#i really thought he was going all vincenzo on him for a moment
itachanta · 2 years
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Song Joong Ki’s death glare. > Reborn Rich (2022)
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tearfallpixie · 3 months
Make Mama Happy - Chapter 8
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Tags: @nerdraging4point0 @thesazzb @synthetic-wasp-570 @circle-with-me @beaker1636 @itsjustemily @witchyweeb34 @agravemisstake @cookiesupplier @cncohshit @faceless-mirror @nonamessblog @yournecessaryevil @black-damask1999
@lyschko666 @vinyardmauro @skulliecadaver-blog @some-daniela @latenightmusiclover @rye14-blog1 @somewhere-diamond @Shilohrosechicken @abiomens @awkwardalex @miss570
“No, the tree goes over there!” Vinny protested, pointing to the opposite corner of the room.
“Vin! Why didn’t you tell me that before I built the damn thing!” I complained. He had decided to host his family Christmas at his place this year and requested I come help decorate. Unfortunately he didn’t tell me until the day before they were having the get together so here we were, hours from them showing up on Christmas eve and still fighting to get the tree up.
“I thought you would just know that by the door wasn’t a good place!” I rolled my eyes and jerked my hand to the window.
“But the neighborhood kids could see and admire the tree from here. Plus, there is a solid 8 feet between the door and tree. Its fine. I’m not moving it.” I decided, picking up the lights and starting to string them around the tree.
“Fine, but I’m mixing coke into your eggnog instead of rum tonight.” He grumbled. He was currently attempting to hang some decorations on the wall and failing epically.
“Mhm. Sure Vincenzo.” I giggled.
“Hey, are you doing ok? I know you and Heather were supposed to spend Christmas together.” He asked, stepping off of the ladder and bringing me a box of ornaments.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I tried to sound convincing but even I could hear the waver in my voice.
“I’m fine. We all have to grow up some time. Right?” I shrugged, taking some of the bobbles from the box. He set the rest of the ornaments on the couch and took the ones in my hands away.
“Nichole. Stop.” He ordered.
“What? She wanted to spend the holidays away from me. I get that. Its fine.” I snapped, trying to grab the bobbles from him but he held them out of my reach.
“She doesn’t want to be away from you. She misses you and you’ve been dodging her calls all month.”
“She chose him! She can get over it.” I huffed, storming to the kitchen to check on the brownies I had baking. Vinny followed me in there and leaned up against the counter.
“He apologized. What more do you want from him?”
“For him to rot in hell. He tried turning my best friend against me and he didn’t even let me have a chance with you before he was trying to ruin it. And now he stole her away on the one day out of the year that was entirely 100% ours. He can die an excruciating death for all I care.” The brownies were nice and crispy around the edge of them, so I grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the pan out dropping it on the stove top.
“Baby, look at me for a second.” There was that nickname again and for some reason I felt butterflies in my stomach. I glanced up at him and felt the anger I felt for the guitarist melt away into sadness. Arms incased me and held me tightly as tears started pouring from my eyes. “I’m sorry for everything that happened. But he’s told me he’s going to back off, that he fucked up by saying what he did to me.”
“I don’t care.” I whispered.
“At least talk to your best friend? She really misses you.” I nodded into his chest and we stood there hugging for a few moments longer. “Want to finish decorating the tree?”
“Please?” I let out a soft giggle. We went back to the living room and I picked the baubles back up, dropping them on the tree while Vinny got some of the other ornaments. As we decorated I noticed the weather picking up outside. “Oh, I hope your parents get here safely. When are they supposed to arrive?” I asked.
“In the next few minutes. They texted me that my brother and sister met at their place and were going to come with them. Their partners aren’t coming this time.” I nodded and went upstairs to get some more blankets since I could feel the chill creeping into the living room. When I returned, I set them on the end of the couch as there was a knock at the door.
“Hey, I’m so glad you guys made it safely.” Vinny said when he answered the door. His family walked in and hugged him before Rosa came bustling over to me and pulling me into her arms.
“Its getting crazy out there. Kyle, Vinny, why don’t you go and get the presents out of the car.” She said, leading me to the couch.
“Mum its snowing like crazy.” Vinny complained.
“Vincenzo, go.” Rosa scolded. I let out a giggle and waved my fingers in his direction.
“You heard Mama. Go Vincenzo.” I teased him. He glared at me playfully but followed Kyle out of the house. “I made brownies. Do you and Adriana want some?”
“Oh yes please!” Adriana clapped her hands happily.
“John, I have coffee on as well if you would like.” That perked up Vinny’s father.
“You managed to get him to keep coffee on hand?” I laughed and shook my head.
“Oh, no. Not at all. I brought it with me when I arrived this morning.” I explained.
“An angel. He has brought us an angel.” John kissed my cheek before moving past me and going into the kitchen. We all congregated in there and enjoyed brownies as the boys pulled in the few bags and boxes that had been in the trunk of Rosas car.
“Its cold as shit out there!” Vinny yelped when he came in.
“Language Vincenzo!” His mama scolded him. We went back into the living room and I hugged the drummer while running my hands up and down his arms. He dropped his head and nuzzled into my neck, shivering as his arms pulled me into him and hugged me tightly.
“Awe poor baby. Can’t last two minutes outside.” I teased him.
“Be careful, or I’ll throw you out in the snow.” He snarked back, scooping me into his arms and carrying me over to the couch. He collapsed down with me in his lap and when I tried to squirm away his arms tightened around me.
“Vinny! Let me go!” I laughed.
“Never!” I glanced over and saw his parents watching us fondly and it made me smile. We shifted around so I was sitting next to him and his arm was wrapped around my shoulder. “Now, shall we open gifts?” Everyone agreed so Kyle started grabbing gifts and passing them out. I nearly cried when he gave me several gifts.
“Whats this?” I exclaimed, looking over all of them.
“Sweetie, did you think we wouldn’t get you gifts?” John asked.
“I’m not family though.” I mumbled.
“Of course you are. Vinny is absolutely in love with you so you are family.” I was about to protest but Vin leaned forward and grabbed a present off the floor in front of me.
“Open this one first baby.” I looked at the tag to see that it was from him and I felt tears pricking my eyes. As I pulled the tissue paper out of the bag I revealed a cute blue healer puppy stuffed animal.
“Vinny what is this?” I whispered. He reached into the bag to pull out the stuffy and I noticed the dog tag that read ‘Shiloh’. “Is that- how did you know? I never-“
“I asked Heather. She told me that you had to leave your baby behind when you left home and it killed you. I hope that’s ok.” He told me softly.
“Its perfect!” I promised before leaning up and giving him a kiss. I hadn’t meant to but I couldn’t stop myself, only pulling back when I realized what I did. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re fine Pokie. It was cute.” I didn’t miss the change in nickname for me or how the butterflies in my stomach seemed to be more intense than ever in that moment. It made my breath catch in my throat especially with how his emerald eyes were watching me. I shook my head to clear the feeling and moved around to grab a small box that I had hidden behind me.
“I got you a gift too.” He pulled the ribbon loose and found a chain necklace inside the box. “I heard you mention how yours broke and you wanted to get a new one. I asked AJ where you got your original one. Bastard was confused why I was getting you a gift. Must have forgotten to tell him-“ I nearly slipped up and mentioned the fake dating thing but I was glad I caught my tongue.
“Its amazing. Thank you baby.” He kissed my temple and clipped the necklace around his neck with a smile. “It fits wonderfully.”
“Good I’m glad.” I looked around to see that the others were lost in their own little world of chatting and gifts and smiled. I could get use to having this. The dread thought of it all ending soon crossed my head and I frowned, trying to think of something else to distract myself but before I could the lights flickered and we were cased in darkness.
“Well that’s not good.”
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crayonfears · 5 months
Man just saw your comments and you really don’t know how happy I am 😭 btw I would love to know If you have some little headcanons about these 2 losers (doesn’t matter if they sad, happy or just plain weird😃) because for me I always think about the little things they like for example what kind of music do they listen to? Or if the music taste is the same or complete different? Or what kind of clothing style they have ? I’m sorry If I’m rambling to much 🥲 so feel free to tell me to shut up 💀
hi there, friend! it's so nice to see how happy you are over my answer. please know it's the same feeling for me whenever i see you in my inbox/comment 🥰
ohh i do have a few hcs of them myself. idk about the kind of music they'd listen to, though, cuz i have the worst taste in music myself 😂 i do think they'd have very different taste, although han seo will say he likes anything/everything hyungnim does just to appease han seok. one hc i do have about their taste is in movies. this is one i created with a friend i used to talk to. basically it's just han seo not really into action movies. they put him to sleep - literally. whenever han seok puts one on for their brotherly bonding session or whatever, han seo falls right sleep before the intro's even done. han seok would tease him about it so much; sometimes even get annoyed because han seok really wanted han seo to see the movie for whatever reason (he'd be the kind to be into big blockbuster hits, that fucking nerd, quoting lord of the rings and shit). this could be cute too - imagine han seok seeing han seo all tired, and wanting him to rest without actually telling him to rest (that'd be too sentimental, and han seok is NOT that!), he'd just put on some random action movie and han seo would be out like a light.
another hc of mine (which, really is just an observation) is how han seok only being affectionate to han seo whenever han seo isn't looking/isn't aware of it. if he's been more clear about how much han seo meant to him, perhaps han seo would never have turned on him 🥲regarding their clothing style... hmmm, we know from canon han seok got that business casual with the hoodies going on. he'd be the kind to love designer stuff, but just the most gaudy designs he could find - aka that versace bathrobe of his, so iconic haha. han seo, i think would go for more looser clothes whenever he could. the moment he could get out of the high-collared and tight suits (very nice symbolism for the hold han seok had on him; say what you will about vincenzo, the set and costume design went off), he immediately would and instead put on some soft t-shirt, maybe a nice hoodie. i love him with his glasses on, in that cute cardigan in their father's death scene. i wish we could see more of that han seo ;;
another hc i have which i hold very dear to my heart, you could pry it from my cold dead hands is han seo being really cold always and han seok being super hot in contrast. at first i just thought it'd be interesting that the cold-blooded one runs hot while the other is cold. and really, han seo/kdy is so fucking pale it isn't hard to imagine he got some bad blood circulation going on in there haha. i also just like to imagine han seo burrowing in han seok's large hoodies. han seo cuddling close to han seok for warmth. han seok going to han seo on a hot day, making him his personal walking ice pack.
that's the few i can think of right now haha and please don't ever apologize for rambling - i welcome all kinds of jangbros ramblings in my chat/inbox always. thank you for this ask, my friend! you know i'd always jump on the chance to talk about these losers always ❤️
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nire-the-mithridatist · 10 months
Hello, Nire! I saw your reblog earlier and it made me reread. Thanks! Gosh, I miss them.
Picking a passage from this piece was /hard/. In the end, it's either The Mirror/Glass or The Wall, but I went with Mirror.
“I’m okay—it’s just… I’m really dead,” she said wonderingly. “You know, they say people never really get to see what they look like, because mirrors are reverse images and cameras distort and—what I’m saying is, have I always looked like that?”
“No,” he replied, low enough that if anyone walked in, they would assume that he was talking to the dead body. “You were alive.”
“I don’t feel dead, is the thing,” she said. “I can feel everything you’re feeling. When you walk, it feels like I’m walking. When you see things, I see them too. I mean, sure, it’s a little different—you should really get your eyes checked, by the way, I think you’re slightly myopic—and I can also sort of read your mind, but none of this feels like how I thought being dead would feel like.”
And then—
“Is this normal? I mean, you… you did this, right? I feel like this isn’t normal. Also, can you look away from my cadaver for a little bit? It’s disturbing.”
He obliged, turning his gaze ceiling-ward. His eyes watered in the face of the dry brightness of the neon lights, his throat a knot of fishbones. There were no words to quite explain what he was and what he had done; instead, he let himself think it, hurling his mind to the past—distant and otherwise—and allowed her to watch the memories unfurl, from the first time he’d eaten a soul to the moment he panicked and entombed her within him.
Eventually, she said, “I see,” and he wasn’t ready for the sheer relief brought by her matter-of-fact response. She added, after a while, “I don’t suppose you can… reverse it? Pour me back into my own body?”
A futile question, futilely asked. He didn’t bother with lies and platitudes. The knowledge was real in him: she was a shard of glass lodged in his flesh; pulling her out wasn’t going to make the mirror whole again, and he might even bleed to death from the wound. Now, there was only living with it, with her—only the pain of her fragmented life as he carried her around with him.
- i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
((THE soulmate & cohabitation fic EVER. But watch out.)) I adore this so very much and I adore you. 🧡
OKOKOK sorry this took a while but this fic is actually one of my biggest pride and joys, and definitely my favorite of all the fics I've written for Vincenzo (and I wrote... some. lmao). Anyway, the Wall is the scene that I had wanted to write from the beginning, it was probably the reason this fic existed at all. I can talk about that (and the media that inspired it in the first place) FOREVER.
But that's not the scene you asked about, hehehe, so I'll restrain myself.
The Mirror scene as you dubbed it is part of the story set-up; as far as fantasy stories go, this one is definitely very soft fantasy, but I needed to set some rules anyway. Like, the obvious question is, can he spit her soul back out into her body? Definitely not or we wouldn't have a story (or well. it would be a very different story) but Cha Young would ask that question, and the reader would probably ask that question. So the main thing the scene asserts is that she's not coming back to life like nothing ever happened. This is permanent. The story is about them permanently stuck together in his body. I was actually kind of worried people would be mad at me for not giving them a "happy ending", but to me the happy ending lies in them learning the joy of this new shape of life they now have, rather than him carrying the guilt of her death the whole time, and I was hoping to hint at that ending through this scene.
The thing about how people never can actually see themselves is a fun fact that every so often haunts me. We don't 100% know what we look like! We know how we look like in the mirror and how we look like photographed, but neither of those are the same as how we can see other people directly, as they really are. And even here, now, Cha Young isn't really seeing herself and she never will. She's seeing her own dead body -- and dead bodies look very much unlike living ones -- through a slightly myopic pair of eyes that's not her own.
(Yet.) (Part of the story is also about how the body turns from something she borrows from him into something she actually shares ownership with him, and that's why around the wall scene their body and body parts are referred to as "their" and not "his".)
Anyway I'll stop rambling before I bore you but thank you SO much for asking about this fic and giving me an excuse to revisit it <3 <3 <3
send me a short extract from my writing and i'll give you a "dvd commentary" about it!
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gruesomejack · 11 months
"You can't do that to him!" Bianca was furious. Her eyes were fiery and wet with frustrated tears, her fists squeezing at her sides. "You're going to completely uproot him?! Send him off to some-- Some school hundreds of miles away from home?! You're going to ruin his life!" Hissing out a few curses, she turned to smack her hand on the kitchen counter. "You have no right to-"
"I have every right! He's my son!" The man had attempted to keep his cool, but he was yelling now, too. Growling, he scrubbed a hand over his face before parking both on his hips. "You spoiled him! You let him prance around in women's clothing and- and play in your make up and think it was all normal! He's not normal!" He barked, "And now I had to catch him kissing that friend of his-- God! Bianca, he thinks he's a girl!"
Wide eyed, she stared at him. "You... You think because I embraced his interests-"
They kept yelling.
Buried under his blankets, Vi pressed his hands over his ears and swallowed down the bile rising from his stomach. He'd cried himself sick once already, but they just wouldn't stop! Kicking the covers off, he pushed himself up and stumbled towards his bathroom. Vi hit the lights and moved to the shower, turning on the water to let it warm up. He pulled the clothes from his body and tossed them towards his hamper before stomping back to stand in front of his mirror.
The face that looked back at him was his own, tired and a little swollen from crying. Turning his cheek and lifting his chin, he looked himself over. With the braid down his back and the redness in his cheeks, it was easy to understand why people mistook him for his mother's daughter rather than her son. But he was her son. He didn't understand why it mattered what he looked like or what he wore. Or who he kissed. Vi thought of Charlie and frowned.
"Really? Really!" Vic huffed, his face red. He opened his mouth to speak again, but his wife was already going.
"You're nothing but an overgrown spoiled brat! He's going to hate you for the rest of your life, you understand?!" She barked back, "You'd rather have a perfect little puppet of a boy than the sweet one we got!" Chin trembling, she folded her arms over her chest and squeezed herself. "I hate you too!"
The man remained stony. "He's going, and that's final."
Smacking his hand on the sink, Vi choked and pressed his forehead against the mirror. He stayed there just breathing for a while before going to dig in the medicine cabinet. Vic had bought him a nice shaving set last Christmas-- He hadn't needed it yet. There was barely a hint of dark hair above his upper lip and absolutely nothing on his chin. The one chest hair he thought he had turned out to be cat hair. Maybe the man had hoped he'd ask him to show him how to use it. But... he didn't want to bond with his father. There really wasn't a reason to when it was clear Vincenzo hated everything about him.
Pulling it out, he wiped the dust off the case and stared. What was the point? Vi took the straight razor out and flipped it open. He took a long moment to stare at the blade, his brows knitting over tired eyes. Hesitating, he brought it to his palm and pressed it into his skin.
"Shit!" The razor dropped to the floor with a clang, red blood dripping to the tiled floor right after. Vi immediately brought his hand to his mouth, covering the cut with his lips. It stung, but... something about it eased the rest of the ache in him. That- couldn't be right. He swallowed and gave the blade a wary glance. Stepping back, he let out a slow breath and went to take his shower.
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Vincenzo: Episode 15
We’re finally on 15
also I forget HOW much happens in one episode. they had the pig’s blood thing in that one too
Inzaghiiii !!! the pigeon 🐦
omg her crow era, generally crows remember and attack
she got her whole gang here! I thought Chayoung was going to come to rescue him but the pigeons actually make it more funny
such an unserious show actually
look at Inzaghi blink back omg motherrr
Inzaghi is a boy pigeon?
my beautiful red head art director is about to die
Evil CEO doesn’t scare me at all actually. He’s just physically violent. Evil lawyer lady terrifies me more. She’s so !!???
Bodied Ms Choi
I feel for the art director. My babie
I guess the mother knows that’s her son
When I saw Chayoung alone I thought my girl was going to be attacked
awww their little fist bump
eugh I have a bad feeling
no he’s speaking about the guillotine file
honestly I’m actually really confused by this. I thought the double crossing rn still had a point like he’d come clean about another plan or something. this is just greedy and weird. why change now 💀
oh I think she knows that’s his mom
Oh I assumed she clocked on that fish snack detail
so what was in the letter 🤨
I feel like they drink as much coffee as I do
little bro why are you here. oh he got them a gift
they know about the gold. evacuate the building 😭
I know he’s a little devil in the making but he’s seemed more at home and happy here in 2 minutes than the entirety of his time in the Babel monstrosity. get your shit together little bro !!!
noooo I hope the mom and building people are going to be okay 🙏
I feel like these two evil dumbasses are about to figure out that Chayoung is the way to hurt him
our man looks sooo good actually. his swoop has become permanent since the last episode. I love it
lmaoooo they really think he can play a shaman?! okay slay
he voted for her to be the shaman lmao. look at his laugh 😂
well he’s the shaman regardless
has no one started passing around Vincenzo’s pictures though lmao. art galleries, auditoriums, shamans, he can just show up anywhere and they don’t recognise him at all
Mr Nam managing to be in a get up everytime they do this is actually SO FUNNY
is this adrenaline but make it traditional
the flower on his ear !!! my baby girl fr
A beautiful man
the damn pigeon
these three 🤣🤣🤣
a flair for the dramatic, I love these 3 like the whole fan and writing sequence. chef’s kiss
I want this sequence framed. MY BEAUTIFUL BABIES.
him fanning her. a true gentleman 💀💗
Evil brother CEO is actually insane like wdym he killed 4 of his classmates when he was young ???
little himbo evil brother SAVE yourself. get out of there
not Ms Chayoung’s anti drug agenda 💀😭 #real
Kdramas sometimes go full Indian TV with the amount of things that happen in 20 episodes ngl
probably one of the first times Jung is experiencing someone switching up on him at the last moment. that's what your company does all the time lol, you deserve it 😘
honestly who could believe our man was a corn salad (even i can't spell his job lmao) in Italy and part of the mafia. look at him acting for like the 800th time. the shaman is the best performance till now though! 10/10
'fate smiles most generously on brave souls and frowns mildly on those with no backbone' bars
the life page looks so good except i think Babel will gun for this man
adore this shaman track because i get to see my man with a small flower 🌼
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I saw a car trying to run over Mr. Cho again and immediately thought evil lawyer lady was around
slay Mr. Cho slay
no they're going to go after his mom no no no 😭😭😭 (kinda surprised it took them this LONG to dig into his personal life lol talk about being overconfident)
take someone else instead for now. that lady barely has a breath left omg nooo. let one parent and child stay goodbye
Evil Lawyer lady and CEO when I get my hands on YOU
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At least they know about Babel knowing about the building and the file
Oh no is Mr Cho about to die....
wait no it's just the media guy oh my god thank god
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xoteajays · 1 year
Exactly! The series is an internationally popular series that fans really seem to enjoy. But yet there is not much artwork, stories, or any even content that I've seen. And I can't say that there is not stories written, because there are stories. Just not for the ships I would want to read.. Like I know people seem to love the canon couple of the series but I'd rather read a completely different ship. But that's just my opinion.
Personally I prefer reading about the canon characters shipped with original characters (or insert characters). Nothing against any canon ships, but I don't care about reading those stories for the most part.
Now that's another series I'll have to write for. Somehow. I don't know yet. But.. Now I'll have to somehow figure that out too. What the fuck.
There are so many stories I wanna write. So why do I keep tormenting myself like this? What the fuck. I need to stop doing this again.
Yeah.. I try to watch an episode or two before being too critical since I always thought the first couple episodes to any series are usually just because I see those episodes as introductions to the plot, to the story and characters. Especially for people who might not know the plot.
And since the episodes of Vincenzo is longer than most shows. Since I've noticed every episode is an hour and a half long, so each episode, to me, is like watching a movie. So the episodes are like watching two or three episodes at a time.. At least that's what it feels like to me.
So if you decide to rewatch Vincenzo, just try to get more episodes in before judging the show. And especially since there are some rumors, rumors about creating another season. But no conformation or denial about the season yet. So those are really only rumors at the moment.
And, if you still don't seem to enjoy the series, then I will not pressure you about it. Since everyone has their own preferences with things.
That's mostly what I read and write. If I can actually write. But it really has been a while since I've written.. I do need to get back into writing.
But yes! Smut. Definitely smut. And romance... Because the romance and smut go together, for the most part anyway. Because why not.
If you have AMC+, watch The Sadness. If you're even willing to watch a fucked up horror movie. I might have that movie again soon.
Worst Of Evil? And.. It's a mafia show, movie? Don't know if I've heard about it. At least I don't think did. But all I heard was crime genre.
And they did try saving up any money, even if it meant some of those friends got illegal jobs (Shion and Lala) to save up that money just for Smoky to get treatment. Which is a shame. Smoky deserved better.
Similar to Cobra. Cobra had a difficult way of becoming the Sannoh's own leader.. Because, to me, it seems like he kept comparing himself to the men of Mugen. At least that's how I saw it. Like he wasn't really good enough to be a leader of a gang. But, then again, his friends just gave him to role of leader without actually being asked to be a leader.
So I can see a similar situation happening for Takeshi. Maybe Cobra is able to help him grow as a leader to, since there were in situations like this. Murayama might try helping in his own way too. Since I know he was another character doubting himself as a leader because of Cobra too. So I could see those two helping Takeshi with being a new leader.
Well... Don't know if they'll be in the same story, or different story. But that depends on how you write your story though. Anyway. My idea is not really an idea. More of an observation from the movies though.
In the first movie when Kohaku became the antagonist after Tatsuya died. He worked with the Korean mafia to get rid of SWORD gangs so they could also get rid of Kuryu. And so on. Anyway. When Tsukumo's at the storage place with Ryu, they fought the Rude Boys - when they also found out people died in Nameless City. Maybe. I should actually say that Tsukumo found out about that since Ryu already knew about people dying. And it also made me realize Ryu's not in a lot of fighting scenes, and maybe scenes in general, compared to other characters. But Ryu was trying to kill Smoky with his kukri blades. So.. Maybe the girls met each other in that scene? Or even already knew each other? I don't know. That's not much of a thought. Just an observation.
My thoughts are really dull since I haven't gotten enough sleep lately.
I'm rambling too much.
My neighborhood is getting worse by the day. Which is actually really annoying since our neighborhood was never like this before.. I know a lot of people are bullied so that doesn't surprise me. But now we have more fighting than usual - street fights and domestic fighting (from a lot of verbal to even physical fights in relationships here now). People stealing cars. Actually! Last week... last week a group of people broke into vehicles to steal any valuables, also damaged cars when they did break into the cars, and even stole some cars too. That was during in the middle of the night when most people were actually sleeping too.
Adultery, gambling, alcohol, drugs... And who knows what else they'd done. Also many reasons why I hate my own family since lots of them have their own vices, but on a much more severe scale than average.
Which is saying a lot.
Doesn't help that there are people enabling them, encouraging them, to do these things. Instead of stopping them. Or getting them help.
But I can't say anything. I don't care about people. Maybe I'll make an attempt when there's decent people who I may consider worth trying to help. If there are any people like that left in the world anymore.
yeah, i usually don't read a lot of canon ship fics either. unless i really like both characters. i also prefer original character stuff, but i'm not a big fan of x reader or nameless characters. i really can't stand to read y/n stuff.
i'll have to check it out again when i've got some free time, probably after bloodhounds and the last couple episodes of little women. i think the really long episodes put me off a bit, especially because it felt like those first two episodes were a bit slow (for me at least), but i've heard good things so i'll probably give it another try.
same! i definitely read a lot of romance and explicit fics. it's how i get the vibe for a lot of stuff i write, so i'm not just going in blind. i like to search through the ao3 tags for specific k!nks, so i can get an understanding for it; obviously i don't rip any specific scenes from anyone else's fic, but it does help to read about stuff so i don't end up writing it wrong/badly. plus if it's something i'm writing for, it's also something i enjoy reading.
i've seen some scenes from the sadness, but haven't gotten around to actually watching it fully. i've heard it's very fucked though, and it's on a lot of lists of 'messed up movies'.
the worst of evil is a kdrama coming out on disney+. it's an action crime show centered on the main character, who's a cop, and his detective wife going undercover in this drug-trading gang that's lead by wi ha joon's character. wi ha joon is looking very hot in it, and he always plays morally dark characters really well (like in midnight).
they tried their best. it's a shame it didn't end up working out. though kuryu probably would've jumped in if they got any inkling that smokey was going to get treatment and uncover the fact that he was sick because of their toxic dumping. probably woulda hit smokey with a car too.
i could see all the other leaders trying to help takeshi settle into his new role, but he probably wouldn't easily accept the help to begin with. if excluding my oc, i imagine that pi or lala or even shion would talk to him about leading his own way and not just trying to fill the void smokey left behind.
he'd eventually become a good leader in his own right and get closer to the other leaders, but i bet it would've made an interesting episode or two if they'd continued the episodic series for a post-movie-triology season.
they'd probably already know each other by that point, but i could see hinami jumping in to try and fight ryu to protect her teammates. even if only pinging marbles and such at his head from a distance with her slingshot to distract him. i can imagine a scene later of her and ryuko talking and hinami being like 'your 'fiance' sucks and is the worst and i hate him' and ryuko's just like 'yeah i know, right? why tf do you think i ran away?'.
it's definitely all stuff that's been on the rise lately. must be something in the water, etc etc. people have been acting worse and worse lately and i have no idea what changed to make people so sucky. like yea, the world kind of sucks right now, but it always has. half the things i see people younger than me doing are things i could never imagine myself doing now, let along when i was there age.
a lot of the teenagers that are doing these crimes around my area aren't even being properly punished. nothing more than a slap on the wrists from authority for stealing or breaking into people's places. and a lot of their parents aren't doing anything to stop them either.
half the time at my retail job, there's school kids in uniform fucking around in the store being total menaces and they're always there way way before school's even over. i don't get it! why are they not in school? why is nobody teaching them how to be decent? why aren't they being punished for ditching their classes? i was put on a punishment card for ditching one class in high school and i didn't even leave the school grounds, what tf is happening to these kids that are fully leaving their schools?
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bongaboi · 1 year
West Ham United: 2022-23 UEFA Europa Conference League Winners
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Pietro Terracciano saved from Michail Antonio in the opening minute, and West Ham took courage for a while, hurrying Fiorentina and preventing them from building from the back. Declan Rice fired just wide from the edge of the box, but the Viola pressed and passed more effectively as a stop-start first half went on.
Luka Jović had a shot blocked at source in the box, and got behind the Hammers' defence in the final seconds before the break. The No7 reacted sharply after Christian Kouamé's header looped back to him off the post, but the effort was ruled offside.
The second half sparked into life after West Ham were awarded a penalty, Cristiano Biraghi handling a long throw into the Fiorentina box. Said Benrahma struck it sweetly into the top corner, sending Terracciano the wrong way.
Their lead lasted just five minutes, though, Giacomo Bonaventura controlling Nicolás González's knock-down and then beating Areola with a low angled shot. It might have got even better for Fiorentina three minutes later, Rolando Mandragora flashing a powerful shot just wide from the edge of the box.
However, the momentum drained away, and extra time looked to be looming when Areola saved Sofyan Amrabat's hopeful effort from distance. There was a final cruel twist for the Viola, though, Jarrod Bowen chasing Lucas Paquetá's smart ball through the Fiorentina defence before angling the ball past Terracciano.
Laufenn Player of the Match: Jarrod Bowen (West Ham) "Even when they were not on top, he was the outlet for West Ham's counterattacks and then scored the goal to win the match." UEFA Technical Observer Panel
Paolo Menicucci, Fiorentina reporter Football can be cruel. Fiorentina dominated possession for the whole game and were the more dangerous side with the ball and created more chances to score but a sudden counterattack is all it takes to destroy a dream. Fiorentina have reached two finals this season and lost both of them, but Vincenzo Italiano and his players should be proud of the way they have played, even though they failed to win any trophies.
Lynsey Hooper, West Ham reporter The Hammers only held on to their initial lead for a matter of minutes. Despite a rocket of a penalty from Benrahma, the momentum shifted when Fiorentina equalised. The match was anyone's at 1-1, but Bowen was quickest to a through-ball and kept his composure to beat the goalkeeper in the final minute of normal time. The image of David Moyes running down the touchline will live long in the memory, as will this European title victory.
Jarrod Bowen, West Ham forward, speaking to BT Sport: "I dreamed of scoring but to score the winner in the last minute, I thought I was going to cry. I'm just happy, I can't put it into words. We haven't had the best season, myself included. I'm over the moon. You make that run ten times and you might get it once. I had a lot of time but I was confident and when I saw it going in, I didn't know what to do. This was the biggest game of my career."
Declan Rice, West Ham captain: "When Jarrod ran through on goal I said to myself: 'This is your time'. And then you see the ball hit the back of the net. I'm still in shock now. Honestly, it's incredible."
David Moyes, West Ham manager, speaking to BT Sport: "This year we've gone unbeaten in Europe, which is incredible. Being in the Europa League next season will be a thrill again. The moments when you win in the last minute of the game and get to celebrate with your family don't happen often. It can go against you but tonight is a brilliant feeling. This competition has been great for us; the players have been remarkable."
Vincenzo Italiano, Fiorentina coach: "We lost two finals when we played really well and it's a shame. Tonight, I honestly didn't imagine it could finish like this. We played well, had chances, equalised straight away after a penalty that could have killed us. We responded, we had a great chance through Mandragora. Then a ball came down the middle, we did not make the right movement in defence and it was all over. The lads were destroyed."
Cristiano Biraghi, Fiorentina captain: "It's so awful to lose like this. We are dead inside, above all because we are the players on the pitch but we were playing for a city, for the fans, the people who came to us after the Coppa Italia final [a 2-1 defeat against Inter] to tell us how much Fiorentina mean to them. The biggest regret is not taking anything home for them."
Joe Cole, BT Sport
"We've seen all the outpouring of emotion: I've never seen so many grown men cry. It's incredible. It's one of the most iconic scenes in this club's history."
Key stats West Ham have won their first major continental trophy since the 1964/65 European Cup Winners’ Cup. The Hammers made it through the whole campaign unbeaten; their final record W14 D1. David Moyes is the first Scottish coach to win a UEFA competition since Sir Alex Ferguson claimed his second Champions League title with Man United in 2008. Fiorentina finished as the top scorers in this season's Europa Conference League with 37 goals; West Ham were second on that list with 29. Fiorentina's Arthur Cabral was the joint-top scorer in the Europa Conference League this season on seven goals; Kouamé and Biraghi provided the most assists with five each.
Line-ups Fiorentina: Terracciano; Dodô, Milenković, Ranieri (Igor 84), Biraghi; Amrabat, Mandragora (Barák 90+3); González, Bonaventura, Kouamé (Saponara 61); Jović (Cabral 46)
West Ham: Areola; Coufal, Zouma (Kehrer 61), Aguerd, Emerson; Souček, Rice, Paquetá; Bowen, Antonio (Ogbonna 90+4), Benrahma (Fornals 76)
© 1998-2023 UEFA. All rights reserved. Last updated: Wednesday, June 7, 2023
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Could you write a brotherly hurt/comfort of Han Seok and his brother from Vincenzo?
here you are! thank you for requesting, sweet nonnie! hurt/comfort between the jang brothers is much harder than i thought hehe. hope this works!
Hanseo doesn’t realize how lost he is in his own thoughts until he’s jarred out of them by a clap of thunder. He gasps sharply and his back goes straight, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. His gaze flickers around him for a moment, before he hones in on the scenery laid out in front of him once more.
The view is beautiful, honestly. Hanseo is standing before of one of the massive windows in his brother’s penthouse, staring out at the weather that ravages the world beyond the glass. With the onset of typhoon season, the wind directs the rain to the ground at a sharp angle and the trees almost appear to be tipping over sideways. The downpour is so fierce that it’s difficult to see beyond that, even with the help of the lightning that dances wildly about every few seconds.
It's that brand of chaos that Hanseo finds cathartic. It’s as unpredictable as his own life, but he finds solace in the fact that he doesn’t have to involve himself in it. He can just watch, as if a movie is playing out before him, and see what cause leads to what effect. Sometimes, it’s easy to get sucked up in that mentality and lose sight of the world around you. Hanseo often dissociates when watching storms…it takes him to a different place, which is…healing.
Once his pulse reaches normal limits again, Hanseo releases a long sigh and leans forward, pressing his forehead against the cool glass. In his hand is an empty whiskey bottle, but he’s not drunk. There was little more than a shot or two left from previous nights spent here. He finds he doesn’t really need the buzz enough to go looking for another bottle, however.
Whenever it is Hanseok decides to come out to the living room, he’ll undoubtedly have another one ready for the both of them, anyway.
For now, Hanseo closes his eyes and attempts to reign himself in yet again. He’s always like this when Hanseok calls him. Not unlike the storm raging outside, Jang Hanseok is impossible to predict. He might come into the room smiling, but that doesn’t mean he’s in a good mood, and it takes very little to make him put his temper on full display. Hanseo, to this day, has no idea what exactly the trigger is that sends his brother over the deep end.
He's exhausted of being involved with it. It’s even harder now that his cover as CEO of Babel has been blown and Hanseok is free to show his face as he pleases. Hanseo has to be more careful—to remind himself that he’s far more disposable now. He may live in a constant state of fear and apprehension, but that doesn’t mean he wants to die. Had he wanted that, he’d have let the drugs take him all those years ago.
On top of that, Hanseo tried to kill him. Hanseok has been…surprisingly forgiving of that. Now that he’s out of the hospital, Hanseo treats every interaction like it’s about to be his final one. Not that he’s ready for it at any given time.
The cold from the glass worms its way beneath the skin of Hanseo’s forehead and creeps down the rest of him, cooling him in rivulets as if the rainwater is seeping through. It feels nice…relaxes his taut nerves. He takes in another deep breath, and releases yet another long sigh.
His eyes pop back open when he hears the sound of liquid pouring into a glass somewhere nearby on his right side. His pulse picks up, and he turns to regard his brother, who is now standing directly next to him. Hanseok, having just gotten out of the shower, is sporting pajama pants and a tee shirt, his wet hair dangling over his face. He looks strangely placid. There’s no towel wrapped around his neck, so Hanseo knows at least one weapon is out of the equation.
“I don’t like storms…do you remember?”
At first, Hanseok’s words shock Hanseo, but just as he’s about to shake his head and answer honestly, his mind surprises him. He briefly finds himself over twenty years in the past, back when he and Hanseok shared a bedroom as children. At the time, it had been a recent development for them, as Hanseo had only been introduced to his half-brother a couple of months prior. With their beds across the room from each other, it had still been a little awkward to suddenly be living with a stranger.
However on that night, Hanseo had awakened to panicked whimpering from across his room. Hanseo himself had never been all that afraid of storms, but he could see the dark outline of his brother quivering in his bed next to the window where the storm had been raging outside. He had simply crawled out of bed and made his way over, questioning if Hanseok was afraid of storms. Hanseok had stammered out for him to shut up, but when Hanseo had gestured over to his own bed with a nod and offered to let Hanseok sleep away from the window, the older brother had practically leapt at the chance.
Hanseo’s last recollection of that night had been taking notice of how Hanseok had been buried under the blankets with his head covered. Looking back, he’s surprised he’d forgotten that memory. Then again, it’s kind of hard to retain the sweeter ones when the more violent ones keep him in a chokehold.
At the same time, it’s memories like that that give Hanseo the ever-present bittersweet feeling that if Hanseok had been given the help he’d needed, maybe he wouldn’t have turned out the way he is today. As a victim himself, Hanseo knows that Hanseok’s actions are his own, but still. Hanseo is probably far too nice for still loving his brother despite everything, but that’s just how it is. Even with a gun pointed at Hanseok, Hanseo had wished their father had been a little less cruel to them and little more of a parent.
That new memory fresh in his mind, however, Hanseo smiles a bit solemnly. “Mm.” His grunt of acknowledgment is followed by a soft nod of the head. “In your defense, hyungnim, you can’t predict what will happen in a storm.”
Hanseok seems eerily calm. Hanseo isn’t sure how to take it. He’s so used to treading on eggshells that he’s ready to jump back any second in response to an outburst. Still, he watches Hanseok raise his glass to his lips and take a big drink. “Seriously…why do you like staring at this shit? What if you got struck by lightning?”
Hanseo gives the question some genuine thought. Raises his hand to the collar of his shirt. Loosens it a bit. “It’s not likely. But if it does, I guess that’s what I get for putting myself in its path.” He can feel his brother’s eyes on him, before the bottle in Hanseok’s other hand slides into his periphery. He takes it in his own free hand and downs a quick swig—whiskey, as expected. Swallows down the burn. Clears his throat. “Is this why you called me?”
“Please.” When Hanseo looks over at Hanseok once more, his brother is scowling out the window. No…it’s not quite scowling. It’s more like…pouting. He knows he’s been called out but he’s not about to admit it. Hanseo isn’t about to push, either. “What am I? Five?”
“You weren’t five back then, either.”
Hanseo tenses when he realizes how easily that little retort slipped from his lips. His eyes go wide as Hanseok’s own bore right into them. He drops his gaze apologetically. “I-I didn’t mean it that way, hyungnim—”
“Could you not get all jumpy right now?” Hanseok questions, his voice irritable, but also still that almost uncomfortable flavor of calm Hanseo isn’t used to. “You make me crazy sometimes when you act like I’m gonna kill you.”
Hanseo bites back the split second of fury that almost escapes his lips. How in the hell is he not supposed to worry that he’s going to be killed? Nevermind the gunshot—Hanseo has been at Hanseok’s mercy for most of his life. Instead, though, he shakes his head and mutters another apology.
Not surprisingly, Hanseok doesn’t look all that impressed by his brother’s gesture. He scoffs and snatches the bottle back, downing more of the booze straight from the mouth of it. Hanseo notices he hasn’t finished off what he poured into his glass, but he either doesn’t notice or simply doesn’t care. When he swallows down the burn, he grunts out, “Just figured a shitty night like this is a perfect one to watch a movie—something funny, yeah?”
Quite frankly, Hanseo isn’t that trusting of his brother, but he can’t bring himself to refuse either. Hanseok is making it more and more obvious by the second that he’s trying to find a way to get his mind off of the tempest raging outside. It’s been years since Hanseo last saw him like this over a storm. He can’t help but wonder what’s got Hanseok acting that way now.
Maybe it’s some weird plan to get Hanseo to relax around him or something so that he can get him back for shooting him, but…Hanseo isn’t so sure. Hanseok really does look uncomfortable…
It’s not like he’d get away with refusing, anyway.
Which is how Hanseo finds himself in Hanseok’s living room with his television blasting some American comedy movie the older brother swears is absolutely hilarious. Hanseok is generous enough to put the subtitles in Hangul so he can at least somewhat understand the humor. But it’s still not all that funny to Hanseo. The general premise is a group of friends getting wasted in Las Vegas and waking up with everything that could have gone wrong going absolutely haywire.
Hanseo, perhaps judging a little too harshly, wonders if this is so entertaining to his brother because of the amount of misfortune the guys in the movie are suffering. He also wonders if that’s the reason he’s not all that crazy about it. Or maybe it’s because for a brief point in Hanseo’s life, he had regularly inebriated himself to the point of blacking out and not remembering any of the previous night.
No…he’s overthinking this. He needs to calm down and enjoy the movie.
Wait…is that a tiger?
And a baby?
Hanseok has laid out a bowl of gummy bears on the table where they can both reach it. Hanseo damn near chokes on one when the character named Alan puts sunglasses on the baby and straps him to his chest. Okay, that’s kind of funny.
Soon enough, Hanseo is laughing right along with his brother. He has relaxed completely, utterly absorbed in the movie, the handful of gummy bears he’s slowly chewing away at, and the whiskey bottle being passed between the two brothers. It feels unlike any experience Hanseo has had with his brother in years. It’s a much-needed breath of fresh air. The ever-cautious Jang Hanseo knows this is likely the calm before the storm—he crossed a line recently, after all—but he’ll take what he can get. And god, he needed the chance to just breathe.
Just as the movie’s characters are about to meet Mike Tyson, lightning flashes so brightly it grabs both their attention. Immediately after, a thunderclap follows so loudly that it rattles the penthouse.
The power flickers and the home goes completely dark.
When Hanseo turns toward the armchair where Hanseok is sitting, the older brother is rigid in the chair, sitting bolt upright. The lightning is their only source of illumination now, but it flickers so frequently that Hanseo can see the way his brother looks petrified. This whole situation is so odd, and Hanseo shouldn’t feel the pang of sympathy wrenching in his chest, but he does. He wants to comfort his brother.
So he thinks quickly and scoots away from the arm of the couch, where he pats the spot where he once was. “Hyungnim, come here.”
He fishes his phone out of his pocket and unlocks the screen. Thunder claps again and he literally hears his brother tense from his chair. “Why?”
“Because we’re gonna keep watching.” Hanseo shrugs. He’s not the least bit afraid. Not of the storm, and certainly not of Jang Hanseok in the current moment. He should probably be laughing that his big, scary, murderer brother is afraid of storms, but he wants nothing more than to reassure him that it’s going to be alright.
So it’s a relief when he sees Hanseok concede defeat and climb off of his armchair. He shuffles cautiously to the couch. By the time he’s seated next to Hanseo, he’s managed to find the same movie they’d been watching and skips to the part where they left off. He grabs the bowl of gummy bears and plops them into Hanseok’s lap and then hits play on his phone.
And it surprisingly works. Mike Tyson starts singing, and Hanseok starts chortling again, and Hanseo breathes another sigh of relief. He finds himself absorbed in the movie all over again, and going by the way Hanseok’s only movements are the occasional grab for gummy bears, he must be too. He definitely doesn’t feel as tense as he looked in that armchair a while ago.
Hanseo thinks back to that. To the outline of Hanseok, frozen with fear in the darkness of the storm. To the younger version of him whimpering in his bed all those years ago. Jang Hanseok is reckless and fearless and malevolent. He’s terrifying and brutal and doesn’t really know when to draw the line.
But he’s also, on some level, a human being. Hanseo is probably the only person who has ever taken the time to acknowledge that. Even their father had deemed Hanseok too much of a hassle to find help for him.
Hanseo’s brow furrows. He’s not about to say he regrets pointing that shotgun at Hanseok, but that’s…just the fucked-up nature of their family. There’s no escaping that, and Hanseo hasn’t deluded himself into thinking that things are suddenly going to be different tomorrow. But for now…
“Are you doing okay now, hyungnim?” He dares to ask.
“The hell kind of question is that?” Hanseok grunts, though his tone is bland, clearly too absorbed in the movie. Conveniently enough, it thunders then again and Hanseok jumps visibly.
Hanseo laughs a little, and Hanseok takes the moment to shove a whole handful of gummy bears into his mouth.
“Laugh again and I’ll kill you,” he growls. “You’re supposed to be watching the movie.”
The gummy bear move was a good one, because Hanseo has to spend several movements chewing and rearranging the little treats in his mouth until he can finally swallow them down. By that time, Hanseok has regained his focus on the movie, and Hanseo uses his better judgment this time, choosing not to say anything else.
It’s best to just weather the storm through comedy movies. Apparently, there are two sequels, and so long as they don’t have power in the house, Hanseo has a feeling they’re going to be continuing on.
So be it. Hanseo’s okay with this. If the battery on his phone lasts that long, they’ll be golden. If not…well, he’ll cross that bridge when he gets there. He knows without having to confirm it that Hanseok is seeking comfort and a distraction from the storms he claims to hate. In the moment, he’s not out for blood. In the moment, he needs his dongsaeng.
Hanseo, desperate for some semblance of a normal life, will gladly be Hanseok’s shelter for the night. They almost feel like family right now, after all.
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literaryfic · 3 years
i want to address the criticism about how vincenzo was acting out of character when he decided to save cha-young and not help han seo/neutralise han seok.
so, at first i felt the same way (i was about to post about it) but i wanted to gather my thoughts beforehand and i’m glad i did because i have a new perspective on this.
i want to say that the criticism is completely valid and understandable and that not everyone will share my point of view and it’s okay.
especially because vincenzo did act out of character.
the vincenzo we all know and love is always composed, extremely smart, quick on his feet, has amazing instinct...
in the past few episodes especially, the writers have really shown how invincible he is. he outsmarts all his ennemies, and they admit defeat. e.g. choi myung hee tells han seok he’s not someone they can beat. han seok goes to prison as a last resort measure because it’s the only way he can protect himself.
han seo even said in this episode that it will be okay [even if han seok wants to kill him] because he has vincenzo, and vincenzo knows everything, keeps him safe and beats up all the bad guy. he even asks “how can you be so amazing?”
and surely, vincenzo just like his name suggests, always succeeds. they’ve been showing that consistently the entire drama, it’s satisfying because he always triumphs, often without anyone’s help or at least by his own means.
however, in ep 19, vincenzo doesn’t succeed, or doesn’t succeed on his own.
1. he doesn’t beat up all the bad guys. he almost does, but he’s out numbered, cornered until the tenants appear. the ones saving the day are the tenants. it’s all of them working together that saves the day. they succeed as a family, as people coming together to conquer, not just vincenzo being moves ahead of everyone.
2. he doesn’t know everything. he did not anticipate myung hee’s sacrifice and han seok getting out of jail without anyone knowing. he didn’t see their move coming.
3. he didn’t keep [them] safe. cha-young and han seo both get abducted. vincenzo couldn’t protect them from han seok.
with this scene, the writers literally told us what would happen/was happening.
so yeah, the rational thing for vincenzo to do would’ve been to allow cha-young to flee by freeing her leg, than go on to help han seo overpower han seok and disarm him. and if this was the beginning of the drama, that’s what he would have done.
but there’s nothing rational about vincenzo in that moment because he’s scared. this is the first time that we’ve seen him AFRAID. (except maybe when his brother’s men almost got him killed but i would argue that it’s different bc it was only about himself, about his life.)
vincenzo has just lost his mom, and realised how hard it was to miss someone who’s dead. at first, he didn’t have any strong enough attachment in south korea to truly know what grief meant.
vincenzo has a family now. he has friends, companions. people who he cares about and who care about him. he has someone to lose.
cha-young is obviously the closest to him and the person he cares for the most. there’s no denying that. apart from his mother, she is his weakness.
in this episode, we see him accept his feelings for her. i think he’s realised he loves her a long time ago, but up until he decided to not leave for italy at the end of ep 18, he had never allowed himself to give those feelings a chance, to give cha-young and himself a chance.
in ep 18 he realised that he couldn’t leave her and that it was possible for him to stay by her side (or at least come back later and then stay). he made up his mind.
so when han seok kidnaps her, vincenzo is scared. not for his own survival, but for her. he’s scared to lose her because he knows how bad his mother’s death hurt him and he would rather get killed than let cha-young die. he even decides to sacrifice himself for her.
he’s not thinking straight, there’s no logic behind his actions. he’s a man that’s scared to lose the person he loves the most.
and so the moment he has a chance, he prioritises her survival over everything. he doesn’t do what’s right, he only does what he can.
his new found family might be his biggest strength, but it’s also his biggest weakness, his achilles heel. vincenzo up until now has been a dark hero who was always victorious, invincible. but now he’s become human, someone with fears and flaws, a mortal.
we’re used to watch vincenzo and get this satisfying, gratifying feeling of the dark hero always beating the bad guys, always coming to the rescue, always ahead of everyone. but in tonight’s episode, or at least its ending, was vincenzo failing. this obviously throws off most watchers.
the ultimate win will be even more satisfying and amazing to watch because of how disappointing/frustrating the end of this episode was.
anyway, that’s just my take on it. i think the writers made a choice in doing this because it’s part of his character development.
i’d be very interested to talk about it tho, especially if you disagree!!! i definitely felt wronged when i first watched this lmao.
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kimbapmmbapbap · 3 years
More k-dramas y'all should watch
So, at the end of 2017, I created a post going through my favourite dramas of all time. Obviously, I have watched more dramas since then so I have a few more dramas that everyone needs to watch!!
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
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This is an obvious one, so if you haven't watched it, have you been living under a rock?? When I first heard of it just before it came out, I thought it was going to be a rip off of weightlifting fairy Kim bok joo. But boy, was I wrong!! This drama has the perfect amount of romance, comedy, thriller and crime, so it is a good all rounder drama!! The whole cast (not just the leads) had amazing chemistry. The only flaw with this drama is that it does queerbait a little. I wish they either didn't add it in the story or fully went with that the main lead is Bi.
The story surrounds a girl with superhuman strength who wants to be a video game designer. She has always hid her strength due to fear if hurting others and losing her power. She in a unrequited love with her childhood friend who is now a police officer. She then crosses the path of a CEO of a video game company and her starts to become more chaotic. With a serial killer on the loose, Do Bong Soon needs to decide if she will keep a low profile or use her powers for the better good while also falling in love on the way.
While You Were Sleeping
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Again, an obvious one, but it has to be watched!! Like strong woman, I was a little apprehensive of this one. Mainly because I hadn't heard good things about Suzy's acting before this came out. But it really surprised me and I really loved it! I'm a sucker for anything crime related, so with a really cute love story as well, it was amazing!! It has really good chemistry and likable characters. The second male lead is also amazing!! I usually don't get second male lead syndrome, but damn I felt it even though I also really loved the main lead. I can't really find any faults with it.
The story surrounds two people who can see the future through dreaming. This includes good and bad things. When the female reporter about dying while on the job, she quite her job to try and changes her fate. A prosecuter move across the street from her, initially they do not get on and their bond starts to grow. Together, they use both of their skills and their power to help change the future and solve crimes along the way. They also soon realise that this is not the first time they have crossed paths.
Psychopath Diary
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I cannot recommend this drama enough!! Honestly, it is so underrated!!! Yoon Shi Yoon's performance is incredible, he really embodies the role here. It is so funny, and sweet. You also see a serial killer low key but high key fall in love with the male lead, so there is major gay vibes. The only issue I have with it is, I wish there was a little romance involved. But it is a not a major want.
The story surrounds a pushover who is working at a stocks company. After a major issue arises, he becomes the Scapegoat of the company and is being blamed for it, even though he tried to prevent it. Due to this, he decides that he will end his life. On the way to do this, he witnesses a murder and accidentally picks up the serial killer's diary. While trying to escape, he gets hit by a car and gets amnesia. When he wakes up and reads the diary, he believes that he is the serial killer.
Honestly, please watch this drama, it is so so so funny, the chemistry of the whole cast is incredible. It also possibly has one of my favourite villians in any drama.
Your Honor / Dear Judge
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Yes, I am a simp Yoon Shi Yoon. He is just so good and thus role just confirms it! His acting is incredible, king of the double roles! He plays twins and you really tell when either pop up on screen which one he is. This is a really wholesome drama that makes you cry. It has some really sweet moments in it, the leads have such good chemistry. This only issues with this one is that the ending felt rushed. I hate that the TV company changed it from 20 eps to 16 eps.
The story follows a set of twins. Twin A is a top judge in Korea, who is incredibly smart and is living a rich life. Twin B is a criminal who has been screwed over multiple times by the justice system and Twin A. Their mother always sides with A and will tell B not to bother him. When A goes missing, B goes undercover and takes his brothers place. He soon learns about the corrupt world of the court system and his brother. B meets a law student who is meant to be shadowing A. Like B, she has also been affected by the corrupt system and is wanting to be a judge to convict those who have wronged her. Together they fight the system while also falling in love.
Because This is Our First Life
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This is a slice of life drama so will have some heavy moments in it. But on the whole, it is just so lovely and cute. The acting is incredible, they really take on the role. It also has one of the best female friendships which is not toxic, they all genuinely care for eachother and want eachother to achieve their dreams. It also has some true badass moments in it as well! I feel like all slice of life dramas have this, but it does have some frustrating moments where the characters are almost purposely making their life's difficult
The story focuses on a woman who is a drama script writer. Due to her patriarchal family who always favour her brother and being let down by her crush, she wants to move out. She ends up moving in with a friend of a friend of a friend. It is to her surprise that the person who she is moving in with is a man who is very much stuck in his own ways and likes to stick to routine. Due to their own desires to be on their own, they decide to get married to relieve the pressure that their families are giving them. This (of course) causes issues and both have to learn about their new feelings for eachother while trying to get through the struggles of life.
Thirty but Seventeen
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This drama is the definition of wholesome and cute. I feel that while I was watching it, it went by so quickly and I always had a smile on my face. The romance is so cute and lovely and you could tell they really cared about eachother. The side characters were also amazing and sweet. Honestly, the acting is incredible. The female lead does an amazing job.
The story follows woman who as a child was involved in a bus accident and fell into a coma. She wakes up over ten years later and learns that her family have stopped coming to see her. While on the search for her family, she resides with a man and his brother who are now living in her old family home. The two soon learn that there are more connected than they thought. With the man trying to push her away, the more his feelings grow for her.
Introverted Boss
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This is a revenge to love story. It on the whole is a really cute drama where you get to see the leads grow for the better. The acting is incredible and you really fall in love with the leads and the support cast (except for the second lead). It is not a perfect drama, but it is a really easy watch with an interesting story.
The female lead is a stage actress who quits her job to work at a marketing firm. This firm happens to be where her sister used to work. She is out to get revenge against the CEO of the company who she blames for her sister's death. She learns that the CEO is extremely introverted and becomes confused by how he was responsible for her sister's death. As the story goes by, she becomes more intrigued by him and focuses less on revenge and more on helping him open up.
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Ahhhhh, how do express my love for this one!! It is just amazing!! The story was so well thought out and the actors did a fantastic job. It was so satisfying to watch, I wanted to be a member of the mafia lol. The villians were also incredible, like I just love this drama so much. Like Your Honor, the only issue with this one is that the ending felt rushed.
The story surrounds a Korean man who was adopted into an Italian family and became the consiglerie of the mafia. After an issue with his adoptive family, he travels back to Korea in search an insane amount of gold bars which happens to be underneath an unsuspecting block of flats. He then gets involved with a major legal court case with a pharmaceutical company. As he delves deeper into the case, dark secrets start to get revealed.
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sweetlyocs · 2 years
It’s because you’re old Oppa
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Synopsis: areum and taecyeon behind the scenes of Vincenzo as she makes his hair grey
note: my first written Areum post! I just had to include our girls number one leading man,, I genuinely love the bond I get to write between the two of them
Walking through the set of Vincenzo made Areum extremely self conscious, she had of course visited her senior many a times but it was always nerve wracking whenever she came by herself.
Holding her bag of sweets that she brought for all the staff and actors a little tighter she froze in her spot as she saw Taecyeon’s co-star walking her direction.
She knew that Taec was around here somewhere she just wasn’t sure exactly where and she knew if she freaked out he would never let her live it down, it would be the whole Kyun situation again.
The fact that he was consumed by his phone was something Areum was insanely thankful for as she quickly stepped out of the way as he came closer, doing her best to not exist in his path.
Letting out a small breath of relief after he passed, Areum whipped out her phone calling Taecyeon, counting the seconds until he answered.
“Could you have jumped any higher?” His voice chuckled out, rolling her eyes lightly she let him carry on his teasing,
“Yeah yeah we get it, where are you? There’s so many people and I’m lost..”
“Didn’t you arrive with a manager?”
Groaning, Areum repositioned the now, very heavy bag she was carrying as well as the coffee she brought in good will,
“Oppa! Come on I drove by myself and they almost didn’t let me in, please can you come get me?” Pouting, she really started second guessing the relationship that she had formed. Realising that he still hadn’t answered, Areum pulled her phone away from her ear and scoffed, he had hung up on her.
“Relax, I’m right here”
Turning, Areum had to stop herself from letting out a scream at his face, it looked to be covered in blood, and filled with cuts.
“If that’s real I’m leaving and calling Minjun oppa and getting you to pay for my therapy”
Areum felt a sense of pride wash over her as she heard the heartfelt laugh that broke from her senior, she pestered him enough for spoilers to know that it was fake, she could see the blend of makeup close up but she also knew how tired he was, which is why she came to visit.
Leading her out of the way for production, Taecyeon led the young girl over to a more quiet area as the crew got ready for the next scene to film, they hadn’t been able to see each other for a while and even when he came to the company for practice or recording the two were never truly able to cross paths from how busy she had been with ITZY. But he couldn’t have been more proud of her, he loved hearing updates not only from their weekly calls but from his members as well, knowing more than what she thought he did just for the sole fact he liked being able to know what was going on with her.
As they got situated, Areum passed over the now melting iced coffee as well as the bag of food for him to rummage through as she replied to the group chat telling them she arrived safe and would be home in a few hours as long as she didn’t get caught up.
“Areum, look”
Humming she lifted her head in the direction that he was pointing, and rolled her eyes with a soft be quiet in his direction too.
She knew coming to set would be a challenge, not only one of her favourite actors was working but the man who could use it against her sat next to her quietly sipping his coffee with a smug smile gracing his features.
“You know, if you embarrass me, the makeup artists wont need to spend hours creating cuts for you, I’ll do it for free”
Raising his brow at her comment, Areum simply blew him a kiss as she let her eyes wander around the set, Taecyeon closed his eyes for a fleeting moment as he rested. While she was still distracted, he simply admired her, the small girl he quite literally ran into back in the company had grown so much in what felt like the smallest possible time frame, he really wondered where time went while he was away.
He admired the small things about her, the way she had changed her hair style, she had even dyed it recently, the new piercings that dusted her ears making the light brighter when it got caught in the sun rays. Her face had matured, it wasn’t just the make up that she wore, even her fashion style had grown, she wasn’t that tiny little girl anymore and it made him want to stop time.
Seeing her quickly sit up and reposition herself made him take a look around, letting out an airy chuckle as he watched Dong Yeon head in their direction, raising his hand in a hello the young actor made a detour over to them.
“Oppa, if you embarrass me remember, you pay for my therapy” Shaking his head he leant forward to ruffle her hair just enough it got misplaced, as she smacked his hands away, the two barely noticed the others arrival,
“Hyung, you shouldn’t bully such nice people”
Dong Yeon was in casual clothes, his sunglasses now placed on top of his head.
Jumping up Areum gave the actor a bow,
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you I’m Areum” Scoffing, Taecyeon rolled his eyes at the change in her attitude,
“It’s nice to meet you too, I’m Dong Yeon. If Taecyeon had mentioned you coming I would’ve come earlier to greet you,”
Blushing slightly Areum bowed again, slightly at a loss of what to say to the man.
“You know she isn’t as nice as what you would expect”
Taecyeon let out a whine as she turned to smack his arm, slighter harder than normal, enjoying the flinch he did just slightly. She could hear the future notifications of him transferring her money for the emotional compensation he definitely would be owing her.
As he said his farewell, Areum felt herself collapse into the chair she was sitting in before as she let out a breath,
“Why are actors you work with so pretty… it’s unfair on my heart you know that right”
Rolling his eyes, he pulled her up as they moved so he could get ready for his scene, “What does that mean for me?” Shrugging, Areum chose not to answer as they continued walking, his arm losely holding her close to make sure she wasn’t bumped into. As he whined at her for an answer they were lost in their own world not noticing his other actors watching the two of them.
Taecyeon hadn’t been quiet when he spoke of Areum, all of them able to distinguish the young girl who walked with the actor through the set, each of them admiring how Taecyeon silently lead and protected her from wandering staff, her not flinching when he would swap sides with her or make her stop walking, the younger bowing at everyone who she made eye contact with without breaking conversation. He hadn’t been kidding when he said she was like his own, they thought even he was slightly exaggerating when he mentioned her little characteristics and quirks but seeing her in person it was like he had told them all far too little about the young idol.
As the two arrived, Taecyeon immediately turned to his fellow actors to try and settle the argument,
“Hyung, I’m pretty right? Tell her I’m pretty” Areum immediately started trying to pull herself away from the man, noticing he wouldn’t let go, a deep red started spreading across her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut. It was like he had no shame, but then again with half the things he had done and even been recorded doing she was surprised he had any dignity some nights.
Speaking in English, she pulled Taecyeon lower,
“Remember, you will be paying for any therapy from emotional damages”
Swatting him so he would let go, the young idol turned to the three actors standing in front of her,
“Hello, I’m Areum, I’m sorry you have to deal with him every day, thankyou”
Sharing a smile as Taecyeon began going off on a new tangent, Areum felt a hand lay on her shoulder,
“It’s lovely to finally meet the famous Yeo Areum, I’m Joong ki. Feel free to keep pestering him for your entire visit” Looking up into his eyes, Areum felt herself going weak in the knees,
“Ya, Areum if I were you I’d stop staring you might freak him out”
Rolling her eyes, she turned to him,
“Maybe work with ugly actors and I’ll give you my attention then”
Letting out a laugh, Joong ki loosened her grip as he was called for touch ups, promising to catch up with her later. Leaning into Taecyeon, Areum couldn’t wipe the smile from her face,
“You are so paying for my therapy sessions from today”
Groaning, he thre his head back,
“I don’t get it, what therapy are you milking from me kid”
Laughing as she walked off the set to a quieter spot, she replied with a simple shrug,
“Don’t worry, it’s just because you’re old Oppa, you don’t get it”
Areum loved set visits to see Taecyeon, especially when they ended up with the one and only Song Joong ki winking at her as she sat to watch them work.
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ryoryeonggu · 3 years
To begin with, I’ve never been related to any characters like Jang Han Seo. It was oblivious that he was suffering from depression, anxiety and PTSD resulting from the abuse that he had been endured at home, but it seemed like he had the sign of social phobia as well. As we could see in the drama, his life completely revolved around his brother, he had no friends, no interested in dating or attracting to anyone (if we can count Han Seung Hyuk as his “friend” since he might be closer to him than anyone other than Han Seok and before Vincenzo). It might be because of the tittle as The Chairman of Babel and being born in a wealthy family which make him aware that people wanted to get close to him only for money or taking advantage of him to get what they wanted. But the things is, he seemed to avoid any chance of building relationships that have the potential to be more intimate or more complex than basic communication, rejecting even the slightest touch, not just with Han Seok - the one he's afraid of but almost everyone else.
For example, back when Vincenzo (the one he became extremely close to later on) was only a stranger and he pretended to be a fan to approach Han Seo. He appeared to be extremely enthusiastic and just only showed the want of touching Han Seo, Han Seo immediately flinched away and made a clearly uncomfortable expression. He looked at his hand like a gun pointing at him. 
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Example 2, when Han Seung Hyuk - the one who had close relationship than anyone else besides his brother at that time, just about to go closer to him and he already gave the big “Don’t touch me bitch” energy and make a gesture for him to go away. 
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This is the first time he had met his sister-in-law (applying for both his blood and adopted brothers). It didn’t go well.
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Han Seo himself had proven to be an extremely clingy person and liked to actively skinship towards the people he was close to, but for others, when being touched, his body will immediately generate rejection and fear as a reflex.
Jang Han Seo had another trait that he was completely used to people ignoring him, not taking him seriously, but if someone liked him, complimented him, spoke well of him, then he didn't know how to react naturally as if his brain was immediately shut down. I totally understand this, because I have the same problem, if someone insults me even with the most hurtful things, I'll be like "you say nothing that I don’t already know. I also insulted myself like that every day so we have the same opinion bro” xD But if people compliment me with kind words, I will be extremely surprised, even scared and panic. I will be worried sick about how to make people continue to think well of me and what if I do something wrong later that makes them no longer like me. But of course, when the anxiety reaches a certain level, my mood will turn into: "Nevermind, let's care about it later. Who give a f*ck if they like me or not" lol But Jang Han Seo wasn’t like that. He remembered and held on to the praises of others stubbornly. Many people think that Han Seo betrayed Han Seok just because of Vincenzo, but in fact, the first person to put that thought into Han Seo's head was Han Seung Hyuk. He did not convince him with the benefits, fame, and money of being the true chairman of Babel, but that how he, on behalf of Babel’s member and as an employee of the company, valued and needed him. He hyped him up as the "sharp, ambitious and not murderous" ideally chairman, the only hope of Babel’s bright future and the only person that the people in the company could depend on. Before that, although he was really angry that Han Seok constantly rejected his offers, Han Seo kept saying "Are you telling me to betray my brother? Do you even know what you are saying?" showed that he completely accepted that he wasn’t able to run the company and continued to live in Han Seok's shadow, until Mr. Han opened a new vision for him. Han Seung Hyuk's words couldn’t tell that he was really meant it or not, and maybe Han Seo already knew he was untrustworthy, but it sparked the thought that he could actually do better than his brother and be capable of turning Babel into something good. When negotiating with Vincenzo, he mentioned not only that he wanted Vincenzo to spare his life but also Babel (not just the company itself or its property, but also the employees whose life depended on the company’s survival) Then Vincenzo came. Before Vin hyung appeared, Jang Han Seok was completely Han Seo's ideal model for him to look up to and learn from. He yelled at people’s face and throw hockey balls to their stomach to show his authority (like how his brother beated the shit out of him with a hockey stick when he messed up in the previous episode), making people afraid so they could listen to him (but most of his efforts failed miserably because he just looked like an adorable bratty angry kitten). Then Vin hyung appeared, encouraged him to study harder and gave him a completely different role model, the man he wanted to become. And that's when he started to change, showing his true self, he let his hair down, started to wear clothes that looked comfortable and youthful, laughed more often and looked more alive. After his brother went to prison, he turned into a friendly, gentle and loving chairman and didn't shout at anyone anymore xD Continued to episode 19, when Vincenzo mentioned the possibility of Han Seok being released from prison early and would come to him first, advising him to fly away to a foreign country, Han Seo, although trying to hide it, clearly shows his fear (of course when you've been terrified of something all your life, fear can't disappear within a day or two), but still refuses to run away because "I made a promise to you." Even when Vincenzo made it clear that "you can keep your promise to me later" and still tried to convince him, Han Seo was still determined to stay and fight to the end. Simply because Vincenzo showed his belief in Han Seo, that he had potential, he could change and become a better person, a trustworthy person that could count on, and because of that, he would do it everything to live up to that expectation (which he has proven he could - or at least tried to - do everything, except murders xD). Others' faith in him is Han Seo's biggest motivation, because he's probably used to being seen as a useless person without any value, a piece of trash that doesn't deserve to exist, not only for his brother, but also for his parents, who see his birth as an accident, a mistake of a casual cheating hook up, not a miracle result of their desire to have a child. That is also the reason why Han Seok completely failed to convince his little brother to betray Vincenzo by promising to give him all of Babel, it could be seen in Han Seo's reaction that there was not a bit of greed or joy, but a complete shock at his brother’s brutal request, and he still didn't move at all. It was only when Vincenzo took the initiative to kneel and asked him to do what Han Seok told him to do, Han Seo finally was able to stand up, and when Vincenzo said "It's okay", implying that he would’ve fully understood if Han Seo had chose to kill him for survival, in that moment he already knew what he had to do, even at the cost of the life that he treasured the most. Because what Han Seo longed from the beginning was never Babel, but rather to become a kind of meaningful existence, not only for others but also for himself.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Clients and Friends (Jang Hanseok)
Sequel to Called In Backup
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Summary: Hanseok and Y/N haven't had an alone time since she arrived in South Korea. They keep getting interupted by anything and anyone so Hanseok decides to take matters into his own hands. // SMUT WARNING.
Washing the chlorine from the pool off your skin, you hear the bathroom door open and close. You knew exactly who it was but you keep your back turned towards him. He hops in and trails his hands from the curve of your breasts to the swell of your thighs. Oh finally.
He pulls your hair towards the side and kisses the pulse point. "We never have anytime for ourselves haven't we, kitten?" You nod your head and moan when his hands cup your breasts.
He swirls the pads of his thumbs along the nubs of your nipples. There's a lot of things you know for sure. One of them being that Hanseok is in love with your boobs.
He leaves open mouth kiss down your shoulder and the all the way down your lower back. He nudges your stomach against the cold tiled wall and links his hand with yours above your head. He presses his semi hard member against your ass and you rub yourself against with anticipation.
Before you had a chance to do anything else, there comes a knock on the door. "Jang Hanseok, there's a call for you." It was Ms. Choi. He huffs with annoyance and loosens his grip on you. You turn around and press your back against the wall.
"Do me a favor and shut off my phone please. Come back tomorrow so we can finish our plan. I need some alone time with my wife." He says, trailing a finger down your jawline until he wraps his entire hand around your throat. "Very well, sir. Sorry to bother you." She says before leaving.
Slamming his lips onto yours, you moan into the kiss when his fingers rubs along your slit. He slowly sinks a finger in and curls it even slower. You groan with annoyance but he soon silences you by sliding another finger into you. He finds a good pace until he uses his other hand to rub hard circles on your clit.
"Oh Shit!" You yell out as your legs were beginning to spasm. He picks up in pace and curls his finger even harder against your gspot, but what really pushed you over the edge was when he took one of your nipples into his mouth and rolled his tongue over it. One hand is over his, feeling his tendon flex as he finger fucked you.
The other hand was on the back of his neck and with one more stroke of his fingers, you came into his hand. He licks your juices from his fingers with a hum. "I need more of you," he whispers. He kneels down and rests one of your legs on his shoulder.
He licks up your thighs and pulls your standing leg closer. Without missing a beat, he takes you into his mouth and slurps you up like his favorite meal. "Hanseok, please! I'm still sen- oh my god." You yell out when he sinks three fingers in and separates his fingers so he's hitting three different gspots at the same time.
Tugging at his hair, he groans in between your thighs. He speeds up his fingers and spends the rest of his time sucking onto your clit. "Baby, please. I can't."
You rest the back of your head against the wall as the knot intensified in your stomach. God you missed this. No one else could make you feel like you're floating like he could.
You finally release yourself and he licks up every single drop. He kisses up your stomach and cups your cheeks before kissing you once again. Opening your mouth a little, his tongue slides against yours and when you try to do the same, he nibbles on your tongue a little.
You pulled him down for a kiss before slowly kissing down the pecks of his chest and his abs. You press a soft kiss to his pelvic bone before settling down on your knees.
You take his fully erected member in your hand and rub your thumb along the slit of his tip. "Fuck," he moans softly. Taking him into your mouth, he hits the hollowness of your cheek and you roll your tongue around him.
You push him further down your throat and pull back to stimulate his tip by caressing it with the tip of your tongue.
You do this motion a couple times before he fills your mouth with his seed. You swallow all of it as you stand back up and he picks you up like you're a rag doll. He hooks your legs around his waist and pushes your back against the tile. As you arch your back, you sink yourself onto him.
You moan into each other's mouths when you clench your walls around him. "My God I missed you." He says into your neck. "I missed you too."
He links one of his hands with yours and keeps your intertwined hands against the wall next to you. His other hand is on your lower back and within a few seconds, he is ramming into you so hard your head hits the wall a couple times.
He notices and moves his hand from your lower back to the back of your head. Scratching at his back, he arches his back and completely bottoms out inside of you.
Loud series of moans leave your lips as he continued to split you in two. He finishes but continued to thrust into you. He rubs your clit at the same pace that he's fucking you and you cum within a few seconds.
"Oh my God," you both say in unison. You rest your face into his neck and he slowly pulls out of you before setting you back on your feet. Afterwards, he spent a couple of minutes washing your body and hair while you washed his. By the time you guys left the shower, your fingers were like raisins.
You could barely keep your eyes open but you managed to put on your silk robe before falling asleep on the bed.
Meanwhile at the plaza, Vincenzo was talking amongst the residents. "I've never heard of this woman," Cha young says. "That's a good thing. I've seen what's she's capable of. She makes Jang Hanseok look like a puppy." Vincenzo says.
"So what do you want us to do?" "Nothing. I'll buy off some guys to send a message." "We can't just sit here and do nothing." "You do not want to cross paths with her. Believe me when I say she will kill you without blinking."
"Wow, they really do belong with each other." Mr. Nam says as he shakes his head. "Let me handle this," Vincenzo states.
Later on that night you woke up at an odd hour. It was like your body was trying to tell you something. Looking over your shoulder, you see Hanseok sleeping peacefully with both of his arms tucked under his pillow. A part of you wanted to run your fingers through his straight hair, but you didn't want to wake him.
You stand up from the bed and walk into the small kitchen to grab a water. "Y/M/N Y/F/N," you hear a voice say from the couch. Slowly closing the fridge, you turn around to see Vincenzo staring at you. It didn't look like he has a weapon but you can't be too careful these days.
"I'm assuming you're well aware that you married a monster." Vincenzo adds. "Eh, we all have our flaws." "He murdered innocent people," "All of us did. Collateral damage comes with power."
"You were a dear friend to me once, so I'll give you twenty four hours before I string you up and cut you like a pig." He threatens.
"Aw, is that a promise?" You taunt, that was until you heard a gun cock. It wasn't Vincenzo because he has a specialized gun with a silencer, which only left one person. You both look to see Hanseok emerging from the darkness of the room and towards Vincenzo.
"You're not going to lay a hand on her," "And the beast has a soft spot," Vincenzo says, standing from the couch and adjusting his suit. "She's not so soft," Hanseok says. You round the table and stand next to him.
"I came here as a courtesy. Next time, I won't be so courteous." Vincenzo states. "You never were courteous, Cassano." You state. He looks from you to Hanseok with a soft smile before opening the door.
"They should start reenforcing these locks." He states. "Yeah, I'll let them know they should make the locks snake proof." You spit. He stops for a split second and Hanseok's grip tightened on the gun. You push his hand down, showing that he's not a threat at the moment.
You both look up to see Vincenzo gone and the door closed. "What the hell was that? You said he was just a client but he just said that you were a friend of his." He slams the gun on the table.
"We were not friends. He was someone I used to trust and he betrayed me the first chance he got." "I don't believe you. You two were more than just friend. He was fucking you was he?"
"No! What the hell is wrong with you. He never touched me like that. I told you that he was someone I used to trust." "Why did you trust him?" "Because he was my first client, okay? And.. I thought.. it doesn't matter. I learned from my mistakes."
You run your fingers though your hair and Hanseok eyes you suscipously. "The majority of my clients are in the Mafia, he's in the Italian Mafia. You really think we wouldn't cross paths?" You ask. He sighs and runs a hand over his face. He steps closer to you a holds the sides of your face.
"Sorry," he says, pressing his forehead against yours. "How the hell did he know where to find us?" He added. "He must have a tracker on you somehow." "How?" You shrug your shoulders and said, "We shouldn't wait around to find out. We need to leave everything now,"
This time you were in the drivers seat talking over the plan with Jang Hanseok when you realized that you were being followed. "What do you plan to do?" "I'll find an lot and handle business. Give my go bag please?" You ask.
He sets the go bag in your lap and without looking down, you grab your layout of knives. Setting the layout in the console, you reach into the bag and gave Hanseok a gun. You toss the bag in the bag and veer off the highway to a very secluded grassland.
You pull into the shadows and turn off the headlights and wait for the others to pull up. "You sure we should be stopping?" He asks. "I have my own message to send."
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Vincenzo: Episode 9 tidbits
All of these old lawyers are just greedy and nasty
lmaooo the building people are about to ensure Vincenzo doesn’t get robbed #real
wait our martial arts couple is so BADASS
she really lifted him like he was nothing
the well timed scream from the goon
is he about to murder that man in front of the CHIEF prosecutor like everyone is scared (including me)
this CANNOT be real like he actually just killed him ??? 😭 rich people in shows be rich peopling different
I actually feel bad for the little brother but mostly for the guy running the lawfirm like not only is he disrespected every 3 seconds. WHY is he always there to witness this shit 💀 doesn’t even get to give any zingers or input just part of the sinking ship
also another way I read this wrong was like, I saw the loyal brother thing for the our little brother ceo but it had Vince next to him so I assumed they’d built up a relationship somehow ??? But I guess the gif maker probably just liked this guy and he’s still part of the villain gang till the last episode
she’s going to call him isn’t she
honestly staying at a hotel isn’t that bad? it’s still more public than staying home.
honestly smiling is less embarrassing than closing your eyes in these moments. loved that 🤣
I thought he was going for the seatbelt deadass opened the door and said bye !!!
how many different cars has he had already
reminds me of our evil CEO brother always remembering our girlie’s car. Does he just have a crush on her or was that a part of the act
lmao I love this couple and I love our chef apprentice’s inner monologues.
I thought our girl would stay in the office for a brief second but hey why not! At least they have the ramen packets !
damn this gold thing is going to get discovered and preemptively take down this building 💀
nawww that poor prosecutor, they’re being tailed.
also i need to wake myself UP I just realised why Vince was avoiding those sweet potatoes in the temple. the resolve of our girl ! to not fail the case
I feel like everybody saw this coming but also please don’t leave your fingerprints on the door friends !!! 😭🙏
also damn I hope the prosecutor is alive ??? let me replay
oh no what happened?
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sxfik · 3 years
I have an idea!
Ok so we all know that Hanseo is abused by his big brother, and if i remember correctly, the jipuragi trio found out about it from the guillotine file for the first time.
Now hear me out, what if the jipuragi trio found out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, not from the guillotine file??
After failing to burn down geumga plaza, Hanseok threw that object at Hanseo, telling him not to dodge it, and it left a scar on his forehead. When Hanseo visited jipuragi, he seemed proud of that scar, right?? Because thats what he got from saving geumga plaza, and he hoped that the scar would show them that he wants to be on their side.
BUT lets forget about all those stuff for a moment.
Hanseok loves to strangle, threaten, and hit Hanseo with the hockey stick. It certainly happens more than once, so i figured that there must be a bunch of scars and bruises on his body right?? What if the jipuragi trio noticed one of his scars/bruises?? I know Hanseo always wear long-sleeved stuff, so its not exactly visible, but what if someone caught a glimpse of it??? Perhaps the scar/bruise was on his arm???
Maybe when Hanseo visits jipuragi, Vincenzo asks him to wash some coffee mugs, and as Hanseo is rolling up his sleeves...
"yo whats that on your arm??"
And maybe Hanseo is like "thats a bruise..? Do you not know what a bruise is??"
Okay, idk. I have no idea how he's gonna react if that happens. I just feel like Hanseo wouldnt be proud of his scars if he didnt get them from trying to save geumga/jipuragi people.
And now im just wondering, what do you think? How would Hanseo react, in your opinion? If the jipuragi trio really did find out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, how would that affect their relationship? Im really curious about what you think
Hhhhhhhh sorry if its too long. I just thought that this might be a good way for Hanseo and jipuragi to kinda get closer with each other...
han seo headcanons (part one)
helloooo, thank you for sending an ask in :D
SORRY this answer is super long and for some reason my phone isn't allowing me to add a keep reading cut thingy, apologies in advance to the amount scrolling you have to do
tw: abuse
i've been thinking so much about this ask and just how han-seo would react to them finding out, and honestly i never really took note of how many long sleeved shirts he wears. i believe han-seok has switched a lot more into emotional manipulation and abuse than physical abuse but he has a lot of anger issues. i'd honestly imagine him using han seo as a punching bag for any and every inconvinence that happens to him, even as an intern.
i also agree with you, han seo is someone who is a very bright personality who tends to hide his hurt and emotions, and he's very very good at it as he has been living under a psychopath his whole life. he's good at hiding his anger (although it definetly bubbles over in smaller outbursts) and especially his hurt (i.e. the scene that han seok throws that candle holder at him and he just smiles back). han seo has a lot of anger at himself for not speaking back or being able to act like himself. like in that scene in the office, you can tell as he curls his fist that he wanted to speak back so badly. even when he finally snaps against han seok, he said "i'm getting tired of being afraid of you." i feel like he'd be embarrassed that even after years, he hasn't been able to escape his abuse
(you can also read the following on ao3)
i feel like this scene and their dynamic would play out something similar to this:
han seo joined the team and has been working with vincenzo and cha-young for around a month. at this point han seo isn't walking on eggshells with both of them, he's a lot more comfortable and visiting their office regularly without choi/han/han seok finding out.
sometimes it's vincenzo and cha-young providing him books to study economics from, maybe even giving some brotherly/sisterly advice to him. every couple weeks, vin and cha-young give him quizzes and slowly, he's getting better and better
over time, he even got closer to the plaza residents (even though the residents were definetly cold to him in the beginning, miri scaring the shit out of him by doing her ghost thing, the lady with the lipstick from bye bye balloon staring him down, snack bar lady refusing to serve him, larry also scaring the shit out of him by doing his zombie routine)
but despite this, they adopt him into their family, han seo doing small errands for the residents, him buying the best coffee, food and getting camera equipment for the snack bar lady's son. han seo gifting the pawnshop couple with cute baby items etc.
(obviously he buys the most expensive shit bc he's still a rich boy, but they dont have to know)
(side note: he'd be fucking adorable with a baby, imagine him being the babies "uncle han seo" who gets them the best gifts !!)
even though he was comfortable with all of them, every once in a while his facade would slip.
every once in a while, someone would make a sharp movement towards him and he'd flinch. or if someone makes a quick step towards him, he'd back up and stiffen up on instinct
even if it was someone patting his back or just making a quick movement, he'd react on instinct from the years of abuse from han seok. but no one ever said anything about it if they noticed.
one afternoon after lunch, they were washing dishes, han seo on washing duty and cha-young drying and placing them back. and han seo was in his full sleeves and cha-young notices his sleeves getting wet
"yah, roll your sleeves back, by the end of this your whole sleeve will be wet! you know how uncomfortable those sleeves would be?"
"ahaha, it's alright noona, i'll be fine"
han seo tries to laugh it off, grining at her with one of his wide grins but there's something off about this one. but cha-young gives one of her patented glares and he rolls them up carefully, shielding his arms from her view, and continues washing the rest.
cha-young doesn't take note of his bruises at first, but noted the care he went through to shield his arms from her. his arms were posed almost awkwardly and he was on high alert
it wasn't until after they both finished and he was drying his hands that cha-young saw the massive bruises he had, climbing up his forearms and under the sleeves
he stiffens when he sees her stare, and quickly tries to cover them but she grabs them before he could hide it
she's completely quiet while she stares at his arms. after a moment, he speaks up
"oh i accidentally banged these against my doorway, they're just small bruises. it's go away in a couple days" he smiles at her again but she could tell from the way his shoulders were frozen and the wavering of his voice that it wasn't the truth
"did he do these?" she asked him, her face completely neutral and her voice barely a whisper. she's still looking at his forearms, her fingers ghosting over the bruises.
han seo just looks down and the silence is enough of an answer for cha-young. he walks away, embarrassed that she found out about it, even though his years of therapy told him that it wasn't never his fault, he still felt the shame and anger of not being able to break free.
he's quiet for the rest of the time, feigning tiredness and finding an excuse to leave the plaza
that night, it was just vincenzo and her working at the office late, in preparation for babel. cha-young's mind was still on what she saw that afternoon. abruptly, she stands up, her hand gripping the pen in her hand as she turned to vincenzo sitting at the other desk.
"did you know that bastard hurt him? he's been abusing han seo this whole time?" she asked vincenzo, her voice seething with anger
"i know."
"you know??? why didn't you ever say anything?"
vincenzo looks up at her from his stack of papers, setting his pen down.
"it wasn't my place. i picked up on it when he flinched when mr. tak reached toward him to place a hand on his shoulder."
cha-young sat back down then, her lips pressed together, and vin went back to his paperwork
"we should get him out of there. who knows what han seok would do in one of his rages?"
"couple nights ago, we went to drink makgeolli and i offered him a way out. i told him if he ever needs to leave, and if he's ready to leave, he has a place at the plaza."
"and is he? leaving that is?"
"no. he thanked me, but said that he needed to stay until his brother and his group crumbles to the ground."
cha-young let out a sigh, biting her lip, the worry on her face all too evident
"hong cha-young byeonosa-nim, we shouldn't baby him. jang han seo deserves revenge against his brother just like we do and the choice is ultimately up to him."
"i know. i just worry."
they stayed quiet for the rest of the night, working late but the topic never leaves cha-young or vincenzo's minds
the next day, han seo avoided her like the plague, not wanting to talk about what she saw yesterday
but while he was studying, she approached him, a glass of juice and a snack in hand, setting it next to him. she checked over his work quietly as he took a break and glanced at his arms, doing a once over just to make sure he didn't get any new ones.
"well done, han seo, you're doing well" she smiled at him and ruffled his hair and han seo let out a breath of relief and gratefulness that she hadn't treated him any different
from then, cha-young and vin only got fonder of han seo and han seo was pretty much adopted by them. after the battle and han seok is in jail permanently, he moves out of his apartment, and gets one closer to the plaza.
mr. nam would show him how the organization worked at jipuragi and put him to work, the paralegal grateful to have an extra hand around the office
eventually, even han seo grows an affection to the instant coffee and buys more for himself and his apartment
vin would take him shopping for suits, both rich boys obsessed with their sleek looks. they take cha-young with them once but she manages to sleep off at every shop they go to.
vincenzo also plays hockey with him regularly and the plaza invites him to plaza game nights. they get up to all kinds of mischief,
han seo loves spicy food, just like cha-young so they make it their mission to go to try every restaurant and compete to see just how much spice they can handle. obviously vincenzo doesn't even make it past the first round of the spice competitions but cha-young and han seo have the same competitive streak that keeps them going
han seo is also dropping hints to both of cha-young and vincenzo that they should get married. constantly teasing vincenzo about cha-young in the way only younger brothers do
obviously on one of cha-young and han seo’s days out, han seo drops hints CONSTANTLY, trying to get her to admit cha young likes vincenzo
and OBVIOUSLY she slips up, and han seo doesn’t let go of it
he does the whole younger brother teasing every single time he catches cha-young glancing at vincenzo at the firm
“cha-young noona and vin hyung, sitting in a tree. K I S S I N—” “HAN SEO!!!”
obviously chayenzo eventually get together but decide to keep it a secret (and of course, they were awful at it)
eventually when they reveal it to the office, mr. nam and han seo react like that one scene in suspicious partner (“quick, act surprised” “*gasp* you guys are together??????? we had no idea!!”)
han seo is basically adopted as a younger brother to both cha-young and vincenzo and even the plaza loves his presence and he gets to have a peaceful existence for the rest of his life
anyways han seo deserves a happy ending with a good family. he deserves a second chance with a family that LOVES AND CARES FOR HIM AND GIVES HIM CHOICES AND ALLOWS HIM TO BE HIMSELF. (and yes this covered more than just one scene but I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ON HIM) as always feel free to add on :D
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