#i might like vampires just a tiny little itty bitty amount
transmimir · 3 years
You selfship with BBC Dracula??? COOL, I loved the series and I'm also a big simp for vampires :D ✨ I have a dhampir f/o! (Alucard Tepes from Castlevania) HII :D
(I'm actually @prince-lis) :D have a good day/night! 💕
While I definitely had some complaints about the series (though I havent rewatched it since around when it came out so i might think different who knows) I absolutely love the count, and i legit watched it bc i saw a picture of him and just... melted on the spot. He is most certainly not my only vampire f/o tho so bc I like to Nerd, here is all my vampire f/os (that I can remember rn, theres a lot ok i might be forgetting one). Honorable mentions to the crushes: Laszlo and Nadja Cravensworth from What We Do in the Shadows, Frederick Sackville-Bagg from The Little Vampire (2000), and Eve from Only Lovers Left Alive!!
My vampire f/os (in no particular order):
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Dr. Jonathan Reid - Vampyr (2018)
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Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3
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The Angel - Midnight Mass (dont let the name fool u)
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Lady Dimitrescu - Resident Evil 8: Village (we all know her lol)
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Aro Volturi - The Twilight Saga
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And of course, the one u already knew but I wanted to include anyway :]
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buckysgoldenheart · 4 years
Unexpectedly Bitten
Vampire!Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary: Your ex gets into some trouble with Vampires, and his mistakes lead the bloodsuckers back to you. After seeing you, one vampire gets a little attached and he’s taking his time deciding what he plans to do with you, but whatever it is, you’re not afraid. In fact, you might just be a little attached to him too.
Warnings: cursing, smut, violence. (Count on spelling mistakes or repeating words too often. it’s very likely.)
Notes: Let me emphasize this: there is little rhyme or reason to the way this story is broken into parts. I did my best though, and I stuck to 7. I tried not to make each part too long.
This is a Vampire!Henry x Reader story where each chapter, while chronological, is a different conversation or event during the course of their evolving relationship. 
Words: 1310
Part 3: Nighttime Activities
Henry ran into the kitchen the instant the yelp left your lips. The knife in your hand clanged to the floor, breaking the silence surrounding you, and thick red droplets were splashing on the metal of the blade when Henry grabbed your hand in his. You winced and looked up at him.
“What did you do!”
“I was just—”
“What did I tell you, huh? Either Chris or I will cook.���
“I didn’t mean to cut myself.”
“I’d hope not. Now let me see,” He said, slightly irritated as he ran a thumb over your blood-stained palm, careful to avoid the wounded forefinger. “You’re dripping blood all over the floor.”
When he saw the expression on your face, he sighed and rolled his eyes. “I won’t drink all of your precious blood, Lamb. Not unless you ask me to.” Examining the cut closely, he continued. “It’s not a scratch, that’s for sure.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Seal the cut.”
“How?” You tried to yank your hand back, but Henry gripped it firmly.
“Just trust me.” He stared into your eyes, as if he had the ability to bend you to his will.
You tentatively extended your finger to him and he wrapped lips around it, slowly sliding his tongue along the edges of the cut. It stung and your eyes snapped shut, but within a minute the pain subsided to a delicate, tingly heat that seemed to flow into your veins.
When he was done, he slid your finger from his mouth, licked the remaining drops of blood from your palm, and let you go. It was fully healed; only a little, pink scar remaining in its place. The new flesh shimmered dully, reflecting under the light of the kitchen as you angled your hand in different directions. It was beautiful. He’d taken something broken, and with the smallest amount of power, restored it past perfection.
You’d never heard of this, not in the rumors or stories. Then again, something good a vampire could do wouldn’t be found written anywhere. It was unknown and would clash with the ideas had of how horrid they are to humans; how they show them no mercy.
“I won’t deny it though, Lamb. You do taste delicious.” He smirked and you felt the violent blush rising from your chest to your cheeks. Your eyes traveled from his blue ones down to his lips, now coated in your blood, and you had to resist the urge to touch them and feel their plushness.
You huffed as you watched Chris flip through the pages of some dusty old tome with a bored expression on his face. He didn’t like this babysitting job, but according to the blond vampire, Henry had begged him to stay behind and watch over you while he went out into the night. You’d all but stomped your foot like a spoiled child when he refused to leave you unprotected despite how well you argued you could take care of yourself.
“This is ridiculous,” You mumbled.
“Yes, it is,” Chris sharply flipped a page, “But Henry seemed laughably desperate for my help.”
“Laughably desperate to make me feel incompetent.” You crossed your arms and slumped back further into the oversized armchair.
“Believe me, sweetness, it’s not about that.”
“Then what is it about?”
Chris looked up and closed the tome with a dusty slam. “Why don’t we play a little game to entertain ourselves, yea? How about we—”
“Do vampires love?”
Chris’s mouth closed fast, and his eyes narrowed at the question. “Now why would you ask something like that?” He asked, and you thought you saw, just for a half-second, a tiny quirk of his lips.
“I’m just curious.”
He hummed, unconvinced, then shoved the book away. “Love is complicated with us. It’s not…common.”
“It’s unusual for vampires to find more in one another than temporary companionship.”
“So, you don’t love.”
Chris chuckled at your ignorance. “We love, but rarely one another, in that way at least. Being a vampire can be a lonely life. Sex is one thing, but true connection is hard to come by.” You couldn’t ignore the twinge of sadness that made its way into his tone, but then it faded, and he said, “Now let me ask you something.”
You nodded.
“Was that blood-bag really your love?”
“At a time,” You said, “Why?”
Chris only shrugged.
It was the fifth time Henry had returned just before dawn with a sour mood that would undoubtedly last throughout the day. Usually you slept while he was gone, after you and Chris exhausted all your resources for any potential fun, but not last night. You stayed up, waiting for him out of irritation since he refused to tell you what he was doing, but you weren’t an idiot.
He met your eyes the minute he walked through the front door. The expression on his face did not change despite the obvious tense air circulating in the room, and he crossed his arms, matching your guarded stance.
“Are you making deals for bodies,” You asked. “Is that why you’ve been going out every night?”
He snorted at the clear beginning of a long lecture and slipped the leather jacket off his broad shoulders to toss on a nearby chair. “Don’t worry yourself over it,” He said, and went to walk past you, but you sidestepped, blocking his path the way a feather might a bulldozer. He cocked his head as if amused.
“I’m going to worry if I’m to end up in a group of women for some sacrifice.”
Oh, that made him mad. Everything in him took a sharp shift. His features twisted darkly, and his fangs peeked out. “Why the hell do you think I’m trying to make deals anyway, huh?” He began. “Chris and I need more if I’m not going to give you up. But half of you humans have grown stupid, and you can’t get anything done right! I ought to just start giving the deal makers to the Lord for fucks sake!”
Your eyebrows knitted and your arms dropped to your sides at his explosion. “Why are you so mad?”
“Why am I mad?” Henry all but growled in your face, then louder, said, “Do you think it’s easy to get bodies? If it were so simple then we’d get them ourselves, but your kind don’t go out after dark anymore, so I have no choice other than to make deals! I have to get more, and soon, otherwise you will be sacrificed to the Lord, is that what you want!”
He yelled the way a lion roared, with such ferocity it rustled your hair and threatened to shove you backwards.
“No, but—”
“But nothing!” He snapped. “Let me and Chris handle this. Just keep your nose out of it!”
He moved to slip around your body, but you once again sidestepped in his path, provoking his hefty groan. You placed a firm hand on his chest to make your intentions clear. He wasn’t going anywhere.
You looked at him sternly. “If word got out that you and Chris killed Jason, it’ll be a long while before anyone will be willing to accept any deal you try to make.”
“You think I don’t know that?”
“Then why did you kill him?”
“He fucked up! He didn’t finish the job!”
“He might have if you hadn’t killed him.”
With a step back, Henry scoffed. “Oh, so now you wish I spared that little pest for you? It’s not like he bartered your life or anything!”
“You didn’t have to let him die.”
“Yes, I did!”
Henry’s face fell at your shout, and he stared at you before shaking his head, then said, “For more than one reason, Lamb. None of which are your business, so let it go.”
Tags: ​ @agniavateira​ @tumblenewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ @readermia​ @angelofthorr​ @itmejado​ @caro-jean​ @raven-black102​ @itty-bitty-dancer​ @grungeisntmything​ @wolfiepirate​ @scuzmonkie @heartfullofl @wanderlustkitkat @maan24​ @furievonalexandria​ @posiemax​ @sweetybuzz25​ @iamthetwickster
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 212 prt 2 (end)
Nope. They may not have had a birth plan, but Lance was clear about “not pooping out a baby”! Keith snapping at Coran
“He’s not supposed to be!”
Coran snapping back at him
“Yes, I know he’s not supposed to be and yet here we are. Lance...”
Lance just wanted it to be over, begging Keith in stumbled words
“I want to push... please let me push...”
“Can his body take it?”
“Coran, can his body take it?!”
“I’m not entirely sure... The anus is not designed for birth. The muscle structure is completed wrong and there would be significant damage to the area... but Lance is a vampire... and he is a breeder. The area is softer and has begun to adapt...”
Lance’s arse did lots of wonderful things that made having sex with him much easier than when it was the other way around... Keith was all for the c-section. It was safer for Lance and the twins and something had to be wrong with the amount of blood Lance had lost. Both of them lost to Lance’s instincts. Bearing down his lover growled through another contraction, his “scary face” coming across his features as he slumped back tiredly
“We’ll need another two bags of A positive blood. Lance, you stubborn fool, I will never forgive you if this goes wrong. I want you to let your contractions build for me, then I want you to push with all your might on the next big one. Keith, keep him conscious. Even with drugs I fear he’s going to feel this”
Lance seemed to regret all his life choices with the cry he gave as he pushed longer and harder than the previous times, Keith’s legs firmly squeezed together as he tried not think about what was going on below the sheet. His vampire may have only sat up a little as he bore down, yet for Lance he might have well been bending himself in half
“And stop... stop... let them build again. One more big push to get those shoulders out and they’ll be here...”
The look Lance shot Coran spoke volumes on how he wished the fae would shut up, Keith braver than Coran as he tried to calm Lance back down
“Hear that, baby. You can do this. My good mate. One more big push and we get to meet our first little baby”
Lance went to glare at him too, but his expression soon turned soft as their eyes met
“You can do this. We all know you can do just about anything you put your mind to”
“They... never warn you about the pressure... makes the contractions the easy bit”
Keith would take Lance’s words for it. All he had in comparison were memories of bleeding arse from taking a huge dumb. Somehow he didn’t think the two compared
“Okay, babe. Remember, the next push is the big one”
Lance was crying just as hard as Keith was as their baby girl was delivered. Reaching for her, Coran placed her against Lance’s chest, using a soft cloth to clean her goopy face. Keith had thought Lance was truly the most beautiful thing he’d seen in his life, but his little girl took his breath away
Lance’s face shone with pride and wonder as he stared at their daughter
“She’s perfect...”
“She’s so red... is she meant to be red?”
“Never mind, number two. As the blood flows through her body and she takes her first breaths, her colour will start to even out”
“But she’s so red”
A tiny slimy red hand lay on Lance’s chest. Her fingers were itty bitty, Keith repeating himself again
“She’s so red”
Tiredly Lance moved his hand to rest on her back, his mate had done so good. With an exhausted chuckle, Lance put him in his place
“We’ve already got Blue, you can’t name her Red”
If ever there was a time for dramatics, this was it. Placing his finger in their daughter’s hand, she gave a small cry. Instantly he knew he’d die for her. She was so beyond everything he thought he’d feel
“Nurse, if you’d be so kind, she needs to be cleaned... and you two, we’ve got another baby to deliver”
Twenty minutes after their daughter, their son arrived. Unlike his sister who was polite enough to wait a few moments, he was barely in the world before he let out his first cry. Keith finding himself unsure what to do now they had two. Lance wanted to see their daughter, the nurse bringing her over, swaddled up, just before the final push. With her eyes closed, she looked so much like Lance, except she already had the tell tale wisps of his black hair. As their son was laid on Lance’s chest, Lance let out a sleepy yawn, back to smiling again as Keith moved his hand to help Lance hold their baby boy. Both of them were so tiny. Every month of development didn’t feel possible when they looked so damn tiny.
Out of it on medication, Lance didn’t want to let their son go to the nurse for cleaning. Keith didn’t want anyone other than them touching their twins, but he firmly squashed his ego down as they had to make sure both babies were okay, while Coran dealt with things between Lance’s legs. Distracting his fiancé with their daughter, the werewolf sat himself on the side of the bed, pulling down the blanket enough for Lance to see her face. No words came close to his happiness. Peppering kisses to Lance’s sweat soaked hair, he couldn’t stop looking at their daughter
“She looks just like you”
“She’s got her daddy’s hair... Keith... she’s perfect”
“Just like you. I’m so fucking proud of you”
“Don’t swear in front of the babies... we’re finally parents”
“Yes you are! That was very dangerous and Lance will need time to recover properly. But congratulations to you both”
Having a few more moments staring at their daughter, Lance all but snatched their son from the nurse as he was brought over. His tiny little hand gripping the blanket, with the grumpiest look on his face. Lance was all smiles once he had their boy cradled to his chest, chuckling as he poked their sons hand with his finger
“Oh dear. He’s got your personality”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a grumpier baby”
Keith frowned, probably making the same expression as their son
“He’s perfect”
He’d been as red as his sister... now swaddled up, he looked as angelic as her... maybe like a grumpy angel instead of a sleepy on. Again, not to be dramatic, but they had his heart wrapped around their tiny little fingers. He was a goddamn apex predator... who couldn’t stop crying because their twins were the most perfect being imaginable. He couldn’t get over how red and chubby babies were... or how he and Lance had managed to make two such perfect little lives.
“Now for the important bit, do you two have any names picked out for our little ones? Coran is a fine name”
The “important bit” to Keith was that Lance would be okay. He’d feel more reassured about it all, if he hadn’t seen what Coran had removed between his fiancé’s legs
“Will Lance be okay?”
Coran opened his mouth as if he was going to make a joke, then reconsidered. Lance was too distracted by their son to be listening to the fae
“He may take some time to heal. He may also experience some agitation from his ego. You have to realise he is exceptionally vulnerable right now. I’m quite sure if he to be separated from the twins for any length of time, he’d go quite crazy to find them. Birth is extremely hard on the body. He may partially transform, or he may experience accelerated healing. Nothing to worry about, he’ll be in tip top shape before you head back home”
Apparently he’d been too distracted by Coran, Lance whining softly
“Keith, no more questions... look at our babies”
He hadn’t taken his eyes off them for longer than split second
“I’m sorry, baby. I had to know you’ll be okay”
“I’m tired... but they’re... so perfect... so red”
“Yet when I said that, I got in trouble”
“I did the hard work”
“You did. You gave us a scare there”
“Had to push... the pressure was too much... look at him. He looks like more like me... with your expression”
Their son’s lips were all Lance. The frown on his face really did seem to come from him genetically. Hopefully he hadn’t inherited his lead foot. He’d have made Krolia proud with his driving
“He’s perfect... you’re perfect. I don’t... babe...”
His English failed. He loved their twins. He loved Lance. He loved their twins. Lance got it. He got how overwhelmed Keith was because they both were
“Shh... it’s okay. Coran, can we be alone?”
“I... uh, yes. Yes, I suppose I can give you a few moments while I fetch some fresh blood bags. Keith, please ensure he remains awake”
Blood still clung in the air as Keith sat beside Lance. Only Lance would try to move over and make space so shortly after giving birth
Sighing softly, Keith turned his attention from their daughter back to Lance
“Sorry. I’m...”
Lance sniffled as he nodded
“Me too... I didn’t know it’d feel like this”
“I didn’t either...”
“Do we have... names?”
Keith had a name in mind. He’d had a name in mind of a while now. He’d had a name in mind since certain things stuck out, or failed to stick out, on Lance’s ultrasounds
His fiancé’s lip wobbled, Keith trying for bad humour. There’d only been one Miriam that had meant the world to both of them...
“You won’t let me call her “Red””
“If she’s got your fiery spirit, that’s a perfectly good nickname... but... I didn’t think you’d say... Mami’s name...”
“Do you not like it?”
“I... can’t believe you thought of her...”
“Hey, we don’t have to...”
Lance shook his head, their son scrunching up his face a stray tear dropped on cheek
“It’s not that. I... like Laith for a boy, but I... I’m not making sense”
Keith peered at his son. Was he a Laith? What did Laith even mean? It sounded like a tool used in construction
“It means Lion... our little lion cub...”
Their son did look like he could let out a roar at any moment, or an unhappy scream to let the world know he was there
“You know, I kind of see it... it’s better than Yorak”
Lance snorted, he tried to bring his hand up to wipe his face, yet lacked the strength. Keith using his hoodie sleeve to wipe Lance’s nose for him, forgetting momentarily to be scared of dropping the baby
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what your mum was thinking”
Keith rolled his eyes, heavy on the sass
“Does anyone ever? He’s definitely not a Lenny...”
Sighing at him, he knew he had to get over his dislike of Lenny eventually. The joke had work thin
“Forget about Lenny... Charlotte? It means hurt, and my butt hurts from pushing”
“We’re not naming our daughter Charlotte Miriam because your butt hurt”
Why did he adore this idiot? He’d walked right into that one
“You should feel bad”
“Oh, babe. I feel totally bad... I’m so tired but I don’t think I can ever take my eyes off them”
“We don’t have to name them now...”
“Mmm, but you heard Coran, I don’t know how long I’ll sleep... I wanna know their names...”
Keith had a thought
“What about Laith Hunter Kogane-McClain? I... was a hunter when I met you...”
Lance hummed, their grumpy boy not giving away how he felt about his name
“What about Laith Hunter Kogane? There’s enough McClains out there... and some day soon it’ll be my last name too”
Fuck it. He was already crying, he wasn’t crying harder because he loved Lance so damn much
“So we have our little lion hunter... and our Red Princess Miriam”
“Oh, so she’s a princess now?”
“She’s our princess...”
“I think Blue will have something to say about that... She’s so cute... I’d... I’d like Miriam... as her middle name, if that’s okay. Mami... Mami would have... would have loved them”
Krolia would be out there waiting for him, but Mami wouldn’t be there. This wasn’t fair
“Oh, baby. She would have been so proud. I’m so proud...”
“I’m sorry... I... feel so emotional right now”
“I feel the same way... you know, “Crimson” and “Scarlet” are both perfectly acceptable names”
Once again his bad humour brought a smile back to Lance’s lips
“You can call her Red all you like, once we find the right name... Lancella?”
“Lancella with photographer for a boyfriend? I think not. What do you think when you look at her”
“Well... to me... to me I think “Lena”, but I named Laith”
Lena Miriam Kogane and Laith Hunter Kogane... Yeah. Yeah... That felt right...
Two hours later, Lance had been moved to another room. Their twins sleeping as Keith finally drew himself together enough to face their friends. Carrying the bundle in his arm carefully, Keith opened the door to their room. Coran had been out to reassure everyone, Lance had been through a couple of bags of blood, showing signs of healing before he passed out. Keeping his voice low, he didn’t want to wake up the sleeping bundle suckling on his finger
“Hey, guys”
Krolia, Curtis and Shiro, were sitting on the few chairs in the hall, the others sitting on the floor, both sides of the corridor. Fuck, Keith’s ego was way beyond massive with his pride. Certificates of birth had been signed, Coran knew how to register the birth and all those details.
“Keith... is that... are they okay?”
Hunk tripped over his words as he hurried to his feet, Keith beaming with pride
“The three of them are okay. Lance lost a fair bit of blood, but he’ll be okay. Coran said it might take a bit for him to recover once he fell asleep. I know we kept you guys waiting, but he fought falling asleep until he couldn’t fight it any longer”
Pidge couldn’t contain herself usually, this time it was Allura demanding to know. Yeah. He’d hit one hundred percent smug arsehole about his family. Coran pleasantly surprised after taking the measurements, saying “they were ready to walk out”
“Laith Hunter Kogane, and Lena Miriam Kogane. Lena was born first at 2:12pm, April 30th, 51 and 6 pound 1 something. She’s for wispy black hair and the bluest eyes. Laith kept Lance exhausted for an extra 20 minutes, 53cm , 7 pound 2 whatever it is. He’s got the grumpiest little expressions, and like his sister, he’s got my black hair and Lance’s blue eyes. Lance didn’t want to hyphenate our last names because he plans on taking “Kogane” soon”
Pidge let out a squeal, before clamping her hand over her mouth so as not to wake his sleeping baby
“Congrats, baby brother... and congrats on the engagement”
Now seemed as good as any time to come clean
“Actually, we’ve been engaged for a few weeks now”
Matt spluttered
“But at the party...”
“It’s true the box was empty. We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while... I don’t think any of expected today to be the day he went into labour. Coran said the general sickness was a sign leading up to labour, so was the stomach cramping Lance didn’t tell me about, he thought it was Braxton-Hicks being annoying again”
Krolia stepped forward
“Can I...?”
“You guys can come in... but this baby boy is staying in my arms”
Shiro seemed to hesitate, before asking, Keith trying to keep his face as neutral as he could at the coming question
“Can we see?”
Lowering the side of the blanket, Lance had his teeth in Keith’s finger, suckling down his blood. His fiancé had shifted back into a bat shortly after falling asleep. Keith had forgotten how absolutely adorable lance was as a bat. Coran seemed to think it was his body’s natural reaction to all the stress and exhaustion of birth. None of them found it funny, Krolia looked ready to hit him
“You could have told us...”
“Lance is baby. He’s feeding on my finger seeing he was a bit uneasy when he fell asleep and we couldn’t get an IV line in... anyway, come on in. Just don’t make any sudden moves. My ego’s pretty much out of control right now”
His ego being out of control meant nothing as Keith was drawn into a tight hug from his brother. The hug was everything he’d needed that morning when he’d been on the phone
“I’m so happy for you”
“I’m pretty happy for me too... Don’t forget, you and Curtis are the godfathers. You’ll have to give up being lame, you’re both going to have a huge responsibility on your hands”
“We won’t let you down... God, Keith. I’m so proud of you. Adam would be so proud of you, too”
“Thanks, Shiro. I know Lance would thank you too... Fuck, this has been a roller coaster”
“And I’m sure the journeys just begun. Now, I want to meet my niece and nephew”
“I have to warn you, they’re pretty incredible”
“I don’t doubt that for a moment”
Lance remained a bat for the following two days. He felt as if he’d been run over repeatedly when he finally came back to his senses. The happiness he felt when he held his twins... he’d truly never felt anything like it. He didn’t know if it was normal to love someone so instantaneously, but his dramatic arse would die for the pair in a heartbeat. Laith had all of Keith’s expressions down pact. He’d taken to feeding like a champion, unlike his sister who wasn’t too sure at first. Yeah, Lance had balled his eyes out over how precious they were. Their grumpy little boy screaming the first time he had his photo taken by Krolia, who had the flash on on her phone. Shiro had given Keith his camera, Keith making sure to get plenty of photos during the time he missed. He knew he’d never get that time back, but because his body had forced him to rest and heal, he felt like a better father for it... plus, he had the memories of their birth, and the precious first cuddles and hours of their lives.
After a week of rest, they were finally released to go home. There was nothing wrong with their twins, he and Keith hadn’t wanted to be apart and Lance couldn’t go home until Coran was sure he’d okay. A small neat gold diamond ring now on his ring finger, Keith deciding the right time to pull it out was just after Lena had thrown up on his chest. Lance knew that “being a diva couldn’t be genetically inherited” but he saw so much of himself in her. Romance would forever be Keith’s middle name, after slipping in the ring on his finger than awkwardly stuttering out “I got you a ring”. Keith was very lucky Coran had sorted things out with the police, or their “second engagement” might have been a bit awkward had the police pulled him over and arrested him for doing a runner. There was nothing Coran couldn’t fix, including his broken arse, though that had needed stitches to help along the healing and next time they decided to do this, he was definitely booking into VOLTRON a month early.
13 months, nearly to the day, his house was invaded again by two “strangers”. One a dark haired beauty, the other a little brother, grumpy at the world but secretly loving cuddles. Two strangers that would turn his life upside down again... and he wouldn’t have it any other way. It was time for a whole new adventure as their journey continued... doubly so when Keith finally went back to work, learning that it was okay that he was werewolf that preferred to be human outside of the moon. Neither of them asked for the monsters beneath their skin, but together, they made a damn good team, even if Lance did say so himself.
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Halloween Special
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Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene! Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream! In this town of Halloween
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I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
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I am the one hiding under your stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
This is Halloween, this is Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween! 
Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
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In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll
This is Halloween Red 'n' black, and slimy green
Aren't you scared?
Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice Take a chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night
Everybody scream, everybody scream!
In our town of Halloween!
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I am the clown with the tear-away face Here in a flash and gone without a trace
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I am the "who" in the call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing in your hair
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I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare
That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween
In this town Don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everybody scream Won't ya please make way for a very special guy
Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!
This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!) La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)
Ohhhh yes, today is a special day indeed! We're about to dive into not only what I'd call the four most definitively “Halloween” Pokemon in the entire series, but a group of some of my top faves in the entire franchise's history. I've never stopped appreciating Halloween, even long past growing too old to be trick-or-treating. I'm already big into Autumn as my favorite season but Halloween only escalates that aesthetic appeal.
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Nothing gets me quite like that child-like spooky look. The Jack-o-lanterns, black cats, ghosts, gargoyles, and slimy critters. (And the PUMPKIN REESE'S CUPS) Obviously I'm quite into more adult-oriented  horror like Silent Hill, Creepypastas, and DOOM. But nothing beats some wholesome all-ages Halloween creepy monster creation for me. And Pokemon's of course had no shortage of that. Especially in these later Generations.
In fact, between these four I'm about to cover, Klefki, Sliggoo, Malamar, Spritzee, Honedge, Espurr, and Braixen/Delphox, Gen 6 feels like arguably the most Halloweeny Generation out there so far. Probably part-way why I'd call this my third closest to favorite Generation.
But in any case, let's get to covering these four. Yes, just as a little Halloween treat for y'all I'll cover two lines today!
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708: Phantump
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And right off the haunted mansion gates, we're getting treated to some James Turnery goodness! I've not brought him up in a while so I don't sound like a broken record, but for whatever it's worth, he's the designer that's made gold like Golurk and Mandibuzz as well. Sadly this and Trevenant are his only additions this time around, but I'll definitely not complain!
Phantump is just an absolutely precious little ghost kid! And that's not even an exaggeration, this thing is literally the ghost of children that got lost and died in the woods. Which of course is arguably one of the most dire-sounding Pokedex entry tidbits ever. Just something to keep in mind when you go around catching these or beating them up for experience.
Phantump is simply too cute for words though. It's trying to spook you but in a way only a child would know how, going up to you and making a little stereotypical “oooooooo!!!” ghost face and scream. It's the perfect blend of spooky and ADORABLE. I even like how the bark marks on the side of its eyes look like sleep-deprived/stressed out little eye bags. Such a tiny detail as an itty bitty little line just adds so much more personality to this thing.
Another reason I'm so excited about these four. Like Bug/Water, Grass/Ghost up until now has been something I was yearning for hardcore since like, Gen 3. There's so much potential in the type between haunted trees, jack-o-lanterns, and just generally spooky-looking woodland monsters that it pained me to see both Gen 4 and 5 go by with nothing. Ohoho, but then I got to Route 16 in my first playthrough of X to lay eyes on a wild Phantump for the first time ever and to find it's A HAUNTED STUMP! FINALLY, MY PRAYERS ANSWERED!!
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Personal Score: 10/10
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This literally has eaten up one page on a word document so far and we're still only on the FIRST POKEMON HERE...
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709: Trevenant
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Things only get spookier as we move on down to Trevenant, and god yes. I've wanted a haunted tree Pokemon for so long. It's just such a staple to Halloween, and Ents are a high-fantasy monster that have been missing from Pokemon anyways. And I'm so glad they meshed the two ideas into one here. It's even better by not just being a bipedal tree so much as a literal tree that uprooted itself and uses its hunking roots as legs. Hell yes.
Trevenant in general is just one of the coolest spooky Pokemon in the whole series. And even one of the conceptually more frightening in the entire game as well. This child spirit has grown so angry to those that want to harm the forest, that this thing can root itself to bend a whole forest to its will, forcing anyone polluting or chopping down trees in its forest to get lost and never be able to leave. But to other wild Pokemon and those that respect the forests, it is kind to.
In fact, this Pokemon has one of the spookier moves in the whole game. Its signature move, Forest’s Curse, changes the opponent’s type to Grass. Seems simple and innocent enough on the surface. But there’s a ridiculous amount of implications with this move. Forest’s Curse. Ever so somewhat implying that Trevenant may turn its human victims into trees themselves, permanent fixtures in Trevenant’s forest. That and there’s a ridiculous amount of existential dread in the thought of being polymorphed into an inanimate object. Becoming just another tree in the forst, which no other person would be able to distinguish you from any other tree.
Trevenant is just a nearly-perfect tree ghost. The decrepit barely-alive tree look, the cool, somewhat pale color scheme. The rad branch-antlers. The aforementioned root legs. The piercing red cycloptic eye. How the breaks in the bark for an unhinged-jaw kind of mouth look. This is a Pokemon clearly designed by Halloween lovers and for Halloween lovers.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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This Pokemon was MADE FOR ME.
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710: Pumpkaboo
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Oh, but the Halloween goodness doesn't stop there. Imagine my delight when I continued exploring around the routes I found Phantump on only to encounter THIS THING. THIS CUTIE. THIS BLACK-CAT-JACK-O-LANTERN MONSTER. I've wanted a pumpkin critter in Pokemon for about as long as I can remember. Ever since I’ve become so obsessed with Halloween. Things like Cacnea, Spiritomb, and maybe even Lampent/Chandelure have given us fairly close approximations but nothing to exactly hit the specifically, undoubtedly, undeniably Halloween mark that is a clear as horrid night Jack-o-lantern. And the wait has more than paid off.
The one sole flaw I can think of with Pumpkaboo is that it'll probably the peak of Halloween creatures we'll get in Pokemon PROBABLY for good. Like, I don't know if we'll ever get more Halloweeny than a thing that is half black cat, half bat (and pretty much half vampire), half pumpkin. It's impossible. You can't out-Halloween that in a single cohesive creature. You just merged three to four of Halloween's biggest icons into ONE creature so seamlessly. It even comes with a signature move Trick-or-Treat!! Which does what else but turn its opponents into fellow GHOST TYPES. GHHHH.
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Pumpkaboo is just a brilliantly unexpected twist on the usual jack-o-lantern monster. There's a countless number of em that have the pumpkin as the head with the usual face carved out of the front. And as much as those never get old for me, Pumpkaboo is just such a fun and unique take on it! The pumpkin is more like a body; still with little eyespots carved into it, but the head is poofing out of the top of the pumpkin, looking like a merging between a black cat and a vampire bat. Like I've been saying, you've fused so much Halloween into one adorably poutty and yet clean and coherent critter than I can't handle it. I'm gonna be reduced to a dribbling MESS over here.
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And as a fun bonus, it even comes in different sizes! And with slight stat changes to go with those sizes. You can use the smaller and less durable but faster tiny Pumpkaboos or the huge, bulky, but slow ones.
This is just ENTIRELY Halloween goodness. And I'm being spoiled by Gamefreak over here. Wanted a Grass/Ghost for years and years? Here, have TWO LINES OF TWO EACH. Jack-o-lantern a hard want on your Pokemon wishlist? Here's a little bcatkin to absolutely ERADICATE my expectations. This is so perfect for me I would almost half suspect Junichi Masuda himself to come to my doorstep and tell me to never ask them for anything ever again.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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711: Gourgeist
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We’re finally at our final addition on this spooky parade. Sadly Gourgeist doesn't make a bumbling buffoon out of me quite like Pumpkaboo does, but I still love the thing a lot. It's still a different and cool flavor of squash monster, just fairly different from Pumpkaboo's. It's a little LESS genius of a mish-mash too but oh well.
This like we're looking at something of a creature I liked to look at as more of a giant melty candlestick hanging out of a gourd. May or may not be the intention, but y'know.
Gourgeist is still a very lovable Halloween monster in its own merits! It's more or less got the same face, and I love me tiny little fangs. (Even if they only show with its mouth open) The hair-hands are also really neat, and generally are a monster feature that doesn't get used enough. And the fringe covering one eye too. It's like a Hot Topic brand of Halloween!
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And it does get a much more traditional pumpkin carving face too. It's just different ENOUGH to not be a bit odd how Pumpkaboo looks one way with Gourgeist totally another. You could somewhat even see it as a face-marking adaptation, like how many moths adapt a pattern on their wings that look like a giant face to scare off predators. It would've been nice to see the cat-bat parts played up in a Pumpkaboo evolution, but Gourgeist has enough goodness going on its own where I'm not upset of course.
I just generally love its shape too. A real odd body shape between the arms being on its head and the pear-shaped silhouette to it. It's easily one of the Pokemon I have the most fun drawing when I find the mood to. It's just so. Drawable. And pretty. Oh hey, that's another thing! We don't have that many pretty-creeps in the Pokedex yet. So there's another niche Gourgeist can fill!
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Personal Score: 10/10
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Everyone! Everyone wins!
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Oh and one more thing! I don't talk about shinies a lot in these reviews obviously but I wanna highlight these just because on top of being some of my top favorite Pokemon in the whole series, they even have some of my top favorite shinies in the whole series!! Phantump and Trevenant not only rock the absolutely beautiful white with red accents color scheme, but that's actually based on a real tree! White aspens are indeed white-bark trees that have leaves that grow red in the fall. So PRETTY.
And while Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist's aren't seemingly based on anything in particular other than some alternative jack-o-lantern decoration colors, you just can't go wrong with black, purple, and yellow. So good.
So that's only BONUS POINTS for some already glorious Pokemon.
Happy Halloween everybody! Stay spooky!
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