#i mean i would too if it's dagon's pretty angel fish eyes
shynrinn · 1 year
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Eyes on the file Dagon.
...sort of HC on how their relationship started
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yourdorkiness · 4 years
My Opinions On Jujutsu Kaisen That Literally Nobody Asked For
I finished binging the Jujutsu Kaisen manga in 48 hours. I am having some expresso, because I’m depresso.
Here’s a Sad Stitch to show you how I feel.
(And of course, warnings for discussion/ranting/kinda meta on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga below the cut, so please read at your own discretion!)
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Sukuna is truly a Bastard™, along with Mahito. 
I just- *cries in Shibuya Arc aka PAIN*
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*Pulls out megaphone* Nanamin. 
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That’s all folks. Thanks for reading, have a nice day!
(Just kidding!)
Ugh, NANAMIN 👏 WHAT 👏 A 👏 MAN 😭 😭 😭 😭 I became a certified Nanami stan once I saw the tired business man aesthetic (plus, his words about how work is shit? Truer words have never been spoken), and his little speech about adults and responsibility, how children no matter their circumstances are still children, and should be given the opportunity to act as such. Because, YES, FINALLY, A RESPONSIBLE ADULT WITH THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL aka the voice of Kenjiro Tsuda
Anyways, I love how the Jujutsu Kaisen manga shows that adults can handle things, and that is A-OKAY!!! If Jujutsu Tech follows the Japanese school system, Yuji is a first year in high school, so he’s probably 15 or 16 years old, way too early to go through Shibuya level of trauma (though, I think anybody is too young to have to go through what happened to Yuji in Shibuya). 
Children should have the privilege to be children. That doesn’t mean coddling, it means that children should have plenty of time to experience new things, enjoy being a child, and I’m so happy Nanami says this! 
In conclusion, Nanami deserves happiness and a vacation to Kuantan 🥺
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YOSHINO JUNPEI!!! He and his mom deserve happiness, they’re both precious beans. I didn’t even realize Junpei was dead until 5+ chapters later. But it was too late, for I had already gotten attached!!! *cue curse worthy screeching* 
I was so excited for Junpei to join Jujutsu Tech, too! I had this whole headcanon of Junpei being HAPPY again, talking about movies with Yuji, interacting with the other first years, him seeing Panda for the first time!!! The thing was, back then, it wasn’t headcanon! I thought it was going to be facts, until Gege said ‘lol, you thought, peasant’, before spitting on any hope of mine for a happy Junpei.
(On a completely different tangent, I would be SO psyched if I got to meet a talking panda, we could act out all of “Kung Fu Panda” together, especially the chopstick scene, and maybe we could go to a zoo, just to mess with the zookeepers about a honest to god PANDA walking on its hind legs around the zoo)
‘If Junpei had lived’ is a phrase I think about a lot, and I think that is why the “Young Fish and Reverse Punishment” arc  was so crucial to the story and yet so tragic. 
Junpei has so much potential to be happy, and then he didn’t get the happiness he deserves. It really sets the tone, the high stakes to the whole manga, for we see the amount of damage a curse inflicts on somebody who could be in a situation like Junpei. 
As the readers, we understand the reasoning behind Junpei’s ideology, sympathizing with him as we see what horrible torment he has to go through. That very first scene of this arc, where the bullies made him eat the cockroach and BURNED HIM WITH A LIT CIGARETTE, and the teacher who saw all of this happening, JUST TURNS AWAY!!! It was haunting. But finally, finally, we get a light at the tunnel for Junpei in the form of our lord and saviour, the cinnamon roll of cinnamon rolls, Itadori Yuji. HERE is a person who is able to connect with Junpei, who wouldn’t dismiss how Junpei’s circumstances or feelings. and then Junpei dies.
(look at this cute face, how could you Mahito?!)
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Also, the symbolism in the opening? The Junpei fish ENLARGING??? HNKDJSFLJDSF JUNPEI NOOO-
Also ALSO (sorry this is the last ‘also’), did we ever learn if Junpei was a sorcerer, or was he a window that possessed enough talent to summon a shikigami? I at first thought Junpei was a window, since he was able to see Mahito, and was hoping that we’d get a more detailed explanation of what windows actually do. (Do they just wander around Tokyo, or wherever they live, and act all ‘La Dee Da, just living my regular, normal life, oOOHHH is that a special grade? Tell that to the sorcerers, maybe I’ll get a bonus!’ Is their life basically a demented version of Pokemon Go? I have so many questions-)
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All the villains were well written, and had super cool character designs. My top three villains other than Sukuna, my top three villains are Geto, and Mahito.
Geto’s backstory in the Hidden Inventory arc was so incredibly written, I especially liked the way Gege wrote how Getou’s righteous ideals gradually deteriorating throughout the Hidden Inventory arc as he realizes the depth of the curses of humanity, the dark hatred the “weak” hold towards things they have no understanding of. (i.e. Riko’s death by the Star Religious Group, Haibara’s death, and finally the villagers ignorant treatment and abuse towards Geto’s twins, Mimiko and Nanako, beating and imprisoning them for “causing” the deaths of the villagers) Geto’s chilling charisma and the reasoning behind his actions as a villain makes him a top tier villain in my eyes. 
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As for Mahito, I love to hate him, and that why I think he is a great antagonist. I guess I’ve just been seeing a lot of villains that because of their tragic backstories, the readers or characters sympathize with them and rationalising their actions, turning the villain into a flaky antihero of lesser impact. It’s very refreshing to have a villain who is just pure evil. 
I think that Mahito fulfilled his purpose as an antagonist very well; his twisted ideals on the worth of human life foiling Itadori’s own ideals of giving others a “proper death”, the curse making Yuji continuously adapt both physically and mentally to defeat him. Physically, by learning new spells and techniques to defeat Mahito, such as the Black Flash (and possibly his own cursed technique! The weird “Past That Never Happened” in the fights with Choso and Todo), or mentally, by questioning his ideals, such as what exactly is a “proper death”, after Yuji had to kill the transfigured humans. 
(Ew look at this worm.)
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Some Honorable Mentions of Good Villains IMO: Jogo, because I find his ideals of curses, who stem from the true emotions of hatred and fear, being superior yet suppressed by the emotionally faceted humans is definitely fascinating, and eerily reminds me of Geto’s hatred towards non sorcerers.  Dagon was pretty cute in his Cursed Womb stage, and I really liked Hanami because the eldritch environmentalist aesthetic is pretty coolio  👌 .
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How do Inumaki children learn to speak if all the adults barely talk, only saying inane words like “salmon” and NOT ACTUALLY meaning “salmon, the fish” but an adult secret code for a definition that you might not even know?? Or do the adults just charmspeak the kids, like “SPEAK small child, and have full language comprehension, O tiny ball of pudge!” and boom! Babies talking in complete sentences, maybe understanding weird adult customs. Will the child know when then adult actually mean salmon, the fish, and not the code word salmon?
Let’s assume that Inumaki clan children from learning to speak to four or six years old will be able to speak normally until the clan technique sets in (because that’s when the jjk wiki says cursed techniques kick in). How do you explain to a toddler: “Hey sweetie, happy birthday, have a present! Oh, by the way, those cool tattoos of yours mean that you can’t talk normally to anybody anymore, EVER. Only using these specific words as code to mean these specific meanings, restricting any chance of normal interactions with non-sorcerers if by some inane chance you DON’T want to become a child soldier jujutsu sorcerer. Welp, guess you have to become a jujutsu sorcerer now! Make sure to restrict your choice of words, you could kill somebody! Have fun playing with your Legos honey, welcome to adult life.” Like, EXCUSE ME? 
You can’t tell mw a four year old is expected to understand that (or didn’t kill somebody by accident via cursed speech. That MUST have happened at least once). 
This is all an elaborate way of saying please give us Inumaki backstory, I’m very curious.
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Anyways, thank you for reading my post, and I hope you have a nice day!
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waterlilyvioletfog · 5 years
Top 3 Supernatural Episodes Per Season
Warning: Spoilers below the cut. I am SUPER biased. Take everything I say with a HEALTHY grain of salt. 
Season 1: omg they look like INFANTS
1. “Home” 1x09. This episode is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing AND it’s super important to the mytharch AND we get Winchester family drama. One of those early instances of “Wow we need to give Jensen Ackles an emmy like yesterday”. Mary turns up and foreshadows like??? so much??
2. “Scarecrow” 1x11. Super creepy, major “The Lottery” vibes, fuck I just. I love it. 
3. “Hell House” 1x17. Close call between this one and “Something Wicked” but in the end, Harry and Ed and all the hilarity that ensues just. *chef’s kiss* 
Honorable Mentions: “Something Wicked”
Season 2:  ugh so many good episodes season 2 is SO good
1. “The Usual Suspects” 2x07. SAM GETS TO BE SO SNARKY IN THIS EPISODE AND I LOOOOVE IT. Also Diana is a bamf. 
2. “Croatoan” 1x09. UGH YASSSSSSS. Close call between this and “In My Time Of Dying”, though
3. “What is And What Should Never Be” 2x20. Look man, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m cheap as all get out. Dean angst? Gimme gimme. Also it has WYNONNA EARP IN IT.  
Honorable Mentions: “In My Time of Dying”, “Nightshifter” 
Season 3:  half of these episodes suck, the other half are perfect heeeelllppp
1. “Bad Day At Black Rock” 3x03. This episode it just hilarious from start to finish. Also, Bela vs. Dean. 
2. “Mystery Spot” 3x11. A double whammy of HILARIOUS and OH FUCK THIS IS DEPRESSING. 
3. “Jus In Bello” 3x12. It was real hard to decide between this and Ghostfacers but ultimately, Nancy Fitzgerald (aka Ella Lopez) and Victor Henrikson are the actual best and deserve all the love ever.  
Honorable Mentions: “Ghostfacers”, “The Kids Are Alright” 
Season 4: Somehow there is only one episode that is not stunningly amazing?? 
1: “On the Head of A Pin” 4x16. Cas becomes a main character and it is AMAZING and oh my god give Jensen ALL the emmys oh and ALSO we finally learn exactly what Sam and Ruby’s “extracurricular activities” entail. Feels like a movie. We get the reveal that the angels are working to break the seals. Anna is also amazing. Why is this episode so beautiful. I’m fucking crying and so is Dean. I could gush for hours. 
2. “It’s a Terrible Life” 4x17. This episode is just a fucking delight. (Am I giving it such a high score on the basis of The Kink’s “Well Respected Man” alone? Maybe. Honestly I SHOULD be putting Rapture here but oh well. I’m biased.) 
3. “Monster Movie” 4x05. It was hard to decide between this “In the Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “The Rapture” and “Lucifer Rising” (which all deserve all the praise ever) but ugh ugh ugh this episode is ALSO perfect AND I love it a bajillion. It’s in black and white and the guest actress is SO pretty and also I think I’ve already gone into detail about how the MoTW is a Lucifer Parallel. Also Dean says he’s been rehymenated so TRANS!DEAN RIGHTS! 
Honorable Mentions: “In The Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “Lucifer Rising” “The Rapture” 
Season 5: You want to be sad? You also want to watch really good TV? SEASON FIVE IS WHERE IT’S AT! 
1. “Two Minutes To Midnight” 5x21. I know, I know. I should be putting “Swan Song” here but look,, I am easily bought with the promise of Julian Richings as Death. 
2. “Free To Be You And Me” 5x03. Funny Destiel buddy cop film, Sam gets to be filtered through the eyes of an audience-stand-in in universe, also contains Castiel’s ICONIC line “but today you’re MY little bitch”. 
3. “Dark Side of The Moon” 5x16. Narrowly beats out “My Bloody Valentine”, “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”, and “The Song Remains The Same”. I am trash for any pieces of Sam and Dean’s childhoods and also this episode gives me SO MUCH material for beating up John with a baseball bat. 
Honorable Mentions: “Swan Song” “My Bloody Valentine” “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” “The Song Remains The Same” “The End” 
Season 6: We Don’t Talk About Season Six. 
1. “The Man Who Would Be King” 6x20. Cas. Destiel. Ow. 
2. “Mommy Dearest” 6x19. Eve! Sam Smith! idk, I just really like it.
3. “Appointment In Samarra” 6x11. As I said, I am easily bought with Julian Richings. Tessa the Reaper!!! Sam stop trying to murder your father. 
Honorable Mentions: “You Can’t Handle The Truth” “My Heart Will Go On” “Weekend At Bobby’s”
Season 7:  Terrible reputation given the fact that it has SO many great episodes. Sera Gamble? You’re mean. 
1. “Slash Fiction” 7x06. Why is this episode so hilarious???? Robbie Thompson starting out with a BANG!
2. “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” 7x14. In the total goop of “thick. black. ooze.” of this season, 7x14 is a light in the darkness. Every inkling of joy, of spark, of color, of childishness, all of it, poured out into this one episode, wherein Sam totally loses his cool and I love it. Sam looks so pretty at the end. Dean is simultaneously an actual child and an actual Dad and I love it. 
3. “Out With The Old” 7x16. I love me some levis, man, don’t know what to tell you. It’s just so fun!!
Honorable Mentions: All of Robbie’s episodes, “Hello, Cruel World” “Repo Man” “Reading Is Fundamental” “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters” 
(The ONLY reason I’m not including TBAI is bc @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs is slowly converting me to hating Megstiel enough to not watch Destiel episodes) 
Season 8: That one season where we admitted that Crowley’s a DICK. 
1. “Hunteri Heroici” 8x08. CAAAAS!!! Also the only episode where anyone watching actually gives a shit about the Sam x Amelia flashbacks. 
2. “LARP And The Real Girl” 8x11. Super fun! CHARLIE RETURNS. Dean is a FUCKING NERD. Sam gets flirted with :) Real close tie between this one and Pac-Man Fever
3. “The Great Escapist” 8x20. Edlund really gave it his all for this last episode. Cas kicks SO much ass. Sam needs to be protected at ALL costs. Kevin ALSO kicks SO much ass. The actor who plays Sweet Pea on Riverdale is here??? Wow.  
Honorable Mentions: “Pac-Man Fever” “As Time Goes By” “Everyone Hates Hitler” “Trial And Error” 
(See note on The Born-Again Identity for why Goodbye Stranger is not on this list. Again, blame @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs )
Season 9: Sam is mad at Dean for not letting him go
1. “First Born” 9x11. No, I will not elaborate. Tim Omundson speaks for himself. There is nothing wrong with this entire episode and if you try to tell me there is I can and will gut you like a fish. 
2. “Heaven Can’t Wait” 9x06. DESTIELLLLLLLLLLLL. 
3. “Do You Believe In Miracles?” 9x23. Wow it’s the first Season Finale to make it to my top 3!! Metatron gets what’s coming, DEAN BECOMES A FUCKING DEMON. 
Honorable Mentions: “Bad Boys” “Mother’s Little Helper” “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” “Meta Fiction”
Season 10:  Dean is mad at Sam for not letting him go
1. “The Executioner’s Song” 10x14. See my comments on “First Born”. 
3. “The Werther Project” 10x18. SAMWITCH RISE!!!!!!!!!!! 
Honorable Mentions: “Hibbing 911″ “The Prisoner” “The Things We Left Behind” 
Season 11: Ahh, yes. You. Lucifer. Get fucked. 
1. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” 11x20. *slow clap* Robbie Thompson, you have served your country well. 
2. “Red Meat” 11x17. This is gonna sound strange, but this episode is sorta my comfort food?? I’ve watched it literally so many times. I love it. So much. 
3. “The Chitters” 11x19. Nancy Won wrote three episodes for SPN, all in season 11, they are all stellar. Chitters is GAY. She also wrote “Don’t You Forget About Me” and “Thin Lizzie” I’m putting them here so as not to crowd up the Honorable Mentions.
Honorable Mentions: “The Vessel” “Devil In the Details” “We Happy Few” “Baby” “Form And Void” “Into the Mystic” honestly just watch every non-bucklemming episode they are pretty much all amazing. 
1. “The Future” 12x19. DESTIEL. I would die for Kelly. Fetus!Jack. GOODBYE DAGON!! THE MIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. “Stuck In the Middle (With You)” 12x12. Destiel love confession!!!!!! Drowley!! Mary will fight everyone willingly!! SAM GETS THE ORANGE JACKET
Honorable Mentions: Every. Single. Non-BL. Episode. Watch. Them. Now. 
Season 13: JAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!! 
2. “Beat the Devil” 13x21. DICK JOKES GALORE. Also, we must protect Sam at all costs. Gabena is perfect. Samwitch is also perfect. Sabriel is also good. Lucifer can go fuck himself. 
3. “Breakdown” 13x11. It physically pains me not to put “Funeralia” here but alas, I must not show Steve Yockey too much favoritism. Anyways. DONNA!!! DOUG!! CREEPY!!! SAM’S HEART IS WORTH SO MUCH MONEY!! GIVE SAMMY A HUG!!
Honorable Mentions: “The Scorpion And The Frog” “Funeralia” “The Thing” “The Bad Place” “The Big Empty” “Lost And Found” 
Season 14: 
 1. “Moriah” 14x20. Proof that Supernatural will go down in history as ALMIGHTY. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN.
2. “Peace of Mind” 14x15. I still haven’t recovered. Jared must have had literally all the fun in the world. 
3. “Mint Condition” 14x04. Yay!! Very fun!!! (I wanted to put Optimism here, but again, I can’t show Yockey so much favoritism. It’s not my fault! he’s too good!!) 
Honorable Mentions: “Optimism” “Ouroboros” “Unhuman Nature” “Byzantium” “Damaged Goods”
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So I'm rewatching s4 right now and I am a bit confused now. We learned in s12 that Lucifer created the princes of hell after Lilith. So the hirachy is basically this: Black eyed demons as the food soldiers red eyed demons who handle the crossroadsdeals, yellow eyed demons as the generals of hell and then Lilith? white eyed demons. Now Alistair is a white eyed demon too and he knew some crazy stuff like exorcisms for amgels. So how does this all fit in Ivm so confused.
I think the answer is that they’ve been winging it the entire time with lore - I think the early seasons changes to lore also made little holes because I remember finding some of the early big changes like Lilith or Alastair showing up, or Azazel’s plan being retconned into being all about finding one kid instead of raising an army (or, of course, the boy king plot disappearing into being just confused demon rumours which kind of makes it all work once you know Lucifer better, like, say, after 5x04 or 5x10…) or or or wtf was Meg up to and was she and that other demon REALLY Azazel’s children or was that an exaggeration, and how much of his plan did she KNOW and -
(And also wtf is a King of the Crossroads and was he or Lilith in charge of the deals and were they really lovers or was that a weird embellishment from Becky, and how comes he got the Colt THEN but did Lilith even really hold the deal or was it just assumed Crowley would give it to her but it doesn’t matter because he didn’t EXIST for two more seasons and all the time the crossroads demons obliquely mention their boss it’s probably supposed to be Lilith in season 3 and now you’d think it’s Crowley if you watched the show backwards…)
Yeah, I’ve been struggling with this since like, season 3, so at this point they could just be like “and here’s a whole bunch of peers from the Demon House of Lords” and I’ll be like okay then I guess that’s a thing what sort of nonsense are they getting up to then?
(And yeah I know there’s answers to most of those questions and ways to rationalise them or later context that makes it all make sense and as the years have gone by I’m now at peace with all these weird changes to canon like the fact Sam’s powers were basically just a silly side effect of being groomed to be Lucifer’s vessel or Crowley somehow accidentally-deliberately ended up ruling Hell because literally no demon no matter how late they were retconned into the story, felt like bothering with it even if they had to time travel through a closet to answer the question of why they had never tried before or retire to fish or keep bees or whatever it’ll turn out Dagon was spending her time on while avoiding getting involved in something as dramatic as the apocalypse…)
(Or maybe she or the other surviving Prince of Hell DID but behind the scenes in such a way that they were never hauled out into the Winchesters’ path, but were busy doing things like breaking seals and stuff in all the nonsense that happened way way off screen because it would be too much money to show it…)
Anyway for what it’s worth your impression of the hierarchy seems as good as any. Hell seems to produce a lot of grunts and low-quality demons. The ones with the special spark either made too much of a name for themselves and got killed (same as how Heaven now literally seems to be quiet because all named personalities with the inclination to try and rule it have been killed off, and I think Joshua is basically the only angel LEFT up there with a name and personality :P)… I think the smart demons end up in the crossroads business and the red eyes probably show their extra powers which I assume get burned into them one way or another… That department is responsible for restocking Hell faster than it would fill up naturally with the run of the mill sinners (though stuff like Jeffrey’s demon is a bit ambiguous about if he was picking up pre-booked for Hell serial killer types and just egging them on a bit to cause the most mayhem on Earth before they go to Hell, which they probably would have regardless…) and that’s a very separate division. Admin and bureaucracy, and Crowley runs Hell like a business crossed with a medieval court, a great combination of King of the Crossroads/Hell and his salesman style elevated to CEO of Hell Inc. 
I think Crowley crossed lines, anyway, by becoming King of Hell because it seems like power used to be all in the military types - Lilith led Hell into war in season 4, and Lucifer basically picked up where she left off. If you assume she’d been in charge the whole time before that as the highest ranking/oldest demon, it would make sense, although in season 3 it’s implied she’s on the rise, so it’s not like ALL the demons recognised this, although how much of that is like the angel fall and personal ego trips (but without the emotional hook from Cas to make it upsetting they’re infighting, and they are happy to be there unlike the angels) making random factions happen, idk… By season 4 anyway the leadership was clear since it was a choice between Sam and Lilith for the demons, and in season 3 early on the demons realised Sam had no intention of leading them like he was supposed to.
I think Alastair is equivalent to Crowley, running his department of Hell (the crossroads deals feed into his torture chamber) and I’m guessing since Crowley came late to the game, only in the last couple of hundred years, he had to Crowley his way up to the top of the crossroads hierarchy, but Alastair was clearly an old demon, probably turned either by Lucifer directly or by Lilith (which is why his eyes were like hers)… 
Cain seems like quite a personal thing for why Lucifer turned him, and we don’t know the timeline on if he made the princes of hell before or after, but the knights of hell are definitely lower on the order… If Cain ever fitted well into the Hell hierarchy, he’d have been in charge of the armies, while the princes would probably have been responsible for everything although all of them except Azazel retired to beekeeping/fishing lives before the story starts, meaning we never see Hell fully functioning. It’s probably been in shambles for hundreds of years - Crowley probably went to Hell ~1700 and Cain defected some time in the 1800s; if you give Crowley 100 years to become demonised, he shows up about the time we know for sure the leadership in Hell is crumbling. Colt and the Hellgates thing whatever was going on there (and what happened to Cold Oak, South Dakota, because that’s serious demon nonsense and probably concurrent) happened just two years before Cain fucked off to keep bees and probably WHILE he was massacring the Knights of Hell depending on how long that took him and when he met Colette and all the stuff that was going on with him. I’m guessing there’s an unexplored story there which maybe even the writers haven’t noticed while flinging random dates for reasons significant only to their episodes (but who knows, it IS Robbie Thompson putting the keystone in, as it were) but anyway, Hell has been in a Bad Way for at least 200 years if not many centuries. The Croatoan episode suggests they were testing the virus back in the 1500s and that never amounted to anything, which means they failed to kickstart the apocalypse five hundred years ago and who knows what damage that did to morale…
Anyway I think Hell is a mess, canon is a mess, and it’s pretty much impossible to work out what all these demons are and how they’re related because they make it up a bit each time they introduce new ones depending on what sounds cool, leading to a “just say yeah when they introduce new canon” kind of response I now have to anything about demons on this show >.>
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