#i mean i can kind of have the british accents for certain things but by default i use the american one and in my major i cant rlly mix them
bixiaoshi · 2 years
ik i've hated on the british accent for my entire major but man how i wish i could have it
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ghostboneswrites2 · 7 months
Doe Eyes || Ch.1 - Woodbury
Overview: You (y/n) are taken captive by the Governor and recruited as one of his fiercest soldiers. As you slowly uncover the atrocities committed behind the walls of Woodbury and at the hands of the Governor himself, your already questionable loyalty begins to dwindle. When Woodbury falls, your only friend (a sassy, formerly rich farmer's daughter type named Brandy) decides to take the offer from the rival group to join them at their secure home in a prison. Despite your apprehensiveness -- and your preference to be out on your own -- you decide to tag along with your friend and seek refuge with Rick's group. You become a valuable, able-bodied asset to them, and that's when a certain crossbow slinging southerner becomes a part of your life.
Story begins in S3 and ends when Aaron finds the group to take them to Alexandria. It is mostly canon compliant. Lots of canonical dialogue. This story is finished. There is one OC: Brandy
18+ MDNI || Warnings: Story contains TWD typical violence, profanity, deaths of major and minor characters, gore, etc etc.
Chapter list
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        "Well, so far, so good, except the dehydration. I'm going to give you these electrolyte powders. Drink them twice a day in a glass of water, and make sure to drink plenty more in between." The doctor lady told you, handing you six slender packets. "Someone will be in to show you around."
        With that, she walked out of the room and you just sat there, stunned. A doctor? In today's world? Where the hell were you? Maybe you were dead and this was some kind of strange DMT trip before your lights went out for good.
        The door opened and in walked a tall man with a fake smile. He was the type to work at a law firm or something. 
        "Good afternoon." He greeted cordially. "Name's Philip. Most people just call me Governor."
        "Governor?" You snorted. "Like 'ello gov-nah'?" You joked, mimicking a sad excuse for a British accent.
        "Funny." He chuckled, but something told you it wasn't actually that amusing. "Come on. I'll show you around, then I'll take you to where you'll be staying."
        "Staying? I don't know about that. I was doing alright on my own." 
        "Alright?" He considered your words for a moment, slowly pacing his way toward you. "Wouldn't you rather be doing well? Great, even? Just let me show you around, give you a place to stay for a day or two, and then if you still want to go, fine. We'll send you off, maybe give you some supplies to get you started."
        "What about my weapons?" You inquired. When they took you, you had a .38 and a crowbar. You'd become pretty efficient in the arts of melee since the world fell to shit.
        "Of course. You can have 'em, and we'll even give you a box of ammunition for that pretty piece of yours. It's nice, by the way. Where'd you get it?"
        "Oh, I got it when I got my first place on my own." You shrugged. "You know, wasn't in the best area and all."
        "Understandable." He nodded, showing off that eerily friendly grin of his. "Good thing you had it."
        "So, what do you think?" He asked. He'd just given you a quick tour of the town. Woodbury, he called it.
        "It's real cute. Never seen anything like it." You admitted.
        "No different than any other little town in the south." He chuckled.         
        "The walls, I mean." You clarified. "The armed guards. So many people. How'd you do it?"
        "Well, Rome wasn't built in a day." He shrugged, feigning humility.
        "It also wasn't built in a world infested with flesh-starved freaks." You retorted. His eyes narrowed. He was growing tired of your observations and the way you questioned everything. It threatened him, really. But he'd seen the way you fought out there. They'd been watching you for a few days, Philip and Merle and whatever goons they'd bring along for the day. They watched you fight two grown men off as they tried to raid your supplies and probably yourself. You took down the biters with ease, one swift blow to the side of the head, and another down on top. You were quick and sneaky. You made it look effortless. You had survival down to a science, which was either a threat or an asset. He hadn't decided. 
        He forced a smile that more closely resembled a sneer. 
        "I'm sure you've got loads of questions. You're a smart gal. However, I have some things that need attending, and you still haven't been shown to your place." 
        "What, like my own house?" You furrowed you eyebrows. He looked around.
        "You see any houses around here? C'mon, it's in here." He said as he led you inside the building you two had stopped in front of. It was a small apartment building it seemed, maybe twelve apartments total, if that. Yours was on the second floor. It was small, but it had everything anyone could need. "There's some food in the kitchen, and running water. Come find me if you need anything. Feel free to wander and make friends." 
        When you'd been at Woodbury for a few days, the Governor had cornered you, asking you to make a decision, because anyone who stayed had a job to do, and if you were going to leave, it needed to be soon so not to use up any more valuable supplies. You told him you'd stay, but he seemed skeptical all of a sudden, asking what value you had to offer. Of course, you told him about the only skill you had in this new world. You were a fighter. He seemed to like that response. He assigned you to the wall at first, then he started bringing you on runs.
        That was weeks ago. Just recently you guys brought in two women, Michonne and Andrea. They made it clear they weren't sticking around, so the Governor gave them the same offer he gave you; chill out for a few days then be on their way.
        Andrea eventually decided to stay but Michonne wanted no part of it. Thing was, Philip never intended on letting them leave alive. You and Merle were tasked with killing her. She got away from Merle, and you let her. The two of you had decided to just tell him she was dead and be done with it. Not like she had much of a chance up against their paramilitary militia anyways. That was when you truly lost any trust for Woodbury. The benevolent ruler façade was already less than believable, and the hit on Michonne did nothing but prove your suspicions. 
        Really, the only  upside to any of this was that for the first time since everyone you knew was eaten alive -- or doing the eating -- you made a friend. Brandy was a tan, dirty blonde, supermodel of a woman. She grew up on a very profitable farm. A plantation, really. She was your typical southern belle, or as she would call it, a 'Georgia Peach.' She was sassy and classy and everything in between. She was probably the only person in the world that still wore mascara and lip gloss and carried a purse. You were drinking with her at her place that night.
        "So, what did you do, anyways? Before all this?" She asked, pouring another glass of wine. 
        "Honestly?" You giggled. "I was a clerk at a pawnshop."
        "Wow, a real classy place, I bet." She joked. You rolled your eyes. 
        "Oh, yeah. The tweakers trying to pawn their decade old VHS players for a sack was real classy."
        "I didn't have a job." She admitted as she poured you a glass. "Daddy pretty much gave me whatever. Paid for my college classes." She lamented. "I had a real good life."
        "That's good." You smiled. "Mine wasn't so bad, but I definitely lacked in the rich dad department."
        "Yeah, well, I'm sure you got a lot more life experience than I could ever dream of. I used to wish I could just live like a normal girl sometimes. Life with a silver spoon ain't all it's cracked up to be, you know?"
        "Oh, yeah. I'm sure that was real tough." You snorted.
        "Only when I wanted a boyfriend who wasn't studying to be a doctor or a lawyer." She giggled. "Or that one time they caught me smokin' pot with my friends in high school."
        "Pot?" You raised your eyebrows. "My, my. A rebel, I see."
        "Something like that, yeah." She nodded.
        "Got any pot now?" You wondered. She laughed.
        "No but if you find any, let me know." 
        "So, what's up around here?" You asked, breaking away from the casual banter. She gave you a confused look. "I mean, like, how come nobody gets to leave this place?"
        "Why would anyone want to?" She scoffed. When she realized you were serious, her smiled dropped. "What do you mean? We're free to go whenever we want. Nobody ever wants to, though."
        "I don't know about that." You mumbled.
        "What are you on about?" She asked warily.
        "Look, you cant tell anyone." You said, growing more serious as you leaned forward on the table where she sat across from you. "That girl Michonne, she left. Governor sent me and Merle after her."
        "What, to bring her back? I thought you said nobody gets to leave?" Brandy tilted her head.
        "That's what I'm saying. He sent us to kill her." You whispered.
        "You killed her?" She gasped.
        "No no no no!" You shook your head and waved your hands. "She got away and I let her."
        "Well why the hell would he send y'all after her? What did she do?"
        "Nothing, man." You shook your head. "Not a damn thing. She just didn't want to stay. I don't get it."
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piratefalls · 8 months
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i don't have a snarky opening line this week. have fic instead.
(make me) misbehave by r_holland
Alex Claremont-Diaz has done it again. The Texas-born singer-songwriter released his fourth studio album second skin Thursday at midnight. Full of Claremont-Diaz’s signature lyricism, critics are praising the album for the cohesive image it paints. second skin is the result of a young writer at the top of his game, and every lyric depicts for the listener a picture of a sun-drenched secret romance. Fans are clamoring to be the first to uncover the mystery girl at the center of it all, although Claremont-Diaz remains tight-lipped on the subject… -- Or: Alex Claremont-Diaz is a singer-songwriter rising up in the music industry. Henry Fox is the shining star of an acting empire. This is a love story.
NFWMB by cricketnationrise
5 Times Alex Fights Customer Service for Henry + 1 Time He Doesn't Have To
falling in love (in the cruelest way) by coffeecatsme
“Alex?” The name makes Alex stop halfway to the register and look back. Henry is standing in the same spot, shifting from foot to foot, before he juts his chin out. He meets Alex’s eyes. “Where are you traveling to?” Or, Alex picks up a stranger on a road trip, only to realize too late he's the missing Prince of Wales.
We've Got To Stop Meeting like This by everwitch
Alex books an Airbnb studio with a shared bathroom. The other studio is occupied by a man with lush pink lips and impressive personal hygiene — really, he’s super diligent about lathering and rinsing. Alex would know, seeing as the lock to the bathroom is seriously unreliable. Or: the Airbnb romp you didn’t know you needed.
quad shot americano by saintlynomenclature
Like always, Henry’s made it perfectly—the espresso is rich, decidedly not burnt, and the cinnamon tastes like it’s been infused rather than sprinkled in. “How the fuck do you do this?” Alex demands, taking another sip as Henry laughs at him. “If I tell you, you won’t come back.” Henry smiles, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest. Alex lets his eyes follow the line of Henry’s shoulders, falling down to the veins in his forearms after the ends of his bunched-up sleeves. The ring on Henry’s left pinky doesn’t reflect in the lowlight of the back corner—without the sun glinting off of it, Alex can finally see that the surface of it is engraved. “If you think coffee's the only thing keeping me around, sweetheart, then I need to try harder.” The blush coats Henry’s cheeks again. He dips his head bashfully, eyes skating away from Alex’s face. “Whatever will I do with you?” he murmurs under his breath.
- Or, Alex spends an exorbitant amount of money on coffee.
Not So Silent Night by inexplicablymine
Sure, Alex can admit in the deepest recesses of his mind, at two in the morning, when the Liszt is playing forlornly like some kind of bugle call for grief, that whoever the fuck lives next to him is on another level with the keys. Or Alex has no idea who his piano playing neighbor is, but Alex knows one thing for certain… This means war.
Airplane Mode by clottedcreamfudge
Getting into an argument with someone in the airport lounge had probably been a mistake, in hindsight; Alex knows this. But with so many fucking delays and the fact that the signal on his phone is currently making it about as useful as two paper cups joined by a piece of string, he’s kind of on-edge. It’s not entirely his fault that he snaps. Attractive people with perfect hair who take the last almond croissant before Alex can get to it probably just need to understand this. Alex is at the end of his tether, and he will not be swayed by, “Well, I was here first,” in a British accent so smooth it could butter bread.
something more, something right by rizcriz
Alex blinks at him, seemingly entirely unimpressed. “So, you’re just going to pretend we’re not in love with each other?” 
here the whole time by HypnosTheory
Alex frowns, massaging Henry’s scalp. “It feels like you’re getting headaches more often babe. Anything wrong?” “It’s nothing,” Henry says, melting under Alex’s fingers on his scalp. “My suppressants are just killing my head. Think I’ve been taking them too long, I probably need a break soon.” Alex hums thoughtfully. “Or you could get off them for good.” -- Married and bonded, Henry and Alex decide it's about time to get off suppressants and start enjoying their bond fully.
Of Who I Am (Golden) by MayQueen517
There's magic and Henry is hiding something. Alex is determined to figure it out at all costs.
Dependence is a Childhood Illness by aubsoluteaudacity
As he stands by the counter and waits for the kettle to boil, Henry goes over his illness management tactics in his head. Drink lots of tea and water. Take more medication whenever he reasonably can. Never, ever, let anyone see how sick he is. He has been following this mantra since his late teens. Royalty isn’t allowed to miss an event because of a cold. It simply isn’t done to stay in bed when there are hands to press and ribbons to cut.
pictures of you (pictures of me) by yeolocity
alex keeps polaroids.
If You Love Something by allmylovesatonce
Alex calls Henry to tell him a funny incident from his day. When a miscommunication sends them both reeling, both of them are questioning if the other is wanting to end their relationship. Their friends take things upon themselves to get them to see eye to eye.
An Amateur's Guide to Piping That Cream and Beating That Meat by firenati0n
Alex invites Henry to his Extremely Specific and Ethnic Friendsgiving dinner, issuing a stern warning—no beige foods and no colonizer behavior. So basically, Henry's screwed. In an effort to find the perfect recipe, Henry stumbles upon a popular TikTok chef who thirst traps from the neck down and flusters Henry to his core. But his food is banging, along with the bod. A recipe for feral disaster. Or, Alex is an anonymous thirst-trapping chef on TikTok. Henry is an amateur cook who needs a recipe for Friendsgiving. Alex knows Henry's watching. Henry doesn't know it's Alex. Shenanigans ensue.
it's midnight in Texas by viciouslyqueer
When Henry mentions a charity polo match in Connecticut, Alex doesn’t think much of it. When Henry asks him on a date and puts him on a plane to Paris, Alex smiles and lets himself be romanced. When Henry says he wants to do it right, Alex is too in love to protest.
we should get married by smc_27
He’d spent most of the week sitting on the floor with his laptop open on the table, typing away about absolute nonsense in between sessions and phone calls with immigration and a lawyer trying to see if it’s possible there’s any way in the world he can stay in America while this gets sorted. The good news is this doesn’t bar him from trying again and just returning when it all gets sorted. Not that that will be easy, but still. It’s a possibility. He makes the absolutely foolish mistake, after pouring his second drink, of googling ‘marriage visa’ as if that will be the answer to any or all of his problems. Allows himself a brief, excruciating moment to imagine he has someone to marry and make that a reality. But then…he does, does he not? OR, a greencard marriage AU
i need that charles dickens by @whimsymanaged
Henry’s flatmate (and crush) Alex is suddenly obsessed with Charles Dickens. But when Henry asks to borrow Alex’s Dickens, he quickly learns that Alex hasn’t, in fact, been talking about a book.
Amazed at How We Talk (Once, Successfully) by @sparklepocalypse
And, well. Fuck that guy. Alex isn’t about to rub elbows with people who can’t even stand to be in the same room as him. Alex isn’t sulking when he sidles up to the bar and steals a man’s whisky. He also isn’t sulking when he obtains a second glass, this one neat. Or when he snags a large plate of canapés from one of the waitstaff and nonchalantly strolls out of the room. (Movieverse; a riff on the trope that asks, What if Cakegate didn't happen?)
like a bridge over troubled water, i will ease your mind by anincompletelist
And then— relief. So palpable that it sends more tears springing to his eyes, a sob at his lips that Henry quiets with a kiss. Everything from the past week was so much, had been building up pretty much from the moment Henry first left, and leaving him teetering on the edge of fine and definitively, very much not fine, one more useless appearance or shitty headline away from breaking into a million pieces. And shatter he had. But somehow, by some miracle, he’d been able to wait until Henry was here, was back with him in their home, to do it. His safety net, his safe place, his everything; the only one capable of holding all of his broken shards and figuring out how to piece them all back together again in the aftermath. The only one who has asked for the privilege of being there to do it.
Truth by cmere
Alex always does this, hauls every base fucking instinct that Henry has out into the open between them, plain for both to see. And every time it happens, Henry expects him to laugh it off or give him a hard time, but instead he just encourages it with soft, pliant lips and greedy fingers until Henry gives in to himself and his desires. Alex has never made him feel bad, or odd, or disgusting, always treats him with the utmost patience and care. Henry loves him so fucking much. It's just past midnight on Alex's birthday and he's going to get what he wants. Which is, of course, to give Henry what he wants.
as always, if you want me to tag you in future lists just let me know!
@starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels @midnightsfp
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not-poignant · 4 months
oh god im having a moment. this may seem obvious but…i know that utr is set in australia…theres more than a few references….to australia.. and ….australian things..but i only now realised that means everyone has an australian accent omg 😭😭😭😭(me to my brain: “why didnt you tell me” my brain back: “girl are you forreal”) idk why this is so surprising to me…im slow. so all the conversations that happened…. happened with an aussie accent….temsen…gary….gwyn 😭 i know faber has more of a british accent right? idk why i remembered that but then didn’t think about calebs accent… this is amazing, its also embarrassing for me but i am protected by the veil of online anonymity so im just rolling on my couch going through past conversations in the stories re-imagining them. wait that means YOU also have an australian accent!! i LOVE australian accent!!!! almost as much as kiwi but then again i hear that one even less than aussie accents… 😂 oke have a good sunday..or wait what time is it over there?! have a good time from 9pm germany 🇩🇪 cheers mate
Ahaha, this was so great to get
Okay so firstly, I think it's fairly universal that most of us don't think of ourselves as having accents, so unless a character has a very distinct accent, I don't think of their accents at all. For that reason, I also have zero problems when people just imagine the accent that is normal to them!
Secondly, what most people know as the Australian accent is very particular to certain parts of Australia. Most people haven't heard a Perth accent, which is a lot milder overall than say, a Queensland accent. And class really influences how people talk. Like, most of these people aren't saying 'mate' for a reason, it's just not part of their daily language. So...in that sense, it wouldn't be accurate to imagine a standard television Australian accent either. It's kind of jokey, in the same way that people put on really overdone German or Russian accents, you know it's not always reflective of reality.
I love Kiwi accents too btw, so good. :D Early Flight of the Conchords forever!
But, yes, they are in Australia and they do have...Australian accents. Kadek's probably one of the most 'ocker', Faber is one of the fanciest speakers (as is Flitmouse, though he picked up his accent out of choice lol), though Gary's up there too because he came from a very educated and relatively upper class family (as is Efnisien, when he can stop swearing for five seconds!)
Characters who have a more standard Australian accent would be Janusz, Caleb, Nate, Kadek and I would say Anton's about in the middle.
But, again, if it's just easier and more comfortable to imagine whatever your internal 'generic accent' is - imagine that! For me that's actually like... a neutral English accent, for I think most people it's American! I don't even think my neutral accent is Australian, lmao, because I'm influenced by coming from a family of immigrants (Dutch + English + Russian) and watching a lot of TV growing up of which the majority wasn't Australian, and of course thinking of my own accent as just 'neutral' which it absolutely isn't.
Accents are weird!
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Praise be the seven, I guess. Finally, I got Beans Day Azul. He was one of the first SSRs I was missing, mostly because I never wished on his banner when he first came out because I had no idea how twst’s gacha system worked. I was worried I was going to have to save and do every achievement I could to collect more gems to wish for him, but he came home on the last key I had. It was a little over 20, no more than 30, I think that’s a win. 
Anyways, I’m a little bored, gonna try to write for Scarabia (damnation) again and probably post the sneak-peek after I check it. But for now, here are some random twst thoughts I have. Enjoy?
- Do y’all think Twisted Wonderland might be a little more peaceful say, compared to Yuu’s world, if they’re from Earth? Think about it. There’s a lot of issues with this world like climate change, wars, pollution, etc. But I imagine in a world filled with magic, some of those issues may not be as big of a deal. Like, I imagine that there’s magic or some magical machine that acts as a resource and energy source and is much cleaner than using gas or oil. 
- Kinda related to the last point, but do you think the reason the “wand” happens to actually be a pen is due to the fact that because magic creates the hazardous blot, the pen uses up that blot when they write? 
- Not gonna get into this one too much, but I wonder if some people will obsess over a certain species or kinds of people and commit cultural appropriation. Example: A regular human wearing fake ears and a tail then claiming they’re a real beastmen.
- Thinking about the existence of Noble Bell College and the whole City of Flowers. The interior of the school was decorated a lot like a church, so that makes me wonder if it was like a religious school because of the movie’s close association with religion. Does that mean there’s a religion akin to Christianity in Twisted Wonderland? What about other religions? How would that even work? 
- I wonder how languages work in twst, since it doesn’t appear like there’s a ton of countries (makes sense if I was right about the war thing, so there wouldn’t be a lot of countries with conflict). Also, if there normally is a language barrier, how is everyone able to communicate perfectly fine on campus? Is there like a commonly used language, or is it some magic that allows everyone to understand each other?
- Obviously the Queendom of Roses would probably be the equivalent of the U.K. and Island of Woe being Greece with it’s connection to Idia and Hercules, but what about other places? Would Briar Valley be like France then, because it’s connection to Sleeping Beauty being set in France? But it’s mostly fae, does that matter? What about the Country of Pyroxene (Shaftlands)? That’s the home of Vil, Cater, Jack, Epel, Trein, and Vargas. But Snow White is supposed to be German, and Cinderella with Beauty and the Beast were supposed to be French. So is Pyroxene French, German, or just a land based off Europe? Is the City of Flowers somewhere here? Don’t forget the Land of Scalding Sands where Kalim and Jamil are, it’s obviously supposed to be inspired by someplace in the Middle East, is it just based off the region and not a single nation? Similar to the Afterglow Savanna, is it just based off the continent of Africa and not a single nation? Many many questions. 
- Kinda back to the language thing, I wonder how accents would be like. Riddle? Definitely British, there’s not a doubt in my mind about that. Maybe Trey too, I can see him going either way. Everyone else in Heartslabyul though? I cannot imagine them with a British accent. Deuce? Upper US east coast kinda guy, definitely used to reply with “ya mutha” in his delinquent days. Ace? Southern US west coast, along with Cater too. Cater definitely has the valley accent, says “like” all the time. Others I like to imagine are Azul, Jade, and Floyd. They’re from the Coral Sea, but they mention it gets really really cold so of course I’m gonna imagine it as the Nordic Sea and they have this subtle Scandinavian accent, but since they probably practiced a lot to cover it. Another one is Vil, obviously I imagine him with a German accent because his last name is Schoenheit. A while ago I was unsure about Epel because he says the most out of pocket stuff in the weirdest ways sometimes, but because of the Harveston outfit I’ve seen on him, I’m gonna say he has like this Russian accent. Rook... starting to think Rook isn’t even French since apparently he’s from the Afterglow Savanna. 
- Something that I personally wonder a lot, are there Latinos in this world?? Like, c’mon. I saw the tacos in the cooking event, I know they’re hiding them somewhere. You can’t hide them forever. At least I know there’s Mexicans. But who knows? Maybe if they add more villains like they did with Rollo, they’ll add a character that’s probably Mexican like Ernesto De La Cruz (Coco) or Peruvian like Yzma and Kronk (Emperor’s New Groove). 
- Sometimes I wonder, they say that everyone knows about the seven. Like apparently in Twisted Wonderland they learn about them when they’re young, and they’re not seen as bad guys. So if that’s the case, do some people learn about the good guys? Do their beliefs kinda conflict and clash or does it conveniently not clash? That’s something I wondered when thinking if RSA has statues like NRC does. 
- RSA would treat Yuu right, just saying. It might not be fun all the time, but it’s probably better than some aspects of NRC.
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months
A few questions, which obviously can be answered at your convenience because I don't want to add to the burn-out you're experiencing (I hope you get some rest and relaxation soon!).
1. Do I need to know anything about Dragon Age to read your other fics? I'm desperate to read anything you've written because you're so talented, but I haven't played and don't know much about it.
2. I just reread Pieces again, and am so curious to know what Rosalie's dad is like and what he thought of Astarion! Also, "Rosie" 🥰
3. I'm American, and my attempts to write English/British characters make me cringe a bit because my American-ness seems glaringly obvious. I suppose this is a bit of weird question, but I've read my share of fics where I'VE thought, "Oh, this author is DEFINITELY American" so I would imagine you have, too. Do you have any advice for writing more... authentically, I guess?
Thanks, in advance!
hey anon! sorry for the delayed reply - i was sick and trying to leave the asks with more complex answers until a time when i had more than one unhappy braincell!
honestly, a mix? my dragon age fic was the first fic I ever wrote, so it was more reliant on existing plots and I also retell a bunch of stuff, particularly in my longfic? which means that it's actually more accessible than my current fic, which tries to avoid too much replay of canon dialogue and canon scenes and so expects the audience to know them, I suppose? But I'm not good at gauging how easy they would be to read with no knowledge of say, the concept of Grey Wardens. I do have one dragon age modern AU though, which is entirely independent of canon :)
Ahhhhhh, you're the first person to ask this!! To be honest, I chose to show Rosalie's mother rather than her father bc the aim of the final scene was to give this timeline's Astarion a chance to use the Charm My Ascension Turned Evil for an utterly harmless use, as a wholesome resolution to the story! Rosalie's father is a handyman (he met her mother doing repair work for the store she worked in at the time) and so he's slightly taller/stockier than you would perhaps expect (of course, in Pieces, he's now more of a wiry and lean old man). he's soft spoken and stoic, the kind of man who deliberately wouldn't raise his voice for being seen as intimidating (particularly with the canonical treatment of tieflings by WotC) but who's opinion is often valued and taken seriously when it is offered, because it's rare for him to speak up. To be honest, I think a meeting with him and Astarion would be hilarious for different reasons, I think both parties would mostly be befuddled on first meeting bc Astarion is very performative and her father is the opposite of that. If Astarion found canon timeline Rose's 'no ulterior motives' infuriariting, I think 'no front whatsoever but also no clear indication of his opinion of me' would also cause him to have a minor meltdown.
This question is difficult for me to answer, because I unfortunately have the Posh British Accent Download and additional DLC due to certain things that happened to me in life. But to be honest, my advice here would maybe be the following: 1. try to fact check any idioms or speech quirks with either a UK friend or something like reddit, or lift them directly from British TV/film dialogue. just bc I have seen certain turns of phrase used a little off-centre and that's what tends to give it away for me? not the 'oh you're clearly american' but the 'oh, you've clearly never heard this used in an actual conversation' 2. Read authors that have a 'British' voice (I cringed, but it is true!) I'm not Neil Gaiman's biggest fan, but authors like Gaiman and Terry Pratchett have a little bit more British English in their writing and so immersing yourself in one of their novels for a bit might help you emulate the stuff I do subconsciously (others might be Sarah Rees Brennan, Kieron Gillen's comic book The Wicked and the Divine, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, the Skulduggery Pleasant series... this all depends on what kind of British you're aiming for!!) 3. The way I still get into 'character voice' to this day is just by listening to youtube clips on loop. I can't do impressions but I can try to imagine the voice saying the line i've written!
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unopenablebox · 4 months
N, R
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
i perpetually have like 6 WIPs floating around that i usually only finish by wedging myself into being assigned that fandom/pairing for a fic exchange, thereby imposing a deadline. taking "ideas" to mean "things i've sketched out but not outlined or written much for", stuff im thinking about includes:
sabriel au where sabriel and lirael meet immediately post- the events of sabriel via a Time Artifact and have fun adventures that actually exist to illustrate the bizarre temporal and cultural contrasts between "growing up in a perky 1910s british boarding school" and "growing up in a glacier where it is 1500 or something and everyone there hates you so you learned all information you currently know entirely from manuscripts + your ghost dog", which i think the books severely underplay in terms of how totally alien lirael should be to like, everyone, but especially everyone from ancelstierre. the punchline of this fic is that lirael thinks four humours theory is real and incontrovertible and also sabriel cannot fucking understand her accent
my own stupid variation on the classic star wars fic premise "darth vader gloms onto leia prior to the events of the original trilogy and elevates her to immense political power, freaking everyone out", in which this comes to pass via, like, palpatine-is-restarting-the-clone-program genetic testing farce that reveals leia is padme's kid. exists mostly for a scene which lives vividly in my mind in which darth vader spends two hours trying and failing to get the Space Illumina Gene Sequencer software to work. he cannot get help because he has already killed the genomics tech in a moment of panic. it keeps giving him a network access error and he cries. i probably won't write this because i think it would require that i first read the extended universe leia novels/comics in order to consciously either incorporate or reject their canon and i simply doing feel like doing that. also as currently sketched out it would be like 40k and i just dont have that kind of time. but it would be fun
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
i'm constantly trying to write diana wynne jones and/or dorothy sayers-style prose/dialogue, it's a failing. in that i fail at it.
i am extremely influenced by certain of the big-name lj-era bnfs in terms of just like, thinking about what a fic is, what constitutes a "unit" of fic, etc, because i feel writing a short fic is almost totally different from an original short story. not least in that most non-fic short stories i read i often end up kind of hating because they're so clearly there to make a Point rather than execute a character moment, and also they suck. (to be clear i only usually read short stories when someone i know has just gotten something into a sci-fi magazine, and i know a lot of people who write about the Issues of AI and the Climate, so that may help contextualize the nature and limitations of my complaints. this is not about, like, raymond carver, who i like but simply do not think about enough to call an influence.) anyway i really like re/sonant and sp/eranza for exemplifying the satisfying short-fic form. just like everybody else who for used to be really into stargate atlantis.
slashmarks/basketofnovas is a real inspiration in the world of "forcibly extrapolating totally unintended worldbuilding that is nonetheless coherent and fun and interesting", something i aspire to, but, not being myself a medieval historian, am pretty handicapped at. but it's fun to try!
there's a lot of other stuff i'm sure but this is what i can currently think of
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yarpharp · 2 years
I had this insanely long conversation with a dear friend about how the Batfamily would probably be the most bizarre collection of accents ever. This was the verdict:
Bruce is a Gothamite, but he was raised/primarily around Alfred, with his classic British accent. He'd sound out a lot of his vowels with a bit of a Jersey drawl, but he'd annunciate with the kind of precision you expect from an Englishman. He also probably calls the bathroom the Loo in private and a few other little slang terms. BUT oh, it gets even more confusing as he gets older, because he spent a good chunk of his formative years after basically quitting college being trained by the League... Where the dialect is somewhere between archaic forms of Arabic and some Mandarin (because Ra's is old as dirt and obviously refused to adapt his language habits)? The comics were never very clear, but Arabic was a generally agreed thing. So ultimately? Bruce has this generally soft Gothamite accent with careful English annunciation but some words end up lilting because of League influences. The paparazzi claim it's his "international accent" from traveling all over so much, but in reality? He's Batman. He got that accent from being around Alfred and Ra's when he was young.
Yet then this leaves us to analyze others! I mean, what would Jason's actual accent be? He's a Crime Alley kid at the core, so an insanely aggressive Jersey accent. But then he died and came back, and who raised/trained him in his formative years? Oh yeah, ALSO THE LEAGUE. So now you got this pissed off anti-hero with a voice modulator with an accent that drags at vowels but lilts at random. None of the other criminal kingpins in Crime Alley can pin down if he's actually a local or some upstart from out of town trying to assimilate to the local vernacular.
Dick Grayson is the one with the most Frankenstein accent. Why? He grew up in the Circus, and when his Romani parent was not around to babysit him, it was a diverse mix of individuals with all sorts of accents and verbal ticks. Some lilting, some drawl, a bit of everything. Sometimes he just pronounces one word in a very specific way and it baffles Bruce and Alfred. What's worse? He's just one of those people who picks up accents from friends and family, so he ends up coming home one day after hanging out with Superman pronouncing shit like a Kansas hick out of the blue. Bruce is beside himself.
Duke and Tim are immune. Tim sounds like a Gotham rich kid with good pronunciation but a few nasal vowels and Duke just has a mid-level Jersey accent that any average Gotham kid would have.
Stephanie is the wild card. She's got the Gothamite accent but she's ADHD beyond words. And if you have ADHD, you might understand the feel when you subconsciously start picking up accents for certain words and phrases. As a result, Stephanie will randomly tone-shift into an accent she picked up from a Batfam member. Or her favorite barista at Starbucks. Or Harley Quinn's dramatic Jersey accent that outstrips Jason's.
Cass is stuck in accent/pronunciation hell. She's trying to learn to verbally speak English but everyone around her pronounces shit differently. ASL is great, it's neutral language everyone in the family knows, but when she finally speaks it's a mess of accents that reminds everyone in the family that WOW WE ARE A LANGUAGE SALAD.
Damian just sounds like a rich Arab kid. Perfect English clearly trained into him via a UK-born tutor but plenty of the lilt. He gets subconscious about it privately and tries to lose the accent for the sake of "blending in" to Gotham but he's surrounded by family with non-standard Gotham accents.
And finally: Alfred. He has his British accent but he's surrounded by people who have hybrid accents. When he is extremely upset, he loses a lot of his British posh and sounds a lot like Jason. He blames Jason for cursing wildly and repeatedly in his kitchen over the years for causing this.
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viky2318 · 10 months
Another story: the people!
Warning: Some of the characters have no reference sheet because I forgot to draw it (I'll work on it as soon as I can). the relationships could get updated if they interact with characters from other people or characters I may create in the future :3
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Description: she's one of a stubborn girl. If she wants something, she'll find a way to have it. She's the kind of person that first acts and then asks. sometimes (not too often and only between friends) she can get a little chaothic and silly. In contrast to this strong-willed attitude of hers, there's the fact that she has a slight sort of anxiety. Maddy has hard times interacting with new people out of the blue, and even if she can deal with them almost smoothly she could often feel really nervous and speak in a more "aggressive" way (see how she dealt with her first meeting with the others :D). She's a big fan of cuddles (she'll never admit it or ask for it tho) and sleeping (she's a cat after all). She always knows how her friends are feeling, no matter how good they are to hide it. Her body, which is made of wool, can stand a lot of physical stress (by this i mean putting her under a press, twisting her, etc) without getting broken. In combat she will mainly use her staff and magic attacks. to make her use the halberd you really need to make her hate you so much she can't stand your existence, and it won't be a first-sight thing. Don't hurt her friends. Never.
Relationships: Muffet: the two of them are besties. Despite the rough start, Maddy ended up really enjoying her company and that sort of weird way she has to talk to people sometimes. Grillby: Maddy really cares for him, even if he doesn't remember the time spent together. she sometimes comes visit him in his timeline, and ended up building again a nice friendship with him. Sam: She absolutely hates their guts. the only reason why they're still alive is Raehel's extreme patience and forgiveness. Flowey: She and the flower are nice friends. they have a similar vibe, and they share similar stories. Sometimes you could see them as partners in crime, but they're not really a pair of prankster or anything. Smiling man: Maddy's feelings towards both of his sides are really neutral. She knows he exists, she stands his presence, but that's it. she finds Seam a bit of an eexggerated and Gaster a bit of a wimp. Raehel: she's a little scary, but for the rest she's a really nice lady. Maddy respects her greatly, but with a little bit of fear (more or less in the same way Susie respects Toriel in Deltarune :D) and has a thing for her snail pie. Other: She has a solid relationship with Ezra, Grillby's brother, as she often chats with him when she goes visiting Grillby. She loves hanging out with The human Children, as they have all the cuteness of any child but they don't mistreat her poor tail.
Notes from the author: She's the last character I elaborated, but I think she became my favourite dude out of all. Originally I drew her palette based only on the standard Mad Mew Mew dress, but then took out her dark dress and messed around with the two of them. I like to think she's a big fan of Epictale Mad Mew Mew 'cause she's herself but badass.
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Description: she's a friendly girl with a bit of an attitude, a slight british accent and one of an unsettling glare. by being the head of her spider clan for over 40 years she knows how to bend people at her will, with the good ones or the bad ones. She likes to have a certain stability in her life, that being a regular routine and a place to come back to at the end of the day. she can easily strike a conversation with anyone, without being too overwhelming or annoying. sometimes, out of old bad habits, she has a weird way to cheer up and encourage people. she kinda threatens them while speaking, using a quiet and sweet tone of voice with a hint of something unsettling. you could be trying to find a way to propose to someone and she could come to you and say "C'mon dear, you can do this! and if you can't, I can always turn them into a muffin~". she likes baking, as many other Muffets, but she also enjoys making dreamcatchers and sewing. She can shapeshift into a normal looking spider, but she doesn't do that as she thinks she looks fat in that form. Instead, she often shapeshifts only her arms. to stab people.
Relationships: Maddy: Muffet is really close to her. the two of them sometimes go shopping together, often stopping by a nice clothing shop (they both like fancy stuff). she kinda admires how Maddy can go trough bad stuff more easily than her. Grillby: Muffet misses him. Maddy convinced her to come and visit him a few times, but seeing him feels bittersweet. Muffet doesn't see him as the fire man she knew, as not only he doesn't remember her but he also is a bit different. Muffet would like to accept the new Grillby as easily as Maddy did, but she's having a hard time doing so. Sam: She despise them. Muffet never fully understood what was going trough the human's mind, and the fact that they convinced her to kill people that easily made her more wary of humans in general. if she already wasn't a fan of humans, now she really has hard times trusting them. Flowey: The two of them get along. sometimes. Often Flowey is too chatty and insolent for our spider. they get along mainly when there are others around, but it doesn't mean they can't start discussing in such situations. Smiling man: there are some mixed feelings regarding this person. She doesn't mind Gaster as he never really tried to do anything wrong against anyone, but he also is the idiot that left Sam free when they first got warned by Raehel. Seam, by the other hand, sounds more firm but is also less trustworthy. Raehel: She and Muffet have a stable friendship, often hanging out in the kitchen or with the children. The only thing Muffet would criticize about her is her are her overprotective mom's instincts... Other: She sometimes enjoys chatting with Fresh, both being extremely chatty dudes. She sometimes visits her siblings, who are the only ones to know what happened her in the whole timeline.
Notes from the author: As i've always been a super-duper fan of Muffet, this gal was the one I elaborated first. The first time she was supposed to be a survivor from a Littletale genocidal run (I don't even know if that exists) that Sam adopted and grew up as a daughter and then decided to use to kill not Sanses, but popular characters in general. I even had a sketch of her going against the Bad time trio. On another try she was from Undertale and had a sister called Tuffet (truly an original name) who died on a genocide run (I had a thing for murdersprees) and Sam promised Muffet to bring her back if she did what they told her. There was a try somewhere where she teamed up with Error to kill Sam for a reason I honestly don't remember.
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Description: he's a quiet guy with an unreadable expression. He always looks the same (which is pretty much of a neutral expression) and his eyes are perfectly hidden behind a pair of thick lenses. without the glasses, he's almost blind. He doesn't mind speaking with people if asked, but he will rarely try to start a conversation. despite this almost cold facade (unintended pun), he's a caring guy who likes to see people happy and well. He has the habit of searching for every outcome to every situation, trying to go for the best one. this is sometimes a bit of a bad thing as he often ends up looking at the many negative possibilities and almost ignoring all the positive ones. He can sometimes be a little pessimistic, but all he's trying to do is to keep safe the ones he cares for. Grillby isn't the best fighter: his attacks are weak and limited. he though is one of a great defender, and you can be sure that as far as he has someone or something to defend, you WON'T go past his walls in ANY way. If you try, you'll probably get incinerated. After the events of "Another story", our fire friend got practically resetted and has no memory of what happened back then or who are the people that come to his and his brother's place.
Relationships: Muffet: A quiet lady. comes rarely, and always with Maddy. she looks like a toughtful lady. maybe a little sad. One day he should try talk to her. Maddy: An interesting girl. An almost regular costumer, comes twice or thrice a month. who knows where she's from. Grillby enjoys her strong attitude and doesn't mind conversating with her. Ezra: His one and only brother. He cares for him like nothing else in the world. They are almost always together, either in the restaurant or outside. Sam: A person. Grillby saw them only once, and they seemed a pretty normal guy. he though won't forget that feeling of nostalgia he had when he saw them. Flowey: One of Maddy's friends. he tags along sometimes, more frequently than Muffet. almost as chatty as Maddy, not as friendly as her but not annoying. he sometimes looks at Grillby with some sort of... hate? superiority? sorrow? something like that. he though always hides it as Maddy comes in. Smiling man: Two interesting men. they seem like brothers. Gaster is more of a emphathetic person, while Seam seems more cold. for some reason tho, he ended up speaking more with Seam than with Gaster. they don't come often, once every few months, and (curiously) it's always only one of them per time. Raehel: Maddy spoke about her a few times, but Grillby never met her in person. She sounds like a nice lady. Other: the usual relationships Undertale Grillby has with the other characters.
Notes from the author: I thought about making him shorter than the standard. Just for fun. But at that point he started to become too cute, and I wanted him to stay more one the "cool" side. second guy I elaborated of the trio, in a timeline he was Muffet's brother and in another he was a guy Sam tried to use to kill sanses. and in this last timeline he was supposed to be from Fellswap Gold and be a professional shooter.
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Description: An old lady who lives away from everyone in the farthest corner of the multiverse. she has eight loving children, seven humans and a flower. She's kind and patient, the loving mother everyone would like to have. She has some sort of aura, that feeling of wisdom and ancient coming from her. She knows how to make herself be respected without the need to be violent (she is a mother, after all). She has a thing for gardening since cooking slowly became almost a waste of materials (this almost godlike form doesn't need to sleep or eat), and after the events of "Another story" she started travelling more often out of curiosity. the Multiverse has changed since the last time she saw it... The books of her bookshelves aren't the only books she reads, as she sometimes visits other worlds' libraries (nobody knows when you'll find the ultimate butterscotch-cinnamon pie recipe...). Despite the fact that she may look just a sweet and patient old lady, Raehel is capable to stand against almost everyone in battle (even if she tries to avoid fights). Remember that our goat lady is everyone's mom friend. yeah, even yours. She doesn't know you? it doesn't matter.
Relationships: Muffet: The two monsters get along easily, and Raehel tends to care a lot for her health as she always looks a little too thoughtful. There are times where she starts discussing with Asriel, but the old lady can clearly see they don't hate each other. Maddy: Truly a lovely little lady. She is polite, strong and friendly. one of the few people outside the family that gets along with Asriel. Sam: Raehel has a lot of patience for everyone, but Sam is one of a kind. Flowey: her first child. a little irrespectful from time to time, but it's something acceptable in a certain limit for someone of his age. Smiling man: She is slowly forgiving them. very slowly. the two left Sam use some innocent souls to murder hundreds, mistreat her child, and almost bring the multiverse to an end. Seam thinks he knows everything and Gaster has no strenght to say no to his child. This is not acceptable in a parent. Grillby: that poor creature. he got trough so much, only to forget about his few friends and be sent back to their small reality. at least now they look happy. Fresh: Fresh is a dear family friend. he has a very bright personality despite his lack of real feelings, and this is something Raehel respects. He often visits to chat, and sometimes brings guests. sadly, the latter aren't always really nice, and they are never there to simply conversate. Other: Raehel deeply loves all of her children and has the natural tendency to care for everyone.
Notes from the author: She is a character I first thought for another project I ended up scraping and then ripping apart to stick pieces of it all over "Another Story" and other things I'll post one day maybe. When TATATALE's Hopes and Dreams event came out I absolutely wanted her to partecipate, but I introduced her too late... TwT
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Description: surely one of a stubborn, chatty flower. He has the bad habit to act as a know-it-all, thing that comes from when he still could reset and mess aroud in his timeline. He's a strong willed dude that knows too well how to read someone's expression and body language. he thinks a little too high of himself, seeing a lot of normal people as idiots. If you're able to get trough his shell of criticism against everyone and everything, he can become your best friend (in the real way). he'll support you in all your plans (not without some constructive criticism, of course) and he'll make sure nobody hurts you if you can't stand by yourself. He doesn't handle very good pblic demonstrations of affection (hug him in a crowd and he'll get all grumpy and go "the hell man" but will probably blush cutely UwU). he's real good at fighting, mainly using small seeds like bullets (the "friendliness pellets") and some dangerously spiky vines to cause as much damage as he can in the shortest amount of time. and remember! DO NOT. TOUCH. HIS SIBLINGS.
Relationships: Muffet: he says he hates her. She's stubborn, annoying, weak, and yet she's one of a smartass and most of the times she's right about what she says. the times the two of them speak there isn't much friendliness. despite all this, Muffet is allowed to get near his family. Maddy: They're practically partners in crime. She passed the check almost immediately, and even if Flowey will never admit it he really enjoys spending time with her. Sam: no comment because if comment then bad comment. Grillby: Flowey never met him before he lost the memory of the multiverse. Maddy said he was a bit of a depressed, pessimistic dude, but that now he looks way happier. In Flowey's opinion, he's too silent. Smiling man: Flowey doesn't hate the two of them, but they surely doesn't like them either. there isn't much that can be said for them. Raehel: His dear mother. he acts as an edgy teen sometimes, but he deeply cares for her. her cinnamon-butterscotch pie is the best. The Children: his beloved siblings. loves all of them, and no one will ever dare hurting them. Other: he has a particular hate towards Fresh.
Notes from the author: I wanna eat his face. he's a grumpy babyboi. skrunky lil' flower. a little cute pie. also (and I'm gonna eliminate this when I make his reference sheet) he's 52 cm and not 32.
Smiling man
Description: Smiling man is the general term for the two entities that live in the same body, one being Seam and the other being Gaster. the two both enjoy leaning new things, being curious about everything. they are patient and usually friendly, even if Seam surely is less friendly than Gaster. [You can find their story HERE]. - Seam: he is the rational side. the logical one, the one that created the CORE and that knew Sam was dangerous. he is more distant, more formal, more "elegant". he doesn't really care about others, but still will try to not sound like a jerk. - Gaster: he is the emotional side. the empathetic one, the one that cared deeply for the young human and that built a family for himself (only to see it forget about him). he is more friendly, more warm, more caring. he tries to make everyone happy, but is too scared to make the wrong thing to take serious decisions.
Relationships: Muffet: they think she has a lot of talent. she could be a really strong fighter, maybe even at the level of some multiverse travellers. she just doesn't realize it. or doesn't want to. Maddy: a particularly determined girl. Seam likes how stubborn and straightfoward she can be. Sam: It's almost considered their child. both Seam and Gaster treat him as such, one being more serious and strict while the other being more soft and loving. Flowey: they respect each other. Gaster cares for him, as he feels guilty for what he went trough because of Sam.
Grillby: the two find him a really good listener. Seam likes how he's able to do anything for his friends and family. Raehel: Their relationship is getting better. She's a little scary, to be honest, but they're learning to get along. Other: Jevil is their best friend since always. he sometimes comes by and visits the two, and they play Uno all together and chat about literally anything.
Notes from the author: I wanted Sam to have a guide of sort. Initially we had our friendly Template, but then I elaborated new plans for the human and decided to give them a father figure.
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Description: the human. They are quite extroverted and friendly, as long as they want you to like them. he can be a little forgetful and clumsy at times, but only for things that aren't really important. They have the tendency to not care really about people and things as they are nothing but mere puppets in the hands of the creators. They are also very, very good at hiding it. They always try to not be too visible, not too noticeable, as neutral as they can. there is not much that can be said about them.
Relationships: the trio: they treat the three all in the same way and doesn't really care about them. they just don't wanna deal with the three anymore and will move on. Flowey: same for the trio. the only difference is that they don't trust Flowey. he knows way more than the trio. Smiling man: their father figure. they'll never admit they care for the two a little bit. Raehel: ... scary. Other: Fresh is annoying. Jevil is always tagging along with them and they honestly don't mind him.
Notes from the author: They originally were supposed to be called Someone. yeah. truly an original name. they also were supposed to be an entity outside the worlds, something like a player, with the powers of a creator and stuff, just having fun messing around. the human form was like a default skin, and he could turn into practically anything (his default monster appearance was an almost human-sized crow). despite being my second older character for this whole mess, i have no idea of how to describe them. it is all in my head, so intricated and cool, but it's pretty hard to put it into words.
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lesbian-gnf-archive · 2 years
okay more dnf little mermaid brainrot because it's my new personality,,, (also I did send the wine drunk asks the other day)
there are certain types of cats that are okay with water so I think it wouldn't be too far from reality to say that maybe max would be patches? idk I kind of love the idea of patches trying to get dnf together :(
i think maybe triton should be kept in just as his normal character because I don't know how to feel about father coding any of dteam's friends. and I also don't think that personalities have to 100% line up but they should be pretty close, which is why I think sapnap could be an interesting choice for flounder; we nix the extreme scaredy-cat persona, keep his curious/cautious part, and obviously, his loyalty has to stay.
hear me out- scuttle is wilbah. they're both pretty zany and with the way he also makes up weird ass phrases and words, I think it works. also, he bounces off of george very well and I think with his whole "[george] is precious," it keeps with that sort of 'protective-ish' vibe (this is not to say that wilbah is protective of george, just that george gives off that vibe that makes people want to protect him)
bad is sebastian. no, i will not elaborate. (yes i will- begrudgingly made babysitter to #1 dnfer. no further questions)
i don't think i need to explain this but I have to. dream. is. prince. eric. my sweet darling baby boy my lovesick babygirl my shining star. number one, he's disney prince gorgeous. number two, he's got a disney prince voice. number three, dream is the kind of person who will do anything for his friends, no matter what. he'll fight tooth and nail to protect them and he's so fiercely loyal that it sort of makes me ache. dream is so kind and so gentle and so disgustingly in love with George. and then there's the whole thing where eric makes it his mission to find ariel and marry her; he makes it his mission to bring the person he loves home to him and finally hold them in his arms. <- need I say more?
and finally, george is ariel. part of your world is about moving to fl- [GUNSHOT] he collects little trinkets of things that remind him of anything under the sun but especially things that remind him of dream and sapnap. he makes up words and says shit that only makes sense to him. he's in love with dream and was willing to give up almost everything just to be with him. and then. he is a disney princess. i am not feminizing georgenotfound, I am just saying that he has the aura of a disney princess. (and then there's his whole ariel bang, his mermaid sit, the way dream can understand what he means without him really saying anything) I also think it's funny to change ariel's singing voice to his British accent ("and [he] had the most beautiful voice" dream, baby, you're just whipped) i would consider him a fish out of water /pos only in the way that there is nobody else like him.
there is a certain Man i have in mind for ursula. but saying it would make a certain group of people very upset, so I will keep my mouth shut
anyway, i have Demons and it's my duty to make everyone else have these demons as well. 🌶️
I support you so fucking much
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
The British actor David Dawson stars in this autumn’s hotly anticipated film My Policeman, about a gay affair in the repressive Fifties. His co-star? A certain global pin-up called Harry
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Ordinarily in David Dawson’s line of work, when you take on a new project – a play, or a film, or a TV show – “You have a meet and greet and a big read-through with coffee and cake or whatever,” he says. When the actor signed up to My Policeman, however, the country was still deep in Covid, and meeting, greeting and sharing cake in person was firmly out. “It’s a very bizarre thing when you’re then told you’re going to be on a Zoom discussing scenes with a very, very famous person. And you think, ‘How weird is life?’
He’s not exaggerating. The very, very famous person he was about to meet – albeit virtually, initially – was the world’s celebrity crush, the former boy-band member turned fashion plate whose current sellout stadium tour looks set potentially to continue indefinitely. He’s the star of two of the most talked-about films of the year; a man who can send the internet into a tailspin over whether or not he spat on his co-star, Chris Pine. He is one Harry Styles.
Adapted from the novel by Bethan Roberts – and based loosely on the author EM Forster’s 40-year relationship with a married policeman, Bob Buckingham – the film stars Styles as Tom, a sexually confused copper in Fifties Brighton who meets and marries schoolteacher Marion (Emma Corrin) while simultaneously conducting a clandestine relationship with worldly, sophisticated museum curator Patrick, played by Dawson. It is a tragic love triangle with a wholly non-equilateral apportioning of sex. By which I mean: poor Marion.
Forty years later, Marion moves Patrick into the cottage she shares with Tom to care for him following a stroke, much to Tom’s consternation.
As with Tom and Patrick, there was an age gap between Forster and Buckingham, who was 28 when he met the 51-year-old author of Howard’s End and A Room with a View, beginning what Bethan Roberts has called “a functioning triangular arrangement… sharing their beloved Buckingham”.
And, like Marion, Buckingham’s wife, May, nursed Forster in his later years; after a stroke in 1970, the writer moved into the Buckinghams’ home in Coventry.
“I now know that he [Forster] was in love with Robert and therefore critical and jealous of me and our early years were very stormy, mostly because he had not the faintest idea of the pattern of our lives and was determined that Robert should not be engulfed in domesticity,” May Buckingham later wrote. “Over the years he changed us both and he and I came to love one another, able to share the joys and sorrows that came.”
“We had three weeks of rehearsal, which is unusual, and was so useful to build a friendship and a chemistry with Emma and Harry,” says Dawson, the 40-year-old’s soft Widnes accent a dramatic departure from the aesthete Patrick’s clipped vowels.
How much of that three weeks was spent on the extensive sex scenes between him and Styles? “A good few days, actually,” admits Dawson. “Michael [Grandage, the director] brought on board an intimacy co-ordinator and it was very much a collaboration. It felt like a beautiful dance. And me and Harry promised each other on day one that we would always look out for each other, that we would always continue to check in with each other. Harry and I wanted those scenes to be the best they could be.”
“So much of gay sex in films is two guys going at it, and it kind of removes the tenderness from it,” Styles has said of the film. “There will be, I would imagine, some people who watch it who were very much alive during this time when it was illegal to be gay, and [Michael] wanted to show that it’s tender and loving and sensitive.”
Dawson – who has appeared in a raft of period dramas including Peaky Blinders, The Borgias and The Last Kingdom, the adaptation of Bernard Cornwell’s The Saxon Stories in which he played King Alfred – had limited experience of sex scenes in his career to date. “I’d done Secret Diary of a Call Girl when I was young, and I did sex in that, but no, I hadn’t done many intimate scenes before this.”
This is also his most high-profile role by some stretch. Is he prepared for the attention that his steamy scenes with Styles – whom he has called “a true professional and a gentleman” – are about to bring him? “I’ve not really thought about that, actually,” he says. I don’t believe him for a second.
Dawson arrives at the studio in east London in black skinny jeans, boots and a blue trench coat, an indie-band frontman’s floppy fringe and cheekbones you could grate parmesan with. He’d make a great understudy for Brett Anderson from Suede.
“It felt so strangely personal to look at your life and think, ‘How would I have coped?’ ” he says of playing Patrick, settling on a leather sofa with an oatmilk Americano. “How lucky I am not to worry that my reputation could be destroyed, or I could lose friends.”
He and his fiancé, Josh, a mental health nurse and author, got engaged just before Covid struck and plan finally to marry next year; he sports a large, black onyx engagement ring next to the silver McQueen snake ring his family bought him for his recent 40th birthday. The couple – plus Dodger, the French bulldog – are in the process of moving from north London to Manchester to gain a garden and be closer to their families. “The pace is slower, you can breathe more. And I’m sick of sharing a wheelie bin,” he says, grinning.
What he loves about Patrick, though, is that, “He has an awful lot of pride in his sexuality even though he’s living during this time. He knows who he is and he’s not ashamed of it. He’s developed this persona out of necessity, not only to survive but to thrive – in terms of his ambitions but also in terms of being respectable in this society.”
He is at pains to stress that even though it’s a period film, “I hope we don’t think that everything’s OK now. This film makes me acknowledge how incredibly privileged my generation is to have the freedoms and the rights we have. There are many people around the world where these laws and the society that Patrick lives in is the reality right now.”
The film is shot across two time periods, 40 years apart, with the elder Patrick played by Rupert Everett (the elder Tom is played by Linus Roache and Marion by Gina McKee). Everett, now 63, who publicly came out at 30, has repeatedly stated that he believes doing so derailed his Hollywood career. “It was a huge issue,” he has said. “There’s only a certain amount of mileage you can make, as a young pretender, as a leading man, as a homosexual.”
He has even gone so far as to advise fellow actors not to come out for fear of ruining their film prospects. “It’s not that advisable to be honest,” he has said. “I would not advise any actor necessarily, if he was really thinking of his career, to come out…” He has called Hollywood “an extremely conservative world” that “pretends to be a liberal world”.
“I really do hope it’s changed,” says Dawson. “Maybe I’ve just been lucky. I’ve been with the same agent since I came out at drama school in 2005. So I know I’ve got their support.”
He also pays tribute to his “legendary parents, who’ve always been there. It’s an incredible thing and I acknowledge that a lot of my friends and a lot of people do not have that in their life.”
Though he identifies as an introvert, growing up his performative streak was obvious from a young age. “I’d raid my mum’s black wool box, I’d get tinfoil and a coat hanger and be seriously Captain Hook.” His first major role? “Joseph. My mum made me a beautiful staff and I had a really lovely tea towel from Marks & Spencer. But I was a very serious Joseph,” he says, laughing. “I told the shepherds off for not focusing properly.”
He was heavily involved in local am-dram, but not only acting. At 16 he wrote his first play, Divorced and Desperate, which ran at the Queen’s Hall Theatre in Widnes for three nights. “I was obsessed with Rik Mayall. He was one of my heroes, so it was quite anarchic and bizarre.” A year later he wrote and starred in The Boy in the Bed, “about a boy who was pretending to be bedridden, is obsessed with Marilyn Monroe and who was abusing his home carer – it was really dark”, at the Tower Theatre in Islington, a production funded, in part, by Barbara Windsor and Julie Walters. He’d written – somewhat improbably – to the two actresses to ask for financial backing. “I loved the Carry On films when I was little and Peggy Mitchell was iconic, so I always loved a bit of Babs, and Julie because she’s long been a hero,” he says of his benefactors. “I never expected a reply. I think I had that ‘f*** it’ attitude where you just try. It was quite brave of them to give money to a 17-year-old…”
By then he’d moved to London where, after failing to get a place at Rada, he spent a year as a silver service waiter. I’m about to offer my own experiences of silver service ineptitude at provincial hotel weddings, but Dawson’s gigs were a cut above. “I worked for the Beckhams and Princess Anne, at marquees in the grounds of Beckingham Palace and Sotheby’s. We had to sign a lot of confidentiality things.”
He got into Rada the second time round in a class alongside Tom Hiddleston and Andrea Riseborough. His first professional role on graduation was understudying Kevin Spacey in Richard II at the Old Vic. “It’s a weird thing, being an understudy. You cross your fingers a bit. I’m sure that’s not the case for all understudies, but I certainly was hungry to play Richard II.” I ask what it was like working with Spacey – long before the actor was accused of misconduct. “I didn’t really get to… We were kind of supporting artistes, the people I was with, so we never really got to work with any of the lead actors,” he demurs.
Dawson is equally cautious about commenting on the accusations of “queer baiting” (the practice of hinting at but not actually depicting same-sex romance or representation) that have been levelled at his co-star Styles, whose brand is built on sexual ambiguity. “I think everyone, including myself, has their own journey with figuring out sexuality and getting more comfortable with it,” Styles told Rolling Stone earlier this year. “It’s not like, ‘This is a gay story about these guys being gay.’ It’s about love and about wasted time to me.
“Sometimes people say, ‘You’ve only publicly been with women,’ and I don’t think I’ve publicly been with anyone,” Styles went on to assert. “If someone takes a picture of you with someone, it doesn’t mean you’re choosing to have a public relationship or something.”
Dawson spends time mulling over the subject. “I appreciate that who I am playing – [someone] who absolutely understands who he is in the world – that as a gay man I got to play that part,” he says eventually. “But in terms of who he is playing, it’s kind of ambiguous. Harry’s playing someone who doesn’t quite know who he is. The problem with Tom – and he’s the one who causes all the problems – is that he doesn’t know who he is throughout his whole life.” He stops for a beat. “I’m not saying that about Harry, by the way.” Nor is he criticising Tom. “I understand that he was growing up in a time where you were not allowed even to think about alternatives.”
Audiences may disagree that only Tom causes problems; Patrick’s motivations might seem questionable too. “I’m really excited by projects where an audience will find their relationship with the people that they’re watching conflicted at times – because they’re only human,” says Dawson. “They make mistakes, like all of us, or they make bad decisions. But I hope in My Policeman that you understand it’s the world in which they’re living that has made them make those decisions.”
When making My Policeman, Dawson spent a lot of time, he says, reflecting on his first lead role on television. He played Tony Warren, the creator of the long-running soap in the BBC drama The Road to Coronation Street in 2010. “He was openly gay in 1960 and he was only 24.
“I suppose when you look at My Policeman as a modern person you might have a certain element of anger or feelings of sadness about that period,” says Dawson. “But Tony used to take me for dinner and he would tell me what it was like being a young man then.
“He told stories of romance and passion and that being something quite sexy. It shows the strength of that community to find joy in a time that was incredibly difficult.”
My Policeman is released in cinemas on October 21 and streams on Prime Video from November 4
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What do you think about Namjoon saying 'I wanna touch you I wanna feel you'? Isn't that a bit creepy?
Ask 2:
It was so heartbreaking to watch NJ be emotional while telling us that they can’t be their usual straightforward selves at the moment, but they will soon be able to tell us a lot more after everything has been decided.
I can’t imagine how much pressure and stress they’re under right now… 
I hope everything will work out in their favor in the long run.
Hi Anon(s),
I found it funny how I got these asks around the same time, about the same subject, and yet the perceptions by both anons seem worlds apart lmao.
Anon 1, I can totally understand why you might feel uncomfortable hearing Namjoon's speech, but I'm going to spend some time here talking about why exactly your question pisses me off, though you likely meant nothing bad from asking it, and at the end I'll explain why I'm thankful you asked it.
Generally speaking here, one pet peeve I have with native English speakers and/or white people who take an interest in k-pop or in another culture, is how casually ignorant they can sometimes be and when corrected, I've observed many just dismiss it as not a big deal or 'identity politics'.
It's not racist that a native English speaker who is non-POC has no idea what code-switching is and what it can look like, but if you've taken an interest in an industry where majority of the people speak English as a second language, which then impacts how they apply certain words (think of how Jungkook titled My You, even after he acknowledged it's not grammatically correct), then some kind of self-awareness is sorely needed.
Code-switching is not just a function of language but of culture. Think of any Black person you know, find them and ask them if they have a 'white' or 'office' speaking voice and if they're careful of what words to use to a white audience. Everything from the type of words used, to the tone or accent, to even posture, changes sometimes when non-white/native speakers switch into that language. And this is just for Black people in America who have spoken English all their lives. Imagine for a moment what it is like for a Korean. Imagine what it's like for a Korean who is mostly self-taught in another language.
I was drafting this response when a moot also talked about this on Twitter, so rather than continue responding to Anon 1 (this subject is very personal for me and the more I talk about it, the more direct I'll be, though Anon 1 was likely just asking out of curiosity), I'll just link to a fuller explanation of what happened with Namjoon's speech here, (end of thread to read upwards linked here too). If any of those explanations seem like too much of a stretch, feel free to come back here with more questions if you have them. :)
The curious thing is, BTS have made these sort of cringe missteps when speaking in Japanese, but Japanese speakers don't immediately jump to assuming the worst (like assuming Joon means to sexually assault children), nor do Japanese speakers mock them for using words in an odd way. No, that's a reaction I've only observed in English speakers who are almost always white. And in a sense I don't blame them. After all, it's 2022 - anybody with an international presence should speak and use English the way native speakers do. Apparently. Whatever your feelings about the British monarchy, the fact remains that we live in a world shaped by their centuries of imperialism and colonialism. It bleeds into most things, including subtle expectations like this that most of the time is invisible to English speakers/Western people.
Oh, and then there's the typical hate for Namjoon k-pop stans are notorious for lmao. He's an easy target, and k-pop stans operate on that kind of frequency.
Anon 1, thank you for asking your question. Because honestly, your question/reaction is completely understandable and I thoroughly sympathize, but I can recognize that it can be also borne of ignorance. The great thing about ignorance is that it can be quickly tossed. All one has to do is ask a question, and they'll be informed of other perspectives which hopefully expand the views of all involved. I'm also thankful you asked your question because as I said above, this is something personal to me given my background and where I've lived most of my life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say my mind on this, because this is something that will keep coming up the more k-pop (and BTS) move into the international spotlight.
To Anon in Ask 2, I caught that too and honestly my heart feels a bit heavy for them. I have some theories on what his words could mean, but October 13th to 15th is only a few days away. The best thing at this point is to live in the moment, live with them in the moment, have a good time during Jimin's birthday and the concert, and trust that these adult men who have navigated waters not known to anyone like them before, will continue to do what is right for them.
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on language and accent;
Brief note: please assume that when I refer to a language as Serbian, English, etc. for the sake of these headcanons, what I mean is in fact an Arcane/LoL universe-appropriate approximation of that language, and not the language as it’s actually spoken within our own reality. Obviously Viktor doesn’t speak Literal Serbian, given that Literal Serbia doesn’t exist within the Arcane/LoL universe. Y’all know what I mean.
Now, with all pedantry and semantics accounted for--
⚙️  Viktor’s mother tongue is Serbian.
⚙️  He’s most comfortable in Serbian and English, but also has varying competencies in several creole and pidgin languages primarily found in certain districts and sub-communities of the Undercity. He’s got a lot of pride in those even if he doesn’t get the opportunity to use them very often these days.
⚙️  Viktor is perfectly capable of faking the accent generally heard as ‘neutral’ by the Piltovan populace if he wants to.
The thing is, he doesn’t want to.
⚙️  (Note on the above: within the world of Arcane, characters’ accents generally [though not always] follow a certain pattern. The show plays loosely upon English speakers’ learned associations with particular accents, and uses them to subtly signal to viewers about what to expect from the characters. Likewise, those expectations can either be played straight or subverted for some kind of narrative effect. In Arcane, “British accents” tend to belong to posh/privileged characters; “American accents” tend to belong to relatable/’everyman’/unpretentious characters; and more  ““““exotic”““ accents” tend to belong to characters who are in some way Othered or perceived as fundamentally different from those around them.
All that being said, Viktor is a man with a visible disability, a poor background, and an Undercity upbringing, living and working among the privileged and educated elite. As a result, he absolutely does not fit among those he rubs shoulders with; and his characteristic accent is just one of many ways in which that lack of belonging is signaled both to viewers and to the people around him.)
⚙️  There is a certain amount of social pressure within the upper circles of Piltover to sound a particular way precisely because that way is associated with high education and class. While it’s not unheard of for some people to adopt fake accents (or at least kill their “less desirable” accent) to promote the impression of being more educated or wealthy than they truly are, Viktor wears his own accent like a badge of stubborn honor. He believes he shouldn't have to hide, sacrifice, or apologize for pieces of himself just to make those who don't respect him more comfortable.
[ Important shout-out to @jayceoftalis for bringing up the matter of language during our private yelling sessions in the first place! Most of this is the product of two-person discussion, so I wouldn’t feel right compiling any of it here without acknowledging them and their magnificent brain. ]
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imolelalade · 8 months
Timeline of Love 1960
(Alternate title: Me hyperfixtating on the method and time that Nifemi and HB 1960 [her Earth's variant of Hobie Brown] got together)
Small A/N: This is not Hobie from ATSV but a variant of him, from Earth-1960, my spidersona, Nifemi’s Earth, so he might be a bit OC in a few areas. But I take creative liberty in that. This can also count as an ocxcanon to an extent, if you do not like, do not read.
HB 1960 is a British foreign exchange student, that for some reason decided to move to Nigeria to finish up his studies and whatnot (I’ll clean this up later) 
Of course considence, considence Hobie ends up in the same uni as Nifemi
(Quick Nigerian schooling breakdown/ I’ll do a more in depth one later 😙)
Primary School- Reception [3-4 years old] to Year 6 [10 years old]
Secondary School- JS1 [11 years old] - SS3 [16 years old]
University [17 to about 21 depending on your course]
Now, now, Nifemi isn’t the type to fall for looks immediately
She feels like that’s kind of superficial 
I mean, she’ll look at someone and think ‘oh they’re cute’ but it’s more of a passing glance thing, you know
So you know how HB gets her?
His accent. 
Lawd have mercy, this man’s barely understandable thickk Cockney accent has this girl faster on the floor than you can even process.
I’m talking, she fell in love with his voice before she even got a good look at his face
Basically what happened:
Lecturer: Class, we have a new student joining us today”
HB: ‘Ello bruvs
Nifemi: *down bad speechless before this man even uttered his name*
(I can honestly go on a 3k worded rant about just how fine I think Hobie Brown’s accent is but *sigh* sadly, that shall be for another time)
And Nifemi wasn’t the only one who fell for HB
In my opinion, HB seems like that one guy that every girl in school knows about, and has a crush on, but this man, this rat-bastard of a man, is so fucking oblivious to every advance towards him
I’m talking Adrien Agreste level of obliviousness
Like a random girl would come up to him and flirt with him, but it’s like this guy doesn’t know what flirting is
Meanwhile Nifemi is down bad for this guy
I’m talking staring at this man, lovesick, thinking about this boy, down bad.
HB catches her staring a few times and just finds it kind of silly
“You good luv?” 
*nervous nod*
Miss girl is actually pathetic (I love her so much)
Due to a series of paired group projects and whatnot, they eventually become friends and start hanging out.
Nifemi introduces HB to Bolatito (her little sister) and Miles 1960 (Miles variant and Bolatito’s boyfriend) and the 4 of them become a kind of like quartet. (Boom, friendgroup)
Bolatito, of course, IMMEDIATELY knows that Nifemi has a crush on Hobie:
“Look at you.”
“Biko, free me”
“You liiike him”
“I do not-” 
“Hey luvs”
“Ehen. you were saying?”
HB and Bolatito form this kind of big bro and annoying little sister relationship, so basically Bolatito has already accepted him as part of the family in a way (I’ll explore this further later)
And with the law of association, Hobie and Miles of course become bros (Big bro, Lil’ bro in every universe)
So Bolatito just teases Nifemi and HB continues to remain oblivious to everything
That is until:
HB starts to also have a crush on her.
He just finds her adorable
She gets flustered when he talks to her, like she’s a nervous mess b/c remember this girl is with him for his voice. (LAWD HAVE MERCY HIS VOICE, ARRRGGGHHH *actually on my knees right now*)
Plus despite her being closed off in certain areas
she’s sweet and nice and helpful
But she also takes absolutely no nonsense
No, like she would actually start to rage if you piss her off too much or you’re just being a jerk or a bully
In fact, his crush on her soldified when he saw her cursing the absolute shit out of one of those classic uni idiots
Also without realizing it, Nifemi switches to Yoruba when she gets strong emotions, so basically picture this:
We have Hobie that the only time talks to Nifemi she’s sweet and nice and flustered as hell
And now he sees the same girl cursing the shit out of someone in a language he doesn’t even understand
And girly is going off on this guy
“Oloshi,  ṣebe you don’t have sense? Mama no born nothing inside that your head, oloriburuku. S'onsiere ni? Ko ni da fun e…”
Girl is bringing out everything in the book and HB is just like: 😳
My man’s down BAAAD
And so Nifemi and Hobie enter the awkward friend phase
With HB liking her and is unknowingly making this girl so flustered, while still being so fucking oblivious and not realizing that she likes him back
And with Nifemi being too shy and emotionally constipated to actually confess, with the mindset of “Why the hell would he even like me back?”, so just continuing to be a flustered mess around him
And Bolatito and Miles just being lovey dovey in the background and lovingly sharing a bucket of popcorn while watching this trainwreck.
That’s where Bolatito comes in
Girlypop is the wingwoman of wingwomen doing all the classic annoying sister shit:
-Making excuses for all of them to hangout
-Inviting Miles over for “double dates”
-Techflower conveniently “disapperaring” at random times leaving the two oblivious idjits alone
-Bolatito and Miles are basically the Alya and Nino of this universe with Nifemi and HB being Marinette and Adrien.
This continues until finally, finally, HB and Nifemi get the hint and finally get together.
And then 4 of them are all a happy, lovey-dovey friend group
Well, at least until Nifemi’s canon event
But that’s for another post
If you’re still here after all my delusions, thanks for reading😘
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x21 the dead pool I think
everyonehasthoughts, if you're reading this, I tagged you with this: "btw shout out to @/everyonehasthoughts for reading a fic I was feeling unsure of!" when thinking about alex conrad & rick castle
Who would go swimming at night like that???
kindness : ) U better have asked beckett...
RC: Come on he's a writer, how much trouble could he be?
Food poisoning? He Should Not Have Been Swimming
It's a 6am swim practice & this boy was up at 1.30 swimming? Did he wake up early or stay up late? When does he sleep?
Oh there's an aussie
...Where do babies come from? Remembers her last name too? Wow Beckett lowkey checking him out
Interesting view of the morgue
We see montgomery's eyes a little bit teary. He must really care abt this case. I mean I get it, the poor mother. This is one of the best mom interview scenes we've had.
RM: It says here she's 5'2", you really think she can overpower Zack? KR: Uh, no, but her brothers could. In Grand Irish Tradition, she has four of them, each over six foot, (he says grand irish tradition while standing like 5'8" with three older sisters) each with his own claim to fame: KR: Assault. RC: Ooh KR: Ag assault (aggravated assault) RC: Bad (RM looks at castle making a comment for every one; if it's a long list it's going to be a lot of comments) KR: ADW (assault with a deadly weapon) RC: Eee KR: Battery RC: Mm KR: Assault on a city employee parking enforcement RC: Doesn't count (so valid bestie) RM: Easy KR: Dude KB: (just looks at him) RC: I.. just jokes! (acab bro) RM: RC: RM: ! RC: ..
ew steamed chix breast with no seasonings. Bodybuilders are just like that huh. (when does he sleep? wakes up for 6am swim team, stays up at night until 1am doing what he does & swimming...) Idk some scary looking guy. They went at it. Me, after hearing her say she thought he was with another girl: THEY WERE DOING WHAT Girl you might be able to say NOT a certain accent. Not british, not australian, not east asian, not baltimore, but you don't know what it IS?
... Does beckett have a sticky note pad of... dead people? wtf? Yo espt's outfit today! It's a maroon/burgundy shirt, button up, collared, but it has nice pockets, interesting fabric block placement, & even little straps that go atop his shoulders. Espt & Castle are doing the "build off of each other" thing that caskett does. Did those two have some offscreen action? (won't clip but I love the way they look at each other)
THEY USED TO HAVE WHAT RACES I'm so glad I live up north, it is not even that far north tbh... Remember Norman Jessop & how he helped crack the case by saying that the door was not locked? Yeah. Maybe they trashed the place before he was killed, you don't know! Wait a dental pick? Right after I mentioned Norman Jessop? I literally brought down my finesse picks (which look like dental picks) downstairs TODAY & practiced my lock skills! I have a real pick set too but I wanted to try out the carving/dental picks. (btw I am not a criminal, I just read a tumblr post once about some guy who got back into his office & impressed a girl & I wanted to impress girls too.) Oh come on the ones who trashed his apartment would have seen that! RC: Only one thing I know of comes in vials like that. Me: pee? RC: Steroids
Bro it's designer. & u can detect it if u specifically look for it. Why does Dr Parish know that? Also where is perlmutter?
WOAH OK DID THIS GUY GET BEAT UP IS HE DRUNK OR IS HE HUNG OVER? IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY WHAT? SO HE EITHER GOT BEAT UP OR IS DRUNK & EVEN THO HE'S A COP ASKING AROUND FOR THE SISTER'S MURDER CHARGE I FEEL IT'S JUST AS LIKELY HE'S DRUNK. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. (Ryan comes in all banged up & shabby looking. His tie is way off to the side, he looks like he hasn't slept properly in a week, his posture is struggling, his shirt cuffs are hanging out from his coat cuffs, his eyebrows are very low, & his jacket has a rip in it.) KR: Well, she wasn't lying about her brothers. JE: *leans back to get a better look at this man* RC: *sees ryan then looks harder as his face deepens its concern* KR: Talked to all four of them, JE: *looks his partner up & down* KR, putting his tie back on properly: one Irishman to another, JE: >:| KR, voice dropping in pitch as he stares into the distance: & another. JE: *raises eyebrows at castle & beckett* KR: Anyway, they alibied out. They were in New Paltz when Zack was killed. KB: All of them? KR: Mm. (confirmation) KB: For what? KR: KR: They were at a sporting event, of-uh ...sorts. *immediately turns around to walk away* KB: Which was? KR: *licks teeth to stall* KR: Leprechaun toss. *looks immediately to esposito* Don't. ask. (JE & RC share a look & try not to laugh) (a leprechaun toss from what I hear is where you take a little-person & literally throw them as far as you can. Usually into a mattress.) KR: Anyway, the, uh, older brother, he got *notices rip in jacket* first place. KR, toying with the shoulder of his jacket which is falling off at the seam, voice jumping literally an octave like I measured: Oh, man. KB: *trying not to smile* RC: Well, the merits of Irish culture aside, KR: Hey. >:( RC: Sorry & then when beckett asks ryan to do smth he doesn't answer with words, he just raises a fist. Like holy crap this poor man, what happened to him? That's a deleted scene I Want To See!
When did they learn that half the time he was leaving w/o his gym bag?
Ooh alex conrad! AC: *gives a good idea* RC: *proud of him* KB: AC: Well that's just me idk RC: don't worry it takes experience KB: no u'r right uwu uwu Keep in mind, she is also in a romantic relationship as well as being your so called muse.
five to ten in mythology jail Hold on he had a book called dead serious & his new book is called seriously dead? this is a game of concentration; category is plants: WEASEL This is like when Gracie came back & was hella goth
An edible way of saying thank you so much for last night? JE, walking by (beckett is talking abt the case) JE, stops when he sees the Big Basket of Mini Muffins (Beckett is mentioning smth that must be done) JE: Oh how about I run it down? KB: Thanks JE: yeah, *takes the file from her & one of her muffins* *looks at castle guiltily really quick before walking off* RC: Muffins KB: Mhmm, Alex Conrad sent them to me. RC: *drops the muffin immediately & it just falls to the floor* Girl she is literally in a relationship with josh rn wait no wait he meant "got together" in a normal sense not "Got Together" in That sense. & then she stretches Like That???
Ryan outfit update: Maroon sweater, doesn't look too loosely woven & not fraying/fuzzy/wooly, long-sleeved, high vneck; warm navy blue dress shirt; maroon tie. (Oh & later on he gets a grey jacket too, decently light) Castle's outfit is valid but kind of ugly, I don't like the shirt Oh no not an underground website mr castle (& then ryan in the background playing with the medical thing, showing beckett while castle makes a search on someone's computer, idk whose computer tbh) Ryan just.. letting the thing expand around his fingers for no apparent reason
Tommy Marcone is actually not all that wrong. He's dead; nothing u can do abt that now. Hey tommy, smart observation! *drops a hundy for the house & for the bartender, tip for a tip*
They have printers right on their desks eh? Ok but my question: Whose desk is whose? Does rysposito sit back to back or across from one another? does beckett have someone who sits across from her & uses that computer?
Oh nice, the boys made it & got the other side! Just in time! Kinda f'ed up the cops go into this business (probably at least partially legitimate) & just start waving around guns. (of jail in this country is vacation? That is the point. Vacate. Jail is to get dangerous people out of society NOT a punishment.)
Tommy is so right. RC: Like a dead mobster in the trunk? Just like that last episode! I like Tommy. He's cute
I don't like brian. He looks like he's made of plastic. He looks hella douchey. Wow that line was rehearsed Oh that line? It was the dad (hold on, the car guy has the accent but he is not the one supplying the eastern-european drugs)
Ryan my man! Already has the information needed! Reminds me of george crabtree. Since he got convicted (falsely but voluntarily) he couldn't make detective even tho he already had everything that murdoch asked him for. Ugh it was so sweet I want to cry. & he literally says follow the money like brax in his line: You practically need an MBA to follow the money RC: Especially in today's competitive market Me: it's like that movie where the assassins try to unionize! (great movie btw)
Woah & outfit update on esposito, man's got a lapelled jacket with a hundred pockets! Tho his shirt idk. Long sleeved dark reddish brown, a few buttons at the top, no collar. Jeans too.
Poor tommy. I love him sm. Probably bc he's cute & I like his tone. If he had a different tone then I'd likely be so mad at him
Girl she's right. it IS about how fat someone's wallet is. With power & influence & money you can get away with a lot of illegal stuff, even if they catch you. it's sad.
They got milkshakes or smth?? Is "struck out" a good thing or a bad thing? We struck out! that shot in the dark we sent hit & we got the info we needed! Ugh, we struck out. that last bat was another miss & we don't have any info. Nice laptop Not the one phone call, that was a dozen but they were all to one guy.
Why did they direct Ryan to sit? Is it to make him look Baby?
First names : ) Alex Conrad really does look like mini castle Like a piece of meat.
Oh right. May his memory bring joy to all who remember. I like how he pushes the chair back in I hope this boy knows how to play poker Treading water lol dead serious lol, that's his book title Guys cut him some slack lmao 23 more
No no no not the coach Audio changed whoa wow ok then
No no... no not the cologne guy BRO DON'T SEARCH HIS APPARTMENT HWITHOUT TELLING HIM HE HAS A RIGHT TO SEE THE WARRANT. No... (even tho guy on the cereal box comment was funny)
B plot much? Yeah u were p hard on him. Admitting to his jealousy! This is legit & beautiful & honest. I'm glad you at least feel bad about it castle
Wait are they discussing the torture from a few episodes back? Wow their pride (& I'd expect trauma) really healed fast. Except that ryan says: "& then he said, 'they used to do this to me for talking in class' " except ryan was the one to say that in the first place. (also ryan's outfit is kinda weird. blue/yellow gingham type patterned shirt, collared & button up at least, no tie tho, sleeves rolled up.) (& beckett looks good in a turtleneck) Riker's? That a prison? (is that why kate says don't feel bad or is it bc she set him onto the boys for muse?) RC: Will you still send me your writer's draft? AC: Yes as soon as I change the killer RC: Girlfriend? AC: Rookie mistake. btw shout out to @everyonehasthoughts for reading a fic I was feeling unsure of! (ryan & alex get going while espt hangs back) JE: So a dude can be a muse, right bro? I mean it isn't weird or anything,, is it? RC: No, it's not weird KB: No JE: No, yeah *walks off to catch up with his friend & the guy who is asking him abt stuff for a book* RC, quietly: It's a little weird KB: yeah me: mostly bc it seems like they are competing for his attention ACH IT'S ANOTHER ALWAYS
that's just so sweet
(btw I need a fic now where alex can't tell if they are lovers & things get awkward)
Ok so I went thru & grabbed some clips. I actually watched the whole thing while harvesting my pennycress. Well I listened & when smth worth clipping came up then I'd clip it. Usually I watch it sped up until I get to the points i want to clip, but I struggled to find parts I wanted & I was penny-cress-ing anyway
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My Family
Getting Together
Christopher Diaz is a National Treasure
Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads
Evan "Buck" Buckley is Christopher Diaz's Parent
"You paid a week in advance?"
"We order the same thing every time," He shrugs. "Plus, it's my turn to treat you guys."
"You literally treated us this morning by making french toast."
"And you've let me crash on your couch pretty much every night. It's my way of saying thank you."
"You don't have to thank us. It's as much your house as it is ours. Mi casa es su casa."
Buck gives him a small smile, a light blush coloring his cheeks. What Eddie said was true. Buck basically lives with them. He cooks meals, helps with laundry and chores, does homework with Chris, joins them on family outings. Because that's what he is; family. And if Eddie sometimes wonders what it would be like to marry him and make him a legal part of their family, he doesn't mention it. His feelings for Buck need to stay squashed deep, deep, deep down where no one will ever find them. He won't risk destroying this family just because he can't keep his emotions in check.
It's harder than it sounds. His love for Buck is overwhelming. It's like nothing he's ever felt before. Not with Shannon or Ana. He loved them, but not like this. This is a kind of love that feels like sparks under his skin, like the warmth of the sun, like the color yellow and home. Keeping all this love inside makes him feel like he's about to explode. But he'll hold it forever if it means keeping Buck in his life. He'd rather have Buck as a friend than not at all.
They chat aimlessly the rest of the ride home. When they step inside, Chris immediately bombards them. He's getting too old for picking up (a thing Eddie will always be sad about), but he still likes hugs. He gives them both a tight hug before ambling back to the kitchen table to work on his homework. They say their goodbyes to Carla, Buck promising to make her some of his lavender cookies that she loves.
"Buck! Can you come help me with this?"
"Sure thing, superman. What're we working on?"
"English. We're reading shakespeare. I have no idea what anyone is saying."
"Luckily for you, I happen to love Shakespeare. Let's see what we're working with!"
Eddie watches them out of the corner of his eye as he sets the table. Buck is making Chris laugh by reading the lines in a terrible british accent.
"Okay, let's pause on the Shakespeare so we can eat. I'm starving."
Chris pushes his homework to the side and grabs his food. They all dig in, sharing things here and there. They discuss their day and tell Chris about a few of their lighter calls. Chris shares his school escapades. He wants to make sure they're up to date with all the school drama. Buck seems to keep better track of all the relationships than Eddie does.
"So, you're saying that Ellie left Mark and is now dating his brother Leo?"
"Yup. And Mark is now dating Ellie's best friend Ethan."
"Dios, is your school some sort of soap opera? This sounds like the telenovelas Abuela watches."
"You watch them too, dad."
"They're entertaining!"
It's true. Eddie does like a good telenovela. It's a guilty pleasure of his. Sometimes Buck will watch them with him, even though he has no idea what's going on. Him and Abuela talk about the new episodes whenever they come out. Currently, they disagree on whether Isabel will end up with Janine or Clara. Eddie is certain it's going to be Clara. I mean, Janine isn't right for Isabel at all. They have nothing in common.
"Sunday is parent's night at school. You two are coming, right?"
"You want me to come? Isn't parent's night for parents?" Buck asks slowly.
"Yeah. And you're a parent," Chris says in his 'duh' voice. Buck's eyes widen, and he looks at Eddie. His eyes are full of so much joy and love, but also tinged with anxiety.
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