#i mean buck was traumatised by seeing kim
dazzle02 · 4 months
You know, I think it would be really interesting if in the wake of poor Chris seeing Kim he decides he wants to stay with Buck for a bit. And this isn't me wanting Eddie to suffer or saying he's a bad parent or anything, so don't get any ideas! I just think the dynamic of all that would be so interesting.
I mean, just imagine.
Chris is hurt and angry, he was just beginning to truly grieve his Mum and start to heal from losing her and then he walks into his home to see his Dad hugging someone who looks exactly like her. Plus the fact that, no matter what Eddie claims he was cheating on his girlfriend who Chris clearly likes. Chris isn't going to be happy. So there would be Chris who doesn't want to see his Dad, he still loves him obviously, but he's really hurting and he's angry and he just needs some time and space to deal with this.
And Eddie would never deny Chris something he feels he needs just because it hurts him. He would be so sad that Chris would wanna be away from him for a bit, but he'd understand and he'd let him go, especially as he trusts Buck with him. He'd know he's gonna be safe and taken care of. But it would hurt him so much. Maybe he'd spiral a bit, or maybe it'd be a big push to work all this out in therapy so he can make things right with his son.
And then there'd be Buck who loves them both a lot. He'd of course let Chris stay with him if that's what he wanted. But the thing about Buck is we all know he likes to fix things. He'd be torn between wanting to fix the relationship between Eddie and Chris, and wanting to respect Chris' wishes. He'd be stuck trying to help them both, while Chris wants some space from his Dad.
Also with the added fact of Buck then having Chris stay with him for a while when Eddie's not in the hospital or dying. He'd feel guilty, like he was keeping Eddie from his son, like he was overstepping in some way. Even though it's what Chris wants.
Of course, eventually Chris would forgive Eddie and move back home and Eddie will be okay having gotten more therapy and worked through his issues and everyone will get to heal.
I don't think that's what's going to happen in the show, I just think it'd be a pretty interesting dynamic. They'd all be struggling and dealing with huge changes. Eddie being alone at the house, Buck having Chris full time, Chris not being at home and also having to deal with having seen someone who looks exactly like his dead Mother...
I am very interested to see where this story goes though. No matter how they handle it, I really hope Chris gets to be hurt and angry about it though. This would be such a huge thing to have to deal with. And I'm hoping Gavin gets to truly shine!
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mintedwitcher · 5 months
Here's the thing. I don't want this cheating arc to culminate in a buddie thing. I don't want a revelation, I don't want a confession. I sure as shit DO NOT want a kiss. I dont want buddie to be tainted by this cheating arc and I do not want Eddie Diaz to make a twice-over cheater out of Buck.
When things blow up between them - because it will. It's inevitable - I want it to be because Buck is finally seeing Eddie as he is: a flawed, fucked up, traumatised man with layers of guilt so dense they've solidified into an iron cast around Eddie. I want it to be because Eddie has been lying to him, USING him to get free time to see his sidepiece, using CHRIS as a bargaining tool to keep Buck quiet and out of the way. I want it to be because Eddie just needs someone, anyone, his BEST FRIEND to tell him that he's not horrible for this. That his actions are wrong but understandable. That Buck is going to have Eddie's back in this like he does for everything else.
And when it's proven that Buck isn't going to back him, I want Eddie to lash out. I want him to drag up the Lucy of it all, I want him to make a dig at Tommy. I want him to fight dirty about it and I want Buck to fight right back. I want it to be explosive and heated and insane. I want them both to say things they don't mean, and I want BUCK to be the one who walks out.
I want Eddie to crash and burn with the guilt of it and confess to Marisol and Kim, and I want them to drop him faster than he can apologise.
I want him to try and come clean to Chris, only for Chris to get mad at him too because "You keep doing this! You keep trying to find me a new mom and I don't want one! I don't need one!" I want him to be angry and hurt because what Eddie does in his personal life affects Chris too, and Eddie CLEARLY isn't thinking about that right now.
I need it messy. I need it agonising. I need it raw.
I do NOT want this to be the lead-in to buddie or even a queer awakening arc. I need this to be THE wakeup call that Eddie has been in dire need of since Shannon died. I need this to be the moment where Eddie realises that he doesn't need to be a boyfriend or a husband to be happy.
(And then I need someone to drag him kicking and screaming to Frank's office and put that man back through therapy because CLEARLY he needs more of it.)
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captain-hen · 4 months
I have been telling my friends that season 7 is a bridge. Also, that Tim had a plan and as he wasn’t in the last 2, the story isn’t as he planned so he spent the whole season taking the characters there. Meaning healing from last trauma to add new traumas and building the foundations for the next season, foundations he thought were going to be build.
For example:
- Chim and Maddie fostering Mara is the bridge to Maddie and Chim having another child, maybe adopting this time.
- Hen and Karen will adopt Mara, and I’m not quite sure about the next step because I’m thinking about Captain Hen but I don’t think it’ll happen in the next season.
- Bi Buck we know what bridge that is even if some people don’t want to accept it.
- Eddie, being bad written, is the bridge to prioritising and putting himself first for them establishing boundaries with his parents. (Kind of Buck did). Also, to discover himself and what he really wants. Healing.
- Bobby to realise he’s a hero and that his works wasn’t over, especially now that Gerrard is back.
- Athena hasn’t been a proper cop this season and both times (Harry incident and whatever the fuck was the Amir thing) she has used her power so I think something will happen there that’ll make her stop and think.
The reason why the wasn’t room for development is because for some stories, it was the end (Chim being traumatised in his wedding by Doug) and for other stories it was the beginning (the whole episode 7x10)
i'm sorry, i don't want to sound like i'm being dismissive of your opinion because you're entitled to it, but i don't agree with any of this. to start with, it's too bad that tim couldn't tell the story he wanted to after s4, but that's not an excuse for him to come back two seasons later, throw a temper tantrum and ignore everything that's happened since that isn't convenient for him. lol. as for the rest, let's break it down:
this sets up for maddie and chim having another child...except we don't actually KNOW how THEY feel about it. they've never talked about having more kids, let alone fostering. we never saw any of this from their POV, we were just up and told that they wanted to do it for henren. which is a beautiful thing for them to do, but we don't know what they feel about it, if they've considered the logistics of having a second child, about jee having a sibling—none of it!
my issue with henren this season was that they recycled the plot of them having trouble with expanding their family for, what, the...third time? it's so tired and feels like misery porn at this point (and let's not even get into the uncomfortable racial elements around the way mara was written in 7x05).
something as monumental as the bi!buck arc should have been explored better. sorry. aside from his conversation with maddie, we barely got to see buck do any kind of serious self-reflection about this major part of his identity and his relationship with tommy, has, well. it's just been written in a very strange and off-putting way post 7x05. sorry to say.
whatever happened with eddie is really not the way to get him to prioritize himself! think about it. for the first time he prioritized his own grief in trying to get catharsis with kim. and it backfired on him spectacularly. he hurt his kid. he lost christopher. i don't think he's ever gonna recover from this guilt. if anything, what's happened will only reinforce his belief that he should never prioritize himself, ever. the thing with kim didn't lead to any kind of healing, it made everything a million times worse. he was quite literally punished by the narrative for his grief and it's quite sickening. and given how things were handled this season i highly doubt it will be treated with any kind of nuance or care in the next.
this has not been the first time athena has abused her power—only the most egregious instance of it—and it won't be the last. if abusing her power in s1 and harassing a teenage girl then didn't get her to stop and think, i don't think this will. sorry.
my entire point, is that most of the things you've mentioned here was incredibly last minute. madney fostering mara. the eddie/kim plotline. eddie's conflict with chris. the bobby and amir plotline. everything in 7x10 felt like an afterthought. why is it that bobby's life was in serious danger and yet we barely saw anything of him? why didn't we get to see more the firefam being worried over him and holding vigil? how is it that eddie and chris didn't even have a single conversation before chris went away to a different state?
you don't use all ten episodes of a season just to set up new plot points for the rest without developing or concluding the stuff already going on in a meaningful manner that makes sense. sorry.
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shaunashipman · 21 days
Eddies storyline will take focus on 8A not only to reconnect with faith but because he has to do something to finally heal and grieve; BECAUSE the goal at the end of the day is to get his son back. Remember that. Which is why buddies confuse me. Eddies #1 priority will always be his son. How is a gay awakening going to bring Chris back??? His actions completely broke his son’s trust and he was so traumatised he moved states to be away from Eddie. Eddie in that moment forgot about Chris and only focused on his grief over his dead wife, and not his son’s grief over his dead mother.
Therapy worked once for him, but for different circumstances. When Bobby gave Eddie his prayer book at the end of s7 it was very obvious Catholicism will play a big role for Eddie going forward. Maybe a confession will help Eddie the way it helped Bobby. And Bobby had so many deaths he felt guilty for. I often say Eddie is a character least focused on, and when he is in focus alot of the time Buck is there too. Yes they’re best friends but Eddies grief is his alone. Only he can move past it. I hope they finally give him a moment to truly heal.
How is a gay awakening going to bring Chris back???
nonny, you've hit it on the head. chris will be able to see, with a little distance, that eddie did what he did because he still hasn't properly mourned shannon, even though that excuse is not reason to forgive him (for a 14 year old). so how is gonna go, if he just calls chris up, "he son, you can come home now, i'm all fixed, see i'm actually gay, and have been in love with buck for years, but now we're together and i'm all fixed."
being gay and in denial is not the source of his problems. he did not do that with doppel!shannon because he's gay, if that was the way the show was leaning, they would have gone with the soap opera angle of other people meeting kim and the audience seeing that she doesn't actually look like shannon. i mean that option could still mean the same stuff about grief and moving on, but it would at least open a door to other avenues. but no, they had buck meet her and confirm for the audience that she is identical to shannon. some random girl wouldn't have done it, only shannon could. because it is literally about shannon. i don't even like shannon and would like less of her on my screen, but not to the point of ignoring what is literally spelled out to me.
re: eddie being out of focus—him being shot was literally about buck. spin it romantic if you want, eddie wasn't present, eddie's feelings weren't focused, his emotions when he woke up were about reassuring buck. it basically wasn't an "eddie gets shot" story, it was a "buck watches eddie get shot" story.
i don't know if a confession will be what helps eddie. he'll almost certainly try it, but i don't think holding something in is necessarily the problem. this is where i flounder a bit on the story, because i don't personally know how to navigate grief, and know less about the church. there are truths he needs to confront, but i don't know if confession is the right setting. possibly the priest helps with some unorthodox method, or maybe he's more of a step along the journey
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
hi its birthmark anon! weird lore from me i guess i dont mean to trauma dump because my dad is fine lmfao but i HATED that scene because of the “your dad is still alive” line. my dad had heart issues when i was a kid to the point he needed open heart surgery and i remember so clearly my aunt saying something similar to my mom in front of us when he was hospitalized. my mom said she couldnt make thanksgiving dinner because my dad was in the hospital and she had to take care of me and my 3 siblings who were all pretty young kids (i was 11 i think and my younger brother was 9. i remember thinking my dad was gonna die) and my aunt was like “at least you have a family”. we didnt see her for like 5 years after that lmfao
also the “you guys need your own hospital wing” line also frustrated me because i had my own health problems as a kid (im alright now) and people ALWAYS made those sorts of comments to me. i didnt even register the daddy shit until later and that only made the scene worse because while it felt like buck was trying to lighten the mood and make it something they have in common but tommy dismissed it AGAIN. like its not even about sexual jokes to me its about him being an asshole in every scene he’s in 😭
anyway thanks for the birthmark clownery i doubt kim will return but we had fun 🫶 this whole discourse is dumb because the scene just sucked. if they wanted me to believe tommy gave a single fuck they shouldve had him come to the hospital abd they should also address the role he played in the gerrard shit for hen and chimney because they HAVENT and it drives me NUTS
anyway love you bye
Hi birthmark anon!!
Dw Im always down for a good trauma dump like one of my friends and I legit never spoke to eachother before despite being in the same class for a year but only became friends because a cancelled class led to us trauma dumping to eachother for our first proper conversation for like 2 hrs
Omg can’t believe your aunt said that that’s actually so iffy, but yess exactly the “your dad is still alive” line was just so so bad and I hated it sm like idk if you saw my replies on my other post or not cos I put it in much more in depth way there but like I too am a traumatised girlie and if someone said that shit about my bio dad I would literally lose it cos it’s one of those things that get said so much to traumatised people and it’s honestly a big no from me
Like sure SOME traumatised people MAY regret not fixing it but also it might not be fixable and you don’t know the situation and also maybe they won’t either way that’s their prerogative
and sometimes what’s right for them at the time isn’t what’s right for them long term and all these things are fine
Like me personally if my dad dropped dead right now I would genuinely celebrate and feel not a single ounce of regret and that’s fine and id deck anyone who said it’s not
Like if Tommy has his own trauma and feelings about his dad and their relationship then that’s fine but this sort of imposed rhetoric on another traumatised person is just a no from me
The hospital wing line is another thing that I didn’t see mentioned but bucks face DID flip but that’s a whole other debate yeah
See that’s the thing like I know I have Tommy loving followers but I personally dislike him cos they haven’t gave him (imo) substance or like enough other than sardonic comments and shit
Rip our fun with the Kim and buck parallels you’ll always be famous🫡
But yeah like even if people liked Tommy and bucktommy I feel like they can blame the writing or execution or context but like overall not liking that scene it’s not just about hating Tommy or bucktommy imo
Anyways also love ya byee🫶🫶🫶🫶
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