#i only noticed him while i was looking for my wallet in the train
dwururka · 1 year
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Look at this baby my mom gifted me
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Imagine taking Rayleigh and Shakky out on a date
This is part 2 of this post
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Rayleigh: so you want to take us out on a pretend date to spite your first mate and captain for bullying you?
Reader: I know how it sounds, but I figured it'd be a good way to get back at them.
Shakky: While I'm all for helping you get revenge, I don't understand your logic.
You: well, Rayleigh is Shanks's father figure.
Rayleigh: That's not how I'd put it, but I suppose I'm the closest thing he's got.
You: And while I know you two have an open relationship, I thought fucking my captain's father figure would be crossing a line.
Shakky: probably a wise move.
You: And I wanted you to go on a fake date with you, Shakky because Benn has had a crush on you for years, but has been too nervous to ask you out on a date.
Rayleigh: so a date, with both of us, would be two birds with one stone.
Shakky: Oh, I know about his little crush, his poker face is terrible
You: I know, right? I saw him in here earlier, looking at you, he was about as subtle as a sea train.
Rayleigh: *turns to his wife,* What do you think?
Shakky: I dunno.
You: I'll pay for dinner.
Shakky: Deal.
Rayleigh: Pick us up at six thirty tonight.
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That night during dinner
Rayleigh: *drinking straight from the wine bottle you ordered*, So how's the brat supposed to know you took us on a date?
You: Well, he planned on dining here at seven, so by the time our food arrives, he should be here. But you know him, he's not good at sticking to plans. If he doesn't come, we could take a picture as a backup plan.
Shakky: Sounds like a plan, in the meantime, we should have a proper date.
Rayleigh: yes, tell us about yourself.
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An hour later
You: And Shanks, buck ass naked, slips on the wet rocks, falls, and smacks against the surface of the water!
Shanks: (y/n)?
You: *looks over to notice Shanks and his inner circle gawking at you*
Rayleigh: hey sport
Shanks: what's going on here?
Shakky: what does it look like? We're having a date with this little cutie. *wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your shoulder, giving a pointed smirk at Benn*
Rayleigh: *puts his arm around both you and Shakky and pulls you into his side,* They were just telling us about your skinny sipping mishap on Koala Island.
Shanks: No
You: yep
Benn: *glaring daggers at you,* You little shit, how long has this been going on?
You: Not long, this is the first date.
Shanks: Is this because of what we said two weeks ago?
You: a little
Shanks: *pouts,* We were just teasing.
Shakky: You're interrupting our date, it's quite rude.
Shanks: Fine, enjoy your evening.
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Shanks: *alone, passed out drunk on his table*
Rayleigh: *sighs* this boy I swear.
Shakky: Want to ditch him with our tab?
You: Yeah, but we're not gonna leave him without the cash, *pulls out his wallet and puts the Berry you brought along inside before sliding it back into his pocket*
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The next day on the Red Force
You: *walks onto the ship only for everyone to stare at you*
Benn: You have some explaining to do.
Shanks: *bursts out of his cabin,* Did you fuck them?
You: no, I thought that'd be crossing a line.
Shanks: then where did you stay last night?
You: In their guest room, I helped Shakky open this morning because Rayleigh had wandered off after our date... Look, it wasn't a real date, Boss, I was upfront with them about my intentions.
Shanks: We didn't bully you.
You: It certainly felt like it to me, and when I voiced that hurt, you didn't apologize, and basically told me to stop sulking. So I wanted you to know how it felt, so I asked Rayleigh and Shakky to help me get back at you for bullying me.
Shanks: I see, *reflects on his behavior for a moment* I'm sorry we teased you, it was supposed to be a joke but ended up hurting your feelings.
You: Apology accepted.
Shanks: Now, please never date any of my former crew mates from my time with Roger.
You: I promise I won't knowingly date any of them.
Shanks: I don't like the way you phrased that, but fine, I guess.
Benn: Now that that's done, tell me how in the hell you got Shakky to go on a date with you.
You: Again, it was a fake date, but I simply asked.
Benn: I was afraid you were gonna say that.
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501 notes · View notes
penkura · 4 months
last forever [8/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: This is my personal favorite chapter I've written. That's all I have to say lol.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7]
“Hey, Sanji. Do me a favor.”
Sanji's nearly unconscious as Zoro speaks to him, his favor loud and clear before the blond passes out, leaving the swordsman to face Bartholomew Kuma alone.
You thought Zoro was going to die, you had convinced yourself he wasn't going to wake up. You'd stayed by his side, praying, ever since Sanji and Chopper brought Zoro back into Moria's mansion to treat his wounds and let him rest. Sanji won't tell you a word of what happened, no matter how much you beg him to.
“Mosshe– Zoro wouldn't want you to know. I doubt he wants anyone to know. Least of all you and Luffy.”
Whatever Sanji meant, you don't know, and right now you don't even care about what had Zoro knocked out the last little while.
Finally he was awake, it felt longer than it really was, three (agonizing) days, he had freakish healing like Luffy did, of course. But seeing he's awake, you can't help it, you throw yourself at him saying his name over and over like a mantra as you cry. Of course it freaks him out a bit, once he bites back a heavy groan from the pain you've just inflicted on him with your tight hug, it takes Zoro a moment to register you hugging him before he's able to do anything about it.
And he returns your hug slightly. Loosely wrapping his arms around you, one around your shoulders, the other barely touching your waist, an attempt at comforting you while you cry.
Damn it, he's tried so hard to push your feelings away, get you to stop looking at him like he was your world, but now Zoro realizes he's only stoked the flames by doing so, only made your feelings stronger without meaning to.
But, maybe he doesn't mind. He'd seek you out each morning, mostly asking if you'd gotten anything from your parents about your little sham marriage, but he'd also ask you to train with him if you weren't busy, and even be the one to go into town with you whenever the Sunny docked for a day or two. You never asked, you just knew he was coming with you so you waited for him, waited until he was by your side and then you'd smile and lead Zoro into the town to shop for whatever your heart desired (and your wallet could afford). In the time he'd started doing that, Zoro noticed different things about you.
The way you laughed with store clerks as they told you about an item you were looking at, your eyes would sparkle with every new find, how you'd hold onto his wrist to make sure he didn't get lost, you staying beside him when he'd nap on Sunny, you making sure he had enough water during his workouts.
How you'll help anyone on the ship with anything they need. You'll bring Nami the supplies she needs to make maps, help Usopp and Luffy fish for dinner, wash the dishes after dinner despite Sanji telling you he'd do it. You've been learning from Chopper how to treat wounds, you'll sit with Robin and listen to her tell you about history, you've even started helping Franky with his projects and helping to perform maintenance on Sunny if needed.
Then with him. With Zoro you're content to sit quietly while he naps, or watch him while he trains, never expecting a conversation. You willingly bring him whatever he needs, whether it's water or sake, you fix his shirts if they get torn, you even stay up when he has night watch and share drinks with him. He never thought someone would want to spend all their time with him or that he'd accept someone being so close to him, what had changed that made him actually want company during times he'd normally want to rest and be alone?
You. Damn, it was you.
You whose inner demons would infiltrate your dreams, causing you to slip into his bed for comfort, stability, as he slept soundly which gave you peace to do the same, a silent promise after the first time of yes, I’ll keep you safe. You who he had saved from drowning more times than Luffy and Chopper combined. You who made him feel like he was on fire with the slightest touch, even a brush of your fingers against his at dinner. You who had stitched him up multiple times, the first one turning into a jagged scar that if asked he'd say was his favorite. You who cared enough to stay sober in bars to drag him back to the hotel or the ship when you knew he needed to stop and rest.
You who would tell him every detail about the books you were reading, the ones you'd purchased or borrowed from Robin. The one time you told him the main love interest of a romance novel reminded you of him, making his face burn red out of embarrassment before he told you not to say such things, especially in front of the others (mostly Sanji).
Even after telling you in Alabasta that nothing was going to happen, you two weren't going to become a couple, he wasn't here to play romance with you or anyone else. Even after all that, you still stuck to his side almost like glue and didn't let it change anything.
Even with your argument after Robin joined, nothing much changed between the two of you. If anything, Zoro felt more drawn to you than anything or anyone else. He wanted to spend more time with just you and him. What a change from just a few months ago, he just realized.
Even once you kissed him and he returned it in Water Seven, you attempted to apologize soon after, before he stopped you. There had been nothing to apologize for, not from you anyway. If he'd thought about it at the time, Zoro would have apologized for not giving you a proper response then. For making you go to bed alone that night.
Damn it all.
What has happened to him? Ever since your sham marriage began something has been creeping into his mind every time he looks at you and remembers "Oh yeah I'm married to her" that makes him want to pull you away from everyone and damn it, he wants to kiss you again. There's another feeling of wanting, needing to protect you, despite how strong you are in your own right. Everything about this is weird, yet somehow comforting as well. Who put this spell on him, who made him have feelings like this? Are you secretly a witch on top of a swordswoman?
Zoro breaks out of his thoughts when you speak his name again, this time as a question, your voice shaking as you hold him tighter, trying your best not to hurt him again.
"I…” your voice shakes again, and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, briefly wondering if this was the smart thing to do, before the words fall out of your mouth, “I love you…"
He pulls you closer, just a bit, your whispered confession only loud enough for him to hear. He doesn't have a response, not right now, but you're fine with that. You'd accepted long ago he may never love you back, but you had to tell him. He had to know.
After nearly losing him, you had to get these feelings out.
So when he ever so quietly thanks you, pressing the softest kiss to your temple, it makes you cry even more. You feel there's a chance, however small it may be, that Roronoa Zoro may come to have feelings for you one day.
Chopper returns a moment later, not wanting to pull you two apart, but he's so happy to see Zoro's alive and awake that even he cries a little, before checking the swordsman's wounds as you release yourself from him, Zoro allowing you to continue holding his hand for comfort.
Not only for you, but for him as well.
“I probably won't make it out of this…so take care of her for me, got it?”
"I told Zoro I love him."
It becomes so quiet you can hear a pin drop after that. Nami had asked why you were so spaced out that day, she and Robin now both so surprised at your confession. Nami's jaw drops and Robin has a small smile, before they look at each other with one thought in mind.
Impromptu girl's night.
"I'm getting extra blankets and pillows!"
"I'll ask Sanji for some wine and snacks."
Once everything is together and all the pillows and blankets are spread on the floor, you have glasses of wine and small snacks, Nami demands to hear every detail and you tell her and Robin everything about your love confession.
"He…he thanked me and kissed me–"
"On the lips again?!"
You laugh and shake your head, taking a small sip of your wine. "No, just on my temple this time."
Nami squeaks a bit, Robin laughing lightly at her reaction and the longing look on your face. As soon as she joined she'd seen the love you held for Zoro on your face, anytime you spoke of him or someone else did, your eyes would light up and your cheeks would burn pink.
You were deeply in love with him, even though he showed no romantic feelings for you. Robin had given you a romance novel once specifically due to the fact the love interest even reminded her of Zoro, which you quickly agreed with and finished the book in nearly three days which surprised her.
Nami, knowing you and Zoro were married, wanted you two together from the start. Every time you told her something that made you fall more and more in love with him, she'd giggle alongside you which always got a strange look from Usopp and Luffy, who thought you were both insane. She'd push you two together so often, that when Zoro started following you off the ship she thought it was a good sign, since she didn't have to bribe him with reducing his debt or anything. He just went on his own.
"That's such a great sign!" Nami throws her arms around you in a hug, making you laugh while Robin nods. "He's starting to fall for you! Finally!"
"I wouldn't go that far, Nami."
"I would! After all these months, you guys could be a real couple!"
"Nami, let's calm down a bit," Robin smiles and puts a hand on your shoulder, "She and Zoro will need to talk things out eventually, but let's see if anything changes since she's confessed her love to him."
Sighing loudly, Nami nods but still holds onto you, seeing a strange look on your face. She's not sure if it's one of concern or what, but it makes her hug you a little tighter.
"I'm sure he loves you, maybe deep down right now, but, he's gonna tell you one day."
You smile a bit with a slight nod, hugging Nami back. You believe her, you really do. Even if it takes a while for Zoro to say anything back to you, it doesn't matter. You'll wait as long as it takes and not give up.
For Zoro, you'll wait a lifetime.
You're crawling into Zoro's bed a few nights later. Your nightmares had turned from your neglectful parents to losing him at Thriller Bark, waking you with tears and sobs that Robin tried to help you through, calming you down enough for you to tell her you were going to slip into his bed like you'd done every time before. She simply nodded and let you go, promising to tell Nami nothing about it, you didn't want her worrying.
Zoro's fast asleep, as always, as you quietly sneak into the boy's bunks and step over Luffy who had fallen out of his hammock. You hear him mumble something about meat in his sleep while Usopp snores and Chopper sleeps happily beside him, but you pay no mind to it. You feel lucky Franky's in his workshop, Sanji's still busy in the kitchen, and Brook is out on the deck playing his violin. None of them should cause you any problems this time, but does it matter if they do?
Your thoughts are entirely on Zoro and making sure he's okay. He's still injured, but you have to be certain nothing is wrong.
You quickly and quietly slip into his hammock once you reach it, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his back, hearing a slight groan from him due to his wounds still not being fully healed. You feel bad waking him, even as he turns around and throws one of his arms over you, looking at you as if asking what was wrong, even though he thought he knew. It's been a while since you've last done this, your nightmare must have been particularly awful for you to return to this habit he'd thought you'd stopped.
"You okay?" His brows are furrowed while he wipes a few of your tears away. He's never seen you this upset after a nightmare before.
You try to speak but all that comes out is a whimper and a quiet sob, making you grip his shirt tighter as you shake your head. You can't tell him, you can't get the words out that it was a nightmare about him dying after he’s told you numerous times he wasn’t dying until he became the world’s greatest swordsman. He came so close to death at Thriller Bark that you were just terrified deep down about it becoming reality.
Instead of inquiring further, Zoro just nods, pulling you closer in an effort to calm you down.
"You're safe here. Nothing's gonna get you while I'm around."
You feel the quickest of kisses on your forehead before Zoro tucks your head under his chin, closing his eyes to sleep again, and it's all so strange to you. You've not had time to sit and talk since you told him you love him, but he's treated you slightly differently lately. Still going into town with you, training with you, but now sitting beside you at every meal which pissed off Sanji at times, purposefully leaning against you while he napped as you read a book.
He let you hold his hand the other day in town, even stopping at a small café with you for lunch and refusing to let you pay for your own meal despite his own money problems.
Zoro may not be in love with you yet, but you can tell he definitely cares for you in how he treats you. He saw through your façade of acting like all was well while you were still nursing the pain from your parents treating you like property and trying to sell you off to someone nearly twice your age just for money, the pain your brother tried his hardest to lighten before he helped you run away. He'd noticed from the moment he met you that there was something you were keeping from him and when he got it out of you one night, he said he'd keep you from having to go back. That was why he married you, you had more to give and do than be someone's third bride, he'd help you achieve it himself.
"Thank you, Zoro."
He's still awake, but once you finally fall asleep, he opens his eyes and watches you, finally peaceful. He feels bad he doesn't have a true response to you yet, he’s still working things out in his own mind and heart. Telling you once before that he held no romantic feelings for you, but now realizing that his thoughts have changed, it’s hard to work through that without letting anyone know. He doesn't want to get your hopes up just to tell you he doesn't feel the same in the end.
But, Zoro thinks that maybe, maybe staying married to you won't be so bad. Maybe, once he works out his feelings, he'll try to properly court you, give you a relationship you deserve, he'll protect you from anything and anyone else.
And then, one day, you could revisit this being a married couple thing, maybe actually live as husband and wife.
There's a slight bit of teasing the next morning from Franky. He'd finally gone to bed at one point and was surprised you had snuck into Zoro's hammock, the swordsman having an arm around you as you both slept. Granted he's seen how close you two are, especially after the fiasco of Thriller Bark, but didn't think you were that close.
He's also surprised by none of the others, apart from Brook, saying anything about it either. Was this normal for the two of you, to share a bed like that? If it was, why didn't Zoro just join you in the women's bunks? Surely your bed was more comfortable than his hammock.
Your face feels like it’s burning all through breakfast, the same as when Sanji first caught you in Zoro's hammock and made a fuss about it. Zoro just sets a glare at Franky anytime he says something about you two getting cozy with a grin that tells him your shipwright is getting the wrong idea. You two hadn't done anything, you slept like the other times, there's no reason for this teasing.
Zoro eventually has enough and slams his hand on the table, frightening most of your crewmates, standing up and continuing to glare at Franky.
"Would you just shut up about it? She had a nightmare and came to me for help, that's all. Come on, let's go."
Luckily you're done with breakfast when Zoro tells you to go with him, nodding and doing so as you hear Sanji and Nami reprimand Franky, who's now wondering why Zoro, of all people, got so angry about a little bit of teasing.
"I don't get what the big deal is," Franky leans back in his seat, ignoring how Nami is still looking like she's going to smack him, "So what if they're together? Not like it's against the rules or anything."
"Except they aren't together." Sanji responds before Nami can, and all it does is make Franky question the situation even more. He's trying to diffuse the situation, making sure your arrangement with Zoro doesn't get out before you either annul or Zoro decides to stay with you.
Luffy nods, before saying "They're married though, but don't tell anyone else!"
"Luffy!!" Nami doesn't even wait to smack him over the head, making your captain whine and ask what that was for. "That's not our secret to tell!"
"Well they're gonna get an annulment thingy anyway, so why does it matter??"
"Wait what, what the hell?"
“I didn't know Zoro and [Y/N] were married!” Chopper sounds beyond excited, while Brook laughs.
“Yohoho, what a surprise!”
Franky and Brook try to question Luffy and Nami about the whole thing, while Robin smiles to herself.
She's heard you and Sanji talking about your marriage to Zoro every now and then, and knew most of the details already, but knowing your feelings for him, she’s sure it’s only a matter of time before you two actually became a couple.
Though, she’s also fairly certain that if you heard your marriage had been revealed, you'd crawl in a hole and die while Zoro would seriously consider throwing Luffy overboard, before saving him in the end.
"I don't think Franky was trying to be rude about it."
"He was being obnoxious is the point, [Y/N]."
Nodding in agreement, you keep your eyes on your book once Zoro comes back from showering after his morning workout. He'd gone straight to the crow's nest after leaving the kitchen, you running to get a book and joining him once you'd picked one out. You've been sitting there ever since, having small conversations with Zoro while he worked out, eventually leaving long enough to take a shower before coming back to you in the same spot. He didn't want to talk about the morning's events anymore, but you felt like you had to say something no matter how obnoxious Franky was about the whole situation.
Zoro sits beside you, and you barely glance over a few times, wondering if now was a good time to talk about your confession and what's next for the two of you, before he speaks first.
"Anything from your parents?"
Ah yes, that makes sense. He hasn't asked yet today, that's what was missing from this day.
Shaking your head, you close your book and lean back to stare up at the ceiling. "Not a word. Makes me think they forgot they had a daughter."
"We're three days out from having to divorce, right? So there's probably no chance of them responding in time."
You're not sure if you hear annoyance or concern in Zoro's voice, but again you nod.
You don't know how to voice that you don't want to annul or divorce, that your confession to him after he woke up at Thriller Bark wasn't a heat of the moment thing or simply crewmate concern. You really are in love with him, that was a fact you've come to know over the last few months but were only able to voice recently.
Why do feelings have to be so complicated?
"You meant what you said, after I woke up?"
He's very quiet, you almost miss him speaking, but your breath catches in your throat, and its all you can do to just nod, a small 'yes' coming out of your mouth.
Zoro's not at all surprised as he nods, trying to plan his next words carefully. He's not ready to say the same love confession to you, but he might be willing to try. Try a relationship with you and keep you safe, whether your parents ever reply to you or not. He's willing to give the two of you a shot.
It's strange, how just six months ago you were in tears to him about the arranged marriage and he quickly offered to marry you and keep you from going home, from leaving him. At first, he tried to convince himself it was because you were useful, you worked well with him when taking down bounty targets. You knew how to use a sword and could perform recon work on your targets, all of that was more than what he needed in a bounty hunting partner, when he'd never thought of having one before. Not until he met you in that dinky little bar when you were running away from home, nearly passing out when you ran into him because you'd had a fever and he kept you from hitting the ground. He lost a couple days of work taking care of you, a complete and total stranger, that you were so grateful to him you offered to help and he only let you do so after you sparred with him. You lost obviously, but Zoro was impressed enough to let you follow him if you wanted to.
The year and a half you had traveled and worked together was enough, he knew it when he told you he'd marry you. You didn't know it, still don't to this day, and Zoro would likely take the truth to the grave with him, but at this point he knew it.
He knew he had feelings for you, it was just telling you. That's the difficult part right now.
You'd said your side of it, Zoro just needed the right place and time to return your words.
"I want–"
There's shouting from down on the deck that snaps you both out of your little world you're in, and you sit up to look out the window, seeing what looked like a large fish tail and Sanji freaking out over something. You wonder what's going on, before looking at Zoro, who looks less than thrilled you two were interrupted.
"Something's going on! Let's go see!"
He doesn't fight or grumble while you grab his wrist and pull him up, there's nothing he can do about it now.
Maybe tomorrow I guess.
“What’s with the bird?”
You don’t even have the chance to untie the letter from your parents before Zoro asks, you just smile before petting your family’s carrier bird on her head, giving her a few scratches as she perches on your shoulder.
“My parents are wealthy, so they have their own carrier birds. We’ve had Chisa here since I was little, she brings me mail and letters all over, wherever I am she’ll find me.”
“Seriously? All of that just to flex their cash?” Zoro rolls his eyes when you nod with a small giggle, opening the latest letter you’d been sent by your parents.
Every one so far had been a demand to return home and “fulfill your duty” of marrying the man they’d chosen for you. It was ridiculous, you’ve let Zoro see a few of them, even though every letter says the exact same thing. The only one that had been different was a letter exclusively from Elias, telling you about his marriage because he knew you’d be happy for him.
You start to follow after Zoro as he attempts to lead you back to the town you’re staying at, not even sure why you’re reading the letter that’s most likely just their demands for you to come back, until you catch a new line in the letter that makes you stop in your tracks.
The second he hears your breathing pick up, Zoro stops and looks over his shoulder at you, eyes widening just a bit when he sees your shoulders shaking and it almost seems like you’re about to have a panic attack.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” he’s almost instantly in front of you with his hands on your shoulders, Zoro knows he isn’t good at this stuff, but he’s got to get you to calm down, “What’s wrong? What’s in the letter?”
“I…I’m eighteen.”
“Yeah…? So what about—”
“Shit, shit, they’re gonna,” Zoro can barely keep you from hitting the ground while you crouch down, still holding the letter but putting your hands on your head to try and calm yourself down, “They’re gonna find me and force me to marry him.”
Zoro takes the letter from you while you start crying over your fears of being forced back home, reading the letter himself to see there’s some caveat in the agreement between your parents and alleged fiancé, where you’d be legally married soon after turning eighteen whether you had a wedding or not. Scowling, Zoro starts to rip to letter up, watching you fist your hair and close your eyes tight. Whatever you went through while dealing with this arranged marriage situation, it’s left a bad impression on you, he’d be surprised if you ever chose to get married one day because of it.
After a few minutes, Zoro helps you back up, holding your shoulders again, before trying to speak to you.
“I can’t go back, I can’t!” Finally looking up at him again, you’re still in tears and griping his shirt so tightly, almost desperate for some way out of this arrangement, some way to keep from being found and dragged back there. “I won’t go back, Zoro, please, help me!! I can’t marry that man!”
What is he supposed to do? There’s very little chance your parents haven’t sent people out to find you, or sent your name and picture across government facilities that honor small village traditions, no matter how dark or outdated they may be. He doesn’t know what to do, this is so foreign to him! How is he supposed to keep you from marrying someone?
“I’ll marry you then.”
“W-What??” This isn’t what you expected for help, not even in the slightest. You don’t even think Zoro knew he was going to say that, or planned to, it seems like it just came out with no rhyme or reason.
But, it would fix the problem. If you married someone else, your parents couldn’t rightfully force you to marry someone else, whether they had chosen the person or not.
“I…” You shake your head, not wanting Zoro to feel like he has to do something, it’s not his job. All you’ve done is follow him the last year and a half, he’s not supposed to be your protector or anything like that, just a friend that let you go with him so you didn’t have to go back home, back to what you’ve fled. “We can’t! I mean, we aren’t—"
“If I marry you, will that keep them from forcing you home?!”
“I…I think so?”
Nodding, Zoro takes your hand off his shirt, watching you for any signs of rejection or if you want to say anything else. There’s something in his eyes, you don’t know what it is, you probably never will. But he holds your hand so tightly, keeping you from pulling away before he says it again.
“Marry me, [Y/N].”
For a moment, you don’t respond, wondering if Zoro’s screwing with you or not. But that’s not like him. You’ve only known him for about eighteen months, but you know that he would never joke around about something like this. He might be a little closed off still, but he would never play with someone’s feelings this way.
After another minute or so, you nod.
“I’ll marry you, Zoro.”
You’ve not thought about how Zoro offered to marry you in quite a while, the memory waking you up from a dead sleep in the village you’ve been in the last eighteen months. After receiving Luffy’s message about when to meet your crew again, you ended up staying in a village that excelled in training swordswomen, working your hardest every day and improving to the point very few of the other women even tried to spar with you.
Now I can’t sleep.
Sighing, you get up from your bed and go to the balcony in your little apartment you’ve been granted use of. Remembering the proposal that’s put you in this situation still, where you’ve been legally married for two years, have told Zoro--who was supposed to be your temporary husband--that you’re in love with him, and it seems like he might be starting to feel something similar towards you. It’s still all so strange, but it makes you smile while you watch the stars for a few minutes, silent prayers for your crew’s continued safety, and hopes that you and Zoro can make things work out.
“Happy anniversary, Zoro.”
You’ll be surprised to hear, one day in the future, that Zoro had the same dream about his impromptu proposal around the same time you did. He even realizes that it would’ve been your second anniversary at the time, give or take a few days, Mihawk doesn’t have a calendar or bother to keep him and the ghost girl up to date on what’s going on outside the island.
The dream isn’t enough to wake him the way it does you, but it does linger in his mind the rest of the day, even as he trains. It gets to the point that Mihawk stops him, asking what on earth could be distracting the twenty-one-year-old so badly that he’s making beginner’s mistakes, and Zoro decides to tell him, just to get it out there. Maybe that will help him clear his mind.
“Just… thinking about my wife.”
This earns a raised brow from Mihawk and a shout from Perona.
“A wife?”
“You’re married and never told us?!”
“You aren’t my crew!”
Perona sticks her tongue out at him, demanding answers about you and your marriage, questions Zoro refused to answer right now, before Mihawk interrupts them.
“I care not that you’re married. You can think about your wife later, focus on training now.”
Though Zoro knows Mihawk is right, he should be focusing on his training, thoughts of you and your strange marriage don’t leave his mind, despite his nodding.
I’ll talk to you soon then…[Y/N].
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thejujvtsupost · 2 months
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My Clothes Look Good On You
I’m getting back into the swing of writing, so it’s probably not my best work but it’s a start. Smut starts next part.
Lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist 💗
Notes: F!reader, Pro boxer!Toji, light age gap (Toji is early 30's and reader is mid 20's), pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart), reader is smaller than Toji, getting together, reader is a medic/nurse, light violence (boxing injuries)- the usual series notes.
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The texts started not even a day after you met Toji.
Usually stuff like ‘You should come to the gym tomorrow, I can show you a few things.’ And ‘You working for my next match? It’d be nice to have a good luck charm.’
You weren’t expecting anything like this from him, you thought giving him your number was for medical advice or something professional. So his flirting and interest in you was a surprise- one that had you blushing, but you didn’t think he was too serious about it.
And to Toji’s credit, he was nothing but sweet and respectful. It didn’t matter how busy his typically packed schedule was, he was always checking on you, trying to learn more about your life.
“Why don’t you come by the gym after your shift? We could get somethin’ to eat.”
‘I can’t 😕 I’m stuck filling out applications. Maybe another day?’
The reminder of your unemployment stressed you out further. It wasn’t his fault, he didn’t know you lost your main job after the match. You told him a lot about the work you did with Shoko, but the few hours you had at the clinic weren’t enough to sustain you and everything was going wrong. Your savings were drying up.
‘Whatcha applyin for?’
‘The usual. I’m running late but I’ll talk to you later!’
You didn’t give any specifics, it was embarrassing enough that you got fired. You managed to get an interview at a different hospital, a welcomed change from the countless application denials.
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Honestly, fuck Mother Nature.
The interview didn’t go well at all. You had thought there was hope with this job, but at the end of the interview the boss outright told you that they would be going a different direction. You left quickly after that.
The rejection stung. To add insult to injury, it was absolutely pouring rain. Of course you weren’t prepared, too focused on the interview and your clothes were getting more soaked by the minute.
“Fuck!” Your phone was dead, your wallet at home, failing to notice the essentials were missing while worrying about what questions you might be asked was your own fault. You should have paid better attention.
You took an Uber there, so your only option was to walk home, already out of the way of the train station. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too bad…
The rain was a bitter cold, and your entire body trembled with the pain of the wind whipping against your shaking form not twenty minutes into your trek. The world swallowing you whole would be a blessing.
Or, maybe the real blessing was the gym you recognized up ahead. For the first time in a while, you felt a glimmer of hope.
It would be warm in there, and maybe you could borrow a phone to call a cab. You doubted Toji would still be there, but surely someone was still working out, right? It was worth a shot.
Increasing your pace until the door was at your fingertips, and pulling it open- it was unlocked. You could cry. It was warm, and most of all, dry.
You peeked your head into the main room and saw a few people doing their thing, until your eyes landed on Suguru.
He saw you out of the corner of his eye and smiled, about to welcome you in (under the assumption Toji had invited you) until he saw the state you were in. Shivering, wet and probably bound to get sick.
“What the hell? Don’t tell me you walked here, you should’ve rescheduled or something.” He pulled a few towels out from a large cabinet full of them and offered them to you. “Toji’s not worth getting rained on.”
“Toji’s not what now?” The sight of Toji with his bag on his shoulder to go home made you smile a little through the chatter of your teeth. “Woah what the hell?”
“That’s literally what I said, I can’t believe you didn’t at least send someone to pick her up before you dragged her out like a needy bastard.”
Toji ignored him and took a towel to help get some of the water out of your hair, it was a welcomed gesture. “‘Thought you were workin’ sweetheart, don’t tell me you quit your job to come see me, it’ll go to my head. What were you doing in the rain like that? You’re soaked.”
You knew he was teasing you lightheartedly, but the mention of your job had you nearly tearing up with the stress. “About that…”
Suguru took that as a cue to leave you guys alone, “C’mere, you’re gonna get sick.” A much larger hand took yours and led you to the locker room. “I have some clean clothes in my locker and you can change in the bathroom.”
“Oh I couldn’t-” the protests started as soon as he pressed shorts and a shirt over to you.
“Yes you can, I’ll get a bag for your wet clothes.”
Truly, you were freezing, you hadn’t stopped shivering and you probably wouldn’t any time soon. You sighed in resignation and changed in the aforementioned bathroom, cringing at how huge his clothes were (but enjoying the scent secretly.)
Toji was waiting with a spare jacket you slipped on right away and a plastic bag for your wet clothes, but when he saw you dwarfed by his he laughed. “Holy shit, you’re s’cute. C’mon, you look like you need cheered up. I’ll take you to mine and order takeout. Sound good? Then maybe you can tell me what’s got you down too.”
And you probably shouldn’t go with a man that you hadn’t known for too long, but you were hungry and wearing his clothes and tired, and maybe a little weak to his smile-
“Yeah, okay. I’d like that.” You tried to look grateful, but you couldn’t muster too much emotion other than sad.
Once again a large hand took yours and this time led you to his car in the parking garage.
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He waited until you were full and warm with your phone on the charger and the tv low in the background before he started asking questions.
Well, more like he was looking at you with concern and you cracked. “I got fired.”
“What? Today? What happened?” The way he sounded ticked off on your behalf made you feel even warmer. Seriously, you can’t be giving in to his charms, but… he was sweet with you and considerate…
“Three weeks ago… after the fight I ran into my boss. I was wearing clothes with the logo of the clinic I work at with Shoko and moonlighting is against the rules but it’s hard with what I was making at my day job. I needed the money from working a second one and I got caught and the stress is so much to handle I don’t know what I’m gonna do if I can’t find someone hiring!” It all came out of you like word vomit and (more than) a few tears of frustration followed.
“Aw sweets, you should’ve told me you were looking for a job, I could’ve helped. Working that many hours isn’t good for you. But they were dead wrong t’fire you like that.” He wiped your tears and his other hand rubbed yours soothingly and it was nice to be touched gently after several weeks of constant stress.
You sniffled and took in a breath, getting that off your back helped more than you thought it would, Toji’s hulking, kind presence was a balm to a wound. “It’s been a lot to handle, I thought today’s interview was going really well until they rejected me at the end. Didn’t even wait to send me a half assed email, just told me outright. I thought they liked me for the job I don’t know what I said wrong.”
“I don’t know sweetheart, they’re crazy not to hire you. Maybe they were scared of how good your resume looked.” His joke made you let out a giggle and a sigh.
“Thanks for cheering me up, and sorry if you had other plans. It’s Friday night and you’re stuck with me crying on you.”
Toji’s brows furrowed, “Who said I was stuck? The only plan I had was text you enough to bother you and get takeout.”
It was your turn for your brows to furrow “It’s literally Friday night, you weren’t going out?”
Suddenly the floor was super interesting to Toji and he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand before looking at you again.
“I thought I was being pretty obvious about it, but I’m not interested in going out unless it’s what you. ‘Don’t want to rush ya, but I’m kinda trying to win you over here. Y’know? Woo ya, that’s what the kids call it these days I think.” His cheeks were flushed red and it was endearing.
“Woo me, huh? You’re sweet, you know that?” You really didn’t think he was serious before, and now he truly had your heart fluttering.
“So… is it working so far?”
You leaned forward to kiss him softly on the lips, chaste but sweet. “What do you think?”
Toji pulled you in for another kiss, unable to let you go so soon. “Can I take ya on a date?” He pulled away panting.
“I think I can pencil you in.”
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That night you slept better than you had in ages. Toji’s bed was comfortable and he was warm, holding you all night. You woke up before him to pee and crawled back in bed, you shouldn’t be acting so boldly, you weren’t even technically together yet. But Toji made it hard to not want to be around him. No one had treated you so sweetly in years.
“Wow, leavin’ me all alone like that. Cruel.” Toji was awake when you came back, evidently.
“My clothes are probably done in the dryer, I should get out of your hair.”
Strong polar bear arms wrapped around you tight, “Nah.”
Your lip lifted in amusement. “Nah?”
“Nah. It’s only four, go back to sleep. Gotta eat breakfast first later anyway. And I was gonna invite ya t’the gym with me, got something to show ya. If you want, at least.” He finally peeked an eye open to check your reaction, not wanting to seem too clingy or pushy.
The way he sounded content to keep you (while not making you feel held hostage) made your heart feel warm and gooey.
“If you’re sure… I don’t wanna interrupt your day.” By now your protest was only half hearted. How could you not want to stay with him?
Toji adjusted the blankets and his arms tightened, slowly pulling you closer to cuddle in case you wanted to pull away from him for personal space. “So sweet. You are my day.” He kissed the top of your head to reassure you that you weren’t a burden.
Unsure what to say to that, you rested your head over his heart and tangled your legs with his— and you think, Is this what people mean when they talk about butterflies in their stomach?
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🏷️: @pelicanpizza @tadabzzzbee
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lanawinterscigarettes · 9 months
Maybe a toymaker and reader he stumbles across Y/N drawing in the park and they both get inspired off of each other and fluffness.
Or she goes into his toy shop looking for a gift for a niece/nephew and toymaker just falls head over heels
I went with the second idea as I had a bit more inspiration for that one, hope that's okay <3 (also this title is so freaking dorky but it fits and also references one of my favorite Christmas songs so)
Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas (The Toymaker x reader)
Warnings: The Toymaker is a massive simp for the reader, the reader is out buying something the week before Christmas (the horror), both The Toymaker and the reader are massive dorks
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It was a quiet morning in The Toymaker's shop, like most of them were. He didn't really mind, as he was used to being alone, but still, some company would be nice.
It was when he was mulling over his thoughts that he heard the bell over the shop door ring, signaling someone had come inside. He put down the toy train he'd been tinkering with and left his workroom in the back of the shop so he could greet whoever it was who'd entered, and that's when he saw you.
Something about you was different than anyone else he'd ever seen before, even if he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He was so awestruck he hadn't even noticed you'd walked over towards the counter where he was until he heard you clear your throat to get his attention, effectively snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.
"Um, hi," you greeted, giving him a friendly (if somewhat awkward) smile.
The Toymaker quickly put on a charming face, trying to ignore just how much your smile made his heart soar. "Welcome, welcome! Tell me, what can I help you with today?"
"Well, I need to get a gift for my niece," you began, "for the holidays, and I know it was stupid of me to wait this long, but I just kept putting it off, and-" You let out a sigh, shaking your head some.
"Anyway, regardless of the reason, I was wondering if maybe you had something? She's, like, obsessed with anything hippo themed, so if you have, like, a stuffed animal or something..."
"I think I have just the thing! Give me one moment, and I'll go retrieve it from the back for you." The Toymaker flashed you a dazzling smile before heading to one of the storage rooms in the back.
It was true that he most likely did have something back there of the nature you were looking for, but that wasn't the main reason he'd offered to go check. What he really needed was a break away from you and your enchanting, orb-like eyes.
This was ridiculous. He shouldn't be feeling this way, especially over a human. But he couldn't help.
He tried to push those conflicting thoughts to the side as he looked for what he'd gone to do in the first place; find a hippo. A plush one, anyway.
You were still standing at the counter when he came back out, drumming your fingers along the edge of it with a bored expression on your face, though he noticed your eyes light up at the large stuffed hippo he was holding.
"Sorry I couldn't find anything smaller. It is the week before Christmas, you know," he lightly chastised.
"Oh, it's perfectly fine. She's gonna love it," you reassure him with a warm smile, that same smile that made him want to bottle it and put on a shelf so he could have a chance to look at it whenever he wanted to.
Part of him thought maybe he could do that, seeing as he had the power. He could if he truly wanted to, but the idea of willingly putting you in harm's way for his own personal gain only made him feel... guilty? Is that what this feeling was?
You'd pulled your wallet out while he was lost in his thoughts, already rifling through it to find what you needed in order to pay. "So, how much do I owe you...?"
The Toymaker quickly shook his head at the question. "Nothing, it's on the house." He could've laughed at how wide your eyes seemed to get at his words.
"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to put you out of your way, or anything."
God, you were adorable. "I'm certain. Although... perhaps, you could come visit me again, sometime soon. If you'd like."
He couldn't believe the words that just came out of his own mouth. You were going to be upset, weren't you? And then he heard soft laughter.
"Yeah, totally. I'm a little busy for the next week or so due to the holidays, but I'll try to make it back in before the new year."
His face broke into an excited smile. "Wonderful! I look forward to it."
You smiled back, though this time you added a little wink, too, something that made him weak in the knees. "Great! I'll see you then."
You picked up the rather large hippo plush from where it'd been set on the counter and headed for the door. Once you got back outside, you gave him one final wave through the window of the shop before leaving.
The Toymaker just watched, not being able to do much with the intense feeling of his heart hammering in his chest. He did know one thing, however.
He couldn't wait to see you again.
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
Family Name
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x reader (reader was in the Army and SWAT in Central City)
Summary: After ten years away, you return to Gotham. When you discover you know the true identity of the Joker, you join Batman's fight to save Gotham.
Warnings: angst, fluff, vague references to several DC Comics movies and timelines, murder (I can't get too specific about the murder warning without spoiling a plot point, but there is a friendly fire aspect and an assassination by a sniper)
Word Count: 6.6k+ words
A/N: This is my first time writing for Bruce Wayne (or at least posting it lol) so he may be OOC. I actually wrote most of this a year ago and just put the finishing touches on it, so I'm not sure if it's worth reading. Feel free to let me know what you think and send any Bruce Wayne requests you have so I can keep practicing for him! (If you want a specific characterization/actor let me know.)
The map that I used as a reference while writing is included at the end!
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Gotham is still cold, wet, and smelly. Some things never change, no matter how hard a certain vigilante tries. It’s been nearly ten years since you last set foot in Gotham, and things have changed. For better or worse? Who can tell?
It is raining as you walk out of the train station on the outer border of Gotham City. You shiver and pull your jacket closer to your body as the cold drizzle starkly contrasts the sunny Central City you came from. You hail a cab and tell the driver the address of your temporary apartment. The news station on the radio catches your attention, and the driver turns it up when you ask.
“After a fearsome showdown last night with the Joker, who is still missing from Arkham Asylum, the Batman has been spotted in downtown Gotham. The GCPD is on high alert following several tips of illegal business at the Iceberg Lounge,” they report.
“You new in town?” the driver asks.
“Not exactly. I haven’t been here in years though,” you explain.
“Then you’re new. This is a whole new Gotham. Just stay on the good side of the Batman and you’ll be fine, kid. This is you.”
After paying the driver and pulling your bags from the trunk, you stand on the sidewalk and look up at the place you now call home. The apartment building is old but in decent condition. Especially considering where it is. As the rain grows heavier, you move inside, climbing the stairs to the third floor and entering your apartment. The unit came furnished, so you only have some clothing to unpack. You start a list of the housewares and cleaning supplies you’ll need to buy. Walking around the living room, you notice the cable is hooked up and turn on the television. The local television channels are either out because of the rain or playing broadcasts of last night’s story. Any background noise will do, you suppose, as you leave a news channel on and begin unpacking and cleaning with what little bit of supplies you have.
After cleaning, you take a break and fall back onto the couch. The news is still on, and a face flashes across the scene, filling you with an odd sense of recognition. You lean forward to get a better view before exclaiming, “No way.”
“When did you come back?” someone asks as you enter a small department store.
Looking up, you smile when you see a familiar face. “Barbara, hey! Last night. Been in Central City for too long.”
“Should have stayed there,” she says, laughing humorlessly. “Gotham is quite literally the most crime ridden city in the world now. It’s on the sign and everything. At least in Central you have a vigilante to protect you.”
“So does Gotham,” you point out. “He’s all over the news.”
“Yeah, we do. But for every criminal he puts in Arkham, ten more pop up.”
“Is your dad still a cop?”
“He’s the commissioner now. Actually…” She pulls a card out of her wallet and hands it to you. “Call him if you ever get in trouble. Be careful, okay? This isn’t the Gotham you remember.”
“I will. Thanks.”
You watch her leave before you begin shopping for the items on your list. After shopping, you are back in your apartment, cleaning and organizing. The Gotham News has more showtime than Hannah Montana in the 2000s. You find yourself invested in every story they present. Maybe this isn’t the Gotham you remember, but it is still Gotham and your home. If this city needs help, you'll offer everything you have.
“Citizens of Gotham, I am Police Commissioner James Gordon. Regarding the recent red alert at Arkham Asylum, the GCPD is urging residents to stay indoors, lock doors and windows, and most importantly, stay calm. We are not sure at this time how many, if any, patients escaped the asylum. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact crime stoppers at 800-”
You mute the television and look at your closet. An armour-plated uniform hangs front and centre, practically begging you to put it on and fight for your home. If Barbara doesn’t think Batman can handle all the criminals, maybe he would appreciate a little help.
“Don’t be stupid,” you chastise yourself, still looking at the closet. A few minutes later, you find yourself standing in front of the closet, thinking, “But you have the training.”
Gotham looks much darker from a rooftop. You find a lookout spot a few blocks from Arkham, assuming anyone who escaped will have to pass you eventually.
“Oh, sweet Gotham! Riddle me this!” a high-pitched voice calls. A moment later, you see a man dressed in a green suit entering the alley below you.
“Now or never,” you whisper as you move toward the edge.
“The more of it there is, the less of all you see. What is it?” Riddler asks.
“Darkness,” you answer as you grab his shoulders.
You pull him backwards and knock him to the ground. His breath rushes out at the impact, and you bring your elbow down to his face, rendering him unconscious before he can catch his breath. The burner phone you bought earlier is programmed with James Gordon’s number in it.
“Gordon,” he answers.
“Riddler is unconscious in the alley at Tomlinson and Pygall,” you say lowly, hoping your voice is disguised enough, before hanging up.
Your attention is ripped away from the unconscious criminal as a silhouette of a bat floats across the sky.
“There’s hope yet, Gotham,” you say, smiling.
It seems as though you are better at vigilantism than you expected. Everywhere you go, Batman is either already there or crosses your path. He has yet to see you, that much is sure. Lurking on a dark rooftop, you hear the telltale sign of his grappling hook and are a second too late in realizing he is moving onto the same roof as you.
“So, you’re the one who’s been stealing half my jobs?” he asks, walking toward you.
“You seem busy, thought you might like some help,” you respond, shrugging as you change your voice again.
“Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the thought. But you need to go home. This is dangerous and you could get hurt.”
You internally roll your eyes at his obvious arguments. “So could you.”
“Doesn’t matter if I get hurt.”
“Me neither. Any idea how many more of them are out there?”
Batman sighs and turns away from you to look over the city. “One or two,” he answers. “The city got lucky; Joker was in solitary and didn’t get out.”
You nod to yourself, moving toward the edge as you ask, “Why does it seem so easy to escape Arkham?”
“Poor security, not enough staff, an old building. The list is endless. Every time someone tries to strengthen it, a stronger foe comes along and breaks it again.”
“You’ve been doing this a long time.”
“Yet nothing’s changed.”
A sound behind you stops your answer. Turning toward the sound, you launch yourself onto the fire escape, ignoring Batman’s pleas to stop. 
“Whoa,” you breathe, looking at the plants growing in the alley. 
“You’re not the Bat,” Poison Ivy, whose news special aired last night, says. “You’d look much better in green than him.”
“Every plant I’ve ever owned has died. It’s one of my talents,” you taunt before throwing a canister from your belt. 
“It won’t work, Buttercup. I’ve been tear gassed many times.”
“It’s not just tear gas,” you call as the plants begin to wither. “It’s concentrated sulfur dioxide. Deadly to plants and debilitating to people.”
She coughs several times before falling. An arm wraps around your waist, and you are hoisted through the air before landing on a rooftop. 
“What was that?!” Batman demands.
“Sulfur dioxide.”
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it! You can’t just run around taunting criminals in a mask. What if that hadn’t worked and she had hurt you?”
“She didn’t. Besides-“
“No! You don’t get to justify this.” He keeps talking, and you feel like you have heard him before. You watch him closely as he continues berating you. 
“This is not a game. Do you understand that?” Bingo. You smile at him, his chest heaving as he prepares to yell at you again.
“You’re still really protective,” you say lightly. 
Batman turns toward you quickly, shaking his head before asking, “What?”
“In middle school you wouldn’t let me jump from the top of the swing set. Just funny that you’re still so protective when you risk your life every single night.”
“What are you talking about?”
You move toward the edge of the building and look over your shoulder at him. 
“Goodnight, Bruce.”
Batman runs to the edge after you jump, but the alley is empty. 
“Alfred,” he calls into his earpiece. 
“You’ll figure it out, sir. Eventually.”
“Didn’t I tell you to stay home?” Batman asks as he walks up behind you. 
“No. You told me I couldn’t run around taunting criminals in a mask. Which, by the way, I have some questions about. Can I walk and taunt criminals in a mask or is it the taunting that’s the problem?” you tease, looking up at him from your crouched position. 
“Ha ha,” he deadpans. “I’ll give you a pass for the other night, but you need to go home. Right now. I’m not letting you get hurt for this.”
“Then don’t. Watch my back and I’ll watch yours.” You extend your hand for a handshake as you stand. 
“No deal. Go home.”
“I’m not going home. So, stay with me and we can help each other or I’m going to go hunt him down on my own.”
He narrows his eyes at you before sighing and shaking your hand. 
“Why are you smiling?” he asks as he releases your hand. 
“We always were a pretty good team.”
You see the moment of recognition as his jaw drops under the cowl. He recovers quickly and points at you. 
“Ground rules. Number one: you don’t engage. Two: stay hidden. Three: run if things go south.”
“Got it. Be boring,” you relay. 
“This is not the time for jokes. Our lives are on the line. You don’t even have a good reason to be here.”
“Yeah I do.”
“Please enlighten me,” Batman prods impatiently. 
You can tell he is mad you were here and are not listening to him. Too bad, Bats, you think. Gotham is your home, too, and you aren’t going to let it fall into the hands of some crazy clown or any other criminal. 
“But before you tell me that, tell me what makes you qualified to be out here.”
“Look at me. Armoured uniform, tear gas, I’m a CCPD jacket short of official.”
“You’re CCPD?”
“I was. SWAT officer for five years after I got out of the Army. But I grew up here and I’m not letting this city go without a fight.”
“Why this fight? The one criminal we haven’t been able to stop for almost a decade?”
“Because...” You look up at him and smile. “I know who he is.”
“Thank you, Batman,” Commissioner Gordon says, shaking Batman’s hand. “We’ll get him in solitary.”
“Thanks, Jim,” Batman replies. 
“Who’s your new helper? Everyone at the station is talking about the reaper that popped up and knows how to take them all down.”
“An old friend. Try to keep them in a while longer this time, will you?”
Commissioner Gordon turns around to see Batman is gone. “We’ll try,” he mumbles into the dark. 
The next night, Batman is gone. You don’t so much as see his shadow all night. There is only one criminal out; maybe they’re all on vacation, too. Killer Croc used Arkham’s sewer system to escape and pop up downtown. It was a long and tiresome fight, but you got him on the ground, and the GCPD took it from there. You finally reach the rooftop, preparing to cross them to go home, but don't make it far. Hitting the roof, you feel pain shoot through your ribs. After running your hand across the area, your skin is stained red. Great, you think. 
“What were you thinking?!” Batman reprimands you as he appears and kneels beside you, pulling items from his utility belt. 
“Mostly about what I was going to eat for dinner,” you joke, hissing when the antiseptic hits your skin. 
“I’m sorry,” Batman says quietly. “Are you okay?”
“Peachy. At least it wasn’t my neck this time.”
“I told you not to use your belt to traverse the jungle gym,” Batman mumbles. 
“So, you do remember me,” you say happily.
“You’re still an idiot with a death wish.”
“And you’re still Mother Hen Bruce.”
“This’ll help for now,” he says, helping you stand up and hooking his arm under your shoulders. “But I’m taking you back to the cave to get you checked out.”
“Didn’t do enough checking out in high school?” you slur before passing out.
“Alfred, we’re inbound,” he says into his microphone. 
“Glad to see blood loss doesn’t dampen her sarcasm,” Alfred responds, “I’ll be ready.”
“What did you mean you know who he is?” Bruce asks. 
You blink several times to make sure you aren’t imagining him. He looks different than the last time you saw him. Without the mask, he’s more like the Bruce you grew up with, just older and barely holding Gotham together.
“You got hot,” you say without thinking. 
“Thanks. Now tell me what you meant.”
“That I know who he is?” you clarify, standing up. 
“Please stay down,” Alfred chides as he returns with tea. 
“Thanks, Alfred. Good to see you again.” You smile as you accept the tea. 
“You as well. Now take it easy. You should be battle ready in a day or two but that’s only if you rest properly.”
“No, you will not be battle ready. There is no more battle for you,” Bruce adds. 
“You know I’m not going to listen and if you tell me no I’ll just do it myself.”
“We’ll have this conversation later. For now, tell me what you know about Joker.”
“Okay. He’s my uncle. Like twice removed, or-“
“There’s no way you’re related to that monster,” Bruce interjects. 
“I’m not, really. We’re related by marriage. His aunt or somebody else married my cousin and I happened to meet him a few times. Fate, I guess.”
“Do you know his name?” 
“No. Everyone in the family called him J. I thought his name started with a J but see now that it’s because he’s cuckoo for cocoa puffs.”
Bruce chuckles and shakes his head before turning serious again. “Are you really okay?”
“I’m great. Thanks for the assist.”
“I’m glad you’re back. Even if you are endangering yourself and ignoring everything I say.”
“Me too.”
“But Alfred’s right. You need some rest. We can finish this conversation later.”
“I can go home,” you say, standing up.
You stumble slightly, and Bruce catches you, holding you upright against him. 
“Can you?” he asks, the ghost of a smile appearing on his face. 
“I think I found something,” you cheer when Bruce answers the phone. 
“Where are you?”
“My apartment. It’s by Sacred Heart.”
The line goes silent, so you say Bruce’s name. 
“You’re living by the Narrows? I thought you just went out there to fight.”
“It’s a fine building. I’m not in the Narrows.”
“No but you’re between Crime Alley and Arkham Island. You need to find a new place. Now.”
“I can’t afford anything else, Bruce. It was this or Slaughter Swamp.”
“Pack your essentials. I’ll be there in twenty.”
He hangs up, leaving you with a dozen questions. However, you know he means what he says, so you pack the stuff you can’t live without and are ready to go when he shows up twenty minutes later. 
“You’re staying at Wayne Manor until we find you a new place.”
“That is not necessary.”
“It’s not just that this is close to the Narrows. We’re going after Joker, and I need to know you’re safe.”
“We’re not going after Joker,” you correct, “we’re finishing this.”
“Bruce, I can’t find a marriage certificate. They may not have been married; maybe they were just living together or something and didn’t want to explain it to a kid,” you admit, disappointed in your lack of findings. 
“It’s okay. We will find something. And if we don’t, we can do it another way,” he assures. 
“This is the fourth Arkham breakout in as many weeks. When do you sleep?” you ask. 
Alfred laughs faintly through the communications system. 
“During Wayne Enterprises meetings, usually,” Bruce answers. 
“I got one. Going dark,” you alert before jumping to meet Captain Boomerang. 
After a short fight which results in your earpiece breaking, Captain Boomerang is unconscious, and you prepare to call Gordon. 
“Ha ha ha ha,” an eerie voice cackles behind you. 
You freeze in place before turning slowly and coming face-to-face with the Joker. He knocks your helmet off in one swift move, and your face is now visible. 
“I remember you. My aunt married your second cousin. Horrible family you have. Or should I say had? Ha ha ha ha.”
“What do you want?”
“Is a family reunion not enough? No, I guess you’re right. I mean, marriages end so are we even related anymore?”
“We never were.”
“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Reaper! You know everyone calls you that, don’t ya? Personally, I think it’s a bit morbid but to each their own. I also heard from a little bird that you’re working with the big, bad bat. I had such great hopes for you, and you let me down.”
“What do you want?” you repeat slowly. 
“To be family again,” he answers, smiling as he runs his fingers over your face and hair. 
“What about Harley? Isn’t she your family? You were all she could talk about the other night.”
“Not anymore. She settled for some used piece on her Suicide Suckers. But me and you? Me and you could be the dream team. The family to end all families.”
“I don’t want to be part of your family.”
“When I found out Harley was a harlot, you know what I said? I said I’d peel off her skin and put it on a new body. But I can’t imagine those words coming from her. So, from now on…” he moves his hand to rest in front of your throat as his smile drops. “If Harley wouldn’t say it, you don’t say it.”
“Alfred, where is she?” Bruce asks.
“Toxic Acres. She’s still not responding,” Alfred responds, watching your tracker blink in the same place for the fifth consecutive minute.
“I’m going after her,” Bruce declares.
“Be careful, Master Bruce.” Bruce doesn’t respond, and Alfred mutes the private connection as he watches Bruce’s tracker move toward yours. “And don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
“You’re making a mistake, J,” you hiss, the pressure of Joker’s hand on your throat making it hard, but not impossible, to breathe.
“No, they made a mistake,” he argues, moving his hand slightly as he steps back to look at you.
“Your family. All families. Everyone who treats people like outsiders.”
“You mean to tell me you’re doing this - all of this - because you never felt like you belonged in a family?”
“No!” Joker yells, leaning his weight against your throat as he smiles in your face. “Because no family has ever accepted me. I know I don’t belong, but everyone expects families to lie, right? Especially their own, but no, poor Joker always got told the truth! ‘You’re too strange,’ ‘You’re dangerous,’ ‘The kids are scared of you,’ yet no one ever offered to help me fit in.”
You raise your hands to his arm and claw at his skin, growing desperate for air as he rants. He looks over when your hits grow weaker and pulls his hand back. You fall to the ground, wheezing, as you try to take deep breaths. 
Holding your neck, you look up at him and ask, “Then what do you want?”
He kneels in front of you and holds a knife out in his hand. “I want you to find a family and make a Joker-sized hole for me to fill.”
Shaking your head, you argue, “I’m not like you. I won’t do that, J.”
He cocks his head as his smile falls. “Harley wouldn’t say that, would she? And, besides, you’re more like me than you think, aren’t you? And what’s more interesting is that I think you know it. We’re the same, you and I, whether you like it or not.” The knife is raised to your throat as he threatens, “Do it, or I will make another hole in your family.”
“Another?” you ask.
The blade presses against your skin, and you close your eyes, unwilling to give him the theatrics and attention he so desperately seeks. A grappling hook sounds somewhere above you just before the blade is removed from your throat. Joker’s words echo in your head, and your eyes stay closed. Someone gently touches your neck and your face, but you don’t open your eyes, in case it’s him trying to trick you. He does that; you remember that too well.
An arm loops around your waist as a hand pulls your arms over broad shoulders. Only when you’re flying through the air and clinging to him are you ready to admit that Bruce is saving you. Opening your eyes, you see Wayne Tower in the distance. You tighten your arms around Bruce’s neck, and his hand squeezes your waist in response. He lands on the roof of Wayne Manor and rushes into the Batcave.
“What did he do to you?” Bruce asks as he sets you on a medical exam table. The same table you sat on when he saved you after the fight with Killer Croc.
Bruce tries to step back, but you cling to him. He’s the only family you have left, and Joker opened an old wound with his talk of carving a hole in a family to fill himself. That’s what he tried to do with your family, but when he still didn’t fit, he kept carving.
“Please don’t leave me,” you whisper into Bruce’s suit.
Bruce’s arms wrap around you, pulling you to the edge of the table as he cups your head to his shoulder.
“I’m right here,” he soothes. “Not going anywhere.”
He holds you for longer than you realize; time slows down in Bruce’s arms. When you pull back, he cups your face in his hands and looks at you intently.
“Want to talk about it?” he asks.
“Not right now,” you whisper.
“That’s okay,” he promises, nodding.
“The guest bedroom has been prepared and dinner is awaiting you, Master Bruce,” Alfred calls, briefly appearing in the doorway of the Batcave.
“Can we talk about it in the morning?” you ask.
“Of course. Whenever you’re ready. And you’re staying here tonight.”
You don’t argue, nodding as you stand and follow Bruce upstairs. He shows you to a guest room with clothes, toiletries, and more books than you can count. Telling you to use whatever you want; he leaves to change before meeting you for dinner.
When you enter the bathroom to change into the clothes you found in the closet, you see yourself in the mirror. Mostly, you see the red line running across your neck. Joker has hurt more than enough people, you decide, and you meant what you told Bruce; you plan to finish this.
Bruce sits up suddenly. The sun is coming through the cracks in his curtains, but something feels off. He pulls a shirt over his head and walks down the hall, knocking on the door to the guest room where you’re staying. After a moment of no answer, he lets himself in. There’s a note on the bed in your handwriting.
I can’t let him do it again, especially not to you. Please stay home tonight and let me finish this fight. I should have done it ten years ago, but I was scared and ran. This is my chance to make everything right. Please forgive me.
Bruce takes a deep breath, suppressing his urge to punch a hole in the wall. Alfred wouldn’t appreciate another one. He rereads the note, then goes downstairs for breakfast like everything is fine.
“Where is our guest?” Alfred asks when Bruce enters the dining room. “Resting, I hope.”
“She’s gone. She left in the middle of the night to, quote, finish a fight like she should have done ten years ago.”
Alfred’s eyes widen as he stops moving trays onto the table. “You’re going after her, then?”
“No, Alfred, I am not.”
Bruce picks up the paper, as nonchalant as ever, and more convincing than when he turns on his Brucie Wayne charm.
“Why ever not, sir?”
“She asked me not to. And after her reaction to me last night, I’m inclined to listen to her.”
“You can’t be serious.”
Bruce drops the paper and looks at Alfred. “I am going to do exactly what she said.” When the paper covers his face again, he adds, “For a while.”
“Good man,” Alfred mutters, returning to serving breakfast.
Realistically, you know that breaking into Arkham and executing a patient isn’t the best idea, but it would solve the problem. However, there’s the downside of life in prison for first-degree murder that you’d have to contend with. Bruce would surely visit you, but you don’t want to lose him before you get him back.
Perched on a rooftop, you watch Arkham and hope your trap is being laid as planned. The security lights blink on seconds before the alarm sounds. If Arkham Asylum is good for anything, it’s the consistency of frequent breakouts. No matter who breaks out tonight, you’re prepared. All you have to do is convince them to lay a trap for Joker, convincing him that you killed someone, and then you can pounce. Watching the alley below you, you furrow your brows as you lean forward.
“Catwoman?” you ask incredulously.
She looks up, tilting her head at the sight of you. “Reaper?” she asks, sounding far too excited.
“What are you doing here?”
“What do you think I’m doing?”
“Thieving, I presume?” She nods, and you lower yourself onto a fire escape before jumping to meet her. “There’s nothing here worth stealing.”
You clench your hands into fists and look down the alley.
“I think the better question is what are you doing here, Reaper? I’m not exactly in your demographic.”
Under your mask, you press your lips together and consider confiding in her. She cares about Batman as far as you can tell, so if you tell her Joker is planning to kill him (though, in reality, Bruce is his likely target), she may be willing to help.
“Batman dump you? He does that,” Catwoman hums.
“What? No, no, we’re not together like that.”
“Yet,” Catwoman interjects.
“Look, Joker is going to try to kill someone that I love. He’s already ruined my family forever.”
“You just moved here, who could you possibly love here? I thought I fell fast.”
“I grew up here, and-“
Your mind races as you remember that you haven’t been seen with Bruce since returning, but Joker has been out since then. Pulling the earpiece from your pocket, you hope someone is in the Batcave.
“Hello?” you ask into it, desperate and terrified for your family. “Take whatever you want,” you tell Catwoman when you don’t get an answer, “heck, take something for me too. But if you see Batman, tell him I’m looking for him?”
“Sure.” You move toward the end of the alley before Catwoman asks, “What should we call you?”
Smiling, you answer, “Reaper is growing on me.”
“Good luck, Reaper.”
You could have taken a grappling hook before you left Wayne Manor last night, but you were more concerned with Bruce’s safety than yours. Getting off of Arkham Island and into Gotham Heights will take too long on foot.
“Batman?” you ask, trying the comm again. “Anybody?”
“You called?”
You slide to a stop, nearly falling over, when you see Batman perched on a roof, looming like a gargoyle. He spreads his cape as he moves to the road before you. Looking down at you, though you can’t see his eyes, you know he’s trying to ensure you’re safe and unharmed.
“He’s going after Barbara. I thought he meant you, but he was out when I saw Barbara.”
“I’ll call Gordon. We need to get to Gotham Heights.”
“We’ll never make it in time. The alarm sounded twenty minutes ago.”
Bruce’s head turns toward you as he presses a button on his utility belt. The Batmobile turns a corner, coming to a stop beside you. Your eyes widen as the top opens, jumping in the passenger seat as you look at everything in awe.
“Barbara is stronger, and knows more than you think, but she can’t hold him off forever.”
You nod, prepared to do whatever you have to do. Even if it means making Bruce hate you.
“And I forgive you. Whatever you do, I understand,” Bruce says quietly. “Just- just remember that your actions affect more people than just you.”
It’s a trap. The driveway beside Barbara’s place is decorated like the cookout where you met Joker.
“Go check on Babs, I’m right behind you,” you tell Batman.
He hesitates, noticing exactly where your focus is, before tapping your shoulder and running toward Barbara’s door. When Batman is out of sight, Joker’s laugh surrounds you.
“Did you do it?” Joker asks, stepping out of the shadows.
“Whyever not?” he asks with a laugh.
“Because I’m not a killer. We are not the same.”
“Come over here,” he demands. You listen despite your body’s urging to leave. “And give me a real reason,” he adds when you stop across a picnic table from him.
“That is the real answer. I will not do to another family what you did to mine. I’m not a killer.”
“Now, now, now, that’s not true.”
His eyes are fixed on your mask, likely imagining your furrowed brows and scared eyes. “Is the mask necessary, Reaper? We know one another. It’s just family here.”
You swallow as you rip the mask off, levelling your gaze on Joker, determined not to show him how much he is affecting you.
“If you hurt her, I will end you.”
Joker flaps a dismissive hand. “She’s fine. I just needed a reason to celebrate, but you didn’t keep your end of the bargain.”
“I’m not-“
“A killer, yes, so you say. However, there’s a family out there that begs to differ.”
You lick your lips, unsure how he knows this. The record was redacted and eventually destroyed, so no one outside of your team at the time should know.
Joker’s laugh draws your attention back to him. “You are a killer. Just like me.”
Shaking your head, you flinch when Joker slaps his hands onto the table, leaning forward to get closer to you. 
“Joseph,” Joker whispers, smiling widely at your surprised movement.
Someone screams in the distance, and you remember your promise: to protect your home, no matter the cost. Unholstering the gun you hadn’t carried in years, you hold it to Joker’s forehead.
“Do it,” he begs, leaning against the barrel. “Show them how alike we are.”
Your arm shakes as you fight to do it. With a finger on the trigger, Joker should be gone already, but you can’t do it.
Lowering the gun, you sigh, preparing for Joker’s next idea or a surprise dose of his laughing toxin. He watches you until he reaches for something. Before you can lunge forward to stop him, a shot rings out in the Gotham night. You hear it as Joker jerks to the side, slumping to the ground. Turning toward the right, you search the skyline for the shooter. You see a familiar salute and laugh to yourself as the silhouette disappears.
 “Reaper!” Batman yells, rushing toward you. He slows as he sees you standing over Joker.
There’s a note, half blown apart. He took credit. You laugh again, oblivious to Batman’s concerned gaze on the back of your head. The laughter quickly turns to hiccups as you fight to remain composed. You walked out of Wayne Manor prepared to assassinate Joker. Now that you have essentially been an accomplice to his death and reminded of your worst mistake, you’re falling apart.
Bruce whispers your name, a hand on your arm as he turns you away. He raises a hand to your jaw as the first tear rolls down your cheek.
“I killed him,” you admit.
“No, you didn’t. That shot was too far away, no one will blame you.”
“I killed Joseph,” you repeat. “I didn’t see him, and there was so much fog and- I shouldn’t have taken the shot.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I left the Army and joined SWAT because I killed a civilian. I don’t know how Joker knew, but he was right. I am a killer.”
“Hey, hey.” When you don’t respond, Batman summons the Batmobile, whispering to Gordon on the phone as he helps you into the passenger seat.
Once you’re in Wayne Manor, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of Bruce’s shirts, he pulls you into his arms.
“You’re not like Joker, and you’re not a killer. Friendly fire is a terrible thing, but it’s not your fault. You can’t keep blaming yourself for that. Saving people has its costs, and if I could take the guilt from you, I would.”
“I don’t even know how it happened,” you confess, “I dream about it all the time, but I don’t remember actually pulling the trigger.”
“You may never know. But either way, you can forgive yourself and move on.”
Wiping under your eyes, you lean against Bruce’s chest as you ask, “What did Gordon say? How’s Babs?””
“Their ballistics team is examining the velocity and angle to find where the shot came from. Barbara didn’t even know anything was happening, she’s fine.”
“The roof of Verdant in The Narrows,” you whisper, laying an open hand over Bruce’s heart.
“That’s too far for a shot like that.”
“Not for Army snipers.”
“Friend of yours?”
“Used to be,” you shrug before adding, “Lawton started killing for money, and I couldn’t support that.”
“Wait,” Bruce interjects, pushing you back slightly, ducking to look into your eyes. “You’re telling me that Deadshot just killed Joker? For free?”
“He doesn’t do anything for free,” you answer, smiling. “But I didn’t pay him if that’s what you think. Besides, he left a calling card of sorts.”
“Not at all. Batman will call Gordon tomorrow and let him know.”
“What’s Batman doing tonight?”
“He’s on vacation,” Bruce sighs, leaning his forehead against yours. “And Bruce Wayne is catching up with an old friend.”
Smiling, you turn sideways to press your chest against Bruce, laying your arms over his shoulders.
“I think that sounds like a great night.”
“I found something,” Bruce says, removing his cowl as you enter the Batcave.
“A life?” you joke.
“Ha. No, I had a friend of mine go searching for that destroyed Army record.”
“Why?” you ask quietly, wringing your fingers together.
“Because you didn’t kill Joseph. Your gun never went off, and the shot came from a different direction with a much higher velocity. This looked like sniper.”
“You think it was Lawton?”
“Wouldn’t be surprising.” Bruce tilts your head toward him and looks you in the eye to add, “But the important thing is that you have no reason to keep carrying that burden.”
“Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”
“Come on patrol with me.”
“I thought you didn’t want me to get hurt.”
“You won’t. Not with me around.”
“Hey, Bats.”
“Catwoman,” Batman answers.
“Reaper was looking for you a few nights ago.”
“Yeah, we ran into each other. Thanks, though.”
“She said you weren’t together like we were, but I find that very hard to believe.”
“Give them back,” you say, surprising both Catwoman and Batman.
“Give what back?” she parrots.
You hold your hand out. “The pearl necklace and earrings you stole. They’re not worth anything to the woman, but they’re sentimental.”
Catwoman huffs, pulling a small bag from her pouch and tossing it to you. “I chose them for you anyway.”
“You said to steal something for you too.”
“I thought my best friend was about to get murdered, I didn’t mean it!”
“And did you mean what you said about not being with Bats here?” She places a hand on her hip, and you take the opportunity to look at Batman before answering.
“He’s just not my type,” you answer, shrugging one shoulder.
You see his jaw twitch before he nods his farewell to Catwoman.
“I didn’t mean it,” you whisper as you walk past him. “And we’ve got a crocodile to catch.”
Batman sighs. “Welcome to Gotham.”
“Whose are they?” Bruce asks as you examine the pearl jewellery.
“Mine,” you answer, not looking at him. “What are the chances she’d use my permission to thieve to rob me?”
“Not bad with Sel- Catwoman.”
“Selina Kyle, yeah, I know.”
“Sentimental, huh?”
You turn toward Bruce, passing him the necklace.
“I told your mom that I liked her pearls, like five months before she was killed, and the next day she surprised me. She picked me up from school and told me we were going shopping. They’re the cheapest ones the store had, but I’ve loved them ever since because they came from someone I loved and… I guess they made me feel a bit more like her, and she was amazing.”
When you look back at Bruce, he’s still holding the necklace, but his gaze is on you. He sets the necklace down, stepping toward you. Gripping your waist, he pulls you against him with a wide smile.
“You’re amazing too.”
“Not like her.”
“There’s no one quite like her. But she loved you too, more than you know. Actually, she thought we were going to get married,” Bruce adds, nudging his nose against yours.
“I did too,” you whisper.
Bruce kisses you quickly, pulling back to gauge your reaction.
“Based on the newspapers, I thought you’d be better than that,” you tease.
Bruce clicks his tongue before pulling you into another kiss. While he takes your breath, he fills you with love and hope. His hands keep you as close as possible, one sliding up to hold your head as he deepens the kiss, whispering something against your lips.
“Wait,” you mumble, moving your hands from his jaw to his chest. “What did you say?”
Bruce smirks, the charm that no one gets to see any more on display. “That I love you.”
Your eyes widen, and you grip his shoulders as you rise to kiss him, informing him that you feel the same. “I love you more,” you say against his lips, melting into him as you become one.
“My mom would want you to have her pearls,” Bruce whispers, rubbing his thumb in large sweeping motions against your upper hip. “And she’d want us to see where this goes.”
“Your mom was very smart,” you muse, putty in Bruce’s hands as he moves to the couch, tugging you into his lap.
“Did you love my mom enough to take her last name eventually?”
“This is more important – I love you enough.”
“Finally!” Alfred exclaims as he walks in with a tray of tea and biscuits. “It is about time you officially join the family and take the name.”
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Request: Jeremy promised he’d be home in time to go grocery shopping with you but he completely forgets about it and when he gets home you give him the silent treatment. 🫢
Silent Treatment - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
gif by the wonderful @harlowgifs
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“Jeremy,” you call out to your boyfriend who was fidgeting around the living room, throwing items into his gym bag. “Jeremy did you hear what I said?”
He lifted his head up and looked at you confused. “Sorry what?”
You groan. “I asked if you’re joining me for grocery shopping later today.”
“Uhh yeahhh,” he dragged out while still looking around. He was too distracted for his own good. “We can go at like 7?” he suggested.
“Yeah sounds good,” you confirm with him. “Are you okay, Jer?” you pout, your arms wrapping around his neck to get him to focus back on you. “Seem distracted.”
Jeremy nodded. “I’m fine, baby,” he smiled, his hands falling to your hips. “Do you have a hundred though?” he asked with a mumble.
You furrow your brows and pull away. “What do you need a hundred dollars for?”
“I just need it—”
“Jeremy we can’t afford non-essential expenses,” you sigh.
Jeremy ran a hand through his hair in stress. “The guy who owns the gym won’t let me use the court to train my client if I don’t pay for a month’s membership—and the rest is for gas,” he lied.
Truth be told he was using the money in pick up games here and there to help Kamal come up with money to play in a competition together. While most of the time they end up winning said pick ups, there have been the occasional ones where they lose and have to give up their bets— and he wanted to avoid any incidents if possible.
The only issue was, he was lying to you. You didn’t know he was playing basketball again. The both of you had agreed he’d stop for fear of his health and to focus on building a life together.
Of course you didn’t know any better and his excuse was one that made complete sense so with a sigh, you walked over to your purse and pulled out a one hundred dollar bill from your wallet. “Try not to use all of it up…maybe then we can buy ourselves some wine as a treat,” you giggled, insinuating that it was a luxury, as you handed him the bill.
Jeremy grinned and leaned his head down to press a kiss to your lips. “Thanks, baby. I’ll see you tonight.”
You sat on the couch with your arms crossed and an annoyed expression on your face. It was now nearing 9 o’clock and Jeremy still wasn’t home. You had called him maybe 4 times to remind him of your plans and to see where he was but he never answered, forcing you to go alone.
Something felt off the entire day but you weren’t in the mood to find out tonight.
9:40 is when Jeremy finally unlocked and walked through the front door. He dropped his bag onto the ground and plopped down next to you, his hand moving to rest on your thigh. “Missed you, baby,” he hummed, moving in to press a kiss to your cheek but you swiftly moved away, ignoring his entire presence.
Jeremy looked at you offendedly before he scanned the room and noticed the grocery bags still laid on the kitchen counters. You hadn’t put them away in pettiness. You wanted it to be loud and clear that he messed up.
His eyes finally widened in realization. He had blown off your grocery shopping plans. “Shit y/n I’m sorry—I totally forgot.”
You continued to stare ahead ignoring him. He deserved the silent treatment. “Baby come on—talk to me,” he groaned.
Instead of replying and speaking your mind, you get up to finally put away the groceries with him following behind you hopelessly. “Y/N,” he called out sternly. When you didn’t show any response, he stopped in front of you and snatched the bag of bread out of your hand to stop you in your place. Now he was getting annoyed. “We don’t give each other the silent treatment,” he reminded you as he stared you down.
You couldn’t help your scoff, your arms crossing over your chest in defence. You looked away and Jeremy clenched his jaw before his hand came up to redirect your gaze back onto him.
“Where were you?” you finally speak up, gazing up at him.
“At work—you know that.”
“Jeremy I’m not stupid!” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “You blew me off completely! If you were busy then you could’ve just said that—I asked you for a reason,” you pointed out.
Jeremy shrugged. “I didn’t think training would run this late,” he mumbled, but you only shook your head. You weren’t having it anymore.
“You’re lying to me,” you say accusing him. “You come home later than usual every day—you’re always tired—always looking for extra money—you stopped caring about your drinks all together—not to mention I’m like pretty sure you’re back on the pills--so what’s going on?!”
Jeremy shook his head in denial. “Nothing is happening, baby. I just genuinely forgot. The training session like I said went on a bit longer cos the kid needed work— then I hung out with Kamal. It’s just groceries,” he muttered under his breath. “No need to get all worked up.”
You’re in disbelief. “I know it’s just groceries! It’s the thought, Jer. You’re keeping something from me! Are you cheating or something?” you ask softly, looking down in fear of the answer.
“Woah woah woah! How did you get that I’m cheating from all of this?!” he yelled, clearly offended at this particular accusation because he would never hurt you like that.
“Well what other conclusions should I draw?! Jeremy—you’re acting different,” you whisper, your eyes gathering with tears. “I just want you to be honest.”
“I’m not cheating,” he reiterated sternly. “I really was with Kamal—we…I started playing ball again with him…been doing pick ups to make enough to enter a competition,” he sighed, finally spilling his big secret.
His honestly was a relief. “Jeremy—baby your knees,” you say softly, your hands moving to hold his. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“But baby if we win we’ll be set,” he says hopefully, his eyes lit up with a passion. “I’d be able to take you on that Hawaii trip you’ve always wanted to go on—we could finally buy a new mattress—I’d…I’d buy you a nice fucking ring,” he whispered.
“I don’t need any of that, Jer. I just want you,” you whisper back, your arms wrapping around his waist. “I want you to be safe and healthy…and happy. So if playing basketball will make you happy—”
“You make me happy,” Jeremy interrupted but you laughed and shook your head.
“So does basketball and I don’t wanna be the reason you have to lie and sneak around to partake in your passion,” you sigh. “I love you too damn much,” you mumble against his lips before kissing him softly.
Jeremy kissed you back, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks to deepen it. When the two of you had to pull away for a breather, he rested his forehead against yours and smiled. "How are you so perfect?" he mused.
Your cheeks flush and you shook your head. "I'm not--"
"Nah you are," Jeremy said again. "Any other girl wouldn't have been so understanding."
"I think you underestimate just how down bad I am for you," you giggle, your fingers now playing with his beard. "I only see my life with you in it and I don't want it to be filled with lies...I wanna be able to support you, wherever or whatever it is you choose to do. It really is that simple," you shrug.
Jeremy felt like his heart could burst at your words. "Exactly why you're perfect," he smirked, giving you another soft kiss. "I really am sorry for forgetting about our grocery run."
"Kinda worked out...I didn't have to get your weird vegan substitutes," you teased, causing him to laugh. "But you definitely need to make it up to me..."
"How so?" he mused, a playful smile dancing on his lips as his hands moved down to massage your hips.
You shrugged, your own smirk growing on your face. "Hmm...I'm thinking maybe something that involves a bed...and your mouth..."
"Bet. Let's go."
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cyxnidx · 11 months
character: poetic!nanami
genre: fluffy romance & lil bitty smut hcs + imagines
a/n: the idea of nanami being like, dark academia styled poetic/romantic just roams my mind and i have to share it now
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poetic!nanami, who uses you as inspiration for every little poem he decides to jot down.
poetic!nanami, who keeps a small journal of poems he thought of because of you.
you sit in the living room with nanami, looking up in curiosity when you see him stop drinking his tea and reach for his book. you watch him grab his pen, and begin humming as he scribbled some words followed by cute mini-drawings in the top and bottom corners. "do you like it?" he asks gently, eyes fixated on yours as you read over the quick poem and take time to acknowledge the mini drawings. "i love it, kento." you assure him, planting a kiss to his forehead.
poetic!nanami, who gets the most inspired by you.
poetic!nanami, who recites his favorite poems in small drabbles while fucking you.
you feel your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head as nanami fucks you, cock pressing deep into you. and while you're a moaning mess, nanami is praising you in the only way he seemed to know how: through sweet, yet slutty, poetry.
poetic!nanami, who has small sticky notes of drawings he made, with you as his unsuspecting muse.
walking into the kitchen, you stop in your tracks when you see a light-blue sticky note on the fridge. taking a closer look, you admire the small and intricate details of the drawing, later realizing it was you. you from yesterday, minding your business on your tablet while you thought nanami worked on a poem. you sigh, a small smile crossing your lips as you take in the small hearts in the corners surrounding your body.
poetic!nanami, who keeps polaroid pictures of you in his wallet.
nanami sighed, bored out of his mind as he pulls his wallet from his pocket. opening it, he pulls the stacked photos from the safe confines and admires them. one of you in a library, one in a coffee shop, your living room, and a few of you together. with each picture, his smile grows.
poetic!nanami, who adorns every inch of your skin before having his way with you.
you almost whine, eyes trained on nanami's hands as they graze your body with care. his lips touching damn near every inch of skin, leaving love bites in trails. it was almost like he was teasing you. "kento . ." you pout. "a moment, dear." he kisses your belly button. "just a moment, allow me to indulge in you for just a moment more."
poetic!nanami, who can't help but write the sluttiest, yet somehow sweetest poems to you.
poetic!nanami, who takes his time to make poems, with cute stickers and small drawings in the corners, putting it into an envelope, and stamping it with wax before putting it on your bedside table while you're asleep.
your eyes flutter open, smell of ground coffee reaching your nose as you turn in the comfort of your bed. whilst looking at the clock, you notice an envelope of your favorite color stamped with white wax in the mold of a heart. you open it, almost turning to a flustered mess as your brain intakes the word play of sexual urges paired with soft want and desire.
poetic!nanami, who can't help but feel so euphoric holding you in his arms.
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hanjicores · 8 months
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quit playing games with my heart
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synopsis: gojo’s a gamer and so are you. in fact, you’re both so good at it, you reach top rankings in international competitions, and that’s how you notice each other. but romance is more than just a game — or is it?
cw: fem reader, rivals
author's note: welcome to the first chapter of my first story! i’m nervous but excited for you all to read and i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it! comments and any criticism is welcomed, thank you ♡
wc: 719 (seven hundred nineteen)
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the long hours, the many restless days, if you didn’t know any better you’d think that it was utterly useless to be doing this for so many months.
although, fate would have it that your determination and dedication had in fact gotten you into another international gaming competition.
you arise from your mesh, pink chair to stretch your legs. sitting for hours on end numbed every part of your lower body and always leaving your hands glued to a keyboard and mouse threatened your joints with arthritis.
when you had the time you’d usually go for a short jog while fumbling with a fidget toy. you were only in your mid 20s and felt the consequences of gaming all day and all night.
except that this was your job. you in fact earned money from streaming video games you played and entering gaming competitions, so it was inevitable that you’d feel all these effects. it would be no different from having a normal job now, would it?
this year though, this year had to be different. you had to win this competition to prove to yourself that you are fit to do this for the rest of your life. placing second is not going to happen this year.
you were going to place first and beat gojo satoru. you were going to show him what it felt like to come in second every. damn. time.
the next few days were absolute hell. you put yourself in training mode to prepare you for the competition. minimal sleep, maximum hours on game, getting just enough hydration and nutrition to get you through to the next day.
relief crashed over you as you plopped down into your first class seat aboard the airplane. you fumbled with your seatbelt to get it fastened because you were already feeling the consequences of gaming day in and day out.
your eyelids had start to slowly close shut as you finally got some hours of rest before landing in tokyo, japan.
in the early morning of the day, your plane had finally landed at the airport. you sat up in your seat and stretched your arms straight up into the air. you let out a soft sigh as you brought your arms back down in front of you to unbuckle your seatbelt.
you were never one to rush off the plane so you patiently waited in your seat as most of the passengers had deplaned, then followed suit.
the only thing on your mind at the moment was finding the nearest place for food. you approached a small coffee cart in the terminal hallways and got yourself a small mocha latte with a matcha muffin. you scarfed down the muffin and slowly sipped away at your latte.
japan was like a second home to you since you were here whenever you got the chance to be in a gaming competition, and to tell the truth, it was almost every chance they held a gaming tournament. you knew you were one of the best top players in the world so securing a spot for yourself was child’s play.
you hailed a taxi to your hotel which was nearby since the competition was being held about an hour and a half from your place of stay. the convenience this time around was such a blessing to you so that you could leave just at the last minute.
the taxi pulled into the entrance of the hotel and you thanked the driver before exiting the vehicle. you dug through your carry on to grab your id out of your wallet.
as you sauntered for the front doors of the hotel, a tall figure had bumped into you and knocked you down to the floor.
"my bad. are you alright?"
that voice. you recognized that voice. before even looking up, you glanced at the large palm reached out towards you and disregarded it, managing to stand up on your own.
"oh, how nice it is that i'm staying at the same hotel as you, satoru." your words full of acidity, but your face showcasing a wide smile stretching ear to ear.
gojo snickered as he retracted his hand to his glasses to lower them on his button nose, exposing his azure eyes that glistened like the ocean when the sun shines down on it.
"it is, isn't it? i think this'll be very, very fun."
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6okuto · 2 years
— jjk campus crushes
gn!reader | itadori, megumi, yuuta, gojo
note from nia: yes gojo's is inspired by me getting stuck in the middle of a packed train and stumbling into people. Good God. i Wish i fell onto gojo. humiliation
ITADORI stares dumbfounded at the board while the professor speaks, not taking in a single word. he leans back into his seat and begins to contemplate either 1) dropping this class for next year or 2) completely changing majors. but his eyes glance over to the person next to him, easily taking notes and managing to go on their phone in between. that’s when you feel a poke at your shoulder and turn around. he offers an almost embarrassed smile before whispering, “hey, sorry, do you understand what’s going on right now?” you lift a brow and nod, albeit confused. yuuji’s eyes light up and he scoots closer. “awesome! d’you think you could uh…teach me? after class? or—or whenever you’re free? i kinda need this class for my major and…” he trails off and points at his basically empty page. “i think i’m screwed.” your lips twitch at the doodle of him(?) with question marks floating above his head, but you manage to stop yourself from smiling, feeling bad enough for the guy. you nod again before taking his notebook and placing it on top of yours. yuuji watches as you write something down and pass it back to him. “it’s uh, my handle and number. whichever works better for you.” his eyes scan your writing and he grins—if it weren’t for the fact you were basically a stranger, he would have hugged you. “thanks! i’m yuuji by the way. what’s your name?”
MEGUMI’s grip tightens around his umbrella handle as he pulls his hood further over his head. he thinks it’s just his luck to get stuck out in the rain on his way to class and sighs. but before he can feel any worse for himself, he hears someone walking quickly from behind him. he moves over to make space, blinking when he notices they’re walking with only their hands over their head. “um, excuse me,” he calls out. you freeze and turn around to the boy who was very obviously more prepared for the weather than you. “yes?” “did you want…to walk together?” megumi feels his face flush a little as you blink at him and he clears his throat. “my umbrella’s big enough, and it seems like we’re headed the same way, so…” there’s a beat of silence as you continue to stare at him—you’re not sure what kind of prank the universe is playing to get you drenched then have a cute guy offer to walk with you, but you don’t think you’re in any place to complain. “yeah, sure, if you don’t mind,” you reply. megumi finally lets himself breathe and he catches up to you, making sure you were covered. “thank you,” you pause and look at him. it’s his turn to blink before offering a polite smile. “megumi. and don’t worry about it.”
YUUTA tries his best not to rely on caffeine to get through the day, but he’s more tired than usual when he wakes up, which is how he finds himself in line at the nearest starbucks to his class. he overhears the cashier say your total and starts to recite his own order in his head in preparation. “yeah, um…” your hands pause inside your pockets and you whisper, “oh my god.” you sigh and yuuta watches as your shoulders drop.  “i’m sorry, i don’t have my wallet,” you explain with a forced laugh. “you can—can you just cancel my order? sorry.” “i can pay for you,” yuuta speaks up before stepping forward. you stumble over your words as he turns to you with a smile before taking out his card. “i’ll pay for them. and, and for me, actually—” he quickly adds on his own order, and you watch as he taps his card against the machine. the both of you step aside for the next person to order and you fiddle with your fingers as you look at him. “you didn’t have to…” yuuta only shakes his head and waves his hands. “no, it’s fine! you probably need the energy if you’re here this early.” you let out a breath and smile at him. “thank you, really. i, um, promise i’ll pay for your order if you ever forget your wallet.” the both of you realize that'd be unlikely, but maybe it's the thought that counts. yuuta snorts before covering his mouth and laughing a little quieter. you laugh at his reaction, too, and his face warms at the sound. it makes him feel a little bolder—“do you wanna exchange numbers so i could hold you to that, then?”
GOJO watches as the train fills with more people and scoots himself into the corner. it’s to be expected when it’s the best timed for everyone’s 11am classes. he’s lucky, you think, as you step on and realize you’re stuck in the middle with nothing to hold onto. you try to balance yourself as best as you can, but there’s a turn that happens a little too quickly. you lose your footing, stumbling into the man behind you. “woah there,” he says, stopping you from hitting the door. “god, sorry—” you apologize, your face flushed as you look at him. “nah, don’t worry about it. you okay?” you nod and stand up properly again, widening your stance just a little. “yeah, sorry. i just have shitty balance, i guess,” you awkwardly laugh. gojo hums and tilts his head. “d’you wanna switch spots with me? promise i won’t smush you.” your mind is quickly filled with thoughts of how embarrassing it is for him to have to offer. but it’s probably more embarrassing how you stare with your mouth open to respond, realizing how attractive the guy in front of you actually is. he smiles at you, and you wonder if he can read your mind before you push yourself to reply. “are you sure?” gojo grins as he steps aside and bows a little. “it’d be my honour.” so you find yourself in the corner, your eyes flickering between out the window and to him. his voice startles you when he suddenly speaks, “so, what class are you going to, and would you mind if we walked together?”
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rv3rblog · 1 year
gaz as your bf pt2
warnings: maybe some ooc (so srry), military inaccuracies (ik nthn abt it), english people inaccuracies (bc idk anything abt british ppl ?? like so srry i only know things abt mexicans and americans)
genre: fluff (so sweet im gna cry)
kyle “gaz” garrick x male!reader (can also be read as ftm! trans reader bc no genitalia is mentioned)
part i
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look at him, so pretty hes so bf i wanna kiss him so bad. just look at him :((
gaz as ur bf pt. ii — officially dating headcannons (beginning of relationship!)
i will always imagine gaz as a silly loverboy who is so head over heels for you
when you two first started dating he’s kinda bashfull, he has a small smile on his face as he rubs his neck as he talks to you
first time he calls you pretty it catches both of you off guard
he starts trying to apologize, stuttering as he does so but once he sees you laughing and telling him it’s fine? he never stops calling you pretty :(
especially when you get shy about it and hide behind your hands
he just thinks you’re so pretty :((
he’s also most definitely the type to pepper kisses onto your face
just going all over your face when he sees you after being deployed
the first time he comes back from a mission he just sends you a text letting you know he’s back and you’re like vibrating in your seat at home
you tell him to come over whenever he wants and you send him your address
he’s slightly baffled but, he’s also so head over heels he goes over the next day
you two hang around each other all day and he sees how homely your home is and it makes him so happy
he definitely stalks around your house as he takes in every little knick knack and notices your interests
you make him dinner and he just watches you with adoration in his eyes
you just laugh at him and tell him to stop bc it’s flustering you and he doesn’t bc he think you’re just so cute when you’re pouting at him and trying to hide your face
gaz as ur bf but uve been dating for months/years
the type of bf that pouts when you don’t give him a kiss before you leave the house
if you guys go shopping he’s always following you around like a lost puppy, carrying your bags and saying you look good in everything you try on
“oh you’re so pretty baby.”
“you should get that love, it’d look nice on you.”
“you’re such a pretty boy, how did i get so lucky?”
you guys exchange letters when he’s back on base
i miss you gaz, come home soon and healthy. i need you to be safe out there. you mean a lot to me.
he carries a letter with him every time he leaves on a mission, either the first one you ever wrote him or the latest one he got
when he writes you letters he always addresses you as: lovey, baby, or my pretty boy
hey lovey, today was a hard day. training with ghost was tiring, he’s always expecting the best of us and i don’t hate it. my body is just tired right now…
to my pretty boy, your shirts stopped smelling like you a while ago. i miss you a lot…
baby, thank you for your letter (and the polaroid). i really think you should talk to your boss about it…
he has all your letters in a box under his bed at base :(
he keeps the photos you send him there as well
he wishes he could keep one with him in his wallet but he knows he’d put you in danger if he were to get captured or kia
he isn’t trying to hide them, it’s just the easiest place to grab them from after training
he takes at least two of your shirts with him to base and puts them over his pillow and cuddles it wishing it was you
whenever he has nightmares he re reads your letters as they calm him down (he imagines you’re in the room with him speaking to him)
when he’s back home he hugs you immediately and the two of you just cuddle in silence once you’re back home
he isn’t picky about the position at all, he just wants to be close to you (only really picky after a harsh mission)
he puts his dog tags on you when he’s on leave with you
the first time it happened caught you off guard
kyle looks at you, his eyes impossibly soft as he watches you reading on the couch. it’s a lazy day and all you’re really wearing is one of his shirts and your boxers.
he walks over to you and leans over your shoulder, kissing your cheek. you hum softly and look over at him.
“mm?” you hum.
“you looked peaceful,” he whispers. “cute.”
“was reading,” you whisper back. “the main character just found out that their mom is still alive.”
he hums softly and kisses your cheek again, walking over to sit next to you. he keeps his eyes on you.
“have i got something on my face?” you ask.
he shakes his head and you hum, not fully content with his answer. when you go back to your book, he takes off his dog tags and holds them in his hands for a second.
“hey love?” he asks.
you look up at him.
“come here.”
you move to sit closer to him, your book on the other side of the couch. he smiles at you, caressing your cheek as he kisses your forehead softly.
it’s then, when he does it.
he puts his dog tags over your head and watches as it settles on your chest. you gasps softly, surprised by the action. he twirls his tags around his fingers and pulls you closer to him.
“this?” he whispers, his voice dropping. “this means you’re mine pretty boy.”
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absurdthirst · 1 year
Bodily Exchange {Modern!Pero Tovar x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12.3k
Warnings: Mafia AU, prostitution, oral sex (male receiving), derogatory language (slut/whore), biting, spitting, slapping, spanking, rough sex, anillingus, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69, mentions of murder, poisoning, mentions of childbirth
Comments: Pero Tovar is your father's right hand man. Tasked with babysitting you one weekend while your father is out of town, he is tempted by your attempts to get him to fuck you. He warns you that he will destroy you, but you don't care.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“That’s it….fuck….” Pero groans, fingers twists tight into the dark strands of her hair. Fisted together as he pushes her head down on his cock. “Suck it, girl, it’s what I’m paying you for.” Her lips around his cock are good, her sputtering and gagging on his length making him twitch. Ready to spill down her throat if she would just fucking suck. He’s got places to go, people to hurt but he needs to get his rocks off. He’s going to have to tell Georgina that this whore needs to be trained a little better. How are you gonna charge a hundred bucks to suck a man’s cock and you can’t get half of it down your throat? He hisses when her teeth scrape the vein, although he doesn’t yank her head back. Instead he pushes her head down even more, making her speed up her pace as she bobs on his cock. “Come on, fuck.” He grunts. “Gonna blow - fuck- blow my load down your throat.” He promises, feeling the familiar pull of his balls drawing up. A few grunted thrusts into her mouth later, Pero is cumming. Shooting ropes of cum down her throat while she tries to swallow it all and fails. Spit and cum dribbling down her chin and sliding down her skin. But she stays wrapped around his cock until he’s done, pulling out of her mouth with a soft plop. Pero reaches over for his wallet, pulling a hundred dollar bill out and tossing it to her. “Get outta here.” He orders, reaching for the cigarettes that were laying on the table and pulling out a smoke to light when his phone starts ringing. Grunting, he presses talk with the cigarette between his lips. “Tovar.” 
“Tovar.” Your father is on the other end of the phone, “I need you at my place. Come right away. No fucking stops.” He growls and hangs up the phone without saying goodbye. 
You roll your eyes, crossing your legs as you sit in your father’s office. “I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll be fine by myself.” You huff, looking across the gilded office. 
“With the Lockharts on my ass, I don’t want to leave you here alone.” 
That makes you roll your eyes again, “I won’t be alone. I have an entire fucking mafia in town.” You don’t want his right hand man on your ass at all hours of the day just because your dad is going out of town.
Tovar strolls into the house an hour later like he owns the place. Perhaps it’s because he has say so over anything that happens here. Only the boss can overrule him. He’s arrogant, cocky and has one hell of a temper on him. Sniffing, he glares at the guards outside the old man’s study and nods. “Open the doors, boss wants to see me.” He demands.
The doors are opened and you look up from your phone to see Tovar walk in, his stance is cocky and you want to roll your eyes as he throws a wink at you as he stands in front of your father. “Tovar. Took your time.” Your dad huffs and Tovar shrugs, “what can I say? I needed to collect some money.” He pulls an envelope of cash out, tossing it on the wooden desk and you notice the way his knuckles are bruised. “I need to go out of town. You need to stay here. Look out for her.”
Tovar’s jaw clenches and he wants to argue, to tell the man that he’s not a fucking babysitter, but he looks over at you and sees how you are steaming where you sit your pretty privileged ass. You aren’t happy and that makes him smirk. Nodding, he agrees to the order. “Sure thing. I’ll keep the princess safe.” He promises. “Locked in her tower.”
His words make you narrow your eyes. You hate being called princess and you hate being locked in this fucking house. It’s been your life for as long as you can remember and you wish you could escape but you know you’ll be killed if you ever try to make it alone. “Charming as ever, Tovar.” You roll your eyes, recrossing your legs and you see his eyes flick down, making you smirk slightly.
It’s Tovar’s turn to smirk now. “Glad you approve, Princess.” He dismisses you with huff and turns back towards your father. “Anything I need to be on the lookout for? Any specific dangers? Because I’m not going to keep all the fucking staff on.” He hates having eyes everywhere. Not when there’s a security system that he knows covers every inch of the grounds.
“Well, the fucking Lockharts are on my ass as per usual. The motherfuckers are threatening my daughter and I won’t stand for it. They don't want me to do the deal with the Garin’s and I’ll be damned if they dictate to me. I’ll do what I fucking want. But I won’t risk her. So you’ll be watching her while I’m away.” 
You huff, standing up, “I’m not a child. I know how to protect myself. Been doing it since I could walk.”
Tovar snorts and shakes his head. “Yeah, princess? You gonna glare at them when they come to kill you? Beat them with your purse?” He chuckles. “Or maybe offer them something else?” 
Your father growls and shakes his head. “It’s Tovar’s job to keep you safe and you won’t try me, girl.” He tells you sternly.
You take one step towards your father who narrows his eyes and you retreat, huffing and crossing your arms again. “Whatever. I’ll remain here in this prison while you go do whatever the fuck you want.” You lower your arms and stride out of the room, past Tovar who winks at you and makes you scowl. 
Your father leaves the next day, Tovar arrives with a duffel bag and you watch as he dismisses several staff for the weekend, wanting less people around. “Less witnesses to my murder?” You tease, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What’s the matter, princess?” He snorts. “Can’t make your own dinner or do your own laundry?” He doesn’t want people around because he doesn’t want them talking about what he does. If a man wants to bring a woman into the house and fuck her, that’s his own business. He’s not going to let you ruin his plans for the weekend.
You stare at him, hating how sexy he looks standing in the kitchen. That scar on his eye makes him look deadly and you hate that it turns you on a little to think about how he got it in a fight when he was younger. “I’m fully capable of looking after myself. Thank you very much. In fact, I prefer it. I’d give anything to be able to escape this house. I can’t even bring a boyfriend back without risking him being shot by my father or his cronies.”
“Boyfriend.” Pero scoffs and shakes his head, hating how his stomach lurches at the word. “Men aren’t boyfriends, princess.” He tells you with a smirk. “Men, real men don’t want to go on picnics or hold hands.” Stepping closer, he lifts a brow at you. “They want to fuck. Hard, and often.”
You inhale sharply as he looms over you and you shake your head at him. “Not every man is like you, Tovar. Some men are tender and kind. Some men want to nurture women, not just use their bodies. Were you like this when you arrived from Spain as an eighteen year old? Or did it develop after too many women rejected sweet, little Pero?” You coo mockingly.
He growls, reaching up and grabbing your neck, eyes flashing with anger. “Don’t test me, princess.” He warns you. “I am not your little boyfriend you can tease and push around.” He squeezes your throat slightly, satisfied when he sees your eyes widen and you nod hastily. Only then does he let go and step back.
Your cunt bottoms out as you heave a breath and you can’t believe he just did that to you. What you can’t believe even more is that you liked it. Fuck, you loved it. The look in his eyes is dangerous but you compose yourself and step towards him. “What if I want to test you?” You challenge, keeping your head held high. 
He pushes against you, his body rigid against yours but he doesn’t touch you, “don’t test me,” he repeats, “I’ll destroy you, Princess.” His words make you swallow harshly and this time, when he steps back, he leaves the room. You lick your lips, needing some water after that encounter, and you know you’re going to have fun winding Pero up this weekend.
Tovar sneers as he looks at his phone, debating on calling Georgina to send one of her girls over to the house. Needing to work out some of the tension that is swimming in his veins and making his cock hard. He can’t touch you, even if he could wipe that smug smirk off your face. You aren’t his to touch and your father would kill him. “Mierda.” He hisses, shoving his phone in his pocket. He doesn’t want to deal with anyone right now and it’s pissing him off. 
Your aim this weekend is to make Pero crack, use that roughness he has flowing through his veins to make you scream his name in pleasure, to - as he so eloquently put it - destroy you. You bite your lip, looking at the tiny shorts you’ve decided on to wear around the house and the bralette that covers barely anything. You wouldn’t wear this if the house was full of staff but it’s just you and Pero now. Dressing and making your way downstairs to the kitchen, you find Pero at the counter, staring at his phone, and you stride past him to open the fridge. “You want some dinner, Tovar?” You ask, pulling out the pasta sauce you made a couple of days ago without turning back to look at him.
Looking up, Tovar drops his phone, making it clatter onto the counter. “Shit!” He hisses, fumbling for it clumsily and looks up again to glare at you. “What the hell are you doing?” He demands, his eyes glued to your ass as it hangs out of your shorts and he wants to grab both cheeks and bite them.
You turn to look at him, a sweet smile on your face, “what does it look like I’m doing? Making dinner, you moron.” You roll your eyes and close the fridge, finding the spaghetti and you bend over to grab the pot from the drawer, smirking because you feel his eyes glued to you. Perfect, it’s exactly what you wanted.
Tovar growls, knowing that if he says something about what you are wearing, you will win whatever little game you are playing. He won’t let that happen. Instead he presses a button and puts the phone up to his ear. “Georgina…send two girls over to the boss’s house.” He speaks into the phone. “The one with the big tits and the nympho.” He doesn’t say goodbye, just closes the phone and leans back in his chair. “Hope you have enough, princess.” He hums. “More mouths to feed.”
You want to roll your eyes but you refrain, knowing he will win if you do that. “I can make enough food for your friends.” You offer him a sweet smile, scowling as you turn away from him. “Just don’t stain the sheets. Poor Martha has more than enough work to do than cleaning up after your whores.” You quip and turn on the stove to begin making dinner.
He rolls his eyes, annoyed that his little trick didn’t work. He hadn’t called Georgina for real, he didn’t want a white anymore. He wanted you. “Shut up, princess.” He grumbles and pushes away from the counter to go check the camera feeds.
You smirk, glad that he’s annoyed, and you continue cooking, suddenly no longer hungry now that he has whores on the way to the house. You eat alone while he “monitors the cameras” and he comes into the kitchen while you are cleaning up, his food on the side waiting for him to heat it up. “Your friends aren’t on their way?” You ask, leaning forward on the counter, your tits pushed together and you bite your lip when you notice his gaze dip down. He’s not immune to you and that’s thrilling.
“Changed my mind.” He grunts, looking back up at you. “Figured you’d be jealous if I fucked them where you could hear. The one with the big tits is a screamer.” He shrugs as if it doesn’t matter to him. “So don’t invite your ‘boyfriend’ over for some shitty sex.”
You sigh sadly, “I don’t have a boyfriend so there’s no worry about me having ‘shitty sex’.” You huff and stand up straight, turning to grab the plate of food to heat it up for him despite him being a dick. “Here’s your dinner.” You set it down on the counter for him, setting a beer down beside it. You huff, “here you go, asshole.” You are annoyed with him but fuck, that scowl has your stomach twisting with lust.
When you turn to walk away, Tovar reaches out and grabs your wrist, tugging you back to him. “Be nice, princess.” He growls. “I am not like your father’s other dogs. I will not kiss your ass and cater to you.” He knows that is why your father chose him to stay here. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone if that is what it would take to make sure that he kept you safe like he was supposed to. “Although I will spank your ass until you cannot sit if it will sweeten your tongue.”
You smirk, leaning against him as you look up at him, “promises promises, Tovar. We both know you wouldn’t dare spank me. My daddy wouldn’t approve.” You tease and Pero snorts, “your father wouldn’t approve but your daddy isn’t here, I am.” He chuckles darkly and you swallow harshly, “exactly. You don’t have the balls to follow through. You’re all mouth. I bet you can’t last more than a few minutes fucking a woman. Too self absorbed with your pleasure. Especially since you pay. Guess you can’t get it for free” You mock him, pulling your wrist away from his grip.
“I can get it for free, princess.” Tovar retorts. “I pay so I don’t have to worry about cock hungry bitches begging for me to fuck them getting in the way of my work.” He smirks as he watches your eyes narrow with anger and he twirls up some of the pasta you made and pops it in his mouth. “Good girl.” He teases after he chews and swallows, sending you a wink when you don’t say anything else. “Now run off back to your tower and pout about how mean I am.”
You glare at him, wanting to stomp in frustration, but instead, you start to form a plan to ruin his night. You step back, a smirk on your lips as you make your way to the door, “enjoy your dinner Tovar.” You announce sweetly before you leave the kitchen and make your way to your room, already trying to decide what to change into to “watch tv.” When you decide on the black lace number that you had bought for your previous boyfriend before he was scared off, you change into it. It’s nightwear but you can hardly consider it that when it’s practically see through and hits just below your ass cheek. You slide into your slippers and make your way downstairs to the living room, knowing Pero will come across you from somewhere. You can’t stand him, hate how cocky he is, but you know he could wreck you, make you scream his name, you want him. Far too much for your own good. You know what he is, who he is, but you still want him inside of you.
The thing about babysitting you is that it’s boring. He chafes at being unable to do what he wants. Despite his threat and want, he wouldn’t bring a whore under the roof where you are, it would be disrespectful. Not because he gives a damn what you think, he just knows you are a lady, one who doesn’t mix with that type. He huffs, dragging himself from room to room with a bottle in his fingers. Taking a swig every few minutes. The house is secure, you two are the only ones in it and there is nothing to do. He walks into the living room and rolls his eyes when he sees you sprawled out on the sofa, until he realizes what you are wearing. “Mierda.” He hisses. “Hijo de puta, what are you wearing?”
You look over at him from the television, biting your lip to stop your smirk as he growls at you. You shift, sitting up, and offer him an innocent look, “I am ready for bed. This is what I wear to bed, Tovar.” You huff and flop back against the sofa, eager to see what his next reaction is. Probably storming out…that seems to be his speciality.
Tovar stares at you for a moment, a scowl on his face before it transforms into a dark and wicked smirk. He lets his eyes drag up and down your nearly nude body as he leers. “I did not know the princess was a whore.” He grunts. “You must get a good price to have a man fuck your cunt. Tell me, do you wish to have Georgina manage clients for you?”
You hiss, quickly shifting off of the sofa to stride over to him. You waste no time in slapping him but he catches your wrist, too quick for you. “You’re a pig. Just - I was trying -” You are practically shaking with rage. 
“You were just trying…?” Tovar mocks you, your wrist still in his grip. 
“I was trying to get you to fuck me but I guess that was a momentary lapse of judgement.” You growl, trying to get out of his grip and when he doesn’t let you go, you move to slap him again with your free hand.
Tovar grabs your other wrist and smirks, dragging you closer so your tits are pressing against his chest. “You could not handle me, princess.” He sneers. “I am not a gentle man. This - this scrap you are wearing would be torn off of you and you would wear bruises for days if I did what I wanted with you.” Leaning in, his lips are so close to yours, breathing into your mouth. “You would scream until that pretty little throat of yours is hoarse and cry fat tears as I destroyed your pussy for any cock but mine.”
His words combined with his accent have your knees almost buckling and you gasp, surging forward to press your lips to his but he pulls back to stop you. You choke out a whine of frustration, “I want that. Please Pero. Please fuck me. Destroy me.” You beg breathlessly. “Please sir.” You add for good measure, wanting to see if he reacts to that.
He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t touch you. Your father would kill him, kill you. Still….he’s always done what he’s wanted and you’re begging for him to fuck you. Always wondered how your spoiled ass would act when you were fucked properly. He lets you go, shoving you back from him gently. “Go to bed, princess.” He orders you harshly, watching as your eyes lose their sparkle - dejected when he refuses your overture. “Go and wait on your bed like a good little slut. Panting for my cock.” He needs to check the doors and arm the system and he wants you to squirm, to wonder if he’s going to fuck you.
His words make your cunt drip and you nod, knowing he could leave you high and dry but you have to take the risk. The reward of him possibly fucking you like you’ve never been fucked before is worth it. You make your way to your room, leaving the nightie on while you lay down on the bed, swallowing harshly as you wait for him to either leave you hanging or come into your room and wreck you. The anticipation has your heart pounding and you sit up on your elbows, waiting for what turn this night takes.
Even though his cock is starting to harden, Tovar takes his time. He checks every door and makes sure that there are no open entry points when he sets the alarm. The indoor cameras have already been shut off, he hates being recorded inside a place like a home. There is no need for it and he’s thankful your father knows that, so it doesn’t seem suspicious. He even stops by the room he was to sleep in to brush his teeth and make sure that he is decent for fucking you. Smirking as he walks to your room and pushes your door open.
Your heart practically stops as he opens your door, your eyes meeting his dark, hungry, gaze and you know he’s here to ruin you. That thought alone had you ready to cum. Sure, you hate the man but he’s far too sexy for his own good. One night to indulge before you go back to loathing him. “Took you long enough.” You scoff, rolling your eyes at him.
“Keep it up, princess.” Tovar growls as he steps inside the room and closes the door behind him. The click of the lock echoes through the room and he smirks. “One chance to say no.” He tells you. “Tell me now and you will go to bed nice and innocent. If I stay, you will do what I want, when I want, how I want.”
You don’t say no, cunt dripping onto the sheets and he stands at the foot of your bed, looking down at you. “I want you to fuck me.” You plead, “I want you to take what you want from me.” You know you sound pathetic but he does this to you, makes you into some needy little whore that only wants him. Maybe it’s because he’s such an asshole, you like them mean.
He stares at you for another moment, watching you wait. Your tits heaving as you breathe and when you open your mouth to beg again, he lashes out. Grabbing your ankle, Tovar drags you down the bed to where you are splayed out in front of him and ignores your shriek of surprise. Ripping the lace that covers your tits, his eyes flash for a split second before he ducks his head down and bites one of your nipples harshly before he sucks it into his mouth, his other hand groping the other.
The roughness of his touch has you moaning his name, reaching for his hair to pull him closer but he grabs your wrists, pinning them with his free hand then he continues squeezing your tit. “Oh God.” You arch your back into his touch, still in your panties despite the lace now fluttering to the floor.
He isn’t gentle. He sucks and bites and runs his tongue over your breasts until they are covered in marks. Indentions if his teeth are all over your skin. Skin puffy and swollen from the pressure of his mouth. He moves back, smirking down at his handy work and slaps your tit. “You like that princess?” He demands roughly.
You are shocked at his rough treatment, unable to believe how truly punishing his act is but you are dripping wet and speechless. “Ye-yes. More. I want more.” You plead, hands still imprisoned by his. You know you will feel his marks for days but you love it, it’s what you wanted from other lovers who could never do it properly.
Chuckling darkly, he slaps your tit again. “Such a little slut. You parade around your father’s house acting like such a princess, but you are just a little whore who needs a cock shoved in her mouth, aren’t you?” He wants to fuck your face, imagined it. Planting his knees on the bed and straddling your stomach, he holds your wrists down and unbuckles his belt with his free hand. “I’m going to fuck that smart mouth of yours, princess. Make you gag on me.”
You want him to have a struggle so you keep your mouth shut until he grabs your jaw, forcing it open and you love it, keeping it open while he grabs his cock, pushing it into your mouth. You wrap your lips around him, eyes watering when he pushes back into your throat immediately.
Snarling, Tovar lets go of your hands so he can grip your head. Immediately starting to fuck your mouth ruthlessly. Harsh swings of his hips as he pumps his cock into your mouth and down your throat. Loving how you gag and sputter when he pulls back. “Fuck.” He hisses. “Fucking take it, look at those tears. Already crying and I’ve barely touched you. You want to stop, princess? Give up?”
You shake your head and open your mouth, eager for him to continue using you. His chuckle makes your cunt clench and you moan when he pushes back into your mouth. “Such a greedy little slut.” He coos with that accent that has you moaning around him, practically close to cumming without him even touching you.
Tovar fucks your mouth, watching your eyes as his cock plunges into your throat and he slides his hips back down he can feel the way the skin of your throat bulges. “Good little whore.” He grunts, feeling his body start to tense up, knowing that he will have to stop in a few thrusts. He doesn’t want to cum down your throat right now. “Are you wet? Is your cunt dripping from sucking my cock?”
You swallow harshly as he lets you breathe. You offer him a smirk, “why don’t you find out for yourself?” You challenge, managing to pull your wrists free from his grip as you start to jerk his cock.
He reacts without even thinking about it, reaching out and slapping your cheek. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but just sharp enough to make you gasp and freeze in shock. “Did I tell you to touch me?” He growls, grabbing your wrist again.
Fuck, that nearly makes you cum. You whimper and he grabs your chin, “do not do anything without my permission.” You nod as best as you can and he squeezes your chin. 
“I- I’m sorry sir.” You gasp out and he smirks, making you whimper again.
He watches for you another second before he shuffles off of you, flipping you over onto your stomach and dragging your lace panties down. “You taunted me and said I would not spank you, Princess.” He reminds you. “Time to eat your words.”
When the first smack hits your skin, you cry out. “Oh shit.” You moan when he hits you again. Your cunt must be dripping by now, this is what you wanted from him. You wanted this violence, you wanted this  feral treatment.
“Such a fucking brat.” He growls, enjoying your cries. He’s not stupid, he can see the slick starting to coat your thighs from how turned on you are getting. You like this. His hand slaps your ass cheeks again and again until he can see welts and he knows you will feel it sitting down.
“You’re such a - a fucking asshole.” You taunt him, squealing when he smacks your ass even harder. When his hand shifts in the next smack, slapping your pussy, you moan out. You know his palm must be slick with you.
He chuckles, grabbing your ass with both hands and pulling your cheeks apart. Watching both of your holes flutter and spasm. “You like it.” He tells you, leaning down and spitting on your hole, just to be even more of a dick.
When he spits on you, you whimper, but when he pushes his thumb against the puckered hole, you practically shake with need. He’s in control and you love it. “Please.” You beg breathlessly, needing him to touch you. You need more.
He throws his leg over yours and straddles your thighs. The saliva on his cock has dried but he knows you are slick enough. Instead of warning you, he shuffles forward and guides himself to your cunt and pushes deep, burying himself to the hilt.
He takes your breath away as he pushes into you, making you reach for the sheets to cling to them as he pushes into you without warning. “Oh my fucking God.” You finally choke, closing your eyes as he stretches you more than any other lover you’ve had.
Tovar growls, slapping his hips against your ass before he pulls back to set a hard pace. You feel fucking incredible and he wants to tear you apart. Make you cry out his name and show you exactly what you asked for. Each time he hammers back into you, he pushes sounds and squeals out of you, making him smirk. “G-good, no?” He hisses, grabbing the back of your neck to hold you down while he fucks you.
You pant against the sheets as he fucks you, hard and fast. Unrelenting in his efforts to ruin your pussy for any other person on earth. You moan his name again, “it’s so good. So good. Keep going. Please. Keep - keep going. I need - I want to cum.” He’s hitting deep and each time he hits that spot, your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Tovar moans at the way your tight cunt takes him. Squeezing him as he drills into you. He pauses, pushing down on your ass and he changes angles, fucking down into you like a rag dog.
“Oh my - fuck yes.” You moan at the new angle. He’s unraveling you and you whimper when he pushes deep inside of you, his hand smacking your ass and you revel in the sting. “Pero. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me - oh fuck!” You squeal, letting him push deep and you try to cry out when you clamp down around his cock but your voice breaks, going hoarse from the way he’s made you scream.
Tovar groans as you cum around him. Keeping his pace frantic to chase his own pleasure. Pulling you up to your knees and upright so your back is against his chest. His hand wraps around your throat. “Fuck, princess.” He hisses. “Gonna make you drip my cum all night.”
You gasp when he squeezes your throat, making your cunt flutter around him again, and you pant when he thrusts a dozen more times, pushing you onto overstimulation. You shake against him when you cum again, clamping down on his cock just as he buries himself deep and fills you with spurt after spurt of hot cum,
He groans roughly, biting down on your jaw while he rides out his high, squeezing your throat again. Slowing his thrusts down until he is grinding into your cunt and finally stopping. Tovar pants into your ear for a few moments before he pulls out of you. You are completely naked and he only pulled his cock out of his jeans.
You flop forward, unable to support yourself as he lets go of you. His cum drips out onto your sheets but Pero just tucks himself back into his pants. “Oh my God.” You choke, unable to speak or breathe or do anything but lay on your now ruined sheets.
“Mouth isn’t so smart now, is it?” He taunts, admiring your limp form as you are spread out and dripping him. It’s a beautiful sight, but he would never tell you that. Instead, he purses his lips and contemplates what he needs to do. Should he stay or go back to the room he is supposed to stay in. He decides to leave. “Sleep tight, princess.”
You hear the door shut and you close your eyes, unable to decide what you wanted from him after he fucked you into a stupor. You wonder if he wants more from you tomorrow, and you wonder why he wouldn’t clean you up. Then you snort to yourself. This is Pero Tovar, he doesn’t do aftercare. You manage to force yourself off of the bed to clean yourself up and you crawl back into bed, falling asleep instantly.
When you come into the kitchen the next morning, Tovar is sitting at the bar scrolling through his phone. The fact that there are donuts from your favorite shop is only because he wanted donuts this morning. Not because he was feeling like he should do something for you. And since he got donuts, the double shot latte you drink was just a natural extension of the order. He glowers at you when he looks up, pleased to see you walking gingerly this morning. “Afternoon, princess.” He huffs, even though it’s only nine o’clock.
You spot the donuts and latte, eyes wide with surprise but Tovar just looks back at his phone. “Did you- you got this for me?” You ask and he rolls his eyes, looking up from his phone. 
“One of the donuts is a Boston Cream Pie. Figured it was appropriate.” He chuckles and you roll your eyes but your heart flutters at the fact that he did this. He could’ve just not bothered at all if he didn’t care at least a little. You sit down, hissing a little, and notice the smirk on Pero’s face. “Did you sleep well, princess?” He asks and you nod, “I passed out not long after you left my room.”
He snorts, pleased that he had worn you out. “Soak in a bath with epsom salt.” He tells you gruffly, knowing you are sore. It will help you. “Then you will be fine. Unless you just have delicate skin.” It’s a taunt, wanting to see you spit back at him. Despite domineering you last night, he actually enjoys your smart mouth. Picking up his own coffee, he takes a sip and watches you as you open the box of donuts.
You scoff, “wasn’t too delicate last night, was it?” You retort, wanting to ask if the coffee is poisoned but you won’t lower yourself to his level. “I’ll take a bath after I have my coffee. You wanna join me?” You tease, hating that you want him again despite your body aching.
Tovar raises his brow at you and shrugs. “Sure.” He grunts, amused when your eyes widen in shock. Obviously you hadn’t expected him to say yes. “What? I take baths. How do you think I soak when I’m sore from beating a man to death?”
You wince slightly as you clench around nothing at that thought. Fuck, he’s so capable, so deadly, and yet he has only given you pleasure. You stare at him while you drink your coffee, wrapping your lips around the straw and he chuckles, sipping his own iced coffee. “I’ll go start running the water.” You announce once you’ve finished your drink and you walk over to him, leaning down to press your lips to his cheek, licking his scar as you pull back, “don’t keep me waiting, Tovar.”
He growls, nearly reaching for you again but he doesn’t. He knows you are sore and will need to soak. The truth is that he probably fucked you harder than any of the whores he fucked, but he had wanted to show you what he was capable of. To give you what you wanted. You don’t want him because of his good looks, you want him because he’s dangerous, rough. So that’s what he gave you. He finishes his drink and stands up, leaving his phone behind as he makes his way back to your bedroom.
You are naked as you bend over the bathtub to turn off the hot water just as Tovar enters the bathroom. You look back at him with a smirk, his dark eyes trailing down your spine to your ass. "I'm gonna soak, you wanna sit with me or you got better things to do?" You tease, loving that dark look in his eyes.
“If I did, I’d be doing them instead of standing here.” Tovar scoffs, reaching for the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. He’s not been nice but he can sit with you in a tub. Especially if he can get you to ride him. “Keep it up and I’ll spank you again.” He warns.
You internally wince at the idea but you step into the water, moaning at the heat before you sink down, hissing slightly at the sting before you lean back and look at Tovar who is pushing down his pants. You shift forward to allow him to get in behind you and when he’s in the water, you lean back against him. “Is this okay?” You ask, knowing he’s prickly about physical contact.
Rolling his eyes, Tovar reaches for you, dragging you back against his chest more firmly. “Shut up, princess.” He rasps in your ear, muscles relaxing in the hot water. He knows it has to feel good for you, he rode you hard last night. His hand slides up and cups your breast, squeezing lightly. “Just rest your cunt and your ass.” He tells you. “It is sore, no?”
You relax against him, “yes. It is. I- last night was - it was amazing.” You tell him, smiling softly as you close your eyes and allow yourself this intimate moment with him. His hand massages your breast and you just enjoy the hot water on your sore skin. “You really did a number on me last night.” You joke softly.
Tovar snorts, pinching your nipples before he continues to grope them. “It’s what you wanted.” He reminds you. “You wanted the asshole who takes what he wants. But you cannot say I don’t make a woman cum now, can you?” He’s smug about that, leaning in and biting down on your neck. Not as rough as last night, but there is a sting to his teeth.
You whimper, hating how smug he sounds but you can't disagree with him. "No. I can't say that. I - I want more." You admit, turning your head to kiss his jaw. You wonder if he will reject you or if he will embrace you again. "I want you, Tovar." You plead, knowing you are sore but you don't care, you need him.
Letting go of your breast, Tovar grabs your jaw and stares at you for a moment. His cock is already half hard from just being naked in the tub with you and he chuckles darkly. “Cock hungry little whore.” He teases. “If you want it, you’re going to have to do it yourself.” He hums, letting go of your face and leaning back in the tub. “Fuck yourself on my cock, if you’re so eager. Ride it like the little slut you are.”
You bite your lip, shifting away from him, and you shuffle onto your knees as best as you can in the bathtub to face him. His cock is hard when you wrap your fingers around it, your cunt wet from the anticipation of having him inside of you again, and when you position him, you slowly sink down on him, mindful of the slight ache. “Shit.” You moan at the way he stretches you out. “You feel - it’s - you’re so thick.”
There’s a reason he wanted you to ride him. In this position, you are more in control of how you take him, wanting to give you time to get used to him if you are too sore or pull off if you can’t. Will he make fun of you? Absolutely, but he’s not a total monster. “All me princess, not some toy.”
You want to roll your eyes but you can't. focusing on sinking down onto his cock. He stretches you out and you are sore but the pleasure is fading out the tinge of pain. You grip his shoulders, sinking down until your ass is pressed against his thighs. "I have an IUD by the way. Since we never - we didn't get a chance to discuss that." You allow yourself a few moments to get used to his cock inside of you again.
He shrugs, unconcerned with it. He knows you have birth control because your father runs his mouth too much. You didn’t know he knew though, so it makes him seem like a bigger asshole. “Good to know, princess.” Leaning back, he watches your face, the micro expressions showing that you feel uncomfortable but the pain isn’t too much. He should know, he watches people’s pain tolerance daily.
You can’t believe he doesn’t seem to care about your IUD, most men would be breathing out in relief. Instead, Pero just stares at you, watching you as you adjust to him and finally, the ache passes. You whimper, starting to lift your hips so you can slowly sink back down onto him. His hands are gripping the tub and you slide yours down his chest, admiring his tattoos and various scars from near misses.
He smirks at you, enjoying the way your pussy flutters around him, letting you touch him how you want. Still, he keeps his hands on the tub, knowing that if he reaches for you he’s going to take over. You aren’t quite ready for that yet. You still have brief flashes of pain when you sink down too fast. “Maybe your cunt isn’t up for fucking.” He teases. “Maybe you should put my cock in your ass.”
You inhale sharply at the comment, wondering what he would feel like in your ass. “I haven’t - no one has ever - none of my boyfriends ever wanted to do that. I don’t know what to do.” You admit, not opposed to the idea. You kind of like the thought of him being the first one to take you like that.
“Oh you are a princess.” He chuckles, finally sliding hand into the water and caressing your ass before he slides his fingers between your cheeks. “You want to find out what it’s like? Have my cock in your ass? Filling up every hole you have?”
You gasp when his fingers press against your puckered hole and you whimper when he starts to push a digit inside of you. “Tovar. Please. I- I want to find out what it’s like. I want you to be the one to show me.”
Tovar hums, pushing in just enough to slip past your resistance and then he pulls his finger free. “Stand up and turn around.” He orders you roughly. “Bend over and show me your ass.”
Your legs shake slightly as you stand up, turning away from him, and you grab the edge of the tub as you bend over, showing him your swollen cunt and puckered hole, already fluttering with anticipation.
He doesn’t tell you what he’s going to do. Figuring you would tell him that it’s nasty or that you don’t want him to do it. Forgetting that he does what he wants. Grabbing your hips, Tovar leans in and buries his face between your ass cheeks, his tongue swirling around your puckered hole and flicking over it as he starts to voraciously eat your ass.
“Oh my God!” You squeal, unable to believe he’s doing that. You grip the edges of the tub tighter and moan his name as his tongue swirls and dips into an otherwise unexplored part of your body.
Tovar chuckles, enjoying the way your entire body tensed when he surprised you. He keeps a tight grip on you, rocking you back onto his tongue as he coaxes the muscle open enough to push inside.
You are surprised by how good this feels, unused to the sensations and you whimper, grinding back onto him while his tongue starts to probe deeper inside of you. “Oh shit. I-” You bend over a little more, gasping his name when he continues.
He knew you were filthy. Knew it. Humming, he makes sure that he gets you nice and wet before he pulls back so he can sink his thumb inside your tight little hole while he continues to lick around it.
He works you open with his thumb and you swear you are about to collapse. He bites down on your ass cheek and you moan his name, reaching back with one hand to tangle your fingers in his locks, pushing him back into your flesh.
“Greedy.” He rasps out, pulling his thumb out so he can push two fingers inside you. You’ve never had someone inside your ass and he will have to work you open so he doesn’t rip you.
His fingers bring new sensations you've never experienced before and you fucking love it. You rock back onto his fingers and he works you open enough to take his cock. You pant, head dropping between your shoulders and you desperately need him inside of you now.
When he feels like you are loose enough, he pulls his fingers out of you and slaps your ass. “You will need lube, princess.” He grunts at you, “more than my spit this time. Get your lube, I know you have some.”
You step out of the bath, lucky to have some extra lube in the drawer.  You have a few bottles just in case you wanted to use your toys in the shower. You grab the bottle, careful to not slip on the tile and you hand it to Pero before stepping back into the tub.
He smirks and flips the cap open. “Don’t say I don’t care about you, princess.” He jokes as he squirts a very generous amount on his hand and tilts his hips up out of the water to smear on his cock. “Fucking an ass without lube is painful, so I’m being nice.”
You watch him lube his length up and you shift to straddle him. “Plus you’re my first.” You remind him, noticing the softness that appears in his eyes for a moment. You caress his chest, “put it in.” You tell him and he reaches around you to place his cock at your puckered hole, spreading more lube with his fingers and he lifts his hips to slowly push into you. You hold your breath, bracing yourself as he takes your hips, letting you lead and you lower yourself another inch onto his cock.
Tovar clenches his jaw, hissing at how fucking tight you are. It’s like a hot vice around his cock and he loves it. “Easy.” He groans out, not wanting you to go too fast. There will be plenty of time to fuck your ass hard once you are use to him and begging for more. “We will get there, princess. Sink down on my fat cock.”
You slowly, so slowly, sink down onto his cock and he stretches you out for the first time. “Fuck. I- this feels different.” You murmur and he caresses your hips. 
“Good different or bad different?” He asks and you exhale shakily, taking another inch. 
“Good different.” You confess and sink down a little more, slowly edging his cock into you until finally, your ass is pressed against his thighs.
Tovar leans in and kisses you roughly. It’s not a timid, hesitant kiss. One that takes full command and he groans into your mouth when you open for him. Pulling you close while his tongue slides against yours as you adjust to the feeling of being full in a different sense.
You moan into his mouth, tangling your fingers in his hair, and you start to move. A tiny rock of your hips and he grunts into your mouth, spurring you on. You continue, gaining confidence and you start to rock on his cock. “Oh shit. That- that feels good.” You admit breathlessly.
He grins, watching your eyes glaze over before they flutter closed. Still kissing you while you whimper and whine as you work your hips. His hands move to your waist, helping you just a little. Not enough to force you to move if you don’t want to but you moan louder.
You rock onto his cock, picking up the pace as you get more confident and comfortable. Your eyes are closed and you throw your head back as you start to enjoy how he feels inside of you like this. “Fuck baby. This - this is better.” You confess, glad to give your sore pussy a break.
He snorts, smirking as he leans back and lets you move. “Yeah? You gonna cum from my cock in your ass?” He asks, moving one hand down to your cunt to press his thumb against your clit.
When his thumb presses against your clit, you whine his name and he chuckles when you move a little faster on his cock. “Is this good for you?” You ask, knowing he hasn’t really said anything since you sank down onto his cock. Maybe he’s already bored of you and he’s just entertaining you.
He glares at you, incredulous that you would ask such a stupid question. “I am trying not to blow my load, princess.” He hisses, rubbing your clit faster. “Your ass is tighter than your cunt and you nearly squeezed it off last night.”
His words send you closer to the edge, grateful that he is enjoying this so much. You moan and rock a little faster, crying out when he rubs your clit just right. “You gonna - you gonna cum inside of me, you gonna fill me up?” You lean in to nip his jaw and he rubs your clit a little harder, pushing you over the edge. “Oh fuck!” You yelp, shaking as your cunt clenches around nothing but you grip his cock in your ass.
“Fuck!” Tovar growls, unable to stay passive anymore now that you’ve cum. He grabs your hips harder this time, thrusting up into you and making water slosh out onto the floor but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is fucking your through your high and filling your ass up so you can drip his seed again. “Fuck, princess. Gonna cum- you’re gonna fucking make me cum.” He growls, pushing his hips up harshly and pulling you down as he buries himself in your body and floods your hole with hot waves of his cum.
You lean against his chest while his cock throbs inside of you, making you moan his name and kiss his neck. You’ve never been so pleasured before and he only touched you last night. He relaxes beneath you, cock still inside of you, and you tilt your head so you can softly kiss him, just breathing him in while you both enjoy your orgasms.
Tovar closes his eyes, not wanting to move right this second. You are a great fuck, and he is worn out. Panting softly as he lets you kiss him as you curl against his chest. “Be gentle when you get off, Princess.” He murmurs. “Now you will be sore everywhere.”
You snort, “you’ve ruined me Tovar.” You admit and he sighs, caressing your back. 
“Call me Pero.” You smile against his chest, “Pero.” You murmur his name and kiss one of the many scars on his chest. After a moment, you reluctantly move, gently shifting off of his cock and you hiss when you shift over to the other side of the tub, watching him relax while you start to clean up.
He smirks as you get an uncomfortable look on your face, knowing you are unused to the more realistic aspects of anal sex. You’d probably only ever read flowery romances that involve it and gloss over the dirty details. “You’re going to have to go take a shit.” He tells you with a chuckle. “Only way to get it out.”
You wrinkle your nose, “wonderful. Better go grab some water to drink.” You joke, stretching your legs out and he caresses your foot. “I need to get your cum out of me.” You shift to stand up, grabbing the nearby towel to wrap it around your body. Your body is sore but you love it, wanting to spend the rest of the day watching movies on the sofa.
He snorts, knowing you are embarrassed by the idea of taking care of that in front of him and stands. “I’ll go grab your water and you clean up, princess.” He tells you, knowing you want to have some privacy.
You watch him wrap the towel around his waist and you walk over to him, grabbing the back of his neck to press your lips to his. You pull back after a moment, pecking his lips. “Thank you.” You murmur, stepping back and turning towards the sink so you can start to clean up after he’s gone.
Pero walks through the halls, water dripping and he stops by one of the other bathrooms so he can clean up himself quickly. He figures you will want to change the water in the tub before soaking again. He can’t fuck you again, you would be too sore. Once he's cleaned up, he goes back to the kitchen and grabs the water and your donuts to leave in your bedroom to eat after.
You smile when you are cleaned up and in your room, finding the bottle of water and donuts. You settle onto your bed, figuring Pero will find you if he wants, and you start a movie. Eventually, you fall asleep from the exhaustion of getting fucked hard by the Spaniard. You are woken up by kisses on your neck, a hot body behind you and you snuggle back into the warmth, "Pero." You murmur, still hazy from sleep.
“Go back to sleep.” Pero orders gruffly, seeing how exhausted you still are. He had gone to check the house and come back to find you asleep. He wraps his arms around you and slides his hand under your shirt to cup your tit. He wants to sleep with you right now, indulge in a nap and have your soft, warm body next to his. “I’ll eat you out while you suck my cock when you wake up.”
You smile softly, "sounds good." You close your eyes, drifting back to sleep while his hands caress you. You dream of him, imagining him taking you out for dinner. The right hand man of your father, a murderer, a criminal, treating you like a princess. It's a beautiful dream but you soon wake up to Pero snoring on his back, your body curled around him, and you smile when your thigh nudges his hard cock in his jeans. Your smile turns into a smirk and you carefully work on unbuttoning his jeans. He stirs but settles down and you pull the zipper down, carefully reaching into his jeans to pull his hard cock out. You lean down, flattening your tongue along the underside.
Pero’s eyes shoot open and for a moment he has violence in his orbs, until he realizes what is happening. His hand cups your cheek and he moans, your tongue pressed to the head of his cock. “Brat.” He rasps. “Waking a man from his sleep because you are horny again.” Anyone else would think that he is pissed from his tone, but he is already grabbing you to drag you up to kiss your mouth harshly. “Take your shorts off, princess. I will lick your sore pussy while you suck on your favorite treat.”
You don't hesitate to shuffle off of him, pushing your shorts and panties down. You toss them aside and straddle his chest, reaching down to take his cock back into your mouth. He grabs your hips, pulling you back to hover over his mouth and he groans, sliding his tongue through your folds. You moan around his cock, closing your eyes as you start to bob your head.
Pero eats your pussy like he had eaten your ass, vigorously and enthusiastically. He groans into your folds and flicks his tongue over your swollen clit. Twitching inside your mouth as you swallow around him. He closes his eyes and pulls your hips back more, encouraging you to sit on his face.
You grind back onto his face, no longer shy, and you moan as he sucks on your clit. You hollow your cheeks around his cock, taking him deeper, and spit starts to dribble onto his crotch as you gag around him. You pull off for a moment to catch your breath just as his tongue slides into you, "fuck Pero." You pant, gripping his cock and you jerk him before you wrap your lips around his cock.
He would laugh, taunt you for how wrecked you sound but he’s too busy enjoying you. Your tangy arousal coats his tongue as he flicks it deeper inside you and he wants you to scream again. He likes the way you scream his name when you cum. Greedy for this time since your father will be back tonight or tomorrow. Then this little episode will be over. Pero groans into your folds and angles his chin to press against your clit while he tongue fucks you.
You continue to take him down your throat, holding your breath while you take all of him, nose nestled in the coarse hair at the base, and you pull off of him after a moment to gasp in air. You rock your hips and his chin grinds against your clit. “Oh shit Pero. I- I’m gonna - oh fuck.” You cry out as his cock remains in your hand, your body shaking while you cum again.
Pero slurps up your arousal, working you through it and happy that you soak his face. When he finally pulls his lips away, his chin and cheeks are covered in your juices. “Fuck, princess.” He groans. “Suck me off or I’m going to fuck you again.” It’s a lie, but you don’t know that. 
You want him to cum down your throat so you eagerly take him back into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks. You give him the sloppiest blow job, spit dripping from your mouth and you choke around him but continue, wanting him to cum. You reach down to fondle his balls, rolling them between your fingers as you take him past your gag reflex.
He chokes out your name, fingers digging into your flesh as he tenses up. So close to cumming again and when you swallow around him, he’s done. The small cry of pleasure isn’t as loud as yours but he’s breathless, lifting his lips while his cock starts to throb. Pumping smaller spurts of cum down your throat since he had cum so much this weekend.
You swallow every drop, wanting to please him after he’s made you feel so damn good. You caress his thighs while he pulses in your mouth and when he groans out that it’s too much, you pull off of him, spit and cum on your chin as you try to shift off of him, flopping down on the bed beside him with a pleasured smile. “Shit, that was amazing.” You sigh, wiping your chin with the back of your hand.
Pero snorts, leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. He doesn’t give a damn about his cum, or yours, he just wants to kiss you again. “Such a little slut.” He teases, sending you a small wink before he kisses you again.
You like this side of Pero. Playful and teasing. Affectionate. Much better than the gruff asshole you have come to know during his time working with your father. “Do you ever get bored of this life?” You ask him softly after a few moments when he pulls you into his side. 
“What do you mean, hermosa?” He asks and you bite your lip for a moment. 
“I mean…working for my dad. Killing people. Don’t you want more? Don’t you want a family? To settle down?”
He knows that’s not possible. He’s in this life until he dies. It’s the way it works. “You don’t know what you’re saying, princess.” He huffs, his fingers stroking your arm gently. He’s imagined it, but it’s so far out of reach, it would be like trying to go to the moon. “It doesn’t happen for people like me. You- you’ll marry some pencil dick and have six kids.” He growls, not liking the idea. “I’ll be taken out by someone younger, hungrier, when I get too old to watch my own back.”
You frown, "not if- not if you were the boss and you had a son." You bite your lip when he scoffs and says "how would I be the boss, Princess? The only way would be if your dad died and you and I-" He freezes and you look at him, waiting for his reaction. "You don't mean that." He says and you shift to sit up, looking down at him. 
"Think about it. You could protect me. You - you might never love me but I could live with that as long as we were happy as a unit. I could give you a family and you take over from my father. You are his right hand man anyway. You know how it works. I don't - my father has talked about me marrying that asshole from the Irish family - William Garin - to unite our families. I don't want that. I want you."
Pero watches you for a moment, searching for any kind of trick or backstab in your eyes. It’s dangerous just to talk like this and he’s never trusted anyone to even seemingly consider it. Although he’s thought about off-ing your old man before. He thinks about watching you with that blonde bastard and he shakes his head. “Princess, you better make damn sure you know what you’re getting into.” He growls, reaching for you again. “Just because we are married doesn’t mean you’ll get your way all the time.” He grabs your jaw and kisses you roughly before he adds, “you better give me a son.”
The fact that he just agreed to marry you has your heart pounding in your chest. You wrap your arms around his neck, “I promise.” You know you can’t control it but you hope you can please him, you want him to want you, to love you. You press your lips to his, sliding your tongue into his mouth and he kisses you for the first time without having sex.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Your father calls out as he enters the living room and you look over at him from the sofa, Pero sitting in the chair across the room, lips still wet from your kisses. 
“How was the trip?” You ask, standing up and walking over to your father, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
“It was…tedious but I got what I wanted. How was your weekend? Did Tovar look after you?” He asks and you look over at his right hand man, a smirk on your face, “oh yes. He looked after me.” Your tone is innocent but your smirk is anything but. 
“Did she behave?” Your father asks Pero who stands up from the chair.
“She was fine.” Pero is nervous but on the surface he looks pissed off like he normally does. It’s not everyday you kill your boss, the man who took you in when you were nearly homeless and newly arrived from Spain. “Need to talk to you about something, boss.”
You look at Pero as he guides your father into his study across the first floor of the house. You bite your lip, the guilt creeping up but you know this is how it works in your families. No one dies of old age. Your father wants to marry you off to the son of his enemy, knowing you’ll be mistreated but he wants their land, their shipping paths. You can’t allow him to do that to you.
Pero follows your father into his study quietly. “So the girl was a problem and you didn’t want to let her know you were ratting her out.” He chuckles as he walks over to his decanter and pours himself a drink. He doesn’t offer Pero one, but then again, he never does. Pero waits while the man takes a gulp of the liquor, taking grim satisfaction in his greed for the alcohol. “Well, what did the girl do?” He huffs, looking at his second in command. 
Pero shrugs. “Nothing. She complained about marrying William Garin and offered herself to me if I killed you.” He tells the man honestly.
Your father chokes in the liquor, a laugh escaping his lips. “Oh come on. You and I both know you’d never do that. You - you wouldn’t kill me. I saved you, I made you what you are. She’s a silly little girl. She’s marrying Garin and that’s it. She won’t have a choice in the matter. We need their shipping paths and to keep them on our side. Besides Tovar, you aren’t exactly husband material, are you?” Your father laughs and takes another gulp of the booze.
Again, Pero shrugs. “Maybe not. I am rough, demanding, brutal.” He admits, looking down at his scarred hands. Hands he has beaten men to death with without a second’s hesitation on your father’s orders. It was true, he had made Tovar the man he was. Which was why it was sad that he couldn’t see this coming. “But your daughter’s pussy is tight and her mouth is fucking talented at sucking cock.” He taunts. “So I think it’s a good deal.”
Your father splutters, steam practically coming out of his ears as he glares at Pero. “What the fuck did you say?” He growls, striding towards the Spaniard. “Is that what she’s done? She’s been your whore for the weekend and convinced you to take me down? I’ll fucking kill her. She won’t be marrying Gavin, she’s gonna be killed. You- you will do it. Oh how bittersweet. To be killed by the man she seduced. You’ll do it now. Go. Before I change my mind.” Your father orders Pero, furious with him but he knows how conniving you can be. You’re your mother’s daughter. He pours another glass of booze, downing it in one gulp.
For the first time since he was taken under your father’s wing, Pero defies the man’s order. Instead of going and murdering his only daughter, Pero smirks and crosses his arms over his chest. “What are you doing?” Your father spits furiously. “You are not going to kill me.” 
This makes Pero chuckle and nod towards the decanter. “Amigo, I already did.” He tells the former boss, dropping his arms and striding towards the older man to shove him down into his chair. “It is your daughter’s love for you, and mine, that made this clean.” He growls into the older man’s ear. “Just relax and know that your last minutes will be pain free, old man. Your daughter, your empire - is now mine.”
Your father chokes, slumping down in his desk chair, his eyes full of shock and terror as it sinks in that he’s about to die. He swallows harshly and is starting to struggle to breathe. Pero stands there and watches him, his dark eyes full of unknown emotions and your father tries to speak but fails as his breath is robbed from him. He’s wheezing now, hand slamming down on the desk as he tries to relay his anger towards Pero until he finally falls face first onto the desk, his eyes glazed over as the last breath leaves his body.
Pero hears you behind him, turning his head and sighing softly. He had made sure that when they do the toxicology report, the poison won’t be reported so there will be no foul play. The cops in the area are all in his pocket anyway so he doesn’t see an issue. “It’s done, princess.” Pero grunts at you, aware that despite everything, the man was still your father and you are going to be upset at the way this had to play out. “No regretting it now.”
You don’t regret it. Your father was planning to ruin your life…just like your mother’s life was ruined before she died. You wrap your arm around Pero’s waist, “I don’t regret it. I am getting what I wanted: you.”
Pero growls, pissed off as he rushes through the long, sterile halls of the hospital. He knew he shouldn't have gone out of town, but he hadn’t trusted anyone else to take care of business and you weren’t due yet. Now he’s almost missed it. 
You had called him, screaming from the pain and telling him that the baby was coming when he was nearly four hours away. You couldn’t have a baby in that amount of time, could you? He doesn’t know, but he had ordered his men to fucking hurry. 
Growling out your name to the nurse at the station, Pero slaps his hand down on the desk, demanding to see you. “Where is my wife?” He hisses.
You stare down at the baby in your arms. Pero was too late to see the birth but you understand, your water broke early and the little baby in your arms is 2 weeks ahead of schedule. You can’t stop staring at the baby and just about manage to look up when Pero rushes into the room. 
“I’m too late.” He hisses, angry with himself. 
You shake your head, “it’s okay. It’s okay.” You promise, tears stinging in your eyes now that he’s here. “I’ve disappointed you anyway.” You choke, knowing how much he wanted a boy. “It’s a girl.” You announce, bracing yourself to see his face fall. You had decided to keep the gender a surprise, Pero was old fashioned in that sense and you were anxious but agreed to wait until the birth.
“Another girl.” Pero grunts. Mia, your two year old, is the spitting image of her mother. A happy, bubbly thing that fills the once quiet house where you had grown up with squeals and laughter. Newborns had terrified Pero when she was born, although he has gotten better about fearing that he is going to break them. So now, Pero leans over to scoop up the baby from your arms and look at his newest daughter. “You caused your mama to cry, niña.” He coos gruffly, falling instantly in love with the sleepy eyes staring up at him. Smirking, he looks over at you. “What do you want to call her, princess?” He demands. “Boy names have been all you have been thinking of.”
You watch him with his daughter, your heart clenching at the acceptance in his eyes, the adoration. “You aren’t - you’re not angry with me? We had - she’s a girl. You wanted a boy and I’ve given you two girls.” You choke, tears still streaming down your cheeks, overwhelmed by giving birth and now your husband’s disappointment.
Pero scoffs, scowling at you until he notices the tears that are flowing. “Don’t be stupid.” He murmurs softly, stroking the baby’s head and pressing a kiss to her crown of hair before he lays her down gently in the bassinet the nurses have put beside your bed to turn to you. “You have given me two beautiful, healthy daughters.” He reaches it and wipes your tears away. “I am not angry. How could I be angry with the woman I love giving me children? I do not care if we have boys. Our daughters will run our empire.”
Your eyes widen as he unknowingly says he loves you. He’s never said it, even during your wedding. He’s shown it sometimes, like when he’s soft when he fucks you, but he’s not an emotional man. You love him, desperately, and you’ve told him that but he’s never said it back. You haven’t had expectations of it so you’re shocked to hear him say it now. “You- you love me?” You choke out, staring at him.
Rolling his eyes, as if you are stupid for believing otherwise, he kneels down by your bed. “I killed my boss for you, princess.” He reminds you quietly, his fingers sliding down your cheek and he takes your hand. The one that he put a ring on the day after your father’s funeral. “You think I would do that for anyone? I had power, I had money. I did what I wanted. But I did that so I could have you.” He murmurs, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it softly. “I love you. And I love our daughters. I will continue to kill for you if I have to. Te amo.”
His words make you cry and you pull him close, as close as you can, and press your lips to his. Hearing him say it has you soaring and you can’t regret what happened that weekend. It got you the family you’ve always wanted and a husband you adore. “Te amo, Tovar. I love you.” You murmur against his mouth. “Maybe we can try for baby number three.” You tease and Pero chuckles. 
“If you want, Princess. Although I think I’m going to go gray early with four princesses.” He jokes and caresses your cheek. 
“Worth it though.” You run your fingers through his hair. 
“Yes you were.” He murmurs, offering you a rare smile. You were worth it. Pero Tovar has it all and no one will take it away from him, he’ll kill to protect what’s his.
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lksvi · 1 year
all we are is skin and bone (trained to get along)
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𝆹⭒ vendetta!leon kennedy x bartender!gn!reader
⏜ ‎ ◯𝆹⭒ synopsis — your favorite regular has more to him than you thought. after getting involved, you go through a series of events.
𝆹⭒◯ ⏜ content — flirty leon at the beginning, vendetta leon is my favorite, alcoholism, motorcycle rider leon, reader gets referred to as bridesmaid/wears a bridesmaids dress for one scene, rebecca chambers my beloved, follows the plot of re: vendetta, probably has plot holes, not proofread, chris redfield, mostly plot, mentions of death
⏜ ‎ ◯𝆹⭒ word count — 7k
𝆹⭒◯ ⏜ note — i love vendetta leon!!!!! he is the best leon idc. he may be 40 & an alcoholic but idc HES HOT!!!! ok enjoy 7k words of plot. there might be a part 2 if this does good. also the summary is literally terrible pls ignore. also x2 my first time writing for leon please be nice <3333
𝆹⭒ masterlist
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Usual Saturday nights consisted of beer, drunk men, and the football channel turned to the maximum volume on the little television in the corner of the bar. The customers demanded for football to be on whenever it was late at night, one too many beers causing their yelling to be slurred and their mouths to be slicked with spit. It was a gross sight, in all honesty.
It was your normal, though. Saturday nights were when you worked at the bar, mixing drinks and making conversation with drunk customers. They were nice when they’re yelling at you. Some made good conversation, while others were simply good to look at.
One of those being a regular at your bar, a man who goes by Leon.
He’s one of the people you notice whenever you come in for your shift. He always sits at the bar by himself, a shot glass in front of him and his back hunched over. He’s attractive, admittedly so, but you’ve never spoken to him beyond the regular bartender-customer conversation. He doesn’t seem to be a man of many words anyhow.
Hearing him talk was rare. Since he was a regular, and got the same bottle of alcohol every time he came in, all of the bartenders knew to give it to him when he sat down. He always had a way to pay for it: A sleek black card in his leather wallet. Often you wondered how he got all the money to pay for this every night. Spending nearly a hundred dollars on alcohol every night didn’t seem to be making a dent in his credit card.
You’d have to ask him what he does for a living.
“Hey, sweet cheeks!” A drunk man at the bar slurred, eyes hazy and a lopsided grin on his face. “Gimme another shot, will ya’?” You wanted nothing more than to scold him on his lack of manners, but you were past that already. You’ve had worse encounters with customers than a lack of manners, unfortunately. “No problem, sir,” You answered smoothly, a charming grin on your glossed lips.
You got him another shot, returning to your lazy lounging behind the bar. You enjoyed watching the customers, observing what they did and how they acted. Most of them were drunk, but it only added to your entertainment. After all, good entertainment is the key to not quitting your job. Not including the fact that rent was due every month.
Speaking of entertainment, Leon should be coming in…
The bell rang as the door opened.
… right about now.
Exactly on time. You couldn’t help but let a small smile curl on your lips, easily predicting the exact time Leon would walk in. He’s been coming here for a while, after all.
“Good evening, Mr. Leon,” You greeted as you set down the bottle of alcohol, pouring him a shot. “Doin’ fine today?” Despite his real lack of talking, you still found yourself attempting to converse with him. He interested you. Everything from his attitude to his alcoholism to his seemingly endless credit card.
He didn’t answer you for a good moment, letting out a grunt as he downed the shot, wiping the excess liquor off with the sleeve of his leather jacket. “Peachy,” He answered, not looking you in the eyes. You didn’t mind. You poured him another shot, sliding the shot glass to you.
Leon finally looked up at you, steel-blue irises meeting yours. A shock went up your spine, your body shivering as you stared into his eyes. Some magnetizing force refused to let you look away, keeping your eyes on him until you were called over by another customer. Even then, you had to tear your gaze away, clearing your throat as you attended to the other customer.
What was that?
You’ve never had that type of connection before. An electric spark that only you two could feel. It felt odd, the effects lingering in your spin, sending zaps of electricity to your neurons. They seemed to be working in overdrive, making everything a little too sensitive. The wooden counter brushing against your skin felt rougher than usual and you could feel your feet ache, a dull sensation that made you bite your lip.
The rest of the night went on without many complaints. You mixed drinks, tried hard to not look at Leon, and made conversation with customers. It was a nice night, overall. However, as the late hours rolled around and the lights dimmed, the rowdy yelling morphing into a hushed murmur among the crowd.
All the while, you could feel Leon’s gaze on you. You didn’t look, knowing you’d be pulled into that magnetizing force again, not wanting to be stuck. It was odd considering you’ve never had a full conversation with him. Maybe it was a figment of your imagination, you being weird to a man who wanted nothing to do with you.
But if he wanted nothing to do with you, then why could you feel his gaze stuck on you, watching you like a predator stalking its prey?
It started getting slow at around three in the morning, yet Leon stayed no matter how late it got. He had finished an entire bottle now, sitting at the bar drunk. You were sure that he reeked of alcohol.
Despite whatever happened between the two of you earlier, you were still drawn to him. You wanted to make conversation with him, to hear that smooth and rough all at the same time voice respond to you.
“Here late again, aren’t you, Mr. Leon?” You asked, a brow raised as you cleaned the glasses. He looked up at you as you spoke, eyes squinting against the overhead light. His eyes were half-lidded, cheeks red and flushed. His arms crossed over each other on the bar where his head was laying a moment ago.
Leon grumbled at your words, his voice thick with alcohol, but replied anyway. “As always,” He said, eyes darting to you. He focused his gaze on you, and again, you felt as if you were being sucked into a black hole. There was something pulling about his gaze, deep sea blues enticing you. Your eyes darted to his lips, nude-colored and somewhat chapped, before quickly flicking back up to his eyes. Why did you even do that?
Once you dried your hands off, you leaned against the bar, head tilted as you looked at Leon. “You done for the night, Mr. Leon?” You asked, ready to take the empty beer bottle, but he simply grunted. He didn’t answer for a moment, silence falling over the bar, save for the hushed murmur of conversation in the corner. Right now, it was only you and Leon.
You couldn’t tell if you liked the idea of that or not. For now, you chose to enjoy it.
Without looking up at you, Leon grumbled a response. “Jus’ Leon s’fine,” He said, surprising you. He never really spoke besides answering your questions, so an actual conversation starter coming from him was surprising. Not hated, however.
“Alright, Leon,” You said. You tried to hide how giddy you were, feeling as if you’ve got somewhere. “Are you done with that bottle?” You needed to know if you could throw it out yet. You were tired of seeing an empty bottle on the counter. With a grunt and a nod, Leon gave you permission, eliciting a smile from you as you took the empty bottle. You hummed as you threw it away, feeling his eyes laser holes into the back of your head.
You turned back around to see him staring at you, the flush on his cheeks red from alcohol. He seemed to know how to handle his liquor, though. “Can I ask you a question, Leon?” You asked, leaning against the bar, your hands near his elbow. You wondered if he was naturally a warm or cold person (a dumb thought, in all honesty– You were curious, however).
After he nodded, you continued with your question. “What do you do for work?” He wasn’t expecting that question, eyebrows pinching together, but you continued with an explanation. “I mean, you come here practically every night and pay, probably, thousands every couple weeks. The fact that your card hasn’t declined yet is… insane.”
He seemed to not like to be reminded of his job. His shoulders slumped and his eyes glazed over, staring off into the distance, but you couldn’t help but be curious. After a few moments of silence, and anxiety brewing in the pit of your stomach, he finally spoke up. “I work for the government.” His response was vague, but you could tell that he didn’t want you to press anymore.
Still, you were curious about him. You wanted to know more about him. “Were you raised in Colorado?” You asked, but he merely arched a brow at you. He looked annoyed, lips curled into a sneer. “What is this, twenty-one questions?” Immediately, you felt as if you had overstepped your boundaries, spikes of your anxious nerves pricking your skin, making you stand upright.
“I’m so sorry–”
“I get to ask you a question before you ask me one. Is that not how twenty-one questions work?”
Your eyes widened at his words, yet went along with them. You leaned back against the counter, ignoring the anxious pin pricking of nerves. “I guess it is,” You said, a small smile curling on your lips. “What is it you wanna ask?”
A moment of silence hovers over you two, not doing anything to soothe your rapidly-firing neurons. “Let’s see, [Name],” He starts. The way your name rolls off his tongue makes you suppress a shiver, not daring to break eye contact with him. “How long have you been working here?”
You hum in thought, biting your lip as you think. “For a few years now,” You answered, noticing the way his gaze quickly flickered back up to your eyes. Interesting. “Let’s see…” You take a moment to think. “You have somewhere to be in the morning, Leon?”
He seems surprised by the question, the corner of his lip curling upwards. “Not anywhere important, sweetheart,” Leon answers. “There a reason you’re askin’?” The unexpected pet name gets a rise out of you, cheeks flushing. Leon’s observant– Able to tell your reactions better than you can. You’re awfully easy to fluster.
“I have a shift in the morning,” You tell him, smiling sweetly. “If you want to swing by, I might be happy to serve you.”
Leon chuckles. He gets up, pushing the empty shot glass towards you, flashing a grin. “I’ll be there, dollface.”
With that, he sets down a few hundred dollars on the counter, turning on his heel. He waves a hand towards you. “Keep the change!” Typically, when people say that it’s only a few cents extra, but this time it’s a couple hundred extra.
After realizing this, you go to say something, but he’s already gone.
The next day comes slower than you’d like. Each time the door opens, your gaze flickers to it, hoping to see Leon. Yet, every time, it isn’t Leon. Time passes slowly, the hands on the clock taunting you, until finally, watching the door pays off.
You sigh, your chin on your hand as you stare at the door. What an interesting guy.
You straighten up as Leon walks in, immediately grinning at the sight of him. “Well, well, well, look who it is!” You said, noticing the playful tug at his lips. “If it isn’t Leon. Came back early, did ya’?” You were teasing him.
“Only ‘cause ya’ asked me to, doll,” Leon replied, taking a seat at the bar, arms folded in front of him. You hand him a bottle of his usual alcohol and an empty shot glass. You don’t know if he wants to drink, but it isn’t long before he’s taking a shot. “So, what’s the reason for this meeting?”
You shrug your shoulders, leaning back against the wall, a smile on your lips. “You’re an interesting guy, Leon,” You reply smoothly. “Just wanted to see if you had anything else interesting about you.” He scoffs and rolls his eyes, as if he knows something you don’t, finding your words amusing. “If only you knew.”
You don’t ask him what he means, but you can’t help but be curious. Maybe there’s something more to your favorite regular and all-time-mysterious-customer.
It’s slow in the mornings, allowing you and Leon to easily fall into quiet conversation. He’s surprisingly funny, cracking jokes that have you giggling behind the bar. All the other customers have left, leaving only you and Leon, chatting with each other to pass the time. He likes sarcasm, you’ve learned. Snarky responses, too.
There’s more to him than just a most-likely alcoholic and seemingly endless credit card.
It’s a few hours into your conversation with two people you’ve never seen before set foot into the bar. One of them is a big guy, tactical gear on his waist and chest, while the other is a much smaller woman with short hair. You’re about to speak up, but Leon beats you to it.
“Make sure not to scare the locals,” He says gruffly. “Your stealth is for shit.”
Your eyes flicker between the two, now standing behind Leon, and the latter, taking another shot of the alcohol. Noticing the tension, you quickly walk away, cleaning already-clean glasses to make yourself look busy. You try not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but you can’t help it. You’ve never seen anyone talk to Leon, and you’ve never seen the people talking to him, either.
“Isn’t it a little too early to be that deep in the bottle, Leon?” The big guy asks, arms crossed over his chest. You hear Leon’s scoff, see him turn towards the two out of the corner of your eye.
“Well, if it isn’t the B.S.A.A.’s golden boy and Dr. High Hopes!” There’s fake joy in his tone, melting into disdain when he turns back around. “What the hell do you want?”
The big guy glances at you before he says another word and you quickly take the hint. You scurry off to the back, consequently shielding your ears from their conversation. You pretend to be busy, but there’s really only one thing on your mind: Who are these people?
You’ve never seen them before, much less anyone talk to Leon. He’s always been a loner, isolating himself in the corner of the bar. It’s not your business though, as curious as you are.
Fifteen minutes pass without any complaints. You stay in the back, occasionally hearing the muffled conversation between the three. The big guy scared you, biceps the size of your head. You’d go out there if you weren’t afraid of him snapping your neck like a twig.
Within a few minutes, there’s yelling and shouting, a rough ‘thud!’ echoing off the walls. Your eyes widened, looking out the peephole of the door to spy on them. You see Leon holding a guy by the collar to a pillar in the bar, snarl on his lips and eyes glaring daggers. You’ve never seen him angry before. The big guy stands beside him, mouth moving in a question you desperately wish you could read. The woman doesn’t seem to be out there anymore.
Before you could go see what was going on, there’s a quiet noise behind you, curiosity getting the better of you. However, as soon as you turn your head, you’re met with a woman with blonde hair, piercing red eyes, and a succubus-esque leather outfit. Your attempts to say something are muffled by the cloth she forces up to your nose, instinctively inhaling.
Your eyes begin to droop, the back of the bar spinning. Your legs shake and you can barely feel her stopping you from falling on the wooden floor.
“Witness secured.”
Him and Chris duck behind a table, wood clattering onto the floor and debris tainting the bar. He always liked this bar.
She throws you over her shoulder. Your eyes fall shut, and everything fades out.
The bar gets shot up. Leon briefly thinks that he’ll pay for the damages.
As Chris peeks up, there’s a sense of urgency in his tone. “They have Rebecca!” He yells, then squints, as if trying to make something out. “And… the bartender?”
At that, Leon shoots up, looking past the table to see a woman with blond hair, holding Rebecca over one shoulder and you over the other. His breath hitches.
“Fuck,” He swears. “That’s [Name].”
You hardly even know him and you’ve gotten caught up in his work. He hates the feeling of defeat that washes over him, but it’s quickly replaced by seething anger. He won’t let anything happen to you. You don’t deserve that.
He and Chris will get you and Rebecca back.
“Why take the bartender?” Chris wondered aloud. Tires hit the worn down sand, dirt kicking up as it took off. “They weren’t involved in anything, were they?”
Leon had no clue as to why you were kidnapped. “Maybe they didn’t want any witnesses,” He muttered, standing up, surveying the debris. This would be hell to clean up. They couldn’t worry about that, though. Leon glanced down at the phone in his hand, one that wasn’t his, sighing angrily. “We need to figure out what they’re planning.” He holds the phone up to Chris. “Maybe this’ll help.”
With Rebecca’s laptop, a sample of her blood, and the cellphone, Leon and Chris devoted hours of their time to figure out what Glenn Arias’ plan was. The light reflecting off of Rebecca’s laptop and the cellphone, both of them had a headache. Still, they needed to push on. For Rebecca and [Name].
Finally, after discussing what Arias could’ve been planning, they figured it out: He was planning a bioterrorist attack on New York City using his new virus he had engineered. “Fuck,” Chris swore, scrolling on the laptop. “He isn’t planning to infect a few people…”
“He’s planning to infect the entire city.” Leon finished.
They both glanced at each other, and then at the laptop, the tank trunks mockingly staring back at them. Arias was planning possibly one of the biggest bioterrorist attacks the world’s ever seen.
Chris began calling the B.S.A.A., scheduling an airplane to take them to New York City, where they had also discovered where Arias’ base of operations was at. It would arrive within a few hours, and they wouldn’t get to New York until the next day.
Blearily, your eyes opened, the world around you emerged in a blur. There was a bright light, one you turned your head and squinted at, a low groan being pulled from your lips.
If Leon didn’t need a drink a few hours prior, he definitely did now.
Thick shackles held down your neck, wrists, torso, and ankles, keeping you pinned to the metal table. You attempted to move, but they were tight, keeping you in place. You cleared your throat, drawing the man’s attention back to you. There was a twinkle of something you couldn’t place in his eyes, one that made you want to pull yourself away from him.
It wasn’t until something– or someone– covered the fluorescent light did your vision finally adjust to the environment. A man with gray hair stood there, a calm smile on his face. “You’re awake,” He said, voice smooth, composed. “Apologies for having brought you here. You weren’t who I was trying to get.” His eyes flickered next to you, but you didn’t have enough freedom to look.
“Where am I?” You asked meekly. “Why am I here?” He sighed softly at your words, folding his hands behind his back. He seemed composed, as if all of this was normal. You were hardly keeping yourself together. If you weren’t unbelievably drowsy and held down, you’d be kicking and screaming. “I couldn’t have any witnesses,” He said. “You understand that, don’t you? However, I have to knock you out again. You woke up too early.” He motioned for what appeared to be a nurse step to the opposite side of the metal table, a surgical mask covering the lower half of his face and light blue scrubs adorning his frame. You tried to struggle, not wanting to be put back to sleep, but your efforts were futile. “Put ‘em to sleep again, will you, Doc?”
Despite your mumbled protests, a sharp pinch attacked your neck, and you were put to sleep again.
The next time you woke up, you were sitting up. It felt like a wooden chair, your attempted squirming causing the wood to creak under your movement. Your hands were tied behind your back, harsh rope rubbing into your wrists. Once your eyes adjusted to the scene before you, you were surprised to see a wedding.
A quick glance down told you that you were wearing a bridesmaid’s dress, flowy and long, reaching around your ankles. Your eyebrows pinched together, glancing around the rest of the room, quickly spotting the short haired woman that was around Leon and the big guy sitting beside you.
Unlike you, she was wearing a wedding dress, sporting the same confused expression you wore. As soon as she saw you, her confusion seemed to worsen, eyebrows furrowed as she stared at you. “Aren’t you the bartender?” She asked, to which you nodded. She gave a small huff in acknowledgement, looking around at what appeared to be a wedding ceremony. “Then… Why would he take you? Or either of us. This doesn’t make sense.”
You felt as if something big was happening– You don’t know what Leon was involved in, but you didn’t want to be involved either. “I don’t know what’s going on,” You said, flexing your wrists, testing the rope (again). “But I don’t want to be involved in this. I was just… talking to Leon.” A look of recognition flashed across her face, telling you she knew Leon personally. “He was only there because I told him to come that morning. He wasn’t even supposed to be there when you and the other guy walked in.”
You don’t know what you were trying to accomplish with your rant, but you needed to get it out. “Who even are you guys? I’ve never seen either of you before, and you just come in and start talking to Leon, and I’ve never seen anyone talk to Leon before but he seems to be involved in something and, apparently, now I am, too–”
“Breathe,” She cut you off. Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. “I’m Rebecca Chambers. I’m a professor at a University. The other guy is Chris Redfield. I’m sorry that you’re caught up in this now, none of us– Me, Leon, or Chris– meant for you to be involved. We needed Leon’s help with something and figured we’d see him there.”
Finally taking deep breaths, you calmed down a little. Your heart was still racing and you were anxious, head spinning with overwhelming thoughts, but Rebecca helped. Even if it was just a little.
“I’m [Name] [Last Name].”
Rebecca smiled. “Nice to meet you, [Name].”
Before either of you could speak, a door was opened, a harsh end to the peacefulness that was you and Rebecca’s first conversation. The man who spoke to you earlier was there, hands folded behind his back, and a smile on his face. “Good, you’re both awake.” He walked in, keeping an eye on you and Rebecca.
The silver-haired man begins speaking to Rebecca, telling her that her “cure is magnificent” and “you’re truly a genius.” You don’t know what they’re talking about, but Rebecca surely does. She glances at you, then back at the man.
“I already figured everything out, Arias. My blood was the key,” Rebecca says, narrowing her eyes at him. “I know that your virus lays dormant in people. There are three stages to your virus: The one that lays dormant, the trigger, and the vaccine.” She smirks, a smug twinkle in her eyes. “And I know how you infect people.”
Virus? Dormant? Infect? What the hell is she talking about?
Your gaze flickers between Rebecca and Arias, watching the latter grin at Rebecca. “You really are a genius,” He muses. “Tell me more. How do I infect people, Professor Chambers?” A mocking lilt is clear in his tone, but Rebecca pays no mind. She simply continues her speech.
“I noticed that you were concentrating your outbreaks near the Great Lakes. At first, I thought you were infecting the water in the Great Lakes,” Arias’ eyebrows raise, something dangerous flashing in his eyes. Rebecca continues. “But you weren’t doing it on purpose, were you? No, you were infecting the water of a drinking water company.”
All this talk of infecting and water confused you, but it seemed Arias knew exactly what she was talking about. “Congratulations,” He said, coming to untie her wrists. He unties yours as well.
“It’s called the Animality Virus, or the A-Virus for short,” Arias explains. “The difference between my merchandise and everyone else’s is that mine can tell the difference between friends and foes. Essentially, I can tell them who to attack. They’re not completely mindless.”
With every sentence, you were sure your brain was spilling out of your ears. Nothing they were saying made any sense to you. Rebecca, however, seemed upset at Arias’ words. And with each word he was saying, you could tell she wanted nothing more than to smack him across the face.
“The B.S.A.A. is ready to mass produce the cure! You may infect people, but we’ll be sure to give them the vaccine before you trigger it.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Professor.” Arias walks to the seat beside Rebecca, somehow still smiling. There’s a smug air about him “You were right: Your blood is the key. With your blood, I will be able to create a stronger virus.” He turns to the front of the room, eyes glazed over.
“Tomorrow will be a new world. Slowly, it will be stronger. Better.”
You notice Rebecca’s eyes widen at his words, but she doesn’t comment on them. Instead she looks around, eyebrows furrowed.
At the front of the room, there is a picture of four people projected on the wall. Arias, who appears younger; a young woman next to him; further from them stands a blonde woman; as well as a taller, older man behind her. The young woman next to Arias looks a lot like Rebecca.
“When that missile was shot at my wedding, it was meant to kill me.” A humorless chuckle leaves Arias. “However, it only killed everyone around me. Including my wife, Sarah.” He turns to look at Rebecca, a sad smile on his face. “You look a lot like her, Rebecca.”
Arias pulls a wedding ring out of his pocket, his smile turning sardonic. “That’s why I’m going to marry you, Rebecca. You’ll be a perfect model for my Sarah.” His eyes shift to you, pinning you in place like a bird in a cage. “And the witness will be your bridesmaid. I do need to kill them afterwards, but they will be present for our wedding.”
Your eyes go wide. Kill them afterwards?
The last thing you were going to notice would be a forced marriage between an insane guy and a woman who’s name you just learned.
You don’t want to die. You have so much to live for, so much to do. Dying simply because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time would be a horrible end. And you’re scared that there’s nothing you can do about it.
You are going to die. You can not stop it.
You don’t say anything as you sit there. You can hear Arias and Rebecca talking, but their voices are muffled, as if you are underwater. Your head is stuffed with cotton, keeping out any thoughts or questions.
You see Arias slap Rebecca across the face. She falls down, clutching her now-red cheek, staring up at Arias. You zone back in to see him opening a suitcase of some kind, cold air being exhaled as he opened it. What he pulls out is an arm. It’s pale and detached at the forearm. Bile rises to the back of your throat.
“Meet my wife, Sarah.” He smiles sickly, slipping the wedding ring on Sarah’s finger. “I know what I’ll do: I’ll sew her arm onto yours and then we’ll be wed.” He’s talking to Rebecca, who looks like she’s going to be sick as well.
Arias calls in two subordinates, breaking the projection of the wedding ceremony. “Take them to the lab,” He orders them. One goes to Rebecca, taking her by the arms, and the other goes to you and takes your arms in his grasp. “Infect both of them with the strongest forms of the virus. If it goes well, sew Sarah’s arm onto Rebecca.”
You and Rebecca share a glance, both of your eyes wide. Arguably, Rebecca has a bad fate, but you’re going to die. You and Rebecca need to get out of here.
The subordinates bring you two out into the hallway. Adrenaline floods your veins, overdosing them. As they’re walking both of you, presumably toward the lab, your legs shake. You feel as if you can’t walk, forcing your feet to take overwhelming steps.
As soon as you get to the lab door, you thrash around in the subordinate’s grip, effectively loosening it. You throw out any sort of punch and kick that you can, albeit badly. You’re clearly not trained to do this. The one holding Rebecca goes to stop you, but she’s already sweeping beneath his feet to make him fall, rendering him useless.
“We’re going to get out of here,” Rebecca assures you.
However, as soon as you turn around to go, the nurse from earlier grabs ahold of Rebecca. You stay frozen in place for a moment, heart racing, staring at Rebecca squirming in the nurse's grip. This is your only chance. It’s now or never.
“Go!” Rebecca screams. “Save yourself!”
That was the only encouragement you needed.
“I’ll come back for you!” You yell back. You break off into a sprint, going any confusing direction you can, just in case.
As you run, you notice the cameras swiveling towards you, lasering in on your dashing figure. You know you’re being watched, most likely by Arias.
Your sprint down the hallway comes to an interruption as static crackles in the air. You look around, eyes wide, jumping at the sound of a chuckle reverberating in the walls. “You’re not getting out of here alive, witness. Good luck getting past them.” Arias’ voice sounds through a sort of speech system.
Before you can ask him what he’s talking about, a door in the hallway opens up ahead of you. Out comes a tumble of people? They look like people, but their skin is falling off the bone and they’re deathly pale and some have limbs missing. You attempt to crack a joke, eyes wide as you take steps back.
“What is this, the zombie apocalypse?”
Their moans and groans answer your rhetorical question.
You turn around, legs breaking off in a sprint. Right as you go past a door, it opens, revealing more people. Or, whatever they are. Their moans join the previous people’s, a symphony of the wicked.
All you know is that they don’t exactly look nice. Besides, Arias made it clear that you weren’t going to leave alive. They’re meant to kill you.
You refuse to die like this. Not by whatever those things are, not by Arias, not like this. You’ve thought about how your demise would be countless times, the thought plaguing you late at night when it’s just you and your thoughts– None of your endings turned out like this.
You won’t accept it.
The only option is to get out of this place. Honestly, you have no idea how you’re supposed to do that. It only seems to be endless hallways, bland and lifeless, stretching past the horizon. The cacophony of groans behind you gets louder. They’ve gotten closer.
The stretch of hallways seems to finally come to an end. The end of the hallway would be good if not for the murderous horde behind you.
Once you approach the ending with nothing but beige walls and green outlines in sight, you start to fear for your life. It feels close to ending now. It’s become all so real. The torn flesh and blood-ridden skin on those things makes you shudder. Your back is against the wall.
Maybe it is time to kick the bucket.
A deafening chorus of gunshots ring out, bouncing off the walls. You see blood splatter against beige, and your hope for freedom, for living, becomes too much. You push towards where the moans and groans have ended and where the gunshots were heard, curiously peeking from around the corner.
There stands Leon and Chris, you know him as now. The latter notices you, nodding at you. “You!” He says. Leon turns around. You shuffle from around the corner, suddenly mute with attention.
Leon’s eyes widen momentarily, but he recovers hastily leaning a motorcycle– Where did he get a motorcycle from?– against the wall. He rushes towards, eyes overlooking you. The adrenaline is beginning to wear off, legs shaky with exhaustion catching up to you.
“You’re okay,” He breathes, not seeing any injuries on you. Still, he worries. “Are you hurt anywhere?” His hands hesitate, going to wrap around you, but stop.
You do your best to nod, clearing your throat. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine, Leon. Thank you.” Your voice gets louder once you look up, noticing the final question in both Chris and Leon’s eyes: Where is Rebecca? “The woman you two were with, Rebecca, she’s in a lab. They infected her with something. I don’t know what’s going on, but we need to get to her before Arias does. Please.”
They seem to want to get to her as much as you do, Leon’s hands leaving the area above you to hang at his sides. Chris sighs and shakes his head, looking around. “Alright. We need to find this lab, find Rebecca, cure her, and get Glenn Arias. The vaccine has to be around here somewhere.” He looks at you, then Leon, and then down the hallway. “I’ll find the lab. Leon, get them to a safe place. Arias might try to come after them.”
Leon nods. Chris nods back, some kind of communication, before turning around and going down the hall. You can hear the release of doors.
Leon looks back at you, now just the two of you in the hallway, and then back at his motorcycle. “Ever rode a motorcycle before, sweetheart?” He grins teasingly at you. You bite your lip, the pet name still making you flush despite the circumstances, and shake your head.
He arches a brow at you, letting out a low whistle as he stands the motorcycle back up. “You’re in for a ride,” He tells you, sitting at the front of it. Leon turns to look back at you, patting the area behind him. “Hop on. Make sure to hold on tight.”
Carefully, maybe a little too slowly, you get on the motorcycle. You hesitate to wrap your arms around his waist, but he places a foot on the ground to wrap your arms around him for you. “Just like that,” He whispers.
For a moment, there is no virus and kidnapping and forced marriage.
For a moment, it is only you and Leon, sitting on a motorcycle together.
It’s a fleeting moment, one that lasts too little for the way it replays in your mind. It ends quicker than you’d like it to.
The motorcycle speeds down the hallway, bringing you to where Leon considers a safe place. The journey out of the building is a long one, Chris presumably distracting Arias. He seems intelligent though.
As soon as you and Leon make it out of the building, you breathe a sigh of relief that you didn’t realize you were holding. The threat of your pending death seems less real now, more like an intrusive thought. Especially now that you’re with Leon.
He brings you to a hotel, parking the motorcycle and waiting for your arms to retract for both of you to get off. Your legs shake under your weight, threatening to collapse. Leon notices it, wrapping your arm around his waist. “Don’t fall,” He murmurs, either unaware or uncaring of your flushed face. His arm wraps around your shoulders, a heavy weight that you gladly welcome (seriously, how heavy was this guy’s bicep?).
He helped you walk up to the hotel room, despite how embarrassing needing the help was. He didn’t shame you for it, letting you take your time when you struggled to walk up the stairs, never even seeming annoyed. He unlocked the door and walked you inside, letting it close shut behind you two.
“There you go.” He set you down on the bed. To your shock, he even kneeled down to undo your shoelaces for you, taking them off your feet and throwing them to the front. “Better?”
You nod your head as you sit there, dumbly looking at him. He sets a hand on your knee, thumb caressing it, as he stands up. He sighed as he sat next to you, rubbing his eyes. “I need a drink.” Leon grumbled. You snickered, humming in agreement. “Well said.”
There’s a moment of uncomfortable silence that sweeps across you. You have so many questions about everything, yet not enough breath to ask them with. Instead, you bit your lip and sigh, looking down at the ground. “What’s going on, Leon?”
He mimics your sigh, as if he knew what you were going to ask him. “I never wanted you, or anyone, to get caught up with my work,” Leon confessed. “You saw a lot of things that you shouldn’t have. They’ll most likely have you change everything about yourself– Your name, location. Everything.”
“Who’s ‘they’?”
“The government.”
Another uncomfortable silence. You don’t know what to say. All the information is burning through your brain, making your body go into overdrive in order not to pass out, but you don’t have enough words to say anything. You’re confused and upset and lost.
However, there’s one question that sticks out the most. It stays stuck in your throat for a long while, desperate to not be heard. Still, you want to know. You need to know.
“Will I ever see you again?”
It weighs heavily in the air. You can feel Leon stiffen, clearly not expecting your question. There’s nothing in between you two. Your knee rests against his, the warmth seeping through your jeans. It makes you yearn to be closer to him, to feel that all-encompassing warmth all over you, for it to never leave you again.
Your puppy crush on Leon has developed into something so much more.
“Only if you want to.”
Leon’s words cut through the air like a knife. There’s a dual-meaning to his words; wondering if you want to see him again, a gravelly lilt to his voice.
“Of course I do.”
You say it like it’s obvious, as if there’s nothing more you’d want to do. In a way, there is nothing more you’d rather do. You’ve always found him interesting, and now you know he’s more than interesting. You want to see him more– more than just work hours and more than small conversations. You want to know his favorite color and how he likes his coffee in the morning and how he would hold you in the evening.
“Then you’ll see me again.”
You look at him. Leon’s already looking at you when you turn your head. His eyes flicker down to your lips, and you feel open and vulnerable, and then back up to your eyes. Something gleams in his eyes and there’s a sort of roughness to his gaze. He’s been through more than he lets on. Its weight strains against Leon when he walks and when he talks, an edge to his voice that isn’t obvious upon first meeting.
You haven’t talked to him much, and you don’t really know anything about him, but you want to. You want to put in the effort to wake up with him in the mornings and go on dates with him in the evenings. You want to be there for him. You want to see him when you wake up and when you go to sleep.
You wouldn’t put in the effort for a lot of things, but you would put in the effort to see Leon.
“I’ll make sure of it.”
“You will?” Your voice is quiet, meek. You knew that you had admitted you wanted to see Leon again, but you had no idea that Leon would want to see you again. After all, you had been the one that caused him to be in the bar that morning.
If you hadn’t asked him to come, he wouldn’t have been there. He could’ve avoided this whole mess.
Still, he nods his head. One of his hands comes to your knee, thumb caressing gently. He’s unreadable, always has been, but there’s one thing you're certain of: You’ll see him again.
“I will,” He confirms, quiet, as if it was just between you and him. “We’ll see each other again, [Name.]
“Alright, Leon.”
Things haven’t been right for a while. You were kidnapped for being a witness and had seen walking things that would definitely scar you for the rest of your life. Going home is the only thing you want to do right now.
But for a moment, things do feel right. The stars align and the planets come together to create a swirling galaxy of emotions.
Sitting here besides Leon feels right.
Leon feels right.
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seangelfish · 1 year
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A/N: This is a reupload from my old blog, but I have rewritten some things here and there so the story will flow better. Added more fluff into it too, hehe~ I love Jun sooo much. He's a sweetheart. A perfect lover if I say so myself. I hope to write more fics around him, it's what he deserves.
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"Alright, I'll just pay for the bill."
Jun Sazanami x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,385
Plot/summary: Inspired by one of Jun’s idol stories! After a long day at work, you decide to grab a bite from the cafeteria. However, you didn't have money on you, but lo and behold, here comes your saviour...
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“Thank you for your work today, (Y/N)!” exclaimed Hinata, jumping into your arms.
“Yes, thank you!” Yuta followed suit. “Have a good rest of your day!”
The twins had you in their grasp, jumping up and down.
“You two do know that you shouldn’t show affection like this to your producer, right?” you scolded, but at the same time, you just couldn’t help but hug them back.
“Hehe, sorry producer!” said Yuta.
“We will do it again!” cheered Hinata.
“You mean you won’t do it again,” you said with a sigh.
The twins bid you their farewells as they exited your office. Packing up your belongings, you were just glad that the day was coming to an end. You were dreaming of heading home and going to sleep, but before you did that, you decided to grab something to eat in the cafeteria. Your stomach had been grumbling for a while now.
You scanned the menu, wondering which meal you should order. Perhaps you should try something new or maybe it’s best to just go for the usual…
“Time for food!" Jun muttered to himself excitedly. "It's the only thing I expect during all these harsh trainings~ What should I have? ...Huh?"
Jun caught sight of you deep in thought, your thumb underneath your chin as you debated on whether to get a sandwich or a salad.
He began to approach you from behind, chuckling to himself.
Maybe I should get the salad… you thought. Should I get dessert too or—
Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands clasp your shoulders and a voice that whispered, “Nice to see you here too.”
“AHH!” you screamed as you whipped around to face the prankster. “J-Jun?!”
“What are you getting?" he asked, laughing at your reaction. "Let's eat together."
Whilst the cashier took Jun's order, you rummaged in your bag, trying to find your wallet.
"Yeah, I'll just get it with a meal," said Jun. "Thanks."
However, it became increasingly clear that you didn't have your wallet with you. You turned to Jun who picked up his receipt. He didn't notice the sullen expression on your face until you tugged on his sleeve.
"Hmm? What is it?" he asked.
You didn't want to answer him with your words as you were ashamed of asking him directly to cover your costs. You thought of just going home to eat instead.
"Did you forget your wallet?"
Eyes locked with his, you slowly nodded your head.
He smirked. "Well... that's indeed a problem. I'm sorry to hear that..."
You looked away, lips pursed.
"It's okay," you said quietly. "I'll just go home—"
"You wanted a salad, right?" He turned to the cashier once again. "Hi, I'd like to order the salad too, please. Yeah, the one that comes with the meal. Oh, and..."
You watched him in astonishment and gratefulness. Due to the fact you were so embarrassed for even thinking of getting Jun to pay for your meal, some of the words he was uttering became muffled.
"Yes, thank you," he said, taking another receipt from the cashier. He stuffed it into his pocket. "So... alright, I'll just pay for the bill. You can pay me back later, okay?"
You looked at him with glassy eyes.
"H-Hey!" he exclaimed. "I was joking, alright? I won't just abandon you here...!"
You nodded.
Jun sighed, but he gave you a reassuring smile.
"It's fine. I'm only doing this for Cos Pro's beloved idol and producer," he said. "Come on, let's find a seat, okay?"
The two of you sat across from each other on one of the empty tables by the windows.
You stared at your food blankly. You felt so ashamed that you didn't have it in you to even take a small bite. Your eyes darted away from your food to Jun. He was looking outside at the amber sunset as he ate. Feeling your gaze on him, his eyes fell on you, resulting in you looking away.
“You don’t need to feel guilty about it, you know?” he said, pointing at your food. “Just eat.”
You hesitated for a moment. You slowly picked up your fork and began to eat. Jun noticed how quiet you were being and it concerned him.
"(Y/N), it's okay," he said softly. "You don't need to be embarrassed. You can pay me back whenever. And as I said before, I was only teasing. I wouldn't just leave you without food especially since you've been busy all day."
"I..." you began. "...Thank you, Jun. I really appreciate it."
He smiled with his cheek resting on his palm.
"Of course."
You looked a bit happier now. You were eating normally too. He was relieved, he liked it better when you were smiling. He really hoped you smiled like that often.
When you worked as a producer, you kept it professional. However, when you worked as an idol, the real you came out. You were so bubbly, jumpy too. Unfortunately, this personality of yours would seep through your producer activities sometimes, and you would end up annoying Eden for help on work. Jun, however, never minded that you would confide him on such matters. He would help you no matter what.
And today wasn't any different.
You looked up at him and he smiled wider. "How's work for you nowadays?" he questioned. "I hope Ibara isn't bothering you with too much work."
"He isn't, thankfully," you chuckled. "He's been trying to reduce my workload as a producer. He still wonders why I decided to become both an idol and producer, but... well... it's just something that I wanted to do."
You smiled at him.
"Plus... I get to be with Eden more~!"
He laughed at this, his hand automatically covering his mouth. For some reason, that sentence made him incredibly bashful.
"Well, that's good. We don't want you to be overworking yourself," he replied. Now noticing that you've finished your meal, he continued, "Anyway, how was the food?"
“It was good, thank you!” you exclaimed. “I promise to pay—"
But before you could finish your sentence, the cashier approached your table and placed down a plate of cake.
"Enjoy," they said, making their leave.
You looked at Jun in confusion, but he was just smiling at you.
"You wanted dessert, didn't you?"
You couldn't believe it. Jun had paid for your meal AND ordered you dessert? So, that's what he was asking the cashier for...
"I noticed how much you like your desserts here," he added. "So, I thought to buy you one. Don't worry, I won't charge extra."
"Jun, you're so nice!" you cried, already digging in. "Thank you so much! I promise to pay you back immediately!"
As you scooped up a piece of cake, Jun grabbed your hand and moved the spoon into his mouth.
"What? I paid for it," he teased.
Smiling, you scooped up another spoonful and tried feeding it to him in retaliation.
"What?" you teased back. "You paid for it."
But as you watched him shyly back away, his cheeks hinting a light shade of pink, you started blushing too.
"J-Just eat your cake, (Y/N)..."
Once you were finished, you helped Jun clean the table.
"You know what?" he said, pushing his chair back to its place. "I change my mind. It's my treat. Don't worry about paying me back."
He walked over to you. With a napkin, he wiped off the frosting on your lips. You blushed at this action, but you didn't stop him from doing so. It felt nice being cared for like this.
"Buuut," he began. "You could pay me back another way... Hmm... let's hang out tomorrow... at the arcade. I'm free after five."
You grinned and nodded.
“Yes, let’s hang out!” you chirped.
He walked you to the bus stop. When your bus pulled up, you tiptoed to his height and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks for today," you said, beaming. "I enjoyed being with you."
You skipped into the bus and seated yourself down. You waved at him from the window, and he returned the wave with ease.
You were looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow, but it seemed like he was more excited. He couldn't stop himself from smiling, thinking of you and the little kiss you gave him.
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peanutbutterwrites · 6 months
My Good Looking Boy - Part Four
warnings for series: angst, struggles with self worth and self esteem, issues with appearance, childhood trauma, and mentions of death and murder.
summary: taking place after the southern raiders, zuko and katara finally learn to understand each other a bit more and long held on to feelings come to the surface. the gaang go and watch the ember island play and chaos ensues with katara's feelings.
part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
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author's note: and here comes part four! this is where the story really starts to take a turn, so thank you to all your patience, here is zutara and where she finally starts to (maybe?) understand her feelings. part five might take me a bit longer, i lowkey ran out of motivation so I haven't started it yet, but hopefully not too long. as always, please let me know what you think and enjoy!
also thank you so much for all the notes and reblogs on this story, I really appreciate all of it! <3
word count: 2.1k
Katara made her way downstairs fully dressed and hair tied neatly into a half top-knot. Her red two piece consisted of a tight, cropped tank top with flowy and breathable pants she had managed to snag from the old clothes left here. It was clearly designed for the frame of a teenage boy, so Katara chose to ignore what or rather who they were made for in favor of just enjoying the freedom they allowed.
She knew it would be her job today to gather what was necessary to feed the group, along with multiple other things, so she wanted to get that particular job done as soon as possible. Over the last few days, the comments made about her in the play affected her less and less. Yes, she did talk a lot about hope, isn’t it important to have hope during such a difficult time? And yes of course she did the housework, who else would? Pushing aside what had been on her mind, the conversation with Aang, she grabbed the basket next to the entrance and dug through the makeshift wallet to see if she could afford to go into town today and continue to save. Zuko and Toph were only able to save so much money, and Katara absolutely refused to let the kids continue with scamming people; it had turned out rather horribly for them in the past. With her nose to the wallet, her visibility was severely impaired and she slammed into a rock hard surface. 
“Ow!” She yelped as she fell backwards, but she felt a hand grab her wrist and yank her back upright. 
“Oh, sorry.” Zuko murmured, still holding her wrist.
“S’ok.” She whispered right back, frozen in place. He noticed that he was still holding on to her and flushed as he slipped his hand behind himself. In doing so, he examined her full outfit and his flush turned into his full face overheating. He recognized those pants quite easily after all. 
“So, uh, where are you off to?” he choked out.
“Oh, well, the market. I think we have enough money to get some actual food.” 
“That’s good.” It was painfully awkward. They stood there, each shuffling in place debating on their next words. 
“You know-”
“I could-” They both began at the same time. 
“Uh, sorry, you go first.” Katara mumbled, looking anywhere but the boy in front of her while a light dusting of pink covered her cheeks.
“I was just thinking, I’m done training Aang for today. I could come with you.” Opening her mouth, rejection her go-to response, she closed it, opting to think for a moment instead. 
“You know what, why not.” She half-smiled up to him and he let his own hesitant smile crawl its way up. Walking side-by side they made their way down the dirt path towards the day market that was no doubt in full swing by now.  “About the other night,” she began, “I never got to thank you. I’m sorry you had to see that but, uh, thank you.” 
“You don’t have to thank me, Katara. I told you before, I’ll always be there for you. No matter how big or small the issue is.”  She smiled softly at him.
“And I’m sorry for assuming your childhood was, well, privileged.”
“I mean you’re partially right. I never had to worry about food or clothing, nothing money could buy anyway.” 
“So then what was it? What put the idea in your head that you’re worthless Zuko.” Silence fell over them and the only sound noticeable was the crunch of the dirt and gravel beneath them as they continued to the village. “Oh, I’m sorry. I overstepped, didn't I?”
“No, you didn’t. It’s just hard to talk about. I don’t like to talk about it either.” Katara nodded in understanding and gently grasped his right hand in her left. Zuko dropped his eyes to look into hers, shocked she was finally accepting him and willing to listen. It was the first time he didn’t feel pity or condensation in someone’s gaze when this topic came around.
“Well, I’m here for you too, you know.” Silence. After a few minutes walking, he began.
“I spoke out of turn.” She turned to him and squeezed his hand as they kept walking to give him support. Tilting her head to the side, she made it clear she was listening. “A statesman, one with many years of service and honor, wanted to use a young squadron as a decoy. He wanted to sentence them all to death just so we would get the advantage in a battle with a surprise attack. I argued against it. I was only thirteen at the time, but it seemed like a perfectly logical thing to do, to speak for those boys who were unable to speak for themselves. But in speaking out of turn, I disrespected him, threatened him. He challenged me to an Agni Kai to learn respect.” 
“An Agni Kai? You’ve mentioned that before.” 
“Yes, it’s a battle between two firebenders. It’s meant to be life or death.” Katara tensed as anger began to rise in her.
“But you were so young.” 
“It didn’t matter to him. I insulted his place of authority, so foolishly I agreed. I knew I could beat an old statesman so it didn't bother me.” He gripped Katara's hand harder as he continued. “But it wasn't him I had to fight in the Agni Kai. When I turned it was my father.” Katara’s breath hitched in horror. “He claimed by arguing in his war meeting I disrespected him more than the statesman.” He softly shook his head as he continued, “I refused to fight him, he thought that I was weak, a coward. So he gave me this.” He looked at her in the eyes and her own widened in horror. Her teeth ground as Katara felt rage like she’s never felt before. White, hot, outrage. The fact that Zuko had been burned was something she could make her peace with, everyone had their scars, visible or otherwise. But for a parent to do that to their child? She wanted to scream out in anger, to march into the palace at this moment and kill that man. But she knew Zuko didn’t need that right now, she knew he would only end up comforting her instead. 
“I, I’m so sorry, Zuko. I never imagined.”
“I know, it's okay.” They began walking again in silence, but Katara’s hand never left his.
“I’m sorry I didn’t heal it, I don’t have the spirit water anymore otherwise I wouldn’t hesitate.” He hummed softly and rubbed his thumb over the top of hand. 
“It's fine Katara, it wouldn’t fix anything. Just make me a little more easy on the eyes.” Katara stopped in the dirt road and Zuko only paused when he felt her hand leave his. “What’s wrong?” He frowned, turning to look back at her.
“You, don’t think you’re attractive?” He flushed in embarrassment and crossed his arms defensively over his chest.
“Well I mean, isn’t it obvious?” He left out a humorless laugh. 
“I think you’re beautiful, Zuko.” It was just a whisper, but to him it felt like so much more. She was looking him dead in the eye, no hint of embarrassment or lie. He felt himself stop breathing. Not bearable, decent, hot, but beautiful. She thought he was beautiful. And for some reason this word shook him. His gut flipped nervously and he had to swallow down his tears that threatened to unleash at any moment. 
“Well, thank you. Katara.” He said, his eyes still piercing into hers that kept their intensity. She simply nodded and gathered his hand back into hers as they continued their walk into town. 
They were able to haul a decent amount of food back, as surprisingly Zuko was pretty good at haggling with the older merchants who ran the stalls of the day market. Even after such a heavy topic, Katara found herself watching him with pride. His ability to live and forgive, to be kind after suffering such horrific actions against him made her eyes twinkle with emotion. He carried the heavy basket all the way back and offered to help her with the cooking as well. 
“I think you are officially the most helpful member of the group, Zuko. Thank you!” Katara spoke cheerfully as they boundered into the entrance of the summer home. Zuko smiled after her and gave a small chuckle. 
“I think that’s my favorite title I’ve earned yet.” He put the woven basket down in the kitchen, he began unloading their haul into their proper places as Katara let out a breathy laugh and went to gather the new laundry. Thankfully, the rather large fountain on the property made it easy to wash all the clothes. The next thing she knew she was bending water into the dirty clothing and Zuko was bringing out the tea set the house had been equipped with. He placed the pot out on the edge of the fountain and began brewing her tea as Sokka and Suki came down from their bedroom. 
“Good morning! I guess you guys went to the market huh? Couldn’t find you anywhere.” Suki mentioned and Katara nodded in agreement. 
“Yeah, and Aang’s lesson with Toph should be over soon so I thought some tea would be nice.”
“I’m sure your hot leaf water will be greatly appreciated, Zuko.” Sokka teased and Katara frowned.
“You do realize he has helped more today than you’ve in the past two weeks, Sokka.” Sokka froze and Suki let out a loud and exuberant laugh.
“Since when are you defending him?!” He said with a high-pitched voice crack and Katara had to fight with herself to stop from laughing outright.
“I’m not defending him, it's just the truth Sokka! And even if I was, it doesn’t matter.” Sokka’s mouth dropped in shock. 
“I think she’s right, you guys really need to help out more. She’s always doing all the housework.” Suki mentioned as she took a small cup of piping hot tea from Zuko. Sokka let out multiple gargled and disgruntled sounds with a small “you don’t help either Suki!” while she yanked him down to sit and hushed him. 
“Oh hey sugar queen, sparky.” Toph joked as she and Aang returned from their earthbending practice. 
“Oh tea! Thanks Zuko!” Aang cheered, after a long morning of practice he must be exhausted and grateful for the break.
“Here, Aang.” Katara reached over to grab some bread she had been able to get at the market. “Relax and keep your strength up, we still have our lesson.” she smiled down at him and his apprehensive smile brightened quickly. Katara knew she couldn’t let personal issues get in the way of her teaching Aang, the world being at stake was of far greater importance than her confusing feelings. Zuko took a seat next to her and handed her a cup of tea, to which she smiled warmly at him and thanked him for.
“No seriously Katara, did something happen? Cause I swear, even after your guys’ trip you weren’t this buddy-buddy.” Sokka finished with Suki elbowing him in the side and him huffing out an exasperated “what?” to her. Zuko tensed up, his grip on his tea strained and contemplated grabbing Katara right then and there to stop her from saying anything. But she made her decision before he could.
“Oh be quiet, Sokka. We aren’t ‘buddy-buddy’, and nothing happened. Gosh, would you give it a rest?” She huffed and crossed her arms in an irritated fashion. Zuko visibly relaxed and took a long sip of his tea, shooting Katara a grateful smile. She knew he would tell the others in his own time and resolved to let it happen naturally versus forcing him to have that conversation right now. 
“Karara!” Aaang, called out after gulping down most of his tea. She perked up at his voice, “Let’s start training now.” He smiled and she nodded in response, promising she’ll be back in time to cook dinner.
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mqsi · 1 year
I’m with all the comments and anons asking about a part two for the angsty fic, only if Pedri regrets what he’s said
Here it is, finally! Thank you for big support on this one, hope I satisfied everyones wishes here🫶🏻
warning: smut
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After Pedri very directly told you to try and avoid him, that’s really all you did. It’s not like you wanted to see him either. The picture of him you created in your head crumbled down into pieces that cut you inside. Internet really is a deceiving place. The cursing loop of running into him continued but only now you were changing your route,turning your head away, doing anything you could just to stay clear of his piercing gaze.
You were hurt, anger towards him was begging to be let outside, but you would never show him how much that meant to you. Not like he would care anyway. Or that’s what you thought. That’s also what Pedri thought until he caught himself furrowing his eyebrows because you were obviously turning your head away from him. Today practiculary. You were on your way home, but decided to stop by at a coffee shop. As you were about to enter the store, you caught a glimpse of Pedri and rushed inside. He ,of course ,noticed this and followed you inside.
Truth to be told, he found himself being disgusted by his own behaviour. You didn’t do anything and yet he blew you off like that. Upon arriving home that day, he really started thinking about his actions and realized just how shitty that was. He also got scared that fame started to change him and threw a tantrum but that’s beyond the point. You made your way to the counter, telling your order to the barista before you felt someones presence behind you. As you were about to turn around, the familiar voice made your blood boil and stomach flip.
“Add another there and put that on me”
You turned to face him.
“Who is following who now?”
Pedri felt his cheeks flush before composing himself to speak.
“Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that”
Barista placed down your cup of coffee which was your escape route from Pedri’s so called apology. You took the cup in your hands, ignoring the fact that it was burning your fingers
“You hurt my feelings, not my wallet. So buying me coffee isn’t gonna do shit” you said, exiting the shop.
Pedri stood there for a few moments, just watching you walk out of his sight. That’s what he told you to do and yet he was coming after you now. For some unknown reason, Pedri was set to fix this mistake. He acted like a shitty person and just wanted you to accept the apology, that’s all there is to it. Or that’s just what he told himself. A few days later, he found himself thinking about you at training.
Afterwards, he shook his thoughts away while driving with Gavi. They stopped by at a supermarket so Pedri could get his beloved bananas. This wasn’t the place they usually went to so Pedri had to ask the worker where the bananas were at.
“Just behind this corner, turn left,tho I’m not sure if there are any left, the shipping is late”
Gavi was first the reach the isle before turning to Pedri “Isn’t that the girl you were fussing over?” Pedri rushed over and it indeed was you. With the last of bananas as well.
“Hell yes it is” Pedri said, walking towards you and placing a hand over bananas you held in your hand. You looked up at him and instantly regreted your decision to step a foot in here “What the hell Pedri?”
“Hey, I’m still asking for forgiveness but I’m also asking for those bananas”
“What do I have to do with either of those things?” you asked, just wanting to get away.
“Well, you’re the one I’m apologising to and you’re also holding them bananas” he said, slightly pulling them towards himself.
You two basically started yanking the fruit from each others hands before Gavi inturrupted.
“Pedri you can’t just yank the bananas from her, she took them first”
“Which side are you on?”
“Hers! The hell’s with you?” Gavi said, pushing Pedri from you. Now the boys started bickering with you in between, causing the worker to come by.
“I’m going to need you three out”
You ended up in front of the market, without the bananas, still with Pedri. Gavi stormed off to another store, eager to get you two the bananas you oh so wanted. And also to stop himself from punching Pedri in the face.
“Why do you suddenly care so much?” You turned to Pedri, all serious.
“I told you, I acted like shit and you’ve been stuck in my mind ever since. I just want us to be on good terms if we’re gonna continue bumping into each other constantly”
“Stuck in your mind, ha?” You said, teasing him a bit and letting your guard down.
“Well, you’re quite hard to forget” he replied, locking eyes with you, scanning your face “and aslo quite pretty”.
You felt your face heat up, pink tint decorating your cheeks. Suddenly,a banana flew at your direction, hitting Pedri in the face.
You both turned to Gavi who had a frown on his face, carrying a bunch of the yellow fruit.
“What the fuck?” Pedri yelled at him.
“Let’s just go” Gavi said, placing a banana in your hands and leaving towards the car.
Pedri turned to you again “So?”
“So what?”
“Do you finally forgive me?”
“I don’t know if I want to forgive you” you said, walking away from him. Pedri got into his car and headed towards Gavi’s home to drop him off.
‘Football golden boys, Pedri and Gavi thrown out of the store for arguing with an unknow girl over some bananas’
Gavi spoke up, reading the newly put headline.
“You know we gon get detention for this from Xavi, prepare to die at training tomorrow”
“That’s the last thing I care about now” Pedri replied, irritation evident in his tone.
“She’s pretty cute” Gavi said
“She is”
“So you like her?”
“I don’t know, I’ve grown fond of her cause I acted that way,I just want her to forgive me”
“Okay, you like her” Gavi said, a satisfied grin on his face.
Pedri soon realized that he indeed, did develop some feelings for you. You were not throwing yourself at his feet. He was having trouble even talking to you now, let alone asking you out. That’s exactly why he was so pulled to you . Even tho he was the one who told you to avoid him, he didn’t expect for you to actually do that. Now he had to find a way to win you back. You also started thinking about him differently, even thinking about forgiving him, he was one of your favourites after all. But all of that was stressing you out, so you made a deal with your friends to go clubbing on friday, to get your mind off of Pedri.
Friday rolled around, you were having fun, drinking and dancing until one of your friends started throwing up, the other left with her hook up. You gave all your money to the third so she can get the uber for the one throwing up, all in all,the night became a mess. You decided just to go home yourself, but as you stepped outside the club you were met with pouring rain. Alone, without money, in a short dress, 30 minute walk to your house and it was 2am. You cursed yourself for being so careless and stupid. You took your phone out, scrolling trough contacts,trying to find someone who can pick you up. Suddenly, a very much familiar green car parked in front of you. The window rolled down and you met eyes with Pedri, once again.
“Need a ride?”
Sighing, you ran inside, leaning back in the passanger seat. You closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself.
“Look, we need at least 20 minutes to get to my house so-“
“So you better get comfortable” Pedri said, his eyes trailed your figure, landing on the skin of your exposed thighs. The dress you wore was already short but it ridden up, leaving little space for imagination.
You noticed Pedri’s gaze and tried to pull it down, mumbling a thank you to him.
“Well I owe you, don’t I?” He said, getting back on the road.
“Will you now listen to what I have to say?” he said after some time spent in silence,glancing over to you.
You kept your eyes on the road, swallowing.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say or do to make you forgive me. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did, I told you already I’ve been thinking about it everyday”
You opened your mouth to answer but he didn’t let you.
“That’s the apology part, but I also wanna tell you something else”
“My house is just around the corner” you said sternly. To be fair, you were scared of what he has to tell you. You were even more scared of what you’re gonna do about it.
Pedri pulled up in your driveway, turning off the car.
“I think…I think I have developed feelings for you” he said, avoiding your eyes.
“What?” You felt your heart thump against your chest. The air in the car suddenly became suffocating, you felt your palms sweat and cheeks flush.
“I’ve became pulled to you, I know ironic after I said what I said. But I like you, I really do. I understand if you slap me now and tell me to fuck off but I just had to get this of my chest” he said, finally having the courage to look at you. Now, you were the one avoiding his gaze.
Pedri was waiting for you to say,do something, anything but the last thing he expected was for you to laugh.
“You know what’s funny? You could have said something much worse, could’ve done something worse and I would still think about you. I would still make space for you to comeback, I would still let you talk to me” you said, now turning your body towards his. Pedri could hear his heart in his ears, everything became hot as you leaned in closer to him, placing a hand over his neck. He could feel your breath against his lips.
“So please don’t make me regret this” you said, connecting your lips. Pedri grabbed your cheek, deepening the kiss. Your lips molded into each other, the feeling so unfamiliar yet so right. The kiss soon became heated and Pedri disconnected your lips, still holding onto your cheek. He hesitated a bit before whispering against your lips
“I want you”
With that, you moved on the drivers seat, straddling him. Pedri moved the seat behind, giving you more space. The dress now completely rose up, exposing your lacey underwear to him. Pedri’s fingers gently grazed your thighs before moving up to your waist. You leaned in again, leaving light kisses on his jaw before your mouth came to his ear.
“Then take me”
Pedri’s lips found yours once again, enveloping you in a heated makeout, all the tension from running into each other constantly was now released. His hands pulled the straps of your dress down. Leaving your mouth, he started leaving kisses down your neck and collar bones, before pulling your bra down. His lips found your nipple, making you squirm. You circled your hips, grinding against the erection that formed in his jeans.
His fingers moved your thong to the side, meeting with your slick. His finger easily slipped inside, making you let out a low moan. You undid his jeans and he lifted his hips up to give you space to pull them down. You freed his cock, giving it a few strokes, smearing the precum, making Pedri hiss in your neck. You teased him by rubbing the tip trough your folds before letting him fill you up.
You both let out a moan at the sensation, pulling each other in a messy kiss. You started moving against him, the windows became foggy and the air smelled of sex. You kept moaning into each others mouth, his hands roaming your body while you held onto his shoulders for support.
“I’m not so annoying now, am I?” You teasingly said, breathing heavily.
“Fuck, don’t try to tease when you’re taking my cock so greedily” Pedri replied, kneading the flesh of your ass.
“Pedri, I’m so close” you moaned into his neck. His fingers met with your clit, sending you over the edge. He started bucking his hips up, chasing his own orgasm. He pulled out, giving his cock a few tugs before coating your underwear and stomach in his cum. Your head fell on his chest, trying to catch your breath. His hand hooked under your chin, making you look up at him.
“Does this mean I’m finally forgiven?”
“Oh, you definitely are”
a/n: Oof, that was quite the ride, and I mean that in both ways ;)
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