#i need to practice my italian so i have a reason to go back
leviscolwill · 1 year
ballroom extravaganza
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pairing: jude bellingham x f1 driver!reader
summary: you always hated arguing with jude, but even more so when you're about to race monaco's streets (wc: 1,7k)
req: jude bellingham x f1 related f!reader ! (driver if u can or js a driver’s relative) where they argue before a match/race that doesn’t go really well + she crashes/dnf or he gets rlly hurt in a match
contents: jude is jealous, reader drives for mclaren w lando (sorry oscar my beloved </3), possible racing inconstancies (i can't drive to save my life), reader crashes (nothing too bad happens tho), gasly slander sorryyyy, language ??, quite angsty but happy (&fluffy) ending i swear
note: i didn't want to make either jude or reader 'the bad guy™' so i hope i didn't side with one more than the other writing the argument part :| i had so much fun writing it, so i hope you enjoy reading it (lmk by rb and giving feedback !!). finally, thank you for requesting anon,, i hope you like it 🫶
now playing: ballroom extravaganza by dpr ian (moodswings in to order)
"i'm just saying, i don't like the way he looked at you when he said that"
"you're being ridiculous jude, he's my teammate and i've known him for years."
jude had always been the jealous type, and you never had any problem with this, until now. he tried to tell you how lando was flirting with you when that's really just how he communicated. sure, he was kinda flirty at times, but he knew you were in a relationship and never crossed any lines with you. but jealousy seemed to get the best of your boyfriend in that moment.
"that's not the point y/n, i'm a man and i know what he meant when he said he'll take you to this 'perfect seaside italian restaurant if your boyfriend won't'. and you just stood there laughing." his voice was louder now, and you hated it whenever jude screamed, especially when those screams were directed at you.
"you're delusional... he didn't imply anything with that, he was only joking." you tried to reason your boyfriend.
"i still don't like it, i'm not asking you to never talk to him again, just make it clear you're-"
"but he knows that jude! i talk about you all the time, let's be serious for a second, come on." you laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation you were in, 45 minutes before the monaco grand prix fighting with your boyfriend in your driver room, it was probably the last thing you should be doing on a track where your focus was the most important thing.
you were always grateful whenever jude made time to see you racing because you knew how packed his schedule was. but right now, he was the last person you needed to see given the circumstances.
"jude, please just leave, i'm sick of fighting."
"i'm not leaving, we're having this conversation whether you like it or not." he said in a calmer tone, but it was too late, the damage was done.
"well, you're in my room right now and i want you out. i need to focus and you're not exactly helping right now."
"but we need to talk it out, i don't want you to go while we're fighting." you would have sworn his voice broke a bit when he ended his sentence.
"maybe you shouldn't have picked a fight with me then! maybe you shouldn't be here at all actually..." you practically whisper the last part and you immediately regret the words that came out of your mouth, knowing well you didn't mean them.
"okay then..." jude quickly gets up and you can't help but look at your feet, you can almost feel the sad look on his face.
"i love you."
you wanted to say it back but he closed the door with a loud bang before you could mutter any sound.
the only thing jude left behind was the faint smell of his cologne for you to think about what just happened and not focus on your race at all.
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deep breaths. deep breaths were what you needed, you tried to shift your focus on your start, how you needed to get away from sainz, given how close he was to you. whenever your mind drifted off to the argument you had with jude, you found another thing to focus on before the race. the formation lap would start in a couple minutes, your focus needed to be on monaco's streets for at least an hour and a half, then you'll handle the rest later with jude, you always did.
the formation lap started and everything went perfectly well, you just had to wait for the red lights to turn off and you'll be gone, no more thinking, or overthinking.
"it's lights out and away we go in the streets of monaco."
perfect start, now you just had to race like you knew how to for 78 laps. nothing you couldn't do.
the first 46 laps went perfectly, you managed to overtake carlos' ferrari and pierre's alpine. everything went well, then you thought about jude, you knew he was probably still mad at you but you still hoped he was watching the race, waiting for you with papaya-coloured headphones. as your thoughts kept going you were about to get to the trickiest part of the circuit, mirabeau.
as your focus shifted back to your race, you forgot the most important thing, the biggest danger on track is the other drivers.
your brain barely had time to register the bright blue alpine trying to overtake you when there was clearly no space. next thing you knew, your head hit the cockpit. before you hit the wall at god knows what speed, you thought about how you didn't tell jude you loved him back, and how you hoped he was still aware of how much he meant to you in that moment.
pitch black, no sound at all, you couldn't feel anything for about thirty seconds because of the shock.
then everything came back. you felt the urge to move your legs around, they moved. perfect. then you felt like your position was unusual, you came to a conclusion on your own, your car was on its side. you didn't even get to think about getting out because you felt a horrible pain in your head, where it was hit you assumed.
and lastly, you saw the medics making sure you were okay, you moved your hand for them to understand the message. you were okay, they helped you out of the car, saying you would be taken to the infirmary.
you couldn't stop smiling, you felt terrible about the race and it was probably the biggest crash you ever experienced but everything was well, your family and friends saw you get out of the car safely, and you'd be able to tell jude you loved him. everything was well.
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you had to answer the medics questions that made you feel like a 4-year-old: "what's your name ? do you know which day of the week it is ?" you knew it was for safety reasons but you absolutely hated it.
jude opened the door in pure jude fashion, loudly. you almost stopped waiting for him at that point but he was here finally.
he didn't even talk to you, words weren't needed. he just held you really tight even though you were still on the, very uncomfortable, infirmary bed. you felt his arms that were holding onto you shake as he kissed your hair.
"you have no idea how fucking terrified i was y/n." while jude had been to a fair few races with you, he'd never seen any big crashes, let alone involving you. yes, you could only imagine how scary that must have been for him, feeling powerless over the situation, you knew it all too well. you felt that way when jude was injured and you were absolutely helpless, of course you never wished for your boyfriend to ever feel that way, but here you were.
"i love you." you felt like it was the first thing you should say right now. "so so so much. i'm sorry for not saying it earlier." jude looked at you as tears started to form in your eyes, he quickly wiped them away and kissed away the sudden wave of sadness surging through you.
"and i'm sorry for getting mad at you, i shouldn't even have told you about it before the race, it was-"
jude was cut short when someone knocked and opened the door quickly after. pierre came in with a sorry look on his face, you heard he dnf after he damaged his car. poor thing.
"y/n, are you okay? i'm sorry about-" he started rambling with a french accent.
"i'm fine don't worry, just... can we talk about it later? you can come to our motorhome, they make great coffee there i swear." you tried to joke to lighten up the atmosphere, but it was still as tense as before.
if looks could kill, gasly would have died right here the way your boyfriend eyed him in silence, his gaze following the driver on his way out.
"what a fucking dickhead. how is he driving a whole f1 car? even i would do a better job than him i swear..." your boyfriend's pettiness amused you, even more so knowing that boy couldn't ride a bike without scaring the life out of you.
his features visibly changed and you knew he wanted to talk your argument out, as you were both calmer about the situation. but he didn't get the chance to speak a word before lando opened the door.
"what did that french hooligan do to my favourite teammate? that was a barbarian try at overtaking really." you laughed at your teammate being dramatic, as always.
"i'm fine, i think gasly needs prescription glasses though, i don't know where he saw the space there but i'm okay."
once again, you felt jude's eyes burning holes in lando's skull as he went silent, he quickly took the hint and left.
you couldn't help but burst out laughing at jude when it was just you two in the room.
"you need to stop glaring at people like that."
"i just don't like him." you took his hand as he looked at you, his look much softer than the one he gave pierre and lando.
"i only want you. alright? it doesn't matter how lando views me, whether what you think is true. he will never be you." you told him stroking your thumb on the back of his hand.
"i know that, i was just mad at how he acted with you. i'm sorry about that. i trust you, 100%. i just don't like how comfortable he was making these comments y'know."
"i get that, i'll make my boundaries clear with him, okay? let's not fight over silly things like that anymore."
jude softly grabbed your jaw and kissed you, you could tell you both needed this talk, and this kiss, to clear the air.
you pull out of the kiss first, suddenly feeling the urge to annoy him.
"you know... you look good when you're jealous, i might try that more often..." jude faked a serious face.
"if attention was what you wanted, you just had to ask love." he joked as you playfully hit his arm.
"just no more leaving without saying 'i love you' alright?" he asks before quickly kissing your forehead.
"never again."
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Since my identity as an anon have been exposed for that fic I did request,,,,
Can you make Pipsqueak pt. 2,,,,
*looks at u with my big eyes*
(I need to know the stupid shenanigans,,,,)
(Sorry got gay)
Little Bitty Pretty One
Yip notes: in my best Italian accent Don't say I neva did anything for ya. You are in debt to me.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Haha you still small!
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It seems when you need Liu Kang the most he is not there to answer. He could at least leave a message.
Well, you’re still small, unfortunately. Or maybe you like this situation. You’ve been stuck this way for two days now. Just as Bi-Han thought, you are incapable of doing many things. You’ve been depending on him for everything. You truly had no choice but to obey your grandmaster. Cause when you are the size of a Norway rat but lack the abilities of one your survivability is at a low possibility. So do him a favor and act good.
Bi-Han tries his best not to wake you up in the morning. He’s been keeping you in his room so he can keep an eye on you and prevent you from getting hurt. He has to tiptoe around or else he will wake you up. Little does he know you’ve been waking up when he does because he always groans when he wakes up. What a loudmouth. You stir in your makeshift bed made of soft cloth material and a sponge before pretending to still be asleep. He doesn’t know that you like to peek at him when he is getting ready for the day. He doesn’t sleep with a shirt on…need I say more? It’s enjoyable to watch him tie his hair into a bun, he looks so pretty. But you can’t watch him change fully he puts a bowl over you to prevent you from seeing. No worries there are holes at the top to allow you to breathe. Alright, now he will wake you up.
He pokes your back viciously but not enough to possibly break your spine. You smack his finger which does nothing, go figures. Then he scolds you lightly for hitting your grandmaster. Again, he can’t yell or else he will risk bursting your eardrums.
Breakfast time! What do you want? Trick question, you have no choice. Whatever Bi-Han gives you is what you get. He purposely leaves some of the food big to make it seem like you are a rat nibbling on it. As he eats his breakfast he’ll occasionally look to his side to see you nibbling on a slice of carrot, your teeth leaving little marks. Now you’re whining, saying you need much more than that.
“You are acting very greedy. Have I not done enough for you already?” Bi-Han asked but you know he is being petty. When is he not.
Fine, he gave you a proper meal. Though the slice of cucumber he provided was still too big for you so you had to munch on it for a bit. He found it entertaining to see you stuff my cheeks full of food like a hamster. You did look silly that way. Especially with that glare you gave him.
Time for practice! Not for you, you’re too tiny for that. You’re gonna be staying in the palm of Bi-Han’s hand where he will proceed to pet your back with his finger. He starts from the top of your head before sliding down to your lower back. For some reason, you immediately relax when he does that. You fight a little because you know he likes finding people’s weak spots and exploiting them. But you stood little chance since even when you were big you still couldn’t fight him off. So you are forced to partake in this wonderful torment where he slowly watches you melt in his hands.
Bi-Han was so distracted by tormenting you he forgot to give orders to the rest of his clan. They waited with confused expressions. Kuai Liang had to tap on his brother to get his attention, only to be glared at by him as he quickly cupped you in his hands. He thought someone was trying to snatch you away from him. He can’t have that happening.
“What do you want, Kuai Liang?” he asked in annoyance.
Kuai Liang craned his neck in the direction of the clan to show that they were waiting. Bi-Han groaned as usual and gave them an order. Something mundane because he couldn’t care less in that moment. He was more preoccupied with you which you were trying to squeeze out of his hands again because you didn’t appreciate him leaving you in darkness.
Your little hands were trying to scratch their way between his fingers before he realized what you were doing. He uncapped his hands and you looked up at him like he just committed the ultimate betrayal.
“Don’t give me that face.”
He had you sit on his hand while looking out to the clan so you could watch them. His pointer finger and thumb were constantly squishing your face or rubbing below your chin. At this point anything he is doing to you is subconscious. He doesn’t know that he is doing it but it feels right to do, like twirling a pen while writing. It is necessary to squish something so small and fragile. You’re not having it. You’re out of here! Plan your escape!
You started walking on his arm, occasionally having to grab onto his arm guards to prevent yourself from plummeting to the ground. He sees your efforts and he does not like it. He tried to grab you but you kept swerving out of the way. Soon enough you were at his clothes and used them as a way to get down. You heard him saying words such as ‘stop’, ‘no’, and the occasional ‘obey your grandmaster’. You’re your own person, you can handle yourself! You can survive without your grandmaster’s assistance.
Never mind there was a giant golden orb weaver on the ground. It’s a female unfortunately so it’s humongous. You are not ready to handle that.
He froze the weaver in a matter of seconds before shattering it into millions of pieces. You were hugging his boot with your eyes closed, wondering if he demolished the arachnid. He picked you up by your uniform and you screamed thinking it was the spider before realizing it was Bi-Han.
“Will you listen to me now?” he asked with his usual grumpy tone.
“Yes, grandmaster.” You replied with your head lowered.
You obeyed him for the rest of the time, thank the elder gods. I would say that it made everything easier but you were still left being poked, petted, and squished by Bi-Han. At least when dinner time rolled around you were able to breathe. You got to munch on a nice, fat dumpling. Took a while before you got to the filling but it was so worth it when you did. That dinner could have knocked you out immediately after. You almost did but you were startled when Bi-Han picked you up and brought you to his office.
Escape plan part two!
Forget it, he already knew what you were planning. You tried to run around on his deck but he quickly pulled you back before placing you at one end of a hand towel. In one fell swoop he rolled you up like sushi. There, now you will stay in one place.
“Hey! You can’t do this! I’m a human being!” You yelled in a shrilled voice.
“A human being who drank a potion when I told you not to.” He got you there.
You could be angry all you want but you did get yourself into this mess. So just lay there and take your medicine.
You were forced to lay there silently as Bi-Han worked for about half an hour before the door opened. Finally, Liu Kang is here to help you. But for some reason, Bi-Han didn’t seem to be thrilled about this.
“I have been informed that there was a little incident,” Pun intended, “Let me assist in making things righ—oh.”
Liu Kang saw you wrapped in the hand towel with your eyebrows furrowed in anger. He gave a questioning look towards Bi-Han but at the same time, he could understand if your grandmaster had a hard time keeping you under control. Liu Kang had to hold himself back from chuckling as he reached towards you. He was going to unravel you to help get you back to normal but Bi-Han snatched you away. It nearly gave you whiplash.
“Bi-Han, I need them to get them back to normal.” Liu Kang informed him but Bi-Han walked out of the room with you in hand.
You were shouting at him and asking what he was doing and saying that this was what he wanted. You may think this whole situation was a hassle for Bi-Han. You would be slightly wrong. He finds this situation very entertaining and even, though he would never admit, adorable. It’s like having his own personal pet. A pet that has to depend on him because they don’t have any animal-like skills.
He will have you return back to normal one of these days. But this day won’t be it. Liu Kang was trying to get an answer from him but he wouldn’t say a word. He walked right into his bedroom, made a wall of ice to prevent anyone from getting in, and sat right on his bed.
He unraveled you before carefully placing you in your makeshift bed. He didn’t want you asking any more questions so he started to pet your back again. It’s too easy. With the food in your belly, the tight wrap from the towel, and the feeling of Bi-Han petting and rubbing your back you were out like a light. You were even drooling a little.
Bi-Han hasn’t felt this much joy from something in a long, long time. He wasn’t even allowed to have a pet when he was young. So let him enjoy this for a little longer then he will bring you back to normal.
But when you are back to normal you better not drink another strange potion he swears to the elder gods!
Now he can get ready for bed. He needs to mentally prepare himself for the next day. Who knows what you could do then.
Are you peeking at him taking his shirt off again? Turn your head! Damn rodent…
Yap notes: Last time I wrote for you that spine-eating goofball payed me a visit. He better not come around again just cause I did this for you. Also I hope you are feeling better I saw that you said you were sick get some Vic’s vaporub, ginger ale, and an egg to cleanse yourself. Adiós!
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tvseries-writings · 1 year
Heat Kills
Plot: Reader has an heatstroke caused by an intensive workout.
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca x reader
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You can't stand the heat; you’ve hated it since you were little, always. When summer came, you were happy just because school was over but, at the same time, you hated the forty degrees you had to endure every single day.
Then you became a professional soccer player and, having always played on teams up north, you never felt as hot as you did this season with the OL Reign. Although the Seattle Women's soccer Team has been a great benefit in your career, this scorching heat is truly terrible, especially since you are not used to it.
A small sigh leaves your lips as you grab your water bottle and tuck it into your backpack, ready to face a scorching workout in the ten o'clock morning sun.
"Good morning Bella, where are you going?" Carina hugs you from behind, her breasts pressing against your back as she fondles your butt with an amused smirk on her face.
"Car I'm on my way to practice and I'm already late ... as much as I would like to slam you against this table, unfortunately I can't."
You turn around, staying in her arms and kissing the tip of her nose with a smile.
Carina pouts, and after a few seconds, just long enough for her brain to work and understand what you've just told her, her gaze changes to a frown of confusion and concern at the same time.
"The weather alert has been issued, didn't you see it Bambina? You can't train in this heat, it's going to be 104° F out there..."
You sigh and shake your head slightly. You knew this conversation would happen, and you also know how it will end. Probably with a gorgeous, sexy Italian doctor very pissed off at you.
"Car, I can't miss another workout. Less than two weeks ago I was sick and couldn't train for almost a whole week, I can't miss any more days. I have to earn my place on the team, you know it's important to me…like this"
Carina shakes her head several times, hard. She tortures her lower lip, clenching it between her teeth, and although you find it very sexy, the particularly pissed off look on the Italian's face gives you pause to comment on how hot she is when she does this.
"You'll get sick if you run in this heat. They can't make you train with a weather alert, è sconsiderato e stupido. Cazzo."
Your lovely girl rants in her native language, and you foolishly fail to control yourself and let your eyes wander to the clock hanging on the wall behind the angry doctor.
You had never done that before.
"Are you really thinking you're going to be late? No way, you can't really think about going y/n. Ugh, who am I kidding? Of course you want to go, sometimes I think you're worse than Maya...you know what, fai come ti pare."
"Carina, wait-"
Before you can even try to stop her and reason with her, the brunette locks herself in your bedroom slamming the door and making the whole apartment shake.
You know her, you know that she just has to let the pissing go now. So, despite the knot in your stomach from the fight and with the excuse of giving her the space she needs, you bend down to pick up your duffel bag and then leave the apartment, stuffing your car keys into the left pocket of your shorts, ready to head to the soccer field.
After only an hour and a half of practice, you realize you've screwed up big time when you start to lose all feeling in your body and feel like you're floating on air. Your teammates are no better off than you are.
You cast a glance at Coach Harvey, praying that she will notice the terrible condition you are in but you doubt it. After all, she is sitting in the shade and with all this heat you doubt she is really watching you. At least, not today.
The ball is put back in the middle, after Clarke has scored one of her famous goals, and the coach blows her whistle. You run nonstop to get to Clarke's side; you cross the half-court line and are careful not to be offside as you pass the ball between you over and over again.
You don't know how but suddenly you are no longer in control of your body and your right foot ends up over the ball instead of to the side. In less than a second, you find yourself on the ground groaning in pain as soon as you hit the ground.
You snort, wrinkling your nose and taking the hand offered to you without even understanding who is offering it to you. Octavia gives you a smile, although she can't really hide the worry on her face.
She helps you to your feet and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"You don't look so good, are you okay?"
Meanwhile, the other girls have taken the opportunity there to take a break and drink some water, and you don't blame them, especially considering that you still have another hour of training ahead of you.
Octavia Blake is many things but she is definitely not a quitter. Never.
"You're really hot y/n, are you sure you feel good?"
You don't answer her, you don't feel good at all, and you can't even understand her.
"I don't think Carina and Maya would agree, you know? I'll take you to them."
You don't really understand what she is saying, not at all. The heat clouds your mind; you run a hand over your forehead, you have the impression that you are dripping with sweat but actually you are not, your hand is completely dry when you pull it back.
Not good, not good at all. A cold shiver runs down your spine as you lean against Octavia making her support you even more and she is the one who supports you even more.
From that moment until she takes you to Station 19, you don't notice anything, just her shaking you from time to time as you go, calling your name several times as you continue to lose consciousness. The only time you realize you are at the station is when Andy and Vic help Octavia get you out of the car.
They’re probably calling your name but you can't answer; honestly, you don't even know how you are there, really.
You don't know how much time has passed, but you only begin to understand what is going on around you because of your Italian girlfriend's warm hands caressing your face.
"Bambina, bambina look at me. Are you okay? Can you hear me?"
Carina swipes a strand of wet hair from your forehead, bringing it behind your ear. The doctor pulls a small flashlight out of her gown, turns it on and holds it in front of your eyes while she holds your head still.
"Y/n, follow the light, honey. Follow the light, okay?"
You wrinkle your nose, and the nausea you have been feeling up to this point only increases as you are blinded by the flashlight.
You scan Carina with one arm, turn onto your side and vomit all the contents of your stomach onto the floor.
Carina strokes your back, trying to give you as much comfort as she can, while Andy shoves an IV of cold fluids into you.
"Andy, call Maya. I think the heat stroke is a lo worse than I thought. She's not even sweating..."
As soon as Carina sees Andy running down the hall to find your firegirl, she immediately turns to you and takes the thermometer out of Vic's hands. She sticks it in your mouth, even though you are not very cooperative, and waits for you to make the sound to check your temperature: 104° F.
Carina gasps and her heart stops for a few seconds; she is more than aware that such a temperature is very dangerous and could even make you convulse.
You start sobbing and try to reach Carina with clumsy and uncoordinated movements, seeking the comfort of a hug. You feel so bad that you do not realize what you are doing; it is as if you have no control over your body. Your confused state only makes the doctor more concerned.
"Bella we can't, your temperature is too high."
Carina bites her lip, trying not to cry. She wants to hold you in her arms but she can’t.
Carina feels her heart stop when suddenly your eyes roll back and your body is suddenly shaken by convulsions.
"Damn it, no no no. Come back to me, Bella.”
Carina turns you on your side, pulling up the arms of the cot and takes care of your head.
"Vic, give her a 12-mg Diazepam drip!"
Vic goes to the station's medical supplies in a flash and rummages around until she finds what Carina asked for. She prepares the solution and inserts the IV into your left arm, which Carina says is your best arm for targeting veins.
In less than three minutes your body has stopped moving. Carina pulls your hair back from in front of your face and leaves a kiss on your forehead before unwinding the IV bag a bit to check the speed at which the drug is being administered.
Maya Bishop, Captain of Station 19 as well as your girlfriend, comes running up to you. Concern fills her blue eyes that you love so much.
"What happened? Andy told me you were with her but she didn't tell me what it was about..."
Maya takes your hand between her own wincing in shock when she feels how much heat your skin is giving off.
"Shit, she's burning up. We have to get her to Grey's Sloan."
Carina and Maya exchange a glances. Carina twists her lower lip between her teeth and runs a hand through her hair. Both you and the blonde know that this gesture indicates that the brunette is very worried about something.
"No, you know how much she hates Bella hospitals. We can't, we can't do that to her. Let's take her to your office and use your shower to cool her down."
Maya leans over to take you in her arms but Carina stops her, shaking her head firmly.
"You have to be very careful Maya, we shouldn't even be moving her but we need to get her temperature down quickly. She had a seizure and I'm afraid she may still have another one.”
Carina whispers, her voice breaking as she thinks back to the feeling of a few moments ago. Maya takes a deep breath; she doesn't think she has ever been so scared in her entire life. She barely nods, taking you in her arms with such gentleness that she is surprised herself. Maya walks down the corridor to the door of her own office; Carina opens the door for you, and as soon as you cross the threshold, she closes it again.
The blonde firefighter lays you down on her bed, paying special attention to your head as Carina kneels beside you. She puts two fingers on your right wrist to check your pulse while looking at the clock on the wall.
"Pulse is dropping, we need to cool her down now, Maya-“
"Shit, she's seizing. Maya, help me!"
Carina turns you onto your side, removing the pillow from under your head and being very careful about the arm in which the IV needle is still stuck .
"Maya, Maya I need you to focus amore mio. She needs you; Maya look at me" Carina groans in frustration and concern for the blonde, watching her stand absolutely still in front of this horrible sight, "Maya!"
The firefighter blinks a few times before recovering from her shocked state and jumping into action. She lifts everything around that could hurt you and helps Carina hold you on your side so you don't choke on your own tongue.
It takes a good three interminable minutes before the seizure is over and Maya and Carina's arms ache from the force they had to use to hold you down.
"We're running out of time," Carina says, starting to remove off every layer of clothing but your underwear before taking you into her arms. Maya looks like a machine, she does everything Carina tells her to do - like turn on the shower, for example - but her eyes are blank, the Italian knows very well that the blonde is not in a good headspace right now but now the priority, as much as it hurts her to have to necessarily choose between the two of you, is you.
Maya turns on the tub's faucet and waits for it to fill. Carina steps in and slowly and gently losers you into the tub. You gasp, your eyes jerking open as your body feels the excessive change in temperature. A whimper escapes your lips as you try to pull away from the icy grip but firm hands hold you down, whispering excuses you don't want to hear right now.
"N-no, f-cold. I-I don't want to."
Chills run down your spine, making you whimper softly as you try to pulls your girls closer to you.
"I know Amore, I know... Shh, it's okay. You'll get better, you'll get better."
Carina rubs your back, somehow trying to comfort you without giving you too much heat.
The Italian puts her hand on your forehead, feeling that your temperature has dropped a bit.
"Maya I'm cold, I'm cold, I don't want to do this anymore. Please, I don't want to do this anymore."
The fever makes you start cry and your body is shaken by sobs that only make you feel worse.
Her name spoken by you make out of the near catatonic state she has been in.
“Baby, you need to calm down, this is not good for you okay? I promise it will be over soon but this way you are putting to much strain on your heart love. Please calm down."
Maya takes your hand and brings it to her own chest for you to follow her breathing and you do, unconsciously and maybe out of habit, but you do.
Carina keeps an eye on your heartbeat the whole time; her fingers never leaving your pulse for a moment, and her heart only seems to start beating again only when your pulse slows down and becomes stable again, at least for your current condition.
More than twenty minutes pass in the freezing water before you are finally covered with at least a T-shirt and then placed on the bed in Maya's office. Under cooling blankets, contrary to what you would have liked. Your mind is clearer and Carina and Maya are very relieved about that.
"What happened?"
Your voice is barely more than a whisper. You are struggling to find the words and your mouth feels as if it is stuck. It is also exhausting to talk right now, you can barely move your head towards them to look into their eyes as you speak.
"Heat stroke, Octavia brought you here Bella. You've had two convulsive episodes from a high fever. It's down now, but you're not out of the woods yet, so you need to rest."
Carina strokes your face as she points to the IV in your arm. As soon as you see it, you panic. You sit up and scratch your arm to pull the IV out. Under normal circumstances, you would think before you act but now, the delirium of heatstroke is just flying the last neurons you had.
"No no no, the press will go crazy with this news. I can't stay in the hospital, I have to get out of here; an OL soccer player in the hospital for heat stroke, n-"
Maya grabs your face and, to your and Carina's surprise, slaps you. Not so hard that it really hurts, but hard enough to bring you back to reality.
Although shock, fever, and heat stroke cloud your mind, you recognize where you are in a few moments.
"Oh...we're in your office."
You place the hand you were about to use to remove your IV at your side and give them a small apologetic smile.
"It's okay Bella, now get some rest. I'd like to keep you here a little longer for observation. We’ll take you home tonight, if all goes as it should."
Carina leans over you and plants a kiss on your lips, followed soon after by Maya.
"Now Maya and I will talk, you rest. Oh, and don't even think you've escaped the lecture. It’s waiting for you as soon as you feel better.”
Carina smiles at you with a wink and then leaves the office followed by Maya. Not before the latter mimics you an "I love you" with her lips and mentally asks you to pray for her. Surely, Carina won't let her get over the slap she gave you a few minutes ago.
Hey, thanks for reading. I know it's not much and it’s not that good but it's better than nothing, right? Write a comment and tell me what you think. Have a nice day!
p.s: I wrote this because it's like thirty-five degrees in Italy and I'm dying :)
Buy me a coffee ☕️
Taglist: @mmmmokdok @chaekhan @blackhill2245 @melatonindaydreamz @foggytidalwavefun @sevnheaven @budoxinha @gayshyandreadytocry @lighthousekiller @m456300 @blitzar-3 @in-love-with-heda @idontknownemore @lesbianbabe @speedup500 @differentranchempathfestival @mebeingthatbitch @jemilyswife @yuleni18 @whyamihere2673 @reggierizzoli
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pinkthrone445 · 7 months
Hi this is my first request ever, I’m not sure if you were planning on doing a part two on ‘we need each other in all our lives’. But if you are, I would love to see the reader say something like “I don’t think I wanna be friends anymore” and then before Melissa can react the reader says “I wanna be yours” and then Melissa’s wheels are turning in her head and then Melissa kisses her.
Anyways love your work, you never miss a beat!
-We need each other in all lives- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, love, friends to lovers
Summary:Mel decides to give you the happiest night of your life by fulfilling something you loved so much.
Hi hon, thank you for your request and your kind words, thanks for giving me the honor of being your first request, I hope you like it!
Btw, I love how when Mel smiles like in the gift, her eyes shine.
-"So... How is it going?" - Barbara asked a very distracted Melissa, who looked at her confused
-"What?..."-The redhead took off her glasses, rubbing her eyes in confusion
-"How is it going with (Y/N)?" - Her friend asked again now that she had her attention again
-"Just like always, we're still just friends" - The Italian replied, unconsciously putting a hand to her chest at the thought of you as she remembered the heat your body produced when you fell asleep on her, you looked so happy and calm
-"I meant how was going her job and classes, if you helped or not... But now that you opened that path... Tell me, when are you going to stop being just friends?" -Barbara asked interestedly, and Mel feigned insanity
-"I don't know what you are talking about, we're just friends and that's it, just friends" - She whispered, avoiding her friend's gaze so she wouldn't see the truth in her eyes
-"Yeah... Friends that sleep in each other chest and go to prom together, vacations together and cook for each other and have movie night together... Come on Mel, I know you, when are you going to be brave and tell her about your big crush on her? Maybe she likes you back..." - Barbara whispered, preventing anyone else from mistakenly hearing her
-"We have a big age gap, I don't think I'm the right person for her or someone she wants to spend her future with..."-muttered the redhead, a little embarrassed to admit that
-"If you don't try, you'll never know how she truly feels about you"- The voice of reason, Barbara, answered
-"I don't want to mess things up, if I talk and she doesn't feel the same, it will be awkward and we won't go back to the way we were before, and I can't lose her...The only way I'm going to try anything else with her is if she gives me a signal or something that she likes me back"-Melissa commented a little sadly and her friend rolled her eyes
-"She practically looks at you like you're one of the 7 wonders of the world... Don't tell me that's not a sign!"-Her friend commented, raising her voice and the redhead slapped her arm to calm her down
-"Good morning to the most gorgeous women in my life!" - You commented very happily entering the teacher's room, causing the two women to stop their talk about you. The two greeted you kindly and had breakfast together with you.
The weeks started to go by, Ava went back to her old self and you started to be a little calmer, too, graduation started to get closer. Since you had never been to a graduation either as a student or as a chaperone, Mel gave you some tips on how to dress and what to do. The redhead explained to you that you had to be well dressed, the more delicate and fancy, the better, accompanied by a good hairstyle and confortable shoes. She promised to pick you up and bring you home when you're done.
When the day came, you looked in the mirror at the dress you had bought, you didn't have many opportunities to dress up, so you had decided to take advantage of it. Your hair was pulled up in an elegant ponytail and you had matching shoes and jewelry.
When it was about time and you felt a knock on your door, you opened the door excited to see your friend, but when you saw how she was dressed, your brain emptied and your heart began to jump trying to get out of your chest and run to her. She looked like a princess straight out of some fairy tale, her hair pulled up in a beautiful hairstyle that you were pretty sure she paid someone to do it, her dress looked ready for a red carpet, her shoes and bag matching, and the smile she had was the final and perfect touch to complete her look. She was a woman out of a perfect dream, your dreams. You were afraid you had stared at her for a long time, but you laughed when you realized that she had also stared at the way you were dressed
-"Hi Mel-Mel... You're gorgeous, you look like a princess..."-You commented a little nervously as you were under her intense gaze
-"Hi hon, this look will fade after 10... But you, you're breathtaking..." She whispered and pulled something out of her bag, smiling-"This is for you" - She carefully grabbed your wrist and delicately placed a corsage that matched the dress she was wearing-"Since you're my graduation date and you've never been to one before, I figured it would be nice for you to have the whole experience" - she commented, taking your hand and pointing to a large limo outside your house
-"Melissa! Are you crazy?!" -You screamed with excitement and she laughed dumbfounded, seeing your happy face-"How did you do this?! How much did you spend?" - You frowned at her and she couldn't stop laughing, gently kissing your hand as you were still intertwined. She carefully helped you walk to the car and opened the door for you
-"Don't worry, I know a guy who owed me a favor... The only thing you have to worry about tonight is enjoying yourself" - she said in a kind voice as she sat by your side on the limo-"We have juice, because we can't drink if we're going to chaperone, and I bought your favorite pizza, be careful with your dress..."-She muttered pointing to the pizza boxes and you laughed looking at her in disbelief
-"I can't believe you did all this for me... I can't believe the amazing woman you are Mel-Mel, I'm so lucky to have you in my life and I don't just mean this, I mean everything... I'm thankful for everything, for you,for this, for helping even when I'm being hard-headed, for letting me invade the personal space that you protect so much, for cooking for me, for helping me relax, for letting me pic the movie even knowing I'll pick something that probably you would not understand, like when I show you Marvel for the first time. Thank you for taking care of me, for doing things like this, for celebrating my accomplishments as if they were your own, thank you for coming into my life and staying..."-You talked until she raised a hand to stop you
-"You'll make me cry and ruin my makeup"-she muttered and you laughed, the truth was that if she kept listening to what you were saying, she couldn't take it anymore and would kiss you ruining the friendship she was trying so hard to protect
-"I'm sorry Mel-Mel, I just wanted to say thank you and let you know that I love you so much" - You muttered blushing and she kissed your hand again
-"I love you too kiddo... Now eat before it gets cold" - she whispered, trying to take the weight off the situation.
After eating and joking, the driver stopped at the school and the two of you came down smiling holding hands.
The gym was nicely decorated with the fairytale theme, delicate lights, soft music and a table with food and drinks, plus a DJ and a photo booth.
As the night began to move on and the children began to arrive, you and the other teachers began to do the work of looking after the students' behavior as you had been told, but you couldn't help but look for your friend in the crowd.
After a little bit, you and Mel exchanged glances across the room smiling, you pointed to the photo booth and she nodded walking over. The two went inside and took several pictures of yourselves making funny faces and hugging each other, after that you save each one half of the photo strip and return to work.
When the kids and the situation calmed down a bit, you decided to go to one edge of the gym watching everything.
The music sounded soft and the lights were dim, on the floor you could feel the distant vibration of the rhythm coming from the speakers. A few glasses glittered under the reflection of the soft sequence of lights hanging from the ceiling. Your body swayed gently to the rhythm of the music as you watched the children dance, your hands unconsciously caressing the flower on your wrist making you smile
-"Do you want to dance?" - Mel whispered getting close to your ear, brushing her pinky finger delicately against the back of your hand
-"I would love to"-You whispered and took her hand gently as you walked to the center of the floor, with her gaze she asked for permission to place her hands on your waist while you intertwined yours behind her neck making her shudder a little. Very close together, you both began to move to the rhythm of the soft music, her hands gently caressing your waist in circular motions while you played with the baby hairs on the back of her neck. Her eyes were on yours and you couldn't take your eyes off hers, the normal green of her eyes had transformed into a brilliant emerald, an emerald as hypnotic as the flow of a powerful river. They seemed like the door to another world, to a paradise that hid wonders. It felt like you were under a spell, like a scene form a romantic movie. Not a word was spoken, but at the same time you were having a deep conversation with each other's eyes. Your head was blank and your heart was beating harder than ever, your breathing ragged even though you tried to control it, you got teary eyes trying to contain the emotion you were feeling. What had you done well in this life to have ended up in this perfect situation? With the perfect person... How you wish you could stop time and be able to admire forever how the lights decorated the redhead's hair, how her hands generated heat in your body, how her feet moved perfectly with yours, how her eyes looked at you as if you were the most perfect thing in this world. How you wanted to hold her in your arms until the two of you were old and had shared a lifetime together. How you wish you could kiss her and be hers all night every night. Hold her in your arms until the moon says goodbye to the sky and the sun welcomes a new day. You were so close to each other and at the same time it wasn't enough. You wanted to be with her in the most intimate way possible, hearts bare, bodies intertwined and souls united, desiring the deepest of connections, those where you don't know where one ends and the other begins, moments when time has mercy and stops so that the glimmer of perfection lasts a little longer. You wanted Melissa to look at you like she was doing at that moment, but forever.
At what point did she go from being your friend to being the love of your life? At what point did your feelings for her change?
The moment was so perfect that you wanted to keep it forever like in a crystal ball so you could relive it whenever you wanted. Was fragile like the crystal goblet that your mother kept on a shelf to use on a special occasion so that it would not break, so fragile that anything could break it, that a breeze could throw it over and shatter it. You didn't want anything to break that fragile and perfect moment, but you also realized something, it was fragile and it could break at any moment, but that made it even more perfect. It was going to break at some point, what better way to take advantage of it than until the last second? You decided to act even if the moment could break, you decided to finally kiss Melissa, but before you could do that, her lips were already on yours. She only connected her lips at first without moving them, just pressed against yours, but it was enough to take your breath away. When she felt you smile softly, she began to delicately move her lips over yours, muddying her lipstick on your lips, her hands clenching hard grabbing your dress and pressing your body against her, while your hands squeezed the back of her neck to keep her close.
How had you lived so long without her kisses? You had no idea, but now that you'd tried them, you didn't want to part away anymore.
The redhead bit your lip gently causing a sigh to escape your lips, but before the kiss could escalate any further, a voice called you to reality
-"Daam, Schemmenti, (Y/N), you are the chaperones, you are here to control the children, not to teach them how to kiss" - One of the teachers commented, making you blush and quickly separate from Mel, a little bit scared. On the other hand, the redhead was a little disappointed to see the embarrassment on your face. Didn't you like it? Were you regretting it?
-"I'll go to see the children, sorry" - You commented before quickly disappearing.
For the rest of the night, Melissa didn't see you again, it wasn't until the party was over and she went to the limo that she saw you waiting for her there
-"Hey..."-You whispered, barely smiling, and she sighed, leaning on the car next to you, but turning her attention to the visible stars of the night
-"Hey hon..."-she answered, not knowing what else to say, what made you sigh and play with your hands nervously
-"What a night...right?" - You whispered and she nodded
-"Yeah... Crazy" - The redhead looked at you out of the corner of her eye and saw how your body shivered a little, you looked so fragile-"Where's the driver?" - she asked
-"He went to the bathroom..."-You responded by looking at her sideways as well-"You know? It's past twelve o'clock and you still look like a beautiful princess" - You joked and she smiled blushing-"Thank you for all this Mel, it was a magical night, and I really mean all of it... There's not a moment tonight that I wish I could have done differently..."-You barely smiled and she looked at you
-"That's why friends are for..."-she whispered and you sighed at the word friends
-"Mel-Mel... Can I ask you something?" - You inquired and she nodded-"What are we? Are we really just friends?..." - You asked avoiding her gaze with a bit of sadness, the whole situation had become so awkward when usually everything was perfect and easy with her
-"Look kid, I think it was just the magic of the moment, I really don't know what happened inside... Maybe too many teenagers hormones" - The redhead tried to joke but only an awkward laugh came out of you-"What I do know, it's that not matter what happened, we're still friends, okay?" - she murmured, rubbing her pinky with your hand. Melissa wanted to keep you from drifting away and making things awkward, she would rather pretend she just wanted to have you as a friend than lose you completely
-"I don't think I wanna be friends with you anymore..."-You muttered, moving your hand away from hers-"I can't believe you're blaming that to teen hormones... I felt something, that spark, and I don't know if you felt it too, but I can't believe you're blaming other people for your actions... I can't keep being eternal friends with you Mel-Mel, maybe in another life we're eternal friends, but I can't do it anymore in this life. I'm sorry" - You murmured and hugged yourself, you didn't know if the shivering was cold or nervous, but you wanted it to stop-"I think I'll walk home, thanks for a magical night" - You muttered starting to walk away from her
-"I love you" - Those three words escaped from the redhead's mouth faster than she could have thought, hearing them paralyzed you on the spot. There was no point in denying it anymore , the cat was out of the bag-"I love being with you... I remember that summer we spent together and the kisses we never gave each other even though all I wanted was to have my mouth on you, I remember your favorite movie, your favorite snack, what you like and what you don't, what you fear and what makes you happy, I remember how you love to sleep, I remember your favorite color, your favorite weather, I remember the funny dances you do when you eat or are happy, I remember everything you love, I remember it because I love you... Please don't go, I was afraid to admit my feelings because I was afraid to lose you, but I don't want to be eternal friends either, I want to be with you, kiss you every morning and wake up next to you. I want to see your dances every day every time I cook for you... I thought love only existed in movies until I met you, I want to be with you for the rest of my days... You know? It's funny how love finds you when you least expect it, it doesn't care if you're coming out of a breakup or don't feel ready to love, when it's coming nothing can stop it... And the love of my life came the moment I saw you... You know I'm telling the truth because such cheesy words wouldn't come out of my mouth even if I wanted to fake it..."-She murmured and you turned ln your place looking at her with teary eyes-" Are you really staying there after all I said?"-She asked with a raised eyebrow and you laughed making a little run to her
-"This are the hormones talking?"-You asked standing in front of her and she shook her head
-"No, it's my love for you..." - She murmured, hugging you carefully around your waist and you ran your hands down her neck looking into her eyes
-"Good, because I love you too and I want to kiss you again"-You murmured before kissing her again.
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youngsadlesbian · 4 months
BABY'S FIRST GAY PANIC — carina deluca and maya bishop.
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pairing: carina deluca x maya bishop x daughter!reader
summary: you used to love spending your days at the hospital with carina, until suddenly, not anymore.
a/n: english is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes, guys.
word count: 548
warnings: none, just pure fluff.
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During much of your childhood you loved moving between your mothers' jobs. Normally you preferred the hospital because there was always someone to talk to while your mother was in surgery or tending to a patient.
As you grew up, your frequency at both jobs decreased, but you still went sporadically. But for a while now you refused to go to the hospital and your mothers didn't know why.
The sudden change in weather in Seattle made you sick and need to stay away from school for a few days. Your mothers were unable to take time off and care for you at home, so Carina decided to take you to the hospital with her.
It's no exaggeration to say that you almost freaked out over this information.
"Mamma, non voglio andare! Please let me stay at home." You had gotten into the habit of mixing English and Italian when you were nervous and Maya thought it was adorable. It was like seeing a young version of Carina gesticulating and complaining around the house.
"Bambina, I can't leave you at home alone. Unfortunately you have to go." You pouted angrily. “I promise to make it up to you at the weekend, okay?”
You didn't have many options so you were forced to accept. Maya decided to take you because she had something to resolve at the hospital, captain's task, as she said. Going to Grey-Sloan was synonymous with being pampered by nurses, even the most grumpy surgeons.
And there were the interns.
Lucas Adams, Simone Griffith, Benson Kwan, Mika Yasuda and... Jules Millin.
She was the reason you didn't like going to the hospital, because let's say you had a gay panic every time you saw her.
"Doctor DeLuca, I was looking for you!" Jules' voice made you want to hide behind Maya, but you wouldn't be a cowardly little baby. "Y/n/n, you finally showed up. You're missed here."
You felt yourself falling apart when the woman's cold hand caressed your cheek. Stammering out some awkward answer, you gave your mother some privacy and sat with Maya at the reception. The firefighter didn't take long to understand what had happened, but decided not to say anything until Carina resolved what she needed.
You were almost falling asleep on Maya's shoulder when Carina came back, smiling and practically jumping with joy.
"I think your intern broke our daughter." Maya commented to your horror. You widened your eyes and hid your face in her neck. "Baby's first gay panic."
Carina put the pieces together and finally understood everything that had been happening. It's not that you didn't enjoy going to the hospital anymore, you just didn't know how to deal with the feeling of being close to Jules with an alarming frequency.
"Do you have a crush on Jules, bambina?" Carina asked and you groaned, both from embarrassment and from a headache. "Oh, now I understand."
"Please don't ever talk about this to anyone." You stood up so suddenly that you felt dizzy, but you managed to disguise it masterfully. "Can I stay with Aunt Amelia today? Please."
Carina couldn't hide her smile in time from you, who looked at her as if you could kill her without even blinking.
"Of course, bambina. Let's talk to her."
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lady-phasma · 4 days
I want to write a lestat fic so bad I’m practically foaming at the mouth!! I want to do his character justice though. Would you spare some lestat characterization tips mayhaps?
Hi anon! I am so unbelievably flattered that you came to me. I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to reply. Would you like ✏️ anon if you come back?
I hope I answer this well. He is my oldest, dearest blorbo so I'm going to answer with series and book (head)canon, so there are some pretty hefty spoilers below the cut.
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Characterization tips....
When in doubt, go bigger and more French! Do you doubt something you're writing for him is believable? You're probably wrong. This guy found Atlantis in canon. He has flown into the sun, switched bodies with a human, and met the literal, actual Devil.
Would he realistically flirt in your scenario? Yes. But what if...? Yes. He will always flirt. Always.
But on a more serious note, Lestat is very vain because he is incredibly powerful yet insecure. He can cause a lot of damage and is his own worst enemy. The embodiment of chaos.
Anne didn't christen him The Brat Prince for no reason at all. He not only pouts when he doesn't get what he wants, he often pouts when he gets exactly what he wants. He is rarely satisfied and once a mystery is solved or an objective obtained he's ready to move on.
Something that makes him particularly appealing to me has always been his contrasts, how he can be so self-centered and horrible, but love so openly and deeply. If he loves someone he would die for them, as long as he looked good doing it. He can hate and love the same person in the same moment and still give them everything he has. But, he will always try to be a step ahead to have his own safety net because trust isn't his thing.
Lestat has such an odd mix of confidence and insecurity. He never once questioned why the Queen of the vampires would be enamored with him. Of course she would be. But even during all of his drama with Akasha he pined for Louis. Many of his exploits are to get the attention of someone who isn't giving him enough at the moment.
I'm going to do a deep TVL dive real quick because this is the foundation of who he is for me. The Wolfkiller. He was embarrassed at being "poor" aristocracy and the one warm coat he had was the one the villagers made for him from the wolf pelt. He wasn't proud of that event, but that coat meant more to him than they could possibly imagine.
Also, he loves dogs. Seriously, if you need to write him having a pet dog, go for it. Especially mastiffs and boucherons (book and series canon).
I don't particularly like the word "flamboyant" for him, but he is. He is performative. Rarely does he do anything that isn't thoroughly thought through if someone is watching. He is equally impetuous if it looks good.
Lastly, some emotional characterization. He hates to appear vulnerable, but is constantly vulnerable. It's almost as if he doesn't know how to mask that part of him. His desperation to be part of the Italian acting troupe was obvious almost to the point of being a pathetic fanboy. He can't help but be incredibly earnest. Even if it causes him pain or embarrassment.
The Father of Lies, the Brat Prince, Wolfkiller, Lelio... Lestat is all of these things. That's what has always made him such a rich character. He can be serious, but Anne's description of him through Armand might be my favorite: he must make a gutter theatrical out of stubbing his toe.
God forbid no one was around to witness the pain and suffering he endured from such a tragic event. affectionately
I didn't go into anything romance or shipped based on purpose so feel free to let me know it that's what you meant and I missed the mark.
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 9 months
♡Weekly Chronicles♡
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Hey babes! I've missed you guysss I am so happy I had an amazing trip it was so nice. I went to a convention in Maryland for 5 days it was so nice. I definitely left with a lot of knowledge so many amazing people spoke at the lectures<3 and I'm sorry I missed the weekly affirmations for this week.
I applied for all my classes for next semester before my trip. I’m low-key excited about the classes I have coming up. Lot of different courses since I'm almost done with my major required classes now I need to fill the rest of my credits with electives. I have an art class next semester just for fun. I can't wait to meet the people in my classes. I have to take this math class I am not excited for at all I hate math lol so every time I update you girliesss on this class I'll probably be complaining lol.
Interacting with different people this past week has been very good for me mentally. It brought me back to pre-quarantine Khadija who was such a big extrovert. After covid, I started to have mild social anxiety so this was needed. I dealt with a little insecurities while on my trip interacting with so many beautiful women I started to doubt my looks comparison is the thief of joy, I practiced a lot of the methods my therapist recommended like canceling one negative thought with two positive thoughts. I realized I was all in my head for no reason. I love watching Leo Skepi when I am feeling this way he always gets me together. I highly recommend him if you are dealing with a lack of discipline, self-confidence, or just need someone to get you together with tough love he is that guyyy. Side noteee I missed my antidepressant dose twice in a row because of traveling back to New York and it low-key made me hazy like it was super weird but I took it today. 
While I was away I ate super bad! The event was an African-focused event so the food there wasn’t healthy at all. I was going to stick to my diet while on my trip but I decided I'm on a trip let me relax and I don't regret it at all. But I am seeing the consequences of my food choices now I am soooo bloated lol. So I am starting a cleanse tomorrow for the next 14 days I already prepped my ginger shot for the morning I want to flush my system out completely going into the new year. I don't recommend cleanses especially to my babes that have dealt with ED’s always consult your doctors before starting anything. I just do what works for me. 
Now that I am back I can get back to being consistent with my Italian, pilates, and weight lifting. I was so sad I could not lift I feel like I'm low-key obsessed with lifting lol it feels so good and I've been seeing results, especially in my lower body. While I was gone I didn't have any time to do my hobbies they had us in lectures and events constantly. I practiced my Italian once which I'm happy about. I plan on starting jewelry making next week I'm super excited it was one of my favorite hobbies when I was in middle school. I used to make earrings and bracelets. 
♡Plans For The Weekend♡
My birthday is Sunday, December 31st! I am turning 21 yay! I am super excited I don't have anything planned for my birthday. I am going to have a mini celebration with my family and watch the ball drop my siblings bought me presents so I'm excited to open everything. I'm starting my cleanse so I'll be working out and taking good care of my body internally and externally so I'll be off social media this weekend and focused on my mental and physical health. I plan on creating my vision board and listing my goals this year. My dad is ordering my camera I used to have a YouTube channel but I took a break to work on my self-improvement journey I do plan on getting back on my YouTube grind soon lol so look out for that coming out in 2024! 
This week's little journal entrieee a lot happened this week and I'm excited to see what this new year brings babesss. Comment your plans this weekend and how did your week go?
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 8
Joey gets a call from a friend in need and Devin prepares for set.
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CW: Moderate sim spice. Content Warning Guide
Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Caro (Italian) Dear Grazie (Italian) Thank you Piccolo (Italian) Little one Zia/Zio (Italian) Aunt/Uncle
Joey is catching another nap when he’s woken by his buzzing phone.
Joey: Hmm, yeah bro
Tuesday: Oh my gosh, have I reached Joey York? The JOEY YORK
Joey: *sleepily* Tuesday?
Tuesday: Yes the best woohoo buddy around. You down to push it?
Joey: Watcher needs me to stay on lot tonight but if you can come over… and then come over and over
Tuesday: Shut up dork I’ll be there, I need to unwind
Joey gets up and after checking the twins are certainly asleep he goes to let Tuesday in. He knows if Devin or Luna hear weird noises they won’t investigate and just assume he’s doing something, but he doesn’t need toddlers interrupting anything. The pair make their way into the kitchen and Tuesday continues her performance of fawning all over him.
Joey: Not that I don’t love some attention for one as hot as yourself but is there a reason for this performance?
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Tuesday: *jokingly* I’m in the presence of greatness
Joey: What?
Tuesday: *sighs* Dude have you been asleep all afternoon? Memorandum is all over simstagram
Joey: You’re kidding!
Tuesday: Nope hot stuff. The gamers are flocking to it like wildfire. Congrats man
Joey pulls her into a bro hug while she laughs.
Tuesday: I’m friends with woohoo benefits with a celebrity!
Joey: 1 star maybe
Tuesday: Come on genius, you won’t stay 1 star forever. You work hard and play hard, you’ll get rewarded. You think the watcher exists right? If they do they've got plans for you
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Joey: Holy watcher, I am trending! Well Memorandum is
Tuesday: But you’re the cute face behind it. So what do you want to do to me to celebrate
Joey: Tuesday… you normally come to me with a plan in mind, not that I don’t like being creative but I don’t like to over step
Tuesday smirks and pulls him in for a kiss. Her hands snake under his shirt and caress his chest while she whispers her plan in his ear.
Joey: You serious? I thought you didn’t want to try it
Tuesday: One of my flings wants to and I would rather know what to expect. He is smaller than you so he shouldn’t hurt as much but the point of our arrangement is practice. So… want to help me?
Joey: You are just giving me all your woohoo debuts now aren’t you
Tuesday smirks and pulls him in for another deep kiss. While he’s distracted she unloops his belt, works his pants down and checks he’s ready
Tuesday: *whispering* Stop being a smart ass. Kneel down and use your mouth for better things
Joey: Ma'am yes ma'am
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Joey did and when Tuesday was ready he stood back up, whispering to her that this will be good. Tuesday nods and Joey starts. He enjoys woohoo with Tuesday, they’ve been woohoo buddies since he finished high school. She’s got a great body, a creative mind and she’s normally down to get it on whenever. Beyond that she’s aromantic just like him so he never has to worry she’s going to catch feelings. When they’re finished she kisses him on the cheek and takes off while he heads straight to the shower. He knows the watcher hasn’t put any WTD’s in game but he always likes to keep clean. Satisfied he dries off and climbs in bed to sleep, and dream of how many women his new celebrity status could give him access to.
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A new day dawns and Devin has time to give the twins baths before she’s needed on set. First up is Alfred.
Alfred: Where’s Mummy
Devin: Mummy is in the pool trying to not be afraid of water any more
Rilian: I want be in water
Devin: You are next caro, but you need to have potty practice
Alfred: I went potty in my diaper *giggles*
Devin: Oh I know
Alfred: *quacks* Duckie happy *splashes*
Devin: Careful, you’ll get Mama’s sunglasses wet
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Devin lifts Alfred up and dries him off. Getting him in his day clothes she sends him off while an impatient Rilian pulls at her leg.
Rilian: Mama, Mama, me! Me now
Devin: What should we say? You remember caro
Rilian: PLEASE
Devin: Your wish is my command, one bath coming up
In the kitchen Luna walks in from her swim to see a nervous Joey looking around.
Luna: You alright?
Joey: I’ve had such a busy weekend, I’m sure I’ve forgotten something for work
Luna: I doubt it, you worry to much. Look at me, I thought I was going to drown in our pool but after some solid laps I can now confidently say I was overreacting. Besides, your coworkers will probably be to busy asking about your game to do real work
Joey: Maybe. Hey, apparently it’s exploding over simstagram
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Alfred: What splode (explode)
Luna: Morning schnucki. Zio Joey was just saying people like his game
Alfred: Game? Can we play game? Please?
Joey: I suppose since you used your manners… do you want to be… a bird?
Alfred jumps up and down excitedly. Luna laughs as Joey begins lifting him up and down and spinning the toddler around. When he’s got Alfred on his back he pauses.
Joey: Remember, to fly you have to flap. Can you flap
Alfred: *flaps arms* Caw caw! Caw caw!
Luna: Very good bird Alfred
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Devin: Remember caro, we try keep the water in the bath
Rilian: Mama, you play pirate today
Devin: Yes I will
Rilian: Pirate get to be in water?
Devin: Not for this film, maybe if we get another one. Would you like to be a pirate
Rilian: Not if no water. I be… mon star! (monster)
Devin: A sea monster? Very scary. Come on, bath is over, we need to do breakfast
Rilian sighs sadly and refuses to leave the bath until all the water has drained out. When he’s dry he lets Devin carry him to the kitchen and gets excited seeing Joey and Alfred playing.
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Rilian: Mama I want to play with Zio Joey
Devin: Eat your breakfast, your whole breakfast, then we’ll see
Rilian: Yes Mama
Devin: Have you seen where Lu went
Joey: I think she said she was going to check if that genealogy place has the sample yet
Rilian: Mama can I has milk please
Alfred: Me to please
Devin: Sure, oh wow you two just demolished your breakfasts. You must be growing! Joey will you have some time after work free before dinner
Joey: Probably, why
Devin: No reason, now turn around and left me check the size tag on your jacket
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Rilian: Mama I done! Can I play with Zio Joey now please
Devin: Zio Joey will get you out, Mama's just going to wish Mummy luck for her lecture today
Joey gets the twins out of the high chairs Joey entertains them while Devin kisses Luna then has the chance to have breakfast. While Joey spins Rilian around Alfred bobs like a bird to the music and makes quacking noises.
Devin: Rilian piccolo, let Zio Joey get to work
Rilian pulls a face as Joey lowers him carefully to the floor.
Joey: See you all later. Good luck on set sis, knock em dead
Devin: Grazie
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Devin: Where are you going
Rilian: Dollhouse Mama
Devin: Be careful playing with it bambinos
Alfred: Yes Mama
Devin: And if you break it come tell me!
While the boys enjoy playing together Devin sets about her chores for the day. She tries to set up a regular maid and gardening service but apparently there’s a small waitlist. A least the daycare is helpful, assuring her they will look after her toddlers while she’s on set.
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Final task before she leaves, meal prep. She enjoys making meatballs, remembering when she was young and her ma would teach her how to ball them up. And the many discussions with her pa about getting the balance of the sauce right. She can cook them almost on autopilot now, allowing her a final chance to run lines in her head.
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No Time This Time 9
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon and other elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You prize order and practicality but your past, and newest client, throw your life into chaos. (older [~50s] reader)
Character: Tony Stark
Notes: Alright. Tony is growing on me but only because he’s a shit stirrer.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like Tony loves his own voice. Take care. 💖
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"Please clear the week. Reschedule my meetings," you toss a pair of unworn sandals into your suitcase, your phone on the bed next to it.
"Yes, ma'am," Halton answers from the speaker.
"I did a quick sweep, there shouldn't be anything urgent. As it were, we will not be accepting any new clients until the end of the month."
He acquiesces again as you open a drawer and sift through, searching for a swimsuit. You can barely recall the last time you needed one.
"You can file it as paid vacation," you inform him.
"Thank you," he says, the smile obvious in his tone.
"Well, off you go. I don't want to hear from you again unless it's an emergency," you find a black bikini with the tags still on.
"Got it."
"Great, have a good day," you drop the suit in the bag and tap the screen, ending the call.
Almost as soon as the line is dead, another incoming call pops up. Your morning has been effectively avoiding the series of attempts from both Samia and your mother. You've set your voicemail and your automatic replies, you are out of office and soon to be out of the country.
It's as spontaneous as you've ever been. You're a planner. You don't just hop on the next plane out but that's exactly what you're doing. 
Your father was the same way. When he was practicing, he never took a vacation. And what did that get him? A heart attack. Several, actually. There will never be a better time to get away or a better reason.
No, you won't give Stark that much credit. It's not just him, it's you. You're old enough, you need to start doing things just for you.
Another call. Your mother has never been known as subtle. Or to take a hint. Sometimes even when you spell it out, she refuses to understand.
So be it. You need a moment to breathe before you relent. You need a second wind before you face the task that is your family and your past. More so, you need to be far from New York.
You cannot claim to be unfamiliar with decadence. It is a privilege you treasure but never one you place as requisite. You can still admire luxury and you would define the resort as nothing less than.
Your room has a broad balcony that overlooks the Italian coast, the sun beats down on the sparkling sea, and illuminates the space, shadowing intricate patterns carved in wood. The decor speaks of an old world drawn into the present. Refined and elegant.
You wear a caftan down to the shore and claim your reserved seat among the row of vacationers. You strip off the sheer layer and rub in suncreen before reclining beneath the shade of a broad umbrella. You open your book and dive into the plot, forgetting the hot sands and the stolid air.
You're still not used to it. It's as if you're on a whole new planet. The first day saw you fighting not to check your phone or delve into your work email. You fought the urge to cling to routine and won. Your determination has ever been a talent.
After twelve, you have your first cocktail. A simple gin drink with lime. You let it seep in and ease you back into your fictional escape. An attendant brings you a fruit cocktail and some pastries not long after.
It's paradise and you value it dearly. You hadn't realised how sorely you need this. 
As you pack up, balmy and slightly sleepy from the sun, a speck flits across the sky. You look up but cannot place the phenomenon before it disappears. Your imagination must've been sparked by the mixture of heat and alcohol.
You return to your room and enjoy a dinner of handmade gnocchi and wine sauce. The more you indulge, the harder you know it will be to go back to the city. Your peace is underlined by a strand of wistfulness.
Several days trickle by in the same vein of lethargy. You have no appointments, no calls, no obligations besides the beach, a cocktail, and a book. It’s as if you are an entirely different person, as if you’ve taken on someone else’s life entirely. The stuffy overworked lawyer is still trapped in New York with her leeching family and arrogant clients.
A few too many mojitos have you sprawled on the sofa. The open balcony lets in the warm dusk breeze and lulls you deeper into drowsiness. The weight of the alcohol shrouds your body, sweeping you up in a swirling slumber that makes you dizzy.
The soft whisk of metal doors shut and you look over as a button clicks beneath the push of a finger. You follow the arm, the dark fabric of a tailored jacket, to the familiar face. You sneer and take a step back, the elevator tipping with your movement. You stumble and fall against the wall.
He laughs. A menacing laugh that echoes all around you and adds to the disorienting skew of your subconscious. You brace the metal rail against the wall and suddenly, you’re falling back, plummeting through open air.
Bright flashes of white appear above you as you flail helplessly. The laughter is muffled but deep. You’re scooped up in a hard metal embrace, the red and gold mask taunting you as you’re carried through the open sky.
The metal retracts and reveals your saviour. Not who you expect. It isn’t Tony but Carlisle, mocking you with that slanted grin you once thought was charming. He winks and lets you go, letting you fall like a stone through water.
You spin and face the looming ground, hurtling faster and faster towards you. You let out a shrill scream and jolt awake as it cuts through to reality. You’re out of breath as you sit up, nearly rolling off the couch as the sharp noise continues. It isn’t you, but your phone, shrieking at you.
You stagger to get to your feet. You shiver, still in only your bikini, and the phone goes silent. You search around the dim room, the sounds of the ocean crashing through the open doors.
Your cell lights up again and you snatch it from the wooden tabletop. You drag your finger across the screen, only vaguely reading the name on the display; Samia. You answer with a croak, holding back a hiccup.
“About time!” She sounds like your mother with her abrupt greeting, “I’ve been calling you all day. Don’t you understand it’s a fucking emergency?”
“Samia,” you say dully, bracing your forehead, “shhhhh,” you amble around and sit on the sofa, “why are you yelling?”
“Are you drunk?” She accuses.
“I’m on vacation–”
“Yes, we know, but not all of us just run away from our problems–”
You snort. Loud. You devolve into sardonic laughter and click your tongue loudly.
“Don’t lecture me on running away from responsibility, Sam, don’t,” you warn, “tell me what it is. Let’s cut out the rest.”
She gives a dramatic heave, “mom’s in the hospital.”
“What?” You sit forward.
“She fell. This morning. I… I was looking at venues, I couldn’t be there.”
“Fuck!” You exclaim without filter, “Samia… have you seen her?”
“Mmm, I really wanted to but Carlisle–”
“Oh,” you snarl, “Carlisle!” You growl as you ball your hand to a tight fist, “I’ll get a flight.”
“I’m going in the morning, I prom–”
You hang up and throw your phone onto the narrow table before you. You hang your head, cradling it as you fear it might split in two. Were you really stupid enough to think you could ever catch a break?
The redeye has you back in the city by noon. You fall into the rush of the city naturally, hailing a cab and collecting yourself in the back seat. You tip the driver as he idles outside the hospital and you hop out, rolling suitcase in tow as you march through the front doors.
It takes another hour to be admitted to your mother’s room. You don’t expect a warm welcome. You’re not entirely sure what to expect as you enter her private room. The nurse informs you before she lets you in that your mother is awake. That must be good.
The entire space is decorated in bouquets of flowers. You didn’t know your mother would have that many wellwishers. You leave your bag by the door as you give a long consideration to the red roses nearest you.
“Finally, you decide to show up,” she yaps at you.
“Flights from Italy are not quick,” you reproach, “I came as quickly as I could.”
“You wouldn’t pick up the phone.”
You repress your frustration, “I left it in my room. I’m sorry, mother.”
“Selfish, as always.”
You swallow tightly. Selfish. You cut short your first vacation since your honeymoon to come make sure she was alright. Even after calling and being assured by the staff that it was luckily only a fall. She hadn’t even broken her hip.
“Lovely flowers,” you remark as you walk along the row of vases.
“Oh, isn’t it so pretty? Mr. Stark is so generous–”
“Stark?” You spin on your heel, “what do you mean?”
“Well, of course, he heard that my daughters were both absent and he had to be here. Samia is so busy so she called him just to be sure that I wasn’t alone.”
“She called him. Why would she do that?”
“Oh, he’s been most helpful with the wedding. He’s let her have his Tower for her party and he’s been helping with all sorts of details. He referred her to a wonderful designer for her dress, too. Ah, and he’s invited Carlisle to some tournament? I think, golf or the like–”
“That makes no sense,” you sniff, “why is Tony Stark… doing all that?”
“Perhaps he sees a lonely old woman who’s been neglected by her only children,” she bemoans.
You know you won’t get the answer from her. She’s drunk the fresh-ade. She is entirely swindled by the overpaid crook.
“So, where’s Samia, then? She told me she was coming this morning.”
“She’s on her way, I’m sure. The city, traffic.”
You could scream. You could break her hip yourself. She would excuse Samia for not making it across the city but would remand you for not magically teleporting from across the globe.
“Well, I’m not waiting on her. I think we have something to discuss.”
“Is it lunch? I am rather hungry and this hospital food, it does not agree with me,” she touches her stomach, “Mr. Stark was kind enough to come for dinner last night but I hate to trouble him further.”
“That can wait. Mother, we are hiring you a caregiver.”
“A caregiver? I am not helpless.”
“That isn’t what I’m saying. But it would bring peace of mind if you had someone around when me and Samia are not. It wouldn’t be forever but given your fall, you will need supervision.”
“Oh, so you can take time to go traipsing across the world but you can’t take any for me?”
You cross your arms and sigh. You stare at her blankly.
“It’s not an argument, it’s not a negotiation. It is how it will be. You are getting a nurse, at least until the physiotherapist clears you. That’s that.”
She scoffs, “ugh, you always did have the makings of a lawyer, you know that?”
“Thank you,” you retort harshly, “that’s the kindest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Oh, lord, what is up your behind? You’ve always been trite but you’ve never like this.”
“Mother, realise that you are not the only one with hardships, yes? I have to make sure you are well, which is what I am doing. I have attend the wedding of the husband who cheated on me, and I have to deal with the that is—” You stop yourself before you can say his name, “I have work. I have responsibilities and I hold to them. And it will never be enough.”
You wave her off and go back to the door, “I will order you lunch, we will eat it together, and we will hope that Samia for once comes through and shows up.”
You leave the room before you can combust. You stand in the hall, searching through your phone for somewhere nearby, or somewhere to order from. You fight to keep from shaking as you read the screen; get yourself together.
Your vacation is a quickly fading memory as you fall back into the city life. You make several calls around in search of an appropriate homecare worker for your mother. Amid that, you return to office and work on your own to catch up. Halton is away but you’ll let him enjoy the last of his days off.
Between all that, you are faced with the daunting sight of an unexpected delivery. The clear glass box with the bouquet of pure white roses. It’s all very elaborate and exhausting. You flick back the silver clasp and lift the lid. Inside is a crystal rose on a golden stem, a date etched into the metal.
It’s an invite to your sister’s wedding and you are unsurprised by the tackiness of the overdone gesture. Beneath the ornament you would rather smash to bits, is a triarch that folds out to reveal the details and how to RSVP. You roll your eyes and blow out a breath.
A vineyard. Suiting. You replace the pieces in the box and leave the bouquet where it is. You type in the venue to Google. You nearly choke. Brick and Blossom Vino recently acquired by Stark Industries. How convenient.
It’s no coincidence. Stark has no business in wine or vineyard or event planning. It is not an advantageous deal, it is a direct statement. He may not be there in your face but he is haunting you nonetheless. Taunting you.
Let him waste his efforts. You will not be affected.
A knock comes at your office door. Another delivery. You sign and accepted the second bouquet. This one small and admittedly aesthetically pleasing. The small wooden box holds a cluster of pink tulips and baby’s breath. There’s a ribbon around it, attached to a simple card. It doesn’t really suggest Stark handiwork.
You take the envelope and unfold it. You smile as you see only the embossed bumps of braille within. Oh.
You take the card to your desk and grab your phone. You pull up Matt’s number and put him on speaker as you wait for an answer.
“Hey,” his voice comes amidst the honking of traffic and shuffle of the street.
“So, uh, how exactly am I supposed to read this card?”
“Ha, well, I could show you,” he offers, “if you’re free for dinner.”
“Hmm, well, I suppose I could clear my schedule,” you hum.
“Wow, really?”
“Sure,” you chew your lip and catch the unusual pinch, unclenching your teeth and clearing your throat, “I could use a drink.”
“Hopefully, this one doesn’t end up in some jerk’s face,” he chortles, “I’ll pick you up.”
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itsscromp · 1 year
Platonic Miguel O'Hara x Reader part 2
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Hey hey everyone, thank you for the love and support on my first fic, it was an absolute blast to write. this latest idea popped into my head not long ago so gotta get it out. without further ado lets get into it. warnings: slight angst but fluff at the end, possible spelling errors but double checked on grammerly. word count: 987
It's now been a month since you joined Spider-Society, the many adventures you've had were just phenomenal, taking down more bad guys than you thought possible. You couldn't have done it without Miguel's help.
One day you were mooching around HQ, You went looking for Miguel but he was nowhere to be seen so with that you rang Jess.
"Hey Jess do you know where Miguel is ??"
"Oh he's on a mission right now on Earth 873 why do you ask ??"
"I haven't seen him all day that's all"
"Gotcha now, Don't worry honey he'll be back soon"
"Thanks, Jess"
With that you hung up, beginning to wander around HQ then deciding to stumble into Miguel's office. Now no one is usually allowed in without permission, but yet again boredom needed to be cured and you would be in and out with no problem. After getting past the creepy robot-looking thing, you stumbled into his office Immediately heading to the platform you began to mimic his movements and voice.
"My name is Miguel O'Hara"
"I am the best Spider-Man of all Spider-Man"
It was pretty fun to be honest, almost feeling like you were Miguel. But as you continued, a swipe of your hand activated his holo-computer. You immediately were going to turn it off, but for one reason or another your brain said "Let's look at canon events and anomalies"
Alas, you did look, checking all past and present anomalies, the Kraven the hunter you fought, the Italian Renaissance vulture Gwen fought. The canon events were a different story, looking into every one of them broke your heart. But then something caught your eye, it didn't have a name, but it was a video file.
You didn't think twice before you clicked on it and the video opened, it was Miguel, but there was also a young girl. Who was she ?? As the video continued on the little girl called Miguel dad, He had a daughter. Her name was Gabriella or Gabby in Miguel's saying. The two looked like they were having a blast together, Gabby got a little mischievous and tapped her cupcake onto Miguel's face and the frosting stuck there, you couldn't help but chuckle.
The video ended with Miguel having a huge smile on his face, something that people say was extremely rare to see. You then decided it was enough then shut off the computer. but as you did Miguel was standing right in front of you, he must've got back and seen you watching the video. He easily blended in. but oh boy was he angry when you shut it down.
"Miguel !!!" You shouted with fright as he was standing there.
"What were you doing ??!!" He said in a tone which made your blood run cold.
"I..I..I…I didn't mean to, I was bored and.."
"Why were you watching that video !!??"
"I thought it was a recording from a mask during a mission" Miguel was seeing red at this point and turned around from you.
"Y/n…. leave now" his voice was firm, it wasn't a request, it was practically a demand.
"Miguel I'm sorry OK I didn't know…" You tried to grab his wrist to turn him around but that would be a big mistake.
"I said get out !!!!" Miguel then swiped his hand at you, his claws sticking out and scratching your face.
"AH," You fell to the floor before looking up at Miguel, now scared of him. You brought your hand to your face where he scratched it and looked back down at it, a tiny bit of blood.
Miguel realizing what he just did snapped out of it and looked at you with a sad expression.
"Y/n……… I……. I"
Before he could say anything, you immediately swung out of the room, wanting to get away from him as quickly as possible. Miguel felt heartbroken and guilty, he hurt you. One of the many promises he made to himself that he wouldn't do.
You got checked out by Spider-Doctor to make sure it wasn't bad, it wasn't thankfully. Just a flesh wound, it'll barely leave a scar. After some disinfectant, she sent you on your way. You immediately headed back to your room in the facility and locked yourself away, not wanting to make anything worse.
A few hours later you heard a knock at the door, you went up and opened it a smidge to see who it was, but quickly shutting it once you saw it was Miguel.
"Y/n I just want to talk.."
"You hurt me.."
"I know I didn't mean to.."
"Still didn't give you the right to do that"
"Y/n….. please"
You could hear his voice slightly break, making you a bit sad. he was just trying to apologize for what happened. But you also needed to give him an apology, so with that, you opened the door again this time enough to let him in.
As soon as you opened the door he immediately swallowed you into a tight loving hug, you couldn't help but hug him back.
"I'm so so sorry kiddo, I didn't mean to hurt you"
"No, it's my fault… I shouldn't have gone through your computer, it's mostly my fault"
"I would never ever want to hurt you, I shouldn't have done what I have done, please…. can you forgive me El amigo ??" (Buddy)
You looked up at him and hugged him tighter.
"I forgive you Miguel" you whispered
Miguel smiled as he brought you to your bed, laid you down then wrapped his arms around you. That safe feeling came back. He knew cuddles would make you feel better.
"Thanks, Miguel"
"it's ok y/n. it's ok"
Y/n sighed contently as they snuggled closer to him. feeling safe and content. Miguel didn't deserve you sometimes, but he will forever be glad he has an amazing friend like you.
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
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Bang Chan x Thick Reader
Word count: 5.7k
Synopsis: A sequel to Blind Date. It's the one year anniversary of you and Chan's first date. You celebrate by going to the same restaurant but something is off. Will your first anniversary go smoothly or is it destined to go as badly as your first date?
A/N: 18+ only! Well back by popular demand! This is the first sequel in the SKZ x Thick Reader Series! I'm so excited to take you all on this journey to get a glimpse of what happened with our protagonists after, how they've grown, and where they've ended up. I hope you enjoy and if you do please like, reblog, send an ask and let me know! Feedback is always appreciated and you guys always have the best things to say about these! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: MDNI 18+ONLY! Strong language/cussing, dry humping, oral (f receiving), fingering, there's a shower head involved at one point (if you catch my drift), spanking, rough sex (kinda), Chan dom/MC sub dynamic (if you squint real hard) unprotected piv sex (please use your head and a condom), praise/pet names, Chan calls mc a whore (one time, during sex), cream pie, cum shot, multiple orgasms, overstimulation (a little), mentions of pregnancy and labor. I THINK that's everything but if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
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It was your first time back in that restaurant since you and Chan’s first date. You were sitting in the same fancy Italian restaurant, at the same table, a year later waiting for your boyfriend who was, you looked at the clock by the bar, thirty minutes late. Deja vu. You had learned quickly, anywhere Chan was supposed to be, he was going to be at least fifteen minutes late. When you really needed him somewhere on time you would tell him thirty minutes earlier than the actual time and maybe he would show up on time. Unfortunately, Chan had made tonight's reservations, so you were waiting. It was fine. If your boyfriend’s biggest flaw was time management and his utter lack of being able to take a break without the threat of bodily harm, then you weren’t going to complain.  
The last year with Chan had been amazing, you had never been happier in your life. After your first date had gone so horribly you and Chan planned your second one and it went much smoother. Turns out the fancy restaurant Sarah chose was a little out of both of your element and maybe not the best choice for a first date. New person plus strange environment equals awkward, and awkward it was. You remembered absolutely hating sitting at that table a year ago, sitting across from Chan who was practically brain dead, he was so shy. Now looking back, you didn’t know how you didn’t realize it was his nerves, the quick glances between you and the menu, chugging his first drink. At the moment you were too close to the picture to see what was really going on. Hindsight is twenty twenty was a saying for a reason, you thought as you sipped the glass of red wine you had ordered while you waited. 
The second date you went on was exponentially better. You went walking around a record shop and then an old bookstore. You found this little dive of a diner and ordered burgers, fries and milkshakes. You talked about the albums and books you had both just purchased. You had never seen someone smile so brightly, his dimples, the way his eyes scrunched up. You thought you could listen to him talk about his favorite things forever. You loved the way he got so animated, moving his hands, making faces, and he was funny. You didn’t think you had ever laughed so much, you laughed so hard you ran out of breath and got a cramp in your side at one point.  
When Chan took you home that night, he walked you up to your condo. He leaned in and kissed you goodnight and went to pull away, but you weren’t done yet. His lips were so warm and pillowy, you wanted to be buried in them for as long as possible. You grabbed his jacket and kept him pulled close. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in, squeezing your soft body and you put your arms around his shoulders, playing with the curls at his nape while his tongue explored your mouth. After you made out in front of your door for a little while. You and Chan finally went to part ways, both of you flushed and grinning like crazy. Chan bit his lip and smiled as he waved and walked backwards away. 
“Goodnight y/n.” You played with the keys in your hand and took a deep breath, smiling at Chan. 
“Goodnight Chan.” After a couple more dates that went particularly well, that was all she wrote. You were inseparable. If you weren’t at work or some other pressing engagement, you would be hanging out with your friends and Chan. Most of your friends were mutual but the few of his that weren’t took you in almost immediately.  
The first time you met them you were nervous. How would Chan act around them, would he be less affectionate with you, would he be embarrassed? He was taller than you by a couple inches, but you were definitely bigger than him. What if one of his friends thought you weren’t good enough for him, what if one of them said it? 
Chan could tell you were nervous; he held your hand as you walked into the party you were meeting his friends at. As soon as you were introduced to them all of your fears of their scrutiny and disapproval disappeared. They were so welcoming and funny, especially when they would gang up on Chan and tell you embarrassing stories from college and high school. He would groan and blush and hide his face. You were going to get another drink and Chan’s friend Felix jumped up offering to come, saying he needed a refill too. Chan narrowed his eyes at him and mimed zipping his lip. Felix just rolled his eyes shaking his head and followed you to find the kitchen. You did in fact find the kitchen and you were pouring drinks for you and Felix when he leaned a little closer so he was sure you could hear him over the music. 
“Ya know, I’ve never seen him so happy?” You bit your lip and quickly turned to look Felix in his eyes, to see if he was just trying to be nice or if he really meant what he said. 
“Really?” Felix nodded and leaned in again. 
“Yea definitely, he hasn’t been able to stop grinning like an idiot. I mean he’s always been an idiot but the grinning like one part, that’s pretty new.” You laughed and slapped Felix lightly. His huge smile appeared as he laughed, scrunching up his freckled nose. 
“No, but really y/n. I have never seen him so...” You held your breath. So what? 
“Whole. You seem to make him whole y/n, you give him purpose.” Your heart swelled and you thought you might cry. You hugged Felix and he squeezed you back tightly. 
“Don’t cry because if you do, I am for sure.” He whispered in your ear, and you laughed. Chan walked into the kitchen and saw you and Felix hugging. He shook his head walking over to the two of you. He playfully smacked Felix on the shoulder. 
“Jeeze I let you two walk away for one second and you’re trying to steal my girl.” Felix turned and cocked his eyebrow at Chan. 
“What do you mean trying? You see me hugging her.” Felix winked at you and gave Chan that megawatt sunshine smile then they both busted out laughing. Felix took his drink and went to get back to the rest of their friends leaving you and Chan in the kitchen. Once it was just the two of you, you quickly put down your cup, wrapped your arms around Chan’s broad shoulders and kissed him passionately. He braced himself against you and pulled you close, squeezing your full hips. When you pulled away Chan had a silly smile on his face and his ears were red. 
“What was that for?” You shrugged a little. 
“For making me happy.” Chan closed his eyes, cupped your face, and rubbed his nose against yours before pressing his full lips against yours again. 
“You make me happy too y/n. So happy.” That night was the first night you and Chan made love. Oh you had fucked before that, you had fucked Chan on your very first date, on a swing no less, but this was the first time you made love. Bodies pressed together tightly, slow and deep, soft kisses and sweet praise, breathing each other in. When you came that night it was like your whole body buzzed, you felt it everywhere, all over, your body practically vibrated with Chan’s on top of you, pressed into you, kissing you over and over, telling you he loves you, would do anything for you. You thought your heart couldn’t be fuller than it was in that moment.
Everything with Chan was just so easy. Even the hardest days were bearable. Chan had this thing he liked to tell you when you were overwhelmed or upset. He would say that ‘a life full of ups would never be fulfilling because you would never know how great the good parts are if you didn’t know how hard it could be too’. It always seemed to help put things into perspective for you. If you seemed down he would tell you every chance he had how beautiful you were. You were. He thought you had the most beautiful eyes and every time he looked at your lips, he wanted to kiss them. He loved your soft body too, your curves, his hands were always on you, touch clearly being one of Chan’s love languages. Whether it was twirling a piece of your hair while you both laid together on the couch reading, or a hand at the small of your back while you waited in queue at the movie theater, Chan’s hands were gentle.
Then there were times his touch would be scorching. Like when he ran his hands up and down your plush body after going down on you, making you cum multiple times on his tongue or when he gripped your hips as he thrusted into you from behind, slapping your full ass before fucking you harder. Your sex life was white hot. You would think after a little while you both would calm down a little but no. You were insatiable for each other. Just thinking about his firm torso and gripping his nice ass as he slammed into you had you squeezing your legs together under the table. You spent most nights together alternating between your place and Chan’s, but you hadn’t taken that last step of moving in together yet. Neither of you were in a hurry, you saw each other all the time anyway so it wasn’t imperative for it to happen. You’d move in together when you moved in, there was no right or wrong time as long as you both were happy. 
You were pulled from your reverie when you saw Chan rushing into the restaurant, it was like a replay of the first night you’d met all over again. Him in another black suit, hurrying to the hostess station before walking to your table with an apologetic and nervous smile on his face.  
“Well, some things never change. I was beginning to wonder if you were really standing me up this time.” You poked fun at Chan as he leaned over and kissed you, he seemed tense. 
“I’m so sorry baby girl I...” You put your hand up, shaking your head. You didn’t want him upset thinking you were mad. You knew why he was late; he didn’t need to make excuses with you. He was always late for the same reason. He had a habit of getting wrapped up in his work and completely losing track of time or anything that was outside of the task he was zeroed in on. You had never let it upset you, he was passionate about his job. Not everyone gets to have a job they love as much as he does. 
“It’s fine Channie, really. It hasn’t been too long.” He gave you a face that screamed ‘yeah right’ but nodded giving you a half smile, relieved that at least you weren’t upset with him. When the waiter came over Chan ordered a drink, and you got another glass of wine while you started talking about your day. Well, you were talking about yours, Chan seemed a bit quiet, a little distracted. You both ordered dinner and you ordered more than a salad this time. You could see why Chan had eaten his dish like he had on your first date. It was delicious! When the meal was done the waiter walked over with probably the most decadent looking piece of chocolate cake you had ever seen. It had two little sparklers lit on the top and written in chocolate syrup on the plate said Happy Anniversary Chan & y/n. 
“Channie, you didn’t... you’re so sweet.” The sparklers burnt out and you leaned over to give him a kiss. You pressed your lips against his softly and you could tell something was actually wrong with him. That little spark that was usually in him seemed to have burned out like the ones in the dessert on your table. He was upset about something, but you didn’t want to be pushy if he wasn’t ready to talk. He would come to you about it when he was ready.  
Chan had really hoped you didn’t notice how upset he was. He was trying to put on a happy face, but it was hard. He just wanted to get through dinner, get through the night. It was your first anniversary for fucks sake, he couldn’t tell you tonight. You both ate the rich chocolate dessert and drank the complimentary champagne. At one point, when you were talking about some silly video you had seen, Chan looked like he was a million miles away. 
“Chan? Did you hear me?” He blinked quickly and nodded. 
“Yea baby girl, I’m listening, sorry continue.” You shook your head. 
“Why don’t we get out of here baby? Do you want to go to yours or mine tonight?” Chan suddenly remembered the rest of his plans for the evening. 
“Oh uh, neither I got us a hotel room for the night.” Your smile grew and it made Chan feel warm inside. 
“Really?!” Channie, you’re such a hopeless romantic. I could just kiss your face off right now!” He let out a little laugh. He wanted nothing more than for you to be happy tonight. Tomorrow... tomorrow, Chan thought wearily. Chan paid for dinner, and you left for the hotel. When you got there and checked in Chan led you up to the room he had reserved over a month ago when he had been so excited for this night. When you walked in it was gorgeous. Very modern, sleek and simple, varying shades of white, black, and grey with chrome accents. 
“Oh my god! Chan! Look at this place! What the hell man?!” You ran over, jumped and fell back on the big fluffy bed laughing. Chan wanted to laugh with you, he wanted to be able to enjoy this like you did. Oblivious to what was coming. The choices that had to be made. The choice he wanted to make. When you sat up giggling you saw Chan standing there stoically. You weren’t used to seeing him like that, so serious. He was usually a fairly goofy, happy go lucky guy. He had seemed upset all night and you were trying to be patient and let him come to you about it, but he wasn’t saying anything, and you wanted him to enjoy this night as much as you did. Maybe if he just talked about it, he’d be able to. You walked over and grabbed Chan’s big hands and pulled him over to sit next to you on the bed. He followed with heavy steps. 
“What’s wrong Chan?” You asked as you both sat down. He shook his head. Not tonight. He wasn’t doing this tonight. 
“Nothing baby girl everything is fine.” The look on his face told you that everything was not fine. He was a terrible liar at the best of times but tonight there was no way to mask how upset he really was. 
“Christopher Bang do not lie to me. I can tell something is bothering you. I’ve waited for you to let out all evening, so just tell me what’s going on. I’m sure you’ll feel better.” He shook his head again. 
“No, I won’t, and you won’t either and I’m not ruining this night. Not on our anniversary.” Chan was getting more upset. You tilted your head confused. 
“You could never ruin tonight Chan. Tell me what’s wrong, it’s okay baby.” You ran your hand down his cheek. He sighed heavily and took your hand in his. He turned it over and looked down at your palm as if he were memorizing it, or perhaps looking into your future. He gently ran his thumb over the pulse point on your wrist, unable to look you in the eye knowing what he had to tell you. 
“I got a promotion at work today. It’s actually the position I dreamed of getting when I started at the company,” Your eyes went wide and you smiled brightly, squeezing his hand and pulling it towards your heart. 
“Chan that’s great news! Why on earth are you upset?” He chewed at his lips as he pulled your hand back down into his lap and played with your fingers, an absent-minded habit he had developed. 
“If I accept the position the first project I’d be in charge of would be opening and organizing the new Sydney office for our company. I would have to move to Australia for two years, once everything is running smoothly, I would be able to move back home.” Tears were welling up in Chan’s eyes at the idea of being away from you for any amount of time. You were in shock; you were not expecting that. 
“Oh.” Your bottom lip started to quiver, and Chan’s hand quickly came up to rub your cheek, comforting you. 
“I’m not accepting the position baby girl. I... I can’t be away from you for two years, I...” His tears started spilling over. You sat up straight and cut him off. 
“There’s no way I’m letting you turn down your dream job because of me!” Chan’s brows furrowed and he shook his head, refusing what you were saying. 
“It’s not because of you it’s because of relocating!” You scoffed and rolled your eyes.  
“If we weren’t together and you were offered this position, relocation and all, would you take it?” Chan’s head continued shaking, he closed his eyes. 
“No no no, that’s not fair because we are together, so what does it matter what I would do if we weren’t?” You stood up and started pacing as you ran your fingers through your hair frustrated. 
“You’ve been with me a year Chan and it has been the best of my life but this is a dream you’ve had for what; at least four or five years? I know how dedicated to your job you are Chan. I’ve apologized to countless people about your tardiness due to that dedication and I’m not letting you give up all that hard work for me!” Your own eyes were filled with tears now. 
“So what I’m just supposed to give up on us instead!? You just want to let us go?! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for us?!! To find this!!” Chan motioned between the two of you. His voice got louder the more upset he got. You sat on the bed next to him again, tears started to trail down your face. 
“We’ll... We’ll make it work. We can do video calls and I can come vis-” Chan shook his head. 
“I can’t ask you to wait two years for me back here y/n. That’s not fair to y-” You cut him off this time. 
“No! Losing you completely when we are so happy is what is not fair Chan.” You laid down burying your face in your arms and you started crying, sobbing. Chan’s mind was racing a mile a minute. He wanted to comfort you, he wanted to ease your mind about all of this, his mind and he wanted a choice that kept the two of you together more than anything. Then it hit him. When the idea came into his mind, he thought he was an idiot for not thinking of it sooner. As soon as it popped into his head, he said it out loud. 
“Go with me.” You lifted your head and sat up sniffling, tears still streaking down your cheeks. You weren’t sure he was really asking what you thought he was asking. 
“What?” Chan scooted closer to you on the bed, the most determined look on his face you had ever seen. 
“Go with me. I’ll say yes to the promotion, and you come with me to Sydney. We’ll move in together. We practically live together already anyway. You can meet my family and see where I grew up.” You looked shell shocked. You blinked and gathered your thoughts back up. 
“You’re serious?” Chan shook his head. 
“As a fucking heart attack baby girl. When I planned this whole night out, I was going to ask you to move in with me anyway. Now it would be hundreds of miles away instead of my shitty apartment but...” You laughed. 
“I like your place.” He laughed too and shook his head. 
“What about my work? Our friends?” Chan rubbed circles on your back reassuringly. 
“Well, if you want to stay with your company, we could look into you transferring or you could always look for a new position in Sydney if you want a change. Our friends will love and support us, they’ll always be our friends whether we’re five miles or five thousand miles away.” You smiled ear to ear, the tears in your eyes now the sparkly, happy kind. 
“Sydney... together.” You said and Chan nodded, his smile was so big both his dimples appeared prominently. 
“Together baby girl. I love you so much.” You wrapped your arms around Chan’s shoulders and kissed him. 
“I love you too Chan.” He held your face in both hands as he kissed you over and over, each becoming more heated until teeth, lips, and tongues were all fighting for dominance. You crawled onto Chan’s lap, a thick thigh on each side of his legs. You sat down and started rolling your hips against his crotch. Chan lifted the skirt of your dress, and his hands gripped your full ass. Pushing you down to grind on him harder. 
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” You pressed against the erection straining his pants, your breaths coming out faster as you worked yourself over him. 
“Chan... I... fuck... I love you.” You were both kissing, pawing, grinding against each other. It was messy, almost frantic, as if the other may evaporate if your touches and kisses ceased. You pulled at each other's clothes clumsily until you got frustrated and sat back on Chan’s legs, gripped the collar of his shirt and ripped the buttons open exposing his firm chest and torso. He never failed to make your mouth water. 
“God damn baby girl!” You pushed Chan’s shirt off and started kissing his neck and shoulder, grazing your teeth across as you continued to ride him. Suddenly Chan rolled and you were pinned underneath him laughing. 
“You’re feisty tonight baby girl but don’t forget who’s in charge here.” You could feel how wet your panties were getting. You loved it when Chan man handled you in bed, he wasn’t scared to get a little rough, throw you around a bit. He was certainly strong enough to and you knew how to get him going. You wrestled against him but it was no use, he was far stronger. He had your arms pinned and you were trapped under him. You gave him those sweet doe eyes of yours and smiled.  
“Channie, baby...” You cooed and leaned in like you were going to start kissing down his neck again. Instead, you bit and then sucked a mark onto Chan’s neck, low enough that a collared shirt would still easily cover it but dark enough he’d have to wear one for a couple days. 
“Fuck, mmmm, I’ll get you for that one when you least suspect it!” Chan laughed aquiesing, sliding the straps of your dress down and pulling it off you. When he had the garment discarded it revealed the black lace lingerie you had worn especially for the occasion. He sat back on his knees, his legs now straddling you. Chan bit his fist and closed his eyes trying to get a hold of himself. His dick had never been so hard in his life, he was certain of it. There you laid underneath him in a matching black lace bra, garter belt and panties. Stockings that stopped just before covering the tops of your thick thighs. Chan lost it. 
“Oh my god, you are fucking incredible!” his lips attacked your neck and chest, licking, kissing, biting, marking you. Groping you over the sheer lace that did nothing to actually cover you but was effective in its intended purpose, which was driving Chan wild. He pulled down the cups of the lacy bra and started to squeeze and then suck on your breasts, gliding his tongue over one nipple before giving the other a similar treatment. You threaded your fingers through Chan's curls as he migrated further down your body, kissing and licking a fiery trail in the process. He bit at your garter belt and pulled at it with his teeth before continuing his way down your body. When his mouth stopped just over your lace covered mount you started to squirm. You could feel his warm breath as he hovered over your cunt. You started to whine. 
“Channie please...” He smirked up at you. 
“Please what baby girl?” You blushed because you knew what he wanted to hear, you propped yourself up on your elbows. 
“Please baby, lick me, here.” You ran one hand down your body, slid your fingers into your cunt and Chan’s eyes darkened. He grabbed your hand pulling it out of your lacy panties and stuck your fingers in his mouth, sucking your juices off, humming contently. 
“Mmmm you taste so good...” Chan wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you closer, burying his face in your clothed pussy. 
“You smell good too beautiful and you asked so nicely. How could I possibly say no.” Chan pushed your panties to the side and drug his tongue through your folds.  
“Oh, oh, fuck!” He lifted his head for a second and grinned at you before spreading your labia, pressing his soft lips against your cunt, and sucking your clit. The moan that came out of you went straight to Chan’s dick. He focused, gently licking and then sucking on your clit and then added two fingers, pushing them inside you. 
“Fuck baby girl you’re always so tight, gonna feel so good wrapped around my cock.” You moaned when Chan went back to slowly devouring you, pumping his fingers inside you. He started humming and groaning against your pussy as he pumped his fingers into you harder hitting the spot that made your body buzz. You gripped his hair tightly and pushed his face into your cunt more. 
“FUCKFuckfuck RRRIGHT THERE rrright there! Yes, Chan fucking lick me baby...FUCK... eat me good Channie! You’re gonna make me cum, fingers feel so fucking good inside me!” Chan doubled his efforts and soon had you sailing into the abyss. You came on his tongue as you rubbed yourself against his face. 
“I’m coming, oh... OH! Oh my god Chan, fuck, I-I'm coming!” Chan was practically a maniac, licking, sucking, drinking in every bit of you that he could as he finger fucked you hard through your orgasm. When Chan removed his mouth from your sex he sat back on his knees between your legs, grabbed your panties and ripped them exposing your cunt to him unobstructed. You gasped out surprised. 
“CHAN!” He smirked at you and then gripped your bra partially tearing it making sure your breasts were free and easily accessible to him.  
“I told you baby girl... when you least expected it.” You laughed; Chan loved making you laugh even when you were fucking. Right now, his cock twitched seeing you laying there giggling in that torn up lace. Chan wasted no more time. He grabbed your soft hips and pulled you close, lined up his cock, coated it in your cum and pushed inside you fully. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder immediately. 
“FUCK! God damn so tight beautiful.” Chan grabbed a hold of your garter belt and pumped into you harder and faster. 
“So big Channie, you fill me up so good baby, harder, fuck me harder!” Chan gave you a sly smile. 
“Say please?” You narrowed your eyes at him and smiled back, two could play this game. You gave Chan your biggest, sweetest fuck me eyes and whined. 
“Please, harder daddy!” Chan involuntarily moaned when you said that unable to hide how much he loved it when you called him that. He dug his fingers into your squishy hips tight and started fucking you hard just like you asked. 
“Does daddy’s good girl wanna get fucked hard? Treat you like a queen but fuck you like a whore? MY whore? Is that how you like it baby girl? Are you gonna cum for daddy?” He kept up his punishing pace and it was your turn to moan out uncontrollably. 
“Fuck yes yes yes! I’m gonna cum daddy please please make me cum!” Chan started rubbing your clit with his thumb as he continued to fuck your hard and deep. He leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
“Let go baby girl, cum for me, cum for daddy.” You saw stars, the whole galaxy behind your eyes as you came on Chan’s cock, coating him in your juices as you screamed his name. 
“CHAN! FUCK!” You laid there somewhere between limp and stiff as Chan fucked you, prolonging your orgasm, letting you ride the wave of ecstasy you were feeling for as long as possible. When you started panting trying to catch your breath Chan slowed down a bit, grabbing both your breasts and squeezing as he slowly slid his cock in and out of your creamy pussy. 
“You gonna let me cum all over this pretty lace baby girl? Fuck! Wanna paint that sexy body.” You nodded and when your head was on straight again, you started begging Chan to cum for you. 
“Please baby cum for me, cover me baby, cum all over my pussy, wanna feel it, so warm, Channie please cum for me!” Chan gripped your garter belt again, fucked you harder and you started to cum again.  
“Fuck fuck fuck Channie baby FUUUUUCK!” Your walls squeezed and fluttered around Chan’s cock. Your sudden orgasm pushed him over the edge, and he started to cum inside you.  
“I’m coming baby girl oh fuck yes, fuck!” He pulled out and stroked himself over you letting the rest of his load coat your belly and garter belt, your torn panties and your mound, as a little started to drip out of your hole.  
“That’s my beautiful girl, fuck you look so good covered in my cum.” Chan rubbed the head of his cock up and down your slit making both of you shudder and twitch from the overstimulation. Chan started getting hard again just looking at you laid out like that. Your plush body flushed, breathless, your big breasts rising and falling quickly. Fucked out in torn up lingerie, running your fingers through Chan’s cum on your soft belly and licking it off.  
“Let’s go clean up baby. I wanna rip the rest of this off you. Then maybe I can wash you up real good with that massaging shower head they have.” He pressed a soft kiss to your neck and then his lips were against the shell of your ear. 
“Maybe bend you over that marble bench in the shower and give you my cock again, unload all over that thick ass this time.” Your pussy clenched and more of Chan’s cum came dripping out. Chan stood up and started walking backwards towards the bathroom, his firm body and his hard cock both proudly on display for you as he beckoned you to follow.  
Chan made you cum twice on the shower head and two more times on his cock before he was satisfied. He came all over your backside and rubbed it all over your ass as he rutted against you. After, you both quickly washed up to get to bed. You were absolutely exhausted by the marathon of fucking you had just had. You curled up under the big soft duvet resting your head in the crook of Chan’s arm that was wrapped around you. He kissed the top of your head then you both settled in and melted together as you fell asleep. 
You were leaning over a very round belly planting your new flowers in the little garden in front of your house while Chan and your son were kicking a soccer ball around the yard together. It was the perfect day to be outside as a family and even though you were due any day and you were supposed to be taking it easy, you had to get these flowers done before this little girl made her entrance into the world. You weren’t doing anything too crazy just sitting and digging in the dirt a little you should be fi- you felt a contraction which wasn’t surprising necessarily, but it was a strong one and then suddenly your sun dress was wet. 
“Uhhh... Chan?” Him and your son turned towards your voice and when Chan saw the look on your face and the wet dress, he knew. 
“CJ it’s baby time little guy. Go grab mommy’s bag and put it in the car while I help her up, okay?” The little boy who had just turned six that year nodded and ran into the house. Chan hurried over to you and you felt another contraction, this one hurt. 
“FFfffuck.” You gritted quietly through your teeth squeezing Chan’s hand. You didn’t want to alarm your son and you tried to not swear like that in front of him if you could help it. Chan held your hand and rubbed your lower back as you did your breathing through the contraction. When it ended you looked up at Chan with tears in your eyes. 
“I know we’ve done this before, but it seems like it was so long ago now. I’m scared Chan.” He smoothed your hair back away from your face and softly kissed your lips. 
“Look at me, okay? CJ is getting your bag, we’re gonna get you to the hospital and everything is going to be fine, okay? How do we get through things? Hmm? Like CJ’s birth, the cancer scare with your mom, like Australia?” You sniffled and wiped your tears as you calmed down. 
“Together.” Chan nodded and smiled, kissing your lips softly again. 
 @caroline-ds-world @jquellen27 @chansynie @ughbehavior @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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ccrusso · 2 months
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[ alexa demie , cis female, she/her ] — whoa! CECILIA “CECE” RUSSO just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 2 WEEKS, working as a HAIR & NAIL BEAUTICIAN. that can’t be easy, especially at only 31 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit BLUNT  and STUBBORN , but I know them to be FREE SPIRITED  and LOYAL. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to THE BRONX! — (rae, 26, mnt, she/they, n/a)
IN A NUTSHELL: the sound of stilettos clicking through a sidewalk, waiting for your fresh manicure to dry, being unsure of what comes next in life, unfiltered laughter, speaking your mind, having glittery pepper spray kept in your bag
* filling Gabi Mendoza’s Cousin wanted connection (isn’t listed but we discussed!) !
cecelia was born and raised in miami, florida where she had stayed up until now, always being surrounded by extended family like gabi, who was practically like a sister to her since they were kids
she was always seen as a bright, charismatic kid and started doing pageants with her mom as her number one supporter up until she couldn’t anymore, and was always seen to have so much potential that according to her mom…didn’t lead up to much now that she’s in her early 30s
she realized quickly after she aged out of her pageants that cece didn’t really know what she wanted to do with her life but she knew she enjoyed the process of looking pretty (ie nails, hair, make up etc) which lead her to working at the local salon in miami and she fell in love instantly
it was hard for her once gabriella decided to leave to new york, it almost felt like she was losing her other half even but she knew the girl was ready to do what she wanted most in life and she looked up to her a lot for it, their updates back and forth to each other meaning a lot to her when the events that lead her to ultimately uproot herself to new york as well took place
cece for sure had known her now ex fiancé for years, they were that couple that have been together for like ever and she was so ready to marry him, unable to say yes fast enough w practically tackled him once he proposed and then…it’s called off just like that and she’s left confused and upset (i’m purposefully leaving the reason for calling the wedding off open in case i wanna make it a wc later that can be discussed!)
she’s left to go back and live with her parents and a mother who then felt even MORE entitled to her daughters life now that they were back under the same roof, believing it HAD to be cece’s fault that the engagement with ricky fell through
it felt like the little nail salon was the only space she had left anymore…until she didn’t, getting fired for messing up terribly on a usual customer’s manicure while venting about the cruel turn her life had taken…needless to say she was an absolute mess and NEEDED to go somewhere where no one knew her and gabi texted her with perfect timing , causing cece to impulsively decide to move to new york and help her cousin at the hair salon…she knew more about nails but her pageant days gave her a leg up
she’s now been here a few weeks and is still getting to know how everything works but hey at least she’s not home
she’s half italian and is very outspoken and bubbly but stubborn and knows how to fend for herself (and others) when she has to
ive based her after fran fine from the nanny, the mafia boss’ daughter in zootopia and sofia bicecleta from the unsleeping city campaign from dimension 20 lol wild
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
haiii it's the anon that wrote the orange light analysis again😭😭all ur aeon posts recently have got something on my chest
despite my video I don't actually ship aeon... like they're a good duo and I like them together but in the remakes there aren't any romantic moments between them and I feel like aeon shippers deliberately misinterpret scenes to fit their narratives and their beliefs
Like the kiss scene in 2 HOW was that romantic... re2r was my second re game and even I realised the first time I played it that he was annoyed and didn't kiss her back. But aeon stans never mention that they're just like 'oh they kissed so they're in love' nooo... SHE kissed HIM. and not for any romantical reason either. And then when Annette tells him Ada isn't FBI he doesn't question it he just seems dissapointed because he KNEW she wasn't. But aeon fans get so mad when u say that they act like it's real life like it's not that deep....
And also the shippers who act like their head over heels for eachother. They're not like they do not know eachother. They r practically strangers (talking ab the remakes.) And it's very clear with the remakes Leon has more of a spine and isn't allowing himself to be pushed around by her. Ppl infantilise him and make him seem stupid but it's like../. In re2r he is. A 21-year-old GROWN MAN. maybe a bit naïve but not some stupid little baby who can't tell Ada is fucking with him which is the way a lot of people paint him.
N e wayz this is long as hell u don't even have to respond😭just wanted this off my chest I love talking about their relationship.
anon, if we were together in person, i'd offer to take you out for a drink.
believe it or not, it even took me a long time to break away from that "aeon as default" mindset. it's only been since... may of this year that i've felt comfortable/confident enough to say that aeon has been de-canonized and eagleone is far closer to a canon romance than they are in the remake-verse.
RE6 has been out for 10 years, and the post i just made the other day where i first mentioned that RE6 ends with leon rejecting ada is the first time i've said that out loud/in public. because that "aeon as default" discourse is so prevalent and oppressive.
but we need to be willing to talk about these things openly and with our names attached if anything in the fandom is going to change. and it can't just be me, either. like i've said, my reach is very limited. but the fact of the matter is that aeon fandom has had a chokehold on the conversation surrounding this series for 25 fucking years, and their interpretation of the story is wrong.
it's just wrong.
it's incorrect.
it's not what the story actually is.
and it's being pitched to new fans without giving said new fans a chance to think or speak on their own. and the perpetuation of misinformation throughout this fandom continues.
people are finally starting the first rumblings of pushing back against the "leon's background is in the italian mafia" bullshit. we can push back on the aeon narrative, too.
because we should.
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cryptidsurveys · 21 days
Thursday, September 5th, 2024.
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Who do you talk to about personal problems? Mainly my dad and my therapist. I have started opening up to my mom a little bit (not only with problems, but with things of a personal nature, the past, etc), but I'm trying to do it in small increments that way I can draw back at any time if things get too uncomfortable. And I could go to Oliver, but I prefer not to. There was a time in our friendship when I leaned on them far too heavily; it wasn't healthy and I don't want to repeat it. I know that they would be there for me if I needed them, but it's enough to simply feel their supportive presence while chatting about random whatnot, laughing over a silly video, or something like that.
Do you wear make-up? I haven't worn makeup for years. This is apparently how my brain works: I would wear it if I had any actual skill, but I'm not willing to practice in order to develop that skill. So…barefaced it is.
Do you shower daily? Not quite. There's usually one day a week when I don't bother, and today was that day. My dad and I went to the Mountain Park and aside from a brief stop at Carl's Jr. I wasn't planning on being around anyone long enough (or close enough) for it to matter.
Do you think any guys are going to take this survey? It's possible. I know of at least one guy in the survey-taking realm, but will he take (or has he taken) this survey specifically? Idk.
Do you love to shop? I actually really enjoy going grocery shopping, especially during the holiday season. I go a little bit overboard when it comes to holiday treats. When it comes to other things, it's like a potential addiction that's reasonably well-controlled. I know I don't truly need (or sometimes even want) new things. It's just my brain looking for that dopamine hit or attempting to fill a void, and I can usually catch myself before making a pointless purchase.
What is your favourite accessory? Do lip piercings count? I've had them for so long that I wouldn't feel like myself without them. I have an Italian charm bracelet that I wear all the time as well. Rings are also nice, but I only wear them occasionally.
Tampons or pads? Blah.
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend? I was just about to turn 13. I'm not even sure if I should count it because it was a middle school relationship, but we did date for a little over a year. It also raises the question of which relationships should count because it's not like there was a hard line between serious and unserious. Although, tbh, I don't think I've had one that was truly serious… I loved those people, sure, but damn - none of those relationships were mature, healthy, or sustainable.
If you were to have sex right now, would you use a condom? I don't want to have sex with anyone.
Do you think it’s bad to have sex at your age? No.
Would you cry if you got pregnant? Yeah. Definitely not happy tears. This is why I would probably refrain from sex in certain situations - I just don't trust various forms of birth control to do their job and I don't want any surprises.
Do you have real or fake fingernails? Real.
Are you content with the current weather? Yesss. It's cool and cloudy and it's been raining on and off all day. Perfect Mountain Park weather with undeniable hints of autumn.
Do you own many pairs of shorts? No.
Is there a place you’d rather be right now? I'm fine with being here for the time being, but I am serious when I say I'm going to take some extra time off here and there to get out to the mountains. At least…I hope I'm serious. Future Me, don't let me down, okay? Take some fvcking TIME for YOURSELF.
Is there an article of clothing you need to buy right now? There was an article of clothing I wanted to buy, but I ended up getting it for free thanks to Veronica (a board member at the animal shelter). She was in the other day and saw me wearing a staff shirt, so she asked, "Does that mean…or are you just…?" And I was like, "Yeah, I'm still just a volunteer, ahah." But she had me go up to the front where they have some shirts and merch and such and pick out a few things, one of which was a pine green sweater I had been eyeing. I was planning on buying it once the weather cooled off if it was still there, so…score! :')
Is there a situation you currently feel hopeless about? Kind of, yeah, which is funny because this situation is going to end come September 21st. Alex is leaving!!! My brain just can't seem to comprehend that it's going to be over sooner than I think, and then I'll never have to deal with her again. I am so excited to see how our little cattery group will develop after she's gone. I feel like it's going to be so much more supportive and chill.
Have you ever wanted to get drunk and take your mind off of everything? In the past, yeah. Nowadays, getting drunk just sounds…ugh. Fun in theory but probably regrettable in reality.
How long does it take you in the shower? 10-15 minutes.
Does your password have to do with a person? One of them does.
Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love? I don't know what's "best," but I would like to take things slow in future relationships.
Do you have any fun plans for tomorrow? I'll be at the animal shelter for a full day.
Have you ever had to choose between two people? Maybe kinda sorta.
Do you think 2018 will top 2017? 2018 was an absolute dumpster fire. Probably the rock bottomiest of all my rock bottoms. The following years were a jagged climb, but THANK GOD I am so far away from that place now.
Have you ever been in a hospital? Yeah.
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texmexgurl · 1 month
Francesca in her mid forties decided to take a chance on a blind date but fate and a tall Austrian man had other plans. She was a manager at the premiere hotel in Monaco and he happened to be an uptight guest that got on her last nerve.
Hotel manager x Toto Wolff
Chapter 1: First Date
I looked at myself in the mirror wishing my daily skin routine would take off a few years. I mean I don’t look terrible for my mid-forties but the grey hair would take over if I didn’t dye it every month. I am going on a date tonight at a new trendy restaurant in Monaco. The last time I went on a date it was with my ex-husband, so I am out of practice. A blind date adds another level of anxiety. 
I do not come to Monaco often, but I am here for work for the next week til the Monaco Grand Prix is over. I manage a few hotels around Italy and France so it gets pretty busy during the summertime and for big events like a race weekend. Our hotel houses all the drivers and staff, so I need to blow off some steam before next week. I can not remember the last time I had sex. I don’t even have high expectations, but I only have a few weeks away from my son before I go back home to Italy. 
I make my way to the restaurant thinking about all the possible ways this could go wrong. I walk in and see a man matching the description my friend gave me. 
“Hello, it is nice to meet you in person. I have heard great things about this place, but haven’t been able to get here.” I say sitting down at the table
“I think you have the wrong person. I am here meeting the short Italian man behind you” he points to a man in a polo waiting to sit down
“This is embarrassing. I have a blind date and you match the description but now I see I was wrong” I get up and see a man at the back of the room waving at me. I slowly do a walk of shame to the right table. The man is also wearing a light blue shirt but not nearly as attractive. He has greyish brown hair with a thick mustache. 
“Did you find the place okay? I have been coming here regularly since the opening” he says sipping the wine I guess he already ordered. 
“Well since you are a regular, what do you recommend?” I study the menu carefully looking for something that would not cost over 50 euros. 
“The filet is amazing along with all their drinks. So what brings you to Monaco? Not many people come here for work and don’t stay forever. I came in the 2000s and haven’t even thought of moving back home.”
“ I love my life in Italy and I just sometimes don’t know who is real here. Not saying anything against you.” I respond truthfully
We continue to have a good conversation but I can’t help but let my eyes linger to the table I first sat at. I could only see the back of his head but for some reason, I wish I was not mistaken. I know this is not moral, but I came here for a fun night and Harry can provide that. As we walk out Harry stops right at the table I was at previously to my horror.
“Can I get a picture? I am a huge fan of Formula 1. I was wondering what my date was doing with another man but now I completely understand.” the mystery man stands up towering over both of us “Could you take the photo, Francesca?” I nod wanting this moment to end
“Nice talking to you earlier Francesca and I am always happy to meet fans” he says to both of us but he is staring right into my eyes with a small smirk on his face. 
All I want is to act selfishly for once in my life and go for what I want. I hinted to Harry that I was not looking for anything beyond this and waited for him to leave before walking back into the restaurant to sit down across from the mystery man but he was nowhere to be seen. 
“Look, our car is shit compared to other teams. I want to be on the podium in Monaco so what modifications and upgrades can we do?” I asked our lead engineer but it is clear that this conversation was going nowhere. I had dinner with the Ferrari team principal in an hour about Lewis and his future there. I arrive at the restaurant early to get a drink and relax. Fred texts that he is dropping his car off at the valet. 
“Hello, it is nice to meet you in person. I have heard great things about this place, but haven’t been able to get here” says a beautiful woman around my age. I will say I am confused about why she is sitting here but it is becoming clear that sadly she is here for another man. 
“I thought you were ditching me for that lady not that I would blame you.” Fred says jokingly 
“Yeah well the thought crossed my mind.” I say honestly. “Does it look like she is having a good time?”
“Maybe, she keeps looking this way so I would say you had a good impression.” I wish I could turn around without looking desperate. I decided to change the topic to Lewis to try and distract myself. 
“Lewis is excited about the change. I will say I was pissed for a while because he is like family to me. I do want what is best for him but I may have to ignore you at the hotel this week.”
“I never understood why you stay at a hotel in Monaco when you live here. Why give up your amazing house for a hotel?”
“I really like the hotel and want to be able to be close to my staff and drivers if anything were to happen. Also they have a new manager this year, so I need to make sure it is up to our standards. A bad hotel can make a race hell for drivers. Remember in Austin when the college students took over the floor. I can still feel the vibrations in my head. My kids are staying at my place for while they are on summer break and as much as I love them they can be annoying. Andrea is coming with her boyfriend and Alex loves video games and yelling while playing them. So the hotel is the best option even with an inexperienced manager.”
Francesca. The name of the woman in my thoughts all night. I could not listen to a word Fred was saying because I was imagining her on a date with another man. When the man stopped to get a photo, I could see the fear in her eyes. I tried to be nice to the guy but I could not keep my eyes off of her. My night got worse because not only did she leave with that jerk, but I got a call from George that he was stuck in England due to severe weather delays. I head back to the hotel to try to get some sleep.
It was pointless trying to sleep so I sent an email to the manager of the hotel to inform them about the expectations of my team along with the needed items for the weekend. Marco, the old manager, knew how to run a tight ship without making any enemies. I never had any issues here, but we need everything to be perfect in order to even attempt a podium. 
Chapter 2: oops
The nerve of this man to send me an email close to midnight about all of his needs. I want the best for all my guests but pumpernickel bread is not as important as the needs of the hundreds of other people staying here. Whoever this Toto is needs someone to knock some sense into him. Who even goes by Toto? I mean a dog maybe but an uptight jerk seems more fitting now. Now I am not proud of this but the liquor is starting to kick in and I need a release which seems to be a perfect blend to write a very passive aggressive email. 
Dear Mr. Wolff, 
While I understand your concern about the way I will run the hotel during your stay I can assure you everything will be up to the same standard as previous stays. I do not appreciate being contacted at this time of day and no one else has tried to reach me at this time before. Maybe you think you are entitled to more than others due to your position of  “CEO/Team Principal”. I will have all the items you requested and maybe if I have any extra time this weekend can personally wipe your ass. 
Best Wishes - that you lose!
Ms. DeLuca
I was never going to send this but it was fun writing it. I put my phone on my bed and went to sleep after a bit of tossing and turning. When I woke up it showed another email from this Toto guy, so I am assuming he wanted to apologize for the message last night but the reality was far worse. When I see my drunken email from last night was the one he was replying to. 
“FUCK, NO NO this can not be happening.” Why Fran why? I hate myself, him, and the guy at the restaurant for not being there.when i came back. I can tell you right now that I would have not been checking my email if he was there. I am afraid of even looking at his response. I am probably fired and blacklisted from any other company in the area. I mean me and my son could move back to America but he loved his life in Italy. I finally calmed down and went into PR mode. I will make sure Toto has the best possible experience from now on. 
I woke up at 7am to an email from some people from work and the hotel manager. I slowly read the email from Ms. DeLuca to see if maybe I read it wrong the first time. I mean I work with a lot of people who speak their mind, but I did not think my requests were that outlandish. I can not help but laugh. I have not had someone talk to me this way since my ex wife said if I could fuck a car then I would just marry Mercedes. This makes me even more intrigued about this woman. I wrote her an email back saying that maybe she may want to go back and read through emails before sending them. I also decided to tell her I will call for my ass whipping sometime during my stay since it was offered. 
I called Marco to ask him about this new manager and what her story was. I am very intrigued about this mystery woman. Most would be mad. I mean Christian would have her fired immediately but I want to get to know her better. I still have the woman from last night on my mind but this DeLuca lady is now taking front and center.  
“Ciao Marco, I am just calling about the new manager of the hotel? Is she going to run the hotel as well as you? She is not even from Monaco, therefore she may not be able to understand the caliber of this event.” 
“Slow down Toto. She has been in charge of customer relations for our Rome, Sicily, and Lyon branches remotely, but wants to take on a more involved role. Her son is older now, so she does not have to be home all the time. I can assure you I gave her everything she needs to be successful. You can be a real pain in the ass, so try to tone that down a little. She is a sweet woman who deserves this chance.” he goes on but I focus on the fact that she has a son, so probably has a husband. “I would set you up with her but I think she is too good for you”
“Ahh most women are too good for me but I don’t know if I trust you to set me up. I mean she could be a 70 year old with yarn in her purse.” I laugh off trying not to sound too desperate for information about the intriguing woman. 
“For your case I wish she was some old lady but she is a very attractive, sweet, caring woman. She is originally American but speaks Italian and French, so she is a real asset to our team here. If she quits after this weekend, I blame you. 
“Yes, she seems very sweet from our brief encounter. She even offered me extra help if I needed it.” I try to sound genuine without being sarcastic. “Well I will talk to you once this is all over to complain about everything like I always do.”
“Ciao Stronzo (asshole)” 
Not even a minute later I get a call from an unknown caller. “Hello, is this Mr. Wolff? This is Ms. DeLuca from The Riviera Hotel.”
“I was not expecting a call from you but you are braver than most. I can tell that something happened the night you email because nobody has tried to please me more in a long time. I thought I would have to wait at least a few more years before someone would have to help me in the bathroom.”
“Look, I will be honest, I had a bad night and had a few drinks when your email came through. I am such a perfectionist that your email made me overwhelmed and had me questioning all the preparations that I had done just for more things to be on my plate. I formally apologize and if there is anything outside the bathroom I could assist you in then just call me on this number.”
“Calm down, Delu-”
“Francesca, please call me Francesca or Franny” No way… It is not the most popular name but there is a possibility they are not related at all. 
“Okay, Francesca. Why don’t we meet at the hotel tonight since I am going to check in today? I can clear up some of my requests and get to know you better since I will probably be seeing you a lot in the future.”
“That would be great. I am sorry by the way for how I handled everything” she said before saying goodbye.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I haven't read your HP fics but now I'm thinking... how would you fix it? Like would you toss shisui in there?
Hmm.... Well, tbh, if I was gonna fix HP I would (tear that evil author limb from limb and rip out all the discrimination and bullshit-) consider several routes and, no, they're not all Shisui-shaped lol
Harry fixes it. I'm actually someone who loves the main character. It's like Percy Jackson, I love the OG protag and I love seeing them tear off a few heads as they go. World building, canon divergence, that addictive blend of non-magical 90s culture with magical paganism... Yes please (now you're making me long for my Thresholds fic, where Time Travelling Luna raises Harry 🥹)
Bill fixes it. I would write this so hard. He's a curse breaker, what the fuck does that entail, what's it like working for Gringotts (please tell me he has diplomatic immunity, please) and why the hell didn't the order/Sirius hire his ass to gut Grimmauld. He would've found that locket so fast. In fact, he meets Harry pre-World Cup and is immediately like 'hey you have rancid vibes, kid, might wanna fix that'. Like c'mon. Also what the fuck does Fleur do, what is her job? I wanna say an Enchantress, cuz c'mon. Where are my coworkers to friends to lovers Fics about these two sexy badasses (Bill is immune to her allure, mainly practice and willpower, and he's trying to be professional and not be a dickhead to this gorgeous and talented woman who has been sexualized and objectified her whole life WHILST fleur thinks Bill is straight up gay/not interested because even respectful guys slipped up at some point so she's trying to just get over that horrible shock that the one time she wants her allure to really work it is flopping, all this on top of moving to a new country and trying to prove herself at work and perfect her English... CMON 😫)
you asked about Shisui, I didn't do this! So Shisui... I'm going to split into subcategories...
the classic 'reborn' shtick. You gotta make him a Black, you gotta c'mon. Sirius's playboy-era whoops son? Eighteen-year-old Regulus had a 'im gonna fucking die' one night stand before his death? Who knows, not me because this is off the top of my head lol. Is he attending Hogwarts at the same time as harry? Sure, he'd be in Hufflepuff which is probably the only reason the whole school hasn't like stoned him for being who he is (🙃). Just for fun I would also ship him with Harry because, well, I love the world building around how Potters love. Shisui deserves that. Harry also deserves Shisui's brand of terrifyingly loyal devotion. Damn it to fucking hell, now I ship it and you just KNOW there's no Fics out there for this 🤡🤡🤡
Shisui, blind, wakes up at some point in HP canon. Maybe Harry finds him at the bottom of the lake when he's diving for the sword (seen some stuff about him and Regulus in the cave too), maybe he does that old classic 'dramatic crash-land in the middle of dinner at the great hall' trope, idk??? This one is super messy tho because the story gets tripped up by lots of stuff; Shisui angst about being here and not back in Narutoverse, why would Shisui (an emancipated assassin) stick around at a school in Scotland where he literally popped out of thin air instead of exploring the world etc, Shisui needing to acclimatise Shinobi to magical etc etc....
Shisui reincarnation into an actual canon character. Again, don't really like this as much as the first because, well, who's it gonna be? Regulus? That's neat but what about Harry's school years specifically? I think Shisui would make a very cool Blaise Zabini, whether from birth or not, because 1) black widow mother is both endeared and pleasantly surprised by son's support and 2) cool three-way culture clash between shinobi-"Japanese" & UK magical & Italian magical. Also I like fanon Blaise.
What else? Idk, like I said earlier this is all off the top of my head so enjoy, Anon! ✨
...But dammit now I ship Shisui/Harry why 🤡
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