#i personally am too lazy to find another variant
goldensunset · 2 years
(instead of listing everyone i just decided to pick the ppl who i think would need it the most + original ntwewys only but feel free to fight me on that)
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cosmicplexus · 5 months
Random Astrology Observations
🌻I wasn't feeling lazy today so this is a bit longer than the usual observation posts🌻
🦋And finally the pricing catalogue is here...at the end of the observations 🦋
Thank you so much my sunflowers🌻your support has been everything. I try my best to respond to your messages and requests. If you haven't received a response, I'm coming 🤍✨
And I tried my best to be reasonable with the prices. Also, I'm not yet doing full chart readings as I am a student with two majors and I'm already struggling with balancing things. In time I will do them. Free one question culture requests are still open, but please don't request for things you see on the pricing catalogue like a big three reading...
I don't want to bore you all too much so here we go🧚🏾‍♀️🦋🌻✨
Astrology Notes...
~4th house Gemini makes for someone who develops family-like bonds in friendships.
~taurus risings tend to be possessive due to the influence of their scorpio 7th house.
~pluto at angular houses 1st, 7th, 4th and 10th is a huge indicator of someone who has had intense experiences in the respective key areas of life and there's spiritual lessons to be learnt regarding that area through transformation.
~libra venus placements may find it really hard to stay single
~7° and 19° venus or moon signs may struggle with the theme of physical perfection and wanting to attain it.
~virgo moons have a tendency of creating problems if they don't have any current ones to solve
~capricorn risings really do look older in their younger days and younger when they're older.
~moon and neptune in 1st house natives may give off the perception that they need saving and may attract people with a martyrdom complex.
~sagittarius, 9th house, 9° and 21° mercuries may have an affinity to music in foreign languages while cancer, 4th house, 4°,16°,28° may enjoy music in their mother tongue
~jupiter in 2nd house and 10th house is heavy lotto winner vibes. Literally and figuratively.
~mercury in 2nd house and at Taurean degrees(2°,14° and 26°) are the born singers
~the 22nd degree is an underrated fame degree...I have a bey's🐝 fame analysis I've been sitting on for a while. That's a conversation for another day.
~pisces venus and mars are the most romantic people in the world which makes me kind of believe the astrology theory of neptune being the higher frequency of venus.
~leo moons really take their hair seriously and may feel out of loop if their hair is not well done.
~want to easily impress a cancer mars man??? Sing praises to your mom. Be dotting around kids.
~girls with 9th house, 9° and 21° Venus are so magically beautiful. Abundance of beauty.
~To a decent degree, liberation of women in society came at the expense of gemini, sagittarius and aquarius venus women being slut-shamed(This is not at all saying other women did not contribute to the liberation of women 🌻✨ That's a conversation for another day)
~neptune plays a huge role in beauty trends and that's why neptune dominant women are usually the beauty influencers which explains why beauty standards are mutable and ever changing.
~jupiter in 7th house can go two ways... extreme luck in meaningful relationships or someone who never has serious relationships and is forever on the look...
~pisces/12th house mercuries and mercury afflicted by neptune are often under fire for being the liars when the real culprit is the sagittarius/9th house mercuries and mercury-jupiter hard aspects.
~I personally view the north node as a jupiter variant. While the general consensus is that it is the purpose we're working for, I do believe that it's also an indicator of our birthrights, innate gifts and where we're lucky.
~Cosmic Plexus🌻🤍
Let me know your thoughts...
~Cosmic Plexus🤍✨🌻🦋©️
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duckieduccss · 3 months
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Well, yea technically. Basically i was interested in figuring out how id go with making my own kaiju. At first i wasnt sure where to go for designing one. So i chose to base it off another existing kaiju for inspiration. I kinda wanted to go for a dragon type kaiju (i like dragons) and the only thing i could think of was Ghidorah so i went with that (now that i think about it more, I could’ve maybe used Manda too prob but oh well, Ghidorah was still a good option). I added some different details to mine that make it unique to the og Ghidorah
My idea was that it could potentially be a relative to Ghidorah (being of the same species) but still far apart from one another to the point they arent all that aware of the other existing (theyre in for a shock when & if they do encounter each other lol). This version actually relies on cosmic energy derived from such sources like stars & generally anything that produce some form of energy within the vast universe (basing it off how Ghidorah themselves originally came from space & this variant being much more dependent on that factor). It stores that energy & relatively stays in a dormant stage for an extended period of time until when faced with the challenge to defend itself or fight off those it deems as a danger. Then it would release all that ginormous amount of space energy that manifests itself as a rapidly expanding glow of extremely bright light. Enough to cause extreme damage & bring down the opposition. It can gather energy by using special crystals it can grow (took that also as inspiration but from Space Godzilla) & become as some form of attracting & absorbing the energy. In a way, the energy is like its main source of food & energy to maintain itself (right after releasing a lot of it during its final attack of using that glow, it would be put in a highly vulnerable state if not recovered by regaining some energy back soon enough). For the most part, they mostly sleep (being lazy 24/7 just like me fr lmao) to keep all that energy but can be potentially dangerous if disturbed or provoked in some manner
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(Here’s a better closer look at their faces. Realized the canvas’ too big to properly see each of them-)
The name of this kaiju you may be wondering???
It’s Ryudorah
(Yea i know im the most creative person out there. I combined another nickname i use for myself and just added the end part of Ghidorah’s name to make it clear it’s related to the other kaiju. I couldn’t think of anything else im sorry😭)
And also each head has its own individual name:
Do, Re & Mi
(Named after intervals in the musical scale (ex: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do)
Did i mention this kaiju can also technically sing too :)
I did have a lot of fun with coming up with the concept for them (tho it honestly took longer in designing them due to a busy schedule ive been put in as of late & finding the time to finish it) but im glad to finally be able to share this with you all. Hopefully I can share more about them soon (i have a whole google doc’s worth of lore lmao) & probably draw them again (tho maybe a lot more simplified by then). Didn’t wanna overwhelm ppl with the huge amount of info so I’ll prob slowly reveal more over time.
[Another thing too is that i still am new to the fandom (tho with more knowledge from getting to learn more from the source material) & most of this i gathered from already know stuff i knew. Tho im also open to feedback & maybe some ideas to add onto my own kaiju. So id very much appreciate it if there’s any suggestions from you guys ^^⭐️]
(I’ll only be taking constructive criticism btw. Anything hateful will obv be ignored)
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Hello! I saw an old post of yours abt sex and chronic pain and I guess I wanted to see if you or anyone else would have any advice for me!
I'm unfortunately having a bad flare day- and I think a large amount of it is because my partner and I did stuff yesterday. My partner is very sweet and kind about my condition, and always asks me during if the things we're doing are okay. The thing is, I always want to try even if it hurts because I love doing it and I miss being able to do it without such awful pain.
I can't find a position that doesn't make me hurt a lot afterward. Him on top of me makes my legs and hips hurt (legs in air), me on top of him makes my hips and knees hurt, from behind makes my hips and knees hurt, and forget any of my weight being on my hands. My disability has taken over every aspect of my life and I'm so frustrated. I just want to enjoy myself for once.
If you or anyone else has some advice on positions or pain relief I would really appreciate it!!! Thank you so much 💜💜💜
Hi, there love,
I swear I have a defective Tumblr and I never get any noti's from my inbox, so I'm sorry if you sent this months ago!
I'm gonna try to give my best advice and hope that my followers will also help with advice.
First of all, pretty much any physical activity can throw me into a flare so I can understand that sex can definitely have a real impact on flares. You are most definitely not alone. I can also empathise with the frustration of your disability taking a lot from you and your life. I am so happy you're partner is supportive too and I hope that you guys are great at communicating with each other about sex which is probably the MOST important thing in this. I am going to give my advice under the assumption that you guys have great, healthy communication.
Sex positions that could be worth a try, it seems as if any stretching of the hips and pressure on the knees and hands are out of the questions so here are not only some of my all-time favourites, but also should be friendly for these issues:
Lazy doggy (lying face down on your stomach with your legs together): that way you don't need any weight bearing on knees or hands, no stretching of the hips and you basically just lay face down, I like this position as it also takes little energy and it's quite easy for you or your partner to stimulate your clitoris at the same time. you can also try this position with a pillow or wedge under your hips for a different angle and extra support on your hips
Spooning sex: I find this a great position, you just lay on your side, your good side that day, and sometimes putting a pillow between your knees can help with that.
I personally don't fuck with this position but standing up sex facing a wall is also considered to be pretty easy on these joints.
This one is slightly harder to explain (its a modified missionary variant) but if you are laying on your back and you put your legs straight or bent vertically and lay them on your partner's chest (kind of like an L position with the legs up), and then he would be either standing or on his knees (so your partner would be the P and u the L; PL). This means your hips aren't stretched outward, your knees and hands don't have pressure on them, your partner does not have their body weight on you and your partner can hold onto your legs for extra support. You can add a pillow under your hips for extra support. I really hope this makes sense, and if someone knows if this has an actual name, please help!
You could also try a seated position and you could face away from him to keep the hip angle easier
other general tips;
Take MAD advantage of pillows and wedges; this could help with him on top of you if you bulk up on either side of your hips so you don't have to strain or stretch as much.
Rethink your idea of sex: some days there may be no position that is comfortable. Sex is whatever feels good for you. You don't need penetration to have sex. Have your partner go down on you or stimulate you with their hands. If you really like the penetrative feeling, buy some toys and your partner can use them on you in any position that's comfy for you. Buy lots of sex toys, to be honest, that can be super fun and accessible. You can get full pleasure and give full pleasure without vagina/penis penetration.
Something my therapist has taught me is to pace myself and practice patience with MYSELF! I can tell you probably push yourself because you always want to still try even if it hurts. For example, I don't exercise, but one day I decided to go to the trampoline park and do gymnastics (i used to do gymnastics) and then was fucked for a week. Another example, I tried to do gymnastics at home and broke my foot. Just keep throwing myself into the deep end and end up making it worse; 1 step forward, 12 steps back. So pace yourself, and practice patience, and don't be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself with kindness.
I know sex is often spontaneous, but honestly stretching and warming up could help, and maybe even during foreplay, you could get a massage to warm up and connect with your partner. Also if you know you're going to have sex, you could take some painkillers or weed (if you're into it) beforehand.
I really really really hope that a) everything made sense and b) that it would actually help! Please send me a message if you feel comfortable if this helped at all.
Please leave your most accessible sex positions in the comments or reblog with advice!
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haxyr3 · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well. I have a question that may be a bit odd. Do you have any advice for getting over the embarrassment when you’re still a beginner in a language? I’ve been learning for almost a year (with books and apps, not classes) and I know I need more hands on practice, I’ve had friends offer to practice Russian with me, but I’m always so embarrassed by any mistakes I make so I find myself avoiding practicing with others. I know mistakes are a part of learning, but sometimes it’s hard to remember haha. Спасибо!
Hi! This is a very good and important question.
Here are a few things that you should know about mistakes.
1. Your fear of mistakes is very common. It would be safe to say that at some point everyone gets that feeling. Adult learners (and for languages, it is about 10 y.o. and older) are normally afraid of making mistakes and looking stupid when speaking a new language. You are not alone.
2. The source of all your mistakes is your mother-tongue. Your first language literally sabotages your language learning efforts. When you acquired your first language, your brain established very sturdy neuron connections for that purpose. Acquiring another language means establishing new connections, but our brain doesn't really see why it would do that, if there are nice, reliable old ones. So, each time when you try to produce a sentence in another language, your brain first tries to use the existing "wires" -- this is just our human biology. Rewiring takes some time and motivation. So, when you make a mistake, it is not because you are stupid or lazy. It is just because your mother-tongue patterns and rules were easier accessible for you than the ones of the language you are studying. Take some time to reflex on your mistakes, and you'll see that I am right.
Pro-tip: when you talk to a native speaker and make a mistake, have a good laugh and explain to your vis-a-vis the source of the mistake. Say something like: "Oh, in my language, we never build a sentence that way! We would build it like this!" Comparing languages is always a lot of fun, and it makes the conversation mutually interesting and enriching. 3. Not only making mistakes is a part of language learning, it is the only way to learn a new language! Nobody ever starts speaking a new language perfectly. Even with the first language acquisition, kids go through the period of funny mistakes and trials. And adults usually think it is cute.
Embrace unavoidable and have fun. Nobody would think you are stupid because you make mistakes. Focus on the ideas you want to convey -- this is how you prove that you're an intelligent person.
In case of Russian, it is a common belief in Russia that the language is horrible, and it is impossible to master it (I think, speakers of other languages have the same belief about their mother-tongues, too). You'll have everyone's respect just for trying.
4. Mistakes are extremely valuable in terms of learning. Mistakes are informative. They show us what areas we need to focus on in our studies.
Also, when you make a mistake and get corrected or correct yourself, you memorize the correct variant much better than when you study the rules. This is because you receive a huge emotional reinforcement along with the correction and your brain immediately realizes that this is important (hence, quickly establishes strong, long-term neuron connection). Basically, the shame you feel when you make a mistake is a helper -- it boosts your memory. Next time you feel a wave of burning shame after making a mistake just thank your brain for a good job.
Pro-tip: Correcting yourself is a good habit. You teach yourself to monitor your speech. Soon, you'll start monitoring the speech of native speakers and learn from them! Don't hesitate to correct yourself when you hold a conversation. You are doing it for yourself, not for your listeners. However, don't overdo it. Enjoying the conversation is more important!
5. Mistakes make us more humble and enjoyable people. It is pretty hard to be snobbish and arrogant while speaking a new language. Make jokes about your mistakes, don't try to keep a serious face -- people will like your self-irony. That will show how cool you really are!
Did I make you feel better about mistakes? :)
Now go and chat with your friends - you are lucky to have somebody to practice a new language!
Good luck and have fun!
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hi, i have three questions:
1) where did you learn about all the typo stuff? i am new to this hell and you seem reliable and honest;
2) how does visual typing works? how do you type someone even based on their blogs vibe? it's fascinating;
3) how old should one be to be typed?
that's all, thank you if you decide to answer 💫
1) i've been into typology for a good decade now, i don't even remember where i got all my knowledge from anymore. once you get the basics down, you observe the people around you more and read less theory anyway
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
it was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types and tries to offer an explanation on how people of different types process information and make decisions differently. since i'm way too lazy to actually explain this theory in detail, i'm just gonna refer you to Em's crash course here. on that note, also check out her posts where she contrasts the different functions. i like her explanations because, unlike other sources, they aren't accidentally mixed with enneagram theory
it attempts to explain people's personality by identifying core fears/desires. Riso & Hudson are pretty solid and you can check out their website
the only thing i'm missing there is the distinction between phobic (p) and counterphobic (cp) 6. the theory goes that since 6's core fear is fear itself, 6 has come up with two different strategies to deal with it: either by running (phobic) or by "confronting" (counterphobic)
there exists also the tritype theory by Fauvre which i - more or less - subscribe to so i'm gonna link to her website too
don't bother with anything related to Chestnut or Naranjo. they don't offer anything of substantial worth to the discussion and their books are only good for kindling
Instinctual Variant (IV)
another tool to type people, the enneagram institute site i linked to also talks about the three instincts briefly. iv is usually the aspect of typology people grapple the most with because the descriptions are pretty vague because they try to sort people into only six categories. i still have an anon sitting in my inbox asking about my definitions so you can watch out for whenever i find the time to answer that ask. in the meantime you can go through my #iv tag. i also have tons of other good resources saved in my likes that i will try to reblog in the coming days (the pain of having to go thru 8.000+ likes tho, rip)
to wrap this up, all tests suck and anyone who calls themself a "typology expert" and demands money is trash. instead i'll recommend you some blogs who are actually reliable sources and know what they are talking about
@istj-hedonist Marri, an ISTJ with excellent use of dom Si. she offers good insights, nice aesthetics, as well as visual typing information
@ill-be-istj-if-no-one-else-is Em, another ISTJ. she offers to type people via a description. her dom Si does a solid job at identifying people's type
@mbtiguy-archive Sarah, an ESTP who is inactive, but her archive is still around. her dom Se offered some really good observations and she was also pro typing by ~vibes~
2) visual typing works on the assumption that people with the same personality type have the same physical features. while there have already been past attempts by other people to identify these traits, Marri is the one who actually offered a clear and comprehensive guide on what to look for. you can go through her #visual typing tag for more information
typing based on vibes operates on pretty much the same principle. people of the same personality type have the same kind of... vibe/air/feel/temperament/whatever you wanna call it, to them and you can tell that pretty well in person, but it also works on tumblr because of its nature. people of different types are drawn to different aesthetics, relate to different posts, and word themself in a specific way that you can pinpoint to a certain type
typing based on visual cues/vibes is pretty much just either Si recognising a pattern or Se excelling at reading people
3) if you're talking traditional typing à la self-typing based on understanding the theory, reading up on functions, identifying behavioural patterns, etc. i'd say it's best to type yourself once your brain has fully developed (~25) and you are recognised as an adult. it's infinitely more valuable that you actually experience life, work through your issues, improve your skills, and do some introspection in order to develop as a person outside of typology. the nerd stuff can definitely wait
however if you are talking about at which age you can reliably visual type, that's different. i think that one is born with their mbti type and first instinct, so you can already type toddlers if you want to. the second instinct probably develops somewhere around your pre-teens and is (mostly) dependent on your environment. as for the ennea core, i'd say it's a mix of nature and nurture. depending on your mbti/natural disposition and the sort of environment you grow up in. it probably develops roughly around the same time your second instinct forms. also, if you buy into tritype theory, you have to consider that certain fixes will be more prominent at certain stages. an easy and obvious example is the heart-fix. when you are a teenager, you will be mostly preoccupied with your image/issues involving shame. for that reason i wouldn't type anyone who is still in their teenage years because the heart-fix will be naturally more prominent and might be mistaken as the core when it's maybe not
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
How start to love favoritism and get redemption arc in LO.
So i want to talk about Underworld work, especially how much there prospers favoritism. There is you can read post why favoritism is bad 
as in this post i started to interest in it after discussion between Daphne and Thanatos, but after i started reread LO i have seen how much Thanatos was right, but his position was shamed by everyone, by"good" characters, by audience, even Author have shown it as something wrong, and only he strated to love Persephone and thought that special attitude to her is fine, he became good person and start his redemtion arc.
i don't want to talk about how unbalanced this relationship is (I saw many posts about it and i have nothing to add), i am more interested how it influences on other co-workers.
Favoritism in underworld or maybe on Olymp seems to be something normal, because Hera given this work for Persephone for to get closer with Hades (it was hinted very clear), although they had antoher opotuinities for this, with their finances and love for Savor they could do Dinner party, ball, party etc where Persephone and Hades could know each other better. Why was love affair at work best variant for it? I sincerely have no idea.
Wherein Persephone said that she isn't enough skilled for this work, so someone enough skilled doesnt get this position, because Hera want to make couple from Persephone and Hades.
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i would be fine if Persephone try hard for this job, yes, some characters said that she is smart, but I didn't see her labor and striving, i dont feel like she deserve this position, her only merit on that moment was beuty, it  s not enogh i think, btw to be nice and kind too. As they say in my country "a good person is not a profession".
Let's look on Underworld's bosses.
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in story RS tried to show as Hades is hard worker, he preferred work to relationship, he thinks about work even in strip club and many characters said that he is so. But his behavior shows him absolutly from another side.
to my mind he and Hecata busy only his personal life. With Minthe and after with Parsephone.
as soon as Hades knew that Persephone in Underworld he left everything and flew to save her, very romantic, isn't it? but let's think a bit: Persephone came in dangerous closed facility (btw where their security system?) and made accident, it like someone broke in secret laboratory and start the fire, even if it accidentally it s not something that would be left without responsibility.
Someone can said: it's not her fault, it reptile Minthe! I partially agree with it (only partially) but it s truth for audience not for Hades, he didnt know it. For him it should be random person which got into forbidden place and acted badly there.
Hades reaction: he started to regret her, to apologize, to go everywhere with her, What the Hell was going on? oh yes and another co-workers had to look for Persephone`s brooch and cloak, so they had to left their their direct responsibilities, because somebody coulndt go away after she understood that this place is dangerous, she could wait after door of Tower 4 or befor Hades cabinet, she wouldnt lost anything in this way. But Persephone is sooo smart, isnt she, Hera?
btw very considerable moment Thanatos started to worried about his work when he knew that Persephone is liked by Hades, because he entered in train before her, does it mean that Hades not only choose favorites but shamed co-workers which dont like this favorites? we will see that yes he do it.
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Another situation is presentation Persephone, oh i feel your cringe Minthe, i were in similar situation, my past boss forced our team to congratulate his girlfriend with birthday, should i say that we even didnt know her?  it was so awkward. when i read this part of story i feel the same cringe as in that day. Yeah this boss was kinda terrible, mb he didn't like me because i am not enough beauty for him? i have this feeling after LO reading.
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First working day of Persephone is just quintessence of favoritism. initially Hecate went with her everywhere, after - Hades started to do it, they even changed his schedule and yeah i find indignation of Minthe and Thanatos (i dont care about their motives now) very reasonable and Hecates arguments were just silly. Why he should work with someone unqualified? and why boss dont have better business than to take an excursion ​on Underworld with new intern?
Hecate arguments is annoying, he cant said that she is unskilled (she is really so) because he eaten her baklava? great. Why they need to apologize for Persephone stupidity? Tell me someone pls, it s to hard for my mind. And yeah it's not school prom, mb Hades will start to work and stop flirting with new intern?
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Oh i start to hate her, how she can be one of the favorite character by audience. Can she just be honest? Persephone is here and everyone go around her because Hades find her attractive.
Another favoritism example it is Persephone salary, Author could not accentuate that trainee dont get salary in Underworld, and it would be fine, okay she get receive income now but no, Persephone should be special and other interns aren't so special,  it would okay if she would work in office some time and she would be so hard worker that leadership would want to prize her for it. But she is just special, just because she is attractive for Hades. 
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In chapter 88 Persephone confessed that she flirt with Hades, but she dont want special treatment, but she embarrassed only by business card, not salary, not that everyone worry about her. It shown as joke, oh ha-ha how naive Persephone, for me it looks not like joke, more like mockery for people who work hard and don't have such prizes, because they are not attractive for their bosses.
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And in this chapter Hades left his working place and gone to decide Persephone's problems, problems other workers don't matter, but Hecata asked nice question.
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i think no, how Hade's corporation are still active and success with such directors?
but actually no, looks like Thanatos and Minthe are still try to do some job, because only they could teach Persephone how to work with computer program (why is not Hermes? he works in the same position as Thanatos does it mean that he doesn't understand in this work anything because she even did not ask him?) and  I on Thanatos side in this, why he should spend his time for her?  (He already has trouble that he works worse than Hermes) and btw he tried to work, did not fawn for boss favorite, so he tried to make his work better in honest way.
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And maybe she will try to read user guide? if she learned how to rule car from reading what is problem to do the same with computer program? and doesn't waste time of another workers.
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Anyway It's strange that people which try to work are not fire yet. Because another worker who tried to do her work right was almost fired, because princess don't know her ID. Whose fault is it? Again for Persephone's fault another worker had trouble, and why is shown as humor again? why pain and fear are funny here, and it's unfunny where Gestia acted with Persephone in similar way. I think if it s funny it should be funny with everyone not only with defenseless and weak workers which isnt boss favorite.
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and of course hades gone to bank with their interns, because what else he could do on the work? pffffff
the only time where Hades reaction looks adequate at the start at least, it accident where Persephone given coins to souls which made riot  because of it and again with it should deal other workers. everything what happened with Persephone that Hades was a bit angry and after they kissed, she transformation in butterflies, he forget about this accident and started to search what transformation means.
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I thought it makes no sense to compare relationship Hades/Persephone and he\his other workers. For everything that she done any other worker would be fired, beaten, killed or something.
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this leitmotif in LO if you like Persephone you are nice, if you don't - go to hell. Thanatos redemption start from his liking Persephone and think that Favoritism is fine.
Why it should care other workers and Thanatos especially? because they have trouble because of her, she tried to waste their time, and some great hard worker dont get any prize, where she get prize only for flirting with boss. their boss became unproductive and don't care about them, he think only about his sweet princess. 
So go away Daphne, pls. You are such smart as Persephone.
Btw Thanatos is gathering souls, and Hermes falsified counts of souls because of Persephone, i am not sure about that but looks like Hermes productivity were such great because of this falsification,  so if it is so, he can hate her with pure conscience, because he was blamed that he is lazy and bad worker and didnt get increase in salary.
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So okay, i think Favoritism can be in fiction, but not how it was shown in LO, as something unequivocally positive and romantic, and Thanatos opinion was unequivocally shamed, everything it can work with grey moral story and such type of characters, someone can say: in LO characters are "grey", maybe, for me they are much worse than grey, but in story they dont show as grey, grey moral story it s when you can like any character and dont be in others eyes "misogynic" or no one will say to you "dont sit right with me" because of it, and another phrases which get person who prefered unpopular LO characters.
Oh what a huge post, thank you if someone read it to the end)
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lailoken · 3 years
Hi Lailoken. I admire your work and your blog. I wanted to ask a question, do you have any advice on what to do when getting a new deck or pendulum before starting to use it? Let's say I am having difficulties on finding methods/advice that isn't new age-y or that relies too much (or only) on intention. Thank you in advance, have a nice day ! ☀️
Hello there, and thank you for your kind words. I apologize it’s taken as long as it has to respond to this; I’ve got a collection messages that I need to reply to. I’ve just been even busier than usual, as of late.
Techniques for, and beliefs concerning, consecrating tools are going to vary from person to person, obviously, but I will gladly speak from my own experience.
One widespread way that many people go about consecrating an implement is through Smoke Fumigation. (Please note, however, that when I talk about fumigating with smoke in this context, I am not talking about Smudging. While Smudging is technically a form of Smoke Fumigation, it is a closed practice to anyone not hailing from the indigenous American cultures which hold it sacred.) When I bring up fumigation in this context, I’m talking about suffusing the virtues of an implement with the virtues present in the smoke of herbs, resins, and spices that are significant to the specific practitioner and purpose at hand. For instance, if you were suffumigating an implement meant for protection, the use of an herb like St. John's Wort would be appropriate.
Another way to go about enlivening the spirament of an implement, while simultaneously helping to form a bond between you, is through the offering of Blood. By giving of your essence in this way, you demonstrate venerative sacrifice, create a physical link between you and the implement, and imbue it with a modicum of the magic that burns within you. When it comes to implements of divination, this consecratory act is particularly suited to tools like stones, bones, mirrors, and runes (The Blooding of the Runes is an occult topic all its own, and serves as a great example of the intimate power derived from blood offerings, but I’m not going to try and get into it here.) However, when it comes to divinatory implements of a more delicate nature, such as a deck of cards, many people prefer not to risk damaging the card stock by exposing it to blood.
A related, though distinct, technique for consecrating a tool can be found in the act of Ritual Anointing. While blood can be used to anoint something, it is far from the only thing used for that purpose; bodily fluids are also used in certain circumstances as well and, perhaps most frequently utilized of all, are the anointive media of Sanctified Water and/or Oil.
Yet another, frequently employed, method for the consecrating of a tool is the act of Prayer. To some, it may seem simplistic, or even lazy, but prayer has been utilized to consecrate for many centuries, and continues to be used for that purpose today across the globe. There are plenty of people who think of praying as simply thinking to yourself, but any skilled practitioner knows that prayer can carry ‘weight’ and momentum in its own right—and all the more so in the hands of a spiritual adept. As such, I believe that earnest, impassioned, and deliberate prayer can certainly aid in consecrating an item.
There are, of course, enough other methods used for consecration that I could hardly cover them here. But many of the extant variants will include at least one of these components, which makes them worth highlighting to me. In short, some mixture of fumigation, sacrifice, anointing, and/or prayer is probably your best bet when it comes to a straightforward outline of the rite in question.
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writernotwaiting · 3 years
Loki Meta Nobody Asked For, part 3--All MCU Lokis are AU fan fiction Lokis
There is so much in part 3 that I really wanted to see and I very much want to celebrate, but once again, I am conflicted.
Ok. Good things: Loki and his magic. Loki and fighting. Loki and improvisation. Loki as bisexual. Loki talking about his mother. Loki showing a moral compass.
All of these are Most Excellent Things: • Loki here is finally not a de-powered pushover. His illusions are effective. He teleports over a short distance. He resists Sylvie’s mind control. He stops a multi-ton support tower from falling and pushes it back up into place!!!! • He fights effectively--finally! Granted, his dagger misses its mark, but he was drunk, so I’ll give him a pass on that. Aside from that, he finally shows us some highly effective hand-to-hand combat skills. Thankyouverymuch for acknowledging that Loki survived a millennia of life in a warrior culture. He was raised by a warrior king. His brother is a Hero(tm). There’s no way he didn’t learn some skillz. His ineffective fighting in episode 2 can easily be attributed to the fact that he was pulling his punches when he was fighting the human shields Silvie possessed. • Loki’s character explicitly acknowledged their queerness!!!! This makes my little queer heart glow bright, and I think needs no more comment. Just . . . yesssss! • Loki loves his mom. Loki is conflicted about that relationship because They Lied To Him.  And did I mention that Loki speaks wistfully about his mother and a bit about the fact he was adopted and no one told him until he already pretty much found out (in the most awkward way ever). Even Sylvie thought that was pretty poor parenting. Good stuff. • Loki really doesn’t want to kill innocent bystanders and only attacks folks who attack him first. He is also kind of appalled to hear that the TVA workers are all variants who’ve had their minds wiped. Again, this is all excellent, and fits well with the Loki we met in Thor I who just really wanted to make sure his war-mongering brother didn’t sit on the throne until he grew up a bit, and then Everything Got Way Out of Control. • We see Smart!Loki in action, as opposed to hear Mobius flatter Loki to get him to cooperate. While one of Loki’s attempts at deception fails miserably, the other works (with Sylvie’s help). This is all excellent and made me Very Happy Indeed!
[more below the break]
I also very much liked many parts of his interactions with Sylvie, and the fact that we got a tiny bit of her backstory (and I love her insistence on her own identity--this is very much I think a Loki thing, “I am not you. I am my own thing, thank you very much”). This relationship has a great deal of potential for complexity and depth. I am totally here for enemies to frenemies to allies if that’s where the series is going.
I like the reveal that the TVA agents are all variants themselves who have been “wiped” and indoctrinated. We are finally getting more obvious hints at the insidiousness of the TVA.
So why am I still conflicted about the series? Well, here is what I did not like: • Loki’s improvisation with the old woman--he had too little information to pull off an effective scam like that and he would have known that. He had a photograph. A black and white photograph--no voice, no personality, no coloration, no body language; he didn’t even know if the picture really was one of a husband and not some other type of relation. There was no way it would ever work. He should have known that. Loki would have known that. • His voice and body language when he pretended to be a guard was stupid and unconvincing, not mimicry. That was a joke. • The getting drunk thing. I found this not only disappointing but insulting and also possibly lazy on the part of the writers. It felt completely out of character. In fact, Sylvie felt much more “Loki-ish” in this scene than Loki did. I just cannot in any universe see Loki doing anything like this under these conditions. They are undercover in a high-pressure situation in which they are about to be wiped out of existence if they fuck things up, and Loki decides to get drunk? No. This is a virtually suicidal loss of control. They have no idea how long they would be on that train or what they would have to deal with later. They have no idea what sort of security is in place on the train. Why did they even stop in a bar, of all places? Why not find a sleeper car and stay out of the way? For that matter, why not just find seats? Why would a guard be sitting in a booth at a bar with a prisoner? They wouldn’t. Loki’s sense of self-preservation is stronger than that. He’s smarter than that. It was stupid and out of character and also unnecessary--there are so many other ways they could have gotten them shoved off that train that did not involve Loki making a spectacle of himself. It was, in fact, a very Thor thing to do, not Loki-like at all. • I still feel as though Tom is over-emoting in all of the scenes that are less than life-or-death. It does not feel like the Loki I met in Thor I and The Avengers. That Loki had a length of re-bar up his spine and only genuinely smiled when he looked at Thor (when Thor was smiling).
I feel like Tom is playing two Lokis in the show--the one that fights his way out of tight spots and occasionally deals with his difficult family issues, and the other is a parody of mischief!Loki--whose face is extremely emotive and who wants to bare his soul to whomever looks vaguely as though they’ll listen to him.
So, here’s my mid-series conclusion. All MCU Lokis are fan fiction Loki’s of the comics. Among those MCu fan fics are three distinct AUs.
1. The Loki we meet in Thor I, The Avengers, and Thor II. This Loki works hard to bury his emotions. His body language is generally stiff and prickly. He is the product of growing up in a culture that is driven by a toxic masculinity and devalues those traits that are coded “feminine” such as all of those things Loki excels at. Because of this, he has gotten the message his entire life that he is with less that the Golden Child that is Thor. He loves his brother with all his soul but resents him because his father placed them in competition with one another. All of this was reinforced by growing as the “tag-along” little brother who was tolerated but not embraced by Thor’s closest friends. This Loki becomes self-destructive and suicidal, experiencing a psychotic break as a result of revelations about his adoption and internalized racism. He spends who-knows-how-long falling through the void enduring perhaps months of sensory deprivation only to be tortured and manipulated by Thanos. He emerges from that experience Truly Fucked Up, stopped of much of his power because he’s had the living shit kicked out of him. But his core self is still there somewhere--a core self that loves his brother, that craves affection, that really hates what Asgard has done to him but still has a moral compass in there somewhere that says wiping out the entire universe is a bad thing and I guess protecting helps humans is something he ought to do since his brother loves them.
2. The Loki we meet in Ragnarok and IW. This isn’t really the same guy as Loki #1. It’s a fan fiction AU in which Loki has no trauma to deal with. He is a manipulator. But he is a manipulator because he is a survivor. He does what he has to do in order to be not dead, and if he can also have some luxury while he does it, well, that’s a bonus. Theoretically, he is a powerful mage--since he was able to overcome Odin and place him in a nursing home--but we don’t see any of that on screen. He is revered Mostly Harmless by the narrative. There is no re-bar up his ass. His body language is much more loose and emotive. His characterization has been flattened out in order to serve as a narrative foil for Thor, and will be bridged in IW to serve Thor’s character development (yet another feminization of his character). Many people really enjoyed this version of Loki. But let’s be clear, he isn’t the same Loki we met in the other three movies.
3. The TVA Loki. This Loki is a new fan fiction. A third AU. This Loki is slightly closer to Loki #1 in that his characterization is a bit more complex than Loki #2. He is smarter. He is more versatile and powerful. He has a backstory that isn’t being mocked. His queerness is not being used to villain-code him. But it would be wrong to say he’s the same Loki that we saw in the first three movies. This Loki’s trauma is all family-related, which great, at least they acknowledge that.
However, he clearly is not the PTSD!Loki that we see in TDW. They have decided (at least so far) to completely ignore what happens between Thor I and The Avengers. I’m not quite sure why it’s ok to deal with trauma when it’s Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark, but not ok when it’s Loki, but this is the decision the director made, and if I want to enjoy the show, I have to be ok with that. So that’s what I’m going to do right now. The Loki show is fan fiction. It’s an AU. And it does a pretty good job at doing that.
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sonic-me-baby · 3 years
Why I didn’t like Loki Season 1
With a series titled ‘Loki’, one would assume that we would get a deep dive into the character of Loki to better understand his motivations, traumas and backstory. Look at Wandavision - despite its failings it really told the story of Wanda and how she deals with her trauma WHILE advancing the plot. Falcon and Winter Soldier wasn’t as good but at least, we see how Falcon and Bucky deal with the aftermath and there is some growth.
I thought that Loki was on the right track in episode 1 when Loki watched himself die and reflect a little more on himself and ‘glorious purpose’. In fact, the whole set up with the TVA seemed like an amazing premise to allow Loki to rediscover himself and forge a new path for himself - an interesting prospect when we consider the tension between what he desires and the lack of free will in the TVA.
Unfortunately, what we got instead was 1 episode of Loki admitting he is a narcissist and has daddy issues, another where he comes out as bisexual before immediately falling for a female (and note, female instead of non binary which I find to be an odd choice) version of himself. The writers must think that this is such a good idea, he is such a narcissist the only person he can fall for is himself. Except, that doesn’t seem right to me, how quickly Loki’s character development shifts from admitting to being lonely and traumatised to falling incredibly quickly for himself. Even if this were the writer’s choice, it was poorly executed with so many ‘romance’ heavy scenes pushed in our faces (e.g Loki talking about ruling the universe together, giving Sylvie a blanket or the sexy eyes literally every moment he sees her) Why? It was not convincing at all that he fell for her mere hours after meeting her. Sylvie’s lukewarm reactions towards Loki makes this all the more unfounded. Even as an enemy to lovers trope this failed - where are the moments of real tension and the slow burn where they discover feelings for each other? My problem is that Sylvie and Loki are so much like each other that it isn’t the fertile land for this push and pull - in fact their differences (Sylvie wanting to destroy the TVA, Loki wanting ??) seems manufactured and unconvincing. What exactly draws them together? 
Aside from this very lengthy point, what disappointed me further was how the focus on Sylvie and Loki as a couple very much derailed and distracted from the actual plot in the last 3 episodes. On that note, the pacing made absolutely no sense. As a 6 hour movie sure, but to reveal the main villain in the last episode (whom we have no emotional or character driven connection to) and to drop a bomb that this whole series was basically made to open the multiverse made me feel cheated. So this series WASN’T about Loki it was about advancing the plot. Sure, the loose ends, edgy concept is bold but narratively, Marvel is going to leave fans just wondering about all the other characters without any epilogue or even cut scene? Like the previous serieses, the finale was a total letdown. 
Cinematographically, it looked like they just ran out of money - just Kang, Loki and Sylvie in a room talking for more than 30 minutes. How? So much exposition, it’s lazy writing in my opinion. They need to explain sure, but NOT in the final episode. I mean literally telling us about Kang’s experience of the multiverse war is an example of Telling not Showing, it adds no stakes to the plot. So, I’m supposed to listen to this guy talk and just automatically understand why he created the TVA? Especially coming from such an amazing episode with all the Lokis meeting each other and creating such an interesting world we have this?? No, absolutely not. Sylvie kissing Loki in the last 10 minutes just to backstab him after setting up that Loki was so in love with her the past 3 episodes? Absolutely not. Overall, my main issue is not so much that Sylvie and Loki start to ‘fall’ for each other, but rather, how quickly all character motivations and objectives become linked to this romance. 
Instead, I would argue that Loki as a character has not been fully and adequately developed as a character to be involved in ANY romantic relationship and I wonder why they included it. The whole story would have worked without the romantic undertones. Loki himself hasn’t grown enough as an individual to warrant whatever they put him through in this series. It just puzzles me that they chose to add romance at all. Not only was the Loki character unsatisfactorily developed at the end of the series, the other characters such as renslayer, mobius and even b-15 all lack adequate character growth. What happens after the ending? Why would you leave fans just waiting for more than a year to come back to this world. It really feels like they threw us in the water to drown.  I am most disappointed in renslayer - WHY is she so compliant to the TVA? Why does she do what she does? What is her internal drive and motivation? Mobius is slightly more developed but it seemed like they just threw the TVA characters away in the last episode. 
Finally, I think that the writers did Sylvie dirty. I do not understand why she was written this way - if you think about it no growth was achieved except that she killed kang and the multiverse. My problem with this is that it seems that her main purpose was plot - she is simply there to be romanced so she can betray loki and wreak havoc into the world. We needed to see more of her. You compare classic loki, he didn't have much screen time but narratively I understood, he has reached the end of his life and the touch of him finding his glorious purpose was so simple yet effective. With such a beautiful end for old Loki, it is so sad that our Loki once again ends up alone, yet again. 
Overall, I feel disappointed in the series because
1. Loki didn’t grow as a character, what we know about him now seems added in so that disney looks more LGBT+ friendly 
2. The dominance of Sylvie and Loki subplot which became a main plot and added nothing to the story
3. Horrible pacing
4. Inadequate development of characters
There are many things I loved about this series too such as the introduction of Loki variants (hella cool), the concept and design of the TVA and also multiverses! However, as a series titled ‘Loki’, it left much to be desired. Who and why Loki does what he does still doesn't make sense to me. Worse yet, the only lesson he learnt through this series is that no matter who gets close to him, Loki will still end up alone. 
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 3-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
I’m so excited
Previously on? Oh please like I need a reminder of what I’ve been obsessing over forever
I miss Randy
This reminds me, how did that person know where the timekeepers are? I’d assume only someone of the status of Judge Renslayer would know.
Ooh funky beat
Oh lunch with Sylvie and that one soldier?
I don’t think that’s what a brain freeze is lmao
Oh they’re friends? Or is Sylvie just in her head?
Poor girl
Oh yup
I like the opening thing, but I was kinda hopeful that it’d change from episode to episode like wandavision
Lmao not the best security I gotta say
Yo magic don’t work here girly
Oh she just murdered that guy
Nice moves!
Oh that guy is dead too
See TVA, this is why guns are nice. You don’t need to engage in hand to hand combat
Yea that’s rude
Rude, Renslayer
Lmao they’re like siblings fighting
Oh that’s fortunate
Yea she’s not Loki
We got quips
Uh oh lol
Loki what did you do
Ohhhhh the purple realm in the trailers in called Lamentis
Soooo is this termina?
Oh she said watch out to him!
Oh her hair is up in the back. Cute.
Looking out for each other.
Soooo why no likey being called Loki?
Hahahahaha she can’t enchant him
What’s her issue?
No that’s not the reason he saved you. He’s just not a murderer like you.
And what’s your plan?
Cmon girl, spill. What’s your background?
Fast pace episode, gotta say.
Sky kinda looks like a painting.
Sylvie, you shut up. Don’t be rude.
“That’s not who I am anymore.” Sooo she WAS one? Sylvie just an alias?
Seems like the theories about them combining lady Loki and Sylvie together are potentially coming true.
Collapse of society? My favorite pastime!
Cmon kids, get along.
Skull kid has to be somewhere around here. (G-get it? Majora’s mask? Anyone? No? Okay...)
Get yeeted
Oop shape shifting time
Oh this poor lady
Oh lmaoooooooooo
That didn’t go well
Neat weapon.
That sword she has, is that the one Loki later gets?
I hope Sylvie has a good explanation for things...
Ahhhhh the blue outfits. Turtleneck Loki soon???
Lmaoooooooo nice plan loki
Uh oh rich people
Kinda heavy handed line delivery
Lmaoooo teamwork
What’s gonna work? Teeeaaaaamwork
Can’t wait for Loki to throw someone out the window
Lmao he sounds like a robot
Loki is such a pain lol. But she deserves it.
Frigga my Queen
Oh no
Please no
Spoiler lmao
What the heck Sylvie lucky
Or not?
What happened to her?
Teach Loki that magic!
I wonder how Sylvie’s past was so different than Loki’s? Wouldn’t that make her whole family variants for stepping off the scared timelines path? Why didn’t the TVA act sooner then?
I’m so happy seeing so much more of Loki’s magic.
“Love is hate.”
Loki is such a wonderful pain
Is this flirting???
Of course loki flirts with Loki
Soooo Loki dated?
“Love is mischief then.” “No. Love is... uh something I might have to have another drink to think about.”
We getting Loki drinking and talking about love. Huh.
Oh my gosh is he drunk?
Yep he’s drunk
How does an asgardian get drunk?
Now we have Loki singing in Asgardian
Seems like it’s hitting to close to home for Sylvie mayhaps?
Tom, your theatre kid is showing.
Loki dammit. Stop being drunk.
Please please please don’t make Loki a joke. Please. Please. Please. Cmon Loki.
“Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it.” “It isn’t real.”
You were close there.
Do it!
Loki can’t just fabricate tickets?
Did he just break that guys hand lmao
Nice Sylvie. Using your headpiece as a weapon. Copying Ragnarok Loki
Loki missed? Must be cuz he’s drunk.
Aaaaaand Loki was thrown out the window. Why does this keep happening to him? First dark world by Thor.
A little nervous rn with Loki... he seems to be a bit of a joke rn which is what I was afraid of. I hope this is just a little thing and that they’re not trying to make Sylvie better than Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. I mean, you could chalk it up to this Loki being a variant, so maybe there are other things different about him, but that begs to question, at what point does the TVA step in? We saw other Loki variants in that little hologram display in episode two that seemed like those Lokis had done a lot already.
Now now Sylvie, ahem... “LANGUAGE!”
Bragging about hedonism?
Temper tantrum
Cmon therapist Loki
Sober up Loki.
Scene from the trailer I presume.
TVA should step in soon huh? Or is this another apocalypse with no survivors so it doesn’t get picked up on.
Save this world Loki. Trigger the TVA.
Oh. So no trailer scene yet?
Lazy Loki
Cmon Sylvie, teach him! Maybe he can teach you something!
How on earth is Sylvie so different from Loki? I’m so confused.
I hope Loki is able to learn how to do this.
Wait I thought the TVA workers were made.
So they’re ALL variants? Soooo, the timekeepers are like running a labor camp? If they have no memories, then what do they think happens when a new worker shows up?
Oh man this is like ragnarok ptsd for Loki if he went through it
Very cool set I gotta say
Also very sad. So many people desperate for their lives.
Major Majora’s Mask vibes
Tom Hiddleston really said “soooo this is all that Loki CAN do but hasn’t been able to do in the past movies. Soooooo now we’re gonna make him do ALL of it.”
Wait... that’s it????? Why did this feel like the shortest episode so far? I think it was. And the ark was destroyed.
I have so many more questions now, mostly about Sylvie. But also concerns. I really hope they are able to balance series loki with mischievous and clever and silly Loki. And I hope they don’t try to push some kind of female Loki is superior thing (I haven’t gotten that vibe yet, but it’s always a concern for me whenever I see a supposedly gender bent version of a character).
I’m having trouble forming the words for my thoughts. This episode was fun and pretty and intriguing, but probably the weakest for the three so far imo. Not to say it was bad, but it felt kind of like it was amping, then plateaued and then ended. Like we barely got much more information, but more questions and set up but it felt like it ended too quickly. Like more was supposed to happen for this episode but it didn’t.
I hope we can find a way to hear Loki sing in asgardian again, but under less jokey pretenses.
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traumatizedkids · 3 years
Some fun facts, info and More about the S3 and the comic in general.
 I made this long ago with the S2 hiatus, so i decided to do the same again with new funfacts, and some new info about S3 (without going into spoilers of course, i hope you guys like it)
As you can notice, the new profile cards has a section called Logo, those logos are a new thing i added to the comic, What’s the purpose? They are made for pannels were the character’s talk but they are not in scene, this is an example from the new season:
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When i announced King in Black i didn’t have almost any plans for the next issues, but i liked the Agony plot so i decided to make the story about that.
The Scene were Alec uses Jake as a Bat is a reference to the Blackbird Epilogue were it’s said Jake turns into a Bat of Intention releasing Andrew’s soul.
I wanted to elaborate more the scene were Jake is awakened from the illusion, but it was too many pages and i had to use the Bro thing, i am sorry if it was Lame, for me, at least it is.
When Alec met Hazel, i had plans to explain Alec dad’s were already dead, but i decided to not add that scene.
Alex (Hazel’s daughter) is 10, and She’s a Demi-Girl, 
The reason why i started to read Disney Chills was because i wanted to find new traumatized kids from a different media than the ones i already use.
In the moment i read Planet of Symbiotes: Toxin i knew Bren has to be in the team.
Millie was intended to appear revived for a Symbiote after KIB, but i discarded that because we don’t really know her fate and there’s chances she could came back in FF epilogues.
Hazel works as a Lawyer
I want to make season 3 more separate from FNAF, because this comic was turning into a FNAF comic more than a crossover.
The Bonnles came from a Joke i made long ago on Twitter
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I suffered a lot in season 2 because i really wanted to use Dylan, but the idea of a Time skip was soo good to not use it, Return of the Kids was totally my fav moment.
Oswald’s Scar plot from Familiar Rabits is gonna come back on the Summer Special.
Traumatized Kids Island is gonna be 10 episodes long i dunno if it’s gonna be Weekly or every 2 days, i have to think that.
Sora Ogami was a character i loved to add and i hope to use it more in future episodes.
I already told that, i changed the Henry’s hairstyles to make them inspired in the actor Jared Gilmoire, the one who interprets Henry in Once upon a Time.
The real name of this comic is: Niños Traumados.
Not gonna lie, i want to add Sleeper in this comic, but i don’t know what happened with him in comics, i am worried :(
The reason i am redesinging some characters is to gave them a personal touch (and because their shows are over)
Dipper and Mabel were requested a lots of times, i hope to use them more on season 3 now i rewatched the show since years.
I dunno if someone get it, but this is a reference to Kingdom Hearts:
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I have plans to do a reference to the original trilogy of FNAF Books.
I started this blog because an user called Puffy started to reblog the first 3 episodes saying she was enjoying them, i am very grateful for all her suppor and i love her reblogs, thank you so much.
This also goes for Hide, i dunno if you’re reading this, but thanks for all your support, i love to have you here.
Bren Waters and Dylan Brock are gonna be gooooood friends.
I think it’s pretty obvious, this is an AU, so i take some creative liberties for some designs and relationships, i still use the actual stories from the characters, but some things like Normie and Dylan friendship (who in comics stopped being friends in a comic that we don’t even know if it’s canon) are changed.
In King In Black 3 in the Adults plan i had plans to introduce the crystal gems, but i thought Connie would be a better idea so i could introduce her.
Yeah, Connie is gonna come back, also she accepted Steven proposal after Steven got corrupted again, 
There’s gonna be more adults on the Season 3
Not gonna told who, but one of the Founders members of the Meeting has appeared on one episode, not gonna tell wich.
Oswald loves more Springmatt than the Bonnles.
At first i didn’t wanted to confirm Chuck and Sam relationship, but then i was like: Why not?
Season 3 is ubicated AFTER The cliffs epilogue, but BEFORE Gumdrop Angel epilogue.
I confirmed 4 new kids, but i don’t deny maybe new kids would join in the future, someone wants to talk about dinosaurs?
What Oswald says about the name is already taken in KIB 1 is a reference about the fact there’s already a Symbiote called Agony.
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At first i had plans to make art-trades with people to have variants of King in Black with another artist but i wasn’t brave enough.
I want to apologize about my shitty english lmao, sometimes i mess up the translation.
If you’re still reading this reblog with a #Yes
ok thanks, i aprecciate that.
sorry for this being so long lmao
For the people who read Disney Chills (and the people i hope i introduced to them like that ask someone sent me) i am aware about the Second Star to the Fright ending, but i wanted to use Barrie anyway, i love that boy.
Not gonna lie, i would love if someone makes a fanart or a dub of this series, if someone wanted to but was afraid to ask, you can, don’t be shy.
For the people who doesn’t knows, i am making an Into the Pit Graphic novel and a Dylan and Normie Graphic Novel, this comic is helping me to practice with Panel composition.
This is the first Splashpage i ever made, and i am very proud of it, i hope to make more on the future:
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Goblin symbiote design was inspired in the Goblin Childe and the colors of the green goblin.
Some kids like Oswald are not going to have a Profile Card yet, that’s because Season 3 spoilers.
Im doing an Animatic about Dylan in the other Earth talking to Codex, at first it was a personal project, but i decided to add it to the traumatized Kids Canon.
When Robin is with the Cape on is because i am lazy to draw the body, sorry, i am human too lol.
I am sad no one got it, but that answer about the meeting room and a cat of the founder members was a Doraemon reference, yes, i confirm it, Nobita Nobi is in the 80s meeting.
At first i had plans to introduce Billy and Tommy into S3 but then for obvious reasons i didn’t (But i still can, maybe someday)
Steven’s weeding is gonna be a S3 arc, and it’s gonna be the last time we are gonna see Steven, it’s hard for me, but some kids have to leave in order to other to enter.
Welp i think i gave so many facts, this is a long list, i dunno if people is gonna fully read them, but if you did, thanks a lot for your interest.
Soon i will share more things in this acc, have a good summer.
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enzo-zzz · 3 years
A vent on the fandom + cg
If you dont wanna hear any negativity, please just ignore this post. It includes dissatisfication on the yttd fandom and ongoing belief in it. I'm not going to use very kind words here, so just ignore this post. 3b spoilers included.
I like yttd so much, but the english fandom, i cannot interact because how toxic it is. Even the smallest different of which route you choose, will attract anyone to abuse, harrass, ridicule or humiliate you. And to be truth, there are many of them who are so judgemental, to the point that there is only one thing that are right and the other are wrong. Black and white mindset. The term "canon route" is what fans created itself. I guess there are many of them who are teens or kids, since most of kids who havent grown up yet tend to lean towards black and white mindset, even if they believe they are not. If you find people who keep arguing especially on social media, you can bet that its teens. Adult are too tired to involve in things like fighting with strangers. There is one time when the poll asked your age and the age range quite small to teens age. I guess thats why i think so.
OTHER THAN THAT, THERE'S ONE THING I'M ANNOYED WITH. ABOUT THE CG AND HOW THE FANDOM DECIDES THAT THE MORE CGS, THE MORE CANON IT IS. To be perfectly honest, i'm the one who came up with the analysis that on certain route 2-2 ending the cg is more. But people really use it the wrong way and now thought that anything that has more cg is the canon route. The word canon route is wrong in itself, who tf come up with the term canon route in yttd? Is the reason for creating two route is for one to be canon only, or for sparing different characters, or for having different storyline? (I personally think that on different route, the story will change and the ones who got to live at last is probably different ). Now i see those who misuse that information everywhere. "In sou route 2-2 ending evil joe AI dont even have new cg but in kanna route he has. See how biased the devs are? he should have drawn more if he really meant the route to be the canon one. Kanna route will get happy ending, sou route is bad ending." I think thats stupid. B*tch, he keep reusing his old art here and there. You can check for yourself. Joe and midori has same hand based on the cg? He's just reusing the hand art. The arm in 3b and 1-1 is the same arm he reuse. Sou and kanna 2-2 ending basically use the same sou drawing, he just changed it a bit. Sara in 2-2 kanna ending use the same cg as when keiji try to calm her in front of computer, he just changed the face. Midori and sara on the 3b game screen cg basically use the same cg in the 3b content, but changed a bit. So i can think why need to create new cg when joe is still malicious as the hallucination in 2-2 sou ending? If i want to create something i will also reuse this to save my time.
So if you wanna really use this cg argument, then maybe you can consider why alice memory game got so many more cg than reko's? and how ranmaru gone insane has so many new sprite and pose with the hair like that. And why when dummy is dead they got cg's. Especially the ranmaru dying one, he got moving cg's and how it was put more effort into that. Then that means dummy dying is actually the canon route since when they alive they got no addtional cg? This is my assumption, but i think the devs just do as many cg as it takes depends on how impactful the scene he's working on, not because its canon, thats really a lazy take if he is actually unwilling to do extra route but still forcing himself to do it anyway. Imagine if dummy is dying but no cg, instead a message " ranmaru/mai/anzu died ". Do you think that will really give impact to you? This game clearly hinting that joe is going to be the spotlight of the game, even in 3b. So when sou set the real joe ai in kanna route for sara, the script is written for the real joe to genuinely react to sara. of course thats going to be heartwrenching since joe himself is the very important part of sara's life. When the script is made that way, lacking of cgs will hamper down the storytelling nankidai genuinely want to deliver. All i can say is it come from the heart of the author himself. If it is just only text for something as tearful as that moment and no cgs, it wont really touch the feeling isnt it? It is the same with alice memory game that tells about how alice "kill" midori. I'm not sure how many it is but atleast there is 3 cgs with one of them has variant. The story of how alice kill midori is also important and should have impact, thus the extra CG's. I can say its about being passionate and indulged in the storytelling.
I dont even know if joe will ever heal sara in sou route, but based on how the story still keep joe relevant til the end, then there must be something that need to happen between them in the end right? Nankidai even made sure that sara see the dog keychain in 3a if player probably choose to not ask gin about the dog keychain he's hiding in ch 2. Its also for relating ranmaru and joe. Having closure or conclusion with joe in the middle of game is still valid, and having a closure with joe at the end of the game is still valid. Imo, having closure with joe at the end of the game after all of those suffering involving him makes the better climax or impact for sara chara development since the game build up to highlight joe and mr. Policeman, it can be even better if all of it are to be pull together in the ending.
Even if the devs has route he prefer, he's not abandoning any route he less prefer, only if its true that he ever have a route he prefer. Plus you dont know which route he's prefer if any. He's taking his work seriously, it just some "fans" looking down on him, even to the point calling him biased, he's punishing the one who take another route, treating like he only use his career for egostatiscal reason (it somehow clearly mirrors that you are the one who egostatiscal to the point of wanting to find any excuse to punish other, you just using the devs name to validate your mindset). If he's dislike people who chose that route that much, then why create that route? If he know its tiring to make alternate route, then why still make the choice to let 3 dummy alive route at the end? It will make more work. I can only assume its out of passion, or just that he deep down wants the character to be alive atleast in a route ( idk if this is correct, i just read google translated version of his public fanbox that he's actually very reluctant at first when the time comes and "crying" so hard when he had to kill joe in chapter 1. So the part where he wants to spare some character is only my assumption ). By this punishing logic, shouldnt he not make alice die when you push reko ai to spare gin, and only do it to those who dont push the ai to save gin by killing real reko? I am more sure that the variants is to tell a different story or who to spare, and specifically for who sara actually was.
Happy endings? I'm not sure. I've expected that once from story with a lot of deaths, wishing for atleast the protagonists alive. Anime or story with a lot of death is definitely my jam, but from what i see, most of them has bittersweet ending, it depends on how the author wants it to be. Some author dont mind killing them all till the end, and some author just easily kill them all because they plan to revive them later. And everyone sense is different. Some japanese people sense in storytelling is a bit different imo. As the one being the audience, happy endings is the most common wish the audience wants. But its all up to the sense of the author. This is why i'm annoyed with some kids from overseas who rarely watch or play many things that involves a lot of death from japan suddenly says that this "one happy ending, this one bad ending! Everyone will survive in this route, everyone dead in this route"
Just play any route you like, nothing wrong with that. Whats wrong is to start this war of ridiculing others or have that irritating attitude towards those who play their own first route and start bad mouthing or desperately throwing bad assumption that one route will end very bad just for the sake of feeling better for your choice and to scare others.You do know that when you read a book, you'll only know if the overall story is good or bad until you know the ending right? The ending will conclude everything that happened. What happening in the fandom is now like, you only read 3/4 of the book and already expecting that this one will have good ending and bad ending. What if its not about the binary, but for the difference in direction? Its not that bad if the story of the book is kinda predictable, but with how plot twists become the main part of yttd's charm, its getting more difficult to predict how it will end. There's a lot of story which was masterpiece in every part as seen by fans, until the ending hits. Its what the author wants, but its not what the fans wants.
If you pick fights with others, even passively, the consequence is all on you. Good luck taking care of your mess.
Thats why i'm reluctant to publish any theory because the fandom will always use it as an excuse to pick fights with other and say " i'm more right bcs i got this proof" . U see in my caption i dont want any of those harasser to even digest my theory. If you are one of them get out of my blog.
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outroshooky · 5 years
waiting for the sky to fall | jjk
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⇢ genre: series; part one (i-saw-you-on-the-subway-every morning-this-week-and-i’m-possibly-in-love-with-you!au) (fluff)
⇢ pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader
⇢ word count: 6.3k
⇢  warnings: brief instance of anxiety; probably too much rambling about how pretty jeongguk is when he exists like that
⇢ a/n: a dearest birthday present for the love of my life and platonic soulmate @guksheart. cait, i cannot believe we have been a part of each other’s lives for over a year now. i adore you so so much and i am so proud of the bold, compassionate, wonderfully gay, fierce yet gentle, considerate, accepting, lovely woman that you are. i would not trade our sisterhood for the world, and i still cannot believe that you are coming to new york in a mere matter of months. i can only hope that we’ll have adventures like this one when you do.
this is heavily inspired by the commute i took to visit my friend in the city over the summer!! kudos to columbia university for loaning me some much-needed inspiration, although i never fell in love with anybody on the way there.
part one of the verses and vibes series. part two will be uploaded on december 20, 2019.
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“bright star, would i were stedfast as thou art—   not in lone splendour hung aloft the night   and watching, with eternal lids apart,   like nature’s patient, sleepless eremite,”
⤷ “bright star, would i were stedfast as thou art”; john keats
Call it 11, it’s close enough.
Eleven o’clock in the evening.
A sacred time, those great appreciators of the universe would say. It is amazing how, as the wind caresses your hair with breezy fingers, there are some who walk the city streets below without pause. Some who cannot understand the sanctity of such a time, the security that comes with the blanket of nightfall— if you could call it nightfall in the heart of such a metropolis.
Below you beats a rhythm akin to the one in your soul, beneath the skin of your merely human chest. A home you’d heard so much about, fallen in love with before you’d even met, and god it couldn’t have felt more right. Over the edge of the balcony is utter chaos: taxi cabs honk an irregular staccato, the open! sign of the ramen shop one block over flickers its own neon melody. People shout, brakes screech, doors bang, dogs bark; to anybody else, it would be utter madness but to you- to you, it is simply home.
The ambient light mutes the glow of so many stars that pinprick the sky millions of miles above, arcing across the heavens in so many celestial designs. If you squint, you can pick out Casseopia, maybe even Ursa Major through the dim haze. The stars are far and few between, but it’s a quick glance to your left and right and you’re surrounded by majestic masterpieces, this time of a manmade design.
When you were younger, you used to muse that skyscrapers not only scraped the bright blue sky so far above, but supported the very cosmos itself with the slight curve in their arching backs. They bore the weight of the world, shouldering the immense task of keeping the stratosphere aloft. For a skyscraper to crumble was for the sky to fall, and yet you’d never seen one even waver in the wind.
Later, of course, you would learn that this was not the case. Earth herself kept the stratosphere in good health, and those wonderfully tall buildings existed as testaments to man’s great ability. However, there was a quiet part of you that still entertained the fantasy (as all of us do, in one way or another). And why not? It's moments like this, where you are surrounded by the dizzying breadth of the world out there and you can taste the sweetness of the universe’s ambrosia, that have you thinking twice about it all. Who says that we can't hold up the sky? Who says we don't spend our lives wondering, even if just a little bit, when the pillars will collapse and the sky itself will cave in one shuddering breath? Who decides when the Sun will burn, the Moon will freeze, when life as we know it tumbles to ash and dust?
“Baby?” His fingers interlock over yours, warm against the cool of the balcony railing. “Everything okay?”
His chest is warm against your back, grounding in its familiarity. You could name the planes and angles of his body like you could name the asterisms that freckle the night sky. He smells like cucumber soap when you turn and nuzzle into his neck, the damp locks of his hair tickling your forehead. You usually tease him when he’s post-shower like this, the bangs that tumble past his cheekbones giving the impression of a shaggy mop, but you spare him tonight. He squeezes over your hand, palm flush against your knuckles as your cheeks heat against his neck. 
“I’m fine,” you murmur. “Just taking a moment.”
Jeongguk tilts his head skyward, but he’s already got the universe in his eyes, wide and fawn. His chest rumbles when he speaks, soft velvet, a little gritty. “It's so beautiful out here.”
“Not as beautiful as you,” you raise your head to reply, brushing your nose to the column of his throat.
He’s got good composure but he's blushing now, between the lateness of the hour and the softness of your skin. He may smell of Dove and there’s a pimple dotting his cheek, but you’re stunning in the light and there’s a faint air of something sweet; if it’s your skin or your soul, he can’t decide. Perhaps both but he can’t help himself; his lips find your forehead and your eyes flutter shut. Contentment so simple, so lovely. 
His arm slides around your shoulders and the way you fit into his side is divine insistence. The other half you never knew you had, and yet at one time, it wasn’t this way. Hard to believe, but that’s the reality of it, and you never even knew he filled a gap in your heart until the deed was done, and there was nothing you could do to unplug the hole.
He kisses your temple and you kiss his shoulder, exposed by the dip of his t-shirt. “Come to bed, baby.”
“But it’s so nice out here,” you whine. 
“It’s late and you have class in the morning,” he coaxes quietly, his accented English gentle in your ears. “Come on.” His fingers slip from your own and you sigh, giving in.
“But you have to carry me inside.”
His eyes roll but he’s already stooping, and when he scoops you into his arms to press a kiss to your nose- he just can’t help himself- you poke his cheek and he grins a smile as warm as the lazy afternoon sun. “I love you.”
“I love you twice that amount.”
Jeongguk takes the balcony in stride, nudges the sliding door open with his foot. “Yeah, well I love you fifty times that amount. Squared.”
He kicks it closed behind him as you raise an eyebrow. “Cheater.”
“I’ll throw you on the bed, swear to god.”
“You’re mean,” You retort. 
“No I’m not.” He turns the light off on his way in, bumps the bedroom door shut with his impossibly slender hip. “I’ll be the big spoon if you take that back.”
Bedsheets under your fingertips. “Fine.”
It is hard to believe that, merely a year ago, you would be coming inside to an empty bed. Merely a year ago, your world would be silent, save the busy hum outside your apartment windows. Merely a year ago, you hadn’t a clue that your world was about to turn upside down, flipped on its axis and spun into chaos in ways you’d never even considered possible. Merely a year, but a lifetime spent sitting, waiting, wishing- twiddling your thumbs, chewing on your fingernails, anxiously hoping for something, anything.
And that’s when, exactly three-hundred and sixty-four days ago, the columns gave out in a rush of dust, the cosmos itself unraveling at the seams of early morning.
 Momentary silence, a stifled yawn. “Come cuddle.”
A sleepy, breathy, near-whisper. “Will you be the big spoon?”
Jeongguk chuckles, breath soft. “Always, baby girl. Always.”
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one year before
There’s no better alarm clock than a caramel macchiato, sipped through tired lips and bleary eyes on the chaos of a Monday morning in the subway. You are far from a morning person, as evidenced by the death grip on your Starbucks cup, but you feel just a little more human with the help of four espresso shots and a pump of hazelnut. Having an off-campus apartment means it’s a roughly twenty minute subway ride between home and school, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, not when there’s not much of a difference between the two.
To be frank, the city is home- a comfort you never expected, the subject of a thousand love letters never to be written but in the deepest cavities of your soul. The grime of the sidewalks, the gritty rumbling of the subways, artful graffiti and corner bubble tea and a little bit of pride, thrumming in the deepest recesses of necessity. The city in which you grew up is merely a square foot to the square acres that are your romping ground now.
The wires of your headphones snake around your scarf, bundled up around your shoulders. It is that wonderful time before fall bleeds over completely into winter, a lingering cool breath, and arguably the best season of all. Thus, you are perfectly comfortable underneath a warm jacket, backpack slung across your shoulder as you swipe your card, pass through the turnstiles and on to the waiting train just across the platform.
The subway car rattles beneath you with a groan, darkness rushing past in so many variants of orange from the neon lights that dotted the tunnels. Around you, bodies press tight on the morning commuter train; in any other circumstance, it would make you anxious, but there’s an odd feeling of security it grants. The train slows, pulling into the next station, and you focus your attention on the page of Madeline Miller’s latest bestseller.
At the next station, the car decompresses as travelers shift, and you are left a moment to breathe before the train will inevitably fill again, two stops from now. Next to you, a purple jacket brushes your shoulder. Just above the top of your book, a pair of black Timberlands pauses before turning towards you and settling. 
There really is no reason at all why these Timberlands would be special. There's no reason at all why your eyes find it necessary to track upwards, no reason why you should have glanced up from your delightful novel for the sake of one commuter’s settling. No reason at all why, as your eyes followed skinny jean-clad thighs to a leather jacket, and further, further.
His caramel-streaked hair brushes his cheekbones, styled in a way you’d typically call bedhead, but on him looks like art. His brow is soft yet defined, much like his jawline, cutting narrow. His lips are perfectly pink, a gentle pout, and his graceful nose a button. His shoulders are broad, the taper of his waist impossibly slender but hidden under the folds of his ridiculously oversized t-shirt. 
And his eyes- his eyes. 
You have poured over literature for hours upon hours, soaking in poetry and epics and novels alike, yet you have never understood what the poets meant until this very moment.
His eyes are the café au lait you sip on sunny afternoons, the sweetness of a chocolate bar, the warmth of a woolen blanket in wintertime. They glint with the light of a thousand stars but shine with the depth of a thousand galaxies, each and every one a testament to the great work of the universe. It is as if he holds the very cosmos in his pupils, and your breath is stolen from your lungs without a second thought. 
He is stunningly beautiful but goes completely unnoticed by everyone else in the car, it seems, as the train picks up speed. There is no greater punishment than tearing your gaze away from him when you realize you've been staring too long to be socially acceptable. You force yourself to return back to your novel but end up reading the same line five times over, too distracted by the shift of his heels, the way he toys with the straps of his rucksack. 
Part of you aches every time the train car fills, obscuring your view of the handsome stranger. Each time, you’re left wondering if he's moved, but each time, the crowds part to find him still seated on the garish plastic bench, glued to his iPhone. Your stop is the next and you can't help but feel anxious about getting up, about turning face and walking out of the train car. Your heart rattles an irregular tempo as you snap your book shut (still on the same page as twenty minutes ago), gather your things, and carefully stand amid the gently rocking car. He doesn't even look up at your sudden movement, and there's a part of you that is somehow irrationally crushed. 
The train grinds to a halt and the doors slide open, and you spare one last longing look before striding across the grimy tile, minding the gap between the train and the platform. Foolish of you to want to stop your day for the sake of an attractive stranger. Foolish of you to think his day would stop, either. 
With a muffled curse behind you, footsteps thud and voices grumble as a mop-haired boy with a rucksack on his shoulder bursts his way out of the train car, having nearly forgotten that this is his stop, too. When something brushes your arm as you jog up the stairs, you nearly drop your Starbucks with the realization that he is unintentionally keeping pace with you across the stairwell, lost behind the curtain of his fawn locks. 
Anxiety melts to curiosity as you weave through the station, matching pace all the while as you’re spit out onto the street from underground and walk the mere half block to your university gates. He hesitates under them, a touch of nerves, but shakes his head and continues on under the tree-covered path of the quad. You lose him somewhere by the Economics building, heading towards the library as you turn towards Hamilton Hall, but the excited thrill in your veins outweighs any and all disappointment.
You're practically glowing during 8am lecture, dancing on air through your lunch break when you think you spot him across the dining hall, but in fact it's just that guy from your math gen-ed. You’d never admit to a stranger consuming your thoughts, but here’s a nagging feeling at the back of your skull as you zip up your bag at the end of your day and head towards the corner station. 
A typical Monday indeed?
Anything but. 
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It was certainly unconventional, the way you launched yourself out of bed the next morning in favor of tripping into a pair of jeans and dashing to fix your hair in the bathroom mirror. You haven't put so much effort into getting ready in months, and factoring in time for a dab of makeup left you skipping breakfast in favor of slinging your bag over your shoulder to rush out the door on time.
An iced Americano restores breath to your lungs, but does nothing to soothe the jitter in your bouncing knee as the train doors shut and a voice crackles over the intercom, unintelligible. A chocolate croissant is light on your tongue, memories of the flaky pastry crossing your mind only to be drowned out by thoughts of the next station and the promises it holds.
With no novel in hand, it is easy for your eyes to flick to the crowd as the train slows coming into the station. Effortlessly, you pick him out even with the white mask across the lower half of his face obscuring his nose and mouth. His visage is scrawled, it seems, on the inside of your eyelids; it danced throughout your Human Behaviors class, teased you through the late night of cramming for midterms. You hoped the concealer would cover the dark spots under your eyes, but you couldn't be certain.
As the doors slide open and the crowd surges forward, you lose him for a moment in the streams and flows of people coming and going. He appears just down the car, button-down rolled at the elbows, and even from a distance you feel your cheeks heat as he finds an empty seat just across the aisle.
Yesterday, his jacket hid him to the knuckles under the security of worn leather. But today, pushed sleeves reveal the ink snuggled tight around his wrist, curling its way up his forearm to snake hidden under the folds of the unbuttoned dress shirt he so casually threw over another plain black t-shirt. Sunflowers and daisies and blossoms you can't even name bloom in color across his skin, geometric designs etching sculpture into living marble. He is a magnum opus through and through, bearing so many works of art on the canvas of his flesh.
The white wires of his headphones leave him oblivious to the world, the galaxies in his pupils twinkling under the stark white light. He is wholly unbothered by a group of high school girls tittering to his left, the judging eyes of the older gentleman to his right. He simply exists in all of his beauty, whether the world wishes to love him or not.
And then his eyes find you.
It is only for a moment, but his gaze renders you breathless, mind spinning, pulse racing. He blinks owlishly, staring only for a second, two, but it's long enough to feel your heart ricochet around your chest, caged butterflies in your chest soar against the crest of your ribcage. They dart in tandem, beating their fragile wings with a fluttering pulse; you swear you’re reduced to a mere teenager at the sight of him, and that’s just ridiculous. The train car around you is suspended; it is hard to believe you are breathing the same air merely a few paces away, but you are and it is him and the depth of his soul is staring you blind in the face.
You don’t know him but you know him, all at once. He says a thousand sweet nothings with the shine of the lights in his eyes, promises commandments to keep when his lashes flutter against the apples of his cheeks. He is a complete stranger but somehow, someway, a known companion. His fingers twitch against the fabric of his jeans and you wonder what they would feel like wrapped around yours, memorizing every divot with a careful reverence. How they would brush your hip when he pulls you against his side, how they would pull at you craving more, more, more— 
A spice of cologne curls under your nose, a little floral, a little sweet. Perhaps it’s his, the scent that clings to his pillow in the morning and his jacket in the evening. The tap of the woman’s foot to your left is the beat of his footsteps on the creaky apartment floor as he announces he’s home, he’s brought dinner; life is simple and content—
He nods his head to the beat that flows quick through his headphones, eyes shut, in his own world. You can’t help but wonder what it would be like to share on your morning commute, fingers entwined with coffee in one hand but music in your heart—
Bodies around you ebb and flow, but the flurry is nothing compared to the images that swirl in front of you. Tracing his tattoos with the lightest touch, laughing till his nose scrunches at a shitty pun, early kisses and late-night touches. The warmth in his eyes when you do something stupid, the comfort in your arms around his shoulders when he’s doubting himself—
It’s a misplaced elbow to your ribs that jolts you out of reverie as the older gentleman seated next to you creaks to his feet. You wince and open your mouth to complain, but not before taking in the empty seat across the train car, devoid of leather and ink and beauty.
Where did he g— 
That’s when the car doors slide shut and you, all too soon, come to a stunning realization:
The handsome stranger whom you have just spent twenty minutes daydreaming about is gone, nowhere to be seen, lost in the crowd of chaos that is the city.
And you have completely missed your stop.
Well, it’s a damn good thing taxi cabs exist.
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Your alarm does not go off on Wednesday morning. Perhaps a fatal mistake, because by the time your dreary eyes crack open at the suspicious amount of rest you’re getting for the middle of the week, you are supposed to leave your apartment in eight minutes— shower, breakfast, makeup, and all.
Perhaps there is a god looking out for you after all, because you manage to make it out of the house only two minutes later (although just about all of the above had to wait). Your stomach grumbles as your feet trod down the littered stairs of the station, an insistent reminder that the last meal you had was ten hours ago, and you really need to eat sooner rather than later. No time meant no coffee meant cold hands, an unfortunate consequence, and you’re shivering your way through the turnstiles onto the train as the wind bites cool at the back of your neck.
You’re still drowsy from sleep, a ten page paper having kept you awake, so it is no surprise that you nod off on the train. You’re not sure when your mind clears of soporific fog, but when your eyes flutter open, the one person you’ve been waiting for is seated in front of you with his elbow slung across a backpack next to him, propping up his head as he too drifts off. A raven cloth mask covers his nose and his mouth, his eyelashes brushing the curve of his cheeks, a bit crimson from the chill. A binder slips crooked under his arm, threatening to topple to the floor. Squinting at the train board means you’ve got two stops left and you force yourself upright, rubbing your eyes only to wince at their dryness.
Though your eyes ache and sleep tugs at your bones, he is worth staying awake for as his body sways with the rhythm of the car. Around you, everyone is immersed in their own little slices of the world, completely oblivious to another tired traveler. There’s a scar on his cheek and a tiredness about him, and your heart, two sizes too big, aches for something you don’t quite understand. One station passes without interruption and he is still asleep, draped over his backpack with his notebook slipping further, further. 
The train rounds the final bend, brakes screeching as it pulls into the station. The sudden deceleration is enough to send the stranger’s binder, packed with papers, spinning to the floor of the train just as you stand to gather your things. A few index cards here, some loose green and white papers there, and he is somehow still asleep through all of this, surrounded by oblivious minds and occupied hearts.
You have approximately five seconds to make a decision before the train fills with a swell of new passengers.
You don’t have to think when you’ve already made your choice.
Forgoing the cleanliness of your jeans, you stoop to the floor, scrabbling the spilled contents of paper and a pencil and a spare Chapstick into the mouth of the binder. People are already beginning to spill through the door, but you’re pushing your way through without a second glance, feet pounding the steps underneath you. You follow the beam of light that pours underground, cutting corners and rushing staircases until you are facing a narrow city block and the buildings that reach on tiptoe to kiss the heavens. The sun’s caress is warm on your cheeks as you stride through the gates, ever stony in their stoicism, and find a shady bench to sit and organize the mess in your hands.
It is a simple black binder filled to the brim with notebook paper, neat handwritten ideas that dissolve into simplistic sketches and jotted thoughts. You don’t mean to read it, you really don’t, but as you tuck the pencil into the neon green case looped through the rings, a single form catches your eye: an advertisement for the show in the greater library this weekend, set up by the architecture majors showcasing their designs in conjunction with the fine arts students.
He does fine arts? That must be the sketches in these pages. But perhaps it’s a casual hobby for him? Maybe he’s only interested in it and not actually pursuing it as a major. There’s Korean on this too; is he an international student? How long has he been going here? Why isn’t he dorming on campus with the others—  
A cough in front of you, and when you glance upward, you nearly choke in surprise.
Hazel shines russet when his eyes catch the light that filters through the trees, twinkling with something unknown when they meet your own. His hair is tucked under a beanie, vivid red against the muddy brown of his oversized sweater. His mask is pulled down to his chin as he fidgets in front of you, twisting his fingers with almost a childlike nervousness. His lips part, plush, a little chapped. “Can I have that?”
His English is sweet, accented on the ears, a softer tone than you’re expecting, but you don’t mind it. Curse your nerves and your sweaty palms! “Oh! Yeah, sure!” You nearly shove the binder at him and he blinks owlishly, taking a moment to examine its contents, making sure nothing is out of place while you ramble on and on. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get it back to you on the train, but you were asleep and I didn’t want to bother you, especially since here that’s typically just not what people do, you know how they are- Oh, your pencils and things are inside the pencil case, I figured they would be too much to try to carry around before I found you, you know? And I didn’t want anything to get lost; I hate when things of mine go missing and I tend to be so scatterbrained.” You chortle nervously as he hugs the binder to his chest.
A small smile blossoms on the stranger’s face and you get the feeling there’s more he wants to say, but doesn’t know how. Instead, he bows graciously, a little pink in the cheeks, and states simply, “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, really! Don’t worry about it. It’s what I’d want someone to do for me and since I’ve seen you only recently on the morning train, I didn’t quite know if you’re new to campus or you’ve been here a while and just moved or something like that-” He’s still staring, eyes wide, and you realize you’ve been talking for far too long. “But ah, I’m sorry! Continue on, yeah? Have a good day!” You ramble, internally kicking yourself. Damn your loose tongue and damn this man for being so infernally, unfairly attractive.
He blushes even deeper, face flushing crimson, and shoulders his backpack. “You too…?” When he trails off, you realize he’s waiting for your name and nearly trip over your own tongue getting the syllables out. He repeats it once and nods, extending a hand. “My name is Jeongguk.”
The way his fingers brush yours is ingrained in the softness of your skin for the rest of your day, in the touch of cologne that lingers in the autumn air long after he’s gone to class. He is the sweetness of your afternoon Starbucks and the freckles of the night sky, dotted through the ambient fog that settles over the city with all the comfort of a blanket. Somehow, someway, there’s a name to the face.
A very handsome face, to boot.
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You wake early that Thursday, early enough that you have time to wrap yourself in the fuzziest blanket you own and pad to the window to gaze out upon the city as it wakes slowly, block by block.
The city is sleepy too, rosy glow hanging lazily over the skyline, reluctant to slip into the brightness of daytime. It slumps against the skyscrapers, vibrant fingers brushing the glass with the softest caresses, whispering sweet nothings to the minds that rest just behind the other side. Perhaps dawn enjoys pampering her city like this, with the kindest affirmations and the prettiest, warmest eyes. 
From your apartment window, it is as if first light is melting away, slipping lower and lower as the cracked-egg yolk of the sun leaks over the harbor, spilling over the urban jungle. As you stand, blanket around your shoulders and bathed in the beauty of early morning, a thought strikes you, a minute snippet of profound reality.
It is still on your mind as your feet cross the platform an hour later, effortlessly stepping over the gap into the narrow confines of the train car. It’s busier this morning and thus your usual seat is taken, leaving you to stand and cling for dear life to the pole. A stranger brushes your arm and someone pushes against your backpack, your throat tightening in response. Oh, how you hated busy days. Anxiety blurs your surroundings, swirling in color and breath and heat around you, an unfocused Polaroid. It is blurry and nothing is right, and the doors are opening and closing, opening and closing, and then there’s a new face pressing to your left, and your entire world melts at the very seams.
It is him. Him! He is here and real and in front of you, and has opted to completely ignore his usual (empty) seat in favor of standing with you, a kindly smile gracing the corners of his lips and he ducks his head into your field of view. His eyes flick to yours and the bokeh clears, your heart thrumming happily at the warmth they contain. His fingers grip above your own as he shifts to make sure others can flow around him; you take in that little scar on his cheek, the moles that dot his neck just under the folds of his jacket, the subtle lick of ink that dips into his collarbone. You can just make out the hum that trickles from his headphones over the rattling of the train, a melodic undertone, and his head dips to check his phone.
You’re the one to nudge Jeongguk when it’s your mutual stop, him flinching with surprise when he realizes how fast the ride has gone, and as you follow up through the station, you find that you are no longer trailing him, but instead by his side. He opts to walk next to you; when you tilt your head, asking the silent question, he merely smiles and pushes the pace just a bit. When you’re chasing sunlight on stone, borne out of the street into the mouth of the day, you find yourselves under the university gates, side by side. He takes out his earbuds, fidgeting with the wires as one foot taps the sidewalk. He’s nervous. “I just wanted to say thank you for getting my book yesterday,” he begins. “Properly thank you.”
“It’s nothing, Jeongguk!” You grin, perhaps a little flushed. “Anytime, really.”
Now it’s his turn to redden, shuffling in place. “Ah, is there anything I can do to return the favor?”
“Jeongguk, don’t be silly! Well…” you trail off. “Answer me one question. What’re you majoring in?”
He beams a little at this, glancing at the sidewalk. “I’m studying architecture here for a year; I’m from Seoul. I’m also learning English.” He winces. “Or trying to.”
“Well, I think you’re doing a great job. It’s amazing that you’re learning architecture in an urban environment like this!” You gesture above as a flock of pigeons flutters past. Like a damn Disney film. 
His eyes follow the birds as they swoop above the street, ducking under lamps and through scaffolding. “It’s different from Seoul, but also like Seoul. I like it,” he confesses. “I really like the city. Any city is my city, not just Seoul. You know?”
God, he is so cute, it hurts. Hearing him talk is flowers blooming snug in your chest, winding around your nerves, soothing their live-wire ends. You can’t help but smile at him. “I know.”
“I don’t want to keep you too long…” Jeongguk hesitates as the bell in the clocktower resonates down the commons. “Class starts soon.”
You frown. “Too soon. Want to grab lunch over at Fourteenth?”
His brows furrow. “Fourteenth?”
“Fourteenth and Tenth, yeah. There’s a cute little cafe on the corner, great for people watching and Americanos. And bubble tea. There’s ramen a few shops down, too.”
“Ramen!” Jeongguk practically vibrates in excitement. You swear your face will crack from how hard you’re grinning, from shyness or joy or both. His nose scrunches; your stomach flutters. “Can I have your number? Wait, is that too direct? May I have your phone?” He shakes his head but you’re already handing him your device, a new contact at the ready.
“Text me when you get out of class. I’ll show you how real ramen is supposed to taste.”
Jeongguk raises a hand in farewell, slipping his own phone back into his pocket. You’ll never know that he saved your contact under 귀여운 여행자, nor that he suddenly has a reason to stay awake through his 8am.
And when he spots you sitting there under the Alma Mater a few hours later, his heart skips a beat in its chest. His phone vibrates in his hand.
Ready to eat?
He was born ready.
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There’s a poetry book you like to read on Friday morning subway rides, one that filters breath into your lungs and stirs the lyrics in your heart. You soak up the comforts of literature with a mocha in the other hand, lo-fi in your ears, and obnoxiously colored plastic supporting your back. How wonderful life could be in all of its simple joys.
There’s warmth at your side in the form of a boy, a boy with the stars in his eyes and the galaxy in his heart who asked if he could sit next to you and with a pounding in your chest, you gladly accepted, moving your bag to your lap and returning to your Keats, singing cants of yearning all these years later.
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to dea—
A note is tucked into your open page, a folded piece of cream-white paper, smooth at the edges, unwrinkled. You glance up at him to find his gaze steadily fixed on a grayed gum stain, knee jumping up and down, up and down as he fingers the rip in his frayed jeans. You unfold the paper slowly, carefully.
Are you busy on Sunday afternoon? Because I’d really like to take you to an art exhibition on campus, and I think you’d look right at home among the masterpieces.
Jeongguk’s focus is on the floor and the floor alone as his stomach twists. Butterflies beat their wings against his ribcage, darting here and there, and he swears that if the train sways one more time, he may throw up his bagel right there and then.
He feels something at his right jacket pocket and flinches, only to notice it is your hand that retreats from it a second later.
He produces a familiar looking scrap of paper from his pocket with trembling fingers, unfolding it anew as he reads a new line of scribbled letters, squinting a little at the cramped figures.
An art exhibition? Sounds like a perfect first date to me.
And that’s how this beautiful thing begins.
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an epilogue (of sorts): one year and one day later
There is a thought you had many moons ago, in the heart of a child but nestled in a timeless soul. A thought that was purely fantasy: of mankind supporting the weight of the heavens with the structures that scratch the sky around your tiny little apartment, shared not by one soul, but two. Never before had someone so fallen into your heart like he had, cradling it in his palms with sweet, sweet adoration. Jeongguk was yours and you were his, and that was simply how things were.
You had moved in shortly after you began dating, a decision some criticized but had felt purely natural to the both of you. It was easy to fall into a rhythm with him, easy to let him into the world you had built for yourself now expanding to fit one more.
He introduced you to Korean barbecue and held you when things wouldn’t go your way; you dragged him into the vortex of John Mulaney’s comedy and cried together while binging all seven Harry Potter movies in two days. He taught you some Korean while you polished his English, supplementing it with words he perhaps didn’t need to know, but you couldn’t help laughing when he mashed profanities in brand-new combinations. He loved tea and quiet nights on the couch; you craved the intimate moments high above it all, watching your city rush beneath you in all of its gritty, grimy, wonderful glory. Jeongguk’s pen scratches the page of his sketchbook as you gaze out at the lights that flicker in the apartment buildings seated securely in midtown, downtown, beyond.
We will never know when the sky decides to fall, to come crashing down to earth in all of her heavenly splendor. It is something known only in the fabric of the universe, stitched together in cosmic threads we cannot even hope to unravel. Not yet, anyways. It will come to us eventually, when it is time, comfortably so. In the meantime, you’ll look out over the balcony railing of your little studio apartment uptown, the night air breathing clear, with a blanket wrapped around your legs and Jeon Jeongguk by your side, unceasingly himself.
And that is everything you can ask for in this life and the next.
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forevervobla · 5 years
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It was almost noon when the mage finally arrived to her destination. The big pile of stones called a fort before now was fully covered with moss and didn't deserve any attention if you have no interest in history.
Woman got off a horse, made a few steps back and forth and whispered with an excitement "Here we are!"She sat on the stone to take a break from a long ride. Everything looked peaceful, from the calm wind to the white butterfly, lazy waving its wings.
A few steps away was an old ladder, curling down to the dark dusty halls. Back in days this place was a small stop for wandering adventurers and traders who wanted to cut the way. No one actually knows what happened here to leave this place ruined and abandoned, no one actually cared. In the old trading declarations was a note about the valuable package.If it was true, this place might be truly hiding a priceless find. 
Mage's sight finally spotted a good place to tie the horse. She was hoping this area is safe enough. It was always a small tragedy for her to lose another mount, which was happening way too often.
The entrance door was slightly open,or,rather stuck in this position for years. Just enough place for a human of an average size. Footprints on the ground didn't lie. This might look stupid to go alone to the place obviously promising danger,but Pandora was known for her dedication to work. Her robe was enchanted so many different ways she could stand before the dragon on her own,she was prepared and had enough information to be prepared. 
Torches were lit,so, with no doubt she's about to encounter someone who probably knew about current state of this place better than her,but,so far, everything was quiet. On the corners of her fingers she felt someone have been practising magic here not long ago.
After another heavy door Pandora saw the big hall, meeting her with a smell of soup and burned bodies. A young woman was lying on the floor with her eyes wide open, she was the only one whos body was possible to recognise between piles of ashes. "We have a strong shock mage here", Pandora thought, making assumptions what might be a reason of the conflict, activating yet another one shock resistance rune in her pocket.
Next 20 minutes she spent walking through long corridors, seeing almost the same picture: piles of ash and almost no visible signs of fight.No signs of desired finding also.
Then she finally heard voices,a loud whisper, trembling with fear. Mage stole up closer to hear the dialogue.
-There's no way she will break this door.
- And what are you going to do? Wait till she starves to death? We need to kill this... Whatever it is.
- She killed everyone. We better leave this place and never come back, but we should hurry, this spell won't last long,I already drained the power of all soul gems.
- You did? How can you be so stupid?You had to use them to defeat her!Stay here, maybe, I'll find dead bodies which can be used.
-No, don't leave me here alone!
They looked back and saw Pandora.
-Another one, I will not surrender to you alive!
Pandora immediately casted a protection spell: "I'm not going to start a flight unless you want to and I will greatly appreciate if you tell me what's going on here."
-What's going on? This bitch killed everyone here with this stupid book.
-What book?
-It's none of your business!
-What if I help you to get rid of this... person?
-Not person, there's nothing good about this monster! Have you seen these glowing eyes?This might be a body possessed by daedric power, but not a living creature.
-Is this because of this book?
-What? I will not waste my time on you. You will be dead soon anyway.
-Fine! Don't you mind if go and face my destiny?
A second of hesitation.
-We will not let you out!
-Thank you.
Massive door closed behind Pandora's back as she entered another dusty corridor.There were a few less of ash piles and a few more of lifeless corpses.No signs of something way too supernatural, just a skilled mage. 
As Pandora turned around the corner she beheld a tall figure, someone noticed her presence and turned back in a blue smoke.
Her body was floating under the ground, and her mouth was muttering menacing words,but Pandora knew they didn't mean a thing (but casted a shield just in case),but this book in her hands... 
-Stop, mortal! Don't you see the fate of others?
-Don't you see I'm not with them? I'm sorry, but why don't we just talk like civilized people?
Illusion disappeared and Pandora saw a dunmer lady with a striking sight.
-How many of them left? 
- I saw only two... 
"Good news! For the first time today.Wait," dunmer looked at mage with an interest, "for the second time, I'm always glad to meet someone who prefers don't jump to conclusions. Anyway,I think, my luck ends here.I see in your polite smile you know why I am here.
-I honestly don't know.
-You say this! I see how you look at this book!
- Don't you mind,if I have a closer look?Maybe it's not the one I was looking for.
Dunmer laughed, pushing the book to the mage's hands as it was an absolute garbage.Pandora opened pages carefully and looked through pages for some time.
"Please, don't tell me you can read this!", dunmer rolled her eyes.
"Unfortunately, no", Pandora answered turning another page, "but I think I'm capable to decrypt these letters if I had enough time."
Elf sighed, adding in a sad tone: "You can take this book with you."
"Can I take you with me?" Pandora said without a second thought,so her face blushed when she realized the way it sounded. Looking in bright blue eyes, she added: "I mean,you are the one who found it.Maybe,you can wait till I find the key,or I'll just inform you... somehow."
"Hm,I didn't think about this variant."
"Pandora!My name is Pandora. I work and live in the Winterhold College,so, it will not be difficult to find me."
"Nice to meet you!" She answered with an affable smile:"My name is Aledrela, you can call me just Rela."
"My friends call me Poppy."
"So,are we friends now?"
"No", suddenly Pandora came closer and added in a dramatic whisper, "we are colleagues."
Rela smelled a gentle flower scent.
"Now I know how you got your short name,"she mechanically added putting a hand on Poppy's shoulder.
"You didn't say what was your plan."
"Oh,what plan?"
"What are we doing now?"
"We need to get out here first and... Find a friendlier place to discuss our plans."
"Sounds good to me."
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cyberkevvideo · 4 years
My Changes to “Way of the Wicked“, Extras 2: Constructs
Part of me never thought I’d be writing another entry for this series, but here I am. It definitely helped that I’ve seen more people bring up that they’re playing the adventure path, but they’re doing it with different editions (3.5 and 5e D&D, PF 2e), and recently I’ve been seeing a lot of vloggers converting 3.5 monsters to 5e. All of this combined together and got the creative juices flowing.
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As always, for space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
I do not have a Patreon or a Kickstarter, but I do have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who would like to support my work. There is no pressure or obligation to do so, however, but a like and a share would definitely be appreciated. Of this and my older work.
Finally, before get to it, I hope everyone’s staying safe right now.
When I was reading a newer GM discussing how they were enjoying Book 1, but felt it needed something more during the jail break arc, I wondered what that could have been. And it’s not like there’s only the one jail break aspect of the AP either. The GM is able to add more throughout the game whenever they need to bring in new players, or characters are killed and they need to be replaced. During those times, you’re definitely going to need something more than a few guards here or there. That’s when I remembered that in 3.5, there was a chain golem in Monster Manual II. Unfortunately, there aren’t one of these Pathfinder (likely due to copyrights), but one of the jobs they had the potential of getting programmed for was as jail guards. There was even a variant version I’d read about where it was given one of the powers of the hangman golem and it could just look like a pile of chains. How terrifying would it be to be a prisoner and seeing an animated humanoid made of chains walking down the hallways through the day and night, only to watch it turn into a pile of chains in the corner after it was done with its patrol? And if the guards wanted to be really mean, they could put chain piles throughout the prison. You would never know. And it’s not like a standard prisoner can fight a golem.
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But the standard one from 3.X is only a CR 5. What about the later scenarios where the PCs are going to be exponentially more powerful? Well, thankfully someone was kind enough to convert and make such a creature. Well, sort of. It’s from 4e and reverted back to 3.5, but still. Easy enough to convert over to Pathfinder 1e. And of course, what better way to represent it than with a mini of incredible size?
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You can find the stats for this sucker here. Personally, I’d lower than by 1 CR and make it Large size, as Huge is way more difficult to patrol through a dungeon or jail. Not only that, you’re pretty much done with jail breaks by the time you’re done Book 3. At least with regards to it being referenced, so unless you’re having one added to the king’s castle, a CR 15 is more than sufficient with all the other encounters in Book 3.
Lastly, bringing it back to two things I brought up early, how else would you spice things up in Book 1? Or maybe even Book 2? Well, I originally said that you should sent bounty hunters or other inquisitors after the escaped prisoners. There’s no way they’re just going to believe that the 4+ most heinous criminals in years, who managed to escape the inescapable Branderscar, would just die in the swamps. Even if a majority believes it, you’re going to have at least a few people who are going to investigate further until they’re completely satisfied.
So what do you do? You send out a terminator. No, seriously. Back in 3.0, you had a construct called the Hangman golem. Pathfinder calls it a rope golem because that’s exactly what it is. The difference is the original hangman was also an assassin. You found who or what you needed to, wrapped the noose around it (usually from above), and judgement was served right then and there. This time won’t be any different. The PCs left the prison in either their prison garb or guard uniforms. Their original clothes could still be around somewhere instead of being burned. I mean, Branderscar was going downhill. They could have gotten lazy with that too. Then it’s just a matter of sending the golem in their direction and wait it out. And it’s a golem. If it doesn’t ever return, they’re going to know something is up. This thing could show up any time during Book 1, or maybe it shows up during Book 2 when the PCs are performing the ritual for 666 days.
Now, while I have a link to the original and will be sharing it, I also did my own stats and changes to the original rope golem brought to us from the Tome of Horrors Complete. Anyone who wants to advance it further, I highly suggest using the original and taking elements from that, in addition to the standard advancement rules.
Like with previous entries, “--” are supposed to be bullet listings, but they don’t transfer very well from Word Document to Tumblr.
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THE HANGMAN (CR 7; XP 3,200) Variant advanced rope golem LN Medium construct Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0 DEFENSE AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +8 natural) hp 76 (10d10+20) Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +3 DR 10/adamantine and slashing; Immune construct traits, magic Weaknesses vulnerability to fire OFFENSE Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +15 (2d6+5 plus grab) Special Attacks constrict (2d6+5), squeeze the breath, strangulation (1d8+5) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th)    At will—locate creature STATISTICS Str 21, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 Base Atk +10; CMB +15 (+19 grapple); CMD 27 Feats Ability Focus (squeeze the breath)B, Skill Focus (Stealth)B Skills Stealth +5 (+45 when unraveled); Racial Modifiers +40 when unraveled SQ unravel SPECIAL ABILITIES Immunity to Magic (Ex) The hangman is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.  --A disintegrate spell affects it normally.  --A rope trick or animate rope spell deals 1d6 points of damage to the golem per three levels of the spell caster (e.g., a 6th-level sorcerer deals 2d6 points of damage to the hangman if it casts rope trick or animate rope).  --A mending spell heals the rope golem of 2d6 points of damage.  --Fire-based effects and spells affect it as described in its fire vulnerability above. Squeeze the Breath (Ex) If the hangman constricts a grappled creature, it also attempts to squeeze the air from the creature’s lungs. If the creature fails a Fortitude save (DC 17) it is dazed for 1 round. Creatures that do not need to breathe are immune to this ability. Strangulation (Ex) The hangman deals 1d8+5 points of damage with a successful grapple check. Strangulation damage is in addition to constriction damage on subsequent rounds. Because the hangman seizes the opponent by the neck, a strangled foe cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components. The hangman is not considered grappled while it is strangling an opponent, and can move and attack normally, but it cannot move more than 10 feet away from an opponent while strangling it. Unravel (Ex) Once per day as a standard action, the hangman can unravel its form to become a heap of tangled ropes that fills a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. While in this form, the hangman cannot attack or move, but it gains fast healing 10. The hangman can reform into its humanoid appearance as a full-round action.
As I mentioned above, I also added the original hangman golem from 3.X for reference. You’ll notice it has similar and different weaknesses as well.
Next time, we’ll do an entry all about outsiders who’ll come down from above who’d come after our PC villains. One in particular is a 3.5 conversion that I never expected, and had completely forgot about until I noticed there seemed to be something missing from the original iteration in the Pathfinder bestiary. Boy howdy I was correct in that assumption.
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