#i maed dis
theysangastheyslew · 9 months
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Gave up on my himym comic bc I desperately needed some pre-war shenanigans, and a @mello-jello post is a great way to break out of a funk 😅
Plus I think we can all agree that Erwin fan or not, he kinda deserves it XD
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Hi! I want to reblog art and help artists get seen.
Things I'm into/reblog
Pokémon, Digimon, fakemon especially
Homestuck, fantrolls especially
Video games, wobbledogs
Various forms of metal/EBM
The darker side of life
I'm an adult, there might be adult things strewn in rarely.
But feel free to @ me and I'll rummage your art and reblog
Don't forget to follow!
Mostly queued but I will reblog spree too
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feamir · 1 year
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I made art of the newly discovered aperiodic monotiling!!
If you don’t follow math news, this turtle-like shape is the solution to a long-standing open problem in mathematics that goes as follows: Let’s say that you want to completely cover a plane with tiles (i.e. tessellate a plane) in such a way that the tiles never create a repeating pattern (i.e. the tiling is aperiodic). What is the fewest number of tile shapes you need to do that?
For a long time, mathematicians had only been able to find a two-shape tiling that never repeated a pattern. This was called a Penrose Tiling. But just last month (March 2023) a paper came out proving that the above shape can aperiodically tile the plane by itself!*
This is really cool and has lots of mathematicians and scientists super excited, not just because it’s an elegant solution to a decades-old problem, but also because we might be able to create new materials with unusual properties using this tiling as a base for molecular crystal structures (just like scientists were able to find for the Penrose tiling)!
If you want to learn more about the discovery, the NYTimes has a really good article here, and you can read the original paper (or just look at more pretty pictures of the tiling) here!
* As long as you’re allowed to occasionally flip the tile over. I colored the flipped tiles purple in my art to emphasize them.
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jiggyspriggy · 1 year
So I've been learning how to tuft rugs...
IT'S SO MUCH FUN! The shaving is my favorite part lmao
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verm1c1de · 1 year
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isolated lard nar lockdown fur any purrposes mew might have
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memstis · 1 year
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no-terfs-allowed · 1 year
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luminarai · 1 year
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dog owners vs cat owners: the immortal gay edition
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theysangastheyslew · 6 months
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Today on I Accidentally Proposed Again XD
Tfw when you've been married for years and everyone knew but you
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Get him Hange XD
Idk if they’d actually get married but even if they didn’t they would still BE married regardless :) Also pls don’t come @ me for the Jeankasa I’m v neutral on them but I needed someone to be getting hitched 😣🤷‍♀️
Credit goes to this tweet here:
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ruanbaijie · 2 months
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THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) 1.63 adapted from the danmei novel Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 by Xi Zi Xu 西子绪
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gferamos · 1 year
My brain likes to hyperfocus on the wrong things god hel
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feamir · 1 year
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Guess who impulse bought $3 watercolors???
Isn’t my artistic ability stunning?!? :P
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pgfone · 26 days
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Il sabato prima di Pasqua
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janniksnr · 4 months
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papesatan · 4 months
Un giorno di chiusura
Un giorno, avevo detto alle dipendenti, potremmo pure chiudere, penso, lo meritiamo un po’ di riposo, in fondo. Il 19 dicembre invio un messaggio a tutti i clienti, informandoli dei giorni di apertura e chiusura del doposcuola durante le vacanze. Oggi pomeriggio in sequenza: 
Giuseppe, ma non apri?
Giuseppe, scusa, la bambina oggi non potrà venire purtroppo perché è influenzata. (Ma menomale)
Giuseppe, ma a che ora apri?
Giuseppe, ma sempre chiuso stai? Sono passata e ho trovato la saracinesca abbassata. (Strano, chissà perché)
Un giorno di chiusura, uno. Evidentemente non è concesso. Ma il problema non è poi tanto il pretenderti sempre pronto e disponibile al servizio, quanto il non saper leggere un messaggio. Le scarsissime capacità di comprendere un testo sono, a mio parere, fra i massimi problemi del nostro tempo. Me ne accorgo coi ragazzi a scuola, quando nessuno è in grado di eseguire un vero/falso su un testo appena letto (e dico un vero/falso, perché se non sei in grado di fare questo, puoi anche lasciar perdere le domande aperte), me ne accorgo coi clienti e me ne accorgo qui su tumblr, quando commentate (o peggio rebloggate) scrivendo cose che non hanno alcuna attinenza con l’argomento del post, supponendo informazioni che avete colto chissà dove. La causa è una ed una soltanto: superficialità, mancanza di attenzione. Non dico che dobbiate farvi durare i libri 7 anni come faccio io (quella è malattia), ma un minimo d’attenzione dedicatela a ciò che state facendo, ogni tanto. “Leggo veloce perché le cose lunghe mi annoiano”, “Ho letto in fretta perché non avevo tempo”, “Non ho letto tutto, ma ho colto il senso”, a me va bene, che dire, una meraviglia per una persona che vive e muore sulle parole. Che poi siete gli stessi che ascoltano gli audio di 30 secondi a 2x. Cosa ne farete di tutto 'sto tempo risparmiato, boh, spero solo vi torni utile un giorno. 
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sonego · 5 months
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jannik sinner a san siro! ❤️🖤
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