#i put dogo there because it's funny
spinnysocks · 10 months
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*slams this on the table* another one.
listen. i know they can't watch a movie so... maybe someone tells them the zimwi story? or some other scary legend that's specific to the outlands? idk why but i feel like jasiri and madoa would be good story-tellers because they're full-time tunu and wema entertainers lol
maybe a little ooc but some of them literally would not care less lmao
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yourgoldengirl · 1 year
Grief. I don't wanna feel grief.
Isn't it funny how someone that once made you laugh, smile, and sigh in contentment now causes you to cry and wail?
Now all the honey-like moments are so bittersweet and you don't want to remember them anymore?
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
It hurts right where the pain is hidden. Where the tears form, and the heartache comes alive.
I don't like it. I don't like going through tumultuous processes, I hate letting go, I hate having to live life lessons and carry them with me for the rest of my life.
I hate feeling like I've felt it all and I've made peace with it when I haven't yet.
I hate loving and then have that love taken away from me. When I've done everything within my power to keep it with me.
Nobody prepared me to see my little heart with four paws pee herself and fall on her own pee, nobody prepared me to have my mom see that scene and start crying cause she couldn't take it and I had to scream at her to be strong and help me clean my dog while I carried her to stop her from getting even dirtier, nobody prepared me to have sleepless nights taking care of her because my baby dog couldn't sleep and kept walking everywhere, then stopping at a wall (which the Dr said it was a way of dogs to display pain) and crying cause she was scared and couldn't see well anymore so she would get stuck in front of walls and couldn't see where to move, I then would have to go and guide her and carry her to her bed, I'd have to caress her and ease the pain from her hips in the hopes that she'd feel well enough through the night and I wouldn't have to put her to sleep the next morning, that of course, didn't go my way.
Nothing of what I did mattered, nothing made an impact strong enough to keep her here for a little longer. Not waiting to go to her vet, who's shifts would start at 11:00pm, because he knew all her history and knew her well, because he was the most capable of the vet clinic, and have him see her every time she'd have some pain, some new health symptom, getting her all the vitamins, the food, her foot splint, her blood tests, then taking her to the neurologist and have him diagnose her a brain tumor.
Me fighting with a broken heart didn't make her stay for a little longer.
And I know that having her for a little longer would hurt me more, if that is even possible.
Not even knowing that, we took her to the cliché visit to the park, so that she could have one last wonderful sunset at a massive park for her last outing, giving her ice cream, tacos, and all of the spoiling treatment, made her feel better.
Being well aware that my selfishness was what kept me going, the thought of "If i do it all, she won't feel pain and i can have her for a few more months with me" didn't help.
Walking out of my house with my dog in my arms and coming back empty handed was one of the most heartbreaking things i've ever lived.
I don't even wish that pain and ever lasting sadness on anyone.
My four legged companion left me.
It pains me still to this day, almost a year later. And I know that this pain will live with me. It haunts me in the most beautiful way, in the fear of adopting another pretty creature to share my days with. To go on cute, fun and adventurous walks. To give sneaky treats every day. To hug and smother in kisses. To run after in order to give them a warm quick shower. To sleep with. To share my life and heart with.
I loved my small dogo with all of my heart. And she gave me a great 14 years. And I'll let her go one day, maybe the day I also leave this life.
Grief, is the absolute worst. And I'm not making friends with it yet. Not for a while.
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spinnysocks · 10 months
random lion guard outlanders hc's! :3
under the cut because Long Post time :D
after the defeat of scar and jasiri becoming queen, she reformed and reconstructed the volcano. her clan (but mostly her) remade it into a more positive space where the outlanders could meet. jasiri makes everyone go to a mandatory summit there lmao
while she's working on it she tells all of the outlanders they can go there anytime to talk to her, but everyone's either too full of pride or don't know her well enough at that point to do so lol. eventually some of them suck it up. no matter the past, jasiri strives to become friends with all of them, not just their queen. she's sweet
i feel like after janja's clan joins jasiri's, janja might still want an important role, but boy does everyone know it's not gonna be lead hunter or anything lmao. i actually feel like he'd be a real good caretaker/pupsitter while most of the clan is out hunting, but he does enjoy patrolling around their territory and the outlands every now and then despite basically being banned from hunting lmao
i saw from a hc from a post once (can't find it atm) that mzingo joins jasiri and janja in hunting! i think that's cute because it's like a 'raven helping wolf for the benefit of both' dynamic. i love jasiri and mzingo's alliance/friendship so much. i'd even go as far to say what mzingo is to jasiri is a bit like what zazu is to simba, except mzingo still has his parliament to care for so he's not always around. but still
this one may be a tiny bit ooc... but i think it'd be so funny if jasiri forced the henchmen & goigoi to make a 'Sorry For Plotting To Eat You' party for thurston. it's funny bc he's still completely oblivious like, "but you DIDN'T eat me, right?" and they just choose not to remind him that the guard had to save him from them 💀 even funnier that it's barely a party and more of a formal apology yet he still has a good time
the skinks, ushari, sumu and kenge are their own friend group. they all say they hate one another, but they care about each other more than anyone :)
each of them used to live in different spots all over the outlands but then they all ended up living the cave(?) equivalent of Right Next Door, likely after scar was destroyed and the outlands reformed. njano is the sorta guy to walk into any of their homes uninvited in the middle of the night and ask if they're awake bc shupavu ain't gonna put up with her roommate's late night questions/antics lmao
since the crocs are... not the best at showing their true feelings, every month or so kiburi and his float bring a big catch to the other outlanders as a sign of their alliance... and also to show off a bit. for the hyenas, jackals and vultures who live primarily off of small things, it's like the equivalent of a massive turkey dinner. the crocs used to just Straight Up Leave as soon as they gave the food, but they're learning to stick around
in fact staying for those 'dinners' was how tamka came up with the idea to get something out of his passion for acting. he notices madoa, reirei and goigoi struggling with wema, tunu, dogo and kijana. he's like, "hey, wait... if we're bringin' them food for bein' nice... maybe i can get somethin' in return for entertaining the little ones!" and thus, from that day on, he became a pup sitter!
and you know what? he's actually really good at it! the pups can't tell/don't really care whether he's "acting" or not, cause tamka is the best climbing frame they've ever had in their LIFE. credit to @devilsrecreation once again for inspiring this, especially of tamka giving piggyback rides! i imagine nduli kinda gets in on the fun of entertaining the kiddos too while kiburi and neema glance at each other from the sidelines wondering how they got to this point of their float playing with pups 😭
i imagine at some point a river that runs the small amount of water that goes into the outlands suddenly stops, and jasiri brings like everyone with her to go find out what happened. most of them are pretty reluctant to leave the outlands at all, but they can't survive without the water for long, especially the crocs. so they're all forced on this big trip for their survival. i guess this would be the outlanders version of 'the journey to the tree of life'
in reference to this au, nduli leads the way as shenzi is guiding him! i like the idea that because the outlands are all kinds of animals- especially with a hyena in reign- he has the ability to see and talk to other species that are ghosts, or whatever mufasa is lol. ghost shenzi just shows up whenever she wants instead of nduli 'summoning' her and gives the most vague directions ever before she peaces out again. it drives nduli and jasiri into complete confusion and frustration about where the heck they're going lmao
also they're like halfway through the journey before janja even realises nduli is literally talking to his mom. it's probably a pretty bittersweet moment when nduli successfully summons shenzi so that she can talk to janja and the hyenas. banzai and ed greet them too :)
despite everyone's grumbles they get the water back, with many of them having to save one another from various perilous things, cuz bonding lol. i imagine they all get to put their skills to use too. also we all know the skinks would have to be saved the most cuz they're tiny little instigators
expect more of these. every time i think i'm done with all my ideas another one pops into my head lol
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