#i mean i have always been in love with jesters and clowns and celestial themeing and silly guys
Confession: i have only been into the dca since late december where i found some stellar fanart and after reading one fanfiction i shifted into superdrive and did nothing but draw them with a ballpen, eat and sleep for about 2 weeks, making the most indulgent self insert story known to man that i still have somewhere in my room. What do you think should i redraw and repackage some of that stuff for your entertainment?
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got tagged by @angelofthemornings to list some characters who are me-coded! :D
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this took me a while cause i rlly don't look into characters that makes me go "ME!! MEEEE!"
1) dimentio ( super paper mario )
it's rlly clear on why he's so me lmao! he pmuch started my love for anything jester / clown related, and i just love his damn personality ( i mean c'mon, i talk in non-sequitur sometimes so it fits with his weird way of speaking x33 ). so shamelessly chaotic, and he has such a charming theme too!
2) wayne ( hylics )
you wouldn't think it, but i rlly do see myself as him. idk, just the way he dresses and that he's celestial-themed feels like me in another life; an easygoing guy that plays some form of an instrument as i look out at the calm waters and wonder if there rlly is order and chaos
3) popuko ( pop team epic )
ANYONE WHO HAS INTERACTED WITH ME AND BEEN THRU MY ANTICS WOULD AGREE THAT I'M THIS FUCKER. plus i'm a shorty mcshortfuck that's always wanting to ( playfully ) throw hands
4) unnamed / unseen protagonist / hc name: remy lévesque ( presentable liberty )
this is...a weird one
so, it's not necessarily the protag that is me-coded, but the situation they're in. when this game came out, around 2018 or 2019, i was rlly lost. i felt like i was rlly stuck in this small prison where people where communicating with me but i just felt...stuck. i felt like i rlly didn't have a voice cause of the way i was raised ( was never rlly taught to stick up for myself or to give my opinion on stuff. in my childhood, i was bullied a lot for acting like a weirdo, and i felt kinda alienated from my family, even the ones on my dad's side cause my interests and desires didn't rlly align with theirs (i was a nerd so you get the idea) so i rlly didn't...talk ). i was rlly, rlly depressed around that time
then there's the friends i've made thru the years, some i still talk to and others... well, we either drifted apart ( amicably or not ) or they just stopped being online entirely. just looking back on it now gives me just a sense of longing -- all the what ifs, the what would happen if did this differently, and so on
idk, the game itself feels way more dire with its lonely theme, but...
tagging: @loki1387 and anyone else that wants to do it! :D
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