#i might have overestimated my abilities w this one
em7raen · 5 months
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" im never animating again ! " i say to myself as i plan my next animation
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having one of my Arrogant moments rn
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hungryhungry-himbo · 2 years
Being that Jason is a werewolf, was he born as one or did something happened that caused him to turn? And if he did, was his transition a rough one or a smooth one? I’m ngl I love the trope/idea of a jock turning into a werewolf, first thrilled with how the supernatural power adds to their athletic ability, only for them to pile on weight as their late insatiable night/full moon feeding sessions become more and more frequent ::’)
just wondering if u’ve ever thought the same, or if that applies to the (or one of the many) big man himself
Ooh you’ve got my brain thinking now
So he was def born human and became a werewolf later. I’m not entirely sure the story but maybe he was spending the night in the woods drinking w his buddies when they ran into something sinister and being the meat head he is, Jason tried to fight it, only to get marked himself. The transition was rough and he didn’t take to it easy but he was totally excited about having heightened athletic abilities, being a jock and all. It started out well at first, until he overestimated his heightened metabolism and gave into every hunger urge he had. He tried to control it at first, but the hunger was insatiable and he could never stop himself. Pretty soon he was eating past what his metabolism could burn and got heavier and heavier-
I’m gonna cut myself off cause I might wanna write about this later ty so much for this
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xoteajays · 1 year
Is it easier to message this way?
Well.. Since I've seen what your potential face claim is for your character, I thought it would be fair you'd see a few of my face claims. Even though lots of the celebrities I use as face claims are famous in ways a lot people could recognize them - as actors, models and even musicians. I've rarely have seen or heard a single person mention them as face claims for their characters, which is why I say they're the more rare face claims. And why I'm always attached to them... So I tend to use them for more than one character a lot of the time. But that's just how I am though.
And I did tell you they were already coordinated in a way. Colors, appearances, personalities. And I know the red character might not have had red on her (at least in those pictures) but red is normally her main signature color in a lot of her pictures that she's in.
But I'm still figuring things about for any characters I have. In general.. Not just the H&L characters.
I'm still trying to figure out the relationships for the H&L story. Romantic, platonic and even kin if there is family relationships included. Not sure yet. And.. I can say I'm not completely sure who what ships will be in the story, especially since there are huge cast of characters to choose from. And also considering who you could imaging having chemistry between, well, whichever characters you'd want them with. Like traditionally... There leaders of SWORD district are options. Possibly Ryu, even Mighty Warriors are an option too. Mainly Jesse, Ice or even Pearl would be my choices from them. Depending on the ships. So I'm still a little fickle, indecisive, over which ones would be in a relationship. And with who and why.
So there's that.
I enjoy at my own pace. That's why I prefer not to be gathering another a new fandom, especially the fandoms that recently trend. Because the trend will end when the new trend begins... That mentality of hating trends, and sometimes even popular trends, because of this reason. And there's also the issue - a huge problem in my opinion - when there are a lot of people still in the fandom, but won't create much content anymore because other people are not into the fandom then. So that's a horrible situation too.
Yes! Me too. Well.. Occasionally I still binge most of songs, especially the songs stuck in my head to this day. It's a good and bad thing for me. I'm crazy now.
I know, I know... I know.. Most of the cast are actors and musicians. But seeing them dress and act a lot different in the music videos and the franchise is so funny to me. Maybe because I'm thinking like, "This character wouldn't do this!" Or also, "This character can't do that!" Like the singing and dancing. But I'm willing to admit that their costumes make me think of how their characters would look wearing many of those clothes. I don't know. But Keiji (Rocky) is able to pull off the silver and blond hair in the videos, the same with a lot of the other men too. Like Takanori (Cobra) and Naoto (Jesse). Oh! And have you really watched the Mighty Warriors videos too? Because.. In my opinion. The Mighty Warriors videos are like a short story in video form. So I might use that as the detailed backgrounds for their characters when I do write for them. Especially their lives as mercenaries and gangsters in the yakuza. So that will help me.
Really? That's funny. Because for me.. Out of all the SWORD leaders, Rocky and Hyuga were definitely a huge favorites for me. But I enjoy Cobra, Murayama and Smoky too. I love these characters for different reasons. But I can actually say that for just about all the characters in the cast, at least most characters.
I still think Niragi and Todoroki would have gotten along in some way. Maybe because they're similar.
If I decide to have the girls, the Strawberry Girls, in my story.. I'll make an attempt to flesh them out if I can. But I feel like I'm overestimating my abilities in writing though, so I'll try doing what I can with that.
I can say that my favorite costumes for that E-Girls video was definitely Rascals, Rude and Oya. I was a bit iffy about the Daruma costumes.. In my opinion.
Random question. An off track question for now.. Are you going to watch Pending Train? Yuki Yamada is the main actor. And his hair is dyed blond. So him as this pretty boy with dyed blond hair in dystopian world seems kinda interesting to me. I might watch the show because of him. That's the only reason.
yeule’s my oc’s fc, she’s so pretty! i’m so ready to go on a complete unfollowable nonsensical ramble about her.
i’m also still plotting out my oc. ive mainly just been imagining little scenes. i could probably write a few of them but haven’t gotten around to it yet. and i don’t know which ones to write. ive got her connections mostly plotted out, but the overarching plot? work in progress.
ships for me are kinda all over the place. bc i do love a random ship just because. it fun to just slap characters together and see what happens.
watching the music videos are so funny. the music is pretty good, but i am entirely watching for the actors doing a lil dancey-dance. i watched a lot of the jsb ones and im just ‘cobra would never’. takanori is just so smiley?? he’s so cute. it’s just a switch-up from broody cobra. watching all these videos got me smiling like an idiot.
ive got pending train on my watchlist! im not above watching a show just for pretty yuki yamada. ive got h&l the worst episodes and movies to finish up first tho.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
i love how everyone agrees that brett would love to have a family one day it makes me so soft for him do you have any hcs for how he would be as a father? him and s/o have their first child together, what kind of father would he be?
all sfw!!
this man has wanted to be a father since before he could remember MANDSMD
he'd be a stay-at-home dad w/o a complaint - he might even specifically offer it. He loves the idea of his job just being taking care of the kiddo <333
SO MANY BOOKS AND PARENTING CLASSES. He's probably gonna ask work-friends for tips (I HC that Gigi has a kid and im sneaking it in here - she's absolutely gonna lend a hand with this frazzled man smdnsd. Just a few little tips for stuff she wished she'd known before she'd had her kiddo!!)
 he knew newborns were a lot of work but he definitely overestimated his own abilities. Good thing you two are team, huh <3
SPEAKING OF THE FIRST FEW MONTHS?? he's definitely scared to hold them at first.
they're,,, so small. like absolutely minuscule, with the sweetest little hands and <333 he's scared he's gonna drop them or smth
THIS EVENTUALLY BECOMES,, he will constantly carry this kid around. Your kiddo just gets used to LEAPING AT HIM bc,, they know papa's gonna catch them!!
HE JUST :( its hard to say no to the kid, okay? if this kid wants to get away w/ something they know to ask Papa bc he just can't say no to that sweet face!!!!!!
HE DOES KINDA SPOIL THEM <33 not with gifts so much as experiences?? he was super neglected as a kid and he wants his kid to have a better childhood than him.
So like!!!! Taking them fishing, playing sports, dance, all the things he never really got to do when he was little!!
(smdns you may have to remind him that,, They Don't Have To Do Everything At Once, There's No Rush. Otherwise he'll get caught up in the excitement and,, accidentally over-book a bunch of activities to do w/ the kiddo-)
OH whatever the kid is interested in, Brett is gonna support the hell out of it!!!
IN THE SAME VEIN?? God The Gang is gonna get absolutely pestered with photos of the kid. And stories. Brett's office is gonna have so many,, Painfully Cute Photos of them spending time together. <33333 its cute but also the Gang is One More Picture Day Photo away from killing him smdns.
If they wanna do sports he WILL TRY TO COACH THE TEAM <33333333333333
YOU EXPECT IT TO GO WORSE THAN IT DOES?? Like sure theres a bit of chaos but he also played,, Every Sport Ever during uni, so he's got some experience under his belt.
he brings freezies n candies n GIFTS WHEN THE TEAM DOES WELL????? HE IS THE COOL DAD <3 dream achieved, he can die happy.
OH AND YOU JUST KNOW THIS MAN ISN'T AFRAID OF BEING GOOFY. when he plays make believe he does NOT HOLD BACK. expect to return home to a very messy 'castle' made of pillows, and your kid 'battling' against 'The Evil Knight'. It's extremely cute <3
OVERALL??? very good dad <333 not perfect but he does his best <333
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b0rista · 4 years
ahah shawty🤩do you write for floch? if so, lemme get sum hcs on dating floch😳🤪😩👹
WARNINGS: language.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: ahhhaha ayo 🥴 okayokayokausokeu i know it says on my masterlist that i wouldn't write headcanons or drabbles for floch but i thought yk might as well HJDFK if this is ooc imsosoRry anytime floch is on the screen he's always angry and j triggering people 😭
"i broke my rules for you."
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let me tell you— getting this little weasel into a relationship was not an easy task. you and floch were, dare i say, the most aggravating slow burn known to man. somehow, you managed to do the impossible. and without a doubt, it was worth it.
had you not been a soldier, floch likely wouldn't have ever fallen for you. it was both your drive and your realism that pulled him in, as well as the lovable personality that came with. silently, he looked up to you. and during his rougher moments, he wished to steal your dignity all for himself. of course, with that being impossible, he instead chose to try his absolute damnest to become inspired by it. by you.
you're basically this boy's mother. always telling him that he's being too honest, always trying to pull him out of sour situations, always putting him in his place when necessary. some days, it's exhausting. other days, you feel as if you've already grown rather used to it. as floch's girlfriend, it's simply routine.
without a doubt, it's become a thing where you place an absolute death grip on this manchild's ear, yanking him out of wherever it is he's causing trouble. every time you do it, you'll get a mouthful of his pained complaints, yet he's never stopped you. again, it's your job to put him in his place. you know it, and so does he. pull on that earlobe, queen.
whenever you're genuinely angered by something, floch is actually shaken. like, mans is scared. you're freaky when you're mad. still, even when he's sweating absolute buckets, he'll try his hardest to fix your problem and put your frustration to an end.
expect to get teased by this boy about everything and anything. you're short? ha, sucks to suck. you're tall? wow, how's the weather up there? he may view you as an upstanding figure, but teasing is his go-to flirting technique. this is all he knows, lethimloveyou.
let's be honest here,, you were probably the one to kill that pizza cutter season three haircut. it was a funny conversation between the two of you.
"so,, are you gonna look like that forever?"
"here, let's see what the combs are up to-"
you combed that bitch OUT, and the process of training it was an absolute shitfest. literally, you had to hype him up profusely so that he wouldn't tap out.
"I AM, GO DD A M M I T-"
yeah, jean despised you two for weeks.
working out side by side! yes, floch enjoys training with you. whenever the two of you need to maintain your physique, you tend to do so together, and together only. it's strictly the two of you for only one reason: neither of you can get embarrassed. the amount of times you've both just collapsed thirty minutes into a training session is ridiculous, and it's hEavenLy that there's nobody there to judge you. when one of you quits, the other follows. it's a great dynamic, don't take it for granted.
when the time comes where floch and the jaegerists band together, he bears no shame in asking you to join him. and while he'd make sure to keep a stoic, stable expression, he'd be desperate for you to accept. if you aren't by his side, nothing feels right. he absolutely despises this power you hold over him, and how it's bound to jeopardize his mission entirely.
still, he's far too weak to let you go. while your hold on him is enough to make him want to loathe you, he can't. why? because he loves you. and to him, love is enough.
when it comes to affection, you'll have to be the one to first initiate it. while he melts at your touch, floch is a bit too closed off for his own good, and that's a bit of a struggle. however, once you set things into motion, he won't be able to ever get enough of you. the first time you lean in to kiss him? he's addicted to the taste of your lips. once you nuzzle into his neck for the first time during an embrace, he savors the feeling for days. that first time you sleep in the same bed, he can no longer succumb to sleep without the feeling of you beside him beneath the sheets.
^ basically, he's far too confident in his ability to resist you. you greatly humble this man.
at first, he was confused on whether or not he wanted to be you, or be with you. does he overwork himself to reach your level, or does he take his actual feelings into consideration and make a move on you? many questions, not enough answers. he was,, very conflicted.
never will he ever admit it, but whenever floch is sick or injured, he absolutely loves when you baby him. please don't EVER do it front of people, but behind closed doors, go nuts. please, spoil him, it makes him feel better.
due to just how highly he thinks of you, he has a bad tendency to overestimate you. mans thinks that you're capable of doing literally anything, and it shows. it's cute, but overbearing. he's accepted overly aggressive challenges for you, only to be absolutely shocked when you get your ass handed to you.
like, what? baby, what do you mean you can't bench press jean and armin's weight combined while chugging a two-liter of sweet tea? u got this, babe.
if floch ever witnesses you all dressed up, he'll be floored. one time, he walked in on you trying on a strapless burguny dress, and he face planted into the doorframe. you thought he broke his nose, and he's swoOning over you.
a lot of bickering. it's typically lighthearted, but it's a lot. it's far too much back and forth than remotely necessary, and everyone absolutely hates the two of you for arguing 70% of the time.
apologies go somewhat like this:
"you better be."
nobody understands how the two of you operate— nobody except you guys.
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First and foremost, we have some exciting new changes that everyone can get behind. Absolutely nobody has a problem with the new experience globe mechanics. New experience globes are only at full value for six seconds, and after that are worth 25% exp. And then they last for thirty-nine seconds. Nobody finds this objectionable in any way. This change was not on the PTR due to public outcry from Reddit when it was leaked early, but it’s here live with all of its zero problems fixed.
Another change about which we have received zero complaints is a new tag system behind the scenes. People looking for just the right hero for the situation can easily find it by searching for such keywords as “CC” “Silence” “Sustain” and “Double soak” and find extremely useful and not absolute garbage results. Don’t worry about checking it ahead of time, just get right into draft mode and use it to find the perfect pick!
In addition to those minor and unobjectionable changes, we have removed Volskaya Foundry from the ranked queue, and added everyone’s favorite quickmatch map, Warhead Junction. We have also done this simultaneously with an Overwatch-themed event.
Hero changes below the cut, because this patch is another doozy, with fiiiiiive herooooo rewoooooorks, Four buffed assassins, three nerfed offlaners, two nerfed tanks and we also nerfed the looost viiiikiiiings!
Anduin is the first of our reworks and with him taking a more prominent role in Shadowlands we want to be able to welcome WoW players with open arms. He, uh, doesn’t have a new skin or anything, we just want people to play this game. The central goal of the buff is to improve his healing output in line with other heroes without removing the largest strength in Leap of Faith. As such, we’re just touching literally every part of his kit and talent try and praying that it goes the way we want.
People keep mistaking Johanna for the best tank in the game. This is factually untrue, since Muradin exists. As such, we are just gutting the absolute pants off of Johanna’s talent tree and making it weird and clunky.
For too long has Raynor been the scourge of draft play. Too good to skip, but not scary enough to ban. Perfect macro contributions, with respectable hero damage. Enough self-sustain to take weight off your healer, and self-peel for when tanks are bad. The perfect killing machine. As such, we’ve nerfed his damage into the ground. Start playing Greymane, bitches.
Stitches has proven to be a mediocre bruiser in the eyes of the community. After all these years, I think I know why. We accidentally categorized him as a tank. As such, he needs some serious changes to make him fit that label. This whole time we’ve been balancing him as a bruiser and nobody said anything? This is as much your fault as it is mine.
The average damage output of a ranged assassin has been steadily climbing for a while now. As a result, for a hero to actually be a glass cannon, they need some serious firepower. Valla now has the gunpowder to match her glass. And she’s the glassiest cannon there is. Don’t get me wrong, she still evaporates like a drop of water in California when an enemy hero looks at her. But when she has a solid tank and three healers behind her, the world is your oyster.
Oh my god they didn’t break down the heroes by category. Jesus Christ what the fuck Blizzard? You just decided that this is the line? This is the day you stop caring? Well, congratulations, you’ve made reading your patch notes mildly more inconvenient. I’m still doing this. Ya bunch of jack-offs.
Mei has been grossly overperforming, and we have no idea how that happened. We certainly didn’t buff her over and over again for an entire year. Anyway, we’re just going to roll some stuff back. Definitely probably fine.
It turns out - and bear with me here because this might be hard to follow - Hogger, D.va, and Sonya were all overtuned? For six months? So we’re just gonna tippy tappy them down the smallest little bit. And then slap them around a little for good measure. D.va’s mech form is no longer indomitable, Hogger can no longer solo any merc camp in the game in 12 seconds, and Sonya is now... Basically fine still, honestly. We kinda gave her just a slap on the wrist in comparison. But honestly after gutting Hogger like that, I just didn’t have the heart. One of the benefits from being a little later, alphabetically.
After riding the TLV train up through the ranks, I think it’s about time to recognize that I’m not actually good at them. They’re just overtuned. So it’s time to come back to earth, Icarus. Don’t be fooled by the seemingly-small HP nerf, though. The real nerf is buffing Longboat Raid. People are going to have to pick it to test it and it’s gonna murder their winrate.
Someone told me that Lucio is a problem and needed to be addressed this patch, but my cat came into the home office being adorable so I didn’t hear exactly what they said. So we had to kinda wing it. Hopefully these minor adjustments to his talent tree will solve whatever they were talking about!
Even we know Uther is a problem. Being first pickable and filling three different unique roles was what we wanted to do with Varian not Uther. So we’re going to try and make him incrementally worse at tanking until he just goes away. First up: Shaving off some of that personal armor.
AFK splitpush trash Azmodan is dead. Long live teamfight artillery mage Azmodan. Really glad I made the last HotS Content post about Nova instead of Azmodan because boy howdy do these changes invalidate the entire playstyle that post would have discussed.
W build Falstad has obviously become a problem. Not only was he riddled with bugs after the rework - don’t worry, we learned from our mistakes and made sure there were no bugs with our new reworks - but also he had the ability to point and click on an enemy hero and force them to run all the way to the next lane over in order to stop taking buckets of free damage. It turns out that ability was more powerful than anticipated, and required adjustment.
Q build Falstad has obviously become a problem. Not only was it completely overshadowed by a build that did more damage in every situation with less skill requirement, but we overestimated the value of macro power on a build that demands PvP for stacking. As such, we’ve doubled the amount of power each stack gives him! That’ll do.
AA build Falstad... Stay the course, buddy. Doin’ fine.
Junkrat has been underperforming, which is surprising for a hero with his level of power. As such, we’re going to make a few small buffs to hopefully draw attention, and then we can roll things back once the pickrate reflects his actual power. Hopefully then WE CAN FINALLY MAKE THE MANDATORY CHANGE I PUT IN EVERY MEMO. TYRE. WITH A Y. THAT’S HOW THEY SPELL IT IN AUSTRALIA. KAEO I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU- wait, did Kaeo leave? Who the fuck is still here? Kinnabrew? Adam? Jason? JASON! JASON!?
Tassadar has also fallen off a lot without us having done anything at all whatsoever to nerf him. Entirely undeserved treatment. I’m disappointed in all of you. As such, we’re going to tweak his numbers up just a little tippy tap so that you all remember who killed the Overmind. It wasn’t James Raynor or Sarah Kerrigan. It was Tassadar... Tassadar Bassadar. That’s his last name. Don’t look it up, just trust me.
In the bug fix department, we’ve had a nice sit-down with the Mountain Giants on Alterac and told them that if they have time to lean, they have time to clean. Reaching the end of their lane and expecting the core to come to them is putting undue stress on an already overtaxed position. The core is a very stressful job, and if the mountain giants could just do their part to walk into the core pit when they arrive, that’s a huge load off their shoulders. Drek’thar and Vanndar really needed this expectation taken off them right now, and I’m hopeful it will lead to a better work environment.
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sunhalf-a · 4 years
hewwo my beloveds!  i know that multis, especially oc multis, can be a little daunting — ya don’t know who most of these characters are and reading everybody’s about page is like.  a lot.  i’m gonna do a quick summary of the characters below so you can get a basic idea of who they are.  that way you can get an idea of which muses interest you without having to read the whole bio of All Of Them just to get started.
august: a person who ran away from home at age 18 and found a new home alongside a new name.  cheerful, likable, if a bit overworked, she’s determined to get better.  works part time at a coffee shop and part time at a carnival concession stand, repairs bikes for some extra change.
aika: half - reaper, all spoiled, she’s an inuyasha love letter at heart.  extremely wealthy, she has a slightly fucked up moral center, but badly wants to be good.  possessed by a spirit, who is also her bestie.  very hot, very strong, VERY dramatic.  i’ve yet to write her w someone it wasn’t fun to write her w, but i will admit that very down to earth / non - dramatic people provide a very fun contrast.
mason: that tumblr post that says ‘you can kill me but it won’t last.’  mason dies but then comes back!  the age she comes back varies, but she does ALWAYS come back.  she has no idea how old she is, how she came to be, etc.  she simply is.  loves humanity and being alive, though would like to Die For Real if only to experience something new.  extremely good and morally rooted, though that morality can look strange to some.
kumi: gifted child burnout except you never really tried in the first place.  genuinely a bitch and an unkind person, skates close to being emotionally abusive sometimes, but she’s just trying to keep safe.  very sick.  loves video games.  surprisingly generous, and will always act to protect others, just — not from herself.
daria: a sugar baby, though only for past few years.  she was raised by incredibly strict lawyer parents who expected her to live up to just that, and never allowed to make her own choices.  two years into law school she decided she hated it, decided that she wanted to have fun for the first time in her life, and dropped out.  
soma: amnesiac vampire who’s actually a custom - built martyr made to fix an old god’s sins and then die.  love is the only language they really speak.  extremely powerful and inhuman.  they have no memories of their own, but can absorb the memories of others, which creates an interesting question : if you are made up not of your own memories, but of the memories of other people, is your personality — your identity — yours?  some tends to think not.  genuinely just weird and off - putting but so loving and friendly it’s hard to dislike her.
quinn: a human detective just settling into the role when their small town is rocked with a violent murder.  and then another.  like that wasn’t tough enough, they found of their new team was full of vampires and their absentee mom was absentee because she was running a secret government group of supernatural creatures.  they’re traumatized but just want to keep people safe, and defined by their skill with people, deduction, and their humor.
jocasta: a malkavian, which is a specific strain of vampirism that makes one fucking bonkers.  constantly experiences auditory and visual hallucinations and speaking the future, but good luck figuring out just what their predictions mean.  friendly, but hard to understand due to the hundreds of other voices and selves in their head.  EXTREMELY morally rooted.
elodie: a toreador, which is a specific strain of vampirism that makes one really pretty.   vain, rich, and used to getting her way.  something of a god complex, though her ghoul ( a sort of human servant to a vampire ) heather being murdered to get to to her did some damage there.  tries to do the right thing, but — the god complex means she overestimates her ability to guess what that is.  
luella: a tremere, which is a specific strain of vampirism that makes one good at magic.   a scientists who applies that scientific approach with her newly acquired blood magic.  she’s interested in knowledge above all, though not pointlessly cruel.  considers most humans more like cattle than people, though.
primrose: a toreador, which — wait, we did this.  as a human was the ghoul to a cruel vampire, over - draining her blood, harming her, etc.  their bloodbond meant that prim was extremely devoted, and literally could not leave.  elodie killed him to save her.  prim was badly hurt in the fight, and elodie was forced to give prim some of her blood to save her, making prim elodie’s ghoul instead.  having just lost one master, both prim and el knew that the emotional strain of being denied another might literally kill her — el thus turned her into a vampire instead, figuring that if prim was trapped as her devotee, she may as well be durable.  prim is a bit immature, still enamored with her new vampiric powers, and very devoted to el — still, she’s strong and good, just a little silly.
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michaelbranch · 3 years
A Brief Summary of Ideas: The Madness of Crowds
*These summaries are kept intentionally very brief, just hitting what I consider some of the important/interesting takeaways, most word-for-word or paraphrased. My goal is also to stick to ideas/principals that might guide others (or my future self) in deciding the value of a read (or re-reading). T = takeaway, Q = Question
The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, and Identity
Author: Douglas Murray
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Assumption that a heightened moral knowledge comes with being an oppressed/minority group. "Speaking as a ..."
All these causes started as legitimate human rights campaigns.
Can't award yourself the right to attribute motives to others that you can't see but which you suspect. Prerequisite for avoiding perpetual confrontation is an ability to listen to people's words and hold some trust in them.
Problem of changing societal positions so swiftly is that unexplored issues and arguments are left behind in the wake.
We still don't have much idea as to why some people are gay.
Hardware = something people can't change (and thus shouldn't be judged on). Software = can be changed (and thus may be available for judgement). Inevitably there will be a push to make some software issues into hardware.
LGBT groupings composition is unsustainable and contradictory. Internal frictions and contradictions even within groupings.
Some heterosexuals are genuinely disturbed by gay people. Plenty of stages between absolute equanimity and ease around people and a desire to violently attack them.
Marxist Foundations
See society not as an infinitely complex system of trust and traditions evolved over time, but solely through the prism of power.
Anyone who questions an "ism" finds themselves accused. Easy weapons to wield with no price to pay for wielding them unfairly.
When it is nearly impossible to tell what is being said, almost anything can be said, and exceptionally dishonest arguments can be smuggled in under the guise of complexity. T= be weary of arguments that can't be presented simply.
Society has doubled down on the belief that biological difference can be denied or ignored.
T= When people make exaggerated claims about what someone else said, its likely an example of people deliberately and lazily adopting simplified misrepresentations of the argument in order to avoid the difficult discussion that would otherwise have to take place.
Contradictory statement = possible to be sexy without being sexualized
Presumption that almost all relationships in the workplace and elsewhere are centered around the exercise of power. Various types of power; many parties can hold different ones.
Privilege is unbelievably hard to define or quantify. How can strata be arranged to be flexible enough to include everyone but consider various comparative changes throughout life. Also, easier to see in others but more difficult to see in ourselves.
Intersectionality is not a fully worked out science.
Concept of the patriarchy has become so ingrained its rarely disputed.
Impact of Tech
If we are running in the wrong direction; tech helps us run faster.
Internet has allowed new forms of activism and bullying. To find people accused of "wrong thing" works because it rewards the bully.
"The one thing we can say with certainty about the advent of new technologies is that people overestimate their impact in the short term and underestimate their impact over the long term." -Variously attributed.
What we say in one place may be posted in another, not just for the whole world but for all time. Having to find a way to speak and act as though it may be in front of everyone. To speak in public is now to have to find a way to address or keep in mind every possible variety of person.
T= Don't sacrifice truth in the pursuit of a political goal.
Some portion of black studies started attacking non blacks. Growth of "whiteness studies" w/ aim of disrupting racism by problematizing "whiteness". Displaces celebratory nature of many race studies to with problematizing others.
Catastrophizing has become one of the distinctive attitudes of the era.
Q= Should we seek color blindness (get beyond race to individual judgement, making skin color effectively an unimportant aspect of a person's identity)?
An idea that since everything was set up by a structure of white hegemony everything is laced with racism and therefore everything must be done away with.
If people got things so wrong in the past, how can you be sure you are acting appropriately today?
Important in crowd maddening mechanism: person who professes themselves most aggrieved gets the most attention. Rewards outrage over sanguinity.
Politicizing issues such that the speaker and their innate characteristics don't matter. What matters is the speech and ideas they give voice to.
Easy(er) to slip up not on an issue of motive but, especially when no other evidence is available, a crime of language.
Social media age has brought us opportunity to publish uncharitable and disingenuous interpretations of what other people have said.
Equality of opportunity AND outcome almost certainly impossible.
T= Context collapse: conversation/act taken out of context and used to create a simplified version of a person or their beliefs.
Q= How, if ever, is our age able to forgive? Since everybody errs during their life there must be - in any healthy person or society - some capacity to be forgiven. Part of forgiveness is the ability to forget. The internet will never forget.
Actions have consequences that are unbounded and limitless. Constantly acting in a web of relationships in which every action starts a chain reaction. A single word or deed could change everything.
Without being forgiven we would remain the victim of the consequences forever.
T= Historically perpetrators and offended both die out and the grievance fades over time. Internet leaves a permanent record.
Internet helps people approach the past from an all-knowing angle. Retributive instinct of our time that suggests we know ourselves to be better than people in history because we know how they behaved and how we "would have" behaved.
To view the past with some degree of forgiveness is among other things an early request to be forgiven in return.
Every age before this one has performed or permitted acts that to us are morally stupefying.
A considerable range of cultures has adapted to the idea that some people may be born in one body but desire to live in another.
For intersex people, the question of what medical intervention might be suitable and when is a matter of serious contention.
Very hard to know how to navigate the leap beyond biology into testimony.
Still almost nowhere near understanding trans; including how common it is.
Autogynephilia: arousal that comes from imagining yourself in the role of the opposite sex.
Q= whether what one person believes to be true about themselves has to be accepted as true by other people?
Questions about the age at which people who believe they are in the wrong body should be allowed to access drugs and surgery are worth considering.
Q= What do you need to do to be content with your body, not change it?
Seems we're running to quickly on the trans issue, scared to be on the wrong side of history.
Some contention between trans and feminist ideas.
T= little contention that equal rights should be given. Issue is preconceptions and assumptions about how to go about tackling the issue.
Q=Claims of human rights violations are inversely proportionate to the number of violations in a country. -Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Only a very free society would permit (or encourage) claims about its own inequities.
T= when people attempt to sum up our societies in terms of simplistic structures ask, "compared to what". Not to say elements of our society can't be improved.
The victim is not always right, nice, deserves no praise, and may not be a victim.
Incline towards generosity when interpreting others words/acts.
-People are wiling to interpret remarks from their own tribe in a generous light while reading opposing ones in as negative a light as possible.
To assume that sex, sexuality, and skin color mean nothing would be ridiculous. To assume that they mean everything would be fatal.
The madness we are living through is an over-reaction to past injustice. Belief is that the fastest and best way to address this is to over-compensate.
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bad-wolfies · 4 years
I saw your reply on a post about J*rPad possibly selling out J*nsen for W*lker (i honestly don’t know if i even have to do the censoring) and i actually agree with you. I think that J*nsen had to just suck it up and forget about all the love and work and heart he’s put into the show the last 15 seasons so they could promo the hell out of the new show. And if it’s true, it’s gross. It’s so gross.
[mentioned post]
Hey, hon.
To be honest, that idea hit me like a wrecking ball the moment I heard J*nsen talking about how he contacted J**ed when he was freaking out about finale. What J**ed supposedly said rubbed me the wrong way, but of course he was being quoted/paraphrased, so I was trying to take it into consideration also.
Nonetheless, the situation stayed the same, no matter in what words. J*nsen's doubts were disregarded by J**ed, and I hate hearing about this kind of interaction between two people who know eachother for years and are this close, and maybe because of having too much trust in their relationship I felt it was out of character if there was no other source of influence for it. Logically thinking, if I'm not overestimating J**ed's ability to be supportive or understanding in any way, the only explanation would be that he shot J*nsen's worries down instantly, only because he maybe felt uncomfortable/guilty discussing it with J*nsen at all, knowing that this is the ending he wants for sake of his own future and if J*nsen gives in to the doubt they will have to fight on opposite sides of it.
Which on one hand is very human, but on other makes me deeply disgusted. It's a hard choice and he chose W*lker. He can be sad/guilty/uncomfortable about it all he wants, but it doesn't change the fact he made that choice. He made use of the fact J*been trusted him, came to him for help, and he put J*nsen in position of collateral damage. In a way, he backstabbed him while J*nsen came to him for support and that is the worst possible thing to do imo.
I can't stop wondering what J*nsen might be thinking about it all. Maybe he doesn't see it this way, maybe he does, maybe he doesn't know what to think. He is a smart person, I'm sure he at least considered J**ed told him that script is all good/finale is all good, because he wanted that promotion. Especially with how much J**ed was hyping the finale after it aired. If we can tell J**ed was being unnaturally complimentary, I'm sure his 15 years long best friend can tell also how fake he is being. He did like J**ed's photo from finale though, so who knows, maybe he shook that idea away or they talked it out.
And that's only J*nsen we are talking about, but there are writers, other actors who should, and were supposed to be in finale, rest of the crew who worked on this all to make sense. They were all sacrificed for that one promotion.
Sorry if I made it worse 😅 we are all collectively grossed out by those events. A lot of us loved S*m and J**ed, a lot still do, and it's extremely hard to even consider him doing something like this, but I for one don't see much logic in other explanations.
Thank you for sharing with me, love. People rarely speak up about those things here because it's considered taboo or risky to be critical, so it means a lot to know there are other people feeling similarly.
Ps. I'm sorry if my response is all over the place, it's 7am here and I didn't yet go to sleep. I feel like my abilities to English left the building.
Ps2. I'm not a famous blog, so most probably if I keep censorship in it's place I'm safe from wasting time deleting hateful anons, so thank you for doing it ❤️
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
SFW Alphabet: Guanlin
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A/N: so if any of you don’t know what this is, you can refer to this post that i made a while ago. pretty much i go through the alphabet bc each letter represents a word and i have to write 2-3 sentences for each word!
A/A/N: I’m also tagging @laji-101 bc I know she loves Guanlin~
AU: Werewolf!Guanlin would be such a puppy. He’d trail after you whenever you have food and even if you scold him (“No, Guanlin, you can’t have any of my ice cream bc it’s mINE”) he’d just unlease his puppy dog eyes on you until you caved in. He’s also the type to just lay on your couch for hours, but the moment he hears you say you’re headed to the park, he’s running after you. 
Best Friend: tbh i feel like Guanlin would be such a chill friend. He’s the type of friend that just kinda goes along with the flow for everything, so when you mention going to McDonald’s at 3am, he’s doWN. He’d also be a lil shit too, bc he knows he’s freakishly tall, so he’s the type to hold stuff high above your head, just to laugh at you struggling. 
Cuddles: Guanlin is a lil bub, okay? And lil bubs need their cuddles. Since he’s so obnoxiously tol, I feel like he’d want to be the big spoon, like, all of the time. He’s the type to like it when you press your back against his chest so his arm can just protectively swing over your waist. Plus, he’s not against pulling you by the waist against him whenever you try to get up and get water or some shit lmao
Domestic: okay Guanlin has confirmed himself he’s a lazy bub, so domesticnicity is on the lower end of the spectrum. Expect him to either be splayed out on the couch while you’re trying to vacuum or just with his arms wrapped around yoru waist as you’re trying to cook. The only time he’d actively help clean or cook is when you start whining about how high something is.
Ending: Guanlin is pretty young, and I feel like he’s probably not that experienced with relationships. Keeping that in mind, breaking up with someone might end up being difficult for him, but knowing how he can be quite blunt, I feel like he’d just end up saying “hey, let’s break up.” He’d def spend time talking to them about the why, but I feel like he’d be pretty set on his decision. 
Films: Guanlin gives me mad action movie fan vibes for some strange reason. Like, this boy would watch a James Bond movie and then proceed to creep around the house on his tiptoes like a “spy.” I also feel like he’d be into home movie nights bc he can fall asleep on the couch right after the movie ends lmao
Groupmates: Wanna One can be quite overwhelming to meet. 10 older brothers of your boyfriend? Wild, dude, hella wild. They’d all be clamoring around each other trying to introduce themselves to you before Minhyun and Jisung pull you aside to put down some ground rules. I also imagine a really pouty Jihoon sulking in the corner bc Guanlin found a new favorite person. 
Hugs: yes,,,that’s all I’m going to say lmao. But in all honestly, Guanlin is such a tol noodle I feel like hugs would be gr8, like, he’s the type to go all in on a hug, just wrap you tightly in his arms. Plus, once he gets super comfortable with you, expect random hugs every now and then (even the occasional hug where he gets a running head start and proceeds to knock the breath out of you bc he overestimated his speed and impact force lmao)
Intimate: Guanlin is still pretty young, so I expect blushy cheeks and adorable stuttering whenever you give him a kiss on the cheek or a backhug. However, that’s at the beginning of your blossoming relationship. Expect him to get cocky once the two of you are more comfortable, and he’d be the one to swoop down and give you a kiss. 
Jealousy: So I’m split 50/50 rn on Guanlin and jealousy. Like he’d either be chill on the outside about it, letting you do your thing and only voicing his jealousy when you’re alone. oR he’d end up being a pouty oversized baby during the entire time. Like, you know how long his limbs are? Expect them to be draped or wrapped around some part of your body lmao
Kisses: giGGLY MESS OKAY. He’d be all about that cupping your cheeks while kissing you slowly and smiling into the kiss a lot, letting a giggle slip when he opens his eyes and looks into yours. He’s the type to like to kiss you on the tip of your nose, especially when you scrunch it up bc he finds you soso cute. And he loves it when you kiss him on the cheek bc there’s something intimate yet sweet about the whole thing. 
Little Ones: Guanlin is practically a lil one okay? A very tol lil one, but a lil bab at the most. At first he’d be scared out of his mind bc “omg what if I break one of them????” But at the end of the day he’s got a kid clinging onto each leg and one on his shoulders as he stomps around the room imitating a freaking megazord or some ish.
Morning: Guanlin is on the lazier side lmao so mornings would be spent trying to convince him to wake up,,,which you fail at so the two of you just spend your mornings in bed. Cuddling is a must and him lazily brushing your hair behind your ear is a daily occurance. 
Night: Expect Netflix on the tv as the two of you cuddle under the blankets bickering over which character is better. I also can imagine him as the type to eat cereal or, like, instant noodles at 1am with you bc lmao time is just a construct. He’s also the type to like getting ready for bed, like yall brush your teeth together, wash your face together, all that jazz, but the moment his head hits the pillow it’s lights out.
Open: I see Guanlin as this really bright, happy boy, but I feel like it takes a lot for him to open up. Like at first he’d tell you the basics, favorite color, food, animal, just the superficial stuff first. However, as the months past and the conversations between you two grow into hours and hours of talking, he’d definitely be the type to talk about what he wants in life and his dreams and his fears as the two of you lay face to face on the bed.
Photographs: I feel like he wouldn’t be super into documenting your relationship. def bc he knows his hyungs would give him hella shit for it Like, he’d like taking pictures of you to keep on his phone, so he can look at them fondly while he’s away, but sharing them? Printing them out? Nah fam. He’d much rather keep your candids (usually cute, but he’s got that one pic of you shoving two cupcakes in your face and it’s game over there) to himself.
Quizzes: Guanlin sometimes seem kinda sleepy and unaware, but I feel like he’s really sharp? Like I feel like he’d know your favorite food at each restaurant and your favorite flowers and stuff like that, he’d just never use that information lmao. Yall would be going out to eat, and this boy knows your order by heart and all that, but he would never order for you even if you left to use the restroom. 
Rain: This boy likes his naps, so when the raindrops start pattering against the window, expect him to be sprawled out on the couch. He likes using you as his own personal teddy bear, and when you try to escape, he swings his leg over your body to trap you. So rainy days are spent with him nuzzling his face into your hair as he hums a soft melody.
Sleep: I feel like he’s a starfish kind of sleeper. His limbs are just so,,,,,long, like I can’t imagine him sleeping in a compact form lol. I also feel like he’s the type to random wake up in the middle of the night randomly and start mumbling before going back to sleep. Like yall would be sleeping, 3am hits, and this boy wakes up and starts talking about Seonho and then just goes right back to sleep lol.
Try: I feel like he’d try to his best abilities. He’d probably go to his hyungs and ask for advice, regret his actions, and then consult the internet lmao. He’s a chill bf most of the time, but he knows on anniversaries and stuff those have to be special. But he plans those to be chill too, like dinner at your fave place or maybe a really cute park date with candles and stuff.
Ugly: This isn’t a really ugly habit, but he has a habit of putting things on the highest shelf. Like, yeah, it’s convenient for him, but when you crave chips, you don’t want to put in extra effort to get them lol. I also feel like he’s the type to drink milk straight out of the carton, and that’s just unsanitary. 
Victorious: yES, I feel like he enjoys at home kind of dates, so video game night is a must. He prefers playing Mario Kart, but after you beat him for the 100th time, he decided to stop playing that game with you on date nights. I also feel like he’s the type to just start 1v1 basketball in the park on day with you. he probs won but if you win he’d be highkey proud
Winter: Cold weather? He probably likes going to small cafes and bakeries to drink hot cocoa and eat pastries while watching the snowflakes fall outside. Also, expect a giant snowman to be built before all the snow melts. Plus, he’ll randomly start snowball fights, so always be prepared, aLWAYS.
Xtra: He probably really enjoys dog videos. Like, this boy is practically a giant pup himself, so watching actual pups do adorable pup things? Def his aesthetic. Expect him to run up to you with his phone one day and shove it right under your nose so you can bask in the adorableness too.
Yuck: I feel like Guanlin doesn’t like it when people aren’t straight up honest with him. Like yeah, he understands sometimes there are occasions where lying is okay, but he would def hate it if you did something bad and either put off from telling him or tried to skirt around the truth. He’s honest with you, so he expects you to be honest with him.
Zodiac: So, according to the internet, Guanlin is a Libra. However, I don’t feel like he fits it exactly. Yes, he is shown to be cooperative and sociable, but Guanlin doesn’t do self-pity. He doesn’t dwell on “oh, woe is me” he works on improving himself as a person. I feel like Guanlin legit would not care what zodiac you were, as long as you were nice and caring he’s down.
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trickyarchangel · 7 years
My Steve/Tony Masterpost...
...for @stonystonysto​ and "Plan X”:
But I Know (It’s Nobody’s Fault) (link):
(Explicit - Steve/Tony - 3.6k)
It's a spectacularly bad idea. The whiskey doesn't even burn anymore as he swallows it down, down to the bottom of his second bottle. Not that anyone would notice or care; certainly not the bartender whom Tony is sure to tip well. The guy's gotten used to seeing Tony these past few weeks, knows Tony isn't there to cause trouble or get sloppy drunk.
Joke's on him.
It’s What’s for Breakfast (link):
(Explicit - established Steve/Tony - Steve/Tony/Bucky - 3.1k)
"What the fuck, Barnes?" Tony starts, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he stares straight at Bucky.
"That's our cue," Natasha murmurs as everyone else sighs and starts filtering out of the kitchen, Steve staying behind. Clint looks forlornly at the platter of bacon still on the table as he trails out.
I Want You to Fly (link):
(Teen - Steve/Tony - 16.1k)
Steve is on a trek through a jungle when Steve encounters the lost Tony Stark. Torn between his familial responsibilities at home and helping Tony integrate back into civilization, Steve leaves Tony in a hospital’s capable hands and returns home with his friends, but a story never ends that quickly.
--Contains artwork from @zombietonbo and @hello-shellhead
A Dash of Pepper (link):
(Explicit - Steve/Tony/Bucky - 2.3k)
It's all fun and games until someon- "Oh god, Tony, don't you dare!"
Sound Off, Soldier! (link):
(Explicit - Steve/Tony - 3k)
Tony is pretty sure Steve is actively trying to kill him. Well, best to help him out then.
Fer Ciel (link):
(Mature - Steve/Tony - 43.7k - cowritten w/ @it-just-slipped-out)
The adopted son of the most powerful man in town, Steve Rogers-Stark left Heaven, Louisiana to make a name for himself. Now a crisis has brought him home to an ailing father, a logging empire on the brink of disaster, and a secret in the bayou that threatens his very way of life.
--Contains artwork from @garnetquyen 
Summertime Sadness Series (link):
(Explicit - Steve/Tony - 7.1k)
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go (Link) “Look, Tony. I don’t… I’m not mad at you,” Steve said, suddenly sounding exhausted. He dragged a hand through his hair, shoulders tense. “I was, but I understand where you were coming from. I do. I don’t blame you for this mess. You just... overreached.”
“Is that why you left?” Tony found himself asking. “Because I overestimated my abilities?” He tried to laugh, but the sound was shaky to his own ears. “I mean, we both know you’re way out of my league after all. It’s a wonder we stayed together for as long as we did, really.”
I Just Want You to Know (Link) “Why can't you trust me?” Tony cut in with a tired mutter.
“Tony,” Steve sighed. “I do. I do trust you, but-”
“No. No buts, Steve. Do you trust me? Right here. Right now. Tell me you trust me. Tell me you know that I'm doing what I can to help us.”
Requiem Mass (in D Minor) (link):
(Teen - implied Steve/Tony - 1.5)
In hindsight, Tony should’ve have seen it coming. Nothing ever good happened around Christmas. To be fair, though, he’d just been a kid, plagued with nightmares.
Why the gauntlet never comes off.
The Sleeping Protocol (link):
(Mature - Steve/Tony/Bucky - 1.4k)
You set fire to an invention one time and it's the end of the world.
Steve just wants Tony to have a decent sleep in an actual bed.
Acing History (link):
(Explicit - Steve/Tony - 6.1)
“So, he’s probably some stick in the mud. Blah blah stereotypes, blah blah. What can I say that’ll offend you the most, so I don’t have to do this?” Tony shoved the pen into his hair, took the pick from his mouth, and strummed his guitar a little.
It Starts with a Drink (link):
(Explicit - Steve/Tony - 3.4k - cowritten w/ @it-just-slipped-out)
Chapter One: Like all of Tony's questionable life-choices, it starts with a drink. Chapter Two: Like all of Steve's restless nights, it ends with a nightmare.
Letting Go (link):
(Teen - Steve/Tony - 1.8k)
Some say it happens quickly. They say your life flashes before your eyes and it’s over.
Tony disagrees. Each time, it’s been agonizingly slow. He’s not surprised this time is the same.
I Want to Be Steve Rogers (link):
(Teen - Steve/Tony - 1.1k)
Steve asks for Tony’s help with a makeover.
Break the Mold (link):
(Teen - Steve/Tony - 1.3k)
Tony visits the new tailor.
Titanborn (link):
(Teen - Steve/Tony - 2.7)
"I tried to be a good soldier, but the rest of the unit…they treated me like a freak. I think they were afraid of me. They liked to hide my armor so I'd fail inspection. Bastards. In a camp full of people, I never felt so alone." - Lyris Titanborn
Stephanie might not fit in, but she’s not the only one, and she finally meets the illusive Natasha Stark.
He Waits (link):
(WIP - Mature - Steve/Tony - 1.7k)
Steve wakes up to a new world and is greeted by a familiar scent.
Avengers Drabbles (link):
Chapters 1-8 are Steve/Tony - various short scenarios.
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odrseasonone · 5 years
so obv this is mostly review BUT as i continue reading my old notes from asks, i thought i’d include this, too...
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: oooh omg i have so many thoughts for avelina!!!!  i can see things going in so many different directions!!!!  so i def don’t want to impress limitations on things at alllll hahahaha but i feel like she and dmitrei are going to have to turn and fight each other and lbr avelina might be the daughter of kings but that’s not a war she’s winning hahahaha anyway, whether by dmitrei’s hand or not, i def don’t see avelina making it through this.  i can potentially see her taking her own life or accidentally doing it by trying too much w her magic.  like, the point is, she’s a goner ;DDD  but not before she looses all her children in one way or another and probably, eventually, everything else.  avelina will always overestimate her own abilities and i think that, one way or another, will be her downfall.  i also think her arc is gonna be the union of the magical plotlines and political plotlines which imo is really exciting esp since she’s so wildly unstable.  i think a part of her will be obsessed w the power just as she’s always been obsessed w the power of her own royal blood.
0 notes
hayleysstark · 8 years
17, 30, 65
yooo!!! good to see you bro!!
17: any underappreciated dragon species you want to give a callout to? 
oohhh. so i’m really not sure whether any of these can be classified as “underappreciated” BUT!! the gronckle ((and its cousin the groncicle)) i just feel like people don’t appreciate the breed enough but they’re sturdy and serviceable and super loyal even if they aren’t the most glamorous of the bunch. i also really love the submaripper and snow wraith and changewing and snaptrapper off the top of my head and feel those species deserve some love too esp the snaptrapper cause it has such a fun design 
30: axes, swords, hammers, bow and arrows, or maces? 
everyone who knows me knows i’m a crazy bitch for fencing and archery so yeah gonna have to go w/ swords and bow & arrow for this one
65: how do you think each of the dragon riders will die? 
you know it’s funny but i’d really like to imagine all 6 of them dying together out on the battlefield probably battling for berk’s freedom or something like that. but that’s probably unlikely and might be a little tOO sad so… okay, i could tOTALLY see hiccup dying for toothless. taking a shot meant for him, or endangering himself to be sure toothless is all right, or even just one day setting off another adventure to find more night furies and getting killed in the process. it seems kind of a given the kid’s going to die for his dragon. astrid would definitely definitely dEFINITELY die on the battlefield tho. considering she’s now berk’s general, i don’t see any other option for the girl ((except illness but c’mon she nearly perished when she caught the scourge of odin so let’s give her a break for fuck’s sake)) on that note, i could see fishlegs in particular dying from an obscure but absolutely fatal disease - and failing that, a poisonous dragon bite, perhaps from a new species he wasn’t able to tame on his own. after all, even if he lacks hiccup’s courage, he definitely shares his friend’s interest in dragons and would probably get in over his head exploring dragon-inhabited lands. snotlout ((and i’m so fuckin biased here b/c he’s my son but deal with it)) but i could see snotlout, like hiccup, giving his life to protect somebody else’s or maybe greatly overestimating his own abilities and pulling a harmful stunt on hookfang that gets the both of them killed. not the most glorious way to go, admittedly, but it’s likely nonetheless. the twins i think would be likely to pass on the battlefield as well - maybe barf & belch blow up an enemy ship, and they don’t get far enough away from the explosion in time?? i dunno, just an idea :p
thank you for asking love!!
ask me about httyd
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amourete-blog1 · 8 years
(( whaaat? a civil conversation??
tagging: @sugary-empress @hereticalsym69ls @auratimoris
begin log:
sugary-empress )(ey, I'm gonna go destroy t)(e Overseer, are you gonna come or do you too value Xant)(e's )(ig)( minded ideals over )(is ability to control )(is own mind?~ O)( wait, you blocked me, nebbermind~
aberrantcadenza ... Well, actually.
I'll. Yeah, I have some explaining to do. But I need to arrange something for Xanthe's safety so let me do that first? And uh. Then I'll answer that. Sorry to keep you waiting.
sugary-empress Sure fin, dear~
[[ And then Felide finished up this conversation we just saw ]]
aberrantcadenza Okay, now that that's done. Who is "the Overseer"?
sugary-empress ???~ Seriously?~ T)(e gill in Xant)(e's pan~
aberrantcadenza Oh, her? You know where she is?
sugary-empress S)(e may )(ave moved, if s)(e was really willing to give up )(er collection, but I can find )(er~ We were pretty close for a bit, I'm able to find people wit)( magic trickster s)(it if I'm familiar wit)( t)(e feel of t)(em~
aberrantcadenza You said "you too" - did you ask someone else about this?
sugary-empress Du)(, Corvin~ )(e seemed t)(e type to care, I suppose I overestimated )(im~
aberrantcadenza No... I don't think you overestimated him. We were also discussing killing her. How soon do you plan to go?
sugary-empress O)(, good, it must )(ave just been a me issue~ Per)(aps in a few nig)(ts, I'd prefer Xant)(e be better so I know s)(e isn't in t)(ere w)(en s)(e dies~ T)(at kind of fin can lead to possession, super unpleasant~
aberrantcadenza Jesus, I'll bet. My first priority is Xanthe and his health and stability. ... Fooor that reason. I'm not... saying no just yet. I need time to think. Saying yes would be going against him and uh. Considering he's my life mate, that's kind of a big deal. Give me time? I'll get back to you before then.
sugary-empress And mine as well~ Of course, I completely understand~ T)(ank you~ I'm so glad )(e found you again~
aberrantcadenza :?? You are?
sugary-empress Yea)(???????~ Dude )(e loves you SO muc)(~
aberrantcadenza Well, yes but... I didn't really think anyone else cared :'33 Except now that they have to deal with us being sappy at each other.
sugary-empress Anyone w)(o cares aboat )(im cares~ I've seen )(im missing you since )(e made a blog~ Lmao, sorry, I'm being all weird~
aberrantcadenza :oo Oh... No, it's alright. I'm just dealing with a lot right now, don't worry. Attention divided. ... For what it's worth, I'm glad to be back. And I'm sorry I blocked you without warning.
sugary-empress Mm~ It's not like I'm not used to it by now~
aberrantcadenza :((
sugary-empress I accept your apology~
aberrantcadenza Xanthe told me I wasn't ready to talk to you and I guess I should have listened. I got stressed and overwhelmed and I thought I'd just quietly step out. I'll be honest, though... I didn't intend to unblock you just yet? But we can call it a happy accident :'33
sugary-empress Xant)(e is usually rig)(t, it's annoying!~
aberrantcadenza Right??
sugary-empress O)(, I see~ (It's )(is one flaw)~
aberrantcadenza *Fuck.* I had intended to unblock you when I felt up to it, hopefully in the future, but... one of the wrigglers got to it first. I looked away for two seconds and they broke my blog. I actually can't block anyone now, apparently.
sugary-empress Oo)(, yikes~
aberrantcadenza But... the good news is, I'm finding from experience that I do feel a little better.
sugary-empress Got anyone worse t)(an me blocked?~ 38( T)(at is good, at least!~
aberrantcadenza Nah. Just someone else's matesprit that I didn't get along with... I don't plan on engaging him anytime soon. :PP I think we'll be just fine.
sugary-empress Good!~ By t)(e way, I know I'm way late, but I'm sorry for your loss~
aberrantcadenza :!! It's okay! I'm just... wow. I'm surprised you remembered. ... Thank you for the thought. Did you know her?
sugary-empress I didn't know )(er well, but I knew )(er and know t)(is site well enoug)( t)(at I doubt you got enoug)( condolences~ I saw a few celebratory posts~ T)(at doesn't feel good~
aberrantcadenza X(( The celebratory posts escaped my notice, but honestly, I never expected anyone to mourn.
aberrantcadenza She wasn't close to a lot of people. Really she said I was "different" than other trolls somehow... which leads me to believe I may have been the only one she tolerated. I was trying to help her see otherwise at the time of her death.
sugary-empress Mourning t)(e dead isn't a requirement to be a good person~ Compassion for t)(e survivors is~ Yes, I know~
aberrantcadenza :00 That's wise.
sugary-empress If you'd )(ad time, you would )(ave been to )(er w)(at Xant)(e was to me~ O)( yea)(, t)(at's w)(at t)(ey say aboat me, lol~ Wisdom out t)(e ass over )(ere~
aberrantcadenza You're honestly a breath of fresh air after the past few days I've had. Thank you... Even as little as it might seem. I was intending to help her the way Xanthe said he's been trying to help you, yeah. Just... that first step is a little hard.
sugary-empress O)(, well~ You're welcome~ I'm glad~ 38) All t)(e steps are )(ard, but getting one of us to care aboat one single troll is t)(e foot in t)(e door~ It's all down)(ill from t)(ere~
aberrantcadenza X33 Seems like it was a bit of a slow decline then, with Pangea... six perigees wasn't enough to do much at all.
sugary-empress It never is~ It took Xant)(e a squidillion sweeps plus Sparks magically making me a fucking mortal to do anyfin to me, and I'm still very~ You know~ (Gestures at all of me and my w)(ole blog)~
aberrantcadenza You two have known each other some time, then. :00 I always feel like I'm interrupting something when I talk to his longtime friends :'33 I didn't come to this site immediately, although we were resurrected not too far apart from each other.
sugary-empress My dear, we're t)(e ones w)(o were interrupting~ Fuck, I petnamed at you again, I'm so bad at not doing t)(at~
aberrantcadenza :00c No, it's... alright, actually. Thank you for remembering, but it's okay if you mess up.
sugary-empress Anyways, you guys were first, anyone w)(o doesn't get t)(at or is jealous is an enormous toolbag~ >You were SUPER jealous, but you're also well aware that you're an enormous toolbag.
aberrantcadenza I appreciate your saying so, but honestly jealousy is understandable X'33 What matters is what we do with it. I feel bad that he pined for so long. I'm glad he was able to open up to others, though...
sugary-empress T)(at's true!~ It's like t)(at dumb bulls)(it people say, w)(at you sink is )(ow you were raised, but w)(at you actually do is w)(o you actually are, or waterver~ Mm, yea)(~
aberrantcadenza "Wisdom out the ass" strikes again. X33
sugary-empress Omfg~ Yoar so muc)( fun to glub at~ 38)
aberrantcadenza You too! :33 Now that I'm like. You know, more prepared to actually socialize... I'm finding our confursations rather fintriguing!
sugary-empress Do tell me if I get to be too muc)(, I know I'm kind of a lot, in like, every way~
aberrantcadenza :00 ! And likewise, haha... I guess I'm okay now, but when I get heated I can be a little much :'33 Thank you for your clawnsidpurration.
sugary-empress It's also super fun to glub at a fellow pun ent)(usiast~ Clawnsidpurration is GR------EAT~
aberrantcadenza :DD ! I'm glad you think so! I like punning, just... haven't felt up to doing so much lately.
sugary-empress I sink we've all been t)(ere~
aberrantcadenza X'33 Yeah... But talking to you has catually lifted my spirits quite a bit. It's weird, but... nice.
sugary-empress I'm super glad I could kelp~
aberrantcadenza I've got to run and meet Nadaya now. But purrhaps we'll be glubbing again more in the future? :00
sugary-empress I wis)( I could do anyfin for Xant)(e, but I sink you guys )(ave it covered, as muc)( as anyfin can be done~ I'd like t)(at!~ Farewell~
aberrantcadenza We're doing our best, for sure. He's in good hands. Take care! :33
bonus ooc content for extra laughs, in the middle of the conversation re: pangea:
sugary-empress ((WAIT THAT DID HAPPEN AFTER CONDY WAS BLOCKED RIGHT)) aberrantcadenza (( YEAH YOU'RE GOOD sugary-empress ((I thought it was but if it wasn't then like "I know I'm late but I'm sorry for ur loss" "U didn't say anything when it happened" "Yeah I didn't care haha"))
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do all the oc questions ;) (prompt thing coming sometime soon idk)
You suck This is for Clark 1. What is your OC’s favorite color? Cobalt blue or radioactive green 2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? little tidbits from computers or other electronic bits. 3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? Shellfish, shrimp in particular 4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? Formal to business casual pretty much all the time. lots of sweaters too. 5. What is your OC’s first memory? First memory? Probably his dad taking him outside for the first time. It was to the zoo when he was 5 or so.  6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? Clark likes owls and other birds, he just thinks their cool. Least favorite would be a snake.  7. What element would your OC be? Ummmm. He already can manipulate electricity maybe air then 8. What is your OC’s theme song? Um… I say I���d Rather Drown and You’re Gonna Go far Kid 9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? NOOOOOO 10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? Pride. just just pride 11. What are your OC’s hobbies? Reading, electric tinkering, political blogging 12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? Not very patient with stupidity, repetitiveness, or lack of patience from other people, ok with most other stuff. Can’t stand his mom and will yell. 13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / he him/ gay/ alien 14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? He doesn’t like spicy foods, and he’s allergic to shellfish but anything else is good. 15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? A cat. they kinda take care of themselves and he can have them on his lap. 16. What does your OC smell like? Burnt circuits and expensive shampoo 17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? He loves his job as a computer engineer, can’t really imagine what else to do with his life. 18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? Fears he’s not good enough. Strength is his brainpower, including quick thinking. Weakness is his pride and his curiosity often gets the better of him. Very bad at letting go of things. Doesn’t really think people change as much as they say 19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? All song types are interesting, sadly likes indie or alternative bands. 20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? He would catalog everything and be quite an annoyance to everyone. 21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? Stupidity, has trust issues. Bugged by people referring to him as ‘prince’ 22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? An asshole nerdy kid. 23. What is a random fact about your OC? He’s left handed because of a transporter incident. After words he took apart the transporter to figure out why it had happened. It’s how he got into computer engineering in the first place. 24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? He thinks some people have too much power. Life is fun with all its knowledge and experiences. Most people are out to save who they care for and that’s it, others don’t care about anyone. Those people can’t be trusted. A person can upset an entire system if it’s failing badly enough. Believes fiercely in equality. 25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? Originally a fancharacter, pretty much the same. I based him off myself. w h o o p s. His physical design is much different now than before. 26. 26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?) Kira, his sister is the most important. His mom is probably the least important. She could die in a ditch and he wouldn’t care either way. 27. What kind of childhood did your character have? Stuck in solitude learning about the people he might have to rule over one day. It wasn’t a happy time. 28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? Chews e v e r y t h i n g. Nails, lips, writing instruments, sleeves. Nothing is safe. Drinks coffee too much. 29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? He’d put 'nothing is set in stone’ 30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? No, he’s afraid of marriage at this point. Again, his moms fault for having 2 spouses die and the other abusive. No kids either. Kira’s hard enough to raise. 31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? Traumatic would probably be either learning his dad died or the first time Kira died. Favorite would be the first day he was in public without having to worry about his parents. 32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? The ability to walk. 33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?  Yes, it wouldn’t take much either. He won’t go around killing people but sometimes he overestimates what it would take to knock someone out and whoops they’re dead. Mostly self preservation or to make a statement. Again, won’t go on a murder streak. 34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? Clark likes public speaking at colleges or things like that, and he usually gets dragged to fancy people balls and stuff. Science conventions maybe? He would go to book festivals just to buy a ton of books regardless if he’d ever actually read them. 35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? Pretty down to earth, good sense of thinking into the future. Always half wondering about his next project. A visionary when it comes to technology. 36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? 37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? 38. What would your character do with a million dollars? 39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? 40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? 41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? 42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? 43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? 44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? very badly. Very very badly. He takes that shit hard. 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? Yeah he likes it. He’d probably look at the person with a 'are you ok’ look first though 46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? Clark just starts stabbing it to see what happens and is genuinely surprised if it works/doesn’t work. 47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? Clark mostly doodles and sketches technology designs, not good at people. 48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? His dad actually wasn’t too bad, a little worried for Clark, but other than that nothing else extraordinary. He did support Clark’s weird quirks as a kid. He’s dead now, which lead Clark to believe that good things always come to an end and evil keeps on growing. His mom is a bit flighty and constantly just. Leaves her children. His step dad is    Something else entirely. 49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? Clark tries to chew candy instead of other things, so yes. Sugar rushed he’s pretty jitter and talks a lot. 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? He would just kind of be in denial for a while. (I’m immortal right? he isn’t completely immortal) but if set with a timeline he’d try to avoid death STILL because he is afraid of dying deep in his sub-conscious. Clark would try to make an even more of a lasting impression on people because he doesn’t want to be forgotten easily.
phew that was a lot 
EDIT: fixed the last answer because I was called out for my bullshit
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