#i never think he'd be a member because i think he'd be too antisocial to rub shoulders with this posh social club
dearestdo3 · 5 months
!! HPHM Slug Club event spoilers!!
I'm always under the assumption that Sev isnt a part of Slug Club, but with the way it's portrayed in this game it seems like he IS a member, and seemingly a respected one at that...
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Slughorn himself even invited him to join the dinner party
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and he even specifically hinted that Slughorn only invites non-members in this very exclusive club if he wanted them to join as members
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earlier on, Lucius was very defensive over the thought of MC and Andre joining in the club because he deemed us not worthy and that "the integrity of the Slug Club is at stake" (didnt screenshot them tho rip), and Slughorn acknowledged it
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and funnily enough Snape also tests MC in the name of the Slug Club's integrity
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and after MC brew an acceptable potion, this is his response
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im actually going insane
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More hint that Snape really is a member of the club, maybe even an integral one
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Bonus: Lucius and Severus sitting beside eachother at the table 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't handle this it's so cute...
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lilallama · 3 years
Okay so I was wondering how would Jeongguk and the other clubs would react to y/n somehow finding out he was their childhood friend? Like they looked through a photo album or sm (Btw I love your blog 💜)
a/n: I might do a 'what's in my bag' post with all the cc members. Also, the occult, drama and martial arts clubs aren't officially open, but I still decided to include them here.
I also have a new idea for Jk. His charackter will stay mostly the same, but I thought about an explanation why he is the way he is. With that I mean his impulsive behaviour, lack of remorse, temper tantrums, general disregard of other people, etc. Remember to please correct me if I say anything false!
I picture he has ASPD, or antisocial personality disorder. That doesn't mean that he doesn't like people or is shy, but that he feels little to no empathy towards the people around him. He has bad temper, acts impulsively and often irrationally, has violent outbursts, disregards other people's safety as well as his own, acts agressive and irresponsible, repeatedly broke the law and most of all, feels no remorse for anything. There's a lot more to it, but you get the gist. His father has the same thing, he inherited it. That means his genes are naturally vulnerable to that disorder, but how he was treated as a child was the trigger to develop it himself.
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None of the clubs know that Jeongguk and Y/n were actually childhood friends. Jeongguk knows that Y/n forgot, but instead of reminding them he just blames their parents. It hasn't crossed his mind that he could just, you know, talk with Y/n. Like a normal person. The reason why he hasn't told the others is that they would probably take his precious memories away from him. According to club rule 3 ("All information concerning Y/n must immediately be reported to the club leader.") and rule 4 ("Every Y/n souvenir officially belongs to all club members and will not be kept for personal use.") Jeongguk already broke not one but two rules! That would mean he'd be punished, and he's not too eager to give up his box. He keeps a box underneath his bed. It's filled with photos of Y/n, old pictures they drew together, their first lost teeth, strands of their hair in small ziptie-bags (one strand from kindergarden, one from middle school and one from highschool), their old notebook full of doodles and secret conversations they'd have during class, his new notebook in whixh he wrote down everything about Y/n (all their passwords, address, their friends address' and names, who they've talked to etc.), their middle school diary and, of course, the pair of keys that they dropped (in his mind they're officially his now. The neighbour's even think he's Y/n's boyfriend). He's not going to give all these treasures up.
But if they somehow did find out, oh boy! Firstly, it's unlikely that they would've found out throgh a photo album, since Y/n's parents weren't so fond of Jeongguk and he never brought Y/n anywhere close to his parents. If they'd find his secret box, he'd get punished for withholding information. But let's say, they find out because Y/n found an old class picture from kindergarden and showed Hoseok. Then Y/n realised, that little boy who was clinging to them looked awfully familiar. They knew he was their best friend, until they moved. So they began to think; dark fluffy hair, big doe eyes, that recognisable smile, that bad temper and violent outbursts that contradicted with his softness towards them- Oh shit! That's Jeongguk! The boy who's dad was a serial killer, the next killer-to-be, that's why their parents didn't want him around them. Immediately they shared their thought with Hoseok who froze. His cheery smile turning stiff as he clenched his first, hoping Y/n wouldn't know. That little fucking brat. No way he forgot that, he just didn't want to tell them anything.
But after hearing they haven't really talked since they were five, he calmed down a bit. The club would bombard him with questions, asking what they were like back then. They definitely wanted to see pictures, but he'd deny that he has any. Their parents wanted to 'sabotage their love', he was never interested in his parents and they were both too young own an actual camera. The club let's it slide since it's pretty plausible.
If Y/n would not initiate anything with Jeongguk, everything would continue as before. But if they would try to spend more time with Jeongguk, the other members would start hogging Jeongguk. As much as they don't want to spend more time together than necessary, they couldn't just invite themselves to a hangout that Y/n planned. That would be against the club rules ("No member can initiate any activities with Y/n, except for the leader.") They also aren't allowed to deny Y/n's requests, but it wasn't Jeongguk denying their request, the other members just lied and dragged him away, literally.
For the other clubs, the skate and newspaper club wouldn't really care. The gardening club already knew because 1) they're fucking super spies (not literally yet) and 2) Chaeyoung was in the same class as them (in kindergarden, elementary school, middle school abd now high school, but Y/n never noticed her). The art club would fid it so cool. Both of them were best friends, they want to be Y/n's best friends too! The drama club would do a whole background check on Jeongguk, abd then never let Y/n near him because he fucking beat up people. The kam club would be shocked that that brat forced poor, innocent Y/n to be his friend. But as long as Y/n doesn't initiate anything, they won't either. The martial arts club would probably feel like keeping Jk farther away from Y/n now. What if he takes advantage of them, or puts them in danger! The occult club guaranteed already knew, they know everything. Breefly considered cursing Jk, but decided against it. More effort than it's worth.
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mysticpetals · 3 years
When we were young (1)
Pairing — Jake × f!mc (Syianne Langford)
Genre — Hogwarts!au, (reluctant) friends to lovers, humor, fluff
Word count — 1.5k
Summary — Jake and Syianne had known each other since their first year, but growing up has changed their relationship and not for the better. While one of them tries to save it, the other doesn't want anything to do with it. Whatever will they do?
Notes — so! I'm back with a Jake fic after 7372862 years lol this is honestly not my best work and I hope you guys can ignore any discrepancies in there. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it 💖 p.s I'm a Slytherin myself ;)
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It was a well known fact in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry that every Slytherin needed a Hufflepuff.
The mostly brooding house members get a bad reputation because of the work of previous students in Slytherin and that's why, it was an unspoken rule amongst the Hufflepuffs that they'd all befriend at least one Slytherin so that no one feels alone at the magical school. Because no matter which house they belonged to, no one deserves to feel as if they're not wanted.
And while the houses were much more comfortable and united with each other after the defeat of Voldemort, some stigmas ran too deep to be ignored so easily.
Jake knew this. Had known it ever since he sat down at the Slytherin table after his sorting and the older students mentioned that they'd be greeted enthusiastically by the Hufflepuffs and not to be put out by this. They'd be getting a friend for life after all, one that won't discriminate against them because of the colors they wore.
He just didn't expect his Hufflepuff to be a cheerful, bubbly and overly optimistic girl, Syianne Langford.
Don't get him wrong, he really appreciated having a friend right from the beginning of his journey at Hogwarts. It had seemed like a godsend at first, considering how shy and antisocial he tended to be. And Syianne was nice, she really was. It was just…..she was too nice. He couldn't understand how a person could be so happy at all times and as much as he appreciated her, he also didn't like spending a lot of time with her. It was confusing in the beginning, to say the least, how he could hold a civil conversation with her one day and then didn't speak to her again for two.
Now in his fifth year, he wished he had gotten anyone else other than her as he watched her enter the Potions classroom and scan the room for him. His attempts to hide himself by ducking his head seemed to not have worked as he heard her quick steps come towards him, sliding on the stool next to him.
"Hello, Jake!"
Merlin, how was she so loud? And why? It was only 11 am, and he just wanted to go to sleep. But of course, his Hufflepuff was the human embodiment of sunshine and he sighed, lifting his head and giving Syianne a strained smile.
"Hello, Syianne. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing good! I'm so excited for herbology today, I heard Professor Sprout is going to let us handle the venomous tentacula!" She chirped, practically bouncing on her stool, which teetered uncertainty. She had a wide smile on her face and Jake almost felt bad for what he was about to say.
"Why are you happy about coming in contact with a poisonous plant? One that could kill you?" He scrunched his face, not liking Herbology or the hazardous greenhouses they had to study in. They were too bright and colorful for his taste.
Syianne's eyes dimmed a little and she pouted, narrowing her eyes.
"You could at least pretend to be excited. The plant is actually very sweet once you get to know her," she grumbled and Jake looked at her in disbelief and something akin to horror.
"Her? Are you—"
"Good morning class! Let's begin today's lesson shall we?"
The Professor entered the classroom and they began the lesson. Jake would have thought that Syianne would be cross with him after he insulted her precious plants but to his chagrin, she was back to her usual self and talked to him all throughout the lesson, with him giving less than enthusiastic responses to her rapid questions. By the end of the lesson, Jake's hands were tired from stirring the potion and his ears were about to fall off.
He finally heaved a sigh of relief when the Professor said that they could leave and continue making it in the next class. He practically tossed his books in the bag and got up from his seat when a hand caught his wrist. He swivelled around to frown at Syianne who only smiled in return.
"We have Herbology next, let's go walk together?" She asked and he thought of various reasons he could use to get out of it but in the end, nodded wearily, getting a blinding smile from the girl in return.
"Great, let's go!"
The walk to Herbology greenhouses was rather pleasant. Syianne didn't speak as much, taking in the sight of the large grounds and Jake had a minute to himself. He was thinking that if it was like this all the time, he could get used to Syianne's company, before his thoughts were interrupted by Syianne grabbing his arm and yanking him towards herself.
He stumbled and almost fell onto her but at the last minute, held onto her shoulders to avoid the both of them tumbling to the ground. He raised his head to angrily berate her but froze realising how close they were to each other. Jake, never being one for close physical contact, blushed furiously, his cheeks turning the color of Griffindor's flag and sputtered, releasing her shoulders and stepping aside.
"Wh-why did you do that?" He cleared his throat but didn't have to wait for an answer as Richy Rogers, a Ravenclaw, swooshed past them on his broom, laughter ringing behind his wake and Professor McGonagall's angry voice telling him to 'come back here at once!'.
Jake turned to Syianne, awkwardly trying to thank her for saving him but she just shook her head with a smile.
"Come on, we're friends. It's what we do for each other," she said and then continued on towards the greenhouses.
Jake felt a little silly afterwards. Since growing up, he had even less interest in talking to anyone and usually remained by himself or occasionally with his half sister Lilly. He began to distance himself from Syianne, who he used to spend some time with earlier but now it was only when they had classes together. He decided that he'd try to be a little more civil with the girl who was still trying to save their friendship. He didn't have to constantly be around her but he'll try not to give dry answers in response to her never-ending questions.
The Herbology classroom was filled with nervous students with a few excited exceptions and Jake found himself stepping back when Professor Sprout placed a writhing tentacula on their table. Syianne looked like Christmas had come early as she watched the plants arms slither around the table, trying to find something to latch onto.
"Today you'll be collecting three leaves from your respective plants for your Potions inventory. These plants are still babies but that doesn't mean they can't hurt you. Be careful not to let them sting you, you'll be out for days if it happens. You can use a stunning charm to stun them and collect the leaves. Now please begin!"
Jake had even less of a desire to do anything after hearing Professor Sprout's words but Syianne was all for it, wearing her dragon hide gloves and looking at him.
Jake sighed and wore his gloves, carefully stepping towards the plant. He took out his wand to perform the stunning spell when Syianne came between him and the plant, cooing and stroking it's vines. He faltered, looking at her in disbelief as she baby talked the plant and to his surprise, the plant calmed down and stopped moving.
"How are you doing that?" He couldn't help but ask and she turned to him with a grin.
"They're babies, aren't they? So I'm just calming them down. We won't have to stun them that way. Here, you try!" She stepped aside to allow him to tackle the plant but he immediately shook his head.
"No, I'm good."
"Nonsense, it won't bite."
But alas, Jake's luck for the day seemed to have run out because as soon as Syianne stopped touching the plant, it started writhing like before and one of it's vines immediately wrapped around Jake's arm, tightening around it. Before Jake could stun him, the vines yanked him forward and his stomach collided with the corner of the table, knocking all breath out of him. He fell to his knees, wincing as the thorns cut his arm.
Just as suddenly as it had happened, Jake felt the vines release his arm and Professor Sprout leaning over him, with Syianne at his side, looking at him worriedly.
Efforts to reconcile be damned, he didn't even want to see her face right now.
"I'm afraid we might have to go to the hospital wing, dear. And don't worry about your assignment, I'm sure Syianne will manage by herself," Professor Sprout said, lifting him up and Syianne nodded rapidly at her words.
Gritting his teeth, he sent her a sharp look, making clear his dislike and took grim satisfaction in the fact that her face fell and she wasn't smiling anymore.
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