#i need a doobie
justmeinatree · 2 months
forever grateful my son is still too young to understand how much of an idiot his father is
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abacus051601 · 1 month
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average lawrence moment
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imminent-danger-came · 3 months
Like Macaque in his one 5x01 scene paralleling both the curse and scroll Subodhi. Just end me now
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darknoverse · 1 month
ugh . i HATE Bendy (biggest lie ever told yet)
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ohmygenz-ie · 6 months
I got my haircut the other day and I got bangs now🏳️‍⚧️
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grouperhq · 4 months
fuck i need some herbal / non-nicotine smokes for social events. nothing beats smoking something i love it so bad, and it's a social thing too... so hard to avoid it.
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ode2rin · 8 months
so what do u like most abt nagi
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theloveinc · 3 months
I could fix Jabber tbh. Not because I’m me or anything but because I could give him weed
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zappedbyzabka · 6 months
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Just watching. Super casual.
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
Gods and Monsters
James x reader
Warning: religious stuff (its more pagan than anything else), mentions of sexual assault, blood sacrifice, and cutting
xx Your kingdom had been in a pointless war with their northern brethren over some silly royal bullshit for years now. One is which you had lost everyone in your immediate family but your mother. After so many years of seeing nothing but bloodshed and having to mend the endless number of soldiers who cried for aid on your doorstep. Enough had been enough.
xx You began to research about the Gods of old. Stifiling through the old tomes within your home, whose pages had long since yellowed. Though no man in your kingdom had prayed to these gods for centauries. You knew these gods had no quarrel with entertaining mortal's prayers. They were ones' who were willing to take sacrifices to end any problem that was presented before them.
xx There were many tales of four Gods that soon surfaced in your findings. One whose vanity brought all in the kingdom to their knees. Another who could predict and send waves of death just from their fingertips. The third whose own presence cultivated sickness, each footstep rendering all around in bounds of pestilence. And the fourth. The fourth whose name was hailed as a god of war. Who once called upon could destroy nations. This one was who you decided to pray to.
xx Day after day, every morning and night you had prayed to this god. Offering goblets of your own blood to quench his dry throat. Begging that whatever you have would be his. Yet as the weeks passed, you received no reply, and each week the battles of war had waged closer and closer to your home. You refused to give up. Even when the long toiling from the days of tending to soldiers' wounds had rendered you sleepless. Even when the blood sacrifice had left you sluggish, sick, with scars littering your thighs. You knew that this god of old would hear you. He had to.
xx Time passed into months before the war had finally made it to your door step. The sounds of gurgling screams and metal slicing into skin echoing through the air. Soldiers within your home, scrambled from off their sick beds to seek shelter. To seek safety. They never made it far. You and your mother were captured. Now prisoners of war. Dragged to the enemy's general who deemed your knowledge of healing could be used to satisfy his own army.
xx There were days you both attended to the sick, but then there were days your mother had warmed soldiers' bed in order to preserve your own purity. In those nights, you prayed harder to your god of war. Tears falling as you heard the sounds of your mother forcefully satisfying the cruel soldiers in the camp. It never enough. Soon the appetite for one to satisfy all had grown tedious. Boring. Old. You were now in their sights. When they had dragged you from the medical tent, you screamed, cried, and fought only to be struck in the chest or stomach. It was all a sick joke as many of the soldiers laughed, chanting, taunting, and even pinning your crying mother to the earth, forcing her to watch what was about to befall.
xx One solider in particular had claimed you for first lay. His legs straddling over your lap, his hands ripping your clothes down to undergarments. A cruel bolstering laugh leaving his lips as he saw the scars on your thighs. "I hear you every night little mouse", he leaned forward, his all too warm hands pinning your trembling wrists above your head. "Your gods have abandoned you long ago. I am your god now".
xx Prayers fell from your lips as the loud jeers from the soldiers circled your form. Your eyes pinched in horror while you felt you oppressor pull your legs apart positioning himself to finally take you. There was no going back, your gods had long deafened themselves to your pleas.
xx "Please. Save me" a final whispered cry. Then
No sounds. The soldiers had seemingly disappeared. All that now surrounded you was blackness that rivaled even the night sky. Every whimper and cry you produced was swallowed by the darkening void, as if something was trying hard to muffle the noise. Had you ascended yourself to a plane of non existence as to rid yourself of what was happening to you? Or had you truly died during the brutal act? You sobbed harder.
Xx “Enough, my little lamb”, a soft touch to your cheek. You flinched against the hold, tears burning hotter as they flowed down your cheeks. A sigh. This voice…did not belong to the solider who was forcing to bed you. No. This voice vibrated the very scene around you, dark and grained like the the burning of a wheat field in the dead of night. You choked a sob, but the voice demanded silence. “No one will hurt you again little lamb”. Though you had refused to open your eyes; you could almost see the warmth that had wrapped around you, cradled your head, and spread through you body like fire. The feelings was almost sickeningly nauseating, like death had just brushed by. Yet, your exhausted form had welcomed it. Your arms circling around the warmth’s neck, face resting against its shoulder. “Please”, another plea, this one answered by a soft kiss to your forehead before a deep chuckle echoed into the void. “Only for you”.
GRAAAAAAWRRRR. Another one that I started a month ago and can’t finish but want to D:. Where has my inspo gooooooooooone. Anywaaaay this was suppose to be a gods/demon fic about James, Max, Xavier, and Seth. They were suppose to be said beings that reader prayed to for whatever reason selfish or not…may come back to this later as I have a constant hardon for all things supernatural. Sigh….obviously not hard enuff for this one but that maybe the burnout talking.
I do not own James, Max, Seth, Xavier, or the VN Bloodlust Devotion. They are @hotpinkmoon s babies
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justmeinatree · 3 months
love that when i tell my mum i feel like i’m drowning in life and i’m just over it all, her answer is “i think you need to meet a man” 🤦‍♀️ YES that’s what i’m missing 🙄 thanks for the very valuable help 🖕
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we have to stop this ghost! we almost did- Dean had him by the thigh! cass: he what. 😡😢
jealous boyfriend fr
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boytoygirlfriend · 11 months
scooby doo the only competent mf in this crew huh
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choropilled · 1 year
caterpillar choro ..
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5-htagonist · 3 months
im on a BOAT! in ALASKA! a really BIG BOAT!
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funsetsunset · 10 months
Good morning, I am gay and high and my tummy hurts because I ate leftover buffalo chicken pizza from last night :(
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