#i need to start eating more veggies and actually preparing food
prying-pandora666 · 3 days
The Gaang’s Favorite Foods
Aang is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. He still consumes milk and eggs, just nothing that requires killing an animal. Being more used to getting nutrients from a variety of plant foods including nuts and seeds, supported by nutrient rich bison milk and whatever eggs they eat in this world, Aang’s diet is surprisingly diverse and not as restrictive as it first seems. People have and still do eat this way. He loves egg tarts!
Sokka is a growing teen boy, used to a high-fat diet of primarily fish, mollusks, large ruminants, marine mammals (and their blubber), full fat milk, eggs, blood, etc, and only minorly supported by additional foods like seaweed, berries, tubers, perhaps the occasional imported flour or rice. He is going to need a LOT of animal meat and fat. Especially organs. The cookbook says he loves dried salmon collars.
Katara is also a growing teen girl, and considering what starts for girls around her age, she probably also has higher iron requirements. Heme-iron (from meat) is the most easily absorbed, and if it’s what her body is accustomed to, I imagine there’s going to be a lot of cravings there too. It’s possible she slowly converted to a vegetarian diet eventually, but there isn’t actually anything in canon to say that Katara and Aang didn’t just maintain different diets. The comics and cookbook say she likes soups and stews including sea prunes which are actually a type of mollusk.
Toph comes from a wealthy family. Although most of the Earth Kingdom relies primarily on staple grains (rice mainly, but also others), she likely had a decently diverse diet compared to others. Including plenty of meat (beef, chicken, duck, pork), a variety of vegetables, and even luxury items like refined sugar. According to the cookbook, she doesn’t like to eat her vegetables, which implies she had open access to meat for most of her life. She is fond of tea eggs.
Zuko comes from the wealthiest nation which is also in a tropical climate. He’d have access to a plethora of fruits the others had never even heard of! Tropical fruits, berries, coconut, and all the different dishes you can make with them. The nutrient-rich volcanic soil would also lend itself to farming, giving this country plenty of fresh vegetables and staple grains. However, culturally they seem to be a meat and seafood loving people, and spiciness is critical! Being a prince, Zuko would have even more access to all of the above than the common person. According to the cookbook, his favorite snack is sizzle-crisps which is basically fried and seasoned pork belly. He also sneaks Komodo-chicken to his uncle in prison.
Azula, like Zuko, is royalty in a nation blessed with great diversity of fruits, meat, seafood, and fresh veggies. We know she attended a harsh military academy which puts its students through rigorous survival training. Azula knows how to live off the land and likely can survive off of whatever petty things she can forage or catch. But being royalty, she is more accustomed to having whatever she desires prepared for her. She seems to have a bit of a sweet tooth, which can happen when you give a teen unfettered access to luxury goods like sugar. With her nation’s relatively advanced stage of industrialization, certain more processed foods and desserts are available to her. She is fond of cherries and in the comics she is a fiend for mochi!
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pumpkinofthedale · 4 months
Decided to actually make food today!
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vrystalius · 30 days
I was watching Sanemi's training episode and thought about this ask."Sanemi was training the hunters,his wife called him and all the hunters to have lunch with the delicious food she made,but when the hunters saw Sanemi's wife they were enchanted by her beauty and kindness,how would Sanemi react to seeing the hunters enchanted by his wife's beauty?" (Sorry for my bad english)
❕Sanemi’s reaction to his trainees being enchanted by you
You were kind enough to prepare meals for Sanemi’s students after a long and gruelling training session. They absolutely adore you! How will your husband react?
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Note: Thank you so much for requesting. Your english is very good, don’t worry! I have another request in my inbox I’m planning to write and publish today. Sorry for not being very active today.
Pairing: Sanemi x fem!reader
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— Sanemi has been letting his assigned slayers suffer. He beat their ass with the wooden training katana until it broke, or until the slayer passed out. If the wooden katana broke before the trainee did, Sanemi made sure to continue with his fists. Is this even proper training anymore? Striking or even coming close to this maniac seemed impossible!!
— You knew that your husband is not holding back with his assigned slayers, and so you prepared beforehand: You had a fully stocked pantry and medical closet. You made sure to grab extra medicine and bandages from the butterfly mansion even before the first slayers arrived, wanted to make sure everyone is surviving Sanemi’s training.
— While Sanemi was taking on his trainees, you were cooking some veggie miso soup with a side of steamed dumplings. While that was brewing, you were making a small batch of ohagi just for Sanemi. It’s also very tiring for him, and you’re sure he’d want something sweet to eat during his break.
— Shortly after pouring the soup into the bowls and arranging the dumplings on side dishes, the first starved and badly bruised slayers arrived. Well, they more likely crawled towards the scent of food.
— While they wolfed down their bowls of veggie miso soup, you carefully tended to their wounds while they were distracted. You dabbed on an ointment and wrapped some bandages around their torso’s, arms and legs, speaking encouraging words to them. After the slayers ate and managed to rest up for a while, they actually realised from who they got all this caring attention from.
“Mrs.Sh-Shinazugawa! You’re an angel! Our saviour!”
“Can I have another bowl of soup? Pleeeaase?”
“My shoulder hurts, can you massage me a little? Pretty please, Mrs.Shinazugawa!!”
— But one question lingered on their minds collectively: How the hell did Sanemi find such an angel of a woman like you?! And how the hell did you agree to marry him? Were you forced? Paid? Beaten into submission?!
— Regardless, more and more of Sanemi’s poor trainees showed up crawling, sobbing or being carried/dragged across the dirt by their mates. They desperately needed nourishment and tending to their wounds, or there will be fatalities. You didn’t know if you were supposed to laugh or cry at the sight.
— Sanemi noticed how more and more of his slayers disappeared. Are they seriously hiding from him? Idiots. He started stomping through the training ground, following the smell of green tea and miso soup. That’s where he found you and almost all of his slayers.
— You tended to almost every single slayer personally, patching them up and giving them encouraging words. Some of his trainees even started following you around, trying to help you out and leave a good impression. Maybe you’ll give them extra portions of food or kind praises? Your voice sounded like a healing melody in comparison to Sanemi’s constant yelling and insults.
— But the peaceful atmosphere of you giving out some leftover miso soup and holding some light conversation with the trainees here and there was interrupted by Sanemi’s yelling.
“You’re all useless!! Ya think hiding behind my wife is allowing you to skip training, hah?! Back to the training grounds, shitheads!!”
— Yes, Sanemi is incredibly angry about his slayers hiding from him, especially crawling to you for safety and respite. But he’s more angry about the fact how they were all trying to get your attention and affections. Sanemi doesn’t mind when you interact with other people, or even men. He gets slightly jealous when men get too comfortable and start flirting with you,but Sanemi trusts you. He will interfere if things get too much though, just like now.
— Sanemi is feeling very jealous right now. He saw how you tended to the slayers. Your fingers were wrapping bandages around their wounds and bruises, and you were being so incredibly gentle and soft. You were blushing at their compliments and thanked them gracefully when they help you out.
— Your gentle touches should only be reserved for *him when you patch him up after a long night. Your hands should only touch *his skin with such carefulness and gentleness, and only Sanemi is supposed to make you blush with his* praises. Not these… good-for-nothing slayers.
— You are not oblivious, and you realised why Sanemi was really shooing them away. That’s exactly why you prepared the small batch of ohagi, just to show him that in the end, he’s the only one that received special treatment and affection from you. Although Sanemi only stops grumbling and complaining to you about his assigned trainees’ behaviour once you give him at least one kiss and some reassurance. But he still gave out severe punishments afterwards.
“Their annoying asses are getting on my damn nerves. I’m gonna have a fucking headache in the evening… soo… cuddles? Later?”
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed.
Anways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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spacesapphi · 1 month
HES Trio Headcanons (the third)
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That's right guys, another one (my brain is rotted). These three live in my head rent free
some the Shane ones are sad again, sorry
-had a pet hermit crab as a kid, he's always been a friend of the crabs!
- prefers fancy, decorative candles to scented ones. The prettier the better!
- trying his best to make his room look like Howls from Howls Moving Castle. That clutter of beautiful trinkets is exactly what he wants for a setup
- loves wearing his hair in braids, but is terrible at doing braids on himself. He usually asks Leah
- Willy is like a father to him. His bio father was not a kind man, and Willy is everything he wished his father could be and more
- Willy taught him how to fish too, and he's actually pretty good at it!
- very into a "method acting" style of writing, as in he'll live like a character he's trying to write for a while until he feels like he can realistically interpret them in his writing
- faked a British accent for about a month in middle school because he thought it sounded very sophisticated and artsy
- won't tell anyone, but he enjoys little Saturday morning cartoons now and then. It reminds him of the moments of joy he felt when he was little and he cherishes that
- tried to shave off his mustache once and seeing how he looked without it scared him so bad he vowed not to do it again. It looks so bad 😭💔
- wears that Ebenezer scrooge lookin nightgown and cap unironically, swears that it helps him sleep better
- lactose intolerant and has a gluten allergy. He doesn't like cheese and baked goods because of it, they make him really sick
- that being said, if u made/bought him gluten free stuff he would act like he owes his life to you
- once he was at the library at the same time Penny was tutoring the kids. It was during free reading time and Vincent told him he looked like a character in the book he was reading. It was Geronimo Stilton. Harvey has still not recovered from that
- really wanted siblings as a little kid but never had them, so he created an imaginary friend for himself and pretended to go on aviation missions with them
- has a lil gap between his front teeth, he gets a bit shy about it, but it's cute when he smiles and you can see it
- I changed my height headcanon, bro is 5'3 now
- his ENTIRE family is very short, his mom and Marnie are 5'0. Jas' parents were tall though so once she's older she's absolutely towering over Marnie and Shane
- had very long hair before taking in Jas. For many reasons, especially maintenance, he's kept it short since adopting her
- Him stealing food from Joja is a habit built from necessity, from the time before he moved back in with Marnie. He got to the point financially that he was often stealing food for him and Jas, because he was often forced to choose between groceries and paying rent.
- he's not a vegetarian, but he refuses to eat chicken specifically. Everytime he tries, he just can't bring himself to do it. He loves chickens too much
- even then, he still ate very little. Stealing was risky and he wanted to make sure Jas was given what she needed first. He always had her eat first, and would eat whatever she didn't, like crusts or veggies she didn't like. The night he moved back in with Marnie was the first time he had an actual meal in about a year
- After he starts recovery, he tries to be better friends with Penny given that she's Jas' teacher. She isn't very interested in being close with him, but he still tries to be friendly
- has an arsenal of dad jokes at the ready at any given moment, you are not prepared for how corny this man gets
- forever salty that LEWIS of all people is beating him on the junimo kart leaderboards
- He and Sam have a workplace besties kinda relationship. They still stay pretty good friends after Joja closes, Shane goes to all of his bands shows to show support
- the only festivals he really cares about are the egg festival, luau and Stardew valley fair. The rest he'll go to because it makes Jas and Marnie happy, but those three he has a passion for
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Bachelor/ettes and Cooking
Gonna rank how I think the marriage candidates would do in the kitchen
Elliott -- it takes a while, but once the man has a real kitchen at his disposal and some encouragement to try, I think he would really enjoy cooking and could be very good at it! I HC him as growing up in a wealthy home where he probably wasn't allowed to cook for himself, and then the cabin has nothing... but he remembers dishes he really enjoyed. I like to think he starts cooking just trying to help out once he moves to the farm, and there is DEF a learning curve... but there's a master chef hiding in there. I can feel it.
Alex -- you do not grow up with Grannie Evelyn and not learn how to cook. Impossible. Now, he's not a fancy chef by any means, but he can make a meal without issue. If you get this man a grill, he will 1000% become Grill Master, Kiss the Cook apron wearing Grill Dad. Also, though he rarely does it, he can bake up a storm. Generally only bakes for birthdays.
Harvey -- He can cook, but only cooks healthy meals. He will need to be taught that it's okay to season your food. Brown rice, steamed veggies, and plain tofu/ chicken breasts type guy. Otherwise, it's pre-packaged frozen food. Maybe he can get better w/ encouragement but he's always going to be checking portions and making sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and watch your sodium intake. The most likely bachelor to be vegetarian/ be willing to go vegetarian. Gets nauseated if he's preparing meat.
Shane -- Mid-tier like Harvey, but even though he's had kitchen access he rarely feels like cooking. He knows what seasoning is-- his usual cooking style is the exact opposite of Harvey, mostly family recipes. All flavor, calorie count who?? Loves making food covered in cheese, sauce, or gravy. His chili would win awards, but he only makes it once a year.
Sam -- He could keep himself alive if the box has directions. Anything more complicated than boxed mac and cheese, though, and he gets a little lost. Can help YOU in the kitchen very well, but to be honest he would rather be doing something more exciting.
Sebastian -- The only one who is a worse cook than him is Abigail. He is NOT allowed in the kitchen even to watch. Could burn iced tea.
Emily -- Oldest sister + working at the Saloon added together means she's definitely going to be a decent cook, but she genuinely enjoys cooking. She loves to experiment with different cultural dishes. She only cooks vegetarian or vegan dishes.
Penny -- She's pretty self sufficient. I don't think she knows too many recipes, but she enjoys experimenting if she moves to the farmhouse. She's very adapt at stretching a budget, and I think she would enjoy making jams/ pickles. Not the big amount the farmer does, but small batches in special flavors.
Leah -- She's a simple cook. She prefers raw dishes, or things like buddha bowls. A lot of texture and flavor. Loves using herbs and edibles from foraging locally. Leans vegetarian but doesn't mind fish from time to time.
Maru -- Maru is proficient at cooking, but I think takes after her dad too much and is very nutrient focused vs what actually makes a good meal. Occasionally makes questionable decisions in the name of efficiency. Could go from making some sort of casserole if busy w/ a project to Extremely Experimental if she has the time. No in between.
Haley -- I considered putting her higher but no. She has rarely if ever had to cook for herself before, so if she's at the farmhouse she will be surprised if you expect her to do anything in the kitchen. Eventually I think she could be fine. It's not hard. She just hates doing dishes. Enjoys baking somewhat, especially w/ Alex.
Abigail -- She eats rocks as a snack and thinks if you just crank the oven to 600 for fifteen minutes it's better than 350 for an hour. Her stomach is alien to this world. Can and will eat anything without issue.
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73647e · 2 years
I know nothing about France but what type of French food do you think Todd likes.
holy shit this is something i’ve been needing to talk about thank you for asking this!!!
as someone with too much exposure to french people, i think i’m confident in saying that his top 5 are:
1) bread. bread is the food that every single french person has on their top 5 best foods list, and todd is absolutely no exception. he fucking loves all bread. bread prepared in every single fucking possible way, from sourdough, to baguette, croissant, it’s all his fucking favorite!
2) quiche. i have nothing else to add. it’s fucking amazing, and it was one of the first things that todd can remember baking with his grandmother.
3) crepes!! god what self-respecting french person doesn’t like crepes. well, i’m sure many do, but i like crepes, and all the french people i talk to love them, and there’s no way that todd would be an exception to this rule!
4) escargot. literally everyone is revolted when todd tells them that he enjoys escargot. what do you mean you like eating snails? is what the poets ask him when finding out. he tells that, while its an acquired taste, it is actually really very good. the only reason that it isn’t higher is because the texture drives him mad.
5) coq au vin. this is a dish that todd didn't like at all as a kid, but quickly starts to love as an adult. chicken with his favorite veggies (god he fucking loves carrots), sign him up!
also honorable mention, but todd fucking hates steak frites while neil goes absolutely bonkers over them. i just know that neil is a frites type of fella, and especially paired with steak, it’s lipid and protein heaven for him. todd on the other hand, thinks that steak frites is an incredibly stupid or childish dish (it isn’t, he’s weird and neil tells him this all the time) and while todd does enjoy it, he says he more hates the idea of steak frites than the actual dish.
but any, yeah! todd’s a french person!
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liminalweirdo · 2 years
actually useful new years resolutions
If you never make New Years Resolutions, or are thinking about what you can do that’s actually going to be worthwhile:
Learn CPR and first aid. Depending on where you live and what season it is, ambulances are taking too long to reach emergencies because of pandemic-related staffing shortages. In some cases, this means several hours. NHS data released last week showed ambulance crews could not respond to almost one in four emergency calls because so many ambulances were waiting to hand patients over. Also, it looks good on a resume, if you care about that.
Start a garden (yes, even indoors). This should be self-explanatory considering inflation and the cost of food these days, but even one or two swiss chard or napa cabbage plants can go a long way in providing you with greens for the season. Microgreens are also a great way to go, because they’re ready to eat in just 1-2 weeks. If you have a balcony (or south-facing windows) tomatoes and bush-variety beans are a great vegetable to plant as well that should produce a pretty good harvest. Also, it’s good for you and the bees! If you want to try a garden but don’t have an outdoor space, microgreens will grow beside the window. Green onions, living lettuce, herbs, and celery are also possible to grow from cuttings. (Just be careful to keep toxic plants away from your pets, including tomatoes, green onions/chives.) If you need any advice on growing your own food, please feel free to send me an ask, I’d love to help you out.
Stock up on emergency supplies and learn basic emergency preparedness. Stuff like this should be normalized. I’m not telling you to start digging a bunker, I mean having things like enough bottled water, candles or a battery-powered lantern, dried goods (rice, granola bars, instant noodles, rice, pasta, tinned soup, canned veggies, canned fruits in your house (and a manual can opener, not an electric one). This will be useful for power outages and bad weather, both of which are increasing. Stock up on medication like Tylenol/Advil/Pedialyte or Dioralyte etc. for colds, flu, and general illness. I know it’s hard sometimes, but please try to keep your prescribed meds up to date. If bad weather is coming, see if you can get more. 
This doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Put $5-$15 towards emergency supplies each grocery run and that should be enough to have a good amount of emergency supplies within a month or two. The best time to start is now. Having a supply of bottled water is great for power outages. Filling your bathtub or a bucket to flush your toilet in power outages is a great idea. If your water expires you can use it for cleaning household surfaces and flushing the toilet in a power outage. (Please be careful of small pets and small children if you have buckets/bathtubs filled with water uncovered/attended)
BUY A FIRST AID KIT. Buy two if you can. Keep one in your house and one in your car and replenish it as you use it.
Please feel free to add to this list. Feel free to send me an ask if you want/need any advice on how to prepare for emergencies. I can’t promise I’ll have all the answers, but I will try to help.
Stay safe out there i love you all
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laurathegreatest · 1 month
August will be my starting point. 🌊🌻
Wednesday 14 (D-16 until september)
Weigh in: 65.55kg.
Food eaten: 3 black coffees, lettuce, sesame seeds, a tomatoe, a bit of vinegar, a boiled egg, a banana, 2 and a half small pieces of meet, cooked mushrooms, cooked green beans, cooked pepper, and a bit of an hojaldre and some iced lemomade. A small empanadilla.
To do:
Stretch lightely, go running 10 minites with your doggy, do your stretching routine, do a small strength circuit, stretch lightely.
Shower and do your skincare.
Ice your knee and have a lettuce bowl with vinegar and a boiled egg for breakfast. And a tomatoe and seasem seeds.
~ 10:04 ~ The last few weeks have been very difficult for me. I have had no sttenfth to do anything, but I am back on track. I need to feel I have a direction and I am going to do my very best.
~ 12:31 ~ I finished my tasks!!!!! It's been so long since I last could make myself be productive, that right now I feel like I could do anything. I feel amazing. 🥰
Right now I am eating my salad and I feel more than satisfied.
I love being on track, it feels amazing. August Is. Gonna. Be. My. Month, and I am going to be my dream self. 💙💙💙💪
To do:
Prepare your bag to go to your grandma's house.
Walk your doggy.
Go to your grandma's house.
~15:01 ~ I had lunch with my grandma (cooked veggies with meat and a piece of fruit). And now I am going to take a nap and continue. I've got this! 🩷💙
To do:
Actualize both your cv. Send your cv to all the places near you (includind Em).
Check your opportunities of jobs in the town hall. Every one.
Get pads.
~ 18:52 ~ I am glad I didn't waste anytime scrolling today, so now I can relax.
I asked a girl I talk with at the climbing gym, if she could go out of her way to take me with her in her car. Because I can't drive and I usually go on my electric bike and today it is been raining heavy all day. Which is great since the temperatures have dropped from usually 27°C at this current hour, to 19°C right now.
I am fighting my feelings of being a nuisance. She is so nice to make me this favor, I feel like I owe her one, and I am feeling so bad, for making her make me this favor. I know she's doing it because she wants to, and because she's a good person... But still, it feels bad. Ugh. I hate asking for favors for this exact reason. But this is how you bond with people, being vurnerable...
It will be okay, I will just be grateful. 🩷
I searched for jobs online, and went through the rain to buy myself some pads (my sister left me without), and climbing shoes.
I had to buy my climbing shoes today no matter what because tomorrow, some people from the gym and I will go rock climbing.
I am so excited! The "friend" (i hope we become closer soon!), who invited me is letting me borrow a vest and a helmet, and everything else.
I am very excited because I always wanted to learn. And I couldn't go tomorrow morning to the shop because it is a national holiday and everythinv will be close.
I got as wet as if I had gone swimming. But anyways, it was fun getting cold in the summer. And I gained time to walk my doggy again.
I am now relaxing and waiting for it to be time to go. 💛
To do:
Tidy up.
Go to the climbing class and be grateful to Amparo to take you there.
Go running with Morgana (my doggy). If it's not raining too much.
~ 21:49 ~ I am grateful that I went with Amparo. I had a great time, in the end the class was just us two. And we always talk a lot and encourage each other. We talked a lot in the trips of going to and coming from the gym, she assured me that it was no big deal to help me. And I had fun talking with her.
I am going to eat a small dinner even though I didn't plan on eating anything else today, because I always get very hungry after climbing class.
I had a snack now, a small empanadilla and I am goinv to finish exer isinc for the day before eating a the same salad as before.
~ 23:44 ~ I finished exercising for the day, and just had my salad for dinner. I sttetched a bit, went on my 10 minute run circuit, did my stretching routine, did a short strength corcuit consistent of 30 push-ups, 30 lounges, and 1 minutes headstand.
The strength circuit was very difficult without any energy left from food, but I still managed.
Then I stretched and made myself the salad.
Now I feel like if I touched my bed I could fall asleep instantly.
I am going to sleep now.
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Naruto Characters as Parents- Hosting a Sleepover
Hatake Kakashi
Questioning why he agreed to this as soon as kids start showing up at his door. So much for reading tonight.
Home made snacks and dinner for all of the kids!
Summons the hounds to play with them because why not? Kids love dogs and the hounds love kids so it’s a win-win.
Goes out at the hour of ‘way too damn late’ to get dango snacks for the kids.
Bed time? What’s that?
Tells them ‘scary stories’ that are actually from missions he did growing up.
Slightly uncomfortable at all the kids staring at him in wondering and telling his kid ‘it’s so cool that your dad is the Hokage!’
Seriously what is a bed time? It’s 2 am and they’re playing hide and seek.
When the parents pick them up the next day the kids are well fed, exhausted, and read to collapse into bed. It’s 1 in the afternoon.
Maito Gai
Bring all of the snacks!
Has tons of games and little challenges planned out. They’re going to have a blast.
Sets up sleeping bags in the living room and even puts up a bunch of glow in the dark stars and planets on the roof for them to stare up at.
Tells them silly stories of his eternal rivalry with Kakashi, and embarrassing stories of all his friends. None of them are ever going to forgive him after tonight.
Baking! All of the kids help bake a cake through the power of cooperation and get to eat it after dinner. It’s not the prettiest but damn are they proud of it.
More than happy to answer questions the kids may have for him.
There is no set bed time but he does make sure they fall asleep before 11pm because he needs to be up at 5am for training and they’re coming with him.
Training is actually just running around the village playing hide and seek. It’s a blast.
Stop at the dango shop before dropping everyone off at home, and by dropping them off i mean he run’s the whole lot of them home one by one with the others trailing behind him.
None of the parents will be complaining about their kids being too hyper after a night at Maito Gai’s house m. They’re all exhausted.
Tried to make snacks but just ended up with veggie plates that the kids glared at. Ended up going out to the shops last minute for snacks.
Orders food and brings it home. He has enough on his plate with multiple kids in his house he is not cooking.
They keep asking him to tell stories about his tome as a Shinobi but the vast majority of his carrer is top secret so he just tells them silly stories instead and maybe some embarrassing one’s about Lord Seventh.
Does tell ghost stories with the flashlight and scary face combo. No one is ok.
Bed time is at 10pm sharp but not before he builds them a whole ass tree plus a tree house that can fit all of them.
They sleep in the tree house with sleeping bags, pillows, and a nice opening in the roof so they can see all of the stars.
Is up before any of the kids and makes them pancakes for breakfast.
The parents pick them up and they are well rested, had a blast, and already asking if the next sleepover can be at his house again but this time with a telescope to look at the stars.
Umino Iruka
This is just like another day in the classroom.
Everything is prepared before the kids arrive. A table of snacks, a bunch of games, a nice selection of books in case they want to read.
Organized and read to go.
Then the kids show up and they are ready to cause mischive.
May or may not take them out on a tripe through the village and teach them some old pranks. If he did, no one needs to know about it (shhh)
Dinner at Ichiraku’s because he might be able to cook but he is not cooking for this many people. He’d rather empty his pocket, which is still fuller than any time he has ever bought Ramen for Naruto in his life.
Bed time is at ten but before that they have story time and some reading time.
Tell’s silly stories and makes the kids laugh so hard they almost piss themselves.
The kids each go home with a little goody bag and a new knowledge of how to be little pranksters, and a promise to never tell their parent where they learned that from because he refuses to admit he still loves pranks.
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apex-academy · 1 year
Chapter 6: The Decay of Our Lives (#12)
I make my rounds from task to task all evening, and Aidan has to remind me to sit down for a minute at some point. Even so, I’m pretty exhausted by the time 9:00 hits. At least the bedsheet “screen” seems to be holding up despite Ichiriki’s best efforts to not perform his task.
Despite our event being a movie, there’s no popcorn this time—trying not to think too hard about who made the last batches—just some fruit, veggies, and a nacho bar that no one with an appreciation of symmetry could stand if all the lights were still on. 
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There were only so many matching containers in the kitchen, okay?
There’s also a big jug of hand sanitizer, in case anyone doesn’t want to take five more steps to go wash their hands in their dorm bathroom. Or someone else’s. Most of us are set up with chairs at our own doorways, but Kanagi’s apparently crashed Ichiriki’s to be a little closer to the screen. Tsunyasha’s room is even farther, but I think she’s more interested in watching the rest of us than the movie, anyway. Not sure what she’s got against the silver screen, but as long as she’s not stirring up trouble, I can’t complain.
Aidan and I ended up with front-row tickets, so he doesn’t have much issue getting people’s attention as he prepares to start the movie.
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“It is now 9:00 PM, and our feature film will be beginning shortly!”
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“First, I do want to thank everyone for coming, and for your cooperation in getting everything set up!”
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“Should you need to take a break or start to nod off—well, your rooms are right there, nehe.”
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“But, as far as what you can stand, I’m confident we can all enjoy this event if we only allow ourselves to.” 
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“So, grab some food while we’ve still got it, and we’ll get this thing off the ground, shall we?”
Kanagi cheers, while Tsunyasha almost seems to consider a sporting and/or sarcastic clap before focusing on her food instead. Mahavir remains a few awkward paces back from his doorway, like he’s unsure if he’s supposed to have his door closed for this. Don’t think that’d be a great way to see the movie, though.
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“Just allow ourselves to enjoy things, huh.”
I side-eye Ichiriki, but he’s busy... filing his nails? Sure, why not. Makes it easier on the rest of us if his concentration’s elsewhere.
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At least, until he gets bored in a few minutes and starts complaining again.
Aidan whoops back, then makes sure he and his poof of hair are out of everyone’s way before hitting play. Despite a few ripples in the bedsheet Ichiriki put up, the picture and audio seem to be working just fine. Aidan’s chosen video opens with an airplane moving through the clouds.
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How shocking.
I’m probably paying more attention to my food than the movie as it leads us into an airport. Not like things have gotten good yet. Just... a little weird.
We manage to make it a few jokes(?) in before Kanagi cackles loud enough to overcome the soundtrack.
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“Did you actually get that pun? I wasn’t sure how well these would go with a Japanese audience.”
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“Pff, nah, I totally don’t get it at all! I can just tell it’s funny, dude.”
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“...Good enough!”
With that, we’re back to actually being able to hear the movie. It’s really not getting any less absurd. All right.
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“This is SO unrealistic.”
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Ah, there he goes. I check over my shoulder, but so far Ichiriki doesn’t seem to be up to any crimes besides eating nachos with a fork and knife.
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We didn’t even bring silverware over? Why is...
I’m not gonna worry about it. It’s Ichiriki. If it fits whatever his thing is now, he’ll find a way.
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“It most certainly is!"
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“Like, why would you want it to be real crap? We already get that with, like...”
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“...real crap.”
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“But surely any departures from your sad, limited reality should be more glorious than this?”
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“Tales of heroes, rather than...”
She shakes her head with an unenthusiastic gesture at the screen. I’m not sure what we missed there, but there sure are babies being thrown now. Amazing. This thing keeps oscillating between slapstick gags and extended-setup puns, and it’s hard to know what I should be paying attention to. Is there a plot?
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“Not exactly as intellectual as I would have expected.”
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“Hey now, some of those setups are quite clever!”
He makes a passing attempt to scoot towards me before deciding it’s too much effort. The gesture’s been made.
He lifts a hand near his mouth for his best stage whisper.
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“And you know what? You’re allowed to laugh at stupid jokes, too.”
He mimes an elbow nudge that is both too far away and on the wrong side to actually reach me. Work with what he’s got, I guess.
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“Thanks for the permission.”
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“You’re very welcome! Use it well.”
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And back to the train wreck—plane wreck?—that is this movie. I guess it’s not terrible, just... Is there a plot yet?
We finally make it from the airport onto a plane when the camera focuses on some overhead service button labels. Simple enough English, just above something that is clearly not actual Spanish. The screen flicks back to the actual characters.
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“Hey! HOW am I supposed to read a FOREIGN LANGUAGE that fast?!”
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“Special training?”
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“Oh no are we supposed to be reading.”
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You... are at least reading the actual subtitles, right? Right?
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“Well, we CERTAINLY aren’t if THAT’S all the time they’ll give us! UNBELIEVABLE!”
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“Now, who’s this ‘they’ to whom you’re referring? Because...”
He pauses the movie—on a frame of a character looking even more nervous with the motion blur—and rewinds.
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“...we have the technology to take as long as we need.”
He pauses on the text in question. The dorm hallway is infinitely quieter for a few moments.
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“I STILL can’t read it! What GIVES?!”
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“Yo, my name’s Ich, I’m 19 years old, and I never learned how to frickin’ read.”
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“That fool is nineteen?”
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Why is this happening.
A quiet but rough throat-clearing.
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“If it’s of any assistance, I don’t believe that’s intended to be a faithful translation into... any existing language whatsoever.”
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“So they MADE IT UP? Just for ONE movie? Who DOES that?!”
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“That isn’t... precisely what I...”
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“Oh, there’s a sequel, don’t worry!”
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“I’m classifying that as a threat.”
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“As you well should.”
Before this can devolve any further—I don’t know how it could, but with this team, anything is possible—he hits play again. Back to airplanes and flashbacks and whiplash every which way, with the whole bizarro tone being the only thing holding somewhat steady.
But none of us get up to leave. At least some people end up laughing from joke to joke—mostly Kanagi, but she’s been having a rough time of it. It’s nice to hear her back to normal.
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Back to weird?
Anyway. It’s just a night of snorts and snickers, random interruptions that can’t take much away from a random movie, and general split attention between subtitles and congealing nacho cheese. I never burst out laughing, whether Aidan’s horribly disappointed in me or not, but a few moments catch me off-guard enough to get a good snort. 
By the time the movie ends, Aidan and Mahavir have already retreated into their dorms to various degrees in case they pass out, which they do. Ichiriki has successfully kicked Kanagi out of his own room by virtue of shutting the door behind him when she went to grab a refill. She just booed at him and went to try Tsunyasha’s instead. 
I wander back to the refreshments table and try not to pass out myself as the menu screen loops. I should probably turn that off, or something. Not sure I care enough.
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I’m tired. Not because it’s what-even-o-clock now, though that sure isn’t helping. There’s just too much to worry about. One bizarre lighthearted movie night isn’t going to fix that.
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“But it wasn’t a bad break.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Dr. Peter Andover x Reader || Drabble
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So actually really liked this movie!! (Not like 2001 Maniacs, which I literally just watch cuz of Buckman, Boone and Harper) and I woke up today and had to write this! ^^ Also I LOVED Gage (A mean, sarcastic middle aged man?? I'm a little predictable haha XD) so I might have to write for him at some point ^^
Plot: As the clinic’s chef, making food for all the staff, live-in patients and visitors, it’s your job to keep them all full and healthy (Though you do slip and maybe give them a little too much comfort food, because the poor babes all need it). Its not easy, everyone has different dietary requirements, different tastes, and some don’t even want to eat they’re so scared…
But even harder then coordinating meals, though, would be taking care of poor exhausted, overworked Peter.
Warnings: Unadulterated fluff XD Can be seen as romantic or platonic ^^
It was late-late when the doctor finally rocked up to the kitchens- far past dinner time. Far past bedtime, in fact. But you knew he would be around at some point, so despite being tired, you had stuck around for him- you would rather make him something then have him crack open a pack of crackers for dinner. Besides, while you’re waiting, you can prepare breakfast for the next morning!
Peter sits down at one of the stools you usually sit at the peel potatoes, now, looking exhausted as ever, and you flick on the kettle immediately. He’s going to need a cuppa.  “Evening, Doc, what brings you to my office?” Your jibe succeeds in drawing a tired glare from him but your face is soft and warm, as you go into the pantry. “I’ll whip you up some mac and cheese, how’s that? You just sit there and rest up.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
As soon as you set the bowl down in front of him, its like something clicks in his brain- and it’s not hunger. A disapproving frown slips across your face because you know this look on him- and you’re not having it. No, no sir. “Uh, sorry, I just realised something… I- I need to return to my research. Thank you for dinner, but- “
“No.” Shaking your head, you sit down a seat away from him and sternly offer the spoon to him. “Eat now, then finish your work. You didn’t even come for lunch today, so I know you haven’t eaten for hours- you’re not leaving this room until this whole bowl is empty, yes?”
He looks deeply offended at your blunt bossiness - you don’t know why, this isn’t a new thing, - and opens his mouth to argue, pointedly avoiding the spoon. “No. Excuse me, my work is very important and if I don’t return to it those kids could be scarred for their whole lives, Y/N.”
“I know that,” You say softly, carefully. Because he’s right, of course he is, but so are you. “And only you can do it- which means we need you to stay alive, and part of that is a healthy diet here.”
Peter’s eyes flicker to the bowl of cheese in front of him before giving you a dubious sort of look. Like, seriously? “Healthy, you say?”
With a dismissive shrug, you gesture towards him with the spoon again. “I put broccoli in it, you’re getting veggies. They’re just gonna taste like cheese, though- because I’m a master in the culinary arts, sir.” You wink. “That’s why you hired me.”
Finally he gives a sigh and an eyeroll, and takes the spoon. “Fine, but may I have a notepad and pen, so I can write down what I need to do??”
“Nope,” You shake your head, resting your arms on the bench. “You’re gonna make conversation with me. Its good for you to socialise, and I promise- I’m a sparkling conversationalist. I may not get all your mega-brain science-y stuff, but my head-nodding abilities are superb.” And, also, you are just determined to get him to settle for a while. No work talking, no work thinking, no work full stop. For an hour, at least! You would be happy with an hour- more, would be fantastic, but you’re working on realistic goal setting here.
… When Peter just groans and starts his dinner, you smile. Hurray! No argument!
Only after he’s had a few bites, you pat his arm quickly and settle yourself facing him; At attention. “So, tell me- “Spoon halfway to his face, he stops; Raising his brows at you. You flash a grin, back. “What’s your favourite colour?” At this he full-on deadpans, making you elicit a little laugh. “Come on, now, I’m not teasing you here- I don’t know it!” And it wouldn’t hurt him to think about shit that doesn’t matter, a little.
Oh, bullshit. “It is not- and that’s not a colour.” He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, pink.” A warm smile spreads across your face, at that, and you nod while you let him eat some more.
“Alright cool, pink.” Picking up your tea, you go to take a sip before stopping short and glancing at Peter over the mug. “Like- innards, and stuff?”
That startles him, in fact you think that if he were drinking something at that moment then he would have choked. “No, not- “Setting the arm with the spoon down on the bench, he sets you with a stern look. “Like a softer pink then that. Like… a powder pink, actually.” He shrugs, returning to his mac and cheese.
“Hm, that is a nice colour.” You think out loud.
“What’s yours?” Peter asks, and you’re pleasantly surprised by him- he’s engaging!! You’re succeeding!
“Mine? Oh I guess… (Colour you like).”
“That’s a nice one, too.”
For a couple of minutes after that you stay silent, allowing him to eat more before you get up and uncover the bowl you have filled with setting dough on the other side of the bench. It should be ready, now. There are also 4 large pans ready to go in the oven when they’re filled, and a clean space next to all that. Humming, you chuck the t-towel you had covering the dough off to another bench and smile- looks perfect!
“Oh, what’s that?” Peter speaks up, and when you look up at him you see that he’s genuinely interested, straightened up to try and deduct what it is, or what it will be, for himself. You flash a smile, showing the inside of the bowl.
“I’m making cinnamon rolls for tomorrow! Figured everyone deserved a treat- “
“You think we always deserve a ‘treat’,” He rolls his eyes once again at you, but he’s grinning now.
“Hey,” You reply, sternly even so, a firm finger up in between you both and a grin across your lips as well. “You do.”
“Ha.” He scoffs, shaking his head as he turns away from you again as you turn to the sink, yourself. Okay, his self-image is the next thing you have to work on, you decide. For now though you’ll continue to work on him resting.
After washing your hands for a good 30 seconds, an idea occurs to you. And, taking a peak over your shoulder at the contents of his bowl, and seeing that it’s just about empty- only morsels remaining, you decide to go ahead with it. “Hey- why don’t you help me, Doc?”
“Wh- what?” Clearly he was already thinking about work again, returning to the drill in his mind, but you’re not having that - it’s only been 20 minutes! - as he looks to you a little startled. “You want me to what?”
“Help me! Its not that hard- c’mon, roll up your sleeves, wash your hands, and stand here.” You point to the spot next to you by the wide bench, and stand there patiently- showing that you’ll wait.
Hesitantly, he looks slowly from his bowl to you. “Should I clean my bowl first?... “
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care of it later.”
“Okay… “
Surprisingly he does as he’s told without complaint this time around, before joining you at the bench. Humming, you reach up and flick a shock of white hair off his forehead. “Now usually I’d insist you put on a hairnet, but I think we can make an exception this once.”
Giving another rare grin - that’s 2 in the last hour, and you’re finding that your worn-out boss is actually quite handsome when he does that. Well, he was always handsome, you’re not blind, but considering that that he doesn’t do it often, he’s got a very nice smile, - he shakes his head. “Thank god.”
The joking tone in his voice causes what feels like a blip to occur in your heartbeat, and you give a little laugh as you turn to the task at hand. “Okay, so what you’re going to do is get yourself a good clump of dough… like this… “You show him the right amount, and hand it to him before collecting yourself a clump. “Now we’re gonna roll it out into a long strip- like this!”
After demonstrating the action with the rolling pin, you hand the utensil to him and go in search of another to use yourself while he copies your actions with the dough. When you return you find yourself realising how close the two of you are standing, after all you can feel his body heat, but shake your head at yourself. “Alright, done, what next? I suppose there’s a paste we have to use?... Ah.” He nods, seeing the bowl that you also retrieved from the fridge while you were grabbing another rolling pin.
“Ta~ Da~!” You sigh, peeling away the glad wrap to reveal the cinnamon paste.
“I see. Very good.”
“Of course.” Handing Peter a brush for himself and dipping your own into the cinnamon paste, you then paint your strip with a good amount of the stuff- nice and generous, so whoever gets this roll will be quite pleased in the morning at breakfast. He does the same thing, focusing a little unnecessarily on how neat it looks, but you know- whatever makes him happy. A little tidiness is not going to hurt- so, whatever! “Just like that! Then we roll them up so they look right, and set them in the pan…. There! All done. Only… 18 more of those.” You say, gesturing to the rest of the pan with one hand on your hip after you both finish. “For this pan.” You add also, gesturing then to the others.
Peter blows air out of his cheeks and widens his eyes dramatically at the job, before reaching to get another handful of dough. “Well then we better get on with it.”
It takes you both a little over half an hour to get them all done, all the while you chatter to him about whatever comes to mind that’s not work related - other pastries he might like, your family back home, movies you’ve watched recently and recommendations for him, books he reads just for pleasure, etc, - and he really gets into it! He even laughs, and it fills you with so much happiness you beam at him.
Then when all the cinnamon rolls and pasted an rolled up and set in the oven, he asks if theirs anything else he can help with and you shake your head, brushing flour off your apron. “Nope, its bed time for you.”
“… excuse you?” He asks you slowly, and you can’t help but wonder how long it will be until he realises that you’re always right?? Goodness gracious. “I’m a grown man, I can decide when it’s time for bed for myself I think- “
“No, you can’t.” You shake your head- the idea quite amusing to you. “But that’s why you have me- now, do I have to march you there myself?”
Giving a heavy sigh, he turns and heads towards the door. “No… you do not… “
“That’s a good doctor- oh.” You tease, unable to stop yourself quite in time. He stops himself though, hearing it, and looks around to see you biting your lips to try and keep from grinning. “… Sorry…”  
A flicker of a grin flits across his face then- not quite another smile, but something mischievous, something almost wicked, for sure. “You just wait until your next appointment my dear, then you’ll see what a ‘good doctor’ I can be.”
At this your jaw drops, a slight grin pulling at the corner of your mouth at the same time. “Sir!”
“Are you teasing me??”
He gives a shrug, making those eyes round and innocent. “I’ve no clue what you’re referring to Y/N, I merely said that the next time you need me I’ll be sure to attend to your needs to the best of my professional ability. I would never tease… “
“Uhuh… “You shake your head fondly. “Go to bed, doc. You’re going loopy.”
“Yes, dear.”
~ The next morning Dr Andover is actually at breakfast with everyone else, rather then stopping by a little later for a pop tart or a piece of toast. Some people are surprised and some are pleased to see him there.
When you bring out breakfast with the finagled help of Bauer and Gage, you’re surprised too to see him there- and pleased. You flash him a grin, a wink and a thumbs up like good job sir, I see you there trying.
“Ooh, pink,” Sarah smiles, picking a strip of delicious cinnamon roll off of her plate and noting the powder pink coloured glaze on top to the Doctor beside her. “Wonder why Y/N coloured them? It’s not Valentine’s day, or anything.”
“Oh, uh,” Andover grins at the roll he probably made, glazed his favourite colour by Y/N- causing Sarah to just about choke. Was that a smile??? She’s happy he’s happy, but- what in the world!??? “I’m not sure. Bit of a random choice, I agree.” He says, deciding not to explain - he himself doesn’t even really know why you did this, not that he’s complaining about the lovely gesture, - as he starts his breakfast.
“Hm… “Sarah hums, left watching the doctor in dubiousness, a half-amused grin on her face. “Yeah… “  
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Roasted Chicken
WARMING: Strong language,Transphobia, Fatshaming,. Tamiko (Eiko's mother) suck as a character, she is going to say mean and hurtful things to Ibiki and Eiko with a smile. Beware of her ableism and how fatphobic she is too, also not to mention how Shun Ibiki's mother) disrespectes him by missgendering him and treating him as if he were sick. This two characters are horrible and I am thinking of her horrible ending but first, we need to hate them more.
So... Beware hurtful commentarias are going to be said and insinuations to sex too.
WORDS: 1,707
Sorry for the cuality and if you do not like it too.
The clock ticked on the wall, two more minutes and his shift was over. He checked his notes on the desk, another day of hard-work done. He sighted and started to pull his jacket on and adjust his bandana, the scars still hurt him a lot. He wanted to scratch it so badly, but knew that if he did it, it would be worse. He tied up his desk, glanced at the chief’s table, his insufferable mother looking at him with needles for eyes. He did not care about those, he had long overcome his fear of needles, suffering, pain, fire, water, rats… he was fearless. -Amhya - said his mother, calling him by his dead name, something that he had got used to but she did not get used to his selective deafness. Usually, only towards her. - Amhya - said the chief once more, he could see how his peers were looking at him, with pity. He hated those eyes, so he took his backpack and hovered it over his shoulder. - Good afternoon - said to his peer Hayato. He nodded - She is calling you - muttered in a soft voice. Ibiki just needed to give him a subtle glance - Ibiki she would be even madder - The man kept silent looking at him - I have not heard my name been named - said in a monotonous tone. His peer sighted - She would be worse - Ibiki just raised an eyebrow. He left his job one minute later than he was supposed to. 
He reached the apartment complex that he rented with her. He glanced up and he could see her silhouette in the kitchen. The lights were on and she seemed to be working there, maybe preparing some dinner. He looked at his watch, he had time to have a shower and dinner with her. He started to go up. It was a small flat, perfect for both of them, one bedroom was enough and the tiny living room and kitchen perfect for a single couple. Although he disliked how low the ceiling was, it made him feel like in a cage. He took his keys out and opened the door, the TV was on with some kind of comedy show, he could smell her cooking. She had made some roasted chicken, and there must be buttered potatoes with veggies. “Is that cake?” said Ibiki while glancing at an almost circular cake that was cooling in the small counter. Eiko took the potatoes out of the oven with her mittens and smiled at him “It is a cake. I tried to make carrot cake but…” she looked at the cake “ I did not butter the mold as good as I should have. Sorry it looks horrible” Ibiki left the backpack near the entrance and approached the cake. “¡Hey!” She slapped his hand “Let the dessert alone” He did not move the hand for its place and grabbed a piece of cake. Using his strong fingers to dig out the mixture and tasting it. He liked his fingers without taking his eyes off her. “Well...how is it?” He answered by taking another bite of the cake “It looks ugly as hell, but it tastes delicious” She let a small smile show, he knew what he had done, he actually enjoyed that game a lot. She rested her face on her hand and looked at him “Are we talking about the cake or about you?” He gave her a faint smile “None, I was talking about your cunt, looks like an old woman’s” She got closer to him “At least mine is alive, for the smell of yours it has been long dead and rotten” She smiled thinking that she won. He went closer to her and hugged her from behind “But I eat fresh food, you…” he got closer to her ear “eat rotten pussy” She sighted “I win “ he said biting her ear a little “Nope, your pussy is dead, you have a dead kitty in your legs. I wouldn’t call that a win situation” He scoffed and bit her neck, she knew at that moment that he was mad. A loud knock on the door startled her, he grunted in her neck “There’s no one home” A knock in the window “Eiko darling!” Ibiki raised his head, Eiko went paler and froze in his arms. He could feel how her warmth left her body. He kissed her at the top of his head and went to the door, the high pitched female voice kept talking “C’mon Eiko darling! Don’t do this to your mamma! I just came to say hi to my sweet little doll! Open the …Oh well hello handsome” She changed her voice to a flirtier one. But immediately her tone changed, she couldn’t take the disgust out of her voice, she had clearly seen the scars on his face “Oh… you must be the charity work” Eiko’s footsteps went to the door. Before she could even reply nor Ibiki the woman burst through the door and hugged her “Oh my dear child, sweet Shun was right that I will find you here!” Ibiki glanced at the woman who invaded his nest, she pronounced a name forbidden at that house, his mother’s. “I was like I definitely needed to see you.How long has it been since you left home?”
“A year and a half…” Eiko answered in a monotonous voice, lifeless
“Oh you see dear you also miss me sweetheart! Shun gave me this direction” she then hushed her voice, but the size of the apartment and the fact that she did not know how to hush make it clear what she said “She told me that you are like an intern something for someone with a disability, like a helper of some kind” Eiko was voiceless. Ibiki saw that the woman left some bags at the door. She grabbed Eiko’s hand, jewels were shown in that wrinkled and bonny hand “ Oh dear you have put on so much weight dear! Oh! What do I see!” She grabbed her boobs and also looked at her hips. She was touching her like she was some  mannequin “Since when do you look so womanly!” she laughed. And make her turn around “Oh! Now you even have a butt, oh dear what happened?You have lost even that mustache and beard of yours” Eiko wanted to punch her. Neglecting that was what happened, years of neglecting led her body to be unshapen, not a woman not a man, and her ovaries hurting like hell. It led to her taking those damn pills because her body did not know which hormones should produce and the quantity, it led to her feeling unwell every time her period came. It led to all those identity crises, to hating her body in the mirror. How many times did she ask for a doctor? How many times her mother’s answer was “You just need some man to woman you up”? 
Ibiki had had enough today “Ma’am would you please leave my flat” 
The woman glanced at him, scanned him from top to bottom and put on her brightest smile “Sorry dear but I am your carer’s mother. My name is Tamiko, my parents really know how to name me, don't they?” She offered him her hand for a kiss, he did not even bother to leave his eyes out of her face. She gulped saliva, she was feeling uneasy 
“Why are you here…mother?” Eiko’s voice was feeble “Oh dear to see you, you know how much I miss you?” She turned her head immediately to her, giving her best shot with her smile. “Eiko my sweet doll” It gave her goosebumps. “Ma’am…”Ibiki touched her shoulder, now she was the one with goosebumps “Would you kindly leave OUR house?” said while pressing her shoulder a little. “I haven’t seen my daughter in years” She glanced at him once more “Oh! I know you! You were the man that helped me with that little incident, didn’t you?” 
“Little incident!” Eiko snapped, Ibiki kept his hand on Tamiko’s shoulder pressing her, she tried her hardest not to show the pain that he was making her
“Eiko, your volume. A lady shouldn’t…”
“GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!” screamed her at the top of her lungs, tears dropping out of her eyes
“Dear that’s no way to…”
“You are not my mother, you never were”
“Oh! So you prefer that the hooker of my sister took care of you. Kids you gave them everything and THIS is how they treat you humiliatingly in front of strangers.” 
“You fucking put a reward on my head!”
“You missbehaved with…
“He fucking tried to hurt me…HE FUCKING TRIED and yes I would stab him again I would fucking rip every limb of his. I would cut his cock and fucking fuck him with it! He hurt us and you kept protecting him!!”
“Eiko he was just…”
“Ma’am leave our house now….” Ibiki’s deep voice was near her ear, he pressed her shoulder even more and she could not hold the scream of pain. She was covered in sweat and panic and left the house at all four escaping from those mad people. Eiko was trembling, in the living room, Ibiki threw Tamiko’s bags out of the varanda. The lady was running even leaving her belongings behind. He would not tell Eiko never, that he actually used genjutsu on her, one of his favorites. 
He closed the door, Eiko was hovering near a corner crying. Ibiki got closer and kissed her forehead “Let’s have a bath” That bitch of his mother gave directions to that pest. She hugged him and they went to the bathroom, helping each other cleansing themselves and enjoying the hot water of the tub. He made her closer to him, she rested her head in his chest. They remained silent, you could only hear how Ibiki’s fingers toyed with her hair, brushing it and making even more curls on her. She played with his hand giving tiny pinches in his fingers and palm.”You said our” she said in a wisp. He nodded and kept playing with her hair. The chicken went cold.
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snowmuttgetsweird · 2 months
07/31/24, morning
Actually slept okay. I would really have preferred to get, like, at least one more hour, but for once I didn't wake up at like, 5 AM randomly so I'll take it. I've actually heard that sleeping worse is a common side effect of being at a caloric deficit, so maybe that's actually a good sign...? I haven't been counting my calories really- just my protein, though even that I know I've been undercutting quite a bit. I'm probably getting about 100g on average, when I should really be shooting for at least 130-150g, but it's just really hard to convince my stomach AND my wallet to consume that much food in one day. This might be a "you just need to incorporate protein powder into more meals/snacks throughout the day" situation. I'll do some research, but honestly, this early into my "fitness journey," I don't think my body is going to do a lot with that much protein anyway.
Decided the overnight oats need to be eaten pretty quickly. While distracted by another activity like drawing or posting art or something, I tend to eat and drink very slowly, so yesterday it probably took me an hour to eat my oats, and they got pretty gloopy and unpleasant after a while. Good to know.
Red Beans and Rice were a great success. Best pot I've made so far. Added a red bellpepper to the usual trinity, diced everything up MUCH finer than I usually would, threw in a good scoop of bacon fat after browning my andouille to sautee my veggies in, cut a few seasonings in favor of a couple big tbsp of Tony Chachere's, threw in a few dashes of a nice vinegary hot sauce, and simmered the whole mess WAY longer than I normally do- like twice as long. Blown away by the result. I was worried the Tony Chachere's being mostly salt would keep the beans from softening, but cooking them down longer made up the difference just fine, and now I've got a vat of rich, delicious red beans and rice that'll feed me for like a week! Think the only thing I regret is not having some cornbread and collard greens to go with it all. Next time I wanna source a ham hock to throw in too.
Still keeping up my morning exercises. I decided what I'd originally committed to was too much too early, so I've mostly been doing 3x10 knee push-ups, 3x20 crunches, and 3x20 glute bridges the last few days, but I think I'm gonna be ready to tack the bicycle crunches back on soon, and I'm just about ready to graduate to full push-ups. I can see myself trimming up a little bit, and my shoulders starting to fill out just a little, but I think it's mostly just that I've been shedding water weight. I haven't been using my scale the last week or so- the battery died and I keep forgetting to grab a replacement, so I don't know how much I'm actually losing, but again I'm pretty confident it's mostly just a combination of water loss and eating less overall, and fewer things that would make me bloated or gassy shrinking my tummy.
I'm very used to starting a new exercise routine, and then quitting out through shear distraction about a week later, but I'm really doing my best and this is the longest I've kept it up in a while. That said, I haven't had much DOMS since I first started besides a little achiness in my thighs the day after squats here and there, and it's making me nervous. I hope I'm not sabotaging myself by not lifting heavy enough or something, but even my shoulders didn't get achy despite really struggling on even just 10lb dumbbells for my side lateral raises. I couldn't even quite finish a 3x10 that way- I think I got to, like, 3x8 and had to tap cause I couldn't even really do a decent partial rep by that point. I was really expecting that I'd be sore after but my shoulders are absolutely fine. Well, yesterday was my "rest day." I didn't even hop on the treadmill, though I wanted to, but being that I hadn't walked much yesterday anyway since I was just drawing all day, I wasn't exactly prepared to spend 100 minutes on a treadmill to hit my 10k steps for that day anyway. Today I'm back on weights though. I think I've got a good idea of what I should be lifting for each exercise, but I think I might still need to up my squat weight more. We'll see tonight.
Think that's about it... Uh, final thoughts: Furikake and sriracha are great, they make like 50% of all my meals right now way way better. My shift at the day job today is short enough that I won't really wanna bring a lunch, but I think I'm gonna hardboil an egg to snack on anyway to try to cram a little more protein.
Think that's it. Think I'm gonna try to relax and conserve some energy before work- maybe read my book and clean up around the apartment just a bit. I need to hit up my friends and try to get them to play pickleball with me or something.
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mmeals10 · 5 months
Calorie counting is a waste of time
Being a full time semi-pro MMA athlete staying lean year round is critical to my success.
One quick phone call and I can be heading out of my city to fight in my weight division which is featherweight (145lbs or 65.8kgs) which means I have to be around 7-8% body fat but still have the energy to compete.
Staying around the goldilocks zone of 10% body fat is important for me & through the years I've had to slowly develop a full year methodology when it comes to diet & training to staying in this goldilocks zone. It's also important because I feel in control of my health, all vitals are in good ranges, I look good and probably more importantly I feel good about myself.
When competition comes around I can tell you I'm eating around 500kcals a day. I look absolutely amazing but feel absolutely terrible.
Now I'm not telling you that you have to starve yourself to be in great shape - in fact I want to tell you the complete opposite.
The title of my blog post is that calorie counting is a waste of time yet here I am stating what kcals I'm on to reach my desired look & weight but there's a catch you see.
Everytime I step on the scale at 5-6-7% body fat I can tell you the next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind of yo-yoing effects on mood, energy levels and the dreaded cravings.
It always ends with me yo-yoing to 12-15% body fat in a couple of weeks and feeling ashamed of myself for letting it slide so bad. I've come to realized it's quite natural for our body to seek out comfort/energy dense food because it's survival man !
Why I'm sharing this is because I see so many enthuastic people who want to claim back their health and fitness fall into the trap of calorie counting which will ultimately end in failed attempts, yo-yoing effects and the dreaded SHAME.
Never fear, I have a solution. Eat more...
Say what ?
Yes eat more FOOD - nutrient dense, preferably whole, unrefined FOOD.
Once you start swopping things like pastries, pies, pizzas, burgers and toasted sandwiches for things like broccoli, quinoa, legumes, lean proteins, nuts, fruits & veggies you'll start to realize you get fuller quicker. You eating until you get full but you losing weight... The cravings aren't so bad.. You have energy and you've been happier more often..What's going on?
You giving your body exactly what it needs to create energy without the additional flour & sugar. None of the empty calories and your body is liking it.
Soon you'll be managing your portions better and even more changes. Now you getting more compliments. You getting stronger in the gym.
No - it's science... and a bit of common sense staring you in the face the whole time no need to count calories and restrictive diets. Keto what ? Vegan brownies - no thanks. Low fat - yeah obviously I want to lose fat (uhm not quiet) Low carb for who ? Turns out some actually.
If you are serious, taking all the right steps but still frustrated with your lack of progress consider taking a DNA test @mindbodyevolve.co.za
But who has time to think of, cook and wash up for healthy meals ? You mean I have to actually prepare those 101 healthy recipes, healthy lunches that I've stored up for years?
That's a valid point and the reason you should consider ready prepared meals that are nutritious & delicious. Like the meals that are prepared and delivered by @merakimeals.com.
Nutrition is a vital point & if you have the right training to boot then you'll see your results and life just bloom. If you haven't found the right training for you then consider @fightsportscentre.co.za
Long story short - eat food & train hard. Who would of thought ?
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sosos-adventures · 6 months
General impressions about Vietnam so far:
1: the traffic. People mostly get around by using a scooter. They sont care about crosswalks, the mostly care about traffic lights though. But if you cross a road and a scooter wants to turn right, they will. So alway look out for them. To survive, just confidently cross the road and NEVER walk backwards. So as a pedestrian its ok to get along. Biking in big cities I would not recommend. In smaller cities like Hoi An it works quite well. Just go with the flow, dont hesitate and just bike confidently enough to seem like you know what you are doing. Funfact: our bikes here in Hoi An dont really have breaks. So having to suddenly stop because a scooter is crossing your way is not as easy and probably looks super funny to our surrounding.
2: traffic part 2. When checking google maps, you can see that distances like 30km take over an hour by car/bus. The roadnetwork is not as good as others and generally there is so mich traffic that there is no chance to get somehwere fast. Sadly there are also almost no local buses to find online. If you plan on visiting cool sightseeing spots like My Son for example, you have to book an "expensive" shuttle. Tahts how we lost a lot of money already. Also in Vietnam google maps doesnt have the symbol for bikes. Instead you see the symbol for motorbikes. So whenever we take the bike we have no idea how long we actually need to get from A to B.
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3: Dogs everywhere. No matter where you go, in every street you can find some dogs. Not the bigger ones. Usually there are many smaller dogs. We dont know if they are stray dogs or belong to someone. Its really interesting to see how they behave so differently based on the city. In Mui Ne for example the dogs were super protective about their street and barked a lot. In Hoi An there are so many dogs but they dont bark, they dont run around mich. They just sit in their street and look at us. We thought people might drug them so they are calm.
4: trash. We knew that visiting an asian country will be very different to what we are used to when it comes to trash. People use plastuc bags for EVERYTHING. Even the tiniest thing comes with a plastic bag. The streets have lots of garbage bags around and trash at the sidewalks which isnt that bad actually. More frustrating is the fact that novody seems to care about what happens with the trash. In Hoi An every night people sell little paper lanterns with candles in it to the tourist to put them in the river for some nice light shows. They burn down and float with the river somewhere or are washed up. Also whats up with these trash cans here in Ho An? Just for tourists?
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5: restaurants. There are so many touristic places you can eat food. More expensive ones and cheaper ones where apparently locals also eat. We tried some different kinds of restaurants and usually they serve all types of food. From local disheds to american burgers, italian pizza etc. Even the smalles resgaurants have a huge variety of food. How do they prepare all of these different types of food in just one small kitchen? Still strabge to us. But at least we are getting better at finding cheap restaurants to eat at where they serve lots of local dishes to try for just 2-3€ a meal. Sadly most of the food is not vegetarian. It tastes really good but its hard to find veggie meals.
6: healthy stomach: the myth about ice cubes and raw veggies. I have been to Asia before and learned not to drink tap water, drinks with ice in it, nor to eat raw veggies or salad. We were super careful the first 3 days and kept seeing other tourists eating salad, veggies and drinking the water they offer you in the restaurant. Google told us that its safe to drink drinks with ice cubes that have a hole in it because they are manifactured. On our day trip to the Mekong Delta we met 2 other Germans who told us that they so far have eaten and drunk everytjing without any consequences. So now we are starting to relax a little more and risk it. Lets see how that will go.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
By Jessica Roy
It’s 90 degrees outside, and you’re too hot and exhausted from a long day of work to cobble together a proper meal. Luckily you’re home by yourself — no kids, no roommates, no partners — and therefore can eat whatever you want for dinner, without having to consider the food preferences or nutrition needs of others. You grab a bag of popcorn, a glass of wine, some bread, some cheese and a hunk of chocolate, and settle into the couch for a night of snacking and watching TV. Is there anything more glorious? Welcome to “girl dinner.”
According to TikTok, where the trend has more than 30 million views, girl dinner is akin to an aesthetically pleasing Lunchable: an artfully arranged pile of snacks that, when consumed in high enough volume, constitutes a meal. Or so the thinking goes.
Typical girl dinners may include some kind of fruit, a block of cheddar, sliced salami, a sleeve of fancy crackers and a dish of olives. Girl dinner is “both chaotic and filling,” as one TikTok commenter put it, requiring none of the forethought, cooking or plating demanded by an actual meal. As another commenter observed: It’s “no preparation just vibes.”
The trend started when Olivia Maher, a showrunner’s assistant currently out of work because of the writers’ strike, posted a video on TikTok this spring extolling the virtues of a humble, medieval-peasant-inspired assemblage that she called “girl dinner.”
“I think the concept of girl dinner came to me while I was on a hot girl walk with another female friend of mine,” Ms. Maher, 28, saidfrom her apartment in Los Angeles.
She said she and her friend had been discussing the unmatched perfection of bread and cheese as a meal unto itself, as simple as it is satisfying. “We love eating that way, and it feels like such a girl dinner because we do it when our boyfriends aren’t around and we don’t have to have what’s a ‘typical dinner’ — essentially, with a protein and a veggie and a starch,” Ms. Maher said.
She decided to debut the phrase on TikTok. “This is my dinner,” Ms. Maher says in the video, flipping her phone camera to display her spread: hunks of butter and cheese, part of a baguette, some grapes and pickles, and a glass of red wine. “I call this girl dinner.” Since she posted it in May, the 15-second clip has been watched more than a million times.
Alana Laverty, a 28-year-old food content creator in London who immediately embraced the phrase, said she started making what she called “snack plates” for dinner during summers when it was too hot to even consider turning on a stove.
“I feel like cooking full meals just gets so repetitive and exhausting, especially in the summer,” Ms. Laverty said. “When dinner came around, we would just pick up one main cheese or one main protein and get a fresh loaf of bread and throw it all on the plate. It’s a really normal way of eating for me now.”
Ms. Laverty started posting her beautifully arranged snack plates on TikTok last year. When the girl dinner trend began to take off, she recalled, “I was like, ‘I have never resonated with something more.’”
“There was this feeling of, ‘Oh my God, I’m not the only one,’” Ms. Laverty said. “I love anything that celebrates something women are all doing, but we don’t all know that we’re doing it.”
Some have pointed out that the grazing isn’t enough satisfy their own appetites and, in some cases, could be masking disordered eating.
“‘Girl dinner’ more like girl please go to the doctor you have an ED,” one user wrote on TikTok.
But adherents are quick to note that girl dinners are not about deprivation. Women have long been programmed to see food as the enemy, but the girl dinner trend is about embracing the simple joy of snacks as meals. Girl dinner represents a conscious choice to opt out of the tyranny of cooking and doing the dishes. It’s also, conveniently, the answer to fridge clean out day.
And though the trend may sound suspiciously like tapas, or mezze, or a charcuterie board, girl dinner differs in one key way: Unlike a Super Bowl-esque spread of appetizers, girl dinner is most frequently made by one person, for the consumption and enjoyment of one person.
“I remember trying to be a meal prepper and I just couldn’t do it,” Ms. Laverty said. “You could go through the effort of it, but why not open up a bunch of jars and satisfy your taste senses the same way?”
Seema Rao, an art historian in Cleveland, sees a historical connection between girl dinner and entrenched gender norms that dictate women prepare a hearty meal for their husbands every evening.
“The idea of cooking dinner was historically women’s work in the home,” said Ms. Rao, 49. “What I like about girl dinner is it takes away the idea that you have to cook anything: You just literally put it together. So you go from a position where the production of the food is what makes it good and makes you a valid woman, to the idea that having food is what makes you a valid woman.”
At least one nutritionist has given her seal of approval to the trend. Kathrine Kofoed, 27, a nutritionist and health coach in Portland, Ore., suggested that part of the reason girl dinner was being so widely embraced was its affirmation of the way women already eat: “It’s a pleasant departure from diet culture, and from all these rigid expectations of what food should be.”
“I see so many more issues for people with overeating and restricting and then perhaps bingeing, or just having this very complicated and often disordered relationship with food,” Ms. Kofoed said, pointing to the benefits of finding “more joy and pleasure in the meals we’re eating.”
Perhaps the most important thing about girl dinner is that you don’t have to be a girl to enjoy it.
“My friends and I were joking that it’s girl dinner, but anyone can have it,” Ms. Maher said. “But it’s for the girls, gays and theys.”
You may be wondering what, by contrast, “boy dinner” may look like. “Go to your local supermarket at 6:30 p.m. and stand behind a single man and see what’s inside of his basket,” the comedian Brian Lee observed on TikTok. “Frozen pizza, deli meats, potato chips, no vegetables.”
For Ms. Maher, it’s less about the content of the meal than the feeling around it. “The girl dinner is a giddy experience,” she said. “You could be having the slice of frozen pizza, but you’ve also got maybe a glass of wine and some grapes to go with it. And you’re just so pleased with yourself. You’re like, ‘I barely worked for this and it feels like an indulgence.’ That’s what makes it girl dinner.”

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