#i might team up with my friend to make an extended version
thirstghosting · 1 year
ive been watching skip intro and now I have this banger of a portion of a song stuck in my head forever
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yuri-puppies · 5 months
Shape-shifters, face-blindness, and "paying attention to others"
The shapeshifter is one of my favourite "monster of the week" episodes because it showcases how differently Laios processes social information than the rest of the party. It reminds me a lot of the strategies I, faceblind name-forgetter and eye-contact avoider, use to recognize people and learn things about them.
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We see Laios clearly fail at recognizing the doubles through "standard" social cues that are perceived as "easy to tell", such as their clothes. This makes the team (unfairly, but understandably) weary of his ability to tell the fakes apart and even worried that he'd prefer the monster versions* over them. Nonetheless, he gives it a try!
...And is immediately overwhelmed. His lack of attention to social cues works a bit in his favor, though, as it makes it harder for him to fall for stereotypes that fool the rest of the group.
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Instead, he chooses to rely on his strengths and use his investigation and animal handling skills to distract the shapeshifters, lure out the monster, and roll the most insane balls-to-the-wall intimidation check of all time.
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If it had ended there it still would have been a great episode that showcases Laios' strategic mind and his strengths as a leader. He doesn't have the social skills necessary for the task, but he is clever and creative enough to use the skills he does have proficiency in to solve the problem*.
However, what makes this episode so dear and near to my faceblind heart is the revelation that Laios was able to recognize the real party members after all.
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Laios is fantastic representation of how special interests actually work for a monotropic interest system. Having a special interest is not just about how much you like it and the need to know everything about it, it's a way of processing and filtering information. Laios' special interest is monsters: his skills as a dungeoneer and party leader are acquired for and informed by his desire to interact with monsters, as is his interest in eating them. He actually brings this up himself when comparing his interest in cooking to Senshi's.
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And in this episode, we see that this also extends to his friends. Laios hacks one of the most difficult types of information for him to process by routing it through the lens of the special interest. And, because it's not something most people would notice, it works. He knows that Chilchuck wouldn't let his guard down around a potential mimic, that Senshi values a balanced ecosystem, that (my favourite) Marcille just isn't as thoughtful about monsters as he is.
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It might not be what was expected, but it did the trick! And what's more, the narrative validates his way of thinking (even if Chilchuck doesn't).
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mariii1 · 4 months
🧚🏾‍♀️Messages From Your Queer Ancestors✨
I'm backkkkk, check Patreon for my extended general version of this reading!
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AHHHH I'm so excited to launch my Patreon, you guys don't even know about all the ideas I have lined up and I'm sure there's more to come as this month goes on! Anyway these photos are all from pinterest buttt see if you can guess who's a very important figure and whyy 😽
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1. So a few of you in this pile are trying to force yourself to forgive qhen you don't actually want to (or need to) and for the rest you're almost bulldozing over your identity and how it's affected you. I have a feeling you hang around people who don't know about your identities and would outright make fun of you or disrespect you in some way because of it. Your ancestors are way more sad than angry; if anything they're sad that these people are around you and they're sad that you don't honor or place importance on those aspects of your identity enough to walk away from them. Some of you might believe you'll never find people who truly accept and understand all these aspects of you so you've completely given up on it. Your environment might now is definitely very homophobic/transphobic or just xenophobic in general. While you might've been born in these environment or have had to stay in it, your queer ancestors want you to believe in yourself and in your queer identities; those aspects matter just as much as other parts of yourself. They want you to focus on creating an exit/escape plan out of this situation and to find the strength and hope in you to believe you will be able to find the right people one day instead of just completely shutting this idea out.
2. Things are going to change for you very, very soon. Some of you may be doubting a partner or a close friend in terms of loyalty or how much they love/respect you, but you'll soon realize these are just fears with no real basis. You will hit the jackpot somehow or you'll realize you have already in some area of your life. If you're financially broke right now, there's an idea or action you take that'll be the jackpot literally in terms of money and its something you didn't expect to happen, or at least to such a large degree. Keep doing what you're doing and the truth will be revealed to you soon.
3. I feel like me and your queer ancestors would've been good buddies and they've been so nice to me since the beginning of this reading. You're blessed spirituality in terms of family even if your immediate family right now is dog shit. You all however are really tired. I'm getting for most of you this isn't necessarily physically but more tired of people trying to fuck you over or fuck with you in general. You might've had to cut a lot of people out and seek justice or revenge in some way; ways that might be very tedious or draining like filing paperwork, legal battles, etc. I'm sincerely sorry if you have experienced some form of assault especially sexual assault please rest assured you will get justice whether through the system or not. You feel really tired pile 3 and this might sound infantilizing but I mean it in the sweetest way, you need a hug. You need someone to be understanding of you and you might wish you had someone physical to rant to. This might not bring you much comfort but your ancestors are watching your struggles and they wish they could coddle and baby you. A few of them see you as a baby and it breaks their heart that their baby is so stressed out 🥹 they are still proud of you and are rooting for you ad wish to send you lots of money so you can focus on self-care. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it pile 3!
4. Some of you feel very stagnant or just stuck in a situation especially financially. You might've realized something was a scam or actually wasn't going to lead to anything more; this could be about staying at a toxic workplace in hopes of getting a promotion or being transferred to a better team. I'm also having a hard time focusing on your reading so you might just be feeling overwhelmed or scattered. You realized a situation would never get better but now you don't know what to do or you've convinced yourself you have no other options left that are any better. However, I'm getting this really isn't true and it might take a drastic change in your mindset in order to see the potential of other possibilities. This could be realizing going back to school or learning a trade might not be so bad or that maybe relying on online income (influencing, youtube, etc.) Could actually be a real plan. These are just examples but your queer ancestors are really begging you to try and think outside of the box and realize "standard" job opportunities might not be as reliable as they seem and that options that seem very flaky, can be very stable if you put in the work.
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logicbutton · 3 months
Hey guys what's up I learned bookbinding to make @cindthia a physical copy of Synchronized Cardioversion for our anniversary :3
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Pics and process documentation below!
I used the following resources:
How to Make a Book by ArmoredSuperHeavy
Bookbinding Resources Master List by Renegade Bindery
the fanbinding tag on AO3 - shoutout to r3zuri's fanbinding of a FFVII fic for their extremely informative cliff's notes version of the process
the Intro to Hand Bookbinding class at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, an incredible resource for anyone in or near Minneapolis interested in learning how to bind their own books.
First, I typeset the fanfic. I did this by downloading it from AO3, trying to figure it out myself, checking How to Make a Book for help with a problem I was having, and realizing that I should have just used it from the beginning in the first place. I used Microsoft Word 2013.
Fonts: Palatino Linotype, Helvetica (for the characters' text messages), Beatline (for titles) Margins: .88" top, 1" bottom, .75" inside, .75" outside, .25" gutter Front matter: - Title page with only the title - "Praise for Synchronized Cardioversion" with comments from the fic - Title page with title, author name, and a colophon I made - Copyright page with fic copyright, fic URL, TLT series copyright, disclaimer, AO3 fic summary, first chapter author's notes, copyright for in-text art, book design credit, font info Back matter: - Acknowledgments (from the fic) - "Also by CindFourth" with all their TLT fic separated into Synchronized Cardioversion Extended Universe (might make another book of this at some point); Other Camgideon, Campal, and Team 69; and Other Locked Tomb
I set the page layout to "book fold" with 16-page signatures. As for the art, one of Cind's requests in last year's TLT Holiday Exchange was for art of this fic and they got not only a fantastic one-page comic from their assigned creator, our friend @anaeolist (who also did a sketch of Cam and Gideon kissing - we'll come back to that later), but also a lovely piece as a treat from our friend @kat-hikari. I got permission from both artists to include their work in the book.
The finished file was 408 pages, so I added four blank pages (two sheets) to the beginning and the end to make 26 signatures even.
Next, I printed the pages. I used my Brother DCP-L2550DW and Hammermill 11x8.5 24/60 lb. cream bookbinding paper from Church Paper. I'd read that sometimes using short-grain paper in a regular printer could cause it to jam, but it went fine. The cream color made the pages look so professional.
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I folded the pages into signatures and then pressed them overnight. Since I don't have a book press, I sandwiched them between two sheets of bookboard and put a heavy box on top, and that worked well.
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The next step, punching holes and sewing, was my favorite. I'd made a punching cradle using instructions I got in my bookbinding class. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be, and it only used bookboard and PVA glue, so I didn't even need to buy anything I hadn't already bought for the project.
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I used three pieces of tape and sewed them on using a kettle stitch.
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Then I went to MCBA to use their guillotine on the text block and their board shear to cut boards for the cover.
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I chose orange cardstock for the endpaper, and because I am a novice making novice mistakes I unfortunately forgot to get a size of cardstock that would let me fold it on the grain, but anyway. I trimmed it to the exact size of the pages and glued it to the text block. Next I glued the spine of the text block, rounded it a bit (not the way an expert would; you learn that in Intermediate Hand Bookbinding), added a strip of super mull and headbands at either end, and sat it under a weight to dry while I made the cover.
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The Bristol board I cut for the spine was probably 1/8" too wide, which makes a bigger difference than you would think. Next time I'm going to err on the side of slightly too narrow when I'm already giving myself three board widths of a buffer on either side.
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Aside from that, the cover turned out great! I could have done a better job lining up the endpaper when I glued it in, but that's the kind of thing you practice I guess.
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I love the way the navy blue bookcloth looks with the cream paper, the orange endpaper, and the red and white headbands.
Now that I had the exact dimensions of the book, I could finally design the dust jacket. Remember that sketch of Cam and Gideon kissing that anaeolist did for the holiday exchange? I commissioned them to turn it into a finished piece for the cover, and boy did they ever deliver. I also asked some of our other friends who had read the fic to give me blurbs for the back cover, and they delivered too. Cind's and my relationship wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful community we met in and I wanted this gift to reflect that.
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I created the jacket in GIMP at a print resolution of 300ppi and saved it as a pdf. The final step was to get it printed, which I was nervous about because it was the only part of the process that I had no control over at all. Long story short, I ended up with something I was very happy with done by a small chain print shop where I had to go in and talk to a human about what I needed.
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I also posted this to AO3!
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
S/O With Powers Like Raven
Tokoyami Fumikage X Reader, Shoto Todoroki X Reader, Hitoshi Shinso X Reader, Keigo Takami X Reader, Dabi X Reader,
Requested: @supernatural-hunter1
Request: I had this cute little ideas stuck in my head and I thought it was a really cute What if Tokoyami, Shoto, Shinsou, Hawks Dabi and Shigaraki had an S/O who’s quirk similar to Raven’s powers from original teen titans and I know, for a fact that TokoYami would fall harder in love than the others😂 I also did a story about it to if you want to go check it out sometime but I just thought it was cute. BTW, you did an amazing job with that Danny Phantom story😁 AND What if the class 1A students have an S/O who quirk is the same powers as Raven from “Teen Titans” (the original version)
Warnings: Bullying, Bad parenting, injury, any others let me know
Fumikage Tokoyami
🌙 You both sensed the other's energy from the moment that you walked into the classroom, well you kind of just appeared and he registered the change in the room. 🌙 You seemed to automatically stay away from people, you avoided talking to people or getting too close to them. 🌙 It wasn’t his excitement that felt from across the room, but Dark Shadow’s the demon took a liking to you the moment that she saw you so you had to address that because it was slightly distracting. 🌙 You were both fast friends but he fell for you the first time that he saw you interact with Dark Shadow when the villain attacked the training camp.
The moment that the villains made themselves known, you worried about the class mates that had already been sent out into the forest but honestly you were more worried about Tokoyami after having spoken about your powers, you knew that the darkness was going to make controlling Dark Shadow difficult. You took about 2 seconds to locate him and then teleport to where he was, you found him hands pressed to his head as he tried to contain Dark Shadow. “Tokoyami!” You called as you fell to your knees in front of him. “What are…you doing…here?” He asked as he managed to look up at you. “I came looking for you, I knew that Dark Shadow would be hard to control.” You explained. “You have to go, she’ll hurt you.” He reached forward trying to push you towards the trees. “She wouldn’t hurt me, I can help, trust me.” You pleaded, he doubled over again seemingly trying to contain the power that Dark Shadow harboured. You didn’t get a verbal answer from Tokoyami but you continued anyway. The moment that your power activated Dark Shadow seemed to focus on you. “Hey Shadow, I know that you feel a lot of power right now but you're hurting Tokoyami, you don’t want to do that do you?” “I don’t mean to.” Dark Shadow answered and you nodded as you lifted your hands drawing her closer to you, when her head finally rested in yours you started to slowly calm the rampaging emotions for both of them. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t worry, we’re okay now… All we need to do is find our way back now okay?” You asked. “Thank you.” Tokoyami said softly and you looked at him and smiled. “Of course.” You nodded, taking his hand and pulling him over with you.
🌙 From here on you both became very close, you were never seen far apart and you worked together well, with your ability to control and enhance the shadows and by extension Dark Shadow you became a formidable team. 🌙 It didn’t take long for you both to realise that the feelings you had extended past friendship. 🌙 Tokoyami fell hard for you, he made sure that you were safe and happy no matter the condition that he might be in. Kissing was out of the question given his beak, you pressed kisses to his cheeks and hands but he often showed affection by nuzzling you or running his hands through your hair instead. 🌙 You spent a lot of time together and it was usually in yours or his room at the dorm.
It had been a long day for both of you, you weren’t sure that you wanted to sit in the common room with the rest of your friends so you made your way to Tokoyami’s room which was closer than yours, you fell face first on his bed, he didn’t seem to be there yet so you closed your eyes for a moment hoping to get some rest before he got back.
When you opened your eyes again Dark Shadow was fliting around the room as Tokoyami sat at his desk. He seemed to be doing homework that you didn’t care to entertain at the moment. “You didn’t wake me.” You mumbled. “You seemed tired today, it’s better that you rested, you can go back to sleep, I’ll wake you when it’s time to eat.” He said as he turned to look at you, you shook your head sitting up and rubbing at your eyes. Tokoyami walked over to you sitting on the bed, you moved over and rested your head on his thigh. “What were you doing?” You asked. “Maths homework.” He answered as his hands started to run through your hair, Dark Shadow settled in a smaller form on your chest as you gently ran your hand over the entity. “Mm.” You hummed as your eyes started to close again, he knew that you were still tired and it wouldn’t take much to send you back to sleep, your rooms were very similar so you had already admitted that your felt safe enough to sleep there, but as he run his fingers through your hair he could see your face relaxing and he realised that he would do anything for you to always have this look on your face and you became a new reason for him to become a hero, to make a world where he could see you smile and relax this way all the time.
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Shoto Todoroki
🔥 You and Shoto barely acknowledged each other at the start of the school year, you both had your goals and would stop at nothing to achieve them. 🔥 You guys got closer after the sports festival, after finding out that you both had Daddy issues that you needed to solve, you didn’t really need to talk when in each other's presence. 🔥 Shoto was super curious about your quirk, he’d never really seen anything like it, you were in some way able to mute most quirks that you came into contact with and despite the fact that it came from your father you weren’t afraid of using it. 🔥 The first time that he saw your father was during the Stain incident, while Iida, Midoriya and himself were dealing with Stain. You were dealing with your father.
“You really think that you can be a hero!?” Your father asked as you dodged yet another attack of pure energy. “You don’t know what I can do.” You glared at him but he was quick this time and the next attack that he sent out hit you, you fell over the side of the building that you had been fighting on, you couldn’t catch yourself before hitting the ground, you laid there dazed for a second before you rolled to the side avoiding yet another attack from your father. “(H/N)!” Your head turned to where Shoto was standing with Midoriya and Iida. “What are you doing here!?” You asked as you kept your eyes on your father. “Those are kids from your class?” He asked “well then shall I get rid of the distraction.” He lifted his hands towards them, you didn’t think twice about creating a shield in front of them but it left you vulnerable to another attack, which it seemed your dad had counted on, you saw the blast of energy and almost felt it before the ice came up around you protecting you, it was then that you all heard the pros that had been looking for the others heading down into the alley way, you stepped into the shadows and portaled out near Shoto and the others. “Are you guys okay?” You asked. “We’re fine, what about you?” Shoto asked. “I’m fine thanks to you.” You smiled. “Who was that?” Shoto asked. “That’s my Dad.” You answered as you looked at where he had been. “That’s your Dad?” Shoto asked. “Yeah I told you we both had family issues.” You nodded and he looked down the alley at Endeavour running towards them all and he thought for a second that at least his Dad cared about his safety.
🔥 You and Shoto were very much traumatised children so he recognised boundaries that you never really talked about but they were there. 🔥 You were part of the reason that he decided to try and repair his relationship with his Dad. 🔥 Stood with you no matter what you said or decided, you guys were a power couple without the couple part, you were both a little oblivious to the fact for a little while. 🔥 That is until you met his siblings, who loved you by the way.
“So Mum was asking when you're going to bring your partner to see her.” Natsuo teased, they had never seen Shoto shocked or caught off guard but the moment that he started choking Fiyumi leaned forward to pat his back Fuyumi leaned forward to pat his back and help to stop the coughing. “Natsuo you could have phrased that differently.” Fuyumi muttered as she handed him some water. “Mum just said that she was curious about the friend that you write about all the time is all.” “She did?” Shoto asked. “Have you told (Y/N) about Mum?” Natsuo asked. “Mmm, we talked about it.” He answered. “We’ve talked about our family a lot.” “You have?” Fuyumi asked. “Yeah, they said that they wished she had a brother and sister like you guys, they’ve been alone since their mum died so…” Shoto trailed off as his phone vibrated. His siblings watched as he picked up the phone and smiled, answering the text message immediately. “You should really think about that partner thing, you seem happier when you're with them almost like our Dad didn’t take everything from you.” Natsuo said as he stood from the table and carried his bowl to the sink where he washed it and then left to get on with the rest of his day. “Wait!” Shoto called out “how would I know that I like them?” “Well I mean I’ve seen you with them, you care about them right? You want to protect them from anything that might hurt them.” Natsuo shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “You also want to give them anything that they might want right? That’s why you introduced them to us, to a family.” Fuyumi added, Shoto bit down on his lip as he looked down at his Soba, they were right but did that mean that he liked you and if it did? What about you? Did you like him? “Shoto this is something that you have to talk to them about, knowing how they feel is important too.”
That was how Shoto found himself sitting in the small apartment that you called yours “something is bothering you, it has been since you got here.” You said as you looked at him “what's going on?” “I was talking to Natsuo and Fuyumi this morning and they said something.” He started explaining, you nodded to signal that you were listening without interrupting him. “Well we were talking about you, they said that my Mum wants to meet you since I write about you a lot when I send her letters.” “If that’s what you are worried about then I’d be happy to see your Mum.” You said. “No that’s not it… Well not all of it.” He said “there was something else, Natsuo called you my partner.” “Is that bad?” You asked. “I had to ask him what he meant but when he explained it to me, I realised that everything that he said was true for me… But then Fuyumi said that this isn’t something I can decide on my own, what you think is important, so I guess I wanted to know what you thought.” Shoto explained he gripped his trouser legs tightly as he waited for you to speak. “You know I told myself for the longest time that you couldn’t want me and that if my feelings for you were that strong that I should let you find someone better for you.” You explained. “What!?” He asked. “I don’t want someone else!” “I know that now… but that was hard to tell before.” You shrugged. “So the way I feel is the same as you and I wouldn’t have a problem with being your partner if you think that I’m good enough.” “You're more than enough.” He nodded. “As are you.” You said softly, pressing a shy kiss to his cheek.
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Hitoshi Shinso
🧠 Hitoshi didn’t actually take much note of you for the first couple of days, actually the first time that he ever really took note of you was when people started badgering you about your quirk. 🧠 He noticed that you didn’t seem to want to talk about it, at first he thought that you were quirkless but realised that for you to be in the same class as him you had to have some kind of quirk so he then decided that you had to be ashamed of it for some reason. 🧠 He never asked you about your quirk, you were paired together for school projects and quickly learned that you liked the same things and understood each other's boundaries well enough without having to spell them out. 🧠 The first time that Shinso saw your quirk it was out of control, he had walked into the room after realising that you were late for lunch.
Shinso walked into the classroom that he was sure you last lesson before lunch was, his eyes found you first with your hands over your head as you cried, his eyes moved around the room where it seemed that shadows reached out to grab three girls who must have been in the room with you “(Y/N).” Shinso called out to you and sighed when you looked up at him but your eyes widened. “You have to leave, I can’t stop them… You’ll get hurt.” You muttered “they’re right I shouldn’t be here, I should be locked up somewhere.” Shinso felt the flare in your quirk as the shadows darkened and tightened around the girls. “They said that?” He asked, stepping forward. “No! Don’t do that!?” You pleaded, the shadows receded from the girls and they all fell to the ground. “Go.” He ordered as you curled in on yourself, you hands pressing to your head, you were mumbling to yourself, he hated seeing you like this. If he had been here instead of training with Aizawa this wouldn’t have happened.
Aizawa! He could help but he didn’t know how he was going to get a message to him, he was in the process of figuring it out when someone called his name “Shinso, you know them?” He looked over at the entrance to the classroom and saw that Aizawa was standing there with Present Mic and Midnight. It seemed that someone must have told them about what was happening over here and they rushed over. “They’re my friend, their names (Y/N), those girls were teasing them. I think it caused her to lose control of their quirk.” Shinso explained. “Not completely.” Midnight muttered as she directed Aizawa’s eyes to Shinso’s feet where the shadows circled him but didn’t dare touch him. “Mmm.” Aizawa hummed as his attention turned to you and nullified your quirk, Shinso moved quickly crouching in front of you. “Are you okay?” He asked, he didn’t get an answer but he could feel you shaking and your breathing was out of control. “(Y/N), look at me.” When you looked up he repeated his question. “I don-'' You stopped a blank expression across your face as you looked at him. “Calm down.” He ordered, he watched as your breathing went back to normal and only then did he let control go, he waited for you to be angry at him or push him away but instead you launched forward wrapping your arms around him. “Thank you.” You breathed and he stayed stock still for a moment before his arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer. “Anything for you.” He answered.
🧠 From there on Aizawa insisted that you train with him and Shinso if only to learn control of quirk so you don’t have to be afraid of it. 🧠 You watch Shinso grow and become stronger and you wonder if he was always going to think of you as a friend or just a burden. 🧠 You started pulling away after that, it was getting to the time where Shinso would show his quirk to the rest of the hero course and then he’d be leaving you, you know that he’ll get on the hero course no problem, he’ll make new friends and leave you alone. 🧠 Shinso noticed the moment that you stopped coming to the training with him and Aizawa, you didn’t answer any messages and seemed to be actively avoiding him, that is until you couldn’t anymore.
Shinso showed up at the classroom earlier than you had expected, he waited for all of the other students to filter out, he realised after a while that you had been eating your lunch in your classroom so you didn’t have to see him so when he was sure that you were on your own he walked into the room closing the door behind him. You looked like you were ready to run but your body was frozen. It was then that he realised that you weren’t avoiding him because you wanted to. “Where have you been?” He asked. “I’ve been here.” You answered “always here.” “You stopped coming to training.” He stated, as he pulled the chair out from in front of you and sat down. “I didn’t want to hold you back.” You mumbled but your eyes moved from him and he knew that he was getting to the bottom of the issue. “Hold me back?” He asked “you aren’t doing that and we both know that.” “Mm.” You hummed as if you weren’t actually listening to him. “There’s something that you're not telling me.” He accused and you looked at him now, he saw a number of different emotions flash across your face before you finally spoke “I’m just getting used to not having you around.” You finally said and he leaned forward taking your chin in his hand and directing your gaze to him. “What do you mean?” He asked. “You’ll be moving to the hero course and I’ll have to get on without you.” You explained. “We don’t know that I’m going to be on the hero course.” He argued, it was your turn to give him a look of disbelief “look it doesn’t matter because me being on the hero course won’t change anything.” “It changes everything!” You argued. “You won’t be here, you’ll make new friends, better friends and then you won’t need me anymore.” “Your overthinking everything again-” “Overthinking!? Shinso you're an amazing person there’s no way that you're not going to make friends, hell you made friends after the sports festival right!?” Shinso knew that he needed to do something to get you to calm down and listen to him so with his grip still on your chin he leaned in quickly connecting your lips and effectively stopping you from talking, it took a little while for you to kiss him back but just as you were relaxing into the kiss he pulled back. “I told you overthinking, we might not be in the same classes anymore but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to forget about you, that’s the hardest thing for me to do.” He explained. “You’ll be my first and highest priority no matter what.”
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Keigo Takami
🪶 Keigo had heard of you before, people talked about your work as a hero all the time but he had never seen you around, he wondered how you could do all this work without ever running into him. 🪶 Turned out that you worked on opposite shifts, he kept everyone safe during the day and you kept everyone safe overnight, that answered a lot of his questions. 🪶 He liked your look, your hero name, even saw some of the footage from your arrests and your quirk was interesting too. Some would say that he was kind of a fan, 🪶 Keigo actually cast you out of his mind assuming that you were never going to work together, he couldn’t have been more wrong though.
Keigo didn’t know who he was supposed to be working with but it had to be someone worth his time considering The Commission never really asked him to complete missions with the other pro heroes. It was late into the evening when he found himself balancing on the ledge of the building waiting for the hero that was supposed to meet with him. He didn’t hear them until they were standing right next to him “Oh it’s you.” He said as he looked at you “you're the one that I’m working with. Can’t say I’m disappointed.” “I didn’t know you knew who I was, mighty No.2.” You said as you gave a sarcastic bow. “No need for that.” He waved you off “they said that you’d tell me what’s going on.” “Mm.” You hummed. “There’s a group of smugglers, they smuggle everything from weapons to people. I've foiled a good number of their plans and taken down their branches but I can’t seem to take down the core of their operation.” “They’re slippery then?” He asked. “No, the core branches operate during the day, my quirk is pretty useless when there's no shadows around.” You explained as the shadows circled around your wrists “I can’t move as quickly or as stealthily so my agency asked the commission for a team up since you're the only hero fast enough to keep up with me at the moment, you know without drawing attention.” “Endeavour is a little flashing in the dark.” Hawks laughed and you rolled your eyes. “Not to mention difficult to work with, his quirk basically nullifies mine with how bright he is.” You shrugged. “First things first we need to get here, I’ll meet you there.” You informed him and he nodded. “Do you need a lift?” He asked. “No, I'm good.” You answered as you stepped over the ledge disappearing into the shadows below you both, he smirked as he glanced at the location one more time before flying high above the clouds he was going to enjoy working with you.
🪶 You guys became close friends after working together on that mission, the success only made you both more popular and you were probably the only person that Keigo could call a real friend. 🪶 You often woke up to him in your house, you started leaving the window open for him, he then started showing up when you were out on patrol and you would come home and find him on the sofa, you don’t know when it started but you always pressed a kiss to the top of his head before shuffling off to sleep for the day. 🪶 He’d often play with your shadows when you gave them the free will to do as they pleased, he was the first person that had not been afraid of the power that you had. 🪶 Neither of you noticed that you had grown closer than friends until you were forced too, you had unfortunately been caught in a fight with Dabi who had targeted you after watching the two of you together.
You groaned as you opened your eyes, your body felt heavier than it ever had before, you looked around, the room was bright, too bright. A hospital room, you couldn’t remember what happened, you know that you were in so much pain that you passed out, you tried to remember more but in the end your eyes slid closed and you gave into unconsciousness.
Keigo sat perched on the roof of a building watching people milling around, he heard someone behind him and he immediately turned one of his feathers poised for attack.
“What are you doing here?” Keigo asked. “I don’t suppose you checked on your little shadow ruler before you came out today?” Dabi asked. “What are you talking about?” Keigo asked. “I ran into them last night, they weren’t moving when we were done… I don’t know if anyone else found them, they might still be lying in that alleyway.” Dabi shrugged. “What did you do?” He asked. “Do you really have time for that, shouldn’t you be looking for them?” Dabi asked, Keigo knew that he should fight Dabi but he couldn’t ignore the fact that you might be hurt somewhere, he at least knew that the League hadn’t taken you based on the way that Dabi spoke about you. Keigo opened his phone ready to call your agency when a notification for a news story popped up.
Breaking News: (H/N) brought to hospital after gruesome fight with Villain Dabi
The hospital you were in was not in the article for obvious reasons but that information was only a phone call away and he had no intention of letting anyone get in the way of finding you and making sure that you were safe.
When you opened your eyes again you recognised the bright red wings “Hawks?” You asked. “Even when you're hurt you're so careful.” He said softly as you reached out for your hands. “Why didn’t you call me when this happened?” He asked. “I’ve hardly been awake, I remember waking for a second but it wasn’t long.” You answered. “Do you know what happened to me?” “You don’t remember?” He asked. “No really.” You answered, “I remember passing out and a whole lot of blue.” “Dabi.” Keigo said. “That makes sense… But if it was only him then.” You reached around unwrapping the bandages as Keigo watched you curiously, when you finally unwrapped your arms, your skin looked completely healed. “You can heal?” He asked. “In certain circumstances I can.” You answered as you flung your legs over the side of the bed however as you turned you realised that Keigo had not moved and instead he seemed to move closer his wings shielding you both from any prying eyes. “Do you know how worried I was?” He asked. “Worried?” You asked. “Dabi found me just to tell me that you were lying somewhere hurt and alone, I didn’t know if I was going to find you.” He said “we were both lucky the Eraserhead was on patrol that night too.” You’d have to thank him later but as your mind wondered Keigo leaned in closer “I realised something.” “Really?” You asked. “Yeah, I realised how hard it would be to live without you, how much I want to be with you every second of every day and how much I really want to do this.” He leaned forward connecting your lips, the kiss was charged and almost messy, he forced himself to pull away “let’s get the doctors to give you the all clear, then we’re going home.” “Sounds good.” You hummed. “You’ll have to come back to my place this time, we don’t know if he knows where you live so for now what’s mine is yours.” Keigo said as he walked out of the door to find a doctor.
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💀 You and Dabi operated in the same areas and ran into each other a lot, so he had seen you in action and was not surprised that people feared you. Took the time to find out what your name was, where you came from, and anything else worth knowing. 💀 He never really said more than 3 words to you at a time and you never pushed for a conversation, something he was fond of. 💀 You were a formidable force even when faced with someone who could have been far stronger than you were. 💀 He didn’t think of you as much of a team player though so he was surprised when you showed up at the bar to speak to Shigaraki.
“You made it.” Giran cheered. “I distinctly remember you saying this was a team, they all seem to be at each other's throats.” You noted. “Well they’ve just met.” Giran shrugged. “Bodes well.” You mumbled. “Who’s this?” Shigaraki asked as he turned his attention to you. “(V/N) what are you doing here?” Dabi asked. “Probably the same as you.” You answered. “You believe in Stain’s message?” He asked and you shook your head. “Of course not, I couldn’t care less about him, he showed his hand.” You answered waving off the suggestion only stopping a second to use your telekinesis to create a shield as Toga hurtled at you, flinging her to the side when her knife connected with the table you were using as a shield. “So tell Tomura Shigaraki why I should follow you.” “I don’t want to, nor do I have to sell myself to you.” Shigaraki growled out and you shrugged. “Fair enough, until next time Dabi.” You waved before you disappeared. “You just lost one of the strongest pieces on the board.” Dabi muttered as he turned to leave “call me when you know what the plan is.”
Dabi headed back to his apartment, he wasn't sure how long it was going to be before he heard from Shigaraki but he couldn’t care less the only thing that he could think about was you, the way you appeared, ran the show and left. “Didn’t take you for a team player.” He didn't know how you got into his apartment but he wasn’t going to show you that. “I’m not.” He answered as his head lazily rolled towards you “I didn’t think that you paid me much attention.” “Good.” You mumbled as he stood, he walked as if he was going to walk past you changing direction at the last minute and caging you against the wall. “What are you doing here (Y/N)?” He asked, he moved his face closer to yours, trying to draw you out but you just looked up at him and closer still. “Just wanted to know I’m going to have this place all to myself?” You asked. “What and leave you the mysterious little shadow ruler, now why would I do that? There’s still so much I don’t know.” He teased as leaned closer to your ear “so much I dont trust.” “Smart little arsonist.” You smirked before disappearing into the shadows and appearing at the window on the other side of the room. “Until next time, Dabi.”
💀 From there on Dabi paid more attention, you were there all the time, just outside of everyone’s view, everyone except him. 💀 Eventually conversations became easier and your home became his home, at first it was because your place was closer to the bar then his and slowly developed into him wanting to be there because you were there. 💀 You were probably the only person outside of the league of villains that had his number and that regularly contacts. 💀 He kept an eye on news when you both had to be apart for long periods of time to make sure that you were okay and nothing happened to you.
After the issue with the heroes when they kidnapped Bakugo, you hadn’t heard from Dabi, it worried you, so you started staying out longer and travelling farther to try and even catch glimpse of him, you had sent him messages that he wasn’t answering so you assumed that either his phone was broken or lost.
You sighed as you unlocked your door another night with no sign of him, it had actually been 24 hours since you had been home so you were pretty tired that might have been why you didn’t realise that there was someone in your living room “where have you been?” You jumped at the sound of his voice before turning to the sofa where he was sitting with his arms stretched over the back, your eyes widened, he looked like he was okay, you didn’t even think about answering his question instead you moved across the room and wrapped your arms around his neck straddling his waist without even thinking about it. “You're okay…” You breathed, you could feel that he had tensed beneath you, until his arms started moving and they wrapped around your waist. “I’m fine.” He answered, his hand rested on the back of your neck, gently guiding your face back after a while so that he could look at you. “Are you?” “Me? I’m fine.” You answered softly, he gently ran his thumb over the apple of your cheek. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?” “Lost my phone in the attack.” He answered his voice was low as if he was scared of ruining the moment. “I was worried about you.” You said. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” He smirked and you narrowed your eyes. “We’re not together.” You reminded him and he leaned forward his lips a breath away from yours. “We could be.” He suggested before connecting your lips in a rough kiss, his teeth grazed against your bottom lip, guiding your mouth open for him to take control of the kiss, the hand on your cheek slid to the back of your neck to hold you where he wanted to keep you for a long as possible.
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Request Here!!
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bengiyo · 3 months
My Love Mix-Up TH Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, our little quartet got together to study at Kongthap’s house. Atom struggled with his crush, which Kongthap is starting to reciprocate in his own way. Both leads revealed dad trauma. We left at Half dragging Atom to the roof to clear up the misunderstanding with Kongthap.
Time to see how Atom deals with his crush when he has to restart and say it himself and not ride the de facto presumption that the crush exists.
Oh, we’ve reached the trash can scene. Thoughts below.
Solid execution on the slap scene. At least Mudmee is saying important things to Half.
I’m glad Half is finally getting up to speed with what’s going on.
Kinda fucked up that a student applied himself and now they’re accusing him of cheating. That’ll kill his motivation.
So much for getting space to get over Kongthap. This is new.
How did he lose the coins that fast? RIP to the BL Juice.
Gemini’s skin looks great this week.
Good job, Half.
I gotta learn more Thai, because I always can hear some of the puns but I don’t know what they mean.
Half and Mudmee are cute.
Lot of mixed-bag basketball in BL this week.
Not really enjoying this love rival plotline with Clair.
Wait, why did they make the basketball team good in this version?
Interesting. They did a J-BL track star run. It’s also timed around the fear that he might lose his chance.
Let’s get the relationship chart out for this confusion here. I wanna see Clair hit on Khao-pan now.
I’m glad we’re keeping the thread of Kongthap figuring out what attraction even means to him.
Welcome back, The Heart Knows.
Spartan camp next week!
Kieta Hatsukoi Comparison: I didn’t really like them moving the scene where they clear things up to this week, because it means we lost the impact of returning to it and having the boys trying to return to just goofing off as friends before the trash scene. I think we lose a little bit more of how close Aida and Aoki were to each other as a result. I also think we missed the chance to see Atom and Half returning to their friendship in a quick shot later. Perhaps it’s the Thai BL penchant to depict everything in chronological order unless we need an extended flashback to justify something later.
Speaking of the trash scene, Aoki climbing into the bag is in the source material…so once again that’s a deviation that I think loses impact, as well as the Hashimoto rejection. The slap scene mostly worked, though!
It sucks that we didn’t use a playground for the earlier scene, because it’s kind of amusing that Aida later comes to find Aoki in the playground. I also missed the deerstalker hat.
Another weird change: Aoki’s teacher didn’t accuse him of cheating. Aoki just thought that’s what was happening, and acknowledges that he misunderstood the teacher.
Finally, I’m not that keen on introducing a whole new character to crush on another minor character for the sake of creating a double mix-up. Felt like it was added for time. I’d have rather we continued to work on Half becoming a member of Aoki’s team and setting up for the camping trip in the next episode. Half should have been the one to rebuild Aoki's spirits so he can try again next week. Instead, we got a preemptive J-BL track star run.
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trinarysuns · 2 years
Earthspark theorycrafting time
Okay okay it's time for my favorite part of new TF content which is: wild extrapolation of what little we know into a house of theoretical cards which will no doubt be wiped out by the next episode to drop. Spoilers for the first 10 episodes of Earthspark abound after the cut, obviously.
So, without further ado: something is rotten in the town of Witwicky.
We don't know much about the war. Not why it was fought, or what exactly happened in it, or how it came to end—only that the spacebridge connecting Earth and Cybertron was destroyed, and according to Alex's simplified G1-esque retelling, Megatron just went "hey maybe Optimus has a point that we should stop fighting and preserve what's left of our race" and teamed up with the Autobots to end the war.
Just Megatron. Not a single other Decepticon. Not even ever-loyal Soundwave followed his lead. Even if we accept that the retelling is a highly sanitized and manicured version of what actually happened (like the thing about how Bumblebee totally disappeared forever), it's a very strange thing, isn't it?
We'll come back to this.
In any case, Cybertronians have been on Earth for thirty years. Megatron has been cooperating with Optimus for fifteen of them. The Decepticons are implied to have been in bad condition by the end of the war (Soundwave, malfunctioning in starvation, and a cassette exploding inside him. Rumble or Buzzsaw, presumably. RIP.), and rogue Decepticons are still scrambling to feed themselves in the present day.
In the very first scene of episode 1, Swindle and Hardtop are lured into an Autobot trap baited with a few (rectangles???) of energon. Sure, it's stealing, but they're not actually doing anything wrong here but trying to feed themselves. Still, it's made clear their choice is to fight and flee or surrender and go to prison forever. No third option.
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Swindle escapes when the chase is interrupted by spiderbots, but Hardtop is captured. Optimus notes the spiders aren't of Cybertronian make and wonders if this has anything to do with rumors Decepticons are going missing (yes).
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Later, Dot Malto comes across the convoy's wreckage. Elita-1 and Optimus arrive, only to inform Dot that the park ranger job she thought she had—the one she moved to Witwicky specifically for—was a lie and that she's actually working for the secret US military agency GHOST. As you might guess, Dot does not like this.
Interestingly, she says she doesn't work 'for the Autobots' anymore. It's not the military she has the most problem with, but them. This may or may not have to do with the much-later-referenced battle of the bay, in which the Autobots did a lot of architectural damage and she was badly injured. Either way, whatever trust was once there is broken.
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Then of course Megs makes his entrance. Dot's resentment for Autobots doesn't extend to him—curious, given that in Alex's G1 story they were 'heroic Autobots' and 'evil decepticons', and Dot was a soldier there to see it all firsthand.
Megs and Dorothy are immediately and obviously old friends, and both of them on better terms with each other than with Optimus. Heck, they have names for each other no one else uses. Human buddy acquired!
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Megatron: GHOST isn't a perfect ally, but Optimus believes they'll help our kind make a home on Earth. Dot: Optimus always sees the bright side. Even when there isn't one. Megatron: Don't be so hard on him, Dorothy. Clearly we've had disagreements, but when I joined the Autobots to end the war, I saw that Optimus always does what he believes is right. No matter the personal cost.
Note, not 'what's right'. 'What he believes is right', no matter the cost. Cut to Dot frowning down at the ominously-shaped GHOST logo on the overturned truck. Hmmmm.jpg.
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Meanwhile, the abducted Hardtop is being stripped for parts by the evil Mandroid (okay, his name's actually Dr. Meridian. Did you remember that off the top of your head? No you didn't. Mandroid it is).
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Mandroid commands the spiderbots (arachnamechs), hates Cybertronians in general and wants them off Earth, is the one who's been disappearing Decepticons, and has just welded Hardtop's arm onto his own shoulder. Hardtop, as you might guess, is not happy to be here and says when Swindle shows up they'll beat him up. This isn't gonna happen, but we'll come back to that later.
Meanwhile, after a spiderbot battle, the Autobots find out about the new kids but don't know exactly who or what they are. Optimus says he'll contact GHOST to take Twitch and Thrash to HQ for safety (he doesn't question why the truck turns up like three seconds later). Optimus promises to keep them very, very safe, and Dot tells Mo they can trust Optimus, even though we know in general that she doesn't.
Surprise, the truck driver is Mandroid and the robot kids have been abducted. Who saw that coming? Two scenes later, Optimus has to come over like 'oops GHOST has no record of that truck, they could be anywhere, my bad'.
Wow, could it be? Maybe blindly trusting Optimus Prime all the time isn't a great idea? 🤔
Meanwhile, Mandroid is interrogating Twitch and Thrash on their origins, and when that doesn't provide much intel, straps them in for dissection under a very large and many-pointy-limbed device (with a laser on it too, naturally).
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The autobots show up to rescue them. When the spiderbots aren't enough to repel them, Mandroid summons some Decepticons to help fight the Autobots off: Skullcruncher, Shrapnel, Hardtop, and Bombshell. This is where we get our first clue about what's going on here, but only if you know the Transformers Lore™. Again, we'll come back to this later.
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Elita-1 (fighting Hardtop): Your heart's not in this, is it? Elita-1: Brain, either.
Then Bee shows up to help, as it turns out he didn't disappear forever (surprise!). In the end, all the Decepticons are captured.
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Hardtop: Honest, I don't know what came over me. I'd never fight you, Megatron! No matter what side you're on!
And then there's this odd little moment. Blink and you'll miss it, because it continues into a cut where Megatron helps Dot down from his shoulder. In response to Hardtop's words, Megatron shoves him, then... Looks at his cannon.
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Hmmm.jpg x2 🤔
This segues into family time and Dot insisting Twitch and Thrash stay with them, which Optimus is glad to hear. Also he doesn't want GHOST to know Bumblebee is alive. Seems like he doesn't fully trust them either.
...And now that we're out of the ep 1-2 two parter I can skim over most of the rest of the episodes, as, for better or worse, Earthspark is in large part the 'kids and robots petting cows and family game night' show with larger events happening in the background somewhere.
A few significant moments:
-Optimus, Elita-1, and Megatron hang out all domestic-like in the secret GHOST base under Dot's ranger station, presumably. You know. The one with the Decepticon prison in it, where they're all kept until, as OP says, there's a better option available.
-Alex insinuates he used to know Dr. Meridian during the war, and presumably was another science team guy before he retired to teach.
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-Swindle breaks into a GHOST convoy to steal an energon scanner that could give him a lead on finding Hardtop but can't get through the forcefield, so scams Mo and Thrash into helping him. When the kids' parents find out:
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Dot: You're different from Swindle! Cons weren't born into that life, they chose it. And anyone who wears that badge? Can't be trusted.
Mo: They aren't all bad. Right, mom? You're friends with Megatron.
Dot: That's different. Megatron has truly changed.
Has he, now? But again, just him and no others. And depending what kind of Decepticon backstory we're dealing with in this continuity, saying all Decepticons are evil and chose to be so is a hmmm.jpg x3. What's our IDW1 (or even TF:P) proximity here?
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-Some random GHOST trainee almost shoots a kid
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-The kids fall into a pit trap and Optimus gets some extremely ominous framing
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-Optimus Hides the kids from GHOST inside his trailer, inside the GHOST base. Because Optimus Prime makes bad decisions.
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Dot: Cheesy footage of Autobots helping humans build a bridge. Not very subtle. And what exactly does GHOST do with the Decepticons you catch? Optimus: That's classified. I'm sorry. Dot: Bots and humans working together is wonderful, but why the secrecy? And the hard sell? You sure you're on the right team, OP?
-Megatron refuses to use his cannon against the cassettes for 'childish pranks'. Optimus calls them criminals. Bee shows up with restraining bolts to mode lock the cassettes and Megs is disgusted.
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Megatron: I will never touch those... Things. Optimus: A means to an end, Megatron: safely transporting our quarry to GHOST. Megatron: Optimus, does it not concern you that our human allies control where Decepticons live, and what form they take? Even in times of so-called peace? This is not freedom.
It's enough to start an argument between OP and Megs about the way the Decepticons are being treated, in which Megatron says I gave you my fealty to save our people, which is a very interesting choice of words. Fealty, as of an oath of service and obedience to a liege lord. This is not an equal bargain.
Later, battling Soundwave, Soundwave repeats his own words to him. This is not freedom. He calls Megatron traitor—and Megatron, about to fire, stops and looks shocked: as if the idea that to the Decepticons he is a traitor is somehow a new thought.
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Add another hmm.jpg to the pile.
Later on, Skywarp and Nova Storm show up intent on stealing Optimus' arm for Mandroid. Hardtop's wasn't good enough, apparently.
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Optimus: They want my left arm like their lives depend on it!
And you know what? When the two of them fail in their mission and Mandroid says he'll dissect them, they don't even try to fight that small squishy human. Wow, weird. And when we find out the terran bots were created via an artifact left behind by Quintus Prime, his squiddy little logo certainly doesn't resemble an upside down spiderbot at all. :)
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But now we come to the really interesting part. Dot and Megatron are captured by Mandroid and the following conversation ensues:
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Mandroid: Let me begin again. Conversation is difficult, after my time in the war.
Dot: You served too?
Mandroid: My contribution was scientific. I was drafted by GHOST to toil in their robotics laboratory. After a year of laboring on projects I detested, Decepticons attacked San Francisco. Dot: Yeah, I remember. I led an infantry platoon at the battle of the bay. Mandroid: Then perhaps you remember the Autobots' friendly fire destroying buildings. My arachnamechs dragged me to safety, saving me the only way they knew how. I came away with... Souvenirs.
You know what I think?
I think it's real suspicious that Hardtop went from wanting to kill Mandroid to doing his bidding without seeming to even understand why. I think it's suspicious that all those other Decepticons did too—they might stick around for fuel, sure, but not to protest even under threat of dissection?
Why did Megatron turn his back on his loyal army in such a way that none of them followed? Why did they go to ground rather than attempt switching sides? When did it become clear that there would be no switching sides, only life imprisonment for those who surrendered?
But not for Megatron—who has sworn fealty, who 'has truly changed' who is tame and obedient. The sole exception.
Remember episodes one and two? Remember who one of Mandroid's tame Decepticon squad was? Bombshell. You know what Bombshell's whole thing is in the lore? Mind control. Do you know what other two motifs are strongly associated with mind control in the Transformers lore?
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The biggest hmmmmm.jpg imaginable 🤔
I think maybe the emberstone wasn't the only thing Quintus Prime left behind. I think GHOST found whatever that bit of lost technology was during the war, and Mandroid reverse engineered it into the arachnamechs and the 'projects he detested'. You know who recognized who Quintus Prime was without even thinking about it? Alex, who once worked with him.
I think one day Megatron was captured, bolted to a table in a dark room, and came back different. I think Optimus was too happy about that change to ask too many questions, and GHOST would have done the same to the rest of the Decepticons if not for losing Dr. Meridian in the battle of the bay—and with him, all his research. Mandroid doesn't care about turning the Decepticons peaceful anymore, only using them as a means to the end of Cybertronian destruction.
Now all GHOST can do is capture Decepticons and lock them up until there's Optimus' 'better way': until they can reverse engineer Mandroid's work and shadowplay the rest of them into good little productive citizens... And hope their hold on Megatron doesn't break before then.
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Never trust a mech with his needles in your neck. :)
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devil-of-the-field · 11 months
CFV Persona 5 AU
Let's talk about this one! Since this is my first post for this AU, it's mostly spoiler-free as per usual. For reference, here’s the quick summary I wrote before:
Kai moves to a new city for his second year of highschool to escape his past. Unfortunately for him, his normal highschool life already takes a turn for the worst on his first day, when he accidentally stumbles into a different dimension with his classmate, and comes across a talking cat rambling about “palaces” and “phantom thieves”. Despite wanting to stay out of all of this, Kai soon gets sucked into the world of phantom thievery, makes new friends, steals hearts, and maybe saves the world in the process.
This is a fun one. In case you don’t know anything about Persona 5, let me catch you up real quick:
What is Persona 5?
Persona 5: A short summary
Persona 5 is JRPG about a group of teenagers who stumble across an alternate universe called the Metaverse, where the distorted desires of corrupt adults materialize by distorting the places they reign over into so called “palaces”. But through the power of their rebellion against society, our teenage protags gain the power of the Persona, a materialization of their rebellious spirit, which gives them powers to fight in the other world and change the corrupt hearts of the adults.
Now, I don’t want to just copypaste the story of P5 for this AU. My goal is to create a story that can be read, understood and enjoyed by both Persona 5 and Cardfight Vanguard fans without prior knowledge of the other franchise, while still telling an original story. A tall order, I know. But I am nothing if not ambitious.
- in case you don’t know, the first 5 members of the Phantom Thieves are usually portrayed as its own very tight knitted group. So I thought it would fit really well if they were represented by Team Mates from Legion Mate! - every major character in the story is assigned one of the 22 Major Arcana (I don't have them all figured out yet, ideas welcome). This goes for all the teammates too. - there's 8 Phantom Thieves in canon (with some more additions in the extended universe). This AU will have up to 10 Phantom Thieves. Their identities are already set, but since a new Phantom Thief joins every arc, those would be spoilers, so you'll have to wait and see! - every teammate has a persona (aka a mythological figure, from things like history, religion, literature or even urban myths) that represents their inner self. I don't have them all figured out yet either, but I will likely be reusing already existing ones from the Persona wiki and only make up my own when necessary. Again, ideas welcome. - The magic attacks personas use have different elements. And every teammate has one assigned element. The elements in question are: Wind, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Nuclear, Psychic, Curse, Bless and Almighty. They are already assigned, but feel free to try and guess which character would fit what element! - Everyone's got weapons too. In game everyone has a melee weapon and a gun. I've still left that open, because finding 10 versions of each is bit intense, so I might given everyone either a melee weapon or a gun.
Arcana: The Fool (as all protags are)
Persona: ??? (as the protagonist, he's a Wildcard, so he has actually more than one persona unlike everyone else, but he would have an original one...)
Element: Fire(? again, he has unlimited personas, but the original one is probably a fire one)
Kai is new to the school here and just wants to be left alone, but then he runs into Miwa! And then they run into an alternate dimension by accident! Whoops. And then Kai awakens to a mystical power, and starts seeing a weird white-haired boy in his dreams talking about "rehabilitation" and "changing the world". He just wants to be left alone, but his new friends have other plans!
Arcana: ??? (The Magician perhaps? or The Chariot...)
Persona: ??? (maybe Asura bc of Asura Kaiser, but that seems overpowered)
Element: Wind
so there is a VERY annoying character in the core five, and Kamui is the perfect character to parallel him. :) That character is a simp, and also a cat. So Kamui is a cat in this one. Don't ask. He's just been turned into a cat, and he wants to become a human again, and he simps for Emi. He already knows a bit about the Metaverse and is the second team member, and he works as the initial guide.
Arcana: ??? (also a good candidate for Magician, or Lovers?)
Persona: ??? (This one is hard. He doesn't have distinctive avatar card)
Element: Electricity
Miwa gets sucked into the Metaverse alongside Kai on their first day of school. He keeps going along with all the crazy stuff of course, because it's Kai! He awakens to his persona on their second visit there to protect Kai. If it wasn't for him, Kai probably would just hanging out in his room all day (or on a random bench in a park, lol), but Miwa forces Kai to actually build relationships with others.
Arcana: The High Priestess (? or the Empress, I'm not set yet)
Persona: Amaterasu (who else? She has been used as a persona before, but she fits Misaki so well)
Element: Psychic
Misaki is member number four. She's the smart one, who does analysis for the team. Miwa is the one who dragged her into the Metaverse on accident. She's overcoming her apathy and striving to get justice for others.
Arcana: ??? (The Chariot perhaps?)
Persona: ??? (I have NO idea honestly)
Element: Fire
Naoki's the last core member to join. It's a typical Naoki moment, following people around and stumbling among them being cool and being like "I wanna do that too!". He has a strong sense of justice and is just and all around good bro. I really wanna expand on his relationship with Kai.
Other Notes
- Some non team member characters that Kai forms a relationship with (aka Confidants) are definitely Shin, Mamoru and Ryuzu Myojin. Those provide some perks to make the palace side of gameplay easier. Here it's more for just fun and character building. - A big aspect of P5 is the time management aspect. Do you go to the palace today, or hang out with your friends, or go somewhere to get your stats up? So I might let you, the audience, decide how Kai spends his days. That will mostly mean deciding who Kai will hang out with and form relationships with first. - I still need to figure out the owners of most of the palaces, aka the bad guys. That's the real sticking point. There's only so many human villains in CFV... I might have to take a Persona 4 approach if you know what I mean. - You might notice that there are some major character I haven't mentioned yet. Don't worry. Their time will come...
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natsubeatsrock · 9 months
Top 7 Things I Enjoyed in 2023: Number 3
This was a year I caught up with so much of the comics backlog. I've been meaning to talk about something from Iconic Comics because everything I read from them this year has been amazing. Alas, that might have to wait a year. This spot belonged to Infinity Gauntlet for most of the year. I was excited to talk about how much this was like the Marvel movies it inspired. It genuinely felt like the best experience I had reading any book in the medium. 
Was anything I was going to ever read going to top it?
Well, it turns out that only one man could give a better experience. And who else but the man behind the best stories involving my favorite comic series?
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Number #3 - Uncanny X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills
For the uninitiated, Chris Claremont's run on X-Men is the stuff of legends. He didn't create the X-Men. However, nearly everything iconic about the group is in some way related to his run. Almost every major story that inspired the movies came from this run of over two decades.
I have been slowly making my way through the Uncanny X-Men omnibus series over the past few years. If I were any faster, I probably could have put the whole series on a past list. At the very least, there wouldn't have been as much of a break between Marvel products being on this list as has been true recently.
This book exists as a primer for the series. If you want a simple explanation of what the X-Men, especially written by Claremont, are without reading dozens of comics for context, this is the place to go. It's the core group of X-Men trying to work through a tough situation which tests their resolve and identity. 
In particular, they face a threat from an anti-mutant televangelist named William Stryker who grew to hate the mutant race because of events from his military days. In other words, business as usual.
This time, though, they team up with long-time enemy, Magneto. Magneto has often represented the opposite extreme to Stryker and the absent Senator Kelly. He wishes for mutants to replace humans as the dominant species and subjugate them the way many wish to see his people taken care of. (Ironic considering his time as a Nazi concentration camp captive.)
However, this is one of the few times he feels sympathetic. We see him mourn over the murder of young mutants. His pleas to Professor X feel placed in a desire for urgency for change can't be achieved through his old friend's ways as quickly as necessary, if ever.
Admittedly, my bias in this pick shows in my connection to my copy of the comic. There are two editions: an original version and an extended cut with a couple of edits to the original and a new framing of the events. My copy is the latter, but I was able to have Claremont sign my edition during the last NYCC.
That said, I wouldn't get it signed if I didn't love the story. I can't wait to read through the rest of Uncanny X-Men in the years to come.
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fifteensjukebox · 9 months
Hey hello how about 01, 12, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and 55 for the HORRIBLE ask game. This year.
hiiiiiii anon! i haven't gotten an anon in ages this is so exciting <3
also sorry i'm answering so late i explain it in the middle but i had a family outing and i thought mobile would let me edit
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? i do! my mom's my best friend in a way i'm sure is annoying to people who don't, and my dad is annoying but he is the best dad i know
03: Do you regret anything? biiiiiig question. i try not to. i try to tell myself i needed to do things to learn or whatever but i'm always wondering how else things could've gone and second guessing things as i do them
05: What is your relationship status? very much single. if you want to hear about my latest crushes you'll find it in my "vie" and "lore" tags but i'm sure they're not going anywhere so shoot your shot!
08: Played any sports? my dad coached a soccer team i was on when i was 4 but i was more interested in the dandelions on the field… outside of required gym class stuff (which i did not enjoy) i've enjoyed tennis and beach volleyball with my family (18 y/o brother included)
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? i think my record is 36, the last day/night/flight home from seeing my now-ex tumblr gf
well. if anything (back to earlier qs i could say i regret the whole met-online-ldr thing but it was good when it happened and im seeing it work out so well for friends so it could've been worthwhile in the long run!
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? irl i don't entirely hate anyone but i have some strong mixed near-hate feelings about the exes (and one not-yet-ex? i think? they're on the way out) of people i care about, and a certain ex friend of mine (if she makes the next move in reaching out i might be able to find it in myself to forgive but at this point it won't be as easy as it could've been)
21: What are your plans for this weekend? tbd but probably festive family things? extended family christmas dinner is on monday and we'll do our gift exchange that morning (speaking of which i need to get ready rn to leave for our family brunch followed by mall trip to shop for secret santa - my parents+18 y/o brother+i do a mini secret santa - well mini in that there are only 4 names but we have a generous budget bc it's usually our main/only source of gifts amongst ourselves. i got my mom again this year and she made it a little too easy by requesting a specific pair of raybans that make up most of the budget, but i'll get creative with the rest) we're also going to the distillery district for the vibes on thursday and my dad's taking these 2 days off work so collectively it all feels like weekend plans. maybe i'll go skating on the actual weekend! i haven't done it yet this season and i miss it
update here is that i didn't find anything for mom except the raybans so i may be going out alone to shop more on fri/weekend
34: Who/what was your last dream about? damn. the one time i don't write it down. oh! ok the last one i remember was one where a version of my ex bestie and i got back together so to speak but she was being overtly manipulative and i had to decide if i was ok with that? which. thanks subconscious! way to mix her with the bitch i had a crush on in middle school! real ex-bestie would never do that but i think it's created some irrational fear where before i just had sadness that i was mostly over (to briefly recap the situation there, she's depression-ghosted and blocked me before and she did it again earlier this year but it hurt more bc we'd been closer leading up to it than we had before the first time)
55: Are you mean? i think i can be really petty but people take it hard because they think of me as being so nice, so i know of some people who'd say i'm mean
thanks again for asking anon! i hope you're having a wonderful holiday season <3
0 notes
ev-pierce-writes · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x F!Reader
Words: 7.7K
Rating: Very much 18+
Warnings: P in V, oral (fem receiving), light (consensual) choking, praise, James Buchanan Barnes is a sad boy and only you can make him happy, mutual therapy over past trauma, a couple light spanks, and some sexy sparring
Note: Reader had a run-in with Hydra that gave you invisibility powers. Bucky is tasked with training you. Totally not canon, I just kept the parts I liked. Got the idea from a tiktok but I can't find it anymore oops. I'm thinking of turning it into a series of all the places you can fuck Bucky Barnes at Avengers HQ. Enjoyyyyyy....
"Alright, so I'm thinking absolutely the first thing you need is a suit. Because we can't have you sneaking around in clothes that give you away."
Tony Stark and Peter Parker stand before you at Avengers HQ, furiously tossing ideas back and forth, trying to come up with ways to build you the best possible suit. Last night had been...interesting, to say the least.
"Who's that?" Stark had said when you appeared all of a sudden from your room. "Come on Agent Hill, don't tell me you're taking in lost kids nowadays."
Your mother had only laughed, slightly inebriated and feeling loose because of all the drinking that was going on in your penthouse apartment. She was hosting one of those parties where too many superpowers drank too much alcohol and got a little too rowdy. "That's my daughter."
Usually, you stay away from such events, go out with friends, and avoid the house until it's all over. For the past four years, you hadn't even been in the house to need to avoid it. But now you're 22 and a recent college graduate and something about the party was drawing you in so you had emerged from your hideaway to join in the fun.
"Alright, Maria, how'd you manage to keep that one a secret?" Romanov spoke up.
Until this point, you'd remained silent, in shock at the sudden attention a group of superheroes had focused onto you. But you couldn't help yourself from responding now. You'd managed to hide away long enough. It was time to come into the open.
"I'm a ghost," you said jokingly, approaching the couch and stealing the drink your mother had been drinking to take a sip. It was strong and burned on the way down. The group laughed at your words, unaware of how true they really were.
It was then that you'd performed your little trick, the one that only a few of your closest friends had ever seen. You became invisible.
The laughter had immediately stopped. The girl who suddenly appeared out of thin air had disappeared right back into it. They could still tell where you were of course. The glass in your hand remained visible, floating in mid-air, giving away your position. And your clothes were still perceptible, not being able to change with you. But your features were otherwise undetectable, not even a shimmer revealing your face. You took another sip of the drink, liquid disappearing into an invisible mouth.
"I want her. On the team," Stark had said.
And that was it. The start of your superhero career.
"Explain again exactly how this works?" Parker asks.
You sigh and start from the beginning, again. "I can distort the absorption wavelengths of my cells so that the reflected light is in the invisible range, usually infrared."
"And how long can you hold it for?"
"About seven minutes now," you explain. "It's sort of like holding your breath. You can go underwater for a while, and you can practice holding your breath longer and longer, but eventually, you need to come up for air. Eventually, I have to 'recharge.' But I've been working on extending it."
Stark turns to one of the many holograms of his supercomputer, working with Friday to design a brand new suit to accommodate your skills. You're so engrossed in watching his process you don't even notice the shadowy figure appear in the doorway that leads to the training facilities.
"How'd you get these powers? Agent Hill isn't lacking in skill but it certainly isn't supernatural."
You knew Stark's question would come up eventually. It always did. Over time, it became easier to tell the story, but now you really don't feel like explaining fully, so you tell the short version.
"Hydra. When I was seventeen. They used me as a bargaining chip against my mom in a mission gone wrong and decided to experiment on me in the process. Left me with a lot of scars and a lot of therapy. Almost dropped out of school."
You don't remember much from the experience. But enough for it to leave lasting damage.
"Hydra?" a familiar voice asks behind you. Only now do you notice that Barnes is behind you. How long has he been watching?
You remain silent, just like you did the night before when he'd arrived late to the party, unable to speak under his gaze.
You had planned to leave not long after you joined the festivities. But when the elevator doors opened, a pair of blue eyes halted you in your path. James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. You'd recognize those eyes anywhere. Crystal clear and icy, freezing you under their gaze. He wore a leather jacket and leather gloves, concealing his metal arm, but you knew it was there, hiding behind the layers.
Barnes had always been the one that caught your eye during your mother's briefings. His transition from the greatest warrior Hydra had to offer, and thus S.H.I.E.L.D.'s greatest enemy, to the trusted companion of Captain America and official Avengers member intrigued you. At first, he had been more of a schoolgirl crush, the little girl grappling with her new powers seeking guidance in someone who didn't even know she existed. But age had not reduced your admiration of him. Barnes' face was hard set in serious determination and his glance barely grazed over you before turning to the rest of the group. He paid you not a single ounce of attention, yet you felt dumbstruck in his presence.
But Bucky had noticed you that night. Noticed you in a way he wanted desperately to hide, so he disallowed his eyes from lingering on you. Who were you and why were you wearing pajamas at a party and how did you make them actually look good?
And not only did he notice you, but he recognized you. He wasn't sure how, but something at the back of his head buried beneath decades of blurred half-memories told him he knew you. It was a stupid thought, though. How could he know you?
From the doorway, his eyes narrow in concern, making you feel smaller than ever beneath him. How is that 5 o'clock shadow so enticing? You just want to run your fingers across--
Stark gestures at Barnes, completely ignoring his comment. "Good, you're here. Our young Agent Hill needs to get started with her training immediately. I want her in the field but she can't be going in inexperienced. Teach her the works."
It's rather bold of Stark to assume you have no combat skills. And to assume you even want to go into the field. But you follow behind Barnes in silence anyway toward the training facilities. It doesn't matter what you know and don't know. He's going to kick your ass anyway.
"Feet wider," he says, coaching you on your swing. His blue eyes have somehow darkened, and along with the faint beard, he looks positively dangerous. "Not too wide."
"I know how to punch, Barnes," you whisper under your breath. He's not meant to hear your words, but he does anyway.
"Oh yeah? Punch me then. Go for it." His voice is challenging in the way that reveals he knows he could block any swing that comes at him. But he wants to see what will happen. Your mention of Hydra loosened a memory in his brain somewhere, and though he can't quite place his finger on it, the memory told him you're anything but the kid he's treating you like. He wants to know what you really have inside you.
Your annoyance gets the best of you. You aim for his face, the way your mother taught you. And she taught you well, teaching you all the self-defense skills you might need moving through the world as a woman. But she did not teach you how to fight super soldiers. That's an entirely different world.
Unsurprisingly, Barnes predicts your move and his metal arm comes up to meet your human one, halting your punch mid-swing. His palm fully engulfs your fist, your knuckles slamming into the metal with a ringing sound.
"Fuck, that hurt," you seethe through your teeth, gripping your hand in pain. And yet, you still smile. You mean for your words to sound irritated, but they betray how much you enjoy getting a swing in. "Didn't have to do me like that, Barnes."
He ignores your pain, though secretly it pleases him to find how much force is truly behind your punch. Nothing, of course, his metal arm can't take, but strong enough. "Language, kid. Go again. And this time, try not to be so obvious."
Despite his advice, it's impossible. He predicts every one of your strikes and counters them with four times as much strength as you possess. You give him everything you have, and nothing lands.
"This would be a lot easier if you let me use my powers."
So far, Barnes has refused to let you fight invisible, not that it would have done you much good without a proper suit. But you're tired and sweaty, your hair falling from its ponytail and sticking to your face, your muscles aching and your heart beating fast. Barnes hasn't even broken a sweat.
"Unless you learn to fight without your powers, they'll do nothing more than level the playing field. You need to be at an advantage if you're going to survive."
Survive. You've done plenty of that already. You want better than survival. Barnes recognizes the look on your face, the one that expresses the desire plainly. He knows the feeling, drifting from one day to the next and wanting more than that.
His voice softens a bit. "We can call it quits for the day. Get some rest. We'll go again tomorrow."
He didn't intend to be so kind. It just sort of happened, drawn out of him by the not-so-innocent girl who still has a lot to learn but can hold her own better than most.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow's8 like the day before, 9 am at HQ, wait for Parker to get his ass up the elevator so Stark can begin, get sidetracked by coffee, and then finally return to the task at hand.
"Give this a shot," Stark says, handing you what looks like nothing more than a vaguely human-shaped paper suit. "Not exactly protective, but it's a new technology. Should conform to your abilities."
"You did this overnight?"
"Of course. Get changed."
The suit has little support and definitely no protection. You feel like a fingernail could rip a hole through it if you pull on it wrong, let alone a knife coming at you from an angry enemy. But it's a start. An impressive start. You stare at yourself in the mirror of the bathroom as you shift, the suit shifting along with you.
Back in the training facilities, where you know Stark and Parker will be waiting, you remain in your shifted form. They don't look up as you enter, somehow having not heard you, and instead are engaged in a heated discussion with Barnes about something you don't understand. So you creep up behind Parker, lean in, and whisper into his ear.
"I think it works."
You feel a little bad, but only for a moment. Parker jumps straight out of his skin, screaming a scream you didn't know was possible from the kid. Stark lets out a laugh as you rematerialize, and Barnes even cracks a smile at your prank.
"Yeah, yeah, I'd say so." Parker's voice quivers.
"Well, what do you think?" Stark asks.
"Very thin," you say, aware that much more is visible than you really want. "I feel like it's going to rip at any moment. And there's not a whole lot of support in this area."
You gesture vaguely at your chest, not knowing how best to explain to a group of men that a sports bra is a necessity for fighting, but knowing you have to make them aware all the same. You can feel Barnes' eyes on you, a little less polite than the others, and you find you like the way he eyes you up, a bit like a puzzle to be solved or a strategy to be devised.
"Right, right, I'll get on that. Only a prototype anyway," Stark responds nervously. "Back to work, Parker. Hill, Barnes, back to training."
Bucky tries his best not to picture what you might look like without that suit, but it leaves little to the imagination as you saunter away to change again.
And so the days move forward. You've never before been so busy or exhausted in your life. You just graduated college, which is a feat in itself, but all the training, all the work, keeps you on your toes so that by the end of the day, both your brain and your body are tired.
Still, you improve and get better at sparring Barnes, even taking him down a couple of times on your own, though you suspect he's going easy on you.
"Again." Barnes is already on his feet and helping you to yours. Today the sparring room is particularly warm, and you've long forgone your sweats for shorts and a sports bra. Barnes has lost the shirt as well, and his chest glistens with sweat beneath the fluorescent lights. Maybe it's the heat or maybe it's him, but the whole thing feels a bit dreamlike. Here you are, sparring with a man who could take you to the ground with one arm alone, and he's letting you kick his ass every once in a while.
But there's no way you can do it again. You feel destroyed by all the slamming onto the mat.
Barnes is doing his best not to be distracted as well, but those tight shorts and the top that reveals your midriff have to be on purpose. It's easy to admit to himself that he likes you, might even be attracted to you. You fight hard and relentlessly, rising to every one of his challenges and not backing down even when you're tired. You've already come a long way since that first encounter, and Barnes has come to look forward to the two hours a day you spend together in the gym. He had tried to tell himself it was the fun of having a new sparring partner, but in truth, he knows it's the determined glint in your eyes, the way you bounce on your feet in excited anticipation of the fight, the way you collapse on the mat after a hard session, chest heaving deep breaths in and out. But what he likes most is your heated gaze when he pins you to the ground, or even better, you pin him.
"Knock me down one more time and you can be done," he challenges. The familiar determination returns, though a flicker of doubt remains behind your eyes. He can tell you need encouragement. "Remember to use your size to your advantage. Don't let me get ahead of you. Keep me guessing."
You do your best. You really do. You hold your own for almost two minutes, but it's obvious you're only barely staying ahead of him. As soon as you falter, Barnes has you flat on your back on the mat without much resistance, immobilized by a knee on your thighs and his metal arm trapping your hands over your head. His free hand plants by your head and holds him up to prevent him from actually hurting you.
You gasp underneath him, trying to disguise the weird flicker of desire with breathlessness. He looks good from down here, all sweaty and dark and serious. But you're also a bit too tired to care. "I'm out, Barnes. Let me go."
Let me go. Please.
And that's when the memory returns. The full, real memory, the one that has been tickling the edges of his brain since he first saw you. You, a kid, his mission. Kidnap, don't kill. A small voice, your voice, begging. Please, let me go. What has he done?
"Fuck," he curses under his breath, standing up quickly.
"Language, Barnes," you say teasingly. But he doesn't laugh, simply exits the sparring room, abruptly leaving you, speechless and alone on the floor. What just happened?
After a moment of confused silence on the mat, you brush it off and stand, heading to your room for a shower. Stark offered you a place to stay at HQ, and you happily agreed. Though you loved being back with your mother after four years away at college, you cherish your independence. A room at HQ offered you just that.
A nice shower would certainly make you feel better after that confusing interaction. You pull on your robe and shower shoes, leaving your clothes behind so as to carry one less thing. But as you pass down the hall toward the showers, you can hear Barnes' voice drift through the slightly open door to his room.
"I remembered," he says. "It was her. I'm the reason she's--" He cuts off, appearing to be interrupted by whoever he's talking to on the phone. You pause by the open door.
"I know that's not me anymore but I'm still responsible," he continues. "I have to tell her."
Again a pause. By now it's apparent he's talking about you.
"No, Steve, we aren't a team. We aren't partners. I'm helping Tony out. I don't care if she doesn't want to work with me anymore, this is part of my redemption. I have to tell her."
The conversation seems over. You rush to the showers, not wanting Barnes to realize you were listening the whole time. Apologize, he said. Apologize for what? You've known him for a whole of four days and he's been nothing but polite to you. Cold, at first, but he warms upon acquaintance. And then he's downright sweet.
So sweet, you realize, for someone so damaged. He has every right to hate the world, and though he walks through it with a healthy dose of cynicism, he never lets that cynicism touch you. If anything, he's outright positive around you, an undeserving brat. A kid, really, though you don't like when he calls you that. You know you can be naive, positive on the verge of artificiality, and yet he never tries to burst your bubble. In fact, he seems to relish it.
The shower feels nice, but it does nothing to assuage your fears. Maybe it's you who has done something wrong? Now you're spiraling. You have to find out what's going on or it's going to drive you crazy.
You know what you have to do. You have just about seven minutes of invisibility before your shifting gives out. In those seven minutes, you can duck from the showers, sneak into Barnes' room, snoop around, and make it back to the showers unseen. Plenty of time. But you have to go nude. Now would be a great time for the suit, but no such luck. Naked it is.
Out in the hallway, all is quiet. Barnes' door is still ajar, but when you peek your head in, the room is empty.
Where to start? His phone is a dead end, being one of those ancient flipping kinds rather than a new, high-tech smartphone. He has few personal belongings, the bed is made perfectly, and his closet contains only clothes.
The drawers of the nightstand are empty. Or nearly empty. At the back of the top drawer is unceremoniously shoved a small booklet with a pen stuck between the pages. It's worn and supple, as though held a thousand times and read a thousand more. You flip through, finding a list of names, some crossed out, others not. Your name does not appear, but something about the list tells you these are not ordinary names. These are the names of his victims, people Barnes hurt as the Winter Soldier. Your heart aches and your stomach clenches, the reminder of his past jarring against the kind demeanor you've come to know. But deep down, you know this isn't him, know he's a good man, despite it all.
You know better than most the first-hand horrors of Hydra's super-soldier experiments. Of anyone, you can relate best to the experience Barnes has been through. Your memories of that long week are blurry, but the pain remains, forever seared into your mind. You can only imagine a lifetime of that pain.
The sound of the door opening jolts you from your reverie and you close the drawer quickly. But you soon realize your mistake. Barnes would know he left the door open, would know exactly how he placed his book in the drawer, would recognize something was off. Unfortunately, you're right.
"Hello?" he calls into the darkening room. The evening is coming on fast and the sun dims to barely glimmer, casting the space in shadow despite the large windows on the south wall.
Bucky knows something is off the moment he finds your room unoccupied, having gone there with the express purpose of confronting you about his actions earlier in the afternoon. And though he has no way of truly knowing, he suspects you are now here, in this room with him, invisible to his gaze. Bucky shuts the door behind him and waits.
You're trapped. You don't have long before your powers give out; already the suffocating feeling that begs you to take a breath is coming on. And Barnes has closed the door, effectively sealing you in, as you can't open it without him knowing for sure that you're here. On top of that, you're clothingless. You've run out of options and Barnes seems to sense this. So, he waits, drawing out the moment of tension, building the suspense.
"I know you're here," he says finally, his voice soft and barely audible. "You can't hide that well. Next time, dry your feet off before you go leaving wet footprints all over the place."
"I--" you begin, and immediately Barnes' eyes snap to where your voice originates from. "I'm sorry. I overheard your conversation with Rogers. I shouldn't have but I know it was about me."
Barnes sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, you're right. I have some things to explain. Though I'd much prefer talking to you if I could see you."
You hesitate. "Only a slight problem there. I'm not wearing any clothes."
If it had been any lighter in the room you would have seen Barnes blush. Instead, you watch him pull his shirt over his head. He hands it to you blindly, the shirt off his own back, soft with wear and long enough to cover the tops of your thighs. It smells of him, salty with sweat and sweet with the scent you've come to recognize only as him. You shrug it on and shift back.
"I'm sorry," you say again, having trouble concentrating with Barnes' bare chest at your eye level. Is that an old bullet wound on his shoulder? The reminder of a knife across his stomach? You can't look away, even at the seam where man meets metal.
Barnes shakes his head. "No, I should be the one apologizing."
He pauses for a moment and tries to begin several times before finally forming a complete sentence.
"It's my fault you're like this, that Hydra tested on you. It was me who kidnapped you, it was me who followed orders, it was me who completed the mission and got you hurt. And I'm so sorry."
You're so frozen in shock that the absurdity of the situation doesn't even register. There's nothing under this shirt, no underwear, no pants, no bra. And here you are standing in the bedroom of your greatest inspiration, listening to him apologize for being the one that facilitated your kidnapping, for being responsible for all the injury, the pain, the nightmares, the isolation, the...
It all comes flooding back, the things you had forgotten, or simply chose to not remember, and one of those things is his face.
You thought you'd dealt with impact. So many hours with a therapist, and you realize all you did was suppress the feelings, not confront them. And then you break, all the anger and sadness and frustration flowing from you at once.
"You piece of shit." Your voice begins as a whisper but soon amplifies nearly to a shout. "You monster, you bastard, how could you? How could you?"
All this time you forgave him for the damage he'd done, excused it as brainwashing and manipulation from Hydra. But now that it's you he's involved, you have somewhere to direct your anger, and you take it out as a shove straight to his chest.
He didn't expect that one. The words he understood. He accepted those, accepted that you would hate him forever. But then you're pushing and hitting him with all your force. Barnes could fight back, could hold his ground. But you need this, so he lets you shove him into the wall with a newfound strength. Finally against the wall, with nowhere left to go, you turn to pummelling his chest with your fists, repeating the words over and over, how could you, how could you, how could you.
For a moment, he lets it happen. But eventually, Barnes reacts, grabbing your wrists and holding them to his chest in an attempt to calm the fury that rages inside you. Surprisingly, at his touch, you still, slumping against him once the anger is replaced with nothing but sadness. That anger, one you never truly realized you'd harbored since your capture, bled from you all at once, leaving you exhausted.
You don't notice you're crying until a soft thumb wipes a tear from your cheek. Barnes releases your hands and wraps his arms around your sobbing body, pulling you close. "I'm so sorry," he repeats in your ear, his words a whisper against the rage inside your head.
Is it hours, or only minutes, standing like that, wrapped up in him, his skin so soft against your cheek? Time has ceased to exist, melting into the nighttime that encompasses the room in near pitch-black darkness. Your breath calms, your heart rate slows, the tears dry. He's only a man, a broken, misplaced, lost man. But he's also impossibly kind to you, caring enough to train you day after day, to pick you up when you fall down, to ensure you're happy here at all times. That's the man you know and rest your cheek against and seek out for comfort in this moment, despite him being the reason for your anger. But he's not truly the reason for your anger, only an easy outlet standing right before you.
This is not how Bucky had expected this to go. Perhaps to never see you again, yes. But to hold you in his arms, certainly not. And not just hold you, but comfort you. It surprises him how much he finds he likes it. And he can't ignore the fact that you're here in his room, wearing his shirt and only his shirt. He doesn't try anything improprietous, just wraps his arms around your waist, but it's not lost on him that your supple chest is pressed against him and the delicious scent from your still wet hair is filling his brain with a flowery cloud. His stomach clenches at the thought of burying his face in that smell for the rest of the night but he pushes it aside. That's not why you're here. That's not what you want.
But your next words surprise him. You pull slightly away, tilting your splotchy face upward towards his to look him in the eye. You take a ragged breath and speak.
"I forgive you."
Bucky is taken aback. That's not why he made this confession, not to seek your forgiveness. "You don't have to do that."
"I know. But I do. And I know you think I'm just a kid--"
Barnes lets out a short laugh, cutting you off immediately. "Jesus Christ, that's not true. You're not a kid. You're smart and strong and capable. And you've seen the ugly world for its true self and choose to remain good and happy all the same. I'm not like that and that makes you wiser than I'll ever be."
He takes a deep breath, unsure if he should admit to the feelings he desperately wants to express to you. The way you're looking at him, with a mixture of hesitation and admiration, makes the words tumble from his mouth without a second thought.
"But somehow being around you makes me want to be good again. Not for my sake, but for yours."
"James, I--" You've never used his first name before, but it falls deliciously from your lips, the sound of it nearly distracting him from the finger you run across the stubble on the cleft of his chin. Nearly. He captures that hand in his own, holding it there against his face.
"You don't have to forgive me. I don't deserve it," he repeats, eyes falling shut to the feeling of your thumb pressed to the corner of his lips. He still holds you close, the other arm wrapping tight around you, and though verbally he rejected the comfort your warmth offered, his body says otherwise, desperate for the acceptance his brain refuses to give into.
"Stop punishing yourself," you whisper. For a moment, he almost feels that he could.
And when your lips find his, soft and delicate, he forgets why you're even here in the first place, forgets his guilt and your anger, forgets even to react.
His lack of response has you pulling away, worried you've done something wrong, but then he's chasing your lips with his own, leaning forward to meet you halfway, gathering you impossibly tighter to his chest. He pauses, mouth mere centimeters from yours, eyes still shut, a deep breath heaving from his chest. He wants more, wants to kiss you again in all the places that count, but he can't quite yet.
"What was that for?" The question's not an accusatory one but simply curious. Have you always looked at him in this light since day one? Has he just not noticed?
"Are you blind, Barnes?"
He laughs and shakes his head. "None of that last name shit, doll, we've moved on to a first-name basis."
But your words are enough to surge him forward, this time capturing your lips in a dominating kiss that leaves you gasping for air. He takes advantage of your open mouth and presses his tongue to yours, seeking to fill his soul with your all-consuming warmth, to wrap it around him like a cocoon of your scent. His fingers slide down your back and slip under the shirt you wear, his shirt, grasping at the bare skin of your ass, filling his hands with your supple flesh.
You moan softly under his touch, relishing in the feeling of being encompassed by someone so large and so strong. The vibranium arm, which you expected to be harshly indelicate against your relative fragility, caresses you with the same gentility of the other. The intense contact sends your heart racing like it did all the times you were pinned below him on the sparring mat. Will he pin you like that in bed? Hold you down while he fucks you within an inch of your life?
The thought rouses a heat between your legs and stirs butterflies in your tummy. You don't even know if that's where this is going, but it invades your brain anyways. You're sure Barnes can feel your racing pulse beneath his lips when he kisses your neck, sending your nerves haywire as he creeps toward the neckline of your shirt. He inhales your scent, the hot air of his breath fanning your cool skin.
Everything about this is sloppy, the wet kisses dragged across your skin, his tongue tangled with yours, your fingers tugging at the hair that brushes the nape of his neck. Even his hips against yours are messy and rough, the heat of him leaving your core feeling slick, the wetness of it rubbing between your naked thighs. And then Barnes is sliding his hands back up your body, this time under your shirt, and tugging it over your head, his lips leaving your skin just long enough to toss the item to the ground.
You expect him to keep surging forward, to lift you in his arms and take you to bed like you want him to. But he pauses instead, hands cradling the back of your head, his eyes staring intensely into yours. Or you think he's staring into your eyes.
"Are you okay? Is this okay?" His voice is full of concern but raspy with arousal all the same.
"Yes, James, yes, I need more."
"Well, I would, it's just that you've disappeared on me again." One look at your hands and you know he was looking right through you, not at you. The swirl of emotions--pleasure, arousal, timidity even--sent you shifting without your knowledge. You can't help but laugh.
"Let me see you, doll," he groans, sounding exasperated that he can't rake his gaze across your naked flesh or find all the places he wants to touch you because they're invisible.
"You first."
A heated understanding lights up his eyes, still vibrant in the darkness of the room. Slowly, he releases his grip on you, relenting to not knowing where you are in space. You take an invisible step back to get a better view of the specimen before you. With one hand, he unbuckles his belt, sliding the leather from his pants and dropping it to the floor with a thunk. And then his pants are gone and he's left in his boxers, tight against the bulging muscles of his thighs.
And other bulging things. He doesn't hide his attraction to you. But still, you do not reappear.
Bucky begins to worry you're never going to, that maybe he's taken things too for. But then, a soft finger trails across his neck and he jerks in surprise. You're tracing the plain of his chest with a feather-light touch, dipping into the indent between his collarbones, feeling along the puckered scar of a bullet wound and the long slice of a knife. He feels healed beneath your touch, but it's not enough to satisfy the insatiable hunger building in the tightness of his groin. This entire evening has been a long, drawn-out, build-up of tension, and if he doesn't release it soon, it will snap like an overstretched rubber band.
He makes his move.
Apparently, Bucky's senses are just as perceptive here as they are on the sparring mat. His metal hand shoots up and wraps around the wrist of the hand on his chest, despite being unable to see it. The other reaches out and grapples at your invisible body in the dark, somehow finding your waist. He doesn't need to see you to manage to flip you around and press your back against his chest. In your surprise, your invisibility falters, and you flicker out of your shifted form with a flustered squeak, one hand suddenly pinned between your back and Bucky's rock-hard chest.
He holds on with an iron grip and walks you toward the bed, holding you up to prevent you from tripping in your ruffled state.
"You're taking too long, doll," he mumbles into your ear, and you feel his chest rumble with the vibrations. Your free hand flies to the one around your waist, which is slowly creeping upward toward your breast to twist at the sensitive nipple. "I know you like it when I pin you on the sparring floor. I can see it in your eyes. I'll take you like that right now if you give me the word."
Fuck, you want nothing more but you can't breathe enough to get the words out, opting for nodding vigorously instead. But Bucky wants words, gently prodding you forward to get a verbal commitment out of you. He will never take you against your will again. So you manage a long, drawn-out please and suddenly you're face-first in the sheets, bent halfway at the waist, your ass grinding against the delicious bulge pressed against your aching cunt. It pleases you that he has been thinking the same wicked thoughts as you when he slams you to the mat over and over again in training.
Bucky pulls your arm out from underneath you, joining it with the other and holding them together with his metal fist at your lower back, forcing your chest further into the mattress and your ass higher in the air. There's no way for you to move, no matter how hard you try. But you don't try, won't try. Bucky has you right where you want to be.
"Tell me if it's too much," he murmurs in your ear and you breathe an affirmation. His teeth nibble suddenly at your ear lobe and you squirm, the sensation of his breath fanning your skin sending goosebumps along the trail of kisses he leaves down your spine. Somehow, you know this is only the calm before the storm, the gentle caresses of a man who's about to rearrange every organ in your body, all the way up to your heart if you aren't careful.
It doesn't matter to you that it's pitch black in the room; you wouldn't have been able to see anything with your face shoved into the comforter, even if the lights were on. But Bucky's starting to regret having left the lights off, wishing he could better see the curve of your hips, the swell of your thighs, or the bloom of his handprint on your ass when his hand comes down with a smack. He resigns to being satisfied by the mewling gasp that escapes your lips and your soft pleas to Do it again, harder.
So he does. Smack.
And then he's sinking to his knees and you can tell because he leaves a wet stripe of skin with his tongue over the globe of your ass and blows a shock of cool air across the rawness of your skin.  He replaces the sting of his hand with the bite of his teeth and then a kiss to soothe you again. The rollercoaster of sensations has you moaning against the mattress and rocking your hips toward his face and Barnes chuckles at your movement, your actions giving away the desperation you feel to have his tongue move to more sensitive places.
He is happy to oblige. You hadn't even noticed you'd been squeezing your thighs together until he slid a hand up between them, forcing them apart. It's a blessing your legs aren't doing any work to keep you up anymore because they feel like jelly under his touch. The hand between your thighs moves higher still until you feel his thumb pressed to your sensitive clit, warm and twitching with anticipation, desire coursing through your veins and dripping from your wet cunt. Your ears barely register that he's speaking, the blood is pumping so hard in your ears, but his words are exalting.
"Look at you, so wet for me." The hand around your wrists tightens just slightly. You are surprised by the extreme control he has over the cool metal fingers, and you almost wish he'd use those on you instead. And then he says, "you like it, don't you, doll, being at my mercy," and you forget all about the arm and decide it doesn't matter what hand presses down with a gentle strength on your clit as long as he doesn't stop. And he doesn't. Doesn't move, doesn't flinch or twitch or falter, just holds steady until your gasping mewls die down just enough for you to say, "yes, all for you, all for you, all..."
With those words, his thumb slips, between your slick folds into your pussy, finding the soft spongy flesh and pressing down again and you cry out with a careening moan that tapers off into a silent sob. He's taking his time, picking you apart, pulling at the laces that bind you together, and undoing them to release the tension he knows you harbor. But what about him? Is it not torture for him?
You breathe in a rough gasp, enough to squeak out a few more words. "I thought we were going too slow for you."
He laughs, he actually laughs, at your words, but relents.
"I hear you, doll."
I hear you. Oh wow. His tongue replaces his finger and you lose all coherence, able only to blubber some iteration of his name as the smooth muscle traces circles around your clit, finally allowing your orgasm to build with a steady contraction in your pelvis. Barnes moans between your legs like he's never tasted chocolate or buttercream or any of those other wondrous flavors and there's only you. And that moan sends you overboard, the vibrations diffusing down your legs and you tremble into your first orgasm. Your first orgasm.
He keeps going, riding out the waves of your high until you're crying that it's too much, James, too much and he pulls his tongue away from your oversensitized clit only to move down your legs. He's working you up again, teasing the smooth skin of your inner thigh with gentle nips and kisses until your body is craving release again, your cunt clenching around nothing but the memory of his mouth. He is deliberate in his ministrations, methodical in the way he must be with his missions. The flood of your first orgasm has dripped steadily down your thigh and he cleans you with his tongue, dragging upward along the sticky trail of your musky release until his tongue makes contact again and he pulls an orgasm from your desperate body once more.
He still hasn't released your arms.
"You know how long I've wanted to do this?" he groans, as you shudder again into the pleasure of his touch. He kisses back up the length of your spine while you twitch under him, his free hand dragging shock wave after shock wave from your cunt. It strikes you that this man is truly 106, not 26 like his body suggests, and you absentmindedly wonder if that's why he's so good at it, that he's had years to practice. And then his cock is pressing against your folds and you forget the notion halfway through thinking it. "You're so good to me doll, so good for opening up for me. Wanna feel your tight pussy around me."
You push backward, or do your best to without the employment of your arms, wanting desperately to feel him inside you. He is warm and all-encompassing and part of you thinks his cock spilling his seed inside of you would complete you like nothing else. But you know that's a bad idea and you can hear him already unwrapping a condom (where did he get that from?) and your body trembles with the anticipation. You haven't even seen him yet but you know he must be big, the way he grunts when the tip of his erection teases your entrance.
When he enters you it isn't gentle like the stroke of his tongue. It splits you open with a rough thrust, the laces of your heart fully undone and releasing you from their confinement. You choke on your own air.
And then he's releasing your arms, and before you can react, Barnes has you lifted, your back to his chest, your knees shoved roughly into the mattress so he can stand and fuck you from behind. The metal arm finds your neck and forces your head back, his lips dragging hot against your soft skin and muttering filthy praise into your ear, his hand gently on your throat to hold you there. Your hands fly to his, not to pull him away, but to convince him to squeeze, just a little bit harder. The pressure is grounding, and then the hand around your waist is trailing toward the bud of your clit and rubbing in urgent circles and you let out a silent gasp as he thrusts into you at a pace astounding for the position you're in.
You come hard, over his hand, around his cock, and for the first time Barnes falters, stunned by the intensity with which you clamp around him and if he hadn't made you come two times already he might have held out a bit longer to pull another one of those stunning orgasms from your slick cunt. But you're sagging, using him to hold you up against the exhaustion of repeated abuse so he releases, riding the wave of pleasure you started. Bucky groans out your name, surprising you with the gentleness of it on his tongue despite the rough hand around your neck.
When he releases you softly back onto the bed, you sink heavily into the mattress, feeling high on pleasure and drunk on his hands. He pulls away and shuffles around the room, and if you had had any energy left you might have complained at the loss of him but as it sits nothing will rouse you from the intense desire to simply fall asleep.
He continues to move about and then... the lights go on? You groan at the harsh treatment of your eyes as they adjust. But Barnes returns and pulls you against him and apologizes for the rude awakening.
"Sorry, doll," he mutters. "Wanted to get a better look at you." His fingers glide along your back and his face nuzzles into the top of your head, breathing into your hair as you press your forehead into his chest. Despite being exhausted himself he trails his hands all over your body, exploring the side of you that has been shoved into the sheets for the better part of the evening. You let him, although your nerves feel fried and oversensitive to touch.
"Watch what you do with those hands," you giggle as his fingertips brush over a nipple, "unless you're ready to go again."
"Already looking forward to next time?"
"You wish," you tease, but already you know for certain that there will be a next time.
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espressokiri · 3 years
I died at ur ‘polar opposite’ post it was too adorable I cant😩 could u maybe do more hc and expand more on Osamu bc he was my favourite one u wrote about!!❤️
Miya Osamu x GN!reader
Osamu with a gremlin s/o.
Warnings: Language.
Genre: fluff
Notes: This is a more in depth version of Osamu's headcanon from this!
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Remember when I said Atsumu doesn't like you?
"You go baby! Beat the lesser twin's ass!"
Yeah, he still doesn't.
It's really an all out communication type of relationship, there is nothing you two hold back while talking but there are boundaries that have been verbally set.
You get along best with Suna, Aran, and Ginjima.
"'Tsumu ya have to be nicer to Y/n."
"Why should I?!"
"Because I think they'll stick around for a while longer, a whole while longer."
"Get that cheesy shit away from me."
Cue Atsumu preventing himself from starting any fights with you.
Rousing suspicion on your end because it seemed odd that the male would not even give you the glare you had grown accustomed to when you visited them during practice.
It was only when you were cornered by a group of their crazed fangirls that you had an inkling of what Atsumu was trying to achieve.
"Get outta here ya pigs." Atsumu scoffed as he stood behind Y/n with arms crossed, causing the fangirls to scatter.
"They really do scatter like cockroaches, huh?" Y/n mumbled before turning to look at the bleach blonde haired twin, "Oye! I had it handled! Why're you making me look like a weakling!"
Atsumu raised his eyebrow at Y/n, nose scrunching as he held back an insult, "just wanted to save yer energy."
"What're ya deaf now too?"
"Why're you being so... abnormal?"
"What does that mean?!"
"You haven't fought me in a week."
"I just think ya ain't that bad." Atsumu shrugged, hand scratching the back of his neck as the awkward tension filled the air. Clearing his throat, he held a hand out, "is it too early for a high-five or have we not reached that level?"
Y/n looked at him incredulously, glancing at his extended hand and back up at the male, "people might think we're friends now."
"Ya don't have to be that mean." Atsumu scoffed, about to take his hand away but was met by a harsh slap on his palm causing it to sting just as bad as when he spikes.
"What're ya?! A damn beast?!"
Osamu was glad they made up... in their weird way.
Cue Osamu trying to be romantic by teaching them how to make onigiri but Y/n getting frustrated by not being able to shape it right.
"'Samu it's not working!" Y/n huffed, hands damp with water as they tried to mold the rice into a perfect triangle just like Osamu's. Osamu chuckled at their attempt and went up behind them, placing his chin on their shoulder as his hands clasped over theirs, trying to help them mould it.
In shock of such a bold move, Y/n ended up gripping the ball of rice a bit too tightly, filling and rice falling out of their now clenched hand as their body heated up and eyes widened at the feel of Osamu breathing near their neck.
"Something the matter, Y/n?" The smirk was evident in his tone as he innocently glances over at his partner.
Y/n scrunched their nose and pushed him back with their shoulder, shooting the male a glare as they ate the broken and mushed onigiri with their fingers. "You did that on purpose, you bastard." Y/n grumbled, mouth filled with the delicious food. Osamu shrugged with a close-eyed smile, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I hope you have a cut on your hand next time you mould an onigiri."
(I found out from my friend I should dip my hand in a bowl of water and rub salt in my palms before moulding an onigiri, yes I had paper cuts on my hands </3 )
Atsumu would complain about stealing his brother away from him, despite not doing anything special with him even before you two started dating.
You and Atsumu would often team up on rare days to prank Osamu.
Osamu would teach you to spike to let out all the anger you have pent up inside, whether it be a days worth or a lifetime worth of anger.
"I really don't think Osamu should have taught Y/n that." Shuddered Omimi as the fellow Inarizaki members stared at Y/n with dropped jaws as they kept adding more power onto their spikes.
"At least they're taking it out on the court and not people."
Cue the fearful gazes of half the members.
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 3: I like girls that dance
summary: It’s your first night out and your first real introduction to Westheath. Rafe is quick to find his way on your radar.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 4.6k
a/n: the way I’m imagining Jack Harlow as I write Liam 😩✋also, im pulling these chapter titles out of my ass - but actually tho, go listen to Girls That Dance by Masego 
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Part 1 Part 2
Despite your doubts, you put on the sheer top and the black mini skirt Millie and Olivia had insisted you wear. Your favorite pregame playlist plays as you do your makeup in the mirror. You move as quickly as you can, in desperate need of a shot to calm your nerves before your flat fills with people. You’re also nervous about seeing Rafe after that encounter in the kitchen you just had. 
As you run your fingers through your hair and put on your earrings, all you can see is his stupid (and annoyingly attractive) face, staring down at you with that dumb backwards cap, telling you that you guys should watch Game of Thrones together. Every time your mind starts to think if that means something, you quickly shut down the thought. Of course it doesn’t mean anything. Just because a boy wants to watch a show with you does not automatically mean he wants you or that this was going to turn into some kind of Netflix and chill situation. Or was this gonna be a Netflix and chill situation? I mean it was Rafe Cameron after all, the boy certainly had a reputation. But then again, hadn’t he just showed you that he’s different from what you had expected? Oh god this was all too much to think about right now, you needed a shot. Stat. 
“Y/N!” Olivia shouts, swinging the door to your room open right on cue. “Oh. My. God. You look so hot!” she exclaims. “Here, this is for you,” she extends a shot glass toward you with a devilish grin. 
“Oh god what is it,” you grimace. Shots always seemed like a better idea in theory than in practice. 
“Try it and find out,” she smirks. You sigh and send the liquid to the back of your throat, immediately cringing at the sting of raspberry vodka, Olivia bringing a cup of cranberry juice to your mouth to chase. 
“Don’t worry love, a few more and you won’t even taste it. Now come on,” she laughs, dragging you with her to the kitchen. The rest of your flatmates are already there, Millie bopping along to the music, giggling at whatever Topper is saying, Rafe standing close by sipping his drink. 
“Y/n you hottie!” Millie cheers, looking up as you make your way into the kitchen. You pray to god your cheeks aren’t turning pink. You don’t dare turn your head, but you know Rafe is staring at you. If you looked at him now you’d be crimson for sure. 
“Alright everybodyyy,” Olivia begins, pouring the same raspberry vodka into the five shot glasses she has lined up on the table. You can’t help but laugh at her infectious energy, this girl is nothing if not the life of the party. 
“Cheers to our first night out as flat mates! Wooo!!!” she exclaims, as everyone grabs a shot glass from the table, Rafe instinctively passing you one, hands briefly touching during the exchange and again as you all clink your glasses. You down the contents, unsure if the heat forming in your chest is from the vodka or the feeling of Rafe’s passing touch. 
Pretty soon people start to arrive, Olivia and Millie making sure to introduce everyone. The flat becomes a blur of bodies drinking, dancing, and mingling about, and somehow, despite it all, Rafe Cameron is the person you find yourself standing with. There was something magnetic about him that you couldn’t quite understand, but it kept drawing you near. 
“What are you drinking tonight Cameron,” you nod at the cup in his hand.
“Jack and coke. Of course,” he scoffs with subtle sarcasm, which you instantly pick up on. 
“Not straight whiskey? Wow. That’s not very Figure 8 of you,” you admonish playfully.
“Straight whiskey? L/n who do you think I am?” he twists his face in mock disbelief. “But I’m game to do a shot if you are,” he adds.
“Hmm that does-“ you begin, but you’re quickly cutoff. 
“Y/n, babe, if I had known you’d be here I would’ve came sooner,” Liam greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky smile. 
“Now how on earth do you two know each other,” Millie asks, walking in line with the boy.
“Umm,” you chuckle nervously. You could not have possibly felt more awkward at the conversation unfolding in front of you, Rafe standing by as witness to it all. “He’s that boy I went to the bar with the other night,” you explain sheepishly.
“That was Liam!? Chrissake. Well I apologize on his behalf for anything he said or did.”
“Hey I’ll have you know I’m a proper gentleman!” he defends, throwing you a wink as Millie rolls her eyes. Just at that moment, another group of people walk in through the door, conveniently coming to Rafe’s rescue.
“Rafe!” a girl calls and he clears his throat excusing himself, Millie following suit to greet the latest batch of guests. You watch as he leans in for a hug with the girl who’s just called his name. She’s twirling her hair and batting her eyes, confident, flirty, gorgeous - just his type. A sick feeling pools in your stomach, you don’t even realize you’re staring. 
“Lily Colts, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Liam informs you as he takes the now empty spot next to you.
“Oh, um no, I was just uh-“
“It’s okay Y/n, I get it. So flatmate huh” he laughs, unbothered.
“No no it’s not like that at all I uh-”
“Alright. Y/n,” he says, jumping up to sit on the counter behind him, cracking open the can in his hand. “You know I think you’re hot and you know I like messing with you-”
“Actually I know neither of those things,” you reply indignantly. 
“Yes you do, you’re not dim,” he bulldozes right on, “I can read people pretty well, and there was a vibe there.”
“A vibe?”
“Yeah. Between you and what’s-his-face. You should’ve seen the way he tensed up when I came up to you,” he snickers in amusement.
“Shut up. His name is Rafe, by the way, and there was no ‘vibe.’ Also why are you even telling me this?” you ask, growing frustrated with the cocky brunette.
“Y/n please,” he scoffs. “I told you I can read people, so let me read you. You’re out here in London right, far away from home, keen for a fresh start. You’ve never been one for meaningless flings, but fuck it, if everyone else can do it, why not you? Or so you try to convince yourself, but you know that’s not you. See, you crave that emotional connection, and when you find even a hint of it, you’re a goner. Which is why you’d never actually hook up with me and it’s why you’re staring at that boy from home even though you swear you don’t care, but you do - you feel something there.”
You’re dumbfounded by his ability to know things about you that even you yourself can’t recognize. “I liked it better when you were just flirting with me,” you grumble.  
“No worries darling, I’ll definitely still do that. I’ll even dance on you in the club if you ask nicely, might make pretty boy over there jealous,” he motions with his eyes toward Rafe, at which you give his shoulder a shove.
“You’re an idiot you know, Millie was right on the money with that,” you quip, as the two of you head over to her, Liv, and the boys.
“Please, Millie wishes she could be right on something else,” he says as you shoot him a glare, trying your best to suppress a laugh. Liam was starting to become a pain in your ass, too smart for his own good, but at least he was a funny one.
Your first night clubbing was going great. The place was packed, the music was good, and you were having a blast dancing with Liv, Millie, and their friends. You couldn’t help looking around the club though, eyes scanning for Rafe in the crowd. He’d been hanging out all night with Topper and some of the guys from their new soccer team. You longed to be near him somehow, to interact with him again. All your conversations with him earlier today had left you with an excited buzz - you didn’t know what it was about this version of Rafe Cameron in London, but you were actually enjoying his company.
You try to push him out of your mind and just enjoy the moment. It’s not like there was anything between you and Rafe, you had just barely began to form a semblance of a potential friendship today, let’s not get carried away. Besides, you live with the boy, accidentally running into him wasn’t going to be much of a challenge. 
“Anyone want anything from the bar?” you shout over the music to your friends.
“Vodka soda with lime please!” Olivia shouts back and you nod, turning to make your way to the counter a few feet away. You place your order and mindlessly tap your fingers on the bar as a figure appears beside you.
“Hey, Y/n right? Flatmates with Olivia, Mills, and the boys?” the girl asks, and you turn, now face to face with Lily. 
“Uh yeah, hey,” you feign a smile back. 
“I’m Lily, nice to meet you,” she smiles genuinely. “I’m friends with all the Westheath bozos you’ve probably been meeting tonight,” she laughs, “Callum and Henry over there are my best mates. They’re on the football team with Rafe and Topper, we were showing them around earlier. My god you guys have been hoarding some cute ones over there in America.”
You chuckle, “glad that Kildare’s presence can at least be of some benefit.” 
“So, girl to girl here, what can you tell me about Rafe Cameron? He’s such a hottie isn’t he? Would love to get a taste of that,” she smirks, licking her lips.
“Umm I don’t really have much to tell,” you say, unsure of how to navigate this conversation. You could tell her what you thought you knew of Outer Banks Rafe - he’s a rich, party-boy player. But after today, that no longer felt right. You didn’t want to say or presume anything about him at all actually, it felt wrong to talk about him like that. God, what the hell was wrong with you? You spend a few hours with the boy and you already have a soft spot for him? You needed to get a grip. “Our families know each other but we don’t really hang out at home. He’s uh- he’s cool though,” you decide as a sufficient response.
“Any girl friend?” she asks, sliding cash over to the bartender as she orders a shot.
“Rafe’s not really the ‘girlfriend-type’,” you answer, bartender sliding you the drinks you ordered and Lily her’s. 
“Well then cheers to that,” she grins, clinking her shot glass to your drink before she downs it, waving a quick goodbye. You watch as she makes her way back to Rafe and their group, adorning a flirty smile. You feel sick to your stomach. You wanted to hate her, you did. But you couldn’t. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just confident, outgoing, and not afraid to go after what she wanted. There was nothing for you to be angry about, who was stopping you from doing the same?
 But in the back of your mind you decided you could never go after Rafe like that. He would never be interested in you in that way, you were sure of it. You had a hard time believing your friends when they hyped you up, so you definitely weren’t going to believe for a single second that a boy you thought was cool could possibly look at you in the same way. Besides, the mere idea of being rejected by Rafe Cameron, and then having to continue living with him and eventually go back to the Outer Banks for everyone to find out you had been rejected by the kook prince, was so mortifying that the very thought made you want to crawl into a hole. So you promise yourself, right then and there, that you won’t let yourself get hurt like that. You could hang out with Rafe, get to know him, become friends even, but under no circumstances could you be caught wearing your heart on your sleeve. You couldn’t disarm yourself like that and give him the upper hand. You needed to look out for yourself first and foremost, preserving the little bit of control you still had over your life. 
You walk back over to your friends, slipping Liv her drink as her and Jake dance together. Your new friends are all tipsy and in a world of their own, getting lost in the music and their movements.
“Dance with me,” you turn to Liam who’s right beside you.
“I said if you ask nicely,” he admonishes sarcastically, to which you roll your eyes.
“I’m not gonna beg Liam. You wanna dance or not?”
“Sheesh, Lily Colts got your panties in a twist like that?”
“Not. At. All.” You confidently stare into his eyes, sipping your drink. It’s no use, Liam knows you all too well by now, and you curse yourself for the way in which this boy is able to see right through all the walls you put up. You may think these walls are made of brick, but to Liam they’re glass.
He just laughs at you, shaking his head in amusement. He grabs your free hand and pulls you closer to him, your bodies now pressed together. He takes your hand and rests it on the back of his neck, his finding their way to your hips. He plants his leg in between yours and soon you guys are lost in the rhythm. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second. He spins you around and you lightly grind your ass against him.
“Damn Y/n, I didn’t know you move like that,” he jokes, as you face forward again. He leans in, his hand on the small of your back, and you feel his breath right against your ear, “he’s looking by the way.” Your breath hitches, but you know better than to turn around. Liam is already one step ahead of you, instinctively twirling you again so you can quickly catch a glimpse of Rafe’s eyes on yours without it being obvious. “Told you he’d be jealous,” he smirks down at you triumphantly.
“Shut up,” you reply, the slightest smile tugging at your lips as your sweaty bodies continue to move to the music.
“Aw flatmate bonding you guysss,” Olivia gushes, as you all sit together at a booth. She had forced you all out of your beds this morning to get breakfast together. Despite being hungover and groggy, you all reluctantly agreed. “Mimosas anyone?” she jokes.
“If I so much as smell any alcohol I think I’ll vomit,” Topper groans.
“Aw, what’s the matter, can’t handle your liquor Tops?” Millie asks, quirking her head to the side.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Could ask you the same question. My room is right next to the bathroom, don’t think I didn’t hear your retching last night,” he snaps back, to which Millie turns bright red and soon you’re all hunched over in laughter.
“I think a mimosa would make me yak right now too, to be fair. Coffees all around!” Olivia asserts.
You’re seated across from Rafe as you both scan your menus, your eyes immediately fixing in on the pancakes. The waiter comes by to take all your orders and you can’t help but blush a little when Rafe orders pancakes and you have to follow with a “same for me.” Such a silly, meaningless thing, I mean everyone likes pancakes. But being the only one to have the same exact order as Rafe leaves you feeling embarrassed, for no good reason all the same. You all begin to scarf down your food as soon as it arrives, thankful to have something to soak up the alcohol in your stomachs, as you share stories and laugh about last night’s drunken antics. 
“So how is it that we’re all flatmates and yet I only have Topper’s contact. Come on, add ‘em in,” Rafe says, sliding his unlocked phone to the middle of the table.
“Wait I want snapchats too. Oooh! And instagram!” Olivia pipes, whipping out her phone as well.
“I expect no booty calls Cameron. This is strictly business,” Millie jokes, typing in her and Olivia’s numbers before passing his phone to you. 
“Am I allowed a booty call?” Topper smirks, extending his phone as well.
“I wouldn’t push your luck Thornton,” she smirks back and he pouts in response. You finish typing your name and number into Rafe’s phone and hand it back to him, skin briefly making contact once again. Even though you had known Rafe all your life, somehow you two never had a reason to exchange numbers, only following each other on Instagram which he never posted on anyways.
“Alright everyone, pull up your snapchat codes, I wanna make a group,” Olivia says and everyone obliges, arms crossing every which way as you all add each other. “What should we name our group chat? Ooo can we do a ship name of our schools - like Kilheath or Westare?” 
“I like Kilheath,” Topper chimes in.
“Yeah I bet you do you psychopath. Sounds like the name of a bad horror movie,” Rafe laughs.
“Oooo there’s five of us, we could be the Spice Girls,” Millie beams.
“No.” Topper immediately shuts her down. 
“What about ‘American Boys and Spice Girls.’ You know, like the Kanye West song,” you add.
“Ehh, we’re getting closer, but not quite there,” Rafe teases you and you playfully kick him under the table. “I’m hearing a lot of opinions and not a lot of contributions,” you cross your arms and raise your brows.
“Hey hey hey, I’m a critic, not a chef L/n,” he lifts his hands in surrender.
“Ooo I got it! We can call it the ‘Royal fam,’ like the royal family,” Olivia suggests, finally getting approval from the whole group. Breakfast is soon over and you all return to your rooms, eager to nap away the remainder of your hangovers. You lay in your bed and stare at the newly formed snapchat group on your phone. Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 appears on top and you scroll down, looking at Rafe’s username and bitmoji on your screen. You laugh at the fact that even his bitmoji wears a backwards cap. It was weird, having him in your phone like this. You had known this boy your whole life, but you two had always operated in separate spheres. And here he was, in your Snapchat, a glimpse into the life of Rafe, of which you only ever got a birds eye view of back home. It almost felt like you were trespassing somewhere you didn’t belong, having access to him like this. You sigh and lock your phone. Rafe Cameron really isn’t all that bad.
The next few days fly by fast as you become acclimated to Westheath. You and the rest of the Kildare kids attend an orientation with Westheath’s exchange advisor, spending the whole time with your little trio: you, Rafe, and Topper. When you had first arrived abroad, you were deadset on forging your own path in London and steering clear of everyone else from OBX. But hanging out with Rafe and Topper made you all but forget. It was fun and easy hanging out with them, in fact, counterintuitively, they were helping you forget all about the Outer Banks, just as you had hoped to do. Your conversations centered around your interests, your new lives, on random jokes and made up bits. It was almost as if there was a mutual unspoken agreement between you, them also trying to escape and forget their lives in OBX.
Pretty soon classes began, and you were learning a new schedule and adapting to British schooling. Your evenings were spent singing and dancing in the kitchen as you, Liv, and Millie simultaneously cooked your dinners, getting pints at the pub around the corner with your Westheath friends, and playing card games at the kitchen table with Rafe and Topper, the smack talk between you three flowing strong. There’d be short moments where you’d find yourself alone with Rafe - he’d explain to you whatever Premier League team was playing that day, you’d show him how the coffee machine works, and the occasional passing comments of “so when are we finally starting Game of Thrones, Cameron?” “I’m ready whenever you are, L/n.”
It was a Wednesday night, and you were curled up in your fluffy gray blanket watching Gilmore Girls in bed. You found the show comforting and familiar, the small town of Stars Hallow reminding you of what you wished your life in the Outer Banks could be like. Instead it was more like the cold and pretentious atmosphere of Chilton and the older Gilmores’ Hartford life. Your phone buzzes, and you pick it up lazily to check, suddenly freezing at the notification on your screen.
Snapchat: Rafe Cameron
You had opened a few snapchats from the boy over the past few days, but they were always random ones he would send to the group chat. This one was just for you. You gulp and put your phone down, not wanting to open it too fast. A few minutes go by and you realize you haven’t paid an ounce of attention to the show on your screen, even though you’re staring right at it. Fuck it. You open your phone and tap on the unread snap.
When are we watching Game of Thrones L/n the snapchat says, a picture of his laptop on his bed and the HBO Max home page open, the series featured in the corner of the screen.
You snap back a picture of your blanket and the laptop playing Gilmore Girls in front of you: ready whenever you are Cameron.
Almost immediately you get a response back.
Rafe Cameron: wait are you home rn? His message is accompanied by a random picture of his room, a view you let your eyes linger on until the message expires. Another peak into Rafe Cameron’s world.
Y/n: Yep! You send a blurry selfie of you wrapped in your blanket.
Rafe Cameron: be over in 5
You leave that last message on open and your heart starts to race. Just breathe Y/n, breathe, you keep telling yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t make it out to be. It’s just a show. Just a show. And besides, you guys are friends now, right? You sit up in your bed and grab your pillow, shifting over to sit horizontally on your mattress. That seems more casual to you, more ‘just a couple friends watching a show together at a comfortable distance’ and less ‘sitting right on top of each other Netflix and chill’. You gulp down some water to ease your dry throat when you hear a gentle knock.
“Come in!” you call out, and now Rafe Cameron is in your room, eyes absorbing all the details that are so you. The posters on one wall, film camera photos on another. The string lights which wrap around your room and give it a warm glow. The plants, the subtle scent of vanilla. The bag you always carried with you, hanging off the side of your chair. He almost felt like he was intruding, like he was getting an intimate glimpse of something that was for your eyes only. 
“Whats up,” he says, holding his laptop and closing the door behind him. 
“Ready to finally start the show,” you laugh, “it’s about damn time.”
“Hey, I’ve been ready, it’s you who’s been taking your sweet time.”
“Is that so?” you ask sarcastically and a smile forms on his face.
“What are you doing over there? Who sits like that on their bed?” he asks, now coming over and taking a seat on your mattress facing vertically, propping your other pillow behind his back. “Can’t even stretch out your legs or anything,” he continues, patting the spot on the bed next to him, signaling for you to come over.
“I don’t know, I think it’s comfy,” you lie as you crawl over to him, your first line of defense already shot down. 
“Weirdo,” he chuckles to which you nudge him in the side with your elbow. “If Topper’s wrong about this I’m gonna give him so much shit,” he says.
“Topper does have a lot of questionable opinions,” you laugh, “but I have a good feeling about this one.
One episode turned into two turned into three, you and Rafe instantly hooked. The nerves you had felt earlier at sitting so close next to this boy in your bed had all but dissipated, you quickly acclimating to the space he took up next to you. Even though by now all your previous misconceptions about Rafe had disappeared, replaced with the boy you had come to know over the past week, there was a small part of you that was still waiting to see if he’d try to pull something on you, like the Rafe you imagined back home surely would. Of course he didn’t, watching and discussing the show with you, making you feel as comfortable as if you two had been friends for years. You almost felt bad for having had doubted him in the first place.
When the third episode ended and you two got into a long post-episode discussion, you hardly noticed when the conversation began to digress. You both started to sink lower and lower down into your pillows, until you were both laying on your backs, staring at the ceiling and lost in exchanges of words and thoughts. The conversation was different this time, more candid and open, as if the shadow of the night was inviting you to divulge thoughts you wouldn’t have shared in the day. He spoke of his strained relationship with his father and you shared the silly drama that had caused a riff between you and your former friends back home. He showed you pictures of his dog and you showed him the video you had been working on all summer long in OBX, not having anyone to hang out with before you left for London. He talked about how he felt so disconnected from almost everyone on that island, and you nodded, understanding all too well. The conversation continued to ebb and flow, the occasional funny video or meme pulling you two into fits of laughter before seamlessly delving into another vulnerable train of thought. You both had your Spotify accounts open now, taking turns sharing your favorite songs. You put on a playlist you had made over the summer, full of songs that made you feel at peace. 
“This puts you at ease huh,” he says.
You turn your head to look at him, “how could you tell?”
“I don’t know. I guess just the way your whole body relaxed the second you pressed play,” he replies.
“Yeah,” you say turning your head back toward the ceiling. “I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like these songs are speaking to my soul or something,” you whisper.
“Yeah I get that… I have those too,” he whispers back. Neither of you realize it’s already 5 am and neither of you notice as your eyes both get heavy and sleep washes over you, playlist in the background like a lullaby. And at some point during your deep sleep, Rafe’s arm has found itself unconsciously wrapped around you.
Part 4
a/n: lemme know what you think!(:
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sineala · 3 years
i guess this isnt really specific to a single fanfic but: when you think of a plot, how do you decide whether youre going to pull characterization from 616 or ults stevetony?
Oh! Interesting question! Thank you!
A lot of times the question of what universe to set a story in doesn't even come up, because the idea is so solidly grounded in the events of that canon that it wouldn't make sense to set it in another universe. If I want to write, say, a story about the time Ults Steve was a vampire, it's going to be Ults. If I want to write a story that's a canon-divergent AU where Tony never hallucinates Steve in "Haunted" and that's how he figures out Steve isn't dead... I mean, that's gonna be 616.
The question I run into more frequently is "what era of 616 is this story set in?" and that's when I ask myself things like "okay, does Steve know Tony is Iron Man in this one?" and if the answer is yes that knocks out everything before 1982 unless I'm writing something where the reveal is an AU. "Are they on the same team?" knocks out most of the rest of the 80s and about half of the 90s. "Do they still live in the mansion?" knocks out everything after Avengers Disassembled and I guess that's why I have a couple dozen stories set during Volume 3. Heh. Sometimes I want to bring in a particular team member as a supporting character and I'll pick a time when they're on the team. Or I have a villain -- say, Ghost or Madame Masque -- and then I'll look for a time to set it when I know that villain is alive and doing something interesting and that will often suggest to me the nature of the plot, if the plot extends beyond, like, "Steve and Tony have a relationship." I do often write stories where the canon events are happening in the background, just differently.
But, like, maybe I just have, like, a trope I want to explore and the universe isn't set...
Reasons I Might Set Fic In 616
I want fic about identity porn.
I want fic about Tony's sobriety.
I want fic where Steve and Tony have been BFFs for years and live in the mansion and everything is happy.
I want the universe where Tony found Steve in the ice and Tony's voice was the first thing Steve heard and Tony canonically describes this as the best day of his life. Where they've just sort of headed for each other right from the beginning.
I want fic in a universe where Steve and Tony have tried to kill each other a few times and are just, y'know, living with that. Or maybe that hasn't happened yet! There's a lot of time here.
Basically I want them to know each other and have A History and whether that's good or bad is dependent on that particular fic.
Reasons I Might Set Fic In Ults
I'd like some grimdark.
I'd also like really, really wacky plots.
I want to remix the villains/plots of 616 with more angst.
I'd like a universe with a little more realism in it and/or I'd like to explore my feelings about Bush-era politics.
I'd like a Steve who doesn't want to be in the future in the beginning and can also be kind of an asshole.
I'd like Tony with the flamboyance turned up to eleven.
I'd like to write Tony drinking without it being a catastrophe.
Either of them could have some internalized homophobia! Tony is the one who makes homophobic remarks in canon. (Steve just sticks to misogyny, AFAIK. But they are, as we know, often correlated.)
I'd like to write Steve and Tony maybe not warming to each other with the Love At First Sight 616 thing but clearly becoming really good friends.
I want to set a fic in a universe where Steve and Tony have actually never seriously hurt each other. There's no Civil War in Ults! I mean, there is, but it's an actual civil war, like, Texas secedes and has nukes. This is what Ults is like.
Reasons I Might Set Fic In Something Else Like Marvel Adventures
I like the characters from 616 and I'd like to use versions of them that are close to 616 but I don't want anything to be all that fraught -- I want them to be friends but not have History.
This holds true for the villains, too. Like, maybe I want to write a Batroc story and not deal with all the canonical baggage and the time he stole Steve's shield and the thing with the prostitutes and just have a guy who kicks people.
I want a story that really focuses on overall team dynamics and banter.
I want to write something really really lighthearted.
All the other popular comics settings I can think of tend to be period (1872, Noir, Bullet Points) and I feel like you'd know if you wanted fic there.
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namjoonchronicles · 3 years
the money project | 8
Tumblr media
↳ pairing seokjin x you
↳ genre melodrama, angst, enemies-to-friends-to-lover, fake marriage, intense pining on each other
↳ words 7.1k
↳ warning slightly strong languages, fluff, suggestive content
↳ chapters one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten completed!
I have a family to protect now. Not your version of a family, but my version of a family. Seokjin had released a statement on national television regarding the accusation. The company is undergoing general auditing, and on the contrary beliefs that he would be against it, he was actually for it. A general auditing will reveal malicious funds transferred and transacted to suspicious accounts. That would also reveal Ian’s connection to the bribe and eventually drag his father along— and they will all fall like dominoes. Seokjin understood how important the image is to the company and on shaky grounds, he would have to further emphasize his duty as a husband, hoping to win the public favor. You were good for his image.
“Clothes. Books. Laptop.”
“Check. Check. Check.”
Seokjin carries the duffel bag over his shoulder and places them in the backseat. You were scheduled for a uterine polypectomy. It is a surgical removal of polyps that will require general anesthesia and take up to 2 weeks to recover from. Your doctor decided on incision since the ultrasound scan and vaginal inspection represents a particularly large (but harmless) polyps. Under Seokjin’s (frantic) advice, you decided to proceed with the surgery. He is now driving you to the hospital where you will be admitted for 2 weeks. Upon arrival, they readied a wheelchair for you. Seokjin hijacked the wheelchair and insisted on pushing you. He also placed the duffel bag in your lap.
“This is ridiculous, I can walk,” you groaned and cowered, trying to make yourself small.
He scolds you with a hiss.
“Ninth floor, ObGyn ward. Room 2,” he reads the scraggly writing at the top of the pink card you brought with you, “You have to change to the ugly hospital clothing.”
Settling into the spacious room with wide windows overlooking the busy city, you lift yourself from the wheelchair and open the duffel bag to begin organizing the stuff you will need for your stay. The nurse and doctor came to greet you and your designated husband. Rich people have different perks, that’s for sure.
“I hope we will be able to provide you with excellent hospitality and medical service throughout your stay, Mrs. Kim…” the doctor bowed slightly and bowed back at her.
“If there are no complications, you might be discharged earlier than planned. The surgery itself will not take very long as it is simple. We will do our best.”
“Please change into the hospital clothing and press the call button if you need any assistance,” the nurse reminded you and your husband with a smile. Seokjin raised his hand and asked, “Is my portable bed arriving soon?”
Portable bed? Is he going to stay here?
“Yes they are preparing it, they will have it transported here as soon as it is ready,” the nurse nodded in enthusiasm.
Seokjin smiled widely, satisfied that his request had been granted. He glances briefly at you, who was brewing in confusion. Seokjin rests his hand behind his back as he watches the medical team leave. He slid the door shut and turned to you.
“Portable bed…?” you raised your voice, ever so slightly.
“I am not going to sleep alone in that house,” he shakes his head while maintaining a smile, letting you know how outrageous the idea is. He would much rather sleep here than the house without you.
“There are no neighbors, and it’s dark at night,” he pokes his head into the fridge, choosing the snacks he feels like eating. With the seriousness of a man who was on an over-extended honeymoon trip. He lifts his eyes at you while hugging a potato chip bag in his arm and shoving a gummy into his mouth with another, “What are you doing? They tell you to change to the hospital’s garment, don't they?”
You glared at him over your shoulders. There is no curtain in this room. No visible barriers. No privacy. Seokjin stared blankly at your dragon eyes. They look like they’re about to spew out laser and it got him clutching his dear self until he realised,
“Oh,” he gasped. Must grant the wife some privacy she clearly doesn’t need.
Seokjin gets pushed to face the wall. While you unbutton your blouse one-by-boring buttons, your phone shrills the familiar ringtone. Bad news is, your phone is on top of the duffle bag next to where Seokjin is standing. In the other corner of the room. And to say that you were underdressed was an understatement because apart from your bras and undies, you have practically nothing else on. Walking over to that man over there is not an option.
“Can you answer that for me?” You pleaded, “It might be important.”
Seokjin glanced at the screen and saw the caller ID, “Namjoon.”
“No, actually,” he rolled his eyes to the back of his head and tilted his head back.
“Seokjin, please, it’s my research,” you begged while putting one arm through the striped pajamas.
“Fussy,” he shot and swiped his thumb over the phone and tapped ‘Loudspeaker’.
“Hey,” the honey dripping deep voice resonates throughout the room, “I’ve been trying to reach you, the phenolic content comes out in positive numbers today, I can send you the black-and-whites if you want.” Melodic was his voice and they seem to echo on the strings of your heart, if you dare say so yourself. But it is difficult to be perfectly bare with your feelings because the reason for your secrecy is standing right there listening to the whole conversation.
“I am sorry, I’m a little caught up with some things,” you chuckled breathlessly, “Is it possible for you to email them to me, so I can do the calculations?”
The young man hikes a breath in, through his teeth, whistling, “I’ve printed it out though. Thought it would be easier for you to demangle the number crunching with the papers in hand,” Namjoon bit his lower lip, “I’m just going to be straight forward now, I wanted to see you. Let me know where you are… I’ll buy you coffee.” The young lad added a little bribe at the end.
You smiled, before remembering that Seokjin was in the room and listening to everything. Clearing your throat, you intend to reply to another plausible rejection but the nurses knock on your room to send Seokjin his portable bed.
“Mr. Kim, your portable bed has arrived,” the nurse slides the door open as you put on your trousers. You dashed towards the phone and grabbed them. Hastily put it against your ear and turned off the loudspeaker mode. You succumbed to Namjoon’s request. Seokjin shifted himself to the other corner of the room and waited as they set his bed up. Then he sat on your bed as you got needles pierced into your vein so they could insert an IV line for your IV bag. You ended the call with Namjoon, ensuring that he could stop by in the evening. And because of that, you need Seokjin to disappear for the night.
“Well, it doesn’t look half bad on you,” Seokjin commented on your hospital gown.
“Leave me alone for one night, just one night I’m asking from you,” without missing a beat, you said, begging, clasping your hands together in desperation, “Please! I happen to really like him. I sacrificed my entire life for you, can I just have this one person, one man fall for me? For who I really am and not who I pretend to be.”
So that’s how he wound up kicking air outside the hospital garden as the night grew darker. His lower lip jutted out, chin’s touching his chest, hands dug deep into his jeans pocket. He shudders, shivering at the cold. Cold breath escapes his mouth as he braves the chilly weather with thin clothing.
“What is so great about him…” he huffs angrily. Another pebble kicked from the pavement. He hung his head down.
“I called you day and night, just to hear your voice even when you were miles away despite the timezones. Took care of your stupid ankle. Wrote you a postcard. One guy came when I was away and suddenly, he’s all you see. What about me?! Don’t I matter?!” He glared at the building where your ward is to scream, “You blind women! Why do I even bother about you!”
He fishes his phone out of his back pocket to see zero notifications.
“She said she’ll call when it’s done, what is taking her so long?! It’s been 25 minutes!” he groaned to his phone, “It’s not even that cold anymore now that I am angry…”
Rubbing the palm of his hand together, he covered his ear shells that are turning red at the freezing temperature, “Nevermind, it’s still cold.” He shudders violently this time, kicking himself to jog to generate some heat in his body. He ends up running round and round the park for real, actually exercising. He did some sit-ups, push-ups and mimicked a boxing match with himself. Complete with the sports commentator played by himself and his opponent is the guy named ‘Namjoon’. Sweat came beading on his forehead, trailing down his jaw. The back of his shirt was damp with a wet patch the size of a book.
Through the bushes, he saw Namjoon leaving. The boy got long legs and a baseball cap on, covering half of his face. He carries a backpack with its strap on one shoulder, steadily making his way down on the declining road. Seokjin squinted his eyes at the oblivious guy and made his way inside.
When he arrived at your room, the lights were off. You had your back turned to the door as you lay to your side facing the window.
“Sleeping?” he asked gently, leaning against the wall, hiding at the corner.
“Was,” you shot dryly, “What is it?”
“The nurses outside asked what you wanted for your breakfast tomorrow,” Seokjin continued.
You finally turned to him, “Why are you talking to me from there?”
“You asked for space,” he blinks, “How does an omelet sound?”
You nodded, “Are you staying here tonight?”
“If you want…” Seokjin drew circles on the wall, pouting.
“Nevermind, don’t answer that. Might as well let the facade live on. Omelet sounds great…”
His heart broke a little. You called the relationship a facade. The fact that you’re not entirely wrong about it— makes his heart crumble a bit. Like water. In extensive hunger for any nourishing love, yours were like water on his desert. And he is dying of thirst he hasn’t quite recognised yet.
“Seokjin,” you called for him softly, “What does it mean when a guy says he wants to be a safe place?”
“What else could it mean, it means he wants you to regard him as someone to confide in,” Seokjin answered mindlessly. His eyes blasted open when he realised what he’s done.
“W-why?” he stammered.
“The guy earlier, Namjoon. He said he wants to be my safe place,” you sighed.
You continued to tell Seokjin how Namjoon had been occupying your mind ever since you met him. He didn’t mind running errands for you. Started to watch movies together. Lunch and breakfast. You spent most of your time in the lab with him and it felt natural since it feels like work. Love would be the meeting of the minds, you’d say.
“He burns into my mind like an acid, erasing what I knew about friendship and love. So I had been thinking about us,” you huffed, feeling the heaviness in your chest weighing you down like an anchor. Seokjin grips tighter on the tips of his pillow, lying on his side, curled into a ball. He would run miles to escape this impending separation. He stood between hanging on and letting go. Was it even love to begin with? Was he in love or has he used the circumstances to trap you, tricking you into possession? Seokjin’s knuckles turned white at how hard he was gripping the pillow.
“Do you like him?” Seokjin asked.
“I know I don’t dislike him…” you shot back, a hint of a smile on the corner of your lips before it vanishes when you switch to your side to look at Seokjin bed beside you, “What do you think?”
Seokjin forces his eyes shut with his back to you, and he mumbles back, “Does it matter what I think.”
It does. Your heart whispers.
Your meals were served at 8AM, 1PM and 6PM everyday. Seokjin leaves the hospital for work as usual. He leaves at 7AM and returns at 9PM, sometimes 10PM. Despite the auditing going on, Seokjin works with the planning department for a new product launch. He has his head hung low, hunched over a pie chart of buyer demographics. He would return to the hospital no matter how late to check on you. He rises up at 5AM and heads home to cook. He prepares a menu for you to choose from and asks the nurse to pass them to you, saying that it's from the cafeteria. The night before the operation, you weren’t allowed to eat. He sat outside the operation theatre hall, glancing once in a while to the screen indicating the names of the patient. He paces left and right. Makes a couple of bathroom trips to vomit and defecate. He checks his phone but he feels anxious. The continuous caffeine intake proves to be detrimental to his anxiety. It took over 5 hours.
The operation was a success but your oxygen level was low so you had a non-rebreather mask covering your nose and mouth that would aid the oxygen intake. You had been responding positively towards the anaesthetic recovery. The doctor commanded for you to move your right fingers and hovered a flashlight over your eyes. It constricts in the presence of light. Though slowly, you managed to lift your forefinger no higher than the bed frames. You were transported back into your ward to recover, where you rested until the numbness subsided. You managed to clutch on the nurse’s uniform to ask where Seokjin was.
She said that he left not long ago.
What did you expect? For him to wait for you?
Yoongi knocks on the door for you. He holds a tray of food: porridges, anchovies and warm drinks wearing a big smile. He held his hand out before you tried to sit up and raised the upper side of the bed with a remote.
A week has passed. You came down with a fever but the doctor said it was common after penetrative surgery. With some antibiotics and painkillers to cope, Seokjin comes in with a cooling patch whenever your body heats up and an extra blanket when you feel cold. He fed you with soups he said he bought but you clearly heard him from the kitchen with the pots clanking and vegetables chopped. There were varieties of the porridges he made. Most of them have abalones slices he claims for strength. Once, you took a spoonful of rice from him and your face crumpled.
"Chicken gizzards?"
"Chicken gizzards, yes. I know you hate them, but it is good for you," he said in a coaxing way.
"They taste so bad," you made a sad face to him but he wasn't swayed. Not even the slightest bit.
But that was how it is. The week after you are discharged from the hospital. He can't really go anywhere without the press hounding him like maggots over rotten meat. He had to hold meetings online because of the pandemic and you had to attend online lectures since you were unwell after the surgery. It was nice to see him at every corner where you were. He had his office remade to house another desk for you so you don't have to use the dining table. So when you are typing your thesis, you would trail your eyes to where he is and watch his mouth turn into little pouts as he proceeds thinking. He responds dramatically to every hiss and winces you make. Concerned washed over his face. He lets you borrow his computer when yours was taking too long to update and you have a lecture to attend while he uses the iPad in the living room so he won't bother with his pressing questions towards his planning department. He learns that you like coffee in three ways: bitter, sweet, milky—depending on the mood of the day. He accommodates it, accordingly. If it is bitter, it's black, 1 teaspoon of coffee, no sugar, no milk. If it is sweet, it's 1 teaspoon of coffee, 2 teaspoons of sugar. If it is milky, it is 1 teaspoon of coffee, and 2 teaspoons of sweetened condensed milk. Bitter is for days you require brain power, productivity. Sweet is for days that are stressful and a little anxious. Milky is for days that are good and usually fridays. Seokjin would pass you a mug while he had his earphones on. You would clasp your palm over its warm body while you mouthed 'Thank You' for him to ignore.
The auditing is wrapping up soon, and with lack of evidence to charge Seokjin over the bribing accusations, the investigation seems bleak and uncalled for. The accuser will begin to name names. As to who made him file a false report and why. So for that Seokjin isn't worried—he already knows several names that are going to be on there without question.
Light shone from the hallway downstairs suggests that Seokjin had returned home. You look at the time, rubbing your eyes. The long strenuous hours in front of the computer screen is taking its toll. It's a little past 2AM. He had been distant. A little quiet. Ever since he saw you and Namjoon walking home from the campus. He was peeking through the shades as you both spoke in the garden. You were holding a bouquet made of dandelions and street-plucked flowers. They were from Namjoon. You told Seokjin he picked them from the garden along the campus greenwalks. Seokjin simply nods. Then he says he is leaving to get a contract paper he needs to sign in the office building. You knew it was a shabby excuse to leave the house when he could have had Yoongi deliver them by car. Maybe he needed the fresh air. Couped up in the house isn't healthy. But still. Coming home at 2AM is… unlike Seokjin. Your feet pads downstairs softly. And you saw him sitting by the kitchen counter.
“Might as well stay the night at the office if you were coming home this late,” you tied your hair up in a ponytail to catch him eyeing at an empty green bottle of soju before reaching out for another one. Something’s wrong.
You hurried to pinch his chin and do a scan on his face. He didn't push you away.
His face was busted.
Primed bruises. Dried blood patches at the corner of lips. Swollen cheekbone. Bloodshot eyes. Buttons on his shirt flew off, leaving his chest open. His busted knuckles and chipped nails. He stuck rolled tissue tips in one of his nostrils and there were traces of blood dripped on his otherwise white dress shirt. His blazers were torn at the seams with its strings sticking out.
"I'm fine," he turns away, escaping your hand and proceeds to snap the soju bottle open.
"I hope the other one ends up in the hospital if you came home like this," you dashed to the cabinet and took out a first aid kit.
"Dad knew about our deal," he hung his head low at the same time he put down the bottle of hard liquor, "That bastard Ian told him."
You flipped the clip on the box open and brought it to him. You grabbed his knee and turned him to face you. He looked at you with a heavy lidded eye, chin tilted slightly upward. You fetched a cotton pad and dabbed a bottle of disinfectant on them before rubbing them on his wounds. Gently. His eyelids flutter at the pain. But that was it. He locked his eyes on you and grabbed the soju bottle from the side and drunkenly put the mouth of the liquor between his lips. He tips a little until the liquid enters his mouth in copious amounts. He is quite known to have a higher alcohol tolerance. And to have him in this state of drunk, it must’ve been his 3rd or fourth bottle.
"So I punched the life out of him," he slurred.
"Good job," you hummed, standing in between his knees to treat his wound, "Is that what you want to hear from me?" You tip your challenging eyes up at him. He didn't reply. He just glued his eyes on you. Follow your every move.
"Are you worried about embracing the homelessness?" You paused, grabbing the cotton tip and squeezed a thin amount of ointment on it before you gently graze Seokjin's cut and wound. You grabbed his chin and stayed inches away from his lips. He was docile, and tame. He let you do anything to him.
"You shouldn't be… you have a new project now, you have your own savings, you have made a team that is loyal to you, you have nothing to be afraid of," you kept your voice clear and firm and soft. You also told him how he helped your family get a head start in their life, even helped you afford a house for your parents and helped pay for your medical expenses.
"For the divorce, can I have this house?" You cracked a smile and joked. But he didn't share the humor.
“If I'm honest, you can have anything you want but do you know what I want?” Seokjin bats his eyelashes at you, arching one eyebrow.
With a small smile at the tips of your lips, you hoped to play along with the wounded boy you see. To you right now, he is drunk, beaten black and blue and the words that are leaving his mouth sounds like a tall tale aside from the fact that he revealed what he father knew. But you knew this was going to happen sooner or later. You have somehow prepared for it. The tip of the cotton bud barely touched his skin.
“What possibly could the majestic worldwide handsome Kim Seokjin want?”
“Live a life where I will see you when I come home,” His eyes sparkled with impending tears, and he lifted his left finger and showed his wedding band, “And wear this ring. Falling asleep and waking up next to you.” Not once, his eyes left you.
Your limp arm dropped to your side. The cotton bud followed after.
“If you ask me to live in this house without you, I don’t want to,” he raised his voice, tears spilling on either side of his cheeks, “So you can have it.”
“Seokjin, w-what are you saying?”
His eyes shift, trying to study yours.
“I could take hundreds of punches from my father’s knuckle, and bludgeon with a baseball bat till I am half dead but I have never felt as much pain as seeing you with someone else,” he pounded his fist against his heart repeatedly. Tears falling on either side of his cheek, polling at his chin until finally, create a wet stain on the floor too minute to even be seen. He gathers your hips in his arms, nuzzling his face in your stomach, sniffling. His face turned red from crying. Strong smell of alcohol clouded your thoughts. What is he saying?
“I don’t know when it began,” his voice muffled against your shirt, “Might have been when you saved me from drowning in the pool. Or when you cooked for me. Or when you held my hand in the car. Or when you hugged me at the airport. Or when you called through my phone. Or when you showed me a world I never knew about. Somewhere, I begin falling for you.”
“Seokjin, it was… it was staged,” you unveiled his arm from around you, pushing him back as hard as you can, and you took his chin in between your thumb and forefinger. Trying to pull the sense out of him, “You told me to pretend.”
“You feel it too, don't you?” he pleads, “Along the way, you stopped pretending, I could feel it.” You froze in place. Unable to form a word to your jumbling thoughts. Your emotions were all over.
“Isn’t that why you keep seeing Namjoon? To stop yourself from falling in love with me? I saw you take off your ring whenever you meet him… you gave an impression that what we have is real, sacred, even. You heart trampler, you.”
He releases his chin from your grasp and turns his chair away from facing you. He sways drunkenly along his way to the couch in the living room, just a few steps away. He falls facedown on the seat with one of his legs dangling off one end. You fetched the empty bottles and threw them in the bin. Wiped the counter with a cloth. Collect his wallet from the table. Unfasten his wrist watch. Fixed his dangling leg. Treat his smashed knuckles a little more. Took off his socks. Wiped his arms and legs with wet tissues. You spread a blanket over his body so he could sleep better. Sets his Rolex folded neatly, on top of his wallet and phone.
“I fell in love hard and fast,” you whispered, “Moved on as fast too. Maybe you were right about Namjoon. Maybe I am stopping myself from falling for you even more than I already have. But we’re not meant to be. The math doesn’t work that way,” You sat on the floor by his limp body, folding your leg, knees to chest— looking at his back.
“You’re telling me all these pretty things but it doesn’t erase what you told me before; every time I catch myself loving you, I remember how you told me that I wasn’t enough for you that night on the cruise. And Namjoon never told me that… How can you love me? You’re just afraid of losing things. You never lose things.”
Previously, at noon of the same day.
“You merely see her as a charity work. Some kind of fulfillment, I know who you truly are Kim Seokjin,” Ian scoffed as he cards through the audit works Seokjin had carefully arranged.
Upon hearing those words, a ball of fist formed on Seokjin’s side.
“Like I get you,” Ian said with a thick Australian accent, “You’ve always been rather strange, thinking that you’re a better person than all of us combined… but I see you and your pretense.” He went on to explain how the marriage seemed bogus since Day-1 because he too knew how you were. Marriage was far from your thoughts, you made it clear.
“What’s the word,” Ian strolled around the desk after setting those papers down like they were feathers, then he looked up, dead into Seokjin’s burning gaze, standing under his nose, and he said, “Ah, noblesse oblige*.”
*noblesse oblige: a French expression from the times when the English nobility spoke French and maintains in English the meaning that nobility extends beyond mere entitlement and requires people who hold such status to fulfill social responsibilities.
A punch flew across Ian’s jaw. Bloodied knuckles and busted lips. Bruised cheeks. Seokjin grabs Ian by the collar. He hisses. Breathing heavy. His limp body rose up. Seokjin delivers another tasteful punch. Ian’s back is on the floor as he brazes blow by blow by his former classmate. He shoves Seokjin away after his punches felt weak. Seokjin fell on his ass. Purple bruises form on the side of his lips. Ian’s eyes were psychotic, erratic. He wipes the dripping blood from his chin for a moment and charges back to confront Seokjin. Ringing in his ears. Mind numbing ring. Loud and stinging. His clouded eyes. He couldn’t feel his hands. They seem to have a mind of its own.
Shoving Seokjin to the ground, Ian grapples Seokjin’s collar. A cynical smile drew across his lips. Seokjin’s back slightly lifted as the man above him pulled his face closer.
“Just like high school huh,” Seokjin snickered, tasting the stale blood on his tongue truly bringing him back to the days. Those days were confusing, aimless at most. He lives with neither his father nor mother. He was in all-boys school and was an easy target. He had a collection of broken spectacles. Ian was there to watch, sometimes being the reason for his bruises.
“Noblesse oblige my ass,” Seokjin deeply chuckled, “For someone who claims to know her more than I do, you are really annoying.”
Ian’s smile melts away, turning into a frown.
“You saw her work everyday, you think that was for her? Her father’s a gambler, she is working to pay his debts…” Seokjin sniffles, “My father knew that too.”
So if Ian thought revealing the marriage contract would turn his father away, he was not entirely right. Rather, Seokjin’s father came to advise that the marriage should be dissolved so a genuine one could happen. But Seokjin was not sure if that was what you wanted.
“But divorce is not an option right now,” Seokjin braves, a few hours earlier when he arrives at his father’s office, “Not with the media putting us under the microscope. I have a family to protect now. Not your version of a family, but my version of a family.”
The senior one, with gray hair and receding hairlines replied with a weak gritty voice, looking out the window, “Do what you must. But she deserves a love that is real.” And it left a profound dent in Seokjin’s heart, his father’s words. The way it crumpled his hope, wringing him dry, slapping him into reality. Seokjin himself knew that he wasn’t lying throughout the time with you. And then it plummeted into him, do you think the same way too? That his love wasn’t real?
He was driven home in that state of brokenness, limping to the door at 2AM. His eyelashes bats towards the view of the door of the house he designed, and the view he chose. His heart felt hollow so he tried to fill them up with hard liquors. Not knowing how it will affect him.
When did the lie end and the truth begin?
Don’t you sometimes wish you could read someone’s mind? Just as they come awake, and just as they go asleep. When they stroll around in the garden with a cup of tea in their hands and when they sit in their chair, carding through intricate documents. The lines in his foreheads and what it all meant. His pursing lips and coiled fingers. His silence and sighs. It was only when Seokjin raised his head slightly did you realize that you were staring at him across the room through your desktops and your stationery. He didn’t comment on the rudeness and you were slightly thankful for it.
Curling the escaped locks of hair behind your ear, you switched your attention to the computer screen in front of you. Handwritten notes, sticky notes decorate your desk and computer. Piles and piles of scribbles, half-written equations scattered around. Calendars are riddled with circles and Xs to enunciate important dates and whatnot. Personal lab assistant numbers on the desk right next to the wireless mouse and some bottled snacks in case you got hungry. A cookie jar was brought in by Seokjin. There was a note from Yoongi on them when you received it. Yoongi wouldn’t have bought that the marriage was fake. He was the only one you let see the vulnerable side of you when Seokjin isn’t around. Maybe you did care. But it’s hard to tell. Since you would treat anyone with a story like Seokjin’s the same.
You pitied him. And the life he had.
Sunlight shone through the French windows, projecting it’s light on your turquoise ring and the diamond around it propagated a rainbow on the walls that hit Seokjin’s face. The intense light bothered Seokjin enough for him to squint at the source of it. When he saw that it was your moving wrist, typing on the keyboard of the computer with a face so earnestly burdened by the work plunged by the university, his thoughts quieted down to a halt. He straightens up in his seat and rests his elbows on the side of the table as he reads the document in his hand.
The house will be hers. The cars of her choice will be hers. Her existing medical bills are paid, and the future bills will be paid as well. She will be granted as many helpers as she needs. Her education will be paid by the research and development unit of the company. All her research will be protected under the company’s legislation. She will be employed after graduation and if she wishes to pursue PhD, she can do so.
Seokjin ensured that the settlement was generous enough. For Seokjin, writing and revising all of these divorce papers with the person he was in love with in the same room was difficult. But he could not be selfish, could he? She was right… She had sacrificed her life, to save him. And he could never put a price on that. He knew he could treat her right, but if she doesn’t want to be here, it is not his place to force her. After all, he had said way too many things to even ask forgiveness for. She truly believed that she wasn’t enough for him. Was he afraid of losing her?
He leaves the room for air since the space was too suffocating for him. Digging his hand into his pocket as he exhaled hot breath on the foggy window, he appeared to be entranced with his own deafening thoughts. His hand covered the knob and twisted it open. He steps outside to the garden behind the house. Once in a while, he slouches over the shrub of flowers, thumbing the colourful petals of peonies ever so gently. You looked at the view of his back from the kitchen window, wondering what it is he was doing while sipping down a small sip of warm water. With the divorce settlement on Seokjin’s table, you know that the divorce is coming soon. Anticipation wouldn’t be an appropriate word, but considering the cloudy grey area the relationship is in, you couldn’t help but slightly welcome it.
There was a side of you that wanted to watch him crumble, battered to pieces for the things he had said to you.
And the other, wanted to embrace him for the things he has helped you done, fix and provide solutions for. And a small, rebellious, intense fraction of you wanted to kiss his lips and leave him breathless— as if to say, “It is not I who was not enough, it was you.” And as the thought drilled through you, your phone vibrated an incoming call. Rachel.
Seokjin doesn’t know this, but while he was away for that long, you, on your own account, have met and spoken to Rachel.
She was elegant. Rachel. Very much like his mother were. She exudes an aura of authority and wherever she went, heads turned. Checkered blazers over a thin satin dress. Wide Ray Bans and stacked bracelets. She wore a tiny pendant and Cartier designer rings on her long manicured fingers. She pulled the chair back and sat with a sigh as the waiter approached her with a menu. She beams and asked with a chirpy voice, “I’ll have whatever the chef likes to cook… I asked for roasted quails the last time I went here, and remember how that went?” She gave a knowing smile to the waiter who was obviously uncomfortable with her straightforwardness. Wonder why she chose to meet here if she knew the quails were horrible?
She rests her elbow one after the other on the table, lacing her fingers slowly before putting her chin on top of one knuckle, still grinning, “So, what brings us here?”
“Are you going to warn me not to go near your husband or are you going to declare a setback knowing you cannot win a war you weren't equipped with?” she gave out a deep chuckle. She ensured that you couldn’t miss the judgmental tip of her eyes that went down your entire wardrobe and up again. A cunning smile etched on the corner of her lips. She thought you were going to frown defensively at her provoking nature but instead, you mirrored her moves. You smiled too.
“Such a small, minute world you live in,” you covered your lips with the cloth provided to you, “We are fighting two very different wars, I’m afraid…”
You dabbed the corner of your mouth, in a small attempt to make your voice clearer, “I have a liability that would overthrow you with a word. Senior Kim absolutely hates pushovers like you and if you think your blackmailing would make him force Seokjin to marry you, you’re wrong and terribly mistaken. And two, in the context of war where the prize is Seokjin isn’t a war I would like to fight. My war is against you who attempt to bring down a corporation that helped many with your filthy ways.” You carried on to tell her that being born in an influential family does not make her any less deplorable than the others. After all, influence cannot be passed down. Integrity does.
Upon hearing meticulous and eloquently put insult placed against her, she was served a cold turkey sandwich on her plate and raw quail as a warning by you. You cut through the pieces of steak as Rachel got up in anger, her blazer fell off the chair as she stormed.
“Seokjin had slept with me in the penthouse you both shared,” she spoke through clenched jaws, “We have had fuck on the same bed you lay asleep in,” she emphasized on the derogatory word. You continued chewing and letting out an unamused, “Hm.”
“Love, I think you don’t understand what meaningless rendezvous means, especially when he was blackmailed by you. You’re creating stories here and there, even you yourself couldn’t tell what’s the truth and what is not,” you waved your fork around with your eyes glued to your food, not paying the frantic any worthy attention.
Then she drew an auspicious smile, and she arched an eyebrow at your indifference.
The apples of her cheek rose, when she says, “There’s a necklace with an initial R in the old penthouse he lives in,” as if she holds a pride in it, “And he was married to you already.”
“Rachel,” you called her name like a teacher would to a student, “Stop embarrassing yourself. Why are you telling me this? To make me jealous?” And then it hit you that Rachel doesn’t know that the marriage was fake. If anything, in Rachel’s point of view, she still has a chance of ruining Seokjin’s life. Her goals were to destroy Seokjin solely. Which means you have to pretend to be territorial, but that’s too cliché. The only way to ruin a narcissist idealism, is to react the exact opposite. So you smiled, widely. It frowned her. You could see her chest heaving out of distaste and you could feel that she is physically hurt by the response.
“Darling, you wear your heart on your sleeves. That could be your downfall,” you joined your hand together, and tipped your head to one side grinning, winking, “This isn’t highschool. You make it so easy.”
You walked over to her side of the table and grabbed the raw quail and squeezed them all over her little Givenchy purse.
“You may find Seokjin a little gullible,” you calmly said, and moved to her ear, whispering, “But I’m not. You can try me. And I will gobble you entirely and chew you out, no one will recognize you.”
Then you wiped your oily hand on the side of her perfectly made-up face, and on her satin dress, “The thing about obsessively fixated on one object is that other people around you get disgusted by your obsession that they begin to have loose mouths. It’s safe to say that all the people who had their hands dirty working under you, are wanting to come clean to me. And as a result? I have more proof for your dirty laundry than your little love sick agenda on Seokjin.”
With that grizzly warning, Rachel now understood that she can’t afford to try anything if she wants to stay on the safe side. She may have underestimated you in the past. Now that you played the reverse card, she feels that her knees had given way as she sat on the edge of the chair while you left the restaurant, not quite the same person you came in as.
Rachel informs that she will return to the States. And that she will no longer bother you. How much that is true, has yet to be determined. Stepping out into the kitchen counter, there lies a bouquet of hand picked wild flowers from the garden in the backyard. Picking it up from where it was placed, you put the flower close to your nose and inhaled its scent. You caressed every stem, and imagined you had watched Seokjin arrange every one. Wondering what he was thinking about as he collected them in his hands in this cold, feverish weather. Realizing that no matter how much you were dying to,
You cannot read someone’s mind. Let alone their hearts.
The tip of the Parker pen dances over the paper’s surface forming an intricate line. Done with the signing, you recapped the pen. Your lips pursed in concentration as if you were mulling over the terms. But you felt Seokjin’s eyes on you. Six weeks— the words repeated in the back of your head. The divorce papers will be finalized in six weeks. Since there are no disputed properties, it will not take long. And since the marriage isn’t real, the divorce didn’t feel like one. You were still staying in the same house even after a day the divorce papers were signed. The remaining six weeks will be a rollercoaster.
To be continued…
Copyright © August 28th, 2021 namjoonchronicles do not repost, and thank you for reading :)
[Note] Sorry it took so long TT__TT
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cf8wrk4u-us · 3 years
Now that I'm thinking of a crossover between TFPxUndertale (thanks to you). Now I would like to know some interactions with the Autobots and Decepticons meeting the Undertale characters.
(Updated Ask! Very Long😅 There might be a Part 2)
No one knows how it happened.
Was it because of the new artifact the group found?
Was it because of that new computer program that Ratchet was working on?
Or was this just an act of Primus himself?
Because this all seems impossible.
Because just after playing the Undertale game, power and electricity surges through the base. The power goes out for awhile before coming back on.
But when it does the Cybertronians and human noticed their are suddenly more people in the base.
Team Prime immediately recognize the name and are taken aback to realize that the major characters of their favorite human RPG game are currently standing solid and very real in front of them.
The monsters group, consisting of Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, Sans, Papyrus, Mettaton, Flowey, and their human friend Frisk are equally as shocked. Except Papyrus, who just smiles at the giant robots saying.
That is until Optimus finally speaks calling Asgore by name that most of the Undertale group becomes on edge or just confused. With Undyne drawing out her spear, Toriel pulling Frisk behind her and raising a fire ball in one hand, and Sans standing in the back with one of his eyes glowing ominously.
Asgore has yet to summon his weapon but straightening his shoulders he looks directly at the tallest robot, the one who said his name.
"Yes, I am Asgore" he said "And who are you"?
Optimus and the group immediately try to calm the game characters down. Explaining that they are no threat to them but they tell the group that unfortunately they are currently in a world different from their own.
They really try to skim over the parts that their fictional character that they played with intimately but do say that they have seen their lives and know their story.
Unfortunately it's Optimus who has to give them the sad news that the peaceful surface they were heading to was not here.
He explained who he is, who his team were, the brief history of their people, and the secret war that's going on on this planet.
He makes it a point to warn them about the Decepticons and their threat to the humanity.
The Undertale characters are disheartened to say the least. There they were a few minutes ago ready to go to the surface and finally see the sun, leaving the darkness behind for a life of peace. Only to end up on a version of earth where a war is currently taking place and the planet could be destroyed any day now.
Papyrus is the only one to try and brighten the mood, telling his friends brother that sure things look bleak, sure there's a war going on, sure their separated from their original world and their friends.
But they were on the surface!
The could finally see the sun, the stars, and even other humans!
"LOOK THERE ARE SOME RIGHT NOW"!!! He said, waving to Jack, Miko, and Raf.
The three waving back nervously.
The monsters seem to brighten up at this and Asgore as if there are was a way outside.
Team Prime eagerly said yes and hurriedly showed them to the top of the base. It was evening at the time and the group of monsters and their young human charge were treated to the Jasper desert sunset.
The Cybertronians and the humans were practically giddy to see the delighted looks on the game characters faces. It was just like a scene from the game itself. If they could the Autobots would have cried, actually the humans members of the team did cry.
From that day on the group coexist within the base. Optimus tells the Undertale group that they were welcomed to stay as long as they needed.
He told Asgore and the group "While we don't know how you came into our world, I promise you and your people the same protection we have extended to this planet and it's populace"
Asgore is grateful and promises that he will in turn offer whatever help he could towards their war. He really gets along with Optimus. Both of them seen as leaders to their race, both who carry a tremendous responsibility to their people. And both fighting in a war crucial to their race. He dosent want Optimus to know the defeat and hopelessness he has. Yes Asgore has done terrible things, Optimus is not blind to it or ignores it, he has killed innocent children for Pits sake!
But Optimus also realizes that everything Asgore did was for the sake of his people. As a leader he was forced to make hard choices, choices he may have fully had his heart in. Choices he himself would never want to be placed in front of him. Asgore reminds him a lot of Megatronus before they parted on bad terms. Only Asgore is repentant of his actions, in the game he was prepared to give Frisk his soul so they could return to the surface and was even willing to adopt Frisk. Even knowing that this was stopping the monsters chance from going to the surface.
Asgore is very interested in learning about Cybertronian culture and about space in general, he's thousand of years old and has only know see the stars and celestial bodies from earth's perspective and that was before the barrier was sealed! And in turn Optimus wants to learn more about monster culture, specifics that the game didn't touch on. They often enjoy conversations over a cup of tea and a cube of energon. Ratchet and Ultra Magnus also become good friends with the mountain king, appreciating his mature company.
Alphys really wants to learn all she can about how her friends could have gotten to this world. And it's a surprise to Team Prime when Ratchet to enthusiastically offered to help. The both enjoy talking about science, Alphys wanting to learn about Cybertronian science and Ratchet wanting to learn about magic and it's applications. He knows Alphys is self conscious and has a low self esteem, so he does his best to remind her that she's a brilliant scientist. He really resonated with her story with the amalgamations, knowing as a doctor the need to want to contribute more to your patients and the people your protecting. And the guilt that consumes you when you cause more harm than good. The synthetic energon was his amalgamations. Alphys also likes hanging out with Miko and the kids, she's always asking Miko questions about Japan and anime. And is very excited when she learns that Team Prime has a groundbridge and she could literally visit the country in minutes!
Undyne is pretty bummed to be separated from her friends and fellow guardsmen and the peaceful life she wanted with her girlfriend is now on hold. But she certainly isn't going to sit back if a battles going on. She's trained half her life for a war so she might as well fight in this one! The whole thing reminds her of a mecha anime Alphys showed her. She really gets along with Bulkhead and Wheeljack and the Wreckers in turn. She constantly ask them to spar and though Bulkhead is hesitant Wheeljack knows she can take it. Undynes fighting prowess follows her out of the game and even if her spears can't pierce most of the bots metal armor she smart enough to aim for the weaker body parts like the digits, joints, and optics. The two are always daring each other to do dumb things like Wheeljack daring Undyne to pick up one of his swords and swing it or the fish monster telling the mech to suplex Smokescreen or Bumblebee.
She gets along with the kids and is constantly asking them to let her bench press them. Miko is her favorite though. The girl begging the monster to please teach her magic and some of her fighting styles. Undyne is unsure at first of involving someone so young in the war and teaching her to fight but Miko argues that she wants a chance to fight for her planet. That really moves something in Undyne, she sees a lot of herself in the girl. So she trains Miko and is a pretty good teacher. (Remember she trained Papyrus). She even learns the girl has similar hobbies to her, like piano. There was going to be a competition to see who can play a better solo and then throw the piano the farthest. Toriel and June put a stop to that😅 She also likes hanging out with Arcee, one of the few female warriors in the group, though her too loud attitude does get a little on the Femme's nerves a little
Mettaton loves the models of the Cybertronians and is always trying to asking for maintenance or polishing tips, both for his new and old form. He even offers to give the bots a few MTT line brands for half the price. To bad none of the bots have any gold. Smokescreen really likes hanging out with him. Sure he's egotistical, self-centured, and kind of flirty; but he's no Knock-Out. He's one of the few monsters that the bots could relate to physically and complain to one another about stiff joints and dented metal. Mettaton hates the idea of metal burn on his beautiful body. He's often asked to preform and sing by the younger bots and kids. Though they kind of get annoyed when Mettaton gets pushy with his make-over offers, as one time Bumblebee took him up in his offer and was caked in bucket of glitter afterwords. Though he's happy to be on the surface he's sad to now be involved in a war. Plus he's really worried about his cousin Napstablook and his fans back in his world. None the less he's offered his deadly glamor to the Autobots and with Alphys help can now more easily activate his NEO form.
Papyrus is so excited to be on the surface! And he's already made so many new friends! Both human and giant robots. Though he's confused on how all of them know so much about him, he simply reasons that the reputation of the Great Papyrus transcends even to other universes!
He gets along well with the youngest Autobot scouts and them in turn, especially when he reveals that he can understand Bumblebee's binary. He thinks it's a very interesting way to talk, though he understands it's a result of a wound.
Smokescreen and Bumblebee really like Papyrus, he was one of their favorite characters in the game and someone they relate to a lot. They're the youngest in the team, with as much experience as they have on the battle they still deal with wanting to prove themselves and contribute as much as the rest of the team. But it's hard not to feel self-conscious when in the presence of  the older warriors and with their leader. Fearing they'll never be good enough to give back to their faction and protect the people they care about. But Papyrus doesn't have that fear, despite how disappointed he is at not being in the Royal Guard yet he still trains hard and does his best to support his people, like when he wanted to catch Frisk in order to give them to Undyne because he knew that monster kind really needed a human even if he didn't know why. All the same he has his principles and would never do anything against his friends, demonstrated when he let the humans go, convinced Undyne to be friends with them, and even offered his phone number to them for emotional support.
When coming to this world and realizing a war is going on for the sake of the planet, he isn't shy to offer his help. Even sparing with the bots alongside Undyne. He proves to be just as versatile with his bone attack as the Ex-Royal Guard is with her spears, creating obstacles and projectiles. Unfortunately his blue-attack has little effect on the Cybertronians giant bodies but still most of his attacks could cause damage and be especially affected. The look on Smokescreens face when Papyrus summoned his giant bone was as Miko sputtered "Priceless"! 
So yeah, the skeleton is someone the scouts have mad respect for. He even became really popular with the human children, playing with them, showing them tricks with his magic, and making puzzles just for them. A favorite game they like to play is racing, where one of the kids and Papyrus pairs up with one of the scouts and goes for a race outside. For this the skeleton basically dresses to the nines, with a stylish helmet, racing gear, and a pair of cool glasses.
Papyrus and the kids even created a new game called "Human Hunting '', which is basically like tag but incorporates puzzles and magic traps much like in the game. It's great fun but it makes most of the adults and Autobots uncomfortable.
Though after Agent Fowler set up a living space for the base new occupants it became a fast rule that Undyne and Papyrus weren't allowed in to set one foot in the new kitchen. Not after Undyne nearly burned the place down and especially not after Papyrus gave all the human sick after making some of his "famous" spaghetti
Sans is his usual self, still as lazy and sleepy as ever. The thing is the skeleton sometimes naps in the most unusual and inconvenient places. Like if Miko and Jack pester him to please stop sleeping on the couch because they want to play games he'd stretch and disappear only to teleport on top of the T.V. 
So yeah the shorter skeleton naps everywhere; on the stairs, on the pipes, on top air-vents. One time Ratchet was heard scolding Sans for napping on the ground-bridges key-boared. So, yeah, he's basically like a cat.
He's pretty easy going and most of the humans and bots like him. He likes talking with Bulkhead and Wheeljack, learning about Cybertrons more casual culture. More specifically what jokes and puns they use. The skeleton thinks it is the best use of his time to know what it is to know on how to make his new robot roommates laugh. 
This of course drives Ratchet and Papyrus crazy because of course Wheeljack has to tell San the corniest jokes there are in Cybertronian. Agent Fowler isn't too much of a fan of his ether, given when the liaison went around introducing himself to the monsters when he shook the skeletons hand a whoopee-cushion was at the end and released a fart sound that sent half of the base howling.
 Though as much as he gets along with Team Prime and them in turn, there's just this awkward feeling everyone has. The group knows that Sans is the only one who remembers the timelines, some of them have even fought Sans in a Genocide route. The group feels terribly guilty for what they've unknowingly done to him and Frisk but are two afraid to say it. Sometimes when they're talking to the skeleton, they remind themselves to be careful of what they say in case they give away how much of the game they played or seen.
Sans in turn can't help but feel kind of strange around the group deep down. He's never been around a whole group of people with this much EXP or LV on them. But that's not what's bothering the monster. He feels like their hiding something. 
At the same time he's sure that he'll wake up one day to be staring at the ceiling of his bedroom back in Snowdin.
All the same he's still friendly and courteous, offering to help Alphys in supporting Ratchet in his ground bridge and figuring out how they got here. Though the bots knew that he was probably very confident in combat they knew better than to bring up that subject.
Toriel had hoped to forget everything about war and death once she reached the surface with her friends and new family. But she was thrust into another one, one that threatened the lives of all who dwelled on Earth. Including her child and the rest of her people. All the same, the boss-monster vowed to do everything she could to protect everyone dear to her. 
Toriel is soon dubbed as "base-mom", much to the annoyance of Miko. As the goat-monster is quick to make sure the children are never behind on their studies and homework, making sure they're eating healthy snacks and having an appropriate amount of screen time. 
She was quick to give Team Prime a scolding when she heard they got children involved in their war, but that soon passed and was happily conversing up with the Autobots. Everyone just felt so at ease with her, she just radiated this maternal energy. June had especially become fast friends with her; both of them chatting away about June's day at work and Toriel's time as queen, their experience with motherhood, cooking recipes, and trash ex-husbands. Toriel is happy to learn whatever first-aid that June teaches her, thinking that it could be useful. The human mother also confides a lot in Toriel, often about her fear of losing Jack one day on some mission. And understandingly validates her fears, remembering her own children. Asriel, Chara, Frisk, and all the ones lost in the underground. She wouldn't wish what she went through on any other mother. But at the same time, she reminds June that as much as we wanted to shield and protect our children, their lives are their own. They'll make decisions one day that could lead to a dangerous path and there is nothing we as parents could really do, only be there to support them if they stumble.
Toriel also loves talking to Optimus, Ratchet, and Ultra Magnus, mostly about the interesting history of Cybertron, its culture, and a bit about the Primuse. The older bots are quite endeared to have such an attentive listener. Though the talks are often cut short when Asgore shyly tries to join them, Toriel politely gets up and leaves. The Autobots find it quite shocking how Toriel's face could change from a happy smile to outright disgust in the presence of her ex-husband. When some of the bots, mostly Optimus, try to talk her into forgiving Asgore she is quick to shut that down. Often gesturing to the kids and telling the Autobot that Asgore had killed 7 children. Some as old or even younger than their own charges. That quickly shuts them up.
But what really endeared everyone to the goat-mom, is that she figured out a way to make energon-pie!
(I have a headcanon that magic could help turn usually inedible objects into edible ones; such as with Temmie Flakes, the water-sausages that make up Hot-Dogs and Hot Cats, and the glitter plus sequence that make Glam-burgers. But it takes a lot of skill and intent in ones magic to make it taste good)
Feeling bad that the Autobots were limited to only energon as a food source while on earth, so after Ratchet told her how energon is usually prepared and ways it could be cooked. She and Alphys found not only a way to distill the crystals into liquid but to jell it as well. Toriel also found a way to crush the energon crystals in order to make them into a pie crust. The tricky part was making a pie tin. But thanks to Bulkhead she was able to turn some flattened metal, bending it into surprisingly durable pie-tins. Then all it took was using her fire magic in a controlled heated space in order to bake them.
The Autobots are pleasantly surprised to wake up to two giant energon pies. One that was made with baked energon and one that was made with chilled jelled energon. While Ratchet, Arcee, and Ultra Magnus were doubtful of the "food", the other bots were pretty interested in giving these pies a try. They were all pleasantly surprised that not only was it edible but tasted extremely good! With Bulkhead and Wheeljack clearing one pie on their own, Toriel had to scold them lightly to let everyone have a piece.
The humans are a little jealous that they can't try any of it, but Toriel fixes that and makes some of her famous Butterscotch pie for them.
Now there's Flowey, and oh boy Flowy.
The flower wasn't the friendliest character even before the True Pacifist ending. While in the base he's rude and sarcastic to everyone, even his fellow monsters. 
The Autobots and the humans on Team Prime try to be nice to him, knowing that this soulless-flower was once the small and sad monster, prince Asriel. But it's really hard to keep being sad for him when he keeps acting so unfriendly and snarky. He honestly reminds most of the team of the Decepticons Seeker. The only ones he seems to tolerate are Frisk and Papyrus. As the striped shirt human is especially determined and Papyrus because he's just so stubbornly nice.
Things become worse though as Flowey overhears a conversation that reveals that the members of team Prime have played the game, not only that they've done it multiple times. Even killing the characters in the game.
He takes demented glee in revealing what he's heard to the group when the monsters are out of ear shot. Cackling as he called them a slew of names ranging from "murders", "killers", "tortures", and something that hites a lot of the Autobots "hypocrites".
"Does it feel good to make the people you slaughtered feel welcomed and safe" he said "Do you think its funny how friendly they are to the people who helped kill them"?
Miko is the one who snaps when Flowey off-handedly threatens to tell the others the truth and the girl snaps back that maybe they should tell them who Flowey really is.
"We're not the only ones keeping secrets, right Asriel"!
This puts Flowey in a rage to a point he shoots at the girl with one of his pellets. But in return Arcee pulls out her blaster and fires at the flower. The soulless monster dodges away but at that point everyone has their weapons drawn.
At this point they stop seeing Flowey as someone to be pitied but the threat that he is given he was the games main antagonist. 
Optimus implores Flowey to please remain civil, he apologizes for his actions but will not allow the flower to hurt anyone. At the same time Ratchet is also quick to add that as long as we keep "unpleasant" information to ourselves then the cohabitation they all share would remain peaceful. 
So it's a stale-mate between the soulless-flower and the Autobots, it's not perfect but at least there's no risk of the truth being revealed. 
Finally there's Frisk!
Like everyone else Frisk was surprised that they ended up in another world, let alone one that had giant robots. They are worried about the war that's conspiring in this universe, scared that their new family and new friends would be hurt. 
All the same, though this new world is exciting, their family is happy, and they've met so many good people.
They have become fast friends with Raf and love playing video games with him, Frisk also loves hanging out with Miko and Jack. The two acting like older siblings to the youngest new team member. Everyone gets along fine, playing games, exploring, or just hanging out.
Most of the Autobots are very fond of Frisk, though it was rather awkward when the child out of the blue began flirting with the Cybertronians. Ratchet nearly spitting up his cube of energon when the child skipped over to him and said with much confidence.
"My GPS must be on the fritz, because I'm lost in your optics"!
But they couldn't lie that seeing Frisk feels them with a lot of guilt. This child played as their avatar throughout the game. They had influenced their choices without their consent. Something that went against the very purpose of their faction. Yes, it was a game but now that this child is real and standing before they realize the gravity of their choices. Of what they influenced Frisk to do.
Frisk hasn't tried to use their save yet, honestly they're not sure if they still can. For now they don't want to risk it and potentially lose the friends they made in this world. All they can hope is that there never comes a day where they will need it.
So that is how things are with team prime and the characters from Undertale that they unintentionally called to this world. 
Becoming fast friends with each other and exploring the surface together. Being careful as Agent Fowler advised. Oftentimes they visit Jasper if they need to do a grocery run or just want to look at a human town. Disguising themselves as best they can, though it's a real struggle for the monsters who are especially sensitive to the heat. It really impresses the kids how excited the monsters are when they visit Jasper, which is far from the most exciting place in the county alone or even the state. 
And when they're not doing that they often help with scouting for any energon deposits and help bring them to the base.
It was a peaceful month or so.
But of course the Decepticons showed up.
(To Be Continued......)
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