#i myself am not confident writing for newsies HELP
kellyscowboy · 1 year
how do you recommend getting into writing for newsies, i really want to but i lack the confidence as i’m worried about being inaccurate???
hi ml!! honestly, i just threw myself in head first. the newsies fandom, in general, has such a little following that most people are happy with whatever content they can get. at least, that's my opinion.
however!! if you want to fully immerse yourself, LOTS of people do character studies on here. i also recommend checking out a couple of other blogs and reading what they have written for newsies! a couple of good blogs (for character studies & newsies fics) are:
(sorry for any unwanted tags)
also here is a newsies resources masterlist which might help!
aside from all that, i truly think the newsies fandom is one that strives on headcannons. as long as something you write for your character can make sense based on something from canon, you're set. and even if it isn't based on something from canon, who's gonna tell you no? people might disagree with how you write a character, but at the end of the day its YOUR fanfiction and YOUR interpretation.
when it comes to newsies, i think that as long as you understand the characters on a surface level, you can't be too inaccurate. which isn't to say that you shouldn't take the time to dig deeper into the characters, you definitely should! but i think if you understand the basics of a character, that's a really good place to start. you may even find yourself learning more about the characters as you write for them.
also interviews from the actors are good. while not technically canon, they have a better understanding of the characters then i think a lot of us do. uksies specifically has a lot of interviews where they talk about character interpretations.
i hope this helps, i am all over the place rn so if none of this makes any sense i am so sorry. & for anyone else in the fandom, PLEASE feel free to reblog this with extra tips and notes!! (and on a side note, flo i love your works & i think either way, what you write will be amazing!!)
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tangledaddict · 5 years
Why I Watch Tangled the Series/Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
I was inspired to write this post from a article Klaudia Amenabar wrote about why millennial's should watch Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. I am not a millennial. But, I am the first year of Gen Z. If you are in your 20s, I feel like this post would be perfect for you (if you want to read, it’s probably long sorry). 
When I heard about a Tangled TV show coming out. Of course, I was REALLY excited. I was nervous as how this story was going to go. I was really scared that this show was going to be bad. After Season 2 being over, I cannot believe how good this show is. I will try not to talk about big spoilers. I want to write this post so people can watch. 
This show is mainly focused on Rapunzel. So, it makes sense as to why they changed the name of Tangled the Series to Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure. We see that Rapunzel has many countless relationships. I’m going to mostly talk about the relationships she has encountered in Seasons 1 and 2. The reason why I am talking about the relationships is because that is what I learned the most from this show. But, it will be people that she has encountered the most. 
Let’s start of, with the best, the one who should get all the awards as the best friend/lover/hottest guy ever..EUGENE FITZHERBERT. Their relationship is so beautiful I literally cry in some of the moments they have because it’s things that I dream about having but also dreams I never thought of. Their relationship is so healthy. They have a healthy balance of loving each other and caring for each other. As the episodes go by, I see them get more and more comfortable with each other. Their relationship has helped me see what I need to find in a man and what mistakes to not make when I am in a relationship. When I get into a long-term relationship, I will honestly thank this show that helped me find the right one, how to maintain a healthy relationship, and also not screwing the relationship up. 
I already have to thank this show because two years ago I was dropping everything for this guy I loved deeply. I didn’t realize for years that he would never do anything like I do for him back. He would never be the Eugene Fitzherbert..at all..not even close. So, I left him. I still miss him. But, I know that this was the best decision I ever decided to do. I am much happier without him in my life.  
Next, I want to talk about Cassandra, Rapunzel’s “Best Friend”. I can’t spoil what happened lately. But, before the end of Season 2, Cassandra felt like the third parent to me. She wasn’t one of those people that was like: LET’S TAKE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE AT RISK. She hesitated when Rapunzel wanted to do certain things that felt suspicious to her. Especially after the hair incident from the first episode. Cassandra feels the most mature compared to Eugene and especially Rapunzel. I’m not saying that Rapunzel is the most immature character in this show. But, since Rapunzel was in a tower most of her life, she has a lot to learn. Cassandra is a character that makes me feel good as being an independent women. Seeing her makes me feel confident in her and myself. She’s one of the very few characters in Disney that shows that you don’t need a man to protect you. You can protect yourself and protect others. Cassandra has helped Rapunzel ever since they met. I think Cassandra and Eugene have helped her from her past not being so haunting like it was. 
Rapunzel’s parents are only in Season 1. You have to watch Season 2 in order to find out why. But, I am honestly shocked that they don’t spend much time with her as you think. I thought they would spend time with her almost 24/7 since they haven't seen her in eighteen years. But, they don’t. The mother especially wants Rapunzel to experience what freedom is like. I think she wants Rapunzel to experience the independent life before she gets married to Eugene and has to remain in the castle forever. The father is very overprotective of Rapunzel and doesn’t want to see her hurt. It’s clear that the parents love Rapunzel. But, they have different views on how Rapunzel should be protected, at least in Season 1. 
Varian has many fanarts and fanbases. Varian is like KPOP in this Tangled fandom. So, I will talk about Varian. Rapunzel treated Varian like it was her child. She saw something in Varian that said that he would eventually help her. She hoped for Varian that he would succeed in everything he did, even if it wasn’t helping her. This kid is a whole other world that’s for sure. His laboratory is like one of the classes at Hogwarts. Also, he’s voiced by Jeremy Jordan from Newsies. So, if you love Newsies and Jeremy, you will probably love Varian (At least when he sings). 
These are just a few of the relationships Rapunzel encounters in Season 1 and 2. There was many more. It’s amazing to see that Rapunzel is surrounded with so much love. Her relationships have taught her how to be independent, not just exploring the outside world. Her bubbly personality has made her become even more bubbly. Eugene especially loves seeing Rapunzel being this way. 
If you want to know how the episodes are written in general. Well, I have never encountered a episode so boring that I stop in the middle of it and not watch the rest. I have never encountered an episode that was poorly written that I would never watch it again. They have an hour long first episode, mid episode, and final episode of both seasons. Of course, all the hour long episodes are intense. They also have very underrated music that ties so well with the feels that the music in the movie had. 
There are much more that I could talk about. But, if you have never seen this show. I hope I have made you want to watch it now. No matter what age you are, I think you will learn something, especially about relationships. :) 
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somanyspoons · 6 years
Jackcrutchie angst? Pls?
Waste of Time - Newsies
Prompt: "jackcrutchie angst?"
Words: 547
Ships: jackcrutchie, or as i like to call it, crack
Warnings: none
Genre: Angst, fluff at the end
Summary: Jack worries about the strike.
Crutchie opened his eyes, not even sure why he was awake. He looked up at the sky; it was still dark. Stars twinkled gently from a million lightyears away. He looked to his left and sighed heavily as he found Jack’s side of the bed empty.
He managed to get down the ladder without stumbling, and walked down the hall, stopping when he heard soft humming coming from an open doorway. Peeking inside the room, Crutchie found him standing at a wall, brush in hand, and colors all over the wall.
“Hey Jack,” Jack turned around, startled, before realizing it was only Crutchie. Crutchie made a note of the dark circles hanging under Jack’s eyes.
“Hey Crutchie.” Paint was splattered everywhere, on his hands, on his shoes, even a smear of green paint in his hair.
“What’re you paintin’?”
“Not sure, yet. Jus’ painting. Calms me down.” Crutchie nodded, understandingly.
“When did you sleep last, Jack?”
Jack let out a short laugh. “This city never sleeps, why should I?” Resuming painting, he dabbed a bit of yellow paint onto the wall.
Crutchie stood, watching him paint for a while, before addressing the elephant in the room. “You scared for tomorrow?”
Jack sniffed. “Be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t.” He paused. “I shouldn’t be, though. I’m the leader of this strike, n’they need a leader who exudes confidence, not terror.”
Crutchie hobbled his way over to Jack, putting his free hand on his shoulder. “No one is expecting you to be fearless, Jackie. You’ve never done this before; n’fact none of us has any clue what we’re doin’.”
Jack turned to face Crutchie, clutching his paintbrush like a ragdoll in his hands. “That’s exactly it, Crutchie, nobody knows what they’re doin’! Brooklyn’s not joining us ‘till they see we can hold our own, and what if we can’t? What’ll happen then?” His voice rose. “We’s’ll go back to the way things were, that’s what’ll happen, ‘cept with bruises on our faces and holes in our pockets.” Jack realized it was the middle of the night and lowered his voice. Crutchie tried to interrupt, but Jack was on a tangent now. “What if one of ‘em get’s hurt?” He looked at Crutchie, and the boy could see tears in his eyes. “I’d never forgive myself in anything happened.”
Crutchie leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Jack’s paint-splattered cheek. “It’ll be okay, Jackie.”
“What if something happens to you, Crutchie? What if it turns violent and you can’t get away in time?”
Crutchie couldn’t help but laugh. “Jack Kelly, you’re something else.”
“What?” He protested.
“Sometimes things happen. Things that we can’t prepare for. No matter how much you worry, there will always be something you haven’t prepared for. You have to take life as it comes, instead of tryin’ta stay one step ahead.” Jack turned back to his mural, and Crutchie kept on.
“No matter what happens, tomorrow, Jack, the newsies will still be behind you.”
Crutchie smiled as he saw Jack’s resolve crumbling. He reached down and took Jack’s hand.
“Come back to bed, baby.” Crutchie crooned, leaning his head on Jack’s shoulder. “I can think of much better things we could be doing instead of worrying.”
That was an offer Jack couldn't refuse.
Sorry it was so short, apparently I can only write during the Ungodly Hours of the Night because it's 4:28 AM ;)
Hope you enjoyed!! Requests are still open :)
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ourmisadventures · 6 years
For Me // s.c.
inspired by @thefactsofthematter​ ‘s fic on ao3 which you should definitely check out bc their writings are incredible.
The Brooklyn boy hears her voice before he sees her coming, something he should have been used to by now.
"I don't care what he said, Boots," he hears through his open window, "let me in or I swear to god I'll burn this place down."
He can't help but let out a light chuckle, imagining the look of sheer terror that must reside on any of the newsies within ear shot of the conversation.
"I don't think you's gettin' it," he hears, "I'm goin' up to see Conlon whether he likes it or not."
The sound of his last name reminds him why she's there, why she's angry, and his smile falls off of his face along with his confidence.
A few minutes later Spot's door slams open as she storms in, shoving the piece of wood shut behind her.
Spot swallows roughly as he takes in her appearance; dried blood on both her knuckles and her face along with the budding bruise on her jaw. His gaze hardens, hands curling into fists behind his back.
"You went?"
"Of course I went," she spits, "why the hell wouldn't I? They's my borough, my family. Unlike some people."
"It's not like that," Spot sighs, dragging a hand over his face in frustration, "you know I have to think bigger than myself, Y/N, I gots boys to look after, little ones."
The girl scoffs, planting herself on his bed with no hesitation. For a moment, Spot almost looses it, but then he looks at her again, watches her pick the dried blood off of her knuckles, and that's enough to keep his temper down.
"You don't get it," Spot says, "being a leader, it's harder than you's think. I'm doin' my best 'ere."
"You don't think I gets it?" She questions. "I'm the third highest ranking newsie in Manhattan, maybe I'm not the 'King of Brooklyn' like some but I have a say in what we do, and I voted to strike, Spot, because this is important. Not only to us in 'Hattan but to all the kids in New York," she keeps her gaze on her hands, "Pulitzer and all the newspaper owners push us around like we are nothin', and I am sick and tired of bein' treated like I'm nothin'."
Spot stays silent, eyes trained on her frame. He watches as she wipes away invisible tears, the bruise on her jaw more prominent than before.
"You know, none of the other borough's showed up," she says shaking her head, "not that I's expected them too after Jack said you weren't comin', but still, I'd hoped maybe one'a them would had what it takes to go against Spot Conlon."
"I never told no one that they's shouldn't go, just my boys," Spot defends.
"Doesn't matter, you's coulda gone around an' personally told every single newsie in New York to go, but as soon as they found out you weren't showin' they wouldn't've either. You're important, Spot, to a lot of people, to me," she pauses, swallowing, "and I thought I was important to you."
"You is important to me, doll," he tries to be gentle, but the bile rising in his throat is making it hard, "I just...I had a lot of variables, I had a lot of young boys that I couldn't bring myself to put through what I was afraid would happen. It could'a gone bad, Y/N, boys could die in'a fight like that."
Y/N shoots up from her spot on the bed, eyes blazing with rage.
"You don't think I know that? You're not the only one with boys to look after, Spot!" She almost shouts, pacing around his room. "Half my boys is laid up with broke bones, or worse. You remember Finch, right?" She asks, continuing after the Brooklyn boy nods. "He's got three busted ribs, and course we need t' put 'im on bed rest but he can't afford to miss a day of work. And Romeo," she pauses, shaking her head, "he's just a kid, he's twelve years old and a bull knocked 'im in his head so hard he was on the ground for almost the entire fight, and now hours later he still barely remembers anyone in the Lodge."
Spot almost chokes, but he's not sure on what - possibly on the fact that Manhattan has young boys too, and they still didn't back down.
"I shoulda been there," he whispers, "I shoulda at least sent a few boys or somethin', I was bein' selfish, I'm sorry."
The girl nods, standing by Spot's window and gazing down at the streets of Brooklyn. He knows the nod isn't acceptance, more of an acknowledgment, but that's more than he can ask for after what she's been through.
They're silent for a while, Y/N again picking at the blood on her knuckles.
"Sorry doesn't fix Finch's bones or Romeo's head or Mush's eye or Sniper's wrist or Les's," she stops, and this time Spot can see the tears in her eyes, "or Les's shoulder. Doesn't fix those like me who got out with only a couple of scratches neither."
Spot stands, eyes trained on the white bandage peaking out under the sleeve of her shirt. Silently, and without protest from her, he lifts the cloth, letting out an involuntary gasp at the blood soaked gauze covering a good part of her upper arm.
"Look's worse than it is," she mumbles, pushing her shirt back down, "Davey fixed it up as best he could, said it didn't warrant a doctor."
"What...what happened?" Spot asks quietly.
"We got slaughtered, that's what happened," she shakes her head, "one of Wiesel's guys got me with a knife as I was pullin' 'im offa Buttons," she explains, "I just...I don't get how you could completely desert us like that. We needed you there, I needed you there. We's doin' this for all the kids in this damn city. You couldn't do this for them, or for yourself or...you couldn't'a done this for me?"
Her eyes are back on the Brooklyn skyline, fingers tapping out a rhythm on the window sill, and it's all Spot can do to hold himself back from yelling.
"I would do anythin' for you, Y/N, you know that," he says, pulling on the girl's good shoulder so she looks at him, "I'm sorry I wasn't there today, I'm sorry none o' the others showed up," his voice rises with each word, and behind the anger Y/N can see fear, "I feel terrible, and if I could go back and be there I would, but I can't. Alls I can say is I'm sorry, and I'll be sorry for the rest o' my life."
They stare at each as his words fade into the air, both pairs of eyes searching the others for some sort of response.
"This ain't over, Spot," she shakes her head, "please tell me you'll be there tomorrow, you and your boys. We need you, now more than ever."
Spot nods vigorously, hand cupping her cheek and wiping away a few stray tears from her face.
"We'll be there, all of us, I promise," he whispers, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He pulls her into his chest, the girl burying her face in the crook of his neck as she lets out a few involuntary sobs.
"I know, I'm sorry," he repeats softly, stroking her hair to help calm her down, "it'll be okay, I promise."
She pulls back, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Careful of the bruise, Spot tilts her head up and presses their lips together for the first time since she got there.
It doesn't go deeper than that, just a simple kiss that brings them back together. And when they pull apart, things already feel better.
"Look at me," he says, swallowing back the lump in his throat, "I'm sorry that I screwed up today, I will never let that happen again, I promise. I love you."
"I-" she smiles, cheeks burning red at his words, "I love you too, Spot."
Spot smiles back, stroking her cheek once more before walking over to his desk.
"I'll send word t' the other boroughs, let them know Brooklyn's comin'," he says, scribbling some words on paper, "you wanna stay here tonight?"
"Nah, I should head back," she replies reluctantly, "I need t' help Racer and Davey with the boys, make sure no one gets any worse than they's already are. I'll see you's tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay," he whispers, "I'll see you's tomorrow."
"We're gonna win this, Spot," she nods, "I can feel it. No more bein' treated like nothin'."
"You is so much more than nothin', doll," he smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to the bruise on her jaw, "so much more."
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The boys go to Brooklyn to convince Spot Conlon to join the strike, but there’s a twist.
This is my first fic, so I hope people like it! (and don’t judge me too hard). This just kind of popped in my head so I wanted to write it. Coach is my character.
As Jack, Davey, and Les stepped off the Brooklyn Bridge Jack slowed to a halt and let out a piercing whistle that made Davey jump.
“’m sorry” Jack said in response to Davey’s glare, “that’s just how I let someone know we’s here.”
Within moments a girl came running around the corner, a few newspapers tucked under her arm. “How’s it goin’, Coach?” Jack called as she approached.
“Fine. What’re you doin’ here Kelly?” the girl asked in a no-nonsense manner.
“We’s hear to talk to Spot.”
“Take’s all three of ya, huh?” Coach said, taking in Davey and Les standing slightly behind Jack.
“For this it does.”
Coach shrugged, motioning for them to follow her towards the docks.
As they approached a group of Newsies lounging on a pier, Davey’s eyes were drawn to several different guys, trying to guess which one was the famous Spot Conlon. One boy had a thick scar running down the length of his face, another was taller than Davey and had easily 20 to 30 pounds on him. All of them were intimidating in their own way and easily could pass for the leader of one of the roughest boroughs in New York. So it was no small surprise to Davey when a girl of medium build came forward with a slight smile on her face, spat in her hand, and held it out to Jack while the rest of the Brooklyn newsies stayed back.
“Jack Kelly! Decided to visit the better side of the bridge huh? What’re ya tryin’ to pawn off new recruits on me?” she asked, looking at Davey and Les.
“Naw Spot, I just-“
“YOU’RE Spot Conlon?” Les burst out before Davey could shush him.
“You bet your fancy hat I am little man. And I’m gonna ignore the way you said that since you’s new.” Spot had lost her smile and was looking at Les with eyebrows raised.
“Sorry,” Les said, a little more subdued.
“You are forgiven” she pronounced in a queenly manner, the start of a smile returning, “Now who are you?”
“I’m Les, and this is my older brother, Davey.”
“It’s pleasure to meet you,” Davey threw in, eager to smooth things over. After all, they needed Spot on their side, no matter what gender.
“I suppose it is” Spot said with a nod of acknowledgment and turned back to Jack, “Now what’re you doin’ here, Kelly? I suppose it’s got somethin’ to do with the jacked up pape price? You’re wastin’ your time comin’ here, it’s the same all over. Stinks like sewage but I don’t see what we can do ‘bout it.”
“We do and that’s why we’re here - we’re strikin’” Jack declared, causing the others to look up. “The Manhattan newsies are officially on strike and we need support. We didn’t sell papes today, and tomorrow we’re gonna be stoppin’ the wagons. We need Brooklyn and all the other boroughs there with us.”
“We’ve got a reporter who has promised to get us on the front page of the Sun. With all of us working together and that kind of publicity, Pulitzer will have to take us seriously,” Davey said, stepping forward with Jack.
Spot crossed her arms and let out a laugh of disbelief. “Oh you think so huh?”
Davey stood firm, “That’s what I know. Are you with us?”
“Spot come on!” Jack pleaded, “You know what Pulitzer’s doin’ ain’t right, and you know as well as I do most of our kids can’t afford the jack up, they’s barely makin’ enough to survive on as it is. And it’s only gonna get worse! We need to take a stand now, and we need Brooklyn there!”
“Jack,” Spot said, getting serious, “You know I’d help you if it was just me. But I have a lot kids to think about beyond myself and this ain’t no small spat you’s gettin’ into. Your boys are all rarin’ to go today, but that’s cuz they’s angry. They’s also young and don’t fully understand what they’s signing up for. I know,” she said, raising her hand to cut off Davey’s protest, “I know you ain’t takin’ this lightly, and it ain’t just for fun. But there’s somethin’ to be said for gettin’ caught up in a group’s emotions. And I cannot put my kids in danger without knowin’ you’re really gonna see this through, and not just take off when it gets ugly and the excitement wears off. You’s gonna have to make do with the other boroughs.”
“Spot ya know the other boroughs won’t join unless you do.”
“Then that’s their choice. I ain’t tellin’ anyone what to do outside my own turf. If they follow me then I’m sorry, but I ain’t changing my mind.”
“What would it take to prove to you that we’re serious?” Davey asked, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice.
Spot sighed, tilted her head back and stared at the sky for a moment before answering. “If you’s stand your ground tomorrow. You stand your ground and show you ain’t gonna run when things get rough, then I will agree to help you and try to convince the other boroughs to do the same.”
“But tomorrow is when we need ya! We’s gonna need all the help we can get to stop those wagons!” Jack said, frustration evident in his voice.
“Please?” Les stepped forward with his best puppy-dog eyes. Spot’s face softened for a moment looking at Les.
“Sorry shortstop. Everyone has gotta prove themselves at some point, even you guys. Those are my conditions and I ain’t changin’ my mind.”
“Fine.” Jack turned on his heel, heading down the nearest alleyway, kicking a trashcan in frustration as he went.
“Please respect my kingdom, Jack” Spot’s voice floated after them, colder now, and oozing with irony, “I know you’re frustrated, but you’s still in Brooklyn. Don’t make me remind ya again.”
“I still don’t get it - why is everyone so afraid of Brooklyn?” Davey asked as they headed back across the bridge. “I mean yeah, Spot was intimidating, very self-assured, and her boys were huge, but why exactly is everyone so scared?”
“Cuz she’s smarter than the rest of us put togetha” Jack said, “and she may not seem like much when yous just talkin’ to her, but she’s the fiercest ‘n most loyal person I know. She’d protect her kids wit her life, and I’s seen her do it. That’s how she got to be in charge. Doesn’t matter what or who it is, or how many, somethin’ threatens her kids she flies into action like you ain’t never seen.”
“Seems like the pape price raisin’ is a threat to her kids.”
“Yeah but Spot plays it defensively. Offense really ain’t her style, another reason boys are so afraid to cross onto her turf. You heard her, I kicked a trashcan and she took it as an insult.” Jack kicked a stone as he walked on. “She’s big on respect, going both ways, another reason she’s such a strong leader. Very strict morals, which ya gotta admire. She never goes back on her word.”
“So that mean’s she’ll help us after tomorrow right?” Les asked eagerly.
“Yeah… after tomorrow.” Jack said, worry creeping into his voice.
“Don’t worry,” Les said, strutting confidently ahead, “We’ll stop those wagons, and then Brooklyn will be here.”
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alicedoessurveys · 6 years
Which Musical Are You Tag
Grease [ ] I am dating someone completely the opposite of me. [ ] I wish I could live in the 50’s. [ ] Being popular is important to me. [ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend and I have many ups and downs. [x] I’ve had to move to a new school before. [ ] I would change myself to be with the one I love. [ ] I sometimes act fake to be accepted. [ ] I’ve had a summer fling. [x] I’m an innocent person. [ ] I am a part of a certain clique in high school. Total: 2
Hairspray [ ] I spend a long time doing my hair before school/work. [x] I love to dance. [ ] I would love to be a contestant on a TV show. [ ] I am a very bubbly person. [ ] I hang out with people less popular than me. [x] I never judge by the color of skin. [ ] I don’t let other peoples’ words get me down. [ ] I don’t have the perfect body, but I am content with myself. [x] My parents support me in all of my goals. [x] I have a huge crush on a celebrity. Total: 4
Rent [x] I love filming and making home videos. [ ] I really do measure my life in love. [x] I have lost a loved one from a disease. [ ] I am currently trying to get over an ex. [x] I have a hard time opening myself up to love. [ ] My friends are what keep me moving on in life. [ ] I have an addiction to something. [ ] I often find myself in a love triangle. [x] I support gay rights. [x] I’ve fallen in love with someone unexpected. Total: 3
The Newsies [ ] I read the newspaper in the morning. [ ] I own one of those newsboy hats. [ ] I don’t think my job pays me enough. [ ] My family income isn’t that good. [x] Sometimes people don’t take me seriously. [x] I wish that I could live somewhere else. [ ] I have gotten into trouble with the cops. [ ] I am really good at selling products. [ ] I stay over at my best friend’s house a lot. [x] I always stand up for what I think is right. Total: 3
Chicago [ ] I would love to be famous. [ ] I think I am a good singer. [x] I have lied to get out of trouble. [x] There is a celebrity I really look up to. [x] I sometimes get tired of my ordinary life. [ ] I am not afraid to use people to reach my dream. [ ] I wouldn’t take back any of the mistakes I’ve made. [ ] I have cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I have been lied to by a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I really like being the center of attention. Total: 3
Sweeney Todd [x] I have changed a lot in the past 10 years. [ ] My girlfriend/boyfriend is wanted by many others. [ ] I love my job. [ ] I would love to get revenge on those that wronged me. [x] I have lost someone I loved very much. [x] I have a clever mind and can get away with a lot. [x] I find it very difficult to trust people. [x] There is something from my past that still bothers me. [x] I have wanted someone that I couldn’t have. [x] I sometimes feel like I don’t have much to live for. Total: 7
Rocky Horror Picture Show [x] I have gotten lost traveling before. [ ] I cannot wait to get married. [ ] I believe I have found my soul mate. [x] I want to save myself for my husband/wife. [ ] I love to party! [ ] Transvestites amuse me so much. [ ] I get jealous easily over my boyfriend/girlfriend. [x] I wish I could create my perfect significant other. [ ] I believe that there are aliens out there somewhere. [ ] I am not afraid to experiment sexually. Total: 3
Across The Universe [ ] I love The Beatles! [x] I have taken a trip to another country. [x] I believe in peace, not war. [ ] I really love drawing and/or painting. [x] New York City sounds like an awesome place to live. [ ] I have left my boyfriend/girlfriend to be with someone else. [ ] I have experimented using drugs before. [ ] I am friends with a lot of interesting/unique people. [x] I would be lost without my music. [ ] I would leave everything behind to be with the one I love. Total: 4
High School Musical [ ] I am considered to be smart in school. [ ] I met my current boyfriend/girlfriend at a party. [x] I have performed in a school play. [ ] My parents have pushed me to achieve at something. [ ] I have been torn between two activities before. [x] I do not stick to one stereotype in school. [ ] I want to do something different from what my parents want. [ ] I have a lot of school spirit. [x] I get along with just about everybody. [x] There is someone at my school that pushes others around. Total: 4
Mamma Mia [ ] I love ABBA! [ ] I have never met my real dad. [x] My mom is my best friend. [x] I live with my mom. [ ] I would love to live in Greece. [ ] I want to marry my boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I have really outgoing friends. [x] I have secrets that no one else knows. [ ] I’ve had an affair with more than one guy/girl. [ ] I am a great matchmaker and like to set people up. Total: 3
Godspell [ ] I am interested in religions. [x] I know most of the Bible stories. [ ] I like to put on skits. [ ] I wear a lot of colorful clothing. [x] I try to keep good morals. [x] I listen to Christian music. [x] I believe in God. [ ] I am not afraid of death. [x] I am a humble person. [ ] I’m confident that I’ll go to Heaven after I die. Total: 5
Hair [ ] I consider myself a hippie. [ ] I have really long hair. [x] I like to wear loose clothing. [x] I love music from the 60’s. [x] I swear too much. [ ] I can be somewhat of a rebel. [ ] I can sometimes act on impulse. [ ] I believe in sexual freedom. [x] I try to show people a fun time. [x] I wish people cared more about peace and love. Total: 5
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory [x] I am very close to my family. [x] I love chocolate and other sweets. [x] I am a very curious person. [x] I believe good people should be rewarded. [x] I can be pretty childish at times. [x] I am a secretive person. [ ] I enjoy confusing people. [x] I have a very wild imagination. [ ] I think I have very good luck. [x] I am a very honest person and almost always tell the truth. Total: 8
The Wizard of Oz [x] I daydream a lot. [x] I would like to enter an imaginary land. [x] My friends would stick by me no matter what. [x] I would risk my life for my pet. [x] I get homesick easily. [ ] I am a brave person. [ ] I have a power I didn’t realize I had. [x] I wish I could have more purpose than I actually do. [ ] There is only one place I could ever call home. [ ] I make friends easily. Total: 6
Annie [ ] I have taken in a lost dog. [x] I appreciate my parents so much. [ ] I have red hair. [x] I would like to adopt a child. [ ] My parents make me do a lot of chores. [x] I am always thinking about the future. [x] All I really want is to be loved. [ ] I have helped two adults find love. [ ] I share my stuff with all my friends. [x] I would love to live in a big mansion. Total: 5
Moulin Rouge! [ ] Love causes me too much pain. [x] I have been in a secret relationship. [ ] I have a lot of style and class. [ ] Many guys/girls have told me that I’m sexy. [ ] I really love to write. [x] I would like to be an actor. [ ] I like to go to parties and dance. [ ] I would like to live in France. [ ] I am charming and good at seducing people. [ ] My love life has been very complicated. Total: 2
West Side Story [ ] I live in a violent town. [ ] I have dated someone my parents did not approve of. [ ] I have dated someone of a different race. [ ] My group of friends has an enemy. [ ] I would kill myself if the one I loved died. [x] My friends can sometimes be troublemakers. [ ] My friends don’t like my boyfriend/girlfriend. [x] I believe that violence does not solve anything. [x] I try to find a compromise and see both sides of something. [ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend is the one light in my life. Total: 3
I am: Williy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
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lovesick-feelin · 7 years
(this used to be porpoiseee btw) can you write something about hispanic jack kelly (literally anything). maybe like him tryna teach the newsies words in spanish? or smth idk i'm bad at ideas
so uh this totally became javey
am i sorry? nnnnnot really this was super fun to write
(also total inspo at the end from in the heights oops)
Davey watched fondly from the doorway as Jack perched on the edge of one of the bottom bunks, five or six of the youngest boys crowded around him on the floor.
“Jack, Jack, how do you say newspaper in Spanish?” one of them piped up, waving his hand frantically as if he were a pupil at a desk and Jack was the teacher. (The image amused Davey to no end; he couldn’t for the life of him imagine Jack in a classroom, student or teacher.)
“Periodico,” Jack answered calmly, saying it slow so the boys could work out the syllables on their tongues and try it out for themselves. “You know how some o’ them upper-class folks call the papes periodicals?” The boys oohed, and Jack nodded, pleased. “That’s sort of where they get it. ‘S all related.” One of the other boys perked up.
“Oh, Jack! How do you say selling partner?” He grinned at the boy next to him, and Davey smiled warmly; the two were obviously already inseparable.
Jack smiled, humming in concentration. “I think that would be,” he mused, “socio vendor.” He looked up and pointed at Davey in the doorway all of a sudden. “So if I wanted to say in Spanish that Davey was my selling partner, I’d say, Davey es mi socio vendor.” Clamoring excitedly, the kids on the floor turned to each other and began testing out the new phrase with each other’s names, giggling as the unfamiliar words tangled on their tongues. Jack laughed, shaking his head as he stood and made his way over to where Davey was standing.
“You’ve got a pretty attentive class there, Mr. Kelly,” Davey greeted him. “You’re a natural.” Jack waved him off sheepishly.
“Aw, shucks,” he joked, “it’s nothing. Helps me practice too. Can’t let myself slack off.” Davey smiled.
“You ready?” he asked, conspiratorially holding up the paper bag he’d been hiding behind his back. Jack gasped, looking .
“You didn’t,” he breathed, and Davey nodded excitedly. Jack clapped his hands briefly before turning back to the group. “Okay, kiddos, Blink is in charge, okay? And remember…” he gestured to the group of kids on the floor.
“Only sell papes in English,” they chorused, and Jack grinned.
“Awesome. Blink, you good to hold down the fort for a few hours?” Blink waved him off from where he was perched on a top bunk, legs tangled lazily with Mush.
“Go have fun, Kelly. Race and Albie’ll be back soon.” Jack nodded, turning back to Davey, and together they practically sprinted out the door, climbing the fire escape ladder all the way to the penthouse. Crutchie was at the theater that night, helping Medda with one of her shows, so they had the rooftop to themselves. Settling down, Davey whipped his treasure out of the bag with a flourish: a whole cupcake from the bakery down the street, preserved carefully in a box. Jack whooped.
“Jesus, Davey, what’s the special occasion?” he asked, staring longingly at the pastry. Davey shrugged, still not sure if he was ready to divulge the information.
“Had some extra pocket money,” he said. He looked away. “And my birthday was yesterday,” he added quickly, hoping Jack would miss it. Jack didn’t miss it, his mouth dropping open.
“That’s why you ate with your fami– ohh.” He smacked Davey on the arm. “You bastard, why didn’t you tell me?” Davey shrugged.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he said. “We don’t exactly have the money for presents nowadays, so I just eat dinner with the family, and that’s that.” Jack suddenly looked guilty.
“Why you sharing this with me, then?” he asked self-consciously, gesturing at the grandiose cupcake. “Shouldn’t you be splitting this with Les and Sarah or something?” Davey shrugged.
“Why wouldn’t I share it with you?” he countered. “You’re my best friend.” Jack smiled brightly at him, eyes shining.
“Aw, Dave,” he hummed, and Davey smiled in return, pulling out two forks so they could eat. They made short work of the pastry - after all, it was normally intended for only one person - and put the litter in the bag, setting it aside in favor of reminiscing and looking up at the stars. Jack was warm and solid next to Davey, leaning against the railing of the fire escape.
“Jack?” Davey asked. Jack looked at him.
“Yeah?” he responded. Davey shifted so they were sitting across from each other, still close enough to touch but able to talk.
“Teach me some Spanish, will you?” he asked, and Jack grinned brightly.
“Yeah, sure! What do you want to know?” he asked eagerly. Davey looked around, feeling warm and happy and very much at home.
“Hmm,” he hummed. He looked at the penthouse where he spent so much of his time now, how very Jack it was. The drawings, the thin blanket, the hat hanging casually from the rail. “How do you say fire escape?” Jack drummed his fingers on the metal grate.
“Salida de incendios,” he answered easily. “What else?”
Davey looked at Jack, at his easy posture, the confidence radiating off of him that could’ve been perceived as cocky to anyone that didn’t know him well. He thought about the strike, the early days, the whirlwind feeling of victory; he thought about Jack surrounded by those little boys in the lodging house, not a care in the world.
“How do you say best friend?” he asked. Jack blushed.
“Mejor amigo,” he answered, looking down at his hands. Davey looked at those hands, calloused and ink-stained, fingers surprisingly nimble; he thought about every time those hands had closed around his wrist to tug him sprinting down an alley at the first sign of trouble, every time those fists had been split and bloodstained after a nasty fight, how those same hands immediately became gentle, weapons no more because someone else was hurt and needed to be taken care of.
“How do you ask someone to hold your hand?” he blurted. Jack’s head shot up, eyes wide and still.
“Toma mi mano,” he managed, and somehow Davey mustered enough confidence to take Jack’s hand like it was the easiest thing in the world. They were close now, close enough for Davey to see every fleck of color in Jack’s eyes, pupils blown wide, his breath coming in soft puffs, lips parted. Davey took a deep, shaky breath in, his heart pounding with anticipation.
“How do you say ‘kiss me’?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper, and Jack’s breath hitched. The stars twinkled above, a breeze blew across the rooftops, a window closed somewhere below them. They were still. Jack’s eyes flicked to Davey’s mouth imperceptibly fast, his cheeks glowing pink.
“Besame,” he whispered.
Davey did.
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queenieships · 7 years
Questions 1-14 for the most recent one your reblogged!
Thank you for asking! Sorry it took a while lmao I got super lazy and distracted with it. Gonna put some of it under a readmore because it got particularly long!
1. When did youstart self shipping and why?
I mean I officiallystarted this blog I think… middle of last year? I can’t quiteremember the date off the top of my head but it’s been a while.However, I’ve been selfshipping for a very long time, justmentally! I kind of did that whole “Creating Ocs to ship withcharacters I liked and oh no those Ocs definitely aren’t based onme at all aha nope…”
2. How long have youbeen self shipping?
I think I’ve beenself shipping from a very young age! I remember being in primaryschool and being absolutely in love with Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugiand Axel from Kingdom Hearts (had a thing for red heads and fireapparently?) I genuinely must’ve been as young as 8, give or take ayear or two, so I’ve been self shipping and self inserting most ofmy life! 
3. Why do you selfship now?
I mean… it’sfun! And I mean, I fall in love with fictional characters withouteven meaning to. I just become very attached to them to the point Ican’t help but imagine myself with them! It’s also been a thingI’ve done for a very long time, a hobby, a habit, a copingmechanism – as a very creative but also very lonely child I thinkit was a huge way for me to feel like I was getting GOOD attentionfor once. I guess that’s kind of extended to adulthood. In ways aswell it helps me deal with some unhealthy situations I’ve had inthe past and it’s a way for me to explore and take interest intoxic and unhealthy ships in a safe and fictional environment. It’shelped me a lot improving with my art and honestly I officiallyjoined the self ship community because I was very lonely and had…NO FRIENDS.
4. Which of yourself insert characters is the most developed?
Probably myborderlands insert or my Newsies insert! I haven’t been toomassively focused on any other ship to develop my insert in thatuniverse very much and SOME of the universes I self insert in arequite difficult and elaborate when it comes to making characters forit (like in HxH)
5. Are your selfinsert characters 100% you or are they an exaggerated version ofyourself/leaning toward an OC?
I think it dependson the universe. Though I would say they’re exaggerated examples ofmyself, ideal versions or particularly troubled versions – All ofmy self insert characters look like me and have the same name and toa degree share my interests and talents – though I’ve also giventhem talents that I admire and really wish I had (such as singing,baking and sewing.)
6. If your selfinserts are closer to OCs what are some similarities they have withyou? What are some differences?
Lmao whoops guess Ikind of explained this in the one above? I guess something I like todo is depending on the universe I self ship in, I kind of pick a partof my personality that is a focus of that character. (For example, myNewsies insert is mostly centred around my social beliefs, mydepression and toxic relationship with my family and to a degree myfeeling of superiority. I’m actually very working class but you’llnotice most of my inserts are either very well off OR from thenicest, cleanest place in that universe they can be from – mynewsies insert is from a very wealthy family and my borderlandsinsert is from Helios.)
7. Do you have a‘type’ when it comes to f/os?
Yes but my type haschanged and shifted over time. There are definitely things I likethat kind of resonate throughout all of my F/Os. For example, almostall of my F/Os are confident to a fault. Most of them are also verymasculine, with a few exceptions. A character type I LOVE is therough delinquent with a heart of gold! (Seen in characters likeMondo, Metal Bat and Knuckle.) I also like perverted characters orones that show a lot of interest in women during the show/gamethey’re in (Examples being Scooter, Lance and Leorio.) I also seemto like people who have manual labour jobs or jobs that require themto be quite strong and get quite dirty and occassionaly kinda bruisedup (Examples being Scooter, Metal Bat, Scout, Hunk and Ellis who isnot yet on my F/O list but will be soon! A character I used to selfship with is Little Mac because I loved the idea of seeing him allsweaty and bruised up after a figh aha,,,)
8. Your top 3 OTPsamong your own selfships?
1. Me and Scooter!He is the problematic love of my life.
2. Me and Davey –although my focus has shifted dramatically from Davey to Scooter Istill definitely love this boy a lot
3. THIS IS SUCH ADIFFICULT PICK because honestly Scooter and Davey are and almostalways will be my top 2 BUT– my level of interest in my other F/Osshifts around so much? I’m even considering adding new F/Os thatI’ve become interested in recently, like… Mondo and Scout are thecharacters on the list I’ve shipped with for the longest but… Ithink maybe Leorio? I’ve always thought of Leorio and I as a reallygood couple, we’re so physically different and our personalitiesare such a good mix of getting along and clashing and I just!! idk Ithink number 3 is Leorio!!
9. Your top 5 OTPsamong others in the community?
@smoochesforseven and everyone she ships with. I love Moon so much and all of her shipsare wonderful though there is a soft spot for her and Newt!!
@better-than-nothin-kay and Rhys! We’ve spoken so much about borderlands and about her shipand honestly I love the female bodyguard dynamic it’s really cuteand they would physically look so good together!
@millizines andEarnest – I think this is like, the most undisputed OTP in thecommunity. I have never seen someone be so dedicated to their F/O andthey’re so genuinely in love with one another and have such aunique relationship!!
@momomochaccino andSandy (and spongebob!) – Seeing Momo so happy recently has beenamazing and witnessing what a positive impact the spongebob musicaland show has been for her is amazing!!
@peachie-doodles andLeonardo! Honestly seeing TMNT stuff on my dash makes me SO HAPPY andLeonardo has always been the one turtle I never really felt aconnection with BUT seeing someone so in love with him andappreciating him makes me really happy and makes me appreciate himmore as well! (also after speaking with her I realised that, althoughRaphael usually draws my attention because he’s big n buff andrough and tough but a total softy which FITS MY TYPE — Mikey isactually… my fucking boy?? I went around ready some fics andwatching some clips and like, damn. I really love Michaelangelo nowlmao, considering adding him as an F/O!!)
10. Has a roleplayblog for one of your f/os every interacted with you?
Lmao no. Honestly Iwould sob if that ever happened to me and I’ve seen other peoplegetting RP anons regularly in their asks and honestly I… reallywant it aha? I used to RP self ship stuff with a friend, where Iwould write as myself and the character she shipped with, and shewould play herself and the character I shipped with and!! it was!!great!! I would die to find something like that again.
11. Are you anartist or a writer in the community? Or do you do something elseentirely?
Um, both I guess! Iby no means think I’m a good artist but self shipping has reallyhelped me improve in a lot of areas. I highkey hate my style and atsome point I want to dedicate some time into developing it intosomething I can actually enjoy looking at. As for my writing, I’vealways been a talented writer – especially a few years ago. I waswriting frequently and everything I wrote was lowkey incredible.Nowadays, my writing is so few and far between and I am so stronglyout of practice it hurts and I feel almost embarrassed readingthrough any new fic I write. I’m hoping with time I can build myskills and confidence back up again!
12. Name a few ofyour favorite things about self shipping.
Honestly, myfavourite thing about self shipping is that I can feel like I havecompany regardless of how alone I actually am. Countless days spentby myself in my room and during lunchtimes back when I was at schoolcould be spent daydreaming about being loved and having adventureswith characters I enjoy! I always daydream a lot before I fallasleep, usually about cuddling up and spending the evening with oneof my F/Os before I fall alseep. Honestly without selfshipping Idon’t know what I’d do with my time. It’s such a huge thingthat fills up my day to day life and makes me happy, I genuinelydon’t think I’d still be here without it. 
13. Talk about apositive experience you’ve had with the community.
Honestly this iskind of hard for me lmao? I wouldn’t say I’ve had many hugelypositive or many hugely negative experiences overall. There arepeople I’ve found I get along with, there are some people that rubme the wrong way, there are some people I just haven’t spoken to! Ihaven’t really received any hate apart from someone being a dickabout my aesthetic commissions but I don’t really receive theattention I would like to either (is that bratty and selfish?Probably! But at least I’m honest about it lmao.) 
14. Finally, talkabout a few of your favorite self shippers!! (Honestly, talk about asmany as you would like!)
I don’t reallylike doing this because I’m afraid I’ll miss someone off andthey’ll feel sad about it or something BUT HERE’S A LIST OF PEEPSI SPEAK TO OFTEN AND CARE ABOUT AND TREASURE (note just becauseyou’re not on this list it doesn’t mean I don’t like you ordon’t enjoy your content! Just means this people I am particularlyclose with.)
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reprisedpiece · 7 years
Take A Break
Pairing: Mike Faist x LawStudent!Reader
Warning: mentions of curse words and breaking down
- “YES! definitely would love like a law student! reader x connor or mike!!” - “If you’re still accepting requests, could you write a law student reader x Mike Faist where the reader is super stressed out? Thanks!“ - “omg i would kill for a law student reader x mike faist tbh“
Word Count: 1943
Note: this is extremely fluffy i’m warning you guys. but hey i enjoyed writing this. send me more requests please even if it isn’t career!reader i’m willing to write a n y t h i n g. hope y’all like this. as always, feedback is appreciated.
You knew law school was going to be very difficult. You came from a family of lawyers so you’ve heard the stories over family reunions and Fourth of July barbecues. They would tell you how they consumed liters of coffee so that they can go through their entire tenure in law school. 
You knew you could handle the pressure. You were taught that a lawyer entails a strong will with an unwavering spirit. You had to be tough because you would have to stand up for your clients.
Still, having someone by your side would make things better. You knew you would eventually need someone to be there when times get tough, when you feel like you couldn’t handle it. Every student breaks down ones in a while and they had someone.
You had Mike. You’ve been together for three years. You met him when you were still in college and watched him play as Jack Kelly in Newsies: The Musical. You were disappointed when you heard Jeremy Jordan wouldn’t be there but that disappeared when you watched him perform his heart out. He saw you after the show, talked, went out for a cup of coffee, and that was that. 
You had Mike and he had you. That’s how it is. But recently, you thought that changed.
With Dear Evan Hansen being one of the most-awaited musicals of the year, performing eight shows a week and rehearsing for the rest of the time became the reason why you hardly saw him anymore.
He’d still be asleep when you had to get up for your classes and when you get home, he’d be out there on a show. By the time he gets home, he’d give you a kiss and then sleep while you studied one case file after another.
You couldn’t blame him. He was tired too. And besides, you were busy. You didn’t see the need to wake him up. Both of you were too caught up with your respective careers, too focused on making a name out there. You always thought that career would always come first and that both of you would be perfectly fine despite the heavy demands of your careers.
Until today.
It was all because of the bar examinations. Coming from a family of lawyers who passed the bar on their first try, this was nerve-wrecking. The pressure of following in the steps of your predecessors had you sitting in your room, tears prickling your eyes and threatening to fall.
“Taxation law is a fucking pain in the ass.” You mumble to yourself, rubbing your eyes to clear your vision from tears. It was no use. 
Tears continued to form even when you rubbed them away. The bar examination was three days away and you were still having a hard time with that particular area. 
You’ve been studying for 28 hours and yet you feel stuck. You let out a sigh as you grabbed your pen and continued to hit the books. 
Two hours into reviewing, you felt your back and your neck starting to ache. You tried to shrug the pain away but it was no use. Your body yearned for rest, specifically on the soft bed behind you.
Soon enough, your hands were starting to shake. You tried rubbing your hands together in attempt to put a halt on its involuntary movements but it didn’t help.
The next thing you know, you were sobbing. Tears blurred your vision and you knew you were getting your notes wet. Your buried your face into your hands, crying.
You pushed everything off your table. The books, papers, and notecards, scattering on the floor.
“I can’t do this. I’m going to fail this exam, fuck.” You were mumbling to yourself as your confidence dropped. You placed one of your hands to your mouth, trying to silence your cries. Your other hand reached for your hair, tugging on it in frustration. 
You couldn’t stop crying, you couldn’t calm yourself down, you couldn’t even breathe properly. 
You didn’t hear Mike knocking on your door through your cries.
He knew that the bar examinations were near so he took a day off to surprise you. He knew that he hasn’t been around lately so to compensate, he wanted to spend the entire day with you to help you relax.
He bought his hard drive with him so you can watch movies, bought popcorn and ice cream, he even stopped by a flower shop to buy you a bouquet of sunflowers because he knew you loved them.
He walked up to the apartment. Normally, he’s just use the key but he had so many stuff in his arms that he decided to just knock on your door. 
“Y/N! Could you open the door? I have a surprise for you.” He said loudly, grinning from ear to ear. He was excited to spend the day with you.
He waited for five minutes and you still haven’t attended the door. Mike’s eyebrows crunched up in confusion. He tried knocking again. “Y/N? Are you there?”
He placed his ear against the door, only to hear soft cries from the other end.
Mike quickly put the flowers, food, and his bag on the ground. He started fishing around his pocket for the key.
When he the door, what he saw made him run to you immediately.
You felt arms wrap around you tightly. You didn’t even have to look up. You knew it was Mike. Even if you haven’t spent most of the past weeks with one another, you’d never forget how it would feel like to be in his arms.
Your crying still hasn’t seized. Your fists were still curled up in you hair and you leaned back against his chest. Mike was hushing softly, rocking you in his arms in attempt to calm you down. He ran his fingers down your hair. He pried your fingers off your hair and interlocked them with his.
After some time, your sobs reduced to tears falling from your eyes. Your throat started to hurt from crying and you felt numb, tired. 
Mike continued to mumble soft nothings in your ear, even mumbling a series of apologies for not being there. Still cradling you in his arms, his eyes scanned the room. He stared at the heap of books and papers scattered on the floor before shifting his gaze on you.
“Maybe I’m not cut out for this.” You whispered softly, not a trace of hope could be heard from your voice. 
“I can’t even go though an exam without bursting into tears. How am I suppose to defend a client in front of a jury and a judge?” Your voice started quivering and Mike’s heart broke. He knew this was your dream and here you were, losing confidence at what you do.
He pressed a kiss on your temple. “Y/N, everyone goes through a rough patch every once in a while. Not everyone is perfect. People break down once in a while, it’s a way to release stre-”
“Lawyers aren’t criers! They’re tough. I mean, who the fuck cries because of tax law? Apparently, I do!” You exclaimed in frustration.
Mike hushed you once again, twirling your hair with his finger. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of that. It’s better to let everything out once in a while than to keep it all in. I bet Obama has broken down before,” He joked. 
You managed to crack a smile at his last sentence, which quickly fell after another though flooded your head.
“I just, I don’t know anymore. I really don’t want to disappoint my family, Mike.” You spoke softly, staring down at your intertwined fingers.
He gave you a sad smile. “I know you don’t. But if you focus on just becoming a bad ass lawyer rather than being the ultimate perfect daughter, which really can’t be achieved, maybe that would help in lifting the weight off your shoulders,”
He held you closer to him, his chin sitting on top of your head before speaking again. “Focus on yourself, Y/N. Focus on what you want and what you want to be. Your parents already know how hard you’ve been working and I believe they are proud to have you as their daughter.”
“But what if I fail?” You began wiping your tears away, chuckling bitterly. “Still proud of me?”
“Behind a single success is a series of failures. You’ve worked hard to achieve your dream. You’ll get there one way or another. Even if that means failing it for the first time,”
He tightened his embrace. “And let me tell you this, Y/N. I am incredibly proud of you. You will be an amazing lawyer. You’ll be a hero out there.” 
You felt tears welling up in your eyes once again but this time, they’re tears of happiness. You looked up at him. You placed your hand behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
“Thank you, Mike.” You said as you pulled away. “It was a good thing you came or else I would still be a mess.” 
He frowned at you, yet still holding you in his arms. 
“Hey,” He took a hold of your chin, making you look at him.
“Me being here was pure luck. The next time you feel upset, you get me. You can call me, text, email, call Ben or Will, I don’t care. No matter how small it may seem, you contact me when you feel bad and I’ll be here to help you as soon as I can.”
“Mike, it’s fine. I can handle most things by myself. This was an exception. I know you’re busy with-”
“I’m saying you don’t have to handle it by yourself unless you really want to, unless you really want to be by yourself for a while. I will respect your decision. Just know that no matter how busy we are, I’ll always be here for you. “
He placed a kiss on your forehead. “You will always come first.”
“I love you a lot, you do know that right?” You tell him.
“And I’d never forget it. I love you too much to let yourself get in the way of your own dreams.” He said.
“We got each other’s back no matter what?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“No matter what,” He confirmed. “I mean, it’s kind of my job. You know, as your boyfriend and all.” He continued with a cheeky grin on his face.
His gaze shifted to your pile of books. “Now, what do you want to do?”
“I think I’ll just review for a fe-”
“I have popcorn, ice cream, movies, and flowers for you.” He cut you off. 
You stared at him, mouth agape. Mike nudged his head towards the door. You snapped your head to that direction, only to see your favorite snacks in their favorite flavors and a bouquet of sunflowers.
He nuzzles his face into your neck. “C’mon, Y/N! Take a break. You need it.”
You giggled at his actions, pulling him away from your neck. “Fine! But help me review afterwards?” You say, putting your hand out for him to shake.
“You got yourself a deal.” Mike said, shaking your hand before pulling you in a kiss.
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labelleangel · 7 years
Tag of Basic Information ~ okie dokie so I just saw I was tagged in this and it's like 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep (plus I saw this video on sleep paralysis and it freaked me out) (plus I'm on my phone which makes things tough) (and thank you Emily for tagging me I'm too tired to search up your username rn but thank you ily bae) ABC tag AGE – 18 BIGGEST FEAR – probably being disliked or being a disappointment/a failure. Also clowns, fuck clowns. I used to be extremely scared of spiders and I still am but I'm able to kill them now CURRENT TIME – 3:39 am but will probably be after 4am when I finish this DRINK YOU LAST HAD – Water EVERYDAY STARTS WITH – Coffee, a pb&j, and a clementine FAVORITE SONG – I have a lot but I'm gonna try to keep it brief. Any Disney song, My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, Evermore by Josh Groban, Ride by Lana Del Rey, a shitload of Beatles songs there's too many to list, Monkees songs, and songs from Newsies, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL? – Bill Nye and other scientists say nah but I've seen a couple things that make me think "shit, probably" HOMETOWN – ive been told it's a stereotype that we're bitchy and I don't doubt it. But we're hipster af I feel IN LOVE WITH – My dog Angus, Leo DiCaprio, speaking french and anything french related (if you're from Quebec or France hmu let's communicate a bitch is tryna become fluent) and nature. JEALOUS OF – People who are straight A students easily and people with clear skin KILLED SOMEONE – Shhhh LAST TIME YOU CRIED – idk probably yesterday MIDDLE NAME – Lindsay NO. OF SIBLINGS – one ONE WISH – to be able to speak all the languages of the world fluently PERSON I LAST CALLED/TEXTED – My homegirl Gillian (love you boo) QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED – I used to be asked if I was in college when I was still in high school but now I'm in college I'm not asked that anymore lol REASON TO SMILE – Emily had a FANTASTIC list so mine would probably be similar to hers. LEGGO: sunrises and sunsets. The beach. A walk through the woods on a sunny day. Snuggling up with a pet. Snuggling up with a person. Seeing a loved one for the first time in forever. Disney movies. Romance movies and fairy tales. Hearing something in a language you're trying to learn and being able to understand it. Finding seashells on the beach. Traveling to a new place and seeing the landscape change. Confiding in someone and having them listen to you. Intellectual and deep conversations. Concerts. Unity when tragedy strikes the world. Love. Being in love. Being in a great big lake and floating on your back and closing your eyes. MUSIC. A GOOD ASS PLAYLIST FOR ANY OCCASION. EMPHASIS ON LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE. There's so much more of any of y'all wanna discuss messaging works lmao SONG LAST SANG - Love Potion °9 by i forgot TIME YOU WOKE UP – 10:30 am UNDERWEAR – none cus I'm in my pj's VACATION DESTINATION? – I'm trying to get to Quebec this summer but I love traveling in general. I'd honestly go anywhere WORST HABIT – picking and peeling the whites of my nails off and probably being messy when it comes to my room YOUR FAVORITE FOOD – I LOOOOVE SPAGHETTI AND JUST PASTA IN GENERAL ZODIAC – Leo BOLD tag ~ listen, a bitch is tired so I'm just gonna put yesses next to them if they apply cus I'm still on my phone and I don't think I can bold anything → appearance: I I am 5′7″ or taller- yes 5'8"
I I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing - yes, my ears
i have brown eyes i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined- i have a couple bumps near the top but they're not totally "defined" i have or have had braces -yes I hated them 
There is something I would change about the way I look - yes I'm trying to get my hair cut into layers soon → personality: I My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff - gryffindor af (lowkey used to be in ravenclaw but it's a long story and now I'm in gryffindor) Ravenclaw Slytherin 
I am an introvert 
i like/love meeting new people - yes yes yes
people tell me that i’m funny - maybe, but it's mostly me telling myself 
i enjoy physical challenges -sometimes
i enjoy mental challenges -It depends 
i’m playfully rude with people i know well - yes but I try not to be too mean 
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - yes its awful someone help 
There is something I would change about my personality -yup → ability: I I can sing well 
i can play an instrument 
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner - I guess???
i can draw well - i have sketches all over the place 
i have a good memory 
I’m good at doing math in my head 
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I can hold my breath for 9 hours
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling 
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch - yes thanks to my brother → hobbies: I i enjoy playing sports - yes i love playing soccer and baseball and volleyball and just being active 
I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week - I try to
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months - yes cus volleyball kept me in pretty good shape and now that's over idk what else to do with myself 
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing - yes and the best gift you could give me is a journal
Fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts → experiences: I i have had my first kiss - yes
i have had alcohol - yes
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game - yes
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event -yes
i have been in a taxi 
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I should've added hospitals to the list of things I'm afraid of, but thankfully no i haven't been to the ER lately
I have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country - Canada ig??
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts - One Direction yo → relationship: I I’m in a relationship 
i have a celebrity crush - basically any cute actor but it always comes back to Leo DiCaprio 
I have a crush on someone I know 
i have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily - same as what Emily said, i get infatuated but i don't get crushes super easily. But if i like you i god damn like you A LOT
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
i have had feelings for a friend → my life: I i have at least one person i consider a “best friend” - hey gilli and Teags (and my follege besties OF COURSE) where you at 
i live close to my school my parents are still together -yep
i have at least one sibling - yes
i live in the united states -yes
There is snow right now where I live
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month - I hung out with friends in the past two days actually 
i have a smartphone - yes it's what I'm using to painstakingly type all this out on 
I have at least 15 CDs 
I share my room with someone → random shit: I i have breakdanced 
i know a person named jamie 
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail -yes but I can't say who
I have broken a bone 
I have eaten a waffle today 
i know what i want to do with my life - mostly, I just hope it all works out
i have made a new friend in the past year - @ All the friends I made at college you're all the bomb Okay so now imma tag @squiinty and @plurth and @natsukashiiii I legit copied and pasted @yixingding 's post and re-wrote everything (iPhone probs) and it's now 4:05 am lol but this was fun my Leo ass loves talking about myself so I invite literally anybody to do this too and THANK YOU EM&M FOR TAGGING ME ITS SO FUNNY I SAW THIS AT LIKE 3:30 IN THE MORNING I MISS YOU BOO
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placeformysurveys · 4 years
[ ] I am dating someone completely the opposite of me.
[/ ] I wish I could live in the 50’s.
[ ] Being popular is important to me.
[ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend and I have many ups and downs.
[ ] I’ve had to move to a new school before.
[ ] I would change myself to be with the one I love.
[ ] I sometimes act fake to be accepted.
[ x] I’ve had a summer fling.
[ x] I’m an innocent person.
[ ] I am a part of a certain clique in high school.
Total: 2.5
[ ] I spend a long time doing my hair before school/work.
[X ] I love to dance.
[ x] I would love to be a contestant on a TV show.
[ x] I am a very bubbly person.
[ /] I hang out with people less popular than me.
[ x] I never judge by the color of skin.
[ ] I don’t let other peoples’ words get me down.
[ x] I don’t have the perfect body, but I am content with myself.
[ x] My parents support me in all of my goals.
[X ] I have a huge crush on a celebrity.
Total: 7.5
[ x] I love filming and making home videos.
[ /] I really do measure my life in love.
[ ] I have lost a loved one from a disease.
[ ] I am currently trying to get over an ex.
[ ] I have a hard time opening myself up to love.
[ ] My friends are what keep me moving on in life.
[ ] I have an addiction to something.
[ ] I often find myself in a love triangle.
[ x] I support gay rights.
[ ] I’ve fallen in love with someone unexpected.
Total: 1.5
The Newsies
[ ] I read the newspaper in the morning.
[ ] I own one of those newsboy hats.
[ ] I don’t think my job pays me enough.
[X ] My family income isn’t that good.
[X ] Sometimes people don’t take me seriously.
[ ] I wish that I could live somewhere else.
[ ] I have gotten into trouble with the cops.
[ ] I am really good at selling products.
[ ] I stay over at my best friend’s house a lot.
[ /] I always stand up for what I think is right.
Total: 2.5
[ x] I would love to be famous.
[ ] I think I am a good singer.
[ ] I have lied to get out of trouble.
[X ] There is a celebrity I really look up to.
[ ] I sometimes get tired of my ordinary life.
[ ] I am not afraid to use people to reach my dream.
[ ] I wouldn’t take back any of the mistakes I’ve made.
[ ] I have cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[/ ] I have been lied to by a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ /] I really like being the center of attention.
Total: 3
Sweeney Todd
[/ ] I have changed a lot in the past 10 years.
[ ] My girlfriend/boyfriend is wanted by many others.
[ ] I love my job.
[ ] I would love to get revenge on those that wronged me.
[ /] I have lost someone I loved very much.
[ ] I have a clever mind and can get away with a lot.
[ ] I find it very difficult to trust people.
[X ] There is something from my past that still bothers me.
[ x] I have wanted someone that I couldn’t have.
[ ] I sometimes feel like I don’t have much to live for.
Total: 3
Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] I have gotten lost traveling before.
[ ] I cannot wait to get married.
[ ] I believe I have found my soul mate.
[ x] I want to save myself for my husband/wife.
[ ] I love to party!
[ ] Transvestites amuse me so much.
[ ] I get jealous easily over my boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ /] I wish I could create my perfect significant other.
[ ] I believe that there are aliens out there somewhere.
[ ] I am not afraid to experiment sexually.
Total: 1.5
Across The Universe
[ ] I love The Beatles!
[ x] I have taken a trip to another country.
[ x] I believe in peace, not war.
[/ ] I really love drawing and/or painting.
[ x] New York City sounds like an awesome place to live.
[ ] I have left my boyfriend/girlfriend to be with someone else.
[ ] I have experimented using drugs before.
[ x] I am friends with a lot of interesting/unique people.
[ ] I would be lost without my music.
[ ] I would leave everything behind to be with the one I love.
Total: 4.5
High School Musical
[ x] I am considered to be smart in school.
[ ] I met my current boyfriend/girlfriend at a party.
[X ] I have performed in a school play.
[ x] My parents have pushed me to achieve something.
[ x] I have been torn between two activities before.
[ x] I do not stick to one stereotype in school.
[ ] I want to do something different from what my parents want.
[ ] I have a lot of school spirit.
[ x] I get along with just about everybody.
[ x] There is someone at my school that pushes others around.
Total: 7
Mamma Mia
[X ] I love ABBA!
[ ] I have never met my real dad.
[ x] My mom is my best friend.
[ x] I live with my mom.
[ /] I would love to live in Greece.
[ ] I want to marry my boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ x] I have really outgoing friends.
[ ] I have secrets that no one else knows.
[ ] I’ve had an affair with more than one guy/girl.
[ ] I am a great matchmaker and like to set people up.
Total: 4.5
[ /] I am interested in religions.
[ x] I know most of the Bible stories.
[ /] I like to put on skits.
[X ] I wear a lot of colorful clothing.
[ x] I try to keep good morals.
[ x] I listen to Christian music.
[ x] I believe in God.
[ x] I am not afraid of death.
[ /] I am a humble person.
[X ] I’m confident that I’ll go to Heaven after I die.
Total: 8.5
[ ] I consider myself a hippie.
[ ] I have really long hair.
[ ] I like to wear loose clothing.
[ ] I love music from the 60’s.
[ ] I swear too much.
[ ] I can be somewhat of a rebel.
[ ] I can sometimes act on impulse.
[ ] I believe in sexual freedom.
[ ] I try to show people a fun time.
[/ ] I wish people cared more about peace and love.
Total: .5
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
[ x] I am very close to my family.
[ x] I love chocolate and other sweets.
[ x] I am a very curious person.
[ /] I believe good people should be rewarded.
[/ ] I can be pretty childish at times.
[ ] I am a secretive person.
[ ] I enjoy confusing people.
[X ] I have a very wild imagination.
[/ ] I think I have very good luck.
[ x] I am a very honest person and almost always tell the truth.
Total: 6.5
The Wizard of Oz
[ x] I daydream a lot.
[X ] I would like to enter an imaginary land.
[ /] My friends would stick by me no matter what.
[ x] I would risk my life for my pet.
[ x] I get homesick easily.
[ /] I am a brave person.
[ ] I have a power I didn’t realize I had.
[ ] I wish I could have more purpose than I actually do.
[ ] There is only one place I could ever call home.
[ ] I make friends easily.
Total: 5
[ ] I have taken in a lost dog.
[ x] I appreciate my parents so much.
[ ] I have red hair.
[/ ] I would like to adopt a child.
[ ] My parents make me do a lot of chores.
[X ] I am always thinking about the future.
[X ] All I really want is to be loved.
[ ] I have helped two adults find love.
[/ ] I share my stuff with all my friends.
[ x] I would love to live in a big mansion.
Total: 5
Moulin Rouge!
[ ] Love causes me too much pain.
[ ] I have been in a secret relationship.
[ ] I have a lot of style and class.
[ ] Many guys/girls have told me that I’m sexy.
[ ] I really love to write.
[ x] I would like to be an actor.
[ /] I like to go to parties and dance.
[ /] I would like to live in France.
[ ] I am charming and good at seducing people.
[ ] My love life has been very complicated.
Total: 2
West Side Story
[ /] I live in a violent town.
[/ ] I have dated someone my parents did not approve of.
[ ] I have dated someone of a different race.
[ ] My group of friends has an enemy.
[ ] I would kill myself if the one I loved died.
[ ] My friends can sometimes be troublemakers.
[ ] My friends don’t like my boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ x] I believe that violence does not solve anything.
[ x] I try to find a compromise and see both sides of something.
[ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend is the one light in my life.
Total: 3
I am: Godspell
0 notes
silvershadow1398 · 5 years
Grease [ ] I am dating someone completely the opposite of me. [ ] I wish I could live in the 50’s. [ ] Being popular is important to me. [ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend and I have many ups and downs. [X] I’ve had to move to a new school before. [ ] I would change myself to be with the one I love. [X] I sometimes act fake to be accepted. [ ] I’ve had a summer fling. [X] I’m an innocent person. [ ] I am a part of a certain clique in high school. Total: 3
Hairspray [ ] I spend a long time doing my hair before school/work. [X] I love to dance. [ ] I would love to be a contestant on a TV show. [ ] I am a very bubbly person. [X] I hang out with people less popular than me. [X] I never judge by the color of skin. [ ] I don’t let other peoples’ words get me down. [X] I don’t have the perfect body, but I am content with myself. [X] My parents support me in all of my goals. [X] I have a huge crush on a celebrity. Total: 6
Rent [X] I love filming and making home videos. [ ] I really do measure my life in love. [ ] I have lost a loved one from a disease. [ ] I am currently trying to get over an ex. [X] I have a hard time opening myself up to love. [ ] My friends are what keep me moving on in life. [X] I have an addiction to something. [ ] I often find myself in a love triangle. [X] I support gay rights. [ ] I’ve fallen in love with someone unexpected. Total: 4
The Newsies [ ] I read the newspaper in the morning. [ ] I own one of those newsboy hats. [ ] I don’t think my job pays me enough. [ ] My family income isn’t that good. [X] Sometimes people don’t take me seriously. [X] I wish that I could live somewhere else. [ ] I have gotten into trouble with the cops. [ ] I am really good at selling products. [ ] I stay over at my best friend’s house a lot. [ ] I always stand up for what I think is right. Total: 2
Chicago [ ] I would love to be famous. [ ] I think I am a good singer. [X] I have lied to get out of trouble. [X] There is a celebrity I really look up to. [X] I sometimes get tired of my ordinary life. [ ] I am not afraid to use people to reach my dream. [ ] I wouldn’t take back any of the mistakes I’ve made. [ ] I have cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I have been lied to by a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I really like being the center of attention. Total: 3
Sweeney Todd [X] I have changed a lot in the past 10 years. [ ] My girlfriend/boyfriend is wanted by many others. [ ] I love my job. [ ] I would love to get revenge on those that wronged me. [ ] I have lost someone I loved very much. [X] I have a clever mind and can get away with a lot. [X] I find it very difficult to trust people. [X] There is something from my past that still bothers me. [X] I have wanted someone that I couldn’t have. [X] I sometimes feel like I don’t have much to live for. Total: 6
Rocky Horror Picture Show [ ] I have gotten lost traveling before. [ ] I cannot wait to get married. [ ] I believe I have found my soul mate. [ ] I want to save myself for my husband/wife. [ ] I love to party! [ ] Transvestites amuse me so much. [ ] I get jealous easily over my boyfriend/girlfriend. [X] I wish I could create my perfect significant other. [X] I believe that there are aliens out there somewhere. [ ] I am not afraid to experiment sexually. Total: 2
Across The Universe [ ] I love The Beatles! [X] I have taken a trip to another country. [X] I believe in peace, not war. [ ] I really love drawing and/or painting. [ ] New York City sounds like an awesome place to live. [ ] I have left my boyfriend/girlfriend to be with someone else. [ ] I have experimented using drugs before. [X] I am friends with a lot of interesting/unique people. [X] I would be lost without my music. [ ] I would leave everything behind to be with the one I love. Total: 4
High School Musical [ ] I am considered to be smart in school. [ ] I met my current boyfriend/girlfriend at a party. [X] I have performed in a school play. [X] My parents have pushed me to achieve something. [ ] I have been torn between two activities before. [X] I do not stick to one stereotype in school. [X] I want to do something different from what my parents want. [ ] I have a lot of school spirit. [ ] I get along with just about everybody. [ ] There is someone at my school that pushes others around. Total: 4
Mamma Mia [X] I love ABBA! [X] I have never met my real dad. [X] My mom is my best friend. [X] I live with my mom. [ ] I would love to live in Greece. [ ] I want to marry my boyfriend/girlfriend. [X] I have really outgoing friends. [X] I have secrets that no one else knows. [ ] I’ve had an affair with more than one guy/girl. [ ] I am a great matchmaker and like to set people up. Total: 6
Godspell [ ] I am interested in religions. [ ] I know most of the Bible stories. [ ] I like to put on skits. [X] I wear a lot of colorful clothing. [X] I try to keep good morals. [X] I listen to Christian music. [ ] I believe in God. [ ] I am not afraid of death. [X] I am a humble person. [ ] I’m confident that I’ll go to Heaven after I die. Total: 4
Hair [ ] I consider myself a hippie. [ ] I have really long hair. [X] I like to wear loose clothing. [ ] I love music from the 60’s. [X] I swear too much. [ ] I can be somewhat of a rebel. [X] I can sometimes act on impulse. [X] I believe in sexual freedom. [ ] I try to show people a fun time. [X] I wish people cared more about peace and love. Total: 5
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory [X] I am very close to my family. [ ] I love chocolate and other sweets. [X] I am a very curious person. [X] I believe good people should be rewarded. [X] I can be pretty childish at times. [X] I am a secretive person. [ ] I enjoy confusing people. [X] I have a very wild imagination. [ ] I think I have very good luck. [ ] I am a very honest person and almost always tell the truth. Total: 6
The Wizard of Oz [X] I daydream a lot. [X] I would like to enter an imaginary land. [ ] My friends would stick by me no matter what. [ ] I would risk my life for my pet. [X] I get homesick easily. [ ] I am a brave person. [ ] I have a power I didn’t realize I had. [X] I wish I could have more purpose than I actually do. [ ] There is only one place I could ever call home. [ ] I make friends easily. Total: 4
Annie [ ] I have taken in a lost dog. [X] I appreciate my parents so much. [ ] I have red hair. [ ] I would like to adopt a child. [ ] My parents make me do a lot of chores. [X] I am always thinking about the future. [X] All I really want is to be loved. [ ] I have helped two adults find love. [ ] I share my stuff with all my friends. [ ] I would love to live in a big mansion. Total: 3
Moulin Rouge! [X] Love causes me too much pain. [ ] I have been in a secret relationship. [ ] I have a lot of style and class. [ ] Many guys/girls have told me that I’m sexy. [ ] I really love to write. [ ] I would like to be an actor. [ ] I like to go to parties and dance. [ ] I would like to live in France. [ ] I am charming and good at seducing people. [ ] My love life has been very complicated. Total: 1
West Side Story [ ] I live in a violent town. [ ] I have dated someone my parents did not approve of. [ ] I have dated someone of a different race. [ ] My group of friends has an enemy. [ ] I would kill myself if the one I loved died. [X] My friends can sometimes be troublemakers. [ ] My friends don’t like my boyfriend/girlfriend. [X] I believe that violence does not solve anything. [X] I try to find a compromise and see both sides of something. [ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend is the one light in my life. Total: 3
I am: 4 way tie between Hairspray, Sweeney Todd, Mamma Mia, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
0 notes
nostalgiaispeace · 6 years
Which Musical Are You?
Grease [ ] I am dating someone completely the opposite of me. (married) [ ] I wish I could live in the 50’s. [ ] Being popular is important to me. [ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend and I have many ups and downs. (husband) [ ] I’ve had to move to a new school before. [ ] I would change myself to be with the one I love. [ ] I sometimes act fake to be accepted. [ ] I’ve had a summer fling. [ ] I’m an innocent person. [ ] I am a part of a certain clique in high school. Total: 4
Hairspray [ ] I spend a long time doing my hair before school/work. [] I love to dance. [ ] I would love to be a contestant on a TV show. [ ] I am a very bubbly person. [ ] I hang out with people less popular than me. [] I never judge by the color of skin. [ ] I don’t let other peoples’ words get me down. [ ] I don’t have the perfect body, but I am content with myself. [] My parents support me in all of my goals. [] I have a huge crush on a celebrity. Total: 2
Rent [] I love filming and making home videos. [ ] I really do measure my life in love. [] I have lost a loved one from a disease. [ ] I am currently trying to get over an ex. [] I have a hard time opening myself up to love. [ ] My friends are what keep me moving on in life. [ ] I have an addiction to something. [ ] I often find myself in a love triangle. [] I support gay rights. [] I’ve fallen in love with someone unexpected. Total: 4
The Newsies [ ] I read the newspaper in the morning. [ ] I own one of those newsboy hats. [ ] I don’t think my job pays me enough. [ ] My family income isn’t that good. [] Sometimes people don’t take me seriously. [] I wish that I could live somewhere else. [ ] I have gotten into trouble with the cops. [ ] I am really good at selling products. [ ] I stay over at my best friend’s house a lot. [] I always stand up for what I think is right. Total: 4
Chicago [ ] I would love to be famous. [ ] I think I am a good singer. [] I have lied to get out of trouble. [] There is a celebrity I really look up to. [] I sometimes get tired of my ordinary life. [ ] I am not afraid to use people to reach my dream. [ ] I wouldn’t take back any of the mistakes I’ve made. [ ] I have cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I have been lied to by a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] I really like being the center of attention. Total: 3
Sweeney Todd [] I have changed a lot in the past 10 years. [ ] My girlfriend/boyfriend is wanted by many others. [ ] I love my job. [ ] I would love to get revenge on those that wronged me. [] I have lost someone I loved very much. [] I have a clever mind and can get away with a lot. [] I find it very difficult to trust people. [] There is something from my past that still bothers me. [] I have wanted someone that I couldn’t have. [] I sometimes feel like I don’t have much to live for. Total: 6
Rocky Horror Picture Show [] I have gotten lost traveling before. [ ] I cannot wait to get married. [ ] I believe I have found my soul mate. [] I want to save myself for my husband/wife. [ ] I love to party! [ ] Transvestites amuse me so much. [ ] I get jealous easily over my boyfriend/girlfriend. [] I wish I could create my perfect significant other. [ ] I believe that there are aliens out there somewhere. [ ] I am not afraid to experiment sexually. Total: 2
Across The Universe [ ] I love The Beatles! [] I have taken a trip to another country. [] I believe in peace, not war. [ ] I really love drawing and/or painting. [x] New York City sounds like an awesome place to live. [ ] I have left my boyfriend/girlfriend to be with someone else. [ ] I have experimented using drugs before. [ ] I am friends with a lot of interesting/unique people. [] I would be lost without my music. [ ] I would leave everything behind to be with the one I love. Total: 5
High School Musical [ ] I am considered to be smart in school. [ ] I met my current boyfriend/girlfriend at a party. [] I have performed in a school play. [ ] My parents have pushed me to achieve at something. [ ] I have been torn between two activities before. [] I do not stick to one stereotype in school. [ ] I want to do something different from what my parents want. [ ] I have a lot of school spirit. [] I get along with just about everybody. [] There is someone at my school that pushes others around. Total: 4
Mamma Mia [ ] I love ABBA! [ ] I have never met my real dad. [] My mom is my best friend. [] I live with my mom. [ ] I would love to live in Greece. [ ] I want to marry my boyfriend/girlfriend. (i did) [ ] I have really outgoing friends. [] I have secrets that no one else knows. [ ] I’ve had an affair with more than one guy/girl. [ ] I am a great matchmaker and like to set people up. Total: 3
Godspell [ ] I am interested in religions. [] I know most of the Bible stories. [ ] I like to put on skits. [ ] I wear a lot of colorful clothing. [] I try to keep good morals. [] I listen to Christian music. [] I believe in God. [ ] I am not afraid of death. [] I am a humble person. [ ] I’m confident that I’ll go to Heaven after I die. Total: 7
Hair [ ] I consider myself a hippie. [ ] I have really long hair. [] I like to wear loose clothing. [] I love music from the 60’s. [] I swear too much. [ ] I can be somewhat of a rebel. [ ] I can sometimes act on impulse. [ ] I believe in sexual freedom. [] I try to show people a fun time. [] I wish people cared more about peace and love. Total: 5
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory [] I am very close to my family. [] I love chocolate and other sweets. [] I am a very curious person. [] I believe good people should be rewarded. [] I can be pretty childish at times. [] I am a secretive person. [ ] I enjoy confusing people. [] I have a very wild imagination. [ ] I think I have very good luck. [] I am a very honest person and almost always tell the truth. Total: 7
The Wizard of Oz [] I daydream a lot. [] I would like to enter an imaginary land. [] My friends would stick by me no matter what. [] I would risk my life for my pet. [] I get homesick easily. [ ] I am a brave person. [ ] I have a power I didn’t realize I had. [] I wish I could have more purpose than I actually do. [ ] There is only one place I could ever call home. [ ] I make friends easily. Total: 5
Annie [ ] I have taken in a lost dog. [] I appreciate my parents so much. [ ] I have red hair. [] I would like to adopt a child. [ ] My parents make me do a lot of chores. [] I am always thinking about the future. [] All I really want is to be loved. [ ] I have helped two adults find love. [ ] I share my stuff with all my friends. [] I would love to live in a big mansion. Total: 3
Moulin Rouge! [ ] Love causes me too much pain. [] I have been in a secret relationship. [ ] I have a lot of style and class. [ ] Many guys/girls have told me that I’m sexy. [ ] I really love to write. [] I would like to be an actor. [ ] I like to go to parties and dance. [ ] I would like to live in France. [ ] I am charming and good at seducing people. [ ] My love life has been very complicated. Total: 3
West Side Story [ ] I live in a violent town. [ ] I have dated someone my parents did not approve of. [ ] I have dated someone of a different race. [ ] My group of friends has an enemy. [ ] I would kill myself if the one I loved died. (i dunno for sure but probably) [] My friends can sometimes be troublemakers. [ ] My friends don’t like my boyfriend/girlfriend. [] I believe that violence does not solve anything. [] I try to find a compromise and see both sides of something. [ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend is the one light in my life. Total: 5
I am: Williy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory and Godspell
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