#i need to not be waiting 3-5 months for a letter for an appointment
stargazingpsychotic · 11 months
If even at my best recently the best idea is to just hurt myself so bad I have to get help regardless of consequences. If I die, I die, if not then maybe I'll have at least got back on meds like I was supposed to months ago. If I can at least get that, and not be how I am now for most of every day that would be something. If I need help and asking for it isn't enough and having tried several times recently with people knowing about it isn't enough then I just have to do worse and worse until it's importable to ignore. And I hate this, I get how this sounds, but what other choice is there? I have nothing to help manage this currently. All I had was later tonight, and once that goes there's nothing to think about making it to, not that it was worth going this long.
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heli-writes · 7 months
Seven summers, part 6.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x female!reader
Summary: Every summer, Draco and y/n meet. First, by pure coincidence, then intentionally. Unbeknown to Draco, y/n's a muggle who has no clue he's a wizard. With the rise of the dark lord, how long can this go well?
Disclaimers: Make-out session, allusion to sex, no full-on smut (they're still minors, y'all!)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Series Masterlist
Sixth summer, July.
The weather in England has been cold and rainy lately. It doesn't seem to be July at all. Y/n longs for those warm, long summer nights outside in her parents' garden, playing cards and drinking bubbly lemonade. Instead, she's clinging to her umbrella and making herself as small as possible so that she doesn't give the wind too much space to attack her with its whipping water. She's waiting for Draco near the entrance of Diagon Alley. She watched several wizards enter and leave the place, but no Draco so far. Y/n wonders if he will actually show up. They've been exchanging letters via owl, as usual. At the beginning of the school year, Draco's letters have been arriving quite frequently but there were less and less letters the last few months. Y/n knows there's been some arguments with his rival Harry and a new teacher. Draco was appointed a certain position in a Club or something. He didn't really tell her what's it about but ever since he's been more reserved than before.
Y/n waits for almost an hour before she gives up. She walks through the pouring rain back to the bus stop. She stops by a Costa and treats herself to a hot cup of tea on the go in an attempt to warm herself up. On the bus, she plugs in her headphones and stares out of the window. She tries really hard not to cry and hopes that none of the other passengers notice th water dwelling in her eyes. When she gets off the bus, her head's pounding from the oppressing of tears. Y/n walks straight home and up to her room, without taking off her jacket and boots. She can hear her mother complaining about the water on the floor, but she doesn't care. She's just dropped onto her bed when she hears the soft clank of Draco's owl on her window. Y/n gets up and sniffs. This guy has some nerve, she tells herself as she walks up to the window. She takes the letter from the owl and throws some dried meat in its direction, a habit she picked up a while ago. She leans back on a chair and reads.
Dear y/n,
I won't be able to make it today. I'm really sorry but there have been some issues in my family recently and my mother needs my support. I hope the whole situation dissolves itself soon.
I'll send you a letter when it's possible to meet again. I hope you can understand.
Y/n folds up the letter and puts it in a box beneath her bed where she keeps all of Draco's letters. She writes a quick response and hands it to the owl who is patiently waiting outside. She watches the owl fly away. I must've just missed his message, y/n thinks. Yet still she can't shake the feeling that something is off.
Draco lets y/n wait for two weeks. Y/n got antsy with every passing day without hearing from him. Eventually, he sends her a letter and proposes a meeting in Windsor Great Park for a stroll and coffee. Y/n is nervous all morning and has to redo her makeup twice after ruining her eyeliner. Again, y/n is the first to arrive. She walks up and down the entrance of the Savill Garden.
"Hey", she suddenly hears behind her. Draco is standing right next to her with a loopy grin on his face. It doesn't reach his eyes, y/n thinks. She smiles at him nonetheless and opens her arms to hug him. Almost hesitantly, Draco hugs her back. It's a bit awkward. "Do you want to go inside?", y/n says and points to the garden. Draco nods. They take the tourist route but there aren't many other people around. It's probably because of the grey clouds that hang low above their heads. They walk along the path between rows of bushes and other plants.
Draco doesn't make an attempt to start a conversation, so y/n does. "So, how's your family? Everything alright? Your letter sounded quite serious.", y/n asks him. Draco shrugs and doesn't answer immediately. "I guess, we're alright. Things haven't been resolved but it will be ok.", he tells her. Y/n nods reassuringly but she feels that Draco does not really believe that last part. "If you don't mind me asking... what happened?", she asks carefully. Draco kicks a stone out of his way. "My dad has been involved in some stuff. He's temporarily contained.", he tells her. Y/n stares at him with big eyes. "Like jail?", she blurts. Draco gives her an angry look. "Yes. My mother did not take it too well.", he replies. "Oh.", is all that y/n manages to say. They walk in silence for a moment. "What about you? How do you take it?", she asks him. Draco shrugs again and does his best to look somewhere far ahead. "Draco...", y/n mumbles and touches his arm. "I'm fine.", he says harshly, "My mother needs all the support she can get. I can't be weak in a situation like this". Y/n steps a bit closer to him and rests her cheek on his arm while taking his hand. "It's not a weakness to feel bad about a situation like that. It only shows how much you care about your parents.", she tells him. Almost instantly, she can feel Draco's shoulders slump down. He turns to her and finally pulls her close. He hides his face in her hair. "I must do everything I can to clear my family's name. One way or another.", he points out. Y/n thinks about this for a moment. "It's not your responsibility. Support your family as much as you can, but don't let the weight of it pull you down.", she replies. Draco shakes his head. "You don't understand... my mother...", he starts. "...is an adult. We're only sixteen, Draco. There's only so much we can do. Somethings we must let the adults handle.", she points out. Draco shakes his head again. "No, my mother can't handle this. I'm the one who has to fix things. I've been chosen.", he tells her. Y/n frowns. "Chosen? By whom? For what?", she asks him. Draco lets go of her. "It doesn't matter. The point is I'm going to handle this. Don't worry.", he says coldly. Draco walks a bit ahead and y/n stares after him. She's got a really bad feeling about this but it's clear that Draco isn't ready to talk about this.
She jogs after him. "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. We haven't seen each other since Christmas and I really am happy we're spending time together today.", she announces and gives him a bright smile. She holds out her hand to Draco and looks at him expectantly. Draco sighs and then takes her hand. They continue their stroll and y/n tries to distract Draco with silly stories about school and her friends. She updates him on Olivia's situationship and manages to pry some stories about Blaze and quidditch out of Draco. The atmosphere loosens up a bit and soon she finds Draco genuinely smiling again. They wander deeper into the garden and don't notice how the clouds above them get darker and darker. They're laughing about one of y/n's stories when the first drop landed on y/n's cheek. Draco wipes it away carefully. They look up and notice how armageddon is right above them. Within seconds, it's pouring. Draco pulls her close and uses his wand as an umbrella. However, the wind whips raindrops onto their sides. They rush along the path, deeper into the rows of trees ahead of them. They're almost soaked when they finally find shelter in a stone pavilion.
Y/n is shivering but glad there are still some parts of her that are dry. Draco sits down next to her and puts an arm around her. Y/n nuzzles closer into his side. Draco leans his head against hers. They don't speak and when y/n finally looks up, she immediately meets Draco's gaze. He must've been staring at her for a while now. Immediately, he leans close and they meet in a kiss. For a moment, everything outside the pavilion seems to stop existing. Y/n kisses him back feverishly and grabs his collar. Draco's hand is tangled in her hair and his other hand wanders down her side. Y/n presses her upper body closer to his and Draco pulls her onto his lap. They kiss until they can't breathe anymore. Y/n leans her forehead against his as both of them catch their breath. There are no sounds besides the pouring rain outside.
"Draco?", y/n breathes. "Hm?", he mumbles in response. Y/n's heart leaps in her chest. It takes all her courage to say: "I think I love you". Draco leans back and looks at her with surprise in his eyes. Clearly, he didn't expect a confession of love. Immediately, y/n feels embarrassed. She wishes she could take the words back. "Y-you don't have to say it back. I just thought...", she rumbles but doesn't get to finish her sentence. Draco puts his hand onto the back of her head and pulls her lips against his again. He gives her a deep, longing kiss which leaves y/n breathless once again. When he lets go of her, he looks at her longingly and strokes over her cheek. Then he presses a kiss on top of her head and pulls her into a hug. Y/n feels warm and fuzzy inside and she almost forgets that Draco did not return the confession.
They stay in the pavilion until the heavy rain fades into a soft summer drizzle. Only then, they start wandering back to the entrance of the garden. They part ways rather quickly since the rain started again after some point. However, y/n proposes that he should come visit her soon. Her parents will be visiting her grandparents all the way up in Keswick and will be gone for a couple of days. They put y/n under house arrest for the time being (considering what happened last year), but allowed to have a friend over. They probably thought about Olivia but when y/n asked her, Olivia immediately declined saying that y/n simply must invite Draco. Draco is a bit hesitant to accept the invitation and says that he will have to see how things at home. They both decide to write soon.
On her way back to the train station, y/n has mixed feelings. On one hand she's over the moon about meeting Draco finally again, on the other hand, she's also worried about him. Having a father in jail is already troubling but it sounded as if Draco was ready to do anything to fix that. She wonders if that included more than giving a testimony in front of a court. One way or another, he said. She hopes Draco is smart enough to not do anything stupid, or illegal.
Sixth summer, a few weeks later.
Anxious. That's how y/n feels as she waits for Draco at King's Cross. Y/n and Draco have been writing back and forth for the last couple of weeks. Draco's been really quiet about his father's situation and y/n didn't push too much. However, whenever y/n brought up Draco coming over, he kept saying it probably wouldn't be possible and that too many things were going on. Which clearly indicates that things haven't been resolved. Surprisingly, Draco sent her a letter a few days ago saying that meeting her would be possible after all. Apparently, his mother and his aunt visit a family friend, giving him a chance to slip away. When y/n got Draco's letter saying that he would be visiting after all, she immediately called Olivia who immediately rushed over. Giggling, they wrote lists and prepared the house for what y/n's parents assumed was a sleepover. It also leads to her parents being quite relaxed about leaving y/n alone for a few days.
Right now, y/n is waiting for Draco to arrive at King's Cross. Obviously, Draco does not take a muggle train. He arrives via floo powder somewhere close but they agreed to meet at the station from where y/n would take him home. Y/n nervously scans the crowd in front of her. Suddenly, she feels a tap on her shoulder. "Hey, there pretty girl.", she hears Draco say behind her. When she twirls around, he is mere inches from her face. "Draco!", she laughs and throws her arms around him. Draco almost drops his bag while trying to keep his balance. Y/n quickly retreats. "Sorry!", she says. Draco puts down his bag. "That's alright.", he tells her and pulls her close by her arms. He hugs her close and hides his face in her hair. Y/n's heart skips a beat. When he lets go of her, he looks over his shoulder nervously. Distractedly, he says: "So, uh... is your house close by?". Y/n tries to see what's behind him or what he's looking for but when he turns back to her, she gives him a bright smile. "We'll have to take the bus.", she tells him and takes his hand. Draco sighs behind her. "You don't happen to have a fireplace, do you?", he mumbles. Y/n laughs. "No, sorry! We have central heating.", she says as she pulls him along with him.
While Draco feels visibly nervous in the station, he relaxes once y/n and him have entered the bus. When y/n asks him why, he tells her that there are probably no wizards here who could see them. Y/n nods understandingly. It's a short walk from the bus station to y/n's house. Her house is one of these terraced houses with white, wooden windows and a small front garden. It's nothing special really but her parents had to save up for it for quite some time and they're really proud to call themselves 'homeowners'. Y/n thinks it's a bit ridiculous but then again she's never bought a house and doesn't even know how much it would cost. Y/n pulls out her keys and opens the door.
She holds the door for Draco. "Ladies first. You can put your shoes over there.", she tells him as she quickly pushes him inside. Ever since they made a turn into y/n's street, she's been the one looking over her shoulder. Can't have the neighbours see her sneaking a boy in. She's pretty sure that the nosy old lady from across the street would just love to tell her parents all about that. Y/n quickly closes the door behind her and pulls off her jacket. Draco is standing in the hallway looking around and feeling a bit out of place. Y/n points past him. "Go on, straight through that door. There's the kitchen", she tells him. They enter the kitchen together and y/n quickly puts the kettle on. "C'mon.", she tells him and leads him to the room to the right. It's the living room which has a small conservatory attached to it. It's her mother's favorite room since it's always bright and open. In the middle, there's a large couch with pillows and blankets. On the left is the telly and a coffee table. "It's cozy", Draco notes as y/n leads him to the coach. "Sit down. I'll make the tea.", she tells him as she rushes off back to the kitchen.
She prepares a tray with tea, mugs and some biscuits. When she enters the living room again, Draco still sits in the same position as she left him. I guess he feels a bit awkward, she concludes. After she pours him a cup of tea, she asks him: "So, what do you think? Is this how you imagined muggles to live like?". Draco laughs and rubs his head in embarrassment. "Actually, I'm not sure what I expected. But it's really nice. I like this room.", he says and points to the conservatory. Y/n pulls one of her legs under the other and takes her tea cup. "Hm, you really had no image in your head how I live like?", she asks. Draco shakes his head. "How do you imagine I live like then?", he replies. Y/n thinks about that for a moment. "I guess I imagine a big house, maybe a villa. An old one, maybe Victorian? I imagine a big staircase right when you enter. Old, but classic and high-quality furniture.", she explains. Draco looks at her surprised. "That's actually not that far off.", he tells her. "I can't imagine your room though. I feel like I can imagine your dorm room better than your room at home.", she says. Draco takes a sip from his tea. "Do you want me to describe it?", he asks her. Y/n nods excitedly. He crooks his head. "Let's see. My room is upstairs, in the East Wing. It has a window facing the East as well so that I can see the sunrise every morning. My walls are painted in a greyish-blue. My furniture is black. When you enter the room, you're standing in front of my bed. Opposite the bed is the window and in front of it is my desk. To the left of the desk, is my wardrobe which is always messy and to the right are some shelves with books.", he describes. Y/n tries to imagine the room. In her head, the room is kind of empty besides the furniture Draco described. "Is there anything else in the room?", she asks. Draco names some quidditch equipment and some other tokens that y/n has trouble imagining. Draco tried to explain quidditch to her one time but y/n fails to truly understand the game. Probably, because she's never seen a person riding a broom.
"Would you like to see my room?", y/n proposes and Draco nods. They walk back to the hallway and up the stairs that are on the left. "My room is all the way up, beneath the roof.", she tells him as they climb up the stairs. Y/n's room is the only room on the last floor. When she opens the room, there's her bed to the left and behind the door is her closet. Right in front of the door are three windows. In front of the middle one, is her desk. On the left is a little reading niche and on the right is a dressing table and a cupboard. A chain of lights is strung from one side of the room towards another. Y/n makes some space for Draco to enter. He looks around the room in silence. "So, what do you think?", she asks. "It suits you. I don't know how I'd imagine your room but this fits you perfectly.", he tells her. Y/n giggles and drops onto her bed. "You think so?", she says. Draco nods and turns around in her room before joining her on the bed. Y/n thinks the sight of him in her room is a bit strange. Like he doesn't quite fit into it. He's dressed in black (like always) and her room is dominated by beige and pastel tones. "Yeah, it's bright and warm. And girly. And cozy.", he replies. Y/n snuggles up to him. "You like it?", she asks him. Draco pulls her closer to him. "Yes. Actually, I like your whole house. Everything is very home-ly.", he murmurs and kisses the top of her head. He pulls her back and they fall on top of the comforter of y/n's bed. Draco turns to his side, pulling her closer to him. Y/n takes in his scent and puts her head on his chest, just beneath his head. Draco's hand finds its way into y/n's hair and he scratches the skin of her skull a bit. Y/n feels how the three magical words lay heavy on her tongue again, begging her to speak them out loud once more. She swallows them down quickly, however. She doesn't want to make a fool out of herself once again.
They lay there for a while and y/n is not sure whether or not she may have dozed off a bit. The room's colour faded to grey indicating that the sun was about to go down. Draco stretches next to her and sits up. "Are you hungry?", y/n asks him. Draco shrugs but y/n knows him well enough that that means yes. They end up ordering pizza and watching y/n's favourite movie. Setting up the telly, Draco is fascinated by the technology and asks a bunch of questions about how it works without magic which y/n definitely can't answer. She lets Draco choose a movie afterwards and they spend the evening rotting on the couch. Eventually, the titles roll and y/n sits up stretching. She peeks over to Draco whose eyes are closed. Did he really fall asleep?, she thinks and pokes his cheek. He wrinkles his nose and opens an eye. "Sleepy? Wanna settle for the night?", y/n asks and Draco yawns and nods. They get up and climb up the stairs to y/n's room. After brushing their teeth, they climb into y/n's bed and Draco pulls her close. Y/n leans her head against his and lets her hand rest on his chest. Draco gently strokes over her back and places soft kisses on her forehead, her cheeks and her nose. Y/n crooks her head and meets him in a soft kiss. It's slow and sweet. Draco puts his hand into her hair and pulls her face closer to him, deepening the kiss. Y/n's heart starts beating faster. They kiss like this for a bit until Draco rolls her over so that y/n lays flat on her back. Draco hovers over her while continuing to kiss her. Y/n puts her hands behind his neck and one of Draco's hands runs up and down her sides. Y/n feels goosebumps forming all over her body. Draco's hand finds the hem of her shirt. His fingers dip under it, softly circling the skin of her hip. He leans his head back for a moment. "Is this okay with you?", he asks. Y/n nods breathlessly, not trusting her voice to say yes. She's expected it to happen tonight. Hell, she kinda hoped it would. Draco pushes his hand under her shirt exploring the warm, naked skin underneath it. Y/n lets her hands run down his back and pulls his shirt up a bit. Draco sits up for a moment and pulls it over his head. Y/n stares up at him in awe. He looks even more pale than usual with the moonlight hitting his skin the way it does at this moment. She sits up a bit and runs her hand down his chest. Draco gently pulls on the neckline of her shirt, silently asking for permission to take it off as well. Y/n swallows. She's nervous. "We don't-", Draco starts but y/n cuts him off by pulling her shirt off as well. Draco doesn't say or do anything for a few seconds. Then he slowly traces a line from her shoulder over her collarbone down to her chest. He leans forward again, kissing her deeply while finally cupping her chest with his hand. Y/n lets herself fall back on the pillow.
She won't worry about anything tonight. Not about her parents or Draco's parents. About whether or not a wizard and a muggle can be together. By the time Draco's hands wander down to her pants, she has forgotten about most of it.
Tag list: @gypsylilim @caffeine-addict-slug @huiiline @rclector @am0iur @nofacenonamelikekira @0iheartu @jahaina @eringaitskill @jae-is-confused @stormy-stardust @a-beaverhausen @niyahzda1 @idkwatodoanymore @cumuluscranium @moongirl27 @smilefortae @idkimjusthereman @ethyxia @nana-jaeminie @thatswhatmakesmefree-blog
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princessmaybank · 3 months
Hi! Congratulations on 1.5!!! sent something else for the celebration already but saw you post about warning a “💌 New Message”. I know you mentioned for us to state which character we would like it from but honestly I pretty much like them all the same (except I do like Pope just a little bit more) so either from Pope, or if you think I would for better with sometime else then I would definitely love that! (Also preferably the character being my established significant other (so like at least being together for like 6 ish months)). And even though I’m a really boring person, here it goes haha. I’m pretty shy and introverted when first meeting someone (and in public) but once I get to know and become closer to someone I am more extroverted around them, and more relaxed and carefree. I would describe myself as a very kind, honest, caring, and overall good person. I would also say I’m a romantic and love all that stuff that some people find cheesy. I unfortunately didn’t get the stereotypical high school love and have only had 2 “romances” (a few “dates” (I put in quotes because yes they were dates but no effort was made and were nothing like how I imagined/imagine dates should be) and kissed/made out but then said they didn’t want anything serious). I love both cats and dogs but after we put down our last dog a few years ago we (my family and I) decided just to have our cats (as my mom is getting older and didn’t want to deal with potty training and taking a dog on walks, especially when I am at college). I LOVE music I am listening to music pretty much all the time, exceptions being when I am working/ doing school stuff that I have to have my entire focus on (or obvious things like at a restaurant with family or friends, dr appointment, etc) although once I am sitting in the chair at the dentist after talking to the hygienist, I have it in my chart that I put my headphones in because I hate loud noises the noise, (and the taste, smells, noise all put together makes me freak out). I said I hate loud noises, however I love fireworks and concerts (I put earplugs in lmao). I am a basic white girl with most of my music taste (sue me okay!) and love Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Halsey, Kelsea Ballerini, the glee cast seasons 1-3💀, 5 seconds of summer, one direction, however I do also love Evanescence and Halestorm. In middle and high school I was in band (played the clarinet) and choir for a few years but did not continue when teachers left and i didn’t get much joy from it anymore, but I still sing along to music I listen to. I am NOT into sports/don’t watch/play but when I was younger I was really interested in gymnastics and did it for four years until the price increased and I had to quit. However I love “swimming” (going in the water and relaxing/ moving around, not swimming laps or anything like that). This was all over the place and I feel like this was probably way too many details you don’t need/don’t help you but also possibly not enough info to write a letter :/ But anyways, hopefully it is good enough you can write something from it! Thank you and once again congratulations!!!
Thank you babe ❤️ I guess I'm a post office now because have a letter here from Pope for you! 😂
Hello Beautiful,
It's our 1 year anniversary and I am extremely sorry for not being able to be with you for it. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you again. I think about you every day, all day long. Not a day goes by where you and your lovely smile don't cross my mind.
I know I told you I'd be away for a few more months but I have something to tell you. I'll be back to visit in a few weeks honey!
You've probably already seen them by now in the envelope, but in case you haven't looked, I got you a little something. I know how much you love Niall Horan, and I saw that he was on tour, so I made a few ends meet and I got us some tickets for his show near us. I'll be visiting that week. Can't wait to see my beautiful baby.
P.S. I know it's not as good as the tickets but I also sent a picture of me. I Love You.
Pope <3
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ukftm · 1 year
Sorry this is so long. In 2017 i was seen at london gic, given the go ahead for testosterone gel. My gp refused at the time. I tried 3 different gp’s and the 4th agreed to start (now 2020) but she was a locum. When she left my gp cancelled the prescription i was only on it 3 months. I begged my gp to continue but got nowhere as she “didn’t believe it was right thing to do” her words. So i changed gp surgery. It took me so long to change as i felt like giving up, but i finally thought i’d try again. Just had a appointment waited 8 weeks for it and all i got was a referral back to gic London which is 5 year long wait list. I’m going to try another gp at this surgery another 8 week wait. If they refuse to starting a prescription, i’ll have to wait the 5 years again and even then a gp can refuse to prescribe again like the first time. I came out when i was 16 it’s 10 years later and medically i am no further forward. I am so frustrated at the whole system. It feels like i will never be able to medically transition. I want to give up completely. I’ve done everything i can transition wise (documents ect). What are my options if i still get refused from every gp i see, i can’t afford private care. I know legally no gp has to prescribe on recommendation of a specialist but if that’s the case then every gp i see won’t prescribe. I can’t keep trying, it’s exhausting and i haven’t got anywhere in 10years. What can i do?
Hi Anon,
My advise would be to write a letter of complaint to your local NHS board, detailing the fact that you have been prescribed T from your GIC and your multiple GPS have refused you treatment (detail the specific GPs by name). These GPs are acting against the recommendation of the GIC and refusing you care/treatment.
Before you write your letter of complaint, do some research on the NHS website and look at their care statements and policies for patients. This will help you use some of these points in your letter.
GPs may have their own opinions about trans health care but they CANNOT refuse you treatment especially when you have been prescribed T by your GIC. GPs cannot decide who they will and will not treat. This is discrimination. You must say very clearly in your complaint letter that you are being refused treatment as a trans person and you are therefore being discriminated against due to your trans identity. Using words like ‘discrimination’ and ‘refusal of access to medical care’ are really important when writing letters of complaint.
The General medical council clearly state: “That GPs must co-operate with gender identity clinics and specialists to provide effective and timely treatment for trans and non-binary people.”
You may also want to get in contact with your GIC and ask if there is anything further they can do.
You would however NOT be put back to the bottom of the waiting list so you would not have to wait another 5 years for further letters or appointments with your GIC. You would just need to email/call them to discuss your situation.
You should also reach out to your local MSP and tell them about your situation and that as a trans person you are being refused treatment.
Citizens advice are also a good place to contact for advice. Their website states: “if GPs refuse to accept you, they must provide reasonable grounds and give you their reasons in writing”. This will apply to refusing treatment also. I have attached the citizens advice website as it provides a few options to get help.
There are too many trans people having bad experiences like this with their GPs, but writing formal letters of complaint highlighting their discriminatory practises are essential here.
I have also attached a document that Mermaids created about GPs and their duty of care as well as a link to a website discussing trans healthcare, so you may find this information helpful:
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dekuinthelake · 1 year
Hi, I'm in Denver and i saw you were treated by Denver health? I got an email from an advocate but it was unclear what I'm supposed to do except wait? You can't call the lgbt center it always gives you voice mail. I have a couple of questions: 1. Tf am i supposed to do, i gather i need to find a pcp to talk to them about this but they were kinda just like HERES STUFF YOU ALREADY KNOW ABOUT HOW BULLSHIT IS GONNA BE K BYE GOOD LUCK in the email 2. Are they even any good lmao I'm getting real tired of being treated like a 5 year old many times i express "no you don't understand I'm transgender i don't even want tits."
Yeah healthcare for trans people is such a minefield and I'm sorry fuckers keep disrespecting you.
I get my HRT and other trans related healthcare at planned parenthood. There are several in CO, but the one I go to in Denver has amazing doctors. It just takes a while to get in to any of their locations and even to get ahold of anyone on the phone. But it's worth the wait because they understand what you are asking them and get to the point quickly. I had to have a letter from them and my therapist so my insurance would cover some of my top surgery just as a heads up for you.
I only got top surgery at Denver Health. What I did was contact them specifically about gender affirming surgery (boob removal). In general, I think the doctor at DH are extremely rushed, understaffed, and underfunded so I would not seek a pcp or gender affirming care there. Anything else honestly is a waste of time.
I went to this part of their website to start the process https://www.denverhealth.org/services/lgbtq-services/gender-affirming-surgery/chest-reconstruction-surgery . It took me like a full ass year waiting to even get a consultation so we could schedule another appointment that was to then schedule the actual surgery 3 months out.
Their work sheets are extremely unhelpful most of the time, but don't be afraid to email them and ask for clarification. It's annoying though. I got passed between people constantly on the road to top surgery. But ye. Hopefully this is helpful and I'm wishing you luck dude ❤️
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alice-steel · 1 year
I'm a disabled trans woman currently living with my underpaid and overworked partner off their income as we wait for the beurocracy to agree that I'm disabled and give me the benefits I paid in for the ~10 years I worked before accepting that I'm disabled. Our day-to-day budget, while tight, is functional. However we are so poor as to only get medical insurance through medicaid and to live in the state of Missouri which both already had an explicit exclusion of trans surgeries from Medicaid and recently passed a bill which doubles down on that exclusion and adds in an exclusion for HRT as well.
I've been in touch with a trans legal aid group who said they'd be willing to help with pursuing legal action regarding the old exclusion once I get a direct rejection of the prior authorization I've requested. However, I don't really want to go through the stress of that whole process if I can help it at this point so I'm redoubling .y efforts to get help paying for surgery out of pocket. I've already had a consultation with Dr. Loren Schechter at Rush in Chicago and have all the required medical letters so basically the only thing keeping me from getting surgery scheduled is a lack of funding.
If possible, I would also love to get together enough to just move to the Chicago area, but that's not my priority right now.
I don't currently have a confirmed price estimate for the surgery itself or really any of the related expenses but based on the information I've seen from others I'm guessing it's going to be around $10k-20k. I have no expectation of being able to raise that much from people here, or anywhere else I might share this but I hope to raise enough that I can manage to get a loan to cover the rest.
Donation channels:
Cashapp: $AliceSteelTDD
PayPal: alicesteeltdd
FBPay: message me for link
Crypto: fuck that shit
Others will be added upon request so long as the channel seems trustworthy.
I will update this post as I receive donations and/or details on the actual expected costs.
Update: I just received a good faith estimate. The estimate says it will cost $50,615 to them with half up front. Beyond that, I'll also need to cover travel and living expenses for a few months in the area for recovery and follow-up appointments, which I'm guesstimating at around $4.5k. I guess the numbers I'd heard before were after insurance coverage. I've updated the target to $55,000 accordingly. I have yet to receive any aid, so the progress remains at $0.
Update 2: So I got an insurance quote that would cover surgery and everything and if we (my partner and I) could get a loan for $18k with $400/mo payments for 5 years we would be completely set. The problem is our bank will only loan AT MOST 3 months of her gross pay, which is like 7-8k. That would cover our debts and the base premiums for the year, though. Then if I put back my plasma money for the first 2-3 months alongside the amount less than 400/mo that smaller amount's monthly payment is alongside the raise she's expecting to get in the near future (one way or another) and any overtime/extra paychecks we might be able to pull it off! I have to talk it over with my partner before I can go ahead with this gamble though. (Help from others would still definitely be useful to further increase our success odds though.) So on the assumption that we're going to get 7k out of the 18k target in loans I'm going to adjust the goal back to 10k. As we are able to put back money of our own, I'll add that to the progress section. As of now though, there have been no outside donations, and we can't put anything in ourselves, so the progress side stays at $0. (BTW: Anything I get from OF will also be counted towards this, so if you want some nudes/lewds, check that out. I posted about it on my blog the day the first daily post went up.)
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credulouscanidae · 9 months
had a breakdown yesterday
because i am just so over this countrys fucking healthcare and i just want my goddamn medication that i was happily on for 5 years
make any progress here feels like pulling teeth
after all this bullshit of what documents i need, after providing everything, i was told before christmas i needed my gender dysphoria diagnosis in order to get an appointment w the endo cuz he refused to give me an appt
i finally track the diagnosis down, send it to their office.
dont hear back for weeks, send a follow up email asking if they received it and sent it again
dont hear back, assume its just cuz of christmas etc
ring them yesterday asking for an update and the endo had apparently sent a letter to my gp on the 28th dec STILL refusing me an appointment because now apparently the diagnosis isnt even good enough.
had i not rang up, i wouldnt have even known that decision. im so fucking sick of these places flying over patient's heads making decisions without telling them. and thats apparently a very common problem with the nhs.
its something something the endo only has the dysphoria diagnosis and not all the other medical history that i gave to my gp. so now i have to wait till thursday to see my gp, and evren is helping me collect all the info so we can just...essentially, resend my case from scratch
the denying of the appointment is what broke me. i have never, EVER, experienced this until moving here. even evren says its a bit weird that he doesnt just book me in and ask to send all the info beforehand. its probably the high demand and lack of available appointments id imagine.
i just. im so tired of fighting this. every single attempt i make at getting closer to my hrt, i get kicked back 3 steps. i got my hopes up for weeks, thinking, YES, this diagnosis is the last bit of evidence they need, i can finally get seen to, only to be essentially told it's not good enough and that i cant be seen to.
i am 7 months overdue. i havent had a shot since march 2023. i have been trying to get this sorted since april. all year i have been told no no no. this is the last attempt before we say screw it and go private. but even then, the endo who is refusing my appt is like, the only private/public endo within an hours drive (i'll be willing to go further ofc), and apparently id have to go through the whole psych evaluation all over again. and theres still a waiting list, albeit smaller than the nhs one.
i am desperate. i have always understood obviously, but in these moments i can fully empathise why some trans people give up and end their lives over this.
5 years of being on t, made me forget the desperation i felt pre-t, and how agonising it felt. now? it's like that times a thousand. now that i am caught in this mess, and how much it makes me break down into hysterical sobbing....
im not surprised i dont want to be perceived, feel like a shell of my former self, dont want to engage with the world, on top of all the other reasons. i dont feel real.
fuck thsi healthcare system i swear
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jodilin65 · 32 years
MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1992 I’m on my patio which is very well-shaded. We need a massive thunder and lightning storm.
I went down to check the mail but there was nothing. I hear if any day he’s late, it’s Mondays. I’ll go check again in an hour.
I called for my test results and it still shows that I have a bacterial infection. Now I have to use a cream that’s been called in. That’s bad enough that I always have one fucking infection after another. What’s a whole lot worse is that in two months I must have another pap smear! No way. Those things are too painful. The nurse said to see if I can bring someone with me. Yeah, right. Get real. Like anyone cares?
I also called the phone company and found out two new things today. One is that I can get a letter of credit from CT to waive the $170 deposit. Two is I don’t have to pay $5 a month for long-distance blocks.
I will go talk to Tara later about her taking me to Hatcher St. with the form I had my doctor fill out. After I show them a rent receipt, proof of income and all that crap, they send the form to someone else. They’re the ones who either approve it or deny it. I have a feeling this is gonna take forever and I’ll be waiting there for 3 hours just like at the food stamp office. Also, one worker says you need to make an appointment, another says they don’t make appointments. That’s typical, huh?
I hope Andy can take me to Goot’s pharmacy. I’m so glad I was switched from Alupent to Proventil. I like it so much better cuz I get less of a pounding and racing heartbeat and I don’t have to use it as often. My asthma’s improved so much and today was the first day in years I did not have to take my Proventil when I woke up! I always used to have to take the Alupent or Proventil when I’d first wake up, but today’s the first day in years where I didn’t have to! I only took my Theodur and the Azmacort which are preventions, not meant to be taken whenever you feel like it. The Alupent and Proventil are the ones you take as needed to wipe out the wheezing instantly unless it’s so bad that you must go to the ER.
I think I will go and check the mail now, then go for a swim. I hope I’ve got a letter from Kim or somebody.
As usual, I didn’t get any mail at all. I think UPS will come tomorrow, rather than today.
I’ve spoken to Tara and Tonya a few times and we’ve had some really good talks. Tara said she appreciates having a woman around to talk to.
I’m gonna bring them my manicuring books and also an extra pair of scissors they mentioned needing. Then I’ll see when it’s convenient for Tara to take me to Hatcher St. I’m gonna have to wait till around the 15th, though. That’s when I can get a current rent receipt.
In the meantime, you know my rule. I’ve made the first move, now let them come to me. I sort of want to quit while I’m ahead and not see them too often to avoid problems just like I don’t see Kara every day. But Kara is a good friend and I do like her.
I’m gonna see if Andy wants to pay for us to go see the Twin Peaks movie, Fire Walk With Me. I’ll pay him back my share in food stamps if he wants.
The other day was so funny when Stephanie saw me coming to the pool with Tara and Tonya. She grinned and winked at me. I told Tara and Tonya that she was gay too and that I think she thinks we’re together. They laughed and thought that was funny. I told Stephanie alone, that they’re really nice and that they’re roommates who just moved in. I told her I doubted anything would happen, but I’d keep her posted.
That was the day I played volleyball in the pool with Sue, Steve, Robert, his cousin and a few others. It was lots of fun and Kara, Tara and Tonya were shocked at how many people I know around here.
Andy and Steph were talking about Tara and Tonya and Andy says Steph really likes me as a friend. That’s cool. I like her too.
A few days ago, due to Kara’s helping me, I gave her some cigarettes and made her, Ashley and myself a hot dog. We had lots of fun swimming, too. I put on my nose clips that time so I could go underwater and use both hands to do somersaults and handstands. Whenever I’d do a backflip, my hair would be in my face. It was really goofy looking and the look on Ashley’s face was so funny. I’m gonna go grab my nose clips and see if they’re home and want to go swimming now.
I went over to Kara’s and we all went swimming. You can tell Ashley’s getting to know me and recognizes me. Hopefully, she won’t be so fussy tomorrow when I babysit her. Kara’s mom got her a playpen for $5 at a yard sale. She’s gonna bring it over tomorrow which is great. That way I won’t have to be chasing her all over.
I now see Fay heading towards the other pool.
Last night, there was a knock on my door and it was Ellie. She goes, “Grab a cough of cuppee and…”
I cut her off saying I was busy and then I shut my door on her.
Today’s the kids’ first day back to school. Man, was this always a depressing day for me! Any miserable times as an adult sure beats my childhood. What a miserable kid I was. I hated school, and when I wasn’t in school I’d have to deal with my mom. Or Brattleboro and Valleyhead.
My nieces start school this Wednesday. Lisa’s excited, so thank God at least she enjoys school.
Tammy told me they’d get a letter out to me as soon as they get situated. I’ve got to get a letter out to Tammy and mom and dad. I have Sarah’s b-day card ready. I can’t remember if she’s gonna be 2 or 3. Becky’s 5 and Lisa’s 9.
I can’t wait till my family can come see me. I really do miss all of them and I’m dying to show off where I live and how happy I am.
Oh, guess what happened yesterday? When I went over to see Andy he asked, “Have you any idea why the Norwich police dept. would call at 5:11 in the morning?”
At first, I couldn’t think of any reason, then I remembered my letter to Debbie. The way I see it, it’s my constitutional right, there was nothing threatening or sexual. Just very very strange, but I’ll write no more letters to her. I told Andy to just ignore the call and that if he got a call and he didn’t recognize the voice and they asked for me, to say there’s no Jodi there. I mean, what the hell are they gonna do about a letter that makes no sense with a few pieces of hair in it?
Going for another swim now!
I am out on my patio now and I have been in such a good mood. Since I moved here I have had so many happy days despite the money problems. I wish I moved here a long time ago. I have had more happy days since June 9th than I’ve had in years. After being miserable for so long, I really appreciate being so happy now. It feels great. It also feels great to have my asthma be so much better.
Tomorrow marks two special anniversaries for me. One is that 7 years ago I began losing 40 pounds. Two is that it’s been 3 years with no Navane. I knew as well as other supportive and understanding people that I didn’t need any drugs. I needed a life with good people who were willing to deal with me, let me be myself and be there for me during my good and not-so-good times. No drug can replace what I have now, even though I’d still like to be a singer.
When I last went to the pool, Andy came in for a swim and we had a nice talk. We admired the beauty around us and compared it to back east. Here everything’s so new, cheap and beautiful. Back east everything’s old, dumpy and expensive.
There’s been an awesome breeze out and we’re due for a storm, I hear.
Andy and I made burgers and hotdogs on the grill. It took forever to get it lit cuz it was so windy. We also made collect calls from the payphone. He’s coming over in an hour or so and we’re gonna play cards.
I’m getting tired now, so if we do get a storm and he wants to go drive on top of the mountain, I don’t think I’ll go. I told him I would, but now I really am starting to tire down. I got up at 7:30.
I think I’ll go to the Jacuzzi now and later I’ll write about Tara. I really really like her!
It’s dark now and I’m on my patio. But I have my light on just inside my sliding glass door so I have plenty of light.
I went into the Jacuzzi a little while ago, then went to see Tara, but there was no answer.
Andy may have fallen asleep by now as he’s been up so long. I’m getting tired myself now so I’ll finish tomorrow.
I hope I get my package tomorrow!
Tara’s gonna take me to Goot’s, then I gotta be back by 3:00 at least so I can babysit.
Even though Kara’s moving two minutes away, I wish she wasn’t.
I met another girl who lives above Kara who’s also named Kara, but she prefers to use Linda which is her middle name. I’ve seen her boyfriend around several times as well as her.
I saw Sue today, too. Also, Stacey. Not Kara’s sister, but the other one who I couldn’t figure out why she left me hanging. Her son was in the hospital with pneumonia for 4 days and she hasn’t gone out cuz he’s still not quite over it. I told her to let me know if she needs me.
Andy was so funny at the pool earlier when we were cooking and on the pay phone. I had my suit on under my skirt which I took off to go for a swim. He put it on and started dancing around. Two people I didn’t know, along with Tara and Kara were cracking up. Then Paula was on her way around the corner showing apartments to people when I yelled out to him that she was coming. He quickly slipped it off, thanking me for the warning. Then says, “And these are the people that live here.” We were laughing our asses off, then I went and had a nice talk with Tara. I really do like her and I’m glad we met, but I’ll write all about her another time.
Current Location: Arizona
SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1992 Well, now I have to wait another month or so before I can lie out in the sun. I have this hideous sun poisoning. It’s an itchy rash all over that looks like lots of reddish zits. What a bummer, huh? Just when I’m beginning to really tan. I spoke to Dad earlier and he said to wear a T-shirt till it cools down.
He also said he called SS and for me to tell them to take a little at a time. I have 30 days to talk to them or ask for another waiver form, even though that’ll do no good. He said that September’s check will be the full $426 as they can’t touch it till they send me a letter stating how much they’re gonna take per month. The whole thing is so stupid. They’re doing this cuz I didn’t tell them sooner that I’d be moving.
All states are different as far as what they pay. New York and Massachusetts are the highest. Connecticut’s lower and Arizona’s nothing as far as SSI goes.
There’s a special edition of Unsolved Mysteries coming on, so I want to get a bite to eat. During commercials, I’ll write.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1992 I just polished my toenails and I’m writing while they dry.
Mark next door is occasionally fun to be around, but overall I’ve come to hate him. His attitude stinks and he hates the whole world. All he can do is rank on my friends, talk about sex and pressure me about getting stoned with him. So, yesterday when he knocked on my door to go swimming, I said I’d go and decided to turn the tables around. I reminded him of how he said he likes aggressive women who dish back to him what he dishes out. After all, I do give what I get. So, I started pressuring him into things I know he’s not into and ranking on all his friends. He said he no longer has any friends cuz they moved. I really gave it to him good at the pool. It was fun for both of us and when I said something that wasn’t too funny in his opinion, he pretended to laugh anyway.
I didn’t see Fay or Andy yesterday but Kara left a note on my door. They’re moving next Tuesday and I’m gonna babysit Ashley. Not that I’m looking forward to it, but it’s helping a friend while earning a little money.
Robert has his cousin visiting from Santa Fe. Luckily I woke up at 6:00 as at 8:00 he was running around up there to get the place cleaned up. It would’ve woken me up if I were sleeping and I’d have been pissed. His cousin’s getting up tomorrow at 6:00 and he says he’s a gorilla. I told him he better not be or I’ll be a gorilla. I have a right to my schedule, too.
I had a great time yesterday with Tara and Tonya. So far they’re super nice for such good-looking girls. We talked about all kinds of things and they’re definitely very open-minded and accepting of me.
Tara’s an awesome artist! She showed me an awesome airbrush painting she did and Tonya’s done some modeling. She showed me portfolios and several pictures and they were beautiful.
Their apartment is gorgeous. They have a 2-bedroom and there are also 2 bathrooms. One bathroom is just like mine and the bedroom’s the same size as mine. That’s the one Tonya has.
Tara’s room is huge and her bathroom’s big, too. She has a sliding glass door off of her bedroom that goes out to the patio along with the sliding glass door off the living room.
They each have their own car so they told me to let them know if I’ve got to go anywhere.
I showed them my place and my drawings, too. Tara’s drawings make mine look sick, though. I also showed them all the pictures Andy took. You know, the ones my mom flipped out about.
I had begun to tell them stuff about themselves I shouldn’t know. I thought, oops! I was afraid I’d freak them out, so I explained it to them. They thought it was so neat. They said they always wanted to meet someone like that and that they wish they could do that.
Well, there’s so much more to write, but I need to lie down for a little bit.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1992 I got up at around 3 AM and now I am eagerly waiting for the pool to open. It won’t be open till 8:00, said maintenance. I have my sliding door open and my windows. My ceiling fan’s on.
Every morning the maintenance guys go around the grounds collecting garbage with these tong-like things. They do various other stuff too, like repairs in apartments, painting, cleaning the grills and taking care of the pools and the grounds. Monday mornings suck. That’s when they mow the lawns.
While I was asleep, Kara left a note on my door. She wants to know if I’ll babysit Ashley next Tuesday. God knows I don’t want to, but I will to help my friend and earn a little money.
It amazes me that I never heard her knock.
Fay came over with a peace offering. A little table for my patio. We had a good talk and I told her how I felt. She is a nice person, she’s funny, and she’s helped me and cheered me up, but if there are any more lies, I’ll end it with her permanently with no peace offerings. She promised me that if she has anything to say about me, she’ll come say it to me.
I haven’t really seen Ellie and I don’t miss her. I think I’ll only be able to handle her if I see her very occasionally.
I got more color yesterday at the pool but I have this obnoxious itchy heat rash.
I didn’t see Sue at the pool, the girl I just met who works for the children’s protective services. Instead, I saw Angel, Brian, Bonnie, Stephanie and Tara.
At 11:00 I had gone to Tara’s to tell her the truth, but there was no answer. She said maybe she was in the shower as she’s home all day unless she’s got errands.
Fay gave me good advice. She said to go over, be honest, tell them the truth and what happened with Rosemarie. Fay said to tell them to make up their minds and keep them made up. Don’t go jerking me from one extreme to another and contradict themselves as Rosemarie did.
So, while I was using the grill I saw Tara at the pool. I told her I must be honest with her up front and she’s to take it or leave it. When I told her she laughed, saying she thought I was gonna tell her some big horrible thing, like I killed someone. She said her aunt’s gay and she and Tonya both had gay friends back in Colorado.
I told her I’d stop by her place sometime today. I’ll go see Kara also.
When Robert came down to go to school, he said to let him know if I find a black wallet. I asked if it was finder’s keeper. He said there was no money in it. Only his driver’s license. Oh well.
I’m waiting for Mark to come out to go to school. I’m gonna pounce all over him. I’ll write about that one later. Now I’ve got to have a bite to eat while I’m waiting for Mark and waiting for the pool to open. I need a good swim to wake me up.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1992 Yesterday my food stamps came! I was so psyched and I literally cried tears of relief. Angel’s husband Brian took me to the store cuz Andy was asleep at the time. Once I finished shopping and was in the checkout line, I saw Andy at the courtesy desk. He ran over to the thrift store, then brought me back. It feels so great to finally have a full refrigerator and full cabinets. I will now eat quite well.
Andy and I spoke yesterday at his place. He was very upset with the people who are supposed to fix his car.
He also said several things Fay and Ellie said that were bullshit. I’m so sick of Ellie’s delusions and moods. Her mood changes every 5 minutes and the woman is a nut.
Also, I’ve been catching Fay in more and more lies that are just adding up too much. I also know she was the one who lied to Rosemarie and Rick and got them to come over here. She said that if she did, it was her business. Yeah, well they really made it my business too, though, in the end, she did me a favor.
Andy told me other lies that he said he knew were lies. He also says he thinks Fay’s jealous cuz I’m tiny and she’s a 270-pound bitch. Also, she said she was gonna dump me (to Andy) and Andy feels she doesn’t want me to have any friends. She won on that one, cuz I’m not gonna have many friends.
I went over to her place and told her I’ll dump her and do the job for her. I told her how I feel and that she and Ellie cannot have a 24-hour-a-day friendship with me. They said they understood my schedule’s crazy, but naturally, they contradicted themselves on that one.
I’m tired of both their games and attitudes and I told them both I no longer want anything to do with either of them.
Andy says all this is still worth meeting people. What, does he want to get hurt? And see others get stepped on? I’m sorry, but I have self-respect and if I allowed myself “friends” like them I wouldn’t be a true friend to myself. Hey, that’s what happens when you lie. You do lose friends. True friends don’t do the things they’ve done.
I’ll write more later. I need a smoke now.
I got up last night at 2 AM. I’d have preferred to sleep till 4:00 or 5:00, but at least I have food and cigarettes.
I washed my hair and I’m gonna make sure I don’t get it in the pool today. When I go tanning I’ll put it up. I got some good color yesterday and I want to get more today. The only obnoxious problem is that I get a heat rash. Heat rash and break out with lots of little itchy bumps that look like thousands of zits. Mainly on my chest, stomach, thighs, and a little on my shoulders.
So far in the 3 months I’ve been here, or almost 3 months, I’ve been stabbed in the back and dumped by two people, and I dumped one liar and 1 nut job. Real good, huh?
Every time I want to be left alone and ignored, there’s somebody else there. Do I have a sign on me that says: Be my friend and real nice at first, then dump me or give me a good reason to dump you?
I was in the pool on my raft when some girl called out hi to me as if she knew me. She spoke more than I did and we discussed many things. Mainly about Arizona, other places and people. She told me she studied a lot about human behavior and when she mentioned her very good job as a children’s protective worker and all about the school, it scared me. Her job’s no match for one on disability and once again, just cuz I know I’m not stupid and I know myself, am happy with who and how I am, know my feelings, and I don’t need her coming down on me. She didn’t, though my head was saying not to talk to her. My heart was saying don’t prejudge her by others, wait till she does something. I told her this up front too, and that I’ve had a lot of problems with some of the people there.
Well, she’s OK as a pool buddy. Then again, I wonder if pool buddies are a cool idea. When they fuck me over, I’m gonna want to go to the pool and I’d appreciate not having to see them or know they’re there. Makes me wanna puke when I see Donna or Rosemarie and now Fay and Ellie.
Tonya wasn’t at the pool but Tara was. She wrote down her number which I never asked for. There are 3 things I could do, and I don’t know which one I should do. One, I could go over there and say nothing. Two, I could tell them I’m gay, accept it or leave it without changing their minds later on down the road. Three, ignore them. God, do I hate this! What do I do?
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1992 Well, I didn’t sleep as long as I’d have liked to. I slept till 12:30.
My neighbor, Cliff, who lives above Mark, says he’s got the day off tomorrow and can take me to the store. I hope I get my food stamps tomorrow, but I doubt it’ll be that soon. Yesterday, though, I did get my food stamp ID card. I hope they’re on their way for once, but if not I’ll have to use the few dollars I have to get a few things. I need to spare my cash for cigarettes and I hope mom and dad have money on the way.
It seems like 80% of my journals are all about my need for money. Is this how it’ll be for the rest of my life? But of all the reasons I can come up with that are not worth living for, this is another one. Who wants to go through life having no food half the time? You don’t have to feed a dead person and mom and dad don’t have to worry or help a dead person financially. A dead person can’t worry about not being a singer. A dead person can’t be burned by jerks. A dead person can’t want to be with someone.
God, I hate feeling this way! Especially here. It’s too beautiful here to have to worry about food and money. I’m glad that it’s gotten much easier these days knowing I cannot have a career as a singer, or the ideal relationship, or a child, but I’d be super, super, super happy if I could eat, pay the rent and bills and have a little left over for fun.
Thank God my parents and their place is OK. Dad says within two months I’ll have the rest of my stuff back.
Yesterday I sent out my electric bill and letters to Lisa, Fran and Nervous. I sent out Andy’s letter as well as Debbie’s letter. I also had junk mail with no-postage-necessary envelopes. I’ve sent in Debbie’s request for a jewelry catalog as well as for a Visa card. In a few months, Barbara will get a letter. Meanwhile, whenever I have a no-postage-necessary envelope for whatever, I’ll send it to Barb and Debbie along with various other people. I have to get a letter out to Mark, Tammy and my parents next.
I am dead tired today. I didn’t even sleep 8 hours and wish I’d slept a few hours later. Once I’m up, though, I’m up. I’ll just feel groggy all day. What would really perk me up would be to get my food stamps today, go shopping, come back and go swimming and work on my tan.
I spoke to Ellie and Fay briefly yesterday. As usual, Ellie started off cheerful, then she got crabby.
I helped Fay fill out a form for her yearly food stamp review. I left her alone in the apartment for a few minutes to go tell Mark I’d get a ride from someone else (he was drinking) and she stepped out saying she’d be right back. I hope she didn’t steal anything which I haven’t discovered yet. You know how paranoid I am about that. I also do a damn good job of attracting people like that.
I very quickly spoke to Stephanie and Angel yesterday. Angel’s sister Grace has gone back to Idaho where they’re from and now another sister of hers is here. I guess her name’s Bonnie. On my way out of the pool area, Angel asked me how things were going. I told her I’d be friendly and say hi, she’s never done me wrong, but I’m being cautious and keeping my mouth shut. I told her thanks for her concern, she’s a nice person, but I’ve been burned twice unfairly. I’m keeping to myself.
I also met two really nice girls who are roommates named Tara and Tonya. I met each one once before. They both have cute faces and medium-length hair blond hair. Tara’s a little heavy and Tonya has a very nice figure.
Tara says she plays the keyboards and they both want to get together with me. Once again, they all seem nice in the beginning, so I really hope they don’t pursue my friendship. I don’t think they’ll really bother seeking me out. They seem fairly stable and not the type to do such things. I have no idea how open-minded they may or may not be, but they seem like the dumpers, more than the dumpees.
The maintenance man came and fixed my bathroom faucet which dripped. He also moved my underwear almost behind the toilet but left my shorts and tank top where they were. I gave him permission to come in if I wasn’t here and I guess males are always males no matter what. I shouldn’t have left the clothes there either. The maintenance men stare me down all the time. They’re shabby scabby Mexicans. The exact type that would stare me down. I gave a show on my patio the other day. I pretended to be fighting with someone in my apartment.
I got some more CDs in the mail. That was fast.
When I go to the store, it’ll be after the mail gets here, but I doubt my food stamps will come today. Fay said Friday or Saturday, but I hope sooner.
I just spoke to Mark briefly, then went into the Jacuzzi.
Fay was on the pay phone and I headed over to Ellie’s for coffee but she was asleep. I could see her in bed through the side of her blinds.
I borrowed Andy’s vacuum yesterday and I woke him up. Well, I didn’t, his door did. He’s got a very squeaky door. Sometime today, I’m gonna vacuum my bathroom and kitchen after I scrub them down.
At 9 AM I’m gonna watch a talk show.
MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1992 I am a little anxious now as I’ve heard on the news Florida’s gonna be hit by Hurricane Andrew. It’s supposed to be the worst in history. We’ve been hit here with tropical storm Lester and we’ve had lots of rain. I guess Miami’s gonna get it worse, but they say the coast is always the main target and I’m worried about my folks. No one in this family needs any more shit. We’ve all had enough and should they lose their home I’d be just as affected. I don’t mean to sound selfish, but my pictures and other things of mine are there. Also, I need their help financially. All they need is that crisis on top of what’s happening to me now. I’m scared for them and I’m scared for myself. This hurricane is supposed to be worse than Hurricane Hugo in 1989. They’ve also already estimated 10 billion dollars worth of damage.
Not only do I pray to you God to lift the curse off of me and allow me to be OK real soon money-wise, but leave my parents alone, too! Don’t let this hurricane destroy them. What is it I must do to make everything OK? With my parents and with me? If you can hear me up there, please spare my parents and find a way for me to go to the grocery store fast. For a huge shopping order. Please let them send me my food stamps this week. I promise to behave and keep out of trouble if you make sure I have enough food and cash. Also, please let my test results be OK and the visit with my parole officer be OK. Take care of my parents and me in the way that I ask and I will try to be as good as I can and I will keep to myself. Remember how happy I was when I first came here, even though I had a bad vibe? Allow me to feel that again, worry-free with no bad vibes. All I can say is that I’ve been through too much. Enough is enough and I don’t want to “prove” my strength anymore. I miraculously went through the crap I did in CT and with money here and never cut myself. Isn’t that enough? Isn’t that good enough proof for you? Let me be OK so I can relax and be happy. Free me from worries, fears and anxieties. Take care of my parents. There’s nothing else I can say as I’ve nailed it to the point.
I’m watching Matlock now and I think I’ll go to bed after Oprah. I’ve been up since 8:00 last night. I hope no one knocks on my door or Robert walks too hard so I can sleep hopefully much later than 8:00.
Starting at 8:00 Eastern time I began trying to reach my parents and got no answer. At 9:30 Eastern time, I got in touch with Tammy after the line was busy for a while. She’d just spoken to Ma and they’re fine and so is the island. She did leave on the 1st but they went other places before getting to Mom and Dad on the 10th. On the way back a suitcase of clothes fell off the top of their van. Dad said the same thing happened on the way down.
I spoke to Mom and Dad and they’re fine.
I do have more to say, but I’ll write later. I’m getting very tired.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1992 I’m watching Little House on the Prairie. The Twin Peaks movie is finally out. It starts on the 28th. It’s called Fire Walk With Me.
Last night I thought of a great way to mail letters free with no stamp. You write the address of the person you want it sent to as the return address. Put a phony name and address as the one you’re gonna send it to and it’ll get sent to the one you want it sent to returned for postage.
I made up a letter for Robert upstairs with some of the hair my dad sent. I also got a new and better letter for Debbie back in Oakwood Knoll with some hair. Next will be Barbara a few months from now. I want to space them out. I also have several others to send mail to in MA. Besides Nervous, Fran and Kim.
When I get a phone I’ll contact Jessie collect. If it won’t go through, I’ll try from a payphone or write her a letter. I also am gonna send Andy a letter. It’s got his address as the return one, of course, and Jayke in Chicopee, as who he’s sending a letter. He always says he never gets letters anymore since I moved here. It’ll be a surprise as I haven’t said anything about it.
I’ve got to stop for something to eat. I’m fucking starving!
I’m boiling water now to make some noodles.
Earlier I ran into Robert and two of his buddies. He introduced us (I forgot their names) and I joked once again about how I saw him profiled on America’s Most Wanted. He laughed and said he saw me on his milk carton. I told him I ran away from Taxachusetts.
We all went to the Jacuzzi and were laughing and telling all kinds of jokes.
He reminded me of our little arrangement and asked if I knew of any girls for him. I told him I didn’t and he knew of no one either.
He asked if it was me who made those funny calls and I burst out laughing. He said he knew of some pranks for me and they were all laughing at my calls to him. I told him about the letter and I gave it to him when we got back.
I have to send a letter to Mark next door. Then again, I’d rather send one to Donna. It’s been a long time since she’s heard from me. I have to try this on my mom and sister, too.
I wonder if my sister’s back home now. She said she’d call me when she returned but I have not yet heard from her.
Monday I need to call my bank about my balance. Also, I’ll call Peggy Sue at DES (Dept. of Economic Security) about my goddamn mother-fucking food stamps. Will I ever get them? If I don’t and what with SS fucking me over, my parents are gonna need to send me around $300 a month. I mean, they’re absolutely gonna have to. I can’t be evicted and totally starving. So they may have no choice.
I’m managing fairly well to try to keep my fear, anger and anxiety in check and smile and laugh. I’m also nervous about the results of my pap smear and when my parole officer comes to see me. I also want a phone!
Now with no more babysitting jobs except for Kara’s baby occasionally and not knowing what the fuck’s going on with my money, I better wait on getting a phone. I hate babysitting with a passion but I do need the money. I’m gonna call up Stacey, or go over there and thank her for leading me on, rather than telling me what’s going on.
I’m so sick of worrying about money! My stomach problems are worse since I have no choice but to not eat right. I never ate right all the time when I did have food money, but now it’s been so long since I’ve eaten right or enough. Not since last May. What is my purpose in this world? I wanna try to enjoy myself here the best I can without worrying about money, bills and food. And mind my own business, stop being so friendly and stop making friends. Just say hi to people and leave it at that.
I wish I could go to bed now and get up at 1:00. That way I can tan. Tomorrow’s gonna be a great day for that at only 94º.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1992 Not too much happened today. Andy and I went to get my meds. I got my Theodur and Azmacort, but they say as of Aug. 1st, the state will no longer pay for Alupent. It figures there’s got to be some problem for me. The woman there is gonna call Dr. Kareus and see if it can be changed to something similar like Proventil or Ventolin.
I’m really nervous about the results of my pap smear. This bloating stomach of mine, along with the funny feeling in my lower belly and the discharges has been going on too long. It’s really obnoxious. I am DES-exposed after all, and I do have a much higher chance of cervical cancer.
I swear that if I ever did need surgery again in my life for something that serious, I’d refuse. I’d rather die first and I still feel there are more reasons to want to drop dead than to live for. There are too many more problems in this world, even though things have improved as far as my living conditions. Too many more fucked up people than good and too many second-best and settlements to live for.
I still feel there’s a curse on me and there’s still a long way to go to getting food stamps and financial security. Something’s out to get me and get me good. It would’ve sounded crazy to me a long time ago, but now it’s rather obvious. So much goes wrong that I didn’t deserve. People shit on me I never shit on.
The horriblescopes, as we call them, in the TV guide are always accurate. What I read scared me. I went over to say hi to Fay. She gave me some cups and mugs she no longer wanted and whenever she’s got the TV guide I read the horriblescopes. I can remember reading these from TV guides a few years ago and what they said was true. The only thing it was off on was romance cuz it doesn’t apply to me. I read the horriblescopes from last Sat. to this Sat. It said to keep isolated and distance myself from people, otherwise, they’ll burn me whether I ask for it or not. It was right. The horriblescope from this Saturday to next Saturday was scary, but I figured as much anyway. It said delays and frustrations are right for me now.
Gee, thanks a lot! When is this shit gonna end with food stamps and SS? Taking away my dream of becoming a singer and having lust is enough. Making life one big settlement’s enough, but can’t I eat and pay my bills?! When it’s over, you know it’s over, but I can still sense more trouble ahead. Sometimes I wish I would come down with some terminal disease. One that’d wipe me out quickly and painlessly. I doubt there’s any such way to go, but I have had just way too much physically and mentally. Why can’t I just have one solid year of non-stop happiness and peace? This crap with Rosemarie was one thing. That much I can deal with. I’m so used to it, but give me my God damn food stamps and get SS off my back with their lies and bullshit! That way, settling will be easier and the smaller problems will be more tolerable. I have too many major setbacks which all hit me at once. All can go OK for a while, then I’m hit with several major issues and problems. Space them out and cut them down in size and severity, please God!!
We’re having a thunder and lightning storm which is awesome. We’re also having a cool spell. It actually feels cool and very comfortable. It’s around 75º but it feels so much cooler. If it were 75º at home, it’d be hot. Probably muggy, too. We do have some humid days here but nothing like back east. Notice how I refer to it as back east, rather than back home. Anyway, it’s very dry now and there’s a fantastic breeze. I always open my two windows and my sliding glass door when it’s windy to air out the place. The storm’s over now but before, during and after a storm it’s very windy.
Now I see what Andy means when he tells me it does get chilly in the winter. Too chilly to swim and when it gets below 60º it’s chilly. It feels cooler than it actually is but when it’s 110º, you feel it!
My asthma’s doing great. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be only 94º! That’ll feel like 80º and today they said it was 102º. I slept all day, of course. I think I can stand to turn off my AC tonight, or at least push it way up. I wish I lived on the 2nd floor so I could sleep with my windows open and have more privacy. I’ll just keep the blinds down. The girl on the second floor next to Andy’s moving out. He’s gonna talk to Stacey, the complex manager, about breaking up the $95 transfer fee in payments over the next year. I doubt she’ll go for it, but we’ll see. I have all the free time in the world so it doesn’t bother me. It’s something to do.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1992 I’ll now write about what happened with Rosemarie and Rick the other night. I was already in a bad mood due to that letter from SS. I still hadn’t gotten ahold of my dad yet at that time. I was making coffee when there was a knock on my door. It was Rosemarie. Apparently, Rick was hiding around the corner cuz at that time I didn’t see him. I guess she felt she needed his protection. She said she came to “set me straight.” I told her she did that a month ago when she told me she wanted nothing to do with me. She was the one who went from claiming to be so open-minded and accepting to being unable to accept people who aren’t just like her. She stabbed me in the back and prejudged and misjudged me.
Then she said she heard I was running around telling people I want her body. That’s bullshit, of course, as I’ve only told Andy, Fay and Ellie and I don’t see why they would tell the whole complex this. She also said something about me saying she was beating the shit out of me. I have no idea about that one either, but I just hope I didn’t misunderstand what was really her threatening me and me not jumping her for it, with or without Rick’s protection. She said not to leave letters on their door. Well, of course, I know all about that one but denied it, even though a red flat with Fay’s name went up on that one. Could she have told her about that? Would she tell her about that?
She added that she and Rick are fighting, though I don’t know what this has to do with me. I told her they’re all worked up over nothing, and their paranoia and fighting is their problem, not mine.
Then she said, “So, you’re saying she’s lying?”
I asked who’s “she” and she said she couldn’t say cuz she promised she wouldn’t say her name.
Yeah, sure. Whatever. It was probably Fay she misunderstood or something unless now it’s Fay’s turn to turn into a backstabber. Anyway, they made up everything except the letter, which I denied, of course.
Then as I opened the door and she was leaving, Rick appeared. He said, “I’m bothered, but I do understand your fantasy. Leave us alone. Don’t hang by the pool, don’t lurk.”
I said that I don’t “lurk” and if I want to swim in the pool, that’s my choice and my right. And sure he understands my “fantasy!”
Then they left. I’m sure the reason why they never attacked me was cuz they didn’t know how it’d come back on them by way of management or the cops. Plus, I know where they live. They sure as hell pissed me off. Big time. I was already in the foul and shittiest mood and I snapped. I’m sick of being the nice one, not asking for the shit I get, and people getting away with giving it to me. I wanted to show them who they were dealing with and who they just pissed off and over the edge.
As I opened my door to walk out, Dave the security guard was there. He said he was just coming to knock on my door and I told him exactly what happened. Then as I headed over to their place, my anger building more and more, his supervisor heard it all over the walkie-talkie and thought I was trying to commit suicide. I was really throwing rocks up to their place yelling for them to come down and face me again. I was so pissed! I really wanted to fight and get my anger out! It would’ve been on the right people, too. I know they heard me, but they never had the guts to open their door. Again, even though I wasn’t threatened (at least I don’t think I was), I was so pissed and wanted their asses so bad. I was sick of being shit on. Maybe I should’ve gone up and tried kicking their door down, even if I would’ve gotten arrested.
Then I headed back to my place and Dave followed. We talked and he began to calm me down. He said he understood I’m not usually like this and knew I’d never go off like that without a good reason. He said, “Smoke your cigarette and calm down. You’re doing well. I’ll get you a glass of water.”
So then two cops came and they were very friendly and I told them what happened. They said not to worry and that all will work out fine. Gee, I hope so cuz I’m really, really sick of this shit with the people here!
I saw him earlier tonight and he gave me a hug as I thanked him for talking with me.
Now I really, really mean it when I say no more friends other than the people I already know! I’m not talking to any new people. And now I have to try to figure out if Fay really is a friend or not. How else would Rosemarie know it was me who left the note on the door unless she or Rick saw me?
After I go make coffee, I do have more to write about concerning Kara.
Everything on TV was boring tonight, so now I’ll write about Kara. She came over and asked if I was OK and she told me she saw 3 cruisers pull up. I told her what happened and we ended up having a long, very nice talk. Between her and her mom and sister, I always took a liking to her most of all. I could sense she was the most open one of them all and the easiest to talk to. I could sense she and her sister were complete opposites like me and my sister. She told me her sister is a bitch and they were never close. She also says Stacey’s not very dependable. As in babysitting. I told her to tell Stacey to tell me if she’s not interested in a babysitter flat out, rather than leave me hanging.
I also wonder about the other Stacey, too. If I don’t hear from her in a week or so, I’ll call her. I will tell her just the same. “Tell me you’re not interested, but do not lead me on, keeping me wondering and waiting.”
Kara and her mom are moving across the street to a 2-bedroom apartment at the Via El Camino complex. She told me she’d always need me to babysit here and there, but especially so if she gets a job.
I also had another “sense” about Kara. When I told her why Rosemarie shit on me, I told her she could run out, too. I’m used to it. She said she knew gay people back in Michigan where she’s from as well as here and that she’s slept with women, too. Mostly during threesomes. I told her I wasn’t shocked. I sensed it. She also said she’s got a good 6th sense and she suspected I was gay. It’s funny how in the bars they all swear I’m straight, yet more and more people outside of bars tell me they’ve suspected me. And you know I look far from dyky. Maybe it’s my muscle tone and firm “don’t fuck with me” attitude I give off at the same time I give off an open, sensitive attitude and have a sense of humor. I know she’s bi, but she’s more into men. The funny thing about Kara is that she’s plain and homely, but she’s not. I don’t know why but I constantly think of her. Naturally, I’d never ever dare tell her. I know she’d never turn around and punch me out, but I’d still never tell her. It’s my secret and she’s more into men and could think I’m ugly for all I know.
She did ask if I’d like to go out to this place near the Metro Center. A place with pinball games and stuff like that.
She said anytime I need to talk, she’s there. I was so afraid and so hesitant about being her friend and she said she understood why. I said I hope our friendship does stick and she said it’ll stick with utter confidence. That’s cool and I really do like her and appreciated her talking with me. She came over a few days ago too, to visit with me.
I’m gonna go out on my porch and have a smoke. I really shouldn’t smoke in the apartment.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992 My God, I cannot believe all the things that have happened since I last wrote! In less than 24 hours my whole world turned upside down once again. There’s always one problem after another that I don’t ask for. Mainly with money and backstabbing people. I’m cursed no matter where I live but the problems are mainly food and money. I’ve been so damn happy here otherwise, so why can’t whatever’s cursing me leave me alone?
Upon arriving here in Arizona, I had a horrible vibe about money and food. It’s like I could hear something telling me it’ll only allow me so much to eat. Enjoy food when you’ve got it cuz it won’t last long. Something’s out to starve me and get me real good. The only thing I can think of as to why this is happening is cuz I billed a couple of calls to Gloria, but the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. What happened with Rick and Rosemarie is enough. Why keep me with money problems, very little for me to eat, and keep the food stamps stalling? Gloria’s fucking rich!
Rosemarie’s a bitch who’s no surprise. I mean, typical happenings with the ones I’m attracted to and I’m used to that. But sex with Rosemarie or other gorgeous women isn’t a necessity. Food is. And paying the rent and the electric bill.
Ellie never came to my door like she said she would and I fell asleep at 9 AM. Kara knocked on my door asking me if I could babysit her daughter Ashley from 2:00 - 3:30. I said I would and she went to a job interview. I was psyched, and she gave me $10 in food stamps.
I woke up in a fine mood even though I was quite hungry.
I told her I was gonna go check my mail, then get the baby. As I walked closer to my mailbox, my hopes for any food stamps began to fade. A bad vibe came on stronger. I knew they were gonna come after my SS check! They pulled the same shit they pulled when I moved to CT. They say I’m overpaid and are gonna snatch $231 out of my $426! But I never even was overpaid. Then they said I didn’t tell them I was moving in time to prevent the overpayment. Also, they proved that me paying the money back wouldn’t put a financial hardship on me. Ha! How do you call using $200 to pay rent of $277, the electric bill and food no financial hardship? Oh yeah, that’s really easy.
These people are fucking fucked in the head and they don’t give a shit about no one but themselves and taking away people’s money to spend it on garbage. The food stamp people only care about minorities and single mothers.
While I babysat Ashley I sat there crying, wishing I could enjoy my happiness here without worrying constantly about food and money. Wishing I could drop dead so as not to worry about being able to eat, pay bills, depend on others for help and live a second-best life. Life is one big settlement. Any curse here is better than being in Norwich. However, I feel like life’s one big sentence and I’m just waiting till my time’s up. Whatever it is up there took away my music and I’ll never have real serious lust, but why this? Can’t I have smaller problems less often? Can’t I eat OK and pay my bills easily enough? Kara gave me a couple of TV dinners and I tried calling mom and dad. As usual, when it’s urgent and you really need them, they’re not home. If you’re happy and just gonna say hi, they answer. Next time something important comes up, I won’t even bother calling right away. And with one curse after another, I know it won’t stop at this point. I finally did get in touch with my parents at around 8:30 my time. Dad answered and I told him the whole story. I told him I’d send him a photocopy of the bullshit letter from SS. He said not to worry and that it was a minor problem he can take care of. He said let them take it out of my check and he’ll send me some money. Meanwhile, he said to call the food stamp people and tell them I need my food stamps.
But I’ve been doing that since June 9th!
I have tons and tons more to write about, but I am way too tired. I’m sneezing my ass off and I hope I’m not coming down with anything. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. Also, I think Terros is coming out.
I am here now at Dr. Karius’ office and I guess it’s a good thing I brought this journal. The receptionist told me he’s way behind.
I never could fall asleep last night till nearly 6 AM. I couldn’t stop sneezing. I got up and took some Suditab my mom sent me, then fell asleep. Right now, I am still very tired. I kept waking up constantly. Every hour or so. I’m not sneezing too much now but my eyes are a little swollen and puffy even though Andy says they’re perfectly white.
I still haven’t gotten my food stamps today but am I surprised?
I left off last night with my talk with my dad. After I ask the receptionist if there’s a place around here where I can get some coffee and a bite to eat, I’ll continue with Rosemarie and Kara.
I am home now, thank God. I was at the doctor’s for so long. Around two hours. The doctor said never to make appointments on a Wednesday. Shouldn’t he have told me this before?
Hunter’s going on now so I’ll write when it’s over.
We’re having a humongous thunder and lightning storm now.
There’s not much to say about the doctor’s visit. But he did say there’s still a funny discharge. I’ll call in a week to find out the results of the pap smear. It certainly didn’t tickle and I was bleeding afterward. He said that can happen.
I weigh 99 pounds. He also filled my prescriptions. They filled out my TAP form and photocopied that letter from SS. I hope it’s not raining inside the mailbox I threw it in.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1992 I am not in the best of moods right now. Two other people I know got their food stamps. What in the hell is going on with me? Why do they continue to do this to me? I can’t keep eating only soup and crackers on a daily basis! If the food stamp people still plan on never sending me my stamps, I’ll starve cuz for all I know my next babysitting job could be ages from now. I only have a few bucks on me and a little in the bank. That’s got to be used for my electric bill. What did I do to deserve this? Is this compensation for my moving here? Just cuz I moved, God’s got to take away my food? Taking away my singing career and good sex is enough! Can’t I just have enough food to eat every day? Please, God! Take away the singing, take away Rosemarie and other people like her, make them dump on me, but don’t take away my food! Let me eat! Please let them send me my food stamps this week!
The only good news is that I got that journal through priority mail from Kim.
I thought I’d get up early today, or yesterday, I should say. I thought the lawnmowers would wake me, but I thought wrong. I was actually falling asleep as they were mowing the lawns.
Ellie is gonna wake me up at 1:00 with coffee.
I desperately need to go tanning. I don’t know about that, though. I just heard them say on TV it’ll be 112º tomorrow! I may have to hold off on my deep dark tan until September or October.
Wednesday I have a doctor’s appointment and I sure hope I’m not told anything I don’t want to hear. Andy says he’ll pick up my prescriptions the next day on his way home from work. I hope he remembers. He’s got shit for memory but he claims to be giving up pot for a few months.
I still haven’t made up my mind on whether or not to slip Rosemarie that note. I’m sure I’m wasting my time, and again, if it were meant to be I’d have found that out long ago. I’ll never be able to sleep with a woman as beautiful as she is. With my luck, she’ll refuse to even take the note when I hand it to her. If I do. Hey, why not one of these days? So what if I know it’ll come to nothing. The game of it is still fun.
Speaking of notes, I almost forgot to mention what Andy did. He delivered the same note Mark got to Rosemarie. At 11:30 or so, he was out taking a walk and he taped it to their door. Fay said she thinks Rick leaves before Rosemarie and I hope she’s wrong. I hope she gets it, but even if she doesn’t, naturally she’ll hear all about it. What a confusing way to start off your morning, regardless of who gets it first!
MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1992 I can’t sleep so I figured now’s a good time to write. I still have some updating to do. Well, my sister’s 35 now. I guess she, Bill and the girls will be home in a few days. I sent out a letter to Becky and now I’ve got to get one out to Lisa, Tammy and my parents.
When in the hell will I get the rest of my picture collection sent to me?
Stacey, Justin’s mom, got fired from her job last Monday. She still says she and her husband will need a regular babysitter. She says she’ll let me know when she needs me to babysit. The other Stacey said that too, and I hope they both hurry the hell up. I need the money. I swear God’s out to starve me! He just doesn’t want me eating on a normal and regular basis. But why? I still don’t believe I’ll ever get food stamps till I see it. It’s been 3 months now. Why are they doing this to me? Last Friday I got the form to sign from the woman who did my phone interview. I signed it and enclosed a rent receipt and my electric bill stub. I mailed it out that day. I’ve done all that’s required of me, yet for all I know, they’ll wait another 3 months. Even a whole month is too long unless I can babysit.
I learned how to use the grills here, which is easy. Very convenient, too. No dirty frying pan to clean after I make a hamburger.
I ran into Ellie that night and I played with her head a bit and teased her. She also trimmed my hair at midnight on the 16th. I had her take off 2”, trim my bangs, and blend my antlers, as I call them, to make it look better as it grows out. She did a very nice job and of course, my hair is now in shock. If you only trim your hair once or twice a year, it will go into shock. It appears 3 or even 4 inches shorter, but the great thing about it is, is that in only a week it’ll be back where it was. Then, it’ll fly. I mean, it’ll grow so fast. When my birthday comes, I’ll be sitting on it without having to put my head back. It’s still very very very curly. Spirally curly. When I pull the curls straight, it is 4” longer. Pulled straight, it was to the crack of my ass before she trimmed it. Now when you pull it straight it’s at my waist. Let go of it and let it curl up and it’s just above the waist. Mark and Andy said they didn’t notice it at all. Maybe that was cuz I had it all brushed out.
Now to finish the sick, cruel, mean and unfair Rosemarie story. Typical, though, cuz this is what I always get from the ones I feel a “spark” with. It comes as no real surprise to me. I asked for it by wasting my time with her and set myself up for what happened but it was fun till I got burned.
After I gave Rosemarie a piece of my mind for dumping on me, Stephanie jumped in the pool when I jumped in with her. She asked me what was up and I said, “That goddamn mother-fucking son of a bitch!” She asked me who I was referring to and I gestured towards Rosemarie and said, “That one!”
Then I told Stephanie and Harriett what happened. Right away Stephanie understood, but Harriett was sort of holding it against me, saying something about me having a lot of anger. Yes, I did, and I had reason to, as I pointed out. Then she asked me if I always take my anger and misery out on everyone, though I don’t know who she thought I was supposed to be taking it out on. I thought, gee, here we go with another winner out to judge a person and a situation they don’t even know. Just as I was saying, “Hey, you don’t even know me or what happened” (I was actually talking to Steph), Stephanie defended me and told Harriett that she’d be pissed and go off, too. Afterward, I did chat with Harriett and it was nice. I’d never want to be buddies with her, though.
Rosemarie heard everything we said and eventually got up to leave, never once saying a word or even looking at me. Stephanie, Harriett and I were yelling out all kinds of weird shit along the way.
I still think she was influenced by Rick (probably cuz he knew I wouldn’t include him in the sex I wanted to have with her). If she were single and living alone, then just maybe she’d have a mind of her own. For now, I’ll never know what she’s really thinking and feeling. I doubt I ever will, either.
Since I still can’t sleep, I’ll finish with Rosemarie. I’m pissed that my schedule’s all fucked up again. For the last two days, I tried setting my alarm to get up earlier, but it never worked. The hard part is pulling myself out of bed. If I could just pull myself up out of bed, have a bite to eat and some coffee, I’ll be OK. Tired, but at least I’ll be up. Then I can go lie out and relax by the pool all day. Or as long as I can stand it. It’s hot. I mean, really fucking hot! I’m losing all my color too, and that pisses me off. Tanning will be easier and more tolerable in a month or two from now when it gets cooler. I do have my Walkman and nothing to do tomorrow.
Andy and I went out for Chinese food earlier and I withdrew a little money. I need my food stamps!
He and another gay guy he works with were gonna go out to a bar, but I guess they never did. He mentioned doing karaoke tomorrow night but he’s got to have dinner with his friend Anita who’s moving to Florida. I hear she hates it here, mainly cuz of the people. Andy and several others have said the same thing. That compared to several other states, Arizona has the worst people. People come off as friendly at first, then they stab you in the back. Donna and Rosemarie are perfect examples, but I say people are screwed up everywhere. There are sick, cruel, vindictive, insensitive, narrow-minded, stupid and judgmental people all over the world. Again, leave it to those who are pretty and emotionally and financially stable to screw you up and over. On the other hand, I really believe that people like Donna and Rosemarie are what you call “great pretenders.” They’re the ones who do the best job of seeming as if they’ve got their shit 100% together. Rosemarie has no backbone of her own. She’s got to kiss society’s ass as well as her boyfriend’s. If she really is curious and or not completely happy with Rick, why doesn’t she leave? Or say how she feels? Is it that difficult? I’m 98% sure she can support her own self and she seems like she could survive on her own. She does not seem like the so-called desperate type.
Why can’t people associate with those who are different? Can’t she tell herself, “OK I’m not into what she’s into, but she’s who she is and I’m who I am, just be friends,” and that’s it?
Life would be too boring if we all were the same and did the same thing, said the same thing, thought the same thing, wore the same clothes, did the same job. What’s wrong with variety?
Rosemarie and Rick had claimed they were so open, accepting and fascinated with all types of people. Ha, Ha. Donna said the same thing.
Fay spoke to Rosemarie in the laundry room and I guess the fear of AIDS came up. Fay simply reminded Rosemarie that straights can get AIDS, too. And straight women are more at risk than gay women. Fay said Rosemarie said she felt bad and didn’t mean to hurt me. Also that Rick was in fear of losing her and she’s in fear of Rick as he supposedly beat up some other girl. She really did want to come and see me, she claims, but Rick was watching her like a hawk. Lastly, she’d communicate with me through Fay, and for now, I shouldn’t say hi to her at the pool cuz of Rick.
So the next night at 10:00, Fay and Rosemarie were to meet in the laundry room. Fay waited half an hour and she never showed up. At 10:45 I went to the pool and made it look like I was looking for someone. I saw Rosemarie and Rick outside their door. It seemed as if they were arguing, but I couldn’t make out any words. I ran and told Fay, who said they do have their fights.
The next day Fay told me that shortly after that, they both showed up at her door. Rosemarie had changed her story and went along with Rick. Fay said Rosemarie was kissing Rick’s ass but agrees that she may handle things differently without Rick in the picture. I told Fay I already figured as much. Fay also said that if I were straight, Rick would have no fear of me hanging around with her. Also, if I were bi, I may have been able to go in on a threesome with them. God only knows there are plenty of folks into that scene.
One day while I was tanning I saw Rick as he was walking by. Shockingly, he did say hi. Then the Saturday before last, Rosemarie was leaving the pool area as I was walking in. She shocked the shit out of me and said, “That’s a pretty bathing suit.” My head told me to tell her to fuck off, go to hell and die. My heart was jumping for joy and I said thanked her while I tried to hide the grin on my face.
It’s so hard when it comes to the ultimate attraction like this, but not as hard as it used to be. Once similar situations happen over and over, they get easier to deal with. I’ve been dumped numerous times and they were all usually by the beautiful ones. You do get used to it and immune to crying really badly. You learn to pretty much expect it. Back when I knew Mary, Norah and Nissan, them dumping on me was very hard on me. I was young and still inexperienced as far as being dumped was concerned. Now it’s far from anything new.
I must get a bite to eat.
God, I wish I was just waking up. When I do fall asleep, not sleeping too late should be easy. Monday’s the day they mow all the lawns at 6 AM.
I wonder if I should slip Rosemarie a note? I’d probably be wasting my time, but once again, the chase is fun. It can be a fun game if you make it that way. Wondering is fun even though I’d die to get her in bed just once. Ellie says that once you get that ultimate attraction, you won’t want it anymore. Sort of like the end of the race at that point. I hope she’s right and if so, I especially hope I get it soon. Yes, I know I am only dreaming when I say that. Maybe in my next life. I have a note written up anyway. In it, I ask if we can meet up in the laundry room at 10:00 tonight. I don’t know exactly when and if I’ll really ever give it to her. We’ll see.
God, just send her to me! Have her tell me she’s curious to try it once but to never tell anyone. I can keep a secret. Other than with Andy, of course.
My fortune cookie last night said a letter of great importance will come in the mail. It better be good and about my food stamps! I hope I get some letters and packages. I also hope Kim lives up to her promises of a letter, a journal, and blank tapes. I still have tons of editing to do.
I’m also gonna get 3 people in trouble. Donna, cuz I can’t stand her, and 2 others who have cats. They live on the 1st and 2nd floors where they’re not allowed. Donna’s got blinds hanging up on her patio to block the sun. Those are not allowed. Why should everyone else be allowed to break the rules while I was forced to give up my cat?
Well, I guess I’ll try to get some sleep now.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1992 I don’t think I’ll write too much tonight as I am kind of tired. That’s good, though.
I got another job from another girl here named Stacey. This job seems like it oughta be better than babysitting for Justin. By the way, she’s from Taxachusetts, too. Haverhill, which is about a half-hour from Boston. She says she’s very flexible and I will be working at night for her. She may need me to clean and babysit her 13-month-old son on Saturday nights when she goes out. She works for MCI and has very little free time so she goes out on Saturday nights usually from 7 PM - 1 AM.
Soon I can get a phone and do some very serious shopping. Andy and I did go to the mall earlier and I bought 3 new journals. I also got cigarettes and some ice cream.
I hope I fall asleep by 3:00 and can get up at 11:00 or noon. I need my tan back!
FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1992 Two days ago was my parent’s anniversary and I asked Dad, when I spoke to them on the phone, how many years it’s been. Dad said 41 years and I said, “Wow, 41 years with the same person!”
Dad said, “Yeah, I gotta get used to it.”
Ma said, “And almost 27 years with the same daughter.”
Well, at least I got one thing in my favor over Tammy. She’s been Tammy’s mom for 8 years longer than mine.
Who can I send the hair I got to? There’s enough to send to a few people. I’ll mail Nervous Dad’s letter and perhaps mail Bob’s letter to either Rosemarie or Donna. It was the same letter I stuck on Mark’s door.
When you’re just hanging around talking to Mark, he’s a good guy. If he’s drinking or with his friends, they’re all weird together.
I took an old address book over and asked him if he knew anything about it. I said I found it by my door. I did it cuz he never asked me about the letter. I knew this would bring up the subject and it did. He said it had his name in it, along with Michelle’s (some chick he screws), and he read it and had no idea what the hell it was. I asked him if I could have it to play a joke on Andy. Sure, he said.
I don’t know Rosemarie’s or Rick’s last name, but I sure wish I knew that along with their phone number and Ellie’s. I’ll get Ellie’s eventually.
One of Mark’s friends says he’s moving back to Texas and he may give me a small table for my porch. It’ll be nice to do my writing out there once the weather cools off and becomes more bearable. I don’t know. You know I never buy anything unless I see it. I may eventually buy a medium-sized color TV for $25 from Mark. We’ll see.
I still have so much writing to do even though I’ve got tons of other stuff to do. I want to get letters out to Tammy, Becky and Lisa so they’ll all have them when they get home. I guess they’ll be home on the 20th, according to Tammy.
Because I slept till 3:30 PM, I’ll be up till around 9 AM and I’ll only get a few hours of sleep. I want to get up and call the bank to inquire about my balance and also I must get on with my tan. I promised to be very dark by now and I’m not. It’s hard to keep patient about it and tolerate the heat. It’ll be about 107º tomorrow. I think in a month or two from now, it’ll be much easier to tolerate tanning.
Even though I will be exhausted, at least I can make money under the table, at home. The hard part tomorrow will be pulling myself up out of bed. If I can just do that at noon, take my meds, and have coffee, I can lie down, close my eyes and relax at the pool. I’ll take my Walkman which has fresh batteries. Andy took it to use on the plane and he put new batteries in it. I still have to get batteries for my wall clocks here. Once you put them in, they last forever. My flashlight will need some, too.
So, the only stressful part of tomorrow is chasing the kid all over here trying to keep him out of my stuff, but at least I’ll be paid tomorrow. The first day he was OK and he took a nap for an hour and a half. When he woke up he cried for an hour or so. The last time the little beast cried for 3 hours. I couldn’t shut it up and I have no idea in hell how people do it on a regular basis whether they’re single or not. It’s not worth it and it makes me wonder how and why I wanted one for a while. First, there’s the physical part of it. The morning sickness, the labor, delivery, being forever fatter, and the baby blues. Then there’s the screaming and crying while you never can sleep and are tied down unable to go anywhere while they trash your place and cost thousands and thousands of dollars.
Well, it is at home, under the table. I need the money and it’s not my kid. I told Stacey that I’ll only take him from 4 PM-8:30 PM, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I’ll do a very occasional Saturday. It’ll be around $130 a month and they’ll be paying me weekly. She said it’s $30 a week no matter what unless I do more than that. This week I’ll get a bit more.
When Andy came back he said, “Remember your $150 debt with me? Well, that’s over now.” Now he’s paying me around $40 monthly to clean.
My food stamps will be about $111 whenever the hell they get here. The lady there is sending me a form to sign and I must send her a rent receipt and a copy of the electric bill. That was only $55 this month. I have a doctor’s appointment next Wednesday at 4:45 PM, and I’ll bring that phone form to him.
I’m no longer cleaning for Ellie as she’s a sorry, bitchy paranoid nut with a million problems. She goes on and on for hours complaining about this and that. She says she’s gonna die and that there are 5 organizations after her. She’s another one who goes back on her word and says I never said things I really did say. First, she swore she could afford to pay me $100 a month to clean for her and now she’s sorry she said that. Her son needs her money yet her son hates her and never comes to see her. She bitches and complains about how I clean and she’s always argumentative. One minute she’ll apologize for being a bitch, then she’s bitchy all over again.
Dave, the security guard and I were laughing about some of her delusions. The things she hears and sees. GI Joe, the physician, management putting petroleum through her vents to kill her like a cockroach along with those 5 organizations. She really is funny and you can have a field day playing with her head at the pool. You just wouldn’t want her at your apartment and you wouldn’t want to clean hers. Every so often I’ll go over to her place to play with her head.
I need to take my meds, eat and have some coffee. Maybe listen to music, too.
I’ve got to ask Andy to take me to the Metro Mall so I can buy more journals. I spoke to Kim who swears she’s sending me a blank journal she has, a letter and some blanks to make her funny tapes with. Edits, the complex argument, and other conversations with Bob and I.
She also says that next year she wants to travel across the country and she’ll see me when she does.
I guess Mark’s moving out but she’s not sure if she’s staying there on Elm St. She said she’ll let me know if she moves and I told her that I’ll mail her my number when I get a phone.
I still have other odds and ends I must buy. Like a pail for the kitchen, and I once saw a $14 electric typewriter at the thrift store that I’d like. As soon as I get money saved, I’m going shopping! If I got an electric typewriter, then Mom and Dad could keep my portable one and not bother to ship it. It isn’t the greatest typewriter. You have to really slam the keys down and my fingers always fall through the keys. Between them, I mean, and I cut my fingers. Electric ones have a closed keyboard.
I still haven’t contacted Jessie, Paula or Jai. I sent Jai a wacky letter and maybe I’ll write him a serious one, one of these days. Maybe try to get ahold of Jessie by calling her collect from Andy’s phone. She’ll accept the charges. I wonder if Steve moved and if he’s made any attempts to contact me. I’m sure Ann Marie has tried calling. Ha, ha to her! Bet she never thought I’d up and disappear and blow her off!
I am definitely no longer open to any new friendships whatsoever. I’ll keep Fay for now but I must stop being so friendly. If someone starts chatting with me at the pool, I’m just gonna be like yeah, yeah, yeah, till they get the message and screw off. People are so fucked in the head and I really do hate them. The same old pattern goes on where I’m either the dumper or the dumpee.
If I didn’t dump Ellie, she’d have stuck to me like glue forever. All I get are the metal cases while the so-called “better” people dump me. Same old shit. I keep to myself more and more cuz I’m tired of running around dumping people and getting dumped. Also, being dumped on by those that I dump or am dumped by. Rosemarie helped to continue to reinforce it in my head along with Donna and so many other queen snobs and mental cases.
Now for the Rosemarie story which is typical of what I get. Especially from a girl who’s gorgeous and has a good job. She works for some lawyer. She’s the ultimate attraction and she’s doing OK financially and emotionally as far as I can see on the surface. She’s the opposite of the Nervous, Fran and Ellie’s I get with no problem. She’s been steady with Rick but they do have their fights like every couple. I am not in the least bit shocked over what happened. I left off by saying how great my visits were at their place. They made me feel very accepted and welcomed. They said not to think they felt anything less about me cuz I’m gay. Their place was always open to me. They seemed so open and we laughed, joked and had nice talks. Rosemarie said don’t worry about other people being so snobby due to my getting SS. Oh, and she knows what I’m going through.
Does she? When has she ever gotten SS? She has a good job.
After two weeks went by where they seemed to be avoiding me, I caught Rosemarie alone at the pool. I walked up to her and said, “OK, what did I do?”
She said, “You didn’t do anything, but I’m not going to lie to you. We’re kind of religious and I thought about it and I decided I don’t want to have your type around.”
Can you believe how quickly people change? From white to black, instantly. And doesn’t religion teach people to accept everybody as they are? I’ve heard that they do, but then others say it bashes gays. Either way, what’s religion got to do with what we’re attracted to? It shouldn’t matter.
I pointed out that she said the direct opposite; that my gayness wasn’t a problem, and she said that she thought about it after I left.
I wondered if Rick may’ve influenced her. I always got the feeling that he was the type to boss her around.
I asked if we could talk about it and she said she’d rather not. At that point, I said what I had to say anyway. I said, “As far as I’m concerned, any prejudiced person is insecure with themselves. Why do you want people to be just like you? Can’t you be around different types of people? Why throw away good people over who they sleep with? And what’s religion have to do with who you’re sexually attracted to?”
I called her a lying, contradicting, backstabbing bitch and she was silent the whole time I spoke and never said another word. Then, Stephanie and her new roommate Harriett came into the pool as the other pool was closed. I’ll pick up the story from there another time. My hand is killing me.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1992 Now, I’m going to write about several things before I get very backed up again. I have several things to write about so I may jump from subject to subject as I remember things. Sometimes I find it’s better to write something right away before I forget.
The major topics are Ellie, Rosemarie, Fay and babysitting.
Then there are little things like Ray, the parole officer. He’s going on vacation now for two weeks and he’ll drop by when he returns.
Yesterday I had my unexpected phone interview with a lady at food stamps. Just when I was about to give up after being jerked around for 3 months the notice came in the mail. Know why it took so long? It had been returned to them for postage. That’s welfare for you!
I still have lots of editing and editing down to do. Also, letter writing, and coloring the poster Fay gave me.
I got a couple of packages from Mom and Dad. The other two chairs to my table which are out on my patio, more tanning oil, lotion, napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, baggies, garbage bags, a nice shirt with a floral pattern that fit perfectly, and some coupons. There were 3 small notepads with Barbie on the cover.
Also, a bag with a glob of hair in which Dad taped a note saying, Jodi, I got a haircut, Dad.
I know it’s not his hair cuz this hair was brown. If it was his hair, he’d be bald due to the amount that was there. It’s cute anyway and when I get my hair trimmed, now that I can afford to have Velma trim it, I’ll send some their way.
I got a $10 bill along with Dad’s letter today.
The evening of the 11th I called Florida collect from Andy’s phone while he was out at bingo. I spoke to Mom, Dad and Tammy. The girls and Bill, who I don’t miss, were staying in someone else’s place. I could’ve spoken to the girls, but I’ll write to them.
Tammy said she and Lisa sent out a letter before they left, but I never got it.
Tammy originally told me she left on the 1st. Before, she thought she’d be around during Andy’s week at the beach and she was gonna join him there. Dad said in his letter she was to arrive on the 10th so obviously, she was afraid to tell me. Maybe she decided she didn’t want to visit Andy and thinks I’ll be upset knowing she was there when he was. As you know I wrote in a previous entry how glad I was they wouldn’t get together so they wouldn’t talk too much when I wouldn’t be around to defend myself. If she had really left on the 1st and mailed me a letter before going to Florida, I’d have gotten it by now. If she left on the 10th and mailed it the day before, I should get it tomorrow or the next day.
If everything I just wrote is true and is really what happened, and I do believe I’m right on the money, Tammy will be shocked. I’ll catch her off guard and she’ll be like, gee, how’d she figure all this out? Maybe she is too smart to fool.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1992 Tonight Reasonable Doubts will be on. Thank God the Olympics are over. Of course, it’s a repeat but Marlee Matlin’s worth it. Someone will surely knock on my door but I won’t answer it. Ellie, Fay or Mark next door will knock. Mark and his friends get drunk and stoned and have nothing to discuss but sex. I’m getting really sick of it, too.
Guess what I found on my door while I was out last week? A card from Ray M, a parole officer. I called the number and asked why I was on parole when I’ve never been to prison. I’m on probation, not parole, but I guess that cuz I came from another state, this is how they do it. Maybe I’ll call his office tomorrow. Or maybe he’ll come here.
Andy had a great week back home. He enjoyed the beach and his cottage after so many years. He saw the M's and Charlotte. Supposedly the M's are friends with his family, and Andy’s aunt Joyce got permission to park in the M's driveway. Then someone supposedly overheard Charlotte saying, “Let’s get this car towed.”
Why? After so many years, I wouldn’t even bother starting shit like that. Why can’t people let dead dogs lie? I never realized Charlotte was that vindictive and was such a grudge-holder. I’ve also been told my folks and Charlotte and Jim had some kind of falling out a few years back and are no longer buddies. What else is new? No friendships seem to last any more than relationships. Is this why they live 90 miles away from each other? Aunt Ruth and Uncle Marty live an hour away, too.
Andy told Char how I love it here and have met lots of people. He said she said that’s good as she heard I had a hard time in CT.
Yeah, I’m sure you did, Char! I’m sure you heard all about it and so much more, thanks to Dureen’s big mouth.
Well, I always knew I was the most talked-about member of my family. That is, regardless of how much is true, blown out of proportion, or total bullshit.
Andy’s friend Brian thought of a great name for Connecticut. We’re so shocked we never thought of it - Connecticunt. When I first met Nervous he told me two great names. Ofelia Cunt and Ivan Cutchacokoff.
During Andy’s trip back east, Nervous and I had a great talk. The best chats we’ve ever had and I fully believe he’ll come visit me someday when he’s got the money and time off from work. He’d come out to visit me long before he’d write a letter. I’ve gotten no letters from anyone. Not my nieces, Tammy, Kim, Bob, Fran or my folks.
I spoke to Fran and Bob, but I wonder if Tammy’s heard anything about Barbara and Debbie’s collect calls? Oh well. Neither of them has yet to get letters from me. I’d like to wait a while till they think I’m long gone out of their lives. Their letters, of course, will have no threats or anything sexual. They just won’t make much sense and will be very confusing.
I have the talks with Nervous and tons of stuff on tape which I gotta edit and edit down. Even Fay spoke to Nervous. First I must edit before I edit down. If you take a 20-minute conversation and the first 10 minutes are boring and erase it, you could be throwing away a few good edits, at least. This is why I edit, then edit down, omitting any boring parts.
MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1992 A lot has happened in the last 10 days. Both good and not-so-good. I still feel so much happier than I ever have in eons, so that’s worth a lot to me.
Believe it or not, I am now babysitting an 11-month-old boy named Justin. So far he is very well-behaved. Totally the opposite of my niece Sarah who was always crying and fussy. Justin is quite calm and has not cried or broken anything. Right now he is drinking his bottle and I’ve got CDs playing.
Andy came over earlier and he’s gone to the store now to get a few things for both of us.
The food stamps are history and even though I know I’m eligible and by law, they can’t deny me, they have by jerking me around and playing with my head. I filled out a second application and they were supposed to call me with an appointment and they never did. Then, they went ahead and told me they’d send a phone appointment in the mail to do an interview over the phone. That was bullshit, too. If they were gonna give me food stamps they’d have given me them by now. Anything they say, I don’t buy, as they’ve lied to me only about 10 times. They say one thing and then another. They bullshit me by saying they misplaced my application and all kinds of things like that.
I had put ads up in the laundry rooms letting people know I was available for housekeeping and babysitting. Justin lives with his mother, Stacey, who doesn’t live here. Her sister Kara does, though, with her own 8-month-old daughter, Ashley, and their mother. I guess Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:00-8:00, I’ll be babysitting and possibly Saturdays, too. I could be making $130 a month and $160 if I babysit on a Saturday.
I’m hungry, so I wish Andy would hurry up and get here.
Last night I left an old letter from Bob on Mark’s door. I wonder if I’ll hear about that. Of course, I’ll be playing dumb and trying not to laugh if I do.
I have several other things to write about later about Rosemarie, Fay and Ellie.
Justin slept from 5:00-6:30. When he awoke he was crying and still is. So much for this being a peaceful kid. Stacey should be here in half an hour and boy, I can’t wait to hit the pool!
I’ve got to do Ellie’s laundry tonight and mine, too.
0 notes
saniya054 · 4 months
A Comprehensive Overview of the USA Visa Process for Dubai Applicants
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Applying for a USA visa from Dubai can be a detailed and sometimes complex process, but with the right information and preparation, it can be navigated smoothly. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step of the USA visa process, from understanding the types of visas available to preparing for your visa interview. Whether you are traveling for tourism, business, study, or another purpose, this overview will help you understand what to expect and how to prepare.
Understanding the Types of USA Visas
The first step in the USA visa process is to identify the type of visa you need. The United States offers a variety of visa categories depending on the purpose of your visit. Here are some of the most common types:
B1/B2 Visa: For business (B1) and tourism (B2) purposes.
F1 Visa: For academic studies.
J1 Visa: For exchange programs, including work and study-related activities.
H1B Visa: For specialized employment.
L1 Visa: For intra-company transferees.
O Visa: For individuals with extraordinary abilities or achievements.
Identifying the correct visa type is crucial as each category has specific requirements and processes.
General Requirements for USA Visa Applicants
Regardless of the type of visa you are applying for, there are some general requirements that all applicants must meet:
1. Valid Passport
Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the United States. Ensure it has sufficient blank pages for visa stamps.
2. Completed DS-160 Form
The DS-160 form is the online nonimmigrant visa application. You must fill out this form accurately and submit it electronically. After submission, print the confirmation page with the barcode, as you will need it for your visa interview.
3. Visa Application Fee
Pay the non-refundable visa application fee. The amount varies depending on the visa type. Keep the receipt as proof of payment, which you will need during your interview.
4. Photograph
Provide a recent passport-sized photograph that meets U.S. visa photo requirements. The photo must be in color, taken within the last six months, and have a plain white background.
5. Schedule a Visa Interview
All visa applicants between the ages of 14 and 79 must schedule a visa interview at the U.S. Consulate General in Dubai. The wait time for an interview appointment can vary, so schedule it well in advance of your intended travel date.
Specific Requirements for Different Visa Types
B1/B2 Visa (Business/Tourism)
For the B1/B2 visa, you will need to demonstrate the purpose of your trip and your intention to return to Dubai. Required documents include:
Purpose of Visit: For business, provide an invitation letter from the U.S. company, conference details, or business meeting agenda. For tourism, show your travel itinerary, hotel bookings, and travel insurance.
Financial Evidence: Bank statements, pay slips, and other financial documents to prove you can support yourself during your stay.
Ties to Dubai: Employment verification, property ownership documents, and proof of family ties in Dubai to show strong ties to your home country.
F1 Visa (Student)
Students applying for an F1 visa must provide evidence of their acceptance into a U.S. educational institution. Required documents include:
Form I-20: Issued by the educational institution, confirming your admission and providing details of your study program.
Financial Support: Proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses. This can include bank statements, scholarship letters, and affidavits of support.
Academic Records: Transcripts, diplomas, and standardized test scores (like SAT, GRE, or TOEFL) that demonstrate your academic qualifications.
J1 Visa (Exchange Visitor)
For those participating in exchange programs, the J1 visa requirements include:
Form DS-2019: Issued by the program sponsor, detailing the purpose and duration of the program.
Program Details: Information about the exchange program, including the nature of activities, location, and financial support.
Ties to Dubai: Similar to the B1/B2 visa, you will need to demonstrate strong ties to your home country.
H1B Visa (Specialized Employment)
Applicants for an H1B visa must be sponsored by a U.S. employer. Key requirements include:
Job Offer: A formal job offer from a U.S. employer for a specialty occupation that requires theoretical and practical application of a body of specialized knowledge.
Labor Condition Application (LCA): Certified by the U.S. Department of Labor, confirming that the employer will pay the prevailing wage for the position.
Educational Qualifications: Degrees, certificates, and transcripts that prove you have the necessary educational background and skills for the job.
Preparing for the Visa Interview
The visa interview is a crucial part of the application process. Here are some tips to prepare:
Be Honest and Consistent: Provide truthful information in your application and during the interview. Inconsistencies can lead to denial.
Know Your Travel Plans: Be ready to discuss your travel itinerary, purpose of visit, and plans upon returning to Dubai.
Financial Stability: Be prepared to explain how you will finance your trip and provide supporting documents.
Strong Ties to Dubai: Emphasize your connections to Dubai, such as family, job, property, or other commitments that will ensure your return.
Additional Tips for a Successful Application
1. Double-Check Your Application
Ensure all information in your DS-160 form and supporting documents is accurate and complete. Errors can delay the processing of your visa.
2. Gather All Required Documents
Organize your documents neatly and bring both originals and copies to your interview. Having everything in order shows preparedness and professionalism.
3. Stay Updated on Policies
U.S. immigration policies can change, so regularly check the U.S. Embassy and Consulate website in Dubai for updates or changes in requirements.
4. Seek Professional Help if Needed
If you're unsure about any part of the application process, consider consulting with an immigration expert or attorney. They can provide valuable guidance and ensure your application is on the right track.
5. Be Patient
Visa processing times can vary, so it's important to apply well in advance of your intended travel date. Avoid making non-refundable travel arrangements until your visa is approved.
The process of applying for a USA visa from Dubai involves several steps and requires thorough preparation. By understanding the types of visas available, meeting all general and specific requirements, and preparing effectively for the visa interview, you can enhance your chances of a successful application. Remember to stay organized, be honest, and seek professional assistance if needed. With careful planning, you can navigate the USA visa process smoothly and look forward to your journey to the United States.
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pratik8006 · 6 months
Visa for Brazil from India: Everything You Need to Know
Travelling from India to Brazil is an exciting prospect, whether for leisure, business, or any other purpose. However, it's essential to understand the visa requirements and procedures before embarking on your journey. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information on obtaining a Brazilian visa from India, including frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common queries.
1. What type of visa do I need to travel to Brazil from India?
The type of visa you need depends on the purpose of your visit. Common visa types for travellers from India to Brazil include tourist visas, business visas, student visas, and work visas. Each type has specific requirements and eligibility criteria, so it's crucial to determine the purpose of your trip before applying.
2. How do I apply for a Brazilian visa from India?
To apply for a Brazilian visa from India, you'll typically need to follow these steps:
Determine the type of visa you need based on your purpose of travel.
Gather the required documents, including passport, visa application form, photographs, proof of sufficient funds, travel itinerary, and any additional documents specific to your visa type.
Schedule an appointment at the nearest Brazilian embassy or consulate in India.
Submit your visa application and supporting documents during your appointment.
Pay the applicable visa fees.
Wait for processing, which may take several weeks, depending on the visa type and embassy/consulate workload.
Once approved, collect your visa and passport from the embassy or consulate.
3. What documents do I need to submit with my visa application?
The specific documents required may vary depending on the type of visa you're applying for. However, common documents include:
Valid passport with a minimum of six months validity beyond your intended stay in Brazil.
Completed visa application form.
Passport-sized photographs meeting the embassy/consulate's specifications.
Proof of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Brazil.
Travel itinerary, including flight bookings and accommodation details.
Additional documents may be required for specific visa types, such as an invitation letter for a business visa or acceptance letter from a Brazilian educational institution for a student visa.
4. How long does it take to process a Brazilian visa from India?
The processing time for a Brazilian visa from India can vary depending on various factors, including the type of visa, the embassy/consulate's workload, and the time of year. In general, visa processing may take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It's advisable to apply for your visa well in advance of your intended travel date to avoid any delays.
5. Can I apply for a Brazilian visa online from India?
Yes, Brazil offers an e-visa facility for citizens of certain countries, including India. The e-visa allows eligible travellers to apply for a Brazilian visa online, eliminating the need to visit an embassy or consulate in person. However, not all visa types may be available through the e-visa system, so it's essential to check the eligibility criteria and requirements before applying.
6. Are there any additional requirements for specific visa types?
Yes, certain visa types may have additional requirements beyond the standard documents mentioned earlier. For example:
Business visas may require an invitation letter from a Brazilian company or organisation.
Student visas may require proof of enrolment or acceptance from a recognised Brazilian educational institution.
Work visas may require a job offer letter or contract from a Brazilian employer.
It's essential to review the specific requirements for your visa type and ensure that you provide all necessary documentation to support your application.
7. Can I extend my visa once in Brazil?
In some cases, it may be possible to extend your visa while in Brazil, depending on the type of visa and your circumstances. However, visa extensions are subject to approval by the Brazilian immigration authorities and may require additional documentation and fees. It's advisable to consult with the nearest Brazilian immigration office for guidance on extending your visa if needed.
Obtaining a Brazilian visa from India is a straightforward process, provided you understand the requirements and follow the necessary steps. By familiarising yourself with the visa types, application procedures, and frequently asked questions outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience to Brazil. If you have any further queries or require assistance, don't hesitate to contact the nearest Brazilian embassy or consulate for guidance. Safe travels!
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shop-korea · 6 months
MORE - THAN - 1,000 - MBPS - I
(800) 772 - 1213
6 STOPS - 11 MIN - WALK - 3 MIN
1251 NW 36TH ST UNIT 1
MIAMI FL 33142 - 5517
TEL NO - (877) 405 - 0469
8A - MON - FRI
(800) 772 - 1213
IT - WAS - AT - 8A EDT
11:36A - ENDED - CALL
$943 - EVERY - FIRST - AS
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Royal Screw up- The Third Prince
Return to File
Recovery date: December 26th, 2019
Description: Prompt by _writing_ideas_ on IG:  When an enemy kingdom attacks and takes over the castle, the princess flees with only her lady-in-waiting and her personal guard. Together, the three of them plot a way to take revenge on those that destroyed their lives. Because the enemy king and queen murdered their families, they will murder the enemy royal heirs. The lady-in-waiting, skilled with herbs, will become a healer at the castle and find a way to poison the 2nd heir. The personal guard will become a knight and make a fatal ‘mistake’ during combat training with the 3rd heir. Finally, the princess will take the identity of the daughter of a foreign noble and court the 1st heir, getting close enough to kill them. The plan goes remarkably well- until each of the three grows to like their target.(Some changes were made)
Notes: One of the first series stored in the black box.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Word count: 350
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The first time they had met, Atsushi came to the conclusion that he would have no problem poisoning him. He had just been appointed as the royale healer 9 months after he had arrived. Dazai had been appointed as the 2nd heirs guard last month much to everyone’s surprise, but he was good with a sword so it made sense. Yosano had told them during one of their secret meetings that trying to get close to Ozaki was like talking to a brick wall.
Atsushi knocked on Ryunoske’s door only to receive no response. Announcing his presence Atsushi opened the door. The prince looked up at him from his spot his bed, then turned back and continued writing on the bed desk. 
“I don’t believe I told you to come in,” Ryunoske said, before coughing.
“My apologies your highness,” keep it together,” I wasn’t sure if you were asleep and needed to bring you your medicine.”
“Be quick,” he spat.
Atsushi walked over placing a mug from his tray onto the desk and taking the old one. Setting the tray down he took a cloth from the bowl of water he brought and switched it with the one on the back of Ryuu’s neck. Ryuu let out a content sigh before realizing Atsushi was looking at the letter he had been writing. Atsushi, realizing he had been caught grabbed his tray and went to leave. 
“Jinko,” Ryunoske called, "before you go hand me that book on the table.”
Atsushi was tempted to keep walking, and Ryuu could see that. But he still brought the book to the bed bound prince. Atsushi thought the book was strange, he had read it when he was younger. There was no problem with it, it was just strange to see a twenty something man reading a children’s fairytale.
On his way out, he could have sworn he heard a soft thank you. As he walked back to his room he began to wonder who the letter was for, he had seen a name at the top ‘Gin’ but he had never heard that name.
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Drinking 3 raw eggs for breakfast.
I went to the toilet twice during the first 2 hours being here in the office.
And I suspect it's the 3 innocent eggs I cracked open at 6:14 in the morning mixed with a tall glass of cold ass milk.
It was delicious by the way.
But that made my GI tract very upset.
Glad the office bathroom has bidet and alcohol in it.
So I'm pretty good.
While my dumpy session was ongoing, I spent my time scrolling through my Facebook timeline for inspiration. (who doesn't?)
Then I saw these annoying blue letters on my bio.
It's my perfectly hyperlinked Substack profile.
I am usually NOT a fan of my work.
*ahemmmm... liar*
But in honor of the humble brags I follow on social media which I found very amusing.
I honestly admit that I do LOVE my work.
And I cannot wait to share it with the world. (This is true by the way)
It's funny because 5 months ago, I was in a really depressed cycle of my life.
Most people won't acknowledge that I was depressed nor will *EVER* be depressed.
Because why would this always smiling, punchline making, unserious guy would ever be depressed????
I would never even accept that I was.
But reading my articles and my journal entries from that date really SCREAMS extreme melancholia. (swiftie here)
Reading my documented struggles, I feel so much pride knowing I was able to express it.
The amount of hate I was writing was SO GOOD.
It was like the perfect HATEFUL words I need to release.
I'm glad I did it.
There will be SHITTY moments in your life when you're absolutely crushed and the world will continue to bring you down.
And people will never notice it.
Help will not find it's way to you.
And your darkest day will often be met by you adjusting for others.
That LEVEL of pain where a FORCEFUL laughter was more excruciating than a night full of tears.
Ok, I know you're reading to find out how I overcame the problem right?
And how did I even manage to pull myself out of this gloomy abyss.
Well, I did a ton.
I quit my low-paying job.
Applied to a job I always wanted. (thanks to my bffs referral)
Borrowed money from Gcash.
Went to Ilo-Ilo for a Doctor's Appointment.
I packed my bags.
Booked a night bus to Manila. (Rushed flight and ticket to Manila is bigger than my salary)
Went to a Malaysia.
Borrowed money from my sister to afford rent.
Eating once a day so I can afford rent.
and lived my life in silence for the next few months while healing myself.
So yeah, that's how I drastically changed my life.
I forced myself to create MORE problems which require me to survive.
And I couldn't be prouder of myself.
For not TAKING shit anymore.
The world is full of opportunities my friend.
Stop staying at that LONELY ass job if you know you don't deserve it.
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josephleine · 2 years
Best Yishun Moneylender and Ang Mo Kio Moneylender
Yishun is a residential town in the northwestern region of Singapore. It was previously known as "Nee Soon."
There are some companies out there that provide very little assistance after you have obtained a personal loan; all of these companies are designed to be nothing more than a machine to obtain your money.
There are numerous types of loans that can be used to purchase a good or service. Many people obtain a personal loan for the items they require, which can take various forms. Despite the fact that the same parties are involved (a creditor and debtor), the type of loan is different.
The Goal of Obtaining a Loan from Yishun Moneylenders
1.     In Yishun Moneylenders Singapore personal Loans are available with low interest rates and affordable repayment plans. Interest rates as low as 1% per month
2.     Medication is very expensive. Many people are losing their savings as a result of it. This is one of the main reasons why people apply for quick cash personal loans. It can be used to help pay for dental work, cosmetic surgery, fertility treatments, and other medical procedures. Personal loans can also cover medical travel, parking, and follow-up care.
3.     Personal loans can be useful in the event of a family member's death. Funerals can be costly. If the bereaved family is unable to cover the costs, they can apply for a personal loan. It can help pay the deceased's bills.
How you get loan In Yishun
1.     Go to the website of the licensed moneylender. You can use the loan calculator to estimate the amount of interest you will pay. Licensed moneylenders may offer you repayment terms to think about.
2.     Apply for a personal loan online. When you have completed your registration, you will receive an email or a phone call to schedule your appointment with the moneylender.
3.     Bring the necessary documents to the office in person.
4.     The Loan Officer will go over the terms and fees with you. Make certain that you fully comprehend them. If you have any questions, please contact the loan officer.
5.     You can sign the loan contract if you agree to everything.
6.     Obtain your funds. Make sure you obtain a copy of your contract. This will protect you.
Ang Mo Kio in Hokkien literally means the "red-haired man's bridge". It references the bridge over the Kallang River within the area.Ang Mo Kio is the third most populous planning area in Singapore's north-east region. 
Common Applications of Personal Loans in Ang Mo Kio Singapore:
1.     A high-interest loan will deplete your income settling it with another loan is a good idea. The interest rate on a personal loan is lower than the monthly interest rate on a credit card and loans from loan sharks. It also simplifies the payment of multiple loans by consolidating them into a single, more manageable loan.
2.     A personal loan is a good option if you are in a pinch and need emergency funds to cover a healthcare bill for yourself or a family member. When compared to using a credit card, a personal loan will allow you to access a significant amount to cover healthcare costs.
3.     Saving money for a large purchase is sometimes impossible. This is especially true if saving enough money will take a long time.
With a personal loan, you can skip the waiting period and buy whatever item you want right away.
How Do I Get A Loan?
You must prepare the following documents in order to meet the criteria.
1.     National Identification Card/NRIC
2.     Proof of Residence, such as a recent bill, letter, or tenancy agreement
3.     An employment letter and a recent three-month pay stub if your current job is less than six months old.
4.     Be familiar with your SingPass ( to log into CPF, HDB, IRAS website)
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Congrats on 2k mama sweet,,,!! :))
Since there is no sk8 requests yet how about option 2 - Kaoru x reader <3 Had this thought after reading ur arranged marriage fic... how about at the start of the marriage reader thinks that Kaoru is cheating on her when he sneaks out at night but after he tells her about S, reader feels kinda silly for thinking so.. next thing you know Kaoru is taking reader to all the beefs as his lucky charm. Reader even has a matching costume and the others start calling her "Lady Cherry" or smth,, teaches reader to skate (she's lowkey jealous of carla >.<) + some domestic fluff (what if reader finds out she's pregnant....) This doesn't have to be connected to the other fic & you can ignore the cheating part if u like... :-*
A/N: :0 Lady Cherry is a super smart name!
other fic here
Please enjoy~🍰
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There he went again...
The sliding door of your shared room altered you from your sleep. This was the 6th night in a row that he left without a word in the middle of the night. The first 2 nights you thought he was simply tending to business and was just busy. After the 4th day, you were suspicious and a bit hurt. He did tell you he didn’t want to hurt you and treat you right....so where was he going?
This was another night he had gotten up, so instead of staying in bed you followed him. 
“Carla, make sure to lock the doors when I leave“ he said to his AI
“Yes, master“ you scoffed. You had to admit the stupid computer got on your nerves. He practically loved talking to her and every time she answered him, he gets all giddy. You were really jealous but you wish he’d get that way with you.  
Just as he was going to leave you called for him
“Kaoru?“ he froze and turned around “It’s late...“ you said coming closer to him. That’s when you noticed what he was wearing, he was in a sleeveless yukata with a black mask over his face, and a...skateboard?
“Y/N I...um...“ being that he can’t speak about S he was contemplating whether to tell you or not. But you were his wife and he wanted to be open with you on everything. However what you said next caught him off guard
“...if there’s someone else please just tell me...“ and the way you looked when you said it just broke his heart. Did you really think he was cheating? Even though this was arranged, he couldn’t ask for someone better to be his wife. You were smart, shy but bright, not to mention beautiful.
“Y/N“ he walked to you and rests his hand on your shoulder “I would never cheat on you and I assure you there is no one else.”
“Then why do you leave at night?“ you ask
“*Sigh*....I go skating.“ he said bluntly. There was nothing to hide from you and it was all true
“...huh“ he lifted his board for you to see
“Some friends and I go skateboarding in a secret location for races and such. We only go at night so we go unnoticed.“ he held up a small pin “It’s called S..now that you know you can’t tell anyone. Now go throw something on, we’re heading out.“
Just as he said you were heading out in the dead of night. And of course you had to ride on Carla, every time he spoke to her it was like he was talking to his crush. As you approach a gate with two guards he gives you a larger sticker of the letter ‘S’. You show them to security and make it inside where people had started screaming. You knew he was popular among women but this was more than you thought
“Lord Cherry!!” one screamed 
“Cherry” he interrupted 
Getting his bike to a stop he helps you off and says “we don’t use our real names here for security reasons. Here I’m Cherry blossom.” 
So what he was telling you was true. You honestly felt a bit silly for jumping to conclusions so quickly. Before he was off to what he called a ‘beef’ he introduced you to JOE. You were surprised to see the popular chef here as well, although you knew they had been friends for years. The large screen in the area showed you just how goof he was at this. 
He was fast but graceful, sharp an precise on corners. The crowd only cheered louder than before. 
“So, you’re the one he’s been talking about huh?“ Joe asked 
“He’s been...talking about me?“ you asked
He nodded “He was gone for like 3 days in a row not to mention he was brushing off more women now. That’s when he told us there was someone he wanted to be loyal to.” okay, now you felt really silly. After the race was done and over with Cherry had made his way back to you. He comes and embarrass you and whispers in your ear
“You brought me good luck.“ you felt your heart skip a beat from the feeling of being close to him
“oooo, look at Lord Cherry with his lady~“
“Shut up you big oaf!!“
During the next few months you had gone with him to almost every beef. You had even gained a name for yourself, ‘Lady Cherry’. You had become quite popular among some men there and even cherry’s female fans. He would usually bring you as his ‘lucky charm’, it was cheesy but sweet at the same time. They also had a habit of saying 
“The Cherries have arrived“ 
On his free time he would actually taught you how to skate, well he tried anyway. Balance wasn’t exactly easy and being from a traditional family, this was unusual for you. You’d be holding on to his shoulders while his hands held your waist
“Don’t let me fall“
“You’re doing just fine dear. Why don’t we try some tricks“ he offered  
“Are you sure you’re the man I married?“ you ask with a smirk
“The one and only dear“ he kissed your cheek 
It was honestly so cute to him. You’d have a scared but excited look on your face. Your cheeks would turn pink and it just made his heart fluttered. On top of all that you were willing to indulge in something he has loved from a young age. He always took you with him to each beef he attended. Both for showing you off an he is in love with the idea of winning every race for not just himself but for you as well.  
Although tonight you wouldn’t make it to the beef. He was going to race Joe but that was put on hold. You had been feeling sick all day and you just finished emptying your stomach. As much as you told him to go, he refused to leave.
“You’re my wife and you’re clearly not okay“ he said helping you up off the floor “you come before any beef or competition. Now come on, let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out.“
A short drive to the general hospital was taken that night. No, he would not wait until tomorrow morning. He wanted to know that you were okay and didn’t have anything terminal. After speaking with the nurse and giving some blood and urine samples you both patiently waited. You leaned against him playing with the digits of his fingers. 
*Knock knock* “Ma’am we have your results” the doctor says holding up a couple of papers and even some medicine. “well, you’re clear for any terminal conditions or diseases. although you have some hormonal imbalances and some new ones kicking in.”
“Meaning?“ Kaoru urged him on
“Congratulations, you’re 4 weeks pregnant.“
“....“ you both sat in shock at the news. You were pregnant? Well, you two were active, and maybe Kaoru has his own little rituals. Either after or before a beef he’d get frisky and was set on pleasing you both. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that this would have happened, still it was shocking news
“These are some prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take for the month. Make sure to make an appointment to check on the baby alright?” giving you the vile of pills he takes his leave leaving you both in silence. What were you supposed to say? How were you going to deal with this? Were you even ready?
“-together.“ you didn’t catch his whole sentence 
“I’m sorry what was that?” you ask him
“We’ll this together alright?“ he took your hand in his “believe me I’m as shocked as you are but, we’ll figure this out together okay?“
“Alright“ you smile back 
“We should probably start with a bigger house for the three of us“
“Kaoru, come on it’s just paint I can-“
“You are not moving a muscle“ he cut you off “I want you to rest all you can. You’re making a baby and that’s enough.“
To say he was strict during your pregnancy was an understatement. As soon as your belly started showing you were no longer going to beefs with him. You were currently 6 months along, and expecting a girl! Kaoru was over the moon to know it was a girl. he would have been happy with a boy too, but a little copy of you was like a dream. He couldn't wait to see the little girl that would look like you and act like him.
Today was nursery day, which meant painting, building and organizing. Kaoru had you only fold and organizing the clothes and things while he painted. Of course being your idea you had called the boys over to help. Joe was building some stuff along with Shadow. Langa and Reki were actually helping to paint the walls. 
“I appreciate you guys coming to help“ you smile 
“Hey it’s no problem, at least you told us about it“ Joe commented. Oh yeah, he also wanted to keep it a secret so that 
‘the idiot wouldn’t ruin your pregnancy‘ which made you laugh for a good 5 minutes. But they were very good help and made the process easier 
“Hey so what are you naming the baby?“ Reki asked 
“Well, Kaoru kind of wanted to associate it with his skate name so we agreed on Sakura.“
“AAWWHH“ everyone said out load slightly teasing him. Without turning from the wall he said
“....I just wanted a beautiful name for her was all.“ although he was cold at times they knew he meant well especially for his family.  A while late Joe made a small dinner for you all to enjoy. You thanked them for coming over and you were done for the night. You were putting on some lotion over your rounded middle when Kaoru came behind you. He wrapped his arms around and over your own hands and rested there for a moment
“Who would have thought we’d be here huh?” You whisper
“In all honesty I was hoping for it” he admired “before we married you were described as a caring and sweet woman. But you were so much more once we were married. You’re compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, beautiful, and absolutely perfect” he said kissing the side of your head “and now, you’ve given me the gift of being a father. Thank you”
Turning in his hold you wipe away small tears “oh Kaoru , thank you too. You’ve treated me like I’m the only person you need. On top of that you take care of me but still give me my freedom. I love you..”
“And I love you” he rests his forehead against yours as his fingers trace over your baby bump.
I hope this was okay!❤️
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Haikyuu!! Boys as Bad Dad moments
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou and Numai
**These are ways they “failed” as fathers. I am not talking about ACTUALLY failing as fathers, just things dads have done that most of us either remember/get told about NOT TO BE TAKEN  S E R I O U S L Y  it is just for      f u n  I also gave them all at least 2 kids cause SibLiNgS**
A ‘*’ means it happened to me lol
TW- Mentions of giving too much medicine, accidental pain caused to child, these are things I either experienced/knew people who experienced them, allusion to cursing/a FEW bad words (but I substitute a letter for something else :)
*Akaashi Keiji: 
He had been working in his office when his son had come in.
You had been putting your newborn to sleep for a nap when your son decided he wanted to be with his dad.
His son was only 3, so when Akaashi was held up in his office editing his son, Kenji, would sometimes come in and plop himself in Akaashi’s lap.
His sons small feel padded on the floor while he made his way to his father, softly tugging on his pants as he stuck his arms up.
Akaashi smiled and softly chuckled before gently picking up his son from under his arms and placing him on his lap.
He got to work soon after, reading and revising the pages.
Other than having his son on his lap it wasn’t unusual for him to be drinking coffee while working.
Keep in mind, your son had inherited a lot from Akaashi, and not just his looks or personality.
But also his habits.
Because of this, your son was very fidgety, usually toying with a string or your fingers.
That meant he tended to move around a lot.
Akaashi had just lifted his not-so-cold coffee to his lips when his son had made a sudden movement, causing him to knock his arm and, “AHH” Akaashi’s eyes snapped open as his son started crying, cursing under his breath he stood up gently holding his son in his arms as he carried him to the bathroom.
Sitting him down on the counter he dried the coffee off of his son, luckily it hadn’t been hot enough to burn him, but it was still hot enough to hurt.
“What happened? I heard crying, is he okay?” Akaashi sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, he’s okay, he bumped my arm and I spilled my coffee on him. He’s okay! It didn’t burn him, but it did hurt...” Your frowned as you stood in front of your son, giving him a soft smile before kissing his arm, cause kisses always make it feel better~
You carefully picked him up from the counter, rocking him slowly side to side as he burrowed into your shoulder.
“Are you okay little man~” He nodded as he sniffled into your shoulder, little hands clutching onto the fabric of your t-shirt.
“You know daddy didn’t mean it, it was an accident.” He nodded again, lifting his head to rub his eyes and reach out for his dad.
Akaashi gave a wobbly smile before reaching over to grab him, kissing the top of his head as he carried him back to his office, making sure to have some iced coffee instead.
Washio Tatsuki: 
This would be the first time Washio was left alone with the twins.
5 months ago, you and your husband had had your first children, your adorable fraternal twins Natsuki and Tatsuo.
Today would be the first day you would be away from them, but with your mother being sick and you being the only one available to take care of her you had to go.
You weren’t too worried about your husband, he was already a good dad so you had no doubt they were in good hands.
But it was never an enjoyable experience to have to leave your kids, especially your babies, and for the first time. 
So, you decided to leave early in the morning, give them their good morning kisses and head over to your parents house.
Before you left you changed their diapers, letting them play in their little play pen while your husband tried to get up.
Rubbing his eyes Washio walked into the play room.
He had to go to the gym today for a meeting, fortunately EJP had a really good daycare system in the stadium, so he could leave his kids there while he attended the short meeting.
He stopped in his tracks as his face blanched and he felt his breath stop.
You had changed the twins’ diapers...but you hadn’t dressed them.
The twins were still young, so without looking at their, uh, biological differences you couldn’t tell them apart....
Now, usually when this happened you guys would just check the diapers, but you had just done them..
And he was already running a bit late.
So, he made his best guess, got them dressed (one in pink, the other in blue), fed and in the car driving them to the stadium.
Once he got there he quickly dropped them off, rushing to his meeting.
The meeting had been fairly simple, just some pre-season info he’d need.
After chatting with his coach/teammates, and stopping Suna and Komori from pulling a prank, he made his way back to the daycare.
He walked into the building when one of the younger care takers, Yui, walked up to him, One twin in each arm.
He smiled as he carefully put them into their carriers.
“Uhm, just a question...” He looked up to her and motioned for her to continue.
“...Were you aware that Tatsuo was wearing the dress?” Washio sighed as he ran a hand down his face shaking his head. Yui light heartedly smiled, “Don’t worry, we switched them.” Thanking them, he picked up his babies and went home.
He was not prepared for the way you cackled when he told you what happened.
*Konoha Akinori: 
You had gone away for a business trip, leaving your husband Konoha home with your 3 kids. (You guys have 2 girls and a boy)
Your middlest child, your son Akira, had recently come down with a cold making the poor thing miserable when he tried to sleep.
Being the good dad that he is, he gave his son some benadryl!
The next morning he woke up, and after letting his kids sleep in for a little bit he woke them up too.
...two of them.
He tried several times to get his son to leave his bed, but the little kid couldn’t so much as swing one foot over the side of his bed with out falling asleep again.
He didn’t think too much of it, the kid had a cold after all.
So he let him sleep for another hour or so before making him get up for real.
A day later you got home, and everything was pretty much normal.
Until you went to put your son to bed, and realized he had crashed on the couch.
“...Uhm, Akinori?” Your husband lifted his head at your voice, setting the dishes in the sink and drying his hands with a towel as he made his way over to you. 
“Yeah babe?” You took a look over towards your son before looking back to your husband.
“...Has Akira been like that all weekend?” Konoha ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. “No, only since Saturday. He wasn’t feeling good so I gave him some benadryl, he’s been dead to the world since.” You slowly nodded.
“Uhm, Akinori?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “How much benadryl did you give him?”
He left to grab the box, coming back with it in his hand as he continued to look at it.
He shook his head in confusion. “I gave him the amount the box said, 1 teasp-”- He paused.
Uh oh.
He in fact, had not given his son a teaspoon of benadryl.
He had given him a tablespoon.
*Kita Shinsuke: 
You had to leave early one morning for a doctors appointment; you were pregnant with you and Kita’s second child. 
Usually for these appointments Kita’s grandmother would watch your 3 year old daughter Kyoka.
But she had something to do that morning so Kita was the one responsible for getting her ready for preschool.
Kita was a good father so you weren’t worried.
You knew she would be put together, fed, and on time.
There was just one thing you couldn’t account for.
“Daddy?” Kita looked away from the mirror he was shaving in and down to his daughter, washing away the traces of shaving cream. “Yes sweetheart?”
She held out her small hand, 2 bright pink hair ties with little butterfly charms on them held out in her palm.
“Can you do my piggy tails please?” His eyes widened.
He hadn’t done hair...like...ever.
But from the puppy eyes his little princess was giving him, how could he not do it?!
Plus, it couldn’t be that hard...right? I mean, he had watched you do it plenty of times, and it was pretty straight forward.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed he had her stand on the ground in front of him.
He grabbed her brush and put the two hair ties she had given him on his wrist.
He brushed her hair and parted it as evenly as he could, trying to be gentle in the process.
Now time for the pig tails..
He pulled her hair back, trying to make it tight to it would stay.
...But he might have made it a little too tight.
He turned her around and realized he had made them way too tight.
Not only did her hair look like he had slicked it back with x4 strength hair gel, but it was so tight that her eyebrows had been stuck way up on her forehead.
He was quick to turn her back around, loosening the hair ties so she looks like a 3 year old again.
His face turned undeniably red as he told you what happened later that night, you light heartedly laughing at his misfortune.
Suna Rintaro: 
Suna had just gotten out of practice, and now he was on the way to his kids school. 
You and Suna had 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls. 
The youngest 2 had a doctor’s appointment earlier that day, which you had taken them too. Meaning Suna needed to pick the older 2 up from elementary school.
He had been listening to music, his music to be specific.
He had pulled into the parking lot, changing the playlist to a kid friendly one right before his children got in the car.
After they had told him about their days, and he had told about his, he switched back on the music.
It had been fine for a song.
Until he realized that he had a few songs qued.
The fun little song had just ended when the bass dropped, the color draining from his face as soon as the song started.
The mentioned song being “Big Bank” by YG, 2 Chainz, Big Sean and Nicki Minaj of course~.
He was quick to turn the radio off, waiting until he could pull over, empty the que, and turn on kid friendly music.
He told the kids to ‘forget what they heard’ and he continued on his drive home.
Now, you’ve got to remember, his daughter is in kindergarten and his son is in 2nd grade, so they’re still kind of at that “monkey see, monkey do” age range.
Or rather, “monkey hear, monkey repeat.”
He thought it was gonna be okay, they were good kids so he figured telling them to forget they even heard it, they would let it go.
There was just one thing about his children that he didn’t account for.
As obedient and well behaved as his children were, they were also very curious.
That night at dinner they had all been sat down at the table, eating dinner and talking about their days. 
You had been feeding your infant son while Suna had been watching the 3 year old, the other 2 older children happily eating their food. Until...
“Hey mommy?” You looked at your daughter with a smile, “Yes baby?” She continued to eat her dinner, “What’s a b!tch?” Your eyes widened as your husband choked on his food, your baby laughing at the scene before him.
Hitting his chest and taking a sip of water Suna tried to catch his breath.
“Nezuko we don’t say that, where did you hear that?!” She tilted her head as she looked at you confused before turning to look at Suna, pointing a small finger at him.
“It was on the radio, daddy told us to ‘forget’ but I didn’t know what it meant...What does it mean?” You sent a glare towards your husband as you sighed.
After explaining to your daughter why it was bad to say those things and not to repeat everything she heard you cleaned up your kids and put them to bed.
...You had quite the conversation with your husband later that night.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Ushijima had been on grocery duty this week since you had a meeting with a friend.
He had the Friday off, and since you weren’t home he took the kids with him.
Now, I would like you to know that you guys have 6 kids. S I X.
Growing up with no siblings and divorced parents, Ushijima wanted to make sure none of his kids were lonely.
Originally you guys had two, each kid had a buddy.
...but then you had a third, and you couldn’t just leave him alone...
so you had another...then another...
And now you guys have 6. But it’s okay cause you both love kids anyway~
He was doing his best, he truly was. He had his 2 youngest sitting in the little seat by the handle bar, 2 kids in the basket, 1 hanging onto the side and the oldest walking alongside him.
When they got to check out he had to take one of the kids out of the basket, so he opted for his 3rd oldest, his son Kazue, figuring he was older so it’d be a-okay.
He checked out his extensive amount of groceries before loading them up into his car, and his kids.
He pulled out of the grocery store parking lot and got on the road, his kids singing along to the radio and chatting amongst themselves.
They had been driving for 6 minutes when his oldest child, Ren, spoke up. “Uh, dad?” He hummed, briefly checking the rear view mirror before returning his gaze to the road. “When are we going back to get Kazue?” His face lost all color as his eyes widened.
As swiftly and safely as he could he pulled over to the side of the road, whipping around in his seat to take a head count. ‘1..2..3..4..5...oh sh-’ Turning back around he got back onto the road, taking the nearest u-turn and rushing back to the store. 
Unbuckling his kids from their carseats he hurried them back into the store, his oldest holding the 2nd borns hand, as he held all 3 of the younger ones in his arms.
He frantically entered the store, almost collapsing with relief when he saw his son sat at the customer service desk with the security guard, eating a lollipop before smiling when he saw his dad come to pick him up.
After giving proof that yes, he was his father, he took all of his kids back home after getting them some ice cream.
...this would be one conversation he was not excited to have with you....
Yahaba Shigeru: 
Yahaba and his 2 sons had been hanging out in the living room while you finished making some snacks in the kitchen.
Yahaba had been trying to set up a DVD player, you guys were going to watch some home-videos from your high school days but they were all on CD.
So, after borrowing one from his parents house, he set out to hook it up to the TV.
...Which was proving much more difficult then he first anticipated.
His two boys, Itsuki (6) and Hayato (8) were in there with him, ‘helping’ as they had called it.
Yahaba groaned as he sat back, a hand ruffling through his hair as he racked his brain to think of the problem.
You had finished preparing everything so you came in, with the food, and set it down on the coffee table.
You came up behind your husband, kneeling down behind him and placing your hands on his shoulders.
“How’s it going?” He sighed, leaning back into you.
“Well, I think I know what I need to do, I’m going to have to stick my hand back there though. Hey Hayato, can you help me out buddy?” The 8 year old excitedly nodded.
“Great, I need you to hold this flashlight here, hold it steady okay?” Hayato nodded with a ‘Yup!’ before Yahaba laid down on his side, maneuvering to where he could see the back of the TV.
All had been going well, he had just got it hooked up, and after having you test it, it worked!
He tried to get himself out from behind the TV, until a sharp edge caught his finger.
“Sh!t!” Your eyes widened, “Shigeru!” He hadn’t realized his slip up until he was out from behind the TV, faced directly with your glare.
“Kids, don’t say that.” His youngest blinked at him. “But why?”.
Kneeling down in front of him Yahaba tried to explain, but it was a little hard when you were glaring holes into the back of his head and his oldest was giggling at the situation.
*Iwaizumi Hajime: 
It was a weekend in summer vacation, and you and your husband were both off work.
This meant, you guys got a whole day to spend with your 3 boys, and one of the things you guys loved to do as a family was play games.
On this particular afternoon, your sons had chosen to play twister.
You were a little skeptical because you had 3 competitive, rambunctious boys. 
And an equally competitive rambunctious husband.
But after getting 4 identical pouts you couldn’t say no...
But, you elected to be the spinner. (..for your own safety)
“Left hand, green.” This put your middlest son in quite the predicament.
The only space available was the Green directly by his fathers hand, meaning he’d have to crawl under Iwaizumi.
“Okay Hajime, right hand, yellow.” Iwaizumi grimaced as he tried to reach it.
 This wasn’t good, the mat was slick, his hands were sweating-
“oOf” Before he could catch himself he had completely lost his balance, landing right on his son.
You gasped in horror as you saw the life get squeezed out of your 5 year old, scrambling from where you sat to check on your now pancaked son.
“...Hiro..are you okay..?” 
His small head shot up with a “I’m okay!” Before he, albeit wearily, stood up brushing off his godzilla t-shirt before continuing on with his life.
You took a deep breath as you sat back down, flashing a warning look towards your husband who sheepishly smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
And after checking that yes, your son really was okay, you guys continued on with some...safer games.
Futakuchi Kenji: 
You had left for a weekend visit to see your parents in your hometown, leaving your husband and Your 3 girls alone.
It was a friday night, so after having a less than healthy dinner, ice cream and a fair amount of other sweets, Futakuchi figured a movie before bed would be a good way to finish off the night.
He scrolled through netflix trying to find a movie he could watch with his girls.
“Daddy, can we watch snow white?!” Futakuchi looked down at his oldest, Hayami, before he shrugged. “Sure.”
He may be a guy, but he was not above watching princess movies if it meant his babies were happy. Besides, it was a disney movie, what bad could be in it!
Everything was going swell, until the witch showed up.
He felt the sick feeling of dread in his stomach as soon as he felt his middlest curl in tight to his side, his youngest hopping off of the couch and climbing into his lap.
...Disney SHOULD have been a safe bet, but with the way his 3 girls were clinging onto him for dear life, he probably should have previewed it first..
That night he put them to bed, reading them a quick story before giving them each a kiss on their forehead and tucking them into bed. 
15 minutes.
15 minutes of almost sleep when he heard you guys’ bedroom door creak open, 3 sets of little feet pad over to his side of the bed.
“...daddy..?” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he opened them, brown eyes meeting the teary ones of his 3 children as they stood there. Speaking in as soft of a voice as he could he tried not to sound as tired as he knew he was.
“What is it munchkin?” His daughters all fidgeted where they stood, fiddling with the hems of their princess night gowns as they stood there.
“...We’re scared...can we sleep with you..?” Knowing he wouldn’t be able to get them to sleep like you could, and being incredibly tired himself he moved to the side, opening the covers and making room for all 3 of his princesses.
...This was going to be a long night for him.. 
Daishou Suguru: 
Daishou had been playing outside with his kids, his 2 year old son Kento and his 5 year old daughter Shizuko.
His son was sat on his shoulders, one of Daishou’s hands wrapped firmly around the boys ankles while the other pushed his daughter on the swing.
You had been inside getting dinner ready while they had been outside; smiling fondly at the smiles that were plastered on their faces.
When dinner had finished you walked to the sliding glass door, opening it and calling to them. “Dinners ready! Come inside and wash up so we can eat.” Your daughter and husband replied with ‘okay!’ as you went back to get plates. 
Slowing down the swing Daishou brought it to a stop so Skizuko could safely get off.
In all honesty, he was a good dad.
He was very mindful of his children and their surroundings, so they didn’t get hurt too often.
He was also very careful not to accidentally hurt them.
But accidents happen.
Walking to the back door, he, somehow either forgot or the thought didn’t register in his mind that his son was still perched on his shoulders.
He didn’t remember until a loud *whack!* was heard, and his sons cries sounded above him.
..He had tried going inside, through the door, with his son on his shoulders.
Bringing him down from his shoulders he quickly brought him inside to set him down on the counter, you almost screaming when you saw the bruise forming on his little forehead.
“Ah-wha-how- SUGURU! What happened?!”
Groaning Daishou gently put a small ice pack on his sons head, “...He whacked his head on the door frame...” You looked at him, “And how did he do that?”
Daishou sighed as he looked down, grimacing at the purple mark already present on his sons head.
...For the next few nights the couch became a good friend of his.
Numai Kazuma: 
Today was your son, Kazuya’s birthday. Today he would be turning 1.
Kazuya was the first, and so far only child you had with your husband of 3 years Kazuma Numai.
You and Numai were still learning how to be parents, and it had been an interesting journey to say the least, but you guys were doing good!
Your relatives and friends had just left, leaving you, Kazuma and your son.
It was pretty late so you started cleaning up in the kitchen and Numai started in the living room.
Kazuya had been pretty fussy, you both figuring he was tired, but when you tried to put him to sleep he wouldn’t even close his eyes.
So, deciding it’d be best to get it out of the way Numai held Kazuya as he was cleaning.
Things had been going just fine before Kazuya had reached out to grab at something on a nearby book shelf, causing the book shelf to start tipping over.
At that moment the only thing going through Numai’s mind was ‘stop the book shelf’, because at the moment, getting his son and him crushed by a bookshelf seemed like a very bad thing.
But what he hadn’t thought of was the fact that reflexively he had used both of his arms to stop said shelf (which didn’t even fall), the same two arms that had been holding his- “WAAAHH”
His eyes snapped down to the BABY he had just let go of, now crying on the floor.
You rushed into the living room, seeing your husband now cradling your still crying son, whispering apologies into his hair as he kissed the top of his head.
“Kazuma what happened?” 
He avoided eye contact. 
“...Kazuma...” Looking down he spoke.
“...I dropped him...”
“...you what?”
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