#i mean golden retrievers can still bite
chocolatebageltje · 1 year
I've just finished watching the Fear Street trilogy and I'm. I am living for these movies omg they've been spinning in my head like a hamster in a wheel for the past few days. They're so good, I haven't had a movie that kept me so fully engaged all throughout in a while and especially the sound design is what does it for me. I will be watching them all over again soon just to see if I didn't pick up on some things that were concluded later. Despite being a pretty rounded whole I'd almost wish they'd make more sequels about the individual Shadyside killers just to get more content out of the universe. The series is going into my favorite movie catalog for sure.
Also, I deadass need someone to do a thorough character analysis on Nick Goode specifically lol. @ me if you're that person bc I need to DISCUSS. (Spoilers below)
I found him sus on so many occasions throughout the series but every time I ended up letting my guard down regardless because he was just portrayed as so likable to me?? After he turned his back on Ziggy at the end of part 2 I felt he might've known something and that it was a dick move, but I also kinda felt that there might've been a good reason for it and that he'd get a redemption arc. But BOI that turned out...different. Deadass though, as evil as he ended up being, I kinda felt there had been some shreds of good left in there as well, just heavily overpowered by all of the rest.
Idk if this is supposed to be the actual meaning of it but, to me it seemed that as it was said the Goode's were able to get whatever they wanted through the deal with the devil, Nick desperately wanted Ziggy survive her injuries and so she did. (Like deadass the chick got stabbed big time how tf does one survive that??) And if that was the case, that they could technically wish for whatever they wanted, couldn't he technically also wish for Ziggy to stick with him regardless? But that could blow his cover so... But when they met again at the mall, I found his expression quite hard to read. I felt maybe he had a moment of guilt maybe? Feelings coming back to the surface? But then he deadass tried to human sacrifice her right after so even if so it was pretty meaningless in the end 💀 Maybe his ego was just too big to be fully real with himself? Am I giving this man too much credit?
Also what I found interesting is that it seemed like the dudes could pick the name of the sacrificed person themselves. Did they just pick at random given the killers ended up so random or was it deliberate in some way? Would they know when it'd happen? (Bc if so it'd be kinda stupid of Nick to choose Tommy, the boyfriend of the sister of the girl he crushed on, with a camp coming up where said girls both would be at. 😂)
I'll probably have more to rant about after I get some sleep, but his character was something that I found particularly interesting. Every character honestly was so layered to me with both bad and good perspectives to them and how they behaved. I'm gonna stop so this won't become endless lol, but pls tap in if you too want to gush about these movies!
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
it’s all about you
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summary: 4 times Jake thought about marrying you and the 1 time he did.
pairing: jake seresin x girlfriend!reader
word count: 5.9k
warnings: allusions to smut throughout, mentions of alcohol, swearing, jake being whipped!! MDNI 18+
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“Cookies or Brownies?” you hum, rifling through your kitchen cupboards.
“Cookies, we’re not monsters babe.” Jake replies seriously from where he’s stood behind you, checking out your ass.
You snap back up with a cheer and the brown sugar you were looking for in tow. Jake quickly diverts his gaze in favour of not getting caught and decides that your fridge magnets are suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.
His intense inspection of the little windmill stuck to your fridge has you snorting, quickly turned into a squeal when Jake pats your behind with a little more force than intended.
“What?” He spins around as if to look for someone else who could have committed the offending action.
“You’re stupid.” You giggle, jutting your hip out to hit his own.
Jake reciprocates the action before finally picking up a wooden spoon and smacking it against his palm loudly.
“Where do you need me chef?”
“Fold the butter into the brown sugar,” you instruct, “softly.”
Jake rolls his eyes purposefully obnoxiously and sighs loudly, “I know.”
“Don’t make me remind you of cupcake gate.”
Jake’s attitude drops, “we agreed not to bring that up.”
“I play petty Seresin, now fold. Gently.” You sass.
Jake chuckles at your demeanour and gets to work, following your orders to complete the cookie dough.
Once complete and set to chill in the freezer, Jake goes to leave the kitchen but instead watches on in amusement as you pace around anxiously. After your third rearrangement of the trinkets on the window sill he interrupts.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
You sigh dramatically and throw yourself into his arms.
“I’m nervous.”
Jake snorts, “why?”
You pull back from where you face was smushed into his chest and pout, “don’t be mean. I’m scared they won’t like my cookies. Or me, for that matter.”
Jake’s thumb strokes absentmindedly over your cheek in an act of comfort.
“All kids like cookies. Fact.” He states, “and they’re gonna love you because they love me and I love you.”
“I don’t want to be their uncle Jake’s lame girlfriend who makes bad cookies.” You bite at your pushed out lip.
“You won’t be, now let’s bake these suckers.”
Jake pats your ass playfully as you bend down to retrieve the cookie dough.
“Put the oven on.” You order.
Jake mock salutes, “yes, chef.”
You run through about ten outfits before finally settling on what to wear, and as you brush through your hair once more, the doorbell goes.
You can hear Jake and his sister talking downstairs as well as the excited giggles of his nieces. When you finally descend the stairs Jake’s sister is smiling up at you.
“It’s great to see you again!” She gives you a one armed hug, the other holding the girls backpacks.
“You too!” You look down to where the girls are holding on to each of Jake’s hands, “and it’s great to meet you girls!”
The younger of the two immediately leaps forward and grabs onto your hand, “I’m Ellie, you’re pretty,” she singsongs.
You bend down and wipe at a smudge on her face, “Not as pretty as you!”
Ellie giggles determinedly and turns back to her mom to smile.
“Ellie, Olive, be good okay?” Jake’s sister nods her head to the two girls before looking back up to the two of you, “and thank you for looking after them on such short notice.”
Jake rolls his eyes, “you know it’s fine, now go have fun.”
“Thank you!” She smiles before kissing the girls on the heads and making her exit.
You look back down to the girls, Ellie is still clinging onto your hand with a smitten look on her face. Her golden curls are kept in two pigtails with small scrunchies. She’s adorable and can’t be older than 5.
When you avert your gaze to Olive, she seems to blush slightly. She is partially hidden by Jake’s large frame but you can still make out her blue eyes and long, mousy brown hair. She looks much older than Ellie, probably about 9 or 10. Much more reserved as well.
“It’s nice to meet you Olive!” You beam.
She nods in your direction, “hi.” It’s almost a whisper but you smile in acknowledgement anyways.
“Jakey I’m hungryyyyy,” Ellie drags out the “e” sound of her Y.
“Well that won’t do will it, Ellie bellie?” Jake teases, dropping Olive’s hand in favour of scooping Ellie up into his arms.
Olive chuckles awkwardly at the commotion and fiddles with the straps of her bag as Jake carries Ellie towards the kitchen where the cookies are almost finished. You can sense a small amount of anxiety radiating off of her, you were similar at that age. Never quite feeling in place. It suddenly becomes your duty to make sure she understands it’s okay.
“I love your hair, it’s so long!” You smile comfortingly at her, reaching out to fiddle with the ends.
She leans more into your touch and speaks quietly, “thank you, I- sometimes I think it’s kind of boring.” She shrugs.
“It’s really beautiful! I wish I could grow my hair that long,” you hum, inspecting the completely undamaged strands of hair.
Olive smiles up at you, “I just wish I could do more hairstyles with it.”
“I could braid it for you? If you would like that of course?”
“I would really like that,” Olive nods.
She lets you lead her upstairs where you sit her in front of your vanity with all your hair and makeup products. You watch fondly as she “oohs” and “ahhs” at the products on display.
“Tell me if I hurt you at all okay?” You question as you brush out her mostly untangled hair.
Olive nods in understanding, “can you do two french braids?”
“Of course!”
You sit in silence for a few moments as you brush and part her hair. You can feel her gaze on you from the mirror.
“You okay?” You hum.
“You’re really pretty, y’know? Way more than Uncle Jake.”
Her words make you giggle, “Your Uncle Jake is very handsome, why else would I be with him?” you tease.
She snorts, “I figured it wasn’t because he was clever.”
You try not to laugh too loud at her quip and bite your lip, “he has his moments.”
Olive rolls her eyes and mumbles “sure” and once calmed from your laughter you’re able to start on the first of the braids and talk to her more.
“How’s school?” You question absentmindedly.
“It’s okay,” she answers. Olive opens her mouth again as if to say something else, before closing it again.
“You can tell me,” you affirm.
“Promise you won’t tell Uncle Jake?” She asks.
She quickly intertwines her little finger with yours before beginning.
“There’s this boy,” she blushes as she sees a grin spread across your face, “he sits next to me when we do science, and he’s really cute.”
“What’s his name?” You ask, trying to keep your face neutral.
“Trey. But I don’t even think he knows my name.” She sighs.
“I’m sure he does, Olive, especially if he sits next to you.” You reassure her.
“I mean he only really talks to me to ask for help, but one time he told me he really liked my shoes.” She gushes.
“That’s a good sign Olive,” you confirm, “if a boy likes you he’ll make sure to compliment you, don’t settle for a boy who doesn’t make you feel special, promise me?”
Olive nods diligently, “promise.”
You make a little “aha” noise as you finish with the first braid and begin to move onto the second.
“Did Uncle Jake do that?” She ponders.
“Make you feel special?”
You nod your head as your fingers move nimbly through her hair, “he asked me out five times before I said yes.” you giggle in remembrance.
“Five?” Olive chuckles.
You’re not quite sure how to explain to Jake’s niece that you thought he was something of the manwhore before he finally professed his feelings for you.
“I wanted to know that he was committed,” you decide on.
“Uncle Jake really loves you. I heard him on the phone to my mom yesterday and-”
“Stop spilling all my secrets would ya?” Jake quickly interrupts, butting the door open with his foot.
Ellie is propped on his right side holding a plate of what you can assume are your cookies. She and Jake had long gone through the sheets of her My Little Pony colouring book and had decided to come find the two of you and share the cookies that were quickly depleting.
Olive giggles, “sorry Uncle Jake.”
“It’s okay kid,” he grins and plops Ellie down on your bed before coming to stand behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist and pecks you on the lips quickly.
Olive and Ellie both pull faces and Jake laughs, “I thought that’s what you wanted to do to Trey, Ollie?”
Olive gasps, “how do you know? And no I do not!”
Jake taps the side of his nose teasingly. You roll your eyes and quickly finish off her braid, flipping them over her shoulders.
“Done.” You pat her head and hope her anger will diffuse.
“Thank you,” she smiles brightly at you, but returns to shooting daggers at Jake just shortly after.
“Cookies?” He offers up as a peace offering.
Olive still keeps up her impressive pout.
“I made them babe don’t worry,” you provide.
“Well in that case,” Olive reaches for a cookie and takes a hefty bite, her eyes widen considerably, “these are so good!”
“Thank you!” You smile, brushing at the crumbs that had accumulated on her cheeks.
“These are the best cookies ever!” Ellie proclaims from where she is now chowing down on another cookie.
“Hey! I thought we said no more?” Jake frowns in faux anger, plopping down on the bed next to Ellie.
“You said that, not me!” Ellie giggles.
“You got me there, bellie.” Jake sighs in defeat.
Ellie throws herself into Jake’s arms and gives her best puppy dog eyes.
“Can we watch a movie?” She pleads.
“You wanna watch a movie, kid?” Jake pokes Olive.
Olive looks to you and you smile, “Yeah,” she nods.
An hour later, you’re all squished onto the couch watching Frozen. Ellie is long past waking up and is spread out across the “L” part of the couch snoring quietly.
You’re tucked into Jake’s side and he’s fiddling with your hand, he hasn’t been watching the screen at all. Instead, watching your features and the way Olive will point out her favourite parts and songs to you. He particularly enjoys her version of “fixer upper” which he presumed might be dedicated to him. He enjoys even more so when by the time the film ends the way that Olive is dozing off on your shoulder and the way you’re stroking softly at her arm.
“They love you,” he coos into your ear.
“I’m glad,” you hum, “I really love them.”
“Olive is never like that with anyone, she’s usually so shy.” Jake explains, placing a kiss at your temple and then tucking your head under his chin.
“I was like that too when I was her age.” You murmur as to not wake the girls, “I hope she knows how special she is.”
“You’re gonna be such a good mom someday,” he whispers down at you.
“I hope so.”
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Jake had been waiting for what felt like hours. It was five minutes really. But when you had told him to go wait in the car he had expected you to be out much sooner than you were. And when you finally sat down next to him, he wasn’t all too pleased.
“Let’s go.” You hum, pulling down the mirror to apply a final layer of lip gloss.
“Is that what you’re wearing?”
“Yeah, why?” You turn, a crease forming in your brow.
Jake winces, unsure of whether to continue, “your skirt, it’s really short.”
“I guess so.” You deadpan.
A beat passes.
“Are you going to cover up?”
Jake watches as your face drops.
“Why would I do that?” You reply snappily.
Jake sighs and begins to pull his car out of the driveway.
“Because I don’t want random guys hitting on you all night.”
“How is that my problem?” You retort, anger bubbling up.
“I just don’t want them getting wrong ideas about you, that’s all.” Jake tries to reason.
“And what would those ideas be, Jake?”
Jake can sense your rising anger. He doesn’t want to be in an argument with you by the time you reach the Hard Deck. That leaves him approximately four minutes to diffuse the situation he has caused.
“Just forget I said anything, it’s fine.” Jake dismisses.
“No, I want to know what you mean.” You assert, arms coming up to cross over your chest.
“Can we just drop it?” Jake sighs after a moment, “I don’t want to fight in front of everyone.”
“We wouldn’t have to fight if you weren’t being a dick!”
Jake rolls his eyes and doesn’t dignify you with a response, angering you even further. When he finally pulls into a spot outside of the Hard Deck you turn to him and flick at his shirt that can’t have more than two buttons done up.
“You gonna do that up sweetheart? Touch revealing don’t ya think?” You spit snarkily.
With that you slam the door to the car and make your way inside without looking back. Jake watches as you beeline for Natasha and rolls his eyes when she shoots him a dirty look. It was only more ammunition for her general distaste of him.
It goes like that for the rest of the night. You avoid Jake like the plague, sticking to Nat’s side mostly near the bar top. Although, you always stay within Jake’s line of sight which is heartening for him.
Bradley seems to find the ordeal hilarious.
“What did you do to piss her off this time?” He taunts.
Jake grunts. “I told her that her skirt was too short and that she needed to change.”
Bradley’s eyes widen, “bagman even I know you’re not supposed to say shit like that.”
“Yeah, well I know that now!” Jake spits.
“Hey don’t shoot the messenger,” Bradley rolls his eyes, “just go say sorry.”
“Why not?”
“She called me a dick.” Jake huffs.
“She’s not wrong,” Bradley offers.
Jake stays silent.
“You’re so petty.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Bradley and Jake stare at one another for a moment.
“Yeah, okay maybe,” Jake relents.
He sighs and averts his gaze back where you’re sat with Nat. You’re laughing so hard at something she’s said that you’re doubled over. You really did look beautiful, and Jake hadn’t even told you because he was too worried he was gonna get jealous and be a dick. Yet he still managed to do the last part.
“I hate when you’re right,” Jake admits, handing his beer over to Bradley.
Jake begins to make his way over to you, he’s going to apologise. However, he did not account for what was going to be quite the persistent obstacle.
“Hey,” a voice blurts from in front of him.
Jake catches sight of the owner of the voice, she’s tall and just a touch too blonde to be believable. She’s pretty, sure. But not you.
“Hey,” Jake replies absentmindedly, trying to make his way around her.
She steps in front of him again, blocking you from his view and tries to start up a new conversation.
“I’m Kendra, and you are?” She smiles in what Jake supposes was seduction.
Right now all he’s really trying to figure out is if your still at the bar or not.
“Jake.” He replies, hoping it will satiate her enough to move.
“Well Jake, it is great to meet you,” Kendra hums, sticking out her hand for Jake to shake.
Jake shakes it swiftly and goes to retract his hand, Kendra keeps it in her own grasp and plays with his fingers, keeping an awkward amount of eye contact with him.
“Look Kendra, I’m sure you’re a great girl but my-”
“I love your shirt!” She interrupts, “would probably love what’s underneath more.”
Jake cringes at her line and at the way her hand is now currently moving towards the excessive amount of chest exposed by his lowly buttons. Before she can reach skin, her hand is smacked away by red polished nails that Jake would recognise anywhere.
“Hey baby,” you whisper, before throwing your arms around Jake’s neck and smashing your lips into his.
Jake is all too quick to reciprocate, letting his hands fall to your ass only just covered by the tiny skirt that Jake has suddenly taken a distinct liking to. You pull back only to catch your breath, but instead catch sight of the seething blonde still stood uncomfortably close.
“We were talking!” She insists.
“He’s busy,” you cock your head to the side in faux apology, “sorry.”
She huffs and mumbles “crazy bitch” as she storms off, you pout to try and hold in your giggles. When you turn back to Jake, it proves useless trying to hold them in when you catch sight of his mouth smothered in your pink lipgloss.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Jake breathes out.
“I’m still mad at you,” you tease.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m a jealous dick, you just look so fucking good I didn’t want anyone else to see you.” Jake explains, hands caressing at the skin at the tops of your thighs.
You snort, “I think I’m the jealous one,”
“Good, I like a change of pace sometimes,” Jake pinches softly at your skin and lets a smile grace his feature at the way you squeak.
“Should we get out of here?” You whisper, hand trailing down Jake’s chest to where his hand is resting on you.
You guide his hand underneath your skirt slowly until Jake realises the lack of barrier between his hand and your cunt.
“Fuck, baby.” Jake hums practically into your mouth from how closely you two are stood.
You step away from him swiftly and bring his hand back into yours, pulling him towards the parking lot. Jake could cry from happiness.
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“If this is stupid you can just tell me, okay?” You ask from where you’re stood in front of a blindfolded Jake.
It’s his birthday today and you told him you had a surprise. He figured it would be a party, which he was thankful for but he couldn’t understand the point of the blindfold.
“Okay you can take it off now.” You instruct.
Jake all but rips the blindfold off and looks down at you to take in your attire.
“Jesus, baby.”
“Do you like it?” You question, giving him a little spin.
Jake’s mouth is agape as he watches the way you twirl, clad in the tiniest daisy dukes he thinks he’s ever seen and what can only be his flannel. The cream of your cowboy boots are subtle and suit you well.
“Like it?” Jake steps forward and shoves his hands into the small back pockets of your shorts, “I fuckin’ love it.”
Behind you, Jake can see his Stetson placed on the table, and behind that he can see into the garden where all of his friends are already drinking and chatting.
“You set this up, baby?” He nods to the glass doors.
“I had some help,” you shrug, finally moving out of his grip to grab his hat.
Jake extends his hand out for you to pass it to him, but is pleasantly surprised when you place it on your own head. He opens his mouth to speak, but your catch him before he can with a wink,
“I know the rule, cowboy.” You tease, placing your hand on his chest. “Consider it a birthday gift.”
Jake holds back a groan as you drag him outside to where he’s greeted by a chorus of “happy birthday”s and various other jokes about him getting old. It sort of shocks Jake at the amount of people there to celebrate, and he has to hold in a chuckle as he sees a number of your friends already beelining for the group of pilots nursing beers on the decking.
Bradley is quick to find Jake as the party gets into full swing, people chatting and music playing throughout the yard.
“You’re one lucky son of a bitch,” Bradley chuckles slapping Jake on the shoulder.
Jake has been staring at you for the last 10 minutes as you twirl around with Phoenix to the varied 2000s songs that have been on loop for most of the evening.
“Don’t I know it,” Jake boasts, clinking his beer bottle against Bradley’s.
You can feel a gaze on your back as you grind onto Phoenix whilst Nelly Furtado plays, not to your shock it’s Jake, head cocked to the side with a lazy smirk on his face whilst practically ignoring everything Bradley is saying to him. You can only giggle as Phoenix makes a teasing remark about him being whipped. She wasn’t wrong.
You make you way towards the boys slowly, smiling as you catch the end of their conversation.
“Whatcha talking about?” You goad, as Jake pulls you back against his chest already.
“You.” Bradley answers truthfully.
“All bad I suppose?” You bait.
“Oh the worst,” Jake fills in, pinching at the meat of your thigh playfully.
Deciding not to prod further, you turn in Jake’s grip to face him and plant a sloppy kiss on his face. It makes Jake laugh and Bradley mock gag, rolling his eyes and making his way towards Phoenix. Jake captures your lips with his a few more times, hands wandering dangerously low towards your ass before you pull away with a wink, and also slight fear of traumatising your guests.
“Patience is a virtue,” you remind Jake, he simply groans in response.
The rest of the night goes as such, Jake gets cornered into conversations, his eyes wander to you, you tease him some way or the other, Jake is left half hard whilst talking to an admiral. It’s uncomfortably delicious and Jake cannot wait for his last birthday gift.
At 1:30 AM, the only stragglers left are the dagger squad, drunkenly swaying around Jake’s backyard and singing horrific variations of “Slow Ride” to annoy him. It doesn’t even work, because Jake knows he has something so sweet waiting for him. However, his patience is wearing thin and considering these are the people closest to him, he has no qualms with speaking his mind.
“Alright, y’all time to get going,” he announces, herding everyone out.
Bob had been kind enough to offer to drive everyone home, and Jake was keen to take him up on it, helping Bob strap in their drunk friends with alarming efficiency.
“Hey! What’s the rush birthday boy?” Javy slurs as Jake buckles his seatbelt.
“He wants birthday sex!” Nat whisper shouts into Javy’s ear, with emphasis on the shout.
The truck erupts in whoops and crude hollers towards Jake and only Bob can offer him an apologetic smile.
“Good luck,” Jake pats Bob on the back.
“You too.” Bob replies with a laugh, eyes glancing quickly to where you’re stood on the porch, hip popped out against one of the wooden beams.
Jake all but sprints back to you, hauling you up into his arms, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. You move to place his stetson on his own head, but Jake stops you.
“Nuh-uh sweetheart, you ride the cowboy, you gotta wear the hat.” He smirks, kicking the front door shut behind him.
“Seems fair.” You hum after a moment.
And when Jake walks into the changing rooms on Monday morning, taking off his shirt to reveal hideous claw marks down his back. No one bats an eye.
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Jake had experienced what one could only describe as a clusterfuck of a day.
To start off the day, his alarm hadn’t gone off, meaning he had to sprint to his car and run a red light on the way to work. What was worse than the impending ticket that he was going to receive was the fact that he hadn’t even been able to kiss you goodbye like he does every morning.
It set him up badly. Jake Seresin was never one for superstitions but you were clearly his lucky charm. Proved so even further by the way his concentration was lacking in the flight simulations he was running. Then when they were up in the air, Jake was missing every opportunity to shoot down Maverick, messing up every manoeuvre and just generally souring his already damp mood.
To top it all off, the pièce de résistance, when Jake finally made it back to the changing rooms, itching to change out of his sweaty flight suit. His bag was sat open, clothes sopping wet whilst two of the newbies stood guiltily next to a broken shower head.
He almost blew his lid. Almost. But then he pictured getting back to you, falling into your arms after this tragic day and finally being able to relax. So for once, Jake decided to keep his mouth shut. He picked up his sopping bag and silently stalked out of the room.
When Jake reached his truck and listened to the way his bag squelched as he set it down, he held in another groan of frustration. The sun was still beating down and his sweaty flight suit was clinging to him in all the wrong places. Deep breath in, clench the steering wheel too hard, deep breath out. It was a 15 minute drive. He could do that for God’s sake.
Jake’s 15 minute drive quickly became a 45 minute one when he found out the road he was supposed to be taking was closed due to a burst pipe. The sky was a dusky purple as he finally pulled up outside your house. Jake can see that the light is on in the kitchen as well as your figure moving around languidly.
Jake slams the car door probably too loudly and rushes to the door. When he opens it, Jake is greeted with the loud sounds of your 90s playlist blasting throughout the house, he can hear you voice - although somewhat out of tune - belting along as well.
It makes him smile, for the first time on that horrid day. Jake’s bag of damp clothes are forgotten by the door as he quickly shucks himself of his boots and makes his way towards the kitchen. He opens the door to the sight of you wiggling your hips to Santana whilst holding a spatula and pushing around some type of stir fry.
You continue your movements, but turn at the sound of someone entering, a large smile gracing your face once you realise who it is.
“Hey, handsome,” you preen, dancing your way towards him.
Jake can’t help but chuckle at you movements, but he quickly falls limp once your wrap your arms around his neck. His large arms wrap around your waist tightly, engulfing you in him. You take note of Jake’s subdued demeanour, and raise one of your hands to scratch at the hair at his neck just like you know he loves.
“You okay, babe?” you hum, swaying him slightly.
“Shit day,” he groans out, leaning further into your touch.
“You wanna talk about it?” You continue your ministrations.
“Later.” He huffs, “Just wanna be with you.”
Jake’s sweet words make you melt into him further, burying your face into his chest. The arms of his flight suit were tied around his waist, only his tight black undershirt covering the expanse of his chest. He smelt like a combination of jet fuel, sweat and his cologne that he’d hurriedly sprayed in the morning. It should probably be off putting but it was so undeniably Jake that it was addictive. You inhale again as you place a chaste kiss against his pec.
“Are you sniffing me?” Jake chuckles.
“You smell so good,” you can only groan out, smushing your face into him again.
Jake leans back and takes your face in his hands,
“I’ve not even showered, I stink,” he chuckles incredulously.
“You still smell so good,” you whine, lips forming a pout.
“That means we’re meant to be or something, my pheromones get you going huh?” Jake teases.
“Never say pheromones again,” you roll your eyes and wiggle out of his grip to lower the heat under the pan you were searing the food in.
Jake follows you diligently, arms wrapping around your waist so he can cling to you as you move about the kitchen. Once bored of your movements, Jake swiftly lifts you up to sit at the counter top.
“Jake!” You swat at his chest, “we need to plate up the food,” you remind him.
“It can wait,” he decides, leaning in to connect his lips to yours.
It’s what he’d been waiting for all day. The pillow of your lips on his, the way you melt into his touch. One strong hand caressing the side of your face and the other gripping at your hip. You rest one hand on his chest, the other at the back of his neck, guiding his face to yours over and over again. Jake feels like a teenager again, making out with his girlfriend on the kitchen counter top. Except his 16 year old self would probably lose his mind trying to figure out how he ended up with someone like you.
Once you’d let Jake’s tongue explore your mouth in a kiss that had lasted far too long, you finally pull back to catch your breath.
“You want food?” you question with a smile.
“Please,” Jake hums as you hop off the counter. He smacks at your ass you walk away from him, “I’m starving.”
You roll your eyes fondly, and get to plating up the food. Jake isn’t too keen on letting you out of his grip, so you sit in his lap as you eat, feeding him and yourself at the same time. It’s nice, his strong grip is comforting and Jake appreciates how eager you are to listen to his rant about his shitty day.
“I was missing you all day, baby,” Jake murmurs, kissing at the side of your neck.
“I always miss you, Jake,” you smile earnestly, “now go shower and I’ll wash the plates.”
Jake allows you out of his grip so you can stand and move back around the kitchen, he shadows you once again, moving in tandem with his hands never leaving you.
“I thought you were going to shower?” You question, placing the last dish in the dishwasher.
“I don’t wanna leave you,” he whines.
You sigh, holding in your smirk as you turn to face him. “You wanna shower together?”
Jake has never looked so giddy as he practically races up the stairs, shirt flying off as he climbs the steps.
“You’re insatiable!” You yell after him.
“Only for you!” He yells in return.
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“I’ve thought a lot about what I could say right now,” Jake clears his throat.
He’s not nervous. In fact he doesn’t think anything has ever been so clear in his mind.
“I think usually when people do these things they tell memories or defining moments about their relationship, but the truth is. Every goddamn moment since I met you, I knew this was the only possible outcome.”
Jake looks down to where your sat with your shared friends and family, you look like a dream really. He’d been antsy about not seeing your dress, but now he was glad he’d waited.
“Y’know she turned me down five times before finally agreeing to go out with me?” Jake chuckles into the mic he’s holding.
Laughter rings out through the guests but Jake’s gaze never wavers from you. You’re rolling your eyes at him with a smile on your face, letting out a giggle as Jake’s mom squeezes your hand.
“I don’t blame her, I was kind of a mess. I’d just been stationed back here on North Island, and Javy was my only friend because I was a dick.”
The dagger squad, raise their glasses in a cheers to Jake’s statement, cracking the room up again.
“I never thought Rooster would be sat at my table at my wedding, I’ll admit that.” Jake laughs out.
Bradley in return whoops and raises a hand in salute to Jake.
“He’s single by the way ladies,” Jake winks to your elderly grandmother.
“Anyways, as I was saying, total dick, with a lacking moral compass and even more so in my emotions. I was kind of betting on getting the mission done and going back to wherever the hell I was stationed and moving on. Then I ended up pissing off the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen by pouring a drink down her shirt, and she chewed me out worse than any admiral I’d ever crossed.”
“It was expensive!” You quickly yell out in defence.
“As you can see, I’m still making up for it,” Jake teases, “but from that moment onwards I realised I needed to get my act together. My pea brain was shocked that a woman would cuss me out like that, and I immediately fell in love with her. Which probably makes me sound crazy but seriously, being around you for five minutes makes you want to be a better person, and being around you for this long has made me a better man.”
Jake’s smile can only widen when your glossy eyes meet his, “Rooster once told me I was a lucky son of a bitch to have you, and as annoyingly as always. He was right. I don’t know how or why you agreed to be my girlfriend, and it’s a godsent miracle that I get to call you my wife. You’re the best person in every room - sorry everyone - and the most beautiful person always. I love you, which you already know, but I just wanted to say it again,” Jake exhales.
Jake raises his glass in a final toast, “to my beautiful wife, the new Mrs Seresin.”
Glasses clink around the room and Jake almost misses you beelining for him throughout all the commotion. Your arms wrap swiftly around his neck, pulling his lips against yours. You kiss him softly, before pulling back to whisper to him,
“You know I love you so fucking much right?”
“Of course I do, baby,” Jake hums.
“You’re the best man I know,” you smile, leaning in to his lips again.
Jake dips you as you kiss, feeding off of the theatrics as people holler. People are standing and moving towards the dance floor as he brings you back up, forehead pressed against your own.
“Do you know how hot it is that you’re my wife?” He smirks.
“Mrs Seresin does have a nice ring to it,” you decide.
“The best, actually,” Jake replies, as he’s dragged towards the dance floor by Javy.
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a/n: jake is so husband coded it’s not even funny,,, like THAT IS MY MAN!!!!
@roosterforme ages ago we were talking and you asked me to tag you when i posted my jake fic, sorry it’s been eons hehe i hope you enjoy!!
pls comment, reblog, or send me an ask and tell me what you think!!
thank you for reading :))
- honey <333
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Random messages for you from your future lover/future spouse
18+ messages in some piles
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
These pictures belong to their rightful owners.
Paid services
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Pile 1
"I want to bite your neck and leave my mark there"
"I love the way you walk"
"you look absolutely gorgeous from behind"
"God really took his sweet time creating the masterpiece in front of me"
"I want to worship every part of your body"
"all the lonely nights were worth waiting for you"
"In your arms, I have found my home."
"With you, love is not just a destination but a beautiful journey"
"I will buy you every book you like, but there's a price you must pay"
"In a world of billions, you're the only that makes time stand still"
"The darkness inside me is really to consume you, however I am scared of the consequences"
"If you had any idea about what I want to do to you, you wouldn't be standing here challenging me"
"I want to know everything about you, your likes, dislikes, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, every fucking thing"
"Your whispered desires set my soul on fire"
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Pile 2
"You think you can run away from me love?"
"I crave you, I desire you, I want you. In. every. way."
"I love the way you look right now. You don't need to change anything"
"You're flawless. People who find flaws in you are blind"
"tie your hair up. Show me your neck"
"Your presence lights up my darkest night"
"You can literally sell me poison and I will buy that in gallons from you"
"Your acne scars correspond to the craters on the moon. They make you even more beautiful to me"
"You look so f-able in my hoodie"
"You can be my black cat and I can be your golden retriever"
"I will never force my beliefs on you"
"You look magical in that dress"
"I don't want other guys to be close to you, to touch you, I know it's selfish but it's something I can't help but feel. You make you go crazy over you"
"You're like a Siren, alluring me with your voice, enchanting me with your appearance and making me want to do things that are not so pure"
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Pile 3
"You are so pure so innocent. I feel like I will taint you with my darkness"
"Some things are better as secrets"
"Do. Not. Provoke Me. You'll not be able to handle it"
"I am not that type of person who dreams of getting married on the first date. But something about makes me feel I should wife you up, like right now.
"I want to see a mini you or/and mini merunning around in our house"
"Do you mind if I ruin your lipstick right now?"
"can you see hearts floating around above my head? No? *Gets heart shaped balloons from God knows where, puts them above their head* Can you see them now?
"With you, even the simplest moments become cherished memories"
"I crave the taste of your lips and the touch of your skin, you are my sweetest addiction"
"With you, time flies by like a shooting star, leaving behind a trail of cherished memories"
"Don't leave me. I have loved you too much to be separated from you.
"You make flowers bloom in my heart just from the thought of you"
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Pile 4
"I will work hard for you. I will work hard for us"
"To be honest I will let you step on me"
"Our future is so bright together mama"
"In your arms, time loses its meaning, and all that matters is our love."
"How long do you want me to wait for you? 1 month? 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? A decade? I will wait for you if it means that I can be with you even for a minute"
"I will never judge you for your past. We all make mistakes and it's fine. As long as you don't repeat the same mistake"
"You feel like chopping off your hair? Go ahead, do it. I bet on my left nut you will look good in every hairstyle"
"What makes you think that I wouldn't eat your snacks? Am I not human? Or Do I not have taste buds"
"In the heat of our passion, time fades away, leaving only the intoxicating blend of our souls"
"Your touch ignites a fire within me, and I crave the taste of your lips on mine"
"Baby I am preying on you tonight, hunt you down, eat you alive"
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helen-with-an-a · 26 days
Beautiful Girl Headcanons
Hiiiiii - these are some random hcs that I’ve come up with to supplement the main story cos I couldn’t sleep; if you have any questions, ideas or suggestion please send them in
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Beautiful Girl Masterlist
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I have decided to call Reader Amor during these so no one gets confused because that’s what Alexia calls her in the stories
Amor met Alexia the day she signed for Barça and it was just game over for both of them
Initially, Ale was ‘in charge’ until she did her ACL - she found that Amor giving her simple instructions to follow helped her cope with everything and it just went from there
Amor is a midfielder just like Alexia (more defensive though) and is on track for the Ballon d’Or
Ingrid and Mapí were heavily involved in getting the pair of them together (Amor went to Ingrid and Ale went to Mapí; Ingrid and Mapí conspired to get them together and they were dating within a month)
Alexia is the passenger princess
Despite how easily Amor hands out compliments, she is horrific at taking them - she stutters and stammers and blushes like crazy
Alexia’s favourite colour is dark blue/navy, Amor’s is dark red - Ale views it as a sign they’re soul mates because together they make Blaugrana
Amor is really hates the feeling of sand but Ale loves spending time at the beach - Amor will take this secret to the grave because she just wants to see Alexia happy all the time
Amor starts to call Alexia beautiful/beautiful girl because Drunk!Alexia told Amor that her past relationships on ever called her pretty/hot and sometimes she doesn’t feel beautiful because she’s muscular and plays football
The first time Amor experienced a full, proper orgasm was with Alexia - before she always used to take a while getting there and got really self-conscious so just faked it or was the one giving
Amor wears no. 66 for club and country - when she signed for her first club as a kid she was asked if she wanted a number and she initially she wanted 666 (a dad of a boy she used to play against called her the devil once) but she wasn’t allowed and this was the next thing she could think of and it’s just stuck
Amor gets really nervous before matches but you wouldn’t know it unless you look really hard - she bites the inside of her lip and fixes her hair a lot
When they go out (either on a date, to an event or just to training) Alexia always wants to match Amor in some way (hairstyles, shoes, colours, vibes, anything as long as she matches)
Amor started calling Ale my beautiful girl after Ale said it helps her relax knowing that she is Amor’s and Amor will take care of everything for her - Amor just wants Ale to be happy all the time
Ale gets possessive over Amor very quickly but it comes out as very cute clinginess rather than jealousy or anger
Amor doesn’t feel the need to get possessive because she can just call Alexia over and she will come running back and abandon the conversation immediately
When Amor and Alexia go away to tournaments or camps longer than a week, Amor gives Ale little letters to read and small gifts to open at specific times and dates
Alexia was scared Amor would replace her in midfield after she did her ACL and it sometimes still pops up in her mind when she’s feeling down about her performance
Amor only calls Ale my beautiful girl if they’re in private, otherwise it’s Ale, beautiful or baby; Ale only ever calls Amor Mi Amor no matter where or when she’s saying it
Amor’s a vanilla girlie through and through - if there’s some vanilla, Amor needs it. Alexia is a coconut girl in the same way (their house smells amazing)
Amor stress bakes
Big black cat/golden retriever energy (in public Ale is the black cat)
Amor has 1 1 1 1 tattooed (the first 11 is blue and red for Barça, the second 11 is red and yellow for Spain) - she says it’s her angel numbers if anyone asks but it’s actually for Alexia; Mapí did the tattoo for her; she hasn’t even told Alexia what it actually means (she just said it’s her angel numbers and she liked the colours)
Alexia got a 66 tattooed on her hip right were Amor likes to kiss before she goes down on her during sex
Ale gives Amor Spanish and Catalan lessons - each time she answers a question correctly, they make out for 10 minutes (not much studying actually happens)
The only time Amor got jealous/insecure in their relationship was just before they separated for the 2022 Euros - Ale had been getting stressed over the Spanish team situation and was confiding in Mapí/Patri/Aitana but didn’t tell Amor what was going on (it ended up in a big blowout argument and Amor ended up crying thinking that Ale had fallen out of love with her)
Amor proposes to Ale in fluent Catalan - it took her ages to learn it all properly because she didn’t want to go to anyone to help her with it so that way the first person to know that Amor was going to propose was Ale when she got down on one knee
Alexia already has baby names picked out (Talia for a girl, Jaume for a boy, unless Alba has a son first (it’s also Alba’s baby boy name) then it’s Eliá) - Amor has said that her family has to be able to pronounce the names/have a translation into her language that Alexia doesn’t mind her family using instead (beyond that she’s not too fussed over the names)
Amor really wants to use Ale’s egg at least once when they have children so she can have a big Alexia holding her hand and a mini Alexia on her hip (she doesn’t mind who carries the baby though)
This is the first wlw relationship Amor has been in and doesn’t really want to label her sexuality just yet - she’s been with other women before but it’s always been one-night/casual stuff
Amor hates bananas but loves banana flavoured things (eg ice cream, sweets, etc)
They have a superstition that Amor kisses Ale’s bad knee to help it play well - the one time they didn’t do it in the 23/24 season was when Amor had the flu and couldn’t play in the loss to Chelsea in the UWCL
If Amor is stressed she scratches the inside of her right elbow - Ale notices almost immediately and will hold onto Amor’s left hand without really thinking (professionalism be damned)
Amor scored the last goal against Wolfsburg in Eindhoven and the first goal against Lyon in Bilbao - Alexia thinks them both scoring against Lyon proves they’re soulmates even more
Amor is more of a cat person but doesn’t mind dogs whereas Ale is a dog person through and through - since Nala died Amor has been looking into getting another dog but hasn’t found the perfect one just yet
There is always 2 bouquets of fresh flowers in the house - one on Alexia’s bedside table (gifted by Amor every Friday night) and one on the coffee table in the kitchen (chosen by Alexia and handed to Amor on their off day)
Amors go to coffee order is an iced vanilla latte and hates that iced coffee isn’t really a thing in Spain
Every time Amor is in the room, whoever is talking to Alexia has to wait until Amor has left again because Ale isnt taking anything in - she’s just staring with heart eyes
The quickest and easiest way to get them to do something is say that the other asked for it
Amor is very much of the idea that on time is late and 30 mins early is on time (it’s lead to a lot of deep car chats)
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updownlately · 1 year
i like shiny things (but i'd marry you with paper rings)
randomly thinking about esme morgan and how she made bracelets for the engwnt during their down time and just picturing a reader x alessia where r does origami when they're anxious or in between games. idk if anyone's written this idea before so mb if it's repetitive (i feel like i read an origami-reader fic before but i believe it was with jessie fleming x r) not a fic, not a blurb, just an idea/storyline :) fun fact: an instagram reel prompted this 😅 | alessia russo x reader
like imagine the first time alessia walks into your shared hotel room to see a handful of paper cranes of different colours laid across the bed, your tongue poking out slightly, eyebrows furrowed as you had a website open on your phone showing you how to make a dragon.
and you're so concentrated you don't hear alessia come in, you just fiddle with the paper and let out a huff when you realize you have to unwind the folds you just did.
it's only when she clears her throat at you, still standing near the door that you snap out of what you're doing, eyes going wide, the dinosaur that looks more like a worm flying out of your hands.
and you'd look at her with an embarrassed look, quickly gathering the seven or so different paper cranes, bringing them towards your lap in a futile attempt to hide em, as alessia would watch you with a fond smile on her face.
or can we talk about how she'd quietly get you more origami paper the next time she goes out with the girls to explore the city, shyly coming back with a fresh pack of origami sheets, this time in pastel colours, shades you absolutely adored.
the way she'd enter the room anxiously, thumb playing with the ring on her finger as she'd hide the package behind her with her other hand, shoulder's curled in, skittish smile on her face.
how you'd wave her in, a huge smile on her face, not suspecting a thing as you chatted with your mother on the phone.
she'd maybe sit on the edge of the bed, a few feet away from you, the papers still hidden as you'd talk animatedly on the phone for a couple more minutes.
it's during that time that alessia would cast her gaze across the room, taking in how many different little paper creations, varying from flowers to cranes to butterflies to shapes like stars and hearts littered the room, smiling tenderly to herself.
and when you'd finish up the call, looking over at the blonde with a large grin on your face you'd already be excited by her mere presence, your golden retriever personality making itself known.
that grin would only grow wider as she would shuffle closer to you, the origami sheets still miraculously hidden (not hard to do really since all your focus was on alessia, your eyes nearly in the shape of a heart) and she'd give you a gentle kiss on your forehead and then lips, before pulling back shyly, the words quiet as they left her.
'i got you a little something...'
you'd tilt your head in question, a singular eyebrow raising as you'd finally notice how her other arm was somewhat awkwardly positioned behind her.
and you'd kind of tense up into a sitting position, concerned at what it could be.
'relax, it's nothing crazy, just a small little item i've been meaning to grab for you'
the words would be gentle, with a slight teasing lilt.
and she'd carefully present you the origami sheets, placing them on the sheet between you two, biting her lip nervously as she'd wait for a reaction.
your eyebrows would scrunch up immediately, hands reaching out to grab the plastic package, examining it as your jaw would drop in a pleasant mix of shock and joy.
and the way your eyes would widen as you'd read the text on around the item, the words 'origami paper' written clear as day, your heart feeling so full, warmth coursing through your veins as you'd realize that alessia had noticed your stack was running out, even going as far as to get them in colours you loved.
the papers would gently be thrown to the side as everything would click, you launching yourself at the blonde, arms coming to immediately wrap around her shoulders and neck as you'd bury your face in her neck.
your excited 'thank you' would be muffled with how tightly you were hugging her, your grin from earlier returning, only now it was nearly twice the size.
the blonde would chuckle gently at your delighted state, hugging you back with just as much enthusiasm, placing a gentle kiss to your temple just before you'd pull back, nearly shaking with elation.
placing a few loving kisses onto her lips you'd mumble another thank you in between them, pulling away once your couldn't contain your excitement.
and you'd rip into the new packaging, old papers be damned because your girlfriend got you these and they were immediately, undoubtedly the better papers now.
and eventually, as it would become time to check out of the hotel a few days later, alessia would find herself once again standing in the middle of the room, this time the whole room nearly taken over by butterflies, dragons (which you now finally mastered), toads, cranes, rabbits, stars, hearts, chains, and like twenty other things, some in various colours of the rainbow, and more than half of them made of the pastel origami sheets. (it was clear to see you had a favourite, evident by the way nearly half the pastel paper had already been used).
and then can we talk about how maybe you both would be coming back from a really tiring game, the whole engwnt sat on the bus, the two of you choosing to sit closer to the middle-front-ish area, alessia knowing you preferred the peace and quiet as you'd fold paper and calm down from the exhilarating events of the game.
so you'd sit there, a pair of wired earbuds shared between you two as the paper pad would be precariously balancing on your thighs, rattling with every bump and uneven surface of the road.
alessia would be sat beside you, watching you with a lovestruck face as you'd continue to do fold after fold, making something new this time, what it was, alessia didn't know, you wanting to surprise her.
what she did notice however was that you had two pieces of paper out, one that was her favourite colour, and one that was your favourite colour- surely that couldn't be a coincidence, right?
and as teammates saw you back at your usual task, very much accustomed to your tendency to relax by creating little items, they let you be, a few gently requesting you for a rabbit or dragon (stanway nearly begging you to make her dinosaur, pestering you until you had finally agreed with a quiet 'later' with a fond eye roll).
you'd been very much focused since though, head nodding along to the music, the familiar 'furrowed eyebrows' look on your face, tip of your tongue peeking out as you did meticulous fold after fold, tilting your body ever so slightly so alessia couldn't make out exactly what you were creating.
it was only when you were done, two small heart rings resting in the palm of your hand, one each in your and alessia's favourite colour, did you turn around, a bashful smile on your face as you hid the two papers in a loosely closed fist.
quickly scanning to make sure no one was watching, your fear of being teased for your sappiness emerging, your leg shook with nervous energy as you realized the coast was clear.
'i made you- us- i made us paper rings in our favourite colours.'
the words would come out slightly rushed, a soft blush coming to coat your cheeks as alessia's eyes widened in joyful shock,
'i'll get you a proper one eventually, this is just a promise of that in the meantime...'
and alessia would shrug at your words, a lovesick smile crossing her face as she'd examine the heart-shaped ring intently, absolutely adoring the way it rested on her hand, loving it more than any other jewellery she owned simply because it was made by you.
and placing the ring-clad hand up to rest on your cheek, the blonde would nudge you to look at her, bringing your faces close as she'd place a gentle but loving kiss on your lips, pulling back only a few centimetres as sky blue eyes would meet yours, her next words a whispered secret between you, eliciting twin smiles, lovestruck looks crossing both of your faces.
'as long as it's you i'm marrying, i'd happily do it with paper rings.'
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capsicle-evans · 1 year
The Make Believe Ms Evans
Summary: A PR marriage between Y/N and Chris Evans has skyrocketed their careers but their sex lives has never been this low. Up until now.
Warnings: unprotected sex, swearing
Series Master Post
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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“What are you reading?” Chris raises one eyebrow, moving his attention away from Dodger to me.
“Nothin” I blush, sitting up in a straighter position.
“Sure and that’s why you’ve been whimpering and pressing your legs for the last 5 minutes” He rolls his eyes and before I can stop him, he snatches the book right out of my hands.
“Give it back, you dick” I try to retrieve it from his hands but he is so much stronger than me so he keeps me away with just one arm.
“Let’s see” He scans the pages as a grin spreads over his lips. “Oh we haven’t done that”
“Give me that” I manage to get my book back, giving him a dirty look before settling back down on the couch. “You are such a kid sometimes”
“Why are so so ashamed?” Chris frowns. “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked by now”
“I know” I blush as the mental picture of a naked Chris floods my mind. “It’s just… forget about it”
“Y/N” Chris’s frown deepens as he steps closer to me. “You have been eaten out, right?”
Why can the Earth just swallow me whole right now? Why must I go through this? I mean it’s not like it’s my fault, but still.
“Of course” I roll my eyes before placing the book over my face to block Chris stare. “Leave me alone”
I try to focus back on the story, the words of intimacy that lay before be sending warm waves through my body. I clench my thighs as the main character is being stimulated by her male counter part, her pussy being consumed by his mouth.
I jump a little in my spot when I feel a warm hand pushing up the hem of my dress. “What-?” I move my book away to look down where Chris lays in between my legs, his hands tugging at my underwear. I try to speak but the words get stuck at the back of my throat as my core gets exposed right on front of Chris’s face. “Chris” I try to grab his head to push him away but he shakes it off.
“Just relax” He looks up at me, his eyes turned a deep shade of stormy blue. “Read to me”
“What?” I pant as he connects his lips to my inner thigh. He points at my book with a little nod, darting his tongue out to taste the saltiness of my skin. “No, I want to-“
“Read to me or I’ll stop” He gives me a pointed look as he grabs both of my legs to drape them over his shoulders.
“Fine” I grunt before placing the book back in front of my face as Chris moves a couple of inches closer to my throbbing center. “I needed release” I start reading, feeling Chris’s breath fanning my pussy. “I needed Simon to let me reach it, but every time I got close, he’d pull away”
“I should do that with you” Chris grins against my skin before finally swiping his tongue between my folds. The new sensation pushes my legs together, smothering Chris closer to my pussy. “Keep reading, Y/N” Chris grunts against me before pulling my clit as he sucks on it.
“I can’t” I gasp as he spreads me open with his big hands. His tongue darts inside me forcing his chin to rub against me so his beard burns against my thighs. Chris looks up at me before removing his mouth from me.
“Be a fucking good girl and read” Chris bites into my thigh before reaching up to place the book back into my hands. “Or I won’t eat you, bunny”
The pet name makes me blush so I grab the book to hide my face. Smiling up, Chris moves back to his mission. This time he spreads my fold, my puss glistening and blushing under his gaze. A sudden embarrassment takes over me so I focus on the words in front of me. “His mouth is demanding and savoring my core” as I say this, Chris’s tongue tortures my clitoris, his fingers digging into my skin. I drop the book again so my hands can fly to his hair, digging in between his golden locks.
“The bo-“
“Shut up” I push his head against me, muffling his words. I can feel him grinning against me as he intensifies his swipes across my pussy, focusing on my clitoris every once in a while.
“Do you like this?” Chris’s raspy voice breaks through my moans. “God you make the best sounds”
“Chris” I moan his name as he starts fucking me with is tongue and his thumb massages my bud. “I’m so close”
“Yeah, cum over my tongue, bunny” Chris replaces his thumb with his lips and his index fingers starts fucking my pussy, thrusting hard into me. “I want to feel you clench around my finger”
I feel the pressure building, the need for release making me shudder against his touch. I pull on his hair, the waves of pleasure rising as he laps at my lips and when he adds a second finger, I’m a goner.
“Fuck fuck fuck” I pant, shaking under him as I my release rides away under his mouth. I’m trashing under him so Chris grabs my hips, pinning me down.
“God I want to be inside you” Chris holds himself up as he undoes his pants. His dick springs out, wanting to join the action.
“Please, Chris” I grab his white shirt, pulling him down to me. “Fuck me”
“Your wish is my command” He plants a quick kiss before plunging inside of me. “Damn, you feel so good around me. So tight and wet”
“You stretch me so good, Daddy” I moan out and suddenly Chris goes stiff over me. My hands fly to my mouth, realizing the words that just came out of me. “Shit sorry”
Chris eyes are almost black, his chest heaving and the vein on his neck pulsing. “Say it again”
Fuck. I grab his neck so our foreheads are touching. “Make me cum again, Daddy” I whine against his lips as his hand wraps around my neck, gripping just enough.
“You like that?” Chris starts entering me faster and harder, pressing down on my neck to gain stability. “Open up, baby girl”
His thumb tugs at my lips so I make an O shape with my mouth. Pulling me closer by the neck, Chris spits in my mouth. I lick my lips close and guide his face to the crook of my neck. “I’m so close, so close”
Chris bites into my collarbone as his hips roll faster before becoming sloppy and erratic. “I’m cummin, fuck” Chris moans hard as I feel him spilling inside of me.
His orgasm and moans send me over the edge once again. My nails ding into his back as the waves of pleasure consume my every senses.
Sex was always okay with my exes, my vibrator achieving more than they ever did. Until Chris. He fucks me up so good, I always end up wrecked, exhausted and destroyed.
Chris pulls out from inside of me but makes no intention of getting off me, his cum dripping along my thighs. “Move” I laugh as he rests his head over my boobs.
“Give me a minute, woman” He sasses me. “If I move, I might pass out”
“Ugh fine” I roll my eyes, throwing my arm over my face.
I can feel his chest rising and falling over mine, his shallow breaths colliding with my covered nipple. Too focused on his heaving chest, my eyes begin to drift off, my eyelids getting too heavy to keep them open. And the last thing I can remember is a sigh that passes through Chris’s lips.
My dry mouth slowly wakes me up, the urge for a glass of water strong in the back of my throat. My eyes flutter open and it takes me a couple of seconds to adjust to the darkness. I rub my eyes to remove the sleep that still holds on, the clock on the wall flashing 2:00 am. Fuck, last time I remember, it was 8:47 pm, right after Chris and I had dinner. Chris.
My head snaps to my chest as a golden mane rests peacefully over my chest. Chris is still deep into his sleep so I try not to wake him up but I need to get out of here. As a small woman, a very tall man laying over me is not really good for my blood flow. I can tell my legs are almost numb from being under him. I try to push him softly on his side so that I can roll away and leave him sleeping here.
“Mm” Chris purrs against my skin, his ocean eyes blinking open slowly.
“Sorry” I whisper, placing my hand over his shoulder blade. “I just need some water”
“Yeah sure” Chris straightens up and I can feel the stickiness he left behind over.
“Okay, and a shower as well” I laugh as I move towards the kitchen, Chris following close behind.
“And is there room for me?” He gives me puppy eyes as I fill my glass up with water.
“Hm that depends” I pretend to think as I bring the glass up to my lips. “Are you going to behave?”
Chris walks to stand behind me, his hands immediately reaching for my hips. He dips his head down to nuzzle my neck. “No, I won’t”
Chris pushes my hips back against his erection as his free hand takes purchase of my nipple. “You know what drives me crazy?”
“What?” I barely speak as his tongue savors the skin behind my ear.
“The way you look right after I’ve fucked you” His other hand hides under the hem of my shorts, softly massaging my entrance over my panties. “Your face right after your orgasm is so fucking hot, your mouth all swollen up and red and so so tempting”
“Chris” I gasp, gripping the edge of the kitchen counter as Chris’ index finger dips inside of me.
“Yes, how you moan my name also makes my pants explote” He adds a second finger in, forcing my head to fall back against his chest. “I also love it when you were sun dresses and you bend down and I get to look at your perfect ass”
With that, Chris slaps my butt cheek, sending shivers straight to my core. “You know how many times I touched myself with that imagine in my mind? How I pictured you riding me reverse cowgirl, your ass slamming against my skin?”
“I need you Chris” I manage to speak, my eyes closed as my hips follow the rhythm of his hand.
“Come here” Chris spins me around to pick me up. “Wrap your legs around me, bunny”
With me in his arms, Chris walks us to the shower in his bathroom. I take my time to ravage his neck with my mouth, earning moans and praises when I dig my teeth softly in his skin
“If you don’t stop, we are not gonna make it to the shower”
Chris puts me down so he can turn the water on and let if warm up to us. “Off with those clothes”
“So impatient” I grin, pulling down my shorts, revealing my damp red panties.
“You are so fucking hot” Chris admires me as I remove the rest of my clothes. “Really why didn’t we start this sooner?”
“Don’t know, but now we have all the time in the world” I pull him down by the neck to meet my lips. I grab the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head. His pants come off soon after and he guides me into the shower, the hot water steaming up the entire room.
“Come here” Chris hugs my waist and pulls me under the shower head, water splashing us.
“Last time I saw you here” I grin, gripping his arm muscles. “You were pleasuring yourself”
“Really?” He grins, blush straining his cheeks. “Do you want to know what I was thinking about?”
“What?” I bite my bottom lip.
“You in that pink night gown” Chris presses his hip against me, his tip tickling my belly. “And how much I wanted to take it off and fuck you so hard”
“Chris” I breath out, my pussy clenching at his words. “Show me”
“What the fuck?” A loud shrink wakes me up, making me jump on my spot. “WHAT THE FUCK?”
I look at the door when Polly and Claire have their mouths wide open and staring back at me.
“Can you two shut up?” I groan, letting by head fall back into the pillow.
“Please” Chris whines behind me and that’s when I realize what is happening.
I fell asleep on Chris’ bed. After sex. He is naked. I’m naked. Claire and Polly are here. Fuck.
“Like Hell” Claire replies to me. “Can you guys fucking explain?”
“Do you want me to explain to you how I fucked my wife?” Chris rolls his eyes as he pulls away from me, still holding on to the bed spread.
“I think I’m having a fucking seizure” Polly brings her hand up to her head. “I’m about to have an aneurysm”
“Stop being so dramatic” I roll my eyes, reaching for a towel thats on the floor near my side of the bed. “You guys should be delighted”
“With the two of you, we never know” Claire shakes her head before tossing Chris his pants from the floor. “Get ready. You’ll explain later. Your stylists are here to get you ready for the event”
Agh of course, the fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital.
“Fine, be down in five” I wave them off as I move pass them towards my room.
“No funny business” Polly points at the two of us.
“As if I last 5 minutes” I hear Chris reply and then a loud thud. Probably some shoe aimed towards Chris.
And the rest of the morning is spent with people running around doing my hair and makeup, Chris trying on different suits and Polly and Claire staring at us like we grew a second head.
I can tell they want to grill us with questions but every time they try to approach the subject, someone else walks into the room and they have to turn their attention to something else. It’s not until we are all seated at out assigned table at the event that Polly finally breaks the silence.
“So how long?” She asks us, her voice un almost a whisper to not gain any attention.
“The day after the premiere” Chris replies, bringing his whiskey up to his lips.
“Ok not that long then” Claire nods. “Should we be concern?”
“Because I’m having sex with my wife?” Chris asks and I almost choke on a piece of cheese. “No, I don’t think so”
“You guys hated each other less than two weeks ago” Claire places her hands on the table, leaning forward so that only us can hear. “If this goes wrong I can only imagine how hard it’s gonna be for us”
“Relax” I roll my eyes, leaning back into my chair. “We are adults, we know what we are doing”
“That does nothing to calm me” Polly shakes her head. “But if there’s one thing I know about you two is that you never make our jobs any easier”
“Can we please just drop it?” Chris sounds more irritated now. “We are married, as you have made emphasis on for the last four months, we are getting along. Leave it alone”
“Fine” Polly slumps back down on her chair. “I just don’t even have the energy for this”
“Great” Chris nods before turning to me. “I’m gonna go say hi to some friends, do you want to come?”
“No, it’s okay” I wave him off. “I actually wanna see the garden so I’ll go for a walk”
“I can join you if you want” Chris offers but I know he hasn’t seen his friends in a while.
“No, it’s okay” I smile at him. “I saw Ana de Armas a couple of minutes ago, I’ll ask her to keep me company” Ana and I became really good friends on set whenever I had to pay a visit to my beloved husband.
“Kay” Chris stands before placing a kiss on my cheek. “See ya in a bit”
I follow him until he disappears from my view and my eyes fall back to the two ladies in front of me. “Stop fucking staring”
“It’s just so fucking weird honestly” Polly shakes her head before bringing her glass of wine up to her lips. “I’m gonna need more of this honestly”
“Fine whatever, I’m gonna go for a walk” I grab my clutch and walk away from the table.
I look around the beautiful garden to decide what to do. I spot Ana deep in a conversation with someone so I decide better not to step into their conversation. I decide to check out the paintings that are being displayed for the fundraiser. Most of them are floral themed and filled with pastel colors and soft drawings.
“Do you like it?” A deep voice startles me as I’m gazing closely up at a painting. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you”
“It’s okay” I wave him off before turning my attention back to the painting. “Yeah, it’s gorgeous”
“Good, cuz I painted it” He beams at me proudly. “Jaques, nice to meet you”
“Y/N, like wise” I extend my hand to shake it but he grabs it and brings it up to his lips. I pull it back quickly as I feel my cheeks go warm “You must be proud of your work”
“Very much so” He steps a bit closer to me. “And tell me Y/N, do you paint?”
“No no” I chuckle, grasping my glass of wine with both of my hands. “I always wanted to but never got around to doing something about it”
“What a shame” He gives me a side smile. “I’m pretty sure someone as beautiful as you would only creat art just as beautiful”
I feel myself physically cringing but I try not to be rude so I just smile.
“I could give you some lessons” He steps closer, his hand reaching for my elbow to pull me closer. “We could meet and I could show you everything you need”
Before I can open my mouth or step away from him, I feel a big hand wrap around my waist and pull me away hard until I’m pushed into someone’s chest. I look up to find Chris with his eyes set hard over Jaques. “Chris?” My voice comes out squeezed as he presses me against his side. Chris manages to peel his eyes away from Jaques to look down at me.
“Hi, Bunny” He winks down at me before leaning down to connect our lips in a kiss that anyone would consider inappropriate in public. He finally pulls away to look back to Jaques. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“No, I was just telling Y/N that I could give her some painting le-”
“Ms. Evans” Chris interrupts Jaques and I feel my cheeks burning but my pussy as well. Fuck who knew possessive Chris was such a turn on.
“What?” Jaques almost stumbles with his words.
“She is Ms. Evans to you” Chris makes emphasis on this by showing up his ring. “And about those painting classes, I don’t think they’ll be necessary. If she wants to we can get her another teacher. Now if you excuse us, my wife and I have somewhere to be”
Chris doesn’t even let Jaques form a reply before he is turning us away. “There was no need to be rude” I try to glare at Chris but his eyes look so stormed up that my words come out in breaths.
“There was no need for him to touch you” Chris guides me towards some stairs that lead to the foyer of the mansion where event is being held.
“Where are we going?” I frown when I notice Chris is moving us towards a hallway.
“To teach you some lessons, not painting ones” He pushes me into a room before locking the door behind us. “But a lesson nonetheless”
I moan as he pushes himself against me and his mouth takes over mine. “Chris, someone could hear us”
“Better, then”
“Look, our first sex scandal” I grin as I show Chris the pictures someone manage to snap of us going inside the manor and then walking back out with my hair a little undone and Chris’ shirt poorly button up.
“Claire and Polly must be thrilled” He grins as I flop down next to him on his bed.
“I think they actually were” I laugh as I show them the text that they sent me. “Everyone is talking about us and all those rumors of divorce seem to be a thing of the past”
“Good” Chris smiles down at me before looking down through my night gown at the hickey he left right over my left boob. “Sorry about that”
“It’s nothing” I wave him off. “I’m just wearing turtle necks until next week I guess”
“Uh, it’s a shame no one is going to see my work of art” He grins, pulling me by the waist so that I’m pressing up against him.
“Oh no mister” I laugh, pressing my hands against his chest to push back away from him but his grip is tighter. “I’m all sore, you need to let me rest”
“Fine” He rolls his eyes but he doesn’t let ho of me.
His blue eyes stare down into mine and suddenly I feel my throat dry up. His eyes flicker between mine and my lips before he leans in to touch my forehead with his.
“Chris” I breath out, my heart going a haywire as he nuzzles my nose with his. “I should probably go to my room”
“Y/N” Chris covers my neck softly with his hand to connect our lips for a brief kiss. “Stay”
“I have my room” I reach for his hand with mine but don’t pull away. “We have separate rooms for a reason”
“I don’t think I remember that reason anymore” He grins against my lips before moving his lips down to my neck. I expect him to tease me there but he just stays there and pulls me hard against his chest. “Stay”
Hi i know it’s been forever but I kinda got stuck. I have proofread it so sorry for the mistakes
@talesofadragon @patzammit @rainyhort10-blog @cutedisneygrl @creae7881 @edtomh @8crazy-freak8 @weirdpeoplecoolpeople @sarahdonald87 @mrsevans90
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moonstruckme · 7 months
i’ve been craving summer a whole lot lately so i’d love to see what a summer day with tasm!peter would look like if you’re up for it!!
Thanks for requesting my love!
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 705 words
You come home expecting relief, sweaty and smelly and exhausted, but there is none. The apartment you share with Peter is as stifling as it was outside. 
You go straight to the fridge. Maybe there’s some water you can pour over yourself or frozen peas you can shove under your boobs or something. As soon as you pad into the kitchen, Peter’s head pokes through the window to the fire escape. 
“Hey,” he says, sounding about as peppy as you feel. “The A/C’s broken.” 
“I can tell,” you sigh. “Have you texted the landlord?” 
“Texted, called, faxed—he’s definitely ignoring me. I went to his unit, and I’m not sure if he’s out or just hiding, but if he doesn’t respond by tonight I’m going in through his window.” Peter lets his head loll against the window frame, face flushed as he looks up at you. He makes a very pretty puddle. “Kiss?” 
You smile ruefully. “It’s too hot for kissing.” 
He huffs a laugh. “Fair enough. There’s popsicles in the freezer, wanna grab a couple and join me out here?” 
You open the freezer, and your heart inflates like one of those lifejackets they keep on airplanes. Peter—brilliant, considerate, genius Peter—has invested in a giant bag of tube popsicles. You grab a red one for him and a green one for yourself and climb out onto the fire escape. 
“You’re so smart for these,” you say. He grins as you pass him one, taking scissors from the windowsill to cut the top off of yours before doing his own. Your calf rubs slickly against his as you slot your legs in between his own. You don’t mind as much as you should. “Why’re you out here?” 
“The alley gets a breeze,” he explains, closing his eyes and tilting his head back slightly, the encapsulation of a golden retriever in boy form. A whisper of wind catches in his fluffy hair, just barely ruffling it, but Peter grins like it’s the most satisfying thing in the world. “Feel?” 
“Gimme a sec.” You take the plastic covering of your popsicle between your teeth, freeing your hands to pull the hair off your neck and securing it with a ponytail. The sweat-slicked skin of your nape feels blissfully cool in the air, and your eyes slip closed too as you pull the popsicle from your lips. “Oh, yeah,” you sigh, “I feel it.” 
Peter’s silent, and when you open your eyes he’s giving you a look. Eyebrows raised just slightly, one corner of his mouth tilted up. 
“If you still think it’s too hot to kiss,” he says, “you’re going to have to stop being so hot.” 
You scoff. “Peter,” you say, like come on. “I was just putting my hair up.” 
“And you know what that does to me.” He takes a bite of his popsicle, crunching pointedly. 
“It’s hot,” you complain. 
“It really is,” he replies, with a grin that has you rolling your eyes. 
“I mean that I’m—that my neck is hot.” 
“Again, so true.” 
“Stop it.” You narrow your eyes seriously, pressing your lips together hard to keep them from quirking. “There’s nothing sexy about how miserable it is out here.” 
Peter hums noncommittally, raising one shoulder in a half-shrug before he leans forward to hook his hands under your sweaty knees. You laugh as he hauls you toward him, his knees caging your ribs. He purses his lips, and you succumb yourself to your fate, and then cool air kisses your skin. 
You open your eyes. “What are you doing?” 
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” he says, continuing to blow on your face. “Is it helping?” 
You take a second, letting yourself get used to the feeling of his air soothing over your damp brow. “Actually, yeah.” 
Your boyfriend grins, still puffing out air as best he can through his smile. It brings his sun-kissed cheeks up towards his eyes and makes his lashes kiss. 
You let yourself kiss him right there beside his eye, a token of your appreciation, but that’s not good enough for Peter. He taps your cheek, nudging you towards his lips until you oblige him. 
“You’re my hero,” you tell him lightly. 
“Yeah, yeah, get in line.” 
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0cta9on · 2 months
Fluffy though of gidle miyeon being an older girlfriend and introducing her younger boyfriend to her members
Hello yoohyeons-puppy98! I took quite a few creative liberties with this, hope you don't mind :]
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You examine the mirror a final time, unsure of what you see in the reflection. “I don’t know. Are you sure I look okay?”
“Of course you do,” Miyeon reassures you, planting a kiss on your cheek. “You look very handsome.”
“These glasses make me look like a nerd.”
“A handsome nerd.” She gathers her purse, heading towards the front door. “Now hurry up, hun, we’re gonna be late.”
You’re getting promoted to the manager of a bowling alley—hardly a means for celebration. Yet, Miyeon always makes a big deal out of these kinds of things, no matter how big or small. Despite your reluctance, she insisted on setting up a picnic with all of your friends to celebrate your new promotion.
Well, her friends at least. Social interaction never came easy to you like it does for Miyeon. Where you would prefer to keep to yourself, she’s the type to go out of her way to make friends with strangers. A sort of black cat and golden retriever dynamic, she never shies away from showering you with affection. It can be a bit troublesome at times, but at the very least, life is much, much more interesting having her as your girlfriend.
“...And then she had the audacity to just walk off like nothing happened!” Miyeon exclaims, complaining about an interaction she had earlier today while on the drive to the park. “Ugh, the nerve of some people!”
“That sucks, baby.” Judging by her story, it seems like she’s the one in the wrong here, but you would never admit that to her, especially when she’s like this.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna talk about it anymore, just thinking about it is pissing me off,” she sighs. The frown on her face instantly fades, replaced by her pretty smile as she turns to look at you. “God, I can’t believe you thought you looked ugly in those glasses. You look so cute.”
You chuckle softly. “You’re just saying that because you bought them for me.”
“I’m saying that because it’s true.” She waits until you stop in front of the red light before grabbing your chin and turning your head towards her. “I picked well though, didn’t I? You’re giving ‘sexy nerd’ vibes, like you’ll explain the Pythragoran theorem to me before taking me to the bedroom and f—”
“OKAY!” you exclaim, cutting her off before she goes into anymore detail. “First of all, it’s pronounced ‘Pythagorean’ theorem—”
“—So hot—”
“Second of all,” you stifle a chuckle at her overexaggerated lip bite, “Are your friends already at the park?”
“Yeah, I think so.” She leans back in her seat to check her phone, the sunlight through the window dancing on her flawless skin. “Yup, they’re all there. Just waiting for us.”
You breathe deeply, trying your best to calm your nerves. Miyeon, sensing something wrong, places a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” she asks.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just a little nervous, I guess.”
With how often she talks about them, you basically know everything about Miyeon’s friends, maybe more than you should know. However, you’ve never actually met them in person. You know they’re good people (Miyeon wouldn’t constantly sing their praises otherwise), but the thought of making a good first impression still fills your mind with worry. 
“You have nothing to worry about, honey,” she says. “I talk about you so much, they basically like you already.”
“Oh really?” The corner of your lip lifts with curiosity. “What did you tell them about me?”
“Well…” That sly grin growing on her face tells you more than enough about the kind of ramblings that go on in her group chat.
“Christ, Miyeon!” you groan, heat rising to your cheeks. “I don’t need them knowing all about… that!”
She simply shrugs, chuckling at your reaction. “It’s a girl thing, I don’t expect you to understand. Besides, I tell them other things about you too, like how sweet and hardworking and attentive you are…” She leans in close until you can feel her breath tickling your earlobe. “...and how you like to call me ‘noona’ in bed—”
You come to a grinding halt pulling into a parking spot. Your entire face becomes enveloped in a burning heat, while Miyeon breaks down laughing in the passenger seat. If there weren’t so many people around, you would’ve already been pounding your face against the horn until your skin became one with the steering wheel.
“I’m just joking, honey!” she exclaims, clutching her stomach as she comes down from her hysterical high. 
Knowing Miyeon, the possibility that she did tell them is still non-zero. All you can do is hope that none of them mention this damning piece of information during the picnic, otherwise you fall victim to awkward future encounters at worst or a lifetime of teasing at best. In hindsight, maybe it would’ve been easier if you didn’t get the promotion in the first place.
The golden sun hangs overhead, complimenting the aquamarine of the clear skies. A cooling breeze offsets the heat emitting from above to a perfect point. It’s a great day for a picnic, all things considered. Somehow, these kinds of things always work out when Miyeon plans them. Perhaps she’s secretly a goddess, bending the universe at her will whenever she wants, even for something as small and inconsequential as a picnic. Or perhaps you just don't pay enough attention to the weather app these days.
Miyeon skips ahead of you, the grass dancing in the wake of her every step as she makes her way towards the five girls sitting on the picnic blanket in the shade of a large tree. You purposefully slow down, making a small show of the cooler you’re dragging getting stuck on a rock, just so you can control your breathing before meeting them. It didn’t help that you’re still all hot and bothered from Miyeon’s previous teasing. The least you can do is not make a complete fool of yourself from the get go.
“Girls, this is my man, I’m sure you know all about him at this point.” Miyeon clings to your arm, shooting a sneaky wink that does little to calm your nerves.
“Hello,” you say, giving them a polite bow.
The rest of them exchange greetings with you, quickly putting you at ease as you fall into pleasant conversation. Most of your time is spent listening to another one of Miyeon’s rants (They all agree that she was in the wrong, but of course, you take her side anyways), but every once in a while, the others will tell stories about their own personal lives. 
You learn about Soyeon’s budding rap career and Shuhua’s inability to hold a stable job for more than a month at a time (You figure you could mention that your place is hiring, but quietly decide against it after hearing about her work ethic). Minnie tells you about her visit to Thailand last month to see her family, showing the group her many pictures of her adventures, while Soojin and Yuqi vent about the different kinds of customers they meet at the bar they work at. They’re such an eclectic group of interesting people, you almost feel embarrassed that they’re all assembled here to celebrate your promotion at a dingy bowling alley
“Congrats on your promotion!” Soyeon exclaims. “It must be fun working at a bowling alley.”
“Eh, it’s alright,” you say, scratching the back of your head. “Mainly just cleaning and general customer service, I would hardly call it interesting.”
“I think it’s pretty cool,” Miyeon chimes in. “Tell them about what happened last week, with the drunk guy and all that.”
The rest of the group lean in with intrigue, putting a spotlight on you. “Um, it wasn’t anything really—”
“C’mon, tell us!” Shuhua screams. “Don’t be a wuss!”
“Hey, don’t be rude.” Soojin slaps her on the shoulder, scolding her. “But yes, we would like to know what happened.”
“Alright, well…” You take a quick breath, trying to recount everything that happened. “There was this big group of guys that came in, I think it was for some guy’s birthday party or a bachelor party or something. They ordered a bunch of alcohol and started terrorizing the other lanes, just being really rowdy and stuff. My coworker told them to chill out, and one of them started getting physical with her, so I, uh…” You pause, suddenly feeling self conscious about all the attention you’re getting. Miyeon rubs your back, looking at them with a knowing smirk.
“...I slip—”
“He knocked him out!” She exclaims, finishing your sentence.
The girls erupt into a chorus of cheers, patting you on the back and singing your praises about how “cool” you are. In reality, you only knocked the guy out after slipping and accidentally headbutting him in the nose, but it’s already too late to correct them. So you settle for keeping quiet, letting them believe in the facade that Miyeon presented them.
“Wah, that’s so cool!” Yuqi cheers. “No wonder you got promoted to manager!”
“Remind me to hire you as my bodyguard the next time I visit home,” Minnie teases.
In the midst of all the commotion, Miyeon pulls you to the side, gently cupping your chin. “See, I told you they would like you,” she whispers, kissing your cheek.
“They like the lie that you told.”
“I didn’t lie, you did technically knock him out.”
“Yeah, on accident—”
Miyeon shuts you up with a peck to your lips, brief yet sweet enough to leave you wanting more. “I just want them to know how cool my boyfriend is, okay?”
You sigh, sinking your face deeper into her touch. “Okay. Thanks.” You lean in and return the favor, giving her a peck of your own. “Noona~”
Miyeon covers her face with her hands, a light pink hue peaking through the gaps of her fingers. The others exchange weird looks, unsure of what to make of her sudden reaction, but all you can do is shrug. For all the teasing she does, it’s a wonder how easy it is to make her topple.
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“be mean to me?”
one shot ft Yuji Itadori 🩷 (yuji is like 24 in this reader is 21) (honestly this could be with any character I just thought Yuji’s personality fit the closest)
MDNI 18+ • cw: p w/out plot , choking, spanking, biting, oral, penetration, dirty talk, consensual hitting , foot fetish, daddy kink, creampie/breeding, vibrator, happy ending etc. literally so dirty I’m sorry this is the smuttiest thing I’ve written I think
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You and Yuji have a fantastic relationship. He is a loving, genuine guy, basically the definition of a “golden retriever boyfriend”. You’ve been dating for a while now and there is only one thing missing: a little spiciness in the bedroom! Not that the two of you have vanilla sex, but he is just sooo nice. And well, you can’t help but be a kinky little motherfucker that has tried to suppress it to make him happy and not feel uncomfortable!
When you’re in bed for the night, wrapped in his arms about to fall asleep, you can’t help but notice something poking you in the stomach.
“What’s this?” You giggle touching the tip of his erection through his boxers.
“I can’t help ittttt” he groans, “you’re just too pretty. Kiss me.”
Yuji and you share a plain kiss at first, growing into a full make out. His tongue enters your mouth with some force as you’re still rubbing his clothed cock. He bites your bottom lip and mumbles, “please put your tongue in my mouth,” and of course you do what he says (you submissive little thing). He sucks and moves around your tongue in a sloppy make out, eating up the whimpers that fall out of your mouth. Yuji also groans into the kiss, as you feel some precum seeping through his underwear.
He breaks the kiss, both of you wiping the remaining spit off the sides of your mouth. “That was hot,” he whispers. You feel the heat growing between your legs, knowing you won’t be able to fall asleep unless you both take care of it.
You take the opportunity to crawl on top of him, grinding yourself against his erection with both of your underwear in the way. He kisses, licks, and sucks are your boobs and nipples, as you moan from the pleasure you feel from dry humping him in your dark bedroom. “Please… take them off,” Yuji groans between leaving hickies on your tits and biting gently at your nipples. You proceed to take your panties off while he gets rid of his.
He begins to line up with your wet hole before you hop off to the side of him, lowering your head to lick and suck at the tip of his raging hard cock. It is red and leaking precum, and Yuji sighs as you take it in your mouth and swirl your tongue around. You decide not to give him a full blowjob because you want him inside of you too badly, but you lubricate his shaft enough that it will slide in your tight cunt.
As you climb back on top to ride him, you’re reminded how you haven’t had sex in a few days while his huge cock enters you. It feels like he’s hitting every inch of your insides as you slowly begin to fuck yourself on him. Moving your hips in a hypnotizing motion, all poor Yuji can do is moan at how good you are at riding. You slide up his shaft until only the tip is left in before bouncing back down, which you know sends shivers down his spine.
“Stop, stop! baby I don’t want to cum yet,” Yuji stills your motions by grabbing onto the thick flesh on the sides of your hips. You know that your love handles are his favorite part of your body as he moves his thumbs in circular motion as you sit cockwarming him.
Your breathing is heavy from doing all the work the past few minutes, and he notices and wants to reward his special girl! “Flip on your back please,” he asks, pulling out of you with wet pussy noises filling the air.
You lay on your back as he gets set to fuck you in missionary. (You know he loves when you ride because you’re so good at it but also you’re so good at it he can’t last long and doesn’t like how he doesn’t have control)
He lines himself up before you grab his hand, looking up at him with only a little light creeping in through the blinds. God he looks so beautiful with ruffled pink hair and his soft eyes, beautiful abs and pecs, and the faintest smile down at you.
“What’s wrong Princess?”
“Yuji baby… please.. will you be mean to me?”
He looks back at you a little confused at first but understands what you’re asking after you grab the hand not holding his cock and bring it to your throat.
“Baby, will you let me know if it’s too much?” He asks with the gentle look still in his eyes.
“Yes daddy I will,” you whisper out, and the gentleness in his eyes leaves as his grip on your throat tightens, slamming himself back into your needy hole. He fucks you relentlessly, as you choke out “harder” with your constricted air flow.
Luckily being the gentleman he is, Yuji knows how to choke a girl properly (maybe he learned it in porn or Twitter or something). So as he squeezes the sides of your throat you can still breathe although constricted, giving you the perfect balance of pain and pleasure. He continues to tear into your tight pussy but now grunts, “holy shit Princess you got so wet from this.”
All you can get out is a moan back to him, too focused on the pleasure building up in you. He gets an idea and pulls out, moving to the edge of the bed.
“Cmere” he motions, helping pull you so your head hands off the edge of the bed, a perfect view of his cock dangling in your face. “You know what to do if it’s too much right sweetheart?”
You nod as he sticks his tip in the entrance of your mouth. Seeing his hand wrapped around your throat must’ve turned him on as much as you, he wants to see his cock down your throat causing a bulge that he can feel. Yuji thrusts hard in and out of your mouth, breathing through your nose but still causing you to gag a little bit. He whispers praises while using your wet mouth, “such a good girl for me” and “is this mean enough for you?” Although you are unable to answer. He takes the lack of response from you as a sign to pull out of your mouth, now resting his balls on your face, rubbing them all over and letting you suck and kiss on them as his hand starts to fist his cock. He free hand reaches over to give some attention to your neglected cunt. Realizing how wet you were getting from this, he pulls his cock away from you face saying “cmon girl get up, back to where you were before.”
You move back to how you were laying in missionary, this time he dives between your legs, unable to help himself at the shimmer between your folds and the sounds you whimper out. His tongue starts at your clit, swirling and sucking before moving down to part your lips, fucking his tongue in and out of you. “You taste so fucking good princess,” he groans in between licks, eating you out until you’re a whimpering begging mess.
“Please I need something inside me,” you whine, eyes watering.
“Shhh. Be patient.” He coos, sitting up back inbetween your legs, and kisses you again. You can taste yourself on him and help him by wiping the extra juices off his chin. You try to move your hips for some type of relief, not even sure at this point what it’ll do but you’re so horny you think you might explode if you don’t orgasm soon.
Yuji lands a slap on your pussy before yanking your right leg onto his shoulder. He has a crazy look in his eye and you whine a barely audible “daddyyyy” as he slams himself into you. His pace is unrelenting, the tip of his cock touching your womb every time. He slips two of your toes in his mouth, smiling as he feels you grow wetter at the sight. “Dirty little slut! You like getting your toes sucked!” He half jokes with you but also thinks you like being degraded like that. You wonder where he learned most of these things, maybe from porn or smut online?
“Not gonna last much longer for you my good girl, the pussy is too fucking good,” he breathes hard in between thrusts. You can see all his muscles flexing, a little bit of sweat along his forehead, as he’s watching his cock thrust in and out of you, mesmerized.
“Yuuujiii!” You moan as he lands another slap on your clit. He watches the way you moan at his hits and gets an idea, grabbing your face to look at him.
“Can I hit you?” He asks too shyly considering the circumstances. You would agree to anything he asks at this point, nodding and laying your head back to give him more room. He lands a moderately gentle slap across the left side of your face before gripping your jaw again. “Was that okay baby?” His gentle tone doesn’t really match his actions which drives you even more crazy for him.
“Yes Yuji! Yes!!” You yell out back and he lands one smack then another back to back across the sand spot if your face. Neither of you knew that you enjoyed this but it was turning you both in so much. He wraps his hand around your throat again, sending him over the edge as your eyes roll back in pleasure. He pumps his load half inside of you, with half of it getting all over your hips and stomach.
Determined to get you to reach your high he scoops his cum off your stomach and starts fingering you with it. At this point you both are acting primal and filthy with each other, not thinking about anything but each other and sex .
“Breed me please,” you whimper as his fingers reach so deep into you, legs thrashing around in pleasure. He reaches into your bedside drawer grabbing your vibrator and asks you to hold it on your clit for him.
“Yes sir,” you respond, growing tighter as the pleasure takes over you. He helps finger you to reach your high, incoherent fucked out moans are pretty much all you can get out.
“Bite me. Please,” you beg and he looks at you confused. “Please like my thigh, like just bite it,” you roll your eyes at how ridiculous you sound but damn you were so horny you didn’t care. His hard bites were for sure going to leave even more marks on your body.
Yuji knows your body so well, he can tell right leading up to when you’re about to orgasm. He looks up at you, inner thigh between his teeth, and says what sounds like a muffled “be a good girl and cum fr me”. This is all it takes for the heat in your core to snap, seeing colors as the hardest orgasm you’ve ever had with him takes over your body. You ride out your high for at least 30 seconds with him smiling up at you, so proud that he can make you feel that good. When you open your eyes from being squinted shut, out of breath, you tell him, “I think that’s the hardest I e ever came in my life.”
His innocent look in his eye is back with his cute boyish smile when he responds, “maybe that means I need to be mean to you a little more often. Well - not every time. I like making love to you too much.” He finishes his thought with a kiss on your lips before helping you up to go to the bathroom and clean yourself up. You both wash off and put your pajamas back on, now officially exhausted.
You settle into bed to cuddle again and fall asleep but he catches you off guard and asks, “where did you learn about someone biting your thighs? Was it in the smut that you read online?”
You can’t help but let out a little laugh, “maybe,” you say a little too mischievously.
With that Yuji kisses your forehead, “I love you princess, good night,” before you both fall asleep.
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kinardsevan · 3 months
30 day fluff challenge: day sixteen
"i want to stay up with you"
Evan yawns as he stretches out on the bed of the truck before snuggling closer to Tommy on the inflatable mattress. 
“You don’t have to stay awake,” Tommy tells him, running his knuckles up and down Evan’s tricep. “The meteor shower isn’t going to start for another hour or so and I know you just came off shift.” 
Evan shakes his head, nuzzling up into Tommy’s neck and biting down gently. They’ve barely seen each other this week after both picked up extra shifts. They’re working towards a down payment on a house, and while they both have savings, neither of them are necessarily interested in dipping into that for the purchase. As they’ve discussed, between medical expenses, the need to have a savings at any given time due to the nature of their work and the injuries it causes, and other future plans, the logic of starting a new savings specifically towards a home makes more sense. Still, that doesn’t mean that being apart doesn’t suck. 
“I’ve missed you,” Evan murmurs to him as he finds the space beneath Tommy’s ear and sucks softly on it. His boyfriend groans softly, presses his hand harder into the space on the center of Evan’s spine. 
“You’re missing the sunset,” Tommy says after a minute, teasing. 
“Missed you more,” Evan mumbles against his skin. He slides a hand underneath Tommy’s hoodie, brushing his fingers over his boyfriend’s toned abs. He’s not in search of anything—just wants to feel the landscape of his muscles beneath his fingers. 
“Should we get a cat,” Tommy muses. Evan huffs softly, knowing his boyfriend is trying to distract him from settling in. He leans back, resting his head on the curve of Tommy’s bicep. 
“Are you seriously asking me about us getting an animal together? Or are you just trying to distract me?” 
Tommy shrugs, but smirks at him. “Both can be true.” 
Evan rolls his eyes, but shifts down so that his head is in the juncture of Tommy’s armpit. 
“What happened to the discussion of a dog,” he asks, fingers still moving lazily over Tommy’s abs. 
“We do not have the availability right now for a dog,” Tommy counters. “But a cat is a step up from something like a bird while also still being able to mostly take care of themselves. I think you’d like a black cat.” 
“Of course, I would,” Evan states, a smirk crossing his face. “I already have one.” 
“Hey,” Tommy retorts. “I don’t complain about living with a venerable golden retriever.” 
“Venerable,” Evan comments. “Meaning respected. Proves my point entirely.” Tommy tilts Evan’s chin up, and when their gazees lock, Tommy is glaring at him, even though there’s a smile on his face. 
“You’re ridiculous,” he states. “Yes, baby, I would love to get a dog, once we actually have a house. But I mean now.” 
Evan shrugs then, looking out at the sunset. “I mean yes, a black cat would be a nice fit in your place until we move.” 
Tommy nods then. “Cool. I was looking at some rescues, and there are some options.” 
Evan looks back up at him, incredulous. “I thought I was the one taking us over hurdles like it’s the olympics.” 
“Just thought I’d match your energy,” Tommy replies, scrunching his nose at Evan before leaning in and pecking him. Evan nuzzles their nose after, and then settles once more on his chest. It’s quiet for a bit then, and Tommy stares at the sunset for a bit before looking down when he swears he hears Evan snore. He lets out a chuckle, which seems to disturb him. 
“Still awake,” Evan murmurs with a voice so laced with sleep that it’s obvious he had nodded off. 
“Sure,” Tommy laughs. 
Evan sighs, lifting his head again to look at Tommy. “I want to stay up with you.” 
Tommy’s expression softens then, staring at Evan with utter adoration. 
“Alright,” he murmurs after a long moment, reaching for his pocket. “You wanna see the cats?” 
Evan just nods in response. 
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders era Headcanons
I’ll be adding to this throughout the storyline
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Sirius Black:
- Partially Deaf, because there is no way he came out inbred and totally unscathed.
- Genderfluid because he’s an indecisive bitch
- Loves when his hair is braided no matter how much he says otherwise (also likes his head scratched)
- Paints his nails just to chip them cause he thinks it looks hot (same thing with smudging eyeliner)
- Calls Lily ‘Evans’, until she and James get together then he calls her ‘Mrs. Potter’
- annoyed he has to share James
- Fidgets with his hair and finger/rings constantly, because he definitely had ADD
- Makes this claw thingy with his hand when he’s nervous (if you know where this is from ily)
- Can dance REALLY WELL (ballet), because of that pure blood privilege, and does the stance naturally
-Can play the violin but is embarrassed so learns guitar so if someone asks him if he plays an instrument he can just say that instead
- Sexuality = Hot people aka Remus Lupin ( he’s just a whore idk what else to say)
-Touch starved/attention whore
- Such a fucking G, this man would riot for anything his friends ask
- If you walked into his closet you would think two people put their stuff in there, no, just him
- Speaks French
Remus Lupin:
- Poor boy is depressed
- And actually poor which is why he sells weed or other muggle things (he hustles the shit out of the students at Hogwarts by saying everything is ‘exotic’ and they believe him because everyone thinks he’s smart)
- Touch starved but doesn’t like to be touched (if you know you know)
-Bisexual panic. All. The. Time.
-Oblivious as hell to the fact everyone wants him— I mean everyone
- Loves tea. SO. MUCH. TEA.
- Has a book club with Lily
- Got a ton of piercings and tattoos over fifth year’s summer, but people rarely see them cause he’s always wearing sweaters or covered up some how
-His whole closet look like it should belong to an old man, yet he still slays
- Bites his lips and inside of cheek a lot, so James carries around lip balm for him
- When he’s high he’s chill
- But he’s hysterical when he’s drunk
-Can read multiple languages, but his pronunciation is god awful (Sirius makes fun of him for it)
-Has Chocolate on hand at all times because once he didn’t and he threw Snape across the classroom
-Man is an uncoordinated tree
James Potter:
- Both the Mom and child of the group somehow
- Takes lots of naps
-Sorry to say but Gryffindor is his personality
- Foot taps
- Holy shit this guy is ADHD
- ‘Bambi’ is his other nickname, and he thinks it’s cute until he watches the movie
- The healthiest mentally of the group
- Golden retriever vibes
- If James hasn’t seen Sirius within 30 minutes and he doesn’t know where he is, he gets panicked
-Has a thing for Youngest siblings apparently (Lily and Regulus)
-Obsessed with Babies
- Definition of himbo sometimes
- He’s good at every sport he tries
- Queer
- Trained Sirius not to say Mudblood throughout first and second year
Peter Pettigrew:
- Trans (I’ll go more in-depth later)
- Ace
- if Social anxiety was a person
- Bakes like an absolute KING
- Chews fingernails, so Sirius got him leather gloves to matches his own to get him to stop
- Knows random shit/facts
-also knows everyone’s business because no one pays him any attention
- Short king
- Hilarious, practically makes the group piss themselves when alone in the common room
- Loves everything fuzzy
- Has been in love with Mary since third or fourth year, but hasn’t said anything because he knew about her and Lily
- Has family trauma too, but he doesn’t thinks it’s enough to complain about because of what he’s seen with Sirius
- Was the first to master turning into an animagus
-As bad as Sirius and James with worrying about his hair, just less loud about it
-He knew about wolfstar before James
Lily Evans:
- Politics Queen
- As sassy and sarcastic as Sirius
-Stress cleans
- the Left corner of her forehead twitches when she’s mad
- Thick girl (her thighs are HUGE and James practically drools over them 24/7, respectively ofc)
- Short 5’
- the others have to keep her within arms reach because she gets lost easily in crowds, her hair is the only thing that helps
- Human calculator (she gets perfect marks on every subject EXCEPT DADA, which is the class Sirius and James do; it annoys her to no end)
- Most likely to actually throw hands
- Fangirls openly about book characters (with Remus)
- Can’t sing to save her life (poor babe just wants to sing abba, but she just ends up being made fun of)
-Vowed to not cut her hair until she graduated, so around sixth year she had to start braiding it because if she didn’t she’d sit on it
- Can forge a signature/handwriting very well
- Is actually really insecure about her magical abilities because of the rift it caused between her and Petunia
Marlene McKinnon:
-The only person to actually make her question her sexuality is Remus, and that’s because it’s fucking Remus Lupin
- During fourth year when her and Sirius were ‘dating’, they were just teaching each other how to flirt with girls/guys and they’d kiss just to practice
-Obsessed with Piercings (begged Remus to give her a couple after he told her about how he had the supplies)
- One of the best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team/ uses it as anger management (Beater position)
-Her and Sirius have an agreement to tell each other the weekly outfit plan so they don’t wear the same thing or color (red or black mostly)
- Roasting people is her platonic love language
-Can play every band instrument
-She looks like a tough, rocker chick but is a softie for Dorcas
- Intimidates everyone because she’s low key buff (can bench more than James and Sirius combined) and super tall (looks like a giant next to Lily)
-Can’t speak in front of Dorcas at first, yet Dorcas understands her
-Big on PDA which leads to Sirius gagging obnoxiously
-Her and Sirius “fighting” is for show so people stop shipping them together/ teasing them
- Dyslexic so Lily and Dorcas read to her if there’s anything important (which leads to them doing it even if she’s not around)
-Simps for James Mum (but who wouldn’t)
Dorcas Meadowes:
- Part of the Slytherin skittles
- Non-binary
- Dark humor and it’s worse when she’s around Regulus and Barty
- Nyx is her first girl kiss in my oc story (Marlene probably was for every other story)
-Big softy when it comes to Marlene
-Resting bitch face
- Amazing artist/ sketching Marlene constantly
- Makes jewelry (Marlene and her matching rings, and friendship bracelets/ necklaces for the others that they can never take off— she warns them before hand)
- Will go batshit crazy if she stays up after 12 am
-Gets super competitive when playing Quidditch
- Rants about how much she loves pockets every 20 minutes
- Instinctively moves closer to someone she knows when she’s in public
- More introverted than the rest, would rather stay in the common room and chill
-makes a ton of your mom jokes
Mary Macdonald:
- Pansexual or Polysexual
-She loves to embroidery/making clothes, so if anyone needs something made or tailored they go to her
-Hypes everyone up all the time, ‘don’t disrespect yourself’ vibe
- Has the best alcohol tolerance in the group
-James potter triggers her for a multitude of reasons; they have a banter relationship
- She always has what you need in her bag— like Mary Poppins
-Lily was her first love and friend
- SUCH a good listener (like I know canon Remus and Lily would be the best listeners, but I think it’s Mary)
- Both her and Remus had a glow up fourth year and everyone wants to either be them or be with them
- Loves dancing, will do it randomly while doing absolutely anything
-Hates cold weather, she’ll literally wear five jackets DON’T play
-Has had or does have a eating disorder because of societal pressure of internal judgment; not to mention people definitely paint her out to be a ‘slag’ because she happens to be more open about her sexuality (and they don’t do it to Sirius because we live in a fucked patriarchy)
- Will scream “fuck the police” or “fuck the Patriarchy” when running away from an authority figure (or just Lily/Remus)
-Extroverted (loves to be around people/hates being alone)
Regulus Black:
- Asthma (again, can’t escape inbreeding completely)
-Has permanent dark circles, yet he still looks beautiful??? Looks like eyeshadow to be real
- Demisexual
-Scratching his knuckles is a severe nervous tick of his
-Writes poetry and short stories
- Plays the piano
-Started playing quidditch to interact with Sirius more and to impress him (but as he got older he didn’t really give a shit anymore)
-Speaks French and Reads Latin
-Really into Astronomy
- He had a crush on James in fifth year but didn’t pursue it because he still somewhat resented him for having Sirius all to himself (and he knew Sirius would get mad)
-Cusses a lot when around his friends
-Best poker face, could lie to anyone and get away with it
-Photographic memory
-Nice to all the House elves (and all the Marauders except Sirius and James)
Pandora, Evan, and Barty
Evan and Pandora are siblings
Everyone in the Marauders and Slytherin Skittles have agreed that Pandora has to be protected at all cost
What they don’t know is that this girl is lethal (Carries around potions she’s created that could burn through steel)
Barty is hella gay, psychotic, and a bit of a pyro
Barty is also low key obsessed with Regulus
Evan is in love with Barty
Rosekiller is a thing, and it is toxic (don’t we just love it)
I’ll probably add more for Barth, Evan, and Pandora later
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Can I request an angst to fluff Eddie story where Eddie is an oblivious little golden retriever and his girlfriend hates/loves that about him? He starts dealing to Chrissy who then starts hanging around more, starts changing her style to be more like Eddie and also his girlfriend, breaks up with Jason, and then suddenly is everywhere. Eventually the reader loses it in front of everyone when Chrissy goes a little far with her flirting and Eddie tells the reader she's being dramatic. To him that's his girl, his soul mate and he even plans on proposing after graduation. He doesn't even think of other girls. The reader is hurt he dismissed her in front of everyone and feels like he chose Chrissy, and Chrissy thinks she won because Eddie chose her. Then the next day Eddie doesn't pick up the reader for school like he usually does, instead he shows up late with Chrissy in his passenger seat. The final offense though? Is when Chrissy sees the reader looking and grabs Eddie and kisses him. Now Eddie realizes his girlfriend fears were very valid and now he's not sure if he can fix this, but he will move heaven and earth for just a shot at forgiveness.
(This got super long, and I really didn't mean for it to 😂 you can totally cut it down or change whatever you want. I don't really care I just really enjoy your angst to fluff.)
Yes, you may ask for a request!
Thank you so much for requesting and enjoying my work :)
And details are always helpful! If this is not what you wanted, let me know so I can rewrite it. ( Alternative ending in master-list - still ends with her going back so fair warning)
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Y/N has been smitten with Eddie since she met him in her sophomore year. He was confident, charming, funny, and so hot. It was very easy for them to become friends as they had a lot in common. They enjoyed the same bands and laughed at how many of the same shirts they had. They have an equal number of records all over their rooms. Both have a hidden stash of weed in their drawers. It was like they were meant for each other.
Eddie was obsessed the second she walked up to him. Her Metalicia shirt was cropped, and small bleach stains were scattered. He smiled, knowing he had one just like it in his closet. But when he started to get to know her, he was so dead. He thinks he already loves her since the first day. and just kept falling. when she asked to join DnD and was somehow better than he was. He knew he was going to marry her.
During Y/N's junior year, she spent the whole time trying to make moves on Eddie. She cringed at how obvious her schoolgirl crush was, but he either wasn't getting the hint or did not like her.
Every morning when he picked her up, she had a big smile on her lips and a touch on his knee (that got higher each day): "Wow, Eddie, those jeans frame your thighs so well." She even fucking winked. He smiled and drove on, like she had not said a word.
Then, when they went to the pool, she did not bother to hide her staring. "Eds, your tattoos are always so fucking hot to see when you are on full display." She even trailed her fingers over the design. And nothing. He blushed and basically walked away.
She decided to bite the bullet and ask him on a date. If he said no, then at least she knew where he stood.
When Eddie saw Y/N walking up to him with purpose in her eyes, he had no idea what to think.
"Okay, Eds, I have the house to myself this weekend; want to rent some movies and hang out?" She twirled a piece of her hair with her finger. batted her eyelashes as she looked up at him. A smile lit up his face. "Of course, I'll go tell the group." Before she could correct him, he took off.
She signed, "I meant just us."
"So Y/N has the house to herself, so movie night at her place." Eddie announced as he walked into the video store.
"She never asked me." Robin protested, and Steve agreed.
"Well, maybe she just thought I'd tell you." Eddie shrugged. 
"Well, did she tell you to ask us?" Steve said, "She always asks us."
"Well, no, but I just figured." He shrugged again. What is with the questions?
"Dude, you are telling me Y/N told you she has the house to herself, invites you for a movie night, and you think she wants us there?" Robin pipped me with an eye roll.
"Dude, she was so hitting on you." Steve smacked him on the shoulder.
"No, she is just friendly; she does not like me." Eddie responded back, but Robin was quick with an answer.
"Eddie, she does not flirt with anyone but you."
When he showed up at her house that night, alone, she was confused.
"I thought you asked the group?"
"someone told me the intention was for this to be a date?" He asked with a shy smile pointed towards her.
"Yeah, but I get it. You make it quite clear you do not like me."
"Why would you say that?" He asked confusedly; he loved her.
"I flirt with you, and you ignore me. I ask you on a date, and you ask the group. It's okay, though. We can just be best friends."
"You never flirted with me." He was even more confused.
"Eddie, when a girl is touching your knee, complimenting everything you wear, winking at you, touching your chest, batting her eyelashes, and twirling her hair, you know she's into you."
That night she finally kissed him, and he finally understood the feelings were mutual.
Now that it is senior year for the couple, they are more in love than ever.
Y/N was a bit more on the tough side, and Eddie was soft. She hated new people, but Eddie wanted to welcome everyone with open arms.
Being with Eddie meant watching people take advantage of his kindness. He is quite oblivious to the intentions of people around him. I mean, it took him two years to see she liked him. She loved and hated that about him.
And right now, the hating side has been flicked on.
Chrissy Cunnignham has been following her boyfriend around like a lap dog. It started with a deal. And Y/N thought that was the end of it, but she kept showing up.
 Eddie and Y/N snuck out to the parking lot to each take their lunch together in the back of the van. They sat in comfortable silence when a voice cut in,
"OMG, Eddie! "There you are; I have been looking for you." Y/N rolled her eyes at the high pitched voice. Eddie smiled at the girl, and Y/N hated the jab that landed in her gut.
"Just having lunch with my girl, what's up?" She smiled at the fact that he reminded her that he, in fact, does have a girlfriend. Because Chrissy likes to forget that piece of information.
"Huge party this weekend; I want to invite you," Chrissy said to Eddie and Eddie only. Her eyes never drifted from his brown ones.
Eddie looked over to Y/n with a question in his eyes.
"Baby, want date night at a party?" She did not want to spend her night with Eddie at a party, but if he wanted to go, she would suck it up. She gave him a nod.
"We will be there."
After the little run in with Chrissy at lunch, Y/N felt a tad bit sour. She knows Eddie is hers, and Eddie only wants her, but that insecurity was settling in.
She shook it off and headed to Hellfire. She and Eddie are now partners in leading the campaigns. Her seat was always next to Eddie, so a huge scowl landed on her face when she saw a familiar ponytail sitting next to Eddie in her seat.
"Chrissy, welcome, but that is my seat." Y/N said it as nicely as she could.
"Oh well, I would prefer to sit next to Eddie." She giggled as she looked at Eddie.
Eddie was once again oblivious to Chrissy's disinterest in their relationship.
"Well, I do not care; I would prefer to sit in my own seat with my boyfriend." She did not care to be polite now.
The group was walking in behind them but stopped at the tension in the room.
"Well, if Eddie wants me to move, then I will move." Chrissy bit back, and she crossed her arms.
One thing about Eddie is that he does not like to say no to people, and he does not like to hurt people's feelings, except apparently his girlfriends'.
"Baby, don't be so dramatic; it's just a seat. The spare chair is in the closet." Eddie smiled softly, truly believing he could easily fix the situation. Chrissy cheered.
The boys gasped at his response. Dusitn went to say something, but Y/N gave him a look. With the biggest breath she could manage, she grabbed the chair and placed it next to Gareth. Her boyfriend could fuck off.
Eddie frowned in her direction, but his attention quickly returned to Chrissy when she asked questions about the campaign.
Y/N rolled her eyes every time Chrissy would cheer on Eddie.
"Look, if you want to cheer so goddamn bad, why not go to practice?" Y/N snapped. Dustin tried to hide his laugh.
"Babe, no need to be rude. She is having fun; if you are going to sit there and be mean, you should just go." Y/N felt steam coming out of her ears. Did he seriously just tell her to go home?
She bit back her response and clenched the dice in her hand. It was going to be a long night.
It got even worse. The news that Chrissy dumped Jason traveled fast.
Y/N had her theories of why this breakup happened so suddenly, but Eddie, of course, just wanted to help.
"Chrissy You deserve so much better. You will find someone perfect for you. I know it."
Y/N felt like her eyes never stopped rolling. She shot a glare at the back of Eddie's head as he hugged Chrissy.
It was the night of the party, and the couple was heading to the front door.
"We shouldn't have come. All she wants to do is flirt with you and act like you don't have a girlfriend."
"She knows we are together, and she is not flirting. She just wants a friend so be nice," Eddie warned as Chrissy opened the door with a smile and only pointed to Eddie.
Y/N felt her blood boil when Chrissy laced her hand into Eddie's and yanked him out of Y/N's grasp, dragging him into the house. Eddie's head turned quickly to his girlfriend, "Babe." He said it with a smile as he used his free hand to reach for her.
 Y/N was very close to either killing Chrissy or Eddie. She understood that Eddie had no idea what was going on. He doesn't know Chrissy has been flirting with him for days. But she wanted to scream at him for being so stupid.
She was dancing with Eddie, finally having fun since Chrissy got occupied with hosting. Her hands were in his hair, their hips grinding into each other, and matching smiles took over their faces. They were lost in each other, making out in the middle of the floor. This is what she missed about Eddie—being with him in this way. He has been so busy with Chrissy that she feels like she's been pushed to the back burner.
"Can we talk?" She asked loudly into his ear. He pulled away, worried, and walked her out to the backyard.
They stood on the grass and passed a joint back and forth.
"I don't want to be that girlfriend that controls you or picks who you are friends with. But this thing with Chrissy needs to either be talked about or stopped. I am not comfortable with how she flirts with you, how she touches you, and how she always needs your attention."
"Babe, I told you there was nothing going on." He sighed
"I do not care if there is nothing going on; it is the fact that she is trying to make something happen, and you will not shut it down. I know you think everyone is just being friendly, but I am your girlfriend, and if I am telling you that I feel our relationship is being neglected, you should be working this out with me, not trying to tell me I'm making shit up. I bite my tongue a lot, but the times that it splits, you turn on me. You tell me to leave it alone and go home. Do you know how embarrassing that is? and seeing her smug smile because she's winning."
Y/N noticed her friend Robin making her way out to the yard with Steve following behind. Robin could easily sense the tension, and she knew Chrissy had been a pain in Y/N's ass, so she could imagine what was going on.
"She is not winning! There is no fight or competition. You are my girlfriend, not her. So I don't see why we are having to talk about this. Why would I want to even try with her when I have you? Just get over this insecurity and jealousy so we can move on from it."
Robin, Steve, and Y/N's mouths dropped. Chrissy once again popped up with a big smile.
"I'm feeling some tension here; maybe we should take a breather." Chrissy offered adviced as she put her hand on Eddie's back. That's when Y/N snapped.
"Get your fucking hands off of my boyfriend!" Eddie was quick to jump in front of Chrissy as Y/N marched towards her.
"Seriously, you need to calm down. You are embarrassing yourself and me."
Y/N felt every piece of anger leave, filled with hurt. It was like Eddie wasn't even himself. He was replaced with the shell.
"I pour my heart out to you. I tell you why I am upset with everything going on. And you first told me I was insecure and jealous, and now you are fucking protecting her? Are you saying I'm embarrassing you? What's embarrassing is how she chases you around. how she dumped her boyfriend just to try to snag you. She's fucking wearing a Metallica shirt, Eddie! with fucking black boots. I have almost the same outfit in my closet. She wants you! Why can't you fucking see that?"
Eddie honestly did not know what to say.
"Let's take you home." Robin said as she grabbed Y/N's hand.
Y/N was hurt, but he didn't bother to say anything, didn't bother to stop her, and never bothered to follow her to Robin's car.
He just stayed; he stayed with her.
Y/N took the time away from Eddie to breathe. She needed some space. So she waited until Monday to talk to him when he picked her up.
The only problem was that he never showed up. She begged Steve for a ride, and he said yes without hesitation.
She was relieved to see she made it on time. But her breath of relief hitched when she saw his van pull up with her in the passenger seat. She watched as they climbed out. Eddie looked like he was in the middle of a huge rant, then Chrissy's eyes caught hers.
If looks could kill, they would have murdered each other.
Y/N started to walk towards them, intent on calling them out, but she froze in her spot at Chrissy's next action.
"Okay, I think we need to take some space away from each other because if it makes my girlfriend uncomfortable, I need to respect that." Eddie explained as he pulled up into the parking lot and getting out of his van. He tried to call his girlfriend last night to tell her he was going to give Chrissy a ride to talk some things over, but she never answered.
"Eddie I don't get it. You had a fight, and she left, and you stayed with me. You obviously just showed her that you picked me. Respecting her wishes is all out the window now." Chrissy said as she peered over at her. an idea forming in her head. This was her chance to end their relationship once and for all.
Eddie went to protest when he felt her lips crash onto his. His eyes flew as wide as they could. He cringed at the feeling of sticky gloss coating his lips. He went to pull away, but her hand grabbed the back of his head to shove him closer. When he finally got himself free, he had no idea what had just happened. He was telling her they couldn't be friends, and she kissed him? That's when he noticed it; Chrissy was twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes, and he felt her touch in his chest.
"Oh fuck, you are flirting. Look I'm in love with Y/N so this will never happen" He stated as he pulled himself away. He messed up. His girlfriend told him over and over, and she was right. Chrissy didn't respect his relationship with Y/N. And he allowed himself to disrespect it in the same way.
He was quick to head towards the school, but that's when his eyes caught his favorite ones. She stood there, unmoving. Tears flowed down her face, her hand tightly holding her backpack strap. His heart dropped. She saw it. She saw her kiss him.
He went to move, but she was faster; she ran off into the building.
"BABY, WAIT!" he screamed as he ran after her. He followed her into the girls' bathroom; he didn't care.
She was sobbing into her hands on the floor. His heart shattered. He was quick to kneel in front of her. He grabbed her hands away from her face and wiped off her tears.
"Baby, I promise, I didn't kiss her. I didn't know she was going to do that. I'm so sorry. You have every right to be mad at me. You told me over and over, and I just chose not to believe you. It's just that I'm so goddamn in love with you that I don't even notice anyone else. I didn't notice her flirting because half the time I don't even notice her. I'm thinking about you. I'm sorry I called you insecure and jealous. You aren't; you were upset, and I should have made you feel better. "I promise with everything in me that I only want you, and I only want you for the rest of my life." He didn't notice that he began to cry too. He was so scared that he'd messed this up so badly that she'd leave.
"Please don't leave me, baby. I need you. Please don't," he was sobbing into her now. His face was tucked into her neck.
"I'm not going to leave you, baby." "I love you too," she said, kissing his cheek. She knew he understood his mistake now. And she also knew he was going to fix everything he cracked.
He pulled away with a sniffle. Red, puffy eyes met each other's on the bathroom floor. He leaned in for a kiss, but she pushed him back.
"Not until you get that 30¢ gloss off of you," she teased. He took it as seriously as he should have. and began to scrub the hell out of his lips. After about three washes, he went to her with a smile.
"Now?" He asked, and she nodded.
Their lips met in a needy kiss. Every once of love and passion was sent to one another.
As the couple walked out of the bathroom, they were definitely late for class now. Eddie spoke up.
"Just so you know, I'm marrying you."
Tags- @bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson
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makeitmingi · 4 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 44]
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*reposted because the chapter disappeared!*
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
Chapter warning(s): (y/n) has a little breakdown, she's emotional and feels guilt (leading to her being stressed and overwhelmed)
"I guess it's been obvious to those that can read me. I wanted to clear my head a bit more before coming to talk to you about it. But it seems like I've been unsuccessful." You replied honestly, resting your head on your free hand.
"Just lay out all your thoughts here. I'll help you sort them through if you'd like." Yunho offered.
"I appreciate that, Yun. Really... It's just..."
"I'm one of the reasons why you can't make a decision, right?" He spoke softly. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. There was patience and love, no anger or sarcasm.
"Yun, it's not your fault. It's me... I'm just overthinking everything." You sighed, taking a small bite of your porridge.
"Don't beat yourself up for overthinking or feeling guilt. It's normal." He comforted.
"No matter what your decision is, nothing is going to change between us, alright?" He held your chin, tilting your head up to make you look at him.
"I know." You nodded, a small smile appearing on your face, leaning in to press your forehead against his. Count on Yunho to make you feel like you were the most loved person in the world, that look he gave you, it's like you hold his world in your hands. Yunho smiled back, going forward to give you a peck.
"It'll be okay, it's not like one of us is going off to war." He chuckled and stroked your cheek.
"I know that... It'll just be... different, you know?" You shrugged, the both of you going back to your meals before it got too cold. Yunho silently laid his hand over yours.
"It feels like I'm abandoning ship. All of us started this together, from day 1. If I leave, I'm taking 3 others with me." You sighed.
"And that's okay. It doesn't mean we're ending anything, love. We're all still family." He reminded.
"I still need to think this over. It's not a decision I can make right now for everyone, not right this instant. I need to talk to the others first." You gulped.
"Of course, take all the time you need." Yunho pulled you in to kiss your temple.
After the food was done, you put your bowl in the dishwasher and got yourself a beer. You needed the alcohol to calm your nerves and take the edge off. Mingi and San dragged Yunho away to play video games so you stayed in your room with Seonghwa.
"What's wrong? I can hear you think." Seonghwa asked, his vision trained on his switch game.
"Yunho brought up the contract, he knows I've been thinking about it. And of course, he was so god damn nice about it. I hate it." You groaned into the blanket.
"You're hearing yourself right? You hate that he's giving you the freedom and opportunity to choose what you want to do."
"Feminism aside. I want him to tell me what he wants. He always caters to my needs and wants." You sighed.
"So this time, you want him to tell you to stay or to go? Do you think that will help you make a decision?" Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, putting his switch aside.
"Ugh, I don't know, Hwa. Stop asking me more questions!" You groaned, falling back onto the pillow.
"Jagi, what's wrong?" Wooyoung poked his head into the room. He noticed it was just you and Seonghwa so he invited himself in. Jongho trailed in behind him, closing the door. Wooyoung laid beside you, his arms around your waist to snuggle with you while Jongho sat at the foot of the bed.
"Are you still stressing about the contract?" Jongho asked. You nodded glumly.
"My poor jagi... Jongho told me what's been bothering you... About our contracts ending." Wooyoung cooed, combing your hair away from your face lovingly.
"What should I do, Woo?" You turned to him.
"Wait, you're asking me?" Wooyoung blinked in confusion as your sudden question.
"She just wants you to give an answer so she doesn't have to think about it." Seonghwa said, knowing you well. You rolled your eyes and pinched his thigh, making him flinch.
"Yunho told me that it's my decision, that things won't change between us." You sat up, running your fingers through your hair.
"He's right. Nothing will change between us and them, we're all friends, a big family. Doesn't mean we don't work together, that we aren't a family anymore or that we won't see each other ever again." Wooyoung said.
"That's what Seonghwa hyung and I said. Yunho hyung won't let the decision hurt his relationship. But (y/n)'s feeling the guilt of leaving Yunho and the others." Jongho explained further.
"Yunho's too nice. He won't ever tell me to stay. But... now that we're all here, what do all of you want?" You asked them.
"We'll follow you. We're sticking together." Wooyoung said, looking to Jongho and Seonghwa.
"Agreed." The two nodded.
"You're not making this decision any easier on me. You all have the talents to work in better kitchens, under bigger management and getting a higher pay." You clicked your tongue.
"Who needs all that when we know we work best together and achieve results?" Seonghwa pointed out.
"Be honest with me, are you guys still getting offers?" You asked. They all looked at each other before nodding their heads slowly. It wasn't really a secret between the 4 of you that each of you got occasional offers from restaurants to join their team or pop up kitchens to come for short stints of work.
"Anything tempting?" You probed further.
"Not really." Jongho replied, checking his phone. You grabbed your phone, looking through your emails to refresh your memory of who had sent you job offers too.
"I wish Yunho would tell me what he wants. Saves me making a decision." You said, mainly to Jongho and Wooyoung.
"Can you say for certain, you won't be disappointed with his decision?" Wooyoung tilted his head.
"It's not that... To me, this is a big decision and I feel like I should be considering him as a factor in that decision." You tried to explain your feelings to them.
"But it's because this is a big decision that he wouldn't want his wants to get in the way of what you want." Seonghwa said.
"He's always putting me first. And for once, I just want to do the same for him." You let out a shaky breath. Maybe there was just so much more to this than you want to admit. It's not just about the job, it's about your relationship with Yunho.
"Jagi, is that another reason why you're so stressed out about this?" Wooyoung melted, stroking your head. You nodded and fell forward to his chest for him to hug you.
"I know this is one of many decisions I'll have to make in life and in my relationship. But so far, everything has been on my terms because what, I'm too emotionally unstable. And I hate it." You choked.
"Oh, sweetheart." Seonghwa rubbed your back.
"There's nothing to feel bad about. You're a couple that just shows each other love in different ways. You do it through acts of service and all 'this' is how Yunho shows his." Jongho comforted.
"I know it's not easy but don't think about this decision as an ultimatum or that it'll reflect your relationship with Yunho." Seonghwa said.
"You don't have to rush to a decision. For now, just enjoy this vacation." Wooyoung kissed your head.
"He's right. None of us are expecting you to make this decision right now, even Yunho. Who knows, maybe the cards will fall into place on their own." Seonghwa smiled softly. You were glad that you had the 3 of them by your side. Even if you felt guilty, you never wanted to work separately from them.
"Where's (y/n)?" Hongjoong asked, coming back from the deck to see Yunho lounging on the couch, watching Mingi and Yeosang challenge each other at mario kart.
"She's upstairs with Seonghwa hyung, Wooyoung and Jongho." Yunho replied.
"They're probably discussing the contract thing." Yeosang said, not taking his eyes off the game
"Yeah..." Yunho replied curtly. He didn't want to say anything more to that. That decision was yours and the team's to make. That's why Yunho hadn't gone to find you yet, giving you privacy.
"At the same time, we should discussing all of your contracts too." Yunho sat up, diverting the subject.
"Our contracts are ending?" Mingi agreed.
"Well, it is in your contracts that you can leave at any time. So I just wanted to check with all of you. There's no obligation to stay, of course. I'm already very grateful that you've all helped me so much the past year." Yunho said to his friends.
"I'll be having to take a step back. I can still work but not as actively as I am now. I've got some invites for custom fashion pieces to be made." Hongjoong raised his hand.
"Wow, that sounds amazing, hyung. Congratulations." All the boys clapped for the oldest.
"Thank you." Hongjoong grinned.
"Are you sure it won't be too taxing on you to work at the restaurant and do your projects at the same time, hyung?" San asked.
"I'll be fine. And until these projects have actual results, I'll need to get money to pay for all my supplies and studio rental somehow." Hongjoong shrugged.
"I've got nothing much else to do anyway so I'm cool with staying on." Mingi raised his hand.
"Actually, San and I were offered part time jobs at the gym as trainers for gym goers. We don't really know much of the details yet but if we decide to join them, it means we'll be part time at the gym and part time at the restaurant." Yeosang informed and San hummed in confirmation.
"That can be arranged. Let me know how it goes then I'll decide if I need to set aside some money to hire some part time wait staff." Yunho said.
"Of course. Thanks, Yunho ah." San smiled.
After the games ended, San and Yeosang went for a run while Hongjoong went to take a nap, leaving Yunho and Mingi.
"Here." Mingi handed Yunho a beer. The two of them decided to sit on the deck chairs on the beach, wanting to get some fresh air. Plus, the sun wasn't too intense.
"Can you believe it's already been a year?" Yunho asked, taking a swig of his beer.
"Time really flies. Feels like just yesterday, we were sitting at the booth and you were worrying about not having a kitchen crew when opening was just a few days away." Mingi reminded, making Yunho roll his eyes.
"So much has happened in a year. Couldn't have done it without you, Mingi ah." Yunho smiled softly.
"Of course, we've been doing everything together since we've met. And we'll continue to do it for as long as we're friends." Mingi grinned. Yunho threw his head back in laughter.
"Deal." Yunho clinked his bottle against Mingi's.
"Are you worried that (y/n) might decide to not stay with the restaurant?" Mingi asked.
"I wouldn't say worry is what I'm feeling... I don't know... I don't want her to feel like she has to stay because of me. She shouldn't have to sacrifice amazing opportunities for me." Yunho sighed.
"I'm sure you told her that but at the same time, I know (y/n) a little. She doesn't like the feeling of making decisions for herself, it makes her feel guilty and selfish. That's why she's thinking about you, Seonghwa hyung, Wooyoung and Jongho too. I can imagine the stress she's under." Mingi said.
"Now that she's broken things off with her father, I want her to feel that freedom of finally doing things for herself." Yunho shrugged.
"But you're in a relationship. It's normal to feel the need to think for the other person, not just yourself. You're thinking of what's best for her and she's doing the same for you." Mingi pointed out.
"Wow, you sure know a lot about relationships." Yunho raised an eyebrow.
"Not me, it's my mom. I've always been 'T' and I don't read underlying emotions so she explains them to me." Mingi chuckled.
"And I may not have witnessed a lot of relationship but I know you and (y/n) have a good thing going. Working separately isn't going to change that." Mingi added.
"You think so? I feel that way too." Yunho agreed.
"You both are opposites. Not opposites that fight each other but opposites that compliment each other like a jigsaw puzzle, you know? Like you're hyper and excited while she's cool and collected. Both good in their own way." Mingi tried to explain.
"I know. We both make each other better. I like that there's one of me and one of her." Yunho smiled fondly at the thought of you.
"The perfect golden retriever and black cat couple." Mingi snapped his fingers.
"You and San say that all the time. And I still have no idea what that means but I'm assuming I'm the golden retriever and (y/n)'s the black cat?" Yunho tilted his head.
"Duh. You're obviously NOT the black cat." Mingi scoffed, finishing his beer. Yunho rolled his eyes.
"Whiskey does act a lot like (y/n). It's adorable." Yunho grinned, proudly showing Mingi his phone wallpaper, which was you sleeping with Whiskey curled up and tucked under your chin, also asleep.
"I'm not sure if (y/n) would appreciate you using a picture of her sleeping as your wallpaper." Mingi chuckled.
"Surprisingly, she didn't care." Yunho shrugged.
Grabbing their empty beer bottles, the twin tower pair turned to head back into the house. Yunho saw Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho in the kitchen, fixing what looked like lunch. But you were not there. He didn't even need to ask, Seonghwa nodded towards the stairs and Yunho made his way to your room.
"Love?" Yunho knocked lightly and poked his head in. You were fast asleep, hugging Yuyu and Yunnie in each arm. Yunho went to your side of the bed, bending down so he could see your face.
"Oh, love..." He softened at the sight of your slightly puffed eyelids, a sign that you cried. Leaning over, he kissed your cheek and stroked your hair.
"Yun?" You had a small frown as you opened your eyes slightly.
"Sorry to disturb you, baby. Go back to sleep." Yunho whispered, patting your head.
"Stay with me?" You asked. Yunho nodded and climbed into bed, pulling you to his chest. You turned around so you faced him and let his whole body cocoon you.
"I love you." You breathed out as you fell back asleep, feeling much more comfortable and secure in Yunho's embrace.
"I love you too." He kissed your forehead and wound his arms tighter around you. Looking down at you, Yunho couldn't stop smiling. Everything you did, he found absolutely adorable. He closed his eyes and joined you in dreamland.
When Yunho stirred awake, his head was resting on your arm, facing your chest. You were using your phone, looking at it behind his head as you were careful not to disturb Yunho's rest.
"Love." He buried his face into your chest, squeezing your waist. He would never get over the feeling of waking up next to you.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Your free hand playing with the ends of Yunho's hair.
"Yeah... I did... When did you wake up?" Yunho asked.
"Not too long ago. I didn't want to move though, just wanted to stay here with you. And somehow, some way, we swapped positions. Not that I minded." You chuckled.
"I don't mind this too." He giggled, using his strength to roll over so you were below him.
"Ah! Yunho! That's ticklish. Stoppppp~" You squirmed, the both of you laughing. He did relent, hovering over you with your arms wrapped around his neck. Yunho smiled softly, Mingi was right, you and him were strong and made for each other, nothing will change your relationship.
"For the rest of our time here, don't think about the contract or the job, alright? Just enjoy your time here and relax, hmm? We have all the time in the world." He whispered.
"I like that. Thank you." You pulled him down so you could kiss him. But was interrupted by the door opening.
"Hwa, what if we were naked?" You asked as Yunho's eyes widened, his cheeks and ears turning bright red at your words.
"Nothing I haven't seen. You two hungry? I kept some lunch for you." Seonghwa asked. You turned to Yunho, who was vigorously fanning his face, too busy to answer.
"You good?" You raised an eyebrow.
"D-Don't just s-say things like t-that!" He stuttered nervously. Seonghwa's eyebrows raised in amusement.
"I think you broke your boyfriend, sweetie." He said to you. You rolled your eyes and slid out of bed to go use the bathroom. When you were done, you and Yunho went downstairs to eat. Seonghwa handed you each a plate of food.
"Thanks, hyung/ Hwa." The two of you sat on the couch to eat, watching Wooyoung challenge Yeosang at some game. You held a spoon of food out to Seonghwa.
"I already ate." He shook his head, settling next to you.
"You're always hungry." You pointed out. Seonghwa sighed and directed the spoon back at you to eat it.
"Gosh, I'm so full. I'm not going to be able to eat dinner after this." You said as you ate the last spoonful of food from the plate. Yunho and Seonghwa both cast you a judgemental look.
"I know you two eat for 3 people but there's no need to be so judgey." You scoffed.
"Us? Judge you? Never." Yunho grinned and grabbed your empty plate with his to put in the dishwasher.
"Was thinking of doing pasta with steak night for dinner." Seonghwa said to you, putting his arm around your shoulder. You hummed and nodded tiredly, leaning your body against his. Wooyoung, who had passed the game controller to Jongho came over, squeezing next to you and laying on Seonghwa's lap.
"Ack! Woo! There's no space." You whined, being squished between his body and the back of the couch. He just grinned and snuggled closer to you.
"What about two sauces? One vodka sauce and one pesto sauce." Jongho suggested.
"Ooh, good idea. They both sound good with steak." Wooyoung replied, ignoring your attempted to push him off.
"You know, what? Yun! Please save me." You held your arms up. Yunho was there in an instant, reaching down to try and fish you out but Wooyoung held onto you.
"Woo, let me go!" You struggled.
"Never!" He declared. Yunho managed to slip his arms under you to lift you up bridal style and away from Wooyoung.
"Thanks for saving me." You chuckled as Yunho sat down at the couch where he and Mingi were, setting you down in his lap. Mingi laughed and waved to you, to which you waved back. Yunho kept his arms around you, kissing your temple.
"You know I'll save you any time." He murmured, nuzzling his head against your cheek. You laughed, hugging his neck and pulled him closer to you.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
Warnings: swearing, possible spoilers for the game, nsfw included, mentions of parents dying and abuse but only briefly
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Neutral Good
Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Aries Rising
・This man/druid/male has BIG HANDS. And is incredibly tall; 6'5 - so no matter how tall you are, he's still going to be a giant when next to you
・Halsin peppers kisses on your cheeks, nose, forehead, temple, etc.
・So it's pretty easy to say that Physical Touch is his main love language. Halsin adores affection.
・His Pet Peeve are people who don't help those that need aid. He's had a lot of fights with Astarion because the vampire overlooked
・You fell for Halsin first (not meaning to, but his largeness... the way he was so kind to everyone, especially those smaller than him, it was easy to fall in love).
・You didn't expect anything to happen.
・A male such as he had so many people he could choose from, so you were happy to be friends with him.
・And during your journey, there were many nights where he sat beside you, his body warming yours.
・There, he would tell you stories for hours, the fire dwinding as he spoke. Your eyes fluttered closed after an hour and a half of his deep voice beckoning you to slumber.
・You woke up with Halsin still with you, but he had draped a blanket over you, laid back and let you climb ontop of him.
・It became a normal activity.
・Story time and falling asleep with Halsin.
・Your sleep was always dreamless and every morning you awoke refreshed. For the first time in years.
・But he had fallen in love with you the second time you had conversed. It was your passion, hidden behind your introverted nature, that he fell in love with.
・A person who didn't mind being alone, or didn't have to talk the loudest.
・You were a fresh of breath air for him. And Halsin decided that he couldn't let you leave without telling you how he felt.
・It was a full moon when he confessed his love. The stars shone up above, the air was warm and sweet. It felt truly magical (thanks to Gale...)
・And when he gently clasped your face in his hands, and let his feelings be known - you nearly fainted.
"I was not expecting this, have I offended?" His deep voice said as he hoisted you onto your feet.
"What? No - No! I ... I feel the same-"
・And from then on, you became inseparable.
・He loves animals.
・And when you both settle down together, your home is very busy. With so many different types of animals, sometimes even a kid or two. You help them as best as you can, but their parents were either dead or abusive.
・So Halsin took them out in the yard and showed them how to do basic things.
・Some have magic, some do not.
・And sometimes you felt very overwhelmed, but Halsin understood. And he never pushes you. He tells the kids that you need your alone time, and some people are like that.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Black Cat (You) x Golden Retriever (Halsin)
Always Hold Grudges (You) x Forgives Too Easily (Halsin)
Character That Thinks They're Already Dating Even Though They're Not (Halsin)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Married Couple Who Make Everyone Cringe
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Dance of the Druids by Bear McCreary
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𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, I bloody mean it. 
・Breeding kink
・Big big breeding kink. Doesn't matter if you don't have that anatomy, the dirty talk is heavily centred on that
・He lasts for a long while. Isn't satiated until round four, but each time he makes sure you cum first. Your pleasure is more important than his (in his mind)
・Likes when you grab, grip, scratch and pull. He especially likes when you bite his bottom lip
・When he's about to cum, he'll bite onto your body, just to taste you.
・Although he has a big sex drive, he would never push you to have more sex.
・He's desperate to make you feel safe with him. It would kill him if you didn't fully trust him.
・He has a very, very large cock. Around 10 inches when erect. It was an ... adjustment, trying to work with it.
・Halsin loves the smell of you, so whenever you aren't with him, he'll get one of your shirts and have it across his face while he jacks off.
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strniohoeee · 10 months
Chris with a rockstar girl who sings and plays electric guitar 😏 like she’s very confident and can make him weak in the knees!!… also I love all your stories and writings 🫶🏻❤️
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is madly in love with his rockstar girlfriend, and can’t stop obsessing over her🎸
Warning⚠️: None, it’s pretty short sadly. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be smutty. I felt like not really but IDK🥹I still hope you enjoy tho!
Song for the imagine: Feel Good Inc.- Gorillaz
Chris POV
She was hot….so fucking hot. She was mysterious and dark, mean but nice. She was my wildest dreams in living flesh. She could make me crumble just by the way she looked at me. She was so powerful, and she was all mine.
I wasn’t too sure how I got her, I was the total opposite of her. I was foolish, dumb and oftentimes seen as immature. She liked all this about me, and I wasn’t too sure why when she was the textbook definition of Divine Feminity.
I would say we were the black cat and golden retriever stereotypical couple. I just followed her around with hella heart eyes as she ran everything. Confidence oozing out of her pores. Most people didn’t think we were dating, but she always put it out there.
“Who’s he?” Some random band guy would ask
“That’s my boyfriend and his names Chris” she would respond with a blunt expression
Most times they would scurry away at her demeanor. She was very confident and powerful, but she was the sweetest most loving girl I’ve ever spoken to. She had my heart melting constantly.
She was a singer and played the electric guitar. She was part of a band that was pretty popular in our area. Always playing gigs, and I tagged along. Cheering her on from the front row, or from backstage. I loved my baby
Her voice when she sang….sent chills down my spine. For someone who was soft spoken with me she sure knew how to make her voice hoarse and raspy as she sang. Sending chills throughout my whole body.
The way her fingers worked quickly against the guitar, and how her head went back as she held a note. I was ready to drop to my knees for her.
Her dark red lips…so plump staining the microphone as she sang every song. The way her long hair flowed as she moved around. Her tattooed arms shining bright against the lights reflecting down on her. The way her veins would stand out in her neck as she would hit one specific note in one specific song. It was my favorite song, and she was my favorite singer.
I would find my jaw slack, my pupils blown and my knees weak. She was so fucking beautiful.
The way she ran her hands through her hair sent shock waves through my brain. How could I possibly be dating someone as talented and gorgeous as her.
I was beyond head over heels for this girl, and I couldn’t figure out how to control myself.
I was at one specific show right now standing on the sidelines watching her.
She was currently doing a cover of DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3. The way her voice flowed through my brain, I swear I was being hypnotized. How does one cover a song, and make it sound so fucking sexy.
After her set she went backstage, and I met her there
“Amazing show baby” I said walking in
“My loveeeee thank you” she said smiling bright and opening her arms for a hug
“I swore I was hypnotized” I said kissing her
“I try” she said winking at me
Fuck she was making me weak in the knees just by winking at me.
“So beautiful and sexy and dark” I said to her biting my lip
“Ouu you might want to watch how you speak, or I’ll act out” she said looking at me shyly
“Maybe you should” I said looking her her through half lidded eyes
“I have another set in five minutes baby” she said pouting
“Noo” I said pulling her in for another kiss
“I know baby, but later on tonight” she said winking
“Mmm yes watching you for another hour will work me up some more” I said rubbing my hands down her sides, snaking my arms around her back and giving her ass a squeeze
“Behave now” she said looking up at me
“I am…I promise” I said looking down at her
“Let me finish this set, and I’ll make all your wishes come true” she said running her hand down my chest
“Sounds amazing” I said winking at her
She got ready for her next set, and I sat there watching her in a trance. God this was the woman for me.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one I’m sorry it was short. I wasn’t too sure how to make it super long. I’m not really experienced as far as like a rockstar girlfriend😭😭
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cascowriteswords · 11 months
bite me
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Clarke should have seen this coming. The signs have been there all along. 
“There is such thing as too much garlic, Clarke.”
“The sun is hurting my eyes.” 
“My skin is sensitive, Clarke, I can only wear gold or medical grade titanium.”
“This is the skin of a killer, Clarke.”
Okay, maybe not that last one. 
But still, the signs were all there, all these years. It was only her own naivety that prevented her from predicting this earlier on. 
“So, vampire, hm?” she hums as Lexa jogs down the stairs, velvety black collar popped up around the slender column of her neck, coattails flowing behind her. “I didn’t peg you for team Edward.”
“I’m not,” Lexa answers smoothly, pecking Clarke’s cheek as she takes the mug of coffee held out toward her, leaving a black outline of her lips in their wake. “Party City was fresh out of werewolf costumes. But I’m not team Jacob, I’m team Seth - the only good character.”
“I see,” Clarke says coyly. “Remember when I said you should pick out a costume a few weeks ago? Instead of the night before Halloween?” 
Lexa is buzzing around the kitchen, spreading avocado onto her toast and grabbing pickled onions from the fridge. It’s an ironically vegetarian breakfast for someone with painted-on blood dribbling from the corners of her mouth. “Are you saying you think the kids won’t like my costume, Clarke?”
Working as a physical therapist in an outpatient pediatric clinic means going all out for Halloween isn’t optional. Lexa’s kiddos would be so disappointed if their favorite clinician wasn’t dressed up, and getting 3 year olds to focus on PT is hard enough on a normal day. She has all sorts of spooky themed games and obstacle courses planned for the day.
“Of course not, they’ll love it. They love you.”
“I love you,” Lexa quickly says, eyes flicking up to meet Clarke’s in a way that somehow still makes her stomach swoop even 3 years in. 
“I love you,” Clarke answers, grinning affectionately at her sweet golden retriever girlfriend as she eats her toast in full vampire garb as their tiny bistro table. “Are you going to ask what I think about your costume?” 
Lexa quirks a brow inquisitively, peering at Clarke over the top of her mug as she takes a sip of coffee. “What do you think of my costume, love?”
Clarke moves away from the counter she’d been leaning against and prowls forward, as if she’s the one dressed as a lethal predator instead of Lexa, intently focused on her target. When she reaches the table she rests one hand on its edge and the other on the back of Lexa’s chair, caging her in. “I think,” she says, ducking down to press her lips to the hinge of Lexa’s jaw which earns her a lovely, pretty breathy sound from her girlfriend, “You might be the one dressed as a vampire, but I’m going to be eating you tonight.” Lexa swallows thickly and Clarke grins; nips at her neck, feels the pulse fluttering beneath her tongue as it laves over the skin there. 
When she leans back Lexa’s eyes follow her, pupils a bit wider and darker than they were just a moment ago which suits her costume quite nicely. Clarke reaches out and runs a thumb along Lexa’s bottom lip, cleaning up the edge of her black lipstick. “I’m going back to bed for a little while,” she tells Lexa. “Have a great day at work, honey. And happy Halloween.” 
“Clarke,” Lexa whines. “How am I meant to focus at all today now.”
“You’re a highly intelligent and cunning immortal being, you’ll figure something out.”
She skitters up the stairs smugly, already knowing how tightly wound Lexa will be when she returns home in 9 hours.
Already more than a little excited to unwind her.
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