#i need millions of books on jurdan
starrynightsxo · 7 months
"Having a heart is terrible, but you need one anyway."
- Cardan Greenbriar, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories
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justdaphne · 3 years
list of reasons why we need another tfota book
tfota series spoilers
cardan doesn’t know that jude knows about the dress
cardan doesn’t know that jude used to poison herself ( i need his reaction )
we need a cardan pov.
we need more jurdan.
i want to see their relationship develope further :D
i need some flashback to qon where cardan was in the mortal world
because millions of ppl agree with me
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themorphine · 3 years
Can u make a one-shot where jurdan is secretly dating in the cruel prince but have to act like they hate each other?? Also the setting is school. Love your fics btw!
Ooo I have never written Jurdan before, so thank you for getting me out of my comfort zone! Tyyy that means a lot 💜 I hope this is a good Jurdan fic for I know writing Jurdan can be hard...
U HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG FOR THIS @cardansfae Jude didn’t believe in many things. She never really believed in a higher power, or America's Patriarchal System. But the biggest thing she could not believe was that she had kissed Cardan Greenbriar. If you asked her how it happened, she honestly couldn’t tell you. One moment they were glaring at each other arguing over something she doesn’t even remember anymore, and the next moment they were locked in a passionate kiss, full of want, need, and a bit of anger. But after that kiss, Jude felt only want and confusion. She had hated Cardan Greenbriar all her life, so why was she feeling these things now? Scared for probably the first time in her life, she ran away, not stopping until she reached Madoc’s house. When she got home, Jude was pacing the room, thinking about that kiss, about Cardan, and what the hell she was going to do. She decided to list her thoughts in her head, so she knew what she had to do. Jude was always a more analytical person, and lists helped her manage her busy life. Her list had the following:
Cardan had kissed her
She had kissed Cardan
She liked the kiss
She wanted more
“Ugh!” She said and flopped down on her bed. “Damn you, Cardan Greenbriar.” She muttered, the forest green comforter muffling her words. “Damn who?” Jude whipped her head to Taryn, the thick comforter scratching her face. “I- uh, I said damn you for leaving me when we were supposed to walk home together.” Jude was never one to stutter and was glad for the excuse because indeed Taryn had left her, even though the reason she was late was that she had been kissing Cardan. It was Taryn's turn to stutter, “I- I it's not my fault you took SO long to get there! I was hungry!” Jude laughed at that, and they both giggled, laughing until their stomachs hurt. *~* That had been a week before, and now Jude was dating her nemesis.  And to be honest, this week had been the best fucking one in her existence. She no longer had the dread of seeing Cardan, but honestly excitement. She didn’t know if she hated that or loved it. She loved it But they both knew they had to keep it a secret. If people found out they were together Jude would be targeted, not that she couldn’t handle herself it was just that she did not want to have to deal with that. She was in class now, learning about astronomy and clearly struggling since she lacked faerie eyesight. It was pitch black, and she couldn’t see a thing. After about 30 minutes of struggling to find one constellation when everyone else was on their tenth including Taryn, for Locke had given her some new potion to have faerie sight, she gave up. She wasn’t jealous, for Cardan had also offered one. Jude had denied quickly, for if she had to ingest another potion or poison today, she would 100% pass out. About 10 minutes later, she felt someone shift and move beside her. She tensed, ready to fight, but relaxed when it was only Cardan. She relaxed partly because they were together now, and partly because she knew there would be no trouble with fighting him. Her snooping in the castle and that interaction with the two brothers had shown. She shuddered. “Cold, my sweet Jude?” Cardan spoke, his voice barely a whisper “Yeah, what do you like bathe in ice?” She retorted. Just because she was dating Cardan in secret did not mean that she would be pliant and sweet with him. What she didn’t know was that was one of the Cardan loved her, with a million more things as well. He chuckled, coming closer to her. Even though she had said she was cold, she was lying. He radiated heat, his warmth seeping into her. She refused to move closer, to show that she wanted to lean into him. She didn’t have to show it, for Cardan must have known. He leaned against her, hands around her waist, with his head near her diaphragm. She smiled at the scene. A mortal girl comforting the youngest prince of Elfhame. He snuggled closer as if Jude was a safe haven for him. She didn’t know what to think about that. She had only just started to get along with Cardan. She still was a bit weary, body ready to fight him if what he was doing was just another one of his pranks. It was hard to do this, to be with Cardan while also being scared that this was all fake. That what he was doing would be fake in the end, that all he was doing was joking around. But then Cardan inhaled her scent, snuggled impossibly closer, and godammit the heart Jude thought she never had was swelling with an unnamed emotion, one she hoped she had the time to figure out. ~
Taglist:(idk if u have read the books ;-;)
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