#i mean it's probs gonna be fine but i don't want to be even more behind
stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve's only 25 when it all catches up to him.
It starts off small, things people wouldn't even be able to tell is an early sign of something wrong. Misplacing keys, forgetting which day he has his shifts, what time he's supposed to get Robin. Robin notices though.
Robin knows Steve always keeps his keys on the hook next to Eddie's by the front door, that's where he always finds them, he's not misplacing the keys, he's forgetting the hook exists.
Robin knows Steve has the same shifts every week, they never change because they line up with Eddie's at the record store nearby. Robin knows Steve isn't forgetting what time he's supposed to pick Robin up, he's forgetting Robin moved away a few months ago after she graduated college.
Robin keeps noticing when the kids start calling her because the little things are becoming big things.
Robin notices when Dustin calls and tells her Steve thought he and Suzie were back together, "Like how crazy is that we broke up two years ago, I don't think I've even mentioned her lately."
Robin notices when Lucas calls and tells her Steve asked when his next game was, "The season ended months ago, he came to the finals."
Robin notices when Max calls and whispers softly, "He asked to take me to the skatepark, Robin, I told him I had to help mum. He's forgotten I'm blind Robin."
Robin wished she'd noticed sooner, maybe years ago when Steve was getting knocked around a lot. She wished she'd screamed in the face of those Russians to take her instead. She wished a lot of things when Eddie called her.
"He's in hospital, Birdie, he collapsed at work."
Robin is back in Chicago for the first time since she graduated. She wished she'd visited sooner.
"Do you think the feds are gonna let me go soon, Robbie? I mean it usually doesn't take this long for them to bring me the NDAs."
Robin hopes Steve doesn't notice her eyes going glossy as she runs her fingers through his hair, "Don't worry Stevie, I'm sure they'll be in soon, Dusty is probs just arguing over something in his."
"At least he isn't having to explain he raised a demodog. Did I ever tell you about that Robbie?"
Robin smiles softly, "Yeah but tell me again, don't want to forget any of it."
Eddie gives Robin the gist of what the doctors said, Eddie didn't understand much, a lot of technical words and shit. Too many concussions, more than they knew about most likely. They say it'll probably get worse with no timeframe of how quickly it'll happen, there might be good days, there will be a lot of bad days.
The first bad day comes a week later. Steve barely remembers Eddie, trapped in a time when Eddie was just the kids DM. Eddie sobs in the corridor in Robin's arms. The next day it's like nothing happened and Steve gets discharged. They tell Steve, this time Eddie is the one to comfort him.
"I don't want to forget you Eds."
"It's okay if you do, sweetheart, I'll still be here."
It's Robins idea to start writing everything down. Eddie, Nancy and the kids all help. Filling journals upon journals of stories and pictures of Steve's life to help on the bad days. Steve has to quit his job, Robin moves back to Chicago, they make it work.
On bad days depending on how far back Steve is Dustin or Robin or Eddie will read through the books with him, filling in the gaps of what he needs. On the worst days, Eddie leaves the pile of journals on the bed with a note and waits downstairs to see if Steve will join him later.
They make it work for a few years. Steve celebrates his 30th birthday with perfect clarity. He writes himself an entry in the journal next to a big group picture with Steve and Eddie's matching rings showing.
That July, over a decade since Starcourt, Steve is in hospital again. He'd collapsed at breakfast. Eddie had thought it was going to be one of their good days, Steve had woken up fine, all his memories in tact if a little fuzzy. He'd made them coffee and giggled at Eddie's singing while he made them eggs and just like that it all came crashing down.
Steve's brain is shutting down. They don't know if he'll make it past Christmas. There's more bad days after that. More days with books left on the bed. Most days Steve doesn't even come downstairs. On the good days, Eddie always calls off work. He'd rather be fired than miss a single second of Steve smiling at him like he does, so full of love.
They have Christmas, the whole family comes, they have to bring every chair from around the house and squish in around the table just to fit but it's perfect. Steve sits between Robin and Eddie, face bright and full of love and life. Everyone gives him the tightest hug as the night closes, all lingering, afraid of letting go.
"I love you, dingus."
"I love you too, Robbie."
Later, upstairs in their room, Steve and Eddie go through all the journals, laughing softly at each little note the kids have left. Steve writes his little journal entry, a tradition of good days, and curls into Eddie's arm whispering soft loving words to each other before falling asleep.
Steve never wakes up.
The funeral happens shortly after, all of the family is still in town. Robin holds Eddie afterwards as they go through the journals together. When they get to the last page, they struggle not to smudge the ink with their tears.
Dear Eds and Robbie,
I don't know how many more good days I'm going to get so I'm leaving this here for you now. I love you both so much, you're equally my soulmates and I want you two to look after each other while I'm gone.
Robs, go travelling with Nancy, ok? Thank you for looking after me all these years but it's time for you to go look after yourself. Go see the world for me, tell me all about it wherever I am when you get back.
Eddie, I'm sorry we didn't get as much time as we hoped, I hope you know that even just a day with you has been worth a lifetime with anyone else. Go follow your dreams, write music, perform, show the world how amazing I know you are. I give you full permission to fall in love with whoever you meet along the way, I don't want either of you guys to be alone.
Thank you for giving me a life worth remembering.
Your Dingus,
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AITA for ignoring a dog?
title sounds bad but idk how to phrase it. I (25f) live in the sticks, middle of nowhere. like twenty minutes from a gas station, dirt road off a dirt road. my community is VERY small, so I know almost everyone and their dogs/cats.
I knocked doors (think Get Out the Vote type stuff) for work for years. I love that kind of work, I am so excited to eventually get back to it. but an unfortunate side effect has been that I am scared of dogs that I don't know. most dog owners ime don't train them. even when the dogs are friendly, I am worried w them bc I am disabled and getting knocked down can seriously injure me more easily than most. I still love dogs IF I know them, and actually have one myself.
i was on my way home from work and saw this very fancy, purebred dog in a field. it was a larger dog, one of the kinds where they crop the tail and ears (I think it's mean to do this but irrelevant). I'd never seen it before, my community is poor and idk anyone who even has the money for a dog like that, and I'd have remembered if I'd seen it before bc it's so strange for here. It had a collar, and was in a big field miles away from any houses without anyone around. so it was clearly lost, and probs belongs to someone's family member/friend from a big city.
I kept driving. I wanted to stop for it, bc it's clearly someone's dog, not from the area, and probably not aware of country life. cars go by fast on the paved roads, there's bears, coyotes, wolves, ticks, etc. and it's a very northern place so it's still cold enough to where I have a timer going when I let my dog out so her paws don't freeze.
I didn't stop bc 1.) idk this dog, so I was nervous about it, 2.) if I did stop and it wasn't aggressive towards me, how would I know it wouldn't be towards my dog or my cats? 3.) we don't have shelters here just bc the community is so small so idk what I'd do w it if I couldn't find the owners and I really can't take in another animal atm- financially, food would be fine but I wouldn't be able to cover an extra vet bill if something awful happened, and don't have the time to re-home an animal responsibly and 4.) I'm gonna be honest, it was Friday, the work week was really long, it was cold, and I was having a rough day and ready to get home and relax.
I feel like an asshole bc I always stop and pick up my neighbors dogs when they get out bc there's so much dangerous shit here, between wildlife, cars and the cold.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Avatar vs Antagonist switch up pt 6
Follow up from this
Wan, Yangchen, Kuruk: *all return* Korra: Have fun? Wan: It wasn't....too bad. Kyoshi: Yeah it shouldn't have been, you have 4 elements. Wan: What did you have? Kyoshi: Earthbending. Wan: That doesn't seem so ba- Kyoshi: Did I mention I SUCKED at earthbending? Wan: Well still- Kyoshi: And I was stranded on a fucking iceberg. Korra: Ok the whole "pulling up the seafloor" comment is making more sense now. Kyoshi: Yeah yeah, Chen did you get it out of your system? Yangchen: Inner peace. :) Kyoshi: Amazing, Kuruk? Kuruk: Bastard is going to wish he was in the Spirit Fog. Yangchen: I hate that fucking fog. Kuruk: You hate all spirits Yangchen. Korra: Great, now that the Szeto Survivor Squad is back, Aang go face Tarrlok, Amon, and the chi blockers now! Aang: Wait we still haven't figured out what to do with Hama on a Full Moon and Yakone! Or Mai and Ty Lee. Korra: I'm NOT facing Ty Lee. Yangchen: Korra, she's a nonbender. You can handle her. Korra: She's a chi blocker! I hate them! Yangchen: Then do what I do when I'm confronted with the things I hate. Korra: I'm not killing them. Yangchen: You can just knock them out if you don't want to go that far. But, c'mon, don't you want to relish in your victory? Wan: Sometimes, I wonder how you're a nun. Korra: NO! I refuse! Kyoshi, you take Mai and Ty Lee! Ty Lee even joins your warriors, it'll be like sifu vs student! Yangchen: I don't think that's a good idea, Kyoshi's at a disadvantage against Fire Nation Girls. ;) Kyoshi: ....... Yangchen: They might top you-I mean get the drop on you. ;) Kyoshi: ...... Yangchen: But you're used to being a botto- Kyoshi: I think Yangchen should take Hama and Yakone. Hell, give her Amon and Tarrlok while you're at it. Yangchen: What?! Kyoshi: I mean, if I'm going up against my biggest weakness, you should too. Yangchen: Weakness?! What weakness?! I don't have a weakness. Kyoshi, rolls eyes: You know, for me it's "Fire Nation girls." You? It's waterbenders. Korra: Wow Yangchen, I didn't know! Yangchen: She speaks lies, don't listen to her! Kyoshi: Denial is a river in Egypt. Yangchen: That-that doesn't even exist! Kyoshi: Oh woooooow, would you look at that? You made a whole new country and river suddenly manifest with all that denial you have going on. And I thought me making an island was a feat. Yangchen: Shut your mouth child! Kyoshi: What? Can't stand the heat when it's thrown at you? Well prove me wrong, take on the blood benders! Korra: Wait how did you know they were blood benders? You were both fighting at the time! Kyoshi: Yangchen told me. Yangchen: I have spies everywhere, you can't hide anything from me. Kyoshi: Just fight the damn blood benders! Yangchen: I'm not fighting the bloody blood benders! Kyoshi: What? Afraid of getting wet, Chen? Yangchen: *spluttering* Fine! FINE! I'll fight the damn bastards! Gimme Hama and Yakone! *storms off* Korra: Does that mean you're taking Ty Lee and Mai? Kyoshi: Psssh, hell no, Roku or Wan can have them. Korra: Well played, but man, the fight's going to be boring. Aang and Yangchen are probs just gonna Avatar State it away. Kyoshi, alarmed: Avatar Sta-Listen to me. Korra, when her fight's over I need to you to restrain Yangchen. Korra: What?! Why? Kyoshi: So I can hit her in the head with a really big rock. Korra: Wha-I'm not gonna do that, you could kill her! Kyoshi: I'm knocking her out actually. But, hey, if you don't like my plan, then you guys can deal with her. Korra: ....plan? What do you mean "plan"????? What do you mean "deal with??!" Kyoshi get back here! Kyoshi!
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is being asked about your life goals on your job application and just wondering what you even put there because like, it wouldn't be relevant at all to the description and I don't want to just. Work at this place for the rest of my life. So like. What do I even put?
genuine answer:
look at it from the POV of the employer and not your actual life
for example, for someone working in customer service, they might be looking for personality traits and goals that involve you not leaving within the time period they consider their "investment" in training you to have not yet been fully paid off. Most "inexperienced" jobs are looking for a minimum of a month, but most likely they'd really prefer 3 months + a possibility you'll return if the job is seasonal (ie, a summer job to pay for college), or 6 months to a year in any other type of position. Add more time if you are part-time.
so, for example, say you're in schooling of some sort: you'll want to emphasize that you're looking to make money to help pay for schooling expenses while working towards getting a degree. If your degree is in anything but fine arts, you probably can list it; if it's in fine arts and not relevant to the job - rip my dude, lie and evade. you're still deciding, you're taking gen eds at the moment and like [these courses], anything. the idea is to show that you want a job and hours for a reason that shows you have drive/motivation. fine arts, despite being absolutely grueling degrees that absolutely fucking require more work imho as an engineering major than most majors, are just super devalued by a lot of folks.
if you're in a non-schooling period of life: try to lay out something that shows you're a motivated, practical, or in some way capitalistically "valuable" type of person. do not force yourself to be totally truthful. say whatever will get u the job that u can bullshit. "I'm looking to pay the bills" is probably not the best - spin it so that you show some sort of hobbies, volunteer work, community work, anything that teaches on personality. just do what u gotta to sound like you have something you do other than work and sleep, most of the time they just wanna get a read on you having passion and some sorta drive for something. probs don't mention caregiving for elderly or children though - some hiring managers are trained to look at that as a detriment, since it means you could more easily be called away for emergencies/urgent situations.
there's a lot of advice about like. using the direct words from the job description in these things, but imho i'd be careful. it can get u through automated computer checks, but a real person is probs gonna be like "cool but like. who tf are you." try to think about what/who will see it
some specific examples: "I plan to graduate with a degree in engineering and work in providing industrial solutions." / "I want to be able to spend time working with local gardening groups to make a community garden." / "I hope to further my skills in sewing so that I can make and mend my own clothing."
again: show passion, dedication, and knowledge/skills when possible. if you can find something relating to the position, that's usually best, but... sometimes you just gotta show that you're not reading off "10 best interview answers" and that you're a real person who cares about something. whatever it is, be prepared to get some basic questions/comments like, "Your application says you have an interest in gardening - can you tell me about that?" and respond with 2-3 sentences at a layman level. ie, "I've always enjoyed hands-on work, and it's always wonderful to see my plants thrive from seed to fruiting. I grow tomatoes, and my wife and I can our own tomato sauce each year. I'm hoping to grow peppers next year so we can make our own salsa." I've bolded things that would tell an employer things I think they'd like to hear - you like hands on work, you reliably do a fairly hands-on task without it being a requirement, and you have plans for improvement.
Genuine note though: I'm 23 and currently a barista at a local-ish coffee chain, due to dropping out of engineering as a result of developing a disabling chronic illness. Your mileage may vary; try to think "If someone had trained me to be the most discriminatory, law-avoiding asshole I could be while hiring someone, what is the best and worst I could read from this?". Don't disclose specifics on your personal life around children, elderly parents/grandparents that live with you, plans for future children, disabilities, anti-capitalist leanings, or any political opinions that don't specifically align with the company's expressed home-page level values. Like, if you had to click a button off of their front page on their website to find "we value diversity", try to not to say "I sell queer merchandise" as much as "I run a small online store in my spare time, with merchandise like pins and stickers."
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dustsansm1 · 5 months
Kill yourself.
... Ok. Thanks. Motivating my thoughts even more. Thanks. Mhm. I'm fine.
Bitch you should shut the fuck up because that can hurt people mentally. Like you prob is on anon mode cause you to scared to show yourself. Like damn. What's wrong with society these days.
You're unlucky because I'm not committing suicide. Sure I think about it, but I'm not gonna do it because some people care about me for some reason. When I don't matter and hate myself. But atleast I can bottle up my feelings 24/7 and try to make people laugh.
Just because I'm a fucking silly guy doesn't mean I don't have emotions. But guess what? I bottle them up. I don't want to bother anyone else with my problems, they have their own.
So how about you get the stick out your ass and not say a word. Ya dumb shit.
Atleast I can have the guts to speak back and not delete this damn ask.
Atleast I'm literally someone who cares about society unlike you, ya dumb shit.
Like atleast I don't tell people who I hate this. Like bro, that's not rad yo.
Bro is the Walmart version of fanon error.
Nah nah, bro tryna act cool saying rude things tryna act like a bad boy them pick mes want. That's crazy.
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solluve · 2 years
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Domsetic Luxiem Headcanons!! ahshuaduw
not proofread!!! mentions of spiders, squishing spider, ew spider ────────────────────────
CANT DO SHIT TBH like "oh he's a housewife" he's not. Like sure, hell clean and cook BUT HE ONLY DOES IT WHEN YOU TELL HIM TO he messes with u to Like
"oh can u clean the bedroom?"
"wdym.. my demonic aura cleansed everything already."
WE DIDNT MEAN SPIRITUALLY GO CLEAN IT When you force him to, he actually does a good job!! Like clothes are folded, floors are swept and there's a huge ass pile of clothes in ur closet!! MF GTE UR ASS OVER HERE HES HOT BUT HES NOT GETTING AWAY he also likes to meditate but like.. isolated. If you disturb him he's gonna make YOU sleep on the couch half joke he might tho He takes pride into his meditation, you would want peace and quiet too yk?! but if u guys have a pet, he'll let that mf disturb him any dayy why does a dog get special privileges UR THE ONE WHO PAYS 50% OF RENT he prob has those doobermans he probably also bribed the apartment facility to let him in I'm like 100% sure that dog is here illegally but he loves the dog and you do too! partly. he can't dance for the life of him however it's it's embarrassing HE COULD DO TRADITIONAL DANCING !! but don't hit him up with some 21st century shit he'll look like he's got it and then fall mid way. gotta get his old as the the hospital HIS BONES CRACKED.
ehe hes everything we wanted yall !! I'm joking. This mf DOESNT KNOW SLEEP like you'll be going to get a drink at 3am and then straight up see some demonic looking figure in the hall its just him trying to fix some shit HE BREAKS THINGS JUST SO HE CAN FIX THEM
"how did the...light break?"
"ion know but what I do know is that I can fix it!"
CATCH HIM ON THE SERCUIRTY CAMERAS hes useful tho in thay aspect!! your landlord ain't getting any money from damages. Dishwasher broke? Hes on it !! The TV isn't working as well? hes on it !! this is an ad for shu yamino services go support him He also does wack as shit at 3am Yk how I said he was fixing something at night while u were getting a drink? He was fixing A SPIDER. SPIDER he said "oh !!! I stepped on him so I wanted to help him!" HOW U GON FIX THAT HOW DID HE EVEN KNOW HE STEPPED ON IT You also caught him fixing Christmas tree during December. He laughed and said, "it wasn't bright enough!" a police visited yall 2 hrs later one of ur neighbors called the cops since it was way to bright. He had to make it up with cuddles xoxo, and pay the fine xoxoxo
______ mysta GET GIM AWAY MANS TO FERAL like literally can't do SHIT maid mysta maid mysta!! YOUR MYSTAKEN (do u get the joke) HE JUST RUINS EVERYTHING you just cleaned the floors!! why is FUCKING MUD STAINS ALREADY?!? Like he can't clean, CANTNFUCKING COOK (we all know this.) I DONT even want to elaborate on how bad he cooks. You Handel the cleaning, cooking, and what does he do? he def ain't sitting there pretty (ugly/j) instead, he opts to get the money and shit !! But like It's concerning Like last time I checked he had money to pay rent and all that but....he had to much money left. More than usual. Your guys Financials were good dwdw! BUT HOW HE GONNA HAVE THOUSANDS LEFT HES SELLING DRUGS/ the obvious explanation and that his freinds make him do crazy ass stunts and give him money/j "do a flip off that porch. 10$ mf." LMFAOO he's also just...insane. You'll wake up at 3am again to see him on the phone with elmo LMFAOOO THOSE APPS THAT SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF CHILDREN IT SCARES HIM TO you'll hear the most frightful voice just like "when do you want the money?! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" you have to hack in a delete that app for the mfer to sleep at night. He'll boast like "I'm not afraid of that shit it's all fake!" wait till u put a elmo plush on his bed ______
Luca YAHH HES SO EUSHWUS he's so cute omg but so messy. LIKE HE CAN CLEAN AFTER HIMSELF BUT HE HAS A HYPER MINDSET so it's like one thing after another, he can't slow down to clean. It's not that bad to clean after him, he doesn't make a bad bad mess. BUT HE DEF NEEDS TO LEARN TO TAKE A BREAK Nothing is shecduled either. It's just like, do this, then that, then this, the profit all of our belongings to sushang(ehe love her) But when he comes home from a long day.. omg Let me elaborate HE WAS CUDDLY ALWAYS BUT HES JUST extra extra cuddly he dosent want to do shit. he'll drag you from whoever you are and force you on the couch/bed and yall with just stay there Maybe for ever HE JUST FALLS ALSEEP SO EASILY like it's kinda concerning hyper energetic turing anemic at any possible moment he has he'll drag you along all the time for those moments He doesn't even speak he just mumbles and occasionally huffs out of relief he so cute omg but then THEN WHEN HES HYPER AGAIN HE WILL BODY SLAM YOU ONTO THE BED OR SOFA AGAIN CHILL THIS AINT THE WWE he doesn't know how strong he is omg.
Ike FIANLLY THE MOST LIKE REASONABLE MAN OUT OF EVERYONE but he's like a neat freak also, Like....did u just leave a fucking go gurt on the table when you went to get ur phone? DIRTY ASS MF !!!! he just wants to make sure the house is clean some people say, "your house reflects you" And I think that's true but!! he we we all know he gon snap THE MFER HE NEEDS TO PUT UP WITH his freinds trying be likebthe power rangers or some shit I find it funny they are just all different colors palettes BUT HES GREAT !! HE COOKS, CLEANS, ACTUALLY HAS CALM HOBBIES did I say calm mbmb let's not forget his karaoke SKILLS HELLO??? THE SCREAMING HE CAN DO THE AMOUNT OF TIMES U GUYS GOT NOISE COMPLAINTS nobody would've guess it was from him. he just smiles, aplogizes and hands over the money he handing over the money so willingly cause that mf KNOWS IT WAS HIS FAULT but he don't give a shit LMFAOO he'll shut the door, wait a little, then start cursing out the neighbors in Swedish he's he's scary. he's literally like those innocent ass looking dogs names princesses that's a devil in secret he's ur devil in secret tho <33
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aleksa-sims · 8 months
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The next day D. & I went to my parents to pick up our cat and some of my stuff.  Last night, we talked again. We decided to just stay together for now, to see..... how things will turn out.
There was also something else D. told me. Since he was getting better while he was away, he thought about starting his own business, bcs he quit his job. My Dad offered to help him.
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The two had this in mind anyway. They talked about it months ago and now it was time to inplement things. I don’t want to go into too much detail rn. It will explain itself over time.
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Mom: You have to take your pills regularly, D. This is important! The same goes for you, A.! The more time passes, the better you’ll be and hopefully..... forget what happend. 😞
Dad (to Daniel): The main thing is that you are safe & fine. Soon we have a lot to do and distraction is always good! But one thing I want to mention again. No matter what probs you two have, even if you relapse, talk to us!! None of us will blame you for asking for help. We want you two to be well, okay?
Daniel: Yea, I got it. 😔
Dad: And what about you A.?
Me: Yea, ok! But I want you to help D. with that job thing.
Dad: Of course I’ll help him. And actually we could start immediately, but if we proceed as planned and discussed, it may be that you and Daniel have to move. 😕
Me: Um... okay. I am prepared to do whatever it takes. 🙂(😟)
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Daniel (to me): You...are really ready to move? To.... my house!? 😯
Me: We’ve talked about it before, and..... now that I’m pregnant, why not? You, me and.................. our Baby? 😳
Daniel: I love you, so I’ll love your Baby, too. Our Baby! And well, N.'s Baby. 🤨
Mom: Are you serious about this, D.? Can- and do you even want that?? 😟
Daniel: Yes!
Me: We decided to try and I have to talk to N. about it too.
Dad: However you decide to continue, together or .... separately, I will help Daniel. I’m just clarifying this, so you don’t make your decision dependent on that.
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My Dad and Daniel kept talking about their new plans, while my Mom couldn't stop asking me questions.
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Mom: You really wanna move? You know what kind of... strange things his mother did there. In that house! 😟
Me: It's a pretty house. I like it there. And she moved out, it's all fine. Besides, I have other worries rn, as you know.
Mom: That’s what I’ve been trying to make clear to you these past few weeks. But well, now you're pregnant. Either you two accept this and move on, or you’re really getting a divorce.
Me: He wants us to stay together. And actually I want the same. I don't wanna lose him.... I’m moving back to our apartment with him for a short while, see if Daniel and I can make it? And, I'm gonna talk to N. I don’t want to disappoint N. or hurt him. I have to come up with something. A soloution! 😟🤯
Mom: In other words, it's either/or? There is no other way out, A.!
Me: Who says that? You?.... I’m gonna do what’s right for me, Daniel and Nico, not for you or anyone else. 😒
Mom: What are you trying to tell me?.... You can’t do the same thing you did back then. This isn't normal!.. And you were unhappy! That’s not what you want! And I’m sure Daniel won’t agree with that. 😦
Me: I'm going to do what I got to do.
Mom: I know you A.! You won’t do anything. You will wait until one of them.......... goes nuts.
Me: I don’t think so. 😒
Just before Daniel and I wanted to leave, Ana also had some questions for me.😩
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Me: Everything you are about to say, drop it pls.
Ana: Um.... ok! Have you had makeup sex? Or, no! I’d rather call it... homecoming-sex.🧐 I mean, you didn’t really fight, he just... took off.🤷‍♀️
Me: No, we didn’t!! We talked!
Ana: Then it's obvious! You want N.! With him you couldn’t wait even 24 hours. Plus, he knocked you up. 🤷‍♀️😬
Me: Ah...yup. You know, we'll see S. later. Are you joining us?
Ana: Nah! Sounds like a double date, I really don’t feel like it. I have other plans. And now go and have fun with your..... man. 😏
Me: Who are you having fun with, Ana? 🤨 Dennis?
Ana: Are you jealous of me for Dennis? 😜
Me: Ugh!... NO! 😖
Ana: Don't worry, sis. I’m not dating Dennis, a messed up guy. NO thanks! I have fun...... with myself. 😄
Me: Hmm?... I know you Ana! You have a secret. And you know me, baby sis. I'll uncover it. 😏💁‍♀️
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Ana: Weirdo!
Ana really had a secret. At first I thought she was back with Adam or something, but no, it wasn’t Adam. Just that much, I get why she kept it a secret. 🤭
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le-trash-prince · 1 year
OF Episode 6 Thoughts: Top/Mew
I finally got to watch this week’s ep and there is SO MUCH TO UNPACK. I have too many thoughts so I’m splitting them between posts.
First of all: What a fucking episode. I was either laughing or screaming the entire time. I love this shit so much. Everyone in this group sucks!
Mew's bi momma! 🙌
When Mew said “I want you to meet my parents at the end of the year” and then “But don’t count on us still being together” I was like “What the fuck Mew?” LOL. Like Mew, I know you will probably never understand this, but just because you are not seeing anyone else doesn't mean that you are emotionally committed to this relationship. You keep pulling back and giving mixed signals!
“I think the reason I was fine without a relationship was because I got enough love from family and friends” Mew how about you recognize that you’re demi instead of psychoanalyzing your slutty friends!
Tbh tho, I know it's really hard to come to terms with your own sexuality, especially when it's so different from everyone around you. We try to come up with reasons as to why people are different, rather than being able to accept that these differences can be inherent to who we are as people.
I think this episode showed more than any other just how genuine Top’s feelings for Mew really are. And of course this had to be the episode it all came crashing down.
Like the notebook of drawings he gave him? That was super sweet and thoughtful as a gift—ppl prob expect someone like Top to just throw money at his lovers but instead he put time and effort into his gift. You can’t draw someone like that without really looking at them. There wasn’t anything in that gift that said "fuckboy" or “I’m doing this just so you will sleep with me.”
Felt like there was an intentional parallel between Top kissing Mew’s forehead while he was asleep and Ray kissing Mew on the mouth.
I feel like I need to rewatch to process “Mew and Ray get in a fight” and “Ray gave Mew the audio file and Mew believed him”
When Mew and Top got home, I loved how the change and tension felt tangible. Like something about Mew going into the bedroom by himself and leaving Top in the living room spoke to a barrier between them
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Mew pinning Top to the bed did a lot of things for me thanks 👍
“I love the way you sound in bed” honestly some cinematic poetry, I was hollering.
As much as I feel like Top was coerced into sleeping with Boston, what can he even say to defend himself with? “I didn’t want to sleep with him?” Well it sure sounded like you did. “I did it because I thought you lied to me?” Yeah that’s not gonna make Mew understand. Lol. Again, I don't know if Top even knows if he's allowed to not want to have sex with someone.
It’s a hard situation with a lot of grey area! And even tho we kind of knew this was how Mew was gonna find out, it's the worst way for him to find out.
Of course Mew is going to be hurt. This is like the worst outcome for him, and it revealed a lot of his insecurities around his lack of sexual experience. Especially after talking big at the beginning "My senses are always correct and I know everything there is to know about love."
I wonder if he even blamed himself for being bad at sex as to why he didn’t enjoy his first time with Top all that much, rather than it simply being that he might not really get much out of sex at all. It's okay if you don't want sex, Mew, or if you don't enjoy it, or even if it takes time for you to enjoy it!
“I’m not worth enough for you to love only me.” Mew. Mew. *shakes him* First of all, Top thinks Boston is a pile of burnable trash. He does not love that man! Second of all, please don’t tie self worth to romantic love or to ideals of monogamy. It is never going to end well.
Again, "I think the reason I was fine without a relationship is because I got so much love from family and friends." Mew are you being honest with yourself? You even said yourself that the reason you slept with Top was because you were worried about him getting bored with you.
I may have mentioned this before, but I think the reason that "mastermind Mew" was so popular with the fandom at the beginning of the series is because people wanted it to be true, because if Mew had seen this coming, he wouldn't have gotten hurt. I don't think it came from "we think Mew is evil or manipulative or whatever," I think we just didn't want to watch a person as naive as Mew get hurt. Because that's what happens the majority of the time in real life. People get hurt.
Sad lonely himbo Top in the bathtub 👍
Overall, I really enjoy watching their relationship. It's very complicated; it's nowhere near as straightforward as a "fuckboy cheats on his virgin boyfriend" plotline could easily be. I don't think they had a solid foundation for their relationship. They enjoy their dates, but there hasn't been a lot of great communication between them, which as I mentioned on a previous post, is very normal, especially for a first or second relationship. And for both of them, I think this is their first real attempt at a relationship, and neither of them know what they're doing.
In the preview, we see a clip of Mew in the bathtub where his expression changes, and it really looks like a symbolic transformation to me. Whether we get revenge era Mew or "let's try this again with more emotional transparency" Mew, I'm here for it.
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OKAY so inspired by that post about 'going down on' each other - to that anon, i salute you; writers are so very excited about turns of phrases and words so picking up on this is not weird at all, in fact it means you've recognised the way words in fact do paint pictures. after all, words are all writers have!
so vinny, please impart your opinion on the following descriptors of dick and when you'd use them if ever in fic/hcs 🤭
prick (seems like an insult but it has such a good reverence, halfway between the two above)
arousal (lmao)
hardness (kinda love)
penis 🤭
Ooooooh, FUN!! What a lovely topic hahahahah 😂😜😈 Time for some cawwwk tawwwwk lol
Words as our ways of painting pictures - yes!! I think language choice contributes to the mood in writing. There are certain phrases and terms that lend to a more humorous approach to a story. Or making something sound like traditional erotica prose - even if we poke fun, readers do have a certain expectation and vibe when engaging with certain genres. Genre too! The era, the time period. The personality of the characters. Action versus dialogue versus exposition and prose.
For writing purposes:
Dick/cock - Pretty much use dick or cock for the most part in writing. I think cock is a sexier word, great word, one of my favorite words 🤭Use it a lot more and will dip more into that once a story moves into the sex scenes. It's hard to describe, but there's a certain point and vibe for when a dick becomes a cock in the action of a scene hahaha. But it's true!! I'll switch in other terms to give writing variation and not become monotonous, but cock is the #1 Prick - I don't think I'd ever use this. Unless writing a character using regional slang. It's not in my own vocab so it wouldn't be a natural choice. Probably would be restricted to dialogue only for me. I've definitely said "don't be such a dick" but I can't imagine myself saying "don't be such a prick" Manhood - Lofty language for traditional erotica. Seems kinda straight to me. Like a woman would use this to describe a man, because it's a differentiator. And that's fine. Maybe that's just me. Arousal - Yeah I think I'd use this one. Variation when describing the lead up before the actual sex of whatever type happens. "He could feel his arousal hot beneath his jeans..." or something like that. It's fine. Erection - More matter of fact, descriptive rather than sexy. Not for the spicy sexy parts of the story. It's word choice. You can say either "He could feel Mike was aroused" or "He could tell that Will had an erection" and take your pick for writing style. I think the former sounds nicer, but it's not jarring to use either. This body part gets hard, it gets erect. Writing style. "As subtly as possible, he crossed his legs to his his erection" works just as well as "...he crossed his legs to hide his arousal." Neither are better or worse. Hardness - It's a state of the thing itself, yeah? It's what's going on. I would probably word sentences to say "he's hard" or something instead of calling a dick someone's hardness. Probably hardness more as an adjective rather than a noun if that makes sense? Length - Use this for physical action rather than just calling the cock a length. "He stroked up his length and..." or "He slowly sunk down the length, inch by inch..." etc. It's part of an action rather than just dick alone? Penis - Is what it is, too clinical. Can't really say most in general use it in sexy scenes in fanfiction in particular. I think it could make an appearance in dialogue out of a character choice. "So, you really want me to just lie there naked, fully penis out, and you're gonna sketch me? Really?" See what I mean? It's not to be hot, but it has personality! MORE CHOICES: Bulge - Specifically useful to refer to the dick as still covered by clothing or underwear, because that's what it is at that point. Especially underwear. Pole - Prob not gonna use in writing, but this is one that's pretty common in casual conversation? When using slang terms at least, personally. Shaft - I think this is similar to length, useful more for describing an isolated part of the dick rather than just the whole thing itself, which sounds kinda silly that way. Seen in cheesy erotica when used badly. Member - Can't explain why, but I really don't like this one! But I see it here and there and hmmm. Not into it. Boner - This one is very personality based, wriring style if it's a little more silly or even playing into combining your narration voice, if it's leaning into the vibes of the character who is leading the story. See above but another option: "As subtly as possible with his friends nearby and unaware, he crossed his legs to hide his unfortunately timed boner." I added more to give the line some personality to demonstrate it working in prose where it might otherwise seem childish. It's a little juvenile of a term, so giving the narration some sass kinda works? Junk - Conversational and silly, definitely not super sexy. Dialogue only.
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gravcyards · 1 year
okay, gonna try to actually make a decent plotting call this time which i've been meaning to do for awhile but was mobile when i came off hiatus SO here we go here's the short version (long version is after the read more thingy): looking for long-term writing partners who will match my energy and excitement about our plots and characters (surprisingly hard to find for some reason????) and hopefully if we vibe ooc & ic then we can just be fuckin rp besties who throw plots and muses at each other w/o a second thought and luv writing together<33 rn i'm dying for more f/f plots but i'm also fine with m/f and m/m esp if we have multiple plots sooooo pls hit that like button or (preferably) slide into my dms even if we've previously talked / tried to plot / have written together before pls still hmu idc if one of us dropped off the face of the earth i get it life happens :)
OK SO. 21+ and discord only pls. i'm semi-selective now just bc i want ppl who match my energy/excitement about our plot/characters like if u give me nothing to work with in ur replies i'll probs not respond. i'm v v comfortable writing smut (even kinky, taboo kind of shit) but pls don't take that as a deal breaker i'm cool with no smut/fade to black just lemme know :) (also just a warning - i luv hurting my muses so most of them have shitty/potentially triggering backstories but they're still my babies and they r very well thought out) i'm gonna just list particular plots/pairings i've been thinkin bout lately but shit definitely isn't restricted to just these they're just ones i've been rly wanting to write
zombie apocalypse (the walking dead preferably but also tlou)
twitch streamers best friends to lovers
love island but like... make it f/f
outer banks (not the dumbass treasure hunting plot but just like the verse of obx)
best friend's older brother/sister
boyfriend's gf x boyfriend's sister
fake dating turned actually in love w each other
student x TA or professor (in college so legal age gap)
effy x cook from skins vibes
protective gf x golden retriever dumbass bf
i got a lot of traumatized af male muses so if u wanna play a female muse against any of them lmk
probs more but i don't wanna make this super long
pairings/fcs (bold is who i wanna play):
kie x sarah (obx)
madison bailey x madelyn cline
courtney eaton x any girl fc
sabrina carpenter x any girl fc
madelyn cline x anyone
danielle rose russell x kaylee bryant
danielle rose russell x any girl fc
renee rapp x sabrina carpenter/renee rapp x any girl fc
wanted opps:
renee rapp
madison bailey
courtney eaton
kaylee bryant
rudy pankow
sarah pidgeon
dylan o'brien
kaya scodelario
joe keery
tom holland
daniel sharman
hailee steinfeld
again, not limited to the above fcs/pairings/plots just ones i've been wanting lately
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inchidentally · 8 months
driver move talk below cut! (I've had to censor some anons bc phew I do not want that heat babes)
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posting this one first bc these are precisely my sentiments <3 I think Lando might be in Vietnam as well ?? Martin is there and Lando was supposed to visit there and it would crack me up if Oscar was on his run and Lando's on the other side of the planet but neither of them care bc this news is just so insane.
gotta focus on the fun stuff bc I don't think I've fully processed today at all babe!!
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and why announce this now ?? all I can think is that it was so close to being scooped by an outlet that they had to get ahead of it bc absolutely none of this was planned well at all
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B A B E even if you're not a Carlos fan don't do him like that by comparing him to Otmar !!
and all Oscar is gonna think abt this is 'ahhhh chrisd, fahckin Soainz is gonna be eyven more of a damn dohg afteuh theis malahkee'
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I'm sorry to censor you anon and I respect you have your own opinion but I'll get the grief for posting it !!
daaaaaaamn, so this is what Ferrari does huh?
like I am so glad I started out sports fandom in hockey bc the trades could be absolutely brutal sometimes and you could never bother getting too attached to a friendship since one of them could literally be sent across the country - even in the middle of a game.
I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe someone was threatening to scoop the story but if they were fine treating Vettel like that... yikes
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I can totally see the schadenfreude abt the former principal omg - but I doubt Carlos had much to do w forcing Seb out apart from jumping at the chance to drive for Ferrari. I get that this is prob mostly jokes but I feel like the common enemy of Ferrari needs to remain the target !
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anon how can Mark be having a good day when Prize Twink Jenson declares his crush on Fernando - Mark is grinding his teeth, breaking a Sky Sports tablet in his big hands and ... yea probably also plotting Oscar's career ascent
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yeaaaaaa anon I'm sorry but I'll never buy into the 'charlos is pure PR stuff' these are real businesses and if driver bromances were so important then they wouldn't do what they've done today lol. charlos is on par w carlando for corporate-condoned publicity appeal so if it was nothing but PR then they'd have arranged a joint video/joint statement video by now and made sure to hang onto those fans the way McLaren did w Carlos and Daniel.
and like, to imagine that Carlos and Charles are such good actors all this time is hysterical. I'm not being mean here anon I just truly can't accept that even half of their chemistry is wholly planned and contrived.
listen, everyone except Oscar (bless his innocent unpretending little heart) recognizes that their relationships to other drivers play a worthwhile role in their own image and PR and that bromances = publicity. Carlos and Lando aren't even as close as Lando and Max V but carlando took off and stayed so popular that they'd be idiots to not keep bringing it up and capitalizing on things like Singapore and the driver parades. they are absolutely great friends! all of the easy friendliness you see is legit! but the fake gay flirting and the over the top bantering is solely for the benefit of us fans lol. it's the exact same dynamic with Lando and Daniel. they're very much friends, but they do exactly the same banter and handsy stuff as carlando. it's nothing sinister or calculating.*
so do Carlos and Charles do the same thing for the benefit of fan engagement and their own brands as drivers? oh hell yes they do lol. does it mean they aren't actually friends or that they have no real chemistry or it's all some ice cold arrangement involving Ferrari? alfgaslgflafg NO. if anything the fact that they've stayed so naturally warm and friendly in all their publicity work despite what their own ahem social circles may be stirring up online and in the media is proof that they aren't having to work at their chemistry very hard.
and like... Ferrari of all teams ?? does not need a charlos bromance - or any bromance - for shit. the biggest legacy team in F1 - and an Italian team at that - couldn't give a fuck if their two drivers are friends or what they get up to when they're not in the car as long as it's not flagrantly illegal. they want points, then wins, then championships. the name Ferrari alone is their PR.
and it is totally everyone's right to feel how they want to about drivers but for me personally I just do not engage in stanning or pretending that any F1 driver is pure as driven snow when it comes to forwarding their own career. it's as cutthroat as you can get out there and they've all tested the track limits of what's technically fair or above board in their search for a WDC.
*are McLaren PR and media teams clearly less interested in Oscar than Carlos or Daniel bc Oscar won't ham himself up and is so singularly incapable of faking it around Lando that he often just stands/sits there sometimes and watches Lando with his mouth open? yes. do I hope they realize that we find his dynamic w Lando charming and sweet even without the bromance stuff? yes.
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
Hii!! First of all, i love reading ur fics & all of them are reallyy good ones :) if u don't mind, i'd like to request a cute fluff fic that make my heart goes boom boom💞 about charles (safelight) & reader being the most adorable couple & reader decided to ask charles to take bath together w them & they had fun, teasing & taking care of each other, being playful, lovey-dovey etc & they ended the day by cuddling together :) hope it's not too much for u but i really need to read one since he's so underrated plus not many write about him :( ik u would nail this one i trust u hehe love u thanks again xxx ❤
Of course i can! This idea is the cutest thing ever i love charles hes such a gentleman and a sweetheart i hope you like it 🫶 also it sucks sooooo im sorry and i love u too mwah❤️‍🩹
You want to take a bath with your boyfriend and he agrees but since you guys are so cute charles is clingy and you love him with your whole heart and think hes adorable
Bath? (Charles safelight)
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I walk to my room since my boyfriend charles is at my house i start to open the door revealing more of charles on my bed messing with his camera i smile and close the door going over to him "what ya doin" i ask setting the glass of water i went to get down on my night stand "just cleaning the lenses a bit" he says and i nod going to lay next to him while he fixes his camera a sigh escapes my mouth as i lay on my back onto the bed "you okay?" He asks and i nod a bit looking up at his pretty eyes "just a stressful day" i say and he nods understandingly if theres one thing i love about charles is hes so understanding i dont even think weve ever had a argument
"what do you want to do to calm down?" He asks moving a piece of hair off my face "well, if you want thats only if you want me and you could take a bath together? Its fine if you dont want to weve just never done it and i mean were always comfortable around each other but its up to you baby" i say and he thinks for a moment almost like hes been waiting for this or something (prob was)
"okay yeah sure" he says and i look up at him surprised "okay ill start the water" i say walking into my restroom making the water pretty warm and wait till the tub fills up i even put some soap so itll have a lot of bubbles i sit and admire charles while i wait for the water to rise
Charles finishes cleaning the lenses and puts everything back together before turning to me "ready?" He asks and i nod we stand up and go to the restroom i start to take my clothes off putting them in a pile on the floor before i start to get into the water the warm water relaxing my muscles charles gets in as well my back against his chest as he holds me close to him my hands rubbing his arms softly and i lay my head back against him sighing contently
My hands rub his arms softly my body relaxing into him as i take deep breaths listening to charles breathing as well "you make me so happy" i say softly and he lifts his head up and looks at me "you make me happy too" he says a small smile appearing on my face and he leans down kissing me gently i love his lips against mine so much
"we should've done this earlier" i say "100%" he says in agreement before we sit in comfortable silence with each other i look up at him my hand reaching up to touch his face gently with my finger tips and i lay a soft kiss against his cheek (cheek kisses and neck kisses make him fold 100%) and i pull away looking at him long enough to see a blush fall across his cheeks "your so adorable" i say smiling a bit to myself but it only makes him more flustered he lays his head against my shoulder "stop im gonna keep blushing" he kinda whines making me laugh softly "its okay baby" i say kissing his head softly and his arms tighten around me
His hand draws shapes against my shoulder with soap as my eyes are closed breathing deeply my head resting against charles chest charles puts his face in the crook of my neck laying soft kisses against the skin making me laugh and squeal a bit after a while of being in the water the temperature starts to go down so we take that as a sign to get out
Charles wraps a towel around my shoulders and i do the same to him we walk to my room and change into clean clothes we lay in my bed close to one another with my tv playing faintly in the background charles scoots closer to me and i open my arms letting him wrap his arms around me and lays his head on my chest my arms wrapped around him lazily my hand playing with his hair gently fixing his messy hair
He lifts his head up and lays soft kisses against my lips which i return holding his face close to mine giving him extra kisses in which he smiles trying to move away but i roll on top of him and keep giving him kisses making him eventually laugh trying to pry me off of himself and i finally let go after giving him one last firm kiss and he goes back on top of me laying his head on my chest the same position as before my hands soothingly rubbing his back and his head a bit
"i love you charles" i say softly my fingers still gliding through his soft fluffy hair "i love you more y/n" he says making me smile softly "im so glad i met you that day at the truck stop you helped me through so much" i say softly "thats all you babe" he says softly nuzzling his head against my chest "you tired?" I ask and he nods against me "go to bed baby im right here" i say switching hands that glide through his hair so i can play with his hair and rub his back softly
He closes his eyes and i watch as his body becomes more relaxed and his breath calms down i kiss his head softly and close my eyes as well charles weight like comfort as i drift to sleep with charles in my arms...
Awe i love this idea so much this is so cute charles is underrated yes sorry i took a while i went a whole bunch of places today haha my friend might come over im excited anyways i love you like so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love
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haus-mom · 9 months
8, 9, 16 :)
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Gonna get my ass kicked for this, but Mizuki is not confirmed nonbinary and their arc is actually very far from being about that. "But they use they/them pronouns!" In the English translation, sure, but I feel like the translators have gotten themselves in some sort of loop they can't come out of. I understand that their gender is officially "?" but others referring to Mizuki with they/them doesn't make sense, since they're fem presenting.
It's so incosistent too! Kanade uses she/her for Mizuki to herself ONCE and then resumes using they/them
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I think I've mentioned this a few times, but I would've done it very differently. N25 is not aware of Mizuki's genderfuckery, and they're fem presenting, so it's likely they'd use she/her. Same with people who are vaguely acquaintanced with them, like Tsukasa, Shizuku or Emu. Akito is aware of the rumours, but him not telling Ena means he couldn't care less, so it's likely he'd use she/her too.
What about An and Rui, who are aware of Mizuki's identity? That's the complicated part, since they'd give away Mizuki's gender. I guess I'd do my best to avoid using gendered pronouns? It'd be kinda hard, but at least it'd MAKE SENSE. If they're talking about Mizuki to other characters, they'd probs use she/her too regardless.
I haven't really read the new JP event, but they probably don't clear anything up when it comes to Mizuki's gender. I was hoping Mizuki's sister would say something like "oh mizuki's my sister/whatever" but in the summary I've read, as sweet as it seems, we're still kept in the dark. Oh well.
"But that'd be misgendering!" YES! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T TELL PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR GENDER! PEOPLE TEND TO ASSUME! Plus, if Mizuki's not a trans girl not saying pronouns = gender, that's not what i'm going for here or nonbinary, and they're just an otokonoko (unlikely, but they can still pussy out, even though they had Mizuki singing villain, but whateeeeeeever), wouldn't they/them be misgendering them too?
It's frustrating, like, if you hc Mizuki as nb that's fine, but can people please stop going for the throats of those who use she/her for them? Not that hard, I promise!
9. Worst part of canon
Canon seems to be hellbent on having some duos as default, with little to no deviations. Leo/Need does this the least, but sometimes they do fall into Ichika+Saki/Honami+Shiho territory.
WxS also doesn't do this often, as it's very well balanced, but when it comes to mix events it's... Not that great. Rui+Emu is surprisingly lacking in content as well, I feel like they're in the background, which is a shame because I like them a lot.
MMJ is truly neutral. We have fun interactions all around, but Airi+Haruka is even worse than Rui+Emu. Please they are THE STRONGEST!!!! give them an event together. I'm sure they'd crush it.
N25 sucks so bad, like so, so, so bad. Most of the time it's Kanade+Mafuyu/Mizuki+Ena. I think they're trying to fix it, but since Mafuyu and Kanade are now roommates, it's... Not really working. Last Kanade event barely had Mafuyu on it, and that's something I really don't like about canon? N25 is overreliant on Mafuyu and sometimes it feels like the other member's problems take a backseat because Mafuyu's are more important. And that sucks. Kanade has it the worst of all because even in events where she miraculously gets away (? from her, she's still thinking of saving her. I get Kanade is very goal-driven and is determined to save her, but... Just Mafuyu? Like in Spojoy when Minori tells Kanade she should take time to herself because she's also important and that she'll be there for her, Kanade instantly thinks "Of course... I want to see Mafuyu smile!" and canon portraying this as a good thing and Kanade improving as a person SUCKS. SUCKS SO BAD. Thanks Kaito for telling her to snap out of it. Samsa is one of the greatest comm songs imo but it's about Mafuyu. The whole event was about Mafuyu's story.
I get it, but they've left Kanade's dad's plotline untouched for TWO WHOLE YEARS, it's what i said about the other member's problems taking a backseat. Mizuki I get, running away is their thing and they seem to be doing good by relating to Mafuyu, but... Augh.
VBS is the poster child for duos. They're the only group where the members don't all use their first names. Just look at their card cameos. And their mix events too... Free them please...
Once I saw someone say "VBS isn't just duos, they have dynamics!" and they sure have them! Wish they got moments to develop them besides card stories and area convos!
16. You can't understand why so many people like this thing
Unironically? Akito x Toya. They're the most milquetoast, boring ship imaginable and nothing interesting ever happens with them. Sometimes you need fluffy ships and I get it, but you can get the same dynamic better within the game itself. To me they're that kind of friends who are super close and thought of dating but they're just so close dating just feels out of the question lol
The way they met doesn't make sense. Like, Akito saw Toya singing and went "oh i want this one", even though he was doing street music just to piss his dad off. Then he sees Kohane and goes "i want that hamster OBLITERATED", because she "wasn't taking it seriously", it just doesn't make sense! If it was called out sure, but Akito being a hypocrite is never brought up ever again. Their conflict in the main story was pretty dumb too. And from then on they just. Go with the flow. I love Toya and Akito separately so please let them be apart.
Whoever has talked to me about proseka for more than 5 minutes knows 2 things: I love Tsukasa Tenma and I really, really dislike Kanade x Mafuyu. The fact that they're the most popular ship for one another evades me. Kanade and Mafuyu aren't good for each other AT ALL.
"But Kanade is doing her best to save Mafuyu!" That's exactly the thing! At the beginning of the game, Kanade was constantly trying her best to save Mafuyu, and Mafuyu in exchange worried about Kanade... Because she's trying to save her. Kanade saw Mafuyu as a big wall, something to prove she's capable of saving others with her music.
"They got better! Kanade sees Mafuyu as a friend now!" ... And Mafuyu is still the same. Ena told her that the least she could do is thank her in Carnation Recollection, but did she? No, she but she was nicer... To Emu. Mafuyu, at least up until Ena's second focus, still wants Kanade to keep composing for her sake. I know she's been bending over backwards to please others since forever and N25 is her safe place to rest, but Ena is right. The least she could do is thank her.
"Since they're living together, Mafuyu is taking care of Kanade!" ... Is she really? She just cleans around a bit, but as for eating and having a better sleeping schedule, Mafuyu is just as bad. Does Mafuyu have to take care of Kanade? Not really, it's not her obligation. But Mafuyu never does anything to stop Kanade from indulging into her unhealthy habits, including overworking herself. Some people keep talking about toxic yuri and... There it is! I have no problem if it's being portrayed like that, but most portrayals have it be wholesome and good, and it isn't, not at all.
Like with Akit-ya I can see why people ship them! They're cute! Kan-mafu though... That's another story.
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dansconcepts · 2 months
Megamind Komahina AU (MegaLuck)
I saw this post on Youtube by @/Mcdonalds-Qiqi and I was like I should 100% write about this. And that's what I did. It's not done, like, at all, but it's prob the longest thing I've ever written (6000 words is a lot for me). I rewatched Megamind for it and that was a fun watch and YES this is 100% just Megamind but with Komahina flavouring so have a little taste with some scenes under the cut.
(Also this wasn't gonna be my first writing post but I mean I'm silly at heart sometimes yknow.)
If someone asked Komaeda how he was doing, he’d usually respond with “Fine, but I’m sure my luck will kick in at some point.” Had they asked him now, he’d say, “Ah, I’m fine” and not dwell any further on what would be considered quite an unlucky day. Alas, good luck will surely come out of this, even if his body is used as a vessel to do so. 
Falling from a high depth does not feel like flying. 
It just feels like falling from a high altitude, and an instinctive part of himself still wants to salvage this, remain alive even after losing essentially everything. He always loses everything in the end, doesn’t he? This is something he’s prepared for his entire life. Yet, of course, it still doesn’t seem to curb that jolt of displeasure that permeates through his body, the uncertainty in knowing that you want to cling and push everything away at the same time just to preserve your… emotions, fickle as they are. [But he’s the reason he’s here, after all].
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
When it came down to it, he was lucky to live, even if that luck is substantiated by losing his parents and meeting the other that had everything given to him on a silver platter. 
He and Naegi weren’t in the same class, but whenever his luck struck, Makoto was there to stop it, and everyone blamed him for the bad things that happened. He couldn’t hate them for it either. He blames himself too.
Some people don't really believe in such unseeable forces. Yet how else could he explain a plane going rogue, and being the only living being to see the terrible aftermath of it? Of experiencing being kidnapped, and being able to get out of that? Who else could it be besides Lady Luck?
Yet he is grateful to her. Otherwise, how else would he be rich? Be smart of mind, besides being tainted in health? He should be grateful...
He should be.
But he looks at his arm and only speaks to the metal that is there, the little characters on the screen being his only company. Everyone else stares at the teacher pointing at the board toward something he figured out already, when he last snuck a glance at it anyway. Now, he's left with his familiar position of facing brown wallpaper. It's a very boring brown. It's worse when he has to hear his classmates talking about him. They're all so void of doing anything useful.
"Can we pwease pwease pwease do something?! This is, like, soooo boring!"
The class hushes her, along with her fellow companion on the screen. Indeed, his classmates would be more useful in another way. They're so predictable.
In a quieter tone, the pink-haired girl looks up from the console in her hands to say, "You can go play the quiet game, Junko. That'll surely entertain you, I think." And immediately looks back down. Junko squawks her protests. He wonders if Chiaki is actually playing a game, or if the sprite's just for show.
Nagito hums. The AI instantly blinks at him, crossing her arms. "The fuck? What's got you looking so happy?"
"Hope is going to be plentiful today."
"What the hell's that supposed to mea-"
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Hajime blearily opens his eyes. Light blinds his vision, and he blinks it away. As it clears, fluffy white hair and pale skin greet him, a white T-shirt hanging loosely off their thin frame. Their long eyelashes frame the entrancing evergreen eyes, with a foggy dreaminess melting into him. Is this an angel?
"Oh, you're awake." The voice says. 
Who...? "Leave me alone."
The person steps back. "Sorry, I'm not about to do that when you look that tired. Are you okay? You seem pretty out of it."
He stares outside. There's a beautiful moon out, and again, no stars. Typical. "...It's been a rough day." He cuddles the soft fabric closer. So nice and warm-
Wait... soft fabric?
He immediately looks down to the dark green clothing in his hand.
"Oh, yeah, you started shivering so I just gave you my sweater. You're free to keep it if you want."
His face burns, and he wordlessly tosses the sweater back. "Thanks, but I'm fine. Who are you? I wasn’t expecting to see anyone else besides Touko."
The pale man's smile turns serene. "Ah, I’m new, I started a while back. I’m helping Touko clear out some essentials since the building is getting renovations. It should be happening fairly soon, so let’s get out of here, shall we?"
"Really?" He doesn't recall anything like that happening, but he wouldn't be surprised considering Naegi is...
"Alright, I’ll come with you."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
"Junko. Where the hell is Komaeda?" Hajime snarls.
Now, Nagito knows he should say something to that, but… He said my name.
"Uh…" He stutters. 
"Junko! Don't hurt him!" He hears his own voice say. He looks to his arm, where Junko's sprite sends a cheeky wink. He should probably figure out when she decided to record his voice later...
Unfortunately for him, Hajime only glares at him harder. "I will not fucking hesitate, you bitch! Let him go!"
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Hajime’s taking quite a while. He doesn’t resent it, he shall wait however long he needs to, but this is a little unusual for him. If anything, Hajime’s quite punctual. He can’t even talk to Junko or Chiaki, since they seem to have closed off their connection with him.
The reporter finally shows up, a little messy. His ahoge is more limp than normal. He swiftly pulls the velvet chair to sit on. "God, sorry I'm late Komaeda." He huffs.
"Oh, it's no worries, Hinata-kun. I understand why you might not have wanted to come for trash like m-"
"No! It's not that!" He's quickly met with. The white-haired man easily smiles. So easy. The frown turns into a pout. "Oh, you're teasing me again."
"Haha, sorry. It's really fun." Hajime opens his mouth to protest. Ah, can't have that. "What happened?" He shoots out.
The other's mouth shuts closed. Olive eyes stare him down warily, and he tilts his head. The look is 100% his we're not done with this topic but I'm dropping it because you really love doing this shit, yet he really just wants to know what has Hajime so disheveled. If someone hurt him-
Hajime immediately dives into what happened within the past few hours, being tossed around by Fragment and how Fragment's his best friend while he's left with dread pooling within him.
"I love him, I do, but right now he really doesn't need these powers. The last thing he needs is another reason to feel perfect for Sonia. I’ve been trying to help him deal with rejection, but this really… really fucked with him. And shit went down."
Why would Fragment attack Hinata-kun, this wasn't meant to happen-
Hajime shuts his eyes. He rubs his temples. "I'd rather not deal with all this. Let's just eat."
He resists the urge to bite his lip. The temptation to comfort is so high, but knowing he was the cause of it...
Furrowed eyes meet his gaze, and soften. He gulps. A tanned hand reaches out, and he reaches out his own-
For his glass.
"To you, Komaeda, for being the not insane part of my life right now." Hajime grins, lifting his cup in the air.
Komaeda chuckles politely. If only you knew.
"I'm always happy to be with you, Hajime."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[He's hoping to get lucky one last time.]
“Providing hope… feels pretty good.”
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(Hi! It's me again)
Do you have any thoughts on deltarune college mates friskriel?
(Okay, I am very sorry, there is a looot of questions rolled into one here, and you don't have to answer all of them or even any of them, it's just...that since I heard you also like the headcanon, I wondered if you had any specifics? or....well, wanted to think of some? so I kinda made a list of things to just...think about? if you hadn't already?) (I am also aware that college Friskriel may carry more novelty for me, who normally thinks of flowey and frisk in their pre-teen and early teen stages, than you who made two whole fanfics with them as older teens and young adults)
what they both study?
who are Frisk's parents/guardians here? are they currently happy with their family situation?
how (and when) did they meet? (since Az's coming back for Christmas (it's probs autumn right now cause orange leaves) for the first time since leaving, that means he's spent one term at college so far)
are they room-mates?
Any uni clubs or societes they both go to?
Do they attend college parties?
Or shitty part time jobs they both have to work at? (gotta be ready to pay off that student debt, ugh)
are they dating in the background at this point (chapter 2)?
will they be by the end of the game? (in like in the background, in your version, it's not gonna be canon obvs)
Are they still doing a secret relationship here?
How's Frisk's relationship with Kris and the other Dreemurrs? (and the Holidays? since they're close enough to be considered family, honestly)
Would Kris tease them both? (Kris seems like the type)
Can they go on a date to QC's?
And will they be back for the festival? (since that's apparently something you take a date to)
Would they go on the real light world ferris wheel? (like Kris and Noelle went on as kids)
Any chance for post-canon darkworld adventures? (though they might be all be closed by the end) (tag team fights and acts, drinking each other's tea, reactions to each other's cool dark world outfits, Frisk seeing Az's fire magic for the first time, defending each other, item shenanigans (for example, like Susie remarking Noelle's ring smells like her or Ralsei's blushy reactions should you give him the ribbons (poor Kris...), stuff like that!))
Any parallels to other ships such as Suselle?
Or actual popular Azzy ships like Dessriel? What do you think of Dessriel? Any chance for angst or drama there?
Anything related to the original timeline (like Azzy's final boss form he made or...strange dreams from another world?)
What is the status on monsters outside hometown? are they common? Or is Azzy the first monster Frisk has seen?
Again, I am sorry for so very many questions I asked. Do not feel compelled to answer!
It's absolutely fine, no need to apologize, I'm honestly kind of impressed? If AU surveys exist, I would classify this as one!
I have one issue that I'm very guilty of, I have only played chapter 1 of Deltarune, once, and right after it was released, I was in the middle of writing the Growing Pains series when both chapters came out and I was concerned it would throw off my focus, and many other silly reasons, so, I never got into Deltarune- BUT, I am interested in some of the characters.
(I also don't ship Asriel/Flowey with anyone else but Frisk (I've gotten too comfortable with my own AU's and my brain just won't let me think of him being with anyone else at this point, I think it's broken, lol) so I have no idea what Dessriel is.)
Because I still like the idea of the AU, and because Growing Pains 2 had a short college arc, I already have something I can work with, I'm happy to say I can answer a good chunk of your questions.
I'll start simple!
Asriel is studying to become a doctor, but really wants to be an astronomer, he goes to a co-ed college, his roommate ends up being a three eyed, purple slime monster named Grreth (but prefers to go by J.J.) (if you've read Growing Pains 2, you already know who he is, I just couldn't help but add him in because him and Flowey becomes such good friends :p)
Frisk is also studying to become a doctor, they really love to help people, but quickly discover that it's a bit difficult for them and they're considering leaving to switch to something more art-based, maybe they'll become an art teacher instead? But after meeting Asriel and discovering that he's actually their dorm neighbor, and are guilt-tripped by their aunt, they decide to stick to it.
They have a roommate who's a human, who's name is Alice, Frisk has a crush on her at first- until Alice reveals that she's already dating someone and then is rarely seen much after that due to becoming busy with classes and other things, leaving Frisk to have the dorm room all to themselves, it's pretty lonely until they become good friends with both Asriel and J.J.
My Frisk's story is that they're nonbinary (AFAB), Filipino, and lost their parents in a car accident at the age of nine, so they were raised by their aunt (Ligaya) and cousin (Andres) (who is like an older brother to them).
Fortunately, their family is okay with monsters, but kind of clueless about them due to the fact that they live in an all-human neighborhood, so when Frisk goes to college and meets Asriel and all these other monsters, they're very starstruck and amazed, and by the looks of it, Kris seems to be the only human Asriel knows, so he's also starstruck and amazed by Frisk as well, they hit things off very fast.
Frisk's family isn't as well off as Asriel's is, so they work two jobs to help pay off their college debt; one at an adorable bakery (which Asriel comes by often as an excuse to see them, usually bringing J.J. along at first and then later, alone) Frisk's second job is at the college's library, which, Asriel also loves to visit them at, they steal loving glances at each other while he's trying to study.
After they start dating, Asriel starts stressing out because he runs out of allowance money because he keeps wanting to buy Frisk's gifts and take them to nice places on their dates, so he takes up a job as a florist, and because both of his parents are gardeners and he has an eye for making things look good-he's ends up being very good at his job.
Because Frisk's family is cool with monsters in my AU, I can't see any reason why they would keep the relationship secret... although, they'd probably be apprehensive about voicing the relationship or showing any PDA in the beginning because there are groups on both sides that very highly disapprove/hate monster/human relationships, and Asriel and Frisk don't want either to get hurt.
-Fun stuff!-
Asriel admits his feelings first by writing a love letter and sticking it under Frisk's dorm room door, they get it immediately and write him one back and stick it under his door, he then urgently runs out of his dorm to theirs and they practically tackle each other with an embrace, a week after that they have their first kiss.
After getting deeper into their romantic relationship, Frisk thinks Asriel is gorgeous and likes to jokingly flirt about practicing their art by drawing/painting him in the nude (insert Titanic joke here), he always blushes and laughs and the moment goes on, but one day he goes "but who will be the nude one, me or you?"
They go to a few parties, both as a couple and as a trio with J.J., most of them go well, but there are few instances where Asriel nearly gets in a fight with a guy who is coming on too strong toward Frisk, and nearly gets another fight when J.J. gets bullied- and if things go wrong, the three of them leave to go have their own fun.
One day J.J. comes back to the dorm room with pot brownies and shares them with Asriel and Frisk, it ensues a very funny adventure between the three of them, and after that, they use pot brownies to celebrate big accomplishments instead of alcohol after Asriel suffers from the worst hangover ever that ended with him hospitalized.
Things get a little awkward when J.J. admits that he has a bit of a crush on both Asriel and Frisk, but they both let him down gently and they manage to continue being best friends, however, by the end of that month, J.J. meets a dorky cute trans girl and they slowly fall in love.
Asriel and Frisk are both very supportive of each other and help each other with school work, they're even supportive of each other's wishes and desires to do other things, even if it means they'd end up going to different colleges in the future... but they also like the idea of opening up a small health clinic together as a married couple, treating and healing both humans and monsters alike.
-Bringing Frisk to his home-
Asriel brings Frisk home, first introducing them as his best friend but realizes how serious he feels for them and quickly reintroduces them as his romantic partner.
Kris is jealous in the beginning, because here they were waiting all this time to spend time with their older brother, but nooo, he has no time for them due to practically being attached to Frisk at the hip- but being the good brother he is, he catches this before it's too late and makes time for them and Frisk ends up bonding with Toriel and Asgore, they remind them of their parents.
When Frisk finds out that Kris was jealous, and as a person with an older brother figure, they understand and make a point to hang out with them, telling them if they had met earlier before they started dating Asriel, they would have asked for Kris's blessing first- it's a funny thing to say, but Frisk is so serious and sincere about it that Kris can't help but start to like them.
Once they warm up to Frisk and the idea of the relationship, Kris definitely begins teasing them about everything, it embarrasses Asriel but Frisk finds a lot of funny and takes most of the teasing in stride.
Asriel then introduces Frisk to his neighborhood friends and takes them on a few dates around town in the process, it doesn't take long for Frisk to fit into the family and town.
Frisk becomes like an older sibling to Kris, and even if Kris wants to be a monster, they find comfort in bonding with them over human-related things.
-Bringing Asriel to Frisk's home-
Frisk's aunt Ligaya is very charmed by Asriel and treats him like a son, however Andres, who is protective over Frisk, grills Asriel with a hundred questions, by the end of it, Andres is annoyed that he's charmed by Asriel too.
Asriel gets introduced to Filipino food! He ends up really liking it, and on a much later visit, he helps Ligaya cook and sneakily learns how to cook Frisk's favorite foods.
Ligaya doesn't let them sleep in the same bed at her house until they're much later married (she doesn't care if they've tangoed or not, it's not happening!) So, he sleeps in Andre's room (he has a bunk bed), where he is further grilled by Andres, Asriel comically does not sleep well.
Anyways, here's a quick funny doodle I did, a gift for reading my ramblings and wanting to know my thoughts.
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POV, you're an administrator and you're doing dorm room checks and notice that this room smells suspiciously like....... brownies.
However, the three college students- who are definitely hiding something, are also very welcoming and nice that you decide to dismiss any of those suspicions.
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