#i really need a reunion for them not in a weird thorki way but a brotherly reunion
urgaydemise · 11 months
I'm pretty slow on analyzing stuff lol so something I just realized you all probably already have, but:
When O.B. shocks Loki to try and find out how his time slipping works, when Loki turns around you can see some slight fear and he looks very startled. Rightfully so but then I remembered that for this loki not so long ago he was dealing with the avengers.
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I don't have the exact gif of them getting shocked, but her first thought was probably lightning 👀
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Marvel hasn't really touched on thor in the series so I wonder how Loki thinks of him? We know he clearly loves their mom, and the look on her face when they saw the Odin Ragnorak clip in the time theater, and the conversations with thor, but I wonder if their is some fear that thor would still be angry??
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Dear Yuletide writer,
I’m 100indecisions on AO3. just based on numbers of requests/offers in the signup summary, it seems fairly likely that you matched with me on Avengers Academy, but it’s also slightly possible it was Silent Hill 3 or The Bifrost Incident. numbers also indicate nobody else requested or offered my other two fandoms, but I’m including them here anyway in case you or anyone else wants to take a stab at them. (there’s also this post if you want a little more info about why these fandoms are cool and where to find them.)
regardless! the important thing as always is that you have fun writing the fic, and for the most part everything that follows is just a suggestion. whatever you come up with, I’m sure I’ll love it.
I feel like…most of the fandoms I requested aren’t too likely to lead to fics with my major DNWs, probably. I wouldn’t want to see dubcon or significant manipulation in a relationship that’s supposed to be positive and healthy, for instance. I’m not opposed to explicit sex scenes of any kind, although I often end up skimming them because I’m the type of ace person who is just Not Interested in most of the physical aspects, so…you’re welcome to write sex scenes if it’s relevant but you absolutely don’t have to feel like you need to.
in general, my biggest DNW is unhappy endings. I’m thrilled to see my favorite characters go through all kinds of hell to get there, so for most of these I would be very happy to get something tagged Crueltide, but I also like things to be okay or at least hopeful by the end. if canon is the unhappy part in one way or another, I’m always happy to read fix-it fics. Between post-canon fix-its that could reasonably happen in the future and canon-divergence AUs where things are okay now because of some mid-canon change, I have a slight preference for the former, but both are good.
as for stuff I like, well, the other thing implied by my main DNW is that I do often enjoy fairly dark fics, as long as they end okay. I also like Loki a lot, as you can probably guess from my requests. if you ended up matching me on Avengers Academy Loki or Bifrost Incident Loki, and/or you want to take a stab at one of the other Loki-centric requests, the Loki fics I’ve actually written are pretty representative of stuff I like in my Loki fics, which basically boils down to “sympathetic interpretations always, with loads of angst and/or whump on the way to a reasonably happy ending”. I tend to take a somewhat lighter tone in general with my Avengers Academy fics (I’ve written several of those and only one of them doesn’t involve Loki at all, so…yeah I have a one-track mind where Loki is concerned), although I did also write a pretty damn whumpy fic for AvAc Loki. I’m very invested in the relationship between Thor and Loki as brothers, although Thorki is usually a personal squick. for things that aren’t necessarily Loki-related, I like found families and deep friendships, sibling bonds, stories about characters reclaiming their own agency from some outside force and/or figuring out how to take control of their own narratives, and probably plenty of other things that aren’t coming to mind at the moment. I’m equally good with plotty fics and little slice-of-life or introspective pieces. I will always always always be happy to see queer characters, especially asexual ones.
more detail about my specific requests, basically just expanded versions of what I wrote in my sign-up:
Silent Hill 3 (Heather Mason). I love this game and that’s mostly because of Heather–she’s resourceful, brave, and incredibly tough, and the game is essentially all about her reclaiming her agency (in a very literal, physical way) from people who used her for their own ends. Anything that gets into Heather’s head would be great, whether it’s a missing scene of some kind during the game or something afterward that explores what she does next, how she recovers from a frankly massive amount of trauma, and how she reconciles the various layers of her identity. The ways in which Heather, Cheryl the child, and Alessa both are and are not the same person are endlessly fascinating to me, and it seems like she probably has a lot of weird memories bouncing around in her head at this point--and possibly some extra trauma from Alessa’s memories of things Heather never physically experienced, as if she doesn’t have enough to deal with already. I would also really love to see something involving Angela and/or Maria from Silent Hill 2; I’m not sure how the timelines would line up (although realistically, considering the setting, that part would be trivial to handwave) but the way Heather basically said “fuck you, you don’t own me” to the cult makes me want to see other female characters find their own agency as well, and it would be really awesome if Heather found a way to help them do that, either by helping them directly or just by influencing the way the town operates. in general, I love these games for their atmosphere and symbolism, so anything you can do along those lines would be great.
Avengers Academy (Loki, Thor). I still miss this game. I especially miss Loki, who was a snarky little bastard but really not a bad dude. Mostly I’d be thrilled to see anything that focuses on him (or her, I super loved Loki’s canonical genderfluidity) developing actual friendships at the academy, with any characters who might be relevant (Steve, Natasha, America Chavez, Nebula, Union Jack, Angela, Jane Thor, really anybody). Working things out with Thor and/or the rest of his family is always good too; Loki’s Frost Giant storyline didn’t involve Thor at all, for instance, probably because it was written long before Thor was added to the game, so I’d be interested to see how things went when he found out his brother was a Frost Giant. I’m also always happy to see crossovers of some kind with other Marvel universes, especially considering AvAc was an interesting patchwork of film and comics canon; meta stuff where characters are aware of their multiverse counterparts is always fun (again, my own AvAc fics are pretty representative of what I like…and if you wanted to build off anything in those, I’d be thrilled). and hey, if you want to pick up or expand on any of the plot threads the game never really got around to, like more about the Academy’s supposed mole, the actual nature and origin of the timefog, or other worldbuilding-related stuff, that would be awesome. random slice-of-life stuff is also fun; so is expanding on any of the event plotlines or digging into in-world reasons for various gameplay decisions (way back during the Civil War event, for instance, Loki was one of the characters who could do stuff to earn points for Team Cap even though this didn’t come up in dialogue--it was almost certainly because they needed another non-event character to round out the rosters, but it would also make a fun premise for a fic). I’d also be happy to see something post-canon, showing what characters are up to now or doing some kind of reunion. I’m realizing somewhat belatedly that last year I only requested Loki because that’s the character I wanted most, and this year I requested both Loki and Thor even though my actual wishes haven’t changed, which...I’m not sure if that’s a potential matching problem or not. But just to be clear, the only character I require is Loki, and everything else is basically a suggestion. If there’s a character I haven’t listed but Loki had an interesting interaction with them, or they never spoke but you think they’d play off each other in fun ways, go for it.
The Bifrost Incident - The Mechanisms (Loki, Thor, Sigyn). I...need a fix-it. Like, for these characters specifically, but also for the universe in general, because the premise of this album is absolutely fascinating but I can't deal with tragedy, so--I need somebody to fix it. Somehow. I mean, I would also be very interested in pretty much anything about Loki and Sigyn, backstory or otherwise (especially if there’s Loki whump due to cosmic horror in general or Odin being a dick specifically, because...I am who I am), or Loki’s relationship with Thor, or...yeah, pretty much anything Loki-centric? But also I am a baby who cannot deal with tragedy so I gotta have like...at least a hint that things are going to end up differently than in canon. Or if you really don’t want to do that, speculate on this universe’s version of Valhalla or something, I don’t know. And yes, even though this isn’t a Marvel universe, I would also be very happy with some type of crossover/fusion with the MCU or another Marvel universe.
Loki: Where Mischief Lies - Mackenzi Lee (Loki). I had a lot of issues with this book and I’m not sure how much of that is just me not appreciating what the author was doing with an unreliable narrator (in part because I’m already pretty attached to certain interpretations of Loki) and how much is the author not quite doing it right, but I’d love to see something that would…make it make sense internally in terms of Loki’s motivations and actions. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a fix-it, although I’d love one of those too, with Loki reuniting with Theo and/or actually reconciling with his family. A giant crossover that includes this Loki with other major versions of Loki could be fun too. I’ve been planning for a while to write up some kind of actual review to articulate what about this book didn’t work for me, and I’ll update this post with a link when I do that, although…again, I know nobody else offered or requested this one. (if you think it sounds fun or you just want to read this book in general, my library actually has the ebook on Hoopla, so it’s worth checking to see if your library does too.)
What If... Thor Was Raised by the Frost Giants? (Loki, Thor). This is such a great little AU and I need MORE. Slice-of-life stuff with Thor and Loki growing up (and Laufey being an abusive bastard to Loki)? Fix-it where Freyja survives or somehow gets brought back? Post-canon fic picking up immediately after the end of the comic? Far-future speculation about what the present-day Marvel universe might look like with this change in its history? Literally anything post-canon about Thor and Loki tentatively reconciling? YES PLEASE. As always, biggest DNW is unhappy endings.
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dumbgaybitch · 7 years
have yourself a merry little christmas (thor x loki)
Well I promised @thorkicraving a fluffy Christmas Thorki fanfic, so here it is! It’s my first fanfic ever, so I’m not sure it’s going to be worth anything, but oh well. Comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome.
I’m not really feeling up for smut just yet… sorry? I might try it out sometime later, though.
Hope you guys like it, and merry (early) Christmas ♥
NB: Egil is a is a masculine given name derived from Old Norse, meaning “to inspire fright; the edge or point, a sting”. (Yes, I did my research, even for a cat’s name. Don’t judge.)
(I have no idea if I did this right lol sorry)
Characters: Thor, Loki
Pairings: Thor x Loki, Grandmaster x Loki (mentioned)
Universe: Human AU
Words: 1,881
Trigger warning: incest? But like, not really?
Summary: Thor surprises Loki with a huge Christmas tree that they set to decorating on a backdrop of Mariah Carey songs and Christmas carols, nostalgic memories and ugly sweaters, and not-so-brotherly feelings. Sprinkle some holiday cheer on top, and you get the perfect recipe for a cozy afternoon.
Read it on AO3
Loki was sitting in the window seat, a book in one hand and soft jazz music playing in the background. With his free hand, he was absentmindedly petting the small, purring kitten Thor had so petulantly decided to adopt a few weeks before. Loki had rolled his eyes, but said nothing because, as always, Thor would eventually have ended the discussion by saying he was the eldest, the smartest, the strongest, and -probably the most valid argument in Loki’s eyes- that he owned the apartment they lived in. So, they had gotten a kitten. Not that Loki really minded.
The front door opened, and he didn’t even have to look up to know who had just stomped in. “Brother!” Loki could positively hear the joy in his brother’s voice. Whatever was putting him in this good a mood, he didn’t want to know. “I see you’ve grown quite fond of Egil here.” Loki scoffed, not lifting his eyes from the pages, not stopping his fingers from stroking the cat’s pelt. “Don’t get your hopes up brother, I still call him Garbage.” Thor huffed, which immediately ignited a smirk on the younger man’s face. He took immense pleasure in calling the cat horribly offending names -well, offending to Thor, at least. The kitten probably didn’t care at all what name he was given, as long as he was being fed and pet.
“Stop saying nonsense and come help me.”
“Help you with what?”
“If you’d look up from that goddamned book, you’d know!”
Loki looked up, slightly alarmed by the angry tone Thor was using. He didn’t want to get bashed over the head with his book. His eyes went from his brother to what he was holding, and his mouth fell open, a childish gleam lighting itself deep in his eyes. “A Christmas tree!” He bounded up to it, his book falling forgotten on the floor and Egil scrambling to stop from hitting the ground face-first. The tree almost touched the ceiling, its big branches all but hiding Thor’s imposing bulk. A full-blown grin illuminated Loki’s face as he tilted his head to the side. “I call dibs on the star!” Thor shook his head and laughed. “Okay, fine, but I call dibs on helping you reach the top.” Loki could already imagine his warm hands around his waist, his strong body behind him, lifting him high up to help him put the golden star on the highest branch. He gulped and turned his head to the side, feeling a blush creep up his neck, his ears, his cheeks. I shouldn’t be feeling this. It’s not allowed. “Yeah, sure… brother.”
Thor didn’t seem to hear the change of tone in his brother’s voice, or at least he didn’t show it, choosing instead to set the big tree down in a corner of the living room and head to the kitchen for a well-deserved glass of water. As soon as he disappeared around the corner, Loki ran his slender fingers along his face, exhaling a long sigh. When he opened his eyes, he saw Egil sitting at his feet, big caramel-colored orbs trained on him. “What?” The cat didn’t answer, tilting its head to the side to watch him more intently. Loki scowled and pushed past it to fetch the holiday decorations. He wouldn’t let something as stupid as unwanted flutters in the stomach get in the way of Christmas.
When he got back to the living room, stacks of cardboard boxes in his arms, his jazz music had been replaced by a Christmas playlist, Mariah Carey singing her heart out at top volume. Thor was sitting on the couch, his Christmas sweater sporting an exceedingly ridiculous Rudolph, a photo album open in his lap. Loki set the boxes down and sat cross-legged next to his brother, peeking at the pictures he was looking at. They were memories of when they were kids, outdoor picnics and birthday parties and family reunions, camping nights and barbecue dinners and bonfire evenings, northern lights and snow, fishing at the lake in summer. The raw beauty of Norway, pure and whole in those precious moments filled with happiness. “Do you miss it? Norway, I mean? The life we had?”, Loki asked, voice soft. He could see the nostalgia flooding his brother’s eyes, and even though he thought himself selfish, he hated seeing him that way. Thor was his big brother, the strongest of the two, the one who was supposed to protect him, keep him safe, watch out for him, and be there for him, through thick and thin. Seeing him sad or feeling down just didn’t sit well with Loki. It just wasn’t Thor.
“Nah, I don’t… miss it, not to that extent. I just… Sometimes, I just wish we could go back to how things were back then”, he answered, fingers delicately stroking a picture where he and his dad were laughing like mad. Back when I had a family, back when I trusted you, back when we knew how to feel around each other, back when everything was simple. He didn’t say it, but Loki knew him well enough to be able to read his sky-blue eyes. Loki frowned. “It’s ok to miss your family, you know.”
“It’s your family, too.”
“Sure.” Loki turned his gaze to his lap and started picking threads in the couch. He had always felt like an outsider, a stranger to this family, even when he hadn’t known he’d been adopted. “I just don’t miss them the same, I guess. I don’t know. Oh, enough with that already! Let’s get that Christmas tree all glammed up!”, he exclaimed, jumping up and slamming the album closed, setting it aside, not even bothering with Thor’s weirded out glance. He started picking out glittery tinsels and shining baubles, scowling at Egil who was desperately trying to catch the hanging end of a decoration. Thor shook his head, laughing, and got up to help him. “Did you get your taste in sparkly decorations from En?” Thor teased. Loki blushed, his scowl deepening. He hated the mention of his ex and their disastrous excuse for a relationship, but he hated it even more when he saw how gleeful it made Thor to tease him about it. He grumbled something under his breath. His brother came closer, leaning towards him, his head tilted to the side in the most ridiculous impersonation of innocence Loki had ever seen. “I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.” The blonde man’s grin became so obnoxious that Loki got the irresistible urge to wipe it off his face, and the only solution that somehow came to his mind was to kiss him.
Right there.
Right then.
And it was unexpected, and it was violent, and it was blissfully sweet and terribly lustful. It was something they both craved from the deepest pits of their beings, something their very cores vibrated to, something their hearts sang to. Thor’s arms wrapped around the younger’s waist, pulling him closer. Loki’s fingers slithered up his brother’s neck, latching onto the short blonde hair, nails digging into the soft skin of his scalp as he deepened the kiss. They were eager, hungry animals that hadn’t been fed for years.
Loki broke the contact, gasping for air, eyes wide and heart thrumming in its bone cage. What had he been thinking? What had he done? He tried pushing away, panic clear in his blue-green eyes, but Thor was too quick. He slammed him into the wall, hands coming under Loki’s thighs to lift him up and set him on his hips, pinning him between the wall and his own, strong body. “You’re not going anywhere,” he growled, his hot breath fanning his younger brother’s face.
“But -”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Loki. Isn’t this what you wanted? Isn’t this what you were aiming for?” The truth was, he hadn’t calculated his move. For once, he had acted solely on impulse, obeying his needs, his desires, his wants, even though he had made sure they were hidden deep inside. Even though he thought he had made sure they would never take the pace on his conscious behavior. “Is this what you want, too?”
“It’s what I’ve been craving, for years,” Thor said, voice rough and deep and filled with longing. Loki shivered and felt his veins ignite with the fire of desire, driving him mad with want despite the fear twisting his stomach. His brother bent down and traced his neck with kisses, coaxing a soft moan out of Loki’s throat. Thor’s voice rumbled through his rib cage, strong, clear, commanding. “My room.”
Breathless, Loki nodded. “Yeah sure, let’s do that.”
Christmas morning
Waking up next to Thor was probably the best gift Loki could have asked for. Cold winter sunlight was streaming through the curtains, outlining the golden crown of hair on his head, the defined muscles of his arms, the white sheets carelessly wrapped around his lower half. Loki stretched out a hand and softly caressed his cheek. He almost jumped out of his skin when Thor grabbed his wrist and kept his hand close to his face, not seeming to want to let go anytime soon. Without opening his eyes, he asked: “Awake already, princess?” Loki rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I know you rolled your eyes.”
“Thanks, Captain Obvious. But I mean, princess, really? What am I, the god of sparkles?”
“You could be,” Thor replied, stretching, and then reaching for his brother, spooning him, engulfing him in his warm embrace. Loki had never felt so good.
“Right, because everyone knows I embody the rainbow-and-glitter spirit of unicorns.”
“Make that ‘sarcastic princess’ then.”
“God, you’re insufferable.”
“I know.” He could feel him grinning.
“Get back home safe, Peter. Tony, please watch out for him. Thanks. Merry Christmas everyone!” The last member of their friend-become-family group left the apartment, and Thor let the door fall closed with a sigh. Leaning on the wood, he directed a grin towards his brother. “Finally. Some alone time.”
Loki rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on the edges of his lips. “As if we didn’t already spend enough time together, huh?” Thor shrugged, a bashful smile on his face. “I guess all this is so new… I want to make the most of it.” He stepped closer and wrapped the younger in his arms. “Oh, would you look at that?”, he said, pointing upwards, above their heads, lips stretching into a grin. His blue eyes were twinkling with mirth, not leaving his brother’s face for even a second. Loki raised his gaze to the ceiling, lowering it back to Thor to better raise his right eyebrow at him. “A mistletoe, brother? Really? I didn’t take you for the sentimental type.” The blonde man scoffed. “Oh please. I know you love it.” Loki wrinkled his nose. “I don’t like romantic sappy shit, no.”
Thor rolled his eyes and swooped down to steal a kiss from his brother’s lips. “Course not.” A grin inched up his mouth, mirroring Loki’s smirk. The younger one shook his head and gripped Thor’s neck, coming up for a long, sweet kiss.
It really is the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it?
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