#i made these several months ago and then immediately forgot about them
prismatoxic · 1 year
loving the timeline i got to witness of:
-yahtzee reviews a game on zero punctuation -in the course of the script he finds a reason to bring up ayn rand/atlus shrugged, mostly as a joke -brings up ayn rand again as the closing punchline -final credits message is "bioshock was a good game wasn't it" -one day later the escapist uploads a new extra punctuation about why bioshock's opening is amazing
did you get bioshock on the brain by any chance, mr. croshaw?
idk what his schedule of making ZP/EP looks like, though i do suspect that EP might possibly be visually edited by someone else? i'm like 99% sure yahtz still does ZP by himself except to pass it by matt the editor for notes on where he should maybe swear less, but EP is kind of visually different (despite using yahtzee's art still) so maybe he just reads his script and lets matt do the visuals? idk. the man's busy he puts out 2 videos like every week, i wouldn't blame him
regardless, my point is that idk where in the process he decided to make an EP on bioshock, but the idea of him writing the sea of stars script, thinking about ayn rand a little too hard, and getting on a bioshock kick because of it is pretty damn funny
if he addresses this in the bioshock video i'm going to feel very silly but i was just taking a food + youtube break so i only watched the sea of stars review for now
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luckyladylily · 4 months
So a few months ago there was the discourse about would you rather meet a man or a bear in the woods. I didn't want to touch it while the discourse was hot and everyone dug in hard because those are not good conditions for nuance, but I waited until today, June 1st, for a specific reason.
I'm not going to take a position in the bear vs man debate because I don't think it matters. What is really being asked here is how afraid are you of men? Specifically, unexpected men who are, perhaps, strange.
People have a lot of very real fear of men that comes from a lot of very real places. Back when I was first transitioning in 2015 and 2016, I decided to start presenting as a woman in public even though I did not pass in the slightest.
I live in a red state. I knew other trans women who had been attacked by men, raped by men. I knew I was taking a risk by putting myself out there. I was the only visibly trans person in the area of campus I frequented, and people made sure I never forgot that. Most were harmless enough and the worst I got from them was curious stares. Others were more aggressive, even the occasional threat. I had to avoid public bathrooms, of course, and always be aware of my surroundings.
I know how frightening it is to be alone at night while a pair of men are following behind you and not knowing if they are just going in the same direction or if they want to start something - made all the worse for the constant low level threat I had been living under for over a year by just being visibly trans in a place where many are openly hostile to queer people. You have to remember, this was at the height of the first wave of bathroom law discussions, a lot of people were very angry about trans women in particular. My daily life was terrifying at times. I was never the subject of direct violence, but I knew trans women who had been.
I want you to keep all that in mind.
So man or bear is really the question "how afraid of men are you?", and the question that logically follows is "What if there was a strange man at night in a deserted parking lot?" or "What if you were alone in an elevator with a man?" or "What if you met a strange man in the woman's bathroom?"
My state recently passed an anti trans bathroom bill. The rhetoric they used was about protecting women and children from "strange men", aka trans women.
Conservatives hijack fear for their bigoted agenda.
When I first started presenting as a woman the campus apartment complex was designed for young families. The buildings were in a large square with playgrounds in the center, and there were often children playing. I quickly noticed that when I took my daughter out to play, often several children would immediately stop what they were doing and run back inside. It didn't take me long to confirm that the parents were so afraid of "the strange man who wears skirts" that their children were under strict instructions to literally run away as soon as they saw me.
"How afraid are you of a strange man being near your children?"
I mentioned above that I had to avoid public bathrooms. This was not because of men. It was because of women who were so afraid of random men that they might get violent or call someone like the police to be violent for them if I ever accidentally presented myself in a way that could be interpreted as threatening, when my mere presence could be seen as a threat. If I was in the library studying and I realized that it was just me and one other woman I would get up and leave because she might decide that stranger danger was happening.
Your fear is real. Your fear might even come from lived experiences. None of that prevents the fact that your fear can be violent. Women's fear of men is one of the driving forces of transmisogyny because it is so easy to hijack. And it isn't just trans women. Other trans people experience this, and other queer people too. Racial minorities, homeless people, neurodivergent people, disabled people.
When you uncritically engage with questions like man or bear, when you uncritically validate a culture of reactive fear, you are paving the way for conservatives and bigots to push their agenda. And that is why I waited until pride month. You cannot engage and contribute to the culture of reactive fear without contributing to queerphobia of all varieties. The sensationalist culture of reactive fear is a serious queer issue, and everyone just forgot that for a week as they argued over man or bear. I'm not saying that "man" is the right answer. I am saying that uncritically engaging with such obvious click bait trading on reactive fear is a problem. Everyone fucked up.
It is not a moral failing to experience fear, but it is a moral responsibility to keep a handle on that fear and know how it might harm others.
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bluegiragi · 6 months
I hate to ask this cause it feels stupid but I dont wanna do a bunch of research on whatever the recent cod mw fandom discourse is,
but I saw the reblog of someone accusing you of supporting people who write sexualized pedophilia and that really is personally my only """"moral"""" with nsfw shit, (I'm a patreon subscriber and ig I just wanna know where my money's going) is THAT true?
i used to follow an artist who, 5-6 months ago made racist art featuring gaz and soap in a slave context, which I didn't like, retweet or interact with in any way. they also made under-age art of ghost soap, which I also didn't interact with . people on twitter called me out yesterday, for retweeting (months before this incident) other art they'd made as evidence I stood by/encouraged/was an avid fan of all these tropes. The art I retweeted wasn't either of these previous examples of art, but one where ghost and soap were sleeping in a bed together, as adults, peacefully. I can't emphasise enough that I have not interacted with this artist at all, for over six months. The callout in question has framed me as a close friend of theirs when, in truth, our total timeline of interactions could probably be counted on one hand, and I haven't interacted with her in so long that I genuinely forgot I was still following her.
The crux of all is this is that I did not unfollow + block this artist earlier on when the racist art was posted months ago, and then I retweeted a fic tagged with "non-con" (ghost gets soap off in a context where he can't really properly consent, they're in front of a crowd of strangers and they have to fuck, but both parties are into each other) written by a friend as I wanted to support their writing.
The pedophile claims are because I retweeted a fandom bingo post that defended loli-con without reading all the squares properly, and then immediately un-retweeted it when I properly read it. All in all, the post was on my account for maybe a few minutes.
The zoophile claims are because people say i support someone who wrote zoophilic fic and called people slurs, and I genuinely don't know who they're talking about there.
The anti-asian racism claims come from the original accusers in the callout thread thinking that I made Horangi's eyes in the monster!AU sensitive as a way of making fun of Asian eyes. The real reason is because he's a cat hybrid in that AU and cats are sensitive to light.
I tried addressing all this in a casual way earlier on in a misguided attempt to sort things out more 'civilly', and responded to an ask talking about my "support" for the artist who drew the slave Gaz art by saying the fanart in question was tone deaf and in poor taste. It wasn't enough for some people, so I'm happy to say it clearly- yes, it was racist, and the reason why I didn't want to be more aggressive is because I didn't want to extend all this mess by throwing this artist directly to the wolves - I genuinely believed them at the time when they said that wasn't that their intention, and think they should've deleted the post at the time, but not unfollowing was a decision that I made. I know now upon reflection that it was naive of me, unwarranted and frankly irresponsible to take a stranger at face value and believe they had good intentions, when the act of not deleting the post in question was evidence of a lack in remorse. In the moment, I'd thought back to my own personal experience with a friend of mine who used an asian slur in my company, who later sincerely apologised and legitimately cleaned up his act after I gave him a second chance. It informed my choice to not unfollow at the time, but there's a difference between someone you know irl for months and a stranger on the internet you've interacted with a few times. I shouldn't have coddled them in my response, and I'm sorry for not treating it with the severity it deserved. It was callous, and stupid, and indicative of internal biases that I ever thought it was a light enough offence to "see through", and I deeply deeply apologise. I promise from the bottom of my heart to do better.
That's everything so far. I didn't unfollow an artist when I absolutely should've, which i'll always strongly regret. I also retweeted a properly-tagged fic on my clearly 18+ nsfw account. I've undone both of those actions now. I hope this can be the end of it.
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answer2jeff · 1 year
ready for another lie?
// carmen berzatto x reader
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song: Diet Mountain Dew.
pairings: nyc chef!carmen x journalist!reader
mdni!! i'm not responsible for your media consumption.
warnings: smutty smut, VERY DETAILED, fem!reader, oral and fingering (f!recieving), porn with plot, drinking, cursing, kinda subby carmy, praise kink, alludes to piv but it doesn't happen, complete and utter filth, i'm giving the people what they want don't look at me!!!
essentially a prequel, 1 year before the start of season 1 of The Bear.
"Fuck youuuuu! It's Friday, loosen up!" A groggy voice yelled from across the bar, cursing you for declining another drink.
You watched your friends flirt with the bartender over the course of 2 rounds of shots; causing harmless fuckery with the several guys who tried flattering them. You were actually bored for once. It made you sick.
You waited for something, anything else to impress you. You tried convincing yourself you didn't have to leave, that your friends wanted you here, and that nights like these were "good for your soul," but there seemed to be no hope.
"Just two vodka tonics. Oh, and a white Negroni. Uh, yes— yes, thank you." You caught a blonde curl from the stool next to you in the corner of your peripheral vision, and you dared to turn your head. You were met by the sight of an oddly familiar guy—and then it hit you like a semi truck.
The man you wrote your final thesis on "the senses creating art," about. Food & Wines best new chef, as of late.
You'd spent an entire year and a half traveling the world (after finally making a name for yourself as a journalist, and snagging a place in Food & Wines top writers) and interviewing the faces of all forms of modern art, representing one of each of the 5 senses.
Casey French, a fragrance designer as the face of "smell." Christopher Knowles, a fashion designer who specialized in optical wear as the face of "sight."
The list went on, until it ended at Carmen Berzatto, on "taste," just 6 months ago. It was September now, and you almost forgot about the 2 and a half hours you took from your day to sit down and talk to him in that studio. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you felt the pores in your palms release a nervous sweat.
You blinked rapidly, wondering if you were really seeing him— out of all the other Friday nights, when he could've visited all the other bars. But he chose this Friday, at this bar, next to you. You needed to say something.
"I'll take a Negroni too, actually. And you can just close out my tab for tonight." You handed the bartender your card after you anxiously fished it out of your wallet, trying to seem completely oblivious to Carmen's stare. Carmen clenched his teeth, his eyebrows raised in surprise as he kept his gaze focused on you.
"Holy shit! Is that—" A slightly younger man nearly yelped while he inappropriately pointed at you, quickly being shut down by his peer, and being told to "shut the fuck up," but Carmen stayed silent. He was dumbfounded at the sight of you.
"Uh, hi. Funny seeing you here," you croaked, swallowing hard when you realized how much of a horrible excuse of a "hello," that was. Carmen didn't seem to mind, dragging his head out of the clouds and smiling back at you as he received his glass.
"Oh my god, yeah. Wow, I— it's good to see you."
Carmen glanced down at your drink, watching you trace your fingertip around the rim of the short glass. He gazed at your fresh manicure, the beautifully layered rings on your fingers, the diamonds on your wrists, the black dress with a slit that exposed your leg up to your mid-thigh. Carmen always thought you looked nice, only being used to your blazers and gorgeous vintage pants that he was a little jealous of, but this was different.
And as if you weren't already anxious enough, Carmen's "friends" immediately arose from their stools and made their way to an empty table, leaving the two of you alone again. Just looking at him and his clean suit and tie made you nervous, especially with the ink on his hands still visible.
"Good to see you too, Carmen," you smiled, cheeks aching as you tried desperately to hide your excitement. Admittedly, you admired him. That wasn't new. But that feeling in your stomach, that aching, yearning feeling was.
"I don't usually do these things," Carmen mumbled, taking a sip from his glass and licking his lips.
"Me neither. It's kinda— I don't know, icky."
You knew Carmen avoided big gatherings like this, but they were usually tolerable thanks to people who "knew him" enough to let him hang around their groups in silence while they practically screamed at each other. But his free time just never seemed to align with anyone else worth talking to... until tonight.
"Icky. Couldn't have worded it better," Carmen tried not to laugh at your expense, keeping his tongue between his teeth as both of you fought back a smile.
"You get it! God, anyway—how've you been?" You inched closer to him, resting your chin in your palm as your elbows were propped up on the counter. You made sure to keep your stare on him and only him, glancing from his nose, to his lips, and back into his eyes. You knew exactly what you were doing, and it was too late to stop now.
Carmen paused, his mouth gaping open slightly as he thought of what he could possibly say to convey that he could be doing better, without completely ruining the mood. He sucked his teeth as he took a deep breath, his eyes glued to the floor until he finally looked at you again.
"Alright, I guess. Managing. How're you?"
"Managing. But really though. Like, has anything changed?"
Carmen thought about your question, realizing how much he seemed to relax tonight—while simultaneously being the most nervous he'd ever been outside of work in the last year. Was it being out and public after a long week? Was it the fact that he still felt so stupid for not getting your actual number, and instead only having access to your business email which was provided by your agent? Was it the smell of your perfume? Was it just you?
"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I guess some things have changed."
He couldn't help but awe at the way you did your hair and your makeup that night, appreciating the tiny details your jewelry and purse of choice added to the look. He hardly ever thought twice about the attractive women he'd run into; making small talk and watching them get bored with his interests.
But now you were here; his fantasies, his desires were here, right next to him; wearing a dress that flattered your cleavage and cinched you at the waist, black heels that tapped against the footrest of the barstool. It made his head foggy, and he couldn't even wrap his head around the encounter.
After finishing your Negroni's over the course of 3 separate conversations that left you with a cramp in your side and your cheeks hurting from smiling—basically hitting it off like you were actual friends, you decided to pull the classic...
"You wanna get out of here?"
Two successful, somewhat well known adults in their lines of work were allowed to be human, right? They were allowed to share deep belly laughs with someone they didn't originally plan to see outside of a work setting, right?
Wrong. It was unprofessional, inappropriate, unwarranted: everything you promised you'd never be around him.
Carmen knew this.
But he was eye-fucking you in that goddamn interview. His tattooed hands rubbing against his thighs as he sat in front of you in the white light of that studio, his gentle voice contradicting his large, almost intimidating arms—it was all you could think about when you wrote your thesis. And now you were gonna be alone with him.
And despite his worries, despite the nervous sweat beading on his forehead, despite his growing anticipation when he admired your figure like a horny teenager, Carmen agreed. The smirk on your face and your manicured nails in between your pearly white teeth was convincing enough. He knew it was risky, given the fact that you still wrote for Food & Wine every couple of months: being more than capable of ruining his career with one wrong, but so right move.
"Yeah, actually."
Unprofessional, inappropriate, unwarranted.
Fuck it.
Carmen closed his tab, gently helping you down from the barstool by your hand. You held your purse close to you while waving a shy goodbye to your friends, who were drunkenly squealing in excitement for you. Carmen's peers seemed to be out of sight; therefore, out of mind. You felt your cheeks go hot, every part of your body tingling. Neither of you knew where you were going. Just not here, and not with everyone else.
He couldn't even think about the fact that he would be back in the glowing white light of the kitchen that following Monday, and you completely forgot about the paper you had to start by Sunday night. And it was way too late to care about any of that now.
You decided your apartment was best.
"Fuck.." Carmen grunted under his breath, his eyes hooded while he felt his pants tighten against his throbbing length. He spread his legs wider as you palmed him, trying to ease some of his tension. You hovered over him as he lied down, sprawled out on your leather couch. His hands were clawing at anything he could reach; your hair, your thighs, the straps of your dress until he pulled it down to your hips, and finally the clasp of your bra.
His bare chest heaved, red and covered in sweat. His dress shirt, tie, and jacket were somewhere in the mess of your apartment. He was honestly too desperate to care.
"You okay with me takin' this off?" Carmen whispered as he cupped your cheek, keeping his fingers prepared to unclip your bra with your permission. He admired every inch of your flushed face as he waited for answer.
"Mhm," you soothed him as your hand moved up and unbuttoned his pants the second your lips moved onto his. Saliva pooled in your mouths with every kiss, turning into a sloppy mess of tongue and teeth. Carmen struggled, but eventually tossed your bra onto the living room floor, his mouth just centimeters away from yours as he exhaled heavy breaths.
You sat up straight, pulling Carmen up by his shoulders and smashing your lips back into his. He pulled sway to breathe, taking it upon himself to peel the rest of your dress off. His tattooed hands gently caressed your plush thighs, his calloused fingers sliding under the hem of your lace underwear. He practically worshiped you like this, planting open mouthed kisses along your jawline and neck.
Carmen needed to hear you, feel you, taste you.
"I wanna taste you, if–if that's alright," he placed one last kiss of gratitude on collarbone before he looked up at you through lust-blown, half-lid eyes.
Your entire body began to heat up again, and Carmen's words went straight to your needy cunt. You could feel yourself dripping through your panties while you put a hand over your mouth in embarrassment, nodding frantically.
"Please," you begged, a mixture of a moan and a silent cry escaping. Carmen's hands detached from your thighs, your hips writhing up from the loss of contact. Without another word, he nodded his head, letting his hands travel down your hips as he got down on his knees in front of you.
Carmen took a shaky breath, glancing from your pleading eyes and back down to your bottom half. He hesitated, choosing to plant one more line of kisses from your tits down to your navel before giving you one last look for permission. He put his hand between your inner thighs, asking you to spread further. You blinked slowly while he peeled your panties off of you, wondering if he would notice how wet you already were.
Unprofessional, inappropriate, unwarranted.
Carmen licked his lips, admiring the sight of your puffy slit in hesitation. With your body sprawled out in front of him, your pretty face looking down at him...how could he not eat you out right on that leather couch?
"I've got you, baby," Carmen cooed, his eyes wide as he nearly drooled over the glossy puddle in your underwear. He gently placed your calves over his shoulders, his calloused hands scooping the underside of your thighs.
Carmens wet tongue licked a bold stripe from your hole up to your soaked clit, not a drop of your arousal going to waste. You grew impatient, the kitten licks he gave your sensitive bundle of nerves driving you mad.
"C'mon, Carmy, I—" You whined, pleading that he'd pick up the pace. Carmen decided not to hold back, giving your throbbing clit aggressive sucks that he'd later soothe with slow, flat-tongued licks.
You bit down on your hand while the other entangled in his hair to muffle the sinful noises you made. Carmen felt his stomach turn at the sound of his name falling from your gaping mouth.
Carmen took note of how much you loved his tongue diving into your weeping hole, earning whimpers and cries of "please," and "oh, fuck, Carmen." He groaned into your pussy when you caught a grip on his hair, placing his head even deeper between your thighs. He moved his hands from your thighs and up to your waist—forcing your jerky hips down on the couch. He wanted to make sure you didn't miss a single bit of pleasure.
"Can I.. uh, can I try something?" He stammered, picking his head up with his chin shiny with your liquids as his hand crept back down, prying between your folds. Carmen needed to keep every part of him busy so he wouldn't have to focus on the aching bulge, already leaking precum in his boxers. He felt his thighs clench as he fucking whimpered beneath you.
"S–sure.." You nodded frantically again, tossing your head back as Carmen carefully inserted a digit into your core. You whimpered in slight discomfort as he stretched you out, which he immediately reassured softly.
"Shhh... you're alright. Jus–just relax f'me, yeah?"
Carmen waited until you whined again; his fingers started at an agonizingly slow pace until he heard your moans getting a little too quiet for his liking. He picked his pace up, sliding another thick finger into your hole and ramming into your g-spot. He hesitated, afraid to hurt you—but you quickly dismissed his worries when you urged him that you needed more. Carmen aligned his tongue back with your pussy, sucking hard before comforting your desire with lapping at your clit.
"Oh my god, Carmen," you felt that familiar knot in your stomach, your grip in his hair tightening while your moans grew louder and louder. You didn't care if your neighbors could hear you through the thin walls of your apartment. You didn't even think about what this would look like the morning after—because none of it mattered. Not with Carmen's head between your thighs.
Carmen could tell you were close, prioritizing your pleasure before he could even register how badly he wanted to cum into his boxers. He couldn't help but buck his hips forward, begging for friction while every noise you made just inched him closer to his release... but he needed this to last.
"You close? Let me take care 'f you," he mumbled, breathing heavily against your pussy while he tried his best to stay still. It sent shockwaves through your body, and you tried desperately not to scream his name.
"So... so close.. Fuck, it's too much," your useless protest was cut short by a loud moan, muffled by the sweaty palm of your hand. Your heart pounded in your head as your walls clenched around Carmen's fingers. You weren't used to anything feeling this good in months.
"C'mon baby, you can handle it. You're alright. You're doing so good. Takin' my fingers so fuckin' good," Carmen's raspy voice comforted you. His tongue finally came back to relieve you, his fingers slowing down so as to not overstimulate you, as much as he wanted to.
"Carmy!" Your eyes screwed shut as your thighs shook. You chased your high, practically grinding into his face as his nose bumped your clit while his fingers remained at work.
"Jesus..." You panted, grunting in disappointment when you felt Carmen slide his fingers out of you. He licked them clean while your eyes were screwed shut as you tried to recollect yourself. Carmen planted a kiss on your temple the second he sat back up onto the couch, pulling you into his lap by your waist. You felt his erection against your crotch, his already sticky mess combining with your wetness yet again.
"You okay?" Carmen cupped your cheek, pushing any sweaty strands of hair out of your face. And just when he thought he couldn't have felt more proud of you, he melted into the feeling of your lips against his.
You didn't know if you'd ever see him again, you didn't know if this night would magically become niche hot gossip within your respective groups; all you knew was that you wanted him. His lust blown eyes on you, his hands gripping your waist as he bent you over your kitchen counter and fucked you dumb, the sound of sex echoing through your apartment.
Maybe some other Friday night.
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ultrone · 1 year
nat and her pretty princess gf like i love it
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✩୧ ‧₊ 👛 -— nat scatorccio with a soft princess-like gf
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nat has never really cared about others' opinions of her, but if she was being honest, she felt embarrassed—or vulnerable—to have you visit her trailer. she consistently dodged your requests to meet her family, especially since you came from a fairly typical household. it wasn't until you followed her home one day that you finally got to see where she lived.
at first, she got very mad at you, saying you were “invading her privacy”. however, you noticed her voice began to crack and her eyes grew watery—so you just pulled her into your arms. you held her tight and told her that it didn't matter if she lived in a trailer park or had a tough family situation, because you loved her and everything that came with it. that's when you first told her you loved her, and she immediately said it back.
ever since then, she felt a heavy weight lift off her shoulders and often asks you to come over to chill in her room or on her trailer's rooftop. you've even met her mom by now—you didn't really exchange many words, as she was barely conscious on the couch, as per usual. but at least she knows who you are, and that makes nat really happy.
she’s always been somewhat skeptical when it comes to physical affection, but somehow she always relaxes under your touch. whenever you're together, she's often found with one arm around your waist or draped over your shoulders.
she also tends to rest her hand on one of your bare thighs, her cold rings making contact against your skin.
she'll never admit it, but she often coordinates her outfit colors with yours. for instance, a few months ago, you sent her a picture of your school outfit—a pink crop top with a matching skirt—and you later noticed at school that she was wearing pink socks and a pink bracelet 😭
and you know she does it on purpose because whenever you playfully tease her about it, she blushes and gets very defensive LMFAOO
one of her most precious clothing items is her leather jacket; she has been wearing it all the time ever since she got it, or at least until you two started dating.
one day when you came over to her trailer, you rummaged through her closet because you were cold—you should've known better than to wear a skirt in the fall. you found her distinctive jacket and immediately put it on. she was about to complain, until you turned around to face her, making her realize how adorable you looked wearing her oversized jacket. and ever since then, the jacket has practically become yours.
however, despite how beautiful she thinks you look in it, the primary reason she lets you borrow it so frequently is that the few times you give it back, it carries your scent—and she’s obsessed with it. you'll probably never know this, but she cuddles it to sleep, almost getting intoxicated with your scent.
once, she got mad at you because while she was sleeping, you made several small braids in her hair and added pastel-colored bows to the ends of them. when she woke up, you forgot to show them to her, and she ended up going to practice with her hair like that ☠️ van bullied the shit outta her 😭😭
“but you look so cute 😞” “take them off. right now.”
she always lets you play with her hair though; you love how soft and fluffy it is. you're constantly ruffling it or running your fingers through it while you're cuddling.
she took a summer job and worked every day just to afford matching necklaces for both of you. yours has an "N" pendant, while hers carries your initial.
whenever she has a soccer game, she rubs the necklace between her fingers and gives it a little kiss, cuz she says it brings her luck 😭😭 she does this while scanning the crowd for you, like a lost puppy, and her face lights up the moment she spots you, breaking into a smile.
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simmyfrobby · 7 months
i hope you don't mind me asking — but how / why did you pick the teams you cheer for currently? i just realized we don't have favorite teams in common but i love your energy and all of your poetry posts so much 🫶
oh so the penguins just happened to be the first team i found when i googled “hockey” but the bruins were an accident and also a mistake.
i don’t entirely know why i like the teams i like. i think i just tend to pick one character or dynamic i find interesting and follow that down a rabbit hole. i got into hockey after watching the pens 2009 cup documentary
(big strong manly dudes who talk about sports like it’s war and celebrate hard hits, playing through injuries, and getting into fights, who also nicknamed their little goalie friend Flower and made sure to give him forehead kisses after every game. i didn’t stand a chance)
so sid, geno, tanger, (talbot), and most of all flOWER were my first loves and ive kinda just stuck with them ever since.
at one point i tried to put together a spreadsheet to figure out which other teams to root for (based on their names, logos, place in the standings, nr of scandinavians etc). i immediately eliminated all the red white and blue teams because i thought the colour combination was unimaginative, then eliminated all the teams whose logo was just a letter because i thought that was stupid, then forgot all about the spreadsheet because a bruins fan was nice to me and i decided to root for her team just because i liked her vibe.
(dragged one friend down the marcheron rabbit hole with me and we watched game 7 together and i will truly genuinely never stop feeling guilty about putting her through all that. then bergy retiring broke me unfixable etc etc and now we’re here)
minnesota kinda became my team a few months ago, mainly because flower plays there, but also because i got to watch them play in stockholm and that was v exciting for me. the wild have been getting most of my attention lately because that’s the fandom where i have the most fun. whereas the goalies and the superstars tend to suck up most of the oxygen in other fandoms, wildblr for some reason tends to focus on the fourth liners and the losers and that’s more my vibe just in general.
hockey is only really an internet hobby for me, and none of my Real Life Friends really care about it, so i need some fandom friends to yell about these things with. im also several timezones behind and i catch most games a few hours after the fact, so if i have to scroll through a lb of a fandom that’s very negative i tend to just blacklist that tag. there’s a few teams i now see very little of & don’t massively care about for that reason.
this turned into a much longer reply than i intended but also i just really liked the question & you worded it real kind so i didn’t want to half ass it.
there’s other players i still like even though i don’t keep up w the team much (eichel, natemac, that little slutty guy from montreal, bertuzzi, tk, ej, etc etc) but there’s only so many hours in a day, you know?
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
TMNT Thanksgiving Special!
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Summary: How you spend Thanksgiving with the trutles!
Warnings: None, just fluff!
It's worth mentioning that the turtles had never had a traditional thanksgiving dinner before they met you. Usually, it wasn't something Splinter could have pulled off with his lack of resources. Though he did very much want the boys to experience the Japanese version of the holiday, considering their secrecy, celebrating the way he had as a child would have been out of the question.
This year was going to be different though, because they had you, who knew how to cook, at least half decently, and April, who could at least follow directions.
It wasn't a very large affair, just a turkey that you'd managed to find on sale, some mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. All made by the two of you, of course.
All of the boys, (apart from Raph and Casey) had offered to help, but the pair of you would simply share a look, giggle, and send them off on some time consuming chore to make them feel helpful.
Currently, Donnie and Leo were setting the table, murmuring to each other about how nice their misshapen silverware looked all wrapped in paper towels, or how fancy the kitchen island looked with the tacky plastic table cloth that you'd snagged from the dollar store (on clearance) laid across it.
You had to giggle at them as they marveled at things that were so mundane to you. You often times forgot how fascinated they could be by the simplest things, due to their short time on the surface.
Figures often bustled in and out of the kitchen, prompting you and your assistant chef to immediately come to blows with anyone deemed unworthy of being in the space. In your defense, it was usually one of whom you'd nicknamed the 'Lazy Trio', trying to sneak bites of whatever you were making at the time.
Occasionally, Splinter would come in to make a fresh pot of tea, or Leo or Donnie would offer to wash up the dishes made so far, which you always obliged.
When the feast was ready to be served, April whistled through her fingers, and you were pleasantly surprised to find that, for maybe the first time since you'd met the turtles, everyone in the lair had obliged, all now waiting eagerly at the table.
A few, including Mikey and Casey had trouble keeping them contained, struggling not to reach across the table to dig in before the meal was actually served.
When it was, Splinter was awarded the honor of carving the bird, something he wasn't prepared for, but graciously accepted anyways.
"Many years ago, my life was changed forever." He began a speech, head held high, so not to show tears welling in his eyes. "I suddenly found myself a father, once again, and I have always done what I felt was right to honor my sons, even if that meant shielding them from all outside factors. However, over the last several months, I have come to realize that not only do I have my four sons to cherish, but I have the loveliest of daughters as well."
Your cheeks burned at his words, and the way your 'brothers' cheered you both for making this holiday possible for them.
"And of course, my son, Casey." Splinter finished with a smile, having spotted the boy pouting in his seat from not being spoken of.
The meal was followed by everyone gathering in the living room, watching a live feed of the Macy's Day Parade, resting off your amazing cooking.
You yourself sat cuddled up to someone special, nuzzling your face into his arm and dozing off, securely enveloped in scaly arms.
@sunshinesdaydream @helpyaw @thelaundrybitch @camillahorne26 @turtle-babe83 @fyreball66 @sharpwindow @roseygardenfan @witchofthenorthstar @pheradream15
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Don't Leave Me Here
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Changing format and style, because I want to keep my motivation strong. 💪👁👄👁
Fandom: Star Wars
Request: Nope. This is the very self-indulgent one shot.
Pairing: Cassian Andor x F!Reader
Summaries: Battle of Scariff brings hope to the Galaxy and the Rebels, but what about the Rogue One's crews, especially with your long-time-crush, Captain Andor.
Contents: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Mutual pining, Friends to lovers, Soft Cassian, Love confessing, Idiots in love.
Warning: Angst. Describing of Injuries, blood, pain and death. Crying. Anxiety. Cliché plot. Writer is being too over emotional and regret nothing.
Rate: M for melodrama
Words: 2,285
A/N: Alternate version of Rouge One 2016's ending. Because I had realised that I didn't write my own. Also, feel a little bit sad, because 2024 is feeling like eternity. But I'm gonna write Cassian's fix-it fan fictions, until I can't write. English is my second Language, please feel free to correct me, and let me know if I miss any CW+TW. Enjoy Reading 😊
🌹Click to My AO3
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Death Star Plan was successfully stolen. The battle at Scariff had been considered as a big victory for rebellions. Everyone who stayed at Yavin IV was cheering and crying with joy. Some systems, even, officially declared independents over the Empire’s sovereign right there. Some systems, which tended to give up before, decided to maintain alliances. The spark of flame was reigniting again. The light at the end of the darkest tunnel was like a new dawn — hope.
But it just was at the very first minutes, when the Plan completely broadcast. The Rogue One crews returned with survivors – were not long enough after the battle ended – but mostly were casualties. All Medbay turned into a big, chaotic area; doctors, nurses, medical staffs, and medical droids managed to diagnose every crew’s condition from the worst to ‘nothing much to worry about’.
And the worst, whose state was severe, was Captain Cassian Andor. Y/N’s one of her old and good friends, since she had joined the Rebellions in the first month.
Cassian was a mystery (some even said he was scary), moody, tense and taciturn on the outside – for almost everybody on Yavin IV Base. Actually, he was not. He had a strange humour and points of views toward life, also knowledges in many fields which attracted his team, many women on the base, and Y/N.
As the volunteer at Medbay – after hearing there were survivors – Y/N ran and helped the staffs as much as her strength allowed. First time she saw Cassian, he was covered by blood and wounds, while she was pasting Bacta gel on a supporting crew. She didn’t spare a time to visit him, she must stay outside – standing by. When she finished all the tasks, she noticed that a doctor and assistances had taken care of Cassian already. She was about to visit him in a patient room, but it was forbidden.
Few hours later, the Rebellion Alliances had received the news; Princess Leia was being held in custody by the Empire. Was anything worst happened to the Alliances right now?    
Three days had passed by, Y/N had switched to the ‘autopilot’ mode on working in her station, doing routine. Thanks to all the works which kept her busy until resting time, they also made her forgot what she had dreamt in her sleeping.
On the fourth day, main crews on the cargo ship gradually came to consciousness. Y/N’s good friend at Medbay told her that late morning. She immediately visited them and listening to the incident near the broadcasting tower on Scariff.
Jyn told Y/N everything which Cassian did. She even encouraged her to hold tight on the hope. Chirrut said the force had been staying with Cassian, and the force always worked in many surprising ways. Moreover, the medical staffs allowed everyone, whoever cared about Cassian, to visit him. He was getting much better now, but still unconscious.
She didn’t want to dig up those memories of him being covered by blood and wounds four days ago. Nevertheless, she shook them out, made up her mind, and deciding to see him. Maybe Jyn and Chirrut were right.
            Y/N exited her station to the room where Cassian was placed. She noticed the one and only re-programming Imperial droid on Yavin IV. He stood and starred through the window, seem like he hoped his Captain was waking soon.
“Y/N.” K2SO greeted, “I have calculated the possible that you are going to visit Cassian today, the percentage is…”
“Don’t tell me.” She cut the droid. “Let me go inside without your statistic. My head is aching enough.”
Keying a code, going inside, she cursed herself for being rude to K2SO. Somehow, after visiting Cassian – she would apologise to the droid – since she had forgotten his good intention, underneath the sarcasm.
As Y/N approached the bed, all Cassian’s blood and wounds were cleansed. BPM pulse and body temperature had not become normal yet. He would not wake up within two or three days, according to the report. Numerous I.V.s were still plugging into his veins, also a bandage on his torso.
Y/N sat on a chair beside the bed, examining Cassian’s state closely while she tried to hold back her tears, but it was failed. She could not help herself. All tears ran down her cheeks like a great flood. Four days and three nights felt like months. She let vulnerability got her by sobbing uncontrollably, started talking to him and wishing he could hear;
“Cassian, I know you are willingly to do anything for the Rebellion. I’m really proud. But why do you always run into suicide missions?” Her voice was depressed. “Sometimes, you don’t have to prove that you are one of the best rebel spies by destroying yourself. Mon Mothma and many commanders speak of you highly… even princess Leia…”
Tears still ran down, while she was reaching for his hand, biting lower lip and shook her head.
“I survived the first month because of your helps. You introduce me to many things I know just a bit or haven’t known before, so I can fit in. When I feel down, blue, even black, you cheer me up with your eccentric jokes – and if you are out for a mission, you always say goodbye… this time… you don’t even give me a chance…”
Y/N recalled what was happening when Rogue One recklessly leaved for Scariff, after most allies and commanders objected. She was there. When the meeting ended, she sought Cassian or whoever in his unit. Too late. They had gone.
“I want to blame my stupid brain for bringing the pain that I do not desire to feel. That isn’t a reason. Those words in my mind – I wish I could tell you, after all of these years…” Y/N softly squeezed his hand “Since here we are, only you and me. When you wake up, we are going to be the same. It’s now or never.”
She paused for seconds, took one deep breath, and let all her feels breaking control.
“I love you, Cassian. More than a good friend. I love you with all my heart, my soul, my breath, and my entire existence. You are the one. Every time you come back, I just don’t want to hug you – I want to kiss you like there’s no tomorrow, jumping into you, embracing you in my arms……”
            Y/N kept confessing her feelings toward Cassian until she recognised she was going to weep again. She stopped, stood up, leaned forward to kiss Cassian’s forehead gently, and whispered before leaving.
“Just don’t leave me here…”
            She dried her eyes, leaved Cassian behind, and repressing the desire to look at him again. As she exited, K2SO still had been on the spot. She sighed, walking toward the droid.
“I’m sorry Kay. I shouldn’t say such things. Well, I don’t have any excuse.”
“At least you didn’t hit me. I don’t expect anything. I have calculated, there is a high chance that you’re going to apologise. So, I forgive you.”
Y/N could swear to Kriff that K2SO mentally shrugged, judging by his tone. She crossed her arms and faking a smile.
“Then we’re even.” Looking on the floor, she gazed up at K2SO again. “Tell me, have you calculated when Captain Andor is going to wake up?”
“I did, but I think you don’t need it anymore.”
She raised her eyebrows. The droid did say nothing, just looked into the room. She followed suit, shook her head, and suddenly rushing inside.
Cassian opened his eyes. Blinking rapidly, he glanced around. The last thing he remembered – before everything turning black – was K2SO and Jyn helping him into an escape pod, also thinking about Y/N and regretting that he had not bid a proper farewell yet. And how the Kriff he could be here now, at the medical section on Rebelli—
“Maker!” she exclaimed, stopping him from the train of thought – While she was restraining herself from hugging him.
Cassian swore in his native tongue. Unbelievably, his eyes might be deceiving him – Y/N was here – impossible. This place could be wherever the creatures went after the death.
“No, this isn’t true. Scariff was destroyed by the Death Star… You can’t be here.”
Y/N wanted to punch him in the face, but it could send him back to the unconsciousness again. She tried to keep calm, but instead, her tears explode again.
“Don’t you dare say such a thing—”
His mouth was gaping a little, looking downward at his own body. His torso and his head still hurt. He felt everything which plugged on his arm, thinking backward – moreover, before he could open his eye – he could hear Y/N said something… about the relationship, and love. Especially what he had been holding on for a long time, the same thing she had blurted out. He thought they were an illusion.
He sat up, his back and his bone were cracking loudly. He breathed deeply, restraining all the agony. Y/N supported him; holding his upper body and adjusting pillows.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He paused, as she was sitting beside the bed, “This mission is important. We must do it fast. That fucking weapon is too dangerous… like I’ve told you before, if we waited for permission, the Empire could be a hundred steps ahead…”
“No hard feelings. You survive, wake up and healing. The Empire is going to fall. Those are all I want.”  
Seeing Y/N sniffed, sobbed and looked down at the floor, Cassian’s eyes were softer than ever. He reached out to take her hand, that grab an edge of the bed, caressing it gently.
“Please don’t cry. Kay tells me once that tears can drain oneself, and… You deserve all happiness in the galaxy.”
She gazed into his eyes. Perplexing spread on her pale face.
“What Kay’s randomly statistic has to do with my happiness?”
Cassian sighed quietly. Smiling, he whispered in Kenari, decided to speak all his heart out.
“Come sitting here.” He patted a space on the mattress. Although she was still dazing, she consented. Here, it was closer than ever, every time they interacted.
“Your happiness is my happiness. Your pain is my pain.”
She gasped. Something was dawning in her mind, but he still kept continuing;
“I thought I was dead or dreaming. It is not. I hear what you have said. I feel all the things you have done. I’m not going to leave you here anymore. I love you, Y/N; with all my heart, my breath, my soul, and my entire existence.”
“Please don’t leave me here, too.”
His voice was filled with pleading and the utmost longing. His eyes had not brightened yet, but they were brighter than ever – before he disappeared as the council was dismissing.
“I’m not gonna leave you. Ever.”
All the affectionate and things which left unsaid within their eyes were exploding. Her lips were parted – trying to reply – but his hand slowly moving to her face. Caressing it tenderly and trailing downward from her cheek to her chin, he tugged her weave behind her ear. Cassian and Y/N could feel their breaths upon their own skins. Their eyes were exchanging feeling from through all of these years, as she put her hand on his shoulder.
Cassian didn’t hesitate. He leaned in to capture Y/N lips softly. It was like a butterfly pecking on flowers, an index finger touching a velvet cloth. They paused for seconds to catch the breath. She sensed that the temperature in this room was rising and warmer than before.
“I won’t do this again…” He whispered, looked into her eyes and circling his thumbs over her cheek and her hand.
“You don’t have to…”
“I’m not gonna be reckless. I will ask Mon Mothma and other commanders for table-work. More time on base, less time t—”
Y/N sealed Cassian’s mouth with her lips, lightly pushing him back on pillows. His eyes were widening, but he grinned while kissing her back. His hand on hers moved from to the back of her neck, gradually pulling her down to deepen the passionate kiss.
“There is ninety-nine per cent that Y/N is gonna kiss you like this, Cassian.”
Y/N was abruptly jumping back to a chair. She almost fell from a sickbed, as she heard K2SO’s voice. Cassian, also the same, but he gripped a metal beside tightly enough.
“Kay!” Cassian hissed the Droid, who was standing near infirmary’s trolleys.
“Oh, I shouldn’t have disturbed you both, since you have always wished the scenario like this, should I?”
“Go visiting others.” He ordered. The droid did as he was told – turned around and walking out. Both Cassian and Y/N heard K2SO talking to himself, distinctly, like the droid wanted them to hear.
“Humans are such the peculiar life-forms. I will ask technicians on loading how to understand the humankind programme.”
“Maybe I will tell the technicians to not upload that.”
Cassian sighed loudly, shook his head, and turning to Y/N for opinion. But what he saw was she had been covering her face with her hands in shyness.
“No, I’m gonna tell them myself.”
Cassian joyfully laughed. She still sat and posing as the same. If his eyes were not deceived him, he saw the redness on her temple, her ears, and her neck.
“I should tell you how I feel earlier. But, it's okay, you are lovely when you are like this.”
“Stop it.” She glanced and swiftly pressing the comm, calling a doctor, before Cassian could tease her more.
At the point, she didn’t doubt why K2SO just being K2SO. Because the one who had reprogrammed this imperial droid was just the same as him.
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Thank you for reading Your likes, comments and rebloggings are appreciated! 🥰🥰🥰
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polyhexian · 11 months
I like how the eventually AU gives Camila the opportunity to get another adult's perspective on Luz and the Boiling Isles during the human realm stay. Like, no offense to the kids, but when you're a parent and you're trying to determine if your child is in an okay situation, you're going to put a bit more value on the insights of a fellow adult than those of a bunch of teenagers. Let alone when the situation is that your kid had a secret summer-long stay in another dimension.
So I'm imagining one of the rare moments they get to talk when there's no kids around cuz they're all out trying to build a portal door or something, and it's like
Camila: I've just been so worried about Luz, she's always had trouble fitting in, she's never had any real friends, her teachers don't like her, it's hard for her to focus on things she's not interested in and she has trouble applying herself, I know she's smart but her grades are all over the place, she'd rather think about her fantasy worlds instead of do anything to engage with or prepare for living in the real one - except it turns out she's found a REAL fantasy world? And I'm not sure if that makes things better or worse.
Jasper: Uh, your daughter has made several very close friends and is generally accepted by the entire student body, she rediscovered an ancient type of magic usage that everyone forgot about ages ago, her teachers love her, she successfully convinced her principal to LET students study multiple tracks despite wild magic having been forbidden for fifty years, she's handled every adventure and scrape she's ever gotten into beautifully, she routinely surprises and impresses her mentor Eda the Owl Lady who was up until recently one of the most powerful people on the Isles, she broke Amity free of her parents' toxic influence and successfully deprogrammed my son out of a cult, she's friendly and creative and brilliant and everyone who knows her is extremely grateful to have her in their life.
Camila: …
Jasper: …
Both: Are we talking about the same kid?
Which is GREAT
what I love so much about Luz is how much she blossomed in this world and how much her old one stunted her. Makes me crazy that she finished human high school for whatever reason before moving permanently to the isles. I like to think Camila would see that her daughter belonged where she was happy, that the right place for her was, as much as it hurt, not here. And she would rather her be happy than be with her. Obviously she still sees her all the time but like. Luz is herself, all the way, without apology, in the world she found, and she is loved there and understood there. I think vee and Luz make such awesome- foils? Parallels? In that way. Both were brought up in these worlds that suffocated them and stepped into a place where they blossomed, where they could be genuinely truly happy. Vee had only lived in the human realm a few months when the rest of the crew showed up but she'd already fully adapted to human realm stuff! The same way Luz immediately just adapted to everything witchy. Amity and Willow panic at the sight of an alarm clock. Vee is already so familiar with this world she knows how fire extinguishers work, what human food is supposed to taste like, how to speak Spanish and use a cell phone and alarm clocks. The way Luz is like oh NO teenagers but vee just happily sits down and talks to them. These people are like her. They aren't like Luz. Luz is an outsider in the world she was born in and so was vee and it is so much better for them both that they found somewhere they could actually BE.
Anyway yeah lol this timeline Camila can really get the full perspective on how incredibly well Luz has done. From Camila's perspective her daughter ran away from home and when she came back she was wounded, traumatized and seriously depressed. She didn't see how genuinely happy and at peace Luz was there. She is totally reasonable in suspecting this place was Bad For Her.
But while Luz is unwilling to talk too much because she's depressed and all the kids have limited perspectives and probably aren't comfortable talking about luz to her mom anyway- jasper can fully be like yeah no dude you have no idea. She's a bright star people flock to. She's so confident and happy and optimistic and kind. She literally deprogrammed my child soldier son and rescued him from a cult. Won't lie to you ma'am, your daughter has put her life at risk many times and many people have tried to kill her- but they all failed because she is so strong and so loved that he is never alone. Luz is legitimately a hero.
What a wild thing to hear about your child. Both the danger she has been in but also... How much she has flourished within that danger. Your fifteen year old daughter's passion is in saving people from shark attacks or something. It's not just that she's happy, it's that she's strong, fulfilled, passionate, she's filled with a LIFE she never was before.
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youngjusticeslut · 2 years
Writing suggestion: everyone congratulates Supermartian at the wedding reception, toast the happy couple and someone gives a heartfelt speech about everything they’ve been through especially their time apart in season 4. Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top. I will love you forever if you write this!
Given the circumstances and the haste of putting together a ceremony, it was a miracle that the wedding turned out as well as it did.
The catered dinner that M'gann and Conner had carefully tasted months ago was replaced with a mountain of pizzas. No dance floor, but their friends had managed to finagle a couple of speakers. Virgil and Cassie immediately shot up and dubbed themselves DJs for the night, so with all the drama out of the way, everyone could finally let loose and breathe again.
Though, the copious amounts of alcohol (generously donated by several leaguers, Artemis, Roy, and one brooding billionaire) certainly helped a bit.
"So, no speeches?" Dick asks, sipping from a dangerously pink concoction that Bart had dubbed 'the Supermartian'.
Conner raises a brow. "Did you write one?"
"Wait, wasn't that Gar's job?" Will asks, nodding at the green boy who seemed a little preoccupied with getting Lian and Amistad to stop chasing his new Corgi.
"I am afraid it was mine," Kaldur says, his cheeks a faint shade of cherry. Whether it was from the three glasses of champagne, the embarassment from not having a speech made, or from Wyynde perched across his lap, he couldn't tell. "You asked me to speak, and I admit I forgot."
M'gann laughs. "He asked you months ago. I think you're forgiven, Kaldur. We kind of nixed the whole speeches thing when we put this together."
"Uh, yeah, we kind of had other things going on." Artemis tips the rest of her drink into her mouth and sets the glass down. "I think it's a miracle we all just made it here."
"You're one to talk. Weren't you supposed to give a speech too?"
Artemis shoots a glare at her brother in law. "Again, months ago. I dub myself forgiven."
"Don't think that's really your call to make, 'Mis."
"She's forgiven." M'gann leans her head on Conner's shoulder. "But I'll take a toast, if any of you feel in the mood."
"Lord knows you guys need it," Zatanna giggles. "That's how many tragedies in the span of ten years?"
Raquel grins and raises a glass. "Zee's right. We need some good juju up in here."
She stands from the table, but before she can even begin to make her way to the front of the dance floor, the music stops. Everyone turns their gaze, only to be met with a frightening proposition: Icicle Jr. with a microphone.
"As the resident worst-man and the person who witnessed the official creation of this union, I want to give a toast!"
Horrified looks fill the room, and Icicle Jr.'s security guards quickly get up, but Conner waves them down. "Let him speak!"
"Thank you! Now, as I was saying... even though I totally met her first, and I thought she was your sister and you guys were into some real freaky stuff, I guess you guys are kind of a match made in... whatever! Though, I still think she would look way cooler with me."
The pun is met with audible groans, and from a distance, someone (Bart) questions the 'sister' part.
"Alls this to say is that I wish you guys every happiness in the world. A toast to the happy couple!"
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The Mystery of the Barnet Clan Harry Potter x Reader Series
First Year Chapter 2: The Weasleys and Diagon Alley
Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: (Y/N) and her family have dinner with the Weasleys before their trip to Diagon Alley
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,537
Story Starts Below Cut
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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As (Y/N) stepped out of the fireplace at the burrow, she quickly dusted off the black soot that had collected in a thin layer atop her trousers.
She really hated traveling by floo.
When (Y/N) finished dusting herself off, she was immediately met with the face of her childhood best friend.
“You lot are here earlier than we expected. Mum still isn’t finished with dinner yet.”
Ron hadn’t changed at all since she had last seen him, which, at this point, was several months ago. He still has the same fiery red hair, gangly arms and legs, and a copious amount of freckles.
“Mum was in a rush to get here once she found out you got your letter,” said (Y/N), “Which reminds me, we’ve got your owl.”
As though (Y/N) herself had summoned them, her parents appeared at the Burrow and stepped out of the fireplace.
“I’ve always hated traveling by floo,” said Mrs. Barnet before handing Errol to Ron, ”Take him for me will you? I’ll never understand why Molly insists on sending him out in this kind of weather. He’s much too old.”
“Useless old lump,” said Ron, placing Errol back in the cage, “What’s the point of having an owl if it can’t even finish one delivery before basically passing out.”
“He was flying in really nasty weather, Ron,” argued (Y/N), “That would be rough on any owl.”
”She’s right, Ron. Stop picking on poor Errol,” said a familiar voice.
Fred, (Y/N) assumed.
“Yeah, Ron. How would you like to be the one making deliveries in this weather,” came George’s voice, “Come to think of it, I do need to practice my charms work. I could practice on you.”
Ron’s ears turned an angry shade of red.
“Come off it,” said Ron, “I know you two can’t do magic outside of school. Besides, I’m going to Hogwarts this year too. I’ll show you--”
“Show us what Ron? Your hidden magical prowess?” said Fred.
Ron made a very foul hand gesture at Fred, which was, unfortunately, seen by his mother.
“Ron!” she said sternly, “Don’t you ever let me see you doing that again!”
Ron grumbled darkly under his breath as Mrs. Weasley moved forward to greet (Y/N).
“We weren’t expecting you so early, dear, or else dinner would have already been served,” said Mrs. Weasley, pulling (Y/N) into a tight hug, “I heard you’ve gotten your Hogwarts letter. You’re excited, I expect?”
“Of course,” said (Y/N), “Excited, and a bit nervous I suppose.”
“That’s to be expected. Ron’s a bit nervous too. My best years were at Hogwarts. I expect yours will be too.”
With that, she left the room, instructing Fred and George to set the table for dinner on her way to the kitchen.
“We might as well help out,” said Ron, “We’ll be able to eat faster that way.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes in amusement.
“All you can ever think about is food.
(Y/N) forgot how good Mrs. Weasley’s cooking was. Dinner was comprised of a large spread that covered nearly the entire table. About halfway through dinner, Mr. Weasley had finally arrived at the Burrow.
“Sorry all, got held up at the office,” he said, before taking his place at the dinner table, “Everything looks wonderful Molly.”
“I was under the impression that you would be on time for dinner tonight, Arthur,” she scolded, “Especially since we have guests.”
“Well, as I said, Molly, dear,” he stammered, “I was held up at the office. Very…very important work.”
Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips in a very annoyed sort of way.
“I wasn’t aware that tinkering around with muggle objects counted as ‘very important work.’”
Mr. Weasley’s ears turned red in the same way Ron’s did whenever he got embarrassed.
“It's really no issue at all,” said Mr. Barnet, attempting to ease the tension, “We’re practically family. I didn’t think we counted as guests anymore.”
His wife was quick to come to his aid.
“Anthony is right. There’s no issue at all, Molly,” said Mrs. Barnet, “Besides, we should focus on celebrating (Y/N) and Ron for getting into Hogwarts, should we not?”
Mrs. Weasley seemed to give up on chastizing her husband, allowing for more lighthearted conversation to fill the table.
(Y/N) fell into easy conversation with Ginny, the youngest Weasley sibling. As Ginny was the only girl of seven children, and (Y/N) had no siblings of her own, the two girls would often seek each other out whenever (Y/N) and her parents would visit the Burrow.
“How’ve you been Ginny? Are you excited to finally have the house to yourself? It’ll just be you and your mum, right?”
Ginny’s eyes darkened.
“Not really. I don’t much fancy being stuck in the house all day with only mum for company.”
(Y/N) sympathized with this. She often resented her parents’ dedication to their jobs at the ministry and was often stuck at home with nothing but her own loneliness for company. She, perhaps, understood Ginny in that way.
After the dinner table was filled with nothing but abandoned plates and empty goblets, Mr. Barnet stood from the table.
“We’d best be off then,” he said, helping his wife from her seat at the table, “Tomorrow’s another early day in the office for me.”
“But what about Diagon Alley? We still have to get our school stuff!” said (Y/N).
“Don’t worry,” said Mr. Barnet, patiently, “There will be plenty of time for that soon. I promise.”
Apparently (Y/N) and her father had very different definitions of the word ‘soon.’ It had been nearly four weeks since their dinner with the Weasleys by the time both of her parents had enough time off of work to take her to Diagon Alley. But finally, on July 31, she was able to shop for her Hogwarts school supplies.
(Y/N) had visited Diagon Alley plenty of times growing up, but the place seemed even more magical as her first year at Hogwarts was quickly approaching.
“Where are we off to first?” (Y/N) asked her parents as she scanned the list that had come with her acceptance letter.
The list, (Y/N) thought, was massive. It included everything a young witch or wizard could need, including standard spell books, basic potion-making materials, and, most importantly, a wand.
(Y/N)’s father seemed to read her mind before he spoke.
“I expect you’ll want to stop at Ollivander’s first. After all, what’s a witch without her wand?” he said with a twinkle in his eye.
“Now hold on, the both of you,” said Mrs. Barnet, stopping them in their tracks, “We can’t buy much of anything until we’ve got some gold. We’re off to Gringotts first.”
She then turned on the spot in pursuit of the wizarding bank, giving (Y/N) and her father no choice but to follow.
As (Y/N) entered the large building with her parents, walking along the long narrow pathway to the front desk.
(Y/N) kept her eyes low as she followed closely behind her parents. Goblins has always made her uneasy. She felt it was only a matter of time before the goblins turned on wizardkind after years of constant mistreatment.
Her father cleared his throat as they reached the front of the room, and the goblin sitting at the front desk looked up in recognition.
“Mr.Barnet. How can I be of assistance?” spoke the goblin.
“We’d like to make a withdrawal if you don’t mind,” said Mr. Barnet, wordlessly passing the key to the vault over to the goblin.
The goblin passed the key over to yet another goblin, who motioned for the family to follow him.
They took a long, slightly uncomfortable, ride down to one of the lower levels of the bank. This, (Y/N) recalled, was where many of the higher security vaults were. As her father was the last remaining member of a very old pure-blood family, his vault was given very tight security.
After collecting a fair bit of gold from Gringotts, (Y/N) and her parents headed to Ollivander’s to choose her wand.
The group entered the building, which was quite empty of any customers. Although (Y/N) had seen the outside of the building plenty of times, she had never been inside before. It was a quaint shop, with little more than a single frail-looking chair and several tall piles of narrow boxes occupying the space.
As though her very presence had summoned it, Mr. Ollivander’s voice rang through the small shop.
“I’d wondered if I’d be seeing you soon, Miss Barnet. And of course, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet. I remember when you first came into my shop all those years ago,” his gaze then fixed on her mother and then her father, “Silver Lime wood with unicorn hair. Nine and three-quarter inches, and quite flexible. And larch wood with a dragon hearstring core. Fourteen and a quarter inches with quite rigid flexibility, if I am not mistaken.”
“You are never mistaken, Mr. Ollivander,” said Mr. Barnet, a hint of adoration in his voice.
Mr. Ollivander shrugged in a slightly abashed way before turning his attention back to (Y/N).
“Your wand arm, Miss Barnet?”
(Y/N) wordlessly held out her dominant arm as Mr. Ollivander’s measuring tape measured around her body on its own.
“That’s quite enough!” Mr. Ollivander called from a pile of boxes, as the measuring tape had started measuring between her nostrils.
“Right then. We’ll try this one first,” said Mr. Ollivander, as he made his way over to where (Y/N) stood, “Hazlewood with unicorn hair. Ten and a half inches, and quite flexible.”
(Y/N) took the wand, waving it slightly, before Mr. Ollivander quickly snatched it from her.
“No, no,” he muttered to himself, “Not right at all.”
The next several wands she tried were either taken back by Mr. Ollivander immediately. The last wand she had tried, made of holly and phoenix feather, was also rejected by Mr. Ollivander almost instantly.
(Y/N) sighed, beginning to lose hope. She had never heard of any witch or wizard taking this long to find their perfect wand.
As if she could read her mind (Y/N)’s mother called out to her.
“There’s nothing to worry about, love. Your father went through about a hundred wands before he found his perfect match.
Her father looked quite annoyed at this accusation.
“Don’t listen to your mother. It was only 87.”
(Y/N) felt as if she might break her father’s record. She tried wand after wand, but still, Ollivander was unsatisfied with the results. It wasn’t until Mr. Ollivander grabbed a sleek black box that she thought she was making progress in her search for a wand.
“Sycamore wood with unicorn hair. Ten inches and surprisingly swishy.”
(Y/N) took the wand in her hand before she extended her arm. As her fingers wrapped tightly around the wand, she felt a soothing sort of heat beneath her fingers as the wand produced red and gold sparks that shot across the shop.
Her parents clapped politely as Mr. Ollivander packed her wand back into its original box.
“Interesting,” he said as he bowed the family out of the shop, “Interesting indeed.”
After they left Ollivander’s shop, (Y/N) and her parents decided to split up. (Y/N) had been to Diagon Alley enough times to know her way around. Her mother went to Flourish and Blotts to purchase (Y/N)’s new school books, while her father went to buy her ingredients for potions.
When (Y/N) entered Madam Malkin's to buy her new school robes, she was ushered to a spot in the back of the shop near two boys, who seemed to be about her age. One of the boys had a pale pointed face and blond hair, while the other one had messy black hair, with glasses covering his striking emerald eyes. Another witch followed her back to the shop and started fitting her for her robes.
“Are you Hogwarts as well?” the blond boy asked.
“Yes. It's my first year.” said (Y/N).
“Mine as well,” the blond boy replied, “Do either of you know what house you’ll be in?”
“No,” said the other boy as (Y/N) shook her head.
“I haven’t thought about it much, to be honest,” said (Y/N), “but both of my parents were in Ravenclaw. Perhaps I’ll end up there.”
“Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they? But I know I'll be in Slytherin. All our family have been -- imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?”
(Y/N) made eye contact with the boy with the dark hair and glasses. Neither of them seemed to have anything to say to this.
"I say, look at that man!" said the boy suddenly, nodding toward the front window.
The largest man (Y/N) had ever seen was standing there, grinning at them and pointing at two large ice creams to show he couldn't come in.
"That's Hagrid," said the dark-haired boy, "He works at Hogwarts."
(Y/N) had heard of Hagrid, she realized, from Ron’s older brother, Charlie.
"Oh," said the blond boy, "I've heard of him. He's a sort of servant, isn't he?"
"He's the gamekeeper," said the other.
"Yes, exactly. I heard he's a sort of savage -- lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed."
"I think he's brilliant," said the dark-haired boy coldly.
"Do you?" said the blond boy, with a slight sneer. "Why is he with you? Where are your parents?"
"They're dead,"
(Y/N) felt a pang of sympathy for the boy. She couldn’t imagine her life without her parents.
"Oh, sorry," said the blond,. not sounding sorry at all. "But they were our kind, weren't they?"
"They were a witch and wizard, if that's what you mean."
"I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you? They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it in the old wizarding families. What's your surname, anyway?” said the blond boy, looking between them.
“Barnet,” said (Y/N) cooly, “Not that it matters what family I was born into. That doesn’t make me any better than anyone else.”
“I’ve heard of your lot,” said the boy, seemingly ignoring the rest of her words, “One of the oldest and richest pure-blood families in the world from what I’ve heard. Shame most of you have died out though.”
Before she could respond, the witch had finished her fitting, and (Y/N), quite ready to get away from the boy, hopped down from her stool to pay for her robes.
“See you at Hogwarts, I supposed,” the blond boy called after her.
After their brief conversation, (Y/N) secretly hoped that she wouldn’t see much of him at all during her time at Hogwarts.
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mondaymelon · 2 years
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always. (kou x mitsuba x gn!reader)
warnings/notes! poly relationship, human reader, fluff, surprisingly... wholesome?
(a/n) requested by @originisanend!! thank you ♡
"What are you... doing...?" Kou blinked his cyan eyes repeatedly, the confused expression only deepening as he tried to follow Mistuba's movements.
"Putting together a scrapbook, silly. Stop being dumb, hella-lame-traffic-safety-earring boy." Mistuba stuck his tongue out at the said man before returning his attention back to the photos he had printed out.
"I told you to stop calling me that! We're dating, but you're still always insulting me!" Kou pouted, cheeks flushing as he whined.
Mistuba turned to look at you, pink eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah... but I think it's a good name. After all, it fits you well. And I think..." The rosy-haired man sent you a not-so-subtle wink before continuing. "They like it too."
"Liar." Kou turned to look at you with his oceany doe eyes, silently begging you to take his side. "You aren't agreeing with Mistuba, are you?"
Blinking rapidly, you shook your head. "Hey, leave me out of this...!"
"You heard it," Mistuba chimed in, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "So now let's just kindly leave that argument and focus on what's important here."
Kou didn't seem pleased, but obliged nonetheless. Perhaps he had the memory of a goldfish, or was just too kind for his own good, but after not long at all, he was already back to being his usual sunny self.
"Where are we putting this one?" Kou asked curiously, glancing at Mistuba and you while pointing to a picture of the three of you standing in the school garden. It had been taken a couple of months ago, when it was much warmer outside. Just seeing the photo brought back good memories that made you feel warm inside.
"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FUCKING WEEDS-" Mistuba had been put in charge of garden cleanup for the school summer cleaning, and he certainly was not pleased. If that alone hadn't been enough, he had forced the two of you to come along with him. He said it was to keep him company, but the both of you knew that it was just so he could do less work.
"Now, now Mistuba, let's calm down..." Kou had acted as the mediator out of the trio, occasionally having to bandage up any scraps or cuts you got while doing the heavy work outside.
"I'm out." You had said after about an hour of working in the blazing heat. Your hands were sore and your back ached from having to bend over at harsh angles.
Yashiro had come along then, and taken a photo of the three of you. She giggled over it for weeks, although soon forgot about it. The love-stricken girl really did have the memory of a goldfish, considering she became one whenever she touched water.
"Ah, that..." Mistuba scowled, glancing up at you with vengeful eyes. "I still haven't gotten my revenge for you abandoning me, you know."
"Oh no~ I'm so scareddd~~" You giggled your ass off for about a minute before helping Mistuba glue on the final touches. Kou was digging about in a pouch of glitter and stickers, searching for some that matched the current spread the three of you were working on.
"Here!" The boy handed you several flowery stickers, along with a couple quotes and a real dry-pressed daisy. You gingerly took them from his hold, lightly brushing his hand in the process. Kou didn't directly say anything, but you saw him flinch and immediately cover his mouth with his hand.
Laughing to yourself, you placed the final touches on the spread before stepping back and taking a look to admire it. Across the top, written in Mistaba's semi-scribbly handwriting, were the words 私たちの夏, or Our Summer.
There were several photos, including the garden one. Another was during sports day and showed Kou passing the baton to you in a relay race, with Mistuba in the back cheering the two of you on. Another showed the time where you and Mistuba had attempted to make a cake for Kou's birthday... but it had turned out a little lopsided and the blue frosting turned out more purple-like instead. Nevertheless, Kou had almost bursted to tears when the two of you showed up at his residence, holding the cake tray in one hand and a present in the other.
They were pleasant photos, little bundles of warm memories and feelings. Kou glanced at you, seeing your satisfied expression, and whispered to Mistuba, "We should do this more often."
"We'll have plenty of time to this again."
"You'll always be with me, right? In sickness or in health..."
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itsm3m00n · 1 year
Gasp if this is too personal you can ignore me but you're in a relationship? What kind, who, when, how, are they as wonderful as you also do you have any cool stories about them or a past relationship omigosh spill.
its funny, because me and my partner literally have a whole backstory and i am about to unleash it upon you
Let me tell you The Story Of Space Potato
a long, long time ago, i was seven years old, and taking swim lessons at my local YMCA. in my class, was a kid who we'll call Kase (the german word for cheese) Kase and i were like every other seven year old who was put in a close vicinity with another their age, and quickly became friends.
while we took these brief YMCA swim lessons, the two of us played a game we dubbed "Space Potato" which is where you stand in the shallow end, jump up, curl into a ball and bob around like a, well, potato.
that swim practice session ended, and just like you do with all other playground friends, i completely forgot about Kase's existence.
flash forward a few years later and i graduated from YMCA swim lessons onto an actual swim team. now, this was funny because my mother was extremely excited to tell me that Kase's younger sibling, Krankenhaus, was on the swim team as well.
i remember my mother said to me, "do you remember Krankenhaus? they did swim lessons at the YMCA with you!" and so forth.
i had quite literally never heard of Krankenhaus before in my life.
however, when i came to practice on the first day, i was in a lane (lane 2) with several people, one of which was my classmate. we all got along fairly well, being fourth grade females.
one of the children in my lane introduced themselves to me as Kase. we werent the closest in our lane, but we were what the children nowadays refer to as "homies"
a good few practices in, and one day i say to Kase, "hey, want me to show you this thing i came up with called space potato?"
Kase's reaction was something like "broh i made that up" and suddenly we remembered the swim lessons at the YMCA.
the year progressed, and Kase and i were slightly closer than before, but not really at "close friend" level. we would talk during practice, and at meets, but it never really meant anything.
quite some time later (like a lot of years) and it was the end of the swim season, and Kase asked for my number. this is a normal thing to do, as we were friends and wanted to communicate.
i remember literally one of the first texts Kase send me was a gif of Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows, which really got us off on the right foot.
swim years came and went, and i was trying to figure out what my next school would be, as i had graduated. Kase was going to go to a school their mother worked at, and told me that i should apply.
i applied to Kase's school, got in, and chose it over my other two options, a horse girl school and a bunch of barns.
now the summer before i would go to this new school, i was at a theater camp doing stage tech and set design, it was a week long camp and i remember distinctly that on tuesday night, me and Kase were texting, as people do.
now i had been questioning my feelings for about a month now, because i was unfamiliar with the special condition known as Not Straight that i was dealing with.
on this tuesday night, we were chatting about random things. the two if us have a lot in common, we had read the same books, liked to draw, so on. and in a moment of idiocy, i texted something sort of like "brooo are we like soulmates?"
and then immediately regretted it because like actually who says that
but this moment of panic grew to extremes when i got no reply. i stared at my phone screen, not even the three dots showed up. i actually almost cried.
turning my phone off, i pulled a blanket over my head to wallow in my own self pity. desperate, i opened my messages and lo and behold, there were several texts, the last few being things like "where did you go?" and "did you like die or something"
turns out my FUCKING PHONE didnt send the messages through at the most horrible moment possible.
the funny thing is, the conversation turned from being best friends roommates (oof) to us spamming the word "mooses"
we also signed a soulmates contract.
however, this is not the actual story of how we got together. i might write a part two later, but my fingers are tired of typing
To Be Continued
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spookfished · 8 months
nov 2023 media roundup
hello again :3 welcome to the world from 2024!! im doing backlogs of media reviews lol. well i was really busy. and then i was super busy playing umineko!! looking back at this month, it seems like i didnt read a whole lot this month, but then i forgot that ruzhui is literally 300 chapters long. so.. a couple of these i read uh quite a few months ago by now so the review might be a bit stale. however i had like 80% of this written for several weeks so theres only a couple! this will be posted on my neocities at some point
ruzhui by please dont laugh: f/f. after a terrible breakup, college yun an is happy to leave her life behind for some TIME TRAVEL! but while disguising herself as a man to avoid discrimination, she gets looped into a matrilocal marriage with businesswoman lin buxian?! intended as a fluffy palate cleanser after pdl's previous work a clear and muddy loss of love, i think it still kinda ended up getting mired in politics two thirds of the way in, when a lot of us were here for the moments with miss malewife yun an and her powerhouse wife? on the other hand, its hard to stretch out fluff for an entire 300 chapters without contriviances. i also really enjoyed how it managed to balance like. idk. 'returning to the simple emotions of the past' with 'holy shit guys the past actually sucked ass lmfao'. its a pretty relaxing read, so id recommend checking it out if youre into f/f!
the devil comes courting by courtney milan: f/m romance. can romance bloom while trying to create the first telegraphic encoding for chinese...? sooo cute im a huge fan of courtney milan as always. surprisingly goes into some pretty heavy topics including like. forced assimilation via child stealing?????? i thought it was well handled though the ldr stuff and the way amelia grows as a person was soo nice
the marquis who mustnt by courtney milan: f/m romance. the son of a conman returns home for one final trick. meanwhile, naomi just wants to take her medic class. the two become engaged on false premises and of course, catch feelings. once again extremely cute im very charmed. also liked the pottery details :3 i think in every fake engagement the whole 'pretending to themselves they dont have feelings' is a little ridiculous so i liked that they just like. acknowledged it at the outset. i think its honestly more compelling to be like 'yes my feelings are sincere and true however X still outweighs '. loove a guy shackled by duty
wandering souls by cecile pin: follows anh and her two siblings, refugees of the vietnam war. ok honestly i dont remember a lot about this book :( sorry but i did like it! its a really fast read and made me really sad so id recommend. (DISCLAIMER: AMERICAN) i also feel like i dont read a lot of non-american diaspora books so thats pretty interesting as well. nice prose also :]
detransition baby by torrey peters: a trans woman who yearns for motherhood, her detransitioned ex-boyfriend, and his pregnant partner struggle to find a way to live--together, or apart? ok sorry this is another review written in january so its kinda weighted more negatively. i had a LOT of thoughts about this in november but i forgot most of them. this novel is a deep look into a very specific kind of queer subculture--a subculture which is both very white and very annoying. sorry. the characters feel like a vivid, true-to-life depiction of the poeple i try to avoid at my little liberal arts college. however, it ALSO feels like the kind of really good gossip that you love to hear secondhand. also, the author shoehorns in discussions of race in ways that are really jarring and also, kinda bad? i honestly really loved the inner voices of all the characters which is why it sucked when i got to suddenly read a copy-pasted twitter thread about intersectional oppression instead. (especially coming from the mouth of a cis wasian woman..?) it feels all the more tokenistic since we immediately go back to the inner struggles of ames and reese instead. ugh. however, it sparked some really interesting conversations with me and my friends. i also got to learn more about ah i guess transfem detransition? as opposed to transmasc detransition. they are very different! um but i guess id recommend?
surviving romance: action/horror webtoon?? the woman living in the body of a romance novel character is determined to get her picture-perfect happy ever after-- at all costs. everything goes according to plan until the day zombies attack the school. chaerin is forced to bond with the faceless extras of her story, and find out what is rotting at the core of *love every day*. very solid writing!! i like how the author gradually introduces characters, and how the tension ratchets up as more people to care for becomes more people that can be lost. definitely goes into some orv-lite type themes, which i appreciated. i guess my only complaint is that despite the solid execution it didnt really ~wow~ me in any way... still worth checking out though :3
run away with me girl by battan: f/f romanceish? two high school lovers meet again after midori decided that their relationship was just a childish whim. but even though midori has decided shes straight (and is married with a kid on the way!), maki still has feelings for her. dude soooo cute the art style is not personally my thing but i felt like all of the characters were really grounded and the introspective parts were really interesting. some beautifully atmospheric parts! would recommend :3 witch hat atelier kitchen (reread) by shirahama kamome: a spinoff of witch hat atelier, where the two teachers qifrey and olrugio make food together after hours! gorgeous art as always, and some cute recipes too! i reread this since an official english translation came out lol. monotone blue: short furry m/m about apathetic, aloof cat hachi, who meets aoi--a shy transfer student who happens to be the only lizard in the whole school. pretty lighthearted for the most part, but also heavily implied a sexual assault scene?? or at least the vibes?? in a way that treated it far too lightly and left a bad taste in my mouth. possibly worth reading for the art, but idk :/ definitely falls into the romance trap of having a love interest go "ill save you from these bad guys!" for like a cheap plot device and then not really going into it
parasite: class-focused comedic thriller? the kim family finds a way out of choking poverty by working for the extremely affluent park family. its almost too easy--until it isnt. man everyone says parasite is so good. AND IT IS!!! i cant believe i took so long to see this movie i got to see it with some friends over thanksgiving break and it was so good :] had me stressed for my fucking life sitting at the edge of my seat. has a lot of meat to bite into analysis-wise but is also just so crushing in many ways.. the ending stuck in my head for a long time. rewatching it this january was honestly more stressful in some ways haha
revolutionary girl utena: allegory-heavy commentary on shoujo and princess narratives and the nature of heroism and-- f/f. utena is a girl who aspires to be just like the prince of her dreams. she is somehow wrapped up into an engagement with anthy himemiya, who calls herself "the rose bride." ahhhh i still havent watched the last two episodes actually. people always say "utena is a fantastic show but PLEASE mind every single trigger warning" and its true! utena tackles some really heavy subjects in a way that is delicate, understated, and vicious. i watched a bunch of these episodes late at night in the computer lab and they honestly left me breathless. has so many layers of symbolism to dig through that it can honestly be overwhelming, but also very compelling just on the surface! watch utena. also watch this amv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THN3gYKYojs
the wonderful story of henry sugar: a netflix adaptation of one of roald dahls stories (within a story). it was cute :3 not a lot of sticking power lol but i think this is the first wes anderson production ive ever watched. very visually distinctive!
video games:
lethal company: cooperative horror game about trying to collect garbage in a dystopically capitalist world ft. proximity chat! dude this game is blowing tf up i tried playing it with neil but 1. we are huge pussies 2. its really only feasible with 3+ people
TILT by nanoray: anime breakcore is one of my truly guilty pleasures. i see the anime girl on the cover and cringe a little bit HOWEVER nanoray is a really good artist. the intro is so liquid... i think the album as a whole really just sweeps you up into a groove. some of my favorite tracks are into and DOGWALK2000 THE LONELIEST TIME by carly rae jepsen: i was so mean to carly rae jepsen in middle school. im so sorry miss jepsen i was just so tired of hearing call me maybe everywhere. im now a changed man. just a really well constructed pop album 👍admittedly not as iconic to me as emotion, but joshua tree and talking to yourself are my favorites atm SAYONARA WILD HEARTS OST: ive never played sayonara wildheart, but i think its a rhythm game about girls fighting each other on motorcycles? with bisexual lighting and tarot cards? but anyways this is a synth-y lush pop album thats super fun! it feels like it tells a story (probably bc it does) and it always makes me want to listen all the way through :3 my favorites are sayonara wild heart and their clair de lune remix
anyways if you read to the end, thanks as always! its really interesting to try and condense my thoughts about something into one paragraph.. sometimes its easier than others huh! im almost done with the december one so please look forward to that 👍
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8-8itartistries · 2 years
🌸 8-8it Artistries Newspost - (11/15/22) 🌸
Previous Newsposts; 🌸 (10/18) (October Newspost + 2022 Summarization) https://8-8itartistries.tumblr.com/post/698432208545906688/8-8it-artistries-newspost-10182022  🌸 (10/22) (Queue) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1583973054103064576 If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading the above posts. Below I will be summarizing the work I’ve done and events relevant to my fursuit business that have happened since my last newspost. TWs may be applicable for the post below, they will be in the tags.
Hello! Much has happened since the October update so I’m happy to announce this newspost won’t be nearly as long as the first one. Hopefully that’ll keep consistent throughout the coming months. Newspoints will be seperated with cherry blossom emojis. 🌸  As of October 22nd, I have put together my commission queues and have a sum of around 22 commissions to complete in the coming year. I will soon be organizing a Trello to keep all of these commissions and their respective information organized. I have a huge to-do list regarding 8-8itArtistries and I’m very excited to complete these tasks. My previous setbacks are still effecting me, and I’m still fairly monetarily short when it comes to supplies I need for fursuits. I also have little to no space to work in my parent’s house where I currently reside. I plan to go on SSD and move out to try and remedy this as it’s significantly effecting my productivity.  I love making fursuits and I love delivering them to my commissioners; I’ve had a wonderful experience with this business so far and i wouldn’t want to stop it prematurely or let people down. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about your commission as I want you (and me) to be 100% satisfied with the product that comes to your door.  Many of my commissions have been placed over a year ago at this point, and I am very apologetic about the delay. I’m doing the best I can to catch up with the excess of work I signed myself up for.  🌸 My getfursu.it page has been updated in correspondence to 2022, as all of my information on there was as of 2021.  🌸  Digital art commissions will be raised by around 50% once again to accomodate more of a living wage and support of my fursuit commissions.  🌸 I’ve been struggling quite a lot mentally, and attempted suicide on the night of November 2nd. I’ve been taking it easy since and just today started working again. 🌸 And probably the most exciting update by far, I have updated and made a uniform paw pattern! This will help me exponentially in completing commissions, and I am quite excited! I will be heading to the library to print out my pieces tomorrow. 
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Above is the digital mockup of my new paw pattern, to be used as an example of what my new paws will look like. They will not be dissimilar to my previous pattern (example below) however they will be more clean and orderly, and have been adjusted to fit most measurements.  I believe the improvement between the two can be seen, as the first pattern/paws i made are highly experimental.
My goal with my fursuits is to replicate my furry art style, if not more detailed, currently they resemble a mix between toony and kemono styles, but once i accomplish matching my fursuit style to my art style they will be more kemono. The above paw belongs to my first commissioner Mothstick and is a part of the Dreamcatcher mini-partial. I have yet to finish the gift pawset and ship them out, so that’s on my immediate to-do list for sewing, along with my non-fursuit tactile commissions.  🌸 (Edit 8:09 PM 11/15/22) Several changes have been made to my carrd, as well as my twitter. Socials associated with 8-8itArtistries specifically have been edited to match thematically, as such;
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“Contact” button on my carrd has been edited to start an email correspondence instead of a google form, as I completely forgot that my forms existed. More edits to my carrd are due in the near future. I believe this is all I have to say for now. Again if you have any questions or comments, my ask box is open. Thank you so much! 💙🌸
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janeaustinforevermore · 7 months
MY MӨƬΉΣЯƧ DΛЦGΉƬΣЯ // My mothers daughter
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Summary: Alara Koc is a 18 year old daughter of Aphrodite who was brought to camp after being taken out of her foster home. This is the story of her last year at Camp Half Blood.
contains: talk of SA, mentions of fighting, cursing, innuendos. 
authors note: this is my first work! I don't know if this is even good, but I like it! If you notice any issues please be kind but I would love to hear them! Now, let's get started!
1, 2, 3
At 18 years old there were few things I cared about. My (half) sister, my cat, and falling in love. I had always been drawn to it, but it never seemed to work in my favor; this became increasingly apparent in the string of failed romances I had left in my wake. At 13 I had my first kiss with Robbie Finkle, it ended with me catching him telling all the guys at camp that I "gave it up easy". We broke up the next day. At 14 I flirted with a son of Hermes who had just come to camp. He died (you get used to it as a demigod). At 15 I dated a guy for 2 months until he started dating a Demeter girl in secret and I cut it off. By 16 I gave up on guys and tried women. I went back to men. At 18 I had already had several unsuccessful attempts at relationships, and I still tried to hold out hope that the right guy is out there. Maybe he'd find me. Whether that has proven to be true will be revealed in time reader. But let's get back to where we were: Camp Half Blood. 
Cabin 10 is like the Met Gala, if you took out all the billionaires and threw in a little hormonal acne. Oh yeah, and there's also never enough closet space. The only thing that made it worth it was my sister, Penelope. Penelope is one of those people who can only be described as something of an angel, and if you think I'm exaggerating, that's because you've never met her. Penelope was brought to camp at 6, where she was taken under the wing of Chiron immediately, as she was the youngest kid there. She's at present been here every year since. Not including the small outings Chiron has taken her on. But since she was here so young, she's been the cabin leader since she was 13, and my best friend since I got here. I love her more than life itself. As I got ready for the day I heard her slip in next to me as i waited for the next available sink. 
"Hey Lara, do you have any concealer I could borrow? I'm all out and I can't see Leya without it!" Leya is Penelope's girlfriend of the past two years, and if you're wondering why they've been together that long and she doesn't want her to see her without concealer, I don't have an answer for you. It's kind of a 10 thing.
"Of course, you know I have more concealer on hand then an Ulta." 
"You're the best!! I seriously don't know what I would do without you!" True by the way, Pen loses something once a day and it's easier to just have extra than it is to try to remind her. Plus, I like taking care of my sister. It's a nice role to fill. 
"Hey by the way, I was talking to Jack in Hephaestus, and he mentioned that Layne's single... I thought maybe you two could go out..? He's our age, funny, AND taller than you!"
"Ew, no! Layne dumped Margot a few months ago when she told him she's saving herself, I do not want any part of that!" 
"Ohhhh I forgot about that! Yeah that's true, he was such a dick about it. I just wanted to mention it, I mean, I know you're trying to stay solo for a while - which I respect- but I thought that was a temporary thing?? it's been 8 months since you said that and I'm just trying to make sure you're not closing yourself off." 
"I do want to find someone, which is why I'm trying to stay open, but I want it to be right this time. Plus, I'm kind of over all this high school BS. What's meant to b mine will find its way to me. I read that in a magazine! When it's right I'll know it."
"Okay, I'll back off then. Do you have a moisturizer I could borrow?" 
As I finished up my routine I looked in the mirror and thought of my mom. I've never met her, but I like to imagine she looks like me; full lips, dark curly hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes covered by two thick Turkish brows. The only thing I think would be different is our height. At 18 I'm pushing 5'10, and if I have to hear anymore "the lakers need a center" jokes I will personally go find them one to shut everyone up. It's not that I'm insecure about my height per se, I think I'm pretty, but it's hard to feel like feminine next to a bunch of 5'5 girls with tiny hands and size 6 feet. I've always found it funny that me and Penelope look so similar since we're only half sisters, the only huge differences being she's a bit paler and is about 5'6 with a rounder nose than mine. We always bonded over having curls in a cabin full of silky haired redheads. I scrunched the leave in conditioner into my hair, and watched it fall down my back as I put in my small hoop earrings. I wouldn't say I'm vain but I'm self aware enough to know I'm not humble. In all honesty, it's hard not to be a little stuck up when your mother is the goddess of beauty. 
I quickly fixed my tennis dress and tied my white platform converse as I ran out to catch up with Vivienne, my other sister. 
"Oh hey Alara. Did you see the schedule for today?" 
Vivienne has blonde hair that stops at her shoulders in loose waves, green eyes, and freckles that look straight out of an old western movie. To top it all off she has this perfect Georgia accent that other girls at camp used to make fun of before we kicked their asses. 
"No, what is it? I swear to gods, if we're doing anymore archery!" I've always sucked at archery. Also at sword combat. And I don't like running. I like Greek though! 
"No actually! We're on for riding and stable maintenance, and helping the littles with swimming. Also, don't forget Zeke wants to lead another bonfire tonight! Oh and mom needs a few more candles on the alter, which I've already ordered from the store!" Vivienne helps keep the cabin running. Honestly, she's pretty cool when she's not cheating on whatever guy she's seeing at present. I've never liked it about her but she's my sister. And everyone knows she does it so it's kind of on them for dating her? 
"Oh not bad, it should be a good day! Also, If you see Trent send him my way, I have to go over a few things with him!" 
We near the tables right as I'm saying this, and I see Ben from Hermes wink at me as we walk by. I give him a flirty wave and keep walking, seeing how his sister laughs and hits him on the shoulder. Just because I'm not dating doesn't mean I can't kiss a guy here and there. A girl needs her hobbies! 
After breakfast I found a way to sneak off to meet Ben by the amphitheater. 
"Hey pretty girl ." Ben Jenkins is the cutest guy in Hermes, he has black curls currently pulled into twists that hang in his eyes, he stands at 6'1 (6'3 if you asked him) and a white smile that stands out on his dark skin. 
"Pretty girl huh? It was Gorgeous girl two days ago." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I lean in closer with a small smile on my face. This always gets him.
"My bad, alright? I'll never demote you again." He laughs as he pulls into his chest and begins to kiss me deeply. 
My hands find his hair and pull, my baby pink nails scratching along his neck as I trap him against the wall. I feel his hands drift lower and begin to grip under my dress. I let out a soft moan and move to his neck right when I hear someone start to walk closer. I quickly push off him and go run behind a tree as he follows. 
"Oh shit, it's Mr D!"
"Shut up!" I pull him behind and we both ran as fast as we could. I press a quick kiss to his cheek and ran the other way as fast as I could. 
Reading this you may be thinking "so much for staying single!" But believe me when I say, I had no intention of dating Ben. In fact, Ben was actually in love with a girl in the Athena cabin who didn't  even give him the time of day. We both just wanted a body to keep warm. 
As I headed to the stable I checked that my dress was sorted and tried to blend in with the others. 
"About time idiot. I hope you used protection, you would be a terrible mother." Pen laughed as she clicked her long nails against the stable doors. 
"Oh please, nothing interesting ever happens to me. I'm the definition of a non player character." 
And at the time I genuinely meant that. I had only ever been the side character people toss aside when the fun heroine came in to save the day. Until the day I wasn't. 
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