#i mean they are tv poor so middle class but still
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I'm slowly rewatching Smallville and I think in episode two Lex just stoled an apple from the Kents? Like they were literally packing the apples to sell them and Lex just picked one without permission. And I mean is just an apple and I'm normally all in for people stealing basic necessities but Lex is a bilionaire why is he stealing apples? Go pay for it your little bourgeoisie trash.
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echobx · 6 months
soulmates 1 - jj maybank x fem!reader
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summary: y/n is on a double date with her boyfriend when she runs into her actual soulmate
warnings: none
word count: 3.5k
author's note: idk what to say
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In a world where you could hear your soulmate's thoughts, as long as they were thinking about you, as long as they were at least 16, it was still very difficult to find them. Most people would go their whole lives without even meeting the person they were connected to, most people had found their peace with it, and so had you…
“I'm taking you out for lunch,” your boyfriend, Kelce, pressed a kiss to your cheek. You had never heard his thoughts, but that was okay. Maybe you were secretly sad about it, but a lot of people had the same issues as you. You had anticipated your sixteenth birthday like any other kid, but even more so because your parents were soulmates, having grown up together they had gotten lucky. But you weren't blessed with the same luck. This wouldn't mean that you didn't love your boyfriend. No, Kelce was nice and sweet and loved to show you off to his Kook friends.  The split between Kooks and Pogues had never been to your favor. Your parents were hardworking middle class, too poor to be Kooks, too wealthy to be Pogues. 
“Where are we going?” You smiled at him. “Country Club, haven't been there in a while, especially with you.” He smirked and you had to laugh.  “I see, you just wanna show me off,” you giggled, not at all foreign to the concept. You got up and tugged on your dress to make it fall evenly.  “You are so beautiful,” he complimented you and leaned down into a kiss.  You were an uneven couple, everyone could see it, but you didn't mind it at all. You knew that they all just saw him as the rich kid that got in fights with Pogues because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. But to you, he was kind and loving and just the best boyfriend you could wish for. He made you forget that you weren't even soulmates.  “Will the others be there?” you asked while the two of you walked out of his house and towards his car.  “Just Topper and I think his new girlfriend. He's been so up my ass ever since Sarah dumped him for that Pogue John B. I hope the new one will help,” Kelce said and held your door open so you could get in.  “I hope he can forget about Sarah, it's not like they were soulmates,” you noted while he got in too. “Right?”  “I don't know, he never told me,” Kelce shrugged and started driving. 
It had been a real scandal when the Kook princess had run off with the Pogue, no one could understand why she would do such a thing, but to you, it was clear. You didn't have to look at them twice when you saw them around town, they were clearly meant for each other, they had gotten lucky.  You hoped that you might find your person once you moved away to college. The statistical probability of finding your soulmate in a close radius to your home was pretty low. That's why multiple companies were now making big profits with the desperation of people who just wanted to be happy. They created apps and websites to “help” you find “the one”, but even those only helped in about 30% of the cases.  All in all, your chances were pretty low, but you had just turned 17, and had been with Kelce for only three months. Your life was still ahead of you, your chances were still not completely low. But you also told yourself to not hope, to not get caught up in the search because you didn't want to end up like the people they sometimes showed on TV. 
“… and then he just hits a hole in one on the last game, can you believe it?” Kelce laughed, and you realized that you hadn't paid any attention to his story.  “Impressive,” you note and smile at him.  “Yeah, but God, I miss that guy.” It took you a moment to figure out that he was talking about Rafe. Rafe Cameron, Kook prince, technically after the death of his father Ward, the new Kook King, but you didn't care so much about semantics. He had left Kildare, where to, you didn't know, but you knew he was out for the big money, just like his dad.  You reached for your boyfriend's hand and held it, hoping he would find some sort of solace in your touch. You hadn't known Rafe well either, you still didn't know many of Kelce’s friends because you had mostly been focused on each other at the start.  “I think he's gonna come back.” Your words gave him a bit of hope, and he smiled before parking the car. 
Kelce got out and opened the door for you, like he always did, like a gentleman would. “Chivalry is a must,” your mom had always told you. From a young age on, she had made sure that you knew your worth and held your standards up high.  “Thank you,” you blushed as he closed the door again and pulled you into his side.  “We're going all out, sugar. Double dates deserve some extravaganza,” he chuckled.  “Oh, how darling of you,” you said in a pretentious voice, and the two of you laughed even more. It was easy with Kelce, he made you feel good about yourself, and you had wished nothing more than for him to be your one and only. 
You walked inside and someone guided you to your table, Topper and his new girlfriend, Sheila, already sitting there.  “I'm sorry for being late,” you apologized to Top and gave him a quick hug before sitting down opposite of him.  “Oh no, we were just a little early,” he brushed it off and then started talking to Kelce about a new boat he wanted to buy.  You would've talked to Sheila if her eyes hadn't been fixed on the waiter. 
He was tall, had blond tousled hair and his shirt sat tightly on his body, showing off that he had muscles although looking rather lean compared to Kelce.  ‘Not bad,’ you thought to yourself, and his head perked up, and he started looking around. ‘Just a coincidence, nothing more, there are many people here who are thinking about him. He's working, of course you think about your waiter. Hell, Sheila hasn't been able to even take her eyes off him and Topper doesn't even notice,’ you had turned back to looking at Kelce, not noticing that the boy was now eyeing your table very carefully.  ‘Don’t tell me she's a fucking Kook,’ you could suddenly hear an annoyed voice in your head.  “Everything okay?” Kelce asked and brushed a strand of hair out of your face. “You look like you've seen a ghost,” he joked, and you shook your head, trying to regain composure.  “Yeah, no, I'm okay, just remembered the time I saw a guy run over a cat. I don't know why I thought of that,” you lied, and he gave you a quick kiss. You couldn't let them know what had just happened to you, especially not Kelce, you couldn't break his heart. 
“Topper,” the boy came over and greeted him with a fake smile, not even giving Kelce or you any attention.  “JJ, nice to see you,” Topper laughed lightly.  ‘JJ? Peculiar name,’ the thought popped into your head, but he didn't turn to you, instead he looked directly at Sheila, who seemed to be more than intrigued by him.  “What can I get you?” JJ asked, still only looking at her.  Topper ordered for the two of them, as well as for Kelce and you because JJ still hadn't paid us any attention. Then he walked away and you had to scoff. 
“What an asshole, right?” you mumbled to yourself, and Kelce immediately kissed your cheek.  “The amount of times I wanted to rip that smug smile off that Pogue’s face,” he hissed and watched JJ vanish inside. Your heart got heavier, it had been clear that there was something between them, but the fact that the boy enraged Kelce this much meant nothing good.  “He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of you,” you chuckled at Sheila, trying not to seem too disappointed by it.  She laughed and put her hand on Topper’s shoulder. “Oh, that Pogue wishes.” But you knew the look she had given him, everything else was just a very bad lie in your eyes.  “Yeah,” you laugh quietly, before getting up. “I'm gonna go freshen up just a little,” you told Kelce and he nodded.  “Don't be too long, or I'll come find you,” he joked, a loving smile on his lips as you turned around and walked inside. 
‘Fucking Sheila? Why her? Why not me? I was right there, asshole!’ you screamed at JJ in your mind, knowing well enough that he would hear it.  ‘What are you talking about?’ the voice in your head replied, his voice.  ‘I didn't even want a fucking salad, okay! I wanted fries! But no, you couldn't even dare to look at us and ask what I wanted. And now I'm stuck with a stupid ass salad, because Topper is stupid,’ you let out all of your frustrations as you checked your makeup in the mirror of the restroom.  ‘Fuck!’ he exclaimed inside your head, and then it was silent again. 
You got back to the table and just a moment later JJ arrived with two of the four plates. He still didn't give you any notice until he came walking back, with a steak for Kelce and a plate of fries for you.  “She didn't order fries!” Kelce barked at him, but you just put your hand on his thigh.  “I did, I changed my order inside,” you lied without giving JJ a single look.  ‘Never seen Kelce act like a fucking dog. Who are you, pretty girl?’ JJ thought, but you couldn't let it show how much it made your heart falter.  “Why are you still standing here?” Sheila asked loudly, and you finally turned around to look at JJ. Your eyes met, and you couldn't be sure if it had been your own or his thoughts that let a silent “wow” slip.  “My bad, enjoy your food,” JJ said, still staring at you as he walked away, unable to take his eyes off of you, really.  “Why was he looking at you like that?” Kelce asked and you gulped lightly.  “I don't know,” you mumbled and started eating. 
‘What's your name, pretty girl?’ his voice was back in your head, and you nearly would've spit out your water. ‘You already know mine, so it's only fair. And it's not peculiar. I just don't like what my parents chose, so I'm doing my own thing,’ he explained, and you could see him walking around, doing his job while very casually trying to get to know you.  ‘I have a boyfriend,’ you remind him, but he just laughed inside your mind, a nice wholehearted laugh that sounded almost like music to you.  ‘I’m glad you like my laugh, princess, but don't forget about your boyfriend. Isn't he the best? Only tried to kill me last year,” JJ’s words made you choke on a fry.  “Hey, y/n, are you okay?” Kelce asked, and you nodded, taking a sip of water to try and calm your throat.  “Yeah,” you said and tried to smile at him. You knew of his temper, being the only one who could calm him down most times, but you would have never thought that he would actually willfully hurt someone so much that they would potentially die.  “We can leave if you don't feel so well,” he spoke in a soft voice, but you couldn't stop thinking about it. About how he must've hurt JJ, about what he could've done to him.  “I'm fine, really,” you pressed out and turned back to your plate, half empty, but you felt like eating another fry would just cause you to throw up. “I'm just gonna use the restroom real quick,” you excused yourself and all three of them gave you a weird look, but let you leave without further questions. 
‘Where did you go to, pretty girl? I didn't mean to scare you,” his voice was back in your mind.  “Stop talking!” you screamed and stopped in your tracks, you hadn't even noticed that you had actually said it out loud until the whole Country Club was staring at you. Quickly, you ran towards the restroom and hid in a stall.  You didn't know how much time passed as you hid and cried into yourself. This was definitely not how you had imagined it going, having him so close but so far, being caught in between a feud that you hadn't even known existed.  ‘Hey, princess, he's getting impatient, and I really don't wanna deal with that shit,’ JJ whispered to you.  ‘Y/n,’ you told him. ‘That’s my name. But everyone calls me y/n/n, apart from my parents, my parents call me Bean, because I only ate beans as a baby.’ You didn't even understand why you told him this very particular thing about yourself, when you had never let anyone know about your parents' weird nickname for you.  ‘Cute,’ he chuckled. ‘Will you come out again? I don't want to have to come in there, and then have to give you back to him as if he should have any claim over you,” JJ muttered, he was disgusted by the thought of Kelce kissing you.  ‘You don't have to be so mean, I can still hear you. Also, that's disgusting, he doesn't kiss like that,’ you thought but had to laugh about how weird he made it look in his head.  ‘Makes it more bearable though,’ JJ admitted.  ‘I have to talk to him, how the fuck am I supposed to do that? He already hates you.’ You buried your face in your hands.  ‘I won't let him hurt you, princess,’ he replied to your thoughts and the more you talked to each other just like that, the less you had to fight yourself to hide it, everything got easier. It was like listening to music while doing homework, as long as you kept on concentrating on what was in front of you, the music wouldn't bother you too much. But it also could be all encompassing as soon as you let it.  Yet you also wondered why he was so protective of you, a girl he had only just met.  ‘My best friend had a lot of issues, Sarah got hurt in the process, not badly but still. I don't want that for you, for us,’ JJ explained, and you wiped your tears away.  ‘Topper’s ex?’ you asked and stood up, wiping your dress down to seem more respectable again.  ‘Sarah, yes, I bet you heard. Kooks and Pogues don't always mix well, but she's a Pogue now,’ he spoke of it so casually as if he didn't mind at all.  “I'm neither,” you spoke up, but you knew he could still hear you.  ‘Your boyfriend is a Kook, that's already too much,’ he said and the disgust that he held for Kelce was incredibly draining.  “I don't choose who I fall for. It's not my fault,” you told yourself as if it was a manifestation. 
‘Do you really love him?’ JJ asked just as you walked out of the restroom, he was leaning on the wall opposite of the door, eyeing you wearily. “I don't know,” you replied out loud, and he couldn't help but smile, suddenly everything you had thought to know of love was thrown out the window. This feeling was completely different from anything you had ever felt before, and you never wanted to feel anything else ever again. ‘I would kiss you, but I'm not gonna give him any ammunition to hate you more than he already will once he finds out,’ he thought as his eyes darted down to your lips. It was like you were frozen, both unable to move as you stood on each side of the hallway.  ‘Probably better.’ You smiled and blushed a little over his boldness.  “They have been asking for you quite a lot, wondering where you are, why you aren't coming back. And yet not one of them made a single move to go check on you,” JJ spoke with a low voice.  “I should really go back then,” you whispered, and he gave you a small smile before you turned and walked back to the table. You knew he felt the small tingling feeling that settled in your guts, you knew he could feel you because you could feel it in him too. No one had ever mentioned that it wasn't just thoughts, but a direct connection into the inner world of the other. 
“I'm sorry, I’m really not feeling too well,” you apologized while sitting back down at the table.  Topper eyed you, and you felt like he knew, like he could see it in your eyes. “I can drive you home,” he suggested sweetly.  “I don't want to cause any trouble, I can just call an Uber,” you said and turned to Kelce. “I'm really sorry.”  “Nonsense, let Topper drive you home and if you don't feel better I'll just come by, and we can watch a movie together.” He smiled and put his forehead to yours.  ‘Oh, vomit,’ JJ’s thought popped into your head just as Kelce placed a small kiss on your lips.  “Uh, yeah, we can do that,” you told your boyfriend and got up. “See you later then,” you said and walked away with Topper by your side. 
You didn't want to think of JJ; you didn't want to think of hurting Kelce; you didn't want to think at all, but as soon as you were sitting in Topper's pickup truck he turned to you.  “Tell me it's not JJ,” he said as if you had committed a crime.  “I don't know what you mean,” you lied.  ‘We really gotta work on your lying skills, princess,’ JJ chuckled.  “I know that look, I had to look at it for two months before Sarah admitted it to me. Promise me to not break his heart, it's already hard enough as it is,” Topper said and you nodded shyly.  “I didn't want this,” you said, but JJ just laughed, and you had a hard time pushing him into the back of your mind.  ‘Are you only good at lying when you're doing it to yourself?’ “I had hoped that it would be him, and then it wasn't, and I was okay with it. I didn't want this now, I was okay with it never happening. I don't want to hurt him,” you started crying and Topper leaned over and hugged you. He had never hugged you like that before, it felt good to be cared for by someone who wasn't Kelce for once. “Please don't tell him,” you whispered as Topper pulled away again.  “I won't, but you should, as fast as possible, actually. It's only been three months, you haven't even said I love you yet, right?” Topper asked and turned on the engine.  “Yeah, no, we haven't. I just don't know how to. How do you tell someone that?” you asked, but he couldn't give you an answer that wouldn't hurt either of you in the end.  ‘You just say, “Hey, Kelce, you big asshole, I'm actually already bound by the universe to the very charming, extremely hot and sexy JJ Maybank. See ya’” or something like that,’ JJ told you, but you couldn't reply, your heart felt too heavy, heavier than you ever imagined possible.
“Top?” you asked quietly. “Yes, y/n/n?” the boy answered just as he stopped in front of your building.  “Kelce hates him, JJ, I mean. They hate each other, don't they?” You already knew the answer, but you hoped for some more intel on it all.  “Yeah, it's not pretty. I tried to stay out of it, it was mostly Rafe's fault, but the Pogues aren't that innocent either. It's better if you tell him before anything happens, trust me. I don't want to see you get hurt,” Topper explained with a sad smile. You didn't know that he cared so much about you, never truly having considered him your friend.  “Will you look after him, or just make sure he doesn't do something stupid once I-” The words got stuck in your throat but Topper just nodded.  “Took me some time to understand it, that you don't have a choice in this. He's gonna have to accept it,” he said, and you opened the door to get out.  “Thank you,” you said and wanted to close the door to walk towards your home.  “Y/n? If you need anything, you can just call me, just because you and Kelce are gonna end, doesn't mean we aren't still friends,” he told you and you nodded.  “I'll remember, thanks for the ride,” you said goodbye and walked towards the apartment building.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
part 2
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sashabunnie · 13 days
Hi! I apologize for not posting recently despite having a resurgence in wanting to draw. I've recently gotten a new art program and am still trying to figure out how to use it. In the meantime I'd like to discuss a topic I find important to talk about.
I recently received a question in my inbox. I found it rude and decided to delete and block the person. But now I'm realizing I could use this comment to educate those not in the art field on this subject, specifically about how proportions and different body types are taught to be drawn. I'll paraphrase the comment received:
"It's funny how you're fat but you draw yourself skinny, it's hilarious."
Yup that's the basis of what the comment was. I could tell from this comment that a) they're trying to be rude and mean and b) they at least don't draw humans and at most have no idea how to draw period.
Now you may be asking, how does this comment lead to an educational moment? I'm glad you asked.
I've been drawing since I can remember, and I only took a few art classes in middle school and highschool. Other than that I'm almost completely self taught and often took my inspiration from cartoons.
I also grew up in a much larger body than a good portion of my peers. I had binge e@ting disorder. This was caused by growing up in a poor family. I was taught to eat whatever I was offered(unless it was by a total stranger). I was also taught at school to inhale my food starting from kindergarten as we only got 15 minutes to eat and 15 minutes to play, if we went over the 15 minutes to eat we weren't allowed to play. Anyways this conditioned me to have BED.
Being overweight as a child was torture. Just like any ED it's very hard to control and even harder to spot in a child. I went untreated until I was 19. I'm a lot better now but sadly my stomach is now partially paralyzed.
Now like I said, growing up fat was extremely difficult, seeing others in my life who were skinnier than I, seeing all the cartoon shows on TV with the pretty skinny ladies and bulked up men, or even lanky men. And sure there were fat people in cartoons, but they're often portrayed as these lazy, stupid, people or they're middle aged with greying or thinning hair, in a mobility scooter, who are also portrayed as stupid and lazy.
I never saw a true representation of myself in cartoons. I never saw a plump nine year old with dreams to become a ballerina or baseball player, I never saw a bigger girl who exceeded in every class who wanted to become a paleontologist. All I saw were people making jokes about the fat character, how dumb and lazy they were.
But to me, I was never lazy or stupid. And when I started drawing myself I did so as a beautiful young person who was smart, clever, and always taken seriously. It was my escape from this world of hate.
Then I started taking art classes in middle school and highschool. They taught very basic anatomy in drawing, such as "this is how long your arm should be" and "the hand should be able to cover the face", just teaching proportions. But here's the catch, they hardly taught anything more than an hourglass shaped body for females and a rectangle shape for men.
In fact if we tried to explore more or less body shaped, whether it was a flat chested female, a dad bod male or vice versa, it was met with severe criticism.
Now over the years I've learned how to draw different body shapes and sizes better than I have in the past. And I have worked greatly to improve my self image and that a bit of extra fat here or there won't be the end all be all.
However that's not to say that I still have a hard time drawing myself as big as I see myself irl. The ED that warped from BED to OSFED in my teen years still yells at me from my mirror, telling me how ugly I am for being in a bigger body. People have told me several times that I'm not as big as the mirror says I am, which is true.
I may be in a bigger body but it's not to a point where my weight is affecting my health. The only real thing affecting my health are a slew of genetic disorders that I cannot control.
Just to conclude, just because someone draws themselves as bigger or smaller does not mean that they're delusional. It's just how they draw themselves.
Just be kind and non judgemental. You don't know what that person has been through and honestly it's not really your business unless it's a threat to safety, theirs or others.
And if you don't like what you see, scroll, it's not your place to get upset over something as small as someone drawing themselves in a different light than your perspective.
Love y'all!
(Picture of my gravity falls x the owl house OC for y'all)
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textfromthelookout · 7 months
Did you hear of the news?
I have. :(
Everyone else has their tributes so, here, a summary of my experience with Dragon Ball.
I was in fourth grade art class. A kid had the February 2005 issue of Shonen Jump, back when Shonen Jump was still physically printed here. I recognized Atem on the front cover because the Blockbuster around the corner from our house had DVDs (I think they were DVDs and not VHSs then since I distinctly remember it having a menu and special features) of some of the later episodes of Duelist Kingdom and my brother and I watched them on repeat. So I was like oh, hey, what's this? They make books of that stuff? I don't remember the conversation but the kid ended up giving me that issue, and I took it home with me.
There were a LOT of significant, groundwork things happening in that issue, now that I think about it. We were just beginning to see Sanji truly in action against Pearl. The Dark Tournament was in it's early stages still with Roto fucking around and finding out against Kurama. Sakura shears off her hair in a move that rearranged sexualities the world over. The reason Atem was on the cover was because Yu-Gi-Oh Millennium World was just debuting its first and second chapter. Bleach wasn't even serialized yet. And Dragon Ball, of course, was also there, about a hundred and fifty chapters ahead of everybody else.
Keep in mind that this was my first experience with manga, period. So my very first experience with Dragon Ball opened on this:
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and ended on this:
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Yeah. Truth be told, at the time Yu Yu Hakusho piqued my interest more than Dragon Ball (a guy fighting with plants? how creative!) but I never did forget these chapters. I thought the art style was so different from the others.
At some point after this, probably between several months and a year and a half, the TV happened to be on one evening when Toonami was airing Dragon Ball Z. Oh hey, I said, I recognize that art, I know those characters. So I hung around and watched some of episode 281. Two things about watching that episode stick with absolute crystal clarity in my mind to this day. Firstly: Buu choking Vegeta out with his arm freaked me the FUCK out as a child. I could not tell you why I had a fear reaction to it but hey, there you go. The second is this:
Specifically I remember 'You died once. If anything happens to you now, you won't exist anymore. There'll be nothing I can do to bring you back.' Not precisely word for word over the years, but Schemmel's tone of voice on this particular lineread. If I had to guess I'd say it was because at that point in my life, uh, death was kinda permanent? So wait, what do you mean died ONCE. Doesn't that apply to everyone?
This still wasn't enough to get me super invested in it though, it just didn't seem like something that would appeal to me that much. So a couple years go by, I don't think about it all that much, and then of course, TFS hits the scene and drops DBZ Abridged. So you know. As a shithead middle schooler with a shithead sense of humor I thought it was the best damn thing since sliced bread. (My biggest character flaw is that I still think a lot of Season 1 is genuinely funny)
And that was really the extent of my interaction with the franchise for the next several years. Say what you will about DBZA but they did manage to put it all together such that someone who had a nonexistent concept of what the original context was could grok it with not a lot of effort. Some time in high school, I think I was around 15, I decided to bite the bullet and read all the manga, as much to increase the funny factor of DBZA as sheerly for the sake of being able to say I had. Stick it to the other weebs, y'know. Now they can't say I didn't know anything about good anime. This was unfortunately at a time when all that was available online were dirty poor-quality scans and questionable translations, but read it I did. I went 'yep, that sure is about what I expected', and proceeded to get on with my life. GT came and went, I looked up and saw Battle of Gods coming out and went 'oh hey that's still a thing huh', kinda was peripherally aware of all the divisiveness of Super as it was happening, didn't really pay it much attention, just stuck to DBZA and quite a lot of wiki-ing.
And then, this time of year about three years ago now, in the middle of conversation with @prophecydungeon, Dragon Ball somehow came up. Something to do with 'Even though I'm not hugely into DBZ's story or whatever Toriyama does have some great character designs' (yes I was referring to Vegeta and Future Trunks at the time, no i will not stop being predictable, yes i am a parody of myself). They eventually brought up the DBS Broly movie and said, and i quote: 'that was a solid 1.5h of unbelievably fun and wacky animation'. Having seen the Gogeta vs Broly part of it on twitter and been like 'damn that animation's kinda off the hook actually, good for them good for them', my response was to be like. Oh word? I've got a spare hour and a half to kill, sure, fuck it, why not, time to watch DBS Broly.
I think that movie was precision crafted to hit me in the hyperfixation, if we're being honest. Opening on a solid 20 minutes of Lore and Worldbuilding and then having most of the rest of the runtime being mindless slobberknocker fun by way of some of the hardest animation flexes ever? I was done for.
In summation. I have been aware of Dragon Ball for a lot of my life, in that its presence was pervasive and enduring as I grew up. I may have been late to the game of actually wholeheartedly enjoying it, but enjoy it I do. Dragon Ball is the roots of a vast tree of anime, and in reading it I began to understand why that is. I respect it for that, and I love it for that. My current fixation may have shifted, but as far as time devoted to one individual thing goes... it took me a year and a half to watch my way through all of the anime and read all of the manga. ALL of it. So there's something good in there, I'd say.
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
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Bold the Facts
Amir Hussain
thank you for tagging me @zosa95 @holocene-sims 💞💗 im so normal about him... u can learn more about my favorite self-loathing bisexual loser below
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between [His space is a mess just like his thoughts.] 
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between [Outwardly he seems stoic but internally he’s anxious, he’s overthinking, his thoughts are ruminating, dwelling on the past, etc.] 
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between [It takes a while for him to warm up to people.]
♦ cautious / reckless / in between [He's too much of an anxious mess to allow himself to be reckless.]
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between [He can appear to others as aloof and cold and not chatty.] 
♦ leader / follower / in between [I don’t think of him as a leader necessarily but he’s definitely not someone who tends to follow others easily. He’s more of a lone wolf if anything.]
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between [A soft heart hidden behind those tall walls!!!]
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between [Under all those layers of pessimism, hope persists.]
♦ traditional / modern / in between [He is strongly against conservative/traditionalist ways of thinking.] 
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown [Not an artist himself but he loves consuming art, reading about it, learning, having discussions about What It All Means. He treats himself to Spotify Premium as a little luxury, he can't live without his music. He has an active Letterboxd account and he is constantly pirating media or watching movies/tv shows on illegal streaming sites... truly a cultured modern man.]
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown [He believes that he owes loyalty to those he loves. In his eyes, breaking that loyalty would be a highly shameful and dishonourable thing to do.] 
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown [He is faithful to the point where he gets obsessive and possessive. He is somewhat aware that he has toxic tendencies. He never had role models for what healthy relationships and boundaries should look like. He had to learn about those things through media and is still trying to figure it out for himself. He is deeply lonely and wants desperately to be loved. What he actually needs is a therapist but anyways...]
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / Spiritual [He grew up religious but is no longer a believer.]
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious [He thinks of sex as a physical way to show and receive love and let’s just say he has a lot of love to give to his one and only.]  
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none [I think he could handle himself in a fight even though he's a pacifist. He's big and tall. His workout routine consists of weightlifting and boxing. I could see him being interested in taking self-defense courses.] 
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none [Would not consider himself an artist in any way, but maybe one day he would attempt to paint something or make a little bowl out of clay. Would love every minute of doing it badly.]
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic [Can handle his liquor. Almost always drinks when he's with the boys.]
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict [Nothing like meth or cocaine but I can see him being open to weed, shrooms, ecstasy in the right company and place.]
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess [Not something I have thought too much about but he probably takes antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. Or took them in the past. Or likely will at some point in the future.]
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I'm thinking about just how different it must be to be wealthy and consume media. Like, what do they think when a movie or a book is against rich people? What do they think when a cartoon or a tv show talks about the plight of the poor? Do they think "oh well I'm not like that!" And how do they relate to poor characters? If they do it at all. It's just so bizarre to me.
I know a few wealthy people. Not UBER rich but like... fairly wealthy. Maybe just "upper middle class" but wealthier than most people could ever dream of being. Relative to me, they're rich.
And the thing about rich people is they almost always frame themselves as not rich enough. If there is something they want but cannot afford, they aren't REALLY rich.
If they have a 6 bedroom home but can't afford a yacht, well, they aren't really rich. If they have a 6 bedroom home AND a yacht but can't afford a SECOND 6 bedroom vacation home, well, they aren't really rich. Or if they have that vacation home but their neighbor's house has .5 more bathrooms... it's like they don't even have a vacation home at all. (Note: None of the people I know are this level of wealthy, just giving examples.)
They know what it's like to suffer from not having the money for the things you "need."
And if they have things they want but money can't buy, well then they're time-poor, love-poor, whatever-poor which means it's just like being money-poor, isn't it? Those poor nepo babies didn't have loving parents, just like the rest of us. Only, y'unno, they went unloved with nannies, five play rooms, and designer clothes while the rest of us went unloved AND worrying about rent at an age where you shouldn't even KNOW about rent.
So they can't possibly be like the evil, greedy rich people in the movies because they don't have everything they want. They can't be like the evil, greedy rich people because they donate to charity (and then complain about taxes being used to help people in ways they don't get to control). They can't be like the villains because they work essential jobs like CEO. They aren't superfluous, they are the backbone of society.
And you know what... this happens across all types of privilege when consuming media. White people listen to Mitski sing about her struggles as an Asian American woman and relate to the alienation, not really internalizing... they are often the source of said alienation. Straight people watch a gay character get bullied and relate to feeling hurt by words but don't internalize their microaggressive comments about their gay cousin is the same shit the bully is saying.
People don't want to internalize that they are the bad guy in someone else's life, even if they didn't intend to be. To the rich, if they aren't spending money directly on hiring goons to stab poor people at random, they aren't the villains.
And, if they were ever poor before (or even just less rich), everyone is just jealous they made it out of poverty and no one realizes that they can still relate to the poor and therefore can't be taking advantage o them or anything like that.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 months
My parents are the coolest parents because they’re willing to be lame. Let me explain
Ever since I was little, they’ve always told me if I was uncomfortable somewhere, didn’t want to hang out with someone, or literally anything, I was allowed to throw them under the bus to say they wouldn’t let me or I had to leave. They think it’s so funny to come up with excuses and we usually cycle through a few before coming up with new ones. I have texted them so many times in life or in hushed whispers told them over the phone at a friend’s house to make up some excuse of why I have to leave and it has put me in the position that I know I can always trust my parents.
In the time that they are “lame” because they are parenting me and it’s not just because I want to have a skip free card, they do it for the best reasons and I know they have my best interests. For example- I was NOT allowed to watch Nickelodeon in any sense because they felt the content was disturbing and had intense sexual undertones. Now we know that it all did. They pushed me to cut out certain people in my life as they saw they were evil and toxic. My life improved greatly without them. I wasn’t allowed to have a device until I was old enough to go out on my own with friends and even then, it was under parental control so that I wouldn’t be rotting my brain. In times when we were dirt poor when I was little, they pushed and saved to be able to give me a great education and fuel my interests instead of throwing me in front of a TV and hoping for the best. My parents told me no matter what, if there was a book or some sort of hobby I wanted to explore, they would do their best to support me. The first Christmas I remember, I had started getting into painting and I walked downstairs to find a Mellisa and Doug easel with a paper roll, paint, paint brushes, an apron, and a paint cup. They spent MONTHS saving for it and it still means everything to me as I get older. I grew up with their cartoons and books from their childhoods and a few approved newer ones.
Tonight I told my dad he needed to give me a curfew. We have prom tomorrow and the class wants to have an after party until 1am at a place that’s thirty minutes down the interstate in the middle of nowhere. He told me ten o’clock and I told him that prom didn’t end until then so he pushed it to 11
I love that my parents are willing to be “lame” even at their own expense or even if sometimes, I can’t see that it’s in my best interests until later.
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thekimspoblog · 8 months
More chatting about BCS w/ @brilliantalpaca
Them: I read the whole thing, Ill reblog it later because there is some stuff I want to give my two cents on
But this is wild to me
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Hello? He graduated from law school? Why is blud in charge of the mail?
Me: I mean OP is right; Jimmy isn't OWED a partnership at HHM. The problem is that when Jimmy and Kim ACCEPTED that the firm wasn't going to promote them and struck out on their own, HHM still interfered. I do think Jimmy has a bit of a NiceGuy complex, but not nearly as badly as Walt did. "NiceGuys finish last, so if you're pulling ahead you were never really that nice" is definitely a theme of BCS. But "Who is watching the watchers? Who gets to decide who the gatekeeper is?" is also a theme. Plus... Kim is a god and when she asks for something, you give it to her or you die. Granted, Howard and Chuck had no way of knowing that last part, but still.
Them: The whole middle part is so cracked
Cooked with gas
In any case, and considering Jimothy started a law firm inside a beauty parlor, I think he would have been happy at HMM the second he stopped to push a cart, at least for a while
Like, I dont think the man is ambitious for power or a title or authoritas, but for respect
Thats why he leaves the firm at... You know, the cocobono table place, sorry its been a while
So I think if his brother had respected him a little bit more, well
Me: On the one hand, he just wanted to work next to his brother and his girlfriend. But like... he got that opportunity with Davis and Mainn and he hated it. That place was stuffy; he needed his freedom. It's one thing for Chuck to say "I don't think my brother would be a good fit at my firm. Even if he is talented, his eccentricities are a liability; I don't want to hire him"; I mean that's basically the same conclusion Kim reached. The problem is we never see Howard do any actual work, so the impression we get is that HHM siphons off labor from its employees, then refuses to compensate them adequately or even acknowledge their role as contributing partners. And again, there was definitely some sort of discrimination going on with the way Chuck penalized Kim for associating with Jimmy.
Them: They also put him an intern-copter on his ass, which would sit badly with anyone
And Chuck actively tried to prevent him to practice
Which is very messed up
Me: Again, I can't really blame them. Frankly Jimmy should have treated Erin with more respect; she had worked there longer and even if she was kind of passive aggressive about it, she was just trying to show him the ropes.
Them: I can't blame them either, but thats because I know Jimmy
In any case, trusting the narrative at one hundred percent and confusing Jimmy with a poor little meow meow is something I'm guilty of
Ill admit that
When he usually makes his own bed
Me: Under normal circumstances, I would say wanting to get someone disbarred for sabotaging you is pretty understandable. But again, Chuck started it by stealing Mesa Verde. Jimmy loved Chuck, but he wanted Chuck to admit that he too could be a bit of a hypocrite and a sleazebag. That he wasn't better than Jimmy. And the truth is he really wasn't.
Them: He really really wasnt, he just dressed it up better
Chuck is such an university profesor its insane, they nailed him
Me: To by a hypocrite is to be human. And honestly I think you're an irresponsible lawyer if you CAN'T acknowledge your own biases.
Them: I also didnt realize that yeah, we never see Howard doing... Work on his own, huh?
Like he's there at meetings, with Chuck at the Mesa Verde hearing
But what does he *do*
Me: I assume Howard does actually do quite a bit of paperwork. But this is a tv show, so if they didn't want us to see him as a symbol of the owning class, as a wage thief, they should have framed the story differently.
Them: It is implied, if not stated, hes riding his dad coat tails, right?
I dont know, he may actually just... Be there
Well, no, hes at court at times
Because if we didnt had anything, you know, to a point that becomes a conscious choice even if hes a secondary character ok a tv show
Me: The main reason I'm inclined to cut Jimmy some slack is that on some level, Jimmy knows that he's just plain bad at making choices for himself. He wants to be bossed around, just by someone he trusts. He spent half his life outsourcing his ethical code to his brother, and the other half just following whatever marching orders his wife gave him. So at least in the later seasons of BCS, the best defense to the idea that Jimmy is a bad person is simply "That part was Kim's idea; you want to complain, take it up with management". Right or wrong, he's a man who can biblically submit to his wife; that kind of puts him in a whole other moral universe.
Them: The show also makes ir very easy to fall into the "Jimmy logic hole", where everything he does gets justified by a slight that happened six episodes ago
Me: But like I said, this is why him going to prison is kinda fucked. Instead of growing the hell up and thinking for himself for once, Jimmy surrenders and turns his agency over to the ultimate daddy; the government.
Them: Lel true
Thats actually a good reading
Me: I think it's best to think of Hamlin-Hamlin-McGill-McGill-and-Wexler as just one big firm that ended up cannibalizing itself; neither half of the entity ever became fully independent from the other, and eventually fighting over clients sunk both halves of the business. Kind of fitting with the theme of wildflowers growing on an unmarked grave, I like to think about Iris's relationship to that business and that building. This big, bombastic story we spent six years chronicling, in just two short decades nothing will be remembered about it besides a "how I met your mother" anecdote. George Hamlin wanted to build a family business... well, he got one.
Them: The causes of the firm's undoing bring writing on its own foundation
You know, George Hamlin bringing his son and Chuck bringing his brother
Kim getting dragged into the drama of the whole thing and doing what she does in the show
Me: yes exactly
Them: It all becomes inevitable
Me: Instead of having a long(er) life in prison, my timeline ends with Jimmy dying at age 69 from a heart-attack while fleeing a protest-turned-riot, being remembered as a beloved patriarch martyred for a righteous cause. It's a happier ending than what Vince and Peter would leave him to, but it's still supposed to feel a little perverse: this was the path Kim put him on when she got him out on parole, and on some level she knew this. Iris blames their mother for what happened, and they're not wrong, but at this point remorse is an emotion that doesn't come easily to Kim anymore. She gave him the best life she could, but nothing lasts forever. Still, nothing is set in stone. Jimmy will be a martyr for Kim's revolution if he lets her make him one. But saying "no" to her - AND MEANING IT - is the hardest thing to do. Especially when he knows she's right; that Iris is going to inherit a police state if the parents don't act preemptively.
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the-queerview · 9 months
Saltburn (2023)
by Emerald Fennell
My dear readers,
I know it seemes like I abandoned you, but lately I really felt no need to write about a film, that would capture a certain Zeitgeist or some surprise to me. I wanted to write about the show "los espookys" by the creators Julio Torres, Ana Fabrega, Fred Armisen, a mexian-american comedy tv, which really made me pass this quite depressing winter in Berlin. But los espookys felt more like a warm, fresh bread, that I could snack at a sunny day, so I might write about it on a better day.
Today we gonna talk about the highly controversially labeled film Saltburn, directed by Emerald Fennell, who directed as well the masterpiece "Promising young women". You might remember this heavy, metoo themed vendetta film, with the amazing violine version of Britney Spears "Toxic".
Saltburn is a film about a guy namend Oliver enrolling in oxford, starting to be obsesses with everybod¥s darling Felix. Felix, coming from a wealthy background gets tricked by Oliver into a friendship and after Oliver's father dies, Felix invites him to spent the summer at his castle in Saltburn. Living with Felix rich, aristocratic family and their flaws, Felix adapts easily with the new won luxury lifestyle and his obsession with Felix seems to grow, ending up with shocking scenes, that didn't seem to shock me at all and clearly seemed like intended provocative gestures from the director to get prices.
I won't spoiler to much here about the storyline to follow for the ones, who would like to see it and focus on the further part on my critic.
So the film starts building up with heavy color grading during the oxford times, it reminds of middle 2k format drama shows and keeps rolling up to arthouse typical shots, with intense skies in the background, different camera angles, close ups reminding of advertisement and homo erotica ala Abercombie ans Fitch. But it continues to pave its way into a forced horror shots, there are to many different genre laps in this thriller. We are dealing with such an overlap of genres, that trough the moving pictures we encounter, we get lost in the storyline. Till the first middle part of the film ( and the film is asslong) we develop an understanding of the world Oliver entered, being an outsider at Oxford. feelings of less worth trough class dividence till the mood is entirely changed and Olivers live at Saltburn reminds more of a Wes Anderson themed kill the rich format, critical wannabe but not critical at all. The portrayal of the riches and their misery Emerald is clearly missing, by still showing their glamour and their fresh "bed sheets" (a metaphor) trough the lense of a beautifully placed camera setting. Here a few examples:
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So being rich is aesthetically pleasing seems like especially with scenes of Felix. the rich kid, depicted in perfect lightning, while the shots of oliver are always creepy and bizarre ( like i try not to spoiler here, you have to figure out why i say creepy, and by that i mean specifically him WATCHING, what you will understand while watching the film). Anyways the film ends with a portrayal of the riches being the poor ones and the middle class being super evil, but i wont elaborate here not to spoiler.
I think the performances of Barry Keohghan ( you might remember him from "the killing of a sacred deer" by Yorgos Lanthimos), Jacob Elordi (Priscilla by Sophia Coppola) and Archie Madekwe ( Midsommar by Ari Aster) were well played. Every character had their development, from Oli ( Barry Keohghan) starting as a loser, becoming more popular and later actually evil, to Felix ( Jake Elordi) starting as the nice guy towards the spoiled brat, that really thinks the world is made for him and he believes to be a good guy, to Farleigh ( Archie Madekwe) starting as a bully, changing towards loosing and winning and loosing in this societal game, and having as the only character at the end of the film of this male characters dominated film, complicated feelings of loss and pain.
So I think the film itself lost thou its pace. It started off like a high school drama college mid 2k, continued to arthouse sway and ended with a film, that seemed like it rather was a tv show not a film. I felt as if the director made wrong decisions towards the end. While the pace was very slowly in the beginning till the middle. the end of the film and therefor the resolution just happened to quick. I wonder how important the role of the budget was to finish it, since if you watch the film, and made films, you can only imagine how high the rentals for this castle as well as the hundreds of extras costed, if you consider this party scene. So i look it up now.
"The film reportedly had a $20 million (£18.4m) budget. Details on Saltburn's production costs remain under wraps, but it's estimated to have had a budget between $10 million and $38 million" ( google search)
Also for the ones of you who are interested what the actors and actresses earned here's https://www.showbizgalore.com/saltburn-cast-salary/
So yeah phu, I guess and this is my true honest opinion, because I believe in Emerald Fennel as a filmmaker ( love love love promising young woman), that she had probably dreamed of megacake, like the ones my friend B does, what are they called, oh yeah, MAXIMALIST CAKES. They look amazing, lashy, rich, and its really about the cover, but the inside is not as much interesting as the decour. So Emerald Fennel created a very superficial portrayal of the riches, its trying to be an eat the rich film, but it makes the middle class look scary and and its message is just loosing the point, but we have intense pictures, lots of color grading, like they did good, also the camerawork was trying literally the whole alphabet of lense operations in there. I think their money ran out and they had to finish it. So we are left with an unsatisfying speedy end, i dont believe any of this. but hey its a film.
Like it's not that deep as it wants to be. sorry Emerald, I know you can do better.
see you around
visiti my blog
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egipci · 2 years
hi! i love your fics and writings! i was wondering how john might feel about authorities like the police or the military, given the requirements of his lifestyle, and seeing dean's acab attitude, do you think he came back disenchanted from the war? or that being a hunter has changed the way he sees these agencies? or maybe opposing them is just occupational hazards? i mean. do you have headcanons for these things?
hello and thank you, kind anon! That's such an interesting question. You got me thinking about a little scene in the police station after Mary burns, a la Manchester-by-the-Sea, where John is still in shock about what happened and in disbelief about seeing her on the ceiling (because that's obviously not the result of a routine gas accident, though maybe a kind of home invader--- but then again what human can pin a person to the ceiling like that and escape in the three seconds between her screaming and John finding her? So that couldn’t have actually happened) and he's like "I got drunk, I fell asleep in front of the TV, I heard Mary scream, I woke up and I went to see what happened, and as soon as I went into the room it exploded" ---
Or, in the world in which Azazel momentarily possesses him to feed Sam and is found out by Mary (she didn't recognizes him at first!)--- in that world where he remembers sitting down with a beer and watching a movie and then maybe -- moving around the house, going up to that room but not remembering why, feeling out of control of his body or in a trance, or where he has a weird gap in his memory where he just blacked out until his wife screaming woke him up ---
Or, even the world in which he recognizes right away that someone invaded his home and killed his wife--
In all these scenarios it comes down to "I got drunk, and my wife got killed, and you're just... letting me go?" and the police is like "Sorry, man. Accidents happen, it's not a crime to get drunk, and there is no evidence of any foul play here" --- and in all these scenarios he comes away with a deep impression of the ineffectualness of the police, who are letting fuck-ups like him out there getting married and having kids and getting to keep these kids even after such profound failure (and/or not looking for the person who killed his wife). And of course after he speaks to Missouri that disdain takes on an extra layer of pity or condescension, because obviously the police don't know what's out there and cannot for various reasons. And over the course of his hunting career they are mostly a nuisance and an occupational hazard --- and they pose a real threat to his custody over his children -- but they're useful insofar that they give some people closure --- maybe rarely, but it happens.
That tangent aside, I'm also intrigued by little John growing up in Kansas in the 1960s, raised by a single mother, probably lower-middle class, if not just outright in poverty--- sure it's the Sexual Revolution, but I'd be surprised if women like his mother were not harassed/ heavily-policed. The 1960s was also the rise of mass incarceration and a period where, for example, the welfare system utilized police apparatus to monitor "welfare fraud" --- including literally making midnight visits into women's home to inspect if there were a "man in the house," or denying benefits to mothers who had children out of wedlock or who held a job that earned them so little they could barely survive, or where your neighbors who didn't like you could just call the police on you because you should be poor and on welfare but your kids have dolls and new clothes or whatever. Of course these policies disproportionately impacted black and brown people, but white people were obviously not completely shielded from state intervention.
I also think a lot about John's own abandonment issues/daddy issues and the kind of trouble he got into as teenage rebellion or teenage angst or whatever, combined with the fact that he looked like that. Did he have a dad-hole anywhere near the size of Dean Winchester's? Absolutely not --- but he was a young pretty thing, raised by a woman, having to "perform masculinity" in a way to protect himself and his mother, and I'm contra mundi re: this headcanon, but I think part of why he's so cognizant of Dean's sexual appeal to monsters and humans alike is that he himself to some degree was sexualized from a young age and has experienced sexual aggression from men, including but not limited to, police officers. So like, does he have respect for local police? Probably not. (Which is why Bad Boys is nonsensical).
Now, re the military, I think it's not uncommon for people to have some kind of cognitive dissonance in their views about the military vis-a-vis the police, even though the police is increasingly heavily-militarized. Even if you're an anti-police libertarian, the police is bad because it's the state interfering in your life, the military is out there far away fucking with some other people. (If you're a white supremacist, the police and the military are fucking with brown people who need fucking with.) It's interesting too that John joined the Marines 1) not only willingly, but through fraud, when there was already a significant movement against the draft and draft dodgers were prosecuted 2) when over 50% of Americans were against the war, and the percentage was probably much higher among his age group, 3) the Pentagon Papers came out in 1971, around the same time he enlisted. Like--- guy, what were you thinking?! Still, young men and women get duped into the military every day, so, does this make him particularly evil or unethical? I don't know. We (generalizing here), for better or for worse, have gotten really good at separating the US's war crimes from the people who perpetrate them --- intelligence agencies and politicians lie and get Americans killed, or so it goes. It's not uncommon to hear from veterans who deeply regret what they were asked to do while still recognizing themselves and the people they served with as victims. So, does he regret joining? Probably. Does he maintain any loyalty to the military as an institution? Maybe. Does he maintain loyalty to the veterans he served with, or veterans at large? Absofuckinglutely. We don't really have a lot of evidence either way, but we know John spoke of his family in military idiom and understood himself as drill sergeant, which suggests he finds some value in the institution or its methodologies. (See also Dean's running to help Deacon, or his attempt to connect with random Marine man in S1.)
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void-botanist · 1 year
Character interview: Hoven
@autumnalwalker tagged me for this a while back, and before I got swamped with finals I tried doing it for Dez. It was kind of lackluster (this poor droid doesn't even know what there is to have opinions about) but Hoven worked nicely.
I'm going to leave this one as an open tag.
Are you named after anyone? No. When was the last time you cried? That's a bit…personal, don't you think? Perhaps you don't, since you're asking. Well, it was recent, I'll say that much.
Do you have any kids? No. But Syndy arguably is, in some capacity. It was unreasonably difficult to make me Syndy's legal guardian, so officially I have no relationship to her, but…Gweltsen used to joke that they should marry me to expedite the adoption process. If that had happened, I would be Syndy's parent, legally. I would also be a widower. (<- is going to be thinking about that forever now)
Do you use sarcasm? Sure, but it's usually not necessary.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their species, which I suppose is normal.
What's your eye color? Amber.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, but only if they're earned. I cannot stress enough that there is no genre that requires happy endings, despite what some insist. And a happy ending can and perhaps should be complex. Regardless of whether it's realistic, a uniformly happy ending for all parties is rarely interesting.
Any special talents? I'm reasonably fluent in six languages. I have also been told that I have an uncanny ability to translate requests into resource call numbers. But I can only do that in a limited domain, and I'm sometimes wrong and look an absolute fool who does not believe in catalogs. It's really just the result of being a librarian using the same classification system for the better part of two decades.
Where were you born? A birth hotel in River City. Another translation is 'birth hospital', but I think the meaning comes across either way.
What are your hobbies? I suppose most of my hobbies boil down to reading, somehow. Reading books, reading museum placards, reading finding aids, reading an unbelievable number of emails…but that one's perhaps not a hobby. I watch TV shows on occasion. Lately I've gained a new appreciation for experiencing architecture firsthand. I've also been promised a trip into the mountains for some hiking, though I admit I don't have the fortitude to make it into a camping trip as well.
Do you have any pets? I haven't had a pet since…well, Ozen has a fishtank, but I think I was simply a participant in Ozen having pets.
What sports do you play/have played? It depends on what you consider a sport. Most I've tried I'm mediocre to middling at. I still do try the local sports when I move somewhere new, but I've never stuck with one for long - with the exception of orienteering. Sal and I have done the events in the region most years, and I do sometimes beat him.
Oh, but what you probably expected me to say was something like 'I'm excellent at trivia'. Well, I am, but I can't see how that's a sport.
How tall are you? 5' 1". You don't count the horns.
Favorite subject in school? Language, especially foreign languages, and especially Esailla. I learned more about orea-nawwenn from my Esailla class than I ever did in interspecies studies.
Dream job? Well, it used to be 'archivist at Niievosk Palace', but that dream is past for a lot of reasons. Now, I…I don't really know. But I'd like to return to archival work.
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mitch42 · 2 years
We’ve been “bankrupting our future” for as long as I have been alive
As a nerdy kid who was too attached to the TV, I watched morning news before school, evening news with my parents, and sometimes weekend news talk shows. I was relatively aware of current events and politics, even if naive about the meaning of it all. 
I remember hearing that social security would be bankrupt before those working in the 80s would retire, much less for Generation X to gain the benefit. I remember Reagan talking about the debt and spending. I remember Perot with his flip chart commercials talking about the deficit. I remember Gore’s “lockbox” solution to protecting Social Security while we tighten our finances. For as long as I can remember, the US has been inching toward bankruptcy, spending it’s future, and saddling my generation and those that came after with debt. 
But we’ve continued to spend. GOP and Dem administrations alike cut taxes and increase spending. Cut the budget, but don’t touch the biggest slices of the pie like defense. And all the time - “we can’t afford that program”, “the deficit is terrible”, “we’re in so much debt”. We can’t afford to help out the poor, the disabled, the under privileged. If they’d only learn to help themselves, we could all prosper, but you’re condemning your grandchildren to poverty if we spend more to help them now. 
Does anyone else remember this? I never hear it discussed that these problems have been around for half a century and their dire predictions have never come true. I’m politically aware but I can’t understand how when programs were going to be untenable 40 years ago they are still around. We can’t possibly afford to shore up these safety nets, but we can cut taxes and not cut the budget and we’re still around to spend more. It sounds like, frankly, horseshit. 
It sounds to me like someone has been trying to scare us. While the working classes are tightening their belts and trying to find a bootstrap to lift themselves up by, corporations, criminals, and the top 1% are getting richer and more powerful and eating even larger slices of the pie. 
Just like the billionaires can exploit the loopholes in the system to prevent them from ever falling on really hard times, our country - the wealthiest in the world - exploits the systems we helped create to keep us on top. Why shouldn’t we exercise that power to help our working class - people who really need help - and bring everyone along, rather than condemn anyone to poverty and disease? 
Really - someone explain to me how the financial doom and gloom of the 80s and 90s that our “run away spending” would cause has only hurt the middle and lower classes while the top 1% continues to thrive. And explain why we should not take from them to better everyone.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
315 of 2023
Acronyms and Initials [True or False 2!]
Created by joybucket
You like the song SOS by ABBA. You've eaten pancakes at IHOP. 🥞 There is an IHOP in the current city you live in. 🥞 You've recently eaten at IHOP. 🥞 You have the AC turned on right now. You don't have the AC turned on, because it's the middle of winter. You don't have AC in your home. You've received a VIP pass to an event. You've wondered what POV means. You're still not sure what POV means. You have a PO Box at the post office, rather than a mailbox. You've been to Chicago, IL. 🏙️ You've been to New York, NY. 🏙️ You own an I ❤️ NY T-shirt. You've met someone with the initials BO. You've met someone with the initials ABC. You've typed "brb." You like to eat bbq chicken. 🍗 You used to use both AIM and MSN messenger when you were younger. You've created your own AIM or MSN icon in Paint or Photoshop. You still use AIM or MSN messenger. You're currently experiencing PMS. You used to listen to the music group TLC. You used to be a fan of the music group 3LW. At the mall, you've shopped at FYE. You've been to a BSB concert. 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺 You own a DARE T-shirt. You'd consider yourself a sk8r. 🛹 You have something that you're currently putting off until l8r. You check your FB page every day. You often post photos on IG. You aren't as active on IG as you used to be. You aren't as active on FB as you used to be. Off the top of your head, you can think of at least one quote you like by MLK. You've shopped at AE Outfitters. You've shopped at H&M. You know what the K in Kmart stands for. You're feeling a-ok today. 👌 You've shot someone with a BB gun. You've been to NYC and seen the Statue of Liberty in person.🗽 You want to visit NYC someday. 🏙️ You've never been to NYC. You've enjoyed watching the TV show NCIS. You've ordered a PSL from Starbucks in the fall. 🍁 🎃 You order a PSL from Starbucks every fall. You take hormonal BC pills. You've recently read the FAQ on a website. You were in a 4H Club as a kid. 🍀 You can remember taking the SAT when you were in high school. You got a perfect score in at least one subject on the SAT. You've never taken the SAT. You didn't graduate high school, but you got a GED. You've withdrawn money from an ATM. 🏧 You've shopped at IKEA. You own a piece of furniture from IKEA. You've taken an ASL (American Sign Language) class. You own and wear MAC makeup. You've ordered something from QVC. You've driven a BMW. You know someone who's initials are BMW. You've driven a VW Bug. You'd like to drive a VW Bug. You've recently given someone an IOU. You've worked as an EMT. 🚑 You want to work as an EMT. 🚑 You don't think you could ever work as an EMT. 🚑 You've played with a NERF gun. You've TP'd someone's house. 🧻 You've had your picture taken in front of the EPCOT ball. 🌐 You've been to MGM Studios. You like to eat Ⓜ️&Ⓜ️'s. You have EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). 🦓 You think you may have EDS, but you're not sure. You don't know what EDS is. You have MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome). You think you may have MCAS, but you're not sure. You don't know what MCAS is. You've worked as a DJ at an event. You think it would be fun to be a DJ. You used to listen to the band FFH. You've eaten at KFC. 🍗 You're a member of the KKK. 🥷 You've typed "OMG." 😱 You know what AM and PM stands for. You've typed "N/A" in response to a survey question. You want to be the CEO of a company someday. You've typed "ppl." You've had an IM conversation with someone within the past 24 hours. You've recently watched a TikTok that made you LOL. 😂 You've typed "tbh." You've unfriended or unfollowed someone on Facebook who made posts that you thought were TMI. You've typed "brb." You've been refused treatment at the ER. You know someone else who has been refused treatment at the ER. The ER in your town has a poor reputation. You enjoy watching movies with your BFF. You've played DDR. ↘️↗️↙️↖️ You enjoyed playing DDR. Your initials spell something. You enjoyed this survey.
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gliding-hazard · 2 years
Spy x Family LN Translation: Anya's Nature Class (Part 2)
Translated this from a Viet translation by Thanh & Yanbaka. Source + credit. Note: Events in this part reference Chapter 39!
<< Part 1 . . . Part 3 >>
"Children, the two days of nature class have officially begun. As students of Eden Academy, please behave elegantly."
"Yes, sir!"
Professor Henry, housemaster of the first to third grades, gave orders to the students lined up in front of him. While he tried to keep his strict demeanor, in truth, his heart had wavered a while back from the beauty of the nature before them.
"Wow, this flower smells so good!"
"Hey, there's a squirrel over there!"
"Today's weather is so lovely!"
"What kind of fruit is that?"
"I think there's an island nearby!"
In Anya's head, she was able to hear so many merry thoughts from all her classmates. With the fresh greenery and the beautiful blue sky, she was left breathlessly admiring the sights around her. In particular, there's many kinds of interesting bugs she can hardly see in the city.
And just like Papa had mentioned, there was a huge and luxurious tent. Inside, there were comfy beds and even swing hammocks. Anya was so excited by the prospect of camping, the "Best Friends" mission had disappeared from her head.
After that, all the kids were divided into groups for each tent, and time was spent on distributing cooking ingredients and utensils. There were 29 students, with 2-3 assigned to a single tent. From there, two tents form a group, and in total, 6 groups have 4 people, and there's 1 group of 5 people.
"I'm so happy! Anya and I are together in a tent."
When Anya heard her best friend, Beckly Blackbell, squeal in excitement, any remaining thoughts of the mission went completely out the window.
"I brought chocolate from a super famous shop. Look at the bag, isn't it cute?"
"Anya brought peanuts."
"Hehe, let's save these snacks for after dinner. We'll eat it and talk about 'love stories'."
"'Love stories'?"
These words were completely foreign to Anya. Becky giggled as she put a hand to Anya's mouth.
"Shh! Anya, you're not mature enough to understand 'love stories'! But just wait, and before you know it, the power of love will make it so your boy will be in the same group as us."
While Becky was excitedly scheming, Anya's eyes looked in the direction of the boy who was the target of Papa's mission: the "sy-on," currently standing in the middle of his two friends. The boy had black hair, and he always looked more mature than the other children in the bunch.
"Anya, it's…"
Damian Desmond.
Damian sensed Anya's gaze and glared back at her.
"What are you looking at?! Don't look my way, stubby legs!"
"Can't believe that dwarf is in the same group as you."
"Poor Damian. You must've been cursed by her."
"As if. I'm not cursed by anything, idiot."
Hmph. He's always like that, an obnoxious snob.
Thanks to that, Anya suddenly remembered the responsibility she was tasked with.
Deep breaths, Anya. Anya has to be "cool" for this to work out.
Anya buried her annoyance and looked Damian right in the eye:
"Hey, Sy-on boy."
Damian was taken aback, and stammered:
"What? You got something to say, peasant?"
"Anya wants to be together in your group."
"Oh my goshh, Anya! Does that mean…"
While Damian stared at Anya, Becky put a hand up to her mouth, her eyes glimmering brightly:
"It was fated to be! I didn't know you believed in that. You WANTED to be together in the same group, too? That's so romantic~"
"'Wrong antic?'"
"It's just like in 'Berlint in Love'! My heart is melting from this cuteness!"
In truth, Loid had entered the housemaster's classroom to switch around the groups - there was hardly any "fate" involved. Meanwhile, Anya still doesn't know what Becky is going on about. She only knows "Berlint in Love" is a TV show that all the girls in class go crazy over. Not paying mind to Anya's confusion, Becky falls deeper into immersing herself in the drama.
"Damian will DEFINITELY reveal all his lovey-dovey feelings for you, Anya!"
Damian's face turned as red as a tomato.
"W…what the hell?! I refuse to be in the same group as that girl, over my dead body! Stubby legs! Stupid cow! Weirdo!"
… I hate his face. (( literally says 'this guy with a name that's worth hating' so this feels equivalent ))
Anya, having reached her limit in patience, began to clench her fists without anyone seeing.
"Not the slightest speck of elegance."
Mr. Henderson stood behind her. He delivered his words gracefully, without so much as raising his voice, but all the kids understood the weight of the situation, standing up straight without budging. Sternly, he said:
"Desmond. Such uncouth remarks about your friends should not escape the mouth of a gentleman."
Damian glanced up at Mr. Henderson, then sat down in a huff.
"Damn it. Because of that twerp, I got in trouble. She's the definition of a plague."
. . .
"'Beef tofu?'"
"It's 'pot-a-feu'. You just need to cut up the ingredients, boil it, then salt and pepper to taste."
"Anya hates pepper."
"Oh my gosh, Anya, you're such a child. Fine, let's leave the pepper out of it. For now, I'll cut the veggies, and Anya will--"
"Hey, don't decide without asking us!"
The two girls ignored this voice as if they didn't hear it. Damian turned bright red, got angry and yelled.
"What IS it, Damian? You are so noisy!"
"Who said you could make the decisions? You guys better get the water and firewood, then. Hurry up!"
Hearing Damian shouting angrily, the two boys Uin and Emil rushed over to assist. A few details about these friends: the kid with the long face is Uin, and Emil has a round face with two large front teeth.
"Exactly. You guys are useless at best. You don't even know how to start a fire."
"You make it seem as if YOU do!"
Becky angrily retorted. She can't understand why these three boys were laughing and smirking like that.
"Of course we do. Mr. Green was in the Navy, and he took us out for field research. Starting a fire is a piece of cake."
"Right, Damian?"
"We even know how to row a boat. We rowed across a waterfall. Right, Damian?"
Damian answered shortly. These stories made it sound grand, but in the boy's memory, the three of them fell into the water, and then they cried while praying for their lives.
"Pfft." -- Anya read into Damian's thoughts and laughed. Although, rowing across waterfalls does sound exciting.
"Anya wants to row a boat, too."
Damian snorted.
"Your legs are so stubby, how can you crawl on one. By the time you manage to get off, the boat's already far from your destination, you little dwarf."
"Hey, don't be mean like that. Her short legs have nothing to do with this."
"?! But my legs aren't short?!"
Anya felt betrayed by Becky's no-effort defense.
"…Sy-on boy. That day, you fell into the river."
Anya began her counterattack. Damian's face turned a bright red.
"How… How did you know that…"
"Wahhh! Save me! I'm the scion of the Desmond family!! Glug glug glug, boo hoo hoo."
Anya imitated the same expression Damian had on that day. Becky looked at Damian pitifully.
"Um, so you actually fell into the river?"
Damian, feeling complete defeat, turned to his two friends and blamed them.
"How? How?!"
"Huh? But I didn't say a word! Our story…"
"I didn't say anything either!"
The two boys shook their heads, expressing their absolute loyalty. Damian seemed to have found his answer. He quickly turned to face Anya, his face still flushed, and shouted:
"Damn it! You stupid stalker! I'm going nuts!"
"Anya is a 'stock herd'?!"
While she couldn't understand the meaning of "stalker," it's clear to Anya that she's been misunderstood.
"Now, that's not right."
"Whatever, I'm not going to argue with a dumb dwarf that only scores 30 on her test."
"Ah, what a pity it is to only be able to live in the past."
"W…what the heck are you saying?"
"That's what Bondman said."
"Jeez, is that a cartoon or what? So childish!"
Damian scoffed.
This kid is making me real mad.
Becky glanced at Anya, who raised her hand to her heart, trying to contain her anger. While she didn't understand what they were talking about, she thrived in the drama that was happening. Sighhh, love is so beautiful. But when will these two put behind their anger, and be true to their feelings? They're just like the couple in "Berlint in Love" - so frustrating!
If that's the case…
"Don't worry. I--I will be your confidante, Anya."
The little girl whispered that into Anya's ear. Anya tilted her head to the side:
"What are you talking about."
"Right now, let's split up. One of us will fetch water to wash the veggies and cook, and the other will go looking for firewood, okay?"
Becky said, her face shining adorably with a wide, cunning smile…
For your convenience, ch.39 snippet:
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
For the last couple days all I have been able to think about is how its soooo unfair that aster takes such good care of his girl :(( and you know that it would double when she’s not feeling well :((( like imgjne one night, she has been fine all day, but she’d wake up in his bed (cus she spent the night) in the middle of the night and feel sooooo so sick and she knows she about to be sick but she didn’t have enough time to go to the bathroom before she’s being sick all over his bed :( and it would wake Harry up cus he’d hear her and he’s immediately jumping up and holding back her hair and rubbing her back and “oh angel. Poor baby. It okay love you’re okay” and finally she’d get a minute to breath and Harry can tell she’s trying so hard not to be sick again and she’s just whimpering trying to hold it and he’s just “it’s okay baby let it out, you can’t hold it let it out baby I got you” and shes “Harry:((” “I know baby, I know I got you.” And finally after she’s done being sick she’s so so exhausted and she’d melt into him and he’s “all done baby?” And shes nodding with tears in her eyes and “m’ sorry” sniffling “I’m really really really sorry daddy I couldn’t hold it” and looking at him like 🥺 and she wouldn’t even realize that she called him daddy, it just slipped out cus she’s kinda feverish and is just feeling so so vulnerable but he’s making her feel so safe just holding her and takin care of her :( and he’s “I know baby, m’ not mad at you, promise, know you couldn’t hold it” and she’s just crying crying crying cus she’s so so mad at her self for making a mess on his bed and she just still doesn’t feel good :( but he’d be so so good at reassuring her he’s not mad and takin care of her and cleaning her all up :( and he’d carry her to the couch and get her all comfy with a clean pillow and blanket and her bunny (which he managed to push out of the way when he woke up to her being sick) and he’d go to change the sheets but she’s all :(((( and grabby at him and “don’t leave daddy” and he’s immediately crumbling and crawling on the couch with her to hold her :( and he’d rub her back and give her head scratches until she falls asleep on him :( and when he finally gets her to sleep he’d softly set her back down on the couch trying not to wake her up so that he can go and change the sheets and after he’s all done he’d carry her sleeping body to bed and he’d bring a bowl just incase she gets sick again :( and he’d stay up all night so he’d be awake when she wakes up sick again to hold her hair back and empty the bowl when she’s all done :( and then in the morning when his work alarm goes off (cus he set it before she was sick) he goes to turn it off before it wakes Angel up but it was to Late and she was already griping him so so so tight and “don’t leave daddy 🥺” and he’s “not going anywhere Angel” pushing the hair outta her eyes “didn’t mean to wake you up baby, m’ sorry, go back to sleep” and she’s just “:(((( my tummy hurts:(“ and he’s “oh my poor baby:(“ and just taking such such good care of her all day long until she feels better that night and still even the next day he’d call in sick to work again and make her stay home from classes for one more day just to make sure :((((
STOP IT THIS IS SO🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 like ive talked a little about what happens when shes tummy sick like this before but I love love love the idea of like if she isn't able to get to the bathroom in time that hes right there and holding her hair back and trying to calm her down bc not only is she sick but shes so embarrassed when she realizes where she ended up being sick and like hes trying to tell her not to hold it in that its not ogood for her to do the and its okay hes not mad just let it out:( and ofc once she gets cleaned up like I drinking some water and at least changing her clothes if shes not feeling up to a shower yet but taking her downstairs and getting her all ready to sleep some w her bunny and a cozy blanket and something on tv to distract her and put her to sleep while he goes to clean up and she just :( can't let him leave but omg her calling him daddy🥺 like she doesn't even mean to say it its not something thats even in her head shes just having a little bit of that fever sticky brain that doesn't make sense and h knows that shes...just she needs that comfort from him that extra push so she knows hes there and everywhere for her and that he loves her so much:( but ofc hes there for her every time shes sick in the night not fully falling asleep so that he can be there and awake as soon as he can for her after hes got everything cleaned up but finally when she really gets to falling asleep ofc his alarm goes off and she knows what that means even in her sick brain and daddy no:( but ofc hes not going anywhere he just needs to text one of the boys letting them know that hes not going to be in for anything today not even paperwork and honestly hes probably not going to be in tomorrow either so if anyone calls for him let them know he'll be back monday bc he can't leave her not like this:(
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kkusuka · 4 years
HQ Middle blocker kinks <3
@xxxxtanaxxxx​ request  hq kinks but middle blocker version please 🥺
I'm gonna be honest i wasn't gonna do this buuut here it is 
i have a setter one in the works and here is the ace version!
here is the setter version <3
Characters:  Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Suna Rintaro, Satori Tendo, Taichi Kawanishi, Issei Matsukawa,  Takanobu Aone,, Shoyo Hinata, Lev Haiba Shugo Meian (MSBY captain), and Yutaro Kindaichi
Mentioned female anatomy, but mostly gn
content warning: consensual non-con, humiliation, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurisms, degradation, bondage, sex toys, cockwarming, edging, soft priamal/prey, mentions of house break-ins, pegging, size kink, overuse of the word Daddy, face fucking, hickeys
i think thats all? 
buckle up, this is gonna be looooong.
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Tsukishima Kei
This is a given, my mans has a mouth on him, AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE IT
He says the most vulgar things in your ears (and you love it)
His nickname for you is Cum-dump, and he calls you that so much that you’ve started to respond to it. “Hey, Cum-dump! Come here” “ok Tsukki”
And when he’s cumming? A slew of insults just come out
“You whore, oh, you fucking cum-slut, you’d let anyone do this to you won't you”
And it's not limited to this!
“You're just a hole”
“You only exist for me to fuck, Right? You're just a glorified fleshlight”
“You're only good for sucking my cock”
“I should just leave you chained to the wall so I can fuck you anytime I want, that's all you're good at so you should love it”
It won’t even be only during sex
You could literally be just studying with him and he’ll just lean over and say “ you want to be fucked right now don't you? In front of all these people, I bet you’d love it Cum-dump”
Goes with a dirty mouth
He’ll flip your skirt while walking in front of groups of other students
He purposely sucks hickeys where your uniform does not cover and then laughs at you because you're just such a slut.
One of his favorite things to do is have you wear a vibrator in school, only on days where you have to do something in front of the class
No worries he has the remote and turns it alllllll the way up during the middle of your presentation, you just look so cute all red!
He’ll make it better!!
You can cum in front of the class, let everyone know how much of a whore you are!
Purposeful neglect
He wants you so horny you can’t think
If that means not giving you attention for FIVE DAYS so be it.
No touching yourself and if he finds out you did he’ll ignore you for longer and you don’t want that do you?
You will wait for him to touch you.
He’ll also just ignore you.
No begging, he doesn't care, he doesn't want to hear it.
Don't touch him, stop being a brat or you won’t get off for a whole week.
It's all about control <3
Having you tied up and immobile is the best way to show how little you are.
He’ll tie you up and put you on the couch with a vibrator and just watch movies, unable to rock your hips
This seems cruel but he’ll tie your hands up and make you eat dinner with just your mouth <3
He’ll make you watch tv with a ball gag in
He’ll have a riding crop in his hands when you study and he’ll hit your little clit/silt with it every time you get a question wrong
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Pet names
Literally any kind o endearment, but mainly switches between Kitten and Baby Girl/Boy(i am swooning right now)
He WILL call you these in front of people and out loud in public
He’s called you them in front of your parents in front of Kenma in the middle of the grocery store.
So you're wondering, why does that matter? People do that all the time!
Well, he calls you them so you remember how he completely ruined your little body and how his cum is still dripping out of you <3
And its cannon that he has a sexy voice, and it drops and gets deeper when he calls you them.
Thigh highs
It doesn't matter in you have the biggest thighs ever or just a bone, if you wear any kind of thigh highs (bonus points for Cat ones) he will be ready to bust a nut
It's not only him that gets off on them, especially when he takes them off
He’ll climb over you and use his teeth to pull them down to your feet and he’ll kiss and bite his way back up to do the other one.
He also will sometimes leave them on to rail you into your bed, when this happens he puts your legs over your shoulders and squishes his head between them.
(kuroo loves thighs, and that's that)
He's taken care of Kenma all his life, and you bet your ass he’ll do it for you
This means he gives the best aftercare you could imagine, I’m talking bubble baths
He’ll cook for you in nothing but an apron, and he’ll tease you when you get all flushed and cute!
You had a bad day? He’ll eat you out for hours until you’re all cuddly and tired.
He’ll fuck you slow where you need it and he’ll kiss all the pain away <3
He just loves having you dependent on him makes him so happy and thankful to have you!
Mainly for Kenma, but he let bokuto have a turn and even convinced Tsikki to give it a try!
He really just wants to show off that you’re his what better way to show you off then let some of them get a taste of something they’d never have.
Favorite position for this? Split roasting/ Eiffel towering
He's the one who you're sucking on, and he’s so far down your throat making him suck you deeper and deeper until you’re drooling all over his balls like a good Kitten
Whoever he sharing you with would be in you following whatever Kuroo tells them to do
Rub your clit? Yes Sir.
Faster. Yup
Slowdown Kittens being bad so she doesn't get to get off <3
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Suna Rinatro
Purposeful neglect
Just like Tsukki, he wants you hot and bothered all the time
He will just sit around and scroll on his phone while you’re whining :(
Just let him watch this video and he’ll get you off!
Will never tell you but you just look so cute, all needy and horny for him.
Sometimes he’ll slip you a libido pill and just watch the world burn.
He will wait until you have ruined whatever shorts you’re wearing (and he’ll take them) and THEN he will help his poor needy baby
Almost every time he games, he puts you on his dick
you already know it’s happening when he takes the controller out
He says it's because he doesn't want to “leave you out”
No moving on him though, if you8 move it could distract him and you do not want him to lose, losing means being pounded into the floor until you can't think, then being ignored the rest of the day “horny sluts can sit on the floor until they need to be used”.
But if all goes well, he’ll go soft in between rounds and will suck on your neck and will let you cuddle into him during the rounds
But when Suna if feeling a bit more adventurous he will put his headset on you and fuck you with all of his friends listening
And if that's not bad enough they all clearly know what’s happening id Osamus soft coo’s and Gin’s little comments (but it's not like they want it to stop anyway)
Will literally just do this out of nowhere
You thought you were finally gonna cum, then nothing
HE WILL just do things for hours to see you cry and begging or him to just let you cum
He’ll stick four fingers in you and bring you to your climax and just leave you on the edge
He won't even have a reason, you were being good, you let him play his game and he does this?
Que pouty bby
We all saw this coming-
But he takes it a step further than just having a photo collection of you
He has a personal private story with just you in it where he put videos of you riding him or sucking his dick fo you to “see how slutty you are”
 that's not even it,  he sends you a picture of you naked in the middle of work, with no shame either
Thus one time you were showing a coworker a shirt you had bought and he texted you and the picture showed up. It was awkward for the next few days.
But these don't even compare to how he has an entire Instagram account (private of course) of your nodes and videos of the two of you fucking.
One extra little thing is that you both watch porn together for ideas.
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Satori Tendou
(i could make him a post of his own-so so many kinks for Satori)
Humiliation (mentions of pee)
This can range from calling you names to making you touch yourself in public
He’s called you a pillow princess in the middle of class, in front of your teacher
It had gotten so bad they Ushijima had to ask what a “cum-dumpster was” because Satori had called you that in front of the team.
He doesn't even introduce you as his S/O, hw=e would call you an escort or that you were just his personal fuck toy.
This kink goes so far that when you were on a double date with Semi, under the table Tendo had his hand literally in your pants.
**One of his favorite things is to make you hold your pee in until you are almost peeing yourself, isn't that embarrassing that you're a grown adult who’s about to wet yourself?
He wants to see you a complete mess all over him
The main goal of all of this is to make you squirt or begin to have dry orgasms
He will not stop until he’s happy or you say your safe word (which is rare)
One orgasm just isn't enough for him :/
And it's a big boost of confidence for him!
he‘s proud to know he can make you cum so much you cant even think!
This AND overstim?
Good luck
He can't even explain why it turns him on so much.
You just look so beautiful with tears streaming down your face all fucked out
It always hits him at the worst times too, you crying over a bad grade? A pretty tear falling over your soft cheeks. Hard.
Just watched a sad movie, he’s ready to pound you into the couch.
Oh ho ho
This can be one of two things, he does it because it feels good
He does it as punishment
That means no lube
No adjusting to his dick
And no extra pleasure to help you get off
He’s so mean </3
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Taichi Kawanishi
This man screams pornstar
Public sex
This man is unstable
You could just be walking in public and he just decides he wants to fuck.
Who are you to stop him?
Just let him get this out real quick you can shop later.
The thought of being in the open? This man loves it
And you don't really have a choice but to love it
Every time you go to the beach he just has his dick in you, in the ocean sitting in his lap while eating lunch
He doesn't even care who sees
Children? Who cares, look away or whatever
Getting caught
It doesn't even matter who it is
If someone walks in when you're doing it he’s cumming
It's just hot
He doesn't need to explain it to you
he also makes u take nudes and had them as his homescreen for a while
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Issei Matsukawa
I’d let this man kill me-
Leather/ latex
He wears them when he fingers you so he can make fun of how wet you made them.
He dresses you up in these pretty little pastel dresses (gender to heel, he doesn't care, you look hot weather your a boy, girl, or not) and he wears all black (goth daddy Mattsun) and his gloves to fuck you in his leather-covered fist.
That's not even it
He has an entire bin of different colored chokers and leashes just for his pretty baby
Along with that, he has a shelf of latex thigh highs for you to wear and even has an entire outfit for you to wear and show off to him.
This is why he has a lot of things that you wear!
He loves to take care of you all the time!
He loves to make his baby food and love to watch movies with you
And you love him so much too!
You would do anything for Daddy!
And he takes you shopping and to restaurants, and if you want literally anything big or small all you have to do is look up at him with puppy dog eyes and a “Daddy, please!!” and boom his credit card is already out.
Size kink
Big dick Mattsun-
This all comes back to the fact that you are so beautiful
And big dick little hole, who doesn't love that??
He sure does, don't worry though he always makes sure to prep you
Except if it's punishment- he doesn't like it he swears! He’d never want to hurt you!
And you’d believe it until your crying on his cock and it throbs ://
But if it still hurts, and it does, he’ll let you go your pace and sink all the way down onto his cock<3
Fun fact the first time he went into your ass he tried to with no lube and you couldn't sit for DAYS
Voyeurism (receiving)
Makki Makki Makki
I would say he was into Cuckolding but its always him doing the watching while Issei fucks you
And Makki loves it too if his constant praises and coo’s said anything about it.
And Mattsun just gets off on the fact his best friend is watching something he’ll (maybe if you're not into it) never fully have
Mattsun also likes having you tied up an watching him fuck a fleshlight of just jerking off
You look so pathetic :)
extra for big dick mattsun, he Shows all of his friends <3
I am a whore for the Seijoh 4
You bet Makki has an entire folder of pic of you, whether they are of you dripping cum or just with your legs open.
Even if he says he doesn't save them, you know Iwa has gotten off you a recording of you moaning and asking for Daddy’s cock
And Oikawa is always asking for more (the little manwhore), he says they are “references” for him, liar, he jerks off to them in his bathroom.
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Takanobu Aone
It's always the quiet ones-
I just gotta get these first two out-
Consensual non-con
I can just TELL he like to pretend to break into your house
Pretend you're so scared and you don't like it
Tying you up and listening to your little cries, awwwwweeee
You were just too pretty to ignore
Just let him have a taste, stop crying he knows you want it just as much as he does
He wants to feel like he earned his reward
A perfect little trophy for him to use as a toy
His dick in your tiny dripping hole is all the reward he needs
It's like you're a pretty innocent bunny and he’s a big fox just waiting for the right time to strike :)
Soft sex/ praise
I know what I said up there
But none of that means he doesn't love just setting you down on the bed with candles and rose petals and just making love
Soft music in the background and worshipping every inch of your skin
You need to be vocal though!
Tell him how pretty he is when he cums, and how perfectly his dick fits in your hole!
Tell him how soft he looks and how he is making your nipples feel like heaven.
Aftercare- bc I am also soft for aone and he is a good guy
Bubble baths and chocolate
Movies and cuddling
All of this makes him so glad that he found you
Especially when you cuddle into him all sleepily and tired.
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Shoyo Hinata
oh he is so pretty-
Mutual masturbation
It's the perfect way to experience pleasure
He can see you in all your glory
All of the faces he sometimes misses when he’s fucking you!
He also learns from it!
He sees the angle your fingers go to hit that sweet spot so the next time he’s in you he knows where to aim!
(he is so precious-)
You wanted to try it so he almost immediately agreed-
But it felt good!
The two of you reserved what one you wanted so the one he picked was almost made for him.
Plus, you look ridiculously good with the strap on-
And he voices that as much as he can!
And sometimes when he rides the strap he just watches it going in and out and in and out
(you also think this is SUPER hot but won't tell him :/)
It doesn't matter if it's you or him
Watching you fall apart on his cock without him doing a thing makes him cum harder than anything
Sometimes he gets so excited that he comes before you and makes you stay there until he’s hard again, which doesn't take long at all.
when it's him?
he’ll go for hours just to hear you tell him how good he is and how pretty he looks
Especially pastel babydolls
But nothing you wear could ever make you look bad in his eyes
Ok he likes it when you keep the lingerie on too like he’s fucking you and you till have a little nightgown/crop top on
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Lev Haiba
Size kink
Unintentionally too
He didn't even know it, but he did know that he liked that you were so much smaller than him.
He likes to put your hand to him and just look at the difference and before he knew it he was painfully hard
On the occasion, he makes fun of you saying his dick is just too big for you and you can't handle it, but then you get on your knees and he shuts up real quick
Praise kink
A given
He wants to know how good he makes you feel at all times
It doesn't have to be words either!
loud moans explanations of pleasure all drive him to move faster and faster!
Even yelling “oh god!” gets him off
He makes you feel that good huh?
Wall sex
Just playing on the size kink thing
He loves to just pick you up and fuck with reckless abandon
Gets a way better angle too- bet you didn't think he would realize that
He also likes to watch the combination of your juices drip to the floor-
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Shugo Meian (MSBY captain)
Sexiest team-
Daddy/ Captain kink
Just look at him, he screams Daddy louder than you do when he’s fucking you
He takes pride in being Captain meaning he’ll fuck you for hour if the word even falls from your lips
And yes you have said it (daddy) front of the team and he did get hard, and the both of you did fuck in the locker room of the gym for an hour before you got kicked out
Even in arguments you better call him daddy, he will stop and fuck you into the ground for it
Angry or not you WILL use his title
Will threaten you with this almost everyday
He just uses it as an excuse to touch your ass
He makes you count after each one and makes you thank him
It would look a bit like this
“Five! Thank you Daddy!” “Good Baby, five more”
But that doesn’t mean when you really deserve it that he won't unleash the wrath of god onto your poor ass
But after he’ll kiss it all better and Daddy will reward you for taking your punishment well
Controlled orgasms
By this i mean that you wont cum unless he says so
And you have to ask
Aka “Daddy please let me cum, I really want to”
And depending on what he’s feeling maybe you’ll get to cum then
And if not you’ll have to wait like a good Girl/Boy and cum when he does, which could late literally forever.
but its better than disobeying his orders, which could lead to him completely pulling out and just jerking off to cum on you :((
Deepthroating/ Face Fucking
Nothing is better to him than coming home to you on your knees and mouth open and ready
But when he’s all pent up from practice and he sees you?
Rip your throat, you aren't talking for a few days
He’ll literally fuck your face no question
He’ll put his dick so far down your throat you could feel it in your stomach
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Yutaro Kindaichi
Hate sex 
He just makes everyone angry
And he gets off on it
You look so fucking delectable all red faced and angry
Makes him want to just slam into right then and there
Clearly he wants to be in control
Controlling someone is just such a  turn-on for him
Looking all pretty doing exactly what he wanted you too <3
Wants to show off that you are his 
What better way than marking up your neck with pretty bruises
Plus he likes how you get all shy when people look at them 
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