#i put so much effort into this whyyy
clockworkvampyre · 4 months
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dream blunt rotation
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lykaiaa · 1 year
i have a seriously unhealthy response to job interview results
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goatedgreen · 6 months
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Okay lets analyse this one for realsies. Im gonna go through each character in this tweet and go through reasons why i think they either would or would not be crying first, then im gonna put them in order of who survives the roast sesh.... join me on this wonderous journey.
Let's start with Atsumu.... where to even fucking begin. sorry to the Atsumu haters but i truly believe he would not be crying first. First of all he has known Osamu since he was born and while Osamu is the "nice twin" the bar is truly in hell and that motherfucker is mean to one person and one person only and that person is his twin brother Atsumu. This mfer has been conditioned since birth to roast and be roasted. Not only that but this guy was CANONICALLY hated by everyone in his middle school, and his only reaction to that information was "So?" HE DOES NOT CARREEEE. And, I will say, while the other characters shown here are bitchy, they usually target people in petty ways that make fun of their skills (with the exception of Daisho who would probs call Atsumu a single loser but he'd likely just get annoyed by that not cry) and Atsumu knows that his skills are too good for anything they say to hold weight., He has the ego the size of the fucking gym. he's fine.
TSUKISHIMA on the other hand.... dare i say it not the strongest contender ... I dont think FIRST. but this guy is wayyyy more sensitive to criticism than people generally give him credit for. LIKE YES BEFORE YOU JUMP DOWN MY THROAT, he absolutely has the whole "keep booing me it only makes me stronger" thing going on in the Inarizaki game BUT YOU FORGET SO QUICKLY how absolutely insecure this guy is. until yamaguchi kicked his ass into gear in the training camp, he was of the impression that trying to get better at something he enjoyed was fruitless because there was always going to be someone better than him. Someone insightful like Oikawa or Atsumu would def be able to pick up on that insecurity and target him for it. I think his strongest talent is of course provoking people so much that they cant see how much they're affecting him, so he gets a lot of points for pettiness that would keep him from crying first because theres no way he's gonna LOSEEEE to someone like Daisho or Oikawa. BONUS POINTS on his behalf though is he was the only one on the team at the end of season one who WASNT CRYING about their loss. And i think the only one on karasuno who we havent seen cry (as far as i can remember).
Now listen.... fanon Oikawa is for sure crying first because for some bizzare reason people characterise him as a pushover twink. Canon Oikawa told USHIJIMA to remember his worthless pride so he could crush him in the future. like... he's kind of taking names a little. i'll allow him a small slay for his efforts of being a bitch to Ushijima. Oikawa is SMARTTTT and has a lot of emotional intelligence, so can for sure target people's insecurities with pinpoint accuracy. He doesnt get SUPER easily riled up when he's "in the zone" and only lashes out when he's backed into a corner. he hangs out with what is probably a team of people scientifically designed in a lab to HUMBLE HIM DAILY, so he has built up somewhat immunity to being insulted and targeted for bully behaviour. LOSES TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF POINTS for being kind of a sore loser and someone who FOR SURE cries when angry or frustrated.
Daisho.... why is he even here (sorry to those who love him). Listen... this guy is petty, and he lowkey cheats, and he takes immense joy in riling people up for shits and gigs... BUT WHYYY IS HE HERE LMAOOOO. to be honest, i dont think he would cry first purely for the fact that he doesnt know these other guys well enough to really gaf about what theyre saying to him. on the other hand, that makes him kind of an easy target because he's so irrelevant to these other guys lives that they could probably make him feel like shit for that reason only. he gets bonus points for being the only one in a canonical relationship (oikawas girlfriend we never meet that he broke up with doesnt count, in fact it loses him points).
WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID. the final order i think is, Oikawa goes out crying first, not because he's upset but because he got sooo fucking mad at Atsumu's unbothered behaviour he had to leave and he was angry crying while doing it. Daisho is next because Tsukishima said some shit like "bro who even are you lmaooo irrelevant ass" and he remembered he sucks at volleyball and got upset, he's okay tho bc his gf is there to comfort him. Atsumu cries next but not because of anything Tsukishima says, he just gets so fucking bored of Tsukishima not giving him interesting reactions to his jabs that he starts doing weird shit like standing on his head and he ends up hurting himself and crying because he is a big baby. Tsukishima is the last one standing .
That is of course assuming that Oikawa doesnt kill them all first with his Super Triple Homo Spin Serve that killed all of Karasuno. People forget so quickly that he is the most diabolical anime villain of all time...
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lvieee · 1 year
pictures and films | 沈泉锐
pairing : ricky x reader
genre : fluff
sypnosis : ricky does something different this time for your birthday
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“today’s MM/DD/YY, y/n’s birthday. she’s at the restroom right now, and i’m going to be giving her this after we eat tho. she’s supposed to be here any minute-.” he says to the camera then getting interrupted by you coming back to the table.
“heyy” you say to the camera putting your arms around his neck. “why are you recording again” “just wanna document this”
“here are your menus, ring the bell when you’re ready to order.” the waiter say.
“im so fullllll im going to explode” you say to the camera holding your stomach. “the steak was delicious” he says bringing the camera to the empty plates on the table.
placing the camera on the side of the table so it shows the both of you
he pulls out a book from his bag. “happy birthday.”
you take the book smiling, wondering what’s inside
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flipping through the other pages, some blank, so you two can add more for memories in the future. laughing and smiling nonstop you then reach the very last page of the book
“aahhh read that at homeee” he says his cheeks starting to heat up. “whyyy i wanna read it noww” you reply back. “fine”
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tears starts to well up in your eyes, you can’t believe someone would put in this much effort for your birthday.
“that’s not all, i still have something to show you.”
pulling his laptop out, looking through his files. opening a video.
"we're at the arcarde and she just made me switch with her cause she regrets not taking strawberry instead of vanilla" he says, zooming in the camera to the dessert infront of you "how's it?" he asks "10/10" you say smiling widely. he then brings the camera to him and shook his head.
"someone just got boba" he says while zooming into you about two meters away holding a large cup of bubble tea waving to the camera. "she's now running away from me now that she's got what she wants."
"we're here about to watch the countdown in like 5 more minutes." "she's afraid of fireworks" you hit him on the arm "hey im not" he then just shrugged.
"m taking over your camera from now on." you say while walking with him while he's hold the umbrella cause it's raining.
"we're supposed to go to the beach today but it's raining." he says pouting.
"and now we're going to his house" you say smiling to the camera
“its the 14th of february, valentines day. we’re going out to this restaurant later and i got her flowers.” he says showing the flowers while walking up to the front door of your house.
i’m here, u done? send
he was about to send you the message when the dokr suddenly opened revealing you "awwww you got me flowersss" you say in awe at how pretty the flowers are.
"happy valentines" he says handing you the bouquet of roses.
"heyy" you say waving to the camera. "where are you bringing me to?" you ask. "it's a surprise" he replies back
the camera pointing at you on the bus looking at the sunset outside the window. "look, it's so- you're recording again."
"it's someone's birthday today, i'm holding his camera and he's still sleeping, it's almost 10" you say to the camera trying to keep your voice low so you don't wake him up
opening the door, he suddenly wakes up from hos sleep "ahhhh got caught" you say to the camera pouting.
"happy birthday lovieee" you say throwing your arms around his neck. him rubbing his eyes, not saying anything his eyes trying to adjust to how bright the lights are.
putting the camera on top of the nightstand beside his bed
“wait lemme light up the candle” you say while trying to light up the candle on top of the cake you baked for him last night.
“aight make a wish” you say. smilling at you before putting his hands together and making a wish. he then opens his eyes and blows the candle.
you clap your hands, then taking frosting off the cake and smearing it on his nose. “happy birthday”
“is this why you’re always documenting everything everytime we go out?” “well.. i just felt like recording it, i hadn’t thought of doing this back then.”
“do you like it?” he asks feeling kind of nervous cause he has never done this before.
“of course i do, the effort you put into making all this, i can’t imagine that.” you say. “anything for you.”
“happy birthday y/n”
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biggie-chcese · 1 month
concepts for kurumi wendy gumshoe gabs because why the fresh fuck did they not give her any like actually hey kodaka can we talk-
(rain code spoilers btw)(also gab will stop sounding like a word to you)
im gonna try to structure a kurumi gumshoe gab set but i will not be writing the conversations out bc im sorry girl but 1. im not obsessed with her enough to basically write a fic and 2. i think the conversations would still be comparatively dull due to yuma's function being "the normal one" to contrast the rest of the kooky cast and kurumi's function as essentially the same thing but also as a love interest and exposition dropper. but i still wanna at least give a model of what her conversations would be like for funsies. I'll be mixing what i think would realistically happen if they gave her gabs and also what i think should happen. alright let's get started
first off, obviously they shouldnt be available until after ch 2. maybe in ch 3 you get a new gab page and yuma can start finding new gabs out in the overworld (what sort of gem color would she have??? jade? is that too close to vivia's emerald? i dont wanna say some shit like rose gold). im not coming up with locations and hints sorry idc that much.
GAB #1
the first gab is them jumping over the hurdle of "wait we don't really have much interaction besides investigating murders and blushing dumbly" which is primarily what irks me in the game's efforts to push her as a love interest. at least let us watch yuma spend some god damn time with her holy shit WHYYY doesn't she have any fucking gumshoe gabs I'm going insa-
erm anyway let's make em have a casual talk abt something. yuma would probably start off like "this is the first time ive really been alone with kurumi ahh i dont know what to say this is awkward ahhhh" and shinigami gets rightfully annoyed with his cuckly behavior. but in an effort to save the awkwardness yuma asks her about her work as an informant. i think she'd enthusiastically spout off about it and how her grandfather inspired her (though keeping it vague because i think she could save more talk of missing family members for later). maybe she talks about her first forway into her informant work and a certain mishap that occured, yuma has to guess what happened bc she's a little embarrassed about it (this is whwre the dialogue options come in). but it's completely harmless. maybe she got spotted by the person she was tailing and then got a slap on the wrist and sent home. yuma finds it a little endearing, shinigami gives the bond level up message, and there. solid conversation. next
GAB #2
yuma asks her what exactly got her so interested in detectives. did she read heroic novels about them? did she see their noble efforts in the headlines? was she personally saved by one? the possibilities are endless and could all be answered here. actually lets have her teasingly make yuma guess here. poof, there's your dialogue options.
maybe she can even have a little kookiness as a treat and accidentally let the true nature of her admiration for detectives slip for a moment where it pretty much crosses the line of "that's a bit creepy". not towards yuma but still something a bit off putting like obsessively keeping track of her favorite detectives' activities or having information about their personal lives she absolutely shouldn't have (informant + proud participant in WDO stan culture is a dangerous combo) but she also misses doing that because now kanai ward is isolated. yuma could also be like "wait isnt what you were doing then a bit too much?" but it gets dismissed by shinigami telling him they levelled up their bond
this one should be about aiko methinks. yuma catches kurumi in a down mood and asks what's up and it goes from there. she gives us more detail into her friendship with aiko and maybe she could even actually acknowledge the deaths of those theatre club girls and mention how chillingly quiet the club has gotten. she tells yuma that she tries not to think about it, but the empty space they left behind is immense... yuma's dialogue choices may be to try to cheer up/comfort her. thank you, next
perhaps now she can talk about her grandpa (and also maybe drop how that home situation is cause girl where are your parents). she could talk about her mission in finding him cause he must be out there!!! somewhere!!!! this shit could be sentimental or smth. she could say something about kanai ward's nearly extinct species of people who are still fighting for the truth and how even when things are dangerous she remembers that no one else will do it so she's gotta step it up. she'd pivot that over to saying how glad she is that the master detectives are here bc of that, and yuma could have dialogue options where the correct choice is basically saying he admires her for that. idk. next
The Fiverrrrrrr
final gab. i was gonna be funny and say "probably another love confession like fubuki's and then yuma hits her with the nuh-uh" but due to the nature of the epilogue i actually dont think it does exactly that. maybe kurumi is stuck on a small, separate thing she's investigating and she summarizes what's up. i think it could potentially be a more personal problem or at least something she can connect to (another girl in school missing a family member? idk) so that it's a bit obvious she's more frustrated in not finding any leads. yuma helps her out a little in finding a lead (this is where the dialogue choices come in) and after thanking him, kurumi is like "y'know, we make a pretty great team" (flirting, but yuma doesnt read it that way.) shinigami groans and maybe even fusses about how she's yuma's partner but this goes ignored. and of course yuma's dense ass is like yeah i think you have the makings of a great informant and detective and he essentially coworker-zones her. kurumi then asks about how they could still maybe possibly work like this together perhaps maybe 👉 👈 🥹 after solving kanai ward's ultimate secret and yuma happily agrees. this will make his choice in the epilogue to fuck off to florida without much of a goodbye even funnier.
anyway thats it for my kurumi gumshoe gabs thanks for reading
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allgremlinart · 5 months
Crazy ass ship but kirimaxrangi
NOT CRAZY AT ALL. MAKES PERFECT SENSE. because whyyy was she baiting Rangi so hard and teasing her and Rangi was getting all flustered by her despite getting annoyed with her in the FIRST place because she was jealous of her spending time with Kyoshi....
Kirima could have the craziest threesome on Earth on her hands if she wanted to put the effort into making it happen but frankly I think Rangi and/or Kyoshi WOULD be a bit much for her (see: annoying)
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kiyocuck · 7 months
HI hello sorry to be a big ole bother but i feel the need to say you are SO RIGHT about chapter 3. also i've never seen anyone else say that alter ego fucked with taka. nobody else seems to see it that way bc 'oh ishida is so funny and not at all kinda depressing taka had to fucking MAKE himself a friend since no one was really there for him!'
celeste is a liar, sure--but JESUS is that one hell of a jump for her to have lied about. why did she lie about that specifically. why didn't she just say 'oh my, kiyotaka isn't himself lately...he's so hostile, i worry he'll kill someone soon'. (i know i'm biased as someone who writes taka and celeste as twins and therefore rewrites chapter three but. jesus)
why did hifumi go from 'aw he's a lil cringe but overall well meaning and a respecter of women!' to. to. 'haha guys he's an otaku, you get it? haha he. he did questionable things to alter ego. haha that's so funny right guys'.
makoto literally makes an internal comment about how monokuma messing with a grieving taka is really messed up... which. is funny. given. he doesn't make any real effort to. be there for him?
there's this constant feeling of no...genuine remorse. everyone feels like a parody of themselves.
it also makes hina having got comfort and reassurance later on all the more bitter. the very same people who watched as taka starved himself and went into this mental breakdown, watched as he bawled his eyes out as his friend was executed, suddenly offer their condolences to a girl who tried to get them all killed. i feel bad for hina too, but... come on.
okay i'm sorry for the lengthy ask but i wanted so badly to share how much i agree with your take about ch3.
YOURE LITERALLY SO FUCKING RIGHT this chapter butchered everyone and the only "well written" (im like 99.9% sure the writers didnt intent to write taka being psychotic and just made it out as some improvement on him because Danganronpa Writers) character gets treated like shit and then just dies. lol. lmao.
also that point abt hina is so right, i felt bad for her too but like COME ON. everyone going like Omg hina dw we get it we're sorry, meanwhile taka is doing cartwheels in his grave.
not to mention when she only cried cuz hifumi died like Girl WHYYY WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU.
i genuinely feel like the writers didnt like taka Like not to put a tin foil hat on but its like they all just projected the nerdy annoying morals committee president kid in their class they had in high school and were like Lets just fuck this guy up lmfao
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6okuto · 5 months
hi nia, i hope u r doing good! i just wanted to drop by and lyk that to me u r The Keiji Expert, like u know him so well!!! and have such a good grasp on his character and everything i love it !!!!!!
pls drop any and all of ur thoughts for him, i live for them
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GUH?! guys every time i write him i'm like wowww... this is kind of ass.. LOL it's the same thing w aki.. don't trust myself... agh. anyway. THANK U VERY MUCH!!! 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️ this + bkak + being nice silly and fun are all i need to be known for so i've basically succeeded in Tumblr atp. yeagh. AKAASHI!
when it comes to merch and decor,, he's more likely to focus on walls + figures.. he doesn't know where to put a bunch of plushies BSHSJDJS i don't think he'd get Big figures, except maybe a couple for his absolute favourites.. twas an investment. that shit is expensive. < girl who wanted this aki figure ☹️
^ picture of u on the wall that's always visible while he works. Always.
even if his background isn't a photo of you guys, he'd do photo widgets on his phone !! ^____^
i don't think he does anything with phone contacts... it's just their name and a lot of the time he doesn't put an icon or anything 😭 he'd add a heart emoji next to ur name and of course have a photo for u though!! 🥹
his bag has a dedicated sort of trash pocket that's just a mess a lot of the time BSHSJDJ he throws sticky notes, wrappers, etc. in there if there isn't a garbage can nearby 😭
Cosplayer Keiji 🤯🤯 GELLOOO my god. he could be hirotaka just by putting on a suit tbh. and then i'd explode obviously. but like... cosplayer keiji.... if anypony has ideas for who/what he could cosplay Pls let me know. HAAGHHHH
couple cosplays 😂🤣😂🤣😵 MY LEG. i just keeled over HOWL AND SOPHIE mmmgmynhgsieonHAJAOAN🤯🤯🤯
whatveer. idont even care
tucking him in 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ you do it as a joke but of course he goes with it and lets you wrap him up and take off his glasses and kiss his head and he's smiling the Entire Time ohlymgocxnomymekdjn
going with jokes. yeah. he just goes with your shit a lot of the time because he trusts you LOL. you try couple trends and pranks and he gives you suspicious looks but does what you ask anyway.
^ the lipstick trend ☹️☹️☹️ WHYYY MYGODD WHYYY . YOU. 🫵🫵 Reader. take a breath and imagine him with a baggy t-shirt and messy hair and glasses and lipstick stains all over him and his hands on your waist while you kiss him and him going "another one?" with a breathy laugh WJYYY MY MISERABELLFIEEJEID😭😭😭😭😭
hhahh... Haggghhhhhh......... my chest iscaving ijn
Ok. you know the "his gaze softened" thing. yeah. well. for keiji it's not like. mean cold broody guy who gets soft. it's the quiet but nice guy who evidently feels out of place and is anxiously looking around who relaxes and smiles when he sees you enter the room WHO'S WITH ME!
He likes I Will by Mitski. he's a Mitski Enjoyer. Because I Say So. he's my beautiful boyfailure prince angel loser cat who fell into a bowl of water of course he likes mitski guysplels keiji i thinkzYou'd love a loving feeling and the frost and real men and humpty and pink in the night and nobody and should've been me And
occasional punk/metal enjoyer keiji .? walk with me. someone take my hand. ptv slipknot soad korn orbit culture somebody needs to walk with me here
doesn't have a huge appetite... if he's at hot pot he can probably finish but 1) he's full and 2) he planned what he'd get based on past failures to finish his food. like i love boyfriends who can finish your meal if you can't (< girl who gets full) but i think things may end up a team effort 🫡🫡
just lies on the floor and listens to music sometimes. if you walk in on him he doesn't move but will welcome you to join him with open arms ! 🫂
oh 🥹 keiji working super hard on gifts for you... coloured paper and youtube videos so he can figure out how to make a paper flower bouquet 🥹 he starts getting paper crafts/origami skills because of this fr fr
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you get it.
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weedpicnic · 6 months
I actually cannot tell if I just totally suck at communicating and am being an asshole or if these people just suck but I keep having interpersonal drama related to like hooking up with somebody/having an interaction that makes them *THINK* we will probably hook up, then like they put their disappointment onto me in some way if that does not happen despite making no effort themselves to make it happen I don’t know and maybe this sounds insane but I do wonder if this is happening because people perceive me as a man now ?? since I’ve been on t for so long even though the people in question know I am trans genderfluid etc I’m just like idk damn that neverrr happened before and I wonder if it’s like the unconscious expectation of like the roles of confidence and like courting and being assertive I guess, I might be a man but I am not assertive at all!!!! And unrelated but threesomes are scary and confusing it is weird being left out or having someone feel left out and it almost always happens somehow I think I should graduate to foursomes where this seems less likely maybe. Also I kind of wanted to maybe ask this friend of mine on a date somebody asked us if we were together recently and I just like nervous laughed like an idiot and he didn’t really know what to say either and and then he just stopped hanging out with me and I don’t know if I slighted him somehow the last couple times I saw him or if he’s just depressed as fuck rn or if he lost interest in me because I didn’t have sex with him often ENOUGH or what but that bums me out a lot especially cuz we were hanging out literally almost every day for multiple weeks I spent my birthday with him and he made one insinuation that it was a date that I just never asked him about because I am so stupid and didn’t want to seem clingy and now I feel like I fucked everything up UGGHHGHHH I want a frontal lobe lobotomy so so bad dude whyyy am I like this okay thanks for reading the morning paper review of my stupid dating life in other news I love my wife so much I wish I was cut out for monogamy but unfortunately I am too fucked up
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I thought he looked really good today but to each their own I guess.
I've been scrolling on tiktok and saw like 13 videos in a row about Evan today with thousands of likes and everyone saying how hot he is in the comments and then I went on twitter and the first few tweets I saw were saying he looks like he doesn't shower and that he's musty... Twitter is truly the most toxic place. Every social media have some toxic people on them but I think it's a common knowledge that Twitter is the worst, especially stan twitter. I don't even care anymore because it literally happens to every celebrity on twitter, it's not like they only target Evan specifically, but it's still annoying. Whyyy, why does twitter have to be so toxic? I used to love that app but now whenever I go there I see something negative. And most of the celebrities that I like are very liked by general public but there's always hate tweets about them from some freaks on twitter
this is echoing my thoughts as well. it really doesn't matter who, stan twitter will always find something cruel to say just because stan culture has normalized, and even popularized being mean to be edgy and "humorous". in real life, it isn't as accepted to just casually be ruthless about someone's appearance. one big reason is because probably 90% of the people who will say these things are hiding behind a photo of someone else as their pfp; they know that if they posted their actual selves they would be revealed to either be average or objectively unattractive and not in any place to be judging another person's appearance, so they'd be ripped to shreds.
there are plenty of people others find beautiful, who i find very unappealing, but i don't feel the need to constantly harp on it. i have observed that some people (oddly enough, seems to mostly be a particular type of tween/teen girl?) have this weird resentment that so many women are obsessed with evan, when he is an ordinary looking dude, who is not at all vain and refuses to put in what they perceive as "adequate effort" to look good. ironically, this appeals a lot to many of us. there are plenty of men that to me are more physically attractive, but do not interest me nearly as much as evan because i genuinely do just like him, and find the whole package of what makes evan him very appealing. but i am also 30 years old and not a teenager on twitter, trying to earn cool points for my sick burn about a harmless man with a beard.
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theunusualmesstuff · 4 months
why nothing right happens to me?
i try to be a better person everyday...i try to acquire new skills and that very moment the something goes wrong in the webpage...i try to code a little after a very bad day and the program wont just run on the platform...my emotionally unavailable parents are an icing on the cake! they brag on and on about letting me do watever i wish but they cause so much chaos to an extent that it gets in my way. firstly they let me do watever i want coz they couldnt care less about me....lately days have been so tough and its becoming unbearable as each day passes. my peers are achieving and here i am stuck in the midst of no where. i dont know where i am. i dont know where to find me and pick myself up again. i dont wann look like a failure in tiz crucial time of lyf....one wrong thing rn will only cause domino effect.
but something gotta support me right...anything i wann do goes straight into failure phase before i actually do anything...i dont know if i am making any sense or not...but tiz is how i feel rn
i am very well aware that my life is very much in the comfort zone...i get food to eat...got roof on my head....got a safe shelter....while thy are many kids of my age struggling their ass off out there...maybe i need a lil warm hug to pull my spirits high? i dont knoww.....can something positive juz happen to me...like a lil reward...i dont have to go deeper deeper into the dungeon everytime right...righttt???
p.s. even posting this dint go well...got moderated twice for watsoever reason and was just not accepted or some bs....juz whyyy!!! should i get used to the fact that i cant get anything...even the merest of everything in the first attempt no matter the effort i put in???
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
Tell Me Why
I’m a total cheapskate. I have around 150 games I got for free from Epic Games, and a few on Steam, and I’ve paid for a total of 7 games. So in June I found that a game called Tell Me Why was free on Steam so I just got it and never thought about it again. Until later on when I was watching a video on why you shouldn’t buy Hogwarts: Legacy, when they mentioned that you should instead support games made by LGBTQIA+ people, like Celeste and Tell Me Why, and my ears perked up, and I went to my Steam library and there it was! So I immediately installed it, and wow. It is awesome. I have one gripe with it though. More of a gripe with me but whenever I think about the game my brain just jumps to Jake Peralta singing “Tell me whyyy, ain’t nothing but a heartbreak”. Anyways, that aside. So the story is about twins, Alyson and Tyler, Tyler is a trans man, who were separated from each other after their mom was killed by Tyler following a supposed psychotic episode where she tried to shoot Tyler. 10 years later, after Tyler is released from juvie, they reunite, and go back to their childhood home to sell it and put their past behind them, but they find things they did not expect to. I won’t go into much more detail for now.
I really love the story and where it’s heading and oh my god, the interactions between them, so great. Gameplay-wise, it’s sorta like a visual novel but you get to play, instead of choosing dialogue options and reading text, sorta like a Telltale game (Telltale Games was a development studio that made episodic games with choices that branch the story, like choosing to be an asshole or choosing between characters to die. It’s fun. I never played any because cheapskate, but I watched like a ton of playthroughs and could probably detail the story and branches of Minecraft: Story Mode). There’s also a really interesting mechanic that I don’t really want to spoil too much, but they help tell the story through flashbacks and make for some interesting interactions. I also really love the portrayal of dysphoria and the struggles of being trans, they put a lot of effort into getting it right, which I really appreciate, and the voice actor for Tyler is also himself trans. :P I wish I took more screenshots, but you’ve seen those that I did take, so eh.
NOOOO DAMMIT, I COULDN’T GET A SCREENSHOT. Anyways, it’s just dialogue that went
Alyson: So do you want instant coffee or… instant coffee?
Tyler: Hmm, nah. I’m more of a T person. Get it? Like T as in-
Alyson: Mmmhmm. How long have you been waiting to make that joke?
Tyler: Longer than I’m willing to admit. 
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(Sorry, I’ve been waiting to use this meme for longer than I’d like to admit too.)
(T is short for Testosterone if you weren’t aware)
Uhh what else have been up to, oh yeah, I finished 2 anime. Your Lie in April and Tokyo Ghoul. YLIA is certainly something. My heart aches just thinking about it, and I’m not one to get emotional about much. Seriously, it has this really cool opening, https://open.spotify.com/track/2BlDX1yfT0ea5wo0vjCKKa?si=7b95e588be604494
 and I learnt to play the intro on the piano, but whenever I do I’m like goddammit I can’t deal with this pain again. It’s about a piano prodigy who stopped playing after his mom and tutor died, and him getting back into it because of a violinist. She forces him to be her accompanist and then picks it up again. Again, don’t wanna give out too many details, although, it is romance so you probably won’t watch it, but whatever. I would make a comparison with a certain novel but that would be giving out too much. I’ve vowed to never spoil anyone. I think I’m finally shedding toxic masculinity and allowing myself to watch whatever I want. Overtly edgy stuff still has my heart tho. Tokyo Ghoul is… weird, in a bad way. I watched the first two seasons and I’m like huh??? in a bad way. I usually like going huh??? but like, nothing mad e sense. Turns out the anime adaptation is garbage. Gonna have to read it :P. So I started Banana Fish. My first shoujo! I heard it’s… sad? Weird? Disturbing? I don’t remember, but all of those are right up my alley so I’m gonna watch it anyways.
(Okay, I'm 3 episodes in, definitely disturbing. Yay! It's created by MAPPA??? Why does MAPPA have everything, like what? Attack On Titan, Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, literally every recent anime is MAPPA lmao)
Also, I played this really cool demo of a game called Paper Trails, by the creator of Hue, another puzzle platformer game that I got for free, with an interesting mechanic where you use colors to make stuff appear or disappear, so like if it's a red platform and you switch to red, the platform will disappear, and if you switch to something else it reappears, and Paper Trails did not disappoint either. So, the basic mechanic is, it's a top down puzzle game, where the levels are paper. So the level has two sides, and you can fold the paper to create pathways and solve puzzle. Really innovative, can't wait to play the finished game.
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lesamis · 4 years
why yes i do take writing a phd proposal extremely seriously and my research questions are very well thought out why do you ask
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mitsua · 3 years
Hello my precious stories! Hope you're enjoying Christmas and will have a happy New Year 🤍
I've got many notifications on the last post, thank you so much for that! That's whyyy, today's topic it's:
[☻️]Bad grammar and spelling mistakes.
[🤬]Maybe a lil cursing.
Serie : 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚
Y / n 's . . . GN !
🎄Izuku Midoriya🎄
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You both accord to meet at a restaurant with your families, this was an special and unique ocasion at the year, and your clothing had to show it.
When you locked your eyes with his, you sense the nervousness filling the air, from the two of you.
However, this moment was interrupted by your family greeting Izuku's mom.
Once everyone was in their seats, at the moment of reading the menu, you took a better look to Izuku's wearing, it was a black suit, the white and some gold details in it highlighting his green waved hair and emerald eyes.
When he caught you looking at him, you could barely see his now slightly pink cheeks, since he turned to the other side hiding his embarrassment.
At the moment the food arrived, everyone was talking to each other, random topics, between Izuku and you, you were talking about the school, some other experiences in your life.
"What if you come to our house?" Your mother suggested to Inko and Izuku, this two answering with a noth and grateful for the invitation.
The glance to your house at the inside and outside of it, left them impressed, your family, including you had always loved Christmas and New Year, and the passion and effort you put decoring your home did demostrate it.
The atmosphere was great, kind and comfortable.
At the end of the night, Izuku gave you a gift, which consisted in a gold clip for your hair, with the figure of (your favorite animal); as soon as you thanked him, you handed his gift and to his mother.
Izuku's gift was a framed picture your mother took of the two of you at the end of the sports festival, this same one reflected many emotions you had at the moment the winners were told. And you knew he and you, would never forget about it.
"The best Christmas, is and will always be, with my beatiful Y/n, definitely". -Izuku thought and whispered to himself, while hugging you.
🎄Bakugo Katsuki🎄
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"I'll be there at 6, don't worry"
"You better, if not I won't invite you here never again...YEAH I'M COMING, JUST WAIT A DAMN MORE MINUTE OLD HAG!"
"Looks like someone has to go, it's okay, goodbye Kats!"
"Whatever...bye teddybear" -You both hung up the call and went to prepare everything to be at 6 o'clock, with Bakugo's family, at Christmas.
You tried and did your best to wear something more elegant than you ever did, just as Bakugo.
At 5:57 you were at his house since you didn't want to be scolded by your own boyfriend...heh, who would have thought that-sorry.
Masaru was the one who opened the door, inviting you inside, as you thanked him, he couldn't help but notice the three gift bags you were holding, asides your own bag with your own things.
Smiling and recognizing the shouts from the kitchen, you both came in to the dinner room, were the table was already settled and minutes later you saw your boyfriend coming out from the kitchen, with a black suit, and an apron, with a visible delicious plate.
-"How much did you heard about this fight?" -Katsuki asked, -"nothing really..." -"Good".
After eating the surprisingly good food, which your blonde haired porcupine said he did, along with his mother (but he clearly omitted this part), you were guided to the living room, were the big tree was decored with many different colors and figures.
You took back the three gift bags and gave them to Mitsuri first, Masaru, and lasty, Katsuki.
The young couple thanked you and Katsuki just muttered something you guessed it was his thanks.
You gave Katsuki a black T-shirt, and a clip with a porcupine figure.
When you were about to leave, after a long talk with Katsuki and his parents...and maybe or not, some fights, your loved one gave you a little box wrapped with a (favourite color) coloured paper.
-"Open it when you arrive to your house". -"Thank you, porcupine".
. He gifted you a gold necklace with a small silver stone, with a little card that said: "thank you for everything ♥︎".
🎄Shoto Todoroki🎄
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Todoroki was invited by you, to your house to celebrate Christmas, this was new for the both of you; first because, he'd spent a Christmas without his family (he definitely didn't wanna see his father's face at dinner time), and two, it would be your first holiday together, as a couple.
Of course this did mean a lot, and you gave your best preparing the food, decoration and your clothes.
Your parents even thought you weren't you, since they always saw you as 'lazy'.
Now they know how to tease you to do your chores...but it's worth it.
You prepared a classic dish from your family at Christmas time, with an apple salad mixed with some other fruits, your tree was just as big as your first floor, the lights were a bit warm and you just changed some of the flowers which were adorning more the environment.
At the time you were finished with everything, your parents still shocked by the effort you put on each plate and craft to adorn and the gift you prepared for Todoroki, the doorbell was heard, and you ran up to the door and peeked from the hole in it.
You turned quick to your parents and announced his arrive, to be greeted by your heterochromatic boyfriend with a bouquet of some white and red flowers, yes, just as his hair, and as the typical for Christmas, along with some other gift bags and dressed with a blue suit.
He seemed a bit serious, his normal expression, but deeper he felt a bit nervous, this wasn't just because it was Christmas or his first holiday with you, but because he was going to meet your parents too.
You told him the way over the dining room and there were your parents waiting for you, they were smiling and your father raised his hand to shake with Shoto's, who thought for a second but took it.
As you placed the flowers inside a flower vase, your mother asked for Todoroki's family, that's why yoh tried to do faster and don't let him in such an uncomfortable situation.
The talk was fluid, easy to go with, and Todoroki, from time to time, started to feel relieved and happy to be accepted, as what your parents reflected with his actions of being kind and smile almost every time.
He thanked for the food and asked for the recipe a bit later, to probably "give it to Fuyumi", he said, at what you giggled and said of course.
When his time of leaving was coming, your parents offered going to the living room to you to give Shoto his gift...you blushed a bit in embarrassment, but he agreed with a smile.
You gave him a sweatshirt, a fully white one, and a little card made by you, which said:
-for my sparkle, thanks for each moment you gave me during this year, I know you're passing through many things and situation, but I need you to know I'll always be with you, so count with me ♥︎
You couldn't describe his face, he was excited and at the same time...simply undescriptible.
He gifted you a pair of earrings to which you recognized were the ones you stared at that time you went shopping, and smiled even brighter, causing him to do the same.
Before you were about to go, your parents took you a photo next to the tree, Shoto was with his left arm wrapped around your shoulders, while you were smiling holding both of your gifts.
Best Christmas Ever 💖
Hiiii! I know it's too late to publish something about Christmas but I didn't had time to write at the date. I'm so sorry, but I hope you had a great and happy time! 😊 🤍
Hope you also liked this post and remember to take care of yourself, the others, and give your PLUS ULTRA!
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Wanna see some BNHA characters edits and headcanons? Check out my account on Tiktok
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Seeing Rook like that makes me SUPER excited to play book 5, only a week left till they most likely drop the last batch??? THEN THE BINGE CAN START BC HOOOLY SHIT ROOK??? LIKE HOT DAMN WHATTA MAN HE IS?? A FINE SPECIMEN INDEED
I knew I would love him when he started smooth talkin in his R cards like??? Whisper them sweet nothings IN. MY. EAR. PLEASEEE
And Epel, poor thing his chibi always looks so sad and for whyyy :( But I think he’s so cool, the way he switches like be your country bumpkin self I love it!! And and Vil?! I didn’t really know how to feel about him until Beansday?? The amount of effort and work he puts in to be his best self??? The way he’s not actually a narcissistic pretty boy like he can appreciate inward beauty too??? He’s not afraid to get down and dirty like????
Hello Anonie 🌻🌺💕
YES! I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to the end of book 5. It's dropping soon I think, in about five days? (I believe right after Ghost marriage ends) I hope you have fun binging it anonie 🙌💚, You're in for a treat. Oh man please tell me how you feel after you finish book 5, I cant wait to see everyone's reaction. if you're a fan of Rook now, anonie, I can't wait until you read book 6 because pomefiore fans be thriving in that chapter even more. and rook? vil? Epel? *chef kiss*
I adore when Rook just smooth talking. You know that no matter what, you wouldn't be able to escape his flowery words and sweetness. You definitely know you would never feel insecure with this man.
but also? the way his voice changes? from that flirting to that deep and serious?? please....just freaking please *chef kiss* 💚💚 OTL I am begging here lolol
ironically, I just noticed that too! specifically his alchemy lessons one but I think that's almost all of them and who can blame them? plus he's learning and growing so im sure his chili will reflect that too. His groom card is so cute (they all are honestly). Nice epel --> Feral Epel! I adore! and it happens at the most hilarious moments, you just wait anonie.
omg anonie, please, don't get me started on Vil. It's sad that when the EN server first came out, people didn't have a good view of Vil (which I understand) but the way they attacked him and hated on him and tried to change canon? it was heartbreaking.
Vil is such a hard worker and he knows what he wants and he tries his best to get what he wants. he also knows your limits and what you can and cannot do and that's why he pushes others so much. He also, like rook, sees the beauty and potential in everyone and I hope the fandom can see he's a great character and I just adore him.
and when he's ready to get down and dirty? Oh, he will literally kick your ass and he with command you like a queen. Book 6 Vil *vibrates in excitement* will break everyone and I am here for it 🙌🙌
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titan-fodder · 3 years
I'm just gonna start doing ask dumps cause there's a lot.
I'd like to say posting these isn't intended to be a cry for attention, but I'm sure some people will see it that way anyway. I'm just trying to address both the support and the hate, so like here I go.
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probably like I'm almost starting to feel bad lmao
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yeah that "let's all be kind" mentality does not work in the real world. 🚩🚩🚩 righteous anger. I like that.
I am a little white girl, so I can only imagine what it's like to deal with anything even slightly similar to this (and I'm really not even trying to equate the two at all cause like you said, entirely different thing). but I would guess it's incredibly frustrating. so I'm sorry this petty shit brought that to mind cause you shouldn't have to deal with it.
but for real, thank you for the support 💕
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LOL RIGHT? I was like "um okay? cool?" like moving on
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bfkdhfkd that made me think of The Office when Michael is like "I'm gonna date her even harder"
but yeah like I know my response wasn't nice, but it could have been so much worse. and the only reason it's even blown up this big is cause I can't shut my god damn mouth but whatever
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this this this this.
like for some reason we're not allowed to snap? whyyy I don't get it. people really think we're all robots. just push content out and have zero feelings whatsoever. it's been a problem for a long time but now it's really smacking me in the face.
thank you ❤️
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yeah dude it just got messy. I'm sure some artists have been asked shit like that before though and ugh I feel so sorry for them. artists and writers alike are a gift lol like I would be nowhere without fanart.
interaction has been down fs. I'm just trying to like not pay attention to it I guess. I got very used to low interaction once I started writing for Sir Nighteye specifically. it was a reminder that like oh not everyone loves this character the way I do. and that's okay! just adjust your expectations I guess.
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exactly go to the tags and find someone who writes for the character you wanna see. it's not that hard. there are so many talented writers on this platform and others. so go appreciate their content. don't fucking beg for more. just appreciate what they have.
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right? like am I not... allowed... to show human emotion?
it's so hard to understand the effort put in when you've never made it yourself. cause yeah I was a silent reader for a long long time. then once I started posting here I was like "awww comments make me feel good. they probably make others feel good too" so I try to drop love (like the real kind, not the 'i love this now give me more' kind) when I read or see something I enjoy.
and yeah like other anons may not have worded it exactly the same way, but I'm sure many of them have pouted over not getting the content they want boohoo
I love you, kee 💕
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