#i might actually play the game later to give these guys a new chance at life...
ssspringroll · 1 year
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Omg it's them... Imaginary friends from my brain...
Updated slightly from how they would've looked when i last thought about them nearly 10 years ago. One of them grew out of his edgy phase. The other one... not so much.
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evdarlin · 4 months
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School Kid Crush
*A/N okay so this is the first thing I've wrote since I was like 18 writing about one direction so I'm sorry if its complete dog shit. I tried and kinda want to make it a series maybe if people actually like it but yeah be easy on me pls*
From the moment that I met Spencer Agnew on my very first day at Smosh as the new Games PA, we instantly clicked. We would spend every lunch together quoting obscure movies or Family Guy. We hung out at each other’s apartments many weekends, me just watching him play video games or forcing him to watch Bridgerton with me. There was something there and I think we all could feel it. Spencer was always the one I could go to geek out about the things I always thought I was being annoying talking about. It was almost like I had met my other half which could only be explained as the most terrifying but best feeling in the world. The whole office knew that there was something there but I might be speaking for myself but I did not want to act on it solely from my own relationship problems and that we were coworkers and did not want to make things so complicated. So for now, we are just good good friends who might just be completely infatuated with each other.
Walking into the Smosh office on Friday morning felt like every other morning on the last day of the week. I didn’t get enough sleep and would rather have been curled up back in my bed asleep but someone has to pay rent. Once I arrived at my desk directly across from Courtney’s, I could see that some sweet angel had placed my dear alani drink right in front of my computer. There was only one person who could have brought that for me and I knew it was Spencer so I took off to the Games pod to thank him dearly. 
“Have I ever told you that you are a godsend and have saved my life on multiple occasions?” I say while walking up to Spencer’s desk.
“Well yes but have I ever told you that you are severely overdramatic with your words?” He said as he swiveled around in his chair.
“Alright that’s rude but I’ll let it slide since you brought me a drink sir.” I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the little couch in the small space. The office was pretty quiet this morning which is unusual but I welcomed it. “How long do you think it’s going to take before someone is yelling in here?”
“I say give it about ten minutes when Angela comes in and sees that she has to take care of that baby today” Spencer laughed and almost on cue heard Chanse cackling at Angela.
“Are you going to Courtney and Shayne’s combined bachelor party tonight?” Spencer suddenly looked nervous asking this question which is new for him around me that is.
“Yeah, I was going to head home after work to change then head over to the place, are you going?” I asked, praying and hoping he was going not wanting to miss a chance to hang out with him outside of these four walls of the Smosh office. 
“Well seeing as you just said you were going then absolutely I am. Um, can I pick you up and drive you to the party maybe?” There it was again, the nervous look on his face. 
“Of course!” I said maybe a little too fast and too enthusiastic, “I mean yeah that would be okay, that way I could have at least one or two drinks while I’m there.” I did not recover from that at all but maybe he won’t notice but seeing that smirk on his face, I am wrong.
“Then I will be there to pick you up at 7:30ish, does that sound okay?” Spencer asked, seeming to be a lot more relaxed now that I said yes.
“Sure! That gives me plenty of time, see you later Spen!” I gave him a small wave and walked back to my desk to get started on my small list of tasks I mentally gave myself to get done before filming started and I had zero free time until 5 p.m. As I walked back to my desk I was brought back to how nervous Spencer was asking me if he could drive me to the party. I mean we carpool sometimes to work and even ride together to function outside of the workplace so this shouldn’t be any different right? Oh god, is this a date? Does he know it’s a date? It can’t be a date when it’s Courtney and Shayne’s day right? I’m spiraling and don’t even notice that I ran right into Tommy.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention at all!” I stopped to make sure I didn’t cause some huge mess by running into him.
“It’s okay Y/N! You were really deep into thought there love, you doing okay?” Tommy asked with concern written all over his face, I suppose you can tell I was going through it up in my head.
“Uh well not really but I’ll be okay.” We both started walking towards our desks, I hoped to change the subject so I no longer had to think about what’s going on inside my head but Tommy had other ideas.
“Is it Spencer? I can totally fight him if you need me to or I can hide his Kickstarters until he apologizes to you.” Tommy giggled but stopped as soon as he saw how deep red my face had become.
“Wha- How did you know?” You mean to tell me the rest of the office knew how I truly felt about Spencer, shit.
“Oh honey, the man is completely infatuated with you and I also know you’re infatuated with him. I truly thought you guys were already together and just keeping it a secret for personal reasons. You know it’s okay to like him right? I know about the whole relationship problems you’ve had in the past but I don’t think Spencer is like that actually I know he’s not.” Tommy stopped walking to put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.
“Nope, nope, nope. You’re wrong, I know of no such infatuation you speak of Tommy Bowe.” I avoided eye contact the entire time but eventually sighed, “Is it that obvious?”
“Eh, kind of but hey it’s okay to like someone even if you guys work together. You guys have been attached at the hip ever since you started here and I think you might be the same person. I do not think he’s going to ghost you like every other piece of shit man who has entered your life.” Tommy knew more than maybe anyone about how much self doubt I have put on myself from constantly just men stopping talking to me out of nowhere. It didn’t matter if he said he was different, none of them were. They all were the same.
“I know he is a good person Tommy but I’m not sure I could deal with losing him as a friend and even worse I would have to see him every single day at work. I promise I’m just in my head a little bit, I’ll be okay.” I gave my most convincing smile and headed to my computer to start on my work for the day.
The work day honestly flew by without any more emotional spirals even at lunch when I could see Tommy giving me those knowing looks from across the table anytime Spencer did anything remotely nice for me. I left the office the minute it hit 5 p.m. just wanting to get out of there, I didn’t even wait for Spencer to walk with him in the parking lot. I needed to get to the comfort of my apartment and be alone before I had a full blown panic attack, not to mention I needed to get ready for this party. I made it home in record time with just enough time to get ready and sit in silence and think about what I should do. I decided to say screw it and just bring up my conversation with Tommy and see what happens. Do I know what’s going to happen? Not at all but you know what I need to do something to stop this spiral. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door was I saw that Spencer said he was outside. Spencer was waiting outside his car for me and even opened the door for me, what a gentleman. 
“You were nowhere to be found after work dude, where the hell did you go?” Spencer asked, closing the door as I settled into the front seat.
“Sorry, I started feeling bad so I had to get out of there. Hope you didn’t get attacked in the parking lot without your guard dog.” I laughed as he started his car and headed towards the place where the party was being held.
“You are literally shorter than me which is saying a lot but I was a damsel in distress and you just left me alone to die.” Spencer pretended to wipe a fake tear and looked over at me giggling. “But were you okay? Like nothing happened right?”
“Yeah I was fine, Tommy just got me thinking and I just got a little overwhelmed but promise I am perfectly fine now!” I smiled and let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in. “It um actually was about you if I’m being honest?” 
“Me? I swear whatever it was I didn’t do it.” Spencer threw his hands up but I grabbed the wheel and gave him a glare.
“He did say that if you hurt my feelings he was going to hide your drinks until you apologize to me,” I looked over at him preparing myself for what I was going to say next, “He also said he thought we were together and were pulling a Courtney and Shayne”. 
“Hm, Tommy thinks we’re famous enough to hide our relationship like that? Wow, I am flattered.” Spencer laughed looking over at me then stopped because he realized this might be a serious conversation. “Wait, being in a relationship with me sounds so terrifying to you that you had to book it out of the office?” I looked over and saw that we had already arrived at the place but I knew our conversation was not going to end just because we were here.
“No! I just got in my head and was so scared that if you knew that I had this massive ass school kid crush on you, it would ruin this friendship we have built. I have no clue what I would do if you were not in my life, Spencer, honestly.” I realized I have just told him about this crush I have on him with my word vomit so there was no turning back now. “I like you alright, I like you a lot and it’s so damn scary because I’m terrified to lose you in any sense of my life.”
“A massive crush you say?” Spencer started giggling and all I could do was glare at him ready to smack that smirk off his face. “I like you too dummy, I thought you knew already and just saw me as your dorky coworker who also is your best friend. I promise you’re not losing me anytime soon. You’re stuck with me now babe.” He smiled and leaned over to give me a soft kiss. A kiss that I think I have been waiting for what felt like years, a kiss that seemed to let go over all of my insecurities and finally felt safe and confident in a relationship. “Now, let’s go into this party and steal Courtney and Shayne’s thunder.”
We started to walk to the door of the place, hand in hand, and ready to face all of our coworkers. The only thing you can hear as soon as we walked into the room was a far away “FUCK YEAH” which I can only place as Angela screaming.
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fangirlies · 2 years
Jump your bones (x.t)
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader
Summary: You shared a secret with your roommate Enid but little did you know it would bite you in the ass later on. 
Warnings: Swearing. Some mentions about sex. (Anything else I’d need to add, please let me know)
Word count: 989 words
part 2 • part 3
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“Ugh can the two of you get a room!” you shout to your roommate and her boyfriend as they made out on her bed. “You guys are seriously starting to make me consider getting a new roommate.” As she separates from her lover, Enid laughs.
Ajax pouts mockingly, "Someone's upset they're not getting any love and affection from a specific someone." Enid gasps and softly hits him on the arm.
Knowing that Enid had revealed your secret to her partner, you glared at her.
You two were playing ‘would you rather’ in the dark one night as you lay in bed, unable to sleep. You two were laughing at the options you were offering each other. 
"Would you rather be a vamp or a siren?" you asked into the darkness.  "Boringg" Enid replied, “Siren. But that was incredibly boring. Please y/n give me a juicy one!” 
You gave a gentle laugh sensing how eager she was for a challenge. Your thoughts became blank after a few minutes of contemplation. You couldn't come up with a question that would suit Enid's demand for a "hard choice." Enid broke the silence after observing your struggle.
"Would you rather fuck Xavier or Kent?" You gasped internally at Enid's bold choice of words since she rarely spoke in that manner, but a chuckle followed not long behind. 
"Easy, Xavier. I thought you wanted a difficult round!" You could tell Enid's eyes widened by your reply without even glancing at her.
Enid has been attempting to get any kind of information out of you since your first day at Nevermore. You, being the guarded individual that you are, never gave in. So this is the first time you've ever attempted to display emotion to Enid. It might have been the lack of sleep talking, or it could have been your desire to open up a bit since the two of you had grown close in the last several months, but either way Enid was eager to pull something out of you.
"Isn't Xavier cute?" She enquired. You pursed your lips into a straight line as the thought of actually fucking THE tortured artist crossed your mind. 
"He's sooo sexy. If I had the chance to jump his bones, I would not think twice about it." You both chuckled and continued your spicy game of would you rather till sleep took over.
“You told him about that?” Your eyes widened in disbelief. Now standing up from your vanity and walking towards the couple. 
“That is so embarrassing Enid, how could you! Ajax, I totally did not mean I’d jump his bones. I just think he's cute. Not even! I think he’s decent looking but I would never--” Waving your hands up, you continue your rant like some kind of crazy person. Enid’s eyes were now bulging out of her skull. 
“Y/n, please stop. I never made it that far!”
You come to a complete stop and look over to observe Ajax's reaction when you realized what Enid just said. You started laughing uncontrollably, which was a tendency you had when you were extremely uncomfortable. Ajax was trying hard not to laugh, knowing that if he did, Enid would slap him again. This time most likely actually hurting him.
"Oh," was all you could utter in humiliation before spinning and reaching for your sweater. "I'll just pretend I was never here."
And with that you made your way to the quad.
  ‘Gosh y/n, you’re so ridiculous! He’s decent looking? Who even says that? This is so embarrassing.’ You thought to yourself as you took your usual seat at a bench. You knew you spoke far too much, letting out something that you never imagined leaving your dorms’ four walls. You sighed loudly as your fingers worked their way through the small knots of your hair.
“What’s on your mind, Tiny?”
It felt as though your heart stopped beating for a minute. You lifted your head from your hands, settling your gaze on the familiar pair of emerald eyes you enjoy looking into a little too much. His gem-like eyes had always been so soothing to you. So captivating. So mesmerizing. They made you instantly melt. You giggled at his nickname for you. When you two first met, you were given the nickname 'tiny.' The new name stuck because of how significantly smaller you are in comparison to this giant.
Scanning your head for any explanation, you frantically spewed out the first excuse that made any sense.
"Just swamped with schoolwork, nothing too serious," you say, giving him a small smile to make it seem credible. Xavier nodded slowly, indicating that he, too, was stressed about school.
"I could say the same thing. Drawing is the only thing that keeps my head above water sometimes."
As he offered you some advice, your heart melted.
 "Find something to keep your mind off of it for a while," the long-haired brunette continues as he stares off into the distance. " You like to write, don't you?  If you ever want to visit my shed for some quiet time, you're welcomed to hang out with me." You tilted your head to look him in the eyes. It was endearing to see him try to comfort you, even if it was just some bullshit reason you made up. Your pulse skipped a beat at the idea of you two alone in his drawing shed.
You gave him a genuine smile. "I'd like that" you replied as he started to rise from his previous sitting position.
“I’m sure you would, gives you the perfect excuse to jump my bones” he taunted as he whispered this in your ear. Exposing his perfectly white teeth just before making his way to his dorm room.
His last few words made your mouth drop open. Oh, you're going to destroy Ajax. No, you're going to destroy Enid. Both sound quite appropriate right now.
A.N: hi my fan girlies! This is a little short writing about the insanely good looking Xavier Thorpe. I’m absolutely swooning over this 6’2 yummy man. Hope you enjoyed this.
Edit* this is my first writing ever in a very very long time! so happy you all are enjoying it <3
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zombeebunnie · 2 months
Trembling Essence:💙Choice adjustments + Exploration💙
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Hi guys and welcome new followers! This update post might be a little short but here's how the game is going so far! Also I was very surprised at how well the endings guide was received so I'll keep that in mind in the future. :,]
Everything started off very slow again and didn't progress much up until a day or two ago. I was able to find the root of this issue so hopefully in the next few days things will return to normal! :]
I also want to talk a little bit deeper about the beginning of the game and what's to come of it.
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I want this section leading up to the cabin to give you an idea of your surroundings and give an introduction to Noah.
When I went on to redo this part some time around May I got carried away with wanting to add a bunch of adventurous endings. Even though I enjoyed doing this, I understood that it was too much and I was missing the mark I was aiming for. There were a couple of signs but what really made me realize this fully was working on the 'Endings guide'. I want the endings you get at this part to reflect what could possibly happen later on in the game and have symbolic meaning. There will be endings that just 'happen' but I do want to make sure I do that right. :]
With that being said, the start of the game will be reduced from 4 choices back down to 2. No spoilers but again, the pathing won't play out the same from the [Extended Demo] anymore. :]
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I managed to get some CG's done too! For the before and after, I did not like how it looked anymore and the dialog didn't match with what you were seeing on the screen. I wanted this part to look like an actual spooky path you were going down covered in fog. I also added a parallax effect here that really sets the mood! I do plan on fixing up the 'before' image just not right now. :]
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This sort of sums up what all has been going on behind the scenes, super close to the cabin. Yay! I fixed up most of what my play testers recommended to me but there's some endings that still need to be seen. :]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I continue to work on the game. Thank you to those that optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
There's been a sudden influx of questions and I really appreciate it, I'll try and answer some of them when I get the chance! Some did have major spoilers being asked so I can't answer them. :,]
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I enjoy hearing from you guys!
This is all I have to share for right now but thank you everyone for the uplifting support and patience, I appreciate it! :]
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
alright, older harry fic idea: your friend keeps bugging you to start using tinder and you finally give in. you match with this insanely hot guy named harry and agree to meet up for drinks. sitting at the bar you're waiting for him, you look hella fine, two guys try to hit on you as you wait, but you reject them. you wait and wait and wait, but he never comes. angrily you block his number and swear to never use any dating apps again.
a week later your dad who owns a big company is having a barbeque at his own home, since it's a fucking mansion and has a backyard as big as florida. partners and investors come, it's a nice opportunity to mingle and build connections and you come as well, bc your dad likes to show you off and you're also trying to sell your paintings and become an artist so you might fish for some wealthy men who you can talk into buying something from you. its all fun and games until your dad asks you to come over and meet the guy who will eventually be his successor. you walk up smiling, ready to charm him but then you see him and your smile very quickly disappears.
it's harry, who stood you up on the tinder date. he looks like he saw a ghost bc he obviously recognizes you as well. it's awkward, you can't help but be a little bratty to him. later, he comes to find you and he tries to give you an explanation why he didn't show up, but it sounds bullshit, so you try to teach him a lesson.
he is obviously attracted to you, that you find out at the barbeque, so you make it your mission to tease him anytime you have the chance. you show up at your dad's office wearing the shortest skirts or the deepest neckline ever, you make sure to parade by the pool in a tiny bikini when he is over for a business meeting with your father and even go as far as sending him a spicy picture claiming that you sent it to the wrong number.
he keeps his cool through it all, but then one time you're out with a (guy) friend and you run into harry and that's what makes him lose his shit, he drags you into the bathroom like a fucking caveman, saying shit like "does your boyfriend know you're sending me nudes? how many men are you playing with? you like the attention don't you?"
and it pisses you off so you go like "the only time i wanted attention was when we were supposed to go on a date, but you never showed up so fuck off, you don't get to be jealous"
and then he kisses you, like reaaalllyyy kisses you that quickly turns into fucking in the bathroom and its the best you've ever had ofc, and then you tell him the guy you're here with is just a friend. you get interrupted by someone banging on the door so you have to leave and can't talk about what happened, so the next day you're in your studio and harry shows up with flowers and all and he goes like "im sorry for the way i acted last night and im sorry for standing you up on our date, but i actually came and i saw you talking to some other guy and felt like i stood no chance with you, bc im a little older and i couldn't take you rejecting me so i left, im sorry but i want to start over, let me show you how good i can treat you, let me make you mine"
obviously, you say yes, start dating and its all good, you're in love now you just have to tell your dad, you're nervous about it but don't want to keep it a secret so you go out for dinner with him where you break him the news and he just smiles at you after your little monologue saying "he is the best man i ever knew, i trust him with my business and i trust him with my only daughter. harry styles, welcome to the family"
okay this is fucking long but... i like it very much
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dreadfutures · 5 months
impressions from the hades ii technical playtest
absolutely chock full of spoilers but also theories
Amazing gameplay, feels just as good as Hades 1 with improvements and creative changes. So many different builds/play styles will be possible. in the dev stream they talked about melee close quarters vs sorcery ranged, but I find myself doing HEAVY spellcasting while also stacking in heavy melee boons on the knives, and mixing and matching.
The boons have a few familiar perks but so many of them are new and creative, even for gods we know from the first game. All of them feel really good.
The SOUND EFFECTS are amazing. The sounds of your weapons change based on the boon equipped to each attack. the sounds of the arena change depending on the god at the end (if any). Nothing and I mean nothing makes the dopamine go off more than the sound of Hephaestus' boon blasts when I do my fan of knives and they all explode. PING PING PING.
I find myself doing "resource runs" and "story runs." they do overlap. It's tough to only have one harvesting item equipped at a time and I spent so much time looking for silver and looking that my eye has started slipping over the lone spirits who gives you psyche, even when Selene leads me to them lol. I do like that they have her guiding light, but it is subtle. I also like the way you can pin certain items when you're in a run so you can remember what you needed for a recipe.
Unfortunately I did so many harvest runs that I actually got all the recipes before I had a chance to USE forget me not on a run so.... woops on that fated list lol.
We are maybe going to romance Moros or Nemesis (probably both are options?) but maybe not both at the same time? since they're siblings technically (technically) (I wouldn't mind though). I love all these children of nyx and want to protect them and smooch them all.
EXCEPT. Mel is a Silver Sister, with Artemis and Selene. Does that mean she's gotta be a virginal girl squad? lol
I love sister Artemis. I love that she throws snacks!!!!! which is even more endearing bc it's fried and a chocolate bar and soda. I wonder if sometimes I hear a note of disapproval from her and I wonder where her plot will go later. Selene it's said may not be able to reach us in Tartarus, but Artemis might.
Speaking of found family.
I fucking adore Odysseus. I love Od. So. Much. Like I loved Achilles but Od is such a good girl dad for Mel, and his pep talks are the best and so sensitive ;_; what a guy I love him.
I think? that Hecate's familiars must be placeholders, since they're just little statues that vibrate when you give them treats. I can't wait to see where they go in the full game.
It's an interesting take on Hestia, that she hates everybody. It makes me wonder if we'll see Hera or not, since I kind of expect that behavior from Hera.
Hephaestus and Demeter and Aphrodite remain my favorite boon givers.
As far as I can tell there is no fishing rod in the playtest but there will be in the full game and I'm excited.
Arachne's self esteem hurts me 😫 I love you little bug!!!! I wonder if we'll find her shop in Olympus or in Tartarus -- and I worry about her. At least Athena is too busy to bother her! I hope! I love Mel's different outfits.
The amount of pets that Mel gets to have is delightful. I love her frog so much.
Hecate is fascinating. She is SUCH a mother, she is SO compassionate to Mel and trying to build her up! She is wry and dry but never cruel or negative. I love her sm. Poor Mel has some low self esteem and understandable doubts and is putting so much pressure on herself. And I really wonder about Hecate's relationship with Persephone and the house of Hades and with nyx. Nemesis says something that makes me wonder if Hecate is innocent. Either way I don't think she'll really be a villain. My heart would break if so. Mel would break.
Mel is so sweet and pure. ;_; and she says "death to chronos" so coldly. When she says "Hence I go" I just hear her as a little baby playing hide and seek with Hecate and it gives me so many feelings.
I want to know about Mel's arm!
I can't wait to see the other regions just from the Crossroads, since there's currently two doors we can't enter.
Also what are we going to DO with the fish?
Very exciting stuff.
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Vlad, Viago and Deacon as parents [pt. 3]
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[part 1] [part 2]
Requested by @italakthoughts (btw, is it pronounced like “eehtalak” or “aytalak”?)
Author’s note: There will be some angst in this part, sorry guys, couldn’t help myself. This is probably the last part of this as headcanons, but I might make a one shot later. Also, I am still open to requests, but I will be a bit slower with posting, bc college is kicking my ass so hard it’s ridiculous.
All three have their favourite game to play with you.
For Deacon it’s tag. You run around the whole house, climbing walls and ceilings, turning into bats or dogs and always trying to outsmart each other.
With all the excessive energy both of you have, this is literally the perfect activity to get you to fall asleep faster, because your tag is hardcore. A human wouldn’t stand a chance.
With Vlad it’s blind man’s buff. Because of vampire’s heightened sensitivity, this game becomes all the more challenging for the one hiding, because you have to move very smoothly and be completely silent.
Of course, Vladislav still senses where you are, but he likes to give way to you. Your happy smile whenever you win is absolutely worth it.
Viago always goes for hide and seek. At first, you weren’t a very good at it and chose the most obvious hiding places. But with time you improved to the point, where Viago sometimes legitimately wonders if he lost you.
When he can’t find you for way too long, he just gives up and asks you to come out of your hiding place.
You also do a lot of tea parties together.
Just imagine the three of them sitting at a tiny table with toy cups filled with blood.
You usually made up some kind of weird circumstances for the party. For example, you pretend that you’re aristocratic mice, who conquered a cat’s lair and now celebrate your victory with a tea party. Or you are all wives of a wealthy king and you plot his murder to share the power between the four of you.
They really get into their imaginary roles. Though sometimes this can lead to them getting a bit carried away and actually starting a fight over a fictional event.
Nick and Stu often join in as well.
You really like playing with Vlad’s hair, since he has the longest out of the three and that means you can do a lot of funny hairdos. He doesn’t really mind, as long as you’re careful to not rip anything out (it grows back very fast, but it’s still an unpleasant feeling).
Deacon often gives you piggyback rides anywhere and everywhere. You basically use him as a jungle gym and while it sometimes annoys him, he rarely protests.
In winter, Viago always takes you ice skating. Even though you’re a vampire and you can’t catch a cold (or feel cold for that matter), he still insist on you wearing very warm clothes. People might think he’s not taking good care of his kid!
When they go to New York for the vampiric council duties (shoutout to wwdits show), they take you with them. Viago definitely takes you to see a musical. He’s not bailing on that. And it’s probably going to be something incredibly campy. Probably Andrew Lloyd Webber too.
You and Deacon have an absolute blast in the NY subway, scaring random people to death with little to no repercussions or getting into the last car and drinking whoever dared to sit there alone.
Some random blogger accidentally caught you and Vladislav turning into bats in an alleyway of Manhattan on video. So you had to hunt him down and hypnotise his whole audience into forgetting about the existence of that footage. It felt nice to be famous even if only for a bit.
As any flatting situation, these three have a lot of bickering and arguments.
They really try to avoid having any of those arguments in front of you, but sometimes it gets out of control. In those cases, they try to either deflate it or just ask you to leave the room and let them sort this out.
Petty or not, parents’ arguments are not something a child should be watching.
If you ever die from being burnt by sunlight or get killed by a vampire slayer they will be utterly devastated.
Vladislav is probably the best at handling it. He grieves silently by himself, reminiscing about all the fun silly things you’d say and do when he wasn’t in the mood. With time, the sadness numbs. But there is still that gaping emptiness somewhere in his immortal soul.
Viago would never forgive himself. Maybe if he took better care of you, if he paid more attention, if he took more precautions, if he kept a closer eye on you, if he was just by your side at the right time… maybe you’d still be running through the halls of this dusty house…
Deacon is just furious. He’s furious at whatever caused your death and he’s furious at you for being so reckless and getting yourself killed. Why do his closest ones keep leaving him so suddenly?
But that won’t happen obviously, you’re not dumb enough to die twice ;)
Genuinely, your time with them could be considered one of the happiest periods of your life. And if you tell them that, they will feel very proud of themselves.
All three of them really mean well and want to give you the childhood they never had.
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afandommultiverse · 2 years
General HC’s for Simon "GHOST" Riley
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♱ A/n: don’t get me wrong, I love some good Ghost fluff, but it just feels too OOC for me, so here are my personal head cannons for my hundredth baby daddy🫶 p.s I would just like to mention I still ain’t play the game so my lore isn’t the best but that ain’t stopping me🕺
♱ Warnings: 18+, some nsfw hcs towards the bottom, there is a warning before hand!
⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━ ♡ ⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━
♱ this man is fucking mean. He WILL hurt your feelings on occasion, both on purpose and not. He. Does. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Either way.
♱ matter of fact, this mf thinks he is right despite being very VERY in the wrong, and it takes a LOT to get him to admit to being wrong.
♱ STUBBORN AS A OX BRO, his motto is literally “My way or the fucking high way.” No ifs, buts, or in-betweens!!
♱ be prepared to make many, many arguments and still get nowhere on a specific topic. your opinion does not matter for a long time for this man, and takes months of getting around to even thinking about your side of anything.
♱ it would take a long time to get close to this man, like sure he might be down to fuck quite early on, but to be emotionally available in any way other than angrily fucking your brains out is going to take YEARS.
♱ probably isn’t interested in keeping relationships with citizens because he doesn’t want to get wrapped up in his life, lovers, or friends, his position in special forces keeps them all vulnerable
♱ not until recently (being on this new team) does he actually have friends, ghost kept to himself and still does, but after recovering from his betrayal, he would bond with no other teammates and refused to cross any lines with anyone
♱ anger fucking issues- this man has. Like yes, he can control himself in the moment and continue to lead on with the mission, almost acting like your disobedience didn’t even phase him, but OH you better be expecting a whoop-ass reprimanding that will leave you doubting your entire worth and existence
♱ or if a particular enemy is pissing him off, he won’t let his frustrations affect his movements, in fact, it only fuels them, and when he finally gets a hold of em’ there’s nothing left but a bloody pulp of a person
♱ the highest possibility of becoming a friend is being on the team or meeting in a bar when he had been drinking a little bit - both of which you will have to be highly persistent to evoke a reaction
♱ he likes it when people talk to him, which makes him feel less scared and intimidating in public areas. Of course, he likes to keep that vibe when on missions or dealing with interrogations and such, but still out in public. he wants to make people as least uncomfortable as possible, even if his skull baklava is a little intimidating
♱ SPEAKING ON INTERROGATIONS, I know for a fact that this man has committed WAR CRIMES on other men for information, like he totally has it in him to do so, ESPECIALLY, when it’s a a horrible war criminal or sum
♱ he is a metal, heavy metal, grunge, hard rock, kinda guy - don’t deny it. He’s got way too much trauma to not want to blast out his eardrums at every possible chance. He also likes to explore all genres too, like alternative metal, black metal, alternative, alternative rock, etc.
♱ lowkey likes to bond over music, like trading music with the team and talking about it and what they thought when meeting up later.
♱ he likes to sit down and have a cigar with Price every now and then, ofc drinking with him too. They have their own “superiors” moments and talk about how the team is doing and what training could help them for the next mission.
♱ almost always does extra reading and research on the mission itself and/or where it takes place to avoid and map out any possible problems that could arise that no one else would foresee, especially regarding his own benefit nowadays.
♱ ghost likes his job, as much as it has been a lot on him and the people around him, he couldn’t see himself anywhere else than right here, fighting for the rights of people he’d never meet but know are free because of him.
♱ it gives him some peace of mind, and he needs it because the poor baby has been through a LOT
⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━ ♡ NSFW ♡ ⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━
♱ come on, you know I had to, but speaking of him going through a lot, he has definitely picked up a few kinks along the way, most of which are from his occupation
♱ coming in at number one, a pretty vanilla thing now I guess, but choking. he loves that shit, both on himself and his partners, he likes the feeling, his senses overwhelmed and everything throbbing, bringing a little oxygen deprivation, and he's all there.
♱ but of course, he also loves the sight of someone underneath him, fucked out and panting, but they can't catch that breath they so desperately need to ground themselves, and while they keep trying to find it, he keeps fucking it out of reach.
♱ second, bondage duh. again something he both enjoys on himself and others. he liked the feeling of the bruises after the deed. It's one hell of a reminder that gets some weird looks, but he doesn't mind, just keeps reminding him of you
♱ thiiiird, knife AND gunplay. now, this takes some serious trust between him and the partner, and truth be told, he usually only did this with male partners he had met through work originally. he loves it, and honestly, nothing gets him going faster, but he has some serious trust issues and can't just go giving everyone he fucks a loaded gun pointed at him
♱ yes, loaded. ‘it ain't fun if it ain't.’ that's what he always says
♱ if it is a one-night stand, he is likely to not put much into aftercare, but if he will see you around a lot, in bed or otherwise, he’ll put more effort into it. This could be cleaning you gently with a wet rag, or softly rubbing your back while you try to catch your breath after he has taken you from behind. He does not cuddle tho, though he ain't a cuddly man the first few sessions, sooner or later that wall comes down and you’ll find yourself tucked into his side when you come too, and he’s just blankly staring out, not trying to think about how well you feel there and how badly he wanted to stay the
♱ but he won’t ever stay the night, again not for a while, and the first time he ever did- it would be an accident. He was simply too tired and rested his eyes for a second, only to wake up the next morning to you rubbing his back as he laid his head on your chest. he acted like he hated it, grunting and pulling away from your touch to rush and get ready to leave. deep down though, he can’t get rid of the feeling of your fingers softly grazing him awake off of his back for the rest of the day.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
I do! I've actually liked it for years. Um, I'm going to be kinda cringe for a minute before I get into the actual game it's self. Spoilers?? Do I need to warn that?
I actually fell into the game when I was in 5th grade, I couldn't even play the game and it still managed to get a grip on me. I watched every video I could find about it, mainly getting sucked into videos reading comics about the game. Me and my friend at the time both loved the game so we would talk about it for hours and real fanfics on Quotev and Wattpad. I actually remember seeing "Down To The Bone." When/ around the time dropped, I listened to it on repeat. I also watched the "Undertale If It Was Realistic." A lot too. ALSO, the undertale parody of "Stronger Than You" was quoted a lot. My friend was a huge fan of Temmie and they used to talk like her and I remember always thinking that was cool. I was always a huge fan of Papyrus, Mettaton, and Sans. Mettaton specifically (more on that later). And I guess I just remember, wanting so bad to be able to be apart of the fandom, but not being able to. I begged my mom to get me merch for the game while trying to hide how I knew so much about the game. (I wasn't allowed on YouTube or social media so I had to tell her I loved it bc my friend did.) I did not get the merch I wanted btw, but um, I guess it's just, it's my childhood in a way. I also used to try and draw the characters but I couldn't draw so I ended up just imagining scenarios in my head. I used to swing on the swing set at recess and just imagine stuff about the game.
Okay so the fun not cringe stuff but still cringe in a way.
So, when I finally played undertale for the first time, oh my god??? It fixed something in me, what it fixed, I don't know. I remember being super confused and trying to look at a guide for everything. I also felt so bad because I killed a few monsters in my first run and when Undyne told me I was killing them I cried. I also cried at her fight because I was dying over and over and I didn't know what to do. And also at the time I thought there were two endings, Pacifist and Genocide, and I cried when I couldn't save Asgore because I thought did something wrong (because at this point I had reset the game and killed no one). Fun fact, I have never played the Genocide route because I can't kill Papyrus. I can't do it man. I'd rather die. I love the sound track, and I love all the characters. And I love the game. I want to get an undertale tattoo at some point I love it that much.
I guess the last thing I want to say is that the game probably made me realize I was queer, in some way. Like it might not have been an instant thing, but it definitely opened my mind to queer ideas when all I had been fed was gay people bad, trans people evil. I think Mettaton was a huge thing to me, I wanted to be like him, I thought he was so cool. I didn't know men could be feminine and be cool, that it wasn't some joke. I just, I think it made me realize something some how. Also seeing a lesbian couple made a little switch in my brain flip, like oh, I like them, and they're gay, so why don't I like other gay people? (I had a LOT of internalized homophobia and transphobia and it was somehow fixed by undertale go figure 😭)
I don't know, maybe this isn't the best breakdown or what you were looking for, and to be fair it's probably unintelligible rambling. But it did give me a chance to look back on my past and how much this game really changed me and made my life better. So thanks! Um and sorry I suppose.
Also! Shocker, and probably insane to admit, but... I never thought I'd find a game that made me feel like Undertale did and then I found TF2. TF2 is my new Undertale and that's horrific </3
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dujour13 · 6 months
⭐ for The Prodigal Tiefling?
Thank you Crow!! 💕💕 hehe another chance to ramble
Since I answered another ask for the side-fic The Prodigal Tiefling I’m brazenly going to use this one for the chapter by the same title in The Lark and the Crow.
This is one of the very earliest chapters I wrote before having any intention of uploading anything, so it’s a bit creaky but dear to me.
First of all giggling maniacally while writing Woljif in hot water with the Baphomet cultists, who are not exactly the sharpest daggers in the demonic ritual DIY kit, lucky for Woljif. He has them running red-herring errands to try to keep them from sacrificing Deval:
“Now you’re talkin’. First, you need the right kinda altar. This half-baked scraped-up pentagram just won’t do. It’s gotta be granite; big slab, you know, to catch all the blood. Next, you gotta have the right kinda knives: Abyssal uh, obsidian. Dipped in the blood-rain of the Worldwound on the night of an eyeball storm. And it’s gotta be the right timing.” He looked up at the stars for a long moment, making mystic calculations. “When the moon is in retrograde.”
I’m sorry I’m such a nerd but I made myself laugh with the moon in retrograde thing. Truly the blind leading the blind.
This is an important character moment for Siavash. He finds Woljif and almost weeps with relief, but doesn’t miss a beat with “Hail Baphomet.” These two’ll be partners in crime in no time. And Woljif is more than impressed when to back it up he pulls an actual succubus out of nowhere and the cultists immediately decide this guy is ok.
Next a little interlude written much later gives a glimpse into Siavash’s loneliness as Knight-Commander and how much he valued Woljif’s company before he disappeared. This is a direct echo of my own desperate search in my first playthrough of the game. (I didn’t want to take Drezen without him. I looked everywhere. I cried. Siavash cried. Google didn’t help. It was awful. Eventually realized you have to take Drezen first.) This brings us back to his emotion in the present.
For narrative sake the chapter then goes straight into the confrontation with Voetiel. I re-wrote my own version of the dialogue, partly because I hadn’t taken screenshots (not intending to upload the fic) and partly because it was just fun.
I kind of enjoyed ending the battle with “Darkfang” the cultist and Deval rolling around on the ground trying to kill each other. I feel like Baphomet cultists are such a treasure trove of comedy.
But one of my favorite Woljif moments of all time in the game is how he tries to convince you that the only reason he went to so much trouble to save Deval from the cultists was because he didn’t want to be haunted by his ghost afterwards. This transparent lie is just everything I love about him.
And of course, most importantly, the aftermath is the occasion of Woljif’s very first hug of his whole life AAAAHHHHH
On the road back to Drezen there’s a chance for Lann and Woljif to pit their social philosophies against each other in camp:
The mongrel shook his head. “Listen. You don’t seem to get it. Hiding or running off when we’re fighting, stealing stuff, trying to get out of doing chores—think of what a disaster it would be if everybody acted like you. If everybody does their fair share, everybody’s better off. Don’t you see that?” “You wouldn’t last one minute on the streets,” Woljif shot back. “You give one green copper, play the hero one instant, show one weakness, and they’ll eat you alive. Hold the end of your tail in the fire ‘til you squeal. Haul you up and hang you by the horns. Horn. Whatever. You’re the one who doesn’t get it.”
Siavash might not strictly agree with Woljif here, but he’s sympathetic.
I kind of liked this little exchange when they arrive back in Drezen:
“Welcome to Drezen. Brand new city, ripe with opportunity.” Siavash surveyed the stinking heaps of rubble and demonic graffiti proudly. “Don’t mind the mess.” “Reminds me of the command tent,” Woljif muttered, not unhappily.
And then the flighty azata commander promptly gets sidetracked, and Woljif finds himself in a new city with nowhere to call home, and everyone else goes off and leaves him standing there. Resourceful as always Woljif finds his own way soon enough.
The chapter is a bit long and windy, but it’s about Woljif’s relationship with people—his understandable distrust and his sense that it’s him against the world, but also his secret generosity and need to be accepted.
It starts with Woljif alone against the cultists, and ends with him on his own again in Drezen. But in between he gets a taste of what looks a lot like real friendship: somebody who’s got his back unconditionally, somebody who has the smarts to pick up his cue and run with it. Somebody who gives nice hugs.
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satansapostle6 · 11 days
Angel With A Broken Wing | Jonah Simms
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And if I may just take your breath away / I don't mind if there's not much to say / Sometimes the silence guides a mind / To move to a place so far away / The goosebumps start to raise / The minute that my left hand meets your waist / And then I watch your face / Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah / These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for / Inside this place is warm / Outside it starts to pour
Warnings: Mature language and themes. Sexual content.
Chapter One
Chapter Two: They Just Seem A Little Weird
“Stop looking at her!”
“Wha—I’m not looking at her!”
“Yes, you are, now stop it, it’s getting weird!”
Garrett McNeill was getting more tired of Jonah’s childish dilemmas by the day. The day before, Jonah had made the mistake of trying to ask out Sophie, one of the new hires at Cloud 9, which ended tragically for him. Not only had Jonah inadvertently harassed a coworker, but he had also accidentally asked a single, working mother of a five year-old if she had a ‘wild side’. Needless to say, Jonah felt humiliated and apologetic. This, of course, seemed to work out for everyone except for Garrett.
“Dude, I get that you like her, but I’m gonna be honest, man… I don’t think she likes you!” Garrett pointed out to Jonah, “And not even in the kindergarten like-like way, I mean I don’t even know if she considers values you as a human being after what you said to her yesterday!”
Jonah’s face falls with regret, “I know. What I said yesterday was… Horrible. A total lapse in judgment. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m not even thinking about trying to get her number anymore, I just… Wish there was a way I could at least apologize to her. You know?”
Garrett looks down at his lap, actually feeling sorry for Jonah, and understanding his perspective.
“I don’t know, man,” Garrett provides, “She might just not wanna talk to you anymore after that, and you can’t blame her.”
Jonah nods, listening as he understands Garrett’s point.
“Just… I don’t know. If you get the chance to apologize to her, just leave it at that, you know? No pick-up lines, no asking her out. Something tells me an apology gets cheapened for a woman if it’s followed up by male gross-ness.”
Jonah nods understandingly. “Yeah, I just… hope I didn’t offend her.”
Garrett scoffs at the idea. “Dude. It’s Sophie. I play video games with her sometimes. You could’ve called her a slur, and she’d be fine.”
Jonah makes a concerned face, “Okay, well… I don’t think I wanna do that…”
Garrett just sits there, looking in front of him at Sophie working the cash register. He feels sorry for his friend, but starts to regret his involvement as soon as he hears a light bulb go off in Jonah’s head.
“Wait. If you and Sophie are such good friends… Can you help me out? Please?” Jonah begs.
Garrett just sighs, muttering to himself as he rolls his chair back to the customer service desk. “This is what I get for getting involved…”
Later that Thursday, just as I was about to leave the register and clock out, I look up as I hear Garrett’s voice over the loudspeaker.
“Sophie Phuong to customer service… Sophie Phuong to customer service…!”
I stop in confusion, not sure why Garrett would have needed me. I just shrug it off, abandoning my workstation as I head towards customer service at the front. Sure enough, as expected, sitting at the desk with an odd look on his face is Garrett. But standing by the customer service desk is Jonah, with a sad look on his face like a kicked puppy. I took a deep breath as soon as I saw him, bracing myself for one long conversation.
“Jonah…” I begin awkwardly.
But before I can continue, he cuts me off. Shocker.
“Sophie,” Jonah greets me, smiling hopefully, “Hey…”
I cross my arms expectantly, waiting for him to embarrass himself yet again. I knew at this point that Jonah was a pretty nice guy who just happened to be very awkward, but still, I needed him to at least give me something to work with here.
“I’m, uh…” Jonah fidgeted uncomfortably, “I’m really sorry, Sophie, about—”
Garrett and I both watching curiously.
I just stared, “About…?”
Jonah just looked at me guiltily, knowing he fucked up. “…Everything?”
I raised an eyebrow at his uncertainty.
“Everything. Yeah. Every single thing I have said to you, in the past twenty-four hours, has been… awful,” he apologized wholeheartedly, “Yesterday, I was rude, and… gross, and icky, and… I wish I could take back all the things I said to you,” he sighed.
Garrett looked to me for my input, wondering how I would react to this. I gave Garrett a ‘it’s whatever’ kind of shrug, not really having too big of a reaction to any of this. At this point, all of this was pretty pointless to me, and therefore required none of my energy at this point.
“Jonah…” I begin uncomfortably, “It’s fine. Really. You didn’t offend me, it’s not a big deal at all… Let’s just move past it. Okay?”
Jonah seemed ecstatic at this, thrilled that he was no longer in the doghouse.
“Oh! Uh, wow! Yeah! Great,” he laughed, still processing the entire thing. “Thank you! I’m… glad I didn’t ruin your day…”
I just give him a polite smile. “It’s cool. We’re good.”
An intimately touched smile spreads across my face, as he seemed way too happy about this.
“Thank you, Sophie,” he told me kindly, “That’s… really sweet of you,” he said softly.
I just nod, awkwardly glancing back and forth between him and Garrett.
“So… am I dismissed?”
Jonah looks around awkwardly as Garrett just offers me an indifferent smile, empathizing with me.
“Uh, yeah,” Jonah said quickly, “Yeah of course, I don’t mean to… keep you…”
I give them both a tiny smile and wave as I disappear, heading back to the break room for my stuff.
After work, I headed out to the parking lot of the store, waiting for Ryan to drop Gigi off. He got here around 5:45, which I was pissed about, having had to wait an entire forty-five minutes for him to finally show up. I immediately ran to Ryan’s car the second I saw him pull up, feeling extremely impatient. Of course, I didn’t notice Jonah and Garrett coming out of the store.
“Ryan!” I practically shouted at my baby daddy.
He looked over at me nonchalantly, showing up in his stupid beanie and hoodie, not seeming to be aware of the fact that that I had a reason to be angry at him, let alone the fact that I was angry.
“Hey, Soph!” he greets me casually.
I scowl at him, doing my best to keep my composure in front of Gigi, who runs over to me in excitement. I bend down to look at her first, dealing with her before Ryan.
“Hey, baby, do you wanna wait in the car while I talk to Daddy?”
Gigi nods, fine with that idea. “Okay.”
I watched her as she ran off to my car, making sure everything was okay. I looked back, seeing Garrett sitting in his wheelchair by the front of the store, looking at me as Jonah awkwardly stood by him. He gave me a questioning thumbs-up, trying to gauge whether or not I was okay, given my impending spat with Ryan. I just gave him a thumbs-up, seeing him nod as I went back to being pissed at Ryan the second she’s out of earshot.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I hiss at him.
“What the fuck did I do?!” he exclaims defensively.
I scoff in disbelief. “‘What did you do’?! You forced me to wait a half a fucking hour, when you promised me you’d be here at 5, when I actually got off!”
He gave me an extremely annoying groan, not bothered by the reality of how he had inconvenienced me, again. What I didn’t notice, however, was that we were being watched by both my coworkers, and some of the customers in the parking lot.
“Dude, calm down, it’s not that big of a fucking deal!” he yelled at me.
“It’s not a ‘big deal’?!” I cried. “I’ve been waiting here for you for a half an hour!”
Garrett and Jonah wait by the front of the store, not necessarily wanting to be there.
“Alright,” Garrett sighs, watching the argument break out as he starts to wheel himself toward his car. “I’m out—”
Jonah automatically tries to stop him. “Wait, shouldn’t we just make sure she’s okay?”
Garrett sighs as he stops. “It’s okay, man, it’s just Ryan.”
Jonah looks over at him curiously. “You know her ex?”
Garrett nods. “Yeah, he’s a cool guy. He’s not a dick, this isn’t some ‘battered wife’ situation, alright? They’re just arguing. Stay out of it. You can get off your high horse, and take off your shining armor. Sophie’ll be just fine.”
“But, what if this is the one time she’s not fine?” Jonah questions.
Garrett just sighs, knowing he can’t win this one as he just gives in, keeping his chair parked as he watches his friend argue with her baby daddy.
“How the fuck is that my fault?!” he demanded, waving his arms lazily, “You could’ve gone home!”
I nearly scream at him, in complete awe of how both stupid and inconsiderate he can be at times.
“You’re right, asshole, I could’ve gone home,” I agreed furiously, “And maybe gone back to school and gotten my bachelor’s degree in the amount of fucking time I’ve been waiting in this fucking parking lot for you, but no, I had to wait here, because you kept saying you’d be here soon!”
“Oh my God, stop being so fucking dramatic!” Ryan Pollina yelled, “You always get pissed at me over the littlest fucking things! I’m just a little late! I’m sorry!”
“No, you’re not a little late, first of all,” I shouted, “Five minutes is a little late. Ten minutes is a little late. Fifteen minutes is acceptably late. You, sir, are almost an hour late! And you do this all the time! You tell me one time, you lie and make me wait, and then you show up an hour fucking late!”
Jonah looks at Garrett, seeming worried as Garrett still just shakes his head at the whole situation.
“This is getting a little heated…” Jonah observed.
“Not ‘heated’,” Garrett replied, “Just ghetto. Can’t you just let them work it out?”
Jonah doesn’t listen, remaining vigilant as he keeps his eye on Ryan.
“Oh, sorry, I just wanted to spend time with my fucking daughter!” Ryan spat at me.
I laugh, trying my best not to smack him upside the head. “You think I’m mad because you wanted to keep Gigi for an extra hour?! You’re her father! I don’t care if you wanna spend time with her, just don’t make me wait up if you’re not gonna show up! If you had texted me an hour ago saying you were gonna bring her at 6, or whatever, I would’ve been fine with that! But, no! You kept telling me, for that past forty minutes, that you were ‘on your way’, when I could’ve just waited for your ass at home!”
“Fuck you!” he shot back.
Jonah looks back at Garrett, growing increasingly concerned. “Should we do something?”
Garrett looks up at him incredulously. “What is there to do? They’re just bickering.”
Jonah looks back at the pair uncomfortably. “It seems like more than just arguing…”
“Oh, ‘fuck me’?!” I exclaimed at Ryan. “Are you fucking kidding me?! You come late and leave me waiting all the time, and it’s fuck me?!”
“Yeah! Fuck you!” he pointed at me angrily, “You’re always picking apart every single thing I fucking do!”
“Because you’re constantly fucking doing insane shit!” I gasp. “Like, why the fuck do you lie, and tell me you’re on the way, for an hour instead of just letting me fucking go home?!”
“I don’t understand why this is such a big problem!” he complained. “This was just one time—”
“No!” I laugh, “You’re not listening! It wasn’t one fucking time, Ryan, it’s all the time! It’s a pattern, it’s the principle of the thing, dude!” I reasoned.
“Fuck you, Sophie, I’m not listening to this shit!”
“I don’t like this…” Jonah grimaced.
“Dude, you never fucking listen to anything I say!” I reminded him.
“Because you’re always fucking bitching at me about this or that!” he argued.
I scoffed angrily. “‘Bitching’?! You think me expecting some fucking common decency from you is bitching?!”
“Yeah!” he nodded. “You’re constantly fucking bitching at me, about everything!”
Jonah stared. “I think I’m gonna say something…”
Garrett just shook his head, knowing nothing good could come of this. But before Jonah could even figure out what exactly his plan was, he was thrown off by someone else running out behind him. Jonah and I were both surprised to find Marcus running out to my defense. At first, I was somewhat touched by the gesture, until I saw him say fuck it and punch Ryan in the face.
“Oh, fuck!” Garrett slowly turns to Jonah, who’s still in shock. “You were saying?”
Jonah just shakes his head, grimacing. He wanted no part in that.
“Shit!” I exclaimed.
I heard Garrett yell. “Damn!”
“Oh, my God…” Jonah murmured, running over in shock.
Jonah just stood there, in complete shock as Garrett rolled up next to him, watching the aftermath. Ryan struggled to stand up, his nose bloody and possibly broken, but before he could catch his breath, Marcus started absolutely whaling on him as I just watched, unable to do anything about any of it. Ryan tried hitting him back, but it wasn’t looking good. Garrett quickly rolled back, wanting to get as far away from the situation as possible.
“Guys!” Jonah yelled, not really sure how to break up the fight, being far too polite about it, “Guys…!”
“Marcus!” I yelled, panicking as more and more bystanders gathered around, “Marcus! Stop it! Fuck!”
I watched, mortified, as Marcus eventually got off of Ryan, a stupid grin on his face as he walked up to me, while someone checked on Ryan. Marcus walked over to me, seemingly weirdly proud of himself for what he’d done.
“Oh, shit,” Jonah breathed, traumatized as he and Garrett stood around.
“Marcus!” I exclaimed, a distressed expression on my face.
“It’s okay,” he promised me, hands running up my arms, “I got you, babe.”
Before I could stop him, Marcus leaned in to kiss me, seeming overjoyed as he wrapped his arms around me. In my perplexed state, I accepted the kiss for about a single second before I pulled away, not knowing how to deal with this.
“Oh, shit,” Jonah stared at us, before I groaned with embarrassment.
I gave Marcus a dissatisfied look. He just stood there, expectantly, raising his eyebrows excitedly as he waited for another kiss.
Chapter Three
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Not entirely sure you'd be into this, but vore featuring the workers from the squid game? They do have masks after all!
I think they're pretty good so I'll get some stuff for them! Also can you tell how far I'm digging back into my drafts for this one?
The guards were clearly enjoying this much more than they should. That was pretty obvious to the contestants after the first game they played. It had seemed safe enough when no one actually died but then...well, the guards came in, moving like wolves stalking their prey. When the first guy was being guzzled down, it got a lot more to start panicking, which resulted in a lot more eating. By game's end, nearly half of them were gone, and each guard had at least two guys stretching out their pink suits. The masks hid their faces, but not their clear enjoyment, as they rubbed and kneaded their guts, sloshed them around or pressed them into things, let out nasty belches and content sighs over their meals. A lot of the contestants wondered if that was the whole point, just for these strangers in masks to gorge themselves on easy meals. Every game went like that. Nothing explicitly deadly, at least until those who lost were grabbed and devoured without hesitation. Some tried to bargain their way out of it, others attempted to fight back, and some simply gave up. In the end, no one got away from the hungry guards, and every day they were getting fatter and fatter. When it came down to the last handful of contests, it was pretty clear they were being watched at all times by hungry eyes, the guards sizing them up, trying to decide who would get which meal. In the end, only one man would be left, every other contestant fattening someone's gut or ass. His prize was the money...the consolation prize was getting to feel up a lot of hungry predator stomachs without being devoured. Unless, of course, he asks for it. But you'd have to be stupid to give up all that money just to be a meal for one of those guards...the winner has a hard time deciding just how stupid he is then.
When the lights went off, the idea was that the contests were meant to maim one another as a part of the game. But one of the guards couldn't stand the idea of so much wasted meat and saw an opportunity. Everyone was too afraid to move that day as wet gulps and slurps echo out in the darkness. Some desperate screams manage to get over them every so often, but they're always muffled with a noisy gulp and a wet belch. When the lights come on again, the guard is gone, as well as a large number of contestants. Only a few jumpsuits, dripping in drool and left discarded remain. None of them knew exactly what happened, but they knew they were lucky to be alive. And those watching certainly enjoyed the show plenty, so the greedy guard was allowed to have his meal and settle in his room to digest undisturbed. The contestants in his gut scream and thrash, begging to be let out and given another chance. None of them thought it was fair, but in all honesty, it wasn't about fairness. He lays back in bed, arms behind his head, and lets out a nasty belch into the air. He'd miss a couple of games processing all of this meat, but that's more than worth it to score a meal like this. If he's lucky, and the audience was thoroughly entertained, he might even be able to go up a rank and get a new mask. Then he can start eating like this even more. Three games later, the remaining contestants would take note of one of the guards watching them and how much fatter he is compared to the rest, his pink jumpsuit stretched skin tight over his new heft. Some mumbling about how he managed that catches the guard's attention and he feels his guts gurgling. They might have another 'lights out' soon just so he can show them all how right they are.
The guard in the square mask stares down silently at the guards in circle masks. The low-ranking ones are always the ones that get too excited and too greedy over the prospect of so much live prey to eat. They all tried to sneak some meals in the last game, but when one got caught in the act, he squealed fast and now the whole group is in trouble. Their stomachs are still bubbling wetly, the contestants who were unfairly devoured still barely kicking or fully liquified already. They could have been let out but they weren't. The circle guards were allowed to have their last meals, at least. The first one to finish is the first to be punished, grabbed by the ankles and hoisted up. He trashed and begs, trying to apologize as he's devoured feet first. It doesn't do him any good as he's packed away. The process repeats for the other four, each one devoured feet first so they can spend their last moments yelling and begging, all the way up until their world is framed by teeth before it all goes black. It was the same thing with all of them--begging for another chance, trying to blame someone else, demanding that it's not fair, and cursing their predator. They're all packed away with ease, leaving the square guard to sit back with a sigh as his guts boil over a lot of fresh predator meat. Being so high-ranking, eating offending guards is always a delicacy for the square guards, and he was happy to be the one to take on the role today. This sort of thing seemed to happen all the time--at least one guard gets too cocky and winds up mulched for his troubles. But it usually gets the others to behave. By the time the next game happens, five suits are left hanging in the air, dripping with slime after being hacked up by the guard--who stands under them, a hand resting on his fattened gut while he watches the other guards mill about. Someone always serves as an example, and it always works until the next game.
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bluektw · 4 months
Ok it has been a couple days now, so let's talk about Moonvale
(it's quite long btw)
Spoilers Alert
Ok where do we start?
Well, let's talk about the story and things I like first.
I was hooked. Ngl. I'm not sure why exactly but from the first call I got hooked an wanted to understand what was going on.
What was weird though was how "easy" MC opens up with Ash about what happened in Duskwood, like maybe a little bit of reluctance? Of disbelief? Of trust issues after what happened with Richy?????
We don't know these people. So opening up like that is kinda weird, but moving on.
I actually like the video calls, it makes quite involving. Maybe we should have more of that in Duskwood.
So yeah that's it, I want to know the story and what's going on but I have to admit everything else makes me feel like I might give up.
Now for the characters
Eric is kinda... Cute? (His voice was so pretty though). Adam I have no words, the actor was amazing, I felt everything thing he felt and it doesn't look forced.
The others well... We'll talk about AI later, but the others don't really feel like... Friends? They feel a lot like coworkers. Like Adam and Eric feel like friends, but Eric and the others feel like not exactly friends (maybe next episode we get more of them this might change).
Oh and the unknown guy, scared the shit out of me, but like, I'm used to being threatened by masked people (cof Richy cof) so just another Thursday.
And let's talk about the star: JAKE SHOWING UP AT THE END. He's alive, thank God. And saying "X, I will find you" AHH THE FEELINGS (I'm a Jake girlie, sorry) (I want to talk to Alan too btw)
Now let's talk about what I don't like about it
- The minigames: I don't think they got harder, but I do think the dialogue was way too short in between minigames, like I'm pretty sure I played more than read messages. (I don't like the new style and miss the dark vibes, but I can look past that)
- P2W: I'm a hater on this. I get what they were aiming for, that not everyone can pay so they made this so everyone could have a chance but the execution was so bad. I hated this, especially the fact that EVERYTHING was so expensive like 19 gems for a photo of an envelope? 12 gems for changing profile? Hell 25 gems for a conversation?? If it was like till 10 gems I think it would've been a little less annoying. I'm not sure but that made the game feel way more like a game than a chat, it lost a little of the magic Duskwood had.
- The "flirting": Can you play without flirting? Sure, but does the story get more interesting if you flirt with Eric? Yes. That's the problem, it feels forced. In Duskwood many of the flirts were a lot more subtle, and took more time to start, you literally can flirt with Eric within the first messages. The flirting wasn't the center of the story, it was a background thing, and that's why it was cool and exciting, here it feels more like a way to progress the story than a connection.
- AI: I don't like this. I really don't. I mean, they had so much time and chose to use AI? Almost two years and they couldn't get actors? Or at least use like images from Pinterest instead of AI?. Besides that, the fact even our profile is made with AI it really takes away the whole "involving" thing, cause these are not people, I can't see them as people cause even the bloody cat is made of AI, they don't feel real and that makes the game feel way too much like a game, while Duskwood really made you feel like you were chatting with real people (just look at how many people fell in love with the characters), I hope they change this in the future, seeing the backlash it got.
I guess that's it.
I do hope they realize they messed up with the p2w and AI thing mostly, and hopefully they will find a way to change it. I can't say for sure I won't be playing when ep 2 comes out, cause again, the story is good, and the perspective of other characters (Jake and Alan for me) showing up it will keep me hooked, but I can't speak for the majority of people, but it's definitely a step down from Duskwood.
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novankenn · 1 year
Reluctant Hero?
= Thirty-Two = (Chapter List)
Three hours later, the trio exited an Outfitters store. They had lucked out on it as they cruised about Vale. It made a probably multi-store trip into a one-stop shop. Jaune walked out carrying a single bag. Nothing much different in his outfit aside from a new pair of black combat boots. His bag containing multiple boxes of 12guage shells.
Cardin was the next out. Like Jaune not much was different with his outfit, well aside from the leather ankle length duster he had fallen in love with at first sight. He carried a couple of bags, as he also decided he wanted Huntsmen quality underwear, and ammo for the pump action shotgun he had slung over his shoulder. The final addition was the machete hanging off his left hip.
Nora was the last to exit, her outfit totally changed, though pink was still that main colour, well pink camo. Cargo pants, combat boots, a thin turtleneck, topped off by a bomber style leather coat. Sheathed in the small of her back was a kukri, and on her right hip sat an empty ammo pouch. Again, everything was pink camo, except for the boots which were only available in black.
Jaune: Okay, so we've gotten geared up. Guess it's back to Beacon, and get ourselves organized.
Cardin: So we're going out tomorrow?
Nora: It is getting a little late, and I am kind of hungry.
Jaune: Yeah, I figure we could use a good, non-goo-covered rest and start out early tomorrow. Make a day of it. Pack a picnic lunch. You know, the whole nine yards.
Cardin: You want to have a picnic lunch in a Grimm and Deadite infested forest?
Nora: Yeah, that doesn't strike me as something very safe.
Jaune: You may have a point, but we're going to be out there for hours, so we should pack a lunch.
Nora: But a picnic?
Jaune: Why not? I mean, we have to eat, so we might as well enjoy it when we do.
Cardin: Again. Grimm and Deadite infested forest?
Jaune: Listen, and this is probably the most important thing I can tell you, aside from, always try and keep your mouth closed. Actually, that is the most important thing to keep in mind.
Nora: Okay, I get that. These things are rather... gooey.
Cardin: And seem to love to explode, when you put them down. It's almost like fighting Demonic Creepers in Minecraft.
Jaune: You play Minecraft?
Cardin: What of it? It's relaxing, and I've been working on this insane build of a scale sized replica of Atlas for the last few years.
Nora: Years?
Cardin: Well, there is only so much time in a day, and I did have school and training. It's not like I could spend all day on my private server. Do you guys play? As long as you promise not to grief, I'll send you invites, give you good gear, and...
Nora: Thanks, but I'm more into Terraria.
Cardin: Cool. How about you, Jaune?
Jaune: Um... ah... Never played.
Cardin: WHAT? How could you have NEVER played Minecraft!
Jaune: I just never have, okay.
Nora: Do you play any video games? Have you played any video games?
Jaune: Of course.
Nora: What?
Jaune: SimCity.
Cardin: That's a pretty good game.
Nora: I agree, but we will definitely need to get him on to our servers. Show him what he's missing out on.
Cardin: Our servers?
Nora: Same rules apply, as for your server. No griefing, but I wouldn't mind having some people to play with. Could even start up a new map. Start from scratch.
Cardin: I'm game. I tried it back when it first came out, but I'll give it another chance.
Nora: You'll love it. They've added so much stuff.
Cardin: But you have to join my server as well.
Nora: I will. Minecraft is a good, slow paced game. Very relaxing.
Cardin: Okay. How about you, Jaune? Are you going to join in? I mean, we can use it to relax after we kick ass.
Jaune: I gue...
Nora: Nope. You're joining, no guessing.
Jaune: Okay, whatever. Let's get back to Beacon and put our stuff away.
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My brain, randomly:
What if Alan not 100% legally adopted a kid, and that kid was also fond of Boone, so the two of them end up raising the kid together
So I hadn't originally intended to do a thing for this but WHOOPSIES LOL hope u like it anon!!!!
Alan & Boone Taking Care of a Baby
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So, this situation in general isn’t going to be the most wholesome. Probably the only way this would happen is if Alan happened to kidnap a woman with a baby/toddler, essentially young enough to be impressionable/not remember the exact details later on in life. The baby’s mother would have ended up meeting a terrible fate, probably from fighting back far too much for Alan’s liking. Alan doesn’t kill children, and would typically just send them away or have them be “adopted” by someone else. But in the very slim chance he decides to keep the child, he really would be as good of a parent as he can be.
Perhaps it’s a moment of softness, but Alan might see something in the eyes of the child and feel even a bit guilty for taking away their mother. But, seeing this child that needs him, he would take really well to caring for them. He’s actually better with children than many might realize, as he is infinitely patient with them, and would take to being a dad rather quickly. 
Seeing as he’s the CEO and can do whatever he wants, he’d absolutely take the child into the office with him. You know, once he deems that he can safely and unsuspiciously do so after planting enough rumors and suspicions around of him deciding to adopt or something similar. Absolutely has the baby in one of those front-facing child carriers on his chest just walking around the office with the baby in the carrier. All while he dresses to the nines in a suit. He can do it all.
With Boone being his right-hand man, Boone would definitely be around the baby a lot. He wouldn’t understand why Alan would want to keep a baby and be tied down like that. Boone has never been one to like kids. He wouldn’t go out of his way to ever be mean to a child, but he just doesn’t like how loud and messy they can be. 
The baby eventually grows on him though. It would start as just needing to watch them for a few moments while Alan is doing something. He wouldn’t be able to help the smirk pulling on his lips as they grab and play with his stubble, laughing and having fun with it, especially as Alan keeps his facial hair a lot better maintained so it’s a whole new sensation.
Boone would find himself watching them more often, making sure they stay out of trouble. Though more accurately, having the baby around would keep him from being too reckless. He still would do dumb shit with the baby around but he’d make sure they were safe at the very least. 
Alan is very much the overprotective helicopter parent type while Boone is laid back and lets the kid do whatever they want within reason. It’s honestly good that Boone would be there to help Alan chill out for a bit, especially with his obsessive personality. He just feels like he’s not able to properly take care of them if they aren’t in his sight 24/7, so Boone would have to pull him away a bit.
But the two of them would absolutely use the baby as a way to pick up women. Or well, Boone would if he had any sort of game (which he doesn’t). Alan would play the sympathetic single dad role and get everyone to coo and praise him and totally give them their number. Alan would never admit he’s a great guy but he knows how to make an impression. 
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incyray · 1 year
So, I've been a little obsessed with Bisharp lately, since seeing them in the wild has made me REALLY miss my Bisharp Blade that I had as a kid.
I haven't touched my older pokemon games in years (only recently playing a new one), but I've borrowed my sister's 3DS and bought a charger... for the sole purpose of sorting through my various games in search of Blade.
Unfortunately, it looks like I do not own any pokemon from before White 2; it seems like no pokemon from my OG Black cartridge made it into the new one before it got lost long ago. Blade, unfortunately, seems to have been one of those casualties. I kind of hope someone else found the cartridge, even if I'll never see it again- maybe someone else will appreciate her, lost dog style, haha!
Anyway, I did find one (two!) things to fill that gap though! A lv. 38 Pawniard, route 9, apparently caught on the White 2 cartridge considering her OT. I also found ANOTHER female Pawniard named Blade on my Ultra Sun cartridge, apparently caught in Y and transferred up. I think seniority (and sentimentality for Unova, haha!) ought mean I should give the Blade title to the older one from White 2; I do think I might rename her though; maybe something along the lines of Blade the second or Blade II, if it'll fit. Or maybe an adjacent blade-themed name, considering she was caught on what was likely the same route as the OG Blade- since White 2 is canonically the sequel to Black, maybe this Pawniard is the OG Blade's younger sister, or cousin or such. It's fun to imagine c:
I do think I will actually wait for the inevitable gen 5 remakes to come around (hopefully later than sooner! no more half baked games, PLEASE, game freak...) to raise Blade's heir; I'd like to use her in an actual story mode. I feel like doing so forms more of a bond, insofar as one can bond with pixels and data, haha.
I will however A: use PKhex or the likes to make a fucking mindstate backup of her (and many others- these guys are getting CLONED broski, I am NOT risking sending any of my oldies into the glitchy ass new games without backing them up! and B: I also think I'll do the transfer gradually, so I can cram as much as ribbons from each game I have (White 2, Y, Ultra Sun) onto her (and others!) as I can. Since there is no backwards transfer, there's kind of only one chance to do that! And I kind of want to have the little souvenirs proving these guys have been to all the regions available to me c: If I can find that Alpha Saphire cartridge I never finished, I might even sit there and try to get contest ribbons, too!
Any way here's my little knife critter, she is destined for great things and many precarious headpats c:
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