#i might be missing something from canon about the former four but regardless there's no explanation for brute bonnet
sheirukitriesfandom · 5 years
In Defense of Savos Aren
Today I wanna talk about my favourite sad old elf again. I often see threads across the internet about how Savos doesn't care about the students and that he's a terrible archmage or even the worst of the four guild leaders.
Now, this post is not meant to portray Savos as a cinnamon roll or to make him seem like he's somehow the greatest archmage to ever grace the College of Winterhold, but rather an attempt to show why Savos might not be as bad as people make him out to be. This contains some speculation, but most of it is supported by canon. 
1. Time
Now, first off, we only get to see a small bit of his time as archmage. While we don't know how long he's been archmage, but we have two dates that serve as a loose timeframe. In the midden there's a letter about the great collapse written by archmage Deneth, so Savos wasn't archmage yet in 4E 122. The prima guide also tells us that Savos "took threats seriously and secured the college grounds" after the White Gold Concordat, which means he's already been archmage somewhere around/in 4E 175, so by the time of Skyrim (4E 201) he's been archmage for roughly 26 years, however, the guide mentions him having been "archmage for a very long time", so he's likely had that position for longer.
2. The Circumstances
What is clear though is that Savos got the position at a difficult time. After the Oblivion Crisis mages were shunned even more while at the same time, the mage's guild was disbanded, leaving only few independent places where one could study magic almost without any limitations. And to top it all off, the great collapse happened, destroying most of Winterhold and leaving its citizens resenting the college for something it may or may not have had a part in. Bottom line, Savos got the position at a time in which every diplomatic decision could potentially mean the college's certain doom. Taking this into consideration, it's not at all surprising that he is hesitant to actually lead the college. Not to mention that the last time he actively lead something 5 of his friends got killed (I'm not even going to dive into the toll that must've taken on his mental health).
3. Keeping The College Apolitical
Now, what could be meant by "took threats seriously and secured the college grounds"? Well, it could be taken literally, meaning that he had the college locked up, but given his insistence on the college being apolitical, it might also mean that he made sure that the college doesn't fall to the Thalmor or the Thalmor controlled empire. But if that's true, then what about Ancano? Well, to be honest, I don't think that Ancano has been there since the Concordat as that would imply that, in 26 years, Tolfdir never mentioned the Augur of Dunlain - unlikely since Savos asks the LDB if Tolfdir has been telling stories AGAIN - and Ancano never ventured into the midden dark before, which is also fairly easy to access. It would also imply that Ancano has been living in a storage closet for 26 years... I think it's more likely that Ancano was deployed when the civil war started. But even so, trading an obvious Thalmor spy for the political independence of the college is a small sacrifice. Savos’ refusal to share any important information with his supposed “advisor” points to Ancano being a calculated risk.
4. Reputation Then there's the problem with the college's reputation. The college is, as stated, resented in Winterhold. However, Savos apparently managed to get a powerful friend on his side: Kraldar. Who's that, you ask? When you first come to Winterhold, Kraldar is ""just"" the last remaining noble of the city, however, if the DB joins the Empire and conquers Winterhold, Kraldar becomes the new jarl. And all of a sudden, the college is in a much better position. We know that Kraldar isn't just partial to the college, but specifically a personal friend of Savos Aren which he reveals in both his dialogue regarding the college and a dialogue between him and his servant, in which he wants him to invite Savos to dinner. Savos himself says "I hope my work as archmage may help" in relation to the college’s reputation. So he's not been as inactive as people claim!
5. “B-But The Students!” "But he doesn't care about the students" I hear you say. Quite frankly, that's rubbish. One of the first things he says to you is that he doesn't tolerate experiments that harm the other students. Yes, there's the line "Don't tell me another apprentice has been incinerated. I have enough to deal with right now.", but considering the previous group of apprentices did meet a grisly end, it's not surprising. Could Savos have prevented their deaths? I doubt it. All corpses were found outside the college’s premises; if anyone is to blame for not supervising them it's the teachers since they were in charge of the group. If anything, you can blame Savos for not making sure they do their work (Remember, he’s not involved in the day-to-day activities). And since guards are stretched thin as is, do you really think they'd help locate the missing students? In Stormcloak territory? Should the teachers forsake the college and look for them divines know where? Post a bounty in a town that’s already at their throats? Sad as it is, there's not much that could've been done. 6. The Eye Then there’s the issue with the Eye of Magnus. I believe taking it to the college was the right step in a civil war-torn, bandit infested Skyrim. What happened next is something that Savos probably couldn’t have foreseen. Think of it from Savos’ perspective: You’ve seen that thing before, on the Staff of Magnus and you know where that staff is. So even if people figure out they need the Staff of Magnus to unlock the eye’s power and manage to locate this mythical artifact, they still have to get it. From this point onward you have two options: give them the torc and enter Labyrinthian again, this time being prepared for what’s to come, or not giving them the torc and letting the figure out a way to enter Labyrinthian, potentially ending their search or, if they succeed, set Morokei free. Regardless of which he would’ve chosen, “My stupid advisor shooting lighning at the eye/ having some unexplained Deus Ex Machina magic” probably wasn’t on his list of things to consider. That being said, Savos is absolutely at fault for prolonging the search for the staff. Can’t entirely absolve him from his mistakes. Conclusion: So, is Savos a good archmage? Probably not. His hesitance to actually lead the college makes him less than ideal for the post and did lead to dissent between his subordinates as well as a lack of control over college activities, however, I still think he’s a better guild leader than Mercer “Killed the former guild leader, drained the guild treasury, pissed off Nocturnal and tried to kill the LDB” Frey.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 184: JP Hero Billboard Chart
Previously on BnHA: We spent the whole chapter enjoying the cultural festival. Class B entertained with a fantasy play that drew inspiration from no fewer than four separate intellectual properties, proving that it’s not just Monoma who likes to copy stuff. Hounddog handed out some of the most terrifying discipline we’ve seen since Orca’s EXTRA GUIDANCE. Eri regaled Deku with her enthusiastic recap of the concert in vivid detail including sound effects and both Deku and Mirio were thrilled to see her so happy. Those jerk upperclassmen from before apologized for their bad attitude. Everyone was grateful to class 1-A for lifting the school’s spirits. Hadou won the Miss Con competition at long last. Bakugou conquered the warped wall. Shinsou traumatized several class A students for life. Mei successfully wowed people with the support team expo and then promptly passed out afterward. Deku presented Eri with a handmade candy apple and bid her farewell. And lastly, over at the police station, the cops processed Gentle and La Brava and seemed to be taking steps to rehabilitate them. All in all it was the most wholesome chapter ever and I’m almost sorry to see this arc end, but the plot must go on.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa brings Eri back to U.A. and is all “oh yeah by the way, she lives here now.” We learn that Tokoyami interned with a hero named Hawks and YOU ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS. The Pussycats visit the 1-A dorms and announce that they’re coming off their hiatus and that Ragdoll will be supporting them as an OL which is some bullshit but at least she’s okay. Pixie-Bob explains that shockingly, All for One was not inclined to just give her quirk back just like that! We learn that the JP Hero Billboard Chart, the organization that ranks active heroes, will be presenting the new official rankings -- the first without All Might -- shortly. Right now, in fact! We then travel to Kamino for the live presentation. The top 10 heroes are introduced, the highlights of which are Ryuukyuu at #10, Kamui Woods at #7, my new bunny fave Miruko at #5, Edgeshot at #4, Best Finest Elite Superlative Jeanist at #3, and THAT MAN, Hawks, at #2. Oh and Endeavor at #1. With a new suit. I WONDER WHO THIS ARC IS GOING TO BE ABOUT.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 207 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. Just to clarify real quick, my stopping right smack dab in the middle of my boy’s big fight isn’t by choice, lol. I’ve been sick for the past few days, but I’m finally starting to feel a bit better, so hopefully I’ll have the energy to resume soon.)
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maybe I should READ THE CHAPTER and find out. hmmm
anyway so November is ending! that means we’re entering December! which also means I think Bakugou is going to get a new costume soon! and also he and Todoroki have only one month left before they get to retake their exam oh gosh. so much excitement so little time
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(ETA: and he says “U.A.” but we all know it’s really just him. I don’t see anyone else from the school stepping up. Aizawa it’s okay you can admit that you’re completely incapable of turning your back on a child in need and so you stepped in and took responsibility for her and only afterward actually went and asked Rat Principal if it was okay and thankfully he said yes because he’s also a pretty cool guy. just like you. my god I love you)
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Nejire put her hair in pigtails omggggg
and Tsuyu, she is your sister now. GET USED TO IT
so now Aizawa and Mirio are leaving her with Tamaki and Nejire and calling the 1-As outside to talk
so they found out that Eri was abandoned by her parents, and that her grandpa is the comatose Precepts boss
and Mirio says that her horn, which you recall had shrunk quite a bit after the Overhaul battle, started to grow again recently. although it’s still pretty small
so they figured U.A. would be the safest environment for her, rather than a foster home
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(ETA: btw Mangastream’s translation says “teachers’ dormitory” rather than lounge, which makes a great deal more sense)
oh my god. he cares so much. obviously it’s not something he had to do, but he obviously grew fond of her and knew it was going to be the best option for her
so now you have a six-year-old daughter, Aizawa. good thing your twenty other kids can help babysit
and also this guy!
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so Mirio is now a full-time live-in nanny. I approve
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but that’s not to say that this the only reason he’s doing this. that will be the happiest ending but he still loves her regardless
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“it’s been a while since we did anything gay, Mirio. how bout it”
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yes. pretty neat
now Aizawa is asking if the third years can take Eri for a little bit. I guess he has to go and take care of some teacher things. he’s such a busy guy
Mirio says they’re happy to, and he’s saying they should all play Othello
apparently this is not referring to the Shakespeare play but it’s another name for the board game Reversi. that was really confusing for a sec lol. I’ve never heard of this game before
Deku’s asking if they can join in, but Aizawa’s telling them to go back to the dorms
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and now we’re cutting to the dorms and Tokoyami is suddenly sneezing quite forcefully
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why is Kiri wearing a button down shirt. are you going on a date. none of your usual suitors seem particularly dressed up
(ETA: and what is going on with Kami and Momo there oh my. you two sure look mighty cozy)
Kaminari is teasing Tokoyami about the old superstition that if you sneeze it means someone’s talking about you somewhere
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fuck me, what? Tokofuckingyami interned with the former number three himself and no one fucking said a thing?!
and was this his actual internship or his work study? I wonder how many other kids had actual internships that we didn’t hear a damn thing about
also why does Ochako look about 8 years old in that panel. holy shit her eyes are big
anyway, Toko is flatly saying he doubts he has any fans yet and that it’s too early
and now the door is cracking open and Iida is announcing that their guests are here!
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Ragdoll! ❤❤❤ glad to see they didn’t dump you and that you’re keeping your spirits up even after everything that happened
DID THEY BRING KOUTA. THEY SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT KOUTA. he’s probably in school now though. damn
-- NO HE’S HERE!!!
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I love that everyone’s so happy to see them and Mina and Hagakure are even running over for hugs. that’s so heartwarming to see, especially given how the camp ended and the scared and sad terms they must have parted on last time
speaking of those events!
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it’s nice that he apologized. even though it wasn’t their fault (mostly). but I’m sure Bakugou doesn’t particularly like to be reminded of it and would rather just pretend like nothing happened. so I hope they take their cue from him and try not to make him uncomfortable
something like 90% of AO3 is convinced Bakugou has Secret PTSD from this incident, and while I tend to stick to Confirmed Canon Only and thus am more on the side of he probably doesn’t, I’m sure that it’s not something he likes to think about all the same and the subject probably does put him on edge
(ETA: and! come to think of it, the one thing we do know he came away with for sure is a lot of guilt! so it’s more than possible that he actually blames himself for being the cause of the attack and for indirectly being the reason why Ragdoll lost her quirk. so to have them come up and apologize to him when from his perspective he’s the one who caused all the trouble to begin with... now that is something I can see really bothering him, actually. oh Bakugou)
Jirou, who as you recall was also injured during the attack, says that they’re all doing well
and meanwhile Tora brought bread for all of them and Mina’s waving it around excitedly and Ochako looks over the moon. she always loves sweets
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look how much better he’s gotten now, though! he’s graduated from groin punching to handshaking! he’s actually super thrilled to see Deku again and you can tell and he’s trying so hard not to show it and I fucking love it omggg
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oh my god. Deku really is his hero. I can’t. why do I suddenly want to cry omggg
anyway! so now Satou’s asking why they’ve come to visit U.A.
and Pixie says they came “to celebrate her reinstatement”
???! Ragdoll???
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okay but like. her quirk was all mental anyway. physically she’s still just as strong as she ever was. I don’t see why she couldn’t be out there fighting crime even without the pokedex quirk. sure, it leaves her a bit more vulnerable not being able to track people or knowing their moves and stats ahead of time, but there’s still a lot she could do goddammit
and now Pixie says they got a report from Tartarus omg!
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(ETA: okay so I posted Mangastream’s translation here as it makes much more sense than Jaimini’s version. so you can ignore all the confused commentary below. this makes it clear he’s just taunting them and saying “why sure, I’d love to give back all the quirks I stole, but I can’t do that while you’ve got me all tied up :’) too bad.”)
oh my god sudden All for One holy shit. I don’t think we’ve seen him since like chapter 116?? oh snap
so I’m not quite sure what he’s saying here. is he saying he physically can’t return the quirk, or that it’s use it or lose it type of deal? or is he just saying he doesn’t feel like returning it, sorry, too bad so sad?
I’m going to assume it’s that last one, seeing as he’s a dick
but like, there was never really any chance of that happening anyway. we all know the only way that quirk is coming back is if Deku does in fact turn out to be his kid and he takes the quirk himself and gives it back to her
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OKAY BUT. THE SHOT OF KACCHAN’S FACE THOUGH! Kacchan being part of the inner circle yesssssss. holy shit. I’ve been waiting so long for this?? thank you, manga, for this friendly reminder that he is the only other one who knows the full story of All for One and his connection to Deku. I love how serious and somewhat apprehensive they both suddenly look just at the mention of him
anyway, so Mandalay is saying it’s going to be broadcast soon, but that on the most recent JP Hero Billboard Chart they were ranked 411th
holy shit what?! weren’t they in the top 50 before?! that’s an insane slide. I know they lost a member and also had a kid get kidnapped on their watch, but still
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lol actually this is all stuff that we already knew
BUT LOOK AT THAT SILHOUETTE IN THE NUMBER THREE POSITION THOUGH! fucking Rawk Hawk is about to be revealed at long last omgggg
okay yeah, Deku says the Pussycats were previously ranked at #32
so Kiri says oh, that’s why they’re starting things up again, so they can fight their way back to the top after such a steep drop
oh my god
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they’re saying that the fact that they didn’t drop even lower means that there are still fans rooting for them, and so they have to work hard
lol Kiri’s sobbing into his arm at how manly they are
and now the kids are all “oh yeah come to think of it, the second semester rankings haven’t been presented yet” and that it’s probably because of all the crazy shit that’s happened recently
are they usually presented before now? I just figured it was a twice a year June-and-December type thing
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“exciting” isn’t quite the word I’d use, but okay. sounds more depressing than anything :(
ahhhh now we’re cutting to the presentation!
they’re broadcasting from Kamino of all places
so there are a ton of people and a bunch of stretch limos and such, and it seems to be like an Oscar-level event
oh, but apparently it’s not normally like this
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number 9 is some old samurai asshole
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go fuck yourself Yoroimusha. what makes you so special that you’re ranked above my dragon queen
number 8...
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...okay he can stay
oh shit Kamui fucking Woods made it all the way to number 7!
fffffff they showed Mt. Lady and for a moment I thought it meant she was at no. 6! but noooooo she’s all the way at #23. despite having participated in the same missions as Kamui. do you know what, the JP Hero Billboard Chart can go fuck themselves
who the hell
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“Crust” lmao. toast hero. sandwich hero
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so now women make up a full 20% of the top ten rankings rather than a measly 10%. we really smashed that glass ceiling, y’all. gender equality has been achieved. you’re welcome
(ETA: I feel like this needs more :/ faces to get my full feelings across. :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ okay that’s better)
anyway if she’s in the top 5 she must be pretty cool and I hope we get to see what her power is someday
(ETA: seems to be your basic run-of-the-mill animal-themed super strength, but damned if Dabi did not want to fuck with her though. you go Miruko)
Edgeshot is at number 4, which is expected since he was previously in the number 5 spot before All Might’s retirement. good boy Edgeshot
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except for Mt. Lady apparently
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IT’S HIM!!!!!
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and of course, number one is Endeavor
lol what he gets the whole last page to himself. why. just because he got a new costume?? I honestly didn’t even notice the difference lol
but okay fine let’s take a look
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well, he’s definitely trying! did he make himself a fire antennae thing. and does he have a cape now I can’t tell
god there’s so much fire. just turn it off when you’re not in action and be fucking normal you asshole
and so that’s it. I guess
what I took away from this chapter is that the people of Japan voted in a washing machine over a fucking dragon. given the choice, they would rather have him on the scene, tossing in red shirts with the villains’ white loads to turn all of their clothes pink. I mean, sure then. whatever
BONUS: Miruko’s profile!
OH SO YOU LIKE CARROTS HUH. I don’t know what I was expecting lol
so her last name means “rabbit mountain.” I guess the mountain part is just cuz she’s strong as hell? idk
and I wonder if her first name has any meaning since it’s just written in katakana. I know the notes say something about it being a reference to a professional fighter, but I have a feeling that’s talking about her hero name rather than her given name
I fucking love her. I wish to god there were more than two fucking female heroes in the top ten, but at least the two we have are pretty badass
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traincat · 6 years
Hello! I recently stumbled across your tumblr and immediately fell in love with Johnny Storm thanks to you. I want to start reading the comics but I have no idea on what to start with since they go so far back. Do you have any suggestions?
Hey! I love Johnny SO much and also comics so much, so this is the best kind of thing to hear. :D I definitely have some suggestions. I’m going to try to give you a fairly broad range of options, because, like you said, they go pretty far back, and there isn’t one right way to start reading comics.
If you want to start reading Fantastic Four, I have a couple recommendations:
1) Fantastic Four volume 3, by Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo (Fantastic Four v3 #60-70, renumbering after #70 to #500-524)
If I had to pick one issue and only issue as an introduction to the Fantastic Four, it would probably be Waid and Wieringo’s Fantastic Four v3 #60, which is told primarily from the point of view of an outsider who has been sent to reevaluate the Fantastic Four in order to help his company boost their in-universe popularity. It takes an insightful look at the Fantastic Four’s unique place on the Marvel landscape as not just a superhero team but as some of the biggest celebrities in their world, and it’s self-contained with a great ending. Waid&Wieringo’s run is great in that it offers a look at every dynamic on the team – a lot of times you get them split into duos, like Reed&Sue and Johnny&Ben, or Reed&Ben and Johnny&Sue, but Waid’s run really looks at every facet of the team’s relationships with each other, and the late, great Mike Wieringo’s art is engaging and charming. Also, the Fantastic Four invade Latveria! 
Waid&Wieringo’s run concludes with one of my top five favorite Johnny storylines, Rising Storm (Fantastic Four #517-524), where Johnny’s powers are switched with Sue’s in a last minute bid to save her life from hostile aliens - a gamble that ends up with Johnny captured by Galactus and forced, as his herald, to find a planet for Galactus to consume. 
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By swapping Johnny’s powers and stranding him, while he waits for rescue, in a situation where he has work alone to try and find a work around to dooming an entire planet’s population, it really uniquely highlights both the character’s resourcefulness and his compassion.
2) Fantastic Four #1, by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. My other suggestion is to literally start at the beginning. Take this one with a grain of salt – Silver Age comics can be hard for some people to get into, regardless of their level of comic book reading expertise. (I’ve personally never had a hard time with them, but I was raised on 60s television like Bewitched and Gilligan’s Island, so I came into them familiar with the kind of character tropes that 60s comics like to employ.) That being said, this is the run that started it all, the foundation of Marvel comics as we know it, and Jack Kirby’s art is absolutely stunning.
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Lee and Kirby’s run spans from Fantastic Four #1-102, although Stan Lee would stay on the book with other Marvel greats like John Romita Sr and John Buscema for a while longer. Whether or not you start here, I do think Fantastic Four’s beginning is worth reading at some point.
3) Claremont’s Fantastic Four run, Fantastic Four v3 #1-32. Lobdell actually wrote the first 3 issues of this, and I’d say you might notice the dropped storyline, but uhh it wouldn’t be the only one. This is not usually a run I recommend starting with, but since you mentioned Johnny in specific I wanted to include it, because Claremont writes an absolutely stunning Johnny. Nobody does Johnny’s relationship with his powers - both the good and the bad - like he does.
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Claremont’s run also likes to get its freak on with Johnny in particular. There’s pros and cons about this run – it takes place after Marvel’s Heroes Reborn, which saw both the Fantastic Four and Avengers banished to a pocket dimension for a year, and effectively acts as a big reset button for some messy canon stuff from the late 90s. In essence, it’s a fresh start. On the other hand, it’s a prime example of a comic from the early 2000s – it wants to throw a lot of superhero junk at the wall and see what sticks. I like it a lot, but if you’re not a very experienced superhero reader, it may not be a good starting point. Claremont also tends to be very verbose, so your mileage may vary. 
4) Alternatively, if you feel like jumping right in with what’s going on right now, the current Marvel Two-In-One by Chip Zdarsky is AMAZING and does a great job of getting you caught up while moving the action along. With Reed, Sue, and their children still missing after the events of Secret Wars (2015), and Johnny mysteriously losing his powers, he and Ben embark on a multiversal road trip to find their family – but they’re not alone, and Ben has a secret.
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Totally stunning book, and easily my favorite thing Marvel is putting out at the moment. As of writing this post, issues #1-6 are available!
There are also two Johnny solo series I recommend. (This makes it sound like there are others I don’t recommend, but no, these are the only two Johnny solos.) Like with Fantastic Four, I’m going to give you a modern series first, and then a classic one.
1) Human Torch (2003) #1-12 by Karl Kesel and Scottie Young. This comic is from a period where Marvel was trying to entice manga fans with what they perceived to be manga-ish art styles, so the art does make it a bit of a hard sell, but trust me, it’s so worth. While, in my opinion, the whole book is more than worth a read, the first storyline, Burn! (#1-6) is all around terrific and a top favorite Johnny story for me. When a former high school classmate of Johnny’s turned firefighter turns up on Johnny’s door with a mystery involving a case of seemingly spontaneous human combustion, Johnny has to work alongside him to catch a pyrokinetic serial killer while facing down an incident from his past.
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It’s another great look at Johnny and his relationship with his powers. Issue #12 also sees Johnny back at Metro U, the first college he dropped out of, and reflects on his insecurities regarding that. (Sidenote: if you read Waid’s run and like Johnny’s assistant Jian, Human Torch (2003) is basically her only other appearance.) If you want something that focuses solely on Johnny, Human Torch (2003) is your best bet.
2) Strange Tales #101-134, by Stan Lee. Oh my God, if you like classic comics, this stretch of Strange Tales is SO fun. It was published when the Fantastic Four were just taking off and Johnny was a shining star on the superhero landscape. Set before he and Sue moved into the Baxter Building with Reed and Ben, it takes place out on suburban Long Island, and initially sees Johnny attempting to keep his identity as the Human Torch a secret from his hometown.
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Strange Tales!Johnny is the cutest, most clean cut boy in the world and I love him. Basically every issue sees him get tied to something by a supervillain. A rocket? Check. Tied up by vines in a gardener’s revenge? Check. Handcuffed by fake Captain America? Check, check, check. And if you like Spideytorch, be sure to check out Strange Tales Annual #2, which established a lot of the staples of their relationship we still see today, like the sky-written messages and their meeting spot at the Statue of Liberty.
I just dumped like a thousand comics on you, sorry! Last but not least, I’ve been hyping the 18+ Marvel 616′s book club, but there’s a ton of channels and we welcome readers of all expertise, so if you want to come chat about getting into Fantastic Four or any other Marvel property or character, hop on over: https://discord.gg/TA32PbH. We want to help you get into comics! 
I really hope you find some Johnny comics to love because he is the best and I love him and I want everyone to love him too.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What The Mandalorian Means for Ahsoka Tano’s Future in Star Wars
Despite never appearing in the flesh in any of the movies, former Jedi padawan Ahsoka Tano is undoubtedly one of the most popular characters in Star Wars. A hero in every sense of the word, Ahsoka’s journey spans almost the entire film saga, just in animated form.
First introduced as Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice in The Clone Wars animated series, Ahsoka quickly became one of the main protagonists of the series, as we watched her grow as both a Jedi and a commander who led clone forces for the Republic. And even though her time with the Jedi came to an end before Order 66, when she chose to walk away from the Order in search of her own path, she continued to fight for others.
In Rebels, she became the spy known as “Fulcrum,” helping the fledgling Rebellion in its struggle to topple the Empire. It was during this time that she also faced Darth Vader on an ancient Sith planet called Malachor and learned the truth about the fate of her former master. But the revelation did not break her, even as her duel with Vader left her stranded on Malachor.
Stream your Star Wars favorites right here!
Ahsoka’s live action debut in The Mandalorian, played by Rosario Dawson, marks another major step in her journey. No longer someone trying to find her place in the galaxy or with the Jedi, she now uses her powers to help those who need it. And as Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth learns in the “The Jedi,” nothing will stop Ahsoka from seeking justice.
“She is, for lack of a term, a master, because she’s largely an independent at this point,” The Clone Wars and Rebels showrunner Dave Filoni, who is also an executive producer on The Mandalorian, told Vanity Fair. “I play her much more as a knowledgeable knight. A wandering samurai character is what she really is at this point. I’ve always made comparisons to her heading toward the Gandalf stage, where she is the one that has the knowledge of the world and can help others through it. I think she’s reached that point.”
But if you followed Ahsoka’s journey from the animated series to The Mandalorian, you probably noticed that there are still some gaps in her story. How did Ahsoka escape Malachor and show up on Corvus so many years later? And how was she able to speak to Rey in The Rise of Skywalker? Most importantly, what does “The Jedi” tell us about Ahsoka’s future?
How Is Ahsoka Tano Alive in The Mandalorian?
While we know Ahsoka Tano reappeared in the very final scene of Rebels, reuniting with Mandalorian hero Sabine Wren on Lothal before setting out in search of Ezra Bridger, who went missing after being launched into hyperspace while fighting Grand Admiral Thrawn in space, we don’t really know how Ahsoka escaped Malachor in the first place.
For those of you who don’t remember (or didn’t watch Rebels, which shame on you), Ahsoka stayed behind to duel Vader inside the Sith temple on Malachor while the rest of the heroes escaped in the season 2 episode “Twilight of the Apprentice.” For almost two seasons after that, Ahsoka’s fate was unclear, with some believing that the fan-favorite character had met her end at the hands of her master.
But season 4 episode “A World Between Worlds” revealed the truth. In the episode, Ezra gains access to a mystical realm containing portals to different points in time and space. It’s through one of these portals that Ezra is able to pull Ahsoka out of Malachor, just as Vader is about to land a killing blow with his lightsaber.
For a moment, it seems as if Ahsoka has found a way off Malachor. But when Emperor Palpatine senses the world between worlds through the Force and tries to gain access to it, Ezra and Malachor are separated while trying to stop the Sith lord. In the process, Ahsoka is forced to jump back through the portal to Malachor. She then walks back into the Sith temple to an uncertain future.
That’s the last we see of her on screen until she reunites with Sabine in the epilogue of the Rebels series finale “Family Reunion – and Farewell,” which takes place a year after Return of the Jedi. “The Jedi” reveals that Ahsoka is still searching for Ezra four years later, but doesn’t shed light on the sequence of events that led her from Malachor to Lothal and then Corvus.
The best answer we have comes from an unlikely source: the Star Wars Card Trader mobile trading card game from Topps. A series of Ahsoka cards designed by Filoni himself reveals that Ahsoka found another portal within the Sith temple on Malachor that led her back into the world between worlds and “on a spiritual journey that changed the course of her life,” according to Wookieepedia. That’s a pretty vague answer to a very big gap in Ahsoka’s story, but since Filoni designed these cards, they must be canon, right?
The good news is that Ahsoka’s escape from the planet means that we’ll hopefully get to watch many more of her adventures on The Mandalorian as an older and wiser hero.
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What Is Togruta Life Expectancy?
Just how old Ahsoka is when she appears in The Mandalorian? According to Wookieepedia, Ahsoka was born in 36 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). Since The Mandalorian takes place in five years after Return of the Jedi in 9 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), this means that Ahsoka is around 45 years old in “The Jedi,” leaving plenty more years of adventuring ahead of her.
Barring an illness or any of the usual hazards that come with fighting bad guys in the galaxy far, far away, just how many years does Ahsoka have left? While there’s no canon answer when it comes to Togruta life expectancy, the old Legends continuity did state that Togruta could live up to 94 years, a pretty long lifespan when you consider that real-world human life expectancy is about 72 years. Of course, this pales in comparison to the lifespan of Yoda’s species, who can live for centuries.
Regardless of whether the life expectancy of Togruta is the same in the Disney canon, I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Beloved Star Wars characters rarely die of natural causes, which brings us to a big question about Ahsoka’s future: how is her journey fated to end?
How Did Ahsoka Tano Die?
Even if she’s not physically in the movie, Ahsoka’s presence is felt in The Rise of Skywalker when she speaks to Rey through the Force during the film’s climactic battle with Palpatine. She can be heard saying, “Rey!” when the young hero reaches out to the generations of Jedi before her to give her the strength to defeat the Sith once and for all. Although it’s just as likely that her inclusion in this scene is simply a wink at the Star Wars fans who love the character, Ahsoka’s single line in The Rise of Skywalker has led some to wonder whether this means she died prior to the events of the Sequel Trilogy.
There is some “evidence” that this might be the case, primarily the fact that the other Jedi who speak to Rey in The Rise of Skywalker — Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Kanan Jarrus, and Adi Gallia — are all dead. But the difference is that we’ve witnessed the deaths of all of these other characters, whether it be in the films, the TV series, or in the pages of the books and comics. (While we don’t see how Master Unduli died, her death was confirmed in Rebels.)
Ahsoka’s fate, on the other hand, is not written in stone. As far as we know, Ahsoka could have lived decades beyond The Mandalorian, and Filoni even suggested after the release of the film that, just because Rey could hear her voice on Exegol, that didn’t mean Ahsoka was necessarily dead.
Was thinking of all of you this fine morning, Happy Holidays! – Dave pic.twitter.com/WpD0kKMbfk
— Dave Filoni (@dave_filoni) December 25, 2019
Filoni went as far as to tell io9 that the movie “doesn’t really have any big implications to what I’m doing with the character, to be honest. I just thought it was a really fun thing. I thought J.J. [Abrams]’s instinct to be so inclusive with all these various elements of Star Wars and characters [was great]. And I thought it would be a great thing for the actors involved to be a part of something that was just really this celebrating moment of the Star Wars saga. So I didn’t think of it in a literal story [way]. The film, to me, is like a different area.”
In other words, Ahsoka’s cameo in The Rise of Skywalker could be nothing more than just a wink at fans. Certainly, Ahsoka’s story in “The Jedi” suggests that she has plenty more to do. Next on her list is finding Grand Admiral Thrawn, who could lead him to where Ezra is.
Will Ahsoka Be in The Mandalorian Again?
In many ways, and this is pure speculation, “The Jedi” plays like a backdoor pilot, setting up what could be Ahsoka’s own standalone series on Disney+. The episode introduces just enough of Ahsoka’s own mission without giving much of it away. By the end of the episode, we know that Ahsoka’s on her way to find Thrawn, a confrontation so many years in the making that it seems too big (and distracting) to happen on The Mandalorian.
But even if Ahsoka were to get her own series, that doesn’t mean she would never cross paths with Mando and Grogu again. Since Disney bought the Star Wars franchise in 2012, the studio has been working to build a shared universe of stories on screen that communicate with each other and share characters from one property to the next — just like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the same way that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and WandaVision are meant to tie into the upcoming Marvel movies, The Mandalorian and a potential Ahsoka series (and the rumored Boba Fett spinoff) could be set up to interact with each other, too.
In fact, “The Jedi” has left the door open for Ahsoka to appear in future The Mandalorian episodes, even as she searches for Thrawn in her own series. She’s already played a pivotal role in Mando and Grogu’s own journey, not only helping the bounty hunter learn his little companion’s real name but also revealing Grogu’s tragic history. Unable to fully understand the child or the way of the Jedi, Mando has needed people to show him the way throughout his quest, and Ahsoka could prove to be the perfect guide and mentor for the duo when it comes to the mysteries of the Force, even if she won’t outright train Grogu as an apprentice. As Filoni said of Ahsoka’s resemblance to Gandalf: “She is the one that has the knowledge of the world and can help others through it.”
Will Ahsoka Meet Luke Skywalker?
In “The Jedi,” Ahsoka points Mando and Grogu to Tython, a mysterious planet powerful in the Force that could be the birthplace of the Jedi Order. There, Grogu must decide whether to reach out with the Force to another Jedi or stay with Mando.
“If he reaches out through the Force, there’s a chance a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him,” Ahsoka tells Mando. “Then again, there aren’t many Jedi left.”
Fans’ ears likely perked up at this line of dialogue since we all know of at least one other Jedi operating in the galaxy five years after Return of the Jedi: Luke Skywalker himself. Is the show hinting that Luke will make an appearance on the show to take Grogu in as his student? That seems unlikely since Mando and Grogu are the emotional core of the series, but Ahsoka’s acknowledgement that there are other active Jedi in the galaxy could mean that she’s aware that Luke is out there.
Could this mean that Ahsoka has already met Luke or is poised to meet him in the future? Either way, their meeting seems inevitable. In fact, an Ahsoka and Luke story would provide the rhyming poetry that Star Wars so often deploys: Anakin’s old apprentice finds Anakin’s son years after Vader’s death and helps him learn something new about the Force or the Jedi. Ahsoka could guide Luke in ways that Anakin could not, while she could learn more about her master’s ultimate sacrifice for his son.
The only issue, of course, is that Mark Hamill is much older than Luke would be five years after Return of the Jedi, which means that a potential meeting with Ahsoka would likely involve some heavy CGI to de-age Hamill or a recast of Luke. Unless Ahsoka doesn’t meet Luke until much later in his life, it might be time to ring up Sebastian Stan.
Keep up with all of The Mandalorian season 2 news here.
The post What The Mandalorian Means for Ahsoka Tano’s Future in Star Wars appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lajulie24 · 7 years
Beneath the Milky Twilight
“Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer was the inspiration for this piece, and put me in mind of Endor. I decided that if I’m doing a Disney canon Endor wedding, I’m setting it in the Epic Love ‘verse (my TFA fix-it). I’m not necessarily wedded (ha) to the idea that this is when the wedding happened, and will probably write other weddings happening at other times and places, but…I couldn’t resist.
Almost nobody had bet on a wedding.
Wedge and Tycho had come the closest; they’d bet on an engagement, although even they didn’t think it would be announced for a while. There had to be some reason Solo and the Princess kept sneaking off together with serious faces, then returning all smiles and hugs and meaningful looks.
The other Rogues were betting on explanations of a much cruder sort: would someone catch Han and Leia en flagrante in the woods somewhere? Would they appear at one of the many post-Endor battle briefings late, bearing telltale love bites on their necks or leaves in their hair? But none of them had bet on an actual wedding. On Endor. In two days.
Leia had started to doubt the wisdom of telling the Rogues anything, but Luke assured her that they would be more helpful with the preparations if they weren’t wasting their time trying to figure out what was going on (or trying to catch her and Han having sex in a tree or something).
Their plans were a bit sudden, Leia admitted, but once they’d decided to marry, it felt like it made no sense to wait. Han knew about her parentage and loved her regardless; they had a rare break in the action in the wake of the Endor victory; it felt like they’d already waited long enough for each other. And this was a beautiful place, with most of the people Han and Leia considered family and friends already here.
So they were doing it. And now they were both splitting their attention between post-Endor battle plans and wedding logistics. One of which had Leia a bit stymied.
“What’s with the long face, sweetheart?” Han asked her. They were eating dinner in the Falcon and talking details. For what was supposed to be a rather simple ceremony, there sure seemed to be a lot of things to talk about. I just wanted to get married, Han lamented in his head, but he recognized that this was nothing compared to the big state affair that would normally be a royal wedding. He was getting off easy.
Leia frowned and gestured to the dress the Ewoks had given her. “This dress. It was lovely of them to give it to me, but…it’s just not what I think of for a wedding dress.” She scrunched her face up a bit.
Han grinned. “Well, I’d marry you in that,” he said, indicating the Alliance uniform she was wearing, “but you should at least get to have something special. We’ll get you a dress.”
Leia raised an eyebrow. “In a day and a half.”
“I’m very good at finding things, Sweetheart. We’ll get it done.”
Leia looked dubious. But she trusted him.
The next day, the Rogues were hard at work on some setup that Han really hoped was not going to electrocute everyone. Chewie kept chasing Han out of the Falcon, claiming he needed to practice his toast. And Han couldn’t seem to find a dress for Leia to save his life. By the time afternoon rolled around, he was almost relieved to have a briefing with the Pathfinders.
Kes Dameron lingered a bit after the briefing. “General,” he greeted, “I hear you need a dress.” His face had a teasing expression, and Han thought Kes was probably going to add to the good-natured ribbing he’d received about his search. Han nodded and grinned.
But Kes was serious. “I commed Shara. She’s on her way to the Princess now.”
 “Are you sure?”
 “Your Highness, I would be honored. It’s just been taking up space in the bottom of my trunk since the honeymoon.” Shara smiled at Leia. “And besides, after Poe, I doubt I’m ever going to fit into that thing again.”
Leia fingered the pale pink chiffon overskirt, covered with a sprinkling of appliquéd flowers. If it fit, it would honestly be perfect. Alderaanian wedding dresses were either pale pink or pale blue, and this dress was lovely but simple enough for an outdoor ceremony.
She and Han had discussed Alderaanian and Corellian wedding customs briefly, and Leia had realized that she almost was hesitant to incorporate some of them. She missed her parents so much right now; it hurt to think of the traditions they wouldn’t be here to carry out with her.
In the end, she had asked Han to take care of majority of the planning, announcing that the only things she was going to do were get dressed, do her hair, and get married. Han seemed to be doing all right with it; she’d seen him in close conversation with Carlist Rieekan, as well as giving Luke some kind of urgent assignment. And the important thing was that they would be married, no matter what traditions they chose to uphold.
Well, at least there was one tradition she could pull off. Shara’s dress was perfect.
 Endor was especially beautiful by twilight, the treetops outlining a deepening blue sky and the first flickers of starlight. At the foot of the Falcon’s ramp, Carlist Rieekan waited for Leia to emerge.
She walked down the ramp, and he smiled broadly, extending his arm to her. “You look beautiful, Your Highness,” he said.
She did. Her blush-colored gown had a lace bodice and a chiffon skirt accented with fabric flowers. The skirt had been a bit long, so Shara had suggested trimming the bottom to shorten it. The leftover material had been turned into ribbons and wound into Leia’s braided updo.
She gasped as they drew closer to the clearing. They’d invited everyone who was on Endor, the High Command, and all the Alderaanians in the Alliance who could safely make it to Endor with less than two days’ notice. She’d expected a crowd, but she hadn’t expected—
The guests and the Ewoks had formed a sort of honor guard on either side of the path leading to the ceremony site. She couldn’t greet each guest personally, but she smiled and nodded as she came down the line. She was glad to be on Carlist’s arm; she had expected to be emotional, but thought Han might get the wrong idea if she showed up to marry him bursting into tears.
The Rogues’ creation, a series of lights wound through the trees around the ceremony site, had taken every spare bulb available on Endor, but was clearly worth it. Provided it didn’t burn down the forest.
She began recognizing more of the smiles that greeted her as they walked up the path. When she reached Wedge, he took a step out of the honor guard formation and grinned at her.
“Commander,” he said, and winked.
“Commander,” she returned with a nod.
He pulled a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back. “Corellian tradition,” he said, handing them to Leia. They were wound with ribbons of green, the Corellian wedding color.
“Thank you,” she said.
He squeezed her hand. “Thank your husband,” he said, and winked again before stepping back into line.
She could see Han waiting for her, next to Mon Mothma, who was to perform the ceremony.  And around him was—a tent. An Alderaanian wedding tent. Holding the four posts were Luke, Chewie, Lando, and Tycho. After Carlist kissed her cheek and put her hand in Han’s, he took the fourth post.
“Hi,” Han said, almost shyly.
“Hi.” She squeezed his hand. “You did this?” she asked, indicating the tent, the decorations.
“Had help,” he shrugged. There was the crooked grin she loved.
For a moment, Leia thought she was going to cry, but then she couldn’t stop smiling. It seemed to be catching; for a minute, she and Han just held hands and smiled at each other sappily.
Mon looked at them with amusement, then started the ceremony.
She explained the purpose of the wedding tent, its symbolic shelter for the couple in their journey through life together, and the commitment each of the beings supporting the tent was making to support Han and Leia.
“Didn’t think it was such a thing,” Han muttered quietly. “Just thought it was pretty.” Leia suppressed a laugh.
Then there were the vows, as they promised by the stars and the Force to love, cherish, and support one another all the days of their lives.
The rings looked suspiciously like former engine parts, thought they had been melted and shaped slightly to look less like that. But somehow they fit, and Leia wore hers with pride.
Then Mon pronounced them joined forever, by the power of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the future Alliance of Free Planets. She smiled at them. “Now give everyone what they’ve been waiting for and kiss.”
Han pulled her close, and their lips met. My husband, Leia thought. My husband. Their kiss deepened, and she felt his strong arms around her. Behind them, the Alliance was cheering.
Now she was crying. It looked like he was too.
After the toasts, after the laughter, after it all, it was the two of them, dancing in the starlight and sharing another kiss. “My husband,” Leia whispered.
“My wife,” he said, and kissed her again.
Kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance Silver moon sparkling So kiss me…
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penelope1730 · 8 years
The Six Thatcher’s: There be redemption.
I might be in the minority here, but I liked BBC Sherlock, season four debut, The Six Thatchers. Honestly, the past three years felt like a century where the return of episodic Sherlock was concerned, so I confess my expectations were open to just about anything. Three years of chilling out & time spent in reflection, along with a whole lot of distance regarding 'what's next' on Sherlock can do wonders for one's perspective.
I was never a big fan of Mary, especially after the whole shooting Sherlock thang, but I grew to respect her and even began to appreciate qualities she brought out in other characters. She also precipitated growth & intimacy that might not have otherwise happen, or gone a very, very slow route. More on that later.
I came to accept that Mary and Sherlock have a special bond. They are kindred spirits - both fully understanding who the other is with an appreciation that few might be able to truly 'get.' Mary's death, without question, has devastated Sherlock beyond his normal ability to reason & process and, knowing this, Mary has given him a case. A task to help him focus his mind - give his brain something to do, because without it his "brain rots."
Mary did not make a posthumous video on a whim. As others have pointed out, she made this after Moriarty's dramatic 'Miss Me?' announcement and I suspect just before she left on her pilgrimage regarding the resurfacing of AGRA. The opening and prevailing theme to The Six Thatchers was An Appointment In Summara...all signs pointed to 'someone is gonna die.' Is it that surprising that Mary, given everything that's been shown, would ever truly feel free & comfortable living a 'normal' life? Yes, she wanted it and while it lasted they were the best years of her life, but she also knew and accepted the shadows that lurk in her background. You simply cannot live the life Mary has and be oblivious to its on-going dangers. What we wanted for her, and the momentum gained from the life she led, might be diametrically opposed, but her death was not a plot device. It was the consequence of living; the life she lived. Just like her conical character from the books, the modernized Mary is dead. There's no playing opossum here. But, BBC Sherlock is never without surprises and it wouldn't be out of place to see her show up in flashbacks.
We see what we want to see in these characters, in spite of how layered and flawed, & sometimes even deviant they are. We become attached, cheer them on, wanting them to prevail no matter the circumstances. But, I've come to trust that these characters know themselves better than I do and, as in real life, I must allow others to make their own choices...good, bad, indifferent & downright tragic. I don't believe Mary wanted to die - at all - but understood that her meeting in Summara was always a prevailing possibility and, should the time come, would accept her fate. Mary made a selfless move by placing herself before Sherlock and taking a bullet. For her, that split second decision was a redemptive act, regardless that she ignored the consequences: "Did I ever say I'm sorry for shooting you that time...I'm really sorry. I think we're even now, okay?" Even in her dying moments Mary wanted Sherlock to know her previous act of betrayal, no matter how she justified her actions, never strayed far from her thoughts. In her mind - she owed him.
Since season 3, episode 2 - The Sign of Three - the audience has been led to focus on Sherlock's vow to always protect John, Mary and their baby. Until The Six Thatchers we didn't notice that Mary had made a quiet, albeit private, vow to herself to do the same for Sherlock, John and Rosie. She said this much in her parting letter to move danger away from the three of them: "I'm not running, my darling. I will return. I just don't want you and Sherlock hanging on my gun arm." She was not going to stand by and watch Sherlock get shot twice - not on her watch. Either way, the end result sucked for everyone. This event, Mary's death, in my opinion, is the catalyst for Sherlock and John to become the more mature characters known from canon.
Whether it's obvious or not, Mary made this band of high functioning, danger seeking misfits a family. She brought them together not just out of circumstantial need; Sherlock did that well enough on his own. Mary brought them together emotionally & sentimentally, along with giving them purpose to forge a bond that would not ever be easily broken. Yes, the 'family' is currently experiencing a 'fall out' - but it's temporary. They're grieving and blaming (John and possibly even Sherlock blaming himself) and it'll all get sorted out. They each have a key role to play in the others healing process. Space and distance, while not always desired or comfortable, does have its rewards.
Mary chose Molly and Mrs. Hudson as godmothers. Effectively making them surrogate aunt and grandmother. Now, in Mary's passing, those roles will take on even greater importance and need, possibly leaving Molly to fulfill a 'mother-like' role. Mary also knew John would choose Sherlock as godfather - a role he would not refuse or take lightly. They are forever bound by baby Rosamund - a commitment that none of them will shirk. Side note: As a fleeting HC, I've wondered if Molly won't end up raising Rosie? I can think of numerous scenarios on why and how this might come about, although the details are best saved for another discussion.
As with all Sherlock episodes, new questions rise faster than snark regarding the U.S. presidential election. Still, The Six Thatchers provided loads of answers. James Moriarty is dead. His posthumous recording was made before he took his life on Bart's rooftop. Oh yeah, there's a game in play but we get to bide our time right along with Sherlock.
Sherlock's off the hook regarding Magnussen! No need for any official pardon. That detail was neatly managed. I'm probably one of the few people who think he never should have been charged in the first place, but that's a different meta.
Sherlock likes dogs. And babies - even if they do see the world as a mystery. And he's calling baby Rosie, 'Watson.' How freaking cute is that?!? I've rewound that scene a few times it's. so. darn. adorbs.
Knowing and understanding their personalities and propensity toward boredom, along with a heightened need for danger (and assassination), Sherlock also kept Mr. and Mrs. Watson busy.
Now, this might seem surprising but, to me, it's clear as day that both Sherlock and Mary knew John was teetering on the brink of an affair. They may have reached this conclusion from different perspectives, but both were giving him space to figure it out, process what he was going through, and choose. John was not happy, no matter what we wanted to see and is catching hell-fire and damnation for this, which is too bad. From my perspective, that is. I'm not his moral arbiter and I really can't imagine what it's like standing in his shoes; especially having gone through three years of tragic & intense experiences...most of which he had no say or control over. There's really no need to make a case for all of that is there? Other than to say life with Mary would never be normal, no matter what it looks like on the outside.
Nevertheless, after the birth of their baby, things are beginning to stabilize. But. Not. Really. It doesn't take long before John is back on cases with Sherlock, sometimes usurped by Mary and even one jaunt with little Rosamund. Aspects of John's life that were inherently his, prior to meeting and marrying Mary, are now shared experiences. By temperament and savvy, Sherlock and Mary are well suited for each other when it comes to cases, at times leaving John holding the short end of the stick, along with the rest of us trying to catch up. This isn't to rail against Sherlock or Mary - just presenting what's been shown. John definitely feels sidelined, which was obvious from the balloon head in his chair, even if it did provide comic relief. Of course this isn't the first time John's absence has gone unnoticed by Sherlock...although things are very different now. I think the weight of John's life is sinking in deeper and deeper. Nothing's wrong with that, except the inner conflict he's feeling. Choices made from conflict, or lack of awareness, can sometimes be dubious, as seems to be the case here.
So, along comes a sweet, young Irish Scottish redhead, flirting with John on the bus. I bet the attention felt good. And, why shouldn't it? Who wouldn't like being noticed, especially when you're not feeling very noticeable. John was flattered, but didn't think much of it - although he should have! At least that's what I thought in my mind. Unlike many people, I wasn't concerned with the moral implications. I was thinking - "You're John Watson, you hang out with Sherlock Holmes and married to a former assassin. What the hell are you doing?! Almost nothing in your world is what it appears to be. Do not be taken in by flattery, John! You should seriously find this chick suspicious. Omg, you're not listening! No wonder Sherlock gets frustrated. Join a soccer league, or watch porno, if you feel unmanly, but don't trust the redhead. Ugh, look at that - she's sitting next to a picture of Culvertson (Toby Jones), next week's baddie. You should know from His Last Vow that this will bite you on the ass if you follow through. You will regret this. Trust me, you will. And, aren't you forgetting that your bff and wife will immediately know about this flirtatious dalliance? That's. what. they. do. They know things. Oh, for Christ's sake. Whatever, John."
Yeah, that's what I said to no avail. So, while everyone else is upset that John is acting like an asshat and betraying Mary, I'm wondering about the chick on the bus and who she really is. Mary is the least of my worries at this point. Since she's fully aware of what's going on, as is Sherlock, either one of them can stop that crap before it truly takes off. If they want. And don't think for a moment they're not capable.
Then there's Molly and Sherlock. They're officially a married couple. Okay, okay, only in my mind palace are they married...even though they sure act like it. I mean, just look at Molly - she owns Sherlock Holmes. The ease between them is delicious, even in their banter and with one word he'll obey her command. Mostly. Where Sherlock is concerned, that says a lot.
Molly redeems herself with John. This might seem like an odd thing, because we get very little Molly and even less about what goes on in her world. But, we can infer, can't we? For two years Molly lied to John about Sherlock's death. Not only did she lie, she participated with the plan and actively, if not fraudulently, carried out her part. She watched John grieve. She saw his pain and devastation. Molly, however, kept her word with Sherlock - knowing full well the difficulty and consequences. I see Molly as strong, capable and courageous, but she is not without heart or sympathy. I cannot imagine it was easy for her to watch John grieve, believing Sherlock dead. Whether or not redemption is necessary, I can further imagine there's a part of Molly that believe she's owes John - even if it's from an unconscious connection. And here lies the parallels between Molly and Mary. Mary believed she owed Sherlock and I don't believe it's a stretch to think the same about Molly toward John. Two women, totally different actions, but in the end they have to live with their conscience. There was absolute pain in Molly's face giving Sherlock the news that John would rather have anyone but him around. Anyone. But, she stood by John and bravely gave Sherlock the painful pronouncement, just as she once allowed John to believe the pain he felt was real. She will support John in his time of need. None of that means she's abandoned Sherlock, or cut him out of her life, but I bet she's treading very carefully in the early days of Mary's passing.
By golly, we got Sherrinford and know that the #13 is the code to be in touch! Who knows if it / he / she is a person, place, thing, or code name. We'll soon find out.
Mycroft knew all along that AGRA was a private, militarized contract team, specializing in extractions and assassinations.
Sherlock was present when baby Rosamund was born! I would love to have been a fly on the wall when all of that was taking place. Fic writers where are you?????
Redbeard and two little boys playing on a beach. One in a pirate hat. Sherlock's memories....
We got to see another one of Sherlock's boltholes. Kinda a cozy place, if you don't mind tree roots or Underworld Chic.
That's my initial thoughts, although there's so much more to glean from this episode, like tons of symbolism. What say all of you?
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junker-town · 6 years
Tiger Woods returns to the Masters with a real chance to pull off the greatest major win ever
Woods is back from the depths and a real contender at Augusta. Love him or hate him, it’s an historic comeback and an opportunity we never thought we’d get again.
In a parallel universe, the unpredictable whims of the internet would have chosen the photo instead of a crying Michael Jordan. The image, and not an old picture from the basketball Hall of Fame ceremony, could have become the most famous meme of all time.
It’s as despairing a still image of a professional golfer that you’ll see. But it did not come after some crushing one-shot loss at a major championship. Or some inexplicably poor shot at the most critical time. There is not some isolated precipitating event for the photo. The face is draped with exhaustion and sadness, and maybe some pain.
The photo is of Tiger Woods walking off his last hole of the Masters Tournament. A reasonable conclusion in recent years could have been that it was his last hole of the Masters — like, you know, ever. It comes from 2015, a final round Tiger played alongside Rory McIlroy as they hopelessly hit it around Augusta while Jordan Spieth cruised a good 31 lengths ahead. Rory, winner of the preceding two majors and the face of that next generation hip-checking Tiger off the stage, is giving him a pat dripping with sympathy.
Photo by Ross Kinnaird/Getty Images
Tiger’s last round at the Masters was a 1-over 73 that is probably most memorable for a post-round revelation that he’d healed himself out on the course, adding “A bone kind of popped out, a joint went out of place but I put it back in” to the Tiger canon.
The 2015 Masters finish came after Tiger had missed the prior year at Augusta rehabbing his first back surgery. It also came after Tiger had spent the preceding months in hiding attempting to cure some short game problems that he refused, understandably, to call the chipping yips. But any reasonable golf mind will tell you it was the chipping yips. Arguably the greatest of all time suddenly looked like a high handicap chop, blading and chunking the most basic shots in the game all over the course. A painful back surgery and the most embarrassing on-course display of his career, while a wave of new 20-something talents circled all around, would leave one exhausted and despairing. He looked it in the photo.
Then came a public split with girlfriend Lindsey Vonn, a straight cold top in the middle of the 18th fairway of the U.S. Open, more chipping “troubles,” a second microdiscectomy back surgery, another surgery to “relieve discomfort” in the back, a depressing comeback that lasted 54 holes, a fourth back surgery called spinal fusion, a DUI, a mugshot, dash-cam videos, rehab, and leaked stolen nudes.
So it was reasonable to think the image of Tiger walking off the 18th green in 2015, with Rory patting him on his way, was the the last hole he ever played in the Masters.
That’s the backdrop for the present day incredulity about what we’re watching and hype about what could be next. Pick your pundit: Jim Nantz, Nick Faldo, any writer who has covered the game for decades. The consensus is we arrive at the 2018 Masters with the opportunity, a realistic one, to see one of the greatest sports stories of all time and the greatest comeback of all time. These are subjective things, but however you want to define or measure it, we’re within range of something special happening. That such an opportunity even exists is a gift.
Tiger has come back to public golf this year in a way no one, not even Tiger, could have expected given the damage, some self-inflicted, of recent years. It’s impossible to disentangle Tiger from the public history the world now has with him. That’s why you’ll read, hear, and see throughout Masters week all manner of pop pysch theories on why he’s playing well or why someone still has doubts. But the golf, the actual shots on the course, is there again.
Woods is a real, competitive golfer. There’s been no sign of that in any of his prior, short-lived, depressing comebacks. Those were slogs at every turn. Every hole felt like a challenge, partially covering your eyes because that bad thing you think might happen is probably going to happen. There was nothing pleasurable about those comebacks, regardless off how you feel about Tiger. Now he arrives at Augusta off three top-15 finishes on the Florida swing, including a runner-up in Tampa and a Sunday charge at Bay Hill that whipped the golf world in a frenzy like it was 2005.
Tiger has the power and speed that should not be possible for a 42-year-old who has had four back surgeries and multiple knee surgeries. Even he doesn’t know how he’s registering some of the fastest clubhead and ball speeds measured on the PGA Tour. “I don’t know, it just, it just happened” he said last month. The numbers are not just back to competitive, but they’re the very best. The drives are going 350 and 360 yards. Some of them are the longest out of the entire field for entire tournaments. It is the most conspicuous way to illustrate that this comeback is different.
Beyond the bombs off the tee, this comeback has also seen more reliable putting, precise ballstriking, and the best vintage of short games. We’re nowhere near that yippy stuff we saw leading into his last Masters start. Tiger is executing short game shots from all types of lies and with all types of styles. He’s taking on everything from low spinners to flops, and showing a touch we thought left him four years ago. Tiger, who for the first time in years has enough rounds to now qualify for the PGA Tour’s statistics rankings, is seventh in strokes gained around-the-green. It’s an astonishing reversal from where we were at his last Masters start.
The glue of Tiger’s game, the area that made him arguably the GOAT, is the ballstriking with his irons. He is hailed as the greatest iron player of all time. Tiger is moving the ball in both directions and hitting every kind of shot on approaches. At Riviera, his one missed cut this year, Tiger lamented, “One of my hallmarks of my whole career is I’ve always hit the ball pin high with my iron shots, and I have not done that.” A lot of pros would take hitting the ball pin-high for a week, or half a tournament. That precision returned and stayed with him in Florida. He’s now 15th on the Tour in strokes gained approaching-the-green. His precision wit the irons will be a significant advantage at Augusta, where that’s required.
Tiger’s five starts on the PGA Tour this year have ignited the crowds in a way we didn’t think we’d see again.
Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports
The driver, while fast and long, remains as wild as ever. There’s no great penal rough at Augusta National, but that inconsistency will haunt him standing over at least a few tee balls. The big hitters have an accentuated advantage at Augusta, as they do at many venues in this era of golf. But it doesn’t help if you can’t keep it in play and Tiger will have to find some middling confidence on a few of those critical driver plays.
Despite the wild driver, which is his one remaining weakness, Tiger is eighth on the PGA Tour in strokes gained total. This bears repeating: He is in the top 10! The bombs off the tee may be the most conspicuous way to illustrate how this comeback looks different. The stats are a measurable way and tell the story, substantively, of a player competing at the highest level and ready to win.
The results corroborate we’re watching a real comeback, but the aesthetics are what draw us in from the start. There’s juice, swag, pep, joie de vivre in the way Tiger is playing again. He’s twirling the club and violently pulling his tee out of the ground after his follow through. He’s walking after the ball when it’s still in the air. He’s fist pumping. There’s aggression in the plays he’s attempting and now executing more often.
Paul Azinger, a former major winner and one of the best analysts in sports, lamented how Tiger had lost the feel that made him the greatest shotmaker the game has ever seen. The line Azinger used so often over the last five or six years was “the artist became an engineer.” Tiger is now without a coach, going it alone for really the first time in his career. He has always had the technical knowledge to coach himself and adjust his own swing. He has the greatest golf brain of all time and the enthusiasm to actually to get in the muck on every detail.
That’s been an asset at times, but it’s also been a hindrance. Tiger played the greatest golf the sport has ever seen at the turn of the century. But he still decided to tear it down and build a new swing, chasing something even better. And he won with that, too. And he won with the next swing, as well, although no majors. The greatest feat of Tiger’s career, the one that captures his historic brilliance more than all the wins, is how he’s been the best in the world with four different swings. No golfer would ever conceive it, let alone try it, and then actually succeed.
The success notwithstanding, there were always going to be critics of the chase. Why change a thing from the swing that yielded the best golf ever played? An excellent 2013 ESPN the Magazine story by Scott Eden chronicled the different swings of Tiger and his chase for the perfect motion through the ball. This was the early stage of the Sean Foley swing era and in the piece, Eden writes, “the greatest act of Woods’ career, the constant and complete reinvention of his game, has been almost universally reviled.”
That’s not the case now in the sunset of his career. Whether it’s the depths of the past few years, the fused back, or some other cause, Tiger is not reinventing but going back. For years now, those in the game and around the game have wondered why he didn’t go it alone. “Tiger doesn’t need a coach. No one on the planet could tell him something about the golf swing he doesn’t already understand at the highest level.” Now he’s on his own, relying more on feel and not an attempt at a perfectly automated and repetitive motion.
The most erotic shot in golf, the Tiger stinger, is back. He even tweeted about it as a tease before his first public event, knowing it would set off the golf world. His irons are moving the ball in both directions at different trajectories. He’s trying all sorts of creative shots around the green with those wedges. At the Valspar, he just let it rip without overthinking, nuking a fairway wood 283 yards uphill pin high. It was a display that wasn’t possible in prior comebacks. At Bay Hill, he shaped a perfect long iron around the lake into the 6th green and knew it right away. He strided after it as it was in the air while tapping the butt-end of his club into the turf, almost to give himself a beat to strut to as it was drawing into the green.
The absence of a coach is not the de facto reason to believe he’s getting back to an older, less robotic approach. He’s said as much, several times, including at that Bay Hill stop. “I’ve gone back to a lot of stuff I used to do with my dad and how he first taught me how to play golf,” he revealed. “I told Rex after the round he asked, ‘what were you thinking on the putt on 17?’ and I said, ‘Just putt to the picture.’ How do you teach a kid when he’s so small and he doesn’t understand an inch and a mile? Well you take a look and you putt to that picture and that’s what I did.”
A lanky Tiger in his first Masters win, the legendary rout in 1997.
Tiger’s prior swing changes and coach firings were often “reviled”, as Eden put so well. Whether it’s some old putting tip from his dad or a fix he pulls together on the fly, now there’s nostalgia and an embrace for what he’s doing. Tiger’s health may not permit a sustained run of play, but the engineer is becoming the artist again. It’s aesthetically beautiful and the underlying stats bear out that it’s working.
We can watch Tiger’s swing and pore over the stats, but the psychology is so much harder to discern. That difficulty won’t stop it from being the most discussed and take-ified aspect of Tiger’s return to the Masters. You’ll hear and read line after line about Tiger’s mental state or confidence or attitude. But he’s been through — and created himself by his own actions -- a mental and emotional blender since he was a toddler.
The fact is Tiger has at different times been an incredible dick, kind, sympathetic, an awkward robot, human, cocky, and maybe completely broken and afraid. He could still be all those things right now! It’s particularly tough at this stage of his career, when even he may not know himself after 40 years in the fishbowl. It’s a jumble, but that won’t prevent you from hearing dozens of confident assertions on his mental state and how he’s feeling. Talking about Tiger’s mental state and attitude is a cottage industry.
He does, however, seem to really want to be out there, in the fishbowl, playing golf. That wasn’t always clear in recent years. He will never interact with the crowds like Phil Mickelson and his conveyor belt of thumbs-ups. But there is a dint of appreciation for the people following him. It was there at Riviera this February when it was clear Tiger was going to miss the cut. At the 13th hole he made his third straight bogey and fourth in five holes. In the past, you’d expect him to be despondent and in his own pissed-off tunnel but one fan would not stop. Finally, a “C’mon Tiger you got this shit!” during a dead silent moment got the 14-time major winner to look directly up at the ruffian with a happy and genuine thanks.
There have been repeated instances in this comeback when Tiger seemed to get some sort energy, however small, from the crowd. Tiger did, in fact, not have “this shit” at Riviera but you could not tell from his interactions with crowds and his expressions playing out the string of a missed cut
There is also an appreciation of colleagues. They used to not exist, or if they did, they existed only as enemies and subordinates. Now they’re “the guys” that he just can’t wait to “get back out there with.” He spent the last 25 minutes of his round at Riviera fully engaged with Rory McIlroy, talking with each step on the walk to their ball about their drivers. Both are under contract with TaylorMade so they use comparable technology, and they spent those final moments of his missed cut engrossed on the subject of the driver swing, technology, spin rates, and getting better. In the past, Tiger would spend those last few holes in the tunnel and go directly to his car without interacting.
Tiger has sought the counsel of other pros over the years, but now it’s routine. Their existence is acknowledged. After playing with rookie Sam Burns at the Honda Classic, Tiger sought him out and chatted him up at the next event in Tampa. Exercise caution when making grand pronouncements about his mental state, but this is observable change.
Those close to him will say Tiger’s role as an assistant captain, while injured, on the Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup teams has hastened this desire for camaraderie and counsel. The testimonies from inside those teams and the views from outside all conveyed a Tiger absorbed in the role. It’s now seemed to extend, in some small part, to his reentry to the individual game. The question, as so often has been the case with Tiger, is how much is genuine?
More than any week of the golf year, the Masters is the one event where the legends are present and celebrated, and they’re often still playing long after their competitive careers have ended. Bernhard Langer and Fred Couples continue to post competitive numbers deep into their 50s and 60s. Ben Crenshaw won the Masters at age 43, a good 11 years after his first green jacket and entered that 1995 tournament with game he said was in horrible shape. Jack Nicklaus won at age 46 in 1986, as you may have heard. It’s one of the great sports moments of all time, and cited as the greatest Masters ever. Jack had moved on to other business pursuits and entered that week with no real major form. By 1986, he said “I wasn’t really a golfer.”
Tiger is better than Jack and Ben were then. He is younger and enters with real form. He’s shown up before with not a single rep and contended after spending six months in hiding following his sex scandal. He’s shown up after battling the chipping yips and played his way to that late Sunday tee time with McIlroy. Tiger has not been the same player at Augusta since 2006, but he’s still always been a threat never far off the stage. He enters this one in his best shape in five years.
Tiger returns to Amen Corner.
Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images
The back is fused and, perhaps as importantly, he’s clean. The spine is the health problem cited first and more often, but his rehab from a prescription drug problem should be noted each time with it. You will not hear about it as much because maybe it’s more uncomfortable or uncertain to talk about on the air. But we understate the impact that problem has had on some of the failure since 2013 and the success of this 2018 comeback.
The resurgence in health is momentary and we do not know what can be sustained. We have spent the last five years sure of the fact that we were robbed of the “still life” portion of Tiger’s career. A brilliant 2011 Brian Phillips piece on Roger Federer described this “still” phase.
The saddest moment in the career of a great athlete is the one when he’s tagged with the word “still.” One day you’re fast. One day you’re slow. There’s an in-between day when you’re “still fast,” and that’s the day when everything hollows out.
Philips wrote Federer had spent more time in that “still” phase than anyone he could remember (and that was seven years ago BTW!). He could still win any tournament he entered at the time, he just wasn’t the invincible Federer we had previous enjoyed and we saw the breakdowns. So we were always looking at the precipice of when it would end and that started to consume the lens with which we viewed the great athlete.
We never saw a precipice with Tiger. He’s never had a “still” phase, going from the invincible to the completely broken down. The bottom fell out and no one saw it coming. He was No. 1 in the world, had played the greatest golf of all time, and then he was hurt and scandalized and gone.
While following Woods for two days at Riviera, the second start in this comeback, the moment that held me most captive did not involve Tiger. It was a chance run-in with his mom, Kultida. I rarely see or hear about his mother anymore so it was captivating moment about a person, quite honestly, that I forget existed. She shuffled in her pink-trimmed Skechers, the preferred footwear of 70-something grandmas, on the arm of Glenn Greenspan, an exec who has long been Tiger’s right-hand man with the media. Thousands scurried and trampled around her running from the 8th green to the 9th tee to try and catch a glimpse of her son’s next hole. She steadied herself on Greenspan and took slow steps in this invincible bubble amidst the chaos that accompanies every Tiger gallery. No one seemed to notice the mom, in her unmistakable and signature visor, of the greatest golfer of all time.
I can’t say why exactly, but the encounter stopped me dead in my tracks — provoking a reflection of the last 20 years of Tiger, running through the images in my head. She’s also now so much older than when the world first got to really know her at that 1997 Masters. She moved slowly and deliberately and with the support of Greenspan. But that visor look was still the same one from 20 years ago, and you couldn’t help but think about how much has happened since then to her, and her son.
After the round, Tiger was asked what it was like to have his mom on the course watching him again. He gave, by Tiger standards, a remarkably detailed and personal answer. “It was nice to have her out there,” he said. “She misses it. She’s seen me go through the struggles, and for her only child to go through those struggles was a little rough on her, so she’s very proud of me getting back out there and playing.” The word “struggles” could have been a reference to so much.
The response was such a departure from the one-word ice daggers he threw at Bill Macatee after finishing multiple Masters in a prior era. It was such a departure from a press conference two years ago when he said he had “nothing to look forward to” and there was “no light at the end of the tunnel.” He could not walk or stand for extended stretches and was confined to his bed for most of his days. The morose press conference gave the strong impression that he was done, and that came before yet another back surgery and the DUI. It was reasonable to believe that depressing image of Tiger walking off the 18th green with Rory was his last hole of the Masters.
Now Tiger comes back as a betting favorite to win his fifth green jacket. The odds are too low but they are there because this is now a golfer with a once-unthinkable chance to win the Masters again. Tiger started this comeback saying he wanted his kids to be able to watch him in action and know him more than just that guy with all the YouTube clips. Four months later, he says he’s a “walking miracle,” a self-view that’s so far from the despairing photo of his last Masters hole. Whatever you think of him as a golfer or a person, and there are many permissible divergent views there, we are within range of the greatest major championship win ever.
Whether you want him to win or not, the historic opportunity that the 2018 Masters presents is one we never thought we’d have. We spend, and often waste, so much time watching and caring about sports for a chance like this to exist. Now we have it.
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