#i really don't think it's anti-barchie
bireggiemantle · 1 year
3, 25, 19 🤔🤔
hi augustus ty for your service in hating with me 🫡
3 - the worst take you've seen on tumblr
see this is hard because I've seen a lot of really fucking stupid opinions but to keep it riverdale specific I'd have to say that one time a user tried to argue w me and accuse of being lesbiphobic (lesbophobic? idk. anti ladies kissing) because I said I thought CANONLY bisexual fangs and toni were cute together. there was also that time somebody sent me an ask on my main blog saying they were 19 and never really learned about slavery before though.
25 - common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing
for the sake of avoiding too much discourse and backlash I'm gonna go w something relatively tame here. personally I hate the fandoms push for bugvarchoni endgame, especially during the last two seasons. bughead is dead in the water and they've both moved on. choni ending was the best thing that could've happened for toni's character because the writers bombed that so hard. and I don't think archie ending up with betty OR veronica makes sense for the narrative of the show. it'd be boring.
19 - you're mad you kind of like
SOMETIMES and I really mean OCCASIONALLY barchie has cute moments. I don't ship them but sometimes I get it.
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
Im watching oth and I wonder Do you think that the cursed storyline of ba on rvd have some similarity to the leyton one (s1&s3?). And do you think that could follow the same path?
Hello lovely! 
No, because teens shows aren't writing 1:1 of each other. Formulas aren’t “this happened in one show so it has to happen in another” it’s a repeatable, predictable story arc we all know because it’s been repeated longer than we’ve been alive. 
Like, it’s about overall themes and arcs. Is Harry Potter just a wizard Star Wars? Yeah. Kind of. Because of the themes. It’s not because JKR ripped off George Lucas, it’s because the Hero’s Journey is a thing and Star Wars isn’t original in that aspect either. 
And if you wanted to 1:1 it, it wouldn’t even be the same because Lucas picked Peyton first, poor Brooke was always second choice. I get why it seems that way, tbh, it’s the love triangle aspect, but I think the fact that the writers of OTH consistently wrote Peyton and Lucas orbiting around each other throughout the seasons is being discounted. 
If anything, the only way I can see Riverdale being closer to OTH is if they had written Archie suppressing his feelings for Veronica while dating Betty in s1 and beyond until it all blew up in their faces. And, then, Betty gets her own happy ending after that. 
We can parallel a lot of teen show relationships but if I was going to for bughead on OTH, it would be Nathan and Haley. They got together, had one big blowout separation (with Haley kissing another guy, even) and then did a slow burn season getting them back together. But that’s the way I see it. It’s subjective, of course, but I think the mistake is taking a small part of someone else’s puzzle and applying it liberally to something else because it might be in the same color range. From far away, it might look alright, but under scrutiny, it’s not a match. 
Thanks for the ask, doll!💜
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edamamechips · 4 years
Thinking back to how the theme of this season is trauma (acc to RAS) and how the time jump seems to be playing out.
Trauma is a universal human experience and we all have been through it in varying degrees in different stages of our lives. The reason why the reactions to certain actions of certain characters are so polarizing is because trauma hits a nerve. To some it may resonate deeply while to others it just looks like one huge question mark.
Dealing with trauma can be tricky and portraying it even trickier. Sex, Alcohol and toxic relationships are all very very real coping mechanisms of trauma.
Do I think Riverdale the show has the nuance to pull off such sensitive portrayals of trauma? No I do not. But kudos them for atleast trying.
It is very very in character for Betty to suppress her feelings, it's almost a reflex for her at this point. She's been taught all her life to be okay even when you are not. And to top off all that she was stuck in a serial killer's murder hole for two whole weeks. The whole world lost it's mind when asked to stay at home for two weeks just a year ago. So no, betty sleeping with archie or even glen is not out of character. It just shows how little he means or disposable he is to her. and if I was a b/archie fan I would be very very mad about it. But as a bughead it is all moo factor to me because that's just laying out the foundation for the reunion of my OTP.
I'll say take Jughead's coping mechanism of alcohol and Veronica's method of knowingly trapping herself in a toxic relationship. Both pretty common effects of trauma too. And if I am reaching i would say Archie is to some extent burying his emotions too by trying to fix problems of other people rather than addressing his.
All these characters are deeply fucked in the head right now.
Again I do know that the writers have not even put an ounce of thought behind the implications they are making when they pick these storylines.They probably pat themselves on their backs for doing their part for being woke or whatever. But the parallels are all there and it is not "mental gymnastics" to draw conclusions from them.
But it is what it is at the end of day. This whole thing has been written and filmed already. Riverdale is known to be a show for having some great storylines with the really good potential but get sidelined or dropped in the long run. Because this is a mystery show. And character/relationship is more of a B plot.
You do you and your feelings are valid at the end of day. We all learn everyday and having certain negative reflex reactions doesn't make you misogynistic. It makes you human. Take a breath or dive head first into meta posts while also psychoanalysing yourself. Whatever makes you feel better, do it.
Oh and also Bughead endgame.
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imreallyloveleee · 4 years
How do you feel about the 7 year time jump? What would you like to see from Betty, Jughead and the Core 4?
WHAT A QUESTION. okay let’s dig in.
7 year time jump:
I have mixed feelings. I’m in favor of a time jump, because the college story I would like to see with these characters is not the kind of story you can tell with this type of tv show. But the fact that it’s 7 years makes me sad, because it means Betty & Jughead have been apart for such a long time. I really liked the timeline in your fic, where it was 2 years, because it was long enough to be significant but short enough that it still felt natural for them to fall back into the swing of things together pretty easily. like...they love each other so much! to go through SEVEN years without your person...that’s so sad.  
what i want to see with betty & jughead & the core four:
I want Betty & Jughead to walk into the same room for the first time in years and just be struck dumb at the sight of each other. like, awash in a fucking tsunami of emotions that plays over their faces, and we just know, no matter what other dumb shit happens before they’re reunited, they are it for each other. and i want a VERY VERY emotional reunion when it does happen. none of this “Jughead tells us they reconciled offscreen via voiceover” bullshit they pulled in s2. we deserve to see it!!!
on the other hand, Varchie is just dead to me as a ship at this point. not that I was ever strongly invested, but: Archie doesn’t deserve Veronica. she deserves WAY, WAY better. so, I really hate that time-jump Veronica is coming back with this awful sketchy husband so Archie can run in and be a white knight or whatever, and win her back. I don’t want that. 
but at the end of the day, the only thing I actually care about on this show is Bughead, so if Varchie getting back together is the only way we can FINALLY, FINALLY put the b/rchie nonsense in the grave where it belongs, then fine, make it happen.
obviously, i do NOT want b/rchie to happen in any way shape or form. but if it does, I hope it plays out in a way where it’s clear they are each other’s second choices. they’re giving it a go because the people they actually love are unavailable to them. so they try it out and it completely fizzles and then we never ever ever have to think about it again. (i don’t even see how else you COULD make this storyline play out, but then again i was also super confident they weren’t actually going to Go There with these two in the first place so...i have a bad track record!)
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xstargaryenx · 4 years
Betty would shove Jughead in front of a train for Archie and the b*gheads hate to see it.
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
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ohhhh they tried so hard, didn’t they? it’s like they walked right up to the point, stepped over it, and then tripped right into the wrong conclusion. 
bugvarchies have been saying that the s1 parallels are there since the time jump started and they’re very loud. b/a was explored. they finally “went there” and they mutually decided that they didn’t have feelings for each other. 
at what point, seriously, do they stop trying to justify the way that they’re not fighting for each other? ever? “real relationships take time”? yeah, they do. you know what else they take? 
betty and archie don’t fight for each other the way people in love should. they don’t work to support each other the way people in love would. they were bound by a childhood loyalty and the idea that the simple choice would be easier than the right choice. and you know what they found out? it wasn’t. they’re not even willing to put in the effort while they’re both still single, while the timing should have been perfect. 
archie didn’t break betty’s heart. she started the conversation where they agree to stop their fwb. she’s finally facing the fact that her sister is gone/dead. that she was kidnapped and tortured. she’s dealing with the fact that running away isn’t working anymore. 
archie isn’t afraid of ruining what they have and betty isn’t settling for someone else. 
it’s really very simple and i almost feel bad for them but it’s so easy: archie and betty aren’t in love with each other.
i left out the link like you asked but i did take a screenshot of the thing that was posted for context: 
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
Slowburn tweets are giving me life, apparently b*rchie is bones because ras hates kj and favors lili
well then. okay. sure. because that’s how that works. 
maybe he just doesn’t like b/archie? have they thought about that? didn’t the man literally have varchie and bughead on his christmas tree one year? 
how did this become veronica’s fault as a character and now it’s lili’s fault as a real woman? 
someone explain. 
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
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i was gonna leave this alone and just delete/block like i did the other two in my inbox (trolly bb’s: don’t troll people with links to other blogs/sites of people just expressing their opinions on ships, even if you know it will irritate the receiver. those shippers don’t deserve to be put on blast without consent and being a good person isn’t actually all that hard so i suggest you rethink that strategy) but this is so full of misogyny, i’m legit just in awe of the bad take you’ve presented me with.
i don’t know who convinced you that fiction is a 1:1 with reality but it’s not so jot that down. secondly, the first sentence of this ask is so offensive on so many levels, i have to believe you’re very young and too ignorant to actually know what you just inferred.
so, educate yourself please.
and thirdly, good god, i’m sorry that you see archie through a lens of “purity” (that red flag is just so bright, bro) because i can tell you that no one in riverdale has clean hands and eventually, every person falls off their pedestal. listen, if you like b/archie, that’s cool. great! ship it. enjoy it if you get some of it in canon.
but please, for the actual sake of fuck, if you do nothing else, never ever shame anyone in real life the way you just did betty.
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
no but like j and v are the ones who got cheated on they’re the innocent ones yet they’re the ones struggling after the jump like how does this make any sense?
i’m sorry, i know y’all want to beat this part of the jump to death but there’s a lot of conjecture going on with it. we don’t have 100% info on anyone or anything and i’m not going to jump to conclusions on their lives yet. 
and to be honest, i feel like i know more about veronica’s husband than i do veronica, which is the real issue. and i know everyone is focused on the stupid 4x17 storyline, but guys, this show murders people (what was the body count last night?) on the regular, if you really think they’re focusing on the cheating the way the fandom is, i’m sorry, i just don’t think they are. 
frankly, no one is innocent. not a single character has clean hands no matter how much you weigh their morality on a kiss vs the felonies and misdemeanors they all partake in. everyone is taking the relationship aspect of it personally because it affects their ships but totally brushes off the murders, other crimes, and violence? i just...you’re allowed to feel the way you feel about it and i’ll defend your right to be upset about it but i really think everyone needs to temper their expectations about how adults 7 years out of high school are going to treat a kiss during a crazy senior year. which is, i don’t think it’s going to come up much, if at all. 
i doubt this is what you wanted to hear and i’m sorry if you’re annoyed by it but it’s just the way i think it’s gonna go. 
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bireggiemantle · 3 years
I warned yall but welcome to the pleasantville x riverdale (pleasantdale) au <3 you do have to be familiar with the movie's plot to understand what's happening here, otherwise it'll be extremely confusing.
so we begin on betty and jughead. theyre living together at this point, so it takes place around the non stonewall era of s4, and jughead, freak that he is, has become weirdly fixated on a sitcom from the 50s.
betty thinks it's annoying but she lets it slide for the most part, until a strange man shows up and makes jughead answer a bunch of pleasantville trivia, rewarding him with a fucked up tv remote after he answers everything right.
obviously this remote transports them to pleasantville. youve seen the movie (probbaly), you knew that would happen.
anyway once they get there they're greeted with the knowledge that they're now actual 50s stepsiblings and their parents are weirdly perfect versions of alice and fp.
archie takes on a similar role to skip here, except unlike skip, he's not a cunt. him and betty go on their little date and jughead is PISSED, partially because betty's ruining the pleasantville lore, partially because betty's still his girlfriend (for obvious reasons it isn't like they can date here though. this isn't cruel intentions), and partially because he's got a massive crush on archie.
barchie has sex a grand total of one time here, and that's the catalyst for everything changing. instead of seeing a rose in color for the first time though, I think archie sees a snake, solidifying the adam and eve comparison as an aspect of the narrative more than the movie did. him and betty don't go on any dates after this but archie immediately tells the entire football team what sex is, and thus whore reggie is born.
jughead and betty get into a massive fight over this because jughead is upset that she's ruining the sanctity of pleasantville and betty is upset that this place fucking sucks. they break up as well.
switching to the b plot here, pop obviously runs the diner here and just like in the canon of the movie movie I think he has a secret love for painting. him and alice don't get the romance plot their characters have in the movie, but pop and cheryl do become friends through a shared love of art and together they turn pop into a mix of very pretty family-friendly art and prophetic witch paintings of archie's abs.
back to the a plot, archie and jughead start getting very close and eventually they end up getting together, which fucks up the "intended" plot of pleasantville even more. basically they gay tongue kiss and it rains for the first time.
there's no half baked racism allegory in this au. instead I think the conflict here is that some of the townspeople hate the changes that are happening to pleasanville. the ones leading this anti change campaign are hiram and alice.
this is where veronica comes in. she reveals that she's been secretly embracing the changes the entire time, smearing off a layer of gray makeup and revealing the colors underneath. together with the rest of the core four (and pop and cheryl) they start a counter protest in favor of these changes. this counter campaign gains support from all the other riverteens as well as some of the other members of parentdale, like fp.
eventually they win over majority of the town despite alice and hiram's bitching, and the movie/au reaches its conclusion. neither betty nor jughead stay in pleasantville, opting instead to return home to riverdale.
I think they've been gone for several days worth of real time though, which is really funny when you remember that poor fp JUST learned his son wasn't actually murdered.
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
I left twitter, because I get tired of see people fighting about what couple have better kisses ( the 4°17 isnt even so good, the 4°15 either. Just a biased opinion) but the "troll" anons are getting annoying and I don't understand come here to left out their frustration with people that don't deserve it and don't care about their ship. The way that the veggie still in s3 get more hype than the barchies ones (they put 3 ba stills and put a trailer just with ba it's kinda obvious what they did
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Hello lovely! 
I mean, I think the phrase “hit dogs holler” applies here? I don’t keep up with what twitter does, tbh, but I know they’re either trolling because they’re immature and think it’s funny or because they genuinely can’t figure out that enjoying what they love is supposed to be why they’re in fandom. 
But, I’ve been through this before with Star Wars. And those antis were much better at espousing their purity culture nonsense and making it seem like they had the moral highroad when, in the end, all they had was the embarrassing timeline of proving they don’t know how to read or interpret text. I mean, they’re still assholes, don’t get me wrong, they were (and are) very angry and almost violent and that’s...concerning because space wizards aren’t real but whatever, that’s a them problem they need to work on. 
(you know, some people just really don’t get sex as metaphors and have no real understanding of how story telling works and i can’t tell if it’s a cultural echo chamber of minors growing up telling each other that they’re always right or if it’s how they think the world should be catered to them and being vaguely uncomfortable at any given time for any given reason in media means something is Bad™ instead of maybe realizing that they don’t own the spaces they decide they own and not everyone enjoys everything that exists? i don’t know but it all reeks of entitlement) 
They want people to watch to make sure their faves end up together, they haven’t quite gotten the memo (why is media 10 years behind everyone else? i am going to assume a bunch of old white guys behind every decision might have something to do with it) that yeah, drama sells but well written drama sells better. 
Which is why we need younger, fresher, more diverse voices in the writers room and beyond. How much money do they need to lose before someone figures it out? Because, man, they really need to catch up. Also, who even trusts anything Riverdale says or does? Especially when you’ve been used for bait for so long? That’s a rough lesson to ignore, yikes. Also, I still like veggie and feel that ship was underutilized completely. 
I really don’t know why people come here to bother me, I am chilling in my lane. I’m just sitting here, thinking about shoes and marshmallows, writing bughead kissing each other and trying to have a good time. Do they want more people to ship b/archie? If so, their recruitment methods need work. I imagine their behavior even makes multi-shippers shy away from them. Badly worded, condescending messages about how much something I enjoy sucks just reminds me of trumpers and wow, that’s not a group I’d want to be associated with so yeah, here’s to hoping they learn to act more like people in the future.  
Thanks for the ask, doll!💜
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