#i luv them a healthy amount
theproblemcallednight · 10 months
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this is fyozai to me cuz i think they’re neat
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also bonus trenchcoat man with a cane going squish
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I admire your patience with those readers who need you to spoon feed them the story. Everything is in the comics but they still manage to go pass it. I can't help but feel a bit sad for them? Do they not understand what they read? Are they not attentive when reading it? I'm legitimately concerned because I function so differently I can't fathom this. If you like a story, isn't it normal to make your best to grasp it's essence and reflect on it? I know I project a lot about this, everyone works and registers things differentely of course but sometimes it's very frustrating to see people consume any media and just completely miss all the important messages in it, or even just fail to get the scenario sometimes, and it feels like it's very common now... Idk I just wanted maybe to have your perspective on this? Sorry for the long post (Been here for a few years now and your a true inspiration to me. All my luv to you! ❤️)
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You know, I'm gonna be honest. I used to stress out about this... a LOT.
As a story-brained person, this is definitely something that comes naturally to me, and perhaps to you, and to many other people who are wired similarly. To us, following the path of a story in an analytic, highly detail-motivated manner and unwrapping the themes can be as exciting as lifting up a rock to see the bugs underneath. It's an exciting mental activity that's stimulating and feels effortless.
And yes, as an author who spends literally 60% of my day thinking about this comic and how to draw it, panel it, script it, make it better (I script and panel in my head constantly)........ I have trouble realizing/dealing with the fact that some people are just here to CASUALLY enjoy the story that I am lowkey obsessed with.
But I've come to realize that... that's NORMAL! And healthy.
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People have different attention spans for different things.
People have varied ways to read a story and engage with it.
People have unique interests.
People don't have the same amounts of energy to devote to reading!
Maybe someone missed a detail I lovingly and painstakingly put into the dialogue because they're reading the update late at night after a long shift at work. And maybe someone scrolled past the dialogue completely and just got the gist from looking at the art, because they're in a hurry to get to practice at their favorite sportsball.
And maybe someone just had a really bad day with a really bad encounter, and they're reading the update in a terrible mood and instead of seeing MY grey-morality narrative, they're focusing on all the negative points and misread the vibes because of their own biases that stem from places of hurt.
The thing is, I have to be okay with that as an author, because I will NEVER be able to get into my audience's heads and read this comic 'correctly' for my own sake.
They will always have a slightly different interpretation of things, and they will always misunderstand details and miss clues. And sometimes, they will be wrong about the way they read a character's motivations... and sometimes maybe they won't be! That's just a part of communication. That's a part of telling a story.
An imperfect delivery, and an imperfect reception should, in my opinion, be a natural and accepted part of storytelling. We're human, and we all have a different lived experience, and we will ALL have different takes on a comic, even if it's so close that we THINK we are both getting the exact same thing. That small human interpretation variation is a home-made touch that makes it feel more organic.
In short.... Not all light particles make it here from the sun, but damn the result is stunning anyway.
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eatmyassssssssz · 1 year
how do you think simon would feel about reader wanting to have threesome🫣
like she asked one of her girl friends if she would be comfortable with having sex with reader and simon🤭
simon and you had been together for months. lovely, healthy relationship. you both done the equal amount in the relationship. both done separate chores, yada yada yada.
you were putting clothes away as simon ironed them. "..si?" you ask, your voice quiet and timid. he looks up from the ironing board. "yeah, luv'?" he says. his voice is always gruff but it seems a little softer when its just you and him. "i..i had a question." you ask, fidgeting. "yknow tara?" you put his jumpers into the closet as you speak. "hm..tara with the nails?" he asks.
you nod. "yeah..um..she was wondering..if you maybe wanted to..do a three way thingy with her.." you say, looking down. he swallows hard. "as..in a relationship?"
you shake your head. "nononono! absolutely not! just like- sex all together every once in a while.." you mumble. "tara wouldn't poke me with the nails, would she?" he jokes. you exhale. hes not weirded out. "actually, shes been having them shorter recently." you say. "hm, sure, then. why not? we could try it out. i mean, i have enough cock to go round two girls, dont i, love?" he says, rubbing your lower back, right above your tailbone.
"siiiii...gonna make me horny doing the fuckin ironing. thats not a good mix.." you mumble. he turns off the iron. "boom boom?"
you giggle. "boom boom."
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I’ve just read RIP Luv and i had to come here to say you nailed down the angst. I felt so angry at both Eren and Mikasa so many times and their sheer stupidity. But also I could understand their motives and where they were coming from and so I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading their messiness. I’ll say that Mikasa is incredibly toxic and she needs a lot of therapy. And I’d say that they got together so soon, like Eren should’ve awaited at least to see her actually confronto by her family first before breaking up with Hisu. But should is the keyword here, the easiness with which they got together even though they were in a relationship is, the way I see it, an integral part of their codependence, and it’s not out of place. Ideally, in a healthy relationship, she’d first break up with Porco, and tell her family what she wants without any expectations from Eren. And Eren probably wouldn’t break up with Hisu on the spot, but she’d see his love for Mikasa and do the breaking up herself. However they never had a healthy relationship and I stress my previous point of their toxicity and codependence as the rule of their very mesy relationship. And if it had gone healthily from one moment to the next it not only wouldn’t be believable, but it wouldn’t be them. Which is why I think you also nailed the way they got together, on Mikasa’s whim and insistence and Eren’s devotion to believe her even when he had every reason not to. And for my final point: JESUS CHRIST that first depiction of Porco “dropping her off like a forgotten bag” WAS AMAZING. Peak angst and description here. And I’d turn up on the angst even more to still have Porco be like the is or even worse when he starts dating Mikasa. She dates him out of desperation, he treats her badly, and it’s a double edged sword: she wants to hurt Eren by being with a gig he hates, but she also thinks she deserves to be hurt by a guy like Porco exactly because of the way she’s treated Eren for so long. Porco mistreats her and uses her and she despises it and what it does to her, degrade her, but she loves to see Eren’s protective rage and concern in his eyes whenever porco drops her off drunk and full of his cum dropping down her thighs with her hair ruined and clothes disheveled, just for Eren to see her stumble into the apartment like this. She hates herself and the way she feels degraded and I’ve Eren’s attention on her. Forgive me if this part is too dark or angsty but I’d say Porco being nicer made things easier for Eren in the end when they could’ve been harder for deeper taste on angst, and it fits Mikasa’s problematic character. anyways, great job and great fic as always! Loved reading it! I was waiting for months reading and rereading those drabbles here and was delighted to see I knew some of them by heart while reading the fic! Thank you so much!!
OMG BABE I LOVE U ! THE MOSTEST FOR THIS VERY IN DEPTH REVIEW LOL!!! omg y'all give me too much credit 😂 but i have so many things to say back!!!! For your last point tho I honestly hadn't even considered that!! ANd now I very sadly wish I did lol!! It would have made so much sense and it would have been even more deliciously dramatic!!!!
I think if I can recall correctly my decision to make Porco a better guy was so Eren wouldn't murder him ahahah. And I also think because I didn't want to make it quite that painful for Eren, like ur totally right, nothing would sting more than her showing up fucked out of her mind with someone else's cum dripping down her thighs, I wasn't sure if it was too far and she wouldn't be redeemable anymore. Nice Porco was basically me softening the blow ahahaha 😂
But yes, poor bb boo Mikasa does need massive amounts of therapy lol, she's very toxic and I think u are right they're very codependent and Eren has always been her crutch. To that end though I totally agree with you about how unhealthy their relationship is 😂😂 I literally just discarded her breaking up with Porco he's such an afterthought he's not even a consideration lol. Meanwhile Eren has the actual good sense to break up with Historia, Mikasa doesn't give a fuck she's like give me my mans back. BUT IM GLAD THE ENDING MAKES SENSE AT LEAST! I really struggled with how to get them back together in like a believable way that wasn't too fast and for a while, I was like well maybe there needs to be some big event that forces it but in the end I kept writing and I was like no, these bitches just want to be together, let them be together, Mikasa won't let it be prolonged!
I actually deleted a whole scene where she was trying to seduce him again lol and I had planned to have that little arc go on for longer, but honestly it was feeling too unserious and more BTL Mikasa than angsty FWB Mikasa lol so I was like no, it's ending!! THEY JUST NEED TO HAVE DRAMATIC TEARFUL MAKEUP SEX AND GET TOGETHER DAMN IT!!! And thus, we have their very messy ending lol!
BUT IM HAPPY U ENJOYED THE ANGST, AND VERY PLEASED THAT U THINK I DID A DECENT JOB!! I haven't agonized over a fic like this in a hot minute lol so I appreciate the reassurance 💗💗🥰🥰
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boneappletits · 2 years
for those of you that aren’t vegan let me put you guys on somethin - this is a staple in my diet. as someone who really struggles with eating eggs i oddly find this scrumptious so i thought i’d share :)
this meal is around 200 calories (for two eggs in each half of the bell pepper !!) depending on the size of your bell pepper + egg (i will not include the exact amount of calories)
it’s incredibly filling for such a small amount of food and i know the egg is scary but it will fill you up (for a small amount of calories + it’s healthy) and provide your wonderful vessel with the protein it so desperately needs.
the picture does not do it justice btw !
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i call this dish my little stuffed booties (they’re egg stuffed bell peppers)
~ cut in half + scoop out the seeds
~ crack two eggs into each half of the bell pepper (you can make them scrambled if you’d prefer luv - it’s also easier to mix the seasoning in if you do so)
~ add an unholy amount of seasoning on top
i added :
chili powder
ground red pepper
garlic salt
black pepper
ground mustard seed
toasted sesame seeds
~ put a half slice of cheese on each one (optional)
~ put on a baking sheet ‘n bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 15 (longer if you want a solid egg)
~ add tapatio (it’s 0 calories dw babes)
this won’t be for everyone and that’s completely okay !! this is a safe food of mine so i thought i’d share ❥
you deserve to have food. you are worthy of food. you are beautiful/handsome/attractive/hot/cute/
lovely in every way, darling.
0 notes
parkers-gal · 4 years
why T.H.
wc: 6k (angst)
jerk!tom makes an appearance
You were angry, that was for sure. Tom knew why, it was his fault after all, but he'd never admit it. He would never 'man up' to you and just apologize like he should. At least, not when he should, but he would later, when the damage was already done and set in.
Truth be told, you were furious. How could he do that when he promised not to? You were more hurt than angry, if you were being honest. You didn't want to be the 'mother' but quite frankly, you were disappointed too.
It was your dream to own a bakery, but a bakery in London was something to get your hopes up. Dreaming big never ended well for you in the past, but after years of working your ass off, you had managed to achieve something you had wanted since you were young.
Your bakery, Flour Before Frosting, also happened to be where you met Tom, your boyfriend of almost 18 months. He had walked in one day, charming with a dashing smile, and asked for "your best made velvets, frosted with your number." You remember that day vividly, for it was one of the many times Tom would drop by before eventually taking you out and officially making you his girlfriend. Eight months and 17 days later, you moved out of your crappy flat and into his house (though it really just made things easier because you were already over every night).
You were in your shared bedroom, writing down new plans for how to decorate your bakery for the holidays.
"Hey, babe!" Tom called.
"In here, Tom," you yelled back.
"Oh- hey, luv. Got an old friend visiting next week, so I won't be by for our Wednesday lunch plans," he informed you.
"Oh, okay. Do you want some cupcakes and tea? Gonna have a new batch on Tuesday, fresh with new tea that Jackson just got. I think he made it- anyways, he gave me a sample a few weeks and I absolutely loved it. I think you'll like it too, it's just right for you." You rambled, and Tom laughed and shook his head at you.
"Yeah, darling. I'd love some cupcakes for my guest, gonna have to show off your amazing skills, aren't I?"
You blushed, waving your hand in the air as a hint for him to leave so he would stop flustering you. He ran over to kiss your cheek, leaving a Hershey kiss on your desk before yelling out that he'd be at the gym with Harrison for the next two hours.
Wednesday had come by, and you were on a lunch break, leaving Jackson in charge before heading to your favorite café for coffee and some light reading, and maybe even more planning. Heading in, you ordered and sat down in a booth. The door chime rung, making you look up from your papers and notebooks you had spread out to start your organizing. Tom, and what must've been his friend, walked in. You smiled as they went to the side of the restaurant with the small library of old, vintage books. They were facing away from you, sitting side by side in the angled lounge chairs. You were about to go over to and say 'hi' but your waitress came by with your coffee, so you stayed seated and went back to your work.
You saw Tom with the Tupperware box you gave him, enclosed with the small lunch note you always wrote him. He opened the box, giving a cupcake to the man talking to him (you were right in earshot), before reaching in for his, and the note. Before he got the chance to even look at it, his friend spoke up, frosting on his upper lip.
"You said these were made by a friend? This is fucking disgusting. Is it chocolate or..? Damn, ew, is this frosting healthy?" he laughed.
Tom nodded along, "I, uh, honestly couldn't uhm.." he trailed off, his friend looking at him with a confused expression, expectantly thinking for Tom to agree with him. "Yeah, man, I don't really fucking know."
His friend took another small nibble before playfully gagging, and looking at Tom while he bit into it for the first time. Tom reacted in the same way, 'gagging', to agree with his friend, before putting it on the table with his friend's cupcake.
"Who made that? Certainly wasn't Gordon Ramsey."
At this, Tom laughed. Whether he thought it was funny, or if he was just trying to ease the tension, you couldn't tell. You were too busy blinking tears away.
"You said you had tea?" he questioned Tom. Tom nodded. "Good, need something to wash away that disgusting thing people call a cupcake."
You cringed, turning your head to the side with squinted eyes because you truly couldn't sit there and listen to what someone thought was wrong with your life's work.
Tom didn't reply, just getting the tea in the thermoses in his bag, handing one to his friend while opening his. You were contemplating on if his lack of response was a good thing. On one hand, he wasn't completely encouraging the hate you were getting, but on the other hand, he didn't stick up for you either. Right now, that was all you could think about. But then, everything slipped your mind when both boys tried the tea you had specially made (early, for it wasn't to be sold in your shop for about another month) just for them.
Tom opened his thermos, smiling when he took a sniff at it, because you were right. It smelt like something he would love. His friend, however, would not agree. Taking one sip, he was just as rude about it as he was with the cupcake, going as far as spitting it back into the thermos.
He got up, taking both cupcakes with him, and dumped the thermos out in the trash can, the cupcakes following not long after. He sat down next to Tom, shaking his head with a coy grin before speaking.
"Next time, let's get Chinese or something," he laughed, Tom nodding along with him before slipping both thermoses back into his bag, dropping your note in the process. Before he got to pick it up, his friend crumpled it up and threw it towards the trash can, laughing probably a little too loudly about it. You were certain he knew it was a note from Tom's girlfriend. 
You were still for five minutes, stunned. Ultimately, you decided to cut your lunch break short, packing up your stuff as quickly as possible, leaving a tip and rushing out, your back to the boys.
You had yet to bring anything up, though you weren't noticeably acting different around Tom. But when he mentioned the next week that his 'old friend' wanted to "eat dinner and get drunk" you were hesitant. You hoped this 'friend' was temporary, because the effects were already starting to show, and you didn't like what they were.
Tom didn't tell you when he'd be out with, Andrew, he said his name was? but you didn't think it would be the immediate week after the cupcake incident.
You were sitting on the kitchen stool, jotting down ideas for your shop when he came in.
"Oh, Y/N! Andrew and I decided to go out this Friday, said something about clubbing or shit. Anyways, he said don't expect me home early, but I might sneak away if he's drunk enough," he said, rather quickly, for while he was talking, he was filling a water bottle and grabbing some fruit.
"Wait, this Friday? I thought we-"
"Thanks, Y/N! Gotta head out," he was practically yelling, running to kiss you on the cheek before racing out and slamming the door shut.
Did he mean this Friday? His only day off for the rest of the month, the one where you two planned a film night, with take away and late night talks and star walks in the park?
It was only eight o'clock on a Wednesday morning, your late opening day, but you decided to head in early. Walking in, Jackson had already opened for you, being the gentleman he is, just setting up for the day, knowing you didn't want to walk in to a store full of customers without being there. He was sitting at a window table with his boyfriend, Jeremy, giggling and eating a muffin. When the door chime rung, he looked up, his boyfriend turning around to smile and wave while Jackson was coming towards you.
"Hey, Y/N! We're a little short on shortbread today," he laughed at his pun, "so I put in a new batch about 20 minutes ago. The chalk board is set up and the cappuccino machine is on-" he was about to turn away before he stopped abruptly. "Oh! And Tom stopped by while I was in the back. Jeremy said that he wanted you to know something about not eating cupcakes for this new diet? I don't know, he mentioned something about Anthony telling him about some diet that would help fo-"
"Andrew!" Jeremy cut in from behind, correcting him.
"Right, Andrew told him it would help for his job. So he said to stop making his weekly order."
"Oh," you weren't quite sure what you could say. Thank you? What the fuck? It was all jumbled into your brain too fast. "Thank you, J. Well, guess we should open shop for the day." With that, you worked until seven-thirty, an hour later than you usually would.
Arriving home, you walked in and set your bag down, heading for the kitchen to get water. Mid-drink, Tom walked in.
"Why are you home so late?"
You swallowed, placing the cup down, "I was working," you deadpanned, maneuvering around him so your shoulder wouldn't hit his on your way out. He followed you into the living room.
"It's almost 8!"
"Yeah? I don't know what you want me to say, Tommy. I'm sorry? I'll tell you what you want to hear, but that doesn't mean I mean it. "
He was silent for a second, laughing slightly, seemingly letting it go. You weren't joking, but you didn't want to argue, yet. "Right," he laughed again, "Sorry. I did want to talk to you though."
"We are talking."
"Smartass," he joked. You giggled slightly. "I've got to go back to press next week. I leave on Tuesday." You stopped laughing. 
"For how long?"
"I'm always gonna be away for the same amount of time, Y/N, you know that. I'll be back mid October." 
October? It was only the beginning of April.
"Well, I'll be back in London for a few days in July so you'll have that. Press ends around September, but I need to finish up Chaos Walking. I'll be here for Halloween though," he smiled encouragingly.
You nodded. "Okay.. do great things, Tommy," you always told him.
Friday rolled around, and you you were going to close the shop early for your night with Tom, but he was going out, so your plans were out the window. Instead, [your best friend] would be coming over at around eight. Tom would be gone by that time, right?
It didn't matter, because he wasn't even home when you got back from work. It was barely seven, you two usually had dinner together. Well, not this past week because he had plans with Harrison, and his brothers, and Andrew, and Tuwaine...and practically everyone else. Seeing as you had about an hour, you decided to shower, changing into some casual clothes. Tom was going clubbing... he wouldn't be back before 4 A.M., right? You didn't care, [your best friend] would spend the night anyways. You had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
You were wearing a cute tank, your favorite sleepwear, and some loose sweat pants. You were drying your hair with a towel when the doorbell rang. It rang again, so with the towel in your hand you ran down the stairs, yelling, "just a second," but it rang again. You swung the door open, confused, because [your best friend] always came in unannounced because you two were completely comfortable with each other. Instead, you were met with the boy from the cafe, Andrew. You looked around, and saw Tom's car parked by the curb, Tom waiting in the driver's seat while talking to someone in the back.
"Hey, Tom texted you or- whatever. We're going clubbing, can you get his stuff?"
"Uhm.. stuff?"
"Yeah.. he said you'd put his stuff inna backpack so he could get ready at my place," he answered confidently, as if you knew about this.
"I'm- uh, sorry? I don't have anything," you answered.
"What?" his eyes were wide with annoyance and disbelief.
The car honked, and Andrew turned around, shrugging his shoulder and mouthing something to Tom, before Tom came out and up to you.
"Didn't you get my text, Y/N? About the stuff sitting on my dresser?" he asked, straight up without so much as a 'hello' or 'how're you?'.
"No, I- no. No I didn't get your text, Tom."
"Well?" you interrupted.
"Thanks for, nothing I guess," he responded, moving past you and into the house to retrieve his things. Once again, you were left with Andrew on your porch, only this time he was eyeing you up and down, winking at you before yelling to Tom and going back to the car, Tom following not long after. This time, he didn't even bother saying goodbye on his way out. Just as they drove off, [your best friend] walked up.
"What the hell was that?" she shrieked.
"That whole, 'thanks for nothing' bullshit. What kind of boyfriend thinks he can say that to his girlfriend?!"
You started heading in, taking one of her bags with you as she followed you inside. Placing her things down, you turned around, giving her a bear hug which she gladly returned.
"It wasn't that bad. Besides, he's been worse this week," you explained.
She was silent for a moment, shaking her head before talking. "Okay, I see why you called for a girl's night on such short notice. C'mon, lets get changed into some pajamas and get the snacks ready. It's been far too long since we've had actual time with each other," she gave you a sentimental smile, soft and sweet. You nodded, already planning on what to get and where to make the fort of blankets you already knew she wanted.
About half an hour later, she was in comfortable clothes, and you were in the kitchen making hot chocolate, getting chips and dip and pretzels and candy and everything in between. You had both decided to use the guest bedroom, which was accompanied with it's own bathroom. The room was probably a little smaller than the master bedroom, which was normal, but the bathroom was more expensive than yours. Plus, this one was used when the boys came over, so the Xbox, all the video games, movies, and the music equipment was here. Even with all this expensive stuff, the room was still as big as ever, so putting a fort in front of the bed barely took up any space.
You had to make at least three trips for all the food and stuff you were bringing, and because this was a guest bedroom, it had a mini refrigerator. Both of you decided to keep it pg-13, no alcohol or rated-R movies. Tonight, it was a Disney marathon with hot cocoa. At around 11:30, you had just finished your third movie, Beauty and the Beast, when [your best friend] stopped the ending credits and turned to you.
"Before we watch anything else," she turned to you while you did the same, "let's talk. We can fall asleep watching Disney, but we can't fall asleep and keep talking," you interrupted her, laughing, before nodding away. "So.. what's going on? With Tom, I mean, because you mentioned that he was worse earlier this week than he was today, and tonight he was pretty nasty so I mean- yeah, what else has he done?"
You paused, looking down and sighing, giving in. "Well, it started with Andrew, some 'old friend' he wanted to catch up with. I gave Tom some cupcakes and tea from the shop to eat with him. I was on my lunch break when the boys came into the same cafe and started eating. They didn't like it and- well.. they sorta threw it out after gagging about it," you said. Her eyes went wide. "I don't know, [best friend's nickname], I mean at first I was stunned, hurt obviously because it seemed to be on purpose because Tom knows I always go to that cafe on my lunch break. Is it a coincidence that he came to the same cafe at the exact same time I have my lunch break?"
You went on to explain how Tom had cancelled two dinner dates and a movie night within the past two weeks, and that he was going clubbing without inviting you, cancelling his weekly cupcake order and calling you clingy after you texted him about making sure he ate dinner. Not to mention he only just mentioned him leaving next week on a press tour, and spending his only day off with Andrew even though you two had planned spending that day together for a month.
By the time you were done listing off all the reasons, you were sobbing into [your best friend's] chest, trying to catch your breath. It was too late though, because Tom wasn't here and the events leading up to an attack like this could have only been noticed by him, seeing as [your best friend] wasn't here to see them herself. You couldn't hear anything, your pounding heart being the only thing filling your ears. [Your best friend's] attempt to calm you down wasn't working, resorting to the breathing exercises which were slowly drowned out. You could't even get a breath in. The realization hit you: if you didn't take control, you would faint. You had never had an attack this intense in at least four months, so everything needed to help you would take too long to get.
You gripped her arm, unable to focus on anything except for the fact that you were going to faint.
"I'm here, Y/N, I'm right here. It's going to be okay, right? We're gonna work things out. Yeah? Everything's gonna be alright. We're gonna be alright. We'll be alright," she cooed.
You blacked out, only for about two minutes, but you did. When you woke, you sobbed again, finding a steady breath before completely crushing [your best friend] with a hug, gripping her tightly.
"Thank you," you whispered.
She got you settled, convincing you to snack lightly before brushing your teeth, making sure you drank water. The fort was ready, untouched since your movie marathon, so you both climbed in and fell asleep watching Disney.
Four hours later, it was four o'clock in the morning, and the front door slammed shut.
"Y/N!" Tom slurred, dragging out the last syllable of your name. "Y/N!" he repeated, the same way but louder. "Where the fu-! OH! OW!" he screamed.
You and [your best friend] were already starting to sit up, confusion spreading across your faces before she got up, following her directly after. She opened the bedroom the door, and you stepped out, making your way down the stairs and seeing Tom sitting on the ground, missing a shoe with a rip on his shirt sleeve.
"There you are! I wus at the club a-and Andrew and I were hanging out and he took home some girl- he said if he was getting laid that I should come home and get laid by my lame-ass girlfriend, so come here! Fuck me!" he slurred, talking too loudly for your liking.
"Did you just call her a lame-"
"Tom, you're drunk. Go to bed," you cut her off, knowing how protective she would get. Honestly, you wanted her to scream and shout and yell at him, and you wanted to join her. But if you were going to, you wanted him to be completely sober so the guilt would really sink in.
"No wonder you're a lame-ass," he muttered.
"What was that?" [your best friend] yelled.
"Nothing! I'm going up to bed, see?" He looked at both of you before running up the stairs like a kid.
You both stood there, a little hesitant, before going up the stairs, talking on your way.
"Y/N, I swear if you hit him, you better knock some sense into him because that boy is so ridiculously stupid and undeserving of your love."
You laughed, growing quiet because you were beginning to think she was right. 
The next morning, you and [your best friend] got up at nine to make pancakes and bacon, your usual sleepover breakfast. The speaker was playing One Direction, both of you singing and slightly dancing when Tom came downstairs, disheveled and hungover.
It was Saturday, his last Saturday with you, but it had taken him too long to get interested in hanging out with his girlfriend. "Hey, Y/N. Wanna do something today?" he asked.
[Your best friend] looked at you, but you had already made up your mind. "Sorry, Tom, [your best friend] and I are going shopping together. Next time, though,"  you said, before putting your dishes in the sink and slipping out of the room, [your best friend] following you out.
That night, you and your best friend departed ways, telling her you'd call and let her know when she could come over again. You got home, and decided to put your new things in the guest bedroom, because your clothes from last night were still there. The mess, luckily, was cleaned up thanks to [your best friend], who convinced you to help with the cleanup.
It was nearly ten-thirty by the time you got situated. You were in a new set of pajamas, sitting in front of the tele in the guest bedroom on the floor, looking at all the new things you bought. You found this super cute sweater, and a pair of jeans [your best friend] insisted on buying for you. You also found a pair of shoes to go with an outfit you had planned in your head; it was perfect. People say your looks shouldn't matter, but you felt good when you looked good, so you loved fashion. Overall, you and [your best friend] must have spent at least $800.
At around 11, you heard footsteps running around the house, before Tom came into the guest bedroom.
"What're you doing in here? Aren't you gonna sleep in our room?" he looked worried.
You lowered the shirt you were looking at, making eye contact. You hesitated, "I- yeah... Yeah I guess."
"You guess?"
You just shook your head, trying to be playful with it, but ending up avoiding his gaze all together and going back to looking at your new things.
You looked up, "Yeah?"
He looked --  surprised almost? There seemed to be a glint of hurt in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked.
You nodded, getting up and setting the shirt back in its bag, "C'mon, lets just go to bed."
He mumbled an agreement, turning around and walking to your bedroom. You left the guest room, closing the door and going into your room. It was weird-- to even consider it your bedroom, because you hadn't slept in it for about three days. The last time you did, Tom wasn't with you. Was it normal? Did all couples go through things like this? You didn't have much time to dwell on the thought, because you were already under the covers, sleep consuming you before Tom got the chance to talk to you about anything.
It was almost noon when you woke up on Sunday. Rolling over, you felt Tom's side of the bed empty. The feeling of the cold sheets didn't come as a surprise to you, he was gone every time you woke up even though he didn't start filming until around 10 A.M. . It was different this time, because it was your last weekend together. He was always at home on the weekends he wasn't away filming. 
You pulled the covers off you, walking downstairs into the kitchen where you were met with Tom and Haz, quietly whispering things to each other. You didn't get to listen long, for both boys shot up and stood straighter, smiling to you. You just looked at them, slightly rolling your eyes before grabbing some juice and heading back into the guest bedroom.
When you came down ten minutes later for breakfast, both boys were talking normally again.
"Just talk to her, alright man?" Haz spoke.
"What am I supposed to say man? I can't just go up to my girlfriend and tell her I'm fucking pissed at how she's been ignoring me. Not gonna be rude like her-"
"Woah- woah woah, Tom. She's not that rude. Just have a civilized conversation with her. It's easy, you're just overthinking it."
"Okay.. okay, yeah- yeah," he stuttered, turning around on his heal but abruptly stopping when he saw you standing in the doorway. His jaw dropped, noticing your anger immediately.
"Maybe I should go-" Harrison started.
"No, no don't bother. I'll go, it's obvious you both want it."
You turned around, going up to Tom's bedroom and getting a change of clothes, immediately putting on your jeans and the rest of your outfit, before Tom came barging in.
"No- Y/N, I'm sorry. Please, let's talk," he begged.
You ignored him, getting some more clothes, enough to last you two days, before going into the bathroom for your makeup bag and some deodorant. Going back into the closet, you grabbed your work backpack, making sure all your notebooks and journals were in it, before shoving the things you had in to join them.
"Y/N, please. I-  listen to me, please. I'm sorry, let's just talk. Talk it through, yeah?" he asked.
You looked up, talking rather emotionless. "No. We can talk when we've both thought our shit through, although I thought it was only you who needed to get their shit together, but obviously I was wrong. I'll be back after work on Monday, if you're even here to notice." With that, you moved past him, grabbing your phone and texting [your best friend], picking up your keys from it's hook and heading for the door. Haz was standing in the living room, and when you passed him he gave you a sentimental look, but you payed no mind as you glared him down, opening the door and slamming it in Tom's face, for he was downstairs too late.
About 10 hours had passed since you left, and Tom had only thought about you for two of them. Andrew and 'the gang' had called him, insisting that him and Haz join them for some fun. Tom had reluctantly agreed, much to Harrison's dismay.
At around eleven o'clock, Tom had had enough 'fun'. The guilt in him was killing him, but his anger for you was killing him even more. Telling Haz he'd be heading out, he drove home, getting into bed and thinking about what you'd talk about when you got back.
Monday had passed, and you were doing better than you thought you would be. You opened shop about 30 minutes early that Monday morning, knowing it was better to keep yourself occupied. It was [your best friend's] week off, so she offered to come with you to work, and 'volunteer' almost. She had quite some experience in waitress-ing , so you gave her that job. Around noon, Tom came into the shop, and [your best friend] called out, "Incoming, [your nickname]."
You looked up from the cappuccino machine, turning around to face the door Tom had just entered. The minute you saw him coming towards you, you spoke. Luckily there weren't that many people around who didn't know you, so they didn't react when you yelled at Tom.
"Get out."
"I just wanted to-"
"Get OUT!" you yelled, louder when Tom didn't listen to you.
He moved forward, leaving a Hershey kiss near the cash register, looking to you for your reaction. You picked it up, and threw it to [your best friend], who unwrapped it and ate it herself. He left after she pointed towards the door.
When you closed shop, you decided to head home, seeing as he was leaving tomorrow and you had obviously thought a lot about what to do. The only option, really: talk it out.
Walking in, you placed your bag by the door and went to get some water in the kitchen. Tom was standing there, staring into space. He noticed you come in, and immediately stood up straighter, obviously becoming more aware of his surroundings.
"Are you- are we talking now?"
"I'm here, yeah. Let's talk," you answered setting your cup down.
"What's your problem?" he asked. You looked at him like he was crazy, so he went on. "I mean, these past few weeks, you've completely ignored me. And when you did acknowledge me, it was a rather rude encounter. "
"You think I'm rude?" he nodded, and you scoffed. "Well I'm sorry you think I'm rude. You wanna know what I think is rude?"
"Look, I'm sorry my being honest upset you. But nobody said the truth was nice," he interrupted.
"Tom, what the fuck?"
"I'm just saying! Out of the two of us, you're the one who has more problems!"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It means that you are always the one who cries over shit, and gets upset at little things," he answered. You looked at him in disbelief. "What I'm saying is you're over-dramatic and too sensitive."
"Oh for fuck's sake," you started. "You just- you just don't know when to quit, do you?"
"You said to talk! I'm talking!"
"You're being completely unreasonable."
"Am I? Because all you've talked about is how you think I'm crazy. Do you even have anything to say?"
"Fine! You want me to talk? I'll talk. I've been rude to you because you are the one who let that man you call a fucking friend insult my life's work. You completely agreed with him, took in my hate and didn't even stand up for me!" You yelled. Tom didn't know you knew about that, and he was about to interject but you kept going, "And to make things worse, you kept seeing him! Every single fucking week, it was 'Andrew said this!' 'Andrew said that!'. You cancelled dates to see him! Call me over-dramatic, but when your boyfriend cancels a date on his only day off, I think most girls would be pretty fucking pissed," you walked out of the kitchen.
Tom was in the living room too, following you. "Yeah, well I'm sorry I cancelled our plans, but we live together. Don't you think we see enough of each other because of that?"
"Wha- what?"
"Think about it! We see each other all time because we live together," he reasoned.
"Yeah, I guess you're right,"
"If you were ever around, I would see you a lot. But you're never around, so no, Tom, we don't see each other a lot. I work too, remember!"
"Not like I do," he mumbled.
"What?" you yelled.
"No, Tommy. If you have something to say, you better fucking say it or so help me-"
"I said 'not like I do'!"
"What? Because I'm not some movie star with his head up his ass, I don't work hard?"
"My head's not in my ass, yours is! All I wanted to do was talk things out, not get fucking blamed for things that aren't my fault!"
"Yeah? Well all I wanted was someone better," you quipped back.
"You heard me."
"What have I done wrong! Please, enlighten me! All you've done is complain about the stupidest things!"
"So my feelings are stupid, now?"
"Did I fucking say they were?" he yelled, voice raising as he stepped closer.
"Sounded like it to me!" you yelled, raising your voice to meet his.
"Just tell me! Do you have anything else to say?"
"You- you really are stupid, Tom."
"No, Y/N. I'm not. You are, not even telling me why you're so fucking angry at me."
"I'm angry because I had my first attack in months because of you. You! The person who told me he'd always be there to help me through one, not cause one. I'm angry because you go out without even bothering to ask if I'd like to join you. A-And then you just throw it at me that you're leaving for, what? Seven months?!  Not to mention you completely stopped eating things from my shop because of a so-called diet? And you're off with that Andrew guy, who eyed me like a pervert even though he knows I'm taken. You know how uncomfortable I am with that! And don't you dare say you didn't know, when you're the one coming home drunk telling me he's picked up another girl and telling you that you should go home and get laid too. God knows you'd listen to him if he asked you to cheat on me. Not to mention how you called me fucking clingy because I was checking up on you. You want me to stop making sure you're okay? You want me to stop caring?" you screamed. "Because you say the words and I will fucking back off for good. "
He was silent for a second, only missing a beat, contemplating on if he should apologize or keep fighting. Because he didn't want you to be angry, but he wanted to win. He needed to win. "Yeah, I wish you would back the fuck off. You're always on me!" he screamed. "And I get wanting to be affectionate, but you're just fucking sickening. Too much love."
That made you stop. "You think I'm loving you too much?" you asked quietly, and Tom looked at you, really looked at you, after hearing the change in your voice. You were quiet, practically whispering now. It wavered slightly, your eyes were glossy and red.
"I- I didn't-" he started, but it was no use. The damage was done.
He knew better than anyone about your past, which had caused a massive buildup in insecurities that were inevitably killing you. When you met Tom, he had promised to discard each and every one of your insecurities until you loved yourself as much as he did.
"No, you did. And you fucking know it." You were walking upstairs, getting yet another bag ready to last you until Tom left for his press tour.
"No, no Y/N, I'm sorry. Listen to me, baby. I didn't mean it," he begged.
"You wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it," you said, choosing a few shirts to shove into your backpack. "Your intentions were pretty clear, Tommy. I'll stop caring for you, stop putting in effort for this toxic relationship. I'll stop loving you, because right now, it seems like loving you is the one thing wrong with me," you said, finding some pants and your makeup bag.
You were making your way downstairs now, "Y/N, Y/N please. Please I need you. I can't leave us like this- not when I leave tomorrow."
"What 'us,' Tom? There is no 'us' anymore."
"What're you saying?" he asked, tears finally falling from his face.
"I'm saying it's time I move on from you. Moving on means not having you. So, we're done," you opened the front door.
Tom stood in the doorway while you gripped the handle. "So- we- we're.."
"I'll be out before you come in July," you filled in. With that you slammed the door, driving to [your best friend's] house, while Tom sobbed on the floor in what used to be a home of two people who loved each other.
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jarofstyles · 3 years
Follow up to my last message, I also just want to be a fan of his music and his projects without getting so worked up about who he is or isn’t dating, like I wish I could just be a fan who cares about and supports his music and not live in disconnected fantasy world that will never be true. Sorry for ranting it’s just none of my friends really understand how I feel because they don’t have this obsession with anyone else and have things in their lives that fulfill them and I don’t, so that’s why I get so hung up on things like this
my darling :( I know how it feels!
This is n, d had written the pervious message but I wanted to add some of my thoughts as well.
I too struggle a lot with this, or I did for a while. There was a point in time where d was actually really worried about what would happen if Harry actually did end up going public with a significant other.
Harry has always been someone who has been there for me emotionally and I always said things like “all the men in my life hurt me, but harry never will” and though I knew I was being delusional, I felt like it was harmless because it wasn’t hurting anyone. but it was hurting me. There came a point where it couldn’t just be him anymore—
I wanted so badly to hold on because for the past 11 years he’s been that one constant male role model in my life. It started getting bad deep into quarantine when he wasn’t really doing much... but I stumbled upon other interests by accident that really helped pull me out from that. A new fresh slate with a new artist helped me put things into perspective and helped me build a more realistic and healthy fan-artist relationship than I had with harry. Since Harry wasn’t doing much, I didn’t really have him popping up in my mind as much and I was able to focus on other things but I still felt an immense amount of guilt about it. I still do sometimes— I don’t want to feel like I’m leaving him. But I’m not. I guess it’s just the start of me growing up in a sense and leaving my old methods of coping behind and rebuilding the relationship I have with Harry as a fan of his.
chin up my dear, we are always hear to listen and always here to support you. There is no rush! Once again, the first step is accepting that there needs to be a change. I promise everything will work itself out in time :) luv u <3
- n
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
A/n: This idea just popped into my head this morning and I needed to write it out, guess who finished in one day instead of focusing on summer school aha ha...so here’s the next edition of Class 1-A quarantine hc’s! I think I’ll include a bit of background for all of these, just for future reference if anyone likes them lmao. Today we have everyone’s favorite nitroglycerin king, Bakugo Katsuki! Hope y’all enjoy cause I’m honestly so soft for this one okay BYE-
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Surprisingly, you’re initially part of the Dekusquad, but you’ve always been close with Kirishima and Mina and feel comfortable hanging out with their group as well so you start gravitating to the Bakusquad 
At first, Bakugo is really standoffish because, “You’re seriously friends with that damn nerd Deku” - wow everyone be hating on our cinnamon roll smh
But then he sees how much the rest of Bakusquad likes you and he starts warming up
It starts with small little things like not hogging all the space on the couches in the dorms and having you sit beside him
Then he notices that you’re very forgetful of your jacket and he ends up keeping a spare in his bag just in case the weather gets really bad
“I mistakenly grabbed two this morning, so lighten my load and carry the jacket—I don’t give a shit if you put it on, just hold it will you!” 
He’s acts all aggressive whenever he tries to be subtle and someone calls him out on it pffft- 
“What the hell are you talking about? You trying to get punched in the face?”
And his feelings are emphasized when the whole class is allowed to use the pool one afternoon and you’re pulling up with Mina and Momo
You’ve got a cute swimsuit and a sun hat on, and King Explosion Murder starts sweating a dangerous amount of nitroglycerin 
Bakugo Katsuki has a thing for soft girls who can pull a one-eighty and kick ass no I do not take criticism
The class wants to play chicken and everyone is choosing partners, but in the corner of his eye Bakugo sees you getting cornered by Mineta 
You’re usually able to handle the horny tornado but you’re feeling a bit too exposed in a bathing suit and start losing your cool
When I tell you the whole Bakusquad BOLTS to come rescue you-
Mineta is literally launched out of the pool by Sero like a rocket ship in orbit and the rest of the group is in this protective barrier formation around you (yes the squad has protocols for this kind of thing don’t even deny it)
Bakugo is beside you in a second with his hands secured on your waist because no one is coming near you like that when he’s around
“Why don’t you be my partner, yeah?”
And that's the story of how y’all destroyed everyone at chicken with absolutely no mercy and Bakugo finds your competitiveness that entire day attractive as hell
Walking back to the dorms afterwards, he pulls you away from the group and the look he gives you is  s e a r i n g
“For the love of God, go out with me” and he does not have to tell you twice
Literally the entire class is SHOOK because you’re actually pretty mellow and Mr. My Only Vocabulary Word Is Die is...ya know...✨volatile✨
But let’s be honest he’s actually a softie if you’re close enough to him (sorry Deku you’re the exception but we still luv u) and everyone ends up adoring y’all being together
When quarantine rolls around and you both have to live back at your respective houses, everything is decently calm for about two days and then you both start getting bored as hell
Honestly longer than you expected 
Bakugo hates social distancing with a passion but he agrees to abide by the rules and ends up asking you to Facetime at least twice a day
His bedroom is actually very tidy ‘cause Bakugo hates clutter, especially when he’s doing schoolwork
I wholeheartedly believe that Bakugo is a beast in the kitchen and y’all can fight me about it because his knife skills are canon and you best believe he learned it to be more independent 
He’s been experimenting with new cooking recipes and is a master at making something out of practically nothing in his fridge, which is really handy when a trip to the grocery store is long overdue
He sends you pictures of his dishes and your responses are all praise and none of it’s exaggerated either; this boy can COOK 
Netflix Parties with the Bakusquad — the chat gets loaded with Denki and Kiri spamming and Bakugo yelling at them in all caps to shut up
Your lock screen is a picture of the group on Facetime and you all have filters on (somehow you got Bakugo to use one don’t ask how); literal friendship goals
And then it’s been about a whole month since quarantine started and Bakugo wants to come visit you, but his mom shuts that down quicker than Barry Allen in the Speed Force
He’s pissed because he and his family feel perfectly healthy but his mother will not let him leave under any circumstances
So when his parents go to visit some relatives who were more susceptible to the virus and needed help with a couple basic tasks you decide to sneak out to see him (in good health of course)
Imagine his surprise when his typically rule-following girlfriend calls and is already standing in his backyard, bags of groceries in your possession
Bakugo shot you an incredulous look as you sat at the kitchen table. “You know I could have just opened the front door for you.”
“Yeah, but going through the window was way more fun,” you defended. “It’s not like I’m very rebellious at any other time, so might as well live it up while I have the courage.”
The blond snorted, sifting through the numerous bags you brought along to his house. They were filled with an assortment of foods: vegetables, meat, rice, sauces and the like. 
“What’s all this for?” he inquired, pulling out a bottle of teriyaki sauce.
You couldn’t help the small smile that grew on your face as your boyfriend curiously examined the items. “It’s for you to cook with, duh.”
“And how am I supposed to explain the new abundance of food in the fridge to my parents?”
“Say that I had it sent over through Postmates or something. Even I thought of that, Katsuki.”
He rolled his eyes as he placed down the last bag of items. “I can’t believe you snuck out and brought all this stuff,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss the top of your head. “Thank you, babe.”
A faint blush rises to your cheeks, despite the fact you’ve been dating the first year student for a few months now. Girlfriend or not, verbal thanks from the King Explosion Murder was rare. “You’re welcome.”
Bakugo turned to the stove and started organizing a number of ingredients on the counter beside it, pulling out kitchenware from cabinets as he went.
“Since you’re here and all, I suppose I could make your dumb ass something,” he remarked. 
Your eyes practically sparkled with excitement at the offer; you were hoping the blond would make you one of his iconic dishes eventually. A ghost of a grin was present on Bakugo’s face at the cheer that left your mouth, his back facing you as he got started. 
You were quick to situate yourself on top of the kitchen counter, Bakugo lifting you by the waist to place you farther away from the flaming stove but still allowing you to watch as he worked. His knife skills were almost scary when chopping up the vegetables, the pace at which he was cutting them astonishing you, and the overall aroma of the space had your mouth watering before he was even close to finishing the meal.
“I feel like a judge on Master Chef,” you giggled, and the boy shook his head at the comment as he eyed a timer he had set for the pork he put on the stove. 
“I’m pretty sure my girlfriend of a judge would be a bit biased over the contestants,” he pointed out. 
You hummed thoughtfully. “I mean, if he keeps looking this attractive while making food I think my bias is justified.”
He glanced at you perched on the counter top, and took a few steps in your direction, cupping your cheek in one hand to kiss you quickly. 
“You’re distracting me,” the first year mumbled, running a thumb over your jaw. “Quit being so cute, dummy.”
You saluted playfully. “Yes, chef.”
He let out a soft laugh before moving back to silence the timer that had started beeping, alerting him that the pork on the stove was ready to go. The blond shooed you away and had you sit at the dining table as he took the skillet and turned off the stove flames.
As you waited patiently for Bakugo to finish up, you sang under your breath and set two spots at the table directly across from each other. By the time he was done, two plates of steaming food in hand, you were already sitting down and twirling a fork between your fingers. 
“What did you end up making?” You asked as he set a plate of rice and pork in front of you. 
“Tonkatsu,” he replied nonchalantly. 
It smelled like absolute heaven, and your hunger was only emphasized in the midst of the fast food you had been surviving off of during quarantine. This boy was even good at presentation, and you began to wonder if he was just talented at everything he tried.
Bakugo took the spot across from you and watched as you took the first bite. He wouldn’t admit it, but he felt a bit nervous that you wouldn’t like what he made. But that thought dissipated as quickly as it came once your fork flew into the meal for a second time, and you shot him a wide-eyed look.
“So good!” you exclaimed with a stuffed face, a few grains of rice falling from your mouth and back onto the plate.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full or you’ll choke, stupid,” he reprimanded, but your praise had an evident effect on the male as a smug smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“I expect gourmet lunches from you at least once a week when school starts again.” 
“Not a chance in hell that I’m doing extra work in the mornings.”
“I’ll buy you all the ingredients you want~” 
“...I’ll think about it.”
Next thing you knew, all the food on your plate was gone, gladly relocated to your stomach. Rounding the table, you wrapped your arms around Bakugo’s shoulders as he also finished eating. 
“Thank you for dinner, Katsuki,” you hummed contentedly, resting your chin on his head. “It was seriously masterclass, especially after all the takeout I’ve been eating.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome,” he waved it off. “I think a movie of my choosing is in order.”
“After we clean up, hot shot. Your mom would kill you if she realized someone was over.”
“Why wouldn’t she kill you too?”
“Please. Your mom loves me.”
The blond barked out a laugh before standing up and holding your waist, ushering you back to the kitchen. “True.”
Cleaning up was quick and easy with the both of you working together, stocking away dishes and remaining groceries. The evening sky, visible through a large window in the living room, glittered with stars as you sidled next to your boyfriend on the couch, the kitchen and dining room returned to its normal prestige.
“Katsuki?” you murmured, voice laced with a touch of contented sleepiness.
He turned his head from the television screen to face you. “Hm?” 
“I missed you, silly.” 
An arm was thrown around your shoulder and you were pulled closer to the male, who gently kissed your temple. 
“I missed you too, dummy.”
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
wow yeah that chapter was so good that i’m kinda speechless. like idk where to even start. A PLUS PHOEBE LYRICS i know you posted them a little while ago but it was just so 🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔 in context. narvi my man you are absolutely shattering my heart.
I just. wow yeah i’m speechless!!!!! Loki missing reader’s presence and being reminded of it everywhere has me in shambles, and the detail you threw in about Loki sometimes needing to yell in the car before going into class is so heartbreaking. PAIN, AGONY IF YOU WILL!!!!!!!!
ALSO the detail about how if reader had asked to move in, he would have said yes in a heartbeat has me very 😔😔😔😔 it rlly does an amazing job of showing how entwined their lives were at that point, and how profound her absence must feel now that she’s gone. Loki :(((((((( i’m so hurt for him as if he’s a real fucking person LMFAO
thank you for this amazing update that i will surely be reading approximately 18 times before the next one 🥺. your writing is so fantastic and i hope you know that ❤️ -phoebe anon
phoebe anon again: thank you for the shoutout of course 🥺🥺🥺 i luv talking 2 u too cant believe i almost didn’t send that waiting room ask because i thought it was stupid! how silly of me
YAYYYYY I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT ❤️ Especially the lyrics, I'm v happy to hear it doesn't just feel like they were randomly thrown in. And you deserve the shoutout!! I wouldn't have put them in the fic w/o your input, so thank YOU. You are officially a co writer of asis 😌
And yeah Loki is really going through it... It's hard because at this point I think both Loki + y/n are taking a healthy amount of accountability for everything. BUT that's almost offset by their massive amounts of guilt. They can't be productive as long as they're hurting for themselves as much as they currently are. Also though this is all fresh and everyone is allowed to wallow a bit :')
All those details! Loki and the reader really were spending every spare moment together for the past 2/3 months of their relationship. It's such a sudden way to end, so that also adds to the intensity of their feelings.
I am forever happy you sent that ask! Waiting Room is 100% going to be my top listened to song of 2022 btw, that's how much I truly loved it. And thank you for compliments 🥺🥺🥺 It's nice to hear ❤️
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jongins-tiddies · 4 years
Ult group tag game
tagged by @kjmsupremacist <33 love u xiami and yes I'm doing nct cause I'm a WHORE
Who was your first bias? dude ,,, no lie it was lucas that man literally grabbed me by my throat and spit in my mouth - turns out hes an idiot but hes still MY idiot <3
Who is your bias now? jaehyun :) #iamavictim
What was the first MV you watched? xiami idk what it was do you remember EDIT: after consulting with my lawyer I realized that the first mv i watched was moonwalk <3
What’s your favourite MV? jesus are you seriously going to make me choose   -_- ok for nct there are so fucking many but I'm really vibing with regular (127 ver) rn? also i fucking LOVe yestoday for the ~graphic design~ 🤪
If you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be? mm pls uh HONESTLY ? maybe highway to heaven ?? I just love it and think that it has range (as evident by the two extremely diff mvs)
Who would you want them to collab with? honestly anyone BUT jasonderulohyung  
What (MV) concept do you want to see them do? i really want a royalty concept omfg like with crowns and gold shit everywhere>>>> some dark jewel tones???>>>>> OH AND CORSETS??/?// HOW COULD I FORGET THE CORSETS???
Have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it? jesus yeah. not necessarily often but its def happened multiple times. they spend so much time terrorizing me during the day that youd think they would have enough respect to leave me alone when i sleep ?? but NOOO
If you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do? oh jesus. honestly i think i would genuinely get along with johnny best so probably him <3 tbh go on a fucking coffee tasting tour and then get so incredibly caffeinated that we just stay up all night walking around the city taking pictures together and being goblins :’) *long sigh*  but i would give it all up just to fucking get wine drunk w jaehyun and listen to records *sobs quietly*
Which member do you think you would get on with best? THE WAY I JUST- ok yes johnny .. but besides that woo for sure i think we would vibe hardcore, m0rk just cause he's rly nice ((like how could you not get along w him)), and tbh lucas HHAHAH i feel like i would have such a time with him cause he’s a dumb jock like meee toooo girlieee 
Which member do you think you would argue with? oh my god. haechan lmfaooo but like argue in a sweet annoying way like i do w my freshman kids at school like damn ur funny and i love you as my own but i’ll beat ur ass stfu (i just think ur adopted kids should have a healthy amount of friendship but also fear and reverence for you) (yes you guessed it I'm a slytherin that needs to go to therapy <3)
If you had to let one member scroll through you tumblr, who would it be? hm. tbh johnny cause i don't think he’s mean enough to judge me lmfaoo also i think he would be cool about the edits i make so there’s that .. all in all i think it’s pretty obvious that I'm in love w johnny suh please god don't have a scandal i won't be able to bear it and i would doubt my character judgement skills till the day i die <3 thanks luv xoxo
I’ll tag some new mutuals !! @staywithmoon @dropofgoldensun @anameicallmyself @ethaeriyeol   ayeee friends and I'm tagging you again ella lmfaooooo  @abunnycotton 
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hongism · 3 years
hi caly im back after reading moc41 and just... mind: blown. tears: none left. throat: sore after screaming into my pillow so much. emotional stability: basically gone from the amount of damage made in this chapter. but all that aside I STILL LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
if theres one thing that saved me i’d say its probably all the san x y/n moments in 41 (tho ironically that joy is kinda short-lived aha :’) and also nightingale and soojin and LUCA now in the picture! i’m just manifesting more of their interactions once y/n comes back pls bring her back quick dear miss calyyy ㅠㅠㅠ
and also everyone probably already went batshit crazy at hongjoong while simultaneously sympathizing with the logic of his choices can’t hide that i’m one of them askwkzjs. again, i’m broken at how he went with the decision without the reluctance we all thought he would have, and it even seems like he’s eager to let her go if not for his guilt towards san. i guess hardly anybody would feel good when they’re being abandoned and deemed as less worthy, even if its by someone seemingly unimportant to them. i just wanna know if there’s any hope for y/n and hongjoong mending their relationship in the next act, or just any none-hateful moments? please i need them to be (somewhat) okay if yall wont choke each other sexually FINE just dont choke each other all together please askjwuwhshs 😭
and i cant even talk too much about wooyoung and yeosang it pains me and it even GETS WORSE OH MY GOD?!! but apart from that, i’m also super curious about the thing yeosang said to y/n too. i have a tiny theory basically about that part, but when i first read it i thought it sounds like y/n was part of the slave group wooyoung was in when yeosang was still prince??? like yeosang was somehow gonna choose y/n in that group, but ended up choosing wooyoung instead. or even if she wasn’t actually in the slave group it’s something about wooyoung beind chosen in y/n’s place, and yeosang already met her before she joined the crew. and y/n seemed so confused because she got brainwashed so she’s couldn’t remember all that (?)
overall ur a legend and this is a masterpiece as always caly, and it’s absolutely worth the wait. as angsty as this is gonna get i’m still really looking forward to the next chapters!! take your time and stay healthy bestie <3 — 🌊
hello hi bestie!!! IM SORRY!!!! i did a lot of damage huh 😫🤪 im so glad to hear you loved tho!!! that makes me soso happy hehe <3
anywho! im glad the y/n and san moments made it bearable and survivable! they had some good moments in the first half of the chapter :3 but don't worry we won't have to suffer for long pink promise!!!
you bring up a good point of hongjoong's choices and how it seems like his guilt towards san is the only reason he feels bad about his decision. i can't say that his decisions are gonna be made better or worse in the future, but there is a rather big reveal in the next chapter that will make the knife go a little deeper unfortunately :') is there any hope for y/n and hongjoong? it's too early to say really, we have such a long ways to go that i don't want to say anything without spoiling! we gotta go through some rough things to get to the better and happier things tho!!!
then... wooyoung and yeosang 😭 the most painful part for me as well tbh ahh yeah god damn !!! there's a lot to it and a lot in it and a lot of pain and layers of course! i can't say much but you are on the right track indeed with your theory and that's all i can say 🤐 but we have to remember that y/n lost her memories not once but twice! before joining the military and when jisung went in too! so there's definitely a lot of possibilities in there!!
thank u as always MUAH ur too kind <3 this one was VERY angsty, but i can say that it's as bad as it's gonna get for a while!! stay healthy too bestie i luv u <333
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Boy in Luv (Midoriya x Reader)
Pairing: Midoriya x fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff/crack
Summary: Midoriya has a crush on a girl in his class, but he has no idea how to confess to her, enlisting the help of his two good friends.
Inspo: Based on BTS “Boy in Luv” MV
Word count: 1,802
Tags:  @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog @bunnythepipsqueak @yuki-osaki
a/n: As promised, here’s the post!  And with this, I’ve officially added Midoriya to the list of characters in the Touch Starved collection.
Enjoy the cuteness and, mostly, the crackhead friendship between the main 3 characters!  And even though I’m really late, happy 6th anniversary to Skool Luv Affair!
Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki sit on the front stoop of their dorm building, enjoying the good weather since it was raining the past few days.  They've been practicing all day and decided to take a break and snack together.
Midoriya munches on his stick of string cheese.  "Do you guys get the math stuff?  I'm still having trouble with integrals and stuff."
"Tch, you're falling behind again, Deku," Bakugou scoffs, ripping open a bag of spicy chips.
Todoroki, the only one of them who decides to snack healthy with some fruit, chews for a moment before offering, "I can help you if you're stuck, Midoriya."
"Like you're any better, Icyhot.  You went completely frozen trying to figure out that problem in class yesterday," Bakugou points out smugly.
"I was simply calculating the answer mentally before writing down my work," Todoroki answers, cool and collected as ever.
"Don't make me laugh!  Just admit that you can be dumb sometimes too!"
Midoriya laughs awkwardly, stuck between his two friends as they argue - more like one of them screaming while the other brushes them off calmly.  The boy raises his eyes out to the distance, widening his eyes at what, or who , he sees.
The girl jogs towards the dorm building with Yaoyorozu beside her.  Her face lights up into a smile at whatever they're talking about.  A black windbreaker jacket is thrown over her golden honey colored sports bra that shows off her lean abdomen, and black leggings with a matching yellow stripe tracing down the side hugs her toned legs.  Midoriya doesn't want to admit it, but he can't stop staring.
The two girls slow to a stop in front of the group of still-bickering boys.  "My, they're always fighting, aren't they?" Yaoyorozu shakes her head.
The girl lets out a few chuckles.  "That's just how they are, I'd be more surprised if they stopped, honestly."  She turns to the green-haired boy and offers him a beaming smile, her eyes crinkling up.  "You still holding up, Midoriya?"
At first he's dazed, staring at the way her chest heaves as she breathes and the thin sheen of sweat on her face glistening in the fading afternoon light.  At his name, he sobers up and his cheeks flush from what he was staring at.  "Oh, uh, yeah, somehow," he sputters.  "Did you guys just come back from training?"
"Yeah, we had a pretty good session."  She stretches her arms over her head, letting a few hums of pain escape her.  "I'd love a good shower and my bed right about now, but I still have homework to do.  See you tomorrow!"
The boy watches as the girls retreat back into the building.  I never thought yellow would look good on someone besides Kaminari, he finds himself thinking.
"Midoriya, are you okay?" Todoroki's concerned voice scatters his thoughts.
"Your cheeks are red and hot like you have a fever."  The heterochromatic haired boy leans forward, about to touch his face.  "Are you coming down with something?"
"No, you clueless idiot, he's in love," Bakugou barks, "He's got the hots for (Y/n)."
Midoriya jolts up.  "Is it that obvious?"
"Maybe not to Icyhot, but yeah, you look at her like she's your entire world or something."
The boy's emerald eyes drop to the ground and he hugs his knees to his chest.  "She's a really down to Earth person, and she's really easy to talk to.  And...the way her smile lights up her entire face."  His goofy smile and warm feelings fade as he sinks his head down to rest on his knees.  "I don't really know how I should tell her though."
Todoroki takes a bite of his orange slice, pondering the situation.  "Give her a lamp?  Since you said she lights up easily?"
Both boys shoot him a confused glance.  "I don't think that would impress her."  Midoriya gives it a thought.  "She likes coffee, maybe I can get her a thermos for the morning?"
"Give her a new set of pens, she has a bad habit of always losing her own."
"Maybe buy her a new pencil case to match?"
"Buy a plant for her dorm to brighten it up, like a cactus."
Bakugou finally throws his head back and groans at their stupidity.  "You guys are such idiots!  Neither of you know the first damn thing about romance?"
The two other boys slowly shake their heads dumbly
The ash blond groans again.  "Okay, let me tell you what you should do, Deku, since you're obviously clueless."  After explaining a somewhat elaborate plan to the two other boys, he leans back, a triumphant grin on his face.
Midoriya's eye widen, blush coating his cheeks again at the thought of the scenario unfolding.  "Wow Kacchan, I never expected you to be a romantic."
"Yeah, it's because you idiots are totally clueless.  You need me to educate you."
"If you're so good, why are you still single?" Todoroki asks simply.
Two days later, the three boys decide to go through with Bakugou's scheme.  After class, Bakugou silently follows the girl, waiting for her to stop talking to the rest of the girls to get her alone.  After spending an annoyingly long amount of time outside their classroom talking to Mina and Tzuyu, she finally bids them goodbye and makes her way to the library to study.
Unfortunately for her, she never makes it.
Just before she opens the door, she notices a shadow looming behind her.  Turning around, she's startled to have Bakugou's piercing crimson eyes boring into her's.  She backs into the door and he slams an arm by her head.  She's shaking like a leaf.  "W-What do you want, Bakugou?  I didn't do anything to you."  Despite trying to seem strong, her voice comes out feebly.
A sinister smirk crawls across Bakugou's face.  "How'd you like to go on a little trip?"
Before she can scream bloody murder, he grabs her arm and pulls her away on a little "joyride."
Meanwhile, Todoroki and Midoriya move all the chairs and desks of an empty classroom towards the walls to make a clear space in the middle.
The nervous, freckle-faced boy nervously paces around the room, going over the lines in his head while his fears wreck his quivering body.  "I can't do this, Todoroki!  What if she says no?  What if she laughs at me?!  What if she tells everyone?!  I'll be absolutely humiliated!"
"Midoriya, calm down," he stares at the jittery boy with a level gaze.  "Bakugou said he's very confident this will work.  He's sure she also harbors feelings for you too."  He places a warm hand on Midoriya's shoulder to stop his anxious habit.  "Besides, since she likes you, she would appreciate your nervous stuttering because she would find it endearing and think it's genuine of you.  Sounding too practiced ruins the natural anxiety of the moment."
The boy stares back the Todoroki's stoic expression, letting his words sink in.  "So I need to make sure I don't overpractice or else she'll still reject me?" he whines.
The half-hot-half-cold boy sighs, being cut off by his phone ringing.  "It's Bakugou, he says they'll be here shortly.  And he says, 'Don't mess this up, Deku.'"
The boy cries out, feeling his entire body suddenly lose all heat to hysterical cold.  Todoroki turns off the lights and closes the window shades, plunging the room into darkness only to light the few candles scattered across the room, casting a dim golden ambiance.
For the final step, Todoroki produces a single rose out of the inside pocket of his uniform jacket.  Walking over to Midoriya, who's mumbling strings of inaudible, neurotic fears to himself, he juts the rose out in front of him, cutting off his speech.  "Relax, Midoriya.  Just say what comes naturally."
Midoriya blinks, delicately holding the rose by the stem, Todoroki moving to stand behind the door to be out of the way.  The smaller boy feels sweaty, shaky, sick.  His uniform tie is suffocating around his throat, stomach heavy in anticipation and fear, heart hammering in his chest and ears.
Finally, the door swings open and his heart almost stops completely.
Bakugou walks in first, holding the girl by the arm.  The first thing Midoriya notices about her is her insanely windblown hair and dazed eyes.  Bakugou said he would take her out on a ride around school, hitching her on his back, jumping out a window, and using his quirk to rocket them around the school building once.  He says it would get her blood pumping, adrenaline rushing, and cheeks blushing; the perfect primer for riling her up for the big finale.
"Take it away, nerd," Bakugou makes a dramatic sweep of his hands towards Midoriya, and he knows it's his turn to shine.
The girl blinks back into focus and surveys the layout of the room, scanning the messily pushed around desks, the candles, and finally resting on the boy with the rose in his hands.  Her blush intensifies at the last thing.  "M-Midoriya, what's all this for?"
The boy goes cold all over again, perfomance anxiety getting to him.  "I... Uh, (Y/n)- You-"  All the different ways he could possibly start his monologue jumbles together to produce a mishmash of word vomit.  Pull yourself together, don't mess this up!  He takes a deep breath in and clears his throat to start over.  Whatever comes natural.  "(Y/n), you are the most amazing,  bright, fun, cute person I know.  Just seeing you smile makes my day and manages to tongue-tie me.  I'd really like to be...more than friends."  He holds out the flower with both shaky hands and dares to look in her eyes.  "W-Will you...go out with me?"
Her silence seems to last agonizingly forever.  Her entire face seems to lift as she flickers back and forth between the boy and the flower he clutches to keep from coming undone.  She finds it endearing.  In a swift movement, she gently grips his hand, leans in close, and places a kiss on his freckled cheek.  "Yes, I'd love to go out with you, Midoriya."
The boy lets out a strangled yelp of excitement, before slapping a hand over his mouth in embarrassment.  "I'm sorry, I'm just really happy!"  Sheepish chuckles bubble out as he throws his arms around her, and she welcomes his embrace with her own delighted laughter.
The other boys look on at the scene before them.  "The nerd did better than I thought he would've," Bakugou mumbles, shoving his hands in his slack pockets.
"At least his confession was accepted.  Don't know what would happen if you tried this, though," Todoroki comments, his dig smoothly executed.
Bakugou grips the boy's shirt.  "YOU WANNA DIE ICYHOT?!"
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
I’m not the mom of the group, I’m just the annoying loud one that gives too much affection to her wife, but it’s our one month anniversary of being a gc and I have literally S O MUCH affection to give🥺🥺✋
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 😊👉👈💘✨😩🤢(this one bc shes h*t, she knows what that says)
-> @earth-to-that-asian
Abi ur my favorite momma literally ever. You’re super shy, which is so cute, and u seem like,,,like? Kinda have ur life? Together? I mean who does really but youre a really good example of where one should probably be at your age. You say “I-“ literally all the time and are always secretly encouraging our bad behavior so all in all ur a great mom. You are also always sending me asks that are just you giving me love and affection and tbh they make me so happy I love you sm and I’m so glad you accepted me into this amazing gc a whole ass month ago
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 🥺✋💖✨🏳️‍🌈☁️😭💛😍💍
-> @nct127grass
Grace. Grace. GRACE. Idk when we go married, but I think it’s been like a good two weeks? You are my favorite favorite person ever and definitely my favorite Australian (don’t worry luv we don’t hold it against u). Literally I love flirting on main w you and definitely being the best example of a healthy married relationship to the youngies (and abi bc she’s the only one older than us but she’s L O N E L Y and that’s what she gets for being a he-🤢 I can’t even say it). You’re the Jeno to my Jaemin, and I love ur vibe and ur energy sm idk what the gc would be like without u. Maybe I would have left idk we ALL know how I am in gc’s (you’ve all seen the many many screenshots😔) n e ways MY WIFE I LOVE UUUU😍😍😚😍🥰😘😘🥰
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Emoji set that remind me of her: 😌✋😳👀🤑🤰🏼🌞🌼🌹
-> @nanajaems0308
Juju my forever fav memory of u is the first video call we all had when u came a bit late and I accidentally called u abi and elie had to correct me and I wanted to leave the call and the gc and never show my face then and there. You had the cutest lil voice too omg 🥺🥺 I was like “juju protection squad: assembled” although I never said anything hahaha. Ok I think realistically you’re someone who I don’t interact with TOo much. Like ofc we’re friends but we’ve never had like close close talks before, that being said I think you are still literally amazing. YEp! U heard me! A M A Z I N G! I hope no one lets ur cute lil self fool them bc when u get into fights w zainoo I get ScAred like oh my god zainoo is BRAVE brave. I think ur adorable also tho and u definitely are a good friend that cares for the people u love😩🥺🥺🥺😘
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: ☁️💘🥵👁👅👁🧚🏻‍♀️👑
-> @bbjisungg
cissy you haven’t been in the gc for long, and I kinda forced you to be in it after u were my accomplice, but tbh I couldn’t have asked for a better person to commit crimes w. You were so wildling and open to everything I roped u into, and then when I forced u to join my gc full of cRaCkhEAds, u were just like “sure fam” and then boom u were in. You had to change ur pfp On Instagram and EVERYTHING. I hope u don’t regret joking our mess of a gc, bc I definitely don’t regret making u join. Idk what gc we originally knew each other from, I just remembered knowing who you were, which is why I messaged u to spy for me (bc u were the only other person who I knew in that messy messy gc that I don’t wanna talk abt) and you just like,,I’ve said it befor I’ll say it again THANK U for going w the flow if you had said you wouldn’t do it I would have cried into the gc ur NOW APART OF and elie and abi would have offered to beat ur ass and it would have been a THING but now they’re willing to beat someone’s ass for u so see it’s the cycle of life🤩 I’m drowning on and boring even myself so I wanted to say I hope we all become much much more closer w each other and that ily vv much😩✋💖✨
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 💅🏻🐙🍃✨🍡🔪💌💛
-> @http-stan-nct
Zainoo Imma lay it all out on the line here and say u scare me sometimes 😳✋ you have this strong personality that can sometimes be intimidating but once someone gets to know you, ur actually just a huge softy that hates bugs and wears lemon socks. And Ik it might not seem that way to you, but idk that’s just how you come off to me,,, u are married to another person named gwen, so ofc you’re already ahead in the game - you and grace seem to have it all figured out correctly - and you are just adorable when u get excited abt something and just have to let everyone know ~lemon socks~ u fighting w juju in the chat is genuinely hilarious to watch it’s free entertainment I don’t think I need Netflix anymore , and ur a comedy legend although if me saying that inflates ur ego even a lil bit then I’m out. I LOVE U😩😩😭 oh and ps STOP USING CLOWN EMOJIS TO REACT TO EVEEYTHING I SAY
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Emoji set that reminds me of her: 🔪👁👄👁😭✋😳😩🔪🖤
-> @ciaojunnie
Elie ur the youngest. And yet,? U have the soul of an 80 yr old murderer😌✨ you are literally the toughest person I’ve ever met, and u genuinely scare me sometimes buT I would pay to watch u beat the ppl at ur school up. You’re the queen of the 🏳️‍🌈 scene and I wish I wish We could all protect u from all the ASSHOLES in ur life but just know that even though we’re not there irl, we are always here to listen to you and we’re all older so we can give 10/10 advice (lmao sure) (see even I laughed at that) (6.5/10 maybe!) also I love ur notes (u were making them on the call I think) ALSO the amount of times u CURSE should be ILLEGAL everytime u say s*x or *ss I literally am like “NOOOOooooOOOOO” and grace and abi encourage it which makes me 👊👊👊🤬🤬😡😡😡 at them but not for long bc they’re literally my mom and my wife so- N E WAYS I’m rambling but you I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted a knife set for ur birthday or something which is iconic and u remind me of a younger me so keep doing u🥺🥺🥺i🥺L🥺y🥺💖
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All in all you guys are the best gc I’ve ever been in and I hope we stay friends for a long time guys🥺🥺🥺🥺 I will never forget that my journey into the center of this hell pit of a gc started w a fanfiction abt jaehyuns belly button but it really set the scene for the next coming month so I’m thankful for it. I love u all, ur all eggcellent, and ur my favorite nctzens ever 😩😩😩✋✋✋💌🍃💘😳😳🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 HAPPY 1 MONTH!
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personasintro · 4 years
not me creating a wattpad account (cuz I don't remember the password to my old one I used when I was 13😳) just to read mutual help!! and you know why is that? BECAUSE IM GOING BONKERS EVERY TIME I SEE YOU UPDATE THE STORY. I'm a sucker for fake dating with a respectful amount of angst. I dont enjoy when writers sugar coat this type of relationship and make them immediately fall in love with each other so you can imagine how much your story intrigues me. also, I wanna punch jungkook so bad for being the stupidest man alive!!!! he's literally like "well yeah I still love my ex gf and I want to get back with her but I also wanna fuck oc" and it makes me FURIOUS!! I hope oc will soon give him the taste of his own medicine so he could realise he's making a huge mistake.
and lastly, remember to always take care of yourself! as much as I want to read next update already I want you to rest and do it at your own pace because your health and comfort is the most important. 💓 sending you lots of love! xx
Oh my god, really?!!! I didn’t even know you’re reading one of my stories and wow, I’m speechless! Thank you so much luv🥰 both for creating a wattpad account to read Mutual Help and for reading/loving it! It means so much to me and I appreciate this since I enjoy your work as well💜 your kind words warmed my heart, you’re so caring & sweet🥰 thank you again, I hope you had a wonderful day, stay safe & healthy!!🦋✨
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mykpopconfession · 4 years
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It's long but hey, thank you so much for allowing me to share my thoughts as kpop is something I do enjoy but I like to look at it from other points of view, how it looks to me from various perspectives, not just as face value kpop fans have tantrums every time something isn't right or whenever idol does something so small and irrelevant it becomes a scandal… shocking but idols are humans and won't always perform to the fans standard.
Fans bitch and whine about how the standard of kpop industry is too harsh yet it's not the industry that is encouraging it, it's the fans themselves, they cant accept minor mistakes and everything gets taken out of context while fans claim they know the idols… ie: Jennie's “lazy” scandal.
Yet they don’t scrutinize the idols whenever they are sexist, colorist, ageist, misogynist, racist, because they can “do no wrong” or their fans, will come to save their asses… even the flipping companies encourage it because they want them to be younger. After all, it's more appealing??? but what 25+-year-old fans are going to be drawn to teens in a group? I don't even find itzy, txt appealing and their whole group’s image is directly for those of teenagers and below, the music/dances, the image, it’s all catered that specifically of a younger audience, shame, I would’ve liked them otherwise.
The younger the idols = the better publicity and the higher chances of gaining popularity by getting into “scandals” for the lack of maturity and social awareness nor are they likely to take accountability and just do whatever they please anyway because they’re idols and their fans will still claim that their age isn’t a problem or because they’re a child/teenager/minor then its okay kpop idols are so out of touch with reality that when they have some form of criticism they start banning and suing left right & center… because they live as though everyone is going to fall head over heels for them and blindly accept everything they do because most kpop fans are already blinded by their idols and cant accept when an idol says or does something disgustingly wrong nor can they accept mild criticism without getting their pitchforks out.. its a cult, no denying it. 
As lovely as the choreography might be I don't want to watch the idols if they are doing any of the above: dancing overly provocatively (especially when they may be on the minor age scale), twerking or grinding the stage or anything overly sexual at that. 
Kpop fans lap it up because its socially acceptable to objectify the idols and make them appealing because of their “dancing/performance” when it is turning them into some trend because they “danced” overly sexy/cute, that's all they amount to is the dancing side of it
TBH I found it intriguing at first but now every kpop group tries to have this “sexy” look and it just doesn't work. it’s like asking a foreigner to be interested in kpop when they act cute except its not normal to appear cute over here, it's only going to appeal to those who maybe find it intriguing or different from their own culture. 
Yet cute/sexy is all kpop idols can amount to even if it looks so uncomfortable and unpleasing to watch. alas they are idols, they’re not humans, they can twerk, dance provocatively and act cute all because the fans will enjoy it no matter what it is or who it is… age isn’t even considered but the younger the better they stand a greater chance. 
Which is like bighit canceling everyone of the older generations who maybe possess the same talent but with a maturer image and behavior… its both ageist and sexist, why is it some huge fetish that just boys in or around 1999 only for their new survival show thing i-land? I find it… odd more than exciting or interesting cause I know its just typical for the members to be more younger but less appealing to older generation cause I have nothing that I’d relate too I don't even relate to the TikTok trend because that's all it is, another trend or bandwagon. yet everyone treats it as being this incredible new thing that suddenly acceptable for young folk even though it brings so much disgusting behavior/drama along with it, its a recycled version of the vine but worse, in the same sense this is what kpop does, recycle groups once they’re less appealing to make way for the same groups but look slightly different. 2ne1/blackpink, BTS/txt yet the fans don't say nothing about how it is encouraging the sexual appeal and almost asking for fans to thirst over them because this is what “dance” supposedly should be. sexy/cute nothing in between, it's saying that idols should portray this image cause it’s more appealing than the music itself. if the male idols show their abs/skin even better, females? wear the most uncomfortable looking clothing and ur good to go. 
The kpop sounds now have become about the group's image, level of popularity, as opposed to actual talent, creative freedom and ability to give off a genuine performance that doesn’t include anything generic or robotic image. its got to be loud, bright, vivid because its all for the dance/sexual appeal of both the male and female gender is almost aligned with the concept for it.
The lyrics can be as disgusting as they please because its okay, its only kpop. any lyrics are acceptable, bts got called out for their lyrics in one song yet not in any of the others? same for other groups, so few call out the lyrics because lyrics mean nothing. it's about the visual appeal of the groups and the kind of fame they gather from it alone so you can have the visuals but do the bare minimum and not have much stage presence but be classed as a main singer or dancer, its okay fans will lap it up no matter what it is. also, I’ve noticed the same sound being used across several groups depending on the concept of the song… repetitive much? why does kpop fear change or standing out? why get idols to become something they are not ie: whitening their naturally beautiful dark skin, have idols who don’t need to, lose weight. it's not the company its the idols encouraging it because it's acceptable and normalized to be anything other than thick, natural and healthy. 
Ppl act like trying to shove kpop into the western music genre will make it appeal any better, the fans act like they couldn’t see the racism coming, but that's what happened bts were forced into a culture that had nothing to do with them because in western we generally hop from one bandwagon to the next and just roll with it since it's popular it must be good.
ie: one direction, psy, 5 seconds of summer and now bts… how do so many don't see the pattern nor did they see bts coming? you expect Asian artists to become greatly admired over here too but when you shove it in ppl’s faces and try to get it to become the next big thing, not everyone is gonna see the appeal I honestly feel like it's been forced… not by the companies but by the international fans. now instead of trying to gain popularity in their home country kpop groups try too hard to appeal to the western market… you can’t even deny how vastly generic bts’ music has become SINCE they hit the American music awards or whatever it was. note: they didn’t even win awards for their music, but simply their popularity is what got them there
I loved boyz with fun, despised boy with Luv yet because they’ve been in the American industry’s eyes they put it out what has become popular just using their language… well sometimes, even idol, what could’ve been a great song with a nice meaning missed some marks, as in the overuse of auto-tune has become almost normal for them? vs using natural vocal abilities, I'm no coach but straining one's voice to hit a high note in a slow song doesn’t sound healthy. when all bts have done in the past is upbeat music is why they struggle to maintain high notes in slow songs because they’ve followed the same music style for so long then suddenly changed it so their voices don't match softer songs… which I’d appreciate more of instead of just dark lyrics and over-hyped upbeat poppy music.
ie: I loved the sound for serendipity, but the lyrics weren’t as good and Jimin kinda struggled to sing it well enough both in-studio and live, however its one of my more favorite songs. I’d also appreciate a slower gentle song that isn’t about a relationship too thanks looking @ you euphoria. 
You think it's about the music, lyrical side of it but I disagree, it's merely the concept of yet another boy group that's sadly taken over in the most overbearingly forced way possible and you all act like the racism wasn’t going to occur. nct had an incredibly shit time in America during their tour its because it's not meant for America, its trying force kpop to become something it's not just to fit in with western music taste. I miss when they did full songs in Korean now they do English full versions with hella cringe-worthy lyrics and expect them to blow up or become the next big thing. 
I’ve been walking with the cheese and the queso????? if ur happy and u know it clap ur hands???? theses ones make me laugh more than wanting to listen repeatedly, they throw them in there simply to appeal to western music, no matter if its a bad lyric, doesn't make sense or is cringe-worthy. 
Kpop is built for Korean consumption it's great to see it's expanded however, its in the wrong directions for the wrong appeal. bts did not pave the way when psy also existed the same year they debuted. bts tried to get a following in America but failed because naturally psy was almost made fun of for just being an Asian doing what he does best yet the hype quickly dyed down & everyone moved on until bts came into the scene… so far behind than when they should’ve gone viral years before. not the companies fault but merely the appeal of the image/music wasn’t suited to the western music genre so when they become familiar more with America they switched the songs to sound pop-like… nothing wrong but less appealing than their original image/music, which I prefer, I’d say it started to change with not today era. 
The only reason being bts have stuck around now is because of the boy group concept even if the lyrics aren’t that great when translated into English, they’ve already tried and IMO, failed to push their music into the western music industry and they’ve won awards solely based on the fandom/popularity alone kpop has become less and less about the music, energy of the performances, now it's about if they look right together as a group. how the group as a whole appeal to the fans and what makes the fans blinded by them… which is essentially their sex appeal, whether the idols are grown women or men or even teenagers, who might be uncomfortable with fans lusting after them. whether they’re dancing sexy or acting somewhat cute doesn’t matter because it's become acceptable and a must if you want to be an idol so fans can thirst over them. 
Sorry not sorry but kpop has become much less about the music itself and see what is trendy puts it to music and calls it the next big thing. which is a shame I love the language I love how it sounds in the songs & I also love that it encourages me to learn the language that's more appealing than the group image/songs itself but they’re letting looks matter to the point where groups are mistreated abroad by both media and fans alike all because of this group image concept. nct getting mixed up with bts was pure racist but how can they fail to tell how different they are? wait, no, any Asian boys in a group must be considered to be bts… see its just one hype train after the other, even Astro got mixed and when parasite become popular and rightly won the awards some were racist. Trump's comment was appalling but at least he got the country right, yes, everything that's become popularised in America is from South Korea, gold star for that. 
Its the concept of boy groups. not the music itself. if it were music then day6 would have a similar appeal, gain the same momentum as bts/nct have done, yet because they differ from the typical dance style boy group they won't gain the same effect as their counterparts, bts / nct & whoever else. 
Yet they’re still appealing to the wider international audience and did very well with their tours, same for the rose, they don’t trend in the same way boy groups do but have some form of appeal because it’s a different concept/image style altogether than the way bts / nct, etc are put together but still they don’t have the same effect as some of the more dance-based groups have because its a different genre but still from the same industry…
Different genre means less appealing or less popular but I’d say day6 are doing better, producing a greater amount of pleasing music, with reasonable lyrics but don't receive the same amount of popularity. compare to bts / nct who follow similar styles mixed up of what is trendy and call it a day. whereas kpop dance groups throw anything out there and its okay cause fans will lap it up too.
It's not the song that got blackpink to Coachella, its purely the appeal of yet another young women based group, again solely so they can push the feminism, girl power movement through their “songs” but it's their image of youthful cutely acting girls that gains the attention of western men/women… little mix tried it so why not blackpink, heck even fifth harmony failed to maintain the popularity because the appeal wasn’t there in the songs, but they were females in a group, therefore, they must have some form of appeal to the public / recent trends, bandwagons
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fairycosmos · 4 years
what’s ur opinion on healthily navigating a romantic relationship while also maintaining independence? I am struggling with this issue a lot as I grew up in a toxic household and want a romantic relationship but cannot be bothered to put up with a mans bullshit. I just can’t see how u can do one and the other simultaneously? ALSO the other (putting up with a mans bs) seems degrading... but I would like to be loved... please help
i also struggle w this a lot and i’m not sure i have an all encompassing answer….the only two things that initially come to mind are setting your boundaries and sticking to them, along with knowing your worth and what you deserve. it’s true that men have been raised in a sexist society and they’ve internalized degrading ideas about women as part of their core belief system (whether they realize it or not) but that doesn’t mean you won’t meet someone on an individual basis who will care for and respect you. they’re not easy to come by and it’s certainly not something you can rush, but it’s not impossible. especially if you actively seek healthy relationships rather than turning to men for validation or for convenience. to expand on the whole boundaries thing, i think it’s extremely important to know your own limits and what you’re comfortable with, and to not  overlook this for anyone. i’m not talking about the small inconsistencies that we sometimes have to compromise on with our partners, but the big things - what you want from the future, if you’re okay with the pace of the relationship, how you communicate. to keep your own well being in mind and to set that intention across from the beginning seems like a good course of action to me. another prominent point is being in a healthy enough mind frame to not let the relationship dictate your self worth, so the man doesn’t have that to hold over you. while it’s difficult, it’s important to be able to keep an objective perspective on what ‘crosses the line.’ you have to be ready to leave if they take you for granted, you know? always fight your own corner and understand when enough is enough, because nobody else can do it for you. the amount of couples i’ve seen just stuck in this tireless cycle where neither one of them is actually happy - it’s sad. so yeah, keep your standards up and don’t drop them just because you’re lonely. it’s easier to be alone than it is to feel alone in a messy ass relationship. oh and another thing, never rely on him for money. never let him have that power, always make your own bank when possible and have your own account. if you deliberately make the effort to keep autonomy over your own life, to say ‘this is what i want and this is what i need’, then he’s not going to be able to control you that much. and he shouldn’t want to, either. if he does, that’s a red flag. learning to spot those could be pretty useful, too. cause then you know when you’re wasting your energy on someone vs when you’re not. also, as a side note, timing itself is pretty important too. even if you want to be loved, that doesn’t mean you’re emotionally ready for the commitment of sharing your life with somebody else and them having a say in what you do. which is perfectly normal, and there’s genuinely no hurry. it’s a big deal. i know everyone seems like they’re just falling in love left right and center, but trust me when i say you’re only seeing the surface of their imperfect inner worlds. to me, it seems like the best people take a lot of time to find. and you have to grow on your own before than, in order to be the person you have to be to ‘click’ with them when you eventually meet. it’s all in good time, bro. i know it’s hard to be single and to feel like it’s never going to change, but i promise you’re not supposed to be anybody other than who you are in this moment :) you’re a whole person living a full life by yourself, as many of us are. if someone someday comes along and respects than enough to live along side you, to grow with you, then so be it. but you’ll survive even if it doesn’t happen like that. you’ll find love in so many forms, over and over. anyway i feel like this wasn’t helpful, it’s kind of an intricate topic and i have a lot to Say but this is getting too long. i hope you’re ok n that you don’t worry too much about it. if you ever need someone to talk to, just let me know luv :)
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