#i really want it to be the sign s2 but like i can't wait months for a new show
the-wayside · 7 months
I'll be honest with you The Sign isn't even over yet and I'm like where is my next BillyBabe series?
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findafight · 1 year
This is kinda jumping off the Nancy needing to acknowledge when she's fucked up
I think Steve is the only one of the main older teens that have hurt another character and gone on to feel genuine remorse for his actions.
After the fight with Jonathan in season 1, he drops Carol and Tommy, goes back and cleans the theater sign, and goes to apologise. You can tell by his actions, his words, and his tone of voice that he knows he did wrong and wants to try to make it right.
This doesn't happen with any of the others, I'm thinking the other main older teens that have caused hurt are Jonathan, Nancy, Billy, and Eddie.
Jonathan caused hurt with the photos he took. I feel that, especially after the photo with Barb and the Demogorgon was realised, he didn't feel bad because he took the photos, he felt bad because he got caught. And with the photo of Barb, it's almost like the Dufferes were trying to justify him taking the photos, as if it made it ok. He never seems to show any remorse or any intention of apologising for invading Steve's (and Tommy and Carol's) privacy by taking the photos of a private gathering at Steve's house.
Nancy causes a lot of hurt. In season 1, it's her jumping between Steve and Jonathan. This is implied heavier when she's talking to Jonathan in season 2, "I waited" "Yeah, a month." She wanted Jonathan but defaulted to Steve because he wasn't ready, which wasn't fair to either of them. Actually in season 2, it's mostly her hurting Steve. The bathroom scene, and then in the alley the next day. She doesn't apologise for her words, she doesn't feel bad for hurting Steve, she just goes on the defensive when he tells her what had happened. And then sleeping with Jonathan before her and Seve had really broken up, one minute she's insisting to Murray that she loves Steve, and the next she's got Jonathan coming into the room and hooking up with him. She never seems to care about her relationship with Steve, or how her actions might hurt him, especially because he's already shown to be insecure about infidelity (I really think it would have been more interesting for them to show the fallout of Steve finding out about Nancy cheating in s2, and have him deal with his insecurities when Nancy had previously insisted there was nothing between her and Jonathan, alongside his issues stemming from his father's infidelity. And this could have been used into s3 and 4 for why he struggled to get dates, or can't keep a relationship, because he has trust issues and wants to try to prevent it from happening again). In season 3, she hurts Jonathan with her calling his financial worries "the Oliver Twist routine", she never apologises, never shows remorse and acts smug about it when Jonathan says that he was wrong. In season 4, she hurts Robin and Steve and Jonathan. She is bitchy to Robin in the library for no apparent reason other than jealousy over Steve, and never apologises. And again, she's stringing both Steve and Jonathan along. She's showing interest in Steve again because he's the one that is there. Then runs straight back into Jonathan's arms as if nothing had happened.
Billy is pretty self-explanatory. He scares and threatens Max. He attempts to run over Mike, Dustin and Lucas. He threatens Lucas. In season 3, he bullies a kid by calling him lard-ass in front of a crowded public pool. Even with the scene where he fights back and defends El from the Mindflayer, he's not showing remorse, he's not taking ownership of his actions and how they have impacted other people. He never shows any intent to make up for the harm he's done.
Eddie hurts Lucas. He has his biases and is so ingrained in the nerd vs jock high school clique mentality that its just fine to push out a kid that has another important event conflicting with the club. And he never apologises to Lucas for not postponing and for his attitude, I don't think we ever really see Eddie and Lucas directly interact with each other. If anything, his attitude and opinions are justified by Jason's actions, which further pushes the nerd vs jock thing.
So yeah, Steve is the only older teen to take responsibility for his actions that have caused hurt and then go on to try to make amends for the harm he caused.
(Sorry, I wasn't expecting this to be as long as it was, I just started typing it and the thoughts wouldn't stop coming)
You with this ask 🤝 Steve Harrington 🤝 me always: Robin has never done anything wrong in her life, ever. I know this and I love her.
Yaaaaa. These are the reasons that it's frustrating when someone tries to compare what Steve's done to another character when!!! Steve's apologized for that! He's changed! He was an asshole, and he realized he was an asshole and actively engaged in not being an asshole. Few else even acknowledged they were wrong. Sometimes the show doesn't even treat it as wrong! That's why I have issues with them, not that they did bad thing but that they never apologized or changed their actions to be better. And the show and narrative won't let them or address it.
I looked it up for another ask I haven't answered yet but Indiana's anti peeping law was put on the books in 1983. It basically states you can't take pictures of someone's private property or of them if they have reasonable assumption of privacy (like locker rooms) and some other stuff. Jonathan took those pictures, and then chose to develop them all at school. Where anyone could (and did!) See them! What the heck. Tommy, Carol, and Steve were all also in those pics, and even though Jon says to Nancy he never should have taken them, he never bothers apologizing to the others. (Probably because he thinks they're assholes but man if you want moral high ground actually take it?) I think it'd be one thing if he took the pictures and then never developed them, it wouldn't be right but it's be better than what he did. It's a bummer his camera got broken but uh. Tbh if I found out some weird guy took my and my friends pictures while we were goofing off in my back yard, some of which contained a topless photo of an intimate moment, and then developed them at school and I was sixteen I ALSO might break the guy's camera. (Which Steve then replaced!!) I'd at least want to watch him destroy the negatives and developed photos. Comments have been made about Steve closing the blinds but his house literally back onto the woods? Why would he when he didn't think anyone would be taking pictures of his bedroom window? Idk I don't think they should have had this inconsequential but deeply weird plot point. Have Jon taking pictures of the woods, accidentally get Barb and the demogorgon in Steve's backyard, and then another of the forest. Like. There ya go.
Nancy is sooooo messy. Let her be messy!!!!! But the show tries so hard for her to be out together badass always when he relationships are just. The messiest. She's waiting for Jonathan. She's getting with Steve. She's cheating on Steve. She's with Jonathan but she doesnt understand his financial stress. She's with Jonathan and they aren't tslking. She's flirting with Steve. That's interesting. That's messy. Show us how she deals with that. How she apologizes and grows from them! Nancy often just. Gets annoyed by people not listening to her lmao. She thinks she knows best and it bugs her when people disagree with her. She snaps at them. Doesn't apologize. Could be interesting to see the fallout of that but we won't ever! For her and Jonathan fighting in S3, from what I recall it was more of a break up than stancy in S2 fnrjkjfnd also!! They were both wrong there and both needed to apologize. Nancy was right to be angry at the misogynistic journalists. Jonathan was right to be worried about losing his job! How Jonathan apologized bugs me and how Nancy reacted to it also bugs me. Not great.
Also also. I don't think I've seen anyone actually mention this. But Nancy's shown consistently ignoring how opening up the darkroom door bugs/is actually really bad for Jonathan. He asks her to stop at least twice in S3 but she does it all the time! If he was developing film negatives, then all those photos would be blown out! They'd be ruined forever! It's not a haha quirky thing, it's something that's an active detriment to his job, and his passion! There's a reason darkrooms have their little 'in use' light, and it's so you don't barge in and wreck an entire roll of film!! It's super disrespectful of her to just. Not even care that she could be completely ruining something of his/his employer's by always shoving her way in. (I think the darkroom at the school had a little idk airlock which is a tiny darkroom before the real dark room to avoid contamination like that which is why the girl that told Steve about the pics was able to go in) And nobody ever talks about it? Idk if I had a hobby/passion/work that was very light sensitive and my partner didn't respect that and barged in when she knew I was working I'd be pissed and consider having a long talk about it.
Yeah. Billy is an unrepentant racist. Like. He didn't say sorry and he didn't learn to not be racist. Sorry for the traumatic childhood but. Maybe dont try to kill a thriteen year old when you're seventeen next time. but he did sacrifice himself. That wasn't redemption that was not letting some kids die. The absolute bare minimum when he knew he was already dead anyways. Also Billy should have been fired for calling that kid lardass actually. Literally what the hell. I'm a lifeguard and legitimately sometimes almost yell at kids on the sidewalk for running, but that instinct is to loudly and clearly call out WAAALK IINGG and giving them disappointed looks. Because everyone knows not to run on the pool deck but kids forget. You don't verbally berate a patron? Who is a child?? Why wasn't billy fired.
I've already talked about the Eddie thing but yes! Exactly! Lucas deserves an apology for getting dumped by his friends and hellfire. So much for freak solidarity I guess ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌
When Steve said something mean to Dustin that went too far when he was frustrated he immediately owned up to it and apologized. He's not perfect but he does apologize. King shit.
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Picture from (unlisted) clip from Max!!
Izzy lovers after seeing that clip:
For real, though.. that's episode one? COOL, can't wait to sob 😭. Con O'Neill's acting is GORGEOUS as always and my word, does he sell the character. It's out of character for Izzy yet still so in character and that is splendid. So! A few rambles if anyone care to indulge because I have re-watched the clip wayy too much already:
A. The Crew
I know this is a romcom but I find it wild that Jim and Frenchie seem to have some amount of care for Izzy rather than the off-put "what is happening" sort of reaction I would've expected. Fang has shown his own sweet self in season one, it makes sense he would be so nice to Izzy, but Stede's crew? Who wanted to mutiny the DAY Izzy became captain? Again, it's a romcom, I'm sure there's not much to it, but like what would have happened in the months between Ed's returned and this clip that they would care enough? Does Blackbeard get THAT bad and THAT obvious in his treatment of Izzy? Potentially even his treatment of the crew? Like I want to know when the crew realize "shit, he isn't treating that little fucker right." Like obviously his fucking toes getting snipped off isn't exactly a good sign, but when are they like "mmmm somethings not right" yk
Stede's crew was always very open about caring for each other (in their own ways) so maybe it's simply that, plus Stede's influence on them still shining through, but yk, I like being way too fucking deep into things. Also I really want to see more of the nicer Fang/Izzy interactions, mainly bc I love Fang and I love Izzy, but them interacting this season seems like such a nice little addition.
Also, not only does the crew seem so worried, but Izzy LETS them be worried. He doesn't try to escape the situation, he stands there and lets it happen, with the SMALLEST bit of fighting Fang and of course biting back his sobs. He's rendered completely vulnerable, as he seemingly can't talk much without crying, so he can't really make orders (least not in a very strong or commanding way like usual) and he probably can't walk too well. He's sick and vulnerable and has to put his trust in the crew in that moment.
B. Fucking hell, Izzy
Izzy already has tears in his eyes when the scene begins. It makes me think of two things; either maybe Fang or Frenchie brought up the situation with Blackbeard or something similar (likely in the more comical, laid back way, not actually thinking about Izzy's part in the situation) and it makes Izzy upset with everything's that been happening, then that leads to his breaking. Or alternatively, he could literally just be in so much pain (physically) with his leg, assuming it's likely getting pretty bad at that point, that he can't help but cry. Either way, the distress would easily lead even a man like Izzy to some sort of breaking point, like the clip shows, and it hurts my heart but also it's so good.
Additional thought and more of a "I'd read this in a fanfic" type of delulu deal: Izzy states that they've run out of room on the revenge bc of the looting, pretty much, but the way he starts the scene indicates some sort of conversation prior. While it's probably more likely that they were all just looking around their shit and trying to make room or figure out a plan to separate it all and such, then Izzy could've sat down with a tear bc he's probably in a lot of fucking pain, I would love the consider the possibility of Ed getting upset with the situation. Maybe he isn't listening when Izzy tries to explain the situation, maybe he's having a bit of an emotional day and he's being all "Blackbeard 🤬👹" bc of it, maybe he's raising his voice, who tf knows, and maybe it gets to Izzy that particular day and then boom, yk.
C. Hopes and desires (except I'm delulu)
The possibilities that that scene alone can lead to makes my brain scatter and run to grab all of them holy shit. The idea of some of the crew staging a sort of intervention for Izzy and his obsession with/love for Blackbeard. The idea of Izzy getting a little, teensy weensy more comfortable with some of them after this because fuck they saw the man BREAK even if it's just for those few seconds after all. The idea that THATS what helps push his character growth into motion. The idea that this plus after his amputation, he grows to trust the crew more, or trust them with more of himself anyway. The idea of him growing closer to them and realizing Blackbeard isn't the only person on this ship he can or should devote his life of piracy to. The idea of his motto of loyalty changing from "loyalty to the captain" to "loyalty to the captain and his crew." The idea that most of them keep Izzy's slip a secret but then someone spits it out by accident and either Ed rethinks things, ignores it, or he and Izzy both get a "what happened to you" talk from each other (probably in a bad way but the potential for a healthy chat is always there). The idea of Stede and him having a chat about love (doubting Izzy would fully realize he's obsessed/in love with Ed, but) and Stede basically telling Izzy what Mary told him, and that just confuses Izzy further - "It's easy" "it's just like breathing" - there's no way in hell that description fits Izzy's relationship with Ed (least not anymore, clearly) so what else could he possibly be feeling?
D. Final thoughts
All I know is Izzy is so clearly a fucking broken man at the START of the season. It's very promising for his character growth, which sounds weird but it stands. It's likely his leg is all infected in this scene, considering the false leg in the trailer, so that means we might be getting an amputation scene (or at least a reference to one). We might be getting some relationship growth between Izzy and the crew rather than just him and Stede, which I heavily look forward to. I'm a big Stede fan, but I would love to see Izzy and the crew actually be sort of acquaintances rather than pure co-pirates. I would especially love some more Fang and Izzy. They've clearly had some sort of positive relationship if Fang can hug him without facing some sort of physical aggression, so I would love to see it. Also, Fang's "how you doing, Izzy?" and "am I crushing you?" were the best lines I've heard so far, I fucking love him and his genuine care.
Also this screenshot makes me want to draw him sooo bad. The lighting, the expression, the scenery, everything is so perfect and sorrowfully angry.
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AHH it's eating me up. I have worms in my brain and their names are Izzy, Stede, and whatever the fuck this scene is. I have more art ideas now too uhg
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saintobio · 3 years
saint ;-;
i opened the finale of sn with a heavy heart only to read your additional notes and end up with a heavier heart. does this mean you're done writing? on another note, this finale truly broke me to pieces. i'm at a loss of words yet again. thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication you've put into making sn and the rest of your series. you have touched my heart time and time again and i can never thank you enough for helping me get through tough times through your writing (even if we've never directly spoken).
much love, 😔
Anonymous said
Ok, I haven't even read the chapter yet, just your author's note and when I saw how you signed it too, ahhh I never wanted to give someone a virtual hug so badly!! Your writing is beautiful and you always went the extra mile for us with all the research and everything! I really hope you enjoyed this journey as much as we did🥰
Anonymous said
Did I cry a lil reading your additional note on the finale? Yes, yes I did.
Saint, I absolutely adore your writing. Better than actually published stories I've read. Your writing is so fluent and overall stunning. I love it.
Saint, I wish you the best in everything you do. I don't know you personally, but I genuinely believe that good things will come your way.
Loved Sincerely Not, and can't wait to see you in the sequel.
With love and adoration,
awww thank you :’) i knew it was the perfect opportunity to sign off using ‘sincerely yours’ hhhh and i’m rly glad to have u guys on this journey. s2 is here now, and i hope you’ll enjoy it too <3
Anonymous said
Saint, people may have mixed feelings and different opinions about how the story is, but I want u to know that I enjoyed it so much 💜😭no matter how much I may disagree with any of the characters, the story is amazing and I’m so grateful for this amazing experience 💜thank you for this masterpiece! Pls rest well, enjoy your well-deserved break, and we’ll be waiting for your return! ✨Congrats for finishing SN1!! 🎉
Anonymous said
Hey Saint,
Just wanna say that I love your writing!
I know that after this chapter a lot of people are going to give you their opinion on how you are choosing to navigate the story/ plot. But I want you to know that I as a simple bystander am simply here for the ride. I support all your plot twist and trust your process of story telling. I can’t wait for SN2! Thank you for this masterpiece! Rest and take care of yourself on your weeks off! You deserve it!
that’s ok !! like i said in the prev ask, people’s opinions will vary depending on who’s perspective they’re looking at. anyway, thanks sm for being so sweet and for generally trusting my process <33
Anonymous said
Genuinely thank you so much for writing this series!!It gave me and probably a lot of others something to look forward to for the past few months. I had no idea how attached I’d get to the series. I just wanted to ask a few other questions.
What happened to Toji and the Ballerina 👀
Since Toji helped to raise Y/N’s child won’t it be especially painful for him when YN inevitably chooses Gojo since he’ll essentially lose a child he helped raise.
I completely understand where Y/N was coming from when she hid her pregnancy from Gojo. But also 3 years, when a child develops sm and everyone agreed to keep the information from Gojo. Although I was one of the ppl that really wanted Gojo to receive his karma I don’t quite understand why YN did that considering that who Gojo was as a husband is separate from who he’d be as a father. I understand 1 year to get away from the chaos but 3? Why? Also who knew? Ieri? Gojos mom?
Sorry if most of these will be revealed in S2! Thank you again!
ty very much <33 toji and ballerina remain just friends, and he had lesser contact w her ever since he got with yn :) and to ur other question, it’ll be painful for him but he also knows and respects his boundaries esp the fact that sachiro rly isn’t his child.
Anonymous said
kinda irrelevant rn but I've gots to ask this!! What's your opinion on Sera and her relationship with gojo?
I personally think they weren't in love with each other at all. Sera liked the good, healthy, happy and perfect parts of gojo, bec she rarely saw him in the kind of situations that y/n did, and she was hellbent on thinking that her relationship with him is the only good thing going on in her life, so ofc she held on to that idea of a perfect man (that gojo definitely was not) And gojo oof I rlly think that he just used Sera to piss off his dad, and eventually just got used to her company??? and just kept her around bec subconsciously it gave him some sense of control over his own life and decisions (which were otherwise dictated by his father) and ofc it helps that she was an attractive woman. SOOO PLS TELL ME YOUR OPINION ON HER!!
I started feeling particularly bad for her, bec I can really understand where she's coming from. Yeah she was extremely unpleasant at times and had serious issues, but I can't find it in myself to really blame her :(( she was done wrong by gojo. both her and y/n. they deserved better. I think this is why I still don't particularly feel sympathy towards gojo, Idk it's all his karma catching up to him in my opinion 😭🙏🏻
i always think that their relationship was toxic. she didn’t care for him more than having this image of a ‘perfect rich man’ while gojo’s love for her had always been strictly physical. sera has many flaws as a character, but that’s what makes her human. she leaves you conflicted on whether you should stay mad at her or if you should feel bad bc of her struggles in life :) all in all, her character is complex and will be judged from different lenses. personally, if i was yn, i think sera has learned her lesson and that’s enough for me to forgive, but not exactly forget ykwim?
Anonymous said
Miss y/n doesn’t sound very convinced about her second wedding huh… I wonder if she would have had that same reaction if Satoru had not showed up. Idk about y/n but I’m about to run to that altar and marry Toji myself at this point. Anyways I feel really bad for Satoru and I hope he can heal himself rather than be healed by y/n. I know eventually he’ll have to face her again about the whole fake abortion and hiding their baby thing, but for that to happen, I hope he can at least be levelheaded or else the child will be the one suffering with an unstable father. If he’s bound to end up with y/n at the end of the story, I just hope he can find peace within himself first and that y/n doesn’t go all “I can fix him”. But I trust you Saint, I know you’ll deliver the good drama and the craziest plot twists. I truly can’t wait for season 2 and all the new characters we’ll get to see. I’m most excited for mr sukuna and how he’ll be introduced to the story 😗
yes exactly, the best way to deal with the storm is once he’s levelheaded, but we’ll see 🥺
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
I don't get why people think that all the parallels between Mileven and Elliot/E.T. mean that they can't be romantic/endgame. E.T. is like the biggest inspiration for ST, of course they would parallel it, but not rewrite the same story! Here they could be switching the story up by having Elliot fall in love with "E.T.", who's a actually a (human) girl his age. It really doesn't prove anything about the future of the relationship that they made an hommage to E.T. scenes in S1.
lmao. you milevens are so in denial. I can’t. How many times must I repeat myself XD
El watches he-man in s1. In s2 Erica makes he-man and barbie kiss: “Hey , They’re in love!”Lucas (livid- and standing right next to a rainbow forcing them apart): “No, actually,  they’re not. they don’t even exist on the same planet.”  Mileven is not in love! Notice in s2 , that same season , Dustin also has he-man and et next to eachother as well (next to ghost buster toys).They said they made el dress like a ghost cause et did so- and then for the extra burn they made mike a ghost hunter/buster.
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They’re as compatible as a ghost and a ghost hunter- a boy and an alien.
El and mike are compared to ET and Eliot -WHO AREN’T FROM THE SAME PLANET (by the Duffers in multiple interviews , in the pilot script, and illustrated in the show ) .Also when dustin in s1 says el is “like a wizard” (like Will.) Mike corrects dustin and says “more like yoda”. Really hammering down the alien references. And then there’s the  old euphemism of “girls come from Venus, and boys come from Mars”.  The Duffers saying mileven isn’t in love cause they’re not even from the same planet (aka the same gender) -is just them telling us Mike is gay so he can’t fall for El-who is a girl/diff species. They literally have Will say to Mike “welcome to my world” as a contrast. So El telling mike he should ‘stick with his own species’ (aka boys) is another gay hint. 
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They showed Et/Barbie next to he-man, compared El to Et (who had a barbie-like makeover), had El watch he-man , so the next he-man ref of ‘not being in love’  cause they’re from different planets would connect in a more obvious way to mileven.  Same with Et next to the ghost trap and ghost busters sign (and El dressing as a ghost and Mike as a ghost buster-as an extra burn).And sorry ... who compares the girl they “crush on” with a green gross alien (yoda)?
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- Mike thinking of El as alien-esque is hammered down again when they compare s1 mileven to s2 dart /dustin (a demo dog) , to further show how un-romantic it is. And how alien he sees her. Fin even said the duffers told him Mike saw el as a “puppy’ (right after s1).  Sharing sweets ( nougat vs eggos) for breakfast and saying they’ll have to wait for them to come home from school. saying they ‘promised’ to take care of them and that El/dart ‘trust’ them. Dart killing a cat and  El almost killing a cat.The crews thinking both El & Dart were bad guys and both end up running away because of that. Mike even admits in s1 he doesn’t like eggos and told El she doesn’t have to eat “like a dog” anymore. And mike annoyed, in s2 saying  “a bond? cause he likes nougat ?!” is dissing milevens who thought the ego thing was cute/romantic.  And all of those reasons is why El says in s3 angrily , “am I your pet?”
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In s3,they even threw in Mike on the phone saying “EL? No not interested...telemarketers”  Flo in s1 says “only love makes you that crazy and that damn stupid.” El in s3: “more to life than stupid boys/ what makes you crazy? “ Then in s3 Dustin calls mileven “bullshit” aka just like stancy (Wheeler lying about being in love with partner, when secretly into a byers. Nancy verbally said “i love you” and kissed  Steve all the time- like mileven. That doesn’t equal love) . In s3, they even had steve say “Dustin was right . it’s bullshit.” She lied to her friends to kiss Mike, going against her “friends don’t lie “ mantra . And Mike never apologized for lying. And el never apologized for spying.  Mileven dances to a song about a stalking ex- El does so in s3. In s2 she watches a soap opera and mimics the character who does not end up with Mike Roy- and it ends with one of them stalking the other after the breakup and sabotaging their new romances. When El confesses to mike (and Mike doesn’t kiss her back or close his eyes) the ‘first i love you’ played- which was only played 1 other time: when steve got rejected by gay Robin. They even paralled mileven to Luke/leia. Finn in that same interview after s1 said Duffers told him mileven is like a “summer love” (aka ‘summer loves’ are flings that end in the summer). Like Max and Will said ‘ That doesn’t sound like a break/it’s not !” The list goes on and on
Move on ,you’re ship was never good. It’s a dumpster fire. The second she dumped him she started ogling  another boy in a magazine and had a dance party. Not like she has ever been in a normal social environment where there were more than 4 boys- to theoretically choose from  . Girl didn’t even know how to discern what (clothes) she liked or whether Mike was a good kisser (while already dating him for 6 months) . She didn’t even know what a state was at 14 years old (plus, literally didn’t know what Illinois was despite going there in s2). She only just learned how to tell time. She’s not ready for a boyfriend. 
Sorry mileven anon who keeps on spamming me . Enough is enough. Ship mileven if you want . But coming to my blog, spamming me -insulting my theories (didn’t share their other asks) just makes you look petty.
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