#i mean yeah! i liked mermaids but that was years ago. and water is very cool i fuckin love water
horizonandstar · 2 years
Ooo if you like selkies you should check out bones of a rabbit! They’ve posted some art for their selkie au :0 Sun and moon are pirates in that one so that’s pretty cool. There’s also starswimmingart who just posted the first chapter of their selkie story!!
oh i know about starswimmingarts selkie au! im planning to read it tonight or tomorrow, after i finish permission slip and dayshift go figure
didnt actually know bones of a rabbit had a selkie au actually! im gonna go check that out real quick
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fairyhaos · 8 months
seventeen and which mythical beings they are
requested by @mesanthropi ^^ physically held myself back from going on rants for shua's and hao's and jeonghan's pls (iykyk)
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vampire. formidable, mysterious vampire seungcheol from a powerful family name who lives in a huge, ominous castle and somehow manages to make sucking blood look sexy… shakes he's so fine oh my god. honestly vampire!cheol with glowing red eyes and an intimidating presence and the most smug fucking smirk in the world is such a vibe, and he also has the whole “i was born centuries and centuries ago” old hag thing down to an art
siren. specifically a mermaid-type siren that lives in the sea and has a pretty iridescent tail. water-dwelling being jeonghan just makes so much sense to me bc he has their fluidity and their peaceful and their mischief and also??? jeonghan with a shimmery mermaid tail and captivating siren voice???? i'd willingly drown myself for him actually, siren song be damned. he has the silvery voice of a siren and the ethereal looks to be one fr
wood nymph. bambi-eyed wood nymph joshua who communicates with the birds and tends to his forest and has flowers weaved in his hair and stars embedded around his eyes… the nymph!joshua obsession is Real guys and i am definitely a victim of it. curly haired joshua is just sooo wood nymph coded and i can see him as some soft-spoken, pretty being who lives in a birch tree and guides stray travellers when they get lost in his woods
witch junhui with his black cat familiar and his dented cauldron and his cottage in the middle of the forest!! witch junhui with his mini apothecary and his goofy-sounding spells and his eyebrow permanently half-singed bc his enchantments keep backfiring!! witch junhui with his soft spoken words and bright laugh and total kindness to everyone who happens upon his home!! witch junhui is so so dear to me and he really is just. a witchy little dude
shapeshifter. does this idea feed into his furry agenda a bit too much? yeah, it kinda does, but oh my god just imagine tiger shapeshifter hoshi who's part human but can turn into a large, big-fanged and bold-striped tiger at a moment's notice. he really just genuinely gives shapeshifter vibes, and every year he schedules one week where he'll traipse off into the nearest mountains and blow off some steam in his tiger form for seven days
dragon. okay so this is kinda not a humanoid mythical being, but wonwoo is soooo big friendly dragon coded. i can imagine him as a large, red scaly dragon, snoozing atop his massive hoard of gold in a secluded cave in the forest, little wisps of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snores contentedly. that doesn't mean he can't be scary if he wants to tho, and can burn down any puny humans who try to steal his hoard in the blink of an eye
demigod. part-god woozi is just such a vibe okay, and he rlly does give off a hercules-type feel, where he can do inhuman things and seems almost untouchable in his awesomeness, even though he's right there in front of you. and he has a hatred of the gods and a mild tolerance for humans but at the end of the day, he appreciates and loves both for all that they do. (also in a percy jackson demigod sense, he is totally an apollo's kid and no i don't make the rules) 
fae. y'all know how far my fairy minghao agenda runs by now and like ??? can you blame me ???? the idea of sassy smol hao with fairy wings and a squeaky voice is cute and all, but also i just think he fits the idea of the entire tall, mysterious fae folk really well too. with his pointy fae ears and his shrewd gaze and his ability to say half-truths and riddles and give sage advice about how to live your life all at once, he really is very much a fae-like person. 
some sort of demon. he's so loud and bright and kind that, despite his huge presence and glowing eyes and the horns protruding out of his mess of fluffy hair, you don't even register that he's some dangerous, hellish creature before something happens and he just snaps, the air around him visibly darkening as he tears after the thing that caused him to lose control. he's so sweet and kind but so undeniably dangerous all at once. 
elf. i'm thinking lord of the rings elves, except i haven't actually watched lord of the rings but i have this idea of them being tall and rich and elegant beings, and it makes me think of dokyeom. he's just so pretty, and the elves rely on the natural elements to survive, right? dokyeom is just so sunbeams peeking through forest leaves, so little rabbits bounding through the undergrowth, so hand-whittled arrows and folk songs around a campfire and tall, tall, beautiful elves. 
will o’ the wisp or a sprite. he's endearing and mysterious, and once you gain his favour he's staying glued to ur shoulder for the entirety of your dangerous quest through the magical woods. he's very chatty and also very elusive, constantly flitting around in the air and disappearing in a wink of light before appearing on your nose once again. you can't tell if he's a help or a hindrance, but he's cute and bright and makes the journey a lot better
a smurf. smurfs count as mythical beings okay, and while ive never actually watched any smurf movie thing ever, i think vernon would make an absolutely brilliant smurf. they give off silly goofy weird adorable vibes, and that's basically vernon in a nutshell. also smol vernon with blue skin and lives in a mushroom looking house??? that's kinda cute and actually something that vernon might wanna do irl not gonna lie
nine-tailed fox. he's so mysterious and sexy and kind of dangerous but like. his unbelievable handsomeness kinda outweighs the danger. honestly i don't really have an explanation for this other than that the Vibes r there for some reason and he'd look so cool with those glittery wisps of magic threading through the air around him as his eyes glow a mysterious colour before he launches into a kdrama-esque fight sequence against the latest monster
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @zilinxue
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tokuvivor · 3 months
Duckverse June Week 4: Mystical Creatures
Wow, can’t believe we’re already at the last week. I’d just like to thank my co-hosts, @secret-tester and @queer-in-a-cornfield, for being amazing. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.
And now, I give you…
Deep Blue for Two
Fethry had been busy all day in his underwater lab with oceanic research. He had a lot to go over, and nothing could distract him. Except maybe an unexpected guest.
“Uncle Fethry!”
Admittedly, Fethry was still getting used to being called that more often by Donald and Della’s kids. He swiveled around in his chair, and found a little girl wearing overalls staring intently back at him.
“Well, hey there, lil’ Daisy,” Fethry greeted. “Wait. Don’t tell me. June, right?”
“Yep!” June replied.
“Anyway,” quizzed Fethry, “what brings you down here?”
“Huey told me you worked down here, and I wanted to see it for myself,” June explained.
“Really? You do?” Fethry asked.
June nodded. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve done a lot of research.”
“Oh, yeah,” brushed off Fethry. “You know, the usual-whales, octopi, various kinds of fish-“
“-krill?” tested June.
“Oh, definitely!”
“Because I’ve heard that you were able to produce giant krill down here!” June exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.
“Well, that was sort of an accident in its own right,” admitted Fethry. “I did some experimenting on them, and somehow they mutated to colossal size.”
“Do you have any krill down here?” June asked.
“I sure do! Would you like to meet them?”
Fethry took June over to his tank of krill. June was in amazement over the tiny creatures.
“I can tell each one of them apart,” Fethry explained proudly.
“You can?” June gasped.
“Yep. Point to any one of them, I’ll tell you which one it is.”
June’s finger floated over to a krill near the top of the tank.
“That one’s Fernando.”
“What about this one?” June was now pointing towards the center of the tank.
“Oh, that’s Herb.”
“Impressive!” June marveled. “Besides giant, mutated krill, do you know about any other beyond-normal creatures in the ocean?”
Fethry put a finger to his chin. “Hmmm…let me see. There’s mermaids, for one.”
“Dad told me they visited Mervana last year,” June noted.
“Ah, Don told me about that, too!” exclaimed Fethry. “It would be nice to go for myself. Very chill vibes. A lot of merpeople abound, of course.”
“Too bad it’s so far away,” June added.
Fethry sighed. “You’re right,” he said. There has to be something.”
“Hmmm.” June paced around the tiny metal room, wanting to think of something to help Fethry out. It was when she neared a small bookcase in the corner that something caught her attention.
It looked like some kind of parchment.
“What’s that?”
“I don’t know,” Fethry replied. “It just found its way into my journals, I guess. It has some weird text on it, but who knows what it says.”
“…I think I do,” June spoke up.
“What?!” gasped Fethry.
“I recognize this language,” continued the cyan triplet. “It’s Old Norse. I learned it from Webby and Violet a few months ago. I think I can translate this for you, Uncle Fethry.”
“Amazing!” Fethry exclaimed. “Then translate away, lil’ Daisy-I mean, June.”
June smiled determinedly. She then pulled a small notebook out of her front pocket. “I wrote the figures down to memorize them.”
Fethry decided to work a bit longer while June translated for him. Every once in a while, he looked back over at her, her fingers flying, tongue sticking out to the side in determination.
For June, this was super exciting. She and Fethry might not be able to find an actual creature, but maybe they had discovered the clue to one.
Eventually, she called out, “Got it!”
“Great!” Fethry called back, pushing back from his desk. “What’s it say?”
June cleared her throat, and read the translation from her notebook.
To those sailors that are brave enough:
Here in these waters lies the kraken, the most feared of all ocean creatures.
Powerful enough to capsize even the biggest schooner, I once saw it with my own eyes.
I could swear it had two dozen tentacles on its body, with a razor-sharp beak.
Beware! Lest you wish to be a part of these waters forever.
-Rolf Hundstad, Hammerfest, Norway, 1852
“So the ocean in question would be…the Norwegian Sea,” noted Fethry.
“Yep. Sounds about right,” agreed June.
“That was very impressive, though,” Fethry added, holding out his hand tentatively for a high-five, which June reciprocated. “I didn’t know what those characters were supposed to be.”
“I never actually thought learning Old Norse would come in handy,” June admitted. “Guess I was wrong. Even though this parchment is dated 1852, do you suppose there could actually be kraken out there?”
“If I know Duckburg, anything is possible,” Fethry suggested. “And if I know our family, there’s any number of mystical creatures Uncle Scrooge and the others have found. So maybe that could be something for us to discover.”
“Really?” June asked, practically bubbling with excitement.
“Sure. With my knowledge of the ocean and your curiosity, we could figure out if there’s actually kraken out there,” concluded Fethry.
“I’d love that!” June squeaked, hugging Fethry tightly.
“…We’d have to run that by ol’ Don, though.”
“Right. I know that Dad is all adventured out for now, but I’m sure he’d admire that I’m branching out on my own,” June put in, pulling back.
“Of course. I know he wants the best for you and your sister,” Fethry pointed out. “And it’s not like this is going to be really quick to figure out. We can research it for now, and if we have enough to go off of, maybe then we can try to find it.”
“That’s fine,” June replied. “Hey-Team Kraken?” She put her hand out in front of her.
Fethry laid his hand on top of hers. “Team Kraken.”
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milflewis · 1 year
i'd love to hear your thoughts on surfer!mick encountering mermaid!lewis (can you tell i can't stop thinking about that photo)
1. “I’ve been looking for you,” Mick says, and the mermaid looks over his shoulder, spotting him. He doesn’t move from his perch on the rocks so Mick paddles closer.
“Not in a weird way,” Mick quickly follows up with, floundering. “Just — over the years. I’ve kept an eye out. Normally. Casual. Just to see if I saw you again. Yeah.”
He winces. That could’ve come out better.
The end of the mermaid’s tail is draped into the water and the scales Mick can see are a dark purple, shiny and slick like oil in the sun. They run up his stomach, fading strangely into skin at his waist. Mick is too far to see the details of his tattoos.
Normally, Mick knows from school, they can reach up past the middle of the ribs but he must have human in him somewhere for them to be so low.
“You saved my life once.” Mick clears his throat, tightening his fingers around his board. He pulls one leg up under him. His throat is dry.
He loves the sea, always has, even when he is scared of it. Maybe especially then.
He had known better than to go surfing when it was that choppy, with winds that high, even at that age, but he had just gotten that new board and ignored every voice in his head that told him no.
He had been sure he was going to die there, coughing and cold and wet, too dark and swirling to tell where was up or where was down.
“It was a while ago,” Mick says. “You might not remember.”
“You were shorter.” The mermaid’s voice is soft, softer that Mick expected, and his teeth are sharp.
“Well,” Mick shrugs, cheeks heating. “I was thirteen so.”
He remembers how his nails dug into Mick’s shoulders, how he pulled and pulled and pulled until Mick could feel sand on his knees and pushed at his chest until Mick choked, bone sore and shaking. His eyes were very bright in the dark when Mick looked at him. Mick remembered how he looked right back.
He’s looking at Mick right now.
“I remember,” he says, and smiles. He’s very pretty actually. Mick is helpless not to smile back.
“I wanted to say thank you, for that, so, um, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” the mermaid replies and Mick gets the faint feeling he’s laughing at him.
2. “Woah, man, is that, like, fish?”
Lewis pokes at smoked salmon on top of the cracker Mick gave him, face unreadable. The sun is setting behind him and the loose off white beach coverup that Mick stole from Gina’s room is slipping off one shoulder. The whole effect is slightly devastating to Mick’s insides. It might even be giving him indigestion.
He looks at the fish, and then at Lewis’s face, just barely frowning, not quite a grimace, and back at the fish before it clicks. Oh god.
“Oh, god,” he says out loud. “Can you — I didn’t even think to ask, I’m so sorry. Can you even eat fish? I mean, do you eat fish because, you know —“
Lewis pulls a face, mouth pulling up, one eye squinting. He peers sheepishly at Mick. He looks like he might try eating it anyway. This is definitely giving Mick stomach problems. He’s ruined everything.
Lewis gently puts down the cracker, exhaling. It’s almost a sigh. “Fish are friends,” he says, quiet. “Not food.”
Mick closes his eyes. He’s so fucking stupid. He planned this entire thing out — getting the time right with the sunset and the weather and the lack of people on their corner of the beach and — And. And.
“I love Finding Nemo,” he states calmly. Lewis grins at him, all seriousness come from his face. Mick hates him.
“Such a classic, right?”
“You know, Hamilton,” Mick says, butterflies melting away. “You’re a bit of a dickhead, has anyone ever told you that?”
“Nope!” Lewis says, popping a grape into his mouth, eyes crinkling. Mick flicks some crumbs at him with his fingers.
3. Mick goes very still as he lifts a hand, palm first. A raindrop falls in the centre of it, light and warm.
He doesn’t bother saying just one moment to Sebastian, taking three long running steps to shove Lewis off the edge of the pier and into the sea.
When Lewis’s head pops up out of the water, eyelashes dark and curls flat, he’s laughing. The rain isn’t quite a lash but it’s not a drizzle either. It’s water whatever way you spin it.
“Really?” Lewis says, grinning. His pearl necklace matches the ones in his ears. Mick picked up a bracelet that he thinks would look nice with it at one of the stalls at the market in town a few days ago.
There’s a shiver of deep purple shimmering below where Lewis’s legs should be if you squint.
“Yes, really,” Mick replies, shifting so Sebastian can’t see his face. He raises his eyebrows meaningfully. Lewis rolls his eyes.
“Huh.” Sebastian comes up beside him, his sensible sandals quiet on the stone pier. He pauses to lick messily at his ice cream cone. “I thought it is just salt water that activates your tail. Does regular rain water do it too?”
Mick stares at him, and then at Lewis when he says, “Nah, it’s just salt water. Has to be from the sea too. Mickie here is just being overly cautious.”
“Overly cautious?! What if someone saw —“
Mermaids are rare enough and nearly every part of them is worth a lot of money. They’ve been an endangered species as long as Mick can remember.
Sebastian hums, solemn. “So serious, our Mick.”
“So sorry for being concerned,” Mick declares, throwing his hands up in the air because he knows it’ll make Lewis laugh. It does. Mick, very seriously, ignores the amused look Sebastian sends him.
4. “Wait,” Mick says, a while after. He and Sebastian are sat side by side now, feet dangling in the water, cool against their calves. Strands of Lewis’s hair tickle Mick’s leg whenever he floats too close.
“How did you know Lewis was a mermaid? I never told you.”
He looks quickly at Lewis to make sure he knows that. Lewis’s mouth tilts up at one side and he doesn’t say anything. Mick curls his toes and uncurls them.
“I didn’t either,” Lewis says, looking up at Sebastian. He wraps a wet hand around Mick’s ankle, thumb brushing along his instep.
Sebastian shrugs, face flat and still in that way that he does right before he’s about to tell a joke that he is particularly proud of. His mouth is twitching.
“Ah, you know,” he starts, shrugging. “The smell of fish is very strong around him, yes?”
He catches hold of Mick’s t-shirt when Lewis pulls Sebastian in by the foot, dragging both of them down. Mick swallows a dreadful amount of sea water, laughing and then choking. Lewis’s hands are cold and soft on his elbows when he pulls him back up to the surface.
5. Lewis’s shoulders are bare and broad as he arches in the air, whole body twisting and tucking as he dives back into the water. Show off.
Mick reaches out a hand and Lewis swims closer, humming. It’s still too early for other surfers to be out, sun not yet risen, tide in and calm.
Mick lies his chest flat on his board, one arm folded under his chin, the other still outstretched. Lewis’s curls are damp at the edges and loose around his face. Mick tucks one behind his ear when he gets close enough.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” he says, and Lewis only raises is eyebrows.
“Have you?”
“Yes,” and when Mick kisses him, he tastes of salt and his lips are cold but his tongue is warm and everything is wet. He realises if he holds Lewis’s chin in one hand, fingers on his cheek, he can feel how the lines around Lewis’s mouth deepen when he smiles.
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papirouge · 10 months
okay a little tinfoil hat thoughts here on my end. You know how every place on Earth has a folklore/mythology of some sort like fairies or water spirits or what have you. What if those creatures are real, whether they're demons or another species of creature like how cryptids are. It'd explain some things for sure especially why more and more people under this secular society are becoming more depraved and unstable, they weren't human to begin with. I mean like we need to turn to Jesus and against all the worldly junk Satan lures us in with. And otherwise I think that it's a sign our world as we know it is coming to a close soon, that Jesus is coming and the rapture isn't too far away. Keep praying and I pray for you too sister!
Thank you anon💛
They're definitely real, and their both demons & cryptids. I think the nuance between demons and cryptids is that cryptids may be a form of demons specifically living in secluded spaces (desert, forests, cave, etc. - where demons who've been cast away go wander) and take the appearance of wannabe-animals (dog, wolf, deer, etc.)
I remember a story in a niche new age french radio I heard years ago (when I was a nolife teen fascinated by UFO) of an old military french man said he and his troops met a very odd looking man while they were deployed somewhere in the Sahara in the 70s. He literally came out of nowhere. That man had an abnormally dark & thick skin, craved-like deep wrinkles, extremely tiny, and the military said the skin of the sole of his feet was so thick it looked like callus - but like, a few inches thick😲 Since they quickly realized the man didn't speak french nor arabic they proposed to him a cigarette as way to create a cordial contact. The odd looking man accepted the cigarette, but to the utter surprise of the militaries, he didn't smoke it from the butt, but rather on the burning side(??!). The military man who told the story said that while smoking the odd man had an expression on his face of extreme pleasure.... After finishing the cigarette, the odd man left, and they never saw him again.... Idk if such encounter counts as cryptids, because as weird look that man was, he was still kinda humanoid, but since he was made of flesh (he physically could touch and smoke the cigarette) he most likely would not be a demon either (demons are on a whole dimension and cannot materialize their whole body in our realm. They can only do a few stunt such as slaps, moving/crushing objects, etc.). So maybe a fallen angel ; residuals of the time of the Noah where humans started copulating with demons and stayed in the desert ? I think that's what Muslim culture call djin. I know a channel of a Muslim girl retelling stories of djin and what's really striking is how they seem able to come in & out of our realm, and physically interact with humans, give objects, have houses, etc. So I think they're no average demon but a form of fallen angels who can't travel across the human and spiritual realms. That's a very uneverving thing when thinking about it...
And yeah, I already made a lengthy post about fallen angels that story of a girl who was half mermaid (her mom made a pact with mami wata to get pregnant) and how the pastor of the church she went to seek help to couldn't help her because she wasn't humans (you can find the post if you dig in my #papiconspiracy tag). After that I got anon telling me how unloving it was to refuse to save that girl, but at this point, it wasn't about "not wanting" to save her, but rather that we cannot save her. Fallen angels are not humans therefore they can't be Saved. God can't save demons.
I don't think you need to be half demon to be extremely wicked (demon possession can totally do the job) though, but extremely wicked humans can still be Saved.
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zesty-kuma · 2 years
Dun dun duuuuuunnnn,
That’s right, you herd it here first folks, it’s Sunday therefore its showed thought Sunday (because I’m a sucker for alliteration) saying that, i didn’t even sower today! But I still be thinkin! Anywho, I’m your host, the (no so) one and only MONOKUMA! (And yes the kind with fingers ). And here’s our first ever shower thought!!
Why do embarrasing memorys remain in your head longer then most others?
As someone with the attention span as short as a.. well as a bear! I often ask my self “WHY OH WHY DID I DO THAT THING 5 YEARS AGO!” When I can’t even remember what I ate this morning!
Like for example, i once built a small boat with monomi in the aim of getting to the end of the pool with out it falling a part and win first price against these random losers I was competing with, well me and monomi called our team the “Idget midgets” (idget meaning stupid, and midget meaning short duh cuz were both a very respectable tall and lengthy height of course). And then we built our triangle boat and planed to set sail but i not a very strong swimmer at the time and was nervous but couldnt let my slight bit more of a stronger swimmer sister know my weakness so I decided to do the most important part of the boat riding, sit on top and look sexy like a mermaid or something! But monomi was a terrible triangle boat piloter and the boat fliped over with me ontop and I was submerged into the water.. it wasn’t deep.. it was like less then sholder high but I was scared so I let out the biggest screech of my life and the entireCompetition  stoped because I was screeching like a baby not only once but when I breathed in to catch my breath, I let out another even louder screech, we then was disqualified from the commition and the guy running it said “you must be so embarrassed, everyone was laughing at you” I was too cold and scared to notice that fact so my whole world shattered when he told me, and ever since then I haven’t been able to get that thought out of my head, thankfully monomi is the only soal left rembering such a sad incident, but im sure she won’t be telling anyone anytime soon, CUZ I JUST DID! Now why am i telling you this story? Well I mainly got side tracked from my main point, but.. that’s cool! Thats what we’re here for and frankly I have many many more embarrasing storys but there for another time, im here to talk about the whys and the hows, mainly the whys I ain’t no scientist ya know! But yes.. why oh why dose that image of me screaming at the top of my lungs because I got dunked in in a pool haunt me everyday, well it’s because embarrasment is such a strong emotion! (And its one that usually can’t be resolved) Just like a few others I can think off the top of my head for example.. jelously.. and uh despair perhaps (woaaaw didn’t see that coming at all ), and usualy its the negative emotions really that linger with you because they make you feel so much more so much quicker I guess it’s a primal thing, well everything is a primal instinct at the end of the day but yeah, that feeling of wanting to revert time and Change things around is just natural for anyone because wanting to change things is only to benefit you, and deep down that’s all we life for!
But I dunno! I ain’t no sientist as I said!
Im conclution of todays shower thought, don’t listen to monomi when she says to make an raft in a triangle shape, its stoopid, make it the shape of a boat dummy!
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
A cute prompt for you to make up for the angst: Merman Au. In a world where humans and mer are acquainted communities (trade and navigation partners), Mer-WWX sees human prince Lan Zhan and tried to get his attention! Splashing to draw eyes, making acrobatic jumps to impress, wearing his best jiaro silks, leaving cute trinkets on his windowsill in the hopes that he will like them, and singing enchanting songs for his Prince, all hoping that Lan Zhan will sing back and court him (mermaids court with music and gifts so write a completely smitten WWX and go nuts!)
Oh thank you!! I absolutely adore merman/jiaoren!WWX!! And this prompt is so nice! I really appreciate you giving me such a happy prompt since my grandaunt died two days ago from Covid.
It was a complete coincidence that brought them together. Wei Wuxian swam to the surface, intent on exchanging the jiaoren goods for coin and food, when he noticed the bright decorations around town.
As he handed the stuff over, red tail swishing every now and then, he asked the vendor, “What’s going on? Is there a festival I don’t know about?”
“Ah, Young Master Wei! You’re just in time! The second prince is coming here!”
“Second Prince? Why is he coming here?” 
“It’s just a yearly inspection.”
What? Wei Wuxian hadn’t heard about this in all the years he’d been here!
“Why haven’t I heard about this before?”
“Ah....the Second Prince doesn’t like crowded places or making a big deal about his arrival, so he takes some sort of alternate route to come here. Though, this year, that route was flooded.”
“I see.....”
“Do you want to see him?” The vendor asked upon noticing Wei Wuxian’s thoughtful look. “He’s rumored to be a beautiful person, second only to his brother, the Emperor. We can get a few of my friends to carry a tub over so you can see him!”
“Oh! I couldn’t bother you all that way.” Wei Wuxian politely refused. “I have other errands to do, unfortunately.”
The real reason he was thoughtful was because of his and his people’s prior horrible experience with royals. They had fled Lanling, where the king had captured many of his people for the pearls they cried in place of tears. Gusu had been reportedly better, its Emperor laying down a law that bans the harm of mythical creatures such as the jiaoren. But Wei Wuxian didn’t want to risk any sort of attention to his people after they had just escaped. 
Wei Wuxian waved goodbye and dove back under the water. When he arrived at his home after going through a series of underwater caves, he found out his parents knew of these yearly visits from the prince and that it was fine to wander around since the prince doesn’t usually stay for long.
Wei Wuxian nodded along and decided to do make sure to distribute the food and coin around his community. 
Before he knew it, the sun had set. Wei Wuxian returned to the surface, considering he wanted to have some spicy human food for dinner. After eating on the edge of the dock, tail partially in to keep himself from drying, he heard music from afar.
Curious as to the owner of such a beautiful sound, he submerges and follows the sound towards a more secluded area of the dock. There, dressed in shades of blue, was a young boy, seemingly around Wei Wuxian’s age, playing the guqin with nary an expression on his face.
Something itched within Wei Wuxian and he had the urge to tease the boy into making a new sort of expression. As quiet as a mouse, he snuck close to the boy and burst out of the water, shouting, “Boo!”
As he expected, the white-clothed human became startled and nearly jumped in shock. Wei Wuxian cackled until he came face with a sword. He held his hands up in surrender even as his heart beat fast.
“Who are you?” The boy demanded.
Wei Wuxian lifted his head from the sword to come face to face with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. The boy in front of him had the most entrancing pair of golden eyes. The boy narrowed his eyes and repeated his question, though the sword at his neck faltered a little.
Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to swim a little farther from the boy and pouted. “Gege, I just wanted to surprise you! You looked so serious sitting by yourself! You should look happier on such a beautiful night such as this!” The boy didn’t change his expression. “Also! Isn’t it rude to point your sword at a stranger?” 
“You do not know who I am?”
He’s probably some noble considering not many people own swords, but him specifically? “Nope! Should I know who you are?” He’s probably new or something. I haven’t seen him around before and nobles don’t usually come around these parts. ....Hmm, perhaps he’s here to see the prince?
The boy seemed to relax a little and put away his sword. “.....I apologize for pointing my sword at you. I was....unsure if you meant ill.”
“Why would I voluntarily bring harm to a stranger?”
“...” The human turned away and turned to his guqin, checking for damage.
“Hey, hey! Beautiful human with gold eyes! Don’t ignore meeee! Look at me, look at me!!”
The human merely sighed in exasperation.
Wei Wuxian’s pout became more pronounced and his tail splashed in irritation. The human’s eyes went wide with curiosity and shock and Wei Wuxian realized his mistake. “..Uhh....”
“A jiaoren?”
“Yeah! Do you have a problem with that?” Wei Wuxian said, guarded.
“No. I have never seen one before.”
“I see.” 
The atmosphere became awkward with the ensuing silence but Wei Wuxian could never stay quiet for long.
“So what brings you around these parts? I’ve never seen you before!”
“......I came with the prince’s entourage.” There was something odd in his tone.
“I see. You know, I’ve never seen the prince before. Is he as beautiful as the rumors suggest?”
“Vanity is against the rules.”
“Whose rules?”
“The palace’s.”
“Hmph. Well, this isn’t the palace. it’s fine to say something, hm?”
“....Gossiping is against the rules. Talking behind someone’s back is forbidden.”
Wei Wuxian threw his hands up. “Well, if I can’t talk about the prince, then tell me about you! That’s not against the rules, isn’t it?”
“A name! At least tell me your name! Mine’s Wei Wuxian, but Gege can call me Wei Ying since we’re already so close!”
“Shameless!” The boy hissed, ears red. 
“Oh come on!! I told you my name, it’s only fair that you tell me yours! Don’t be rude, Gege!”
“Lan Zhan.” He repeated.
“Lan Zhan?” Wei Wuxian murmured and Lan Zhan nodded. Hmm. It’s a birth name, not a courtesy name. Is he trying to hide his identity? He’s not doing a very good job though, considering ‘Lan’ is the name of the royal family. Perhaps he’s a relative of the prince’s? I wouldn’t expect a prince to be out here by himself without guards so he must be a guard or something. Hmm. It’s something to think about later. It doesn’t seem like he means harm even after knowing what I am. Regardless, it’s not like he could follow me back to my home even if he did mean ill. Humans can’t hold their breath for that long. “Well, Lan Zhan, now that we know each other’s names, you’re now my friend!”
“........We do not know each other.”
“That’s what we’re talking for, silly! We’re getting to know each other, right?”
“Hm.” Lan Zhan packed his guqin away. “I must go. It is late.”
“Late? We’ve hardly talked though! Don’t leave me here, Lan-gege!” Wei Wuxian whined.
“I have an older brother.”
“Hm? Oh.....oh! Okay, I understand! Lan-er-gege!”
Lan Zhan looked away, gripping his sword. “I will come back tomorrow night.”
“Huh?” Then he connected the dots. “Oh! Okay! See you later, Er-gege!”
Lan Zhan nodded and left. It was only when he couldn’t see him anymore did Wei Wuxian realize he could have just asked where Lan Zhan lived. If it was close to the water, he could just swim to him. That might put him close to the prince and other people from the palace which wasn’t a very comforting thought. He still didn’t know whether to trust the Gusu royals, despite possibly conversing with one.
The next few nights passed by in a similar fashion, with Wei Wuxian trying to get Lan Zhan’s attention and Lan Zhan hardly giving the jiaoren an inch.
Wei Wuxian, however, saw this as a challenge and began to do many things to get Lan Zhan’s attention. The most effective one was splashing him, though it earned him a glare as well as Lan Zhan predicting it and being able to dodge more often than not.
He moved onto trying to impress Lan Zhan by performing difficult acrobatic tricks. Lan Zhan looked amazed at this and Wei Wuxian was extremely smug, quickly turning an embarrassed red when Lan Zhan praised him, with a, “Beautiful.”
Wei Wuxian wailed, hiding his face in his hands, “Lan-er-gege, you can’t just say that!”
“It’s too embarrassing!!”
“Wei Ying calls me beautiful all the time.” Lan Zhan deadpanned.
Wei Wuxian peeked at him from in between his fingers, “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He demanded. “You can’t just tease me like this! Where did the Lan Zhan who got so easily flustered go?” 
Lan Zhan said nothing, but Wei Wuxian could see the faint upturn of his lips that made his overall expression smug.
And Wei Wuxian didn’t know why, but it made his heart beat faster/
It escalated. Because of course it did. Wei Wuxian wanted to hear Lan Zhan praise him again and see that faint smile again - no matter if it was smug or not.
He wore his best jiaoxiao silks - ones he personally weaved -, danced, and....and even sang to him. Lan Zhan even joined him sometimes, playing on the guqin.
He returned every night, sighing into his parents’ embrace about his Lan Zhan and his parents shot him increasingly knowing looks until they laid down the truth. 
“You’re courting him, aren’t you, A’ Ying?” His father asked.
“Yes, A’ Ying.” His mother patiently said. “You wore the most beautiful jiaoxiao silks you weaved, danced a well-known courting dance, and even sang for him. If you aren’t courting him, if you aren’t in love with him, then I call bullshit.”
Wei Wuxian clutched his burning cheeks. “Courting?” Am I really courting Lan Zhan? I mean.....I like it when he praises me and calls me beautiful and plays his guqin for me and even plays an accompaniment when I sing!
......Oh god. Oh heavens! I really am courting him!!! How could I not notice???!!!! Ahhhh!!!!
The nature of Wei Ying’s gifts and music changed, Lan Wangji noted absently. 
When Lan Wangji first met Wei Ying, he was unsure of what to think but was quickly captivated by his smile and intelligence. It made Lan Wangji reluctant to return to the palace. Or maybe even bring Wei Ying with him.
He shook that thought away quickly. He couldn’t just take Wei Ying away from his family!
Back to the point, Lan Wangji noticed the shy looks Wei Ying shot him from time to time and how his songs gained a sort of.....longing tone. The gifts too......they were pearl bracelets and hairpins that had to be made from Wei Ying’s tears. Lan Wangji may be shy but he was not oblivious to what it meant to receive a jiaoren’s personally made songs and pearls. 
Perhaps.....Wei Ying might share his feelings after all?
That thought made his heart beat faster. If he remembered correctly, jiaoren court through songs. And Lan Wangji had the perfect one in mind.
Lan Zhan had to leave today. He had to leave!!
Wei Wuxian wanted to cry, somehow. He hadn’t finished courting Lan Zhan! 
Fortunately, Lan Zhan seemed reluctant to leave too. “I can ask my brother to send me here soon.”
“Really? Really, Lan Zhan?”
Wei Wuxian’s tail propelled him out of the water and forward so that he could wrap Lan Zhan into a hug. “I knew you liked me! Oh! Uh-- I mean--!”
Lan Zhan’s arms came around him. “Mn. Like Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian squealed happily. Lan Zhan liked him back!! He pulled back to give Lan Zhan a bright smile which, surprisingly, was returned!!
Wei Wuxian’s tail swished happily, “Keep smiling, Lan-er-gege! It’s really pretty!!”
Lan Zhan huffed out a laugh and Wei Wuxian grinned. 
“Wei Ying, there is something I must tell you.”
“Hm? What is it?”
Lan Zhan hesitated and Wei Wuxian sat up, sensing it was serious. 
“What is it?”
“Wei Ying, I have not been entirely honest with you. My name is Lan Zhan....... courtesy name: Wangji.”
Wei Wuxian took a moment to let that sink in. Where had he heard that courtesy name before?
“Hey, Mom.” Wei Wuxian asked as they crossed the border between Lanling and Gusu. “The Gusu royals. Are they good people?”
His mother nodded. “I was acquainted with the current king’s uncle until we had a.....” She winces. “A fight. They are good people, regardless of our past differences. The current king, Lan Xichen, and his little brother, Lan Wangji, have implemented a law that ensures the safety of creatures like us.”
“You’re the second prince?!” Wei Wuxian gasped, dramatically flopping into the water. The prince?! He was courting the actual prince of Gusu???!!!
“Mn.” Lan Zhan confirmed as soon as he surfaced, shoulders tense.
“Well, shit. I didn’t know, but it’s not like you’re going to punish me for my rather shameless behavior, right? I know humans have different customs for courting.”
“Okay! Now that that’s out of the way, Lan Zhan - I can still call you Lan Zhan, right?” Lan Zhan nodded. “Then, Lan Zhan, now that I know you’re the prince, I know you must have a lot of business and I can’t push you to come here often. But do try to visit, okay? I’ll miss you a lot!”
“Mn. Will miss Wei Ying too.”
Then, a few years down the line, the two of them get together because this is a happy universe and they know how to communicate!
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
littera scripta manet - steve rogers x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people!! first of all, this is based on a moodboard by the amazing @cloudystevie​, which inspired this whole fic, thank you!! the picture above is how i imagined steve in this one, but you can imagine him however you want:) also, there’s a list of meanings of the flowers i mention at the end because i’m a sucker for the language of flowers (the flowers are in bold in the fic). i love the dark academia aesthetic and i hope i did it justice:) enjoy!!<3
title means ‘the written letter remains’
summary: unlike you, steve doesn’t have a problem admitting to himself he has feelings for his best friend. that’s what makes it so painful when it seems like you don’t.
word count: 7k (oops?)
warnings / tags: friends to lovers, Pining™ , angst with a happy ending, as slow burn as a one shot can be, an obnoxious amount of clichés but i’m not sorry, no plot just vibes (i mean there’s like,,, some plot i guess), the songs/quotes i used in this aren’t mine!!!
You watched as the morning mist slowly faded, the sun showing it away. You watched as the curtains fluttered against the touch of a delicate wind. You watched as the sparks of dawn came to life under the sky's watchful eye. You watched the tree beneath your window in the glory of its blossom.
You turned your body in the other direction, the one facing not the east window but the bed. And there, beside you, you watched as he stirred hazily, his body still clad in yesterday's clothes, huffing out a quiet breath before his eyelashes fluttered open to reveal the pair of familiar blue eyes.
You watched, and his eyes told you the most amazing story – his look was disoriented, then bewildered, and then, well, the most gorgeous smile stretched onto his features, and it told the rest – love, and hope, and home.
That story is the one I will tell you today.
The first day of school was always a straining one. All the way from elementary school to high school, it was a constant in your life.
There was, however, one more constant. Your best friend.
Steve Rogers was truly the most wonderful of boys.
You two met when you were very young, your mothers getting along well, so you had no choice but to do so as well. And you did get along, splendidly. You became fast friends, not stopping even when his other friends were telling him about 'girl germs' or when your other friends were constantly asking if you wanted him to be your boyfriend, or if he was. What you and Steve had transcended it, in a way.
You grew together, and you watched as Steve Rogers became the most wonderful of men. He was your best friend, and you loved him with your whole heart. Platonically, of course.
You smiled at him fondly as the both of you stepped into your new college, in through the big iron gates. As far as you looked there was grass, trees, flowers. The big cobblestone building stood tall in the distance, and if you listened carefully, you could hear the chatter of students above the sound of the wind that was gently ruffling your uniform skirt.  
"Excited?" Steve asked, smiling back at you.
"Nervous," you let out a quiet laugh.
"You shouldn't be," he answered, "look at this place!" he gestured around, "you fit right in here with all the-" he cut himself off, closing his mouth before continuing, "you fit right in!"
"Yeah, maybe. This place is just… dreamy," you smiled. "But that doesn't stop me from being nervous."
"Well, you have no reason to be," he took your hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.
You hoped he was right. You never liked being far away from home, but this school was truly the school of your dreams, and well, with Steve by your side… you could never be that far away from home.
Adjusting was… an experience, certainly. This school was like nothing you've known before, the uniform seemed a bit excessive, the school halls were so incredibly long, and the grounds so vast you could barely see the outside. And yet, it felt like something about this place was magical. Like it accepted you right in, it wanted you to be there. The library was huge, and you've already spent countless hours digging away for course related materials and, well, less course related materials. The vast grounds meant you could walk out every day in a different direction, if you wanted to, and find a new hidden treasure.
You shared your thoughts with Steve when you discovered one of these treasures together. It was fairly early evening, you two had just gotten out of class and were walking off the long day you've had, and you suddenly came across some high rose bushes. Steve tried to see what was on the other side of them, but it was too tall even for him, so you circled around and found a small, rusty gate. You went through it to discover a small fountain, with a marble statue of a mermaid in the center.
You gasped in delight, unable to contain yourself from running to kneel on the grass next to it, looking into the water curiously. Dipping your hand in tentatively, you shivered at the touch of the chilly water, and immediately took out your hand, massaging it in your other one to warm it up.
Steve laughed as he finally caught up with you, not running but walking calmly. He dipped his hand in the water as well, before raising his brow mischievously. Before you could ask him what's going on, he took his hand out of the water and sprayed the cold droplets of water right on your face.
"Steven Grant Rogers!" you said, shocked, "You did not just do that," you glared at him.
"You know what, you're right," he began shuffling away, "I didn't," he stood up with a cheeky smile as you continued to glare at him, "It was a happy accident."
"Oh I'll show you happy accident!" you couldn't contain your laughter anymore as you dipped your hand in the water again, getting up to chase him around the little garden. He managed to evade you for a bit, and then you finally caught up to him, placing your cold hand right on the back of his neck. He turned around, making him lose his balance and fall down onto the grass, which in turn made you topple over him, stopping your fall with your hands just when you were about to fall onto his chest.
"Alright, I surrender!" he lifted his hands up.
"Good," you smirked.
There was a moment where you just stared into each other's eyes, each sparkling with a smile. It was broken when Steve asked, "Well, can I, uh, get up now?"
You noticed you ended up straddling his hips, which you then fumbled to undo, standing back up hastily. You dusted your skirt a little awkwardly, avoiding Steve's eyes as he got up too. You didn't even know why you were feeling so awkward. You've had plenty of play fights with Steve, there was no reason for this one to be different.
But Steve just extended his arm to you, like he did on the first day you were here. You took it, and just like that, you were fine again.
"Do you know, Stevie, I think there's something magical about this school," you told him as you were walking.
"Really? Why do you think that?"
"Well, the library's huge a-"
Steve burst into laughter, and once it died down a little, he said, "I'm sorry, it's just so… like you to say a big room full of books is magical. It's true, don't get me wrong," he said before you could get annoyed, "but I feel like no one but you would have vocalized that truth."
"Well then, lucky I'm here," you smiled.
"Yeah," he said softly, "very lucky."
About a month later it turned out the school holds a ball twice a year, at the start of winter and at the end of spring, right before the school year ends. At first you were a little shocked, but you quickly warmed up to the idea, given that it was very much on brand with everything else in the school.
You did obviously make more friends than just Steve, so you and your friends went to get dresses together. Roaming between the big expansive stores was fun, but after a while you all realized it wasn't very affordable, and not really your style. You wandered into a small, secluded second hand shop, where you found the perfect dress – fancy but not overly glamorous, a color that suited you beautifully, and not too bad of a price. It made you feel like a princess, the long skirts shuffling gently behind you as you stepped out of the fitting room to show it to your friends, who were just in love with it as you were and told you to buy it right away.
That night you went home with a dress in your hand and a smile in your heart.
As the school year progressed, you started picking up and drying different flowers you found on the grounds, keeping them between pages of your notebooks. A bit of a messy hobby at times, but it made you happy.
You were just writing a letter to your family, trying to figure out if and which flower you should attach to it, when you heard a knock on your dorm door.
"Just a second!" you called out before shutting the ink box, putting down the dip pen before getting up and opening your door. There, you found a flustered Steve, smiling at you with a few honeysuckle flowers in his hand.
"I, uh, brought these for you," he said timidly, "I know you collect flowers and I don't think you have some of these yet."
"I don't!" you smiled and took them from Steve's hand, "thank you!"
You ushered him in before putting the honeysuckles on your desk. "What's up?"
"Nothing much," he shrugged. He saw the letter and pen on your desk. "Oh, am I interrupting you? I'm sorry, I could come back later if y-"
"It's alright Stevie," you chuckled, "I was just writing home. Anything you'd want me to tell my family for you?"
"Ummm… hi?" he smiled bashfully and you both laughed.
"Well, that's just too long! I don't have any more place on the page for such eloquent greetings!" you teased.
"Alright, then no, I don't have anything to say to them. I wrote my family a few days ago already, so if you wanted to say anything to them, you'll just have to wait till next time."
"Anyways," you smiled, "did you need anything?"
"Not really," he shook his head, "I just, well, I don't really have a person to go with to, you know, the ball thing, so i-"
"So you want me to set you up?" you giggled. "Is it Ella? Or is it Kathrine?"
"No, let me finish," he half heartedly grumbled. "I was thinking, I wanted to ask you to come with me," he smiled timidly, averting his gaze. After you didn't say anything, he continued, "I mean, I didn't think you had anyone to go with either, and since we've been friends since forever, I thought-"
"No, yeah, that's a great idea!" you spoke up quickly, "Sorry, I just spaced for a moment, I think that'd be great, since no one really asked me and stuff," you shrugged and smiled.
"Great!" he smiled.
"Great," you nodded. You both chuckled, not really knowing what to say.
"I should leave you to get back to your letter," Steve said after a moment. "I'll, um, see you around."
You told him goodbye before shutting the door behind him and sitting back down at your desk. But you found you didn't have it in you to pick up your pen. No, your train of thought was lost, and was now racing a hundred miles per hour, because –
Because why would he ask you. Because he could've asked any other girl and they would've probably said yes, yet the thought of him going with another girl made your stomach drop in a peculiar way. The obvious answer was that it was just about his comfort zone, which you knew Steve was prone to staying in.
Yeah, that's it. It's just comfortable. Familiar.
The night before the ball, you found yourself tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. At around 2 am, you officially gave up and traded in your pajamas for some more presentable clothes in case someone is also awake, and made your way to the library.
Over the few months you've been here, the library has become somewhat of an escape for you. Sure, it was where you did a large amount of your schoolwork, but it was also the place that allowed you to 'travel' to several magnificent worlds.
You made your way as quietly as you could, picking up one of your favorite classics. It was an old, worn in version of Dumas' "The Count of Monte Cristo", a book which you vaguely remembered reading in your childhood and, when you stumbled upon it here, fell in love with all over again.
The place was dark, and you wanted to keep it like that, giving you less of a chance to be disturbed by others. You sat down and lit a candle, getting immersed in your book. So immersed, you didn't notice the sound of footsteps coming up behind you.
"I figured I'd find you here," Steve smiled, sitting down on the wooden chair next to yours.
"How come?" you smiled back and closed the book, not before putting a bookmark in it.
"I went up to your room to see if you were still awake because I wanted to show you something. When you didn't answer my knock, I guessed you were either in extremely deep sleep or you were here. And would you look at that, I was right," he smirked.
You chuckled. "What did you want to show me?"
"Come on," he stood up and extended his hand to you, "I can show you right now."
You smiled and followed him as he led you outside, into the chilly night. You shivered slightly as the cold air hit your face. "Steve," you complained, "I wasn't really planning on going outside. I don't have my jacket."
"Oh, right," he said, stopping in his tracks, "sorry. But you could just take mine," he said, while already shrugging it off.
"No, Steve, then you'll get-"
"Come on!" he smiled, wrapping the jacket around your shoulders, "let's go!"
You giggled at his excitement, adjusting his jacket a little before following him further away. He took you somewhere you had shockingly never been before, a small, secluded field of hydrangeas, peaceful in the moonlight. You looked around in awe.
"I knew you'd like it," he smiled. "And look," he gestured upwards, "it's far enough from the building so we can really see the stars."
You looked up and your breath caught in your throat at the sight. He was right. The stars never seemed so many or so bright to you than in the moment.
"See right there? That's Ursa Major, and that-"
You looked to him, and his words faded away in your mind, becoming a low stream of sounds. Everything seemed to become softer, distant, while he flooded your mind.
In that instant, it looked like Steve had the moon in him. Soft, and bright, and beautiful. His pale skin glistened under the moonlight, but when his eyes turned to meet yours, you thought you may have been wrong.
Because in them, you found the stars.
And there it was, the big night, the night of the ball. You were nearly ready to put on your dress when you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to find Steve there, smiling.
"I just came to check in on you," he said, handing you a few hibiscus flowers. You smiled, taking them from him, your fingers brushing against his.
"Well, I'm doing quite well," you said, and wordlessly invited him in. He followed you inside and shut the door behind him.
"You look great," he said.
"I'm not even wearing my dress yet," you giggled. Squinting, you tried to figure out what about him seemed off to you. Then, when you realized it, you stepped up to him and brought up your hand to fix his shirt collar, which was partly stuffed under his tie. You then rested your hand next to his collarbone, above his heart.
"You look great too," you said softly, smiling a small smile up at him.
"Thanks," he breathed.
"Alright, I better get ready," you chuckled, stepping away from him. "I'll see you there."
Steve didn't think of himself as a very sophisticated guy. Sure, he was smart enough, but he was no match to you, for example. He wasn't that big on words or analogies.
And yet, when he saw you step down the stairs into the ballroom, his first thought was that you looked like the sun, ethereal and radiant in your beauty, almost blindingly so; your hair was styled in a simple manner, your face stretched in a soft smile as your wonderous eyes roamed around the room. Your dress created an angelic sort of look, and as you gently walked down each step, your hand delicately gliding on the banister, he nearly couldn't believe you were real, that you were making your way to him.
The moment your eyes met his, your smile became bigger, your steps quickened, much like his heartbeat. When you arrived, he extended his arm to you, like he has a habit of doing, and greeted you a soft hello over the sounds of the dainty music.
The night went great, it really did. You two danced together, ate some of the fancy food, laughed. It was… magical. There was one point, when you were swaying together to a slow song, when he thought –
Well, it didn't matter what he thought, didn't it? Because at the end of the night, you didn't wait on him. No, you sneaked out with some guy in the year above you.
Steve wanted to be angry. He couldn't, not at you anyways.
Ever since a year ago, when you found out you were going to the same college, he knew. The relief that washed over him when he heard the news, the gratitude of being able to be by your side – he didn’t understand how he didn't see it sooner.
He assumed, sooner or later, you'd see in him what he sees in you. The sun. Happiness; bright, celestial, divine.
But maybe you can't see what's simply not there.
Steve went to his dorm. He went to sleep, but his nightmares awakened him again and again. Nightmares of losing you. So, without any other choice, at around 5 am he decided to give up and get up, maybe take a shower.
At the moment, it felt like real life wasn't any better than his nightmares. He hoped at some point, that would change.
"Damien!" you laughed breathlessly as he pulled you through the endless corridors.  
"What?" he chuckled, stopping and turning back towards you, pulling you a little closer to him by your joint hands. You panted a little in an attempt to catch your breath before you spoke.
"Where are we going?"
"Oh, wherever you want to! Just away from that stuffy ballroom," he grinned.
"It wasn't stuffy, I thought it was very pretty!" you defended it with a smile.
"Not as pretty as you," he softly said, bringing his hand to cup your cheek. He's been complimenting you like that since you two met an hour ago at the ball, and well, you were a simple girl; you really wanted him to kiss you right now.
He took a step closer and his hand traveled to your chin, holding it and gently tilting your face up. Just as his lips touched yours, your eyes fluttered shut, allowing yourself to succumb to his embrace, your lips moving against his. You broke apart for air, and you opened your eyes when you remembered.
"Damien," you said, "I just remembered, I was with my friend at the ball and I didn't tell him I was going… can we go back for a second?"
He examined your face for a second before smiling and saying, "Sure. Just for a bit though," he winked.
You made your way back in silence, the sound of your footsteps muffled by the carpets below you. Looking at him from the corner of your eye, you found him looking ahead with a smile. Bashfully, you smiled too, slightly biting your lower lip. Soon enough, you arrived.
Staying close to the ballroom doors, Damien asked you, "Can you see him?"
"I don't think so," you said with a frown, scanning the dancing crowd with your eyes. Steve was tall, usually you were able to easily pick out his frame from any crowd, but you couldn't see him anywhere nearby.
"Well," you said after a couple more moments passed, "he probably realized it and went already," you shrugged.
"In that case," Damien gestured at the exit, "After you, madam."
You giggled and bowed a small bow before exiting, Damien on your heels. You spent the night walking the grounds, talking to each other over the sound of the wind. When it was getting late, he escorted you to your room and gave you a good night's kiss, a perfect gentleman, just like you read about in books.
That night you slept peacefully, no dreams, good or bad, plaguing your consciousness. The next morning you woke up refreshed, ready to take on the day.
You and Steve were still friends, but something changed. You didn't really see it, too occupied with school and Damien to notice, but there was a shift, a distance that wasn't there before. You still talked, you still hung out from time to time, it just… wasn't the same.
One day, when you were in the library together, one cold February night, Steve asked you a peculiar question.
"What do you think is the best way to tell someone you love them?"
"Why, any Valentine's day plans?" you joked.
"Nothing in particular," he shrugged.
"Well, I think the best way to tell someone you love them is with words. Just… say it, or write it, you know?"
"Yeah, I guess that's nice," he smiled, returning to his book.
"So, who's the lucky lady, huh?" you nudged him with your elbow, "is it Kathrine? Because I'm telling you, I really think if you'd ask h-"
"It's not Kathrine, because it's no one," he cut you off with a chuckle. "It was just a general question."
You never bugged him about it again, quite honestly you forgot about the whole ordeal.
The months of the winter passed, and lo and behold, the spring settled over you. The winds were less harsh, the flowers were blooming again, the sun was shining brightly. With only a few scattered days of still wintery weather, you mostly studied outside on the grass, maybe under a tree. You were making the best of it, inviting your friends of Damien to study with you too. You felt like bursting into song.
One day, when you and Damien were sitting on the grass, studying together, he picked a rhododendron, sticking it behind your ear. The large flower didn't hold on for long, and fell down after a couple of seconds. You laughed, and he chuckled. Picking it up, you tried to put it on once more, but it just wouldn't stay. Then, you took it again and this time, stuck it behind his ear. Somehow, it managed to stay on.
You laughed, "You look very pretty."
"I do?" he asked, fluttering his lashes playfully, "why thank you darling."
After a while, he took it off and pressed in between the pages of his notebook. "Like you always do," he smiled, showing off the closed notebook before putting it back into his bag.
"Be careful," you giggled, "if it falls out the entire bag will be full of petals, and even when you’d think you got them all out, you'd find a couple more a few days later."
"Are you speaking from experience?" he asked cheekily.
"Why of course not! I was born a professional," you stuck your nose up indignantly, making him laugh.
"Of course you were, how could I forget," he offered you his hand and helped you up.
As you walked together back to the school building, you had a feeling you forgot something, or like something was missing. You looked back at the place you were sitting in seconds ago, but there was nothing there.
"Everything alright?" Damien asked.
"Yeah, everything's great," you answered, squeezing his hand that was clutched in yours.
When the second ball was approaching, Damien had started to send you love letters. Every time you had gotten one, you felt your heart pick up its pace, a smile stretching on your face. Some of them were poems, some quotes, some just sentences, you didn't know which he wrote and which he read and thought of you. You took to the habit of saving them all in a small box in your room, going through them every couple of days.
I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists, the reality of everything ~Virginia Woolf  
Every one of them was simply signed with three x's, signifying kisses. You smiled as you put the most recent one into your pocket, intent on putting it with the rest later.
Some days, you'd get small notes, and some days would be a rather large page. You loved both.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
~Elizabeth Barrett Browning 
You resonated with the words, you've always loved poems. Weirdly, you've never talked to Damien about your love of them, but you guessed he just… knew. That's what made him so special.  
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. ~Alfred Lord Tennyson
That one made you stop in your tracks for a moment. It made you think of Steve. He didn't really bring you flowers anymore. Well, maybe he just didn't find any new ones.
Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O, no! it is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.      If this be error and upon me proved,      I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
You smiled brightly as you read the note. You were getting new ones every other day. Amongst the chaos of exams, it was nice, knowing that's the way he had to keep in touch with you. You were just done reading it when your friend came up behind your back, reading over your shoulder.
"Oh, did Damien bring you this?" she smiled. "You guys are so cute together."
Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you The love of all man’s days both past and forever: Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life. The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours – And the songs of every poet past and forever.
~ Rabindranath Tagore
That last one you found in the library copy of "The Count of Monte Cristo". You gravitated towards it every time you were anxious, or couldn't sleep, or both. It was a comfort. Finding the note there nearly made you cry; the long day you've had mixed with the love you felt bringing tears to your eyes. You blinked them away with a smile, stuffing the note in your pocket before starting to read the book.
Steve saw you open the book and get the note. He smiled to himself.
He didn't know if this would work, or if you'd think your boyfriend wrote them. He just wanted to make you smile.
He also wanted to make you know, make you understand what he was feeling. But you weren't exactly emotionally available right now, so Steve did the best he could; he waited.
In the meantime, he went to search for another poetry book. He was surprised you hadn't recognized his handwriting yet. He did write it a bit more neatly than he usually did, with more careful attention.
Maybe she recognized it but didn't want to say anything. Maybe that was a pitying smile, whispered a voice in his head. He shook it off.
He knew you weren't his, but he couldn't give up hope. He could wait some more.
The spring / end of the year ball was approaching in giant steps. You were done with your exams, and already had a dress, which you adamantly refused to show Damien despite his repeated pleas. Now, you were spending an afternoon outside, enjoying the fresh air picnicking with some of your friends, who were playing a card game you couldn't care to learn the rules of. You were taking photos instead, borrowing one of your friends' camera and taking some pictures of them playing, of the scenery.
"Has Damien asked you to the ball yet?" one of them asked.
"Oh, not yet," you shrugged, "I'm sure he will though. I mean, you've seen the notes he sent me," you giggled, "I don't see another option."
Just then, you saw a figure coming towards you from afar. In the other direction, you saw Damien approaching, and before you had a chance to wonder about the other person, he was there, planting a kiss on your cheek. You put the camera down on the blanket and smiled at him.
"Speaking of the devil," your friend chuckled.
"Only good things, I hope," he sat down next to you.
"Of course," you laughed and leaned away from him to snap his picture, "what else could we have said?"
"Well, that's great, because I was wondering," he took a breath, "do you want to see me do a card trick?"
"Yes, sure," you said, slightly confused but still smiling.
He held up a card. "Could you tell me what card this is?"
"A leaf ace," you said.
"Great," he flipped it around in his hands a couple of times, before pulling off a complicated hand movement you couldn't keep track of, and was now holding a small, card sized mirror. "Now, could you tell me what card this is?"
"It's… a mirror," you said, puzzled.
"Look closer," he encouraged.
"Still a mirror, Dames," you chuckled.
"No, it’s a queen of hearts!" he laughed, "my heart, more specifically," he leaned in closer and smiled. "Would you go to the ball with me?"
"Yes! Of course I will!" you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. Just then, you heard the shutter of the camera clicking, and broke apart from him, laughing.
The night of the ball finally arrived. You were in Damien's room, getting ready, when you finally had the mind to say, "Oh, Damien, I don't think I ever thanked you for the notes," you smiled at him from the other corner of the room. He was standing in front of the mirror, tying his tie, while you were sitting on the bed, already in your dress, which you finally let him see.
"Oh, from last week's lecture? No problem love," he smiled at you, your eyes meeting through the mirror.
"No," you giggled, "I meant the notes you've been leaving me."
He looked at you, puzzled. "You know, the notes with the– oh come on, don’t play dumb," you scoffed playfully.
"I'm not," he said, "I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about." He finished the knot and came to stand in front of you, offering you his hand and helping you up. You stood in front of him, squinting.
"Okay," you said after a few moments. Smiling, you noticed his collar was partly stuffed under his tie, raising your hand to fix it and –
"Oh," you frowned softly.
You knew who wrote the notes. You knew all along. I mean, how couldn't you recognize the handwriting of the person you know the best? Who knows you better than anyone else?
The person you've been neglecting the past few months. And yet, he was sending you love letters. You felt like crying, because you should've known it was him. More than that, you should've realized; you love him too.  
You love him so much it nearly hurts. The man with flowers in his hand and stars in his eyes, the one who took you to every bookstore you ever wanted to visit, who gave you his jacket when you were cold, who knew not only what your favorite book was, but also what copy of it you would take.
As good as Damien was to you, he was never the one for you. He was charming, lovable for sure.
But he wasn't your Steve.
Your Steve who was probably going to the ball alone, or maybe not even going.
"Is everything okay?" Damien asked, a concerned frown on his features.
"No, I- look, Damien," you took a deep breath. "I owe you an explanation, and I swear, I will give it to you, but I just… I can't do this anymore."
"What do you mean can't do this anymore? Do you not want to go to the ball or-"
"No," you closed your eyes forcefully before opening them, "us. I don't think we should be together anymore."
"Where is this coming from? Love, is everything o-"
"It's not okay, Damien!" tears welled up in your eyes, "It's not fair to you, I know. But I just… I have to go," you stepped away from his embrace.
"Go where? You're not making any sense, please, can you just-"
"I'm sorry, I am so, so sorry, but I have to go. I promise I'll explain everything, just… not right now," you said shakily, fumbling to collect your things before leaving the dorm, and a stunned Damien in your wake.
You weren't sure where you were going, you just knew you had to find him.
You roamed the corridors in a bit of a daze until you finally realized your legs were carrying you to the library, and shook your head, deciding to go there anyway since there was a decent chance Steve was there.
He wasn't. You knocked on his dorm room door, but he didn't answer it, so he probably wasn't there either. You went to sneak a look at the ball, but you didn't find him there too.
You were just about to give up when you looked out of one of the windows. There, you saw the small glass gazebo that was a little further away from the building. The light was on, and there was someone there. You couldn't tell if it was Steve, but you figured it wouldn't hurt to try.
You went down the stairs and outside. The night was surprisingly crisp, and the dress you were wearing had short sleeves, but you continued anyway. As you got closer, you could see the silhouette clearer; it was indeed Steve.
You stopped a few yards next to it. Now that you found him, you didn't know what to say. I'm sorry didn't feel like enough, and –
Your train of thought was cut off by Steve turning around, his eyes locking with yours through the large glass windows. You swallowed heavily.
He went outside, crossing the distance and standing in front of you. Both of you were quiet for a moment before he spoke up.
"Not going to the ball?" he asked.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"I feel like it's obvious I'm not going. Where's your boyfriend?"
"I don't know."
Silence settled between you for a couple of minutes, each one of you absorbed in your own thoughts. Eventually, you were the one to speak up this time.
"I know you wrote them, Steve."
He chuckled. "Okay. What do you want me to say?"
"That you meant them," your voice broke with emotion, not knowing how true the words were until your lips uttered them out loud.
"I did. I do. I can't say I'm sorry for that."
"You shouldn't be," you said, "I'm that one that should be sorry. I am sorry," you looked up at him, your eyes sincere. "I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you sooner. And I don't mean the notes, Steve," you stepped closer to him.
"Then what do you mean?"
You licked your lips hesitantly, bringing your face closer to his. You didn't know which one of you finally broke the distance, but suddenly his lips were on yours, and it's all you could think about. You were kissing Steve Rogers, and it was enchanting. You wrapped your hands around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. You melted into his touch as your hands tangled in the soft hair on the nape of his neck. One of his hands came up to cup your cheek gently, and suddenly you were both smiling so hard you broke apart, gasping for air. Your foreheads stayed connected, leaning on each other as you slowly opened your eyes.
"This," you whispered, "I mean this. I love you, Steve."
"I love you too," Steve laughed, "so much. I was afraid you will never say that. That I'd never get to hear you say that to me. I love you," he said again, his eyes looking into yours.
Just at that moment, it bizarrely started to rain. "Really?" you looked up at the sky, "it's spring! Hell, it's almost summer!"
"Maybe it's summer rain," Steve suggested with a smile.
"But it ruined our moment," you playfully pouted.
"We always have another one," he smiled, pulling you in for another kiss, not minding the rain that was now wetting your dress, his suit. You felt the raindrops fall on the top of your heads, but the sensation was a thin echo compared to Steve's lips on yours.
A thunder roared, and you broke apart once again.
"Maybe we should get inside," you suggested.
"Maybe we should," he grinned, "last one there is a rotten egg!"
He started running before you could even register what he said. Just like he did when you were kids.
"Wait!" you laughed, running after him, gathering your skirt in your hands, "Not fair! I have a dress!"
He stopped and ran back to you before picking you up with ease, carrying you bridal style to the entrance and putting you down right on the threshold.
"You're a rotten egg, Stevie," you giggled.
He looked down to see that indeed, your legs were technically inside while his weren't.
"Don't worry," you cupped his cheek and tilted it upwards so he'd meet your gaze, "you're my rotten egg."
You both laughed before you went inside. He offered you his arm and you wove yours through it, leaning your head on his shoulder.
Taking your time, you strolled through the corridors in comfortable silence until you reached your room. You came inside and turned on the heating, Steve right on your heels, hugging you from behind.
"I can't believe it's raining," you looked out of the window with a smile.
"I can't believe you're mine," he whispered into your neck.
You tilted your head back to kiss him softly before you involuntarily shivered. Wordlessly, Steve guided you to the bed, tucking you into the blanket. He was about to leave, but you opened your blanket and gestured for him to come cuddle you. He chuckled and climbed in next to you, wrapping his arms around you again.
"Tell me a story," you said as you laid your head on his chest.
"Once upon a time," he started, "there was a very beautiful princess. And she chose a normal boy. No one knew why she did it. They asked her, 'why not a prince?' and sh-"
"And she said she didn't like princes, but she loved the boy more than anything else," you smiled.
"Wow, more than big libraries?" he chuckled.
"Yes, even more than big libraries," you giggled. Humming contently, you snuggled even closer to him, the rise and fall of his chest lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
Which brings us to where we started this story, the next morning.
The story Steve's eyes told you that morning was better than any other story you've ever heard. It was a love story that you would tell your children, and your grandchildren.
And every time Steve heard you telling it, he sat and listened with a smile.
You once asked him why he always listens to that story, it's not like he didn't know it, he lived it.
"I did live it," he answered, "but I still live it, every single day. And it gets better with each day," he leaned down to kiss you.
Steve Rogers was the most wonderful of men, and over the years he grew to be the most wonderful of husbands, of fathers and of grandfathers.
You both grew, but there was one thing that stayed the same – his heart was yours, and your heart was his; forever.
flower meanings:
Rose – love.
Honeysuckle - pure happiness, sweet love, devoted affection.
Hydrangea - gratitude, grace, beauty, abundance. some colors also symbolize bad luck.
Hibiscus - variously symbolizes health, delicacy, beauty, respect and hospitality.
Rhododendron – beware.  
p.s. - the meanings are based on my limited searches, also there are some flowers with more than one meaning:)
i’d love it if you’d want to tell me your thoughts!! if you’ve stuck through this entire thing - thank you!!!<3
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rein-ette · 3 years
Are you still working on your Commonwealth study? Do you have any thoughts on Arthur's relationships with his colonies apart from Canzuk + US?
Not properly, unfortunately with exams and then work I haven’t had mental/emotional capacity to do real research (and probably won’t for a while 😔). But I have continued to think about and develop certain relationships, and I think I also have old hcs I’ve never shared, so I’ll put those down!
Born into the Empire
@oumaheroes has already done such great hcs on him idk what I can add, but basically he was a little bit of a rowdy child, always breaking windows and shattering fancy pots, never able to sit still. I think rainbow once mentioned that Ken (short for Kenneth, my name for Aus) was a lot like England as a child in his curiosity and energy, and I wholeheartedly agree. But I think Arthur’s intensity was more inwardly directed, pushing him to pursue and master new talents and learn whatever he could, while Australia is a little more carefree in his love for the outdoors, exploring, jumping around and off things, little wild animals. Unfortunately for him, he was born in a period of the empire when Arthur was very serious about his kids education, and therefore often praised those who studied hard and learned fast, which really just wasn’t Australia’s cup of tea. Australia took this kinda hard and thought he was the “dumb” one in the family that Arthur was always scolding, but in reality Arthur knew and appreciated that Australias interests lay elsewhere — he was just a frustrated, tired, parent who really wanted to give his kids the best while also holding his empire together, two goals that were never going to fit well in the end and would completely exhaust him.
As Australia’s grown older he’s realized a bit of this (not entirely, though) and also that 1) he really did break a lot expensive things and cause general mayhem 2) scolding us Arthur’s way of showing he cares, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have payed attention to him at all 3) despite being a penal colony, he was still one of Arthur’s more “legitimate” children (being white and a boy) and was therefore still incredibly privileged — never having to question, for example, why it was that Arthur was his dad, if it should be this way, or if he had a seat at the family table at all (more on this later).
New Zealand
Zee, from birth, was a clear favourite. Obedient, calm, quietly intelligent, he would also later develop a blistering sense of humour which combined with his appearance made it overwhelmingly clear who’s child he was. If Ken questioned his place in the family because of his poor academic record and others did because of their appearance/race/other complications, Kaelan never had such problems; his siblings called him the “prince.” Zee, however, also had a charm that, like Matthew, endeared him to his siblings and mostly protected him from jealousy, though he certainly still had issues with being called a try hard, daddy’s boy, bossy, arrogant. Certainly as a child Zee was a little prideful and, under that unperturbed demeanour, willful, but he grew out of it by the 20th century and became one of those most trusted by Arthur, second only to Matthew. He’s also always been inseparable from his brother Australia despite their differences, and today they both have one of the healthiest and most amicable relationships with Arthur of any nation, let alone former colonies (family road trips, every summer).
I absolute fell in love with this girl after reading about here, once, in this fic by @shachaai, and after that my mind just ran away with me. For me, her human name given to her by Arthur just has to be Ariel — for the little mermaid reference, yes, symbolizing her connection to the sea and stunning good looks, but also because:
1. Ariel is a biblical name, meaning lion of God. This makes sense to me, because Bermuda began as a Portuguese trade post, so Arthur definitely consulted our resident bad catholic Port before naming her.
2. Ariel used to be boys name. This also makes sense, because I hc Bermuda was and still is a tomboy. Bitch is fierce, takes no prisoners, and has zero filter. Her letters to Arthur, which all the colonies sent so Arthur could keep an eye on things, were full of shit like “I swear to god if the Spanish don’t get out of my waters I might eat one of them,” and “father, I asked you for destroyers two months ago, and yet you sent them to Hong Kong — could you explain this most unusual occurrence, surely it’s not that you forgot”, and “thank you for the harpoon on my birthday, I caught a small shark a couple days ago and have sent you some of its teeth for your collection.” Arthur tolerates this attitude because he’s weak when it comes to girls; he absolutely spoils his daughters (and flushes like a 16 year old when a woman so much as bats her eyelashes at him). Yes, p*ssywhipped Arthur is a hill I will die on.
3. It also suits her because? Ariel? Shakespeare? The Tempest? Bermuda Triangle? Shipwrecks? Daughter-like figure of powerful and vengeful sorcerer? Yeah. And this girl is a fire spirit — she is so lively, snarky, clever. As she’s grown older she’s mellowed out a little, but still: a no shit taken, no fucks given type of gal.
4. Speaking of growing up, she’s also become quite the beauty. Shacha, if I’m remembering correctly, described her as dark skinned, wavy-haired, and green eyed and that image has been burned onto the back of my eyelids ever since. Those Iberian genetics really be pulling through for her, that’s for sure. Engport love child if I’ve ever seen one. Definitely one of the prettiest in her family.
I’ve already mentioned this to needcake, but I’m not too big a fan of canon Singapore, so this is my oc version. Singapore is fascinating to me because it had only a very small local population before it became a colony (The original settlement had actually been destroyed by the Portuguese about two centuries before the British started building a port there.) So nation-tans like Singapore and Bermuda really are Arthur’s children in the most direct sense of the word. And yet, Singapore is mostly ethnically Chinese, with Malays being the second largest group. Growing up Asian in a white, Victorian era family surely cannot have been easy and more than once Singapore probably wondered if there hadn’t been some mistake. To make up for the constant fear that he wasn’t “really” British, Singapore studied ferociously and had a truly terrifying work ethic. I’m not sure if this is common knowledge outside Asian circles, so I’ll mention that this hc comes from the fact Singapore is well known for having truly exceptional students and some of the most prestigious schools. Singaporeans score highly in literally everything and they have an advantage with good English learning environments, a highly desirable trait in Asia, but these results come from brutally long hours — and its really saying something that they’re known for working hard, considering the studying ethic of students in Korea, Japan, and China aint nothing to sneeze at, either. To me this actually fits really well with Singapore’s upbringing in Arthur’s household, because Arthur himself prizes intelligence and hard work above all else, being a workaholic himself.
As for their relationship, it was probably the best when Singapore was young and peaked in the 1930s with the massive naval base the British built at Singapore, at the time the largest dry dock in the world. Singapore was a well-behaved child, not necessarily introverted but not rowdy either, and all the way into his teenage years he truly admired Arthur and was proud to be a part of the British Empire, despite his lingering unease and insecurities. The British defeat in World War II, however, was a massive turning point. He had worked his ass off to be a good son, a good brother, to contribute to the only family and system he had ever known, and he had thought by the 30s he was finally on his way to becoming a fine adult. And suddenly, the British surrender brings his entire world crashing down. He had followed the rules faithfully thinking it was his destiny, but suddenly it was clear that all rules were made up. Of course, his insecurities exploded. If the empire was a ruse, what the hell was he? A part of the illusion? He couldn’t have a truly Asian identity, because many of the old East Asian nations shunned him for his Western upbringing, and he could not entirely understand their values either. So he was a kid who kinda had to figure out late and very very suddenly who the fuck he was and wanted to be.
And, well, he’s done pretty well for himself, hasn’t he. After having a total crisis and questioning everything, I think Singapore slowly started to realize that just because the British Empire as a political entity didn’t last forever, that didn’t mean that his entire childhood and identity weren’t real. The love he gave to his siblings and the love he got back, the hard work he put in, his bond with Arthur and the safe, happy childhood he had — those memories and feelings didnt have to be diminished by what came after. Essentially, he learned the lesson all nations have to learn, which is that one needs to be able to discern between duties as a nation and feelings as a human being, and to some extent keep them separate to protect both.
Whoooooo ok I’ll stop there because this turned into a dissertation, sorry. Let me know if there are any specifics u want me to elaborate on or anything I missed, but I’ll leave this here for today :)
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writer1 · 3 years
The fishermen and the young Mer
Warnings: mentions of death.
The Request: [Could I request a bad batch saving a mermaid!Omega please? She is trapped in a stormy ocean and she lost her parents, forever. She's scared of them at first, but they seem really nice and they adopt her. They travel to an uninhabited planet that has forestry and lots of water and space for her to swim around in. They make it a home and look after Omega, Hunter raising her like a daughter.]
A\N: This was requested by @ahsokatano-thetogruta , I hope you like it!! I changed it from the original request a bit.
Omega swims through the stormy sea, afraid for her life. She only lost her parents a short time ago, she’s still too young to swim through the ocean on her own, she has no idea what to do in storms, or where she can go. She's being pushed around by wave after wave until she finally sees it, a boat! Omega knows the stories, how humans are dangerous, but she doesn’t see any other option. So she swims towards the boat, bringing her head above the water every few minutes to make sure she's going the right way. She swims as hard and as fast as she can, the most she has swam in her life. Until she finally is able to grab onto the bottom of the boat.
“Help!!” She screams, as loud as her small lungs can go. She can hear bumping on top of the boat, and with hope flowing through her, she screams again. “Help!!!!” She then sees someone pop their head over the edge of the ship, he has long hair and a bandana around his head. His eyes widen when he sees her, and Omega feels fear fill her when he leaves, then there's suddenly a splash behind her as the man jumps into the water.
He swims over to her and pulls her close, then he climbs back up onto the railing of the ship as a few more men help him up. He holds young Omega close, and as she starts to warm up, the edges of her vision goes black, and she promptly passes out.
Hunter stares at the young girl in his arms, as his brothers do the same. None of them know what to do, especially seeming as she has a red tail, with blue fins. “Is… Is that a Mermaid?” His brother, Wrecker asks. Everyone stares wide eyed at her, and Tech shakes his head. “Can’t be, they don’t exist.” Hunter looks over at Tech. “Well, for something that doesn’t exist. She feels pretty real to me.” Tech doesn’t say anything more, he doesn’t know how this could be possible. “What do we do now?” Echo asks quietly, he’s a newer addition to the team of fisherman, but he has also become like a brother in the year he’s worked with them.
His prosthetics creak as he walks over to where Hunter is still kneeling on the deck, the rain pounds heavily as he brushes the hair out of the little girl's eyes. “We’ll take care of her, at least, for now, we need to get her inside.” Hunter stands up as he holds her close. “We can’t just keep her?! She needs to be in the water.” Hunter falters. Then turns to Crosshair and gives him a glare. “What do you want us to do, Cross? Throw her back in the stormy sea! After she was afraid and called for help!” Crosshair flinches at the yelling. “No no, I didn’t mean that at all. You know that I like kids, what I mean is that we need to keep her in water, and then we need to find her parents. We can’t keep her forever.” Hunter sighs, he knows that Crosshair is right, he then turns to Tech. “Tech, you know about the legends, is there a way to keep her safe from drying out?” Tech think’s for a moment as the rain pelts them, then he snaps his fingers as an idea comes to him.
“”We can wet one of our scarves and place it around her neck, keeping her gills wet, then we grab a towel and do the same, placing it on her tail. She should be fine then.” Hunter nods. “Okay, Tech, go grab my scarf. Cross, grab my towel, it’s small enough it won’t cover her fully.” Both nod and run to do that, Hunter waits where he is, as Echo and Wrecker look down at the girl. “I didn’t even know Mer existed.” Echo whispers, making Hunter smile. “Neither did I, I always thought the legends were just that, legends.” The three of them turn as Crosshair and Tech run back out with a towel and a scarf, a few minutes near the side of the boat, with the huge waves and they are both soaked. Then all five of them run inside.
Hunter sits down on their couch, and Tech gently wraps the soaked scarf around Omega’s gills, then Crosshair hands him the towel, and Hunter himself wraps it around her tail. “There, she should be fine now. You guys should get some sleep, I’ll keep watch.” All four of them shake their heads at Hunter. “We’ll keep watch with you.” Tech tells him, sitting in a chair, Echo sits down beside him on the couch. “I’d like to see when the little one wakes up, and make sure she’s okay.” Hunter smiles, then he turns to Crosshair  and Wrecker. “I’d like to make sure shes okay too.” Wrecker says as he sits down on the floor, and against the wall. Crosshair puts a toothpick in his mouth, walking over to sit beside Echo on the couch with Hunter. “I’ll help keep watch.” Everyone smiles at Crosshair, they know he’s here to watch over the girl, he may be grumpy and an ass at most times, but he is a big softy for kids.
With that everyone settles down, just listening to the storm crashing around outside.
Omega hums as she feels something soft under her, then she feels confusion fill her as she realizes she can hear breathing, as the thing underneath her moves at the same time. Omega opens her eyes to see that she’s laying on top of a human, the same human who had saved her. She feels around her neck, there's a wet thing around her gills, keeping them wet. There's a bigger thing on her tail.
She looks around and notices four more men sitting around them, she whimpers slightly in fear, as the human jostles underneath her, his eyes open and he looks down. Omega watches in fear as his eyes go wide, but then he smiles. “Hello, I’m Hunter.” The others wake up hearing Hunter's voice, but they remain quiet, knowing that the little girl must be so afraid.
“I-I’m Omega.” she whispers, making Hunter smile. “Well, its very nice to meet you, Omega. Now, what were you doing all alone in the storm last night?” “Yeah, where are your parents?” Omega jumps in surprise as he looks at the lean man with the toothpick in his mouth, who had just spoken to her. She then tears up. “They died about a week ago, I’m alone. If the storm is over you can put me back in the water and I’ll go.” All the men frown, then Hunter looks down at her. “How old are you?” Omega frowns. 
“I’m ten, why?” Hunter’s eyes scrunch up, and he looks at the others, they all show the same look, and he makes a decision. “You won’t be going anywhere alone, you are way too young to be out there alone, we’ll take care of you.” Omega’s eyes widen, and she tears up a bit. “Really? But I’m not human?” she questions, thinking that this must be a joke, or a dream. 
Hunter and the others all nod. “You are a child, mermaid or not, human or not. It doesn’t matter.” Omega lets the tears fall as she curls up in Hunter’s arms, crying into his chest in happiness, and partly from mourning over her parents, Hunter shushes her quietly. 
Tech stands up and walks over. “Do you mind if I look at your tail and gills, Miss Omega? I just don’t want you to dry out.” Tech asks, and Omega nods. “Yeah, thats okay.” Tech smiles and gently takes the scarf and blanket off of Omega, he carefully looks over her gills and gently touches her tail, humming. “We should have her go for a swim, she’s starting to get a bit dry.” Tech advises, and Omega chirps, surprising the five men. “I’d like that.” Hunter lets out a chuckle. “Okay, then. Let's get you into the water.” they all walk out, and Hunter walks over to the edge. He unwraps the scarf from her gills and the towel from her tail, then gently drops Omega into the water, who sinks down.
They all wait patiently for a few minutes, getting worried. “Uh, should we check on her?” Wrecker asks, scratching his head, when Omega’s head bursts through the surface, and water splashes on Hunter. “Hey!” He laughs out, chuckling as Omega chirps. She swims around the water, staying close to the boat as she has fun, Hunter and the others smile. “I already love her.”  Wrecker whispers, and Hunter smiles and looks at him. “So do I. We’ll figure this out.” They all nod in agreement. “We will need to find somewhere away from humans, and near the ocean to live.” Tech adds, and Hunter rubs a hand through his hair in thought. 
“Where could that be?” Crosshair asks, and Hunter smiles. “What about the island near our port? It’s up for sale and no one ever goes there?” “That would work.” Echo agree’s and Hunter turns to see Wrecker and Tech nodding. “Sounds good, Cap.” Crosshair tells Hunter, and he nods. “Then its agreed, we’ll move to the island.” “Yeah!!!” Wrecker cheers, making Everyone laugh, as Hunter turns back to watching Omega play,  smiling when he see’s that a dolphin has joined her.
It takes them a few weeks and all their savings combined, but they are finally moving over to the island. They are living in the boat until they are able to build a house, but it’s fine. As soon as the boat pulls up, Hunter carries Omega as him and the boys jump onto the sand. Omega giggles as she pulls on Hunter’s shirt, making him look down. “Lets go swimming, together!” She tells him excitedly, and Hunter looks around at his brothers. “What do you all think, boys?” “Let's do it!!!” Wrecker yells excitedly as he runs and jumps into the ocean, Hunter snorts. 
“What about you guys?” Echo nods and goes to get in the water, but Tech and Crosshair have looks that say they aren’t in the mood. “Please?” Omega asks, using her sweetest voice and puppy dog eyes. Tech melts. “Okay, a swim might be fun.” He takes his glasses off and sets them down next to his shirt that he takes off as well, then jogs over and wades into the water, then Crosshair sighs. “I guess I can, if you really want me to Omega.” Omega smiles. “I really do.” Crosshair lets out a small hum as he smiles and wades into the water. Then Hunter looks down at Omega. “Should we join them?” He jokes, and Omega nods her head rapidly. Hunter smirks as he pulls the scarf and towel off her neck and tail and then goes running, crashing into the water as he lets Omega go. He resurfaces as Omega chirps  and hugs Hunter, who pulls her close, then he takes a deep breath as he sinks beneath the water, letting Omega go he watches her swim around, her tail shining brightly. 
He resurfaces again just to get a splash from Wrecker. “Hah! Got you, Hunter!!” Hunter smirks as he watches Omega hug onto Wrecker, sticking her tongue out at him. Hunter smirks. “I’m going to get you!!” He swims after her and Wrecker, as Echo watches, laughing. And Tech and Crosshair just laze in the water, they all think the same thing. Meeting Omega was the best thing that's ever happened to them.
Taglist: @lightning-wolffe @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @captainrexisboo
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Bølger (2)
Merman!Kae x Reader.
Words: 3,183
bølger means waves.
Chapter 1.
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Merfolk were almost divine to your eyes, living near the coast gave you the blessing of discovering these amazing creatures, well, or the thought of actually seeing them. 
You were 7 when your mother gave your guard to your aunt Betty, your mom grew sick and she wanted to be sure you would be cared for when she passed. But it took her cancer to reach stage 4 to allow you to live with Betty. 
The thing was, your mother hated the coast, the town, and the ocean.
When Betty went to visit you, she would take small cards with fairies, merfolk, werewolves painted on it. She would tell you to believe in magic and accept that we aren't alone on the big blue planet.
Which made your mother mad because she hated the mere idea of mermaids, so much that the little mermaid movie was never allowed. But she had to swallow her revulsion to be sure you would be cared for and not thrown on the orphanage in the end.
So you went to live on Walrey Coast with your aunt. She was a good woman, a bit light-headed but good nonetheless. She taught you how to cook, even though you hated it, taught you how to work in her small restaurant and how to read and love Julio Verne's work. 
The house was small but notably comfy and colorful, each room had a color and somehow it didn't get overwhelming. Your bedroom had fairies painted on the walls, and a lamp with a mermaid painted in gold.
But you never saw a mermaid or a merman in your life.
And since your city was a small place each person ended up knowing another.  You were homeschooled till your 11, but Antony -your aunt friend- told that his nephews were your age and that his sister could teach you too.
Antony's nephews were three, a girl called Hope, and two boys, Archie and Hunter. Hope and Archie were twins, and Hunter was a year younger but their mom taught them the things at the same time so they could always be together if they ever went to a "normal" school.
So, with your 20's and seeing Archie leaving the town to persuade his dream university made you happy, but sad in seeing Carla's tears, after all, she always wanted her kids together.
"C'mon, Y/N, I consider you like a daughter so let us re-form your brother's bedroom..." Carla tried to smile through her tears, Hunter hugged you and Hope rolled her eyes at her brother's trial of reaching your interest, the poor boy has been crushing over you for 6 years already.
You kept your routine of woking at your aunty Betty restaurant, Antony tried to coax you to leave town and go to uni -as every elderly person tries to tell us to-; But something held you in Walrey Coast, maybe it was the trauma of the last time that you left your home was due to a loved one passing, or maybe Betty being abandoned in her big picturesque house... or who knows, perhaps something else, something unseen, or forgotten.
Hope didn't want to go to university, she craved to open an auto-shop, Carla said she didn't mind, but everyone knew deep down she wanted her small girl to be the perfect wife-to-be. And Hunter wanted to become a biologist, the boy adored the sea more than the air he inhaled and after years and years of Antony pulling his ear telling him that the idea of being a professional surfer was as idiotic as his hair, he swallowed down and picked another profession that connected the sea, too.
You loved them, and the town, but you were lonely. You had your first kiss, and even that you studied in "not a homeschool but it was basically one" you knew the other people in town, the men in their 20's that lived near and also the visitors that came and go. And working in the restaurant you saw lots of people, soldiers, biologists, families, even sailors, travelers, wanderers, et cetera. 
So you had your 'first times' but nothing serious, and even that Hunter tried several times to date you, you couldn't see him farther than a brother. He was attractive, smart, polite, liked animals as you do but he was... a brother. Through and through.
So your life was based around this minimalist and simple presence. Waking up, helping Betty at home, go to the restaurant, visit Carla and your dear friends, go back to the restaurant, sit in the pier where Antony lived while you ate your dinner looking at the sea, go home, shower and sleep.
Antony tried to make you go swimming or try to surf with Hunter, but you were terrified of the ocean, you loved it, it was fascinating and very very beautiful, but scary.
Yet, gazing at it brought you a level of peace that couldn't be accomplished in any other form.
So finishing your meal and making sure to set any trash inside a bag so you could throw in the trashcan later, you stood up and gave one last look at the dark waters and went home.
Deep in the waves, stood Kae, gazing at you leaving your favorite spot in the docks, each day you went there and in each one he approached the surface to make you company, a silent one.
Sometimes you hummed a song, one that of course he had not heard before. And sometimes you would put music to play in a small black device he saw humans carrying around all the time, the music was a mixture, but he enjoyed them, and loved when you sang along.
Merfolk took singing into high consideration, it was important to lull food, to find a good partner, to... well, everything!
And he hummed back with you, but he knew you didn't hear him. You didn't remember him.
It was funny how different worlds that co-existed, should know about another, should collide.
Humans are evil, everyone says. But what Eros did with you wasn't it? Hurting an innocent cub, or better saying: a child, and bringing your unconscious body as a trophy was the most repugnant thing he ever witnessed. After that episode years prior, Kae never glanced at his cousin in the same way, Eros was still family, but he wasn't the good merman Kae thought he was.
And with their adult forms and getting the spot of protectors of the ocean society, the mating season was approaching. 
Jaxi was in love with a mermaid that was from oceans away, they found each other in a hunt for food and after that, they've been planning their wedding ever since. Melin grew to be an insatiable lover, the mating season was an open feast to him, especially since it didn't involve a mandatory loyalty. Eros had the most beautiful sea creatures he could find, he was handsome and strong, but he was a player, which wasn't so shocking.
And Kae had some encounters, had his first sex in his 16's but he didn't like the notion of marrying and being away from the bare soil, away from his little friend that didn't even remember his existence.
He wonders if you still have Eros's nails wounds scarred in your skin, or maybe you healed after he rolled the algae around it? The alkaline water helped sea beings to heal and regenerate their skin, maybe oxygen did it too to humans? And if it hasn't healed, have you ever questioned the origin of it?
Kae didn't see himself as a stalker, he was more of a curious merman. And after leaving you in the waves near the sand, he has been reaching the surface searching for you. Ecthelion realized his peculiar interest in you, so he at least told Kae that his human friend, Antony, has told him that you were alive and well. And that the human's healers said you declared that you floated too deep in the ocean and the waves took you away.
Only that.
And as much that was a relief to hear you didn't remember the evilness Eros committed, Kae was still disappointed that you wouldn't remember him, or Jaxi and Melin that were also very much curious about human's anatomy and helped to save your life.
He wanted to talk to you, to see how different you are, would it be shocking for you to see him? Would you run away seeing his different form? He was very pretty, and one of the most desired young merman between the merfolk, but their physiology are different for various reasons. Maybe you wouldn't think he is pretty, his monster form would push you away. Scare you.
Hunter lost his mind, inviting you to go surfing? Insane.
"You know I'm afraid of the sea,  Hunter!" You told him and your friend only shrugged.
"Y/N, i know but we can try. There won't be big tides today, and I'm an expert at it."
His sad voice made you feel bad, you loved him dearly but couldn't answer his romantic feelings. "Is just... we are not kids anymore and with our brother away and Hope getting you away for 'girls night i barely have time with you. And i don't want to be an asshole, i swear, but that accident that happened years ago was an accident. You were a kid and now you're all grown."
Yu chuckled and hit his shoulder slightly. "All of this only to convince me to go with you?"
He narrowed his eyes and gave you a shy smile. '"Only if you say it worked."
"It did. But! If the waves get too big or anything we will come back, alright? Don't try to prove a point."
"And which point would that be?" He seemed offended.
"That you know how to suffer."
"Right, I won't do anything stupid."
Carrying Hope's board firmly you questioned if the straight material could hurt your palms. "Come on." Hope yelled cheering you up, she agreed with Hunter that it would be good for you to test the waters. Being afraid of it was a dangerous thing.
Hunter extended his hand while his other one was carrying the board under his arm. "Trust me?"
"Yeah, but please if I want to come back help me."
"Don't worry."
You held his hand and walked to the waters, Hope clapped her hands a couple of times yelling "you got it" to give you motivation.
It was a pretty day, the sun was out but it wasn't awfully warm Some seagulls flew through the skies and you admired the blue water touching your skin.
The water wasn't cold, and so far no big waves came and snatched your nor Hunter's life.
"Now in the way we tried back there." Hunter held the surfboard you were firmly grasping and helped you to jump on it. He did the same on his and held your hand looking at you with nothing but honesty.
You laid your chest on the board and moved your arms in the water to push you a bit far from the sand. Hunter was smiling, he adored the ocean and adored you so he was very happy.
A small wave came and you looked at him. "Hunt!"
He didn't tell you to go, he gave you a tiny nod and told you the two of you could swim around until you felt more relaxed.
After some minutes you tried to surf in a tide, it was small, amen for that, and Hunter seemed proud. He went to the bigger ones and even when he fell in the salty water he would emerge smiling and laughing.
Hope entered the water too and swam around, you never swam with your friends before.
Some minutes passed and you lost your fear from the ocean, the salty water, the rays of sun, Hunter's smile and Hope's laugh was a blessing and you wondered why you never gave Hunter a chance when he asked you to surf with him since you two were 12.
A medium-wave came in, and you told them you would try. Hunter has surfed and tides four times bigger so he was secure you wouldn't get hurt.
You moved your arms in the water to push you near the growing wave, you managed to feel it moving the surfboard, and you got on your feet and yelled in euphoria when your body kept firm above it. It was amazing, a sensation of pure joy.
The adrenaline, the beauty on it.
Hope and Hunter were cheering you up, and you smiled at then before noting a big movement near the tide, head got out of the ocean and the creature knocked your breath out of your lungs.
Was it... a mermaid? Well, better saying a merman?
"What?" You lost balance and fell into the water, the string holding the surfboard to your ankle made a pressuring pull and you whimpered at the pressure. You shut your eyes as the salty water burned your eyes but soon your foot was realized from the surfboard-pull.
You opened your eyes terrified that you lost the board because you were being dragged further in, but you saw something, someone. 
The strong features, the gills on his neck, the floating long hair... the tail. 
"Y/N!" Hope yelled. "Where are-", "Y/N!" Hunter yelled too.
He swam to you and leaned in, you got terrified, the water was burning your eyes, the lack of oxygen making you anxious and this creature was placing his hands on your cheeks. The cold hands made you stare at him but he only leaned in to kiss your forehead and then your nose. 
Hope's and Hunter's yells going deaf to your ears. You could only stare at the merman.
Before you could do anything else he smiled and touched your feet pushing you up to find oxygen.
You broke out of the surface and coughed as Hunter pulled your body to his chest. "Jesus Christ! You scared me." He said and kissed your forehead over and over making sure you were alive under his touch.
Hunter's kisses were gentle, urgent, and you enjoyed them, but it wasnt like the creature's touch. 
The monster's touch that could certainly snap your neck in a fraction of seconds, but the same touch that made your heart beat faster a moment prior.
And when he held your feet... you thought he would pull you in, to kill and eat you.
He launched you up, assisting you, freeing you!
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you." Hunter cried and you leaned in his touch, holding his neck and looking over his shoulder seeing familiar eyes gazing at you miles away in the water.
Sitting in Hope's bed and having her blow-drying your hair, you told Hunter for the 45° time that you were okay and wasn't his fault. He gave you a cup of hot chocolate and checked your fingertips again searching for any hint of extremity cyanosis. He was terrified of losing you, shit, he even argued with Hope when he told her he wanted to help you to take a shower. And even if crushing on you, his intentions weren't sexual, he only wanted to be sure you were warmed up.
"It's okay, it was my fault. I thought I saw something. I got distracted."
Hope brushed your dry hair and you held Hunter's big sweater closer to your chest, he was taller than you so his clothes were the most comfortable. "Hope, i'm sorry for-"
"No no, it's okay. The thing was old anyway." She hugged you from behind and assured you it was okay the loss of her surfboard. "But i wonder how the safe-string got out of your ankle."
You remembered the pressure the string was making, remember the relief it was when it was snapped away from you... the merman did it.
"I don't know either." You lied and tried to get up, only to have them push you back in Hope's bed and ordering you to rest.
Hunter called your aunt to tell her it was all okay and that you would have a sleepover.
You fell asleep, dreaming of waves and gentle touches.
Waking up you looked at the covers and searched for a clock to see how long you've slept. It was 2 AM and Hope was passed out, you gently got up from the bed and grasped a pair of Hope's boots.
You got off the stairs and unlocked the door discreetly before closing it behind you.
You walked to the docks and sat in your dining-spot. The vision of the water moving slowly under the stars always eased your thoughts. 
Yes, you consumed a bit of seawater but you didn't imagine what you saw. "Hey, uh, thank you for saving me." You spoke, feeling stupid and looking over your shoulders to be sure no one was near to listen to your nonsense.
"I... nearly drowned and if it wasn't you... I... Fuck!" You swore under your breath. The quietness of Walrey Coast at the dark night was comforting, silence was everything, it meant peace.
Holding your legs together and leaning your head on your knee, tears formed in your eyes. You missed Archie, you felt bad for making Hunter so worried, for destroying Hope's surfboard, the silence that engulfed you, and the thought of going crazy.
As tears drop reached the water, Kae got the courage to break out of the surface. He cursed himself so much earlier on, he should have reached you, if you haven't seen him you wouldn’t fall. So saving you was nothing less than his obligation. 
And touching you... well, that's another story. He couldn't help himself, you were so soft, so grown and stunning. Watching you from afar was something, but perceiving you centimeters away was enchanting.
With your eyes closed, you moaned a song that you loved, and even that the music spoke about heartbreak and a lost lover... it was beautiful.
Stopping to hum while you cleaned your nose, you opened your eyes startled when the song kept resounding,
Widening your eyes you looked at the water and placed your hands on your mouth to avoid a scream to leave your mouth.
There he was, the same thing that saved you.
"Hm, hi-hi!" You gagged.
Kae looked down at his torso, he hated how the human guy held you in his arms early on. His chest was free of hard skin, freed of scales, his skin color was near yours... it wasn't pale as his.
"Maybe you don't speak my language, I, uh actually I'm sort of believing i'm dreaming. My name is Y/N."
The smile on your features was all he could see, the previous shriek apparently wasn't from his ugly self. But surprise, or so he hoped.
"I know," His stark tone of voice made you gasp, he spoke! He could speak, and your language! "Hi, little human."
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
I would love love love to see something along the lines of a Tyka mer au?? Especially if Kai is the merman!! I do love them ever so. Any age rating/idea I am so down for, pretty please!! 🥺🙏❤
Keep up with the great Tyka content it makes my day!
I know who you are and you always give me the best fic inspiration! I read your Tyka mer comics and I am INSPIRED. This might be longer than expected! But here I gooooo
So now that I finished it, I’ll be putting it in a readmore since it’s VERY LONG!!
It’s very rare that I write in first person! But this story definitely called for it, and I AM COMPLETELY IN LOVE. You’re going to want to ask for more, I can already tell.
So here it is:
When I was young, I was saved by a merman.
I remember how the cold seeped into my veins. My head was pounding from the force of hitting the water.
I was too young to know how to swim.
I couldn’t move even if I wanted to.
My body was numb, I descended into the dark blue sea, I saw the light glimmer from the surface, and felt water invade my lungs.
That’s when I saw him.
A flash of blue and milky skin. I felt the smooth scales wrap around my body. I saw his face, clear as day. His purple eyes, silver hair, and blue face markings. His face looked panicked, bubbles erupted from his mouth forming inaudible words. His face turned blurry, and my vision grew dark.
I woke up on the beach. No one believed me when I told them. Just a child’s fantasy gone overboard.
I always wondered how I made it back to shore without knowing how to swim, or how I missed all the rocks.
Someone must have saved me.
The more I visited the beach and saw no sign of a blue finned merman my belief started to dwindle.
Growing up I drew pictures, I even based my imaginary friend off my hero.
In my teens, my best friend Max reminded me of him.
“Tyson! I was just telling my friend about that mer-boy that saved you when you were a kid!”
I laughed it off, “it was a fairytale, Max. Nothing more.”
Years before, Kenny and Hilary sat with me on the beach one day after training.
“Could he still be out there?”
I cleaned my surfboard, looking off into the mysterious ocean.
Hilary passed me a bottle of wax for my board, “you know, I read at least eighty percent of the ocean remains undiscovered.”
Kenny looked up from his laptop, “every mermaid sighting has been proved fake. I still think what you saw was due to a lack of oxygen.”
I gave him an angry look, I didn’t mean to.
“Uh… but miracles have happened.” Kenny tried to reassure me.
I knew the truth.
Mermaids and mermen weren’t real.
After my Mom died, and my Dad left with my brother to explore the world, I had two things, my Grandpa, and my imagination.
Thinking of that boy was my playground. I’d bring sandwiches to the beach, and pretend to talk to him.
I made friends. And became a surfing champion. With my success my imagination drifted away.
I guess I really wasn’t ready for what came next huh?
Hilary and Kenny made their way towards my desk, I slammed my textbook closed, I was done with studying anyways.
“There’s a carnival in town! It’s close to your house, you want to come with us tonight?” Her eyes were bright.
I felt a pat on my shoulder, I looked to my right, Max’s blonde hair caught my eye.
“Carnival? Count me in!”
“I’m going too…” Kenny mentioned awkwardly, “Tyson?”
I rolled my eyes, carnivals were for kids. Besides I was planning on catching some waves tonight, but the weather was supposed to be really calm. I guess I could spare the time.
“Alright, sounds like a plan.”
I was right. Carnivals were for kids.
Doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun though.
We rode ride after ride. Kenny had to sit on a bench after he got sick, Hilary rubbed his back.
“Looks like it’s just you and me, partner!” Max slapped my back, “let's get some more snacks!”
Max pulled me towards another booth. I love food, but after a dozen different snacks, and a dozen different rides, I had to admit, I wasn’t feeling too well.
Max handed me a candy apple, I took a bite and felt my stomach turn.
“Bluh,” my lip turned in disgust.
“Wanna take a break from the rides?”
I nodded.
We lost Kenny and Hilary ages ago. Walking through the parts of the carnival with fewer people, we came across a mirror maze.
“Tyson, let’s go in!”
“Sounds fun!”
It was no surprise when I lost Max right away.
I could hear his excited giggles and him shouting my name, I tried to go in his direction, but eventually his voice faded out, and I found my way to the exit.
“Max!” I shouted into the maze, but there was no reply back.
He might have gotten out already…
I walked through the carnival looking for my blonde haired friend. No luck. There was a fortune teller, I made a mental note, Hilary would have liked to go back there.
Then something caught my eye.
It looked like a cardboard standee, with dark tents behind it. It couldn’t have been that big. I saw some people leave out the exit. There was someone in front of it. They were dressed in a creepy joker costume.
“Hey man,” I got his attention.
“Do you dare enter the house of wonders!”
“Uh, maybe? Is it cool? Like… what’s in there?”
“Things that will make your blood boil—”
“And creatures unknown to this world!—”
“And above all—”
“Oooo what else!?”
“Look kid.” The grey haired joker lowered his arms and sighed, “can you just let me finish my speech?”
“Oh, yeah sorry.”
“I’m Bryan the sharpshooting joker! For only a few bucks—find yourself immersed in a new world!—”
“Okay,” I raised my hand, “that’s enough.”
“Oh thank god” Bryan’s voice dropped a few octaves.
The guy seemed kinda chill, so I leveled with him.
“So dude, is it actually worth my time in there?”
Bryan nodded, “yeah, it’s actually really cool.”
“Alright, sign me up.” I handed him a couple bills.
“Enjoy.” He counted the money.
Before I left I looked under his costume hat, “wait, don’t I know you?”
“Maybe?” He grumbled, accidentally revealing his true persona.
“Yeah! You were in the last surfing championship! You’re that crazy intense guy Bryan! What the heck are you doing here?”
“Uh, sidegig.” He lowered his mask, “have fun in there, kid.”
I brushed off the awkward encounter and turned to the entrance. It was covered in two extravagant curtains. I pushed the fabric to the side and walked into the darkness.
Wait, is this a haunted house? Damn I shouldn’t have gone without Max!
The first thing I noticed was there was a lack of… people. Tesla coils and odd gimmicks littered the floor of the first hallway. I rolled my eyes, remembering carnivals were for kids.
The next room was bigger than expected, it was a dome with a button in the middle. I pressed it, who could resist a big red button after all?
Suddenly a snow storm picked up. I covered my face, “ah!”
It stopped before I could figure it out, I stared at the sleeve of my red jacket, where snowflakes started melting.
“Alright, that was definitely real snow! I’ll admit I have no idea how you did that one!”
I shouted to no one, but it still helped my nerves.
I—couldn’t figure out where the exit was.
I walked to the edge of the dome, it looked like a carnival tent, I tapped the edge, it rang back with a metallic sound.
“Uh.” I grew worried, “an exit would be nice?!”
I heard a sound from the other side of the room, and some fabric fell from nowhere, revealing another dark room, “thank you!”
Cautiously I made my way to the dark room.
I wish I hadn’t.
Inside were weird animals in green jars.
“Oof, these can’t be real.”
I tapped one, the baby bird inside moved.
“I assure you, they are all real.”
I turned to the corner. A.. man? He had a raven masquerade mask, and when Tyson locked eyes with him, he screamed and revealed massive black wings from his back.
“What the!?—”
I fell backwards, falling on my rear.
The bird boy made his way towards me.
“What are you?!”
“I’m Ian, the birdman.” He sounded tired.
“And in there,” he pointed to the next room with a black talon, “you’ll find my wolf friend.”
“You’re what!?”
I sat up, “naw, I’m done with this place. Your costumes are a bit too real for me.”
He shrugged, “that’s what they all say.” he sat on a crate with a loud thud, “enjoy the rest of the tour.”
I went to the next room because that guy was freaking me out. I really wanted to head back the way I came, but I couldn’t seem to find it.
Also, that guy seemed kind of familiar.
The next room felt colder than the rest. My heart raced when I saw a cage.
“Uh, hello? This haunted house is getting a little weird…”
I heard the clanking of chains, and a flash of red. On the floor of the cage was a boy, a bit older than myself.
“Are you okay?” I asked knowing it was an actor.
I heard a deep growl, and he lifted himself off the floor. I gasped when I saw his face.
A white wolf with a red mane bared his teeth at me.
I took a step back.
I felt the room grow cold, as the wolf tensed and growled.
It lunged forward and snapped it’s jaw, it hit the bars of the cage with a strength that boy shouldn’t possess, I turned and ran.
I ran through a wall tearing down fabric sprinting through tents.
It was dark, I couldn't see anything and didn’t know where I was going.
“Ah!” My foot got caught on a stone and I fell forward.
“How is this place so big! It did not look like this from the outside!”
In front of me was a curtain, it just barely touched the floor, I could see light shining from under it.
If I can’t find my way out… I might as well head for the light.
I lifted the curtain up and shielded my eyes from the bright white light.
In front of me I could just make out the wheels of a traveling train car. The front of it wasn’t metal, it was glass. Bright fluorescent lights hung over it. There was a sign next to me, I rubbed my eyes and could just make out the writing.
Newest exhibit! A rarity of its kind! Stay back, he splashes.
Then I saw it.
The flash of blue, silver, and purple.
A merman threw himself against the glass repeatedly, tossing his fists against it. His wrists were in chains, and his constant assault against the glass only amounted to hollow thumps echoing through the tent.
I felt my body freeze.
It was the merman from my childhood.
Is this real?
I slowly made my way to the sealed aquarium.
The boy must have seen me enter the ring of light, because he stopped, he started floating, and stared at me.
The merman didn’t move, he simply floated in place, I could see his chest move up and down.
“Do you recognize me?”
I made my way to the glass, getting a good look at the boy for the first time.
I placed my hand on the glass. I saw how red his wrists were from the chains.
He put his hand against the glass, only a thin separation between us. I smiled, and looked into his purple eyes.
I think he smiled at me. He opened his mouth slightly and a few bubbles popped out. I chuckled, and he looked back at me.
I stared up at the top of the tank, the lid was thick glass. A massive padlock kept it down. He saw me look at it, and he shook his head frantically.
I nodded, and placed my head against the glass, “you’re not supposed to be here.”
I jumped and hit the lock with my hand gauging how tough it was.
The merman waved his hand and mouthed words shaking his head.
“I’m gonna get you out of here!”
I looked around the room for a tool to use to break the lock. The only thing I could find was the sign I had seen previously.
I grabbed it, and tossed it to the ground, ripping it off its base.
The merman kept throwing his fist against the tank to get my attention, I ignored him knowing I had to help him.
I climbed the edge of the train cart so I was standing on top of the glass looking down at the silver haired boy. He floated on his back and kept banging on the glass with both hands.
It seemed like he was mouthing the words ‘get out get out!’
I used the stick tool I had made and bashed the lock, making loud sounds through the room. I kept doing it, but it didn’t budge.
The merman was banging on the glass mouthing the same words.
“I’m trying!”
I jumped down, knowing I would have to find a different tool, but I bashed it again in frustration.
The merman was frantically pointing now.
“What? What is it?” I watched his lips.
‘Behind you!’
I felt someone grab my shoulder, before I could scream they grasped my shirt and yanked me to the floor, dragging me away.
“Hey! You’re not supposed to touch people in a haunted house!”
I kicked and screamed while watching my merman frantically swim in circles and hit the glass with his tail. He was trying to get to me, but I knew it wasn’t going to work.
The man threw me into another room. I couldn’t see anything in the dark, I was tossed on a chair and sat up. He turned on a light with a click, and an old fluorescent bulb hung from the ceiling. I blinked a few times trying to find my way in the new surroundings.
A silhouette of a man sat on the opposite end of a table.
“You think you can try to take one of my treasures?”
“He is not yours!”
“Months ago I captured him. He’s rightfully mine.”
“Who do you think you are?!” I screamed at him, knowing full well this full grown man could cause me serious harm.
“He’s a rarity, I won’t let him fall into the hands of some snot nosed teenager with a superiority complex.”
I spat, “do you own this crazy place?”
“I do.”
“Don’t think I didn’t recognize your workers. I surfed with most of them in last year's competition.”
The man simply laughed, I finally got to make out some of his facial features. He was an older man.
“And why does the world champion desire my merman?”
“I don’t desire him, he needs to be free!”
“Ha!” The man’s voice bellowed.
I frantically searched for answers, for a way out—for the both of us.
“I’ll buy him from you!”
“Like you could afford him.”
“If I win the next competition—”
“You won’t.”
I grinned smugly, “you don’t know that.”
“You won by luck, my team is far superior.”
“Your team of monsters? Isn’t that cheating?”
“And you think being a descendant of a storm dragon is fair?”
“I’m a—what?”
The man shook his head.
“I know who you are, Tyson.”
“You gonna tell me who you are?”
The man chuckled in response to my anger, making me even more furious.
“The name is Boris. I take care of these boys—”
“By imprisoning them? Leave my merman alone!”
“Excuse me? Yours? Did you not just meet this creature?”
“Let’s say I’m feeling friendly.” I crossed my arms.
“He seemed to react to your presence, what did you do?”
I panicked, “how long were you watching for!?”
“Long enough. I’ve had him here for a few months, yet I can’t seem to break him.”
“Break him?” I was in disbelief, my childhood hero was not some horse at a stable!
“Yes, perhaps you could help—”
“No.” I grimaced.
Boris tapped his fist on the table, “well, it seems we are at an impasse.”
“You’ll never have my help.”
“I think I can live without it.” He stood up, he was much taller than me. “Please leave my circus, and don’t come back.”
“I’m not leaving without the merman.” I stood my ground.
“That’s a shame.”
I felt something heavy hit my temple—
I woke up on a grassy hill. I rubbed my head.
When I managed to sit up I overlooked the carnival from across a field. The lights were all out. It had to have been late for it to be completely closed.
Now that I knew my merman was real, and that he was captured by such an evil man I had to find a way to get him back.
I’ll steal him. I’ll figure something out…
You better watch your back Boris.
I stared in the direction I thought my blue finned saviour would be in.
Hold on, I’m coming for you.
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bearpillowmonster · 3 years
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men (2012 Script)
Ay, I just learned of an original Dead Men Tell No Tales script from 2012. It has similarities to the final product but it's not the same at all. So, I'll say some of the stuff I recognize but other than that, just assume it's different.
I wanted to break it down and then reblog with a link to the script. I'll preface by saying that wasn't really a fan of that last movie, though it had elements that I liked (so this got me excited) I am however a fan of the series overall, I even enjoyed Stranger Tides.
Is it better than the final product? Is the final product better? Is it even worth reading? Well long story short, it's not a great script on its own but it's an alright pirates script. It's not necessarily better overall but in some areas, it is and fleshes out some gaps from both Stranger Tides and Dead Men. Still, even if this and Dead Men were combined, it still wouldn't be that good. I kind of hate saying this but (in comparison) the final product is better. I will spoil this script so if you'd rather find out yourself then by all means.
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It's a bit weird reading this considering that Pirates is known for its big spectacles and set-pieces and while I can still kind of imagine them, it seems like exposition is exposition and then suddenly you're in a big scene. But I also need to realize that this was a "draft". But still, it's supposedly #8 of its kind so I wonder how much was dumped or how much needed to be gained to get this version.
No Henry, no Carina, just Cora who is also a 10 year old, if you thought Rey was overpowered without any training, oh boy, you're in for a treat. She has a sword that, get this, fights on its own! It's 'destined' to kill Jack. Very much a script of plot convenience, Jack kind of just gets stuff handed to him but no Pirates movie is devoid of that, especially Dead Men Tell No Tales.
Good old Philip from Stranger Tides returns, looking for his mermaid girl after she dragged him under water. He's after the trident as well because it's actually in the Mermaid trove AND guarded, rather than just being hidden by mermaids (like in the movie). Speaking of, Syrena, the girl he's after, is pretty much just Ariel, residing with the Queen and no, not the underwater one, the land one. She's there because the Queen actually has the trident, it was missing from the trove and in exchange for Philip's freedom, Syrena had to obtain it.
Also, the mermaids we saw in Stranger, were actually vampire mermaids, a subculture in the Court of Mermaids. Now don't get me wrong, I ship Good old Philip and Syrena, I liked that plotline, but this script just makes it a side-quest. It doesn't feel like they warranted their reason for being there other than "Yeah, Syrena is a mermaid...I guess." I thought it was going to be this big quest that Good old Philip would have to go on to find her but we see him in the opening charting out all these maps and literally the next time we see him, he already found her. So, is it a quest to get the trident? No, they just hang around as the Queen's prisoners until the plot finds them. This would be better as a spinoff that actually focused on them than its current form and I'm not saying that because I like the characters, I'm saying that because it would keep the story relevant and at least try to make sense.
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The personality of the film and Jack himself are much improved on however. I heard that it makes references but I had no idea just what that meant and now I do. Jack-...Yes-...Jack is riding sea turtles. "Bring me the horizon" Jack is chasing the horizon to find the mermaids that he once heard long ago. And they make references to specific things too, such as comparing the mermaid trove to Fantasia. There's no young Jack scene but there is a scene where Jack sees a vision of everybody in the water, from Barbossa's skeleton of the first movie to Beckett to Norrington.
Speaking of, Barbossa is back as well. My main gripe with him is that it seems like he has a good introduction, then takes off, Jack chases him, finds him, then he takes off, Jack chases him again and so on and so forth, it's a game of cat and mouse. I know it's meant to be a converging storyline but it executes it poorly like a game of touch and go. What is he doing? He's kind of just after a wife. The girl he supposedly falls head over heels for is Nadirah who is actually Cora, she's a shapeshifter. He still has Blackbeard's sword (Sword of Triton) which, as you remember, (or maybe not, it was forgettable) was also what brought the ship back from the bottle. Which btw is actually brought out by the "Sea Widow" in this script, or at least, as she explains. You don't see it happen. You don't even see the ship until the very end, it's supposed to be some triumphant moment after seeing all the visions.
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That sea widow is actually where Shansa from the movie came from but this script's version is totally different, more mystical. She's described to look visually different and the role she plays is kind of significant. Meanwhile I actually forgot she was even in the actual movie until I was like "Wait a minute." So, the Sea Widow is also Cora and Nadirah, why? It was her master plan. That sword also has significance now...until Barbossa destroys it but hey, it's for a pearl inside a gem inside a sword to use for the trident...ugh. But the Sea Widow uses him to get that pearl (as Nadirah), uses Jack to get one from the sea serpent (as Cora) and then they just race to get the last one because you know that the trident can't work without the three pearls. (There had to be some sort of fetch catch, right?) But apparently the sword isn't entirely broken, just no more power?
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There's a new Norrington called "Benbow". It's not so much him that bothers me, it's more the existence of him. I know there needs to be a navy guy but he feels tacked on. He's after the Queen...I don't think they even really state why, but Gibbs is teamed up with him and there's a moment where Jack and Gibbs seem to be against each other and Jack says "You'll lose." and Gibbs literally starts telling everyone to retreat, tells Benbow this and he's like "Yeah, sure, whatever. It's not like we spent the whole movie getting here or anything, but Jack Sparrow says not to engage the Queen? Then by all means, let's retreat." Then Benbow just dies, random gunshot in the battle that they were retreating from, making Gibbs the new cap. And for the rest of that storyline, Gibbs carries Benbow's 'injured' body around so maybe he's alright and was planned to come back for a sequel? Nothing is really explained.
The water starts separating then closing in on itself over and over which is somewhat reminiscent of the end of Dead Men. Jack finds a shell that sings a siren's song and he has to smash it but it is almost word for word the scene at the end of Return of the King.
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There are some words misspelled but as far as I can tell, this is still legit, even the wiki says so. I can see some stuff here and there that Disney might not have been a fan of but at the same time, they got away with a lot in the other movies but seeing a literal child dungeon...questionable whether that tipped them off. There's also a bit of weirdness like Jack and Barbossa...dancing...yeah, they waltz.
So who's the villain? Unclear. No, literally, I had a hard time determining that. Was it the Sea Widow? Was it Barbossa? Was it Benbow? Was it the Queen? Sea Serpent? They're all kind of antagonists but there's no definitive one, no Davy Jones, Blackbeard, or Salazar. It's just kind of like "I'm the foil to this character, you're the foil to that character" and so on and so forth until the Sea Widow reveals herself as more than originally stated. Not exactly a twist villain but still kind of? She's not even a widow, the child dungeon I mentioned earlier has child skeletons that follow her throughout the script, she didn't want to live with the idea that she cannibalized her kids at sea then died by her own hand so she made up a husband who did it instead and blamed Jack for making him do it. As to why, is never explained, which is a pretty lazy way to write a twist imo.
The end credits is pretty stupid, it ends on the note that Jack and Barbossa ride off into the sunset on the Black Pearl, both mates which in its own right is cool but then do a complete 180 for the post credits making Barbossa have the self fighting sword and propose a mutiny to the other shipmates to take out Jack.
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buckybarnesdollface · 5 years
The Beach House
Summary: Reader is insecure about her body on a vacation with the Avengers, but a certain supersoldier shows her he thinks she’s stunning.
Warnings: Smut
           When Tony had said he was taking the team on a retreat, a private beach house in Malibu certainly hadn’t been what I’d expected. The place was enormous, with over a dozen bedrooms, a home theatre, a pool, and access to its own private beach. After what the team had been through in the past year, Tony had insisted we all deserved to spend a little time relaxing and being pampered.
           In all honesty, I felt a little out of place being here with the rest of the Avengers. I’d only been recruited six months ago, and on tenuous terms – I’d originally worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. as a Level 6 agent, although I’d started in Level 5 as a biomechanical engineer. It was my knowledge of biomechanics that landed me at the Avengers compound. The Avengers had been in need of someone familiar with the subject, and Maria Hill – who had been my commander at S.H.I.E.L.D. and whom I’d remained close with after – had recommended me to Tony Stark. He had been reluctant considering him and Maria had been on unsteady terms since he’d fired her from Stark Industries, but when I created an implant for Rhodey that meant he didn’t have to wear the braces to walk I had been eagerly welcomed onto the team.
           Since then I had assisted with things such as successfully allowing Vision to hold his human appearance even without the mind stone, helping Dr. Banner control when he changes into the Hulk, and repairing/upgrading the tech in Sergeant Barnes’ arm. My place had initially been strictly in the compound, but when Tony found out I was also trained in espionage I was sent out on a few recon missions. And although in the last six months I had created friendships with the other Avengers, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I didn’t really belong here.
           “You do know that the whole point of bringing the team here was so that we could enjoy the sunshine, right, (Y/N)?” Tony said wryly as he walked into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of scotch. With a glass of lemonade in hand and a book tucked under my arm I had just been about to head to the den to curl up and read, which I explained to Tony. He shook his head.
           “You can read outside,” he said. “At least go sit by the pool and be around the rest of the team and act like you want to be here.”
           “I do want to be here,” I protested.
           “Then get your butt out there. I didn’t spend a fortune on this place for people to sit inside by themselves.”
           With a sigh, I allowed Tony to usher me out the patio door. Most of the team was either at the beach or in the city, but Steve and Bucky were in the pool tossing a football back and forth. I took a seat on the wicker rocking chair under the cover of a large umbrella and had just cracked open my book when I noticed that Tony was leaving.
           “Where are you going?” I accused, and he grinned.
           “Pepper is waiting for me on the beach.”
           I glared at him. “Then why did you drag me out here?”
           “Because some sun would do you good,” he replied, “and because you have to stop spending so much time alone. Now I gotta go, enjoy!”
           He waved as he disappeared down the path that led to the beach, and I was so annoyed I contemplated going back inside just out of spite. It was a beautiful day, though, and I had already settled in so I turned my attention back to my book.
           For awhile, it was nice – I read my book while in the background the guys continued their game of catch. It wasn’t as peaceful as being alone, but Steve and Bucky were the two least rowdy members of the team and I’d be lying if I said it bothered me having the two shirtless supersoldiers there. If I was going to be forced into company, at least theirs was unobtrusive and pleasant.
           It didn’t take long before more of the team returned, though. Sam came out of the house, having woken from a nap, and Natasha and Wanda had returned from shopping and had decided to come sunbathe by the pool. Suddenly I was feeling less than relaxed. With Sam thrown into the mix, Steve and Bucky’s game of catch was much louder and more aggressive. And with Nat and Wanda, who both looked like poster girls for a Playboy magazine, laying by the pool in the new bikinis they had bought I was feeling even more out of place than usual. I glanced down at the denim shorts and baggy t-shirt I wore and suddenly felt like a whale next to a couple of mermaids.
           “Sam, god dammit!” I heard Nat shout and I looked up to see that the football had landed in her lap, spraying her with water. Sam had the decency to look apologetic only for a moment before he snickered.
           “Maybe you shouldn’t sit so close to the pool if you don’t want to get wet,” he pointed out.
           “Maybe you should learn to throw a football,” Natasha retorted, tossing it back at him with a perfect spiral.
           “Those are fighting words,” Bucky taunted, and Sam grinned.
           “I propose a match. Guys against girls,” he said. “Losers cook dinner for the winners.”
           Wanda shook her head. “There’s only two of us and three of you. That’s unfair.”
           Steve’s voice startled me, and I cursed internally as I looked up to see the five of them looking expectantly at me. I shook my head.
           “I’ll pass,” I said. “Football’s not really my thing, and I’m not in the mood for swimming.”
           “Oh, c’mon!” Nat said. “It’ll be fun! We can show these boneheads how it’s done.”
           “You wish,” Bucky snorted. I shook my head again.
           “Really, guys, I’m good. Maybe some other time.”
           I was hoping they’d drop it, but of course it was never that easy. “Is it that you can’t swim?” Sam asked.
           “I can swim,” I defended. In fact, I normally loved swimming. But with both Natasha and Wanda looking like goddesses in their skimpy bikinis and the three very fit guys, there was no way I was going to go put on my basic one-piece bathing suit and come back down just to feel insecure.
           “You haven’t been in the pool once since we got here, (Y/N),” Steve pointed out gently. “There’s got to be a reason.”
           “Tony said the retreat was for relaxing,” I replied, a slight bite to my tone. “Your idea of relaxing may be playing games in the pool, but mine is not.”
           Steve held up his hands in surrender and I felt bad. He truly was one of the nicest people on the team and I hadn’t meant to snap at him, but my patience had expired and I was starting to resent Tony for forcing me to be more social.
           Not knowing what else to say and feeling awkward, I got up and headed inside. I looked out the kitchen window to see that Nat and Wanda had jumped in the pool and the five of them were laughing and having fun. With a pang of jealousy, I retreated to the den with my book.
           The next day, I stood in the full-length mirror in my room and stared at my reflection. I’d put on my bathing suit – a black one-piece with a corseted neckline that showed a modest bit of cleavage. Although it did make my breasts look good, I couldn’t help but take note of everything I hated – the less-than-flat tummy, the cellulite on my thighs, the rolls that even the black material couldn’t hide…I thought of how Natasha and Wanda had looked in their bikinis, and a noise of disgust pushed its way from my throat. I peeled the bathing suit off and threw on some shorts and my old Star Wars t-shirt before making my way downstairs and out the patio door to the deck.
           It was still fairly early, the morning sun warm and the birds chirping. Most of the team was still asleep or watching TV in their pyjamas so I had the backyard to myself. I walked over to the pool and sat down on the edge, letting my bare feet dangle in the water. It was cool but not cold, just enough to feel refreshing in the Malibu heat. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, letting the sun warm my face.
           “I…I don’t mean to intrude,” a soft voice said behind me, and I turned to find Bucky standing there with an apologetic look on his face. “Steve made breakfast; he saw you were awake and was wondering if you wanted some.”
           I blushed and ducked my head, embarrassed that he’d caught me in a vulnerable moment. “Uh, yeah, sure,” I said. “I’ll be right in.”
           Bucky nodded and then headed back inside. I waited a moment and then followed.
           Later that night, we decided to throw a party on the beach to celebrate our last night in Malibu before returning to New York and to work. A big bonfire roared on the beach, and some of the team had started a game of beach volleyball. Clint and Scott were manning the barbecue, and the guys were pounding back hamburgers and hot dogs as quickly as they could make them. I had to admit it was nice seeing the whole team so carefree and having fun. I even convinced myself to join in on a game of volleyball with Peter, Wanda and Thor, and found myself laughing as Thor tried to rein in his strength to make it a more even playing field.
           As it got dark the party only intensified, but I found myself growing tired of the prolonged social interaction. Waiting until I was sure no one would notice, I slipped away from the party and made my way back up to the house.
           At night the back deck was lit with thousands of fairy lights. I once again sat down on the edge of the pool, contemplating going for a swim while everyone else was down on the beach, but before I could get up to change into my bathing suit a shadowy figure appeared on the path. I stiffened, but when he stepped into the light and I saw it was Bucky I relaxed slightly.
           “This feels like deja-vu,” he chuckled, and I gave him a small, shy smile.
           “How come you aren’t at the party?”
           “I saw you leave. I wanted to make sure everything was alright.”
           I flushed as a weird feeling blossomed in my stomach. “I’m fine,” I assured him. “Just needed some air. I love the team, but sometimes these parties can be…”
           “A little too much?” Bucky finished for me and I nodded. He gave me a small smile before coming to sit next to me, dipping his own feet in the water. He stared down towards the beach as he spoke. “I know better than most how it feels to be overwhelmed around people,” he murmured. “I know how easy it is to isolate yourself when you’re the newest team member and you feel out of place, but trust me when I say that everyone wants nothing more than to make you feel like a part of the family. Speaking from experience, they will keep trying to include you in things until you cave and just go with it.”
           I pursed my lips and shook my head. “I don’t isolate myself –”
           “(Y/N), c’mon. If you aren’t on a mission or in your lab working, you’re off somewhere alone with your nose buried in a book.” Bucky chuckled. “I get it, it’s tough when everyone else already has a history with each other. But the team thinks you’re great. Trust me.”
           I finally turned my head towards him to find he was already looking at me. I bit my lip, my cheeks still warm.
           “When I was a part of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” I explained, “I felt like I was on an even playing field with everyone else. Sure, there were those with higher clearances than me, but we were all just human. But now…” I trailed off. “I’m surrounded by highly trained assassins and the world’s smartest people and superhumans and a god. Of course I’m going to feel out of place, I’m the least qualified to be here.”
           Bucky’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “If you were unqualified to be a part of the team, (Y/N), then Maria would have never suggested you for the job and Tony would have never recruited you. The team is lucky to have you.” He grinned and flexed his metal arm. “Besides, if it weren’t for you, I would have to go all the way to Wakanda whenever I needed maintenance on this thing. You certainly give Shuri a run for her money.”
           For what felt like the hundredth time that night I blushed. Bucky and I had been alone together on a few occasions when I was working on his arm, but this felt different. It was personal, and if I was being honest, I’d had a small crush on the supersoldier since I’d met him six months ago. I was suddenly highly aware of the fact that we were alone.
           “So this is the second time I’ve found you out here by the pool,” he pointed out after a moment of silence. “I know you like to swim, (Y/N); you use the pool at the compound all the time.”
           I shot him a confused look. “How did you –”
           “You aren’t the only one awake at ungodly hours,” he chuckled. “I have a hard time sleeping. Nightmares. I’ve seen you sneak to or from the pool on a few occasions.” He shook his head. “So why were you so reluctant to swim here? The pool here is so much nicer than the one at the compound.”
           Suddenly my throat was dry and I turned my head away from him. “If I tell you, you’ll think it’s stupid,” I mumbled.
           “I promise I won’t. Tell me, (Y/N).”
           “I just…I don’t feel comfortable around the team,” I admitted, my eyes trained on my lap. “Everyone is all so in shape. Hell, Nat and Wanda look like frigging supermodels walking around here in their bikinis. And then there’s me. I already feel like an outsider, but if I was next to them in their bikinis, I just…I couldn’t do it. It’d just make me feel worse about myself.”
           For a moment we sat in silence, but I could feel Bucky’s eyes on me. I had never told anyone about my insecurities like that before, especially not to a man as gorgeous as Bucky Barnes. When he still hadn’t spoken I began to panic, worried I’d made a mistake in opening up, but finally his soft voice broke through the silence.
           “(Y/N)…(Y/N), look at me.”
           When I didn’t move, he shifted his body towards me and then lifted his flesh hand to take my chin gently between his thumb and forefinger to direct my gaze to his. His blue eyes were soft as he looked at me.
           “Are you kidding me?” he breathed. “You wouldn’t join us in the pool because you were scared of what people would think of you in a swimsuit?”
           I frowned and pulled away from him. “You don’t get it,” I snapped. “You’re just as in shape as the rest of them, if not more so. I’m the only one on the team without abs.”
           Bucky shook his head. “Do you think you’re the only one with insecurities, doll? We’ve all got ‘em,” he said to me. “You seem to think that Natasha is so perfect, for example, but you know how much she hates that scar on her abdomen from the time I shot her.”
           I shook my head. “It’s a little scar, I don’t know why it’s such a big deal to her.”
           “And what about me? Do you know how long it took me to feel even somewhat comfortable wearing short-sleeved shirts, let alone no shirt at all, around the team? I was ashamed of my arm and I hated the scarring on my shoulder from it. A year ago, I wouldn’t have been in this pool because I always felt like everyone was staring. But you know what? I was tired of missing out on things because of my anxiety and I quickly found out that everyone on the team had better things to do than judge me about a metal arm and some scarring.”
           “I know it sounds ridiculous,” I groaned. “But it’s the way I feel. Whenever I’m around the two of them I feel like a boulder next to diamonds.”
           Bucky snorted, and I glared at him. He shook his head apologetically. “I’m sorry,” he breathed. “I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you think you’re any less beautiful than Natasha or Wanda.”
           “I’m not blind,” I retorted. “They have supermodel bodies. I can’t compete with that.”
           “Why do you feel like you have to? This isn’t a competition, (Y/N). Your size doesn’t determine your worth as an Avenger or as a person, so it shouldn’t matter.” He grinned before standing and tugging his t-shirt over his head. “And for what it’s worth,” he said as he tossed the shirt onto the deck, “back in my day, a woman with a body like yours drove men wild.”
           My eyes widened as I felt the blood rush to my face. “What are you doing?” I asked him.
           “Going for a swim. You gonna join me?”
           I shook my head in protest. “I’m not wearing a bathing suit…”
           “Neither am I,” he laughed. “That’s what underwear are for.” Bucky slid his shorts from his hips, leaving him in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. He grinned mischievously at me before jumping into the pool. “C’mon!” he called when he resurfaced.
           “Bucky, I don’t…I can’t…” I stammered, but he was already swimming over to me. He stood, his hands on the concrete on either side of my thighs as he looked up at me.
           “Come on, (Y/N),” he murmured. “Please? Just let yourself be carefree for once. If it makes you feel better, I won’t look until you’re in the pool.”
           I pursed my lips, but there was no way I could say no to him, not when he was looking at me like that with those impossibly blue eyes. Finally, I rolled my eyes and groaned.
           “Fine.” I said. “But turn around. Don’t move until I say.”
           Bucky obeyed, a grin on his face, and I stood up to yank the t-shirt over my shoulders before shimmying out of my shorts. For a minute I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, feeling terrifyingly exposed. At least I had thought to put on my matching black lace bra and panties earlier that night. Taking a deep breath, I slipped into the water quietly, making sure the water was deep enough to come up past my chest before I spoke.
           “Okay,” I said softly, and Bucky turned. He grinned at me.
           “Was that so hard?” he teased.
           “Harder than it should have been,” I admitted, and Bucky’s grin turned into a sympathetic smile.
           “I don’t want you to ever feel insecure or uncomfortable around me, (Y/N). I’ve always got your back, okay?”
           I could only nod, at a loss for words. Hesitating, I let myself step deeper into the pool until my feet no longer reached the bottom and I had no choice but to swim. I had to admit it felt good; swimming had always been my favourite way to relax.
           “So, are you sure you don’t mind missing the party?” I asked Bucky as I swam a lap around the pool. He shook his head.
           “Nah, I’m happy where I’m at right now.”
           Warmth spread through my body, and I smiled to myself. We swam in comfortable silence for a little bit, just enjoying the peace and quiet. At one point I came up for air, pushing the hair back from my face and not realizing I’d come up in the shallow end and the water barely reached my hips. I opened my eyes and found Bucky standing a few feet away, his eyes locked on me and his jaw slack.
           Cheeks burning, I quickly dropped to my knees in the water and wrapped my arms around myself tightly, horrified. “You’re staring,” I accused in a shaky voice, and Bucky’s eyes widened as if he’d just realized what he’d done.
           “Shit, I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “I didn’t mean to, (Y/N). It’s just…you’re…”  
           He was rambling, clearly uncomfortable, and I frowned as tears stung the backs of my eyes. “I get it,” I muttered, but Bucky shook his head.
           “I don’t think you do get it, doll,” he murmured, his voice huskier than it had been before. When my brow furrowed, he took a couple of steps towards me, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “It blows my mind just how much you don’t get it.”
           “Do you have a point to make,” I snapped weakly, “or are you just going to keep making me feel shitty about myself?”
           “You have no reason to feel shitty about yourself, (Y/N); especially not with me.” He took another step closer, then another. “You’re perfect.”
           “Wait…what?” I shook my head, confused. “Bucky, what the hell are you talking about?”
           “You, silly girl. I’m talking about you,” he murmured. “You’re beautiful. I’ve thought so since the first time I laid eyes on you, and it kills me that you don’t see it. If you could see what I see, see how absolutely stunning you are…”
           At this point my head was swimming. This was a joke; he was messing with me, knowing that I was at my most vulnerable right now.
           But Bucky wouldn’t do that – He was one of the kindest people I knew. And all I had to do was look at his eyes to know he was being sincere.
           “Why?” I whispered.
           “Why what?”
           “Why me? You could have any girl you wanted…”
           “I want you, (Y/N),” he insisted. By now he was standing in front of me, and when I wouldn’t stand he sank to his knees so we were more at eye level. “I don’t know how to say it to make you believe me, but I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and god, I would spend every day of my life making sure you knew it if you’d let me.”
           For a minute I couldn’t speak. I just stared at him, shocked as a lump formed in my throat, and then tears were spilling down my cheeks. Bucky’s eyes widened.
           “Don’t cry, doll, shit. Did I say something wrong?” he breathed. “I didn’t mean to upset you…”
           “No,” I said, shaking my head as I swiped at my tears in embarrassment. “You did nothing wrong, Bucky. I just…I keep waiting to find out this is all a joke but you’re serious, aren’t you?”
           Bucky’s face softened. “Of course I’m serious! I’ve been wanting to tell you this for months but I just never knew how.” He chuckled, his cheeks tinted a light pink. “You’ve got no idea what you do to me, doll. Walking around the compound in those leggings and your loose t-shirts, hinting at what’s underneath. You’re sexier all covered up than those other girls are in their bikinis.” He bit his lip. “Do you know how many times I’ve had to leave the gym while you’re training because of what you do to me?”
           Heat flooded my body, and if I weren’t already on my knees those words certainly would have brought me to them.
           “I don’t want you to think I got you into the pool just so I could get you to take your clothes off,” he said quickly, looking suddenly embarrassed. “I truly did just want to help you move past your insecurities. But then I saw you and honest to god, doll, you took my breath away.”
           I ducked my head. “Not even a part of you wished I was thinner?” I asked in a quiet voice. Bucky reached out to cup my cheeks in his hands.
           “Absolutely not,” he said firmly. “I grew up in a different time, doll. One where women had curves and were desired even more for it.” His hands slid from my face to my shoulders, then down my back to rest on my waist. The contrast between the warmth of his flesh and the chill of the vibranium sent shivers through me, and he grinned. “Besides,” he murmured, “I like having something to grab onto when I’m with a woman.”
           Bucky’s fingers dug gently into the flesh of my waist and I inhaled sharply. He held my eyes and I could feel heat pooling in my stomach as I watched the blue in his eyes slowly turn black as the reflection of the fairy lights made them glitter.
           “Bucky?” I whispered breathlessly.
           “Mmm, doll?”
           “Kiss me.”
           Bucky’s grip tightened on my waist as he pulled me closer, and then he inclined his head until his lips just barely brushed over mine. He waited a few seconds, uncertain, but when my hands reached up to clasp behind his neck and pull him back to me his lips pressed against mine with more pressure. My fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging gently, and Bucky groaned into my mouth, giving my tongue access to explore. I dragged it lightly over his bottom lip before touching it to his, and suddenly we were no longer on our knees. Bucky had pulled me up and lifted me into his arms, my legs straddling his waist as he carried me over to the edge of the pool. He sat me down, his body still between my legs, and kissed me with fresh vigor as his hands roamed over my thighs.
           I broke the kiss, ducking my head. Suddenly I felt too exposed and Bucky could tell because he took his hands from my thighs to instead intertwine them with my own hands.
           “(Y/N), hey,” he murmured. “It’s okay, if you don’t want to do this…”
           I shook my head. “It’s not that, I just…” I trailed off, biting my lip. The next thing I knew, Bucky was lifting my hand to lay it flat against his chest, right where flesh met metal. My eyes widened slightly and he gave me a small smile.
           “Bucky…” I whispered. I had touched the arm countless times when I was doing maintenance on it, but he had made it very clear from the beginning that no one was to touch the scars. And now here he was, encouraging me to do so.
           “It’s okay, doll,” he murmured, his voice husky. Hesitating, I ran my fingertips lightly over the puckered skin, still an angry pink even all these years later. I could feel him shiver underneath me but he didn’t move, his eyes trained on my face as I traced the jagged lines.
           “Do they still hurt?” I asked quietly, and Bucky shook his head.
           “Not really. Once in awhile I’ll get a ghost pain as a reminder of how it happened, but more than anything it’s just ugly.”
           I leaned in to press my lips softly to the scars. “Nothing about you is ugly.”
           Bucky pulled my lips back to his as his hands slid back to my thighs. “That’s the point I’m trying to make, doll,” he murmured. “I could say the same thing about you.” He slid his hands further up my thighs and I could feel my body reacting to his touch. The heat in my stomach had returned and my body shifted until I was pressed against him, my legs wrapping around his torso while he deepened the kiss. His hands moved from my thighs to my hips, fingertips gliding over my flesh and sending shivers up and down my spine.
           When his fingers reached the clasp of my bra I froze, and he pulled back from me to meet my eyes. “If you want me to stop…”
           “No, I don’t, but…right here? Bucky, we could get caught…”
           He shook his head. “Everyone’s too wrapped up in the party, no one will bother us for awhile.”
           “And if you’re wrong?”
           With a noise that could only be described as a growl, Bucky was climbing out of the pool and pulling me to my feet. Before I knew it his hands slid under my thighs and he lifted me up as if I weighed no more than a bag of flour, wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me towards the house. Shifting my weight to one arm to open the door, his lips attacked mine as soon as we were inside. My hands tangled in his hair as our lips fought each other for dominance, and when my legs tightened around Bucky’s waist he backed into a table and knocked a vase of flowers to the floor. It shattered and Bucky disconnected his lips from mine in annoyance.
           “Shit,” he swore as I giggled.
           “You might wanna be more careful, Sergeant,” I teased. “Tony’s probably gonna get charged for that.”
           Bucky’s eyes met mine, blue irises nearly swallowed whole by his pupils. “Call me that again,” he growled, and I arched an eyebrow.
           “Fuck,” he groaned, his fingers digging into the flesh of my thighs as my back hit a wall. His mouth was all over me and his touch was dizzying, and I tightened my grip on his shoulders. I could feel my control fading, more quickly than it ever had with anyone else. I pulled my lips away from him with a gasp.
           “If we don’t get to a bedroom right now,” I said to him, “then someone’s gonna walk into this kitchen and get a show they aren’t expecting.”
           With a wicked smirk, Bucky made for the stairs and took them two at a time. His room was closer and we crashed through the door, lips still locked together and hands exploring hot, damp skin. Bucky kicked the door closed behind us and then set me on my feet, hands still lingering at my waist.
           “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured huskily, and my cheeks burned. Suddenly I was shy again and my legs felt weak. I set a hand on his arm to steady myself and his grip on my waist tightened. “(Y/N), if you don’t want to do this we can stop right now,” he said in a quiet voice, his tone gentle and sincere. “I would never ask you to do something you don’t want to do.” He lifted one hand to brush a wet strand of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. “All I want is for you to know how stunning I think you are.”
           My breath hitched and I looked up to meet his ocean-blue eyes. “I do want this,” I whispered. “I want you, Buck. More than anything.”
           “That’s all I needed to hear,” Bucky murmured, and then he was leaning in to kiss me. It wasn’t like the other kisses, that had been all passion and lust; no, this one was soft and sweet and fueled by pure emotion. When he slowly pulled away, he nuzzled his nose against mine affectionately before meeting my eyes.
           “It would be so easy to just ravage you right now,” he said in a low, even voice that sent shivers through my body, “but shit, doll, I want to do this right. I wanna take it slow and memorize every inch of you, have you squirming underneath me till you’re beggin’ me to stop and I’ve ruined you for all other men.”
           As he spoke his Brooklyn accent came through and that, paired with his words, sent a wave of heat crashing through my body. I couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping my mouth, and Bucky’s lips curved into a smirk.
           “That sound good, baby doll? You want it nice and slow? Want me to ruin you so I’ll be the only one to ever be able to satisfy you again?”
           I had never heard Bucky talk like this; I hadn’t even known this side of Bucky existed. He was usually so reserved, and on the occasion that he did let his guard down he was still the early twentieth-century gentleman he had been raised to be. But this…Now I was starting to understand why Steve was always saying that Bucky had been such a ladies’ man back in the day. If he’d talked like this to any woman, she would’ve been lifting her skirts for him in seconds.
           I wanted to say something witty, something along the lines of “Why don’t you use that talented tongue of yours for something else,” but in that moment my wits had completely escaped me and I was a hot, flustered mess. Instead, I barely managed to muster a breathless “Yes” as I looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. He lifted his flesh hand to run a calloused thumb over my lips. In a brief moment of bravery, I grazed his thumb with my teeth and then sucked it into my mouth, my eyes not leaving his.
           Bucky’s eyes widened. “Shit, doll,” he swore softly, and then his hands were tugging me closer until my body was flush with his. His hands moved to grip the flesh of my backside, one cold and one hot on my skin, and I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me. I could feel the outline of his manhood against my hip, solid and large, and when I shifted against it his hands on me tightened.
           He backed me up until my legs hit the bed and then he was lowering me onto the mattress, crawling up after me until his body hovered above mine. He held my eyes for the briefest of moments and then I was pulling him back into a kiss. He pressed his hips down into mine and in return I bucked up into him, craving the friction I needed to relieve the pressure building inside me.
           Bucky slid a hand underneath me to undo the clasp of my bra with deft fingers, and then he broke our kiss to trail his lips down my throat to my collarbone as he slid the damp garment from my shoulders. My nipples, hard from a combination of the cool dampness of my bra and my arousal, stood erect as my chest heaved with ragged breaths. Bucky’s eyes were pools of black in the dark room, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he drank in the sight before him.
           “Touch me,” I begged in a raspy whisper, and then his hands were on me – one cool and smooth and the other hot and rough – roaming over my curves but purposely avoiding my breasts. He finally cupped them softly, fingers kneading flesh, and when his thumbs brushed over my nipples, I arched up into him with a soft moan.
           “Such a good girl,” he murmured. “Promise I’ll take real good care of you, doll.”
           His hands slid down my body at an agonizing pace, and with them so did his mouth. He latched onto a nipple and sucked it gently into his mouth and his name left my lips in a breathless plea. He moved onto the other nipple, his hands slowly sliding further down my body. When the fingertips of his metal hand reached the waistband of my underwear he hesitated, his eyes meeting mine.
           “Tell me what you want, doll,” he murmured.
           “I want you…” I whined, but Bucky shook his head.
           “That could mean anything. I need you to tell me exactly what you want; I’m not doing anything until you do.”
           I was so strung out already and he’d barely even touched me – I wasn’t even sure I could form coherent sentences at the moment. “Your hand,” I managed to rasp, and when his flesh hand inched up my thigh I shook my head and reached out to grasp his wrist. “No. The metal one.”
           Bucky’s eyes widened. “(Y/N), I –” he choked, but I cut him off.
           “You asked what I wanted,” I pointed out, and then in a softer voice I added, “Please.”
           Blue eyes burned as his left hand slid up my thigh slowly, pushing the black lace aside and exposing the heat between my legs. He let out an almost-silent groan at the sight.
           “Already so wet for me, doll,” he whispered, voice thick with desire. His metal digits swiped through my wetness, spreading it over my folds, and I let out a shuddering whimper at the contrast of his cool fingers on my aching heat. He continued to run his fingertips through my folds, and once he was satisfied he sank one and then two fingers into me, drawing out an obscenely embarrassing moan from my lips.
           “Don’t hold back, doll,” he murmured. “I wanna hear every pretty little noise that comes out of that pretty little mouth.”
           As he spoke, Bucky flexed his fingers inside me and I cried out, back arching off the mattress. He smirked.
           “So tight, doll,” he praised. “Gonna feel so good around me when I’m inside you.”
           “Bucky…” I whimpered, and when he pulled his fingers out of me I let out an exasperated whine that set him to chuckling.
           “Don’t worry, doll, it’s only for a second,” he assured me, and then he was on his knees between my legs and tugging my damp panties from my hips. “I gotta make sure you’re good and ready for me, you’re so tight I wanna make sure I don’t hurt you.”
           I didn’t have time to respond before two thick metal digits were once again filling me up and his tongue left a hot, wet stripe up my folds to my clit. I let out a strangled gasp, hips bucking up into his face as my hands instinctively tangled in his damp hair. I tugged on the dark locks and Bucky groaned against my folds, sending vibrations through me that freshly slickened his fingers and tongue. He began to slide his metal fingers in and out of me at a steady pace, not rough but not exactly gentle either, and the feel of his fingers curling against my inner walls combined with the way his tongue drank down everything I had to offer him and his lips wrapped around my clit had me on the edge in no time. With one last hard suck my moan evolved into a strangled scream, his name falling from my lips in heated ecstasy. He brought me down with kitten licks as his fingers slowed, and then his teeth nipped the inside of my thigh affectionately before he slid up my body to kiss me languorously.
           I could taste myself on Bucky’s lips and it fueled my desire. I locked my legs around his waist, grinding my still-sensitive wet heat against the bulge in his boxer briefs. He let out a grunt and rolled his hips into mine, teeth grazing the skin of my throat.
           “No more teasing,” I said breathily. “Need you inside me…Now. Please, Buck, I can’t wait another second…”
           Not needing to be told twice, Bucky shed his boxer briefs and then his body was over mine again. I could feel his length, hot, heavy and solid against my hip, and I reached down between us to take him into my hand. Bucky let out a small hiss, and butterflies filled my stomach when I realized how large he was. Now I understood his comment about getting me ready had been more than just dirty talk. As I slid his length through my slick folds to coat it in my juices, though, I concluded that he would have no trouble; the feel of his hard cock against me was enough to have me dripping with fresh arousal.
           “(Y/N), fuck,” he said through clenched teeth, and with a demure smile I lined him up with my entrance and let go of him.
           “Ruin me, Sergeant,” I murmured, and with a purely animalistic growl Bucky sheathed himself fully in me in one slow thrust.
           We both let out long, low groans, and Bucky held himself still as I squeezed my eyes shut and adjusted to his size. The stretch of my walls around him bordered on painful, but it was overshadowed by the deliciously satisfying feeling of being so completely full of such a beautiful man. A beautiful man who was looking down at me with both undeniable adoration and feverish restraint.
           “Just tell me…just tell me when,” Bucky grunted, and I realized he had been holding his breath. Wickedly, I squeezed my walls around him and he gasped, blue eyes wide as he let out a string of curses from his kiss-swollen lips. He fixed a glare on me and shook his head. “Do that again, doll, and this is gonna be over before we’ve even had a chance to start.”
           “So start, then,” I said in exasperation, and with a glint in his eyes Bucky pulled out almost all the way only to thrust back into me with force, knocking the breath out of me. In a few thrusts I was matching Bucky’s rhythm, hands on his back pulling him as close as humanly possible to me as nails dug into flesh.
           The room quickly filled with the grunts and moans of passion, accompanied by the sound of skin on skin. Bucky’s hands slid under my thighs to lift my legs and wrap them around his waist – This new angle not only let him hit that elusive spot in me that even I often had a hard time finding, but it also had his pubic bone grinding against my clit every time he pounded into me. Within seconds this new position had me keening, and Bucky grinned down at me before nuzzling his face against my neck.
           “That feel good does it, baby girl?” he panted into my ear, every word punctuated by a calculated thrust of his unforgiving length into my yielding heat. “You got me so fucking hard, seein’ how wrecked you are underneath me. Wanna draw those pretty noises from you all night long till everyone knows how good I make you feel.”
           “Bucky…” I whined, nails biting deeper into the taut flesh of his back as he drove into me fiercely. “Buck, I’m…”
           As quick as he started, his movements stopped. I opened my mouth to protest, breathless and hopelessly strung out, but with his length still inside me he flipped us over so I was straddling his hips. In this position I could feel him even deeper inside me, something I hadn’t thought possible, and with a moan my head fell back. I could feel him chuckle beneath me, and then his hands were on my hips and he was rocking me against him slowly.
           I took over the movements, grinding my hips against his until we were both groaning in pleasure. Bucky’s hands slid up my thighs, over every curve and up to my breasts. He took them into his large hands and brushed his thumbs over my nipples, bringing a breathless moan from my lips as I arched into his touch.
           “So beautiful,” he murmured, and the softness of his tone had me opening my eyes to see that he was looking up at me with absolute adoration shining in his eyes as his thumbs traced across my breasts, still cupped in his hands. It was in that moment that I realized this had not been a heat-of-the-moment thing, nor did he intend for it to be a casual thing. This man – this beautiful, remarkable, supersoldier of a man – was as infatuated with me as I was with him. Dizzy with this revelation, I placed my palms flat on his hard chest to steady myself.
           Bucky rolled his hips up into mine gently, and then with more vigor as the seconds passed. It took no time at all for me to find myself on the edge of release. I could tell Bucky was close, too; his thrusts, which had been delivered with precision up until now, were sloppier and more erratic. I leaned down to capture his lips in a fiery kiss.
           “Come for me,” I panted, my voice barely above a whisper. “Come for me, Buck, I wanna feel you.”                      
           He let out a soft curse in what sounded like Romanian, and then one hand was on my waist pulling me onto him while he drove up into me, while his flesh hand snaked between us so he could press his thumb onto my still-sensitive bud. That did it, and with a cry I came undone. Bucky was only a few seconds longer, spilling into me with a quiet groan that sent a small wave of heat through my spent body.
           Exhausted in the best way possible, I collapsed on Bucky’s chest, and his arms wound around me to hold me closer to himself. He rolled us over so that I was more comfortably snuggled into his side, smoothing my damp hair away from my face and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. It was like that that I fell asleep, the soft rise and fall of his chest lulling me into a peaceful slumber.
           A sharp knock on the door woke me up the next morning. Sometime through the night Bucky must have pulled the covers over us, but now I poked my head anxiously out from under the cocoon he had created. Another knock sounded, and this time I sat up and elbowed Bucky in the side. He let out a grunt in annoyance, still half-asleep, when Steve’s voice followed the knock.
           “Buck, are you awake in there? C’mon, Tony’s rounding everyone up. He wants to leave by eleven.”
           At this Bucky’s eyes opened, and he glared at the door. “I’ll be on time,” he snapped. “Worry about yourself, punk. I just have to pack.”
           Steve muttered an indistinguishable response. When Bucky was sure he was gone he rolled over to nuzzle his face against my neck, arms pulling me tight to him.
           “Mornin’, doll,” he murmured into my skin, sending a shiver through me.
           “Morning,” I replied, the feel of his lips on me temporarily making me forget we had just almost been caught. I wanted to continue where we had left off the night before, but I knew that Tony was very strict in his scheduling and the clock on Bucky’s nightstand said it was already ten-thirty. Reluctantly, I went to pull away from Bucky, but his arms around me tightened.
           “Not yet,” he mumbled, metal hand skimming over the skin of my hip and raising goosebumps. “We still have time.”
           “Buck, I still have to pack,” I protested unconvincingly. “Besides, Steve almost caught us…”
           As if on cue, more voices sounded out in the hallway. “Has anyone seen (Y/N)?” Wanda asked. “She isn’t in her room.”
           “She left the party early last night, haven’t seen her since,” Peter replied, and I cursed under my breath. As I went to sit up, Bucky’s door swung open and Steve’s large form filled the door frame. His eyes widened as he took in Bucky and I together in bed, me holding the blankets up to hide my nakedness, and then our underwear discarded on the floor. Shock quickly dissipated into a mischievous smirk, but he at least had the decency to blush. Before anyone could say anything, Sam’s voice was yelling up the stairs.
           “Yo, I think I know where (Y/N) is!” he said, glee underlining his tone as he jogged up the stairs. When he caught Steve standing in the doorway and Bucky and I in the bed with flushed cheeks, a shit-eating grin spread across his face.
           He tossed something onto the bed, and I realized it was the clothes we’d left by the pool the night before. “I figured you’d need those before you snuck back to your own room,” he said to me with a wink, and then he turned to Steve. “C’mon, Cap, let’s leave these two to get dressed.”
           Both of them fixing us with one more smirk, they shut the door and we were alone again. I buried my face in my hands with a groan, but all of a sudden I was on my back and Bucky was on top of me.
           “Well,” he murmured, “since everyone knows we might as well make a good impression.”
           I grinned up at him. “You’ve got fifteen minutes before Tony storms in here and drags us onto that quinjet by our ears,” I teased. “Think you can manage that?”
           “Oh, doll, fifteen minutes is plenty of time to let everyone know you belong to me.”
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hanji-zoe103 · 4 years
Love is Infinite
My gift for @fruitpunchninja101​         Hope you like it! More parts to some!
It all began several years ago.  When they were just children…
           “Oi, careful of the sides Levi,” Kenny said.
           “Your mother would kill me if ya’ fell overboard.”
           Levi just nodded.  He was around 12 years old at the time.  Today he was out on his uncles fishing boat, helping out and just to get some outdoor time.  Levi wasn’t really fond of it but with his mother busy with her work, someone needed to watch him for the day.  Today though, was going to change and it was going to change for the better.
           Kenny was passed out after having his lunch.  Levi was fiddling with a fishing knife, bored out of his mind.  Just then, there was a tug on the net.  Kenny snorted but didn’t wake up.  Levi went over and poked him but he still didn’t wake up.
           “Tch…” Levi grumbled.
           The net jerked again, but stronger this time.  Levi walked over and turned to pulley on.  His eyes went wide seeing what was in the net.  There was a girl, around his age, maybe a year or so younger.  She wasn’t any ordinary girl though…she was a mermaid.  Her tail was brightly colored with a unique pattern, something like a mandarin goby fish.  She wide, light brown eyes and medium-length dark brown hair that was kept tied up in an unkempt high ponytail with bangs parted down the middle.  Levi moved closer.  The mermaid looked at him.  She hissed lightly at him.
           “Whoa, easy,” Levi said.
           The girl looked at the knife in his hand.  Levi quickly put it away.
           “I mean you no harm,” he said.
           “Wh-who are you?” the girl asked.
           “Levi Ackerman,” Levi said.
           “You are?”
           “Hanji…Hanji Zoe,” the girl replied.
           “Hang on and I’ll get you free,” Levi said.
           He pulled the net over the back of the boat and carefully lowered it.  Levi helped Hanji get free.  As he did, Levi noticed that her arm had a large cut on it.
           “What happened?” Levi asked.
           “It’s nothing…I’ll be fine,” Hanji replied.
           “Let me help,” Levi said.
           Hanji watched as he grabbed a red box.  Levi held it out for her and opened it.
           “It’s a first aid kit,” he said.
           “All things to help you.”
           Hanji nodded.  Levi very carefully tended to her wound.  After he was done, Hanji looked at the bandaging.
           “Wow, you’re really good,” she said.
           “My mom taught me,” Levi replied.
           “What…what’s it like having a mom?” Hanji asked.
           Levi looked at her.
           “You…don’t have one?” he asked.
           Hanji shook her head.
           “I-I don’t have anyone,” she said.
           “I’m the last of my kind. My parents were killed by poacher’s years ago. They died saving me.”
           “So, you’re alone in the ocean?” Levi asked.
           He felt bad for her.  He couldn’t imagine life without his mother.
           “Yeah…I mean I have my friend Sawney,” Hanji said.
           “Is he a merperson?” Levi asked.
           Hanji whistled.  A fin appeared above the water.  Moments later, a great white shark appeared.  
           “You have a shark…as a pet?” Levi asked.
           “Yep! Just me and Sawney,” Hanji replied as she gently patted the sharks head.
           “Well, now you have someone else,” Levi said.
           “Me. I mean…if you’d like to be friends.”
           Hanji smiled.
           “I would like that very much,” she said.
           That was the start of a friendship, that turned into something more.
15 years later-
           Levi made his way down to the secluded cove.  He was excited to see her again and he knew she was excited to see him.  As he reached the sandy shore a familiar voice called out.
           Levi smiled a tiny bit.
           “Hey Hanji,” he replied.
           She pulled herself up onto the sand and smiled.
           “I missed you,” Hanji said.
           “I missed you too,” Levi replied as he sat down.
           He pulled her close and gave her a kiss.
           “We have got to be the most abnormal couple,” Levi said.
           “A human and his mermaid,” Hanji replied with a laugh.
           “You’re mine and no one else’s,” Levi said.
           “We have been together for like 8 years now,” Hanji replied.
           “And we will remain that way forever,” Levi said.
           “Can we?” Hanji asked.
           “What do you mean?” Levi asked.
           “You’re human, born of the land…I’m born of the sea…” Hanji said.
           Levi could hear the sadness in her voice.  He tilted her head up and looked at her eyes.
           “If I have to buy a new house, with a huge pool connected to the ocean on the beach so we can be together,” Levi said.
           “I would cross the ocean and weather any storm to be with you Zoe.”
           Hanji smiled and hugged him.
           “Thank you Levi,” she said.
           Levi hugged her back.  Moments later, Hanji��s stomach grumbled.
           “Good thing I brought lunch,” Levi said.
           “Did you bring cinnamon rolls?!” Hanji asked.
           “Of course I did,” Levi replied.
           “I still find it weird, that of all the human food you have tried, you have an obsession with cinnamon rolls.”
           Hanji was already munching on one.
           “They’re good!” she said with a mouthful of ooey gooey goodness.
           Levi shook his head and smiled.  They pair sat, ate and talked.  Just like they did every afternoon.  Levi didn’t like having to leave Hanji alone in the ocean, but he couldn’t easily get her to his place.  He worried something would happen to her.  One day…that fear came true…
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spartanguard · 3 years
fic interview meme
I was tagged by the illustrious @profdanglaisstuff about two days ago...took me a bit but here goes!
Name: Kaitlyn, aka SpartanGuard (though often Kait)
Fandoms I write (or have written) for: Almost exclusively Once Upon A Time (though there might be a notebook from like 20 years ago with some Sabrina the Teenage Witch stuff in it)
Two-shot: Despite Saira’s answer, I have no idea what this question is asking. I write all lengths of stories, I guess? There have been lots of one shots but a good number of MCs, too. The longer I write, the longer my stories get.
Most popular multichapter: I’m probably most known for A Tall Tail, but I think Something In The Water has more kudos. Guess it depends on which version of merman Killian you prefer—canon divergent or modern AU ;)
Actual Worst part of writing: Finding time to focus on it. Admittedly, I do a lot when I need a mental break at work, but outside of that, it’s hard to get time to really focus on it--save for when my husband is playing D&D on Saturday nights ;)
How do you choose your titles: LMAO I have no effing idea. It’s never anything very profound. I mean, look at “A Tall Tail”—that was a terrible pun I came up with about 30 seconds before posting. I do use song lyrics quite often. Buf if I’m not vibing with anything, then it’s usually just a simple, semi-descriptive phrase.
Do you outline: OH yeah. As much as I can. Even if it’s just a “this needs to happen at some point” note. I wouldn’t get any actual writing done if I didn’t outline, because a story idea usually hits me all at once so it’s all I can do to get down a rough idea before I lose it.
Ideas I probably won’t get to but it would be nice: Oh god, there are SO many. I think I covered most of them in that WIP ask game that was going around a while back, so of those, the ones I’d most like to dig into are either another modern mermaid AU (but angsty) or one where Killian has an evil twin who arrives in Storybrooke to cause trouble/steal the Dark One powers. 
Best writing habits: Uh...I have good grammar? And I guess the fact that I outline.
Spicy opinions: If you like a fic, TELL THE AUTHOR THAT. Comment/reply/reblog. Whatever. I see so much discourse about this, but seriously—if you want to foster a community within your fandom, that’s what it takes! (Especially for OUAT, since we’re post-canon.)
tagging: @optomisticgirl @winterbythesea @shireness-says @kmomof4 and whoever else wants to do this!
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