#i may or may not have bitten off more than i can chew...
vilelittlecritter · 1 year
Man I love thinking of ideas for OmorOff
Sure hope I don't have to think of how to make a coherent story with believable characters and motivations that tie into the narrative and its themes!
Oh god...
Literally the most developed characters I have right now in my opinion are Hero and Mari. And even then there are so many holes I need to fill...
In good news it is getting there and I actually really like Hero and Maris characters so far, very much a tragic romance and I love it. Also Abbi, I think she's my favourite guardian so far.
I'm gonna work more on the story's themes, narrative devices and such because as much as this is just a silly crossover between Omori and Off I do want to tell a good story with believable characters.
It's going to be a lot of work but I'm getting there. Honestly I think the biggest issue is some of the lore and why shit is happening, like the opening chapter has been really annoying to make because it has to introduce Omori, show them being brought into the world, and establish why they are on this whole crusade thing for Sunny. Sounds easy enough but that's not including all of the other lore shit that's tied into it...
I'll find a way to make it work
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romans-art · 2 years
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oh we’re really in it now lads
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lilbittymonster · 6 days
What's more bisexual, being bisexual or whatever it is Kitali and Estinien are doing during this fight sequence 🙈
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 4 months
why do I keep having these ideas that are vastly too big for my skillset?
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you are not a background artist, Gilly, what are you doing????
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krawkpaladin · 1 year
So I've decided to take the plunge into ttrpg design by joining @binarystargames' Minimalist RPG Jam (which you can find on itch.io here, if you're interested in participating or in just seeing what is submitted). It's very exciting, and I'm looking forward to really truly designing my first game!
However, instead of doing something reasonable, like making a single page ttrpg, the only thing my brain is letting me think about is a combination of The Quiet Year and Free From The Yoke, where the players take on the role of being representatives in a democratic assembly in a city recently freed from the Evil Empire(tm).
My plan is to have two interacting stat systems, one representing the actual representatives and another representing the community they, well, represent. Additionally, I plan to have the game be GMless by using the same system as The Quiet Year to establish events that the players have to address that affect their community stats. All tied together using a PbtA-style moves.
I will occasionally be blogging about my process and stuff too, both to keep a record and make sure I'm keeping up with actually doing it and not just spinning my wheels.
We'll see how it turns out.
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gouinisme · 5 months
the library website is my best friend i can just click on a category and it just shows me dozens of books on a subject i m suddenly obsessed with thank you library website
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what the fuuuuuck. what the fuck. what the. i mean. fuck.
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weaverofink · 2 years
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little bird on a rooftop all alone (WIP)
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ursaspecter · 1 year
"Lonesome Cowboy" Dress-up Game Dev Log #01
So as some of y'all may be aware, I'm working on a little dress up game! I intend to publish it on meiker.io, so for legal reasons it totally isn't Arthur Morgan. Just some random cowboy that happens to look a lot like him. His name? Uhhhhhhhh.... Alfred Martin.... Yeah there we go that's his name yep mhm.
This is my first ever project like this, and I'm super excited to share it with y'all! I still have a long way to go as I want this to have a ton of customization, but I thought I would share what I have so far!
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Here's the base I created. This is without anything added on top. I know the boxer-briefs aren't exactly period accurate, but I figured it would allow more room to work with than putting a union suit on his base model. I also gave him a farmer's tan to add a bit more character!
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He has 4 hairstyles!
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3 facial hair style sets plus 1 bonus moustache with the ability to mix and match!
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Customizable body hair! (Arm and leg hair can be turned on or off according to preference ^u^)
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Various skin details! So far I have face freckles, shoulder freckles, stretch marks, and a bullet scar on his left shoulder. Each of them are separate of course.
And finally what I think many people will be most excited about...
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3 top surgery scar variants!
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3 different binders plus some bandages. (DISCLAIMER: I do NOT endorse or recommend binding with anything other than a binder or trans tape! The inclusion of bandages is to simply provide a more period accurate option as modern chest binders as we know them did not exist in 1899. Please bind responsibly and safely!)
Let me know if you guys have any suggestions for what you want to see him wear! I already have a few ideas for bonus fun/memey outfits I want to include that I'll wait until the full release to disclose that way I can give everyone a chance to find them on their own ;)
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majorproblems77 · 10 months
Hope your day is doing okay!
If not, I'll get you a cookie. :)
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adnauseum11 · 4 months
worked an hour longer than I should have on my first day. it went well? I wish I could make that question mark massive cause that's how it feels.
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samuelroukin · 5 months
planning out specific scenes for plot bullet points and it is not looking good for me lads.
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eponastory · 5 months
All this Taylor Swift talk got me in the dark like Zuko, Katara, and Toph in a cave...
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And I'm not even a Swifty. Actually, I'm immune to Taylor Swift's apparent devil worshipping magic...
No hate to her, but some people really do believe she sold her soul to the devil and that's how she got so famous. Yet I'm sitting here writing fanfiction wondering how I'm going to write two completely different stories at once and be able to stay sane?
I don't even know if I have the brain capacity for that.
Eh... we'll see how it turns out.
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liliallowed · 1 year
I should probably make a character sheet for dust grave huh
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supernovaa-remnant · 6 months
what if you wanted to spend the day working on your wip, but instead you were possessed by the spirit of literary analysis and spent 3 hours writing 2,000 words of an essay about nationalism and how it relates to a minecraft roleplay?
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
*He goes stiff, eyes darting to your face.* ...Do you mean that? Honestly, are you... is that a real challenge?
well duh obviouslyyyy!!!! i wouldn't back down from a challenge.............
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