#i read them in an irish accent idk why
bobamilkk · 1 year
I told myself I’d get these up one of these days👍 I finished this list at 4 am last night so none of this makes any sense and every word is more chaotic than the ones before it and no I’m not sorry y’all sighed up for this bs
-Can understand a good chunk of French but can’t speak more than a few simple words if that, has no clue how he understands it (Spy spoke a good amount of French around him as a baby or something idk)
-Can be just has hard to find as Spy-once you loose sight of him he’s impossible to find if he’s actually trying to stay hidden-Like father like son
-Can and will steal your food-this includes Heavy and Medic-He has no fear whatsoever and has been sent to respawn god knows how many fucking times because of this-And yet he still does it
-Loves scifi movies and comics and if you watch a movie with him half of it is him pointing out random trivia facts because he’s incapable of shutting the fuck up (this is also what happens when you watch a movie with me irl. My grandparents are sick and tired of it. Yes this is even more self projection what of it?)
-has mastered the younger sibling talent of fucking climbing people if it means getting something that’s held over his head. He also bites
-it’s impossible to tell if he’s insulting you or complimenting you 90% of the time
-Has stabbed Scout’s hand to the table to prevent him from stealing food before and no one stopped him
-The team has movie nights once a week and Soldier always puts on the same inaccurate WW2 documentary he made himself when it’s his turn to pick-he used to put on 10 hours of the American National Anthem but someone (read: The rest of the team working together) lost (read: Violently destroyed) the tape after the third time
-I said he was from Missouri once in a rp cuz my rp friend and I are both from different parts of Missouri so that’s my hc now
-I always hc him as Irish for some reason idk why
-Can casually pick up every merc except for Heavy-He struggles a bit with Medic because that man is pure muscle but they can indeed pick him up
-May or may not be a cannibal-it’s a little uncertain but either way they’re banned from the kitchen and cooking duty
-I’m a sucker for the hc that he does not like water whatsoever-Getting this man a bath is like trying to bathe a cat except somehow even more deadly
-This may be the impulsive sleep deprivation but my brain randomly went “What If he can see general ghosts because of his possessed eye socket, not just Eyelander or the scream fortress ghosts” so sometimes people walk in on him casually having a conversation with the air. Considering he’s made out with his own organs in his head, this is one of the less weird things they’ve walked in on him doing
-Surprisingly he’s the best with kids out of all 9 mercs, Heavy is a good runner up though and Spy’s not far behind but will never admit it
-Accent gets thicker when he’s talking to people he cares about
-Was the one who suggested the movie nights in the first place
-Actually cleans up in the base unlike literally everyone else
-People don’t realize how unhinged this man is ok??? Anyways he’s a caffeine addict and has developed the habit of pulling way too many all nighters if it means getting work done (like me. It’s 4 am as I work on this list. Help)
-What’s a southern farm boy without a few dozen concerning stories about pushing cousins out of second story barn windows or near drowning fishing story? My cousins lived on a farm when we were kids and they scared the shit out of me I swear there was a new broken bone every summer
-probably once had a sleep deprived mental breakdown on his workshop floor because the sweet tea one of the mercs made him wasn’t sweet enough idk man I’m sleep deprived rn and could really use a southern style sweet tea
-Mann vs Machine hc that his hometown would rather deal with the robots than having Medic anywhere near them ever again. They want him GONE
-Sleeps like a fucking corpse-You can’t even tell he’s breathing unless you look closely. He even crosses his arms like a corpse
-Will take you graverobbing for a romantic date-gotta get experiment canvases somehow he’s running out of room on the other mercs without them just dropping dead from it all
-The opposite of a morning person, but his internal clock won’t let him sleep in ever. The suns up? He’s up! Someone help him
-Has befriended a wild owl and feeds it at night-The offense trio very violently helped him name it (They fist fought eachother over who’s name was better while Sniper spaced out thinking about random gator facts)
-An adrenaline junkie but will never ever admit it
-Spy can mimic voices to a near perfect even without his disguise kit-he however rarely uses this and instead simply mocks everyone instead because he finds it funny (“This is Scout! Rainbows make me cry!”)
-Wears a corset because I said so-It always matches perfectly with his outfit and underwear too-He feels SO bonita
Bonus since it’s Pride Month
-Scout is gay and so many levels deep in the closet it’s embarrassing-He’s also trans because I said so
-Soldier is trans, bi, and poly :) his list of wives consists of anyone and everyone /j
-Spy is bi and a cis man who wears dresses regularly he’s gnc af and I love that for him he’s my wife now
-Medic is gay and still legally married to his wife they’re mlm wlm solidarity married for tax benefits /j
-Pyro is trans, non-binary, and pan and uses he/they pronouns because I said so
-None of these men are straight ok
-Medic did both Scout and Soldier’s top surgery but both of them instead have overly extravagant extremely gorey stories on how they got their scars
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I'll do it on my hcs of the marauders ethnicities and nationalities hehehe since we were talking about it earlier
starting off with the girls because LADIES FIRST/lh
Marlene— I see her as German or Korean (maybe both for that matter) I saw her as German first originally, and like I love it
I also saw her recently being hc as Korean and I thought that was fitting as well
and I think she was born and raised in England, but her parents always took her on trips back to Germany or to Korea to learn about the cultures and see their extended family as well
she would definitely be bilingual, but no one would realize until one day she just whips it out, and everyone is stunned
Dorcas— Haitian/cuban, she is a Caribbean girlie all the way
Dorcas can fluently speak créole and Spanish, French as well
She was born in Haiti and her parents had her live there until she was like 5 and then brought her to live in England with them
Lily— English/Irish, born in england
but I like to think that her father was born and raised in Ireland and had the thickest accent and so because of her growing up with her mother's English accent and her father's Irish accent, she has this combined accent from the both of them
Mary— I think she could be Nigerian, though I haven't thought too much about Mary (Shame on me ikik 😔)
She was born in England but she lived with her grandmother for a while bc maybe her parents died(?) and then when she got older she moved back to England for school
Emmeline Vance— I actually know nothing about her so I'm open to whatever hcs ppl have for her
I usually see her fancasts being Asian but I'm not sure where in Asia I think she'd be from
Pandora— Mexican/French or Brazilian/French
u told me about Mexican rosier twins earlier and I can't not get that out my mind
I love it sm
they were born and raised in France though, moving to England when they were 12-13 maybe
Sybil— I got no clue here, I'm thinking maybe polish? I'm not sure
she was born as raised in England tho, that's for sure
Bellatrix— Haitian/French
Cygnus had an affair(a one night stand) and the woman got pregnant and then came bellatrix, and because she technically had Cygnus' blood, she was partially "pure" so he had to take her in
but the rest of that family is white(you can't convince me that the older generations of the Black Family weren't racist— ironic bc of the name but I digress) and therefore Bellatrix always stood out yk
but she could fluently speak French, her French is honestly better than her English (bc she wanted to be accepted so badly she leaned more into learning french bc it was what her family valued)
she was born and raised in England
Narcissa— French, born and raised in England
Druella was french, Cygnus was French and there you get Narcissa (this sounds so plain after every I wrote for Bella but 😭)
Fluent in French and English
Andromeda— French, born and raised in England
Can speak French, but not as well as her sisters, but knows more than enough to get by
Alice— Italian, born and raised in Italy but moved to England for Hogwarts
idk why but she just seems Italian to me
Rita— kill me but she's so american, in terms of nationality
I think she'd be Greek and dutch ethnically though, but can't speak either of those languages (she can read and write Greek tho, just can't speak it well)
BUT SHE'S SUCH AN AMERICAN 😭😭😭 IM TELLING I (sincerely, an American)
she moved to England though, cause 1. her parents are loaded and 2. she begged hard enough
okay I think that's all the girls (I will sob if I missed one—)
now for the dudes
Remus— Welsh/English, born and raised in Wales
Idk where I got this from it's just always been there
but if I may
can I propose German Remus? cause I can see it yk
Sirius— French/Italian, born in italy and lived there for a bit, then moved to England
Idk which parent would be which bc I honestly don't care enough about Orion or Wallburga, but I have converted to Italian Black brothers and I couldn't give it up Im telling you
it's just too perfect
Sirius would lean more into learning Italian than French but would be fluent in both, as well as English
his accent is strong but he's good at covering it
Regulus— same as Sirius, French/Italian, but born and raised in France
Id like to think Orion and wallburga were separated for a bit bc they couldn't tolerate each other's bullshit LMAO so they both separated(without anyone knowing ofc) and took the boys to France and Italy for a bit until they had to show their faces together a couple years later
So regulus is ofc fluent in French, as well as Italian, but he doesn't have as strong of an Italian accent, as well as English ofc
he also stopped using Italian a lot more after Sirius left
there's no in between for me he's either Desi or Hispanic LOL (I mean he can be both ofc he can but I always see him as one or the other)
He's fluent in Spanish or Bengali and knows some hindu (but his parents were from West Bengal and Bangladesh so they mainly speak Bengali) and English
But sorry y'all, despite this, his spice tolerance is not great, sue me(/lh)
he still eats it all anyway bc all that food is DELICIOUS OMG(I love food, can you tell)
he was born and raised in England tho
Peter— I think he's Scottish for some reason, born and raised
and he has an accent too hehehe
sorry Peter, you're quite simple when it comes to this imo 😔🎀
Barty— we've all decided he was Italian haven't we
but but what if I hit you with Italian/German barty
I saw it in a post the other day and I loved it LMAO
he was born and raised in Italy but moved to England in his teens
can speak Italian, and German fluently, his English is good but his accents are all over the place at times
Evan— exactly the same as Pandora, Mexican/French or Brazilian/French
Frank— tell me why I see him as Asian (probably bc of Frank from Percy Jackson but that's not my fault—)
but he'd probably be half Chinese and half English
born and raised in England
Lucius— Russian or French, or half and half
it just seems right to me
he was born in raised in Russia until he was ten, then he moved to France, and then finally, they ended up in England for him to go to Hogwarts
fluent in Russian and French, and his English is good enough to get by, his accent is THICK though
Snape(I just realized.... we don't call him by his first name do we 💀)— but ummmm hm
born and raised in England and does not speak Italian
Xenophilius— french, born and raised
can speak French fluently as well as English
Rodolphus(Lestrange)— I can't remember what exactly me and my friend hc them as but ik he was half Romanian
(I think the other half was Russian)
Rabastan(Lestrange)— same as his brother
and... I think that's everyone
everyone that we rlly talk about anyways LMAO
this was a long one hehe
I agree with a lot of these hehe
I get where you're coming from with Bellatrix, I've somehow always seen her as part italian for some reason lol, cus of the whole affair thing that I completelyyyy agree withhh
And yeah rita is Definitely American, any idea what state she could be from? I feel like she could also be german/American just for fun
I think xenophilius would be French but I also think he'd maybe be some other European country, maybe like Belgium or maybe Greece? hehe
but sadly I kinda don't think it fits a bit ? IDKK
but yes it absolutely works I'm just veryy used to French black brothers loll
hehe ^_^
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ya-mi-la · 11 months
hiiiii!!! i haven’t interacted with you much but i was wondering! if you perhaps had any personal hcs/lore for nnt!! i’m writing a melban fic and currently begging for lore so!!!!!! hi! hope you have a wonderful day/night!!!
Hmmmmmm I think the main hcs that I have for the characters are influenced by other people's AUs/hcs so...
For Mel, it's mainly just the demon form cat stuff. I think at some point I read about someone saying that maybe demons get to pick the shape of their wings when they get them? I also like thinking of Meliodas having double horns (a pair coming out of his forehead and a pair on either side of the top of his head) that have grown in with time (maybe takes 100-200 years to grow fully?) And he has the typical demon tail and bla bla bla. Mostly physical appearances. There's fangs in his mouth, not like.. Vampire fangs, but fangs that can tear through meat easily (I haven't drawn him like that yet I think). Also - extreme flexibility, but that could somewhat be established in the show.
For Ban, I don't have too much? Maybe he has a super soft spot for Meli or smth. He likes cuddles about as much as he likes sparing, he looks kind of intimidating but he's super chill. He gets freaked out when Meliodas does contortionist type shit. He also teaches (or at least tries to teach) Meliodas how to cook properly by making the food the right way, but Meliodas very rarely listens completely because he has the attention span of less than 10 seconds OR he fucks it up to mess with Ban.
Anyways Ban is malewife and Meliodas is his pet cat. I think that's all for what I think about those two?
In terms of lore (like, story wise), I think that Meliodas didn't know how to write or read in English or whatever language they use in Britannia (which I assume is, like, anglo saxon or smth), and when he did learn, he developed an Irish accent because I am a strong believer in him being Irish (cuz, y know, Britannia). Demons and Goddesses speak semitic languages because of me thinking about religion and stuff and how Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc originated in the Middle East, Fairies are Eastern European to me idk why, Giants are..???? Whatever you wish, and humans are everywhere as expected. Vampires are also Eastern European because I searched it up and liked it. They have traditional dances and such - demons and giants have their dances connected to their fighting (giants dancing makes them stronger, demon dancing is just fusion dance w martial arts, like capoeira.), fairies create more lively atmospheres with dancing, I guess, and goddesses, since they're more "elegant", would have smth real classical. Fairies didn't really involve themselves in war too often, giants and demons involved themselves the most, and goddesses did it because of their VERY strained relationship with demons. Ehmmm, what else..... Meliodas never opened up to ANYONE. Like ever. Until he fully gained their trust (which could've taken months, years, decades even.) Ban's on the same boat. Anyways, after the sealing of the demons and the destruction of the goddess race (I may be incorrect, it's been a while since i watched the anime or read the manga), and since the humans are selfish and also gullible, they made history all about how bad demons were. They didn't see demons as actual people, whatever whatever, bla bla bla, you know the rest. Led to incorrect depictions of both races in history and what not.
That's just me, though. You can write whatever you want.
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1d1195 · 9 months
Omg you’re a math girlie!?! Ngl that’s so ICONIC!! And no I simply cannot :( I have one main research class, which is taught by that hot professor HAHA but in that class we have to replicate studies in order to see because there’s like a huge replication crisis in psychology research or whatever lol and I think my group chose something about a dogs and humans idk!? And the other class is not a research class but our main project for the class is researching a sex myth and like provide evidence and stuff. It’s a human sexuality class so yeah definitely can’t use the same for both lol
And DONT BE SORRY!!!! I love knowing what ppl have to say! And you’re absolutely right about asking for help/going to office hours! Literally I have had TAs say going to their office hours is like their highlight!
And omg Sam I literally was in shock from how hot he was! Like I’ve never had a hot professor before like yes I’ve had cute TAs or whatever BUT HE IS JUST SO 😵‍💫 and he’s a biker and came in an all black outfit and my mind was going INSANE!! And he’s so sweet and kinda just gives off “nerd” vibes in the cutest/hottest way possible 😵‍💫But he’s like MARRIED BAHAH but yeah honestly such a win for me because that class is 3 hours sooooooo I will definitely not be complaining about lecture lol but I will sure share my delusions with you🤪
And 2 book already!? Omg that’s such a WIN!!! What were your thoughts!?
And you know I’ll do ready to read part 5 whenever it’s ready!!!-💜
Oh I am a STEM lady through and through. Everyone on tumblr, in the past, has been shocked about this given my “good” writing and whatnot. But my heart belongs to Pythagoras and Newton. That’s FASCINATING to me about the replication. I teach a section of AP statistics and we have a chat about why replication is so vital to a good study/experiment so it really paints a different picture when I think about stuff I read.
Omg group project?!?! 🙃🔫 I HATE group work. I always end up doing the most because I’m a psychopathic control freak. Also I think every group project I’ve ever been in is composed of me and the three dumbest people they accepted my year of college. I know it’s harsh and sounds super elitist of me but it’s MIND BOGGLING. I’m here to get a good grade. Ugh it seems this is my trigger ��😂😂
He sounds like the stuff of daydreams 😍 I bet you’ll learn a lot in that class. Lord knows I would probably recite every word he spoke. You’ll be riveted! 😏😭 can’t wait to hear more about him!
I actually read book number three today 🙈🙈🙈 Christina Lauren again. Roomies. The male lead had an Irish accent so I was SCREWED. Gave me an idea for my own writing 🙃 but I literally couldn’t put it down! I bought myself a habit tracker so I am trying to do be my best self in 2024. Gonna be 30 sooner rather than later so no time like the present 🤢
Part 5 will be here soon!!!
P.S. sorry for the overuse of emojis. I’m hella millennial and I find them extremely helpful in expressing my emotions.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x21 the dead pool I think
everyonehasthoughts, if you're reading this, I tagged you with this: "btw shout out to @/everyonehasthoughts for reading a fic I was feeling unsure of!" when thinking about alex conrad & rick castle
Who would go swimming at night like that???
kindness : ) U better have asked beckett...
RC: Come on he's a writer, how much trouble could he be?
Food poisoning? He Should Not Have Been Swimming
It's a 6am swim practice & this boy was up at 1.30 swimming? Did he wake up early or stay up late? When does he sleep?
Oh there's an aussie
...Where do babies come from? Remembers her last name too? Wow Beckett lowkey checking him out
Interesting view of the morgue
We see montgomery's eyes a little bit teary. He must really care abt this case. I mean I get it, the poor mother. This is one of the best mom interview scenes we've had.
RM: It says here she's 5'2", you really think she can overpower Zack? KR: Uh, no, but her brothers could. In Grand Irish Tradition, she has four of them, each over six foot, (he says grand irish tradition while standing like 5'8" with three older sisters) each with his own claim to fame: KR: Assault. RC: Ooh KR: Ag assault (aggravated assault) RC: Bad (RM looks at castle making a comment for every one; if it's a long list it's going to be a lot of comments) KR: ADW (assault with a deadly weapon) RC: Eee KR: Battery RC: Mm KR: Assault on a city employee parking enforcement RC: Doesn't count (so valid bestie) RM: Easy KR: Dude KB: (just looks at him) RC: I.. just jokes! (acab bro) RM: RC: RM: ! RC: ..
ew steamed chix breast with no seasonings. Bodybuilders are just like that huh. (when does he sleep? wakes up for 6am swim team, stays up at night until 1am doing what he does & swimming...) Idk some scary looking guy. They went at it. Me, after hearing her say she thought he was with another girl: THEY WERE DOING WHAT Girl you might be able to say NOT a certain accent. Not british, not australian, not east asian, not baltimore, but you don't know what it IS?
... Does beckett have a sticky note pad of... dead people? wtf? Yo espt's outfit today! It's a maroon/burgundy shirt, button up, collared, but it has nice pockets, interesting fabric block placement, & even little straps that go atop his shoulders. Espt & Castle are doing the "build off of each other" thing that caskett does. Did those two have some offscreen action? (won't clip but I love the way they look at each other)
THEY USED TO HAVE WHAT RACES I'm so glad I live up north, it is not even that far north tbh... Remember Norman Jessop & how he helped crack the case by saying that the door was not locked? Yeah. Maybe they trashed the place before he was killed, you don't know! Wait a dental pick? Right after I mentioned Norman Jessop? I literally brought down my finesse picks (which look like dental picks) downstairs TODAY & practiced my lock skills! I have a real pick set too but I wanted to try out the carving/dental picks. (btw I am not a criminal, I just read a tumblr post once about some guy who got back into his office & impressed a girl & I wanted to impress girls too.) Oh come on the ones who trashed his apartment would have seen that! RC: Only one thing I know of comes in vials like that. Me: pee? RC: Steroids
Bro it's designer. & u can detect it if u specifically look for it. Why does Dr Parish know that? Also where is perlmutter?
WOAH OK DID THIS GUY GET BEAT UP IS HE DRUNK OR IS HE HUNG OVER? IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY WHAT? SO HE EITHER GOT BEAT UP OR IS DRUNK & EVEN THO HE'S A COP ASKING AROUND FOR THE SISTER'S MURDER CHARGE I FEEL IT'S JUST AS LIKELY HE'S DRUNK. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. (Ryan comes in all banged up & shabby looking. His tie is way off to the side, he looks like he hasn't slept properly in a week, his posture is struggling, his shirt cuffs are hanging out from his coat cuffs, his eyebrows are very low, & his jacket has a rip in it.) KR: Well, she wasn't lying about her brothers. JE: *leans back to get a better look at this man* RC: *sees ryan then looks harder as his face deepens its concern* KR: Talked to all four of them, JE: *looks his partner up & down* KR, putting his tie back on properly: one Irishman to another, JE: >:| KR, voice dropping in pitch as he stares into the distance: & another. JE: *raises eyebrows at castle & beckett* KR: Anyway, they alibied out. They were in New Paltz when Zack was killed. KB: All of them? KR: Mm. (confirmation) KB: For what? KR: KR: They were at a sporting event, of-uh ...sorts. *immediately turns around to walk away* KB: Which was? KR: *licks teeth to stall* KR: Leprechaun toss. *looks immediately to esposito* Don't. ask. (JE & RC share a look & try not to laugh) (a leprechaun toss from what I hear is where you take a little-person & literally throw them as far as you can. Usually into a mattress.) KR: Anyway, the, uh, older brother, he got *notices rip in jacket* first place. KR, toying with the shoulder of his jacket which is falling off at the seam, voice jumping literally an octave like I measured: Oh, man. KB: *trying not to smile* RC: Well, the merits of Irish culture aside, KR: Hey. >:( RC: Sorry & then when beckett asks ryan to do smth he doesn't answer with words, he just raises a fist. Like holy crap this poor man, what happened to him? That's a deleted scene I Want To See!
When did they learn that half the time he was leaving w/o his gym bag?
Ooh alex conrad! AC: *gives a good idea* RC: *proud of him* KB: AC: Well that's just me idk RC: don't worry it takes experience KB: no u'r right uwu uwu Keep in mind, she is also in a romantic relationship as well as being your so called muse.
five to ten in mythology jail Hold on he had a book called dead serious & his new book is called seriously dead? this is a game of concentration; category is plants: WEASEL This is like when Gracie came back & was hella goth
An edible way of saying thank you so much for last night? JE, walking by (beckett is talking abt the case) JE, stops when he sees the Big Basket of Mini Muffins (Beckett is mentioning smth that must be done) JE: Oh how about I run it down? KB: Thanks JE: yeah, *takes the file from her & one of her muffins* *looks at castle guiltily really quick before walking off* RC: Muffins KB: Mhmm, Alex Conrad sent them to me. RC: *drops the muffin immediately & it just falls to the floor* Girl she is literally in a relationship with josh rn wait no wait he meant "got together" in a normal sense not "Got Together" in That sense. & then she stretches Like That???
Ryan outfit update: Maroon sweater, doesn't look too loosely woven & not fraying/fuzzy/wooly, long-sleeved, high vneck; warm navy blue dress shirt; maroon tie. (Oh & later on he gets a grey jacket too, decently light) Castle's outfit is valid but kind of ugly, I don't like the shirt Oh no not an underground website mr castle (& then ryan in the background playing with the medical thing, showing beckett while castle makes a search on someone's computer, idk whose computer tbh) Ryan just.. letting the thing expand around his fingers for no apparent reason
Tommy Marcone is actually not all that wrong. He's dead; nothing u can do abt that now. Hey tommy, smart observation! *drops a hundy for the house & for the bartender, tip for a tip*
They have printers right on their desks eh? Ok but my question: Whose desk is whose? Does rysposito sit back to back or across from one another? does beckett have someone who sits across from her & uses that computer?
Oh nice, the boys made it & got the other side! Just in time! Kinda f'ed up the cops go into this business (probably at least partially legitimate) & just start waving around guns. (of jail in this country is vacation? That is the point. Vacate. Jail is to get dangerous people out of society NOT a punishment.)
Tommy is so right. RC: Like a dead mobster in the trunk? Just like that last episode! I like Tommy. He's cute
I don't like brian. He looks like he's made of plastic. He looks hella douchey. Wow that line was rehearsed Oh that line? It was the dad (hold on, the car guy has the accent but he is not the one supplying the eastern-european drugs)
Ryan my man! Already has the information needed! Reminds me of george crabtree. Since he got convicted (falsely but voluntarily) he couldn't make detective even tho he already had everything that murdoch asked him for. Ugh it was so sweet I want to cry. & he literally says follow the money like brax in his line: You practically need an MBA to follow the money RC: Especially in today's competitive market Me: it's like that movie where the assassins try to unionize! (great movie btw)
Woah & outfit update on esposito, man's got a lapelled jacket with a hundred pockets! Tho his shirt idk. Long sleeved dark reddish brown, a few buttons at the top, no collar. Jeans too.
Poor tommy. I love him sm. Probably bc he's cute & I like his tone. If he had a different tone then I'd likely be so mad at him
Girl she's right. it IS about how fat someone's wallet is. With power & influence & money you can get away with a lot of illegal stuff, even if they catch you. it's sad.
They got milkshakes or smth?? Is "struck out" a good thing or a bad thing? We struck out! that shot in the dark we sent hit & we got the info we needed! Ugh, we struck out. that last bat was another miss & we don't have any info. Nice laptop Not the one phone call, that was a dozen but they were all to one guy.
Why did they direct Ryan to sit? Is it to make him look Baby?
First names : ) Alex Conrad really does look like mini castle Like a piece of meat.
Oh right. May his memory bring joy to all who remember. I like how he pushes the chair back in I hope this boy knows how to play poker Treading water lol dead serious lol, that's his book title Guys cut him some slack lmao 23 more
No no no not the coach Audio changed whoa wow ok then
No no... no not the cologne guy BRO DON'T SEARCH HIS APPARTMENT HWITHOUT TELLING HIM HE HAS A RIGHT TO SEE THE WARRANT. No... (even tho guy on the cereal box comment was funny)
B plot much? Yeah u were p hard on him. Admitting to his jealousy! This is legit & beautiful & honest. I'm glad you at least feel bad about it castle
Wait are they discussing the torture from a few episodes back? Wow their pride (& I'd expect trauma) really healed fast. Except that ryan says: "& then he said, 'they used to do this to me for talking in class' " except ryan was the one to say that in the first place. (also ryan's outfit is kinda weird. blue/yellow gingham type patterned shirt, collared & button up at least, no tie tho, sleeves rolled up.) (& beckett looks good in a turtleneck) Riker's? That a prison? (is that why kate says don't feel bad or is it bc she set him onto the boys for muse?) RC: Will you still send me your writer's draft? AC: Yes as soon as I change the killer RC: Girlfriend? AC: Rookie mistake. btw shout out to @everyonehasthoughts for reading a fic I was feeling unsure of! (ryan & alex get going while espt hangs back) JE: So a dude can be a muse, right bro? I mean it isn't weird or anything,, is it? RC: No, it's not weird KB: No JE: No, yeah *walks off to catch up with his friend & the guy who is asking him abt stuff for a book* RC, quietly: It's a little weird KB: yeah me: mostly bc it seems like they are competing for his attention ACH IT'S ANOTHER ALWAYS
that's just so sweet
(btw I need a fic now where alex can't tell if they are lovers & things get awkward)
Ok so I went thru & grabbed some clips. I actually watched the whole thing while harvesting my pennycress. Well I listened & when smth worth clipping came up then I'd clip it. Usually I watch it sped up until I get to the points i want to clip, but I struggled to find parts I wanted & I was penny-cress-ing anyway
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elitaxne · 2 years
hey lita mun! just wanted to pop in and say that i freakin LOVED your "battle cry" drabble. it's honestly one of my favorite things you've written & ive been following this blog for a looooooooonnngggg time. i love everything you write honestly but ~this~ was especially amazing. please please please tell me you're going to continue? and i swear to primus if anything happens to cypher youll be hearing from my lawyer lololol jk jk no but seriously i love him so much! can't gush enough about everything you did here: wordlbuilding, the war paint, the disfigurement cypher has, KUP, seeing more of elita's past as ariel the list goes on and on. ok i'm done rambling anyways you rock & excited to read what else you put out (even if it's not this) big big fan ^3^
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「 OOC. 」
Not me crying in the club right now ;A; Oh gosh, this is one of the nicest things ever to grace my inbox so thank you so much for sending in — NOT BOTHERING AT ALL !! You have no idea how much this made my day, I’ve been grinning at it for hours !!
*cracks knuckles* OKAY LET’S TALK CYPHER because tbh he’s my sweet baby angel and I love him so much. Fun fact: he’s an OC I created wayyyy back in the days when I first started writing fanfic with a group of three via email ( previously we had met on Pinterest of all places !! ). He’s changed a lot over the years and sadly been relegated to living on the shelf since I don’t RP my OC’s much, save for Starburst. The other NPC’s in babe && mine’s threads are shared characters between us rather than what I consider to be an ACTUAL OC born of my own mind... idk if that makes sense ??
BUT YES— I have a headcanon that the Tarnish region have Scottish / Irish influenced accents. Actually, it’s something @lifotni && I talked about recently, funny enough !! That said, I really, really, giving my characters something uncommon about them so I can do research, delve into their psyche and see how those lesser explored traits affect them && their relationships with others, the world, themselves, etc. So, for Cypher it’s his facial disfigurement. 
LOLOL DON’T CALL ARIEL / ELITA OUT LIKE THIS— but I mean you’re 1000% right. She likes mecha ( mecha && femme, she’s bi-romantic, demisexual ) with a broad chassis and large arms, good for hugging. Their connection though is more so a close platonic friendship than romantic. It’s funny, I’ve never imagined any hints of romance shared between them !! Ariel sees him kind of like an older brother, and Cypher is Hella Gay lol.
Also, like, nonnie, I LOVE how you noticed the subtle callbacks like “In for four, out for four” and the spark massaging. I was SO curious if anyone was going to notice those actions, since it’s something Ariel / Elita has carried through now for her life. Idk, I just thought it’d be neat to put in WHERE those things came from && WHY they’re so important to her ??
I honestly could talk about the world building elements I slipped in here for HOURS. Tbh, I’m really looking forward to expanding it further since the Golden Age has always interested me deeply, especially with Ariel / Elita and HOW she came to be this legend that she is.
Anyways, I’m so so so happy you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I’m pleased to say I’m actually just finishing up a sequel to that drabble !! I’m considering making it an on-going series of sorts when I have free time, since I’ve really been in the Ariel mindset... and early-Councillor / Commander years Elita *eyes emoji*
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Hana to Kuchizuke is so cute, what the fuck?
This is like Honto Yajuu sweetness.
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Stressful streaming [Corpse  x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x Female!reader
Summary: “What if y/n isnt a good gamer (they do something else on yt and never really got into it) so they just really suck at being the imposter? And everyone is trying to make them feel better but they feel super crappy about ruining the game for everyone- especially when they get paired up with corpse?” Requested by anon
“can I request something where y/n and corpse are dating, she is the group's baby and everytime she kills everyone's like 'yeah, that's cute bUT YOUR BOYFRIEND THO'.” Requested by anon
Warnings: Idk, this took a complete 180 midway through, and even idk what’s going on anymore. Fluff?  Comfort? Cuddles???
Words: 2k
A/N: Open for requests. And a two for one, you know me at this point.
The two of you had been living together for quite a while now. And you had been public about your relationship for a long time, had it been up to either of you, nobody still wouldn’t know. But it’s definitely better on both of your nerves not having to tiptoe around each other when you recorded, or he streamed.
You really enjoy books, so that’s what you naturally made the topic of your YouTube channel, book reviews. You had always recorded yourself reading and made it into a time-lapse after, it was when easier now that you didn’t have to worry if Corpse said anything and you looked up to answer him. You weren’t really into gaming so it surprised you a lot when Corpse had sat you down yesterday and asked if you wanted join them in the game today. The other had been bugging him to get you on call for longer than just saying a quick hi and then leaving him again. You weren’t much of a people person, honestly neither of you were. But Corpse was still better at interacting with others. Both of your setups was already in the studio, due to you liking edit your videos when he streamed, so you could still be together. Despite you mostly reading whenever he streamed, because then there wasn’t a chance he accidentally got caught on your camera.
Your routines worked for each other, but this was new territory for you. Both being live and gaming. You were nervous. To put it out there you were straight up shaking of nerves. Sure you wouldn’t be live yourself, and it was just among us, you had seem him play it a million times, but it still scared you what if you said something stupid, or did something stupid. Then you wouldn’t be able to cut it out, everyone would know in an instant.
Corpse greet his stream, as you load up your game, you’re fiddling with the hem of his sweater, makes him feel like he’s closer than the short distance that’s between you, because right now he seemed like an ocean away.
He shows you how to join the call and you accidentally squeak in chock as someone yells into their microphone. You can feel Corpse moving beside you, as he tries his best not to laugh at you.
“Shut up.” You mumble, and lightly shoves his shoulder.
“Me?” A guy with an irish accent asks.
“No! Not you, I’m so sorry that wasn’t to you- Corpse stop laughing at me!” You cut your own sentence off. As he now is completely failing at keeping himself from laughing, inviting everyone and their mom to listen to his beautiful laugh. You sulk for a bit, before he composes himself.
“But you’re just so damn cute.” He pets the top of your head, and walks back to his own setup, where chat is going rocket speed. He tries to read a couple in passing, but he turns his attention back to you when you whine.
“I’m not a child!” you pout at him and sticks out your tongue. A smile right on your lips as he copies you. You just love this man with all of your heart.
“Never said you were.” He teases back, before he starts to greet the people in the call. You realise most of your nerves have disappeared, no longer shaking, you’re getting a bit excited to do this. You listen closely when corpse says the name of each of the people in the call. You only knew the names before joining, but not what voice that belonged to whom.
When you’re finally in the game, Corpse suggests you put on the white skin and a flower. Your reply?
You lean close to the microphone and goes. “No.” And picks the yellow skin with the plant hat, declaring you’re now a citrus fruit.
“Corpse, how in the world did you catch someone like her?” you think her name was Rae asked.
“I didn’t she caught me.” He admits, happily. “Still having trouble believing she chose me.”
Earning an awe from the rest of the call. Two lovebirds.
“Simp!” someone yells in the call, you’re not really sure who, in the sea of mixed noises. Earning a laugh from you.
Crewmate flash across your screen, and you didn’t totally mean to peak, but you saw the red flash from his pc. As the game starts up and your character isn’t moving you realise you don’t know what you’re doing. Corpse realises too when his character starts to circle yours and nothing happens.
“Babe you good there?” He looks over at you, as you’re pressing each key on your keyboard testing out what happens. He chuckles at the sight. “let me help you.” He gets up, and leans over you, as he shows you how to move. His own character standing still, as he helps you around the map and shows you how to do the tasks. You happily let him guide your hands, enjoying the warmth he radiates as he stands near you.
That’s when a warning flash over the screen. Emergency meeting. You think it said. A screen with a portrait of all of your characters comes up.
“Corpse you good there, you haven’t moved all game?” Felix asks.
“Oh, sorry, I was helping Y/N with how to play.” Corpse answers over your mic.
“Hey guys, how do I make my name red like Corpses?” you innocently ask, with a gleam in your eyes as you look up at Corpse knowing damn well why his name is red. He’s the bad guy.
Corpse furrows his eyebrows at you. Glaring at you, as the rest of the call is laughing, it doesn’t take long before his astronaut is floating across the screen ejected into outer space. He leans close to you, making sure to mute your microphone first.
“You sure you want to play like this kitten?” He whispers to you, you respond by smacking his shoulder, and once again telling him to shut up.
Corpse helps you through the rest of the game. He makes sure you’re good before walking back to his own chair and greets his chat, finally paying attention back to them. Another game starts and the two of you  are imposters together. Corpse quickly goes over the rules of impostors, and it doesn’t take long before you have made your first kill, not noticing Sean was in Nav together with Rae.  But before he’s able to report it,Corpse comes to your rescue by venting into the room and killing Sean. The relief is short lived as  Felix comes running into Nav and see the two of you standing over Seans body, quickly reporting.
“Y/N you’re doing good, but you need to press the report button when it comes visible.” Felix starts out. “Also, it’s Corpse, there was a body in Nav, Sean. Wait Rae and Mark is dead too.” You smile to yourself as you realise he didn’t discover Raes body in there too, you feel a bit of pride.
Corpse looks over to you grinning at him. “We walked in together I was showing her where the report button is and how to use it.” Corpse defends himself. “She never found a body in the last game.”
“That’s true.” You choose to ignore he fact you’re lying to these strangers, and tell yourself that you’re technically speaking the truth. You never found a body in the last game.
“I’m sus of you Corpse, but we have no other evidence.” Felix says,
“And we shouldn’t vote on 7.” Toast comments. Everyone votes skip, and the two of you live to see another round.
The next kill is by Corpse, and you immediately report it, stating you found it in… what was that room now called?
“We found it in… that room?” You try and look over at Corpse for help.
“Electrical, headed there for wires.” Corpse quickly takes over to cover for you. Knowing full well the rest very much knows it’s the two of you.
“I think it’s a self-report, Y/N you’re trying out some big brain strats, but I saw you vent from med bay.” Toast tells the rest. You curse underneath your breath; you are starting to catch on the rest are trying to be nice. But you get it, you’re ruining the game for them, especially Corpse. A few seconds passes as everyone votes and your astronaut is sent into the vacuum of space. You sigh.  You watch as Corpse, gets one kill before it gets reported.
“What was everyone’s last task?” Grease asks the group. He gets an array of answers, but all to him seems nowhere near the body.
“I’m still sus of you Corpse.” Felix says, “You either failed card swipe twice, or forgot you already faked it.”
“How could it have been me? I was with you the entire time.” Corpse responds.
“That’s not true, when lights went out I couldn’t find you, and we just split up before I found the body now.” Felix tells the other incriminating Corpse. It doesn’t take long before he gets voted off. He looks a bit annoyed at the outcome. Knowing it was a risky kill. But instead in your mind you take it as he’s annoyed you were his partner. You reach out for his hand, and he takes it, you stroke it a few times and he seems to calm down again.
“It’s been fun you guys, but I’m not really good at this, I think I’m going to get back to do some reading. It was fun though.” You announce to the rest, Corpse watching in confusion over the sudden need to leave. The others bid their goodbyes. You get off the discord call. And closes up the game and shuts off your pc.
“Hey chat, I’ll be right back, I’m taking a quick break before we continue.” Corpse mutes his setup and walks over to you. While doing that you’ve frustratedly put your head in your hands, and is onboard the blame train for ruining the game for the others. Corpse wraps his arms around you and brings you right back to reality and where you belong, in his embrace.
“Babe, are you okay? Do you need me to stop the stream?” He carefully asks.
“I’m sorry I ruined your game. I really tried my best, I promise.” You sigh, looking at him, and leaning into his hug and the warmth.
“You didn’t ruin anything, Y/N. You made it better, I had a fun time with you, even if we weren’t the best pair.” Corpse starts peppering you in kisses alround your face until you start giggling.
“There is my beautiful Y/N.” He smiles at you, he knows he’s so whipped, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world when he sees that smile of yours.
“Thank you.” You mumble as you put your neck into his neck, cuddling up against him. “Can I stay for the rest of your stream?” He doesn’t need to answer, he just sits back down in his own chair, and you automatically and easily, swing a leg over him. You cuddle into his chest and listens as he starts talking to his chat again.
“Y/N says thanks for everything, but this is really out of her comfort zone, and I’m proud of her for having done it.” He praises you to the rest of the world. He looks down at you smiling. He mute his mic as he whisper to you. “You’re still my favourite impostor, kitten.” You giggle, and he turns his attention back to the game. Getting ready to be a crewmate.
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Is it controversial of me to imagine that Twilight might be the only one in the chain with an American accent?😗
Like, for instance, I'm from a population of people with a largely European background (#collonialism) so naturally, I read these characters in my accent. But I have assigned each Link with an accent or dialect that I think would suit them 😄
Twilight: Southern American (obvious choice)
Wild: That's a tricky one because I like to believe WIld grew up in the country before becoming a knight so he might have started with like a Welsh valley accent or something but then refined his speech to suit his position. Idk. Maybe he's even just slightly posher than the average Cockney, who knows?
Wind: Irish (for obvious reasons I assume)
Time: Scottish. Ever since I read this one fic where everyone in the group's way of communicating was some form of incomprehensible I couldn't get it out of my head. Blame that one person on the LU Discord server.
Warrior(s): Typical posh English accent #thequeensenglish #queenzeldaisanicon
Legend: Cockney (Don't ask why; it just feels right)
Hyrule: Welsh (Cardiff accent)
Sky: Australian for some reason
Four: Italian. This is partly because of my bias towards Latin and chemistry 🙈
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
New Story!!!!
idk why i'm so nevouse to post this HDJHKDDH But here is my new story!!!! lmk if you wanna be tagged at all otay enjoyy!! (thank you @sourwhump for proof reading and having to put up with my typos HUDIJKHD)
c.W: disslocation / abu5ive coach / ch0king (idk whats banned and whats not UDKHD
Cormac brought the ball up the court, once again the team’s new tactic worked. No one stood in his way. He scored a quick layup, bringing the team up a further two points. The crowd cheered loudly and Cormac jogged backwards to the opposite key.
The other team brought the ball up and Cormac raised his hands in the air. The guy he was marking tried to dummy Cormac but this was the fifth time doing it so Cormac easily snatched the ball and scored another layup.
A timeout was called by the opposition and Cormac and the team jogged over to their coach, Laken. Some of the teammates patted Cormac on the back. Cormac could only manage a gentle smile before placing his hands on his head, heaving in breaths.
Laken had only taken Cormac off for a minute of the match. He hated when Laken did it.. But he hated losing more so…
“Keep up what we’re doing, pass the ball to Cormac. If Cormac isn't free, pass it around the key, Cormac, cut into the basket and push through to get a layup. Don't pussy out. If you drive through them, they most likely will foul, and that's then either one or two free shots. Now, get out there and make me proud.”
Cormac took one more gulp of water before standing at the top of the team, his hands up. Cormac wasn't the tallest of his team. He was about 5’7 give or take. But he was the best shooter. He didn't like that though. He believed that a team shouldn't be so dependent on one player. Basketball was a team sport.
The ball was brought up and Cormac raised his hands. When he reached in for the ball, the other guy pushed forward and- pop
Ah yes… that lovely event. Almost every game Cormac dislocated his left pointer finger. This wouldn't keep happening if Laken would let Cormac go to a hospital to get it checked out. But no. Cormac couldn't go because that would mean he wouldn't be able to play for a week or too. Which Laken didn't like the sound of.
Cormac let out a cry, gripping his hand. He looked to Laken who shook his head and pointed to the player he was marking. Cormac furrowed his eyebrows but didn't dare argue. His player pushed through him but Cormac quickly caught up and used his right hand, stealing the ball and running up the court.
This time three people were at the key, hands up. Cormac attempted a three pointer but the pain was agonizing. The other team stole the ball, ran up and scored.
Laken growled as Cormac ran by. “Laken, please, I-I cant!” Cormac pleaded. Laken huffed, shaking his head before going to the table officials, “Subs next ball.” They nodded and Cormac returned to the game.
Once the other team hit the ball out, the buzzer went and subs were called.
Cormac was clutching his hand as he walked off. “Come here,” Laken growled as he grabbed Cormac’s shirt, dragging him to the corner of the hall. “3-2-” Pop
Cormac let out a yelp but his breathing finally went back to normal. “You have a minute to get yourself together and then you can play for the last two minutes, got it?” Cormac clenched his jaw but nodded.
Laken went back to yelling at the team. Cormac retrieved an icepack from the cooler and sat on the bench beside his teammate, Rex. “You okay?” He asked, looking concerned at Cormac’s hand. “Yeah, yeah, it's grand.” Rex raised his eyebrow, “Dude, it's happening every match, you should seriously get it checked out.”
Cormac forced a smile, “Yeah.. yeah. We’ll see.”
Cormac liked Rex. He seemed like a decent lad. His southern American accent was strong and made Cormac laugh. Ever since he flew over to America, he’s heard all sorts of accents.
Another thing he's heard is “Oh! I'm like 7% Irish!!!!!” The second they heard his accent, which made him laugh.
“O’Malley, call subs,” Laken ordered. Rex gave him a sympathetic smile but Cormac forced a proper smile, “I’ll be fine.” He walked to the table officials, “Subs next ball please.” He couldn't even bandage his finger yet. The reff would notice and ask. He forced himself to flex his finger before it could get stiff.
The buzzer went off and Cormac went on for Dylan. He walked over to Mathew and whispered in his ear, “Swap, take my place and score.” Mathew nodded and ran up to the top of the key while Cormac was on the baseline, hands up.
Mathew managed to steal the ball from a poor pass. He dribbled up to the middle of the court before getting stuck. Cormac inwardly cursed before running up and called for the ball. Cormac made sure to only dribble with his right hand. “Cut!” He yelled.
Two of his teammates screened and Cormac bounce passed to Mathew who got a layup. And so that continued until the end. 3…2….1 The buzzer went off. Cormac could've collapsed from the relief. They won by eight points. They formed a line opposite each other and high-fived each other as they walked by one another.
In the changing room, Cormac taped his pointer finger to his middle finger and wrapped it down to his wrist. Laken came in. The dressing room now only consisted of Cormac, Rex, Felix and now Laken.
“O’Malley, a word.”
Cormac gulped but slowly stood up on his aching legs. He followed Laken into the coach's office. Laken closed and locked the door.
“How's the finger?”
“I-it's fine.”
Laken chuckled, arms crossed,“Good, good… Congrats on the win too!”
Cormac awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other, “Th-thanks.” But before he could react, Laken grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the wall, making him bang his head against the concrete wall.
Cormac gasped from the shock, his right hand flying to Laken’s grip.
“What made you think that putting Mathew in charge was a good idea??”
Cormac gasped, his head hitting the wall again. “Hm? WHY?! You know that only you should be scoring.” His grip tightened and Cormac let out a cry. “ANSWER ME!!!” Laken roared. Jesus christ he was going to kill him.
“I-I-” Cormac choked, “C-an-ant breathe!!!” Laken growled before dropping Cormac to the ground. Cormac’s hands flew up to his throat as he gasped and sputtered for air. “Answer me or I swear to god I'll dislocate your other finger.”
Cormac controlled his breathing eventually and spoke. “I w-would've missed if I had gone for tho-those shots. And Ma-Mathew is one of the best players on the team!” He slowly got to his feet, “I knew he could do it. You need to have trust in the other players too.”
Just when Cormac thought that Laken was convinced, he was harshly backhanded, “Are you telling me how to coach??” Cormac gulped, trying to ignore the sting on his cheek. “No- I-I'd never! I'm sorry.”
Laken paced the office for a moment before stopping and stepping towards Cormac’s face, “You're lucky we won, Cormac O’ Mallet. Go home. See you at training. Tomorrow. 9am. Sharp.”
thankie for reading!!!!!!! (✿◡‿◡)
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womenofwonder · 3 years
RWBY characters races for AUs set in our world.
How I’m going to do this: three things. The first, the city they live in Remnant. This is the least important because that leaves us with only five…maybe six places compared to our world’s hundreds of countries.
The second will be the original of their names, which they’ll have to keep in the AUs, meaning that they need some culture background for them.
The third will be their fairy tale origins.
So to start, Ruby Rose:
She lives in Vale, which is similar to France (I’ll explain why in another post maybe), but technically grew up in patch, a small island off the coast of Vale. I have no idea about Patch’s culture as we hardly ever see it, so I’m going to skip this one. We also don’t know if either Summer or Taiyang was originally from Vale.
We know Taiyang is Chinese from his name, so I’m going to say she’s half Chinese. I also wrote a western au once and really love the idea of Taiyang being an Asian Redneck…so I think I’m going to say Ruby is very, very southern just because that would be adorable.
But if you don’t want that idea I generally see Taiyang being either Asian-American or Asian-French, or Asian-British if your doing a HP AU. Summer is harder to pin down, but Red Riding Hood was originally an Italian fable, so I’m going to have her be Italian or Italian-American.
Weiss is German, although making her simply white America/British would work. I could see her being Russian too in some AU because Atlas fits well as Russia. For American works, Pennsylvania has quite the German population and coal mines, so that works pretty well for her.
Blake is really complicated. From Remment Australia which is culturally SEA (south East Asian), has an English name but parents with a Hindu-inspired names, but neither looking vaguely Indian. I’m going to assume her family are immigrants (as they are in cannon I think) to Australia, maybe even changed their name to help them fit in. Immigrants from where? Well, India is an option, but I like to think Malaysia. They have a large Indian and Chinese population, and I like to think Blake is a mixture of Chinese, Malay, and Indian ethnicities, from Malaysia and immigrated to Australia. And if you think this is crazy or unrealistic, you haven’t seen anything yet. The sheer mix of cultures I’ve seen growing up as an ex-pat is insane. This isn’t too crazy.
For Yang, we already have Taiyang as an Asian red-neck. Or at least I do. Raven and Qrow are going to be a little harder to pin down, but I’m think bandits getting replaced by mafia. Which mafia? I don’t know, take you’re pick. Branwen is Welsh, but I can’t think of a Welsh mafia. Coming from Mistral I would see them as being Triad, not Yakuza because Raven’s gang is famous for being less than coordinated.
If you need a logical reason for Yang having blonde hair, Taiyang could be only half Chinese, half blonde (blonde is race right?).
Either way I see Raven operating in an American city like New York or Detroit.
This would mean Yang is fully Chinese ethnically.
Jaune’s name and inspiration are all French. However his mother does come from Mistral (I think), so I do see him being half Chinese, but nationally French. It’s also funny to imagine him with a French accent.
Pyrrha: she’s Greek or maybe Greek-American with her parents being recent immigrants. Argus seems to Remnent-Greece and her name and fairy tale are greek.
Nora: she should be Scandinavian. I feel like in a MCU AU she’s Thor’s daughter. But she also grew up as a street rat in Mistral, which is hard to fit in our world. Therefore I’m going to have her in America, the great melting pot (and also America seems to be more like Mistral than any other Remnent king with our state system), and she going to ethically Scandinavian but knowing nothing of her culture due to her upbringing.
Ren: obviously Chinese, but I might have him be American-Chinese to fit his story nicely in with Nora’s.
Coco: we’re all ignoring that she’s based off Coco Channel, so let’s make her a LA girl
Velvet: Australia, because of the accent. Or maybe English because that is her story origin
Fox: he’s difficult, because tribes are pretty rare in modern AUs. But his story could work for various things. He’s one of the few black characters so he could come from practically any African tribe (I’m currently going with Hausa because it’s one of the few I know anything about). His name is based off ‘the fox and the hound’ which is a rare American story, so he could also be from a Native American tribe if you want the AU to be more American-based.
Yatsuhashi: Japanese, this one is thankfully easy.
Sun: Chinese. He comes from a tribe as well, but I can’t think of any nomadic Chinese tribes except the Uyghurs. Making Sun a Uyghur doesn’t make much sense but it will serve to piss off certain people on the internet. And now this is going to be taken down, isn’t it? Oh wait, this is tumbrl. This is anarchy. It won’t. Forgot why I liked this place for a second.
Scarlet: sorry for the rambling there. Anyway, Scarlet is definitely English. “I hope I don’t get sand in my shoes.”
Sage: well, he’s black, but other then that we have nothing to go one. He’s also from Mistral but that doesn’t really work? If Mistral is America as well as China I guess we can make him African American. Or whatever else works best for the AU. He might be Indian too now that I think of it. Or even Maori. Really options are limitless here.
Neptune: Yeah, so probably just American, but does have both a French last name and an Italian first name. So probably ethically American (aka white mutt). Also he lives near a port, I think I’m gonna gone with him being from Tacoma Washington because I am.
Flynt: African American
Neon: Japanese-American because of her meme (it started as part of Japanese pop song on YouTube, the latter of which is America summed up in one invention)
Oscar: Hispanic-American, he just looks it. And I’m guessing he lives in Kansas for obvious reasons. His last name isn’t Hispanic but their could be a lot of reasons for that. Or he could be Native American (Pawnee, Cheyenne, and Osage are all Native American tribes in Kansas).
Penny: well if she’s still a robot she probably stays white, but if you want her human in this AU she might end up being half black as Pietro is, although she also could just be adopted. I guess the later makes more sense, huh? I figure she’s American, with her dad working with a ‘well meaning’ but ultimately corrupt government. Probably living in DC, as that has both the government and the poverty issues.
Emerald: oohh, boy. This is hard. Sustrai is Basque, and Aladdin is a French addition to an Arabian story, she herself is dark skinned with anime features that are super unhelpful for this sorta thing.
I have three ideas. Brazilian, mostly as there’s no South American themed RWBY characters I can think of, and it’s diverse enough that someone looking like Emerald would fit. Secondly, for American centered stories she’s just an orphan with no idea of her ethnicity. Or she could be African, Indian, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic or some mixture between those four. It’s honestly really hard to tell. In my fanfic she’s from Suriname and ethnically 1/4 Indian, 1/2 Creole, and 1/4 Javanese.
Ilia: Sioux (Native American). Ilia means a lot of things in a lot of different languages, and Amitola mean rainbow in Sioux, so I decided to just stick with that.
Mercury: American, white mutt American. I’m guessing New York or Philli for where he grew up, it seems like a place where he’d be comfortable
Neo: the new novel reveals her father lived in vale (btw I haven’t read it, I’m just getting this off the internet) and her mother was a assassin who’s origins aren’t known. She doesn’t really have a fairy tale. So I’m going to go with British or French (thank RWBY thoughts for the first one) although in an American AU she works as just a white American.
Robyn: depends on what Atlas is in this AU, but probably German or American.
Qrow: I already mentioned he’s probably Chinese due to being from Mistral. It’s a bit weird to think of him as Asian, but not as weird as it to think of Raven as white, so I’ll take it. Although I do like the idea of him being American Irish, that’s fun.
Winter: whatever Atlas is in this AU, German or American, although British and Russian would work well too.
Maria: Mexican
Salem: If you want a AU where she’s just a normal person then New England or Italian for her story origin
Watts: British
Tyrian: uh…I have no idea, but he looks white. And he kinda has a British accent? I want him to be southern for the accent tho. Probably just another crazy American
Cinder: her fairy tale is French but her origin is Chinese. Also, Cinderella doesn’t really have an origin, it’s an ancient story with every culture having at least one Cinderella story. So I’m going to say Chinese.
Hazel: American, from the Midwest. He’s darkish so maybe he’s a POC? Part Native American or Hispanic? Idk or really care I can’t stand Hazel
Roman Torchwick: American-Italian, he runs/works for the mafia
Ozpin: American because of the whole wizard-of-Oz-thing or French, because he seems to have come from Vale.
Glynda: American or French for the same reasons Ozpin is
Oobleck: Jewish American (because Dr. Seuss was)
Professor Port: Russian, due to his fairy tale, or English, due to his style
Taiyang: already said he’s a red-neck Asian.
Raven: depending on whether you want her to be white or not, either Chinese or Irish American, like I already said.
Cordovin: Karen
Ironwood: again, depends on Atlas in the AU. Either American or German…maybe Russian
Clover: Irish-American (or German, obviously the ace-ops depend on where Atlas is. I’m just going to do the rest of them assuming Atlas is American because Germany isn’t that diverse)
Harriet: African-American, I guess. It kinda messes with the story because Harriet is supposed to be privileged, which doesn’t really work in this AU, but she’s also obviously black.
Elm: Just normal American, maybe greek-American because of the Aesop fable themes
Vine: Tibetan based on his design
Marrow: either African-American or Pakistani/Indian-American. (I’m personally going for Pakistani)
Klein: english. All butlers are English. It’s a rule.
Pietro: African-American
Johanna: Pakistani or Indian American
Fiona: Jewish-American (kinda random but while she’s obviously white she also needs to be a minority for the Faunus thing to work)
May: normal upper glass American/German
Ghira: Half Malay, Half Indian, from Malaysia but immigrated to Australia later in life
Kali: half Chinese, half Indian, but also from Malaysia
Adam: much like Fiona I’m going to assume he’s Jewish due to him being white but still needing to be a minority. German or American, again, depending on where Atlas is. Or he could be Chinese, even though it doesn’t work with his name, due to the theory that he was trafficked much like Cinder. I’m going with ethically Jewish though
Sienna Khan: Indian
Huh, I actually finished that. I’m pretty sure I was accidentally racist multiple times and apologize in advance,
I’m exhausted and starving and not thinking straight. But anyway, here it is. Your very messy guide to modern RWBY AUs. I swear this was insane to sort out.
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theworldofotps · 4 years
St. Patrick’s Day (Drabble)
Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader Word Count: 770 Description: Seeing Finn upset about not being able to be with his family causes you to throw a little celebration.
A little St. Patrick's Day Finn drabble, it's fluffy and a bit corny but I hope you all like it. I tried to change up and do it in his like accent if that makes sense? And idk if I like how it turned out but it's still kinda cute.
Thank you Rachael for helping encourage me to keep writing this when I thought it was crap. ______ Tag list: @hungmanhorsecarriage @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @the-beastslayers-queen @thewrestlingwarehouse @new-zealand-chic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @youcantreignonmyparade @melblacc @undiscovereddisneyroyalty  If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ______
Humming as you walk downstairs to the lounge after dressing for the day you smile spotting your boyfriend sat on the couch on his phone.
“Good morning handsome, what got you out of bed so early this morning?”
“Mornin love, couldn’t really sleep more so I decided ta come down so I wouldn’t wake ye or nuthin.”
Walking over and sitting down beside him frowning as he sighs looking glumly at the screen.
“What’s wrong?”
“Missin my folks is all, with the pandemic M’missin out on celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with them and just in general. I got a few pictures of my nieces and nephews all dressed up for a party.”
“Awe I’m sorry Finn I really wish there was something I could do to make you feel better baby.”
Hugging him you press a kiss to the top of his head as he rests his head on your chest, a hand on your hip rubbing the strip of exposed skin. 
“It’s not yer fault mo grá but thank you for being concerned."
Finn kisses your temple setting his phone beside him on the cushion as you continue to rub his back. 
"Why don't you go and do a facetime call with your family for a while? Maybe it'll help make you feel better and while you do that I have some grocery shopping I need to get done."
"Yer sure love?"
"Yes otherwise I wouldn't have suggested it, go on now I'll see you in a few hours." 
Kissing him softly you shoo him upstairs while you finish getting ready and grab your keys going out to the car. You had a plan formulating in your mind and you hope that you would be able to pull it off without him getting suspicious.
The next 2 hours you spend getting a few groceries for his favorite meals and to bake some sweets. Then you go about gathering things to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Finn. Thankfully American stores really went all out with decorations. Sure they were pretty corny but you hoped it would bring a smile to his face. Then tossing anything you could really think of that represented his home country you pay for everything and head home. You'd have to hide the bags until tomorrow and hopefully he would really like it.
The next morning you wake up checking your phone. March 17th. Finn had left for the gym already so you could work in peace. Doing your morning routine then going downstairs you grab the bags and begin decorating. You managed to get everything up rather quickly then go into the kitchen to start his favorite breakfast. When you finally have everything set up the car pulls into the driveway. You made it without a moment to spare. 
Grabbing a necklace the said Irish Prince, seriously these always made you laugh. Standing by the door smiling when he opens it. 
"Happy St. Patrick's Day love of my life."
Finn looks at you with surprise on his face watching as the necklace went over his head. Chuckling as he read it and pressed a kiss to you lips lightly. 
"Thank you darlin, what's all dis fer?"
"Because you've been sad lately not being able to go home to see your family. I know how much you miss them, and wish you could be there to celebrate today with them. So I thought maybe you and I could have a little celebration here and facetime them. I texted everyone yesterday and they're all going to be at your parents house to facetime."
You smile as he wraps his arms around you tightly. 
"I love you baby so much thank you." 
Finn says eyes closed for a moment as he takes this all in, he couldn't believe that you actually did all this for him. 
"And I love you my Irish Prince now go shower and get changed into some comfy clothes. Breakfast is ready, then we got some movies to watch and treats to bake." 
Letting him go you smile watching him quickly make his way upstairs to get changed. It may not seem like a huge gesture to a lot of people throwing up some decorations and making food. But to Finn the whole day was a reminder of how much you love and care for him. It was one of the best St. Patrick's Days he had celebrated in a long time. He was hoping that next year the two of you could go to his home and celebrate there. He was lucky to have you, he had the luck of the Irish. 
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itsadamcole · 4 years
graduation day
fem!reader x finn balor
Finn is reader’s English professor. He's spent the semester doing everything he can to make sure he doesn't do anything deemed inappropriate to her. Little does he know that reader feels the same way. The day of graduation, reader stops by Finn's office and the two confess how they've been feeling .... "is this what you want?" & "i've never wanted anyone to fuck me this bad before."
Tumblr media
word count: 3k+
warnings: smut, a brief student/teacher relationship, sex in a semi-public area (office)
— enjoy this that i wrote at 3 am bc i was bored and couldn’t sleep .... idk what made me even think of this honestly. maybe it’s the thought of finn in a suit, idk .... there also could be a part two to this, i may need to think about it tho —
masterlist || part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You've always found your English professor attractive. He's made the school day bearable. Everyday at 3 pm, you'd walk into that classroom and everything would instantly feel better for that hour long class.
When he would teach, you would look at how his muscles looked in his shirt or how well his pants hugged his butt. He'd notice you looking at him but never thought anything of it because he thought you were just paying attention to the subject of the day.
Finn's always found you quite attractive as well. You've made his school day exciting. Everyday at 3 pm, you'd walk into that classroom and his day would instantly get better for that hour or so of class. After he'd assign his students their work, he'd always sneak glances at you.
You had noticed these glances but never thought anything of them because he occasionally glanced up to make sure everyone was doing their work.
It was graduation day today. Your white gown and cap hang in your car as you pulled up to campus. You hoped that Mr. Balor would be here. He'd told his students on the last day of classes that he'd be in his office from noon until 3 on graduation day to make sure everyone's grades were okay or if anyone needed to talk about how nervous they were to be graduating college.
It was 2:45 when you parked your car in your usual parking spot in the student parking lot. No one was here on campus. It was practically empty. Everyone wouldn't be arriving until five or six for the scheduled seven o'clock graduation ceremony. Only faculty members wandered around campus, packing up the last few things from their offices no doubt.
You got out of your car and checked the time again on your phone. 2:47 pm. The English building was at least a five minute walk from the parking lot. You'd just barely make it.
So you ran. In your white three inch heels you'd decided to wear to graduation. The skirt on your white dress you decided to wear under your gown was flaring out as you ran toward the English building. You pressed your hands down on the skirt so nothing would be revealed to any onlookers. You were terrified that you would pop out of the dress too as the neck dipped very low, revealing a lot of your cleavage. The dress looked a lot like the famous white Marylyn Monroe dress, just a lot shorter and the neck was more lowcut.
Finn was wrapping up in his office as you made your way across the large campus. He finished filing the last papers he had to and he turned off his computer. He leaves his office to run down to the teacher's lounge area to clear out his things from that room.
You check the time again when you arrive to the doors of the English building. 2:52 pm.
You'd been to this building so many times. The classroom you looked forward to coming to everyday was located in this building. His office was located two floors above the classroom.
You take the stairs, running up to the fourth floor.
As you walk down the hallway of the office floor, you check each room's name plate as you walk by, looking for the "Mr. Finn Balor. English Professor" name plate on the door.
One room door was open. You approach it and look at the name plate on the wooden door.
Mr. Finn Balor. English Professor.
You swalllowed, walking into the medium sized room.
Everything was neatly packed away. Everything filed. Computer off. His supplies were neatly placed on his corner desk that took up about 25% of the space in the room. His jacket hung on the back of his desk chair. The backpack full of summer work sat on the black leather love seat that faced the desk on the other side of the room. The door marked the halfway point between the desk and the love seat. Two book selves were placed opposite the wooden door. The medium sized room had a cozy feeling to it.
You had never come to his office before. You were too scared. Scared that something would happen and he would know about your little crush that you've had on him since day one of class in January.
Finn noticed this. How you'd never ask for an appointment or stop by his office for a question. Your grades were excellent and that's why he assumed you never stopped by.
You wait a few minutes in his office to see if he had gone somewhere and will come back. 3 pm approaches and your hopes diminish. He probably left.
You let out a defeated sigh as you make the decision to leave.
As you walk out the door, you physically run into something. Not something. Someone.
"Miss L/N," the all too familiar Irish accent said. "Nice of ya to stop by. I was just thinking about ya."
You finally meet Mr. Balor's too blue eyes and you ask, "You were?"
He nods and walks around you into his office. You swallow nervously as you stand in the doorway and watch as he places a box full of objects on the large desk. "I was hopin' to get to see ya before the ceremony," he says. "I'm glad ya are here."
"Why's that?" you ask curiously, walking into the center of the room.
Mr. Balor looks over at you before he says, "I wanted to congratulate ya on your big day and because ya passed Honors English with flyin' colors. Ya should be very proud of yourself, Miss L/N."
You say, "Thank you, Mr. Balor."
He blinks at you before he says, "Ya graduate today, Y/N. Let's stop with the formalities, shall we? Call me Finn."
"Finn," you echo, trying to get his first name to sound more familiar than foreign. Calling your professor by his first name is not something you had done during the semester.
Finn smiles as you say his name. "So, Y/N," he says, dropping all professionalism. "What brings ya to my office on graduation day? I know it's not to talk about grades."
You shake your head and say, "No, it's not."
He packs a few pictures on his desk away into the box he'd just brought into the room as he asks, "So what do I owe the pleasure?"
Nervously, you say, "I wanted to come talk to you, um, about how I've been feeling for a while."
The packing stops as Finn looks up at you. "Nervous about graduation?" he asks.
You rub the back of your neck and say, "Not really."
"What's going on?" Finn asks, leaning back on his desk. He crosses his arms over his chest and his ankles.
The light grey button-up shirt Finn is wearing is tighter than usual and accentuates his arm muscles when he does this simple movement. It's tucked into his black dress pants. The first few buttons are unbuttoned. He's dressed somewhat casually.
You say, "I graduate today. In about four hours, I will no longer be your student and you will no longer be my teacher."
Finn nods along as you speak. "That's correct," he says.
Before you say anything else, you quickly run your fingers through your Y/H/C color curls. "I thought that now would a good time as any to tell you that over the semester, I've developed some feelings for you and I find you very attractive," you blurt out, trying to speak as slow as you can but it still comes out as a mess.
He's caught off guard by that statement. In that one sentence, he's realized that when he thought you were paying attention to the content on the board, you were looking at him. He's realized that you never came by his office was because of your crush on him. He's realized that you feel the same way that he does about you.
You watch as Finn lets out a sigh of relief and you tilt your head in confusion. "I'm so happy that you said that," Finn says. "Because I've been feeling the same way."
That's when you realize that the glances he's been stealing from you all semester were because he felt the same way. He could never keep his eyes off of you while you concentrated on your work.
A smile forms on your lips as you look at your soon to be former professor.
Finn smiles at you as he walks over, closing the door in case anyone was around.
"It has killed me over the past four months to be your teacher," he says as he approaches you.
You look up at him and ask, "And why is that, Mr. Balor."
He smiles and says, "Because it's prevented me from doing this." He leans down and lightly presses his lips to yours.
You've envisioned kissing Finn a bunch of times, his his soft kiss exceeds all your expectations.
As your lips move against Finn's slowly, you drop your arms. You hadn't realized that you crossed them over your very exposed chest while having that conversation with Finn.
The light kiss continues for a second before Finn pulls away and looks down at you. Even in heels, you're about five inches shorter that Finn's five foot eleven frame.
"Ya look absolutely stunning in that dress, Y/N," Finn says, complimenting you.
Your face turns a light red as you say, "You don't look too bad yourself, Finn. Is that what you're wearing to the ceremony tonight?"
He shakes his head and says, "I had a suit I was going to wear tonight but now, I don't think I'll be wearing it."
"Why won't you be wearing it?" you ask.
Finn says, "Because if ya think I'm going anywhere right now, you're crazy. I won't have time to go get the suit from my place and make it back here on time for the ceremony."
You glance at the time on the clock in the office. It's close to 3:30 now. You look back at Finn and say, "There's still about two hours before everyone starts to arrive for the ceremony. There's plenty of time to kill."
His eyes scan you as he says, "I plan on killing every second."
In one movement, his lips are back on yours. This time, they move more harshly and passionately than they did the first time. Your hands fly to cup Finn's face.
Finn's hands go to your thighs and he lifts you up, walking you over to his desk and setting you down gently on it. His tongue makes its way into your mouth as the kiss intensifies.
You find your fingers on the buttons of Finn's button-up after you pull the shirt up to untuck it from the waistband of his pants. Your fingers work to undo each button quickly but carefully.
He shrugs off the shirt and your hands run up and down his toned chest and abs. Finn's fingers are under the skirt of your dress as you kick off your heels. The digits slowly slide up your thighs, closer to your throbbing core. You are aching for him, just like you have all semester. Except now, you'll get the satisfaction of his fingers instead of yours.
The thought of Finn's fingers inside of you is enough to make you wet. Well, wetter than you already are. The white colored panties you're wearing are probably ruined at this point.
Finn's free hand works at sliding the sleeves of your dress off your shoulders. The fabric falls, exposing your breasts to Finn.
He pulls back from the kiss to look at your exposed chest. "So beautiful," he mutters under his breath. "All mine."
Finn pushes you back on his desk and stands between your legs as he starts to kiss and suck on each breast. You let out soft sighs as your core starts to pulsate again.
You need Finn to touch you before you explode.
"Finn," you gasp.
He looks up at you with his eyes and he asks, "Something wrong, my love?"
You swallow and say, "I need you to touch me. Down there. Please"
Finn crouches down in front of his desk between your legs. "Of course," he says, pushing your skirt up to expose your panties. "Already so wet for me."
"Only for you," you sigh as Finn runs a finger over your clothed core.
He takes the waistband of your pantie in his fingers and pulls them down slowly, almost teasingly. He sees just how wet you are. Your folds are soaked with arousal.
Finn kisses your thighs and says, "I've always wondered what you've tasted like."
You throw your legs over Finn's shoulder and say, "I want your tongue. Please." Desperation is laced in your voice.
He smirks and runs his tongue slowly through your folds. You gasp and smile. He sucks on your clit for a second before swirling his tongue around it. You feel him push a finger inside of you, making you moan softly. Finn moves the digit slowly, teasing you.
You reach down and run your fingers through Finn's short hair as his finger speeds up. He soon adds a second finger. He stands back up, hovering over you as he fingers you. You're a moaning mess beneath Finn's touch.
Finn kisses your neck gently as he moves his fingers a little faster. Your body jerks under his touch occasionally as you're pulled closer and closer to your pending orgasm.
"Ya taste so good," Finn says against your neck. "And ya take my fingers so well."
Your fingers run up and down his back lightly as he speeds up his fingers, adding a third one. You gasp and moan as his fingers move inside of you.
Right as you're about to reach your orgasm, Finn pulls his fingers out and you whine. He sucks on the three digits he had inside of you before he says, "Get on your knees for me, my love."
You nod and get off the desk. You get on your knees in front of Finn. You reach up and start to undo the button on his pants. You pull down the article of clothing and run your finger over Finn's hard member. You free him from his boxers. You're shocked by the size of Finn's member. You knew he was packing but not this much.
You take Finn in your hand and pump him a few times before you take him in your mouth. You start slow and shallow before eventually taking most of him in your mouth. You move your head, sucking occasionally. Finn starts to thrust into your mouth as saliva drips down your chin.
Finn groans softly as you suck him off, but it's not long before he stands you up and his lips are on yours. You push the dress off your body, stepping out of it.
He turns you around so your butt is pressed against his erect member. He gropes your breasts and kisses your neck. You gasp and moan as his member runs through your folds.
You're bent over the desk and Finn spreads your legs apart. "Is this what ya  want?" he asks.
"I've never wanted anyone to fuck me this bad before," you admit.
That's all Finn needs to hear before he pushes himself into you. You grasp onto the desk as he pulls out, only to thrust hard into you again, making you moan.
Finn's trusts are hard and deep from the beginning. He's waited a while for this moment, and so have you. He's not going to be gentle with you.
You pull your left leg up onto the desk and hold it, giving Finn more access. He thrusts harder and harder, making you moan loudly.
When Finn finds your g-spot, you let him know immediately. "Oh, Finn," you gasp. "Right there." He starts slamming into the spot over and over again, making you moan louder and louder.
After a few moments of this, Finn stands you up and turns you around, laying you on your back across the desk. He thrusts harder into this time and his lips are on your neck. You gasp and moan as he moves.
One of Finn's fingers rubs your clit as he thrusts hard into you.
You lift Finn's head up and kiss him roughly. Your tongues battle for dominance and his hand rests around your throat.
A thin layer of sweat has formed on both your bodies as he continues moving.
Your walls begin to clench around Finn and he pulls back from the kiss, resting his forehead on yours. "Come with me, princess," he says, out of breath.
"Tell me when," you gasp.
After a few more seconds of movement, Finn says, "Now."
The two of you come together. You let out soft moans and whines as Finn helps you ride out your climax. He collapses on top of you. The two of you sloppily kiss for a few seconds before detaching from each other.
Both you and Finn get dressed but the kissing and touching doesn't stop. You make your way to the love seat, where you lay and makeout with Finn until six.
He walks out of the building with you and walks you to your car. Other seniors have begun arriving by this time.
Finn says, "Come by my house around nine tonight. I'll show ya a real celebration then."
You stand in front of Finn and look up at him. "What will this mean for us?" you ask. "Will we get to see each other after I graduate?"
He says, "Let's cross that path once that graduation cap is in the air and you've officially graduated."
You giggle and nod. "I'll come by at nine," you say. "Tell me the address and I'll be there."
Finn tells you his address then says, "See ya when ya walk across the stage."
"I can't wait."
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blog-of-the-wildd · 4 years
My Hc is that since Link's father was a Captain and also was stationed in Zora's Domain when he talks it is a mix of the proper british accent like Zelda's and Zoran (Which I Hc the actual language is a bit more like french. Since he can read the monuments which I assume would be in their own language.) Basically Link is a military kid. After he wakes up, due to living in Hateno overtime, his accent slowly starts to change. Zelda always says that when he speaks Zoran ,it makes even the reddest Zora blush.
Sorry for my atrocious punctuation.
ohh noice!
pre-calamity link probs had a mixed accent, heavily influenced by his time at laynaru. not only his accent would be odd, but also his syntax, since sentence structure varies depending on language (when ur multilingual, ur prone to mix stuff)
i also think the zora language is french-like (idk why >.> maybe because french is viewed as ‘elegant’). i’ve always thought of the hylian language as similar to irish?? maybe the royals had their own classical hylian or smth, hence zelda’s different accent.
link’s accent def changed post-calamity. i mean, a century has passed. language is always evolving. hateno and other hylian settlements probs have their own dialects. i bet zelda would have a hard time understanding them.
in conclusion: link has a super cute accent that makes people blushy
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wordlessbabbling · 4 years
A Thomas Shelby x femm!reader story
Requested by @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby
“You are a gangleader at the top of the chain. You’re civilian occupation is being a pub owner. The Peaky Blinders were looking to either make an agreement with you, or kill you, but where’s the fun in that? Today, Thomas Shelby walked into your bar.”
Warnings: none, I think. Thomas Shelby’s a dick? Idk
Dylan, your secretary, slid a small piece of paper across your desk and sat in the chair opposite you. You looked up from the document you were signing and eyed the card suspiciously.
Slowly, you snatched it in your well manicured hand and glanced your eyes over the paper once. Then again. Then once more.
You looked up from the paper and grinned, holding the sheet to your chest.
Without another glance, you immediately left the room to prepare.
You, Ozymandius, King of Bristol, you were going to battle.
Although this time, you were armed with a bottle of whiskey and two drops of perfume.
You donned your brown skirt with your creme coloured loose sleeved shirt. 
You scanned the bar and noted the regulars along with your workers who stood idly in case something broke out.
The “King William Ale House”, your pride and joy. Of course you owned about 60 other pubs in Bristol, but this was your baby, your first one. The furniture was black leather with gold linings. It had a gramophone in the corner and often men would come in to request songs.
On Wednesday nights, you always had a slow night, so often chairs and tables would be cleared out and couples could come and dance in the evening. On Sundays after lunch, men came in and often asked for the radio to hear about the latest news or the racing broadcasts.
Today was Wednesday meaning it was slow so it would be easy to eye-fuck the Peaky Blinders.
The doors opened, in stepped one man; then another; then another; then another; then another; and a final one.
If you were a suspicious woman, you would say those were your new business associates; lucky for them, you were because you swiftly greeted them and played the slowest song you had. 
It was time to finesse your way into these gangsters hearts.
“Evening boys, welcome to the “King William Ale House”. The couples booths are in the corner and dancing is encouraged for all. Drinks?” Your accent was thick and sultry. Really, you were teasing them, but you were never one to discriminate.
“Orright. Isiah, Finn, go to the booths-” the one with the burly moustache grumbled.
“-the couples booths?” the ginger one screeched.
Another man spoke up, identical to the rest of them, “for fucks- just go, Finn. Scud can come sit by you if your pride is hurting too much.”
One of the men placed his caps on the counter. In the corner of your eye, you saw the glinting sheen of a blade sewn into the plane and rather boring cap.
So it is true?
“A bottle of Irish and the whereabouts of Ozymandius.” His voice was monotonous and deep.
“I apologise, Mister, but I do not know their whereabouts.”
The man with the burly moustache got very close to your face, “now you listen here, sweetheart-“
“-Arthur, Arthur. Calm down, eh. We’ll wait.”
The men sat at the bar and smoked. Others in the room got up on their feet and danced quietly together. In your opinion, you were rather enjoying yourself. There’s a certain rush one gets when they deceive the arrogant of the world.
You leant your back to the bar and faced the array of drinks and sours; and above the debauchery rested a plaque.
Everyday you read that plaque. Everyday you remembered where you came from and why you do what you do.
“I woulda thought the King of Bristol woulda had a watch on him, Tommy.” The one with the baby face and toothpick sneered, “I don’t like waiting like this.”
“Ozymandius is never late. They need no watch for they know that time is wasted.” You muttered saltily.
“Are you a spy?” The one with the monotonous voice asked, ‘Tommy’ you think.
You didn’t move your head from the plaque, only continuing to stare at the italic writing. “No, not a spy. Though I do like watching.”
The hush fell over the room again as you listened to the slow music playing quietly.
The door opened once more and another couple stepped in. It was Daniel and Lisa, a lovely new couple. They even had a baby on the way!
“Danny! There you are! Ah Lisa, how’re you doing? How’s the baby?” You smiled warmly at the couple.
Daniel used to hang about on the streets when he was a kid, you saw him as useful and put him to work in the local inn. He met Lisa and the rest was history. You were definitely a bit of a romantic
Danny was about to open his mouth when you heard a bottle slam on the counter again, it was the rude man with the monotonous voice. “Are you a whore, then?”
You played nice and told “Tommy” to excuse you and you carried on with your conversation with Danny and Lisa.
While watching Danny and Lisa dance and look at each other, you remembered what your mother used to say to you.
“There are locked rooms inside all women; kitchen of lust, bedroom of grief, bathroom of apathy. Sometimes, the men—they come with keys, and sometimes, the men—they come with hammers.”
While you were lost in your thoughts, you heard the sound of a fist being slammed into oak: the man with the moustache was having a tantrum.
“Have we been fucking stood up, Tom? Is that it? Lady-“ he took a gun from his holster within his jacket, “-you’re gonna tell us where Ozymandius is, otherwise I’m gonna blow your fucking brains out.”
You trotted around the counter to face the man head on with his gun still pointing at your face. You grabbed the gun directly from his hand and twisted it, listening for the sickening crunch of his finger in the trigger slot.
To avoid hitting anyone else in the bar, you twisted the gun down. You used your right hand to stop the wrist as you used the left hand to bend their wrist, grabbing the gun, and pushing the gun down.
After quickly disarming the man, you pushed his quivering frame to the floor. You took the gun in your hand and like a good game of ‘Simon Says’ all the others with peaked caps took out theirs as well.
You pointed your gun to Tommy who you now understood was the leader, all silent and sneer of cold command. You were no fool.
With one gun pointing to one man and four pointing at you; you liked your chances.
The one with the baby face spoke up, “who are you, eh? Who is she?” His voice was loud and maybe distressed but now was not the time for shock analysis.
You stared and got closer to the man, ‘Tommy’. He made the wise decision to not extract his gun, but his expression looked nearly bored. You admired that in a man.
“Evening ladies and gentlemen, I’m very sorry to disrupt your couples night, but for tonight, the “King William Ale House” is closing early.” Danny and Lisa along with the other couples all scurried out.
All that was left now was you against the blinders. Your men who still sat in their chairs did not move. They knew not to. They were only there in case you died. Unlikely, but you didn’t like leaving much up to chance.
You inched closer to ‘Tommy’, despite his bored exterior, you saw the curiosity that resides in his temple. “I’m not a fucking whore, eh? You hear me?” You brought the gun closer to his face, hearing the tell tale click of it’s metal as you pressed it against his face.
“Who are you then?” His eyes quivered, but his face remained like a stone, eyebrow crooked.
“My name is Ozymandius, King of Kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty and dispair!”
You pushed the cold metal closer to his face. You sighed again, “I’m very sorry boys, but we’re going to have to cut this short. You were late for our meeting, anyway.”
You clicked back the gun on to safety and instead cupped Tommy’s jaw. You leaned in close, making an effort to fan your breath.
“I’ve read about you in the papers, Shelby. Maybe next time, don’t be late for our evening date?” You felt his spine shiver as you spoke. “Two weeks. Meet me back here. Same time. Bring your cleanest suit and maybe some flowers, just for me? Yeah? Alone and sweet; how quaint.”
Leaving the frozen men behind, you toddled back around the counter and started washing glasses that sat there.
Slowly while swaying to the music that still played, you hummed the tune to yourself. When you looked up again, the men were still standing there like ninnies.
“What’re you lot still doing here? I told you, we’re closed.”
You carried on your work of cleaning glasses while heavy boots shuffled on the ground, and two of them picking up the groaning man with the burly moustache.
You placed down your glass and leaned back against the counter again. Looking up at the plaque, you read aloud:
“I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Based off of ‘Ozymandius’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Thanks for the love.
Feedback and comments are wanted.
See ya next time!
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rotten-games · 4 years
Do you have thoughts on characters accents? Cause if not I’m gonna keep reading the MC and Arke like they’re fantasy cowboys and Severa like a unholy amalgamation of Scottish and Russian
idk about you but in my opinion you can and you SHOULD continue to think that way.
Honestly this is a difficult question because I don’t actually have many ideas for a lot of them--by default their voices in my mind are predominantly Australian because, hey, Australian here. You can give them whatever voices you like for the most part lmao
But there are some that I 100% have an idea of and also ill update it if I get more ideas or something:
Nox: Stereotypical Australian accent. The one you see in every film ever
Bex: Because of that, yes, he is Australian too just less stereotypical
Spotter: Also Australian or maybe a New Zealand accent? Softer though, less obvious
Cal: Now SHE would sound like a fantasy cowboy. Yeehaw.
Emil: I honestly hear him with an Irish accent don’t ask why. Every Hadarian royal is Irish now i guess
Druvel: VERY Cockney accent. Again, don’t ask why this has been his voice since the day he has been conceived
Lokeira: Sort of Greek? I guess?
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