#i miss good boy ashfur
I still don't get how squilf and bramble get together within like the first few chapters of sunset. He's literally a dick to her every other few sentences in her twilight chapters. Also I feel so bad for squilf in twilight. She keeps talking about how much they went through together on the journey and how she wishes they were still close. And I'm just like BBY girl you are trauma bonded to that man. He is literally the worst. Please get some help and leave his stupid ass.
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sparrowsoupp · 10 months
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so a ‘swiftpaw lives’ au is nothing new here BUT hear me out:
in this au, everything happens as it does in the first arc up to the night where swiftpaw and brightpaw sneak out of camp to fight the dogs. as they are leaving, cloudtail somehow sees/hears/notices and is obviously suspicious so trails them into the forest secretly.
as they get closer to the dogs’ den he realises their plan and confronts the pair, trying to get them to return to camp. swiftpaw is defiant and argues back, escalating into a fight as cloudtail tries to physically knock some sense into swiftpaw. brightpaw looks on in horror trying to break up this fight. this is obviously not a very quiet battle, considering the participants are two bullheaded teenage boys, and so the dogs are woken up anyway.
swiftpaw leaps into action as brightheart freezes in paralysing fear. as a dog lunges at her, cloudtail notices and leaps into the dog’s jaws, pushing brightpaw out of the way in the process. in a burst of fear and strength, brightpaw notices swiftpaw unconcious and unable to move with a missing leg and grabs him to run away, escaping from the dogs and leaving cloudtail to bleed out and die (hence the main catalyst for differences in this au: cloudtail dies in swiftpaw’s place). she doesn’t realise this at the time, hoping cloudtail will understand since he is still up and fighting, and not thinking about the consequences of leaving one cat alone to fight a pack of dogs.
bluestar renames them in the same way lostface was named in the original arc, brightpaw being renamed lostface and swiftpaw being named dogleg, and fireheart is ANGRY with the pair (and himself) for the needless loss of his nephew’s life. no renaming ceremony is held, and they are made to keep their names in rememberance of their foolishness. (sidenote: i think this would also spark a major shift in fireheart’s good nature and personality, leading to MAJOR knockon effects for the rest of the series, but i haven’t thought about it too much yet and also i need to reread the books) and because cloudtail isn’t around to advocate for lostface’s warrior retraining, she is relegated to be a medicine cat and never really emotionally recovers in the same way she could in the books because cloudtail isn’t around to offer her that emotional support. she also very much blames herself for letting him fight a battle that he never signed up to fight and dying in the process, the overwhelming levels of guilt weighing on her constantly to the point where cats are a little creeped out by how empty even her remaining eye looks.
on the other hand (paw?), dogleg is left seething with anger and bitterness towards his clan. (i imagine him after the attack as a somewhat ashfur-like character, except much more extreme) a lot of his toxicity and anger would be taken out on lostface, one of the only cats he talks to anymore, and instead of brightheart and cloudtail entering a very healthy and positive relationship instead lostface ends up in a secret (VERY toxic) relationship with dogleg. she remains attached to him i think because of the trauma they experienced together. i have to think more about that, though. (maybe even kits?)
in the end something something dogleg forces lostface to start poisoning food as the clan’s medicine cat to take revenge on other cats like bluestar or fireheart. i think this culminates in dogleg turning very traitorous somehow.
that’s what i have so far! feel free to sends asks/tag with suggestions or ideas of knockon effects of this change. thanks for reading this big ol paragraph of me rambling about cats lol, appreciate y’all 🦭👍
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wildshadowtamer · 1 year
Ok i gotta share this. So, im rewriting the warriors books, right? Like every writer in this fandom has at least thought of doing. And i got to the end of the new prophecy, where hawkfrost didnt get killed but instead dragged into living in thunderclan.
But i'm making book 7's for each of them, for extra content and to explore what happened inbetween the arcs. So, Hawkfrost joins Thunderclan after the firestar assassination attempt, and obviously hes being held prisoner, but Ashfur's still around and was the one to help orchestrate that plan, but no one knows it. Unfortunately, Ashfur is the least subtle man in existence, so hes being really bad at acting like he doesnt know Hawkfrost. And Squirrelflight, who is aware of her sister's whole thing, looks at the two of them and goes "Ah, that must be his mate" bc why else would Ashfur be acting so weird around Hawkfrost
So she asks Leafpool about it, who, without missing a beat, responds "Yeah i saw them at Riverclan's border a few nights ago, i think their together" and it takes Squirrel a good 30 seconds before she says "wait, why were you near riverclan border at night?" And leafpool is just like "😬 no reason hahah"
So then Squirrel is like "ohhh ok so both of them have riverclan mates, boy am i glad Ashfur isnt into me"
This belief continues until the po3 fire scene and only then does it click that ashfur was, in fact, in love with her. Hawkfrost never clarifies if they were mates.
Many moons later, Leafpool has a laughing fit when she finds out Jayfeather also has a riverclan mate.
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skitter-kitter · 3 years
Fic Masterlist
Most of my fics are listed here for the sake of organization! (Last updated 7/3/21)
New Beginnings
Technoblade (the streamer) is sent into the Dream SMP, and must rely on Dream to survive in this new world. (Set during Tommy’s Exile!) Lots of angst and codependency! There are currently four parts out of this series.
MimicVerse Knockoffs
A series of stories inspired by Subl1m1nals own series Mimic Verse, wherein an evil version of Technoblade takes his counterparts place. Tommy is the only one who notices Techno’s change in personality, and tries to prove to the rest of their friends that this is not their Technoblade. (Set outside of the Dream SMP!) Lots of angst and hurt/comfort from Subl1m1nal, and a ton of angst and pain from my series.
i will be changing soon
An SCP AU based on the Sleepy Bois Inc. Family Dynamic! Centered on Techno! A fair amount of angst and violence.
certain things will never go back to how they used to be
A fic based around Sam, Quackity, and Dream’s mentality during the first day of Quackity torturing Dream. Angst, with some blood and violence. 
phantom home
A character study based around Sam and his relationship with Las Nevadas and Pandora’s Vault. Lots of angst, and some pseudo-fluff.
bodies in the basement
A Sam-centric character study based around his torture of Ponk, Tommy’s death, and his relationship with Quackity. Angst, blood and violence! Read the tags!
A Quackity-centric fic about 3 times Sam helped Quackity and one time Quackity helped Sam. Lots of angst and violence, but with a happy ending!
indulging in you
A soulmate AU based around Schlatt and Quackity, and the impact that their soulmarks have had on one another. Angst and a character study! 
One Day (One Hour)
A Schlatt-centric fic about Schlatt being stuck in a time loop after his death. Lots of angst and manipulation from Schlatt!
the greatest sacrifice
A character study of Skeppy during his day trapped in the Egg, and what caused him to turn so apathetic toward everything he used to love. Angst, hurt no comfort!
A Single Orange Rose
A Fundy-centric fic based around Fundy and Dream’s marriage. Angst with a healthy dose of unhealthy relationships!
our home in hell
A fun fic based around Technoblade and Quackity both being raised in an illegal hybrid fighting ring. Lots of fluff, (because I lost motivation to write the chapter where the angst starts up) but a lot of violence and children getting hurt.
A Tommy-centric fic based around five times Tommy got hurt, and the one time someone helped him. A lot of angst with some comfort at the end!
our patchwork family
A fic based on egare’s ( @elpalaccio ) chaos, she politely knocked, based on the mystery of where Tommy was staying while Quackity was dealing with Technoblade. This is a mix of a Tommy and Sam character study, with some angst and humor thrown in!
pawn to e8
A fic based on egare’s ( @elpalaccio ) chaos, she politely knocked, wherein Quackity is a shapeshifter and after the failed execution he is forcibly recruited by Dream. The original has a lot of angst and found family, and my fic carries the angst train by giving Quackity’s POV of his breakdown in chapter 11.
Best Friend
A Glatt-centric fic based around the idea that he’s forgotten his life before death, but unlike Ghostbur he is not remembered for the “good” he did in life. Lots of heavy angst!
evolution of the smartest
A Pokemon AU that centers around Technoblade and his journey to becoming champion! 
in my heart, in my hand
A Sapnap-centric fic wherein Quackity has been dead since Technoblade’s execution. Lots of angst and grief and major character death!
open arms
A fun cracky fic based around “what if Quackity proposed to all his enemies (and friends) and they had family reunions every few months”. Tons of fluff and fun! Oh also some Fundy angst lol
you could be happy
A Hogwarts AU that centers around Technoblade, a mis-sorted Hufflepuff, and Dream, a Slytherin, and their quest to find a spell to control others. Angst, with a character getting caught in a blizzard!
three of a kind
A fic inspired by dappledleave’s healing: achieved underground, a Quackity-centric fic based around his time in Pogtopia! Since it’s all Quackity’s POV I decided to do a character study for Schlatt, George, and Fundy from healing. Just some general angst!
your worst fears come true
A Sam-centric fic based around Wilbur’s revival, and Sam’s hesitation to kill the intruder at the time. An exploration of what would happen if Tommy died a second time in Pandora’s Vault. Lots of angst and completely canon divergent.
Love and Loss
A fic based around the theory that Sir Billiam III and Sheriff Sherman Thompson are brothers, and that John John is the Butler! Some fluff and some angst, plus some canonical major character death!
A Techno-centric AU series where Technoblade joined the Badlands after the Red Festival! Mild angst!
heart and soul
A study of Techno’s relationship with the staff of Hypixel. Fluff and found family!
Star Wars
A fun peek into a “Maul trains Ezra” AU! Lots of angst and canon divergence!
Family Reunion
An AU wherein the Bridger’s take refuge with the Rebellion, after they believe their son has died. After fifteen years, they reunite with their son, who has become Maul’s apprentice in their absence. Lots of angst and feels!
a better version
A canon divergence of the “Visions and Voices” episode wherein Ezra manages to convince Maul to help him save Kanan and Sabine. Lots of angst and canon divergence!
our final night alive
A character study about Maul and Savage and brotherhood. Lots of angst, as is typical with these two.
nobody to love
An AU where during "Visions and Voices” Maul sees Savage’s ghost among the Nightsisters. Fairly short, but lots of angst.
fantasies of a better future
A fic inspired by @doorsclosingslowly​ ‘s fic Your death is a number but I cannot count that high which is a Savage Lived AU on angst steroids. My fic is an imagining of the reunion between Savage and Maul, before said scene was written! Lots of angst, as per usual.
acidic words
A fic about Dathomirian’s tattoos and how their meanings change in a world filled with soulmate-identifying marks. Some angst!
keep breathing
An AU wherein Ezra is found by the Inquisitors at a young age. Some fluff and angst, and a surprising amount of found family content!
legacy of kings
A fic based around the Haunted Dark Saber Theory (anyone who uses the Dark Saber can see/is possessed by the past users) wherein Maul becomes the Mand’alor, fights his former master, and loses his brother, all in a matter of hours. Mild angst.
standing on forgotten memories
An outsider POV of a Maul getting de-aged fic. Some angst and some vague mentions of Maul’s childhood.
the most honorable thing
A fic about Maul finding his way to the World Between Worlds, and saving his brother. Some angst with a happy ending!
Cardooine Chills
A sickfic with Savage taking care of Maul. Some angst and hurt/comfort.
Marble Hornets
heresy of heresies
Tim timetravels back to his childhood. Angst.
squeeze you empty
An Alex Lives AU wherein Liu Woods finds him in Rosswood Park. Blood, injury, and angst.
handfuls of dust
A sequel to squeeze you empty wherein Masky reunites with Alex. Angst.
who controls the past controls the future
Alex is stuck in a time loop based around the day Tim kills him. Angst and violence.
hold me close
A platonic soulmates AU. Lots of angst.
a smile, a hug
A fic about Masky being the Dad of Slender Manor.
flowers blooming, lungs aflame
Hanahaki Disease is a symptom of Slender Sickness. Angst.
a flare in the night
A fire starts in Slender Manor. Some mild angst.
time heals no wounds
A fic about Sally and playing with the “a traitor in Slendermansion” trope. Lots of angst.
Harry Potter
just send me home
An AU wherein Harry is a seer working for Voldemort. Lots of angst and violence. Read the tags.
Buteo Jamaicensis
A Hawkfrost character study. Heavy angst and hurt no comfort.
hand in unlovable hand
An AU of Into The Wild wherein Firepaw loses to Brokenstar, and is held captive by the Shadowclan leader. The fic is set many, many moons later and deals with the consequences of Firepaw being missing during that time. Lots of angst and major character death.
Déjà Vu
A fun Ashfur character study based around his time in Starclan and how he feels about Hollyleaf and Hawkfrost. Some angst and blood.
A fic about Hawkfrost being chosen for the New Prophecy quest instead of Brambleclaw. Lots of angst with a sprinkling of Riverclan loving Hawkfrost.
omitted from history
A fic about Feathertail meeting the original founders of the Clans. Some angst and fluff.
Tangled: The Series
Factory Reset
A fic about Varian getting his memory wiped during “Rapunzel’s Return”. Lots of angst.
Weeping Angels
A fic wherein Varian gets trapped in the amber instead of Quirin, and Quirin goes on a quest to the Dark Kingdom to free his son. Angst and emotional hurt no comfort.
love languages
A fic co-authored by my friend i_am_not_a_bird about the soulmarks of Rapunzel, Cassandra, Varian, Eugene, and all of the Brotherhood! Lots of angst, as per usual!
Axiom of Maria
A fic wherein I finally got Moonstone!Cassandra and Varian to team up against Rapunzel after four months of planning. Some angst, but mainly it’s a character study.
Gravity Falls
It’s Called: Freefall
A fic based around a Bill Wins AU, and a Dipper from that universe timetraveling back. Hopefully, to fix things. Lots of angst and violence, some character death.
burn you right up
A fic inspired by Child_OTKW’s Broken and Lost, a fic about Reverse Falls and how Weirdmageddon went in their universe. My fic was my own imagining of their childhood before the fic happened. Lots of angst and unhealthy relationships.
Missing: Heather Chandler
A fic inspired by cipherdoodle’s The Ballad of Heather Chandler, my fic is set directly after Heather and JD go on the run and their resulting conversations. Lots of angst.
36 Questions
fondness is just another word for regret
A character study about Jase’s thought process during the two-year time skip. Mild angst.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
i’ll be by your side (even in death)
A character study about the relationship between the Player and Partner Pokémon after the Player’s “death”. Some angst and hurt/comfort and complicated relationships.
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skyyclan · 4 years
Anyone want the summary I gave my friend about Warrior Cats The Broken Code: Darkness Within?
Too bad you're getting it anyway.
Dont smite me for calling ashfur as "ex", it was funnier that way
Listed in order of what happens
"Baically, still in the arc about deranged ex coming back and possessing the awful husband of the woman he's been pining over for years
1. Said woman reveals that she figured out it was him
2. They spend more time trying to get him to say it, leading to him being creepy as fuck over her
3. One of the three main characters, the one who can see ghosts, is worried because theres now a sudden lack of ghosts
4. Thunderclan, the one who is in shambles because of their leader being possessed and all these guys being huge dicks to the woman who is now in temporary leadership because of shitty reasons
5. Bunch of cats leave Thunderclan because of this, raising tensions
6. Other main character gets demoted because his superiors are worried he ranked up too fast (he was ranked up because of the ex who he thought was Starclan and shit)
7. Ghost-boy and the Thunderclan main character Used-To-Be-Spy have this weird ongoing 'romance' even tho they both agreed it's not a good idea. This goes through the whole book
8. They end up going on a trip to find Ghost-Boy's kin who can also see ghosts. They teach him he can also talk to the fucking earth
9. They bring his kin back and they do a ritual to try and help the clans find the missing spirits, only to summon the very-much-in-pain ghost cats, only some of whom are actually their ancestors, and they're like melting and dying and wailing and shit, like full on suffering. Only the kin, ghost-boy, and his dad can see this. Oh also crazy ex ghost is there and grinning at them and shit
10. This inspires everyone to once again be like "should we kill the husband's body so the ex is no longer possessing it. This is met with mixed reactions.
11. Demoted-boy is stuck watching possessed husband/ex and the dude reveals he has amalgamated all the other ghosts with his own soul and is controlling them all and using their energy himself (and can control their spirits individually too)
12. The clans eventually decide to kill husband's body, not knowing about the amalgamation.
13. Wife goes to sacred puddle to mourn when they go to kill him ghost-boy follows to comfort her
14. Demoted-boy ends up freeing ex at the last second
15. Crazy ex goes to sacred puddle and tries to kill ghost-boy and ends up dragging himself and wife into said puddle to bring them both to superhell, leaving ghost-boy alone
End of book"
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magic-pistachio · 4 years
a veil of shadows thoughts + predictions for broken code
hey even though NO ONE asked, I’m about to write my reaction to veil of shadows. obvious spoilers below the cut.
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HEY so let’s TALK about veil of shadows. honestly? this was a pretty baller book.
okay. loving bristlefrost’s character. she’s a good gal, and I thought her actions were pretty consistent. I like that she has combined ambition but also humility; she knew that she wasn’t meant to be deputy, and she wasn’t a jerk about trying to keep the title. I love the promise she kept to Squirrelflight about protecting Bramblestar’s body; she’s clearly in a complicated position between the rebels and technically wanting that dude ded but also respecting the wishes of her superior and a grieving gal. wow I’m really barely coherent right now. eating pasta and it just tastes really good, guys.
shadowsight. my boy. I drew him as a little guy based on the pokemon Shuppet. I LOVE this boy. he’s combined shy and also completely selfless and brave. when the HECK will the other leaders believe him and what he’s seeing.
rootspring. love him a lot more in this book. drew him as a hippie boi. flowers galore. I loved his scenes with Tree, and I respect the character development where he’s slowly getting more and more used to himself and his abilites. [is it a yikes that he’s just starting to believe in his own worth because other cats have gotten use out of his abilities, kind of like a rudolph storyline? yeh but not completely]
so like. fakebramblestar. I’m not being original here when I say it’s ashfur. I think it’s been made pretty clear, but I love hearing other people’s theories. not gonna be a jerk about saying “what are you TALKING about it HAS TO BE HIM.” I think the final nail in the coffin there was when he was depressed over squirrelgal’s departure, and wanted her to return. he wanted her to finally WANT him. and that didn’t come true. I honestly kind of wished he was a little more violent with the codebreakers, just for the sake of...to quote a muppet’s christmas carol, “decreas[ing] the surplus population”. exiling them was pretty tame, but also, if it’s ashfur, he’s probably gonna stay a little tame and not be tigerstar the first -esque with constant blood baths.
speaking of tigerstar the first. mistystar. let’s talk about her. I agree with lots of people that her behavior is uncharacteristic; she’s a half-clan cat herself, her brother died defending half-clan cats [SHAMLESS ADVERTISING PLUG: if you’re reading this and dont know i have a comic about stonefur and blackstar in starclan,,, visit my blog to see it pls]. something I think could have remedied this is I think they should have leaned more into leader’s fears of dying right now. starclan isn’t a hundred percent around. mistystar, probably on one of her last few lives, doesn’t know if outright dying again will still let her return to starclan. i think it’d have been nice if they emphasized that mistystar [and harestar for that matter] might be terrified of starclan’s lack of presence, and be desperate to bring them back. and i mean desperate. also i like to think mistystar just hates mothwing. i always got the sense that she just resents that she exists. like no real explanation. i think we’ve all irrationally disliked someone in our lives. bring it into warriors.
berrynose. what happened. I know he’s annoying and haughty but would he really participate in murder? sad that he was “eviscerated” but can I simultaneously love that he was “eviscerated”
i love the rebel group. and i love tigerstar taking in anyone who was rejected. 
and may I just say that I absolutely LOVED graystripe’s scene. so much so that I want to paint it realistically and probably will.
OKAY, so predictions/thoughts for the rest of the series:
fakebramble’s identity will obvs be revealed in the first few bits of the next book. not sure what’ll come of the rest of the plots after this. maybe more ghosts will start to possess bodies? maybe harestar has already been possessed when he lost a life, and it’ll show up more next book? maybe lots of ghosts want OUT of the underworld, and want fakebramble to allow for more possession? maybe there will be accusatory witch trials where everyone’s trying to prove that they are indeed themselves and not anyone else?
I love squirrelflight, but I would really like a fresh, young start with the leader. what I’d like is a really angsty scene in the final battle where squirrelflight is fighting fakebramble, and struggling to just wound him without killing him, and bramble’s ghost appears and is like “it’s ok you know what to do” so she’s gotta kill her mate’s body and it’s angsty as heck. she somehow dies from wounds or whatever soon after, and they can walk back to starclan together. if we want series continuity maybe they can do the lil “one cat” pawstep thing that was in the new prophecy [or something...listen I haven’t read the series in a long time]
if the other leaders get possessed then i want a similar angst thing with crowfeather having to kill harestar, but losing the battle. yeh i want crowfeather dead. he’s fine i just want the angst.
i always wanted lionblaze as leader and then breezepelt as another leader so they’d have their ensuing half sibling drama but nah. he’s gettin too old. bristlestar would be a baller leader.  i miss leader pov during series.
i’m expecting big drama as the warriors try to redo the code perhaps? halfclan relationships being entertained, cats fighting over the real code. it’d be mad interesting if by the end the code was actually revised. 
anyway. i’m running out of things to think about. my spaghetti bowl is empty and my brain fuel’s gone. yes I should write professional book reviews. this was all very professional wasnt it????? ny times here i come.
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pleckthaniel · 4 years
My Thots™ on the theme of Broken Code and what comes next WARNING: VEIL OF SHADOWS SPOILERS
Ok so basically they’ve narratively set up some things that I don’t think they would bring up if they weren’t going to come back, and I just wanna list those out so if something happens later I can be like ‘called it’
Basically the themes of this arc seem to be twofold - it focuses a lot on codebreaking and whether it is actually a good or bad thing obviously, but also on Obsession
Examples: Ashfur is the clear villain and is motivated by his obsession with Squirrelflight. Bristlefrost opens the series obsessed with becoming a warrior and wooing Stemleaf. Harestar and Mistystar are explicitly said to have become so obsessed with the idea of bringing StarClan back that they are willing to follow another leader’s orders and exile their own people. The Clans in general are so obsessed with bringing StarClan back that they send warriors to the Moonpool, a sacred place, to literally physically attack it. Shadowsight becomes so obsessed with the idea of justice that he commits (temporary) suicide. There are more I could list, but I don’t want to make this too long.
Essentially, the series seems to be asking - is obsession a good thing or a bad thing? and, how far are these characters willing to go for the things they have become obsessed with?
Because of this, I’m 100% certain that somebody is going to come break LBramblestar out of Cat Jail, probably next book. It’s possible that Harestar and/or Mistystar are going to have a change of heart and send their warriors to do this, solidifying their cult of obsession around him. It’s possible that some cats will simply decide to do this within the Clans because they’re unhappy with the way things have gone.
Squirrelflight is already preoccupied with protecting Bramblestar’s body, but she’s going to become so obsessed with it that she refuses to move ThunderClan into action against him when it comes to that point again.
Also, Squirrelflight is referred to without her leader name in the blurb for Darkness Within, so her inability to go get her nine lives is going to be a plot point for sure, and it’s possible she’ll have to deal with a coup like Onestar did because of this, maybe from LBramblestar’s cult of personality.
Rootspring will become more involved with the problem of getting all those goddamn extra spirits to StarClan. This leads to - he may die in order to accomplish this goal? This series has a very high body count and already temporarily killed Shadowsight fucking twice, and Kate said that the name Rootspirit would fit our boy by the time everything was said and done. At first I wasn’t sure what that meant, but given that the ghosts were referred to as spirits like 75% of the time this book, I mean...
This is more of a hope than a prediction, but basically, Ashfur said ‘there are ways to move between those realms if you’re clever enough’. The only other cats in canon who have managed to do this were:
 Thistleclaw (chased out of StarClan into the Dark Forest according to lore)
Spottedleaf (one time randomly showed up in the Dark Forest to guide Jayfeather back to StarClan, which, OK)
Tallstar (visits Jake sometimes according to lore, which if we retcon past worldbuilding to fit current worldbuilding, means that he can essentially move back and forth between being an on-overworld ghost or a StarClan spirit)
Feathertail (moves between Tribe of Endless Hunting and StarClan)
Possibly Ravenpaw (told Barley he would find him after death, but also showed up at Bramblestar’s leader ceremony and says he’s only kinda a StarClan cat IIRC)
Maybe more??? But I don’t recall any more, so please LMK if there are others I’ve missed
This is all to say, hopefully one of those^ is involved in the plot to kinda explain where Ashfur learnt it from. I’m hoping either Tallstar or Feathertail, since Ravenpaw deserves peace LMAO and I’m kinda done with Dark Forest centric plots. We’ve seen plenty of them. Let’s get some StarClan worldbuilding pleasssse.
As much as I don’t want to get my hopes up, I don’t see how they can possibly get away without having some discussion of how Ashfur got away with being accepted into StarClan, being forgiven by virtually everyone including Hollyleaf, and seemingly acting like a normal dude while dead for literal years. So unless they retcon like crazy, this arc is going to have to spend some time in StarClan getting to the bottom of this.
They also have to explain the mechanisms by which Ashfur managed to do all this, and why he chose to do this now instead of ever doing it before. So yeah, he’s gonna get more character development as a necessity of the plot.
I think this arc is definitely going to end on legalizing interClan romance and maybe erasing some of the other stupid rules (medicine cat celibacy, no changing Clans, etc). They wouldn’t set up stuff like Bristlefrost and Rootpaw, and morality questions re: the code, if not.
Kate also said at one point that every Clan would get a mediator, and I think it would be incredibly stupid not to do this, so even though she’s gotten things wrong before, I tend to believe her on this one. That’s going to have to happen at some point.
and one last big thing.... I think we’re going to get Bristlestar. The evidence for this relies partly on the assumption that the editing team does in fact want to please fans, but tends to bungle it up through sheer incompetence rather than malice. Evidence follows:
Someone has to introduce the proposal for changes to the warrior code, and I can’t think of a leader who would be motivated to introduce these particular changes at this moment. Bristlefrost is uniquely motivated not just because of Rootspring, but also because she has grown up grappling with the notion that the code isn’t always right, while this idea is new to most older warriors.
Parallels seem to be fairly deliberately drawn between her and Fireheart when she is made deputy - the Clan protests loudly at her appointment, she faces scrutiny form nearly every cat as a result, and she has to essentially tend to her mentally ill leader as well as run the Clan by herself while he’s sick, both of which are full-time jobs. The fourth book of the original arc focused pretty strongly on Fireheart’s struggles with these tasks, and while Bristlefrost has the position only temporarily, the parallels are still there. She’s also written as a sort of cluelessly anxious character - much like Fireheart when he was young. I suspect she’s purposely being written to remind us of him.
Parallels also seem to be deliberately drawn between her and Ivypool, as she is pretending to be loyal to the villainous group in order to spy on them, at a great personal cost. A pretty vocal segment of the fandom wants Ivystar in large part because this sort of moral sacrifice would make her a good leader; another vocal segment does not want Ivystar because Ivypool can be self-centered and cruel. I think it’s entirely possible that the editing team sees Bristlefrost as a way of pleasing both segments of the fandom.
Most of the fandom has been vocal about wanting more female leaders for years, and most of the fandom has been vocal about wanting younger leaders for years, and Bristlefrost fits both of these criteria.
TL;DR My predictions are as follows: LBramblestar breaks out of Cat Jail, Squirrelflight’s leadership is weak and not backed by StarClan, Rootspring maybe dies, StarClan worldbuilding happens, Ashfur character development happens, the warrior code is changed fundamentally and permanently, and Bristlestar becomes the new ThunderClan leader
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russetfeather · 4 years
more reviews! spoilers for Hollyleaf's Story, Mistystar's Omen and Cloudstar's Journey.
Hollyleaf's Story - I loved it a lot! I was always curious at what happened in the tunnels and how Hollyleaf coped and learnt how to adapt there. it was interesting! Fallen Leaves I liked, but he annoyed me at some points but I do understand why he annoyed me, so it's okay. I love how the erins tied the story in with the main books, since I remember Hollyleaf leaving the yarrow outside of camp, Bramblestar sending a patrol around the top of the hollow and Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves discovering Sol and the WindClan cats in the tunnels! I recommend reading this and I give it a 8/10! (few points off because not much happened, she just walked around. also bonus point for flashbacks about killing Ashfur at the start of the novella)
Mistystar's Omen - I loved this one! finally, a pov in RiverClan! I wish it had been under better circumstances though, Leopardstar's death was tragic, but I think Mistystar was a good replacement. I disliked her argument with Mothwing a lot. it annoyed me, but I could understand why she was annoyed at her. Stonefur's appearances made my heart melt, he's very sweet and I miss reading about him. we don't see much of him in StarClan after his death, so it was nice to be able to read about him again. the way Mistystar resolved her conflict with Mothwing was okay?? like "omg my clanmate's dying, Willowshine doesn't know what to do, and I just fired the only person who did, oh dear I'll have to get her back" you shouldn't have fired her in the first place lmao- I'll give this story a 7/10, for effort and also Stonefur
Cloudstar's Journey - oh boy, my favourite one of this novella series! it was so interesting to read about SkyClan's brave and secret leader, who was never to be spoken about in the Clans again. I sympathised with him a lot, it must have been so hard, giving up everything that you love, even your mate and newborn kits, to move territory and be forgotten by the Clans. I loved the last line, it just showed how done he was with everything, a true sign of giving up: "May StarClan go with you!"
Cloudstar turned and fixed a cold glare on the ThunderClan leader. "StarClan may go where they please," he hissed. "They have betrayed SkyClan. From this day on, I will have nothing more to do with our warrior ancestors." ... "StarClan allowed the Twolegs to destroy our home. They look down on us now, and let the moon go on shining while you drive us out. They said there would always be five Clans in the forest, but they lied. SkyClan will never look to the stars again." 8/10 for coolness
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I get what Ashfur did was bad, threatening the life of many cats. (Don't kill me) but it really wasn't all his fault, he should have taken the rejection yes but in reality there were many points in the book where Squirrelflight was flip flopping between brambleclaw and him. She kinda led him on and yes his reaction to it was bad but it's not all Ashfur's fault. It honestly takes two to tango. But he was given a second chance by starclan, yes I feel like the DF was a good plot line for him. (1/2)
But he's in starclan and that's just that. Not saying Squirrel is at fault just saying that BOTH parties could have handled shit better. He's in starclan and we can't do anything about it 🙃 the message yes is wrong but the Erins made way bigger mistakes like in Spottedleaf's heart. I don't agree with him not getting no punishment but from what the books show, he learned his lesson and moved on. (2/2)
I think when Squirrelflight lead him on it was completely unintentional. She valued him as a friend and I think she was trying to see if he would have been a good mate choice. Ultimately she realised that he wasn’t the guy for her and she let him down slowly. Ashfur reacted horribly as we all know. I do not think Squirrelflight is to blame for any of this, it was all Ashfur. And I do believe no one is to blame for how Ashfur reacted and what he did next apart from Ashfur.
The main problem with this is despite being told Ashfur learnt his lesson, we never saw it. We just got a “oh he apologised.” And that’s it. He conspired to murder 4 people, including his Clan leader. We never saw his apology/ies and he didn’t take the opportunity to apologise to Squirrelflight either. Not only is the attempted murder an issue, but his attitude is. His attitude is something a lot of men unfortunately have today. Due to the way we act as a society young boys are often raised to think they deserve the affection of whatever girl they pursue. It’s everywhere. In movies a woman who hates a man at first will be ultimately won over by a grand romantic gesture, perform an act of heroism in front of a woman she’s yours, If you treat a woman nicely and be her friend when she’s experienced a breakup - she will be your girl. Ashfur shares these attitudes.
I think the Erins have missed a huge opportunity to show that these attitudes towards women are not acceptable and should be punished (obviously along with all the murderous attitudes, but that’s a lot less applicable to real life).
It’s especially annoying given in this book Squirrelflight and Leafpool are interrogated and almost disallowed into StarClan for much, much less.
Maybe he did learn his lesson but as I said, we saw none of it and that gives the impression he was let into StarClan while still being a muderous incel and then maybe he changed after?! But again, we never saw it. We never saw him admit his mistakes or how he apologised to those he hurt. He hasn’t apologised to Squirrelflight herself after all and she’s owed to biggest apology of all. She was in StarClan for at least a day, he had plenty of time to approach her.
I’m so sorry if that came of harsh, I really didn’t intend for it to come off that way, I just wanted to explain why it is so wrong to me that Ashfur was let into StarClan and how I feel that no one is to blame for his actions except him and why the writing team has messed up so bad with the whole situation. And yeah you’re right, we can’t do anything about it and that sucks.
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Back to the Future: Resolved Among The Stars (StarClan)
There were many cats in StarClan, Bluestar mused as she padded around in search of her sister, Snowfur. Many had died after the Great Battle, including her successor, Firestar, but many more lived on.
"Hello, Bluestar!" Stonefur meowed from where he and Mosskit chatted happily on Warmrocks.
"Hello, you two. Having fun?"
"Yes!" The little grey and white she-cat flew toward her mother, but Bluestar stopped her from crashing just in time. "Stonefur was telling me about what RiverClan was like! It was fun!"
"I think you would have liked ThunderClan better." The blue-grey leader purred mischievously. "ThunderClan rules!" Bluestar snickered.
"ThunderClan rules!" Mosskit chirped after her mother.
"Hey!" A red-furred tom with bright green eyes padded over at the sight of his family. "I take offense to that!"
"Father!" Mosskit barreled into Oakheart, who received his daughter with open paws. "I bet it's true!" She grinned.
"Yeah, sure, kit. RiverClan cats can swim, but what can you stinky ThunderClan cats do?" He challenged playfully.
"We climb trees!" Mosskit yowled. "Look, Father! I can climb!"
Stonefur, Oakheart, and Bluestar watched as Mosskit scrabbled onto a low-hanging tree branch from a nearby rock.
"Very good!" Bluestar purred. "Now get down before you hurt yourself!"
Firestar glared down at the pool to the living. He'd been in StarClan for more than a quarter moon, and he missed his Clan desperately. It wasn't fair! Why did he have to go when Sandstorm still needed him?
"You can wish all you want, but she won't join you before her time." A dark grey she-cat with a broad, flattened face and piercing orange glare loped over to where the great ginger leader sat. "None of them will."
"There's no use in complaining, but what's the point of StarClan when Sandstorm isn't here to make everything perfect?"
"StarClan is here to wait on those living and help them spend their lives the best they can, so that when they join us it is without regrets."
"What do you know about regrets, Yellowfang?" The ginger leader snapped. "Or Sandstorm and I, for that matter?"
"I know plenty about regrets, young tom." She reminded him. "Your hurts will be smoothed over time, but you cannot interfere with the living. There are plenty of cats in the same predicament as you, Firestar. You are not alone."
The grey medicine cat left her would-be son to his own devices. He would have to learn.
Silverstream stared through a different pool with similar results. At least Greystripe seemed happy with the life he led. Who was she to get in the way of that?
"You shouldn't torture yourself." A gentle voice murmured from not too far away. The silver tabby whirled around at the presence of a new cat. He was ThunderClan by scent, a sandy grey tom with blue eyes.
"My name is Thrushpelt, and I once thought Bluestar hung the moon and scattered the stars." He chuckled softly.
"Her heart belonged to another, and I eventually figured out that she could never love me that way. Certainly, no one could force her to do anything she wasn't interested in."
"You make moving on sound so easy," Silverstream scoffed.
"Whoever thinks that has moss for brains, because moving on hurts. It takes time that you don't want to spend alone and patience that you don't want to have, but mostly it takes understanding. If he really has moved on, then you'll eventually have to do the same."
"Seeing her with him… at least I know he loved me once. But their poor kits… she's definitely no one's mother."
"She never did seem the type. Bluestar was all over the camp chasing after her kits. Always growling at anyone who dared to look at them wrong. Losing them, even the way she did, it broke her. I don't know this cat well enough, but she seems too… unattached."
"I feel terrible for being so selfish. She's done nothing to me. Has done more for me than I can say. But…"
"You love him. That might not go away." Thrushpelt offered, flicking his tail. "And it doesn't have to, because some part of him still loves you. I mean look at her."
"There are plenty of grey cats around." Silverstream snorted.
"Oh, it's more than that." Thrushpelt deadpanned. They snickered.
"I feel bad for her kits." The RiverClan she-cat admitted. "I know that my friends and family did right by Stormfur and Feathertail. They turned out wonderfully…" She purred thoughtfully.
"I don't think, had I been around to raise them, that I would have done as good a job. So I'm kind of glad that I wasn't. But I watch her with her kits and… I just want to scream every time she pushes poor Blossomfall away. And by the Stars, it's a wonder that Bumblestripe turned out the way he did. But then maybe Greystripe had more of a paw in things than he was willing to show."
"Well, the kid's no Ashfur."
"Ugh, do not dare mention that wretched tom! It's a wonder no one has tried chasing him across the border, that-."
"He wouldn't survive there. And someone here knew it. His actions later in life were absolutely reproachable, but overall he was a good warrior. I have to believe that, or what does that make me?"
"Better than that fleabag, for sure." Silverstream scoffed. "I might not approve of what Millie does, but that doesn't mean I want her gone! He just… ugh, I don't get why."
"Ask him someday. He's of sound mind with plenty to reflect on. He might give you a straight answer."
"Hello," Cinderpelt bristled before the sound of the familiar voice reached her ears. She hated when cats snuck up on her. Getting shocked out of your fur was not fun, no matter how many times Squirrelflight tried it as an apprentice.
"Whitestorm, Lionheart." She dipped her head to the white tom and the golden tabby in turn. "What can I do for you?"
"I say we start with a walk and go from there." Whitestorm offered. "There are some things that were never truly explained."
Yes, there were. Like why Lionheart wasn't their father even though they'd grown up with him. Or why one of her littermates was named after a golden ShadowClan tom that looked eerily similar to him. Or why she had a completely dark grey pelt when nobody else, not even her mother's parents, were anything remotely resembling her. The closest she could possibly fathom was Fuzzypelt, and he was pure black. 
If Lionheart was her father, she could get it from Smallear. Maybe something like a duller version of Fuzzypelt's… but that made no sense. Even now she had no clue who her father was. Her mother had never wanted to talk about it with any of them, but Cinderpelt knew she stood out. Like a fox in the leafbare snow, she stood out against her literally golden family! 
No one ever teased her for it, and she never felt that she was lacking as a kit. Lionheart was great, at first. But then he got Greystripe for an apprentice and he stopped seeing them that often. Then he became deputy and he couldn't play with them at all. She'd never asked Frostfur out of respect for her mother. Why bring in any unnecessary grief? Frostfur would tell Cinderpelt when she was ready.
"I suppose you're wondering about your true heritage." Her mother's uneasy voice drifted to her ears.
Apparently, Frostfur was ready.
"I fell for a ShadowClan tom in my youth. Brackenfoot."
"So my brother was named for his father?" Cinderpelt snorted. "Wasn't that a little risky?"
"It was a one-time thing. I'd just become a warrior and boy, was I reveling in it. Bluestar was so proud of me! I was perfect, just like my sister. We got away with everything until Willowpelt and the tortoiseshell twins became warriors. I fancied myself in love, but he never told me it was a onetime thing. He certainly never told me that he had a mate."
"Whoa… when did he get a mate?!"
"Well, he was a ShadowClan cat. Much older than I was. I was looking for some attention and I found it… oh, did I find it. I tracked down his mate not too long after you all were born, told her everything, all but broke down in front of her… she just stared at me. I had no idea what she was thinking, but eventually, she said that it wasn't entirely my fault. 
He made his decision, and even if it hadn't been me, he would have found some other young cat. It was a bad habit of his. She made me swear to never tell anyone who fathered my kits, and I was perfectly okay with that. Brindleface never told anyone who fathered Ashfur and Ferncloud either, so I was glad to know I wasn't the only one. Besides, we queens are allowed to have a few secrets."
"So we were, what, mistakes? And what about the part where I'm my mentor's younger sister?!"
"You are absolutely no one's mistake, sweet one. I need you to remember that, no matter what happens from here. I love you and your brothers with the heat of a million stars, and knowing who your father is won't make me stop."
The last thing Bluestar remembers is playing with her youngest and feeling happier than she had in moons.
The last thing Thrushpelt recalled, he was talking to Silverstream about letting go of someone you couldn't have.
Firestar was wrapped up in the trauma every StarClan cat felt when they first arrived, and likely would remain so for half a moon. There were plenty of cats waiting and willing to help him through settling in. The ginger leader of ThunderClan would be fine.
Whitestorm padded easily beside Lionheart, hoping that Cinderpelt and her mother talked things out and Frostfur would, at the very least, no longer be an anxious wreck. Perhaps even pleasant.
Cinderpelt was shocked beyond belief. There was an old rule that queens didn't have to tell Clanmates who fathered their kits. This was definitely why, she realized.
A dark wave washed over all of StarClan and the voices of the First Ancestors could be heard for miles.
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Darktail laid beside Daisy on the edge of camp as they shared a large squirrel that Hollypaw caught. He was listening to his mate as she filled him in on the current kits she was watching in the nursery when raised voices caught his attention. His ears swiveled to face the camp entrance and he recognized the owner of the voice as Ashfur. His dark blue eyes stared intently at the spotted tom as he continued his current argument with Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw.
‘He seems to pick a fight with them every day.’ Darktail pondered as he took an absent minded bite of the squirrel. Cats around the camp turned their heads stiffly in an attempt to ignore the scene unfolding in front of them. Darktail took note of all the bristling pelts. Even cats that were putting up a good front of indifference had their pelts betray them. The argument seemed to subside, and Darktail began to turn away, when he noticed the intense hatred burning in Ashfur’s gaze, which was currently directed at Squirrelflight. Darktail felt his fur begin to stand on end at the intensity behind it. Before he could react soft fur brushed against his flank and he jumped.
“What’s going on over here?” Ferncloud asked as she settled on Darktail’s free side.
“Oh, nothing much.” Daisy responded, batting Darktail across the ears. “Darktail was just ignoring me.”
Darktail spun his head around to gape at her, mouth open in defense,but Daisy let out a soft mrrow of amusement and shut him up by pressing her nose to his.
Darktail shook his head and sighed, a soft smile on his face. When he looked back to Ferncloud she was blinking fondly at them. The tension had finally started to ease from the camp when a screech rang out once more.
The sound of Ashfur’s raised voice made Darktail’s head whip around. His claws flexed involuntarily as he eyed the gray tom who was staring hatefully at his nephew. The three cats watched as Ashfur turned and led Lionpaw out of the camp. A soft sigh came from his left and Darktail turned to stare at Ferncloud. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head sadly as she plucked absentmindedly at the feathers of a robin.
“I don’t know what’s happening to him,” she whispered sadly, her eyes wet with emotion. Darktail draped his bushy tail over her shoulders and felt his mate get up and move to settle at her other side. Daisy gently groomed her ears as she went on.
“We used to talk about everything. He’d come visit the kits, he was such a good uncle. He hasn’t even so much as looked at Foxpaw and Icepaw.” She screwed up her eyes. “We all knew how much mother’s death affected him. But even then he was still close to me. Then he started showing affections for Squirrelflight, and now he does nothing but antagonize her. He won’t even spare me a passing glance.” She took in a shaky breath. “I’m so worried about him.” She fixed the two cats with a tired stare. “Is bad I want to comfort him and box him in the ears at the same time?”
Daisy and Darktail chuckled and Daisy wasted no time in returning their conversation onto happier matters. Darktail resumed his meal as the mollies talked, but he couldn’t get his eyes to leave the camp entrance. He had grown accustomed to Ashfur’s sour mood after moons of dealing with it, and had had to jump in more than a few times when he became a bit too aggressive with his sister, but something about his attitude today rang alarm bells in his head. His whiskers twitched anxiously (a habit he had picked up from his father), and he finally heaved himself to his paws. There was no way he could just sit here, he had a bad feeling.
Daisy and Ferncloud looked up at him as he shook out his pelt and flexed his muscles in a long stretch.
“I’m going to go see if Mom will join me for some hunting,” he explained, eyes landing in the cream molly speaking to Brambleclaw across the camp. “I need to stretch my legs.”
Daisy and Ferncloud nodded, though he could tell they knew where he was really off to.
“Be careful,” Ferncloud mewed.
“And behave,” Daisy replied, swatting him in the face with her fluffy tail.
Darktail chuckled and headed over towards his mother. As he approached, he saw her ear twitch in his direction then watched her head swivel just in time to see him before he shoved his head up under hers. Sandstorm purred a greeting, licking his ear before nipping it gently in annoyance.
“Big fur ball,” she growled good-naturedly. Darktail laughed as she shoved him away, then drew his gaze over to Brambleclaw and blinked warmly at him. The good mood soured, however, as Sandstorm and Brambleclaw locked eyes again. Darktail crinkled his nose as he looked between the two cats.
“This is about Ashfur, isn’t it?” He questioned. Brambleclaw sighed and Sandstorm’s tail twitched in response.
“He’s been getting worse lately.” Brambleclaw murmured, his eyes gazing distractedly around camp. “I understood him for a while. He really did have feelings for Squirrelflight and I knew they wouldn’t just go away overnight. I knew he’d be bitter with us for a while.” He turned his eyes back to the two cats in front of him. “But it’s been moons since Squirrelflight and I became mates. We’ve been nothing but cordial with him and he still tries to pick fights.” His claws flexed in the dirt. “And now we have kits. I think it set him off somehow, I can see the way he looks at Lionpaw.” His voice tapered off into a growl. Darktail felt his lip curl as he remembered the way Ashfur had treated his nephew earlier.
“I know,” Darktail growled. “I see it too.” He turned to look at his mother. “I’m honestly afraid he might do something stupid.”
Sandstorm hummed in thought while Brambleclaw snarled under his breath. “I’ll shred his ears.”
Sandstorm stood up. “There will be no need for that. I’ll talk to Firestar about this.” She looked between the two toms. “I can’t do anything to punish him right now, he may be annoying but he hasn’t really done anything egregious yet.” She silenced Brambleclaw with a flick of her tail when he tried to argue. “But, I will speak to him, hopefully Firestar will as well. What he’s doing is wrong, and if your suspicions are right we’ll want to nip this in the bud. At worst Lionpaw will get a new mentor, but we should try to remedy this as peacefully as possible.”
“I guess you’re too busy to go out for a hunting trip?” Darktail asked. His mother stopped on her way to the leader’s den.
“I can’t right now. I need to take care of this first.” She flicked her tail in annoyance. “I also need to create a patrol to go check those tunnels, I’ve been smelling a lot of WindClan scent around them and i don’t like it.” Her eyes softened then as she gazed at her son. “But if you do want to go out on that hunting patrol, make sure you tell me what you find.” She winked at him and Darktail purred in response as his mother walked away.
“Do you still want to go on that hunting patrol?” Brambleclaw asked, his eyes glinting knowingly. Darktail smirked a bit and brushed shoulders with the older tom companionably as he walked past.
“Of course. Are you coming with?” 
He heard Brambleclaw chuckle and heard his pawsteps following him.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
I’ve had this bad boy written out for a while. This takes place in the Darktail AU, right before Ashfur attacks Lionpaw. Here, Sandstorm is deputy and Ashfur is a known threat (though threat might be a strong word, everyone is a bit weary of him. They don’t completely ignore his coldness and aggression like in the books but he really hasn’t done anything so bad to be punished, so they’re in this weird limbo on how to deal with him). I might add on to this later, once I reread some of the PO3 arc, but as it stands this is all I got lol enjoy!
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alisterbittly · 5 years
Presenting Team RABW (Please don’t hate me)
Percival (R)edfield Alexander (A)shfur Lily (B)loomfield  Micheal Good(w)ill I was inspired to finally post these characters of mine after reading through all of my LGBTQ+ books. I was afraid that these characters might end up hurting/triggering people, but I realized that goes with every character out there. So after finally gaining the strength to actually finish these character’s back stories I think it’s finally time to post them. Bios: Name - Alexander Ashfur Age - 22 Race - Rabbir Faunus Gender Identity - Bisexual Male Preferred Pronouns - He/Him Associated Colour - Black Occupation - Casino Worker/ Full time Hunter (Beacon Alumni) Weapon/s - Jackpot!!! (Hand Cannon), 54 Lies (Razor Throwing Cards), Hand to Hand Combat Semblance - Stacked Deck (The ability to steal the luck of others and replace it with bad luck, kinda like Qrow’s but it trades in active control of the semblance with the intensity of how much bad luck is given in trade of the stolen good luck.) Personality - Calculating, a bit cold, Persuasive, Logical, has a soft spot for kids. Background - A total mystery, even to his teammates, he is almost always with a mask to fit the situation, he only ever takes it off when he’s with his teammates and just his teammates alone. The only thing they know for sure about him is that Alexander is not his real name, he stays away from anything pink as much as possible (except for Percival), he always looks so sad when he sees kids playing with toys, and that he’s their friend and they are his. Name - Percival Redfield Age - 21 Race - Lizard Faunus Gender Identity - Non Binary Preferred Pronouns - They/Them/Theirs Associated Colour - Pink Occupation - Part time Day Care Worker/ Full time Hunter (Beacon Alumni) Weapon/s - Lollipop Maul/Dust Buzz Saw A.K.A (Cutesy Culling) Semblance - Positive Energy Overload (Causes creatures minds’ to be overloaded with positive emotions, can either help cheer people up when used with good intentions, but can either leaded to mental breakdowns, madness, and worst case scenario brain death when used with lethal intent.) Personality - Caring, Optimistic, Brave, Protective of those under his care, Noble, A Demon in battle. Background - Came from a family that descended from a the King of Vale’s knights, Percy was forced to live as an perfect example of a knight, but when they denied them the right to be with their beloved simply because they were their older brother Reid’s rival, Percy took their belongings and walked out of the Estate flipping a middle finger to the family and staff that followed him.
Name – Lily Bloomfield Age - 21 Race – Dessert Fox Faunus Gender Identity – Pansexual Male Preferred Pronouns – He/him Associated Colour - White Occupation - Part time Dancer/ Full time Hunter (Beacon Alumni) Weapon/s - Aurora & Inferno (Twin Curved Swords with elemental dust in them aligning to their names.) Semblance – Mesmerizing Mirage (Illusion creation Semblance, mostly used by Lily to create mirror images to help him in battle, but can be used to distort the vision of enemies, making objects and terain appear different from what they truly are. When used in conjuction with Micheal’s semblance the illusionary world will also be more powerful, granting it the ability to actually hurt the enemies) Personality - Playful, Optimistic, Happy go lucky, Charming, Adventurous, Vicious. Background – A exotic dancer hailing from the desserts of Vacuo, Lily mostly spent his time singing, dancing, and making merry with his fellow townspeople of Mata Hari. All was well in Lily’s life, till soldiers came, they did not bear any insignia that Lily knew of, not White Fang, and definitely not from any of the kingdoms, but came they did anyways. They began dragging the people out of their homes and places of work, and they started interrogating, and when the people being questioned would not speak or if they gave the answers that the soldiers didn’t wanted they were shot. When a window of opportunity came the people of Mata Hari took it, they skillfully undid they bindings, grabbed the nearest weapon from a disarmed or surprised soldier and immediately began their counter attack mortally wounding all the soldiers and killing most of them who were lucky enough to die quickly. When the tables have turned the townspeople began their interrogation, but the soldiers would not talk, or rather they were too loyal to their cause or too afraid of the consequences for their betrayal. One by one the soldier either bled to death, were tortured to death, or were simply given the mercy of a quick death via beheading. As it turns out the town of Mata Hari was a hub for spies, spies who bear no allegiance except for the very town they live in, Mata Hari. The soldiers came knocking down their door for information, but instead they met their untimely demise. The question now is though what information did they want? And who ratted the town out. And it is for this reason Lily was sent to Vale to speak with one of their contacts Ozpin and his inner circle. Name – Micheal Goodwill Age - 16 Race – Dove Faunus Gender Identity – Asexual Male Preferred Pronouns – He/him Associated Colour - White Occupation - Full time Hunter (Beacon Alumni) Weapon/s - Forsakened Paradise (Dust infused flowers and pure Dust sewn-on his clothes and a carried bouquet of the flowers), Deus Iratus (His very wings and feathers imbummed with dust, he uses a special coating to prevent damagaing his wings with the elemental dust effects) Semblance – Bliss (Induces Hallucinations to those affected by this mind altering semblance, causes affected subjects to be drugged out of their minds, literally turning them to euphoria drunk zombies. The mind altering effects of this semblance is so powerful that imaginary worlds can be made for those under the influence of the Bliss for a good amount of time. Scary thing is the hallucinations will actually feel real, so death via neurological backlash is scarily real. This semblance can also be used in such a way to both brainwash people and to numb pain and all other stimuli) Personality – Kind, Caring, Loving, knows how to hold a grudge, dangerously misguided, has a twisted sense of mercy, loves cute things and hates eating bitter food. Background – Ever know what’s it like to be born into a cult? Well Micheal knows. Born to a cult dedicated to breeding the perfect vessels for the Two Brothers posses so that they may once again walk among their creations in Remnant, Micheal was part of this ceremonial process, of a pair of twins being born within the cult to be made into the ideal vessels, everything had to be perfect, the physiology, the aura strength, and the semblance. And just every cult in the movies, tv shows, and video games, this cult fucked up and they fucked up big time. Every other set of twins were failures, they were either fraternal or to weak, but then Micheal and his twin were born, and to the cult it looked like they finally succeeded, but oh boy they were in for a nasty surprise. The older twin, Micheal’s older sister who was supposed to be the vessel for the Elder Brother had the powers that were opposite to him and more aligned to the Younger Brother, this manifested early on when the two (Micheal and her) were separated from one another when the nurses tried to separate them from one another to clean them up. Well the twins didn’t like that, at all, baby Micheal immediately started crying when he was separated from his twin and said twin was saddened and angered by this, so her Semblance (for some reason was able to manifest from a newly born baby) activated and death and decay spread around the delivery room, people who didn’t have a strong enough aura died, leaving only a handful of the delivery team alive, including Micheal, their mother, and their father. Horrified and awed by the power of the baby, they decided to do away with her, too scared at what she could do, especially if she were to grow up and learn how to use said powers. Micheal as he grew older always felt that something was missing in his life, like there was a part of him missing from himself, it wasn’t that he had a bad childhood, besides the cult thing he had a very happy childhood, but then he found out about his twin sister and he was enraged, furious at the cult for leaving his sister to die and hiding the truth from him, the extreme emotional stress made way for his  Semblance to be activated/unlocked. At a great gathering of all the members of the cult, Micheal enacted his revenge, using his Semblance he filled the minds of everyone in the meeting with Bliss, turning them to brain-dead zombies, after which Micheal set the entire place down on fire, effectively killing everyone in the cult and covering his tracks. This left Micheal with a clean slate and the freedom to seek out his sister, armed with his wits, unorthodox weaponry, semblance, and what little information and clues he has, he set of to Vale to find his older twin sister. Lucifer
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lesbiten · 3 years
terminally upset that im not good at animating so here are a list of (mostly) warrior cats amvs that haunt my brain constantly that will never be put on a canvas (organized by character bc this list is a shitshow unorganized)
young and menace by fall out boy, scourge
crest by the antlers, mapleshade
getting better by nelward, ivypool
second child, restless child by the oh hellos, ivypool
australia by the shins, ivypool
fighter by jack stauber, ivypool
brutus by the buttress, ivypool or hollyleaf
the kids arent alright by fall out boy, ivypool and dovewing
the phoenix by fall out boy, ivypool & dovewing, or hollyleaf & jayfeather & lionblaze. or all of them
here before by vashti bunyan, lionblaze & jayfeather & dovewing
wonderful from wicked, sol and hollyleaf
eyes peeled by half-handed cloud, sol (or darktail but mostly sol)
everybody loves me by onerepublic, sol
bremen by pigpen theatre co, my and jesse's ocs
way it goes by hippo campus, my and jesse's ocs
20 dollar nose bleed by fall out boy, my and jesse's ocs
little fang by avey tare, my and jesse's ocs
heaven is under the sun by beta play, tallstar
angel eyes and basketball by foot ox, shadowsight
im poppy by poppy, bramblestar's impostor and shadowsight
toba the tura by forgive durden, shadowsight
midwestern dirt by dear and the headlights, shadowsight
lions roar by the hush sound, squirrelflight and ashfur and brambleclaw
skinned knees & gapped teeth by dear and the headlights, tree
modern jesus by portugal. the man, skyclan post-being driven out of the gorge by darktail
two birds by regina spektor, alderheart & sparkpelt
sun and moon by jon walker, mothwing & leafpool
missed the boat by modest mouse, the travelling kitties in tnp (crowpaw, squirrelpaw, brambleclaw, stormfur, feathertail, tawnypelt)
no children by the mountain goats, nightcloud and crowfeather
cant stand the rain by the rescues, thunder
shes my winona by fall out boy, clear sky and thunder
and well. theres more but this is just what i got from glancing at my playlists
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