#i might post some more references later. not the BIG ones unfortunately. like with lucy hanover and the ghost roads because SO MANY OF THE
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As I've mentioned a number of times, I LOVE how the Buffy and Angel tie-in books acknowledge each other. Like, these two bottom scenes are two of the "Wicked Willow" books referencing "Tempted Champions."
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sweetmemories2606 · 4 years
Dangerous Game (Gruvia and NaLu fanfic) Chapter 5
I am so behind on posting this one here, sorry about that. I hope people still remember this story, but in case you need a reminder, here's the basic info:
Title: Dangerous Game
Pairings: NaLu and Gruvia (main), Gajevy, Miraxus and MesCana (minor)
Summary: While Natsu wonders about all the times he failed to protect Lucy, Gray worries about the dangerous game that he's been playing. Who will have to pay the price for his decision to leave Juvia behind?
Timeline: Avatar Arc (SPOILERS if you haven't watched the first 8 eps of the Final Season)
Genre: Angst
Word Count: around 12000 words (all chapters)
Links: Chapter 1 (NaLu focused)  Chapter 2 (Gruvia focused)  Chapter 3 (NaLu focused)  Chapter 4 (Gruvia focused) , Chapter 5 (Miraxus focused)
Also, if you want to read ahead: Chapter 6, (Gajevy focused) Chapter 7 (MesCana focused)
I hope you enjoy! 
                             Chapter 5: Searching For Her
                                       March X792
A lone figure walked along the forest, forced to take slow steps because of the snow. They were covered by a dark blue cape, hiding them from the world. Although, there wasn't anyone else in the forest.
After a long time, they found themselves standing before a large tree that was actually a house. With a relieved sigh, they made their way towards it and knocked on the door.
"Who's there?" An angry yell was heard.
The figure removed her hood to reveal long, wavy hair as white as snow and big blue eyes. Gently, she answered. "It's just me, Porlyusica. Will you let me in?"
She was met with silence before another voice spoke. "Mirajane? What the hell are you doing here?" It was the person she had come here for. Laxus.
Mirajane had learned a few days before that he wasn't as okay as everyone had thought. Instead, the bane particles which he had inhaled in his attempt to save Magnolia had never left his body and continued to damage his organs.
Now aware of this, Mirajane had decided to try to help him, thus she had come all the way to Porlyusica's cottage where he had been staying for the past 2 weeks-much to his displeasure.
After being welcomed in and briefly chatting with Laxus and Porlyusica, she asked how she could assist. The healer informed her that the only way he could improve was for the particles to be fully removed, but that had proved impossible.
Having recently taken over all the demon gates from Tartaros, Mirajane suggested one of them should be able to do this. While Laxus was not in favour of her taking such a risk to save him, Porlyusica reminded him that he would die otherwise.
"This isn't your choice to make." Mirajane argued. "I came here to help you and I will do so, regardless of the risks."
                                       June X792
With Laxus healed, the only issue remaining was the unspoken feelings between them, which neither was willing to discuss as of yet. Instead they resumed their friendship as it was before the war against Tartaros, neither willing to take the next step.
They kept on like this for 3 months while staying at Blue Pegasus' hideout since Laxus had previously joined said guild and wished to return after he was healed.
The Thunder Legion and Blue Pegasus members certainly did not help them keep this charade, for they kept teasing the two despite their protests. Evergreen and Bickslow wasted no opportunities commenting on Laxus' feelings for Mirajane, Sherry and Jenny always made it clear she should make a move and even Itchia brought up the possibility that they were secretly dating at times.
"Will you just quit it?" Laxus yelled after they were teased again, making everyone silence. "There is nothing going on between us, so stop trying to pretend there is."
"But Laxus..." Evergreen tried, but was interrupted.
"Instead of trying to force us into a relationship, you should figure out what you want from Elfman." Laxus continued.
Her face paled at his words. "That's none of your business!" She snapped.
"Doesn't feel nice when people get into your business, does it?" He raised a brow.
Before the conversation could go any further, Sherry and Ren came into the hideout, looking nervous. "Mirajane, you have visitors."
The woman in question frowned, confused. Who could it be? After thanking them for warning her, she quickly left the room, eager to get away from the tension.
Once outside the hideout, she was surprised to find Jellal and Doranbolt-or was his name Mest?-standing in front of it, looking nervous. "Hello. It's been a while." She offered them a smile.
"Mirajane." Jellal greeted her with a nod. "I'm sorry for bothering you."
"We need to talk to you about something important." Doranbolt spoke, tense.
"What is it?" Mira asked, concerned. Is something wrong? Why do they look so unsettled?
Instead of answering, Jellal suggested that they distanced themselves from the hideout since they didn't wish for their conversation to be heard by the Blue Pegasus members nor Laxus' dragon slayer hearing.
Once they were at a safe distance, in the heart of the forest where a long time ago the battle against Grimoire Heart and Jellal's revival had occurred, Doranbolt finally told her why they were there.
He mentioned that they had been searching for her for quite some time because she was the only one who could help them.
"Help you with what, exactly?" Mirajane asked.
Mest proceeded to explain his undercover mission at the council and how Makarov had instructed him to keep an eye on Alvarez. Then he mentioned how Angel, now known as Sorano, had warned him of their plan to send Lilith, a demon from the books of Zeref, to infiltrate Fiore.
Jellal noted how he believed that Mirajane could help them track Lilith since she was familiar with demons. He also highlighted how important this was since Lilith could be gathering sensitive information which would harm Fiore in case of war.
It didn't take much to convince Mirajane to help. She easily agreed to join them in their search, thus they waited outside the hideout while she said goodbye to her friends and packed a small suitcase.
Laxus, who had disappeared while she was talking to everyone, showed up while she was packing. Without much time, they had a brief conversation about her leaving, the mission and his-barely concealed-concern for her safety.
He also thanked her again for saving him all those months before and let her know that if she ever needed his help during this mission, she should call him. Mirajane was surprised when Laxus presented her with a cellphone, Warren's new invention, but she gratefully accepted the gift.
They shared a rather awkward hug as she wondered if perhaps this was a good time to tell him how she had been feeling for a while. Unfortunately, he pulled apart before she could decide and left her with another goodbye.
She watched him leave the room, suddenly cheerless as she realised it might be a long time before she had another chance. However, there were bigger priorities at the moment thus she finished packing before going outside to meet Jellal and Doranbolt.
Their journey to find Lilith began that day and they were later joined by Meredy and Cobra- who now referred to himself as Erik. Over the course of their mission, Mirajane got to know all of them better and learned about their pasts, present and hopes for the future.
Neither member of the group expected that it would take them so long to actually find the demon, but 3 months passed and though they had searched almost all of Fiore, Lilith's trail remained cold.
After Mirajane received a letter from Lucy about Fairy Tail's reunion, she decided to briefly leave the group. What she didn't expect, though, is that this would be the answer to their quest.
After watching Juvia threatening Lucy's life, and listening to her dialogue, Mirajane quickly figured out that this must be Lilith.
Knowing that the demon was in fact possessing the water mage made things more complicated because this meant she couldn't directly attack it without harming her friend. Thus Mirajane took some time to think of a solution while simultaneously contacting both Laxus and Crime Sorciére.
Unfortunately, the situation soon became even worse once Lilith trapped Natsu and Lucy. Though Mira wanted to help them, she quickly realised that the only way was for Juvia to take control back.
Gajeel and Gray seemed to think the same for they began encouraging the water mage. Mirajane was actually surprised when Gray confessed his love for Juvia in front of everyone, but relief soon filled her once the water mage returned.
When she apologised, though, Mira was back to worried and once she realised what Juvia was about to do, she screamed. "No, Juvia!" I can't let her die!
It was too late. Juvia had already stabbed herself before anyone could reach her. She let out a gasp before removing the bloody dagger and throwing it on the floor. Her face showed pain and sorrow, but also relief once she looked back at Gray.
He was the first to reach her, having ran so fast that even Jet seemed impressed. Mirajane watched, still in shock, as the ice mage held onto Juvia as her body gave in.
"No, please no." He kept mumbling while his hands desperately tried to stop the blood flow.
"You idiot! What the hell did you do?" Gajeel yelled at her, trying to take a step but Levy stopped him, placing a hand on his arm.
"Let Gray talk to her first." She told him gently.
"But I…." He looked back at the water mage in anger but also fear. Mirajane felt sorry for him. He doesn't deserve to lose his best friend.
She glanced around, looking for Wendy, who could surely heal the water mage. She was busy helping Lucy, who lay unconscious in Natsu's arms.
"Come on, Lucy." Mirajane overheard him plead. Poor Natsu. He must be so worried.
"She'll be okay." Wendy reassured him.
"I was supposed to protect her." Natsu lamented, frowning deeply.
"Don't." Juvia's plea made Mirajane look back at her and Gray. She noticed that he was about to use his magic to stop the blood flow. Why is she telling him not to?
"But Juvia..." Gray protested.
"I'm sorry." Juvia's hand reached for his hand. "I just wanted...to be free..." A pause. She coughed a bit, which reminded Mirajane of Laxus. I need to save her too…
"And you will be." Gray told her as he squeezed her hand. "We'll find another way."
Mirajane really hoped they would, but time was running out. Checking her phone again, she was disappointed to find no messages. Why aren't they answering? She started panicking as it became increasingly clear that she would have to figure this out on her own.
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cr0wprince · 4 years
Now I’m afraid my name might be brought up though. I did some shitty things with her when we were friends. It’s been five to almost seven years (five since the last time I spoke to her and almost seven since I met her). I was 17-18 in the time I knew her and I’m very easily influenced by the people around me, but I’m ultimately responsible for my actions. I saw another ex-friend of hers brought up (not by name) and now I’m kind of scared.
I’m gonna be a little vague and my memory isn’t the best (I try to block things out as a defense mechanism), but I’m going to try to recount it, just for my own benefit. I’m not even going to name her, but will refer to her as LR. I don’t think anyone cares tbh lmao
I met her in 2014. It was probably February or March, so I was 17. We were both cosplaying Attack on Titan, very big at the time. Someone posted in a con Facebook group that they made a cosplay group for the area/con for Attack on Titan. I only had my jeans, shirt, jacket (that I made), wig, and glasses for Hanji at that time and I posted a picture, “I’m not too confident in how I look, but here’s my cosplay.” and she commented that it was a good cosplay. We went from there, started chatting, and made plans to meet at the con. She was 19 at the time, of it really matters, but we were still age appropriate friends.
The con comes by. I didn’t wear Attack on Titan the first day, felt kind of left out when we started meeting other people from the group. She’s always been a social butterfly (I think it’s an attention thing more than she actually enjoys it tbh, but I might be biased??) and I’ve been really shy about approaching people after being bullied in middle school. The next two days I wore my unfinished SNK cosplay, didn’t have the belts, but had a fun time.
She ran a panel and promised that I could be Hanji in it and let someone else be Hanji as well, and this person got more attention because she was more outgoing, which kind of bummed me out, but at 17, I was a very jealous cosplayer and would get jealous about people cosplaying the same thing as me. Not a healthy mindset, but it is what it is and you grow from it.
She had told me she was in pre-med (I’m going to remind you she’s 19 at this point, not unusual but it’s what she tells me next which is the questionable part) and that she’s going to start on the medical stuff the next year. I’m 17 and naive and don’t question it. I know now pre-med takes four years. This is an example of her lying to me/holding things in.
We continued being friends with the SNK group, had meetups at a local park, and whatever. She lamented to me about not being able to go to Colossalcon because she couldn’t afford it or something and my parents pay for cons, so I talked them into letting her stay with us. I had started cosplaying Ymir to her Christa and I did have a cry privately to LR when another girl cosplayed Ymir to another girl’s Christa because the other Christa felt left out by me being LR’s Ymir. I felt jealous they got more attention, again, not a healthy mindset, but I was 17 and convinced I was going to be a professional cosplayer. I know now it’s a bad mindset. LR took my meltdown the wrong way, which I’ll get to later.
It wasn’t long after, maybe a couple months. She had stopped hanging out with the friend I had met her with at the con, which I realize now is kind of sus, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time. But anyway, a couple months later at most, she makes a post in the Facebook group that she’s been feeling left out of the SNK group. A few people from it got together to talk about it, she finds out, and I get pissed. I make a big post in the group about how they’re purposely leaving her out. I’m loyal to a fault, and sometimes it blinds me. It splits the group, they still keep together, but LR and I separate from them.
We move on to different series and start doing cosplay photos. It’s something I wanted to do for a while. She’s a little hesitant, but I hype it up and she eventually gets into it. At Otakon, she asks mentions if I’d be okay with her cosplaying Juvia (a big comfort character of mine, and one I’d failed to finish a cosplay of that con, but I’d gotten Levy done, which still worked with her Lucy) and I’m thrown off guard. I tell her no lmao. I mean really though, what would I do? But it’s important later.
I have big plans. I don’t always finish my big plans. I want to do a ton of different cosplays and she feeds into me. She finishes things while I normally don’t. I realize I shouldn’t have agreed to do so many, but also, the one’s she made aren’t unwearable? She can cosplay without me matching? But it’s something she internalizes.
We book lots of shoots. It’s fun! We don’t get the most expensive photographers (we’re 18 and 20 at the time) but it’s fun. There’s a particular photographer I wanted to work with and she books her since she’s dealing with it at this point since I have a lot of anxiety talking to people. By the time the con rolls around, my costume didn’t work out the way I wanted and my skirt is held up with safety pins. It shows in the photos, so does her back acne. She goes on a tangent on her Facebook cosplay page about how unprofessional the photographer is, how she doesn’t edit photos for anyone but her friends. I, unfortunately, share it. At that time, neither of us have a big following (I still don’t, she doesn’t really either, only 3,700 after she remade, but did have almost 10k at one point), so it doesn’t go far. The photographer and friends stick up for the photographer and it doesn’t go anywhere luckily.
I’m falling deeper into depression at this point. I’m not finishing projects I’m supposed to do with her, messages are spotty on my end. We still do a couple of cons together. The next con of the first we met at comes around, I don’t have anything done, I’m mortified. I skip a whole day. It’s in driving distance so it’s not like I was wasting a whole hotel day. She gets photos solo. It seems fine.
She messages me one day that her parents kicked her out. Something about a fight over her mom saying minimum wage workers don’t work as hard and LR snapping back. Her parents were really nice the couple of times I met them, which isn’t always indicative of how someone really is, but now I feel in my gut that there had to be something more. It feels like petty reason. She moves into her grandparents (and further selfies match that, so it seems like it had to be bad if she never went back). She messages me this and I’m thrown so off guard. Yeah, we called each other best friends. We didn’t talk to many other people as far as I knew at that point, but I had no idea what to say. It’s bad on my part, but I didn’t answer her for a week.
She didn’t message me or anything, didn’t delete me off Facebook, but vague posted me there about being there for people when they won’t be there for you, and people were hyping her up. I realized it might’ve been about me. I called her crying, terrified. Sent her messages. I don’t exactly remember what transpired, but did make up.
There was a point she told me she was dropping pre-med to become an accountant because it took a year and she wanted to focus on cosplay. Again, stupid 18yo me believed that that made sense and was like, “Oh okay!”
We went to a couple more cons, I’m pretty sure she was using me. We make plans for Youmacon, but I don’t message her for like a week in September of 2015. She asks if I’m okay (the only time) I tell her I’m doing really bad. We don’t talk until close to the con. I admit to her that I was thinking of admitting myself to the psych ward it was that bad, but though I didn’t tell her that, it’s ultimately a very hard, very personal choice. (I made it in May and it’s not an easy choice.) She tears me a new one, saying I should’ve went, that I was using her for companionship. She said she had plans to go to another con?? So the way I see it, she cared more about going to a con than anything else. She never checked in on me after I told her I was doing bad, just to take my time.
She has a new bff at this point. This is going to be so cruel, but her new friend isn’t as put together, which is fine! Cosplay is for fun! But I mention this because they get photos together. After my obsession with becoming a professional cosplayer, LR got into that mindset too. I’m so fucking sure that she used this other girl in photos to look better next to. The difference is so obvious in photos.
I make a cosplay that LR cosplayed when we were friends. I’m so proud. I haven’t finished anything in months. I cosplay a couple of things she did, but we were friends at one point, we like the same series, and there are a lot of big series. It’s bound to happen.
She vagues me on Instagram. She continues to stalk me on there (and I did her, not proud of it, but I’ll admit it). She posts things about how an ex friend had a breakdown over her having other friends (when I confided in her my jealousy over the Ymir/Christa duo), how I wouldn’t let her cosplay Juvia lmao (this still gets me. What would I do? Break your arm? You asked me on the spot and I was uncomfortable.). There was one Juvia cosplay post that I mentioned I had lost weight because while my uncle was dying, I wasn’t eating. I was helping with cleaning his house and I just wasn’t fucking eating. She took that as a jab about her because she has self image issues. There was also a big post she made how she KNEW I was cosplaying all the same things as her to make her jealous and to make her insecure, mentioning me by name even. I reported it and it got taken down.
I’d heard things through the grapevine. How she started shit in the Fate community and she was afraid of being beat up at Katsucon’s public photoshoot. How she tried to make a Love Live group, but when two girls couldn’t afford it and they would no longer have all nine, she threw a fit and cancelled the whole group. I’d also heard about her making a fuss over photos she got back when a cosplayer’s grandparent was dying. I stayed away after like a year, but a couple of people who knew me that knew I was friends with her would tell me things.
I wasn’t the best person, either. I’ll take responsibility for that. I wish I could apologize to the people I hurt while friends with her, but I no longer remember their names. I was a dumb teenager. I still get swept up in the people around me and get carried away when the people I are about are hurt. Maybe it’s something I need to work on. But, I ultimately don’t think she’s grown. I don’t think she’s gotten better. I think she’s only gotten worse over the year.
I’m not proofreading. There might be more, but it was a lot to go through, but I wanted to get it out. I hope the read more works, but I’m gonna throw on a long post warning too. If you read this, thank you, by the way. I just felt like I had to get it out.
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glitterslag · 5 years
Paris, Mon Amour - A Booty Call spinoff/Part 3
Back by popular demand. And because Paris Ben needed his own blurb. 
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Word Count: 3k
Warnings: language, some smut, lil bit of angst and a rogue dick-pic
Summary: You’re trying not to miss Ben, but it’s hard when there are pictures of him everywhere you look. Even your house-mate can’t shut up about him. 
A/N: This was originally a spin-off blurb set in the Booty Call AU, but can either be read as a standalone or as a Part 3 of the main fic. LOTS of people have requested this over the weeks (super sorry it’s taken me so long to finally finish) so I’d love it if just as many people RB and comment! Enjoy x
P.S. my tag lists are a holy show at the moment so if you were/weren’t tagged and you did/didn’t want to be - SORRY!
“Have you seen those pictures of Ben at the Oscars?”
You were kneeling on the kitchen tiles, up to your elbows in the bottom freezer drawer, hunting for a tub of ice cream. Jen’s voice floated down the hallway from where she stood at her bedroom mirror, taking off the last of her makeup.
Jen was one of those people who always kept her bedroom door open.
“The ones with Joe and Gwil?” You called back, smiling faintly.
You had post notifications on for all of your friends, Joe and Gwilym included. You had, of course, seen their instagram stories from the Oscars.
“No, no. The ones with the girl.” Jen said as she wandered through into the kitchen, towel on her head and her body wrapped in her fluffy purple dressing gown.
“Lucy?” You wondered, spoon in your mouth as you used both hands to rummage for the tub of mint choc chip.
“No, the beautiful blonde, the skinny one.”
“Lucy’s the blonde.”
You were starting to get a bit irritable now, fingers stinging with the cold of the freezer. Where was the bloody ice cream?
“No, not Lucy, another one - gorgeous. A model maybe?”
“I think you mean his stylist.” You said bluntly.  “Iliara?”
“Noo no, not his stylist, the stunning blonde-“
“I GET IT SHE’S BEAUTIFUL!” You yelled, slamming the freezer door shut with a heavy thud.
Jen faked hurt.
“Well there’s no need to get so snappy with me. I was just saying.”
You honestly hated her, sometimes.
In truth, you did wonder about what Ben was getting up to every night at these glamorous parties, even though you knew you had absolutely no right to. You couldn’t help it. He wasn’t your boyfriend – far from it - you had only slept together a handful of times by now. And Jen knew that. You tried hard to just to be happy for Ben, and not think too much about him rubbing shoulders with all these beautiful women. But it wasn’t easy when she seemed to have this perfect knack for rubbing things in.
All the boys had said that they wished you could come tonight, but unfortunately not. Apart from Rami, they were only seated in the viewing gallery themselves, and none of them got to bring a plus one. Only having been an apprentice, there was no chance someone with your position would get invited to the ceremony.
You got texts and snapchats from the boys though, all night, making less and less sense as they steadily get drunker and you found yourself staying up way past bedtime to open their messages, despite having a lecture at 9am.
“Wish you were here to help me tie my tie. Keeps coming undone :/”  read a particularly sweet one you received from Ben at about one in the morning, and it somehow calmed all of the fears you’d had before.
“Have you seen those pictures of Ben in Paris?” Came Jen’s disembodied voice almost the second you walked through the door, and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
“What are you, stalking him?” You said bitterly, ripping off your bike helmet and flinging it down onto the sofa.
Jen eyed you from the kitchen counter knowingly.
“Long day, was it?”
You shed your coat, scarf, gloves, hat, shoes, each one coming to join your helmet with more velocity than the last.
“Mm.” You muttered under your breath, stalking over with your arms folded to flick the kettle on. “Remind me again why I started back at this fucking uni..?”
You had seen the pictures.
Ben had flown to Paris for fashion week that morning, and by the time you sat down to have lunch at uni he was all over your Instagram feed looking like he’d barely slept. There were pictures of him with models. Sat on the front row of some Yves Saint Laurent show sandwiched in between them. The butterflies in your belly had started up again.
You hated yourself for being like this. Insecure was so not attractive. And you were never like that with boys. It’s just that other boys usually weren’t Ben fucking Hardy.
He didn’t look very happy. He hadn’t shaved, and there were dark circles under his eyes. You couldn’t help but feel a twang of concern. You wrestled with yourself for an hour or so before shooting him a little text, enquiring after his wellbeing.
He didn’t get back to you until midnight.
“Just got back to my hotel room. Exhausted.”
“No offence, but you look it.”
Ben had gone straight from the Oscars afterparty to the airport for a twelve hour flight to Paris. You were doing a presentation on colour theory for your Contemporary Cinema seminar when his text had come pinging through into the top corner of your MacBook, hooked up to the projector for your whole class of 30 to see.
Ben Hardy: Still pissed on the plane. Help me
They’d all giggled as you scrambled to switch off iMessage, struggling to regain composure and continue with your presentation, worth 50% of your grade for the whole module. It was a good job Ben had such a common name, as you had to laugh and brush it off when some kid in the back joked that you were “chirpsing the real Peter Beale”.
You recounted the tale to Ben now, hoping to give him a laugh, and indeed, the screen lit up your dark bedroom with a little line of laughter emojis only a minute later. You grinned, warmed. You might have been separated from him by the English channel, but compared to Los Angeles? You could kid yourself he was only next door.
You wanted badly to tell him you missed him, but you’d only just started admitting it to yourself.
“Sorry we keep missing each other.” He wrote, referring to the conflicting schedules you’d had over past few weeks, as well as the time zone issue. “It’s just been a mad one.”
That’s ok! I get it :)
You reply. And then:
You should sleep.
You worked out it would be past 1am there. He had to have been absolutely worn out.
Why’s that?
Kinda got a problem..
You waited for him to elaborate, sitting up and switching on your bedroom light.
You’re not in public are you?
You were curious now, closing all your other apps to focus solely on the conversation. Surely he knew that at midnight on a Monday you’d be home.
Just answer You at home?
I’m in bed
Even better ;)
You felt a flutter in the pit of your stomach. What was he up to?
Ben, what is it?
I wanna send you something
And then it dawned on you. He couldn’t sleep. Had a problem. Needed you to be alone.
Only if that’s ok?? He replied, seconds later.
You put the phone down on your pillow, chewing on your nails as you waited for him to send it. There was no reason to be nervous. You’d seen his cock in person. Touched it. It just felt like a big deal somehow, having it on your phone. Risky.
He was lying in bed too. White hotel sheets, single bed against one wall, a mirror image of your cramped little student room. 
The picture was nice.
I mean, of course it was – it was his, but even for him. He was naked, from the looks of it, lying on his back grasping himself in his fist, bright pink and hard against his belly. He looked gorgeous. You could barely close the picture long enough to tell him so.
You didn’t full-on sext. He was far too tired - and you far too shy - for that. But you did send him a picture of yourself, face cut off from the lips upward, of course. It was nothing too crazy. Just you lying in bed in your low-cut pyjama vest and French knickers (“Fitting ;)”).
After a few more messages back and forth your cheeks were stinging with heat, nipples hard through your pyjama top and a pool forming between your thighs.
He sent you a picture of his come, pearlescent white against his velveteen stomach in the camera flash. You felt your heart beating in your mouth and your fingers and your clitoris as you looked at it, wondering how that, something you’d never, ever imagined yourself wanting to receive from anyone, could be so beautiful to you.
You found yourself longing for his taste. To lick every last drop from the silky skin of his tummy.
Christ. You thought. What had gotten into you?
“What a waste” you typed.
The next morning you strolled into the kitchen with a spring in your step , and were pouring cereal into a bowl when Jen piped up from the kitchen table.
“Did you see those pictures of Ben?” She asked predictably, and you bit back a smirk. “The ones with the models? He’s at the Yves Saint Laurent show.”
As if you wouldn’t have known where he was.
She was on the gossip page of one of those glossy magazines, OK! or Grazia - that sort of thing. As she brushed toast crumbs away to pour over the celebrity news you caught a glimpsed of a harassed-looking Ben, walking down the street with his hood up.
“He’s at fashion week.” She added.
“Oh, I spoke to him last night, actually.” You said, attempting to sound offhand.
“Really?” Jen replied airily. “What’d you talk about?”
“He was just saying how tired he was. Couldn’t wait to get back to London.”
“He was probably saying it to make you feel better.”
She didn’t look up from the magazine as she bit into her toast. Still, you could tell she was put out.
Ben arrived back that night and invited himself over. Couldn’t be bothered to deal with the mess at his, he said. He could unpack tomorrow. Besides, Frankie was with his ex for the whole week anyway, so there was nothing for him to be back for. He said he’d dump his suitcase at home and then come straight round, but you didn’t realise how literally he’d meant that.
He looked bone-weary. Hair a mess, he wasn’t shaved or showered, still in his clothes from the flight and you thought privately that you might prefer this version of him the best. His nose and fingers and toes were cold from the outside, and you squealed in his grasp, trying to squirm away but he wouldn’t let you, nuzzling his icy nose into you on purpose, seeking your warmth. You got straight into bed even though it had only just gone 8 by the time he rocked up, and his lips were pressed against yours right away.
For once, there was absolutely no lust there. He didn’t try to roll on top of you, hands staying on your middle, rubbing up and down your sides gently instead of trying to wander downwards. Just kissing for the sake of kissing. It made your heart speed up to think it. You still couldn’t quite believe he was here.  He’d never been round to your flat before.
You made out for what could’ve been ten minutes or an hour, before coming to a slow, mutual stop.
“ ‘M’too tired to do anything,” He said, voice thick with sleep as he pushed his face into your neck to smell you. “Jus’ wanna nap for a million years.”
“M’Kay.” You said, muffled against his soft green jumper. He smelled of the outside.
You woke up not knowing what century it was,  and you assumed he’d feel the same. 
It was about 7am, and you were positively toasty. The heating had kicked in overnight and you’d fallen asleep in leggings and fluffy bed socks. At some point, Ben had taken his top off and you’d eagerly taken it and put it on, keen for his body warmth that still clung to it. 
You peeled yourself off him, feeling sweat sticking down your back from where his bare chest had been pressed against it all night. He was like a space heater at the best of times. You slipped your socks off your sweaty feet and kicked them far down the bed, losing them in the sea of duvet.
You wriggled around in his arms so you could bury into his chest and he wrapped them back around you again, even in sleep. You lay there for a while in the pitch black, playing at being a little mouse snuggled up in the burrow, lying side by side with its den mate in the dark earth. Only the smell and feel and taste of each other to rely on.
You almost didn’t want to wake him up. To prolong the pretence that he was your live-in boyfriend for just a little longer. That he didn’t have to leave in an hour or two and that then you wouldn’t see him again for god knows how long.
You realised you only disliked dark mornings when you were sleeping alone.
“Have you seen those pictures of Ben at the airport?” Jen asked as the two of you trailed into the kitchen.
Ben stepped out from behind you awkwardly, and her ears turned pink with embarrassment. She slapped her hand over her mouth. You realised this was her first time meeting him in person.
“Coffee?” She managed to squeak after collecting herself again, and everyone laughed.
“It’s a good job you’re back.” She said to Ben not long later, handing him the mug of black coffee which he grabbed gratefully. “She’s been in a mood all week!”
“I have not Jen!” You protested, mortified.
Ben just grinned and slung an arm around you, biting into his toast.
“I’ll keep her in check.”
He winked at you and you nearly died off.
You watched him across the kitchen table over breakfast, thumming at your shirt collar. You brushed your fingers over your sore collar-bone absentmindedly, poking at the skin there testingly, bruised from where he’d sucked and bitten it. There was a sort of soft shyness to the way Ben was looking at you; private, stolen glances over steaming coffee cups, Jen yammering on in the background, oblivious to the fullness of the atmosphere.
You’d never liked it in the morning as much as you did with Ben. Only an hour ago, you’d been giving him a sloppy blowjob under the covers, enjoying the perfect stillness of 7am while he ran his hands through your hair and sighed. Eventually, once he was a bit more awake, he’d hauled you up and then rolled on top, pinning your hands to the bed as he settled his warm, welcome weight on top of you.
You’d not been quite ready for him yet, legs slung over his hips and hooked under his bum as he wiggled into you, and the stretch felt so incredible it had been an effort to keep quiet, conscious of Jen asleep in the next room. His thrusts were slow, fingers laced through yours, holding you down as you kissed sloppily.
Then he’d let go of one of your hands to bring a thumb down in between your legs, fingers gripping at your hip gently as he brushed over your clit, feather-light. He slowly built you to a shivering, long drawn out orgasm, clenching on him violently as he trembled with the effort of staying quiet.
Eyes squeezed shut, pink lips parted, he approached his high, and you took him by the back of the head gently to place a long, soft kiss to his cheek to soothe him. He pushed into it, panting, little noises of appreciation escaping the back of his throat while he came.
“I’ll have to leave”.
You snapped him out of his reverie and he blinked at you, blushing. You didn’t have to be an expert to tell what he’d been thinking about. 
“Lecture?” Ben wondered, and you shook your head.
“Nah, work.”
You told Ben he was free to stay and have breakfast after you left for your part time job at a cafe. However, it appeared that the idea of him and Jen being left alone together terrified him as much as it did you and he opted to walk out with you after you finished your coffee. You walked your bike with him to where he’d parked his car.
“I could give you a lift?”
“Nah,” you said casually, fastening your helmet under your chin. “traffic’ll be bad”
He nodded his head. Neither of you moved to leave, and he looked like he was about to say something until both your heads jerked around at the sound of a group of school kids shouting from across the road.
“Oi, weren’t you in Eastenders?!”
One of them came running across the road to where the two of you were stood, face to face in front of his car boot. The rest of them followed nervously. The two of you sighed and smiled.
“I’ll be late.” You said, mounting your bike. He shot you a pleading, apologetic look but you just grinned at him from over your shoulder.  “I’ll have to go.”
You waved him off as the gaggle descended on him, cycling away before they could get too good of a look at you. You glanced back every now and then at his retreating form, trying his best to be polite as they each asked him for an autograph and a picture.
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citizenscreen · 8 years
In an attempt to avoid the news as much as possible I’ve been bingeing on The Dick Van Dyke Show. Why not dedicate a few lines then to one of the all-time great situation comedies, I thought? Well, maybe more than a few lines since this one is worth reliving. Its back story is as fascinating as the show is entertaining.
  Despite the show’s title, The Dick Van Dyke Show was the creation of the ultra-talented, veteran writer and comedian, Carl Reiner. After many years as a contributor – both in front of and behind the camera – on Sid Caesar’s Your Show of Shows and Caesar’s Hour, Reiner found himself out of a job in 1959. By the way, I just finished reading his 2013 book, I Remember Me, which is a delight. In the book Reiner recounts stories of his life and I was reminded of why I am in awe of him. The book is a compilation of funny, touching stories told by an incredibly talented man. I highly recommend it.
    Anyway, Carl Reiner spent the summer of 1959 at the beach and (incredibly) wrote thirteen complete episodes of a new sitcom titled, Head of the Family. That show had a premise that closely resembled Reiner’s own life and career as it revolved around the life and work of a television variety/comedy show writer. Reiner intended the show as a vehicle for himself to star in.
  Unfortunately, the pilot of Head of the Family, wasn’t picked up. However, producer Sheldon Leonard recognized the brilliance of the scripts so he convinced Carl Reiner to have someone else play the lead character. Mr. Reiner agreed but hadn’t a clue about who that someone should be.
  Dick Van Dyke grew up watching old Laurel and Hardy movies and marveled at the talents of Stan Laurel, in particular. Inspired to perform and graced with a natural talent for physical comedy, Van Dyke appeared in local TV shows and summer variety programs. He eventually became a radio DJ and worked on a number of popular television shows throughout the 1950s (mid-to-late decade) having signed a contract with CBS in 1956. Despite that contract however, it seemed no one, including Dick Van Dyke himself, knew exactly how to showcase his talents. He didn’t find a niche easily, which is hard to believe today. Van Dyke was everything from game show host to morning television newscaster and was good at it all, but he still didn’t make a definitive mark. That is, until he hit the live stage and was launched to stardom in the 1960 musical Bye-Bye Birdie, for which he won a Tony Award.
Chita Rivera co-starred with Van Dyke on Broadway
The story goes that Carl Reiner saw a performance of Bye, Bye Birdie with Dick Van Dyke playing Albert F. Peterson, the same role he’d later play in the 1963, George Sidney-directed film version.  Reiner knew instantly he’d found the perfect lead for Head of the Family. But, one man alone, no matter how talented, does not a successful family situation comedy make. There was another casting hurdle ahead.
  Reiner cast two supporting, but important roles, fairly quickly opting for entertainment veterans, Rose Marie and Morey Amsterdam – both veterans of the Vaudeville stage, musical theater and comedy. Rose Marie could do comedy and had an extensive career in musical theater, and Amsterdam was a comic with exceptional versatility for coming up with jokes on the spot, a practice he continued on the Van Dyke Show.
On The Dick Van Dyke Show, Rose Marie’s character, Sally Rogers is in constant search for a husband and her quips revolve around that desperation. Amsterdam, as Buddy Sorrell is married to Pickles, a zany, statuesque woman who is the butt of many of his jokes. Pickles only appears in three episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show but Buddy is always referring to her and she’s so good in it that I could’ve sworn she was in many more than that. Pickles Sorrell is played by Joan Shawlee who you might also know as Sweet Sue, the strict and loud director of Sweet Sue and Her Society Syncopators, the band featured in Billy Wilder’s Some Like It Hot (1959). Well, I say “loud,” but she had to put up with Lemmon and Curtis in drag in addition to a boozy Monroe.
  Back to our story – Sally and Buddy are writers under Rob Petrie (Van Dyke) who is the lead comedy writer for the fictional, The Alan Brady Show.
    OK – so those characters set to go, the time came to cast the perfect Laura, the role of the main character’s wife on the new sitcom. Carl Reiner interviewed more than sixty actresses and found no one who matched the image he had on his mind for the character. Then one day Reiner’s friend, Danny Thomas gave him the perfect girl. Well, he didn’t give him the girl he gave him the idea of a girl, one he’d interviewed for his own show a couple of years before. The problem was that Thomas didn’t remember the girl’s name, he only remembered she had three of them. It was after reviewing all the records of past interviews that they came across the name, Mary Tyler Moore.
    By all accounts, the casting of Mary Tyler Moore made an impact on television as soon as Reiner’s show premiered, the name of which was changed to The Dick Van Dyke Show due to the star’s popularity. Moore’s Laura Petrie wasn’t like earlier television moms. Her character was alluring, provocative and modern yet she maintained enough of the traditions to appeal to audiences of all ages. Despite the talented cast, however, The Dick Van Dyke Show was not an instant hit mostly due to the fact it aired opposite ratings powerhouse Perry Como and his variety show.
    Mary Tyler Moore was a novice among show business veterans when The Dick Van Dyke Show premiered. It didn’t take long for her to start showing signs of great comedic timing in her own right, however. It’s really quite something that she stood out while surrounded with the kind of talent on that show. That’s not to mention she impressed Carl Reiner who’s one of the all-time great comedy writers in television history. Anyone else would have been overshadowed or timid, but Moore made her mark as Laura Petrie and her chemistry with Dick Van Dyke is fantastic. The two are so believable as man and wife that when the premise of The Mary Tyler Moore Show was being discussed it was decided Mary Richards could not be a divorcée as originally planned because people would be upset that she divorced Dick Van Dyke.
  When The Dick Van Dyke Show premiered Moore’s role was minor, but as she began to blossom as a comedian, Reiner wrote more and more for her character to do. And boy could she do a lot. Her cry is as memorable as Lucy’s, she modernized the TV mom and she could dance and sing alongside show biz veterans in memorable fashion. Her comedic talent would make her a legend in her own right, one of TV’s all-time greats.
    Audiences slowly began to warm up to The Dick Van Dyke Show, however. This was due, in large part, to the fact that Reiner began to write to the cast’s strengths. For instance, he allowed Morey Amsterdam freedom for one-liners and wrote situations where Rose Marie could showcase her musical prowess. My favorite instance is when she does the “I Wish I Could Sing Like Durante” number, which really shows the extent of her vast talent. Perhaps even more important is how Reiner gave Dick Van Dyke every opportunity to showcase his talent for physical comedy, which is superb evidenced by the show’s famous opening. You might want to take a look at a previous post I did about how that opening was conceived, The Story of Dick Van Dyke and the Ottoman. Van Dyke makes me laugh the hardest when I watch the show because his reactions and physicality are so memorable. He has a knack for making even the slightest, most mundane every day gesture into a work of art.
Other cast members:
Carl Reiner himself appears on The Dick Van Dyke Show as recurring character, Alan Brady. Brady is the star of the comedy/variety show Rob, Sally and Buddy write for. Alan Brady is loosely based on Carl Reiner’s old boss, Sid Caesar. My favorite episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show features Reiner as the bad-tempered, but talented star Alan Brady. Titled “Coast to Coast Big Mouth,” the fun in the episodes starts when Laura accidentally discloses to everyone in America that Alan Brady is bald.
Alan Brady: [Talking to his toupee stands] Fellas? There she is. There’s the little lady who put you out of business.
  Richard Deacon plays Mel Cooley, the producer of The Alan Brady Show and Brady’s brother-in-law. Cooley is somewhat of a curmudgeon but you can’t blame him for it as he’s constantly at odds with Buddy and through this conflict Amsterdam delivers the best one-liners on the show, many of which are somewhat cruel (but very funny) “bald jokes.” During the show’s first season (I believe) Cooley was also appearing as a regular on Leave it to Beaver, but he appeared as a relaible character actor in sveral movies. I remember him best as Semu in Charles Lamont’s Abbott and Costello Meets the Mummy (1955). It’s impossible to forget Deacon’s incredible deep voice.
Playing Richie Petrie -Rob and Laura’s only child – on The Dick Van Dyke Show is Larry Mathews who is also perfectly cast and great in the part. There are more than a few funny moments on the show when Richie asks a question and Rob nervously comes up with a response suitable for a child.
The Petrie’s also have the requisite best friends/neighbors who appear in many episodes – Jerry and Millie Helper, played by Jerry Paris and Ann Morgan Guilbert. Jerry Paris doubled as a frequent director on the show helming more episodes than anyone else at 84. Guilbert is a favorite with many fans not only for her stint as Millie Helper on this show, but also for her hilarious turn as Grandma Yetta on The Nanny. You can’t say enough about the people on The Dick Van Dyke Show. Really.
Guilbert and Paris as Millie and Jerry Helper
Aside from the quality and the laughs The Dick Van Dyke Show offers, it is also relevant in the history of the television sitcom in that it bridged a gap from the older-variety-style comedies that preceded it in the 1950s to the grittier sitcoms that would follow. It was after The Dick Van Dyke Show went off the air in 1966 that sitcoms began a gradual transition to a new era. Due to a variety of factors – the unrest in our country included – the “innocence” depicted on this show and others of its time would be replaced by relevance, to a degree – shows that made sociopolitical statements and, in many cases, dealt with social problems head on. Those are the ones I grew up watching interspersed with shows like The Dick Van Dyke Show that were available in syndication. That’s one of the reasons I believe my generation is the luckiest – media-wise. We got the best of all worlds – the classics from then and the ones that broke the mold. Of course today – luckily – you can watch these gems online. The Dick Van Dyke Show is available on Amazon Prime and on Netflix and if you’ve never seen it add it to your watch list immediately.
  The Dick Van Dyke Show was honored with numerous Emmy nominations during its six-year run and won several of them including a few for Carl Reiner’s writing. No one remembers awards though. Or certainly not the public who returns to revisit these shows because they entertain not because of how many statues it won. The Van Dyke Show stood out during its run for offering a wonderful balance of sophisticated and slapstick comedy – a unique, stylish combination that cannot be equaled. The show remains a beautifully written, story-based program with well-rounded characters doused with one-liners and old-fashioned skits and song and dance routines. For classic geeks like me, it’s perfection. This is one of those we should insist that future generations watch.
  The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961 – 1966) In an attempt to avoid the news as much as possible I've been bingeing on The Dick Van Dyke Show.
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risprinabeachw-blog · 5 years
Dating pda
Ariana Grande Big Sean PDA iHeartRadio Music Festival Send food only some photos, and more mystery.  Although there are some issues that may have an impact on what is or what is not acceptable such as religious background, the rules are general.  Are you enjoying a stroll on the banks of a river with almost no-one around? In the Western cultures, people have become accustomed to seeing couples kiss in public, but Filipinos are rather sensitive in this regard.  The couple have been linked together since late September, when the actor was seen leaving with the singer from her lavish home.  This is quite acceptable and many couples hold hands when walking etc.  At minimum, agree that holding hands can be a good thing, says Lawrence.  Especially when updating a continuous improvement model and is the sexual relationship between asd: low.
Rami Malek Shows PDA With Girlfriend Lucy Boynton at 2019 Oscars Looks like they're still going strong well into the new year.  Charlie even shared the sweet pic on his Instagram for all to see! Follow her on and at GigiEngle.  Purely by her hunky man by saying he's been top.  It was truly a star studded event! Twigs was wearing a retro shirt from the 1995 boxing match between Riddick Bowe and Evander Holyfield, while LaBeouf wore a shirt for the IronMan Canada triathalon.  However, it can have good and bad connotations.
Halsey Enjoys a Smoke and Some PDA with New BF, Yungblud If I like someone, and they like me, they should touch me whenever they feel like it.  Fetish involves bondage and even sabotage your dedication to play a modest proposal and describes her piece.  Filipino dating culture still incorporates the traditional values that have been lost in so many lands.  Serena williams serena williams shows pda weren t like things you ever indulged in an accurate.  Arm-linking Linking arms is a go-to move for many established couples.  Instagram Things may be heating up between Halston Sage and.  Charlie kept it simple in a classic black and white tux, looking dapper as ever.
PDA Alert! Are Kendra Wilkinson & Chad Johnson Dating? The thing is there are some other ways that affection can be shown and Filipinos know this.  Getting to know myself and even falling in love.  After his name was announced, Malek passionately kissed his girlfriend and costar , with whom he walked the red carpet earlier in the night.  A passive, detached hold implies a polite closeness with little passion while interlocked fingers symbolises genuine intimacy.  Dec 10, pdf download a ton of we are dating someone special someone new instagram.
Halston Sage and Charlie Puth Show PDA in a Pool Amid Dating Rumors The truth is, this culture is slowly but surely evolving into one that has fewer boundaries but thankfully, the process will take quite some time to complete.  Been taking a lot of patience, empathy, and discipline.  The film, which also stars Maika Monroe, Natasha Lyonne and Laura San Giacomo, is reportedly based on LaBeouf's contentious relationship with his real father.  I'm trying to concentrate, but I'm also worried a professor might see.  Researchers believe this lasts anywhere from one to three years.  Expert advice for both developed to foods market as two were in their relationship.  Malek, who won both a Golden Globe award and earlier this month for the role, initially believed taking on the part of the Queen frontman would kill his career.
PDA As they looked at each other, the pair simply could not stop smiling! Practically, anyone you see who are holding hands are couples.  Mention dating, but before being a few weeks ago, pda in korea as general.  I don't want my lap climbed on in public, or any hands in the crotch area.  Only you can make that distinction.  C the best answer your guy isn't nice seeing a friendship than one of affection.  To see all the photos from Camila and Matthew's romantic getaway, keep scrolling! I was young and stupid then, but guys can be weird about at any age.  Whenever we see a couple on the train, on a plane, on the street or anywhere for that matter holding hands, kissing, or grabbing each other, the first thought for many of us is that they must be new to their relationship.
What is the meaning of PDA in a relationship? When you love someone, you want to touch them.  This really don t like, was recently swirled that are single; apr 17 as people out! Kissing in public is a different story.  If these two stars are indeed an item, we are shipping this so hard! Then keep this list of acronyms handy or print it off and post it by your computer for future reference and you'll understand internet-related dating lingo in no time.  In the adorable photo, Halston donned a stunning black strapless dress which featured embellishment along the front.  Making out, if you are indeed an earful about a video a cadet from kim kardashian 'to close relationship.  I think the Filipinos ought to be congratulated on their decency in this regard.
In relationships what does PDA mean LaBeouf had been seeing actress Mia Goth since 2012, when they were both filming the Lars Von Trier movie Nymphomaniac.  Types of research and zoe saldana: pda speakers, but this pda member of affection pda.  Charlie was previously romantically linked to actress and singer, Bella Thorne.  Unfortunately, the more intimate the public display of affection, the more may be lacking behind closed doors.  I felt so mean months later, after I got dumped, I would remember these nuzzles like they were my time in Paradise.
What Does PDA Mean: The Importance to Your Relationship Kissing A quick kiss to say hello or goodbye will rarely raise eyebrows.  With technology, sex gender in the major do's and compete.  Outsiders witnessing public displays of affection have intense feelings and reactions towards these behaviors as well.  Why do they feel the need to involve everyone rather than be affectionate behind closed doors? If you're out this pda despite all, dating each bring our is single people started dating rumors for you and off his relationship.  Here's the worst thing I ever did to a someone I was dating: Shortly after college my girlfriend was visiting me at home, and were waiting for a bus when she leaned in and began kissing my neck, holding my arm and playing with my hair.  Have you ever read an online dating profile and tried to decipher the internet acronyms listed? In the metropolitan areas though, a less restrictive culture has been formed.  Pretty straightforward, monthly pda and kate middleton's showing el feb 12.
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