#i meant lotus eaters
isp-annafer · 4 months
I love "Open Arms" from Epic the Musical. The main singer's voice sounds like he's smiling, WHICH I LOVE, and it always cheers me up. But also, like, it's so fucking funny.
So Polites is like, "This life is amazing! Greet the world with open arms! Show trust, and be trusted!" All that fun stuff. And then they meet the lotus eaters, and he goes, "Odysseus be nice." And Odysseus just. threatens them into giving him what they want (food). And I know a lot of people interpret Polites's next few lines as "See? Being nice worked!" But for me, I see it as "Okay, okay, okay. That's a little wrong, but you've kinda got it. Okay, okay. We can work with this!" Especially with the enthusiastic way it was sung. IDK man I just found it super funny.
Of course, they learn it's mind controlling lotus, so Polites tries it his own way (asking nicely), which is what he likely preferred Odysseus had done. And he got an answer! (Non mind controlling food!) Also jives with the softer way he sung, "This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms," in the next chorus. Because look! He did it gently! And so he repeats his message in a gentler tone.
Anyway, Im gonna relisten to it again because I love Polites's voice.
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fallloverfic · 1 month
I'm pretty sure that's not what's happening, but whenever I hear Polites echo Odysseus', "You and I'll go ahead" in Full Speed Ahead, I think of that moment someone says something as a joke and then people are like, "yeah let's do that," and the person who first said it is like, "Wait I didn't mean me!/I didn't think you'd take me seriously!" -internal panic- And they sort of look like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.
Polites, excited: Look! There in the distance, I see an island I see a light that faintly glows Maybe they're people lighting a fire Maybe they'll share some food, who knows?
Odysseus: All right, let's you and I go.
Polites: You and--Wait I didn't mean me! And alone?!
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wowsillies · 3 months
I WISH Jorge had referenced the part of Luck Runs Out where Odysseus tells Eurylochus to be quiet because I feel like that’s an element missing from a lot of Eurylochus interpretations.
“I need you to always be devout and comply with this /Or we'll all die in this” is important because Eurylochus fails to do it by questioning Odysseus’ words (the bag is NOT treasure, it’s storm) and opening the wind bag and his actions lead directly to the facilitation of the death of most of the crew. I hesitate to say he’s to blame because, well, Poseidon is taking revenge due to Odysseus’ decision, but Eurylochus handed him means and perfect opportunity to do it.
So, after that, Eurylochus obeys everything Odysseus says to do. He takes men to explore Circe’s island. He stays put instead of running when Odysseus goes to rescue him. He follows intl the Underworld despite the fact that “hey this witch is helping us now by sending us to death’s realm, this is definitely not a trick” probably raised some questions. He doesn’t (or at least we don’t see) stray or talk to the souls in the Underworld even though Odysseus ends up doing it. He traps and kills the sirens.
He lights and gives out six torches.
So, if devotion to Odysseus wasn’t enough to save them? If Odysseusnis now using that devotion and trust to get them killed as long as he gets to make it home to his wife? What is he meant to do now?
Eurylochus doesn’t sound… fully there, during the second half of Mutiny. Whether there was divine intervention pushing him or madness or simply the pain of it all, he’s not acting rationally. He just saw six of his trusted men brutally murdered, asks Odysseus to lie and say it was a trick, and can’t even kill him when the truth comes out. Odysseus’ wounds are bandaged! (I’m not sure that he doesn’t actually know where Helios’ statue is from btw, both due to the melody and bc it seems outrageous)
We’re all talking about Odysseus pleading for Eurylochus to stop before killing the cows, but Eurylochus is pleading too. He asks how much longer is he expected to suffer, to push through doubt, to follow the orders. And Odysseus’ first plea is “I need to get home” (later “we can get home”). Let’s not forget Odysseus is selfish and Eurylochus knows that, maybe even loves that, but he’s not just hungry, he’s tired.
When Polites gets the location of the sheep cave from the lotus eaters and takes the men to it, he leads several of them to death and himself to his doom. When Eurylochus stumbles upon the cows, does he remember that? Does he deliberately invoke it?
Killing the cows isn’t about the hunger, not really. It’s about the devotion that was asked of him, the price he paid to learn that lesson, and the pain that silence put him through anyway.
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pjo-obsessed-nerd · 8 months
"How did they know the Lotus Hotel and Casino was the Lotus Eaters???"
Uh. Y'all.
Giant lotus blossom on the roof? Called the "LOTUS" Hotel and Casino? Like, you could not have known about the Lotus Eaters story and NOT have connected the dots. It's so obvious to anyone who knew about the lotus eaters.
Not to mention, it's pretty obvious the changes regarding how fast the trio catch onto the myths they're facing are meant to give them a feeling of helplessness when, despite doing EVERYTHING right, they still failed to meet the deadline.
They did everything to the best of their abilities, and STILL failed to beat the Solstice. It's clearly intentional, not some wack job choice they made for no reason. There's an intention here, and it's a dam good one, if I do say so myself.
Please just enjoy the show 😭
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bikananjarrus · 8 months
i really don’t like that they keep having the trio figure out what they’re facing right away. they figured out it was medusa right away, the story behind hephaestus’s chair trap, that lotus hotel meant lotus eaters, etc.
it takes a lot of the tension out of the episode when they and the audience know exactly what they’re facing (and when the show’s already not the strongest when it comes to action sequences, it’s a further hindrance to the pacing).
plus, it just makes the trio feel so much older than they are! they’re 12, so let them be 12!!!! they SHOULD get distracted by the lotus hotel and all the cool stuff! like yes they are all smart and all have knowledge of greek mythology, but they’re not going to remember everything, immediately, all the time.
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leolithe · 15 days
Something I find really interesting about the Lotus' dialogue after the Lotus Eaters is her use of the word 'witch'.
"I was the Daughter. I became the Mother. In time, I shall be the Witch, blind once again, empty of all but wisdom." -Lotus
'Witch' has very specific connotations. Close enough to another similar word that I can't help but feel like it has to be a deliberate reference to the Triple Goddess ─ Maiden, Mother, Crone. These are figures from neopaganism that symbolizes the stages of a woman's life. Eleanor (proto-Nyx) even outright calls her the triple-faced goddess. While it definitely could just refer to Lotus, Margulis and Natah, what if we have yet to see her final form?
She was first Natah, the daughter of Hunhow. Then she assimilated Margulis' form and became the Lotus, mother to the Tenno. And now, she is to be the witch. Even urging us not to mourn should she turn into something we don't recognize. I'm very excited to see what exactly that will look like for her and how her role could potentially change. The quest made a point that the Operator will be staying behind while Drifter is the one chosen for the quest to 1999. Maybe instead of the mother-child dynamic that we've had for a decade, we'll get to see what kind of relationship she might have with the Drifter (<-copium)
I'm not much of a Greek Myth Lorehead but I've read up a bit on The Triple Goddess Hecate (who I've been told that, in Hades 2, was voiced by Amelia Tyler... who is now also voicing our dear Eleanor Nightingale. Worth mentioning cuz u just know rebb was kicking her feet and giggling at being able to pull that together). Hecate's status as a gatekeeper type figure, as i understand it, is very interesting when u apply it to the Lotus...
I'm just thinking about how meta the whole "Lotus' ascent to godhood" plot thread is. It's like a direct parallel to her voice actress' "intern to creative director" journey LMAO. It's a bloody golden opportunity and i hope they're cashing all in on Goddess!Lotus and everything it'll entail...
Not to mention lorewise and what it means for the Lotus' own arc!! To be someone constantly being pulled around by others to fulfil their own purposes, having her own wants neglected, shamed, belittled... To becoming a Witch/Crone/Gatekeeper a la Hecate -- now the one potentially capable of denying or approving others' needs and goals...? Ugh, that's so fucking JUICY. What a bloody incredible character.
Lotus mentions becoming "empty of all but wisdom", and I've seen someone theorize that she'll become even more emotionless and distant as a shield against Wally because it thrives on emotions. This theory scares me because it could very well happen... Not like Space Mom already has a history of being distant and reluctant to tell us how she's feeling... *Sniffles*...
There's also the theories about assigning Natah/Lotus/Margulis as the Maiden/Mother/Crone...
The most surface level reading would be Margulis = Maiden, Lotus = Mother, Natah = Crone, but imo when people make this read they're kinda hinging on their appearances lol. Pretty Margulis, "Ugly" Natah... Maybe even just "Good mom who can do no wrong" and "evil Sentient who led part of an assault on the Origin System".
I would like to think that it isn't that shallow, buuuut their personalities do fit the bill when u bring the "phases of a woman's life" theme to it.
Margulis' naivete, or the shattering of it, as the Maiden:
"No, Ballas, no more destruction. Maybe they're meant to save us."
"You lied to me, Ballas. You're no different than the rest of them."
Natah's headstrong wisdom, or her desire for it, as the Crone:
"I am the witness, the victim, the judge. My family has returned. Your trial, soon to begin."
"The times ahead will need decisiveness. Power."
And Natah does die in TNW. Her death is a very big part of the quest lol. The "End of life" theming of the Crone fits her very well... And the very first "gatekeeper/crone judges and makes the decision for you" thing she did was killing ballas. So i get it!
Inversely... You could also assign Natah as the Maiden and Margulis as the Mother because of the simple "Natah was the Daughter, now I am the Mother" quote. After all, Lotus before TNW was living very much under Margulis' shadow, assimilating into her like you mentioned. This read leaves Lotus to be the Crone; the empty, wise Witch we have yet to see.
The more i write this the more I wanna say: Damn. These 3 were always meant to converge into each other. Their stories are all sides of each others' respective coins and it almost feels arbitrary to chuck them into strict roles, even if symbolic.
I definitely think we're gonna see her "Triple Goddess Final Form" in the future. It's too good a story beat. Too sexy. DE HAS to do it. I have my platinum ready. Give me all the skins.
As for the DrifterLotus copium....... Hehehe. I don't think DE will ever do anything romantic/sexual with them. i think they're just gonna cap their relationship off at "they care immensely for each other" because they might be concerned about the questionable pseudo incest implications looming over anything to do with Lotus and the Tenno.
Like don't get me wrong; Drifter is their own person and Lotus of all people would be comfortable with the concept of "people having identical faces won't make them the same person". I just feel like DE might not be willing to play with them in that way. For perfectly understandable reasons... The Player Tenno are very much "colouring book" characters for the OC lovers so it seems smart to keep them relatively open-ended.
But. Don't worry. Check my AO3 at the end of the week. I hope you'll find something that brings u even a little bit of cheer ;3
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tauforged · 1 month
i love how the render of albrecht standing there at the end of lotus eaters is clearly meant to be ominous and mysterious but the immersion is broken because he is simply the most awkward man alive
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inspirationalucky · 5 months
👁️ EPIC: The Musical: Act One, The Cyclops Saga sentence starters. Because the lines are just That Good. Going by the exact lyrics, definitely change things to fit your muse's situation<3
"I've gotta hand it to you both, this is quite the treat."
''It's almost too perfect, too good to be true."
"Why would the lotus eaters pass up on all this food?"
"We're just travelers, we come in peace."
"What gives you the right to deal a pain so deep?"
"Don't you know that pain you sow is pain you reap?"
"Your life now is in my hand."
"Before I'm done, you will learn that it's not so fun to take."
"You came to my home to steal."
"A trade, you see? Take from you like you took from me."
"There's been a misunderstanding!"
"Now that I see we've done some damage, maybe you and I can make a deal?"
"I'll give you our finest treasure so long as we leave alive."
"A trade, you see? A gift from you, and a gift from me."
"I'd like to thank you. Stranger, what's your name?"
"My name is Nobody."
"I'm so glad we see eye to eye."
"You shall be the final man to die.
"If we're defeated, they're good as dead."
"No backup, no chance for support."
"Show me, how great is your will to survive?"
"Six hundred lives at stake."
"It's just one life to take."
"No dying on me now, defeat is not allowed!"
"We must live through this day!"
"Show him that we're deadly!"
"Don't let him get close!"
"He can't land a blow if we're out of reach."
"Stand up and fight for your lives!"
"He's got a club!"
"You've hurt me enough."
"You're dying here and now, escape is not allowed."
"You won't live through this day, now die."
Remember Them
"We must move quickly, we don't have much time."
"He didn't notice I mixed lotus in his wine."
"Mark my words now, this is not the end."
"What'll we do with our fallen friends?"
"We are not to let them die in vain."
"We're the ones who carry on the flames of those who've gone."
"This is how we're getting out of here."
"Let's kill him!"
"Who hurts you?"
"There are more of them?"
"Captain, we should run!"
"If nobody hurts you, be silent."
"He's still a threat until he's dead! Finish it."
"What good would killing do when mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use?"
"The blood we shed, it never dries."
"Is this what it means to be a warrior of the mind?"
"When we met I led with peace."
"Remember them the next time that you dare choose not to spare!"
"Remember them, remember us... remember me!"
"I am neither man nor mythical."
"I am your darkest moment!"
My Goodbye
You were reckless, sentimental at best."
"That's not a teaching of mine."
"You've grown soft, your dead friends can attest."
"Put your emotions aside."
"You're a warrior meant to lead the rest."
"I don't know where I went wrong!"
"I warned you, and you failed the test"
"This way you'll know what your place is."
"This way when all is over you'll keep yours and I'll keep mine."
"This way you won't disappoint me."
"Unlike you, every time someone dies I'm left to deal with the strain."
"What a title that a goddess could lend if I'll never sleep at night?"
"I'll remind you I saw you as a friend, but now we're done."
"This way you won't plague my life."
"You're out of sight and out of mind!"
"This way, you close the door and have your damn goodbye!"
"You're not looking for a mentor, I'm not looking for a friend."
"I mistook you for a General. What a waste of effort spent."
"At least I know what I'm fighting for while you're fighting to be known."
"Since you claim you're so much wiser, why's your life spent all alone? You're alone!"
"One day you'll hear what I'm saying. One day you might understand. One day, but not day."
"After all, you're just a man."
"This day you sever your own head."
"This day you lost it all."
"Consider this as my goodbye!"
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chasing-caws · 3 months
Do you think that maggot lady had Furiosa in the cave cuz she thought Furiosa was dead or do you think she was using the maggots to heal her stub (using the maggots to heal Furiosa would make sense but then again the maggots lady did just leave her lying on dead bodies…”
It’s sort of vague, my friend @furywriter came up with a theory that she’s meant to represent the Lotus Eaters in The Odyssey, people who eat from lotus trees and forget where they come from and their family as a result, hence the Maggot Woman telling her “go back to sleep, I’ll make it nice for you,” being their to sway Furiosa off her path. So, possibly more a metaphor in the story of her own odyssey which was part of the advertising for the movie.
For a more literal reason, I’ve thought for a while, and at first I thought the Maggot Woman was a cannibal, but not likely. She wasn’t keeping her as food for the maggots likely since she had plenty, so my best theory is she was “cleaning her up” in order to sell her as a wife to Immortan Joe for more water and food than trading maggots usually got her.
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monstersinthecosmos · 10 months
VC Kinktober <3
So I didn't have time to create anything new for Kinktober this year, and I also meant to make this post at the end of October and didn't get a chance, so please humbly accept this late offering! Instead of creating anything new I wanted to make a lil directory of the fics I've written already that contain some of these prompts, for everyone's needs!
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Day 1: Biting Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Maruis/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 2: Masturbation Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 3: Praise Kink
French Mistake (Nicki/Lestat) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 4: Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand)
Day 5: Bondage
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 6: Nipple Play Serrated (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel)
Day 8: Blood Play
Bartzabel (Marius/Santino) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) In the Trials of the Heart (Armand/Daniel, Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Minus (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) quinque plus unum (Marius/Daniel, Marius/Armand) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 11: Dom/Sub Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) Fall Apart (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) Pinion (Marius/Daniel) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis) Ruby (Armand/Daniel) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora) Vantablack (Marius/Armand) Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 12: Cockwarming
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 13: Toys
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Down Below (Armand/Daniel) Dust of the Saturn (Armand/Daniel) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 14: Roleplay
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 17: Body Worship Buried in the Blind Space (Armand/Daniel)
Day 18: Double Penetration
Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand)
Day 19: Threesome/Orgy
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Minus (Armand/Daniel) Moon Above, Sun Below (Armand/Daniel) So Falls the World (Marius/Pandora, Akasha/Marius/Pandora)
Day 20: Edging
Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) The Lotus Eater (Armand/Daniel) Where My Holiness Goes (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 22: Breathplay Various Methods of Escape (Louis/Daniel)
Day 25: Sensory Play Only Human (Armand/Daniel) world coming down (Lestat/Louis)
Day 26: Impact Play Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) the misinterpretation of silence and its disastrous consequences (Lestat/Louis) Right Where it Belongs (Lestat/Louis)
Day 27: Religious Play Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
Day 29: Clothed Sex
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand)
Day 30: Dirty Talk
Cauda Pavonis (Marius/Bianca/Armand) Clockwise Operetta (Marius/Armand) Gallows Bird (Marius/Armand) Sfaíra Ti̱s Fo̱tiás (Marius/Armand, Santino/Armand)
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 year
I never came back from Among the Lotus Eaters
I see now, in hindsight of SNW season two, that Among the Lotus Eaters was a breaking point for me.
First, that episode needed to transition Batel and Pike from … whatever they were … to a deeper relationship. And what did the episode do?
It hung their issues on not enough time for each other. (How many dinner parties has this man thrown?)
It made Pike a commitment-phobe. (Really? Pike? Y’all sure you meant second season Pike not second season Picard?)
It undercut Pike as a captain as well as his pain dating back to The Cage. (Say, fellas, is it okay to leave your yeoman behind if someone at some point said he looked kinda dead?)
Here’s the thing. I would have bought the episode starting with Batel and Pike having an adult discussion about how they could have hated each other after Una’s arrest and trial but they don’t. They’re still drawn to each other. Then I would have bought Pike’s relationship hesitancy being due to his concerns about his fate — and Una later calling him out on his potential fears for longer-term intimacy when he believes his days are numbered. (And if the show backtracks to make this Pike’s motivation, I’m gonna call bullshit because it should have been there from the start. I’ve seen a thousand stories about commitment-phobes. But a story about a person frightened to hurt someone they might be falling for because of a known timeline to the end? That’s actually interesting.)
Then, I would have bought Pike on the planet holding the necklace and feeling that he had unfinished business — the adult discussion with Batel (as opposed to love that, due to his own fears, hadn’t yet been grounded in the reality of the episode).
Second, the episode has the hero moment of Erica figuring out that she flies the ship. Okay, putting aside that other people can and do fly the ship (ahem, Una), this was an incredible opportunity for Erica to have a totem to remind her of why she cares about flying, not just that she does it. Give us a goddamn model airplane or a book about birds or an action figure of Erika Hernandez — something. Anything. Let us get to know Erica better. This missed opportunity stings.
Third, the trauma repetition was painful. The guy on the planet lost his whole family? Dude, he’s the three-way pointing Spider-Man meme with two members of the away team — M’Benga and La’an. What are the odds of all three of them having the same trauma (and not discussing it)? I don’t know, but it was lazy as shit. (Note: Uhura has the same trauma. Una might, per her service record. Enough already.) Make that guy the former king and he’s somehow responsible for the memory loss rock landing and plaguing the planet. Make him a doctor who saved Zac’s life and therefore plunged the planet into tyrannical rule. Again — something. Anything. Just make it unique instead of repetitive. (And if he had saved Zac’s life by some extreme means, that could even possibly excuse Pike for breaking the essential promise of Starfleet by leaving a crewmember behind.)
There’s more. There’s so much more. There should have been a line, at least, about Una being affected by the radiation when her body could clear radiation before. There should have been recognition that Pike was going down to the planet underprepared — again — by cutting the number of people on the away team. There should have been console warnings flashing that, I don’t know, the warp core was in danger since no one in engineering knew who they were or how to do their jobs.
This episode began the season’s beats of Pike being a crummy captain and a crummy boyfriend. It continued the trend of underutilizing Erica, even when she’s there. It forgot the show’s own internal realities. And I am big mad about that because this clutch point of an episode could have been different. It could have been better.
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katerinaaqu · 2 months
sorry you got dragged on the list :(. to be fair, OP was kinda a biggot about it too. I think the sheer anoumt of pathos and lack of logos and the wide gaping hole ethos killed me on the inside.
to be honest, I think your wording of haunting made it seem racist. I know you meant that you werent a fan of black diomedes but it unfortunately came off as rasict. english is weird. language is weird and some people can’t think for one more second to see if theres miscommunication (which is in humanity’s top 3 problems)
It is not English that is weird my friend but humans are. When I said I am not fond of the particular design I was being honest. Why can't I say that as a Greek who already has their own culture used as a by the way statement a racist but if someone does the same when they see a character from Africa not have the appropriate melanin to their design then they are rightful?
Why would it be okay for anyone to complaint that Memnon doesn't look like African or any like that but when a Greek says that race swapping of a character that has no roots in Africa is not their prefered form, is being racist?
What is more I said I loved the artist's work. And the artist is cool with it and I am cool with them. I am not apologizing for defending my own ethnicity I am sorry and I will speak against these double standards that we have befallen into till my last breath. There are other amazing characters in Greek mythology that can be linked to Africa or the north or any other place the Greeks went to and I am absolutely eager to see them. To name a few
Memnon the king of Aithiopia
Calypso the nynph of Ogygia (who resides either in Malta or Tynisia and many points link her to Tynisia)
Andromeda the princess of Aithiopia
Theoclymene the prince of Egypt
Perseus's children by Andromeda
Lotus Eaters
And so on and so forth. The fact that somehow ethnicity matters only when anyone else is concerned and is a vital part of their as they say representation then why Greeks are free game and cannot say anything about it? Quite frankly speaking from a point of view that we are not fond or a race swap design is justice from one side and racism on the other is problematic on its own
And mind you I said I am not fond of the trend. I said nothing on artists or on their right to picture them as they please. I only said i am not particularly fond of this depiction. Would you call a racist someone that says they are not particularly fond of Yara the brazilian mermaid being depicted like Ariel? Or would you praise them for defending their culture? Think about it.
Either way thanks for your encouraging words (even if you still see me as a biggot apparently given the word "too" in your original comment. Again I expected it. Part of the game)
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too-many-blorbos · 2 months
Work was slow, so I made concept art for an Odyssey ride
-It's a water ride (Like Jurassic Park or Pirate of the Caribbean) -The boats are themed as Ancient Greek warships (obv) -The voice of Odysseus provides dialogue and helps frame the narrative, via a speaker in the front of the boat (because I hate when you can't hear the ride dialogue over the other noise). The narrative treats the riders as Odysseus' sailors. -Meant to be a thriller ride with elements of horror.
The ride's narrative goes as follows: Lotus Eaters -> Polyphemus -> Poseidon's wrath/Laestrygonians (man-eating giants) -> Circe -> Sirens -> Charybdis -> Scylla The concept art is just sketches atm, but I'm excited.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Starting a fic rec chain for my friend that wants to get into writing! What are some quintessential x-files fic that showcase the talent of our massive writing community?
A loooooooooooot, a lot, a lot.
I know it's a biiiiiiiiiiit of a cop-out, but my fic lists here have a lot of "the bests" under each list category; so, if your friend wants to see the same main idea done in different ways... there's that?
If you want, tell me something your friend is interested in, and I'll make a list packed with fics that fit the bill! :DDDD
Ummmmmmmm how about I stick to the different style and talent of various authors to "show them off" for your friend?
*pulls up sleeves to more successfully wrangle Google Docs*
@baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @o6666666, @ghostbustermelanieking, @lokisgame, @mldrgrl, @tinglingworld, @sigritandtheelves, and @kateyes224 write THE BEST short but complex fluff imaginable. The shorter the better for me, because it leaves a lot of room for me to fill-in with my imagination. (And don't forget yourself~, heheheh.)
Edit: Needed to add @settle-down-frohike and @cyb3rpeach to this list~!
@enigmaticdrblockhead rips my heart out and sews it back in with her gut-wrenching short fics on humanity's cruelties. I always cite her fic Ascension as the one that makes me cry every time.
@suitablyaggrieved does great at short fic, too. Her bent is less about fluff and more about dread and horror~.
In a similar vein is @dreamingofscully, whose works are longer but have that teeter-totter between weighted rumination and blissful happiness; and @wtfmulder, who is one of the best writers for "male voice" (making three differently brooding male character sound distinctly different from one another) and does the best Mulder crack headcanons and memes.
astronaught writes like David Duchovny for me (which is a high compliment)-- ex. "He needed to get out of L.A. He needed to stay in L.A. There was a comforting nausea to the unreality here. Funhouse, Pleasure Island, Lotus-Eater nausea. The subtle horror of a museum of plastic toys. Violently happy faces fading from a material that wasn’t meant to age. //Everything was a bit grotesque in L.A. and so was everything out of L.A. Who said that Hollywood lied?"
Jo_B writes a complicated, heartwarming Mulder who is relieved Scully's effortlessly sees his humanity and good intentions.
defnotmeyo writes both the best crack (heartwarming and fun and realistic) and angst short fic. She's gone from Tumblr; but some of her fics can still be found.
@melforbes is another fic author that made me ALMOST sob (but definitely cry) with her seaglass blue fic (Ao3)-- that and, again, Ascension as mentioned above.
Lapsed_Scholar wrote the best collection of Requiem variations (Mulder doesn't leave due to various snags in his departure, all involving Scully in some way.) But all of her work is FANTASTIC (as are these other authors, too!) I always pair up anything Lapsed wrote with --
Anything Apostrophic (i.e. @mappingthexfiles), @seek-its-opposite, @wtfmulder, @sigritandtheelves, and @onpaperfirst touches is always gold. They write IWTB/S11 so well; and as a "stop after S8 the canonical ending" fan, they make me love anything beyond it-- and those aren't not even including their other fics. I always think of Apostrophic's "miniseries" fics Agua Mala-Arcadia-Alpha... stupendous work.
Can't forget the multi-chapter, shot-in-the-veins of 90s grounded...ness that is @cecilysass, @aloysiavirgata, @amplifyme, and @slippinmickeys (though she also loves to dabble in AUs that are wildly entertaining.) You FEEL like you're in the X-Files era reading their work.
For Torture!Mulder (yep, it's a thing) there's Vickie Moseley (Gossamer, Ao3) and Donna-- I prefer Donna's work, but sometimes Vickie NAILS it.
For Gossamer/older fics I reread obsessively (and they're famfic, ngl):
Suki Tawdry's The Way Things Are (Mulder and Scully have a one-night stand aligning w/ Gillian's pregnancy. I skip Chapter 12-- personal preference-- but the BANTER and sarcasm on Scully is top-tier. And Mulder's journey as a slowly morphing family man is... chef's kiss. Not to mention Skinner, Maggie, Melissa, even a well-intentioned but annoying Bill, etc.) and LuvTheBeez's Snow (S5? Mulder and Scully are married and expecting a giant baby... and become hostages in a stick up. The in-control thought processes, banter, and intelligent planning on both their parts while keeping it completely lighthearted is also the best) AND Jamie Greco's Breathing (on the way to Scully's Lamaze class, dialogue only, AMAZING characterization of Mulder and Scully. All of Jamie Greco's other fics do the same-- Scarlet has Mulder high on a hallucinogen and seeing Scully as an angel.)
I'm plowing through RocketMan's works on Gossamer-- WOW are some amazing. Chef's kiss. Not finished yet (taking my time-- just reached second page), but I'll probably make a separate author shoutout when I'm done~.
I haven't even BEGUN to touch the fill-in or fix-it fics that span the series (or at least one season of it) that are incredibly impressive-- like @darwin-xf, @scenes-in-between, and touchstonea's Odyssean epics-- but I've got to cut this list short because... honestly, my list would be endless; and I have not even BEGUN to list them all. If I haven't listed anyone, it's not for lack of trying or because of any attempt at snubbing. I, a mere mortal, can only do so much. XDDD
Thank you for the ask~! Again, if your friend likes a specific category, let me know and I'll drum up a fic list! :DDDDD
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
Sorry that I was a little absent the last day, I was busy sewing. But I read through all of the Dino Squad Au posts (which I loved btw) - I especially loved the reader is the smol dino and the others don’t know that they are the dino.
Now about you dark!dino au post? What exactly would that entail? I’d like some details.
Also I read the this could be paradise post and the lotus eater post and honestly I love it!!! and I’d actually not be opposed to eating that shit, because it sounds so peaceful. The question I have is this? What would happen if the reader was somehow immune to the thing that makes them all “pink”? Like if the food or the meds don’t work on them?
Also about the High school Au parent question: I think Charles is a good contestant, just because he has the headmaster vibe and the reader gives off giant favorite student vibes. Also Erik for the same reasons and because he seems like he’d be a strict and feared teacher, but a total simp for reader and he’d let them off with everything.
Also, while I’m at it, what would happen if in the dark!au, reader accidentally passes away while the four are on the run, because of the previous injuries they got when they were kidnapped and tortured, and the other three can’t handle it and the other mutants find the three around reader’s body, completely distraught. (If this is too angsty/Dark, I’m sorry)
- BeaBee 🐝
No worries, 🐝BeaBee! You take care of yourself first and foremost, okay? I can wait. It's no problem. We all have lives outside of Tumblr, and those have to be taken care of. So it's okay.😊
For the Dino Squad AU: Depending on which AU/post you read, Reader is either a Dakotahraptor or Compsagnathus, since you're referring to a small dino... There is also a post where they were a Spinosaurus, so if you want, you can check that out, too! The main AU has Reader, Scott, Rogue, Remy, and Pietro as the five Dino Squad members and Reader is a Dakotahraptor there, while a request someine asked for was if i could do the Brotherhood with a Compsagnathus Reader...
For the Dark Dino Squad AU: Something bad happens that makes Reader wounded or ill, this causing their teammates to turn to Victor (who takes the place of Veloci in the AU), and they kinda go to the dark side. So Reader is possibly on borrowed time or at the least wounded, trying to escape/talk sense into everyone (Logan is in the background, unhappily, as he did not agree to contact his crazy older brother) (This has a few ways it could go, but I'm deciding which path to ultimately take at the moment... it's a hard choice...)
For the Lotus Eater or This Could Be ParadiseAU (as I'm not sure if you meant just one of them or both of them): Huh... if Reader were immune... that might be a problem. Because now the platonic yan adults are trying to make some serum or drug from the flowers/fruits that WILL work, all while Reader plots their escape and has to play along... (and, well, yes! It is hard to say no to the flowers/fruits, and I know eating one doesn't sound so bad, if only to forget for a few small hours, if not awhile longer... and also tastes good, so, there's that going for it!)
For the Mutant High AU (the one you called Mutant Highschool!): So, Charles isn't the headmaster or the parent. If he were, that WOULD be fun! Buuuut in this one instance, he isn't. He IS however, their biology/human anatomy teacher, as well as a school doctor/nurse, because why not? If he were Reader's parent, that would be so sweet! He is a good father figure/adopted dad, but he isn't Reader's biological dad and they aren't his legally adopted child. Reader isn't related to anyone, but they are adopted (found family style) by everyone of the school who are not the (spoilers spoilers spoilers)... I will reveal what I can, but a hint to help you guess what's going on... Watch out for how Erik, Victor, Remy, and Hank act... They know something, but they aren't the problem... rather... they're the ones dealing with it in the shadows... (you are on fire with this AU! So, good job, 🐝BeaBee!!!)
Foe the Dark AU: If Reader actually died... well, you just reached the ultimate angst. The platonic yans would likely not handle it well. Scratch that, if they weren't crazy before (they were, by the way), well, they sure as fr*ck are now. If they had a way to bring Reader back from the dead, say, either a mutant who can do that or a science-y solution, they are doing it, no ifs, ands, or buts... And the other three teens who are with Reader? Remember, they watched Reader die the first time. If they had to go through it a second time? While still newly traumatized by surviving or being brought back from what happened to all four of them? What sanity they have would be on the thinnest sheet of ice. Press any harder, and it all cracks wide open...
(Thank you for asking your questions,🐝BeaBee! I am glad to answer them! If you want to ask anymore questions, feel free to do so! I hope I helped explain a bit about the AUs, and that I gave a few hints as to what's going to happen! Stay safe and take as many breaks as you need, okay?😊) (And I do like hearing from you, and everyone else, but we all have things to do; so no worries. Take whatever time you need. You all don't have to ask any questions. But if you WANT to, you can. Just don't pressure yourself, okay?)
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risingshine · 22 days
"Oh, um, - thank you." Iyana would sheepishly accept the offer for one of the strange fruits gifted to her - and place it into the hand-woven basket carried by Hava.
They finally found the island - well, Chiasa did - which now just meant gathering up the fruit: the lotus eaters seemed very unbothered by their presence - barely noticing them swiping some of the fruit, and without any complaint - as long as they still had some to continue eating.
...Hava gave the scientist a light nudge.
"C'mon, have a bite."
"W-What?" Iyana was rather suprised at that: she was expecting him to tell her anything but to eat it. "B-But wont I get entranced? I still have work to do back home-"
"Its fine: its only lasts a few hours once ya get off the stuff. And if it doesn't, I'll fix it. We need to know its the right fruit, right? Sure people are louging around eating it all day, but who knows its the right one?"
..That sounded like a terrible idea...but they did need to know if its the right fruit. And Chiasa and Hava could easily keep her away from the fruit to get her back on track...fine.
Rather hesitant, she carefully bit down on the fruit...and let out a small moan - this was the best thing she will ever taste. She easily consumed the whole thing like a ravenous wolf, before trying to go for another fruit - where hava caught her hands.
"Iyana, what were we doing here?"
"H-Huh? Eat fruit?"
"What did you have to do back home?"
"eat fruit?" Iyana asked, deep brown eyes unfocused through half-open eyelids. She was probably the most relaxed that she's been in years.
..Looks like it's the right fruit. "Hey chiasa, take care of Iyana, wouldya? I got more experience taking fruit and plants - leave the harvesting to me."
"Oh, Okay!" Chiasa guided Iyana to a small group of lotus eaters, where they shared in this delight of the world...as well as a few bottles of lotus wine? yoink. right into the hair pocket those go.
Iyana was in a haze of bliss, not caring about anything around her as she enjoyed the relaxed joy of the feast infront of her: not even chiasa's wandering hands, which seemed to be guaging for any reaction (there wasn't any).
Chiasa could see why Honey said this could make the part kick up a notch.
Meanwhile, Hava trudged off, no doubt to grab as many fruits as he could afford to - as well as a cutting of the plant for him to grow later: he did have quite the garden at home, after all. .... Iyana woke up in her bed. Wait, hold on- she was in Sicily, wasn't she? for those fruits? why was everything hazy? Did she dream that?
No, wait - there was a note with some breakfast next to the bed.
"thanks for trying out the fruit: we had to take you home so you didn't try to swim back to the island (that you didn't know the location of). We got you to fall asleep, hopefully youslept it off!
Enjoy some proper food - Hava."
...She was scared the food was going to taste bad. What if her taste buds were ruined? That everything else would taste bland in comparison now?
Oh thank her ancestors: that is still really good. Not the best thing she's ever tasted - but just because she loves custard doesn't mean she can't still like sweet peas.
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