#i might upload the mermaid one later today tho
toabelovednightmare · 5 years
Summer days
Characters/Pairings: Martin and Luciano. Brarg (?)
Notes: I decided to connect this fic to Chiaroscuro. Basically, Martin is a nude model for Luciano’s college drawing class. There’s enough UST between the two to clog your pores. 
Also, I wrote this for the Brarg Week 2k19. 
This is Day 1: Coffeeshop
I wasn’t planning on posting it, but what the hell. Here it goes : ) enjoy. I’m going to try to upload the other days (I have a couple more already done) and catch up to the week e v e.
Warnings: none.
Martin couldn’t recall why he had thought that walking from the gym back to his apartment would be a good idea. It obviously wasn’t; it was summer and the sun rays blazed mercilessly over the downtown. His skin was burning and thick sweat drops dripped down his forehead. Actually, his whole being was covered in sweat. He was suffocating, near death, when the sweet vision of a tiny coffeehouse on the corner of a street appeared before him.
He had never heard of the place, but fuck it. Martin would happily drink dirty water if it meant that he would get to sit in a room with A/C. He hurried inside, immediately noticing that it was the kind of hidden indie place where college kids usually hang out. It wasn’t that weird, considering that he was still in the perimeter of the arts school where he part-timed.
After taking a quick glance at the people sitting at the tables, he chose to sit down at a booth near the window and looked at the cardboard menu in front of him. Tears almost rolled down his cheeks when he realized that they served mate. If it wasn't so damn hot and if he didn't still feel like a melted ice cream...
“Oh, wow." Martin's head shot up as soon as he heard the familiar malicious tone of voice. Nope, he hadn’t heard wrong. Luciano was standing there, with an apron, a notepad, and a cynical smile plastered on his face. “So now you’re stalking me. No offense, but it’s kind of creepy.”
Martin decided to play it cool.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He muttered under his breath. Just loud enough for Luciano to hear.
"I work here? Duh?" Luciano replied, huffing out a laugh.
Dammit, of all the places on campus where the art student could've worked. And of all the shifts he could have had. And, of course, of all the days, he had to pick the hottest--the one day Martin  would be forced to walk inside that weird coffee place.
Play it cool, Martin. Play it cool.
"You work? Wow. And here I was thinking that you were just another entitled rich art school kid. What happened? Did you flop a class and daddy refused to pay for it?"
He smirked at the dark haired boy. Luciano’s own smile flaked. The student furrowed his brow, visibly offended.
“That’s none of your business,” Luciano hissed. He lifted his chin, and gave him that nasty side smile of his. “At least I have a job where I actually get to wear clothes.”
What? Martin thought. Was that damn kid really crossing that line?
“What is that supposed to mean? What are you trying to say?”
Someone cleared his throat loudly. Very loudly. Martin glanced to the back of the store, where an old man in an apron was working the cash register. Luciano clicked the top of his pen. Through gritted teeth, he replied with animosity.
“What would you like to order?”
“Bring me a fucking mate.”
“Okay. A mate for the psycho.”
Luciano took note. Or pretended. Martin could have sworn that he had barely made a line or a scribble.
When he went to grab the menu, Martin held on to it.
“Funny’ you’d have the balls to imply that I’m a whore when you’re the one that keeps coming on to me.”
Luciano huffed loudly, and pulled again to no avail.
“Give me a break. I get enough of you at class.” He pulled once more, but Martin wasn’t over yet. His wish to strangle Luciano was clear in his eyes. “Besides, isn’t that what hoes do? Sleep around?”
“I don’t sleep around.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve heard very different stories.”
Martin let out a loud sarcastic laugh.
“Have you ever heard the saying ‘the thief thinks everyone steals’? I bet that ass is the only reason you get good tips, isn’t it?”
Luciano gave him a disgusted look. No, it wasn’t disgust. He looked baffled. Dumbfounded. Like he had not expected Martin to out smart him like that. He should have. All that teenage lust must have clogged his brain or something.
Luciano pulled the menu and finally caught Martin off guard. His face had acquired a reddish tone, and his tongue wasn’t as sharp anymore when he mumbled, “I’ll bring your fucking mate, you dick,” before turning around to retreat to the kitchen.
Martin tried his best to suffocate the evil little laugh that crawled up his throat. He followed Luciano’s path towards the back of the joint. His gaze, however, did slide down the back of the angry waiter.
He pried his eyes off as soon as he realized what he was doing.
Fucking kid. He deserved it. Martin had had enough for a day with the damn sun. Now he was hot and bothered, and all because Luciano couldn’t keep off him.  
Luciano was probably going to spit in his mate.
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