#i need minho in glasses more often because DAMN
cloudytaemin · 2 years
taemin as ur boyfriend pt. 2 <3
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hes so adorable i cant i needed to write a part two sjdgdfh hope u enjoy more cute taeminnie :]
more bullet point style, hope you dont mind!
besides loving you at every second and showering you with attention whenever he can, since hes taemin, of course he sends you so many little gifts that you dont know what to do with them after a point
like the time you and him stayed up until three in the morning playing video games since he wanted to test out his new ps5 and the next morning you woke up to him at a schedule and he felt bad so he left you a note with the newest playstation exclusive game
on top of it while he was gone
youll play it for a few hours until he starts spam texting you on the way to his next schedule asking you if you like it and telling you how much he misses you
hell shower you with love at every chance he gets because he just cant get enough of you
he tries to cook for you at every chance and hes actually getting better but he still burns things sometimes
every time you freak over a different artist he gets jealous and says you should only love him, which, of course you do, but damn some idols are hot
he has to be clung to you as much as he can, his arms wrapped around you or your head in his lap on the couch
he asked you to move in with him after the first three months, he really couldnt get enough
he gives you one of his albums every time he has a comeback and you put it in your glass case of his signed albums because you know it makes him happy
he always takes you to fancy dinners despite having to wear a hat and glasses until you get into the private room hes booked since he has far too much money than he knows what to do with
taemin knows how much you love shinee so youll often go for dinners with kibum or be invited over to jinki's or go drinking with minho
jongin hears about you so much you may as well be taemins only interesting topic besides science documentaries on youtube
he goes on tangents about how he just watched these videos on youtube about educational topics or how he wants to try a new recipe he just saw and he just smiles stupidly while you nod and smile because you love how interested he is
he insists on hugging you every time you come home or he does, he needs to feel your warmth or something is what he always says
and of course ravi supports both of you wholeheartedly and loves to ask when taemins asking you to marry him or when the wedding is because hes just that kind of teasy person
the truth is taemins too shy to ask even though he knows he wants to marry you
i mean he already buys you enough flowers and is playful enough to make it seem like youre married
but who knows when he will propose, its just a matter of time until he gets up the confidence
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Spiked - Minho
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Part of @clandestine-lixie ‘s Smutmas Collab and a great excuse to get some more Minho on my page! 
Summary: It’s pretty much tradition at this point that Changbin spikes the eggnog at the annual Christmas party. What happens though when secrets slip through drunk lips and aren’t forgotten the next morning? At least not forgotten by the very person you confessed to. 
Pairing: Minho x F! Reader
Warnings: Drinking (not drunk when having sex), drunken confessions?, cursing, some angst in the beginning, smut, lovemaking, unprotected sex (stay safe kids), oral (f! receiving), lots of petnames, moments where Minho is kinda smug, lots of praise, it’s sugary sweet, mild sir kink for a moment, fingering, some playful teasing.
I sincerely apologize but I haven’t had time to edit this yet, so...please excuse any errors and stuff I’ll be getting to those when I have some time. I wrote over half of this today with a migraine so we’re working on fumes here. Also if something seems off I apologize, I’ve never celebrated the holidays before so I honestly don’t know what Christmas is like....sorry.
Word Count: 4,992
“Awe don’t tell me you’re already finished taking bets? I haven’t even got mine in on how long before Changbin tries to get us all drunk.” You tease the rambunctious group in the living room as you remove your shoes by the door. Christopher joining you a moment later to help you with your coat, hanging it up for you as he often did. 
“Hey, don’t look so glum. Felix was just getting to the interesting wagers now anyways. Bets of any kind are in Minho’s care this evening. Gifts for tomorrow morning under the tree as always.”  Chris caught you up with where the ever excitable boys had already impatiently gotten up to, before stepping away with your coat so you could join the others.
“So what did I just miss then? You know the topic that had you all in a giggle fit?” You raise a brow as you claim a spot in their circle, between Minho and Hyunjin.
“Oh we were just discussing the last bet. Not that you’d be able to participate anyways seeing how it was about you.” Jisung smirks wickedly until you match his gaze with your own that was just as devious, making him fold in an instant, or so you think, “Just betting on whether we thought you’d stay the night or not this year.”
“That’s not interesting though, I stay practically every year cause I’m too drunk to go home alone and none of you will take me.” You chuckle shaking you head, “ A better bet would be who will get drunk the fastest, my money’s on Hyunjin.” 
Minho took your bet money counting it out before the other boys made their wagers too, writing them all down as more and more bets danced through your group. Both those typical for the Christmas party and those unique to this year for whatever reason. Debates starting up over a few of them as they always did.
“No I’m telling you Y/N will be the first one to admit it. She always gets loose lipped when she drinks.” Jisung teases despite the validity of his statement, something you’ve proven true to them at more than just the previous Christmas parties. 
“Still who she likes is the secret she guards more than anything else, she’d have to be so shitfaced for that to come out it would be ridiculous!” Changbin counters, “ My money is on Felix, he was practically giving it away unprompted last year. It wouldn’t be too hard to get it out of him if we really tried.” 
“Maybe that’s just cause Y/N doesn’t trust some of you to keep your mouths shut.” Christopher shrugs as he takes a seat, though all eyes are on him not because of the motion, but because of his words. Giving away that you had already confessed your crush to at least one person in the room. 
“Wait. So you told him, but you didn’t tell me? What do we even gossip for? Let I’m lowkey offended right now.” Hyunjin whines used to being your partner in crime when it came to exchanging secrets about your group, even the things you’d never tell anyone else. Trusting the other to lock it down tighter than even their own secrets, even if you exploited that information at times. Like when Hyunjin conveniently ended up paired with his crush for every game of the spring break party.
“In my defense I was distraught and looking for you when it slipped. Chris was just the only one around, so he’s the one who got that information.” You counter knowing there wasn’t any taking it back at this point anyways, Hyunjin barely accepting your answer with a grumble. You were somewhat glad that it was the case though, he’d surely exploit the information tonight if he had it. In this case you should be safe, or so you thought before you noticed the subtle smirk on Christopher’s face before he glanced between you and the very crush you’d revealed to him....Minho.
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“Hey, the boys sent me to see if you needed any help.” Minho steps into the kitchen watching as you moved to pull something out of the oven. Most of the food had already been prepped before you arrived so you offered to be the one to actually cook it. This being the fourth time in an hour and a half that Minho had been sent to check on you, each time he showed up besides you though he announced himself with those same words....the boys sent me. Them digging a little deeper into your heart whenever you’d hear them again. It implying that that he never actually chose to come to you of his own will, only coming to you since the boys told him to.
“I’m fine Minho. You can go back to the others.” Your words were sharper than you intended and it nearly made you wince, even if he didn’t return your feelings he was still your friend and you shouldn’t be so harsh to him. Sometimes your feelings managed to rear their ugly head before you could stop them though, something you’d feel regret for later
“Rose....your thorns are showing again.” Minho’s gentle voice says the familiar phrase as he moves to stand at your side. His nickname for you with a subtle announcement of the fact that your emotions were slipping out quicker than you often registered, something he always managed to stay calm through no matter how snappy you sometimes got, “I don’t know what riled you up, and I don’t have to. You should go take a minute to calm down though. I’ll watch the food.”
The way he spoke to you was enough to calm you down enough to regain your composure, but not wanting to be so close to him and unintentionally get worked up again you conceded. Slipping outside into the frigid air for a few moments to collect yourself before finding the others in the living room again, sitting besides Christopher now.
“The eggnog spiked yet?” You question with a soft sigh as you lean against his shoulder, causing him to chuckle and nod, “Good, cause I’m going to need a drink to make it through the night.”
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“You drunk yet Y/N?” Changbin teases as he pours you another glass. Internally cursing him out, he knew damn well he put something stronger in the eggnog this year without any warning. Knowing that you and Felix at least would try to keep up with everyone else despite being two of the light weights of the group. The others in that category smart enough to stop before they could make a fool out of themselves, even accidentally.
“Not drunk enough to lose to Felix or spill any secrets yet, if that’s what you’re asking.” You call him out, brow quirking as if to challenge him to tease you again. The alcohol buzzing through your system making you more confident in challenging them, even if it slowed your wit slightly. 
“Nah just wondering if you’re drunk enough to at least confess you’re spending the night? Well officially anyways. We thought of a way to determine who you’re going to stay with tonight.” Changbin brings his own glass to his lips, hiding his smirk knowing that Christopher had come to him and Hyunjin with a plan to rig it so that you’d end up with Minho. 
“Fine, I’ll confess to that.” You chuckle not catching onto their schemes, “So how are we figuring it out then? What’s your big, genius plan?” 
The sarcastic way you’re carrying yourself makes Hyunjin snicker, leaning towards Christopher, “Oh if only she knew...” He shakes his head slightly before shaping up, to hide any suspicious acts from you, “Simple, you’re just drawing the name out of a hat. You know the deal though, you only get to pick once and that’s who you’re stuck with.”
“Yeah, I know the deal.” You sit up further waiting for them to bring the hat over, the liquid courage running through you making you feel really good about your odds. It was only a 1 in 8 chance that you’d end up picking Minho, you were most likely safe from your crush. Well the possibility of embarrassing yourself while alone with him anyways. Or so you thought until you managed to pull his name out of the hat.
“Well.....I guess I’m rooming with Minho tonight....”
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"Alright I think that's enough for one night." Minho takes the glass from you before you can get it refilled yet again. You'd lost count three drinks ago, hoping you'd get passed out drunk instead of having to face him. Luck wasn't on your side this evening though as Minho still had his wits about him and he refused to let you do something dangerous to your health.
"But Minho, if I'm not drinking what am I going to do?" Your whine is only added to by the small subconscious pout adorning your drunk face.
"We've both had enough and are going to bed now. It's 4 fucking 37 in the morning and you know someone's gonna be waking is up too goddamn early hangover or not. So if you wanna drink something it'll be water on the way to bed." Minho insists moving to help your inebriated form up from your seat on the floor and towards his upstairs bedroom.
"You can use the bathroom, I put some clothes in their for you so you can sleep comfortably." Minho sits on th edge of his bed, pulling out his phone to scroll through seeming almost entirely disinterested as you wobble off to the bathroom. Not getting far though before you have to pull the door open with a blush, your shirt wedged half on with only one arm successfully out.
"M-Minho I got stuck, c-can you help me?" Your words held no room for any hidden implications, especially not when panicked tears started to well in your eyes.
"Hey, it'll be okay. I'm gonna help you and you'll be just fine." Minho coos trying to reassure you, not knowing your panic was partly due to having to face him like this. His warm hands gently in the way they helped untangle you from the shirt you'd somehow managed to get trapped in.
"There you go, all better. Now go get those warm clothes on and get in bed before the cold settles in too much." He insists gently wiping away the last of your tears before you returned to the bathroom.
Silence filled the space when you returned, saying nothing as you switched places with Minho. Sliding into the bed while he was in the bathroom. It wasn't like you'd never slept there before, staying with the boys frequently meant that you'd slept in all their beds at some point but never since your feelings for Minho had developed so much had you stayed in his. Never after you'd felt like you'd embarrassed yourself beyond repair in one evening either. Not realizing you were sniffling with a fresh batch of tears until Minho returned.
"Hey what's wrong rose? You've been upset all day. Please talk to me, we don't like when you're upset." Minho's brow furrows as he uses the paw of his sweater to gently wipe away the tears again.
"I-It's just so hard Minho. I don't know if I keep doing this." You feel exhausted from the alcohol, the excitement throughout the evening, and now an emotional breakdown too and yet you needed to get this off your chest or even that might not be enough to let you get rest tonight.
"What is? What's hard? What can't you do?" Minho asks feeling his heart bleed at your distress even if he was able to stay as calm as he was.
"L-Loving you...."
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You had passed out nearly the moment those words had left your lips, but Minho couldn’t, not after your confession. It had been the last thing he’d seen coming after trying not to look desperate to you all day. Yet you’d confessed to him of all people and it weighed too heavily on his mind for the next two hours to even consider getting any sleep. Only getting maybe two hours in before an excited Jeongin bound in to try and wake you both up so everyone could come downstairs for Christmas. Though Minho ensured he never got to you before he shoved him out with hushing sound. Slipping down behind him to grab some water, coffee, and pain meds for when you’d wake up. Telling the boys you’d had a rough night, probably drank too much, and should be left alone to sleep as long as you needed. Not expecting you to already be shifting awake when he returned to the room. 
“Hey, you can sleep more if you want. It’s alright.” Minho gently brushes the hair out of your face as your eyes slowly blink open, leaning into the warmth of his touch without realizing, “I brought you meds and coffee if you’re felling hungover.”
You accept his help to sit up and take the meds, willing your fuzzy mind to clear enough to recall what happened the night before, “Minho...d-did I do anything last night? I-I can’t remember.”
Minho froze debating how he should answer that, he wanted to be honest with you, but after seeing how upset you were the night before he didn’t want to embarrass you at all, “W-Well, umm....”
“I-I said something didn’t I?” You could read his face for once, the calm demeanor gone and it telling you something had happened. The way his eyes widened at your question was enough to confirm what you thought as panic bubbled up and made your throat feel tight, “W-Whatever I said I didn’t-”
Minho cut you off by pressing his lips to yours quickly, feeling his own panic, “P-Please don’t say that you didn’t mean it. I think I would die if I lost the hope that you actually loved me back.”
The panic stopped almost instantly, feeling it dissipate as you processed his words, “L-Love you back?....Y-You mean you love me too? B-But you were acting like I was such a bother yesterday.”
Minho sits on the bed, pulling you into his arms before you could cry again, “I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. I-I just didn’t want to look desperate when I couldn’t think of a reason for you to love me too.” 
“You’re an idiot, I was literally like so obvious.” You whine softly and he chuckles though his focus seems to shift as his gaze falls to your lips, “You can kiss me again you know....a-after all we both just confessed so it would make sense to...”
Minho’s eyes flick back up to yours as a smirk forms on his face, but he makes no smart comment as he gives in to what both of you are wanting. Leaning in to kiss you again, less panicked this time as his lips softly meld with yours. Though the both of you were pouring too much emotion into it for it to become anything less than desperate. Now that you had each other you needed that more than air itself, it remaining sweet despite the way you both chased after each other as if afraid this would all disappear if you separated for any real stretch of time.  You feel the faintest trail as Minho’s hands move from holding you against his chest to cradling your head as he lays you back onto the bed. 
“If you want to take things slower then just say so. I-I just don’t want to let you go.” Minho’s voice comes out so light you wonder how you hear it over the beating of your own heart, especially with how it races when his lips press a fleeting trail down your jaw between his words. 
“Y-You don’t ever have to slow down Minho, I’ve wanted this.....wanted you for too long to do that now.” You insist with a low moan as his lips press a little firmer against a sweet spot on your neck.
Minho hums against your skin too caught up in you to care about words when he could show you how he felt better anyways. His hands gripping at your sides, thumbs rubbing soft circles as if he’s afraid he’ll break you by being too firm. So you decide to make a larger move, reaching to grip the hem of his sweater and pull it off him, letting your hands and eyes roam his newly exposed skin. The feel of his warm skin beneath your fingertips heating you up inside, the flame of desire flaring up faster than you would have thought possible if the person before you had been anyone other than Minho. Minho’s hands gripping yours before looking up at you for permission, hesitating even as you nod.
“You sure you won’t be too cold?” Minho’s fingers peak under the hem to rub gently at your skin beneath it.
“Well if I am then I guess you’ll just have to warm me up.” Your words seem to light the same fire in Minho as he doesn’t hesitate a second longer to his sweater off you. Hands running over your stomach to squeeze your breasts through the bra, leaning down to kiss you again.
“Guess I will.” Minho speaks against your lips, tone deepening as he lowers again moving to rid you of your bra as his lips trail towards your chest. You nipples pebbling slightly from the frigid air and his advances, but noticing the unpleasant chill that runs through you he presses against you more, letting his warmth radiate onto you. His warm mouth closing around your one nipple as his hand toys with and warms the other, switching between them with a new path of kisses to make sure they get equal attention.  Until he gets impatient to show his affections elsewhere and his mouth lowers while adding soft nips between kisses to reach the hem of the sweatpants he gave you to wear. His fingers nimble as they work on the tie, though he doesn’t do more than that until he has permission from you to pull them down and leave you in only your panties.
“Oh the thoughts I had while helping you get untangled from your shirt last night my flower, and to think now a few of them are becoming reality.” Minho places a kiss to your hip, as his hands gently spread your legs, loving the way he’s able to fluster you so easily, “I’ve been dying for a taste and you’re not making it any easier for me. May I?” 
The way he drags his thumb over the wet patch of your panties makes it hard to respond when you’re moaning and focused on that surge of pleasure, but the thought of getting something more urges you to form words, “Y-Yes please, I’ve been wanting to feel your mouth.”
“All you had to do was ask precious.” Minho gently blows against the wet patch making you squirm before kissing your thigh and slipping off your panties and lowering himself between your legs, placing the gentlest of kisses to your clit. The way you whine impatiently makes him chuckle against your core only making you squirm, his thumbs rubbing softly against your plush thighs as he grips them firmly to keep them open instead of impeding his work. He has no intent on tormenting you with teasing, not this morning anyways, but he still wants to savor the moment. The way he licks through your folds slow yet firm enough to spark delicious waves of pleasure through you, enough so that you can’t complain too much about his pace. Minho’s tongue and lips working everywhere to get every last drop of you that he can, while also focusing on your reactions to find what makes you feel the best. Knowing that his own patience will wear thin soon enough and he wants to know how to throw you over that sweet edge with more intensity than you thought possible, wanting to make all of you feel as amazing as his heart did upon hearing your confession. 
“M-Minho please, I want to feel all of you.” Desperation bleeds into your words and actions as you squirm against his grip, hips trying to roll against his mouth and it has his eyes darkening with a new surge of lust. Nearly giving into you pleas, but you’re his first priority and it has him pulling away slightly making you whimper.
“Shh pretty girl, shh.” Minho coos softly, grip loosening as he runs his hands over your thighs and hips trying to get you to relax some, “Calm down, don’t get so worked up. I’ll give you what you want, I promise. You just need to calm down so that I can get you ready for me. We’ve waited a long time I know, but you can be good and wait just a little longer can’t you?”
This time a simple nod isn’t enough for him as he’s a little firmer with you in this moment, pinching your thigh lightly as he demands your words, “Y-Yes sir, I can be good for you.”
Minho has to take a deep, shuttering breath when he hears the word sir fall from your lips so perfectly, now was not the time to lose control, not when he wanted to show you every emotion he’d had trapped inside for so long. Not when he knew there’d be plenty of time for that later. Yet, it does have him snap a little as he dives between your legs again with more purpose. Lips suckling and kissing your clit like his survival depended on it, eyes locked on your face as he feels your fingers weave into his hair. The soft tug you give has him moaning against your clit, only adding to that pleasure as he eases a finger in, though it’s not long before he’s able to add another. Curling them with each thrust in search of the spot that would have you trembling against him, thriving off the pleasure he’d able to feed you right now, nothing else in the world mattering more than your cries for him and the way you lose yourself to the sensations. He knows he’s found that spot, when you’re clenching around him, practically sucking his fingers in, thighs shaking as your edge hovers so close and yet just barely out of reach. 
“Minho, please I’m close. Please make me cum or give me your cock, I-I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” Your pleas sound magical to Minho, it being enough for him to give you what you want, speeding up his fingers as his tongue flicks against your clit as he brings it between his lips again. Willing to throw your over the edge for the first time, so that he can have you losing his own patience as your nails drag lightly over his shoulders. The was you fall apart beneath him is like a work of art, the most beautiful Minho has ever seen as he slips his fingers from your spasming core to gently lick over you and ride you through the pleasure until you come back to him. Kissing you briefly before licking his fingers clean while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“You’re sweeter than I ever could have imagined my flower.” Minho hums in approval, his smirk almost showing more in his eyes than on his lips. You’re quick to respond though not wanting him to drag it out any longer.
“I bet we’d taste sweeter together, but there’s only one way to find that out now isn’t there?” You purr back as your fingers work to untie his sweatpants, gripping both them and his undergarments to impatiently push both down at once. Freeing his beautiful, hardened length to you finally. Not giving him to to ask for your permission before you rub his tip through your folds, leg locking around his waist to urge his hips closer. Your actions seem to be enough as he places his hands on either side of you, slowly pushing in and leaning in as he gives you a moment to adjust to him.
“You were awfully loud earlier flower, if you don’t quiet down then all the boys will know what we’ve been up to. Do you want that?” Minho’s question is somewhat serious, but it also holds a teasing to it as he’s proud of the fact that he can make you feel good enough to be so loud. You getting him back by rolling your hips against him and earning a groan from him. Hands slipping around his neck to tug him down and tease his lips with your own.
“Why don’t you shut me up then?” Your words are almost daring and they have him crashing his lips messily against yours as his own hips start to move against you. The patience between you both is gone as he finds a quick pace and yet he’s not manhandling or overly rough in his treatment, the erotic scene still one of passionate lovers. Baring their emotions to each other in the most desperate of ways despite not being able to handle a slow pace any longer. It being everything you could have asked for and more, right now you didn’t need the soft, slow lovemaking. You need this the desperate lovemaking, the kind that showed that Minho had been longing for you just as much as you’d been longing for him. The kind that showed that you were his now and that he would show you that in every way possible for as long as you would ask it of him. Where every move he made was to find what made you feel best, because you were what he most cared for in this world and where it was so much better than he could have imagined that he wasn’t sure if he could hold off. Though he was intent on your pleasure coming first as he angled himself to perfectly hit the spots he found brought you the most pleasure with each drag of his cock, thumb rubbing quick circles into your clit as his other hand tangled into your hair to keep your lips pressed against his. Taking in all of your moans as your pleasure explodes once more, the feeling of you cumming on his cock enough to send him spiraling into his own high as he moans into your mouth in response. Slowing his thrusts as he rides you both through your highs. Hands gently tracing shapes over your heated flesh, finding you glowing in the aftermath of your climax.
“Come on my flower, I’ll help you shower before we join the others.” Minho kisses your forehead softly before scooping you up to take you to the bathroom. Getting you in the steaming shower as quickly as he can so that you won’t have to face the cold while bare for too long and so that you two can be quick enough to be able to get some food in before the others ate everything. Not that he wouldn’t cook you up a good breakfast if it came down to it. Willing to shower you in all affections imaginable after what you both had just done. Though before long Minho had you both cleaned up and in warm fresh clothes, going down the stairs to join the others.
“Weren’t you wearing something different this morning?” Jisung questions Minho slyly as if they hadn’t all heard what you two had been up to earlier. Minho knew what he meant, but still didn’t give him the satisfaction.
“Yeah well I took a shower, so I put on something else.” Minho shrugs pulling out a seat for you, before taking his own so you two could eat breakfast as well.
“Oh did Y/N shower too? Her hair is all damp still.” Jisung innocently inquires taking a bite of his pancake trying to hide his smug expression. Minho gently moving your damp hair away from your bare skin so that it wouldn’t get too chilled.
“Well then you obviously know the answer.” Minho rolls his eyes adding his portion of whipped cream and other sweet toppings to your plate instead of his own.
“Hm I just find that interesting considering we only heard one shower running.” Jisung smirks at you both as the others snicker and chuckle, teasing you all through breakfast while exchanging knowing looks. 
The teasing had died down some later as you all gathered around to exchange gifts. Feeling your heart stutter as you hold Minho’s in your hands, the man seeming flustered as you go to open it. Finding a small necklace inside one that looked like a lifeline with a heart at the end, flipping it over to find his initials on the back besides yours. 
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“So if things had been different this would have been when I confessed.” He admits in a soft whisper into your ear,  a blush adorning his cheeks so beautifully as you laugh softly.
“It’s alright I liked the way things turned out much better anyways.” Minho admits before the guys pretend to gag and whine at all the pda they were witnessing.
“Alright enough of the mushy stuff, you have to open mine next.” Hyunjin dramatically insists shoving his gift in front of you, a pretty envelope sitting on top and beckoning you to open the card first. Your attention immediately drawn to a special little note at the bottom...
PS. Minho’s name was the only one in that hat.
“Well guess I ruined your little plan huh?” You tease, flustering along with him as he presses a soft kiss to your cheek in front of everyone.
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streetlight11 · 4 years
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Summary: Changbin wants to be the person that those around him can rely on when they’re having a hard time. But he doesn’t realize that his mistake was to keep his own problems to himself, only to burst one day due to the pent up emotions he’s been holding onto.
Genre: slight angst, fluff
Warnings: mild swearing, prior to the current pandemic situation
WC: 2.8k
Pairing: Seo Changbin x Reader
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Growing up, you always knew Changbin was the kind to put everyone else’s problems above his own. He wants to be everyone’s pillar of strengths. Mostly the people that he loves and cares for. Back when you were in high school with him, he was always there for you. Be it when you got bullied, when you had a rough day, when you got one mark lesser than your expected score, anything.
Even though Changbin tends to lash out when his problems have been pent up for too long and was taking a toll on him, saying harsh things to you, never once did you take it to heart. 
Simply because you understood why he was acting that way. You even offered him a listening ear for his problems but he chose to keep them to himself. Only after endless prying and persuasion, that he finally opened up to you and it still wasn’t everything.
But at that very moment, you were thankful that he did. At least a small chunk of his problems were out of his mind and chest, you could almost see the slight heavy weight being lifted off his shoulders.
However, he was never not there for you to the point where he would often hang out at your family home almost every day. Your parents loved him. They adored this little boy who was more selfless than anything, who puts up a strong front for others to rely on.
Even after he successfully debuted as an idol, he was still the same boy you knew during your childhood.
You watched as he grew with his members, his character never once changed as he still lends his shoulder to his members for them to cry on, giving them something to rely on during tough times.
Changbin still kept in contact with you after all these years as he told his members about you as though you were a prized possession. 
And to be very honest, to him, you really were his prized possession. 
Today was no different as he texted you after lunch. You were just sitting in your office desk, reading through the email you got from your Head of Department regarding the project you were going to be a part of when your phone dinged on your right side.
Binie✨ [3:06pm] : Noona
Binie✨ [3:06pm] : What time do you finish work today?
You [3:08pm] : 830
Binie✨ [3:09pm] : Will you be too tired if I asked you to stop by the company building after work? 🥺
You [3:10pm] : Nope! It’s fine!
You [3:11pm] : I can stop by
You [3:11pm] : Just tell me which room you guys will be in okay?
Binie✨ [3:13pm] : Okay noona 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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Hours later, you were just waiting outside your office building for a cab when your phone started ringing, only to see his caller ID flashed on your screen.
“Oh noona, where are you?”
“Waiting for a cab. Why?”
“Do you want my manager hyung to fetch you? I can get him to do it.”
“No, Binie it’s fine. I’ll text you once I’m there okay?”
“Okay. Text me once you’re 5 minutes away. I’ll come down.”
“Alright Binie. See you.” 
You hung up the call and soon, entered a cab that you managed to hail. The drive to JYP building took about 45 minutes so when you were around the corner, you texted him. He immediately rushed downstairs to fetch you from the entrance.
The driver came to a stop, only for you to pay him by card and he soon wished you good night.
You did the same as you left the vehicle before heading straight into the building. The minute you walked through the revolving door, you jumped at the voice that called your name. His voice echoing the entire lobby.
“Y/N Noona!!” Changbin said as he skipped over to you only to wrap his arms around your frame, earning a soft clear of a throat from someone behind him.
“Safe distancing please.” The lady at the front desk said with a little smile on her face before Changbin and you apologized in unison.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as you went over to register your name and soon used the hand sanitizer followed by getting your temperature checked by the machine before you could enter the building further after Changbin told the lady that you were with him.
In the lift however, Changbin couldn’t keep his hands to himself as he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his nose against your neck. You giggled at the tickling feeling as you squeezed his shoulders lightly.
He brought you to the practice room where his members were in, and the minute you both entered, the boys got excited as Jisung ran up to you. You brought your hands out to brace yourself for the impact. Instead, Jisung bent down only to put you over his shoulders with your backside in the air. He carried you to the middle of the room as you found yourself laughing.
“Yah, Jisungie put her down!” Chan scolded with a laugh as the rest of them chuckled as well. Jisung soon placed you back down, only for you to hit his chest playfully.
The boys asked you how you were doing and some of them even whined to you saying they haven’t seen you in so long and that they missed you. You giggled as you told them you were too caught up with important work recently, only for them to understand. 
After a few more minutes of chatting, Chan beckons them over to continue with practice, only for you to situate yourself in the corner where the couch was at.
A few hours passed and they were all visibly exhausted but they still persisted on like the hardworking, talented young men they were. You didn’t realize what was going on in the practice room until you heard bickering.
You looked up from your phone, only to see Changbin squaring up to Jeongin. That’s when you saw Chan and Minho separating the two with Chan forcefully holding Changbin back.
Uh oh.
“You know I’m supposed to be there! Why didn’t you let me move?!” Changbin’s voice low as he growled at the younger tauntingly.
“Guys, can we all calm down? It’s getting late and everyone’s tired but we need to work together.” Chan said as the rest of them began to keep a distance between Changbin and themselves. You knew something wasn’t right so you got up to hold Changbin’s arm.
At that moment, you could feel it. He was burning from anger. 
“Bin ah, you’re just stressed. Calm down.”
“Calm down?! Did you not see him?! He was a mess! They’re all a fucking mess!” Changbin yelled but you didn’t even flinch meanwhile everyone else did.
“Seo Changbin. Watch your words.” You scolded him firmly.
At this point, everyone could sense the strong tension lingering in the air as it was too thick to be cut with scissors. The boys watched silently as they knew that if there was one person who could talk some sense into Changbin, it was you. They knew that only you could understand him like an open book. And right at that moment, Changbin was mad. 
He was letting his feelings control his mind and you weren’t gonna let him continue with it. He took steps closer until he was less than an arm lengths away from you.
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. You’re not even a damn idol. You have no idea what it’s like.”
The boys gasped in shock, not expecting him to say that. They thought you would break down or even leave the room upset but you didn’t. They knew there was a deeper connection between you two so they just chose to watch silently while Chan and Hyunjin comforted Jeongin.
“You’re right. I’m not an idol. But that doesn’t mean you can lash out on your members just because you’re mad at something else.”
“What bullshit are you talking about!”
“Your bullshit Bin! You can lie to everyone else that you’re okay, but you can’t lie to me. You put up a strong front for people but you refuse to break down your own walls for the sake of your own well being.”
You paused for a while to see his reaction but when all you got was his sad, confused eyes, you took that as a sign to continue.
“Being selfless is a good thing but you have to know your limits. They want to be there for you when you’re having a rough day. I want to be there for you. But you’re making it so difficult for them. For me.” 
The room fell silent as Changbin closed his eyes tightly before taking a deep breath. He took off his cap and soon threw it harshly towards the wall behind you but never once did you flinch. He soon left without saying a word as the door slammed behind him. You let out a heavy sigh as you walked back to the guys, only to hold Chan’s arm.
“I’m sorry about him guys… Changbin can be a little… tough if he’s having a bad day. Please don’t get upset with him. I promise you he doesn't ever mean those words he said. He’s just doing it out of anger.” You said, only for them to sigh.
Just then, you walked up to Jeongin who had a small tear roll down his cheek, making you smile apologetically to him before you pulled him into a hug.
You caressed the back of his head soothingly as he buried his face in your shoulder.
“Don’t take it to heart okay?” You said, only for him to nod.
You pulled away from him as you turned to them and told them to continue where they left off as you quickly left the room to find for your childhood best friend. You searched through all the rooms down the empty hall as you jogged past the lift lobby only to hear soft sobs coming from the staircase.
You carefully walked over to the door, only to peek through the glass panel on the door. That’s when you saw his back, seated on the steps as he buried his head in his arms, resting on his knees.
You smiled softly as you opened the door, not a single movement from him. 
You carefully closed the door and walked over to him as you took a seat beside him. You let your legs brush against his as you turned to look at him with a small little smile on your face.
Just then, you reached up to gently caress his hair as you heard his sobs slowly reduce.
A few minutes later, Changbin’s head lifted as he stared into the empty space ahead. His mind clearly somewhere else.
“Am I a bad person?”
“You can be annoying, a little hard to please, hard headed sometimes… but you’re not a bad person, Bin ah.” You smiled as he finally turned to you, his eyes glossy as his cheeks wet from his fresh tears.
“Then why do I always hurt the people that I love?” He asked, his voice faltering as you couldn’t help but cup his soft cheek and gently caress it.
“Because you rely too much on yourself.” Your words seemed to break him as you pulled him into a hug, letting him wrap his arms around your waist while he buried his face in your chest. He cried as his grip around your waist tightened.
“What am I doing wrong noona?” He whispered as you let out a soft sigh.
“You want people to rely on you. You want them to feel strong when they’re with you. You want people to feel safe and share all their problems with you so that you can ease their burden but you don’t realize that there are people who are willing to do the same for you.”
Your words came to a pause as you played with his hair before you continued.
“You don’t have to keep all your problems to yourself just because you don’t want to seem like a burden to others. You have no idea how many people are willing to be your pillar of strength on your rainy days. And I know for a fact that your members are one of those many people. You might never realize this too, but I am willing to do the same for you.”
With that, Changbin pulled away from you, only for him to wipe his tears with his sweater sleeves.
“Why are you still here? I’ve hurt you so many times before with my words. Why are you still holding on to me?” He asked.
“Because I know that of all the things you’ve said to me, you don’t mean any of them.”
“How would you know that?”
“Because I trust that this cute little boy would never do such a thing to anyone he loves and cares for.” You said as you cupped his face in both your hands, making him chuckle.
Just then, he glanced down at your lips.
“That means you know that I love you right?” His eyes met yours again only for you to smile.
“Of course I know.”
Changbin found himself grinning as he looked back at your lips only to lean in until he pressed his soft wet lips on yours. 
You could taste the salt from his tears as you smiled against his lips. You slid your arms around his shoulders as you pulled him closer to you, leaning your back against the wall for support as he had one hand pressed against the wall beside your waist while the other wraps itself around your body.
Changbin’s heart pounded against his chest as he felt so safe and secure in your arms. Something he has always felt ever since the day he met you.
You pulled away when you felt him bite your bottom lip teasingly, making you giggle.
“Come on. I think your members deserve an apology.” With that, Changbin pouted as he whined at you softly.
“Can we stay like this for a moment? You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
With that, you giggled as you kissed his nose and whispered.
“We can do this any time, love.”
With that, Changbin sighed as a smile replaced his pout. Both of them re-entered the building as they walked back to the practice room, hand in hand. The moment they entered, Changbin’s voice echoed around the room as the boys were just taking a short break.
“Guys, can we talk?” Changbin started as the boys turned to both you and Changbin, only for Chan to smile.
With that, Changbin turned to you as you gently squeezed his hand before you gave him a soft nod. You let go of his hand as he soon walked up to them.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Sorry if I made you upset. Especially you Jeonginie. Hyung’s really sorry.” Changbin said as he approached their maknae, only for Jeongin to flash him a smile as he immediately wrapped his arms around Changbin’s shoulders.
“It’s okay hyung! Please don’t ever feel like you burden us! If you have problems, tell us or tell noona okay? We love you so much.” Jeongin said as Changbin smiled against the younger’s shoulder.
The boys soon gave them a group hug as they all encouraged Changbin to not always pent up his problem to himself and that he can rely on them and you too.
You smiled as you took careful steps towards the corner where the couch was. Ignoring the soft whispers they were exchanging, only for Changbin’s voice to speak up.
You turned around as he walked up to you. Once he was right in front of you, he gently took your hands in his, only to caress the back of your hands with his thumbs.
“Thank you for making me realize my mistakes.”
“Hey, what are best friends for right?”
“Except, I don’t want you to be my best friend anymore.”
He paused as you frowned in confusion, not catching up with what he was saying. Just then, Changbin softly reached up to caress your cheek as he leaned in to let his lips brush against yours softly before he spoke up.
“I want you to be my girlfriend…”
With that, your eyes widened as you heard happy cheers from the boys behind him.
“I’d love to.” You said as he smiled, finally capturing your lips in a kiss again for the second time that night. You smiled against his lips as he held you securely in his arms. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that he called you over that night.
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chaoticminhos · 4 years
crash and burn
pairing: han jisung x reader x hwang hyunjin
genre: angst, smut (hyunjin) mafia au
warnings: bomb explosion, injury.
word count: 10.5k
a/n: mafia jisung was requested, as was power play/fighting for dominance with hyunjin, so I combined them together to make a spicier plot >:) not very proof read
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run away.
what a powerful human instinct. when put in a situation of possible danger, humans have two options; fight through it or run away from it. you’d always been one to run if the possibility came up, and your current situation was no exception.
your heart pounded against your rib cage as you ran with the little bit of effort you had left inside of you. the meeting had gone south and you received one order from chan- get back to the base safe.
being the only girl on the mission, you were the most heavily followed when your team split, aside from chan, of course, nothing was more important than capturing the leader.
you didn’t know exactly how many people were following you, but you heard at least three sets of feet running behind you. luckily for you, you were in your side of town. you knew the terrain and they didn’t.
you bolted into a dim alleyway, running through it and towards a crowded part of the town. even at night, there were bound to be people. way too many people for the people chasing you to do anything and not get caught.
you didn’t make it to your destination, though. as you ran past a particular building, a door swung open and you were dragged in as the door slapped behind you and you heard the lock click.
immediately you began to struggle. you were so damn close to safety, you were not getting caught now, not by some bastard who-
“y/n, jesus christ, calm the fuck down.”
you relaxed at the voice, but still worked to free yourself of his grip.
“what the fuck, jisung? i was almost safe in town.”
he kept his hold on you, holding your body close to his, “and now you’re safe here. and you’re with me, that’s an added bonus.”
as much as you wanted to be mad at him for scaring you like he had, you couldn’t bring yourself to keep a scowl on your face when he was holding you so close and looking at you like he was.
he leaned down and placed a kiss to your lips before taking your hand and leading you through the building and towards an exit on the other side.
“you were the only one not home yet, chan got worried.”
you laughed, “so he sent the least trained team member to save me?”
he raised an eyebrow, “just because i’m newest doesn’t mean i’m not trained well.”
you shrugged, he wasn’t wrong. jisung had only joined your brother’s group a couple months ago, but he was one hell of a learner. he picked up on firearms almost immediately despite having only basic experience with them. he was amazing at hand to hand combat, already better than hyunjin despite him having nearly a year over jisung in training. that wasn’t to say hyunjin was bad at combat, it just meant jisung was freaky good.
he cracked open a door and peaked out before deciding it was clear and leading you back outside. he seemed calm, but his free hand, the one not holding onto yours, was secure to the weapon in his waistband. it could be assumed that the men chasing you had given up by now, but one could never be sure.
it wasn’t a far walk to the mansion, not that you’d mind if it was. you had no problem spending time alone with jisung.
he wasn’t your boyfriend, but you’d say you had a romantic relationship with him. you’d hooked up with him too many times and he held your hand far too often not to classify it as a relationship. that’s how you thought of it, anyway. the two of you never discussed it.
jisung typed in the code to unlock the door and stepped in before you. you were met with the rest of the members sitting and waiting for your return. it was usual to have a full group meeting after a mission, especially one that went as wrong as this one had.
the only open places were separate from each other. so you released jisung’s hand from yours and took the closest one, which was between hyunjin and your brother, chan. 
“obviously we took a blow tonight. it was stupid of me to think we could trust them despite their connections to our enemy. i’m fine with the hit as long as none of you got hurt. still, we can’t let them get away with stealing from us. we’re going to have to retaliate.” he stood, he was referring to the thousands of dollars in the bags he’d brought to make a fair trade that ended up being stolen, “get some rest and we’ll discuss a plan in the morning.”
it didn’t take more than that to convince the majority of you to head to your rooms. you stood to leave, but jisung stopped you by calling your name.
“y/n,” he smirked, “my room?”
your face flushed at his question, more at the fact that he asked it so loudly in front of everybody than anything else. it wasn’t like what was happening between you two was a secret, but still. your best friends and older brother were in the room, for christs sake.
you nodded and made your way to jisung, following him to his bedroom. 
“can you two at least be quiet this time? if you wanna be up all night that’s on you, but let the rest of us sleep.”
you sent a wide eyed glare at changbin for his words, but jisung just laughed.
“no promises.”
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you were woken up the next morning by jeongin pounding on jisung’s door to say that chan wanted everyone downstairs. it seemed he’d already came up with a plan to get the money back.
you didn’t bother to get dressed, instead just pulling one of jisung’s oversized shirts over your head and calling it good. 
you walked down the stairs with jisung and were met by a glare from changbin, “you weren’t quiet.”
chan didn’t allow you or jisung to reply as he got right into his plan.
it wouldn’t get stray kids their money back, but it would ensure that ateez, the gang who’d stolen it, wouldn’t be able to use it for anything other than repairs.
the plan was to set fire to a building known to be home to a lot of their business. it’s where they stored things and made the drugs they sold, so burning it to the ground would cost them a lot. not only would it destroy their headquarters, it would burn thousands of dollars worth of product. it was technically a government building, a law firm, but it obviously didn’t cost more than ateez had to bribe the government to let them make drugs in the basement of their building.
it wasn’t a super elaborate plan. he would just send a couple of you in to light the basement up and one of you in to pull the fire alarm once it was on fire. he didn’t care about getting ateez’s men out safe and alive, but there were a lot of innocent people in that building. 
“my target is the building,” he made it very clear, “the target is not the people.”
still, you all had permission to shoot any ateez member you came in contact with as long as you were absolutely sure they were actually a part of the whole thing, not just some unknowing employee at the firm.
“we’re going in tonight. they had last night to feel like they won, i’m not giving them a second good nights sleep.”
you all nodded in understanding.
“you’re excused. but stay open, i’ll let you know further details soon.”
naturally, you and jisung took the option of a mostly free day and decided to go to town. he never called it a date, but he held your hand while he walked you to the restaurant and let you choose where to go. he even payed for your meal. he did everything a boyfriend would. a title wasn’t needed.
you lead jisung through the small restaurant and into the back corner where you liked to sit. it was one of your favorite noodle places to go to, you’d been there enough to have a favorite seat.
you didn’t bother with a menu, you knew what you wanted. jisung didn’t grab one either. he’d taken here you way too many times not to know what food he liked. the waitress approached the table.
“can i get you drinks to get started?”
“we’re ready to order, actually.” jisung smiled at her. you noticed the way she scanned his features as she smiled back. 
“what can i get for you then, sir?”
you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at her flirty tone. wasn’t it obvious you were there together? as a pair?
jisung ordered his regular and you mustered up a fake smile as you voiced your own order as well. she assured you both that your drinks would be out soon and left to put in your orders, but not before gently placing a hand on jisung’s shoulder for a moment. you chose not to mention your frustration to jisung.
he reached across the table and took grip of your hand, “who do you think chan will send in?”
apparently he wouldn’t voice his opinion on the waitress, either.
you shrugged, “i’m not sure. minho and changbin maybe.” you thought for a moment, “but they might recognize changbin. he’s always at negotiations.”
“maybe. it can’t be hard to get a girl into that place.”
jisung let out a small laugh, “that’s true.”
just then, your drinks were placed in front of you. you slid your hands out from under jisung’s to make room for the glasses. you smiled and thanked her for the drinks, expecting her to leave and get back to work. instead, though, she stayed. she brought her hand back to jisungs shoulder. she addressed both of you as she spoke, but you could tell her focus was on jisung.
“what’s the plans for today?”
“nothing really.” jisung spoke, “probably heading home after this.”
she raised an eyebrow, “you two live together?”
you were going to respond, but jisung got there before you.
“our whole friend group lives together.”
she nodded but was called off by her boss before she had the chance to respond.
again, you ignored her actions and went back to casually talking to jisung. it wasn’t long before she was back again, this time with your food.
“enjoy your food!” she chirped before walking away.
she didn’t bother you anymore while you ate, only reappearing when jisung flagged her over and asked for the check. she brought it and he payed. you took note of the tip he gave, not overly generous but not skimpy. 
she lingered for a moment before speaking as you were getting up and ready to leave.
“if you don’t mind me asking,” she was speaking to jisung, “could i get your number?” 
he chuckled, raising his hands in defense.
“oh, no, i’m sorry.” 
he took your hand and looked to you in hopes that she’d get the point.
“oh,” she pretended as if she hadn’t noticed the signs of you two being together the entire time, “i’m sorry! i didn’t realize she was your girlfriend!”
you missed the way jisung faltered for a moment at the word. girlfriend.
he assured her it was okay before the two of you hurried out of the restaurant. the second the door shut behind you, jisung laughed.
“that was uncomfortable.”
you chuckled back, “little bit.”
your hand still in his, jisung walked you back to the mansion and you spent the rest of the day curled into his side watching television on his bed. after the restaurant incident, you two decided to just go home instead of staying in town.
you were right in the middle of an episode when your phone rang, indicating that chan had called a meeting.
“looks like it’s go time.”
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“y/n, hyunjin, and felix will be going in.” chan explained the plan, “felix is the distraction. he’ll be pretending to be a customer and speaking with anyone that needs to be distracted while y/n and hyunjin get to the basement and light it up.”
“why them?” changbin questioned. it wasn’t that he didn’t agree with his choice, he just wanted the reason behind it. he needed to be able to think like chan. if anything happened to him, changbin was next in line.
“it’s unlikely that anyone will recognize y/n. she’s just another girl to them. hyunjin is there in case someone does.”
and just like that, you were sitting in the back of a truck with rigged up bombs shoved between you and hyunjin. it would be too hard to get a ton of accelerant like gasoline in there without someone noticing, so chan opted for explosives.
seungmin was driving and jisung was in the passenger seat. no one was speaking, it always got deadly quiet before missions.
she car stopped in front of a big building that you recognized as the law firm and jisung stepped out to open the door for you and hyunjin. you got out, doing your best to block the contents of the car from anyone walking by as you loaded the devices into every pocket you had on you. another car pulled up behind you and the rest of the boys stepped out, including felix. chan gave the signal to go.
jisung stopped you before you could enter the building, though. he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“be careful.”
you smiled and followed the two boys into the building. 
felix split off immediately to the front desk. his task was to distract everyone as you and hyunjin found your way to the basement. his first conquest was the lady at the front desk. it was working so far, he had the desk attendants full attention and she didn’t even notice as you and hyunjin slinked into a staircase clearly labeled employees only.
it took a while for the two of you to find your way to where you needed to be, but you got there. 
the first obstacle was the workroom packed full of people that you needed to get past in order to get to the planting location. chan had showed you a map of the layout of the building and told you to pack most of the bombs into the warehouse where storage was. he had told you over and over again, the target was the product. and where was product stored? the warehouse.
hyunjin lowered his head and gestured for you to follow him as he began to cross the room. you were worried at first, wouldn’t someone notice you? wouldn’t you seem out of place?
the answer was no. it seemed that most of the workers couldn’t tell one person from another.
it was obvious that their payment for working was a cut of the product, not money.
finally, you reached two big, swinging factory doors. that had to be the warehouse.
you watched as hyunjin scanned the room to make sure no ones eyes were on you before leading you into the warehouse. 
it was empty for the most part, just a couple people. that meant that you’d seem more out of place than you did in the busy workroom. you had to be careful about being seen. you saw now why chan chose hyunjin specifically as the one to go with you, he was excellent at avoiding detection. he was trained and brought into the group for his spy work. despite his tall figure and clumsy nature, he was quiet and quick on his feet. you had to be careful not to lose him yourself.
the two of you began packing explosives into any space you could find, trying to spread them out evenly but still close enough that they would set each other off. you slowly moved through the entire large room together, one watching the others back as they carefully placed a package. you and hyunjin worked quickly as a team, yet another reason chan had sent the two of you in. he knew the dynamics, he knew who worked well together and how well they worked.
you were covering hyunjin’s back as he placed his last few bundles when an alarm rang through the building. you quickly registered it as the fire alarm. that meant felix had pulled the fire alarm. he pulled it before there was any sign of fire. 
you and hyunjin were supposed to be the ones to pull the alarm when you were finished placing the bombs. you were supposed to be the ones letting felix know when it was time to get out, not the other way around. there was only one time felix was ordered to pull the alarm, and it was if the two of you or himself got compromised. 
felix had pulled the alarm, and that meant get out, they know you’re here.
you tossed the last few bundles you had and watched as hyunjin lit the fuse to one of the bigger bombs, one that was sure to set off all of the ones near it and bring the building crashing down. the explosives looked small, but they could tear down entire buildings with enough of them, and oh boy, you and hyunjin sure had planted enough.
you allowed hyunjin to take grip of your wrist and lead you out of the warehouse and through the crowd to the exit. you were nearly there when you felt his hand leave your wrist and someone else’s arms around you.
“i thought i recognized you.”
that’s funny, you thought, because you didn’t recognize him. from his word choice and location though, you figured he was part of ateez.
you struggled in his arms and desperately tried to find hyunjin in the crowd, but you’d lost him. 
you knew the rules, if something were to happen in a situation like this, your orders were to get out. there wasn’t time to try to get your partners out. if hyunjin lost you like you lost him, he wouldn’t spend more than a few seconds trying to find you before turning and leaving the building himself. it wasn’t anything personal, it was chans orders.
you thrashed in the strange mans arms. he obviously wasn’t taking the blaring fire alarm seriously, as he made no attempt to get closer to the door. you tried to reason with him, screaming that you’d rigged the place and it would go up in flames any second, but he wouldn’t budge. either he didn’t believe you or he didn’t care. 
you managed to break free from his hold and your eyes locked with the exit. you felt your legs ache as you ran as hard as you could to get out of the building that was set to blow up any second. 
the last thing you heard was chan’s voice screaming in your ear to get out and get to safety with the rest of them before the earpiece was blown off of you from the shock of the impact coming from the exploding flames.
watching from a safe distance away outside, hyunjin fell to his knees in guilt as the boys watched the building crash and fall with you still inside.
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you struggled to hear past the ringing in your ears as three men kneeled down beside you. their lips were moving, but you couldn’t make out any words. 
you tried to fight back as they roughed you around, not registering the situation. they got you onto a backboard and someone placed something over your mouth and once again you tried to fight it off, but you didn’t have the strength. 
you barely registered the change in scenery as you were carried out of the building and lifted into an ambulance. your eyes were blurry from the smoke and you swore you could still hear the alarms blaring in your ears.
the doors of the ambulance were being pulled shut when someone put their body in the way, jumping onto the ambulance with you. the emergency staff tried to push him back, but he insisted on staying.
“it’s my sister.”
you didn’t process the new body as chan. in your haze, it was just another person smothering you and refusing to turn off whatever the fuck was ringing in your ears.
you couldn’t say how long the ride to the hospital was. in all honesty, you couldn’t even say with certainty that you recalled the ride at all. you were drifting in and out of consciousness and you barely made the connection they you’d been taken from the vehicle and into the hospital building.
you felt someone squeezing your hand before they were pushed away and you were rolled into a room full of doctors and bright lights. you remembered asking someone to turn the lights down before everything went black.
you woke up in a hospital bed with your head pounding like crazy. the lights were dim as you looked around the small room, but you still recognized the boy sitting in the corner.
his head shot up and he made his way to you.
“hey, i’m here.”
your mind coming off of it’s tired haze finally began to register the pain coursing through your body.
“what happened?”
“you were still in the building when the bombs went off.”
you glanced around the room and, finally processing that you were in an actual hospital and not being cared for by one of the boys, began to panic.
“why am i here?”
he grabbed your shoulders and made you lay still, “EMTs found you before we did. it’s okay, they don’t know you started it. they think you were just an innocent civilian in the building.”
you calmed down upon hearing that he wasn’t angry at you for being hospitalized.
generally, you avoided hospitals the best you could. the whole team opted instead to let their injuries and illness he cared for by one of the others. it was safer than putting yourself in the public eye with questionable injuries.
chan backed away from you when a nurse stepped into the room, dragging a large cart behind her.
“hey,” she softly greeted, “your monitor showed you were awake. i need to take your vitals.”
she smiled at chan and gestured for him to sit back down in the guest chair as she checked your vitals. apparently nothing was out of the ordinary, because she smiled at you before wheeling the cart out of the room and calling behind her that she would let your other guests know you were awake.
only moments after she left, hyunjin, jeongin, felix, and jisung stepped into the room.
“the others are at home tending to injuries.” chan informed you, “none of them are hurt as bad as you.”
you nodded, heart falling when you looked up and saw the tears running down hyunjin’s face. he leaned down and wrapped his arms around you and you laughed.
“what, you big baby?”
“i’m so sorry, y/n, i’m so sorry.”
you hushed him and pushed him off of you with a wince. your entire body was sore, and although he didn’t mean to, that boy hugged like he wanted to suffocate you.
“it’s not your fault.”
you scanned the room and greeted the other three boys. it was odd to you that jisung hadn’t said a single word or made a move to hug you, or even be anywhere closer to you than the door, since they’d walked in.
you weren’t given time to think much of it before who you assumed was your doctor walked through the door, immediately turning to speak to chan.
“your sister could go home today or we could keep her and monitor her for a few more days just to be sure. it’s your call.”
chan nodded, politely stating that he would prefer to take you home. the doctor nodded before handing chan your release papers. 
you felt slightly frustrated that he wasn’t addressing you, you were an adult and could sign your own papers, but you understood why he was going through chan.
as if reading your mind, the doctor turned to you.
“would you like me to send in a nurse to help you get dressed or will one of these boys be helping you?”
you looked expectantly towards jisung, but his eyes were trained out the window.
“i’d like a nurse to help, if you don’t mind.”
he nodded kindly and lead the boys out of the room. chan left last after placing a bundle of clean clothes on the foot of your bed. you guessed the ones you had been wearing were torn up from the shrapnel and impact.
it didn’t take long before a nurse was stepping through the door and pulling a curtain over the windows to the rest of the hospital to give you privacy.
she helped you stand and step into your clothes and you couldn’t stop thanking her for being patient with you as you slowly moved your aching body. you winced as you lifted your arms above your head and let her slip a sweatshirt over your body.
you expected it to be awkward, having a random lady dress you, but she was so kind that it didn’t feel too uncomfortable.
she slipped warm socks onto your feet before helping you into your shoes and offering you an arm to help you stand. she walked you out your hospital room door where there was a wheelchair waiting for you. she gently lowered you down into it and turned to the boys.
“no heavy lifting for a few weeks and she may need help with things like showering, changing, or getting up from lying down or sitting. i would suggest keeping her in bed for a few days or at least until the bruising and swelling has gone down.” 
she continued to go through precautions regarding your health, including keeping you away from bright lights and loud sounds to prevent your headaches from getting worse. she seemed skeptical as chan declined setting up a follow up appointment for you to come back and be checked again, but she eventually let it go. she waved you goodbye as chan wheel you down the hallway and out of the building. he, jeongin, hyunjin, and jisung waited with you as felix went to pull the car up for you.
you couldn’t help but feel worried and confused as jisung continued to ignore you. he hadn’t said a single word to you since you’d woken up.
felix pulled up and hyunjin opened the car door as he and chan carefully lifted you into a seat. chan returned the wheelchair back to the hospital and hyunjin climbed in beside you.
it was obvious he felt guilty about leaving you in the building when he himself had gotten out without a scratch.
the drive home was relatively quiet. you started out the window while hyunjin held your hand in his. 
felix was careful to stop the car slowly as not to hurt you when he parked at the mansion. chan and hyunjin helped you out of the car just as they had helped you in a few minutes before and they walked slowly with you to the door and to your room where hyunjin softly layer you down on your bed.
chan left to inform the others that you were home and doing well, leaving you alone with hyunjin.
he pulled your desk chair next to your bed, taking your hand in his again.
it was hard to be upset that jisung wasn’t the one sitting there with you when hyunjin was such a sweet and loving caregiver.
“did we at least get the building good?”
hyunjin laughed, “we did. took out the whole foundation and police investigating found traces of drugs among the debris, so the corporation is being investigated.”
you nodded with a smile, “hell yeah.”
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you weren’t left alone for the next few days. at least one person was always with you in case you needed something. more often than not, that person was hyunjin. chan tried to be with you as much as possible, but he had things to deal with as the leader.
jisung had yet to visit you by himself even once in the days you had been on bed rest.
you were absentmindedly playing a game on your phone and talking to hyunjin when jisung and minho softly knocked at your door before stepping in.
“hey there,” minho smiled, handing you a plate of food, “don’t tell chan but i snuck you an extra pudding.”
you thanked him and he and jisung turned to leave the room, but you stopped them.
he turned around, shocked that you’d called for him.
“can i talk to you?”
he nodded and hyunjin took that as his cue to follow minho out of the door, leaving you alone with jisung. he had been just as focused, if not more, on the fact that jisung had been avoiding you.
he sat down where hyunjin had previously been but made no move to reach for your hand comfortingly like your gotten accustomed to hyunjin doing.
“why haven’t you visited?”
“i have been.”
“no,” you tried to sit up a bit, wincing when pain shot through your body. jisung instinctively reached out to help you, but he pulled his hands away the second you were secure and leaning against your backboard. “you haven’t. everyone but you has spent time with me. you haven’t even said a word.”
when he didn’t speak, you continued, “what’s wrong?”
you reached out for his hand, shocked when he jerked it away. he stood up abruptly, “i’m not required to visit you, y/n, it’s not like i’m your boyfriend.”
you frowned, where was this coming from?
“yeah jisung, you kind of are.”
he shook his head and you were too clouded by confusion and frustration to notice the tears building up in his eyes, “we’re coworkers, y/n. nothing more.” 
really? because the way he held you at night and kissed you and told you you were the most gorgeous person he’d ever seen said different.
he didn’t give you a chance to respond, immediately leaving your room. the second he was out the door, hyunjin was stepping back in. he rushed over to you and wiped a tear that you hadn’t even realized was there from your cheek.
“hey, what happened? jisung looked upset.”
you shrugged, “i think we just broke up.” you let out a dry laugh. 
or not. he seemed sure that there wasn’t anything to break in the first place.
you missed the hint of happiness in hyunjins eyes hidden behind his sympathetic expression.
he sat on the edge of your bed, pulling you into a gentle hug, careful not to hurt you.
“i’m so sorry, y/n.”
he meant it. he felt for you, he understood how much it hurts. he understood how badly it hurts to have someone you care for blatantly ignore you like that.
still, though, jisung putting you through that pain might end the same hurt for hyunjin.
maybe now you would let yourself see him.
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jisung didn’t come in your room for the remainder of your healing process, not even to drop of meals with minho. he didn’t try to see you while you tried desperately to shove down the want to see him.
it was your first day up and you were struggling to get down the steps and to the kitchen as you clung onto hyunjin, who was supporting you. 
it wasn’t so much that the injuries were still that bad, it was just that your muscles weren’t used to being used. even with that, you probably didn’t need all of the help hyunjin was offering, but you didn’t want to decline it, either.
he helped you to your seat around the big dining table, pulling the chair out for you and gently helping you sit. you mentally thanked him as he slid into the seat beside you, the one jisung usually sat in.
it had been about a week since the whole thing, and today would be your first time seeing him since then. he couldn’t avoid you anymore, and you didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing. 
jisung took a step into the kitchen and his eyes went right to you.
definitely bad.
hyunjin placed his hand over yours, redirecting your attention back to him. you smiled, he was good at keeping your mind off of jisung.
chan wanted to have a group breakfast all together to welcome you back from bed rest. you knew he meant well, but you would have preferred not to have to sit at the same table as jisung for an hour.
did the news get around? probably not. why would he have told people about the break up if he didn’t see it as the end of a relationship?
well, if the news hadn’t already been spread, everyone definitely knew something was going on by the end of the meal. jisung had spoke and engaged in conversation, but not a single word he spoke was directed at you. 
you let felix take your plate when you finished and slowly moved to stand up from your seat. hyunjin widened his eyes in surprise and moved to help you, causing you to laugh.
“i got it, jinnie.”
you didn’t notice jisung cringe at the nickname. why would you? you had no reason to look in his direction if he wasn’t going to look in yours.
hyunjin let you stand by yourself, but he kept his hands out and ready to help you if you needed it. you stood and smiled at him. he smiled back, giving a few claps to congratulate your progress.
you were surprised how much easier it was to get around once you got past the initial shock of using your muscles again for the first time in a while. you were able to walk to the lounge and sit down on the couch without help.
hyunjin sat down right next to you and you chuckled.
“i’m okay, you don’t need to stay with me anymore.”
he frowned, “i’m not doing it because i feel bad.” he shrugged, “or only because i feel bad.” 
he blamed himself for leaving you in the building, even though he did exactly what he was supposed to and you ended up fine.
“i’m doing it because i like spending time with you.”
if he had said the same words any time before your accident, before you and jisung ended whatever it was you had, you wouldn’t be blushing the way you were. but for some reason, you heard his words differently now.
it was his turn to choose a movie. the two of you had been watching a lot of movies since you’d been stuck in bed, and you always alternated who got to choose. not that it was a big deal, you had similar tastes.
the day wasn’t spent much differently than it would have been if you were still stuck in bed, other than you being able to actually eat meals with the others and sit in the living room instead of cuddled next to hyunjin in your small bed while watching movies.
the sun was set already and many of the boys had gone to sleep, but you and hyunjin wanted to finish the hundredth, (not really, but it felt like it), movie of the day. 
throughout the day, some of the others had came and watched whatever was playing with you and hyunjin. felix complained about you two taking up the biggest television in the house, which he liked to use for gaming.
now, though, you two were alone.
the credits began to roll and you went to sit up, hyunjin immediately wrapping his arms around you to help.
you chuckled at him, “you don’t need to baby me so much.”
he pouted, his arms still around you, “but you’re my baby.”
his words were nothing out of the ordinary, all of the boys babied you and jeongin. still, his close proximity and the way his eyes locked with yours and the confusion and frustration inside of you caused you to process it differently.
apparently he did, too. before you knew it, he had his lips on yours as he snaked his hands across your body, careful not to hurt you.
you felt his hand run down your body and to your ass, giving it a small squeeze.
he maneuvered you into his lap, and for the first time since you’d woken up days before, he didn’t do it as if harsh movements would break you.
you liked it.
you straddled his waist, hands combing through his hair. he let out a whine as you took a fistful of his hair and tugged his head back, exposing his neck to you.
you trailed your tongue along the sensitive skin, the heat in you building with every soft sound he let out. you bit down on a specific spot and he let out a sound that made you think maybe you’d hurt him, but before you could ask, he was begging you to do it again.
so you did. you peppered kisses and bruises along his neck, unconsciously grinding your hips down against his.
he hissed, fingers digging into your waist has he stilled your movements.
“knock it off.”
a smirk played at your lips as you removed yourself from his neck and looked him straight in the eyes, going exactly against his words and rolling your core against his clothed crotch.
“or what, prince?”
with that, he had you off of his lap and your back pressed against the seat of the couch.
he kissed you roughly, and you let him. you moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced with yours. he tasted like lust and craving.
his hands crawled along your body, reaching under your shirt and trailing up your bare stomach.
“or i won’t be able to hold myself back from fucking you so hard you forget everything but my name.”
his words sent a rush through you, and at that moment, you couldn’t think of anything you wanted more than what he was offering.
you slipped a hand between your bodies and groped his clothed bulge, “then do it.”
practically growling, he slipped a hand to the small of your back and held you up to allow your shirt to slip over your shoulders. he brought a hand to your breast, cupping it and attaching his lips to the top of it, sucking a deep purple hickey onto the soft flesh.
you let him have his fun, let him admire your body and paint it full of his marks, before you decided it was your turn again.
you placed your palms flat against his chest and pushed him away from you. he looked confused at first, but you saw excitement flash in his eyes as you continued to push him back until it was his back to the cushions, him underneath you.
you rolled your hips against his as you leaned down and whispered in his ear, breath grazing the skin of his neck, causing his breath to catch.
you grabbed a hold of his hands, bringing them to cup your chest over your bra.
“tell me, baby,” another roll of your hips, another sweet sound from his lips, “have you ever thought of me before?”
his answer came almost before you finished speaking, “yes.”
you hummed, “when?”
he swallowed hard, “all the time. especially when...” he trailed off.
you hovered your lips above his, “especially when what, hyunjin?”
he let out a shaky breath before responding, and his voice sounded almost ashamed, “especially when i could hear you and jisung.”
you ignored the sting in your heart at the name and smirked against his lips, “did you listen a lot, hm?”
he nodded and you raised yourself so you were sitting up, guiding his hand behind you and to the strap of your bra. he got the hint, fumbling to undo the clasp.
he groaned as the garment fell, exposing your breasts.
“you like to listen?”
he nodded, eyes trained on your chest.
you paused your words for a moment to guide his hands once again to your boobs, whispering to him that he was allowed to touch you.
you continued, “what did you do when you listened, hyunjin?”
his breath caught in his throat as you trailed your hand down his chest, pushing up the shirt that he regretfully still had on and slipping your hand past the waste band of his sweatpants and under his boxers.
“did you touch yourself,” you squeezed his hard member, “here?” 
he nodded, too far lost in his fantasy coming true to provide a verbal response.
he made a sound of protest as you removed your hand from his pants, depriving him of the touch he so desperately wanted.
you chuckled darkly at the whine, “what a little bitch.”
that seemed to snap him out of his daze as he flipped your positions so he was once again on top, hissing his words out.
“what did you call me?”
you ignored the growing pool of wetness between your thighs, “a little bitch.”
“yeah?” he attached his lips harshly back to yours, speaking between rough kisses, “i’ll show you who here is a little bitch, y/n.” he broke the kiss to lock his eyes with yours, “and it’s not me.”
he disconnected from you for a moment to slip his shirt over his shoulders, and you couldn’t even be upset with him for stealing back control. not when he gave you such a good view from beneath him.
he stepped back, gripping your thighs and pulling you to the edge of the couch as he kneeled in front of it. he tugged your own sweats and underwear down your legs, allowing you to kick them off before he took his spot between your thighs.
he placed wet, open mouth kisses to your thighs, drawing nearer to your aching core with each one.
“god, having to hear you with jisung all the time really got to me.” he practically moaned out the words, “you sound so hot moaning for him. but i think it’ll be even better when it’s my name.”
with that, he attached his lips finally to where you’d been waiting for him.
you couldn’t hold back a moan from ripping through your throat as he sucked harshly at your clit.
not only had it been a while since you’d done anything because of your injuries, so you were sensitive, plus hyunjin was insanely good at what he was doing.
he pulled away for a moment, a string of saliva and your arousal connecting from his chin to your core, “you taste so good, baby.”
he went back in, this time slipping two fingers into you easily with how wet you were.
a hand flew to your mouth to cover the obscenely loud moan that fell past your lips, but you let it fall. the mansion was big and no ones room was that close to the lounge, it should be fine. you could be as loud as you wanted.
and with the way hyunjin curled his fingers perfectly inside of you, god, were you going to be loud.
with his skills, it wasn’t long before you had your thighs tightening around his head and body shaking as the knot inside your stomach came undone.
he worked you hard through your orgasm before standing up and slipping his pants down his legs in one swift potion. your eyes fell to his angry red member and you couldn’t have stopped yourself from staring if you wanted to. 
you let him position you however he wanted, which happened to be with your back down to the cushions again, as a thought crossed your mind.
were these feelings real? or were you just grateful for him caring for you while you healed? for taking your mind off of jisung?
it didn’t matter. he obviously wanted to help keep your thoughts off of jisung, and this was definitely doing a great job of that.
you brought your hands to the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss as he began to slowly sink into you.
the stretch was painful, but you liked it. he was much larger than jisung, and he seemed to be better at using what he had. 
maybe that last thought was just the anger and frustration speaking, or maybe it was because of the way hyunjin began to fluidly pound into you at the perfect pace, sliding himself against your walls in such a way that you couldn’t have stopped yourself from letting out the sinful sounds from your mouth.
“say my name.”
you didn’t hesitate to comply, “fuck, hyunjin, you feel so good. so, so good.”
he groaned at the sound of his name leaving your mouth as a moan. he pulled out of you for a moment, but you weren’t given time to complain before he had you turned around with your back pressed firmly against his chest and his cock buried deep inside of you once again.
the new angle let him hit places that made your mind spin even faster than it had been before, which you didn’t even know was possible.
his breath grazed your neck and he bit down right on top of one of the marks he’d left earlier.
holding you secure with one hand across yours chest, he snaked the other down your stomach and attached his fingers to your clit.
if it were possible for you to moan any louder, you would have.
with a couple more firm and direct thrusts to your g-spot and one hand working expertly on your clit while the other squeezed your boob harshly, you were coming for the second time that night as his name fell off of your lips.
“oh my god, hyunjin, fuck, you’re so big, so good.” 
praises fell freely from your mouth as he carried you through your high. those, mixed with the way his name sounded coming from your mouth and the way you were clenching around him threw him over the edge too.
you whimpered as he fucked you into overstimulation, but praises and a chorus of his name kept falling from your mouth. 
you couldn’t stop telling him how good he was, how good he felt. he deserved to know.
you swore you could have came again just from the feeling of him filling you up with his cum, fucking it deep inside of you.
he pulled out, a mix of your and his cum slipping out of your hole along with his cock,
he groaned at the sight, and if you hadn’t looked so worn out from your aching body and the ride he’d just given you, he would have fucked it back into you and made sure it stayed.
instead, he stood and shoved his cock, which was already growing hard again thanks to the sight in front of him, into his underwear.
you barely even registered that he had left the room before he was back and maneuvering you so he could clean you up.
you whined at the warm cloth against your core.
“please, hyunjin...”
he chuckled, “we’re done for tonight angel, i’m just cleaning you up.”
you whined again in response, and you didn’t really know if it was because of the feeling of the cloth against your core or as a protest to hyunjins statement that it was over.
“baby,” he spoke softly, “you gotta use the bathroom.”
you groaned, this time from annoyance and not pleasure.
he laughed, “i know, but i don’t want you to get sick.”
you reached your arms out to him, “then carry me.”
he chuckled again, but he did as you requested. he picked you up bridal style, careful as always not to hurt you, and carried you to the bathroom.
he let you do your business as he went back to pick up the clothes you two had left scattered on the lounge floor, you wouldn’t want anyone stepping in there in the morning to find that surprise.
he returned, and after you arguing that you didn’t want to shower or bath, you just wanted to go to bed, he carried you to his room and crawled in next to you.
you buried your head in his chest, and in that split second before you fell asleep, you felt safe and in jisungs arms.
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you sat at breakfast the next morning in a comfy pair of sweats and a tank top that hyunjin had gotten for you from your room. part of you wished he had gotten you a sweatshirt, or at least something at covered all of the marks he’d left along your neck and collar bones, but the other part, whether you were conscious of it or not, wanted jisung to see them.
breakfast was going find until chan asked how you were feeling.
you pouted, “sore.”
jisung scoffed from the other side of the table. you wanted to ignore it, but something in you wouldn’t.
he looked up from his food, surprised that you had called him out. he just stared at you, waiting for you to elaborate further.
when you didn’t, he set his fork down, eyes avoiding yours.
“come on,” he shrugged, “you can’t be that sore.”
you frowned, “what do you mean?”
his eyes flashed to hyunjins, who held his gaze.
“you can’t be in that much pain if you let him fuck you like that.”
you nearly choked on your food at the bold statement. 
it wasn’t like the boys, even chan, didn’t know you were sexually active, but bringing it up at the dinner table? 
some of the other boys stuttered to, apparently the lounge had been far enough from some rooms, and not others. or maybe he just got the point from the hickeys littered across both your and hyunjins bodies.
you quickly regained composure, staring at him as if you were challenging him. before you could speak, hyunjin cut in.
“maybe that’s why she’s sore.”
jisung let out an unamused laugh, “don’t act like that.”
“like what?” you questioned, eyes still locked on him.
“like he owns you. like you’re his whore. like-“
chan stood up, hands coming down harshly on the table.
“okay,” he drew the word out, “let’s all finish breakfast on our own, yeah?”
everyone around the table nodded and hurried off, eager to get away from the awkward atmosphere, but hyunjin and jisung stuck around with you.
hyunjin spoke, “i’ve been around a lot fucking longer than you, han. you have no clue what happened before your sorry ass was accepted into this house.”
it was bullshit, hyunjin knew that the previous night was the first of anything to happen between the two of you, and jisung probably knew that too, but he was just speaking from anger and jealousy.
“so, what?” jisung laughed, “she was with you, i came along and she ditched you, and the second i walk away she goes crawling back to you?”
you expected hyunjin to blow. you forgot he was a skilled liar.
he smirked at jisung, “who says she ever left me? i’ve got plenty of ways to make her mine without putting my marks on her, han.” he reached over, fingers brushing over the marks he’d left the night before, “even when she was wearing your paintings, she wasn’t yours.”
hyunjin grabbed your hand to pull you away and you stole one last glance at jisung. you could have sworn you saw something, guilt or sadness, flash across his features.
chan decided to keep the rest of the meals for the day independent, too. he would rather arguments be settled alone instead of at the dinner table, especially arguments revolving around his little sister and who was fucking her.
the next morning, breakfast was held as normal, but jisung didn’t show up. you assumed by the way no one mentioned it that chan had given him permission to eat his meals alone until things calmed down.
along with no one mentioning jisungs absence, no one mentioned the fight from the previous day or the apparent relationship between you and hyunjin.
it was like that for the next few days. meals were normal, minus jisung not being there, and days were filled with hanging out with hyunjin, whatever that may include.
you felt bad in some ways, he had been missing out on missions, which meant missing out on pay, in order to stay with you. he insisted he didn’t mind, and you knew he meant it.
plus, it’s not like he wasn’t getting any payment. chan still gave you and him your weekly allowances. it came with being part of the family.
things seemed to be calming down and you were getting used to hyunjin being the one who held your hand and kissed you goodnight. you still thought of jisung often, obviously, feelings don’t go away that quickly. but it was getting easier and every time you kissed hyunjin, it felt a little bit more genuine. you’d even continued sleeping in his bed with him, even now that you could get around fine by yourself.
you slowly lifted yourself off of his bed, careful not to wake him, and made your way to the kitchen for a glass of water.
you frowned as you noticed the light already on and voices coming from the kitchen.
you paused in the hallway to listen. it wasn’t that you wanted to eavesdrop, it’s just that if it had sounded important you would have went back to hyunjins room instead of interrupting.
“everyone gets weekly pay no matter what, jisung.”
it was chans voice.
“yeah, i know.” you recognized jisungs voice as he replied, “i just think it’s funny that you’re paying him to stay home and fuck your little sister.”
you heard chan sigh, “everyone is allowed breaks from missions, regardless of the reason.”
jisung started to argue again but your brother cut him off, “this isn’t a work issue, jisung. this is a personal issue between you, y/n, and hyunjin. hyunjin, who, by the way, you’re losing her more and more to every single day you sit here bitching to me about being in love with her instead of doing something about it.”
there was a pause before jisungs voice broke it, “i never said i was in love with her.”
“you didn’t have to.”
you decided that the conversation was important enough for you to ditch the idea of getting a glass of water and hurry back up to hyunjins room.
he groaned and shifted as your weight was added to the bed. he reached out towards you, pulling you close.
he mumbled through his sleepy state, “where’d you go?”
“i was thirsty.”
he hummed, falling back asleep almost right away.
you, however, didn’t shut your eyes for the rest of the night. you sat there in hyunjins arms thinking about jisung.
if he still liked you why did he end it? it didn’t make sense. who was he to break up with you and then get mad at you for moving on?
so there, secure in hyunjins arms, you spent the night staring at the sealing and trying to block out the thoughts that kept wishing they were jisungs.
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you pouted as hyunjin packed a bag to go on an overnight trip. he was finally back to going on missions, but chan still wouldn’t clear you yet.
even if hyunjin had wanted to stay home from this mission, he was needed. it required skill and spy work that none of the other boys had, and it wasn’t something they could just choose not to do.
you followed hyunjin to the front of the house. you met only chan standing there, waiting for hyunjin.
“where are the others?”
chan gestured outside, “in the car already.”
you nodded, turning to hyunjin and giving him a kiss before he and chan walked out the door, pulling it shut behind them.
you sighed as you made your way to the lounge. watching movies wasn’t the same when you didn’t have a cuddle buddy. 
you weren’t allowed to go on missions and hyunjin had to go on this one, meaning you were left alone. 
or so you thought.
about half way through the movie, it started to sink in that you were alone. pouting, you paused the movie and made your way through the house and towards hyunjins room. surely he wouldn’t mind if you stole a hoodie or two while he was gone.
you had a specific hoodie in mind, a black one with some logo on the front. you didn’t really know the brand, you just knew that it was the softest sweatshirt he had.
what you didn’t have in mind was to see jisung leaving his room just as you were about to step into hyunjins.
you turned towards the noise of a door opening, surprised when you were met with jisung. wasn’t he supposed to be on the mission? chan had failed to mention that just because hyunjin was required on this mission, that didn’t mean it was an all hands on deck type of thing. who else was still home?
he scanned you and looked at where you were headed before scoffing.
“you don’t have to keep pretending. he’s not here.”
you frowned, “i’m not pretending anything, jisung.”
you took a step into hyunjins room, not expecting jisung to follow. he watched as you dug through the closet for that one specific hoodie. 
you couldn’t find it anywhere.
“you’re suddenly in love with him when i break things off.”
maybe he’d taken it with him on the mission?
you glanced back at jisung, playing into the lie hyunjin had started days prior, “suddenly? nothing was sudden.”
he must have brought it with him. or maybe it was in the laundry? you wouldn’t mind that, it would only smell more like him. you moved across the room to his laundry basket.
ignoring your comment, jisung replied, “what are you looking for?”
offhandedly as you searched through hyunjins basket you responded, “a certain sweatshirt.”
he took a step closer to you, “want one of mine?” the question sounded more like a plea. 
your eyes snapped up to his, what game was he playing? 
you hated how badly you wanted to say yes.
your eyes narrowed in a glare, “i don’t want anything of yours anymore.”
“i’m over you, jisung.”
“i wish you’d just leave me alone.”
“i’m happy with hyunjin.”
as much as you wanted it to be the truth, it was a lie.
and he knew it.
“y/n,” you took a step away from him when he took one closer to you, “please.”
his tone went from jealous and spiteful to begging, almost pitiful.
“can we just talk?”
you scoffed, remembering the words he’d said to you when you made the same request weeks earlier.
“there isn’t anything to talk about, jisung. we’re just coworkers.”
you snatched a random sweatshirt from the laundry and made a move to pass him, but he stepped in front of you, effectively blocking your way. he reached out and took the sweatshirt from your hands, tossing it right back into the laundry.
“y/n, just listen to me.”
you tried to move past him again, but this time he reached out and grabbed your arm to stop you.
you hated how good it felt to be touched by him again.
“when you got caught in the explosion, i was afraid, okay?”
you let your eyes meet his, “of what, jisung?” you pulled your arm from his grip, “i was the one who got fucking blown up!”
instead of raising his voice back, he kept it soft and calm.
“i was so worried that i was going to lose you. i didn’t want to get attached further and then babe you taken from me.” he let out a dry laugh, “and then, seeing you with hyunjin, i realized i’d just given you up.”
he was right. you felt your blood boil, he didn’t even try to fight for you. he ran away like a coward. 
“and i’m glad you did.”
his face fell, “you don’t mean that.”
you blinked away the tears building up in your eyes, “yes i do. i’m so happy you ended whatever pathetic excuse for love we had.”
you could practically see his heart shatter.
“y/n, you’re angry, i get that, but-“
you reached out suddenly, pounding your fists against his chest.
“yes, i’m angry! i’m so angry at you, jisung.” you allowed him to grab your wrists and pull you against him into a hug, “i’m so angry. i’m angry at you for breaking my heart. i’m angry at you for keeping me from being happy with hyunjin, and i’m angry with you because no matter how bad i wanna hate you, i can’t.”
he held you close to him, violently aware of the wet spot your tears were leaving on his shirt. the tears that you had because of him.
“i know baby, i know.” he held the back of your head to his chest as you cried into it, “i’m such an idiot. i never should have let you go.”
then he said something you never would have expected, no matter how many times you felt like saying the words to him yourself.
“i love you.”
to say he was relieved when you wrapped your arms around him would be a huge understatement. 
you raised your head and looked him in the eyes only to see that he had tears in them as well.
“i love you too.”
he pushed your hair from your face and spoke softly, almost as if he was afraid he would ruin the moment if he made too much noise, “can we try again?”
you smiled up at him and he didn’t miss the sadness laced in it, “if you promise not to break my heart again.”
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of course, hyunjin wasn’t happy about the news, but he understood. deep down, he knew you would never feel the same for him as you did jisung. but he didn’t regret the time he spent with you or the words he’d shared. 
you didn’t regret it either. although it could be argued that he was just a rebound, he was much more than that to you. he held you and made you feel safe when you needed it most, and although you didn’t love him in the same way you loved jisung, you did love him.
months had passed since you and jisung had reunited, and this time it was official. he showed you off everywhere the two of you went and he used the words girlfriend and boyfriend like they were his favorite things to say. he knew what it felt like to lose you, and he never wanted to feel that way again.
he treated you how he should have from the start, how hyunjin had, and he kept his promise.
he didn’t break your heart ever again.
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Grounded: Level 3
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Level 2 | Level 4
Member: Minho (Lee Know)
Genre: idol minho x idol trainee reader
Taglist: @jaehyvnsvalentine​​ @licorice526 @lolwhatameme @felixn-recs​​
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[D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8]
“Do you need me to g-”
“No, please stay.”
Yeonjun turns to look at you, eyebrows furrowing because he can hear the fear in your voice. By now, he’s probably figured out how one-sided you’re feeling about your friendship with Minho. He knows you’re suppressing a backhanded anger for Minho - as much as you’re aware he cannot consistently keep up with your life, it wouldn’t have been difficult for him to drop you a text every now and then. 
“Are you sure?” Yeonjun looks up at the person you’re staring at, the distance slowly shrinking as Minho makes up his mind to walk towards the two of you. “I don’t want to be interrupting something important.”
“But he’s not the one who’s been helping me in a time I really need someone,” The thought being verbalised after such a long time leaves a disgusting linger on your tongue. 
“Wait, y/n, what does that mean-”
“It means I want him to choose.”
Yeonjun’s frown is now deeper into his forehead. Minho is about twenty metres from you. 
“Choose? You can’t expect him to choose between you and his career-”
“Why can’t I?” You are just a few notes lower than actually shouting. He’s about ten metres away now. “It’s been a year and it’s like he doesn’t remember I exist anymore.”
Yeonjun’s dark orbs are faltering as Minho closes in. Then he chooses to say something that deals a last blow to your logic. 
“If he’s forgotten about your existence then he wouldn’t be walking here right now.”
The whiplash in your neck shoots bolts into your skull when you suddenly turn to Yeonjun, your breathing becoming labored as Minho stops just about a metre away from you. 
“Can we talk?”
The way his voice manages to overwhelm the noise from the crowd is stunning. Then again, you haven’t heard him actually speak to you in about a year; it makes your heart want to stick itself through your chest like the Alien. 
“I’m surprised you’re even allowed to walk around in public without bodyguards.”
From the corner of your eye, you note Yeonjun turning his head away in slight frustration or disapproval. Minho shuts his eyes for a moment, like he’s guilty and he’s mustering up the courage to continue. 
“Contrary to popular belief, Stray Kids has a long way to go.”
The awkwardness in the air stings your nerves like water through dry, cracked skin. 
“Can we please... talk? I just... I know that I haven’t been around, especially when you needed help with training.”
“There’s nothing to worry about. I have Yeonjun to help me.”
Using Yeonjun as a shield doesn’t make you feel any better though. Instead, it hurts you more when you notice the hurt that’s beginning to brew in Minho’s face, despite half his face being covered by his mask. 
“And I’m happy for you,” Minho glances at Yeonjun, whose face was slightly contorted with a mixture of frustration and disapproval. He’s going to kill you when you get back to BigHit, but not in front of a debuted idol; not in front of a crowd. “But... I just wish we could go back to the way we were-”
Minho’s voice falters, and it’s a heavy blow on your angry stance in his presence. Starting to hear your heart in your left eye socket, the eyelid starts to twitch, and you can feel your nerves beginning to pull you backwards - away from Minho. 
The conflict within you crushes you faster than you expected - if you were even prepared for it at all. 
I hate it that I was the one who pushed you for it. I hate it that I was the one who told you to keep going. I hate it that I was the one who got so happy when you finally reached your dream. I hate it that I was the one who got mad when you prioritised your career. I hate it that I was the one who understood why you did it. I hate it that I was the one who chose to press and pull and pinch this friendship until it’s hurting me. 
I hate it that it looks like it’s hurting you... more than it’s hurting me.
“I won’t be where I am without you. I wouldn’t be standing here, worried about people figuring out who I am... Had you not given me the strength to go back.”
But you’ve always been the one who’s given me strength, not me to you. 
“I just wish we had more time,” He’s shaking his head ever so slightly, eyes finally travelling down when he realises he cannot maintain his disintegrating pride. “Please... I can’t- I can’t lose you. You’re one my best friends and I just... I can’t meet up with you as often as I do with my male friends because we’d both be screwed by the public-”
“And so... You forget that texting is a thing? Calling, maybe?”
Yeonjun sucks in a deep breath and intervenes, unable to contain his discontent with the way the conversation was developing. “y/n, he’s busy. He’s got a bunch of schedules to handle when he’s not vlogging his own private life. Give him a break.”
“A break?” It hurts on your heart because you were no longer sure where this anger was coming from. “Yeah, damn right he got a big break.”
“y/n!” Yeonjun snaps angrily, finally grabbing on your arm and nearly manhandling you backwards, away from Minho, like you were a feral dog. 
Minho’s eyes are set on the way Yeonjun’s staring at you, while your tear-glazed eyes are flitting from Yeonjun to your best friend - or at least, who was once your best friend. 
You don’t realise it until Yeonjun’s grip on your arm is holding you still - your arm was already trembling from the sheer amount of emotions ripping through you in the face of Minho. 
“If you have nothing better to say, then have this conversation another day. Right now, you’re being an ass and I would’ve slapped you if we were related.”
Aggressively yanking your arm out of Yeonjun’s hold, you shift backwards and glare at Minho. Angry that he’s not spared the minimum effort to reach out to you, you turn before he can see the first tear fall from your eyes. 
From afar, you can hear Minho say something to Yeonjun, but his voice is washed out by the swarming crowd as you rush through it in a bid to run back to your safe haven - right back to somewhere you’ve been emotionally condemning Minho for going to. 
How ironic. 
Once out along the streets and a safe distance away from the night market, the cold, almost-freezing air is threatening to solidify your tears on your cheeks. The bus stop is desolate, one of those stops that nobody waits at: that was how far you had run from where the night market was. 
The familiar pattern of shoes rustling and shuffling against the floor rushes nearby, then finally slows down to a stop next to you. Your gloves are stained with the tears had stained your face when you recklessly wipe them away, not bothering about how people probably already recognise you as a BigHit trainee. 
Yeonjun’s breathing calms from running after you, and you can feel his gaze tear through you, though in a different way than what Minho did.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
A sniffle clogs your nose. “No.”
“He cares, you know,” A pause. The tears run. “But what you said to him back there...”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him look down at his feet and shake his head, his slightly tousled hair from the rushing bobbing up and down. 
“It wasn’t fair to him.”
Yeonjun’s comment weighed a billion tons your heart, for you know in the deepest crevices in your chest that it, in fact, was not fair.
A wince prowls over your face as you provide some kind of effort into hiding the sudden contortion when the need to cry overwhelms you. It takes you awhile to notice that the gleams in your eyes were no longer just the tears but also the snow that’s landing on the floor around your feet. 
Eyebrows furrowed and eyes finally clenched shut, your lips part to suck in the deepest, coldest breath you’ve ever taken. It feels like you’ve single-handedly destroyed the most important friendship in your life and there’s nothing you could do about it.
The breath exhaled is a thick, almost cotton-like cloud as your head hangs lower and lower until you feel a heavy scarf come around your neck. Yeonjun’s questionable boots come before yours as he wraps his scarf around you, gently patting you on the crown of your head.
“I know you have feelings for him. It’s the only reason why you’re reacting like this.”
In attempt to hide your frustration, you shove your hands into your pockets and clench your fists under the thick layer of the gloves. 
“But like I said before, y/n... If you’re doing this for him and not for yourself, then this isn’t an option,” He finally releases the scarf and takes a small step back. “You sign that contract and you’ll need to go through Hell just to get out of it.”
Relentless now, the tears. The snot’s that’s running down your philtrum’s staining his scarf too but- he probably can’t care less. You can’t care less. He’s seen right through you like glass and Minho- of all people- can’t see through you the same way Yeonjun does. 
The sound of cars whizzing past and people walking by was strangely comforting, albeit the storms and thunder claps in your head and heart. You’ve just flushed your friendship with Minho down the toilet bowl, and there was probably nothing that could atone for it. 
“Come on,” He starts, just loud enough for you to hear. “Let’s head back. The members are around, your trainees too- Hey, I heard the Bangtan hyungs are coming back tonight to celebrate the New Year with us.”
Great, another reminder. 
“Right,” You sniffle loudly and carelessly wipe away your mucus and tears, forcing a smile out through all that tainted happiness. “Haven’t seen them in awhile.”
Yeonjun looks back at you with eyes that know how you’re feeling, and he offers you one of his arms for you to slide under so he could protect you from all the ache in your chest.
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[F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9]
스트레이키즈 현진 졸업식, '막내 아이엔이랑 왔어요'(Stray Kids, SOPA Graduation)
A scoff runs dry your lips, eyes travelling from the pixelated screen to the boy sitting next to you, swinging his legs childishly while sitting atop the railings. 
It’s fascinating, the way the school structured it’s pick up system. Idols or idol trainees could wait in a designated area for their respective vehicles or cars to come pick them up from the pick-up point - you were just lucky enough to know enough of these people to wait with them. 
“What?” Hyunjin whines, lips twisted downwards like those ‘colon and bracket’ sad faces. “It’s not my fault you watch so much Stray Kids’ content.”
Jeongin was fiddling with his sleeve when he finally looks up at you, and the boy decides to slap you across the face with words that you would’ve otherwise slapped him for.
“But don’t you only watch Lee Know hyung’s stuff?”
Hyunjin’s eyes dart to the younger, sucking his lips between in his teeth in a bid to hide his cheeky smirk. 
“Man’s got a point.”
“You two have a death wish.”
“Bye, Stray Kids!” You turn to see Daehwi and Woojin rushing for a black van. “Bye, y/n! I hope to see you on stage soon!”
“I’ll think about it!” Waving back aggressively, Daehwi giggles as he gets into the car after Woojin. 
Hyunjin, Jeongin and you wave at the passengers of the van as they drive off. Hyunjin was holding a bag full of bouquets whilst you were holding just two, one that Yeonjun and TXT had delivered and another from your fellow trainees. 
“You’re still thinking about that contract?”
“You make it sound like I’m thinking of buying a piece of clothing.”
“It’s just... you’ve gone so far. You’ve been training for- what? 2 years now? Stopping now would render your two years of training useless.”
“Look, I just need more time to... decide.”
Both boys turn to look at you, one obviously more aware of the situation than the other. Hyunjin’s brows are slightly furrowed when he can hear the weight in your voice.
His lips are parted just before he can say something, but a honk beeps him out of his train of thought.
“Oh! He’s here!” Jeongin hops off the railings and rushes to the side of the pavement. 
Hyunjin jumps off and turns to you first, eyes calming scanning your face that’s struggling to hide any hint of emotion.
“I think you should talk to him. He’s as upset and bothered about it as you are.”
Their pick-up stops right before Jeongin, who pulls open the door and climbs in first. 
Unable to set down your pride, you choose to look away, not noticing Hyunjin leaning into the car to get something before he climbs in himself.
“This,” He holds out a bouquet of roses and baby breaths wrapped in white and blue. 
For me?
“This is his apology. I think you have a part to play in this too.”
“Hyunjin-ah, time to go,” The manager calls out from inside, greeting you with a small wave from the drivers’ seat. Your smile is weak with the flowers in your hands, and Hyunjin gives you a gentle pat on the shoulder before he gets in the car again. 
Waving to Jeongin who was waving to you through the back window of the car, you can feel the weight of the flowers in your arm. After the car is out of sight, you look down and inspect the gift, picking out a small card with Minho’s handwriting on it. 
Happy Graduation! I hope you’re doing alright, and that you’re taking care of yourself well. I heard you’re still training at BigHit, and Yeonjun told Changbin that he’s debuting soon... which means he’s not around much to help you so, if you ever need help, you know who to look for.
Love, Minho 
Another horn blares you out of your raging calm - it’s your pick-up. Clutching the flowers tightly, there’s a growing desire to get to the point where he inspired you to work towards. 
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[M A R C H 2 0 1 9]
Surprise 모두 기립 박수
Suicide squad 현실판에
Frightening Let’s get burning now
The adrenaline is rushing through you a thousand miles per hour, any more and you could probably phase through a wall or something. It looks satisfying in the mirror, probably later when you monitor your progress but right now, all you were worried about were your arm angles and how your head isn’t moving according to the be--
Two familiar heads of brown locks strut into the practise room, completely not fazing your lonesome performance in the sickening room. 
“Wow, ATEEZ?” Soobin chuckles as he walks in after Yeonjun. 
“I- It’s a- It’s a good song to practise my- stamina-” This last San bit is a pain in the ass.
“But an ATEEZ song?” Yeonjun winces at you through the reflection in the mirror as he watches you thud to the floor at the end of the performance. The music comes to a halt, slightly echoing in the studio. “It’s like you’re practising for a marathon.”
 “Well,” There is an apparent struggle to catch your breath while you remain on the floor, eyes looking up at the two boys. “Let’s just say if it’s one thing I’m getting an A for tomorrow at my evaluation, it’s going to be dancing, so...”
“That sounds like you,” Soobin nudges Yeonjun as he stretches a palm out for you to take. 
“Whoa,” Strutting over to your bottle by the mirror, you pull the cap off and raise a teasing brow at Soobin. “I don’t think you can ever compare me with the top trainee of BigHit.”
Soobin giggles at Yeonjun rolling his eyes in the mirror, just short of hurling something at you before he tackles you over and messes up your sweaty hair. But TXT was so well-received in their debut, it almost hurt to believe that you could be debuting as their first sister group. 
“How are your vocals and rapping? Didn’t you say they’ll only make you do monthly evaluations after you sign the contract?” The plastic bag that you didn’t notice from before gets taken away by Soobin, and he fishes out some bottles of energy drinks and some sandwiches.
“I could be better at singing... I assume... Yeah, no- I... I asked for the monthly evaluations.”
“What?” Soobin’s eyes are adorably enlarged, twice their original size. “Are you nuts? Just what have you gotten yourself into? My God, you’re even dumber than I thought.”
“I would second that,” Yeonjun points to you after pointing to Soobin with his thumb over his shoulder. “But, it’s a great way to maintain your progress.”
Then he goes over to sit down next to Soobin near the sound system. “Got anything you need help with?”
“Uh...” Running your fingers through your greasy hair, you rest your free hand on your hip, running the songs through your head like an archive. 
“Are you performing 3 songs for each category or- You’re not singing, rapping and dancing to ATEEZ, are you?!”
“The Hell- No!” You chuckle and wave the nonsensical conclusion off. 
“Oh, thank God,” Yeonjun clutches his chest. “Else, you could probably pack up and move out of your dorms by tomorrow evening.”
“If it’s one thing I’m getting that A for, it’s dancing. So... I could get all the help I could get.”
Yeonjun strolls towards the sound system where the player was, scrolling through the list of songs that were most commonly played. 
And so, Yeonjun and Soobin watch you slide across the floor while performing an EXO song, sing a song from HONNE, and completely forgo the rap section. Soobin’s tears of laughter stained the floorboards as Yeonjun rushes after you in a bid to tackle you and ruffle your already messy hair, because how dare you forget that rapping is a thing!
When they leave for their own training, the coolness of the studio finally sinks in after another long day. Your earbuds are finally useful now, after hours and hours of nothing but loud blasting so you can deafen and annoy yourself with the same songs over and over. 
난 알고 있어도 날 볼 수가 없어
답답해 제발 딱 한 번만
The studio lights are still finding some way to seep through your lids despite them being shut, and his voice feels like you’ve been pulled through Hell just to reach Heaven. But the lyrics have etched itself into your brain like carvings into stone, and it keeps you awake at night. 
Maybe you were overthinking, feeling all his emotions in those two lines he got in that song. But you heard something, even if it was just in your head, it was something.
He looks different now. The way he’s on stage, the way his nerves shift along with the beat, the way his voice comes out louder but still quieter than his heart and the thoughts in his head. He was never one to actually vocalise his feelings until he hits his tipping point... so, it’s a new kind of sour or bitter or all the tastes you dislike that lingers on your tongue. 
Lee Minho, you are one of a kind. 
Tiredness gets the better of you when you are aware you’re slowly drifting off to sleep. Your muscles have ached to the point where you no longer feel the pain; they just feel numb. The world starts to feel lighter, even if its the tiniest bit, as the exhausting slumber claims you...
Thus, it’s a startling surprise when you are jolted out of your sleep by someone tapping on your shoulders, and you are sure your eyes are bloodshot. 
“Oh, y/n!” It’s Jung Hoseok, J-Hope of BTS. “My God, did you sleepover?!” 
“Oh- I-” You pull your phone out of your pocket, realising it’s dead. “I guess I did... What time is it?” 
Hoseok immediately helps you up to your feet when he sees you struggling to get up, hair messy and smelling disgusting, probably. “Um, it’s 11am.”
“WHAT-” Hoseok hops back in surprise when you nearly yell in his face, and you fumble around to collect your things to return to the dorms to wash up, only for you to come back and continue before you were royally screwed over by the judging panel. “11?! I have an evaluation at 2pm!” 
“Wait, y/n! Didn’t you ask for this evaluation yourself? There isn’t a need to worry if you can’t make it for an unofficial one-”
“No, but I- I worked hard for this-” Grabbing your speaker and phone and charger and earpiece and earbuds and clothes and knee guards, you can feel the stress building up like Jenga in your stomach. “I can’t not get that A for dance at least-”
Then you are one feet out of the studio before you abruptly run into someone, nearly smashing your shoulder into the unknown stranger. 
That is, until you look up in a bid to apologise out of politeness.
But then there it is again, those dark brown feline eyes. It’s like you’ll never escape them; it’s like you’d always run into them when you least expect to. 
He blinks, obviously surprised.
“y/n,” He glances above your head, possibly looking at J-Hope, before looking back down at you. “Are you... okay? You look like-”
Minho purses his lips, unable to contain the little smirk that surfaces in the corner of his mouth before he panics and covers the bottom half of his face. Even you weren’t sure if you were making a joke about yourself, or that you were genuinely trying to rub it in his face that your friendship was as good as gone. 
“I was... going to say exhausted. But I assume you already know that?”
Tired, you run your hand through your slightly greasy hair, your bag slung messily over your shoulder. “Yes, I’m aware. And I have an evaluation to worry about in three hours so... I gotta bolt.”
It feels like you’re trying to shift mountains, looking at him in the eye. He isn’t that much taller but there’s definitely something different about him. Not to say that he was looking down on you, but he now walks with confidence on his shoulders and pride in his heart, and no matter how much you detested him for forgetting that you existed, you were happy for him. 
But of course, you’re prideful yourself, so you choose to look down and walk away from him. 
It’s time to worry about myself. 
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Tik Tok - A Haven Sequel
F/M Pairing: Chan x OC (original female character)
Genre: Have Sequel; Enemies to Lovers
Warnings: Explicit Smut (unprotected sex) and Language
Word Count: 4.6K
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Summary: Chan would do anything for his adopted family, and maybe that’s cost him a chance or two at finding love for himself. However, when the convenience store hires a strong, independent young woman to act as assistant manager, Chan finds himself in competition with someone who is very much like him - he’s just too stubborn to admit it.
A/N: This is another anon request that I spent way too long writing.
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There was only so much more that Chan could take before he inevitably fell over the metaphorical edge. It wasn’t helping that work had become a source of unrestrained anxiety and frustration for him, but he definitely didn’t need to be a victim to one of Hyunjin and Jisung’s increasingly frequent pranks. And when Chan woke-up one morning with a strange stirring in his abdomen, he was shocked to find his hand in a warm glass of water while the two miscreants in question observed him from the side of his bed.
“I told you it wouldn’t work!” Hyunjin whined.
Meanwhile, Jisung was shaking his head in disbelief. “Chan, you were supposed to piss the bed!”
Chan rolled his eyes, shaking off the accumulated water droplets from his hand before glaring at Hyunjin and Jisung. “Get the hell out of my room,” he grumbled, and the two younger members had enough common sense to obey the eldest when he was in a foul mood.
Chan sighed as he dragged himself out of bed and into the shower, attempting to do something with the messy curls laying limply on top of this head. It might be a while before he ever bleached his hair again because the sorry state of his scalp was no laughing matter. Yet, Chan eventually found himself giving up on making his hair look presentable, proceeding downstairs to offer a grumpy greeting to Minho, Sara, and Changbin who were reading something from the newspaper.
“Bad mood again?” Minho inquired while stuffing his mouth with more cereal.
“No thanks to anyone in this house,” Chan responded, and he found himself even more irritated when he looked over to see Sara giggling when Changbin whispered something into her ear. “I’m sure everyone would like to hear what’s so damn funny,” Chan said, and Changbin and Sara both immediately averted their gazes.
Meanwhile, Minho was studying him with that stupid look of his that only served to encourage Chan’s quick exit from the kitchen before he blew-up on his members. Honestly, his persistent mood changes weren’t really the fault of anyone he lived with in the house. In fact, the real source of his frayed nerves was the red-headed bitch who the convenience store had just hired as an assistant manager.
Chan had a certain order to how he ran the store, and Lisa was determined to ruin everything. She refused to obey his strict ordinances - often flaunting a change to his regular routine as if she found it humorous. It was like she was going out of her way to make Chan as miserable as possible, and he was slowly losing the battle with his patience.
Perhaps that’s why Chan was dreading the prospect of work, and when he pulled into the parking lot outside of the convenience store, he sent a silent prayer up to anyone who was listening that he might survive the afternoon.
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But his mood only worsened from the second he walked through the door, and Lisa spotted him from behind the counter. “Morning, Satan,” she greeted him with a chipper tone that Chan despised.
“I’m supposed to teach you the cash register today,” Chan grumbled, and he threw on his apron before joining Lisa at the front.
“Well, this should be fun,” she remarked. “I guess you’re planning on making it harder than it needs to be.”
Chan frowned at the comment because Lisa had told on numerous occasions that he was far too strict with the store’s management. But that’s how Chan had always been taught to conduct his affairs - with a stern hand and a detailed explanation since all the little details were critical. It’s how he ran the house with the others, ensuring that the budget was maintained and that everyone was always contributing. “You might treat everything with indifference,” Chan said. “But I care a lot about this place.”
It was the first job he ever had, and Chan owed a lot to the owners who agreed to take a chance on a young man who had no experience to offer them. Overtime, Chan had proven himself more than capable, and he would like to keep things in order like he preferred. “Whatever,” Lisa said while smacking her chewing gum
Which Chan had told her repeatedly was improper.
“Listen carefully,” Chan said, and he inputted his employee ID before grabbing a few items around the register. “I’ll start with a demonstration.”
“Great,” Lisa said with an exaggerated sigh that Chan chose to ignore as he meticulously explained the various types of ways in which a customer might try to pay for their purchases. 
“Credit or debit,” Chan reiterated. “They might also try paying with cash or a check, and you have to make sure that it’s legal tender.”
“Ugh,” Lisa groaned. “Do me a favor, Chan, and skip the lecture where you explain the history of counterfeiting.”
Chan immediately tensed at the sharp jab, but he took a deep breath to steel his nerves before he ensured that Lisa understood what every button on the register controlled. “Our clientele expect quick service,” Chan said. “You can’t spend all day trying to figure out how to open the drawer.”
“Oh, really?” Lisa asked, and she raised an eyebrow in question as she reached over to press the button in question without even looking. “It’s not that hard.”
“Yes,” Chan hissed as he slapped her hand away. “I can’t expect anything less from you! I suppose you think this whole job is a big joke and you can do whatever the hell you want?”
“When did I say that?” Lisa countered. “I respect the position, and if there’s a problem with the store, then it’s you.”
Chan froze at the accusation, and he imagined that someone might be inclined to draw flames above his head because the comment was nothing short of incendiary. “I’m the problem?!”
“That’s what I said,” Lisa replied. “You take everything too seriously, Chan. I’ve spoken to the other employees, and they’re all afraid of messing up because you expect perfection.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Everything!” Lisa exclaimed. “Most of these kids are working here part-time to help get themselves through school. You act like this place is a damn computer software company!”
“There’s nothing bad about taking pride in my work,” Chan said.
“I never said that,” Lisa returned. “But you take your work to the extreme, and it really makes it hard to come in every morning just to here you complain that there aren’t exactly twelve cups next to the slush machine!”
But Chan was flabbergasted - he had never seen anyone stand up to him like this and express such vile contempt. He was just trying to make everything better! Why was that so difficult for her to see?
“We’re supposed to be professional,” Chan finally muttered. “I’ll be in the back office.”
“Okay, but have fun micromanaging everyone,” Lisa said, and Chan started counting down from ten inside his head before he really lost his shit.
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It was late when Chan returned home, and he was feeling drained from his horrible day at work. As soon as he pulled into the driveway, he rested his head against the steering wheel for just a moment to collect his thoughts. His mind was a chaotic engine of latent rage directed at Lisa, but he didn’t want to take it out on anyone inside the house.
And when he felt like he had better control over his emotions, he put on a forced smile and greeted Jisung and Hyunjin who were both sitting in the living room. “Yo, Chan,” Jisung said, and he was jabbing at the buttons on his Xbox controller. “You look pissed.”
“Just a bad day at work,” Chan said, and he lifted his head when he started smelling something spicy. “Is someone cooking?”
“Y/N and Minho were supposed to make dinner,” Jisung said.
“I think they just made a mess,” Hyunjin added, and he laughed at the pained expression on Chan’s face.
“Oh, great,” Chan muttered, and he knew to prepare himself when he walked into the kitchen to greet a cloud of smoke.
“Channie!” Y/N yelled, standing at the stove and mixing some sort of sauce in a giant pan. “I’m making your favorite.”
“I can see that,” Chan said while withholding a sigh - his kitchen was a disaster, and Minho wasn’t washing the dirty dishes fast enough before new ones piled up on the counter.
“Excuse the mess,” Y/N said as if realizing that Chan was not pleased by what she had done.
“Y/N,” Chan groaned - looking around the disaster zone that she had made of their dishes. “What the hell were you thinking?”
Both Y/N and Minho looked up at the same time - surprised to hear Chan’s bitter tone. “What do you mean?” Y/N asked. “You were coming home late so I thought I could make dinner.”
“Yeah, but look at this fucking mess,” Chan cursed, and Y/N flinched because Chan never cursed very much.
“I’m sorry, Chan,” she whispered. “I was just trying to be nice.”
“You never do it right!” Chan found himself snapping at Y/N who instantly cowered behind Minho who had come to stand between his girlfriend and Chan.
“Hey!” Minho growled, and he was suddenly crowding Chan against the wall. “Don’t talk to her like that.”
“Get off,” Chan grunted, and he shoved harshly at Minho’s shoulders. “I don’t need this right now!”
“Is that right?” Minho asked. “You think I shouldn’t say anything when you come home and act like the world’s biggest asshole?”
“You’re just making everything worse,” Chan retorted.
“No!” Minho shouted. “You’re the one who made this into a problem! We’ve been working for hours getting this together, and you have no right to come home and accuse us of anything.”
“Are you blind?” Chan snapped. “The kitchen is a war zone!”
“It can always be cleaned,” Minho said, and he turned around to look at Y/N while softening his tone. “Go upstairs, baby, this isn’t your fault.”
Y/N nodded once before cautiously tiptoeing backwards in the direction of the side door, and Minho waited until she was gone before returning his attention to Chan. “What’s going on with you, Chan? You’ve been rude to everyone these past few weeks.”
Chan closed his eyes as he swallowed down his pride and bruised ego because he knew that Minho was right. “I know,” he said. “There’s been a lot going on at work, and I don’t know what to do.”
“Figure it out, Chan,” Minho said - blunt as always. “You can’t let this affect everyone else.”
Chan knew that Minho was right, but he had never felt so conflicted.
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During his next shift, Chan was determined to control his undesirable tendencies and assume a far more lenient attitude with the rest of his employees. 
“You’re doing fine,” Chan said, even though he was screaming on the inside while watching an employee attempt to stack one of the produce windows.
The young man offered him a sincere smile to express his gratitude, and Chan took that as affirmation that he could return to Lisa’s side as she restocked the candy section. “You’re in a good mood,” she remarked while offering him a look of suspicion,
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Chan asked while crossing his arms over his chest - a move that was meant to keep him from reaching out to straighten the price tags.
“Well, there’s been like a thousand violations of your unspoken rules,” Lisa remarked. “That new guy even broke the coffee machine.”
“His paycheck next week should suffice to repair the damages,” Chan said through gritted teeth - an unexpected chink in his armor. 
But Lisa caught it nonetheless, and she smirked while indicating to the display she was working on. “Do you have something to say about my section?”
“Of course not,” Chan exhaled.
“What about the expiration dates,” she said before leaning in closer. “I didn’t even check them”
Chan grimaced, and he could feel the beginnings of his patience unraveling. “It’s fine, Lisa.”
“Really?” she asked. “Would it bother you if I left the labels backwards?”
“No,” Chan muttered. “But it might be better if they were facing the customer.”
“Should they be alphabetical as well?”
Oh, that was the last straw! Chan was done with this whole good guy act, and he didn’t need Minho or anyone else to tell him how he should act towards the people who were supposed to be working under him! “I’ve fucking had enough!” Chan exclaimed, and he reached out for Lisa’s hand and started pulling her in the direction of the backroom.
“What’s this all about?” she asked, but there was an airiness to her tone that told Chan that she still wasn’t taking things seriously!
He locked the door behind them and corralled Lisa against the wall - to the point where their noses were brushing. “Do you take some sort of sick satisfaction in pissing me off?”
“Maybe I like you this way,” Lisa said, and Chan was startled when she reached out to wrap her arms around his shoulders. “This is a good look on you, Chan.”
“What?” he questioned, but he didn’t pull away because there was something strangely hypnotic about her eyes. 
“I’m really attracted to you,” she whispered, and the sound was spoken directly into his ear. “Isn’t it obvious?”
But Chan was interrupted by the unexpected pressure of her lips against his - wiping all coherent thoughts out of his mind.
“I think you might want to talk less, Mr. Bang,” Lisa purred, and Chan clenched his jaw to strengthen his resolve.
“Get on your knees,” he growled, and Lisa closed her eyes around a moan before pushing back against his chest - allowing her enough room to drop down on the floor while her hands started working apart his belt. 
“I’ve been wanting this since our first day together,” Lisa said, and Chan braced himself against the wall when she took out his cock from his boxer shorts - running her hand up and down his length. “You’re really big, Chan.”
“Yeah?” Chan grunted, and he could barely hold himself together when her lips wrapped themselves around the tip of his erection. 
He watched through a haze of lust as she took him deeper - hollowing her cheeks while bobbing her head along his cock. It was the last thing Chan could’ve ever imagined, but he was experiencing so much pleasure from her warm mouth. 
“Is it good?” Lisa asked - pulling off for a moment to ask the question while exploring the slit of his cock where pre-cum was already forming.
“Keep going,” Chan replied, and dug his fingers into her crimson-colored hair to ensure that she took him as far as she could. “Is this what it takes to shut you up?” Chan snarled, forcing more of his cock down her throat.
Lisa moaned around him, and Chan almost came from the vibrations that jostled his sensitive erection. “Take off your jeans,” Chan said, managing the words around a rather loud moan that he couldn’t seem to prevent.
But Lisa obeyed him at once, shimmying down her skinny jeans while sucking on his cock and using her tongue to trace the underside. “Stand up, slut,” Chan ordered, and he was pleased by Lisa’s willing compliance as she walked over to a nearby desk - spreading her legs wide when he walked between the gap. “Do you want me to fuck you?”
Lisa nodded her head, glancing back over her shoulder to give him her best sultry look. “I know you’re angry with me, Chan, and I deserve whatever you give me.”
Chan was delighted by the words, and he didn’t hesitate to push his cock inside her welcoming heat, grinding his hips against her ass just to feel her convulsing around him. “Where was this obedience before?” Chan asked, pulling out to just the tip before forcing himself back inside with as much strength as he could manage.
Lisa gasped when her hips slammed against the edge of her desk - whimpering around the discomfort. But Chan had no intentions of stopping, and he held onto her waist as he started ramming himself into her pussy with the weight of his frustrations adding to his power. It was hot and passionate, and the sounds of their fucking echoed throughout the backroom while Lisa’s moans provided the perfect melody.
“Come inside,” Lisa said, and Chan cursed.
“Are you on the pill?”
“Yeah,” she gasped, and Chan knew better than to leave her unattended, even if she might deserve it, so he allowed one hand to leave her hip and play with her clit in teasing circles.
“Come with me,” Chan said, and he pressed down even harder while nailing himself between her walls one last time before the entire world exploded around him.
There was a blurriness around the edges of his vision, and Chan was gasping for breath while Lisa hummed in content from beneath him.
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When Chan woke-up the following morning, he wasn’t sure what to think of the unexpected encounter he had with Lisa from the previous afternoon. For the remainder of his shift, he had avoided Lisa as much as possible while carrying the weight of his guilty conscious. Because he couldn’t help but think that he had taken things too far, and their work relationship would suffer as a consequence.
Chan glanced at the clock on his nightstand and knew that he couldn’t delay the inevitable any further. But at least Chan could afford enough pride and apologize to Lisa? Perhaps she would forgive him, and they could forget about everything that had happened and move on with their lives.
But maybe Chan’s optimism was misplaced because Lisa gave him a dark look when he met her at the counter. “Oh, hey,” Chan said, and he winced when his voice broke.
“So...” Lisa trailed off, looking at him with an intense gaze. “Yesterday was something.”
“Uh, yeah,” Chan said, and he allowed an awkward laugh as he messed with the cash register. 
“You don’t regret it, do you?” Lisa asked, and this was Chan’s opportunity to fall on his knees and beg for her forgiveness. Because she was surely upset with Chan for his behavior. Yet, when Chan forced himself to look at her, he was surprised to see that she held no resentment.
“I don’t know,” Chan decided. “I guess I’m confused.”
“Confused?” Lisa repeated with a playful smile. “Chan, we had sex, there’s nothing to be confused about.”
“Shhh,” Chan hissed, looking around the room to see if anyone had overheard them. 
“What’s wrong?” Lisa asked with a laugh. “Chan, you were fantastic. I wish we had done that earlier.”
“R-really?” Chan stuttered, and he hesitated when Lisa leaned into his weight.
“I loved it,” she told him. “I’ve never been with someone like you before.”
Chan was surely blushing, and he could feel the heat scalding his ears. “Lisa, I don’t usually act like that.”
“Oh, I know,” Lisa said, and her fingers trailed down the buttons on his shirt. “It was refreshing, Chan, to see you so aggressive. I could get used to that.”
Her words did something peculiar to his arousal, and he found himself feeling more comfortable around her. “You mean, it’s better than how I usually am.”
“There’s really nothing wrong with your little ticks,” Lisa said. “I think you could afford to loosen up every once in a while.”
“I see,” Chan said, and he reached out for her waist. “Are you the person who can help me relax?”
“If that’s what you want, baby,” Lisa said, and Chan couldn’t stand it anymore - reaching for her hand to bring them both back to that same backroom where everything had collapsed around them.
His lips were on hers instantly, and Chan moaned when their tongues started to move between them. “Come here,” Chan growled low in his throat, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer.
Lisa allowed him to handle her with a sigh of pleasure, and she opened up for him like a beautiful flower - something gorgeous to behold. Chan had never experienced these feelings with anyone else, and he was certain that he had lost every bit of oxygen in his lungs when they finally pulled away from their heated session for more air.
They both jumped apart at the sound of their co-workers voice, and he held up his hands in surrender while his gaze moved between Chan and Lisa with clear surprise. “Josh,” Chan said, and his voice had a much higher-pitch than usual.
“I’m sorry,” Josh said. “I didn’t realize-”
“It’s okay,” Chan interrupted, and he backed away from Lisa with a heavy breath. “I need to check on the shipment.”
He was gone without waiting for Josh’s response, but there was a small voice at the back of his head that told Chan he needed to figure this thing out between him and Lisa before the situation escalated.
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Still, he couldn’t really explain his decision, but Chan found himself standing outside of Minho’s bedroom that night with his hand raised to knock. Of course, it was one thing to think about something, and another to actually put those thoughts into action. Consequently, Chan was desperately searching for the courage to reach out - literally - and ask Minho for help.
Thankfully, his internal debate was terminated when the door suddenly opened and Minho flinched in surprise when he saw Chan. “Were you just standing out here?” Minho asked, and Chan took a deep breath.
“Can I talk to you about something?”
“Sure,” Minho said, and he stood back to allow Chan enough room to walk inside.
“It’s something kinda personal,” Chan said, and he was grateful that Han and Felix weren’t there because it was already awkward enough opening up to Minho.
“You can sit down,” Minho said, and Chan joined the younger on his bed while messing with the loose fabric of his work jeans. “Is something wrong?”
“it’s more like...someone,” Chan said.
“Oh?” Minho frowned. “The same person who’s been bothering you at work?”
“How did you-” But Chan trailed off at the end of his sentence and decided not to question Minho.
He was unusually astute for his age.
“I figured it out,” Minho still answered him. “Did you want to talk about this person?”
“Yeah, but’s complicated.”
Chan grunted at the question because he didn’t really know why things had gotten so complicated. “I thought there was a mutual hatred, but I think I read everything wrong.”
“Something changed your mind,” Minho said, and Chan slowly nodded.
“We had sex.”
“Woah!” Minho laughed, and he threw up his hands like he wasn’t quite ready to just jump into this part of the story. “All of a sudden?”
“She got on my nerves.”
“So, you thought that sex would fix everything?”
“I don’t know,” Chan groaned, and he collapsed backwards on the mattress. “But she said that she really liked me.”
“Did she give any indication of that before?”
“No,” Chan replied. “But she was always messing with me. She liked to ruin the way I ran the store, and she tried to change everything.
“Damn,” Minho finally remarked. “I admire any woman who has the guts to stand up to you.”
“What do you mean?” Chan asked, and he supported himself against his hands as he glared at Minho.
“Don’t take it personally,” Minho said. “But you’re a bit of a control-freak, Chan.”
“Are you sure?” Chan asked, and it was a dumb question because Minho rolled his eyes.
“I’ve been living with you for years, dude. I’m bound to notice these things.”
“Well, I don’t mean to act that way,” Chan said, and Minho sighed and patted his shoulder.
“The first step is admitting your wrong-doings, my friend.”
“But what am I supposed to do about Lisa?”
“Oh, is that her name?”
Chan groaned in frustration because nothing was going the way he expected. “It feels awkward.”
“Then, you have to talk to her,” Minho said - like it could really be that simple.
“It’s awkward,” Chan repeated with a pointed glare.
“And there’s only one way to fix the awkward,” Minho replied. “Seriously, Chan? Don’t make this into something bigger than it needs to be.”
Chan knew that Minho was right (because he was really good at helping others with their problems), but he was still afraid. He was scared that talking to Lisa would bring up complicated feelings that he’s never had to deal with before, and what was he supposed to do, then? Feelings weren’t something that his careful rules could control, and he didn’t like it when things happened without him realizing. But he was also frightened by the idea of ruining something because of his own shortcomings, and maybe it was time that he made the effort for someone else.
And Lisa was certainly worth more than all the consequences.
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Chan was a complete mess of nervous energy when he started his shift on a bright, promising Saturday afternoon. He diligently cleaned down the counters, and ensured that the register was online before shifting back and forth between his feet as he stared at the entrance. Because Lisa was due to come in for her shift at any moment, and Chan was giving himself a mental pep-talk for their impending conversation.
But it still didn’t stop his heart from beating erratically when she arrived, giving him a generous smile as she took off her coat. “Good morning, Chan,” she said, and he was relieved that the old nickname of “Satan” had been abandoned.
“Lisa,” Chan said, clearing his throat. “Can I talk to you?”
“Sure!” Lisa said, and she walked behind the counter to stand next to him. “What’s up?”
“Well,” Chan started around a deep breath, “I want to talk to you about our...encounters.”
“Encounters?” Lisa repeated, and Chan could feel himself growing more and more embarrassed as she teased him. “You mean like when we had sex in the backroom?”
“Yes, that,” Chan said, and Lisa giggled. “I just think I handled everything inappropriately, especially the way I talked to you.”
“Oh, don’t apologize for that,” Lisa said with a sly wink. “I liked the things you said to me.”
“Uh-huh,” Chan agreed, and he shook his head to collect his thoughts. “I should’ve never avoided you because I made things worse, and that was wrong of me.”
“It’s fine, Chan,” Lisa assured him. “I was willing to give you all the space you needed.”
Chan was surprised by her generosity, and he pushed through to the end of his little speech. “Would it be okay if we tried things out?” Chan asked. “Like, maybe in the right way?”
“The right way?” Lisa repeated with an amused smile.
“Yeah, like I could take you on a date or something,” Chan said, hoping he didn’t look as awkward as he sounded.
“Hmmm.” Lisa pretended to consider his suggestion, running the tips of her fingers over the edges of his bright-red ears. But she eventually ended his misery - moving in closer for a sweet kiss that Chan could feel all the way down to the points of his toes. “I would love that, Chan.”
And maybe he could blame it on the novelty of the situation, but Chan quite liked the warm feeling that blossomed from the center of his chest. Almost as if he had never felt more content before in his entire life.
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138 notes · View notes
missinghan · 5 years
radiant ⤖ han jisung
❖ genre : college!au ; love-hate relationship!au ; frenemies to lovers!au ; fluff
❖ word count : 10k.
❖ warning : explicit language & mentions of alcohol
❖ summary : you've made a mental note to yourself never to make dumb bets with J.One again because who knows you'll fall for Han Jisung over two cups of boba?
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That specific morifying seven-letter word can literally make someone jump off a cliff. Like straight up, Lucifer would rather drink and bathe himself in holy water than to join one of the world's most traumatizing systems. Where knowledge is being drilled into people's mind like a tattoo, and it's not even a cute one, one that you most likely will regret later. 
Man, what a life. 
After highschool, most people thought they were ready, physically and mentally. That's not true. Did you really think that you're ready for monotonous lectures, for back-to-back assignments with ridiculous deadlines, for cramming forty slides of the PowerPoint presentation from your professor the night before an exam just because your brain cells decided to say 'fuck it' in the middle of the lecture ? 
No one's ever ready for living to torture themselves. 
Not even Hwang Hyunjin. Hyunjin, the boy you grew up having him right by your window. Hyunjin, that one kid in class who would always hand people his homework whenever they asked for it. He's too kind for this world, for his own good, you often say that to yourself but Hyunjin isn't really all that great. 
He too takes pain in turning in assignments to the T.A and dreads his 9am classes tremendously. But, since he's got a rich ass uncle who has some spare apartments lying somewhat near college ( as long as he preserves the place and invites someone over to help paying the bills ), he doesn't have to deal with the struggles of living on campus. 
And you, just happen to have the honor to live with him. Well, more like temporarily to see how things will work out later. You despise living on campus anyway. 
"What's with the long face ? Did Minho ramble about his cats again instead of working ?" Hyunjin walks into the living room before dropping his keys into the gold-accent bowl that he previously purchased from a garage sale. It's quite convenient, actually, the keys never end up under the couch or some random drawers again.
You look up from your laptop screen, sparing him a glare and focusing back on your assignment. Being a media major is equivalent to taking lots of notes and a shit ton of reading which is a pain in the ass. Meanwhile, a theatre kid like your roommate has his midterms and finals as setting up plays for school's events. Pfft, privileged people.
You don't hate-hate the idea of going to school like some people, in fact, you genuinely love learning, but you're in desperate need of another word for 'child labour' to be applied to this ... situation.
"Ohoho.. It's way worse, trust me, you don't wanna know." You lean your head sideways on one of the pillows, words slightly slurred with your cheek being pressed against the soft surface.
Hyunjin raises his voice from the kitchen area. "Did he confess his love for you or something ?"
"Jesus no ! You know he's not into me like that." You almost screech and sit straight up. "We were supposed to finish our project that's due this Friday. And guess who else was there ? Another chick showed up ! I swear that I wasn't hallucinating, he brought a new one home every other day. She said she was just 'a friend'." You make the quote-on-quote sign with your fingers to emphasize.
You pull on your own hair dramatically with all your might, hissing under your breath just by recalling it. "And whenever we had a twenty-minute break every hour and a half or so, she keeps brushing herself against him, acting all innocent about it. I was deadass pissed off—"
"Woah woah, I don't think it's that—"
You throw your hands in the air helplessly, suppressing the urge to throw a tantrum. "It is that bad, Hyunjin ! The chick doesn't know how to take a fucking hint !" Whatever, Hyunjin is probably too tired to wait for you to finish complaining about some random classmate drooling over Minho because they do that all the time anyway.
"Damn." He sips on his apple juice. "I should come over next time. Might be a not-so-shitty, watered-down version of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'."
You shoot him a glare, closing your laptop shut. "I instantly regret moving in with you."
"Why ?" Hyunjin pouts and plops himself next to you on the beige-colored couch. He reaches for the remote on the coffee table while obnoxiously sipping on the box of juice.
"Because apparently, you love weird, gross, mushy noises as much as Minho does." You answer flatly, burying yourself deeper into the white fuzzy blanket. Actually, no. Living with Hyunjin isn't as bad as you're trying to make it sound.
He might not cook, but he knows some decent restaurant with reasonable prices. He might be all over the place sometimes while panicking over an upcoming exam but at least he keeps his space organized ( unlike Han Jisung, whose closet is a perfect resemblance of World War III ).
Hyunjin throws his apple juice into the nearby bin while scrolling through the 'Romance' section briefly. And sharing the same Netflix account is probably the best decision you two have ever made. "What's worth-hating here ? No smelly kids, no not-having-enough-personal-space problem. There's good food, a cute, quirky roommate which naturally equals good company. You're living your best life right now. The only downside to this is that you have to deal with my questionable sleeping habits."
Fine. Hwang Hyunjin is cute, and a total heartthrob to the entire school. You won't be surprised if every single male student hates him with a passion ( which they do ). Not to mention, all of your female classmates would be more than happy to finish all of your assignments within two days as long as you hand over his number. Although they might want to reconsider due to the fact that this good-looking boy is also that person who records his alarm by yelling at the top of his lungs into his phone speaker.
But, a good friend wouldn't do that, because even God doesn't know what those creepy girls would do once they had their hands on his phone number. This is also why you always get dirty looks from everyone just because you just happen to be his plus-one for everything.
And Hwang Hyunjin only needs a plus-one when Seungmin decides to hate him on that day ( which is almost everyday ). So there goes your reputation. You're probably nothing but a mediocre girl who just doesn't know when not to be all over her hot best friend in the people's eyes.
Hyunjin snaps his head towards the front door when the bell rings then proceeds to turn back to his roommate, showing those ridiculously adorable puppy that naturally implies as 'Get the door for me, will ya ?'. And although all you want to do is to slap him with your laptop, you still stand up nonetheless. You undo the chains and slides the lock over before swinging the door open.
"Hyunjin, I was wondering if you wanna come see us perform this Saturday. You know, at the school's mini music festival. 8p.m. Got two tickets to spare. You can get yourself a plus-one or something." And before you - with an obnoxiously loud tone, the leather jacket and Balenciaga cap - is Changbin, who sassily brushes past you and makes a beeline towards the couch, where Hyunjin is man-spreading, wrapped up securely in his white fluffy blanket.
He lazily sits up from his previous position, receiving the tickets with half-open eyes. "I'll go. As long as 'Wow' is on schedule." 'Wow' is 3racha's first and most definitely last attempt of a love song but somehow, it's managed to get itself a special place in Hyunjin's heart. Well, more accurately, everyone's heart.
Changbin cocks an eyebrow. "It's first on the list actually." He then turns to you with a smirk spread across his lips. "Whatcha say, Y/N ? We all know your favorite line is 'Excuse me noona, do you have a boyfriend ?' from the lovely J.One." He refers to one of Jisung's lines in a love song which he wrote at the age of 16, Changbin wasn’t even 18 himself then. Good times. And now literally every girl is more than ready to throw themselves at him anytime, anywhere. Chan really didn't lie when he proclaimed 3racha as 'hot'.
You shake your head with a timid smile tugged on your lips. "I don't think so Bin, I'm having midterms on Monday, J.One can be saved later as my midnight snack whenever I wanna grill his ass for pestering me during the golden hour aka 3a.m."
Midterms sound good enough for an excuse because everyone would literally kill keep their A-s on those report cards. But unfortunately, you can't just play on the infamous SpearB that easily because apparently, being roommates with Hyunjin has absolutely nothing to do with improving your awful acting skills.
Just then, the most inappropriate, insufferable, infuriating, and other synonyms for 'annoying' clapback clicks inside Changbin's brain when an imaginary lightbulb pops up at the top of his head. "Man, you two are really out there banging each other in secret—"
And out the door he goes before you feel the need to personally stitch up his lips with your terrible sewing skills from elementary school. You close your eyes and takes in a deep breath, shutting the door behind your back while Hyunjin is too busy laughing his ass off on the couch.
This is getting to the point where you don't even need Han Jisung to be here to have the urge to strangle him, because his trash friends are no help at all.
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You step onto the bus with your earbuds on, right hand dropping the bus ticket into the glass box that's neatly placed right beside the driver's seat. Another day, another 4 hours of lectures and 2 continuous shifts which is another 5 hours at the café on campus, in which, sucks. But, what makes it even suckier comes right in three, two, one..
"Two people please !" A disturbingly obnoxious voice chirps right behind you. Just then, a figure dashes through the couple who are currently throwing daggers at him with their eyes. Not this again. You groans to yourself before sliding an extra ticket into the box because you definitely know better than to mess with a cranky bus driver. That boy over there really gotta pay for that shit.
Then, you take a seat beside the window, deciding to ignore the pest who just made you spend an extra ticket for his ride. You really should have taken another bus instead of the 325. Suddenly, a hand reaches towards one of your earbuds and pulls it out quickly. A puff of air hits your left eardrums like a rush of electricity, causing you to jump a bit.
"Can you stay still for a good span of 10 fucking seconds ?" You deadpan and and snap your head around. And before you - with slightly damp fringe covering his warm brown orbs, cute button nose and peachy lips ( gross ) - is Han Jisung. More accurately, the bane of your existence.
Jisung chuckles loudly at the big scowl on your face as he angles his head to take a proper look at you. You look like you just rolled out of bed, literally, not even metaphorically. Sweatpants, flannels and sneakers are the way to go if you're gonna be on your feet all day running around to serve sleep-deprived students and professors. Of course you look like a complete bum, it's 9a.m. What did he expect ?
"Aw." He pouts. "Where's the fun in that then, little cub ?"
And when Jisung reaches a hand out to pat your head, you frowns at his particularly ridiculous nickname for you and slaps his hand away. He watched the new remake of 'The Lion King' before the new semester started and cried like a total baby when Mufasa fell off the cliff, said Felix. Honestly, you wouldn't blame him because those devastating thirty seconds remain to be the most heartbreaking scene that Disney has ever invented. But still, the nickname is painfully unoriginal.
"Man, I hope you bombed your midterms or something." You speak up flatly, a slightly better retort lingering at the tip of your tongue but you're far too tired to argue with him anyway. And not to mention, your previous statement is completely useless because if Hwang Hyunjin is that kid who works his ass off to get good grades then Jisung is the complete opposite of that. He can sleep through ten lectures and still get a minimum of 90% on his exams. The perks of being a prodigy since newborn, can't relate.
Jisung feigns a painful expression, scrunching his nose up in fake agony. "How supportive of you, so incredibly validating." He cocks his head upwards carelessly, giving you a full view of his side profile.
Okay. Despite his annoying personality and questionable nicknames for everyone then Han Jisung is kinda attractive. You get it, you get it, Hwang Hyunjin is attractive but this prick is another kind of attractive.
Whenever he screams his heart out at the mic on stage, there are literal silver and gold specks floating in his eyes like an explosion of stardust scattered across the whole universe. And the way he conveys his emotions into his lyrics to perform an entire song on stage is just tremendously remarkable. No wonder all the girls always come rushing in when J.One is on stage.
Wait, were you thinking about Han Jisung or J.One ? But no, Han Jisung is J.One. It's just that J.One is slightly cooler than Jisung because he doesn't pester people until they have a cardiac arrest. Whatever, your brain is already yelling for retirement.
"You are coming to watch my performance right ?" Jisung suddenly leans over, your noses almost touching. Being the idiotic person that you are, your body immediately locks itself in place, hissing slightly at the current proximity. Great, now what ?
"Ooh." A low whistle escapes his lips. "You were too busy checking me out. It's okay, that's understandable. Not everyone can have a close-up of J.One's out-of-this-world visual." He flips his imaginary long hair and you make a gagging noise.
"I was not !" You exclaim upon embarrassment, cheeks turning into a bright shade of coral. "There's just something in your teeth."
"Uh huh, I doubt it." Yeah, he would never buy that. Jisung smiles at you cheekily and once again, Han Jisung has proved that he's the kind of guy who has the particular type of smile that makes you want to knock their teeth out. Although you can't help but fall for it nonetheless. Very typical of you. "So, are you coming or nah ?"
Your heart tingles a bit, and you feel like you can just pass out right here right now on this stupid bus in the middle of this stupid conversation with his stupid boy and his stupid smile. "No, I have my midterms on Monday. Guess who's pulling all nighters again ?" You push his face away because if not, you might as well just explode and make a fool of yourself.
"Ahhhh, why not ?" Jisung whines as if there's no tomorrow. "It's not like you enjoy drowning yourself in Kang's 40 slides of 'History of Media 101' anyway." Now, for once in a fairly long time, the bastard finally said something that wasn't complete bullshit. And you're starting to reconsider your decision because although Han Jisung is undeniably insufferable, J.One can make it up with his dope performances. But then again, you really just don't want to see his face on Saturdays.
Suddenly he rolls himself over again, his lips drawing a devilish smile. You can tell already from the dangerous look in his eyes, it's not going to end well.
"Are you in for a bet ? If I win, you'll have to go. But if you win, I'll do whatever you want me to, for an entire week. You're basically the privileged one here, don't even deny it."
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Changbin wakes up from his long nap to find Chan having his eyes glued to the laptop's screen as if his life depends on it. It makes him wonder how long his friend has been working on the rearrangement of all their songs for this Saturday's music festival.
"I see that you're making quite the progress." He grunts slightly before sitting up straight. The small faux leather couch that their school has in the band practice room isn't exactly the most comfortable thing to sleep on. But after what seems like an eternity in the lecture hall, tolerating the professor's rant then Changbin wouldn't even mind sleeping on the floor.
Chan slowly peels his eyes away from the screen and blinks numerous times so that he won't potentially go blind. He looks over at Changbin's slouch figure on the couch, tapping away on his phone and smiles dumbly at some memes that Minho just DM-ed to their group chat.
"Damn right, I just finished chopping up the bits of back-up vocals. I feel like my back is so fragile that it might break in half if I stand up." He runs a hand through his mop of black hair that's nowhere near the definition of 'doable' and yawns into his other palm.
He peeks over his shoulder to see Hyunjin and Felix sleeping while leaning against the mirror, Minho laying on top of Jeongin as he chuckles creepily at his phone. And Woojin is too busy singing his heart out with his guitar in the corner to notice Seungmin capturing everyone in their greatest glory, meaning when they're all a hot mess.
Changbin swings his legs over and slips into his black Adidas slides, walking over to Chan in a sluggish manner. He crouches down a bit while squinting his eyes to take a proper look at the laptop screen. Chan indeed has finished most of it, no wonder he looks ( and probably smells ) like trash. "I'll give you a hand, just send these over to me after when you got home." He says, giving his friend a pat on his back.
"Yeah sure," Chan puts a hand over his mouth to cover up another yawn. "By the way, where the fuck is Jisung ? He hasn't been answering my texts all morning."
Changbin gives him an indifferent shrug. "He said he would be on campus all day on Thursdays since he has classes and work right after- hold on he's texting me."
[ 5:23pm ]
piece of shit : where are you guys ?
baby changbin : band room, clearly you never listened.
[ 5:24pm ]
piece of shit : yeesh, I was busy you ass. texting y/n and all.
baby changbin : it was fucking 3a.m. !
[ 5:25pm ]
piece of shit : whatever, we'll be there in two.
He pauses for a while and lets the words sink in. Why "we" and not "I" ? Since when this was a plural thing ? Did all of those lectures and serving sleep-deprived students fuck up his brain cells ?
Wow, now Changbin feels bold to assume that Han Jisung even own brain cells. And before he can show the texts to the rest of his friends to make fun of Jisung while he's not here, the glass door swings open. Hyunjin and Felix jolt up in surprise at the same time, almost bumping their heads together at the creaking sound.
"We got you kids boba, wake up wake up hurry hurry SCHNELL !" Jisung screeches loudly when he pushes himself through the front door, accidentally making you bump your forehead into the dull glass surface.
You follows him inside with a big scowl on your face, quickly passing Changbin the plastic bags. Yes, you can hear the polar bears crying in the distance loud and clear but unluckily you only have two hands for ten cups of boba.
"Why boba all of a sudden ?" Minho looks up from his phone in boredom as Jeongin is utterly dying underneath, slapping his palm repeatedly against the floor in exhaustion.
Minho feels ( kinda ) bad for him and decides to roll himself over, setting Jeongin free from his miserable state. "Did you two go on a date or something ?" The youngest one's features morph into a frown, eyeing the two up and down in caution when he crosses his legs together.
You make an unimpressed face and glares at Jisung, who's currently hogging the entire black couch on his own. "Who the fuck would make their date carry everything then ? You tell me Jeongin."
Woojin stands up after craning his neck and shakes his head in disapproval. "My greatest disappointment, Han Jisung, would do that unfortunately." He walks over to Felix and Hyunjin to get himself a cup from the bag.
"Let's be honest, you'd still date him even if he does that anyway. I haven never seen any other girl who has the courage to personally rummage through his disastrous closet just to steal a hoodie." He takes a sip and smirks at the black hoodie that you're wearing. Woojin thinks you should definitely give yourself more credit because personally, he can't be bothered to step into Jisung's room, much less his closet.
You're still slightly confused for a moment there but quickly look down and almost gasp in realization. "I can explain—"
"Don't worry Y/N, if he ever mistreats you, you best believe that he's not gonna see tomorrow's daylight." Felix supplies unhelpfully over a mouthful of boba. Since when did he become such a nuisance ? But he's not entirely wrong because if no one volunteers to skin Jisung alive when he leaves you with a broken heart then Hyunjin will literally disown him. He doesn't care if it's legal or not because even a law student like Woojin would be on his side in this.
You hold up your hand defeatedly. "The jerk purposely left it on my couch back at the apartment. And Hyunjin didn't want to return nor wash it so I was obligated to do that myself. Eventually, the hoodie just ended up on a hanger right behind my bedroom door. Not to mention, I was running late earlier and had nothing to wear." You finish your sentence, realizing that your roommate has been giving you a 'wtf' face all his time.
"Out of reasons already ?" Chan chirps, raising a dark brow.
In your defense, it's a goddamn good hoodie. The material is actually really nice that you might accidentally fall asleep if you wear this to class. You didn't mind the design on it either, kinda boyish but very funky, almost hippie looking. And last but not least, the smell of it is intoxicating, leaving you yearning for more. That's also equivalent to Jisung smells nice ( ew ) and your cheeks automatically heat up at the thought of feeling like he's hugging you whenever you wear it.
You frantically try to explain with expressive hands. "Look, guys—"
"You're going this Saturday !!" Jisung's voice suddenly booms behind your back as he declares loudly like it's the most worth-knowing thing in the whole wide world. The guys trade confused look with each other, not knowing what nonsense their friend is babbling about. Whatever, they don't have to either way. "You're going, you're going, you're going !"
You look over at Hyunjin's cup in disbelief, completely full and untouched. Meanwhile, Felix has already finished his drink in between the 15-minute conversation. You blinks and quickly comprehends the new amount of information, you lost the bet. Which means...
Screw midterms.
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Screw the music festival, you’re not going anywhere.
“How’s this ?” Hyunjin steps out from his room with a white dress shirt tucked inside his skinny jeans. And you hate him even more now because your roommate looks totally #boyfriendmaterial in every outfit that he’s been trying for the past half an hour. Really, Hyunjin should give himself more credit for his looks because you bet girls would still throw themselves at him even if he showed up to school looking homeless and all.
You look up from your phone in boredom. “Looks good to me.”
Upon your flat reply, Hyunjin shoots you a glare. “Good ? It only stops there at ‘good’ ? Then which item in my closet appeals to you as ‘spectacular’ or ‘breathtaking’ ? Should I just hire a personal stylist or something ?” He wants to snap at you but ends up whining like a elementary school kid that’s not allowed to drink his favorite soda from the vending machine.
“Dude, eat a chill pill.” You frown slightly at his particularly dramatic ass ( tsk, drama majors ) and decide to put your phone down. “You’re going to a music festival, at uni. Not attending some kind of award shows for celebrities.”
Hyunjin snickers before clicking his tongue. “And you’re planning on wearing that ?”
Your roommate is stressing himself over being overdressed for an event. You, on the other hand, haven’t even made up your mind about an outfit yet and your plus-one is picking you up in less than 30 minutes. And you’re still here, on the couch, in your pyjamas. Call it madness but personally, you wouldn’t mind wearing this to the music festival. Music is technically art in some kind of shape or form and only uncultured swines judge those who prefer being comfy over fashionable.
Come on, it’s art. Your pyjamas can express yourself in some sort of way right ?
“Stop shitting on my Mickey Mouse sweatpants as if it’s something straight out of the 1910s.” You protest, urging to throw the jar filled with gummy bear on the coffee table at his precious face. Mickey is definitely not going anywhere since you guys have been bonding since middle school.
Hyunjin pauses in the middle of his track going back into his room. Suddenly he turns around and smiles at you creepily. “It’s Jisung, isn’t it ?”
Yeah, no. Most definitely not. Still not him. Nuh uh. Okay… Maybe it’s because you don’t want to embarrass your plus-one because he’s also a total heartthrob. Maybe, it could be something about the fact that you’re afraid you’re not gonna look as good as your roommate. Or maybe it’s something inside the can of Redbull that you downed last night while rewatching the last episode of ‘Goblin’. You don’t even like Redbull.
Shit, you’re running out of excuses already.
“Actually, I was thinking that it’d be better if I didn’t show up.” You confess timidly, scared to meet Hyunjin’s confused expression.
When you gather enough courage to look up, he looks absolutely unimpressed and partially disappointed. “And you’re just gonna rain-check on Choi Yeonjun like that ? Changbin’s not letting this slide, I’ll tell you that.” He shakes his head in disapproval, this time turning on his heels to walk towards his bedroom door.
Something inside your stomach is tickling, as if it’s trying to tell you that you’re about to commit some kind of unforgivable sin if you don’t go to the festival. And just when you’re about to ignore it and wrap yourself up warmly on the L-shaped couch like the lazy bum that you are, your phone buzzes.
[ 4:24pm ]
yeonjun | I’ll be there in five.
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Only losers go to a music festival without a plus-one.
Hyunjin is one lucky bastard because Seungmin is tolerating his ass for the day. Meanwhile, Woojin is too busy pestering Felix to let him sneak into backstage looking for Changbin. And by now, everyone probably knows that Minho is secretly obsessed with Jeongin since he's decided to stick himself to the youngest like the spoiled parasite that he is. But that's not the point. Point is : you're terrible at navigation so you're obligated to get yourself a plus-one.
And he just happens to be Choi Yeonjun, that one business major who's secretly a dancer that left everyone's wig flying to Africa during last year's prom. You two have walked past each other before between periods and since he's an acquaintance of Changbin, he'd always wave back at you with the sweetest smile. You see him as a fun person to be around, kinda like a sunshine.
But what you didn't know is that, if your group of friend's chaotic energy is 3000, then Yeonjun alone is already on another level.
"Why the long face Y/N ? Enjoy the music, relax, let the night set you free !" Yeonjun chuckles at the frown on your face as he swings an arm over your shoulder. You can already tell that he's getting a bit tipsy from his tinted red cheeks and his breath smells like beer. Never knew the guy couldn't go heavy with his alcohol. Much like your roommate himself.
You peel the red plastic cup away from his hand to abandon it on some random table, dragging him away from the bar before his friend - Beomgyu, offers him some kind of sketchy looking drink. The kid is only a freshman and you feel like you should strangle the person who permitted him to be the bartender for the night.
"Alright, that's enough beer for you." You tell him mild-seriously, partially because you don't want him to end up knocked out in the middle of nowhere and partially because you can't contain someone who's drunk, not even yourself. "Let's find Soobin, I bet he's running around campus looking for your ass."
"What do you mean he's looking for my ass ? He's at home playing stupid boardgames with stupid Taehyun." Yeonjun slurs, shaking the haziness away furiously before fluttering his eyes upwards. "Look !" He squeals a little bit too loudly for anyone's liking. "It's your boyfriend !"
You abruptly put your index finger on his lips. "Shh shhh ! Han Jisung is not my boyfriend ! Watch your mouth, please, I beg." You hush him and glance around to look for any signs of Hyunjin or Felix popping out from a random bush to make fun of you. "We're barely friends, why would you think that we're dating ?!" You cry dramatically, cheeks burning with a bright shade of pink.
The blue haired boy makes a thinking face, which you think it's undeniably cute, before pointing towards the stage. "Because he's looking at you ?" He says cluelessly, giggling while clapping happily like a seal.
You unconsciously lift your head to eye the stage. Time seems to stop when you realize Jisung has been staring at you all this time. His expression is unfathomable. Your heart starts thundering loudly inside your rib cage, so loud that it overcomes the loud EDM music in the background, so loud that you're afraid he might hear it even when he's so far away.
In this light, in the middle of your chaos, there is Jisung. And he's absolutely otherworldly, radiant, dazzling, coruscating. Gosh, you can go on forever if your brain cells allow you to.
The moment he breaks eye contact, that's when you're pondering over who is it that your heart is beating for. Han Jisung ? Or is it just J.One ? Because you've seen Jisung as a total pest who never takes things seriously, who always makes you pay an extra ticket for his ride to uni, who spontaneously sends you derp pictures of him in the middle of a lecture. But no matter where you go, he would constantly pop up inside your mind out of nowhere. Like a phantom.
Suddenly, Chan's voice booms through the speaker, making you jump. "The performance of 3racha will be delayed due to technical errors. We apologize for this inconvenience." You stand there dumbly, blinking numerous times for his words to sink in. The question here isn't really 'what?' but 'why?'. 3racha take music very seriously and they're not the type to slack off any performances even if it's just for a school's small event.
You snap your head back to the stage, Chan and Changbin are talking to a technical staff, an apologetic smile blooming on their faces. But wait, where the fuck is Jisung ?
"Told ya !" Yeonjun hiccups into your ear. "What kind of non-boyfriend will cancel a performance just to come and see you like this ?" You should have gone with Hyunjin, you really should.. You bet he's not even half as drunk a Yeonjun right now since all Seungmin drinks is kombucha.
Unexpectedly, and also expectedly, you find yourself staring at Jisung, who's speed-walking towards your direction, like a complete dumbass. There's fire flickering at the back of his irises, burning intensely onto you. His brows are knitted together, his jacket hanging slightly over his shoulder, teasing you with a flash of his biceps. You also notice how the microphone is still there, in his hand.
Did he fucking leave the stage just to see you ?
Jisung breathes out a puff of smoke from the chilly air. "Y/N, got you."
Your heart actually feels like it’s hanging on the edges when your name rolls off his tongue so tenderly. "And you are ?" He looks over at Yeonjun with an almost disgusted expression, his hand instinctively reaching for yours. You don't blame him either way because Yeonjun looks like he just made it out of one of the world's most traumatizing lunatic asylum with shitty security. And Jisung wouldn't let you walk around with a crazy guy attached to you like a total creep. Not when he's monitoring.
“Y/N’s plus-one ?”
“Well that makes two of us.”
Yeonjun holds his hands up as if he's being held at gunpoint. "Easy, dude, I'm leaving. I'm leaving. She's all yours." He laughs, sounding almost too nervous to be true because Jisung is somewhat scary whenever someone gets on his bad side. Just ask Highschool Hyunjin.
"You're wasted as fuck, what makes you think that I'll let you go home alone like this ?" You say, flinching slightly when you feel Jisung tightens his grip on your hand. He cocks a brow as if he's testing you.
"Nah, I'm not going anywhere. Just gonna swing by the bar, Beomgyu probably came up with something to knock me out." Without a proper goodbye nor a hug like his normally playful self usually does, the blue haired boy turns on his heels to walk away from the scene. And you exhale deeply out of relief, not because you hated Yeonjun's company, you might actually hang out with him again. Just not where there's alcohol.
Jisung still hasn't let go of your hand yet, and surprisingly, you don't want him to. "I take that as you two aren't dating ?" He questions, studying your features more closely. You're really pretty, he thinks. Jisung has never once hesitant about using the word 'pretty' for you and he's not afraid to show it either. It's just that you never bothered to notice.
"No ? Hyunjin decided to ditch me for Seungmin and Yeonjun's a mutual friend through Changbin so we texted, and he picked me up after when Hyunjin left." You give him a weird look, confused by how pissed off he looks right now. "And I take that as you're jealous ?"
Jisung laughs humorously, his voice doused in dry sarcasm. "Huh, funny. Last time I checked, you were supposed to be backstage with me since you lost the bet, not clinging yourself onto some hot guy from Changbin's Biochem 101." Of course Jisung is pissed off. How could he not when you're all smiling and laughing with another guy, when he has an arm over your shoulder, holding you so lovingly, so tightly ? Another guy that's not him.
You widen your eyes at how ridiculous he sounds, almost in disbelief. "Excuse you ? Since when 'being backstage with you' was even a thing in our bet ?" Yeah, completely unheard of. "And I was not clinging onto him, I'll have you know that he chugged on a bottle of Hennie and ended up wobbling around like a fucking toddler !"
Your voice is getting louder and louder by the second, chest heaving up and down in anger because he is in fact, being extra insufferable tonight. You haven’t seen him acting like this since he officially declared cold war with Hyunjin back in junior year highschool.
"Oh yeah ? Then what ? You liked that ? It makes me sick to the stomach seeing you giggling at one of his stupid jokes. You seemed so fucking comfortable even when he's this close ?" Jisung tugs in your arm to pull you closer, his cool breath fanning your forehead. Your cheeks unknowingly feel hot, but you're not going to admit it to his face. "You're completely okay with this ?"
You grimace a stiff smile. "Of course I am." Oh boy were you wrong.
"Even now ?" He places his hands over your shoulder to bend down, angling his face so that the tip of his nose is brushing over yours. His gaze pierces right through you, leaving you completely stripped and vulnerable. And you hate every single part of this. You hate how you heart is swelling, how his touches burn like fire, how much effect he has on you with such minimal effort.
Jisung says with a devilish smirk blooming on his lips. "Hmm ? I don't know Y/N, you look pretty burnt up to me."
"It's because of the heat—" You instantly regret what you said when it starts to rain. Droplets of water repeatedly tap against your skin like clear champagne. A cloud shadows over you two and another splatter of rain comes along. Goosebumps rise on your skin at the cool sensation as your limbs lock themselves in place. Jisung has never broken eye contact with yours since then, specks of good and silver floating in his eyes like a brilliant explosion of a supernova.
Just when you thought your lips was gonna collide, something unexpected happens. Jisung takes off his jacket and swings it over your shoulders. He gently holds you by the waist as he hurries you inside, your gaze never once leaves his features. He's saying something but you can't quite catch it, it's hard to concentrate when he's being all affectionate and sweet to you like this.
You are far too busy telling your heart not to explode.
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Felix stomps over to your table and slams his tray of food down aggressively. Everyone peels their eyes off what they’re doing for the time being, throwing a weird look towards him. With a satisfied smile on his face, Felix drops his notebook onto the table. Changbin glances at him with an expressionless face, almost yawned in boredom. “And how did it go again ?” He drawls tiredly as if he has heard the same joke over and over for an entire week.
“You know that feeling when you feel like you’re completely detached from your own body and just stare at yourself from above ? I was up there, mind blank while my mouth couldn’t stop blabbering about what ever the fuck was on those slides. I ditched my Flashcards, completely untouched, 5 minutes has never flown by so quick. Boom, the professor didn’t even think twice about giving me an A.” Felix leans back on his chair comfortably after wrapping up his story.
Seungmin scrunches his nose at his friend. “Yeah sure, it’s an A. Big fucking deal.” Kim Seungmin basically has a full scholarship straight to college in the middle of his senior highschool year, you can say that he has the right to be unimpressed.
Minho shrugs indifferently, scrolling through his feed to kill some time. “It is for Yongbok apparently, give him a break. You know he hardly gets any when his brain only consists of Seo Changbin and Fortnite.”
Felix hisses at the older boy like a cat when you accidentally step on its tail, threatening to gouge out one of his eyes with the plastic fork on his hand. Minho being on his ass 24/7 just makes college that much more of a hellhole. He can’t help but roll his eyes in annoyance because no one is even trying to spare a ‘Good job’ or ‘Good for you’. He might actually need new friends, Felix ponders.
But wait, something’s missing.
Jisung didn’t even try to make fun of him. And he never missed a single chance to pester him or call him out every time he’s all giddy over good grades. In other words, his secret life as a potential nerd has been foiled thanks to Han Jisung. But apparently, girls find it hot when a nerd is secretly a dancer.
He looks over to his friend and frowns furiously. A hood thrown over his head, eyes glued to his laptop screen, Jisung looks extra antisocial today and Felix can feel something’s off because he would be jumping around, yelling into your ears by now, not making a PowerPoint presentation. “What’s wrong with you two ?” He asks, noticing how you’re also acting strange.
You’re mindlessly scrolling through Twitter, and stop abruptly at a new post from @j.one. It’s a picture of Jisung grinning while gripping on a microphone followed by a caption “Always have so much fun performing w/ my bros, @spearB & @cb97 - photo by @princehwang #SocialSaturday”.
You almost snickered, feeling the need to change it into “#TBT”. Not only because this photo was taken months ago for a summer music festival nearby Uni, but also because this bright side of Han Jisung no longer exists. He hardly talked to you since Saturday, ignored you when you made eye-contact with him on the hallways, didn’t even ask you to pay for his ride.
Basically, he’s making a fuss out of nothing. But you wouldn’t say that it feels good not having him call you ‘little cub’ 50 times a day or send you random messages during a lecture like ‘go out with me ?’. You never take them seriously anyway because he can’t like you just like that, right ? “Ask him, not me.” You raise a brow towards Jisung, earning a glare from him as a reply. “I’m not the one who’s being petty over me going to a music festival with Choi Yeonjun.”
Jisung sighs dramatically and shuts his laptop close. “Is that all you got ?” He inquires sarcastically as if he’s gonna set you on fire if you dare to try him.
“That’s what I said the first time we played Mario Kart together, isn’t it ? I totally kicked your ass, to the curb.”  You protest as the blood running through your veins slowly boils. If it weren’t for Hyunjin to hold your shoulders in place, you would have thrown hands at Jisung.
Jisung slams his hands onto the surface of the table harshly, almost knocked the whole table over. “Yeah, that’s why Chan never lets you drive because you’re exactly the reason for all of our wild turbulence. Because you suck at driving !”
You feel like you’re being held in a chokehold, literally and metaphorically because you can’t even drag Jisung down to the very bottom of Hell when you’re fully capable of doing that. Not before you kill him with your bare hands.
“I mean one of us had to have the guts to drive everyone back after a party where y’all got fucking wasted. College parties are so lit, they say. Who the fuck does three keg stands in a row just to run around the neighborhood shirtless later on ?!” You clatter loudly, earning a ‘wtf’ look from the students at the opposite table.
“Who wants another milkshake ? It’s on me.” Woojin interrupts the two of you, already pulling out his wallet in a rush.
Jisung’s ears automatically turn red, and you smirk at the sight of his pink cheeks upon both embarrassment and anger. “What did you just say ?”
“Ten milkshakes it is.” Chan drags Woojin out of his seat and the two of them helplessly walk towards the canteen cashier from across your table. He’s already given up, you can tell. Because if not, he would just personally hang Jisung upside down on a tree ( his natural habitat ) so that he can cool down before he said something he’d definitely regret later.
You push Hyunjin away and stand up right, staring at Jisung dead in the eye. “What’s wrong ? Cat got your tongue ?” Are you finally getting back at him ? Is this how victory taste like ?
“Say that again and I’m gonna— ugh ! Christ, I hate you !” Jisung sounds like he’s on the verge of exploding and you’re absolutely enjoying every single moment of this.
You mock him in amusement. “You’re gonna what ?”
“I’m gonna fucking kiss—“
Before Jisung could finish his sentence, Minho pulls his friend backwards and Jisung once again lands on his bottom, onto the wooden bench. “Okay, I don’t wanna ruin the heat but at least spare some of your sanity for the sake of publicity, yeah ? You know, if you guys wanna make out that bad, there’s always a restroom.”
Sanity ? For the sake of publicity ? Well, that changes everything. “WE’RE NOT GONNA MAKE OUT LEE MINHO YOU FUCKING BASTARD ! DON’T MAKE ME KNOCK KNOCK UPSIDE YOUR HEAD, YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SH-“ You’ve come to a decision that if Han Jisung doesn’t end up somewhere six feet under the ground, then Lee Minho - aka his best friend - is taking his bullet for today.
“Woah woah, Y/N, easy girl, easy.” Hyunjin holds you back with both hands. Okay, he gets why Jeongin doesn’t want to come over whenever you and Jisung are breathing in the same room now.
Jeongin scrunches his nose as he obnoxiously chews on his tuna sandwich. “Yeah, you guys need to cool down a little bit. You know, just chill out. That’s enough for your ‘friendly banter’, let the others enjoy their lunch in peace, will you ?”
You and Jisung continuously give each other death stares for the rest of your lunch break. Even when Chan and Woojin come rushing back with five cups of milkshakes each, even when it’s your favorite flavor in the entire world, it can never put out the fire of wrath that’s burning furiously deep inside. All you want to do is to have Han Jisung down on his knees and beg you for his life like how King Stefan did to Maleficent. The only difference is that Jisung actually doesn’t have a daughter.
Is that too much to ask for ?
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[ 2:35pm ]
yeonjun | hey, I need to talk to you…
yeonjun | nearby café after school ? I can just wait if you’re getting out late.
You read the message on your way out of the lecture hall and widen your eyes. The hour displayed on your screen reads ‘3:45pm’. You immediately push your way through the crowd of sweaty students and run down the hallway like a psychopath. God, Yeonjun has been sitting alone at the café like a complete fool just because of you. Now you feel like a terrible human being.
“Woah, where are you going in such a hurry ?” Hyunjin yells at you loudly when you brush past him and Jeongin.
You hastily shout back at him before continuing to run. “Don’t wait for me ! Just spare me some left over !”
When you arrive at the café, you feel like you should give yourself a pat on the shoulder because you don't think you’ve ever run that fast before in your entire life. Not even for the marathon competitions during middle school.
And the café looks somewhat different today, something smells weird too, you notice. Then you realize that they just repainted the whole thing, replacing the old teal blue color into a warmer brownish color. The walls and windows are decorated with fairy lights, like a cherry on a sundae, it’s perfect for the upcoming winter break. Because students aren’t just gonna come here for the caffeine, they’re gonna hog this place for themselves sooner or later to get at least one aesthetic photo for the holiday.
You quickly spot Yeonjun sitting alone in the color while having his headphones on, slowly dozing off to the music. His cup of iced macchiato remains untouched with water dipping on the sides. A pang of guilt hits you almost instantly when you start walking towards his direction. As you sit down on the opposite seat, Yeonjun suddenly startles and shakes his sleepiness away.
“Hey, I’m so sorry, my phone was off all day.” You say with an apologetic smile on your face, feeling the guilt keeps piling onto your shoulders. “You could just leave or something, I wouldn’t be mad.”
Yeonjun removes his headphones and laughs slightly, scratching the nape of his neck. “It’s fine,” He waves his hands at you to tell you that everything’s okay. “I really need that short nap after all. God, I was dreading my neuroscience assignment all day. But hey, I really need to talk to you, that’s why I was so determined to wait.”
“Don’t even, Yeonjun. You could have just gone home and rest.” You shake your head at him in defeat. You swear to God, he’s too kind. “What’s so important that you wanted to talk to me so badly ?” You ask while flipping through the menu. The weather has been pretty chilly lately, it might be nice to have a hot chocolate.
Yeonjun’s ears turn red at your words and he starts to dart his eyes around, scared to meet your eyes. “I— uhm, look, I just—“ He stammers with tinted pink cheeks, which you find ridiculously adorable. “I just wanted to say sorry for what happened on Saturday.” He manages to squeak out and you have to hold back the urge to laugh. “I shouldn't have drunk that much beer, right ? You should feel lucky that I left you with your boyfriend because I may or may not have thrown up all over Beomgyu. He almost kicked me off a cliff, I’m not overexaggerating, I swear.”
That’s not true. Yeonjun should be the one who needs to feel lucky because not only didn’t Beomgyu leave him on some random sidewalks, he personally called Taehyun to bring him extra clothes and had an Uber to get them three back home before midnight. He knows Beomgyu is too utterly soft for him to murder him in his sleep anyway.
You smile at him before waving the waiter boy over to punch in your order. “Choi Yeonjun, it’s fine, really. You’re so much fun to hang around. But next time, no more beer for you, get it ?” Upon your teasing, he lets out a nervous chuckle. And little did you know, he’s planning on telling you something much, much more horrendous. “And how many times do I need to tell you that Jisung is not my boyfriend ?”
“Just not yet.” He corrects you, and you’re stuck between the ideas of strangling Han Jisung and throwing Choi Yeonjun off a cliff. Or maybe both. “You guys caused quite the scene during lunch break. You two bickered like an old married couple. Not to mention, you’ve probably ended up on everyone’s social medial by now.”
Your eyes widen in terror. A tape of you, and Han Jisung yelling at each other at the top of your lungs is on the Internet. Since a young age, you’ve come to realize that nothing on the internet ever really goes away. And that thought scares you shitless. Great, now everyone will think of you two as that one loud couple who always argue over stupid things. “I’m so fucking screwed— give me a sec, someone’s texting me.”
[ 4:12 pm ]
han | where are you ?
y/n | why would that matter ?
han | you’re on a date right ? with him.
y/n | han jisung are you watching me ? wtf you creep !?
[ 4:13pm ]
han | do you like him ?
han | just answer me honestly for once.
y/n | so you ARE jealous. hah, busted.
But wait, why would he be jealous ? That makes no sense.
[ 4:14pm ]
han | so what if i’m jealous ?
Your heart stops as a small ‘huh?’ escapes your lips. Yeonjun looks at you with a confused expression, almost develops a mild interest in what made you so flustered. But he guessed it either way because it’s too obvious who’s the only person that has this kind of effect on you.
han | i was the one who asked you out first, it’s not fair !
y/n | ...
y/n | hey, are you drunk ?
[ 4:15pm ]
han | i’m as sober as i can be, enjoy your pretty little date y/n.
When everything’s already a mess, when you’re at a loss for words, Hyunjin’s abrupt call is something else more than just fuel to the fire. “Y/N ! Have you seen Jisung ?” Your roommate sounds alarmed on the other end and your stomach automatically twists into a knot.
“No, I haven’t seen him since lunch… why ?” The uneasy feeling has been ghosting your gut since you received the questionable texts from Jisung, and you’re afraid to hear what Hyunjin’s gonna say next. “What’s wrong ? What happened to him ?” You bombard him with questions after questions, fiddling your fingers nervously in fear.
Yeonjun quickly senses something’s off and reaches his hand outwards. He places his hand over yours gently, rubbing little circles to remind you to calm down. There are a thousand bad scenarios running through your mind like lightning of what could have happened to Jisung. What if he’s about to do something stupid ? What if he’s hurting, and no one ever asked ? What if… it’s all because of you ?
“Hyunjin, just fucking answer me !” You almost snapped, finding the silence on the other line extremely disturbing.
He replies breathlessly, as if he’s already given up. “He’s gone.”
“What do you mean he’s gone ?” You can’t believe your own ears at this point.
Hyunjin sounds like he’s about to have a mental breakdown. “Changbin said he hadn’t been home when his shift was supposed to end at 3. Chan said he wasn’t on campus either, nor the band room. We’ve checked everywhere, not his house, not the usual boba place, not even his favorite get-away spots. He ran away, Y/N, no one knows why. And I’m scared..” Your heart instantly drops to the pit of your stomach.
Not even his favorite get-away spots.. We’ve checked everywhere.
But Jisung would never tell them about all of his get-away spots.
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Jisung unlocks his phone and sees several missed calls from his group of friends along with endless texts but his eyes only linger on some particular ones.
[ 7:23pm ]
y/n | can we just talk this out ?
y/n | this is so fucking childish of you.
y/n | I don’t care if you want to kick me out of your life.
y/n | I’m coming for you.
Jisung doesn’t know whether he should be crying or laughing. Basically, he’s emotionally restrained.
Because apparently, life is preposterous. One moment you’re laughing while being pissed off when he annoys the heck out of you. Then later you would ditch him to have yourself wrapped around another guy’s arms. Hours ago, you were on the edge of pushing his limits into the unknown and now you’re being all concerned and worried about him. He feels mildly exasperated partially because you’re playing with his heart, and partially because he allows you to do that.
He has been watching you from behind all this time. He always has so much on his mind that keeps him awake at nights but never really knows how to convey his feelings for you into words. Maybe that’s why J.One can only write love songs in vain. So being the genius person that he is, he thought ( and still think ) that the only way to approach you was to make fun of you. He can only call you questionable nicknames all day because he doesn’t have the heart to actually call you ‘babe’ in a genuine way. He would always end up spitting out something less than appropriate or stick his nose into your business because he can never fathom the courage to say a simple ‘I love you’. Yes, Jisung knows that he’s a coward for making such excuses but the thought of putting his heart into someone else’s hand scares him shitless. Not that he has never gone through a heartbreak before but the scars never really go away.
Honestly, Jisung has never thought that he would end up liking you this much. He still vividly remembers the day that you two met for the first time. It was freshman year highschool, he got signed up for a role in the drama club at the time being thanks to Hyunjin and suddenly he saw you sitting alone in a corner, struggling over a piece of prop for the set. 
Even when it’s the awkward phase, you took his breath right away like ‘whoosh’, leaving him utterly speechless when your eyes collide.  From then on, you’re the ‘nothing’ that people ask him about whenever he looks like he’s spacing out. You’re the only thing that keeps lingering in his mind, impossible to forget. He finally understands why people are always so giddy about their crush because once you like someone, everything changes. Like how your smile seems to be even brighter than the Sun, how your goofy laugh feels like music to his ears, or how every little thing that you do affects him way too damn much. Woah, he understands why his group of friends said that he’s so whipped for you now.
Jisung doesn’t know what to think or what to feel anymore. He really doesn’t. He hates how you keep switching between ‘the Y/N who hates Jisung with passion’ and ‘the Y/N who genuinely worries about Jisung’. It drives him nuts not knowing how you really feel about him. Jisung swipes his index finger upwards and presses the ‘Airplane Mode’ button from the Control Center settings. He can’t afford having Chan or Minho screaming directly at his ears after when he ran away like that. Maybe he is childish after all.
“Han Jisung !”
Jisung snaps his head backwards to find you standing there, disheveled hair, hands supporting on your knees with a glint of fierceness in your eyes. With the dim source of light from the Moon, you’re glowing under all of the sentimental glory that leaves him completely flustered. He’s really predictable, he thinks. Of course you’d know that he would end up choosing the park where he used to hang out with Seungmin since kindergarten. It’s also where he bawled his eyes out after his first breakup, having you rub little circles on his back and tell him that everything’s gonna be alright.
“What are you doing here ?” He asks soullessly although his heart his yelling at him to fall into your embrace.
“I told you, didn’t I ?” You say, breaths growing more even by the seconds. “I’m coming for you, I don’t care if you’re gonna kick me out of your life because I’m not allowing that.”
Jisung snickers, clicking his tongue in annoyance. “You rain-checked on Choi Yeonjun just like that ? Aren’t you afraid that he’s gonna break up with you tomorrow after finding you that you’re rummaging through the entire city to look for me, an absolute bastard who never leaves well enough alone ?”
You shoot him a stern look, brows slightly furrowed. “You didn’t let me finish, how rude. I’m trying to prove a point, don’t you see ? If I really didn’t give two fucks about you then why would I be here ? If I was really dating Choi Yeonjun then I could have just stayed at home and cuddled with him until Hyunjin kicked him out of our apartment. It’s been almost three hours, Jisung. Three fucking hours. I was running from place to place like a psychopath, got lost on some random streets, just to find you. Yes, just for you.”
He squints his eyes at you skeptically. “And your point is ?”
“I care about you.” You don’t even need to consider anything at this point and that has Jisung’s jaw dropped to the ground. “I could never hate you, even if I do, I can’t hate you for the rest of my life for my own good. Even when you call me ‘little cub’ fifty times a day, even when you make me pay for your ride, even when we almost threw hands at each other during lunch break, my feelings for you never change. Not even one bit.” You state confidently, taking long strides towards him.
Jisung looks at you with a blank expression, his lips pressed into a thin line. “I don’t know Y/N. You’re a fucking hot mess. For all I know, you second-guessed most of your decisions in life. What if you decided to pull—“ That’s it, you’re not enduring his ‘what if’-s bullshit any longer.
Without a word, you grab Jisung by the collar and pull him flush against you. When your lips collide with his, it feels like you’re being sent to the Moon and back continuously. Sparks of joy, lust, and mixed emotions ignite inside his heart when you trace your tongue over his then it explodes like a firework that lights up the eerie darkness effortlessly. Jisung slowly gives in and melts into the kiss, his hands snaking around your waist to hold you closer, feeling your warmth radiating off on his flannels. You’re the first one to pull away, hands trailing behind the nape of his neck.  “I can say that giving away my first kiss is enough to prove that the only thing I’ve never second-guessed was liking you.” You say breathlessly, trying to ignore the rouge on your cheeks. 
“I am your first kiss ?” He widens his eyes slightly.
You scoff at him while trying to act casual. “Be grateful at least you brat.” Jisung chuckles softly at you, slightly taken aback at your bold action as the feeling of your lips on his chills him to the bones. “Point taken.” At that moment, you quickly realize how his warm brown eyes hold their own galaxy with the stars shining so brightly that makes your heart swell. At that moment, you also realize that Jisung is your Sun because his smile alone can light up the whole celestial sphere. Meanwhile you’re his Moon because no matter what happens, you’ll always be here to brighten him up on the darkest of days.
And you both know that as long as you have each other, you will forever be radiant.
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harryspet · 4 years
his to keep | j.jk
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[WARNINGS] dark jungkook x named oc, toxic/abusive relationship, pregnancy, kidnapping, panic attack, super angsty, jungkook being a piece of crap, basically yandere jungkook
A/N: I just wrote this because I was feeling angsty. I also like to imagine Jungkook as if he wasn’t an adorable human lol. If you are triggered by the things about PLEASE DO NOT READ. Most of my fics are smutty but this one isn’t as much and I still like it. I might be able to do a part two with this one if people like it. 
In which she finds out she’s pregnant and decides it’s time to escape her toxic relationship but Jungkook decides he’ll do everything to keep his family together. 
Please like, reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 3k
Everyone wished they were her. Even if the world didn’t even know she existed, people all around the world love to have what she had with Jungkook. Not the love they say they have for all their fans but passionate and romantic love. Obsessive love. 
Eun-sun had met Jungkook because of a chance encounter. She worked at the counter of the tattoo shop he randomly stopped by one day. He was with a small group of friends and, dressed down, she didn’t immediately recognize him. It wasn’t until one of his friends had said his name that she realized one of the most famous men in the world was standing in the same room as her. 
She played it cool, of course, or at least she tried to. Her heart pounded as she went to retrieve the artist that they had requested. 
He seemed to single her out though and he only looked at her as his friends flipped through a book of designs. He leaned against the counter and asked her coolly, “You don’t have any tattoos?” It was the summer and her arms were completely bare so he could tell. 
She shook her head, her eyes a bit wide, “Not your thing?” He continued and, for a moment. Eunsun thought he was actually interested in her. 
“The permanence … it kind of scares me,” She admitted, trying not to sound nervous, “I suppose that’s not what you want to hear from a person who works at a place like this.”
Jungkook smiled at that and, like the whole world, she was entranced by it. 
She worked here in order to help out her family who were struggling to make it in the city. They owned a small convenience store where she usually worked later at night. 
“No, you make a good point. There has to be some voice of reason here to keep people from getting stupid tattoos,” Eunsun blushed and one of Jungkook’s friends called for him. 
He smiled at me one more time before walking back over to his friends. 
Eunsun didn’t know it but, in that short moment, Jungkook had decided she was worth it. Worth letting her enter his crazy world. 
She initially said no and that it was a crazy idea for her to come with him around the world. She insisted she’d only be a burden to him and that she had responsibilities back in Korea that she couldn’t leave. He only insisted, deciding to make a deal with her, he’d help out with finances if she agreed to give him company on the road. 
She explained that she wasn’t a prostitute and he only laughed, “Of course you aren’t, just trust me, please.”
And she agreed because he was so damn convincing but she insisted he not give her more than the money she was already earning. Jungkook never told her that he had given her parents way more than that. 
Although he didn’t really present himself to the world as powerful, Jungkook was practically a prince. Every moment of his day was planned and his every wish was granted. It had become normal to him at that point but she noticed the craziness of it all. 
Eun-sun had never been on a plane before but now she was traveling everywhere on a private one. She had to wear a mask constantly and soon learned she wasn’t allowed to walk with Jungkook in public. He introduced her to one of his personal assistants and she was to simply act like she was a part of their entourage. All though she became friends with his assistant, she never really felt like she belonged in his world. 
It wasn’t like he could claim her publicly and she wasn’t his girlfriend anyways. 
When Jungkook wasn’t working, he was with her. They talked so much that some of the makeup artists grew frustrated with her because Jungkook could never sit still anymore. 
She met all the members of the famous boy group and it amazed her how naturally they tried to include her in their family. Some of the boys had their own partners and some didn’t seem like they dated at all. 
Things were exciting constantly and Eun-sun loved the workings of his complicated world but there was a moment where things shifted. 
A panic attack. 
She had never seen someone have one and, honestly, she wasn’t sure what to do when she entered his room one night and found him on the floor trembling. His hand clutched his heart and for a moment she thought he was having a heart attack. She ran to him kneeling beside him, “Jungkook-” He was breathing so hard, hyperventilating. 
“Jungkook, please tell me what’s wrong,” She whispered, her voice shaky. 
He was crying, choking on his own sobs as he started to roughly grab at his hair. She grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his face, “Jungkook, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re okay,” She spoke calmly, trying to get him to look in her eyes. She was holding back her own tears after seeing him like this, “Breath, breathe.”
He was still crying but his eyes finally met hers, and he started to breathe. It seemed he would lose his progress every now and then as he remembered whatever was freaking him out. As he began breathing again she said, “You’re doing such a good job. You’re so strong. Just breathe, please. Tell me what you need.”
He looked over to a black bag across the room and she understood. She crossed the room and began to look through the bag. She found a prescription bottle and began reading until she realized it was anti-anxiety medicine. 
She emptied the correct amount onto her hand and found a bottle of water in the mini-fridge. She hurried back to him and got him to put the pills into his mouth. She held the water bottle as he began to sip from it. 
He was still shaking and sweating all over but she held him as he started to calm down, “You’re okay, Jungkook. I know it’s scary but it’s just a feeling. You’re doing such a good job,” They sat on the floor in front of his bed and he rested his head on her lap as he tried to control his breathing. 
She ran her fingers through his hair and he finally got some well-deserved sleep. 
When the doctor came in the morning, he refused to let Eun-sun leave despite the advice of his managers. She was already there for him and he didn’t want to hide this from her. The constant pressure of having to do his best to impress his fans had caused the panic attack. Eun-sun was the one who convinced him to sit out for the next two tour dates. 
She slept in his room from that day on and their bond only grew from there. 
Eunsun liked baking, she was actually great at it. Jin had even said that he wanted to open a bakery with her one day. Knowing Jin, that could be a very real thing to happen. She enjoyed when they stayed in houses and not hotels because she could utilize the kitchens. 
She had perfected her Japanese mochi ice cream and she was ready to serve it to the boys for their dinner. Most of them were out on the terrace, having finished their dinners, and were sitting around the fire. She was delicately placing the desserts on a plate when she felt someone brush behind her. 
She was about to lean back into the person until she realized it was Minho, their personal trainer, and she immediately blushed and bowed her head in apology, “I’m sorry, I thought you were Jungkook,” she laughed nervously. 
The muscular man only smirked, leaning against the counter with crossed arms, “You’re very smitten with each other, aren’t you?”
“Uhm,” She opened her mouth, trying to find something intelligent to say, “You could say that.” She felt his eyes burning into her and she moved quicker, trying to get the food onto the platter. 
“Wait, did you check with the nutritionist about those? The boys are on strict diets.”
She turned around to face him, her mouth in the form of an ‘o’. “Oh, I didn’t mean to interfere. It’s fine, I can just-”
“I’m kidding,” His lips pulled into a smile, “They eat whatever they want most of the time.”
It seemed he expected her to laugh so that’s what she did, trying not to create an awkward silence. She lifted the platter and said, “Would you like to try one?” He nodded, plucking one off. 
“Eun-sun,” She turned to see Jungkook staring at them from the screen door that led outside. She had never seen that look before, disgust, and it not was not only directed at Minho but at her, “Everyone’s waiting.”
“Sorry,” She apologized though she wasn’t sure what she had done wrong. She didn’t give Minho another glance as she walked towards Jungkook, “I didn’t know everyone was waiting.” 
Jungkook closed the door behind them, that dark look in his eyes. That night, as she shared her treats with all the boys, Jungkook didn’t say a word. She only noticed how his arm was always snaked around her, like he had to be touching her or she might flow away somehow.
He began drinking too, something that often helped with his anxiety. She noticed that he usually just melted into his own world when he was drunk and that’s what happened that night. 
They stayed up talking and laughing until the fire burnt out and they all realized they had a plane to catch in the morning. Eunsun tried to help Jungkook up to his room but he responded harshly to her, “I can do it, I’m not drunk.”
Her lips pressed into a thin line and she tried not to seem hurt. She watched him stumble up the rest of the steps, “Jungkook, I’m gonna get you some water,” He mumbled some curse word and she turned away from him. 
She retrieved a glass for him and returned upstairs to their room. She sat the glass down on his nightstand and turned out the light. Jungkook had already plopped onto the bed tiredly. She went into the bathroom and prepared for bed, putting on a pair of pajamas. He was still wearing his jeans when she walked out of the bathroom, “Don’t you want to change your pants?” She asked as she slipped in the bed. 
He groaned as if she had woken him up, and then he began to undo his belt. She was silent, unsure of what to do because he had never undressed in front of her. She was sure he didn’t care because he was drunk and simply looked away, pulling the comforter over her.
Minutes later, the bed dipped beside her and she felt his body warmth against her. He pressed his front into her back, wrapping his arms around her. He still smelt of soju and it was starting to make her feel nauseous, “Jungkook, go take a shower if you’re going to do that.”
He ignored her and that’s when she felt the soft kisses on her shoulder blade. She flinched, the feeling so foreign, and pretty much nailed him in the nose in the process, “Aigoo,” he cursed, laying back. 
Eun-sun turned quickly, hoping it wasn’t bleeding, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry-” She didn’t have time to worry anymore because he leaned up to kiss her. And she kissed him back. 
He craved more, his fingers beginning to lift the fabric of her nightshirt, “Jungkook . . . you’re drunk and I’ve never even-”
He shushed her, “Let’s make each other feel good, okay? I need that and you’re the only thing that makes me feel happy these days.”
He pressed his lips to hers and, that night, she gave herself to him. 
Despite the special night they had, Jungkook was hungover in the morning. They all sat at the breakfast table but Jungkook had his head down. Eunsun tried to encourage him to eat something greasy but he ignored her. 
She was picking at her plate, talking to the boys, when she noticed someone was missing, “Where’s Minho?”
They seemed to go silent at that and all of them looked at Jungkook and then back at me, “I think he’s going home for the rest of the tour,” Namjoon spoke up though he seemed unsure of his words. 
Jungkook lifted his head, grabbing his water, before saying to no one, “I fired him.”
Eunsun stared at him with wide eyes, “What do you mean?”
Jungkook sipped his water, leaning on the table, “I mean that I hope he never works another day in his life.” And the silence in the room was deadly. 
Eunsun gave him an incredulous look but Jungkook didn’t even meet her eyes, “This is because of yesterday?”
“I saw the way he looked at you,” Jungkook sneered, “He should’ve known better, fucking creep.”
“No,” Jungkook snapped his head toward her and she shifted uncomfortably, “Y-You should no better. All he did was talk to me and you’re acting like a child who had his favorite toy stolen.” Eunsun stood suddenly, not wanting to argue anymore in front of everyone. 
She walked away from the dining room, “Eunsun, come back here!” She didn’t and it wasn’t long before she heard glass shattering against the wall. 
“Eunsun, please open the door. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for getting so angry.”
“You don’t understand, Eunsun, it’s because I love you. And I’m just stressed from the tour.”
“Please, can we just be alone together and talk?”
“I know it was wrong what I did. You have to forgive me. You have to let me make it up to you . . . I don’t think I’ll make it through this without you”
She stayed for happy moments. For getting to watch him perform in front of thousands of people. For seeing him laugh so much in all his American interviews. For the nights spent watching movies. For the photos taken while sightseeing. For the sex when he was sober. For being known as Jungkook’s girl to everyone on the team. 
But it only lasted two months. 
Because of the night he got into a physical altercation with a staff member who had made a snide remark about Eunsun being a whore. The man’s face was unrecognizable after Jungkook released all his anger into him. He defended her but he became a monster when he did. 
He had to be taken to the hospital because of how bad he bruised his knuckles. Eunsun didn’t go with him and he almost started another fight trying to get to her. Luckily, his members convinced him to go without her. She returned to the hotel with a test given to her by one of the makeup artists. 
She took three and each one had those two double lines. 
By the time Jungkook got back to the hotel, she was on a plane back to South Korea. And she and her family had plans to disappear as soon as she landed. 
“You always do this. You’re overreacting. Answer your phone. I love you.”
“This isn’t funny. You’re supposed to be my girlfriend. I love you.”
“I’m just trying to protect you, Eunsun. It’s because I love you.”
She didn’t want him, at first. But as her stomach grew rounder and she felt his kick, she fell in love. Even after she first saw him in the hospital and realized how much he looked like Jungkook. 
Her Junghoon.
The small town they moved to had a bakery and Eunsun made her living in the day by making deliveries. She hoped one day they’d consider giving her a spot in the kitchen, even if it was for washing dishes. Her mother stayed home to watch Junghoon and her father worked most nights. 
She returned home one night with a cake to celebrate Junghoon already being five months old, but, as soon as she walked through the door, the cake fell right to the floor. Her mother was standing in the kitchen weeping, one of his bodyguards’ keeping on her, and Jungkook was sitting in the small living room. Junghoon was in his hands being rocked. 
The baby was silent as if he knew who Jungkook was. 
Eunsun stepped into the dim light of the living room and Jungkook looked up at her, “He’s beautiful. He looks just like his Mommy,” Two of his bodyguards were in the small room too. They seemed to have dark intentions just like their boss. 
“Let me hold him,” Eunsun spoke and then a gun cocked. She eyed the bodyguard across the room and there was a gun in his hand. Jungkook raised a hand to the man as if to say calm down. “Jungkook, let me hold him.”
Her lips were trembling now. 
“I was going to let you go. I was. And then I found out you took a pregnancy test the day you left,” She was so close. So close. “I didn’t know until a month ago. You robbed me of knowing I had a son. I didn’t get to name my own sun. Didn’t get to see him take his first breath. And you were okay with that.”
His voice was laced with venom but he didn’t yell, only because his son was in his arms, “Why would I want him raised by a monster?” She spoke through gritted teeth.
“That’s what you think of me?” She nodded and tears began to swell around his eyes, “All I ever did was love you, Eunsun, and I will be in his life. We’re all going to be a family.”
Her heart stopped, “It’s too late for that.”
“If you want your parents alive then you’ll come with me. And you won’t fight it.”
“You sick fuck-”
“You stole Junghoon away from me, it’s only fair,” Jungkook moved closer to her. They were both crying but Jungkook’s were happy tears, “I’m sorry, Eunsun. We start fresh now. We’ll be a family.”
And they’d be as broken as families come. 
My request are open! This is my first jungkook fic but I few more works so check out my # masterlist :)
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k-writer1998 · 5 years
Black, White, Grey (3/3)
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Having Bang Chan as your best friend is great cause he’s literally the best but not so much when you’ve had a crush on him for a majority of the friendship.
w.c: 2.1k
Part 1     Part 2
A/N: Depending on the reaction on this last part, I may or may not make an extension/alternate ending thing but don’t get your hopes up 😅
      It’s been a week and I’ve just been swamped trying to finish up my schedules while my manager finalized the details on the new project. Because of this I hadn’t had any time to see or talk to any of the boys much, but without a doubt Chan has just been super weird all week. He’s been checking in more often and has been more attentive to my responses than normal, what's with him lately? I shook the thought from my mind as my manager pulled up to the JYP building. Don’t dwell on it. If the weird vibe is still there when you stop by then you can worry, if not then you’re over thinking.
“After this last photo shoot you’ll have a few days off to pack. We could be there as long as half a year so make sure you have everything. You sign a few papers on my desk then you get some free time while I get everything organized and faxed over okay? ”
“Got it, I should be around the dance practice rooms but if not I’ll text you.”
“The plane ticket is already settled. Once it gets closer to the date I’ll send you the full details but it should be an evening flight.”
“Okay we can go over it later, let’s go in first.”
      As we turned to the building my feet froze in place as my eyes connected with Minho’s. Shit, no one was supposed to find out. My manager looked between the two of us before telling me that he would meet me inside. Minho’s eyes narrowed at me as he came up. I avoided his gaze, instead taking notice of the drinks in his hand and tried to deflect.
“Did you lose a game and have to go buy everyone drinks?” I smiled.
“Yeah, but what was that about? Where are you going?”
“... do I have the option to withhold that information?”
“I mean you can, I’ll just ask Chan-hyung.”
“Wait, don’t! I kinda… didn’t tell him either…”
“Okay now you have to spill if not even your best friend knows. Does it have to do with Chan-hyung?”
“No, I’m not that dramatic,” I rolled my eyes, “I’ve actually been planning this for a while and I finally got the opportunity to do it. I’ve never brought it up because nothing was set in stone yet.”
“Well how long have you known?”
“Since last week…”
“A week? So you’re going overseas for six months for whatever and you didn’t plan on telling any of us?”
“I mean I’ve had to finish a lot of things and we both were so busy-”
“Were you going to tell us today?”
      He knew it was all excuses and he was calling me out on my bullshit. I wasn’t planning on telling then until probably the day before the flight because I can’t do goodbyes. I knew they would all be happy for me, even encourage me, but there was something about all of that that made it harder for me to go. I was already dealing with a heavy heart about Chan, I didn’t need another thing weighing me down when I’m barely functioning as it. It was selfish I know but I needed at least some mental stability intact if I was going to be doing this.
“I wasn’t… but I have my reasons okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” he scoffed as he turned to the door.
“Minho wait,” I called as I grabbed his arm, “I’m sorry okay? A lot has happened in such a short period of time and I’m trying to deal with it all but my brain can’t catch up and I don’t know how to put everything into words right now. I’ll tell the others on my own terms but please keep this a secret for now.”
      I saw his jaw tense as he kept his eyes closed for a moment before he turned to glare at me. His eyes scanned my face for a moment before he sighed and I relaxed a bit.
“Fine. But you better hurry up about it. I’m not keeping it for long.”
“Thanks Minho, I will. I’ll meet you at the studio in a bit okay?”
      He shooed me away and I gave his arm a brief hug before meeting my manager inside so I could sign what he needed then left to go meet the boys. Hanging out was pretty normal minus a bit of extra attitude from Minho and Chan being less weird but still not himself. The next two days were filled with me figuring out what to pack while fighting the little voice in my head that wanted me to just stay in bed and never leave. I’m currently staring at my phone, living room strewn with things that need to be packed, as I tried to figure out how to text the boys I’m leaving without everyone getting mad… especially a certain someone. As I erased yet another failed attempt at trying to tell them, my door chimed as my door code was being inputted. Before I could think of who it was, Chan bursted in and I got up to meet him halfway. He was breathing heavily, looking quite the mess but the troubling factor was his eyes. They were red and filled with confusion, betrayal, pain… God damn it Minho couldn’t you have given me more time?
"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? What happened to no secrets? Why is it that I had to find out from Minho?!"
“Chan calm down… I was about to tell everyone, no one was supposed to know before. Minho only knows because he overheard it while I was talking with my manager. He wasn't supposed to say anything though..."
"Why? Did you just want to disappear before I could say anything?"
"I didn’t mean to keep a secret okay? I have my reasons for hiding it just like you have your reasons for hiding whatever has been making you so weird lately," I countered.
      I wasn’t the only one who was going to be confronted. I mean his reaction was a bit extreme just for an overseas trip, even if it was an unannounced one, but if we’ve already reached this point might as well get some answers. 
“What are your reasons then? And I haven’t been weird.”
“I’ll tell you once you tell me because we both know that you aren’t being yourself. You’re treating me like glass, as if anything you do will hurt me,” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“I'm not, I just don't know how to act when- It's just when Minho-" he ran a frustrated hand through his hair before he asked, barely above a whisper, "Are… are you leaving because of me?"
"What? Chan, why would you-" 
      My heart stopped. As the pieces fell in place, the color drained from my face. It makes sense. Why he’s been so weird lately and that nagging feeling that I’ve been having that something was wrong… 
"How long?"
“Chan don’t act like you don’t know what I’m asking.”
"Since a week and a half ago..."
      A week and a half ago? The only time I would have talked about it where he could catch it was…
“… you weren’t asleep were you?”
“I was! But I woke up because of Minho and I was trying to go back to sleep when…” 
      Panic flushed his face as he explained himself and I just numbly nodded in understanding. I couldn’t help but sigh at what was unraveling right now. I’ve been getting away with it for so long that I wasn’t careful. That’s on me. 
“Can we just go back to normal, please? This whole treating me like I’m porcelain, being super careful about what you do and the constant glances,I hate it.” 
“I- I just… I don’t know how to act. You’re my best friend and I love you but-”
      I cut him off before he finished. The pure confusion written all over his face reminds me why I’ve hidden this for years. The frustration at myself boils beneath my skin, I’m trying not to let Chan’s actions get to me… but it does. It fuels my anger more, I don’t need pity and I don’t need protection.
"Chan, there is no option where I’m not hurt in some way. Would you leave Eunhye to be with me, break two hearts at the price of one? Or would you just not date anyone to protect my feelings at the price of your own? Do you think I’d be happy or even okay with you doing that?!” I snapped.
      He was shocked at my sudden fire of questions. He stayed silent, trying to find an answer but the growing conflict that spread across his face was the only answer I needed. I let out a sigh, so much has happened. Him finding a girl he likes, me getting that overseas audition, him finding out about my feelings… it’s overwhelming. I take a moment to collect myself before I speak again.
“Sorry… I just… I hoped to never have this conversation.”
      The lost look in his eyes broke my heart because I know that look. He’s nearly perfected hiding his feelings from his facial expressions, but his eyes always betrayed him. They held fear and slight panic as they darted around my face, trying to figure out my next move.
“I’m okay Chan,” I offered him a weak smile, “We’ve known each other for far too long and that’s how I know I was never an option. If there was a chance for an “us” I of all people would have caught it, don’t you think?”
       He averted his gaze, the guilt washing over him as he shrank back and started to fiddle with the hem of his hoodie sleeve. I took a step forward, placing my hands on the sides of his face and gently brought him to look back at me. I’ve done this countless times when I found him in one of his lows, where doubt and uncertainty had found its way into his heart. Something so intimate that belonged to us, at this moment, was yet another grey area that was finally finding clarity. I know that after this things will change and neither Chan or me want that… but we’ll have to learn to live with it. 
“Your heart's too big Chan, and I can't blame you. It's one of the reasons I fell for you, but you know what's in your heart. It’s obvious you really like her and that’s okay-”
“But I’m hurting you…”
“Deep down I’ve always prepared myself for this. Even if it hurts now, it won’t hurt forever and I’m wholeheartedly overjoyed that you found someone that makes you happy. So let’s stop this already okay?”
“Then why are you crying… stupid…” Chan questioned with a soft voice.
      Damn it… I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. Chan removed my hands from his face as he drew me in for a hug. I rested my forehead on his shoulder, taking in his scent as his warmth encased me. I couldn’t stop myself so I succumbed to the wave of tears that spilled from my eyes, his hoodie balling in my hands as I clung to him. It was a while before my tears stopped but Chan still rubbed circles on my back like he always did whenever I broke down. Once the tears dried and I took a moment for myself to remember this feeling… the feeling of him… I pulled away.
“I wasn’t running away from you. I got a call for a Hollywood film I auditioned for… I have to go to LA for a call back and if it works out I stay. I didn’t want to tell anyone yet in case I don’t end up landing the role you know?”
“Oh my gosh that's amazing," he responded excitedly before the remorse set in, "I’m sorry. This was a big step for you and I made it about myself… I may have thought a bit too much when I found out,” he awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You and Minho both. I’m not that dramatic to run away because of a broken heart. Do you not know me Chan?” I tease.
“My bad,” he smiled, “but we are good still… right?” 
“Yes and since you’re here did you want to stay and help me pack?” I asked, poking his side and returning the smile.
“I mean I kind of just bolted out of the dorm so why not, I’m getting in trouble anyways.”
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honeyjxsung · 5 years
It’s You
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Member: Felix x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k oof this was longer than expected
Genre: Fluff
Request:  I was wondering if you could do one where felix's crush needs a fake date for a family event and she ask him plz😊
A/N: Here it is love! I’m sorry this took a while, so please forgive me, but 
Enjoy! <33
You were freaking out. 
Not because you were going to a family reunion, no. You were pretty excited to go, it’s been so long since you’ve seen your relatives. You haven’t kept in touch with the cousins you used to be so close with, so meeting them would bring back some nostalgia. You were freaking out because you said you were bringing your boyfriend with you. And the problem is, you don’t have a boyfriend in the first place. 
It only started because you were fed up with your second cousin bragging about her fiancé coming to visit. She rubbed the fact that she got a man before everyone else in your face, and you got quite annoyed, causing you to blurt out stuff you didn’t think through, like how you would bring your lover to the gathering. 
Oh, how you fucked up.
Now you had to find a boyfriend in less than 24 hours.
You grew extremely anxious at first. You didn’t know where or how to find a guy who was willing to be your pretend boyfriend. You didn’t even know how to properly talk to guys! Groaning, you rolled around on your bed as you scrolled through your contacts list, finding someone, anyone, who could be up for the job. 
Then you came across the name that sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Felix was freaking out.
He didn’t expect his crush to show up at his doorstep so early in the morning. He didn’t have time to prepare what to say or what he looked like, so he was a stuttering mess. 
“O-oh! Hey, Y/n...uh what are you doing here?” He rubbed the nape of his neck nervously. You shifted the weight on your right leg to your left,
biting your lip. 
“Hey, Felix! Sorry for disturbing, are you busy?” 
God, you hoped you put enough foundation to cover your crimson red cheeks. 
You didn’t even know why you chose your crush to be the one. It was a terrible mistake and you were certainly going to make a fool out of yourself if you act all intimate with him. You mentally cursed at yourself, thinking that you could’ve chosen your best friend’s brother. Or maybe one of Felix’s members. Anyone but the boy who had such an effect on you.
Ugh so stupid.
The boy in front of you shook his head, “No it’s totally fine, and I’m not busy. Come in.” He stepped aside and motioned for you to enter his dormitory. Luckily his members were either gone for work or completely out cold. 
You entered timidly and kicked off your shoes, lining them to the wall and made your way to the couch where he was sitting. 
“So what’s up?” 
“Ok um..” You began. You didn’t know how to bring up the whole boyfriend scheme without seeming weird. Felix cocked his head to the side, and if you weren’t panicking you would’ve found it cute. 
You couldn’t take it back anymore, you were already in his place, probably wasting his precious time that he could’ve spent on something more productive. 
“I need you to be my fake boyfriend for a family reunion!” You blurted out. You were scared of how he would react so you expected the worst, but he only seemed confused, hinting at how his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
He blinked, trying to process what you said. Was he hearing things? 
“Just for today, my cousins think I have a boyfriend when I actually don’t. It’s fine if you don’t want to.” 
Felix was quite taken aback, and he was beginning to blush. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he often fantasized about you being his girlfriend. And although it was going to last one day and it was completely fake, he was willing to do it. Mostly for your sake, but partially for his too. 
“No-no It’s alright, I was just a bit shocked...when do we start?” 
“Well it starts at 5 so we have plenty of time to get ready and such. By the way, you can wear something nice, it doesn’t have to be so formal though.”
Felix nodded and gave you a soft smile. He could tell how tense you were, you must be really anxious. “Would you like anything to drink?” He offered, standing up from his spot. 
“Oh, I’ll just have a glass of water please.” 
He nodded and escorted himself to the kitchen. He still had a good view of you from the kitchen since it was out in the open, and he could see how you were sitting up straight and fiddled with your fingers. You were wondering why Felix seemed so fine about it. Asking to be your fake boyfriend was so out of the blue, and it calmed you that he wasn't judging you. You looked at his direction and he gave you a playful grin to calm your nerves
“Make yourself comfortable, Y/n. I don’t want my girlfriend to feel so tense.” 
He froze, Felix didn’t know where that burst of confidence came from. Gosh, that was so embarrassing. He attempted to hide behind the counter, scared to see your face, but he heard your adorable giggle and his smile resurfaced. “Alright, whatever you say, babe.” You retorted, and you instantly regretted it. Was that too much? Your heart was pounding and you were afraid that he would be able to hear it from across the room. 
He came back with two glasses of water, passing one to you, and you thanked him. That was when you realized how quiet the place was. Felix was in Stray Kids, and the members were known to be very loud. It was odd that you never heard a single scream yet. 
“Where are the rest of the boys?” You asked, looking around. Felix followed your actions, taking a sip. “Well, Chan, Woojin, Seungmin, and Jisung are at the Jyp Building. The rest are asleep. They stayed up pretty late last night.” He chuckled, remembering how rowdy they were the other day. Felix loved his 8 members dearly as if they were his brothers. They were all pretty close, so knowing personal things about each other wasn't new. That means they know all about Felix’s huge crush on you, and he quietly praised the fact that none of them were present to expose him. 
“That’s typical of you guys. Partying like there’s no tomorrow.”
There was that laugh again. The one that set sparks flying inside of his chest. Felix tried to ignore it because he didn’t want to ruin a simple conversation, but you were just too damn cute to ignore. 
“Well, that is their motto. But I’m not saying that it’s a good saying to follow.” He sighed. 
“But they’re really fun to be around, not gonna lie.” 
“What, are you saying that they are more fun than me?” Felix put a hand to his chest, mocking a hurt expression.
“I never said that!” 
“That’s what you implied!” 
“There was no implication in that statement!” 
“That hurts Y/n. You wound me.” He faked a cry and you scoffed while shoving his shoulder lightly. The two of you continued to talk to each other, and your original plans of leaving the dorm to ready your stuff were out the window. Somehow, the gap between the both of you on the couch was nonexistent anymore, as you were shoulder to shoulder. Time flew by before you even knew it, and the only thing that snapped you out of it was Minho sleepily walking to the kitchen without noticing the two people on the couch. You and Felix sat in silence, watching the boy shuffle to the fridge, and tried not to burst out laughing. 
“Good Morning Minho.” You said as calmly as you could. It was normal for the members to wake up extremely late, and both of you found it amusing seeing how confused they end up once they found out that others just finished lunch.
Minho, not sparing a glance responded, “Hey Y/n-“ and continued to down his food. 
It was only when Felix burst into a fit of laughter when Lee know realized you were in their dorm. He nearly choked on his brunch. “Y/n-when did you get here?” 
After you calmed yourself and Felix down, you proceeded to answer the boy’s question by checking the time. “I got here at like 11-holy shit, Lix it’s Three!” 
It took an hour and a half to get to the family reunion, and you weren’t even changed yet. You swiftly got up and Felix followed with a nod. He let you in his room and began to look through his closet with you sitting on his bed. 
Several minutes passed, and Felix looked incredible. He wore a loose button-down that outlined his muscles and blue jeans. He swept his hair to the side which revealed his forehead. It was so simple, yet it was able to blow you away. You gave a look of approval and went to your car to your place. Felix came with you while Minho was left without an explanation.
You rushed to your wardrobe while Felix patiently waited in the living room. You cleaned yourself up and rushed outside. Felix couldn't move, you were breathtaking. In a cute off-the-shoulder blouse with black jeans, you looked stunning. 
“Ready?” You asked. 
He gulped.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Y/n! Hey!” A high pitched voice rang through your ears once you entered the doors. It was your cousin, with a smirk on her face. She extended her arms out to your and her hot pink claw nails grazed your skin as she patted your back. There was a tall man by her side, which you assumed was her fiancé she bragged about so much. “This is Rowoon, my fiancé. He’s a doctor.” Your assumptions were proven when she said the last part with a proud grin. You tried not to scoff at her obvious intentions and put on a smile as you greeted her soon to be husband. He seemed very gentlemanly, with soft eyes and a fit body. He had a good fashion sense and his kind personality was what reeled you in. You couldn’t believe he was to marry your bratty cousin. Poor guy.
“So, where's the boyfriend? Is he not coming? Or is he just not existent?” 
You pursed your lips to stop yourself from saying something you’d regret later and half-heartedly laughed. Felix told you to go ahead because the parking was hard to find. “No no, he’s here, he’s just parking the car.” 
And as if it was on cue, you heard his familiar voice behind you. “Babe!” 
The act had begun.
The smile on your face turned genuine once he met eyes with you. Your cousin’s attention wasn’t on you anymore, but on the handsome boy who claimed to be your boyfriend. She batted her eyelashes towards him and giggled. 
“Yuna, this is Felix, my boyfriend.” Instinctively, Felix interlaced his fingers with yours, and you were taken by surprise. His hands were soft and fit with yours as if they were meant to be held together. It was an unfamiliar feeling that you felt, you couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Though you were sure about one thing.
It felt so right.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Felix reached his hand out to the couple while his left hand remained wrapped around yours. He gave Rowoon a firm handshake and Yuna hugged him. 
You wanted to get out of Yuna’s sight, so you squeezed Felix’s hand and he immediately responded. 
“It was nice meeting you, but we’ll go ahead and get some food.” Felix bowed dismissively and you mustered up a wave before heading to the tables. Felix led you to a chair and pulled it out for you to sit it. Then he left you and your thoughts alone to get food. You were grateful that Felix was willing to pose as someone he’s not and go through your hectic family just to spare your pride, you knew it’ll take a lot in order to pay him back, but he deserved it. 
You viewed him from the corner of your eye filling two cups with some punch, and along the way, he made small talk with your aunt and first cousin. Judging by them laughing, you could tell their conversation was going well. 
It was a nice sight to see, seeing your family members get along with someone very special to you. If only he could see it too; if only you were just as precious to him as he was to you. If only this could last for more than one day. 
If only it could be real. 
Little did you know he felt the same way too.
“Your family is so nice, they’re really easy to get along with.” Felix comments, resting a hand on top of yours. He could get used to the feeling of your hands on his. You produced a different type of warmth whenever he touched you. It was comforting and relaxing.
It felt like home.
“They can be rowdy at times, but they’re really loving.” You said, looking off to the side. You avoided his stare. 
“Thank you, Felix, for coming. It means a lot.” You said softly. “I know acting like my fake boyfriend is odd of me, I wouldn’t be surprised if after this you would think of me as a weirdo.”
Felix swirled his drink a lifted his lips upward. “It’s not a problem. And I don’t think you’re a weirdo Y/n, I told you, it’s ok.” 
He reassured you one last time before taking a sip of the drink. You shared a comfortable silence between the both of you, the only noise was the loud chatting of your family and the clinking of silverware as they ate. You decided to look at him and his brows were furrowed as if he was in deep thought. And indeed he was.
You were about to speak up until he cleared his throat and mumbled a “fuck it” under his breath.
“Although, Y/n.” He began again, which caught your attention. The tone of his voice shifted and you were beginning to get scared as you didn’t know where it was going. 
“I want to make this relationship a reality.” 
The white noise suddenly canceled out, the only sound was the thumping of your heart getting faster and faster. You didn’t hear wrong right? 
“What..?” your lips parted as you stared at him in awe, waiting for him to clarify what exactly he said, and luckily he did.
“I like you, Y/n. Well, I have been for a while… I’m really glad that you chose me to be your date for today, even if this is fake. I get it if you don’t want to, but would you like to make us real?” 
He internally cringed at his speech, and he was sure you were going to reject him. But to his relief, you felt a bit bold and decided to move forward and place a kiss on his lips. 
You pulled away, a light shade of red tinted on your cheeks as you processed what you just did, and Felix couldn’t move as he was just as speechless. 
“I like you too, Lix. And I would love to be your girlfriend.” 
The night continued, and your energy began to drain. You had a lot of fun talking to your relatives and catching up, but it was beginning to get darker and your feet were in pain. Saying farewell, you laced your hands with the blonde’s and walked out with a bright smile on your face. 
Thinking back, it was kind of funny; Felix walked in the building as your fake boyfriend and walked out as your real one. You chuckled at the thought, but you snapped out of it when the one who was on your mind sat right next to you, giving you a peck on the cheek before resting his head on your lap. On instinct, your fingers played with his bleached locks as he lulled himself to sleep.
Yeah, you can get used to this.
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i-see-thevision · 6 years
Distortion (M)
Part of ‘Heaven or Hell’ my Stray Kids Demon/Angel!au Series
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Name: Lee Minho
Status: Demon
Abilities: Amokinesis; Telepathy
Summary: As an Amokinetic Demon, Minho always gets what he wants. And what he wants is you, the only person he can't seem to control.
Word Count: 6.2k
Warnings: Explicit Sex; Blindfolding; Light Bondage; Mentions of Violence; Very Brief Mentions of Death; Idk it gets a little kinky too look what can I say i’m a hoe for Minhoe. 
plz forgive me for i have sinned.
• • •
That’s what was running through Minho’s head as he observed his next potential play toy for the night. Like he was the cat and she was the mouse.
Well, anyone could be the mouse really. It’s not like he had to pick out the easy targets. That was one of the perks of being Amokinetic, Minho could control and manipulate the emotion of lust and desire in anyone. Meaning everyone was an easy target for him.
He was leaning against the wall, his eyes trained on the girl maintaining his focus at the moment.
She was a cute blonde, clad in a very tight red dress that accentuated her form. She most definitely gained her entrance with a fake ID. Minho watched as she swayed her body to the beat of the overplayed song that sounded throughout the club. His mind not into the moment as much as he wanted it to be.
It’s been like that a lot recently. Lately, Minho has been feeling this unfamiliar feeling in his chest whenever he went on his ‘hunting’ endeavors.
And he has no idea why. He would almost say he felt empty, but that’s impossible. He could have anyone he wanted. There is not a single person that he couldn't have in the palm of his hand, what could he possibly be missing?
Minho sighed heavily, pushing himself off the wall and to his desired target for the night.
He approached her slowly. He took his time observing her movements as his hand reached for her wrist. But, as soon as he had his fingers wrapped around her tiny little wrist, he tugged her towards him. Her body fell against his chest rather softly considering the amount of force he pulled her with.
“What the fuck?” She yelped, her head whipping to face Minho. Immediately her eyes met his.
That was her first mistake.
Minho didn't even need to say anything. All he had to do was maintain eye contact and he could feel her stop resisting. A dark smirk played on his lips as she slowly began to smile, her eyes batting like she was the one trying to seduce him.
How ironic. Minho thought.
Speaking of thoughts, actually. He could also read anyone’s thoughts. So he knew damn well that she now wanted him as much as someone could lust for someone.
But just as he was going to suggest they leave (to which he knew her reply already so it wasn't really much of a suggestion...)
He felt her be tugged away from him.
• • •
You didn't even want to be here.
The music was too loud, the club was too hot, there was WAY too many fucking people. (No pun intended.)
“Don’t look so repulsed, y/n.” Your best friend pleaded as she watched you grimace at the alcoholic drink she handed you.
“This place is a cesspool for STD’s, Jihyo.” You deadpanned, taking a quick glance over the crowd of sweaty bodies grinding on each other. “I have a right to be repulsed.”
Jihyo rolled her eyes as a smile tugged on the edge of her lips. She knew you hated this scene, but loved dragging you along on her clubbing adventures anyways. She even got you a fake ID, insisting that you guys would be “twinsies.”
“At least have a little fun!” She yelled way too loud for her proximity, causing you to cringe.
You watched as she started walking backwards, dancing as she made her way into the crowd of people. You sighed and rolled your eyes, turning around to face the bartender.
“Ah, I miss those days.” She sighed, a fond smile on her face.
“Did you also suffer from having way too eccentric friends?” You chuckled, liking the idea of engaging in a conversation with the pretty bartender rather than watch your best friend grind on random people.
“Actually I tended to be the over eccentric one.” She laughed back, wiping a wet glass with a towel before placing it on the counter in front of you. “Care for a drink?”
“Water would be great.” You hummed, decidedly. She chuckled, before filling the glass with water. You gingerly took a sip after she handed it back to you, then placed back on the counter.
Unfortunately your nice escape from the situation was taken from you by a very loud “What the fuck?”
You immediately recognized the voice to be Jihyo, your head snapping in the direction it came from. Quickly finding her form.
She was being held against some guy, who was staring at her way too intensely. You immediately jumped down from your seat at the bar and sped to your best friend’s side, tugging her away and out of the douchebag’s grasp.
“Hey asshole, keep your filthy hands to your fucking self.” You yelled as you moved Jihyo to stand behind you.
This was another reason Jihyo brought you along to these things. You tended to protect her from guys like this. You just had no patience for people who pushed others around and tended to stand your ground in such situations.
Minho was surprised by the audacity you had to speak to him like that. In a way, he was almost impressed. He can't think of a time a girl spoke to him in such a manner. He chuckled to himself as he stared into your rage filled eyes. It’s been a while since he’s had two girls.
“You say that now.” He smirked at you, ready for you to turn into putty.
But the rage in your eyes only seemed to grow.
“And I’ll be saying it forever, you dick.” You spat, tugging your best friend, his initial target, along with you. And just like that you were both gone.
He stood there, completely dumbfounded. And Minho was rarely surprised.
“What just happened?” Minho questioned, aloud to himself. He shook his head in an attempt to understand the situation.
You didn't even soften for a second. It was like his power had absolutely no affect on you at all. You completely resisted him.
Minho had never encountered someone who could do that.
He left the club that night without a girl. He couldn't focus, couldn't make another attempt after your encounter. He was off his game entirely. 
Part of him wanted to go after you, find out what you were. How could he not manipulate your emotions? How could you be completely immune to his power? He thought for a moment that maybe you weren't human. But he felt that you had to be because he would know if you were anything but human, he would have sensed that. And he didn't so, you must be human. Just... a human immune to demons? That doesn't make any sense. 
Minho shook his head again, still trying to make sense of this situation. 
He wandered the city until he reached his apartment building. Taking a moment to look up at the building, his thoughts still reeling. An exaggerated sigh left his lips as he took a few more steps forward to reach the entrance, the glass doors opening automatically. 
Minho lived in one of the nicest apartment buildings in the city. Another perk of being an amokinetic demon. He walked to where the elevators were and waited for what he felt was way too long to have one open. And the wait to reach the 13th floor seemed even longer. 
Finally entering his apartment, Minho trudged into his bedroom and let himself fall on top of his bed. 
“What. Are. You.” He groaned, his voice muffled by the pillows. He didn't bother moving.
Minho just laid there like that, laid there with you on his mind. He thought more about what you looked like rather than your actions. How your hair framed your face seemingly perfectly. How ‘fumingly angry’ was a good look on you. How-
Woah woah woah. What are you doing, Minho? This is not how that works. You do not... fall... or whatever for anyone. You’re a demon. Get yourself together.
Minho audibly sighed. Turning himself over to lay on his back and face the white ceiling. He wanted to fall asleep. Regardless of the fact that he, being a demon, didn't need sleep. He still wanted to sleep and escape the thought of you. And eventually he did fall asleep, not waking until nearly afternoon the next morning. 
He went about his day as normal, except he avoided the club. He didn’t go home with any girls, didn't manipulate anyone’s feelings. This continued for almost a week. A week of what Minho can appropriately call Hell.
It was ridiculous that Minho was allowing you, a mere human, to throw him off his game, off his normal habits. 
He was allowing you to control him, and that was not going to happen any longer. He was going to find you, and he was going to either find out how to get you to fall under his spell, or if that doesn't work, kill you.
Those were the only two options.
• • •
“Who’s ready to go clubbing tonight!” Jihyo yelled from across the room. 
You and Jihyo have been dorm mates at the same college for about a year now. However, it feels like you live there by yourself with how often she's ‘out on the town’ as she likes to put it. You're not sure how she's passing her classes.
“Yeah that’s not happening, I have an 8:00am tomorrow.” You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes at your free spirited best friend. Then her circumstances for tomorrow dawned on you. “Actually, you do too. So you're not going anywhere tonight either.” You advised. 
Jihyo sighed audibly, plopping herself down on the couch. “You’re no fun.” She whined, kicking her heels off and making herself comfortable. 
“Hey, are you hungry? I’m thinking about getting takeout.” You pondered, looking around the kitchen for an alternative. Finding none, you head turned toward your best friend. 
“Actually yeah, I’m pretty hungry.” She said, flicking through the channels on the tv.
“You feeling porridge? Because I’m feeling porridge.” You inquired, hopeful. Jihyo’s face lighting up as her head snapped in your direction was enough of an answer for you. You chuckled at her excitement, grabbing your keys and purse.
“Alright I’ll run over to Bonjuk. I should be back in like 20 minutes or so.” You waved before leaving the dorm to sneak out to the parking lot.
You weren't supposed to leave campus after 10:00pm. But that didn't exactly stop anyone, it wasn't a very strictly enforced rule. But none the less you’d be reprimanded if caught leaving your dorm, so caution was still necessary. 
You unlocked your car once you reached the parking lot and hopped inside. It didn't take long to reach the city but when you got to Bonjuk there was literally no parking. So you opted for parking in the municipal parking lot a couple blocks down and walking.
You pulled your jacket closed as the fall weather was a bit chillier tonight than usual. The breeze causing goosebumps to form on the surface of your skin. A shiver ran through your spine when it occurred to you just how dark it was. You were a bit weary about walking alone in the city at night, but you shook the feeling and continued on your trek.
You could see Bonjuk now, and a smile graced your lips. But before you could reach your desired destination, a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you into a nearby alleyway. 
You had intended to scream but the impact from the brick wall behind you prevented you from doing so. You were disoriented for a moment before the feeling of a cold sharp blade against your throat caught your attention.
“Please-” You tried to whimper out, but you were cut off by the blade pushing into your skin harder.
“Now, here’s how this is gonna go...” His voice was deep, gravelly, and it terrified you to the bone. “...you are going to keep quiet or I’ll slit this pretty little throat of yours. Simple, right?” He chuckled darkly. 
One of his hands moved down to your hip and his thumb pushed into the skin there, likely creating a bruise. 
But just as the tears began running down your cheeks...
The man grunted and fell to the ground.
• • •
He did it. He finally did it. 
Minho finally figured out what you were. Albeit, he stumbled upon the answer on accident but he won't admit that. 
He had shifted back to Hell, a place he used to call home. But that was before he had a disagreement with the Devil himself. But that’s besides the point.
The point is, he went there to search the catacombs. That’s where they kept record of every supernatural creature that has ever been, and was currently on earth. And he was determined to find out if you were human or not. Maybe you were sent to Earth to mess with him. 
Whatever it was, he would know soon enough.
He felt like he had been reading for hours and had gotten absolutely no where. That’s when he kicked the bookshelf, causing a book to fall out of it and land on the floor. 
Minho groaned before bending down to pick it up, but stopped when he was what page it was opened to.
Supernatural creatures that are immune to most other supernatural creatures. Blocks are technically human. Born from human parents, their DNA is morphed during the growth process. It is still unknown how or why that occurs. More often than not, they are unaware of their own abilities. However, supernatural abilities Blocks are not immune to include: Telepathy; Kinesis of The Elements
Current Number of Known Blocks on Earth: 1
“Of fucking course.” Minho groaned loudly. “Of course I ran into the only Block on earth.”
He shut the book rather forcefully, and shoved it back in its spot on the shelf. Sighing to himself, he tried to focus and shift back to Earth. Hoping he would be back in his apartment, he sighed again when he realized he was in the city. 
“For fucks sake.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and furrowed his eyebrows. He was frustrated beyond belief. 
He was frustrated because he somehow managed to run into you, the only Block on earth. He was frustrated because the thought of you distracted him and now he was in the city and not his apartment. But he was mostly frustrated because you wouldn't leave his head. And he didn't even want you to leave his head. He liked thinking about you, he liked the thought of you.
Fuck, he liked you.
This didn't happen to Minho, he never started liking anyone. Why did you have to do this to him? Why did you have to-
His thoughts were cut off by a small yelp. He turned in the direction of the sound and could not believe what he was seeing.
It was you, being dragged into an alleyway. And Minho can’t even begin to describe the anger that flowed through him at the sight of this. He immediately reacted, sprinting into the alleyway.
The man had a knife held to your neck and his hand placed on your hip. Minho growled before clenching his fists, his eyes turning black. He tilted his head and watch as the man’s breathing constricted and he fell to the ground. Minho then picked him up by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall beside you. 
Finally you were able to let out the scream you've been holding. 
And when you did that, Minho’s gaze shifted to you. He threw the man on the ground who proceeded to scuffle off in the opposite direction. Minho ran to where you were, trying to regain your breathing.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Minho rushed out, trying to assess your condition.
You couldn't speak, you were too busy trying to wrap your head around how he was even here. 
“H-how did you find me?” You stuttered out, trying to catch your breath. 
This took Minho aback. He scanned you for a minute, trying to figure out what you meant by that. 
“You’re that guy right? The guy from the club a couple weeks ago?” You asked, your breathing steadying while stabilizing your movements with a hand on the wall next to you.
Minho just stared at you, his features confused. You remembered him?
In his silence, you found your composure. You knew exactly who he was. And that’s because you knew exactly what you were. 
A Block.
You have been aware of this ability of your’s since you could talk. Your grandfather was a Block, himself. And he explained to you everything about yourself and the supernatural world before he was killed by a Pyrokinetic. Leaving you as the only known Block on earth.
You looked at the boy in front of you. A little amused by his confused state. You knew he wasn't human that night at the club. You could sense the kinetic energy on him. You just didn't know exactly what he was.
“So what are you? Pathokinetic Vampire? Mentokinetic Lycanthrope?” You mused, having pretty much met them all.
“Amokinetic Demon.” Minho stated, straight faced. He was gauging your reaction.
You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little nervous. You've never met a Demon before. In fact your mother had always told you to stay away from them if you could help it. Mostly because almost all of them were Telepathic and that was something you were not immune to.
So you were a little nervous, sure. But for some reason you weren't afraid. 
“Oh. I’ve never met a Demon before...” You admitted, rather hesitantly. 
Minho chuckled, not realizing just how cute you were until now. He didn't really get a good look at you that night at the club. But now, even in your slightly messy state, he realized just how attracted he was to you.
“No? Well I’ve never met a Block before.” He told you, taking a step closer to you. You took a step back out of instinct but still, you weren't afraid of him. You were curious. You could also make out his features now, in the dim moonlight mixed with the lights from the nearby buildings. He was really really attractive, you're not gonna lie. But he was a Demon. He was the epitome of ‘bad news’ right?
“So you’re aware of what I am then?” You inquired, already knowing the answer. He continued taking steps closer to you, to which you would take another step back. That is, until your back made contact with the brick wall you were previously being held at knife point against.
“Mhm.” Minho hummed as a reply to your clearly rhetorical question. A smirk forming on his lips as he placed his hands on the wall behind you, caging you in.
“So you also know your Amokinesis won’t work on me then.” You had to lean your head up a little to look at him now. He was incredibly close to you, only a few inches between your lips and his. It wouldn't take much effort to stand on your tiptoes and closed the gap. The thought making you heart rate spike. You were afraid he could hear how fast your heart was beating. 
Then it occurred to you that that’s not what you should be afraid he could hear...
Minho chuckled at this.
“I can still hear those pretty little thoughts of yours, though. You want me as badly as I want you, and I know it.” His voice got noticeably lower. And you tried to turn off your thoughts but you just couldn't. You thought about how it would be if you just leaned only a couple inches closer and captured his lips in yours. How it would be if he took you against this wall right here right now.
“Naughty, aren't we?” He mused, his hands moving to you your waist. 
You didn't know how to respond. But, you wanted this, you knew that. He knew that.
Minho wanted to kiss you right then, but something was holding him back. He pondered over the feeling before he realized exactly what it was.
Your consent.
He’s never needed that before. He’s always just manipulated girls into wanting him. But he couldn't do that with you. And what freaked him out the most was that he knew he wouldn't do anything to you if you said no right now. That he sincerely... cared about you. And that’s why he wanted to protect you and why he can't stop thinking about you and why-
His rambling thoughts were cut off by you, pressing your lips to his.
This caught him by surprise at first but he recovered quickly, taking your face in his hands and pulling you closer. His lips felt slightly cold, but in a good way. It was like his kiss was almost refreshing. Something about the fact that you were told to stay away from Demons, drew you further in. You’ve always had a thing for danger. 
“Since that night at the club...” Minho said in between kisses. “... I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
You pulled away to look at him. “Really?” You said, incredulously. “This isn’t you just fulfilling your Demon-y desires?”
Minho chuckled. “You have a lot to learn about Demons, hun.” Then his eyes grew more serious, almost nervous.
“This is new for me... I’ve never felt like this toward someone before.” He said, his chest rising and falling as he waited for your reaction. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you brought your hands to the sides of his face. 
“Well normally, the guy takes the girl on a date first.” You giggle softly. Minho’s chest constricts as the sound of you giggling. Thinking to himself that he wants to hear that from you more often. But he also then starts imagining the other sounds he could be making you make. And that he’d much rather hear those sounds right now.
“Really? Cuz that’s not what I had in mind right now.” He smirked, hopeful. But his smirk slowly faded as you glared at him. The exasperated sigh that left his lips causing you to chuckle. 
“Sorry hun, but a date comes first.” You say, his hands leaving your waist and instead grabbing one of your hands. 
“Alright fine. Then we’re going on one right now.” He began tugging you out of the alley way. But he didn't get far, only making it to the sidewalk before you stopped him.
“Woah there, lover boy.” You chuckled at his eagerness. “I have a roommate I’m supposed to be bringing food to.” You smiled apologetically.
Minho groaned again. “You’re really going to make me wait until tomorrow aren't you?” He looked down at you, the look in his eye made you want to forget about Jihyo and go with him, but you stopped yourself because you realized that he now knew you were thinking this. That thought being confirmed by a sly chuckle from him.
“You're only making this harder for me, you know?” He sighed, a smile growing on his face. He pulled you closer to him by the hem of your jacket. “I’m staying with you until you get back to your car, I don't want you walking around by yourself after what just happened. Prior to me saving you, of course.” He smirked.
“Right, that was actually terrifying. I never actually thanked you for that, so thank you-” You paused for a moment when you realized that you didn't actually know his name. 
“Minho.” He smiled, slipping his hands under your jacket to rest them on your hips. Your heartbeat quickened at his subtle actions. 
“Y/n.” You introduced, reluctantly pulling away from his grasp to instead take his hand and pull him toward Bonjuk.
• • •
“So there’s a book... In Hell... That I’m in?” You ask for clarification. Minho and you were at a nearby cafe, enjoying your fifth date. He was reluctant to wait for a second date, but soon began enjoying simply spending time with you. But he was also determined to bring you back to his place after this one.
“Well, it doesn't say your name. But it does record your existence.” He confirmed, taking a sip of his coffee. You hummed in understanding, taking a sip of your own coffee.
“You know, it just occurred to me that you haven't seen my apartment yet.” He smirked, looking up at you from his mug. You knew where he was going with this, and you also felt like you had made him wait long enough. To be honest, you were just making sure he really wanted you. And if he was willing to wait this long, than you were sure he did. So you were ready to give him what he wanted. 
“You know, you're right.” You smiled innocently, wishing you could play dumb but you knew he knew exactly what you were thinking. 
“We should go there now then, you think?” He said standing up from his chair, beyond ready for this. You didn't even respond verbally, he knew you wanted this as much as him.
The walk more like run back to his apartment wasn't long. And when you got there, you had to force your mouth closed when you saw where he lived.
“Oh my god.” You gawked. Minho chuckled from beside you, his hand still firmly holding yours.
“I’m a Demon y/n, what were you expecting?” He smirked, tugging you into he building. He sighed internally at the sight of other people waiting for the elevators. Nonetheless, he waited for them to open with you holding his arm. He looked down to see you fiddling with the sleeve of his jumper, a smile forming at your sudden nervousness. He was going to take care of you, Minho thought to himself. 
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he pulled you in to stand in the back corner with him. He smiled as he realized you two would be in there the longest as his floor was the highest out of everyone in there.
An idea popped into his head at this thought. 
Minho smiled to himself as he pulled you against him, your back against his chest. You didn't think anything of it, just him keeping you close to him. But that was until you felt his hand slide to your front. His hand moving further down, to the waistband of your jeans. 
Your breath hitched as he slipped his hand into your jeans. His hand dipped further until you felt the pad of his middle finger slide up and down your clothed slit. Your head fell back against his chest when he pulled your panties aside to coat his finger in your wetness. A gasp left your lips when he inserted a finger into you, slowly dragging it out only to push it back in. Your hand flew to your mouth, hoping no one heard you. You bit down on your palm as Minho kept up with his ministrations and added another finger. Minho chuckled, enjoying seeing you like this. 
You better keep quiet, babygirl. Someone might hear you.
You heard him say. Until you realized that you didn't hear him say that out loud... You heard it in your head. 
Yes babygirl, I can talk you like this. Minho smirked against your neck.
As the last three people left the elevator, Minho pulled his hand from your jeans, eliciting a whine from you as you turned around to meet his lust filled gaze.
“Don’t worry babygirl, I’ll take good care of you.” He whispered before taking his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean of your essence. The sight immediately reheating your core. 
The elevator doors opened and Minho took your hand, leading you to his apartment. Quickly pulling out his key, he opened the door. You only had a few seconds to gawk at his apartment before you were pushed against the door you just walked through. 
His lips crashed down onto yours in a frenzy while his hands pushed off your jacket. You barely even heard it hit the floor as Minho gripped your thighs and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around him as he began walking backwards toward his bedroom. 
His lips remained on yours, tongues entangling, as he laid you down on his bed, rather gently. His hands reached back to grab his jumper and pull it over his head, tossing it on the floor. His lips reattached to yours as he followed you, crawling backwards towards the headboard. When you reached his pillows, Minho pushed you back against the mattress. 
“Do you trust me?” He whispered looking down at you. You were a bit surprised by his question but nevertheless, you nodded without hesitation.
“I need to hear you say it, love.” He smiled softly, leaning down closer to you, his lips hovering over yours.
“I trust you, Minho.” You breathed against his lips. And that’s all it took for him to stop hesitating. 
He took the hem of your shirt and pulled it up, you lifted your arms so he could take it all the way off, tossing it on the floor next to his jumper. He smiled at the light pink lace bra you were wearing. 
“How can you be sexy and cute at the same time?” Minho shook his head, bringing his hand to your back. “As much as I love this on you, I would much rather have it off of you.” He smirked before unclasping your bra and tossing it to the floor. You felt your cheeks heat up as it occurred to you your chest was completely naked to him now.
“They’re perfect, babygirl. Don’t be shy.” He whispered against your ear, slowly dragging his hands up your sides, brushing gently over your sensitive nipples in the process.
He kissed your lips softly before taking both your wrists and crossing them above your head against the headboard. You looked at him slightly confused but the confusion faded when you saw the silk tie he suddenly held in his hand.
The thought of Minho tying you up immediately sent a wave of heat between your legs. You nodded at him softly, yet eagerly, and soon your wrists were delicately tied to the headboard. You tugged a little just to see how secured you were, and Minho chuckled slightly when you concluded that you would not be getting out without him untying you.
“You have nothing to worry about, babygirl. I am going to make you feel so good.” Minho assured, his voice was intoxicating. You felt like you could cum just from his voice. In fact you were so distracted by his voice that you didn't notice the silk blindfold he had placed over your eyes. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as he finished tying it behind your head. 
“Is this okay?” Minho asked, concerned with making you comfortable. You nodded your head, but Minho tisked again.
“Use your words, babygirl.” He said softly. And suddenly you had the urge to live out one of your sexual fantasies. 
“Yes, daddy.” You answered in a soft voice. A grin broke out on Minho’s face at your use of that name. He’s not gonna lie, that instantly made him hard. 
He leaned his head down to the crook of your neck and kissed your skin softly. “That’s a good girl.” He praised, bringing a smile to your lips. 
He began kissing down your neck, nipping at your skin every now and then. He soothed every bite with his tongue, alternating from licking to sucking as he left a bloom of purple flowers in his wake. Your breathing picked up and small gasps left your mouth as you felt him make his way further down to your breasts. He kissed each one softly, mumbling something about them being beautiful. You were too distracted by his mouth to really hear him clearly. 
His lips kissed down your stomach, until he reached the waistband of your jeans. You could feel him unbutton them and tug them down your legs. With your lack of sight, the only sign that your jeans had reached the floor was the sound of denim hitting carpet. 
Minho took your panties between his fingers and pulled them down your legs and off as well, tossing them haphazardly on top of your jeans. Anticipation killed you as you waited for him to touch you again.
“Spread your legs, Babygirl.” He asserted, tapping your thigh gently. You did as told and widened your legs for him. His lips met your lower stomach, just beneath your belly button. You shivered in excitement as his lips dragged down further. You then felt his breath fanning against your core, his tongue coming out to kitten lick your slick folds. Your hips bucked up involuntarily, but Minho was quick to pin your hips back down. A moan escaped your lips as you felt him begin sucking on your clit. 
You tasted like heaven, Minho thought ironically. That’s what you were like to him, a little slice of heaven. Nothing has ever compared to the sight of you writhing under his touch, like this. He just couldn't get enough of you.
Your head fell back against the pillows as his finger prodded your entrance. Your moans increased as he began to guide his finger in and out of you, fast. His mouth continuing its works on your now sensitive bud as he added a second finger.
You could feel your impending orgasm coming on, Minho already knowing via your thoughts. But before you could climax, you felt his fingers and his mouth leave your core. You gasped in response.
“Daddy~” You whined at the loss of contact. This elicited a soft chuckle from Minho. 
“Patience, little one. Daddy wants you to cum around him.” He cooed, grabbing a condom from his bedside drawer and tearing it open with his teeth. He wasted no time in tugging his jeans and boxers off, finally releasing his hard on. 
He rolled on the condom, pumping himself a few times before placing himself at your entrance. Your lack of sight enhanced your other senses, making you hypersensitive to his touch. You felt him slowly slide his cock into you, a long drawn out moan leaving your lips at the feeling. He pulled out just as slowly before slamming back into you, full force. Your mouth fell agape and a choked moan escaped your throat. Minho reveled in the sound of you moaning. Each sound you made encouraging him to thrust faster. It was like he was meant to be inside you, he fit you perfectly. His thrusts were like magic and it had your mind spinning. 
Minho moved his hands to your wrists, untying them with the need of feeling your hands against his skin. As soon as your wrists were free, you gripped his shoulders. Minho growled when he felt your nails dragging down his back. He continued rocking his hips into yours while a string of moans and profanities left your lips. 
You were so close to reaching your climax, Minho was close too. The lewd sounds of squelching and skin slapping skin only bringing you both further to the edge. 
And that’s exactly what this felt like. It felt like you were dangling off the edge of a cliff. And at the bottom of that cliff was Minho, holding out his arms to catch you when you fell. The only thing you had to do to reach him was let go. 
Minho grabbed your thigh, pushing it further up his waist, achieving a new angle in the process. He now reached deeper inside you and you could barely verbalize that you were going to cum. But you didn't need to, he knew. 
He always knew.
You felt Minho quickly take off your blindfold, now making eye contact with him.
“Cum for me, Babygirl.” He whispered to you. Immediately at his words, you let go of the cliff, plummeting down to be caught by him. Your eyes squeezed shut, your back arching off the bed, your bottom lips between your teeth.
It was a gorgeous sight, Minho thought. And that’s all it took for him to climax as well, a moan of your name falling from his lips as he released into the condom.
He collapsed beside side you, catching his breath. His head was spinning. This was the greatest he has ever felt in his entire existence. He was positive you were meant to be his. He was positive he would never let you go.
He was positive he was in love with you.
Minho sighed in content before disposing of the now used condom in the wastebasket beside his bed. 
Your chest heaved, body slightly sticky from sweat. Minho turned back to face you, loving how fucked out you looked. His eyes traced from your messy hair, to your slightly damp forehead, to the bouquet of purple hickeys he left on your chest and neck. A satisfied smile graced his features. You were the one.
“We should get you cleaned up, love.” Minho advised, tracing circles softly against your hip. You sighed at his gentle touch. Nodding your head softly.
“Round two in the shower?” You suggested, grinning to yourself at the idea. Minho laughed before standing up and tugging you with him to his bathroom.
“That’s my girl.”
• • •
A/N: Thank you for reading the second installment of this series! This had me sweating and I hope you all look at Minho now like the dom he is. A n y w a y s . . . Next Monday will be Jisung’s! And I literally can't wait. Back to my angsty/fluffy roots. Hope you’re all doing well! <3
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loveseungs · 6 years
happy birthday to our favorite dancing gem with a 4D personality !!
↠ pairing: violinist!lee know x pianist!reader ↠ word count: 12.8k words [yes,, indeed,,,,,] ↠ warnings: female reader ↠ genre: enemies to lovers au, absolute tooth-rotting, cavity-inducing, heart-fluttering fluff ↠ summary:  In all his life, lee minho had never been desperate. But, in the moment his accompanist had ditched him, it was as if desperate was all he felt.
- you were part of the top students of your level, notorious for being one of the most hardworking and competitive people there were - often times, you’d decline invites to hang just so that you could study for upcoming tests. acing them was a must for you despite your looming desires to get some spice in your life - but honestly who has time for drama lol - anyway one time in class you were finishing up a project wherein you had to build a diorama of some sort out of trash objects - yours was turning out to be quite nice. it was a beautiful structure of a traditional korean house, and you were really proud! it took u days to finish the project and it really felt like your hard work paid off - when the bell rung, your teacher told you to pack away and allowed you to bring your projects home to work on them - with the utmost care and gentleness, you carried yours out of the classroom, thinking about what other lil’ embellishments u could add to make it dazzle - if you could find some spare, broken jade pieces you could form into some nice designs for the exterior, that’d really float ur boat - halfway into mentally designing some accents for your project, you could hear the quick and erratic tapping of school shoes on the floor. - your first instinct was panic because u knew people were running and did not plan on letting them destroy the product of ur blood sweat and tears for the past week - you stood aside quickly in attempts not to get in the way of those running in the hallway - when you looked up, lee minho and some other people were rushing through - it wasn’t like it was hard to know something about lee minho. he was only the top student of your level and one of the best musicians in your school’s orchestra - you worked so hard just to surpass him, but somehow, he was able to maintain his monster of a rank in the academic ladder. - plus, it didn’t help that he was your classmate and that your competitive spirit ignited three times more passionate when he scored the best in class - being second sucked, but what could you do except work harder, right? - anyway, his entire face looked panicked and the least you could say about his hair was that it was disheveled, but he was running towards you and he was running fast, violin case in one hand and a bunch of books in the other - would this be an interesting fic if nothing happened - of course not - you guessed it fellas - with that atrocity of a violin case came the demise of your beautiful korean house - bam - he’d accidentally toppled over your project and just like that, it shattered to the floor - rest in pieces haha literally - completely flabbergasted, it took seconds for you to realize the implications of your current situation. - if things could not get worse, that jerk of a boy did not even stop and proceeded to turn a corner in a rush - you were unsure of how to react - watching the whole situation unfold, your best friend, changbin, hurried over to you to help you pick up the remnants of what’d once been such a beautiful diorama - “holy heck, [y/n]! you alright?” changbin asked in a panic, bending down to scoop up whatever he could - tears started to form in your eyes as the thought of having to redo your project all over again danced in your mind. You had a test tomorrow and didn’t even know if you’d have time to study for that now that your project (which, mind you, was due in TWO days) practically didn’t exist. - was sleep even an option? as the seconds flew, you were paralyzed in the moment. Stress began to hit you like a brick and you wanted to shoot lee minho and then yourself - “[y/n]! please don’t cry, we’ll do something about this—I promise. That absolute jerk! Let’s talk to Mr. Park, I’m sure he’ll understand,” Changbin assured you, looking up from the floor. “Do people not even have common courtesy nowadays? The least he could have done was apologize! Damn, I’m so pissed! I’m so sorry this had to happen.” - it was so difficult to speak. You eventually bent down to help Changbin pick up your fractured Korean house. - “Thanks Changbin,” you mumbled, letting out a deep and frustrated sigh. “Come with me to Mr. Park? I’ll ask if I can get an extension.” - Changbin nodded, taking a half of your load with him. “Yeah, yeah. What happened? I heard some running, then a crash, and next thing I know, my best friend’s project’s been jeopardized. Do you want me to help you rebuild it? I’m already almost done with mine.” - “That son of a—” you began, cutting yourself off. “I don’t know. His violin case bumped into my diorama and before I knew it, I no longer had a diorama. I bet you that was on purpose. Just because I beat him in the last test? I didn’t know he was so petty. I swear, he’s always trying to one-up me!” - Once you got home, you gently laid down the broken pieces of your project on your desk and threw your bag on the floor. Before you decided to pull an all-nighter in attempts to do a two-week project in only a couple of days, you flipped open the cover of your piano and started to play, letting your anger and frustration out as you pressed on the ivory keys. - it was going to be a long night. You might as well’ve started it off on a good note.
-“Ssaem!” Minho groaned, not comprehending his current situation. “You can’t just deduct points from me like this! It was an accident!” - if mr. park was going to deal w someone today, it was not lee minho fellas - “You didn’t even bother to say sorry or help me, at least!” you shrieked, shooting daggers at Minho with your eyes. - “That’s—” the boy started, “well, I’m sorry! It was an accident! I was in a rush!” - “And now, thanks to you, I’m also in a rush! Do you know how many points this project is worth? Thirty percent!” you yelled, exasperated. - “Students!” Mr. Park cleared his throat. “Mr. Lee, I’m expecting you to either spend one hour every day for the next three days after school to help Ms. [L/N]. Otherwise, I’ll have to transfer your points to her.” - “Ssaem!” Minho grumbled once more. - Your eyes widened at your teacher’s suggestion. “Ssaem, I’d rather get only one day of extension rather than three days stuck with him!” - “Do you really mean that, Ms. [L/N]?” Mr. Park challenged, adjusting his glasses. - “I-I…” you trailed off. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m just quite stressed. I’d be glad to take those three days of extension. Thank you for your consideration.” - “And you, Mr. Lee?” - Minho sighed, rubbing his temples. “Ssaem, I have practice! The concert I’m representing the school in is soon, you know that!” - “Okay, then I will simply transfer 5% of your final project grade to Ms. [L/N].” - “Alright, alright!” Minho snapped. “I’ll do it, sir! Please don’t deduct points from me—I am sorry for my behavior. May I get to practice now?” - “You are both dismissed. Ms. [L/N], I will meet you in the faculty room on Friday for your presentation. Mr. Lee, I will ensure you that I’ll be checking if you’re truly helping her. Go now, it’s going to get late.” - With that, you two bowed respectfully and headed out the faculty office. - “You don’t need to help me out. I just complied because I really need that three days of extension. I’ll tell Mr. Park that you helped me out or whatever. Just go and do your practice thing,” you mumbled, not daring to meet Minho’s eyes. - “Whatever. If you weren’t standing in the hallway that day, we’d not be in this situation,” he snarled, shoving his hands in his pockets. - “Excuse me?” you piped up, folding your arms. “You were the one running! Running isn’t even allowed in the halls!” - “I—” Minho attempted to retort, but ended up fumbling with his hair in frustration. “I’m going! I need to practice.” - “Jerk.” - “What did you say?” - “I thought you had practice? If you won’t go first, I will. Don’t bother thinking about this anymore, since you clearly don’t care about anyone but yourself. Bye, Minho.” - In that moment, something inside Lee Minho snapped open, the strings of his heart aching in fury. If words were weapons, yours was a dagger, slowly but surely inflicting great hurt to the boy. Minho dragged his feet into the opposite direction, clenching his fists until he could feel his nails digging into the top of his palms. 
- you waited patiently in the library for Changbin to come help you fix your project, but time was ticking and you didn’t want to waste it. - so, as you waited, you started mending the cracked fragments of one of the Korean house’s walls, gently gluing two pieces together. To give it a cleaner finish, you used craft glue and white paint to conceal the cracks. - just then, a message appeared on your phone. - binnie boy: sorry, [y/n]. don’t hate me for this, but I need to go home early. noona came home from college and my parents want to me spend time w/ her. Im so sorry ill help you tomorrow - you couldn’t blame him, but your heart sunk in your chest - there was just so much to do. after fixing the walls, you needed to replace all the furniture inside the house and fix the exterior. you didn’t even want to think of your upcoming math test—you still couldn’t even understand some of the lessons. if you flunked that, you might as well’ve said goodbye to your high ranking on the academic ladder. could you bear to deal with the disappointment when your report card came out? stress gnawed at you; tears threatened to start filling your eyes. this week was going to be utterly horrible and it’d just started yesterday. there was too much to do in too little time— - “move over,” came a low voice, a hand tapping you from behind. - you mustered all your strength to conceal the looming impulse to start crying and turned your head to the owner of that voice - goodness gracious u wanted to scream !! - why the flippity flop was lee minho standing behind u ???? why was the world against u :((((( - “the hell are you doing here?” you snapped, not budging. “thought you had practice.” - minho sighed, “look, i just don’t want to be that guy who messes people up and doesn’t take credit for it. i don’t particularly like feeling like a jerk.” - “if you’re here to satiate your own moral codes and do something so that you can feel all heroic about, just forget it. I don’t want your pity party, and frankly, I don’t want to uplift you into thinking you’re less of an atrocity than you really are.” - “no, that’s not what I meant. I just really feel mean and I thought about what you said about me being selfish and stuff, so I want to help you. I’m willing to sacrifice at least thirty minutes if you’ll let me help you. I’m planning to be late for practice today. but sure. if you really don’t want my help, then don’t take it.” - you were taken aback. minho? everyone knew that he’d always turn down any after-school activity to go play the violin, even if it was an activity no one would wanna miss. this was some big stuff, chief - “do what you want, but I’m still mad at you. I still have to study for math after this to make up for my pathetic lack of knowledge, so if you could help me cut the time in two, just start helping me repair these walls,” you mumbled, scooting over a little bit to make space for the boy. “glue the broken ones together and then coat them with glue and paint to conceal the cracks.” - he nodded. “you still don’t understand math?” - “are you mocking me? sorry for not being the top one, Minho.” - “would you stop antagonizing me? i was going to ask if you want me to explain it to you while we fix these walls. I know you want to do well on the test.” - you raised a brow. “I thought you didn’t pay attention to anyone? I mean, you’re never around for long.” - minho looked at you with offense. “do you really think me to be that self-indulged? besides, I’m highly aware of those in the top of our class. you need to know who competitors are, you know. just because I don’t hang around with our classmates much doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about them.” - “my bad,” you answered. “you kinda like, don’t talk to anyone except the people in the music building.” - “I just… don’t see the need to converse.” - “I like the theory that you’re married to your violin better, though.” - “Look, do you want help in math or not?” - “No, as a matter of fact, I don’t. I’ll figure it out myself, thanks.” - “You sure? Last time I checked, you barely passed the seatwork we had last week.” - “How do you know that?” - “Oh, I keep tabs on people who threaten my ranking.” - “Aren’t you a sweet little snowflake?” - “I’m just trying to offer you assistance, so there’s no need to be so uptight. But, if you’re so insistent, at least I’ll be able to maintain my top spot when you flunk.” - You rolled your eyes. “Don’t get so cocky. Just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean I won’t by the time the test comes around.” - lmao who were u kidding tho u lowkey needed his help but u didn’t want him to know that - pride is a thing folks - u both were full of it - anyway u continued fixing the walks of ur project while casually speaking in the corner of the library, making sure not to make too much noise as you worked - even if you were still quite uncomfortable with minho because of his attitude towards being a top student and the fact that he was the cause of your extra stress for the next few days, the whole meetup went surprisingly well - after what seemed to be an hour of endless banter and project mending, minho checked his phone and almost jumped in his seat - “!! i’m late for being late to practice!! hell!! bye!!” - you didn’t even get the chance to bid farewell to the boy who quietly fast-walked to the exit of the library - he almost hit a shelf and the librarian glared at him, but he still ended up bolting towards the music room as soon as he stepped out - you rolled your eyes - he was still annoying but more tolerable, at least
- “bin, please u gotta” - “[Y/N], bold of u to assume I even understand the lesson” - “wdym??? Aren’t u good at math??” - “screw math!! Why do u think I pursued music and not numbers??” - “but u got high scores last time!!” - “we all did, though??? The topic last week was easy!!” - “im so screwed I still have a 20% chance of making mistakes!!” - “damn!! what r u so worried about?? at least u’ll pass” - “no but I have a rank, fam!! Holy crap im going to go insane” - “mm? what’s this?? Oh, is this your so-called ‘understanding’ the lesson, [y/n]?” - you turned around and there minho stood, a simper dancing on his face. U wanted to punch him - “shame, really. If only someone could help you” - changbin eyed the newcomer. “what’s he doing here, [y/n]?” - “he’s supposed to be in practice, so I’m not sure,” you answered, glaring at minho - geez let the man live, reader - “oh, I’m supposed to help [y/n] fix her project” - “go practice or whatever, minho. changbin’s here anyway” - “only for another ten minutes, though,” changbin mumbled, and you whipped ur head to him faster than lighting - “what?!” - “i told u!! noona’s home for the next few days and my fam wants me home as much as possible!! I love u [y/n] but duty calls” - “I thought you were my best friend,” you sulked, shoulders drooping. “whatever,, I’ll just,, fix this on my own I guess” - “are u guys really gonna just ignore my presence like this or??” minho piped up, still standing- “bin please don’t leave me here with cocky instrument man”
- “to be fair, you can get cocky and you play an instrument, too,” changbin teased, ruffling your hair. “I have ten more minutes, so let’s make this worthwhile?” - “guys?? Hello?? are you guys really this rude usually??” minho interrupted once again, scratching his head. - “you’re the one who busted [y/n]’s project up without apologies,” changbin began in your defense. - you panicked, not wanting to be mean. “uh!! No it’s okay he apologized and stuff. Um, he’s just here because Mr. Park made him. It’s okay, he was tolerable yesterday” - “he came to you yesterday?” changbin made a face, - “only because you ditched me, changbin,” you rolled your eyes. - poor minho was starting to feel awkward - “if you don’t need me—” - you instantaneously grabbed his wrist by reflex “nO!! hold up!!” - WHOOPS - you let go immediately and waved ur hand in front of you. “just sit there!! It’s going to take forever if I fix my diorama by myself. i really need to buy time, sorry.” - “what’s on your plate anyway?” minho questioned, a smirk creeping up on his face. You, whose eyes became glued to your project, didn’t notice though. - “This, proofreading the ten-page essay to accompany it, and studying for two tests. It’s a busy week, I guess,” you answered, sighing. - “I finished putting these two walls together. Gotta run, [Y/N], Minho. See you both tomorrow,” Changbin announced, standing up. - “Already?” you pouted. “Fine. Thanks, Binnie. Say hi to your sister for me!” - And with that, it was once again just the two of you - “If I finish all the repairs today in under thirty minutes, I’ll be able to get an extra thirty minutes to study for math…” you mumbled carelessly, attaching the two walls Changbin’d fixed up to the base of the diorama. “Ooh, but I need to continue to write that cursed essay…” - your eyes trailed off to minho, who was quietly working on the pieces you’d told him to fix - I mean, u could just,,, ask him - ASDLKJKJKJLKLSKSKS - NO - FOOL!! - s IMPLE, BASIC RULE #1: ENEMIES DON’T FEED U BREAD - u couldn’t. he wouldn’t, anyway. but you were growing desperate and if there was one person who’d know— - “I’d like to think you’re staring because I’m attractive, but the more you keep your eyes on me, the more I feel that you’re boring a hole in my forehead.” - FLIPPITY FLOP U NEED TO STOP, LEE M I N H O - asdfghjkl if u didn’t ace the next math test tho,,,, u might be overtaken by the people in the lower ranks - golly why were u born competitive - “ifisaidineededhelpinmathwouldyougivemefifteenminuteofyourtime??” you grumbled quickly - “if ur gonna speak u might consider making urself understandable” - “im sorry but I need your help in math” - “again?” - “I don’t understand this one particular math lesson, and would appreciate it if you could help me because our math test’s tomorrow. I don’t wanted to be screwed.” - “I couldn’t quite catch that.” - at this poINT, U WERE READY 2 THROW HANDS, SIS - “I NEED YOU TO HELP ME IN MATH!” - the librarian shot u both a glare and put a finger to her lips - hhholy crap - that simper minho wore a while ago was BACK AND THE SMUG LOOK WAS ONCE AGAIN DANCING ON HIS FACE LIKE A TAUNT - U WANTED TO SHRIVEL UP IN A HOLE AND SLEEP FOR LIKE A MILLION YEARS but also dropkick him (✿◉‿◉)🗡 - “u know what,, forget it just go to practice—I’ll finish this up myself.” you slumped back in your seat, wanting to crawl into ur bed and scream in ur pillow - “you get impatient with equations. listen, if you stop rushing, you’ll get there. look at this problem.” - slowly, he started explaining the questions one-by-one and you began to… understand - WHAT??? KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING?? IN M Y HOUSE? - “go check with your calculator,” minho urged, painting the last wall piece for your diorama. - you punched in the numbers and lo and behold, u managed to perfect every problem minho gave you to practice - except one because u can get stupid sometimes and u simply forgot that 6 times 8 was 48 and not 42 - lmao mood - ur face lit up and u started quietly clapping ur hands together - “minho!!! i did it!! look!! holy heck,, they’re right!!” ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ - “yea but not perfect bc ur dumb” - “stop,, u know how fried brains can get while working w numbers,,,, im H UMAN” - “Well,” Minho began, attaching the final piece to ur diorama, “I finished up the structure of the diorama. Gotta go, I’m fifteen minutes late to being late.” - u glanced at ur phone and voila he was right yall’d already spent like,, forty-five minutes - ???? already???? - time flies when ur having fun i guess lmao ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) - “!!!!! Okay!! By the way, since the music room’s near the campus store, can you buy some paints for the diorama?? Let’s spend tomorrow decorating it. I’ll bring embellishments.” - Minho slung his backpack on one shoulder and his violin case on the other. “You finally want me to come over and help, huh? It’s only been two days since you wanted to stab me and now you’re already looking forward to seeing me. Ah~ I have irresistible charm.” - You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “You’re disgusting. Don’t forget, I’m still holding a knife to your neck. I’m awfully close to getting top one.” - “Once you stop being careless while multiplying, maybe I’ll be threatened.” - “Get to practice, Lee Minho.” - “No ‘thanks so much for helping me, minho!!’?” - “You’re the one who broke my project. If it wasn’t broken, I’d have plenty of time to find someone else to help me.” - “Yeah right, like ‘Binnie’ will increase your chances of overtaking me.” - “Goodbye, Minho.”
- when you arrived home, your mom held up a piece of colored paper with printed details on it - “what’s this?” she asked, watching you untie your shoelaces. - you squinted at the paper, trying to make out what it was. “ah, that’s just a flyer someone gave me. that competition’s in four months and it’s for serious musicians. i was going to ask you if it’d be fine to watch it with my friends.” - she shook her head. “honey, don’t you want to compete?” - you set down your backpack and took off your socks. “n-no? i’ve barely prepared for it. it’s too late now. Even four months of preparation would be rushing it.” - “but you’ve been working hard on your latest piece. don’t you at least want to show it off?” - LMAO NO - you laughed. “mom, you know I hate playing in front of people.” - “you’re fantastic, though!” - “and you’re my mom!” - she smiled. “well, if you insist. who’re you going to be with and how are you going to go?” - “Changbin and his friends can take me. What’s for dinner?” - “I was going to whip up your favorite, but I actually wanted to make my favorite more.” - “mom!!”
- “your score?” - “perfect. and you?” - “we tied,” minho announced, holding up his paper. “not bad. but then again, this is still technically my victory, since I taught you.” - “it was out of convenience, really, that i asked you. and you owed me big-time,” you fired back, painting intricate designs on your still-unfinished Korean house diorama. - it was the last day before your big presentation for the diorama project that the boy in front of you so conveniently broke the other day. which means this was the last time you’d ever need to hang out in the library with him,, thankfully - he chuckled. “whatever you say, miss multiplication.” - “I checked my answers three times! I deserved this perfect score just as much as the next person! Just because I made a mistake once doesn’t mean I’ll make it again.” - “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Anyway, Changbin mentioned before that you play an instrument. I’ve been curious. Which one?” Minho inquired, resting his chin on his hand. - a drop of sweat trickled down your forehead. you didn’t really like flaunting that particular fact… - “um. piano… I don’t really like to show others, though. The only sorta public thing I’ve ever done asides from play in front of my family for gatherings is play some keys for Changbin and his band because the keyboardist fell sick during their gig.” - “Classical or contemporary?” - “both?? i’m trained classically so it’s not hard to switch to contemporary.” - “interesting,” minho nodded, “favorite composer?” - “I love most of the romantic-era pianists and Fritz Kriesler.” - “kriesler’s a violinist and not a pianist, though.” - “who cares? jus sayin’ classical music SLAPS. Libestraum?? a boP. Chopin’s waltz op. 69 no. 1 in a flat major??? complete BANGER!! kriesler’s schon rosmarin????? MmMMMM,,, good stuff. Pianist, violinist, cellist—I give 0 damns. music is music” -Minho’s eyes watched your face as you spoke. ur eyes kinda crinkled as u smiled while talking and he found it quite intriguing -  lmao intrigued - “How about you, Minho? Which composers do you like?” - “I like the classical era composers. Mozart, Bach—call them overrated, but I do love them. And even if his pieces are monstrous, I love Paganini.” - “Ah, would you look at that. We’re almost done. You can leave now, if you want. You can be a whole ten minutes early to being late. I can finish this up, no big.” - Minho checked his watch. “Oh, you’re right. But I actually have violin lessons today, and they’re still at six. I’m leaving school at five-thirty anyway because the academy’s just fifteen minutes away. I can stay with you until then, so you can finish this faster.” - “It’s only 4:46, though,” you begin to smirk. “Maybe you’re the one who wants to be with me and not the other way around, as you claim.” - “Are you trying to tease me?” he leaned forward, staring at you. “It’s not working.” - You dared to match his stare with a rivaling amount of intensity. “Mmm, but I’m quite competitive.” - oh holy crap what’s with this tension im screaming where’d u get that confidence from, reader hskskskkdkhdkdh - “Do what you want. I’m going to keep my top one title,” he rolled his eyes. - for the next couple of minutes, you both continued painting pretty designs on the bare walls of your Korean house diorama while talking about each other’s interests - turns out Minho also liked to dance, a fact that’d slipped unexpectedly - he made you swear not to tell anyone and you felt proud bc u had dirt on him (◕ ˬ ◕✿) - there were so many weird sides of him that you hadn’t noticed before - lowkey u liked his sense of humor - lol at some point he admitted that he had random urges to just scream for no reason - “???? Minho u ok???” - “bold of u to assume I have the capability to be ok” - “???????????????????” - “lol im joking,,, the look on ur face is priceless” - “ah,, u like the look on my face?? Can’t help it if im pretty~” - “u wish, sis” - “can I call u MEANho bc ur being rlly mean rn” - “wtvr u want bro. sorry that the truth hurts” - “RUDE” - u continued to banter like this until minho had to leave and u decided to walk out together because yall were finished anyway - wheeze!! Ur newly refurbished house was… u’d daresay,,,, quite a candy to your eyes - with the help of Changbin (though he only contributed like,, 2%) and Minho, your project was back to its good state - it might’ve,, even been better than it used to be - minho gave u helpful insights while u worked on it, too - (◕︿◕✿) (◕︿◕✿) u had to admit, ur project turned out supernice - “uh,, I just wanted to say…” you began, gripping the sides of your diorama’s base, “thanks. I know it must’ve been a lot to sacrifice practice time to help me out. I forgive you for dropping it, even if I never got that apology.” - Minho looked at you indignantly. “Hey!! I did give you an apology!!” - You grinned. “I don’t recall.” - “Alright, I’m sorry, again.” - “Could you repeat that, please? I couldn’t hear you.” - “I said sorry, [y/n].” - “Again?” - lmao get played,, lee minho - “whatever, bro. I’m leaving. don’t wanna be late,, see you tomorrow.” - “Hey, but I’m serious. Thanks for your help. Also for math, y’know, since I was able to perfect it.” - “ok hold up don’t get sappy on me now,, that was a one-time thing and im totally going to clobber whatever chance u have of beating me on the next test” - “we’ll see about that”
- few weeks’d gone by since then and whenever u’d see minho, u’d wave amiably instead of shooting daggers @ him w ur eyes - sis we love character development 😤😤 - sometimes u’d have some small talk but it’d never get further than that, even if u were classmates - usually it’d just be about borrowing smth - but u guys were still SUPERMEGA competitive towards each other - like whenever test results came out u guys were the first to rush to the board - the few times u were able to one-up minho made him !! super mad - he’d always study extra so he could ruin ur chances of getting a win streak - LMAO BUT THE FIRST TIME U WERE ABLE TO TOP HIS SCORES TWICE IN A ROW JUST MADE HIM INTO A MONSTER - suddenly nobody saw lee minho for like,, three days - and so when test scores came again after that and he was #1 once again, all he could do was smile smugly at u with that Minho SmirkTM - frankly u found urself powerful for being able to cause minho to disappear like that - u thought to urself if u kept getting #1 maybe minho’d disappear again and u wouldn’t have to see him (  ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) (  ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) - reader that’s not how it works damn it - chief called, he said THAT AINT IT - A N Y W A Y - one day minho came to class looking like a zombie - y’all have heard of zombie!bang chan when he was featured in twice’s “like ooh-ahh” but fellas minho looked worse than that - eyebags?? Like a racoon - hair??? You wondered if he had a comb in his house?? - expression?? hoooo babe we don’t wanna go there - it felt as if anyone who talked to him would face the wrath of the Lee - but he had reason as to why he was looking so miserable - just the other day, his accompanist told broke their arm in a PE accident and couldn’t play with minho for his upcoming concert/competition - like bro what kind of musician breaks their arm??? Um?? u know u have a concert so TAKE CARE OF URSELF??? - he was furious because the concert was like,, just around the corner and he couldn’t find another accompanist - he’d asked everyone he knew but to no avail - they all had different excuses. family affairs, too soon, whatever reason people’d find to reject his asking - In all his life, Lee Minho had never been desperate. But, in the moment his accompanist had ditched him, it was as if desperate was all he felt. - it was all he could think about during class - like the teacher was discussing history and mentioned something like “duet” and minho wanted to scream - poor boy - he tried to look elsewhere—anywhere but the board - u were just drumming ur fingers on ur table,, imagining an invisible piano bc lol ur teacher was boring u half to death on a lesson u already understood - that’s when minho’s eyes stopped, watching u mindlessly press on the keys of your little desk-piano - he could… - it was possible… - but at what cost…? - ‘no no no’ he thought, shaking his head. - he had too much pride to ask u for help at this point - he didn’t even know how well u could play the piano - but I guess in times like these, desperation trumps pride and before he could think of the logical implications of his actions, minho found himself rushing towards u as u packed up ur things - “hey,,, uh… [y/n]…” - “if you’re going to ask for my history notes, forget it. they’re just messy pointers and I doubt you could understand it.” - “ew no. what makes u think I’d ask u for such a thing?? I don’t even think YOU’D be able to understand it. besides, I’m covered for that.” - “so why r u like,,, so eager to go to my desk?? oh?? wow, do you miss me already? mm, lee minho. didn’t know you were so straightforward~” - U WERE MAKING THIS SO HARD FOR HIM - MINHO WAS HIGHLY CONSIDERING JUST THROWING IN A SNOOTY REMARK AND LEAVING - BUT HHHH WHEN WOULD A CHANCE LIKE THIS COME AGAIN?? - “I didn’t come to boost your ego—that’s-“ he stopped himself before he could pour out an insult. He didn’t want to piss you off before asking you a favor. “Listen, I need a favor from you. Please. I’ve asked every single person I know.”
- minho?? politely asking u a favor?? Shocking - “If this is about lessons—” - “How well can you play the piano?” - “Minho, I already told you. I hate playing in front of people.” - “No, but I came here to you already knowing that. I know you literally have every reason to tell me ‘no’ right now, but I don’t want to miss a chance. There’s this competition happening in around two and a half months. If I back out now—let’s not even talk about what’ll happen if I back out now. Anyway, bottomline is that I really, really need an accompanist and you are my last resort.” - “u realize how much of a rush two and a half months is,, right” - the thing is though, you’d been practicing some pieces for some months now, in the secret hopes that one day, maybe you’d gather courage to play it somewhere - “Changbin told me you’ve been playing piano a lot.” - traitor - u looked into minho’s eyes and at this point they were pleading you with such vigor that u even considered saying yes - you always wanted to perform onstage, even once in your life - “…What’s the piece?” - “We can play anything you want. But let’s confer and choose a piece we both already know, if possible. Don’t worry, because I’ll help you. If you’re down, let’s practice during breaks and after school. Days before the event, we can get an excuse slip from the faculty so that we can practice, since we’re representing the school.” - ur stomach did a flip - “w-we’re representing the school???” - “uhh… yes???” - rhfekwnkjfsekfn you literally had every ounce of reason as to tell him no and carry on with life - but minho had never asked people for help, not even when he looked like he could really use some - you wondered just how bad it was for him to be on his knees like this - “I’ll try?” - minho’s face literally switched from zombie to the mcheckin’ SUN bc he started to gRin liKe A fOoL - “yesyesyesyesyes thank u!!! thank u so much!!” he placed a hand on your shoulder. “you don’t know how much this means to me. i’ll be sure to repay you well!!! let’s meet during breaks tomorrow so we can start?” - “if you can repay me by letting me be #1 for the rest of the year—” - “,,,, [y/n],,,,” - “im ½ kidding anyway sure see u i guess”
- “okay, I’m going to need u to do more crescendo on this part” - “what do you mean” - “like, swell it more.” - “like this???” - you attempted to play the part minho’d instructed you to practice, but your hands were trembling - askjhfgdfjhahdsbjhasdjhad hoW DO U EVEN NOT SHAKE WHEN THE VIOLIN PRODIGY OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL WAS RIGHT THERE - LIKE SURE U WERE RIVALS BUT NOT IN MUSIC,,, - u felt like u were WASTING his tIME - “uh, [y/n], your playing sounds too soft and hesitant” - “im so sorry aghhh” - gosh u didn’t know what to do like - u were panicking bc u kept messing up for the past 30 minutes,, ur hands were everywhere and u just couldn’t play properly - which made u even more panicky bc !!! u were fine when u were at home but suddenly u felt so inferior to the keys - “your hands are… shaking…” minho pointed out, tilting his head. “what’s wrong??” - EVERYTHING - “nothing!!” you lied. “just probably not my day,, I guess” - “[y/n] you’ve been trembling ever since we started this practice session.” - what even do u say to that - like,, at this point u just wanted to tell him sorry but ur too much of a wuss - that’s so embarrassing tho esp bc he might never let u live that down - ughhh u were conflicted and u couldn’t even hear what minho was saying - “[y/n]! you’re not paying attention!” - “I am!” - “I asked you what was wrong, and you’ve been staring at the piano for a full two minutes.” - “I’m sorry!” - “Stop apologizing if you’re not going to do anything about it!” - golly those words cut thru ur chest like a knife - hhhh as if you weren’t already so afraid and insecure - “I’m trying my best! Look, maybe you should just find a better pianist. I told you, I’m not cut out for this. Honestly, you’ll save yourself time.” - minho frowned. you were always so confident in everything else you did—academics, hobbies—but now you were so readily admitting defeat + bringing yourself down - lee knows when something’s up so he immediately places his violin down. “let’s take a walk.” - you sighed and closed the piano before following the boy outside - the sky had darkened already and the streetlamps illuminated the campus ground - minho tried to observe u but all u were doing was walking w ur hands in ur pockets, eyes fixated on the ground - your unconfident demeanor concerned him a little,,, - “hey, you sure nothing’s wrong??” - lmao he knew something was up but like,, he didn’t wanna seem imposing - “no, not really, but i’m telling you. you’re better off finding another accompanist…” - “you have to give me good reason as to drop you, if you’re so insistent.” - “Well!” you started. “look, I’ve practiced that same piece for two whole hours every day—just that piece—for the past three weeks and yet I can’t even play the first part without messing up somewhere. I know two hours might mean nothing to you, but I’ve been trying really, really hard, I swear. It’s so embarrassing because I’ve been able to perfect until the second page during my time, but whenever we meet, my hands literally betray me and won’t allow me to get past the third measure.” - you didn’t want him to see your face because you were actually this close to crying of frustration. “I’m sorry. I usually don’t give up so easily but I don’t want to hassle you for such an important thing. Sorry for wasting three weeks of your precious time,” you mumbled, trying to conceal your shaky voice. - oooohhh wheeze u wanted to bop yourself in the head bc ur eyes!!! were doing The ThingTM!!! the teary teary thing!!! in front of ur arch nemesis, lee minho !!!! ur pride !! was on the line !! - minho noticed u trying to avoid his gazes so he just stopped walking altogether - “Do I scare you?” he asked, halting his steps. - “What? Ew, no.” - “Then why are you so afraid to play?” - “I’m not afraid!” you insisted, pretending to scratch your eye in attempts to clear them of tears. - “Your hands shake and your notes sound unsure all the time. Do you expect me to believe it’s not fear? If it isn’t, then what is?” - “So maybe I am scared, what’s wrong with that?” you shot back, facing him this time. “Alright, fine! Maybe I feel inferior every time I lay my hands on the keys. Maybe I’m really insecure of the fact that I can’t seem to get things right. Maybe I am afraid!” - “You can’t just be afraid to make mistakes! That’s what’s making you hesitate every time we meet up, that you’ll mess up somewhere in the middle. You can’t keep thinking like that!” - “I know that! But it’s getting increasingly difficult to get that out of my head. I can’t help but think that if this whole thing flops, it’ll be because I messed up your flow.” - “Would you quit thinking that you’re below me?! Quit thinking you’re mediocre. If that’s your mindset for this competition, then mediocre’s all you’ll ever be. Give yourself a break!” - “That’s easy for you to say! You don’t screw up!” you yelled, gripping your fists. “I have to go, Minho. It’s getting late. Find yourself another pianist, please. I would not like to waste your time anymore.” - “[Y/N], I—” - “See you around.”
- aghhh minho was so conflicted the next day - he didn’t know how he was going to find another accompanist but most importantly he didn’t know what he was going to do about you - he wasn’t the type of person to just drop people - he rlly wanted to talk to you but he couldn’t find you after classes - every time class would end, you’d bolt outta there with changbin - and when minho asked changbin where you’d went, changbin would make up some excuse that he didn’t know - !! he really needed to get you to get a grip, and fast - the competition was nearing already and it was too late to back out - deep down, minho knew how you were feeling and it made him even more determined to find you and get you out of your own head - he knew how it felt like to be afraid of the instruments - seeing how hard you worked but having it all washed away by insecurity made him really wanna throw hands @ those said insecurities bc he knew u !!! didn’t deserve this - but he couldn’t get a hold of you - he even tried to talk to you in class but u pretended like u were sleeping - “hell, woojin!! what do I do??!!” minho asked, fussing up his hair in frustration.
- woojin was part of the acapella group and mmMPH GIVE ME THAT MUSICIAN SOLIDARITY 😤😤😤😤😤 - woojin wisdom hours = open - “be gentle with her,” woojin spoke, taking a bite of his chicken lunch. “i think she’s the type of person who really needs gentleness at this point in your situation.” - “oh, for sure. but how do i even do anything if she won’t even talk to me??? she ‘slept’ in class, woojin. she never sleeps in class because the teacher might get mad and that would affect her grades. i checked out all her usual spots, but nothing!! before i came here, i even asked the lunch lady if [y/n] passed by, but she didn’t. which is totally weird because she always gets those little rice ball snacks from the lunch lady when its available!!!” - woojin squinted his eyes. “you sure know an awful lot about [y/n].” - “?? Of course?? I keep tabs on my enemies??” - “…chan is in third place in ranking. do you know what he eats during lunch??” - minho started to sweat. “w-we worked on a project in the library, okay?? [y/n] and I have had some time to talk!! in my defense, i know all of chan’s test scores!!!” - “you know everyone’s test scores, minho.” - “what even are you trying to get at??” - “I’m just saying, you know lots about [y/n] for being her archenemy.” - “Oh, he was watching her like a hawk during class earlier. It was weird,” Chan announced, taking a seat on the floor next to Minho. “And for the record, I usually have rice toppings for lunch. But that’s not something I usually tell people.” - “I wasn’t watching her like a hawk!” - “why u always lyin,,,” - “chan i am going to vore you” - “Calm down bro, you know it’s true. Why’re you so adamant, though?” Chan questioned, stuffing his mouth with food. - “I just need to talk to her. She wants to back out being my accompanist because she’s insecure about her playing. But where else am I going to get an accompanist this late?” Minho sighed, taking a bite of his sandwich after. - “What piece are you playing?” - “Romanze Op. 4, Kriesler.” - woojin raised a brow and chan had to restrain himself in attempts not to choke of laughter - “You must be desperate, considering you’re fighting for your nemesis to talk to you,” Chan commented, biting his lip. - Minho gave Chan a playful shove. “Don’t word it like that! You know that this competition is important!” - “Shoot her a message. Get a teacher to help you. Bribe Changbin with food,” Woojin suggested. - “Whatever… I’ll figure it out. Let’s get going. Class is about to start.” - the rest of the day passed and minho thought of a plan to corner u after class - he just - he could not just !! let u go off like that. to see his rival being this defeated was kinda concerning - but just as classes ended and he prepped himself to go to you - the last subject teacher approached him to discuss something - rip minho n his plans - press f to pay respects - f - after being the last one out, he just kinda slumped back and slowly made his way to the music room - he really needed to talk to u but his chances flew out of the window - just as he stepped into the music building, he heard some piano playing from the main music hall - it was odd, minho thought, because rarely anyone would touch the grand piano there - before going in, he listened to the playing and wow,, he was impressed - the lee minho, violin genius boy, impressed - the way the majors and minors danced together to one melody sounded just - ugh - beautiful - it was tchaikovsky’s December, the waltz - the playing felt lighthearted, as the player took some expressive liberties - but even so, the interpretation of the piece was really fantastic and even made minho grin a little at the memory of Christmas -his heart did a little leap bc yes!!!! He could ask this person to play for him considering the chances of u coming back to him was sorta crushed… and this person had wonderful playing - just as he peeped into the main music hall, a familiar sound resonated throughout - it was the accompaniment to the piece you were supposed to play with him - and the person who was sitting behind the piano playing it… was ofc none other than you - let’s get it reader babe - he didn’t want you to stop, so he hid behind the wall once again and just listened - you started to play, letting the music fill your soul and overflowing to the tips of your fingers - e v e rything was on point - the proper tempo, the proper feel - minho was surprised because this - this person playing behind the wall in the music hall wasn’t the hesitant, doubtful pianist he practiced with - this was a free musical spirit in full control of the instrument - of course, your playing got a little wonky once you carried on, but you still managed to continue reasonably until the end. Some of the latter parts needed lots of work, but it was okay!! - you managed to hit the right end note, too!! WHEEZE U WERE SO HAPPY U DIDN’T FAIL MISERABLY @ THAT END NOTE - when you finished, you started going over the parts you needed work on - you didn’t notice minho approaching you until you heard a voice come - “I thought you said you only perfected until the second page?” minho asked, resting his elbow on the top of the grand piano - you were REALLY STARTLED - U ALMOST FELL OUT OF THE PIANO SEAT - AKAJDSKDHASJDHKASHDS WHAT WERE U GOING TO DO - “h-how long have you been listening in?” - “From the start of your Tchaikovsky piece.” - AJSLDKJAKSJDKASDJKASK U WANTED TO HIDE IN A HOLE - U COULDN’T EVEN COME UP W A COHERENT REPLY??? - luckily ya boi lee knows what to do ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) - sorry I cant go 1000 words w/o mentioning that pun im sorry - minho opened his violin case and took out his instrument. “let’s start from the beginning, shall we? don’t be afraid to make mistakes. i’ll just be here, and we can go over the parts you want to as many times as you want, okay? slowly first, one, two…” - you guys started out okay, but you fumbled up a bit on the second page and minho noticed that your shoulders were kinda riding up - he stopped and walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulders and giving them a gentle pat. “relax your shoulders. they’re tense. don’t worry, we’ll fix it. again,” he instructed, standing right beside you - even if he was beside you, you suddenly felt all anxiousness lift off - there was something about his tone and his demeanor that just!! made u feel sorta safe ?? - u ended up doing well until minho said to repeat the part!! To which u did well again!! - U SMILED A LIL’ AND MINHO SAW IT BUT HE SAID NOTHING N CONTINUED - did he resist the urge to smile, too??? HELL YEA BROTHA - you guys practiced and practiced and practiced anD PRACTICED - nonstop nonst00p - you decided to take a break and checked the time after a long time of just repeating and repeating certain parts then playing all those parts together - ur eyes widened when u saw that a wh0le tw0 hoURS HAD GONe By - like b r o u DIDN’T EVEN FEEL THE TIME PASS - WERENT U FLUSTERED BY MINHO’S SUDDEN APPEARANCE LIKE,, 2 MINUTES AGO - wHy diDN’t U NOTice - ur arms and fingers were kinda tired so u both decided to take a break and walk around campus - lmao it was already like 6 o’clock and it was getting dark outside - “we need to polish the notes after the piece’s halfway point,” minho told you, walking towards a vending machine. “there are still lots of phrases where we fumble up. On page four, where your left hand does the arpeggios, you forget to do the dynamics.” - “Sure, sure. Oh, and in the part where you have rubato, you kinda sound angry.” - “I do?” - “Yeah. I mean, I don’t really know, but like, that’s just the vibe. I could be wrong, though,” you told him, stopping in front of the vending machine. - “No, no, I’ll keep in mind. Want anything?” he offered, pointing to the vending machine. - “Can you press for grape soda? Hold on, I’m just going to fish for my money,” you answered, reaching into your pockets. - Minho pressed one button for grape soda and one button for strawberry milk. “No, it’s okay. I put my money in already.” - “Take it, it’s not like I can’t pay you back.” You held out your money. - Minho reached for the drinks that fell out. “I refuse. This one’s on me.” - u almost droPPed UR MONEY - “bro??? u ok, pal?? r ok w/ u treating ur arch nemesis???” - he let out a little minho laugh (HIS SOFT MINHO GIGGLE OMG). “well, you’re kinda my partner now, so…let’s put the nemesis title on hiatus.” - he placed the cold grape soda can in your hands. “u-uh,, thanks minho!!” you said, flabbergasted @ his actions - WHY WAS MINHO BEING SO NICE??? (,,꒪꒫꒪,,) (,,꒪꒫꒪,,) - lee minho?? n i c e??? in THIS economy?? - U WERE SO CONFUSED - lmao phat mood sis - you guys walked around in comfortable silence for a little bit, enjoying the bit of breeze and fresh air while sipping on your drinks - y’all ended up sitting down on a bench in the courtyard, jus chillin’ - minho decided to steal a glance from you for a bit - BIG MISTAKE -  a small smile was playing on your lips as you looked up at the sky drinking your grape soda - you tucked some stray hairs waving in your face because of the wind, and hhhHHHOLY HECK MINHO’S HEART STARTED TO DO THE TTUGS TTUGS BOOM BOOM - were u always that attractive before??????? like??? Maybe ITS JUST THE STREETLIGHTS PLAYING TRICKS ON HIS EYES - u felt the power of his stare and u turned to face him. In a quiet voice, you mumbled, “minho? is there something on my face?” - beauty, probably - “u-uh!! No!!” he blinked, whipping his head literally anywhere else - “oh, alright then,,” u were kinda bashful bc like?? Uh,,,, why was he staring at u - MINHO WANTED TO BOP HIMSELF IN THE FACE LIKE !! WHATS THIS - HE WAS PANICKING BC HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS THAT HE KNOWS WHAT THESE HEARTBEAT SHENANIGANS ARE IMPLYING - too soon, heart, too soon - !!! FEW MONTHS AGO HIS HEART BEAT IN ANGER TOWARDS U BUT THIS,,, DIDN’T FEEL LIKE ANGER - or maybe it did?? BC U WERE DOING SMTH 2 HIM N MAKING HIM FEEL THESE E M O TI O NS - he felt like he betrayed himself!!! why couldn’t he come up with some genius, witty remark at this time?? WHERE WERE HIS FLIRTING POWERS?? - “let’s head back!!” he said, standing up and walking towards the music building - he squeezed the last remaining bits out of his milk cartoon and SUCKED WHATEVER LAST DROPS HE COULD GET - ‘mmMMM STRAWBERRY MILK IS DELICIOUS,, ITS NOT LIKE MY HEARTRATE’S GOING LOCO RN MAYBE I SHOULD TAKE MY BLOOD PRESSURE WHEN I GET BACK HOME’ was all he could think - ?? u were so bamboozled. “minho, you’re walking too fast,, wait for me” - “i’m not fast, you’re just really slow!!” - when you two reached the music hall again, minho zipped UP HIS STUFF LIKE LIGHTINING - “See you next Monday, [y/n]!!! practice well!!!” - he z00000med outta there - yeeted outta that place - that night, he threw himself on his bed, screaming incoherently - soonie and doongie didn’t even know what to do with their human brother - but?? They tried?? To console him with small ‘meows’??? - “Soonie, Doongie, your brother’s super mad. [y/n], my rival, did something really bad again today. She just!! decided that it was okay to look cute under the dim lights of the campus??? Like??? excuse??? Me?? that was so rude, don’t u think??” - soonie gave a ‘bro-u-srs’ face and doongie just meowed in disappointment - big same soonie and doongie - “doN’T GIVE ME THAT FACE, SOONIE!! U KNOW THAT IT’S UPSETTING!!” - soonie just… hopped off minho’s bed - ‘i-can’t-take-u-any-longer-hyung’ - “NOO!! SOONIE COME BACK!! Doongie, help me!!” - doongie meowed again, crawled to the foot of minho’s bed, and took a nap - “why won’t my siblings love me???” was all minho could say before shutting off the lights and drifting off to dreamland
- “you’re starting to like him, aren’t u” - “shut ur mouth hole changbin and help me pick out an outfit for the concert!!!” - “the concert’s two weeks away, why r u doing that now??!!” - “BECAUSE ITS 2 WEEKS AWAY??” - “anyway stop dodging my statements. Minho’s warming up 2 ur heart n u know it” - “changbin u wanna like,, get out of my house” - “uhhh?? Do u wanna like,, start admitting that ur rival isn’t even really ur rival now considering that u guys literally do everything together now” - “excuse me I do everything with you!!” - “not anymore u don’t” - “what are u talking about??” - “u study together,, take breaks together,, spend after school together,,,” - “that’s because u don’t like helping me with acads and I need to spend as much time as possible practicing for the compet!!” - “k but r u sure u don’t have a thing for him. Like, u don’t consider him cute??” - “changbin, no one could be cuter than u.” - “um,, of course?? I’m your binsual always and forever, but that doesn’t mean you don’t think minho’s cute.” - “t-that’s!!!” - you turned to face changbin, cheeks warming up. U could not lie 2 ur best friend,, he’d know immediately - “don’t even think of lying to me, [y/n]. u know its physically impossible.” - “so what if he’s cute?? Chan’s cute, Woojin’s cute,, you’re cute. Do I like any of you?? no!!” - “whatever, [y/n]. once u admit to me that you’re starting to catch feelings for violin boy, u owe me a chicken night out.” - “no I don’t!!!” - “but you’ll want to because u’ll wanna ramble about ur undying love for ur arch nemesis” - “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, SEO CHANGBIN” - “no thank u”
- your breath was hitching and your palms were excreting buckets of sweat the more time passed on - once you got to the venue for your performance, you kinda just - f r o z e - today was d-day, love, and u were just,,,, so unsettled - you tried to shove off your nervousness away but it wasn’t that easy - anyway, minho saw you from a distance and started to approach you - but like,, the nearer he got, the clammier he felt f0r some REASON - HHHHH HOLY CRAP YO - “[y-y/n]?” his words came out with a little bit of a stutter and he wanted to scream - minho fighting - you turned around and hollllly moly did lee minho always look THIS gorgeous?? - his hair was fixed so his forehead was seen and overall gave off a fresh, clean look - the first few buttons were undone on the black polo he wore, showing off a lil’ bit of his collarbones - oooo my heck sklkaslklaklsklskldsklaskdajkdljk he looked spicy - “oh, hi minho,” you greeted, waving - “you look rather pretty today,” he grinned, giving you some kinda smug look - but inside, his heart was like - SLKLSDAJLKASJDKLAJSHKDJASHJKSAHKJDSLKAHJKFSGJDHKJFKAHDLKJDGHFDSDFGHJKLKJ - he was a flustered mess inside but like,,, it’s lee minho everyone - how else would he try to cope other than being smirky - “I can say the same to you,” you answered, not wanting to give in to his charm - ugh,, we stan competitive people!!! <<333 - anyway, yall walked to the holding rooms to wait for the concert/competition to start - you took out your lil’ finger exerciser mechanism thing - I don’t know what it’s called but basically it’s just an object with some knobs you can push down with your fingers as you hold it in your palm,,, its to exercise the fingers and some musicians use it askjalskjdalkjdla lmao - you guys were eleventh in the lineup, but once the competition started, you started really freaking out - minho was practicing one final time but he noticed that your eyes were glued to the floor like you always did when something was up and you were kinda gripping your finger exerciser thingy unnecessarily hard - he immediately stopped and walked over to you, put his violin down, bent to the floor, and stared u straight in ur eyes - “hey,” he started, softly, “look at me.” - you did as you were told, but your breath was still unstable and your heart was palpitating - “minho—” - “When we get up on that stage, I want you to forget that we’re in a competition. I want you to focus on nothing but just savoring the moment and letting the music that’s deep in your soul just burst out. And if you ever feel, even for a moment, a pang of hesitation, I want you to look at me and remind yourself that you are not alone up there. I’m with you, I’m your partner.” - just then, he took away your little finger exerciser and replaced it with his own hands, intertwining your fingers with his - “I don’t care if we don’t win, hell, I don’t care what the crowd will think. I just want to play a song for you, with you. Let’s dance, [y/n]. Please let my melody waltz with yours.” - you gripped his hands a little tighter, observing the intricate details. His palms were pudgy and soft, but the tips of his fingers were rough and calloused.  Nevertheless, there was something about those hands that made you feel a sense of relief, a sense of serenity. - “okay,” you answered, looking at his chocolate eyes. - “When we get there, forget about being perfect. Let’s just let loose and play whatever we feel a ‘Romanze’ is.” - just then, the organizers called you to head towards the side of the stage to line up for your performance - despite standing up and heading there, minho didn’t let go of your hand - it was just a simple gesture he wanted to convey, that this stage was to be shared by you both and that he and you were now a tandem. - all waits eventually come to an end, and so did yours. after a soloist finished their piece, it was finally your turn - he still,,, didn’t let go of your hand,, as u bowed to the crowd,,,, - minho… a sweetie… - it was only when you turned to head to the piano did he gently let your hands fall apart, but he gave you a reassuring smile and mouthed ‘let’s do this’ - you settled into the piano seat and looked at minho for the cue - and you were off - it started off quietly, but immediately you started to pour out your soul - with every crescendo, every vibrato, you just let the music in your heart overflow to the tips of your fingers - and you’d periodically steal a glance from minho to let him know you were still with him - he smiled and you both just followed each other, matching each other’s pace and vibe perfectly - when I say perfectly, I mean PERFECTLY - the atmosphere was a canvas that was to be painted upon with the color of music - as if one artist, you two splashed the vibrant color of your Romanze - the sound of the piano took the sound of the violin in hand, dancing steadily and beautifully together - as you reached the end, you took one more glance at minho and locked eyes. - that’s when you let the music fade away, lingering in the air as you both raised your hands from your instruments - There was no applause. - but it was alright. - minho walked over and took you in his hands once again, faced the audience, and bowed - it was only then the audience realized,,, wow,,,,, you guys were finished - one clap melted into a chorus of applause - you spotted changbin and your family jumping in the front seats and u COULDN’T HELP BUT SMILE LIKE AN IDIOT - its worth noting that changbin was screaming his head off, too - “YESSSS!!!!! [Y/N]!!!!!! QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNN!!!! MINHO!!!! LEGENDS!!!” - one by one, people started to stand - you were CONFUSED - U TURNED TO MINHO AND WENT ALL LIKE,,, “????” - he just gave you the BIGGEST sunshine grin and led you offstage - when u reached the backstage, u just,, took one look at that same sunshine grin and couldn’t hold it in anymore - you engulfed minho in a tight embrace, letting a laugh tickle the air - “minho!!!!” you squealed. “w-we… we did it!!!!” - much to your surprise,, he didn’t shove you away in disgust, but he started to hug you just as tight - in fact, he sorta just picked u off from the floor and hug-carried u to the holding rooms - “we did, we did,” he laughed, letting his forehead rest on yours. - he was rlly close but u didn’t rlly mind,, u were just so happy - you could see the light bounce of his irises and ugh it was beautiful - “[y/n], I’m so proud of you.” - “Thank you so much for believing in me when I could barely believe in myself. I owe so much to my family, Changbin, you—but mostly you. I really appreciate how you invited me and even talked me out of my trance. And you held my hand; you don’t know how much I needed that. Really, thank you so much. I’m so happy right now.” - “Wait, can we sit down? My legs hurt from standing so much,” Minho requested, pulling away from you. - actually it was not because his legs hurt,, son,, his CHEST HURT - HIS HEART WAS DOING FLIPS AND FLOPS AND HE MIGHT HAVE REALLY ENDED UP SCREAMING - anyway u guys sat down on the couches that were available in your holding room, sitting a few inches away from each other - out of nowhere, minho just yelled, “AAAAAAAHHHH!!” - ????????? u looked at him, absolutely confounded - “minho??? why’d u scream??” - “oh nothing I just wanted to” - u were like?????? ????? ok??? - “can we take a cute pic?? I need to post this on my Instagram,” he asked, pulling out his phone - “o hell yea!!” - he opened up his camera and told u to pick a filter - “bro I promise SN*W has like,, the cutest filters ever can we pls take one with this cherry filter,, SIKE I WANT THE ONE WITH THE DANK GLASSES” you exclaimed - minho made a double chin and u gave a korean heart to the camera - “absolutely stunning. this pic overflows w/ visual power,” minho commented, picking another one. “okay, now can we take one w this rlly cute cat filter see look at this OH DAMN,,, LOOK,, SEE HOW CUTE MY FACE LOOKS” minho announced - “lee minho why are we friends??” you asked, smiling for minho’s selfie - “because im cute and everyone knows it” - “whatever,, please send me the selfies so I have my own copy,” you chuckled, “can u take pics of me actually?? It’s rare for me to be dressed this nice so I’d like to take advantage. Let’s head outside for a bit so we can get those aesthetic outdoor backgrounds!!” - minho got up in like, 0.2 seconds - “hell yea!!! I love that!! U gotta snap pics of me, too!!!” - long story short yall went out while the other contestants performed and started taking pictures of each other - “[y/n], please get my good side” - “shut up, lee!!! It’s hard to take photos when im on the ground tryna get u @ a good angle” - “actually, nevermind. just take as many photos as u can because ALL my angles are good anyway ;))))” - anyway ur lil photoshoot sesh was short,, just 10 mins before yall headed back to chill in the holding rooms again - u guys started to talk about random things like minho’s dancing hobby and your catastrophic friendship with seo changbin - “one time, when we were kids,, I caught changbin crying bc he accidentally left his stuffed munchlax in his house when we were on vacation” - “ok but have u heard his music, [y/n]??? 3racha SLAPS” - “im his best friend, u idiot,, I get pre-release privileges to spear.b’s hottest new drops” - “im going to hunt u down for them” - “shut up ur friends w chan u can just ask him” - while talking, you guys listened to the other performers who were also!! Super good - there was this one violin duo that heckn,,, RocKED THE STAGE OMG,,, - anyway time flew by and u were once again called to line up @ backstage - wheeze,,, they were announcing the winners already - minho started to sweat and even if u heard him saying he didn’t really care about the win, u knew it would mean a lot to him - poor baby looked nervous - so u did His Thing and grabbed his hand reassuringly - he almost JUMPED but he immediately softened up and mouthed a ‘thank u’ - one by one, contestants were called upon the stage - until it got to the top three - you guys waited… so tensely… - … - but ur names were never called ;; ____ ;; - when the first place winner was announced, u saw minho’s eyes turn from being hopeful to being absolutely defeated - u were about to give him a hug but then yall heard another announcement - “But wait!!! We wanted to give out a special award for the performers who captured the audience’s hearts!! During the intermission, we asked you to vote your favorite performance, and we’re announcing that now!! Ladies and gents, would you please give it up for… … miss [L/N][F/N] and Lee Minho!!!” - AKDSKLDJAKLDJLSKAJDL MINHO’S EYES GREW WIDER THAN PLATES - !!! THE AUDIENCE AWARD?? WAS JUST AS PRESTIGIOUS AS A TOP 3 AWARD - u had to drag him out of backstage so u could accept the award - cue changbin and ur families SCREAMING their heads off AGAIN - changbin almost fell down trying to yell, press f for respects - u engulfed minho in a gigantic hug again and u swore there was some dust in ur eyes that made some tears pop - its ok minho had some ‘dust’ in his eyes also - when u guys went offstage again,, you told minho, “c’mon!! our families are waiting for us, let’s have dinner together.” - “wait!!” he piped up, grabbing your hands. “listen, i need to tell u something. I promised myself that I would if we won something.” - u were like,,, okay,,, sure,,, - “I never got to thank you for helping me out that day. Honestly, I was really hoping you’d say yes. When you told me you wanted to drop out, I felt something telling me that I couldn’t just let you go like that. You worked really hard, and I really wanted to see you have it pay off,” he began, ears turning the slightest shade of pink, “and I also wanted to say that these past months have really been meaningful to me. I know we didn’t have the best start, but after the library thing—which, oh damn, has been like,, so long ago—I realized that you weren’t such a bad person. For the past months we’ve been practicing together… I-I… sorta super enjoyed it. And now, at this very moment on this very night, I’ve come to accept that I really, really like you after a period of fighting with myself. I… I just wanted to tell you because I might not get the chance when things go back to normal and we do our own things in school.” - u lips. parted like the red sea - “Holy crap, I thought I was the one going crazy,” you whispered, “I thought it was weird because I, too, liked the guy that constantly threatens my grades…” - “wait wh-“ - you nodded. “yeah… I really thought I was ballistic… but yes. I really appreciate how you didn’t give up on me. There’s just… something… I really liked working side-by-side with you. And I genuinely enjoyed the moments I had with you. I’ve also been fighting with myself to accept that I kinda have a thing for you—but thank you so much for lifting me up when I didn’t believe in myself.” - AKJASKLAJDLKAJSLKDJASLKDJASLK IT WAS AT THIS POINT MINHO WOULD USUALLY SAY SMTH COCKY BUT NO. U, DEAR READER, HAD RENDERED THE BOY SPEECHLESS AND HE WAS REALLY ABOUT TO MELT HIS HEART WAS GOING AT 4419 MILES PER HOUR - he leaned in towards you, staring at your eyes with terribly red cheeks - “Can I??” - you nodded, and that’s when minho closed the gap between u two - the kiss was very sweet and tender, lasting only for a couple of seconds before minho lost it and dropped to the floor in a screaming mess - “[Y/N] U CANT JUST DO THAT!!!!! AKLSKDJLKASJDHGSHGDLKASJDLA HELPPPPPPP” - “MINHO, PLEASE. DON’T DIRTY UR CLOTHES, WE’RE GOING TO HAVE FAMILY DINNER” - he eventually got up and headed out with you to greet your adoring fans (aka ur families who were holding bouquets of flowers for yall and a sCREAMING changbin) - but once again, he decided to enclose his hand in yours. - It was a gentle reminder of how much you meant to him. He didn’t feel like it was a sudden splurge of emotions, nor did he feel like he was just being tricked by this emotional high. He just knew, by the steady hum in his heart, that being with you truly, truly made him a better person. - Maybe it was the way you seemed to match his music, maybe it was the way you both inspired each other to keep being better, maybe it was the way your eyes crinkled as you smiled, maybe it was the way you hugged him like he was the only person in the world. - Whatever it was, he loved to be with you. - Because you felt like home.
Bonus: - “woOOOOOOOOOOOO I GET A CHICKEN NIGHT OUT!!!” changbin hollered at u, shaking ur shoulders - “shut up!!! U don’t!!!!” - “I do!!!! U finally admitted u have a thing for him!!! Let’s get chicken!!!!!!!!” - u stared at changbin in disgust, looked at minho for help, but all he could do was laugh his lil’ minho laugh damn - did u sign up for this?? No - But sometimes, it just happens. 
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kamino-ink · 6 years
Wounds | Lee Minho
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✧ Genre: Soulmate!au, floof, lowkey suggestive, uhh lemme get some anGst
✧ Summary: You’ve always been aware that Lee Minho was your soulmate, ever since you were kids - but you were too naïve about the world and figured waiting to tell him would be a better idea. Everything starts to go downhill when he says he thinks the system is utter bullshit.
✧ Word Count: 3.7k
✧ Want to read other parts of this series? Check out my masterlist!
 The whole entire soulmate system was complete and utter bullshit. What kind of world were people to live in where you couldn’t choose who to love, rather the universe meticulously wrote it down in fine ink since the way you were born - nobody got a real choice. Obnoxious soulmate bonds tended to become true nuisances to most in their day to day lives, leaving little room for them to think about anything else, really. Why wait for that one person who could literally be anywhere on the fucking planet when you could find someone who you choose to fall in love with and cherish till the end of your days?
 Those were the exact words that poured out between Lee Minho’s pink lips, effectively sucking the life out of you the second he started to curse the very existence of soulmates yet again.
 “Dude, who put a stick up your ass this morning?” Changbin snorted from across the living room, bringing his glass of coke up to his lips and taking a long, drawn out sip with a quirked eyebrow.
 You felt your world - no, your entire universe start to crumble around your very being, sat upon the couch just inches away from brushing against the resilient man’s arms that he’d sourly crossed over his chest.
 “Come on Changbin, not everyone is as lucky as the rest of you fucks. For all I know my soulmate could be halfway across the world in another country. The possibility of us actually running into each other is zero to none.”
 “That makes it all the more exhilarating. Imagine finally meeting the person you are literally destined to be with on like, a vacation in Paris or some shit. Now that is some quality young adult romance material.”
 “Vacationing in Paris - yeah, with what fucking money?” Minho retorts sharply, dramatically waving his arms around to gesture all around his small studio apartment.
 “You’re so pessimistic, Lee. Any man or woman would be attracted to a nurse-”
 “Oh sure, because my paycheck is so good that I have to live in a fuckass apartment at my age - how dreamy.”
 Sure, Minho liked to talk shit about his studio apartment, and you couldn’t really blame him half of the time since his home was super small compared to his friends’ places; not to mention he lived right beside an apartment housing a couple that never stopped going at it. Whatever noise complaints he had were dismissed with a lazy shrug, meaning the poor guy had to stuff his ears in the dead of night just to get some decent sleep.
 But then again, he had turned the small living space into something quite nice and, obviously, livable. The walls were painted a plain white, but Minho has spiced up the place by sticking some brick wallpaper onto a couple of the walls, as well as hanging up cute little houseplants here and there, scattered about the apartment. He also had two cats who got their fur everywhere.
 Not that you were complaining.
 “Y/N agrees with me, right?” Minho snaps at Changbin, quickly turning all of his attention just onto you within seconds. “I mean you don’t even know what your connection to your soulmate is.”
 “N-nope, still don’t know for sure. Could be anything for all I know.” You replied, your voice shaking slightly out of sheer nervousness and hurt. Minho hadn’t meant to intentionally hurt your feelings, and especially not in such a crude manner, but you couldn’t help the tugging at your heartstrings with his blunt statements.
 “See? That’s my girl, always got my back.” The man coos playfully as he leans into your side, slinging an arm loosely over your shoulders from behind to pull your closer to him. “We don’t need that stupid soulmate shit, yeah? I’ll find a great man or woman to marry and you’ll do the same. We can do some cheesy stuff and go on double dates!”
 You find yourself falling into a daze while weakly nodding in fake agreement with your friend, shifting your gaze so you wouldn’t have to feel the pain of making eye contact with him. While Changbin quickly snaps back at the brunette, initiating yet another argument between them with you quite literally stuck in the middle of it all, you take a moment to look down at the sleeve of your hoodie on your left arm. The material has ridden up just enough for someone to possibly spot the gauze lining your skin, but you discretely slide the sleeve down your arm again before either of the two arguing men can notice.
 Minho, on the other hand, lets his bandaged wound be seen by the whole world, still donning his short-sleeved pajamas from the night before. It is in the exact same spot your wound was, decorating the skin of your left arm just under your marginally scraped elbow.
 The other day you’d been mindlessly wandering around the heart of the city after meeting up with Minho for a diner date - well it technically wasn’t labeled as a date, but it still felt like one; and that was real enough for you to accept, at least. In the midst of your otherwise peaceful walk back home, two younger girls had skated by on the already narrow sidewalk, one of them accidently shoving you to the ground in an attempt to catch up to her friend who’d managed to speed ahead of her. The worst of the impact had been on your elbow and left arm, since you’d immediately tried to lessen the pain of the fall by landing on that spot - course you underestimated the roughness of the cement, leaving you with an ugly spot of missing skin and a bloodied elbow.
 And of course Minho had to go through the same exact pain as you, since that was essentially your connection - or, lack for a better term, your soulmate bond. Whenever one of you injured yourself, whether it be a teensy papercut or a scrape on your leg, the other person got the same exact injury on their body in the very same place.
 “- but you still know what your soulmate connection is, dumbass! Your other half is out there somewhere, fuck they’re probably wondering where the hell you are by now!”
 “Well fuck them, alright!” The man beside you boomed loudly, having clearly lost any and all patience with your other friend across the room. “I get to choose who I fall in love with, and they’ll just have to suck it up and deal with it. In fact, I have a date on Thursday with a person who is not my soulmate, and she is a fantastic girl who also thinks this whole system is a bunch of horse-shit!”
 That was the last straw.
 You abruptly stand up from the plush gray couch, tossing Minho’s arm off of your shoulders and onto the comfy material in a rush of mixed emotions. Their voices that had been so relentless in their harsh jabs at one another suddenly converged into one stunning harmony, calling out to you in worry; one more so with confusion, the other oddly knowing. Bearing no other utterance of a goodbye, you slip on your shoes sat by the front door and hurry out of the cozy home, quietly shutting the door behind your still retreating figure.
 “W-why did Y/N run out like that? Did... did I say something?”
 Changbin sighed softly to himself, staring sympathetically at the empty spot on the couch next to the concerned nurse.
 “She really has faith in this stuff, Minho, you should know that by now. Out of all of us, I’m pretty sure she’s the one most looking forward to being with her soulmate one day.”
 “Jisung for the last time, I do not want to go to the fucking party.”
 “Aww come on, Y/N! It’ll be fun, I promise!”
 “... fine, but that means you’re letting me spend the night and picking out movies to watch.”
 See, that was why you liked Han Jisung so much; while the kid liked to go out and party until the sun rose above the hillside, he never tried to force you into attending one with him - he respected how you preferred to stay home on Saturdays, taking the day off to simply relax in the mindless comfort of your own home.
 “Tell you what, we’ll go to the damn party-”
 “- but afterwards you’re paying for pizza and friend chicken. Deal?”
 You also knew how much Jisung liked for you two to actually be together and hang out like the best friends you were. He often abandoned his plans just for you, so you figured doing the same for him couldn’t hurt too much.
 Needless to say, you had been incredibly wrong, straying so far from the truth that when it finally hit you like a ton of bricks, you quite nearly puked on the spot.
 The party Jisung had managed to drag you to was a simple high school one, which meant there were underaged teenagers drinking their night away and making out with upperclassmen that would graduate in just a few months time, promptly leaving the hopeful boys and girls in their trail of dust. You weren’t at all similar to them when you were their age, instead choosing to pine after one of your male best friends that just so happened to be your soulmate - the person fate destined you to be with for the rest of your life.
 Said soulmate was in the middle of shoving his sinful tongue down another woman’s throat, husky noises bubbling from between his plump, slightly bruised lips when you and the blonde senior had stumbled into a vacant bedroom to, you know, raid the shelves of video games and duke it out while the other teens fucked around downstairs.
 “Minho?” His name slips past your parted lips, though it doesn’t even come close to catching his attention, nor the woman’s. Only moments ago you’d been a giggling mess, stumbling up the wooden stairs with a bubbly Jisung in excitement since he had overheard that the host let one of the guest rooms upstairs be open for anyone who felt uncomfortable or wanted to just hang out during the mess that was most certainly a stereotypical high school bash.
 But now... now you can feel your already frail heart starting to shatter like glass inside your chest. Because you fucking blew it. You chose not to tell the man that you were his soulmate, and that he was yours - that you were in love with him.
 Because he always spewed nonsense about disliking the entire system since you were kids, you were inclined not to speak of your bond with him at the tender ages you were at back then - besides, you were still mere children that screamed cooties when someone of the opposite gender was even affectionate towards another. Surely his opinions would diverge in the future.
 Except, they never did; in anything he became even more upfront with his thoughts on the ideals of fate as time flew by, cursing and challenging the universe with every other breath he took. While his blunt words had always left a lingering sense of regret in the back of your mind, nothing could have possibly prepared you for the condemning feeling of heartbreak that rolled over your frozen figure in the doorway of the guest room.
 “Dude, what the fuck?”
 You can just barely make out Jisung’s snort of disapproval and disgust at the sight before the both of you, and for a fleeting moment you watch as the two moaning adults hurriedly pull back from one another’s bodies as if the other was burning like a candlestick.
 “A-ah shit - um, guys, this is Ginny. She’s the girl I went out with on Thursday.” The breathless man explains, offering an awkward smile that compliments his even more embarrassed, flushing cheeks while his brown gaze darts between his two friends and his date. There’s a bit of a tent in his pants and there’s crimson lipstick smeared across his lips and neck. If you two hadn’t accidently walked in, then they would’ve taken another step further.
 The mere thought of Minho, the man you had so helplessly fallen in love with, having sex with another person crushed your soul. He was his own person, yes, but you felt the selfish urge to claim him as your own because fate wrote it so. Fate destined you two to join in a loving union, and you had fallen into its deadly trap - perhaps that was why it hurt so much more than it would have, had you not fallen in love with your best friend.
 So like any logical person who happened to be foolishly in love with their best friend and also happened to coincidently walk in on said best friend having a rather heated make out session with another wonderful human being, you turned tail and shot down the stairs of the house, ignoring Jisung’s call of confusion and Minho’s stunned shout for you to come back.
 Yeah, as if any logical person would walk right back into the very room their best friend was so about to have sex in - what was he thinking?
 “Y-Y/N, wait up!”
 What was he thinking?
 “Come on baby, slow down!”
 What were you thinking?
 “What do you want, Minho?”
 Why had you chosen to fall in love with the one man that didn’t believe in soulmates?
 “I - fuck, I’m sorry you had to see... that.” He goes to apologize breathlessly, as if he hadn’t just tore your heart out of your chest and stomped on it repeatedly.
 “So am I.” Is all you can say in response, too afraid that any other words you might utter would seal your fate and his own; one of likely rejection or awkward silences between two people - one of which was in love with the other, the second friend only seeing the other as just that, a friend.
 His bruised lips part to speak again, but you decide that you really need to split before he can unknowingly cause a mental breakdown in your head. With a swift turn on the heels of your feet, you face the other direction and begin to walk through the semi-crowded kitchen, the tips of your fingers gliding across the countertops to help steer you away from the center of the drunk crowd of teenagers.
 Without warning a sharp, searing pain runs up your veins all the way to the nerves of your hand grazing the gray countertops - it takes all of your self control not to let out a yelp of pain, although a weak, befuddled whimper does escape your lips in the heat of the moment.
 “Ow - what the fuck?” Minho hissed in unison with your whimper of utter pain, having started to follow close behind you in the sea of teens hovering in the already cramped kitchen area. “The fuck just cut my fingers-? Wait, are you bleeding?”
 You’d been in the middle of raising your bloodied fingers to your eyes to investigate the new wounds, little cuts from a stray knife carelessly splayed on the countertop stretching across three of your five fingers when Minho directed his attention towards you downcast gaze and red fingertips.
 He glanced to your wounds, and then his own.
 He hadn’t been using the countertop as a guide like you had been, as his arms had been pressed firmly against his sides to prevent himself from brushing against the other partygoers.
 “Is - is this your connection, Y/N?”
 “Do you mean our connection, Minho? Or should I go ask the pretty redhead in the bedroom if her bond is where she can suddenly have injuries appear on her body because her clumsy soulmate never stops getting hurt?” You’re not quite sure why you’re so furious with the man, and you know that by tomorrow morning you’ll be sending him various messages of apologizes for your rash, hurtful jabs. You knew it wasn’t right, blaming him of all people - but it hurt.
 “Our... connection?” He fumbles on his words, his eyes now searching yours for undying consolation - and he finds it, flashing across your now teary eyes as you stare at him.
 You can recall when and where you figured out Lee Minho was your soulmate. The both of you lived in a rural town not too far from the heart of the bustling city, growing up around cattle and barrels of yellow hay rather than flashing lights and nights of blaring music in the clubs across the streets. Naturally the two of you had grown close, labelling each other as the other’s “super-duper-bestest-friend” by the ripe age of six.
 Neither of you knew too much about soulmates and all that mumbo-jumbo the older kids and adults talked about pretty much 24/7, choosing to block their sweet confessions of love and endearment to one another by running around the park closest to your houses or going for a dip in the pond behind your fence.
 That particular day, though, Minho had dragged you to the quaint pond filled with cute orange fish the size of your pinkies and green frogs that croaked well into the late hours of the night. He wanted to try out “fishing” by catching the orange fish with his bare hands, that of course being the first mistake that day.
 You chose to simply watch the adorable black haired boy splashing away in the chilly water of the lone pond, your bottom sat upon a rounded stone a couple feet away; perhaps half an hour had passed when suddenly you felt an odd stinging sensation on the palm of your right hand, and at the same exact time you recalled hearing Minho let out a shriek of pain as he slipped his right hand out of the pond to cradle it into his chest.
 But even after finding out that it was your special bond with Minho, your soulmate, you kept your connection secret all the way until now by simply stating that you weren’t sure what your bond was. You wanted to see if you could convince Minho to see that fate was written for a reason, though you never forced your ideals upon him no matter how much it stung to hear him scrutinize the deep bond between the two of you - not that he had known, obviously.
 “Baby - I didn’t know, I’m so sorry.”
 You cut off his apologies with a shake of your head, backing away while you now cradle your bloodied hand into your chest. “Nothing would have changed, Minho. I should have realized that so much sooner.”
 And then you walk away, leaving behind your soulmate to collect his thoughts.
 Sunday mornings were usually a state of calm serenity for you, since you didn’t have any classes or shifts at work. They were days that resembled healing in your eyes, especially since you really needed some good time alone after the events of the night before.
 You wanted to scream and cry into a pillow all day long, in all honesty.
 You’re still lying alone in bed, tucked underneath the warm layer of a fuzzy brown blanket you’d been gifted last Christmas wrapped around your body like a sushi roll when you hear the unmistakable sound of your doorbell ringing. You know damn well who it is and why they’re at your doorstep - but you didn't feel ready to face them and own up to your mistakes and critical words.
 Somehow you get yourself to roll out of bed, not bothering to look all too presentable as you slowly saunter all the way to the front door where he is certain to be waiting anxiously.
 I can do this, I can do this, I can-
 “-Before you shut the door on me, please hear me out,” Minho pleads out to you in a rush of breath, his hands behind his back as he takes your silence into consideration, “okay I think that’s the go-ahead... Y/N, I still think people should be given the chance to fall in love with whoever they choose to,”
 Did he really need to remind you?
 “but I also think I like you - scratch that, I know I like you more than as a friend. I never tried to make a move on you because our views differed so greatly, and I know it was wrong of me to try and make you see my point of view in the middle of an argument. You always seemed so excited about the prospect of being with your soulmate, which I guess is technically me from what I understand, so I backed off.” He admits, occasionally having to force himself to slow down and say each word carefully so he wouldn’t be too overbearing.
 “Minho - you don’t need to apologize, I do. I should have told you sooner that I knew.” You breathe out softly, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion when he vehemently shakes his head in disagreement.
 “Lets just stop right there, because we could keep apologizing to each other for days and I don’t think these poor things will live that long without fresh water.”
 “Ta-da! Flowers for the lovely light of my life,” he hums cheerfully, bringing out a small but beautiful bouquet of flowers from behind his back to told them out in front of his face, peeking out form behind them with red cheeks and a nervous smile, “I um, I hope this isn’t too cheesy. I’m kinda hoping that you might give me a chance and go on a date with me-”
 “Of course I will, cheesehead - here, let me put these in a vase and we can discuss where we’ll be going on our date.”
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musicallisto · 6 years
Hello there! I absolutely love your ships, they are wicked good!! May I please have one for maze runner & divergent? :) INFP. 5'6, long brown curly hair, blue eyes. Wears glasses. Porcelain skin. Pretty quiet around strangers, usually chatty with friends. Def a "lets all get along' kind of person. Curvier figure. Kind. Sarcastic. Protective. Can get jealous. Love to make people laugh. Very caring/loyal. Puts others needs before my own, sometimes to a fault. I hate the heat. I love animals. 1/2
(forgot to say it’s a male ship!) Love just being with friends. Pretty laid back. People come to me for advice/to vent a lot. More of a listener, but will speak my mind/lead when need be. You mess with my friends, you mess with me. I find humor in almost anything. Thank you so much! And if you’re busy please take your time! I totally understand :)
(i no longer do these ships - if you want one, check out the new ship drabbles!) 
I Ship You With…
It wasn’t a piece of cake finding someone to ship you with because I thought you would be a perfect match with pretty much every male character in The Maze Runner universe! But I finally settled on Newt because I think your INFP personality would compliment his very well. Your more introverted side would be a great match for his kinda closed off habitual demeanor, and you would temper his sarcasm and cynicism with your kindness and humor. Even if you’re sarcastic yourself, which would be one of the reasons Newt would be drawn to you in the first place - he loves a girl who won’t take no shit from anyone and especially not from him, and who knows a good comeback or two. At first he would be a little hesitant to approach you, given that he’s very insecure and doesn’t remember ever interacting with a girl. He’s afraid you’ll think he’s boring/too brooding and not worthy of your time or something? but he quickly notices that you go out of your way to make him feel at ease, you’re a huge pacificist, and you’re very kind and compassionate. Those are also qualities that make Newt fall in love with you over the days. He just loves how you are the only person who’ll make him genuinely laugh. Minho used to, but he’s grown tired of his sarcastic, witty comments after being around the Asian boy for so much time, so your new kind of humor is like a breath of fresh air to the face after being trapped for so long with Minho’s usual cynicism and innuendos. He would love to hear you talk, given that he is more of a listener himself despite his role of a leader he more or less had to endorse in the Maze before Thomas arrived, and your voice would actually soothe him, even if you’re talking nonsense or telling him about that super super cute cat you saw the other day in the street. Talking about animals, it’s canon that Newt used to have a dog before he and Lizzie were taken by WICKED, so I’m sure some of that animal-loving instinct would remain deep down in his memory, despite not remembering anything about his childhood furry companion. And because we’re in a timeline in which everyone survives and makes it to the Safe Haven with no damage (shh I still can’t cope), you two would definitely adopt a dog after everything is over and you can go back to some kind of tranquility. All the other Gladers would fall in love with your “son”, as they like to call him, and would want to hang out at your house with you only to spend time with him and pet him, like they’re all literally whipped tbh (especially Minho who insisted that you name your dog after him… needless to say, that did NOT happen). But you forgive them because you’re both whipped to the dog too, and whipped to each other as well ;)
U R I A H   P E D R A D
I ship you with Uriah! I hesitated with Caleb at first but I think you would be a better match with Uriah thanks to his happy-go-lucky, funny personality, and being with the righteous, serious Caleb might be a little boring for you. He would always find a way to make you laugh and help you wind down after a stressful day at the Dauntless training. I can see you being an Amity born but choosing Dauntless because you secretly crave adventure and want to see wildly different horizons, and your family is pretty much distressed when they see you slice your palm and let the blood drop on the boiling coal. In the middle of all of this incomprehension (because they always thought you would stay in Amity and spend your life with them), Uriah would be the only one who would understand you and let you vent whenever you need to. He’s a Dauntless-born initiate, so he doesn’t know what it’s like to be given the cold shoulder by your family because of your choice, but he’s always here for you and your trouble kinda mirrors his because he’s lost his father too. You would also help him go through his drinking issues after finding flasks hidden under his bed. It would be a lot of pressure on the both of you but with time and patience you would progressively help each other heal from your past’s wounds. But you also love his positive traits and his kind of flirty, straightforward and confident attitude, that makes for an absolutely hilarious and cocky boyfriend. He’s so self-assured you want to slap him at times but you also love him for his kindness and his belief in others. He would be so positive and encouraging at all times, always trusting you and believing in you whenever you try something. He’d be the first to encourage and support you when you’re fighting or in a game of Capture the Flag, yelling “YES THAT’S MY GIRL” when he’s merely watching from the bleachers. Most of the time it would break your concentration so… not ideal, but sometimes it would give you exactly the rush of confidence and adrenaline you need to gain the upper hand in combat. And he wouldn’t admit it openly, but he would get pretty damn turned on when you would get all protective of your friends and especially of him, defending him against anyone who dares stand in your way. And all hells would break loose whenever you got jealous because someone was hitting on your guy. He would only tell you afterwards with that stupid little smirk of his, but he finds it very hot when you show everyone that he’s yours and you’re his, with a deep kiss to the lips right in front of whoever dared to make a move on Uriah. His promised ‘way to thank you for protecting him from the terrible attacker’ would definitely motivate you to get all protective more often ;)
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Ofenbach - Katchi
Ariana Grande - no tears left to cry
The Format - Dog Problems
Avicii - Waiting For Love
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leejinkiss · 7 years
Title: Keynderella
Fandom: SHINee
Pairing: Onkey
Genre: Crack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,489
Warnings: This is a very poor attempt on crack. Yes, this warrants a warning. *hides myself in the attic*. Also, cursing. And destroying children’s fairy tales.
Summary: The famous fairy tale Cinderella, but SHINee version.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful boy named Keynderella. When his mother died of an illness, his father remarried to a tall, handsome, frog-eyed man with two children: one is a small guy who closely resembles a crossbreed between a dog and a dinosaur and the other one looks innocent but is actually a piece of shit just waiting to unleash his inner demon. Since his father died of an accident, he was left alone with his evil stepfather and stepbrothers. They treated him like a servant, making him do all the house works and making him sleep in the attic because, well, they’re evil.
“Keynderella, foot massage! NOW!”
“Keynderella, remove my white heads!”
“Keynderella, trim my leg hair!”
But because Keynderella is a smart person who knows the difference of being kind and being a pushover, he just shrugged and continued dancing to KARA’s Mister. Fuck his stepbrother’s leg hair.
One day, a special invitation arrived at Keynderella’s house. It was an invitation to a grand ball wherein the prince were to choose a person he would want to marry. There was a rumor circulating around town that the current king is falling ill, so the prince who is next in line for the throne needs to take over as king soon. But in order to do that, he needs a queen to help him rule the kingdom.
All the women (and some men) were doing their best preparations in order to be chosen by the prince, including Keynderella’s stepbrothers. They bought suits from the finest designers. One of his stepbrothers even bought insoles, something about wanting to at least reach the prince’s chest.
Keynderella wanted to go. He doesn’t need to buy designer suits, he could just make one himself because he’s Keynderella and he’d look good even in trash bags. Despite this, he knew his stepfather and stepbrothers would not allow him to attend the ball. He wasn’t dumb enough to even tell them about his interest of attending because, oh I don’t know maybe they’ll just rip his clothes off so he could not attend? Who knows?
He waited until they left the house and took out his self-made suit. It was not the best but damn, did his face compensate for the ugly piece of clothing. As he was about to leave, a fairy godmother appeared in front of him.
“Honey, you aren’t seriously leaving wearing those rags, are you?” The fairy godmother who was apparently named Nicole was eyeing his suit with distaste.
“Well, if you just arrived earlier you wouldn’t have had to see me wearing this, wouldn’t you?”
The fairy godmother was stunned. How did he know she was supposed to arrive and help him?
“Oh, you know. I’ve watched enough remakes of fairy tales to know how shit like this works.”
Nicole the Fairy Godmother just shrugged and started to wave her wand until
“Wait!” Nicole raised her eyebrows at him. “Don’t make my shoes made of glass! That’s just stupid and dangerous.”
Nicole whined. The glass slippers are her favorite kind. “But WHY!? They’re beautiful!”
“I won’t exactly call a shoe that is transparent enough to show my whole ugly foot as beautiful. Besides, I haven’t trimmed my toenails. Just, don’t do glass slippers.”
“Ugh, you’re a pain in the ass.” Nicole waved her wand and transformed Keynderella from a handsome young man in clothes that look like it’s from a dollar store to, well, still a handsome young man, just in a Ralph Lauren suit. She also transformed a pumpkin into a carriage and the mice as the coaches, you know the drill.
Before Keynderella left, Nicole the Fairy Godmother left him with a warning.
“Keynderella, the magic wears off at midnight. Make sure that by then, you are already out of the palace or else…”
“Or else what?”
“Or else you’re gonna walk back home because the fucking mice can’t drive a pumpkin.”
And so, Keynderella went off to the castle. He entered through the front door which leads to the center staircase, being the badass the he is (and maybe also to flaunt the gorgeous Ralph Lauren he’s wearing). All eyes turned to him, deep inside he was kind of wondering how they all knew he just arrived. Did he have bells that signalled his arrival? Why did they all stop doing what they’re doing? The fuck?
He caught the attention of all the people in the palace, including the prince. Keynderella sashayed his way towards the middle where the prince was (He swore he just heard someone snort “The AUDACITY!”). The prince, who he noticed looked so soft and squishy like tofu, can’t take his eyes off the dashing young man. His smile shone brighter than the goddamn sun the more Keynderella neared him. When Keynderella reached him, the prince grabbed his waist and whispered in his ear, “Hello pretty, do you come here often?” He wanted to smack him but he stopped himself. He didn’t want to be executed.
They danced all night and the prince paid no attention to other people. Everyone was throwing him envious looks, wondering who he was and where he’s from, including Keynderella’s stepfather and stepbrothers.
“Taemin, I feel like that guy is familiar. I just can’t put my finger on it.” Jonghyun stared at the man with the feline beauty dancing with the prince, trying to remember if he saw this mystery guy in the past.
“He totally looks like our stepbrother we lived with for 5 years, only he’s in Ralph Lauren. Who could he be?” Taemin copied his brother’s expression.
Meanwhile, their father Minho was eyeing the man suspiciously. “Could it be? Is that Keynderella?”
The three paused for a moment and then shrugged, “Nah.”
The two main focus of the night were in the middle of dancing when Keynderella’s phone rang. It was a message from an unknown number.
“it’s almost midnight. just reminding you of the curfew. - nicole xoxo”
“Oh shit, I have to go.” Keynderella gave Prince Jinki an apologetic look and ran towards the exit. Prince Jinki, not wanting to lose the person he loves who he just met but whatever, chases after the man.
“Wait! How do I find you? Wai-oomph!” Prince Jinki tripped over the last step and fell face first on the floor.
Keynderella did not answer and just threw one of his shoes to the Prince, hoping that no one in the kingdom has the same shoe size as his.
The very next day, the prince sent off his best men to look for the mysterious feline beauty he danced with last night by asking them to try on the shoe that the man threw at him. They searched far and wide for the man but, unfortunately, no one else in the kingdom has a goddamn 10.5 shoe size.
Arriving at the very last house they haven’t searched yet, they asked for all the men in the house to line up to try on the shoe. Minho asked his two sons to try it on, but Taemin probably buys his shoes from the fucking kids section with those small feet and Jonghyun’s foot size compromises for his small height.
“They are the last ones, Your Majesty.” The head of the royal guards informed Prince Jinki.
“Oh. Okay, I guess I won’t find him here, then.” Prince Jinki said with a crestfallen face.
Unknown to the prince and his men, there is still a young man locked by his stepfather on the attic. They were about to leave when the prince heard SNSD’s Genie playing somewhere in the house.
“Is there another person in this house you’re not telling us about?” Prince Jinki eyes Minho suspiciously.
“N-no, Prince Jinki. Only the three of us. No other person to see here! You may leave now!” Minho sweats profusely, forcefully shoving the prince and his men out the door.
“Guards! Search the place!” Jinki shouts his command at his men. They immediately dispersed to look for any other person in the house. Minutes later and the music blasted louder, the locked door to the attic taken down by a guard. 
“I have found a young man in the attic, Your Highness!” The guard who found Keynderella shouted. Prince Jinki quickly climbed up the steps surprisingly not tripping along the way and was met with those feline eyes his heart clearly remembers.
“My love!” Prince Jinki held his arms wide open to welcome Keynderella, but Keynderella smacked him in the head.
“Took you long enough.” Prince Jinki just smiled sheepishly and carried Keynderella who was flashing the finger at his stepfamily bridal style.
A week later after while lying on their bed after a hot lovemaking sesh, now-King Jinki paused and looked at Queen(?) Keynderella.
“You know, you could have just given me your address. It would have saved us all the trouble.”
And they lived happily ever after.
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sevensevenswish · 7 years
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Playing games Genre: smut/angst
Kibum had a bad feeling as soon as he walked in the dorm. Jonghyun was sat on the couch with his arms crossed and an exasperated look on his face. Minho peeked his head around the corner at Kibum, “Are you ready for our re-match? I might let you win this time.” he said with a daring but playful tone.
“Yeah I’ll be in there in a minute.” Kibum said without breaking eye contact with Jonghyun. Minho nodded and went back to his room to set up the game.
“You’ll be in there in a minute huh?” Jonghyun said.
“Oh come on Jongy… we’ve been having a gaming battle.” Kibum said with uncertainty in his voice. The way Jonghyun didn’t break his hostile gaze made him uneasy.
“Is it better than hanging out with me? Because it seems that every night I’ve been home from my schedules you’ve been in that damn room with him giggling like a teenage girl.” Jonghyun had never sounded so mad before. Kibum wasn’t sure if the exhaustion Jonghyun was feeling was part of it or if playing games with Minho had actually upset him this much.
“What’s really wrong? Hanging out with Minho wouldn’t make you like this. What is it, Jonghyun?” Kibum sat on the other end of the couch facing Jonghyun.
“You never spend time with me anymore and I feel like we’re drifting apart now. If you didn’t spend so much time with Minho maybe this wouldn’t be happening.”
“So you’re blaming Minho for us being distant? He actually pays attention to me. He texts me and makes time for me. Minho is actually being there for me unlike you have been. You’ve been the one who’s distant. Look at your phone and tell me how many times I tried to call you and how many times you actually called me back! You’re the one who isn’t trying to be close. Minho is!” Kibum raised his voice. He couldn’t help it, it wasn’t Minho’s fault. Minho was just being a good friend.
“Why don’t you just go with Minho then!?” Jonghyun yelled. He got to his feet and so did Kibum.
“Maybe I fucking will! And maybe if you were around more often I wouldn’t have to fuck around with Minho instead anyway!” Kibum screamed at Jonghyun. The anger in him boiled over and he snapped. Jonghyun looked taken aback.
Minho stepped in the living room, “What the hell is going on?” He said.
“Fucking around with Minho now are you?” Jonghyun glared daggers at Minho and Kibum before walking out of the dorm and slamming the door shut far too loudly than necessary.
Kibum sat back on the couch and put his face in his hands, “I said too many things I shouldn’t have said.”
“Yeah that might be true but neither of you were right or wrong. You were both right and wrong in your own ways I guess. He should be there for you more often but when he actually is you need to be there too. I’m not your boyfriend, Jonghyun is. Finishing a game isn’t more important than spending time together.” Minho sat next to Kibum and rubbed his back for a few minutes before going out to find where Jonghyun went off to. Eventually he spotted his car at their favorite bar. He parked next to him and went in to find him and try to sort things out. He spotted him staring into his glass of something dark and strong. Minho sat down next to Jonghyun and looked at him. He saw one glass and three shots on the counter.
“We need to talk while you’re still sober.” Minho said putting his hand over the glass Jonghyun was about to lift to his lips.
“Why? I think I understand what’s going on.” He said, glancing at Minho.
“No you don’t Jonghyun. I’m not fucking him, never kissed him either. I’m kind of hurt you think I’d do that to you. You know that’s below me. I’d never do that to you.” Minho grabbed Jonghyun’s hand.
Jonghyun looked at Minho’s hand holding his own, “I know you wouldn’t. I’m sorry for thinking you actually would. I know I’m not thinking right. I know Kibum and I both said some things we shouldn’t have but I’m still mad at him.”
“Well he’s still mad at you too, Jonghyun. Go show him you love him.” Minho said.
“No. I’m gonna show him he loves me.” Jonghyun got up, grabbed his keys and left the bar to back to the dorm.
Minho watched him leave and took one of the shots still on the counter, “I’m gonna need this if I go home while they’re still at it.” He mumbled to himself before drinking it.
When Jonghyun got back to the dorm Kibum was no longer in the living room. He guessed he was in their room. Jonghyun walked in and didn’t see him anywhere. That was when he noticed the sound of water running.
“So he’s in the shower…” Jonghyun mumbled. That gave him time to change into a pair of Kibum’s sweatpants. They hung loosely on his hips and dragged a little bit on the floor. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Kibum. When the water turned off he felt a little bit nervous. It was a few more minutes before the door opened. Kibum saw him and started walking towards the bedroom door, “Kim Kibum.” Jonghyun said firmly.
Kibum stopped with his hand on the doorknob. He closed his eyes for a moment before turning around to face Jonghyun, “What, Kim Jonghyun?” Kibum tried not to look into Jonghyun’s eyes but that wasn’t easy when he got up to stand in front of him.
Jonghyun pulled Kibum against him and started kissing him. Kibum pushed Jonghyun away and looked at him up and down for a moment before their eyes met. Suddenly Kibum wrapped his arms around Jonghyun’s neck and kissing him back roughly. The kiss turned deep and sloppy as they grasped at each other, releasing their frustrations. Their tongues exploring each other’s mouths and necks. Jonghyun nipped and sucked at a spot just above Kibum’s collar bone. He moaned out when Jonghyun’s teeth grazed and nipped his sensitive skin. Jonghyun tangled his hand in Kibum’s still wet hair and pulled his head back roughly, giving him more access to ravish Kibum’s neck. To Jonghyun nothing was so blissful in that moment than hearing Kibum moan, nails digging into his shoulders and feeling Kibum’s cock growing hard against him. It all felt so good. Kibum shoved Jonghyun backwards making him fall on the bed. Jonghyun watched Kibum strip his clothes off and start touching himself while looking into his eyes.
“Get your ass over here.” Jonghyun demanded. Kibum obeyed and walked to the edge of the bed. Jonghyun pulled him down and laid Kibum down on his stomach. He ran his fingers up and down Kibum’s back and through his hair. He couldn’t help just staring at his body, “You know what to do. Don’t make me tell you.” Jonghyun said. Kibum knew what Jonghyun wanted and got on all fours. Jonghyun was busy taking his pants off. When he got back on the bed he bent over Kibum so he could whisper to him, “Good boy, Kibum.” He left kisses down his spink while his fingers traced his thighs and ass. He reached into the drawer in the nightstand and grabbed a condom and lube. He coated his fingers in lube and one by one inserted them into Kibum preparing him for his dick. Kibum’s arms were shaking with the pleasure of everything and dropped down to his elbows.
“Please fuck me.” Kibum choked out through his moans and whimpers. Jonghyun slid his fingers out and tore open the condom packet. He rolled it over his dick and rubbed some lube on Kibum’s hole. Jonghyun lined himself up and slowly entered him. Kibum cried out in pain and pleasure, digging his fingers into the bedsheets. Jonghyun gave him time to adjust and started moving in and out slowly at first until Kibum moaned for more.
“Faster… fuck Jonghyun please.” He begged. Jonghyun thrust in and out faster and faster. Kibum’s cries turned into moans of pleasure and begs for Jonghyun to go harder, faster. Their moans filled the room. Jonghyun pulled out and flipped Kibum over. He grabbed his belt that was laying on the floor and used it to bind Kibum’s hands to the headboard. Jonghyun kissed Kibum’s stomach and lifted up his hips and thrusted back into him again. Jonghyun kissed him sloppily and wrapped his hand around Kibum’s dick and stroked him softly. Jonghyun quickened his pace and left small kisses on Kibum’s throat and chest. Kibum felt his orgasm building quickly. He couldn’t hold it off anymore.
“Jonghyun! I’m gonna- fuck!” Kibum cried out when Jonghyun moved his hand up and down his cock to increase his pleasure and bring him over the edge. Kibum came on their chests and moaned Jonghyun’s name loudly. Jonghyun thrust into him hard and fast a few more times before his own orgasm washed over him. He rested his forehead on Kibum’s chest and pulled out of him. He tied the condom and threw it away before he undid the belt holding Kibum’s hands against the headboard. Jonghyun dropped down and laid next to Kibum. They laid together for what seemed like an hour before Jonghyun spoke up.
“We need to talk.” Jonghyun said quietly in Kibum’s ear.
“I know. I’m sorry I said I was fucking around with Minho… and I’m sorry for being angry at you for your schedule when you don’t control it.”
“I forgive you and I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for being angry at you for spending time with Minho when all you wanted was just company. I’m also sorry for even considering that you actually were fucking him. I love you.”
Kibum turned to look at Jonghyun, “I love you too.” he whispered and kissed Jonghyun’s lips softly. Jonghyun picked Kibum up and carried him to the shower.
“I know you just showered but at least I’ll be here this time.” Jonghyun kissed Kibum and massaged his shoulders. After their shower they snuggled under their warm blankets together.
A little while later Minho got home and had Jinki and Taemin with him. Minho walked down the hall to Jonghyun and Kibum’s room and cracked open the door to check on them since he heard no sound. He saw the two snuggled up together fast asleep with clothes strewn across the floor. He chuckled quietly and turned off their bedroom light and shut the door.
Hope you all enjoyed :) message me if you have a request.
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