a loss of words I am SO happy because of you right now, this feels like it’s my birthday instead of jungkook’s. you can’t imagine how much this means to me, that someone could enjoy my work so much that they’d even consider writing up a message like that. I can’t thank you enough, just you saying all of this made the work and time worth it and is so motivating to keep on creating sets like this. thank you a billion times, you’re so so so kind to me I really want to give you the hugest hug right now, I’m sending you all my love
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I am so glad that slowly Taehyung is finally trying to bond with some of the people in the castle. He’s just such a softest baby and I just want to bubble wrap him so he could be safe forever!! I hope soon he won’t be so scared of the MC and will try to bond with her. I know it will come!! Im just so excited reading his healing arc.
I couldn’t help but feel sad about Tae not having someone to confide with about his nightmares. That makes me think of my question.
Ellie if you don’t mind me asking, who do you think between the people in the castle would he turn to if he gets his nightmare episode again when he feels more comfortable with everyone? Im not sure if you can understand the question but to rephrase it who between the pack will he talk to about it???
Also, do you think you would sometime in the future meet the pack and the mc’s ex lover? what do you think would be their reaction? Are we also half way done with the fiction?? Just wondering!! Please don’t take this question the wrong way 🙏🏼
Ellie!!! Thank you so much with this gift you’ve been sharing. You write so beautifully and I really just wanna thank you because every time I read this I feel so comforted. Like im cuddling with my dogs with the fluffiest bed and blanket on a rainy day! Thank you so much for being so dedicated and making these chapters, despite your busy schedule!! I hope you to have a great break and take care!! ☺️☺️☺️
Jungkook and Jimin are definitely the softest and fluffiest!! They have been through so much (I know it's my fault but...) and now they are finally talking and on the same page. Jimin has gotten so much braver since he first arrived at the Castle and it's mostly because of how loved he is and now he knows it. I love them so much.
Taewhyung is taking a few baby steps to get closer to the pack. He can see the way they act around each other and how soft and dull of live they are and it makes him very confused but at the same time he secretly craves for that too. He doesn't know how to be like that though and he still can't understand what the limits are, how he should act and what his place is. He is less afraid of the mc now but he can't help but be guarded around her, it doesn't help that he doesn't see her that much (regardless of what ashe believes)
To answer your question I think he would either go to Hoseok or Jimin. Hoseok because he has spent the most time with him and he trusts him the most. And Jimin because being with him is easy, he feels like there are no expectations there (soulmate things, you know).
About the pack meeting Jacob... Maybe... We'll see... They are a little overprotective of her so that would show. And they don't like him on principle so it would be interesting.
Eunoia is more than halfway done and after the next chapter we'll move on to the final part of the story. It makes me emotional to think about it. Thank you so much for reading 💜💜💜
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uwujgk · 5 years
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dirtyflcwers · 5 years
Inbox me a K-Pop group and I’ll tell you:
fan or not: BIG FAN BIG BIG BIG !! BIG BIG BIG BIG :’)))))how long i’ve been a fan: december 2017—they were my first kpop group UWUthe first song i heard by them: first kiss !!!my favourite song as of now: Talk about U is the CUTEST side track but friday night is my favorite titlethe first mv i saw: i knew it!!my favourite mv as of now: i knew it is so fucking beautiful dont @ me its the best mvwho my bias is: im ot7 !! i love every single one of them equally literally like i COULD not pick they’re such strong beautiful amazing talented brave women and i love them so fucking much
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I love boyfriends
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brainddeadd · 2 months
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Tell me why I haven't found her
Jimin x f!reader
Warnings: angst, Jimin's sad, Yoongi comforts him
No y/n involved in this one
Who masterlist
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If every day I think about her
Yeah, every day of my life
Then tell me why I haven't found her
Yoongi enters the room, and his eyes immediately find Jimin's figure on the couch, slouching forwards. Frowning, Yoongi moves towards Jimin, eyes widening and movements speeding up when he sees the tell-tale sign of shaking shoulders. Collapsing next to him on the couch, Yoongi pulls Jimin into his chest, head leaning on the younger's, arms snaking around him.
"It's ok, Jiminnie, it's ok." Yoongi's voice is quiet, comforting, and Jimin settles into his hold, tears dampening Yoongi's shirt.
Slowly, Jimin pulls away, hands running over his cheeks and trying to swat away the tears soaked into Yoongi's shirt, who sits patiently, knowing that Jimin will talk when he's ready.
Abruptly, Jimin stands, and the tears start falling again, hands shaking as he paces.
"Jimin-ah, what's wrong?"
Jimin sighs, turning to face his hyung.
"Why haven't I found her?" His voice breaks and Yoongi can only blink.
"Who, Jimin-ah?"
"I don't know!" Jimin's voice raises as he throws his hands in the air, and Yoongi raises an eyebrow.
"Is she someone that I see every day? Is she somewhere a thousand miles away? Is she living next door?" Jimin's voice is getting frantic, but Yoongi doesn't know how to help. "We've never met, but she's all I see at night. We've never met but she's always on my mind. Wanna give her the world and so much more, but we've never met."
"I've dated a lot of nice people, people would should have made me happy, but none of them were right. What am I missing? Is there something wrong with me?" Jimin pulls at his hair. "Who is my heart waiting for?"
All Yoongi can do is sit and watch Jimin cry, unable to form a response that he feels is sufficient.
"You're - there's nothing wrong with you, Jimin-ah," Is what Yoongi settles on. "Ah, there's nothing wrong with you."
Jimin's pouting and that just won't do.
"Jimin, I don't know who she is or where she is, but I do know that whoever she is will be so incredibly lucky to have you love her."
"You think so?"
"Jimin, I know so." Yoongi pulls him into a hug, letting Jimin continue to cry into his shoulder.
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tataelingmoon · 3 years
𝒲𝒾𝓁𝒹 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
Word Count: 3.7k  
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been together for as long as you can remember. However, when you find out that you were pregnant you didn't know what else to do but run away in fear of his reaction.  
You looked at the test in your hands. Positive. Your thoughts prior had been confirmed, you were pregnant. Without a doubt, you were happy that you were pregnant but as much as you knew Jimin would still love you and the child, you were worried if he was ready to settle down. For something more than just girlfriend and boyfriend. Was Jimin ready for these responsibilities? Would he love you just as much? Is he ready to even get married?! Doing the thing that you were best at, you grabbed your items and left the shared apartment that Jimin had bought for you both. You then called your friend, Haeji and your brother Doyoung to meet up.  
You arrived at the park near Doyoung's house and it didn't take long to spot your brother and Haeji sitting on the benches. Taking a seat on the bench you told them the news, "I'm pregnant with Jimin's child." There was a subtle silence before your brother asked, "Is Jimin willing to take responsibility for you and the child? Have you even told him yet?!"  
"I haven't told Jimin yet but I'm afraid that he's not ready" You shook your head as tears began to run down your face. Haeji, speechless, tried to comfort you the best she could. Rubbing your back soothingly and whispering that 'everything  will be okay'. Your brother and Haeji understood that you needed a moment, they knew you were afraid. Afraid of parenthood and of Jimin.  
"Y/N, I think Jimin would be more than willing to take you both into care. The man really loves you and I don't think you need to be afraid. I've seen how much Jimin cares for you and how he even bought a place for you both so that he knows you're safe and that you won't miss him so much. So please, don't let your doubt get the most of you." Haeji nodded, agreeing with your brother's statement. "He looks at you with so much adoration and love sweety."  
"Yea Y/N I know you're worried but I think you might be thinking too much into this. Jimin's love for you is endless and I think instead of worrying him that you fled, you should go and tell him the news. I think he'll be more than overjoyed. He'll make a great father and a loving husband." Haeji added onto Doyoung's statement. It wasn't after having heard their comforting words, you thanked them and started to cheer up a bit.
"Doyoung, would it be okay if I stayed at your house for a while? I think I might need some time before I have the courage to tell Jimin the news."  
"Sure Y/N, take the time you need but not too long or else your Jiminnie might miss you" Doyoung teased. "But I'll let Jimin know so he won't freak out that you're gone." He reassured.
"Thank you so much Doyoung and Haeji, I didn't mean to bother you guys but I was just scared." You sniffled.
"It's okay to be scared Y/N. I probably would have been afraid too. We all have doubts but if you need time, we'll allow you to think it through first. Doyoung and I know that you and Jimin would make great parents!" Haeji's last statement caused you to laugh and feel slightly better.  
"Don't be sad Y/N-ie or else Doyoungie will be sad." You and Haeji laughed at your brothers attempt at being cute.  
"Eww please don't do that, it makes me feel like I have a weird boyfriend." Haeji cringed.  
"Okay but Jimin does it all the time and I don't see you saying anything." Doyoung huffed.  
"Hold up, at least Jimin is naturally cute." You defended.  
"Are you saying that I'm not cute?! You're probably just saying that because Jimin is your soon to be husband." Doyoung pouted.  
"No, I agree with Y/N Jimin is just overflowing with cuteness." Haeji said in an attempt to make Doyoung jealous. It seemed to work because soon after Doyoung had his arms crossed and was pouting. You laughed at their childish behavior. "Aww is my Doyoungie mad at me. I'm sorry baby, I think you're cute, probably not as much as Jimin, but you're my baby." Haeji cooed. It wasn't until moments later that Doyoung gave in and gave Haeji a quick peck on the lips before smiling again. Haeji smiled back leading up to the both of them coming in for a big hug afterwards. You watched them and smiled. It reminded you of you and Jimin. All the morning kisses he gives you before leaving to work and the cuddles he gives whenever he's home. You loved Jimin undoubtfully. You knew he would miss you and you would miss him but you knew you needed time. You also wanted to plan something special to tell him that you were pregnant. Knowing that both your brother and best friend were being lovey dovey, you took that time to plan the day you were going to tell Jimin of your pregnancy.  
Jimin arrived home at around 8 pm. He was excited to be home so that he could shower you in kisses. However when he went into  the apartment, he realized that it was empty. He checked the shared room but only saw that it was empty as well. Worry coursed through Jimin's mind. Where did Y/N go? Did she go somewhere and forget to tell me? Is she safe? She's usually home by this time.  Jimin checked the apartment one last time to search for any sign that the apartment was broken into but he found no sign. As a last resort, Jimin called Doyoung knowing that Y/N had probably went to her brother or Haeji to spend time with them. Jimin dialed Doyoung's number and it wasn't long before Doyoung picked up. "Hyung, is Y/N okay? Is she safe? Is she with you?" He questioned as soon as the call was picked up.
"Your Y/N is doing fine don't worry. She's with me. She just wanted some time to herself for now. I'll make sure she comes home and to work safely." Doyoung laughed.  
"Okay thanks hyung. I was really worried."  
"It's no problem but I'm sorry that she forgot to tell you." Doyoung apologized.  
"Oh no its okay hyung. I know she can be forgetful at times and if she wants some space I'll let her. I'm sure she misses you and Haeji." Doyoung was touched by Jimin's understanding. Y/N really caught the jackpot he thought. "But hyung do you know when she's coming back?" Doyoung sighed knowing that the younger might not take this the best way.  
"Jimin, Y/N loves you a lot and I know that you know that but I think it might take weeks. Please don't take this the wrong way. She isn't mad at you or anything but she just has a lot on her mind right now." Doyoung reassured the younger knowing that Jimin might overthink things.  
"Ok, I understand hyung. Thank you." Jimin ended the call and sighed. What was he going to do without you for awhile? Hearing his stomach grumble, he headed to the kitchen to make himself a meal. Searching the fridge, he found ingredients to make his dinner.  
An hour later, Jimin sat at the table alone with his plate of food. Sitting down, he realized that he had made enough food for 2 people. Jimin sat alone at the table and munched on his dinner in silence. He felt empty. Although he knew that you needed her own space, it felt weird without you talking and him replying cheekily or you listening to him about his day at work. Jimin quickly ate his food and when he finished he cleaned up the kitchen before heading to the bedroom. Grabbing his towel and clothes he headed to the shower.  
You came out of the shower and headed for the guest bed that was provided along with the guest room. When near the bed, you fixed the fluffed the pillows and placed them accordingly before laying down. It felt weird not spending the night in one of Jimin's cuddles. It was something you got used to when you moved out to live with him. But now that you were alone once again, it was hard to fall asleep. You thought about if you were with Jimin right now, he would have cuddled you and sang you to sleep if he knew you had trouble sleeping. Knowing that thinking about Jimin would make it harder for you to sleep, you thought about your plan to surprise the man you love. Would Jimin like it? It was an hour later of thinking that finally led you to sleep.  
Jimin laid on the bed staring at the ceiling that was looking right back at him. It was only day one of you not here and he was already feeling lonely. He thought about how close your bodies would be and how warm it was to be right next to one another. How cute you would look while you slept. Jimin knowing that if you were to be needing space decided that tomorrow he would be hanging out with the boys before heading home. After tossing and turning for about 30 minutes, Jimin finally fell asleep.  
You were in the guest room, packing up all your items before your brother would come pick you up. It had been a month since you last saw Jimin and in that time, your tummy had not grew in any infinitely special way but you knew it was maturing and preparing for pregnancy. You felt bad to have left him for that long but the plan to surprise him had been finalized. After negotiating and planning with Jimin's friends, you were finally able to set the plan into action. Jimin, according to his friends, was supposed to be in Japan right now for business matters and would be arriving in 5 hours. Which would allow you enough time to surprise him. Gathering the rest of your items and zipping up the suitcase you headed out to your brothers car.  
It was a 30 minute car ride before you arrived at the shared apartment. Getting out of the car, you, your brother and Haeji helped to unload your suitcase before heading up. Upon opening the door to the flat, you realized that everything had been the same. Jimin had kept the place in relatively good shape. If not better than you had left. Heading into the bedroom, you put your items away before making a meal for you three. After the meal, Haeji and your brother had set up the balloons and banners while you cleaned up the house by dusting the blinds and wiping down every surface. Once the place had been set up, Doyoung and Haeji left to pick up the cake you ordered 2 days prior. The house now smelled clean and of homey food. Knowing that Jimin was probably homesick from the business trip and probably missing you, you made his favorite foods. Along with his favorite desserts. Adding in one last pinch of salt into the soup, you started on writing the notes that would be placed around the house. When you heard the doorbell ring, that was when you stopped writing. Opening the door, you saw the delivery man with the crib that you had bought. Since you had paid extra for the service fee, the man had helped you to set up the bed in your and Jimin's room. It was an hour later that the man left and you thanked him for helping you set up the bed. Once the man was gone, you resumed writing the notes and sticking them around the house in places you knew Jimin would find them. With the notes finally finished, you got the flower petals that were supposed to go in the bath and around the house. You made a trail with the flower petals to the first clue before putting petals around the bed. The rest of the petals were saved for the bath later. Letting out a big breath, you looked at the clock to see that you had about an hour before Jimin arrived home. With the time left over, you tried to reheat the food on the stove and set up the table. It wasn't long before you heard the door beginning to rattle. Taking that as a que, you grabbed the cake that was dropped off, out of the fridge and put it into the well-made and decorated crib. It was then that you hid in the bathroom closet, waiting for Jimin's arrival.  
Jimin opened the door, expecting to see an empty house like he had seen for the past month but when closing the door behind him he saw the house was decorated. The house had smelt of homemade food and it was warm, not cold like it had been for the past month. Is Y/N home? Confused with the decorations, he followed the flower trail to a note.  
Jimin thought for a second. Our first date was the beach. Jimin dropped the first note and went to the small bookshelf where sea shells decorated the top. Jimin looked through each sea shell collected from that beach until he finally found another note.  
We cooked for the first time together. Jimin made his way into the kitchen where he saw the set up table. He looked at the food and was reminded of the day they tried to make the same foods. It wasn't long before he found the next note.  
Jimin smiled then put the note down. "Y/N I know you're here. I love you so much but baby please come out. I want to see you already. Can you come out so I can give you the kisses you missed out on? Baby, I don't want this charade to go on. I know you want to tell me something but you're just scared, but I guarantee you, I'll still love you. Your brother told me, you were afraid to tell me something please just tell me. I love you so so much please don't be silly." Jimin pleaded desperately then looked around for any sign of you. You almost cried and wanted to come out at his plea. You knew he was desperate to see you but the surprise wasn't over yet. Jimin out of urgency, went into the room to find you but there was no trace, however, he found the set up crib. Running up to the crib, he found the last note and a cake that said 'We're going to be parents!'  
"You silly goose, how do you expect me not to cry. I love you even more that you're carrying our child." Jimin silently wept before putting down the note and looking around the room. "Y/N! When I find you, expect a big hug and lots of kisses! You better hide good or else, it's going to be nonstop kisses! Here I come!" Jimin excitedly ran around the apartment and searched every cranny that he thought you would hide in. It wasn't long before he looked in the bathroom and found you in to closet. "I found you!" Jimin smiled as he ran towards you. You squealed and tried to run away. However, it wasn't long before Jimin caught you in a strong back hug and tried nuzzling his head in your neck. Your heart fluttered. Being near Jimin like this again felt nice. It felt like home and you didn't ever want to let him go. "Y/N-ie I missed you so so much. I know you were scared but don't you ever do that again. I was so lonely without you and your warm body that I cuddle and kiss every day. It was so lonely without your presence, how could you resist your boyfriend for so long?" Jimin pouted. "Aren't I cute? Too cute to resist?" You laughed at Jimin's expression to which he frowned even more.  
"Okay, my little baby mochi, I missed you so much that I felt like going crazy." You cooed and expanded you arms in the air to show how much you missed him.  
"If you miss me, give me a kiss then." Jimin puckered his lips out waiting for a kiss. You waited a few minutes before Jimin turned the other way with his arms crossed and pouted. "See you didn't even kiss m-" Jimin was cut off with a quick peck. "Heyyy it wasn't even long. Let me show you how a kiss is like" With that, Jimin pulled you in and kissed you deeply. It felt like forever since he last kissed you. Your mouths moulded against one another's as you both tried to kiss away the longing that once etched your hearts. As the kiss continued, Jimin pulled you in closer before breaking apart. "Baby, you don't need to worry. I'm even more happy that you're pregnant. I love you in every way so please feel free to talk to me about whatever. I don't know what crossed your mind but tell me. Let your little mochi know what happened for the past month."  
"I'm so sorry. I was scared. I was scared you were going to leave me. I was scared you wouldn't want a baby because it would mean more responsibilities. I thought you, we weren't ready yet for a baby." You cried and it was then when Jimin soothed out your hair and pecked you lightly on your temple to reassure you that you cried harder.  
"Is that why you were scared baby? I'm sorry if I made you worry. I'm willing to take responsibility and mature a little more so we can take care of our little bean."  
"Thank you for being so understanding Jiminie."  
"Now, should we go out there and eat the dinner you made me and then we could take a bath together." You nodded your head in affirmation while Jimin took you both to the dining area.  
"Wait, let me warm up the food again." You took the food and quickly heated it up. Jimin sat at the table, looking at you heat up the food with a smile. He had missed this view. It would be even better if he had proposed earlier. He thought that if he did, you probably wouldn't have freaked out like you had. "Okay here we go. Now eat up baby!" You smiled. Jimin had missed your smile and he swore when he saw it, he wanted nothing else but to see the twinkles to continue to glimmer in your eyes. Jimin dug in and exclaimed in moans to show how good the food was. With occasional forced feedings from Jimin, the food was finished and you both were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. "Jiminie, did you miss me a lot?" Jimin answered with a hum indicating that he had. "Will you forgive me?' Jimin turned from the movie playing on the screen.  
"I already forgave you, you silly goose." Jimin nuzzled your noses before giving you smooches. You giggled at his smooches before asking, "You look really tired Jiminie, you want to take a bath now?" Without any notice, Jimin yelled out a 'Yes!' And then proceeded to carry you bridal style to the bathroom making you squeal at the sudden carrying. You both stripped off your clothes before getting into the tub.  
You both sat in the tub relaxed, with your back against Jimin's chest. "Y/N, I can't wait until our little bean is born. The baby is going to have such amazing parents. And we're in this together so don't worry. If you're ever scared, we still have our parents to talk to. And we have each other." Jimin stared at you lovingly before squeezing your hand in reassurance.  
"Thank you so much Jiminie. I'm so grateful to have met you. You're so understanding that sometimes, I don't feel enough but I love you just as much." You blew on the bubbles and played with the petals in the tub. The bathroom was in gentle silence before Jimin pulled you closer to his chest and started caressing your stomach. You gasped, shocked with his actions. You tried to take his hands off but he stopped you.  
"I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N. I just wanted to feel our little bean. I can't wait to go to our first appointment together!" Jimin kissed your cheek before you both decided it was time to get out and go to bed.  
7 months later, Jimin had been true to his word. He became much more responsible and mature. He helped you when you needed it and loved you like no tomorrow. You and Jimin were now engaged. It was in the 5th month that you were pregnant that he proposed and with the overflow of hormones felt during pregnancy you bawled worrying your fiancé. It was a sight to see. The love you had stayed strong like it always was and looking back to the moment when you freaked out, you felt foolish for feeling such way. Throughout the months, you realized that no matter what, Jimin would love you, except if you cheated of course. Jimin's devotion and undying love only added to your loyalty to the man. And despite the many obstacles that you both will encounter in the future, you were willing to go through it together with him. Because you were his flower to guide him in the wind.  
A/N: I might add in a little drabble series of Y/N’s journey. Probably just little snippets. But I hope it was enjoyable! 
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astro-syd · 3 years
Jimin’s Duality (From an Astrological Perspective)
Jimin has become quite famous for the dual nature of his personality, so today I’m here to give a bit of astrological insight into this phenomenon! Jimin easily transitions between his sweet, adorable, mochi self and his passionate, intense stage persona. Neither of these “personas” are an acting stunt of any kind. They’re true aspects of Jimin’s personality! He simply knows which moments are the most appropriate and effective for channeling each side of himself, and all of these sides show up clearly within his natal chart. Let’s take a look!
Cancer Ascendant: child of the moon
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Jimin’s Ascendant falls within Cancer, a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. This also means that the moon is Jimin’s chart ruler! It holds a lot of significance in his natal chart.
Because Cancer rules over your home, family life, childhood and foundations, people with their Sun or Ascendant in this sign tend to have a very sweet, innocent, even childish nature about them. They tend to keep in touch with their inner child as they grow older, and might have something of a mischievous nature because of this too!
Cancer and the Moon often rule the mother in astrology, so people with this ascendant can easily take on a very motherly, nurturing quality. Jimin has been known to keep a close eye on the other members and he’s often the first one rushing to comfort them if need be.
This also somewhat stems from his emotional intelligence and sensitivity. Those with a Moon ruler tend to be very sensitive to emotions and mood swings, and Jimin is no exception. He’s highly empathetic, and with his Libra Sun & Mercury in his 4th house (ruled by Cancer), one of his natural gifts revolves around bringing balance to others’ emotional states. Others will feel magnetically drawn to him for healing.
Cancer is a common Ascendant to see in people within performing arts careers. This is because of their emotional availability and talent for expressing feelings. There’s something about Jimin’s vulnerability which makes people empathize with him, understand him on a very human level, and even want to protect him, much like you would a small child. It definitely contributes to his very “cute” and “sweet” vibe, even if he is a fully grown adult who’s capable of handling himself, haha.
Cancer rising people are very sensitive to their environment. When Jimin is put on unfamiliar ground, he will tend to withdraw or act shy until he feels more comfortable. He’s also likely to become flustered easily, especially when he’s in public and knows he’s got many eyes/cameras on him. His overarching moods and personality take on a very changeable quality, much like ocean tides. The ways in which he chooses to present himself are often highly based upon his immediate environment.
The Ascendant also holds a lot of weight over someone’s physical appearance. Cancer rising people can have a round, moon-like face shape and cute apple cheeks, especially when they smile. They’re known for a very large, bright smile, and large, puffy lips. Cancer natives often possess tiny hands and feet, and might even have something of a frail appearance.
They usually are quite soft-spoken, and with Jimin’s Moon residing in Gemini, this sign will have a lot of influence over his tone of voice. It definitely contributes to his light, “angelic” tone and the emotional quality of his singing. The Gemini influence here also appears in his sloping jawline and more pointed chin.
Moon in Gemini: messenger of emotion
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Within Jimin’s chart ruler residing in communicative Gemini, he definitely knows how to put his feelings, memories, and experiences into words. Even if he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings too often, they’ll naturally bleed into his speech, his writing, and his art.
His emotions are easily influenced by others’ words as well, and this is especially true of his family and the people he loves. ARMY has picked up on the fact that our Jiminnie loves praise, but he’s not really using it as an ego boost. His feeling states are genuinely affected by the words of those around him. Watch the way his whole face lights up when the members compliment him and you’ll see what I mean. This also makes him more sensitive to negative feedback though, so he has to be a little careful about the opinions he chooses to expose himself to.
One of his greatest life lessons is to learn how to articulate his own inner feelings and experiences, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Allowing himself to be vulnerable and emotional is not only extremely healthy for him (even more so than the average person), but it also helps others to feel more comfortable and healed when doing the same.
In his childhood, his family members probably spent a lot of time talking about their feelings, but they might have struggled to actually feel them and discuss these emotions from a genuinely vulnerable standpoint. This is part of Jimin’s ancestral lesson to carry out in this lifetime!
His moon resides in his 12th house, which is a highly intuitive and spiritual placement. The 12th rules all things unseen, including spirits, dreams, secrets, hidden enemies, and religion. It’s a very foggy, mystical house. A lot of his feelings and mood swings are at least somewhat subconscious, which is also why it’s very healthy for him to speak about them. Communication will help to draw his emotions out of this hazy house and into the light of day where he can then process and make sense of what he’s feeling.
The 12th also rules the collective unconscious, so Jimin unfortunately also has a very good understanding of all of the underlying pains, traumas, and wounds of our societies. He’s very good at understanding human nature and human suffering, which makes him a great artist and an incredible healer, but it’s also a heavy burden to bear. Much of his empathy stems from this awareness which he’s possessed from a very young age. It’s possible that he even has psychic or empathic abilities of some kind, regardless of whether or not he’s in touch with them.
He’s a very trustworthy confidant. Jimin is a great listener, and because the 12th house rules secrets, he’s fantastic about protecting people in this way. He can be trusted with just about any information and will genuinely take these secrets to the grave. He enjoys the process of healing and supporting others, and protecting their most sensitive memories, experiences, and information is just another way for him to nurture those around him. This is another part of his appeal as a celebrity- he simply feels trustworthy, especially when he’s speaking from the heart and caring for those around him. He’d also make a great therapist, haha!
Libra Sun & Mercury: creator of harmony
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Jimin has both his Sun and Mercury residing within fair and balanced Libra. It’s a sign which enjoys showing a polite, friendly, peaceful, and harmonious attitude, especially in public. Jimin is very much aware that there’s a time and a place for all aspects of his personality, and he knows when to utilize each side in order to achieve the best response from the public. He knows how to play an audience very well while still coming from a very genuine place within himself.
Because Libra is ruled by Venus and rules over the house of partnerships, these people tend to be natural flirts- and Jimin is definitely no exception. Flirting with others and generally being a huge tease is very fun for him, in fact he sees it as something of a game (more on that in the next section). He likes to charm others and be received well in the eyes of the public as much as possible.
Libra is a very non-confrontational sign which dislikes conflict, and Jimin can act as a peacemaker within their group whenever disputes or misunderstandings occur (though all BTS members share this energy to some extent). When appearing in public or voicing his opinion in interviews, he often has a very well put-together, diplomatic vibe about him.
Scorpio Venus, Mars, & Pluto: the playful devil
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So, we’ve discussed our charming, diplomatic prince Park Jimin, as well as our cute and loving mochi, but where on earth does that stage persona come from?! Let me introduce you to Jimin’s most deadly placements: His Venus, Mars, and Pluto all within his 5th house in Scorpio.
Venus and Mars are both planets which deal with romantic relationships. Venus in astrology tells us about the sorts of people, things, and experiences we’re attracted to, as well as the kind of person we’ll be within a romantic relationship. It rules over the arts, fashion, partnerships, and commitments. Mars, on the other hand, is a lot more masculine and aggressive. It rules over our anger, our motivations, and our drive. It can indicate how we’ll chase after the people, goals, and experiences we desire in life.
Jimin has both of these romantic, charismatic planets in his 5th house, which rules performance, the arts and creativity, fun and games, parties, lighthearted romance, and children. It’s very common to see actors and performers with strong planetary placements within this house, but Jimin certainly has quite the combo working for him here.
The emphasis around his intense, passionate, and charismatic stage persona comes from the sign we’re in: Scorpio. It’s ruled by Pluto, the Underworld planet, and rules over all things dark, mysterious, and taboo in society. Secrets, mystery, the occult, psychology, sexuality, and power all fall within this planet’s reign.
People within strong Scorpio placements like to dive deep into their relationships and experiences. They like a little mystery, but the appeal comes from the act of uncovering these secrets. They often make great detectives or psychologists because they’re fantastic at understanding human nature and getting to the bottom of a situation.
This is the reason behind Jimin’s intense stare. Many Scorpios are known for having really intimidating eyes, and it’s because they almost seem to peer straight into the depths of your soul. It can feel as if they’ve exposed all of the things you wish to keep hidden simply by watching you- and with their keen observational skills, maybe they have.
That said, the lure of the dark and mysterious catches the eyes of many- and Jimin uses these placements to his advantage when performing. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so you can think of it like the depths of the deep ocean. His art, movements, and power are all influenced by this energy. His movements are fluid but powerful, his art is deep, emotional, and moving but still mysterious and somewhat guarded, and even just this side of his personality seems unique and captivating when compared to his usual off-stage personality.
This is also a sign which is prone to obsession. Jimin’s work ethic and attention to detail has been praised time and time again, and it likely stems from the careful attention he gives to every aspect of his work until it meets the image he wishes to portray. He knows what the audience wants to see and how best to meet their expectations. He lets you glimpse into his power, his depth, and his sexuality through his performances, but never exposes more than he wants to.
Remember that those Libra placements love to tease, and in the 5th house here, he plays his movements like a game. His performances become a place where he can momentarily flaunt the darker Underworld energies within his personality, knowing that the audience will respond well when it’s within the right context. The sides of himself which are deep, obsessive, jealous, intense, and passionate find an outlet on the stage, and he needs this outlet to avoid taking these energies out on either himself or others in more destructive ways.
His Mars conjuncts his Pluto here, which is a wildly powerful placement. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, destruction and transformation, and in joining with the God of War in a chart, these two become a major force to be reckoned with. You can see it in his confidence on stage, his presence, and the ways in which he influences a crowd. He’s magnetic and attractive, and he can command attention without hardly lifting a finger.
In any other sign, this combination of planets has the power to become incredibly destructive (and in fact, it can be the worst in Scorpio if not handled properly), but Jimin’s grasp on this force he embodies is admirably strong. Remember when the other members said that he’s the scariest when angry? You wouldn’t want to see this placement out of control. The same forces which can give the strongest ability to understand, uncover, and heal others’ hidden wounds also has the potential to use them for harm.
Jimin, however, understands his power and channels the most intense sides of his personality into his art. When he steps onto a stage, he knows exactly what he’s there to do. He has rehearsed tirelessly, he knows what he wants to portray and how to achieve it, and he has a great sense of how the public will respond to his every move.
His chart is water dominant, and he’s a constant reminder that the water element is not just sensitive and emotional. Jimin’s Moon ruler pushes and pulls at ocean tides in the same way he influences our emotions. The same waters which flow through Jimin’s heart and psyche also have the power to create new life or flood entire cities. He’s a great example of how our charts become what we make of them. He’s successful and powerful while still retaining his humility, he’s sensitive and emotional without being too fearful or avoidant, and he’s understanding and manipulative but uses these forces for healing. An angel, perhaps?
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snackhobi · 4 years
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pairing: yoongi x reader // word count: 15.8k // genre: smut
summary: your idea of a good night certainly doesn't involve being stood up by yet another blind date and finding yourself alone in a fancy bar; fortunately for you, there's an attractive man playing the piano to keep you busy, instead.
warnings: sexually explicit content (NSFW), cursing, minor consumption of alcohol, oral (m and f receiving), protected sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, pet names, slight exhibitionism, slight praise kink, light dom/sub undertones if you squint ig (reader is kind of subby)
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Throughout the years of your life, you've learned a few things. Some of them are pretty obvious (buying suspiciously cheap sushi from a petrol station is like playing Russian Roulette with food poisoning and diarrhoea), some of them are less so (just because something is 'on sale' doesn't actually mean that it's cheaper if they'd increased the overall price beforehand), but one thing that you're only just starting to learn is that— for all that Jimin says otherwise— blind dates will always stand you up.
jiminnie is he there yet??
you to my entire lack of surprise, no. i'm starting to wonder if this 'hoseok-hyung' of yours even exists tbh i should have been suspicious from the second you called him a 'friend' bc that implies that you HAVE friends
jiminnie ok RUDE. we're friends??
you suddenly i can't read
The two of you had been outrageously drunk after a night out on the town, once, and Jungkook had come to collect his tipsy boyfriend, and you'd seen the fond way he'd watched Jimin despite his messy behaviour— how he'd given Jimin a piggyback even though it must have been hard with the way Jimin had been squirming and laughing and kicking his legs back and forth— and your heart had squeezed tight in your chest. (You'd been so drunk.)
It had honestly been a slip of the tongue when you'd revealed to Jimin that you were kind of maybe feeling somewhat lonely, a little bit, potentially. You'd had one night stands and short flings but it's been a long time since you've been in an actual relationship, a long time since you've really clicked with someone. Maybe part of you had been missing it, that connection with another person. Normally you're fine with being single, but Jungkook and Jimin are so in love that it spills out from them and you guess in the moment you'd wanted to feel that, too.
You blame the alcohol. You also blame your own loose lips. And Jimin, you blame him too, for persuading you to go clubbing in the first place. You don't even remember what you'd said, waking up with a headache the weight and size of a tectonic plate, groaning at the pain of the morning light stabbing into your eyes, but with no recollection of your admittance that maybe you were tired of being single. Your best friend, however— despite having drunk more than you— could recall the previous night with crystalline clarity, much to your horror and embarrassment. And, because Jimin is Jimin, he'd latched onto what you'd said with the tenacity of a dog with a bone.
Fast forward to where you're sitting now, on yet another arranged date that he's planned for you— and once again, you've been stood up.
you i'm starting to wonder if any of the people you've tried to set me up with are even real
jiminnie omg they ARE you had a nice time with lisa??
Okay, so you hadn't been stood up for every date. Lisa had been the only person who'd shown up, and she was cute and friendly and you got on like a house on fire, but you'd very quickly found out that she was actually head over heels for her best friend Jennie. You being you, your first date had rapidly turned into you giving your new friend a pep-talk and hyping her up— and suffice to say you've been having weekly girl's brunches with Lisa and her now-girlfriend Jennie ever since. So, yes, technically you haven't been stood up every time, but still.
you yes, my ideal first date involves telling the other person that their best friend is definitely in love with them too :))
you LMAO it's fine, it's always nice to make friends but seriously minnie, like,, if your friends are going to stand me up, could you at least have had the decency to organise the date somewhere less fancy? i spent ages getting ready and noah fence it kind of feels like i just wasted a bunch of my time,,
Jimin doesn't fuck around. From the outside the bar, Dionysus, exudes a quiet aura of exclusivity. Inside, however, it has a surprisingly understated atmosphere despite its namesake being the Grecian god of Getting Turnt, the sleek interior paired with soft lighting and stylish fixtures, elegant. 
Either way, it's the kind of place that warrants you actually pulling out the stops with your outfit and makeup; you rarely have a reason to doll yourself up like this and it makes a nice change of pace, but it seems like you shouldn't have bothered. What's the point in putting on a cute dress and nice heels, or doing your hair and opening your expensive Too Faced eyeshadow palette for the first time, if you're just going to be sitting alone at a bar all night? At least you don't stick out, which is good, you guess.
You are the only person who's alone, though. It's midweek and everyone else is seated around one of the tables, couples and groups that are engaged in quiet discussion or watching the show— there's a small stage where there's a quartet performing live music— but you're perched on one of the barstools, tapping away at your phone, alone. If anyone were to pay any attention it would be obvious that you've been stood up, but they're all too busy having an enjoyable evening to spare a glance at the girl sitting by herself at the bar.
The only person who's paying attention to you is the bartender. He's clearly good at his job, keeping an eye on you and making you feel welcome without seeming like he's hovering; he doesn't act like you're being an inconvenience, but you give him a hefty tip each time you order a new drink anyway. Hoseok might not be turning up tonight but if you've gone to the effort of dressing this nicely and getting a taxi here then goddamn you're going to make the most of it.
It takes forty two minutes and three virgin cocktails before the handsome bartender speaks to you, saying something beyond the customary back and forth you've had so far as he hands you your next mocktail. 
"Are your friends usually this late?"
You let out a little huff of laughter. "Something like that." Normally you'd be more hesitant to speak to a stranger like this, but the bartender's eyes are warm and his smile seems genuine and from what you can tell, he's just making that sure you're okay. "Seems like it'll just be me for tonight."
"You're welcome to stay and wait as long as you like," he says, and you can't help but quirk a grin at him.
"I bet you say that to all the paying customers."
He laughs and raises his hands in surrender. "You got me." And then: "If you want another drink, just give me a shout. I'm Seokjin, but everyone calls me Jin."
"As in, Jin and tonic?" You smile. "Sure. I'll be sure to remember that. I'm Y/n."
"Nice to meet you, Y/n." Jin gives you a grin before disappearing down the other side of the bar to make drinks for some other customers. Your own smile slowly fades, and then turns into a frown, eyes landing on the clock on the wall; Hoseok is forty five minutes late at this point. (You know he's not going to show.) It's been so long that the musicians on the stage have finished their set and are leaving, a different performer about to step on, and you sigh. You'll finish this last drink and then you'll go.
You use your straw to stir the mint leaves and ice cubes around, muddling the flavours in your glass. You haven't really been paying attention to the music before now; you couldn't name the songs that have been performed so far, but they're common enough that you'd recognised the sound of them, the sort of music that most people could hum along to but probably wouldn't know the origin of. Easy listening. Pleasant, but nothing new. It's clearly more about setting a nice backdrop to the bar rather than music for music's sake. A background noise, rather than acting as the focal point of the bar.
You assume this is going to be the case for the next musician, and so you barely pay any mind as the he takes to the stage alone; you're looking down at your glass as he sits at the piano and puts his feet on the pedals and places his hands on the keys, but then, he starts to play.
Your eyes snap up. A chord hangs in the air, extended, haunting; a crescendo into a light melody; the chords dip, waters dark and deep while he weaves the higher notes with infinite softness, ebbing notes that fade into each other, his fingers dancing across the keys with grace and ease. You notice with a throb in your chest that he has no sheet music. He's pulling this music from inside him, his mind, entirely from his own memory.
His eyes are cast down as he watches his hands, but you can see how they slip shut whenever he tilts his head back, fringe hanging over them. His hair is bleached blond but he clearly hasn't been maintaining the look, with dark roots starting to show through. His posture is horrible, his spine a little curved as he slouches forward, and he's not dressed as sharply as the other musicians had been— there's no tie around his neck and he has a multitude of earrings in, rings on his fingers, changing his outfit into something a little messy and different and entirely unique.
He's fucking breathtaking.
Without realising, you've swivelled away from the bar to watch him. Your drink is still clutched in your hand but you pay it no mind, condensation gathering on the cold glass and dripping down your fingers the longer you sit there, ice cubes melting as he finishes his first song and moves onto the next. Same as the first, you don't recognise it, the melody echoing deep in your chest, speaking of some feeling that you can't put a name to, each sliding arpeggio and chord reaching inside you and hanging there, little glowing droplets that shine out like moonlight.
Each of his pieces are entirely different and yet they all feel like him, somehow. Strong and soft and lovely and aching. The water from your glass has pitter-pattered onto your lap, darkening the fabric of your dress in some nameless constellation, but you don't notice. Your world has narrowed down to: the sound of his music, the motions of his hands, the way he bends into the notes, him. 
Your eyes trace his profile, the cat-like eyes, the round of his nose, the pout of his lips, falling into the way he lifts his chin and tilts his head; thoughtless, gorgeous.
You don't realise that it's over until it's over. The final notes hang in the air, crystallising, and then they fade. He finishes with little fanfare, tilting a polite nod at the audience that claps for him, and then he slips off the stage and is gone just as quickly as he had come. You blink, coming back to yourself; you feel like you're rising out of deep water, motions slow and heavy, and you don't know how long you've been sitting there, entirely entranced. You'd been too distracted to clap. You'd just sat and watched in silence as he'd turned to leave, barely sparing the room a glance.
"Good, isn't he?"
Normally you would have startled at Jin's sudden appearance. Instead you just blink again, still trying to shake off the daze you've found yourself in. "Yeah." Your voice is hoarse. You clear your throat and suck in a breath and put your drink down, dripping wetness that leaves a ring on the smooth wood of the bar, and try to speak normally this time, willing your voice to be level. "Yes. He's very good."
"Yoongi is here at the same time every week," Jin supplies, tone conversational, like he's just having a regular chat. Yoongi. His name is Yoongi. You wonder if Jin can hear how your heart is pounding, the galloping hooves of a wild horse that tumble in your chest. You try to keep your expression stoic as you look at him, scared that he'll be able to read what's written across your face— but he's smiling at you in the same way as before. Just a barkeeper who's trying to get a return customer. (Although, you'd swear there was a glint in his eye for the briefest moment, but then it's gone.) "He changes the set each time, if you're interested in coming back to hear something new."
Your mouth feels dry and you swallow, trying to wet your lips. Dionysus is too fancy of a place to ask customers for tips for the musicians, but— "Can I buy him a drink?"
Jin cocks his head at you. "A drink? For Yoongi?"
"Yes," you say. You feel a little shy when you spot his expression, biting your lip. "I just really enjoyed the music, and I'd like to tip him somehow? Is that a normal thing that people do?"
Jin pauses, and then smiles. This smile is a little wider than the ones he's given you before, different, but he seems pleased. "Who cares about what's normal? I'll get a drink to him. What would you like?"
"Um, whatever he prefers," you say. You figure that Jin would have a better idea about what that is than you, which is proven true by his almost instantaneous reply.
"He likes red wine, or whisky, neat. I think tonight is a whisky kind of night." He's already going through the motions of putting the drink together, and you slide him money as he begins to pour. You know nothing about Yoongi but you can't help but feel like the drink suits him— simple, classic, masculine. "Do you want me to pass on a message for you?"
"Um, you can just say that it's from someone who enjoyed the music, I guess?" You giggle a little, feeling awkward and off balance. Jin is looking at you like he's expecting you to say something else, but you just want to express your enjoyment of Yoongi's music and nothing more. You don't— you don't want to be weird, you just like the sound of his piano playing.
Jin disappears into the back with the glass of whisky, and you finish the watery remnants of your drink before you leave, ice cubes completely melted in the— wow— forty minutes that Yoongi had been playing. It hadn't felt that long at all.
It's not until you're stepping through your front door that you realise you haven't looked at your phone since before the beginning of Yoongi's set. Jimin's messages have been changing from apologetic to concerned to downright frantic.
you how many times should i blink if i don't need help?
jiminnie omg you're ALIVE where were you?? i was starting to get worried
you sorry i got distracted! but i'm fine, i'm at home hoseok never showed
jiminnie yeah i know :(( he messaged me saying he had an emergency and couldn't make it tonight but he's free this weekend??
you … remember when i said that this was the last blind date i was going to go on?
jiminnie it doesn't count as a date if hyung never turned up!!!
you that isn't true and you know it omg minnie… i appreciate what you're trying to do but pls bb. let it rest
jiminnie i just want you to be happy :((
you i don't have to be in a relationship to be happy
jiminnie you said you were lonely!
you omg i was DRUNK let it GO besides being stood up by multiple blind dates isn't going to help me feel less lonely lmao i get that you're happy in your relationship with kookie and you want to spread that happiness but you don't have to!! i'm fine!! yeah i get lonely sometimes but what single person doesn't?? i'm happy being by myself hhhhh
jiminnie fine :(( but if you change your mind, hobi-hyung would still love to meet you!
As you kick off your heels, humming a bar of Yoongi's music to yourself, you think that Hoseok probably shouldn't bother holding his breath.
(That night, when you sleep, you dream of dark eyes and the press of a sinfully perfect cupid's bow against your own lips, a pair of large hands drawing noises from you like a glissando, rings cool against your heated skin.)
Wednesday nights become a ritual of sorts. You get dressed, do your hair, match your makeup to your outfit and shoes, coordinating your look into something that doesn't look out of place in Dionysus before you hop into a taxi and make your way to the bar.
You're a firm regular by now. Your seat has become just that, your seat, the same one you'd been sitting in the first time you'd been there; it's towards the dimmer lights at the back and so you're sitting further away from the stage than you might like, but at least you can see the whole room from here. You turn up twenty minutes before Yoongi's set and Jin always greets you warmly when he sees you: you've quickly come to enjoy your chats. Jin is always unashamedly himself and the two of you joke and laugh as he works, but he always knows to leave you alone as soon as Yoongi steps onto the stage. 
For the next forty minutes the rest of the world fades away as you drink Yoongi and his music in, listen to the lilting notes he coaxes out of the piano, watch how his fingers rest on each key before he slides into his next piece, reverent.
You never ever explicitly mention Yoongi in your conversations with Jin, though. The bartender seems to bring the musician up anyway; he does it smoothly, in a way that's utterly casual, and he seems to know a surprising amount about someone who is, by all accounts, a very private person. (You're not complaining about the fact that you now know that Yoongi wears Kumamon slippers because his feet get cold easily— "he's cold blooded, like a lizard," apparently— but you do wonder how Jin knows that.)
The Yoongi that Jin describes is just as beautiful as the man you see on stage, but less mysterious, less distant— and yet he still intimidates you. 
Jin might be his friend but to you Yoongi is unapproachable. Untouchable. To him you're just a nameless face in the audience, nothing more. His eyes will slide across the room before he starts his performance, but he never seems to notice you; it's no surprise, sitting where you do, in an area of relative darkness in comparison to the rest of the bar, and once he sits down he only looks at the piano under his hands. He has no eyes for anything else. You're far enough away and his lashes are cast so low that even when his eyes are open it's hard for you to see where he's looking, and the shadow of his fringe hides how his pupils scan his hands as he plays, anyway.
Every week, when the set draws to a close, Jin is already pouring Yoongi's whisky or wine and you slide him the exact amount of change. Every week, Jin asks if you want to pass on a message, and every week, you say the same thing: that it's from someone who enjoyed the music. And that's that. Jin will disappear to give Yoongi his drink and you'll finish your own drink in quiet solitude before you slide off your barstool to go home.
(The only thing that's changed over the weeks is that the music Yoongi plays seems to be a little lighter and— dare you say— happier? He still looks down at the piano with the same intensity, still lays his hands on the keys with the same delicate pressing weight before he begins to play— but with some songs he seems to be teasing the music out, flirting with each note, eyelashes fluttering as he lifts his chin and moves his hands.
You're not a musician by any means, so you don't know how to describe it with any sort of accuracy or terminology, but to you it's like the deep waters of Yoongi's music have been cut through with light, beams of sun rippling through the dark blue. You don't know what's caused this change, the slow uplift in his mood throughout the weeks, but you hope he manages to keep hold of it, whatever it is.)
Between work and studying and volunteering and making time to see friends, you don't often have time entirely to yourself, and so Wednesday nights are a rare moment of peace during your otherwise busy week. That's why when Jimin says that he's had to rearrange your weekly film night to Wednesday— because he and Jungkook are going down to Busan to see each other's families this weekend— you decline. 
Jimin is rendered speechless and demands to know why.
"I'm busy," is your answer. Jimin doesn't buy it.
"You're never too busy for movie night," he says. "Wednesday is the only night we're all free."
"Well, I'm not free, Minnie. Sorry," you say. His head is in your lap, your fingers gently stroking his hair, and you can easily see the way his face contorts with disbelief as he stares up at you.
"Do you hear that, babe? Y/n is too busy for our weekly tradition." Jimin sounds scandalised.
Jimin is stretched out between the two of you— while his head is in your lap, his feet are in Jungkook's, the younger man idly massaging his boyfriend's ankles and feet. "Yes, babe, I heard," Jungkook says, indulgent.
"What's more important than movie night?" Jimin lifts one of his legs and Jungkook turns his attention to that one, digging his fingers into the arch of Jimin's foot. Jimin sighs in relief, but then turns the full force of his stare back at you. "We were going to watch Spirited Away. You love Spirited Away."
"I'm just busy," you say, and that had been your mistake. You should have had some sort of credible reason but you hadn't been prepared, and while he hadn't made it obvious at the time, Jimin had latched onto your vague excuse, sniffing out weakness like a shark with blood in the water. If you'd been paying attention you'd have noticed, but you hadn't paid attention and so you hadn't noticed. (Whoops.)
And so, Wednesday night that week is the same as always; Yoongi plays his music, you fall a little bit more in love, and pass your compliments to him with Jin as the mouthpiece. You go home, wash your makeup off, and arch into the touch of your own hand while imagining it's someone else's fingers sliding across your skin. Routine. Normal. Uninterrupted. Peaceful.
The next week, however, it all goes to shit.
Okay. Maybe that's a little dramatic. It's not as bad as all that. The night starts as normal: you're on your stool, and you have your drink, and you have ten minutes until Yoongi is due to play, shifting to get comfortable, crossing your legs.
But then: 
"Oh my God, you're wearing your come fuck me heels," comes Jimin's voice from behind you, and your blood turns to ice.
You turn on the barstool so fast you almost fall off it. You come face to face with Jimin who has an expression of what can only be described as sheer delight on his face. He's even dressed appropriately for the bar, a silk shirt tucked into his Very Tight jeans and a subtle smoky eye to top it off; Jungkook looks nice, too, but you have no doubt that he's only here under sufferance, if the infinitely apologetic look on his face is anything to go by.
"Jimin?" Your voice comes out as a hiss. If you were a cat your back would be up and your hackles would be raised and all your fur would be on end, your entire body going into fight mode. "What are you doing here?"
"I had to see for myself what was more important than movie night," Jimin says simply, like it's obvious. "So here we are."
"Sorry, Y/n," Jungkook apologises from over his boyfriend's shoulder. Jimin ignores him.
You can feel how your face is starting to flush, your skin crawling with embarrassment. You change your outfit every week and your friends have managed to turn up on the one week where you've cycled into what could probably be considered your most promiscuous one, the hem of your dress high and the cut of it low, along with shoes that Jimin had rightfully named as your Come Fuck Me heels. It wasn't because you were trying to seduce anyone but you only have so many items in your wardrobe that are appropriate for Dionysus. 
"How did you find me?"
"I have my ways," Jimin says mysteriously.
"He stalked your Bitmoji on Snapchat. Ow." Jungkook pouts as Jimin slaps his arm. "Sorry, again. I said we should leave you alone but Jimin said we should check in case you'd been kidnapped because you never willingly go into bars."
You're interrupted by Jin, who'd been busy serving someone when your idiot friends had turned up; he leans across the bar and touches your shoulder and fixes Jimin and Jungkook with the most intimidating look you've ever seen on his face. You know Jin as a light-hearted pun master, harmless and goofy and approachable, a great friend— but right now he looks like some sort of beautiful guardian angel, broad shouldered and narrow eyed and honestly, pretty menacing. 
"Are you alright?" He keeps his eyes on the other two men as he speaks. "Are these guys bothering you?"
Jimin, rather than looking cowed, looks like he's reached a stage of absolute euphoria, eyes darting between Jin's hand on your shoulder to your face. Jungkook's face, meanwhile, is doing that thing it does whenever someone issues him some kind of challenge, his sweetness abruptly being swallowed by his competitive side and his stubborn refusal to lose anything. You're the only person who has the power to save this situation before it goes absolutely tits up, and you swallow down a resigned sigh.
"I'm fine, thank you, Jin," you say, looking at him with a smile as you pat the hand on your shoulder. "Unfortunately these guys are my friends, much to my infinite suffering. Well, Jungkook's alright. Jimin is the one who's the pain."
"Hey," Jimin whines. Jungkook looks quietly pleased, but pretends to scowl when Jimin looks at him, offended on his boyfriend's behalf.
Jin still seems unhappy but pulls his hand back. "Alright," he says, but then he pitches his voice low so that only you can hear: "If you need any help, just ask me for a rum and soda, okay?"
You always order mocktails whenever you're here, wanting to stay completely sober so that you can enjoy Yoongi's playing with all the attention it deserves. You've never asked for anything alcoholic, least of all a rum and soda. Although you really are okay, you can't help but be warmed by Jin's concern for you and how he's offering you this careful, considerate lifeline in case you need it. "I will do. Thanks, Jinnie."
He smiles at you and then gives Jungkook and Jimin one final frown before going to deal with a gaggle of customers who've gathered at the other end of the bar. While Jungkook remains standing, taking in the interior of the bar with wide eyes, Jimin slides onto the stool next to yours.
"He's fucking hot," Jimin says with no preamble, eyeing Jin without shame as the bartender starts to pour and mix different drinks. Jungkook makes a disgruntled noise but settles when Jimin pats him fondly on the butt. "I'm not surprised you're wearing those heels. I would too if I were you."
"Oh my God, Jimin." You hide your face in your hands. "Jin is just a friend, please don't make this weird."
"Come on, Y/n, it's okay," Jimin says reassuringly as he pats your shoulder, replacing Jin's touch with his own. "The blind dates might not have worked out, but you've met someone nice so that's good! I mean, you did meet him because I organised the date here in the first place, but I'll let that slide. Also I can't believe you missed movie night because of a boy and you didn't tell me, but I'll let that slide too because I love you."
Park Jimin is your best friend. Park Jimin meddles in your life despite your protestations and isn't beyond being passive aggressive to get his way, but Park Jimin is also one of the nicest people you know and everything he does is because he loves you and will do whatever he thinks is necessary to reach his end goal of making you happy. He's magnanimous and kind and caring, and he also has absolutely the wrong idea right now, clearly under the impression that you're attracted to Seokjin and have been flirting with him for however many weeks it's been since you were meant to meet Hoseok here.
"No, seriously, Jimin, it's not Jin." You look at Jimin through the gaps in your fingers. "He's cute, yeah, but I don't come here because of him."
Your friend looks genuinely baffled, hand stilling on your shoulder. "Then why are you here?"
And, with perfect timing— as if your life is some badly written film or romantic drama— the clock ticks over to 8pm and Yoongi steps onto the stage. His hair is dark, blond replaced with black a few weeks ago, though it's still long enough that it hangs in his eyes; he looks a little ragged around the edges, a little messy, a little tired, and altogether beautiful. You want to touch the coolness of your fingertips to the dark circles under his eyes, want to press kisses across each of his bony knuckles, want to let your tongue settle in the hollow of his neck that shows each time he leans back and tilts his head up just so.
You hadn't even meant to but you'd turned away from Jimin the second you'd heard piano notes begin to play, drawn in by the sound like a moth to a flame. Jimin's hand falls off your shoulder and you hear him breathe out a quiet oh of realisation. You tear your eyes away from the sight of Yoongi at the piano and turn on your stool to face the bar again, gripping your glass with both hands, shoulders hunched.
"I like to watch him play," you say, and your voice is near a whisper, so as not to detract from the music.
"It's beautiful," Jungkook says, speaking before Jimin can say anything. His voice is quiet, too, not wanting to break over the sound of the piano. 
And so you hear with absolute clarity as Yoongi shifts mid-song into something different and it startles you. Yoongi always varies his music, always has something new, but you've been here often enough that you had recognised the opening song— it was one of your favourites— and you know that he's cut himself off before finishing, soft melody jumping into the opening bars of something different, sharper, a little angry, maybe sorrowful. Something that pulls at you and demands your attention.
Of course you give it to him. You swing your head away from your drink to watch him once more, watch how his motions have changed, the way he surges forward and presses his weight into his arms and down into his hands, his fingertips, the keys. You turn your entire body at this point, settling in your usual position for when you watch Yoongi; you see how his head tilts and he shifts from a minor into a major key, the same notes and chords transformed from something pensive into something joyful as he leans away from the heavier hands he'd been forcing the keys down with.
"How long does this go on for?" Jimin asks.
"About thirty or forty minutes," you answer. Though you turn your head back over your shoulder so that Jimin can hear you, you keep your eyes fixed on Yoongi. It's probably entirely coincidental, the sudden change in his music coinciding with when you turned away from him and when you looked back. He's not playing for you, he's playing for the whole bar, and besides, he's been looking down at the piano the whole time. He hasn't been looking at you.
And yet. The idea that Yoongi has noticed you and wants you to watch him has something hot settling low in your belly.
Jimin leans forward so that his chin is on your shoulder, talking directly into your ear as his hands wrap around your waist from behind. "This is the guy?"
Yoongi finishes the song and you watch in captivation as he swallows and runs a hand through his hair before he starts the next one. He's never done that before. Fuck. "Yes. Yoongi's the guy."
"Do you wait until he's finished so you can speak with him?" Jimin asks, ever curious.
You pause. "No," you admit. "No, I've never actually spoken to him."
Jimin doesn't ask why you've been coming back to see a guy you don't know and haven't talked to. He just hums gently. Jimin is pushy but he's also understanding and empathetic and knows what to say, when to press forward and when to hold back. It's one of the reasons you love him so much.
Jimin lapses into silence as Yoongi starts the next piece. It's one you haven't heard before and it's a little fiercer than most of Yoongi's recent songs. Rather than each note sliding into the next, he hammers them out separately, each note a statement that builds into something larger, a provocation. A storm gathering above Yoongi's waters, threatening to pull you in, pull you under.
Behind you, you hear Jungkook and Jimin briefly murmuring to each other, then Jimin's hands slide from off your waist and you hear the sound of him shifting so that Jungkook can sit down, Jimin using his boyfriend's lap as a chair instead. You have to wonder if the barstools can actually support that kind of weight, but Jin doesn't come over to tell them off, so you figure it must be okay.
On stage, Yoongi's hands pause, an uncharacteristic caesura that breaks the flow of the notes he'd been stringing together before he resumes playing as if this hiccup had never occurred. To anyone else, it would sound like that break was meant to be there, but you know better. You know Yoongi had faltered.
No way.
No way?
He's paying attention to you.
(Oh, shit.)
No way.
You're suddenly so overwhelmed that you actually feel nauseous. You've been consumed with thoughts of Yoongi for weeks, had images of him playing you just as easily as he does that piano, thoughts of him laying you out bare beneath him, but the idea that Yoongi actually knows who you are? Is aware of you on some level? Wants your eyes on him?
It's too much. 
You're already off kilter from Jimin and Jungkook's arrival— as harmless as their appearance was meant to be— and this is the cherry on top. You don't know if you can keep your composure right now and you need to get away from Yoongi before you end up walking onto the stage and pulling him off that stupid piano stool to show him exactly how much you enjoy his music.
"Jimin? Jungkook? How about you say we go to a club and get absolutely shitfaced?"
You haven't looked away from Yoongi in the time that you've said this, but you can just feel the confusion emanating from the men behind you.
"But you—"
"I thought—"
"We're already dressed up, aren't we? Besides, I still owe you for film night, so drinks are on me."
There's little argument from them after that. For the first time since you've been coming here you leave before Yoongi's set is done, slipping out of the bar without noticing Jin's confused gaze on you. 
It's not until much later, once you've drunkenly fallen onto Jimin and Jungkook's couch, that the sober part of your brain whispers to you: you didn't buy Yoongi his drink.
(That night you dream of stormy skies and tattered sails and a capsizing ship. Once you wake, the memory of the dream quickly leaves you, and the last thing you remember is the sight of someone reaching towards you, pulling you out of the water, skin pale and head ringed with blond hair, a halo— and then you forget that too, slipping through your fingers like quicksand.)
Of course you go back to Dionysus the next week. You make Jimin promise that he won't turn up without warning again, and then you make Jungkook promise that he'll at least send you a heads-up message if Jimin changes his mind. Despite both these promises, after the debacle last week with your outfit, you've actually bought new clothes, so at least today you don't feel as scandalous. (You still look hot, though.)
You're grateful when Jin doesn't press you for details or ask why you left early last week. He just greets you like he normally does and predicts your order with his usual aptitude, and as you stir your drink with your straw, you have to wonder at what happened. You're probably overreacting, overthinking things, grasping at nothing; there is not a chance in hell that Min Yoongi, reclusive piano savant, has noticed you. No way. Nuh-uh.
He's probably only aware of your existence because of the repeated drinks you've had Jin foist on him. If anything he's probably annoyed at you after not tipping him with last week— he's probably come to expect them by now and you'd forced him to miss out. Maybe you'll get Jin to give him two drinks this week? Ooh, then again, maybe not. Is two shots of whisky a lot? People drink doubles, don't they. How strong is the wine he likes, anyway?
Yoongi's appearance on stage pulls you out of your thoughts. He makes his way up the steps, towards the piano, scans the room— and then for the first time since you've been coming here to watch him, he stops.
He stops because he's looking at you.
It's only for the briefest moment, eyes resting on you for maybe five seconds, and then you breathlessly watch as his mouth twists into something that can only be described as a smirk, pleased at the sight of you.
Oh, God.
He looks away and sits at the piano like he normally does, but you would swear that his back is a little straighter— something in his posture that reads as cockiness, even. He launches into a song that starts light but then almost immediately dances into something flirtatious, seductive, and tonight whenever Yoongi glances at you, he makes sure that you know. He turns his head just so, looks at you through the curve of his lashes, each touch of those dark eyes against your own sending little shivers through you, punching the breath out of your lungs.
You've always been entranced by Yoongi and tonight is no different. The minutes slide by as easy as water, liquid, music gliding over you like the rising tide, kissing your skin like the ebb and flow of the waves. It feels like he's barely started when his set is over and he's finished, standing up with as little ostentation as always before he vanishes off the stage.
You already have the money counted out before Jin has made his way over. You slide it towards him as he pours the whisky, but rather than asking if you have a message to pass to Yoongi, a look of consternation passes over his face.
"The price has gone up," Jin says, and you blink.
"Oh, that's no problem. How much is it now?" You're reaching for your purse to get more money out when Jin puts the whisky on the bar in front of you.
"No, don't worry, I'll just go out back and get the right change for you," he says. He says it with such confidence that it takes you a beat too long to realise that what he's just said makes no sense— why is he getting you change if you haven't even given him enough money? Isn’t there change in the till?— but by this point he's already gone, the staff door swinging shut behind him. 
You tilt your head, beyond confused.
Someone chuckles from behind you, the sound quiet and low. "Ah, cute."
You twist in your seat to see who's talking and then freeze. Yoongi is standing right there, looking at you with his dark, dark eyes; it's the first time you've been subjected to the full intensity of his gaze, from this close, and your pulse picks up. He looks a little softer without the lights of the small stage throwing him into sharp relief but his aura is just as intense; your eyes dart across each feature of his face as you drink him in— the mess of his fringe hanging into his sharp eyes, the faintest freckle on his nose, his surprisingly cute cheeks, his pink mouth.
The mouth that's curving into a sly little smile, now, your eyes flying back up to meet his own.
"I'm guessing this is for me?" He points at the whisky. He takes it before you can answer, and there's something unfairly erotic about how he drinks it: the way he holds the glass, swirling the whisky over the chilled rocks inside; the way his mouth falls open as the tumbler touches his lips; the way his head tilts back as he lets the liquor flow into his mouth, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows.
You shamelessly watch him the whole time. He lowers the glass from his lips, still a little parted as he takes a breath in, and then he's looking back at you. You have to bite back a noise that's risen up in your throat, unbidden. Does he know how much he affects you? 
You adjust your position on the barstool, thoughtlessly uncrossing and recrossing your legs as you regain your balance. Yoongi's eyes fly down to watch the motion and you're close enough to him that you see how his pupils dilate at the movement. A breath escapes your mouth, a little pant of air that you desperately mask as a cough as you try to calm the racing of your heart, the flood of arousal that's pulsing through you.
"I'm glad you like the whisky," you say, your voice steady despite how your legs feel like they're about to give out. (Thank god you're sitting down.) "I'm sorry to have deprived you of it last week."
Yoongi's shifted so that he's leaning against the bar. He's standing while you're still sitting and you have to tilt your head back to look at him. "You did seem like you were in an awful hurry," he says, a teasing lilt to his tone, and yet his voice is still so low, deeper than you'd imagined.
Despite the levity in his words there's something heavy in his gaze. "Oh?" You can't help but react to it, helpless and unable to resist. "You noticed me leaving?"
Yoongi's eyes sharpen. Hooked. "Of course," he says. "You're the only thing I pay attention to when I'm here. You have been from the first night you walked in."
Your breath catches in your throat. You hadn't expected Yoongi to say something so forthright, to be so direct, more used to coy flirtation from the other people you've met in the past; it's like you've been dipped in cold water, a shock to the system, bracing and invigorating and refreshing.
"Oh," you say, at a loss with how to respond. Yoongi seems pleased to have gotten this reaction out of you, the corners of his lips curving upwards in a self satisfied smile.
"Besides," he adds, "I find it flattering that not only do you come here every week to watch me, you always make sure to make your appreciation known, too." He lifts the glass up and takes another drink, but this time he keeps his eyes locked on yours as he does, gaze unwavering as he finishes his drink. The rocks tumble over themselves as he sets the glass down on the bar, lower lip wet with a drop of whisky that lingers; his tongue sweeps across it and leaves a sheen, catching the light, shining. You can't tear your eyes away from the sight. "It would have been hard to ignore that even if I'd wanted to."
A shiver trickles down your spine. You'd really only ever meant it as a compliment, a quiet way to express your admiration about his craft, and you have to ask— "How long have you been playing the piano?"
This question seems to throw Yoongi off kilter. You see the way his lashes flutter as he blinks with surprise. "For as long as I can remember," he says, and then a small smile appears on his lips. "When I was young I had a toy piano that I constantly used to hammer at, so when I grew up a little, my parents bought the real thing so that I could learn how to play."
He sounds nostalgic and your heart squeezes in your chest. "You're self-taught, right?" You ask, remembering something Jin had told you before. 
Yoongi looks briefly startled. "Yes, I am," he says, and then his eyes narrow. "Did Jin tell you that?"
"Um, yeah." You squirm a little on the barstool. "Sorry, should I not have said anything about it?"
"No, no, you're okay. It's just that Jin says a lot of things, and I'm just wondering what else he said to you." Yoongi's tone is weirdly pained.
The concern is obvious on his face, and you wonder if Jin is to Yoongi what Jimin is to you— well-meaning but maybe a little overwhelming in their approach. 
"All good things, I promise. I love dogs, too." You smile up at Yoongi, who seems a little taken aback, and the smile starts to drop off your face. "Um. Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." For all that Yoongi was smirking earlier, he seems a little unsure now. You feel confused, waiting as Yoongi clearly turns some thoughts over in his head, and then he says: "What exactly has Jin told you?"
You smile. You recognise that tone, the nonchalance that hides a little worry— it's exactly how you sound whenever you find out that Jimin has been speaking to someone about you, even if it's always positively. "Oh, just bits and pieces," you say. Feeling bold, you pat the barstool next to you, tilting your head invitingly. "Why don't you tell me about yourself instead so we can see if Jin was lying to me?"
Yoongi looks genuinely startled, his eyes widening imperceptibly before the expression wipes off his face as if nothing had happened. "Why not," he says, as if in equal parts to himself and to you, before he takes a seat.
Here's what you learn about Yoongi: he's intense, yes, and soft spoken, but as you continue to talk, he begins to loosen up, bit by bit. When he laughs he smiles so wide that his eyes squeeze shut and you can see his gums and you're so fucking endeared at the sight. He's sharp and smart and witty and just so, so intriguing. 
You prop your elbow on the bar and rest your cheek in your hand as he talks, wanting to take everything in, and you rapidly realise that Min Yoongi is less of an enigma than you'd thought, but just as complex as you'd expected— and you want to unravel that complexity. If he'll let you.
You've been talking for so long that the bar has started to empty out, patrons trickling away, the two of you so engrossed with each other that you barely notice. You find out that Jin and Yoongi are actually roommates, best friends, and that Jin is as chaotic as you'd expect and is also very good at drawing Yoongi into his shenanigans; you throw your head back to laugh at one of his stories, and when you catch your breath you find Yoongi looking at you, watching you with an expression on his face that makes you pause. He's been watching you intently all night, listening quietly whenever you talk, but this expression, this is new. He swallows.
"Can I ask something?"
You blink. "Sure, go ahead."
"Why did you keep coming back?" Yoongi asks, and that's not a question you'd been expecting at all.
"Uh," you say eloquently. "Well. Honestly? I couldn't stay away, I guess. I'm not really a musician, and I don't know a lot about the piano, but there's something in your music and the way you play— every song makes me feel something different and new, or reminds me of something I haven't felt, places I haven't been to, but I feel like I know somehow. Like I'm nostalgic for something that I haven't experienced, that doesn't exist. It's almost like you're taking my hand and showing me around some hidden part of the world that only you can see— like you've made it into music because that's the only way you can communicate it. How could I not come back after that?" You pause. "Um. Does that make sense? I feel like it didn't. Sorry?"
Yoongi's been watching you as you've been talking, silent, and by the time you've finished his mouth has fallen open a little. He stares at you for a few moments longer, and then he says: "Holy shit." And then he says: "Oh my God." And then he says: "What the fuck."
"… I guess it didn't make sense, then?" Despite the ease of your earlier conversation you suddenly feel awkward, laughing a little as your legs uncross so that you can shuffle to the edge of your barstool. Ready to hop up and make a quick get away if you need to. Run away from the embarrassment. "Um."
"Y/n," Yoongi says, and you realise with a start that you haven't introduced yourself to him throughout your whole conversation— Jin must have told him your name— but then he keeps talking. "I thought you just— I don't know, that you just kept coming back because of me. Not the music. Then Jin kept talking about you and—" 
He makes a frustrated noise at the back of his throat and runs a hand through his hair; you stare at his bared forehead, and it says about how attracted you are to him that the sight of his forehead is enough to set your heart racing. "I thought that maybe if I let this happen just one time that it would be enough, but now I don't think it will."
"Yoongi." You're confused, unsure if you've correctly understood what he's just said. "Let what happen one time? What are you talking about?"
"Touching you," Yoongi says. "Fucking you." His voice is a rasp and the sound of it, the sound of his words, shoots straight through you and into your core. "I thought the drinks were— I don't know, an invitation. But they weren't, were they? You really meant it. You really like my music. And me."
Yoongi's voice is hoarse and you come to the realisation that he feels tense. Like he can accept that you want to have sex with him, but he's bowled over by the idea that you're attracted to the other parts, too, as few of those as you know. That you genuinely enjoy what he plays. That you think it's the most beautiful sound you've ever heard.
"Yoongi," you say, tone deceptively gentle. "I really, really like your music, and I think you're an incredibly talented musician, and I've been memorising everything Jin's been telling me about you because I think you're one of the most interesting people I've ever come across and I'd really like to get to know more about you. So I'm really glad to have had the opportunity to talk to you like this." You gesture between the two of you, sitting as you are, facing towards each other on your barstools. And then you brace yourself to take the leap, to throw yourself into uncharted waters. "However, I am also insanely attracted to you and I've spent the past I-don't-know-how-many weeks picturing you bending me over that piano and fucking me so hard that I can't walk straight."
Yoongi freezes in the middle of rubbing the back of his neck, a clearly nervous habit. Though your voice has kept steady while you've been talking, your heart has been thrumming in your chest the whole time, feeling as nervous as Yoongi looks. Something flickers across his face, and his hand drops away from his neck as he straightens, pushing himself off from where he's been leaning against the bar.
"Oh?" He leans towards you. Your legs unthinkingly part as he moves, the material of your dress hitching up as you spread your knees so that he can get closer. "So you do want me to fuck you?"
His nervousness seems to be entirely gone, emboldened by your words. One of his hands comes up to cup the back of your head, fingers sliding into your hair as he holds you in place, at his mercy. He's barely touched you but the feeling of contact makes you bite back a whimper. Even though it's darker here and you're away from the tables, away from the few remaining patrons of the bar, the two of you are in plain sight even under the dimmed lights; you're not doing anything illicit or inappropriate but a little thrill trickles down your spine at the idea.
"Yoongi," you breathe.
"What is it, babygirl?" He tips his head down as he moves closer, his nose brushing yours, each of his words a warm curl across your lips. "Tell me."
The pet name sends a shiver through you. Your hands rise from your lap, sliding over his chest to touch lightly at his neck, a little shy, a little bold. "I want you to kiss me."
"Oh?" Yoongi's mouth is so close to yours, and when you tilt forward to kiss him, he stays just out of your reach, leaving you wanting. "You think you deserve a kiss, do you?"
You can't help but make a little noise, a petulant whine at the back of your throat. He has you entirely at his mercy and he knows it. "Please," you say. "Please, Yoongi, wanna kiss you so bad."
The smile he gives you in reply is wicked. "How can I say no when you've asked so politely?"
Yoongi finally, finally dips his head down and then he's kissing you with such intensity it steals the breath out of you. It's open-mouthed and wet and dirty, his tongue sliding into your mouth in between taking your top and bottom lips between his own, alternating, sucking on them and lapping at them with his tongue. You chase after his mouth with your own, roll your tongues together, hands sliding over the smooth skin of his throat as they circle behind his neck, but then Yoongi pulls away; you bite that needy whine back again, kiss cut short far sooner than you would have liked.
Yoongi is taking the sight of you in, eyes lingering on your shining lips, and then he's rising to stand. You're shaken out of your kiss-induced haze when he does, a little confused, but he takes your hand in his and you let him lift up, pressing a surprisingly tender kiss to the back of your knuckles.
"Do you want to get out of here?" His voice is pitched low, deep with a promise of pleasure to come, and you shiver.
"God, I thought you'd never ask," you say in a rush, and he just laughs quietly at your obvious desperation.
"Come on, then." He helps you off the barstool, your hand still in his— god, his hands are so big and his touch is so warm. His eyes are dark as he watches the way you reach to rearrange the hem of your dress with your free hand, but he beats you to it, palm flattening the material against your legs; his fingers dance just under the edge as he straightens it, hand sliding over the skin of your inner thigh and lingering before he pulls away.
"You're shameless," you say, a little breathless, and Yoongi just smirks at you. Tease.
Your fingers remain tangled with his as he leads you behind the bar and through the staff door. Jin's out back, scrolling through something on his phone, but as soon as you walk in he abandons whatever he's doing and raises his eyebrows. He looks surprisingly severe. "Customers aren't allowed back here."
Your eyes widen, but then Jin's serious expression cracks and he starts to laugh. Although he's joking and clearly doesn't care, you feel a little guilty at breaking the rules and duck behind Yoongi, shy. Yoongi snorts and holds a middle finger up at the bartender.
Jin gasps theatrically, clutching his chest while looking askance. "I raise you from birth and this is the thanks I get?"
"You're one year older than me, hyung."
"I carry you in my womb for nine months and birth you into this world and you— oh, okay, you technically shouldn't be doing that either," Jin says, stopping mid-sentence as Yoongi decides his hyung has been talking for too long and turns away from him to start kissing you again, shameless as he tugs you close to him and licks into your mouth; you immediately fall back into him, unable to resist. "Jesus Christ, Yoongi."
Once you part, you bury your head into Yoongi's chest as his arms come around you, hiding your embarrassment in Yoongi's dress shirt. "Sorry, Jinnie," you say, muffled.
"You are absolutely not to blame here, Y/n, you are an angel and a sweetheart." Jin's tone is soothing. "Yoongi, however, is a tiny evil gremlin who needs to learn how to control himself. Though I can't blame him, you are very cute."
"Hyung, I need the apartment tonight," Yoongi says without preamble. You wriggle in the circle of his arms. You're not normally this timid but Yoongi is just so direct and blasé with Jin that you can't help but feel a little shy, as hot and bothered as you are.
"I'll crash at Joon's," the bartender says. He’s obviously not surprised. You lift your head from Yoongi's chest to look at Jin and find that he's smiling at you. "If Yoongi starts to bother you, just whap him on the nose. I find a rolled up newspaper works best if you have one to hand."
"I'll kill you, Kim Seokjin," Yoongi says.
Jin just laughs as he waves the two of you off and you take the initiative to start pulling Yoongi towards the back door. He comes easily, but once the door has swung shut behind you he takes the lead again and guides you towards his car. He lets go of your hand so that he can unlock it, swinging the passenger door open for you, and he's unabashed in how he watches you step in and eyes the way your dress hitches up again as you slide into your seat; he leans against the car and just stares at you.
There's honestly nothing sexier when someone clearly wants you as much as you want them. It makes you feel bold, drunk on the way he looks at you. 
You glance up at him through your lashes. "The sooner we get to yours, the sooner you can have me," you say.
Yoongi curses under his breath. "You're going to be the death of me."
Surprisingly enough, though, he keeps his hands to himself when he gets behind the wheel. You can't help but feel a little surprised; you don't know how close Yoongi's home is to the bar, but you very rapidly tire of waiting to feel his hands on you again and so you lean over the centre console and press a fleeting kiss just behind his ear.
Yoongi doesn't outwardly react, continuing to stare at the road, so you take this as a challenge. You slide one of your hands onto his thigh— for balance, of course— and kiss behind his ear again, tug his lobe with your teeth, mindful of his piercings, and then proceed to trail little kisses down his neck and the little slither of his collarbone that you can reach without his shirt getting in the way. You finally get to lick your tongue in the hollow of his neck that you've been thinking about for weeks.
Yoongi's hands tighten on the steering wheel. Jackpot. 
"Y/n," he says, voice low, and you're so close to his throat that you can hear the rumble behind his words. You love it. "You should stop now, or we're not going to make it to my apartment."
You go still. Yoongi continues to look at the road but his knuckles are white with how hard he's gripping the wheel, and when you glance down you can see how much you've affected him, cock hardening in his slacks. It would be so easy to slide your hand up his thigh and finally touch him, have him pull over and wreck you, but you want something more than a quick fumble in the seat of a car. 
So you just press your lips lightly against the line of his jaw one last time. You let yourself breathe in the dark scent of his cologne— pinewood and pepper and something deeper— before you pull back, folding your hands in your lap demurely, trying to force yourself to be content with waiting.
"Good girl," Yoongi says. You can't help but preen; you don't normally respond to praise like this, but something about Yoongi just makes you want to please him, hear him compliment you again. Yoongi glances at you, a little flicker of realisation as he sees how you've just reacted to his words, and his eyes darken. "You like that, baby? Like being a good girl for me?"
Fuck. "Yes." Your pulse is rising. You've been craving Yoongi for weeks, but god, if he asked you to go home right now, sent you home without touching you, you'd go, just to hear him call you a good girl again. But you don't want him to leave you untouched, you don't want that at all. "I want you to touch me, Yoongi," you say. "I'll be a good girl, please just touch me."
"Fuck." Yoongi's foot presses down on the accelerator. He's never wanted to live closer to the bar before, but the sight of you staring at him from his passenger seat and rubbing your thighs together in a desperate attempt to give yourself some relief is making him rethink his housing location. "I will, baby. We'll be there soon."
Soon turns out to be less than five minutes, scarcely any time at all, though each second is torturous in how long it feels. Yoongi's careless in how he parks the car, wonky within the lines of his spot, but neither of you notice or care. You fumble with the buckle of your belt, climbing out of the car as quickly as you can and slamming the door shut with more power than you probably need to, noise loud in the quiet of the night.
Before you can react, however, Yoongi is rounding the car and grabbing you, pressing you against the metal and glass of the door. One of his hands slips under your thigh, lifting your leg and shoving the hem of your dress out of the way so that he can grind against you; you gasp at the feeling of his growing hardness against the dampness of your underwear, and Yoongi leans forward to swallow the sound into his mouth. 
The kiss is rushed and desperate, but you love the messiness of it. Yoongi pulls away to press his lips against the side of your mouth, your cheek, your jaw, your neck, mouthing at the jumping pulse he finds there. You start to make small ah-ah noises when he laves his tongue over it, one of your hands tangling in his hair as you tilt your head back, each of his touches fizzing like electricity on your skin.
"P-people could see," you stutter, struggling to catch your breath with how good his mouth feels on you.
Yoongi smirks against your skin. "I thought you wanted me to touch you," he says, but immediately relents, pulling away from you so he can lead you into the building. You miss the heat of his body against yours but he keeps hold of your hand as you follow him; it's late and the building seems quiet, so you're mindful of just how loud your high heels sound as they clack on the floor, though Yoongi doesn't seem to care.
When you step into the apartment you reach down for the straps on your shoes so you can kick them off but Yoongi stops you with a hand to your shoulder. It's a light touch but you stop immediately, glancing up from your feet to his face.
"Let me," he says, and a hot trickle of arousal runs down your spine at the tone of his voice. 
You straighten up and watch as Yoongi gets down on one knee, hands circling around your ankle and lifting your foot. You rest the toe of your shoe lightly on Yoongi's knee, watching as he undoes the strap around your ankle and slides the shoe off, setting it to one side, before he presses his lips to the inside of your knee. You shiver at the light touch and Yoongi smirks, letting your ankle go so you can move and he can take your other shoe off, too.
He barely takes his eyes off your face the whole time, only glancing down when he has to. His motions are slow and unhurried despite his earlier rush, carefully setting the second shoe next to the first, and you can't help but feel like he's teasing you— drawing out your reactions just because he can. Before you can say anything about it, though, his hands trail up from your calves to your thigh before he hitches your leg over his shoulder, one hand staying on your thigh as the other grips at your hip.
You bite back a gasp. From his angle Yoongi can see everything and he's looking up with hooded eyes, staring at the dark patch on your underwear, wet for him; his gaze trails across the lace of the lingerie you're wearing, the small colourful flowers blooming across the dark material. It was something you'd put on to complete your outfit, the matching panties and bra making you feel expensive and pretty— even if you hadn't expected anyone to see it.
"Look at you," he says, hand lowering from your hip to trace lightly across your slit; it's a barely-there touch, sensation dulled by the material in the way, but you still jolt at the feeling of it. "Did you wear this for me?"
"Of course," you confess. You've wanted his eyes on you for so long. "Always dress up pretty for you."
"Fuck." He sounds reverent. "You've always been such a good girl for me, haven't you?"
A needy noise rises unbidden at the back of your throat when Yoongi spreads your leg wider and leans forward to mouth at you through the lace of your panties. Your knees go weak and you have to lean back against the wall for balance, grateful at how close you are to it when Yoongi draws his tongue upwards, wetting the fabric, your toes curling.
"Yoongi." One of your hands is resting in his hair and you can't stop your grip from tightening. "Yoongi, please."
He gives you what you want, fingers hooking into your underwear and pulling it down; he lets your leg drop so that you can step out of them, but as soon as you've finished he throws the panties to one side, one hand splaying across your stomach as the other lifts your leg again so that you’re spread open for him, immediately pressing his mouth to your clit.
"Oh!" You gasp. Yoongi seems to have tired of his teasing and is eating you out like a man starved, the slick sound of his tongue and lips filling the apartment as he laves attention on your dripping pussy, staring up at you as he drinks your reactions in. He dips his tongue into you and your hips try to buck forwards but the hand on your stomach holds you in place, firm, and you let out an embarrassingly loud keen at how good it feels to be this powerless.
You slap your free hand across your mouth and try to swallow the noise down. Yoongi frowns and stops, leaning his head back as he looks at you; his mouth is shining with evidence of your arousal, opalescent. "I want to hear you."
You bite your lip, forcing your hand away from your mouth; you don't want to be too loud, too noisy, but you want to be a good girl for Yoongi. He wants to hear you so you'll give him what he wants.
"O-okay," you breathe, and Yoongi smirks up at you; it's filthy, how he's looking at you like that while his lips are wet with you. You tilt your hips towards him, desperate to have his mouth on you again, and he immediately complies.
He's lapping at your clit when the hand on your stomach moves and slides down. You watch as he takes his tongue off you so that he can curl it around his fingers instead, before running those fingers across your lower lips to gather the slick there, wetting them even further. You roll your hips into the sensation, loving the press of his slightly rough fingers against your silken folds, wanting more, eyes wide as you watch how Yoongi's hand trails between your legs.
He puts his mouth back on your clit at the same time as he presses one of those spit slick fingers into you. You're so turned on that the initial slide in is easy, but he still takes his time; he's distracting you with the way he's sucking at your small bundle of nerves but you still feel when he presses his second finger in, longer than yours, the sensation of it even better than you'd dreamed.
He crooks his fingers and you throw your head back against the wall, dull thud barely registering over the sensation of Yoongi inside you. He sees how you react and continues to move his fingers in the same way, thrusting his fingers in and curling them as he pulls out, watching as you writhe; the pleasure inside you has been growing, the feeling building, and if Yoongi keeps doing that then you're going to cum. "I'm close," you gasp.
Yoongi responds to this by pushing a third finger inside you, rubbing his fingertips directly over your sweet spot. The stretch burns, just a little, but God, you love it. He purses his lips over your clit and flicks his tongue over it at the same time as he curls his fingers again and it undoes you; your spine arches away from the wall as you cum, ripples of pleasure sparking through your body as you tighten around Yoongi's fingers, sobbing almost deliriously at how good it feels.
Yoongi watches you the whole time, keeps his mouth on you as you ride out your high. He only moves away when you start to jolt from oversensitivity, pulling his fingers out carefully as he does. You feel empty without them inside you and you can't wait for him to fill you up with something better instead.
Yoongi holds you steady, his grip firm as you slip your leg from his shoulder and shakily push yourself off the wall. Once you've gotten your balance he stands up— his knees must hurt but he doesn't complain, too busy watching you lift his fingers to your lips, sucking them into your mouth so you can lick the taste of yourself off him.
"Jesus Christ." Yoongi stares at the way you flick your tongue across his skin, glancing at him coquettishly through your lashes. You reach out for him, hands moving towards his belt, but he shakes his head. "Bedroom," he says.
Of course you follow him. At any other time you'd be taking in the details of the apartment, the glimpses you get into the other rooms, but you're too busy looking at Yoongi to have a mind for anything else. He's been hard for so long by now that it must be driving him crazy and you want to give him what he wants. What he needs.
He swings a door open and flicks a light on. Yoongi's room is what you'd expected: neat and organised, with dark furnishings, the only mess being a few scrunched up balls of paper that have overflowed the trash-bin by his desk, which has a pile of notepads next to his laptop and a set up of musical equipment that looks far too complex for you to make heads or tails of. 
You forget about this instantly, however, when Yoongi captures your lips in another kiss, a hand splaying across your jaw so that he can control the pace, crowding you towards the bed until the back of your knees make contact with it and you fall onto the mattress. Yoongi cages you in with his arms and keeps kissing you, though when you palm him through his slacks he hisses through his teeth.
"Want you, Yoongi." You use your hand to stroke over the hardness of him as you nip at his lower lip. "Please."
"Fuck, of course, babygirl." Yoongi leans back and you move with him, sitting up as he stands straight. He unbuttons his shirt and you help him slide it off his shoulders, using it as an excuse to run your hands over the pale skin he reveals to you, sliding your palms down his chest and over his stomach; you dip your head to kiss where your hands have traced, letting your tongue flick across his skin. You lick shamelessly at one of his nipples and feel drunk on the way he lets out a surprised little breath, turning your head to do the same to his other nipple as your hands finally reach their goal: his belt.
You deftly unbuckle it, fast enough that the leather makes a snapping noise when you pull it, and Yoongi bites back a laugh— under normal circumstances you might be embarrassed by how obvious you're being, but you're desperate to finally touch him, especially after he'd made you cum as hard as he had. You look up at him as you reach for his zipper but falter when you notice that he's staring at you with something akin to awe, lifting your lips off his skin.
"What?" You ask, suddenly feeling shy.
Yoongi doesn't respond verbally. Instead, he quirks a little grin at you before he cups your face with both hands and bends down to kiss you again, deeper and slower than he has before. You match his pace, the two of you tilting your heads to get a little closer, but when you continue to pull Yoongi's zip down he laughs against your lips and you smile. He gets the hint, stepping back so he has room to kick his trousers and underwear off; he's not trying to be sensual about it, moving fast so he can get close to you again, but you're enraptured nonetheless.
You swallow at the sight of his cock when it’s finally freed. It's flushed red from neglect, fully hardened, curving up towards his stomach, and you can see how the head glistens with precum, slick and wet. Saliva floods your mouth. Yoongi looks briefly startled when you put your hands against his hips and lightly push him backwards, but then you slide off the bed and onto your knees in front of him and the shock immediately disappears from his face, tangling a hand in your hair as you settle in place.
He's so hard that you don't feel like teasing him. Instead, you take the precum that's gathered at the tip of his cock and rub it down his length, hand wrapping around and twisting as you dip forwards and take the flushed head into your mouth. You can't swallow him all the way down, thanks to your gag reflex, but you give it a damn good go— you relax your throat as much as you can as you lower your head, using your hand to touch the parts of his cock that aren't in your mouth. You tongue at the vein on the underside as you lift back up, using your free hand to cup his balls, and Yoongi curses, his hand tightening in your hair as he pulls you off.
You blink up at him in surprise, mouth still open after he's slid out of your mouth— you feel like you'd barely started— and you can see how his cock twitches as he drinks the sight of you in.
"That mouth of yours is downright sinful," he says, running his thumb over your lower lip. You go lax under his touch, which seems to please him. "As much as I'd like to cum down your throat, I think you want something else instead, don't you, babygirl?"
Your breath shudders out of you and you nod. You want Yoongi's cock inside you, itching for him to finally fuck you stupid, the way you've been yearning for so long. "God, yes, please."
Yoongi's lips twitch at your shameless desperation. "Stand up then, baby," he says, and you comply. "Turn around."
You turn towards the bed to show Yoongi your back, and he slowly unzips your dress; it slides off your shoulders easily, slipping down your body and pooling on the floor as Yoongi drags his hands over the revealed skin. You tremble under his touch, sensitive to each of his motions as he unclasps your bra, and finally you're entirely unclothed, lingerie carelessly tossed to one side before Yoongi pulls you close.
Your back is pressed to his chest, and you can feel the heat and hardness of his cock pressing against you, but you forget about that when his hands move to cup your breasts, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples. You tilt your head back against his shoulder and he takes the opportunity to kiss down your neck, using his tongue to lick down the bared length of it, and your breath hitches in your throat as he pinches one of your nipples between his fingers, the perfect mix of careful roughness.
"You're so fucking gorgeous," Yoongi breathes into the crook of your neck. You whimper and grind back against him, feeling the wetness of his cock as it slips against your skin, and he bites back a groan.
"Yoongi, I need you," you say, so close to finally getting what you've been craving for so long. "Please," you add, voice high with desperation.
You feel how Yoongi bares his teeth against your skin in a silent snarl before he's turning you around in his arms, and you squeal in surprise as he hitches you upwards onto the bed, your head falling onto the pillows. It wasn't a rough motion, Yoongi still careful even when he's clearly as hungry for you as you are for him, but you find yourself whimpering at how he's manhandled you, loving it. Seems like he's helping you discover things about yourself that you hadn't realised before now.
Yoongi settles between your legs, staring down at you, bare and helpless underneath him. You reach out your hand to touch his chest, sweeping your fingers down the line of his stomach and over the trail of dark hair that leads down to his weeping cock, still shining with your spit. He curses, leaning over you to paw at his nightstand drawer; he fumbles with the lube and condom when you wrap your fingers around his length again, stroking him hard and slow.
"Yoongi, please," you say again, practically begging, wanting him inside you as quickly as possible. He curses under his breath again but then wraps his fingers around yours, pulling your hand off his cock. You pout at him. "I've been a good girl, haven't I?"
"Good girls are patient." Yoongi leans back on his heels and you make a small whining noise, but you quieten when you watch him rip open the condom packet; you reach forward again to help him roll it down his cock, wanting to keep the feeling of his hardness and heat under your touch, but he fixes you with a stern gaze. "Hands."
You pause, wondering exactly what he means. You settle on pulling your hands away and stretch up to let them rest on the pillow above you. You must have done the right thing because Yoongi smiles, and you give a squirm of delight. He shifts closer and hooks one of your legs over his shoulder, turning his head to kiss your inner ankle.
"So perfect," he says, and you squirm again, pleased. He reaches for the bottle of lube and uncaps it with a quiet click, drizzling it directly onto his cock and biting back a noise at the coldness of it— but then he squirts more into his hands, warming it between his fingers. You make a small questioning sound, and Yoongi smiles before kissing your ankle again. "This is for you, baby."
Your eyebrows raise in quiet surprise. You're already so wet, dripping with a mix of your own cum and Yoongi's lingering spit, but he's still being this careful and considerate. He dips his slick fingers between your flushed lips and draws them upwards, making you arch your back as he grazes over your pearl of nerves, pleasure shooting directly into your core. 
"Oh, fuck," you gasp. "God, please, Yoongi, please."
"I've got you, babygirl," he murmurs, and you marvel at his self control, his restraint even now. He grips your leg with one hand and uses the other to guide himself into you. Finally. You moan as he sinks in, stretching you, slowly pushing in inch by inch; you can feel the way your walls stretch, parting for him, until he's bottomed out, and you feel so full.
"Holy shit, Yoongi." You've moved your hands and you're digging your nails into his back, trying to pull him closer even though it's not possible, Yoongi's cock so long that you can feel it filling you completely. "Oh, God."
Yoongi's fringe is hanging in his eyes but you can see how his pupils have almost swallowed the dark of his irises, the way he's drinking in the sight of you beneath him— your pupils are blown too, hair a messy halo against the pillows, nipples hard from arousal, chest heaving as you hiccup in air. He pulls out, just as slowly as he'd pushed in, the drag of his cock against your inner walls sending electricity shooting through your nerves; he stops before he's completely out, only the head of him still inside you, and you bite your lip in anticipation, waiting for the next slow thrust in.
You're completely blindsided when Yoongi snaps his hips forward suddenly, fucking sharply into you, and you choke on a surprised breath. He sets a brutal pace, the sound of his skin slapping against yours almost drowned out by the way you wail. Your hands fall away from his back and to the sheets, fingers gripping at them, twisting under your hands. His brows are drawn together with focus, but when you raise a hand up to touch his face he goes easily, letting your leg slip off his shoulder so he can kiss you.
His motions slow somewhat as you kiss each other, but he keeps the roll of his hips just as deep, and you end up all but panting against his mouth instead of kissing him; he swipes his tongue across your lips and you let them fall open so he can lick into your mouth, sloppy and wet. You can feel an orgasm building again, surprisingly fast— especially as he's not even touching your clit— and you clench around him, wanting to hit that peak again.
Yoongi stops kissing you to rest his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes as he slows his thrusts, grinding into you each time he pushes all the way in, hips flush with yours. "Such a good girl." His voice is a low rasp, dark and heavy. "So pretty for me."
Yes, yes, yes. "Wanna be your good girl," you breathe. "Make you feel as good as you make me feel."
Yoongi actually growls, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling you up. You grab his shoulders for support, legs spreading so that your knees hit the mattress, his cock still inside you as you look down at him, both of you kneeling now. Your breasts are pressed against his chest, stomachs flush, and Yoongi grinds up into you. His hands slide from your waist, to your ass, fingers digging into your flesh as he pulls you up; the change of angle has the curve of his cock dragging right across your sweet spot and you gasp. "Oh, yes, there, just like that."
You press down as Yoongi's hips snap up, and you can feel how his motions are starting to get a little jerkier, staccato, the way he speeds up. With the drag of your nipples against his chest, and the way he's hitting your g-spot dead on each time, you're close to hitting your peak, pleasure riding up into a crescendo— and then Yoongi slides one of his hands between the two of you to rub at your clit and you're gone again, gasping and shaking as your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, all the air escaping your lungs in a drawn out, shuddering wail.
"Fuck, baby." Yoongi's motions grow a little more hurried and sloppy, thrusting up into you as your walls pulsate around him. You try to match his pace, drinking down the way his face twists as he chases his own release— and then his grip on you grows tight enough to bruise and he cums with a surprisingly quiet moan. He grinds upwards, his cock twitching inside you as he empties himself into the condom; you shiver at the sensation, squeezing your legs around his hips in an instinctive attempt to draw him as deeply into you as possible, as futile as that is.
Your legs are shaking. You remain tangled around each other, sweaty and panting, but then Yoongi is grasping your chin and tilting your head down so that he can kiss you. It's soft, and gentle, and you melt into it, going lax and boneless in his hold as you tighten your hands in his hair. 
You feel how he smiles tiredly against your lips, and when you pull back, he looks thoroughly fucked out; his hair is a mess from how you've been running your hands through it and lips are kiss swollen, parted so that he can suck air in and try to catch his breath. You must look similarly wrecked. You feel hazy, though Yoongi feels solid beneath you, grounding you as you slowly come back to yourself.
"I'm going to lean you back, beautiful," he says, and you entwine your fingers together behind his neck so that he can tilt you onto the mattress, careful and reverent. He slips his softening cock out of you and you let out a small sigh at the sudden feeling of emptiness, though as soon as he's done tying the condom off and throwing it in the bin he comes back to you, lightly kissing you as he draws a hand gently between the valley of your breasts. Despite the tenderness behind the motion you're suddenly struck with wondering if he's about to ask you to leave, but then he asks: "Do you want to come wash up?"
You pause. "Oh, God, my makeup," you say with sudden realisation as your fingers come up to touch under your eyes. Your eyeshadow and mascara must be a mess by now. You splay your hand across your face, as if trying to hide it— which you know is stupid, especially considering the fact the rest of your body is naked under Yoongi's gaze. He huffs out a laugh and takes your hands with his own, pulling them away. "Nooo," you whine. "Don't look at me."
One of Yoongi's eyebrows rises. "Why would I ever want to look away from you?"
You wriggle. "Yoongi," you whine again, equal parts pleased and embarrassed, but you let your hands go limp and Yoongi pulls you to your feet. "You're shameless."
"And you're gorgeous," he says, simply. "Come on, you'll get cold."
Yoongi lets you clean up first. It's weird how comfortable you are as you navigate your way around Yoongi and Jin's bathroom— you pilfer one of Jin's makeup wipes to clean your face— and how natural it feels to accept the shirt Yoongi gives you, an oversized, stretched-out old thing that's gone soft from years of wear. You're perched on the bathroom counter as you slide it on, glancing down at the design on the front, and you instantly perk up when you see what it is.
"You do love Kumamon," you say with delight. 
Yoongi stops in the middle of brushing his teeth, looking a little ridiculous with the minty froth around his lips but still just as kissable. He rinses his mouth and spits, wiping his lips with a towel before he makes a face at you.
"Jin told you about that, too?"
"I want to see your slippers," you say in reply and Yoongi groans. You can't help but giggle, feeling sleepy and soft and affectionate, and you touch your fingers under Yoongi's chin so that you can press a quick kiss to his lips. "I think it's cute."
By the time you've both finished your ablutions and you slide off the counter, you feel tired, what little energy you had after being fucked by Yoongi completely gone from you; you slide onto Yoongi's bed gratefully, glad to be off your feet. You hold your hands up and beckon for him to join you, but then let out a sharp laugh of surprise when he tugs his rumpled blanket off the bed from underneath you and lets it drop to the floor. "Yoongi!"
"I'll be right back," he says. While you wait, you decide to stretch, eyes slipping shut as you extend your limbs. You know you'll feel the ache between your legs tomorrow, a little thrill skating through you at the knowledge that Yoongi's touch has left a physical reminder, something only you can feel and no one else can see.
When your eyes flutter open again, you see Yoongi standing at the bottom of the bed, a different blanket gathered in his arms. He's staring at you, and you realise that the material of his shirt has moved as you've stretched, hitching up over your hips. Even though you're both tired, Yoongi's eyes still darken when you shift your legs, and you bask under his attention.
"A different blanket?" You ask, curious, and Yoongi's eyes slide away from your still-bare core back up to your face.
"It's Jin's," he says. "I wasn't about to let you sleep on sweaty sex sheets."
"I don't mind," you say, honestly, but Yoongi proceeds to lay Jin's blanket across the bed anyway. "Jin's not going to be happy about this," you add, but you say it with a laugh, instantly curling up into Yoongi when he lays down beside you.
"He'll live." Yoongi's arm comes around you, fingers trailing over your shoulder; you lapse into silence and let your eyes shut, focusing on Yoongi's movements. It feels like he’s pressing piano keys down and playing a silent song against your skin. You can't help but smile, starting to drift off, when Yoongi speaks again. "Let me take you out for breakfast."
"Hm?" Your eyes open and you blink away your sleepiness to look up at Yoongi, who's still watching you. "Breakfast?"
"Yes." Yoongi's fingers still on your shoulder, and then he slides his hand down to tangle your fingers with his. "Or lunch. Or dinner. Whichever you prefer." He pauses. "Unless you don't want to," he says, and though his voice stays steady, you see a flicker of nervousness in his eyes. He's worried that you've gotten what you want and now you'll be done with him.
"You're so silly," you say softly, and you can see how Yoongi's face twists with confusion, unsure about how to react to being called silly— you can't imagine many people have said that to him, as outwardly intimidating as he can be. You squeeze his hand. "Of course I want to. But how about we plan it tomorrow? I don't know how long it's going to take me to be comfortable with walking in a straight line, so breakfast might be off the cards for now."
After a moment, Yoongi's face takes on a satisfied expression. "That's what you said you wanted," he says, and you huff out an amused breath.
"I technically said I wanted you to bend me over a piano, actually," you point out, letting your head settle in the crook of his neck again, and Yoongi brushes his lips against your forehead.
"There's a piano in the living room," he states casually, and you can't help the shiver that runs through you, even as your eyes start to fall shut again.
"I'll keep that in mind."
jiminnie y/n!! tae said you called in sick for work? are you okay??
you i'm good! just a lil busy
jiminnie with what?
you [image attached]
jiminnie … why have you sent me a photo of a piano?
you yoongi's gonna fuck me on it omg on that note i've gtg BYE LOVE YOU MINNIE xoxoxo
jiminnie WHAT??? OMG??? GET THAT DICK QUEEN!!!
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mono-moonchilds · 4 years
Can I request a 02 from the smut prompts for Jiminnie? And you can like write it anyway you like, but yeh... I hope you get the idea haha.
→ Note: I hope I got your gist of the prompt right lol. This is the first time I’ve ever written dom!jimin. Did I enjoy it...YES. Hope you enjoy!
→ Warnings: argument, spanking, unprotected sex {pls don’t}, slight overstimulation 
“Fuck you,” You hissed out. 
Jimin’s eyes narrowed, turning dark.  “Say that one more time.” He lifted a brow provokingly. “I dare you.”
Happy to oblige you placed your hands on your hips leaning forward so that your boyfriend could hear you nice and clear. “Fuck.You.” You repeated putting a harsh emphasis on every single syllable. 
You didn’t think it was possible but even more, rage fired up in Jimin’s eyes. He drew close to you voice low. “You’re playing with fire, little one.” 
Letting out a scoff, you shoved past him but before you could even make an inch past him he grabbed your arm pulling you back tightly against him. 
“I thought we talked about this bratty behavior of yours.” His breath fanned across your neck.
“And I thought we talked about you not being a shitty boyfriend.” You shot back. 
The specifics you weren’t sure about because it happened so swiftly but suddenly you were being bent over the back of the couch. Jimin’s palm collides with your ass, your thin shorts doing nothing to block the impact. 
“Jimin!” You yelp out in surprise and pain, trying to turn your head but Jimin had a firm grip on your neck not allowing it. 
“Shut up, ____. You're always whining and complaining, telling me what I don’t do. You wanted some attention?” His hand smacks across your ass again. The stinging burning even harsher. “Well, here’s your fucking attention.”
Another smack.
The stinging traveled from your ass right to your pussy and you felt yourself grow wet. You were a mix  between turned on and shocked. Jimin had never been this rough with you. With every smack across your ass you got even wetter trying your hardest to hold back your moans. 
Suddenly the hand that was holding you in place came to the front of your throat, pulling you back against him. 
“You're enjoying this aren’t you?” His warm breath fanned across your ear. Without warning his fingers pushed into your shorts and panties, swiped across your cunt, and then he pulled them out showing you the slick that was covering his digits. “Fucking dirty brat. You want me to fuck you?” 
You nodded. 
“I knew you would you dirty brat.” He mumbled pushing your front back over the couch. 
You heard him unbuckling his belt, then dropping to the floor, and not too soon afterward your shorts were shoved down as well. Without prep, no warning either, Jimin pushed himself into your pussy. You cried out at the sudden stretch.
Jimin didn’t wait a second before he began to pound in and out of your cunt showing absolutely no mercy. Every thrust sending you further forward, the only reason that you hadn’t completely fallen over is your boyfriend's tight grip on your hips. 
There was stinging on your ass, in your pussy. Everywhere burned but felt so damn good as well. There was so much going on, Jimin grunting things over you, the heavy sound of skin slapping that filled the tiny living room, and even louder your moans and yells of pleasure. 
It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm violently approaching. You tried to warn Jimin screaming out his name, that you were about to come but he just ignored you. Eyes rolling back in your head, and tears flowing down your cheeks, your orgasm hit, and your legs began to shake violently. 
“Fuck,” Jimin groaned.  “That’s right.”
You assumed he’d slowed down but you were wrong when your boyfriend started to fuck even harder into you. The overstimulation shooting through every crevice of your body. 
“Puh-please..please.” You begged. 
“What do you want?”
“Cuh-come...Please come.” 
It took a few more thrusts but with a loud grunt, Jimin buries himself somehow even deeper as he releases his come inside of you. Just like you did his body shakes with pleasure. 
The two of you stay like that for a moment, the come dripping down before Jimin pulls away slipping out of you. You whine. 
“Shhh, shh.” He mutters tiredly. You hear rustling behind you. Probably him putting back on his underwear. “Gotta get you cleaned up.” 
He properly places you onto the couch, then disappears down the hall coming back with a wet towel. You could see in his eyes that something was bothering him as he wiped the towel across you.
“You really think I’m a shitty boyfriend?” He asked softly.
You shook your head. You honestly didn’t. You’d just said it heat of the moment because you were upset. 
“No. But sometimes I do wish you made more time to spend with me. I understand you're busy but I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby. It’s just so much going on right now.”
“I know.”
“But I will try harder. I promise okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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