#i met cool people and decided to go back to this site and it feels good
mesherew · 10 months
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This year marks the time where i truly got back into drawing and just allowed myself to have fun and make time for what makes me happy in general
Ok time to get sappy
I kind of left tumblr in 2018, I was going through a rough time irl and I couldn't bring myself to draw or simply enjoy little things like listening to music or play video games. I struggled for a while but somehow I managed to get back on track (it's still hard sometimes and I guess the struggle never truly ends) but going back on Tumblr by the end of 2022 reminded me how much you guys have been so supportive after all these years so thank you all ily
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morgana-lefay · 3 months
Project: Rammstein Barcelona 2024 - The Review
It's been more than two weeks now and coming back to the real World hasn't been easy, so I'm only now managing to write about the concert.
I'm still very much living in my concert-bubble (ignoring many responsibilities, forgetting I'm a grown-up and such), but I'm not sure I can still remember everything, unfortunately. I will try my best. Heads up, as this will be extensive, detailed (as much as my memory can help me), not spolier-free, might contain off-topics about the city and, most of all, will be MY opinion and feelings about it all.
So let's start.
As some of you might know/have noticed, I traveled from Portugal to Barcelona, the day before the concert. It was the first time, in my 40 years alive in this World, I ever saw a band outside my country and it was also my first time visiting Barcelona, so I was very excited about it all! I was also ready to travel solo, but two friends ended up joining me. I did go to the concert by myself, though.
I arrived in Barcelona on Monday, early in the morning, which allowed me to compensate for concert day, since it would be pretty much dedicated to it, aside from breakfast and lunch. A friend and I decided to walk around "El Gòtic" (Gothic Quarter). A few cañas later, we needed to pee, so we decided to start looking for cool cafes to stop and have more cañas so we could use the bathroom (made sense to us). We found a lovely Plaza by accident, with a cafe in the middle and that was it.
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We ordered two cañas, talked about some serious stuff, some more silly, about the concert and the band and how do people find them in the street and how I wouldn't know what to do if I saw any of them. Time passed and we decided to leave, but first, my time to go to the bathroom. Coming back, something got lost in translation and the guy brought us two more beers.
THANKFULLY, as a few moments later, this guy with dark sunglasses comes riding a bike from one of the streets that led to the Plaza. I was siting facing said street and started panicking in Portuguese "Oh meu Deus, oh meu Deus!". My friend had no idea what was going on, until I managed to say "IT'S THE DRUMMER!". At that point, he was already at the end of the street and I thought he'd left, when I realised he turned around. My friend, to whom I will be grateful forever, got up and stopped him. I did nothing. Just stayed sited, like an idiot. She says he asked her if she wanted a photo and she answered no, because she wasn't a fan (the poor guy), but her friend, pointing at me, was.
Something clicked inside my dumb brain, I got up from my chair and moved towards him. I don't really remember what I said, aside from "Hi, Christoph", "I came from Portugal to see you", apologising for bothering him and wishing him a nice day, if I touched him even (my friend says I touched his shoulder, which I tend to do sometimes, talking to people) nor what he said, or if he even said anything! His face was one of someone so used to these things and almost kinda bored, but at the same time he had a nice and sweet energy about him (not sure if this makes sense). Anyway...it was surreal! I was nervous as hell and I think if I was by myself I wouldn't have approached him. But he is as beautiful in person, as in all photos and videos! (and so tall!). That out of the blue encounter made my day! (I won't share the photo because I don't wanna show my stupid panic ridden face and I don't want the photo to end up everywhere else).
Concert day:
I queued for about 4h30m, until doors opened a bit after 18h00 and it started raining pretty much the moment I got there and pouring like 30 minutes in and it never stopped up to the point I got home, 12 hours later (my friends where ever so kind to make this video 😅) .
There, I met this lovely Spanish girl from Canárias, a group from LIFAD Colombia and Lina, the creator of LIFAD International. All lovely people. I never spoke so much Spanish in my life. I didn't even knew I knew how to speak so much Spanish, although I must have some fucked up accent (I never formaly learned the language), as they pretty much never got what I meant at first try 😂.
I managed to get front row (at some point I didn't think I was gonna make it), on Paul's side and I don't think I've ever seen such a colourful audience in a Metal/Rock concert. I also had never been in a venue with umbrellas.
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Last photo is from last year, here in Portugal. I was standing in the back of the Stadium, which allowed me a privileged perspective over the beauty of the light, fire and music synchrony and I guess that made me love it all even more. This time, I couldn't see that part so well, but I could see them and their interactions, so I guess both concerts completed each other. I was also prepared for fiery hot, but, honestly, with all the rain, I barely felt the pyro.
They opened with "Ramm4", as we all know by now. Honestly, I had heard that song like 3 times before and it's not much my cup of tea (catchy chorus and rhythm, but I'm not that crazy about it as many seem to be). It was fun to sing along the "Ya, Nein! Rammstein!" part though, but it's no match to "Armee der Tristen" or "Rammlied" as an opener. Would have loved to hear the first one!
I felt Till's appearance on stage wasn't as powerful (although the explosion that revealed him was pretty cool), but his outfit is amazing! LOVE the feathers! I did enjoy the message at the beginning, the song and all of them appearing in the elevator together. To be fair, It might be that it's just different and we (I) were used to the old one.
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[second one became my phone's background image]
Me being me, I managed to, by one frame, not catch on video the part where Richard kicks the 🎹🤦‍♀️. But, honestly, aside from the interesting leg movement, it wasn't all that, as it just comes out of nowhere. But then again, we had completely drenched Richard™, so that was just a small drop of water in an ocean of wet awesomeness.
The first half (if I can call it that) of the concert, up until the Deutschland remix, was rocking like a motherfucker! "Keine Lust" sounds great live. It was, actually, one of my favourites. A great surprise! And Richard's energy made it even better.
I always thought I was gonna cry my eyes out during "Asche Zu Asche", as it's one of my favourite songs, but, the tears came during "Zeit"...That song had been hitting me in the guts for the last few months, but I honestly did not see that coming. It was just overwhelmingly beautiful! Till's voice...my Goodness...When he sang the "Ein jeder kennt den perfekten Moment" part, he added "es aquí!"/"aquí contigo" (it's here/here with you), which may or may not made me cry a bit more.
Still about "Asche Zu Asche"...as expected, every one of them has a different energy during that song, but it's still a very powerful one! I rocked my ass off to it and I'm very grateful to have been able to experience it live. Too bad there where no microphones on fire, though. 🙁
"Wiener Blut" sounded great live too! As haunting as I imagined. Till's voice, again...And all of them, honestly, sounded beautiful. These additions to the setlist are just perfect.
Paul was going all Metal on us in some backing vocals, I think during "Links" the most. And Till seemed pretty content with the rain, while adding some Spanish words/expressions to the songs or in between.
Richard's growling during "Du Riechst so Gut" sent me...⚰️I don't think I've recovered from that part yet. Everytime I rewatch the videos, there's shivers. And then there's the little synchronized headbangs between Paul and Till and with all of them. Even though Till seemed to struggle a bit during the one with Paul, particularly, it was so precious to watch up close! 😭Paul and RZK's arm pyro, unfortunately, didn't work. I also couldn't see Till with the arch pyro, as little Paul was standing in the way.
Till clearly used playback, at least in one song (can't quite remember on which one...maybe Wiener Blut...), which is something that always bothers me a bit, even loving him to death. It did not ruin the show for me in the slightest, of course, but I don't really appreciate it or get it.
(Also, my man, stop spitting so much! 🙈)
My greatest disappointment, though, was that the foam from the Pussy-canon didn't reach our side. 😭
Then there were all the little interactions they had going on. It's like Tumblr was turning real, right in front of my eyes! 😂Honestly, I thought a lot about you guys during the whole concert.
I also feel like I went through many phases: rocking my ass off and singing what I knew (and making up other parts 😅); standing still, being mesmerized, just taking it all in; crying during Zeit; laughing over their silliness and just thinking how these guys are so fucking good still after 30 years. 🖤
Other/specific favourite things:
Anything Till and Paul, to be honest, but mostly during Mein Teil and Ausländer (my heart almost melted in this last part, with Till caressing his Paule's face 🥹);
Olli having fun and throwing water at Paul;
The boats and how Schneider seems so happy during it. I focused on him so much, almost forgot there where two more boats coming.
Paul being his little clown self pretty much all the time 🙈;
Flake's little dances and his crown! So pretty!
Schneider setting the rhythm with his arm movements;
The Mein Teil background dancers;
Till's "peacock flames" moment during "Rammstein" is absolutely breathtaking to watch up close! 🥹
Till's rolled up sleeves and his tattoos peaking are also a beautiful sight to see in person. 🖤
Just watching Till in general...Even if I wish he was a bit more serious/stoic sometimes and not so clowny, I love that guy. I can't even put it right into words how it felt seeing him and hearing him.
But, to be honest, I think I have to say that my most favourite thing, even though he was opposite where I stood, was Richard being a badass rockstar! He rocked hard, even dripping wet (or probably even more because of). I liked how he still balances a bit of the more serious side with the silly one.
All in all, I would have appreciated a little less rain (it never stopped...), but I had a great time! There's nothing/no one like them! They're just beautiful to watch and it was incredible to get to see them so close. I'm still a bit overwhelmed and even though it was a different sentiment from last year's concert (my first and in my country), they made me very happy! Thank you, my boys!🖤
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
Something wholesome to wake up too :D. I remember stumbling upon your post about both Megatronus and Orion being clerks/librarians/archivist thanks to the TF One movie making them both miners sooo have like my spin on it/headcanons based on the idea? -Megatronus and Orion met when Megs was still D-16 aka a miner. When Terminus managed to get a break from the mines, which was so rare, he would sneak Megs with him so the young miner could experience more. He took him to the Iacon Hall of Records since D-16 mentioned being curious about the history of Cybertron, there he met a young Orion.
-Orion and him would bond over data pads Orion managed to smuggle to the mine site, lots of them being old poetry and history that excited D-16. It is also how D-16 gets his name of Megatronus
-At some point, Alpha Trion catches on, and instead of being anger, decides "Eh fuck it, Orion needs someone around his age to talk to" //proceeds to yoink the young miner and giving him a better life
-Now a proper clerk for the Hall of Records with Orion, it is kind of chaos. It's basically "An introvert and ambivert become friends and they have to play rock, paper, scissors on who deals with people". Megs always loses, he hates it.
-Orion has def snuck Meg's poetry and writings into the records because he is so proud of Meg's work. Megs gets flustered.
-I lowkey just picture this AU being more chill. Yeah, Megs still wants the caste system gone, but is less violent about it, trying to use his words and peaceful protests first before being forced to go to more extremes. Orion maybe backing it up too because maybe the council just straight up ignored Megs because they see him as low-caste still and he's just "Ayo wtf".
-When maybe Orion becomes Optimus, Megs backs him up, helping archive everything while helping him connect with the low-castes who are wary of OP. Also def acts as OP's scary dog without realizing it lol
-Honestly i cant see clerk!Megs becoming the con tyrant warlord we know him as, I feel like he would be more calm and chill, preferring to spread his message while also like keeping OP in check so he doesn't become a tyrannt
-Would still call OP "Orion", and no one can stop him. Not even OP. As revenge OP scatters Megs poetry. In summary: Megs helps break the "serious and cold" prime act alot and helps a lot of the team connect with Optimus on a personal level
Sorry that this is long, but these ideas plagued me i hope that is okay!
Ooo on Terminus and Megatron sneaking to the surface, and that being how Orion met him
Yes on the smuggling of datapads to D-16, and makes sense he'd get his new name from them
Alpha Trion just... Taking Megatronus has to have consequences, significant consequences
Sfsgd yes, "you do it" "no you do it" "you lost, you do it" "🤬🤬🤬"
Yes on Orion and Megs sneaking the poetry into the records, preserve it yes
100% this is a more chill au idea, always was meant to be a more chill au idea
Interesting way it changes Megatronus
We really "the power of friendship"-ed this up, it's v cool. Megatronus has grown into himself in a different direction, and I bet their friendship being earlier and arguably closer effects Orion in an interesting way
I am a SUCKER for characters calling Optimus "Orion" as a sign of closeness, oh it's gotta have fun moments
OO on the team part? Does the war still happen and Op and Megs are on the same side, or does the team unite in a different different way?
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
Headcanons and a short fanfic for Misasa😎
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He’s good at cooking and is always elected to cook for the bodyguards when he has time.
He’s the oldest sibling in his family and has two younger sisters that he takes care of.
His favorite food is fried fish and chips.
He travels when ever he gets a few days off with his sisters.
He used to be pretty hot-headed growing up but mellowed down when he realized there’s no reason for him to be that way.
He’s very good with the ladies and often other bodyguards come to him for advice despite him being so young compared to the rest.
An unexpected travel companion
Misasa had the day off and since his sisters were at school, he decided to take a day trip just because he loved traveling and wanted to get out of the city. He couldn’t stop chatting about it and sending selfies on the bodyguards group chat until Retsudo temporarily removed him. He chuckled as he got his meal for the trip and boarded his bullet train.
“7A…7…A”, he said mostly to himself as he walked down the aisle to see row number seven and then his seat but someone was already sitting there.
He looked around awkwardly before smiling weakly, “…excuse me…but you’re in my seat”, he said gently.
Y/N frowned a little before looking at their ticket and then realized they were sitting in the wrong spot, “…I’m so sorry! I’m 7B…I mean my seat is 7B”, Y/N said with a blush before going to move.
“No worries, I’ll just sit right next to you then…”, Misasa said with a warm smile before taking a seat and placed his belongings on the rack above. He then settled down next to them, “…I’m Misasa by the way…nice to meet you, 7B”, he said playfully.
“We can swap seats…it’s my mistake…”, Y/N said with the brightest blush ever.
Misasa waved it off, “…it’s fine, I’m not fussy about it anyway…”.
Y/N smiled a little and looked out of the window for a minute before realizing that he called them ‘7B’ and then blushed again.
“…I’m Y/N by the way…”, Y/N said gently as they offered their hand to him.
He smiled and shook their hand, “…nice to meet you…first time to this city?”, he asked out of curiosity.
“Yes, I’ve been wanting to go for a while but just didn’t have the time…but today’s the day”, Y/N said excitedly.
“It’s my day off too, usually I would travel with my little sisters but they have school today so it’s just a day to myself…this is my second time to the city…”, he said as he began eating his meal.
“Oh? So where do you recommend I go to then?”, Y/N asked gently.
“I would say the parks and lakes to relax or the obvious tourist sites but it depends what you like…my sisters like the shopping malls so I humor them and go with them too but it’s always a happy compromise”, he said gently.
Y/N smiled a little when he talked about his sisters so openly, he must care a lot for them.
“I’ll take your advice then”, Y/N said with a smile.
Misasa smiled a little, “…so what do you do for a living?”, he asked curiously.
“I’m a (insert occupation), what about you?”, Y/N asked gently.
“I work in security services…”, he said to describe his job in the easiest way he could without giving too many details to someone he just met.
“That’s pretty cool, you probably get to meet some pretty interesting people”, Y/N said with a smile.
Oh you have no idea, he was thought to himself as he reflected on all the people he had met over the years.
“Yes, pretty interesting…”, he said with a weak smile.
“Do you enjoy your job?”, Y/N asked gently.
He took a moment to think about that, “…I do, I am grateful to have a job where our boss cares so much for us and I can provide for my family…”.
What an interesting man, Y/N thought to themselves as most would not go into such care when talking to stranger about their job.
They would continue their conversation until it was almost time for them to arrive at the station.
“…say, Y/N, if you feel comfortable, maybe we could go sightseeing together and then grab some lunch…my train back is not too late just in time to pick up my sisters from school”.
Y/N smiled and nodded, “…I’d like that a lot”.
Misasa smiled and nodded, of course he managed to get their number at the end of the day so that they could possibly go out on a date in the future.
Man I love Misasa so much! He’s so freaken cool!!!😍😍😍
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ts-sides-head-canon · 2 months
Hello, it is I! Back again with Sanders Sides headcannons. I think seeing as I've already explained Janus' parents in AU's Imma explain all the other sides AU parents as well, and I've decided to start with Logan's parents.
Le go!
Logan's parents surprise most people with the kind of people they are, mainly because they somehow managed to have a son who's all serious business when they're both somewhat goobers. I find this idea incredibly amusing. Anyone going to Logan's place for the first time thinking they're about to meet two people born incapable of silliness, only to meet Oliver and Mina.
Oliver, Logan's father, is a scientist in the field of ecological studies. He spends most of his time in the research centre looking at newly found species, mainly of bugs, and he's generally quite a fun guy. He cracks a lot of jokes, mainly word play, and all his coworkers also seem to be his friends. He frequently takes videos of his findings to show his family the cool things he's working on and even brings Logan to his research base sometimes. Father-son bonding time is mainly spent with different experiments or through role-playing, Oliver occasionally letting Logan join in on D&D campaigns he runs with his friends after work. He's also quite outwardly loving, always hugging his son and boasting about him almost every chance he gets. They're both like that, though.
Mina is the more outwardly professional of the two, though she's still a far cry from her son. She's an archaeologist and is often working in dig sites all over the country, yet she's still always home for dinner to ask her husband and son how their days went. She's more subtle than her husband in a lot of ways, more calm and quiet when compared to him, and she's more subtle with the ways she shows her love for Logan as well as how she brags about him. If Logan does something impressive, Oliver will start the conversation off with spouting about how his son is a genius, whereas Mina's the one who'll just talk about it when it comes up and just rests her hand on Logan's shoulder while she says how proud she is. Mina also involves her son a lot in her work, often taking pictures of cool finds, videos of especially important finds, and gaining them early entry to museums exhibits featuring her finds. She does, however, have a rather immature sense of humour, Logan was rather amused when Remus met her and thought he'd have to tone himself down only for a dick joke to slip past and her to start cackling. Mother-son time is generally casual chats about books their recommend each other or about history or philosophy. Mina is also the main one Logan will open up to emotionally, often gently coaxing her son into being open with her and being the one to explain any upset to Oliver. Oliver also helps, of course, but Mina is often the first to find out when Logan's not feeling great and generally provides the circumstances for both of them to comfort Logan.
Hope you like my versions of Logan's parents! (And that you don't mind the massive walls of text, info dumping be like that sometimes.) Hope you're doing great! Cya next info dump!
This is so cool! Love Logan's parents, Oliver and Mina are amazing
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festivalofthe12 · 3 months
No but it really is starting to settle on me just how much MORE popular Yuki/Kakeru is since the new anime came out.
Like: I recently regained access to my old livejournal from the late 00s!!!! And unfortunately I made that after the height of my Fruits Basket phase, but I still did make some mention of Yuki/Kakeru... And, well.
18) A pairing that is woefully unappreciated! YUKI/FRICKINGKAKERU. I swear, there's less than a PAGE of this on fanfic.net. Less than a PAGE. Geez, it's implied SO MUCH in so many scenes, even WITHOUT the whole 'I'll brake up with you' thing. Bloody fandom, don't appreciate good characters and pairings when they see them... (8/3/2008)
And as I implied in an earlier post, while I was trawling through the Ao3 tag (still on-going!!) I decided to give myself a blast from the past and re-read through the Yuki S. and Kakeru M. filter on ff.net, which I remember checking religiously. Today? Three pages.
Ao3 has 10 pages and 200 works!!!
And even then, like, lately I've been going through my old bookmarks (sadly I've only found one Yuki/Kakeru, which I'd already remembered anyway), with a current focus on Zuko/Aang. Well, even just by googling I can immediately summon up whole rec lists of livejournal snippets and fic memes and the like, so I was excited to see what I could dig out for Yukeru, since I certainly remember Fruits Basket having a big presence on that site!
Nothing. Literally, I haven't found anything yet. Save a livejournal comm with exactly three posts, long-dead.
Of course, it makes sense that the new anime brought in new fans: Kakeru famously never showed up in the old anime, so people would only have ever even met him if they read through to, what? Volume 8? Later? of the manga. And I do recall the fandom being far less... Yuki-positive, back then. Yuki/Kyou was a popular ship, of course, and Yuki/Haru was around, but those ships had Kyou and Haru fans behind them; you'd only ship Yukeru if you were really invested in Yuki himself.
But it's still just boggling me. I did find Yuki/Kakeru rec lists, but they're all from the last few years. They alone have as much fanfic as ff.net had of Yukeru total back in 2008, when Kakeru had surely existed for a good half a decade at least, even in English.
Is there something about the current fanfiction landscape that is far more amenable to Yuki/Kakeru? Probably, yeah, I think: it's a pairing very situated for queer coming-of-age found family type stories, which are much more popular now. (Not that they never existed before! But fandom was much less... consciously activist-y. Maybe I'm just betraying my age back then, but it was much more common to ship boys simply because they were ~smexy~ together, as I think I myself cringefully wrote about Yuki/Kyou in my very first livejournal post...)
And it's. Such a strange feeling. I remember when I realised that season 2 of the anime had come out, and on a whim deciding to check the Yuki/Kakeru fanfic tag on ao3. And I thought I found only a small number! And I read one, and went 'oh cool, my old ship has Plural New Works!' and moved on!!! I truly had no IDEA there were so MANY... or that they were so GOOD.
Yuki/Kakeru was one of the first ships I ever wrote. The fic was very long and I'm sure very bad, though unfortunately this is from the period of my writings lost to time, so I'll sadly never be able to check it out for my (current) self. I think it was the first lemon I ever wrote; on a Pirates of the Caribbean fic I exclaimed that this second lemon was much better than my first, and I have a sneaking suspicion Yuki/Kakeru is who my 14-or-so old self had written like that.
I made a friend on ff.net because they were one of the very few Yuki/Kakeru writers. I have a visceral memory of coming upon the 'I'll break up with you' scene while reading the manga at school during lunch, and how I immediately exclaimed it aloud in great excitement, startling a poor teacher who had been talking to one of my friends and no doubt knew me as being very quiet. I'm sure I must have drawn it in all sorts of little doodles; I saved a lot of my old high school arts, so maybe I should try going through those as well?
I don't know. I'm just feeling a great sense of awe, I guess, haha. That ship was *so important to me*, and it was *so hard* to find anyone else who felt as strongly as me! (My friends all liked Fruits Basket with me, of course, but we've always tended to have divergent ship tastes.) And right beneath my nose, it has had a renaissance! It sprouted and bloomed and then went dormant again while I twiddled my thumbs, vaguely promising myself that I'd get back to the new anime at some point or other!
God I just. REALLY wish I'd been paying attention while the anime was airing, hahaha. :') My inner child has been so thoroughly validated by this all, that this ship I cared so much about really IS as great and important and meaningful as I'd always thought it was! But how must it have been to be in the thick of it all, when the ship tags were thriving? When I could've seen the new viewer's reactions to famous scenes? When everyone else was thinking about Yukeru as much as I have been, this last month or so?
But I'm not only unhappy. i can't not be grateful that these people have come and made works which I can still now and enjoy, and that there are still certainly people around to like my silly little Yukeru posts and even maybe make new ones. Things are so much better now than they were back then.
It's just. Incredible. Why didn't any of this happen back then?! Why did this Understanding take so long to spread and percolate?!? I don't know. But I'm happy. My younger self... is so, so happy. :'DDD
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museum-spaces · 1 year
oh gang I have been over doing it lately.
Here's a list of everything I did since last Sunday [6 August 2023]
Sunday; get up, get shower, eat food, convince myself to go to Vancouver Pride. It's about an hour away via public transit. Met up with a new 'friend' [thank you grindr, just friends thanks gang] and went in. watched for 3 hours, then walked through the festival for a few hours. Get home before dark, but couldn't tell you when.
Monday; stat holiday, walk Ianto, sleep, walk Ianto, sleep
Tuesday; Walk Ianto at 6ish, back to work; work all day on projects and staff needs, at 4 have a 1 hour meeting with 3 other people, at 5 have a 1 hour meeting with the Boss Man, take Ianto to dog park, get home after 8pm
Wednesday; walk Ianto at 6ish, very similar to Tuesday with added 'oh shit one of our staff won't be available for 5 days he's supposed to work leaving it up to me, and one other staff because the other two staff have vacation time and won't be in Canada' stress. Take Ianto to the dog park, get home between 7 and 8.
Thursday;walk Ianto at 6ish, just me and my Second for most of the day at the museum, lots of uping and downing of stairs to take care of things.
Friday; walk Ianto at 6ish, get to work, work for 2 hours, get lift to Museum of Vancouver for professional development, be told lunch would happen there so I didn't bring anything... lunch does not happen. Learn about native plants, new methods of display, and some other very cool things. Get back to the Museum at 4, eat a frozen muffin, work for an hour before taking Ianto to the dog park, get home between 7 and 8pm.
Saturday; get up late, walk Ianto from about 7-8;30/9. get breakfast and plan on starting laundry. Fall asleep until 4;30 instead. wake up feeling SO ILL but Ianto needs to go outside. Decide to take my cane for the first time since moving. forget to bring my cane. find a stick that is about 2 inches too short. walk Ianto to a dog park [not our usual]. get asked if I am about to pass out by one of the humans there. wave her off and lean heavy on my stick. eventually sit my ass down on the ground. go home and sleep.
Sunday; get up and walk Ianto at 6ish. get home and realize I'm going to fall asleep again. Set my alarm because I need groceries and to do laundry. wake up and crawl back out of bed shortly after noon. sit on my couch and lose it because I know I will not be able to go shopping. Break down and order grocery delivery. Crawl into the shower and scrub off. have a nap. take Ianto out again. Get home at about 8, think about ordering delivery dinner. fall asleep instead.
Monday; wake up to the delivery app still open on my phone. walk Ianto, go to work, spend a few hours in the front of house, then a few hours in my office, then a few hours working with the treasurer.. yay training. take Ianto to the dog park but it's too hot for him to play, so go to the water instead. get home at about 6;30, before I let myself sit down I started my laundry, ordered dinner in, and hopped in the shower. By the time I got out of the shower dinner was ready [yay]. then grocery delivery got here. now siting on my couch zoning out.
I am so tired yo. I did not leave out any showers or other chores. I have not done dishes. I have not swept. Not brushed or trained with Ianto.
Just work and sleep and 2 outings.
The next 2 weeks are going to be a nightmare because of staffing fuckery. fuck fuck fuck.
I need to remember I am actually disabled and although I have much more energy than I did before, I also have much longer working hours/requirements.
I think part of the hard part is that I genuinely enjoy the work. And the activities. After the first 3 hours at pride I knew I'd struggle on monday but I was having such a euphoric time that I couldn't leave. Like, at Camel Town I was always a little bit annoyed by the situation. At the hotel I was just there to pay rent... and I failed at that. But I really really like this place, gang.
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In Pokémon Violet, I finally made my way to the next signpost. And even though it took a day to get there, Kieran still showed up last.
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More lore was shed on the legends of this country before Kieran gushed about how cool Ogrepon was.
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Whatever Ogrepon is, I feel like I can really relate to it.
I thought we'd go to the last signpost. But I agreed to go with Kieran to check out Ogrepon's den. A task that proved difficult after I found out I had to climb a mountain.
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Thankfully, it only took me a few hours to get there. Kieran suggested a battle would be just the thing to make Ogrepon appear. So, I was forced into a match against him.
To be fair, it wasn't THAT big a deal. He'd be even more shocked if I made Pikachu use Volt Tackle instead.
Even after all that, Ogrepon was nowhere to be found. But I did like this one comment from Kieran:
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I wonder if people can use these new Pokémon in tournaments...
I thought we would've backtracked to the last signpost, but Kieran suddenly noticed that time existed and decided to save it for the day after the festival.
While on my way to his house, I went back to finding an Itemfinder Mark for Braixen.
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Couldn't they have bothered to give this item any other name than THAT?
I have a good design for the Dreams page on my website. I just have to draw it on paper and digitize it. But before I can get to that, I should finish those other art pieces.
My time with Pokémon Violet was a little short. Probably due to me finishing some work for school. While traveling back to Moussi Town, I met this man in a strange mask.
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Apparently, he's part of a clan of Trainers. He was a lot tougher than I thought he'd be. It isn't an exaggeration when I say that he gave me more of a challenge than any of the Gym Leaders in Paldea.
I guess I should find the other Ogre Clan members to get a cool item.
After the battle, I set up the picnic site so me and my Pokémon could eat a sandwich. While at it, I set up the new chairs I received a few days ago. Let's just say I was less than impressed with the design of the Monstrous Chairs.
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So I set up some Academy Chairs instead.
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horizonspurple · 1 year
*excitedly waves at you*
Some things I say definitelly sound badass as well🤭but I'm really not hihi.
Also yes! The Neatherlands are way too overpopulated hehehe, one of the only things I'm not a fan of. So if I just go over there to be a tourist Amsterdam definitelly wouldn't be the main focus.
Some words just sound so awkward or out of place I guess. I would burst into laughter with some kinky words in my native language🤭but I'm also not the biggest fan of mixing English and my native language since it's a slavic language and they just sound very different. I will definitelly be sticking to English with kink🤭English is cool because it has a huge vocabulary so there are a lot of words to choose from.
I've seen Lucifer one time, and now I watch some episodes from time to time. It was one of the series I've watched during the quarantine times so it has a special place in my heart. Lucifer is so cool as a character, honestly morally gray characters are so interesting. And I also absolutelly adore Trixie.
My question this time is how did you get into kink?
And also☺️I had a dream about you. I dreamt that I woke up and you messaged me a dm saying that maybe we should stop chatting like this. I promise I'm not obsessed, but I may have a tiny lil crush👉👈 🙊
Hope you have a nice dayy
-your sleepy anon
*excitedly waves back* xD
Fake it till you make it right 🤭 atleast that's what I always tell myself
I get that! There's plenty of other cities to go to And Dutch people usually speak English very well, so that wouldn't be an issue, unless you go to like a tiny farmers village xD
Yepp very relatable haha Mmm yeah I can imagine, those are indeed very different, I can get why mixing wouldn't always be nice Just do whatever you feel like! English is definitley a very suitable language to use for naughty talk hihi
Nicee Ohh that's relatable, I watched and rewatched Sex Education during quarantine and feel like that just hit different Lucifer is very cool yeah and I liked how unpredictable he is as a character xD, and yeah morally grey characters are definitely interesting and Lucifer is for sure a morally grey character 😂 Trixie is a cutiee, although I did start to like her more towards the end of the series
Ohh good one! There wasn't one clear thing that got me into kink tbh When I was around 15/16 I started getting more thoughts and fantasies about rougher sex, bondage, spanking etc but I always thought it was just fantasies and not something I would actually like (boy was I wrong xD) I also got my first boyfriend around that time and he was also a bit kinky so we did some veryyyyy light experimenting, which I did like but turned out he was not a safe person After that I kind of dropped it for a while, until about two years ago when I just really started to want to explore this side of myself I did have another bf in the meantime and we tried exploring but our kinks were a little different I learned about fetlife and made an account, met @lord-of-dice-and-kinks there and after a year of being on that site we decided to meet up and see if we could have kinky fun together And the rest is history 😇 So sir is my actual first proper introduction to kink
How about you? If you don't want to share that is fine too no worries :)
Ahww I'm flattered! 🥺☺ Know that my DM's are open, you can send me a message there if you'd like, but also if you don't want that you can just stay my sleepy anon! I'm having fun talking to you regardless :)
I hope you're doing well and catching lots of cute pokemon! ☺
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pcttrailsidereader · 1 year
Excerpt from 'Walking Home'
I happened to meet Rick Rogers and one of his hiking partners in 2018 near Dove Springs in southern California. My friend Billie Robinson and I were headed toward Walker Pass. We had set up camp near an abandoned mine site when Rick and Cool Breeze passed by. Turned out Rick was from the same county Billie and I are in northwest Washington. That was a fun coincidence. Fast forward to 2023. A friend shared a book about someone's PCT experience entitled 'Walking Home'. As I began reading I noticed that there was something familiar about the author. Reading further I was sure I had met Rick. I looked back at my journal from the section where I had met the fellow from Conway and sure enough, there he and Cool Breeze were. I was intrigued and finally got in contact with Rick after meeting him several years ago.
Most hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail take zero days in towns every week or so to resupply, wolf down some easy calories, and just plain laze about to let their bodies recuperate and recharge.
Moving through nature at foot speed mile after mile creates its own reality, and it’s easy to feel more at home there than in any other.  Zeroing in town, everything looks artificial, or alien, with people and machines doing unnatural and incomprehensible things.  It can be disorienting for some and their thoughts and behavior can be affected.  And some hikers, especially those fragile of mind, should just never zero, even when they resupply.  Stopping can be just too weird for them… ]
Zero Days In Oregon
I had to stay put and kill a couple days in Medford while I waited for my lightweight tent and sleeping bag that my wife had mailed. I would be relieving my backpack of the heavy tent and sleeping bag that I had carried the 800 miles I’d walked since she had mailed them to me in Chester.  Also going was the bear can I’d carried through 450 miles of it.  From here north, fully half the weight I carried on my back would be gone.
I’d rented Medford’s best thirty-dollar-a-night hotel room.  After a look inside, I decided to splurge for an extra amenity, so went to a nearby hardware store and spent another four dollars on some painter’s plastic to drape over the bed.  I put my sleeping bag on it and sat down.  A small TV was perched atop a dented microwave that in turn sat on a cigarette-burned corner stand next to the window.  A cheerful TV newswoman was cautioning her viewers to stay indoors, as breathing the wildfire smoke outside was a serious health risk. I sat on my sleeping bag and plastic drop cloth, and contemplated the newswoman’s warning, while simultaneously trying to discern the origins of the stains on the walls of my room.  As a civilized person of discernment, I realized that all risks are relative, actually.  I went outside for a walk.
The next two days, while I waited for the mail to bring my lightweight gear (and for the antibiotics to calm my bladder down), I made little adventure walks around town.  The built environment, as much as could be seen in the smoke haze anyway, seemed grimier, and somehow deficient compared to the trail’s scenery.  The geometry of the sidewalks and walls was simpler, more planar, and lacked the curves and fractals that my eyes had grown accustomed to seeing.  Their colors too, especially in the smoke haze, were less interesting.
Still, there were some landmarks of interest.  Shopping Cart Island was among my favorites. There was a bike path along the creek and greenway that formed a sort of border zone between a shopping mall on the one side, and an industrial park on the other.  A bridge connected the two, and it had a wide sidewalk bordered by a low guard rail. It was easy to lean over to watch spittle slurp down to the creek. 
Apparently, the homeless people that lived in the thickets beside the bike path in the greenway took shopping carts from the mall’s parking lot and brought them back with them.  It would have been rude to leave their shopping carts on the bike path in front of their camps in the thickets, so instead they thoughtfully threw them off the bridge and into the creek below. 
The shopping carts had strained plastic bags and odd articles of clothing from the creek, and these partially submerged accretions were covered all over with scum and algae.  They had made a sizable island in the creek’s sluggish current, and the disturbance spawned semi-predictable patterns of spinning little whorls.  Dropping a globule of spittle into one of these took real perseverance.
That night, I had a phone conversation with Monica. Back home, she was having some trouble with subcontractors, and at one point told me that she wished I was there. I did too. There, on the painter’s plastic alone in my creepy hotel room the Trail adventure wasn't much fun, and it was difficult to see what novelties I had to look forward to.  I’d walked nearly fifteen hundred miles already, and I was pretty sure I’d gotten the hang of it by then.
“Look, I have a rental car,” I said.  “I could be home tomorrow and just put an end to this now.”
“Well, I just sent your stuff in the mail,” Monica said.
“I’ll just call them and have them send it back.”
“No, you can't do that.”
“Sure I can.  Easy-peasy.”
“No, I mean you can’t quit.  What would you tell your son if you just quit halfway through?”
“Halfway through?  I’ve walked the whole length of California.”
“Your goal was to complete the PCT,” Monica reminded me.  “California is only two-thirds of it. If you quit now, you'll have a hard time explaining it to Matthew.  Besides, he’s looking forward to finishing the trail with you when you get to Washington.”
“Not to mention that you will regret it as soon as you get here, and you would continue to regret it for the rest of your life if you come home now.”
I held the phone but didn’t talk into it.  Monica doesn’t enjoy silence, and neither can she abide indecision.
“I don't want you coming home any other way than by walking.  Don't come home,” she said. “I don't want you here.”
My next room, in Cascade Locks, had a number of things that the Medford room hadn’t, like a door for the bathroom for instance.  But it lacked those special features of interest that can make a stay so memorable.  Missing was the Rorschach mold pattern in the shower stall, and the cigarette burns on the bedside table.  And the light switches and the doorknobs didn’t have those layers of grime accreted to them that leave your hands feeling conveniently greasy and moisturized after you’ve touched them.
It had a nice view though, across the street towards the post office, with the Columbia River as backdrop.  There’s not a lot of land between the single row of buildings fronting the main street and the river behind them, but there is some, and most of that the PCT hikers have claimed for free camping.  They’ve named it, actually, calling it Shrek’s Swamp.
There was a great old-fashioned place for ice cream near the post office, and while I was there nursing a root beer float, I watched a guy wearing an oversized white button-down cotton shirt and a denim kilt walk into town.  He had a large leather sling bag on his back, carried with a single strap of macrameed jute rope worn across his body.  He was balding, had a scruffy red beard and freckles, and looked to be on the verge of an unpleasant sunburn.
Lately, I had seen a lot of people that had spent a lot of time outside, and he was a guy that looked as though he’d spent a lot of time outside.  He wasn’t a through-hiker, though.  His sling bag and strap were more suited for thumbing rides than for carrying gear over long distances, and he wore woolen socks in sandals.  His clothes showed wear, but somehow, subtly, not in the same places as hikers’ clothing.   
He was looking down as he walked, and it looked to me like the freckles on the top of his head were larger than the ones on his face. This didn’t make sense, because over time I thought, the skin on his face should have stretched more than the skin on his skull, so that his face freckles would have been bigger than his scalp ones.  I decided that I must have misjudged them at first glance. 
But as he came abreast of me, and I was making more careful observations, he must have felt my eyeballs on him because he stopped briefly to shake off my gaze with a quick stare-down and a curt nod.  I nodded back to acknowledge that I would return to minding my own business and let him see my eyes slide off of him and back down to the root beer float in my hand.
I went back to my room, stripped down, and put on my rain gear.  Everything else, I took to the hotel’s coin-op laundry.  I went back to my room again to wait, but with nothing on underneath, rain gear gets sticky and uncomfortable.  I took it off, so was sitting on the bed naked when I heard a ruckus outside.
I stuck my head out the window and heard shouting.  “Hey, this is for PCT hikers only.  You’re no hiker.” 
Then another voice, “Yeah.  This isn’t a homeless camp, so beat it, Scuzzy.”
I saw the denim kilt guy come back out onto the street from between two buildings.  Apparently, he’d tried stopping to rest in that area the PCT’ers used for free camping, Shrek’s Swamp, and some of them didn’t like it.  They were chasing him off with hurled threats and insults.
Even though he was already retreating, the first voice yelled again, louder, “And don’t come back again either, loser!”
That didn’t seem fair to me.  I mean, they didn’t own the place, and they weren’t paying anything to camp there either.  Maybe the guy was dressed a little funny, and maybe was homeless even, but really- his situation wasn’t all that different, materially, from the lifestyle we through-hikers had been living since spring.  Those guys needed some perspective, needed to look within themselves to find some tolerance and understanding.  I decided to illuminate them.
“Hey!  You’re all a bunch of losers!” I yelled towards the Swamp.
“What?  Who said that?”
I leaned farther out the window.  “I did,” I yelled back.  “You’re all a bunch of squatters, a bunch of freeloaders, a bunch of dirt-bagging, monkey-butts.”
“Oh yeah?  Why don’t you come down here and say that?”
“I would, but I don’t have any clothes on!”
“You what?”
“Yeah, you heard me.  You’re all dirt bag camping for free, and I have a hotel room.  I paid for it, and I have a TV in here.”
“So?”  The voice I was anonymously yelling at didn’t seem all that impressed, and I realized that paying for a TV wasn’t something that necessarily inflicts a through-hiker with jealousy.  If I wanted a shot to land, I’d need to communicate something that would.
“AND, I have a bathroom door!” I added.  “And YOU DON’T!!”  I pulled my head back inside and closed the window, confident that my point had been made, and sat on the bed again naked and alone, and watched the little television in the little room that I had paid for. 
But it was golf, and it was boring.
To read Rick's book 'Walking Home' follow this link:
Walking Home; Common Sense and Other Misadventures on the Pacific Crest Trail  by Rick Rogers
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A Zero in Tehachapi
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I'm struggling more than I'd like to admit with the Death of Twitter, because I have a decent following and can pretty reliably turn to it as a dopamine button (make joke -> get likes and RTs -> good feeling! -> rinse and repeat).
BUT my twitter account is under my real name, and while that's been extremely useful for professional reasons, I've come to believe that part of the reason the internet sucks now is because we started using our wallet names. Now if somebody decides they're angry at you on twitter or facebook they can look you up and figure out where you live, where you work, who your family is, and if they decide they're really really angry they can threaten your safety! Not great! So going forward I don't want to make any more internet accounts under my real name. Pseudonyms from here on out.
And that means absolutely starting from scratch on my following. Which is such a bummer! I make a post on mastodon and I get nothing! Where is my dopamine!!!! Tumblr's been helpful, because after a year-ish back on here I have a few dozen followers and I don't feel like I'm shouting into the void so much. But I'm definitely mourning the end of...of whatever the fuck it is I have on twitter. I've met really cool people, I've gotten good professional advice, I've been solicited to apply for jobs! And that's probably never going to happen again. It's a garbage site that was always full of nazis, but there were some good times on there, and I'm sad about losing it.
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mellow-worlds · 1 year
I actually was able to cheer up significantly before meeting with my friends and I ended up feeling pretty good. Before they arrived, I met two other people from my school and it was pretty funny. I'm glad I met them.
We didn't jam all that much. We played through under pressure once and otherwise didn't really play together. I started learning how to play bass, though! That was so cool! Honestly... I did really enjoy that. I'm thinking of trying to play on it a little more and maybe it's something I could enjoy! Either way, we spent most of the time doing bootleg karaoke (though I barely sang) and it was fun!
After jamming, one of the friends insisted on going on a hike across basically the entire city until we got home. We tried to climb a construction site but then a suspicious car showed up so we hurried down again. We didn't get very far with the hike because we kept taking detours and decided to stop and sleep in a parc on the ground. It was pretty funny, a guy came by to check the trash cans and we were scared he'd come inspect us as well. We didn't sleep a lot and it felt like it was -16 degrees because of the wet ground. We got breakfast and my friend went all the way to my house to go to the toilet despite then having to go back the entire way.
Fitting in during the jam sessions was a little awkward at times, the two friends have known each other for centuries and I'm pretty new in the group and basically didn't know one of them at all. Also, both of them are very good at music and I'm very bad lmao. Yeah... Though they were very including and I appreciate that. And, as you know, one of them decided to... well, Idk what to call it, but yk. Walk through the city for a long time and sleep in a parc with me. I'm glad it all went down like this! I'm currently hom and tonight we'll celebrate the end of highschool a little more and even play billiard. I really appreciate my friends! Even though I'm doomed to always be the socially awkward one...
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lilaconion · 1 year
The Future for a Jedi and a Clone
Part 2 to The Jedi of Pabu
It'd been two years since you'd let Hunter take you on a date. This truly was your happy ever after. You'd fought in the war, stayed dedicated to the Jedi order and survived the death of your people. This was your reward. Every morning you got to wake up to your husband who you'd only been married to for 3 months. Though, you'd been sharing a bed for much longer than 3 months. In a way, it was a benefit of the Jedi all dying, that you were now free to marry. Sometimes optimism wasn't always particularly appropriate, especially when talking about the order.
Like most days, you trained your padawans. Avix had made much progress in the past 2 years. It'd been aided by the discovery of an ancient holy site. It wasn't Jedi and was nowhere near as complex as the ancient temples, but it had a strong connection to the force. Although he hadn't passed the proper Jedi trials, he'd faced himself in those cave walls and you had decided to consider him a full knight. It was mostly because you now had a whole clan of younglings at an age where they needed to be taken on as padawans. You'd taken on 3 as your own and two were being trained by your former padawan.
The two remaining younglings went to school full time with the others but you pulled your padawans out. On days you taught at the school, you'd set tasks and missions for your group to complete. You were only 22 at this point and were already on your second, third and fourth padawans. Hunter certainly helped with the stress that came. He and Omega had moved in to your home permanently about 7 months after you met them. The human girl was so excited to share a room with her mirialan friend, Hetty.
Currently, you were having Hetty, Rena and Cain spar. Winner stays on. The one with the most wins got to have the comfy chair at dinner time. It was silly, but Rena and Cain didn't need much motivation to fight and Hetty enjoyed how cool she looked. You were watching them as you felt Hunter trying to silently sneak up on you. Sometimes he was successful, but most times you could feel him coming. Still, you let him come to you and wrap his arms around your waist. He brought his chin to your shoulder, as he always did, and kissed your cheek.
You hummed happily and turned in his hold. "What's a handsome man like you doing in a place like this?" He may've been your husband but you couldn't help but flirt with him still. You draped your arms around his neck and couldn't help but grin up at him. Growing up a Jedi, you never thought you'd get to have this kind of a future. Yet, here you were. In his arms, with him looking down at you as if you were the only thing that mattered to him in the galaxy. "I wanted to see my beautiful wife." He brought a finger to your cheek and brushed it so lightly that you could hardly feel anything outside of the slight movement of the tiny hairs on your cheek. You leaned your head so that your cheek smushed against his fingers and he chuckled a little. "My beautiful, needy wife." A word he'd used to describe you before, though rarely around others. Before you could think to retaliate, he left a soft kiss against your lips. It was short and sweet.
"Rena." You warned. You didn't have to turn your back to know someone was doing something but you were too caught up in Hunter in that moment.
"I didn't even do anything." The human girl protested.
"Sorry. Force of habit. Hetty, behave!" Cain started laughing at Rena and in return she yanked at the kiffar boy's hair. Hetty continued to make noises of disgust and kept pretending to vomit. You sighed and let go of Hunter as you turned to face them. "If you three keep this up, then nobody's going to get the comfy chair." They quickly stopped and apologised not forgetting to call you Master. You sent them off to eat and take a break and then you felt Hunter return to holding you. "I can't wait for us to have one of our own." He started to leave a small cluster of kisses on your shoulder as his chest left your back a little. You'd been trying to plan something a little special but the force was on your side. Now was the perfect opportunity. "Not even 48 weeks?"
"I thought pregnancy lasted 56 weeks." He said, with a bit of suspicion slipping into his voice. He wasn't wrong, though the first 3 weeks were before conception even happened. "It does." You couldn't help being a little smug as you felt him come to the realisation of what you meant. You turned again so that you were facing him for when he realised. "You mean?" You could see him trying to keep his excitement at bay until you confirmed it. Which you did with an excited nod. He grabbed you by the hips and spun you around as you clung around his neck. "We're having a baby." He announced to you with a smile that could outshine the brightest star. You could always count on him to have the best reactions to news. Especially news that you'd come together to make a tiny human. You hadn't expected the reaction to continue to him putting you down, kissing your unchanged stomach and mumbling something against it. "Y'know, baby can't hear you yet." You teased the man on one knee before you. Just like when he'd proposed to you. He looked up at you and shook his head a little. He was still smiling. "She can hear her daddy just fine." He left another kiss before standing back up and giving you another one on the lips. "Now, let's get you some food, ner mesh'la riduur." He took your hand and lead you back to the house. He hadn't been the best cook when you met but he quickly learnt and became a domestic god in no time. Taking care of a home and children suited him very well.
He started making you a plate of food and tried to give you an even bigger portion than normal. "Hunter. I can't eat that much." You whined but he still set the plate down in front of you and but his hands on his hips. "Half of it's for our ad'ika."
"Our ad'ika is smaller than my kyber crystal." You sighed, knowing you wouldn't win. You'd handled a group of rowdy younglings but he'd been the one in charge of his brothers. He had a lot more experience at this than you did. "Exactly, how's she going to become a powerful Jedi like her mummy if we don't feed her?" You didn't finish your plate and Hunter didn't insist on it. Instead he sat next to you and held you into him as you ate. You felt him rub a thumb over your belly as he mumbled to himself. "Ner aliit."
When you asked him later what it meant, he said aliit meant family. Something you were now expanding together.
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
The Pros and Cons of Buses
Hey everyone! I’m back with another recap of this past week :) 
This past week was Spring Break, and so many people from Michigan visited their friends in Spain. I went out Monday night with my friends as we knew this was the case, and it almost felt as if I was back in Ann Arbor. I saw so many familiar faces and it was honestly such a great time. I had quite a few friends visiting Madrid, so I had the opportunity to grab a lot of dinners with friends who were visiting. 
Later in the week, I decided to do a little solo-exploring day within Madrid. I had recently heard about some almond blossoms in a park in Madrid, so after some research I ventured off to Parque la Quinta de los Molinos. It actually turned out to be a pretty chilly day, so I bundled up and then took the metro for about 30 minutes before arriving at the park. The entire area was filled with beautiful almond blossoms, and it started to really feel like Spring. I was able to wander around the park for about an hour and take in all the beautiful sights.
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After my solo day, it was time to set off for another weekend trip with friends! This past weekend I was able to visit the region known as Andalucía, which is in the South of Spain. This trip was a bit last minute for me, so I wanted to save as much money as possible, so for the majority of this trip I traveled by bus instead of train. This was a very interesting experience, so I’ve decided to lay out some pros and cons:
Super cheap/affordable
Not your average bus; similar to a charter bus
Available to so many locations 
Flexible travel times
Takes the longest
Seats can get cramped 
On Friday night, I took an overnight bus to Malaga from Madrid. This was super convenient for me, as I was able to leave Madrid late Friday night, and arrive in Malaga Saturday morning. My bus was also very cheap, coming out to only €18. My only issue was that the ride was 7 hours, which feels extra long when you’re cramped into a bus seat. Saturday morning I arrived in Malaga and met my friends, who had been there since Friday morning. We dropped our stuff at our airbnb and then grabbed some yummy pastries from a local bakery. Then, it was time to hop on another bus! We actually took a €6 bus from Malaga to Nerja, a town about an hour away located on the coast. This by far has been my favorite place in Spain that I’ve visited so far. It was a beautiful day out, and we took this opportunity to go down by the water and walk along the beaches and pathways. Nerja was full of flowers and local shops, and we grabbed some lunch near the water. We then were able to make our way to a lookout point and enjoy the sunshine and the water. 
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Nerja is relatively small, so we took the second half of the day to visit another town: Frigiliana! This was a 15 minute taxi ride inland from Nerja, and so worth it. I felt as if I had been transported from Spain to Greece, as Frigiliana was full of white buildings with colorful doors and flowers. It’s sandwiched in a valley so we had beautiful views of some mountains, and even were able to climb to a lookout point to take in the city. 
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On our way back down, we actually stumbled right into Frigiliana’s Carnival parade! We had no idea this was going to happen, but it was so fun watching the parade and having this experience in a small town. 
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We then traveled back to Nerja and caught the bus to Malaga. After grabbing some dinner in Malaga we retired back to our airbnb as we had a train ride to Granada the next morning! 
On Sunday, we woke up early and took a train to Granada for the second half of our trip! My roommate back in Madrid is actually from Granada, so she came with us and actually hosted me for the weekend. She gave us a little walking tour of Granada where we saw some cool sights and grabbed breakfast. 
After this, we went to the Alhambra, which Granada is known for. The Alhambra is a palace/fortress that is one of the best preserved sites of Islamic Architecture. Everyone that I’ve talked to about Granada has said that this is a must-see, and I would have to agree. We arrived there around 2:30pm, and did not leave until 6pm, as there was so much to see and do. We toured the Nasrid Palaces, which were absolutely stunning. The Islamic Architecture was so different compared to other palaces I have seen in Spain so far, and we all found it so beautiful and interesting. We also walked through multiple gardens, and climbed some towers that overlooked all of Granada. 
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After this, we met up with some of my roommates' hometown friends from Granada, and they took us to their favorite local Andalucían restaurant. This was the BEST food I have had in all of Spain so far. The menu was simple and we let them tell us what dishes were best. We all ended up getting Sangrias (which came with huge chunks of fruit) and ordered our dishes: pollo con salsa (chicken with sauce), carne con salsa (meat with sauce), and then meatballs and a salad with octopus. I’m actually so sad that the dishes had such simple names, as I wanted to find similar foods back here in Madrid. But I truly don’t think this meal could ever be replicated, even the girls said it was the best the food has ever tasted from that restaurant. 
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On Monday, we took advantage of our last few hours and climbed up to a looking spot in Granada. We did so by going through the Arabic neighborhood, and then on our way down went through the Gypsy neighborhood, where all of the buildings are built into the side of the mountain. The views were spectacular, and it was a great way to end our weekend! 
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We then took a bus back to Madrid, and now it's back to school for just a few days before my parents visit me this weekend! Check back in next week to see what we end up doing :)
Abbey Almeda
Industrial and Operations Engineering
UP Comillas
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missingyou77 · 2 years
12/10 11:52PM
today was very weird for me. i mean i get manic often but not like this. my eyes have never been so dilated from being manic. but when im manic i always try to take advantage of it and do what ive been putting off. i was on my phone til around 2am, then i started manic cleaning my room til 9am. my room wasnt very messy to begin with, but with my autism, cleaning is SO overwhelming. it could be the easiest job for someone to do but just the site of my messy room and knowing i was going to try to clean it would put me on the verge of tears. ffs i paced around my room for a good 5 minutes with a shoe almost crying not knowing where to put it. i tried on almost every article of clothing i own while cleaning my room, and i had to just try everything i found in my room. such as perfume, makeup, video games i lost, whatever. it took me hours to clean because my brain is so stupid. 
my mom called me and told me she had forgotten her vape at her house before leaving for work so she asked if i could bring it to her and she would give me some gas money. so i did that and my dad had also given me some money so i bought gas and a hair straightener, i cut my bangs yesterday so i need to straighten them to look good. on my way home from that i got that god complex and decided im over my ex.
my friend picked me up and i went out of town with her, her friend, and 2 of our guy friends. we went to the hotsprings and it was amazing. it was snowing but we were warm. i live in a v small town so theres no fast food so we also got some mcdonalds. her friend was very nice, she sat next to me the whole way i mean there was 5 of us in that tiny car so there wasnt much room but we were talking the whole way and shes rlly cool. 
then i got home and ate dinner with my family and my sister and her boyfriend came over so that was nice. 
my dad bought a fake christmas tree this year, its white and it has lights attached to it so i set that up on the table. its a small one. we have to have it up because we have 8 wiener dogs who r very annoying and they like to ruin everything. theyre so cute so its fine but jfc.
this time of year is sad for me, just like a lot of people. but its hard for me because i feel like nothing will ever be the same. im not wrong there, i mean last year i was probably wrapped up with my ex in his bed and feeling complete bliss. but now i am in my bed, writing about my day on tumblr. oh how the tables turn. nor will anyone read this im sure. this is mainly for me tbh, but it would be cool if someone gaf enough to read this shit. not like my lift is crazy, im just a alcoholic teenager going through a breakup. boohoo. 
now i am on the phone with this boy. hes nice, i met him back in 2020 but we stopped talking for a while. last night while we were on call, i asked if we could play fortnite but i said it in some sort of pouty voice so he said “heh. youre cute”. does that mean he likes me? i mean i cant get in a relationship or anything. i need to work  on myself or smth but i used to like him a lot and i like him now too. its just different now because of my trauma and im scared. but he is really nice. 
anyways if u read this far, i love you. 
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rottenshroom · 3 years
stockroom syndrome | d. kaminari
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pairing: denki kaminari x f!reader
warnings: quirkless au, jealous denki, unsafe sex, obvious power imbalance, semi public sex, male masturbation, switch!denki, switch!reader, enthusiastic consent, semi sleazy denki, hint of a breeding kink, creampie
words: 3.7k
a/n: this is my first time writing smut after procrastinating it for the last two weeks. please, i hope you enjoy! please keep in mind this fic isn’t beta’d either. thanks!
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The way your manager looks at you is a human resource nightmare. He licks his lips – eyes boring into yours – like he’d devour you if given the chance. He has a wicked smile paired with honeyed eyes.
You started at the alternative retail chain several months ago – after finding out the Pretzel kiosk you were working at would be leaving the mall. But you liked working at the mall, spending your breaks with a banana smoothie on the bench in front of some big name lingerie store – the perfect place to watch people.
So, you decided to stay. There were plenty of places to work here, surely you could find another job.
In the days leading up to your last shift, you spent your lunch break as you usually did. Sipping on your smoothie, your eyes casually drifted between passing faces.
The passersby never really stood out to you, though some did. You created stories for them in your head as you observed them, until they were finally obstructed from view and never to be seen again.
On that day, a head of wild blonde hair is what gains your attention. Your eyes follow him as he struts past, playing something obnoxiously loud through his head phones. He turns left and disappears into an alternative mall store. He’s cute, you think. He has these pretty golden eyes and walked by you with such a goofy grin on his face that you wanted to see more of. He was awfully tall too, thin but clearly toned. His lanky stature caught your eye instantly.
With the remainder of your break, you apply for a position at the store on your phone through their site. If most patrons were as cute as him, maybe you wouldn’t mind working retail.
Shortly thereafter, you were hired as a sales floor associate and quickly learned that the cute blonde you had seen just two weeks earlier was not a customer of the establishment, but in fact, your manager.
From the moment you met Denki Kaminari, you were spellbound.
It was something about his mesmerizing gaze, you were sure, that had you practically foaming at the mouth. When his eyes met yours, it was like they had captured them. More often than not, however, the spell was broken with an awkwardly-forced cough of your favorite coworker, Mina.
“Oh my God, Y/N!” She squeaked one evening when closing together, “Just flirt with him a little. He obviously has a thing for you.”
You flicked through the clothing on the rack in front of you, spacing the hangers out evenly with your fingers. You scrunched your nose up in disagreement.
“I dunno – you think so?”
“I know so.”
Denki spent the night tossing and turning - images flipping through his head of the cute little new employee at work. He huffed out, finally going still once he’s flat on his back. His hands creep down his chest, ghosting over his stomach. The light touches cause a trail of chills to follow in their wake. His left hand reaches the waistband of his boxers, unable to get the pictures of you to subside.
Ever since he saw you – something in him just got excited. You were like a bolt of electricity charging through him.
His right hand slips into his underwear, cool hand gripping the base of his hardening cock. He hissed at the contact, which feel so foreign to his warm dick. He spits on his left hand, bringing it to the tip of his dick so it can drip down the shaft.
He thinks about how pretty you looked today, in a little black dress and high top sneakers. You’re just his type, he thought, the kind he wants to eat alive – the ones that look at him with such sweet doe eyes. He wants to ruin you, mark you with his teeth and paint your chest with his cum.
He groans, tugging harder at his dick at the thought. The slick sounds of the precum that coats his head and spit fills the rooms. He sounds desperate, bucking his hips into the palm of his hand for more friction. He fucks his fist like it’s your pussy.
Within minutes, he’s coming undone at the thought of you. He moans, coming in his boxers and all over his fist – which he still has wrapped tightly around his dick, reveling in the stimulation it provided as he finished. Breathing heavily, he peeled the soiled garment off, too lazy to get up and put in another pair. He wiped his hand off an a tissue he pulled from his nightstand. He rolls over and quickly drifts to sleep, the picture of your pretty face filling his mind.
A few days later, you’re at work.
“Hey, Y/N. Can I talk to you in the back for a minute?” Your boss, Denki, asks on a particularly slow Tuesday evening.
“Uh, sure.” You say, looking up from the table of clothes you were folding. You’d be closing soon and wanted to get the bulk of the workload out of the way.
The only other person in the store was Mina, you couldn’t help but notice the looks she gave you from several shelves over. Your cheeks burned under her gaze.
You followed him into the back, admiring the way his jeans clung to his long legs. You don’t notice you’re standing in the far corner of the stockroom until you stop.
“You wanted to talk to me, Denki?” You gulp. You look at your surroundings, unsure of what he would want from you here of all places. In the quiet of the dark room, your heart pounds so loud you can faintly hear it.
“I didn’t like the way those guys were looking at you.” He says, facing you. He folds his arms over his chest.
“Excuse me?”
“From yesterday.” He says it like it’s obvious.
You can vaguely remember a group of college-aged guys coming by the shop – competition in Denki’s eyes.
You’re reloading the register with receipt paper when a group of college aged kids walk in, “Welcome! How are ya?”
You and Mina chime at once, eliciting a laugh from the group. The tallest steps forward, “did you two rehearse that?”
You flush under his intense stare. He spares Mina a glance before averting his attention back to you. He raises his eyes, expectant.
“Let me ask you a question, cutie.” He says to you, stepping closer to the register. Your mouth stretches into a wide grin – a retail worker’s best defense tactic.
“How can I help ya?” You ask.
You didn’t realize that Denki had been watching the entire interaction. You weren’t flirting with those guys, you were working.
“Oh my God, Denki! I don’t even know those guys!”
“That makes it even worse!” He groans, hand running over his features like the anger will leave his face with a quick swipe.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I like you! I thought it was fucking obvious! A-And I didn’t like seeing the way those guys were talking to you.” He’s vulnerable, so much so that his voice cracks when he speaks.
Something inside you starts to burn at the thought of him being so jealous. You smile, eyes glazing over with lust at his words. You give him the opportunity to tell you how he really feels.
“Okay? And what are you gonna do about it?” You challenge. There’s a sweet little smile on your face when you step close enough to have to look up at him.
He knows what you’re thinking. He wonders if you know what he’s thinking – how fucking lucky he is, that you’re just as forward as he is. He takes another step, so that your tits are barely grazing his torso. He hopes you’re as bold as he is when he says:
“Take your clothes off,” He smirks, “I’m gonna show you just who you belong to.”
A spark ignites inside you. You smile, swiping your tongue over your lips when his eyes finally meet yours. You pull your shirt off, letting it fall from your hands to the floor beneath you. You shimmy your pants down your hips next, letting them pool around your feet. You kick the clothes away and look at Denki, who’s peeling his own shirt off.
Your eyes drift down his bare chest and exposed torso. You imagine what the dips and ridges of his toned body would feel like on your tongue.
“I always thought you were pretty – but fuck,” Hey says when his eyes meet yours again. He cups your tits in the warm palms of his hands. Heat blooms from where he touches you.
“Show me how pretty you think I am.” You say, almost tauntingly. His eyes leave the sight of your bare chest and drift up to scan your face. He grins at the cocky look on your features and finds himself obliging.
His head dips down to close his lips around your left nipple. His mouth is so hot on the sensitive skin, you arch into him at the feeling. His tongue swirls the hard buds before pulling away with a pop. The sweet sensation stops as quickly as it starts and a low whine leaves your mouth.
“You gotta be quiet, baby,” His eyes flicker to yours. His golden eyes are glazed over with desire. He blows cool air onto the peak of your wet nipple, eliciting a squeak from you.
He smirks, “– Don’t want anyone to hear you.” And clamps a palm over your mouth. You take in a sharp breath at the sudden movement. His other hand is quick to cup the mound between your legs and deft fingers slide across your cotton panties. The pads of his fingers meet a wet spot in the fabric, soaked from your leaking hole.
His index finger experimentally circles the soiled material until he finds the bundle of nerves he’s looking for. He swipes his finger across your clit once – twice. He can feel the way your pussy twitches at his ministrations.
Your pathetic mewling sounds are muffled by his hand.
“Does that feel nice?” He asks slowly, like you’re stupid. You nod against him.
He pulls his hand from your face and slides it down your size, knuckles slowly grazing your skin. It’s all so hot, you think. His knuckles find your panties and slip under the waistline. His other hand joins him in pulling them down your legs.
His hand slithers back between your legs, fingers sliding through your slick folds. He pulls you close, lips seeking yours. He kisses you with desperation, hard and fast and in time with the speed at which he flicks your clit, sending waves of pleasure through you.
“Who does this pussy belong to?” He asks when he pulls away just enough for his lips to ghost yours.
“You.” You groan. That familiar feeling in your belly starts to grow, a searing blaze that spreads through you like wildfire.
“Say it. Tell me who this pussy belongs to.” He says again. His left hand strokes your face. Then his fingers are pinching your jaw until your lips are forced into an ‘o’ shape, “belongs a’you, s’all yours!”
His index finger rises to your lips in a shushing motion.
“I thought I told you,” He seethes through gritted teeth, “to shut up.”
“Make me!” You say in dispute. It’s so cliche, you think, as the sentence forms in your throat. But you want him to do more than rub your clit in the fucking stockroom and you know these words will provoke him.
He kisses you hard. You can feel the swelling in your pulsing lips as the pressure of his mouth on yours increases. He’s kissing you so hard you’re nearly seeing stars.
But you kiss back, with just as much force. You’re desperate to feel more of him on you. You’ve wanted this for so long, it feels like.
And he’s your boss, right? I mean, sure, you’re like the same age, and he probably only makes two dollars more than you an hour, but still.
There’s something so delicious about the forbidden fruit you’re biting into.
His fingers trail down your body until they’re cupping the fat on the underside of your thighs. He continues to hike your leg up and over his hip. The position let’s his hard dick feel the warmth of your throbbing cunt – just enough friction to send jolts of electricity shooting down your legs and zapping your toes.
You gasp at the feeling and he takes the opportunity to slide his hot tongue into your mouth, exploring you in every way he can. His hands are everywhere and he’s dragging your pussy so deliciously against the length of his cock. He’s so long, you can tell, and your eyes roll back at the idea of all that inside you.
You’re so wet, your bare cunt sliding across the front of his jeans. Your clit catches on the seam and sends a voltage of pleasure coursing through you. You throw your head back in immediate response. Your legs begin to feel weak as you drag your pussy against him. Despite the stimulation, you continue your movements, circling your hips to gain as much friction as possible.
“That feels good, baby?” He asks, cooing in your ear, “I love seeing you like this.”
You whimper at the softness of his praise, a stark contrast to the way you eagerly hump him.
“Just wanna make you feel good, Y/N.”
You don’t respond – you can’t. You’re so concentrated on your rapidly approaching orgasm, grinding against him with fervor. Chasing that delicious feeling, you don’t notice how he fumbles his belt. The cool metal buckle swipes down your stomach. A trail of chills forms in the wake of its path.
He lifts you off him by your waist. You nearly sob at the loss of pleasure. You were so damn close.
When you look at him, brows furrowed in discontent, he wants to laugh. You look so distraught, and it’s all because of him.
“Thought you’d wanna cum on my cock?” He says, prompting an answer from you.
Your face softens and you nod earnestly. This time, he does laugh.
He pushes his jeans and boxers down so that they pool at his knees. Your eyes fall between his legs. His cock springs free, angry pink tip slapping his stomach. He’s so pretty, you think. There’s a long vein forking down his long shaft.
He’s not too wide, but what he lacks in girth he makes up for in length.
He turns you around, until your chest is flush to the wall closest to you.
He grips the base of his cock, guiding the tip between your ass to slide into the tight heat of your cunt. When you feel the pressure of his mushroom head against your little hole, you push back on instinct. His dick pops through the first ring of muscle. You moan, driving your ass into his hips.
Another inch of his dick insides you, sliding against your gummy walls as they try to suck him in. He can’t help but rut into your hips a little more, slipping another inch inside. The pressure already feels so good, but as he inches his dick into your tight pussy, you think it gets even better.
“W-Wait,” You stammer and he freezes.
“Are you okay?” He says, voice rising an octave or two.
“No cameras in here?” You ask.
He shakes his head against your bare shoulder, burying his face into you.
“You checked?” You ask – fear taking over desire for a moment. Your voice hitches in your throat and Denki realizes quickly that he has to assure you. He likes to think it’s because you two just seem to have that kind of connection, but he can feel the way your pussy tightens around him. It takes everything in him not to bust right there.
“I know security very well,” he jokes.
You ease up, an airy laughter muttered under your breath.
“Who’s clit did you have to suck for that information?” You ask, like it’s some sort of rebuttal.
“It was a dick – and it was Shinsou.” He says. You throw your head back in laughter at the sight.
“No way,” you snort, “as in Hitoshi?”
It would be so easy to slip further inside you, he thinks. You’re so much more relaxed now and he’s relieved, really, but your pussy is so inviting.
“The only one I know.” He says, easing deeper. The sudden feeling disrupts your train of thought. You forget what you’re going to say and it’s all because of Denki. He beams with pride.
His hips are flush against yours, but he pauses. He wants to be sure this is what you want. He’s hesitant to push you any further.
“Want it,” You pout, as if you can read his mind, wiggling your hips against him from side to side. Really, you’re just desperate to feel his dick drag against your walls as he pumps himself in and out of you.
He complies with your wishes, and his, slowly pulling his dick out from where it lightly kisses your cervix. But then, he’s slamming it right back. You whine. His hips snap against yours, shallow thrusts getting deeper as if to warm you up. He feels so good against you, balls slapping your clit and adding to the sensation.
“You really did want this, huh?” He asks huskily in your ear. His chest hovers over your back. You can almost feel his nipples skim your back. Though it’s posed as a question, he doesn’t let you answer. He just keeps on, “You’re so wet, baby.”
You know you are, slick seeping out of you and onto your thighs. But the way he says it, voice sounding so raw to your ears, still makes you feel all tingly inside.
He’s thrusting in and out of you much more rapidly now, the sound of skin to skin ripping through the otherwise quiet stockroom.
His grunts are unsteady behind you, growing with every slap against you.
“You gonna cum with me?” You ask, peering over your shoulder. From your peripheral vision you can see his face screwed up in pleasure.
“Y-Yes,” He replies.
You push against him, as his thrusts are becoming more rapid and sloppy. You use the wall you're against as leverage to keep his dick driving so deliciously into you.
You’re close, you can feel it. Denki can, too. How could he miss it with the way you’re clenching around him? You feel so good, milking his cock, coaxing him to cum in you.
“Where do you want it, baby?” He asks, giving you room for more control.
“Yeah?” He smiles. God, he is really fucking is lucky, “want me to breed this pussy?”
His hand wraps around you so he can play with your clit. He knows he can make you cum with him. And then, he does.
Your eyes roll back as you peak, orgasm hitting you like a fucking bus. Your cunt flutters, drawing his orgasm out as well. He cums inside you, hot and thick spurts of his seed shoot into you with his release.
He keeps thrusting, stimulating himself until the pleasure melts into pain.
You’ve never felt like this before. waves of pleasure crashing into you - causing your muscles to jolt, contract, and twitch to their own volition. Your body is buzzing like a bee, vibrating in low hums. The aftershocks of your orgasm and following overstimulation felt like zaps of electricity going through you, from your lower tummy to your toes.
He slows, the mix of your essence rolling down both of your legs.
“Can I take you out, Y/N?” He finally asks, heaving into your spine. He’s pulling you so close, you can feel his dick still pulsing inside.
“Yes, Denki!” You roll your eyes and swat at his forearm around you, snuggling you into his chest. He just laughs against you and the sweet sound carries through you, causing your heart to feel like it’s swelling.
You look up at the wall to where you know there’s a click and check the time. You realize you left Mina to close alone and hiss at Denki to let go of you, that you two can do this another time.
He hopes you’re right, that there will be another time.
“I can’t believe you had just sex with Denki in the stockroom, Y/N!” Mina squeals, tugging you by the arm, when she thinks the coast is clear.
“You heard that?” You ask sheepishly, face burning. You know the answer, but you ask anyway.
“It was hard not to.” She scoffs, laughing.
“Well, you’re the one who said to flirt with him!” You say in defense of yourself. You laugh too.
“Yeah, I didn’t say you had to fuck him!” Mina screeches. You’re quick to shush her, giggling as you bring your finger to her lips. She joins in, her own laugh chiming with yours.
“He’s so hot!” You sigh.
“So, it was good?” She asks, as if she needs clarification.
“Oh my God, was he good!”
“Are you gonna do it again?” She asks.
“I hope so!” You say while he’s still leaking out of you.
Denki smiles, listening to the sound of your voice. The wires he installed weeks ago picked up your and Mina’s recent conversations, although he didn’t initially mean for it to go that way. Hitoshi gave him the equipment to listen in on an employee he had suspicions of stealing.
But when he heard you say the things you wanted to do to him, he couldn’t resist.
He used your own words as leverage to push himself into you – literally speaking, at this point.
Little did you know, Denki was already planning how he’d whisk you away during your next shift – maybe he’ll need you to pick up his lunch from the food court.
He could always meet you in the hall halfway, pulling you into a nearby bathroom and ushering you into a stall where he could tear the crotch of your pantyhose and just fuck you like that.
He’d love to hear the way your moans sound with the acoustics of the boy’s room.
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© rottenshroom
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