#i need a bear who is also a verse switch & i need somebody to do recreational sadomasochisms with. i need to get OUT of my HOUSE!!!
pegglefan69 · 7 months
I did not realize how disappointed I was about having to wait a whole nother month to start prep. well. sigh. at least I got my nipples pierced? when I am not feeling awful about my physical self I feel pretty good about that.
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mdizzle999872 · 12 days
Nurse Isabelle
Wolf let out an annoyed growl as he sat in the hospital bed. His leg had been broken out in space thanks to a stray asteroid.
His leg was being held up by a wire in the air for medical reasons. Of course he had tried to escape a few times but that just made the staff add restraints to his bed. He was a busy guy! He had jobs to finish, Foxes to kill! He couldn't be expected to just lay in bed!
Except that he was expected to do just that. Nintendo hospital was well versed in keeping some heavy hitters on as staff. Big guys like Chunky Kong and that polar bear from Ice Climbers. The kind that could easily hold him down. He was stuck, like it or not!
So belted to the bed he continued to growl until Dr. Mario came in holding a clipboard.
"Hello, Wolf. Imma afraid I got some bad news. Your broken leg is a little more severe than we thought so it looks like you'll need around the clock monitoring."
"Well what's the good news?"
"That was the good news."
"THAT was the good news?!"
"Compared-a to the rest? Yes."
Wolf growled a little louder.
"You see-a, we recently been forced to accept Pikmin as patients and-a we are filling up awfully-a fast. So we can't-a really afford to have you stay-a here."
"What?! What about my leg?!"
"Not to worry. I'll be assigning you a live in-a nurse to look after you at home."
"I live in space." Wolf dryly spat.
This excuse didn't fly with Dr. Mario at all. He placed the clipboard down on a filing cabinet and looked at him with lowered eyelids.
"We both know Sakurai gave you a house-a. Not to worry, this-a nurse, she's a real hard worker. She started as an intern but she worked-a so hard!"
"Who is it? Peach? You don't think Bowser is going to mind her spending time with another villain do you?"
Dr. Mario stared at Wolf coldly for a moment. The mercenary was starting to make bedside manner a tough challenge.
"I would put away the wolfish grin. I believe you already met-a her." He opened the door and threw out his hands like a magician dramatically revealing his assistant. "It's-a her, Isabelle!"
Isabelle hopped out into the doorway wearing a little nurse's outfit.
"Hi Wolf! It's been a while, huh?"
Panic immediately took over the space villain.
He struggled in bed but he his restraints were too tight.
He flailed in bed as he desperately tried to escape, but of course it was futile.
Eventually he settled for whimpering in the bed as he looked at Dr. Mario with pleading eyes.
"Please, no. Not Isabelle!"
"Now Wolf," Dr. Mario held up his finger as if he were about to lecture a child. "I only said she started as an intern. She's-a worked hard and is an official nurse now, she's-a got all her qualifications for this-a job."
"NO! You don't understand! She's INTO me! She was constantly hitting on me! I thought I got her to leave me alone when I told her off but she eventually came back to do it again but brought a pony friend to do it WITH her!"
"... What? Nevermind. I suppose-a if you REALLY want a different nurse, we could call-a in somebody else." Dr. Mario brought the clipboard over to Wolf. "This is how-a much it would cost."
Wolf's eyes bugged out of his sockets for a moment when he saw the price.
"THAT'S A LOT OF BELLS!" Once Wolf's shock was over he turned to Dr. Mario in confusion. "Why are you only accepting bells as currency?"
"It was MY idea!" chirped Isabelle.
"Oops! I'm-a so sorry, that's your bill." He turned the page. "Here's -a how much it would cost-a you to switch out."
Wolf saw the actual price and suddenly his head felt dizzy. He swayed back and forth before ultimately fainting on the bed.
Wolf's House...
Wolf awoke several hours later in a daze. His vision was blurred but slowly everything was starting to come into focus. He was still in a bed but it didn't look like the one from the hospital. He also appeared to be on the first floor. Also strange since last time he checked he was on the thirtieth floor.
He was facing a window but he didn't recognize any of the shrubbery. The room itself was different from the one at the hospital as well. It has desk drawers on each side of the bed with lamps on them and there was a cabinet for clothes under the window he was facing.
Safe to say, he wasn't in the hospital anymore.
Then his last memories of the hospital came flooding back to him.
"Oh no..."
His fears were confirmed as Isabelle walked in with her little nurse's outfit on, carrying a tray of food as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Oh, hi Wolf! I see you finally woke up from your little nappy. We moved you here while you were out because Dr. Mario said that it was important to get your rest in while you could!"
"Isabelle, I swear! If you try to pull a Misery on me, I will know my own leg off!"
Isabelle tilted her head to the side in confusion. "A misery? I'm not sure what you're talking about. All I know is that I'm going to be your live in nurse!"
Isabelle propped the tray up and set it so he could eat it in bed.
"The road to recovery may be a long and tough one but don't you worry! Isabelle will do her best!"
She spooned some food and held it out to him. "Now it's time to eat some yummy nutritious hospital food! Say 'Aaaaaah'!"
Wolf turned his head away, he did NOT want to give her the satisfaction!
"Oh come on, Wolf! You have to eat up if you want to get better! Here comes the airplane..."
Wolf turned again, still refusing.
Isabelle gave him a flirtatious smile. "You know, if you don't eat any of this food... then as a responsible nurse I might just have to chew it up for you and 'forcefully' feed you. You know, since you're my patient and all..."
Isabelle had to jump back as Wolf, without warning, suddenly started to go completely rabid on his hospital food. It was like watching a frenzy, Wolf made sure there wasn't even a scrap of food left.
Wolf panted out of breath as the last of his food was gone. He was certain he didn't even taste it. It was worth it though, he couldn't give Isabelle any opportunity.
"Oh my! Such a vigorous appetite! You'll be better in no time! Oh but look..." Isabelle's flirty smile came back. "You've made a mess all over the bed! You naughty boy."
Wolf only let out an annoyed growl in response.
Isabelle left for a little bit but came back with a wheelchair.
"I'll clean up things here while you get a little exercise. Don't worry, these sheets will be cleaned up in a jiffy."
Wolf growled a little louder and tossed his tray to the other side of the room. He needed to scoot over to the side of bed and it took him longer than he liked.
Isabelle didn't seem to mind though, she just stood there patiently waiting for him. In fact, he believed her tail was wagging.
He landed in the wheelchair and gave Isabelle an annoyed look.
"Don't think this means anything!"
Isabelle held her cheeks in embarrassment.
"Oh no, of course not! That would be horribly unprofessional of me! But rest assured..." she smiled again. "Isabelle will be doing her very best... For you, Wolf."
Wolf shuddered for a moment in his wheelchair.
Isabelle wheeled him out to a different room and Wolf learned that a lot of the house was barren. There wasn't really a lot to look at, even the floor was just wooden paneling. He did spot a stand with a book on it. This was the destination for him designed by Isabelle.
"While I'm busy, feel free to read this book I found for you."
Wolf picked it up and looked at the title. It read "Wolf Crossbreeds With Shih Tzus".
"Oh My Sakurai! Isabelle!"
"What? It's just a book I thought you would find genuinely interesting. Cleaning up your mess might take a while so feel free to read as much of that book as you like!"
Wolf didn't even bother to growl this time, there was no point! He just hung his head in defeat.
He had no way out of this situation.
Well that wasn't necessarily true... She had wheeled him out to what looked like the front door. It was open too.
Now, Wolf was not a nice wolf. An argument could be made that he was right up there with Bowser and Ganondorf... but he also wasn't a dumb wolf either. He knew that even if he did make a break for it he would just ultimately end up right back where he started.
He didn't know exactly where he was, he didn't know the planet, the city, he didn't even know the neighborhood. He also knew he would need to contact his team if he really wanted to leave but he didn't have a means to do that.
No. Like it or not, he was stuck.
He pounded the arm of his wheelchair in frustration.
He still refused to give into Isabelle's tactics though. He would NOT let Stockholm syndrome set in!
Isabelle's happy humming caught his attention though. She leaned back so he could see her.
"Oh and Wolf? We might need to talk later about 'bathing procedures'."
Panic had overridden the rational part of his brain he had been using to keep himself inside. He used his arms to wheel himself out the front door like a bat out of Hell.
There was no logic. There was no reason. There was only fear and the survival instinct to escape.
It looked like a fairly normal neighborhood but Wolf didn't care. He whimpered louder than he would have liked, loud enough for anybody to hear. Again, he didn't care. He needed to escape!
He was about two blocks away when he noticed that he was starting to pick up speed... without him pushing...
More speed was added without his help and it dawned on him.
He was on a hill.
He tried to slow down but his breaks grinded against the wheels and snapped off. And the hill was only getting steeper.
His saving grace turned out to be a simple pothole in the road but that didn't mean he was okay. At the speed he had hit it, he was sent flying through the air right into the thornbush on somebody's lawn.
Isabelle plucked another thorn out of her favorite lupine.
"Wolf! I was talking about you putting a garbage bag over your leg! You really didn't need to freak out like that. Oh now look at you. My poor Wolfy!"
She plucked three more thorns with her tiny tweasers.
"Everything is going to be alright though. Your nurse is here and rest assured, Isabelle will do her best!"
She was climbing all over his body plucking out out thorns, he was only allowing this because there were some thorns he simply could not get out himself.
"I can't believe you tried to make a break for it like that. What were you thinking?!"
To Wolf's surprise, Isabelle actually smacked him one on the snout.
"Stop moving! I don't need you making my work any harder than it actually is!"
No less than fifteen more thorns were pulled.
"There. I'm done!"
"Now stay here while I go get some bandaids and disinfectant!"
Wolf didn't want to admit it but Isabelle was essentially doing the job of taking care of him, so there was at least some level of professionalism.
She walked in to the next room, trusting Wolf not to make another run for it.
"Oh by the way, Wolf. We don't have cable or streaming or any of that stuff so I got a bunch of movies for you! Nothing kills time better than some good entertainment. Hm. No disinfectant. I guess iodine will do..."
Isabelle walked back in to the room carrying the bandaids and iodine but her demeanor had changed back to her friendly nature.
"I got all types of movies we can watch! Balto, Old Yeller, Isle of Dogs, Beethoven, Bolt, Homeward Bound, or..."
She raised her eyebrows suggestively at him. "If you're feeling a little lonely, we could watch..." She smiled at him. "Marley and Me."
Of course Isabelle also had this way of INDIRECTLY flirting with him. He had to do something! It was only going to get worse from here!
Isabelle hid her face behind her hands. "Oh my! What am I even saying?! Such behavior is so inappropriate for a nurse and her patient! Of course I am only talking about watching movies but still... I guess we could watch something a little more calming like Landy and the Tramp... Wait! No! That's in the completely wrong direction! Think Isabelle! Oh! We could watch the Scooby Doo movie..."
As Isabelle rambled on, Wolf stared down at his cast.
'This leg...' thought Wolf. 'This LEG IS THE PROBLEM! If it weren't for this broken leg, I wouldn't even BE in this mess! Well she doesn't need to worry about healing my broken leg, IF THERE'S NO LEG TO HEAL!'
Wolf let out a feral growl before biting down on the part of his leg that wasn't in a cast.
He felt her little paws on him, trying to get him to stop but he didn't care. Wolf ignored Isabelle and continued to gnaw on his leg.
Just when he was starting to feel like he was starting to begin to make some headway he felt a small pinch on the back of his neck. His head began to swim and his vision started to get blurry. He couldn't feel his jaw anymore and then... He passed out.
Wolf awoke several hours later in a daze.
"Ooooh... My head!"
"Wolf! Thank Sakurai you're awake! You really had me worried there. What a fright!"
"What... Isabelle?"
Something was wrong. Wolf was leaning back on a recliner but how did he get there? Isabelle obviously drugged him with something but she was still a very small dog. She would need help to move his body around, especially if he was unconscious.
It was then that he noticed that he was wearing something around his neck. Why it almost felt like a...
"No. You wouldn't..." He brought up his hands and felt the device around his neck. "You didn't!" There was no denying it. "You CONED ME?!"
Yes. Wolf was wearing a cone. The exact kind you would see a house dog wearing after surgery.
"Of course not! Don't be silly. Dr. Mario coned you!"
"I'm sorry, Wolf. But you really made it necessary! It was lucky I had that sedative on me or you would have chewed right through your own leg! I knew I was going to need help to get you under control so I called Dr. Mario over."
"No!" Wolf brought his hands up to the cone. "I want it off!"
"Oh no no no! We can't have that!"
Isabelle ran over and Wolf started to realize just how powerful that sedative really was. Because Isabelle grabbed his hands and actually forced them down.
To his surprise, armbands were added to his chair and Isabelle had no problem strapping his wrists into them.
So now his head was in a cone, his hands were tied down at the wrists, and his leg was broken. Outside of his one good leg, he was basically immobile.
One might even call him at Isabelle's mercy.
"Dr. Mario brought over this new wheelchair to replace the one with the broken breaks, it was lucky it had these restraints too. He said I might need them! Well anyways, that was the good news."
"The 'good' news? As in, there's bad news too?!"
"I'm afraid so, Wolfy. Patching up your little bitey bite didn't come for free so Dr. Mario added that to your bill. Along with the house visit and the new chair."
Isabelle dropped some papers into his cone. He could see the new total amount he owed. Mario may have been the hero of the mushroom kingdom the payment for his medical services was nothing short of villainous.
Wolf reeled his head back and howled in sorrow.
He felt Isabelle staring at him and saw she was staring at him with glassed over eyes. The same kind of eyes a pet dog would give when begging for scraps at the table.
"I... you... You sound pretty."
Wolf slumped forward in defeat.
'Oh...' he thought. 'Oh what harm can it do? Fighting it only seems to make it worse so my best bet is to just roll with it until I'm better. What's the worst that can happen?'
[Insert Musical Que For Montage Here]
Imagine me and you, I do
Wolf stoically ate some soup being spoon-fed to him by Isabelle.
I think about you day and night, it's only right
Wolf sat in bed as Isabelle started to read to him from a large book.
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
Fully strapped into his wheelchair, Isabelle lead Wolf through the park where he could hear onlookers snicker at him.
So happy together
Isabelle leaned a little closer to Wolf and started to happily wag her tail.
If I should call you up, invest a dime
It was finally movie night. Isabelle put one of her many DVDS into the player and sat with Wolf on the couch.
And you say you belong to me, and ease my mind
As the movie played, Isabelle scooted a little closer to Wolf and Wolf scooted a little bit farther away from Isabelle. This continued until Wolf was at the end of the couch.
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine Isabelle stretch out her arms like she was tired and then feigned falling asleep with her head on his lap.
So happy together
Isabelle wheeled Wolf up to the top of a hill where he could see the whole town.
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
Isabelle started throwing flowers over his head and he was completely powerless to stop it.
For all my life
Isabelle was throwing so many flowers that Wolf's cone filled to the brim with them.
When you're with me, baby, the skies'll be blue
At the kitchen table, Wolf had downed three bowls of hospital brand pudding and was asking for more. Isabelle wagged her tail excitedly and ran off.
For all my life
She came back a moment later holding what looked like an ice cream gallon container labeled 'Hospital Brand Pudding: Industrial Sized'
Me and you, and you and me
Because Wolf was downing the food so fast, Isabelle had elected to feed him from the entire thing itself. So she climbed up onto the table and popped the top off of the container.
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
However, because of her angle, when she tried to get a spoonful of the food for him she ended up pouring all of the contents into his cone. His entire head was completely cemented in pudding, his cone serving as some kind of giant bowl. You couldn't even see his face anymore as a giant air bubble broke out of the pudding.
The only one for me is you, and you for me
Isabelle had successfully rescued Wolf but his entire head was covered in pudding so she wheeled him outside where she took the garden hose to him. The force of the garden hose, however, knocked him onto his back as soon as it hit his face.
So happy together
They were in the bathroom now and Isabelle was using a hair dryer to dry Wolf's face. After a bit she stopped and Wolf's face fur fluffed out on end.
Eventually at the hospital...
"Okay Wolf, times up. You-a ready to get your cast off?"
"I'm ready to leave Isabelle, that's for sure."
"Now that's-a too bad. She keeps-a talking about how-a nice you smell."
Dr. Mario started to cut the cast and Wolf rolled his eyes.
"I guess she likes the smell of pudding because I still reek of it!"
With the cast off, Wolf took a few experimental steps to find that he was fine.
"Now then, about-a your bill..."
"Oh don't worry, Doc. You'll get your money, but first I need to do something much more important!"
Wolf's House...
Wolf stared at the house from his space ship. So much time spent there, so many embarrassing moments he was forced to experience there, so many indirect advances he'd received from Isabelle, and. So. Much. Anger he had to repress.
Well no more!
He was going to let everything out! He'd make sure everything he suffered through would stay buried in the past.
He fired.
He shot as many laser blasts as he possibly could at the house. His barrage sent wooden planks flying in broken pieces. Varnished furniture was set ablaze. The very structure of the house itself was turned into a burning crippled wreck.
Wolf looked at the smoking pile of ruin and let out a small laugh. His laughter grew until it was a full fledged evil cackle. It didn't matter what happened now, this place could never hurt him again.
His thoughts did drift to Isabelle for a second. He hadn't seen her all day. She wasn't at the hospital and she certainly wasn't in the house.
He brushed the thought away. She wasn't here to bother him and that was all that mattered.
What did matter was paying his bills. He could probably raid an ancient civilization somewhere on some planet that had lots of bells. He wasn't sure where such a planet would exist but he knew where he could start looking.
And that was wherever Fox McCloud currently was.
Some Far Off Galaxy...
Team StarFox was in formation towing a giant stone bell behind them.
"Alright, we just get this bell down to the planet below and the ancient evil should remained sealed. Let's wrap this up gang!"
Wolf chimed in on his channel. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that,Fox!"
"Wolf!" Fox sounded almost happy to see him. "You've made a full recovery!"
"Yes!" Wolf nearly snarled in response. "And you won't believe the pain I have planned for you! Why you'll need a hospital trip yourself once I'm done with you! IF you even survive that is!"
Fox grinned calmly to the threat. "Well, I'm afraid I can't let you not let me do this."
"Think about it for a sec."
"... Oh!"
"I thought you'd try something like this once you healed up so I took some precautions. Tell me, did you notice anything different with your ship before takeoff?"
"It was seventeen pounds heavier but so what? You snuck something on board before takeoff? I'm not going to believe a goody two shoes like you would plant a bomb or something like that!"
"Well it's less of a 'what' and more of a 'who'..."
Wolf's pupils shrunk in fear.
"... You wouldn't!"
"Wouldn't what? Help a lovely young lady get closer to her crush? Well, why don't you just look behind you and decide for yourself?"
Wolf had never turned around behind himself so fast in his entire life.
Walking out from the cargo hold, rubbing sleep from her eyes was Isabelle.
"I really need to lay off the odango so much, that was the roughest nap I've ever had! Not sure why Mr. McCloud said this would be a good place to sleep..."
They spotted each other almost immediately.
Wolf's jaw hung open in horror as realization slowly settled in on Isabelle.
"... No..."
"This was YOUR ship?!"
"So THAT'S what Mr. McCloud meant when he said I would wake up to a big surprise!"
"Wait! Does this mean that you've changed your mind about having a secretary?!"
From Fox's point of view, Wolf's entire ship freaked out. It was spinning in every direction and jostling awkwardly while Wolf's panicked screaming could be heard over the channel.
It didn't calm down at all from this point as the ship started to spiral out of control to the point where it was starting to enter the atmosphere of the planet below.
Eventually... On the planet below...
Wolf growled loudly and angrily in the wreckage of his own ship. He had already let out a distress beacon but that wasn't his problem.
"And there!" Isabelle beamed. "The cast for both of your legs is set!"
Yes. In the crash, Wolf had not only wrecked his ship beyond flight but also broken both of his legs. Isabelle had offered to make him some temporary casts until they were rescued and he couldn't refuse.
So now he was trapped here, on a desolate planet, unable to escape by himself, with TWO broken legs... with Isabelle.
"That was quite the crash you gave us! Not sure why you did that... I'm also not sure why you shot up your own house either. That was a gift from Sakurai; what's he gonna think about that? You bad boy."
Isabelle started to wag her tail.
"I have to admit, I was a little... mopey given my current situation. The hospital let me go because I didn't fill out the proper paperwork and I was a sad puppy because I wasn't going to see you everyday anymore... Then Mr. McCloud told me that if I just tried to sleep my blues away in this place that reminded him of you, I would wake up to a big surprise that would make me feel better! I guess he was right!"
If it was possible, Wolf hated Fox even more now.
"So now that I'm not a nurse anymore I guess it wouldn't be inappropriate for us to date. I mean, it's not like you got anything better to do at the moment. We're you trying to steal that big bell to pay your bills? That isn't the kind of bell we take for payment, you know? Besides, with blowing up your house I think your bill is even bigger now."
Wolf's growling started to turn into a sad whimper.
"Wolfy... So complex! Bark! Bark! Bark!"
The End.
0 notes
I’m the anon that messaged about just discovering your stuff a few days ago. Anyway I’m caught up on finding our way back and I really love it. It’s such a unique fic. I also got caught up on your Metallo Lena fic and I really love your take on it. Your stuff is just so good
Awww thank you so much! That is so sweet!!! I am so, so glad you’re enjoying my little writings :) Since you’re so enthusiastic, I’ll give you a little preview of the next chapter of Finding our way back! It’s almost finished, and I can’t wait for you to read it!!
Thank you so much for the lovely message! I appreciate it so much! Have a lovely day!!!
You can read the preview below!
“No, I am not mad at you. I do think you could use some time to blow off steam, though. I think this suspension could do you some good,” she cast a small smile that Kara hesitantly returned. “I wouldn’t feel too bad, darling,” Eliza said, turning her eyes back on the road. “It’ll be good to take a little break from school. Sometimes it’s good to recharge for a bit.”
“Like a battery?”
“Exactly. Get you back on some positive energy. Make it a couple of feel-good-days, instead of punishment days. What do you think?”
Her smile was so gentle, her blue eyes so wise and understanding – Kara felt a deep love for Eliza again, the love that made the pain that always tugged on her heart a little easier to bear with each day passing day.
“Okay,” Kara said, and when she sank back in her seat that time, her heart felt a lot lighter, like a weight had been lifted off her chest. “Okay,” she whispered to herself, and she could feel Eliza’s smile on her.
“Okay,” Eliza repeated. “Can I turn the radio on?”
Kara nodded and Eliza turned on the radio setting, switching from the news, to a classical music station, to a pop radio station that was so loud, Eliza immediately switched it off when she saw Kara getting uncomfortable.
“Hmm, nothing much on the radio, huh?”
Kara shook her head.
“Thought so. Let’s just see if there’s still a CD stuck in here, shall we?”
She clicked on a few buttons, and after a few seconds, warm music filled the car. As soon as it did, Eliza gasped and Kara quickly turned to her. But Eliza didn’t look hurt or shocked at all. She looked ecstatic.
“I love this song! Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve heard that one! Jeremiah must’ve popped this in the last time he and Alex made that trip to National City! Oh, I love this song so much!”
Kara frowned and focused on the music she heard. The song didn’t sound all that special to her. A woman was singing about wanting to dance with somebody. It sounded happy, but Kara still hadn’t gotten used to Earth music yet and it seemed a bit much to her. But then Eliza started humming along. Kara watched as Eliza’s husky voice accompanied the music on the radio so softly, yet so happily.
Kara only had eyes for Eliza, swaying softly in her seat as the humming turned to mumbling and then to fully singing along to the song. She smiled as the corners of Eliza’s eyes crinkled up in enjoyment. She looked so happy; it was infectious. It made Kara feel brave too. It made her want to be that happy too.
After a verse or two, Kara started to get the hang of the words and melody too. She hesitantly, quietly – so, so quietly – started mumbling along. Eliza flashed her a delighted smile and sang a little louder, her voice stronger and more confident, as if she was trying to guide Kara into the song herself. It worked. The chorus was easy enough to get, and Eliza didn’t seem to mind if Kara was a little off-key, or messed up the words a little. No, instead, she was grinning broadly, singing the words with so much passion that Kara couldn’t help but beam at her.
“I need a man who'll take a chance on a love that burns hot enough to last, so when the night falls, my lonely heart calls!”
Kara laughed as Eliza excitedly threw her head back as she belted out the words, unrestrained and unapologetic.
“Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody! Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!”
“With somebody who loves me,” Kara sang softly, a dusty pink blush on her cheeks and her eyes on the road as Eliza cheered.
The song ended much too soon, just when Kara had finally scraped together the courage to sing along, and the genuine happiness she’d felt for those few seconds evaporated just as quickly. The song changed, and it was decidedly less fun than the one before.
Eliza snuck a glance at Kara, and when their eyes met, Eliza’s twinkled. She pressed a button on the dashboard, and the same song as before started playing again. A smile split Kara’s face as Eliza beamed at her. This time, Kara got the hang of the song a lot quicker, and she was much braver, singing along louder and louder with each new chorus.
That’s it! That’s the preview! Hope you liked it! Just one of Kara’s cute, tiny memories!
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seulgiology · 4 years
i like the dances i do with you ㅣjung hoseok
Tumblr media
pairing: idol!jhope x choreographer!original character
words: 3.2k 
genre: smut
warnings: smut lol, cursing, mature content
a/n: i really apologize but y/n makes me cringe ITS ADMIN 1 !!!! this is my first post and our overall first post for this blog so exciting. i’m new to writing, this is a very lowkey hobby of mine, admin 2 is the writer out of us two, but that doesn’t mean i won’t try lol. also the gif above is just for an extremely loose reference for the jhope down below, ik what he’s wearing there and the setting isn’t the same just bear with me. i’m open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and feedback, i generally want to make this blog a good one
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
“Guys, come on, the next part is really easy. All you have to do is-”
“You’ve been saying that for the past 3 hours Jeongyi.” 
“You wouldn't have to say that if Taehyung would stop trying to make Yoongi laugh every 5 seconds.”
“Yoongi needs to smile at somebody that's not Jimin and if it's anybody, it'll be Taehyung”
You let out a breathless chuckle, not even bothering to remove the sweat collecting on your upper lip and baby hairs sticking to your forehead. As you look at yourself in the mirror, you catch a member missing in the specific formation you carefully put together. You survey the idols until you find the suspect.
Your gaze shifted to the spot in the middle where the second main dancer, Jimin should be. You squint your eyes in exasperation when it was empty of him. There's a muffled snicker that catches your ears. Jimin’s dainty hands covered his plush lips, and his brown eyes disappeared into crescent moons as Hoseok continued to whisper in his ear, not realizing that they were interrupting.
“Care to share with the rest of us?” A playful smile graced your lips at the main dancer who jolts from being caught and bumps his forehead into Jimin’s head from being startled. “Hyung…” He whines, followed by murmured curses flying out of the younger's mouth as Hoseok turns sheepish and mutters an apology to him. 
Hoseok then puts his full attention to you, eyes shamelessly raking over your form. The tank that rose and bunched to a cropped state exposed your creamy skin and waist almost as small as the maknae himself. He doesn't care that you watch him look over the fullness of your breast, constricted in the sports bra. His piercing eyes glance at your sweat-covered collarbone and up to your lips.  They lingered there as your tongue darted out to lick their chapped form, and Hoseok couldn't stop his mind running to the dirty thoughts that plagued him. He forced his eyes away from your inviting lips when he felt himself twitch in his sweats and into your eyes that revealed your thick lashes, a knowing glint in your eyes.
You clear your throat and subconsciously rub your thighs together after feeling a slight slickness after being under his scrutinizing gaze. Yet, you continue to wait for an answer from both. When neither of the dancers moves their mouths to respond quickly enough, you say, “Both of you, upfront. Everyone else, you can take a 20-minute break unless I call you back earlier.” 
A mix of thank you and bows from the members cluster around your ears as they either rest against the blindingly white wall and floor as a worker either wipe a rag under their sweat tipped bangs or massages their sore muscles, or slug out of the practice room off to who knows where in the vast building. 
You look them both over, but noticeably keep your eyes on the main dancer a second too long. His white sweats hung tight around his waist, the strings tied for extra measure, and his loose gray tee showed nothing of his body. You vaguely remember Namjoon joking about how the dancer looked like Yoongi due to his simple colored clothes. 
You were about to move on until you reach that tantalizing stare of his, reeling you into his eyes that showed his desire for your body against his. A breath of a chuckle escaped his heart-shaped lips and he looked away while brushing his long fingers through the front of his parted black hair just for it to fall back into his dark eyes. You couldn’t even imagine how bad he wanted to fuck you against the mirror.
“Jimin-ah, you know what? I believe it was Hoseok’s fault over here that you were out of your formation, right?” You look at Jimin, who threw a confused squint at you from beneath his thick fringe before catching on. “Yeah Hobi-Hyung, you distracted me. I can't believe you would do this to me.” The shorter snickered up at the taller. Hoseok guffawed at me and stuttered over his words, the words “unfair,” were all you heard. 
“I’ll take it from here Jimin, you can relax. And drink some water while you're at it,” You smiled at him as he walked away and threw a victorious glance at Hoseok over his shoulder.  “Dwarf,” The older muttered loud enough for the other to hear. “Don’t act like I won't beat your ass, Hyung,” Was followed by the swift click of the door as Jimin ran from the hands of his member.
 “We’re going to dance, starting from the beginning up to the part you just learned,” You said, stopping to his right slightly behind him as were both looking into the mirror. You don't miss his eyebrow cock and the corners of his lips twitch into a smirk at your challenge. “Easy, I can do that.” He was relaxed, ready for an easy request. “Great, if you mess up, I'll have my best bud Seokjin over there hit you anywhere he wants.” You gesture to the male lazily spinning himself in a chair on his phone, mindlessly blowing raspberries through his plump lips. 
“Play the song from the beginning, with a 5-second countdown please,” you say to no one in particular as I ready myself. You see the amusement and mischief in his eyes as he swiftly positions himself behind you, as part of the choreography, close enough for you to feel his hot breath down my neck. “You’re going to dance your parts but I’ll switch between everyone to keep it decent enough, ok?” You whisper to him, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling between your legs.
“Five.” Namjoon’s voice rings out from behind the table.
You role your wrist and take a deep breath in, clenching and releasing your hands.
“Four.”  Jimin and Yoongi walk back into the practice room together, faces flushed as they quietly take a seat next to Namjoon.
You look into Hoseok’s eyes and soon roll them as he winks at you, a suggestive smile playing at his lips.
”Three.”  Jeongguk discreetly places himself against the wall, plucking Jimin behind his head earning him a wince from the older.
You feel Hoseok shift behind you, his front brushing against your ass in the slightest. You let out an almost inaudible whimper, hoping it went through deaf ears. Oh, the things you wish he’d do to you.
“Two.” Taehyung places himself on the edge of the foldable table, his striking eyes never once leaving your figure.
You feel like he's counting slow on purpose. Why are you getting nervous?
“One.” Seokjin lets out a loud "fuck" and wheels himself as fast as he can to the table with the rest.
The sudden sound of Taehyung's deep voice hits my ears as the first verse of "Fake Love" plays and you move your body to the beat.
«10 minutes later»
Well over ten minutes passed and Hoseok managed to get slapped in the ass, thigh, and back. His shirt stuck to his torso and back from his back and faintly painted the outline of his abs. He tried pushing the sweat-dipped hair out of his flushed face but it just smacks against his forehead. He was panting but stood up strong, ready for more.
Suddenly, a manager walked in and informed everyone in the room that practice for the day was over. Everyone but Hoseok and you bounded up before regretting it as their limbs were too sore and stiff from practicing and sitting too long without stretching. You gave Jin a silent chuckle of gratitude and saluted him as he carried a plush RJ in one arm and threw you a kiss in the other. The rest slightly bow towards you and say they'll meet in the van as their manager makes sure Namjoon doesn't trip over his own two feet from exhaustion.
Once they all pile out, along with the other workers, you allow yourself to rest for a few minutes, promising you’ll get up in 2 minutes
«38 minutes later»
Your eyes fly open at the familiar bass of a popular American song filling your ears. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Hoseok position himself in a stance, getting ready to dance. 
You're so, fucking, precious, when you, smile…
His body twists and turns to the beat, movements fluid yet sharp. His face contorted into one of absolute concentration. Sometimes he’ll stop and do a particular move over again, but he's just making it up as he goes. You would've never known with the way he moved, but being a skilled choreographer lets you see his slight uncertainty in most counts. 
Hit it, from the, back and, drive you, wild…
You sit up and catch his attention. He paused the song and looked over at you questioningly. “I can teach you a dance to that song if you want.” You leaned back and placed your hands behind you to await his response, practically presenting yourself to him.
“Only if it’s good,” he said as he helped you up from the floor. You lifted both hands at him and he slid his much larger and softer ones into yours, his hands warm. But he pulled you up to quick, and a squeal left you as you lost your footing and waited for the floor to meet your back. Hoseok sprung into action swiftly wrapped an arm around your upper back and the other around your open waist. You ended up firmly pressed into his chest, your hands tightly help onto his biceps.
“Damn, your hands are cold,” You hissed out, subconsciously digging your nails into his arms. He grunted and tightened his hold, pressing my breast against his chest. He looked down into your widened eyes, his own hooded from feeling how hard your nipples are against him from your thin shirt. “Alright, let's start,” You sputtered out, his intense eyes giving away everything he felt at that moment. He let out a hum and slowly dragged his hands away from my body, ironically leaving it cold. 
You mentally cursed yourself at the song choice. Back in the states with your own crew, you taught a duet. Specifically made for two people involved with each other in a sexual way. We’ll be fine, we’re professionals. You let your hair out of its ponytail and let it drop to your shoulders, missing the way Hoseok put his hands in his pocket to refrain from gripping the soft strands between his fingers.
You start, instructing Hoseok to stand behind you once again, moving his hands to touch you according to the beat of the music and you find a rhythm in your movements together and find the pace. You dance next to each other, a giddy smile on your face at seeing him fall into step with your movements and he glances at you with that sunny smile of his. 
Girl anything I can do just to make you feel alright…
For that part of the song it all had to happen at the same time, no pausing in between. You needed to execute it cleanly, fluidly and full of pure unconfined craving.
He gripped your waist and pulled his body flush against yours, your smaller body fitting like a puzzle, and you rested your head on his shoulder, your neck exposed to him. His right hand steadily and sensually slid up under your shirt until they lied directly under your breast, his thumb lightly pressed on your clothed nipple. Simultaneously, his left hand danced their way down your open stomach, leaving a ticklish sensation as the tips of his fingers glided over the skin before continuing their trek down to your leggings and over your aching center. 
You both were too lost in the moment to realize that his hands should’ve stopped a safe distance away from your sensitive areas, as a breathy moan slipped past your lips and the sound traveled all the way down to his hard-on. He pressed his soft lips to your unmarked neck and relished in the sounds you emitted.  His hand began to gently cupped your breast and give it a light squeeze just as he began to pull your skin between his lips, sucking to leave a bruise. 
The music seemed to fade into the background as the only sounds being heard was your soft whimpers and the light smacking noises from Hoseok’s frantic kisses and hickeys. He let his fingers dip into her sweats and tease their way her mound over her damp panties.
Slow and steady,
“Hoseok… please,” She whined, her hips unconsciously began bucking against his hand, needing the feeling in her stomach to come undone. A low chuckle rumbled in her ear, sending chills down her back. The feeling passed when she felt his fingers push the fabric aside and speed up their assault.
“Look, baby you’re dripping all over my fingers,” Loud, needier moans with the obscene sound of her wetness filled the now musicless practice room turning them both on to return. The song had ended, but another was about to play.
“Please what? If you want something, you need to say it,” He whispered in her ear, “But that doesn’t mean you deserve it. Not with that bratty mouth of yours,” his lips brushed against your ear lobe, an unrestricted needy whine breaking from her. He brought his hand up to softly wrap around her neck to bring her closer. He drifted a finger inside of her, moving at a slow and tantalizing pace, never fully letting her close to her undoing.
“I- ah,” Another digit slipped in with the other, eliciting a higher pitched moan and the grip she didn’t realize she had on his wrist around her neck to tighten. “Fuck, Hoseok we don’t have all night,” Your words slurred with the pleasure the dancer was providing with his finger toying with your sensitive clit, body jerking with every touch of his quick fingers.
As if your words finally registered in his mind that this is a practice room and you had to be quick, he pulled out his fingers, much to your dismay. He walked your back to the closest mirror, the glass now pressed against your back. “Take these off,” He tugged the band of your sweats trying to relay the message. You hurriedly rid yourself of the clothes, and he wasted no time picking you up and pressing your bareback against the mirror. His hands were under your thighs as he pressed his clothed dick against your dripping folds, eliciting a low groan from him.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, too fucked out to realize he had pulled his sweats down until you felt his dick poking at your entrance. “Wha-,” You never got to finish your sentence because of the delicious feeling of him sliding into you. Both of you let out moans when he finally bottomed out inside of you, the feel of your warm and wet walls sucking him in. You feel so full, yet you already wanted more and he hadn’t even started moving yet. “Shit, baby you’re so tight around me,” he grunted out, already starting a swift pace at the feel of finally having you. You leaned back against the mirror, letting him take you as he pleases, the moans spilling from your lips an absolute sin to his ears. “Hoseok, more, please I want more,” You moaned out in his ear. 
If more was what you wanted, then that’s exactly what you were going to get.
He readjusted his grip and roughly pushed you back into the mirror, his cock rapidly slamming into your hole. “This is what you wanted right? My cock filling you up till you cry for me to keep going, and going, and going” He made sure to enunciate every word of his by fucking into you harder and harder. The moans you were emitting were absolutely wanton, your mouth forming an “O” from his thrusts. Hoseok placed his head at the crook of your neck to try and silence his own moans, but the normally eccentric dancer couldn’t control the moans coming from him because of how good you felt wrapped around his waist and how deep he was buried inside you. 
“Sh-Shit, I’m so close,” he practically whined, he was chasing his orgasm now, his pace brutal and relentless. “Oh, right there,” You sobbed as he hit that place inside you that had seeing stars. You opened your eyes and saw yourself from across the room; Hoseok working his hips into your heat, and you helplessly holding onto him for dear life as your orgasm was quickly approaching you. Your head lolled on his shoulder when you felt his fingers quickly working at your abandoned clit, the added pleasure bringing you to your high faster than you could’ve imagined. “Please don’t stop,” You were both moaning messes at this point, the lewd noises coming from your conjoined bodies adding on to the deeper moans from him and the higher-pitched ones from you. 
“I’m… I’m gonna cum,” your body convulsed and you felt him thrust particularly harshly inside you while his fingers hand never stilled their movements on your clit, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you saw white. “That’s it, baby, you’re taking me so well,” You sobbed through your orgasm, tears rushing down your face as he kept his pace. He looked up from your shoulder and came from the sight in front of him while whimpers of pleasure were filling the practice room from your lips. You were overstimulated through his own orgasm, his hips relentless as he emptied his seed into your pulsating walls and moaned your name like a mantra. He sloppily milked himself through his high, your mixed cum dripping down his shaft. 
He slowly and carefully slid out of your sensitive area, not missing the wince you made at the action. His softening cock shone with your release, but his eyes sparkled at seeing it drip out of your core. Before it could hit the floor, he pushed two of his fingers inside you, telling you to keep it there as a reminder of him when you returned to your hotel. Like I’d forget what we did here. He put you back down on the white floors, the fatigue kicking in from multiple dance routines and mind-blowing sex. The only sounds left were your heavy breathing, post-sex bliss still suffocating the room as you two silently fixed yourself up, not exchanging a word.
Just before you were about to leave the white practice room, you turned towards him as he just ended his call to one of his managers to send him a car to pick him up. “You know…” You trailed off. He turned his complete attention towards you, waiting for the rest of your sentence.
You were so nervous, but that doesn’t make sense since you were just begging for him. He strode towards you, a smile creeping it’s way up to his face at your sudden reservedness. “I know what?” You looked up at him, his domineering presence almost making you choke up.
“You never kissed me.”
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Can you do a relationship headcannon with just Ivar and a woman; no sharing? It can be Viking Ivar or wolf Ivar or any other hot mythical being Ivar. 🙏🏼
(A/N): Hello lovely!
I am sorry again for taking a bit of time with it, but I hope you’ll like it and excuse me for taking a bit too much of your time!
I also chose to work onto a new universe which is something I started workinga  bit ago, but never got around to continue it (if you need more drabbles in this verse, please let me know, I love writing for it).
And the universe I chose is “Sugar Daddy Ivar”, where your relationship with the charming man (it is a modern AU) starts with a simple arrangement just to quickly become more and more romantic, due to your strange attraction to the stunning viking!
(if you don’t like this kind of verse, please let me know and I’ll write something different for it).
WARNINGS: Smut, Sexual Situations, Also Mention Of Object Throwing (if somebody throws a book at you in reality please run away, no matter how charming he is, he tries to hurt you, he isn’t worth it, real book DO HURT!)
·         A for Arguments - How often do you two argue? Who apologises first? How do they make up? etc 
During the first time of your relationship where it is strictly “business” between you two, it is rather easy to avoid fights with Ivar, you simply have to respect his rules which are actually more human decency and respect between you than actual true rules (except the one about not dating anyone as long as you are with him, but hey… he doesn’t share so).
He also try to keep himself from getting angry at you, mostly due to not wanting to scare you (he always hide the fact that he low key cares about you, saying “it wouldn’t be easy to replace you”), but the true fights start from the time you start actually moving from a business relationship to a more serious one, mostly after you have explicated that you don’t care anymore for the money…
 -You say that you don’t care about money, but believe me… a month with me and you’ll change your mind- Ivar laughed darkly in your face, meanwhile you looked at him like you might have done with a madman, since he had been extremely harsh with you and with himself from the moment you had blurted your disinterest for his money.
-Ivar… I already know that I’ll survive a month without all the expenses… I freaking…! – a book landed close to your face and immediately you couldn’t help but shriek in fear, your legs suddenly giving out under you and you cradled into yourself.
That is when Ivar understood you had hit your breaking point and came closer, but you just screeched, tears staining your face.
 At first those fights are pretty explosive and you don’t find many justifications with Ivar for them, so it is often a game of you leaving him in tears, although you miss the fact that he is also in tears by the time he is alone, and after you have closed the door.
It starts very slowly to get better, mostly because this circle is exhausting also for him and he is the first one to offer you the olive branch, something that finally gets you to think about staying with him and from then on, it is much more difficult for any of your arguments not to be discussed, although Ivar will still have his insecurities, but you try to get them before they get too bad.
It is a lot of effort, but whenever you lay with Ivar’s head on your chest, smiling peacefully in his sleep, no sign of tears in your or his eyes, you know it is worth it.
 ·         B for Bedtime Routine - Do they prefer to be the big spoon or little spoon? Favourite sleeping position? etc 
There is a pre-relationship and relationship phase of your sleeping together, starting with the fact that whenever you were still not romantically involved (at least not openly for the other to see) not only you didn’t sleep in the same bed with Ivar but most of the time you were elegantly brought back to your dormitory for the night, but a night changed everything because you found yourself to be in the same company of a very feverish Ivar…
 You had actually come to check on Ivar since not only you hadn’t gotten any texts from him and although your brain told you to give the poor man a break, since he was clearly much more busy than you, you couldn’t help but feel like something bad had happened to you.
You didn’t have a difficulty getting the porter to actually open the door to you, since he was used to seeing you with Ivar whenever you suggested that you accompanied him inside, because his legs hurt.
You knew he hated being treated like an invalid, but he tolerated it better if it was you who took care of him, something which made you extremely prideful and feel honestly powerful, although you tried always to avoid making Ivar feeling bad for it.
On those nights it had happened that you had slept in, mostly if Ivar had to take painkillers or medicine, and he might have needed an hand, you didn’t mind it, although Ivar always joked that he might get you a raise since you were also his nurse.
That night you hadn’t found him in his study, but instead you had actually been scared to death to find him next to the toilette, clutching his stomach, you hadn’t been able to think about nothing more than fear and had tried to get him to communicate with you and as soon as he had had some kind of lucidity, he had pushed you away…
… obviously.
“I just threw up, you should be disgusted”.
Apparently you weren’t, because you had come nearer, helping him change and wash(and  himself, too weak to protest against you seeing his legs, for which you didn’t care in the slightest, trying to understand if you should have called the ambulance or just…
Ivar had resolved that enigma telling you to avoid doing it, since it was just a stomach bug and although you hadn’t been convinced, you had instead suggested you stayed with him to check him.
(“Suggested” was a euphemism to say that you had told him ti was either that or Aslaugh).
He had settled down on the bed, first, moving onto it slowly, clearly tired and then had pushed himself onto a pillow, moving onto his side in the most comfortable position he could muster with an aching stomach.
You had settled on his back, with your chest against it, so you would have been able to check him.
You had then proceeded to ask him if he was too hot, with you against him.
“… no no it is perfect”.
 From them on, if you sleep together (which happens a lot more, because Ivar likes it) that’s your position, although Ivar would never admit he is the small spoon (“I am a knife”), and sometimes, mostly when you are overcome with any kind of emotion, he switches places, but he is most comfortable when he is in your arms.
He feels free, safe and comfortable.
(And you don’t mind too much using him as your own personal teddy bear).
·         C for Cook - Do they cook? Can they cook? What type of food do they like to cook for their partner? 
Discovering that spoiled brat Ivar can cook is something that made you think “I am going to marry him” and it was when you were still doubting his interest into you, mostly due to him being very cold to you, and then one night, after you had woken up from a terrible hangover (sponsored by your insecure feelings towards Ivar’s ex who attended the party) you had been welcomed with a plate of homemade pancake, meanwhile Ivar read the newspaper in front of you; you could see he was displeased but he didn’t say anything, although that made it all worse.
Still the pancakes were delicious and when you went to ask him to thank his cook for the meal, he just smirked and mumbled a very proud “you are welcome”.
From then one, Ivar uses food as an outlet both for his emotions and both for making you feel a bit better, although he is EXTREMELY terrible at anything that is too salty…
(He just has a pendant for sweet things).
·         D for DIY - Do they like to make gifts for their partner? Are they good at general DIY around the house? Do they enjoy doing it? 
I honestly believe that at first Ivar would prefer the “traditional” (can you call “traditional” a Valentino mini-dress for a passed exam?) gifts (jewelry, food indeed and pretty dresses, although with him being an amazing observer he would always make sure that none of the gifts you are given would be unwelcome or that it always has something that is only for “you” (that bitch has a newsletter for every limited edition in town).
He starts gifting you DIY gifts as soon as he either gets comfortable with you and wants to share more of him with you, or if you casually compliment one of his creations (he might be slightly into collecting small trinkets he sometimes does himself) and maybe mention about wanting to get a similar one, he might actually get you one similar the day after.
I also feel like he would try to get you small figurines of heavenly creatures, just because they remind him of you.
(You treasure them to your heart’s joy)
·         E for Effort - How much effort do they put into their relationship?
At first you both are very “calm” about your relationship: Ivar needs somebody who he can show off to party, somebody well-behaved and educated, and the fact that he finds you attractive did help, meanwhile you are just trying to make some money in a fast way in a city that you don’t know, so you follow Ivar’s rules, but soon you start low key discovering that it isn’t such a bad and difficult job.
(Mostly if Ivar is constantly kissing the crown of your hair or holding your hand gently).
As soon as you realize it’s something deeper for both of us, you have to get down and dirty into each other’s insecurities, and this as I have previously stated might be slightly difficult, mostly on Ivar’s part; but it isn’t easy in the slightest for you since you are supposed to be actually the one who has to deal with him.
It isn’t easy, but you both do your best to get things working between you two.
·         F for First Date - Where do you go on your first date? How does it go etc?
To say that your first date was “different” would be an understatement…
 You had been looking around the bar not really knowing what you were doing in the high-end club, just wanting to actually shield yourself from the annoying rain that had started exactly as she had exited her cheating ex’ house; how unlucky must you be to decide to give up on your calm life to follow your boyfriend just to discover that he had moved on with a pretty blonde haired thing?
Very unlucky and incredibly dumb, for believing that a man like that could have stayed for you.
You were moping around, not really knowing whether you could muster up enough money for a drink, in order not to be kicked out of the bar, but before you could try to look into your wallet, definitely less expensive than the drinks they offered a glass of wine was pushed in front of you.
You looked at the bartender, shyly between your lashes and he just nodded towards the man who had sent you the drink, a tall and burly black-haired man with the most tantalizing blue eyes you had ever seen.
You ducked your eyes, suddenly embarrassed by the entire thing, but you didn’t have a moment of pause because the bartender told you that “Mr Lothbrok would like to have a drink with you, will you join him?”.
And then… the rest is history.
·         G for Gifts - What kind of gifts do they gift their partner? What kind of gifts do they receive? Etc
Since I have already spoken about Ivar giving gifts, I want to talk about what you would be gifting him, which is usually much less expensive than what he usually gets you since not only you want to avoid spending the money HE gives you on his gift, and your own,  but also, although he might be always full and replenished of luxurious things all around him, Ivar is a simple man.
Big gifts will make him think that there might be something bad between you two (mostly because whenever he fucks up he tries to buy you back with gifts, although it never works), so he prefers small but thoughtful gifts.
If you give him something you have made especially for him such as a portrait, a sweater (please give that boy a fluffy sweater, such as the Weasley’s sweaters) or finally just a story (TMI on me, but I actually gifted my friends stories, exactly as Rowling did, when she was younger) and he will treasure it forever.
He is amazed you spent your time on something to make him happy.
·         H for Honeymoon - Where do they go on Honeymoon? Details on the honeymoon etc.
I honestly feel like that Ivar would go against his nature for your honeymoon, probably either following your suggestion or one from the others, choosing a tropical island (which he probably owns) so that you can have your free time spent in a wonderful place, mostly hot so that you can happily go around in just a bikini (or nothing) and swim in the crystalline water, meanwhile Ivar stares at you perched onto his chair, till you finally decide that you have enough and bring him in the water with you, with him clutching to either you or the border of the swimming pool.
The night would be spent either watching the stars, finally matching up to Ivar’s love for the nature (and you) and when it gets a bit too cold, Ivar is just happy to cuddle you to his own warmth.
·         I for Intimacy - What do like they like? Where do they like to be intimate? Are they experienced etc? 
Intimacy isn’t something that is very much discussed between you and Ivar.
Again when the relationship is strictly business, intimacy isn’t in your deal: you are just supposed to be Ivar’s “girlfriend” in the public, not with him (although you kind of grow onto him), but slowly touches after touches you start leaning into a more sexual climate, ending up in Ivar’s bed, one time, due to a very emotional moment being shared between you and him.
 Ivar’s mouth was on yours and his body was dancing against yours, gently and attentively, almost scared to break you, meanwhile his hands kept themselves at his side, till you invited them to caress your body and appreciate it, with Ivar’s soft expression staring at you.
“I want you” you whispered into his mouth, and before you knew it, your hands had slipped into his pants and Ivar moaned loudly “Don’t you want me to?”
 When you get together intimacy is much more intense between you two and resorted to more often (Ivar needs to make up for the lost time) although at first he might be very shy and not totally in control, relinquishing it to you, meanwhile he starts discovering your body, your likes and disliked, grateful to you for being so patient and gentle with him.
As soon as any doubt is deleted (and he discovers he like more staying on top) he is a very generous lover, romantic when he wants to be, ruthless whenever he feels like it, knowing that you don’t mind it and instead beg for it, but he is never a careless lover, always praising you for being so good to him and being so beautiful and he literally appreciate the same thing with you.
·         J for Jealously - How jealous are they? How often do they get jealous? How they react? Etc
One of Ivar’s rules whenever you are in business is that you don’t date around if you wat him to support you; he justifies it with him not wanting for scandals to be brought up, but in reality he is a freaking jealous creature.
It mostly comes from him being insecure of himself and being used to betrayal so it isn’t something that actually comes from him not trusting you enough and although it might take you some time to understand this… you’ll catch up quickly and make sure to avoid certain behaviors with others that might get on his nerve. (like… somebody suggests buying you a drink, you usually shoot him down, linking your hand with Ivar). When your relationship isn’t serious Ivar keeps himself controlled, but when you are romantically involved he definitely doesn’t hold back, mostly if he sees you uncomfortable (I have a drabble about this… so… be on the lookout for it, if I can finish it) he becomes a freaking beast.
This still doesn’t mean that you don’t enjoy teasing Ivar’s jealousy, although you don’t ever go too far (flirting with his brothers is extremely off-limits), but whenever Ivar pushes you in the nearest locked room, either to mark you up (if you have a long event) or for a quickie to see his cum dribble out of your womanhood, you can’t help but be grateful for his jealousy.
(And Ivar always catches on your devious plans… and he doesn’t mind teaching you a lesson).
 You giggled into Ivar’s ear, as he pushed you into the room, dark, but you knew perfectly what his face would have looked like: his cheeks would have been flushed due to anger and excitement and his eyes would be unfocused, but his hands knew exactly where to go, finding her wetness between her long dress, entering the slit that had teased him and every other man in the room.
“Want to make me angry?” he mumbled into her ear, inserting swiftly a finger in the wet hole which had been waiting to be filled for the entire night “… well then you’ll pay the consequences”.
·         K for Kink - Do they have any particular kinks?
I do think that werewolf! Ivar and sugar daddy! Ivar both share the same pendant for blood kink and for the game of predator and prey, although they are both two kinks that are talked about in a further moment in the relationship, since they aren’t “light kinks”, but Ivar has just a thing for making a mess of your body (always with your permission and nothing that is permanent, always attentive with your health and permission) and to feel you resist him, meanwhile he tries to overcome you (also although he doesn’t mind bondage he prefers your legs to be free, to feel them against him, following his movement).
He also has a breeding kink, and won’t hesitate, when you are in a stable relationship and if you are on birth control to actually cum into you (consensually obviously) and when you are both comfortable he won’t mind a child or two (mostly as a way to show people that his prick does work),
Finally I feel like about lighter kinks he likes praising and being praised, and mostly at first or when he has had a rough day he will let you dominate him, although in much softer way, loving being nurtured as Aslaugh did with him (although I do believe that mommy kink won’t be in his interest) so on softer nights he doesn’t mind letting you ride him, meanwhile you gently praise the hell out of him.
 You kept on rolling your hips slowly, although Ivar asked for more, and couldn’t help but feel powerful with the way his eyes followed each of your movement, meanwhile you made him lose yourself into your softness.
“Be my good boy, Ivar, and I might think about letting you cum”.
·         L for Long Distance - How do they cope with Long Distance? How they prefer to keep in contact? Etc
Ivar is often away due to his business travels but whereas at first you don’t mind it, mostly due to your relationship being mostly based on texts and simply attending events, but as soon as your relationship progress you can’t help but miss Ivar much more, and although texts and videochats do exist (thank God) but you treasure each moment spent with him, and although you don’t often want to bother him, because you know they aren’t pleasure travels, you try always your best to get him to spend a bit more hours with you.
Ivar on his side, doesn’t show much his feelings, mostly because he tries to be more objective possible, mostly because it is his job that permits you the lavish lifestyle you deserve, but he had to admit that he MISSES YOU A LOT…
 He couldn’t help but wait for the phone to ring that night, hoping it might save him from the boredom of the meeting he was in, although you were warned against disturbing in his meetings, but he knew you missed him extremely.
He hadn’t been able to see you in a whole month, whereas he was supposed to be back in two weeks, so he knew you had missed him a whole lot more.
(He had the texts which confirmed him, saved in a secret folder he thought about watching again hat night, meanwhile his hand sneaked into his pants, which were getting tight just at the thought).
He was losing his hope when he heard the familiar ring, your favorite song, which matched so horribly with his entire aesthetic, but it made him smirk.
And excuse himself meanwhile he exited the room and answered the call, hearing your rushed voice.
“I am sorry, sir…”.
“… don’t care, babygirl, I missed you”.
·         M for Marriage - Do they want to get married? Their wedding etc. 
Ivar thought the moment he saw you, drenched in rain and shaking slightly that he would put a ring on your finger, so it isn’t such a surprise (at least for him, you were literally not expecting him) that he wants to marry you and when he finally pops the question, nervous no matter his cocky superficial attitude, mumbling a simple “let’s marry”, pulling out a ring as big as your hand.
You can’t help but be overjoyed by the entire situation, thinking that this is a fairytale coming true, but the organization of the entire wedding quickly becomes a true nightmare; what had started as a small and private wedding becomes more and more crowded by Ivar’s guests, enough for it to become close to a celebrity wedding and whereas this is something that Ivar doesn’t mind, thinking he is finally getting his payback on everyone who didn’t believe it.
You arrive emotionally exhausted, enough that you end up not only messing things up, because of your tiredness and nervousness, much to Ivar’s anger but when you end up fainting at the rehearsals, he can’t help but confront himself to you, discovering your anguish and nervousness, hence the wedding gets called off, and you end up eloping.
 “You look like a true dream” Ivar mumbled at you, meanwhile you stared at the fireworks shooting in the sky, his glass of champagne coldly bumping into your hot skin, warm due to Ivar’s previous ministrations, after he had been a little too “happy” with their elopement “… don’t you, Mrs Lothbrok?”.
·         N for Night’s Out - Where do they take their partner on nights out? How often do nights out happen?
Usually you both don’t enjoy nights out, mostly if we are talking about events, since it is where you two would together from the start, and although at first it was simply a job, nights out like this became more and more stressing for you, mostly because you felt the expectation to constantly look pretty beside Ivar, feeling like you were worthy only in that role.
The fact that you got to know each other better, outside of events did help with this and you found that you actually enjoyed these events more, although whenever you could choose you prefer either to stay in or if you have to go out it is very calm and secluded places (because paparazzis are freaking hell), usually it is museums and art galleries.
Ivar avoids like the freaking plague any place that might entail dancing: he doesn’t mind clubs, where he can drink, meanwhile you enjoy a night out with either friends or his brothers, the two companies he can tolerate, but anything else, such as either a ball or dance lessons are off the table.
He might come off much more rough on this than he actually intend, but since it is a big insecurities of his… but once you learn about it, you avoid it.
(He actually takes dance lessons, before your wedding, pretty private and with a private instructor he pays handsomely so he won’t utter anything out, but the your smile smile when you dance in Paris on the terrace of your hotel, makes it all worth it).
·         O for Often - How often do you see each other? How many times a week? Etc
Sugar daddy Ivar at first makes you come with him at any event, which might variate, because sometimes he won’t call for you in two weeks, and other times he’ll have you with him each day of the week, although he starts calling you more and more when he realizes he enjoys your presence, for example he has an extra opera ticket, he immediately phones you to know if you are free and willing to come with him.
You never refuse him.
When you finally get together seriously, you are found attached to the hip each time you can, mostly due to the fact that you sadly spend a lot of time apart, with Ivar’s and your job being a bit of bitches and taking too much of your time.
So you try to treasure each moment of your time together, although “attached to the hip” mean that you spend the time together, but not always entangled, just simply in the same room, answering emails on your respective phones, your hands subtly linked.
·         P for Public Displays of Affection - Do they like PDA? Do they have boundaries etc. 
Ivar is not a fan of them, whether you are his sugar baby or his partner, unless in specific situations, which inquire him either having to make somebody back off form you, hence biting softly your exposed neck and marking you up in front of somebody, or with his family, where he feels comfortable expressing his love for you (again if Sigurd even tries to breathe towards him, and say something rude your PDA intensifies to new levels, since you are both into exhibitionism, so more time than not the blond boy has seen things he shouldn’t have).
Although Ivar wants to both express his love and show you off (at first it is because he knows that you are perfect arm candy but as feelings are developed, he just wants to show off the powerful woman who deals with his bullshit), he feels himself a bit unable to, mostly going for elegant and subtle touches, such as his hand on your lower back, gently guiding you either by that or your hand (which he caresses gently when he finds you nervous).
His lips won’t ever meet yours in public unless he feels threatened and mostly it’ll be either kisses on your forehead or cheeks.
Either way, you know and respect Ivar’s limits, and it doesn’t matter to you… it still makes you feel cherished as nobody has ever had.
·         Q for Quiet - Why do they get quiet? How does their partner solve it?
Ivar gets mostly quiet when he has something he doesn’t want to share with you, which means either him being in pain or him being bothered by something you did, but not wanting to make you aware of it, giving you the childish silence treatment.
Usually the only solution is waiting for him to come and speak to you, in the second case, whereas you have to say that you have actually learned how to deal with his pain, and how to recognize the signs (yeah you actually watch his eyes, a shit ton more because of that although he is like “admiring the view”) and when you understand it the only thing to do is either painkillers or try to cuddle him softly, avoiding whatever is hurting him, he always feel better after and is quite chatty after a good nap.
·         R for Reunion - How they like to reunite with their partner? 
Tough and cold Ivar usually doesn’t express well his feelings but he usually takes the day off after he comes home to you, usually also surprising you, when he knows that you are comfortable with it, and takes everything off your mind in order for the two of you to spend the entire day in peace.
Usually you stay at home, mostly if Ivar is coming back from a long trip and he might be tired, but if you do go out it is to your favorite restaurant and it is a night totally dedicated to you, with champagne being poured into your drink or you two enjoying an hot bath, with your sweetest scents.
And also… sex… yeah a ton of sweet and rough sex, mostly if you teased Ivar the entire time of his staying.
 Your face was pushed into the pillow and you tried to breath into it, but any breath you might have owned was stolen by the way he hit deep and relentlessly into your most sacred part, before a sound slap was delivered to your ass.
“This is for teasing me” another slap “this is for thinking that you could get away from teasing me without a proper punishment”
·         S for Surprise - Do they like surprises? What kind of surprises do they like to get etc? 
As previously stated, he doesn’t mind doing surprises, mostly if he knows you enjoy them, but personally he isn’t at ease with them, mostly because he is a bit of a control freak so… he doesn’t like not knowing what is going on (although blindfolds in your bedroom doesn’t faze him too much) so he prefers that you consult with him.
But you once managed to surprised him, mostly because you surprised yourself as well…
 “… did you seriously need me to get your things form the bath…?” he went looking for your hair-curler from the bathroom so that you could lend it to Thora, since you were seeing her and Hvitserk for dinner and you didn’t want to go into the bathroom since you were busy getting yourself ready in order not to be late.
He looked for the offending object, annoyed by the simple task, but something caught his eyes before the stupid hair-thingy… a little oblong stick, which he had seen in ads, immediately connecting the dots and reaching out for it.
It was positive.
When he raised his head, he found you staring at him with tears in your eyes.
“You are going to be a daddy, Ivar”.
In that moment he loved surprises.
·         T for Texts - How often do they text? How do they react when they receive texts from their partner? 
You are the younger one, so of course you are more active with texts and other things, although your relationship is very active on that side, mostly at first due to the fact that you set up meetings through that and you ask how is day has been (which he low key likes a lot). When it gets more serious with texts come the videochats, the usage become even further, still on your side, although Ivar (as soon as he gets ahold of the messages and the social medias) makes an effort.
(and wait till Hvitserk explain to him about dick pics).
 He felt stupid, standing into the bathroom stall, looking at his semi-hard on, meanwhile his phone camera was open and ready, but he couldn’t bring himself, finding the entire idea annoying and barbaric, mostly if it was Hvisterk who suggested it…
He ended up actually opening the phone and calling you:
“Did you miss me, little girl?” he growled in the phone, hearing her take a little breath, mumbling softly a breathy yes “… because I am missing you a lot, babe”.
·         U for Unity - How well do they work with their partner? Do they make a good team? 
He does work hard for you, mostly if you show him the same level of respect and love that he has for you; if you do make sure to show him your love, even in your own way (please don’t be cold with him, he will become the same… and it just doesn’t work; he might say that you are too smiley for him, but he loves each moment of it).
He doesn’t like teamwork, but he’ll make it work for you.
·         V for Vacation - Favourite vacation spot to take their partner? 
As I have previously stated in my other headcanons, Ivar is not a type for relaxing vacations (unless it is your honeymoon) he actually likes discovering new places (mostly cold ones, so that he can link himself better to his own heritage and help you discover it).
He loves finding secluded places for you (to fuck) to stay alone and enjoy the nature, it makes the rageful Viking feel calm and at home, with you beside him.
·         W for When -  At what point do they move into together? What kind of place? Etc
Again, Ivar is pretty quick when he realizes he likes you and that you share the same feelings as him, he wants you by his side, immediately, although you actually put a bit of distance between the two of you, insisting that you need to spend more time, which he respects but whenever he can he tries to make you see how much more comfortable it would be for you two to move together.
You end up caving in and immediately it starts the search for the perfect apartment (because the hell Ivar is making you live in his “little” apartment) (his apartment is basically your entire dorm but ok…).
Again his love for nature comes out and he tries to get something in the suburbs, but not too far away to the city, most importantly with big ass rooms, and a lot of rooms that could be used for guests or…
 “.. or you know… children” he mumbled, softly, knowing that he might have scared you, already moving onto the next room, trying to focus his sight onto the furniture, trying to ease his anxiety, scared that you might not share his opinion, not being into him as he was into you, already convinced that you were the woman of his life.
“I can already hear them laugh from the halls” you surprised him, gently hugging him from behind, laying a kiss on his ear “… this house is perfect, isn’t it”.
You were perfect.
·         X for X-ray - What is their favourite body part on their partner? 
Non-Sexual: he likes your eyes, as much as he has the pretty blue eyes, he can’t help but love and stare into yours, mostly because they always show him what you are thinking and he loves being able to read you like this; honesty is big for somebody who has been betrayed so so much.
Sexual: your legs, they drive him crazy, mostly because he finds it strangely comic that he likes on you the same thing he hates on himself, but mostly he can’t deny you anything if you flash him softly the soft expanse of your legs (they don’t even have to be long, he loves soft thighs, he literally is one of those boys who will wear “soft thighs save lives” shirt, so don’t worry, he has got enough love for everyone).
·         Y for you - A random headcanon about your relationship. 
This is very silly, but you low key have fun flashing Ivar, like it isn’t done even in a sexual way, you just have too much fun messing with him, mostly to see the deer-caught-in-headlights stare, each time (you literally could do it two times in five minutes and he would still be like the same); also the fun is double if you do it, meanwhile he is either talking on the phone with somebody or with somebody with his back turned to you.
He’ll make you pay for it, but sometimes it is too funny.
·         Z for Zoom - Zoom into the future, what does your future look like? 
I am not saying that you are the white-fenced family with a van and the dog (you miss the dog, but Ivar constantly replies that you have Hvitserk for that), but you had an unusual so it is no wonder that some things are a bit different, but there is a lot of love, and that is what matters.
You have a child (and a second waiting in your tummy to meet the entire family), Ivar is still a boss at his work, but he is more of a family man than before, always treasuring the time he spent with his child, so so proud of having his dad the way he is, something for which he was a bit scared, during your pregnancy.
You knew that your child would never think that, because you know that being loved by Ivar is the most precious thing that might happen, and your child knows it, and replies in the same way, with the love he sees all around him.
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stuffandsundry · 7 years
Arc 1: The Beat Riders
Most of the early episodes don't need to change all that much, compared to later--
Ah. Shit. I forgot to address my beef with Kaito. ok gimme a sec uhh. Ok. Okokok so here we go. I'm not gonna do this for all the characters because mostly, character introductions are fffffairly okay. Some are better than others but like, they're all at least workable… except. HIM. Kaito, the most out of all the gaim characters, makes zero sense so im gonna throw EVERYTHING out and try to extrapolate something based off of backstory given from Gaiden and canon and a little bit of real riders. Hope it makes sense. So, recap of backstory: Kaito's family used to be decently middle class and he played near the shrine tree, until Yggdrasil came in and bought them out. Kaito's dad didn't really know what to do after losing his purpose in life and turns to drinking/gambling, and they rapidly lose whatever money they had gotten from the corporation, dad becomes abusive, parents kill themselves and Kaito is left at an orphanage and grows up bitter and vaguely traumatized. Gets into a lot of fights at school, is a history nerd, etc. Cool, that's workable. Extrapolation from that for this scenario (oh yeah also, I did say girl now, it's Keiko now)
Keiko rreally hates Yggdrasil. If they had never moved in, maybe her family could have stayed together.
She's always looking for something to challenge her- she saw her family "give up" early on, and she doesn't want to end up like them. Struggle as proof that she's alive? No sympathy for people who've given up fighting, in her eyes.
Related to Point 2. Believes in a fair fight. There's no use in beating down someone clearly weaker than you, and anyone who does that is a coward and a bully. And if you need to lie to someone to beat them, then that doesn’t count as an actual victory. Wants to be acknowledged as the best by her own power.
A lot of pride. Doesn't like accepting help or depending on others/seeming weak. Talks big but also has a lot of like. Self-worth issues, thinks that people have to be "worth" something to be allowed to live, which comes from being abandoned by family so young.
Listen I know that this is a Very Standard anime rival lone wolf archetype but it didn't get to be a standard because it /Didn't/ Work, also I got really attached to Keiko halfway through typing this just let me have this please, I rarely if ever see it applied to girls,
Actually, the soccer episode also gave me the idea that Keiko would be the type of person that just. Rolls with things, no matter how vaguely ludicrous they are. Re: canon soccer episode. What are you gonna do when you get punched in the gut, sending you to an alternate dimension where the city wasn't destroyed and everyone uses the power of the drivers to play soccer? Clearly, become the best damn armored soccer player ever. That's such a funny trait I'm keeping it. It would be such a good source of deadpan comedy. Example: in high school Keiko was a delinquent who got into fights, how did she end up captain of a dance team? Nobody knows. (Most likely: somebody tried to insult her by saying that she couldn't dance for shit and she decided that the best way to rise to this challenge was to… take over a dance team and make them teach her.) Simultaneously zero chill and weirdly chill. Chill about all the wrong things.
Okay, back to plot. Only minor changes for the first 14 episodes, which I'm collecting into an arc--
Instead of Micchy becoming Ryugen, I wanna say that Micchy shows the rest of the Beat Riders the driver he got from Sid ahead of time and Mai sees her chance and asks him to give it to her. Because on one hand, Mai's grateful that Kouta's staying behind because Yuuya's gone missing and Mai isn't sure that she can handle being the final word of authority in Gaim, but on the other, Mai's kinda annoyed that Kouta stayed behind because it's like he doesn't trust her to be able to protect the team. Just because she's doubting herself doesn't mean that he should! She wants to stand on equal level with Kouta, so the driver. Micchy does give Mai the driver, because he cares a lot about Mai.  However, subconsciously or not, he was looking forwards to being the one of the people that the team relied on, so a seed of resentment is also planted here. This colors his decisions in favor of keeping things secret from the rest of the team moving forwards as well.
Within the team, Mai and Micchy more-or-less switch roles, except that Micchy is also finding out a lot of Yggdrasil's-- and his sister's-- secrets in the meantime, so he's still extremely relevant. This way, there's a character arc set up for both Mai and Micchy-- Mai needs to learn that Gaim will follow her (like they did when Yuuya was around) not for her fighting ability or anything, but because she cared about people and wanted to make them happy. Mai realizes that she didn't need to change in order to become a strong leader, because she was already a strong leader and she just needed to trust in herself. On the other hand, Micchy's going to eventually realize that staying quiet about things that upset him is actively working to make his life worse because his friends and family aren't mind readers and they can't tell if they did something to upset him if he doesn't verbalize it. And if his friends and family really, truly care about him, then they'd be upset at THEMSELVES about hurting him, not at him. His secretive martyrdom is a ticking time bomb for everyone.
Ah yeah, one plot change I have to mention here: Keiko doesn't want the other teams to be her vassals because what's the fucking point, Team Baron is the best anyways. (That entire thing was a little. Hm. Idk how much sense it made, man. And it only lasted like two episodes so there was no point to it except to show that Kaito was an asshole even???) So in this 'verse, the reason that she gives Hase and Jo more powerful lockseeds in the first place is because. Gaim is the only real challenger to Baron, which means that theres only one person that she can fight meaningfully and that’s boring as shit. Raid Wild and Invitto still want to fight, they're just lacking the means. The only real surprise is that they come after her with drivers, which she didn't know they had. She has mixed feelings about the sneak attack. On one hand, maybe Hase and Jo are stronger than she thought they were! On the other, those motherfucking SNAKES,
Oh wow I just realized that having Keiko instead of Kaito makes that scene where Mai goes into the forest alone and Baron finds her… really gay. Mai bandaging Keiko's arm and they talk about their childhoods together… Mai remembers that Keiko would always watch her dance and Keiko tells her she was too shy to go up and say hi… Mai's deal wanting to protect those that she holds dear and all that jazz, while Keiko's a cynical SOB. ( By the by, Kouta's not super concerned with Mai being in there until he remembers ah. Mai doesn't have a Lock Vehicle so she can't get out, and the white armored rider is in there, which is when he rushes in like a fool. Except he's on his own while Mai is with Keiko, so it ends up being Kouta who has to get rescued, etc, etc. a lot of early stuff goes this way tbh. Small changes, but overall plot stays same so im not gonna outline it all.)
Takako's thing is a lot more. Okay. Bear with me here. I feel she'd def be far more defensive than Takatora was, because she's got a lot more to prove, and she's pretty isolated-- again, handing out the drivers wasn't her idea, and she's not getting the respect someone else might get at her job level, it's really stressful but Takako's kept going because the people around her-- Ryumi and the other scientists-- say that this is all going to work. Enter Akira. (YEAH. YOU HEARD ME. KAZURABA AKIRA DESERVES A BIGGER ROLE FUCK YALL)
Akira works for Yggdrasil-- she used to be part of a subsidiary, but her last project just got wrapped up, and she was reassigned to Takako's division as junior project manag-- what the fuck. Oh my god?? Is THIS what Yggdrasil's doing? WAIT THAT'S HER LITTLE BROTHER, SHE RECOGNIZES THAT SUIT. If you have Akira and Takako working together I feel that a lot more is viable here, you could compare and contrast Akira's ideals and Takako's. You can def. challenge Takako's ideology that a little risk and loss now is worth the gains that studying Helheim will grant in the future. Akira can act as audience substitute, basically. She's here to yell "SUPERVISOR KURESHIMA, WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, WHAT THE HELL" as takako eventually realizes that… possibly… maybe Akira has a point. She's spent so long chasing the company's bottom line she forgot things like, you know, empathy. The problem is, does she realize this too slowly to do any good? Also, what does Ryumi think about Takako's convictions wavering?
So while we're getting introduced to the main players of the Yggdrasil corporation through Akira, the Beat Rider side asks the questions: Who made these drivers, and why give them out to us? And whats with the strange forest? Which eventually leads us into the Christmas game, and the Yggdrasil base camp incident. Kouta learns considerably less than he did (seriously, how did those scientists not get suspicious) but he does learn: this forest is called Helheim, the scientists here work for yggdrasil, and that the Sengoku is the scientist in charge of this project. And then they realize that kouta isn't a yggdrasil employee and raise the alarm except oh no, that’s the moment that the inves attack and suddenly they have more to worry about. Again, minor changes. Kouta sees his sister at the Yggdrasil base but doesn't get the chance to talk to her, everything else can basically go as it did… incluuuding Hase.
Okay. Hase.
Here's how this works. His driver gets broken, okay, fine. Jo doesn't abandon him right away. Even if he's kind of an aggressive musclehead, they've still been working together for a while. But she's not enough to fight alone, and Hase can see that it's really only a matter of time before Jo's goodwill runs out. So he eats the fruit! And does not turn into a monster right away. Instead, it gives him the power that he was looking for this entire time-- he is able to fight on even level as the rest of the armored riders, even though his belt is broken, and it looks like everything is okay. With this, some of the other Beat Riders are considering eating the fruit too. Why's everyone so worried anyways? Besides, they look delicious… however, Micchy points out that Yggdrasil handles the fruits with the utmost caution, and that just because there are no visible harmful effects doesn't mean that they aren't dangerous, etc.
Kouta and Akira also sit down to have a talk about the driver over dinner one night-- they've both been kind of keeping secrets from each other. Akira tries to convince Kouta to stop using the driver because she knows that it's dangerous but isn't sure if Kouta knows that (remember, last time she saw Kouta using the driver in person was Episode 2 shenanigans) -> Kouta shows his sister that yeah, he knows that this isn't a joke, but he wants to help people like she raised him to do. Right now, they need the drivers to fight. Akira relents because he's right, but promises him that after the immediate crisis is over, they're going to have to have another talk about this. Kouta plans to bring his sister to the Gaim garage so that she can brief everyone on everything she's overheard in her the short time she's been working as Takako's assistant, but that'll have to wait until the weekend when she's free. Meanwhile, important stuff is going on in the rest of the city. Show that the beat riders have been losing their audience because of a sudden string of disappearances in Zawame (caused by ppl eating the fruits), and the police are encouraging most people to stay home. Not a lot of people are willing to go outside anymore-- they're scared, and rightfully so. Inves attacks are growing more frequent.
This is pretty frustrating for most of the Beat Riders, especially because people are telling them to break it up and just go home too. More and more Inves are showing up, too… And then some official or something shows up one day and says that until ZPD solves the mystery of the disappearances, the stages are going to be closed. And this is when Hase snaps. See, Hase has been using the belt for a while, so he's built up some immunity to the Helheim fruit's effects. (He doesn't lose it immediately like Yuuya did) But it's still not enough. He'd been acting erratically. More aggressive, recently. And today's the last straw. Hase gets into an argument with the official, it starts getting ugly, Jo steps in between them and…. Hase transforms into an Inves. People are taking pictures of it and everything-- even though the Beat Riders Hotline shuts down the live camera feed quickly, its not fast enough. And Hase goes after Jo. Kouta and Mai run over to pull him off of her and he runs off and everyones going???????
Hase holes up in a warehouse somewhere and mostly transforms back except for hand and he's terrified, he doesn't know what's going on. Jo finds him first and yells at him HEY WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, DUDE which, while totally understandable, does nothing for Hase's stress levels. He transforms into an Inves and runs out onto the street, where the others, still searching for Hase, stumble onto him. They end up fighting near Charmant and Oren comes out to see what the fuss was all about, he ends up joining the fight. Hase's lashing out in fear and pain but also he's putting civilians at risk, so the Beat Riders are forced to fight him even though they're well-aware that they can't just like, do a murder. Meanwhile, Keiko gets cornered in Helheim by Youko and Takako, and she is captured. Takako leaves halfway into the battle because she gets word that they've tracked down a Beat Rider that became an Inves and she has to take care of it ASAP. Kouta, Mai, and Jo are still fighting Hase (and also Oren, who doesn't really know what's going on and is trying to kill the inves) without actually trying to fight Hase when Takako shows up. She tells them that that Inves is no longer human and tries to put an arrow right through him, with intent to kill. When the smoke clears…
Jo falls to her knees, because she protected Hase. In the shocked silence afterwards, Jo tells Hase to run. She doesn't know whats going on! And maybe Hase can be kind of a jerk sometimes, and really annoying, he's still her friend, and she doesn't want to see him die. Hase regains some degree of control over his transformation and he backs away, runs off. Takako tries to go after him but is blocked by Kouta, who tells them to get Jo out of there and he'll handle the white armored rider. Spoiler alert: he can't handle the white armored rider, but he bought enough time for the rest of them to get out. Kouta is taken in by Yggdrasil.
I think this is a good place to stop for now, so I'll do more later. Okay, see you around!
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emotionallaborunion · 8 years
Self-betrayal in “Prowl Great Cain”
"This is a song about a guy who betrayed a guy, and he feels bad about it because they didn't kill the guy that he betrayed. If he had killed the guy, he probably would be able to just not think about it so much. Like, if it was movies, then maybe he would be haunted by it and wake up in the middle of the night. But realistically speaking, out of sight, out of mind, it would have been better if the guy had died in prison under the horrible torture that he handed him over to.... It takes place in Cambodia after it is no longer Democratic Kampuchea." -- John Darnielle, 2011-04-06 - Mercy Lounge - Nashville, TN
"Autogenocide is 'the mass killing by a government or regime of a section of its own people'. The term was coined in the latter half of the 1970s to describe the actions of the Khmer Rouge government of Cambodia, to distinguish such acts from the genocide of groups considered 'other' by a government, such as the killing of Jews and people of Slavic origin by Nazi Germany." -- Wikipedia article, "Cambodian genocide"
"We push shame away as fast as we can, covering it with more tolerable states of being." -- Patricia DeYoung, Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame
"Prowl Great Cain" by the Mountain Goats sets the Old Testament story of Cain and Abel in the context of Cambodia in 1979. The second line in the chorus, "Prowl through empty fields, great Cain" ties together the story of Cain, the farmer who was condemned by God to wander the Earth, never to be able to grow crops again, with the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields. The first line, more cryptically, declares "I feel guilty, but I can't feel ashamed."
Who's the "I" in the song? I think it's Cain himself, or the character meant to be the 1979 Cambodian stand-in for him. The Cain character in the song is the person who betrayed their brother, or someone else close to him: "Wonder if you'll ever get the chance to ask me why I turned you in." So Cain addresses himself in the chorus, "Prowl through empty fields, great Cain". (The alternative is that that's the voice of God telling Cain to "prowl through empty fields", but it's not God who feels guilt or shame, and I don't think the chorus would switch perspectives in the middle.) I'll call the narrator in this song "Cain", since we don't have another name for him.
Cain doesn't need to prove to himself that he has no reason to be ashamed, which is what "I feel guilty, but I can't feel ashamed" would probably mean if he was saying it to anybody else. In the privacy of his own head, he's merely observing his own experience: he can't feel ashamed. But if he feels guilty, he must know he's done something wrong. It's easier to live with guilt than shame, but to be unable to feel shame is to be missing a section from the range of emotions it's possible a person to experience. In its own way, that's a hard way to live.
An editor of the "Prowl Great Cain" page on the Mountain Goats wiki wrote, by way of explaining the song's title and chorus, "God cursed Cain so he could grow no crops, leaving him to wander. God also marked him so that if anyone were to harm him, that person would be paid back sevenfold, ensuring that he would live the rest of his natural life in a cursed exile."
I like the interpretation here of God's marking of Cain as a condemnation of Cain into loneliness and isolation. If people think they will be punished severely for hurting you, they're not likely to get to know you at all; they're more likely to avoid you, since hurting someone you're in a close relationship with is inevitable. Cain's mark only protects him from bodily harm -- not from enforced solitude and its accompanying emotional harm.
"I saved my own skin, but I live to fight, I live to fight another day." The price Cain paid for "saving his own skin" is not shame (which he isn't feeling), nor is it guilt (he just justified his action by reference to his need to survive), but rather, isolation.
Especially since the song suggests the person Cain betrayed is still alive, in a sense, he really betrayed himself. The other person survived, but Cain is left to live with the guilt of having chosen to turn his friend in for certain torture and probably death, a guilt that is independent of the betrayed person's actual fate. Even if you haven't lived during a genocide, you may have had the experience of having to make hard choices in order to survive. And those choices, too, often involve sacrificing pieces of ourselves.
"The soldiers who carried out the executions were mostly young men or women from peasant families." -- Wikipedia article, "Khmer Rouge Killing Fields"
About 25% of the people of Cambodia were murdered under Pol Pot's regime during the 1970s. There were, presumably, many people who had to make the choice that the narrator of "Prowl Great Cain" made: to betray their own friends or relatives in order to save their own lives. Choosing between death and intolerable guilt is not an enviable choice to be faced with. Since this is a Mountain Goats song, it takes the perspective of the person who chose to survive, suspending moral judgment.
How does it feel to be both the betrayer and the betrayed, to be complicit with genocide -- something that violates every moral value you have -- in order to save yourself and to, perhaps, be of service to someone else once you're in a place of safety?
"Since You are banishing me today from the soil, and I must hide myself from Your presence and become a restless wanderer on the earth, whoever finds me will kill me." -- Genesis 4:14 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
In Genesis 4, Cain hid himself from God's presence; in "Prowl Great Cain", the narrator hides ("Rummage through the gutted storehouse now / And lick the sweat from my brow") from further violence, and survives to see "the trucks roll out this morning", maybe referring to the retreat of the Khmer Rouge army following the Vietnamese invasion of Phnom Penh in 1979. Whether they fear God's judgment, or the violence of the Khmer Rouge, neither character reveals any internal judgment. But wouldn't you feel ashamed if you killed your own brother?
"The ground is cursed because of you. You will eat from it by means of painful labor all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. You will eat bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground, since you were taken from it. For you are dust, and you will return to dust." -- Genesis 3:17-19 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
I don't know if "lick the sweat from my brow" references this passage as well, but it seems fitting; like his father before him, Cain has to eat by the sweat of his own brow ("lick the sweat from my brow" is, I'm assuming, an imperative addressed to himself), but he must bear the additional hardship of not being able to cultivate the earth, instead having to scavenge for food.
All of this evades the question of who, exactly, the Cain in "Prowl Great Cain" betrayed. The quote from JD says "what is the Cain figure I want who has betrayed his brother?" But that's outside the text, and within the text, the only thing suggesting at the relationship between the "I" and the "you" in the song is the use of the name "Cain". The song doesn't tell us much about the identity of the "you"; we have to guess. The story ends with: "Sometimes a great wave of forgetfulness rises up and blesses me / And other times the sickness howls and I despair of any remedy." If Cain is haunted by the memory of the person he betrayed, wouldn't the "And other times..." line mention that person? It's not a "sickness" to miss someone who is gone, whether or not you did them harm. Guilt as a result of doing something you know to be wrong is a normal emotional reaction, not a "sickness". That's what makes me look further.
To side with someone, a person or an institution, who means you harm is to betray a part of yourself. In the extreme, that can mean destroying -- or at least disowning or dissociating from -- part of yourself. This is something that people tend to do when they're in a situation of captivity and ongoing violence: if you can escape from violence, you do that. When you can't escape from an abuser or captor, siding with them is a way to survive: when you're at somebody's mercy, resistance is not necessarily the way to preserve your life. But coming out of it alive doesn't mean coming out of it whole.
Reading the song literally, Cain turns in his brother to save his own life. We don't know whether he sends him in to be jailed or executed: from history, we can guess the latter. "I wonder if you'll ever get the chance to ask me why I turned you in" suggests Cain thinks his brother might still be alive; on the other hand, the second verse's "Thought I'd seen a ghost up on the boulevard, between the broken bits" suggests death (who would the ghost be if not "you")? But perhaps the ghost is wishful thinking: "It's hard to tell gifts of the spirit from clever counterfeits."
Reading more figuratively: If you experience shame you can't escape from, putting the shamed part of yourself in jail (cutting yourself off from it) saves you from feeling shame, while perhaps leaving you with guilt about killing off a part of yourself.
Moreover, if your attempt at killing part of yourself fails, you've damaged yourself and still have to live with a part of yourself that feels shame, disowned or dissociated as it might be: to force a part of yourself to live "in a cursed exile", unable to connect with other people or even the conscious part of your own mind, is worse than if you'd done nothing. "I can't feel ashamed" doesn't mean there's no shame, only that it's not being consciously felt. You can feel guilty about what you've done to yourself to survive, but you protect yourself from the less tolerable emotion, shame -- or so you think.
When the "great wave of forgetfulness" comes, Cain can ignore or silence the shamed part of himself that lives on in exile -- but that forgetfulness only visits him "sometimes". The "sickness" that howls at other times is the wounded but still living version of himself that continues to carry the shame he can't feel; that's why he recognizes its calls as only a "sickness", because he expects it not to be there at all. He thinks he sees the ghost up on the boulevard because it would ease his mind to have some proof that his shamed self is gone for good. He knows he didn't really see the ghost, because he knows it's still alive and howling. He knows this because, at least "now and then", he feels "the prickings of his conscience", which is to say, the imperative to connect with the exiled part of himself. It's not likely to stop, so while at the end of the song, he's free from the violence that precipitated this self-destructive act, he's not free from the burden of guilt over who he has become in order to survive that violence.
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