#i mean alex is aware enough to know that if he told sebastian this
not-poignant · 1 year
we know that alex has been in love for a long time but what about sebastian? he makes me so confused lol
i’m always wondering about what’s going on in his mind
Okay, so, I'm happy to talk about this! But it is kind of spoilery so like gird your loins or whatever :D
Sebastian has not had any romantic feelings for Alex at all. Ever.
He's never really thought about him sexually, and when he has he's kind of been grossed out because he can only really imagine Alex in heterosexual situations (that might be changing, but slowly, lol). He's concealing no secret feelings or anything like that.
He is however growing genuine feelings of friendship and care, and there's definitely potential for him to grow more (otherwise this story wouldn't work).
But there's no 'mutual pining' here or anything. Alex was completely alone in his love for Sebastian. Not only that, but Sebastian didn't even realise he was gay until he met Martingale (at least that's the working theory I have so far, we'll see when it comes to writing it). Not only is Alex gay, he's known it about himself for actually a lot longer than Sebastian has about himself.
Sebastian has a strong sense of internal justice when it comes to being paid fairly and being treated well for work. This is pulled directly from the canon. In the very first cut scene we ever have with Sebastian, he's pissed off that his mother and Abigail don't take his work seriously, and you also have the option of respecting / not respecting his work. So this is pretty foundational to his character. It's the first thing he ever opens up to you about. So that's definitely influenced some of his behaviour in A Stain that Won't Dissolve.
But it's not like Sebastian offered Alex the cleaning job, Alex actually had to put himself forward and then really push for it, because Sebastian's initial response was no / that's not a good idea.
I honestly think the thing that really opens Sebastian's mind to the idea that Alex could be someone he's attracted to, is learning that one of his guy friends hits on Alex (which is coming in a couple of chapters).
But yeah, much of Alex's love would have been received as extremely unrequited, and Alex has also known that. It's why he doesn't try to like... subtly 'seduce' Sebastian. He just wants to be closer to him. He hopes at best for friendship and doesn't expect even that much. He doesn't think about his infatuation with Sebastian as anything more than something he has to deal with privately for the rest of his life, like a burden his brain made him carry and he can't make himself stop.
On that front, he's actually pretty accurate in his assessment of Sebastian as being not attracted to him, or at least not personally interested in him (I think Sebastian could be attracted to Alex - I mean he obviously will come to be - but has ruled Alex out due to him just being a straight dickhead, lol). The reason it's hard to tell what Sebastian's thinking on that front is because Sebastian isn't really engaging on that front.
I don't think Sebastian has any idea that Alex is gay, that Alex could be into him, anything like that. Alex has done a good job of hiding it from everyone, which many people who fear for their lives re: their sexualities do actually get pretty good at, especially in country towns. Especially if you know your family wouldn't have approved, or worry about it.
Sebastian definitely isn't like... secretly aware of this stuff, and he's not secretly concealing feelings towards Alex. Sebastian's story is a slow burn towards growing attraction. Alex's story is unrequited love for way too long.
Also, Sebastian finding out Alex is gay, Sebastian finding out Alex might be attracted to him, and Sebastian finding out that Alex is in love with him, are all going to be three completely separate realisations!
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gunmetalgrey · 11 months
Note: over the last ten years, @epiitaphs and I have worked together to create a shared Moran Family. I am always open to writing with other Morans and would love to do more in general, however if you do not write a Moran then THIS is the events in Alex’s canon. If you would like to understand more or plot familial ties with Alex, please know my IM’s are always open. And to @epiitaphs, Alex the muse will always hate you for making Alex the cat.
Sebastian Nikolai James Moran was the eldest of the Moran children, and Alex’s hero. They always struggled with a weird and uneasy relationship, given the age gap. He and Severin liked to pretend Alex was invisible for several years while she was small until as an unruly and hellish teenager she had a sense of rebellion that could outshine his own. They were alike in some ways, and vastly different in others. Over the years there were phases of talking and not talking, which became worse in the early 200’s when Sebastian officially cut off the entire family.
Struggling with undiagnosed PTSD and a dishonourable discharge that his father had managed to get him rather than the prison time he had been due to serve, Sebastian turned to opiates. And murder as a means of earning enough to keep up the habit. Alex didn’t know of this until much later, she herself was injured in the line of duty in November 2010. Despite all the friction between them, his last known number was her emergency contact and he had been the one to nurse her back to functional health. It was during this time she learned of what she had missed in his life, and when forced to take her own discharge on medical grounds, asked to help him in his new found criminal career as well as helping him stay sane and sober. Seb was clean since November 2009, and planned to stay that way.
It wasn’t an easy fit, in February 2014 Alex faked her death and forced an unknowing Sebastian to identify the body. This is the last time she existed as Alex Moran, and any other relatives believe she is buried somewhere near Bristol. She showed up in Sebs flat two weeks later with little to no explanation. And worse still, they fought physically in March 2014 when Alex tried to leave to work alone.
Sebastian is the one who had a relationship with Moriarty (known as M) in whatever twisted way that could be understood. Alex didn’t know much about their deal until March 2015- when Sebastian made a further bargain with M. For nearly 18 months, Alex had been captured and tortured by Georgian terrorists and when learning she was alive, Sebastian made a deal for her freedom. She too would work for Moriarty to earn back her ransom.
Alex did not agree to this and wasn’t aware of the promises made till much later (when it was far too late). She had always resented and hated M, and generally does not deal with him at all. Sebastian in the middle man- or he was. In September 2017, Alex was finally pushed too far.
She was asked to kill a family of 5, including three children. Up to this point, Alex had been able to live with herself by counting the lives she had ended as for the better, usually criminals or those wishing to bring harm. But she has always had a rule about children. And she told Moriarty that this was too far. He could end their deal, he could take her life, but she would not hurt a kid. Ever.
Alex believed her defiance had been heard and maybe even respected. She was sent on another job out of town for a week, and out of contact. She returned to London to find news of the family in Sweden found massacred in their home, and knowing it had to be Sebastian who had committed the horrible act, she went to his flat to confront him.
Instead she found him dead of an apparent overdose.
To her dying day, she doesn’t believe he would have relapsed. She is left with his cat (Also called Alex, as a sick in joke) and a mountain of grief she cannot begin to process. As well as the same employer she believes is responsible for his death. Sebastian’s body was found in his apartment, his indoor cat rehomed to a happy family and the tabloids having a small field day over the third dead child of the MP Thomas Moran. It took a week for Alex (the human) to trap Alex (the stray black cat) in order to make sure she wasn’t a nuisance for other neighbour and to have the last connection to her brother. The apartment was sold, the media moved on and everyone else forgot about the junkie son of a House of Lords politician.
Except for Alex, who finally understood there was no safety while M was alive.
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gunmetalarchived · 3 years
letters to the baby | discord letters with @epiitaphs​
Written in French with scrawled handwriting, parcelled with two intricate throwing knives. Sent 1815ish.
Hope you are well. Hope you are not too bored or missing us. Hope you haven’t lost your mind with the whiny woman yet. I saw these and thought of the kids, although they might be young still. It is hard to remember, time moves so differently.
I would say you are missed but that would be an exaggeration. I think the Roman is growing soft without you for sure. We spent some time moving through Waterloo, if you have room for us we might head towards you. The fighting has taken it out of the mountain, not that he will admit it.
Promise not to bleed on your carpet, although I can’t promise not to scare the children.
written in light, almost spidery handwriting, though not cursive
1815 **
Celia and I are well, neither of us having lost our minds in our time here. It is very peaceful, as is what we desired. I cannot say I don’t miss the mountain or the rest of you, but it is not so bad that I wish to give this life up. 
The gifts for the children are much appreciated, though they are far too young to use them. I will keep them safe until they are old enough to learn how to use them properly. 
Tell the Heathen he will see me again some day. Soon, if you come to visit. I have told Celia that you may come by and we will have room for you if you want it. I have heard of the fighting and am certain that if I was there, the wars would be less of a mess. But I want to try the quiet life. 
Don’t scare the children too much, please. They are small still. 
Be safe and well, 
Good. I’m glad. I don’t know about you but peace never felt so loud as it did when you spend so long away. Know that if you ever need an escape, I al sure the others would take you on in a heartbeat. I, however, would insist on a little more training to whip you into shape.
It would be smart to teach them sooner rather than later. Soon the fact you do not age will be noticed. I believe I lasted longer with the doctor for there were no children involved. Helped keep up the rouse. 
I am not sure what the plan is. The Roman talked of finally seeing what is left of Rome, although I doubt he will be pleased. He is missing his other half again, so it seems we are in for several decades of distress on that front. It would be nice to have you around to take out some frustration.
Is the doctor with you? 
I would hardly expect to spend time in your presence without receiving more than a little training from you. Will it ever be enough to meet your standards? I know how to use a firearm now. I am interested in seeing their development over the years, even if I am not there to use them for a while. But I will keep the offer in mind if I ever find myself losing interest in peace. 
Undoubtedly it is. We are hoping, of course, that they will not need training, but once our oldest gets a little more coordinated, I will begin training. We will figure out what to do as they age and we do not, though the isolation of our home should give us adequate time to plan. 
I doubt he will be. Even when I was young, the city was populated by ruins of the Latins and I cannot imagine that time has done well by those ruins. The ones that die and reappear are a great mystery to me. I do hope he is able to find who he's looking for, but just leave him with August if his mood disturbs you too much. 
He is with us from time to time and has been a great help in dealing with the children. Do you have any messages for him?
Good. Then you are well trained indeed. You will meet my standards when you die, and even then you will be a disappointment for being dead. Besides, if you die I will have to put up with a grieving gladiator and that will not do.
Firearms are something to be sure, but far too slow to beat a bow. I could have ten men dead to your three, if you were a decent shot. I cannot see them lasting.
Isolation is a pipe dream, you are too connected to your beginnings. The past is dead, let it die. Ghosts can drive you mad if you let them. If you intend to train them then I shall have to stop by and ensure they know better, of course.
I am hoping to sell him on a detour or I might have to abandon them altogether. There are rumblings of anarchy all across Europe, but I fear I miss london. I have been away too long. 
I wondered if he might be. He does know the most about mortal lives, I am sure having him there is some comfort. Only that I hope he is well. He was always a delight with children, I bet he is enjoying time with you all. Far softer than I. 
Watch your back with the girl. Peace changes you, and it is a fickle thing.
Thank you, I will treasure the compliment for its rareness. I will treasure your next remark far less, but that does at least give me an idea of what I can strive for. It really will not do. If he is so old, how is he one of the most emotional out of us?
They are slow, it is true. But they do a lot of damage. They have also improved from my time to now, so I have hope for the future. I will track their development, I think. I am a decent shot. I have learned. I think they will last. We can wager on it, if you like.
We are living far from our homes in the north. It will be alright. My past is dead, but my home is still extant in the present. If you could check in on it sometime this century, I would appreciate the favor. You are all welcome to stay, of course. Of course - you are welcome to assist in their training, though I suspect Celia will want to keep them innocent a while. 
I'm sure it would be quite alright to abandon them. Every single one of you is capable of causing trouble on your own, so I imagine that they would find their path quite well even without you. Do you plan to return to London any time soon? I hear it is much changed these days.
He does. And for that I am very thankful. I will pass on your wishes. It is nice to see him with them. They are comfortable with him. Far more than I have ever been around a doctor. 
I know how to take care of myself, but thank you for your concern. 
I do hope that the Romans softness is not a factor that comes with age, although you are sentimental far far younger. Maybe it a a holdover from his first life, or simply the time spent alone until Morland found him. He had children I believe. He may be of more use to you than I.
I’ll agree to your wager, although I have a feeling your family might not appreciate the bodies we would leave behind in testing out my prowess. 
For once, you are smart about settling. I shall check in on our route back potentially, I think we are likely to ride through France depending on which trouble we decide to cause. How old are the small ones now? I was raining with knives from my sixth summer, it has never done me any harm.
Maybe. I was last there before we sailed, I have not frequented it without the doctor. The last time I was there it was so different from the city I had known, although the blaze was breathtaking. 
Good, I know he will be needed as they age.
I am aware you know, but that doesn’t mean you do. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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purplerain85 · 6 years
PAIRING: Sebastian Stan x Reader
WORDS: 4115
WARNINGS: Heartbreaking Angst, and smut
SUMMARY: The reader and Sebastian have been in a long-term relationship, when he has a moment of weakness and finds out that the consequences may be bigger than he ever thought possible.
@raewritesfiction  @louise-buchan  @downtowngirlkate  @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls  @sideeffectsofyou  @imgoldielikehawn @laketaj24 @dewy-biitch  @loey-bae @itsmeauntie @esoltis280 @anahgem94 @sploodgebucketlu @shipping-not-sailing
Readers P.O.V.
You were standing in the livingroom talking on the phone to Sebastian who you had been dating for the last 6 years, after two years you and your then daughter 5-year-old Adelaide moved into his house.  You had met Sebastian 6 1/2 a years ago when you were working for Chris Evans as his assistant. Sebastian was on-location near home about an hour away, finishing the last bit of filming for his part in a new T.V. Show.
“How is the last day of filming going? I cannot wait to see the show.” Sebastian: “It’s going really I am going to miss everyone here it’s been a great 19 months and working with Tom again was great and Alex is every bit of talented as they say he is…” the door bell rings and you say “hang on babe, there is someone at the door…” answer the door, sign the paper for the package and say thank you to the delivery man. “it’s a package for you.” Sebastian: “can you open it for me? It’s probably my new contract and the new script for the new movie.” You open the envelope and take the papers out and you are shocked when you see an affidavit for DNA for the test of a baby boy and you looked at the other papers and see another affidavit for Child Support and you feel all blood rush from your body, you feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes, you are barely aware of Sebastian calling your name.  You snap out of your daze and coldly say “You need to call your lawyer.” And hang up on him the moment you end the call you fall to the floor you see a little picture sticking out of the affidavit for DNA you pull it out and in that moment you cry your eyes out looking at the picture and all you see is Sebastian.
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Sebastian called his lawyer and his lawyer told him that a woman named Louise was filling a paternity and child support affidavits against him for a 2.5-month-old baby boy. Sebastian felt his heart drop and he said, “Thank You John, I will call you in a couple days.” Sebastian asked the director if he can take the rest of the day off for a family emergency, the director said go home. He drove home so quick and ran up the steps to the house and ran through the front door and stops in the mudroom and sees you sitting on the floor surrounded by the papers and looking at a picture with tears streaming down your face. He sits down on the floor in front of Y/N and says “babe, I don’t even know what to say other than I am sorry.”
You look at him and say “you don’t know what to say? Are you fucking kidding me Sebastian! You cheated on me and got another woman pregnant and had a baby with her! You have been on me for the last three years to marry you and have a baby with you and because I am not quite ready to have a baby or get married you decide to go and fuck some other woman! And all you can say is I am sorry! You are a fucking asshole!”
Sebastian: Y/N I am sorry it was one night of me having a weakness and I had a sex with her and it was nothing I swear it was nothing, you and Adelaide are all I want and need.” “You are such a fucking liar do you really think I am that stupid? Sebastian you cannot sit there and tell me that you only did this once or that you care for me and our daughter!” Sebastian: “ENOUGH!!! Y/N I SLIPPED UP ONE TIME…..” he doesn’t even get to finish as you slapped him across the face so hard that head jerked to the right and you hand stung so hard that it burned in a matter of seconds, you had turned your head to the left to look at him, you two are so in sync with each other, that when he moves his head slowly to look back at you, you looked at him with the look of murder in your eyes, Sebastian shrink back a little as he has never seen you so mad. You stood up and look down at him and said “I want you to leave now! I don’t care where you go, I just want you out of this house.” You drop the picture of the baby and walk away. Sebastian picked up the papers and the picture and grabbed his jacket and leaves the house.
Sebastian’s P.O.V.
Sebastian gets in his car and calls Chris to see if he can come over and talk to him. He gets to Chris’s house Sebastian tells him everything from how he met Louise that he had a moment weakness and how he was sent paper work for a DNA test, custody and child support and shows him the picture of the baby and asks Chris what he should do? Chris: “Take the DNA test first and foremost! You need to find out of this baby is your.” Sebastian: “but... but....” he is starting to lose his composer “what if he is mine?” Chris: “What do you mean what if he is yours? You be a man and deal with it!” Sebastian: “I cannot lose Y/N and Adelaide!” Sebastian starts crying and hyperventilating “I can’t lose them Chris! Nothing ever made sense until they came along, I’ve never felt so complete, that’s why I fought so hard with her deadbeat ex to adopt Adelaide.” Chris: “well you shouldn’t have laid with someone who wasn’t Y/N! And you most definitely should have used a condom!” Sebastian: “I did! I swear to God I used one.... I bought the box and carry them with me” he says in a low voice. Chris arches his eyebrow at him he knows he is treading in dangerous water, but he needs to ask, “have you cheated on her before?” Sebastian shakes his head and says “No! But its an old habit of mine that I have never been able to break, I always have a box with me.” Chris looks at him and repeats “get the DNA and find out if this little boy is your or not, and if he’s not yours then you can start trying to fix your relationship with Y/N, but you also need to be aware that.... you may not get her back.” Sebastian starts crying again and chokes out “I want to marry her Chris, I want only her, I want her and only her to carry my babies, I want to grow old with her.” Chris: “I know you do but you need be aware that she may not now, or she will make you jump through hoops to get her trust back.” “I would jump through 1,000 hoops a day to get her back..... I would walk away from all of this to get her back and teach at an arts school if that’s what it takes!” 
The next morning, I call my lawyer and sets up a time to do the DNA, he says he will call him back when he has everything set up. The next thing he does is call you and to my surprise you answer I can hear the heartbreak in your voice and can tell that you spent all night crying, I ask if Adelaide needs to be driven to school. You: “No she spent the night at Emma and Celeste’s house last night” he tells her he set up the DNA and asks if they can meet up and talk. You: “Adelaide goes to my mom’s in two weeks, so we can talk then” Sebastian knows he has to do this on your terms and even though he wants to go home and show you how sorry he is over and over again, he knows that all the lovemaking in the world is not going to help right now. So instead he says sadly “OK, Y/N call me when I can come over.” He has to at least has to start appealing to you “Y/N I am so very sorry for the pain that I have caused you, I love you more than anything and I will do whatever it takes to get your trust back” You: “I love you too Sebastian, I just need some time, please call me in a couple days.”
Tuesday: my lawyer called me and told me where I needed to for the DNA test and what time and said he would meet me there as Louise was going to be there with her son and her lawyer. God I did not want to see her I just wanted to get what needed to be done and get out of there and go back to Chris’s and call you on your lunch break and tell you about the test and how long it would be tell we found out, as I may have been ok with waiting to see you in two weeks but I was going to call you everyday when you were on your lunch break, and I was going to call Adelaide every night. On my way to the Dr. office I thought back to when I first met you, you were Chris’s new assistant (which is why Chris was more pissed at me about the situation) it took me 6 months to get you to agree to go on a date with me, and another 3 months before I found out you had a 3 year old daughter, you had called to let me know that you would have to cancel our date because her babysitter had canceled and couldn’t get another one, I told you to give me 30 minutes to change somethings around so you could bring her it was the best date with the two of you. Two and half years into our relationship your ex started to cause problems and saying shit to any tabloid who would listen, because we had gone public and he figured he could make a quick buck. I talked to my lawyer who told me that the only way to get him out of the picture for good would be me to adopt her, so we started the proceedings for that (that alone took some convincing on my part for you to agree to) then he kept asking for another date every time we were all set to go to court but eventually the Judge said enough is enough and set a final court date to which he never showed up to and we were full awarded custody and I was allowed to adopt her, which was perfect timing as she started school with my last name.
I am pulled from my daydream when I pull into the parking lot, next to my lawyers’ car and I get out of my jeep and we are walking to the building he is telling that its just a simple mouth swab and it will take about 2 weeks. As I walk through the doors I see something that I was not expecting, there in the waiting room with their lawyers were Tom Hiddleston and Alex Høgh Anderson we look at each other and start talking and figured out we were here for the same reason and the same person Louise.... because she wasn’t sure who the father of her son was because she had sex with each of use around the same time one-night Tom, a couple nights later Alex and a few nights after Alex she had sex with me.  The nurses told us we were being put in different rooms and once Louise and her son were done being swabbed she would be escorted out of the building by her lawyer. I was swabbed first and told they would call me in about 10 days with the results. I left the office as soon as I was done and thanked my lawyer and drove back to Chris’s place. I say to Chris “There are two other possibilities of who the father might be, Tom and Alex.” Chris: “Wow? Really? So, there is a 1 in 3 chance that he is not yours? Well that’s.... good I think hopefully its one of the other two?” “What do you remember about her?” I tell him the truth “don’t remember much about her, other than I thought she was very pretty and funny, we had been drinking and she kissed me and I hadn’t seen Y/N in 7 months and phone and skype sex wasn’t doing it anything more, and I just got lost in the moment and brought her back to my room and had sex, I woke up in the morning and she was gone, and I thought about telling Y/N, which looking back I know I should have but I decided not to since I never thought I would see her again.” Chris looks at me thinking over what I said and said “if Y/N asks you about that night I suggest in fact I highly suggest that you tell her everything! When do you see her again?” Sebastian: “In a week and a half, I honestly cannot wait to be near her again. She said she loved me but needed sometime.”
Reader’s P.O.V.
I had just sat down on the bench by the lake when my phone started ringing, and as hurt, heartbroken and just plain broken I am my heart soared and I smiled to myself when I saw it was Sebastian calling. I was also happy that he was calling every day, I wanted him to come home so bad and I missed having him hold me at night, I missed feeling his lips all over my body but most of all between my thighs and missed making love to him. I answer my phone “Hello Sebastian, how did the DNA test go?” God it hurt my heart asking that. Sebastian: “It went good quick swab will have the results in about 10 days....” I know he is holding something back and my mind goes to the worst thing thinking that he actually wants to be with her. “What is it Seb?” Sebastian: “I wasn’t the only one there, there were two other guys there...” my mind went blank that was not what I was expecting. You: “Who else was there?” Sebastian: “Tom and Alex.”You: “What?” Sebastian: “She had sex with the three of us within the same time period.... just different days.” You: “Ummm I don’t want to talk about that right now, but we will when you come back home next weekend.” Sebastian: “.... back home?” You: “Yes, I want you to come home, but I need you to stay at Chris’s tell next weekend as Adelaide thinks you are filming, and she thinks you are coming back home next weekend. I don’t want to tell her anything just yet, as we are not entirely sure of anything yet. As we need to figure us out first.” We talk for the next 20 minutes before I have to go back to work, I tell Sebastian I love him and will talk to him tomorrow. He tells me he loves me too and to give Adelaide big hugs and kisses and tell her I love her.
Sebastian’s P.O.V.
This is the longest I have gone without any kind of sex since I met you even though it was 9 months tell we actually had sex I had been tempted to get myself off but it felt odd even thinking of doing that in Chris’s house and tonight is my last night here, it has been the longest week and half I am going back home in the morning as Adelaide went to her grandmothers tonight and I know you will be up by 9:30. I toss and turn all night I finally get about 5 hours of some what solid sleep I get up shower, I trim my beard and say thank you to Chris for giving me a place to stay. He says, “you’re welcome, and good luck!”  The drive home seems to take forever I stop to grab myself a coffee and you a hot chocolate, when I get home and up to the door and I stand there like an idiot as I don’t know of I should just walk in or knock, I choose to do both. You’re sitting in the livingroom looking at me like I have two heads and asks, “why did you knock?” Sebastian: “I didn’t know if I should knock or not” you laugh at me as I pass you, your drink and say thank you. Again, I don’t know where to sit on the couch and I choose to keep the middle cushion between us as much as I want to hold you. You are wearing a loose top and I am pretty sure you don’t have a bra on and shorts and again I am pretty sure you have no panties on, I can feel myself getting hard at just the sight of you. We do some small talk and then you start asking me about that night and why, I can see the heartbreak all over your face and that you are fighting back tears as I tell you everything minus the graphic details that I figure you don’t need to hear, and you don’t ask. I am just finishing up telling you everything when my phone rings and see its my lawyer I have it on speaker “Hi John, how it’s going” John (lawyer): “Sebastian I have the results of the DNA test...” I look over at you and see you holding her breath “and?” John (lawyer): “Sebastian it is not your baby” I say nothing, and I hear you choke on your breath and a sob, and John says “Sebastian did you hear me? The baby is not yours, its Alex’s” Sebastian: “Thank you for all your help John, have a good weekend.” John (lawyer): “You too Sebastian”. I barely hang the phone up and put it down before you throw yourself onto my lap and hugs me. 
I wrap my arms around you and pull you close to me and I can feel the tears threatening to spill as I choke out “Please Y/N forgive me! I promise will never ever hurt you like this ever again!” You pull back and put your hand on either side of my face and say, “I forgive you, but if you ever put me through anything this again I will cut your balls off and force feed them to you!” I am slightly scared but more turned on that you talked about my balls I wrap my right arm around your waist and place the other up behind your back and place my hand on the back of your neck and pull you in for one of the most passionate kisses between us we both moan as you grinds your hips down on my growing erection, I slide my right arm up your shirt to your shoulder and realize that I was right no bra and I scrap my fingers down your back to the top of your shorts and slide my right hand in your shorts and grip your right ass cheek that is bare under the shorts. You grip the back of my head and pulls my hair and that was enough for me, I all but rip your top off and flip you over so your laying down on the couch which is big enough for what is about to happen.
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 I rip your shorts off and spread your legs and bury my face between your thighs you yell “OH ffffuuuck Sebastian! Oh God I missed you!” I swirl my tongue around her opening and lick up to her clit I pull your hood back fully exposing your clit and I flick my tongue over your clit quickly and I have to reposition my left arm to hold your waist down. I pull away and place my right index finger over your exposed clit and rub while looking up you, and it’s an amazing sight you’re breathing quickly your back is arched, your hands are in your hair pulling it and your head is thrown back I groan at you knowing you won’t last long, I bring my right index and middle finger to your opening and at the same time I attach my lips back to her clit I thrust my two fingers into you and thrust them quickly and curl them at the right spot and rub your g-spot over and over you try to close your legs you threads your fingers in my hair and pulls hard and scream “Sebastian I...I...mmmm going to cccuummmmm” I hum against her and that’s all it takes your legs tense for a couple minutes through your orgasm then relax when you stops cumming. 
I quickly stand and strip myself of my clothes and look down at the woman I love more then anything in this life and I know how lucky I truly am. I settle between your legs and you pulls me down to kiss you and you hum against my mouth tasting yourself on my tongue and while you are preoccupied I thrust hard into you and try to let you adjust bit, but you pull away and say “Sebastian, baby please move, show me how much you missed me” I start thrusting my hips at a fast pace and kiss you again, you wrap your legs around my hips and meet me thrust for thrust I can feel your orgasm building again and I know I won’t last much longer. I slide my right hand back down to your sensitive clit and rub it quickly while I say, “I Love you more than anything and I will give up everything I do to keep you if that’s what it takes to make you stay.” Sebastian: “Cum for me Y/N please cum for me” you grip my arms and I can feel you convulsing around me and I watch your eyes roll into the back of your head and hear you moan out my name and it sends me over the edge. I try to keep myself up on my arms, but you pull me down onto you and pull me into a death grip. As we lay there catching our breath you say “I don’t want you to quit what you love, I do not need to give some of your fans more reason to hate me, I just need to know that you won’t step out of our relationship again. You know my job allows me to travel and our parents are willing to take Adelaide for a weekend or a week and if you need a sex fix tell me and l will come to you and you can fuck me into whatever piece of furniture you want. Deal?” “Deal Y/N I promise” eventually we get up and start getting dressed I tell you I will be right back I go to my office and come back to find you in standing out on the deck. 
“Y/N I know that right now is probably not the best time but I really do love you and Adelaide more than anything....” she turns to look at me and sees me down on one knee and she gasps as I continue “I never thought I would ever meet someone so caring and loving like you, you have been more than understanding with me being gone and supportive and even with the major bump we just experienced I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I want to continue making a life for us as Wife and Husband and I want to have a baby or babies with only you. Y/F/N & Y/L/N will you do me the honour and marry me?” I open the ring box and she says, “Oh my God!” and says “Although it wasn’t the greatest time to ask.... I will finally agree to marry you Mr. Stan”
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The End
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