#i prob would have killed him if i was a child of that time cause thats just the kind of person i was as a kid
wosoamazing · 6 months
Too Late To Be Fair
Warnings: death (caused by drunk driver), mentions of emotional abuse (R as a child), mentions of drinking and drunks, implications of self doubt and associated things, wishing someone would die. Please let me know if anything else.
Note: Grace is a fake player, due to previous ideas and maybe future ideas I had to make a player up... she does some things none of the girls would ever do....
A/N: Story inspired by Pray (Jessie Murph) & Mansion (NF) - and other things but I listened to these songs and I was like ooo good story idea. There probs will be a part 2. I hope you like it - also I know I said one of the McFoord fics would be out next but um yeah...
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“Y/N We’re sorry to inform you but your Dad was in a car accident he was hit by a drunk driver” you couldn’t help but laugh at the irony, you dad the drunk being hit by a drunk driver. Everyone looked at you in disbelief.
“Y/N that’s not very appropriate,” Grace said, before others death stared her, clearly not knowing your situation, of course you were going to blow, especially at her, the thing you had wished for, for so long, finally happened, yet just after you cut him off, so it didn’t matter, it didn’t mean you could have an easier childhood, it was just another way of the universe punishing you. Waiting until you had moved out, cut your ties and in the spotlight, to finally kill him. Almost exactly a year since you cut him off, won the trial, got the restraining order, the one which he protested, causing the gruelling 3 day trial, to decide whether it was needed or not.
“Oh, sorry we don’t all have perfect little lives with perfect Mummies and Daddies, some of us actually had a shit childhood, faced real world problems, no rich bitch problems, oh Mummy and Daddy told me to pick up some rubbish, oh my life is shit they abuse me” you were dragged out of the locker room and into an empty physio room by Leah, Beth, Katie, Caitlin, and Steph who all sent you a glare when the door had shut, “Oh like she didn’t deserve it,” they all couldn’t but help let out a smile. There was an awkwardness in the room, as the girls all looked between each other not knowing how to approach this.
“You guys can all go, I’ve got this, thank you though,” Leah spoke, breaking the silence, everyone left except Beth, but Leah didn’t mind. You and Beth had a very close relationship, you had been close friends since your grassroots team, Beth helped you through the year of your life you realised you were gay, and then when you crushed on your now girlfriend, your then national Captain. Beth felt bad the year you told her about your Dad, she knew something was off but you never told anyone, barely anyone stills knows the full story, but that day Beth and you promised that you would be there for each other forever, and that was true, she had been there during your trial and so much more, and you were there for her when Dan broke up with her, Beth was really your rock and you were hers. Beth moved to sit in the chair on the opposite side of the room, giving you both space, whilst also being there in case you needed it. 
“Are you okay?” Leah couldn't find the right words, but she knew deep down the wrong words were what you needed her to say, you weren’t going to break, and release it all otherwise.
“Of course I’m not fucking okay Leah,” you looked up at her, she hadn’t even flinch at your words, instead she pulled you in for a hug. Which caused hot angry tears to fall from your eyes “Why now, why couldn’t it have been a year ago, 3 years, hell any time after I was 12. It’s unfair, its fucking unfair,” you paused, and Leah slowly slid her back down against the wall, bringing you down with her, your legs either side of hers as you sat in her lap. Your eyes connected with her soft kind caring blue eyes, and you could see how her lips formed a soft kind reassuring smile. You broke, big fat tears streamed down your face, as you sobbed, Leah gently pulled your body forward, so you were no longer sitting up, but leaning on her, she placed your head into the crock of her neck, before moving her arm to wrap around you lower body, her other hand was placed on your back, her thumb moving up and down, as she whispered reassuring words in your ear. 
“W-why now, when I’ve already lived the hard life, when I’ve been through all that shit. When I’m already screwed up, when I already have trust issues, when I already doubt myself everyday, so much so that I do it unconsciously” you sobbed into her neck.
“I know baby, it's not fair, and it's not right. But I’m here now, and I’ve got you.”
“I-I I used to wish he would die, I used to imagine cops showing up at the door when it was later than he used to come home, them telling me and me not being upset. I used to hope he just wouldn't come back from work trips. I used to imagine people asking me why I wasn’t upset when he died. I used to think of the fact that he was an alcoholic so he wouldn't get a kidney or liver transplant, unless it was a directed donation. I had to say yes, how could I say no if I was a match, but how could I say yes. You know how fucked up you feel when you think that stuff, you know how messed up I thought I was, but that was all his doing. It's just unfair.”
You had calmed back down and decided to go see all the girls again, the only problem was that no one had realised what song was playing in the locker room, too deep in conversation to be aware of it.
Waking up but wishing that you don’t. It’s something that I pray you’ll never know.
A song that connected with you so deeply sent you back over the edge, and you quickly spun on your feet and speed walked away, Beth followed behind you.
“What the actual fuck were you thinking McCabe” you girlfriend yelled.
“Wha?” the room had gone quiet and attention was drawn to the music, “Oh fuck, shit, sorry, we werent listening to it, its just automatically come on. I promise, I wasn't trying to be funny, I wouldn't do anything like that to Y/N”
Leah just turned around packing your bag and hers, “Tell Jonas we’re going home.”
“Sorry” Katie yelled as Leah went down the hall.
Leah found you sitting in the middle of one of the side hallways. Beth’s arms were wrapped around you and your body was shaking.
“Come on baby, let's go home.” She said as she placed a hand on your back, Beth slowly released her arms around you, which Leah quickly replaced with hers.
“What’s on your mind? I know it's something more than your Dad” your girlfriend said as she sat down on the bed next to you, legs crossed and leaning back against the headboard. You had just arrived home.
“It's stupid.” you sighed, looking away from her eyes.
“I promise you, it's not stupid, it's your feelings, and your feelings are valid” she said, voice unwavering before pulling you into her lap.
“I don't know, I just feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.” “What do you mean baby?” “I don't know, I just feel like something is going to happen, like something is going to happen and you’re going to realise that this was all a mistake and leave. You’re going to get sick of constantly being second guessed for no reason just because I’m messed up, because I don’t believe someone could actually love me this much. You’re going to get sick of me, and all my insecurities, ” she pulled your body into hers, your head finding a place in the crock of her neck, tears started to fall from your eyes, causing her neck to become wet.
“Y/N, baby, I love you so much, and I promise, there is not another shoe that will drop, we have been through so much together, we got through those 9 months together, we got through the trial together, and I promise we will get through whatever life throws at us together, forever, we will go through the highs and lows together. I love you so much, and I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. I will never hurt you, I promise.” 
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axeoverblade · 1 year
Could you do headcanons about Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie having a tall and scary/intimidating s/o who is actually a big sweetheart? How they meet, first impressions, and dating stuff?? If that’s too much, no prob, alter it however you need to! :)
B. F. G
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ATSV! squad x gn! reader
Synopsis! Never judge a book by its cover
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none!
Word count: unavailable
Authors comment: BONUS:GWEN, super cute lol hope this is what you wanted enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ
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1610 MILES
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Bro is scared of nothing (think Simba from look king “I laugh in the face of danger”)
So when he sees you out on patrol, it throws him off that he became so on guard
You’re making the hairs on the back of his neck stand
Would never tell you this but at first you were gonna be a bad guy
So when you helped a lil kid cross the street and paid for them to get ice cream, he was a wee bit confused
Tailed you for a long time on different days, and always saw you doing good things .
So at first he develops a lil identity crush, not a romantic crush on you
Like he thinks it’s cool that you have this presence about you and it’s completely different from how you actually are
He meets you as spider man before as himself
You actually helped him, not a lot but enough where you interacted with him for a bit and he thanked you for helping
You just stopped a guy from stealing an older woman’s purse by tripping the thief and returning the purse
Miles saw it as you could be the next spider man
Suddenly you keep seeing spiderman all the time (totally by accident and not because he learned your routine)
Talk to him so often you develop nicknames for each other.
Been months since you’ve known him and he like is obsessed with you, full on in love and everything
So he decides to reveal who he is
Obv you accept him, give him a hug saying you won’t tell anyone
So now you guys hang out as friends
Casually flirts with you all the time (he’s trying so hard to make u like him even though u alr do)
Makes u meet his parents
miles forgot your looks don’t match your personality
His dad gave you that look
The one that screams “ stay away from my child and take your thuggish activities out this house” when you first walked in
kinda made you sad cause you thought they didn’t like you and you haven’t even talked to him yet
After they get to know you through the night his parents legit love you
Say how much of a good influence you must be on Miles and tell Miles to be more like you
Tell you to come by anytime
(They could easily tell miles likes you and vise versa but don’t say anything)
So Miles finally works up the balls to confess
Happy moments and a kiss
Overall good day
When your walking hand in hand down the sidewalk and keep getting weird stares because of the high contrast in your auras it confuses people
but then you and Miles both smile and its the same super big bright smile, people get why you’re together
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When he first saw you, standing as tall as him in the store with that “I’ll kill you if you come near me” energy he thought you would be an issue honestly
Thought you were cool but def though you were gonna try and fight anyone near you or something
He wasn’t in his suit cause he was washing it and was lowkey upset you caught him when he was just going to the store to restock his snacks instead of out on duty
But he was excited for what ever you were gonna do when you passed him because he wanted to fight today
“Accidentally” bumps into you to see how you respond
But when you smile at him sweetly, apologize, and keep it moving, bro is confused
Walks right back up to you and starts talking to you
Digs the inconsistency between your personality and your looks
Also digs just your looks
He thinks you're super attractive
Was quick to get with you, he knew he wanted you after that first convo at the store
You guys click so well aesthetically cause even though your brooding walking around and he looks all chill (and mischievous) like nothing can bother him, the way you two are holding hands with your thumb rubbing the back of each others palms is a dead give away you two are on the same page
Sometimes he sees you and is just like “you don’t match”
He never explains what he means by it but says it’s a good thing
Wasn’t scared at all to tell you he was spiderman
You two def go on swinging dates where he just takes you everywhere
Overall fun and happy times
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He was a little nervous when he first saw you
Not because of your energy but because he thought you didn’t like him
Like you looked like if anyone approached you, you would rip their head off
So maybe he was a wee bit scared of how you looked
But he knew better than to judge appearances. Bro is so intuitive that he doesn’t need a meesily appearance to tell him who you are on the inside
So he walks up to you and says hi
The big smile that graces your face makes him smile big too
Happy he followed his intuition to just approach you
At first you two are just good friends
Anytime you two are in public you get weird looks
Like what’s this jolly looking fellow doing with you
Then you laugh at his antics all happily and they get it
You actually confessed first
As “intuitive” as he was he didn’t notice your feelings
Doesn’t take him by surprise though
Oh my gosh he is so happy and pda-ing in public and everyone is like are you sure you two are supposed to be together
But then your face lights up with this look of joy every time you look at him and people have no choice but to mind their business
It’s a good thing opposites attract, even though personality wise you two are very similar
Really happy he approached you despite his fear otherwise he would’ve never met the love of his life
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Gwen thought you were cool at first
Your height is what would’ve intimidated her not your aura
Like she isn’t scared or anything, just a little bit more on guard around you
she first met you at one of the band get together cause you were one of the band members friends
She didn’t want to judge on appearance though so she tries her best to keep her opinion about you to a minimum until she actually talked to you
Happy she did
saw you get up and get waters for everyone because “we should stay hydrated”
Thought it was cute how sweet you were
She approaches you and you two become friends quick
You two meet up regularly outside of band meets
Wouldn’t tell you that she found you super attractive (and vise versa)
Like not even looks, just you as a whole
Gives her scary dog privileges honestly
Likes yes she can one hundred percent defend herself and is more than capable
But no one even looks her way anymore when your with her
Made her happy to be left alone in the streets now
So you actually have to confess first
Sweetest confession ever got her flowers
She ofc says yes cause she had a crush on you too
You bake together all the time, even if one of you are good or bad; or both are good or bad at baking, you two are having fun
Meeting her dad was a given
At first he could’ve sworn you were a murderer
wasn’t feeling you at all
Then he had a convo with you and was like “oh okay I get it”
He loves how sweet you are and hopes you rub off on his daughter cause “she isn’t nice enough to him”
Happy relationship :)
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serxinns · 1 month
I've got a devious angstish idea...
I luv yer blog btw..... platonic kisses >3<
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Ok ok ok post war arc, Shigaraki with a little sister(or gender neutral :shrug:) he (unintentionally since he was confident he'd win..ggs) left behind. Class 2-A finds little reader and they feel bad cause shes just a little kid but she absolutely hates them and does everything she can to make their lives 10x harder (esp for All might)
She runs off and torments the first year's too—they can't get under control at all but they try. (Quirk isn't decay rather than returning things to their original form but it doesn't work on people. Like reducing a shirt back into cotton for examle. They had to get her special gloves hehe.)
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A/n I got lazy with it so my apologies but I hope you enjoy!
Tw:MAJOR SPOILERS mentions of Shigaraki's death
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"Y/n! I know you're responsible for this! Come here this instinct!" Aizawa's voice raised as he was searching around for the culprit. You then appeared from behind him, startling him a bit with that mischievous smile plastered on your face "Y/n, did you draw all might is a killer on the bathroom stall?" Aizawa glared at the mess and then at you. "No, I would never-!" "stop the act, young lady. Iida saw you got out of the bathroom with a red marker." Aizawa cut you off as you dropped the innocent act and glared, "Stupid snitch.."
"And just for that, you are gonna clean up this mess and make an apology card for all might" You froze up you didn't want that MONSTER to an apology, especially for what he did to your big brother
The flashbacks of you crying out for your brother in the destruction and debris surrounding and collapsing onto each other the moment you realize that these heroes killed your big brother the way you collapsed onto the ground and cried your heart out while the green-haired boy was comforting you, the way Mr. Aizawa started at you with sympathy and wanted to give you a better life so he adopted you and now your here forced to go to a school Shigaraki hates but you promise yourself to avenge him you promise that heroes were gonna suffer for what they did to him even if it means giving everyone especially all might Grey hair
"I'm never gonna make one, especially to HIM out of all people, and you can't make me!" Aizawa groaned while gaining a headache from your usual everyday tantrums "If you don't go apologize I'll make you spend time with him again and this time it'll be longer than before your eyes froze and shuddered to hear that you hated that punishment so much that you were on your "best behavior" for a whole week without pulling any pranks on all night it was a very hard and suffering challenge but worth it
So in defeat, you grabbed the paper muttered something, and walked off in defeat in your and Eri's room (you two share the same room) closing the door behind
Time skip
"I'm done!" You shouted wanting to get this over with as Aizawa opened the door "ok now let's go to all might and give it to him" What Aizawa didn't know was that you held a mischievous smile on your face hiding it behind an innocent sweet smile
As the two of you open the door to see All Might reading a book with coffee in hand, he looks over to see you and almost chokes out his coffee. "The demon child!?" His eyes widen you notice a sense of fear on his face which makes your grin stretch even wider making the blonde male uncomfortable and praying for God to have mercy on him he cleared his throat "Why hello young Shigaraki is there anything you need" he softly smiled at you as your smile twitch a bit "Y/n here wants to give you a apologize card she made all herself" Aizawa nonchalantly said as he urge you to give it to him as you did and quickly running off to who knows where
Aizawa was about to stop, but all were reassured it was ok. "It's fine, shouta let them they were prob overwhelmed." Aizawa rolled his eyes at the excuse of you being overwhelmed. Yeah, right. "Plus, I bet you y/n made a lovely- oh.." just when All Might opened the card he stopped what he was saying and stared at the drawing you made it was a drawing of you hitting All Might with a hammer as the card read "Sorry to banging on your nerves!"
They both looked at each other in silence, still staring at the card. "Thar little sh-" Toshinori came to your defense, "It's ok, Shouta, they're just a child! Plus I think the card is cute... he reassured the teacher and signed wondering what was he gonna do with you as he heard screaming a maniacal laughter coming from Bakugo Katsuki cheering you on as he heard the 1st year screaming and pleading for mercy as you laughed mischievously Aizwa and Toshinori both stared at each other again thinking the same thing
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timaeuslover001 · 2 months
Why I HATE DBS Broly Film:
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Other than the disjointed story telling ….
It dehumanized the tragedy of the saiyan life under Freiza.
The original had a lot or be desired too but at least he did love his son, but he ants cruel to him when he WAS controllable .
His son had two personalities and his carzy side was growing more and more uncomfortable as he got older.all of this was brother form Trauma.
Instead he just has anger burgers and has a shock collar to “control” him which makes his situation less empathetic and sadder than a man who has no clue what’s going on and has an alternate personality.
I wish instead of King VEGETA it was Frieza who ordered it because that seemed much more likely because Frieza already was threatened and hated The Saiyans.
Only logical reason King Vegeta may have ordered it if it came from Frieza! But I highly doubt he’d stomach to do that to the babies.
Cuz what sense would a King do that to his own peopel and have them NOT revolt?!? Cuz imagine if he was successful to Get rid of Frieza?! King Vegeta would be GONE.
Hence prob why Freiza picked the planets the babies they got sent to.
But villainizing the father complex is the type of disrespectful storytelling I hate, Paraguay wasn’t perfect but he didn’t have the heart to kill his own KID!
I’m sure none of them , even Goku would have an easy time doing that.
How I would do the movie:
paragus losing control of broly, Broly attacks ANOTHER planet and some rouge survivor lives and that begs for Goku and Vegeta Help.
They help, realize how strong he is, they help but transport to another planet/moon/ with no people to avoid more damage.
Realize how strong he is , Paragus shows up and tries to control him but struggles because the head band isn’t working.
He even fights Goku and Vegeta when he sees them hitting his son. But they convince him that he needs to let him go and that Broly isn’t the same anymore.
They struggle some more and he even proves to be too run for them.
They do a lot of damage to the moon/planet thing .
Goku and Vegeta manage to knock Broly out and as the planet/moon self destructs and Paragus stays behind with his fallen son and they both die together , because all he wanted was peace for his son and now they can BOTH have it.
Cuz having him kill his son is too cruel and heartbreaking, but In a Tragic way they can both be together.
And mabey the spirit of broly can appear back to Goku at the end as a spirit as his normal self and whispers a soft spoken “Thank you”
Mabey Vegeta and Goku can even talk about it. Vegeta seemingly unsympathetic to Broly situation.
Goku goes home and gives a big bear hug to Gohan.
I mean no one had to be the “villian”
They’re both victims of Freiza cruel Reign on his people.
And even in the DBZ film version Paragus wasn’t a “villian” yea he was seeking revenge and using him but his son was ALIVE and he kept him close to him he could have let him loose AGES ago and cause havoc on the cosmos alone but he didn’t, he wanted him to be close to him.
Broly can still be sweet and soft spoken and gentle when not crazy but don’t make his father be the cause of it. 🙄 Freiza is a terrible enough person to be the cause of anyone suffering.
I think Broly is way too OP anyway, but I love the tragedy a of the situation and how his trauma as a child made him what he is and have him this alternate personality.( in mo way do people with D.I.D. Have a nurderous personality trait that’s a possibility , that never happens in real life but for fantasy purposes I’ll allow it )
ngI don’t know how their going to keep his trauma childhood🤔 cuz Broly almost got killed at night time in the movie and planet Vegeta exploded RIGHT during the assasination attempt. Which contradicts the Bardock film when planet Vegeta exploded during the DAY.
Ugh….akira Toyinama🤦‍♀️ bad memory strikes again ….
not to mention diminishes Goku specialness of being a super saiyan.
And Living distant other than Goku and Vegeta is always nice to see too.
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Headcanons about Sakamaki and Mukami hands please 🙏
touch by touch: sakamaki and mukami hands headcanons
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tw: a bit nsfw
-his hands are rough... but not as rough as what you'd imagine cause he carries this small tube of hand cream that he uses as his mini perfume
-however, you can feel his calluses due to playing the violin. well he doesn't play that much anymore but the calluses are still there to remind him of the child he was back then
-but boy what he does with his fingers will make you wild (I'll leave it up to your imagination 😉)
-one might think Reiji's hands are soft bcos he always maintains cleanliness everywhere he goes
-nah his hands are dry like the Sahara desert cause of his frequent usage of alcohol c/o of the things he experiments
-would even try to compensate for these dry hands by using gloves while washing the dishes like those Asian moms (mommyreijiinthehouse)
-so yeah he's the typical rough hand that could touch your skin and make you melt as he chokes you into oblivion bcos he wants you to subject to him
-hmm sometimes his hands are sweaty especially when he's nervous and that is really rare or maybe his hands are sweaty due to excitement or adrenaline rush cause our red boy's full of spunk
-he actually takes care of his hands tho, especially his nails bcos basketball players aren't allowed to have long nails
-would even go as far as to apply a clear shiny coat on them bcos he doesn't like seeing them chipped off
-even got Yui into doing this kind of thing bcos couple goals ✨
-as someone who is a fan of fingers and such, this purple gremlin takes care of his hands
-after all, he knows how hands can have a significant impact on the way you touch and tease someone
-doesn't matter if his hand is composed of paper pale skin or bony fingers that look like they can easily bend and break as long as he manages to ghost you with his touch
-yeah like his touches and carrases are gentle but the way he skins you alive with his knife is harsh and painful
-also uses a hand cream with the same brand like Shuu's
-this guy has prob the most beautiful hands out of all bros like he really takes care of them
-yeah bcos this beautiful boy wants to do anything that would make him the center of attention
-his hands are not too bony nor muscular??? they're just the perfect fit
-well until he decides to do something terrible to you with them
-you know those hand descriptions that say "rough and muscular with veins protruding"?
-yep that's our bby car right here
-like his whole body, even his hands, should show any amount of rage he always keeps inside like the constipated man he is
-ofc there are a few bruises here and there
-as if they don't heal cause pureblood vampire genes
-guess how many people he has killed with them
-papercuts, lots of them
-I wanna say something interesting like rough with a few bony fingers and veins popping up every time he cuts a vegetable
-but nah all this guy has are papercuts
-the same with Laito
-like btch he has an idol image to maintain so might as well take care of any part of his body so he could sell well
-talk abt exploitation jk
-he actually practiced giving himself manicures for years until he can finally flaunt them btchass fingernails 💅
-even got the signature Doja Cat nails bcos he found out some idols use them to pick their nose
-eventually removed them cause it only makes his nose bleed
-BIG 👀
-like I swear when he spreads it out, it covers Azusa's whole face and his bros would reprimand him to be careful with them
-cause one tight grasp of his hands and he'll be sending someone to the hospital soon
-he accidentally broke one of his classmates bones by trying to pull them when they're about to get bumped by the crowd during cultural festival
-wounds everywhere
-I swear all of em are traced like constellations in the sky but this time constellations on his bony hands
-prob even named them after constellations too
-"Ruki what does this one look like?"
-"like Spica"
-"okay your name is Spica"
-but he will realize soon enough that it's futile to have wounds in his hands bcos it hinders movement
-so he went back to his bff Justin and added more friends there so he won't be lonely 🫂
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Waazzup lol
Giant siren au
Antonio meet human child ( his age) im just curious to see how these completely different species of kids or babies interact with each other ( I don’t know how old Antonio is) it could probably start off with the human kid being lost and scared and antonio sorta goes hakuna matata just cheering him up or up to you how it goes, I just wanna see the interaction lol your ideas are better. (Maybe this would be one of the closest friendships between human and siren or up2u)
Also what r the giant siren madrigals fav sea food if they have any
from what i saw on one of yo asks, I can just imagine Luisa holding a human whos freaking out and she’s like “ what’s so dangerous about this tiny thing” Isa: idk 🤷‍♀️
Speaking of which What really scares them about humans? I mean these sirens are HOOGE right?
This one’s a little fun, joke au
Giant mer augustin meets jack sparrow
j: I gotta jar of dirt 🤪
Augustin: ( is just super interested cause there’s mostly sand in Encanto, and also cause a human finally doesn’t run off… cuz jacks crazy probs)
This mer Encanto au is awesome 👏 nice work 👍
Up to you if ya wanna do this ask lol no rush time is precious
Of course I can answer <333 so Antonio is 5. Still the same age, Giant sirens only age weird when they grow outta their shells 🤠 as for interacting with kids, he essentially views him as another siren guppy. He doesn’t actually know he’s human until they’re swimming and the human kid has to keep going up for water. But he really likes him.
Human children are actually viewed as harmless. And giant sirens actually feel the need to protect them, especially if they’re alone. Often, they’ll try and protect the child from adult humans, even their parents. This can result in human children being taken from the shore, which is a big factor in the giant sirens and humans beef. Giant sirens don’t think human children are fit to be with adult humans, and will only return them if the child is obviously distressed, albeit reluctantly. Human children have been found in giant shells before when returned.
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Madrigals like she’ll fish, like crabs, and lobsters. Deep sea fish are liked as well ⁉️⁉️ Specifically, off the top of my head. Isabela, Julieta and Camilo like giant squid. Pepa, Dolores, Agustín, Mirabel and Antonio likes shark. Bruno, Luisa, Fèlix and Alma like orca <333
Fear wise, Giant sirens know that humans can make things that can kill them. And for decades, centuries even, humans have hunted giant sirens for fun. It’s not as common anyway, but it still happens. And humans have made huge, and I mean massive spears that came launched into a sirens chest, which will instantly kill them. Not even a second to process, it’s an instant death. Giant Sirens don’t like ships. So they will crash them if the feel they have to.
Agustín would be very confused. Very 😭 another reason to find humans in general harmless. They’re so goofy, he doesn’t understand the fear. Besides hunters of course.
I’m glad you like the AU⁉️⁉️
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bohemian-nights · 9 months
can we talk about how it was book daemon that spoke out against just attacking KL with all of their dragons and said that they should fight smart? show!daemon would never and i hate how they ruined him. in the book he's incredibly cruel, yes, but also strategic, intelligent. when he was a young man he was hotheaded and impulsive but by the time of the dance he was in his 50's, more mature and calm. in the show they made him into a bloodthirsty lunatic to make maegora look good. and it's funny considering how in the book it was rhaenyra that was wayyy more vengeful , impulsive and bloodthirsty. they had to ruin every single character in hotd to make maegora look good because in f&b she's literally the worst. like she's the villain of the entire dance she's insane.
i loved book alicent and her anne Boleyn vibes so muchhh ! book alicent actually fit the "girlboss" stereotype so much more than miss maegor so of course they had to ruin her character completely.
and the whole "friendship" plot? what is this bs???? i wanted anne boleyn vs bloody mary! why do people assume that feminism is always about how men are the true villains and women are the hopeless victims? rhaenyra and alicent are not victims, they are overprivileged power-hungry women that hated each other's guts and were the leaders of their factions. they are not friends. they were never friends. there is no need for them to be friends. this is so stupid.
nettles is one of my fav characters and i'm terrified for my girl. they will prob make her a "victim" of daemon or vilify her to make maegora and dumbmyra look good. rhaenyra was always the villain in nettles story, she's racist and tries to kill netty even though she never betrayed her and fought for her cause (while miss maegor sat on her ass in dragonstone).
maegora was so useless during the dance, she did NOTHING. that's prob why i lean towards team green - say what you will about aegon, (i'm not even talking about the show version of him) he fought until the very end.
Everything you said anon x1000 👏🏽This show really has become the how Miss Maegor(and to a slightly lesser extent Alicent) was wronged by the patriarchy show. Everything else has been put on the back burner, storylines, and characterization have been taken away to prop up this racist flop. She is the opposite of a girl boss(yep book!Alicent fits that description better).
I’m not going to get into how other characters have been butchered, had their light dimmed, or look outright idiotic to make Missy Anne look better(Aegon, Laena, Baela, Rhaena, Helaena, hell even some of Corlys and Rhaenys actions don’t make sense). Or how certain characters who show the true nature of her character are nowhere to be found(Nettles; her almost victim).
Daemon wasn’t perfect in the books, but he comes off as almost mentally unstable in the show. At best one can liken him to a spoiled toddler throwing tantrums and lashing out cause his big bro doesn’t love him/ solely focus all his attention on him. They are actively taking away what little redeeming qualities he has(competent military man, loving husband to Laena, Nettles🙃) to turn him into some big baddie.
Alicent has been made into a weak and confused woman when she was a fully functioning capable woman in the books. To be honest, Olivia Cooke’s acting is probably saving this character because her actions from episode 8 on don’t make any sense. (Why the hell would anyone still want to be friends with someone who cared less about their child being maimed)?
Ryan keeps saying Fire & Blood is biased(debatable considering we have three different accounts of events and one of them is from someone who would lick Miss Maegor’s butt free of charge), but the version of the Dance he’s telling definitely isn’t the truth. This is crap borderline fanfiction(I’ve read better fanfiction).
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b1adie · 4 months
Hi there Adri, I hope you have a good day!
So I saw that total cutie Blade on tiktok and looked up his lore on Wikipedia but it's completely confusing to me, I know basics of hsr lore like mara or aeons cause my roommate rambles about it 24/7 but I don't play this game yet and roommate doesn't care about Blade so they ignore all his voicelines etc...
Came to tumblr to find out more and I saw your blog in tag + in your faq you stated you don't mind lore questions...
So please ignore it if you don't want to answear but could you explain to me Blade's lore more or less?
I'm so sorry if I came out as pushy, I know it's probably a complicated lore and a lot to write about but even watching cutscenes on yt didn't make anything clearer while I feel like this guy could make me play hsr... Sorry for anon, I'm a bit shy.
no prob, i’ll try and explain his story as simply as possible!! and.. add a tldr cuz i know im gonna yap
im sorry the tldr got long too. here.
TLDR was TL, DR: craftsman/blacksmith human named yingxing that became cursed with immortality while participating in a fucked up resurrection ritual for one of his friends. was killed thousands of times til he became mara struck and forgot his past human life. got picked up by the stellaron hunters cuz their leader apparently knows a way to permanently kill him and he wants to die so bad. he didnt know his name but he has a cool sword so they call him bladie. he’s old and he apparently has a valid drivers license and obeys traffic laws but he cant play video games because he keeps stabbing himself in the hand.
iffff you have any further questions you can ask ^_^
TLDR; he was. regular human who was taken to the xianzhou as a child after abominations of abundance destroyed his home world. he picked the name yingxing there. he grew up to be a master craftsman and was incredibly skilled and confident, even considered arrogant. since he was a short life species on a ship of people who would live like 700 years longer than him on avg, they found him lame and annoying, but he was better than all of them at making shit so they had to give him the title of Furnace Master cuz he won it. then at some point he became a member of the high cloud quintet, made up of him and 4 friends (jing yuan, jingliu, dan heng’s past incarnation dan feng, and a foxian girl named baiheng). they fought abominations together and were considered legendary and told about in stories. but, baiheng was killed in battle, and dan feng wanted to revive her. he asked yingxing to help him. the revival went wrong and turned baiheng’s remains into a fucked up beast and also cursed yingxing with immortality. jingliu had to put the baiheng monster down, but she loved baiheng so much and having to be the one to kill her mutated corpse like this drove her to become mara struck. she killed yingxing with the sword he made for her, and then again, and again, killing him thousands of times, until he too became mara struck and forgot his life as yingxing entirely. then the stellaron hunters found his miserable ass in the woods somewhwre and said hey grandpa come with us and we’ll kill you for good. and he was like damn okay if you promise. he didnt know his own name and said he would be more use to them as a weapon than a Person, so kafka started calling him bladie and he didnt object so now he’s called blade. he doesn’t think of that as his name though, he still refers to himself as “the unnamed.” but like, he’ll answer to it out of convenience i guess.
he was born a regular human on a planet that was soon taken over by the borisin (basically immortal space wolves that brutally kill humans). he was the only survivor of his family and sitll a child. he was taken to the xianzhou zhuming and taken under the wing of their arbiter general, huaiyan. (so like, basically the jing yuan of that ship). he took on the name Yingxing there. he became an apprentice craftsman because the xianzhou is very well known for its forging and craftsmanship. he was always generally overlooked or sneered at due to being a short-life species, which of course meant he could never accomplish as much as any of the long-lived xianzhou people. he was wildly ambitious, though, often described as proud and arrogant, mentioned to have stayed awake for days at a time engrossed in his work. xianzhou natives attempted to sabotage his work by deliberately giving him defective or poor-quality material, but it never held him back. despite all the adversity, he became the Furnace Master, the highest title a craftsman can hold on a xianzhou ship.
when he was still a young kid, he’d met a foxian girl named baiheng. they met again some years later, along with jingliu, the champion swordmaster on the luofu, jing yuan, a young cloud knight and her apprentice, and dan feng, the high elder of the luofu vidyadhada. they all hit it off and became very close friends. yingxing forged special weapons for each of them, and the five fought against the abominations of abundance. they became known as the high cloud quintet.
they had a great time for many years, but the rest of them were all going to outlive him by centuries. they Should have, at least. baiheng was killed in battle, having done so protecting them in some way (distracting the enemy or interrupting them i believe?). dan feng decided they should take her remains along with some cursed abundance flesh and try to resurrect her. he convinced yingxing to join him in his wacky little plan. yingxing was like 70 by then hauling his old ass to go do some scary ritual.
they tried to resurrect her and did bad. instead of baiheng, they created a cursed dragon beast that started wreaking havoc and killing people. jingliu arrived in time to put the beast down. but. she was very, very close with baiheng. like obviously its not outright spoken canon, but they were basically married. so killing the mutated beast made from her wife’s corpse caused her to become mara struck. she killed yingxing as he stood in front of dan feng.
but! due to him fucking with that cursed abundance flesh during the resurrection, he came back to life. (and also got like 40 years younger apparently). jingliu took him with her somewhere and used the sword he made for her to kill him thousands of times, until he too became mara struck and forgot all memories of his life as yingxing.
then she kind of just dumped him in the wilderness somewhere or he escaped and went to the wilderness somewhere. he didnt know his name or anything, just that every part of him was constantly in agonizing pain and he could not die, despite badly wanting to die so the pain would end.
one day while he was out there, kafka and samfly showed up and tried to get him to join the stellaron hunters. he was mara stricken and batshit crazy thought so kafka had to shoot him to death and have samfly hold him down while she used her ability to calm his mara. she told him their leader knew a way to kill him permanently, and would help him reach this goal if he joined them. and he was like oh well in that case sure. she asked him his name, and he said he didn’t have one. (even in his internal monologue, he only ever refers to himself as ‘the unnamed.’) he told her he was more of a weapon than a person, so she was like. ummm.. okay. i’m calling you bladie. and he just let her do that and now everyone calls him blade
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raionmimi · 1 year
I love your art of Setanta and Medb Lily, is there any evidence of them actually being childhood friends in the Ulster Cycle?
Short answer: Not exactly, it was just me piecing together timelines that are extremely vague and plot points that would make way more sense if fleshed out more. So I started making comics based on my childhood and kids I know for a surreal idealization that would be the catalyst for their problems when they fight in the war
Long Answer:
All that I know is that Fergus is 20-ish years older than Conchobar. Conchobar is older than Medb, who would have to have been in the 10~16 range and been officially married at 15-16. (I’m assuming she’d be about 17-18 when divorced because she was forced to bear an heir) Cú was 5 when he came to Ulster and about 7-10 when he left, but it’s never mentioned that the two talked to each other at that time since it’s not relevant to the story
But it would make sense that they met considering their relationship to Conchobar, who was Medb’s betrothed and Cu’s uncle. Even further, Cu’s warp spasm when he was 7 was stopped by Mugain, who was Medb’s sister. Meaning, Medb was probably there when it occurred, but there wasn’t a reason to mention her
Then in one story, Cú and his friends decide to get Medb and Ailill to be judges for their “Who’s the best warrior” competition. They figured they’d be the most fair, but this was prior to the war. How would they be familiar with the Connacht rulers since Cú doesn’t really spend much time with official political shenanigans? All three had to have known of Medb and Ailill before this event. Since Medb often hosted people from other kingdoms, namely Ulster, they probably have all visited her nation before
It all kind of leads back to Cú knowing Medb personally, which could give more emphasis and weight as to why he listened to all her demands/schemes and refused to harm/fight her in the war. It’s unknown if he knew what abuse was happening to her when she was married to his uncle or what his uncle did to her after they got divorced. BUT we do know his uncle directly confronted Cú and demanded him to kill Medb, and Cú said he refused to his face
Then you have Fate’s interpretation. Medb is treated more like a troublesome neighbor rather than a threat. Cú lets her off with a slap on the wrist more than anything. He tells you in a voiceline that Medb is one of the women he broke a promise to so he wants to be more reliable this time. Fate has never mentioned what promise he made Medb, even though you can guess what he probs promised Emer, Scathach, and maybe Morrigan. Medb says she wants to dominate Cú but she never does much to actually do that because there’s some invisible line drawn that she herself put down
In my brain, it makes sense that there is something connecting the two with an unsaid past. One that drives Medb to having mixed feelings about Cú (both hating him but not being able to leave him alone) and Cú to feeling like he has to be there for Medb. Something that neither really wants to talk too much about, and especially not with each other
The easiest connection would be them being friends at a young age when they met in the Ulster kingdom. They’re both lowkey unwelcomed as Conchobar abuses Medb for her refusal to yield to him, and he didn’t even want Setanta to join his army at first. He kind of hates and fears both of them. Makes sense for them to just be regular kids together to set up the dynamic change for later.
A shattered friendship is one of the most devastating things that could happen to a child growing up, and could easily warp to an obsessive hatred and lingering guilt. Leads to feelings like “You betrayed me,” “Why didn’t you take me with you?” or “I wasn’t there for you, I need to make up for it.”
I like tragicomedies a lot, so I think it’s the best foundation for both causing and healing the severe rift between them when they’re older
So no, there’s no actual source material that would outright say that they’re childhood friends, it’s just something that would make the most amount of sense when you go back and align the dots. At least to me in my brain
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
heyyyy im making a pinned post as that is a feature and seems good to keep info all in one place esp for ppl on mobile
❤️im brave!! or rua works if u want to but brave is by far the most popular name i go by. he/him pronouns
❤️art commissions/art trades are NOT on the table rn sadly. i used to offer commissions and did art trades with friends but for the most part im really busy with work/health conditions. if i have a bit of free time i may change this or make a few exceptions on a case by case basis depending on my schedule. for the most part tho i just want my art to be a stress relief activity
❤️art requests i do take from time to time now, but there is no guaranty i will take it. please do not spam requests hoping i’ll do it and please do not get mad if i don’t do it. they’re requests for a reason. if i am particularly inspired i’ll be happy to get around to it if life lets me
❤️technically multifandom blog i would say, mostly i have been focused on the elder scrolls series lately. you will probably see me rb stuff from like, a bunch of series. if this changes i’ll prob edit this post LMAO (i do not control the special interest)
❤️not just an art blog but also personal. my art can be found in my #my art tag. wips can sometimes be found scattered on my twitter if they arent on here. and writing that i publish can be found on my ao3 (though i have like a million wips that dont get published and be warned much of my ao3 is rated E and not for everyone)
❤️ been doing a lot of oc posting so i can do a run down of them currently for anyone that wants to follow along/know the lore:
/// OCS ///
(under cut)
🌟 Eyja: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. past life incarnation was konahrik, alduin’s head priest, murdered by miraak. uses a bow and magic primarily. story can be found here
🌟 Senna: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. proud two handed weapon user and leader of the companions. fought and lost to the world eater who took her back to his den and make her his partner. proof prophecy can be a complicated thing. story can be found here.
🌟 Baldur: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, he/him. grew up on the streets stealing to survive, and certified trans of gender. fought and lost to the world eater who decided to force baldur to be his champion. helps him take over skyrim. story not yet published but will prob contain a lot of mentions of transphobia as a cw :(
🌟 Ansa: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. orphaned at a young age, and just a weird, feral child. learned to steal, and ended up joining the thieves guild. killed mercer and turned the guild over to karliah and is helping rebuild it when she finds a weird rock that turns out to be a dragon egg. story not yet published
🌟 Ahkrinaak: general elder scrolls oc, he/him/any pronouns. he is based off me as a sort of self insert/persona character purely for comedy, not a serious au. dragon/god who was corrupted in the war with lorkhan/shor and became more so an agent of lorkhan. he spends most of his time pretending to be a mortal and causing problems. he’s just sillay. looks like a falmer/snow elf and nord hybrid making pretty much everyone just in general uncomfortable. dragons dont have gender he just likes tits. divorced with alduin
🌟 Lyre: not a skyrim oc (yet) but my beloved dnd character i have made a million aus for, including one that has turned into a full on novel lmao. will update everyone when i start uploading the novel (its not gonna be too serious just a fun lil webnovel that is pg rate) and you can see me post illustrations for. depending on the AU uses either he/him or she/her. i just think theyre neat
🌟 Anthial: nerevarine bosmer, tired, angry, nb spellsword. he/them pronouns. just wants to cover their entire body until you cant tell what gender they are. vivec never got them the drink he owed them. was convinced as nerevar that voryn never liked them back all that much. had an open marriage with almalexia. this incarnation was emotionless and lacked a moral compass due to the betrayal in their past life.
🌟 Steren: nerevarine, technically. not actually the reincarnation of nerevar, but the reincarnation of nerevar’s son. nerevar never reincarnated bc he was too busy haunting his descendants, too upset to move on. steren has a couple of aus but mostly its him with vivienne the dragonborn who belongs to @mulberrycafe. calls voryn “ata” and nerevar “dad” because he technically grew up in cyrodiil but remembers his first lifetime in bits and pieces where voryn raised him for the first few years.
feel free to send asks abt my ocs i love answering them
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Yeah yeah Breg wants to be a dad and all. But how would he be as a dad lowkey??? Like is mans real ready for somethin like that? Its just so cute and funny for me to imagine though lol
This 8ft monster and this tiny baby. Like genuinely tiny. And small. And very vulnerable.
Thinkin bout whether he’d be the kinda dad to try and get the baby to say Dada as their first word or mama-
I do wonder if he can even handle when the kid starts gettin real rebellious and emotional. Like im sure he readied himself for this moment, and cause Reader would warn him bout soon enough their babys gonna say mean things and do hurtful / weird / dangerous + stupid shit. But itd probs hurt when the kid starts saying I hate yous and insults or something when they fight.
Bet he’d dread the day the baby actually grows up and leaves the nest and all that. Ooo as for potential lovers for the kid, would he approve???
Btw i just imagine when the baby has to get their shots and Breg is there watchin reader holdin the baby gettin injected with the needle and as soon as the baby starts crying he prob cries.
In the masterlist, there's a couple of posts that describe how Breg handles parenthood, in different settings of course. Such as Breg with an obsession who takes in a baby breeder, Breg and a "miracle pregnancy", and Breg with a single parent s/o. I think those are useful to give you a basic gist of things.
In general, is Breg ready to be a dad? No, fuck no. Maybe to a breeder hatchling he is, but to a human child? Not even close. He desperately wants to be a dad and has a very optimist mindset about it. The breeder is very willing to learn, but it'll be a challenge.
Whether the bay says "dada" or "mama", he's still overjoyed.
Anything that has to do with hospitals and doctors is extremely stressful for Breg, and he's going to be glued to your back the entire time, wanting to get things over with as soon as possible. The crying has him so tense he might just pop. His skin is constantly flickering and he'll snap at anyone who touches you two without warning. He never quite grows out of this, and you'll have to explain to the kiddo why daddy is so tense around hospitals, in a really soft and age-appropriate way naturally.
Breg has seen many tantrums in his unfortunate time within the facility. Ugly ones, things that mark you, from adults. He can handle most tantrums the kid throws at him without getting scandalized, but the "I hate you"s will kill him inside. Breg won't physically snap at them, but he does leave the situation, instead of addressing and chastising the kid. He's very, very concerned about safety and fights between peers especially, his tendency to shelter needs to be rebuffed every now and then. It'll calm him down if you invest in self-defense classes for the little one.
Lovers are scrutinized lightly, all things considered. Up until heartbreak happens. Oh boy, he's not going to enjoy dealing with that. Remember, Breg is yandere, he will kill for his child if he deems it necessary. While they're underaged, he can and will constantly warn them that mates have to be very carefully chosen and that they're not ready for that. As an adult, the breeder won't interfere too much in his kid's choices, but he will have a couple of tense, definitely threatening conversations with their partner. You know him by now, don't let this happen.
Leaving the nest always hurts, for most parents really. Distract the breeder or he will help himself to your kid's new place, just to make sure everything's okay. I can only picture your poor kid rolling their eyes as they open the front door to Breg snooping around, and then you have to come by to pick your dumbass up.
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AKA - Break a leg, kid! (Sanji's bad day)
AKA AKA - a blond and a red-leg walk into a bar
AKA AKA AKA - how many pirates does it take to sew up a swordsman? (answer: just one, if he's also a chef)
my episode 5 reaction
Luffy just straight up dissociating over here. A grand start to the episode
Will the trope of someone about to do surgery asking for alcohol and then drinking it ever not be funny? I don't know, but I don't want to live in a world where it isn't
Mihawk wears cowboy boots 👢
I'm so glad they don't call him Hawkeye all the time like they do in the anime. Dracule Mihawk is an objectively amazing name - why the hell would he need a nickname?
Luffy cleaning Zoro's swords + his mental spiral/rant about wanting Zoro to recover is such a gut wrenching moment.
Love me a group of grown men making fun of a child. Poor tiny Sanji has already been through enough guys (as we learn much later in the series) and then Zeff tries to add oregano to his food? The inhumanity of it all!
Just two guys, stuck on a rock, trying to not starve to death. Just a guy watching a bratty kid walk away with all their food. Just a child, laid out in the sun, waiting to die. Just a pair of survivors, dreaming of a restaurant in the middle of the ocean. Just a-
(warning for gross) but like, Zeff was planning on dying and letting Sanji eat his corpse, right? And if they were stuck there for 85 days... what did they eat? Did they finish eating his leg? Bc that seems like the only option. How am I the only one wondering this??
Ngl I don't get the fairy tale Nami reads to Zoro. Maybe that's why I don't get her perspective. Cause she's yelling at Luffy and it's clear that she's upset, but on what planet could Luffy have stopped Zoro from going after Mihawk?
Koby is over here, trying to be helpful by asking Garp to accept his grandson for who he is. Which Garp obvs takes to mean, "if he wants to be a pirate so damn badly, then I'll treat him like a pirate. And kill him"
Meanwhile Arlong slams open the door, late to the party with his Starbucks, ready to make everything worse for everyone.
Luffy trying to talk to an unconscious Zoro - so soft, so pure.
"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me" must sting. Poor Nami. Everything she's running from is catching up, and here's Luffy literally running at them
HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE THERES AN EAR IN THE BAND OF YOUR HAT?? He was just repairing the hat last episode!!
Ok Nami I get it. I get it, right. But telling Arlong to drop him in the sea is such a fucked up thing to do. I can only think that she has faith that one of the crew would go and save him. That has to be it, right?
Nami changing into a slinkier outfit when she goes back to Arlong's crew is Noted.
And there's Sanji, diving into the water to save Luffy, a guy he literally just met. Did he realize that Luffy couldn't swim?
Garp makes his stupid little speech wearing his stupid little dog hat. What is with these ppl wearing animals on their head?
Helmeppo looking over at Koby when he hears about the new plan bc he's caught the friendship bug and it's given him a bad case of feelings
Luffy going to Zoro at his lowest moment to say 'i need you right now. I need you back' is so pure. And of course Zoro wakes up for him
Love me a man who wears a full suit to join his new pirate crew. And when he has a beautiful, emotional goodbye with his father figure? Sanji cries and I cry and we all cry about found families.
The return of Buggy! Poor Sanji is standing at the back, prob wondering what the fuck he's gotten himself into
I'm saving the last two episodes for tomorrow. And once I've finished season one, I'll prob go back to watching the anime. I was at episode 60 I think
Onwards and upwards
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hot-soop · 2 years
bts as hot fuzz characters
this is inspired by the belly-aching conversation i just had with @ugh-yoongi
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Seokjin - Simon Skinner
loves a joke, particularly wordplay. chaotic neutral. gets away with anything because he's dripping in charisma. great legs. athletic. has minions (yoonkook) to do his bidding at any given moment. everyone who knows him loves him despite frankly absurd levels of obnoxiousness (we know it's all a front but do genpop?). would k word people if necessary (ie a bad performance in a play). baddie attitude at every single social event.
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Yoongi - Arthur Webley keeps to himself, minds his business, will chop down that hedge if it obstructs a lovely view. values comfort over style. man of few words who sometimes murmurs so much even the translators have a hard time understanding him. good with a gun (yoonji i'm lookin at u, girl). bit pasty. nice hat. prob has a weird enormous collection hidden in the basement. constantly pulling a wtf expression. pretty much done with everything. bit grouchy sometimes, bless him, could do with a nap
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Hoseok - The Living Statue golden child, always smiling, sadly not surprising he's one of the first to be killed off because he's got no survival skills, ie way too trusting. man of many talents. a performer through and through - right until the end. never said a bad word about anyone. always impeccably dressed. nobody knows what he’s really thinking. love him. slay king 💅🏻
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Namjoon - Nicholas Angel take no bullshit attitude, holds a grudge and will make it petty. classic witty one-liners that people quote years later. loves plants. always looking for the truth. good-lawful. wouldn't say no to a cornetto. idk about guns but i bet he could ride a horse. certainly no problems with bikes. remembers EVERYTHING. always has a backup plan, small circle of friends but he loves them to the moon and back. looks kinda dangerous sometimes, that stare...yanno?
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Park Jimin - Doris Thatcher a FLIRT. a PERSONALITY. small and scrappy. Sandford’s It Girl. everyone loves doris just like everyone loves jimin. great smile, proud of his chest just like doris. will always laugh over an innuendo. looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you.
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Kim Taehyung - Tim Messenger very sweet, makes little mistakes sometimes and that's ok cause he’s just adorable. thinks outside the box. v concerned about honesty. looks at the bigger picture and no one really gets what's happening until it's over. always on the money despite seemingly unaware of the world around him. wanna put him in my pocket
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Jungkook - Danny Butterman v endearing. surprisingly capable at everything even though you thought he wasn't listening during the briefing. likes manly men and cool things and superheros. highkey 12 years old in a 25 year old body. really really in love with Nicholas Angel/Namjoon. loyalty to those he loves. good at impressions. loves ice cream, looks cute in a cowboy hat. has that vacant expression sometimes and u know he’s daydreaming about something utterly bizarre
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occultopossum · 1 year
Gonna be talking about the owl house spoilers below
biiiig long ramble
One yes I very much cried very much. Two I am so so so happy with the ending and how satisfying a lot of the epilogue felt with their narrative. While yes there were some b plots/loose ends I would of loved to see wrapped up, its not the *point*. The ending and show wrapped up the stories for the main characters so well. I am really hoping we do get some sort of Q&A for the stuff they couldn't fit in for time/pacing of the story
Like would of liked a little more closure for Caleb and his story, but I get why that wasn't included cause making it about Hunter. Caleb is dead and Hunter being his own person and not a remnant of him. So narratively it does make sense.
I looove love love that Odalia was handled the way she was. That there was no excuse, no tragedy, or way to try to make her redeemable. No 'i was like this because of x'. No her kids got to go *presumably* no contact. No hint of her being in their lives or trying to reconcile cause she's family. (and darius/alador dispelling that even more)
That alador is working on it and each of the blight kids have lil homages to him, and the touches on his belt with each of their symbols. Live for Eberwolf and Hunter getting to talk about wolfs fits so well,
How overwhelmingly queer the ending was with found family, and acceptance and just how many queer relationships and identities were shown unambiguously and how I know that would not even be something I couldn't of imagined seeing 10 years ago.
That so so many of the tropes that kinda sour an end were so nicely side stepped
not everyone deserving forgiveness
making it clear rebuilding took a lot of time
not having to choose between found family and birth family
while luz lost her powers she adapted and found alternatives
that Eda/Lilith were never 'cured' of the curses in the end, and stayed a part of them/living with it *same for eda's arm there wasn't a 'magic' fix'.
god that they didn't kill off collector for dramatic/sacrifice and acknowledge just a child and needs to learn/grow
no redeeming belos or giving him dignity/letting him turn into a martyr *and that epilogue touch of Lilith w/ the library showing they're reclaiming the history/narrative of the boiling isles
and no 'chosen one' luz earned it cause she chose it and worked for it not was destined
Lil touches I've would loved to see/or hoped get I get some answers on but get why it wasn't touched on in the ending (pacing and they weren't essential characters)
the coven heads palisman (saw raine had theirs)
would of loved to see how hooty and eda met or lil more hooty in the end since was there w/ the core group
would of just loved to see what happened to the rest of the coven heads, just cause I thought some of em were super neat (but thats my affinity to bg characters)
the hopes to aid the witches that were petrified (But def v non essential to the finale but shows hopefully w/ being able to remove the sigils) but obs the ending still showing lots of things changing and still healing even after 4 years
I feel like if things weren't cut so short would of gotten to see a lot more expansion on Raine, Collector, and Vee . Since the lil photos def feel like stuff they wanted to have more time for
(probs why some of their plot lines seemed a lil hastily in collector and raines)
Like I wish there would be more in that setting but kinda feels like thats a 0 chance with Dana leaving disney/how they treated the show. I wish creators had any way to keep their ips then it falling into a cooperate vault forever
like this just skims the feelings i have about it (titan luz was so good and the animation was amazing)
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ireallymisscoffee · 2 years
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there's a few things I'l like for joel? (tlou 2 spoilers in the last point)
first off, people traveling with him / give us someone to watch joel's back and help getting ellie where she's supposed to be
or it's before and instead of tess, joel and tommy met your muse and y'know
i... this one would take plotting and a bunch of talking, but like.. while knowing joel is old, i'd like for him to have a child? old people get kids all the time XD i don't mean adopting a 14 year old brat ;) i mean like.. y'know? his actual own child. like, all of it. the emotional distress, the happiness, the healing - companionship with the partner, i want it all
what if the cure actually could've been made without killing ellie? (let's say like, it wasn't just a big-ass maybe and the way to do it was harmless af. what then? (for ellies probs)
joel is a bit of a prude, so this would be slow burn and all, but give us guys pls, while i love every muse loving joel, i'm missing male action on here ahahaha. but ye, that's the fun part, right? :3 exploring new things
and to spite potentially hbo, but definitely tlou2 - come write in my 'i don't support killing main chars off for shock cause it's a trend' verse in which joel barely survived and is struggling to find the good in that
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cheemken · 1 year
Hey knight I was just thinking about the evil teams in each generation and their goals. And how they all got taken down by the protagonist
But what do you think would happen to the people in each region if the evil team had succeeded? Like if one team had succeeded but the others lost
Either about the champions, the league, the main characters/protagonists, or the entire region. Up to you to decide. Although I do know 90% of the time it’s just gonna be “___ got murdered/died in this scenario” lol
Fr tho,, I do think of all the evil teams out there, the ones who'd most likely would've succeeded w their plans are Galactic, Plasma/Neo Plasma, and Flare (then again, of all the evil teams, these three take the top spots, like they were really that threatening and the fact that their leaders could somehow fool everyone into thinking that they're the ones in the right is just the cherry on top)
Cyrus legit got five fucking legendaries, two of which are the ones in charge of time and space, under his momentary control, and he almost did win yknow had Cynthia and Dawn/Lucas not came in to stop him
Do I even have to explain Ghetsis that man was ready to kill a child and if you've seen pkmn Generations the damage Neo Plasma caused was fucking insane man, like if that's what they could do w Unova imagine once they take over the other regions
And ofc Lysandre, all that shit w the Ultimate Weapon, and in the manga this man was even more fucking terrifying cause he also had eyes and ears everywhere, like Flare was honestly terrifying in the manga
Between these three tho,, I think Lysandre would've been successful. Cause for one, he was that fucking convincing that no one ever suspected him of anything remotely evil. Two, the region's Champion and Professor, who were both close to him, didn't do shit in the games to stop him, even when Sycamore implied he knew there was smth wrong w Lysandre and how Diantha was already questioning Lys' views of beauty. Three, if this mf was as cunning as he is in the anime and as threatening in the manga, my guy, he really would be that fucking terrifying. Four, if we go w the games' events and such, Lysandre was left for too long by anyone if Calem and the others didn't stop him.
Like, if you think abt it, without the protagonists, w Galactic at least Cynthia knows and tried to stop Cyrus. W Plasma, the Unova League actually did shit unlike the other Leagues and fought Plasma themselves. But w Flare, if we go w the games' events, no one would've fucking stopped Lysandre bc everyone looked up to him yknow, and it's also the added fact that one of Diantha's Elite Four, Malva, was a part of Flare, and she probs had control over the media too, making the people turn a blind eye of what's gonna happen or what's currently happening.
But yeah fr everyones gon fucking die probs lmao
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