#i probs missed the exact date already lmao
cyngetorix · 3 years
wake up you lazy drunkard its the anniversary of or liberation >:v
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luckhissoul · 2 years
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𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟷    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
NAME  :   Matrim Cauthon
EYE COLOR  :  brown
HAIR STYLE  /  COLOR  :  brown, longish, slightly messy 
HEIGHT  :  6′ / 182 cm
CLOTHING STYLE  :  he loves fashion apparently, embroidered coats, fancy silk shirts with just a touch of lace, fml oh and he always wears his black wide brim hat and black silk scarf....don’t get me on that designer eye patch he gets lmao
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE  :  smile -- self proclaimed apparently. he compared it to giving a woman flowers so do with that what you will lmao
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟸    :    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄.    
FEARS  :  inadequacy, loss of freedom / free will
GUILTY PLEASURE  :  he has a lot of vices but he doesn’t necessarily feel guilty about them lmao so his guilty pleasure is probs just him being squishy FML
BIGGEST PET PEEVE  :  being told what to do , aes sedai LMAO
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE  :  some peace maybe
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟹    :    𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒.
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP  : do i have to get up already ? lol
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST  :  he complains A LOT but it’s okay he doesn’t mean 95% of it anyways
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED  :  it’s about bloody time --- lmao
WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS  :  loyalty is what I think is his best quality tbh but he’d probably say something dumb like his charm because he’s an idiot lbr here. Ask him and he’ll act like he has no good qualities tbh. Oh and he always keeps his word but that sorta goes back to loyalty yeah?
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟺    :    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓’𝐒    𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑?
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED  :  loved and respected hand in hand for him
BEAUTY OR BRAINS  :  beauty  
DOGS OR CATS  :  dogs
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟻    :    𝐃𝐎    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘…
LIE  :  yes
BELIEVE IN LOVE  :  yes  ( not that he would admit. lmao)
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟼    :    𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄    𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘    𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑…
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN  :  he’s adaptable but not in this sense ? does that make sense. like he’s sort of like a chameleon -- but not where he’d lose sense of himself, you know
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟽    :    𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒.
FAVORITE BOOK  :  lmao mat does not read
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟾    :    𝐀𝐆𝐄.
DAY THEIR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE  :  it’s in the month of danu lol which is supposed to be like november / december on our calendar -- there’s no exact day some time between the 3rd and the 28th
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE  :  at the end of the series he’s 23 so 24 ?
𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁  𝟶𝟶𝟿    :    𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇    𝐓𝐇𝐄    𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.
I LOVE  :  a good time
I FEEL  :  annoyed
I HIDE  :  my feelings ( FROM HIMSELF TOO  LMAO)
I MISS  : how things used to be ( does he tho?”
I WISH  :  i could run ( run where? back to where he is lbr lma
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘:  @inprometheanfire​
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: @agoldenlily (OBLIGATORY I HATE YOU)/  @windtold​ @honorhearted​ @ycllowhaired​ @ofimaginarybeings​​
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guns-n-zeppelin · 5 years
Never Say Die - 1989-1997
@lauravic asked: Hey! I just binged Never Say Die and loved it and it’s really unfortunate that it’s discontinued. Could you maybe tie it up for me and everyone else and maybe tell us just key events of what was gonna happen? Like did Axl and Amy ever figure things out and end up together? Or what you meant in the beginning of the series when Axl said that “Amy died in 1997”. Just key points to rest our minds? If not, then it’s completely fine, I just had to try and ask. I love your stuff btw
Masterlist - Never Say Die
A/N: Sure thing, love. I’ve been meant to do this actually for a long time but lmao i’m lazy af. Also, sorry i took so long to answer haha. Hope i’ll let y’all out of your sufferings now. It would have been great to finish this honestly but i’m too unmotivated to do anything pfft. Also don’t have time but uhuh. ALSO i haven’t updated this legit in 2 years probably and still i get almost every day notes to this story and the chapters, i thought at this point this would have been long forgotten or something. Wild. I’m really glad and flattered how many of you have liked my story, it always brightens my day a lot to hear positive comments :’) But i think this has atleast some of the main / biggest key events that would happen. I’m not sure if i forgot couple of them or something, but here’s some atleast. I mean, 8 years is quite a long time but khgjlh. These are just like, the biggest probs. This is reallyy shortly explained but i hope you’ll get some kind of picture of the future events.  I’m rly bad at summarising (is that a word) things, but let me know what you think for the last time ahah. But thank you again, everyone, for reading my stories :’) I truly appreciate it! Hugs <3
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Quick Summary
Dave and Amy weren’t dating and neither were Axl and Erin, even though some time later Axl would end up back together with Erin again for a while. Amy and Axl took distance to each other, though Amy still kept seeing with the other guys. Some weeks passed and Amy and Axl went back to being friends, both of them managing to pretend that nothing had happened.
Amy had done some studies about journalism for some time, also before her death in her ‘original life’, and in 1989 went all the way to London for one year to try to finish them. So she ended up moving there, saying it was just one year. They would still keep in touch somewhat regularly, although it was pretty hard. After her studies, Amy got an offer of a permanent job as a journalist in London, which she took and ended up staying there much longer.
In 1990 Amy started dating a man named Adam, a young police officer, who she would later marry and have a child with as well in 1994.
Also, in the beginning of 1991, Amy met Randy again, the same man who she had met a few years ago at the record store. Though now, he was in London with Amy’s mother. At that moment, she finally found out who her father was. Randy Castillo, who would die in 2002 while future Amy had just turned 5 years old.
The next time Steven, Izzy, Duff, Slash and Axl met Amy, was in 1991 at their gig in London. They spent all time together they possibly were able to during that short time, catching up and all that. Axl had met Stephanie and Amy told the five of them about Adam as well. Steven and Scarlet were still together and Steven told Amy, that he was planning to propose her, but hadn’t told anyone else yet.
Adam and Amy had a daughter in summer of 1994, but only after two months since their child Amber was born, Adam died – he was shot on his chest. After 3 months since they had kept his funeral, Amy decided to return back to the USA, not being able to stay in England any longer. Needing to get back to her friends.
Amy was still friends with Jon as well, even after the past years and their broke up. She met with him too and chatted together catching up, her introducing him to Amber too. Amy hadn’t informed anyone else except Scarlet, that she would be coming back there, so it was a surprise to all of them. But things had changed a lot since Amy left, new faces coming up and down the stages and couple of familiar ones missing. Izzy and Steven had been replaced already, so she wasn’t able to meet with Izzy again at that time atleast. Izzy would meet Amber as well later though of course.
Matt Sorum and Dizzy Reed had already heard a lot about Amy and were eager to meet her personally. Both of them had heard about Axl and Amy’s quick affair together, but decided not to mention it to either of them.
Amy and Axl were now both single and during time both of them felt old feelings getting back up again, but refused to confess them to even themselves. But they would still get back together eventually in the 1996, when Amy was ready to date anyone again after Adam had died and when it didn’t feel like cheating on him anymore.
And Axl knew, that he would propose Amy some day, and so he did after a year and they got married for a short moment in June 1997.
But everything changed in autumn 1997, right on the day of Amy’s birthday. Unfortunately Amy died from a heart attack. She wouldn’t be able to be alive at two different places at the same time and at that exact moment she would be born elsewhere to her parents, in a hospital just a few hour drive away. Scarlet, Amber’s aunt, raised Amber, who had just lost both her mother and father by the age of 3.
It took a long time for Axl to move on from Amy, but the last time he would ever see the girl he once loved, would be in 2013 when a 16 year old girl with a Led Zeppelin t-shirt on walked past him on the streets of Los Angeles with her friends Leo and Amelie.
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(A/N2: I basically obviously ignored some parts how some of their lives went like idk Steven’s especially but doesn’t matter lmao spare me with that)
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
peanut i can't believe this all happened so fast :o
Anonymous said: I don't remember the last time I didn't spend money on his fine ass 😤 feels good to be owned
Anonymous said: I miss you already pipi 🥺 see @ 9:30
Anonymous said: I can’t wait for you to come home later 🥺😔
EJDBHUFJI Ill be home for a lil in better rehearsal and work
Anonymous said: this week has been a whole whirlwind and a half and it's only fucking TUESDAY
Anonymous said: I can't even think about tour ticket prices right now I'm so stressed 😭😭😭 -slut anon
Anonymous said: How expensive on average were Harry’s tickets last time because I remember paying less then £200 for two.
they were decently cheap especially if bought on the day of but Ticketmaster said fuck you all 
Anonymous said: Can we expect another tweet when it’s available to preorder on iTunes in the US and UK? I hope I like when he talks to us it makes my heart hurt ❤️
Anonymous said: I’m so scared of when the tickets for tour go to sale, i want tickets close to stage because I don’t even remember my hs1 concert bc of how far i was, like it wasn’t enjoyable for my, it was like watching some video on a big screen. Also I’m planning on going to italy and Austria during summer and what if the dates colide ????😭
Anonymous said: Harry really said “I know damn well harries are greedy bitches” and is limiting it to two tickets and you can’t even use different credit cards that have the same address, they cancel your order. He said I am the captain now
Anonymous said: My family and I are planning a trip to London for my college graduation next year, if he ends the tour in London imma just make sure we just so happen to plan our trip for that exact date. Like omg mom you won’t believe who’s performing tonight a mile from our hotel and I just so happen to find tickets last minute! Isn’t that just crazy how that worked out.... 🤥
Anonymous said: I hope Harry has a good time in NY when he’s there. I don’t wanna hear about another “yOu HaVe MoNeY sWeEtIe ThAt’S tHe DiFfErEnCe” situation 😔
Anonymous said: A bunch of people think he’s doing festivals in the UK which seems plausible cause I doubt he’ll tour until like more spring time
Anonymous said: east coast getting snl and west coast getting the forum show... harry really said fuck the midwest ✊🏼😩
Anonymous said: I'm sad because I literally cannot afford anything on the site and I know for definite I'm not gonna be able to afford to go to see harry this album cycle, circumstances just won't allow it and I know it's dramatic but I've been crying all afternoon because for some reason it's really getting to me, all I want in the world is to see harry and knowing it's not gonna happen for the next few years is heartbreaking
IM SORRY BABE :( I hope you can somehow!!!! 
Anonymous said: He’s probs going to go back to London after SNL and rehearse there, and then go to LA before the album drops to d promo there and rehearse for the forum show, then I bet he’ll go home and do something in London around the holidays 👀 I think you’re right and he’s doing LA first because he’ll want to be home in the UK for the holidays 👀👀👀👀👀
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
masters of the scene
I know this is super shocking bc this is probs the soonest (?) ive posted between parts lmao 
I did want to hurry things up before saturday, tho, so here we have it, friendsss. if you’ve missed a part: 
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
AU: Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window many years ago, back when he first started recording his debut album and inspired his first big hit, “Princesa”. Luna Valente, professional Olympic skater turned actress is at a local (and very popular) talk show to promote her breakout movie. This is where it all starts.
SOL BENSON, 24, recently known for her role as skating legend Marissa Mint in “SHATTERED WINGS”, announced this morning she wouldn’t return to training, or to any competition as a participant again. The announcement was posted on all her social media accounts, reading: “I can proudly say it’s time. Today, a new chapter in my life begins. I’m officially retiring from professional skating.”
Benson also took the chance to thanks her fans, saying: “The last ten years have been an unforgettable experience. A lifetime wouldn’t be enough to thank everyone who has been by my side helping, supporting, and cheering on me on this journey. I’ve done everything I could and wanted, and I hope you’re all as proud of me as I am of myself and the accomplishments we’ve done. I love you all very much.” The now ex-skater didn’t specify why she was leaving, but she affirmed it wasn’t anything but a personal choice: “I know many of you are shocked, or confused as to why I’m doing this now, that’s the reason I want to point out it’s not because of my health or a change of careers, as I know some might be thinking. Simply, this is me acknowledging my heart’s desires.”
Opinions and critics were instantaneous from the fans.
@ Sol_Benson: Thank you. pic.tw.com/3747829
          @ solnation: @ Sol_Benson please tell me this is an early april fools joke I’m crying
          @ SolMiReina56: @ Sol_Benson on one hand I’m happy you’re doing this in your terms but on the other I just want to scream whAT THE FORK BENSON
Benson’s famous friends, however, showed nothing but support for her.
@ Simon_RB: today the sun goes down and the moon rises! So proud of you @ Sol_Benson
@ JimM: Working with you, one of the greatest skaters of our time, was a privilege. Being your friend, and share all these memories, is an honor. Your talent will shine bright like your soul no matter what ♥ @ Sol_Benson  
@ TheAmbarSmith: An absolute star. @ Sol_Benson
The news broke amid rumors of the skating star dating Italian heartthrob, Matteo Balsano, leading some fans and theorist that her new relationship was linked to her decision.
@ SolecitoDeMadrugada: I don’t wanna start sh*t here, folks, but Sol said she’s acknowledging ‘her heart’s desires’…. What if Balsano convinced her to quit????
@ SolBonita: If Matteo Balsano had anything to do with this I will cut that bitch in half just sayin’
@ soltteoforever: omg what if sol quit to form a duet with matteo???!!! #relationshipgoals
@ elbalsanito: if y’all really think MATTEO BALSANO would make his two minute long girlfriend quit her career for him y’all are batsh*t crazy don’t even look at me
So far Benson and her team have offered no comment to the critics, choosing silence over explanations, and only time will tell what she’s planned for herself next.
Is this really her end in skating? Will she approach a musical career with her beau? For more Sol Benson, click here!
He was a coward.
And an idiot.
An idiotic coward, really, because he hung up on her as fast as his brain and hand could do it. He could’ve lied, told her it was only a guessing. Or he could’ve come clean about his stalker-ish ways and freak her out. Or come clean and skip the stalker-ish ways. But, no, he’d hung up and now when she saw him she’d demand an explanation and probably give him crap for hanging up on her and then creating a lame excuse as to why.
Because so far, he could only come up with his phone dying in that exact moment and him forgetting to call her back. For two weeks.
Again, an idiotic coward he was.  
“Are you listening to me, Matteo?” he’d been lost in his thoughts again, unsurprisingly. It was something he’d been repeating lately, and usually blamed it on him ‘mentally’ writing his songs. Sometimes, it was the truth; but most of the time it was an excuse to get Gastón and his mom off his back. Today was Delfi’s turn at enduring this lost lapse. “Matteo! This is a serious matter, you dick!” he’d laugh at the insult if it weren’t for her aggravated look. He was used to the annoyed, yet knowing look of his friend and his birther, but Delfi looked nothing but stressed. “Can you focus on what I’m telling you?”
Matteo threw her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Delfi. I was just-”
“I don’t even want to hear it! I just need to listen to me and tell me what the fuck is happening between you and Sol Benson!” Well, shit. She was even cursing now.
“What do you mean?” he asked, genuinely confused now. Delfi knew better than anyone that he wasn’t dating, and even if he was, she never cared about it before. His manager sighed exasperated, throwing a newspaper across the table, pointing to him to read it.
The sole headline was enough to make his blood run cold.
“Read it till the end.”
“She’s retiring?” Matteo couldn’t believe it. A million questions came to his head as he read the article, ‘why’ being the loudest. “I just- what?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care about her, Matteo.” She sighed again, passing her fingers through her head. “What I do care about is that they’re mentioning you as the responsible.” Delfi raised her hand when he opened his mouth to protest. “I know you aren’t. And I’d like to think a woman like her is strong enough to not let an idiot like you convince her to give up her career. However, this is bad because you’ll be crossed as a chauvinistic pig, and could seriously hurt the image the older fans have of you. We need to counterattack, fast, and I need you to tell me just exactly how close you are to Sol.”
“What for?” He was getting defensive, and Delfi could tell so, too. She softened her look.
“This is not about you being a heartthrob, Matt. This is about people judging you wrongly-”
“Are you listening to yourself? They already judge me wrongly!” Delfi pursed her lips.
“Okay, bad wording. Still, we can’t let them think you’re that kind of person either.”
“Can’t you talk to Gastón about it? Maybe he can-”
“We agreed to break the contract with most of the magazines and the heartthrob stories, but you can’t just sue someone for linking you as someone’s boyfriend. If this was an article solely about you, we could make an agreement with them but since it’s about her-”
Matteo frowned. “Can’t you talk about it with her team? You said you knew them, maybe you can work on something together-” Now she looked offended.
“What do you think I’m doing? This is why I citied you here, we’re meeting them in ten minutes to discuss it! And first I needed your stupid ass to explain your situation to me so we could have some ground but all you’ve done is daydream about God knows what!”
“Wait, what?!” he looked down at his sweatpants, and the semi-sweated t-shirt he’d worn to go to gym before the meeting, and he just knew his hair was a dishevel mess. He hadn’t even bothered with his contacts, so his glasses were stuck on his head unless he wanted to be as blind as a mole. He’d thought he’d only be meeting Delfi, and now- “she’s not coming, is she?”
“Who is ‘she’?” Delfi air-quoted, not getting why he was getting freaked out.
“Luna – Sol, she isn’t coming, right?”
Delfi scoffed. “Of course, she is! This is all about her, why wouldn’t she be here?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he almost whined, jumping out of his chair to get his gym bag, and spray the shit out of his deodorant on his body. He didn’t have any hair gel, so his hair had to stay the same. He was really regretting not taking the time to fully showering before coming.
“Oh, so now you care about how you look at meetings?” He didn’t answer her, still busy with his gym bag. He was sure he had mints buried somewhere. “I take that you like this girl?” Matteo said nothing, but nodded the slightest. “I know the rumors aren’t true right now, but I really need you to tell me if you think they will. The earliest Gastón and I can come up with counterattacks to protect your privacy and hers, the better. Especially since her contract with her team will drop soon.” Delfi asked, her tone a lot softer and less teasing. She’d taken his wishes seriously, and he was very grateful about it. He was in good hands if shit ever hit the fan.
Matteo dropped his bag, and sighed a quiet ‘yes’. And then turned to her, louder this time, “I don’t want anything hurtful, insulting or degrading to be said about her. The less she’s mentioned, the better. If it means we must re-sign with them, and have them write me off as a playboy, then so be it. But not a bad word about her, Delfi.”  
She smiled, her words comforting him a little. “If it’s in my hands both of you will be protected. Now, go tame your hair before your little star runs away from seeing it and turns into stone, medusa-boy.”
She was this close to picking up her phone.
The urge of checking her phone was eating her up but Luna was trying her best to avoid any type of interaction with social media in the last two nights, but it was proving to be harder than she imagined. After the news were out in the open she’d turned everything off; her phone, laptop, and tablet, burying them deep in one of Nina’s photography drawers so she wouldn’t be tempted to read her fan’s comments, or the articles magazines and newspapers were publishing on the web.
When her team called her early in the morning for a meeting, though, she knew something else had happened. They’d already discussed everything related to her retirement, and weren’t meant for another meeting for another three weeks, when she’d sign the remaining papers to break most of her commitments and contracts, with only the bigger ones left until she could find another lawyer outside of her management. Not that she didn’t trust them, but Mariano was more a “making business only” instead of “breaking business” type of lawyer.
“Still no news from Tamara?” She asked Nina beside her. Nina shook her head.
“She said she’d be meeting us there, to ask for Alzamendi and to not talk until Mariano and she were present.”
“Alzamendi?” She repeated, “does that sound familiar to you?”
“I think I might have an idea.” Nina admitted. Luna looked expectantly at her, urging her to tell her. “Pedro’s girlfriend, Delfina Alzamendi, is a head manager here.”
She frowned. “But she’s in the entertainment business, not in sports. Why would she cite us here?” Her eyes widened, “you don’t think…”
Nina shook her head rapidly. “No, no, no. Tamara’s better than that, she knows you don’t want to enter acting, she wouldn’t do that to you. I was thinking more that maybe one of Delfina’s clients could be involved.”
“But why would Ámbar contact me vía my manager? She has our house number, and Simón’s and yours.” Nina looked at her funny, confusing her. “What?”
“I’m not talking about Ámbar, L. I think this is about Matteo.”
His name made her scowl. She still hadn’t forgiven him for hanging up on her without an explanation, or a goodbye, and the guy had sent her to voice mail after she tried calling him back.
“He has my number too.” Not that he cared to use it again. Boys were stupid.
By now Nina looked amused, but grimaced after a moment. “You haven’t seen it, have you?”
“Seen what?”
Nina took her phone out of her purse, typed in her code and opened her phone’s browser. She was about to protest when she saw her type ‘sol benson matteo balsano’, but was quietened when Nina clicked on an article about Matteo being the reason she was retiring from skating.
“This. It started the morning you posted the news on Twitter and a fan replied saying you meant Matteo when you said you were following your heart. I think that’s why Delfina wants to talk to you and Tamara, because Matteo wasn’t left in the best position. People are crossing him as a controlling chauvinist.”
Luna was feeling dizzy. She had meant for the news to affect her only, but now she was dragging Matteo too. “People are saying this?”
“Mostly your fans, and uninvited activists, but yes.”
“He must hate me now, Nina.” She groaned, hiding her face with her hands. By now they were almost by the entrance desk, and a few of the people there stared her way.
“He couldn’t even if he tried, Luna, don’t worry.” Her friend cooed, squeezing her hand in comfort.
“His manager contacted mine, Nina. People don’t do that unless they’re strangers or you hate the other person.”
“I think you’re exaggerating a bit.”
“He at least has to be mad. If anyone said I’m the reason they’re quitting their career I’d be too.”
“Maybe, but not mad at you. The people saying this are mostly gossipers and fans you have no control over, Luna, don’t worry.” She nodded a couple times, trying to calm herself and the unnecessary guilt she was feeling in that moment.
When she finally felt calm enough, she dragged her feet to the lady behind the desk, asking her politely where she was supposed to go. The lady’s eyes shone with recognition, before asking her who she was meeting with; as soon as she said ‘Alzamendi’, the woman’s grin could have rivaled the Cheshire cat.
“Miss Alzamendi and Mr. Balsano are waiting in room 7. Go straight that hallway and turn left on the first corner, it should be easy to spot it, the numbers are big enough; they’re still waiting for Mr. Périda, and your team, though. Is there anything I can get you both to drink? We have black coffee – black, decaf, with milk, vanilla latte and moka, tea – chamomile, green, lemon ginger and berry sangria, hot chocolate – sweet, bitter, Spanish, Mexican, white and raw, lemonades – strawberry, mango and mint, sodas-”
Luna blinked a couple times, surprised that a) they had so many options and b) they made their receptionist learn all of them.
“Uh, do you have water?” Nina asked, interrupting the woman before she went on to list all their available sodas. The receptionist shut up immediately, pursing her lips at Nina for a second before nodding, then she looked at her, expectantly.
“A Mexican hot chocolate would be nice, thank you.”
“Anything to eat? We have a couple of restaurants delivered to us, if you’re hungry.” Before she could refuse, Tamara’s voice was heard behind them.
“Luna!” She smiled politely at her manager, nodding in greeting to Mariano. “I’ll have a latte and the sir will have black coffee, no sugar, please.” The older woman addressed the receptionist, who simply wrote it down on a little notepad. Tamara didn’t bother to thank her before she was dragging Luna – and Nina, who was grabbing her hand- towards the hallway the lady had pointed out before. “Okay, so; Matteo Balsano’s manager called me yesterday and requested to have a meeting as soon as we possibly could, that’s why I called you last minute, sorry. Are you aware of the rumors going around of you two?” Luna begrudgingly nodded, “good, I don’t have to explain it, then. Alzamendi didn’t specify why she was requesting us, but my bet is on the news hurting Balsano’s image of the perfect guy.”
“That’s what Nina told me, too.” Tamara’s eyes flickered to Nina’s.
“Good.” That’s all she said before going back to explaining. “More likely than not, they’re pissed. It could be the boy, it could be his manager, it could be the label. Or a mix of all. We already broke all magazine deals, so there’s not much we can offer to clean his name. We’re betting on his team acting up and choosing to clean it up themselves, while praying they don’t leave you dirty at all. Mariano can make up an agreement with his lawyer to even out and make it fair for both.”
“Do you think Matteo’s capable of going as far as dirtying up Luna’s name?” She could tell Nina was worried, and already feeling protective of her. Tamara shook her head.
“He doesn’t strike me as the type, but we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.” She told them honestly, finally stopped walking in front of a door. Before they entered, though, she looked at Luna straight on. “Listen, munchkin, when you enter that door you need to forget whatever relationship you have with the guy.” She was about to protest, but Tamara shook her head. “Just until we know where we stand. And who we stand against, okay?” She merely nodded. “Good. Are we ready?”
Matteo was sure those had been the longest – yet quickest, because he spent most of them rushing to make himself more presentable- ten minutes of his life.
The door opened, and the corner of his mouth went up at the knowing he’d see her in seconds. When she didn’t acknowledge him, the smile fell. When she sat down on one of the chairs and kept her eyes on the table, he frowned.
Was she mad at him, at the situation they were in? Was she sad? What if it hadn’t been her decision? Could that be why she looked so… not herself?
He was about to go to her when Delfi stopped him. Matteo looked at her, questioning why she’d done it, but she sent him a look that said ‘quiet’.  
“Delfina,” the woman – who was part of Luna’s team, if his guess was correct- greeted his manager, a tight smile on her face. Then she turned to him. “Mr. Balsano, nice to meet you.”
Delfi sent her a polite smile. “Tamara, Mariano, it’s always nice to see you again.” He could’ve sworn he heard the man say, ‘is it?’ under his breath. “Miss Benson, Miss Simonetti, long time no see.” Wait, she knew them?
Luna looked up from the table, throwing a quick ‘hello’ to her; her eyes flickering for the shortest time to his face, before turning down again. His frown deepened as Nina’s friend answered Delfi’s greeting, more enthusiast. “Hi, Delfi, it’s good to see you again, too. I wish it were under, uh, better circumstances, though.”
He could tell Delfina was amused at her words, if her mouth twitch was any indication. “Straight to the point, huh? Sadly, we’re waiting for Matteo’s lawyer to get here first.”
“Why isn’t he here yet?” the man asked rudely, disdain clear as water on his face. Matteo felt attacked by his tone, and jumped at Gaston’s defense.
“I’m not his only client, sorry not all of us can afford to have a clear schedule twenty-four-seven.”
Mariano raised his brows. “Ah, yes, you’re right. Real jobs keep you busy. My bad.”
Matteo scowled at him. “How would you know? You’re jobless now that your client is quitting her not so ‘real’ job, no?”
“Matteo.” Delfina warned him in a hiss, pinching his arm to keep him quiet. He noticed Luna’s blank look turning into a small grimace.
Mariano was about to retort when Luna’s manager grabbed his arm. “Don’t.” Then she turned to Delfi, “I think’s it’s for the better to start discussing the elephant in the room, sweetheart. You can always update your lawyer when he comes.”
Delfi pursed her lips at the nickname, but stood up with a nod. “Fine. I don’t think I have to explain why we’re here exactly.”
“You understand this is not Miss Benson’s fault, right? This was a matter taken out of context by their fans and the media.” The man’s tone wasn’t exactly condescending, but even Matteo felt like he was trying to teach Delfi how to do her job.
Still, Delfi remained as calm as she could. “We do, as I’m sure you understand your client’s choices shouldn’t taint my client’s image, no?”
“He’s as tainted as you can get them. Aren’t ‘playboy’, ‘heartthrob’, and ‘ladies man’ nice ways of saying man-whore?” Matteo heard small gasps around him, but he was too shocked at the insult to notice whose gasps were from. Mariano looked smug. “If anything, he is the reason they assume conclusions. If your client didn’t have the image he has, our client wouldn’t have linked to him in the first place.”
That was enough for his friend to snap. “If your client had been properly trained to do interviews without making a mess we wouldn’t be in this situation at all!”
“Those articles had died down until both your clients chose to approach ours at a public event knowing there would be photographers all over the place! How’s that for trained?”
“Enough, Mariano!” His partner shut him up. The woman had the decency of looking ashamed. Delfi and him, though? They were pissed. “I’m really sorry, guys. This is not at all what we came here for and I apologize for my-”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Tamara.” Delfi interrupted her, “he does.”
Mariano pursed his lips, but spit out the apology anyway. “I’m sorry for the way I behaved just now.” Matteo clenched his jaw, moving his gaze to Luna, who looked mad, too. At whom, though, he didn’t know.
“As you know, all our news deals are broken. We have no control, or stance to negotiate with them anymore. So-”
“So, you want us to fix it for you? Is that it? Why should we, after the stunt your team just pulled?” Matteo almost growled, his anger rolling in waves through his body.
Tamara grimaced. “I was hoping we could make an agreement. I know we-” she pointed to Mariano and herself, “-haven’t behaved as we should. But this isn’t about us only.” She looked at Luna, whose frown and pursed lips were more evident now than before.
At last, she fixated her eyes on his.
“I’m not asking you to do anything for me.”
Matteo sighed out, “Luna-”
“No. Listen, if your image-” she scowled at the word, “- is so important to you I can ask Jazmín or someone else to interview me and I’ll tell them the truth.” Matteo almost choked up. Where was she getting at?
“The truth?” Delfi repeated, expectant.
Luna’s friend looked worried, now. “Lu- Sol, please-”
She looked at him, her eyes not wavering for a moment. “Y’know, that you’re not the reason of my decision. I’m sure your fans will be shocked to hear you’re not the center of my universe.”
“Luna, plea-” Nina tried to gain her attention, but she still didn’t move her gaze from him.
“And I’m sure they’ll be glad to know we’re not dating, much less friends.”
Had he been punched? He felt himself getting his breath knocked out of him. He barely heard her friend warning her. “Luna, stop. This isn’t you talking.”  
“No, let her talk.” Matteo was proud he didn’t sound as hurt as he was feeling.
“Oh, so you’re talking to me now?” her sarcasm was throwing him off. Why was she mad about him not talking to her when she basically ignored him too? “Or do I have to wait another two weeks for you to answer me again?” Oh.
“You’re mad abou-”
“Dude, no.” Was that…? When had Gastón arrived that he didn’t even notice? He felt his friend squeeze his shoulder, before palming it a couple times. “Don’t answer that, you’ll never win that argument.” He whispered, shaking his head in Luna’s direction. Then he turned to everyone in the room. “So, what did I miss?”
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